[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   I'll settle things for you. I was the biggest flamer. I scorched 
   the earth with a couple of posts. But then I dropped it and 
   forgot about it entirely and went out and had a really good 
   time and never thought about it again until I logged into FFL 
   this morning and found everyone still arguing -- and thus still 
   *in* -- that state of attention. 
  I've been away for a couple days, but the above doesn't really 
  make sense to me. I have learned that words have an impact-
  obviously.  I take responsiblity for my words and speech, and 
  don't feel I can disown them or their impact after they are 
  spoken, or written.  I don't think it works that way. 
 I didn't disown anything. I said what I said.
 Toss my ass off the forum for a week if it'll
 make you feel better. Toss me off forever if
 it'll make you feel better. I don't care, 
 either way, and the fact that you or anyone
 else still cares, and cares enough to keep 
 beating what for me is a dead horse isn't 
 going to make me care.

There is obviously a disconnect here, so I'll
try my best to explain further. 

Let me try to use an analogy. A cop pulls
me over for speeding. He gets off his motor-
cycle and walks up to my window and says, 
You were speeding. I say, Yes, I was. 

He then says, Well...aren't you going to
make some excuse? I say, No. I was speeding.

He then says, Well...*I* expect you to show
some remorse. Otherwise I'm going to write you
up for speeding. And I say, Write me up. I
was speeding.

But he *keeps* standing there, saying over and
over, But...but...you *have* to express some
remorse...that's what I *expect* when I bust
someone for doing something I consider wrong. 
And I keep saying, Write the ticket.

Write the ticket and get on with your life so
I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
*no problem* with paying the fine. But just 
write the ticket and stop demanding my attention.
Being booted off of Fairfield Life is the fine;
indulging your or other people's desire to be 
apologized to isn't.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ 
   At first, I was very annoyed about the announcement that they 
   to build hundreds of these towers of invincibility around the 
world, at 
   several mil a pop, which seemed only to designed to tell Bevan 
et al 
   how wonderful they are, and seem foolish when many cities do 
not have 
   TM centers and MUM and the M. Central University are 
   underfunded. That's certainly part of it, as there are plaques 
on the 
   sides of the towers saluting TM administrators, but these are 
   Shiva lingams, and as a wearer of rudraksha who learned TM 
from a monk 
   in the Shankara (Shiva) tradition, I can't be opposed to that. 
   these towers/lingams creates auspiciousness -- doesn't matter 
what the 
   ignorant public thinks one way or the other. MMY is going to 
   this influence of Vedic civilization, and there are not enough 
   hillbillies in the world to stop it.
  It's not hillbillies who think it's stupid, it's anyone in touch 
 I am laughing myself to death . This is the effect of laughter 
like this, the me is gone in 
 the middle of it. I lost it when I read this one line response

I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest reading 
material and meetings for the enlightened to stay enlightened 
Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Rising consciousness?

2007-10-04 Thread hugheshugo

Here's a thought, instead of judging rising consciousness purely on 
what the dow jones is doing, why not judge it on how many things like 
this are going on.


Surely any vaguely civilized society would have banned this a long time 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread t3rinity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Write the ticket and get on with your life so
 I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
 there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
 *no problem* with paying the fine. 

I don't really know the issue here, just out of curiosity and for the
sake of the fun of it: If the fine was to apologize, what would you
do? Lets say Rick says, the fine is to apologize to the person you
insulted, would you be okay to say so?

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Write the ticket and get on with your life so
  I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
  there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
  *no problem* with paying the fine. 
 I don't really know the issue here, just out of curiosity 
 and for the sake of the fun of it: If the fine was to 
 apologize, what would you do? 

Just for the sake of the fun of it, if a frog
had wings he wouldn't bounce along on his butt 
when he jumped. ( And I guess the same 'what if'
scenario applies to Yogic Flyers. :-)

The fine *isn't* to apologize. But some people
are trying to *make* that the fine. 

 Lets say Rick says, the fine is to apologize to the 
 person you insulted, would you be okay to say so?

In this case, NO WAY.

The insultee in question is still acting like
the injured party here, after 1) reacting to
a fairly non-controversial reacting to me 
presenting another side of the abortion issue
that didn't quite portray the women as the
thoughtless baby killers he was trying to
portray them as with a personal attack on me.
He suggested (and rather strongly) that the 
babies in question were mine, and that I was
trying to talk the women into the abortion.

When I reacted (and, I dare say, overreacted)
to this, he followed up by trying to character-
ize me as an abortion counselor, someone who
actively tried to get women to consider abortions.

None of this was true. It was all fantasies he'd
dreamed up in his head so that he didn't have to
consider the possibility that some women (and
probably not all) were not the heartless baby-
killers he was trying to characterize them as.

So no, in this case, I do not feel any apology
is in order for the gist of what I said. The *way*
I said it, and my button-pushed overreaction, was
definitely inappropriate. In retrospect, why on
earth should I care what a person who thinks like
this thinks of me. At the time, however, my but-
tons definitely got pushed, and I said what I 
had to say in a flaming manner. If the same 
exchange were to happen today, I would say 
*exactly the same things*, but in a less personal
and flaming manner.

I just don't apologize for standing up for women
who have been characterized unfairly by someone
who has a rather judgmental and non-compassionate
and one-sided way of looking at the subject.

And, as I wrote about before, I just don't apolo-
gize because someone is demanding it of me. So I 
guess the overall answer to your question is No.
If Fairfield Life turned into the kind of place
where people were expected to apologize for the
behavior that the majority of people declared
inappropriate, I would bail from it far more
quickly than I bailed from the TM movement, which
tried to do exactly that. 

[FairfieldLife] for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
 I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest reading 
 material and meetings for the enlightened to stay enlightened 
 Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)

The update in my path here is My Guru said there are 5 that have unfolded in 
Maybe it is even 6 or 7. When Sarojini came in, my Guru's comments were 
something like 
now we dont wont the mind to reroot, then she told her to read some scripture- 
I forget 
which one, but Sarojini did it immediately.

I don't question too much about anything anymore, I did in the begining but it 
is not 
necessary now. why why why is not some much of interest to me, things are as 
they are. 
Main thing is - when you get there, it is never what you thought it was.

My Guru and the other enlightened ones here make a lot of comments and I 
forward some 
of them on. My Guru said yesterday in trying to explain things that ounce you 
are there, 
you find it hard to believe that Maya could have ever sneaked in like this.

As you know in TM, there was the reading of rig ved, 9th and 10th. In theory, 
one did it 
and either not questioned why or even if you wanted to question it, then to 
who? I never 
heard an explaination why we should read it, we were just told to do it.

One in theory surrenders to the guru's instructions, along with the 
transmissions from the 
Guru, and in the end it is only grace that brings one's forward, it is not a 
matter of one 
doing something although it appears this way.

Later on, instead of reading the mandalas, we listened to the chanting of them 
in the 
native language. I also for example attended the coronation ceremony for 
Rajaram but 
then also the first group of rajas. after like an hour of politics waiting 
outside each day, we 
got in ( uninvited guests numbering up to about 200). once in, when the 
chanting started, 
I went very deep for the whole 5 hours of it.

I thought this is so enjoyable, this is how it should always be or maybe this 
is how it is 
going to be in the future. there was a transmission coming through with those 
chanting. This was among the deepest I have even been to that point as a result 
listening to some chanting via audio.

At present, I am not with TM, I am with my new path completely. Even though 
only certain 
things carried a transmission for me in TM and to some degree, in theory, some 
of these 
things prescribed such as reading the mandalas, listening to certain chanting- 
may carry 
an extremely deep transmission that some may have had or still have. i dont 
know, i only 
know my experience with certain audio things I listened to.

I was so deep in listening to them that it already was like probably hard for 
anyone to 
believe that did not have this experience. in my path now, and this is again my 
there also are certain audios I listen to, it was done by my guru and designed 
to carry a 

The effect of it is beyond what I thought possible in that the mind can totally 
still. I 
thought back to something the late Charlie lutes said after hearing about some 
machine on the market that was said to bring people along in the path.

Charlie said that someone once asked MMY if it is possible to transcend using 
audio, then 
MMY closed his eyes for a while , then answered yes.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 4, 2007, at 1:17 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Write the ticket and get on with your life so
I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
*no problem* with paying the fine. But just
write the ticket and stop demanding my attention.
Being booted off of Fairfield Life is the fine;
indulging your or other people's desire to be
apologized to isn't.

Flawed analogy, Barry.  It isn't so much what you say when a cop stops 
you, as what you seemed to have learned from the experience--you know, 
speeding can endanger your own life and that of others as well.Bet 
you anything if you gave the most beautiful apology in the world, but 
then promised to go right on speeding, you'd not only get a ticket, but 
probably arrested as well.

You seem to feel that any concession whatsoever, even ones that make a 
lot of sense *as well as* making your own life easier (and safer), are 
somehow suspect and not worthy of a moment's reflection.  I know other 
people who also flip off people as easily as you seem to, always 
imagining they're being taken advantage of, that someone else is 
purposely wasting their time, etc. The idea that whatever the person 
said was possibly warranted and not just idle blather seems never to 
occur to them--and they've had very unfulfilling lives as a result.

BTW, I didn't see any demand for an apology.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rising consciousness?

2007-10-04 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo 

 Here's a thought, instead of judging rising consciousness purely on 
 what the dow jones is doing, why not judge it on how many things 
 this are going on.
 Surely any vaguely civilized society would have banned this a long
 time ago.

You mean banning capital punishment, or banning the
problematic lethal-injection formula the Guardian
story is reporting on? Because we *are* moving
toward more humane forms of execution; and of course
there is a major movement to ban it altogether that
has been gaining strength.

The Supreme Court decision concerning the current 
lethal injection formula has, in effect, imposed an 
unofficial moratorium on executions in the U.S.,
ostensibly until a more humane formula can be
developed. But even a temporary moratorium gives
those working for abolition of capital punishment
time to bring new cases.

The work of organizations like the Innocence
Project in freeing people who have been unjustly
convicted has shown that our judicial system is
sufficiently flawed that we risk executing the
innocent, and particularly those--primarily
minorities--who don't have the resources to obtain
good legal representation.

Given the virtually insuperable difficulty of
*ensuring* guilt, the argument that the death
penalty effectively discriminates against low-
income people is very powerful constitutionally,
and may be what ultimately results in banning
capital punishment altogether.

In other words, progress is being made; it's just
slower than it should be.

And it's interesting that in this country, we're
probably more likely to ban capital punishment
because it's discriminatory than because it's
inherently barbaric.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rising consciousness?

2007-10-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo 
 richardhughes103@ wrote:
  Here's a thought, instead of judging rising consciousness purely 
  what the dow jones is doing, why not judge it on how many things 
  this are going on.
  Surely any vaguely civilized society would have banned this a 
  time ago.
 You mean banning capital punishment, or banning the
 problematic lethal-injection formula the Guardian
 story is reporting on? Because we *are* moving
 toward more humane forms of execution; and of course
 there is a major movement to ban it altogether that
 has been gaining strength.
 The Supreme Court decision concerning the current 
 lethal injection formula has, in effect, imposed an 
 unofficial moratorium on executions in the U.S.,
 ostensibly until a more humane formula can be
 developed. But even a temporary moratorium gives
 those working for abolition of capital punishment
 time to bring new cases.
 The work of organizations like the Innocence
 Project in freeing people who have been unjustly
 convicted has shown that our judicial system is
 sufficiently flawed that we risk executing the
 innocent, and particularly those--primarily
 minorities--who don't have the resources to obtain
 good legal representation.
 Given the virtually insuperable difficulty of
 *ensuring* guilt, the argument that the death
 penalty effectively discriminates against low-
 income people is very powerful constitutionally,
 and may be what ultimately results in banning
 capital punishment altogether.
Not only the death penalty, but the entire justice system 
discriminates against the poor (and middle class). Justice is only 
for the rich. Not a problem karmically, but it sure looks unfair in 
the shorter term. :-)

[FairfieldLife] 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds

2007-10-04 Thread do.rflex

Animated Map - 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds:


[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   Write the ticket and get on with your life so
   I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
   there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
   *no problem* with paying the fine. 
  I don't really know the issue here, just out of curiosity 
  and for the sake of the fun of it: If the fine was to 
  apologize, what would you do? 
 Just for the sake of the fun of it, if a frog
 had wings he wouldn't bounce along on his butt 
 when he jumped. ( And I guess the same 'what if'
 scenario applies to Yogic Flyers. :-)
 The fine *isn't* to apologize. But some people
 are trying to *make* that the fine. 
  Lets say Rick says, the fine is to apologize to the 
  person you insulted, would you be okay to say so?

