[slim] 6.3.0 doesn't run on Debian, with a fix:

2006-07-16 Thread Malor

You know, this is good software, and I appreciate its freedom (in all
senses) very much.  But, geeze, what's with the lack of even the most
rudimentary testing in the major releases?  

In 6.3.0, the server just flat will not run as shipped.  Why?  Because
it doesn't correctly include its own libraries in the search path.  It
builds them fine, but then doesn't look in the right place to find
them. Doesn't anyone have a Debian VMWare image for a quick install
test, at the very least?  Sheesh!

The fix is quite simple:  cd to the 'lib' directory of your slimserver,
and make a symbolic link of the parent Slim directory into lib.  In my
case, that's: 

cd /usr/local/slimserver/lib
  ln -s ../Slim Slim

Runs fine from there.  This is a bandaid fix, and you should remove the
symlink before installing the next release, if you install into the same
directory. (if you install into a new directory each time, which I
recommend, you can safely leave it.)

If you guys don't feel like you have egg on your faces for this one,
you should. If you need another tester, I'd be happy to run things
through a basic install/test run on Debian just before you declare a
version 'stable'.  I'd do it anyway, so doing it a few days sooner
won't hurt me any and might help everyone else.


Malor's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1961
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[slim] Re: Poll: What is your library size and hardware

2006-07-16 Thread docbee

My music library contains 3230 albums with 39877 songs by 1448 artists.

Server is a quite outdated P3 800 MHz, 384 KB RAM, 1.3 TB Raid 5
(6x250GB sw raid), SuSe 8.2


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Re: [slim] 6.3.0 doesn't run on Debian, with a fix:

2006-07-16 Thread kdf

much more pointed if this weren't old news, mate.

you'll find that there is a more sustainable fix in nightly builds if 
you wish to test here:


If you find anything new, please file a bug report at:

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[slim] Re: Why are upgrades so painful?

2006-07-16 Thread Malor

Well, I've been running Slim for a good long while, since just after the
Squeezebox2 shipped. 

The feature set in the code is great.  The testing/QA is *abysmal*.  I
have NOT ONCE been able to upgrade smoothly from one release to the
next.  Not ONCE.  Something ALWAYS breaks.  And it's not like I'm
running a wildly unusual system... a mixture of FLACs, CUE/FLACs, and
MP3s, running two Squeezeboxen.  I use the XMRadio and AlienBBC
plugins.  This installation has been an endless hassle to try to

This most recent time, 6.3.0 won't even START on a Debian system,
because they screwed up the library paths.  It's fixable (I put a
bandaid in another post), but then even when it DOES run, all the radio
links are now gone.  EVERY release is like that.  It doesn't look like
even the most rudimentary testing is done.

6.2.2 was nicely stable for me, so I have fallen back to that, and I
will likely stay there until I have some indication that the QA
processes are improving.  As I said in my other post, I'd be willing to
run potential releases through an installation and basic testing on

As is, the software for the Squeezebox has gotten so bad that I no
longer recommend it to most people.  The releases are incredibly
sloppy.  It's not improving, it's getting worse... which is often the
sign of a code base that has gotten too complex for the current
development model to handle.


Malor's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1961
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25538

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[slim] Re: 6.3.0 doesn't run on Debian, with a fix:

2006-07-16 Thread Malor

It amazes and distresses me that this is a known problem, has been for
at least five days, and yet the default download for new customers
remains unchanged.  It's obviously fixed, so why on EARTH is the old
broken one still up?


Malor's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1961
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Re: [slim] How to execute windows program using XPL or XAP

2006-07-16 Thread John Gorst

shen wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for a simple way to do the following:

On the machine slimserver is installed I want to start a windows
program if a special button of the slimserver remote is pressed.

Sounds simple, but it seems not to be that simple :(

I googled a lot and found programs which can monitor XPL or XAP events
sent by slimserver on the press of a remote button, but I did not find
a simple way to start an executeble on such an event.

Isn't there a simple application which can listen to XPL or XAP
messages from slimserver and on a special message (remote button) a
program can be started?

Has anybody a solution for this?

I am sure xplhal can do this.

Setup a 'determinator' in xplhal to listen for the IR message of the 
'special' button. Then set the action to launch a program.

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[slim] Re: How to execute windows program using XPL or XAP

2006-07-16 Thread shen

gorstk Wrote: 
 I am sure xplhal can do this.
 Setup a 'determinator' in xplhal to listen for the IR message of the 
 'special' button. Then set the action to launch a program.

Not really.

I did the following:

Installed xPLHAL Manager 1.53
It can see my SqueezeBox in xPL devices so far.

According to

 SlimServer's xPL interface can handle infra-red signals in a variety of
 ways. By default, no xPL messages are sent when you press a button on
 your remote control. To change this, do the following:
 - Open the xPLHal Manager and click on xPL Devices.
 - Your player(s) should be listed, along with any other xPL devices you
 may have, in the right-hand window.
 - Double-click on the name of your player to bring up it's
 configuration window.
 - Select infrared from the list of configurable items.
 - The value will probably be set to none. Delete the current value,
 and enter the word buttons
 - Click OK.
 Your player will now send an xPL message whenever you press a button on
 it's remote control.

this does not work for me. Double clicking the player I get an error
Looking at the integrated xPL Monitor, I can see messages from my
SqueezeBox coming in.

