[marketing-events] OOo RegiCon North America - Speakers

2005-01-20 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Prompted by Jean, I have uploaded an Impress template to the OOoRegiCon 
web site, see: 

Some speakers have indicated that they would prefer to provide a paper 
instead of or in addition to your presentation slides. You may consider 
this, as there will be many more people viewing the website than is able 
to attend OOoRegiCon.

Please can you send me (jacqueline AT openoffice.org) your presentation 
and or paper to be uploaded to the OOoRegiCon website BEFORE you travel 
to OOoRegCon. The most often asked question at OOoCon was, "when will 
the xyz presentation be available on the web site?". If I have them 
ready to upload at the completion of OOoRegiCon, I don't think we can do 
better than that :)

Remember also, that all speakers need to complete and sign the Linspire 
Speaker Release Agreement 

Many of you, the volunteers are speakers, so those of you that are not 
speaking I would like to ask whether you could look after your speakers. 
Perhaps it may be worthwhile setting up a buddy system, so every speaker 
has a buddy. Ryan is MC, but I think it is always helpful to have a 
speaker buddy and or roady so that all the speaker has to do is get 
there and someone else looks after the timing, equipment etc. Just a 


Re: [marketing-events] OOo RegiCon North America - Speakers

2005-01-21 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Daniel Carrera wrote:
What about those giving lightning talks?
I can make an Impress presentation, but wouldn't that take away time from a short 
talk? I'm probably missing something obvious.

You are on the right track :) Speakers presenting lightning talks do not 
require and are encouraged to not have slides. But you may wish to have 
one slide with the title of your talk, an outline or pertinent message 
or image. Just so that the audience has two items to look at - you and 
the slide :)

I figured we would be using only one computer (with a ready standby) and 
all the slides would be on the one computer so this would minimise the 
setup. Also, it reduces the likelihood of equipment not working, 
especially if you are a speaker that is not going to the rehearsal.

Yes, the template is for all speakers except lightning talks.
As I suggested in my previous mail, if all speakers have buddies, then 
your buddy, could display the one slide while you are speaking. Just an 

On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 03:55:47PM +0800, Jacqueline McNally wrote:
Prompted by Jean, I have uploaded an Impress template to the OOoRegiCon 
web site, see: 

Some speakers have indicated that they would prefer to provide a paper 
instead of or in addition to your presentation slides. You may consider 
this, as there will be many more people viewing the website than is able 
to attend OOoRegiCon.

Please can you send me (jacqueline AT openoffice.org) your presentation 
and or paper to be uploaded to the OOoRegiCon website BEFORE you travel 
to OOoRegCon. The most often asked question at OOoCon was, "when will 
the xyz presentation be available on the web site?". If I have them 
ready to upload at the completion of OOoRegiCon, I don't think we can do 
better than that :)

Remember also, that all speakers need to complete and sign the Linspire 
Speaker Release Agreement 

Many of you, the volunteers are speakers, so those of you that are not 
speaking I would like to ask whether you could look after your speakers. 
Perhaps it may be worthwhile setting up a buddy system, so every speaker 
has a buddy. Ryan is MC, but I think it is always helpful to have a 
speaker buddy and or roady so that all the speaker has to do is get 
there and someone else looks after the timing, equipment etc. Just a 


[marketing-events] OOo RegiCon North America - Boosting Attendance

2005-01-21 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Have you told everyone that you are going?
Did you know that the early bird registration has been extended until
the 5 Feb 2005? It is still only $99 to attend. See:
Michael Robertson was interviwed by OSNews.com and talks about
OOoRegiCon. I have updated
http://marketing.openOffice.org/conference/regicon and included the link
in the News section.
If you can think of ways to get people along to see you strut your stuff
and see what all the fuss is about, do share. Assist us to make
OOoRegiCon and DLS a successful and fun filled event.
Include it in your sig, blog it, chat on IRC, let everyone know.

Re: [marketing-events] OOo RegiCon North America - Boosting Attendance

2005-01-21 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Ian Lynch wrote:
On Fri, 2005-01-21 at 09:20, Jacqueline McNally wrote:
Have you told everyone that you are going?
Did you know that the early bird registration has been extended until
the 5 Feb 2005? It is still only $99 to attend. See:

Do speakers and booth helpers have to register? I vaguely remeber
something about having so many helpers free. I volunteered me and
Rosemary to help with the booth and I'm doing a talk. Does this mean I
and/or Rosemary should register as above?
I have provided a list to the organisers, and your memory serves you 
right, there was a message floating to this affect. Rosemary has been 
included as a volunteer and included as your partner to attend speaker 

I will post a check list for speakers and volunteers soon, as I want to 
ensure that all of you/us know what's what, who and where :)


[marketing-events] OOo RegiCon North America - Programme

2005-01-24 Thread Jacqueline McNally
One of our speakers has had to cancel. But thanks to Ian, we are able to 
fill the slot with minimum changes.

