Sim Theory

2016-09-18 Thread Magilla
> xorcist:
> intelligent life is the part of the universe that endeavors to
understand itself.
> We're the Universe's subconscious.

You are a part of a super organism that is stretching through time in the
form of every generation of everything that has ever lived; a being that
has an infinite number of appendeges that represent all living forms of
life on Earth.

Every living thing is the very end of an interdimensional super intelegent
apendage, like organic virtual reality goggles.

Sim Theory

2016-09-18 Thread cpunc
appendeges > appendages

intelegent > intelligent

apendage   > appendage

I guess spelling is subjective.



Re: Sim Theory

2016-09-18 Thread Georgi Guninski
On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 10:09:30PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> So many people have proposed we're simulated...
> Now why would such an extremely advanced civilization / collective
> want to simulate us? Is this an unanswered question?

I think the problem is open, unless the simulators answer it.
The main problem is this scales upwards till infinity via arguments of
the form "who simulates the simulator?" and "who made what was before
the big bang?".
Also, there is no sound axiomatic system for physics and other empirical
stuff, it changes often on large scale.

US Sells Drone Dragnets to Cities, Preparing for Urban Revolts

2016-09-18 Thread grarpamp

The US government plans to launch "a three and a half year initiative
to develop an urban drone detection system."  The Aerial Dragnet
program is to use off-the-shelf commercial components and mostly
established technologies and methods to create a network of floating
or tethered platforms that will ultimately provide 95% efficient drone
identification in urban areas up to 180 square kilometers. The call to
proposers states that the total cost of the system for a city should
be around $90,000, and would likely include the ability to identify
the micro-Doppler signatures given off by UAVs -- and birds.
Unmanned aerial systems are becoming platforms "for hostile
reconnaissance, targeting, and weapon delivery," warns the government
document, noting drones are hard to detect because they're small and
fly slowly at low altitudes. "In future urban battlegrounds, U.S.
forces will be placed at risk by small UAVs which use buildings and
naturally-occurring motion of the clutter to make surveillance

Dream Theory

2016-09-18 Thread DreaMachine
> xorcist:
> dreamer

I haven't seen too many around lately.
Things have been tough lately for dreamers.
They say dreaming is dead, no one does it anymore.
It's not dead, it's just that it's been forgotten, removed from our language.
Nobody teaches it so nobody knows it exists.
The dreamer is banished to obscurity.
Well, I'm trying to change all that, and I hope you are too.
By dreaming, every day.
Dreaming with our hands and dreaming with our minds.
Our planet is facing the greatest problems it's ever faced, ever.
So whatever you do, don't be bored, this is absolutely the most exciting
time we could have possibly hoped to be alive.
And things are just starting.

[WAR] USA, Empire of Murderers, accidentally bombs strategic Syrian military airport for 50 minutes straight

2016-09-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
USA, the empire of ehaos, empire of assholes, empire of murderers.

Hopefully this is as close as Russia and America get to overt confront.


How do you bomb the crap out of a highly strategic military air port in
Syria, for 50 minutes straight, when that airport is being used to ferry
food and medicine to the population the ISIS beseiged Syrian city of
Deir al Zor?

Oh, and just to highlight the problem, you the USA and your "coalition"
fighter pilots have in the process murdered 80 Syrian military officers,
wounded over 100 more, and due to decimating the Syrian "sovereign"
government forces in the area due to your attacks, ISIS attacks in
parallel to seize a strategic hill or two under the cover of your 50
minute bombing raid?

And the airport has had western journalists visit and talk to the local
officers who claim vehemently to be defending the world against Wahhabi

And your dirty deed is in the far east of Syria, near the Iraqi border,
you're as far as you could be from Russian forces, but you know the
Russians are gonna be seriously pissed off - what would -you- say?

"We got confused, since we allegedly targetted this area a year ago when
it was held by ISIL" perhaps?

Welp, you start out by arranging your bombing raid on the last day of a
negotiated cease fire, so folks are hoping that cease fire gonna
continue, or be extended.

Then, when you're a senior officer in the US Department of Defense
(defense? really?) you first claim "oh gee, I guess it might have been
possible, we have bombed a lot of targets", then finally you proclaim to
have made a "mistake".

Because you know, America, the exceptional nation and all - couldn't
possibly admit to coordingating such a murder campaign with their ISIL
trainees . .

When Russia destroyed the USA "elite training base" near the southern
Syrian border, they gave notice to the American coalition, to evacuate
their special forces there (which America duly did, despite grumbling).

America, the land of exceptional integrity, exceptional dignity and
exceptional morals, standing out above all other nations as the nation,
and the people, to watch.

World, watch your back, 'cause a dying dragon got sharp claws...

UN Security Council meeting discussing this event:

In other news, Turkey chases US Soldiers out of town:

Britain, another "honourable" nation:

The Philippines' Duterte gives America the royal middle finger salute:
Duterte has stood up to the US to global applause, calling Obama a “son
of a bitch” and the US Ambassador a “gay son of a whore”

Merkel no longer electable:

China is delighted with the USA, Russia couldn't be happier with all the
honoured cease fires negotiated by American secretary of state, all of
South America is rootin for Hillary and the war party, and Europe knows
it has stability and loyalty in hand with their American ally (as do we
Aussies). America - the warm and cuddly, loyal and generous
international partner.


Firefox [Tor] Browser 0day: Anti-Privacy Implantation at Mass Scale

2016-09-18 Thread Ohdaze
> Fuckers:

All the shit posts about Tor and you talk BSD.

You guys are fags.

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread Razer
Replying through list b/c I don't want this scumbucket disruptor having
a mail header from direct email to 'sigAint'.

No 'pissing contest' necessary.
Your email's blocked at the server buhbye troll.

