biber 2.17-1

2022-04-10 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following package has been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* biber-2.17-1

Biber is a BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX.  Biber supports full UTF-8, 
can (re-)encode input and output, supports highly configurable sorting, dynamic 
bibliography sets, and many other features.

This is an update to the latest upstream release.  It is designed to work with 
biblatex-3.17.  The latter is contained in texlive-collection-bibtexextra, which 
has just been updated as part of TeX Live 2022.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's Biber maintainer

TeX Live 2022

2022-04-10 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce
texlive-collection-fontsrecommended, texlive-collection-fontutils, 
texlive-collection-latexrecommended, texlive-collection-luatex, 
texlive-collection-mathscience, texlive-collection-metapost, 
texlive-collection-plaingeneric, and texlive-collection-xetex.

There is a script /usr/bin/texlive-enable-fontconfig that you can run if you 
want the fonts distributed with TeX Live to be available to applications that 
rely on fontconfig.  See /usr/share/doc/texlive/README.Cygwin for more details. 
(The script can take a few minutes to run, so be patient.)

texlive-collection-basic includes a restricted version of the tlmgr (TeX Live 
Manager) utility.  See /usr/share/doc/texlive-collection-basic/README.Cygwin for 
more details.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's TeX Live maintainer

Re: [ITA] {mingw64-{i686,x86_64}-,}zlib

2022-04-10 Thread Ken Brown

On 4/10/2022 12:55 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:

MinGW64 packages currently orphaned by Yaakov, Cygwin package currently
maintained by Ken (OK to take over given via IRC).

Update to 1.2.12 (security) and removal of minizip (not used on Cygwin
and minizip fork is packaged separately already).


Thanks for taking over.


Re: Possible xpdf packaging error?

2022-04-07 Thread Ken Brown

On 4/7/2022 3:03 PM, Eliot Moss wrote:

But it's odd to have a man page for something in one package
and the executable in another, no?

Yes.  The man page shouldn't be in the xpdf package.  I'll fix that the next 
time I update xpdf.


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] emacs 28.1-1 (TEST)

2022-04-06 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce
The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution as test 
releases.  Note that there have been some packaging changes, so that the package 
names better reflect the package contents.

* emacs-28.1-1

This is now a virtual package that forces installation of one of the following 
four "binary" packages.  If you don't select one of these four, then emacs-basic 
will be installed by default.

* emacs-basic-28.1-1
* emacs-w32-28.1-1
* emacs-gtk-28.1-1
* emacs-lucid-28.1-1

Each of these contains an emacs binary of the same name as the package.  For 
example, emacs-basic provides /usr/bin/emacs-basic.exe, formerly called 
emacs-nox.exe.  emacs-gtk used to be called emacs-X11.  For backwards 
compatibility, the old names /usr/bin/emacs-nox and /usr/bin/emacs-X11 can still 
be used.

* emacs-common-28.1-1

This contains files needed by each of the four binaries.

Emacs is a powerful, customizable, self-documenting, modeless text editor. 
Emacs contains special code editing features, a scripting language (elisp), and 
the capability to read mail, news, and more without leaving the editor.

This is an update to the latest upstream release.  Browse the NEWS file ('C-h n' 
within emacs) for changes since the last release.

This release is a test release only because of the packaging changes.  If no 
problems are reported, it will be promoted from test to current in a week or so.

Unlike the previous test release, this release was *not* built with the new 
native compilation feature, which still needs more testing.  Once 28.1-1 has 
been promoted to current, I will make a new test release, 28.1-2, built with 
native compilation.


1. The four binary packages emacs-basic, emacs-w32, emacs-gtk, and
   emacs-lucid have been listed in order of increasing "priority".
   The postinstall scripts create a symlink /usr/bin/emacs that
   resolves to the highest-priority binary that you have installed.
   Thus the command 'emacs' will start emacs-lucid.exe if you've
   installed the emacs-lucid package; otherwise, it will start
   emacs-gtk.exe if you've installed emacs-gtk; otherwise, it will
   start emacs-w32.exe if you've installed emacs-w32; otherwise, it
   will start emacs-basic.exe.  Similar remarks apply to emacsclient.

   If you have installed more than one of the binary packages and
   don't like the default resolution of /usr/bin/emacs, you can run
   one of the /usr/bin/set-emacs-default-*.sh scripts to change it.
   For example,


   will make /usr/bin/emacs resolve to /usr/bin/emacs-w32.exe,
   regardless of which packages you've installed.

2. Install emacs-gtk if you want to use the X11 GUI with the GTK+
   toolkit.  You can then type 'emacs&' in an xterm window, and
   emacs-gtk.exe will start in a new window.  If you prefer the Lucid
   toolkit, install emacs-lucid instead.

3. Install emacs-w32 if you want to use the native Windows GUI instead
   of X11.

4. Install emacs-basic if you want a minimal emacs with no GUI.

5. If you use the Emacs MH-E library for email, consider installing
   Cygwin's mailutils-mh package.  To use it, put the line

 (load "mailutils-mh")

   in your site-start.el or ~/.emacs file.

6. If you have sshd running and want to be able to run emacs-gtk or
   emacs-lucid from a remote machine, you need to enable X11
   forwarding by adding the following line to /etc/sshd_config:

 X11Forwarding yes

   You might also need to have the cygserver service running.

7. The script /usr/bin/make-emacs-shortcut can be used to create a
   shortcut for starting emacs.  See
   /usr/share/doc/emacs/README.Cygwin for details.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's Emacs maintainer

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emacs 28.1-1 (TEST)

2022-04-06 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce
The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution as test 
releases.  Note that there have been some packaging changes, so that the package 
names better reflect the package contents.

* emacs-28.1-1

This is now a virtual package that forces installation of one of the following 
four "binary" packages.  If you don't select one of these four, then emacs-basic 
will be installed by default.

* emacs-basic-28.1-1
* emacs-w32-28.1-1
* emacs-gtk-28.1-1
* emacs-lucid-28.1-1

Each of these contains an emacs binary of the same name as the package.  For 
example, emacs-basic provides /usr/bin/emacs-basic.exe, formerly called 
emacs-nox.exe.  emacs-gtk used to be called emacs-X11.  For backwards 
compatibility, the old names /usr/bin/emacs-nox and /usr/bin/emacs-X11 can still 
be used.

* emacs-common-28.1-1

This contains files needed by each of the four binaries.

Emacs is a powerful, customizable, self-documenting, modeless text editor. 
Emacs contains special code editing features, a scripting language (elisp), and 
the capability to read mail, news, and more without leaving the editor.

This is an update to the latest upstream release.  Browse the NEWS file ('C-h n' 
within emacs) for changes since the last release.

This release is a test release only because of the packaging changes.  If no 
problems are reported, it will be promoted from test to current in a week or so.

Unlike the previous test release, this release was *not* built with the new 
native compilation feature, which still needs more testing.  Once 28.1-1 has 
been promoted to current, I will make a new test release, 28.1-2, built with 
native compilation.


1. The four binary packages emacs-basic, emacs-w32, emacs-gtk, and
   emacs-lucid have been listed in order of increasing "priority".
   The postinstall scripts create a symlink /usr/bin/emacs that
   resolves to the highest-priority binary that you have installed.
   Thus the command 'emacs' will start emacs-lucid.exe if you've
   installed the emacs-lucid package; otherwise, it will start
   emacs-gtk.exe if you've installed emacs-gtk; otherwise, it will
   start emacs-w32.exe if you've installed emacs-w32; otherwise, it
   will start emacs-basic.exe.  Similar remarks apply to emacsclient.

   If you have installed more than one of the binary packages and
   don't like the default resolution of /usr/bin/emacs, you can run
   one of the /usr/bin/set-emacs-default-*.sh scripts to change it.
   For example,


   will make /usr/bin/emacs resolve to /usr/bin/emacs-w32.exe,
   regardless of which packages you've installed.

2. Install emacs-gtk if you want to use the X11 GUI with the GTK+
   toolkit.  You can then type 'emacs&' in an xterm window, and
   emacs-gtk.exe will start in a new window.  If you prefer the Lucid
   toolkit, install emacs-lucid instead.

3. Install emacs-w32 if you want to use the native Windows GUI instead
   of X11.

4. Install emacs-basic if you want a minimal emacs with no GUI.

5. If you use the Emacs MH-E library for email, consider installing
   Cygwin's mailutils-mh package.  To use it, put the line

 (load "mailutils-mh")

   in your site-start.el or ~/.emacs file.

6. If you have sshd running and want to be able to run emacs-gtk or
   emacs-lucid from a remote machine, you need to enable X11
   forwarding by adding the following line to /etc/sshd_config:

 X11Forwarding yes

   You might also need to have the cygserver service running.

7. The script /usr/bin/make-emacs-shortcut can be used to create a
   shortcut for starting emacs.  See
   /usr/share/doc/emacs/README.Cygwin for details.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's Emacs maintainer

Re: GNU make losing jobserver tokens

2022-03-21 Thread Ken Brown

On 3/21/2022 10:28 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:


I'm working for Oracle on the OpenJDK build team. We're using GNU make to build 
the JDK on all supported platforms. For Windows, we use Cygwin as our build 
environment, including the Cygwin version of GNU make.

We have had a long-standing issue with make losing jobserver tokens. 
("long-standing" here means for years, and years, at least since GNU make 4.0, 
up to and including the current latest version in Cygwin.)

Most runs end with something like:

make[2]: INTERNAL: Exiting with 11 jobserver tokens available; should be 12!

Since the build still succeeds, and it just affects performance (and typically 
not that much), we have not spend too much time getting to the bottom of this.

Now, however, I've come across a machine where this happens repeatedly, and on a 
much worse scale:

make[2]: INTERNAL: Exiting with 1 jobserver tokens available; should be 24!

This effectively turns the highly parallelized builds into single-threaded 
builds, and is absolutely detrimental for performance. On the flip side, this 
also makes for the perfect testing environment to really get to the bottom of 
this issue.

I started out by sending a question to The folks over there 
reported that this was not a known problem with GNU make on Windows in general, 
and that as far as they knew, the mingw port did not suffer from this problem.

Instead, they suggested that it was a Cygwin-specific problem, possibly related 
to issues with emulating Posix pipes and/or signals in Cygwin.

So, my first question is: Is this a known problem in Cygwin GNU make? Are there 
any workarounds/fixes to get around it?

No, it's not a known problem.

Otherwise: Any suggestions on how to go on and debug this? I am willing to build 
and test an instrumented debug build of make, but I will need assistance to find 
my way around the source and spot likely candidates for the source of the problem.

For starters, is your Cygwin installation up to date?  Cygwin's internal 
implementation of pipes was overhauled starting with cygwin-3.3.0.


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] emacs-auctex 13.1-1

2022-03-05 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* emacs-auctex-13.1-1
* preview-latex-13.1-1

AUCTeX is an extensible package for writing and formatting TeX files in GNU 
Emacs.  It supports many different TeX macro packages, including AMS-TeX, LaTeX, 
Texinfo, ConTeXt, and DocTeX (dtx files).  AUCTeX includes preview-latex, which 
makes LaTeX a tightly integrated component of your editing workflow by 
visualizing selected source chunks (such as single formulas or graphics) 
directly as images in the source buffer.

preview_latex is a self-contained subpackage of emacs-auctex that allows 
appropriately selected parts of a LaTeX document to be formatted and displayed 
within the Emacs editor.  It also has uses that do not require Emacs.

This is an update to the latest upstream major release.  See the announcement at

for details.

Note: An alternative to installing this package is to install AUCTeX via
the Emacs package manager (ELPA) instead.  Simply do 'M-x list-packages ' 
within Emacs, mark the auctex package for installation with 'i', and hit 'x' to 
execute the installation procedure

This alternative is in fact strongly recommended by the AUCTeX developers.  One 
advantage is that you will receive intermediate bugfix releases between major 
AUCTeX releases conveniently.  For example, version 13.1.1 is already available 
through ELPA.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's emacs-auctex maintainer

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emacs-auctex 13.1-1

2022-03-05 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* emacs-auctex-13.1-1
* preview-latex-13.1-1

AUCTeX is an extensible package for writing and formatting TeX files in GNU 
Emacs.  It supports many different TeX macro packages, including AMS-TeX, LaTeX, 
Texinfo, ConTeXt, and DocTeX (dtx files).  AUCTeX includes preview-latex, which 
makes LaTeX a tightly integrated component of your editing workflow by 
visualizing selected source chunks (such as single formulas or graphics) 
directly as images in the source buffer.

preview_latex is a self-contained subpackage of emacs-auctex that allows 
appropriately selected parts of a LaTeX document to be formatted and displayed 
within the Emacs editor.  It also has uses that do not require Emacs.

This is an update to the latest upstream major release.  See the announcement at

for details.

Note: An alternative to installing this package is to install AUCTeX via
the Emacs package manager (ELPA) instead.  Simply do 'M-x list-packages ' 
within Emacs, mark the auctex package for installation with 'i', and hit 'x' to 
execute the installation procedure

This alternative is in fact strongly recommended by the AUCTeX developers.  One 
advantage is that you will receive intermediate bugfix releases between major 
AUCTeX releases conveniently.  For example, version 13.1.1 is already available 
through ELPA.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's emacs-auctex maintainer

Re: Updating glib2 in cygwin

2022-02-28 Thread Ken Brown

[Redirecting to the cygwin-apps list]

On 2/28/2022 3:49 AM, Marc-André Lureau wrote:

Hi Ken

I am a qemu developer at Red Hat. The "official" qemu Windows build
uses cygwin, and the glib version there is quite old.

I saw you have made some effort to update the package

What's the situation? Is there a bug tracking the issues?

