Re: [fricas-devel] Deprecated operations in scene.spad

2024-04-12 Thread Martin Baker

On 12/04/2024 09:23, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

I do not understand why you think that not both graphics systems can
live besides each other (as they do now)?

Well, I think that the interactive graphics should work seamlessly with
the things that scene.spad can do such as outputting to various file
formats and having much more control over the output. For all this to
work together without duplication it all needs to be written in SPAD.

The problem is interactive graphics require multi-threading and I can't
see anyone agreeing to a limitation that SPAD can only work on top of
some specialised lisp with multi-threading. I suspect that is the reason
for the C code to allow multi-threading.

People usually suggest using their favorite 3rd party graphical front
end but I can't see Waldek making FriCAS totally reliant on some 3rd
party software.

Another problem is that graphic interfaces, hardware, file formats
change rapidly and these interfaces need more maintainable code. For
example will FriCAS support X11 to wayland transition?


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Re: [fricas-devel] Deprecated operations in scene.spad

2024-04-12 Thread Martin Baker

I don't mind, I have given up with this software now.

When I wrote the code I was hoping that this approach would replace old
boot and C code with something much more maintainable and flexible. Also
the scenegraph architecture makes it much easier to export to 2D and 3D
graphics files like SVG and X3D and being written in SPAD it would have
been easy to add other graphics formats.

I'm not critisising because I don't see the big picture but it seems to
me that going from boot code to SPAD in lots of small steps rather than
one big step is impossibly slow and and risks replacing messy boot code
with messy SPAD code.


On 12/04/2024 01:59, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

scene.spad contains several operators marked as deprecated.  In
about 8 years there were no siginficant changes to scene.spad.
I think that there is time to either remove the depreciated
operations or decide that thay should stay indefinitely and
remove depreciacation notice.

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Re: [fricas-devel] improve "dbReadLines"

2024-04-07 Thread Martin Baker

On 07/04/2024 13:28, Qian Yun wrote:

I wonder if i-output.boot is a good target to port to Spad first.

About 10 years ago I wrote some SPAD code to implement the functionality
of the 2D output (algebraFormat) code in 'i-output.boot':

Waldek was not interested in this at the time. I think because, even if
you debugged it extremely carefully you could never 100% guarantee to be
identical with the output of the boot code.

I assume this requirement is the reason that progress is so slow.


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Re: [fricas-devel] Convertion of types to OutputFrom

2023-10-30 Thread Martin Baker
If you did this it would enable the use of infix notation for Boolean 
implies (I don't remember ever actually using the implies function so 
its not important for me).

from prefix notation implies : (%, %) -> %
to infix notation% => % -> %

The double lined arrow is used for implies here, for instance, to avoid 
clash with function symbol:


On 28/10/2023 23:00, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 10:47:54PM +0200, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

On 10/28/23 03:33, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

I think that in OutputForm "->" should be a binary operator.


And the meaning should be "mapping between types/sets", not mapping of


Change to i-output.boot looks easy.  Also, it is easy to modify
'tex.spad' to handle this.  There is question what various formats
should output for "TAG" and "->".

First of all, I think TAG is a rather strange name. I think, we can
agree that TAG stands for "mapping of values", i.e. what is usually
denoted via \mapsto in LaTeX. Can we?

Well, is the following "mapping of values"?

(1) -> iO := IDPO(Integer, Symbol)

(1)  IndexedDirectProductObject(Integer,Symbol)
Type: Type
(2) -> monomial(1, x)$iO

(2)  [x -> 1]
  Type: IndexedDirectProductObject(Integer,Symbol)
(3) -> monomial(1, x)$iO + monomial(2, y)$iO

(3)  [y -> 2, x -> 1]
  Type: IndexedDirectProductObject(Integer,Symbol)

Currently in my test version 'tex.spad' outputs '\rightarrow' and '\to'
respectively, which seem to be reasonable.

This is where I do not agree. Why is this reasonable, when TAG actually
denotes the mapping of values? When I denote a function, then I write

   f : Z \to Z,\qquad  x \mapsto x^2

See above: we give map for each value separately, not a formula
for a function.  Also "reasonable" does not mean very good,
but '\rightarrow' is different symbol than both '\to' and '\mapsto'.
There is trouble that '\rightarrow' looks identical to '\to',
I thought that they look different.  So '\rightarrow' probably
should be replaced by differently looking arrow.
Using '\rightarrow' (or rather some different arrow) is reasonable in
sense of preserving distinction.  You somewhat argue that TAG and
'+->' are the same thing, and I think that they are not the same.

The current usage of rarrow in MoebiusTransform(F) is clearly in the
meaning of denoting the mapping of values.

I.e. moebius: F^4 -> (F -> F),
   (a,b,c,d) +-> (x +-> (a*x+b)/(c*x+d))

For moebius "+->" could be reasonable, but I have some doubts
about "clearly": arguably we give value of mapping at single
(generic) point.

If FriCAS would print it like this, it would agree with the usual
mathematical notation..

fmtlatex.spad outputs '\to' for "TAG", which to me looks wrong, as
'\to' seem to be used for domain/codomain of mapping, that is types
and not for values.

Right, \to for TAG is wrong.

But put the attached files into your fricas checkout (with your patches) and
run "bash". You will get the attached outputtest.pdf.

Look at the second output for moebius. The OutputForm contains TAG and not
only fmtlatex translates this to \to, but all other formatters produce the
equivalent of "->" or \rightarrow (in TexFormat). So it is not a problem of
fmtlatex alone.

That is why I am wishing for a new function (besides rarrow) in OutputForm.
It would be a little confusing to use rarrow for \mapsto, since rarrow seems
to suggest \rightarrow, but was probably meant (just my guess) to denote the
mapping of values.

I want to change the output for moebius to +->, because it actually denotes
the value mapping. Currently, it defeats the intention of Format1D, namely
that one can cut&paste the output in Format1D form as input into FriCAS.
Yes, Format1D is not perfect, but close.

The OutputForm operators TAG and +->, as well as rarrow are not used in many
places, so I think we can make incompatible changes.

My suggestion for OutputForm:

Introduce functions
mapsto(a, b)== convert [eform("+->"::Symbol, a, b]
rarrow(a, b)== convert [eform( "->"::Symbol, a, b]

How the internal OutputForm operators are called, I actually do not care
much about, the could also be 'MAPSTO and 'RARROW.

What I care about is a distinction between the type mapping and the value
mapping, i.e., I want to see Integer -> Integer and x+->x^2.

What's your wish?

I would like to have 3 different OutputForm-s.  AFAICS currently
two of them, that is "->" and "+->" are produced only by
interpreter code.  The third one is used by algebra.
If we use of TeX arrows for third form, than 'rarrow' is reasonable

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Re: [fricas-devel] Convertion of types to OutputFrom

2023-10-18 Thread Martin Baker
It seems a bit sad that your effort needs to be spent on boot code 
rather than converting it to SPAD?


On 18/10/2023 01:05, Waldek Hebisch wrote:
Attached is my attempt to do proper coercion. 'nformat.boot' contains 
main new function, that is 'constructor_to_OutputForm' and patch to 
'i-output.boot' uses this function.

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Re: [fricas-devel] Why are inflexible data structure lengths not always encoded in the type?

2020-10-30 Thread Martin Baker

On 30/10/2020 17:29, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
> In FriCAS they are not (also not in Aldor).
> The reason is that no computation is done at compile time.
> Of course that could be changed if there were a sublanguage that the
> compiler could execute at compile time.
> But why would you believe that 3 is the same as 1 + 2? I can surely
> program NonNegativeInteger in such a way that 1+2 gives 6 (or perhaps
> 0). Would you then also claim that the type of a and b are the same?

Yes, that is the reason that Idris has a proof system built into the 
language, it is completely separate from language constructs like:

if 1+2=3 then ...

where the user can define equality in different ways.

Instead it uses Martin-Löf equality types which only has one 
constructor: Refl.


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Re: [fricas-devel] Why are inflexible data structure lengths not always encoded in the type?

2020-10-30 Thread Martin Baker

On 29/10/2020 21:10, Neven Sajko wrote:

My guess would be that it would be better if Vector's constructor had
a length parameter, because that would enable greater type safety
(i.e. I couldn't pass a Vector of the wrong length to a function).

For me one of the great advantages of static types is that more errors 
are found at compile time rather that runtime. When we combine this with 
dependent types it means that we can detect, for example, attempts to 
add vectors of different lengths at compile time rather than runtime.

So why doesn't Axiom/FriCAS use dependent types for vectors and 
matrices? Surely, if we want to make our code as reliable as possible, 
we want to take every opportunity to catch errors at compile time? If 
carrying around the length at the type level is a problem for 
Axiom/FriCAS when using vectors then surely the situation will be even 
worse for more complicated dependent types.

One issue is that, in the general case, we cant determine if two values 
are equal at compile time but in many (most?) cases we can. If 
Axiom/FriCAS can't determine that the two lengths are equal then it can 
fall back to checking at runtime. I assume this issue would be the same 
for any use of dependent types so I guess this is not a special issue 
for vectors.

I think there are genuine reasons why the original designers chose not 
to do this and I would like to investigate this here. I think the reason 
comes down to limitations in the type system in Scratchpad/Axiom/FriCAS 
and that languages like Idris are only now coming up with type systems 
that make this sort of thing practical.
(I am not criticising here, quite the opposite, its amazing that after 
so many decades only now have the type systems in a few other programs 
caught up in some respects)

So to help me think through the issues I will try to work out how this 
might be done. So we could define a type VectorFL (for vector fixed 
length) like this:

VectorFL(R : Ring, Len : NNI) : Exports == Implementation where

So now we can define an addition function:

   + : (%, %) -> %

So we want this to type match if the lengths are all the same.
Imagine we have instances of the following types, which ones can we add?

a: (VectorFL Double 3)
b: (VectorFL Double (1 + 2))
c: (VectorFL Double x)
d: (VectorFL Double (0 + x))
e: (VectorFL Double (x + 0))
f: (VectorFL Double (x + y))

(Where x & y are variables that can't be assigned a value at compile time.)

a + b should compile because numeric values can be normalised to a 
single number which is equal in this case (in Idris they are 
definitionaly equal).
c + d would compile in Idris because they normalise to the same thing 
(again they are definitionaly equal) I don't know about FriCAS.
c + e would not compile automatically in Idris but they can be made to 
compile by manually providing a proof that x = x + 0 (in Idris they are 
propositionaly equal).
(note the importance of having a proof system built into the language - 
I like Tim's aim of making things provable but I think this is a strong 
argument that this needs to be built into the language and not a 
separate language)
e + f we may not be able to determine this at compile time if y depends 
on some complex recursion. Perhaps the program could drop back to 
checking at runtime however in Idris if the above version won't compile 
then an alternative form needs to be provided like this:

   + : (%, %) -> Maybe %

I think this is a much better way of doing it only for the case where 
equality of lengths cant be proven.

So far we have just considered + which is relatively simple because all 
we have to do is check that all types are the same. However when we are 
working with different length vectors in the same signature we move up 
to a higher complexity. For example consider concat:

   concat : ((VectorFL Double x), (VectorFL Double y)) -> (VectorFL 
Double (x + y))

Here we can't use % because each vector has a different length. We need 
to check that the length of the result is the sum of the lengths of the 
two operands. This sort of thing may not be needed much for vectors but 
when we go to matrices it is more important. For example when we are 
multiplying two matrices the operands can have different dimensions 
provided the number of rows in one is the same as the number of columns 
in the other.

The Idris language can handle all these sort of things very simply 
without any extra syntax.

So my conclusion from this (unless you tell me otherwise) is that 
Axiom/FriCAS needs a more powerful type system (like Idris) to be able 
to do this sort of thing simply.


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Re: [fricas-devel] new TexFormat

2020-03-29 Thread Martin Baker


Back in 2014 I wrote some SPAD code to output 2D text with the same sort 
of interface as i-output but it could easily be adapted for other 

It is documented here:

As the time I thought there was a need to improve these things as 
described here:

At the time everyone on this group was against it, or not interested, so 
it didn't go anywhere.


