[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

 Aren't we a cheerful bunch!! But it ain't lookin' real
 good out there, is it? 

Speak for yourself, honey. 

What things look like depends a great deal
on where you live, what the media in that place
beam at you, and most of all the psychic mindset
of the place itself. The psychic mindset of the
United States of America right now is fear. In
particular, fear of loss. That is why I don't 
live there. If I did, I'd probably be as focused 
on all the negative and potentially threatening 
things in the world as many folks there are.

But I don't live there. I live somewhere where
the psychic and media mindsets are different,
and where *most* of the people I meet are *not*
focused on all this stuff and worried about it.

You mentioned at one point that new regulations
in the US have curtailed your ability to travel.
Have you ever looked into *that* as the cause
for some of your focus, as much as anything else?
 I've heard people make a good
 argument for the notion that we went to war to keep an
 economic melt-down at bay.  Apparently it's not
 working. Well, we're overpopulated and so wholesale
 slaughter is unavoidable to their way of thinking.   

Do you remember a comedian named Sam Kinison?
Big, brash guy whose schtick was to set up a joke
and then yell out the punchline at the top of his
voice? The one I find myself remembering right now
went something like, I've got a message for all
of those folks who are starving in Ethiopia. MOVE

Yeah, yeah. I know that in many cases they can't.
But most of the folks reading this forum could.
And a little road trip *outside* the borders of
the US might do wonders for their view of whether
the world is lookin' dismal or not so much.

I'm not sayin' that Europe doesn't have its issues
and problems. All I'm sayin' is that I don't see
the people who live there -- for the most part,
England excluded -- living in fear the way that 
Americans tend to. I think that the issue is 
psychically environmental.

There is something WRONG with the *place* right
now. And one of the easiest ways to shed the
psychic side effects of that wrongness is to get
away from it for a while, and immerse yourself
in a different psychic environment.

It doesn't make the problems go away, but it sure
can do wonders for one's ability to not let the
problems get one down. 

Just another commercial for the value of Road 
Trips. We now return you to your normally-scheduled 
programming. So to speak.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Can you post any evidence that U.S. soldiers
  tortured and raped any babies in the Vietnam 
Angela Mailander wrote:
  I won't convince you of the facts of life and war
 regardless of what evidence I bring to bear on the
 subject, but I am certain of my facts here.

Only one soldier was convicted of war crimes in 
Vietnam -  William Calley. Do you know of any others?
John Kerry didn't mention any at the Winter Soldier

An Introduction to the My Lai Courts-Martial:
By Doug Linder

 How will you train men to kill without making them 
 brutal?  You can easily make ordinary people torture 
 other people in laboratory settings.

But you said American forces were guilty.  

 This has been shown again and
 again.  In war time it is something that just happens
 routinely.  It begins with soldiers going into battle
 because they fear their own officers more than they
 fear the enemy, and it ends with soldiers going crazy
 and killing and raping anything that comes their way. 
 This is the reality of war and everyone who has seen
 war understands that. I have personally seen a soldier
 rape a baby.  I have also seen a soldier take a baby
 by the feet and dash its brains out.  These kinds of
 things are normal and routine in a war.  
  Angela Mailander wrote:
   Soldiers will rape babies and commit other acts of
   torture and wanton killing.  That's not true of
   every single soldier that ever lived, but it is 
   true of most soldiers regardless of nationality 
   or racial origin.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
Angela Mailander wrote:
 Well, yeah, there's all that, too.  There's no 
 real indication that we actually want to win this
 one--instead, we want to drag it out as long as
 possible.  And anyway, by some standards, we've
 already won.  

So, you think we are in a war?

 We've got the bases and we've got the oil.  

How much oil from Iraq is imported into the U.S. - 
probably none. 

Iraq's average production was 2.4 million barrels 
per day in January while exports stood at an average 
of 1.92 million barrels per day. December's exports 
averaged 1.81 million barrels per day.

Iraq OKs agreements with foreign oil firms:

The 2003 drop in oil production by Iraq accounted 
for less than 1 percent of world production. Overall, 
world oil output went up from 2002 to 2006.

'Math Wrong on Iraq'
by Amity Shlaes
Bloomberg, March 5, 2008

What kind of an absurdity is it that we are paying 
for the reconstruction of Iraq with American taxpayers 
dollars if Iraqi oil sales, to a significant degree, 
are going into foreign banks and not being used for 
their own reconstruction, said Sen. Carl Levin, a 
Michigan Democrat.

Full story:

'US senator wants Iraq oil funds used for rebuilding'
By Richard Cowan
Reuters, Tue Mar 4, 2008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Kirk
I don't know that it's just the media, Turq.  Myself, in my usual blend of 
mysticism, I believe that people in this country have inherited much karma for 
exploiting, or for being in cahoots with exploiters of,  all the resources of 
the entire world, and that we have a forward carrier wave of prescience for 
rough times ahead.  

There's also a certain amount of guilt for shooting amiss, and denial for 
blowing our heroic stature in the recent unheroic occupations.  America used to 
be land of the free, but now, as the TSOL punk song says, America, land of the 
free. Free to the power of the people in the uniform. (Wake Up Silent 

One of the main things is that we used to feel free through protest. And though 
the country might have thought protest was at times quite misplaced, it still 
felt like Americans felt strongly about things. But that ability to protest has 
been snuffed out through general malaise of spirit as the government has 
acquired the dinosaur characteristics of the Cretaceous period. Most Americans 
now feel that protest is futile. 

In short, Americans are waking up to a new sense of something less that 
freedom, as brought about through their own slumber. But worse yet is the fact 
that many Americans seem to really enjoy this time and feel that we are doing 
just great. That's usually the reason for despondency.  I mean, why cook 
something original and exotic when sloppy joes are working just fine?

Anyway, this is not America. Though it still looks like it. People are 
wondering what they are now dreaming. Because it's not all happy and bright, 
and the shadow is just starting to cover the sun by inches. 

Lurk, I believe was touting the often noted comparison between Buddha and 
Vedic, Christ and Jew.  How both opened the ranks somewhat.  

However, here's one thing Buddha specifically did do for India that is not just 
theory. He, and Mahavira, both spoke about karma and ahimsa, speaking against 
the prevalent and huge Vedic sacrifices, and due to them most sacrifices then 
became more environmentally friendly, and stopped with killing.  It's said that 
Guru Rinpoche also did the same sort of thing relating to the Bonpos in Tibet. 

Now would be high time for someone nonsectarian, who is respected by everyone 
(if such a being existed) to promote the environment over exploit. I suppose 
the seed bank in Svalbard is a telling sign of the times that some scientists 
are forward planning such things. 

Anyway, time is ripe for some changes. Big sweeping changes which will take 
over the whole world. Because America has been the model, and now that it's 
curving away from the middle, towards the right, other lands will follow.  

