[slim] Podcast Bug

2010-06-20 Thread thomsens

Have 7.5.1 on windows and can't seem to get the podcasts feeds I put in
the server to show up on my players consistently.  Some players show
the entries, others don't.  Have TP/Boom and SB2.   This problem has
been consistent for over a year through several upgrades and is rather
frustrating since it seems like a basic feature.  And if it was a bug,
I'd think it would be fixed quickly, but clearly it hasn't.  Any


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller Shuffle Behavior

2009-06-29 Thread thomsens

Had a party this weekend and while the guests were impressed by their
ability to dial-up all my music on the controller, they were less than
impressed by the presence of this shuffle bug (had to explain to 5+
people that it was unexpected behavior and it should work like they
expected).  Luckily they quickly moved to adding specific songs to the
playlist which limited this issue.

Other comments were basically that the controller was unresponsive at
times (sometimes going to Connecting... and other times just spinning
arrow, etc.) and a little sluggish in general.  My wireless is solid in
general fo other devices, so I'm not sure what the issue is.  Also, the
feel of the dial is tough to get the hang of - it seems to jump from
non-responsive to over responsive.  It's not easy to use it quickly
based on feel - you have to be very deliberate to not under or overshoot
your target.  I understand and agree with these assessments.  I'm hoping
there's focus on cleaning up the code on the controller to be faster and
have fewer bugs.  It's the front line in the reference sale in the field
and it's not where it needs to be yet, IMO.


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller Shuffle Behavior

2009-05-22 Thread thomsens

Best I can tell, 6 months have past and this bug hasn't been addressed. 
I suppose I could track down some nightly, but my current 7.3.2 SC is
too fragile as it is.  Very frustrating...


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Re: [slim] Linn - SkweezyDS

2009-01-12 Thread thomsens

rockfather;383417 Wrote: 
 ...The design involves making a Linn DS mimic what a Squeezebox is

Are you touching the Linn DS firmware in any way, or is all the magic
in your plug-in combined with the extra SB and essentially the SC
software thinks it's talking to the SB and the Linn DS thinks it's
talking to a UPnP server?


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Re: [slim] TOSLINK Or Coaxial Cable - SqueezeBox Classic (3) To DACMagic

2009-01-10 Thread thomsens

One nice attribute of the Coax approach is that you can use your Coax in
the walls to connect systems remotely.  In my case, I use the DAC in the
Transporter locally to my 2 channel system and also use the Coax digital
out to connect it into my home theater system on a different floor. 
Although I have an SB3 in the HT, I don't have to mess with the sync
feature of SC to hear the same music in 2 places.

Edit:  I say mess with sync feature because I find SC's behavior is
sometimes a little odd when I use it.  Obviously when I use 2 outputs
from the TP, there's no difference to SC.


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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2009-01-10 Thread thomsens

flytox;374324 Wrote: 
 DLNA/upNp, compliance of Sc means the end of sb/transporter. Some
 amp/receiver could display the tags and the integrated dac provide
 conversions to the amp.

Isn't that threat real regardless?  From my standpoint, SD needs to
figure out how to be the default server for all audio (and all media in
the future I suppose), otherwise they will remain a stovepipe
proprietary solution with limited appeal to the greater consumer base.

SD needs to build a plan in which they take the risk of adding a
bridge between the SC functionality and providing DLNA server function
for non-SD devices.  That way they stay in the center of the audio home
universe with SC, but now it's game on to figure out how to convince
consumers that SB clients are easier to use, sound better, and are an
overall better value.  It may not be an easy road to navigate, but the
Ciscos of the world are going to continue coming out of the woodwork
and most will converge on a standards approach in the future.  It's
only a matter of time before you can build a compelling and very usable
system completely upon standards - maybe Cisco just did.

It was fine in the days when SD could sell a few units and make a
living, but I'm sure Logitech has much higher expectations on SD's role
in the future of audio in the home, so they have to act.  Saying it
depends on demand makes no sense if you are using the SD forums for
the input.  I think the requirement is created by the need to remain
relevant over the long run.  I doubt many aspire to be a niche player,
they just come to terms with it when it happens.