On 09/17/2016 09:32 PM, wrote:

> Taking this off-list, because it doesn't need to be on list. If you want
> to smear other's mailboxes with it in a pissing contest, go right ahead. I
> don't feel the need.
>> I'm NOT a kid
> So you say. No real way for me to know that though, is there?
>> I've been a victim of US intel agency stalking, slander, and disruption
>> operations. When it was still done with phone, and file cabinet, and
>> punch cards (if computer methods were used at all)
> If this is true, its supposed to impress me? Welcome to the club. You have
> any idea how many people have been similarly stalked? Fucken millions.
> Doesn't make you special, or mean you're a wrench in their gears. Cuz if
> millions of wrenches were in the gears, they wouldn't be spinning.
> Punch cards, huh? They were phased out in the 60s. So that'd make you, at
> the youngest, around a 20-something in 1965 or so. Call it 20 in '65. So
> you're 71. On cypherpunks. With a handle like "Razer."
> And getting your panties in a bunch about age?
> I call bullshit.
> Take it from me. I'm no where near 71. But I am old enough that if someone
> called me "kid" I wouldn't get all offended and try to "prove my age" like
> some fucking 4 year old talking about how they are 4 and a half.
> I'd say "Fuck man.. I wish. Those were good days."
> But whatever. Your age is actually irrelevant to me.. I meant "kid" more
> as "get with it, son." Age, proper has nothing really to do with it. But
> thanks for the line of bullshit about punch cards to prove it.
> lulz.
>> Blah
> Right. So another internet warrior who preaches to the converted (does
> ANYONE on cypherpunks need to be convinced of the abuses of power?)
> thinking their life is a great wrench in the gears of power.
>> Blah blah My life IS a monkey wrench in their gearworks. In real life,
>> in real time.
> Prove it. Because shit-talking on the net does fuck-all. Point me to one
> widely-read article where you exposed previously unknown secrets, or even
> linked together some public facts to give a new view of a situation. Show
> me original research. Show me a piece of code you wrote that in any way
> would piss off a fed.
> Show me one single, tangible thing, that you've done to help other people
> resist state power.
> Because if you think running 'whois' and speculating about a two-bit law
> office on a dis-frequented, unknown mailing list, is being a "wrench in
> the gearworks" you're fucking deluding yourself.
> I'll grant you've probably inspired some people you know personally, and
> thats admirable.. truly.. and its needed; but unless it has the
> possibility of catching fire on the net and crossing borders, its no
> wrench in the gears, mate.
> At best its some dust adding to the friction, but its no wrench.
>> You say. Your older or passed relatives have number tattoos on their
>> bodies? Some of mine did. They weren't 'watching the moves'.
> I dunno. Some of my older relatives have ink, and lived outside the law.. 
> maybe one of them got a prison ID number put on at some point. I wouldn't
> know for sure. Never asked them to strip down, and I know well enough not
> to ask about things they don't offer to talk about.
> But having hard-ass relatives in biker gangs isn't enough to vet me.
> And having relatives that got caught up in the political machines means
> fuck-all for you, too.
> I'd expect a 71 year old long time activist to understand these things.
>> Been waiting a long time. Like waiting for the stars to align. My life
>> is a monkeywrench. Waiting is bullshit.
> Who the fuck is talking about waiting? Figure it out. Work on the problem.
> Figure out a way to culture jam, even if on a small scale..
> Dig up information on that law firm, if it really interests you. Put
> together that original research. Schmooze them, maybe get a free meal out
> of it, and get pics of the people behind the scenes. Dox the fuck out of
> the whole op if you want.
> I really don't want to denigrate YOU, or discourage you -- but the point
> I'm trying to make is that cypherpunks isn't the place for this thing,
> man. We get it. Anyone that makes it to this list gets it, in some way or
> another.
> Reposting articles and chit-chatting about how so-and-so could likely be
> in bed with DHS means shit. Get the proof.
>> You assume I'm emotionally involved?
>> You're fishing.
> No. It's obvious that you're got all offended at my original post because
> I didn't fall in with what you wanted. I didn't respond with "hot damn
> these elite fucks piss me off, I'm with you man.. lets piss and moan about
> it on cypherpunks"
> And don't 

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread Александр
2016-09-18 18:31 GMT+03:00 Razer :

> for those who aren't aware... The point of trolls like this one,
> 'xorcist', and cyberpiggie et all is to stalk individuals posts on lists
> with garbage so people start to think, whenever the one being targeted
> posts, "Oh fuck that means I'm gonna see all that shit from
> again and wish the targeted person would stop posting and just lurk.


Re: [WAR] USA, Empire of Murderers, accidentally bombs strategic Syrian military airport for 50 minutes straight

2016-09-18 Thread Razer
The United States officially became ISIS air support yesterday. The same
with Israel and AQ in the Golan Heights (petro-transmission
infrastructure on the route from Syria to the Med) where the IAF
attacked SAA fighting AQ affliated 'islamists'.

Meanwhile shit is poppin' off all over the place on the east coast,

In the 23rd street NYC bombing, it looks like the person who set up the
Tsarnaevs didn't get paid. Two pressure cooker bombs in trashcans blocks
apart. I haven't takne a gance, nor has the media mentioned whether
there were any possible rational reasons for the placement, such as an
org in an office building nearby some terrorist or another would be
interested in targeting, or whether it was random placement, opportunity...


On 09/18/2016 04:26 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> USA, the empire of ehaos, empire of assholes, empire of murderers.
> Hopefully this is as close as Russia and America get to overt confront.
> Hopefully.
> Question:
> How do you bomb the crap out of a highly strategic military air port in
> Syria, for 50 minutes straight, when that airport is being used to ferry
> food and medicine to the population the ISIS beseiged Syrian city of
> Deir al Zor?
> Oh, and just to highlight the problem, you the USA and your "coalition"
> fighter pilots have in the process murdered 80 Syrian military officers,
> wounded over 100 more, and due to decimating the Syrian "sovereign"
> government forces in the area due to your attacks, ISIS attacks in
> parallel to seize a strategic hill or two under the cover of your 50
> minute bombing raid?
> And the airport has had western journalists visit and talk to the local
> officers who claim vehemently to be defending the world against Wahhabi
> extremism?
> And your dirty deed is in the far east of Syria, near the Iraqi border,
> you're as far as you could be from Russian forces, but you know the
> Russians are gonna be seriously pissed off - what would -you- say?
> "We got confused, since we allegedly targetted this area a year ago when
> it was held by ISIL" perhaps?
> Welp, you start out by arranging your bombing raid on the last day of a
> negotiated cease fire, so folks are hoping that cease fire gonna
> continue, or be extended.
> Then, when you're a senior officer in the US Department of Defense
> (defense? really?) you first claim "oh gee, I guess it might have been
> possible, we have bombed a lot of targets", then finally you proclaim to
> have made a "mistake".
> Because you know, America, the exceptional nation and all - couldn't
> possibly admit to coordingating such a murder campaign with their ISIL
> trainees . .
> When Russia destroyed the USA "elite training base" near the southern
> Syrian border, they gave notice to the American coalition, to evacuate
> their special forces there (which America duly did, despite grumbling).
> America, the land of exceptional integrity, exceptional dignity and
> exceptional morals, standing out above all other nations as the nation,
> and the people, to watch.
> World, watch your back, 'cause a dying dragon got sharp claws...
> UN Security Council meeting discussing this event:
> In other news, Turkey chases US Soldiers out of town:
> Britain, another "honourable" nation:
> The Philippines' Duterte gives America the royal middle finger salute:
> "
> Duterte has stood up to the US to global applause, calling Obama a “son
> of a bitch” and the US Ambassador a “gay son of a whore”
> "
> Merkel no longer electable:
> China is delighted with the USA, Russia couldn't be happier with all the
> honoured cease fires negotiated by American secretary of state, all of
> South America is rootin for Hillary and the war party, 

Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread Razer

On 09/17/2016 10:36 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 1:17 AM, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
>> usual activities of society, and not have to produce "papers please"
> s/produce/obtain/
> If one has no obligation to obtain, one cannot produce.
> Most law forces one to obtain (permission) under threat of
> paper duress, to partake in various civilities and liberties.
> That's fucked.

The law of the land is you have to identify yourself. You don't have to
produce papers unless you're operating a vehicle. Even then you don't
have to produce, but you'll get a fixit ticket for not having it with you.

OTOH, things can be 'different you're POC, homeless or poor... For
instance a homeless friend of mine was given a camping ticket last
winter. In the process the officer asked for his ID.

He informed the cop it was buried away for the night but he knew his
*Identification Number*. The cop told him that wasn't good enough, to
give him his *social security number*. My friend explained that was a
violation of US federal law... The number is SPECIFICALLY forbidden from
being used as general identification and it said so right on the card
... and the cop wouldn't want him to commit a federal crime, now would he?

The cop then said something truly chilling that went something like this:

> "Well if you don't I guess I'll just have to take you in for a 
> 'book-and-release. That means you won't see your sleeping bag and other 
> property for a few days."

This is the middle of the winter in a town where it can go to freezing
in the early morning.

My friend complied, under duress, and he wrote that on the ticket too. A
ticket that never got filed.

Postlogue: I did a check for my friend and found that if you don't have
identification information for a non-jailable offense (ie. infractions
in California) the solution is simple. A thumb-print on the ticket to
simply prove you were there. Every cop has a print kit in their car.

My friend said he was going to sue for privacy violation but never did.
It ain't easy being broke and houseless and trying to file a state level
civil rights suit on your own. I suspect they wanted his social security
number for a database of local homeless.


Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread xorcist
> Fwiw, for those who aren't aware... The point of trolls like this one,
> 'xorcist', and cyberpiggie et all is to stalk individuals posts on lists
> with garbage so people start to think, whenever the one being targeted
> posts, "Oh fuck that means I'm gonna see all that shit from
> again and wish the targeted person would stop posting and just lurk.
> Stupid... Simple... Social engineering.
> Rr

How fucking stupid. If that was my goal, I wouldn't have taken the mail
off-list to avoid shit ON-LIST. If that was my goal, I wouldn't have
specifically tried to NOT influence the list. You're so paranoid its
laughable. You're not that important, mate.

But, if your goal was to paint me in this way, you'd have done well to not
post my off-list mail to the list. Not that it really matters, its obvious
that people buy into your bullshit.

And no.. my goal isn't to stalk you. I'm just tired of seeing shit which
isn't the slightest bit relevant to crypto, or even resistance to the
state, on this list.

I remember when this list had posts from Assange and others on actual
cryptographic techniques and tools, where real information was shared. New
information and ideas.

Now its just wankers speculating, and regurgitating links from open news
sources.. and you act like you're leaking privileged information.


US FBI: Was Stupid, Full of Shit, or Both re: iPhone

2016-09-18 Thread grarpamp

"Remember the San Bernardino killer's iPhone, and how the FBI
maintained that they couldn't get the encryption key without Apple
providing them with a universal backdoor?" quotes Bruce Schneier: Many
of us computer-security experts said that they were wrong, and there
were several possible techniques they could use. One of them was
manually removing the flash chip from the phone, extracting the
memory, and then running a brute-force attack without worrying about
the phone deleting the key. The FBI said it was impossible. We all
said they were wrong. Now, Sergei Skorobogatov has proved them wrong.
Sergei's new paper describes "a real world mirroring attack on the
Apple iPhone 5c passcode retry counter under iOS 9." The process does
not require any expensive and sophisticated equipment. All needed
parts are low cost and were obtained from local electronics
distributors. By using the described and successful hardware mirroring
process it was possible to bypass the limit on passcode retry
attempts... Although the process can be improved, it is still a
successful proof-of-concept project.

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread juan
On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 16:22:44 - wrote:

> I remember when this list had posts from Assange and others on actual
> cryptographic techniques and tools,

So, how effective have your crypto techniques and tools been
against the state? 

And what is stoping you from discussing crypto? Rhetorical
question of course. The answer is, you and others can discuss
whatever you want and ignore whatever posters you want to
ignore. It's not like the list has a 100kb quota per day that's
all being used up by 'off topic' posts. 

> does ANYONE on cypherpunks need to be convinced of the abuses of
> power?

Is that supposed to mean : only 'abuses' of power are a
problem, not power per se? I've seen a fair amount of
people in this list trying to 'argue' that government is
great as long as 'we the right people' are in power. In turn I
could ask, how can ANYONE on cypherpunks pretend that ANY 
government can be a legitimate institution.

> where real information was
> shared. New information and ideas.

"Don't get me wrong", I would love to have secure computing and
telecom platforms, but it's painfully obvious that in the last
20 years we've moved in the exact opposite direction. Now the
hardware comes compromised. "out of the box". And that's not
because of off-topic posts to the cpunks mailing list. 

> Now its just wankers speculating, and regurgitating links from open
> news sources.. and you act like you're leaking privileged information.
> lulz

Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 08:10:18AM -0700, Razer wrote:
> On 09/17/2016 10:36 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 1:17 AM, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> >> usual activities of society, and not have to produce "papers please"
> > 
> > s/produce/obtain/
> > 
> > If one has no obligation to obtain, one cannot produce.
> > Most law forces one to obtain (permission) under threat of
> > paper duress, to partake in various civilities and liberties.
> > That's fucked.
> The law of the land is you have to identify yourself.