Hi Marc,

The last discussion of this that I can recall started here:

What's needed is for someone to adopt all of the GNOME components and maintain 
them.  As you'll see in the discussion I cited, I briefly considered updating 
only glib2 and a few others, but then I decided that I wasn't willing to take 
the responsibility of fixing/updating other components that broke as a result of 
this.  So I pushed what I had done and left it there.

It would be great if someone would step up and take over, but I'm not in a 
position to do that myself.


Re: cygpath not doing anything on a fresh install

2022-02-08 Thread Ken Brown

On 2/8/2022 9:37 AM, Antonio Petrelli wrote:

Il giorno mar 8 feb 2022 alle ore 15:30 marco atzeri 
ha scritto:

check if strace give some hints

   strace -o /tmp/strace.txt /usr/bin/cygpath --help

The result is here:

This looks suspicious:

Process 2480 loaded C:\Program Files\SentinelOne\Sentinel Agent\InProcessClient64.dll at 7ffb7c94

I suspect that SentinelOne is interfering with Cygwin (see  Can you disable it or at 
least exclude the Cygwin directory from whatever it does?


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] lcms2 2.13-1

2022-02-06 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* lcms2-2.13-1
* liblcms2_2-2.13-1
* liblcms2-devel-2.13-1

Little CMS intends to be an Open Source small-footprint color
management engine, with special focus on accuracy and performance.  It
uses the International Color Consortium standard (ICC), which is the
modern standard regarding color management.  The ICC specification is
widely used and is referred to in many International and other
de-facto standards.

This is an update to the latest upstream release.  See

for a list of changes since the previous release.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's lcms2 maintainer

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lcms2 2.13-1

2022-02-06 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* lcms2-2.13-1
* liblcms2_2-2.13-1
* liblcms2-devel-2.13-1

Little CMS intends to be an Open Source small-footprint color
management engine, with special focus on accuracy and performance.  It
uses the International Color Consortium standard (ICC), which is the
modern standard regarding color management.  The ICC specification is
widely used and is referred to in many International and other
de-facto standards.

This is an update to the latest upstream release.  See

for a list of changes since the previous release.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's lcms2 maintainer

Re: A change to how calm expires packages

2022-01-20 Thread Ken Brown

On 1/20/2022 9:33 AM, Jon Turney wrote:

texlive-collection-latexrecommended-doc: untest 20210118-2 and expire 20210118-1

Yes, please.  It was just a mistake that I never untested 20210118-2.


Re: how to obsolete now-removed subpackage?

2022-01-20 Thread Ken Brown

On 1/20/2022 7:14 AM, Glenn Strauss wrote:

lighttpd 1.4.64 removes long-deprecated packages,
including mod_trigger_b4_dl (replaceable with a lua script, if needed)

I am trying to build using lighttpd.cygport and after uploading package
1.4.64-1, I got errors, so I tried adding
to lighttpd.cygport and building lighttpd.cyport package 1.4.64-2

Am I using PKG_OBSOLETES incorrectly?

Yes.  The cygport manual says that PKG_OBSOLETES is "A single-line string 
containing a list of package(s) which this package replaces  Note that the 
PKG_OBSOLETES name is descriptive rather than literal, where "PKG" should be 
substituted with the name of the binary package whose contents it describes."

Is there something else I need to do to remove this subpackage?

I think what you want is simply for lighttpd-mod_trigger_b4_dl to be empty, 
which you can achieve with



Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2022-01-13 Thread Ken Brown

On 1/13/2022 5:56 AM, Takashi Yano wrote:

Ken Brown wrote:

2. You can use the ReturnLength parameter of NtQueryInformationProcess to see
how big a buffer is needed.  This might be more efficient than repeatedly
doubling the buffer size.

Even if ReturnLength is used, the first NtQueryInformationProcess()
call and the second NtQueryInformationProcess() call will not be
done in atomic, so retrying is still necessary. However, it may be
more efficient as you mentioned.

The similar is true also for NtQuerySystemInformation().

Do you still think it is better to use ReturnLength rather than
doubling the buffer?

I'm not sure.  I only mentioned it because I saw that that's what Process Hacker 
did, but still in a retry loop as you said.

I suspect it doesn't make a lot of difference in practice, since we call the 
function once and then cache the value.  Do whatever you think is best.



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Re: posix_spawn issues on i686

2022-01-12 Thread Ken Brown

On 1/12/2022 5:41 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Jan 11 16:08, Ken Brown wrote:

I don't have time to check this carefully, but it looks to me like the
problem is that process_spawnattr calls setegid and seteuid instead of
setegid32 and seteuid32.  This causes truncation of the gid and uid.

You're right.  Additionally the calls to getgid and getuid have to use
the internal getgid32 and getuid32 functions.

I'll be glad when this 32-bit cruft can be removed.  It is *very* confusing to 
read the code and see a function called getuid that is really only used by old 
applications, except when it's accidentally used internally.  I introduced a 
32-bit-only bug a couple years ago because of a similar confusion between fstat 
and fstat64.


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Re: posix_spawn issues on i686

2022-01-11 Thread Ken Brown

On 1/11/2022 1:45 PM, Jeremy Drake via Cygwin wrote:

Sorry, I am not subscribed to the list so don't have the message to reply
to for threading purposes, but attached please find a C reproducer that
works on x86_64 but fails on i686.  The particular issue seems to be the
POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS flag - not setting that allows i686 to succeed too.

I don't have time to check this carefully, but it looks to me like the problem 
is that process_spawnattr calls setegid and seteuid instead of setegid32 and 
seteuid32.  This causes truncation of the gid and uid.


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Re: Unable to open the clipboard

2022-01-03 Thread Ken Brown

On 1/3/2022 9:34 AM, Marco Atzeri wrote:

Hi Guys,

I noticed, from time to time, that on recent Cygwin

$ uname -svr
CYGWIN_NT-10.0 3.3.3(0.341/5/3) 2021-12-03 16:35

there seems to be a "failed race (?)" using the clipboard

$ putclip < Announce_geos
Unable to open the clipboard

Hi Marco,

There was a clipboard bug that Takashi fixed in commit 69ed8ca20.  I don't know 
if it's the same issue that you're seeing.  The fix will appear in Cygwin 3.3.4, 
or you could try the latest snapshot.


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Re: [PR] cygport (update required for autoconf-2.71)

2022-01-02 Thread Ken Brown

On 1/2/2022 12:22 PM, Marco Atzeri wrote:

On 05.12.2021 10:34, Achim Gratz wrote:

In order for cygport to work correctly when autoconf 2.71 is requested,
please pull the first commit (b25cb3faa) on my to-upstream branch into
upstream and release a new version.  I'd appreciate if the full branch
would be pulled, these are all used by me for quite some time already.



I see that "officially" Yaakov is still the maintainer

but I do not remember any commitment from him to do so.

If Yaakov declines, how can we manage the ownership ?

There was a discussion on IRC in which Jon Turney agreed to take over.


Re: perl_base not in Base ?

2021-12-30 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/30/2021 5:38 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:

Am 29.12.2021 um 17:12 schrieb Jon Turney:

I think this was the case, at one time.

As I said before, at least info still does; not directly, though (it requires a 
bunch of Perl module distribution that will then pull in perl_base at least).

No, info just requires a few libs.  You're thinking of texinfo, but it's not in 


Re: w3m displays blank help page

2021-12-29 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/29/2021 4:44 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:

So, I have
a workaround for the problem, but I'd really like a proper fix, and
there may be other users with this problem.

w3m currently has no maintainer.  Would you like to take over?


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Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-29 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/26/2021 6:12 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
There are some fixes (though not pipe-related) pending for 3.3.4, so I'll push 
it to the 3.3 branch after I've heard from Takashi and/or Corinna.

Takashi must be unavailable also, but it's a simple enough fix that I decided to 
go ahead and push it.


Re: perl_base not in Base ?

2021-12-29 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/29/2021 3:51 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:

Am 28.12.2021 um 11:57 schrieb Marco Atzeri:

I had the impression it was in the Base category

@ perl_base
sdesc: "Perl programming language interpreter"
ldesc: "Perl programming language interpreter

That split was indeed made to enable making it available for Base packages, but 
that decision was never made I think.

It makes sense to me to add it to Base.  Were there any objections when that was 
proposed before?

Or is it supposed to be pulled by another Base program ?

Base packages should not pull in non-Base packages, but it appears that info 
currently fails that requirement.

A lot of packages fail that requirement.  I don't think it should be a 
requirement.  To me, Base packages are those that we've decided should be in 
every Cygwin installation.  If that forces other packages to be installed, so be it.


Re: Can't load CSS mode in Emacs

2021-12-28 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/28/2021 3:37 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

I'm using the test version of Emacs 28.0.60.  I can't seem to load
css-mode (Cascading Style Sheets).  I get the following error in the
console window:

   0 [main] emacs-X11 1297 child_info_fork::abort: address space
needed by 'url-history-a9b2f6e8-97761513.eln' (0xAD) is already

Any idea what's going on?

This means that the .eln files need to be rebased.  Please close all Cygwin 
processes and run setup-x86_64.exe so that autorebase can do its thing.  Make 
sure that /var/lib/rebase/userpath.d/ has been created as explained in 
the release announcement.


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Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-26 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/26/2021 6:23 PM, Jeremy Drake wrote:

On Sun, 26 Dec 2021, Ken Brown wrote:

On 12/26/2021 5:43 PM, Jeremy Drake wrote:

My loops are still going after an hour.  I know that ARM64 would have hit
the assert before now.

Well, ARM64 hung up, but didn't hit the assert, so maybe there's some
*other* issue running around.  Unfortunately gdb doesn't work to attach to
a process there (it gets confused with the ARM64 DLLs loaded in the
process).  And WinDbg can't load the symbols for a cygwin dll (cv2pdb
generally works pretty well for this, but it seems to be confused by the
split .dbg file for msys-2.0.dll).

Sounds like nothing can be done until it shows up on x86_64.


Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-26 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/26/2021 5:43 PM, Jeremy Drake wrote:

On Sun, 26 Dec 2021, Ken Brown wrote:

+ /* NtQueryInformationProcess can return STATUS_SUCCESS with
+invalid handle data for certain processes.  See

I would recommend using the "permalink" to the line, since future
commits could change both the line number and even the comment you are
referring to.

Good idea, thanks.

+We need to ensure that NumberOfHandles is zero in this
+case to avoid a crash in the loop below. */
+ phi->NumberOfHandles = 0;
  status = NtQueryInformationProcess (proc, ProcessHandleInformation,
  phi, nbytes, );
  if (NT_SUCCESS (status))

Would it make sense to leave an assert (phi->NumberOfHandles <= n_handle)
before the for loop too just in case something odd happens in the
future?  That made it a lot easier to know what was going on.

Yes, I think so.

My loops are still going after an hour.  I know that ARM64 would have hit
the assert before now.

Would this also be pushed to the 3.3 branch?  Or are there plans to make a
3.3.4 at some point?  I saw a pipe-related hang reported to MSYS2 (that I
didn't see this issue in the stack traces), but I am not sure if there are
any more pipe fixes pending post 3.3.3.

There are some fixes (though not pipe-related) pending for 3.3.4, so I'll push 
it to the 3.3 branch after I've heard from Takashi and/or Corinna.


Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-26 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/26/2021 4:35 PM, Jeremy Drake wrote:

On Sun, 26 Dec 2021, Ken Brown wrote:

On 12/26/2021 11:04 AM, Ken Brown wrote:

On 12/26/2021 10:09 AM, Ken Brown wrote:

1. For some processes, NtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessHandleInformation)
can return STATUS_SUCCESS with invalid handle information.  See the
comment starting at line 5754, where it is shown how to detect this.

I kind of thought something like this (that NumberOfHandles was
uninitialized memory).

If I'm right, the following patch should fix the problem:

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index ba6b70f55..4cef3e4ca 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -1228,6 +1228,7 @@ fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process (WCHAR *name,
      HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap (), 0, nbytes);
    if (!phi)
      goto close_proc;
+ phi->NumberOfHandles = 0;
    status = NtQueryInformationProcess (proc,
    phi, nbytes, );
    if (NT_SUCCESS (status))

Actually, this first hunk should suffice.

Jeremy, could you try this?


I've built (leaving the assert in place too), and I've got 3 loops going
on server 2022 and 1 going on ARM64.  So far so good.  I don't know how
long before calling it good though.

Great, thanks for testing.  I'm attaching the complete patch (with 
documentation).  I'll push it once you're convinced that it fixes the problem, 
assuming Takashi agrees.  (I think Corinna is unavailable.)

KenFrom 4858e73321a0618a8b1e1060416ef7d546cda895 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ken Brown 
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 16:42:26 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Cygwin: fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process: avoid a

NtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessHandleInformation) can return
STATUS_SUCCESS with invalid handle data for certain processes
("minimal" processes on Windows 10).  This can cause a crash when
there's an attempt to access that data.  Fix that by setting
NumberOfHandles to zero before calling NtQueryInformationProcess.

 winsup/cygwin/ | 6 ++
 winsup/cygwin/release/3.3.4| 3 +++
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 25a092262..2674d154c 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -1256,6 +1256,12 @@ fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process (WCHAR *name,
HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap (), 0, nbytes);
  if (!phi)
goto close_proc;
+ /* NtQueryInformationProcess can return STATUS_SUCCESS with
+invalid handle data for certain processes.  See
+We need to ensure that NumberOfHandles is zero in this
+case to avoid a crash in the loop below. */
+ phi->NumberOfHandles = 0;
  status = NtQueryInformationProcess (proc, ProcessHandleInformation,
  phi, nbytes, );
  if (NT_SUCCESS (status))
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/release/3.3.4 b/winsup/cygwin/release/3.3.4
index a15684fdb..048426942 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/release/3.3.4
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/release/3.3.4
@@ -14,3 +14,6 @@ Bug Fixes
   rather than io_handle while neither read() nor select() is called
   after the cygwin app is started from non-cygwin app.
+- Avoid a crash when NtQueryInformationProcess returns invalid handle data.
+  Addresses:

Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-26 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/26/2021 11:04 AM, Ken Brown wrote:

On 12/26/2021 10:09 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
1. For some processes, NtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessHandleInformation) can 
return STATUS_SUCCESS with invalid handle information.  See the comment 
starting at line 5754, where it is shown how to detect this.