But the fine isn't the ultimate punishment. In the
speeding analogy, if Barry doesn't apologize, he''ll
be fined; but if he refuses to pay the fine, he'll
be thrown in jail.

On FFL, if the fine is equivalent to an apology, and
he refuses to apologize, the equivalent to being
thrown in jail would be to be thrown off the forum,
and he's already said that would be OK with him.

Barry would rather accept the ultimate punishment
that Rick can impose, in other words, than apologize
for an insult.

Or to put it another way, it's more important to
Barry to be able to freely insult people on the
forum than to be able to continue to post to it.

 If Fairfield Life turned into the kind of place
 where people were expected to apologize for the
 behavior that the majority of people declared
 inappropriate, I would bail from it far more
 quickly than I bailed from the TM movement, which
 tried to do exactly that.

After all, as Barry said about overposters;

WHO CARES if they're feeling 'attacked.' That's just
narcissism and self-importance, in my opinion. Using
it as an excuse to be an asshole is even *more*
narcissism and self-importance.

Oh, wait...

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ 

At first, I was very annoyed about the announcement that 
to build hundreds of these towers of invincibility around 
 world, at 
several mil a pop, which seemed only to designed to tell 
 et al 
how wonderful they are, and seem foolish when many cities do 
 not have 
TM centers and MUM and the M. Central University are 
underfunded. That's certainly part of it, as there are 
 on the 
sides of the towers saluting TM administrators, but these 
Shiva lingams, and as a wearer of rudraksha who learned TM 
 from a monk 
in the Shankara (Shiva) tradition, I can't be opposed to 
these towers/lingams creates auspiciousness -- doesn't 
 what the 
ignorant public thinks one way or the other. MMY is going to 
this influence of Vedic civilization, and there are not 
hillbillies in the world to stop it.

   It's not hillbillies who think it's stupid, it's anyone in 
  I am laughing myself to death . This is the effect of laughter 
 like this, the me is gone in 
  the middle of it. I lost it when I read this one line response
 I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest reading 
 material and meetings for the enlightened to stay enlightened 
 Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rising consciousness?

2007-10-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo 

 Here's a thought, instead of judging rising consciousness purely 
 what the dow jones is doing, why not judge it on how many things 
 this are going on.
 Surely any vaguely civilized society would have banned this a long 

Surely we would have. The problem with choosing some sort of social 
improvement index to gauge rising global consciousness is the same 
problem with trying to predict how an enlightened person will act, 
much less a society. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ 
 At first, I was very annoyed about the announcement that 
 to build hundreds of these towers of invincibility around 
  world, at 
 several mil a pop, which seemed only to designed to tell 
  et al 
 how wonderful they are, and seem foolish when many cities do 
  not have 
 TM centers and MUM and the M. Central University are 
 underfunded. That's certainly part of it, as there are 
  on the 
 sides of the towers saluting TM administrators, but these 
 Shiva lingams, and as a wearer of rudraksha who learned TM 
  from a monk 
 in the Shankara (Shiva) tradition, I can't be opposed to 
 these towers/lingams creates auspiciousness -- doesn't 
  what the 
 ignorant public thinks one way or the other. MMY is going to 
 this influence of Vedic civilization, and there are not 
 hillbillies in the world to stop it.

It's not hillbillies who think it's stupid, it's anyone in 

   I am laughing myself to death . This is the effect of laughter 
  like this, the me is gone in 
   the middle of it. I lost it when I read this one line response
  I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest reading 
  material and meetings for the enlightened to stay enlightened 
  Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)

The ouch would be questioning the methodology of a guru that has brought 5 to 
enlightenment since 1999. Nityananda, Guru to Muktananda sadly left his body 
declaring that there were none ( and Muktananda is one of his disciples), and 
this was not 
long ago.

Even in this case, it was probably not an ouch as the methodology was 
reasonable. The 
real ouch is where there are none enlightened after a long presence - then in 
looking at 
the methodology, it may be quite obvious why this has happened. There are wild 
taking place with Gurus these days.


[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
Write the ticket and get on with your life so
I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
*no problem* with paying the fine. 
   I don't really know the issue here, just out of curiosity 
   and for the sake of the fun of it: If the fine was to 
   apologize, what would you do? 
  Just for the sake of the fun of it, if a frog
  had wings he wouldn't bounce along on his butt 
  when he jumped. ( And I guess the same 'what if'
  scenario applies to Yogic Flyers. :-)
  The fine *isn't* to apologize. But some people
  are trying to *make* that the fine. 
   Lets say Rick says, the fine is to apologize to the 
   person you insulted, would you be okay to say so?
 But the fine isn't the ultimate punishment. In the
 speeding analogy, if Barry doesn't apologize, he''ll
 be fined; but if he refuses to pay the fine, he'll
 be thrown in jail.
 On FFL, if the fine is equivalent to an apology, and
 he refuses to apologize, the equivalent to being
 thrown in jail would be to be thrown off the forum,
 and he's already said that would be OK with him.
 Barry would rather accept the ultimate punishment
 that Rick can impose, in other words, than apologize
 for an insult.
 Or to put it another way, it's more important to
 Barry to be able to freely insult people on the
 forum than to be able to continue to post to it.
  If Fairfield Life turned into the kind of place
  where people were expected to apologize for the
  behavior that the majority of people declared
  inappropriate, I would bail from it far more
  quickly than I bailed from the TM movement, which
  tried to do exactly that.
 After all, as Barry said about overposters;
 WHO CARES if they're feeling 'attacked.' That's just
 narcissism and self-importance, in my opinion. Using
 it as an excuse to be an asshole is even *more*
 narcissism and self-importance.
 Oh, wait...

Looks like a size 9 foot for a size 10 mouth-- a perfect fit.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest 
  material and meetings for the enlightened to 
stay enlightened 
  Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)
 The update in my path here is My Guru said there are 5 that have 
unfolded in Realization. 
 Maybe it is even 6 or 7. When Sarojini came in, my Guru's comments 
were something like 
 now we dont wont the mind to reroot, then she told her to read 
some scripture- I forget 
 which one, but Sarojini did it immediately.
 I don't question too much about anything anymore, I did in the 
begining but it is not 
 necessary now. why why why is not some much of interest to me, 
things are as they are. 
 Main thing is - when you get there, it is never what you thought 
it was.

If you are enlightened there is no possebility to reroot. 
Enlightenment is irreversible. If it is not permanent it simply is 
something other than enlightenment.
Which, as if I ever doubdted this, means that the people you have 
been duped to believe are enlightened are more or less as ignorant 
as the majority of the rest of us.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
 I refused outright. I was a stripper for the TM move-
 ment and damn! if I was going to let somebody make
 me say that I did montage for a living.

Excellent! BTW next time that brunette montage artist comes by our
table, tell her I'll meet her in the Champagne room with a roll of 20's.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   This group which used to be fun when it was like Rick's Bar 
   and Grill is pretty boring catering to a bunch of bliss ninnies 
   and quickly becoming Rick's Victorian Tea House.
  I guess that explains why the last beer I ordered tasted like 
  Lapsang Suchon and my Reuben sandwich order came back as cucumber 
  finger triangles without the crusts. And when did we ban strippers?  
  That used to be my favorite part of my lunch break here. Even the
  enlightened need a lap dance once in a while, right?!
 Hey, I used to be a stripper *for* the TM movement.
 And I used to *love* saying it that way. It used to
 make the Purusha-types-before-there-was-a-Purusha
 *so* uptight. :-)
 I was a photostripper for MIU Press. Back in the 
 days before digital presses, you had to shoot negs
 of the typeset copy and then paste them up in cer-
 tain configurations and then shoot printing plates
 from them. In America, this process is called 
 One of the first indications I got that the TM move-
 ment was not for me is when people started getting
 offended by the term stripping. Mandates came down
 from Seelisberg that we should refer to what we do
 by the European term montage.
 I refused outright. I was a stripper for the TM move-
 ment and damn! if I was going to let somebody make
 me say that I did montage for a living.
 We *did* do the stripping fully clothed, however,
 for those who are still offended by the term. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-04 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  60 is the new 40.  Spread the word!
 And 40 is the new 20.
 So 60 yr olds with 20 yr old ergo, are with people their own age.

FWIW, Hunter Tylo of BB (Taylor) nowadays looks awesome.
IMO, she looks much better and perhaps even younger than,
say, 15 years ago. She's an example of the results of plastic
surgery at there best.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
I'm afraid 40 is the just the new 30.  And that is with fierce
exercise programs.

I think 80 is the new 20 to tell you the truth. Some of that youthful,
free spirited who gives a F attitude comes back at the end.

Judging by the college age kids of woman I have dated I think 20 is
the new 15.  When I dated younger women from other countries they were
much more mature than the home team's young'uns.  With helicopter
mothers and fathers and every second pre-planned in group activities,
today's kids are taking longer to mature.  I don't know if it is good
or bad but I really notice the effect.  When I was a teen we used to
put on records and talk about how much the government sucked.  Today's
teens sit in a room glued to video games while grunting.  Even the
girls play the games now.  No discussion except in BRB abbreviations
while texting.  Hard to develop much depth of concept with single
letters for words, IMO. (I have just become 100 years old which is the
new you must have health coverage)

Every decade has a perspective that I can access through having
friends in each decade. I don't have to bang em all, but I need to
break bread and really talk.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
  On Oct 3, 2007, at 7:36 PM, new.morning wrote:
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   60 is the new 40.  Spread the word!
   And 40 is the new 20.
   So 60 yr olds with 20 yr old ergo, are with people their own age.
  No, because going on your logic, 20 would be the new...what?  12?
 Actually that is not  my logic at all. 
 And its not even logic, its empirical evidence. The data I have seen
 indicates that 27 is the new 20. 
 Of course 17 is the new 20, so ... 60 yar olds should not be with the
 new 20 year olds, but can be with the old 20 year olds who are the new
 27 year olds.
 Come on. Try to keep up.
 Perhaps for some, 55 is the new 75. :)

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:17 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK


Write the ticket and get on with your life so
I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
*no problem* with paying the fine. But just 
write the ticket and stop demanding my attention.
Being booted off of Fairfield Life is the fine;
indulging your or other people's desire to be 
apologized to isn't.

I have no desire to boot you or anyone off, nor do I need you to feel
remorseful or anything else. If you (or anyone) were to say to hell with the
rule, I’m going to keep flaming, and then you did so, I’d boot you off. But
you’re not continuing to flame, so on with the party.

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Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.0/1048 - Release Date: 10/3/2007
8:22 PM

[FairfieldLife] Bigass Capital Punishment (Re: Rising consciousness?)

2007-10-04 Thread Duveyoung
Krishna told Arjuna to exact capital punishment on ALL his relatives
and just about the entire Kshatriya caste/race too. Killed most of
them. If Arjuna was like Conan the Barbarian, he sure heard a lot of
the lamentations of the women. In the blink of an eye, Arjuna could
shoot ten thousand arrows that killed ten thousand warriors shooting
at him.  Arjuna presumably also had this really big quiver of arrows
and a cooling system that kept the friction of his rapid pulling out
of arrows from setting the quiver on fire.  Probably also had an
automatic bow string replacer.  

The physics and engineering of the siddhis would have to be quite
strange to make it such that we could begin to believe a man could
shoot ten thousand arrows so quickly and accurately that ten thousand
arrows shot at Arjuna would be targeted and met mid-air.  The sound of
the twangs alone would deafen anyone within earshot.  Or, wait, did
Arjuna have very very thin arrows?  Maybe he shot all 10,000 in one twang?