Edit:  BTW, I don't know the right business model obviously - that's
their problem.   My problem is that I've spent over $3K with them and I
don't want bricks on my hands.  It might be as simple as charging for
the DLNA plug-in - who knows?


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Re: [slim] NYTimes - Cisco to enter the Home Digital Entertainment Market

2009-01-08 Thread thomsens

toby10;381020 Wrote: 
 I have *NO* experience with Cisco, I do have experience with Linksys
 products.  Cisco may well get the design aspect, but they had better
 seriously ramp up customer support for such consumer devices.  
 If they rely on the Linksys model for customer support of consumer
 products then this entire line is DOOMED!   :)

That may well be the case.  Cisco is one of the best in terms of
enterprise support, but that support model is too expensive for the
consumer.  Perhaps they've continued to use the original Linksys
approach for those products which is inadequate (I've never called them
honestly).  In my view, forums are the primary technology support
approach these days, but I suppose I lot of people still call the
support line.  I honestly haven't done that for cheap gear ($100) for
years.  They need to have an active support community for sure.

I guess my main thought is that this product set and the launch of the
new site appear to be Cisco trying to re-engergize their approach to
the consumer.  It remains to be seen if it will be effective, but it's
impressive so far.


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Re: [slim] NYTimes - Cisco to enter the Home Digital Entertainment Market

2009-01-07 Thread thomsens

With Cisco's money, they can hire any interior architect they want.

I'm extremely impressed by the launch and agree with JJZolx on how
complete the solution is.  SD and Sonos have been at it for some time
and this is basically 1.0 for Cisco.  I've always thought they have a
good chance at making waves due to their presence in the home with
Linksys, complete understanding of the power of the network, and the
fact that they generally do not try to lock in the customer with
proprietary technology like Sony, MS and Apple try to do.

Whoever thought Cisco doesn't get it, really doesn't understand Cisco. 
They have been putting audio and video on IP for years and have been
preaching network based applications forever.  The only real question
is their ability to deliver a compelling and user friendly consumer
level product.  And frankly, they are right - to the average person,
their music is locked up in iTunes/iPod and/or striped across multiple
computers in the home - just like Cisco suggested.  Those with properly
tagged NAS based libraries are definitely in the minority - just not on
this forum.

That's where it really gets interesting though...Linksys products were
basically contract designs and this product line appears to be one of
the first types of products coming out with real Cisco involvement in
the engineering of the actual product.  If you look through the web
site, they go to great lengths to establish a cool factor and the
fact that Cisco actively participated in creating these products.

I like my SD products for now and they are probably safe as long as TP
dominates the quality/price category, but for lower-end audio, I'm
thinking the space is getting exciting.  SqueezeCenter is the real gem
in SD's possession for me, but it's still somewhat complex for the
average person.  If Cisco reduces the complexity, gives you better CD
and iPod access and is a one-stop-shop, then it's very compelling.


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Re: [slim] Where is the SBC dock:-)

2009-01-07 Thread thomsens

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=57803

Question: Would you be interested in a docking option for the Squeezebox

- Yes, with built-in amplifier and speakers
- Yes, a simple stand-alone dock
- Both of the above
- No, not interested

The best answer would be an adapter to allow the controller to be
connected to an iPod dock.  That way, it's plugged in for power, you
can still use it to control the music and it can connect into a huge
range of products already out there.


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller Shuffle Behavior

2008-12-27 Thread thomsens

You guys are killing me...please don't let this fix slip again.  I hate
using the controller with this bug.


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller Shuffle Behavior

2008-11-01 Thread thomsens

Great!  Aside from my own frustration, I have had a few occassions to
try to explain to someone else why it does that when I've shown them
the controller.  Needless to say it sticks out to new folks who check
the product out in my home.


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Re: [slim] Updating Squeezebox duet controller firmware

2008-11-01 Thread thomsens

Skunk;355483 Wrote: 
 Never tried that before. Do you have 'automatic updates' enabled in Web

I'm not following your question (nor can I find that menu structure). 
I have SC automatically check for updates and I have my players
automatically update firmware.  Is there a similar setting for the
controller (didn't check that)?  In any case, the jive files weren't
even in the directory at all.  As soon as I put them there from your
earlier link, the upgrade worked.  To upgrade SC, I'll just download
the code and install over the original.  I assumed that added needed
jive components, but maybe not?


