Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-19 Thread Adam Vande More
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Aiza  wrote:

> Nothing is worse than someone insinuating the original poster don't know
> what they are talking about. I find your remarks totally un-necessary. Your
> telling the poster they don't know what their doing when it's you who don't
> know what options are offered by their register. How can you say something
> is not available when you are not the one using or providing the register
> service. For you information port forwarding is common function when the
> domain name is specified to a dynamic ip address. Check out

No you are wrong.  Matthew is correct.  Perhaps you are confusing URL
forwarding/redirect with port forwarding, but they are completely
different.  Domains on dynamic ip address REQUIRE some method of
intervention to update the DNS record when it changes eg dns/ipcheck.  The
only way a registrar could avoid doing such thing would be if they
controlled address assignment and since registrar and ISP are rarely if ever
the same organization you are forced to use the Internet in Matthew's

As far as URL forwarding goes, there are several different methods to
accomplish it.  The safest way is to simply host the vhost and http 301 it
to the correct place.  Other methods are hackish and may not be able to be
tracked if so desired as well as other limitations.

Adam Vande More
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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-19 Thread Aiza

Matthew Seaman wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 19/05/2010 04:55:26, Aiza wrote:

I take a totally different approach to this problem for my production
web sites. This is the result of people running scripts that roll
through a large block of ip address scanning each ip address for open
[STANDARD\] ports, and when they find port 80 open, they then attack the
web server. The simple solution is not to have your web server use the
standard port 80. Your web site is not know by it's ip address but by
it's url (ie; My domain name register has option
to associate my "" with any port number I want to use
at the specified ip address. This way my web site has total access by
anyone who knows it's URl, the URL is scanned by yahoo and google
indexing bot and becomes know to the public. Nobody knows or cares that
the web site is not using port 80. I then close inbound port 80 in my
firewall thus locking out all the script kiddies who run the port scan
on standard ports. This method has worked for me the last 10 years
without ever having my production web servers attacked. Sure some nay
sayers will counter by saying all the scanners have to do is scan all
the ports. Yah sure that can be done, but in 10 years it has never

If the URL for your site is then any client
that attempts to access it will try to connect to port 80.  That's the
point of having well known ports.  Now, you can explicitly state a
different port in the URL: but this is
generally only useful amongst a closed group of users: the general
public will on the whole just get confused, so it's not often
encountered on general access websites.

Your domain registrar can't control anything to do with port numbers.
For some unknown reason this is a common misconception, particularly
among management types.  The DNS only associates hostnames with ip
numbers and vice versa[*].  Now, it may be the case that your server is
behind some sort of NAT/PAT gateway or HTTP reverse proxy, and that
locally you are running apache bound to some arbitrary port numbers.
Which is fine, but unless you are specifically telling people to use a
different port in your URLs, then the world at large is accessing your
site through port 80.  Which means that port scanners can certainly find
it and attempt to attack it.  Guess what?  Because the attacks are in
the form of valid HTTP queries, they'd go straight through any sort of
port address translation just like your normal traffic.

What I think you're actually doing is that all your web sites use name
based virtual hosts.  So a query to the IP number of your server gets
directed to a different bit of the apache config (and probably rejected)
compared to a query to a site by name.  That's actually a pretty good
design, and if you combine it with a reverse proxy which knows about
what hosts and URLs should be behind it, you can filter out a lot of bad
traffic very effectively before it gets anywhere near your real web server.



Nothing is worse than someone insinuating the original poster don't know 
what they are talking about. I find your remarks totally un-necessary. 
Your telling the poster they don't know what their doing when it's you 
who don't know what options are offered by their register. How can you 
say something is not available when you are not the one using or 
providing the register service. For you information port forwarding is 
common function when the domain name is specified to a dynamic ip 
address. Check out

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-19 Thread Matthew Seaman
Hash: SHA1

On 19/05/2010 04:55:26, Aiza wrote:
> I take a totally different approach to this problem for my production
> web sites. This is the result of people running scripts that roll
> through a large block of ip address scanning each ip address for open
> [STANDARD\] ports, and when they find port 80 open, they then attack the
> web server. The simple solution is not to have your web server use the
> standard port 80. Your web site is not know by it's ip address but by
> it's url (ie; My domain name register has option
> to associate my "" with any port number I want to use
> at the specified ip address. This way my web site has total access by
> anyone who knows it's URl, the URL is scanned by yahoo and google
> indexing bot and becomes know to the public. Nobody knows or cares that
> the web site is not using port 80. I then close inbound port 80 in my
> firewall thus locking out all the script kiddies who run the port scan
> on standard ports. This method has worked for me the last 10 years
> without ever having my production web servers attacked. Sure some nay
> sayers will counter by saying all the scanners have to do is scan all
> the ports. Yah sure that can be done, but in 10 years it has never
> occurred.

If the URL for your site is then any client
that attempts to access it will try to connect to port 80.  That's the
point of having well known ports.  Now, you can explicitly state a
different port in the URL: but this is
generally only useful amongst a closed group of users: the general
public will on the whole just get confused, so it's not often
encountered on general access websites.

Your domain registrar can't control anything to do with port numbers.
For some unknown reason this is a common misconception, particularly
among management types.  The DNS only associates hostnames with ip
numbers and vice versa[*].  Now, it may be the case that your server is
behind some sort of NAT/PAT gateway or HTTP reverse proxy, and that
locally you are running apache bound to some arbitrary port numbers.
Which is fine, but unless you are specifically telling people to use a
different port in your URLs, then the world at large is accessing your
site through port 80.  Which means that port scanners can certainly find
it and attempt to attack it.  Guess what?  Because the attacks are in
the form of valid HTTP queries, they'd go straight through any sort of
port address translation just like your normal traffic.

What I think you're actually doing is that all your web sites use name
based virtual hosts.  So a query to the IP number of your server gets
directed to a different bit of the apache config (and probably rejected)
compared to a query to a site by name.  That's actually a pretty good
design, and if you combine it with a reverse proxy which knows about
what hosts and URLs should be behind it, you can filter out a lot of bad
traffic very effectively before it gets anywhere near your real web server.



[*] I speak loosely.  That's the way it works for the HTTP(S) protocol
used by websites.  For some more recently specified protocols like XMPP
the situation is different.

- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
  Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
  Kent, CT11 9PW
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Matthias Fechner


Am 19.05.10 05:00, schrieb Aiza:
Where do I find documentation on how to enable and use apache mods 
rewrite and redirect?

have you tried the website?
There is a lot of information and examples available:

Also google helps a lot answering this questions or find examples.


"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and 
better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. 
So far, the universe is winning." -- Rich Cook

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Aiza

Matthew Seaman wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 18/05/2010 11:00:16, Aiza wrote:

I put apache13 in a jail and left inbound port 80 open in my firewall.
There is no domain name pointing to my web server. The content there is
a small apache web application that fools web
email address harvest programs into harvesting bogus email address from
web page. This is what I am doing.

Since setting this up I have not had any bots scan the site for email
address. But have had port 80 attacks that did not work. MY Apache
access and error logs follow.

[lots of logfile traces elided]

Yes.  Unfortunately this sort of thing is the norm on the web nowadays.
 It's all automated: first they program their botnets to scan for a web
server listening on port 80.  Then they use them to attempt to
compromise whatever they find -- in your case, most of what you're
seeing is an attempt to gather information on what PHP capabilities your
web server might have.

What they are doing is trying in turn a lot of the popular locations for
installing apps like phpmyadmin or phppgadmin.  Yes, they are doing this
in a particularly clueless fashion -- what exactly did you expect of the
sort of people that think creating botnets is a good idea?  They'll
probably grow out of it when they hit puberty.

In the mean time, as you don't have phpmyadmin or anything similar
installed, this is just an annoyance for you -- it clutters up your log
files but does nothing else.

If you did want to install phpmyadmin on that server, you should take
care to

  1) Keep it up to date -- there haven't been any PMA security
advisories for some months, but at one point they were coming out about
one a week.  PMA does have some very active developers though, and new
versions appear every month or two.

  2) Be sure to use access controls in your apache config to limit where
PMA can be accessed from.  Ideally, run it over HTTPS as well -- by its
nature, you will tend to send DB passwords etc. to this application, and
you want to avoid having them snooped.

  3) If you use the on-line phpmyadmin configurator, be sure to clean up
after yourself once you've generated a config file.  To use the on-line
configurator you have to create a directory
/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/config which you make read/write by the user
the webserver runs as.  Once you've created the in that
directory, you need to move it up one level in the directory heirarchy,
and then delete the config directory you created. (That's what your
attacker is so desperate to find -- because the directory is read-write
by the webserver process, they can use it to upload malware to your system.)



- -- 

I take a totally different approach to this problem for my production 
web sites. This is the result of people running scripts that roll 
through a large block of ip address scanning each ip address for open 
[STANDARD\] ports, and when they find port 80 open, they then attack the 
web server. The simple solution is not to have your web server use the 
standard port 80. Your web site is not know by it's ip address but by 
it's url (ie; My domain name register has option 
to associate my "" with any port number I want to use 
at the specified ip address. This way my web site has total access by 
anyone who knows it's URl, the URL is scanned by yahoo and google 
indexing bot and becomes know to the public. Nobody knows or cares that 
the web site is not using port 80. I then close inbound port 80 in my 
firewall thus locking out all the script kiddies who run the port scan 
on standard ports. This method has worked for me the last 10 years 
without ever having my production web servers attacked. Sure some nay 
sayers will counter by saying all the scanners have to do is scan all 
the ports. Yah sure that can be done, but in 10 years it has never 

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Aiza

Michael Powell wrote:

Aiza wrote:

I put apache13 in a jail and left inbound port 80 open in my firewall.
There is no domain name pointing to my web server. The content there is
a small apache web application that fools web
email address harvest programs into harvesting bogus email address from
web page. This is what I am doing.

Since setting this up I have not had any bots scan the site for email
address. But have had port 80 attacks that did not work. MY Apache
access and error logs follow.

[snip log content] 

As you can see looks like a script kiddy is running something they dont
understand. "/usr/local/www/data//phpmyadmin2/"
there should only be a single / between data/phpmyadmin2.

But beside that looks like php file is a target and
phpmyadmin also is a target. The apache return code 404 means not found
so no effect to me.

Has anyone seen this junk hitting their apache web servers or have any
different explanation of what this means?

Sorry to tell you this, but this kind of thing goes on all the time. You can 
fine tune mod_security for some control for SQL injection techniques, as 
well as many other generic forms of locking down the web server in general. 

Generally speaking, the bulk of this does nothing more than filling the logs 
- BUT - all it takes is for one app to let the attacker "leak" onto your 
hard drive and they're in. I see a lot of scans for roundcube and 
phpMyAdmin. Have also seen a lot of phpBB in the past. 

The attackers spew lots of requests but the needle in the haystack they are 
looking for is that one app that has a known vulnerability. In addition to 
securing the web server itself you should monitor any app running on it for 
reported security flaws and keep them updated to the latest "safe" versions.

You can also add to the hardening of your web server (if Apache) with 
various .htaccess + mod_rewrite tricks. Examples include:

# block all smarty templates (no reason to have these exposed)
RedirectMatch gone ^/.*\.tpl$

# block all .log (log files), .sql (sql dump/export) and .conf (config 
files) files in case some day these files move to another directory

RedirectMatch gone ^.*\.(sql|log|conf)$

# block access to the 'Smarty-*' directory
RedirectMatch gone ^.*Smarty.*$

# block common files present that you don't want served
RedirectMatch gone CHANGELOG.*
RedirectMatch gone COPYRIGHT.*
RedirectMatch gone INSTALL.*
RedirectMatch gone NEW.*
RedirectMatch gone README.*
RedirectMatch gone UPGRADE.*
RedirectMatch gone VERSION.*

# block access to directories
Redirect gone /upgrade
Redirect gone /tmp
Redirect gone /var
Redirect gone /sql

#Redirect pesky stuff based on referrer
Options -MultiViews -Indexes

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Twiceler [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Morfeus [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Toata [NC]
 RewriteRule .* - [F,L]

There is much and many more, just a couple of examples for ideas. :-)


Where do I find documentation on how to enable and use apache mods 
rewrite and redirect?

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Paul Schmehl

--On Tuesday, May 18, 2010 18:00:16 +0800 Aiza  wrote:

Has anyone seen this junk hitting their apache web servers or have any
different explanation of what this means?

Any webserver on the internet will see that crap.  Generally it's preceded by a 
syn scan to identify hosts listening on port 80, then everything but the 
kitchen sink shows up.

Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
are my own and not those of my employer.
"It is as useless to argue with those who have
renounced the use of reason as to administer
medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Michael Powell
Aiza wrote:

> I put apache13 in a jail and left inbound port 80 open in my firewall.
> There is no domain name pointing to my web server. The content there is
> a small apache web application that fools web
> email address harvest programs into harvesting bogus email address from
> web page. This is what I am doing.
> Since setting this up I have not had any bots scan the site for email
> address. But have had port 80 attacks that did not work. MY Apache
> access and error logs follow.
[snip log content] 
> As you can see looks like a script kiddy is running something they dont
> understand. "/usr/local/www/data//phpmyadmin2/"
> there should only be a single / between data/phpmyadmin2.
> But beside that looks like php file is a target and
> phpmyadmin also is a target. The apache return code 404 means not found
> so no effect to me.
> Has anyone seen this junk hitting their apache web servers or have any
> different explanation of what this means?

Sorry to tell you this, but this kind of thing goes on all the time. You can 
fine tune mod_security for some control for SQL injection techniques, as 
well as many other generic forms of locking down the web server in general. 

