>> On 16/06/2015 05:12, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:

>>> I guess we don't get those questions so much anymore, because there are
>>> fewer and fewer users all the time.  For that matter, I'm no longer

I glanced back over this comment, and realized it doesn't have the word 
"new" in it.  There are fewer and fewer NEW users every day.

I can think of several reasons for this, such as people gravitating 
toward tablets and smartphones, people gravitating toward browser-based 
and cloud-based solutions, and even curious new Linux users just not 
having enough interest to wade through the process of getting the damn 
thing to boot on a modern computer.

The CPU in my last machine died abruptly at 3:00 in the morning, so I 
went to the only store open at that hour, Walmart, and bought a Dell 
computer off the shelf.  It says a lot about how far Linux has come that 
all the hardware in a totally stock consumer grade mass market black box 
actually works with Linux, but I can't say the same for what I had to go 
through to get my USB key to boot.

Boot from the DVD?  Forget it.  Boot from USB?  Forget it.  BIOS screen 
to change the boot order?  You must be joking!  No, you have to boot 
Windows 8, then dig deep into some obscure menu, then enable something, 
then reboot Windows 8, then dig into some other obscure menu and blah 
blah blah for two hours, until you FINALLY figure it out, and get Linux 
to boot.

If I had faced a challenge like that on the very first day, I never 
would have gotten anywhere with any of this.  My level of dedication and 
persistence just wasn't nearly high enough.

Another thing that's changing is that email is almost irrelevant now, 
and all the old haunts I grew up with have disappeared, without anything 
really replacing them.  Everybody is on Facebook now, and there's 
nothing social about Facebook unless you're a pretty girl.

It is what it is.  I don't see a bright future for any of the things I 
love and hold dear.  The future is young people with a 15-second 
attention span, randomly swallowing click bait, and texting each other 
from across a table.

No person born since 1994 has the attention span to read an email this long.

tl;dr stuff changed, like me on Facebook so we can get little Johnny 
Simpkins that new brain/computer interface so he can play candy crush 
all day without having to lift a muscle, just because

D. Michael McIntyre

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