Re: dot1x specification EAPOL-Logoff clarification

2008-04-30 Thread Artur Hecker


This is where it gets interesting. Just because the dot1x  
controlled port is in the closed state, it does not mean that  
another .1D bridge filter can't be open and allow traffic. HP et  
al have introduced (or are attempting) to introduce two tiered  
authentication, where the client is authenticated by MAC Address  
using RADIUS authentication, and then may 'Elevate' by sending an  
EAPOL-Start or Responding to an Ident Request. If the EAP session  
is terminated, with an EAP-Logoff then the client is Re- 
Authenticated with MAC-Based authentication.

Ok, this is something else once again. However, imo this is a very  
different problem. This is the integration of two tiers of a multi- 
tier access control. This cannot be within the scope of the  
standardization of any single access control type used here.

It is therefore up to the manufacturer to make sure that his  
solution is feasible, reliable and that it works. Just one other  
word: especially in multi-tier environment, there should be a  
precise distinction of different EAPOL packets. Thus, especially in  
this environment the signing of EAP-Logoff seems vital. Otherwise  
the outer tier could always send you a spoofed confirmation even  
though it never gave your Logoff to the inner tier, etc.

Anyway, it's a very different problem, out of scope of dot1X.

What scope does this fall within ?!

The problem is not within the standard, but how to build a system out  
of several ones. From the standard point of view, I still think that  
not confirming EAPOL-Logoff is a valuable design choice. As opposed to  
not have signed it :-)

I guess there is no standard which could reign over the application of  
other standards. These things are usually called "best practices". But  
I doubt there is one for multi-tier network access authentication with  
per-minute accounting :-)

I don't see how you could spoof EAPOL-Logoff packets in an  
encrypted wireless medium, unless you'd already cracked the WPA  
keys... You'd need to crack the unicast key for the target  

Stop - the EAPOL packets are neither signed NOR encrypted, in any  

That's the whole problem I'm talking about. They are *not* data  
traffic, these are management frames, as defined by 802.1X (1 =  
management). They never go through TKIP, CCMP, WEP etc. Since MAC  
addresses cannot be encrypted neither by definition, you can safely  
take the source address of the user and send EAPOL Logoff on his  

Woha, I didn't realise that ! Ok yes this could be a big issue.

Given the ease of this DDoS attack, I usually propose to ignore any  
EAP-Logoff altogether within the Authenticator PAE - if possible. As I  
said, this decision is up to the AuthServer. If the Session-Timeout is  
very short in respect to your Accounting intervals necessary for  
billing, I think you do not need to rely on it.


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Re: dot1x specification EAPOL-Logoff clarification

2008-04-30 Thread Artur Hecker


That said, I agree with the underlying strategy. I would have  
loved to

see DHCP integrated with 802.1X from the very beginning. Actually, I
would have gone farther and rather proposed a virtual and generic
signaling protocol for the session opening, where a client can  
all kinds of options with the network on all layers at the same  
This can be easily done with TLV, etc. Then, a provisioning server  

not only open the access but also preprovision the client with IP
config, proxies to use, existing printers, available servers (SMTP,
shares, etc.) etc etc etc, even before it gets IP layer access. That
would have been very nice for an enterprise integration. But well.

 That's called EAP-TTLS, with extra stuff inside of the tunnel. :)

What's the deal with chaining EAP Methods inside an EAP TTLS  
tunnel could you run EAP-MSCHAPv2 - EAP-TNC - EAP-DHCP  
(Fictitious EAP type) inside the same tunnel ?

Authentication - NAC - Configuration :)

That's what I meant. You could actually map this to a virtual  
interface (a signaling channel) and put the whole mobility things,  
network and service discovery, etc. on it: handoffs, mDNS, UPnP,  
whatever, to discover where you are and what it is. All that signed /  
encrypted with the authentication keys, previously established.

Fine for an enterprise and technically this is not a problem.

But it is not wanted, for two reasons:

1. The IETF's EAP-WG does not want it. EAP is authentication, not a  
generic transport.

You could come up with something simular and standardize it through  
IEEE and IETF, ok. but there is problem nr 2:

2. Even if it is ok for an Enterprise network, it is not ok for the  
Internet, which IETF is responsible for. It means indeed a different  
access model. The local provider becomes a bit too mighty in this  
configuration, so it cannot become a generic standard. This has been  
recently discussed at HOKEY, I believe.


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Re: dot1x specification EAPOL-Logoff clarification

2008-04-30 Thread Artur Hecker

Hi Arran

well, there is a big difference: the EAP-Success (unsigned, *sigh*)  
is the confirmation necessary for supplicant to know if it proceeds  
or not (DHCP, data comm, etc). (By the way, it's difficult to  
compare: the EAP-Success is EAP, while EAPOL is dot1X). The EAPOL- 
Logoff is not necessary for anything. You send it before you stop  
communicating. You might just as well just stop communicating.
Not true. From an accounting point of view the EAPOL-Logoff is  
pretty vital to maintain accurate information about which users are  
on which stations on which layer 2 network where. Sure a change in  
state at the MAC level will terminate any active sessions on that  
port, but a change in state at the MAC level doesn't always occur.

I know RADIUS Accounting isn't related to EAP authentication in any  
way, but nor is DHCP. At a protocol level there is no requirement  
for the supplicant to signal the authenticator telling it, that it  
wishes to end the session. But for all the other protocols that hang  
off it, it is vital to have reliable state information.

Ok, accounting is a very different issue. You were talking about DHCP  
before, so I did not get it.

Actually, you speak about Accounting control: you want to be sure that  
the EAP-Logoff has been taken into account by the access controller  
and that presumably your access is not billed anymore. From my  
experience, this depends a lot on your billing plans, tariffs, models,  
etc. And precise per minute or byte accounting works rather badly with  
Radius... As you said, it is a completely different problem anyway.

By the way, in that situation, EAP-Logoff would need to be signed.  
Just as any reply...

This is where it gets interesting. Just because the dot1x controlled  
port is in the closed state, it does not mean that another .1D  
bridge filter can't be open and allow traffic. HP et al have  
introduced (or are attempting) to introduce two tiered  
authentication, where the client is authenticated by MAC Address  
using RADIUS authentication, and then may 'Elevate' by sending an  
EAPOL-Start or Responding to an Ident Request. If the EAP session is  
terminated, with an EAP-Logoff then the client is Re-Authenticated  
with MAC-Based authentication.

Ok, this is something else once again. However, imo this is a very  
different problem. This is the integration of two tiers of a multi- 
tier access control. This cannot be within the scope of the  
standardization of any single access control type used here.

It is therefore up to the manufacturer to make sure that his solution  
is feasible, reliable and that it works. Just one other word:  
especially in multi-tier environment, there should be a precise  
distinction of different EAPOL packets. Thus, especially in this  
environment the signing of EAP-Logoff seems vital. Otherwise the outer  
tier could always send you a spoofed confirmation even though it never  
gave your Logoff to the inner tier, etc.

Anyway, it's a very different problem, out of scope of dot1X.

Oops? If you ask me, the 802.1X/EAP were actually pushed and  
promoted to improve WiFi security, even if they have nothing to  
do with WiFi. WPA, WPA2/802.11i (i.e. both Enterprise and PSK)  
use EAPOL and are based on 802.1X (at least in part). All newer  
recommendations concerning WiFi security mention 802.1X access  
control and EAP for session opening. HOKEY, 802.11r etc. work on  
that too, etc.

By the way, Ethernet *is* a shared medium. So, unless you have a  
completely switched wired LAN, you can always send EAP-Logoff  
(presumably with the wrong source MAC address) to anybody on your  
trunk. Even in switched LANs, depending on the architecture, there  
are possibilities to trick out the switches with poisoning,  
broadcasts, etc. EAP-Logoff should have been signed, at least  
optionally, especially if key material exists...
We do have a completely switched wired LAN. One to One links from  
the edge switches to the clients, switched all the way to the  
core... Unless I misunderstood what you meant be switched.


You can't broadcast EAPOL Logoff packets, if you do, they will be  

I didn't mean that you'd broadcast the EAPOL packet. You broadcast  
something under a wrong source MAC until some switch starts forwarding  
packets for this address to you. Then you can safely send out EAP- 
Logoff packets to the switch on the user's behalf, resulting in the  
closure of this session (this is DDoS). It does depend on the precise  
architecture though, e.g. where is the controller, is the first switch  
the access controller etc. It does not always work.

I don't see how you could spoof EAPOL-Logoff packets in an encrypted  
wireless medium, unless you'd already cracked the WPA keys... You'd  
need to crack the unicast key for the target client

Stop - the EAPOL packets are neither signed NOR encrypted, in any  

That's the whole problem I'm talking about. They

Re: dot1x specification EAPOL-Logoff clarification

2008-04-30 Thread Artur Hecker


On 30 Apr 2008, at 14:08, Alan DeKok wrote:

Artur Hecker wrote:
Yes, as I said, the dependency in that sense might make sense. We  
did it
in a student project, and I rather see the problem at the network  

the EAP-Server and the DHCP server almost never reside at the same

 Really?  They must be running bad software. :)

 There's no reason that the EAP server && DHCP server can't be the  


;-) Yes, right. Freeradius is very cool :-)

But the reason for this is the following. In the current best  
practice, the EAP-Server must never be reachable for clients, while  
the DHCP server *must* be reachable from client by definition. I.e.  
only access controllers (part of your infrastructure) speak to the EAP- 
Server, while your clients speak to the DHCP server.

That said, I agree with the underlying strategy. I would have loved to  
see DHCP integrated with 802.1X from the very beginning. Actually, I  
would have gone farther and rather proposed a virtual and generic  
signaling protocol for the session opening, where a client can  
negotiate all kinds of options with the network on all layers at the  
same time. This can be easily done with TLV, etc. Then, a provisioning  
server could not only open the access but also preprovision the client  
with IP config, proxies to use, existing printers, available servers  
(SMTP, shares, etc.) etc etc etc, even before it gets IP layer access.  
That would have been very nice for an enterprise integration. But well.

and typically are in different (logical) subnetworks (VLANs,
etc.) Imo, no standard protocol exists designed to do such things.

 There is interest.

Of course there is :-) But no protocol.

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Re: dot1x specification EAPOL-Logoff clarification

2008-04-30 Thread Artur Hecker

Hi Alan

On 30 Apr 2008, at 13:50, Alan DeKok wrote:

Artur Hecker wrote:

Imo, there are no dependencies between DHCP and dot1X.

 That can be fixed.  EAP methods can be leveraged to push keys to the
client, which can sign the DHCP packet (RFC 3118).  This also lets the
client know it's talking to the correct DHCP server.

Yes, as I said, the dependency in that sense might make sense. We did  
it in a student project, and I rather see the problem at the network  
side: the EAP-Server and the DHCP server almost never reside at the  
same machine and typically are in different (logical) subnetworks  
(VLANs, etc.) Imo, no standard protocol exists designed to do such  

Obviously, it is possible but a bit cumbersome in practice. One might  
ask oneself if it makes sense.

My personal perception is completely inverse to yours: I think that
802.1X is more used in wireless (WiFi) than in wired LANs. But  
maybe you

have some statistics on that? That would be interesting to know :-)

 A lot of people are starting to look into 802.1X for wired LANs.  It
can help satisfy regulatory issues in some countries...

:-) These days, if you do not have access control, people look at you  
like you were an alien. However, everybody agrees that the security  
problems come once you let people in... and NAC is mostly nonsense.

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Re: dot1x specification EAPOL-Logoff clarification

2008-04-30 Thread Artur Hecker


just one comment.

On 30 Apr 2008, at 10:59, Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:

Artur Hecker wrote:

Hi Arran

In my eyes, the fact that it is not confirmed is a minor issue.  
It's probably a reasonable design choice: as you said, the  
controlled port at the Auth may be in the authorized state, while  
the client might think that is unauthorized, so what? This can  
happen at any time anyway, e.g. in wireless when the connection  
suddenly drops. Besides, in practice most Supplicants won't bother  
sending anything at all: what if the NIC was suddenly unplugged by  
the user? What if the PC has crashed? What if it was unpowered, etc  
etc etc.
Agreed. I guess I was looking at it more in terms of integration.  
It's more about the supplicant knowing when it's state has been  
reflected by the authenticator. This is done when the supplicant  
authenticates, the EAP-Success is confirmation that the  
Authenticator PAE is in the authorised state. But not when the  
supplicant forcefully disconnects with an EAPOL-Logoff.

well, there is a big difference: the EAP-Success (unsigned, *sigh*) is  
the confirmation necessary for supplicant to know if it proceeds or  
not (DHCP, data comm, etc). (By the way, it's difficult to compare:  
the EAP-Success is EAP, while EAPOL is dot1X). The EAPOL-Logoff is not  
necessary for anything. You send it before you stop communicating. You  
might just as well just stop communicating.

If you want to restart, you simply resend the EAPOL Start in either  
case. It changes nothing.

In any case, confirmed or not, every Authenticator *must* be  
prepared for such a situation. By the way, it is in no way against  
its policy, since it is not up to the supplicant (=client) to  
decide when the network access port is to be opened and when it is  
to be closed. This decision is up to the AuthServer, which has  
supposedly issued a positive decision as to the controlled port in  
question being open at this very moment.
These differences in PAE state can cause issues when attempting to  
use the supplicant PAE state to control the state of other 'Zero- 
Configuration' networking clients like DHCP. If the EAPOL Logoff  
message were confirmed by the Authenticator, this could be a used  
trigger DHCP lease acquisition. The IEEE 802.1x 2004 document does  
mention DHCP integration briefly, which is why I'm surprised they  
didn't think to provision for it here.

Why? DHCP only depends on EAP-Success, but certainly not on EAP- 
Logoff. I think that I do not understand your issue: you cannot send  
ANY DHCP messages after EAP-Logoff has succeeded, it's too late. The  
controlled port at the L2 will be closed. DHCP is L3 data going over  
the controlled port. If you want to do any integration, you could drop  
your DHCP lease but *before* closing the controlled port.

Imo, there are no dependencies between DHCP and dot1X. And if they  
exist, they follow the other sense: DHCP is transported by the L2  
channel opened by dot1X. So, you need to open the session before  
starting DHCP and you might want to terminate DHCP leases etc. before  
sending Logoff (even it this seems completely unnecessary, it will  
expire anyway). In any case, I do not see why Logoff needs to be  
confirmed, sorry.

Actually I would rather complain about other issues with EAP- 
Logoff. For instance, it is not authenticated/signed, so it is a  
perfect DDoS possibility.

Not really. The only situation in which I could see EAP-Logoff being  
used as a DDoS attack is in a shared media wired LAN, and not many  
people implement shared media wired LANs with dot1x  
authentication... it's also fairly hard to tap a wired LAN between  
the supplicant and the NAS without someone noticing.

Oops? If you ask me, the 802.1X/EAP were actually pushed and promoted  
to improve WiFi security, even if they have nothing to do with WiFi.  
WPA, WPA2/802.11i (i.e. both Enterprise and PSK) use EAPOL and are  
based on 802.1X (at least in part). All newer recommendations  
concerning WiFi security mention 802.1X access control and EAP for  
session opening. HOKEY, 802.11r etc. work on that too, etc.

By the way, Ethernet *is* a shared medium. So, unless you have a  
completely switched wired LAN, you can always send EAP-Logoff  
(presumably with the wrong source MAC address) to anybody on your  
trunk. Even in switched LANs, depending on the architecture, there are  
possibilities to trick out the switches with poisoning, broadcasts,  
etc. EAP-Logoff should have been signed, at least optionally,  
especially if key material exists...

My personal perception is completely inverse to yours: I think that  
802.1X is more used in wireless (WiFi) than in wired LANs. But maybe  
you have some statistics on that? That would be interesting to know :-)

Thanks for your input Artur.

Discussing standars is fun :-)


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Re: dot1x specification EAPOL-Logoff clarification

2008-04-29 Thread Artur Hecker

Hi Arran

In my eyes, the fact that it is not confirmed is a minor issue. It's  
probably a reasonable design choice: as you said, the controlled port  
at the Auth may be in the authorized state, while the client might  
think that is unauthorized, so what? This can happen at any time  
anyway, e.g. in wireless when the connection suddenly drops. Besides,  
in practice most Supplicants won't bother sending anything at all:  
what if the NIC was suddenly unplugged by the user? What if the PC has  
crashed? What if it was unpowered, etc etc etc.

In any case, confirmed or not, every Authenticator *must* be prepared  
for such a situation. By the way, it is in no way against its policy,  
since it is not up to the supplicant (=client) to decide when the  
network access port is to be opened and when it is to be closed. This  
decision is up to the AuthServer, which has supposedly issued a  
positive decision as to the controlled port in question being open at  
this very moment.

Actually I would rather complain about other issues with EAP-Logoff.  
For instance, it is not authenticated/signed, so it is a perfect DDoS  


On 29 Apr 2008, at 18:50, Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:

Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:


Having some interesting issues with a HP ProCurve 2510 an Apple Mac  
Power Book running OSX 10.5.2, and MAC-Auth + EAP-Auth on the same  
wired port.

I know this isn't strictly the list for this as this isn't really  
RADIUS, but i'm not sure where to post...

Two questions:

  8.1.3 EAPOL-Logoff
  When a Supplicant wishes the Authenticator PAE to perform a  
logoff (i.e., to set the controlled Port state to
  unauthorized), the Supplicant PAE originates an EAPOL-Logoff  
message (see 7.5.4) to the Authenticator
  PAE. As a result, the Authenticator PAE immediately places  
the controlled Port in the unauthorized state

1) It appears in the spec that there is no requirement or indeed  
method of the Supplicant PAE of confirming that the EAPOL-Logoff  
has been honoured. So the supplicant PAE could be in the  
unauthorised state while the Authenticator could be in the  
authorised state. Is this an over site of the dot1x spec, or is  
this meant to be handled at a higher level with EAP ?
Sorry. Looking at the diagrams in 8-5 it appears my suspicion is  
correct. Unless a re-auth timer is implemented by the Authenticator  
PAE, this mismatched authentication state could persist indefinitely.

