Re: security problems [WAS: Intent to remove: sensor APIs]

2017-08-02 Thread Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult

On 02.08.2017 15:53, Blair MacIntyre wrote:

FWIW, I wouldn’t mind being involved in a discussion about this,

> if people want to seriously consider putting it behind a
> "user-permission prompt"  (similar to geolocation) or

"user-action requirement”

I'd even go further and move it to an extra package, that may not even
be deployed in the first place.

One major reason is that browsers are often used on system where we
can't always trust the user to always take the right decisions.
Scenarios could be my 90rs old grandpa (who's already annoyed by all
that web-2.0 stuff) or business machines where companies wanna protect
themselves from espionage etc (similar to banning smartphones w/
cameras from their facilities, etc.

The more of those things are added to the browser, the harder it gets
to manage this. Sooner or later we'll get to a point where FF is just
banned (or forked). I doubt that this is your intention.

There has been discussion of this issue in the WebVR community, for

> example, noting that in WebVR, you don’t get any device reports
> without a user action requesting the “VR”.

By device reports you mean calling home ?

On top of that, there is very likely a need to not just “ask once at

> the start” but toggle access to sensitive info on/off as the user uses
> a web app

And there should be a manual control (eg. via keys or mouse gestures),
w/o the web app noticing that it's manual.

There's even more: the user also needs control over where the data
is actually coming from (eg. which device exactly). Otherwise that
fancy feature will only be usable in some specific usecases.

I think as we move toward exposing AR technology (like Tango, ARKit,

> Windows Holographic) in web user-agents, we may need to rethink how
> we obtain and manage the data user’s give to pages.

Yes, that's a very vital issue. And I'd also suggest which parts of that
are implemented *inside* the browser at all (vs external applications)

> I believe that respecting user privacy and supporting their ability
> to control information flow may actually be the thing that makes the

web a preferred platform for AR/VR,

Perhaps we should also rethink what "the web" *actually* means here.
Does everything that the web might offer need to run inside the
browser ? Does that mean the browser has to become an kind of own
operating system ?

since the various platforms are giving all data to apps automatically,

> which create a “take it or leave it” attitude regarding privacy and
> sensor information.

An important point here is that it's easy to leave it. If you don't want
to run any proprietary code, just don't do it. Period. And it doesn't
seem to be easy making great number of people dependent on it.

OTOH, if these things are already integrated in the browser, it isn't
so easy anymore. It quickly becomes an all or nothing decision.

Anyway, if folks want to discuss this, let me know.  We should probably move 
off this thread?

Agreed, for the WebVR stuff (maybe should be even discussed on a
separate list). In general, I'd just like to highlight that
security is a vital aspect.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-08-02 Thread Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult

On 02.08.2017 14:39, Blair MacIntyre wrote:

It’s used for panoramic image viewing (orient the pano with the camera
movement), and google street view uses it for similar motion control.

Okay, why not adding a generic interface for controlling the virtual
view direction ? So, the user/operator could decide how to control it
(keys, mouse gestures, external 3d positioning devices, etc).

Anyways, I wonder how the current approach would work at all with
non-portable devices. And the idea of having to physically turn around
just to see different perspectives seems really weird to me.

Regarding security:  perhaps it is, I have seen discussions of this

Allowing webites to track individual movements, IMHO qualifies more
than just an "perhaps". Do you feel well with the idea of being tracked
with every single footstep ?

> But, it would seem that ship sailed when the W3C approved it, and

now it’s common and assumed and relied upon. Removing it in Firefox
would render Firefox incompatible with a growing use of the web,

Okay, we now know that was a wrong assumption - but even it was
really was approved: does that mean we have to support anything that
some beaurocrats find a good idea ?

In the past, there have been lots of standards that peopel stopped
supporting / complying to, because they turned out to be a bad idea.
I still remember when leaded fuel was standard - meanwhile it's even
prohibited (except for a few old timers). I also remember when IPX
or DecNet have been de-facto standards. Flash has been a de-facto
standard, it was a security nightmare, and it took a long time to get
rid of it.

What would you do if W3C decided that web applications shall be allowed
to execute arbitrary binaries with user's full privileges ?
(actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Goverments making such laws ...)

especially mobile (including Windows tablets).