I'm using SlimServer 6.3.0 with SoftSqueeze 2.7 and a SqueezeBox v3
with the latest firmware () installed.



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[slim] Playlist rename stops Slimserver

2006-07-16 Thread jmaynard

I can't get Slimserver to make playlists so I make them with Winamp -
this gives them meaningless titles (like p3fd8r.m3u) so,after copying
them to My Playlists I rescan and change the name in Slimserver - this
causes the server to stop...
Also: after renaming the playlists they no longer appear in My
Playlists so adding another playlist and rescanning causes the original
playlists to disappear!! Have I missed something with playlist


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[slim] Re: Briefly show now playing, song info when song is changed.

2006-07-16 Thread wiped

Thank you for all the answers.

Regarding implementing and solving this i thought i would share some
ideas. I'm not a programmer etc so if anything sounds strange sorry for

Regarding briefly showing the track info at song change, i believe
there are a few implementations.

First of all:

Requirement: Possibillity to trigger an action at song change, either
by computing the time of the track and trigger the action at song end
or if there exist any function to trigger an action/event at song
change.. Trigger it based on the current song's lenght might be good
(see below step 3)

Step (1) In a first implementation i would just like to see a checkbox
in the player setting next to where you set the screen savers, which
basically says Show now playing screensaver at song change. 
The timeout (time to show song info) could be based on the already set
timeout for screensaver.

Step (2)

To furhter develop this, for me the next step would be to add the
possibillity to specify the time to show the track (independent of the
screensaver timeout and also the possibillity to chose any of the
screensavers to show).
This would be done by just adding another listbox in the screensavers
which is for Show at song change.
Also adding a timout entry below that for Time to show screensaver at
song change

Step (3)
The final step i for this would be the possibillity to show the playing
songs info at the end of it and the beginning of next song (kind of like
watching an MTV video where they display the song info at the beginning
and end.
Then another time entry field should be added that basically says Time
before song end to show screensaver
The already added entry box for the screensaver would say
Time to show screensaver at song change
I guess this could be done by knowing the song lenght and then based on
what is entered in the Time before song end to show screensaver set a
time for showing the song info.

As i wrote above this would require some way ot knowing the song change
and for the later part knowing when there are e.g. 10 seconds left of a

Regarding the spectrum analyzer and the text shown.
Since it's today unreadable if you aren't very close to the player an
option somewhere to set the text size would be excellent.


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.3 - Core Duo T2500 - 2Gb ram - 25000 Songs - 1750
Albums (Mp3 and soon also FLAC)

wiped's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1542
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Re: [slim] How to execute windows program using XPL or XAP

2006-07-16 Thread Kevin Hawkins
First a caveat - the current version of xAP SlimServer was not written 
for the current CLI that is in v 6 of SlimServer and particularly not 
v6.3/6.5.  It's use here is unsupported until a new version of the 
conduit is released and that will not be in the near future until the 
(excellent) new CLI stabilises and the conduit author finds some spare 
time(if !)

If you are just looking for the IR remote keypresses I'm fairly sure 
this works fine however and you would then monitor these using any xAP 
capable script engine (eg HomeSeer, MisterHouse, Girder,  xAP Desktop, 
xAP Floorplan).  The latter one is free and particularly easy and you 
don't need to use the inbuilt web (Ajax) based home automation front 
end. You would just create a small script , triggered by the IR key 
arrival from SlimServer to shell launch your .exe.  Basically anything 
that is VB scriptable can be actioned.  Also for reference Girder has 
inbuilt xAP support and is particularly well crafted for interaction 
with external applications. Because it is so flexible and powerful it 
takes a bit of getting to know. however

You should be able to achieve the same with xPL HAL and the inbuilt xPL 
feature should you prefer - and it is probably a slightly easier setup. 
The xAP conduit offered much more functionality with SlimServer than the 
xPL one, although it is CLI attached rather than inbuilt. The fact it is 
based around earlier SlimServer releases and not currently supported in 
v6 may steer you away from this though.


shen wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for a simple way to do the following:

On the machine slimserver is installed I want to start a windows
program if a special button of the slimserver remote is pressed.

Sounds simple, but it seems not to be that simple :(

I googled a lot and found programs which can monitor XPL or XAP events
sent by slimserver on the press of a remote button, but I did not find
a simple way to start an executeble on such an event.

Isn't there a simple application which can listen to XPL or XAP
messages from slimserver and on a special message (remote button) a
program can be started?

Has anybody a solution for this?

Thanks ...



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[slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox Killer?

2006-07-16 Thread fathom39

Why would voice be the killer app for accessing any kind of extensive
library?  The picture on the website shows a yuppie doofus sitting in a
La-Z-Boy playing with with some sort of walkie-talkie device.  I suppose
that he either doesn't have a large collection of songs or he knows
exactly the song he wants and doesn't need to search around.  To quote
from the website: Now, instead of scrolling and clicking, you can
simply say the music you want to hear.  BOGUS!  How many of you out
there prefer a telephone IVR interface to a web-based interface?  The
eye and the hand will always be faster than the ear and the mouth! 
Imagine the disaster if we had to drive vehicles / fly airplanes / fire
weapons in battle / etc. without using our hands.  But then again, last
Sunday I learned how fighting is done on the soccer field without


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[slim] Rescan Music Library . . . Isn't

2006-07-16 Thread JSonnabend

Ok, I posted this in the third party plugin forum with no luck. Maybe
it's not a third party plugin.  I'll post it here, hopefully wihout
incurring any anti-cross posting wrath.

