Messages by Thread
[SC-L] new book
Jason Grembi
[SC-L] DistriNet Research Group
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Silver Bullet (transcripts)
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] Coverity to Buy Codefast
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] informIT: web 3.0 security
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] Silver Bullet 26: Adam Shostack
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] No general-purpose computer, or everything under surveillance?
David A. Wheeler
Re: [SC-L] GCC and pointer overflows
[SC-L] MetriCon 3.0
Gunnar Peterson
[SC-L] Microsoft's message at RSA
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] Reminder: W2SP 2008: Web 2.0 Security and Privacy 2008
Larry Koved
[SC-L] GCC and pointer overflows []
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Lateral SQL injection paper
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Silver Bullet 25: Jon Swartz
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] InformIT: budgeting for software security
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] Invitation - OWASP AppSec Europe May 19-22 2008 - Belgium
Sebastien Deleersnyder
[SC-L] Bringing two threads together: PCI & SXSW
Epstein, Jeremy
[SC-L] SuiGenchi Demonstration
Benjamin Tomhave
[SC-L] Silver Bullet turns 2: Mary Ann Davidson
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] Software Security Bibliography
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] Secure Development World ?
Gadi Evron
[SC-L] CERT C Secure Coding Standard - last call for reviewers
Robert C. Seacord
[SC-L] Software security definition(s)
Arian J. Evans
[SC-L] implementable process level secure development thoughts
Andy Murren
[SC-L] quick question - SXSW
Benjamin Tomhave
[SC-L] Secure Coding Books
Lawson, David L
Re: [SC-L] CFP: W2SP 2008: Web 2.0 Security and Privacy 2008
Larry Koved
[SC-L] Secure development after release
Andy Murren
[SC-L] PCI: Boon or bust for software security?
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Silver Bullet 23
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] SC-L Administrivia: How does the readership feel about sponsorships?
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] SDLCs and x.509 at OWASP Belgium, 4 March 2008
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Michael Howard's Web Log : Introducing SAFECode
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Darkreading: code scanning
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] CALL FOR TOPICS-PAPERS - OWASP AppSec Conference Europe 2008 - May 22-23, Belgium
Sebastien Deleersnyder
[SC-L] a little coding humor...
Benjamin Tomhave
[SC-L] Tech Insight: The Buzz Around Fuzzing - Application and Perimeter Security News Analysis - Dark Reading
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Silver Bullet: spaf transcript
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] Static analysis tool exposition - call for participation
Romain Gaucher
[SC-L] Programming language comparison?
Vincent Verhagen
[SC-L] Silver Bullet: Ed Amoroso
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] XKCD on sane build environments
Benjamin Tomhave
[SC-L] Open Source Code Contains Security Holes -- Open Source -- InformationWeek
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Darkreading: Getting Started
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] ENISA issue on Software Security
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] secappdev 2008
Johan Peeters
[SC-L] Code Testing Tools Could Be Acquisition Targets in '08
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Silver Bullet Episode 21: Cigital principals
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] Silver Bullet Happy Holidays
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] darkreading: PCI, web app firewalls, and software security
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] WASC Announcement: The Script Mapping Project Results and Call for Participation
[SC-L] Code Coverage and Code Quality tools
avi shvartz
[SC-L] Redmond Developer News | Best Defense?
Kenneth Van Wyk
Re: [SC-L] SC-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 197
[SC-L] Fwd: SCARE metrics and tool release
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Insecure Software Costs US $180B per Year - Application and Perimeter Security News Analysis - Dark Reading
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] Silver Bullet 20: Markus Jakobssen
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] podcast (IT Conversations)
Gary McGraw
Re: [SC-L] OWASP Publicity
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] "Radio" webcast on EOG/Software Security streams FRIDAY at noon EST
Gary McGraw
[SC-L] Fwd: People in glass houses shouldn't brick phones
Kenneth Van Wyk
[SC-L] [Fwd: Seeking questions for Panel discussion on website vulnerability disclosure during OWASP-WASC AppSec Conference on Nov 15]
Benjamin Tomhave
[SC-L] Bernstein's new paper on secure coding
Benjamin Tomhave
[SC-L] FINAL REMINDER: OWASP & WASC AppSec 2007 Conference - Nov 12-15 - San Jose, CA
Dave Wichers
[SC-L] Code review pool
Paolo Perego