What would be the actual impact ? A few websites that rely on that
won't work completely anymore. Actually, haven't seen single one yet.

Is it okay, to sacrify the security of all users just for the joy of
that small minority ?

This might be a discussion the security team wants to have, I guess:

> is the Firefox team worried enough about the threats opened by this
> API to justify breaking a large class of applications, and making

Firefoxunusable for AR/VR moving forward.

Suggestive question. And implies that this "large class of applications"
actually exists already.

I'd prefer asking: is it okay to sacrifice security for some niche
features ?

OTOH, I'd also question whether that AR/VR really belongs into a
browser, and what's the costs and risks of that. (some countries
already started legislation against AR, most notably Pokemon Go, for
good reasons ...).

Certainly, AR/VR has it's use in some industrial applications or
entertainment machines, but I doubt Browsers and HTML are particular
well suited for those jobs.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: security problems [WAS: Intent to remove: sensor APIs]

2017-08-02 Thread Blair MacIntyre
> At least these things should be purely optional and providing an
> *easy* way to filter that data. (same for the geolocation stuff).

FWIW, I wouldn’t mind being involved in a discussion about this, if people want 
to seriously consider putting it behind a "user-permission prompt"  (similar to 
geolocation) or "user-action requirement” (similar to webvr and some aspects of 
mobile video playing) of some sort.  

There has been discussion of this issue in the WebVR community, for example, 
noting that in WebVR, you don’t get any device reports without a  user action 
requesting the “VR”.  But, there is the tension between making the APIs usable, 
permission fatigue on the part of users, etc.  On top of that, there is very 
likely a need to not just “ask once at the start” but toggle access to 
sensitive info on/off as the user uses a web app (e.g., in the experimental 
Argon4 “AR-enabled” web browser, we have the ability to toggle location data 
on/off at any time without having to reload).

I think as we move toward exposing AR technology (like Tango, ARKit, Windows 
Holographic) in web user-agents, we may need to rethink how we obtain and 
manage the data user’s give to pages.  

I want the web to work well in these new application areas;  but I also want 
the characteristics of the web we love (i.e., the ability to feel relatively 
safe as you move around and follow links) to survive as well.  I believe that 
respecting user privacy and supporting their ability to control information 
flow may actually be the thing that makes the web a preferred platform for 
AR/VR,  since the various platforms are giving all data to apps automatically, 
which create a “take it or leave it” attitude regarding privacy and sensor 
information.   This is a major driver for me for how a WebAR api may structured.

Anyway, if folks want to discuss this, let me know.  We should probably move 
off this thread?
dev-platform mailing list

security problems [WAS: Intent to remove: sensor APIs]

2017-08-02 Thread Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult

On 02.08.2017 14:29, Michael Hoye wrote:

You need to dial this rhetoric back about 100%. It is not acceptable to
bring even an implied accusation like that to a technical discussion, or
indeed any conversation at all, at Mozilla.

Who did I accuse of what exactly ?

All I'd like to say here is that those features add yet another tool
for mass sourveillance.

I've grown up in the GDR regime - I've learned what it means when your
privacy is invaded or you get punished because somebody in your family
or a neighbor said a wrong word.

And we're strongly marching towards the same again, but now with the
oppressors having much better technology, in our bedrooms. It's not
fiction, it's fact - it's already there. Spying phone apps everywhere,
even spying TV sets, remote controllable cards, etc, etc.

Quite recently, the German parliament voted yet another enabling act
for mass sourveillance (eg. wiretapping people just because some
neighbour or colleque *might* possibly have done a tax fraud, etc).
And they did what w/ only a small minority of the representatives
even present (reminds me to 1933).

So, the problem is very immanent. We need to be very careful here,
which information to send out (or even aquire in the first place).
Various fingerprinting techniques already impose a big problem
(IMHO, generic cookies should never have been introduced in the
first place).

We're always happy to listen to honest criticism and walk back our
mistakes, but we are going have those discussions without demeaning the
work or comparing the people doing that work to volkscryptopolitzei

Please. I didn't imply anybody here collaborating with dark forces.
I'm just warning about the danger of these features.

At least these things should be purely optional and providing an
*easy* way to filter that data. (same for the geolocation stuff).