Americans feel the fear of having been merely an artificial oasis of affluence 
and moral high ground which is soon going to merge into the generally uncertain 
world. The distant view of the mountain peak has been switched with one of the 
flat dessert. Stretching away into the distance. 

Uncertainty is what's for dinner.

 Original Message

From: TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 2:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity  Wisdom'

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

 Aren't we a cheerful bunch!! But it ain't lookin' real
 good out there, is it? 
 Speak for yourself, honey. 
 What things look like depends a great deal
 on where you live, what the media in that place
 beam at you, and most of all the psychic mindset
 of the place itself. The psychic mindset of the
 United States of America right now is fear. In
 particular, fear of loss. That is why I don't 
 live there. If I did, I'd probably be as focused 
 on all the negative and potentially threatening 
 things in the world as many folks there are.
 But I don't live there. I live somewhere where
 the psychic and media mindsets are different,
 and where *most* of the people I meet are *not*
 focused on all this stuff and worried about it.
 You mentioned at one point that new regulations
 in the US have curtailed your ability to travel.
 Have you ever looked into *that* as the cause
 for some of your focus, as much as anything else?
 I've heard people make a good
 argument for the notion that we went to war to keep an
 economic melt-down at bay.  Apparently it's not
 working. Well, we're overpopulated and so wholesale
 slaughter is unavoidable to their way of thinking.   
 Do you remember a comedian named Sam Kinison?
 Big, brash guy whose schtick was to set up a joke
 and then yell out the punchline at the top of his
 voice? The one I find myself remembering right now
 went something like, I've got a message for all
 of those folks who are starving in Ethiopia. MOVE
 Yeah, yeah. I know that in many cases they can't.
 But most of the folks reading this forum could.
 And a little road trip *outside

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Why is it so difficult to accept this, Willitex?  You
  want to win the war we're in at the moment.  
It's the enemy that is terrorizing the civilian population,
that's why we are fighting the terrorists. It's not really
difficult to accept, Angela. You have to decide what side
you are on and then fight. 

  Do you think there is a remote chance that this can be 
  done without terrorizing the civilian population?

Probably not, as long as the radical Islamists keep fighting
a war against the civilians.

One thing should be clear: If there is no Qassam (rocket) 
fire on Israel, there will be no Israeli attack on Gaza, 
Olmert says, according to Reuters. We do not rise in the 
morning and think about how to attack Gaza.

'Israel says it won't attack Gaza if rocket attacks cease'
USA Today, March 4, 2008

Bhairitu wrote:  
 And Willy never defines what winning the war is?

Winning is preventing attacks by killing your enemies 
first. It's basic self-defense strategy. We must win 
the war in Afghanistan to prevent a resurgent Taliban.
Apparently you don't even know who your enemies are.

If historians are not to look back on early 2008 as 
the time when the west lost Afghanistan, then action 
is required. But what to do?

Read more:

'Don't abandon Afghanistan'
By Daniel Korski
Guardian, March 5, 2008

 Or how you determine that the war has been won?

When you're still alive and the enemy calls for a truce?

 And what exactly is the war anyway?

Obviously you don't have all the answers.

 Is it the war to occupy Iraq?

No, the war was declared on the U.S. by the terrorists
such as Osama bin Laden - the U.S. has not declared a 
war on anyone. Most of your congressional leaders gave
the President the authority to use force to unseat the 
Saddam regime.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Angela Mailander
Just as there was rhetorical fear, rather than the
real thing, in Dove's writing, there is rhetorical
anxiety in my observations about the state of the
world, not any real emotional angst.  I am of good
cheer because in this moment all things are totally
excellent, but that doesn't mean I'm blind.  I'm a
writer.  That means a level of detachment from the
writing because it is a craft--in fact, I'd say that
writing is a technique that ultimately leads to
detachment.  I can write about the bottom of hell
without suffering, obviously.  When Dostoyevsky wrote
The Underground Man, he gave us a record of what
profound depression is like from the inside.  I doubt
very much that he could have done that had he been
depressed.  The act of writing is creative, and
creative activity is a joy forever. 

It is true that I can't travel out of the country, but
I accept that, and it doesn't affect my mood--I'm
living in the lap of luxury at the moment in spite of
the fact that my income is about zilch, and am about
to even improve my living situation. Blessings can
come without money.

Besides all that, aren't we committed to a world view
that says we are supposed to be OK even while all
around us is going down the tubes?  The exhilarating
thing for me is that, incredibly, I find that I can
live that state.  I don't know how well I could live
it if my circumstances were to change, but this
morning I am just fine in spite of the fact that my
daughter just now told me her condition is terminal.  


--- TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela
  Aren't we a cheerful bunch!! But it ain't lookin'
  good out there, is it? 
 Speak for yourself, honey. 
 What things look like depends a great deal
 on where you live, what the media in that place
 beam at you, and most of all the psychic mindset
 of the place itself. The psychic mindset of the
 United States of America right now is fear. In
 particular, fear of loss. That is why I don't 
 live there. If I did, I'd probably be as focused 
 on all the negative and potentially threatening 
 things in the world as many folks there are.
 But I don't live there. I live somewhere where
 the psychic and media mindsets are different,
 and where *most* of the people I meet are *not*
 focused on all this stuff and worried about it.
 You mentioned at one point that new regulations
 in the US have curtailed your ability to travel.
 Have you ever looked into *that* as the cause
 for some of your focus, as much as anything else?
  I've heard people make a good
  argument for the notion that we went to war to
 keep an
  economic melt-down at bay.  Apparently it's not
  working. Well, we're overpopulated and so
  slaughter is unavoidable to their way of thinking.
 Do you remember a comedian named Sam Kinison?
 Big, brash guy whose schtick was to set up a joke
 and then yell out the punchline at the top of his
 voice? The one I find myself remembering right now
 went something like, I've got a message for all
 of those folks who are starving in Ethiopia. MOVE
 Yeah, yeah. I know that in many cases they can't.
 But most of the folks reading this forum could.
 And a little road trip *outside* the borders of
 the US might do wonders for their view of whether
 the world is lookin' dismal or not so much.
 I'm not sayin' that Europe doesn't have its issues
 and problems. All I'm sayin' is that I don't see
 the people who live there -- for the most part,
 England excluded -- living in fear the way that 
 Americans tend to. I think that the issue is 
 psychically environmental.
 There is something WRONG with the *place* right
 now. And one of the easiest ways to shed the
 psychic side effects of that wrongness is to get
 away from it for a while, and immerse yourself
 in a different psychic environment.
 It doesn't make the problems go away, but it sure
 can do wonders for one's ability to not let the
 problems get one down. 
 Just another commercial for the value of Road 
 Trips. We now return you to your normally-scheduled 
 programming. So to speak.  :-)

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
 Aren't we a cheerful bunch!! But it ain't lookin' real
 good out there, is it? 