If I'm right, the following patch should fix the problem:

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index ba6b70f55..4cef3e4ca 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -1228,6 +1228,7 @@ fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process (WCHAR *name,
     HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap (), 0, nbytes);
   if (!phi)
     goto close_proc;
+ phi->NumberOfHandles = 0;
   status = NtQueryInformationProcess (proc, ProcessHandleInformation,
   phi, nbytes, );
   if (NT_SUCCESS (status))

Actually, this first hunk should suffice.

@@ -1238,6 +1239,11 @@ fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process (WCHAR *name,
    while (n_handle < (1L<<20) && status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH);
    if (!NT_SUCCESS (status))
     goto close_proc;
+  if (phi->NumberOfHandles == 0)
+   {
+ HeapFree (GetProcessHeap (), 0, phi);
+ goto close_proc;
+   }

    for (ULONG j = 0; j < phi->NumberOfHandles; j++)

Jeremy, could you try this?


Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-26 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/26/2021 10:09 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
1. For some processes, NtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessHandleInformation) can 
return STATUS_SUCCESS with invalid handle information.  See the comment starting 
at line 5754, where it is shown how to detect this.

If I'm right, the following patch should fix the problem:

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index ba6b70f55..4cef3e4ca 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -1228,6 +1228,7 @@ fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process (WCHAR *name,
HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap (), 0, nbytes);
  if (!phi)
goto close_proc;
+ phi->NumberOfHandles = 0;
  status = NtQueryInformationProcess (proc, ProcessHandleInformation,
  phi, nbytes, );
  if (NT_SUCCESS (status))
@@ -1238,6 +1239,11 @@ fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process (WCHAR *name,
   while (n_handle < (1L<<20) && status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH);
   if (!NT_SUCCESS (status))
goto close_proc;
+  if (phi->NumberOfHandles == 0)
+   {
+ HeapFree (GetProcessHeap (), 0, phi);
+ goto close_proc;
+   }

   for (ULONG j = 0; j < phi->NumberOfHandles; j++)

Jeremy, could you try this?


Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-26 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/25/2021 11:56 PM, Jeremy Drake wrote:

I set up a windows server 2022 VM last night and went nuts stressing
pacman/GPGME.  I was able to reproduce the issue there:

status = 0x, phi->NumberOfHandles = 8261392, n_handle = 256
[#--]  14%
assertion "phi->NumberOfHandles <= n_handle" failed: file
"../../.././winsup/cygwin/", line 1281, function: void*
fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process(WCHAR*, OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION*)

So it is not something inherent in the x86_64-on-ARM64 emulation but can
happen on native x86_64 also.

A Google search led me to something that might explain what's going on.  Look at 
the function PhEnumHandlesEx2 starting at line 5713 in

Two interesting things:

1. For some processes, NtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessHandleInformation) can 
return STATUS_SUCCESS with invalid handle information.  See the comment starting 
at line 5754, where it is shown how to detect this.

2. You can use the ReturnLength parameter of NtQueryInformationProcess to see 
how big a buffer is needed.  This might be more efficient than repeatedly 
doubling the buffer size.


Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-25 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/25/2021 6:00 PM, Jeremy Drake via Cygwin-patches wrote:

On Sat, 25 Dec 2021, Jeremy Drake via Cygwin-patches wrote:

On Sun, 26 Dec 2021, Takashi Yano wrote:

Could you please check the result of the following test case
in that ARM64 platform?

OK, on Windows 11 ARM64 (same machine as I was testing the assert on):
per_process: n_handle=52, NumberOfHandles=52
per_system: n_handle=65536, NumberOfHandles=35331

On GitHub "windows-2022" runner:
per_process: n_handle=63, NumberOfHandles=63
per_system: n_handle=65536, NumberOfHandles=34077

On Windows 10 x86_64 (can't remember if it was 21H1 or 21H2):
per_process: n_handle=37, NumberOfHandles=37
per_system: n_handle=131072, NumberOfHandles=76069

This completely shoots down the speculation in my last email.  Nevertheless, the 
results you posted earlier do indicate that *sometimes* 
NtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessHandleInformation) returns STATUS_SUCCESS even 
if the buffer it's passed is too small.  I hope Takashi has an idea what's going on.


Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-25 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/25/2021 2:20 PM, Jeremy Drake via Cygwin-patches wrote:

On Sun, 26 Dec 2021, Takashi Yano wrote:

Could you please check the result of the following test case
in that ARM64 platform?

I will probably not be able to get to this until tomorrow at the earliest.
But keep in mind the issue I'm seeing is not deterministic - I have to run
pacman in a loop validating files via GPGME and eventually it will hang
(or hit the assert I added in that version).  Most of the time, it's
perfectly fine.

The results you've already posted seem to indicate that, on your platform, 
NtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessHandleInformation) returns STATUS_SUCCESS even 
if the buffer it's passed is too small.  [That won't necessarily cause a problem 
in every one of your pacman runs, so it might appear non-deterministic.] 
Takashi's test case is designed to verify that that's what's going on.

And I think he also wants to see if phi->NumberOfHandles is reliable on your 
platform even when the buffer is too small.  If so, then (on your platform), the 
do-while loop could be replaced by two calls to NtQueryInformationProcess.  The 
first call would determine how big a buffer is needed, and the second call would 
use a buffer of that size.

But we don't know any of that for sure yet.  We also don't know (or at least I 
don't know) what aspects of your platform are relevant.  For example, does this 
always happen on Windows 11?  or on ARM64?


Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-24 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/24/2021 2:42 PM, Jeremy Drake wrote:

On Fri, 24 Dec 2021, Ken Brown wrote:

I agree that it's hard to see how the line you quoted could cause an
exception.  But you were using an optimized build, so I'm not sure how
reliable the line-number information is.

Is it feasible to run your test under strace?  If so, you could add some
debug_printf statements to examine the values of n_handle and
phi->NumberOfHandles.  Or what about simply adding an assertion that
phi->NumberOfHandles <= n_handle?


This issue is not consistent, I was able to reproduce once on x64 by
running commands in a loop overnight, but the next time I tried to
reproduce I ran for over 24 hours without hitting it.

It does seem to happen much more often on Windows on ARM64 (so much so
that at first I thought it was an issue with their emulation).  With this
patch I have not seen the issue again.

So can you test your diagnosis by removing your patch and adding an assertion?

Also, it seems to have started cropping up in msys2's CI when the GHA
runner was switched from "windows-2019" to "windows-2022".

And does your patch help here too?

I forgot to give a full link to the MSYS2 issue where I have been
investigating this:

Actually I think I might see a small bug in the code.  But even if I'm right, it 
would result in n_handle being unnecessarily big rather than too small, so it 
wouldn't explain what you're seeing.

Takashi, in, shouldn't you use offsetof(struct 
to take account of possible padding?  (And there's a similar issue in


Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-24 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/23/2021 7:29 PM, Jeremy Drake via Cygwin-patches wrote:

On Thu, 23 Dec 2021, Ken Brown wrote:

-  for (ULONG j = 0; j < phi->NumberOfHandles; j++)
+  for (ULONG j = 0; j < min(phi->NumberOfHandles, n_handle); j++)

Reading the preceding code, I don't see how n_handle could be less than
phi->NumberOfHandles.  Can you explain?

Not really.  I saw this stack trace:
#3  0x000180062f13 in exception::handle (e=0x14cc4f0, frame=, 
in=, dispatch=) at 
#4  0x7ff8abd320cf in ntdll!.chkstk () from /c/Windows/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll
#5  0x7ff8abce1454 in ntdll!RtlRaiseException () from 
#6  0x7ff8abd30bfe in ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher () from 
#7  0x000180092687 in fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process 
(this=this@entry=0x1803700f8, name=name@entry=0x14cc820 
ntfn=ntfn@entry=0x8000c2ce0) at 
#8  0x000180092bdb in fhandler_pipe::temporary_query_hdl 
(this=this@entry=0x1803700f8) at 

Line 1281 of was
  if (phi->Handles[j].GrantedAccess != access)

The only way I could see that causing an exception was if it was reading
past the end of the allocated memory, if j was greater than (or equal to)
n_handle.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to catch it in a debugger
again, so I can't confirm this.  I took a core with 'dumper' but gdb
doesn't want to load it (it says Core file format not supported, maybe
something with msys2's gdb?).

I agree that it's hard to see how the line you quoted could cause an exception. 
 But you were using an optimized build, so I'm not sure how reliable the 
line-number information is.

Is it feasible to run your test under strace?  If so, you could add some 
debug_printf statements to examine the values of n_handle and 
phi->NumberOfHandles.  Or what about simply adding an assertion that 
phi->NumberOfHandles <= n_handle?


Re: [PATCH] fhandler_pipe: add sanity limit to handle loops

2021-12-23 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/23/2021 6:10 PM, Jeremy Drake via Cygwin-patches wrote:

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/
index ba6b70f55..48713a38d 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process (WCHAR *name,
if (!NT_SUCCESS (status))
 goto close_proc;

-  for (ULONG j = 0; j < phi->NumberOfHandles; j++)
+  for (ULONG j = 0; j < min(phi->NumberOfHandles, n_handle); j++)

Reading the preceding code, I don't see how n_handle could be less than 
phi->NumberOfHandles.  Can you explain?

   /* Check for the peculiarity of cygwin read pipe */
@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_system (WCHAR *name,
if (!NT_SUCCESS (status))
  return NULL;

-  for (LONG i = (LONG) shi->NumberOfHandles - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  for (LONG i = (LONG) min(shi->NumberOfHandles, n_handle) - 1; i >= 0; i--)

Same comment.


Re: Cygwin 32 doc build failure

2021-12-23 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/23/2021 12:35 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
Building cygwin 32 doc (with latest packages, git sources, after running 
winsup/ get the following doc build failure (not on cygwin 64 - all 
builds okay) - anyone seen this before and any clue where to look?

$ ../configure && make
Making all in doc
make[3]: Entering directory 
xmlto --skip-validation --with-dblatex pdf -o cygwin-ug-net/ -m 
../../../../winsup/doc/fo.xsl ../../../../winsup/doc/cygwin-ug-net.xml

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/bin/dblatex", line 3, in 
     from dbtexmf.dblatex import dblatex
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dbtexmf'

It looks like dblatex needs python3.8.  Does your 32-bit installation have 
python3 pointing to python3.8?

$ /usr/sbin/alternatives.exe --display python3
python3 - status is auto.
 link currently points to /usr/bin/python3.8
/usr/bin/python3.8 - priority 38
Current `best' version is /usr/bin/python3.8.


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Re: libprocps8 and missing free, prockill, pkill, pgrep, pmap, procps, tload, top, uptime, vmstat, w, and watch

2021-12-20 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/20/2021 12:02 PM, Ken Lobb wrote:

I'm probably missing something that needs to be configured, but I'm trying
to utilize uptime & vmstat and other performance/load utilities in Cygwin.
I installed the libprocps8 package, but none of these utilities can be
Did I miss something?


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Re: setup-x86_64.exe does not start in win10 20H2

2021-12-10 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/10/2021 12:12 PM, Kutty, Rejeesh wrote:

Google says it is part of the Beyond Trust stuff, for security?
I couldn't find anything that tells me how to disable it.
Is this DLL the problem?

Could be.  Is Beyond Trust something that you have control over?  Can you 
uninstall it, or temporarily suspend it, or tell it to exclude certain directories?


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Re: setup-x86_64.exe does not start in win10 20H2

2021-12-10 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/10/2021 9:39 AM, Kutty, Rejeesh wrote:

I can't  launch setup-x86_64.exe, but setup-x86 runs fine.


ModLoad: 7ffd`4371 7ffd`4374a000   C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\privman64.dll

What is this and why is it being loaded?


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Re: [ITP] autoconf2.7

2021-12-09 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/9/2021 5:24 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Dec  8 19:46, Achim Gratz wrote:

Achim Gratz writes:

+   case "${WANT_AUTOCONF}" in
+   2.5|'')
+   case $(autoconf --version 2> /dev/null | head -n 1) in
autoconf*2.[56]?) ;;
*)  error "autoconf2.5 is required to build this 
package" ;;
+   esac
+   ;;
+   2.7)

If anybody prefers cygport to default to 2.7, then the "|''" part of the
above patch needs to be moved to the pattern clause for 2.7.

We should do that, IMHO.

I agree, as I already said in a different thread.  Either way, there remains the 
question of how to get cygport patched.  Until that happens, no maintainers can 
use autoconf 2.71 unless they patch cygport locally, and no SCALLYWAG builds can 
use autoconf 2.71.

Yaakov, any chance you would accept a co-maintainer of cygport (Jon Turney seems 
like the obvious choice if he's willing) so that we can move forward on this and 
other patches that have been proposed?


Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] gd 2.3.3-1 (TEST)

2021-12-09 Thread Ken Brown

On 9/15/2021 5:13 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce via Cygwin wrote:
The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution as test 

* gd-2.3.3-1
* libgd3-2.3.3-1
* libgd-devel-2.3.3-1

These have now been promoted from test to current.


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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: autoconf-15-1, autoconf2.7-2.71-1

2021-12-07 Thread Ken Brown
[Redirected from the cygwin list,]

On 12/7/2021 3:08 PM, Ken Brown wrote:

On 12/5/2021 3:50 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:

Autoconf upstream has stated that the 2.7x releases are not fully
backwards compatible.  Cygwin therefore chose to provide a new
autoconf2.7 package (keeping autoconf2.5 available) and modifying the
wrapper script to allow packaging systems to set WANT_AUTOCONF=2.7 to
select a newer autoconf version.  The default (when no explicit
WANT_AUTOCONF is set) is still "2.5", which selects autoconf version
2.69 on Cygwin.