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Re: [slim] Updating Squeezebox duet controller firmware

2008-10-31 Thread thomsens

This seems to be a common problem with the controller with just about
every release.  Every time I go to upgrade my controller sw, I cross my
fingers.  I think I have a 50% chance of success based on my history
with it.  Now with 7.2.1, I'm only having the failed message.  The
reliability of sw upgrades for the controller needs to be a quality
focus item for slim devices going forward.  The current implementation
is not acceptable.  Luckily it has always (mostly) worked regardless of
the rev it was on.  The chief complaint I'd have is that it takes too
long to wake-up after not being used for some time.


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Re: [slim] Updating Squeezebox duet controller firmware

2008-10-31 Thread thomsens

Ok - so I manually copied all the jive components from the web site
listed above to the firmware directory under SC.  Now it appears to be
letting me do the upgrade.  Why would I have to do that?


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[slim] Duet Controller Shuffle Behavior

2008-10-31 Thread thomsens

I wish the behavior of the Conroller was different when starting off an
adhoc playlist.  I think whenever you are on a highlighted song and hit
play, that song should immediately play.  In the shuffle mode now, I'll
go down to the song level within an album and hit play on a song only
to have a different song on that album play.  I think the behavior
should be to play that song first and shuffle the rest.  There's
already the ability to shuffle an album at the album level or if you
select play all so I don't understand why the same thing happens when
you scroll to a song.  Thoughts?


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[slim] Firmware update from SqueezeCenter

2008-09-06 Thread thomsens

When are you going to add the ability to update the firmware from the
SqueezeCenter instead of having to manually do it from each unit?  
It's a pain to do it the way it is now...especially if you are flipping
between servers on different loads.


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Re: [slim] Firmware update from SqueezeCenter

2008-09-06 Thread thomsens

andyg;337525 Wrote: 
 If you don't like manually updating the firmware, just enable
 auto-update on each player.

You mean each physical player...  That took me some time to figure out.
Of course you need to be able to disable that feature at the player if
you were having problems, but I'd think while all is working you'd be
able to set it at the SqueezeCenter too.  In any case, I'm glad the
feature exists!


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Re: [slim] Cat among the pigeons

2008-01-13 Thread thomsens

luuk;257940 Wrote: 
 Let me start by saying that I have been a very happy and dedicated SB
 (2) user for a few years now. But, I am now setting up a dedicated home
 cinema and this raises several questions about how to transport music
 there from my server. Inevitably I find my mind turning to non-SB
 solutions because I would also want to transport pictures/video from
 the server as well. Yet I am reluctant to do so. I have some experience
 using a PS3 to do precisely that, and this has been less than
 satisfying. Wouldn't it be great if SBs could also transport images and
 video? Are there any plans in this direction?

I have an RG6 running from my TP to my newly installed theater area.  I
just use the SPDF to supply the same music (or I just don't turn amp at
the TP on when I only want to hear it in my theater).

I just got a PS3...I think it's a great media adapter (relatively
speaking).  I've had terrible luck with a Denon 4308 and the Pioneer
Media Gallery on the Pro-150FD.   I have very little confidence in DLNA
products...however the PS3 blows the others away so far.


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread thomsens

I'm in the it's too expensive camp as well.  I think what's happened to
many of us is that we feel we've been offered a $300 remote control for
our SB3s and Transporters and clearly that's a lot of money for a
dedicated remote control (i.e., not a universal).  No offense to SD,
but the initial explanation of it cost us a lot to build, so it has to
cost that much for you.  Plus, we'll do the basic stuff to make the
remote control work, but enabling the extra hw will be your
responsibility to take care of comes off as a little arrogant.  I
understand and honestly believe that's not what the SD folks feel, but
it can appear that way if you read through the early part of the thread
- at least it did to me.  If it appeared that SD had a roadmap for more
functionality, I might have felt differently.