Our Crimes Act says verbally stating name and address is adequate.

> You don't have to produce papers unless you're operating a vehicle.
> Even then you don't have to produce, but you'll get a fixit ticket for
> not having it with you.

Failure to produce papers/ cards etc which prove identity, is grounds
enough to be "temporarily detained" whilst your corpus (body) is hauled
off to their police station in the back of their police vehicle, so they
can "endeavour to establish your identity".

Many cases, including my own, they don't drive you back to your vehicle.

> OTOH, things can be 'different you're POC, homeless or poor... For
> instance a homeless friend of mine was given a camping ticket last
> winter. In the process the officer asked for his ID.
> He informed the cop it was buried away for the night but he knew his
> *Identification Number*. The cop told him that wasn't good enough, to
> give him his *social security number*. My friend explained that was a
> violation of US federal law... The number is SPECIFICALLY forbidden from
> being used as general identification and it said so right on the card
> ... and the cop wouldn't want him to commit a federal crime, now would he?
> The cop then said something truly chilling that went something like this:
> > "Well if you don't I guess I'll just have to take you in for a
> > 'book-and-release. That means you won't see your sleeping bag and
> > other property for a few days."

That's what we get for allowing unaccountable, unfettered, and for most
of us, unstoppable power in the hands of a small percentage of the
population, in a sanctioned and badged group of employees of a
corporation (at least here in Aus the Police became a corporation some
years back), which due to the aforementioned, naturally attracts those
with small dick syndrome (or small ovary syndrome), aka bullies.

> This is the middle of the winter in a town where it can go to freezing
> in the early morning.
> My friend complied, under duress, and he wrote that on the ticket too. A
> ticket that never got filed.
> Postlogue: I did a check for my friend and found that if you don't have
> identification information for a non-jailable offense (ie. infractions
> in California) the solution is simple. A thumb-print on the ticket to
> simply prove you were there. Every cop has a print kit in their car.

I'd only say "a solution" rather than "the solution".

And "the solution" that we -should- have, is that verbally stating name
and address -ought- be enough, if you've damaged no property nor human
(and yourself doesn't count).

> My friend said he was going to sue for privacy violation but never did.
> It ain't easy being broke and houseless and trying to file a state level
> civil rights suit on your own.


> I suspect they wanted his social security
> number for a database of local homeless.

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 09:20:15PM -, wrote:
> > On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 16:22:44 -
> > Is that supposed to mean : only 'abuses' of power are a
> > problem, not power per se?
> "I tried being an anarchist but there are too many rules."



> Crypto won't help there, except as a tool to avoid state oppression.
> Activism and protests won't help, except as a means to draw attention to
> minor issues. Even if you manage to effect full-on insurrection, and get
> rid of alpha-male school bully #1, unless you change the very dynamic of
> behavior, some other douche will just take his place.

We can hope for the occasional 'benevolent' dictator. They might be
rare, but they occasionally get into a seat of power.

Linus Torvalds demonstrates that a bit of assinine dictatoriness, when
mixed with a dose of willingness to hear others say your an ass and
demur to their authority when they're right, can work.

RMS might be arse up on "democratic" government, but his dictatory
immovability for free libre software was and remains a decent stand for
something better in the world.

I heard a conspiracy once that Hitler tried to take back the money
power, just like JFK a bit later, and got convinced by insiders in his
circle to attack Russia in the winter when he should have consolidated.

> And that, in a nutshell, is why I don't favor even bothering with most of
> this stuff. The depths of "the problem" go deep enough that all it does is
> to become its own form of distraction. Rather, I prefer to proceed this
> way:
> Find a small, soluble problem that fills a need. Propose a solution. 
> Implement it. Repeat.
> If everyone does a little, a lot will get done.


Excellent foundations. I used to suggest that to people who were new to
the Internet re wikipedia - make it a bucket list to start or improve at
least one article every few years.

I'm sure a few of us around here have done so...

> Or, you deal with it, and shovel shit working for "the Man."

Sure. Just be careful you don't "sell your soul" in the process.

> It's just the nature of things.
> I'd love to be proven wrong, however.

I remain marginally hopeful you will never be proven wrong on "that
which exists, exists."

But hey, I'd love to proven wrong on that too :)

Re: [RUS] USA media meltdown (e.g. "It's Official: Hillary Clinton Is Running Against Vladimir Putin")

2016-09-18 Thread jim bell

 From: Zenaan Harkness 
 Subject: Re: [RUS] USA media meltdown (e.g. "It's Official: Hillary Clinton Is 
Running Against Vladimir Putin")
>"Alternative" media having fun with Hillary :)

I read late neurologist Oliver Sacks' book, "The man who mistook his wife for a 
hat" about 20-25 years ago.  In one story, as I vaguely recall, he described 
showing a political speech to a room full of 'aphasics', people who can't 
understand the meaning of actual speech, but who can 'read' issues of honesty 
(or lack of same) very well.   They all laughed
"Maybe the best place to start is an excerpt from The Man Who Mistook His Wife 
for a Hat, one of the most beloved books from Oliver Sacks, a collection of 
clinical tales about patients with neurological disorders. The book includes 
accounts about aphasia as well. One of those tales relates the story of 
patients with the severest receptive or global aphasia who had gathered to 
watch the President speaking. It begins like this:
What was going on? A roar of laughter from the aphasia ward, just as the 
President’s speech was coming on, and they had all been so eager to hear the 
President speaking…
Dr. Sacks has had many encouraging words for people with aphasia, even those 
who have had the hardest of luck.
I think that even in the most severely affected patients, something can be 
done. If not by way of recovering their language, by way of making life more 
tolerable and more fun."[end of partial quote]
         Jim Bell


Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread juan
On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 21:20:15 - wrote:

> > On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 16:22:44 -
> > So, how effective have your crypto techniques and tools been
> > against the state?
> Depends on what your metric is, I suppose. But, I'd argue that absent
> Matt Blaze's Clipper chip hack, your land line phones would have been
> entirely tapped well before 9/11. Sure, it didn't matter longer term
> because cell phones became the defacto standard. It remains to be
> seen whether Silent Circle will have an impact.