The EAPOL-LOGOFF frame is *not* retransmitted to the Authentication  
server... and the Authenticator PAE does not respond to EAPOL-LOGOFF  
frames, it just alters it's state. So if the EAPOL-LOGOFF frame was  
lost in transit... damn, why no EAPOL-LOGOFF-CONFIRMATION packet ...  
In every other part of the EAP/dot1x spec a request *should* always  
be answered by a response... but not here... are these guys idiots,  
or am I being dense ?!

See this would solve the issue in question 2 perfectly.

Arran Cudbard-Bell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting Officer
Infrastructure Services | ENG1 E1-1-08 University Of Sussex, Brighton
EXT:01273 873900 | INT: 3900

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Re: TTLS authentication slow

2007-11-14 Thread Artur Hecker

Hello Allan

On 14 Nov 2007, at 00:15, Allan Riordan Boll wrote:

>> Maybe I missed it, but what client do you use? Windows does not yet
>> support TTLS natively.

yes sorry, i forgot to say. I am already using SecureW2 of course.  
And it does work, it's just very slow at authenticating... Also,  
I'm using FreeRADIUS 1.1.7.

ok, that's what I thought, but there are people outthere actually  
using other stuff (wire1X, xsupplicant, etc).

from the experience, SecureW2 TTLS works just fine with freeradius.

but just for the sake of an experiment, maybe you could also test  
PEAP. that should not change anything from the freeradius user DB  

Well, the default config had the same problem. That's why I  
tried writing one from scratch, to make sure there wasn't some  
obscure module making the server hang. Is this an unusual  
approach to write a config from scratch, or is it a good idea?  
Would love to hear what's normal.

the default config should work just fine.

what I would do in your position is simplify stuff. I did not look at  
your config, but:

- try PEAP with the built in windows EAP peer and then TTLS with the  
SecureW2, see if something changes;

- in the standard config, both should work as soon as you add a user  
with a User-Password to your users file. in the beginning and for  
testing, don't use databases, maybe your server has difficulties  
connecting to it, or something.

- if the server replies correctly with -X, then this is probably a  
user right issue.

- to me it looks like some issue with the server certificate validity  
(mutual authentication). how did you configure SecureW2? does it  
verify the server certificate? does it ask the user if the  
certificate is unnknown? the best would be to add the signing CA to  
your trusted roots at the windows pc *before* any authentication  
tries. you should verify that the server certificate is correctly  
verified by the windows pc (simply download the server certficate  
in .der format and open it in the explorer. it should not say  

it would be *very* surprising if the communication were still as you  
described it. what authenticator do you use?


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Re: TTLS authentication slow

2007-11-13 Thread Artur Hecker


Maybe I missed it, but what client do you use? Windows does not yet  
support TTLS natively.


On 13 Nov 2007, at 16:23, Alan DeKok wrote:

Allan Riordan Boll wrote:

The problem is that authenticating takes around 20 seconds. While
running the server in a terminal with the -X flag, I see that my  

XP client first makes one TLS request, then waits ~20 seconds, then
makes two more TLS requests and four TTLS requests all together  

less than one second. After these last six requests the client is
immediately online.

  It sounds like a weird Windows issue...

Can anyone hint me on why the client waits for so long before  
doing the

requests it needs? Is my Freeradius server erroneously defaulting the
client to use TLS instead of TTLS, and confusing the client?

  No.  Many people are running FreeRADIUS with Windows clients (XP  
SP2, Vista), and most authentications happen very quickly.  I'm not  

why the Windows machines would take so long.

  Maybe try it with a different access point.

I've written a radiusd.conf from scratch, so that the server only  

the modules I actually use, hoping this is safer and easier to
administrate. Please feedback if anyone have any comments on this

  If it works...

  If it doesn't work, go back to the default config.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: in vs. out

2007-10-04 Thread Artur Hecker


Just one word on it: you are citing a RADIUS specific RFC. Thus, Acct- 
Input-Octets is the value perceived by RADIUS instances. RADIUS RFCs  
cannot possibly specify how terminals, wireless cards, GSM phones  
etc. should or should not count packets, traffic, connections, etc.

It can and it does specify how NAS (radius-client) should communicate  
with the AS (radius-server). Thus, the situation here is from the NAS  
point of view(*) and the INPUT means INPUT to the NAS from the  
service port, i.e. e.g. from the user as Alan explained.

Any other interpretation would be imho very strange, no?


PS or from server's point of view if you prefer. Since RADIUS is a  
distributed AAA system, it's whole sense us to establish the same  
view after a while through protocol exchanges. (ah)

On 4 Oct 2007, at 09:17, Alan DeKok wrote:


It is curious, then, why the RFC isn't as definitive in the
definition... I suppose it is intentionally left open for vendor

No. The RFC *is* definitive.  It just may not be overly  

10 years after the original text was written.  It is NOT left open for
vendor interpretation.  If it was, then Acct-Input-Octets would be
*useless*, as you could never tell what it meant.

As such, portmaster being more specific as it relates to
their products isn't surprising. But, is that the 'standard', a 'best
practice', or just one vendor's (albeit, a very in-the-know vendor's)
implementation? I do agree with the point of view (of the port), in
theory. However, in practice, I guess the best answer is that it is
vendor specific.. hmm.

  No.  The standard is the RFC.  The portmaster text is just  

text from the people building RADIUS systems.

  It is NOT vendor specific.  Do NOT say it is vendor specific.

  Follow the standards.  Do not follow broken vendors.

It actually isn't just that one vendor... in fact, if not  
mistaken, much
of the commercial wlan gear I've worked with used the above  
meaning. It
would be curious to see a list of vendors and how they implemented  
accounting...  if we all checked the manuals of the devices we  
use, we

could all help build that list in the freeradius wiki!

  Feel free to start this effort.

  There are many other vendor products that are very broken with  

to RADIUS.  Do NOT follow any individual vendor, or even groups of
vendors.  Follow the standards.  If the standards aren't clear, ask on
the IETF RADEXT mailing list.  The people there should be able to give
conclusive answers.

  Also see my 2 documents in that working group.  They clarify many
issues and problems with the previous RADIUS RFC's.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: EAP fragment size clarification needed

2007-10-04 Thread Artur Hecker


On 24 Sep 2007, at 09:58, Alan DeKok wrote:

Stefan Winter wrote:
I wonder what the sentence about MAX packet size on APs is about.  
Is it their
maximum allowed length of a RADIUS packet? Frankly, that would be  
stupid because packets can legitimately be much larger than that.  

implementation problem on AP)

The problem is that neither EAP per se nor EAPOL support  
fragmentation/reassembly, only certain EAP methods do. These however,  
by design, are not implemented on the NAS (i.e. AP). So you get a  
problem on the link when exceeding link MTU.

So if the above holds true, I would much rather set fragment size  
to 1500, and
fix any upcoming impl problems that have nothing to do with EAP  
frag size,

rather than yield with my frag size.

  That's why it's configurable.  Others have reported issues with
fragment sizes larger than 1024.  Some even need it to be less.

  Alan DeKok.

Set it to 1500 and try it out. If it works with your APs, fine. The  
RFC 3748 and the RFC 4017 only dictate Minumum MTU:

From RFC3748 (interesting reading, explains the situation)

  [4] Minimum MTU.  EAP is capable of functioning on lower layers that
   provide an EAP MTU size of 1020 octets or greater.

   EAP does not support path MTU discovery, and fragmentation and
   reassembly is not supported by EAP, nor by the methods  
defined in

   this specification: Identity (1), Notification (2), Nak Response
   (3), MD5-Challenge (4), One Time Password (5), Generic Token  

   (6), and expanded Nak Response (254) Types.

   Typically, the EAP peer obtains information on the EAP MTU from
   the lower layers and sets the EAP frame size to an appropriate
   value.  Where the authenticator operates in pass-through mode,
   the authentication server does not have a direct way of
   determining the EAP MTU, and therefore relies on the
   authenticator to provide it with this information, such as via
   the Framed-MTU attribute, as described in [RFC 3579], Section  

   While methods such as EAP-TLS [RFC 2716] support  
fragmentation and

   reassembly, EAP methods originally designed for use within PPP
   where a 1500 octet MTU is guaranteed for control frames (see
   [RFC 1661], Section 6.1) may lack fragmentation and reassembly

   EAP methods can assume a minimum EAP MTU of 1020 octets in the
   absence of other information.  EAP methods SHOULD include  

   for fragmentation and reassembly if their payloads can be larger
   than this minimum EAP MTU.

However, I read once somewhere (cant' recall where) that in practice,  
it is *not* recommended to exceed approx. 1200 bytes MTU.


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Re: RFC 3579 and Access-Accepts

2007-09-21 Thread Artur Hecker


the message included seems to me an EAP Success message (Code 0x03)  
and in no way an EAP Message/EAP Request/Notification (would be  
0x01yy02). I do not see the problem at a first glance - am I  


On 19 Sep 2007, at 13:11, Stefan Winter wrote:


it seems that FreeRADIUS is sending an EAP-Message fragment along  
with its

Access-Accepts, as in:

Packet-Type = Access-Accept
Wed Sep 19 11:59:25 2007 MS-MPPE-Recv-Key = stuff
MS-MPPE-Send-Key = morestuff
EAP-Message = 0x03070004
Message-Authenticator = 0x593773a711f50bd8b4ce98434a7e1590
Proxy-State = 0x323039

Whereas RFC 3579 , chapter 2.6.5 says:
"An EAP-Message/EAP-Request/Notification SHOULD NOT be included  
within an

Access-Accept or Access-Reject packet."

This is now the second RADIUS implementation I see that behaves  
like that - is
there a reason for the EAP-Message and something wrong with 3579,  
or is that

SHOULD NOT just ignored by most?


Stefan Winter


Stiftung RESTENA - Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale  
et de

la Recherche
Ingenieur Forschung & Entwicklung

6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel.: +352 424409-1
http://www.restena.luFax:  +352 422473
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Re: Authorization in RADIUS, Authorization in freeradius

2007-09-03 Thread Artur Hecker

Hi George

I guess it is more a question of definition of the scope of the  
authorization and authentication than of the actual mechanisms. I  
would invite you to read the RADIUS RFCs since your conclusions sound  
a little bit hasty.

In RADIUS and in freeradius in particular the authentication is part  
of the authorization. This might sound somewhat strange, but is  
actually a sound and more general alternative from the AAA  
perspective, i.e. from an authenitcation service point of view.

It goes like that: identification vector -> authorization ->  
authentication -> everything else.

You could reflect upon it in terms of phases, although strictly  
speaking the whole treatment is applied on a per packet basis. It is  
of course true that one can do a lot of things with RADIUS (and  
especially with freeradius), that might not directly correspond to  
the initial goals, but I do believe that logically and generally one  
could speak about these phases.

Thus, a user (or machine, or address or user logging in from certain  
mac address or whatever else is used as identity) can be allowed or  
not to use certain authentication schemes. Once a method is chosen,  
the claimed identity (or another one, unfortunately) can be verified  
during the authentication. If this verification of the identity  
(=authentication) is successful, certain parameters are transmitted  
to the NAS in the Access-Accept packet. These are to be applied to  
the service to be delivered. It could be duration, QoS parameters,  
service types, etc. - that is utterly dependent on the service and on  
the NAS and often employs a bunch of VSAs.

So for me most definitely things such as Session-Timeout, the Tunnel  
attributes, and the most VSAs are authorizations, because these are  
properties to be applied to the already accepted service delivery for  
an authenticated identity.

Now, there are other attributes (almost all of them, to cite Alan)  
that are actually authorizations. E.g. the same verified identity can  
be granted service access in certain conditions and not in the  
others. These conditions can be time, location, accounting (e.g.  
previous resource usage), roaming etc. related.

E.g. you could allow only any member of a group A access to certain  
WiFi Access Points during certain time periods if and only if this  
particular member did not use up its resource limit. At the same time  
a group B could access all the other Access Points, etc. If that is  
not authorization for you, please explain your definition, since it  
would interest me personally. I do confess however that this  
particular scenario mixes up RADIUS and freeradius capabilities, but  
that seems normal since IETF protocols rarely specify behaviour.

That leads to your question on policies. Policies also need a  
definition: what is a policy for you? In the broad common sense of  
the word, policies are not part of the RADIUS protocol. However you  
can quite easily implement policies in freeradius e.g. by grouping  
and actual resource usage (see example above - "during the course  
hours students are not allowed to login WiFi from the cafeteria", is  
that not a policy for you?). Depending on NAS capabilities and  
service to be provided, you can do more complex things...

Is that helpful?


On 2 Sep 2007, at 17:52, George Beitis wrote:

Hey Alan,
thank you for your reply.  I am writing up a part of my  
dissertation and

I 'm referring to freeradius and the RADIUS protocol trying to explain
how it works.  From my research most people who use RADIUS for
authentication purposes.  Noone gives a clear image of whether or not
they use it for authorization once they established authentication, so
in other words authentication and authorization become one the  
same.  Do

you know of any products that can be used with freeradius to provide
such authorization facilities?  Using perhaps policies?


Alan DeKok wrote:

George Beitis wrote:

I have a general question regarding Authorization in the RADIUS  
and how it is implemented in freeradius.  What does the RADIUS  
refer to when it talks about Authorization, does it actually  
refer to

users being probably authorized after being authenticated, using the

  I guess.  It's not really clear.  i.e. No one knows...

 Are there RADIUS specific attributes that are for
authorization? (not authentication).

  Most of them?  The authentication attributes are User-Password,
CHAP-Password, EAP-Message... and not much else.  Most everything  

are authorization related.

 There are ways of implementing
authorization into freeradius, but do those simply overwrite the
authentication decision?

  I have no idea what you mean by that.

 DIAMETER provides such authorization messeges
from my understanding but the RADIUS protocol does not talk about  

is this correct?

  Diameter is useless.  It's a wonderful theoretical desi

Re: pre1 dies on startup: generate_sql_clients() returned error

2007-08-28 Thread Artur Hecker

Regarding the subject, it's still much better than the following  
headline: "A startup dies on pre1" :-)))

Sorry, couldn't help thinking of it when reading the mail. Anyway, a  
hale to the project that has already helped so many new companies to  
construct their businnesses...

On 28 Aug 2007, at 10:29, Alan DeKok wrote:

Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:

I know you like to kill the server off if theres any kind of
configuration parsing error; but possibly duplicate/invalid  
clients is
one of the exceptions where it might be better to complain  

  This goes for invalid clients, invalid home servers, databases that
are down, etc.  The list is nearly endless.

  It's difficult to write all of the code to catch all of those error
cases.  And what does your policy do when it says "proxy to FOO", and
FOO doesn't exist?  Does your local configuration handle that  

or does something else go wrong?

  It's easier to force people to have working configurations.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: The "right" way to limit a user to one EAP Type

2007-07-23 Thread Artur Hecker
Replying to myself - here comes a possible resolution for this 'EAP- 
Type restriction per user/group' thread:

A possible solution is to restrict EAP-Type but by using a different  
operator (man 5 users):

"EAP-Type += "
where method is one of  (instead of ":=" for tunneled  
methods ; for non tunneled methods I think both should be fine).

I tested it: with a MySQL backend, a user configured as EAP-Type +=  
PEAP could use PEAP-MSChapv2 but not TTLS-PAP, while a user  
configured EAP-Type += EAP-TTLS could use TTLS-PAP but not PEAP. rlm/ 
eap - freeradius correctly reported "client wants to ttls, while we  
require peap, rejecting the user" (or vice versa).

Not sure it is the intended way, so I hope the behaviour won't change  
in the next release. But it works.

Greetings and thanks

On 23 Jul 2007, at 13:14, Artur Hecker wrote:

> Hi
> On 23 Jul 2007, at 11:21, Phil Mayers wrote:
>> On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 10:20 +0200, Artur Hecker wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> In the default configuration, if a User-Password is defined for a
>>> user, the user can be authenticated by all applicable authentication
>>> types. That is the sense and the beauty of the default
>>> configuration :-)
>>> However, in a practical deployment, a serious security policy is
>>> likely to state the contrary: every user (or usergroup) should be
>>> authenticated by exactly one authentication method.
>> Why?
>> Surely a method is either secure (in which case you'd let people
>> use it)
>> or insecure (in which case you'd let no-one use it)?
>> I would consider our deployment "practical" (>20k users, almost 400
>> APs)
>> and we don't care what method they use, as long as it's secure and
>> generates keys.
> As I said, it is the matter of security policy, I cannot discuss it,
> for it is not an opinion :-)
> What you say does make sense to me, but on the other hand I still do
> not see why it should be possible to authenticate a user by more than
> one method. From what you are saying, one would conclude that only
> one method should be used for all users. But very often it depends on
> the security level of the user group and the trust you have in user
> capabilities (-> security policy...)
> I can give you real-world examples, which will certainly lead to
> further discussions.
> Case 1: To accelerate deployment, company A considers that PEAP-
> MSCHAPv2 should be used by all users not having a certificate. It had
> the advantage to work immediately (say against internal AD with NTLM
> or SQL, etc). However, user certificates are being issued over the
> time period - for the same user identity. The point thus is to
> prevent users who have obtained the certificates from keeping on
> using old style password auth.
> Case 2: some "important users" still use TTLS-PAP but everybody
> should use PEAP-MSCHAP-v2. You cannot deactivate TTLS-PAP even if you
> consider it not good enough. You don't want others to use it though.
> Case 3: different backends are available, each storing a part of
> users with password in clear and in hash forms. Needless to say, some
> users are stored in both... Wireless admins have no power on these.
> Thus, TTLS-PAP and PEAP-MSCHAPv2 are used interchangeably, in some
> times by the same user, even if you feel like TTLS-PAP is less secure.
> And it goes on and on, even with EAP-MD5 in wired... Just don't take
> the examples literally. What I am saying is that, very often, such
> situations are linked to internal company processes, to compatibility
> concerns, etc., sometimes you cannot deactivate an authentication
> method for administrative reasons but you would like to restrain its
> use as far as possible, etc.
>>> What is the "right" (recommended) way to do it? Could not find
>>> anything on that in Wiki. (Would be glad to add it, when finished).
>> Do you want to restrict everyone to a single EAP type, or different
>> people/groups to different EAP types?
> an EAP type per group and/or user.
>>> Background: I used to restrict users by explicitly setting for them
>>> (their group) EAP-Type := something, according to the user profile.
>>> However, as of 1.1.6, my wireless PEAP(-MSCHAPv2) user  
>>> authentication
>>> does not work anymore as before: the inner PEAP authentication fails
>>> with "cannot tunnel TLS in TLS", most probably since the authorize
>>> module (sql) sets EAP-Type := PEAP. It *may* be just me though

Re: The "right" way to limit a user to one EAP Type

2007-07-23 Thread Artur Hecker

On 23 Jul 2007, at 11:21, Phil Mayers wrote:

> On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 10:20 +0200, Artur Hecker wrote:
>> Hello
>> In the default configuration, if a User-Password is defined for a
>> user, the user can be authenticated by all applicable authentication
>> types. That is the sense and the beauty of the default  
>> configuration :-)
>> However, in a practical deployment, a serious security policy is
>> likely to state the contrary: every user (or usergroup) should be
>> authenticated by exactly one authentication method.
> Why?
> Surely a method is either secure (in which case you'd let people  
> use it)
> or insecure (in which case you'd let no-one use it)?
> I would consider our deployment "practical" (>20k users, almost 400  
> APs)
> and we don't care what method they use, as long as it's secure and
> generates keys.