Generally speaking, the bulk of this does nothing more than filling the logs 
- BUT - all it takes is for one app to let the attacker "leak" onto your 
hard drive and they're in. I see a lot of scans for roundcube and 
phpMyAdmin. Have also seen a lot of phpBB in the past. 

The attackers spew lots of requests but the needle in the haystack they are 
looking for is that one app that has a known vulnerability. In addition to 
securing the web server itself you should monitor any app running on it for 
reported security flaws and keep them updated to the latest "safe" versions.

You can also add to the hardening of your web server (if Apache) with 
various .htaccess + mod_rewrite tricks. Examples include:

# block all smarty templates (no reason to have these exposed)
RedirectMatch gone ^/.*\.tpl$

# block all .log (log files), .sql (sql dump/export) and .conf (config 
files) files in case some day these files move to another directory
RedirectMatch gone ^.*\.(sql|log|conf)$

# block access to the 'Smarty-*' directory
RedirectMatch gone ^.*Smarty.*$

# block common files present that you don't want served
RedirectMatch gone CHANGELOG.*
RedirectMatch gone COPYRIGHT.*
RedirectMatch gone INSTALL.*
RedirectMatch gone NEW.*
RedirectMatch gone README.*
RedirectMatch gone UPGRADE.*
RedirectMatch gone VERSION.*

# block access to directories
Redirect gone /upgrade
Redirect gone /tmp
Redirect gone /var
Redirect gone /sql

#Redirect pesky stuff based on referrer
Options -MultiViews -Indexes

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Twiceler [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Morfeus [NC,OR]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Toata [NC]
 RewriteRule .* - [F,L]

There is much and many more, just a couple of examples for ideas. :-)


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Re: Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Matthew Seaman
Hash: SHA1

On 18/05/2010 11:00:16, Aiza wrote:
> I put apache13 in a jail and left inbound port 80 open in my firewall.
> There is no domain name pointing to my web server. The content there is
> a small apache web application that fools web
> email address harvest programs into harvesting bogus email address from
> web page. This is what I am doing.
> Since setting this up I have not had any bots scan the site for email
> address. But have had port 80 attacks that did not work. MY Apache
> access and error logs follow.

[lots of logfile traces elided]

Yes.  Unfortunately this sort of thing is the norm on the web nowadays.
 It's all automated: first they program their botnets to scan for a web
server listening on port 80.  Then they use them to attempt to
compromise whatever they find -- in your case, most of what you're
seeing is an attempt to gather information on what PHP capabilities your
web server might have.

What they are doing is trying in turn a lot of the popular locations for
installing apps like phpmyadmin or phppgadmin.  Yes, they are doing this
in a particularly clueless fashion -- what exactly did you expect of the
sort of people that think creating botnets is a good idea?  They'll
probably grow out of it when they hit puberty.

In the mean time, as you don't have phpmyadmin or anything similar
installed, this is just an annoyance for you -- it clutters up your log
files but does nothing else.

If you did want to install phpmyadmin on that server, you should take
care to

  1) Keep it up to date -- there haven't been any PMA security
advisories for some months, but at one point they were coming out about
one a week.  PMA does have some very active developers though, and new
versions appear every month or two.

  2) Be sure to use access controls in your apache config to limit where
PMA can be accessed from.  Ideally, run it over HTTPS as well -- by its
nature, you will tend to send DB passwords etc. to this application, and
you want to avoid having them snooped.

  3) If you use the on-line phpmyadmin configurator, be sure to clean up
after yourself once you've generated a config file.  To use the on-line
configurator you have to create a directory
/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/config which you make read/write by the user
the webserver runs as.  Once you've created the in that
directory, you need to move it up one level in the directory heirarchy,
and then delete the config directory you created. (That's what your
attacker is so desperate to find -- because the directory is read-write
by the webserver process, they can use it to upload malware to your system.)



- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
  Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
  Kent, CT11 9PW
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Apache web server being attacked

2010-05-18 Thread Aiza
I put apache13 in a jail and left inbound port 80 open in my firewall. 
There is no domain name pointing to my web server. The content there is 
a small apache web application that fools web
email address harvest programs into harvesting bogus email address from 
web page. This is what I am doing.

Since setting this up I have not had any bots scan the site for email 
address. But have had port 80 attacks that did not work. MY Apache 
access and error logs follow.

access log - - [06/May/2010:12:28:34 +0800] "GET 
//phpmyadmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 239 "-" - - [06/May/2010:12:28:35 +0800] "GET 
//phpMyAdmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 239 "-" - - [06/May/2010:12:28:36 +0800] "GET 
//PMA/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - [06/May/2010:12:28:36 +0800] "GET 
//pma/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - [10/May/2010:16:05:42 +0800] "GET HTTP/1.1" 404 206 "-" - - [11/May/2010:03:50:54 +0800] "GET HTTP/1.1" 404 206 "-" - - [13/May/2010:10:09:08 +0800] "GET 
HTTP/1.1" 404 206 "-" - - [15/May/2010:14:10:28 +0800] "GET 
/ HTTP/1.1" 404 206 "-" "-" - - [15/May/2010:15:07:58 +0800] 
501 - "-" "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:21 +0800] "GET 
//phpmyadmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 239 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:21 +0800] "GET 
//phpMyAdmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 239 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:22 +0800] "GET 
//PMA/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:22 +0800] "GET 
//pma/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:23 +0800] "GET 
//phpmyadmin2/; HTTP/1.1" 404 233 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:23 +0800] "GET 
//phpMyAdmin2/; HTTP/1.1" 404 233 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:23 +0800] "GET 
//mysqladmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:24 +0800] "GET 
//myadmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 229 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:24 +0800] "GET 
//MyAdmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 229 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:25 +0800] "GET 
//myAdmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 229 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:25 +0800] "GET 
//phpAdmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 230 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:26 +0800] "GET 
//mysql/; HTTP/1.1" 404 227 "-" - - [16/May/2010:11:07:26 +0800] "GET 
//phpAdmin/; HTTP/1.1" 404 230 "-" - - [16/May/2010:13:43:05 +0800] "GET HTTP/1.1" 404 215 "-" " - - [17/May/2010:08:38:45 +0800] "GET 
/ HTTP/1.1" 400 335 "-" "-" - - [17/May/2010:11:27:02 +0800] "GET 
/roundcubemail/README HTTP/1.1" 404 226 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:11:27:03 +0800] "GET /rc/README 
HTTP/1.1" 404 215 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:11:27:04 +0800] "GET 
/webmail/README HTTP/1.1" 404 220 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:11:27:05 +0800] "GET 
/roundcube/README HTTP/1.1" 404 222 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:11:27:05 +0800] "GET /mail/README 
HTTP/1.1" 404 217 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:11:27:06 +0800] "GET /README 
HTTP/1.1" 404 212 "-" "Morfeus strikes again." - - [17/May/2010:17:52:03 +0800] "GET 

dtrace and web server

2010-03-12 Thread Boris Samorodov
Hello List,

I try to locate (potential) bottlenecks at a web server:
% uname -a
FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE #3 r203959: Sun Feb 21 
11:53:57 MSK 2010  amd64

% top -jd1 | head -20
last pid: 47907;  load averages:  2.30,  1.88,  1.90  up 1+17:44:3611:31:05
177 processes: 4 running, 172 sleeping, 1 zombie

Mem: 916M Active, 558M Inact, 2899M Wired, 2656K Cache, 31M Buf, 3502M Free
Swap: 4096M Total, 4096M Free

22148   4 88 25  440   735M   530M ucond   3  23:05  7.81% mysqld
47705   4 www 1  540   223M 58476K select  2   0:07  7.76% httpd
47845   4 www 1  510   225M 48800K accept  1   0:02  7.47% httpd
47857   4 www 1  530   221M 44308K select  3   0:01  7.47% httpd
47797   4 www 1  510   225M 56276K accept  1   0:03  6.59% httpd
47843   4 www 1  500   221M 43580K select  3   0:01  6.30% httpd
47873   4 www 1  510   233M 52424K CPU22   0:01  5.96% httpd
47633   4 www 1  490   221M 56476K select  3   0:08  5.76% httpd
47878   4 www 1  470   221M 43480K accept  2   0:01  4.30% httpd
47708   4 www 1  520   221M 56756K accept  2   0:06  4.20% httpd
47880   4 www 1  520   223M 39516K accept  2   0:01  4.05% httpd
47875   4 www 1  490   235M 45080K CPU33   0:00  4.05% httpd

Let's use dtrace to understand what's going on within 10 seconds
interval and normalize to 1 second:
% cat top-10-count-periodic.d
#pragma D option quiet
last = timestamp;
@func[execname] = count();
trunc(@func, 10);
normalize(@func, (timestamp - last) / 10);
last = timestamp;

The result is here:

OK, seems that we are mostly interested at mysqld and httpd processes
(well, not a surprise).

The following script is intended to test and quantize mysqld process:
% cat quant.d
/ execname == "mysqld" /
self->ts = timestamp;
/ self->ts && execname == "mysqld" /
@time[probefunc] = quantize(timestamp - self->ts);
self->ts = 0;

The result:

The same D script but for httpd process:

And now can you advise me what to do next? What should I pay
attention to? Thanks!

WBR, Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD Committer, The Power To Serve
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Re: best firewall for a web server

2010-02-06 Thread Iv Ray
Thank you all for your help.

Two for PF and one for IPFILTER - I'll have to do some math now :)

All best, Iv
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Re: best firewall for a web server

2010-02-05 Thread Aiza

Iv Ray wrote:

We will be running a web server -

- FreeBSD 8.x
- Apache 2.x
- php 5.x
- PostgreSQL 8.x
- Postfix 2.x

- The server will run nearly 98% of the time below 25% load (no high 
performance firewall is needed).
- Access to the server will be done only via ssh w/ key (there will be no 
public ftp, etc.).

I read several threads on FreeBSD Questions and checked the Handbook, and my conclusion 
is that PF seems the most straightforward for such "classic" situation.

Am I right?

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I would use ipfilter. Its rules are the same as PF but its log is easier 
to read.

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Re: best firewall for a web server

2010-02-05 Thread Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri

- Original Message 
> From: Iv Ray 
> To:
> Sent: Fri, February 5, 2010 11:24:52 PM
> Subject: best firewall for a web server
> We will be running a web server -
> - FreeBSD 8.x
> - Apache 2.x
> - php 5.x
> - PostgreSQL 8.x
> - Postfix 2.x
> - The server will run nearly 98% of the time below 25% load (no high 
> performance 
> firewall is needed).
> - Access to the server will be done only via ssh w/ key (there will be no 
> public 
> ftp, etc.).
> I read several threads on FreeBSD Questions and checked the Handbook, and my 
> conclusion is that PF seems the most straightforward for such "classic" 
> situation.
> Am I right?
> Thanks,
> Iv

Right, PF is the way to GO! ;)


-Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
Arab Portal

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best firewall for a web server

2010-02-05 Thread Iv Ray
We will be running a web server -

- FreeBSD 8.x
- Apache 2.x
- php 5.x
- PostgreSQL 8.x
- Postfix 2.x

- The server will run nearly 98% of the time below 25% load (no high 
performance firewall is needed).
- Access to the server will be done only via ssh w/ key (there will be no 
public ftp, etc.).

I read several threads on FreeBSD Questions and checked the Handbook, and my 
conclusion is that PF seems the most straightforward for such "classic" 

Am I right?

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Re: Web server password management

2009-01-02 Thread John Almberg

On Jan 2, 2009, at 2:36 AM, stan wrote:

I am setting up an Aoache2 webserver, and I want to require  
authenticon for

some of it's contents. I am thinking of using htaccess.

Is there a package that I can install that will allow users to  
request that
various account management tasks be done. What I have in mind is a  
that let's people request accounts, allows me to approve these  
request, and

updates the users for for htpassword?

I don't use either of these, but have looked at them in the past.  
Maybe one will do what you need:

-- John
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Web server password management

2009-01-01 Thread stan
I am setting up an Aoache2 webserver, and I want to require authenticon for
some of it's contents. I am thinking of using htaccess. 

Is there a package that I can install that will allow users to request that
various account management tasks be done. What I have in mind is a page
that let's people request accounts, allows me to approve these request, and
updates the users for for htpassword?

One of the main causes of the fall of the roman empire was that, lacking
zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C
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Re: no access to web server behind ipfw

2008-10-17 Thread Chen Xu
Hi Christer,

I followed the example from the handbook. Yes, it is OK to divert in and
out separately. skipto is used to point to the divert out rule number
when it is outbound. 

I run into problem only when with natd to redirect from gateway to local
machine. tcpdump shows that packets of both directions are actually go
through fine, but only head is there, body was ripped off. I am looking
into OpenBSD's PF right now. It is such a simple goal to reach but seems
not so easy. 


* Christer Hermansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [081017 14:54]:
>  Chen Xu wrote:
> > $cmd 100 divert natd ip from any to any in via $pif
> > $cmd 101 check-state
> >
> >
> >   
>  You use "in via $pif", I'm not 100% sure but I think you should only use 
>  "via $pif".
> > # Authorized inbound packets
> > $cmd 421 allow tcp from any to 80 in via $pif setup limit
> > src-addr 5
> >
> >
> >   
>  I think it's bad to use statefull rules for inbound connections.
>  -- 
>  Christer Hermansson
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Re: no access to web server behind ipfw

2008-10-17 Thread Christer Hermansson

Chen Xu wrote:

$cmd 100 divert natd ip from any to any in via $pif
$cmd 101 check-state

You use "in via $pif", I'm not 100% sure but I think you should only use 
"via $pif".

