On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 5:09 PM, mvillarino <mvillarino en gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/6/15 Christian PERRIER <christian en perrier.eu.org>:
>> Quoting Jorge Barreiro (yortx.barry en gmail.com):
>>> Hello,
> Hello Cristian & Jorge,
>>> Is there a kind of "galician translators group" so I can get in touch with
>>> them? (I couldn't find any in your links).
> Sure, pls check www.trasno.net (recently updated, and short of
> experienced sysadmins, so some services like pootle are not working
> properly yet).
>> Marce did a great job, but apparently reduced his work in the recent
>> months.
> Yes, exactly six months and four days ago. Now the feeding bottle and
> diapers are my only spare time hobby ;-) . Nevertheless, some day in
> the future, when Brandan and Aroa become able of eating, moving,
> playing and some other thing for themselves, I hope I wil be back to
> work.
> I expect this to hapen in some 17 years, 5 months and 26 days from now :-D
>> So, what I propose to avoid gl being in danger is that you try
>> completing the "sublevel 1 and 2" while we try to get news from
>> Marce....
> Please, let Jorge get his hands in. Also, feel free to delete or
> freeze my account as I have no plans for working on Debian in the near
> future.
> Please note that some other people also noted it's interest in ddtp,
> but afaik never really reified in translations done.

Non sei se será de utilidade, pero Jacobo escribira algo sobre a súa
experiencia traducindo Debian:

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