Then there's the fact that thousands of elephants, horses, chariots,
etc. were destroyed in Arjuna's battles too.  The logistics are so
boggling, that, well, these stories of fabled warriors are
automatically consigned to myth by almost any scholar.

But here's my explanation:  The mind is the battlefield.  The arrows
are concepts and feelings.  The distance an arrow travels is the same
as the distance between thoughts, and the arrow travels just as fast
as you would travel in your imagination from one spot to another --
that is to say, almost instantly.  I can just see myself standing on
Mars, no wait, I'm now back on Earth.  Fast, eh?  Didn't even break a
sweat.  The speed of thought: wow!

In a dream tonight, you could imagine being Arjuna and shooting the
arrows, and it would not cause you the least dissonance in the dream.
 Physics, schmysics.  Every thought in any mind in history that has
ever occurred was the shooting of just such an arrow -- an arrow
targeting other impulses of the mind that are untoward, or, egads,
being an untoward impulse/arrow itself.

I think Arjuna's battle was between the right and left hemispheres of
his brain, and he and Krishna had their discussion in the corpus
colloseum.  The goal was to balance the two sides such that neither
could win all the marbles.  Failing to gain this balance, someone
would lose their marbles, see?

So, on that level of life, we're all killers.  We're all smashing
impulses that are sins, errors of thinking, and at that level each
wayward dynamic is a fully fleshed out astral being with a destiny and
intent all its own.  And the inner Arjuna of all of us is our best
idealization of our potential to keep one's balance while moving forwards.

Capitol punishment?  We've all got the tee shirt.

Burger anyone?

New idea: if we're going to do capital punishment, we should at least
find a good use for that robot meat.  Soylent Green: it's what's for
breakfast.  This alone could reduce recidivism by 90%, I'm just saying.

Then again, there's this consideration:

The Leaden-Eyed -- Vachel Lindsay

Let not young souls be smothered out before
They do quaint deeds and fully flaunt their pride.
It is the world's one crime its babes grow dull,
Its poor are ox-like, limp and leaden-eyed.

Not that they starve, but starve so dreamlessly;
Not that they sow, but that they seldom reap;
Not that they serve, but have no gods to serve;
Not that they die, but that they die like sheep.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo 
 richardhughes103@ wrote:
  Here's a thought, instead of judging rising consciousness purely 
  what the dow jones is doing, why not judge it on how many things 
  this are going on.
  Surely any vaguely civilized society would have banned this a long 
 Surely we would have. The problem with choosing some sort of social 
 improvement index to gauge rising global consciousness is the same 
 problem with trying to predict how an enlightened person will act, 
 much less a society. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread t3rinity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can't just get into the issue itself, as I really haven't followed
it up, and my question/comment was just related to your example (of he
cop) and the way you had worded it.

 When I reacted (and, I dare say, overreacted)
 to this, he followed up by trying to character-
 ize me as an abortion counselor, someone who
 actively tried to get women to consider abortions.

IOW you feel that you were insulted before, and your overreaction was
just a reaction to this insult, probably more concealed than yours.
You feel that the person 'deserved' the insult. Thats of course a
problem with enforcing non-flaming, that there can be insults hidden,
like 'abortion counselor' (I didn't know its an insult, in Germany it
wouldn't be)

In any case, concerning this particular issue I am on the same side as
you. But I guess it is more about courtesy and following group
consensus. The other point is, even if you where insulted, it doesn't
give you the right to respond in kind.

 And, as I wrote about before, I just don't apolo-
 gize because someone is demanding it of me. So I 
 guess the overall answer to your question is No.
 If Fairfield Life turned into the kind of place
 where people were expected to apologize for the
 behavior that the majority of people declared
 inappropriate, I would bail from it far more
 quickly than I bailed from the TM movement, which
 tried to do exactly that.

Now thats interesting. You had to leave the movement because you
didn't apologize?

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There are wild things 
 taking place with Gurus these days.

The claim from your guru to have brought 5 into enlightenment probably 
is the wildest of them all. I don't buy it and I seriously don't 
believe anyone else on this forum does.


[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread t3rinity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey, I used to be a stripper *for* the TM movement.
 And I used to *love* saying it that way. It used to
 make the Purusha-types-before-there-was-a-Purusha
 *so* uptight. :-)
 I was a photostripper for MIU Press. Back in the 
 days before digital presses, you had to shoot negs
 of the typeset copy and then paste them up in cer-
 tain configurations and then shoot printing plates
 from them. In America, this process is called 

Thats what I did too! There was paste-up, montage (stripping, I didn't
know the term) and plate-making (exposing montage-films on
photo-senstive plates in a certain sequence. We used double-page
spreads and positioned them with a computed machine on the appropriate
place of the plate). I was most of the time in the movement
plate-maker, never did paste-up, but did a lot of montage, even at
Purusha I was mainly in charge of the montage still going on.

[FairfieldLife] British secret UFO files revealed

2007-10-04 Thread nablusoss1008
British secret UFO files revealed

The British Ministry of Defence (MOD) has published further witness 
reports of UFOs after receiving numerous requests under the Freedom 
of Information Act. Previously, classified records were not released 
for 30 years. The MOD recently released details of sightings since 
1998 and will publish 24 further documents dating back to 1967. In 
2006 they received 97 reports of UFO sightings and 128 the previous 
year. The 2006 sightings included glowing lights seen in formation 
in White Roding, Essex, a bright disc hanging over Newquay, 
Cornwall, four golden spheres over West Kilbride, Ayrshire, and a 
mother ship and two smaller orbs moving around it over Barlaston, 
Staffordshire. The MOD received reports of eight UFO sightings in 
and around Plymouth, Devon, since 1998, including a huge shimmering 
ball of orange fire flying eastwards in March 2006, 50 objects in 
line formation in October 2001 and three 100ft sphere-shaped white 
objects reported over Gulworthy, Devon. (Source: Daily Mail, The 
Herald, Plymouth, UK)

France opens up UFO files

France has become the first country to give unrestricted public 
access to its records on reports of `UFOs'. The national space 
agency's entire archive of 1,600 entries, spanning 50 years, has 
been posted online and will be updated constantly. 
The reports are catalogued in minute detail and include all 
sightings received since 1954. According to aeronautical engineer 
Jacques Patenet, head of the office responsible for the study of UFO 
reports, 28 per cent of the entries are classified as `Class D 
aerospace phenomona', signifying that despite good or very good 
data and credible witnesses, we are confronted with something we 
can't explain. The aim was to make it easier for scientists and 
other UFO buffs to access the data for research. We also want to 
send a message to more scientists, inviting them to help us analyse 
these phenomena, when otherwise they might feel uneasy about these 
issues, he said.
The French have done the right thing, said Roy Lake, chairman of 
London UFO Studies, who believes access to UFO information should be 
freely available. Until now governments haven't wanted to be open 
about UFO sightings because they don't want to admit they can't do 
anything about them – that they're as helpless as the rest of us. 
(Source: space.newscientist.com; MSNBC, USA; The Guardian, UK)

UFO activity increases

UFOs over Dulwich – South Londoners phoned in to BBC's Radio Five 
Live on 4 August 2007 about mysterious orange lights in the night 
sky above East Dulwich. According to a local press report, lawyer 
Richard Pringle and his flatmate were walking home at 11.30pm when 
they spotted a row of four lights rising up from the horizon near 
the Crystal Palace masts and over Dulwich Village. Two more chains 
of four lights followed. They were about 15,000 feet up and gave out 
a constant orange glow. There is no way you would have normal 
planes flying like that, he said. (Source: BBC.co.uk; 
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that these were spacecraft from 

Multiple UFO sightings in the Netherlands

The residents of the province of Groningen, the Netherlands, must be 
wondering why they appear to have been singled out for so many 
sightings of UFOs in recent months. 
The sightings are all registered by Anton Teuben from Niburu, in 
Zuidlaren, Drenthe, a centre established to record UFO 
sightings. There is unbelievably intense UFO activity, says 
Teuben. Entire villages see the mysterious white orbs.
The following is a selection of some of the sightings in Groningen:
Hoogezand, 4/5 July 2007: I saw two oval-shaped white balls, 
darting back and forth in the sky at about 11.30pm. On my way home 
when I stopped the car in the centre of the moor I saw, at a short 
distance, the same kind of light balls darting about. It was then 
1.30am. I drove on for another 2 km and got out of the car when the 
ground was lit up. Independently from each other the light balls 
shot off, zigzagging through the sky, then stood still again in the 
air and seemed to dissolve. (Benjamin Creme's Master confirms they 
were spaceships from Mars.)
Vinkhuizen, 12 July: It was 10.15pm and cloudy. We were sitting 
outside with the neighbours when we saw balls of fire, the size of a 
football. The fire balls were orange-red. There were six of them. 
They vanished slowly, came back and vanished again … (Benjamin 
Creme's Master confirms they were spacecraft from Mars.)

New Zealand – UFO experts are studying photographs of a bright 
object which appeared above the Tasman Sea off Ahipara, North 
Island, New Zealand, on 28 April 2007.
The digital images were taken at 5.42pm by a photographer who 
watched the object for nearly five minutes as it moved silently 
across the sky in a northerly direction, reducing in size before 
US Navy optical physicist and world UFO expert Dr Bruce Maccabee 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:17 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK
 Write the ticket and get on with your life so
 I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
 there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
 *no problem* with paying the fine. But just 
 write the ticket and stop demanding my attention.
 Being booted off of Fairfield Life is the fine;
 indulging your or other people's desire to be 
 apologized to isn't.
 I have no desire to boot you or anyone off, nor do I need you
 to feel remorseful or anything else. If you (or anyone) were
 to say to hell with the rule, I'm going to keep flaming, and
 then you did so, I'd boot you off. But you're not continuing
 to flame, so on with the party.

OK, Rick, look, he's been flaming off and on
since the agreement not to flame was put in
force. This is just the latest instance.

You chided him gently the first time (when he
called Bronte and idiot), and he said then it
was OK with him if you threw him off the forum
for doing so. The insult was perfectly 
justified, as far as he was concerned.

Then you stopped reading for awhile, and he
continued to flame during that period.

You start monitoring again, and find he's just
delivered another flame, but because he doesn't
*say* the hell with the rules, I'm just going
to keep on flaming--even though continuing to
flame is what he has actually done--you give
him a pass.

In terms of what he *says* about flaming, he's
a lot stricter than you are. For example:

In general, anytime someone tries to justify 'attacking
back' they are trying to justify a personal attack that
was just made by them. It couldn't be any clearer. In
their minds the personal attack may be justified, but
the very fact that they *are* attempting to justify it
shows that they know it was a personal attack, and
thus against the FFL guidelines.

So he has in effect acknowledged that he knew
his flame at mainstream was against the FFL
guidelines (although the quote above is from
an earlier post).

You seem to be suggesting now that it's OK to
flame as long as you don't prolong it and
don't explicitly proclaim your intention to
defy the rules. Is that what you mean to convey?

If so, does that apply to all of us, or just
to Barry?

(Bonus quote from Barry, to be read in light
of his elaborate justification for flaming
mainstream in the discussion on abortion:
Beliefs and opinions are easy to fixate on,
and to confuse with Truth. And when someone
pokes at one of the things you confuse with
Truth, you react. The reaction is NOT
justified, no matter how hard you try to
justify it.

[FairfieldLife] John Edwards in Fairfield on Sunday

2007-10-04 Thread Rick Archer

HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/r/36655/23/Iowa for John Edwards '08

 HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/assets/email/jefp-jre-smile.jpgDear

I'd like to invite you to join me this Sunday in Fairfield. It will be one
of 17 stops I'll be making throughout the state from Friday, October 5th
through Monday, October 8th as I meet with Iowans to discuss my plans to end
the war in Iraq and build One America where everyone has a chance to work
hard and get ahead. 

Here are the details for the event: 

Sunday, October 7th at 4:45 PM
Community Meeting with QA
Lincoln Elementary School
401 West Stone Avenue, Fairfield
For more information call: 641-684-4345 

Please click here to learn more and let me know if you can make it: 


If you aren't able to come to this event, please visit my HYPERLINK
http://johnedwards.com/r/36658/23/Iowa website to see a full schedule
for the trip. 