# Authorized inbound packets
$cmd 421 allow tcp from any to 80 in via $pif setup limit
src-addr 5


I think it's bad to use statefull rules for inbound connections.


Christer Hermansson

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no access to web server behind ipfw

2008-10-14 Thread Chen Xu
Dear All,

I think I need help from the group. The situation is kind of simple,
but I can not get it work for me.

I wanted to access to a web server behind of firewall/gateway (firewall/gateway/natd) (internal web server) has these info.
FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p26

Kernel complied with following lines:


rc.conf has those lines:
# Add stuff for firewall - ipfw

# Enable natd.
#natd_flags="-dynamic -m"  # preserve port numbers if possible
natd_flags="-f /etc/natd.conf"  # preserve port
numbers if possible


port 8668
interface fxp0
redirect_port tcp 80


ipfw -q -f flush

cmd="ipfw -q add"
skip="skipto 500"

ipfw -q -f flush

$cmd 002 allow all from any to any via em0  # exclude LAN traffic
$cmd 003 allow all from any to any via lo0  # exclude loopback traffic

$cmd 100 divert natd ip from any to any in via $pif
$cmd 101 check-state

# Authorized outbound packets
$cmd 120 $skip udp from any to x.x.x.11 53 out via $pif $ks
$cmd 121 $skip udp from any to x.x.x.12 53 out via $pif $ks
## --> block only one PC running windows (
$cmd 123 deny tcp from to any 80 out via $pif
$cmd 124 $skip tcp from any to any 80 out via $pif setup $ks

$cmd 129 $skip tcp from any to any $good_tcpo out via $pif setup $ks
$cmd 130 $skip icmp from any to any out via $pif $ks
$cmd 135 $skip udp from any to any 123 out via $pif $ks

# root can do cvsup etc. like a GOD
$cmd 140 allow tcp from me to any out via $pif $ks uid root

# Deny all inbound traffic from non-routable reserved address spaces
$cmd 300 deny all from  to any in via $pif  #RFC 1918 private IP
$cmd 301 deny all from   to any in via $pif  #RFC 1918 private IP
$cmd 302 deny all from  to any in via $pif  #RFC 1918 private IP
$cmd 303 deny all from to any in via $pif  #loopback
$cmd 304 deny all from   to any in via $pif  #loopback
$cmd 305 deny all from  to any in via $pif  #DHCP auto-config
$cmd 306 deny all from any in via $pif  #reserved for docs
$cmd 307 deny all from to any in via $pif  #Sun cluster
$cmd 308 deny all from to any in via $pif  #Class D &
E multicast

# Authorized inbound packets
$cmd 421 allow tcp from any to 80 in via $pif setup limit
src-addr 5

$cmd 450 deny log ip from any to any

# This is skipto location for outbound stateful rules
$cmd 500 divert natd ip from any to any out via $pif
$cmd 510 allow ip from any to any

 end of rules  ##

apparently rule 421 is not enough to access the webserver at
port 80. I need help here.

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Re: Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-06-10 Thread Manolis Kiagias

Al Plant wrote:

Manolis Kiagias wrote:

Matthias Apitz wrote:
El día Tuesday, May 27, 2008 a las 04:16:44PM +0200, Matthias Apitz 

El día Friday, May 23, 2008 a las 01:18:06PM +0300, Manolis Kiagias 


Yes, I am already planning to upgrade :)
At this time, it is not available in Greece (though I have spotted 
a few on ebay).
Even more important than the 20Gb SSD is the 9 inch display with a 
resolution of 1024x600.

800x480 is really small for anything more other than taking notes.


Maybe you know this page, Manolis:

it has a detailed technical report about all items of which the 900 

model is made of;

Ah, nice! Thanks for the link. It will be a good read.

a dealer in CH will get next week the original US version:

There are a few sold on ebay. I believe this model will also appear 
in Greek eshops soon.

take care, there is an issue about the battery having only 4400 mAh
(because of some fire in an ASUS supplier) while the original model 

had a 5800 mAh battery;


I will wait then. I prefer to get a model with a larger battery. The 
one I have now, lasts more or less 2 - 2.30 hours and I believe it 
has the same 4400mAh battery.  The larger screen and SSD will 
probably make this even less on the 900. Unlike larger laptops, I 
really like to work the eee on battery only. In fact having to carry 
only this small laptop instead of all the usual accessories is a big 
plus to me.

On a side note,  I am thinking of writing a complete article about 
installing FreeBSD 7.0 on the eeepc, including customizations and 
optimizations, different installations methods,  with links to 
download ready-built customized kernels etc. Don't know whether it 
will have any real audience though ;) Most people run some Linux 
distro on it or even (gasp) Windows...

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I would be interested in a how to for FreeBSD on the Asus eee

OK, I am already set to write this. My time is kind of limited until the 
end of June, but I'll try to start on this ASAP.

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Re: Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-06-10 Thread Al Plant

Manolis Kiagias wrote:

Matthias Apitz wrote:
El día Tuesday, May 27, 2008 a las 04:16:44PM +0200, Matthias Apitz 

El día Friday, May 23, 2008 a las 01:18:06PM +0300, Manolis Kiagias 


Yes, I am already planning to upgrade :)
At this time, it is not available in Greece (though I have spotted a 
few on ebay).
Even more important than the 20Gb SSD is the 9 inch display with a 
resolution of 1024x600.

800x480 is really small for anything more other than taking notes.


Maybe you know this page, Manolis:

it has a detailed technical report about all items of which the 900 20GB
model is made of;

Ah, nice! Thanks for the link. It will be a good read.

a dealer in CH will get next week the original US version:

There are a few sold on ebay. I believe this model will also appear in 
Greek eshops soon.

take care, there is an issue about the battery having only 4400 mAh
(because of some fire in an ASUS supplier) while the original model have
had a 5800 mAh battery;


I will wait then. I prefer to get a model with a larger battery. The one 
I have now, lasts more or less 2 - 2.30 hours and I believe it has the 
same 4400mAh battery.  The larger screen and SSD will probably make this 
even less on the 900. Unlike larger laptops, I really like to work the 
eee on battery only. In fact having to carry only this small laptop 
instead of all the usual accessories is a big plus to me.

On a side note,  I am thinking of writing a complete article about 
installing FreeBSD 7.0 on the eeepc, including customizations and 
optimizations, different installations methods,  with links to download 
ready-built customized kernels etc. Don't know whether it will have any 
real audience though ;) Most people run some Linux distro on it or even 
(gasp) Windows...

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I would be interested in a how to for FreeBSD on the Asus eee


~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
  + + +
  +   - Supporting - FreeBSD 6.* - 7.* - 8.* +
  < email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
"All that's really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carrol

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Re: Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-05-30 Thread Manolis Kiagias

Matthias Apitz wrote:

El día Tuesday, May 27, 2008 a las 04:16:44PM +0200, Matthias Apitz escribió:


El día Friday, May 23, 2008 a las 01:18:06PM +0300, Manolis Kiagias escribió:

Yes, I am already planning to upgrade :)
At this time, it is not available in Greece (though I have spotted a few 
on ebay).
Even more important than the 20Gb SSD is the 9 inch display with a 
resolution of 1024x600.

800x480 is really small for anything more other than taking notes.


Maybe you know this page, Manolis:

it has a detailed technical report about all items of which the 900 20GB
model is made of;

Ah, nice! Thanks for the link. It will be a good read.

a dealer in CH will get next week the original US version:

There are a few sold on ebay. I believe this model will also appear in 
Greek eshops soon.

take care, there is an issue about the battery having only 4400 mAh
(because of some fire in an ASUS supplier) while the original model have
had a 5800 mAh battery;


I will wait then. I prefer to get a model with a larger battery. The one 
I have now, lasts more or less 2 - 2.30 hours and I believe it has the 
same 4400mAh battery.  The larger screen and SSD will probably make this 
even less on the 900. Unlike larger laptops, I really like to work the 
eee on battery only. In fact having to carry only this small laptop 
instead of all the usual accessories is a big plus to me.

On a side note,  I am thinking of writing a complete article about 
installing FreeBSD 7.0 on the eeepc, including customizations and 
optimizations, different installations methods,  with links to download 
ready-built customized kernels etc. Don't know whether it will have any 
real audience though ;) Most people run some Linux distro on it or even 
(gasp) Windows...

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Re: Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-05-30 Thread Matthias Apitz
El día Tuesday, May 27, 2008 a las 04:16:44PM +0200, Matthias Apitz escribió:

> El día Friday, May 23, 2008 a las 01:18:06PM +0300, Manolis Kiagias escribió:
> > Yes, I am already planning to upgrade :)
> > At this time, it is not available in Greece (though I have spotted a few 
> > on ebay).
> > Even more important than the 20Gb SSD is the 9 inch display with a 
> > resolution of 1024x600.
> > 800x480 is really small for anything more other than taking notes.
> > 

Maybe you know this page, Manolis:

it has a detailed technical report about all items of which the 900 20GB
model is made of;

a dealer in CH will get next week the original US version:

take care, there is an issue about the battery having only 4400 mAh
(because of some fire in an ASUS supplier) while the original model have
had a 5800 mAh battery;

Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
«...una sola vez, que es cuanto basta si se trata de verdades definitivas.»
«...only once, which is enough if it has todo with definite truth.»
José Saramago, Historia del Cerca de Lisboa
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Re: Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-05-23 Thread Manolis Kiagias

Matthias Apitz wrote:

El día Wednesday, May 21, 2008 a las 07:44:31PM +0300, Manolis Kiagias escribió:

- Note you can install either to SSD or an external SDHC. The SSD is 
somewhat faster though. (But you can get larger SDHCs). I am dual 
booting Linux and FreeBSD on mine right now. Linux is on the SSD and 
FreeBSD on an 8GB SDHC.

In this Wiki page they show already a model 900 with up to 20 GByte SSD;
maybe it's a good idea to go for this model, even if it is a bit more
expensive (~400 euros):



Yes, I am already planning to upgrade :)
At this time, it is not available in Greece (though I have spotted a few 
on ebay).
Even more important than the 20Gb SSD is the 9 inch display with a 
resolution of 1024x600.

800x480 is really small for anything more other than taking notes.
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Re: Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-05-23 Thread Matthias Apitz
El día Wednesday, May 21, 2008 a las 07:44:31PM +0300, Manolis Kiagias escribió:

> - Note you can install either to SSD or an external SDHC. The SSD is 
> somewhat faster though. (But you can get larger SDHCs). I am dual 
> booting Linux and FreeBSD on mine right now. Linux is on the SSD and 
> FreeBSD on an 8GB SDHC.

In this Wiki page they show already a model 900 with up to 20 GByte SSD;
maybe it's a good idea to go for this model, even if it is a bit more
expensive (~400 euros):


Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
«...una sola vez, que es cuanto basta si se trata de verdades definitivas.»
«...only once, which is enough if it has todo with definite truth.»
José Saramago, Historia del Cerca de Lisboa
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Re: Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-05-21 Thread Manolis Kiagias

Matthias Apitz wrote:

El día Friday, January 18, 2008 a las 10:41:28PM -0500, Garance A Drosehn 


At 9:14 AM -0500 1/2/08, Ed Maste wrote:

On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 06:20:22PM +, James Jeffery wrote:


Before i end the toipic, anyone got any feeback on the Asus Eee (mini
laptops) with FreeBSD?

It works, but no drivers exist for the wireless or wired Ethernet ports.
The wireless is a newer Atheros part and ath(4) should gain support for
it, but I have no idea what the timeline will be.  The wired Ethernet
is an Atheros (formerly Attansic) L2 10/100, and I'm not aware of any
concrete plans for a driver for it.

I've used a Linksys USB200M USB ethernet (axe(4) driver) with mine and
that works well.

One of the guys I know is running FreeBSD on the Eee, and has written
up the following information for anyone who is interested in doing
what he did:

This includes tips on how to get the wireless working, and sound,
and some oddities with how X11 works.

Thanks for that hint. I'm thinking in buying such a device to have it
with me as a typewriter, mostly; normally I use FreeBSD 7.0-REL on my
laptop with around 200 compiled ports: KDE, OpenOffice, Lyx, StarDict,
the compilation normally takes 2-3 days to have it all ready;

of course, on that limited device with 4 or 8 GByte SSD it is not an
option to compile the stuff up from /usr/ports on the system itself, not
only from the point of view of disk space, but also because of the limited
lifetime write cycles of the SSD;

in short: what would be the easiest way to move the installed ports from
my laptop to such an Eee PC? can I make, for example, packages from my
ports and install them?



[Sending this a second time to the list only, since it had too many 
recipients the first time and was probably rejected]

I happen to have an eeePC and have successfully installed FreeBSD on it. 
It can be done in various ways (even without a CDROM, if you have an 
external USB disk).
I can attest the instructions in work: Sound and wireless 
work fine. There are a few things you can do it to speed it up:

- The SSD is too small for the classic partitioning scheme of FreeBSD. 
Probably a large '/' partition or a '/' and '/home' will do. Do not use 

- Turn of logging (syslogd_enable="NO" in /etc/rc.conf)
- Edit /etc/ttys and reduce the number of virtual terminals.  You 
probably don't need them.
- Do not compile anything on the eee. It wil be a test of its abilities 
and your patience. Compile the kernel on another a PC and copy it via a 
USB key. Either use ready made packages (possibly after setting 
PACKAGESITE to packages-7-stable) or use 'make package' on your main pc 
to create packages and transfer them.
- The eee will happily run X and any environment you choose. I have 
tried XFCE and GNOME with no problem. More memory will be better, but 
not absolutely necessary.

