Hi Rob,

> When I look at lib sim.l for instance, it has a genetic algorithm snippet,
> and some other related, or not-related functions. What is the origin or
> specific use case for sim.l?

You mean @lib/simul.l, right? It is for general simulation purposes. The
genetic algorithm 'gen' was used initially in a research project at
Hokkaido University. 'game' implements an alpha-beta game tree search
and is used for example in some games in the PicoLisp distribution's
"games/" directory, together with 'grid' for 2-dimensional structures.
And all are used heavily in many task in rosettacode.org.

> Game frameworks always have keyboard input for movement (WASD keys, arrows,
> space, etc... think Asteroids).

Sure, that's why I brought up the issue. It is not a serious problem, we
just need to decide how (that means: where) the keyboard focus should be

> I'll try running some stress tests with the way canvas is now with picoLisp
> to see if it can stay at 24 to 30 fps with lots going on. I am busy the
> next few days, so I'll get back to you when I can. I would love to stay on
> this even after the Spring LGJ to bring gaming to picoLisp!


> Distribution for the any game jam, the simpler the better. That's why I
> started looking back to the HTML stuff again. Easy to distribute and plays
> on anything with a browser. I am still not sure how picoLisp could work
> here.

Yes, it is convenient and easy to use, but the drawback is in many cases
the network bandwidth. It depends also largely on the game itself.

♪♫ Alex
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