The Rescan Music Library plugin isn't rescanning. It's turned on
and set to rescan at midnight. I have the d_scan debug turned on, but
the log isn't showing any activity since my last manual rescan.

I'm running:

SlimServer Version: 6.2.2 - 7135 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252

Anyone else seeing this?


- Jeff


JSonnabend's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=760
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Re: [slim] Re: How to execute windows program using XPL or XAP

2006-07-16 Thread Kevin Hawkins

shen wrote:

Thanks Kevin,

but this all seems to me to be to complex for the simple thing I want
to do. I installed a few of your recommended programs and they all seem
to be a sort of overkill for the things I'm planning to do :(
Well they do a lot more than just what you want as lots of people want 
different things...

Aren't there more simple alternatives to start a program unsing then
Not via xAP and xPL I'm afraid - whichever way you will need other apps 
to make the logic between the button press and the action - and this 
flexibility is possibly required as there will be the inevitable next 
question like - how do I quit the application I just started or how do I 
select menu option 'whatever' or how do I stop it launching the 
application twice. xPL via xPLHAL is the tidiest solution probably of 
these two.

 This should not be a plugin, because the script should   be run
when the SB is powered off.
The SB's don't execute plugins so they can be powered off or on and this 
would still work  . However the plugin ,which is actually running on 
SlimServer would have to be able to launch the app on whatever machine 
you desired.  Of course if the app runs on the same machine as 
Slimserver then you could write a simple Perl plugin for SlimServer 




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[slim] Re: How to execute windows program using XPL or XAP

2006-07-16 Thread shen

Kevin, I know the possibilities one has with these applications, but
that's not the one for me :-)

Back to the program I want to run: It's a simple commandline script
(PHP) which sends it's output via telnet to the SB. So there's no need
to stop this program.

So let's say the SqueezeBox is turned off and with pressing the play
button I want to start php.exe my_script1.php and with pressing stop
... my_script2.php ... if I got you right this can be done with a
plugin!? This would be my preferred solution - is there an example
script for this?

I'm getting closer - thanks so far :)



shen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5787
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[slim] Re: Why are upgrades so painful?

2006-07-16 Thread Pale Blue Ego

I don't think it's a case of the newest releases being untested.  It's
just that Slim Devices is a small company and they can't possibly test
new code in every way that the full userbase will deploy it.  Even a
huge company like Microsoft, after extensive alpha and beta testing,
still manages to ship broken code.

The truth is, Slim needs users on the bleeding edge to hammer the code
and find problems.  But that doesn't mean the product is hopelessly
broken.  New users and people who want a trouble-free experience should
just stay a few releases behind, and avoid those releases which have
been most problematic.

I really think Slim should have a series of designated Stable Releases
that they can point new (or timid) users to.  Versions that have been
extensively tested and had new feature sets ironed out.  5.4.1 was a
very stable release.  I think 6.2.1 is a good one, too.

Doing this, of course, would reduce the size of their beta army, but
they shouldn't really want new users in the beta army - it tends to
create too many negative first impressions and a certain amount of
buyer remorse.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [slim] Re: How to execute windows program using XPL or XAP

2006-07-16 Thread John Gorst

shen wrote:
gorstk Wrote: 

I am sure xplhal can do this.

Setup a 'determinator' in xplhal to listen for the IR message of the 
'special' button. Then set the action to launch a program.

Not really.

I did the following:

Installed xPLHAL Manager 1.53
It can see my SqueezeBox in xPL devices so far.

According to

SlimServer's xPL interface can handle infra-red signals in a variety of
ways. By default, no xPL messages are sent when you press a button on
your remote control. To change this, do the following:

- Open the xPLHal Manager and click on xPL Devices.

- Your player(s) should be listed, along with any other xPL devices you
may have, in the right-hand window.

- Double-click on the name of your player to bring up it's
configuration window.

- Select infrared from the list of configurable items.

- The value will probably be set to none. Delete the current value,
and enter the word buttons

- Click OK.

Your player will now send an xPL message whenever you press a button on
it's remote control.

this does not work for me. Double clicking the player I get an error
Looking at the integrated xPL Monitor, I can see messages from my
SqueezeBox coming in.

I'm using SlimServer 6.3.0 with SoftSqueeze 2.7 and a SqueezeBox v3
with the latest firmware () installed.

In the slimserver web interface (
Server settings -- plugins -- ensure xPL interface checkbox is ticked 
and click on apply
Server settings -- plugins -- xpl settgins (at the bottom of page for 
me) -- heartbeat interval 5, infra red processing raw

In xplhal help menu -- update plugin library -- select all -- ok

In xplhal load up tools menu -- xpl monitor
Press the down button on your remote (or whichever button you want to 
activate the script)

I get the message in xpl monitor
trig slimdev-slimserv.BATHROOM

In xplhal
right click on 'determinatory' -- select new -- click next
type in name and description that you wish -- next
add button (this is your ocnditions upon script will be run)
select the slimdevices player e.g. for me slimdev-slimserv.bathroom
select button pressed
	in 'button name'' box insert e.g. for the down key 7689b04f (taken from 
xplmonitor output above)

click ok, then next
click on add button to add an action
select xpl-xplhal.computername
select run a program
	type in the full path to the program e.g. 		 
c:\WINNT\system32\notepad.exe or c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe

To test right click on the 'determinator' you have created and click 

The program /will/ be executed. (have a look in task manager)
However if xplhal is running a a 'system service' (most likely) then the 
program will hide in the background and will NOT display on screen.
This may or may not be what you want depending on what you are wanting 
to execute.
e.g. running a command line program to shutdown your pc will not require 
the program to come on screen.