- As others have said, the wired LAN does not currently work.
- Note you can install either to SSD or an external SDHC. The SSD is 
somewhat faster though. (But you can get larger SDHCs). I am dual 
booting Linux and FreeBSD on mine right now. Linux is on the SSD and 
FreeBSD on an 8GB SDHC.

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Re: Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-05-21 Thread Matthias Apitz
El día Friday, January 18, 2008 a las 10:41:28PM -0500, Garance A Drosehn 

> At 9:14 AM -0500 1/2/08, Ed Maste wrote:
> >On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 06:20:22PM +, James Jeffery wrote:
> >
> >> Before i end the toipic, anyone got any feeback on the Asus Eee (mini
> >> laptops) with FreeBSD?
> >
> >It works, but no drivers exist for the wireless or wired Ethernet ports.
> >The wireless is a newer Atheros part and ath(4) should gain support for
> >it, but I have no idea what the timeline will be.  The wired Ethernet
> >is an Atheros (formerly Attansic) L2 10/100, and I'm not aware of any
> >concrete plans for a driver for it.
> >
> >I've used a Linksys USB200M USB ethernet (axe(4) driver) with mine and
> >that works well.
> One of the guys I know is running FreeBSD on the Eee, and has written
> up the following information for anyone who is interested in doing
> what he did:
> This includes tips on how to get the wireless working, and sound,
> and some oddities with how X11 works.

Thanks for that hint. I'm thinking in buying such a device to have it
with me as a typewriter, mostly; normally I use FreeBSD 7.0-REL on my
laptop with around 200 compiled ports: KDE, OpenOffice, Lyx, StarDict,
the compilation normally takes 2-3 days to have it all ready;

of course, on that limited device with 4 or 8 GByte SSD it is not an
option to compile the stuff up from /usr/ports on the system itself, not
only from the point of view of disk space, but also because of the limited
lifetime write cycles of the SSD;

in short: what would be the easiest way to move the installed ports from
my laptop to such an Eee PC? can I make, for example, packages from my
ports and install them?



Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
«...una sola vez, que es cuanto basta si se trata de verdades definitivas.»
«...only once, which is enough if it has todo with definite truth.»
José Saramago, Historia del Cerca de Lisboa
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Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-07 Thread Ivan Voras
Ivan Voras wrote:

> Unless you need software that doesn't work on i386, you should install
> amd64.

Sorry, this should have been : "Unless you need software that ONLY works
on i386, you should install amd64."

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Dominic Fandrey

Paul Schmehl wrote:
--On Thursday, March 06, 2008 16:25:44 +0800 "??" 

Hi guys,

I'm a freshman man here. Please do not mind my silly questions.

I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1

I have several questions.
Which platform should I chooses? amd64 or i386?


Definitely not.

Is 4G memory enough for 2000 people online?

Depends on what you're doing.  Should be for most cases.

With 4G of memory i386 really isn't a choice. Unless you feel adventurous and 
want to try PAE. I'd stick with amd64. All the webserver stuff works fine 
there and it allows you to extend the memory later on if the need arises.

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Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Wojciech Puchar

I have several questions.
Which platform should I chooses? amd64 or i386?


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Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Paul Schmehl
--On Thursday, March 06, 2008 16:25:44 +0800 "??" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hi guys,

I'm a freshman man here. Please do not mind my silly questions.

I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1

I have several questions.
Which platform should I chooses? amd64 or i386?


Is 4G memory enough for 2000 people online?

Depends on what you're doing.  Should be for most cases.

If you have others suggestions please tell me.

Install and use mod_security to protect your web server from attack.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

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Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Ivan Voras
Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> what does 2000 people online mean. 2000 people fetching WWW page in the
> same time? if so - pentium 200 with 64MB would suffice :)

I think the time of static .html files has passed years ago :)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Wojciech Puchar

I'm a freshman man here. Please do not mind my silly questions.

I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1

I have several questions.
Which platform should I chooses? amd64 or i386?


Is 4G memory enough for 2000 people online?

what does 2000 people online mean. 2000 people fetching WWW page in the 
same time? if so - pentium 200 with 64MB would suffice :)

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Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Vivian Liu

Thanks Robert,

It may be a 64-bit Intel microprocessor.


On Thu, 06 Mar 2008 20:41:28 +0800, Robert Huff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1

  Unless you need software that doesn't work on i386, you should
  install amd64.

Um ... they said "xeon".  Doesn't that mean ia64?

Robert Huff

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Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Ivan Voras
Vivian Liu wrote:
> Thanks a lot again.
> There are running some application has been built using PHP in this web
> box.
> Also need a small mail system and mysql for a game server that running
> on a win2003 machine.
> Maybe I need to upgrade the memory to 8G.

8 GB should be ok for most purposes. But again, you need more disk
drives, not for the space but for performance and resilience to drive
problems (RAID).

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Erik Trulsson
On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 07:41:28AM -0500, Robert Huff wrote:
> Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
> >> CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
> >> MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
> >> HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1
> >
> >   Unless you need software that doesn't work on i386, you should
> >   install amd64.
>   Um ... they said "xeon".  Doesn't that mean ia64?

No, it does not.  ia64 is for Intel's Itanium series CPU's. Completely
different architecture.
amd64 is for those CPU's implementing the AMD64 architecture.  This is
also known as x86-64.  Intel used to call their implementation EMT64, but
I think they have changed that since.  AFAIK all of Intel's recent
x86 CPUs support amd64. (This includes all Core2Duo based CPUs as well
as the Xeon versions thereof.)


Erik Trulsson
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Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Vivian Liu

Thanks a lot again.

There are running some application has been built using PHP in this web  
Also need a small mail system and mysql for a game server that running on  
a win2003 machine.

Maybe I need to upgrade the memory to 8G.


On Thu, 06 Mar 2008 18:07:05 +0800, Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

刘伟南 wrote:

Hi guys,

I'm a freshman man here. Please do not mind my silly questions.

I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1

I have several questions.
Which platform should I chooses? amd64 or i386?

Unless you need software that doesn't work on i386, you should install

Is 4G memory enough for 2000 people online?

This is very much dependent on what will the server actually do. For a
simple web (PHP?) application, yes. For a very complex web application,
no. You probably also need a database there, and that will complicate

If you have others suggestions please tell me.
Thanks in advance.

I suppose the disk drive specification is a placeholder - you'll
probably need many more drives in real deployment.

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Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Robert Huff

Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
>> CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
>> MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
>> HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1
>   Unless you need software that doesn't work on i386, you should
>   install amd64.

Um ... they said "xeon".  Doesn't that mean ia64?

Robert Huff

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Re: Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Ivan Voras
刘伟南 wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm a freshman man here. Please do not mind my silly questions.
> I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
> CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
> MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
> HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1
> I have several questions.
> Which platform should I chooses? amd64 or i386?

Unless you need software that doesn't work on i386, you should install

> Is 4G memory enough for 2000 people online?

This is very much dependent on what will the server actually do. For a
simple web (PHP?) application, yes. For a very complex web application,
no. You probably also need a database there, and that will complicate

> If you have others suggestions please tell me.
> Thanks in advance.

I suppose the disk drive specification is a placeholder - you'll
probably need many more drives in real deployment.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread Vivian Liu

Hi guys,

I'm a freshman man here. Please do not mind my silly questions.

I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1

I have several questions.
Which platform should I chooses? amd64 or i386?
Is 4G memory enough for 2000 people online?

If you have others suggestions please tell me.
Thanks in advance.

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Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread 刘伟南

Hi guys,

I'm a freshman man here. Please do not mind my silly questions.

I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1

I have several questions.
Which platform should I chooses? amd64 or i386?
Is 4G memory enough for 2000 people online?

If you have others suggestions please tell me.
Thanks in advance.

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Some questions about installing a web server.

2008-03-06 Thread 刘伟南

Hi guys,

I'm a freshman man here. Please do not mind my silly questions.

I am ready to install a web server, the main hardwares are as follows:
CPU 4-core xeon 5410 * 2
MEM kingston 2G EEC FBD667 * 2
HD ST146G SAS 15K * 1

I have several questions.
Which platform should I chooses? amd64 or i386?
Is 4G memory enough for 2000 people online?

If you have others suggestions please tell me.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-01-18 Thread Garance A Drosehn

At 9:14 AM -0500 1/2/08, Ed Maste wrote:

On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 06:20:22PM +, James Jeffery wrote:

 Before i end the toipic, anyone got any feeback on the Asus Eee (mini
 laptops) with FreeBSD?

It works, but no drivers exist for the wireless or wired Ethernet ports.
The wireless is a newer Atheros part and ath(4) should gain support for
it, but I have no idea what the timeline will be.  The wired Ethernet
is an Atheros (formerly Attansic) L2 10/100, and I'm not aware of any
concrete plans for a driver for it.

I've used a Linksys USB200M USB ethernet (axe(4) driver) with mine and
that works well.

One of the guys I know is running FreeBSD on the Eee, and has written
up the following information for anyone who is interested in doing
what he did:

This includes tips on how to get the wireless working, and sound,
and some oddities with how X11 works.

Garance Alistair Drosehn =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer   or   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Troy, NY;  USA
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Re: Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-01-03 Thread Chad Perrin
On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 09:14:19AM -0500, Ed Maste wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 06:20:22PM +, James Jeffery wrote:
> > Before i end the toipic, anyone got any feeback on the Asus Eee (mini
> > laptops) with FreeBSD?
> It works, but no drivers exist for the wireless or wired Ethernet ports.
> The wireless is a newer Atheros part and ath(4) should gain support for
> it, but I have no idea what the timeline will be.  The wired Ethernet
> is an Atheros (formerly Attansic) L2 10/100, and I'm not aware of any
> concrete plans for a driver for it.
> I've used a Linksys USB200M USB ethernet (axe(4) driver) with mine and
> that works well.

Do you happen to know how well it's supported with the other major BSD
Unix systems (Open- and Net-)?

CCD CopyWrite Chad Perrin [ ]
John W. Russell: "People point. Sometimes that's just easier. They also use
words. Sometimes that's just easier. For the same reasons that pointing has
not made words obsolete, there will always be command lines."
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Asus eee (was Re: G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?)

2008-01-02 Thread Ed Maste
On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 06:20:22PM +, James Jeffery wrote:

> Before i end the toipic, anyone got any feeback on the Asus Eee (mini
> laptops) with FreeBSD?

It works, but no drivers exist for the wireless or wired Ethernet ports.
The wireless is a newer Atheros part and ath(4) should gain support for
it, but I have no idea what the timeline will be.  The wired Ethernet
is an Atheros (formerly Attansic) L2 10/100, and I'm not aware of any
concrete plans for a driver for it.

I've used a Linksys USB200M USB ethernet (axe(4) driver) with mine and
that works well.

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G4 Quicksilver as Web Server?

2008-01-01 Thread James Jeffery
Sup guys. Hope you all had a new year.

I have an old G4 lying about, its got 256mb ram, 733mhz processor. I was
wondering, would it be worth setting up the PPC version of FreeBSD (or maybe
even OpenBSD, although thats for their mailing list) on it to use as a web
server or testing box.

The most i'd do on it is probably use it as a testing box to create server
applications using C++. Id like ot work within a BSD enviroment because
thats what ive been using for a long time now, but i dont want all the extra
windows crap you get with OSX, id much rather work with command line. I
havn't got an old PC lying about, and because of university i need to keep
my PC intact with XP (assignments, research ect.).

Before i end the toipic, anyone got any feeback on the Asus Eee (mini
laptops) with FreeBSD?

Im open to any feedback.

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Re: Configuring mailman with web server different from mail server

2007-08-21 Thread Eric Crist

On Aug 21, 2007, at 11:45 AMAug 21, 2007, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Aug 20, 2007, at 9:51 PM, Olivier Nicole wrote:

I am trying to install mailman from the ports.

I have different machine for the mail server and the web server and I
am trying to figure if this configuration is workable.

The MTA is sendmail, where could I find configure example?

You can have Mailman use a non-local SMTP server by adjusting the  
Mailman/ file (see, but it's somewhat  
annoying to do this as you will have to copy over the list aliases  
onto the mailserver, rather than having the newlist command do so  
automagically for you.

I suppose you could do the same for a non-local webserver, but that  
would be even more difficult: you'd almost have to set up  
filesharing between the two machines so that the list archives and  
the various Mailman web resources are available on the webserver.

If you've already got a webserver somewhere that you'd want to use,  
you'd be better off running Mailman on there

Others will probably laugh me off the list, but my recommendation for  
such things is to use the Apache ProxyPass stuff.  My mail server  
here contains all the web interface controls/etc on the mail server  
itself.  My webserver has a simply ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse  
statement to make it appear as though everything resides on the one  
web server, and thus, one domain.  The advantage to this, as well, is  
there are no direct connections made to my mail server for the web  
interface through the firewall, since everything from outside is  
hitting my dedicated web server.


Eric F Crist
Secure Computing Networks

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Re: Configuring mailman with web server different from mail server

2007-08-21 Thread Chuck Swiger

On Aug 20, 2007, at 9:51 PM, Olivier Nicole wrote:

I am trying to install mailman from the ports.

I have different machine for the mail server and the web server and I
am trying to figure if this configuration is workable.

The MTA is sendmail, where could I find configure example?

You can have Mailman use a non-local SMTP server by adjusting the  
Mailman/ file (see, but it's somewhat annoying  
to do this as you will have to copy over the list aliases onto the  
mailserver, rather than having the newlist command do so  
automagically for you.

I suppose you could do the same for a non-local webserver, but that  
would be even more difficult: you'd almost have to set up filesharing  
between the two machines so that the list archives and the various  
Mailman web resources are available on the webserver.

