On 6/29/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:White ethnic
militants are a negligible factor in contemporary American politics...

   So negligible that the GOP for decades has had Ethnic Outreach
Committees full of the most Fascist, anti-Communist sectors aligned
with WACL. Drawn upon in the Reagan era to support the Contras vs. the
FSLN in Nicaragua. (Kill a commie health care clinic worker in a rural
town in Nicaragua for Christ!)
Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party
 by Russ Bellant,
  On WACL, http://www.namebase.org/sources/HB.html
 The World Anti-Communist League (WACL) was founded in 1966 as a
public relations arm for Taiwan and South Korea. WACL didn't attract
much notice in the U.S. until John Singlaub's United States Council
for World Freedom, the American branch of WACL, was launched in 1981
with a loan from Taiwan and soon began raising money for the contras.

Singlaub and his supporters also operated through a network of similar
groups: Western Goals, Council for the Defense of Freedom, American
Security Council, Council for Inter-American Security, and the
Conservative Caucus. But WACL is particularly known for its
international conferences that attract "American congressmen and
senators, archbishops, members of Parliament, bank presidents, and
scientists. There, they have been in the company of Nazi
collaborators, Japanese war criminals, Latin death squad leaders,
disciples of Moon's Unification Church, and fugitive Italian

There's even a CIA connection. Ray Cline, station chief in Taiwan from
1958-1962 and later deputy director for intelligence, attended
conferences in 1980, 1983, and 1984. The authors believe that covert
U.S. funding played a role in the establishment of WACL, and note that
Cline was in a position to be helpful when preparatory meetings were
held in 1958.
ISBN 0-396-08517-2

Michael Pugliese

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