The fact is that there are folks paying more for the SONOS remote, so
the market supports the pricing.  In the end, that's all that really
matters.  I'd personally rather hear that answer because it makes sense
to me and isn't offensive in any way - it's just business.  If you don't
like it, buy a Harmony, buy nothing, or buy the more expensive SONOS
option (ignoring the SC host hw requirements that is).

In the end, I'll probably also buy the duet combo because I want to
hide my transporter from view and for $100 another SB is hard to pass


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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2008-01-07 Thread thomsens

The real issue is that SD's business model is to give away the server
and charge for the player.  I would guess from a market perspective
that a player is a player and the fact that the SB/Transporter are
probably better audio components is lost on the majority of folks
buying these products.  So, the value is therefore in the server
software which is where the rub is.  SD doesn't charge for the server,
so if they made it DLNA compliant (I'm sure easy enough to do), I could
buy a Roku and use SC for free to control it since the other DLNA server
products in the market stink.  Then SD would be in the business for
free.  The SB/Transporter supporting DLNA probably makes more business
sense for SD because at least they could still sell players - but
clearly it wouldn't make much sense for someone to buy one only to use
it with a DLNA server today - but it could in the future.  In my
opinion, SD can't ignore this issue.  They will probably have to dance
with that devil at some point to stay in the game.   It's risky, but
ignoring it would probably limit their success over the long run.  

It would probably be ideal for someone to build a plug-in to provide
DLNA client support off of SC.  That way SC can be the center of a
user's audio streaming world and eventually folks will realize the SD
products give them more functionality than their DLNA product does
which might bring revenue back to SD.  I just bought a TV and an AV
Receiver that both require DLNA, so now I'm evaluating DLNA servers. 
SD better have a strategy for integration with DLNA or have tremendous
value add to justify remaining an island IMO.  DLNA has standards and
pictures/video on it's side...I'm sure the servers will improve with
time as well.  I don't necessarily like running a single server for all
(since all implementations get clunky with all of that going one), but
it could become compelling over time.


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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2008-01-07 Thread thomsens

radish;255595 Wrote: 
 I think people are looking for it to be a uPnP server rather than

Yes - I don't know the terminology, but I thought the context would
make it more obvious.  Slimserver should serve Rokus and the
like...whatever functionality that is.  That way, my AV receiver, my TV
and my SB/Transporter can be clients of SC.  Otherwise I have to run 2
servers and as more clients get added to my network, and the DLNA stuff
matures, the DLNA server becomes more strategic to me and I potentially
start looking at replacing the SC server (although my sunk cost in
SB/Transporter will help keep them alive).  I'd prefer for SD to be
able to control the other devices due to it's current functionality and
I'd probably be compelled to maintain an audio only server solution if
it did.  I'm not sold that you have to have one server for audio, video
and pictures too.  But that's primarily because the current options for
that stink.  The fact is that you need focus on each of those areas for
their unique applications, but all servers tend to treat them the same.
The one that does a good job at all three could really take some
share...it could also drive your client decision over time.

I, like many on this forum, am willing to pay more and go through some
level of pain to get the audio quality that SD provides, but I do have
a limit to the amount of complexity I'll take on without obvious
benefit.  For now, an SC server is very beneficial and the players are
some of the best out there.  As time goes on, the DLNA servers will
improve and high-quality players will be common.  SD will have to have
made some smart moves.  The more embedded they are in my home media
network, the better for them IMO.  Right now, it's a stovepipe for SD

BTW - I don't really understand the difference between a DLNA server
and UPnP either, but hopefully this still makes sense.


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Re: [slim] Any word of SB4?

2007-12-30 Thread thomsens

The simple answer on price is that they are selling enough at the
current price to keep it there.  Just because they can lower it doesn't
mean they should.  I'm sure there will be a market for standalone music
players for years to come, but eventually there will be so many options
(some of them good), that SD will have to have made some smart moves. 
That would most likely include new products as well as lower price
points.  Given they just gained access to Logitech's distribution
channel, they have a window of ability to greatly increase exposure of
the product...possibly without having to address the price.  As soon as
this new sales channel becomes expected, something new has to happen. 
In the tech field, it's common to eat your young before someone else
does.  Hopefully for those of us who have invested (particularly the TP
owners), SD stays ahead of the field with hw and sw innovations that
help them remain relevant.  Otherwise we could have bricks on our
hands.  I always thought that if I got 3 years out of the TP, I'd feel
I got enough (not really, but how else could I justify buying a product
with the risk that it just go away because the small company fails).  I
was equally concerned with the Logitech thing because they make high
volume products that are a totally different market than the TP.  They
could have killed it immediately.  So far, it looks like luck has been
on our side, though.  The product is getting better and there appears
to be no fear of the product going away.