As I said, it is the matter of security policy, I cannot discuss it,  
for it is not an opinion :-)

What you say does make sense to me, but on the other hand I still do  
not see why it should be possible to authenticate a user by more than  
one method. From what you are saying, one would conclude that only  
one method should be used for all users. But very often it depends on  
the security level of the user group and the trust you have in user  
capabilities (-> security policy...)

I can give you real-world examples, which will certainly lead to  
further discussions.

Case 1: To accelerate deployment, company A considers that PEAP- 
MSCHAPv2 should be used by all users not having a certificate. It had  
the advantage to work immediately (say against internal AD with NTLM  
or SQL, etc). However, user certificates are being issued over the  
time period - for the same user identity. The point thus is to  
prevent users who have obtained the certificates from keeping on  
using old style password auth.

Case 2: some "important users" still use TTLS-PAP but everybody  
should use PEAP-MSCHAP-v2. You cannot deactivate TTLS-PAP even if you  
consider it not good enough. You don't want others to use it though.

Case 3: different backends are available, each storing a part of  
users with password in clear and in hash forms. Needless to say, some  
users are stored in both... Wireless admins have no power on these.  
Thus, TTLS-PAP and PEAP-MSCHAPv2 are used interchangeably, in some  
times by the same user, even if you feel like TTLS-PAP is less secure.

And it goes on and on, even with EAP-MD5 in wired... Just don't take  
the examples literally. What I am saying is that, very often, such  
situations are linked to internal company processes, to compatibility  
concerns, etc., sometimes you cannot deactivate an authentication  
method for administrative reasons but you would like to restrain its  
use as far as possible, etc.

>> What is the "right" (recommended) way to do it? Could not find
>> anything on that in Wiki. (Would be glad to add it, when finished).
> Do you want to restrict everyone to a single EAP type, or different
> people/groups to different EAP types?

an EAP type per group and/or user.

>> Background: I used to restrict users by explicitly setting for them
>> (their group) EAP-Type := something, according to the user profile.
>> However, as of 1.1.6, my wireless PEAP(-MSCHAPv2) user authentication
>> does not work anymore as before: the inner PEAP authentication fails
>> with "cannot tunnel TLS in TLS", most probably since the authorize
>> module (sql) sets EAP-Type := PEAP. It *may* be just me though.
> Yeah, don't do that. Have something like:
> authorize {
>   preprocess
>   eap
>   files
> }
> in "users":
> # group "foo" must use PEAP
> DEFAULT   My-Group == "foo", EAP-Type != PEAP, Auth-Type := Reject
> # group "bar" must use TTLS
> DEFAULT My-Group == "bar", EAP-Type != TTLS, Auth-Type := Reject

That's my problem - I think this cannot work with tunneled methods.

I think that with this config the user will be rejected whenever the  
inner method has to check the password (the type is not PEAP -> Reject).

I'm not sure since this explicit reject does not work with an SQL  
backend. But I already tried the inverse logics "EAP-Type == PEAP"  
instead. SQL starts by saying "no matching entry in the database  
[...]", I guess since it does not find EAP-Type set to PEAP in the  
first request. In the given situation (PEAP by default), that's fine  
for the tunnel to start. It even finds the matching rows during the  
requests in between. But, as I said, it fails when it comes to the  
inner MSCHAPv2 check of the received response: it repeats "no  

The "right" way to limit a user to one EAP Type

2007-07-23 Thread Artur Hecker


In the default configuration, if a User-Password is defined for a  
user, the user can be authenticated by all applicable authentication  
types. That is the sense and the beauty of the default configuration :-)

However, in a practical deployment, a serious security policy is  
likely to state the contrary: every user (or usergroup) should be  
authenticated by exactly one authentication method.

What is the "right" (recommended) way to do it? Could not find  
anything on that in Wiki. (Would be glad to add it, when finished).

Background: I used to restrict users by explicitly setting for them  
(their group) EAP-Type := something, according to the user profile.  
However, as of 1.1.6, my wireless PEAP(-MSCHAPv2) user authentication  
does not work anymore as before: the inner PEAP authentication fails  
with "cannot tunnel TLS in TLS", most probably since the authorize  
module (sql) sets EAP-Type := PEAP. It *may* be just me though.

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Re: Roaming with WPA-Enterprise/Radius

2006-01-04 Thread Artur Hecker

hmmm, seriously though:

- does anyone know of any APs on the market which support 802.11f?
- has anyone ever seen a reasonable non-proprietary definition of the  
container content for the context transfer?
- has anyone ever thought of implementing the support for 802.11f  
into freeradius? (i know alan hates its double-nested attributes :-) )

- what about the preauthentication definitions in 802.11i?


On 4 Jan 2006, at 14:07, Zoltan Ori wrote:

On Wednesday 04 January 2006 07:07, DI PAOLA ., VIERI wrote:

Is there a way of "caching" or "pre-authenticating" or "propagating
authentication between APs"?

Has anyone found a solution to this roaming problem in case one uses

IAPP - IEEE 802.11F

Zoltan Ori

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Re: help with EAP MD5 wired authentication

2005-11-24 Thread Artur Hecker


the following line seems to be principally correct (don't use  
explicit Auth-Type):

a   User-Password == "a"

the eap module fails in authentication because it can't find the User- 
Password for the user. Make sure that the "files" module is used in  
authorize i.e. that the users file is actually used.

the modules pap and mschap are of no interest whatsoever. also, i  
don't understand the DEFAULT accept policy - imho it's nonsense.

hope this helps

1. modules section
pap {
   encryption_scheme = crypt

   # CHAP module
   #  To authenticate requests containing a CHAP-Password  

   chap {
   authtype = CHAP
$INCLUDE ${confdir}/eap.conf

mschap {

files {


The console output of radiusd -X -s is

Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=76,
   Framed-MTU = 1480
   NAS-IP-Address =
   NAS-Identifier = "HP ProCurve Switch 2824"
   User-Name = "test"
   Service-Type = Framed-User
   Framed-Protocol = PPP
   NAS-Port = 24
   NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
   NAS-Port-Id = "24"
   Called-Station-Id = "00-0f-20-8d-04-c8"
   Calling-Station-Id = "00-c0-9f-0d-4a-1f"
   Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
   Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
   Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
   Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "1010"
   EAP-Message = 0x020200090174657374
   Message-Authenticator = 0xb12214c2d6fb14f33c7cc758ccfb54b7
Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 0
modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 0
modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop for request 0
modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop for request 0
rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 2 length 9
rlm_eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated for request 0
   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 152
   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 171
   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 183
modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok for request 0
modcall: group authorize returns updated for request 0
rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authenticate for request 0
rlm_eap: EAP Identity
rlm_eap: processing type md5
rlm_eap_md5: Issuing Challenge
modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns handled for request 0
modcall: group authenticate returns handled for request 0
Sending Access-Challenge of id 76 to
   Framed-IP-Address =
   Framed-MTU = 576
   Service-Type = Framed-User
   Framed-Protocol = PPP
   Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
   EAP-Message = 0x0103001604100118f4899111b27fc08900284095e5e2
   Message-Authenticator = 0x
   State = 0x33fe6026586af730cd367983bb9ea8b6
Finished request 0
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 6 seconds...
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=77,
   Framed-MTU = 1480
   NAS-IP-Address =
   NAS-Identifier = "HP ProCurve Switch 2824"
   User-Name = "test"
   Service-Type = Framed-User
   Framed-Protocol = PPP
   NAS-Port = 24
   NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
   NAS-Port-Id = "24"
   Called-Station-Id = "00-0f-20-8d-04-c8"
   Calling-Station-Id = "00-c0-9f-0d-4a-1f"
   Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
   Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
   Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
   Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "1010"
   State = 0x33fe6026586af730cd367983bb9ea8b6
   EAP-Message =  

   Message-Authenticator = 0x2592cd875d1068f5b16fe7999f451769
Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 1
modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 1
modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop for request 1
modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop for request 1
rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 3 length 26
rlm_eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated for request 1
   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 152
   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 171
   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 183
modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok for request 1
modcall: group authorize returns updated for request 1
rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authenticate for request 1
rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
rlm_eap: EAP/md5
rlm_eap: processing type md5

Re: help needed for debugging segfault

2005-11-22 Thread Artur Hecker


I've installed freeradius 1.1.0 from cvs and I'm doing EAP-PEAP using
ntlm_auth for authentication. freeradius segfaults while sending the
access-accept packet.

In my first post someone instructed me to enable coredumps in  

and post the result.

just a thought - wouldn't it be principally the same to run  
freeradius in the gdb and to backtrace (bt) after gdb catches sigsegv?


I've compiled freeradius using --enable-developer, set  
= yes in radiusd.conf and used ulimit to remove coredump filesize  

from my shell, but it seems freeradius still doesn't dump core.

The radius server is a Debian testing box. The Wi-Fi accesspoint is a
D-Link DWL-2100AP.

Is there anything else I can do? Is this a freeradius issue or an OS


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Re: Wireless Provisioning Service Protocol

2005-10-14 Thread Artur Hecker

hi Josh

sorry to catch up so late on this.

I mean EAP over RADIUS within a roaming consortium. A good example  
of one, which I'm involved in, is eduroam (

i took a look at this, it is mostly TERENA stuff for RADIUS... imho  
it only concerns the provider-provider interface and has nothing to  
do with WPS from my point of view. sorry, i don't see the point or  
the relevance of eduroam inter-provider agreements for the client  

Most of the effort in WPS is expended in provisioning configuration  
stuff (SSID names, etc). But it's reasonably trivial for a roaming  
consortium to agree on these without requiring a protocol like WPS

yes, it targets the user-provider interface.

i'm sorry, but it is all but trivial to agree upon something like  
this in any realistic commercial roaming consortium. why? first of  
all, because roaming contracts are way too complicated and barely  
applicable for most of the current WISPs. second, because SSIDs etc.  
as almost anything in WiFi is not normative at all, ie. anybody can  
use whatever he wants and the problem is that is what the people  
currently do. change it a posteriori is too complicated.

finally and most importantly, as a user you have no guarantee that  
the SSID you see represent the service you believe to get. and if you  
see two different SSIDs both belonging to commercial hotspots, you  
have to be able to find out service particularities _before_  
connecting to the network. no aggrement can accomplish that for  
802.1X based systems.

and i won't even touch the platform integrity discussion...

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Re: Wireless Provisioning Service Protocol

2005-10-07 Thread Artur Hecker

hi Josh

i know it's a bit OT but i think that it might still be interesting  
for some of us.

I'll try and keep this brief, because it's a bit OT. WPS doesn't  
seem to offer anything particularly novel, besides a proprietary  
mechanism for configuring the Windows supplicant.

imho it's as proprietary as PEAP is proprietary. or TTLS. or any  
other EAP method which is not (yet?) an RFC. and it does offer new  

A much more sane approach, IMHO, is simple authentication-by-proxy  
as implemented by several roaming consortia.

are we still talking about L2 security? if yes, can you provide some  
references on this? i don't know anything about it.

Microsoft should put more effort into fixing their terribly broken  
supplicant, and stop trying to invent wheels...

that's where we almost agree :-) MS really could and should improve  
their supplicant a lot, both in terms of correctness and in terms of  
usability. it's still a pain in the ass to use. the supported EAP  
methods are scarce. the API has changed several times since XP and  
the newest one is difficult to decipher... (greetings to Tom).

however, i do expect from somebody as big as microsoft to do  
research, to invent stuff and to specify new things. btw, that's what  
the community was always critisizing MS before. they did hire some of  
the best scientists (look at their R&D stuff), so why shouldn't they  
invent new things now?

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Re: Wireless Provisioning Service Protocol

2005-10-06 Thread Artur Hecker


i am not sure if the question is to be impressed. it is simply true  
that some signaling is necessary to allow user to choose a network  
(e.g. an operator). in usual hotspots you end up with a web page  
which can present you all the information you need (e.g. prices,  
names, available services, etc.) - however without any L2 security.

but in 802.1X you have to first authenticate to be able to exchange  
any signaling. this is indeed insufficient e.g. for WISPs: how do you  
know that your authentication will work in a particular network?  
which authentication protocol should you use if it does not? what  
will you pay by accessing there? which service do you get? etc. etc.  
etc. all these things become terribly complicated. in fact, i've  
written a paper on that about two years ago... using something like  
TTLS/PEAP provides a tunnel which you can use to exchange any data  
with the operator's control plane, and that prior to IP.

could you be more specific?


On 5 Oct 2005, at 22:09, Josh Howlett wrote:

I read the 132 page spec last night. Personally, I wasn't terribly  


King, Michael wrote:

Has any thought been given on adding the WPS (Wireless Provisioning
Service) Protocol to FreeRADIUS? 

It sounds really cool in theory.

With WPS technology, new and existing customers can connect to your
Wi-Fi network without manual configuration of the computer or network
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Re: Freeradius and Linksys WRT54GS

2005-09-01 Thread Artur Hecker


i don't want to tell nonsense, but as far as I know, LEAP is not a pure 
EAP type. the AP has thus to support it. and the WRT54 does not.

do not blame the WRT, blame LEAP and its design. and it has nothing to 
do with 802.1X - standard 802.1X protocols should work with WRT54.


Thierry wrote:


I got a freeradius configured to handle LEAP authentication.

it works with a Cisco AP Cisco Airnet 1100:
client {
   secret = secret
   shortname = apcisco
   nastype = cisco

But it fail for linksys WRT54GS:

   secret = secret
   shortname = linksys
   nastype = cisco

I tried different nastype :
With other or nastype commented, nothing happen after identity frames.
With cisco nastype, LEAP didn't finish, AP does not send the last
frame to respond to supplicant challenge.

Is there a specific nastype for Linksys ot this AP is bugged ?
I tried with another RADIUS (SBR/Windows) with the same comportment.

Do you know other AP than cisco ones that permit 802.1X successfully
with freeradius ?


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Re: PEAP, Freeradius and Cisco AP 350

2005-08-31 Thread Artur Hecker


J Zakhar wrote:
Having some trouble setting up PEAP with a windows XP workstation, a 
Cisco 350 AP (upgraded to IOS version 12.2), I am using the default XP 
Client to set things up. Many moons ago I had LEAP working great, the 
hard drive on this linux machine failed and it was time to reinstall. 
Not sure why i'm having such trouble with this.
Mousing over the icon in my task bar Status: Validating Identity is all 
it ever says while trying to associate. I do however get prompted for my 
user name and password. Any advice/help would be much appreciated.

unfortunately, imho Windows XP prompts for those before it starts the 

from your log it seems that there is no error on the Freeradius side. FR 
sends out the Challenge, but the second message from the client (id = 
36) looks to me as a repeat of the original Request (id 35). the 
contents of the EAP-Message are the same.

thus it seems that your Windows client is not answering the challenge. 
Or the access point does not relay the challenge to the Windows client.

difficult to say more from what you've given so far. you could try the 

- are you sure that you posted the complete log?

- if yes, deactivate Server Validation in the Windows XP PEAP client 
(only for testing, activate it later) and re-start. see if the 
authentication gets to a further point.

- if that does not change anything, take a look at the Ken Rosner's TLS 
FAQ (see he describes how you activate EAP debug on 
Cisco 350 APs. log in into your cisco, activate the EAP Debug level 2 
and see what happens - if it relays messages to the user machine.


