On 06/15/2015 11:13 PM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Just a quick trying-to-be-positive message here from a long-time RG user
> and fan...
> On 16/06/2015 05:12, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> ...
>>   Come to think of it, not
>> one thing has gotten any easier in the 10 years since I wrote Rosegarden
>> Companion.  If anything, it's harder now, because there are fewer
>> accessible alternatives to the built-in AC97 sound everybody is stuck
>> with, and there is Pulse Audio adding another layer of complication to
>> everything.
> Come on, it's not *that* hard to get sound out especially if you have
> DSSI (e.g. Fluidsynth) plugins installed. Starting jack will suspend
> pulse-audio so really the workflow is relatively simple. I don't think
> it's any easier on Windows - unless you want to have Windows General
> Midi crap sound... Plus once you learn the flexibility of jack it's hard
> to go back.

Audio works here, only thing that still appears to be a bit difficult is 
to make anything default EXCEPT whatever built-in audio your system has. 
I've not found that easy with Windows, either, since Windows seems to 
assume that every program you run on it wants to use the same default 
sound hardware ...

>> I guess we don't get those questions so much anymore, because there are
>> fewer and fewer users all the time.  For that matter, I'm no longer
>> really a user myself.  The last composition I finished was all the way
>> back in 2008.
> Too bad.
> I also haven't much time for music these days, still RG is my favourite
> seqencer...
> If really there are fewer users it's a pity but I'm not sure. I think
> Kenny (who wrote on the list a while ago) is a new user now and is
> making noise with RG... Also I think Will does lots of his midi +
> yoshimi testing on RG... so you never know.

I've watch the hoops that a Windows-using friend of mine has gone 
through trying to make a single MIDI device (a keyboard) work with 
Windows and his Delta 1010LT - even with professional help from 
Musicians Friend who set it all up for him. Nope, Windows audio isn't 
any easier.

> In summary: long live RG :P

Hear, hear!

David W. Jones
authenticity, honesty, community

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