I think, though I'm not completely sure, that there was a
rather widespread opposition to the clipper chip, including
opposition among more 'respectable' members of the
establishment. The same members of the establishment that today
fully backdoor their own chips, like intel and amd. 

> Bitcoin is causing a stir, and providing the budding opportunity for
> an economy absent a state.

Yes, bitcoin is interesting, but if so called regulators
wanted to damage it, they could do so in a few days. 

> These two examples, to my way of thinking, have had a more tangible
> outcome than observation, and discussion.. and perhaps, even more than
> outright protest. Because I don't see Wall St. responding to
> protests.. but they ARE responding to Bitcoin, and implementing their
> own block-chain mechanisms.

I'm sure wall street would respond to real attacks against
them. Whatever protests were done, I don't think they were
serious. Real riotting and beating up bank owners doesn't seem
like an irrelevant 'tool'.

And yes, there seems to be a sizable amout of blockchain hype
in the financial mafia, but I'm not sure what it means. It
seems to mostly be...meaningless hype.  Those people don't need
any new crypto techniques - they have the ultimate technical
device, the printing press, now gone digital. That and the
state's guns.

> > And what is stoping you from discussing crypto? Rhetorical
> > question of course. The answer is, you and others can
> > discuss whatever you want and ignore whatever posters you want to
> > ignore. It's not like the list has a 100kb quota per day
> > that's all being used up by 'off topic' posts.
> Yeah, sure. I can ignore the pissing and moaning about the media, and
> the state. And likewise you can ignore my pissing and moaning about
> this list.

> Or, I can engage - as you can. It seems we're both favoring the later.
> > Is that supposed to mean : only 'abuses' of power are a
> > problem, not power per se?
> "I tried being an anarchist but there are too many rules."

Haha! That's a good one =)

> It's not supposed to mean anything other than what I said. People that
> make it to cypherpunks are already quite likely informed. I don't see
> the need in pointing out the obvious.

Seems to me that at least a few posters don't really get the
full picture, but OK.

> But, to answer your inquiry about power directly, I'll bite. Do I
> think there are "legitimate" forms of power? Depends on what you mean
> by legitimate. Do I like it? No. But I accept reality. I wish that
> reality was different. It would be nice if power structures were
> different, and while I'm at it, I think I'd like to add more purples,
> and some green to the daily sunset. But that is all nonsense. Reality
> just IS.

That's pretty much a tautology. But reality includes people, who
are supposed to be moral agents and can choose to behave in
different ways. 

> And reality IS that every social animal has a pecking order.. an
> alpha/beta dynamic. Humans are not exempt from this, and it manifests
> for us, in various forms, and governments and our institutions are
> among them. It's why the most driven, "alpha" sociopaths rise to
> power, and the whiny betas piss and moan about it, and don't.

So you think there are no honest people - people who seem
honest are actually cowards? 

> Changing that game is about a lot more than changing any individual
> institution. It is about more than changing ALL the institutions.
> Crypto won't help there, except as a tool to avoid state oppression.
> Activism and protests won't help, except as a means to draw attention
> to minor issues. Even if you manage to effect full-on insurrection,
> and get rid of alpha-male school bully #1, unless you change the very
> dynamic of behavior, some other douche will just take his place.

Yes true. On the other it seems reasonable to expect that if
running a government gets you killed, wannabe rulers will think
twice about it. 

> And that, in a nutshell, is why I don't favor even bothering with
> most of this stuff. The depths of "the problem" go deep enough that
> all it does is to become its own form of 

Re: [RUS] USA media meltdown (e.g. "It's Official: Hillary Clinton Is Running Against Vladimir Putin")

2016-09-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
"Alternative" media having fun with Hillary :)

Re: Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread Razer

On 09/18/2016 04:30 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 08:10:18AM -0700, Razer wrote:
>> On 09/17/2016 10:36 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>>> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 1:17 AM, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
 usual activities of society, and not have to produce "papers please"
>>> s/produce/obtain/
>>> If one has no obligation to obtain, one cannot produce.
>>> Most law forces one to obtain (permission) under threat of
>>> paper duress, to partake in various civilities and liberties.
>>> That's fucked.
>> The law of the land is you have to identify yourself.
> Our Crimes Act says verbally stating name and address is adequate.
>> You don't have to produce papers unless you're operating a vehicle.
>> Even then you don't have to produce, but you'll get a fixit ticket for
>> not having it with you.
> Failure to produce papers/ cards etc which prove identity, is grounds
> enough to be "temporarily detained" whilst your corpus (body) is hauled
> off to their police station in the back of their police vehicle, so they
> can "endeavour to establish your identity".
> Many cases, including my own, they don't drive you back to your vehicle.

HAHAHAH! Drive you BACK? No? Really? ROTF! No one, except perhaps a
dignitary ''erroneously inhibited from proceeding'' gets 'a ride back'.
Get picked up on a warrant, for even a misdemeanor, if the charging
state wants to prosecute, or just wants to make a month of your life
miserable, and you COULD find yourself at the other end of the country
without 'a ride back' (sometimes after the charges are summarily dropped
... after a two week hold-and-cros-country-transit)

>> OTOH, things can be 'different you're POC, homeless or poor... For
>> instance a homeless friend of mine was given a camping ticket last
>> winter. In the process the officer asked for his ID.
>> He informed the cop it was buried away for the night but he knew his
>> *Identification Number*. The cop told him that wasn't good enough, to
>> give him his *social security number*. My friend explained that was a
>> violation of US federal law... The number is SPECIFICALLY forbidden from
>> being used as general identification and it said so right on the card
>> ... and the cop wouldn't want him to commit a federal crime, now would he?
>> The cop then said something truly chilling that went something like this:
>>> "Well if you don't I guess I'll just have to take you in for a
>>> 'book-and-release. That means you won't see your sleeping bag and
>>> other property for a few days."
> That's what we get for allowing unaccountable, unfettered, and for most
> of us, unstoppable power in the hands of a small percentage of the
> population, in a sanctioned and badged group of employees of a
> corporation (at least here in Aus the Police became a corporation some
> years back), which due to the aforementioned, naturally attracts those
> with small dick syndrome (or small ovary syndrome), aka bullies.
>> This is the middle of the winter in a town where it can go to freezing
>> in the early morning.
>> My friend complied, under duress, and he wrote that on the ticket too. A
>> ticket that never got filed.
>> Postlogue: I did a check for my friend and found that if you don't have
>> identification information for a non-jailable offense (ie. infractions
>> in California) the solution is simple. A thumb-print on the ticket to
>> simply prove you were there. Every cop has a print kit in their car.
> I'd only say "a solution" rather than "the solution".