As you explained on IRC earlier today, what you meant is that the default for 
packages built via cygport is still 2.5.

The default will change to "2.7" after some period of

Cygwin package maintainers are encouraged to set WANT_AUTOCONF=2.7 in
their cygport configuration or in individual cygport files in order to
check for regressions.

I wonder if it would be better to make the default 2.7 in order to more strongly 
encourage maintainers to try the latter.  They can always set WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5 
if they can't make it work.  But I would bet that most difficulties that arise 
have already been found and fixed by Fedora.


Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: autoconf-15-1, autoconf2.7-2.71-1

2021-12-07 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/5/2021 3:50 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:

Autoconf upstream has stated that the 2.7x releases are not fully
backwards compatible.  Cygwin therefore chose to provide a new
autoconf2.7 package (keeping autoconf2.5 available) and modifying the
wrapper script to allow packaging systems to set WANT_AUTOCONF=2.7 to
select a newer autoconf version.  The default (when no explicit
WANT_AUTOCONF is set) is still "2.5", which selects autoconf version
2.69 on Cygwin.

As you explained on IRC earlier today, what you meant is that the default for 
packages built via cygport is still 2.5.

The default will change to "2.7" after some period of

Cygwin package maintainers are encouraged to set WANT_AUTOCONF=2.7 in
their cygport configuration or in individual cygport files in order to
check for regressions.

I have a comment about this, but I'll follow up on cygwin-apps.


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[GOLDSTAR] Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: autoconf-15-1, autoconf2.7-2.71-1

2021-12-05 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/5/2021 3:50 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:

Autoconf has been updated to the latest upstream release 2.71, see the
packaging notes below.  Additionally the automake wrapper has been
updated to the latest upstream version 15 (with some modifications for

Great work, thanks for doing this.  I second Corinna's gold star recommendation.


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Re: [ITP] autoconf2.7

2021-12-02 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/2/2021 2:51 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:

As discussed in another thread, Cygwin should have an autoconf2.7
package going forward.  It builds just out of the box, so here's the ITP
for it.

Playground (based on autotools2.5, I'll cut the old history in the new repo):;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/autoconf2.7

CI Build:

I've switched off the tests, they take too long anyway.

You should probably also adopt and update the autoconf package, which provides 
the ac-wrapper script.  The latest upstream version is at


Re: autoconf

2021-12-02 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/2/2021 8:32 AM, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin-apps wrote:

On Dec  2 14:18, ASSI wrote:

As I said, I haven't looked at it in any detail, but it seems that
autoconf is already multi-version, so I guess it would be possible to
introduce an autoconf2.7 package in addition to the existing two.
That's a slightly wonky way to do that when we expect to later on just
replace 2.69 with 2.71, though.

Don't do that.

autoconf 2.70 and later are new, backward incompatible versions, so they
should go into a new-and-shiny-and-not-yet-existing autoconf2.7 package.

Does anyone know what other distros are doing?  The only one I checked is 
Fedora.  It looks like Fedora 35 simply replaced 2.69 by 2.71, after a long 
"heads-up" period for maintainers to fix their packages to build with 2.71.


Re: autoconf

2021-12-02 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps

On 12/2/2021 5:15 AM, Jan Nijtmans via Cygwin-apps wrote:

Somewhere in cygport, a check is done for the autoconf version, please
change this check to allow autoconf 2.71 (as well as 2.59 and 2.69).
Then I can put back the "cygautoreconf" line in tcl.cygport.

You can do this locally until someone gets around to patching cygport.  Just 
patch /usr/share/cygclass/autotools.cygclass like this:

--- autotools.cygclass~ 2020-05-10 12:06:42.0 -0400
+++ autotools.cygclass  2021-12-02 08:14:34.546334100 -0500
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@

case $(autoconf --version 2> /dev/null | head -n 1) in
-   autoconf*2.[56]?) ;;
+   autoconf*2.[567]?) ;;
*)  error "autoconf2.5 is required to build this 
package" ;;



Re: Remmina: error while loading shared libraries: cygssh_threads-4.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

2021-11-28 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/28/2021 3:50 PM, Verachten Bruno via Cygwin wrote:

Hello there,

I installed Remmina tonight, and got this error when launching it:
"error while loading shared libraries: cygssh_threads-4.dll: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

That DLL used to be provided by the libssh4 package, but it's not in the latest 
version due to upstream changes.  As a workaround, you could try reverting to 
libssh4-0.7.5-1, but I don't know if that will break something else.

The real solution is probably to rebuild remmina using the current versions of 
the development packages.  Unfortunately, remmina is orphaned, so someone would 
have to adopt it or do a non-maintainer upload.


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Re: gnulib m4/threadlib.m4 bug crashing package tests

2021-11-28 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps

On 11/28/2021 11:33 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:

Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps writes:

It's gnulib that changed, not Cygwin or gcc/binutils.  This is
actually an old issue:

I've built the exact same package (man-db) this Febrary without that
problem and now again with that problem (it doesn't help that the test
suite never actually runs the failing executable).  The gnulib test
failed (as it still does on 32bit) for 64bit in February, but succeeds
(resulting in gnulib trying to use weak symbols) now.

You're right, I was wrong.  Here's the gnulib test program for anyone else who 
wants to look at this:

#pragma weak fputs
int main ()
  return (fputs == NULL);

As you said, this used to return 1, but now it returns 0 on 64-bit.  Running 
under gdb I see

(gdb) p fputs
$1 = {int (const char * restrict, FILE * restrict)} 0x1801b0540 

This is a change, and it's actually what one would expect.  But, as Dave Korn 
explained in ,

it doesn't mean that weak symbols on Cygwin behave the way they do on ELF 
platforms.  So I agree with you that this is a bogus test.


Re: gnulib m4/threadlib.m4 bug crashing package tests

2021-11-28 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps

On 11/28/2021 10:42 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:

Yaakov Selkowitz via Cygwin-apps writes:

For anyone else who bumps into this, gdb and strace are of no use in
debugging this crash.  I finally thought to look at the stackdump
file, and the second address from the top was in a gnulib file.  That
was the key clue.

Add gl_cv_have_weak=no to cygconf?

I'd rather know why the bleeping heck the test suddenly succeeds when it
clearly doesn't actually work.  In other words, I think the linker
should complain, but since it obviously did that before Cygwin 3.2.0 and
not after, something must have changed somewhere that prevent s it from
doing that.

It's gnulib that changed, not Cygwin or gcc/binutils.  This is actually an old 


Re: gnulib m4/threadlib.m4 bug crashing package tests

2021-11-26 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps

On 11/26/2021 12:34 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:

On 2021-11-26 06:08, Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps wrote:

On 11/25/2021 1:25 PM, Yaakov Selkowitz via Cygwin-apps wrote:

Add gl_cv_have_weak=no to cygconf?

Are you suggesting maintainers should do this, or are you talking about 
patching cygport, like this:

diff --git a/cygclass/autotools.cygclass b/cygclass/autotools.cygclass
index 712f437..8b6fdde 100644
--- a/cygclass/autotools.cygclass
+++ b/cygclass/autotools.cygclass
@@ -735,6 +735,14 @@ cygconf() {
 export ac_cv_func_mmap_fixed_mapped=yes ;;

+   # Some versions of gnulib's threadlib.m4:gl_WEAK_SYMBOLS
+   # incorrectly report that Cygwin supports weak symbols.  See
+   #
+   case ${CHOST} in
+   *-*-cygwin*)
+   export gl_cv_have_weak=no ;;
+   esac
 # packages that use intltool w/o glib-gettext get this wrong
 export DATADIRNAME="share"

Normally in a regular/autotools build the maintainer appends these overrides to:

 CYGCONF_ARGS=...gl_cv_have_weak=guessing\ no

or to:

src_compile() {
     cd ${S}
     cd ${B}
 cygconf ... gl_cv_have_weak=guessing\ no

cygport already does this for ac_cv_func_mmap_fixed_mapped.  That's why I asked 
Yaakov to clarify what he had in mind.


Re: gnulib m4/threadlib.m4 bug crashing package tests

2021-11-26 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps

On 11/25/2021 1:25 PM, Yaakov Selkowitz via Cygwin-apps wrote:

Add gl_cv_have_weak=no to cygconf?

Are you suggesting maintainers should do this, or are you talking about patching 
cygport, like this:

diff --git a/cygclass/autotools.cygclass b/cygclass/autotools.cygclass
index 712f437..8b6fdde 100644
--- a/cygclass/autotools.cygclass
+++ b/cygclass/autotools.cygclass
@@ -735,6 +735,14 @@ cygconf() {
export ac_cv_func_mmap_fixed_mapped=yes ;;

+   # Some versions of gnulib's threadlib.m4:gl_WEAK_SYMBOLS
+   # incorrectly report that Cygwin supports weak symbols.  See
+   #
+   case ${CHOST} in
+   *-*-cygwin*)
+   export gl_cv_have_weak=no ;;
+   esac
# packages that use intltool w/o glib-gettext get this wrong
export DATADIRNAME="share"


URL for cygport git repo

2021-11-25 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps
According to, the cygport 
git repo is at

But that repo is empty.  The correct URL seems to be


Re: gnulib m4/threadlib.m4 bug crashing package tests

2021-11-25 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps

On 9/29/2021 7:46 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:

There is a gnulib bug in threadlib.m4 from at least serial 29 to serial
31 that incorrectly configures Cygwin support of weak references.

This leads to SIGSEGV stack smashing crashes with no backtrace
@ 0x1 or 0x0005 etc. normally during tests.

Akim Demaille on bug-bison referred the issue to bug-gnulib where
Bruno Haible diagnosed and patched the problem to appear in
m4/threadlib.m4 serial 32:

* m4/threadlib.m4 (gl_WEAK_SYMBOLS): Force a "guessing no" result on Cygwin
[gl_cv_have_weak="guessing no"]

The patch has now been applied to bison, wget, and wget2, and I have
attached my patches for the copies in those packages, in case anyone
else has this issue in their (mainly GNU) packages which may incorporate by 
inclusion recently updated gnulib m4 macros used in autotools builds.

Thanks, Brian.

I'm writing to reinforce this warning.  I just spent 2 days trying to debug 
mysterious texinfo crashes that were caused by this bug.  I could have saved a 
lot of time if I had remembered your email and had checked the gnulib version 
being used by texinfo.

For anyone else who bumps into this, gdb and strace are of no use in debugging 
this crash.  I finally thought to look at the stackdump file, and the second 
address from the top was in a gnulib file.  That was the key clue.


[PATCH] Cygwin: fhandler_fifo::raw_read: handle STATUS_PENDING

2021-11-23 Thread Ken Brown
Patch attached.  Takashi, since you wrote the analogous patch for pipes, could 
you take a look?


KenFrom 4f47e64b11ed8d47c62fa89e9b971f44b7e9ab75 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ken Brown 
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2021 11:40:56 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Cygwin: fhandler_fifo::raw_read: handle STATUS_PENDING

NtReadFile can return STATUS_PENDING occasionally even in non-blocking
mode.  Check for this and wait for NtReadFile to complete.  To avoid
code repetition, do this in a static helper function nt_read.
 winsup/cygwin/ | 70 +++---
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 489ba528c..34bd835ae 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -1201,12 +1201,39 @@ fhandler_fifo::release_select_sem (const char *from)
 ReleaseSemaphore (select_sem, n_release, NULL);
+/* Read from a non-blocking pipe and wait for completion. */
+static NTSTATUS
+nt_read (HANDLE h, HANDLE evt, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK pio, void *in_ptr, size_t& len)
+  NTSTATUS status;
+  ResetEvent (evt);
+  status = NtReadFile (h, evt, NULL, NULL, pio, in_ptr, len, NULL, NULL);
+  if (status == STATUS_PENDING)
+  /* Very short-lived */
+  status = NtWaitForSingleObject (evt, FALSE, NULL);
+  if (NT_SUCCESS (status))
+   status = pio->Status;
+  return status;
 void __reg3
 fhandler_fifo::raw_read (void *in_ptr, size_t& len)
+  HANDLE evt;
   if (!len)
+  if (!(evt = CreateEvent (NULL, false, false, NULL)))
+  __seterrno ();
+  len = (size_t) -1;
+  return;
   while (1)
   int nconnected = 0;
@@ -1244,17 +1271,15 @@ fhandler_fifo::raw_read (void *in_ptr, size_t& len)
  NTSTATUS status;
- status = NtReadFile (fc_handler[j].h, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-  , in_ptr, len, NULL, NULL);
+ status = nt_read (fc_handler[j].h, evt, , in_ptr, len);
  switch (status)
- /* io.Information is supposedly valid in latter case. */
  if (io.Information > 0)
  len = io.Information;
- goto out;
+ goto unlock_out;
@@ -1265,7 +1290,7 @@ fhandler_fifo::raw_read (void *in_ptr, size_t& len)
  fc_handler[j].set_state (fc_disconnected);
- debug_printf ("NtReadFile status %y", status);
+ debug_printf ("nt_read status %y", status);
  fc_handler[j].set_state (fc_error);
@@ -1278,8 +1303,7 @@ fhandler_fifo::raw_read (void *in_ptr, size_t& len)
NTSTATUS status;
-   status = NtReadFile (fc_handler[i].h, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-, in_ptr, len, NULL, NULL);
+   status = nt_read (fc_handler[i].h, evt, , in_ptr, len);
switch (status)
@@ -1290,7 +1314,7 @@ fhandler_fifo::raw_read (void *in_ptr, size_t& len)
if (j < nhandlers)
  fc_handler[j].last_read = false;
fc_handler[i].last_read = true;
-   goto out;
+   goto unlock_out;
@@ -1301,7 +1325,7 @@ fhandler_fifo::raw_read (void *in_ptr, size_t& len)
fc_handler[i].set_state (fc_disconnected);
-   debug_printf ("NtReadFile status %y", status);
+   debug_printf ("nt_read status %y", status);
fc_handler[i].set_state (fc_error);
@@ -1315,8 +1339,7 @@ fhandler_fifo::raw_read (void *in_ptr, size_t& len)
-   status = NtReadFile (fc_handler[i].h, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-, in_ptr, len, NULL, NULL);
+   status = nt_read (fc_handler[i].h, evt, , in_ptr, len);
switch (status)
@@ -1327,7 +1350,7 @@ fhandler_fifo::raw_read (void *in_ptr, size_t& len)
if (j < nhandlers)
  fc_handler[j].last_read = false;
fc_handler[i].last_read = true;
-   goto out;
+   goto unlock_out;
@@ -1337,25 +1360,25 @@ fhandler_fifo::raw_read (void *in_ptr,