I'm looking forward to meeting you and discussing the issues important to
working Americans -- bringing our troops home, providing universal health
care, strengthening our public school system, and taking on the powerful
special interests in Washington who have rigged the system against regular

Please make sure to forward this onto any friends and family who might also
be interested in attending. Thank you for your help...and I look forward to
seeing you at the event. 

 HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/assets/site/jresig-blue.gif;

How You Can Take Action

HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/r/36659/23/Join the CampaignHYPERLINK
http://johnedwards.com/r/36660/23/Make a ContributionHYPERLINK
http://johnedwards.com/r/36661/23/Spread the Word


Make sure you receive email updates from Senator Edwards. HYPERLINK
http://johnedwards.com/r/36662/23/Find out how to add
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to your Address Book. 

HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/optout?p=MTA2OSwyMjIyMjM%3D%0AClick here
to unsubscribe from email sent by John Edwards for President. 

Paid for by John Edwards for President 410 Market Street, Suite 400, Chapel
Hill, NC 27516 (919) 636-3131. HYPERLINK
http://johnedwards.com/r/36663/23/johnedwards.com. Contributions to
John Edwards for President are not deductible for federal income tax

 HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/o/MjIyMjIzLDEwNjks%0A;


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8:22 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:17 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK
 Write the ticket and get on with your life so
 I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
 there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
 *no problem* with paying the fine. But just 
 write the ticket and stop demanding my attention.
 Being booted off of Fairfield Life is the fine;
 indulging your or other people's desire to be 
 apologized to isn't.
 I have no desire to boot you or anyone off, nor do I need you to 
 remorseful or anything else. If you (or anyone) were to say to 
hell with the
 rule, I'm going to keep flaming, and then you did so, I'd boot you 
off. But
 you're not continuing to flame, so on with the party.
perhaps a restriction to just beer and wine is in order (no hard 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
  Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:17 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK
  Write the ticket and get on with your life so
  I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
  there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
  *no problem* with paying the fine. But just 
  write the ticket and stop demanding my attention.
  Being booted off of Fairfield Life is the fine;
  indulging your or other people's desire to be 
  apologized to isn't.
  I have no desire to boot you or anyone off, nor do I need you to 
  remorseful or anything else. If you (or anyone) were to say to 
 hell with the
  rule, I'm going to keep flaming, and then you did so, I'd boot 
 off. But
  you're not continuing to flame, so on with the party.
 perhaps a restriction to just beer and wine is in order (no hard 

Aren't you supposed to be at work at this hour Jim ??

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of authfriend
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 10:16 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK


You seem to be suggesting now that it's OK to
flame as long as you don't prolong it and
don't explicitly proclaim your intention to
defy the rules. Is that what you mean to convey?

No. Flaming is not so clear-cut as overposting, but if a person is obviously
just flaming occasionally, in the hope that he can get away with it, (like
driving 7 or 8 or 9 MPH over the speed limit), then it makes my job a lot
harder. Out of consideration for me, if nothing else, and out of
appreciation for what FFL can be at its best, I would appreciate it if Barry
and everyone else did their best to completely refrain from flaming. If one
person does it, others feel justified in doing it. So the effect goes far
beyond what that one person is doing. Chronic violations should have

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Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.0/1048 - Release Date: 10/3/2007
8:22 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
 There are wild things 
  taking place with Gurus these days.
 The claim from your guru to have brought 5 into enlightenment probably 
 is the wildest of them all. I don't buy it and I seriously don't 
 believe anyone else on this forum does.

Well lemme think, what would be the purpose in knowing or believeing that my 
Guru has 
brought 5 to enlightenment since 1999. For those interested in a Guru who may 
available to work with, it would be most useful I would guess. For those 
questioning what 
is taking place in their own path, again there may be some usefullness 
depending on what 
is going on in their path.

But in anycase, I don't really care how others think.


[FairfieldLife] Re: John Edwards in Fairfield on Sunday

2007-10-04 Thread mainstream20016
Last night Edwards was given a few minutes uninterrupted on a radio program, 
which he pointed out that he would have all troops out of Iraq within 1 year.  
He really 
took on Hillary Clinton for a recent vote that somehow authorizes Bush to 
prepare to 
attack Iran.  I don't know the details of such a vote by Hillary, but  I've 
noticed she has 
really softened her criticism of Bush and the Iraq war.  I don't like Edwards' 
fancy house 
and haircuts, but I think he has the best chance to make a real difference, and 
hope he 
gives Hillary a great challenge for the nomination.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/r/36655/23/Iowa for John Edwards '08
  HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/assets/email/jefp-jre-smile.jpgDear
 I'd like to invite you to join me this Sunday in Fairfield. It will be one
 of 17 stops I'll be making throughout the state from Friday, October 5th
 through Monday, October 8th as I meet with Iowans to discuss my plans to end
 the war in Iraq and build One America where everyone has a chance to work
 hard and get ahead. 
 Here are the details for the event: 
 Sunday, October 7th at 4:45 PM
 Community Meeting with QA
 Lincoln Elementary School
 401 West Stone Avenue, Fairfield
 For more information call: 641-684-4345 
 Please click here to learn more and let me know if you can make it: 
 If you aren't able to come to this event, please visit my HYPERLINK
 http://johnedwards.com/r/36658/23/Iowa website to see a full schedule
 for the trip. 
 I'm looking forward to meeting you and discussing the issues important to
 working Americans -- bringing our troops home, providing universal health
 care, strengthening our public school system, and taking on the powerful
 special interests in Washington who have rigged the system against regular
 Please make sure to forward this onto any friends and family who might also
 be interested in attending. Thank you for your help...and I look forward to
 seeing you at the event. 
  HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/assets/site/jresig-blue.gif;
 How You Can Take Action
 HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/r/36659/23/Join the CampaignHYPERLINK
 http://johnedwards.com/r/36660/23/Make a ContributionHYPERLINK
 http://johnedwards.com/r/36661/23/Spread the Word
 Make sure you receive email updates from Senator Edwards. HYPERLINK
 http://johnedwards.com/r/36662/23/Find out how to add
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your Address Book. 
 HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/optout?p=MTA2OSwyMjIyMjM%3D%0AClick here
 to unsubscribe from email sent by John Edwards for President. 
 Paid for by John Edwards for President 410 Market Street, Suite 400, Chapel
 Hill, NC 27516 (919) 636-3131. HYPERLINK
 http://johnedwards.com/r/36663/23/johnedwards.com. Contributions to
 John Edwards for President are not deductible for federal income tax
  HYPERLINK http://johnedwards.com/o/MjIyMjIzLDEwNjks%0A;
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 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.0/1048 - Release Date: 10/3/2007
 8:22 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds

2007-10-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Animated Map - 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds:

Neat. I guess my only nitpick with it is the
category they placed it in, Maps of War.

To my knowledge (and someone can correct me
if they think I'm wrong), the which animal
doesn't fit with the others entry on this
map is Buddhism. I don't think they've *ever*
fought a war to spread Buddhism. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds

2007-10-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  Animated Map - 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds:
 Neat. I guess my only nitpick with it is the
 category they placed it in, Maps of War.
 To my knowledge (and someone can correct me
 if they think I'm wrong), the which animal
 doesn't fit with the others entry on this
 map is Buddhism. I don't think they've *ever*
 fought a war to spread Buddhism.

They lost me at birth of Krishna. WTF!

[FairfieldLife] Re: John Edwards in Fairfield on Sunday

2007-10-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 

 Last night Edwards was given a few minutes uninterrupted on a 
radio program, during 
 which he pointed out that he would have all troops out of Iraq 
within 1 year.  He really 
 took on Hillary Clinton for a recent vote that somehow authorizes 
Bush to prepare to 
 attack Iran.  I don't know the details of such a vote by Hillary, 
but  I've noticed she has 
 really softened her criticism of Bush and the Iraq war.  I don't 
like Edwards' fancy house 
 and haircuts, but I think he has the best chance to make a real 
difference, and hope he 
 gives Hillary a great challenge for the nomination.  
Hillary has already ingratiated her way into the power structure, 
and she will be the next president, hands down. Those that are 
making billions off the death and destruction in Iraq will never let 
in anyone with plans to pull out all of the troops.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: TurquoiseB
  Write the ticket and get on with your life so
  I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
  there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
  *no problem* with paying the fine. But just 
  write the ticket and stop demanding my attention.
  Being booted off of Fairfield Life is the fine;
  indulging your or other people's desire to be 
  apologized to isn't.
 I have no desire to boot you or anyone off, nor do I need 
 you to feel remorseful or anything else. If you (or anyone) 
 were to say to hell with the rule, I'm going to keep flaming, 
 and then you did so, I'd boot you off. But you're not 
 continuing to flame, so on with the party.

First sensible thing that has been said in
this whole tempest in a pisspot yet. 

As I said before, those who have continued
the flaming are doing so by flaming *me*. I 
dropped it long ago. *They* are the ones who 
want to prolong the argument, so they can
win in their minds or just Dump On Barry
one more time. 

While they are free to do so, from my side
each person who *does* do so only adds to my
Don't Bother To Read List, and frees up more
of my time when reading Fairfield Life. All
they require in terms of my attention is a 
quick glance at the name and a click of the
Next key. No muss, no fuss. 

The time that this saves me can be spent 
having a life, something I fervently hope 
that the people who incapable of dropping 
an argument can someday have for themselves. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ 
   From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
   Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:17 AM
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

   Write the ticket and get on with your life so
   I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
   there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
   *no problem* with paying the fine. But just 
   write the ticket and stop demanding my attention.
   Being booted off of Fairfield Life is the fine;
   indulging your or other people's desire to be 
   apologized to isn't.
   I have no desire to boot you or anyone off, nor do I need you 
   remorseful or anything else. If you (or anyone) were to say to 
  hell with the
   rule, I'm going to keep flaming, and then you did so, I'd boot 
  off. But
   you're not continuing to flame, so on with the party.
  perhaps a restriction to just beer and wine is in order (no hard 
 Aren't you supposed to be at work at this hour Jim ??

its a virtual party, hosted by Rick. The drinks are free by the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  And, as I wrote about before, I just don't apolo-
  gize because someone is demanding it of me. So I 
  guess the overall answer to your question is No.
  If Fairfield Life turned into the kind of place
  where people were expected to apologize for the
  behavior that the majority of people declared
  inappropriate, I would bail from it far more
  quickly than I bailed from the TM movement, which
  tried to do exactly that.
 Now thats interesting. You had to leave the movement because you
 didn't apologize?

No, it's just that the whole *mindset* of the TM
movement was based on making people apologize for
being who they were, unless they were on the
program. In other words, they were expected to
live according to Someone Else's Ideas of how 
they should live. If they didn't, the organiz-
ation first tried to make them feel guilty, and
if that didn't work they'd censure them, and if
*that* didn't work they'd just declare them 
anathema and get rid of them.

They never actively tried to get rid of me; I 
just grew so disgusted by the mindset that I
walked away. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread TurquoiseB
Didn't bother to read this, of course, but I can't
help but notice that Judy has just fouled out for
the week at 35 posts. Again.

And I'd be willing to bet that a large number of
these posts were pissed away flaming me, and trying
to get others to do the same.

