Just a couple of facts:

1.  If Zend did not exist, PHP 4 wouldn't have existed, at least not in any 
way similar to what PHP 4 looks like today.  FYI, with PHP 3, it was 
impossible to write accelerators, encoders, debuggers and whatnot.

2.  Zend published its value-add software *2 years* ago, when it was really 
innovative.  The fact some of its key products were since copied by the 
freeware community doesn't mean that they would have existed in the first 

An opinion:

Like others pointed out, your assertion that in order to use PHP in a 
production environment you HAVE to have an encoder or an accelerator is 
ridiculous.  If I gave you a set of patches that doubles the speed of PHP, 
but offer a commercial product that quadruples it, you'd still be pissed 
and say that you HAVE to pay in order to use PHP in a production 
environment, wouldn't you?

And finally, another fact:

There are 3 million PHP based web sites in the world.  Only a fragment of 
them use accelerators or encoders, and you know something?  They're doing 
pretty darn well.


At 16:45 04/08/2002, Acer wrote:
>Okay let me clarify, I think that if Zend did not exist then php would be in
>a better position.  Why?  Because something like php-encoder would of filled
>the void sooner and everyone would of benefited from encoders and

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