[PATCH] Cygwin: fhandler_pipe::raw_read: fix handle leak

2021-11-23 Thread Ken Brown

Patch attached.From 6d34b62cb8e192071e193516c23419854c3b4127 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ken Brown 
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2021 10:13:43 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Cygwin: fhandler_pipe::raw_read: fix handle leak

Slightly rearrange the code to avoid returning without closing the
event handle.
 winsup/cygwin/ | 16 +---
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 3cbd434b7..5195b2807 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -284,13 +284,6 @@ fhandler_pipe::raw_read (void *ptr, size_t& len)
   if (!len)
-  if (!(evt = CreateEvent (NULL, false, false, NULL)))
-  __seterrno ();
-  len = (size_t) -1;
-  return;
   DWORD timeout = is_nonblocking () ? 0 : INFINITE;
   DWORD waitret = cygwait (read_mtx, timeout);
   switch (waitret)
@@ -314,6 +307,15 @@ fhandler_pipe::raw_read (void *ptr, size_t& len)
   len = (size_t) -1;
+  if (!(evt = CreateEvent (NULL, false, false, NULL)))
+  __seterrno ();
+  len = (size_t) -1;
+  ReleaseMutex (read_mtx);
+  return;
   while (nbytes < len)
   ULONG_PTR nbytes_now = 0;

Re: ssmtp-config fails on step 6

2021-11-20 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/19/2021 7:07 PM, Andrey Repin via Cygwin wrote:

alternatives is known to make links to nonexistent objects. While this is
possible on *NIX, you can only link to existing objects on Windows.

You're talking about native Windows symlinks, not Cygwin symlinks.  The latter 
can point to nonexistent objects just as on *NIX.  This shouldn't fail unless 
the user has forced Cygwin to use native Windows symlinks by setting 
winsymlinks:nativestrict in the CYGWIN environment variable.

Kevin, have you done this?  If not, do you have any reason to think that 
alternatives failed to create symlinks?  What does 'ls -l 
/etc/alternatives/mta*' show?  On my system I see:

$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/mta*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 kbrown-admin None 19 2021-11-20 17:04 /etc/alternatives/mta -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 kbrown-admin None 19 2021-11-20 17:04 /etc/alternatives/mta-mailq 
-> /usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 kbrown-admin None 19 2021-11-20 17:04 
/etc/alternatives/mta-newaliases -> /usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 kbrown-admin None 19 2021-11-20 17:04 
/etc/alternatives/mta-sendmail -> /usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe*

I also have:

$ ls -l /usr/sbin/sendmail
lrwxrwxrwx 1 kbrown-admin None 21 2021-11-20 17:04 /usr/sbin/sendmail -> 


$ /usr/sbin/alternatives.exe --display mta
mta - status is manual.
 link currently points to /usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe
/usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe - priority 0
 slave mta-sendmail: /usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe
 slave mta-mailq: /usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe
 slave mta-newaliases: /usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe
Current `best' version is /usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe.

Do you see something different on your system?

Last question: You said in your first post that "ssmtp-config fails silently" 
and that you isolated this to the alternatives command failing.  What do you 
mean when you say it failed?  Since it failed "silently", do you mean that 'echo 
$?' showed a nonzero error code?  Or do you mean that something is not working 
as expected?


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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] New: unison2.48+4.04.2, unison2.48+4.08.1 [test]

2021-11-20 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 9/8/2020 4:57 PM, Andrew Schulman via Cygwin-announce wrote:

You can install any number of these packages side-by-side. Separate
packages are needed because in order to synchronize your files, you have to
run compatible versions of Unison on the client and server. Two Unison
executables are compatible if and only if:

(1) They have the same first two numbers of the Unison version. For
example, all Unison versions 2.48.* are compatible with each other. But if
you try to use version 2.51.x to sync with a server running version 2.48.y,
Unison will issue an error message about incompatible versions and quit.


(2) They were built with compatible versions of the OCaml compiler.

This old problem reared its ugly head again for me, but I found a simple 
solution that I'm passing on in case it's of use to others.

My situation is that for years I have been syncing my Cygwin system with a Linux 
system on which I had built unison 2.48.x with OCaml 4.04.x.  This is compatible 
with Cygwin's unison2.48+4.04.2.  But I just added a second Linux system that I 
want to keep in sync with my other systems, and this one comes with a Unison 
compatible with Cygwin's unison2.48+4.08.1.

It turns out that Unison's upstream maintainer is making Linux binaries 
available, built with various different versions of OCaml.  See, for examples, 
the Assets listed under v2.51.4 at

So if I install unison2.51 on Cygwin and install the appropriate binary in ~/bin 
on both of the Linux machines that I want to sync with, then everything works. 
For example, if I see

  $ unison -version
  unison version 2.51.4 (ocaml 4.12.0)

on Cygwin, then I know that I need to use 
unison-v2.51.4+ocaml-4.12.0+x86_64.linux.tar.gz on the Linux machines.

It's still annoying, but not as bad as it used to be.


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Re: [PATCH] Cygwin: pipe: Suppress unnecessary set_pipe_non_blocking() call.

2021-11-17 Thread Ken Brown

On 11/17/2021 3:08 AM, Takashi Yano wrote:

- Call set_pipe_non_blocking(false) only if the pipe will be really
   inherited to non-cygwin process.

LGTM, but Corinna should probably take a quick look too, since I'm not very 
familiar with this part of the code.


Re: [PATCH v3] Cygwin: pipe: Handle STATUS_PENDING even for nonblocking mode.

2021-11-16 Thread Ken Brown

On 11/16/2021 9:33 AM, Takashi Yano wrote:

- NtReadFile() and NtWriteFile() seems to return STATUS_PENDING
   occasionally even in nonblocking mode. This patch adds handling
   for STATUS_PENDING in nonblocking mode.

I haven't tested (I assume you have), but LGTM except for two typos below.

+- Fix issue that pipe read()/write() occationally returns a garnage

   occasionally   garbage


Re: cygport build injecting /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/ paths

2021-11-12 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/12/2021 12:50 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
Got these errors trying to build latest ncurses on my system, so retried on 
scallywag and got same result, with no clue where that is coming from!

There are no files in the tarball, repo, or build dirs containing 7.4.0

Those paths come from /usr/bin/libtool.  There's some discussion of this issue 
in ,

which even mentions the ncurses problem.  I don't know enough about libtool to 
suggest the best solution, but probably others on the list do.


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Re: Another pipe-related problem?

2021-11-11 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/10/2021 1:42 PM, Henry S. Thompson wrote:

Ken Brown writes:

The good news is that the bug doesn't seem to occur in XEmacs 21.4
(on 32-bit Cygwin).  So one way to approach this would be to bisect
the XEmacs git repo to find the commit that introduced the bug.
You'd probably have to do the work on 32-bit Cygwin since, if I
remember correctly, XEmacs 21.4 didn't build on 64-bit Cygwin.

Right, although I _suspect_ it will be in 64-bit-only code.  Easy
enough to find out, once I resurrect a 32-bit install on a spare
machine that I can run 3.3 on (I use XEmacs all day every day from my
day job, so I need to stay with 3.2 until we fix this).

I had actually tested the 32-bit case before suggesting the bisection.  The bug 
does occur there too.  And, as Andrey said, you don't need to use a spare 
machine.  You can have as many parallel Cygwin installs as you want on a single 
machine, some 64-bit and some 32-bit.


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Re: [PATCH 0/2] Fix a bad case of absolute path handling

2021-11-11 Thread Ken Brown

On 11/11/2021 4:47 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Nov 10 17:22, Ken Brown wrote:

I can't immediately think of anything.  But is it really impossible to phase
out DOS path support over a period of time?  We could start with a HEADS-UP,
asking for comments, then a deprecation announcement, then something like
the old dosfilewarning option, then a more forceful warning that can't be
turned off, and finally removal of support.  This could be done over a
period of several years (not sure how many).

Yeah, we might try again.  Just not over years, we'll probably lose
track over time.  I'd appreciate a shorter period with a chance to see
the end.

The problem is that people are probably using DOS paths all the time.
Makefiles and scripts mixing Cygwin and DOS tools come to mind.

So maybe an RFC email would be useful rather than a HEADS-UP, just to see how 
widespread it is.

For the time being, I wonder if we could start with isabspath being
always strict so at least X: isn't an abspath at all.

Sounds reasonable.

We could also put lines like

   # C:/ on /c type ntfs (binary,posix=0)

into the default /etc/fstab.

Commented out, you mean?  Just as hint?


 We could do that.  Personally I
don't like these shortcuts, I rather use a shorter cygdrive prefix, like
/mnt, but I see how this could convince people.  Scripts with mixed
tools will always be a problem, though.


Re: [PATCH 0/2] Fix a bad case of absolute path handling

2021-11-10 Thread Ken Brown

On 11/10/2021 3:32 PM, wrote:

From: Corinna Vinschen 

As I told Takashi in PM, I will try to more often send patches to the
cygwin-patches ML before pushing them, so there's a chance to chime in.


This patch series is supposed to address the `rm -rf' problem reported

It was always frustrating, having to allow DOS drive letter paths for
backward compatibility.  This here is another case of ambiguity,
triggered by the `isabspath' macro handling "X:" as absolute path, even
without the trailing slash or backslash.

Check out the 2nd patch for a more detailed description.

While at it, I wonder if we might have a chance to fix these ambiguities
in a better way.  For instance, consider this:

   $ mkdir -p test/c:
   $ cd test

As non-admin:

   $ touch c:/foo
   touch: cannot touch 'c:/foo': Permission denied

As admin, even worse:

   $ touch c:/foo
   $ ls /cygdrive/c/foo

As long as we support DOS paths as input, I have a hard time to see how
to fix this, but maybe we can at least minimize the ambiguity somehow.

I can't immediately think of anything.  But is it really impossible to phase out 
DOS path support over a period of time?  We could start with a HEADS-UP, asking 
for comments, then a deprecation announcement, then something like the old 
dosfilewarning option, then a more forceful warning that can't be turned off, 
and finally removal of support.  This could be done over a period of several 
years (not sure how many).

We could also put lines like

  # C:/ on /c type ntfs (binary,posix=0)

into the default /etc/fstab.


Re: New pipe code means a gold star is merited

2021-11-10 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/10/2021 1:45 PM, Henry S. Thompson via Cygwin wrote:

for Ken Brown and Takashi Yano, don't you think?

Even though we made XEmacs unusable?!? :)

But seriously, it was a joint effort among the two of us and Corinna.



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Re: Another pipe-related problem?

2021-11-10 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/10/2021 12:23 PM, Henry S. Thompson wrote:

Ken Brown via Cygwin writes:

On 11/9/2021 9:53 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

Back to the drawing board.

It finally occurred to me to stop looking for a bug in
fhandler_pipe::raw_read and instead see if something is in fact
repeatedly writing to the pipe, so that drain_signal_event_pipe
never finishes.  Putting a breakpoint at fhandler_pipe::raw_write, I
found that this is in fact the case.  While the main thread is
repeatedly reading from the pipe, a second thread is repeatedly
writing to it.  Here's the backtrace of that thread:

Argh.  Thanks for the hard labour on this.  This is not a part of the
XEmacs code I have any experience of.  Is there any clue you can give
about how things changed in all the September commits to that might have exposed the XEmacs bug?

The main change was that we stopped using Win32 Overlapped I/O 
and switched to using the NT API.  As a result, pipe I/O became much more 
efficient.  It wouldn't surprise me if the efficiency alone is what exposed the bug.

The good news is that the bug doesn't seem to occur in XEmacs 21.4 (on 32-bit 
Cygwin).  So one way to approach this would be to bisect the XEmacs git repo to 
find the commit that introduced the bug.  You'd probably have to do the work on 
32-bit Cygwin since, if I remember correctly, XEmacs 21.4 didn't build on 64-bit 


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Re: Another pipe-related problem?

2021-11-10 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/9/2021 9:53 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

Back to the drawing board.