./radiusd -A -X

Starting - reading configuration files ...
reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/freeradius/etc/raddb/proxy.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/freeradius/etc/raddb/clients.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/freeradius/etc/raddb/snmp.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/freeradius/etc/raddb/eap.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/freeradius/etc/raddb/sql.conf
 main: prefix = "/usr/local/freeradius"
 main: localstatedir = "/usr/local/freeradius/var"
 main: logdir = "/usr/local/freeradius/var/log/radius"
 main: libdir = "/usr/local/freeradius/lib"
 main: radacctdir = "/usr/local/freeradius/var/log/radius/radacct"
 main: hostname_lookups = no
 main: max_request_time = 30
 main: cleanup_delay = 5
 main: max_requests = 1024
 main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
 main: port = 0
 main: allow_core_dumps = no
 main: log_stripped_names = no
 main: log_file = "/usr/local/freeradius/var/log/radius/radius.log"
 main: log_auth = no
 main: log_auth_badpass = no
 main: log_auth_goodpass = no
 main: pidfile = "/usr/local/freeradius/var/run/radiusd/"
 main: user = "(null)"
 main: group = "(null)"
 main: usercollide = no
 main: lower_user = "no"
 main: lower_pass = "no"
 main: nospace_user = "no"
 main: nospace_pass = "no"
 main: checkrad = "/usr/local/freeradius/sbin/checkrad"
 main: proxy_requests = yes
 proxy: retry_delay = 5
 proxy: retry_count = 3
 proxy: synchronous = no
 proxy: default_fallback = yes
 proxy: dead_time = 120
 proxy: post_proxy_authorize = yes
 proxy: wake_all_if_all_dead = no
 security: max_attributes = 200
 security: reject_delay = 1
 security: status_server = no
 main: debug_level = 0
read_config_files:  reading dictionary
read_config_files:  reading naslist
Using deprecated naslist file.  Support for this will go away soon.
read_config_files:  reading clients
read_config_files:  reading realms
radiusd:  entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/local/freeradius/lib
Module: Loaded exec
 exec: wait = yes
 exec: program = "(null)"
 exec: input_pairs = "request"
 exec: output_pairs = "(null)"
 exec: packet_type = "(null)"
rlm_exec: Wait=yes but no output defined. Did you mean output=none?
Module: Instantiated exec (exec)
Module: Loaded expr
Module: Instantiated expr (expr)
Module: Loaded PAP
 pap: encryption_scheme = "crypt"
Module: Instantiated pap (pap)
Module: Loaded CHAP
Module: Instantiated chap (chap)
Module: Loaded MS-CHAP
 mschap: use_mppe = yes
 mschap: require_encryption = yes
 mschap: require_strong = yes
 mschap: with_ntdomain_hack = no
 mschap: passwd = "(null)"
 mschap: authtype = "MS-CHAP"
 mschap: ntlm_auth = "(null)"
Module: Instantiated mschap (mschap)
Module: Loaded System
 unix: cache = no
 unix: passwd = "(null)"
 unix: shadow = "(null)"
 unix: group = "(null)"
 unix: radwtmp = "/usr/local/freeradius/var/log/radius/radwtmp"
 unix: usegroup = no
 unix: cache_reload = 600
Module: Instantiated unix (unix)
Module: Loaded eap
 eap: default_eap_type = "peap"
 eap: timer_expire = 60
 eap: ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
 eap: cisco_accounting_username_bug = yes
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type md5
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type leap
 gtc: challenge = "Password: "
 gtc: auth_type = "PAP"
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type gtc
 tls: rsa_key_ex

Re: concurrent TTLS and PEAP usage

2005-08-31 Thread Artur Hecker

Alan, Stefan

replying to myself:

using 'files' I've managed to make it work. the correct (working) 
configuration is:

user_ttls   FreeRadius-Proxied-To == "", User-Password == 

Session-Timeout = 3600

user_ttls   EAP-Type != EAP-TTLS
Auth-Type := Reject

user_peap   FreeRadius-Proxied-To == "", User-Password == 

Session-Timeout = 3600

user_peap   EAP-Type != PEAP
Auth-Type := Reject

that does exactly what I wanted. works like a charm for both PEAP and 
TTLS users.

could somebody explain me how I can translate it into an SQL config?


Artur Hecker wrote:

hi Alan
hi Stefan

thanks for your help. I think I understand the idea. however my problems 
are on the implementation level.

two things are still not clear to me.

1. we use 'sql' and not 'files' (my fault i didn't mention it 
previously) and thus I don't see how I can add the line below to my user 
profile who already has things like User-Password ==..., etc. I tried 
adding user user_ttls into group TTLS and then using radgroupcheck like 

2 user_ttls EAP-Type != TTLS

3 user_ttls Auth-Type:=Reject

but then user_ttls gets rejected. how do I implement it with SQL?

2. we experimented with EAP-Type, but at least for PEAP as soon as we 
specify it somewhere in radcheck, PEAP breaks with a server error 
message saying that the client has sent a TLV rejecting the connection.

Alan: like Stefan proposed I also thought about something like 
FreeRadius-Proxied-To, because i think that you proposal might not work 
as soon as the internal method starts for the user. Or don't external 
methods use EAP-Type? (still I am not sure how to define "conditions" in 
sql tables: if EAP-Type not this value, then add Auth-Type=...)


Alan DeKok wrote:

Artur Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

user_ttlsEAP-Type != PEAP

that however only prohibits the usage of PEAP for user_ttls while i 
would like to only enable TTLS for this specific user (which is not 
quite the same).

user_ttls   EAP-Type != TTLS, Auth-Type := Reject

  See the dictionaries for EAP-Type names.

  Alan DeKok.

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Re: concurrent TTLS and PEAP usage

2005-08-31 Thread Artur Hecker

hi Alan
hi Stefan

thanks for your help. I think I understand the idea. however my problems 
are on the implementation level.

two things are still not clear to me.

1. we use 'sql' and not 'files' (my fault i didn't mention it 
previously) and thus I don't see how I can add the line below to my user 
profile who already has things like User-Password ==..., etc. I tried 
adding user user_ttls into group TTLS and then using radgroupcheck like 

id  UserAttribute   op  Value   
2   user_ttls   EAP-Type!=  TTLS
3   user_ttls   Auth-Type   :=  Reject

but then user_ttls gets rejected. how do I implement it with SQL?

2. we experimented with EAP-Type, but at least for PEAP as soon as we 
specify it somewhere in radcheck, PEAP breaks with a server error 
message saying that the client has sent a TLV rejecting the connection.

Alan: like Stefan proposed I also thought about something like 
FreeRadius-Proxied-To, because i think that you proposal might not work 
as soon as the internal method starts for the user. Or don't external 
methods use EAP-Type? (still I am not sure how to define "conditions" in 
sql tables: if EAP-Type not this value, then add Auth-Type=...)


Alan DeKok wrote:

Artur Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

user_ttls   EAP-Type != PEAP

that however only prohibits the usage of PEAP for user_ttls while i 
would like to only enable TTLS for this specific user (which is not 
quite the same).

user_ttls   EAP-Type != TTLS, Auth-Type := Reject

  See the dictionaries for EAP-Type names.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: multiple threads

2005-08-30 Thread Artur Hecker

hi Alan

ok, no i meant the daemon mode. sorry, my comment was a bit misleading. 
it's just that i would expect FR to show every configuration token it 
has read. and thread pool seems to be ignored in the debug.

  It prints out the configuration it *uses*.  It reads pretty much
anything from the configuration files.


  arthur {
 france = yes
 angleterre = no

  will be read fine. :) But it won't be printed out in debug mode,
because the server isn't looking for it.

  It makes the server a *lot* more forgiving, and easier to work with.

you know I remember a lot of users having _major_ problems with SCSI 
because it was too forgiving for simple setups...

why not at least mentioning that the server has just ignored a 
configuration token for whatever reason? e.g. ignoring thread_pool 
because -X was given at the command line. might help someone to see that 
his new config is not accepted. and don't you "patches are welcome" on 
me :-)

but anyway, it was not at all my problem. you have already pointed out 
the actual problem...

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Re: concurrent TTLS and PEAP usage

2005-08-30 Thread Artur Hecker



we naively try to specify EAP-Type == PEAP for user_peap
and == TTLS for 
user_ttls but that breaks both methods (which seems
normal since this 
EAP-Type definition is not correct for the internal EAP
method which 
however uses the same user name).

Why not almost just as naively do the check vice versa:
If it's user_ttls and EAP-Type == PEAP, set Auth-Type
explicitly to reject?

what you are saying is that I should do something like this:

user_ttls   EAP-Type != PEAP

that however only prohibits the usage of PEAP for user_ttls while i 
would like to only enable TTLS for this specific user (which is not 
quite the same).

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concurrent TTLS and PEAP usage

2005-08-30 Thread Artur Hecker


we have a Wifi 802.1X network with both TTLS and PEAP users (TTLS/PAP 
mostly for non-windows machines, PEAP/MSCHAPv2 for windows machines). 
(we also have TLS users, but that's out of scope).

both work like a charm. however, we'd like to prevent PEAP accounts to 
log in with TTLS and vice-versa (that's a pure policy decision - one 
user profile should specify exactly one auth method). this works mainly 
because we store clear text passwords for both MSCHAPv2 and PAP.

assuming e.g. two users user_peap with PEAP/MS-CHAPv2 and user_ttls with 
TTLS/CHAP, we would like to modify the profile of the user user_peap so 
he can't change the exterior method to TTLS/PAP and vs.

note that we don't necessarily use exterior names (since e.g. MS Windows 
machines  do not permit to specify an alternative user name for the 
exterior EAP tunnel).

we naively try to specify EAP-Type == PEAP for user_peap and == TTLS for 
user_ttls but that breaks both methods (which seems normal since this 
EAP-Type definition is not correct for the internal EAP method which 
however uses the same user name).

i thought about specifying tunneled attributes as check items. it turns 
out that FR does not show them in the log and I believe that these are 
not the same for the PEAP and TTLS anyway.

thus the question to the list: how can I specify an "PEAP/MS-CHAPv2 
only" user profile? how can i specify a "TTLS/PAP only" user profile?

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Re: multiple threads

2005-08-30 Thread Artur Hecker

hi Alan

>> context: on a Fedora Core 3 system (linux 2.6.9) I configured n=5 
but FR would not start but one instance. also in the "radiusd -X" there 
is no notice of thread-pool config being read.

>   FC4 uses a newer Linux kernel, which *correctly* shows only one
> process via "ps", even when that process has multiple threads.

ok. you are right. i found the thread info in /proc/$PID/status.

>   And "-X" means "don't start threads".  See the "man" page.

ok, no i meant the daemon mode. sorry, my comment was a bit misleading. 
it's just that i would expect FR to show every configuration token it 
has read. and thread pool seems to be ignored in the debug.

thanks Alan.

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multiple threads

2005-08-29 Thread Artur Hecker

hi guys

has anybody ever noticed any difficulties of FR to launch multiple 
initial threads? (thread_pool: start_servers n)

context: on a Fedora Core 3 system (linux 2.6.9) I configured n=5 but FR 
would not start but one instance. also in the "radiusd -X" there is no 
notice of thread-pool config being read.

does anybody have any ideas on that issue? how do I debug it? ("ldd 
radiusd" shows libpthread correctly linked into the binary).

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Re: Radius, Radsec, Diameter [was: Silly question - secure Radius?]

2005-07-14 Thread Artur Hecker

apparently we do agree. thanks to Josh for his comment. just one thing:

Alan DeKok wrote:

Josh Howlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think the point the original poster was making was that Diameter
allows arbitrary conversations between NASes and servers that are
initiated by either party, via "applications", in an extensible manner.


  Which clients support diameter?  I can't think of any.

  Until Cisco starts shipping diameter clients in their boxes, all of
this discussion is wishful thinking.

see? as i said: now you _started_ talking about God :-)

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Re: Radius, Radsec, Diameter [was: Silly question - secure Radius?]

2005-07-14 Thread Artur Hecker


just a small preamble: i perfectly understand your position and i do not 
expect you to start a diameter implementation tomorrow :-) for me it's 
merely a strategic discussion.

Alan DeKok wrote:

Artur Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

well, from my perspective the main arguments would be:


  Those are all nice arguments for diameter, and good reasons why the
protocol was designed.

  But I keep coming back to: Where are the client implementations?
There are few to none client implementations.

perfect, apparently we've just closed the circle:

i started this conversation by the statement "what are the manufacturers 
waiting for?" adding that we might be missing interesting opportunities 
(as a cause of manufacturers not integrating diameter). you asked which 
features i was talking about :-) and now you ask about devices. circle 

according to this funny newsgroups discussion study, that's probably the 
point where we start talking about god (since we have reached the 

- reliability (especially for accounting)

  radsec from the NAS to the RADIUS server would solve this.

only partly, i think, since the reliability of accounting depends on 
more than just on the reliability of transmissions. there are things to 
specify in the implementations, especially when we start talking about 
multi-party-accounting. you have to think about accountability, 
integrity and non-repudiation. the fact that accounting support is not 
obligatory in radius does not exactly help here.

udp is generally not very handy when you want more control over the NAS, 
even if i understand the initial motivation to base radius on it. 
however, today you run in all those problems with NAT, session 
initiation in firewalled environments, reliability, security and so on.

  radsec solves this, too.

that's probably true. but, citing you: where are the client 
implementations? do you know of any radsec-cacable 802.11 access point? 
that would interest me personally.

and what is radsec anyway? it is not an RFC standard track and why would 
i implement proprietary solutions when the sense is to enable a 
multi-domain operation?

- server-initiated messaging
the strict client-server design of radius (imho amplified by the use of 
the conn-less UDP) does not allow for server-initiated commands such as 
"disconnect" or "force re-authorization on profile changes" (very 
important with PBM)

  Huh?  See the "disconnect request" packets.  Radclient even supports

hmmm?? well... PoD is probably the ugliest hack ever. imho, PoD is not a 
solution but a proof that things have been badly overseen during the 
Radius-design and especially re-design phases.

and anyway it only partially answers my question. disconnect is just ONE 
possible application. what about a complete PBM solution?

- NAS management
radius-typical fqdn/shared secret based security simply does not scale. 
it is too complicated to manage NAS in this manner and often results in 
network-wide radius passwords.

  radsec with per-NAS certificates solves this.

true and same as above: not a standard, no NAS.

- security with proxying
in Radius proxies can modify packets. this is often not a good thing to 
do. diameter has a far better and more extensive support for TLS, 
especially for roaming scenarios. security might not be an issue in the 
way radius is typically used, but its security definitions are 
completely obsolete (strange md5-based hashing is not exactly the state 
of the art, and right now ipsec support is as improbable with NAS as 
diameter-support itself :-)).

  radsec doesn't support this, but there was a radius + kerberos draft
which did.  Recent opinions in the radius working group indicate that
dropping this might have been a mistake.

*provoke* why talking about drafts when we have a standard track 
protocol which supports this? :-)

radius+kerberos: if it used used radius as a trusted third party, then 
it does not surprise me that it has been abandoned...

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Re: Radius, Radsec, Diameter [was: Silly question - secure Radius?]

2005-07-14 Thread Artur Hecker

hi alan

sorry for the delay.

you might be right. yet i think that we might ignore some opportunities 
which would be possible/supported by diameter.

  Like... what?

well, from my perspective the main arguments would be:

- reliability (especially for accounting)
in every related implementation we always had to tweak around the 
timeouts etc. just because you can't be sure that the accounting-stop 
arrives correctly when the user is disconnected. especially in an 
environment with a lot of connects and disconnects, this results in 
"stalled" sessions which have to be explicitly treated and where the 
relation to the real network usage is principally lost. this is boring.

udp is generally not very handy when you want more control over the NAS, 
even if i understand the initial motivation to base radius on it. 
however, today you run in all those problems with NAT, session 
initiation in firewalled environments, reliability, security and so on.

- server-initiated messaging
the strict client-server design of radius (imho amplified by the use of 
the conn-less UDP) does not allow for server-initiated commands such as 
"disconnect" or "force re-authorization on profile changes" (very 
important with PBM)

- NAS management
radius-typical fqdn/shared secret based security simply does not scale. 
it is too complicated to manage NAS in this manner and often results in 
network-wide radius passwords.

- security with proxying
in Radius proxies can modify packets. this is often not a good thing to 
do. diameter has a far better and more extensive support for TLS, 
especially for roaming scenarios. security might not be an issue in the 
way radius is typically used, but its security definitions are 
completely obsolete (strange md5-based hashing is not exactly the state 
of the art, and right now ipsec support is as improbable with NAS as 
diameter-support itself :-)).

that's what bothers me personally, in this order. i think there are much 
more of those in the diameter RFC.

i really believe that current usage produces demand in the same
manner as demand influences the usage. using additional web-based
"touches" to trigger server solicitations by the client is indeed
quite ridiculous.

  I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

well, we have seen a lot of implementations (especially in the hotspot 
management area) where people use HTTP from server to NAS to trigger 
radius-requests to be sent towards the server (!). it's nonsense.

  It shouldn't be too hard to write a radsec implementation.  Ideally,
it could leverage the TLS code in rlm_eap.

that wouldn't be enough for roaming cases.

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Re: Radius, Radsec, Diameter [was: Silly question - secure Radius?]

2005-07-09 Thread Artur Hecker

you might be right. yet i think that we might ignore some opportunities 
which would be possible/supported by diameter. i really believe that 
current usage produces demand in the same manner as demand influences 
the usage. using additional web-based "touches" to trigger server 
solicitations by the client is indeed quite ridiculous.

the main problem with radius is IMHO its client-server nature. it 
inherently lacks control. also TCP in dimaeter and defined TLS in proxy 
mode might be advantageous.


Alan DeKok wrote:

Artur Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

well, that's not the point since diameter would be backwards compatible 
to radius... but i do ask myself what the manufacturers are waiting for. 
it could be at least an option.

  Diameter will be interesting ole when manufacturers ship millions of
boxes with diameter.

  Why don't they?  Let's look at what they need from RADIUS or diameter:

  1) username/password authentication.  Yup, RADIUS does this.
  2) EAP->AAA for wireless.  Yup, RADIUS does this.

  The nice thing about RADIUS is that it's so easy to implement.  In
contrast, diameter is 1000x more complicated than RADIUS, and it only
solve .1% more problems than RADIUS.  Diameter is not going to be
widely deployed.


see also "open diameter". it even does EAP...

  Not as many EAP methods as FreeRADIUS. :)

  Adding EAP-FAST to FreeRADIUS may not be too hard, either.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: Radius, Radsec, Diameter [was: Silly question - secure Radius?]

2005-07-09 Thread Artur Hecker

Alan DeKok wrote:

  See "wire diameter", from Taiwan.  I recall it's a student project,
but it does give a minimal diameter server.

  But again, can you think of *one* client implementation of diameter?
I can't.

well, that's not the point since diameter would be backwards compatible 
to radius... but i do ask myself what the manufacturers are waiting for. 
it could be at least an option.

see also "open diameter". it even does EAP...

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Re: Can do EAP/TLS, but not EAP/MD5

2005-07-08 Thread Artur Hecker
or simply put 'eap' as the last module in the authorize section. should 
be the same.

Jefri bin Dahari wrote:

It works. Thank you very much Vladimir.

- Original Message - From: "Vladimir Vuksan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list" 
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 14:39
Subject: Re: Can do EAP/TLS, but not EAP/MD5

Jefri bin Dahari wrote:

I have Freeradius running where wireless users authenticate using 
EAP/TLS. Now, I would like to use the same server to authenticate 
wired users using EAP/MD5 on Cisco switch 3750 but it doesn't work. 
The log shows it doesn't do EAP authentication as shown below. 
Attached is my eap.conf.