If you've already got a webserver somewhere that you'd want to use,  
you'd be better off running Mailman on there


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Re: Configuring mailman with web server different from mail server

2007-08-20 Thread Martin Hepworth

sure I do this - configure sendmail on the mailman machine as per
instuctions for the list and 'smartrelay' the mail via mailserver on the web

On the mailserver also make sure all the aliases for the list point at the


On 8/21/07, Olivier Nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install mailman from the ports.
> I have different machine for the mail server and the web server and I
> am trying to figure if this configuration is workable.
> The MTA is sendmail, where could I find configure example?
> Best regards,
> Olivier
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Configuring mailman with web server different from mail server

2007-08-20 Thread Olivier Nicole

I am trying to install mailman from the ports.

I have different machine for the mail server and the web server and I
am trying to figure if this configuration is workable.

The MTA is sendmail, where could I find configure example?

Best regards,

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Re: using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...

2006-11-30 Thread Marc G. Fournier
Hash: SHA1

- --On Thursday, November 30, 2006 15:58:24 +0200 Nikos Vassiliadis 

> On Thursday 30 November 2006 15:30, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
>> Does anyone have an example of this?  I've searched google, and am finding
>> nothing other then that it can be done ...
> Interesting question Marc.
> Just found this
> If you google for (telnet post http) you'll find many similar pages.

Perfect, thank you ... didn't think to search for telnet :(

Marc G. Fournier   Hub.Org Networking Services (
Yahoo . yscrappy   Skype: hub.orgICQ . 7615664
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (FreeBSD)


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Re: using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...

2006-11-30 Thread Marc G. Fournier
Hash: SHA1

- --On Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:08:33 -0600 Dan Nelson 

> In the last episode (Nov 30), Marc G. Fournier said:
>> using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...
>> Does anyone have an example of this?  I've searched google, and am
>> finding nothing other then that it can be done ...
> I'd recommend using curl.  It has options for sending HTTP POST data in
> a couple of different formats.  With nc, you'll have to fabricate the
> entire request and pipe it in.  Easy enough to determine the format by
> tcpdumping a browser session, but curl has done the work and lets you
> do error checking on the response.

Availability, mostly :(  nc seems to be part of the base OS, while curl is an a 
port ... I'm trying to find a way to use POST to send the bsdstats data out, 
insted of GET ...

Thanks though ...

Marc G. Fournier   Hub.Org Networking Services (
Yahoo . yscrappy   Skype: hub.orgICQ . 7615664
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (FreeBSD)


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Re: using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...

2006-11-30 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Nov 30), Marc G. Fournier said:
> using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...  
> Does anyone have an example of this?  I've searched google, and am
> finding nothing other then that it can be done ...

I'd recommend using curl.  It has options for sending HTTP POST data in
a couple of different formats.  With nc, you'll have to fabricate the
entire request and pipe it in.  Easy enough to determine the format by
tcpdumping a browser session, but curl has done the work and lets you
do error checking on the response.

Dan Nelson
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Re: using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...

2006-11-30 Thread Nikos Vassiliadis
On Thursday 30 November 2006 15:30, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> Does anyone have an example of this?  I've searched google, and am finding
> nothing other then that it can be done ...

Interesting question Marc.

Just found this

If you google for (telnet post http) you'll find many similar pages.

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using netcat (nc) to POST data to a web server ...

2006-11-30 Thread Marc G. Fournier
Hash: SHA1

Does anyone have an example of this?  I've searched google, and am finding 
nothing other then that it can be done ...

Thx ...

Marc G. Fournier   Hub.Org Networking Services (
Yahoo . yscrappy   Skype: hub.orgICQ . 7615664
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (FreeBSD)


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Re: Help: Suitable Version for Web Server?

2006-11-17 Thread Armin Arh
On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 11:22:50AM +0100, VeeJay wrote:
> Apache ???
> MySQL ???
> PHP ???
> QMail

caudium-1.2   (HTTP)

are the right choice for my PUBBOX.

the postgres knows all about every user and application he may use.
It is absolutely reliable. Mysql can't do that.
(no foreign keys, no transactions, slow for complex queries anyway...)

Mysql is a good choice, if you don't need sanity checks, and
retreive tons of bulk data with a straightforward select...
...there it is notably faster


PUBBOX Postmaster + spam-killer. Free email addresses at
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Re: Help: Suitable Version for Web Server?

2006-11-17 Thread Bachilo Dmitry
В сообщении от Пятница 17 ноября 2006 16:22 VeeJay написал(a):
> Can someone working in Web Hosting suggest that which versions of the
> following software are more secure & relaiable for a Busy Web Server?
> OS: FreeBSD 6.1
> Apache ???
> MySQL ???
> PHP ???
> QMail
> Thanks a Lot

It's already've been said here.

Personally I use:
Apache 1.2
MySQL 5.0
and cucipop+sendmail

Looks stable yet.


С уважением, Бачило Дмитрий
Best Regards, Bachilo Dmitry
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Help: Suitable Version for Web Server?

2006-11-17 Thread VeeJay

Can someone working in Web Hosting suggest that which versions of the
following software are more secure & relaiable for a Busy Web Server?

OS: FreeBSD 6.1
Apache ???
MySQL ???
PHP ???

Thanks a Lot


BR / vj
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Re: Web server requirements

2006-08-20 Thread doug
I did not see the answer to the dynamic content question. I ran 400-500 web 
sites on a 300 MHz processor until it died. My problems were memory, disk space 
and bandwidth. If you are going to use perl or modperl for dynamic content, any 
processor you can buy today will probably be fast enough.

If did not see RAID mentioned in the thread, but I would recommend that. If you 
have a budget, I would spend it on memory, 1GB (more?) and the rest on disks and 
an ata raid controller.

On Sat, 19 Aug 2006, Derek Ragona wrote:

It sounds like you have this older hardware to use, so you can try it and 
see.  It will likely be a bit under powered for the streaming, and may chug 
under the maximum users.  With hardware prices at an all time low, you might 
want to consider something faster with more capacity, but you can always move 
to that later.


At 01:55 PM 8/19/2006, Dearment, Alaric J wrote:
I'm the on-line editor of expo, Ball State University's student-run 
magazine. We're reviving our Web site, and I've been thinking seriously 
about running it off a FreeBSD-based server. However, I'm not sure what 
kinds of system requirements I'll have.

The school has roughly 20,000 students and the magazine comes out once a 
semester. If I were to guess, I'd say we'll be having 100 people on the 
server at once on busy days, most of whom will be on campus. In addition to 
articles, the server will probably offer a 10- to 15-minute video and/or 
podcast to go with the cover story. Also, the server will also be used as a 
mail server and file server, though file services will likely only be 
needed for a couple of days each semester and E-mail accounts will only be 
for staff to do things such as receive feedback on articles and so forth.

What sorts of requirements would such a server need as far as processor, 
RAM and HD are concerned, assuming it would be running on FreeBSD? Would a 
machine with 512M of RAM, a 140G HD and 1.2GHz processor work?

Thank you,
Alaric DeArment
Ball State University
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Re: Web server requirements

2006-08-19 Thread Derek Ragona
It sounds like you have this older hardware to use, so you can try it and 
see.  It will likely be a bit under powered for the streaming, and may chug 
under the maximum users.  With hardware prices at an all time low, you 
might want to consider something faster with more capacity, but you can 
always move to that later.


At 01:55 PM 8/19/2006, Dearment, Alaric J wrote:
I'm the on-line editor of expo, Ball State University's student-run 
magazine. We're reviving our Web site, and I've been thinking seriously 
about running it off a FreeBSD-based server. However, I'm not sure what 
kinds of system requirements I'll have.

The school has roughly 20,000 students and the magazine comes out once a 
semester. If I were to guess, I'd say we'll be having 100 people on the 
server at once on busy days, most of whom will be on campus. In addition 
to articles, the server will probably offer a 10- to 15-minute video 
and/or podcast to go with the cover story. Also, the server will also be 
used as a mail server and file server, though file services will likely 
only be needed for a couple of days each semester and E-mail accounts will 
only be for staff to do things such as receive feedback on articles and so 

What sorts of requirements would such a server need as far as processor, 
RAM and HD are concerned, assuming it would be running on FreeBSD? Would a 
machine with 512M of RAM, a 140G HD and 1.2GHz processor work?

Thank you,
Alaric DeArment
Ball State University
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Re: Web server requirements

2006-08-19 Thread Darrin Chandler
On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 at 02:55:59PM -0400, Dearment, Alaric J wrote:
> I'm the on-line editor of expo, Ball State University's student-run magazine. 
> We're reviving our Web site, and I've been thinking seriously about running 
> it off a FreeBSD-based server. However, I'm not sure what kinds of system 
> requirements I'll have.
> The school has roughly 20,000 students and the magazine comes out once a 
> semester. If I were to guess, I'd say we'll be having 100 people on the 
> server at once on busy days, most of whom will be on campus. In addition to 
> articles, the server will probably offer a 10- to 15-minute video and/or 
> podcast to go with the cover story. Also, the server will also be used as a 
> mail server and file server, though file services will likely only be needed 
> for a couple of days each semester and E-mail accounts will only be for staff 
> to do things such as receive feedback on articles and so forth.
> What sorts of requirements would such a server need as far as processor, RAM 
> and HD are concerned, assuming it would be running on FreeBSD? Would a 
> machine with 512M of RAM, a 140G HD and 1.2GHz processor work?

A lot depends on how your web content will be served up. If you're going
to run a very dynamic CMS w/ database then requirements will go up. If
you're serving more or less static pages then the requirements won't be
nearly as high.

Spend money on RAM. Big payoff, and it's pretty cheap. Spend money on a
good disk (SCSI, SAS, High-End SATA) with a good controller and you'll
get your money in performance. Buy a decent network card! These things
will pay off more than processor speed for a web server, usually.

Darrin Chandler|  Phoenix BSD Users Group
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Re: Web server requirements

2006-08-19 Thread Martin Tournoij
On Sat, 19 Aug 2006 20:55:59 +0200, Dearment, Alaric J  

I'm the on-line editor of expo, Ball State University's student-run  
magazine. We're reviving our Web site, and I've been thinking seriously  
about running it off a FreeBSD-based server. However, I'm not sure what  
kinds of system requirements I'll have.

The school has roughly 20,000 students and the magazine comes out once a  
semester. If I were to guess, I'd say we'll be having 100 people on the  
server at once on busy days, most of whom will be on campus. In addition  
to articles, the server will probably offer a 10- to 15-minute video  
and/or podcast to go with the cover story. Also, the server will also be  
used as a mail server and file server, though file services will likely  
only be needed for a couple of days each semester and E-mail accounts  
will only be for staff to do things such as receive feedback on articles  
and so forth.

What sorts of requirements would such a server need as far as processor,  
RAM and HD are concerned, assuming it would be running on FreeBSD? Would  
a machine with 512M of RAM, a 140G HD and 1.2GHz processor work?

That will probably be enough.

The Slackware site runs on a PIII 600 with 512MB RAM,

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Web server requirements

2006-08-19 Thread Dearment, Alaric J
I'm the on-line editor of expo, Ball State University's student-run magazine. 
We're reviving our Web site, and I've been thinking seriously about running it 
off a FreeBSD-based server. However, I'm not sure what kinds of system 
requirements I'll have.

The school has roughly 20,000 students and the magazine comes out once a 
semester. If I were to guess, I'd say we'll be having 100 people on the server 
at once on busy days, most of whom will be on campus. In addition to articles, 
the server will probably offer a 10- to 15-minute video and/or podcast to go 
with the cover story. Also, the server will also be used as a mail server and 
file server, though file services will likely only be needed for a couple of 
days each semester and E-mail accounts will only be for staff to do things such 
as receive feedback on articles and so forth.

What sorts of requirements would such a server need as far as processor, RAM 
and HD are concerned, assuming it would be running on FreeBSD? Would a machine 
with 512M of RAM, a 140G HD and 1.2GHz processor work?

Thank you,
Alaric DeArment
Ball State University
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Re: Web server mailing list?

2006-08-18 Thread Chris

Kirk Strauser wrote:

On Friday 18 August 2006 9:42 am, albi wrote:


excuse me, imho this part of your question is a little unclear, i don't
get the php/mysql idea

He wants to subscribe to mailing lists for Apache, PHP, and MySQL that are 
as good as this list is for FreeBSD.

Yes, sorry about that every.  Didn't realize I was vague, I kind of 
typed off the question as I ran out the door this morning.  I'm just 
wondering if there is a good list for apache, php, and mysql, i.e. that 
aren't too strict about posts being for just a single one of those 
topics and have the quality of this list for knowledgeable responses.


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Re: Web server mailing list?

2006-08-18 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Friday 18 August 2006 9:42 am, albi wrote:

> excuse me, imho this part of your question is a little unclear, i don't
> get the php/mysql idea

He wants to subscribe to mailing lists for Apache, PHP, and MySQL that are 
as good as this list is for FreeBSD.
Kirk Strauser

Description: PGP signature

Re: Web server mailing list?

2006-08-18 Thread albi
Chris Telting wrote:

> Any recomondations for a apache/php/mysql mailing list?  

excuse me, imho this part of your question is a little unclear, i don't
get the php/mysql idea

> Anything as awsome as this list?

that's mailman :

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Web server mailing list?

2006-08-18 Thread Chris Telting
Any recomondations for a apache/php/mysql mailing list?  Anything as 
awsome as this list?


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Web server mailing list?