On 29/03/2020 13:05, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

Hi everyone,

the following text is part of a private discussion following my offer of
TexFormat (and other formatters to come).

On 3/27/20 4:55 PM, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Well, I would like to avoid having a lot of output streams and
similar but not identical formatters.  If one really needs
several output streams then having domain like OutputStream
with could be paired with appropriate formatter looks better.

Unfortunately, we don't have a 2D formatter written in SPAD. If someone
is able to translate the features of i-output.boot for the algebra
output that would be great. Any volunteers?

Anyway, the current situation is that OutputForm is, in fact, an
intermediate (not perfect) structure that encodes enough information of
the respective expression to make it look nice in several different
formats. We have formatters for TeX, HTML, MathML, TeXmacs written in
SPAD, but their main functions are

   coerce: OutputForm -> %
   display: % -> Void
   display: (%, Integer) -> Void

But that means that the formatter operates with side effects, i.e.,
writes the (formatted) expression to a certain stream. In the sense of
what Waldek writes above, I'd propose a change.

A formatter should not know about an (output) stream but rather provide

   coerce: OutputForm -> %
   format: % -> List String
   format: (%, Integer) -> List String

where with the meaning that format(x, linelength) outputs a list of
strings that are meant to be put onto a stream with newlines between them.

Of course, also a package that provides the functionality

   format: (OutputForm, Integer) -> List String

can be an option or something like

   format: (String -> Void) -> (OutputForm, Integer) -> Void

where the first argument is a function that takes a string and writes it
with a newline to an output channel.

Waldek, do you have something like this in mind or to you have more
precise ideas of how we make FriCAS more independent of Lisp streams?


PS: I am somewhat more in favour of letting a formatter be a function

   OutputForm -> List String

because it is more flexible to let the context decided whether the last
string in the list should be written with or without a newline.
On the other hand first producing list of strings might waste a lot of
internal memory for big output.

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Re: [fricas-devel] Group presentation

2018-05-08 Thread Martin Baker

On 08/05/18 13:19, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Hmm, have you looked at:

Do you think that this is "hidden"?

It is hidden for me, I turn off HyperDoc in the start up script and I 

I think its about time HyperDoc was got rid of. I think its clunky, old 
fashioned and off-putting for users and hard to write for developers.


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Re: [fricas-devel] Group presentation

2018-05-07 Thread Martin Baker


As I said before, I'm not suggesting that the reference documentation 
tries to teach the mathematics but I do think it should allow potential 
users to match the mathematics to the code. I think my ideal would be to 
allow both short and long explanations in the '++' comments.

Try to look at this from the point of view of a potential new user:

convert : (List(S), List(FreeGroup(S))) -> GroupPresentation
  ++ convert(lg, lr) builds group presentation from list
  ++ of generators \spad{lg} and list of relations \spad{lr}.

Is it really as obvious as you suggest what this does?
If I was a potential new user and I was scanning through lots of files 
and lots of functions and I had a quick scan of the above my first guess 
would be that it might be adding a list of relations to a free group. 
Especially as a new user they might not know how the domains are defined 
(is an instance an element of the group or the whole group). So the user 
has to do all this work when they don't even know if this is a function 
they are looking for.

I think the explanation of this code that you gave earlier in this 
thread is excellent but you seem determined to hide it away where new 
users cant find it.


On 07/05/18 10:34, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Martin Baker wrote:

If I was scanning through this very quickly I would probably have
assumed that the free group was a presentation without relations and
this function was adding the relations (that is the free group was the
generators and not the relations). Its obviously not that when you look
at the code but should a new user have to trace though the code for
every function they are considering using?

If you go to obvious place, that is Wikipedia, at:

the fifth statement (so just at the start) says:

: Formally, the group G is said to have the above presentation if it
: is isomorphic to the quotient of a free group on S by the normal
: subgroup generated by the relations R.

We do not have resources to match Wikipedia math articles, so
we should direct our efforts to documenting things specific to
FriCAS or maybe computer algebra for which there is no adequate
documentation elsewere.

I think this information needs to be part of the reference documentation
(Its explaining what the code does not the maths) and I think it needs
to be somewhere where it can be automatically picked up by Ralfs
program: and other programs like

Is it too much to reqest that users do a Google search and go to
relevant pages?  For most topics that will lead to Wikipedia.
In other words, for all parts of FriCAS you should consder
implicit link to Wikipedia.

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Re: [fricas-devel] Group presentation

2018-05-05 Thread Martin Baker


Thank you for that explanation I, at least, found it really helpful, 
especially the Mathieu group example.

> However, it is not really task of _reference_ documentation to
> provide education to such users.  First, much of needed
> background knowledge can be found in existing mathematical
> texts.  Second, beginning users need tutorials and tutorials
> are written in quite different way than reference documentation.

True, but I think the reference documentation needs to be more than the 
'++' comments and the function signature.

In thinking about these things I try to put myself in the position of 
someone who may be unfamiliar with everything in the code library. They 
are looking for existing functions that may help them, there is a lot of 
library code to scan through.

If I was scanning through this very quickly I would probably have 
assumed that the free group was a presentation without relations and 
this function was adding the relations (that is the free group was the 
generators and not the relations). Its obviously not that when you look 
at the code but should a new user have to trace though the code for 
every function they are considering using?

I think this information needs to be part of the reference documentation 
(Its explaining what the code does not the maths) and I think it needs 
to be somewhere where it can be automatically picked up by Ralfs 
program: and other programs like 


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Re: [fricas-devel] Group presentation

2018-05-05 Thread Martin Baker

On 04/05/18 19:43, Waldek Hebisch wrote:
> Group presentation can be defined as a set of elements of
> a free group and frequently published group presentations
> are written in this way.  Below is a little package to
> convert from list of generators and list of elements
> of free group to group presentation.

Yes, I think this is a good idea. What I like about Axiom/FriCAS is the 
way that the domains/categories are richly interconnected so, for me, 
the more interconnections the better.

My issue is with documentation. Its not entirely clear to me why it is 
useful to characterise each relation as a free group rather than a word 
(I can see they are both a sequence of products) I just think it needs 
more explanation about the motivation.

Do you think this would be obvious to all potential users? If not, can I 
persuade you to add a bit more explanation with the commit?


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Re: [fricas-devel] html.spad

2018-04-03 Thread Martin Baker

On 29/03/18 14:12, oldk1331 wrote:

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 5:43 PM, Martin Baker  wrote:

However something looks funny about the patch, do you need both => and
return void()$Void ? is the 'return' redundant? Its been a long time and I
may have forgotten something.


There's actually a little difference between "return void()$Void" and lack

)abbrev package TEST Test
Test() : Exp == Imp where
   Exp == with
 f1 : Integer -> Void
 f2 : Integer -> Void
   Imp == add
 f1 x ==
 f2 x ==

(1) -> f1(3)
Type: Void
(2) -> f1(3) pretend SEX

(2)  3
 Type: SExpression
(3) -> f2(3)
Type: Void
(4) -> f2(3) pretend SEX

(4)  "()"
 Type: SExpression

You see, without explicity a "return void()$Void", some
other value may be returned, but again, there's nothing
interesting to do with a value of Void type.

Yes I know void()$Void is needed but is 'return'?


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Re: [fricas-devel] html.spad

2018-03-29 Thread Martin Baker
On 29/03/18 14:12, oldk1331 wrote:> You see, without explicity a "return 
void()$Void", some

other value may be returned, but again, there's nothing
interesting to do with a value of Void type.

That's not my point. You have changed the code to this:

every?(leaf?, c) =>
  s : String := concat [value c1 for c1 in c]
  sayHt s
  if value(t) ~= "" then sayHt concat[""]
  return void()$Void

It seems to me that the point of => is to return from a block but it 
will never return from the block because it reaches the return first.
So although the code works fine it is potentially confusing for people 
reading the code.

You are just using => as an if-then so I would prefer that the code used 
if-then explicitly like this:

if every?(leaf?, c) then
  s : String := concat [value c1 for c1 in c]
  sayHt s
  if value(t) ~= "" then sayHt concat[""]
  return void()$Void

either that or allow the code to exit from the block like this:

every?(leaf?, c) =>
  s : String := concat [value c1 for c1 in c]
  sayHt s
  if value(t) ~= "" then sayHt concat[""]

but not both.

It does not really matter but I would rather optimise for 
understandability rather than minimising code or insignificant speed 


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Re: [fricas-devel] html.spad

2018-03-28 Thread Martin Baker

Hi oldk1331,

(should I call you oldk1331?)

I tried it and it seems to work OK.

Here is a test case:
)set output algebra off
)set output html on

Without this condition 'a','=' and 'b' would appear on separate lines 
but both with and without the patch they are correctly combined onto one 
(although whitespace is not relevant for html it make it easier to work 

However something looks funny about the patch, do you need both => and 
return void()$Void ? is the 'return' redundant? Its been a long time and 
I may have forgotten something.


On 28/03/18 03:16, oldk1331 wrote:

Sorry about that.  Can you review a small cleanup in html.spad?

--- a/src/algebra/html.spad
+++ b/src/algebra/html.spad
@@ -380,12 +380,8 @@
if enableGrid then
  if tagName = "table" then enableGrid := false
  if tagName = "tr" then enableGrid := false
-  b : List Boolean := [leaf?(c1) for c1 in c]
-- if all children are strings then no need to wrap in table
-  allString : Boolean := true
-  for c1 in c repeat if not leaf?(c1) then allString := false
-  if allString then
-s:String := ""
-for c1 in c repeat s := concat(s, value(c1))
+  every?(leaf?, c) =>
+s : String := concat [value c1 for c1 in c]
  sayHt s
  if value(t) ~= "" then sayHt concat[""]

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[fricas-devel] html.spad

2018-03-27 Thread Martin Baker


Thanks for fixing the typos in html.spad but I'm not sure about the 
americanisation of the word 'customise'!


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Re: [fricas-devel] what RetractableTo should actually export

2017-10-14 Thread Martin Baker

On 14/10/17 11:43, oldk1331 wrote:

go beyond that and specify axioms seems even more impossible.

"Specify axioms"?  Do you mean theorem prover? Like Coq or Isabelle?

Well the human-readable way to Specify axioms in category theory is 
diagrams that commute but I suspect the computer-readable version would 
be equations of functions?

So this:

   F >
   F >

would be:


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Re: [fricas-devel] what RetractableTo should actually export

2017-10-14 Thread Martin Baker

On 14/10/17 02:01, oldk1331 wrote:

On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 5:16 AM, Bill Page  wrote:

I am sorry but I do not see how to view this as a natural
transformation in the sense of category theory or as the term is
applied in Haskell. Could you explain?

I mean it transforms (objects and morphisms of) a functor of S to
another functor of S. See chapter 17 of Category Theory for Programmers.

Excuse me if I indulge in 'blue sky thinking' as opposed to the tiny 
incremental changes that might actually be possible in FriCAS.

So (in the Bartosz Milewski document you referenced p164) a function 
like this which has parametric polymorphism:

alpha :: F a -> G a

This would tend to be a natural transformation if it is true for all 'a' 
where 'a' is a type. Also types like 'List' and 'Maybe' tend to have 
natural transformations because they are defined over all types.

But this all seems a bit imprecise and handwavy, what I would like is a 
way to specify the axioms (like the naturality condition) in FriCAS. It 
seems impossible, in FriCAS, even to specify the type signatures as 
powerfully as in Haskell to go beyond that and specify axioms seems even 
more impossible.

If we could do that sort of thing in FriCAS, not only would it be very 
powerful but it would help me(us?) to talk about these things more 

If FriCAS does not have any realistic prospect of doing this sort of 
thing, does anyone know of any projects that do?

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Maybe preview

2017-10-07 Thread Martin Baker

On 07/10/17 10:30, oldk1331 wrote:

Your project is very interesting.  But how do you generate static
type language from a dynamic type language?