You appear to be setting Auth-Type to Local. Check your Users file and 
see where the Auth-Type := Local or similar is getting set. Comment it 

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Re: MAC+EAP authentication

2005-06-14 Thread Artur Hecker

well, unfortunately not really. and most importantly: it does not
assure the users use the known SOFTware to access the net.

imho, hardware has never ever represented a problem so far.


On 6/14/05, Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Artur Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > implementing EAP or MAC authentication, meaning that one of both would
> > work, is a huge security hole and requiring both is useless since EAP
> > authentication implicitly filters away everything unauthenticated...
>   Doing *both* ensures that known users only use known hardware to
> access the net.  Sort of.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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Re: MAC+EAP authentication

2005-06-13 Thread Artur Hecker
i personally think that it's completely useless.

implementing EAP or MAC authentication, meaning that one of both would
work, is a huge security hole and requiring both is useless since EAP
authentication implicitly filters away everything unauthenticated...

(even if i understand that might be necessary for current WiFi phones,
etc., please be aware that under linux you can actually change the MAC
address with one command...)


On 6/13/05, Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Jefri bin Dahari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I plan to implement simultaneous MAC+EAP authentication for my wireless
> > users. From my observation, Freeradius can only do either MAC or EAP but not
> > MAC and EAP authentication. Can somebody gives me some hints on how to do
> > that?
>   It can do both.  EAP is authentication, MAC checking isn't really
> authentication.
>   What are you seeing in RADIUS packets, and what do you want to happen?
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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Re: Free RADIUS for WLAN - Problems?

2005-06-12 Thread Artur Hecker


- What are differences between "unicast key" and "multicast/global key". 
If unicast key is used
for encrypting per-client data and if I have 20 client, does that mean 
Access Point must hold all

of course, since the communications are encrypted with a different key
per client. otherwise your cell neighbors could read your data.

20 per-client unicast key? And if multicast/global key is used for 
encrypting multicast/broadcast

traffic, does that mean we have to pre-configure the key in Access Point?

when it gets down to details, then it gets a little bit nasty, since
strictly spoken before 802.11i there wasn't any real standard for that.
talking about 802.11i, the answer is NO. the multicast key is chosen
randomly by the access point for the first client and is delivered to
the client by the access point using a key encryption key for any
subsequent client.

- Can someone explain me about "4-way handshake" and how a client 
derives 128-bits key for

Encryption and 64-bits key for MIC.

yes, the IEEE 802.11i standard. please read the security section or look
on the web for 802.11i 4way handshake. i'm sure you'll find enough

- I want to authenticate my clients with ComputerName\\UserName and i 
configured my

radiusd.conf like below:
 realm ntdomain {
   format = prefix
   delimiter = ""
   ignore_default = no
   ignore_null = no
Is it right? Is it neccessary to care lowercase or upercase in ComputerName?

ahem. i think that you could do it this way, but it is not necessary.
the realms are primarily used for relaying requests to other servers. if
you just want a naming convention, you could probably directly store
these names in a database.

- And I have a problem with my XP client: after the first successful 
authentication, when I
disconnect and reconnect, Instead I must enter my username and password, 
It automatically

connect without a login prompt.

you mean with PEAP/MS-CHAPv2? yes, Windows XP stores the credentials in
the registry.;en-us;823731


Artur Hecker
WaveStorm SARL
WaveStorm Support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: FreeRADIUS + 802.1x (WPA) + WinXP + smbpasswd

2005-03-31 Thread Artur Hecker
would you mind writing down a small doc with your experiences?
i'm sure it would be nice to know for everyone.

Jim Seymour wrote:
"Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Seymour) wrote:
Clarification: Giving the server ADMINNB\jseymour works.  Giving it
just "jseymour" does not.
 Because the regex on the line above doesn't match.  So, do:
DEFAULT   User-Name =~ blah
  My-Local-User-Name = "%{1}"
My-Local-User-Name = "%{My-Local-User-Name:-%{User-Name}}"

Boy, I sure am missing some of the more obvious ones, aren't I?
Okay, that worked.  Thanks for all the help, Alan.  And all you
others, too!
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Re: Accouting Problems

2005-03-30 Thread Artur Hecker
sorry for this response but the failure in that specific scenario is 
very unlikely to be on the server.

the Session-Timeout value and the Accounting events have to be 
respected/generated at the client. so, if you don't have the Accounting 
Stop for a disconnected user, then the client is no good. if the client 
does not follow the Session-Timeout which it has previously received in 
the Access Accept, then, once again, it's the fault of the client.

try to ask ChilliSpot or Linksys people - wherever you are sending the 
Accept to.

Sebastian Steinhauer wrote:
I'm working an wireless network for our local city. I'm using freeRadius
1.0.1 on a Debian server and Alchemy 6.0 with ChilliSpot on Linksys
accesspoints. Everything's working fine but I've a little problem with
the accouting function on freeRadius.
Everything (including the radacct) is stored in a MySQL database. Every
user is in a group with following attributes in radgroupreply:
Session-Timeout := 10800
Idle-Timeout := 900
Now I've following problem. If a user disconnects without loggin off
from the system over the CilliSpot Logoff-URL the user will be kept
online (AcctStopTime = 0) in the radacct. Even the Session-Timeout seems
not to work properly. May it be I've forgotten a special setting or an
another attribute?
But I had an interesting experience. A Session-Timeout about 5-10
minutes seems to work, but the current Session-Timeout doesn't work.
Perhaps someone can help me out...that would be fine.
If you need more information please ask for them, I'll give it to you.
Sebastian Steinhauer 

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Re: Zertifikate für WinXP Supplicant

2005-03-22 Thread Artur Hecker
die sind glaube ich in den neuesten releases von freeradius bereits 
vorhanden, oder? schau mal im verzeichnis rum... weiss nicht wo.


PhonTom wrote:
Liebe Leser!


Ich habe Freeradius auf CentOS 4.0 laufen und bekomm mit meinem openssl
Keine Zertifikate erstellt. Pfade usw. habe ich schon geprüft, jedoch 
hat das ganze

auch nicht funktioniert.
Kann mir vielleicht jemand einfach ein CA root Zertifikat plus das 
Server und 1 Clientzertifikat

Erstellen, damit ich das ganze zumindest testen kann?
Ich wäre dafür sehr dankbar, da ich mir gar nicht mehr sicher bin, obs 
am openssl liegt?






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Re: WinXP EAP-TLS: Zertifikat

2005-03-21 Thread Artur Hecker
nur ein kleiner versuch: ueberpruef mal nach dem installieren, ob das 
zertifikat tatsaechlich vorhanden und gueltig ist (nimm mmc, Snap-In 
hinzufuegen, zertifikate auswaehlen, hinzufuegen, ok. windows wird 
fragen, welches konto gemeint ist; du waehlst das private aus, wenn du 
das private meinst bzw. maschinenkonto, wenn du dieses meinst). dann 

1. ob das client-zertifikat unter eigenen zertifikaten installiert ist 
und tatsaechlich einen privaten schluessel enthaelt.
2. Vertrauenswuerdige zertifizierungsstelle die das erstere signiert hat 
ebenfalls ein Zertifikat hat, und zwar im entsprechenden Kontainer.
3. dass beide gueltig sind und windows bei der ueberpruefung nicht mosert.

Thomas Schleindl wrote:
ich habe einen Freeradius Server der letzten Version unter CentOS 4 laufen.
PEAP funktioniert wunderbar, auch die überprüfung des Serverzertifikates
passt soweit. Im nächsten Schritt möchte ich gerne den Client mittels 
Zertifikat anstatt usr/pwd identifizieren. Leider gibt Windows immer die
Fehlermeldung "Es wurde kein Zertifikat gefunden, um Sie am Netzwerk
anzumelden" aus. Ich habe jedoch das cert-clt.der bzw. cert-clt.p12 schon
zigmal installiert und auch darauf geachtet, dass die Verwendung als
Clientzertifikat markiert ist.
Hat jemand hierzu einen Tip bzw. Link zu einem HOWTO??
Ich arbeite mit WinXP SP2 und einem HP Switch im Testaufbau.

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Re: About client web authentication

2005-03-10 Thread Artur Hecker
Nurul probably means client isolation.
Nurul, your issues are not really related to freeradius.
You can authenticate over whatever you want to freeradius. However, 
that's not your point. For what you want to do, you need to setup the 
access controller which is just another NAS in AAA slang. WLAN client 
isolation is a purely NAS internal functionality. You have to do that at 
the access point (a L3 firewall can not achieve that since the packets 
are forwarded on L2).

So, take a look at hotspot-like access controllers which provide captive 
portal functionality. There is "nocat" e.g. but a lot of others do the 
same. There are also a lot of commercial products.

hope that helps. if you need more help, try to ask offline.
Marcin Jessa wrote:
I have no idea what you are talking about.
If you mean that WLAN users will be able to talk to eachother after 
authentication then yes, that's the whole point of opening the network.
You need to describe your network first.
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 15:56:36 -0800
"Nurul Faizal M.Shukeri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tq 4 ur response
But if I do this, wlan user still can access each other. How to protect
that? Is that mod_auth_radius that I'm looking for? 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marcin
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: About client web authentication
You need some kind of hotspot server like routeros or staros.
Or you can do that with Squid and custom firewalling rules to open
connections from i.e. PPTP authenticated users.

On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 09:28:01 -0800
"Nurul Faizal M.Shukeri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone.,
Can anyone explain how to deploy client web authentication. I'm using
freeradius to authenticate wireless user. For the time being I'm just
installed Aegis or 802.1X built in windows to be supplicant. Anyone, plz
help me .
TQ very much
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M. Jessa
Software developer/System Administrator

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Re: PEAP and "fatal unknown_ca"

2005-02-06 Thread Artur Hecker
EAP-Message =
EAP-Message =
Message-Authenticator = 0x
State = 0x36cdeb1e4af1060e78512ffdc9c31264
Finished request 2
Going to the next request
Waking up in 6 seconds...
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=152, length=191
User-Name = "atkinsondu"
Framed-MTU = 1400
Called-Station-Id = "000f.9060.c140"
Calling-Station-Id = "0040.96a2.8ef1"
Cisco-AVPair = "ssid=eap-only"
Service-Type = Login-User
Message-Authenticator = 0xfeb6cd762306cd1a886420d036082cc8
EAP-Message = 0x02040011198715030100020230
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
Cisco-NAS-Port = "369"
NAS-Port = 369
State = 0x36cdeb1e4af1060e78512ffdc9c31264
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "wifi-ap1"
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 3
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 3
rlm_realm: No '\' in User-Name = "atkinsondu", looking up realm NULL
rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "ntdomain" returns noop for request 3
rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "atkinsondu", looking up realm NULL
rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 3
  rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 4 length 17
  rlm_eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
  modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated for request 3
modcall: entering group group for request 3
rlm_dbm: try open database file: /opt/local/etc/raddb/database/users 
rlm_dbm: Call parse_user: 
sm_parse_user.c: check for loops
Add atkinsondu to user list
rlm_dbm: User  not foud in database 
Remove atkinsondu from user list
sm_parse_user.c: check for loops
Add DEFAULT to user list
rlm_dbm: User  not foud in database 
Remove DEFAULT from user list
  modcall[authorize]: module "dbm" returns notfound for request 3
modcall: group group returns notfound for request 3
modcall: group authorize returns updated for request 3
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
  Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authenticate for request 3
  rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
  rlm_eap: EAP/peap
  rlm_eap: processing type peap
  rlm_eap_peap: Authenticate
  rlm_eap_tls: processing TLS
rlm_eap_tls:  Length Included
  eaptls_verify returned 11 
  rlm_eap_tls: <<< TLS 1.0 Alert [length 0002], fatal unknown_ca  
TLS Alert read:fatal:unknown CA 
TLS_accept:failed in SSLv3 read client certificate A 
24317:error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown
ca:s3_pkt.c:1052:SSL alert number 48
24317:error:140940E5:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:ssl handshake
rlm_eap_tls: SSL_read failed in a system call (-1), TLS session fails.
In SSL Handshake Phase 
In SSL Accept mode  
rlm_eap_tls: BIO_read failed in a system call (-1), TLS session fails.
  eaptls_process returned 13 
  rlm_eap_peap: EAPTLS_HANDLED
  rlm_eap: Freeing handler
  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns reject for request 3
modcall: group authenticate returns reject for request 3
auth: Failed to validate the user.
Delaying request 3 for 1 seconds
Finished request 3
Going to the next reque

Re: Radius for 802.1X and TKIP

2005-01-24 Thread Artur Hecker
TKIP is the encryption method used on the wireless link. radius is 
designed to be independent of the access technology used by the NAS.

in other words, TKIP is something which is not known to the radius 
server - by design. the radius server will - if available - provide the 
NAS (802.11 access point in that case) with the "raw" key material. 
however it is up to the NAS to derive the necessary keys from it.

you configure the NAS to use TKIP on the link. freeradius is 
automatically configured in a way that will derive and attach key 
material to the access-accept message sent to the solicited NAS. you can 
see the MPPE-*** attributes in the access-accept message in the full log 
(radiusd -s -X)

Dani Camps wrote:
I want to set up a secure wlan using EAP-PEAP as
authentication method and Radius as a authentication
server, in the AP I choose TKIP encryption, but I
think TKIP needs to renew the keys used, and I think
is the Radius server the one that has to create the
keys and pass them to the AP, is this true ?
In that case how to configure Radius to use TKIP ?
Any of you have experience in this set up, wlan with
EAP-PEAP authentication in a Radius server and using
TKIP for encryption ?
Thanks !
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rapid question on PEAP version

2005-01-05 Thread Artur Hecker
i just looked in the doc directory, the source code and a bit on the web 
and could not find any recent info on which version of EAP-PEAP is 
supported by freeradius. from what i've found till now, only PEAPv0 with 
MS-CHAPv2 is supported (this however dates back to June 2004). has it by 
any chance been updated since? most notably, is the so-called 
cryptobinding (PEAPv2) already implemented?

and when we are already in there, perhaps somebody knows the same 
answers for TTLS (cryptobinding has been recently added to the I-D) and 
the clients: xsupplicant, XP SP2, Alfa-Ariss, etc. moreover, for the 
tunneled methods, it would be nice to know client- and server-side inner 
method limitations.

a small summary would be just perfect.
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cisco ACS vulnerability

2004-11-03 Thread Artur Hecker

FYI: EAP-TLS vulnerability in cisco ACS
PS it's a bit out of topic, but well, they also have their problems :-)
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Re: research project

2004-10-12 Thread Artur Hecker
as far as I know, german 1&1 division has been using freeradius for 
years for the access control of their xDSL users.

however, i'm not up to date...

Henning,Rhiannon Michelle wrote:
Do you mind if I ask which radius server you were using before? How many
users are you currently supporting per server? Wired and wireless users?
Rhiannon Henning 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graeme
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 9:38 AM
To: FreeRADIUS list
Subject: Re: research project
If you want some "we use freeRADIUS and love it" style blurb to slap on
the freeRADIUS site, give me a shout I would be happy to oblige.  Since
we (Zen Internet) moved over to freeRADIUS a lot of headaches have gone,
and people are authing faster than ever before :)
We arn't a new startup either

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Re: Q about debugging output

2004-09-15 Thread Artur Hecker

Now take the EAP-Message:
0x   02   02   000d   01 74 65 73 74 75 73 65 72
hex  code id   length data (9 octets)
Splitting done right? If so, code, id, and length are consistent with 
  rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 2 length 13
But why are there only 9 bytes of data -- I expect 13?
Is it truncated in some way?
not at all: the length is not the length of the data field but of the 
whole packet: 9 data + 2 length + 1 id + 1 code = 13.

according to RFC3748:
  The Length field is two octets and indicates the length, in
  octets, of the EAP packet including the Code, Identifier, Length,
  and Data fields.  Octets outside the range of the Length field
  should be treated as Data Link Layer padding and MUST be ignored
  upon reception.  A message with the Length field set to a value
  larger than the number of received octets MUST be silently
hope it helps
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Re: FreeRADIUS - 802.1x WPA-TKIP, WPA2-AES settings

2004-09-14 Thread Artur Hecker
add to it: forward the DHCPDISCOVER to the DS if no internal table entry 
for this MAC is found. yapp, that would be even very easy to integrate.

but i don't think that _any_ AP does that.
Damjan wrote:
just for the case: no, it is 
NOT possible to assign IP addresses by 802.1X; you have to do DHCP after 
the authentication (yes, it is strange).

A clever AP could support this:
1. Serving DHCP to the wireless netowork only
2. Getting the Framed-IP-Address from the radius Access-Accept, and
putting it in a internal table (MAC -> IP)
3. Serving that exact IP via DHCP when the subsciber asks for a lease.
I don't know of an AP that does that, though.

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Re: Q: Allowing 1 EAP type per SSID with 1 AP and 1 Radius Server.

2004-09-14 Thread Artur Hecker

1. in AP 12 you can assign an authentication server per SSID. 
from here on, you could have two different servers, one for 
LEAP and the other for EAP/TLS.

Can loopbacks be used on a FreeRadius server so that it control the EAP
type allowed based on the targeted interface? Not needed if I can get
the below to work. 
i don't think so, but what would it be good for? just start two radius 
servers on different ports and configure the SSID parts in the APs 
appropriately. it's not difficult and you can really be sure that your 
LEAP users land on your LEAP enabled FR while your TLS users use your 
TLS enabled FR. you can even enforce the immediate denial in the case 
where LEAP is used on the TLS server, etc.

2. Cisco APs do provide SSID information in the incoming 
requests. this is put in a Cisco VSA. if you put your server 
into debug mode and look at the incoming requests, you'll see 
the SSID appearing as something like

Cisco-VSA = "ssid=my_ssid"
Not on mine.  I'll try an IOS upgrade.
oh, ok, that's strange. either it's an option (but i've never seen a 
cisco AP without that VSA in its request so it should be ON by default 
and you deactivated it once - reset to factory defaults should do the 
trick) or it is really a IOS version issue.

and finally, if you have a direct wire to a Cisco Product Manager, 
please kick his ass from my part convincing him of the need 
to finally 
correct the accounting behavior of the newest AP12 IOS release. in my 
case, accounting does not contain AcctInputOctets nor 

=)  If you e-mail me directly with the details I'll be glad to.
ok - as soon as possible :)
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Re: Q: Allowing 1 EAP type per SSID with 1 AP and 1 Radius Server.