However if you do require the program to load up on your desktop then try
(try installing it as a service, and then going into 'services' in 
control pannel and making it run as your user account)

Hope this helps

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[slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox Killer?

2006-07-16 Thread dangerous_dom

I really hate voice command stuff. I just feel like a complete idiot and
nerd using it. I really dont want to talk to electronic stuff, why are
some people to obsessed with it? I guess because it's all futuristic
like star trek. No, not for me.

Also, i would like to know how well it would work in a room full of
loud music ;)


dangerous_dom's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1763
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Re: [slim] Re: How to execute windows program using XPL or XAP

2006-07-16 Thread John Gorst

shen wrote:

Kevin, I know the possibilities one has with these applications, but
that's not the one for me :-)

Back to the program I want to run: It's a simple commandline script
(PHP) which sends it's output via telnet to the SB. So there's no need
to stop this program.

So let's say the SqueezeBox is turned off and with pressing the play
button I want to start php.exe my_script1.php and with pressing stop
... my_script2.php ... if I got you right this can be done with a
plugin!? This would be my preferred solution - is there an example
script for this?

I'm getting closer - thanks so far :)


Will this do then?


Execute script plugin

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[slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox Killer?

2006-07-16 Thread Michaelwagner

fathom39 Wrote: 
 last Sunday I learned how fighting is done on the soccer field without
Someone on local radio called it the head-butt seen around the world.


Michaelwagner's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=428
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[slim] Re: 6.3.0 doesn't run on Debian, with a fix:

2006-07-16 Thread radish

Malor Wrote: 
 It amazes and distresses me that this is a known problem, has been for
 at least five days, and yet the default download for new customers
 remains unchanged.  It's obviously fixed, so why on EARTH is the old
 broken one still up?
Because that's not how software release cycles work. It is against
every best practise out there to make one tiny, inconsequential fix
to a release version and push it out bypassing the proper testing
procedure, because the likleyhood that your tiny fix broke something
else is very high. All released versions of all software packages from
all manufacturers contain known bugs. Those known bugs are often fixed
internally for some time before release. It's how these things work.


radish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=77
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[slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox Killer?

2006-07-16 Thread Michaelwagner

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
 I really hate voice command stuff. I just feel like a complete idiot and
 nerd using it. I really dont want to talk to electronic stuff, why are
 some people to obsessed with it? I guess because it's all futuristic
 like star trek. No, not for me.
I have a friend who is a musician with severe repetitive stress
injuries from playing violin and piano. She was working on her master's
degree when her hands kinda gave out. I offered to help her by typing
some of her thesis (it was mixed English/German and not so easy to just
hand to a secretary) but she opted instead to get a grant and get a
computer with voice response. OK, this was probably 8 years ago, but it
sucked the big one. Every time she said something slightly wrong, it
would type it wrong. Then she's say oh, shit so then it would type
that. You get the point.

There's no good syntactic way to give out of band or meta information.
We as good listeners running a syntactic and semantic engine in
parallel understand when someone goes back and corrects something, but
computers don't have nearly the horsepower we have and software isn't
there yet anyways. Not by a long shot.

When I was in undergraduate school lo those 30 mumble years ago we were
told voice recognition was around the corner, 10 or 15 years or so. I
stayed in the sidelines of academia for another 15 years and each year
got the CSC reading lists and bought all the books. Every few years
they'd push that estimate out. If anything, all that's happened in the
mean time is we have realized what a large goal that really was and
gained new respect for how amazing the human brain is.

Now, I'm far even from the outskirts of academia these days, but I do
subscribe to a kind of clipping service for SciAm. If there had been a
breakthrough in voice recognition in the last few years, I think it
would have knocked on my mailbox, either through the SciAm feed or some
other way. Nobody's come knocking, so I doubt there's any breakthrough.

Without a breakthrough, it's like Dangerous Dom says. Won't work in a
room where the music is already playing. Won't work for different
people without retraining. Won't work if you have a cold. etc.

Someone did a nice job with photoshop, and someone's looking for
investors (I think that's the main thing). I think it probably works
marginally enough to be a gadget. They have 3 voice recognition
products. Polaroid is one of the backers. I'm sure it's not a total
crock. It's just that the distance between kinda works and works
well enough that it's like talking to my friend is so vast, most of
the public won't realize it either until they've bought into it.

To give you an idea, my lawyer's answering system asks you to speak the
name of the person you want to speak to. I say his name, it connects me
to him.

My cell phone can dial for me if I say the name of the person I want to
speak to.

Each of these examples works with a vocabulary of a few dozen words.
How many of you have a few dozen songs in your library?

Think about saying I want to listen to a version of All along the
Watchtower, not the hendrix version but the original dylan version, but
not from a live concert.