People will be registering and getting lunch at 12.00, so I have been 
advised that it may be better to start later, so have moved the first 
speaker (Simon) by 15 minutes.

See: http://marketing.openoffice.org/conference/regicon/programme.html

Re: [marketing-events] OOo RegiCon North America - Programme

2005-01-25 Thread Jacqueline McNally
David Chapman-rxtc90 wrote:
You may want to review the times indicated on the web page referenced 
below - in particular the start time for Daniel and Ian's presentations.

Thanks Dave.

Re: [marketing-events] Are confirmations of receiving submissions for presentations being sent?

2005-02-03 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Ian Laurenson wrote:
Last night I sent an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with my
proposed abstracts for presentations to the LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org
The deadline is before Feb 4.
I haven't received confirmation of receipt so I am worrying whether the
abstracts that I sent have arrived.
Thanks, Ian

That's because there are real people that need to respond :)
You have mail.

Re: [marketing-events] OOo RegiCon North America - Speakers

2005-02-03 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Ryan Singer wrote:
Is there going to be a general slideshow with each new speakers name
on it, or is that my job?-Ryan
You can if you wish, but what I think you will find if you look at the 
sample template, is that the speakers are encouraged to include their 
name in the presentation.

Daniel asked earlier about slides as he is doing a lightening talk, and 
I suggested that he have at least one slide with the title of his talk 
and his name.

If Daniel has done his own title and name slide, then I think you have 
got out of that job :)

As the MC, I would be attending and encouraging all the speakers to 
attend a/the rehearsal. I think Gary is the only one (so far) that has 
said he cannot make it to the scheduled rehearsal.


Re: [marketing-events] Where is the home page?

2005-02-03 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Daniel Carrera wrote:
Could someone please help me find the home page of the RegiCon?

Re: [marketing-events] Where is the home page?

2005-02-03 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Daniel Carrera wrote:
On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 11:24:12AM +0800, Jacqueline McNally wrote:
Daniel Carrera wrote:
Could someone please help me find the home page of the RegiCon?

Thanks.  Making progress.
I'm having a hard time navigating this. I've managed to locate the RegiCon 
page. I've been trying to find the template, but I just can't. My talk is 
ready, but I want to check something out on the template.

I'm looking...
This page is not so obvious anymore as the link to the template was 
included in mail to the speakers and to this list.


Re: [marketing-events] Sydney to Canberra on April 17

2005-02-08 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Ian Laurenson wrote:
If anyone is travelling from Sydney to Canberra on April 17th I am happy
to share travelling costs. I am arriving at Sydney airport at 8:30am on
the 17th.
Thanks, Ian Laurenson

Hello Ian
You may wish to post your message to the Linux Australia list. The LCA 
OpenOffice.org Miniconf is part of LCA (Linux Conference Australia), a 
roaming conference under the auspices of Linux Australia.

Information about the [Linux-aus] list is here: 

I'm sure there will be quite a few people travelling from Sydney to 

If you would like me to forward your message, let me know. Hint: It is 
better to be subscribed, otherwise your message may be held up in the 
not subscribed list.


[marketing-events] Sun Regional Delegate Program for linux.conf.au 2005

2005-02-08 Thread Jacqueline McNally
The inaugural Linux.conf.au OpenOffice.org Mini-conference will be held 
on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th April 2005, two days prior to the 
official LCA 2005 conference at the Australian National University in 
Canberra, Australia.

Following is a message 
wrt the Sun Regional Delegate Program for linux.conf.au 2005.

You can enter yourself or someone else if you would like. But the 
entrant needs to be in Australia or New Zealand.

PS Other news, at the Linux Australia AGM yesterday the location for LCA 
2006 is Dunedin, New Zealand.

Hello all.
As with previous LCAs, Sun Microsystems has kindly offered to sponsor
the Regional Delegates Program (RDP) for LCA 2005. For the LCA 2005 RDP,
there will be ten winners: one from each of the Australian states and
territories; a national winner; and a winner representing New Zealand.
Each of these winners will recieve:
 - transport to LCA 2005
 - accomodation
 - professional registration at the conference (including all the
normal things which come with that)
 - special recognition as a RDP winner
Additionally, LCA provides an important mechanism for developers to
network with each other, and the RDP winners will have excellent
opportunities to further their open source projects.
This is the first year that New Zealand has been included in the
competition, which has prompted some changes in how the RDP is being run
this year. The timetable for the RDP is as follows:
 - entrants should draft a 100 word or less description of how the open
source community would benefit from their presence at LCA 2005
 - these should be emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED], including an
indication of where the entrant lives by midnight, Friday the 18th of
February 2005 [1].
 - the winners will be announced by the end of February and travel
will be arranged.
 - RDP winners attend the conference and have a great time
If a winner has already registered for the conference, then a refund of
that registration will be provided.
We look forward to many interesting entries,
The LCA 2005 team
1: The information about where you live will be used solely for judging
the competition, and will then be destroyed.