It finally occurred to me to stop looking for a bug in fhandler_pipe::raw_read 
and instead see if something is in fact repeatedly writing to the pipe, so that 
drain_signal_event_pipe never finishes.  Putting a breakpoint at 
fhandler_pipe::raw_write, I found that this is in fact the case.  While the main 
thread is repeatedly reading from the pipe, a second thread is repeatedly 
writing to it.  Here's the backtrace of that thread:

#0  fhandler_pipe_fifo::raw_write (this=0x18039f370, ptr=0x2c4ca3b, len=1)
at ../../../../temp/winsup/cygwin/
#1  0x00018006f39a in fhandler_base::write (this=0x18039f370,
ptr=0x2c4ca3b, len=1) at ../../../../temp/winsup/cygwin/
#2  0x000180158fd1 in write (fd=4, ptr=0x2c4ca3b, len=1)
at ../../../../temp/winsup/cygwin/
#3  0x0001801b9b5b in _sigfe () at sigfe.s:35
#4  0x0001006ae471 in retry_write_1 (fildes=4, buf=0x2c4ca3b, nbyte=1,
allow_quit=0) at sysdep.c:2364
#5  0x0001006ae581 in retry_write (fildes=4, buf=0x2c4ca3b, nbyte=1)
at sysdep.c:2386
#6  0x0001004b3ba5 in signal_fake_event () at event-unixoid.c:149
#7  0x000100691060 in alarm_signal (signo=14) at signal.c:559
#8  0x0001006ec6e4 in mswindows_raise (nsig=14) at win32.c:694
#9  0x0001006ec72d in setitimer_helper_proc (unused_uID=96, unused_uMsg=0,
dwUser=14, unused_dw1=0, unused_dw2=0) at win32.c:742
#10 0x7ffb363c2811 in WINMM!PlaySoundW () from /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WINMM.dll
#11 0x00018004771c in _cygtls::call2 (this=0x2c4ce00,
func=0x7ffb363c26c0 , arg=0x0, buf=0x2c4cce0)
at ../../../../temp/winsup/cygwin/
#12 0x0001800476c1 in _cygtls::call (
func=0x7ffb363c26c0 , arg=0x0)
at ../../../../temp/winsup/cygwin/
#13 0x0001800e4f15 in threadfunc_fe (arg=0x0)
at ../../../../temp/winsup/cygwin/
#14 0x7ffb43da7034 in KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk ()
   from /c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNEL32.DLL
#15 0x7ffb448c2651 in ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart ()
   from /c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll
#16 0x in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

This looks to me like an XEmacs bug that happens to be triggered by the new pipe 
code, although maybe there's also a Cygwin bug that I'm not seeing.  The comment 
at the beginning of signal_fake_event might be relevant:

signal_fake_event (void)
  Rawbyte rbyte = 0;
  /* We do the write always.  Formerly I tried to "optimize" this
 by setting a flag indicating whether we're blocking and only
 doing the write in that case, but there is a race condition
 if the signal occurs after we've checked for the signal
 occurrence (which could occur in many places throughout
 an iteration of the command loop, e.g. in status_notify()),
 but before we set the blocking flag.

 This should be OK as long as write() is reentrant, which I'm fairly
 sure it is since it's a system call. */

  if (signal_event_pipe_initialized)
/* In case a signal comes through while we're dumping */
  int old_errno = errno;
  retry_write (signal_event_pipe[1], , 1);
  errno = old_errno;


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Re: Another pipe-related problem?

2021-11-09 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/9/2021 5:20 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

On 11/9/2021 5:16 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

On 11/9/2021 9:11 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

On 11/9/2021 5:55 AM, Henry S. Thompson wrote:

As you may know, the XEmacs situation is complicated.  The old source
repo ( no longer exists.  There's a fork that's
still being maintained, but it's not widely publicised.  That's the
one I'm working with -- are you aware of this.

I was aware that the bitbucket repo didn't exist, because I tried to get the 
sources there.  But I didn't know about the fork.  Please point me to it, or 
just make a tarball available to me somehow.

Here are the immediate contexts from the sources for the xemacs
sources in the above backtrace, might be enough to check your


   retry_read_1 (int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte, int allow_quit)
 ssize_t rtnval;

 while ((rtnval = read (fildes, buf, nbyte)) == -1
    && (errno == EINTR)) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 if (allow_quit)
 return rtnval;
I'll have to reproduce the hang myself in order to test this (or maybe you 
could test it), but I now have a new guess: If the read call above keeps 
failing with EINTR, then we're in an infinite loop.  This could happen 
because of the following code in fhandler_pipe::raw_read:

   DWORD waitret = cygwait (read_mtx, timeout);
   switch (waitret)
 case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
   set_errno (EAGAIN);
   len = (size_t) -1;
   set_errno (EINTR);
   len = (size_t) -1;

Takashi, is EINTR really the appropriate errno in the default case?  Isn't 
cygwait supposed to handle signals?

I was able to build XEmacs and reproduce the problem.  My guess was wrong, 
though my question to Takashi still stands.  I think the infinite loop is 
actually caused by a bug in fhandler_pipe::raw_read that only affects 
non-blocking pipes (which is what we have in XEmacs).

Consider the following code in fhandler_pipe::raw_read:

   status = NtReadFile (get_handle (), evt, NULL, NULL, , ptr,
    len1, NULL, NULL);
   if (evt && status == STATUS_PENDING)  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
   waitret = cygwait (evt, INFINITE, cw_cancel | cw_sig);

In the non-blocking case, evt == NULL, but we still might have status == 
STATUS_PENDING.  We then should wait on get_handle() to let NtReadFile finish. 
By not waiting, we end up using a garbage value from io.Information, leading 
to an infinite loop in drain_signal_event_pipe.

Nope, that doesn't seem to be the issue.  Even after fixing this, I still see an 
infinite loop.  Probably NtReadFile finishes quickly enough that io.Information 
is in fact valid by the time we test it.  Back to the drawing board.

BTW, a quick glance at raw_write suggests that there might be a similar bug 
there, but I'll have to look more closely.


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Re: Another pipe-related problem?

2021-11-09 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/9/2021 7:37 PM, Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote:

On Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:16:13 +0900
Takashi Yano wrote:

On Wed, 10 Nov 2021 08:48:22 +0900
Takashi Yano wrote:

On Wed, 10 Nov 2021 08:29:32 +0900
Takashi Yano wrote:

On Wed, 10 Nov 2021 08:22:45 +0900
Takashi Yano wrote:

On Tue, 9 Nov 2021 09:11:28 -0500
Ken Brown wrote:

I'll have to reproduce the hang myself in order to test this (or maybe you could
test it), but I now have a new guess: If the read call above keeps failing with
EINTR, then we're in an infinite loop.  This could happen because of the
following code in fhandler_pipe::raw_read:

DWORD waitret = cygwait (read_mtx, timeout);
switch (waitret)
  case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
set_errno (EAGAIN);
len = (size_t) -1;
set_errno (EINTR);
len = (size_t) -1;

Takashi, is EINTR really the appropriate errno in the default case?  Isn't
cygwait supposed to handle signals?

I assume cygwait() returns WAIT_SIGNALED when signalled
by SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGTSTP, etc...  In this case, EINTR
should return I think.

Is it wrong?

Ah, if SA_RESTART is set, we should continue to read even
if signalled...


No, we don't have to do that because cygwait() do the same
internally. cygwain() returns WAIT_SIGNALED when signalled
only if SA_RESTART is not set. So, the current code LGTM.

Ah, however, should we handle WAIT_CANCELED here and call
pthread::static_cancel_self() as following?

DWORD waitret = cygwait (read_mtx, timeout);
switch (waitret)
  case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
set_errno (EAGAIN);
len = (size_t) -1;
set_errno (EINTR);
len = (size_t) -1;
pthread::static_cancel_self ();
/* Should not reach here. */
__seterrno ();
len = (slze_t) -1;

This looks better to me.  I think the default case actually could be reached if 
WFMO returns WAIT_FAILED (admittedly unlikely).


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Re: Another pipe-related problem?

2021-11-09 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/9/2021 5:16 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

On 11/9/2021 9:11 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

On 11/9/2021 5:55 AM, Henry S. Thompson wrote:

As you may know, the XEmacs situation is complicated.  The old source
repo ( no longer exists.  There's a fork that's
still being maintained, but it's not widely publicised.  That's the
one I'm working with -- are you aware of this.

I was aware that the bitbucket repo didn't exist, because I tried to get the 
sources there.  But I didn't know about the fork.  Please point me to it, or 
just make a tarball available to me somehow.

Here are the immediate contexts from the sources for the xemacs
sources in the above backtrace, might be enough to check your


   retry_read_1 (int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte, int allow_quit)
 ssize_t rtnval;

 while ((rtnval = read (fildes, buf, nbyte)) == -1
    && (errno == EINTR)) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 if (allow_quit)
 return rtnval;
I'll have to reproduce the hang myself in order to test this (or maybe you 
could test it), but I now have a new guess: If the read call above keeps 
failing with EINTR, then we're in an infinite loop.  This could happen because 
of the following code in fhandler_pipe::raw_read:

   DWORD waitret = cygwait (read_mtx, timeout);
   switch (waitret)
 case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
   set_errno (EAGAIN);
   len = (size_t) -1;
   set_errno (EINTR);
   len = (size_t) -1;

Takashi, is EINTR really the appropriate errno in the default case?  Isn't 
cygwait supposed to handle signals?

I was able to build XEmacs and reproduce the problem.  My guess was wrong, 
though my question to Takashi still stands.  I think the infinite loop is 
actually caused by a bug in fhandler_pipe::raw_read that only affects 
non-blocking pipes (which is what we have in XEmacs).

Consider the following code in fhandler_pipe::raw_read:

   status = NtReadFile (get_handle (), evt, NULL, NULL, , ptr,
    len1, NULL, NULL);
   if (evt && status == STATUS_PENDING)  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
   waitret = cygwait (evt, INFINITE, cw_cancel | cw_sig);

In the non-blocking case, evt == NULL, but we still might have status == 
STATUS_PENDING.  We then should wait on get_handle() to let NtReadFile finish. 
By not waiting, we end up using a garbage value from io.Information, leading to 
an infinite loop in drain_signal_event_pipe.

I'll try to fix this.

BTW, a quick glance at raw_write suggests that there might be a similar bug 
there, but I'll have to look more closely.


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Re: Another pipe-related problem?

2021-11-09 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/9/2021 9:11 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

On 11/9/2021 5:55 AM, Henry S. Thompson wrote:

As you may know, the XEmacs situation is complicated.  The old source
repo ( no longer exists.  There's a fork that's
still being maintained, but it's not widely publicised.  That's the
one I'm working with -- are you aware of this.

I was aware that the bitbucket repo didn't exist, because I tried to get the 
sources there.  But I didn't know about the fork.  Please point me to it, or 
just make a tarball available to me somehow.

Here are the immediate contexts from the sources for the xemacs
sources in the above backtrace, might be enough to check your


   retry_read_1 (int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte, int allow_quit)
 ssize_t rtnval;

 while ((rtnval = read (fildes, buf, nbyte)) == -1
    && (errno == EINTR)) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 if (allow_quit)
 return rtnval;
I'll have to reproduce the hang myself in order to test this (or maybe you could 
test it), but I now have a new guess: If the read call above keeps failing with 
EINTR, then we're in an infinite loop.  This could happen because of the 
following code in fhandler_pipe::raw_read:

   DWORD waitret = cygwait (read_mtx, timeout);
   switch (waitret)
     case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
     case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
   set_errno (EAGAIN);
   len = (size_t) -1;
   set_errno (EINTR);
   len = (size_t) -1;

Takashi, is EINTR really the appropriate errno in the default case?  Isn't 
cygwait supposed to handle signals?

I was able to build XEmacs and reproduce the problem.  My guess was wrong, 
though my question to Takashi still stands.  I think the infinite loop is 
actually caused by a bug in fhandler_pipe::raw_read that only affects 
non-blocking pipes (which is what we have in XEmacs).

Consider the following code in fhandler_pipe::raw_read:

  status = NtReadFile (get_handle (), evt, NULL, NULL, , ptr,
   len1, NULL, NULL);
  if (evt && status == STATUS_PENDING)  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  waitret = cygwait (evt, INFINITE, cw_cancel | cw_sig);

In the non-blocking case, evt == NULL, but we still might have status == 
STATUS_PENDING.  We then should wait on get_handle() to let NtReadFile finish. 
By not waiting, we end up using a garbage value from io.Information, leading to 
an infinite loop in drain_signal_event_pipe.

I'll try to fix this.


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Re: Another pipe-related problem?

2021-11-09 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/9/2021 5:55 AM, Henry S. Thompson wrote:

Ken Brown via Cygwin writes:

On 11/8/2021 8:12 AM, Henry S. Thompson via Cygwin wrote:

Running on Windows-10 21H1

With Cygwin 3.3.0 and 3.3.1 I get a hang every time I try to launch XEmacs:

#6  0x00018013ffcc in read (fd=3, ptr=0x0bc0, len=)
  at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/dtable.h:64
#7  0x00018018e88b in _sigfe () at sigfe.s:35
#8  0x00010066a11d in retry_read_1 (fildes=3, buf=0x0bc0, nbyte=128,
  allow_quit=0) at sysdep.c:2425
#9  0x00010066a171 in retry_read (fildes=3, buf=0x0bc0, nbyte=128)
  at sysdep.c:2437
#10 0x000100494d86 in drain_signal_event_pipe () at event-unixoid.c:159
#11 0x00010056d1dc in mswindows_need_event (badly_p=1) at event-msw.c:1432

This is an old executable, has worked since 2015 (!), but recompiling
didn't help.  Reverting to 3.2 lets it run again.

This backtrace doesn't match the source of Cygwin's XEmacs package
(which exists on 32-bit Cygwin only), so I assume you built this
yourself, using a different version of XEmacs.  Cygwin's XEmacs
doesn't hang for me.

Thanks for looking in to this!

And you're right, it's a local build.  I was responsible for producing
the 64-bit XEmacs back in 2015, but could never get a Visual Studio
build to work at that time, so it was never released.

Please provide build instructions for the version you compiled.

As you may know, the XEmacs situation is complicated.  The old source
repo ( no longer exists.  There's a fork that's
still being maintained, but it's not widely publicised.  That's the
one I'm working with -- are you aware of this.

I was aware that the bitbucket repo didn't exist, because I tried to get the 
sources there.  But I didn't know about the fork.  Please point me to it, or 
just make a tarball available to me somehow.