It's a long way from saying Call Home to your cell phone.


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[slim] Re: Ignore files other than audio files in music directory?

2006-07-16 Thread Dondo

I've been saving all of my albums with the same method as shown by Jesse
in the original post (with Cue file, log and m3u) and I'd like to ensure
that these files are ignored by SlimServer.

Was there any answer found to this question in any other thread?


new Squeezebox owner - running Slimserver 6.30 with lots of FLAC

Dondo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5753
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[slim] Re: rhapsody - problem : can't connect to server message

2006-07-16 Thread charlielittle

Rhapsody seems to be working fine on my SB2 after the firmware update. 
I'm really looking forward to this combination.  

Can't seem to get the latest Softsqueeze (2.8?) to work with Rhapsody. 
Is this expected?



charlielittle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=761
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[slim] Problem with Beta mailing list?

2006-07-16 Thread Philip Meyer
I posted a couple of things to the beta mailing list today, but I haven't seen 
them arrive back from the list.  I had a look in the forum too - they are not 
there.  Is there a problem in general, just the beta list, or is it a problem 
my end?

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[slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox Killer?

2006-07-16 Thread CardinalFang

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
 Also, i would like to know how well it would work in a room full of loud
 music ;)

That is such an obvious point - probably why I hadn't thought of it!

Can you imagine shouting turn the $%*!! volume down!!!

It's the wrong solution to the problem. Selecting music is often based
on looking through your records until you see something and you say to
yourself Hey I haven't heard that for a while... It's why the random
option is so good - you hear stuff you haven't heard for ages. Also,
visual clues are so good for choosing music, voice means you have to
remember what's in the library. I want to choose based on album art,
not correct pronounciation of band name.



You're only young once, but you can be immature forever...

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[slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox Killer?

2006-07-16 Thread snarlydwarf

CardinalFang Wrote: 
 That is such an obvious point - probably why I hadn't thought of it!

I was thinking more about Computer, play [Untitled]...

Song titles matching [untitled]: 18

And would I have to say something weird for Crimson's The
ConstruKction of Light?

We won't even get into the Classical Music problem...


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[slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox Killer?

2006-07-16 Thread Michaelwagner

You know, for about a year after I RIPped all my dance music to a hard
disk, I still took the albums along in their books. They weigh a ton,
but I found that the way I had grouped my music in the album books and
the visual look of the album would remind me of an appropriate song to
go next. 

Then I'd play it off the hard disk.

Odd but true. Gives you an insight that how you pick the music you want
to hear is a lot more subtle than you think, and just saying it isn't
going to cut it much of the time.

[edit] this may also give us some insight into why so many people
experience the looking for music problem in so many different ways,
and why the web interface works for some and not others, why some
prefer browse music folder to browse by artist, etc.


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[slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox Killer?

2006-07-16 Thread Paul_B

I love just leaving the Squeezebox on Random Mix based on the genres to
match my mood. You get to hear tracks you had forgotten all about it is



Slimserver 6.3 on QNAP(1.2) ~ (160GB Maxtor)
SB3 (x1)
RIP - dBpowerAMP v to FLAC
ID3 Tags - MP3Tag v2.35a
Artwork - Album Cover Art Downloader v1.6.0

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[slim] Re: How to execute windows program using XPL or XAP

2006-07-16 Thread shen

gorstk Wrote: 
 In the slimserver web interface (
 Server settings -- plugins -- ensure xPL interface checkbox is ticked
 and click on apply
 Server settings -- plugins -- xpl settgins (at the bottom of page for
 me) -- heartbeat interval 5, infra red processing raw
 In xplhal help menu -- update plugin library -- select all -- ok
 In xplhal load up tools menu -- xpl monitor
 Press the down button on your remote (or whichever button you want to 
 activate the script)
 I get the message in xpl monitor
   trig slimdev-slimserv.BATHROOM
 In xplhal
   right click on 'determinatory' -- select new -- click next
   type in name and description that you wish -- next
   add button (this is your ocnditions upon script will be run)
   select the slimdevices player e.g. for me slimdev-slimserv.bathroom
   select button pressed
   in 'button name'' box insert e.g. for the down key 7689b04f (taken
 xplmonitor output above)
   click ok, then next
   click on add button to add an action
   select xpl-xplhal.computername
   select run a program
   type in the full path to the program e.g.
 c:\WINNT\system32\notepad.exe or c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe
 To test right click on the 'determinator' you have created and click 
 The program /will/ be executed. (have a look in task manager)
 However if xplhal is running a a 'system service' (most likely) then
 program will hide in the background and will NOT display on screen.
 This may or may not be what you want depending on what you are wanting
 to execute.
 e.g. running a command line program to shutdown your pc will not
 the program to come on screen.
 However if you do require the program to load up on your desktop then
 (try installing it as a service, and then going into 'services' in 
 control pannel and making it run as your user account)
 Hope this helps

You made my day - this works exactly as I need it. Many thanks :-)


shen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5787
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[slim] Re: WAV to FLAC

2006-07-16 Thread leping



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[slim] Re: Slim Devices Misses The Boat

2006-07-16 Thread Mark Lanctot

CouchPotatoe Wrote: 
 Some help posts to the lists also either go 
 ignored or solicit quite unpleasant responses. I know in an open
 environment this is very difficult to manage but in the end the
 'feels' this as reflective on Slims' attitudes.