[marketing-events] OOo RegiCon North America - Speakers

2005-02-09 Thread Jacqueline McNally
The presentation slides and papers that I curretly hold have been 
uploaded to:

I was provided with different formats and decided to convert those (that 
I needed to) to PDF. Where there was more than one document, I 
concatenated the PDF files.

We used a CC license for the OOoCon presentations, are speakers ok with 
this for their OOoRegicon slides?

An announcement about the availability of the presentations has been 
sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and discuss@

Hope it's still all fun :)

Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf preparations

2005-02-23 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
I'm assuming we'll have an OOo booth at the main LCA 2005 conference all 
week, in addition to a 2-day programme, similar to San Diego. Is this 
LCA (http://www.linux.conf.au/) is very unlike DLS.
There are no booths at LCA. Some sponsors may have a presence, but this 
is very low key. Usually spponsors support part of the programme, e.g. 
dinner, or items in the delegates bag etc.


Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf preparations

2005-02-25 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Jacqueline wrote:
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
I'm assuming we'll have an OOo booth at the main LCA 2005 conference 
all week, in addition to a 2-day programme, similar to San Diego. Is 
this correct?
LCA (http://www.linux.conf.au/) is very unlike DLS.
There are no booths at LCA. Some sponsors may have a presence, but 
this is very low key. Usually spponsors support part of the programme, 
e.g. dinner, or items in the delegates bag etc.

Thanks for the clarification. That's very disappointing for me, because 
I like being a booth babe. If I had know there would be no booth, I 
probably would not have signed up to attend. 
I cannot find anything on http://www.linux.conf.au/ or
http://www.openoffice.org.au/miniconf/ to indicate that there were
booths. So I'm a bit confused why you thought that might be the case.
Oh well, I've paid my entry 
fee and made my plane reservations, and been accepted as a speaker, so 
I'll be there. Let me know if there's anything you want me to do.
I remember too, that you were one of the first to submit a paper in
response to the CfP :)

Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf preparations

2005-02-25 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Ian Lynch wrote:
I'm about to book air tickets. I am a little worried about travelling
the distance if there are no points of focus apart from lectures and
talks. Anyone like to reassure me that it will be worthwhile?
I can't decide for others what will be worthwhile :)
Jonathon has already replied with a summary about LCA, but I would just 
like to add what we have planned for the OOo Miniconf and other LCA 
activities, see:

Information is still coming in, and of course I need plan B, plan C, etc :)
During LCA proper, if you stay for that, there is the opportunity to 
participate with a:

- lightning talk
- poster
- BOF (Wed 20 April 6pm-10pm)
Depending on your level of registration, you may attend the 
"Professional Delegates Session" on Thurs night, and the "Conference 
Dinner" on Friday night.

Also, I'm sure that if you know who is going, you may arrange to meet 
during the week, in and around the lectures and talks.


Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf preparations

2005-02-26 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Graham Lauder wrote:
Hi Jonathon,
Define the value.  I must admit I'm a little concerned myself. Right now 
I'm a poor student trying to wrangle cash to get to the conference. Not 
having a OOo/INGOTs focus point would be a bit of a problem.
Would you say then that this is pretty much a developers only conference.

The programme is general, enterprise and integration of OOo in the
morning tending to development in the afternoon, on both days.
There are very few conferences that we can attend where we have the
opportunity, particularly for OOo developers, to attract and mentor
other potential developers and contributors. Fortunately, in Australia
(and surrounds) we have quite a few OOo developers that are not
employees of Sun. So their experience will be similar to most other
developers starting out on the OOo codebase.
As I said in a previous message, if INGOTs assessors and people
interested in the INGOTs programme wish to get together, you may wish to
propose and organise a BOF for the Wednesday evening.
You may also wish to check out the EduLinux miniconf schedule and see if
there are presentations that you would prefer to attend. It is called
EduLinux, but it really covers OSS in Education.
The inaugural EducationaLinux was in Perth, see:
http://members.plug.org.au/~leonb/lca2003/, and for last year in
Adelaide see: http://educationalinux.adam.com.au/programme.html
At this stage you will need to contact the EduLinux organiser, as I
don't appear to be able to locate the schedule for EduLinux miniconf

Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf preparations

2005-02-26 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Jonathon wrote:
 > The main MiniConfs of interest to OOo people and speakers on this list
would be OOoMiniconf :), the Open Computing in Government which is for
a lot of government dept people etc, and the Education MiniConf for all
the schools etc. Along with the LCA, there are a select number of stalls
usually from the sponsors of the events.
The miniconfs are listed on: http://www.linux.conf.au/miniconfs.php If 
you are registered for LCA, then you can attend any of these for free.