 Speak for yourself, honey. 

 What things look like depends a great deal
 on where you live, what the media in that place
 beam at you, and most of all the psychic mindset
 of the place itself. The psychic mindset of the
 United States of America right now is fear. In
 particular, fear of loss. That is why I don't 
 live there. If I did, I'd probably be as focused 
 on all the negative and potentially threatening 
 things in the world as many folks there are.
I don't think it is fear, especially with me. I'm just outraged and I
mentioning these things as a reality check for those who would
otherwise have their heads stuck in the ground. My joke which Angela was
referring to was about the fact that possible wars are breaking out. One
is in this hemisphere between Venezuela and Columbia and the Bushies got
to be licking their chops.
 But I don't live there. I live somewhere where
 the psychic and media mindsets are different,
 and where *most* of the people I meet are *not*
 focused on all this stuff and worried about it.
So their heads are stuck in the ground?
 You mentioned at one point that new regulations
 in the US have curtailed your ability to travel.
 Have you ever looked into *that* as the cause
 for some of your focus, as much as anything else?
Travel restrictions are ridiculous. They really have nothing to do with
terrorism. I believe they have to do with the establishment not liking
the amount of travel that the average person was able to do before 9-11.
And see, just like you, that there might be better places in the world
to live.
 I've heard people make a good
 argument for the notion that we went to war to keep an
 economic melt-down at bay.  Apparently it's not
 working. Well, we're overpopulated and so wholesale
 slaughter is unavoidable to their way of thinking.   

 Do you remember a comedian named Sam Kinison?
 Big, brash guy whose schtick was to set up a joke
 and then yell out the punchline at the top of his
 voice? The one I find myself remembering right now
 went something like, I've got a message for all
 of those folks who are starving in Ethiopia. MOVE

 Yeah, yeah. I know that in many cases they can't.
 But most of the folks reading this forum could.
 And a little road trip *outside* the borders of
 the US might do wonders for their view of whether
 the world is lookin' dismal or not so much.

 I'm not sayin' that Europe doesn't have its issues
 and problems. All I'm sayin' is that I don't see
 the people who live there -- for the most part,
 England excluded -- living in fear the way that 
 Americans tend to. I think that the issue is 
 psychically environmental.
They just cried wolf again about possible attacks on sports
 There is something WRONG with the *place* right
 now. And one of the easiest ways to shed the
 psychic side effects of that wrongness is to get
 away from it for a while, and immerse yourself
 in a different psychic environment.
IOW, stick your head in the ground.
 It doesn't make the problems go away, but it sure
 can do wonders for one's ability to not let the
 problems get one down. 

Hey, some of us aren't attached to what is going on. We're just
witnessing it. :D But we still want to point it out and try to motivate
people to throw a monkey wrench (or spanner for the Brits) in the works.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread TurquoiseB
 Hey, some of us aren't attached to what is going on. We're just
 witnessing it. :D 

Yeah, right. That's why your posts are full of 
conspiracy theories.  :-)

Traveling to get one's head into a different
psychic space is NOT sticking one's head in 
the sand. It's an exercise in learning what
you seem to be denying, that one IS affected
by the psychic environment one lives in.

Want to find out what that psychic environ-
ment is like? Well, you CAN'T from within it.
You have to get away for a while, to somewhere
very different psychically. While there, prac-
tice mindfulness. Then, when you go back home, 
practice mindfulness there and see how your 
mindset changes.

You'll be surprised.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
  mailander111@ wrote:

  Aren't we a cheerful bunch!! But it ain't lookin' real
  good out there, is it? 
  Speak for yourself, honey. 
  What things look like depends a great deal
  on where you live, what the media in that place
  beam at you, and most of all the psychic mindset
  of the place itself. The psychic mindset of the
  United States of America right now is fear. In
  particular, fear of loss. That is why I don't 
  live there. If I did, I'd probably be as focused 
  on all the negative and potentially threatening 
  things in the world as many folks there are.

 I don't think it is fear, especially with me. I'm just outraged and I
 mentioning these things as a reality check for those who would
 otherwise have their heads stuck in the ground. My joke which Angela was
 referring to was about the fact that possible wars are breaking out. One
 is in this hemisphere between Venezuela and Columbia and the Bushies got
 to be licking their chops.
  But I don't live there. I live somewhere where
  the psychic and media mindsets are different,
  and where *most* of the people I meet are *not*
  focused on all this stuff and worried about it.

 So their heads are stuck in the ground?
  You mentioned at one point that new regulations
  in the US have curtailed your ability to travel.
  Have you ever looked into *that* as the cause
  for some of your focus, as much as anything else?

 Travel restrictions are ridiculous. They really have nothing to do with
 terrorism. I believe they have to do with the establishment not liking
 the amount of travel that the average person was able to do before 9-11.
 And see, just like you, that there might be better places in the world
 to live.

  I've heard people make a good
  argument for the notion that we went to war to keep an
  economic melt-down at bay.  Apparently it's not
  working. Well, we're overpopulated and so wholesale
  slaughter is unavoidable to their way of thinking.   
  Do you remember a comedian named Sam Kinison?
  Big, brash guy whose schtick was to set up a joke
  and then yell out the punchline at the top of his
  voice? The one I find myself remembering right now
  went something like, I've got a message for all
  of those folks who are starving in Ethiopia. MOVE
  Yeah, yeah. I know that in many cases they can't.
  But most of the folks reading this forum could.
  And a little road trip *outside* the borders of
  the US might do wonders for their view of whether
  the world is lookin' dismal or not so much.
  I'm not sayin' that Europe doesn't have its issues
  and problems. All I'm sayin' is that I don't see
  the people who live there -- for the most part,
  England excluded -- living in fear the way that 
  Americans tend to. I think that the issue is 
  psychically environmental.

 They just cried wolf again about possible attacks on sports
  There is something WRONG with the *place* right
  now. And one of the easiest ways to shed the
  psychic side effects of that wrongness is to get
  away from it for a while, and immerse yourself
  in a different psychic environment.

 IOW, stick your head in the ground.
  It doesn't make the problems go away, but it sure
  can do wonders for one's ability to not let the
  problems get one down. 

 Hey, some of us aren't attached to what is going on. We're just
 witnessing it. :D But we still want to point it out and try to motivate
 people to throw a monkey wrench (or spanner for the Brits) in the works.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Angela Mailander
I know exactly what you mean by a different psychic
space.  This was abundantly clear as I moved from the
U.S. to China and back.  In fact, it hits you like a
ton of bricks the minute you get out of the air port. 

But the witness can get deeper than the national
psyche.  I believe that Isaiah had a great deal of
insight into this when he speaks of the escapees from
the nations. 