Anything but a 'final solution'... See the last part of this enquote below

> And "the solution" that we -should- have, is that verbally stating name
> and address -ought- be enough, if you've damaged no property nor human
> (and yourself doesn't count).

What you said about detaining if you don't produce papers above. That
CAN happen. But, at least locally, and in my hitchhiking experience
around the US and Canada a few decades ago it just hasn't happens to me
or really? Anyone I know.

Now kid with the cop and tell them your name is Jimi Hendrix or George
Metesky-Abbie Hoffman or Rosanne Barr or Colin Kaeopernick, and yeah.
You're gonna get faceplanted and they'll hold you in some stinkhole jail
cell until the fingerprints come back via the turnip train.

Actually... You MIGHT get away with George Metesky. Try it. Let me know
how it works out...

>> My friend said he was going to sue for privacy violation but never did.
>> It ain't easy being broke and houseless and trying to file a state level
>> civil rights suit on your own.
> True.

>> I suspect they wanted his social security
>> number for a database of local homeless.

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 01:04:28AM -, wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 09:20:15PM -, wrote:
> >> > On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 16:22:44 -
> >>
> > We can hope for the occasional 'benevolent' dictator. They might be
> > rare, but they occasionally get into a seat of power.
> For sure. I'd be an avowed monarchist if I could have even a 25% chance 
> that the king would be a Marcus Aurelius.
> I don't think that such men are rare, in fact. I think they are smart
> enough to avoid politics. Politics attracts the worst of the lot.

This is a fundamental problem. You, me, others, we need to promote those
within our circles whom we consider to have a moral foundation for their
choices and actions in life, to try to take and hold seats of power.

Does not matter if your seats of power are in a global hegemonic empire,
or merely the 12 seats on your local council, or some other system where
a "benevolent dictator is supposed to wield ulatimte authority" - by
"being too smart to get involved in politics", as you correctly point

the DEFAULT POSITION is that the worst of our lot TAKE THE SEATS of

They are not challenged by those with good foundations!

No matter your system, we have a duty to one another to hold each other
to a higher standard, and to be involved in politics and the wielding of
power that any gathering of humans implies, political or otherwise,
since it's ALL politics.

> > I remain marginally hopeful you will never be proven wrong on "that
> > which exists, exists."
> >
> > But hey, I'd love to proven wrong on that too :)
> Lol. Yeah, I don't think I'll get proven wrong on the existence part
> necessarily. But maybe someone will come up with a clever way to culture
> jam and get a whole bunch of quality people into the fold questioning the
> need for centralized institutions of power.

Well, you seem to get it, why have you not created a political party
"Anarchy FTW" or some such?

It might sound funny, but how can this not be anything but a personal
duty of you, I, and any with wholesome intention?

How is it that, regardless of political philosophy underlying whatever
political system currently prevails in the shared common delusion, that
we can justify NOT being involved?

> You know, the main problem with anarchism is that there are no doctors
> and engineers to speak of.

Speak for yourself.

And I encourage you, with a warm heart, to advise yourself to caution
yourself in the words you use, in the genericisms you proudly flaunt as
they they're God's given truth to the current reality.

Guaranteed we could find at least a handful of "doctors and lawyers",
who subscribe to at least some aspects of political anarchy!

Fatalism is not becoming of the intellect - that's a descent into blind
and bloody fanaticism.

> Its mostly political ideologues, and
> change-the-world hippies and freaks.

MAY BE mostly. Certainly not all.

I'm pretty sure most "mainstream" folks are aware that we need to start
doing something different to get a different global outcome :)

The conspiracy theorists have proven on many counts to be conspiracy
factists :) :)

Turns out, some of them "freaks" were actually more rational and more
observant than the religiously blind "majority".

This is a good sign.

> A few ivory tower professors.

And lawyers.

Eben Moglen should stand in politics. Linus Torvalds should stand in the
same party - wouldn't that be fun :)

Yes yes, of course throw RMS into the mix - I've tried communicating
with him about all this, but he's a bit stubborn in wanting the platform
and the solutions to be laid out for him, perhaps not as aware of the
influence he could personally wield were he to join or start a political

We need to gently, with kindness and patience (LOTS of patience with the
narrow but humanely belligerent such as RMS), steer the ivory towered
intellectuals into the firm and unrelenting direction of participation
in politics. WHATEVER system prevails at $this point in time!

There is no other way that I can conceive of, to get an overall better

I do wish there were an easier silver bullet where I could say to you
"yeah, good on ya mate! go live your own life and avoid all politics
it's all doomed anyway, so I pat your back for giving up mate!"


> Great people, in my experience, but you don't get solid respectable,
> work-a-day "professional" types that way, and they are the key.. the
> backbone, to any real social movement.

That's just patience, persistence, working first and foremost on purging
$my own demons, working on recognizing fellow $justice seekers, weeding
out their bullshit, owning $my bullshit when others call me on it ...

... generally, learn to be a great human, a fantastic team player, a
subtle and ego free behind the scenes influencer (if possible, I know
from extended personal experience that ego is a shit of a thing to try
to purge).

Be the one who can in 6 

Re: Permutations to scalars and back again.

2016-09-18 Thread James A. Donald

On 9/12/2016 8:01 PM, Georgi Guninski wrote:

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 07:50:50PM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:

To restate the problem:  Find a mapping between integers and injective
functions from N to X up to a permutation of N.

In this case, find a mapping between integers and an injective functions
from 18 to 36.

Sage (open source, can do at least parts of what you
are asking.
Not sure I get the question about injective function, but AFAICT
treating the permutation as nonnegative integer in binary will do.

Example sage session:

sage: l=[0]*2+[1]*2
sage: pe=Permutations(l)
sage: pe.cardinality()
sage: pe[0]
[0, 0, 1, 1]
sage: for p in pe:  print p
[0, 0, 1, 1]

Found the the solution.

Combinatorial number system.

Suppose we have k cards, any one of which can be white or red, but which 
are otherwise indistinguishable and interchangeable.