However, the Open Computing in Government Conference (OCG) is a separate 
event, and requires registration (and payment) in addition to LCA if you 
wish to attend. OCG is organised by AUUG, see: 
http://www.auug.org.au/events/2005/ocg/ Looking quickly at their 
registration details, you receive a $100 discount if you are registered 
for LCA.

As for the worth of coming to the event, apart from the range of things
listed above, there are people at this event that you are unlikely to
meet at any other time of year or any place. Yes, some of them will be
developer type people, others are lawyers, educators, government depts
and everyday users. Having this diversity of events held together brings
a greater mix of people to the overall event.
It really depends on your purpose. Mine was simply that I was going 
anyway. I missed the Adelaide LCA, and having participated in the 
organisation of LCA 2003 in Perth, I want to meet up with the 100s of 
people that get together at this conference most of whom participate in 
the same online communities, projects etc that I do.

Apart from that, it would be great to put some faces to the names that
I have seen. :-)
The hardest part about the OOo miniconf is giving up on attending the 
other miniconfs such as http://www.metadecks.org/events/lca2005/, 
http://www.debconf.org/miniconf4/, or http://www.openembedded.org/miniconf/

And if it all gets to much, I can always join the 
http://www.linux.conf.au/partners.php :)


Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf

2005-03-03 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
I have a collection of commercially-published books on OOo that I want 
to display and sell at the Miniconf in Canberra, as well as some copies 
of the user guides being produced at OOoAuthors. These books were very 
popular at San Diego, especially Andrew Pitonyak's "OOo Macros 
Explained", so I think making them available would be doing a service 
for the attendees at the Miniconf.

What might be the possibilities for displaying these books? Perhaps a 
table at the back of the function space where people are talking, or in 
the area where morning and afternoon tea will be available? Could this 
be arranged?
Usually, the talks are held in lecture theatres and there is no formal 
tea or coffee area. The programme (available in delegates bags) often 
lists the places to eat and amenities available on campus and surrounds.

I'll check with our hosts, LCA, about the layout of the venue and what 
facilities are available.


Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf

2005-03-07 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
The programme for this event is not on the MiniConf website, which is 
still showing the Call for Participation with a closing date of 4 Feb. 
When will this be updated, at least by a link from the MiniConf site to 
the programme on the OOo Marketing website?
Although, the link to the programme has been on the home page since we 
updated it for the announcement of 2.0 Beta.

I can't believe there are no morning or afternoon breaks, only a lunch 
break. Seems to me that a major reason for conferences is networking, 
and at every other professional conference I have attended, networking 
at tea breaks is a very valuable and important part of the programme.

Obviously people can just skip a session and go outside the lecture 
theatre and hang around in the halls and talk if they want to, or wander 
off to a nearby place to get tea, but those seem like poor alternatives 
to me.

I followed the LCAish (and other confs) tradition of scheduling around 
an agreed lunch break with the other miniconf organisers. There are no 
formal morning and afternoon teas as the miniconfs are considered as 
different streams and it is up to individuals what they do or don't 
attend. The idea is that there is variety and many choices.


Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf

2005-03-07 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
I just discovered that the links from the main Marketing page 
(http://marketing.openoffice.org) lead to two pages at 
www.openoffice.org.nz/miniconf/ (one of which is the now-obsolete Call 
for Participation). 
However, people are more likely to visit the home page and see the 
appropriate link there, than on the Marketing Project web site.

Surely, with only a 6 weeks to go until the event, we should be 
advertising the actual programme?
The miniconfs are an adjunct to the main conference. The schedule is 
mainly structured for the attendees to decide what presentations to 
attend from the eight miniconfs http://www.linux.conf.au/miniconfs.php 
Also, it helps the miniconf organisers if the lunch break is at the same 


Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf

2005-03-07 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
What might be the possibilities for displaying these books? Perhaps a 
table at the back of the function space where people are talking, or in 
the area where morning and afternoon tea will be available? Could this 
be arranged?
I have been informed that LCA has in place an exclusive deal with a book 
retailer. Also, my understanding has been confirmed that miniconfs are 
not meant to hold vendor stalls.

Having checked with the miniconf organising team, I will need to follow 
it up with the LCA organisers.


Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf - couple of general questions

2005-03-12 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Hello Ian
Responses inline.
Do you have any idea of how many people might attend an OpenOffice.org
Not yet. If you have registered, you may remember that one of the 
questions prompts you to indicate which miniconf(s) that you wish to attend.

I'm sure the organisers are counting the registrations to ensure that 
the allocated room is suitable. I'll check with them.

Originally there was the concept of workshops - which I interpreted to
mean people sitting in front of computers - is this possible? 
You will find that most people that attend will bring their notebook or 
laptop. There is always this mad rush to get into the room and sit next 
to power points and hotspots :)

We are planning on printing a programme, so if you have any 
pre-requisites for your miniconf sessions, it may be a good idea to let 
us know ahead of time.

I would be
happy to run, in an evening maybe, a problem solving workshop on OOo
macros. Given the time frames a workshop during the actual sessions
would be very brief.
Sounds good. BOFs are planned for the evening. You can always propose a 
BOF, see: http://lca2005.linux.org.au/bofs.php


[marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf - accommodation

2005-03-15 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Accommodation is getting pretty scarce in Canberra for LCA.
I received a message on the weekend (along with other registrants) that
accommodation had been made available at Burgmann College. See:
http://www.linux.conf.au/accommodation.php This is $50/night including
breakfast which is a very good rate based on my research of other
options (see below).
So if you haven't secured your accommodation yet, it probably is a good
idea to do so especially if you are planning on attending all of LCA
from Mon 18 Apr to Sat 23 Apr.
In order of nearest to furtherest away from venue (ANU, Acton)
Note: The further you get down the list, the less care I took when
looking at the maps.
North of Lake Burley Griffin)
$116-$127 http://www.anu.edu.au/unihouse/accomm/accomm.htm
$148–$198 http://www.questapartments.com.au/ (Melbourne Building, 28
West ROW)
$140-$160 http://www.accorhotels.com/accorhotels/index.html (Novotel, 65
Northbourne Avenue)
$130-160 Comfort Inn Downtown (82 Northbourne AVENUE)
$290- Capital Executive Apartment Hotel (108 Northbourne AVENUE)
$275-$323 Saville Suites Canberra (84 Northbourne AVENUE)
Kythera Motel (98 Northbourne AVENUE)
$180- Canberra Rex Hotel (150 Northbourne AVENUE)
$89-$109 http://www.olimshotel.com/ (Corner Ainslie & Limestone Avenues
$140-$165 http://www.pavilioncanberra.com/ (242 Northbourne Ave, Dickson)
$125-$145 http://www.motelmonaro.com.au/ (Best Western Motel Monaro, 27
Dawes Street, Kingston)
$150- http://www.forrestinn.com.au/ ( 30 National Circuit, Forrest)
$179-$189 http://www.yorkcanberra.com.au/ (31 Giles St, Kingston)
$208-$233 http://www.waldorfcanberra.com.au/ (2 Akuna Street)
$208 (includes breakfast) http://www.hotelkurrajong.com.au/ (National
Circuit, Barton)
South of Lake Burley Griffin
$210- http://www.bentleysuites.com.au/

Re: [marketing-events] Books for prizes at OOoMiniConf Downunder

2005-04-15 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
I have extra copies of several OOo books that I am happy to donate as 
giveaways at the OOoMiniConf Downunder. These include:
"OOo Writer" (my book from O'Reilly)
"Tiny Guide to OOo" by Ben Horst
"OOo Switch" by Tamar Granor
"OOo Macros Explained" by Andrew Pitonyak

If an organiser would let me know you want these, that would be good. 

Hello Jean
Jonathon drew my attention to your message when we were talking yesterday.
The answer is yes please, and thank you it is very generous of you and 
the other authors/publishers to donate the books.

I'm creating a feedback form for each of the days. If we could offer the 
books as prizes from the collected feedback forms it may be an extra 
incentive to complete and hand them in. What do you think?


[marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf - number of attendees

2005-04-15 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Some of you have been asking about likely attendance. I heard from the 
organisers today that:

"118 people ticked the OpenOffice.org miniconf box. Please note judging
by the other numbers most people ticked at least 2 miniconfs. The number
of people should probably mean there will be at least 118 people popping
their head in to the miniconf at some stage. This number is about 10% of
the miniconf ticks and adding a (big) fudge factor I'd say about 40."
I have been contacted privately by a few people that wish to attend only 
the OpenOffice.org Miniconf as the registrations (500) for LCA sold out 
five weeks ago. The miniconfs form part of LCA and cannot be registered 
for separately. At this late stage I'm not sure how successful adding 
your name to the waiting list is, but here is the information that was 
sent out by the organisers.