So, from where I sit, I cannot know if Bhairitu's
witness is deeper than the national psyche, nor can
you.  a

--- TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey, some of us aren't attached to what is going
 on. We're just
  witnessing it. :D 
 Yeah, right. That's why your posts are full of 
 conspiracy theories.  :-)
 Traveling to get one's head into a different
 psychic space is NOT sticking one's head in 
 the sand. It's an exercise in learning what
 you seem to be denying, that one IS affected
 by the psychic environment one lives in.
 Want to find out what that psychic environ-
 ment is like? Well, you CAN'T from within it.
 You have to get away for a while, to somewhere
 very different psychically. While there, prac-
 tice mindfulness. Then, when you go back home, 
 practice mindfulness there and see how your 
 mindset changes.
 You'll be surprised.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu
  TurquoiseB wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela
   mailander111@ wrote:
   Aren't we a cheerful bunch!! But it ain't
 lookin' real
   good out there, is it? 
   Speak for yourself, honey. 
   What things look like depends a great deal
   on where you live, what the media in that place
   beam at you, and most of all the psychic mindset
   of the place itself. The psychic mindset of the
   United States of America right now is fear. In
   particular, fear of loss. That is why I don't 
   live there. If I did, I'd probably be as focused
   on all the negative and potentially
   things in the world as many folks there are.
  I don't think it is fear, especially with me. I'm
 just outraged and I
  mentioning these things as a reality check for
 those who would
  otherwise have their heads stuck in the ground. My
 joke which Angela was
  referring to was about the fact that possible wars
 are breaking out. One
  is in this hemisphere between Venezuela and
 Columbia and the Bushies got
  to be licking their chops.
   But I don't live there. I live somewhere where
   the psychic and media mindsets are different,
   and where *most* of the people I meet are *not*
   focused on all this stuff and worried about it.
  So their heads are stuck in the ground?
   You mentioned at one point that new regulations
   in the US have curtailed your ability to travel.
   Have you ever looked into *that* as the cause
   for some of your focus, as much as anything
  Travel restrictions are ridiculous. They really
 have nothing to do with
  terrorism. I believe they have to do with the
 establishment not liking
  the amount of travel that the average person was
 able to do before 9-11.
  And see, just like you, that there might be better
 places in the world
  to live.

   I've heard people make a good
   argument for the notion that we went to war to
 keep an
   economic melt-down at bay.  Apparently it's not
   working. Well, we're overpopulated and so
   slaughter is unavoidable to their way of
   Do you remember a comedian named Sam Kinison?
   Big, brash guy whose schtick was to set up a
   and then yell out the punchline at the top of
   voice? The one I find myself remembering right
   went something like, I've got a message for all
   of those folks who are starving in Ethiopia.
   Yeah, yeah. I know that in many cases they
   But most of the folks reading this forum could.
   And a little road trip *outside* the borders of
   the US might do wonders for their view of
   the world is lookin' dismal or not so much.
   I'm not sayin' that Europe doesn't have its
   and problems. All I'm sayin' is that I don't see
   the people who live there -- for the most part,
   England excluded -- living in fear the way that 
   Americans tend to. I think that the issue is 
   psychically environmental.
  They just cried wolf again about possible
 attacks on sports
   There is something WRONG with the *place* right
   now. And one of the easiest ways to shed the
   psychic side effects of that wrongness is to get
   away from it for a while, and immerse yourself
   in a different psychic environment.
  IOW, stick your head in the ground.
   It doesn't make the problems go away, but it
   can do wonders for one's ability to not let the
   problems get one down. 
  Hey, some of us aren't attached to what is going
 on. We're just
  witnessing it. :D But we still want to point it

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Angela Mailander
You think there are no Blackwater thugs and no
American troops in Iraq terrorizing the civilian
population?  That's pretty amazing.

As for choosing a side and fighting, I don't choose
sides.  If I were compelled to fight, I would probably
do it or choose death.  But I don't choose sides.  I
do not finally even know whether the wars we've seen
in the last 100 years are necessary.  Some people
obviously think they are.  As I said many times, the
soldiers in the trenches don't see what the general on
the hill sees.  So, while I don't personally like war
because I've seen it, I do not have the knowledge to
decide in any absolute way what this planet needs for
the survival of our species.  Nor am I attached to
that survival.

As for Americans not being convicted of war crimes in
large numbers, I think even you should be able to see
that this does not mean that they aren't guilty.  At
the end of WWII, the war crimes trials were conducted
by the winners of the war, not the losers, and even
then, it was just an excellent P.R. move.  If a
scientist had expertise we needed, then it didn't
matter what crimes he had committed--he was shipped to
the U.S. to give that expertise to the U.S.  My
physics teacher in high school told me he'd have the
choice to stand trial for war crimes or go to America
and do what he was told.  He said that had he not been
able to escape, he'd have chosen death rather than do
for America what he had done for Germany--not because
he didn't like America, but because he didn't want to
be guilty of such crimes yet one more time.

--- Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Why is it so difficult to accept this, Willitex?
   want to win the war we're in at the moment.  
 It's the enemy that is terrorizing the civilian
 that's why we are fighting the terrorists. It's not
 difficult to accept, Angela. You have to decide what
 you are on and then fight. 
   Do you think there is a remote chance that this
 can be 
   done without terrorizing the civilian
 Probably not, as long as the radical Islamists keep
 a war against the civilians.
 One thing should be clear: If there is no Qassam
 fire on Israel, there will be no Israeli attack on
 Olmert says, according to Reuters. We do not rise
 in the 
 morning and think about how to attack Gaza.
 'Israel says it won't attack Gaza if rocket attacks
 USA Today, March 4, 2008
 Bhairitu wrote:  
  And Willy never defines what winning the war is?
 Winning is preventing attacks by killing your
 first. It's basic self-defense strategy. We must win
 the war in Afghanistan to prevent a resurgent
 Apparently you don't even know who your enemies are.
 If historians are not to look back on early 2008 as
 the time when the west lost Afghanistan, then
 is required. But what to do?
 Read more:
 'Don't abandon Afghanistan'
 By Daniel Korski
 Guardian, March 5, 2008
  Or how you determine that the war has been won?
 When you're still alive and the enemy calls for a
  And what exactly is the war anyway?
 Obviously you don't have all the answers.
  Is it the war to occupy Iraq?
 No, the war was declared on the U.S. by the
 such as Osama bin Laden - the U.S. has not declared
 war on anyone. Most of your congressional leaders
 the President the authority to use force to unseat
 Saddam regime.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Hey, some of us aren't attached to what is going on. We're just
 witnessing it. :D 

 Yeah, right. That's why your posts are full of 
 conspiracy theories.  :-)

 Traveling to get one's head into a different
 psychic space is NOT sticking one's head in 
 the sand. It's an exercise in learning what
 you seem to be denying, that one IS affected
 by the psychic environment one lives in.