Wow, this is the first I have heard of this.  It's usually the
opposite.  I've never seen a politely-answered question get answered
with an unpleasant response.  In fact I have seen some rudely-worded
questions answered with remarkable patience and civility, when the
poster should have been blasted for berating the very people from whom
they were requesting help.  

Referring the poster to a wiki entry in a single line response may seem
curt, but there's only so many times you can answer the how do I update
my firmware question.

Just because a post goes unanswered doesn't mean people are ignoring
it, it means:

1.  The question is asked 3X per week and could be answered in 15
seconds through the use of the search function.

2.  The poster provides too little information.  My SB3 stopped
working, please help!  If someone doesn't respond with a question on
SS version, OS, server hardware, etc. it's impossible to address.

3.  The poster has a fiendishly difficult problem and no one has any

BTW only a few forum posters are Slim employees.

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Sync'd SBs mess up on AAC, AIFF

2006-07-16 Thread selop

I have multiple SBs synchronized to move sound through the whole house.
WHen I am playing a shuffled playlist (out of iTunes), the SBs begin to
stutter and generate noise when they hit an AAC or AIFF track.  All of
the MP3s are fine, but a single AAC in the playlist will mess things up
when that one is played.

Any ideas?


selop's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6248
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[slim] Re: Sync'd SBs mess up on AAC, AIFF

2006-07-16 Thread radish

Sounds like your bandwidth is marginal. AAC and AIFF are (by default)
streamed in a lossless format thus needing much more bandwidth than
MP3. If you don't mind taking a hit in sound quality you can configure
it to use MP3 for all formats, the only other option is figure out how
to make the connection more solid. Options include new antennas,
boosters, relocation of the access point, using wired not wireless,


radish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=77
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[slim] Re: SLIMP3 Hardware freeze

2006-07-16 Thread Mark Lanctot

What repairs were carried out?

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Sync'd SBs mess up on AAC, AIFF

2006-07-16 Thread selop

AAC is definitely in the minority in my library, so converting to MP3 is
easy ... thanks.

And yes, makes sense that it is a bandwidth issue: 4 or 5 sync'd units,
all on wireless (802.11b, so not super fast).


selop's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6248
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[slim] Syntax for invoking Random Mix from IR/custom.map?

2006-07-16 Thread Marc Sherman
I know I've seen this on this list in the past, but my google fu is 
failing me.

What's the syntax in IR/custom.map to redefine a key to start a Random 
Album Mix?

- Marc
discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Sync'd SBs mess up on AAC, AIFF

2006-07-16 Thread ajmitchell


I have exactly the same problem as you, but only when I am playing from
a NAS. I suggest you run slimserver's Home / Server  Network Health
test (=Home / Server  Network Health = enable monitoring). I suspect
it will tell you there is a problem as already suggested. My experience
is that running lossless / AAC off an internal hard disk in multiple
Sbs will work just fine if your wireless settings are ok. You can
always test hard wiring them just to check it does work ok.


ajmitchell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=800
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[slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox Killer?

2006-07-16 Thread funkstar

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
 Interesting backers though. Polaroid is one.
Is Polaroid even a real company these days? I thought they wend
bankrupt and someone bought the rights to use the Polaroid brand and IP
for instant cameras. I think they then leased out the name to a generic
digital camera manufacturer for those.


funkstar's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2335
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Re: [slim] Syntax for invoking Random Mix from IR/custom.map?

2006-07-16 Thread kdf

On 16-Jul-06, at 1:31 PM, Marc Sherman wrote:

I know I've seen this on this list in the past, but my google fu is 
failing me.

What's the syntax in IR/custom.map to redefine a key to start a Random 
Album Mix?

post #4

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Re: [slim] Syntax for invoking Random Mix from IR/custom.map?

2006-07-16 Thread Marc Sherman

kdf wrote:

post #4

Thanks very much.

BTW, I just upgraded my server 6.3.1 (from 5.4.1), _and_ installed 
AlienBBC for the first time, and it took me all of an hour and works 
wonderfully. Thanks for the fantastic software, folks.

- Marc
discuss mailing list

[slim] Squeezebox date language

2006-07-16 Thread Arie


When I set the Slimserver language to Dutch, the date on Squeezebox is
still in English. Is it possible to change this?



Arie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5067
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[slim] Re: Xbox 360 Disconnects when using Squeezebox

2006-07-16 Thread Mike_Izisys

The host Media Center PC is on - DHCP can assign from .10
through .50 which the squeezebox and Xbox should be assigned from.

I can't see any conflicts...




Mike_Izisys's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6470
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[slim] Re: Why are upgrades so painful?

2006-07-16 Thread joek

Slimserver 6.3.0 is released software and is the version you first see
from SlimDevices website. A new user will more then likey pick 6.3.0,
and may not even be aware of the history of the older versions -
especially without a little hunting around the slimdevies website. In
addition, I would imagine that SD would be recommending version 6.3.0
to any new customers.

I use many open-source software on the net and there are very good ones
and some not so good. I find some of the good ones on the internet to be
better then commerically available products. Slimserver is not bad
software, so I am not sure where the disconnect is - although I have
very strong suspicions.