If you missed out on lca2005
We apologise we were limited with numbers. There was a waiting list set up
for people who contacted us asking, so far we have been able to refund a few
places from people who have had to cancel their attendance and let a few
people in from the waiting list. Send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if you feel you must be placed on the
waiting list. We make no guarantees that there will be any more places at
any time. My suggestion is that you get in early when the registrations for
linux.conf.au 2006 in New Zealand open.
Hope this helps.

Re: [marketing-events] Books for prizes at OOoMiniConf Downunder

2005-04-15 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Jacqueline wrote:
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
I have extra copies of several OOo books that I am happy to donate as 
giveaways at the OOoMiniConf Downunder. These include:
"OOo Writer" (my book from O'Reilly)
"Tiny Guide to OOo" by Ben Horst
"OOo Switch" by Tamar Granor
"OOo Macros Explained" by Andrew Pitonyak
If an organiser would let me know you want these, that would be good. 

Hello Jean
Jonathon drew my attention to your message when we were talking 

The answer is yes please, and thank you it is very generous of you and 
the other authors/publishers to donate the books.

I'm creating a feedback form for each of the days. If we could offer 
the books as prizes from the collected feedback forms it may be an 
extra incentive to complete and hand them in. What do you think?

Excellent idea. I've often seen that done at conferences. What about 
prizes on Monday, though? People won't have handed in their forms yet.

I'm pleased you like the idea.
I was thinking of having two draws at the close of Mon and Tues. I 
guess, people that attend both days get two chances :)


Re: [marketing-events] LCA 2005 OpenOffice.org Miniconf - number of attendees

2005-04-15 Thread Jacqueline McNally
Ian wrote:
Just to say I will be mentioning OOo in the Education Miniconference
where I am speaking. I'm in Singapore on the way :-)
Good to hear from you Ian.
Safe journey and see you when we see you.

Re: [marketing-events] Books for prizes at OOoMiniConf Downunder

2005-04-15 Thread Jacqueline McNally
I was thinking of having two draws at the close of Mon and Tues. I 
guess, people that attend both days get two chances :)

I like having draws in both the morning and afternoon sessions, not just 
at the end of the day. I have an idea for a way to give a prize in the 
morning session that could supplement your draw at the end of the day.

Sounds good. I'm open to any innovative ways that you wish to give out 
your prizes. But do keep two for the feedback forms :)


Re: [marketing-events] Questions about sessions at OOoCon2005

2005-06-11 Thread Jacqueline McNally

Hello Jean

Questions about OOoCon 2005 are better directed to the
conference@marketing.openoffice.org list and I have forwarded it there.
The [EMAIL PROTECTED] list is for all events other than the
OpenOffice.org Conference.

Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
I've been reading the CFP for OOoCon2005 and could not find the 
answer to some questions on the web page 

Can someone tell me how long are the sessions planned to be?

Approx 50 minutes including Q&A.

And what is the difference between a "Conference Session" and a "Case

No difference time wise, but from a topic point of view it is good to
know whether a topic is to be presented as a case study (e.g. success
story, i.e. this is what we did) or as a how to migrate presentation for

You could look to the previous conferences
(http://marketing.openoffice.org/conference/schedule.html or
http://marketing.openoffice.org/ooocon2004/) for an idea of topics and
time slots.

All the best
Jacqueline McNally
Lead, OpenOffice.org Marketing Project

[marketing-events] OOo miniconf in Dunedin

2005-11-03 Thread Jacqueline McNally


Today, I received a message privately:

How are the papers looking so far? What about registrations? I am 
curious as a good percentage of people last event did not like the 
idea of NZ or combined with LCA.

I thought it would benefit if I responded on the appropriate OOo list.

Today is the last day for potential speakers to submit their abstracts
for the OOo Miniconf that forms part of LCA2006 (www.linux.conf.au).

Since making the CfP announcement[1] I have received three enquiries
directly, and one submission consisting of multiple papers has been
received at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I found out late that some of you did not like paying a registration fee
for six days conference, in order to attend or speak at the OOo
Miniconf. This year the registrations were priced at AUD690
(professional) and AUD300 (hobbyist). Early bird prices were AUD460 and
AUD200 respectively, with students and concession being AUD100. See:

The registration fees for LCA2006 are similar, see:
http://www.linux.conf.au/register/ with early bird prices being
AUD517.50 (professional) and $225 (hobbyist). Early bird finishes on 18
November 2005.

My view is that even if you did not wish to attend the other four days
of the six day conference, then the registration fees for two days of
OOo presentations and tutorials is inexpensive. But then, I was going to
LCA anyway, so focussing on OOo for two days prior to the main
conference was not going to be a major inconvenience to me other than
not being able to attend other miniconf presentations.