What I said earlier about having a life vs. not...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
  Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:17 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK
  Write the ticket and get on with your life so
  I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
  there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
  *no problem* with paying the fine. But just 
  write the ticket and stop demanding my attention.
  Being booted off of Fairfield Life is the fine;
  indulging your or other people's desire to be 
  apologized to isn't.
  I have no desire to boot you or anyone off, nor do I need you
  to feel remorseful or anything else. If you (or anyone) were
  to say to hell with the rule, I'm going to keep flaming, and
  then you did so, I'd boot you off. But you're not continuing
  to flame, so on with the party.
 OK, Rick, look, he's been flaming off and on
 since the agreement not to flame was put in
 force. This is just the latest instance.
 You chided him gently the first time (when he
 called Bronte and idiot), and he said then it
 was OK with him if you threw him off the forum
 for doing so. The insult was perfectly 
 justified, as far as he was concerned.
 Then you stopped reading for awhile, and he
 continued to flame during that period.
 You start monitoring again, and find he's just
 delivered another flame, but because he doesn't
 *say* the hell with the rules, I'm just going
 to keep on flaming--even though continuing to
 flame is what he has actually done--you give
 him a pass.
 In terms of what he *says* about flaming, he's
 a lot stricter than you are. For example:
 In general, anytime someone tries to justify 'attacking
 back' they are trying to justify a personal attack that
 was just made by them. It couldn't be any clearer. In
 their minds the personal attack may be justified, but
 the very fact that they *are* attempting to justify it
 shows that they know it was a personal attack, and
 thus against the FFL guidelines.
 So he has in effect acknowledged that he knew
 his flame at mainstream was against the FFL
 guidelines (although the quote above is from
 an earlier post).
 You seem to be suggesting now that it's OK to
 flame as long as you don't prolong it and
 don't explicitly proclaim your intention to
 defy the rules. Is that what you mean to convey?
 If so, does that apply to all of us, or just
 to Barry?
 (Bonus quote from Barry, to be read in light
 of his elaborate justification for flaming
 mainstream in the discussion on abortion:
 Beliefs and opinions are easy to fixate on,
 and to confuse with Truth. And when someone
 pokes at one of the things you confuse with
 Truth, you react. The reaction is NOT
 justified, no matter how hard you try to
 justify it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
   I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest 
   material and meetings for the enlightened to 
 stay enlightened 
   Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)
  The update in my path here is My Guru said there are 5 that have 
 unfolded in Realization. 
  Maybe it is even 6 or 7. When Sarojini came in, my Guru's comments 
 were something like 
  now we dont wont the mind to reroot, then she told her to read 
 some scripture- I forget 
  which one, but Sarojini did it immediately.
  I don't question too much about anything anymore, I did in the 
 begining but it is not 
  necessary now. why why why is not some much of interest to me, 
 things are as they are. 
  Main thing is - when you get there, it is never what you thought 
 it was.
 If you are enlightened there is no possebility to reroot. 
 Enlightenment is irreversible. If it is not permanent it simply is 
 something other than enlightenment.

I am not one of those enlightened but this comment is what my Guru says. 
However, you 
can find plents as i did in the last 2 years that even with the mind 
rerooting', they still 
claim enlightenment. My Guru says where there is a me, there is no 
enlightenment. The 
'me' has imploded into Being or IS or absolute or what ever word you want to 

 Which, as if I ever doubdted this, means that the people you have 
 been duped to believe are enlightened are more or less as ignorant 
 as the majority of the rest of us.

There has not been any rerooting of the mind- and in this path the Guru is 
right here to 
look after the disciples to ensure that they have come to enlightenment and not 
a glimpse. 
My expereince has been with the 20 or so that declareed enlightenment where it 
was not 
the case, was it usually was a glimpse, the mind rerooted, the guru was either 
available or there was no guru in the first place, then they were decalring 
even though mind was still there.

Even what I am writting would be objected to most likely by the same ones I am 
to. I watched a you tube presentation of one explaining what enlightenment was 
based on 
his own experience. in this explaination, he said - the mind comes back in 
What is the mind? What is the ego?

So, there is not even an agreement on this but I can pass along what my Guru 
has to say- 
in enlightenment , one knows 100% they are not the mind, not the body. There is 
no one 
to be enlightened, and a quote from my Guru I never existed nor will I ever

So, this mind rerrooting is only a glimpse here in my path which my Guru 
explains does 
not hold a candle to Nivakalpa Sahaj Samadi, but it appears in other paths the 
rerrooting is enlightenmetn.

This was just a long commentary which is about equll to me expalining what ice 
tastes like having not tasted it myself. If you are going to argue my points , 
it is an honest 
thing to first state where it is that your consciousness rests, especially if 
one is going to 
speak with athority about what can and cannot happen to an enlightened one.

If it is two people speaking to each other about the ice cream that they 
themselves have 
never tasted, how valuable is it ? The intellectual understanding of what ice 
cream tastes 
like doesnt hold a candle to the tasting of it.

too late now, i just typed alot, it could be like the blind leading the blind.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Rick Archer
In my opinion, 5 or 8 people enlightened in 8 years isn’t an extraordinary
track record. I’m sure there are many gurus who could claim that, but I’m
not sure that there are many who would.

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8:22 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: John Edwards in Fairfield on Sunday

2007-10-04 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
 mainstream20016@ wrote:
  Last night Edwards was given a few minutes uninterrupted on a 
 radio program, during 
  which he pointed out that he would have all troops out of Iraq 
 within 1 year.  He really 
  took on Hillary Clinton for a recent vote that somehow authorizes 
 Bush to prepare to 
  attack Iran.  I don't know the details of such a vote by Hillary, 
 but  I've noticed she has 
  really softened her criticism of Bush and the Iraq war.  I don't 
 like Edwards' fancy house 
  and haircuts, but I think he has the best chance to make a real 
 difference, and hope he 
  gives Hillary a great challenge for the nomination.  
 Hillary has already ingratiated her way into the power structure, 
 and she will be the next president, hands down. Those that are 
 making billions off the death and destruction in Iraq will never let 
 in anyone with plans to pull out all of the troops.:-)

Unless for every troop removed, a private army replacement be inserted. It's 
that another $190b will be requested soon for the war effort, in a supplemental 
bill, the cost of which are not tallied when determining the federal deficit.  
I thought I 
heard that the 7 years of the GWB admin has accumulated more debt than the 
debt accumulated by all previous administrations over the past 40 years, the 
era of 
generalized deficit spending.  Something is wrong with this picture..  

[FairfieldLife] Deepak Chorpa and Mike Myers

2007-10-04 Thread Bhairitu
The Sundance channel series Iconoclasts season 3 debuts on October 
25th.  Unmiversal HD has been showing some of season 2.  It's a show 
where they take a couple of celebrities and put them together where they 
comment on what each other do.  Last night it was Quentin Tarentino and 
Fiona Apple who have been friend for a long time.  It made for an 
extremely interesting show.  An upcoming episode has Deepak Chopra and 
Mike Myers (SNL) paired.  That should make for an interesting show.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New and Will Leave

2007-10-04 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Genevieve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I haven't been a member long, and joined to feel a sense of clarity 
 and peace with our world.  So far, aside from the occasional 
 enlightening remarks, there has been ever-present arguing.  Instead of 
 venting in the main room, couldn't this simply be settled by a private 
 email or do we all have to read this?  This is not a court session and 
 I'm not here to judge you or the other.  Please unsubscribe me, thanks.

Don't worry, she's probably an older woman, with no sense of fun left in her. 
Hopefully, a 
younger, naive young thing will enter right, Barry ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Pushing Pushing Daisies

2007-10-04 Thread Bhairitu
Stu wrote:
 For anyone who cares, you may want to look at my latest work.

 Pushing Daisies
 Wednesday night 7c/8 pm ABC.

Nice color enhancement.  Are you responsible for that too?  Interesting 
show created by Barry Sonnefeld (Men In Black).  I don't know how long 
you can keep an audience though with the fairy tale narrative effect.  
That might get old.  Overall I enjoyed it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   And, as I wrote about before, I just don't apolo-
   gize because someone is demanding it of me. So I 
   guess the overall answer to your question is No.
   If Fairfield Life turned into the kind of place
   where people were expected to apologize for the
   behavior that the majority of people declared
   inappropriate, I would bail from it far more
   quickly than I bailed from the TM movement, which
   tried to do exactly that.
  Now thats interesting. You had to leave the movement because you
  didn't apologize?
 No, it's just that the whole *mindset* of the TM
 movement was based on making people apologize for
 being who they were, unless they were on the
 program. In other words, they were expected to
 live according to Someone Else's Ideas of how 
 they should live. If they didn't, the organiz-
 ation first tried to make them feel guilty, and
 if that didn't work they'd censure them, and if
 *that* didn't work they'd just declare them 
 anathema and get rid of them.
 They never actively tried to get rid of me; I 
 just grew so disgusted by the mindset that I
 walked away.

I am not judging what you felt and did, but your explanation of how  
the TMO acted towards you is exactly what every company I have 
worked for does; if you do something that isn't in line with your 
agreed upon objectives, i.e. not on the program, you are asked to 
justify what you did, though you are expected to comply next time, 
then if you continue missing your objectives (being off the 
program) you are put on a performance plan, and if your non 
compliance continues, you are fired.

There is no reason to vilify the TM Movement, any more than there is 
a reason to vilify a company who's actions and objectives you 
disagree with. Its just the way every organization works, like it or 
not. If there is not a match, there is not a match-- no harm, no 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New and Will Leave

2007-10-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
I'm not here to judge you or the other.

Catch the irony?  Sorry other people didn't act the way you wish and
entertain you more.  Having done a search on your posts since joining
I didn't get much in the clarity or peace department from you
either.  You haven't contributed anything of substance and now you are
making a show of leaving while maintaining that you are not here to judge.

I enjoy judging.  Here is my verdict: you are guilty of not posting
interesting, thought provoking posts and then pompously criticizing
the group for not posting more of these for you. 

I'm sure bruised ego will not allow for this to happen, but if you
want  a message board to reflect your own values, do the work and
write some cool stuff.  People coming on this board to criticize how
others are posting are soo tiresome. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Genevieve

 I haven't been a member long, and joined to feel a sense of clarity 
 and peace with our world.  So far, aside from the occasional 
 enlightening remarks, there has been ever-present arguing.  Instead of 
 venting in the main room, couldn't this simply be settled by a private 
 email or do we all have to read this?  This is not a court session and 
 I'm not here to judge you or the other.  Please unsubscribe me, thanks.

RE: [FairfieldLife] New and Will Leave

2007-10-04 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Genevieve
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 11:44 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] New and Will Leave


I haven't been a member long, and joined to feel a sense of clarity 
and peace with our world. So far, aside from the occasional 
enlightening remarks, there has been ever-present arguing. Instead of 
venting in the main room, couldn't this simply be settled by a private 
email or do we all have to read this? This is not a court session and 
I'm not here to judge you or the other. Please unsubscribe me, thanks.

FFL can still be worthwhile if you ignore those who argue. After a while,
you learn who the valuable contributors are and skip the rest. If you want
to unsubscribe, you can do that at

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.0/1048 - Release Date: 10/3/2007
8:22 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: John Edwards in Fairfield on Sunday

2007-10-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
  mainstream20016@ wrote:
   Last night Edwards was given a few minutes uninterrupted on a 
  radio program, during 
   which he pointed out that he would have all troops out of Iraq 
  within 1 year.  He really 
   took on Hillary Clinton for a recent vote that somehow 
  Bush to prepare to 
   attack Iran.  I don't know the details of such a vote by 
  but  I've noticed she has 
   really softened her criticism of Bush and the Iraq war.  I 
  like Edwards' fancy house 
   and haircuts, but I think he has the best chance to make a 
  difference, and hope he 
   gives Hillary a great challenge for the nomination.  
  Hillary has already ingratiated her way into the power 
  and she will be the next president, hands down. Those that are 
  making billions off the death and destruction in Iraq will never 
  in anyone with plans to pull out all of the troops.:-)
 Unless for every troop removed, a private army replacement be 
inserted. It's astounding 
 that another $190b will be requested soon for the war effort, in a 
supplemental spending 
 bill, the cost of which are not tallied when determining the 
federal deficit.  I thought I 
 heard that the 7 years of the GWB admin has accumulated more debt 
than the combined 
 debt accumulated by all previous administrations over the past 40 
years, the era of 
 generalized deficit spending.  Something is wrong with this 

Yep, lots and lots of money being made on this one. If you want to 
do a little digging, you'll discover that 14 huge permanent bases 
have been constructed in Iraq, to eventually be consolidated into 4 
mega bases. That is where some of the money goes. As REM sang in the 
80's: Welcome to the occupation...:-)

[FairfieldLife] Discharge vs. Expression in Dialogue

2007-10-04 Thread abutilon108
A beautiful post from another online community --

I am finding this to be a very intriguing thread as several of those
who have replied have brought up the issues of freedom of expression
and sensitivity. I have been doing some research on various types of
expression lately and thought that maybe I could add something to this
post on the concepts of freedom of expression, and sensitivity.