 Want to find out what that psychic environ-
 ment is like? Well, you CAN'T from within it.
 You have to get away for a while, to somewhere
 very different psychically. While there, prac-
 tice mindfulness. Then, when you go back home, 
 practice mindfulness there and see how your 
 mindset changes.

 You'll be surprised.
Hey, I enjoy conspiracy theories like some folks enjoy good spy 
thrillers.  Nothing wrong with that.  However mindfulness is also being 
aware of your surroundings and what is going on it and of course attempt 
to fix things you don't like.  And much of what is on the conspiracy 
sites winds up being mainstream news a couple months or so later.  
Nothing wrong with being ahead of the game.  Apparently you like Willy 
think I'm running around scared all the time or something.  Man I'm too 
busy watching movies to do that. :D

So apparently your compadres in Europe are back to where they are in the 
1930s?  Ignoring Hitler, ignoring Mussolini.   We can't afford to ignore 
Bush and his cronies.  And I have fun poking fun at them.  :D

And besides you are residing in a vacation resort.  Of course folks 
visiting there are trying to get away from it all!  Do you think I join 
my friends at the Oregon resort town to sit around discuss conspiracy 
theories?  (Well, actually they're quite political too but its a bit 
like preaching to the choir).

And I'm also not just busy watching movies, but  making them, making 
music, making animations, making software and yup even puttering around 
my house.  Last week I removed an old over the range microwave and 
installed a new one all by myself! Try that on a rainy Sunday afternoon. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Bhairitu
And when I visited India I dreaded return to the US because people in 
India were so pleasant and kind and of course as soon as I set down in 
the US there was a hitch on getting the plane up and running for the 
rest of the trip and we ran two hours late and of course there was all 
this uptightness from people as I had dreaded.

Now, of course if you know India they love to discuss religion and 
politics whereas in the US it is not polite to do so.   They also like 
to discuss conspiracies because they happen quite blatantly there.

Angela Mailander wrote:
 I know exactly what you mean by a different psychic
 space.  This was abundantly clear as I moved from the
 U.S. to China and back.  In fact, it hits you like a
 ton of bricks the minute you get out of the air port. 

 But the witness can get deeper than the national
 psyche.  I believe that Isaiah had a great deal of
 insight into this when he speaks of the escapees from
 the nations. 

 So, from where I sit, I cannot know if Bhairitu's
 witness is deeper than the national psyche, nor can
 you.  a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Angela Mailander
This is one of the things I have reservations about
when I take a look at Spiral Dynamics.  Europe and the
US are supposedly the most evolved nations on earth,
but then, how come you can feel the fatigue and the
heavy depression in the air the minute you hit a
Stateside airport?  In China you get hit by a wave of
energy and hope, by contrast, and in India it's love
and easygoing friendliness.

And yeah, conspiracy theory is better than spy flicks.
 I like knowing what's really going on, and I learned
early (because I went to high school in three
different countries) that the official story that
folks in a country learn in history classes and
through the media is not really the truth.  It's
obvious because the story is not the same in different
cultures.  So then, you naturally begin to ask, well,
why the differences and what is really going on behind
those official stories?  The reality is vastly more
interesting than the official story and it also makes
a great deal more sense.  

I agree with you that the powers that be don't really
want too many of us to be world travelers.  One reason
is precisely the fact that if you travel enough and
really live in different cultures, rather than just
stopping by as a tourist, you begin to transcend the
national psyche of any one place, and then, of course,
you can't as easily be convinced of the notion my
country right or wrong.  You also stop taking sides. 
You love all people equally.  

--- Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And when I visited India I dreaded return to the US
 because people in 
 India were so pleasant and kind and of course as
 soon as I set down in 
 the US there was a hitch on getting the plane up and
 running for the 
 rest of the trip and we ran two hours late and of
 course there was all 
 this uptightness from people as I had dreaded.
 Now, of course if you know India they love to
 discuss religion and 
 politics whereas in the US it is not polite to do
 so.   They also like 
 to discuss conspiracies because they happen quite
 blatantly there.
 Angela Mailander wrote:
  I know exactly what you mean by a different
  space.  This was abundantly clear as I moved from
  U.S. to China and back.  In fact, it hits you like
  ton of bricks the minute you get out of the air
  But the witness can get deeper than the national
  psyche.  I believe that Isaiah had a great deal
  insight into this when he speaks of the escapees
  the nations. 
  So, from where I sit, I cannot know if Bhairitu's
  witness is deeper than the national psyche, nor
  you.  a


Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
Bhairitu wrote:
 My joke which Angela was referring to was about 
 the fact that possible wars are breaking out. 
 One is in this hemisphere between Venezuela and 
 Columbia and the Bushies got to be licking their 

You're a supporter of Chavez, right?  

So far, that's what's happening with Hugo 
Chavez's mobilization at the border that 
Colombia is ignoring. No surprise. Colombia's 
objective isn't war, it's free trade.

Full story:

'Colombia Gives Free Trade A Chance'
Investror's Business Daily, March 05, 2008

This week, Colombia launched a strike against 
a FARC base in Ecuador. Tired of terrorism, 
Colombia is not going to let FARC thugs hide 
in Ecuadorian or Venezuelan jungles.

Read more:

'Behind the Colombia - Ecuador - Venezuela 
Border Fracas'
by Austin Bay
Strategy Page, March 4, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
Angela Mailander wrote:
 You think there are no Blackwater thugs and no
 American troops in Iraq terrorizing the civilian
 population?  That's pretty amazing.
That's correct - there's no Blackwater thugs and
no American troops in Iraq terrorizing the civilian
population. Terrorists are the thugs and the radical
Islamists are doing the terrorizing. If you believe
otherwise then you're just screwed up in the head.

WASHINGTON -- The perception that the U.S. troop surge 
in Iraq has succeeded is changing some public views of 
the war, potentially blunting Democrats' political edge 
on the issue.