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Re: [slim] Time to rip/convert a single CD to FLAC?

2007-12-23 Thread thomsens

Inspiribomb;251190 Wrote: 
 As I begin ripping all my CD's and simultaneously converting the files
 to FLAC, it seems to be taking excessively long.  Each CD takes about
 10 minutes to rip and convert, is this typical?  I am using EAC for
 this.  Thanks in advance!

Assuming the discs have no problems, yes.  That's why it's good to have
multiple computers setup for the task if you have them.


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Re: [slim] Wife wants to get rid of squeezeboxes...

2007-12-22 Thread thomsens

simondp;250889 Wrote: 
 Guys, thanks for the responses.
 Yes, I forgot to mention that I have Sky broadband and use the router
 they sent me - a standard Netgear wireless adsl router. It all works
 pretty well, to be honest. I'm on the latest 'production' version of
 slimserver - 6.5.4 and have the latest ts-109 firmware. It's just
 frustrating having to press play again to get the music going, or
 restart the internet radio stream.
 The thing with the laptop is strange. I put it into hibernate as
 standard. When it 'comes alive' again, the squeezeboxes stop. If it's
 music, they'll restart eventually. If it's radio, they'll stop until
 told to restart. Then everything is fine until the next hiccup sometime
 later. MP3's normally play just fine for hours on end, it's the radio
 that's the hang-up. Maybe that suggests the router could be the
 problem, as everything goes through that...
 I don't think I've got anything fancy turned on in the router settings.
 It's a basic wireless 54mb/s network. I've changed the channel on the
 laptop card and the router a couple of times due to neighbouring
 competitors! Is there a way to select the channel for the squeezebox??
 Wired is a no-no, I'm afraid. It just has to be wireless.
 Personally, I'm kinda ok with the setup. It's just not reliable enough
 for the good lady, as she can't be doing with the technical maintenance
 that it currently requires. If I can just get it sorted and bedded-in..
 (until SC7 gets released!)..

I maintain 2 wireless networks in my house to separate my bursty PC
traffic from the music stuff.  I figured it was just easier, and I've
never had any issues with my SB2 for either FLAC or MP3.  Don't know if
that would help you or not.  Obviously if your PC is 802.11b vs. G, that
could cause some issues since it limits bandwidth of the wireless system
(even for the G nodes).


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[slim] Time issue on Forum Server?

2007-12-09 Thread thomsens

It seems that the time of posts is off...is there a problem with the
server's time?

EDIT:  Now it looks correct??


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Re: [slim] SB on bedside - wifi radiation ?

2007-11-28 Thread thomsens

mvalera;245920 Wrote: 
 20cm is about 8 inches.
 As long as you aren't using your Squeezebox as a pillow I think you'll
 be safe.
 If not you can always get some of those nifty tin-foil PJ's.

Doesn't address those of us who work on wireless laptops all
day...sometimes on our laps.


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Re: [slim] New products please!

2007-11-13 Thread thomsens

Michael Herger;242501 Wrote: 
  It happens every day, and by many very successful companies.
  Particularly in the tech and consumer electronics industries.
 Oh, I remember that company in Redmond announcing Windows 4.0 about
 years before it was released as version 95...

As Pat mentioned, pre-announcing is usually to stall other company's
sales.  It's usually for strategic markets - not something as
fragmented as streaming audio products.  Pre-announcing for Slimdevices
would simply slow sales, which doesn't benefit them at all...unless it's
a completely new category of product, perhaps.

I also found the comment on Cisco dropping from favor funny...it was
actually a great earnings announcement and growth projections were
reasonable.  I'd think leading internet infrastructure sales is a
decent place to be as HD video is moving toward IP delivery.  Perhaps a
time to buy...