Here are the immediate contexts from the sources for the xemacs
sources in the above backtrace, might be enough to check your


   retry_read_1 (int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte, int allow_quit)
 ssize_t rtnval;

 while ((rtnval = read (fildes, buf, nbyte)) == -1
&& (errno == EINTR)) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 if (allow_quit)
 return rtnval;
I'll have to reproduce the hang myself in order to test this (or maybe you could 
test it), but I now have a new guess: If the read call above keeps failing with 
EINTR, then we're in an infinite loop.  This could happen because of the 
following code in fhandler_pipe::raw_read:

  DWORD waitret = cygwait (read_mtx, timeout);
  switch (waitret)
  set_errno (EAGAIN);
  len = (size_t) -1;
  set_errno (EINTR);
  len = (size_t) -1;

Takashi, is EINTR really the appropriate errno in the default case?  Isn't 
cygwait supposed to handle signals?


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Re: Another pipe-related problem?

2021-11-08 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/8/2021 9:35 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

On 11/8/2021 8:12 AM, Henry S. Thompson via Cygwin wrote:

Running on Windows-10 21H1

With Cygwin 3.3.0 and 3.3.1 I get a hang every time I try to launch XEmacs:

#0  0x7ffdf31cd474 in ntdll!ZwQueryTimer ()
    from /c/Windows/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll
#1  0x0001800479fa in cygwait (object=, timeout=0x09a0,
 timeout@entry=0x0, mask=mask@entry=5)

#2  0x00018008f716 in cygwait (mask=,
 howlong=, h=)
 at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/cygwait.h:45
#3  cygwait (howlong=, h=)
 at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/cygwait.h:51
#4  fhandler_pipe::raw_read (this=0x18034fe80, ptr=0x0bc0,
 len=@0x0b40: 128)
 at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/
#5  0x000180069244 in fhandler_base::read (this=0x18034fe80,
 in_ptr=0x0bc0, len=@0x0b40: 128)
 at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/
#6  0x00018013ffcc in read (fd=3, ptr=0x0bc0, len=)
 at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/dtable.h:64
#7  0x00018018e88b in _sigfe () at sigfe.s:35
#8  0x00010066a11d in retry_read_1 (fildes=3, buf=0x0bc0, nbyte=128,
 allow_quit=0) at sysdep.c:2425
#9  0x00010066a171 in retry_read (fildes=3, buf=0x0bc0, nbyte=128)
 at sysdep.c:2437
#10 0x000100494d86 in drain_signal_event_pipe () at event-unixoid.c:159
#11 0x00010056d1dc in mswindows_need_event (badly_p=1) at event-msw.c:1432

This is an old executable, has worked since 2015 (!), but recompiling
didn't help.  Reverting to 3.2 lets it run again.

This backtrace doesn't match the source of Cygwin's XEmacs package (which exists 
on 32-bit Cygwin only), so I assume you built this yourself, using a different 
version of XEmacs.  Cygwin's XEmacs doesn't hang for me.

Please provide build instructions for the version you compiled.  Your backtrace 
shows that fhandler_pipe::raw_read is blocked waiting for a mutex

Alternatively, XEmacs might be in an infinite loop starting at frame 8 or 9, 
repeatedly trying to read and failing because it can't get the mutex.  Either 
way, we need the sources in order to go further.


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Re: Another pipe-related problem?

2021-11-08 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/8/2021 8:12 AM, Henry S. Thompson via Cygwin wrote:

Running on Windows-10 21H1

With Cygwin 3.3.0 and 3.3.1 I get a hang every time I try to launch XEmacs:

#0  0x7ffdf31cd474 in ntdll!ZwQueryTimer ()
from /c/Windows/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll
#1  0x0001800479fa in cygwait (object=, timeout=0x09a0,
 timeout@entry=0x0, mask=mask@entry=5)
#2  0x00018008f716 in cygwait (mask=,
 howlong=, h=)
 at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/cygwait.h:45
#3  cygwait (howlong=, h=)
 at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/cygwait.h:51
#4  fhandler_pipe::raw_read (this=0x18034fe80, ptr=0x0bc0,
 len=@0x0b40: 128)
 at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/
#5  0x000180069244 in fhandler_base::read (this=0x18034fe80,
 in_ptr=0x0bc0, len=@0x0b40: 128)
 at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/
#6  0x00018013ffcc in read (fd=3, ptr=0x0bc0, len=)
 at /usr/src/debug/cygwin-3.3.1-1/winsup/cygwin/dtable.h:64
#7  0x00018018e88b in _sigfe () at sigfe.s:35
#8  0x00010066a11d in retry_read_1 (fildes=3, buf=0x0bc0, nbyte=128,
 allow_quit=0) at sysdep.c:2425
#9  0x00010066a171 in retry_read (fildes=3, buf=0x0bc0, nbyte=128)
 at sysdep.c:2437
#10 0x000100494d86 in drain_signal_event_pipe () at event-unixoid.c:159
#11 0x00010056d1dc in mswindows_need_event (badly_p=1) at event-msw.c:1432

This is an old executable, has worked since 2015 (!), but recompiling
didn't help.  Reverting to 3.2 lets it run again.

This backtrace doesn't match the source of Cygwin's XEmacs package (which exists 
on 32-bit Cygwin only), so I assume you built this yourself, using a different 
version of XEmacs.  Cygwin's XEmacs doesn't hang for me.

Please provide build instructions for the version you compiled.  Your backtrace 
shows that fhandler_pipe::raw_read is blocked waiting for a mutex, but I can't 
tell why without seeing the XEmacs source.  My guess, just from looking at the 
function names, is that XEmacs is mixing POSIX reads with Win32 reads, messing 
up the mutex handling.


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Re: 3.3.0: Possible regression in cygwin DLL (Win10); fixed in snapshot

2021-11-06 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 11/5/2021 4:08 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

On 11/5/2021 3:41 PM, Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote:

What about setting pipe mode to byte by default?

I have a vague recollection that this caused some other problem, but I'll have 
to review the email discussions from a few months ago.  I'm traveling at the 
moment and won't get to this for a few days.

I found it:


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Re: 3.3.0: Possible regression in cygwin DLL (Win10); fixed in snapshot

2021-11-05 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

Hi Takashi,

On 11/5/2021 3:41 PM, Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote:

Thanks much for the detailed steps. I could reproduce the problem.

It seems that the cause is the overhaul for the pipe implementation.
I also found the workaround for this issue. Please try:
export CYGWIN=pipe_byte

Corinna, Ken,
What about setting pipe mode to byte by default?

I have a vague recollection that this caused some other problem, but I'll have 
to review the email discussions from a few months ago.  I'm traveling at the 
moment and won't get to this for a few days.

In the meantime, could you explain (probably on cygwin-developers) why message 
mode causes the reported issue?  Also, does the problem occur only when there 
are non-Cygwin apps involved?



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Re: cat fifo hang [Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] cygwin 3.3.0-0.2.6c1f49f83fde (TEST)]

2021-10-24 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/17/2021 6:15 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

On 10/17/2021 4:52 PM, Chris Roehrig wrote:
  Here's a script that pretty reliably hangs cat after some iterations.

Thanks!  I can reproduce the hang.  I'll look into it.

I've done some debugging and have followed up on the cygwin-developers list:

Let's hope someone there can figure out what the problem is.  Thanks again for 
reporting this and, especially, for providing a simple test case.


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Re: emacs 28.0.60-1.f7e6c199bf (TEST)

2021-10-24 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/18/2021 3:15 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

Here is a macro I use quite frequently, with a line like this:

# New Exception Call:   PD0TEST/J

The macro consists of:

- set mark
- CTRL-F until you get to the start of the field after Call:
- CTRL-W to delete the selected text
- CTRL-N to go to the start of the next line

After the macro is defined, there is a pause the next (first) time it's
used (C-x C-e).  It's speedy after that.

You mean 'C-x e', not 'C-x C-e', right?

I just inserted several lines like

# New Exception Call:   PD0TEST/J

into the *scratch* buffer and defined your keyboard macro.  I didn't notice any 
delay the first time I ran it.  Might there be some other conditions necessary 
to reproduce the problem?  Is the mode of the buffer relevant?  Can you 
reproduce the problem starting from 'emacs -Q'?


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Re: [PATCH] Cygwin: Make native clipboard layout same for 32- and 64-bit

2021-10-23 Thread Ken Brown

On 10/23/2021 1:35 AM, Mark Geisert wrote:

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

Just to close this up prior to the 3.3.0 release...

Given we never actually strived for 32<->64 bit interoperability, it's
hard to argue why this should be different for the clipboard stuff.

Running 32 and 64 bit Cygwin versions in parallel doesn't actually make
much sense for most people anyway, unless they explicitely develop for
32 and 64 bit systems under Cygwin.  From a productivity point of view
there's no good reason to run more than one arch.

So I agree with Ken here.  It's probably not worth the trouble.

Sorry, I've been sidetracked for a bit.  I can agree with Ken too.  The only 
circumstance I could think of where multiple internal format support might be 
useful (to non-developers) was some user hanging on to an older Cygwin because 
it was needed to support something else (s/w or h/w) old and non-upgradeable. 
Doesn't seem very likely at this point.

I'll try to get the v2 patch out over this weekend.  Same end-result for same 
environments as the v1 patch, but incorporating all the comments I received.

I think Corinna was saying that the whole idea of making the 32-bit and 64-bit 
clipboards interoperable is not worth the trouble.

To that end, does Jon's suggestion of /usr/include/sys/cygwin.h seem like the 
best location to define struct cygcb_t for use by both Cygwin and cygutils package?

Thanks much,


Re: Apache Fork Errors - Found on Windows Server 2019

2021-10-19 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/18/2021 9:43 PM, OwN-3m-All via Cygwin wrote:

I upgraded both libharfbuzz0 and libfreetype6 to the latest version again,
and the issues are back.

I tested these previous versions for both, and they work:

libharfbuzz0 2.7.4-1 and 2.8.1-1 work
libfreetype6 2.10.4-1 and 2.10.4-2 work

The latest versions of these libs need to be reverted or properly fixed.

The new packages (using the previous build method, with no circular dependency) 
are now available.  Please test.


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] harfbuzz 2.9.0-2

2021-10-19 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce via Cygwin

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* harfbuzz-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz0-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-devel-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-gobject0-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-gobject-devel-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-subset0-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-subset-devel-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-icu0-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-icu-devel-2.9.0-2
* girepository-HarfBuzz0.0-2.9.0-2

HarfBuzz is an OpenType text shaping engine.

This is a rebuild of the 2.9.0-1 packages, without the circular
dependency between harfbuzz and freetype2 that was introduced in
2.9.0-1.  That circular dependency apparently caused the fork problems
reported here:

Ken Brown
Cygwin's harfbuzz maintainer

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[ANNOUNCEMENT] freetype2 2.11.0-2

2021-10-19 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce via Cygwin

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* freetype2-demos-2.11.0-2
* libfreetype6-2.11.0-2
* libfreetype-devel-2.11.0-2
* libfreetype-doc-2.11.0-2

FreeType 2 is a software font engine that is designed to be small,
efficient, and highly customizable while capable of producing
high-quality output (glyph images).

This is a rebuild of the 2.11.0-1 packages, without the circular
dependency between harfbuzz and freetype2 that was introduced in
2.11.0-1.  That circular dependency apparently caused the fork
problems reported here:

Ken Brown
Cygwin's FreeType2 maintainer

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harfbuzz 2.9.0-2

2021-10-19 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* harfbuzz-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz0-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-devel-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-gobject0-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-gobject-devel-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-subset0-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-subset-devel-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-icu0-2.9.0-2
* libharfbuzz-icu-devel-2.9.0-2
* girepository-HarfBuzz0.0-2.9.0-2

HarfBuzz is an OpenType text shaping engine.

This is a rebuild of the 2.9.0-1 packages, without the circular
dependency between harfbuzz and freetype2 that was introduced in
2.9.0-1.  That circular dependency apparently caused the fork problems
reported here:

Ken Brown
Cygwin's harfbuzz maintainer

freetype2 2.11.0-2

2021-10-19 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* freetype2-demos-2.11.0-2
* libfreetype6-2.11.0-2
* libfreetype-devel-2.11.0-2
* libfreetype-doc-2.11.0-2

FreeType 2 is a software font engine that is designed to be small,
efficient, and highly customizable while capable of producing
high-quality output (glyph images).

This is a rebuild of the 2.11.0-1 packages, without the circular
dependency between harfbuzz and freetype2 that was introduced in
2.11.0-1.  That circular dependency apparently caused the fork
problems reported here:

Ken Brown
Cygwin's FreeType2 maintainer

Re: A Bug related to ImageTk in Python on Cygwin

2021-10-19 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/19/2021 6:11 AM, Friedrich Romstedt via Cygwin wrote:


Some months ago (in August 2021) I tried using ImageTk in Python on
Cygwin and stumbled over a dysfunction.  To help tracking down the
issue I wrote up an HTML document and uploaded it to  There is a
minimal Test Case included in this github repo.

I updated my whole Cygwin installation just this moment and found the
behaviour unchanged with respect to what I've observed that time.

Any pointer would be very much appreciated.

This is a long shot, but I see that you use harfbuzz and freetype2.  An issue 
was just observed with the latest builds of those two packages:

I'm in the process of rebuilding them.  Please try again once the rebuilds are 
announced (probably later today).


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Re: Apache Fork Errors - Found on Windows Server 2019

2021-10-18 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/18/2021 4:43 PM, OwN-3m-All via Cygwin wrote:

Since those are the two DLLs that are causing a problem for you, maybe


circular dependency doesn't work well on Cygwin for some reason.  Please


downgrading to the previous versions of harfbuzz and freetype2 and see if


fixes the problem.

That did fix the problem!  I downgraded both and restarted, and now apache
and php works again.  

Just to double check, could you upgrade harfbuzz and freetype2 again and see if 
the problem comes back?  Make sure that there are no Cygwin processes running 
and that the _autorebase postinstall script completes successfully.  (You can 
check /var/log/setup.log.full for rebase messages.)