Full story:

'Sentiment on Iraq Is Changing'
By John D. McKinnon
Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2008

Apparently, it never occurred to these deep-thinkers 
that inflicting a defeat on al-Qaeda in Iraq -- a defeat 
made possible because a previously sympathetic population 
turned with our help against al Qaeda -- might constitute 
a devastating blow to al Qaeda's standing in the Arab 

Read more:

'Bad news for al Qaeda'
Posted by Paul Mirengoff:
Powerline, March 5, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hey, some of us aren't attached to what is going on. We're just
   witnessing it. :D 
  Yeah, right. That's why your posts are full of 
  conspiracy theories.  :-)
  Traveling to get one's head into a different
  psychic space is NOT sticking one's head in 
  the sand. It's an exercise in learning what
  you seem to be denying, that one IS affected
  by the psychic environment one lives in.
  Want to find out what that psychic environ-
  ment is like? Well, you CAN'T from within it.
  You have to get away for a while, to somewhere
  very different psychically. While there, prac-
  tice mindfulness. Then, when you go back home, 
  practice mindfulness there and see how your 
  mindset changes.
  You'll be surprised.
 Hey, I enjoy conspiracy theories like some folks enjoy good spy 
 thrillers.  Nothing wrong with that.  However mindfulness is 
 also being aware of your surroundings and what is going on it 
 and of course attempt to fix things you don't like.  And much 
 of what is on the conspiracy sites winds up being mainstream 
 news a couple months or so later. Nothing wrong with being 
 ahead of the game. Apparently you like Willy think I'm running 
 around scared all the time or something.  Man I'm too busy 
 watching movies to do that. :D

Whatever floats yer boat, dude. :-) Seriously, I 
can kinda get conspiracy theories as entertainment.
That's what I look at them as. 

As for movies, here's an exercise in mindfulness
for you, one that you might appreciate given your
love for the Celluloid Goddess. This is actually
one I got from Rama, so take it with a grain of
salt, but I've had really remarkable results with
it, and recommend it highly as a way to gain some
insight into whether or how much your thinking is
influenced by your psychic environment.

Got a movie you really love? I mean *love*, as in
being willing to see it over and over again?

See it in different cities in different parts of
the world. Be mindful each time you see it, 
listening as it were to the *types* and the
*quality* of the thoughts you are thinking during 
the same movie in a different place. 

I found it utterly fascinating. The strongest 
experience in the contrast between two psychic
environments involved the film American Beauty.
I saw it first in Santa Fe. Everyone in the
theater was transfixed, as was I...high as a 
kite. After the film waa over, people milled
around outside the theater, unwilling to leave
it. In the end people walked up to absolute 
strangers and asked whether they wanted to go
somewhere for a beer and *talk* about the
movie. We did. Until 2:00 a.m.

In those days I was consulting in another city,
flying from Santa Fe to Detroit on Sunday night
and flying back Thursday night. So a few days
later I found American Beauty playing at the
theater in the town I had an apartment in while
working there, Birmingham. Birmingham is like
a high-rent suburb of Detroit, populated mainly
by auto executives and their trophy wives. It's
a zoo.

Anyway, I saw the theater and remembered Rama's
exercise in moviemindfulness and decided to see
American Beauty again. What a shock. The shine
that had gotten us so high watching it in Santa
Fe was completely missing from the same movie
here. It was as if so many people in the audi-
ence were sitting there grinding their teeth
*hating* what they saw onscreen (their own
lives) and wanting it to *go away*, that it
almost DID make it go away, even for me. I sat 
there feeling almost as fidgety as the people 
around me, enjoying the movie less. 

When the film ended there was absolute silence,
as in Santa Fe, but a very different silence.
It lasted only a second, and then the audience
*bolted* for the doors. They just couldn't *wait*
to get out the doors and put this whole movie 
experience behind them, forever.

Anyway, I found it a fascinating exercise in
watching the effect that a psychic environment
can have on me. And I continue to. I have watched
American Beauty in probably 10 different cities
since then, and it's a different experience 
every time, quantitatively different than watch-
ing it over and over at home, which I've also 
done. Hey, I like the movie. 

 So apparently your compadres in Europe are back to where they 
 are in the 1930s?  Ignoring Hitler, ignoring Mussolini.   

No, I really don't think it's that. In my exper-
ience in Europe with the Dutch, the French, and
now the Catalunyans, they are usually far more
aware of world events than Americans. And they
are concerned when they need to be, and do some-
thing about it when something needs to be done.

But that doesn't take all that much *time*, man.
Americans think about gnarly shit for much of
their day! Many of the Europeans I have inter-
acted with don't. They think about the gnarly
political stuff only as long as they need to,
and then enjoy the rest of their day. They
don't allow the existence of terrorism and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-06 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, some of us aren't attached to what is going on. We're just
 witnessing it. :D 
 Yeah, right. That's why your posts are full of 
 conspiracy theories.  :-)

 Traveling to get one's head into a different
 psychic space is NOT sticking one's head in 
 the sand. It's an exercise in learning what
 you seem to be denying, that one IS affected
 by the psychic environment one lives in.

 Want to find out what that psychic environ-
 ment is like? Well, you CAN'T from within it.
 You have to get away for a while, to somewhere
 very different psychically. While there, prac-
 tice mindfulness. Then, when you go back home, 
 practice mindfulness there and see how your 
 mindset changes.

 You'll be surprised.
 Hey, I enjoy conspiracy theories like some folks enjoy good spy 
 thrillers.  Nothing wrong with that.  However mindfulness is 
 also being aware of your surroundings and what is going on it 
 and of course attempt to fix things you don't like.  And much 
 of what is on the conspiracy sites winds up being mainstream 
 news a couple months or so later. Nothing wrong with being 
 ahead of the game. Apparently you like Willy think I'm running 
 around scared all the time or something.  Man I'm too busy 
 watching movies to do that. :D

 Whatever floats yer boat, dude. :-) Seriously, I 
 can kinda get conspiracy theories as entertainment.
 That's what I look at them as. 

 As for movies, here's an exercise in mindfulness
 for you, one that you might appreciate given your
 love for the Celluloid Goddess. This is actually
 one I got from Rama, so take it with a grain of
 salt, but I've had really remarkable results with
 it, and recommend it highly as a way to gain some
 insight into whether or how much your thinking is
 influenced by your psychic environment.

 Got a movie you really love? I mean *love*, as in
 being willing to see it over and over again?

 See it in different cities in different parts of
 the world. Be mindful each time you see it, 
 listening as it were to the *types* and the
 *quality* of the thoughts you are thinking during 
 the same movie in a different place. 

I'm not much into spending a bunch of cash to see a movie I can see just 
as well in my home theater.  Besides I've never found the pause or 
rewind button in those theaters yet.   Most of my friends that I saw 
movies with have moved away and most just came to my house to see them 
here on my big screen.   We occasionally went to see a film in a theater 
but were often bugged by the rudeness and unruliness of the great 
unwashed.  Most theater going I do is at my digital theater up the hill 
and for some reason people are more polite around here but those are 
matinees and when I go I may actually be about the only person there.  
And yes sometimes when there are more people and only if they stick 
around until after the credits then we may chat a little about the 
film.  When Cloverfield opened the manager was asking folks about how 
they liked the film.

Mindfulness is just about having a quiet mind to begin with and I have 
some great techniques for that.  But even then one can have some 
imbalances (mainly vata) that can cause the damn thing to chat away when 
you don't want it.   Most yogis don't worry about these.
 So apparently your compadres in Europe are back to where they 
 are in the 1930s?  Ignoring Hitler, ignoring Mussolini.   