I mapped functions in boot to functions in SPAD. For convenience I just 
put them in packages one for each boot file.

Variables in boot can map to variables which are instances of 
SExpression. This instance of SExpression can have have common lisp 
functions like '+' defined. At runtime this function would add if its a 
number and fail if its not. So its checking the type dynamically at 
runtime - just like boot/lisp.

My thoughts on this matter:

1. clean up src/interp.  Eliminate special/dynamic variables.
Make the functions more modular

As I said before, I think it would be hard to change one function at a 
time because all these functions are linked by lots of global variables.

I suspect it would only be possible to untangle all that mess if you 
have a very deep understanding of the interpreter and of boot. Since I 
would like to remove boot code I would rather not spend a lot of time 
learning about it.

One thing that I can easily do, since I have an AST, is generate tables 
showing which functions use which variables and another showing which 
variables are used in which functions. But I think it would take more 
knowledge than I have to untangle them. I might even be able to infer 
which variables only get assigned to one type (int,float,string..) so 
that they could be assigned those types in SPAD. However many boot 
variables could be polymorphic or complicated list structures.

and add necessary documentation.

Good luck getting Waldek to agree to that!

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Maybe preview

2017-10-07 Thread Martin Baker

On 07/10/17 00:59, oldk1331 wrote:
> Monad is practical in FriCAS.  But just like this time, we couldn't agree
> on a lot of things.  So instead of introducing Monad first, Maybe later;
> I think introducing Maybe first, then add Monad later will be easier.

But if you cant agree the form of monad how can you be sure that any 
maybe code you introduce will be compatible with it? It seems to me 
that, to avoid reworking the library code multiple times, it would be 
better to have an overall plan first? If you can't agree that perhaps it 
would be better to leave the library code as it is?

> There's another set of natural transformations for Monad:
> return : X -> Maybe X
>>> = : (Maybe X, X -> Maybe X) -> Maybe X

Yes, I get the impression that there are two forms of monad:
1) The mathematical form.
2) The form used in Haskell to chain impure code.

I seem to remember that Haskell supports both, but the second version is 
the main form, used in the prelude. Perhaps FriCAS should also support 
both forms but since FriCAS is all about mathematics then it should 
differ in this respect and the mathematical form should be the main form.

>> For me the most important thing is to optimise for simple and 
readable code
>> rather than optimising for performance. Perhaps if Fricas were 
simplified it
>> would be easier to move to a better type system. In fact I have 
issues with
>> all this diminishing returns performance optimisation. If things 
could be
>> made simpler perhaps Fricas could be built on top of other languages 

>> Lisp. I thought Krystian s project might move things in that direction?
> Waldek has this plan that the compiler should be written in Spad,
> so targeting other languages is a matter of new code generator and 

> That is a far far goal though.

Is it?

I did some experiments to compile the interpreter boot code 
(src/interp/*.boot) using a more conventional compiler:
I guess Waldek would just modify the existing compilers? but I find them 
far too messy to work with.

I managed to compile this boot code to an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) I 
then wrote a code generator to write AST back to boot code. This code 
was different from the original (because the AST does not store format 
information) but when I compiled to Lisp the code generated was 
identical - all lines (except those starting with ';') were identical.

So I am sure my AST contains all the information from the boot files.

Its then not difficult to generate SPAD or Aldor or any other language 
from this AST. But the problems are:

1) how to handle global variables, especially dynamic variables. I think 
each function would have to have an additional parameter to pass around 
the runtime values of these dynamic variables.
2) The boot 'where' keword seems to hold inner fuctions and variables. 
How should inner functions be converted to SPAD? SPAD has lambdas but 
can SPAD lambda capture variables (closures)?
3) The native Lisp code would have to be translated by hand, to handle 
input/output to console, files and database (which would be different 
for each language).

Perhaps another option would be to just translate boot to SPAD manually 
but that's hard because Boot/Lisp passes everything around in global 
variables whereas well written SPAD should encapsulate information in 
domains. This means you cant just translate one function at a time and 
check if it works before going on to the next.

> Yes. Common Lisp can do parallel computing but it's not standardized.
> I think provide a parallel version "map" solves 50% problems.

I get the impression that Waldek will not make any changes to library 
code that is not supported by all Lisps? Is that correct? I get the 
impression there is a lot of natural parallelism in mathematical code, 
for instance: vectors, would 'map' make use of all of that?

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Maybe preview

2017-10-06 Thread Martin Baker

On 01/10/17 04:49, oldk1331 wrote:

Again, I think this is a small problem, because
1. there's no point of using Maybe(Maybe(XXX)).

I have not followed this thread closely so apologies if my thoughts here 
are off track.

I get the impression that you now agree that monads are not currently 
practical in Fricas? However I still have hopes that, in the future, the 
type system in Fricas may be enhanced to allow monads (am I wrong to 
hold out hopes for this?). If this might be possible in the future then 
I think maybe should be implemented in such a way that it could be made 
an instance of monad to avoid re-working the library code a second time.

Also the terminology is well known from Haskell (where maybe is an 
instance of monad) so its best not to diverge from that unless necessary 
for a genuine mathematical reason.

I believe that monads are an (endo) functor with two natural 

M M X -> M X
X -> M X

In the maybe instance:

Maybe Maybe X -> Maybe X
X -> Maybe X

So I think Maybe Maybe X is a fundamental mathematical requirement.
This seems to be about how Maybes are chained which is the practical 
purpose. So when chaining this things you could write:

Some partial function
if "failed" then handle error
next partial function
if "failed" then handle error
next partial function
if "failed" then handle error

This seems very messy with lots of repetitive code. What I would like to 
do is this:

Some partial function
next partial function
next partial function
if "failed" then handle error

I'm not sure about the practicalities but perhaps to chain something 
like subtractIfCan would require a signature like:

(Maybe X,Maybe X) -> Maybe X
rather than:
(X,X) -> Maybe X

but I have not really thought this through. Does anyone know how Maybe 
is used in Haskell?

For me the most important thing is to optimise for simple and readable 
code rather than optimising for performance. Perhaps if Fricas were 
simplified it would be easier to move to a better type system. In fact I 
have issues with all this diminishing returns performance optimisation. 
If things could be made simpler perhaps Fricas could be built on top of 
other languages than Lisp. I thought Krystian s project might move 
things in that direction?

The way computer hardware is evolving with more core it seems to me 
that, if you really want to optimise for speed, then multithreaded code 
is the real future. So we need to move away from Lisp rather than 
optimise around what Lisp happens to do fast now.

Martin B.

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[fricas-devel] default 'T()' and "_|_" in Logic

2017-04-09 Thread Martin Baker


I see that you have added default 'T()' and "_|_" in Logic.

It just seems a bit wasteful to hardwire the two notations to be exactly 
the same. Where one seems to be logic terminology and the other seems to 
be lattice terminology:

T == true
___|__ == false

especially since, in denotational semantics, we may want them to mean 
different things at the same time:

/ \
   /   \
true   false
   \   /
\ /

I think it is in ILogic (intuitionistic logic) that the clash is 
strongest because, in the above diagram 'T' represents a contradiction, 
in ILogic 'false' often represents a contradiction. So would it make 
more sense to connect the two notations which represent contradiction 
like this:

T == false
___|__ == true

If this is the wrong way round then I realise this is my fault as that 
is what I did originally. Its just that I like to draw 'true' at the top 
because it makes /\ and \/ (meet and join) look right in diagrams:

  A B
   \   /
\ /
(A \/ B)

But perhaps its more important that the notation for contradiction 
should coincide?


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Re: [fricas-devel] T and _|_ : how to use them

2017-04-06 Thread Martin Baker

On 22/03/17 13:57, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

For me it looks as another
aspect of "monoid problem": in various context there
is strong mathematical tradition to use specific
symbols with different symbols in different context.
FriCAS domains have fixed operation names so it
is hard to fit all traditions.

Are you suggesting that we should use true/false instead
of T/_|_?  Or implement T/_|_ by true/false in Boolean?

1) In general true and false are different from lattice
   top and bottom, so it seems that we need separate
2) For now moving true and false to Logic and implementing
   T/_|_ by true/false is probably good enough.  There
   are potential problems due to Spad compiler and
   interpreter, so I am not sure if this will work.
3) I affraid that deciding what to do with T/_|_ and
   exact details of lattices need more time to decide.

I've been thinking about this. One subject where T/_|_ and true/false 
are different is denotational semantics.

In denotational semantics textbooks Boolean algebra is shown like this:

/ \
   /   \
true   false
   \   /
\ /

where lines in this lattice mean: 'top end is more defined than bottom end'

So _|_ is less defined than true and false so it is like a variable 
which can range over all values. 'T' is more defined than true and 
false, but true/false are fully defined, therefore this is taken to be a 
contradiction. Therefore 'T' is usually left out of the diagram, so we 
usually work with a join semilattice with bottom element.

I think this meaning of _|_ is also how it is used in 'Topology Via 
Logic' Vickers 1989. This interests me because I want to link this back 
to topology.

Of course lattices are used more widely in mathematics so perhaps the 
notation that we use should depend on whether we are working in terms of 
logic or lattices, like this:

true _|_
and  /\
or   \/

But this distinction does not seem to work either because its often both.

So I don't really have a conclusion yet.


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Re: [fricas-devel] Re: About Travis CI

2017-04-04 Thread Martin Baker

On 04/04/17 17:33, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

oldk1331 wrote:

I mean, if Waldek don't want to include this travis CI script for now,
you can set up a branch that does travis CI testing.

I is not clear for me what actually we gain from travis CI.
My understanding is that travis CI is run _after_ commit.
FriCAS tests should be run _before_ each commit.  So
much of testing would be redundant.  After commit tests
can catch things like forgetting to commit a file, but
that should be rare, show up quickly and be easy to
diagnose.  In principle we could gaim testing on more
platforms, but I do not know how well this would work
in practice.

Concerning including travis CI script: we have a few scripts
that are supposed to be useful for all developers in
'src/scripts'.  We have some other helper stuff in
'contrib'.  Then there are various helper scripts that
each developer creates when needed.  ATM travis CI
script seem to be in last category: personal tools.

I think it would be a good thing if this script were in FriCAS and all 
its cloned repositories. Then if someone modifies their repository and 
submits it as a patch at least you can see immediately that it passes 
some minimal level of tests. You may do other tests but at least this 
might cut your workload by weeding out dud patches without even having 
to look at them.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [RFC] new domain Pair, big changes for ALIST(AGG)/TABLE(AGG)

2017-04-01 Thread Martin Baker

On 31/03/17 14:08, Bill Page wrote:

Perhaps one of the things that makes this resistance to such changes
seem sound is that FriCAS lacks anything approaching a comprehensive
test system. This makes it quite possible that changes such as we
propose could have far reaching effects which are not possible to

I notice on the stuff that Krystian is doing that SPAD code appears to 
be built and tested from within Github using something called Travis-ci. 
I don't know much about this but, at first glance, it looks like an 
interesting way of doing it?

Martin B

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Re: [aldor-devel] Re: [fricas-devel] interpreter/spad/aldor grammar for atom

2017-03-31 Thread Martin Baker

On 30/03/17 23:25, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

On 03/30/2017 10:59 PM, Peter Broadbery wrote:

Sorry - somewhat unclear.. The plugin is fairly good for spad files and shows ++
comments for domains, without any pre-processing.. In the java world the
corresponding /** comments are turned into html with a bit more markup. This
could potentially happen for spad, would "just" be a question of being able to
generate the appropriate markup and link to it.  As I understand it, the api
docs on the .io site contain the right html.

This may be irrelevant or off topic but, since you mention ++ comments 
and, I have some views on the content if not the markup.

In my recent attempts to understand permgrps.spad I have thought about 
what meta information would be useful to someone new to the code, both 
user or developer.

One of the most important things for me, in understanding a function, is 
information about the parameters and return value of a function. If I am 
very clear about the inputs and outputs I can often work out the bits 
in-between. This information can be coded in the /** comments of java so 
I guess the java language designers agree with me on this issue.