Back on topic - I look forward to both SC7 and a better remote solution
as well.


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[slim] File Format Conversion Setup

2007-10-09 Thread thomsens

Can someone point me to the explanation of this feature or explain how
it works?  In general I want the server to stream in native format to
my SB/TP to minimize latency/CPU usage on my server.  I sometimes
stream remotely over the internet and use the other setting to
re-encode on the fly for those sw only clients.  How do I set this
section up?


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Re: [slim] File Format Conversion Setup

2007-10-09 Thread thomsens

Phil Leigh;233891 Wrote: 
 Then you would set FLAC-FLAC, WAV-WAV and MP3-MP3...so everything is
 sent in it ist native format with all transcoding (to PCM) on the
 client, not the server.

There's stream format and decoder...  do I use only the (built-in)
ones for decoder?


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Re: [slim] Weird scanner behaviour

2007-09-11 Thread thomsens

Heuer;226522 Wrote: 
 About 95% of my music is FLAC - the remainder being MP3. No WAV files in
 there although some of the FLAC files are 96khz/24 bit or 48/24.
 I installed 6.5.5 and did a full rescan without problems. Running a new
 music scan (without adding anything) works OK so I now need to add some
 music and try a rescan.
 Seems to me if you are having problems then a clear and rescan
 overcomes any problems.

Great news...I grabbed the 6.5.5 nightly and all of my issues that I
was experiencing seemed to clear up asap.  That's crashing scanner.exe,
missing music, album art not showing up, etc.  I think I'll stay here
until 7.0 smooths out...


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Re: [slim] Weird scanner behaviour

2007-09-10 Thread thomsens

Heuer;226298 Wrote: 
 Long time poster, first time moaner!
 Running SS 6.5.4 on a Dell 8250, 3.02Ghz, 1 Mb RAM, XP SP2 with FLAC
 music collection on a ReadyNAS NV. PC is acting as headless server
 running SS, WeatherDisplay software and myiHome media server. Windows
 firewall (allowing slim.exe and scanner.exe), AVG anti-virus. All
 albums have artwork. Recently upgraded from SS 6.5.3.
 Ran a scan for new music and it came up with the Windows scanner.exe
 failed message. I disabled the firewall and uninstalled AVG to no avail
 scan, still failed. All previous albums and artwork displayed properly
 (including thumbnails) but new music was not showing up. Ran
 scanner.exe from command line but the log showed no issues and the new
 music and art has been added. Tried a 'clear  rescan' from the browser
 and it ran perfectly.
 'Look for new music' causes a crash
 'Clear and rescan' works perfectly
 Any thoughts?

What type of music do you have?  I had all sorts of problems then I
took my single CD of .WAV files out and it seemed to clear up some of
the issues.  I'm still having lots of problems (partial listings, no
album art, etc.), but that helped a lot.


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[slim] Closed cabinet remote solution

2007-08-08 Thread thomsens

As much as I like the look of my audio components, I need to cover them
for day to day use with a closed cabinet.  As a result, I'm looking for
a remote solution that will handle my transporter as well as my other
components while the door is closed.  I want the remote device to be
able to display the album art and song details.

Harmony 1000/Jive look like they bring potential future capabilities to
the table, but I don't see that there is a clear roadmap anywhere to
what I'm looking for.  Anyone know what's going on?  I don't just want
a fancy front-end for slimserver since I'd like to control volume and
power for the entire system from the remote too, but transporter
control is the highest priority.


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Re: [slim] How to change the server my squeezebox connects to

2007-07-31 Thread thomsens

with the unit on, hold the left arrow key for a few seconds until the
option appears.   One issue is that if you have different versions on
the two servers, you may need to change your firmware every time you
switch as well.


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[slim] Changing the remote's functionality

2007-07-26 Thread thomsens

I would like to change the volume control on my remote to control my
pre-amp instead of the transporter since I leave the volume at max all
the time on the transporter.   Does anyone have a pointer on how to
remap the buttons or any pointers?  With guidance, I could probably
figure it out.  I have a bryston pre-amp.