I recently read about the distinction between discharge and
expression. With the former there lies an attitude that one must expel
from themselves something they have taken in that feels foreign to
one's being. With discharge there often comes a catharsis or release.
While the release might temporarily leave one feeling empowered it is
often a short lived experience.

With expression, writers such as Darwin, Hospers, and Dewey state that
true expression involves a conservation of energy, and a rhythmic
internal process of allowing a building of resistance and tension
balanced by periodic and measured releases. The result is that with
verbal and written interchanges a feeling of true connection can be
achieved as the differences between those in dialogue are actually
being digested, absorbed, considered more deeply. In this sense,
expressions contains an aesthetic quality. The conversation then
becomes a thing of beauty as those involved both feel heard.

True expression then is a mature, thoughtful, and considered process,
a process where we allow experience to move through us with awareness,
noting how the experience changes us, how difference informs us of who
we are, and then responding to the differences creatively.

With reaction and discharge we are asking others to do our work for
us, externalizing our own internal processes. As friends to one
another we commonly do this. Our friends witness our reactions and
discharges and we are gracefully held in their care. In this way we
help each other develop more maturity, and we can all use more of that.

One more point in regards to the distinctions between true expression
and discharge and reaction; There is often a call by posters (on this
site and others) to be truthful, direct, not beat around the bush, a
hold nothing back attitude. Be wary when you see this as it is often
an invitation to say something that will unleash the others own
internal critics, again externalizing the process into a discharge.

In regards to sensitivity, I believe a few have spoken of the need to
develop a thicker skin while using this board. I think that is a wise
statement. However, I wish the opposite were true. I think we would
all be much better off if there was enough safety and trust where we
could all wear our thinner skins.


[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my opinion, 5 or 8 people enlightened in 8 years isn't an extraordinary
 track record. I'm sure there are many gurus who could claim that, but I'm
 not sure that there are many who would.

I think it is an area of uncertainty anyway. Maybe in kalki's group, there are 
400 realized 
now- but there are claims of 30 million disciples and also claims of 
enlightening the world. 
Even if 400, there are 6 billion in the world, and also 400 out of 30 million?

The 5 here is out of maybe 50. So there are not grandious over the top claims 
here to 
enlighten the world, and in my path, it is a traditional one to one 
relationship and this is the only way it is offered.

As far as an extraordinary track record, it looks like the numbers are better 
than it was for 
Nityananda, but removing the maya may have something to do with the times or 
with how 
much maya is prevelent. Alot means Kaliyuga. maybe at some other time, the 
will look a lot different.

There also are no rules acording to my Guru about stating what is, and 
therefore the 
accuracy of what is being stated is therefore one way or the other. One can be 
and say so as Christ did or not, but the reality of the situation stays the 
same, and the 
same for what is taking place regarding the declarations in my path .


[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ 
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:17 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK


Write the ticket and get on with your life so
I can get on with mine. Don't keep standing
there demanding that I apologize to you. I have
*no problem* with paying the fine. But just 
write the ticket and stop demanding my attention.
Being booted off of Fairfield Life is the fine;
indulging your or other people's desire to be 
apologized to isn't.

I have no desire to boot you or anyone off, nor do I need 
remorseful or anything else. If you (or anyone) were to say 
   hell with the
rule, I'm going to keep flaming, and then you did so, I'd 
   off. But
you're not continuing to flame, so on with the party.

   perhaps a restriction to just beer and wine is in order (no 
  Aren't you supposed to be at work at this hour Jim ??
 its a virtual party, hosted by Rick. The drinks are free by the 

In that case; I'm in !

[FairfieldLife] Muse of the Day

2007-10-04 Thread John
To All:

Many in the news media are speculating about the possiblity of the US 
attacking Iran due to its nuclear program and other activities that 
contribute to the instability in the Middle East.  For the Israelis, 
this speculation is a welcome diversion.  The Israelis know fully 
well that they need the support of the US and western Europe to 
maintain its status and relative peace in the Middle East.  However, 
Israel will not hesitate to attack Iran and bomb its nuclear 
development anytime Israel perceives that the USA is not having any 
influence on the peace process in the region.

If the US decides to get out of Iraq, there's a great likelihood that 
Israel will take matters into its own hands.  It is likely that 
Israel already has adequate intelligence about Iran's nuclear 
facilities.  So, without any moment's hesitation, Israel can attack 
those facilities at the most strategic and surreptitious time.


John R.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
  There are wild things 
   taking place with Gurus these days.
  The claim from your guru to have brought 5 into enlightenment 
  is the wildest of them all. I don't buy it and I seriously don't 
  believe anyone else on this forum does.
 Well lemme think, what would be the purpose in knowing or 
believeing that my Guru has 
 brought 5 to enlightenment since 1999. For those interested in a 
Guru who may be 
 available to work with, it would be most useful I would guess.

Of course, if it was true. But since it is just a contradicting 
story from you it has 0, zero, nada value whatsoever.

Re: [FairfieldLife] New and Will Leave I use the delete button

2007-10-04 Thread WLeed3
I also hope there venom could B stated privately  the dirty linen  or 
stained b private. I note by my even responding it encourages this negative  
for my -- OUR attention is again on it. I try to ignore it by silence   now 
on 4 occasions have NOT. I regret this Rick  all.
On 5 occasions since I joined yrs. ago I have off this line responded  
privately to ones here.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest 
material and meetings for the enlightened to 
  stay enlightened 
Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)
   The update in my path here is My Guru said there are 5 that 
  unfolded in Realization. 
   Maybe it is even 6 or 7. When Sarojini came in, my Guru's 
  were something like 
   now we dont wont the mind to reroot, then she told her to read 
  some scripture- I forget 
   which one, but Sarojini did it immediately.
   I don't question too much about anything anymore, I did in the 
  begining but it is not 
   necessary now. why why why is not some much of interest to me, 
  things are as they are. 
   Main thing is - when you get there, it is never what you 
  it was.
  If you are enlightened there is no possebility to reroot. 
  Enlightenment is irreversible. If it is not permanent it simply 
  something other than enlightenment.
 I am not one of those enlightened but this comment is what my Guru 
says. However, you 
 can find plents as i did in the last 2 years that even with the 
mind rerooting', they still 
 claim enlightenment. My Guru says where there is a me, there is 
no enlightenment. The 
 'me' has imploded into Being or IS or absolute or what ever word 
you want to use.
  Which, as if I ever doubdted this, means that the people you 
  been duped to believe are enlightened are more or less as 
  as the majority of the rest of us.
 There has not been any rerooting of the mind- and in this path the 
Guru is right here to 
 look after the disciples to ensure that they have come to 
enlightenment and not a glimpse. 
 My expereince has been with the 20 or so that declareed 
enlightenment where it was not 
 the case, was it usually was a glimpse, the mind rerooted, the 
guru was either not 
 available or there was no guru in the first place, then they were 
decalring enlightenment 
 even though mind was still there.
 Even what I am writting would be objected to most likely by the 
same ones I am referring 
 to. I watched a you tube presentation of one explaining what 
enlightenment was based on 
 his own experience. in this explaination, he said - the mind comes 
back in enlightenment.  
 What is the mind? What is the ego?
 So, there is not even an agreement on this but I can pass along 
what my Guru has to say- 
 in enlightenment , one knows 100% they are not the mind, not the 
body. There is no one 
 to be enlightened, and a quote from my Guru I never existed nor 
will I ever
 So, this mind rerrooting is only a glimpse here in my path which 
my Guru explains does 
 not hold a candle to Nivakalpa Sahaj Samadi, but it appears in 
other paths the mind 
 rerrooting is enlightenmetn.
 This was just a long commentary which is about equll to me 
expalining what ice cream 
 tastes like having not tasted it myself. If you are going to argue 
my points , it is an honest 
 thing to first state where it is that your consciousness rests, 
especially if one is going to 
 speak with athority about what can and cannot happen to an 
enlightened one.
 If it is two people speaking to each other about the ice cream 
that they themselves have 
 never tasted, how valuable is it ? The intellectual understanding 
of what ice cream tastes 
 like doesnt hold a candle to the tasting of it.
 too late now, i just typed alot, it could be like the blind 
leading the blind.

Wherever you are I'm sure there will be an organization of some sort 
that will be happy to lend white sticks to both your guru and your 5 
enlightened ones.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New and Will Leave

2007-10-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 I enjoy judging. Here is my verdict: you are guilty of not posting
 interesting, thought provoking posts and then pompously criticizing
 the group for not posting more of these for you. 


NOT about Genevieve herself, because I only 
noticed one post from her, and responded to
it, in kind. But Curtis' comment just *nails*
Newbie Syndrome.

When someone rolls into town with a chip on
their shoulder and berates the group for not
living down to their fantasies about what 
such a group should be, I always think of Kurt 
Cobain's take on what it's like to be up
on stage in front of an audience:

With the lights out 
It's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
We feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us

Hey, entertain US. If you want thoughtful
conversations, *start* one. See how it goes.
If it doesn't go where you imagined it might,
try another one. If none of them go where you
hoped they would, you might consider either
revising your presentation style or moving on.

But don't berate the rest of us for failing
to entertain you, if you're not willing to
do a little entertaining yourself.

 I'm sure bruised ego will not allow for this to happen, but if you
 want a message board to reflect your own values, do the work and
 write some cool stuff. 

Bingo. Lead, don't ask to be led.

[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
As far as an extraordinary track record, it looks like the numbers
are better than it was for Nityanand

And the point of this post is...let me guess...this is hard...Ron's
guru lady is the superduperist in the whole wide world!  She's got ya
recruiting nicely, have you started the fund raising part yet?

I swear that as soon as I can find one of her ex husbands (just a
guess) I'm gunna post the real story on this chick who has guys like
you running around telling the world how great she is.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  In my opinion, 5 or 8 people enlightened in 8 years isn't an
  track record. I'm sure there are many gurus who could claim that,
but I'm
  not sure that there are many who would.
 I think it is an area of uncertainty anyway. Maybe in kalki's group,
there are 400 realized 
 now- but there are claims of 30 million disciples and also claims of
enlightening the world. 
 Even if 400, there are 6 billion in the world, and also 400 out of
30 million?
 The 5 here is out of maybe 50. So there are not grandious over the
top claims here to 
 enlighten the world, and in my path, it is a traditional one to one
 relationship and this is the only way it is offered.
 As far as an extraordinary track record, it looks like the numbers
are better than it was for 
 Nityananda, but removing the maya may have something to do with the
times or with how 
 much maya is prevelent. Alot means Kaliyuga. maybe at some other
time, the numbers 
 will look a lot different.
 There also are no rules acording to my Guru about stating what is,
and therefore the 
 accuracy of what is being stated is therefore one way or the other.
One can be enlightened 
 and say so as Christ did or not, but the reality of the situation
stays the same, and the 
 same for what is taking place regarding the declarations in my path .

[FairfieldLife] Re: Muse of the Day

2007-10-04 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To All:
 Many in the news media are speculating about the possiblity of the US 
 attacking Iran due to its nuclear program and other activities that 
 contribute to the instability in the Middle East.  For the Israelis, 
 this speculation is a welcome diversion.  The Israelis know fully 
 well that they need the support of the US and western Europe to 
 maintain its status and relative peace in the Middle East.  However, 
 Israel will not hesitate to attack Iran and bomb its nuclear 
 development anytime Israel perceives that the USA is not having any 
 influence on the peace process in the region.
 If the US decides to get out of Iraq, there's a great likelihood that 
 Israel will take matters into its own hands.  It is likely that 
 Israel already has adequate intelligence about Iran's nuclear 
 facilities.  So, without any moment's hesitation, Israel can attack 
 those facilities at the most strategic and surreptitious time.
 John R.
An oil-rich nation like Iran is increasingly important to the West, and threats 
against Iran 
are threats to the West, notwithstanding the West's long-term relations with 
Iran's enemy.
Under the present arms imbalance in the middle east,  it's bad form to threaten 
a nation 
that wants a nuclear program when you yourself have nuclear weapons numbered in 
dozens, if not hundreds.  I'm not in favor of weapons prolifeation, but a 
degree of stability 
ironically emerges when the defensive capabilty's of competing nations are 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Ron
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 12:08 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby


As far as an extraordinary track record, it looks like the numbers are
better than it was for 
Nityananda, but removing the maya may have something to do with the times or
with how 
much maya is prevelent. Alot means Kaliyuga. maybe at some other time, the
will look a lot different.