Another thing I would really like is links (coded as URLs) to other 
sources of information about a given domain, function, etc. In FriCAS 
there are so many potential places where 
documentation/tutorial/explanation may, or may not be, found. It is a 
time consuming process just to find out if there is any information 
known. Even if (as often happens) the only explanation is a post from 
Waldek then I think there should be a link to it.

Another thing I would like coded in ++ comments and picked up by .io is 
local in addition to exported metadata. I suspect this would be harder 
to do and get away from the original intention. However I would like to 
be able to drill down to information about Rep and local functions.

Sorry if this is off-topic but if there is any chance of some of this 
happening then its worth mentioning it.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] interpreter/spad/aldor grammar for atom

2017-03-30 Thread Martin Baker

On 30/03/17 16:48, Bill Page wrote:

I have been playing with defining a language package for atom to
provide syntax highlighting and other edit functions for spad.  I have
a few simple things working. Is anyone else interested in using atom
this way? Does anyone have more experience with doing this sort of
thing in atom? I think it could eventually provide a good modern
alternative to emacs mode.

I am curious, what are the pros and cons of using a hackable editor to 
do this rather than an IDE as Peter Broadbery is doing:

I am guessing that an editor is easier to start with but an IDE would 
ultimately be more powerful, is this guess correct?

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] documentation for permgrps.spad

2017-03-30 Thread Martin Baker

On 29/03/17 21:51, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Martin Baker wrote:

I don't think it is good enough to say that, in FriCAS, the only
documentation for an important topic like group theory is an
out-of-print book.

I am not sayng that.  Just that claiming that there is no
good documentation is wrong.  Both academic honesty and
benefits to potential readers require mentioning Seress
book as one of resources.

Well the flavor that I got from you original message was that any 
user/developer to FriCAS needs:

1) Access to a university library where they can get out-of-print books.
2) The ability to look at undocumented SPAD code and immediately relate 
it to theoretical algorithms.

3) A deep understanding of the mathematics of group theory.

If a potential user/developer user meets these requirements then there 
is no problem, they don't need documentation. If they don't meet these 
requirement I guess they should use some other code?

This is fine if you see FriCAS continuing as a sort of research project 
but I was sort of hoping that FriCAS would have a future with more 
actual users/developers.

I think that FriCAS (and pan-axiom generally) deserves more users and
developers but I don't think it is going to get them with this sort of

I tried to make a start with some documentation, far from perfect as I
said myself, it would be nice if others could contribute and make it
better, rather than just reject it.

IME to get somewhat readable text requires several revisions
and wilingness to scap or correct defective parts.

I am not looking for a job documenting other peoples code. I don't 
specially enjoy it, I don't claim to be good at it and here it would 
just be a thankless task.

Nevertheless I tried to make a start in this patch because it seems (to 
me but not to others) to be badly needed.

Since people here don't seem too bothered about this, I guess the best 
thing to do is forget it. If people were serious about this then it 
would have to evolve and improve, I'm not willing to do all this myself 
other people (especially project owner) would need to revise and improve 
(not via me).

> I pointed out two such places.

Yes there were lots of negative comments, it just came over as an 
attempt to rubbish any attempt at documentation. This is not about 
'literate coding' it is about having information where it is needed.

For instance, if the Vector domain is being used in a context where 
vector addition and scalar multiplication are not valid, I think that 
might confuse readers of the code, is it not reasonable to explain this 
in the code? If I explained this badly then why not improve the wording, 
instead you imply its all wrong and I don't know what I am talking about.

Concerning start: look at our wiki.

If you look at the patch:

you will see that most of it is about things that directly relate to the 
code. If someone is reading the code and they find a Vector being used 
in an unusual way then they need to have the explanation where they will 
see it, not hidden away on a wiki. I don't think a wiki is a suitable 
store for reference information.

When I am trying to understand code like this, with lots of 
local/exported functions all calling each other is difficult to know 
where to start to make sense of it all. What I find is that the most 
important things do explain are:

1) The coding of Rep, exactly what it holds, what are valid values and 
so on.
2) For each function (exported or local), the coding of the parameters 
and the output of the function.

For instance, not just that a parameter has type List NNI but that NNI 
is an index into other values, that duplicate NNI values are not allowed 
in the list, what are the maximum values and so on.

If I have a clear idea what the purpose of a function is and what its 
input and output values are that I can usually work out the bit in 
between. Otherwise it just makes things very difficult for someone 
struggling to understand it.

This is the sort of information that I tried to put in the patch.

I hope this does not come over as a rant. This patch was intended to be 
helpful as a starting point to provide information that was otherwise 
missing, I don't want an ideological war but I was quite disappointed by 
your response. In the past I have also been disappointed by the response 
to Ralfs project because I think that if a 
project like that were encouraged then it could become a central hub 
where users/developers go to find the sort of information in this patch.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] documentation for permgrps.spad

2017-03-27 Thread Martin Baker

3) Coming back to specific question of Schreir-Sims algorithm.
   This algorithm is described in A. Seress book "Permutation
   group algorithms".  IMO this is quite good description.
   AFAICS think this book is not freely available.  Once
   somebody understands the algorithm tracking code should
   be relatively easy -- code basicaly is doing what
   algorithm prescribes.  There are few implementation choices,
   concerning how to efficiently implement some steps.  Seress
   discusses possible alternatives.  I have no access to Sims
   article, but my Univerity have Seress book.  So there
   is good documentation for the permgrps, just it is not
   freely available.

I don't think it is good enough to say that, in FriCAS, the only 
documentation for an important topic like group theory is an 
out-of-print book.

I think that FriCAS (and pan-axiom generally) deserves more users and 
developers but I don't think it is going to get them with this sort of 

I tried to make a start with some documentation, far from perfect as I 
said myself, it would be nice if others could contribute and make it 
better, rather than just reject it.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] documentation for permgrps.spad

2017-03-27 Thread Martin Baker

On 27/03/17 04:49, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

some passage look completely
   wrong, like:

+The use of the Vector domain for this does seem to be stretching
+the FriCAS type system a bit. For instance elements of subgroup are
+coded as a vector of a vector (Vector Vector NNI) which would not be
+valid if the type system were fully checked but presumably gets away
+with it because vectors are defined over Type.

   Vector(NNI) stores nonnegative integers and provides 1 based
   indexing.  We do not need most operations provided by Vector,
   in particular we do not need vector addition or multiplication
   by scalars but that is OK: we use what Vector provides and
   nothing more.  In other words, we could probably just use arrays
   here (but IIRC there was some useful function that only accepted
   vectors and did not work on arrays).  And using arrays or
   vectors to store permutations is a standard trick allowing
   resonably fast operations on permutations.

So what have I said that is wrong here?

I know that some languages, like java, have vector types which are 
really a type of array. However I suspect that someone trying to 
understand an algebra program might expect that when they find a 
instance of a Vector domain then it would represent an element of a 
vector space. That is it has valid vector addition and scalar 
multiplication, they might even think that the type system would enforce 

Put yourself in the mind of a potential user or contributor to 
permgrps.spad. You come across a structure (Vector) being used in an 
unusual way would it not help you to see some explanation that might 
warn you of that?

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] documentation for permgrps.spad

2017-03-24 Thread Martin Baker

On 24/03/17 02:06, oldk1331 wrote:

By 'literate' I mean formatted text.

Do you mean '\spad{}' markup?

No I meant the LaTeX formatted text between ')if false' and ')endif'. I 
think the term should really be used for the methodology that Tim is 
using in Axiom rather that what it has become here.

Is there a better word than 'literate' that I can use for this type of 
documentation since the word 'literate' has lots of baggage that I don't 
want to rake up here.

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] documentation for permgrps.spad

2017-03-23 Thread Martin Baker

I have added some documentation to permgrps in patch here:

This contains documentation only, no code changes.

By 'documentation' I mean comments + literate.
By 'literate' I mean formatted text. I have not tried to follow literate 
methodology, that is, I have not tried to make a linear story. This is 
purely intended as reference information which would otherwise go in 
comments. This just saves lots of lines starting with '--'.

I don't know how you feel about a third party (me) writing comments for 
other peoples code? Although people here are very good at replying to 
requests for information on this forum there does not seem to be much 
enthusiasm for adding to documentation in a more permanent and easily 
found way?

I don't feel qualified to try to speak for the original authors but I 
don't think they provided enough information to be able to use or 
develop the software without spending a lot of time tracing through the 
code to discover its secrets. I think it is very wasteful for every 
potential user to have to do this. I was therefore motivated to write 
these notes. Such information (or better if you can improve it) needs to 
be in a place where users and developers can find it.

I did find some other sources for information about the
Schreier-Sims algorithm such as this:

Waldek Hebisch referred to these notes by A. Hulpke which contain a
sketch of the algorithm.

Waldeks description on FriCAS forum here:!topic/fricas-devel/EtLwgd2dWNU

I find it improves the documentation to use diagrams, I have
therefore put much better documentation on the web page here:

I think it is worth studying permgrps.spad even if someone is not 
interested in developing group related code, this still looks to me like 
a good case study in how to design code to scale up to very large 
structures. So perhaps it is worth documenting for that reason alone.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] T and _|_ : how to use them

2017-03-22 Thread Martin Baker

On 21/03/17 11:26, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

On 03/21/2017 11:50 AM, Martin Baker wrote:

Yes, but Boolean can only return true or false, there is only confusion
in logics where variable/proposition names can also be returned.

Look at what I have done to help with the evaluation of the the
signature conditions.

I haven't implemented a general graph with /\ and \/, but rather my
elements are always in "normal form", saying that I don't have an
expression tree, but the elements are always stored as DNF's. There is a
top and bottom element, called 'true' and 'false', but my
DisjunctiveNormalForm does not work over Boolean, but over a general set
S. You can let S be Integer, (or Symbol) and you would have disjunctive
normal forms with variables.

Look a bit further down, I use DisjunctiveNormalForm(SExpression).

Shouldn't ILogic() be similar to DisjunctiveNormalForm(S).
In ILogic you have no such parameter S, but rather restrict to Symbol.
To me it looks a bit like you are just creating an SExpression where
only IMPLY, AND, OR, NOT, OTHER can appear as opType (and I cannot even
create "OTHER".
What do you think is the advantage to DisjunctiveNormalForm(Symbol)
(except that DisjunctiveNormalForm is currently only in my private branch)?

I guess this relates to another recent thread about how FriCAS domains 
are usually represented in a simplified form? I appreciate that 
principle but I'm not sure about the consequences in this case.

So in the same way that a polynomial might be stored as a sum of 
products (I realise its more complicated than that in FriCAS) a lattice 
might be stored as a join of meets.

Different logics would need different rules, for instance 'Law of 
excluded middle' does not apply to  ILogic, and so any use of 'not' has 
to be treated with care.

A Boolean algebra is a full lattice but this does not apply to Heyting 
algebras which may have say bottom but no top like BoundedJoinSemilattice

So I'm not sure these types of logics could be stored in a simplified 
form like this?

The impotent thing for me is that I would like these structures to link 
to the stuff I'm doing in algebraic topology, using ideas in: "Topology 
Via Logic" Vickers 1989.

Im not sure if/how this could be done but I would like to avoid making 
changes at this stage until I've a better idea about how this could be done.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] T and _|_ : how to use them

2017-03-21 Thread Martin Baker

On 21/03/17 09:23, oldk1331 wrote:

Martin, I noticed that in logic.spad, _|_ is used zero times in
code, it only appears in comment and docs.  So _|_ is actually
not implemented, right?

Yes, its in BoundedJoinSemilattice and I thought it was implemented in 
ILogic, I don't know if it got lost? I suspect at some stage _|_() got 
changed to logicF() in ILogic but not in BoundedJoinSemilattice?

The category hierarchy is quite complicated, I drew some diagrams here:

Or Waldek drew it in 'ASCII art' part way down this thread:!topic/fricas-devel/Cy-RHn_g6RY

So _|_ has never been used in input in Spad.  And as Ralf said,
'_' is escape char in Spad, so using _|_ as input will be very awkward.
As your argument that "'top' and 'bottom' could be variable/proposition",
well, true/false doesn't clutter boolean operations.