It is considered to be a privilege to hold a one to two day miniconf.
Also, we did and do not have to do it. Miniconf speakers and attendees
are naturally drawn from those wishing to attend LCA. LCA is
typically oversubscribed and the number of attendees is kept to a
maximum to maintain what regular attendees like about LCA. That is, a
certain ambience and intimacy for OSS developers and end-users to share
their experience and skills. The focus is on, but is not limited to, Linux.

I don't know how the LCA registrations are going, but the latest LA
podcast[1] indicated that some people took advantage straight away of
the early bird registrations when they opened in the middle of October.

I'm puzzled about the "good percentage of people last event did not like
the idea of NZ or combined with LCA." As some of you know, I did not get
to see the OOo Miniconf through to the end as I was admitted to hospital
part way through the second day. But I did follow up all the speakers
and some of the attendees that completed the feedback forms [2]. A "good
percentage" of these replied to say that a second OOo Miniconf in
Dunedin as part of LCA2006 was a possibility. But like me, LCA attendees
would be going anyway, and some of the speakers did indicate that they
would not be able to go to New Zealand in January 2006.

I proposed the OOo Miniconf for LCA2006 to the LCA committee as there
appeared to be a strong and growing interest in OpenOffice.org in New
Zealand. Also, I don't think it is fair to not propose an OOo Miniconf
based on previous OOo Miniconf attendees and speakers that indicated
that they will not be attending.

However, as I said at the beginning. I have had few enquiries and one
potential speaker submit some abstracts. So I will have difficulty
promoting an OOo Miniconf, when really, if LCA attendees are interested
in OOo, they may be better off meeting up socially or proposing a BOF, a
lightning talk or a poster for LCA proper.

[1] http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=announce&msgNo=260
[2] http://la-pod.k-sit.com/
[3] I only have the feedback forms from day one of the OOo Miniconf.

Jacqueline McNally
Lead, OpenOffice.org Marketing Project

Are you a computer angel? (www.computerangels.org.au)
Linux.conf.au 2006 (www.linux.conf.au)

Re: [marketing-events] OOo miniconf in Dunedin

2005-11-04 Thread Jacqueline McNally

Jonathon Coombes wrote:

I know that after the MiniConf, the idea was put forward that it may
 be possible to have two MiniConfs - one at LCA and one later in the
 year back in Australia and separate to LCA.

OK, but this is independent of LCA and what they call miniconfs.

This may still be an option, but I would like to think that if this 
model does go ahead, it would be based on the uptake of the LCA-based
 MiniConf growing too much and having to separate due to resources 
and attendance.

I don't feel this is appropriate. As there is a maximum number of
registrants to LCA (that attend the miniconfs for free), while I think
it is unlikely to happen, I would not like to encourage people to come
to the OpenOffice.org Miniconf if they do not wish to attend LCA.

I would recommend that we try and get OOoMiniConf done as a part of 
LCA and then base the possibility of a second conference on the 
outcome of that event.

I think they are two different things. LCA invites people to hold
miniconfs. They offer the venue and facilities, and some promotion. All
that we do is draw speakers and attendees from the LCA registrants to
the miniconf.

If you wish to discuss hosting a separate Australian event, please start
another thread on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also, I don't know about other people, but I have been very busy and
 totally missed the announcement regarding MiniConf.

Unless you have unsubscribed from some OOo lists and AU Linux and OSS
lists that you were subscribed to earlier in the year, I'm not sure how
you could have missed it. I can count at least 4 or 5 times that you
would have received the same message :)

The announcements went out the day after OpenOffice.org's fifth
anniversary. It was a very busy week, as a week later we released 2.0.
So perhaps there was too much partying amongst the OOo folk.

I sent the notices and announcements to all the same lists, projects and
media as I did for LCA2005.

Is it possible that some people are expecting it to be around the 
same time as this year, that is April? The LCA event is almost always
 run in January and 2005 was a special case for April, so maybe that 
should be pointed out to people so they know that time is short 
compared to last year?


I would hope that we get more people submitting papers.

The last day to submit papers was set for today. This was so that there
were a few days to a week to evaluate the papers and let potential
speakers know before the early bird registration closed on 18 November.

One of the complaints from last year was not being able to avail oneself
of the early bird registration.

Are you suggesting that we extend the closing date for the submission of
abstracts? I'm happy to extend it a couple of days into next week ...

As I have said privately, it is better to put on the best possible
miniconf, rather than one, just because we can. I would rather release
the venue and facilities so that they may be better used by another
project or group if we were not aiming to do our best.