2004-09-14 Thread Artur Hecker
if i understand your problem correctly, you want to have a different EAP 
type per SSID using the cisco APs of the 12 series.

there are basically two major possibilities to do so, independently of 
what has been said before:

1. in AP 12 you can assign an authentication server per SSID. from here 
on, you could have two different servers, one for LEAP and the other for 

2. cisco APs do provide SSID information in the incoming requests. this 
is put in a cisco VSA. if you put your server into debug mode and look 
at the incoming requests, you'll see the SSID appearing as something like

Cisco-VSA = "ssid=my_ssid"
you can process this line in freeradius and treat it differently 
depending on the SSID, as has been explained by Alan.

now for the MAC-address format:
look at the config of the AP 12. you can change the MAC address format, 
AP 1200 supports cisco-format, IETF format (see your email) and an 
unformatted char string. the IETF format however does not contain the SSID.

and finally, if you have a direct wire to a Cisco Product Manager, 
please kick his ass from my part convincing him of the need to finally 
correct the accounting behavior of the newest AP12 IOS release. in my 
case, accounting does not contain AcctInputOctets nor AcctOutputOctets.


Patrick Mowry (DHL US) wrote:
Thanks Michael,
  The AP (Cisco 1200, IOS 12.2(13)JA1) formats the Called-Station-ID as
"0007.50d5.".  I'll forward the RFC information to the product
Manager to see if this can be added to the next release.  There is
another feature being added to the IOS software for the APs to address
my issue, but it is not even in beta yet.
Thanks again,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Michael Griego
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:16 AM
Subject: RE: Q: Allowing 1 EAP type per SSID with 1 AP and 1 Radius
RFC3580 section 3.20:
3.20.  Called-Station-Id

   For IEEE 802.1X Authenticators, this attribute is used to store the
   bridge or Access Point MAC address in ASCII format (upper case only),
   with octet values separated by a "-".  Example: "00-10-A4-23-19-C0".
   In IEEE 802.11, where the SSID is known, it SHOULD be appended to the
   Access Point MAC address, separated from the MAC address with a ":".
   Example "00-10-A4-23-19-C0:AP1".
If you AP is compliant with this RFC, look in the Called-Station-Id
On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 12:52, Patrick Mowry (DHL US) wrote:
"Patrick Mowry (DHL US)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 My understanding of Wireless 802.1x supports boils down to the AP

passing the EAP authentication to the backend radius server after 

initial EAPOL, but the actual EAP type used is up to the
Yes, but the server has to agree.

I would like to use EAP-TLS for an SSID for wireless LAN access, 
and LEAP (no other choice :( ) for wireless phones.  But if the 
SSIDs are

configured on all APs, All APs point to a single FreeRadius Backend

configured for TLS, LEAP and PEAP; how do I prevent a compromised
account from being used to access the SSID supposedly secured by 
Is the SSID in the RADIUS packet?  If not, you can't key off of 
to force EAP types.
No, nothing in the access-request, including NAS-PORT, seem to 
correlate to a SSID.

 Watching the logs with radiusd -X -A I do not see a field I can 

off of to limit the EAP type allowed.
In the "users" file, you can do:
bob  EAP-Type := Cisco-LEAP
to force that user to use a specific EAP type.  See 
the known VALUE's of the EAP-Type attribute.
Alan DeKok.
But since the AP does not pass SSID info, nor interfere with the type 
of EAP Allowed per SSID,  it seems I'm SOL.

I'll more this to another group, but is anyone aware of an AP that 
does either of the above?  I'll investigate further into Cisco 1200 
and the Symbol WS5000 if Anyone is interested.

Alan,  Thanks again for your help,
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Re: FreeRADIUS - 802.1x WPA-TKIP, WPA2-AES settings

2004-09-12 Thread Artur Hecker

However, how to direct or tell the  authenticated
Radius client/station go to get the IP address from
the DHCP server, in other words, is in the RADIUS
server where to indicate the DHCP server IP address
(or point to my DSL router
no. radius is used till to the point when the authenticating station 
gets access to the network. if it helps, you can compare it to a 
(somehow controlled) plugging into the network plug: from the point you 
plug a station in, it is up to the station to send DHCPDISCOVER messages 
and to interpret the offers from the servers. in the case of 802.1X and 
radius, the station does exactly the same as it would do if you just 
plugged it in.

now, if you wanted to make a logical link between the authenticated 
station/user and the assigned IP address, you would have to go farther 
(e.g. execute a script every time a new station connects which 
reconfigures your DHCP server to assign a chosen IP address to the seen 
MAC address etc.)

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Re: FreeRADIUS - 802.1x WPA-TKIP, WPA2-AES settings

2004-09-10 Thread Artur Hecker

Are there any instruction, step-by-step on how to
build the RADIUS server for WPA and WPA2
yes, there are. today, it should work "out of the box" (well, there is 
no box, but still).

the good news from the pov of the radius server is that all these things 
you mentioned are transparent for it; the AP has to do a/b/g and 
WPA/WPA2 from the keying information received from the server (that may 
be kind of half true, because at least WPA2 is not yet released and thus 
half ready).

in any case, if you have an AP you bought recently, it should work with 
FR directly.

And would there be possible to install the RADIUS
server separate from DHCP server? if yes, how to?
hmm? yes, the two instances have no relation to each other whatsoever. 
you install the first and then the second. just for the case: no, it is 
NOT possible to assign IP addresses by 802.1X; you have to do DHCP after 
the authentication (yes, it is strange).

the Client is Windows XP, which has support for 802.1x
true, and it should work, PEAP/MS-CHAPv2 and TLS are supported by FR.
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Re: PEAP + per session WEP

2004-08-25 Thread Artur Hecker
ok, whatever a PEAP request means in the original mail :-)
it would be crazy to constantly deliver the same value, what would it be 
good for? that's why it's called "dynamic WEP"...

Alan DeKok wrote:
Artur Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
the values in MS-MPPE-Recv-Key and MS-MPPE-Send-Key change in every PEAP
what do you mean by this statement? these attributes are only present in
the Access-Accept message sent by the radius server to the NAS.

  He means that at the end of every PEAP session, the keys are unique.
  They're supposed to be.
  Alan DeKok.
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Re: PEAP + per session WEP

2004-08-25 Thread Artur Hecker

When you say "freeradius delivers the necessary keying data", do you
mean these two following keys?
MS-MPPE-Recv-Key =
MS-MPPE-Send-Key =
that's exact.

the values in MS-MPPE-Recv-Key and MS-MPPE-Send-Key change in every PEAP
what do you mean by this statement? these attributes are only present in 
the Access-Accept message sent by the radius server to the NAS.


it's a function of your access point. freeradius delivers the necessary 
keying data. your access point (authenticator) has to use it to produce 
the wep keys. similarly, your wireless client (supplicant) produces its 
keying data and the both latter can negotiate the wep keys together. 
thus, _both_ link partners have to support the dynamic wep keying and be 
compatible in this regard.

under ms-windows you say "the key is delivered by the network" or 
something like this in the wireless network settings.

Ivan Hernández Serrano wrote:
Hi, I am using freeradius 1.0.0, at this moment it uses PEAP and
everything goes fine. Now, I would like to generate a dynamic WEP key
per client, but I have no clue how to do it, I has been searching in the
mail archives, and in the docs without any results. I will appreciate if
anyone can either give me a hint or give me the location of some

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Re: PEAP + per session WEP

2004-08-25 Thread Artur Hecker
it's a function of your access point. freeradius delivers the necessary 
keying data. your access point (authenticator) has to use it to produce 
the wep keys. similarly, your wireless client (supplicant) produces its 
keying data and the both latter can negotiate the wep keys together. 
thus, _both_ link partners have to support the dynamic wep keying and be 
compatible in this regard.

under ms-windows you say "the key is delivered by the network" or 
something like this in the wireless network settings.

Ivan Hernández Serrano wrote:
Hi, I am using freeradius 1.0.0, at this moment it uses PEAP and
everything goes fine. Now, I would like to generate a dynamic WEP key
per client, but I have no clue how to do it, I has been searching in the
mail archives, and in the docs without any results. I will appreciate if
anyone can either give me a hint or give me the location of some

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Opinions on WLAN roaming

2004-07-29 Thread Artur Hecker
actually, the WISPr BP by the Wi-Fi Alliance is not a standard, it's 
explicitly marked as non-normative of any kind and called "best practice 
for WISP roaming".

since Wi-Fi alliance still considers 802.1X as not wide-spread enough, 
they did not include it in their current recommendations but they also 
state that they will do it once (which is not suprising given 802.1X is 
included in WPA and 802.11i).

since i think that WLAN without L2 access control is quite mindless in 
the general case, you should look at the 802.1X for roaming. now, 802.1X 
typically uses (but does not require) radius. additionally, since you 
are asking this at the freeradius list, i would say that WISP roaming 
basically equals radius roaming. now, the development is quite 
straightforward: make it be radius proxying and define additional 
attributes (if needed) for SLA purposes etc. divers optimizations are 
possible e.g. to avoid O(n^2) number of security associations, to avoid 
any common databases, to minimize the interdomain traffic and sim. to 
keep the high reactivity of the system (propagation of the changes 
applied to a user profile) in this scope, etc etc etc. i think some work 
has been already done on it and a lot is known from the basic radius 
management in a production environment.

Thor Spruyt wrote:
I actually mean roaming between WISPs, like GSM roaming.
I don't understand why they have called AP handover also roaming, it always
confuses people :)

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Re: Securing a wireless network with users database in LDAP (Win and Mac OS-X clients)

2004-07-29 Thread Artur Hecker

But will PAP be supported by supplicants running on Windows and Mac OS-X ?

If you are going to use EAP-TTLS you must use the SecureW2 client since windows
do not support EAP-TTLS. SecureW2 supports PAP so you should be fine. I have no
idea about MacOS X though since it's a unix flavor maybe Xsupplicant can work on
it (Xsupplicant supports EAP-TTLS).
apparently, xsupplicant works, but with some modifications. however, 
since Mac OS X (10.3++) there is an integrated client which is more 
convenient and does support TTLS., page 8
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Re: 802.1X HOWTO (draft)

2004-07-23 Thread Artur Hecker
probably because a big company in redmond is responsible for the latter.
but i have nothing against it.
Troy Davis wrote:
Just from a very newbie's put of view why do you briefly touch on setting up
a UNIX client and not a windows client
Regards Troy
- Original Message - 
From: "Lars Strand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: 802.1X HOWTO (draft)

On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Artur Hecker wrote:

1. the document needs a quick native speaker review. guys?
The have a language review before it is published ;-)

2. remove the repetitions of the form "how 802.1X works".
Fixing it later today.

3. add links to XSupplicant and FreeRadius in the abstract.

4. Authenticator config: since the images you include are HTML pages,
you can reduce the overall document size using the trick used in e.g.:
(not important)
I'm writing the HOWTO in DocBook XML, and can then later be converted
to html, pdf, ... - I don't belive docbook has support for inline
html.. overall I think images are better.

also add an image on EAP usage configuration (you only have the radius
related config, where is the SSID-related config?)
Will add that later today.

5. WPA / RSN: stop confusing people even more :-) try this:
Ok - added ;-)

basically, if you really want to explain stuff instead of just saying
"do that, do this" you can add an explanation divided in several
sections which are to consider:
- network access control (here: always 802.1X)
- authentication method (with 802.1X EAP is implied)
- link layer encryption (TKIP, CCMP, WEP, etc.)
- backend server (EAP-capable RADIUS server implied by 802.1X)
- magic glue :-) i.e. all the conventions on how and when to
derive what and from what and how often and how to transport
all this between AS/A etc.,
This requires some major restructuring - will look into it later

6. in the Xsupplicant section: Configuring Xsupplicant, point 5: are you
sure that "/sbin/iwconfig eth0 mode managed essid testnet enc off" will
let you associate with networks mandating WEP or TKIP usage? have you
tried that with an access point which requires L2 encryption?
my card would not associate to WEP-networks unless i do "iwconfig eth=
key 0x0" or provide some bogus key.
No - I've just done authentication - no dynamic WEP. Others have
requested this as well - will look into it later today.
I'm a little uncertain here: xsupplicant claims to have support for
dynaic WEP (which I'll try later), but what about WPA/802.11i? Is
there no other way than to use HostAP?
Does anyone have any experience to share by using PEAP-MSCHAPv2 with
xsupplicant and dynamic WEP (to get me started)?
I'm a little reluctant to use HostAP, since it will increase the HOWTO
and the complexity even more... WPA and 802.11i support is beeing
worked on for Xsupplicant..

also, why not adding "allmulti" to the "ifconfig eth0 up" directive?
Why? To let the interface recive new session/broadcast keys?

otherwise it looks good to me
Thanks for the feedback!
Lars Strand
GnuPG/PGP Key:  ID: 972F4325
"The Internet? Is that thing still around?"  -- Homer Simpson
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Re: 802.1X HOWTO (draft)

2004-07-23 Thread Artur Hecker
hi lars

I'm writing the HOWTO in DocBook XML, and can then later be converted
to html, pdf, ... - I don't belive docbook has support for inline
html.. overall I think images are better.
ok :-)

I'm a little uncertain here: xsupplicant claims to have support for
dynaic WEP (which I'll try later), but what about WPA/802.11i? Is
there no other way than to use HostAP?
actually, xsupplicant can be seen as almost independent of WPA, except 
for the derivation and the PSK mode. in any case, you will need a tool 
which will configure the wireless card. imho, wireless-tools currently 
do not support WPA (you can't choose the algorithm, etc.)

Does anyone have any experience to share by using PEAP-MSCHAPv2 with
xsupplicant and dynamic WEP (to get me started)?
1. radius server - the same which you explain, nothing changes, 
freeradius does it automatically (also works with WPA)
2. authenticator: activate L2 encryption, activate open authentication, 
activate "require EAP" for the open authentication. since "dynamic WEP" 
is not really a full definition, this can vary a lot depending on the 
access point: some will require you to set an initial WEP key, the 
others will require to set a broadcast WEP key, etc. e.g. Cisco APs will 
use the host key as the WEP key directly, meaning that there won't be 
any key rotation during the session, etc.
3. xsupplicant:

# iwconfig eth0 essid "blabla" key 0x0
(apparently some cards will require 0x0, while others will require 
something different than 0x0, try e.g. 0x1234567890 then. without it 
xsupplicant won't associate to APs enforcing encryption.)

# ifconfig eth0 allmulti up
then, with your configuration
# xsupplicant -i eth0
should work.

I'm a little reluctant to use HostAP, since it will increase the HOWTO
and the complexity even more... WPA and 802.11i support is beeing 
worked on for Xsupplicant..
anyway, HostAP is for PRISM cards only - imho, there are no more PRISM 
cards on the market (even if i believe that some other chipset will be 
rev-inged once)

Why? To let the interface recive new session/broadcast keys?
apparently, there are issues with some card drivers: xsupplicant won't 
work without it. for details, see xsupplicant list archives. as far as i 
know, allmulti does not hurt, so you can always add it.

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Re: Is Release 1.0.0 available?

2004-07-22 Thread Artur Hecker

  No.  I was going to release it last Friday, but my wife released
"Baby 1.0" first.  That took priority, oddly enough.
  Give me a few days to sleep...
  Alan DeKok.
wow, really??? i can only hope then that this time the feature freeze 
came early enough and that the involved developers did a good job and 
gave their best: i hope that the patches won't be necessary :-)

congratulations and my sincere best wishes!
ps list owner: couldn't we forbid Alan any postings/readings for two 
weeks or so?

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Re: 802.1X HOWTO (draft)

2004-07-22 Thread Artur Hecker
ah, nice.
i took a rapid look, it looks good.
just some detials:
1. the document needs a quick native speaker review. guys?
2. remove the repetitions of the form "how 802.1X works".
3. add links to XSupplicant and FreeRadius in the abstract.
4. Authenticator config: since the images you include are HTML pages, 
you can reduce the overall document size using the trick used in e.g.:
(not important)
also add an image on EAP usage configuration (you only have the radius 
related config, where is the SSID-related config?)
5. WPA / RSN: stop confusing people even more :-) try this:

basically, if you really want to explain stuff instead of just saying 
"do that, do this" you can add an explanation divided in several 
sections which are to consider:
	- network access control (here: always 802.1X)
	- authentication method (with 802.1X EAP is implied)
	- link layer encryption (TKIP, CCMP, WEP, etc.)
	- backend server (EAP-capable RADIUS server implied by 802.1X)
	- magic glue :-) i.e. all the conventions on how and when to
	derive what and from what and how often and how to transport
	all this between AS/A etc.,

6. in the Xsupplicant section: Configuring Xsupplicant, point 5: are you 
sure that "/sbin/iwconfig eth0 mode managed essid testnet enc off" will 
let you associate with networks mandating WEP or TKIP usage? have you 
tried that with an access point which requires L2 encryption?

my card would not associate to WEP-networks unless i do "iwconfig eth= 
key 0x0" or provide some bogus key.

also, why not adding "allmulti" to the "ifconfig eth0 up" directive?
otherwise it looks good to me

Lars Strand wrote:
I'm in the process of writing an 802.1X Linux HOWTO using Xsupplicant
as supplicant and FreeRADIUS as authentication server. The
authentication mechanism used is PEAP (MS-CHAPv2).
You may find the draft here:
I would like some comments/hints/tips! And, when you guys are
satisfied, I plan to submit it to
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Re: Gmail

2004-07-05 Thread Artur Hecker
this feature is usually called "reading emails in threads" and it 
probably exists since the creation of email in _every_ client i know.

i recommend you stop advertising for gmail here.