I am not sure what the root cause of the problem was, other then when
v6.3.0 is oinstalled (and its latest firmware) my environment is broke.
I do not have hours to burn to try and fix the issue(s). I performed
some quick troubleshooting to look through the obvious stuff with not
luck and went back to version 6.2.1. However, I am sure it has to do
with the wireless network, which has always been solid with 6.2.1 -
everything runs excellent with 6.2.1, minus any bugs with the firmware
and software.

I ALWAYS appreciate EVERYONE'S input, help and assistance. IMO, forums
are places for people to vent, express their opinions and to ask for
assistance. If venting is noise to some, then SD may consider another
forum category specific to members that can voice their views - or is
that what General Discussion is for.


joek's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3318
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox date language

2006-07-16 Thread slimpy

Setting the language in Slimserver only affects the webinterface and the
You can set the time format under Settings - Formatting. 
Day of week and month names are dependant on the system language (e.g.
system language English - displayed month July).



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[slim] Can you bookmark streams from Live Music Archive

2006-07-16 Thread JimB

Or save them as playlists?  If yes, I havent been able to figure it out.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox date language

2006-07-16 Thread Arie


Thanx for your quick reply. So, you are saying that the language
display on the Squeezebox depends on my operating systems settings?



Arie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5067
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Re: [slim] Problem with Beta mailing list?

2006-07-16 Thread Philip Meyer
I posted a couple of things to the beta mailing list today, but I haven't seen 
them arrive back from the list.  I had a look in the forum too - they are not 
there.  Is there a problem in general, just the beta list, or is it a problem 
my end?

Problem solved - I was sending mails from an unregistered account.  The strange 
thing is that in the past when I have done this, I've received bounces from the 
list, so I knew I had to delete the pending delivery and resend.

discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Squeezebox date language

2006-07-16 Thread slimpy

Arie Wrote: 
 Thanx for your quick reply. So, you are saying that the language
 display on the Squeezebox depends on my operating systems settings?
Only month (eg July) and day of week (eg Sunday) depend on your
operating system settings. Like I said before, the date/time format
itself can be set under Server settings - Formatting in the web



slimpy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1524
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[slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox Killer?

2006-07-16 Thread Michaelwagner

funkstar Wrote: 
 Is Polaroid even a real company these days? I thought they wend bankrupt
 and someone bought the rights to use the Polaroid brand and IP for
 instant cameras. I think they then leased out the name to a generic
 digital camera manufacturer for those.
Good one. I hadn't known that, but I think you're correct. See the
wikipedia article linked to below



Michaelwagner's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=428
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox date language

2006-07-16 Thread Arie

Ok, I have changed the language on my Ubuntu box to Dutch, and when I
type the command date it shows the date in Dutch (ma jul 17 00:13:07
CEST 2006). When I check my SB, it's still monday...
What to do next?

Thanx in advance.



Arie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5067
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox date language

2006-07-16 Thread slimpy

Do you run slimserver as root? Root may not use the same settings as a
regular user.
Did you try to run the date command as the same user that runs
I think this problem has come up before. If I remember correctly it 
had something to do with perl not picking up date/time system settings
at startup. Does slimserver use the correct settings when you start it



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[slim] Re: Sync'd SBs mess up on AAC, AIFF

2006-07-16 Thread radish

ajmitchell Wrote: 
 I have exactly the same problem as you, but only when I am playing from
 a NAS. I suggest you run slimserver's Home / Server  Network Health
 test (=Home / Server  Network Health = enable monitoring). I suspect
 it will tell you there is a problem as already suggested. My experience
 is that running lossless / AAC off an internal hard disk in multiple
 Sbs will work just fine if your wireless settings are ok. You can
 always test hard wiring them just to check it does work ok.
I think you'll have real trouble running more than a couple of units on
802.11b (which the original poster mentioned) with lossless. With a G
network you can certainly run several - I run 3 with no problems - but
B is very much more limited.


radish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=77
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[slim] Re: Slimserver not starting after 6.3 install

2006-07-16 Thread jlauro

For redhat AS 3, I had to run the following:

up2date perl-CGI

To fix the perl problem.  (Plus the other rpms that were listed as new

These new dependancies should really be in the release notes...


jlauro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6479
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[slim] Re: Mp3pro?

2006-07-16 Thread dgpretzel

Thank you for your rapid response.

I should have figured that proprietariness was at least involved, if
not the main reason.

I was motivated by the fact that I find myself listening to internet
radio (via Squeezenetwork) much more than I anticipated I might.  I
suppose because of the availability of niche, very highly focused
streams from Live365 (I listen to several of their stations).  Mp3Pro
is used quite a bit on Live365, and since internet radio is an
explicitly intended use of the SB, I wondered if there might be some
kind of switch I could turn on to activate it.

I'm not aware of any open source mp3pro decoder.  But, I'm probably not
a very good source for info such as that.

Assuming mpepro is not available open source, would something like that
be a possible (paid subscription) value-add that could be delivered via

Thanks again.



dgpretzel's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2714
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[slim] remote streaming: can slimserver stream ogg vorbis?

