On Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:35:44 -0700, Tony Karavidas wrote:
>Sure it's area specific, but I think it's a trend. Corporate mergers
>make entities closer and closer to monopolies and monopolies usually
>generate price increases. I think the ATT breakup wasn't a good thing.
>Even if prices are high, often times good service comes with it. Now
>prices in telecom are lower, but services suck.

The only telecom services that suck around here are local service and
that's because it's run by a Baby Bell (SBC), who still basically has a
monopoly and runs their business that way. Prices up, service down.
Complaining to the state Public Utility Commission is worthless, since
their board members are all old ex-telecom (i.e. SBC) guys!

My Sprint PCS cell phone service is wonderful. They have every option I
could want, keep dropping their prices while adding more services. SBC
sure isn't doing that!

>Oh yeah, world view...price of gas in Europe today?? It's still on the
> rise...

The cost to refine gasoline is virtually constant worldwide -- any
price differences you see are predominantly TAXES and to a lesser
extent transportation costs.

>Gas in Hawaii: cheaper than California and the HAVE to bring it in by
>We have a frickin' refinery 10 miles away and I pay more for gas than
>just about anyone in the USA because I 'can afford it.'  BS!

I suggest you check into your state gas taxes -- I think you'll find
the answer there.

As for market forces on software prices, I'm going to do my part. I'm
done buying any new Microsoft OS's after Win2K (due to their licensing
and privacy policies) and Altium (because of pricing/support/utility
-per-dollar issues). So I guess I may only be one person, but I'm
voting with my checkbook. In the meantime, I'll keep looking for better
alternatives while using what works OK for me. Sure am glad this isn't
"rented" software! ;-)

Matt Pobursky
Maximum Performance Systems

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