Combinatorial number system gives us a one to one mapping between 
integers, and all possible subsets of an n element set.

Now I want a mapping between integers and all possible m element subsets 
of an n element set, but for m approximating n/2 the mapping is dense 
enough to be useful.

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread xorcist
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 09:20:15PM -, wrote:
>> > On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 16:22:44 -
>> "I tried being an anarchist but there are too many rules."
> Gold.
> :)

Hah. Glad you got a kick out of it. That one got me laid once, in fact.

> We can hope for the occasional 'benevolent' dictator. They might be
> rare, but they occasionally get into a seat of power.

For sure. I'd be an avowed monarchist if I could have even a 25% chance 
that the king would be a Marcus Aurelius.

I don't think that such men are rare, in fact. I think they are smart
enough to avoid politics. Politics attracts the worst of the lot.

> I remain marginally hopeful you will never be proven wrong on "that
> which exists, exists."
> But hey, I'd love to proven wrong on that too :)

Lol. Yeah, I don't think I'll get proven wrong on the existence part
necessarily. But maybe someone will come up with a clever way to culture
jam and get a whole bunch of quality people into the fold questioning the
need for centralized institutions of power.

You know, the main problem with anarchism is that there are no doctors and
engineers to speak of. Its mostly political ideologues, and
change-the-world hippies and freaks. A few ivory tower professors. Great
people, in my experience, but you don't get solid respectable, work-a-day
"professional" types that way, and they are the key.. the backbone, to any
real social movement.

That's why the hippies failed in the '60s. They couldn't get enough
middle-class normies to smoke grass and fuck freely. It was too scary for

In Zen monasteries, the roshi, the master, is treated like "one of the
guys." You can make jokes, and poke fun at each other. That sort of thing.
There is no grand show of deference inside the monastery. That is for the
outside world. The roshi will wear fancy robes, and everyone will bow and
all this.

Because the knew that if you lived without authoritarianism, and showed it
to the general public (especially a rigid society like Japan), it would be
dangerous. But, you make a big show of bowing to some guy, and people
think "oh ok.. they must be OK, they have structure like everyone else."

But the monks know its all nonsense.. its just for show. It's an act, a
play they perform.

I've often thought that a successful anarchist movement would need to
incorporate something like that.. as social camouflage.

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread Mirimir
On 09/18/2016 10:22 AM, wrote:
>> Fwiw, for those who aren't aware... The point of trolls like this one,
>> 'xorcist', and cyberpiggie et all is to stalk individuals posts on lists
>> with garbage so people start to think, whenever the one being targeted
>> posts, "Oh fuck that means I'm gonna see all that shit from
>> again and wish the targeted person would stop posting and just lurk.
>> Stupid... Simple... Social engineering.
>> Rr
> How fucking stupid. If that was my goal, I wouldn't have taken the mail
> off-list to avoid shit ON-LIST. If that was my goal, I wouldn't have
> specifically tried to NOT influence the list. You're so paranoid its
> laughable. You're not that important, mate.
> But, if your goal was to paint me in this way, you'd have done well to not
> post my off-list mail to the list. Not that it really matters, its obvious
> that people buy into your bullshit.

Posting private messages is very bad form, without explicit permission.

Just sayin'.

> And no.. my goal isn't to stalk you. I'm just tired of seeing shit which
> isn't the slightest bit relevant to crypto, or even resistance to the
> state, on this list.


> I remember when this list had posts from Assange and others on actual
> cryptographic techniques and tools, where real information was shared. New
> information and ideas.


> Now its just wankers speculating, and regurgitating links from open news
> sources.. and you act like you're leaking privileged information.
> lulz


So hey, xorcist, welcome :)

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread xorcist
> On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 21:20:15 -
> wrote:
>   I think, though I'm not completely sure, that there was a
>   rather widespread opposition to the clipper chip, including
>   opposition among more 'respectable' members of the
>   establishment. The same members of the establishment that today
>   fully backdoor their own chips, like intel and amd.

Not that I recall. Outside of computer and crypto-nerd rings, few had even
heard about it. This was the '90s. Ma and Pa weren't on the internet yet.
No one really knew what the fuck the internet was.

There was very little coverage in the media. I don't recall many senators
opposing it. But nonetheless, you can throw PGP in there too.

If the state had its way, there would still be a crypto export ban, and
you've have mandatory key escrow.

>   Yes, bitcoin is interesting, but if so called regulators
>   wanted to damage it, they could do so in a few days.

That's hardly the point. The question wasn't what technical/code type
things are invulnerable to the state. The question was, what sort of
crypto/techie stuff has encroached on traditional state power, or limited
its reach.

I'd also offer that in Real Soon Now, you'll see small towns adopt
crowdfunding in lieu of taxation. That will spread, and probably quite

The point is, there are all sorts of things that are eroding state power,
or have the ability to do so, right now.

>   That's pretty much a tautology. But reality includes people, who
>   are supposed to be moral agents and can choose to behave in
>   different ways.

Well, now we get into the whole free will thing. Sure. We have free will,
or at least if we don't, I'm apparently not free to believe otherwise. But
there are limits to it.

The social milieu is much like a river. You can swim in it, and to a
degree you can control your direction, but you will always be moving with
the current. If you're an extraordinary swimmer, maybe you can make
progress against the current. These are the .

A white male living in 1740 quite literally was not AS FREE as you or I in
terms of his beliefs about race, slavery, God, and so on. Social pressure.

Could he CHOOSE to marry a freed black woman? Yeah. In theory, but you
have to accept he'd be an incredible anomaly.

Now, not so much.

>> And reality IS that every social animal has a pecking order.. an
>> alpha/beta dynamic. Humans are not exempt from this, and it manifests
>> for us, in various forms, and governments and our institutions are
>> among them. It's why the most driven, "alpha" sociopaths rise to
>> power, and the whiny betas piss and moan about it, and don't.
>   So you think there are no honest people - people who seem
>   honest are actually cowards?

No, I'm not sure where you're getting that from with that. My point here
is simply that there are underlying dynamics that we usually explain away,
but which we don't actually understand. So, in the above, I'm trying to
suggest that your average person NEEDS authority to bow to. They really do
need it. Without it, they are like a dog that loses the leader of its
pack. It is a frightening situation, and fills them with anxiety. The
primary characteristic of a leader, in humans, is when the shit is hitting
the fan and most people are unsure of what to do, and pissing themselves..
the leader says, I KNOW WHAT TO DO. He's quick. He's certain. He's
"strong." That is comforting to people. Hence, Trump, by the way.