2006-07-16 Thread toojays


Is it possible to setup slimserver so that
http://myslimserver:9000/stream.ogg produces an Ogg Vorbis stream? I'd
like to be able to have a 64kB Vorbis stream to listen to at work.


toojays's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5502
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[slim] Re: AsyncHTTP errors

2006-07-16 Thread smc2911

andyg Wrote: 
 single-word domain = use system library for lookup, it's probably in a
 hosts file or LAN DNS server, so lookup should be fast.
That's interesting. My domain is a single-word domain, which explains
why it used to work, but not why it's not working now. Any suggestions
greatly appreciated, as usual.



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[slim] Re: remote streaming: can slimserver stream ogg vorbis?

2006-07-16 Thread radish

Not right now, sorry. The non-slim stream is limited to mp3.


radish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=77
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[slim] Re: Why are upgrades so painful?

2006-07-16 Thread Kevin O. Lepard

IMO, forums are places for people to vent

I disagree.  I don't think venting in a public place--and I 
consider forums to be a public place--is ever appropriate.  If you 
want to vent to a friend in email, fine, but to do it in public is at 
best impolite.  Particularly given the well-documented (and rather 
large) possibility that email can be misinterpreted, I think that 
courtesy should be the rule.  And I don't think adults should have to 
be told to be courteous.

I'm sorry to hear that 6.3.0 didn't work in your environment, though.

Kevin O. Lepard

Happiness is being 100% Microsoft free.
discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Mp3pro?

2006-07-16 Thread Jack Coates
On 7/16/06, dgpretzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thank you for your rapid response.I should have figured that proprietariness was at least involved, if
not the main reason.I was motivated by the fact that I find myself listening to internetradio (via Squeezenetwork) much more than I anticipated I might.Isuppose because of the availability of niche, very highly focused
streams from Live365 (I listen to several of their stations).Mp3Prois used quite a bit on Live365, and since internet radio is anexplicitly intended use of the SB, I wondered if there might be somekind of switch I could turn on to activate it.
I'm not aware of any open source mp3pro decoder.But, I'm probably nota very good source for info such as that.Assuming mpepro is not available open source, would something like thatbe a possible (paid subscription) value-add that could be delivered via
squeezenet?Thanks again.DGIt isn't inconceivable (Vizzini, are you sure that word means what you think it means?), but it would have to be done through SqueezeNetwork and would probably only be available in the States. Pandora is an example of the type of integration you'd see.
However, it's a long way from feasible to done, and no one outside of SDI knows how much progress has been made down that path (or if anything is on the path at all).-- I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: AsyncHTTP errors

2006-07-16 Thread andyg

It should work now, have you tried a recent nightly?


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Re: [slim] Re: Duplicate tracks due to paths in playlist?

2006-07-16 Thread Jack Coates
...That makes two positions in the code I have to change on every newSlimserver release. The other one being the SQLite pragmas for using
RAM instead of temp files.Seems like that's a UI option in 6.3, are you sure you need to do this? See Server Settings  Performance  Database Temporary File Tuning (SQLite).
-- I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
discuss mailing list

[slim] Live365 track info

2006-07-16 Thread dgpretzel

I notice that the track info for live365 stations is significantly out
of sync with what is actually playing.  Usually, the track info changes
about 45 - 75 seconds before the music changes.  That's so much that you
can't always tell that a piece is winding up.  So, sometimes, you
don't know whether you're looking at info for the current or the next

I think I understand that the situation occurs because the bit stream
is buffered, and the track info is polled separately on a near
real-time basis.  But, I wonder if it is possible for Slim Devices to
fix the problem?  Is there anything in the actual music bitstream to
signal the end or beginning of a musical selection?  (I understand, I
think, that the actual metadata is NOT in the music bit stream, but,
perhaps, there is something that signals beginning/end of each piece.) 
If so, perhaps the software could modified to defer displaying the new
information until the next piece actually starts.

The track info is really ambiguous much of the time.

Thank you for any comments.




dgpretzel's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2714
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[slim] Re: Xbox 360 Disconnects when using Squeezebox

2006-07-16 Thread JimB

You may want to set static IPs just to be sure.I had a similar
problem, not with a 360 but another like minded networked device.


JimB's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=327
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[slim] Re: Live365 track info

2006-07-16 Thread andyg

You're right that the track info is not contained within the stream but
polled from a separate XML feed.  I will take another look at how it
works and see if the track changes can be more exact.  Without looking,
I think the feed provides a value such as time until next track that
we use to determine when to get the next track title.  So if it turns
out that this time is actually wrong, there isn't much we can do.  Have
you checked Live365's own 'now playing' webpage to see if it's more in


andyg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3292
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[slim] Re: m4a to wav format

2006-07-16 Thread libin

I am doing an Experiment in slimserver. I am trying to play the m4a
files in wav format.
I don’t want the file to be converted in any other format. Or if it
must be played in m4a format itself.
I have tried changing in convert.config file as m4a m4a * *  or m4a wav
* *. 
I just removed all other conversion in convert.config file., Plz help
me in doing this.Any suggestion


libin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6440
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[slim] Rhapsody Question

2006-07-16 Thread msiebach

First, let me say that I love my Squeezebox.  I bought it after reading
a great review of it in the New York Times.
I just got the Rhapsody trial going today, and I think it's pretty
I got some playlists and songs loaded up, but I just can't seem to get
them to play continuously.  I have messed around in Rhapsody's
preferences and such, but I can't seem to change this.
The music plays fine, but it just won't play songs back to back to
back, etc...  Does anyone know how to change this?


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