I have put together a list of some people I know that may be 
interested in the MiniConf and will be letting them know and 
suggesting they submit papers. Perhaps it would be good for a few 
more people to do the same and see what response we get.

Similarly, I will contact people over the weekend, and I encourage
others to do so. Especially people who you think are attending LCA in

I have included the miniconf organisers in my reply, but I don't think
there is a need to continue this as our minutiae may get a little
tedious for the other miniconf organisers.


Re: [marketing-events] LCA Conf '06 Miniconf

2005-12-20 Thread Jacqueline McNally

Jonathon Coombes wrote:

On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 23:39 +, Graham wrote:

I'll be attending the conference.  I'm booked to speak at the
Education miniconf  but I'll be spending the major part of my time
at the OOo MC. Who else is attending.? What's lined up for the
programme?  What resources do we need? What resources are
available? What has to be sourced locally

I can have available eight machines with various flavours of linux
and OOo for people to play on if that is useful.

Hi Graham,

I am definitely planning on being there. Not sure about the details 
myself, but I am certain there will be more than just us there. :) 
See you then.

Regards Jonathon

You may wish to get onto the LCA Delegates wiki, see:

Delegates are beginning to put up their travel plans, BOFs and
additional social events such as Australia Day.

My UserId needs to be tweaked before I can login, and I have asked for
http://wiki.lca2006.linux.org.au/OpenOffice.orgMiniconf to be linked
from the front page.

If you have registered for LCA, then head over to the wiki and
collaborate with other attendees and get something up on
http://wiki.lca2006.linux.org.au/OpenOffice.orgMiniconf (currently blank).


[marketing-events] Call for Participation: linux.conf.au 2007

2006-07-05 Thread Jacqueline McNally
"Members of the Linux and open-source community are invited to submit 
papers and proposals for presentations, tutorials and miniconfs for 
linux.conf.au 2007."

From: http://lists.linux.org.au/archives/linux-aus/2006-July/msg3.html

# Submission deadline: September 1, 2006
# Notifications by review committee: October 15, 2006
# Conference begins: January 15, 2007

For further information: http://lca2007.linux.org.au/cfp

Jacqueline McNally
OOoCon2006 in Lyon (http://marketing.openoffice.org/conference/)

Are you a computer angel? (www.computerangels.org.au)

[marketing-events] Call for presentations: Women's mini-conference at linux.conf.au 2007

2006-10-23 Thread Jacqueline McNally



Are you a computer angel? (www.computerangels.org.au)

The women's mini-conference at linux.conf.au 2007 is calling for
presentations by women on both Free Software technical topics and
general topics of general interest to women involved in Free Software or
working in IT.

About the miniconference

The LinuxChix women's mini-conference will be held on Tuesday, 16
January, 2007 at the University of New South Wales in Sydney Australia,
as part of the annual linux.conf.au Free Software conference running
from 15–20 January, 2007. All attendees of linux.conf.au are welcome to
attend the women's miniconference, which will highlight the technical
achievements of women in Free Software. The mini-conference welcomes
attendees and speakers from other women's advocacy and development
groups including Systers, Fedora Women and Debian Women among others.

The mini-conference has several 45 talks slots available. Speakers
should plan to present for 30 minutes; the remaining time will be
devoted to discussion. All technical talks should be on Free (Open
Source) Software related topics.

Abstracts for talk proposals should be submitted to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] by Friday, November 10, 2006.

The miniconference will also have some shorter (5–10 minute)
demonstration and lightning talk slots available, you are welcome to
email us to express an interest in giving one of these, but they do not
have to be submitted at this time.

Please see http://lca2007.linux.org.au/Miniconfs/Linuxchix for more
information about the women's mini-conference and
http://lca2007.linux.org.au/Miniconfs/Linuxchix/CFP for full details of
the call for presentations.

Feel free to forward this mail to any women or groups you think would be

About linux.conf.au 2007

linux.conf.au is Australia's annual technical conference for the Open
Source and Free Software developer community. Now in its eighth year,
linux.conf.au is regarded as one of the premier global FLOSS technical
events and attracts many international open source software developers
and users.

Returning to Sydney from the 15th to 20th of January, linux.conf.au 2007
is supported by our Emperor sponsors, HP and IBM, and hosted at the
University of New South Wales. For more information about linux.conf.au
2007 visit our website at: http://lca2007.linux.org.au/

About Linux Australia

Linux Australia exists to serve and promote the Australian Linux and
Open Source community. The organisation aims to do this best by taking
enthusiasms within the community, such as FOSS issues, projects,
education, advocacy just to name a few, and help them flourish, to
succeed. The lifeblood of this organisation is the people in the
community, and Linux Australia strives to be both relevant and useful to
the community. For more details about Linux Australia visit: