Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback and kind words! I'll try to address all in this
starting with the common themes.

Wiki Search
I agree, everything about this is awkward. I'll play around with the CSS to
address the aesthetic issues that Bene raised. Both the input bar and
need more padding, as well. As Jon pointed out, the way results are returned
(by expanding the 'menu' div) is less than desirable for anything more than
couple results. I'll try out some of his suggestions.

Regarding the search results...

@Vid - In order to return results from the reference (and other "outside"
material) we would need to port all that to wiki articles. My fear is that
this would make the search results even longer and more absurd. It would
be a lot of work to port, though I suppose a script could be written to do
the dirty work. Maybe it would be better to just make it clear that the
reference - or simply (doc 'whatever) - is the best way to access that type
of documentation?

PL Logos
The new logo is under the same license as PicoLisp. I would love nothing
than it to be included on a site/product that's made with PicoLisp. That
only help exposure, in my opinion. Any reason why this shouldn't be
I actually created a "Powered by PicoLisp" specifically for that, but it
hasn't been put on the new site yet.

I'll post an archive to the list with all the logos I have - black, white,
color, and a handful of sizes of each ranging from small to obnoxiously
"Powered by" sticker will be included too.

I totally overlooked the favicon! I'll whip one up and send it to Alex.

Google Fonts
This was simply out of convenience for me. I asked a bunch of people who
way more into front-end/UI stuff than I am about finding/using nice
on a website. The consensus was "Just use Google fonts, it's super easy."
I did.

Honestly, I'm pretty indifferent to the tracking. I think the selected
add a lot of character (for the headers) and increase readability (for the
body copy). I'll leave this one up to Alex. If it's problematic, feel free
remove them from 'main.l'. I may or may not try to find another way to get
desired results then. Though a quick search returned this,


so maybe it isn't that hard to self-host.

Page-load is a non-issue until we really hit it big time ;)

The Home Page
It's not there yet. I've gotten some valuable feedback from friends and
programmers (folks I would love to see get into PicoLisp). The general
of the feedback was that there is too much text, not enough super simple
examples (as Vid pointed out, what the heck does 'maxi' do?), and no call

The sole function of the homepage should be to get someone who knows
of PL to '$ apt-get install picolisp' and get started with a simple
Get them to the documentation page as quickly as possible, as that's where
the actual content is.

All of your suggestions have been noted, and will be included in the

Misc. Edits
@Jon - Articles and Essays has become a section on the documentation page.
Would you rather have this be it's own page once again? We could then
it under the 'In Detail' section, or back into the main site navigation.

I also started a new page,


which now that I think about it, is pretty much the same as the examples
In fact, many of the entries on the examples page have moved there (those
directly related to GUI/DB stuff). Would filling that page out with more
examples, from rosetta code and other repo's, serve that end? It is also
close to the top of the documentation page and should be easily

Thanks everyone,

On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 8:44 AM, Joh-Tob Schäg <johtob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Basically, it's super efficient.
> ​I find that quote on the start site problematic. I would love to see it
> changed. But redesign on its own is great.
> 2016-03-25 11:58 GMT+01:00 Jon Kleiser <jon.klei...@fsat.no>:
>> Hi Erik,
>> Great job! There is one feature I miss, however, and that’s the old
>> “section links” that used to be on the left hand side I can now use the
>> search function to find the “sections”, but that is too cumbersome. I think
>> there should be quick links for at least these two:
>> Articles & Essays http://picolisp.com/wiki/?articles
>> Examples http://picolisp.com/wiki/?examples
>> When I search for “examples”, the long list of Search results makes the
>> page header very high, high enough to contain all the search results.
>> That’s not very elegant. I think the “searchGrp” div should be “floating”
>> above the “menu” div, like a drop-down. It could also have a clickable X in
>> the upper right corner so one could make it go away.
>> I also think the main text color (#666) is somewhat too light. For me,
>> #333 looks better.
>> /Jon
>> On 24. mar. 2016, at 16.34, Erik Gustafson <erik.d.gustaf...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I'm very excited to announce that the redesigned PicoLisp
>> wiki is now running on the server! Have a look:
>>    http://picolisp.com
>> In my (slightly biased) opinion, PicoLisp has one of the
>> coolest programming language websites out there now. It's
>> sleek and modern and should be very accessible from any
>> device. Changes to the code base were minimal (mostly
>> CSS), so it still works great with text-based browsers
>> as well.
>> But don't let the new paint job fool you. The wiki has
>> much more to offer! I spent a lot of time going through
>> the mail archives, finding the most helpful threads and
>> turning them into new articles. I've tried to organize
>> the documentation to be most helpful to newcomers, to
>> set them on a clear path from beginner to lisp wizard.
>> I'd love any feedback. How's the design feel? The copy?
>> I tried my best to incorporate all the feedback I got
>> from the initial homepage mockup I posted a few months
>> ago.
>> Note that there are still some rough spots in some of
>> the articles/pages. I plan to fill that out in the
>> coming weeks and continue to refine the content,
>> hopefully with your help! As such, please hold off on
>> posting to Reddit, HN, etc. for a bit. And if there is
>> anything that seems to be missing, or you'd like to find
>> a spot for something you've been working, let me know.
>> So thanks to all of you for the great discussion over
>> the years! It's been a lot fun and I've learned a ton.
>> Finally, many thanks to Alex, not only for helping me
>> better understand the wiki and put it back together,
>> but for PicoLisp in general.
>> Cheers y'all,
>> Erik

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