Evan Stenmark wrote:
If you use email to search through the freeradius-users list, then I
recommend gmail because of the way it handles "conversations."
It is similar to a forum.
A conversation is the first message and all the replies to that
message.  It puts all the conversations together so you don't have to
search through a  long list of messages like what would be done in a
normal inbox.
Naturally, you can get this same effect by going through the mail archive
Gmail is still in the beta phase and you must get an invite (or buy
one from ebay) to get a gmail account.
Evan Stenmark
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Re: Aironet 1200 / TLS-PEAP / FreeRADIUS

2004-06-09 Thread Artur Hecker
sorry, it was my fault, i misread your "XP supplicant" as xsupplicant. :-)

some kind if issue between the Cisco card and xsupplicant? I have
yes, indeed there is. xsupplicant does not seem to support the way the 
newest drivers handle some packets.

Pardon my RADIUS newbie wording... "all aspects of authentication" is a
bit exclusive, isn't it? What I meant to say, is that I don't understand
why a wireless device can't just work at the lowest common denominator,
and let the supplicant and the authenticator do all of the
communication. I understand that there are driver/firmware issues with
cards, but why does it have to be this way? Isn't there just an exchange
of EAP info?
there is. however, EAP is not data, it is encapsulated in EAPOL which is 
a protocol using a special ethernet frame type. the card's firmware 
should explicitly know this new ethernet frame type since otherwise it 
would just drop it, right from the hardware.

now, once you've changed the firmware of the card, the supplied driver 
has to provide the necessary API for windows to access to these packets 
and write them, etc.

since at the beginning there were multiple different drafts of the 
802.1X document, some things have changed and are a bit different today. 
depending on your card and your AP there can be issues...

hey, what's so surprising? don't you remember the times as Cisco 
wireless cards could not connect to Lucent Access points though both 
were sold as 802.11 compliant? that's when the WiFi test was born...

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Alan, can you take a look -> Re: Problem regarding WinXP+Freeradius+EAP-TLS packet sequence

2004-06-09 Thread Artur Hecker

Anyway I have tested even without any User-Password entry against XP's "Administrator" login. And surprisingly got same result (that "Success" message before client certificate verification). Am I doing someting wrong?
well, imho, it should not behave in a wrong way even if there is a user...
i wanted to ask you which supplicant you are using or generally how you 
managed not to send the client certificate (if this is really the case) 
since the most supplicants would do so automatically.

ok, so the interesting part of the log starts here:
rlm_eap_tls:  Length Included
  eaptls_verify returned 11
(other): before/accept initialization
TLS_accept: before/accept initialization
 rlm_eap_tls: <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0041], ClientHello
TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client hello A
  rlm_eap_tls: >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 004a], ServerHello
TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server hello A
  rlm_eap_tls: >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0694], Certificate
TLS_accept: SSLv3 write certificate A
  rlm_eap_tls: >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 00b1], CertificateRequest
TLS_accept: SSLv3 write certificate request A
TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data
TLS_accept:error in SSLv3 read client certificate A
In SSL Handshake Phase
In SSL Accept mode
  eaptls_process returned 13
ok, if i understand it correctly, it could not read the client 
certificate (which is quite normal here because it is just requesting 
the certificate). so in the next message the requested certificate 
should appear.

but: i could be VERY wrong in these wild assumptions. what you can do, 
is to compare this log to the log of Ken Roser out of his PDF-howto 
(it's on the freeradius website).

  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns handled for request 1
modcall: group authenticate returns handled for request 1
Sending Access-Challenge of id 4 to
EAP-Message = 
EAP-Message = 
EAP-Message = 
EAP-Message = 
EAP-Message = 0x652e636f6d301e170d3034303132353133323630375a
Message-Authenticator = 0x
State = 0x2852b1a60ade88586b0a538bdc340943
ok, so it's sent the request.

Finished request 1
Going to the next request
Waking up in 6 seconds...
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=5, length=150
User-Name = "Administrator"
Framed-MTU = 1400
Called-Station-Id = "000f.24a0.9ee0"
Calling-Station-Id = "0004.e280.fb7b"
Message-Authenticator = 0x6a14a6b264e5a205e622d32e29904386
EAP-Message = 0x020400060d00
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
NAS-Port = 260
State = 0x2852b1a60ade88586b0a538bdc340943
Service-Type = Framed-User
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = "IXIA-AP"
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 2
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 

Re: Aironet 1200 / TLS-PEAP / FreeRADIUS

2004-06-09 Thread Artur Hecker
Epp, Ladd J wrote:
Turns out that the wireless adapter I was using wasn't working right
with EAP.  I'm not sure why.  I finally got a hold of a Cisco 350
PCMCIA card and it worked almost immediately using the XP supplicant.
well, that's surprising: my cisco 350 would not do dynamic WEP with 
xsupplicant. it does the authentication but not the new key setting. how 
did you get to do that? do you use dynamic WEP?

It's kind of frustrating to realize that some wireless adapters work
with 802.1x, and others don't. It seems logical to me that the
well, that can be e.g. a firmware issue of the card.

supplicant would control all aspects of authentication.  Obviously
this isn't the case.
supplicant??? you mean authenticator, don't you? well, the authenticator 
does control a lot but if the supplicant is not responding correctly, it 
does not care. the authenticator is like a bouncer at the disco entry: 
he wouldn't let you in if you do not know the boss but he does nothing 
if you are not even trying to come in.

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Re: Problem regarding WinXP+Freeradius+EAP-TLSpacket sequence

2004-06-08 Thread Artur Hecker

freeradius NEVER sends the EAPOL Key message. also the sending of
an encapsulated EAP-Success is without any interest. The AP only
wants to see the Access-Accept and that is what freeradius is
responsible for.
Yes that's true. EAPOL Key messages are sent by AP. But as freeradius
is sending Access-Accept in this case so AP is sending EAP-Success
message. But the strange thing is why it is sending Access-Accept
message without checking client certificate.
read above what i've said: the included eap-success message is not 
evaluated by the AP, only the Access-Accept counts. even if an 
EAP-Failure is included within the Access-Accept, the AP should issue an 
EAP-Success, s. 802.1X standard. and of course that has nothing to do 
with the discussion :-)

why did you set the User-Password? you do not need any user
password. just comment out both lines and try again.

I am very new in freeradius. I am not sure here what should I use/set
as Auth-Type. Can you please suggest me? Also I will check EAP-TLS
without User-Password entry against "Administrator" login by
nothing. do not configure ANY user.
typically, if a user profile is present, it should contain further 
restrictions (Session-Timeout, etc.). if you do not have any, do not 
configure the user.


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Alan, to your atttention - Re: Problem regarding WinXP+Freeradius+EAP-TLS packet sequence

2004-06-08 Thread Artur Hecker
alan, please see the remark in text.
I am testing EAP-TLS with Windows XP(EAP-TLS supplicant) ,
Freeradius(running on Redhat 9) and Cisco Aironet 1100 series Access
Point. I have done all the required setup and EAP-TLS authentication
has been successful with that setup. But the problem is within the
EAP-TLS packet sequence. From the ethereal capture (from WinXP) it is
shown that after "Server hello/Certificate/Certificate Request/Server
hello done" packet transmission freeradius is sending "EAP-Success"
message followed by "EAPOL-Key" messages (rsdius log also displays
freeradius NEVER sends the EAPOL Key message. also the sending of an 
encapsulated EAP-Success is without any interest. The AP only wants to 
see the Access-Accept and that is what freeradius is responsible for.

the same sequence). There is no evidence of transmitting "Client
certificate/Client Key exchange" message from XP supplicant. But
according to the RFC Client MUST provide certificate whenever server
requests for a client certificate. So in turn there does not occur
any client side authentication, only server side authentication has
been done. I am testing against XP's "Administrator" login.
why did you set the User-Password? you do not need any user password. 
just comment out both lines and try again.

(also why did you explicitly set the Auth-Type? the eap.conf *shouts* 
that you should not do that.)

I am not sure whether it's a right behaviour from XP/Freeradus or I
have to change setup to make the thing working correctly. So please
can anyone help on this matter?
actually, IMHO, it's not. even provided with a user-password the TLS 
module should not just accept the user.

alan, what do you think, is it a bug? even if i configure a user with a 
user-password, the TLS module should not just accept him without Client 
Certificate request, should it?

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Re: Aironet 1200 / TLS-PEAP / FreeRADIUS

2004-06-07 Thread Artur Hecker

WDS allows clients to roam between access points without having to
re-associate each time. It communicates with the RADIUS server for
authentication between access points. I have been successful in getting
that to authenticate.
ok, looks like a proprietary IAPP to me. IAPP uses TCP from client to 
client, as far as i know.

if WDS related Radius traffic arrives at the Radius server, then nothing 
blocks. then you probably just forgot to activate this special server as 
EAP server OR you do not have any SSID which includes EAP treatment (the 
AP has nothing to send). you have to define at least one SSID as OPEN - 
with EAP.

It's odd how simple the EAP configuration should be (or is)... it makes
me wonder if there is something wrong with my AP.
today, it _is_ simple
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Re: Aironet 1200 / TLS-PEAP / FreeRADIUS

2004-06-07 Thread Artur Hecker

If I set up my access point as a Wireless Domain Service, it can
communicate with the FreeRADIUS server, no problem. So, there aren't any
communication blocks going on here. The odd things is that I've followed
well, i don't know what WDS is (if you have any futher info on this, i'm 
always glad to learn). it could be in TCP though and thus go through NAT 
while radius traffic would not.

many different how-to's on Cisco/EAP, but still no luck.
Anyway, I know this is out of scope but if someone has worked with this
configuration and could help me out it would be most appreciated.
actually, there is hardly anothing to configure.
- you put a radius server with a shared secret into your Cisco AP
- you say that this server is used for EAP auth
- you say that your SSID your_ssid is using Open Auth with EAP.
- you add the current cisco IP to the freeradius' clients file, along 
with the same shared secret
- you are the man who has all working.

probably you also want to activate link encryption and to use dynamic 
WEP keys etc. but strictly spoken this has little to do with the first 
and most important phase.

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Re: Aironet 1200 / TLS-PEAP / FreeRADIUS

2004-06-07 Thread Artur Hecker

Has anyone here had any experience with the Aironet 1200 / TLS-PEAP / 
FreeRADIUS combination of hardware/software?  For some reason, the 
yes. it works.

Aironet is not trying to communicate with FreeRADIUS (radiusd –XX shows 
no communication attempts).  I know this is leaning more towards a Cisco
either your cisco is misconfigured or there is no communication between 
the both possible: something could be blocking requests (firewall, NAT, 

problem, but I’ve tried posting to several lists and no one seems to 
know (or cares to respond). If anyone could help me out it would be 
greatly appreciated. Below is the debug output from the Cisco AP, and 
below that is the AP configuration.  I would post the FreeRADIUS debug 
stuff, but there is none (no communication attempts).
if there is not even any "request from bad client", then it has nothing 
to do with freeradius, as you've already said. freeradius will work and 
do what you want it do without anything special to be configured in it. 
just define a user (only User-Password) and a NAS. that's all for 
freeradius. the rest is out of scope, sorry.

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Re: EAP/TLS win2000

2004-06-02 Thread Artur Hecker

Unless you tell
it to use some other identity (there is a check box you can mark)
I've tryed that, but nothing happened.
sorry, i actually didn't mean to tell that windows would send messages 
in that case. actually, i don't know if it will send anything, it still 
needs the certificate for TLS.

one silly question: did you activate the Wireless Zero Config service 
under Win2k? (it's called "Configuration something" in french). because 
if it's not the case, it's not gonna work.

I think client and root cert are valids, then I'm going to contrôl the
place where they have to be
yes try that. the certificates also need the corresponding extensions, 
don't forget.


Artur Hecker
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Re: Help to a student on final exam paper

2004-06-01 Thread Artur Hecker
hi jacob

I have installed Cistron Radius 1.6.6 on my redhat 9.0 machine. My goal is
to authenticate all users on a wireless 802.1x network, and here are the
huh... i'm not sure cistron radius does 802.1X; perhaps you should take 
freeradius, the latest pre-release...

Gateway(Clark Connect)/ Cistron radius server:
ExternalEth0  DHCP
Lan   Eth1192.168.1.1  Static
Accecpoint ( Zyxel Zyair - Not transparent)
what exactly do you mean by not transparent???

Users on the LAN side of the accespoint is given a static IP adress, and my
soul aim is to authenticate these users when they log on to the internet.
I have installed the radius server, almost succesfull, but no prompt appears
when logging on to the internet ?? The clients simply log on to the
internet, without being promted for a user/pass.
Here are som tests, configs from the radius server:
the enforcement of the access control should be done within the access 
point. i.e. if the users are granted access, you did not configure your 
access point.

i suggest you take an hour or two to understand how 802.1X works. this 
can be done by reading some documents on the web. then, you'll see that 
everything will work just fine given that your access point supports 802.1X.

Sumsar   Password="Beatles", Simultaneous-Use =1, Expiration_"Jan 01
  Service-Type = Framed-User,
  Framed-Protocol = PPP,
  Framed-IP-Address =,
  Framed-Routing = None

DEFAULT Auth-Type = System
  Fall-Through = 1
all this won't be necessary for 802.1X users.
Artur Hecker
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Re: EAP/TLS win2000

2004-06-01 Thread Artur Hecker
hi Frederic

I think, they are well installed, like it's explained in most HOWTOs, but..
then i don't know.

What do you want to say is that win2K is going to take EAP-Identity value
in client certificate, before EAP-TLS challenge start ??
I don't think so, it doesn't work like that with Xsupplicant/FreeRADIUS
and it's not describe like this in RFC.
no. what i want to say is that you force Windows to use EAP/TLS and it 
gets now the EAP Request Identity message. it has to reply to this 
message and it does need at least one identity for that. Unless you tell 
it to use some other identity (there is a check box you can mark), it 
will automatically take the CN out of the installed certificate. If 
there is no certificate (or it is not where it should be, or it is in 
the machine repository but the machine identification is not on, or the 
certificate is invalidated by something like expiration or not available 
root certificate or or or or), well then Windows simply does not have 
any idea what to reply to the Authenticator, does it?

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Re: EAP/TLS win2000

2004-06-01 Thread Artur Hecker

Thx for your help Artur, but I forgot to say my authenticator is a Cisco
switch 3550, then not a wireless access-point. There's something I don't
understand, with PEAP or EAP-MD5, the windows 2000 supplicant answer to
identity request send by the switch but with EAP-TLS, it stay sleeping
without doing anything... Maybe someone can confirm me that there's no bug
beetween windows 2000 and EAP-TLS.
Thx again.
that would be quite strange, except of course you did not have the 
client certificates installed at the right place etc. verify that they 
are in the right repository.

windows can't ask you anything if you don't have any user certificate.
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2004-06-01 Thread Artur Hecker
yes, who are neither in users nor in the SQL db.
ro0ot wrote:
So, it will reject users that is not in the /etc/raddb/users file?
NGUYEN Tuan Anh wrote:
It works!!
Thank you very much Artur!!
Artur Hecker wrote:

ok, that's a bit messy though. take a look at the mysql config and 
the queries mentioned in the sql.conf file. see also the default 
profile. play with it and its options and add an Auth-Type := Reject 
to the default profile.

thus, every unknown user will be added an Auth-Type := Reject line 
and will be rejected without any EAP module interacting.

the only problem you will be left is are certified users who will 
still can connect as some other certified users.


NGUYEN Tuan Anh wrote:
What do you mean "explicitly REJECT"? How can I do it? Thanks a lot!
Tuan anh
Artur Hecker wrote:
yes, that's normal since the authentication works for ALL validly 
certified clients.

you have to explicitly REJECT the users NOT in your data base.
NGUYEN Tuan Anh wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to install a system with FreeRADIUS and MySQL and 
EAP-TLS as authentication protocol. Everything works, but I have a 
problem (I think it's a problem of configuration) : If I have a 
client with a valid certificate, even though the sql module 
doesn't regcognize the client (user-name doesn't existe in check 
list, the eap module always accept that client so the authorize 
section always return Acess-Accept!! Here 's part of the debug :

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, 
id=134, length=1256
   User-Name = "LEPILLEUR Benjamin"
   NAS-IP-Address =
   Called-Station-Id = "00-08-02-76-8d-32"
   Calling-Station-Id = "00-04-23-71-13-4c"
   NAS-Identifier = "PTSGSF3"
   State = 

   Framed-MTU = 1400
   NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   Message-Authenticator = 0xbd5a866d0c2167835c811f8122ff9ada
modcall: entering group authorize for request 3
radius_xlat:  'LEPILLEUR Benjamin'
rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped user --> 'LEPILLEUR Benjamin'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,UserName,op FROM 
radcheck WHERE Username = 'LEPILLEUR Benjamin' ORDER BY id'
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 1
rlm_sql_mysql: query:  SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,UserName,op 
FROM radcheck WHERE Username = 'LEPILLEUR Benjamin' ORDER BY id
rlm_sql (sql): User LEPILLEUR Benjamin not found in radcheck
radius_xlat:  ''


2004-05-27 Thread Artur Hecker

ok, that's a bit messy though. take a look at the mysql config and the 
queries mentioned in the sql.conf file. see also the default profile. 
play with it and its options and add an Auth-Type := Reject to the 
default profile.

thus, every unknown user will be added an Auth-Type := Reject line and 
will be rejected without any EAP module interacting.

the only problem you will be left is are certified users who will still 
can connect as some other certified users.