2006-08-18 Thread Chris

Any recomondations for a apache/php/mysql mailing list?  Anything as
awsome as this list?


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RE: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Clark, Ronald

You are the man! Big Thank you. It is working now and I am on my way to
working out my presentation for either tomorrow or early next week. 


-Original Message-
From: Philip Hallstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:39 PM
To: Clark, Ronald
Subject: RE: New Web Server

> I have started over. I am back to this level:
> FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE #0: Tue Aug  1 17:59:18 CDT 2006
> With MySQL server 4.1 installed and working. Now to build 
> Apache13-modssl and hopefully add PHP to it. However, I cannot find
> mod_php5 in ports. Is this port deprecated and is now gone? If this is

> the case, how should I build this out?
> I have read all of your responses up to this point, and thank you all 
> for responding. The responses are for the most part what I remember 
> from building my last web server some months ago, but now it seems my 
> old methods may be obsolete or need refining.
> Please continue to help out, as it is really appreciated.

Try /usr/ports/lang/php5

Then pick the apache module... that should pick up apache as well...


> RC
> From: Ron Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:21 AM
> To:
> Cc: Clark, Ronald
> Subject: New Web Server
> Hello all,
> I am building a new web server, and have gotten Mysql, Apache and PHP
> (php5-extensions) loaded from the ports. However, Apache is not 
> picking up my index.php file. Is there a step somewhere that I have 
> missed? I have added
>AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
>AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
> to the httpd.conf file, still no luck.
> Thanks in advance.
> RC
> __
> __
> This email is intended only for the use by the party to which it is 
> addressed and may contain information that is privileged, 
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RE: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I have started over. I am back to this level:
FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE #0: Tue Aug  1 17:59:18 CDT 2006

With MySQL server 4.1 installed and working. Now to build
Apache13-modssl and hopefully add PHP to it. However, I cannot find
mod_php5 in ports. Is this port deprecated and is now gone? If this is
the case, how should I build this out?

I have read all of your responses up to this point, and thank you all
for responding. The responses are for the most part what I remember from
building my last web server some months ago, but now it seems my old
methods may be obsolete or need refining.

Please continue to help out, as it is really appreciated.

Try /usr/ports/lang/php5

Then pick the apache module... that should pick up apache as well...



From: Ron Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:21 AM
Cc: Clark, Ronald
Subject: New Web Server

Hello all,

I am building a new web server, and have gotten Mysql, Apache and PHP
(php5-extensions) loaded from the ports. However, Apache is not picking
up my index.php file. Is there a step somewhere that I have missed? I
have added

   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
   AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

to the httpd.conf file, still no luck.

Thanks in advance.


This email is intended only for the use by the party to which it is addressed
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RE: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Clark, Ronald

I have started over. I am back to this level:
FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE #0: Tue Aug  1 17:59:18 CDT 2006

With MySQL server 4.1 installed and working. Now to build
Apache13-modssl and hopefully add PHP to it. However, I cannot find
mod_php5 in ports. Is this port deprecated and is now gone? If this is
the case, how should I build this out? 

I have read all of your responses up to this point, and thank you all
for responding. The responses are for the most part what I remember from
building my last web server some months ago, but now it seems my old
methods may be obsolete or need refining. 

Please continue to help out, as it is really appreciated. 

From: Ron Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:21 AM
Cc: Clark, Ronald
Subject: New Web Server

Hello all, 


I am building a new web server, and have gotten Mysql, Apache and PHP
(php5-extensions) loaded from the ports. However, Apache is not picking
up my index.php file. Is there a step somewhere that I have missed? I
have added 

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps


to the httpd.conf file, still no luck. 


Thanks in advance.


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Re: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread eoghan

On 10 Aug 2006, at 18:33, Jeff Cross wrote:

In your original post you say you installed PHP (php5-extensions).   

you actually install PHP5 or just the extensions?

PHP5 is at /usr/ports/lang/php5 and the extensions are at
/usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions.  I'm not sure if compiling the later
will install the actual PHP5 port or not...

In my tutorial

I installed PHP5 then the extensions and it worked fine.

Yes I found that I had to install /usr/ports/lang/php5 and then the  
php5-extensions port.

Then it worked for me.
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Re: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Jeff Cross
Clark, Ronald wrote:
>  AddType = typo on my part. Sorry. In the conf file it is
> "AddModule mod_php5.c". I have added the LoadModule as well and get a
> similar error message. So I try to look for the files themselves like
> this: #find / -name mod_php5.c
> It finds nothing. Same results with looking for Is there an
> issue with the install or did I miss a step? Is there a recipe for
> setting up a server, something like "FreeBSD-Apache-Mysql-PHP for
> dummies"?
> RC
> -Original Message-
> From: Javier Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:38 AM
> To: Clark, Ronald
> Subject: Re: New Web Server
> The text you cut-n-pasted has AddType, is that how it appears on
> the httpd.conf file?
> Did you restart Apache after changing httpd.conf? (apparently you have,
> since it picked up the index.php change).
> You may need to add a LoadModule as well.
> -jav
> On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:26 PM, Clark, Ronald wrote:
>> Ok, I just tried that, and it wants to open index.php with a text 
>> editor. It is acting like Apache does not know how to handle a *.php 
>> file.
>> In my httpd conf, says to add LoadMudule and 
>> AddMudule statements. Are those still needed?
>> RC
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Javier Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:27 AM
>> Cc:; Clark, Ronald
>> Subject: Re: New Web Server
>> On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Ron Clark wrote:
>>>Hello all,
>>>I am building a new web server , and have gotten Mysql, Apache and
>>>PHP (php5-extensions) loaded from the p orts. However, Apache is 
>>> not
>>>picking up my index.php file. Is there a step  somewhere that I 
>>> have
>>>missed? I have added
>>>A ddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
>>>AddType  application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
>>>to the httpd.conf f ile, still no luck.
>> Does it work if you append /index.php to the URL?
>> If so, add index.php to your DirectoryIndex stanza.
>> -jav
>> __
>> __
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> ___
> mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
In your original post you say you installed PHP (php5-extensions).  Did
you actually install PHP5 or just the extensions?

PHP5 is at /usr/ports/lang/php5 and the extensions are at
/usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions.  I'm not sure if compiling the later
will install the actual PHP5 port or not...

In my tutorial
I installed PHP5 then the extensions and it worked fine.

Jeff Cross

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Re: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Jeff Cross
Ron Clark wrote:
>Hello all,
>I am building a new web server= and have gotten Mysql, Apache and
>PHP (php5-extensions) loaded from the p=rts. However, Apache is not
>picking up my index.php file. Is there a step =omewhere that I have
>missed? I have added
>A=dType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
>AddType =pplication/x-httpd-php-source .phps
>to the httpd.conf f=le, still no luck.
>Thanks in advance.
>RC =0D
> mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
I wrote a tutorial for this a while back and looked through it again
when I saw your post.  It is located here:

The only other thing I saw in my tutorial that you didn't mention here
is to add index.php to the DirectoryIndex directive within your
httpd.conf file.

Try that, if you haven't already, and let us know how it goes.


Jeff Cross
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Re: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Kevin Monceaux

On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 11:40:52AM -0500, Clark, Ronald wrote:
> It finds nothing. Same results with looking for Is there an
> issue with the install or did I miss a step? Is there a recipe for
> setting up a server, something like "FreeBSD-Apache-Mysql-PHP for
> dummies"?

In your first e-mail you mentioned you installed the php5-extensions port. comes from the mod_php5 port.  That's the port you need to
install to use mod_php with Apache.  You can find information on Apache and
the various modules available for it in Chapter 25 of the FreeBSD Handbook:

Bruceville, TX

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
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RE: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Philip Hallstrom

When I add them to the conf file and try to start the web server, it
"Cannot add module via name 'mod_php5.c': not in list of loaded modules"

Does this help out at all?

I have this in my httpd.conf in this order...

LoadModule php5_modulelibexec/apache/
AddModule mod_php5.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .php4
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

The php module went into /usr/local/libexec/apache/

All from ports...

apache+mod_ssl-1.3.34+2.8.25_3 The Apache 1.3 webserver with SSL/TLS 
php5-5.1.4  PHP Scripting Language (Apache Module and CLI)


-Original Message-
From: Philip Hallstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:37 AM
To: Clark, Ronald
Cc: Javier Henderson; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: RE: New Web Server

Ok, I just tried that, and it wants to open index.php with a text
editor. It is acting like Apache does not know how to handle a *.php

In my httpd conf, says to add LoadMudule and
AddMudule statements. Are those still needed?

I believe so... unless you've built it statically they are...


-Original Message-
From: Javier Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:27 AM
Cc:; Clark, Ronald
Subject: Re: New Web Server

On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Ron Clark wrote:

   Hello all,

   I am building a new web server , and have gotten Mysql, Apache and
   PHP (php5-extensions) loaded from the p orts. However, Apache is
   picking up my index.php file. Is there a step  somewhere that I
   missed? I have added

   A ddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
   AddType  application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

   to the httpd.conf f ile, still no luck.

Does it work if you append /index.php to the URL?

If so, add index.php to your DirectoryIndex stanza.



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RE: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Clark, Ronald
 AddType = typo on my part. Sorry. In the conf file it is
"AddModule mod_php5.c". I have added the LoadModule as well and get a
similar error message. So I try to look for the files themselves like
this: #find / -name mod_php5.c

It finds nothing. Same results with looking for Is there an
issue with the install or did I miss a step? Is there a recipe for
setting up a server, something like "FreeBSD-Apache-Mysql-PHP for


-Original Message-
From: Javier Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:38 AM
To: Clark, Ronald
Subject: Re: New Web Server

The text you cut-n-pasted has AddType, is that how it appears on
the httpd.conf file?

Did you restart Apache after changing httpd.conf? (apparently you have,
since it picked up the index.php change).

You may need to add a LoadModule as well.


On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:26 PM, Clark, Ronald wrote:

> Ok, I just tried that, and it wants to open index.php with a text 
> editor. It is acting like Apache does not know how to handle a *.php 
> file.
> In my httpd conf, says to add LoadMudule and 
> AddMudule statements. Are those still needed?
> RC
> -Original Message-
> From: Javier Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:27 AM
> Cc:; Clark, Ronald
> Subject: Re: New Web Server
> On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Ron Clark wrote:
>>Hello all,
>>I am building a new web server , and have gotten Mysql, Apache and
>>PHP (php5-extensions) loaded from the p orts. However, Apache is 
>> not
>>picking up my index.php file. Is there a step  somewhere that I 
>> have
>>missed? I have added
>>A ddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
>>AddType  application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
>>to the httpd.conf f ile, still no luck.
> Does it work if you append /index.php to the URL?
> If so, add index.php to your DirectoryIndex stanza.
> -jav
> __
> __
> This email is intended only for the use by the party to which it is 
> addressed and may contain information that is privileged, 
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Re: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Javier Henderson
The text you cut-n-pasted has AddType, is that how it appears  
on the httpd.conf file?

Did you restart Apache after changing httpd.conf? (apparently you  
have, since it picked up the index.php change).

You may need to add a LoadModule as well.


On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:26 PM, Clark, Ronald wrote:

Ok, I just tried that, and it wants to open index.php with a text
editor. It is acting like Apache does not know how to handle a *.php

In my httpd conf, says to add LoadMudule and
AddMudule statements. Are those still needed?


-Original Message-
From: Javier Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:27 AM
Cc:; Clark, Ronald
Subject: Re: New Web Server

On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Ron Clark wrote:

   Hello all,

   I am building a new web server , and have gotten Mysql, Apache and
   PHP (php5-extensions) loaded from the p orts. However, Apache is
   picking up my index.php file. Is there a step  somewhere that I
   missed? I have added

   A ddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
   AddType  application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

   to the httpd.conf f ile, still no luck.

Does it work if you append /index.php to the URL?

If so, add index.php to your DirectoryIndex stanza.



This email is intended only for the use by the party to which it is  
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RE: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Clark, Ronald
When I add them to the conf file and try to start the web server, it
"Cannot add module via name 'mod_php5.c': not in list of loaded modules"

Does this help out at all?


-Original Message-
From: Philip Hallstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:37 AM
To: Clark, Ronald
Cc: Javier Henderson; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: RE: New Web Server

> Ok, I just tried that, and it wants to open index.php with a text 
> editor. It is acting like Apache does not know how to handle a *.php 
> file.
> In my httpd conf, says to add LoadMudule and 
> AddMudule statements. Are those still needed?

I believe so... unless you've built it statically they are...

> RC
> -Original Message-
> From: Javier Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:27 AM
> Cc:; Clark, Ronald
> Subject: Re: New Web Server
> On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Ron Clark wrote:
>>Hello all,
>>I am building a new web server , and have gotten Mysql, Apache and
>>PHP (php5-extensions) loaded from the p orts. However, Apache is 
>> not
>>picking up my index.php file. Is there a step  somewhere that I 
>> have
>>missed? I have added
>>A ddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
>>AddType  application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
>>to the httpd.conf f ile, still no luck.
> Does it work if you append /index.php to the URL?
> If so, add index.php to your DirectoryIndex stanza.
> -jav
> __
> __
> This email is intended only for the use by the party to which it is 
> addressed and may contain information that is privileged, 
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RE: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Philip Hallstrom

Ok, I just tried that, and it wants to open index.php with a text
editor. It is acting like Apache does not know how to handle a *.php

In my httpd conf, says to add LoadMudule and
AddMudule statements. Are those still needed?

I believe so... unless you've built it statically they are...