Yes, but Boolean can only return true or false, there is only confusion 
in logics where variable/proposition names can also be returned.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] T and _|_ : how to use them

2017-03-21 Thread Martin Baker

On 21/03/17 08:35, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

On 03/21/2017 09:26 AM, Martin Baker wrote:

What I'm trying to say is that in, say, intuitionistic logic we have
variables (in the mathematical sense - can range over all values). For
example, proposition("a") here:

(1) -> proposition("a") /\ logicT()

(1)  a
   Type : ILogic
(2) -> proposition("a") /\ logicF()

(2)  _|_
   Type : ILogic

I don't think it would be correct for this to return 'false'.

Exactly. Because 'false' is not an element of ILogic.

Interestingly, even here you export logicF, logicT instead of relying on
the functions/constants T and _|_ whose signatures you get from
BoundetMeetSemilattice and BoundedJoinSemilattisc.

Yes, in a ideal world (and I agree existing code is not ideal) I think 
that T and _|_ (or unicode equivalent) should be used for both input and 
output. This is because 'top' and 'bottom' could be variable/proposition 
names but T and _|_ are less likely to be.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] T and _|_ : how to use them

2017-03-21 Thread Martin Baker

On 21/03/17 07:43, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

On 03/21/2017 08:34 AM, Martin Baker wrote:

In ILogic T and _|_ are required as top and bottom of lattice.

In Boolean I guess they should give true and false?

Certainly, because these are the only values in Boolean.

I think its only when logic becomes algebraised (when we have symbols
for logical variables) that we need to make a distinction between
top/bottom and true/false.

Sorry, but I don't understand this. What algebra do you mean so that T()
and true are both values of the domain that are not the same? Not that
if they are not equal then true cannot be at the top of the lattice.

What I'm trying to say is that in, say, intuitionistic logic we have
variables (in the mathematical sense - can range over all values). For
example, proposition("a") here:

(1) -> proposition("a") /\ logicT()

(1)  a
   Type : ILogic
(2) -> proposition("a") /\ logicF()

(2)  _|_
   Type : ILogic

I don't think it would be correct for this to return 'false'.

On 21/03/17 08:05, oldk1331 wrote:
> I meant how to call these two functions?
> Besides, ")dis op T" doesn't return this signature, maybe
> 'T' conflict with lisp symbol 'T'?
> Also, _|_ can't be called, maybe FriCAS lexer don't recognize it?
> If so, change their name to top/bottom is more appropriate.

OK you are just talking about a lexer issue which I can't answer. As a 
general principle though I think it would be good to use _|_ for 
input/output wherever possible. Or unicode would be even better.
In the above example I think its much clearer that _|_ is a special 
value 'bottom' could just be a variable name.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] T and _|_ : how to use them

2017-03-21 Thread Martin Baker

On 21/03/17 03:21, oldk1331 wrote:

T and _|_ is exported from category Logic and domain
Boolean, are they intended to be used by user?

(1) -> T()$Boolean

   The function T is not implemented in Boolean .

(1) -> __|__()$Boolean

   The function _ is not implemented in Boolean .

In ILogic T and _|_ are required as top and bottom of lattice.

In Boolean I guess they should give true and false?

I think its only when logic becomes algebraised (when we have symbols 
for logical variables) that we need to make a distinction between 
top/bottom and true/false.

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] FriCAS SPAD Style

2017-03-05 Thread Martin Baker

On 05/03/17 18:45, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

I worked with various code and IME it is much easier to work
with generous whitspace.  When lines are getting to long just
break them up.  One should try to make code simpler and
smaller, but squeezing more code in small space is counterproductive.

It not a big issue for me, I can go along with whatever you prefer, I 
just find it easier to work out what a function does if it all fits in 
one screen so I don't have to keep scrolling.

Perhaps functions should also be broken up into smaller functions if 
they are over a certain size?

Anyway here are my views on such issues in case it might help to codify 

Martin B

FriCAS SPAD Style Guide
The rules on these things seem to evolve over time but I have not seen 
them written down in one place. So here is my attempt to do so - along 
with my views and questions which may be controversial.

Regardless of whats decided, it might be helpful to have it written down 
in one place where it might be seen by potential programmers.

Whitespace around punctuation
':' space before and after. (I prefer not)
',' space after (but not before). (I prefer not)
'+' spaces optional for most arithmetic infix operations
'-' no space after for unary operations

Maximum Line Length
No firm rule but about 70 characters unless that causes problems?
I think this is to make it easier to work with files, for instance 
merging with kdiff3.

Block Indentation
4 characters (no tabs)

Personally I would prefer 2-space indents rather than 4.

The combination of the above 3 rules seems to make line wrapping much 
more common. I prefer code to be compact rather than have lots of 
whitespace. I find it is much easier to understand a function if it all 
fits on my screen at once.

I would therefore prefer not to have unnecessary whitespace added.

Continuation Lines
I prefer explicit '_' even when not required. This makes it clear to the 
reader that the line has been wrapped.

Function signature
I prefer explicit types, that is:
func(a:Integer) : Integer ==
rather than:
func(a) ==
This is because it avoids having to jump between function export and 
definition to get all information about it. I like to have all 
information all in one place.

Empty list
use []$T rather than empty()$T

Which is better:
e := (v > 0 => 1; -1)
e := if v > 0 then 1 else -1

I find the second much more readable, is it less efficient than the first?

Dangling 'else'
If there is space then the best option is all on one line:
  if  then  else 

Otherwise it should be like this:
  if  then

Or is this a valid option?

elt vs. qelt

I prefer better error messages over speed.

_= vs. "="
When to use:
_=(a : %, b : %) : Boolean ==
or should I use:
"="(a : %, b : %) : Boolean ==

reverse vs. reverse!

Even if it harms performance I would prefer non-mutable option. Surely 
it would have to be a very long list for the longer time to be noticeable.

Function size
One big function or lots of small (local) functions?

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] tweak the output of AGGLST

2017-03-05 Thread Martin Baker

On 05/03/17 13:09, oldk1331 wrote:

The output of "[1,2]" is "[1,2]", I think adding a space
after a comma is better.  And multiline list already does
this:  [1,2,10^100].

I don't know what the issues are in this particular case but, as a 
general principle, I don't like adding spaces in command line output if 
there is any danger that the extra width will trigger line wrapping.

Personally I would rather optimise for better looking output for 
complicated values than better output for small values.

Martin B

PS I don't like adding spaces in source code for the same reason. For 
example I would prefer 2-space indents rather than 4.

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Re: [fricas-devel] Announce: FriCAS 1.3.1 has been released

2017-02-16 Thread Martin Baker


Thank you for this release, especially your work on Todd-Coxeter algorithm.

I am curious about the following error which compiled without error on 
previous releases.

This is not a problem (might even be be an advantage) because it forces 
me to write:

print (message "value of a is " << a)
instead of:
print ("value of a is " << a)

There is also a change to runtime, I suspect this may be change in Lisp? 
In the last release display of quotes around strings was suppressed in 
bash output (even without 'message' function) but not in this release.

As I say, this is not important feel free to ignore, just interested to 
know if it was deliberate or due to unpredictability of compiler.

)abbrev domain TESTO TestOut
TestOut() : Exports == Impl where
x< hconcat(x::OutputForm, y::OutputForm)
Exports ==> with
  testOut:(a:Integer) -> Integer
Impl ==> add
  testOut(a:Integer):Integer ==
"value of a is " << a

   compiling into NRLIB TESTO
   compiling exported testOut : Integer -> Integer
** comp fails at level 3 with expression: **
error in function testOut

 (|hconcat| | << | (|::| "value of a is " (|OutputForm|)) | >> |
  (|::| |a| (|OutputForm|)))
 (|exit| 1 |a|))
** level 3  **
$x:= (:: value of a is  (OutputForm))
$m:= $EmptyMode
|a| # #) (* #) (+ #) (- #) ...)))

   >> Apparent user error:
   Cannot coerce value of a is
  of mode (String)
  to mode (OutputForm)

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[fricas-devel] development environment using git

2017-02-02 Thread Martin Baker

On 02/02/2017 11:59 AM, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

On 02/02/2017 11:51 AM, Martin Baker wrote:

When I'm working on a given subject area, say AlgTop, I like to have a
small flat directory with all the working files in one place so I can
just type things like:
)co gpresent
)r gpresent
)r someLocalTest
)co gpresentOldVersion
That is, files that I find useful but may not be part of FriCAS.

Oh. I have not really followed deeply, but I had the impression that
gpresent.spad should become part of FriCAS. No?

Yes, I find it useful to have a place where I can develop and publish 
patches and code related to this topic (which may, or may not, make it 
into the FriCAS library).

At the moment this is in step with FriCAS trunk but Waldek is improving 
it here:

As you say, during development of library code, we don't always need a 
full recompilation of all fricas. All I need is a single flat directory 
holding all related spad and input files.

I think this also applies to anyone who would like to test out the code 
at an early stage, it seems better if there is a quick and easy way to 
just download the relevant files without searching for them in a big tree.

So I will investigate git rebase and think about symlinks to see if they 
fit in with this way of working. I will also look at Git Gui to see if 
this is less likely to cause these errors than command line.


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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] add coerce from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation

2017-02-02 Thread Martin Baker

On 02/02/2017 10:11 AM, oldk1331 wrote:

Hi Martin, because you don't commit to fricas directly,
you have to merge the changes back to your master
branch, that causes problem when Waldek commits
a slightly different version of your patch.  And your
master branch history will be messy.

The solution is to use feature branch and rebase
(and then push --force).  When you successfully
carry out a rebase, you'll know how it works and
can't live without it.  And you will no longer need
a separate repo fricasAlgTop.

Hi Qian and Ralf,

Thanks I'll look into this.

When I'm working on a given subject area, say AlgTop, I like to have a 
small flat directory with all the working files in one place so I can 
just type things like:

)co gpresent
)r gpresent
)r someLocalTest
)co gpresentOldVersion
That is, files that I find useful but may not be part of FriCAS.

So it just seemed simpler to have repo s that reflect my local structure.

I have thought that I should do this with branches but I do quite like 
the idea of having all the directories visible at the same time (so I 
can use conventional utilities like Dolphin to copy between them).

I suspect I would find what you suggest better in the long term but when 
I have something that works already like live to evolve the changes slowly.



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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] add coerce from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation

2017-02-02 Thread Martin Baker

On 02/01/2017 11:17 PM, Kurt Pagani wrote:

Hi Martin
Running the risk to give false alarm again, I can't compile
gpresent.spad after your merge with trunk.

Neither after removing the surplus paren on
line 1467 :  + relatorTables(state,rs))

Hi Kurt,

Thank you for letting me know about that, I've corrected it now.

I don't know what happened there, it was driver error on my part in 
using git. All I was trying to do was use the latest version from FriCAS.

I successfully downloaded it like this:

cd fricas
git checkout trunk
git pull
git push origin

but it went wrong when I tried to merge it like this:
git checkout master
git merge trunk

If it reports a problem then I run git mergetool but, if I remember 
correctly, this time I don't think it did (There were no files inserted 
which happens when mergetool is needed). Anyway somehow it inserted 3 
lines from an old version.

The reason I have gone into this long explanation is just in case a git 
expert might see what I'm doing wrong.

Note: this all happens in:
I then copy the file to:
to work on code etc.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] add coerce from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation

2017-01-31 Thread Martin Baker

On 01/31/2017 06:33 PM, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Kurt Pagani wrote:

@Martin: gpresent.input now reports:  unexpected failures: 3


Which ones?  For ma all tests passed.

Note: you need to use latest version of both:

If I update gpresent but not permgrps then I see 3 errors.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] add coerce from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation

2017-01-30 Thread Martin Baker


This is great, thank you for this.