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-08-02 Thread Blair MacIntyre
> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Blair MacIntyre  
> wrote:
>> Are we still talking about deviceorientation?
> As I said twice and Frederik repeated, we're not, other than asking if
> anyone has a plan for how to make it interoperable.

Yes, I know;  I was just responding to Enrico’s question. :)

> Note that it's far
> from a W3C standard: Doesn't
> seem like anything got approved there.

Fair enough, sorry for my incorrect assertion, I should have checked!   So, 
this is an example of the danger, perhaps, of everybody implementing a working 
proposal before it’s approved, and then having it adopted and used widely.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-08-02 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Blair MacIntyre  wrote:
> Are we still talking about deviceorientation?

As I said twice and Frederik repeated, we're not, other than asking if
anyone has a plan for how to make it interoperable. Note that it's far
from a W3C standard: Doesn't
seem like anything got approved there.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-08-02 Thread Blair MacIntyre
Are we still talking about deviceorientation?

It’s used to determine the 3D orientation of the device, so that we can tell 
the direction it is facing.  Developers use it to render 3D graphics (WebGL or 
CSS3D using perspective DIV) around the user.  e.g., look at one of my project 
samples, like 
, which uses device location and 
deviceorientation (this simple samples puts 3D labels in the cardinal 
directions, and uses the position to illuminate them based on the current sun 
location).  The WebVR polyfill uses it to determine viewing direction, to 
simulate 3D device orientation.

It’s used for panoramic image viewing (orient the pano with the camera 
movement), and google street view uses it for similar motion control. 

Regarding security:  perhaps it is, I have seen discussions of this sort.  But, 
it would seem that ship sailed when the W3C approved it, and now it’s common 
and assumed and relied upon. Removing it in Firefox would render Firefox 
incompatible with a growing use of the web, especially mobile (including 
Windows tablets).  This might be a discussion the security team wants to have, 
I guess:  is the Firefox team worried enough about the threats opened by this 
API to justify breaking a large class of applications, and making Firefox 
unusable for AR/VR moving forward.

> On Aug 2, 2017, at 9:54 AM, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult 
>  wrote:
> On 02.08.2017 13:01, Salvador de la Puente wrote:
>> I strongly encourage you to take a look at the telemetry stats regarding
>> the usage of deviceorientation API and other. I don't know the penetration
>> of proximity and ambient light APIs but deviceorientation is definitively
>> used.
> Just curious: for what exactly is it used ?
> For rendering / GUI, I'd assume that the job of the windowing system /
> compositor - the application would just see a window geometry change.
> Making that information visible to websites (even worse: movement
> tracking via g-sensor, etc), definitively looks like security nightmare
> which even the Stasi never dared dreaming of.
> --mtx

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-08-02 Thread Michael Hoye
On Aug 2, 2017 15:54, "Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult" <> wrote:

Making that information visible to websites (even worse: movement
tracking via g-sensor, etc), definitively looks like security nightmare
which even the Stasi never dared dreaming of.

You need to dial this rhetoric back about 100%. It is not acceptable to
bring even an implied accusation like that to a technical discussion, or
indeed any conversation at all, at Mozilla.

We're always happy to listen to honest criticism and walk back our
mistakes, but we are going have those discussions without demeaning the
work or comparing the people doing that work to volkscryptopolitzei

I encourage you to read our community participation guidelines carefully,
and to take them to heart before continuing.

Thank you.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-08-02 Thread Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult

On 02.08.2017 13:01, Salvador de la Puente wrote:

I strongly encourage you to take a look at the telemetry stats regarding
the usage of deviceorientation API and other. I don't know the penetration
of proximity and ambient light APIs but deviceorientation is definitively

Just curious: for what exactly is it used ?

For rendering / GUI, I'd assume that the job of the windowing system /
compositor - the application would just see a window geometry change.

Making that information visible to websites (even worse: movement
tracking via g-sensor, etc), definitively looks like security nightmare
which even the Stasi never dared dreaming of.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-08-02 Thread Frederik Braun
As mentioned in thread, we will not disable deviceorientation.
Please see below.