Can that change be reverted or fixed so that it
doesn't happen on future installs?

Yes, I'll revert that change if you can confirm as above that this really is the 


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Re: cat fifo hang [Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] cygwin 3.3.0-0.2.6c1f49f83fde (TEST)]

2021-10-17 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/17/2021 4:52 PM, Chris Roehrig wrote:
 Here's a script that pretty reliably hangs cat after some iterations.

Thanks!  I can reproduce the hang.  I'll look into it.


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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] cygwin 3.3.0-0.2.6c1f49f83fde (TEST)

2021-10-17 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/16/2021 1:42 PM, Chris Roehrig wrote:

On Mon Sep 27 2021, at 7:26 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin  wrote:

On 9/26/2021 8:57 PM, Chris Roehrig wrote:

I have installed this (completely this time) and have encountered no issues 
with it.  I'm getting full gigabit speeds with my rsync transfers.   Looks 

Thanks for testing.

I've encountered a crash that might be related.   I had previously been having 
occasional crashes/hangs of cat.exe over the years, but this is the first time 
I've ever gotten an error message:

cygwin error: 0 [fifo_reader] cat 11398 C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe: *** fatal  error 
- Can't add a client handler, Win32 error 123

This isn't a crash in the usual sense.  It's the Cygwin fifo code issuing a 
fatal error because an attempt to create a new Windows pipe instance failed. 
And it's in code that's been around for a while, so it's not related to the new 
pipe implementation.

cat here is reading from a fifo created with mkfifo.

I've only encountered it once (out of daily runs over the last couple weeks) and don't 
know how to replicate it.   Possibly a race?Looks like my script has tried to 
mitigate this with a sleep 1 between the mkfifo and the fork: cat < $fifo &

The sleep shouldn't be necessary.  If it is, there's a bug in the fifo code. 
Can you remove the sleep and see what happens?  It would be great if that made 
it possible to replicate the problem.


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Re: Apache Fork Errors - Found on Windows Server 2019

2021-10-17 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/16/2021 9:49 PM, OwN-3m-All via Cygwin wrote:

Hopefully I can strace at some point soon and get back to you with the

I have multiple confirmed reports from other people that this no longer
works though.  And again, I tried it on three different fresh installs of
different Windows operating systems (with no bloatware or BLODA), and all
of them had the same issue.

I have one other thought.  There was a recent packaging change in harfbuzz and 
freetype2 that introduced a circular dependency between the two:

Since those are the two DLLs that are causing a problem for you, maybe that 
circular dependency doesn't work well on Cygwin for some reason.  Please try 
downgrading to the previous versions of harfbuzz and freetype2 and see if that 
fixes the problem.


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Re: Apache Fork Errors - Found on Windows Server 2019

2021-10-15 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/15/2021 4:04 PM, OwN-3m-All via Cygwin wrote:

Downgrading (choosing lower versions) httpd and httpd-mod_php7 didn't
help.  Same issue.  It appears to be something cygwin specific and not
package related?  I don't know...

Running the httpd command under strace might provide a clue.  See if you see any 
unexpected DLLs being loaded.


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Re: emacs 28.0.60-1.f7e6c199bf (TEST)

2021-10-15 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/14/2021 10:38 AM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

I have noticed one slight performance issue, which may not be related
to Cygwin at all.

After creating a keyboard macro, the first time the macro is
used/called (^x^e), it does not start right away.  Subsequent uses are
as fast as expected.  Could some sort of run-time compilation going on
in the background before the keyboard macro executes the first time?

As I said, this may not be related to Cygwin at all.

This is mentioned in the announcement for emacs 28.0.60-1.f7e6c199bf (TEST)

 The first few times you run Emacs, it might seem slow to start. This
 is because it is compiling the elisp libraries that are needed for
 your init file (usually .emacs).  For the same reason, you might see
 occasional pauses the first time you use a command.  But otherwise
 you should see a noticeable speed-up of Emacs.

I'm not talking about startup or commands.  I'm talking about keyboard
macros which are not mentioned in the paragraph above.  I've already
experienced those symptoms described.

I've defined a few keyboard macros and haven't noticed any delay, but they were 
very short.  Do you have a reproducible recipe?


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] ghostscript 9.55.0-1 (TEST)

2021-10-13 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce via Cygwin

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution
as test releases:

* ghostscript-9.55.0-1
* libgs9-9.55.0-1
* libgs-devel-9.55.0-1

GNU Ghostscript is a PostScript interpreter capable of converting PS
files into a number of printer output formats.  Ghostscript can also
render PS files into a number of graphics file formats.

This is an update to the latest upstream release.  See

for a summary of the changes since the previous release.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's Ghostscript maintainer

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ghostscript 9.55.0-1 (TEST)

2021-10-13 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution
as test releases:

* ghostscript-9.55.0-1
* libgs9-9.55.0-1
* libgs-devel-9.55.0-1

GNU Ghostscript is a PostScript interpreter capable of converting PS
files into a number of printer output formats.  Ghostscript can also
render PS files into a number of graphics file formats.

This is an update to the latest upstream release.  See

for a summary of the changes since the previous release.

Ken Brown
Cygwin's Ghostscript maintainer

Re: [PATCH] Cygwin: Make native clipboard layout same for 32- and 64-bit

2021-10-11 Thread Ken Brown

On 10/11/2021 2:13 AM, Mark Geisert wrote:
It's just that after submitting the patch I realized that, if we really are 
going to support both Cygwin archs (x86_64 and i686), there is still the issue 
of different cygcb_t layouts between Cygwin versions being ignored.

Specifically, the fhandler_clipboard::fstat routine can't tell which Cygwin 
environment has set the clipboard contents.  My original patch takes care of 
32-bit and 64-bit, providing both are running Cygwin >= 3.3.0 (presumably).  
What if it was a different version (pre 3.3.0) that set the contents?

I wonder if this is worth the trouble.  Right now we have a problem in which 
data written to /dev/clipboard in one arch can't be read in the other arch.  The 
fix will appear in Cygwin 3.3.0.  Do we really have to try to make the fix apply 
retroactively in case the user updates one arch but not the other?


Re: [PATCH] Cygwin: pty: Fix handle leak regarding attach_mutex.

2021-10-10 Thread Ken Brown

On 10/9/2021 8:49 PM, Takashi Yano wrote:

- If the process having master pty opened is forked, attach_mutex
   fails to be closed when master is closed. This patch fixes the
  winsup/cygwin/ | 2 +-
  winsup/cygwin/ | 6 +++---
  2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ 
index ee862b17d..aee5e8284 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ fhandler_console::console_state NO_COPY 
  bool NO_COPY fhandler_console::invisible_console;
  /* Mutex for AttachConsole()/FreeConsole() in */

-HANDLE NO_COPY attach_mutex;
+HANDLE attach_mutex;
  static inline void

  acquire_attach_mutex (DWORD t)
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 823dabf73..f523dafed 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ struct pipe_reply {
  extern HANDLE attach_mutex; /* Defined in */

-static LONG NO_COPY master_cnt = 0;
+static LONG master_cnt = 0;
  inline static bool pcon_pid_alive (DWORD pid);
@@ -2042,10 +2042,10 @@ fhandler_pty_master::close ()

  release_output_mutex ();
  master_fwd_thread->terminate_thread ();
- if (InterlockedDecrement (_cnt) == 0)
-   CloseHandle (attach_mutex);
+  if (InterlockedDecrement (_cnt) == 0)
+CloseHandle (attach_mutex);
/* Check if the last master handle has been closed.  If so, set

   input_available_event to wake up potentially waiting slaves. */

Pushed.  Thanks.


Re: [PATCH] Cygwin: Make native clipboard layout same for 32- and 64-bit

2021-10-09 Thread Ken Brown

On 10/9/2021 10:29 AM, Jon Turney wrote:

On 07/10/2021 06:22, Mark Geisert wrote:
 > The cygutils package has two programs, putclip and getclip, that also
 > depend on the layout of the cygcb_t.  At present they have duplicate
 > defs of struct cygcb_t defined here as no Cygwin header provides it.

This struct should maybe be in sys/cygwin.h or similar, if it's expected to be 
used in user-space as well.

Good idea.

On 09/10/2021 15:19, Ken Brown wrote:

On 10/8/2021 5:52 AM, Takashi Yano wrote:

How about simply just:

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ 

index ccdb295f3..d822f4fc4 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ static const WCHAR *CYGWIN_NATIVE = 

  typedef struct
-  timestruc_t    timestamp;
-  size_t    len;
-  char    data[1];
+  uint64_t tv_sec;
+  uint64_t tv_nsec;
+  uint64_t len;
+  char data[1];
  } cygcb_t;

The only problem with this is that it might leave readers scratching their 
heads unless they look at the commit that introduced this.  What 

I think the solution to that is a "comment" like "we don't use 'struct timespec' 
here as it's different size on different arches and that causes problem XYZ".

And the same for size_t.


Re: [PATCH] Cygwin: Make native clipboard layout same for 32- and 64-bit

2021-10-09 Thread Ken Brown

On 10/8/2021 5:52 AM, Takashi Yano wrote:

How about simply just:

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ 
index ccdb295f3..d822f4fc4 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ static const WCHAR *CYGWIN_NATIVE = 
  typedef struct

-  timestruc_t  timestamp;
-  size_t   len;
-  char data[1];
+  uint64_t tv_sec;
+  uint64_t tv_nsec;
+  uint64_t len;
+  char data[1];
  } cygcb_t;

The only problem with this is that it might leave readers scratching their heads 
unless they look at the commit that introduced this.  What about something like 
the following, in which the code speaks for itself:

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ 

index ccdb295f3..028c00f1e 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -26,12 +26,26 @@ details. */


+#ifdef __x86_64__
 typedef struct
   timestruc_t  timestamp;
   size_t   len;
   char data[1];
 } cygcb_t;
+/* Use same layout. */
+typedef struct
+  struct
+  {
+int64_t tv_sec;
+int64_t tv_nsec;
+  }timestamp;
+  uint64_t len;
+  char data[1];
+} cygcb_t;

 fhandler_dev_clipboard::fhandler_dev_clipboard ()
   : fhandler_base (), pos (0), membuffer (NULL), msize (0)
@@ -74,7 +88,14 @@ fhandler_dev_clipboard::set_clipboard (const void *buf, 
size_t len)

   clipbuf = (cygcb_t *) GlobalLock (hmem);

+#ifdef __x86_64__
   clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, >timestamp);
+  timestruc_t ts;
+  clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, );
+  clipbuf->timestamp->tv_sec = ts.tv_sec;
+  clipbuf->timestamp->tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
   clipbuf->len = len;
   memcpy (clipbuf->data, buf, len);

@@ -179,7 +200,14 @@ fhandler_dev_clipboard::fstat (struct stat *buf)
  && (hglb = GetClipboardData (format))
  && (clipbuf = (cygcb_t *) GlobalLock (hglb)))
+#ifdef __x86_64__
  buf->st_atim = buf->st_mtim = clipbuf->timestamp;
+ timestruc_t ts;
+ ts.tv_sec = clipbuf->timestamp->tv_sec;
+ ts.tv_nsec = clipbuf->timestamp->tv_nsec;
+ buf->st_atim = buf->st_mtim = ts;
  buf->st_size = clipbuf->len;
  GlobalUnlock (hglb);


Re: [PATCH] Cygwin: pty: Fix master closing error regarding attach_mutex.

2021-10-08 Thread Ken Brown

On 10/8/2021 12:28 PM, Takashi Yano wrote:

- If two or more pty masters are opened in a process, closing master
   causes error when closing attach_mutex. This patch fixes the issue.

  winsup/cygwin/ | 7 +--
  winsup/cygwin/release/3.3.0   | 3 +++
  2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 05fe5348a..823dabf73 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ struct pipe_reply {
  extern HANDLE attach_mutex; /* Defined in */

+static LONG NO_COPY master_cnt = 0;
  inline static bool pcon_pid_alive (DWORD pid);
@@ -2041,7 +2042,8 @@ fhandler_pty_master::close ()

  release_output_mutex ();
  master_fwd_thread->terminate_thread ();
- CloseHandle (attach_mutex);
+ if (InterlockedDecrement (_cnt) == 0)
+   CloseHandle (attach_mutex);
@@ -2876,7 +2878,8 @@ fhandler_pty_master::setup ()

if (!(pcon_mutex = CreateMutex (, FALSE, buf)))
  goto err;
-  attach_mutex = CreateMutex (, FALSE, NULL);

+  if (InterlockedIncrement (_cnt) == 1)
+attach_mutex = CreateMutex (, FALSE, NULL);
/* Create master control pipe which allows the master to duplicate

   the pty pipe handles to processes which deserve it. */
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/release/3.3.0 b/winsup/cygwin/release/3.3.0
index 2f7340ac5..2df81a4ae 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/release/3.3.0
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/release/3.3.0
@@ -71,3 +71,6 @@ Bug Fixes
in ps(1) output.
+- Fix pty master closing error regarding attach_mutex.
+  Addresses:

Pushed.  Thanks.


Re: GNU Emacs 28.0.50 crash (emacs-w32)

2021-10-08 Thread Ken Brown via Cygwin

On 10/7/2021 4:21 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

I'm about to announce a new test release that tries to work around the problem
in a different way.  I'd be interested in hearing how that works too.

I updated Emacs and turned off "native-comp-async-query-on-exit".
This time, there was no error report from emacs-w32, it just silently
exited while the compilation was ongoing.  I don't know if that was
the desired outcome.

Yes.  All I did was to suppress the error report.  It turns out that there was 
actually a Cygwin bug underlying this, which will be fixed in Cygwin 3.3.0:

So I'll be able to remove the workaround once Cygwin 3.3.0 is released.


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