On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 1:36 AM, Martin Aspeli
> wrote:

> ken manheimer wrote:
> > now, instead of just asking whether and how to use plone under wsgi, i'm
> > considering whether i should be looking at switching my focus to bfg, at
> > least for some projects.  while i'm thankful to better understand the
> > various projects, i'm a bit overwhelmed at the uncertainties in each
> > direction and division of attention necessary to keep all in sight!
> > tres has often referred to the ironic chinese curse, "may you live in
> > interesting times" - these are interesting times, indeed, for a web
> > application developer.
> This is a bit of a strange statement. Plone is a web content management
> system. BFG is a Python application development framework. Quite a few
> people are happy to keep both those tools in their toolbox, but I don't
> think they can be compared like for like insofar as you can switch your
> focus from one to the other to solve a particular problem (unless the
> solution is to write your own CMS from scratch, but if that's feasible,
> then Plone is probably overkill for the requirements).

i think you're right, it is a strange statement.  perhaps because my
interest is from a somewhat different than typical direction.  i'm
interested in how wide-spread grass-roots community collaboration could be
supported doing "gluing" of cloud-based resources - events dissemination and
coordination, link and document resource sharing, etc.  hooking-in content
management systems (like plone) would be one consideration, as an end-point
resource, and things like repoze.bfg on
be useful for doing the gluing...

Of course, BFG is a nice web framework - I can recommend you looking
> into it. ;)

thanks - i'm hoping to get at least acquainted with it, and very interested
in how the app engine can be used as a gluing resource (whatever that will
end up meaning), and BFG on app engine may serve my to-be-identified

> Martin
> --
> Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
> want to work with Plone. See http://martinaspeli.net/plone-book
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