I have a patch here to add to this code:

or full code is here:

The patch does the following:

1) I have taken the liberty of adding extra comments to your code. I 
hope its not to verbose for you.
2) Tidy up the trace print routines, for example, does not display empty 

3) Some minor code additions.

Martin B

On 01/30/2017 05:18 PM, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

I have now commited improved version of Todd-Coxeter.  It now
handles coincidencies and is much faster than previus version.
Scaling is not great, but much better than before: I was able
to do enumeration for Mathieu 11 (using second presentation from
Canon et all paper) in 211 seconds.

Currently coincidencies are handled using union-find and
table of equivalents.  It seems that we could handle them
more directly by careful updating of coset table.  But
that is potentially error-prone so I am using simpler
implementation now.

Coset with respect to a subgroup are still to do.

AFAICS still quite a lot of work goes into redundant
scanning of coset table.  We probably could get large
speedup by having some kind of agenda with current work,
so that after adding a point we could quickly
restart work waiting for this point.

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] add coerce from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation

2017-01-29 Thread Martin Baker

On 01/29/2017 01:41 PM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:

Well, e.g. Todd-Coxeter is pretty much domain-specific; one could also
choose to interface a stand-alone coset enumeration routine
like ACE (see
and Producing toy implementations
of coset enumeration is of course fun, but is limited to (self)teaching
purposes---I'm saying this as someone who uses coset enumeration in
research quite a bit.

Hi Dima,

I'm sure the approach of gluing together mature implementations is very 
powerful but if I wanted to work that way I think I would work with SAGE.

I like the approach of having implementations richly interconnected and 
written in a common language (SPAD) which is designed for mathematics 
and is statically typed.

I guess its good that both approaches exist and we can choose what is 
best for each application.

I also think it is good to introduce what you may consider toy 
implementations. I assume most mature implementations must have started 
small. If we took the above approach to its most extreme then would 
anything ever be added to FriCAS?

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] add coerce from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation

2017-01-27 Thread Martin Baker

On 01/26/2017 09:04 PM, Kurt Pagani wrote:

Hi Martin

I've also tried your code and must confirm Waldek's statements. I guess there
are some pitfalls which are known for some time.

Did you read "Implementation and Analysis of the Todd-Coxeter Algorithm"
by Cannon et al.? Old but still beneficial.

Maybe you should alo have a look at sympy:
where the article above is also cited.

Otherwise I see much progress.

Hi Kurt,

Yes, lots more to do but I'm encouraged by progress so far.

I had not seen the Cannon et al. paper. This looks very useful 
especially for thinking about variations in the algorithm and what its 
ultimate limitations might be. Mostly for Todd-Coxeter Algorithm I 
looked at this paper by Akos Seress:
because it has a worked example.
For the other direction (PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation) I did 
not find a published algorithm for this so I just did a tree search for 
loops in the Cayley graph.

Initially a was just happy to find algorithms that worked in each 
direction albeit for small groups. However now, of course, I am keen to 
get these implementations to scale up as much as possible.

Before I look at the above paper in more detail I think I need to get 
the basics right and to absorb the information that Waldek posted about 
cosets and strong generators and to modify the code to remove 

By the way, I think the posts from Waldek about GroupPresentation are 
very useful. I think it would be good if all that information could be 
put together somewhere where it can be found by potential developers in 
the future.

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] update documentation for alg_top.spad

2017-01-27 Thread Martin Baker
I have updated documentation/comments for alg_top.spad to correspond to 
recent code changes.

This patch contains no code changes:

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] add coerce from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation

2017-01-25 Thread Martin Baker

On 01/25/2017 05:23 AM, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

I also noticed that Todd-Coxeter (toPermutationIfCan)
may produce something strange.  Namely, the following
(junky) relations:

Do you think there is a need for a simplifier for PermutationGroup like 
Or does representation in terms of strong generators make this 

Either way I guess it would be more efficient and scalable if some 
simplification could also be done inside the Todd-Coxeter algorithm. I 
know that the Todd-Coxeter code does not yet detect and remove 
'coincidences', that is, duplicated points. So this in the next 
improvement that needs to be made.

Thank you for the useful and interesting information about 
PermutationGroup and the algorithms in this and previous posts. I will 
work through this and hopefully the code can be improved.


Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] update documentation for gpresent

2017-01-25 Thread Martin Baker
This patch contains changes to documentation+comments only, no changes 
to code.

Comments are changed to correspond to recent change to code in 

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Vector which implements AbelianGroup

2017-01-23 Thread Martin Baker

On 01/23/2017 06:33 PM, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

On 01/23/2017 06:52 PM, Martin Baker wrote:

I would like a Vector domain which implements AbelianGroup.


Thanks Ralf, just what I was looking for.

I did look on but I only searched for something with 
'vector' in the name so I missed this.

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] Vector which implements AbelianGroup

2017-01-23 Thread Martin Baker

I would like a Vector domain which implements AbelianGroup.

Unfortunately Vectors in FriCAS don't appear to implement AbelianGroup 
because it needs to implement 0:% which it can't because the nearest 
function in Vector is zero: NonNegativeInteger -> % but this needs to 
know the number of dimensions.

So I think what is needed is a version of Vector which has the number of 
dimensions built in to the type (as a type parameter) rather than having 
a variable dimension. This could then implement AbelianGroup.

I need this for the cochain code that I previously posted.

This allows a (AbelianGroup) value to be associated with a point (or 
higher simplex). For example we could have real (Float) values 
associated with each point representing say voltage or height or some 
other quantity for each point.

Perhaps the most obvious quantity we could associate with each point is 
position, given by a vector relative to some origin and coordinate 
system. However the type (domain) needs to implement AbelianGroup.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] add coerce from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation

2017-01-23 Thread Martin Baker

On 01/23/2017 04:58 PM, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Note: I used wordInStrongGenerators as a helper

I find it hard to understand the functions in PermutationGroup. Partly 
because I cant find any documentation (I searched the usual places but 
its easy to miss things) and its hard to follow the code because Rep is 
so complicated.

For example, how does wordInGenerators work? I sort of expected that the 
generators would be represented by a single element in the word. So I 
expected that the following would give [[1],[2]]:

dg3 := dihedralGroup(3)

   (1)  <(1 2 3),(1 3)>
  Type: PermutationGroup(Integer)
g := generators(dg3)

   (2)  [(1 2 3),(1 3)]
 Type: List(Permutation(Integer))
[wordInGenerators(x,dg3) for x in g]

   (3)  [[1,2,2],[2]]
 Type: List(List(NonNegativeInteger))

I realise this is the same as [[1],[2]] because 2 is self inverse but it 
would be good if it could do some simplification.

wordsForStrongGenerators is different from wordInGenerators in that it 
does not seem to use indexes.

sg := strongGenerators(dg3)

   (4)  [(2 3),(1 3)]
 Type: List(Permutation(Integer))
w := wordsForStrongGenerators(dg3)

   (5)  [[1,2],[2]]
 Type: List(List(NonNegativeInteger))

Now that I have your example hopefully I will now be able to understand 
it better.



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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] add coerce from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation

2017-01-23 Thread Martin Baker

On 01/23/2017 05:37 AM, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Martin Baker wrote:

Patch is here:

I have tried it now.  AFAICS it is _extremally_ inefficient:
coerce(symmetricGroup(4))@GroupPresentation crashes due to
running out of memory (tested on sbcl with default 1GB limit),
coerce(dihedralGroup(7))@GroupPresentation works but takes
a lot of time and produces large presentation.


Thank you for looking at this. I did not find a published algorithm for 
this so I just worked out a simple algorithm myself, I did not think 
much about efficiency I was just happy to hit on a method that worked.

The main issue is finding the relations. It seems to me that each 
relation corresponds to a loop in the Cayley graph.

So I just wrote an algorithm that found all the relations (loops) by 
doing a tree search of the Cayley graph. Obviously this finds a lot of 
redundant rules (loops).

Am I correct in thinking that the algorithm that you are proposing is 
more efficient because it uses a stabilizer chain (sequence of 
subgroups, each containing the next and each stabilizing one more 
point). So when we work out the loops in the subgroup we implicitly 
encode information about the loops in the cosets so we consider less loops?

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] Improvements to algebraic topology

2017-01-21 Thread Martin Baker


I would be grateful if you could consider this patch before the next 
FriCAS release. It is a patch to alg_top.spad, this brings it up to 3 
pending patches from me.

Patch is here:
Full file is here:

I have modified bugs2016.input to match the code changes here:

Patch for this file is here:
Full file is here:

These changes address some of your earlier comments about the algebraic 
topology code. The changes include:

* Remove SPAD test code.
* Remove existing vetexset domains
* Add numpoints parameter to rep of FiniteSimplecticalComplex and 
display this in output.
* Change representation of DeltaComplex to indicate each point and 
reverse order of map.

* Add cochain
* Add type parameter to factory domains.
* Rename boundary function from delta to boundary.

Note: the order of the Maps in DeltaComplex is reversed in constructor, 
output and Rep so I had to change bugs2016.input to match this.

In accordance with your preference I have not yet changed the 
documentation (well I have changed some -- and ++ comments, I don't know 
if they count as documentation?)

With this code we can now convert from FiniteSimplicialComplex to 
DeltaComplex and back and the points are correctly translated regardless 
of whether they are included in higher order facets or not. Or even if 
the points are not used at all, like this:

(5) -> ASIMP := FiniteSimplicialComplex(Integer)

   (5)  FiniteSimplicialComplex(Integer)
   Type: Type
(6) -> v1:List(List(NNI)) := [[1::NNI,2::NNI],[4::NNI]]

   (6)  [[1,2],[4]]
 Type: List(List(NonNegativeInteger))
(7) -> sc1 := deltaComplex(simplicialComplex([],4,v1)$ASIMP)

1D:[[1,- 2]]
  Type: DeltaComplex(Integer)
(8) -> d1 := simplicialComplexIfCan(sc1)

   (8)  points 1..4
Type: Union(FiniteSimplicialComplex(Integer),...)

The new cochain code allows us to assign AbelianGroup values to vertices 
and then calculate differences like this:

(1) -> FACTORY := SimplicialComplexFactory(Integer)

   (1)  SimplicialComplexFactory(Integer)
  Type: Type
(2) -> b1 := sphereSolid(2)$FACTORY

   (2)  points 1..3
  Type: FiniteSimplicialComplex(Integer)
(3) -> d1 := deltaComplex(b1)

2D:[[1,- 2,3]]
 1D:[[1,- 2],[1,- 3],[2,- 3]]
 Type: DeltaComplex(Integer)
(4) -> c1 := chain(d1)

  + 110 + + 1 +
  | | |   |
   (4)  [0  0  0],|- 1   01 |,|- 1|,[]
  | | |   |
  + 0   - 1  - 1+ + 1 +
  Type: ChainComplex
(5) -> cc1 := coChain(d1)

   +1  - 1   0 + +0+
   |   | | |
   (5)  [],[1  - 1  1],|1   0   - 1|,|0|
   |   | | |
   +0   1   - 1+ +0+
   Type: CoChainComplex(Integer)
(6) -> cb1 := coboundary(cc1,2::NNI,_

   (6)  [1,2,1]
 Type: List(Integer)
(7) -> cb2 := coboundary(cc1,3::NNI,cb1)

   (7)  [0]
 Type: List(Integer)


Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] FriCAS status

2017-01-16 Thread Martin Baker

On 01/16/2017 01:30 PM, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

There are also improvements that I would like to add
(in particular I have to look at Martin's Baker patch).

Yes, there are 2 outstanding patches.

The first one is here:!topic/fricas-devel/EtLwgd2dWNU
This converts from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation.

The second one is here:!topic/fricas-devel/j0ZJUXqOT3I
This goes in the opposite from GroupPresentation to PermutationGroup 
(Todd-Coxeter algorithm).

I am also working on a 3rd patch to algebraic topology which is intended 
to resolve the issues involving VertexSet discussed here:!topic/fricas-devel/rqxQZbw3ar4

This 3rd patch also has lots of other improvements so I hope this can be 
included in the next release. I believe I can have it ready in a week or 
2 which seems to be within your timescale.