I think that things are heating up in the world, and that people are getting
enlightened more readily than they did in Nityananda’s day.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.0/1048 - Release Date: 10/3/2007
8:22 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New and Will Leave

2007-10-04 Thread Bhairitu
curtisdeltablues wrote:
 I'm not here to judge you or the other.

 Catch the irony?  Sorry other people didn't act the way you wish and
 entertain you more.  Having done a search on your posts since joining
 I didn't get much in the clarity or peace department from you
 either.  You haven't contributed anything of substance and now you are
 making a show of leaving while maintaining that you are not here to judge.

 I enjoy judging.  Here is my verdict: you are guilty of not posting
 interesting, thought provoking posts and then pompously criticizing
 the group for not posting more of these for you. 

 I'm sure bruised ego will not allow for this to happen, but if you
 want  a message board to reflect your own values, do the work and
 write some cool stuff.  People coming on this board to criticize how
 others are posting are soo tiresome. 
Exactly.  It seems the people who wanted to limit the number of posts 
rarely if ever posted themselves.  And the same with folks who don't 
like the content of posts here.  I guess they believe they're the 
thought police.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread andrasayer
What is the source of Nityananda saying that none of his diciples 
were enlightened?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives 

  At first, I was very annoyed about the announcement that 
  to build hundreds of these towers of invincibility 
   world, at 
  several mil a pop, which seemed only to designed to tell 
   et al 
  how wonderful they are, and seem foolish when many 
cities do 
   not have 
  TM centers and MUM and the M. Central University are 
  underfunded. That's certainly part of it, as there are 
   on the 
  sides of the towers saluting TM administrators, but 
  Shiva lingams, and as a wearer of rudraksha who learned 
   from a monk 
  in the Shankara (Shiva) tradition, I can't be opposed to 
  these towers/lingams creates auspiciousness -- doesn't 
   what the 
  ignorant public thinks one way or the other. MMY is 
going to 
  this influence of Vedic civilization, and there are not 
  hillbillies in the world to stop it.
 It's not hillbillies who think it's stupid, it's anyone in 
I am laughing myself to death . This is the effect of 
   like this, the me is gone in 
the middle of it. I lost it when I read this one line 

   I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest 
   material and meetings for the enlightened to 
stay enlightened 
   Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)
 The ouch would be questioning the methodology of a guru that has 
brought 5 to 
 enlightenment since 1999. Nityananda, Guru to Muktananda sadly 
left his body early 
 declaring that there were none ( and Muktananda is one of his 
disciples), and this was not 
 long ago.
 Even in this case, it was probably not an ouch as the methodology 
was reasonable. The 
 real ouch is where there are none enlightened after a long 
presence - then in looking at 
 the methodology, it may be quite obvious why this has happened. 
There are wild things 
 taking place with Gurus these days.

[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of Ron
 Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 12:08 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby
 As far as an extraordinary track record, it looks like the numbers are
 better than it was for 
 Nityananda, but removing the maya may have something to do with the times or
 with how 
 much maya is prevelent. Alot means Kaliyuga. maybe at some other time, the
 will look a lot different.
 I think that things are heating up in the world, and that people are getting
 enlightened more readily than they did in Nityananda's day.
 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.0/1048 - Release Date: 10/3/2007
 8:22 PM

One comment my Guru made was that more and more Guru's are needed because there 
are more and more spontaneous kundalini awakenings these days, so will it be a 
or will it be put to use for the purpose of moving one forward for 
enlightenment as quickly 
as possible.

Regarding enlightened ones, my experience tells me that what is written by the 
is a start, then the truth comes out once one is around them, and especially 
seen by one 
that knows what to look for.

such things as is there a need for outer stimuli in order to feel contented, is 
there a total 
flow in the life or is there doership by a me. Sometimes it does not even 
take an 
enlightened one to detect something sour going on but still always tricky.

i had one claimant that was revealing her discoveries of my past life to me. 
Then it was 
obvious that she was doing this with many. One not knowing what is going on may 
quite fascinated with this, then ask questions about her discovery as I did. 
This is when 
the shit hit the fan and things went out of control.

In this case, my Guru was aware where i was and was there as guidance for me. 
To make a 
long story short, I have been through this sort of thing, resulting in going 
into a big 
depression for months afterwards, but didn't happen this time.

The words of my Guru about this one, who declares enlightenment on her own and 
is a 
kalki Diksha giver- she is lost  she is going to give diksha to people and 
fuck them up

iN my path here, only those with a stilled mind are athorized to give shaktipat


[FairfieldLife] William Butler Yeats' Theory of Reincarnation Explained

2007-10-04 Thread tom_kimb

What is reincarnation?  To begin with, reincarnation does not take place
within a matrix of linear time.  It's not as if e.g. you had a life
in ancient Greece and then you died; then you had a life in ancient Rome
and then you died; then you had a life in the Middle Ages and then you
died; etc.  Rather, all of your past and future lives are going on at
once, in an eternal NOW moment.

Think of it like this:  survivors of near-death experiences often report
seeing all the events that ever happened to them flash by them in no
time at all.  Thus it would seem that we experience the thought forms of
our lives twice – once in linear fashion over a lifetime, and the
second time around in timeless fashion at the moment of death.

In an analogous manner, while there is indeed an evolution going on in
the universe, this evolution is not taking place in linear time: 
it's all happening at once. Space and time have no objective
existence.  They are merely cognitive tools which evolved as sentient
beings evolved, to enable them to focus upon one thing at a time instead
of everything at once.  The linearity of time is an illusion, a
falsehood, which Eastern philosophers have termed maya or samsara.  It
is this false appearance that there is such a thing as an objective
reality out there unfolding in linear time, which animates the striving
of all sentient beings and keeps the wheel of reincarnation – of
life and death and rebirth – turning.

Babies (and even young children, who sometimes talk about memories from
other lifetimes) are not as centered in a one-track existence as adults
are.  Babies and young children are consciously impinged upon by
influences from other lives and probable realities which most adults
have learned to ignore.  The same socialization process which props up a
baby's sense of being a unitary, abiding, separated individual also
imprisons that individual in a furrow of inexorable linear temporality.

For most people, 99.9% of decisions are made on the basis of
socially-conditioned actions and reactions – what they were taught
by their parents and society.  But every now and then everyone has
poignant moments – moments of consciousness or conscientiousness or
conscience – when they sense that probable realities are branching
off this way or that; or they feel echoes from other lifetimes and
realities; or they hear voices from deep inside them.  When this happens
people feel connected to something more profound than their customary
hustle and bustle; and that something is their true purpose in this
lifetime – the reason they were born.

Nobel laureate William Butler Yeats' channeled masterpiece A Vision
explains the true nature of reincarnation – what it really is and
how it really works.   Starting this coming month Magical Almanac, Bob
Makransky's free monthly ezine of astrology and magic, will be
presenting a six-article series which explains the theory of
reincarnation as described in A Vision.   This series includes complete
instructions for safe and easy techniques you can use on your own to run
past life regressions and probable reality progressions; and to
recapitulate memories from your present lifetime (thereby releasing the
pent-up emotions which you have invested in your memories).

To subscribe, send an e-mail to: 

You can also subscribe (and view past issues) at:

Privacy Statement: We will not give or sell your name or e-mail address
to anyone, ever.

We all to some extent meet again and again the same people and
certainly in some cases form a kind of family of two or three or more
persons who come together life after life until all passionate relations
are exhausted, the child of one life the husband, wife, brother, sister
of the next.  Sometimes, however, a single relationship will repeat
itself, turning its revolving wheel again and again.

  –  William Butler Yeats, A Vision

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, andrasayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is the source of Nityananda saying that none of his diciples 
 were enlightened?

My Guru knows someone that was there at the time of his passing. He had said 
not one came 
that was there for a bigger Me. My guru said they didn;t find anything wrong 
with the form. 

Just as there was a writting claiming Gurudev apointed MMY to go out to the 
world ( read this 
in this forum) which contradicted what I heard MMY say about how the movement 
started, so there also is some writtings floating around where Nityananda is 
recognizing muktananda as the guru to go out to the world.

My quote is going to run out so either email me directly if you have something 
further to say 
or i will start an overflow post yahoo group for ffl


Re: [FairfieldLife] Rising consciousness?

2007-10-04 Thread Bhairitu
hugheshugo wrote:
 Here's a thought, instead of judging rising consciousness purely on 
 what the dow jones is doing, why not judge it on how many things like 
 this are going on.


 Surely any vaguely civilized society would have banned this a long time 
Seems that any rising consciousness is offset by the Bush crime family 
pulling it down.  Their turning this country into a Stalinist police 
state with cops mistreating innocent citizens all over the place.  The 
stock market rose because the dollar is worth less not because things 
are better here.   IOW, it takes more dollars to equal the dollar value 
of a stock just a few weeks ago.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rising consciousness?

2007-10-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The stock market rose because the dollar is worth less not 
 because things are better here. IOW, it takes more dollars 
 to equal the dollar value of a stock just a few weeks ago.

Tell me about it. If I had taken all of my money
out of dollars and put it into Euros four+ years
ago, when I first thought about moving to France, 
I would have seen almost a 50% return on my non-
investment in America. As it turns out, I waited 
too long, and only saw about a 30% return on 
pulling my bucks out of bucks and putting them 
into Euros.

How many of you did that well with your savings
accounts or investments?

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Ron
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 2:02 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me
of a


My quote is going to run out so either email me directly if you have
something further to say 
or i will start an overflow post yahoo group for ffl

You’re up to 29, so you’ve got 6 left.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.0/1048 - Release Date: 10/3/2007
8:22 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
HP : Well lemme think, what would be the purpose in knowing or
believeing that my Guru has
 brought 5 to enlightenment since 1999. For those interested in a
Guru who may be
 available to work with, it would be most useful I would guess.

Nabby: Of course, if it was true. But since it is just a contradicting
story from you it has 0, zero, nada value whatsoever.

HP: if an enlightened Guru were available to work with you one to one that has 
people to enlightenment, and then this would be useful to you as you claim, 
then please 
let me know how it would be useful?

Do you think that any enlightened Guru is going to accept you when you insist 
on doing 
your TM and keep up with and taking instructions from MMY?  Or do you think by 
going to 
this Guru and taking blessings or darshan that this is going to propel you to 

My opinion is if you are happy with TM fine, then why would you need another 
guru? This 
is why weather you believe my Guru is enlightened or not , either way, it has 
no bearing in 
your life right now, nothing changes for you. 

For me, the belief that my Guru is enlightened has a major impact, major change 
in my 
life because based on this belief, I have gone into the path full force, 
adopted the 
practices, received transmissions, which is grace, and entered into a state of 
peace that 
prior to this was not there.

So, believing one way or the other in itself has very insignificant effect, it 
is the course of 
action put into place based on a belief that can move mountains.