On 02.08.2017 15:01, Salvador de la Puente wrote:
> I strongly encourage you to take a look at the telemetry stats regarding
> the usage of deviceorientation API and other. I don't know the penetration
> of proximity and ambient light APIs but deviceorientation is definitively
> used.
> Please, consider twice before taking a final decision.
> El 31 jul. 2017 3:44 p. m., "Anne van Kesteren"  escribió:
>> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 6:11 PM, Anne van Kesteren 
>> wrote:
>>> Please consider the request to remove device orientation retracted for
>>> now. We'll still need to figure out some kind of long term plan for
>>> that API though. WebVR building on it through libraries that abstract
>>> away the browser incompatibilities will just make it harder to fix the
>>> underpinnings going forward. (And there's always the risk that folks
>>> don't use libraries and code directly against what Chrome ships. Seems
>>> likely even.)
>> Small update: we'll start by just disabling proximity. Disabling
>> ambient light will follow soon after, but is a little trickier as we
>> use the web-facing API in the Firefox for Android frontend.
>> (Suggestions for fixing the orientation interoperability mess are
>> still welcome!)
>> --
>> ___
>> dev-platform mailing list
> ___
> dev-platform mailing list
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-08-02 Thread Salvador de la Puente
I strongly encourage you to take a look at the telemetry stats regarding
the usage of deviceorientation API and other. I don't know the penetration
of proximity and ambient light APIs but deviceorientation is definitively

Please, consider twice before taking a final decision.

El 31 jul. 2017 3:44 p. m., "Anne van Kesteren"  escribió:

> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 6:11 PM, Anne van Kesteren 
> wrote:
> > Please consider the request to remove device orientation retracted for
> > now. We'll still need to figure out some kind of long term plan for
> > that API though. WebVR building on it through libraries that abstract
> > away the browser incompatibilities will just make it harder to fix the
> > underpinnings going forward. (And there's always the risk that folks
> > don't use libraries and code directly against what Chrome ships. Seems
> > likely even.)
> Small update: we'll start by just disabling proximity. Disabling
> ambient light will follow soon after, but is a little trickier as we
> use the web-facing API in the Firefox for Android frontend.
> (Suggestions for fixing the orientation interoperability mess are
> still welcome!)
> --
> ___
> dev-platform mailing list
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-31 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 6:11 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> Please consider the request to remove device orientation retracted for
> now. We'll still need to figure out some kind of long term plan for
> that API though. WebVR building on it through libraries that abstract
> away the browser incompatibilities will just make it harder to fix the
> underpinnings going forward. (And there's always the risk that folks
> don't use libraries and code directly against what Chrome ships. Seems
> likely even.)

Small update: we'll start by just disabling proximity. Disabling
ambient light will follow soon after, but is a little trickier as we
use the web-facing API in the Firefox for Android frontend.
(Suggestions for fixing the orientation interoperability mess are
still welcome!)

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Blair MacIntyre
I’m not sure what you’re asking:  I’ve been using the deviceorientation API 
like this for many years, as have plenty of other people.It’s absolutely 
Blair MacIntyre
Principal Research Scientist 

> On Jul 24, 2017, at 8:04 PM, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult 
>>> wrote:
> On 24.07.2017 20:46, Blair MacIntyre wrote:
>> We are working on adding AR capabilities to the browser, and this will 
>> (similarly)
> > need to know device orientation.
> Please make sure, we can easily compile completely w/o that.
> --mtx

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult

On 24.07.2017 20:46, Blair MacIntyre wrote:

We are working on adding AR capabilities to the browser, and this will 

> need to know device orientation.

Please make sure, we can easily compile completely w/o that.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult

On 24.07.2017 20:43, Kearwood  Kip  Gilbert wrote:

Please note that disabling the Device Orientation API will also
effectively disable the “WebVR Polyfill”.  The “WebVR Polyfill” is a
javascript library that allows browser that otherwise don’t support VR
(ie, Fennec) to use “Cardboard” VR holders to create simple VR

Am I the only one here still remembering that web-browsers used
to be HTTP clients w/ hypertext display ?

The whole VR stuff might be nice for some niches (eg. CAD stuff, etc),
but I wonder what that got to do w/ hypertext ...

A non-VR use case that affects 90% of users is the “magic window”
effects.  These are most commonly used by sites such as Facebook to give
some degree of freedom in viewing a 360 panorama video or photo by
moving the phone around.

A website (especially FB) getting device positioning information
delivered by the browser - that is *really* scary!

The wireless tracking (even w/o gps) already is a massive problem,
we need to care about (not a browser topic), the situation is already
worse than in the previous socialist regimes. We shouldn't make that
even worse.

Combined with media capture API’s the orientation API is also essential
for implementing things like “Google Goggle” or Yelp’s Monocle on the
web platform.

Sorry, but these kind misfeatures are a total security nightmare,
way beyond the red line. Bad enought the people collaborate w/ mass
sourveillance by using games like pokemon go (which, IMHO should be
prohibited). But infecting browers with that is magnitudes worse.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Blair MacIntyre
On Jul 24, 2017, at 4:38 PM, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult 
> On 24.07.2017 15:07, Mike Hoye wrote:
>> I have a sense that as AR gets richer and more nuanced that ambient
> Are we still talking about browsers ?


There are plenty of websites that use deviceorientation, for example to let you 
pan around a panographic photo or a 3D “scene” using the orientation of your 
mobile device.  

Most websites that use WebVR prefer to use “real” WebVR APIs, but on most 
mobile browsers (which don’t support them) use deviceorientation to support a 
“3DOF” (just orientation) view in the world.

We are working on adding AR capabilities to the browser, and this will 
(similarly) need to know device orientation.

dev-platform mailing list

RE: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Kearwood Kip Gilbert
Please note that disabling the Device Orientation API will also effectively 
disable the “WebVR Polyfill”.  The “WebVR Polyfill” is a javascript library 
that allows browser that otherwise don’t support VR (ie, Fennec) to use 
“Cardboard” VR holders to create simple VR experiences.  Usage of these VR 
holders with non-VR capable browsers is quite prolific, with these holders 
found in most department stores.

The WebVR API when implemented directly by the browser (ie. Firefox Desktop) 
negates the need of the Device Orientation API, as it exposes the tracking data 
from the VR positional sensors in a more direct fashion.

A non-VR use case that affects 90% of users is the “magic window” effects.  
These are most commonly used by sites such as Facebook to give some degree of 
freedom in viewing a 360 panorama video or photo by moving the phone around.

Combined with media capture API’s the orientation API is also essential for 
implementing things like “Google Goggle” or Yelp’s Monocle on the web platform.

- Kip

From: Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Sent: July 24, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Ben Kelly; Anne van Kesteren
Cc: dev-platform
Subject: Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

On 24.07.2017 13:57, Ben Kelly wrote:
 > On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 5:10 AM, Anne van Kesteren  
 >> * Device orientation
 > Isn't this one required to build a decent web experience on mobile 
for some
 > sites?

Could you please define "decent web experience" ?

Maybe I'm just old, but I absolutely don't want an website know anything
about my local devices. Window size and resolution is fine, but ambient
conditions seriously crossed the red line of what I'd ever allow on my

I've already started patching out that stuff.

Same for things like USB devices, or all that "cloud" stuff.


dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult

On 24.07.2017 15:07, Mike Hoye wrote:

I have a sense that as AR gets richer and more nuanced that ambient

Are we still talking about browsers ?


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult

On 24.07.2017 13:57, Ben Kelly wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 5:10 AM, Anne van Kesteren  

>> * Device orientation
> Isn't this one required to build a decent web experience on mobile 
for some

> sites?

Could you please define "decent web experience" ?

Maybe I'm just old, but I absolutely don't want an website know anything
about my local devices. Window size and resolution is fine, but ambient
conditions seriously crossed the red line of what I'd ever allow on my

I've already started patching out that stuff.

Same for things like USB devices, or all that "cloud" stuff.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Anne van Kesteren
Please consider the request to remove device orientation retracted for
now. We'll still need to figure out some kind of long term plan for
that API though. WebVR building on it through libraries that abstract
away the browser incompatibilities will just make it harder to fix the
underpinnings going forward. (And there's always the risk that folks
don't use libraries and code directly against what Chrome ships. Seems
likely even.)

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Mike Hoye  wrote:
> I have a sense that as AR gets richer and more nuanced that ambient light
> and proximity sensing will become important as well, even if we're not there
> yet.

I'm not sure that's a good reason to keep the current APIs around
though. Ambient light in particular leaks cross-origin data. It's
rather surprising we haven't acted on that thus far. And none of what
we ship ended up being standardized as such. If we actually think we
need these APIs we should put in the effort to solve the security and
standardization issues.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Blair MacIntyre
True, true.  For example, if the ambient light sensing could deliver the kind 
of “estimation of ambient lighting” that Apple’s ARKit does, we could use that 
in rendering.

But, one question will be:  what of these capabilities should just be part of 
“WebAR”, and which can be used effectively independent of WebAR?  Especially 
when we think of issues discussed on this thread (e.g., threat models and 
security) having “things needed for AR” folded into WebAR, and accessible in 
the context of whatever permission model WebAR ends up using may be the way we 
want to go.

Blair MacIntyre
Principal Research Scientist 

> On Jul 24, 2017, at 11:07 AM, Mike Hoye  > wrote:
> I have a sense that as AR gets richer and more nuanced that ambient light and 
> proximity sensing will become important as well, even if we're not there yet.
> - mhoye
> On 2017-07-24 10:39 AM, Blair MacIntyre wrote:
>> I was just about to say the same thing.  This API is essential for our AR 
>> work;  the fact that Firefox is different than other browsers is 
>> problematic, but there are javascript libraries that help with it.  Getting 
>> rid of it would be really bad.
>>> On Jul 24, 2017, at 9:57 AM, Ben Kelly >> > wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 5:10 AM, Anne van Kesteren >> > wrote:
 * Device orientation
>>> Isn't this one required to build a decent web experience on mobile for some
>>> sites?  It seems pretty common on mobile to adjust the UX based on whether
>>> the device is in portrait/landscape orientation.
>>> ___
>>> dev-platform mailing list
>> ___
>> dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Mike Hoye

I have a sense that as AR gets richer and more nuanced that ambient 
light and proximity sensing will become important as well, even if we're 
not there yet.

- mhoye

On 2017-07-24 10:39 AM, Blair MacIntyre wrote:

I was just about to say the same thing.  This API is essential for our AR work; 
 the fact that Firefox is different than other browsers is problematic, but 
there are javascript libraries that help with it.  Getting rid of it would be 
really bad.

On Jul 24, 2017, at 9:57 AM, Ben Kelly  wrote:

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 5:10 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

* Device orientation

Isn't this one required to build a decent web experience on mobile for some
sites?  It seems pretty common on mobile to adjust the UX based on whether
the device is in portrait/landscape orientation.
dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Blair MacIntyre
I was just about to say the same thing.  This API is essential for our AR work; 
 the fact that Firefox is different than other browsers is problematic, but 
there are javascript libraries that help with it.  Getting rid of it would be 
really bad.

> On Jul 24, 2017, at 9:57 AM, Ben Kelly  wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 5:10 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>> * Device orientation
> Isn't this one required to build a decent web experience on mobile for some
> sites?  It seems pretty common on mobile to adjust the UX based on whether
> the device is in portrait/landscape orientation.
> ___
> dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Ben Kelly
On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 5:10 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> * Device orientation

Isn't this one required to build a decent web experience on mobile for some
sites?  It seems pretty common on mobile to adjust the UX based on whether
the device is in portrait/landscape orientation.
dev-platform mailing list

Intent to remove: sensor APIs

2017-07-24 Thread Anne van Kesteren
As a follow-up to the Ambient Light Sensor API thread, which ended up
not really concluding, I hereby suggest we remove the various sensor
APIs from our code base. Flipping the preference first to make sure
there's no undue impact on web content and quick reversal is possible
and then removing the code in a later release.

This affects these APIs:

* Ambient light
* Proximity
* Device orientation

The rationale:

* These APIs have various privacy leaks, including violating the
same-origin policy, without the user being informed.
* These APIs do not match the current standards for sensor APIs and
some are incompatible with what is being shipped by Chrome (e.g.,
device orientation).
* There's no interest to address these shortcomings. (Mostly in the
sense of engineering resources and having other problems to tackle
* As these are event-driven APIs the compatibility impact should be
minimal to none. The events simply won't fire.

The bug:

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