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Re: [fricas-devel] Group domains in FriCAS

2016-12-07 Thread Martin Baker

On 07/12/16 01:01, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

About your proposal: note that notion of permutation
group is closely related to notion of subgroup (and
at categorical level with final object of a category).
Finitely presented groups are related to quotients
(and first object of a category).  As a little remark
note that in both cases we natuarally get semigroup
first, in case of permutations semigroup of all mappings
from a set to itself, in case of free group we get
free semigroup.  Then we "correct" deficiency, in
case of permutations taking subsemigroup of
invertible maps, in case of free group taking
quotient (declaring some generators of free semigroup
as inverses of group generators).

Now, one natural thing would be a way to produce group
given group presentation.  There is very strong
obstacle to this due to unsolvability of word problem.
IMO the right way to go forward it to look at cases
when word problem is solvable.  This happens if
we know something special about groups, for example
for abelian groups word problem is solvable.  This
happens if presentation has special form, like
for result of Knuth-Bendix completition.  We could
try postpone solving hard problems and require that
to create finitely presented group the user has
to provide solver for word problem

Concerning structure on Type: currently this is done by
declaring specific categories/domains.  Union represets
/implements sum.  There is Product domain.  There is
Subdomian.  Each are very special I do not see how
to "generalize" them at computational level.  In principle
we could try to add "quotient" constructor.  Namely,
to get quotient we need equvalence relation and we could
have something like:

Quitient(S : Type, = : (S, S) -> Boolean) : 

but that would be of limited use, because for products
there are important features which are preserved, while
for quotients everything depends on equivalence relation.
Existing algebra cheats in some cases, uncoditionaly
declaring features which are valid only if special
conditions are satisfied.  For quotient I do not
think cheats are appropriate -- we can not even claim
that features are preserved "in most interesting cases".
And I would like to get rid of cheating.

Orbits need extra structure for example semigroup structure.
Orbits of group actions have specific properties, so
they probably should be studied separately from more
general notions of orbits.  And efficient computations
with orbits are possible only in some specific situations.

So no, I think that currently it is not possible to put
more _useful_ general structure on Type.


Thank you very much for this reply, it is very clear.

So we need to keep the groupPresentation domain because we can't add the 
functionality to FinitelyPresentedGroup domain. Its therefore worth me 
taking time to improve the documentation and content of 
groupPresentation domain.

To widen the scope a bit, is it worth filling in the gaps in this table 
of domains in the FriCAS library?

outer algebra: PermutationGroup GroupPresentation GroupRepresentation
inner algebra: Permutation  Word  SquareMatrix

It seems to me that there is merit in having a common design pattern for 
this sort of thing since it might help users and developers find the 
functionality they need, minimise overlaps and make it easier to convert 
between them.

In fact why not have a design pattern (as a hint to developers) which 
goes beyond groups to any algebra where we need functions on both 
elements and functions on the whole '(sub)type'. Perhaps something like 
this pseudo code:

Outer Algebra Design Pattern

OuterAlgebra(S : SetCategory) : public == private where

  public ==> SetCategory with

 function signatures which act on whole 'type' go here
 or in separate category.

  private ==> add
Rep  := Record(List InnerAlgebra S, constraints : ...)

 function definitions which act on whole 'type' go here

Note 1) List here is just computationally efficient set.
Note 2) constraints make algebra less free, example relations.
Note 3) The names 'OuterAlgebra' and 'InnerAlgebra' are replaced by the 
actual domain names.

Note 4) When I use the word 'type' here I mean whole inner algebra.

Inner Algebra Design Pattern

InnerAlgebra(S : SetCategory) : public == private where

  public ==> InnerAlgebra S with

 function signatures which act on single element go here
 or in separate category. Such as:
*: (%, %) -> %
1: %
inv: % -> %

  private ==> add

-- representation of the object:

Rep  :=  representation of single element

 function definitions which act on single element go here

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] Group domains in FriCAS

2016-12-05 Thread Martin Baker
My initial thoughts about group domains related to homotopy in FriCAS is 
that there is a need for at least 4 group domains shown at each corner 
of this square:

PermutationGroup <-equivalent-> GroupPresentation
  |if finite   |
  contains set ofcontains set of
Permutation <---> Word

The domains at the bottom of the diagram are implementations of Group 
category. So in these cases % will contain something representing a 
single element of the group such as a single permutation or a single 
word. Functions will be from Group such as '*'.

The domains at the top of the diagram have % which holds information 
about the whole group so it identifies it as say 'cyclic group 5' or 
'dihedral group 3'. The functions will be functions on the whole group 
such as: sum, product, quotient, subgroup, order, orbit, etc.

(I don't think Bill likes this way of describing it? I think the 
distinction is valid but can you think of a more mathematical way to 
describe the distinction? Perhaps in terms of initial and terminal 

So how does FinitelyPresentedGroup fit in this? It seems to me that 
FinitelyPresentedGroup is of type: Type whereas GroupPresentation is of 
a specific type:

(1) -> F:=FPG([x,y,z],[])

   (1)  FinitelyPresentedGroup([x,y,z],[])
  Type: Type

(2) -> F2 := groupPresentation([1,2,3],[])

  Type: GroupPresentation

Given this, is it possible to construct functions like sum, product, 
quotient, subgroup, order, orbit, etc. on something of type: Type?

If it is possible to do this, why is PermutationGroup not constructed 
this way?

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] group conversions

2016-12-04 Thread Martin Baker

I have put an implementation of Todd-Coxeter algorithm here:

Patch is here:
Full code is here:

This goes together with the conversion in the opposite direction which I 
already posted here:!topic/fricas-devel/EtLwgd2dWNU

Patch for regression tests of these conversions is here:
Full regression test code is here:

So when we compose these two functions we should get back to the same 
point like this:

(1) -> c5a := cyclicGroup(5)$PermutationGroupExamples

   (1)  <(1 2 3 4 5)>
  Type: PermutationGroup(Integer)
(2) -> c5b := c5a::GroupPresentation

  Type: GroupPresentation
(3) -> c5c := toPermutationIfCan(c5b) :: PermutationGroup(Integer)

   (3)  <(1 2 3 4 5)>
  Type: PermutationGroup(Integer)

As discussed before, anything more complicated than this wont get back 
to the same point but somewhere isomorphic like this:

(4) -> d3x := dihedralGroup(3)$PermutationGroupExamples

   (4)  <(1 2 3),(1 3)>
  Type: PermutationGroup(Integer)
(5) -> d3y := d3x::GroupPresentation

   a*a*a, a*a*b*a*a*b, a*a*b*a*a*-b, a*b*a*b, a*b*a*-b, b*b, 

a*b*-a*-a*b, b*a*a*-b*-a, a*a*b*-a*-b, a*a*-b*a*a*-b, a*-b*a*-b
  Type: GroupPresentation
(6) -> d3z := toPermutationIfCan(d3y) :: PermutationGroup(Integer)

   (6)  <(1 2 4)(3 6 5),(1 3)(2 5)(4 6)>
  Type: PermutationGroup(Integer)

If you wish to see how the algorithm works (or does not work) try 
calling the function like this:

(7) -> toPermutationIfCan(d3a,true)

This will display the relatorTables at each stage and the deductions 
being made from the tables.

The conversions in both directions can be improved by implementing 
better simplifications but since there is no canonical form the 
simplifications can never be perfect. The Todd-Coxeter does not yet 
detect and remove 'coincidences', that is, duplicated points. So this in 
the next improvement that needs to be made.

I would like to get back to homology and homotopy so I am hoping that 
this is good enough for the FriCAS library for now?

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] add coerce from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation

2016-11-14 Thread Martin Baker

Patch is here:
File is here:

It is used like this:

permgp := dihedralGroup(3)$PermutationGroupExamples

   (1)  <(1 2 3),(1 3)>
Type: PermutationGroup(Integer)

   a*a*a, a*a*b*a*a*b, a*a*b*a*a*-b, a*b*a*b, a*b*a*-b, b*b, 

a*b*-a*-a*b, b*a*a*-b*-a, a*a*b*-a*-b, a*a*-b*a*a*-b, a*-b*a*-b
Type: GroupPresentation

As discussed before, improvements to simplification in GroupPresentation 
would be good but that is not part of this code.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] More simplifications in GroupPresentation

2016-11-13 Thread Martin Baker

Kurt and Bill,

Thanks for your ideas so far. I had an idea to try to combine what you 
said with what I am trying to do.

It seems to me that there is a very approximate design pattern here 
since each of these algebraic structures seem to be defined by two 
domains by pseudo code like this:

Rep := List innerDomain
Rep := 
*: (%, %) -> %
1: %
inv: % -> %

For instance:

Rep :=  List Permutation Set 
Permutation(S : SetCategory)
Rep := Vector List Set

Could FreeGroup be made to fit in this pattern somehow? What I need is a 
domain that can calculate things like orbits where a knowledge of the 
whole group is required?

ListMonoidOps(Set,E:AbelianMonoid, un:E)
Rep := List Record(gen : S, exp : E)
FreeGroup(S : SetCategory)
Rep := ListMonoidOps(S, Integer, 1)

In this design pattern, the algebraic structure of the outer domain is 
defined by the representation, the algebraic structure of the inner 
domain is defined by the functions on the representation. These cases 
must be the two extremes, there could be possible domains in between 
where the algebra is defined by some other combination of rep and 
functions. A bit like initial algebra vs. terminal algebra (Kleisli vs. 

In the outer domain the functions tend to involve the whole algebra and 
in the inner domain the functions can only involve the elements.

For homotopy and homology the current GroupPresentation domain gives me 
a relatively simple way to do the things I need. I'm not sure if the 
extra complexity of the FreeGroup domain would be justified? It seems to 
me that these subjects need to define the structures 'upto isomorphism' 
or 'upto equivalence' and this is best done by the OuterDomain only in 
the pattern above.

I think its probably best if I continue to work with GroupPresentation 
for now then I, or someone else, could convert the code to use FreeGroup 
if that becomes useful or more general.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] More simplifications in GroupPresentation

2016-11-12 Thread Martin Baker

On 12/11/16 17:37, Bill Page wrote:

I think I know what you mean however in FriCAS % always represents a
domain - not an element of a domain. In the category 'Group' %
represents a domain whose operations satisfy group axioms.  Perhaps it
is unexpected that so few domains in FriCAS satisfy Group but the
requirement is that every value of this type must have a
multiplicative inverse, literally an inverse for the operation *.


Should I have said Rep rather than % ?

In one case Rep holds something which represents the whole group. In the 
other case Rep holds an element of that group.

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] More simplifications in GroupPresentation

2016-11-12 Thread Martin Baker

On 12/11/16 17:30, Kurt Pagani wrote:
> That's what had I in mind. I erroneously assumed that your 
> implements a group in the literallly sense, e.g. to get answers to 
queries like

> a*b^2=b*a^2?
> If you inherit from Group then you will get *,1,inv for free. So the 

> "Word" will actually be a group.

Well I started coming at this from the Algebraic Topology point of view. 
That is the relationship between various topologies and various 
algebras. It seems to me that is about a whole topology being related to 
a whole algebra (group). I therefore need an entity like 
GroupPresentation (or something with that structure) to represent the 
whole group, not an element of the group.

Inside that, individual calculations still seem to involve individual 
elements. Unless there is a way to do Algebraic Topology purely from the 
outside (in a category theoretic way)?