-Original Message-
From: Javier Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:27 AM
Cc:; Clark, Ronald
Subject: Re: New Web Server

On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Ron Clark wrote:

   Hello all,

   I am building a new web server , and have gotten Mysql, Apache and
   PHP (php5-extensions) loaded from the p orts. However, Apache is
   picking up my index.php file. Is there a step  somewhere that I
   missed? I have added

   A ddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
   AddType  application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

   to the httpd.conf f ile, still no luck.

Does it work if you append /index.php to the URL?

If so, add index.php to your DirectoryIndex stanza.


This email is intended only for the use by the party to which it is addressed
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RE: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Clark, Ronald
Ok, I just tried that, and it wants to open index.php with a text
editor. It is acting like Apache does not know how to handle a *.php

In my httpd conf, says to add LoadMudule and
AddMudule statements. Are those still needed?


-Original Message-
From: Javier Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:27 AM
Cc:; Clark, Ronald
Subject: Re: New Web Server

On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Ron Clark wrote:

>Hello all,
>I am building a new web server , and have gotten Mysql, Apache and
>PHP (php5-extensions) loaded from the p orts. However, Apache is 
> not
>picking up my index.php file. Is there a step  somewhere that I 
> have
>missed? I have added
>A ddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
>AddType  application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
>to the httpd.conf f ile, still no luck.

Does it work if you append /index.php to the URL?

If so, add index.php to your DirectoryIndex stanza.


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Re: New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Javier Henderson

On Aug 10, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Ron Clark wrote:

   Hello all,

   I am building a new web server , and have gotten Mysql, Apache and
   PHP (php5-extensions) loaded from the p orts. However, Apache is  
   picking up my index.php file. Is there a step  somewhere that I  

   missed? I have added

   A ddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
   AddType  application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

   to the httpd.conf f ile, still no luck.

Does it work if you append /index.php to the URL?

If so, add index.php to your DirectoryIndex stanza.


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New Web Server

2006-08-10 Thread Ron Clark

   Hello all,

   I am building a new web server= , and have gotten Mysql, Apache and
   PHP (php5-extensions) loaded from the p= orts. However, Apache is not
   picking up my index.php file. Is there a step = somewhere that I have
   missed? I have added

   A= ddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
   AddType = application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

   to the httpd.conf f= ile, still no luck.

   Thanks in advance.

   RC = 
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RE: web server attack (solution & warning)

2006-04-09 Thread fbsd_user

I received this reply from another list.

Going back to the very beginning of your first post - those web
requests you listed as seeing are a bit troublesome.  They all seem
to be probes against your web server to verify if you can be used as
an open proxy server.  The first two requests are from SOCKS proxy
checkers, the 3rd is an HTTP CONNECT check to see if your server
will connect to an SMTP host (for use by SPAMMERS) and the last is a
request to a normal website.  The probes themselves are not what
worries me, as these happen all the time.  What worries me are the
status codes returned by your web server - 200 OK.  This normally
means that your server processed these requests successfully.  Are
you using mod_security to return bogus HTTP Response Codes???  I
sure hope so, otherwise you need to disable the mod_proxy module

 I checked my Apache httpd.conf file. The FreeBSD port of the
Apache13 activates a lot of standard dso modules and one of then is
the proxy module. I had thought those dso modules had to have a
directive coded for it before it became active. I see now that is
not true. I commented out the load for the proxy module in my
httpd.conf file.

Since many people install the apache port for apache 13 and 2 all
these people have servers that are open for abuse and do not know
it.  The proxy dso module should not be included in the apache port.
Apache port user be ware.

   Make sure you don't have mod_proxy enabled in Apache

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RE: web server attack

2006-04-07 Thread fbsd_user
mod_security is in the ports collection

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Robert Huff
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: web server attack

Frank Laszlo writes:

>  >> Does anyone know what this is and what I can do to stop it
>  >> besides adding the ip address to my firewall block rules?
>  >
>  > I suppose that someone is trying to exploit mod_proxy to
connect to an
>  > SMTP server (that's the "CONNECT" part), or at
>  > get HTTP replies back.
>  Setup mod_security to block that type of request. Any chance you
>  can capture some packets and send a link? I'd like to take a look
>  at it.

Running apache-2.2, I don't seem to have _security among the
modules.  Do I need to change my config (and rebuild), or does it
perhaps go by another name in this version?

Robert Huff

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Re: web server attack

2006-04-07 Thread Robert Huff

Frank Laszlo writes:

>  >> Does anyone know what this is and what I can do to stop it
>  >> besides adding the ip address to my firewall block rules?
>  >
>  > I suppose that someone is trying to exploit mod_proxy to connect to an 
>  > SMTP server (that's the "CONNECT" part), or at least 
>  > get HTTP replies back.
>  Setup mod_security to block that type of request. Any chance you
>  can capture some packets and send a link? I'd like to take a look
>  at it.

Running apache-2.2, I don't seem to have _security among the
modules.  Do I need to change my config (and rebuild), or does it
perhaps go by another name in this version?

Robert Huff

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Re: web server attack

2006-04-06 Thread Frank Laszlo

Chuck Swiger wrote:

fbsd_user wrote:
[ ... ]

Does anyone know what this is and what I can do to stop it
besides adding the ip address to my firewall block rules?

I suppose that someone is trying to exploit mod_proxy to connect to an 
SMTP server (that's the "CONNECT" part), or at least 
get HTTP replies back.

Make sure you don't have mod_proxy enabled in Apache - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:25 -0400]
"\x04\x01" 200 0 "-" "-" - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:45 -0400]
"\x05\x01" 200 0 "-" "-" - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:45 -0400]
"CONNECT HTTP/1.1" 200 7014 "-" "-" - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:46 -0400]
"GET HTTP/1.1" 200 7014 "-" "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)"

Setup mod_security to block that type of request. Any chance you can 
capture some packets and send a link? I'd like to take a look at it.

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Re: web server attack

2006-04-06 Thread Chuck Swiger

fbsd_user wrote:
[ ... ]

Does anyone know what this is and what I can do to stop it
besides adding the ip address to my firewall block rules?

I suppose that someone is trying to exploit mod_proxy to connect to an SMTP 
server (that's the "CONNECT" part), or at least get HTTP 
replies back.

Make sure you don't have mod_proxy enabled in Apache - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:25 -0400]
"\x04\x01" 200 0 "-" "-" - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:45 -0400]
"\x05\x01" 200 0 "-" "-" - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:45 -0400]
"CONNECT HTTP/1.1" 200 7014 "-" "-" - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:46 -0400]
"GET HTTP/1.1" 200 7014 "-" "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)"

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web server attack

2006-04-06 Thread fbsd_user
Posted this at 11am and now its 5:30pm and still have not seen this
post return from the list mailer. So posting it again.

In my httpd-access.log I have started receiving a lot of these.
Looks like some kind of attack to me.

This first showed up in my log on April fools day 4/1/06 and
get 4 per hour since then.

The IP address changes every time I add it to firewall rules to

Does anyone know what this is and what I can do to stop it
besides adding the ip address to my firewall block rules? - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:25 -0400]
"\x04\x01" 200 0 "-" "-" - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:45 -0400]
"\x05\x01" 200 0 "-" "-" - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:45 -0400]
"CONNECT HTTP/1.1" 200 7014 "-" "-" - - [06/Apr/2006:10:11:46 -0400]
"GET HTTP/1.1" 200 7014 "-" "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)"

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Re: Firewall/Web server difficulties

2006-02-19 Thread Norberto Meijome
Brian Bobowski wrote:
> Norberto Meijome wrote:
>> Brian Bobowski wrote:
>>> I'm poking at that now, yes. I had difficulty getting it to work with
>>> virtual hosts... but I can at least reference it by the private-side IP
>>> address and get places.
>> assuming you are using Apache, you can use * for Ip address and let it
>> be name-based virt host.
> Already running thus. DNS seems to be the problem, then. (Which I'll
> poke at later assuming hosting alternatives don't work out.)
(sorry for the delay in replying)
One thing you want to make sure you have off is the reverse dns lookup
setting in your httpd.conf - it's rather useless and it will add a
dependency on DNS to your web services.

>>> WAN. People have tried pinging and browsing, with no success.
>> then I would review the rules...
> Relevant rules text(and based on both startup text and behaviour of
> the firewall for other tasks, I know the rules file is being parsed)
> excerpted below:
for proper diagnosing, it'd be better to have the whole thing :)
hopefully it's already fixed...
> cmd="ipfw -q add"
> pif="rl0" #Interface which opens to the WAN; NAT interface

Is your NAT properly configured?
> prif="ed0" #LAN interface, private-side
> ks="keep-state"
> # More stuff here...
> $cmd 400 allow udp from to me 68 in via $pif # DHCP server
> $cmd 401 allow tcp from any to me 80 in via $pif # Apache
> $cmd 402 allow tcp from any to me 22 in via $pif # SSH
> $cmd 403 allow icmp from any to me in via $pif # For testing;
> low-traffic, not worried about ping floods at this time
> ---
> The firewall's DHCP requests are working fine, so #400 is working
> properly.
> Other machines, however, cannot see it.
what do you mean by this? the fact that #400 is working doesnt mean that
#401 will :) (there's nothing particularly wrong with #401..just saying
you are making the wrong assumption)
> That's one problem. The other is DNS. I'm still looking through the
> named.conf file and poking at the settings given for a secondary
> server... all I really want is a caching server that will first look
> at my own /etc/hosts file (where the domain names which refer to this
> machine are specified by their private-facing address).
hmm .. why would named.conf look into /etc/hosts ?
If this is your main DNS server for your zone, then make sure that it's
properly delegated, that all the relevant hosts are defined IN YOUR BIND
config , (well, /etc/hosts can't hurt, but you are just adding extra
variables that can muddle things up).

There's lots of good docs on BIND out there. If you want a rather easy
UI, why not install webmin from the ports?

good luck,
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Re: Help with strange web server problem

2006-02-15 Thread Chuck Swiger
Jerry Bell wrote:
[ ... ]
> I've done some more troubleshooting and some strange things have
> appeared.  First, the colo says there is NO proxy, and NO firewall in
> front of this server.

That's believable too, perhaps you simply have a NIC which is failing or is
screwing up the packet checksums in some odd case.  You would have to sniff the
traffic from another machine (perhaps a sysadmin's laptop?) and grab the full
packets ("-s 0" to tcpdump to be sure.

Have you tried swapping NICs or adding a PCI NIC card?  BTW:

> 1671172334:1671172334(0) win 64512  

This is not quite enough data to tell, but this looks like maybe you're seeing
the IPv6 MSS of 1260 rather than what I get by default (1460?) under FreeBSD?
Of course, it could just be a Windows client machine or something going through
something like a VPN/PPTP tunnel which reduces the MTU...?

What happens if you reduce your interface MTU to 1260?

You ought to be looking for all traffic between your server and a test host,
BTW, sometimes the ICMP traffic, if any, is important to understanding the 

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Re: Help with strange web server problem

2006-02-15 Thread Jerry Bell

Path MTU problem?

That would be my vote also.


I've done some more troubleshooting and some strange things have 
appeared.  First, the colo says there is NO proxy, and NO firewall in 
front of this server.

I captured a misfire on both the server and on my freebsd gateway.  The 
two traffic flows don't seem to quite line up.

First, here is the view from the server:
www# tcpdump - -vvv -A port 80
tcpdump: listening on em0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 
2006-02-15 22:18:11.014600 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 110, id 10713, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 48) > S [tcp sum ok] 1671172334:1671172334(0) win 

E..0)[EMAIL PROTECTED]>QG...?.d,.i.Pc...p..._...
2006-02-15 22:18:11.014650 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 34040, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 48) > S [bad tcp cksum a4c0 
(->9a1f)!] 1547658190:1547658190(0) ack 1671172335 win 65535 1460,nop,nop,sackOK>

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@..2?.d,GP.i\?c.c...p...
2006-02-15 22:18:11.060824 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 110, id 10715, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 40) > . [tcp sum ok] 1:1(0) ack 1086692403 win 64856

E..()[EMAIL PROTECTED]>WG...?.d,.i.Pc...P..X..
2006-02-15 22:18:11.060837 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 60576, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 40) > R [bad tcp cksum a4b8 
(->5e83)!] 2634350593:2634350593(0) win 0

E..([EMAIL PROTECTED]@...?.d,GP.iP...
2006-02-15 22:18:11.065196 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 110, id 10716, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 40) > . [tcp sum ok] 387:387(0) ack 1086692403 win 64856

E..()[EMAIL PROTECTED]>VG...?.d,.i.Pc..qP..X..
2006-02-15 22:18:11.065208 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 4488, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 40) > R [bad tcp cksum a4b8 
(->5e83)!] 2634350593:2634350593(0) win 0

E..([EMAIL PROTECTED]@...?.d,GP.iP...
2006-02-15 22:18:11.069569 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 110, id 10717, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 426) > P 1:387(386) ack 1086692403 win 64856

E...)[EMAIL PROTECTED]<.G...?.d,.i.Pc...P..X'1..GET / HTTP/1.1

   Accept: image/gif, image/x
2006-02-15 22:18:11.069579 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 40159, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 40) > R [bad tcp cksum a4b8 
(->5e83)!] 2634350593:2634350593(0) win 0

2006-02-15 22:18:14.014594 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 12734, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 48) > S [bad tcp cksum a4c0 
(->9a1f)!] 1547658190:1547658190(0) ack 1671172335 win 65535 1460,nop,nop,sackOK>

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.dl?.d,GP.i\?c.c...p...
2006-02-15 22:18:14.073367 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 110, id 10734, offset 0, 
flags [none], length: 40) > R [tcp sum ok] 1671172335:1671172335(0) win 0

Next, here is the view from the gateway (time is off on that one):
beta# tcpdump - -vvv -A port 80 and host
tcpdump: listening on xl0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 
2006-02-16 03:29:02.970756 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 10713, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 48) atllapjbell1.iss.local.3945 > S [tcp sum ok] 1671172334:1671172334(0) win 

E..0)[EMAIL PROTECTED],.i.Pc...p...
2006-02-16 03:29:03.016989 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  32, id 0, offset 0, flags 
[DF], length: 40) > atllapjbell1.iss.local.3945: 
S [tcp sum ok] 2634350592:2634350592(0) ack 1671172335 win 64512

E..([EMAIL PROTECTED] ...?.d,.P.ic...P...-p..
2006-02-16 03:29:03.017099 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  45, id 34040, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 48) > 
atllapjbell1.iss.local.3945: S [tcp sum ok] 1547658190:1547658190(0) ack 
1671172335 win 65535 

[EMAIL PROTECTED],.P.i\?c.c...p...
2006-02-16 03:29:03.017963 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 10715, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 40) atllapjbell1.iss.local.3945 > . [tcp sum o

k] 1:1(0) ack 1086692403 win 64856

E..()[EMAIL PROTECTED],.i.Pc...P..X,.
2006-02-16 03:29:03.018308 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 10716, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 40) atllapjbell1.iss.local.3945 > . [tcp sum o

k] 387:387(0) ack 1086692403 win 64856

E..()[EMAIL PROTECTED],.i.Pc..qP..X*.
2006-02-16 03:29:03.018794 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 10717, offset 0, 
flags [DF], length: 426) atllapjbell1.iss.local.3945 >

RE: Help with strange web server problem

2006-02-14 Thread fbsd_user
The Path MTU problem was fixed 2 years ago.
You are beating a dead horse going down that path.
My money is on your firewall rules.