 No, I really don't think it's that. In my exper-
 ience in Europe with the Dutch, the French, and
 now the Catalunyans, they are usually far more
 aware of world events than Americans. And they
 are concerned when they need to be, and do some-
 thing about it when something needs to be done.

 But that doesn't take all that much *time*, man.
 Americans think about gnarly shit for much of
 their day! Many of the Europeans I have inter-
 acted with don't. They think about the gnarly
 political stuff only as long as they need to,
 and then enjoy the rest of their day. They
 don't allow the existence of terrorism and 
 the Bushes of the world to suck their attention 
 and make them think about them all the time. 
Again just because I sometimes only post political stuff you are miss 
judging that that's all I think about.  Sometimes I post other things 
including stuff on tantra, movies, electronics and maybe even some of my 
experiences being involved with TM. 

The internet has shrunk the world with consequences that I don't think 
the matrix anticipated and they're not happy about it.  So I like to 
bring these things up from time to time.  Again if you don't like my 
political posts, don't read them.  And I have other friends who are much 
more political than I.  In fact I would say there are other folks here 
who are more political than I.
 We can't afford to ignore 
 Bush and his cronies.  And I have fun poking fun at them.  :D

 And besides you 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Angela Mailander wrote:
 Worst case scenario:  Hill is hinting about sharing
 the ticket--that's a foregone conclusion to my mind. 
 If she becomes vice, becoming prez is only a bullet
 away.  And then she declares martial law.  
So, Angela, you're suggesting that, not only was John F. 
Kerry a baby killer when he was in Vietnam, that Hillary 
Clinton, if she becomes the Vice President, may want to 
kill the President so that she can declare martial law? 

WASHINGTON - Congratulations, Hillary Rodham Clinton. 
You did what your husband said you had to do and won 
Ohio and Texas.

Full story:

'Clinton wins. Now what?'
By Nedra Pickler
Associated Press, Wed Mar 5, 2008  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Angela Mailander
I am not suggesting anything about Kerry.  About Hill,
I'm only suggesting what is possible in our current
political climate.  Look at what has happened since
9/11.  Do you think they'll let all those gains go
and let us restore the bill of rights and call the
troops home?  Anything is possible--and anything means
anything.  That includes the best of all possible
worlds as well, and I do hope for the best.

--- Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Angela Mailander wrote:
  Worst case scenario:  Hill is hinting about
  the ticket--that's a foregone conclusion to my
  If she becomes vice, becoming prez is only a
  away.  And then she declares martial law.  
 So, Angela, you're suggesting that, not only was
 John F. 
 Kerry a baby killer when he was in Vietnam, that
 Clinton, if she becomes the Vice President, may want
 kill the President so that she can declare martial
 WASHINGTON - Congratulations, Hillary Rodham
 You did what your husband said you had to do and won
 Ohio and Texas.
 Full story:
 'Clinton wins. Now what?'
 By Nedra Pickler
 Associated Press, Wed Mar 5, 2008  

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Angela Mailander wrote:
 I am not suggesting anything about Kerry.

But, didn't you post a message about the 'Winter Soldier'
testimony to prove your contention that U.S. forces had
tortured and raped babies? And wasn't John F. Kerry one
of the main organizers of the Winter Soldier testimony?

 About Hill, I'm only suggesting what is possible in our 
 current political climate.  Look at what has happened 
 since 9/11.  Do you think they'll let all those gains 
 go and let us restore the bill of rights 

There's no need to restore the bill of rights - what
rights have you lost since 9/11? 

 and call the troops home?  

I'm all in favor of calling the troops home, but not if
we will lose the war - that would be a defeat. But the U.S. 
is probably not going to be calling any troops home any
time soon. We've had troops in the Middle East for decades
and troops in Europe and the Far East for fifty years or 
more. We have troops in Kosovo and we may be sending troops
to Darfur as part of the United Nations force to stop the
baby killing over there. You are in favor of stopping the
baby killing, right? How are you going to stop the killing
without any armed troops?

 Anything is possible--and anything means anything.  That 
 includes the best of all possible worlds as well, and I 
 do hope for the best.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Angela Mailander
Habeas Corpus is pretty much gone.  Posse Comitatus is
seriously compromised.  Illegal spying and
surveillance are rampant.  

As for me, personally, I have lost the right to travel
outside the country as a direct result of changes to
the pertinent laws since 9/11.  Any American at an
American air port can now be denied the right to
travel.  It is up to the individual agents.  

Soldiers will rape babies and commit other acts of
torture and wanton killing.  That's not true of every
single soldier that ever lived, but it is true of most
soldiers regardless of nationality or racial origin. 
I had difficulty getting people in China believe this
also since they saw this kind of behavior on the part
of Japanese soldiers, but not on the part of their own
in Tibet, for example.  Governments always shield
their own populations from knowing the truth about the
nature of warfare.  Our soldiers are always
honorable and their soldiers are always savage

Why is it so difficult to accept this, Willitex?  You
want to win the war we're in at the moment.  Do you
think there is a remote chance that this can be done
without terrorizing the civilian population? 


--- Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Angela Mailander wrote:
  I am not suggesting anything about Kerry.
 But, didn't you post a message about the 'Winter
 testimony to prove your contention that U.S. forces
 tortured and raped babies? And wasn't John F. Kerry
 of the main organizers of the Winter Soldier
  About Hill, I'm only suggesting what is possible
 in our 
  current political climate.  Look at what has
  since 9/11.  Do you think they'll let all those
  go and let us restore the bill of rights 
 There's no need to restore the bill of rights -
 rights have you lost since 9/11? 
  and call the troops home?  
 I'm all in favor of calling the troops home, but not
 we will lose the war - that would be a defeat. But
 the U.S. 
 is probably not going to be calling any troops home
 time soon. We've had troops in the Middle East for
 and troops in Europe and the Far East for fifty
 years or 
 more. We have troops in Kosovo and we may be sending
 to Darfur as part of the United Nations force to
 stop the
 baby killing over there. You are in favor of
 stopping the
 baby killing, right? How are you going to stop the
 without any armed troops?
  Anything is possible--and anything means anything.
  includes the best of all possible worlds as well,
 and I 
  do hope for the best.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Kirk
And they kill innocent puppies.

- Original Message - 
From: Angela Mailander [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity  

 Habeas Corpus is pretty much gone.  Posse Comitatus is
 seriously compromised.  Illegal spying and
 surveillance are rampant.

 As for me, personally, I have lost the right to travel
 outside the country as a direct result of changes to
 the pertinent laws since 9/11.  Any American at an
 American air port can now be denied the right to
 travel.  It is up to the individual agents.