[FairfieldLife] Re: William Butler Yeats' Theory of Reincarnation Explained

2007-10-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
snip Magical Almanac, Bob Makransky's free monthly ezine of
astrology and magic, snip

Some lines are so good they make reading the whole post worth it!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tom_kimb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is reincarnation?  To begin with, reincarnation does not take place
 within a matrix of linear time.  It's not as if e.g. you had a life
 in ancient Greece and then you died; then you had a life in ancient Rome
 and then you died; then you had a life in the Middle Ages and then you
 died; etc.  Rather, all of your past and future lives are going on at
 once, in an eternal NOW moment.
 Think of it like this:  survivors of near-death experiences often report
 seeing all the events that ever happened to them flash by them in no
 time at all.  Thus it would seem that we experience the thought forms of
 our lives twice – once in linear fashion over a lifetime, and the
 second time around in timeless fashion at the moment of death.
 In an analogous manner, while there is indeed an evolution going on in
 the universe, this evolution is not taking place in linear time: 
 it's all happening at once. Space and time have no objective
 existence.  They are merely cognitive tools which evolved as sentient
 beings evolved, to enable them to focus upon one thing at a time instead
 of everything at once.  The linearity of time is an illusion, a
 falsehood, which Eastern philosophers have termed maya or samsara.  It
 is this false appearance that there is such a thing as an objective
 reality out there unfolding in linear time, which animates the striving
 of all sentient beings and keeps the wheel of reincarnation – of
 life and death and rebirth – turning.
 Babies (and even young children, who sometimes talk about memories from
 other lifetimes) are not as centered in a one-track existence as adults
 are.  Babies and young children are consciously impinged upon by
 influences from other lives and probable realities which most adults
 have learned to ignore.  The same socialization process which props up a
 baby's sense of being a unitary, abiding, separated individual also
 imprisons that individual in a furrow of inexorable linear temporality.
 For most people, 99.9% of decisions are made on the basis of
 socially-conditioned actions and reactions – what they were taught
 by their parents and society.  But every now and then everyone has
 poignant moments – moments of consciousness or conscientiousness or
 conscience – when they sense that probable realities are branching
 off this way or that; or they feel echoes from other lifetimes and
 realities; or they hear voices from deep inside them.  When this happens
 people feel connected to something more profound than their customary
 hustle and bustle; and that something is their true purpose in this
 lifetime – the reason they were born.
 Nobel laureate William Butler Yeats' channeled masterpiece A Vision
 explains the true nature of reincarnation – what it really is and
 how it really works.   Starting this coming month Magical Almanac, Bob
 Makransky's free monthly ezine of astrology and magic, will be
 presenting a six-article series which explains the theory of
 reincarnation as described in A Vision.   This series includes complete
 instructions for safe and easy techniques you can use on your own to run
 past life regressions and probable reality progressions; and to
 recapitulate memories from your present lifetime (thereby releasing the
 pent-up emotions which you have invested in your memories).
 To subscribe, send an e-mail to: 
 You can also subscribe (and view past issues) at:
 Privacy Statement: We will not give or sell your name or e-mail address
 to anyone, ever.
 We all to some extent meet again and again the same people and
 certainly in some cases form a kind of family of two or three or more
 persons who come together life after life until all passionate relations
 are exhausted, the child of one life the husband, wife, brother, sister
 of the next.  Sometimes, however, a single relationship will repeat
 itself, turning its revolving wheel again and again.
   –  William Butler Yeats, A Vision

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bad news for Bevan

2007-10-04 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 10/3/07 10:48:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Being a  few pounds overweight is one thing, but to be morbidly obese, 
like Bevan  has been for many years, is a sign of some real mental 
health issues, and  he's not the only looney tunes in the TM mgmt 
lineup. I think it's  important to give these guys a reality check 
once in a while in the middle  of that non-stop we are the masters of 
the universe song and dance,  which will be true some day, but 
certainly not  today.

He really aught to look into Gastric by pass, seriously. I can only imagine  
the number of co-morbidities he has.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: ALEX, is this Real.??

2007-10-04 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Hey, sir Alex, could you tell me if this is REAL..??


I did a Google search, and that is an actual product being sold. So,
in that sense, it is real. Does such a product actually work? I
seriously doubt it. Wanna lose weight? Lower your caloric intake.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bad news for Bevan

2007-10-04 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 10/3/07 10:48:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
 Being a  few pounds overweight is one thing, but to be morbidly 
 like Bevan  has been for many years, is a sign of some real mental 
 health issues, and  he's not the only looney tunes in the TM mgmt 
 lineup. I think it's  important to give these guys a reality check 
 once in a while in the middle  of that non-stop we are the masters 
 the universe song and dance,  which will be true some day, but 
 certainly not  today.

 He really aught to look into Gastric by pass, seriously. I can only 
 the number of co-morbidities he has.


As bad as his overeating problem is, I think he should manage it in 
an ayurvedic way. Gastric bypass is dangerous -- although studies 
vary in estimating the risk, this link claims 1 in 50 people die 
within a year after bypass, and it's worse if the surgeon is not 
hightly experienced:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bad news for Bevan

2007-10-04 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 10/4/07 8:52:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

a  message dated 10/3/07 10:48:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
 Being a few pounds overweight is one thing, but to be  morbidly 
 like Bevan has been for many years, is a sign of  some real mental 
 health issues, and he's not the only looney tunes in  the TM mgmt 
 lineup. I think it's important to give these guys a  reality check 
 once in a while in the middle of that non-stop we are  the masters 
 the universe song and dance, which will be true  some day, but 
 certainly not today.

 He really aught to look into Gastric by pass, seriously. I can  only 
 the number of co-morbidities he  has.


As  bad as his overeating problem is, I think he should manage it in 
an  ayurvedic way. Gastric bypass is dangerous -- although studies 
vary in  estimating the risk, this link claims 1 in 50 people die 
within a year  after bypass, and it's worse if the surgeon is not 
hightly  experienced:

Problem is, it's obvious he hasn't been able to manage it at all.  Otherwise, 
he wouldn't have the weight problem he has. Gastric by pass isn't  near as 
risky as some would have you believe. Death from the surgery is down to  less 
than one in a hundred and most of those that die are the super morbidly  obese, 
500 pounds and higher with horrible co-morbidities. In other words people  who 
are on death's door anyway. There are plenty of surgeons all over the  
country that are specializing in this surgery now. I had it done on May 22nd 
have lost over 80 pounds since and am off all medications I needed before, 
 pressure, cholesterol,,joint pain medication and off the C-pap. I have much 
more  energy, sleep better, no back or joint pain and on top of that my 
meditations  have been much better since. But... it's a decision that only he 
make and if  he ever asked me I would encourage him to research it and talk to 
Doctors who  specialize in it and also talk with several people who have had it 
done. It will  change his life for sure.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bad news for Bevan

2007-10-04 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 10/4/07 8:52:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 a  message dated 10/3/07 10:48:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

 Being a few pounds overweight is one thing, but to be  morbidly 
 like Bevan has been for many years, is a sign of  some real mental 
 health issues, and he's not the only looney tunes in  the TM mgmt 
 lineup. I think it's important to give these guys a  reality check 
 once in a while in the middle of that non-stop we are  the masters 
 the universe song and dance, which will be true  some day, but 
 certainly not today.


 He really aught to look into Gastric by pass, seriously. I can  only 
 the number of co-morbidities he  has.


 As  bad as his overeating problem is, I think he should manage it in 
 an  ayurvedic way. Gastric bypass is dangerous -- although studies 
 vary in  estimating the risk, this link claims 1 in 50 people die 
 within a year  after bypass, and it's worse if the surgeon is not 
 hightly  experienced:

 Problem is, it's obvious he hasn't been able to manage it at all.  Otherwise, 
 he wouldn't have the weight problem he has. Gastric by pass isn't  near as 
 risky as some would have you believe. Death from the surgery is down to  less 
 than one in a hundred and most of those that die are the super morbidly  
 500 pounds and higher with horrible co-morbidities. In other words people  
 are on death's door anyway. There are plenty of surgeons all over the  
 country that are specializing in this surgery now. I had it done on May 22nd 
 have lost over 80 pounds since and am off all medications I needed before, 
  pressure, cholesterol,,joint pain medication and off the C-pap. I have much 
 more  energy, sleep better, no back or joint pain and on top of that my 
 meditations  have been much better since. But... it's a decision that only he 
 make and if  he ever asked me I would encourage him to research it and talk 
 Doctors who  specialize in it and also talk with several people who have had 
 done. It will  change his life for sure.

 ** See what's new at http://www.aol.com
For his heritage he probably eats way too many carbs.  You can't eat 
like an Indian unless you are Indian.  He could drop weight on a low 
carb diet.  Carbs make you want to eat more carbs and those extra carbs 
get put on as fat.   By reducing carbs you also get the body's fat 
burning metabolism back in shape.  After awhile a person will come back 
into their own natural carb/protein/fats allotment. Probably the TMO is 
hazardous to his health and he should run not just walk away from it.  
But he's probably too old for that.  :)

I'm glad you are pleased with the surgery but I find many of these 
western allopathic experiments somewhat ridiculous. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TIME to BAN LURK

2007-10-04 Thread lurkernomore20002000
 Let me try to use an analogy. A cop pulls me over for speeding. He 
gets off his motor cycle and walks up to my window and says, 
 You were speeding. I say, Yes, I was.  He says, Well...aren't 
you going to make some excuse? I say, No. I was speeding.
 He then says, Well...*I* expect you to show some remorse. Otherwise 
I'm going to write you up for speeding. And I say, Write me up. I 
was speeding. But he *keeps* standing there, saying over and 
over, But...but...you *have* to express some
 remorse...that's what I *expect* when I bust someone for doing 
something I consider wrong.  And I keep saying, Write the ticket.

Yea, of course.  This makes sense.  We're on the same page, (not that 
you give a r a.)  This was the point I was making.  You were a naughty 
boy, and as a naughty boy, there might be consequences.  I don't care 
if you are repentant.  I didn't expect you be repentant.  I just 
thought you were trying to make a flame into stress release, and 
aren't we (the greater good) better that the stress has been 
released.  Plus, it appears that the flaming violation is not going to 
be prosecuted anyway.  If I have picked up on what Rick is saying, he 
is not comfortable making a subjective judgement on what is or is not 
a flame, and can't/won't make this determination.  Too bad that he 
feels this way.  As Meister Edg has oft said, even a 10 year can spot 
what we would call a flame.  I was just trying to hi-light these 
posts.  I turned around expecting to see some back up, and realized 
there wasn't any.  Boo hoo for me.

love ya.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Bad news for Bevan

2007-10-04 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 10/4/07 8:52:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
 a  message dated 10/3/07 10:48:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  Being a few pounds overweight is one thing, but to be  morbidly 
  like Bevan has been for many years, is a sign of  some real 
  health issues, and he's not the only looney tunes in  the TM mgmt 
  lineup. I think it's important to give these guys a  reality 
  once in a while in the middle of that non-stop we are  the 
  the universe song and dance, which will be true  some day, but 
  certainly not today.
  He really aught to look into Gastric by pass, seriously. I can  
  the number of co-morbidities he  has.
 As  bad as his overeating problem is, I think he should manage it 
 an  ayurvedic way. Gastric bypass is dangerous -- although studies 
 vary in  estimating the risk, this link claims 1 in 50 people die 
 within a year  after bypass, and it's worse if the surgeon is not 
 hightly  experienced:
 Problem is, it's obvious he hasn't been able to manage it at all.  
 he wouldn't have the weight problem he has. Gastric by pass isn't  
near as 
 risky as some would have you believe. Death from the surgery is 
down to  less 
 than one in a hundred and most of those that die are the super 
morbidly  obese, 
 500 pounds and higher with horrible co-morbidities. In other words 
people  who 
 are on death's door anyway. There are plenty of surgeons all over 
 country that are specializing in this surgery now. I had it done on 
May 22nd and  
 have lost over 80 pounds since and am off all medications I needed 
before, blood 
  pressure, cholesterol,,joint pain medication and off the C-pap. I 
have much 
 more  energy, sleep better, no back or joint pain and on top of 
that my 
 meditations  have been much better since. But... it's a decision 
that only he can 
 make and if  he ever asked me I would encourage him to research it 
and talk to 
 Doctors who  specialize in it and also talk with several people who 
have had it 
 done. It will  change his life for sure.


I'm glad it worked out for you, and your health has greatly improved. 
I guess as a last resort Bevan could go under the knife, but I would 
prefer to see him locked in his room and handed 1500 calories of rice 
and dahl a day...

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bad news for Bevan

2007-10-04 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of bob_brigante
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 11:12 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bad news for Bevan


I'm glad it worked out for you, and your health has greatly improved. 
I guess as a last resort Bevan could go under the knife, but I would 
prefer to see him locked in his room and handed 1500 calories of rice 
and dahl a day...

When I was on Purusha at MIU back in the early 80’s, I went to Bevan’s
apartment a few times to help serve at his dinner parties. He and his guests
ate very rich foods, which is why I went, because I got to gnosh some back
in the kitchen. I’ve heard that he eats that way routinely. He has always
had a well stocked larder.

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