At 07:52 AM 10/24/01 +0200, Emanuel Zimmermann wrote:
>Maybe that the reference point for the .lib part moved for whatever reason.
>This can cause the component to be placed out of the working area after update
>PCB operation.

Good thinking.

Yes, that would do it, and it is not a terribly uncommon error. Move 
Component, clicked onto an empty space, will pull up a list of components, 
which will allow picking the component up. One will be able to tell 
immediately what its extents are when it is being moved. Editing it from 
the panel is another possibility, just change the XY coordinates by adding 
or subtracting appropriate values (remember, Protel will think that the 
component is at the reference position, which in this case will *not* be 
where the primitives are located.

Modifying the library part to put the reference on pin 1 or on the centroid 
and then running update component should also do it, probably the easiest 
and best solution. I'd look at the library part first and see where the 
reference is living....

Abdulrahman Lomax
Easthampton, Massachusetts USA

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