 Soldiers will rape babies and commit other acts of
 torture and wanton killing.  That's not true of every
 single soldier that ever lived, but it is true of most
 soldiers regardless of nationality or racial origin.
 I had difficulty getting people in China believe this
 also since they saw this kind of behavior on the part
 of Japanese soldiers, but not on the part of their own
 in Tibet, for example.  Governments always shield
 their own populations from knowing the truth about the
 nature of warfare.  Our soldiers are always
 honorable and their soldiers are always savage

 Why is it so difficult to accept this, Willitex?  You
 want to win the war we're in at the moment.  Do you
 think there is a remote chance that this can be done
 without terrorizing the civilian population?

 --- Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Angela Mailander wrote:
  I am not suggesting anything about Kerry.
 But, didn't you post a message about the 'Winter
 testimony to prove your contention that U.S. forces
 tortured and raped babies? And wasn't John F. Kerry
 of the main organizers of the Winter Soldier

  About Hill, I'm only suggesting what is possible
 in our
  current political climate.  Look at what has
  since 9/11.  Do you think they'll let all those
  go and let us restore the bill of rights
 There's no need to restore the bill of rights -
 rights have you lost since 9/11?

  and call the troops home?
 I'm all in favor of calling the troops home, but not
 we will lose the war - that would be a defeat. But
 the U.S.
 is probably not going to be calling any troops home
 time soon. We've had troops in the Middle East for
 and troops in Europe and the Far East for fifty
 years or
 more. We have troops in Kosovo and we may be sending
 to Darfur as part of the United Nations force to
 stop the
 baby killing over there. You are in favor of
 stopping the
 baby killing, right? How are you going to stop the
 without any armed troops?

  Anything is possible--and anything means anything.
  includes the best of all possible worlds as well,
 and I
  do hope for the best.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Angela Mailander wrote:
 Soldiers will rape babies and commit other acts of
 torture and wanton killing.  That's not true of every
 single soldier that ever lived, but it is true of most
 soldiers regardless of nationality or racial origin.

This would have been brought up in the Winter Soldier
testimony, right? So, why didn't John Kerry mention it?
Can you post any evidence that U.S. soldiers tortured
and raped any babies in the Vietnam conflict?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Angela Mailander
 I won't convince you of the facts of life and war
regardless of what evidence I bring to bear on the
subject, but I am certain of my facts here.   How will
you train men to kill without making them brutal?  You
can easily make ordinary people torture other people
in laboratory settings.  This has been shown again and
again.  In war time it is something that just happens
routinely.  It begins with soldiers going into battle
because they fear their own officers more than they
fear the enemy, and it ends with soldiers going crazy
and killing and raping anything that comes their way. 
This is the reality of war and everyone who has seen
war understands that. I have personally seen a soldier
rape a baby.  I have also seen a soldier take a baby
by the feet and dash its brains out.  These kinds of
things are normal and routine in a war.  

--- Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Angela Mailander wrote:
  Soldiers will rape babies and commit other acts of
  torture and wanton killing.  That's not true of
  single soldier that ever lived, but it is true of
  soldiers regardless of nationality or racial
 This would have been brought up in the Winter
 testimony, right? So, why didn't John Kerry mention
 Can you post any evidence that U.S. soldiers
 and raped any babies in the Vietnam conflict?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Bhairitu
Angela Mailander wrote:
 Why is it so difficult to accept this, Willitex?  You
 want to win the war we're in at the moment.  Do you
 think there is a remote chance that this can be done
 without terrorizing the civilian population?  
And Willy never defines what winning the war is?  Or how you determine 
that the war has been won?  And what exactly is the war anyway?  Is it 
the war to occupy Iraq?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Angela Mailander
Well, yeah, there's all that, too.  There's no real
indication that we actually want to win this
one--instead, we want to drag it out as long as
possible.  And anyway, by some standards, we've
already won.  We've got the bases and we've got the

--- Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Angela Mailander wrote:
  Why is it so difficult to accept this, Willitex? 
  want to win the war we're in at the moment.  Do
  think there is a remote chance that this can be
  without terrorizing the civilian population?  

 And Willy never defines what winning the war is? 
 Or how you determine 
 that the war has been won?  And what exactly is the
 war anyway?  Is it 
 the war to occupy Iraq?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread pavvlovs_dog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 Well, yeah, there's all that, too.  There's no real
 indication that we actually want to win this
 one--instead, we want to drag it out as long as
 possible.  And anyway, by some standards, we've
 already won.  We've got the bases and we've got the

Take your pick: Quagmire or middle-east meltdown...most likely be 


 --- Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Angela Mailander wrote:
   Why is it so difficult to accept this, Willitex? 
   want to win the war we're in at the moment.  Do
   think there is a remote chance that this can be
   without terrorizing the civilian population?  
  And Willy never defines what winning the war is? 
  Or how you determine 
  that the war has been won?  And what exactly is the
  war anyway?  Is it 
  the war to occupy Iraq?
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Bhairitu
pavvlovs_dog wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
 Well, yeah, there's all that, too.  There's no real
 indication that we actually want to win this
 one--instead, we want to drag it out as long as
 possible.  And anyway, by some standards, we've
 already won.  We've got the bases and we've got the

 Take your pick: Quagmire or middle-east meltdown...most likely be 

Or everyone gets a little nukie.  I can imagine gleefully singing  Dubya 
and Cheney singing War is Busting Out All Over to the tune of Spring 
is Busting Out All Over.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Angela Mailander
Aren't we a cheerful bunch!! But it ain't lookin' real
good out there, is it? I've heard people make a good
argument for the notion that we went to war to keep an
economic melt-down at bay.  Apparently it's not
working.  Well, we're overpopulated and so wholesale
slaughter is unavoidable to their way of thinking.   

--- Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 pavvlovs_dog wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela

  Well, yeah, there's all that, too.  There's no
  indication that we actually want to win this
  one--instead, we want to drag it out as long as
  possible.  And anyway, by some standards, we've
  already won.  We've got the bases and we've got
  Take your pick: Quagmire or middle-east
 meltdown...most likely be 
 Or everyone gets a little nukie.  I can imagine
 gleefully singing  Dubya 
 and Cheney singing War is Busting Out All Over to
 the tune of Spring 
 is Busting Out All Over.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama/Stay w/Message of Hope, Unity Wisdom'

2008-03-05 Thread Bhairitu
Ever have a feeling that you are in a bad science fiction movie and the 
first act is about to end?

Angela Mailander wrote:
 Aren't we a cheerful bunch!! But it ain't lookin' real
 good out there, is it? I've heard people make a good
 argument for the notion that we went to war to keep an
 economic melt-down at bay.  Apparently it's not
 working.  Well, we're overpopulated and so wholesale
 slaughter is unavoidable to their way of thinking.