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Re: [slim] Fast forward/Rewind

2007-06-21 Thread thomsens

amey01;210282 Wrote: 
 This has been asked before and is my pet peeve as well. In fact, it is
 my ONLY probelm with an otherwise fantastic product. 
 It is an advertised feature (and I would not have bought the Squeezebox
 if they had advertised that this simple feature that has been on every
 CD player (and WORKED ON EVERY CD PLAYER) since inception) didn't work.
 I would think this has to be the highest priority as it is the ONLY
 bug [more like inadequacy] where any old CD payer surpasses the
 That also means having it work for non-native fomats. Nowhere is it
 advertised that you have to use FLAC or MP3 only if you want a fully
 functioning Squeezebox.

I use both FLAC and MP3 and neither work well.


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[slim] Fast forward/Rewind

2007-06-20 Thread thomsens

I'm sure it's been asked before, but is there any hope that the FF and
RW will be improved on the Transporter/SB?  As far as I'm concerned
it's almost a broken implementation at this point.  It's frustrating
because it's the only thing I miss about my CD player.  I'm using


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[slim] Version Question

2007-06-06 Thread thomsens

SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11903 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252

I'm running this version for my transporter...is this the official
6.5.2?  I can't remember if I installed that version...and I know I
used a beta image to solve other problems I had with the Transporter. 
Now I don't know what I'm running (seems to work great though).


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Re: [slim] Version Question

2007-06-06 Thread thomsens

Michael Herger;207102 Wrote: 
  SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11903 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252
  I'm running this version for my transporter...is this the official
 No, imho it's 12050: http://svn.slimdevices.com/tags/RELEASE_6_5_2/
 But if you don't have an open issue, don't bother upgradinging. If you
 have, go with the latest 6.5.3 nightly build.
 http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
 http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR

Thanks - but if I read your message correctly, 6.5.2 is newer than my
release and in theory contains the fix I needed, right?

My issue was transporter being able to play 24bit FLACs correctly
(can't remember bugid or anything).


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[slim] Multiple Slimservers

2007-04-16 Thread thomsens

I have 2 slimservers in my house for various reasons and I'd like to
switch between them with my SB2 and my new Transporter.  Is there an
easy way to do this other than rebooting and going through setup?


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Re: [slim] Multiple Slimservers

2007-04-16 Thread thomsens

Michael Herger;195298 Wrote: 
 Press and hold the LEFT button until you're back in the settings screen 
 (no need to go through all the settings, just select another player).

Wow - interesting... a hidden feature of sorts.  Seems odd that you'd
have to do it that way, but it's quick enough.


I'm avoiding plug-ins for a now because I use both the Infrant based
and PC based Slimservers, so I don't want too many inconsistencies at
this time.  Infrant is supposed to allow more flexible plug-ins in the
future though.


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2007-01-09 Thread thomsens

agentsmith;132451 Wrote: 
 Ability to add and delete music and not have to rescan whole library. 
 (Like MusicIP)

This is the no brainer.  I add some music and want to listen to it now.
But, I have to wait until all 12000 songs are re-scanned.  Same deal
with playlists.  It seems they get verified when imported.  I wish the
server would just see them.

Overall, the web interface needs to be optimized as much as possible. 
It's too slow in general and unusable on the Infrant boxes.  I have
never seen a web page so non-responsive.

Also dynamic smart playlists - based on criterion that dynamically
update the playlist when music is added or changed.


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[slim] Duplicative entry when scanning playlists

2005-08-17 Thread thomsens


I have 6.1.1 running on WinXP and I have my playlists and music files
in separate directories that are not nested in any way.  When I allow
slimserver to scan just the music files, everything is fine.  when I
allow it to scan playlists as well (created by another program and
placed in the playlists directory), duplicative entries are made for
the songs.  

Best I can tell, slimserver is case sensitive.  The entries from the
other program in the .m3u files have different cases than the entries
that Slimserver makes when it scans the actual music.  I tested this
theory with a playlist that used an identical case sensitive entry as
Slimserver used and there were no duplicates in that case.  

Is this a known bug?  It's actually a pain because I can't use
playlists now.  The entries are all mixed case in a way that isn't easy
to adjust them.


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