Debugging problems like this is a process of elimination.
First thing is to remove your ipfw firewall from the system.
If you complied ipfw into your kernel then recompile to remove it

Then test to see if problem is still happening.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jerry Bell
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 6:04 AM
To: Ted Mittelstaedt
Subject: Re: Help with strange web server problem

What's the best way to go about verifying and fixing that?  I have
several other BSD servers on the same subnet in that colo that
having the problem.

Many thanks for your help!


Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Charles
>> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 11:41 AM
>> To: Jerry Bell
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: Help with strange web server problem
>> On Feb 13, 2006, at 7:58 AM, Jerry Bell wrote:
>>> It's hit or miss, but the first time someone visits the web
>>> they get
>>> a "server not found" page.  On hitting refresh, they get the
page - no
>>> problems.  If I wait a while and try again, I get the same
>> Path MTU problem?
> That would be my vote also.
> Ted
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Re: Help with strange web server problem

2006-02-14 Thread Jerry Bell
What's the best way to go about verifying and fixing that?  I have 
several other BSD servers on the same subnet in that colo that aren't 
having the problem. 

Many thanks for your help!


Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Charles Swiger
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 11:41 AM
To: Jerry Bell
Subject: Re: Help with strange web server problem

On Feb 13, 2006, at 7:58 AM, Jerry Bell wrote:

It's hit or miss, but the first time someone visits the web site,
they get
a "server not found" page.  On hitting refresh, they get the page - no
problems.  If I wait a while and try again, I get the same problem.

Path MTU problem?

That would be my vote also.



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RE: Help with strange web server problem

2006-02-14 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Charles Swiger
>Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 11:41 AM
>To: Jerry Bell
>Subject: Re: Help with strange web server problem
>On Feb 13, 2006, at 7:58 AM, Jerry Bell wrote:
>> It's hit or miss, but the first time someone visits the web site,
>> they get
>> a "server not found" page.  On hitting refresh, they get the page - no
>> problems.  If I wait a while and try again, I get the same problem.
>Path MTU problem?

That would be my vote also.


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Re: Help with strange web server problem

2006-02-13 Thread Norberto Meijome
Jerry Bell wrote:
> Looks like it's still an issue, so I'd say the firewall issue is still
> in play.  If there is not a firewall/proxy in place, are there any
> known issues with IPFW (or anything else with FBSD) that could cause
> this behavior?
Hi Jerry - hard to tell without seeing your firewall rules in place...

any errors in httpd-error.log ?

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Re: Help with strange web server problem

2006-02-13 Thread Jerry Bell
Looks like it's still an issue, so I'd say the firewall issue is still 
in play.  If there is not a firewall/proxy in place, are there any known 
issues with IPFW (or anything else with FBSD) that could cause this 

Jerry Bell wrote:
Charles - thank you for your excellent investigation!  I'm pretty sure 
that my colo provider isn't running a firewall (I've asked them not 
to, anyhow).  I am running IPFW on that box, with the standard "allow 
tcp from any to any established" followed by the  "allow tcp any to 
my_ip 80 setup".  I've done that on other servers without it being a 
problem like this.  I'm going to have the colo double check for router 
acl's or something like that in the morning.

Since this is such an intermittent problem, I can't yet say that it's 
fixed, but I ran with the "disks being idled" theory and wrote a small 
script that creates a file and deletes a file every minute, and since 
that's been running, I've not seeing the issue repeat - but then this 
is not a very repeatable problem.

Thanks again for your great assistance.


Charles Swiger wrote:

On Feb 13, 2006, at 3:12 PM, Jerry Bell wrote:
I didn't want to spam the link out, but it's  I 
gather the capture data from working and non working sessions and 
send it


Well, I can confirm the behavior you've described.

It looks somewhat like a stateful firewall or is in the way and is 
generating an RST, even while your webserver tries to generate a 
response.  However, once the firewall sees the outbound traffic, it 
seems to create a dynamic rule which lets the traffic from subsequent 
connections through:

5-pan# tcpdump -tnXs 0 host
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol 

listening on en0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
IP > S 
2282569549:2282569549(0) win 65535 0,nop,nop,timestamp 1159441862 0>
0x:  4510 003c 4653 4000 4006 7328 c767 15ee  
0x0010:  3faf 642c c634 0050 880d 3f4d    
0x0020:  a002  815f  0204 05b4 0103 0300  

0x0030:  0101 080a 451b adc6  E...
IP > S 
2634350592:2634350592(0) ack 2282569550 win 65535
0x:  4500 0028  4000 2506 d49f 3faf 642c  
0x0010:  c767 15ee 0050 c634 9d05  880d 3f4e  
0x0020:  5012  03bc     1b60  

0x0030:  2678 &x
IP > . ack 1 win 65535
0x:  4510 0028 4655 4000 4006 733a c767 15ee  
0x0010:  3faf 642c c634 0050 880d 3f4e 9d05 0001  

0x0020:  5010  03bd   P...

3-way handshake is completed here, next traffic should be from my 
machine making the "GET /", request, but instead your machine sends 
another ACK:

IP > S 
2238145710:2238145710(0) ack 2282569550 win 65535 1460,nop,wscale 1,nop,nop,timestamp 1453026167 1159441862>
0x:  4500 003c 57fa 4000 3206 6f91 3faf 642c  
0x0010:  c767 15ee 0050 c634 8567 64ae 880d 3f4e
0x0020:  a012  9cdb  0204 05b4 0103 0301  

0x0030:  0101 080a 569b 6b77 451b adc6 9345 1153  

Interesting that the previous ack had no TCP options set, whereas 
this one does include a timestamp in response.

IP > . ack 396204883 win 65535 

0x:  4510 0034 4656 4000 4006 732d c767 15ee  
0x0010:  3faf 642c c634 0050 880d 3f4e 9d05 0001  
0x0020:  8010  8157  0101 080a 451b adc7  

0x0030:  569b

Where did sequence # 396204883 come from?  And your side follows up 
with a pair of connection resets, and a normal ACK packet, too.

IP > R 
2634350593:2634350593(0) win 0
0x:  4500 0028 b6f6 4000 3206 10a9 3faf 642c  
0x0010:  c767 15ee 0050 c634 9d05 0001    
0x0020:  5004  cb24     f3fa  

0x0030:  5489 T.
IP > R 
2634350593:2634350593(0) win 0
0x:  4500 0028 4bfc 4000 3206 7ba3 3faf 642c  
0x0010:  c767 15ee 0050 c634 9d05 0001    
0x0020:  5004  cb24     abb8  

0x0030:  c9be ..
IP > 199.103.21

Re: Help with strange web server problem

2006-02-13 Thread Jerry Bell
Charles - thank you for your excellent investigation!  I'm pretty sure 
that my colo provider isn't running a firewall (I've asked them not to, 
anyhow).  I am running IPFW on that box, with the standard "allow tcp 
from any to any established" followed by the  "allow tcp any to my_ip 80 
setup".  I've done that on other servers without it being a problem like 
this.  I'm going to have the colo double check for router acl's or 
something like that in the morning.

Since this is such an intermittent problem, I can't yet say that it's 
fixed, but I ran with the "disks being idled" theory and wrote a small 
script that creates a file and deletes a file every minute, and since 
that's been running, I've not seeing the issue repeat - but then this is 
not a very repeatable problem.

Thanks again for your great assistance.


Charles Swiger wrote:

On Feb 13, 2006, at 3:12 PM, Jerry Bell wrote:

I didn't want to spam the link out, but it's  I will
gather the capture data from working and non working sessions and 
send it


Well, I can confirm the behavior you've described.

It looks somewhat like a stateful firewall or is in the way and is 
generating an RST, even while your webserver tries to generate a 
response.  However, once the firewall sees the outbound traffic, it 
seems to create a dynamic rule which lets the traffic from subsequent 
connections through:

5-pan# tcpdump -tnXs 0 host
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol 

listening on en0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
IP > S 2282569549:2282569549(0) 
win 65535 
0x:  4510 003c 4653 4000 4006 7328 c767 15ee  
0x0010:  3faf 642c c634 0050 880d 3f4d    
0x0020:  a002  815f  0204 05b4 0103 0300  

0x0030:  0101 080a 451b adc6  E...
IP > S 2634350592:2634350592(0) 
ack 2282569550 win 65535
0x:  4500 0028  4000 2506 d49f 3faf 642c  
0x0010:  c767 15ee 0050 c634 9d05  880d 3f4e  
0x0020:  5012  03bc     1b60  

0x0030:  2678 &x
IP > . ack 1 win 65535
0x:  4510 0028 4655 4000 4006 733a c767 15ee  
0x0010:  3faf 642c c634 0050 880d 3f4e 9d05 0001  

0x0020:  5010  03bd   P...

3-way handshake is completed here, next traffic should be from my 
machine making the "GET /", request, but instead your machine sends 
another ACK:

IP > S 2238145710:2238145710(0) 
ack 2282569550 win 65535 1453026167 1159441862>
0x:  4500 003c 57fa 4000 3206 6f91 3faf 642c  
0x0010:  c767 15ee 0050 c634 8567 64ae 880d 3f4e
0x0020:  a012  9cdb  0204 05b4 0103 0301  

0x0030:  0101 080a 569b 6b77 451b adc6 9345 1153  

Interesting that the previous ack had no TCP options set, whereas this 
one does include a timestamp in response.

IP > . ack 396204883 win 65535 

0x:  4510 0034 4656 4000 4006 732d c767 15ee  
0x0010:  3faf 642c c634 0050 880d 3f4e 9d05 0001  
0x0020:  8010  8157  0101 080a 451b adc7  

0x0030:  569b

Where did sequence # 396204883 come from?  And your side follows up 
with a pair of connection resets, and a normal ACK packet, too.

IP > R 2634350593:2634350593(0) 
win 0
0x:  4500 0028 b6f6 4000 3206 10a9 3faf 642c  
0x0010:  c767 15ee 0050 c634 9d05 0001    
0x0020:  5004  cb24     f3fa  

0x0030:  5489 T.
IP > R 2634350593:2634350593(0) 
win 0
0x:  4500 0028 4bfc 4000 3206 7ba3 3faf 642c  
0x0010:  c767 15ee 0050 c634 9d05 0001    
0x0020:  5004  cb24     abb8  

0x0030:  c9be ..
IP > S 2238145710:2238145710(0) 
ack 2282569550 win 65535 1453026467 1159441862>
0x:  4500 003c 3a9d 4000 3206 8cee 3faf 642c  
0x0010:  c767 15ee 0050 c634 8567 64ae 880d 3f4e
0x0020:  a012  9baf  0204 05b4 0103 0301  

Re: Help with strange web server problem

2006-02-13 Thread Gerard Seibert
Jerry Bell wrote:

> I didn't want to spam the link out, but it's  I will
> gather the capture data from working and non working sessions and send it
> out.
> Thanks!
> > On Feb 13, 2006, at 7:58 AM, Jerry Bell wrote:
> >> It's hit or miss, but the first time someone visits the web site,
> >> they get
> >> a "server not found" page.  On hitting refresh, they get the page - no
> >> problems.  If I wait a while and try again, I get the same problem.
> >
> > Path MTU problem?
> >
> >> The problem appears to be something in the initial communication
> >> with the
> >> web server.  Using tcpdump, I can see that the PC connects to the web
> >> server and sends the GET request, but the server closes the connection
> >> abruptly.  Comparing that flow to a normal session, I see that
> >> there are
> >> some extra packets between the initial SYN and the sending of the GET
> >> phrase that do not exist during a successful session.
> >
> > The details would help.  :-)  Or you could tell us what the server is
> > so we could try hitting it ourselves...
> >
> > --
> > -Chuck

I just tried visiting the site five times in the past few minutes
without incident. That probably does not help you very much though. I
am using FF, the latest version if that means anything.

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