But for another example, take war. Chimpanzees go to war. There are times
when their population will fragment, and two camps will emerge. Males will
engage in late-night raiding parties, surprise attacks, killing other
males and male children, kidnapping females, and stealing food.

That is not appreciably different to how human war was fought for hundreds
of thousands of years. Recently, we don't kidnap females, and we don't
steal food. We're interested in other resources.

Now, are these similarities between social mammalian alpha/beta dynamics
to human dynamics coincidence? Is it coincidence that our closest cousins,
chimps, engage in organized violence similar to us? Or are there real
animal dynamics at work? Herd dynamics.

I personally don't think so.

And my point in all this is to show that, its not a problem with
institutions, religions, politics, "the elite" or any of that stuff. All
of those things are SYMPTOMS of the real problem.

The real problem, being, we act like what we are: primates.

>   I'd point out that yes, the current system is a horrid mess,
>   but if we assume it's the result of real, unchangeable 'human
>   nature' that 'just exists', then any action is pointless,
>   unless we want to join 'their' side of the game.

No, not at all. Evolve, and encourage others to do so as well. Look,
gravity exists. A downward pull to the earth exists. It's unchangeable.
Period. But it can be USED, and overcome. That takes 

Re: [From xorcist offlist]

2016-09-18 Thread Razer

On 09/18/2016 06:36 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> Posting private messages is very bad form, without explicit permission.
> Just sayin'.

Trolling for information about people on lists using confrontational
strategies and tactics is 'bad form;' Do it offlist, that means HOSTILE
COMMUNICATION, or having been hostile on list, then without notification
contact me off it and be even remotely hostile and FUCK YOU TOO!

The last of it's trolls before I blocked the jackass was a textbook
example of fishing for information using some 'social cues' it picked up

Maybe correct. Mostly not even in the ballpark, but UNWANTED
UNCONSTRUCTIVE communication fishing for information. I'm too busy for
that. I'm also too busy to deconstruct it for you line by line (which in
the process reveals more info) I wouldn't waste my time doing it for
myself either. The narrative being used was too fucking obvious. Let it
bug Zenaan, or you perhaps.


Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread juan
On Mon, 19 Sep 2016 01:51:48 - wrote:

> > On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 21:20:15 -
> > wrote:
> > I think, though I'm not completely sure, that there was a
> > rather widespread opposition to the clipper chip, including
> > opposition among more 'respectable' members of the
> > establishment. The same members of the establishment that
> > today fully backdoor their own chips, like intel and amd.
> Not that I recall. Outside of computer and crypto-nerd rings, few had
> even heard about it. This was the '90s. Ma and Pa weren't on the
> internet yet. No one really knew what the fuck the internet was.

I didn't mean joe six pack, sorry. I meant opposition inside
'the industry'

At any rate, even if intel and co. didn't oppose the clipper
chip  at that time, at least they hadn't put their own version
in their processors. Now they have. 

> There was very little coverage in the media. I don't recall many
> senators opposing it. But nonetheless, you can throw PGP in there too.
> If the state had its way, there would still be a crypto export ban,
> and you've have mandatory key escrow.

Key escrow like you have now in apple, amd, intel etc systyems?

> > Yes, bitcoin is interesting, but if so called regulators
> > wanted to damage it, they could do so in a few days.
> That's hardly the point. The question wasn't what technical/code type
> things are invulnerable to the state. The question was, what sort of
> crypto/techie stuff has encroached on traditional state power, or
> limited its reach.

I'm not sure when it was stipulated that was The Question, but
it's kinda obvious that a system that can be destroyed in a few
days hasn't limited state power to any meaningful degree.

> I'd also offer that in Real Soon Now, you'll see small towns adopt
> crowdfunding in lieu of taxation. That will spread, and probably quite
> quickly.


> The point is, there are all sorts of things that are eroding state
> power, or have the ability to do so, right now.

I don't see the state power being eroded, at all. As to things
having the 'ability' to do so, of course. Since the danw of

> > That's pretty much a tautology. But reality includes
> > people, who are supposed to be moral agents and can choose to
> > behave in different ways.
> Well, now we get into the whole free will thing. 

You started the topic =)

> Sure. We have free
> will, or at least if we don't, I'm apparently not free to believe
> otherwise. But there are limits to it.

True. My point however was that stating "this is reality"
doesn't say much.

> The social milieu is much like a river. You can swim in it, and to a
> degree you can control your direction, but you will always be moving
> with the current. If you're an extraordinary swimmer, maybe you can
> make progress against the current. These are the  inspirational social reformers here>.
> A white male living in 1740 quite literally was not AS FREE as you or
> I in terms of his beliefs about race, slavery, God, and so on. Social
> pressure.

Not sure what you mean. 

> Could he CHOOSE to marry a freed black woman? Yeah. In theory, but you
> have to accept he'd be an incredible anomaly.
> Now, not so much.


> >
> >> And reality IS that every social animal has a pecking order.. an
> >> alpha/beta dynamic. Humans are not exempt from this, and it
> >> manifests for us, in various forms, and governments and our
> >> institutions are among them. It's why the most driven, "alpha"
> >> sociopaths rise to power, and the whiny betas piss and moan about
> >> it, and don't.
> >
> >
> > So you think there are no honest people - people who seem
> > honest are actually cowards?
> No, I'm not sure where you're getting that from with that. My point
> here is simply that there are underlying dynamics that we usually
> explain away, but which we don't actually understand. So, in the
> above, I'm trying to suggest that your average person NEEDS authority
> to bow to. They really do need it. Without it, they are like a dog
> that loses the leader of its pack. 

I don't know, I mean, I see stray dogs all the time. They don't
belong to any pack. And then there are dogs that have 'owners'.
Those don't belong to packs either...they belong to their

> It is a frightening situation, and
> fills them with anxiety. The primary characteristic of a leader, in
> humans, is when the shit is hitting the fan and most people are
> unsure of what to do, and pissing themselves.. the leader says, I
> KNOW WHAT TO DO. He's quick. He's certain. He's "strong." That is
> comforting to people. Hence, Trump, by the way.

...trump is a 'leader'? More than half the electorate hates him