NGUYEN Tuan Anh wrote:
What do you mean "explicitly REJECT"? How can I do it? Thanks a lot!
Tuan anh
Artur Hecker wrote:
yes, that's normal since the authentication works for ALL validly 
certified clients.

you have to explicitly REJECT the users NOT in your data base.
NGUYEN Tuan Anh wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to install a system with FreeRADIUS and MySQL and 
EAP-TLS as authentication protocol. Everything works, but I have a 
problem (I think it's a problem of configuration) : If I have a 
client with a valid certificate, even though the sql module doesn't 
regcognize the client (user-name doesn't existe in check list, the 
eap module always accept that client so the authorize section always 
return Acess-Accept!! Here 's part of the debug :

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=134, 
   User-Name = "LEPILLEUR Benjamin"
   NAS-IP-Address =
   Called-Station-Id = "00-08-02-76-8d-32"
   Calling-Station-Id = "00-04-23-71-13-4c"
   NAS-Identifier = "PTSGSF3"
   State = 

   Framed-MTU = 1400
   NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   Message-Authenticator = 0xbd5a866d0c2167835c811f8122ff9ada
modcall: entering group authorize for request 3
radius_xlat:  'LEPILLEUR Benjamin'
rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped user --> 'LEPILLEUR Benjamin'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,UserName,op FROM radcheck 
WHERE Username = 'LEPILLEUR Benjamin' ORDER BY id'
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 1
rlm_sql_mysql: query:  SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,UserName,op FROM 
radcheck WHERE Username = 'LEPILLEUR Benjamin' ORDER BY id
rlm_sql (sql): User LEPILLEUR Benjamin not found in radcheck
radius_xlat:  ''
radius_xlat:  ''
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 1
 modcall[authorize]: module "sql" returns ok for request 3
radius_xlat:  '/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct//auth-detail-20040527'

Re: Access Reject

2004-05-27 Thread Artur Hecker
congratulations, your server works as it should.
Access Reject is NOT an error, it's what the server is supposed to do 
for the unknown users.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ radtest --help
Usage: radtest user passwd radius-server[:port] nas-port-number secret
i don't think you have a user named localhost with passwd testing123.

Mahesh S Kudva wrote:
Hi all
I am trying the freeradius server version 0.9.3. Everything from compiling
to installation went fine. When I give
radtest localhost testing123 10 testing123
it give a Access reject error.
Regards & Thanks

Mahesh S Kudva
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2004-05-27 Thread Artur Hecker
yes, that's normal since the authentication works for ALL validly 
certified clients.

you have to explicitly REJECT the users NOT in your data base.
NGUYEN Tuan Anh wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to install a system with FreeRADIUS and MySQL and EAP-TLS 
as authentication protocol. Everything works, but I have a problem (I 
think it's a problem of configuration) : If I have a client with a valid 
certificate, even though the sql module doesn't regcognize the client 
(user-name doesn't existe in check list, the eap module always accept 
that client so the authorize section always return Acess-Accept!! Here 
's part of the debug :

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=134, 
   User-Name = "LEPILLEUR Benjamin"
   NAS-IP-Address =
   Called-Station-Id = "00-08-02-76-8d-32"
   Calling-Station-Id = "00-04-23-71-13-4c"
   NAS-Identifier = "PTSGSF3"
   State = 
   Framed-MTU = 1400
   NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   EAP-Message = 

   Message-Authenticator = 0xbd5a866d0c2167835c811f8122ff9ada
modcall: entering group authorize for request 3
radius_xlat:  'LEPILLEUR Benjamin'
rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped user --> 'LEPILLEUR Benjamin'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,UserName,op FROM radcheck 
WHERE Username = 'LEPILLEUR Benjamin' ORDER BY id'
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 1
rlm_sql_mysql: query:  SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,UserName,op FROM 
radcheck WHERE Username = 'LEPILLEUR Benjamin' ORDER BY id
rlm_sql (sql): User LEPILLEUR Benjamin not found in radcheck
radius_xlat:  ''
radius_xlat:  ''
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 1
 modcall[authorize]: module "sql" returns ok for request 3
radius_xlat:  '/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct//auth-detail-20040527'
expands to /usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct//auth-detail-20040527
 modcall[authorize]: module "auth_log" returns ok for request 3
 rlm_eap: EAP packet type notification id 5 length 1085
 rlm_eap: EAP Start not found
 modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated for request 3
modcall: group authorize returns updated for request 3
 rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
modcall: entering group authenticate for request 3
 rlm_eap: EAP packet type notification id 5 length 1085
 rlm_eap: EAP Start not found
 rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
 rlm_eap: EAP_TYPE - tls
 rlm_eap: processing type tls
 rlm_eap_tls: Authenticate
rlm_eap_tls:  Length Included
rlm_eap_tls: <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 02f7], Cer

Re: EAP/TLS win2000

2004-05-27 Thread Artur Hecker
i think the problem is that you are trying to use WEP within your access 
point but no WEP is configured within the 802.11 client on the terminal 
(which is NOT included in Win2k).

use the external 802.11 client of your wireless network adapter and 
activate WEP (whichever form of it). that will permit the WinéK built-in 
802.1X client to communicate.


Frédéric EVRARD wrote:
Hi all,
I'm using 802.1x/EAP-TLS on FreeRADIUS, it works fine with linux
Xsupplicant but not with Win2000 supplicant, when supplicant receives EAP
request Identity packet, it doesn't answer anything and nothing
happens...There's no logs or I don't know to find them. I've read several
HOWTO but nothing help me.If someone has the solution. THX.
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Re: [Q]: Assigning VLANs and restricting logins?

2004-05-27 Thread Artur Hecker
strictly spoken, the server-to-client communication is not defined 
within RADIUS protocol which follows the client-server comm. model.

this possibility does exist in DIAMETER (if you find an NAS which 
understands it, please shout!)

practically, cisco does something like that in RADIUS (but it's of 
course proprietary to the cisco equipment) and you can disconnect by 
using scripts etc., i.e. basically by leaving the radius context.

Damjan wrote:
Admin can/would log off the logged in clients on the domain that the
RADIUS server resides.  That's not a problem.  
But how does one tell NAS
equipment about it?  In my case, What would be the protocol to do ask
NAS equipment to disassociate certain clients?

Obviously that depends from NAS to NAS, for ex. I can telnet into my
dial-up access server and kick a user by his ID.
btw, if you don't tell the NAS equipment that a user should be
logged-off you've done nothing by "Admin can/would log off the logged in
clients on the domain that the RADIUS server resides". What would that
accomplish (I dont even understand how do you think that will work?!?)
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Re: Dynamic VLAN assignment

2004-05-25 Thread Artur Hecker
ok, though i don't know what these magic private VLANs would be 
technically... with VLANs either you mark ports or you mark packets. 
what can they do in an AP? they can mark the port where it's plugged in 
as VLANx or they can make the AP send packets marked as appertaining to 

well... i guess you have enough VLAN-ids for a while but installing them 
in the switches is kind of dumb work

Dan Armstrong wrote:
(this is now kind of off the topic of radius but... )
Yes, it is a bit heavy  What this is really doing is kind of sort of 
mimicking "private VLANs" in the Catalyst sense.  Where each user in a 
VLAN cannot see each other, but they can all send traffic towards one 
assigned port...

I am playing chicken with the Cisco development team.  By the time I run 
into a hard limit somewhere, I am hoping they will have coded private 
VLANs into the Aironets

Artur Hecker wrote:
i don't know, but i would say execute an external program which reads 
a VLAN list file and attibutes and marks as used the next unused VLAN.

but you will end up with #VLANs = #users... it's pretty heavy (pull 
all the VLANs from all APs to the switches) and quite limited, isn't it?

Dan Armstrong wrote:
I know this idea is a bit whacked, but if anybody can think of a 
creative way I might be able to achieve it - I would be eternally 

We are authenticating wireless users from a Cisco Aironet 
(1100/1200).  I know that I can pass back a VLAN to plop the user 
into, once authenticated.

What I want to do is have radius keep a "pool" of VLANs, and each 
time a user is authenticated, they end up in the next VLAN.  It would 
also have to return disconnected vlans back into the pool for reuse.

Any thoughts?
(If there is no relatively simple way to do this, I do have budget if 
anybody out there wants to help code it)


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Re: Dynamic VLAN assignment

2004-05-25 Thread Artur Hecker
well, i thought Dan was speaking about a new VLAN per user not per AP. 
this is possible with Cisco APs. as far as i know, 1200 and 1100 can do 

Willey Kurt D wrote:
I was under the impression that 1 AP = 1 VLAN.  Has trunking been added?

-Original Message-
From: Artur Hecker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: Dynamic VLAN assignment

i don't know, but i would say execute an external program which reads a 
VLAN list file and attibutes and marks as used the next unused VLAN.

but you will end up with #VLANs = #users... it's pretty heavy (pull all 
the VLANs from all APs to the switches) and quite limited, isn't it?

Dan Armstrong wrote:

I know this idea is a bit whacked, but if anybody can think of a 
creative way I might be able to achieve it - I would be eternally 

We are authenticating wireless users from a Cisco Aironet (1100/1200).

I know that I can pass back a VLAN to plop the user into, once 

What I want to do is have radius keep a "pool" of VLANs, and each time

user is authenticated, they end up in the next VLAN.  It would also

to return disconnected vlans back into the pool for reuse.
Any thoughts?
(If there is no relatively simple way to do this, I do have budget if 
anybody out there wants to help code it)


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Re: Dynamic VLAN assignment

2004-05-24 Thread Artur Hecker
i don't know, but i would say execute an external program which reads a 
VLAN list file and attibutes and marks as used the next unused VLAN.

but you will end up with #VLANs = #users... it's pretty heavy (pull all 
the VLANs from all APs to the switches) and quite limited, isn't it?

Dan Armstrong wrote:
I know this idea is a bit whacked, but if anybody can think of a 
creative way I might be able to achieve it - I would be eternally 

We are authenticating wireless users from a Cisco Aironet (1100/1200).  
I know that I can pass back a VLAN to plop the user into, once 

What I want to do is have radius keep a "pool" of VLANs, and each time a 
user is authenticated, they end up in the next VLAN.  It would also have 
to return disconnected vlans back into the pool for reuse.

Any thoughts?
(If there is no relatively simple way to do this, I do have budget if 
anybody out there wants to help code it)


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Artur Hecker
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Re: eap.cnf

2004-05-14 Thread Artur Hecker
in the current release version (0.9.3) - to my knowledge - there is no 
eap.conf, the eap configuration is rather directly in the radiusd.conf file.


usually it's called 'eap.conf' and it is in the raddb dir.

I have already searched in tha dir but I find no eap.conf!! I'm using freeradius 0.9.3 does it support PEAP?



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Re: eap.cnf

2004-05-14 Thread Artur Hecker
where you want it to: there is an INCLUDE line in your radiusd.conf. 
make it include YOUR file and it will work - provided that the server 
has the rights to read it.

usually it's called 'eap.conf' and it is in the raddb dir.

Could anyone tell me where the eap.cnf is supossed to be?in the raddb dir? 
thanks a lot 


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Re: access for eap/tls

2004-05-14 Thread Artur Hecker
ok, i've got it.

obviously, i thought you were talking about a new possibility. always 
interested... :-)

Alan DeKok wrote:
Artur Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

well, theortically, it needs a signing capacity (represented by an 
included extension) to do this. anyway, in my config the client 
certificates are _not_ signed by this one, they are - of course - signed 
by the private key of the CA... as ANY certificate ever issued.

Artur Hecker
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Re: access for eap/tls

2004-05-13 Thread Artur Hecker
hi alan

  Yes.  See the tls{} configuration.  It points to a server
certificate.  The client certificates are signed with this certificate.
well, theortically, it needs a signing capacity (represented by an 
included extension) to do this. anyway, in my config the client 
certificates are _not_ signed by this one, they are - of course - signed 
by the private key of the CA... as ANY certificate ever issued.

so, if you say you sign them by the server certificate, for me it means 
that either root.pem and server.pem are the same files OR - more 
generally - that a CA has signed a server a "special" certificate 
permitting it to sign other certificates - which is actually quite 
unusual but possible. so, i'm trying to understand what it is and what 
would it provide...

  Independently of the user & password existing in a database.

  If you don't list usernames and passwords in a database, then the
server has no way of authenticating users... unless you use
now i don't get it. what does the password has to do with that? we speak 
about certificates, why would i configure a password?

i begin to think that we are terribly misunderstanding each other :-)

Artur Hecker
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Re: access for eap/tls

2004-05-13 Thread Artur Hecker
hi alan

  No, but where the client certificates are signed by the server
oh.. so theoretically the server needs a "special" server certificate 
enabling it to sign something, right? (with the right extensions, etc.)

  In that case, the server (through the certificatge) has already said
that the user is ok (by signing the users certificate.)  Since that's
done, there's not much point in checking a database, to see if the
server knows about the user.
yes ok. but if you just want to block a user for a while, you can still 
apply the rest of the authorization, right?

i think my problem is that i don't really know who does what in the 
setup you present. rlm_eaptls checks the certificate - if it signed by 
the server's certificate than the user is granted access - independently 
of what?

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Re: access for eap/tls

2004-05-13 Thread Artur Hecker
hi alan

  EAP-TLS.  If the certificate supplied by the user is signed by the
certificate FreeRADIUS is using, then it assumes that the user is OK.
if i understand you correctly, you describe a case where the CA-root 
certificate and the server certificates are one and the same, don't you?

why not but what is it exactly good for?

Artur Hecker
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Re: access for eap/tls

2004-05-13 Thread Artur Hecker
hi Alan

  Yes.  The "users" file is just one form of controlling user access.
You can store users in SQL, LDAP, or in signed certificates.
i have a silly question: which signed certificates? do you have more 
info on this?

Artur Hecker
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Re: access for eap/tls

2004-05-13 Thread Artur Hecker


is there any way that I can control this
access of users with the users file although they have a correct

sotty to insist but could you tell me how to do this exactly?
you should add a default behaviour which is reject, ie. a DEFAULT entry 
with Auth-Type = Reject e.g. and see the Fall-Through variable for a 
proper usage.

logically, you will have to explicitly add _every_ user which is 
"known". now, for every pre-configured user, you can reject his access 
equally by adding an Auth-Type = Reject to his entry.

there are examples in the 'users' file.

attention though: the denial of users will be solely based on the 
User-Name content. strictly spoken, this is *not* what is certified in 
the certificate, it is merely data copied from the EAP-Identity field by 
the NAS. thus, if your wireless client decides to write a name of an 
authorized user into the EAP-Identity Response, he will be granted to 
access the system.

to my knowledge, patches are needed to stop this (something has to check 
whether the User-Name equals something (CN?) in the certificate).

Artur Hecker
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Re: PEAP failure

2004-05-13 Thread Artur Hecker

do you have files in your authorization section of radiusd.conf? the 
lines for itself look correct to me but the debug log says clearly that 
something is wrong since mschap can't find the password.


Manuel Sánchez Cuenca wrote:

Alan DeKok escribió:

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Manuel_S=E1nchez_Cuenca?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 rlm_mschap: No User-Password configured.  Cannot create NT-Password.
 rlm_mschap: doing MS-CHAPv2 for lolo with NT-Password
 rlm_mschap: FAILED: No NT/LM-Password.  Cannot perform authentication.

 PEAP (and mschap) needs access to a "good" clear-text password, or
an nt-password to compare against the request.

I have this in my users configuratin file:

lolo   User-Password == "entrar"
  Reply-Message = "Hola, lolo"
¿Is this correct?

 If the server doesn't have a password for the user, then it can't
check the password the user supplied.
 Alan DeKok.

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Artur Hecker
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Re: Accounting and TTLS/User-Name

2004-05-03 Thread Artur Hecker
hi alan

thanks for the rapid pointers. some comments inline.

first of all, the following config directive:

does not seem to change anything in my case, in the Access-Accept 
message sent by the server, the User-Name is still set to "anonymous".

  Try instrumenting the server, to see if the user-name is set inside
of the tunnel.
i'm pretty sure it is, since the client does TTLS with an inner PAP auth 
(secure W2 by alfa & ariss). by the way, what do you mean by 
instrumenting the server - detailed log?

the problem is that we do not use the users file at all. our users are 
rather stored in a remote SQL data base and I would like to add 
something like a generic User-Name = %{User-Name} to the reply... but 
when i add this to the SQL data base, the server takes this "as is" and 
does not expand the variable (the access accept is sent for the 
non-existent user called '%{User-Name}'.

  Ah, yes.  The SQL module doesn't do dynamic expansion.  It probably
  In fact, the entire server should probably do that automatically.
ok, would it be difficult to add? where would you start? especially 
talking SQL...

what can/should i do to have the tunneled user-name in the access-accept 
in my case? we tried the expr but that didn't work out...

  You should be able to have a post-auth module re-write the
ok, i've thought about it but wanted first your opinion.

thank you
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Accounting and TTLS/User-Name

2004-05-03 Thread Artur Hecker

using FreeRADIUS Version 1.0.0-pre0, for host , built on Mar 26 2004 we 
currently experience accounting user-name problems with both cisco APs 
1100 and 1200.

first of all, the following config directive:

ttls {

#  The reply attributes sent to the NAS are
#  usually based on the name of the user
#  'outside' of the tunnel (usually
#  'anonymous').  If you want to send the
#  reply attributes based on the user name
#  inside of the tunnel, then set this
#  configuration entry to 'yes', and the reply
#  to the NAS will be taken from the reply to
#  the tunneled request.
# allowed values: {no, yes}
use_tunneled_reply = yes
does not seem to change anything in my case, in the Access-Accept 
message sent by the server, the User-Name is still set to "anonymous".

second of all, what works is to explicitly set the reply-item User-Name 
to the actual name, e.g.:

artur   User-Password == "hello"
User-Name = "artur"
in the 'users' file in %prefix%/etc/raddb (detail: and in eap {} to 
activate the cisco firmware workaround cisco_accounting_username_bug = 
yes). we had some difficulties to set the reply item to the respective 
user automatically, like e.g. with %u, it really takes %u as value, but 

the problem is that we do not use the users file at all. our users are 
rather stored in a remote SQL data base and I would like to add 
something like a generic User-Name = %{User-Name} to the reply... but 
when i add this to the SQL data base, the server takes this "as is" and 
does not expand the variable (the access accept is sent for the 
non-existent user called '%{User-Name}'.

what can/should i do to have the tunneled user-name in the access-accept 
in my case? we tried the expr but that didn't work out...

PS we also tried the 23.04.2004-snapshot with the same result.

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Re: Freeradius setting on Aironet 1100 AP

2004-04-19 Thread Artur Hecker
this is imho not a help service for cisco hardware. however, i'm sure 
that by opening a web browser and connecting to your AP 1100 address you 
will find all the answers you need, quasi automagically. just read the 
web pages of the ap, it is self-explanatory.


Aoun Shah wrote:

I would like to configure my aironet 1100 AP for 802.1x. I want to know 
who to setup the AP to forward incoming packet to the Radius server, 
Precisely how to inform the AP about the Radius server and the secret 
key.  As well as how to enable EAP on AP.
University of Stuttgart.

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