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] More simplifications in GroupPresentation

2016-11-12 Thread Martin Baker

On 10/11/16 16:46, Kurt Pagani wrote:

On 10 November 2016 at 10:37, Martin Baker>> wrote:

Hi Kurt,

> Your "GroupPresentation" actually isn't a group, so I wonder whether it 
> be favourable to implement a domain, e.g. "FinitelyPresentedGroup" which 
> be reused elsewhere. If you take on the burden to augment some group 
theory to
> Fricas anyway, you might consider doing it along the lines of GAP:
> (1) -> GroupPresentation has Group
>(1)  false

Well in Fricas terms PermutationGroup isnt a group either:

(1) -> PermutationGroup(Integer) has Group

   (1)  false
Type: Boolean

I'm surprised, indeed :(
I had a look in permgrps.spad where we find the explanation:

PermutationGroup implements permutation groups acting on a set S, i.e.
all subgroups of the symmetric group of S, represented as a list of
permutations (generators). Note that therefore the objects are not
members of the Language category /Group/
<>. Using the idea of base
and strong generators by Sims, basic routines and algorithms are
implemented so that the word problem for permutation groups can be solved.

Hi Kurt,

In simpler terms: PermutationGroup and GroupPresentation are never going 
to implement the category 'Group' because in PermutationGroup and 
GroupPresentation % represents the whole group whereas in Group % 
represents an element of the group.

However, we could implement category 'Group' by having a domain called 
'Word' (over Symbols or Permutations) where the multiplication operation 
is the concatenation of words with simplification given by the relations.

It seems to me that such a proposed domain would help simplify existing 
and proposed code as follows:

1) Tidy up some of the local functions in PermutationGroup which work 
with words in an ad hoc and messy way.
2) Would simplify my conversion from PermutationGroup to 
GroupPresentation which uses words.

3) Be a basis for examples such as LyndonWord

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] More simplifications in GroupPresentation

2016-11-10 Thread Martin Baker

On 10/11/16 16:46, Kurt Pagani wrote:

I'm definitely encouraging you to implement T-C.

Thats my plan.

> Then we will rely on (permgrps.spad):

Well it will have to be like this:

toPermutationIfCan(GroupPresentation):Union(PermutationGroup S, "failed")

because it needs to fail for infinite groups.

Also I will continue to use GroupPresentation for homotopy because the 
format produced by these conversions is just too unpredictable.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] More simplifications in GroupPresentation

2016-11-10 Thread Martin Baker

Hi Kurt,

> Your "GroupPresentation" actually isn't a group, so I wonder whether 
it wouldn't
> be favourable to implement a domain, e.g. "FinitelyPresentedGroup" 
which could
> be reused elsewhere. If you take on the burden to augment some group 
theory to

> Fricas anyway, you might consider doing it along the lines of GAP:
> (1) -> GroupPresentation has Group
>(1)  false

Well in Fricas terms PermutationGroup isnt a group either:

(1) -> PermutationGroup(Integer) has Group

   (1)  false
Type: Boolean

Hopefully they are all equivalent for *finite* groups, that is, the 
round trip:

PermutationGroup -> GroupPresentation -> PermutationGroup
GroupPresentation -> PermutationGroup -> GroupPresentation
may not get back to exactly the same place but it gets back to somewhere 
isomorphic to where it started.

The problem seems to be simplifying the relations, the simplest case may 
not be computable?

I have added a coercion from PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation to 
permgrps.spad here:
(relies on above patch)

This was not hard and it works fine:

permgp := dihedralGroup(3)$PermutationGroupExamples

   (1)  <(1 2 3),(1 3)>
Type: PermutationGroup(Integer)

   a*a*a, a*a*b*a*a*b, a*a*b*a*a*-b, a*b*a*b, a*b*a*-b, b*b, 

a*b*-a*-a*b, b*a*a*-b*-a, a*a*b*-a*-b, a*a*-b*a*a*-b, a*-b*a*-b
Type: GroupPresentation

The problem, as you can see, is that it does not produce a simplest or 
canonical solution (if such a thing exists). That is there are redundant 

In the above example it is probably easy to see extra rules that would 
simplify to a minimal solution but I cant see a general strategy for 
reduction rules even for very simple cases like this.

Going in the opposite direction it is easy to implement Todd-Coxeter, 
the problem again is simplifying the resulting permutations.

I am planning (already started as you can see) to implement two-way 
conversions between these 'group like' structures.

I don't see a problem in having lots of equivalent structures 
(permutation, presentation, representation, multiplication table, etc.) 
in fact I think its a positive advantage. I don't feel I understand a 
structure unless I can approach it from different directions and I don't 
trust a calculation unless I get the same result when it is done in 
multiple independent ways. To do good regression tests we need to do 
calculations in several ways. So I would like to see more overlapping 
structures in FriCAS, not less.

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] More simplifications in GroupPresentation

2016-11-09 Thread Martin Baker

This patch contains the following changes to GroupPresentation:
1) Improve simplify function to remove duplicate relations.
2) Rename subgroup to quotient.

In simplify, relations are now considered duplicates if they are 
identical or if they are the same after being cycled or if they are the 
same after being 'De Morgan' inverted.

Patch is here:
File is here:

Here are corresponding regression tests where I have made the name 
changes and added additional tests for the new simplifications.

Patch is here:
File is here:

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Haskell, Functor, Monad, Maybe

2016-10-17 Thread Martin Baker
It seems to me that there are two possible reasons for implementing 
category theoretic structures in FriCAS:

1) Because FriCAS should implement as many mathematical structures as 
possible and because much of modern mathematics is done in the language 
of categories and FriCAS should reflect the structures mathematicians 
are using.

2) To implement Haskel-like structures. This is aimed at separating the 
'pure' from the 'impure' in particular chaining together sequences of 
potentially impure functions.

I think this distinction is important because it determines what type of 
structure is used. In the first case we might use this:

 class Monad m where
   unit :: a -> m a
   mult :: m (m a) -> m a

But in the second case we might use this:

 class Monad m where
   (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
   (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
   return :: a -> m a
   fail :: String -> m a

So in the case of Maybe, in the second case we could chain together a 
whole sequence of functions with a signature like this:

Something -> Maybe Something

into a combined function, this would mean that we would not have to test 
for "fail" in-between each function call.

In the first case we would have a structure like this:

Maybe (Maybe Something)

which, presumably would return "fail" if either the inner or outer Maybe 

I suspect this is all a bit academic because I get the impression that 
the FriCAS compiler is too unpredictable to make the changes to the type 
system that would be required for a more general category theoretic 
structures. Please tell me I'm wrong as it would be really wonderful if 
FriCAS could support this in its most general form.

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] fix urls

2016-10-10 Thread Martin Baker

Here is a patch to fix URLs (no code changes):

This is mostly removing invalid spaces but there are some other changes.

The changes affect the following files:

I have put these all in the one patch file.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] fix and improvements to gpresent.spad

2016-10-10 Thread Martin Baker

On 10/10/16 00:40, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Commited (after edit).

OK thanks,

I will rename the subgroup functions to quotient. Before I make any 
changes I will do some reading on Todd-Coxeter algorithm which may take 
some time.


Do you know of any existing code in FriCAS that would help in going the 
other direction (PermutationGroup to GroupPresentation where possible).

I cant quite work out wordInGenerators and wordsForStrongGenerators 
functions. I know I have seen some documentation about this but I cant 
remember where I saw it.

Martin B

(2) -> permgp := dihedralGroup(3)

   (2)  <(1 2 3),(1 3)>
   Type: PermutationGroup(Integer)
(3) -> g := generators(permgp)

   (3)  [(1 2 3),(1 3)]
 Type: List(Permutation(Integer))
(4) -> sg := strongGenerators(permgp)

   (4)  [(2 3),(1 3)]
 Type: List(Permutation(Integer))
(5) -> w := wordsForStrongGenerators(permgp)

   (5)  []
 Type: List(List(NonNegativeInteger))
(6) -> wordInGenerators(first g,permgp)

   (6)  [2,1,1,2]
  Type: List(NonNegativeInteger)
(7) -> wordInGenerators(second g,permgp)

   (7)  [2]
Type: List(NonNegativeInteger)
(8) -> [wordInGenerators(x,permgp) for x in g]

   (8)  [[2,1,1,2],[2]]
  Type: List(List(NonNegativeInteger))

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] fix an indexing bug in bezout.spad

2016-10-09 Thread Martin Baker

On 09/10/16 09:47, oldk1331 wrote:

I would like to add some comments for subSylvesterMatrix,
I'd prefer add a reference to the book which this algorithm
is based on, like "-- Page 20, Definition 1.4.2, Symbolic
Integration Transcendental Functions, second edition",
instead of repeating the contents of the book, like
"-- remove rows from xxx to xxx, except for row xxx".


I don't know much about the subject but, in general terms, I think it is 
better if anyone can contribute to FriCAS without having access to a 
technical library.

Perhaps it is not the purpose of comments to teach the underlying 
mathematics, only how it is implemented, I would think its generally 
better if that could be done without requiring a specific book which may 
go out of print.

Widening out the scope beyond your question. When I am browsing code the 
aspect where I would generally like improvement to comments and 
documentation is: a fuller specification of the expected parameters and 
outputs of a function and a higher level overview of what it does as 
opposed to its internal workings which might be deduced from the code.

Also an explanation of the type parameters. Is it obvious what types are 
required here?

BezoutMatrix(R, UP, M, Row, Col) : Exports == Implementation where
  R: Ring
  UP   : UnivariatePolynomialCategory R
  Row  : FiniteLinearAggregate R
  Col  : FiniteLinearAggregate R
  M: MatrixCategory(R, Row, Col)

Perhaps I am thinking about this from the point of view of a potential 
user who is not an expert in the subject and perhaps your question is 
more about what is required by an expert in the subject who is modifying 
the code?

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] fix and improvements to gpresent.spad

2016-10-08 Thread Martin Baker

On 08/10/16 12:54, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Some statements there look wrong.  For example:

+We can generate a subgroup by either removing a generator or
+adding a relation.

By adding a relation you form _quotient_ group.  Maybe you
think about kernel of quotient map, which indeed is a
subgroup.  But it requires nontrivial computation to
find presentation of the kernel.  In general, to get a
subgroup you specify new generators which are words in
terms of generators of larger group.  Another way is to
specify a predicate so that the subgroup consists of
elements satisfying the predicate.  Again, it may be
tricky to find presentation of such subgroup.  And
one needs to use appropriate predicate, otherwise
elements satisfying the predicate do not form a

BTW: You can get arbitrary quotient by adding relations
(possibly infintely many relations).

Well my thinking went like this:

1) I want conversions between PermutationGroup and GroupPresentation.
2) To do this I want to implement Todd–Coxeter algorithm.
3) To do that I need to enumerate the cosets.
4) To implement cosets I need a subgroup.

But I have not had time to study Todd–Coxeter algorithm. Until I 
investigate it I don't really know what I want.

Would it be possible to commit the patch without the suspect words? Then 
I can take longer to investigate.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] fix and improvements to gpresent.spad

2016-10-08 Thread Martin Baker


Thank you for committing this.

Here is associated, documentation-only update (no code changes).

Patch is here:

File is here:

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] fix and improvements to gpresent.spad

2016-10-07 Thread Martin Baker

Here is a patch for gpresent.spad to:
1) Fix regression bug to output, see note below.
2) New functions such as: directProduct and subgroup.
3) Better simplification including ability to eliminate a generator by 
substituting one relation in another.

4) Some re-factoring and tidyups.
5) Add regression tests, in gpresent.input file.

Patch is here:

File is here:

Regression tests are here:


Concerning item 1, inverse generators in relations were not being shown 
as inverse. I have used used the following conventions.
* If index is positive it represents a generator shown as an alphabetic 
digit followed by number if required.

* If index is zero it represents identity shown as 'e'.
* If index is negative it represents an inverse generator.
The notation uses '-' to indicate an inverse generator (I know this is 
an abuse of notation, because the group is not necessarily Abelian). 
This convention is not ambiguous and I don't like the alternatives, '-1' 
exponent uses too much space and upper case alpha for inverses may not 
be clear to people who don’t read documentation.

Concerning item 5, I do like the idea of the regression tests being in a 
separate file with a meaningful name. Ideally I would like the name to 
be the same as the SPAD file name. I may have additional regression 
tests for this file and improvements to these tests.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Regression testing

2016-09-28 Thread Martin Baker

On 27/09/16 18:55, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Since sometimes there are good
reasons for irregularity I do not insist on rigid
structure.  But I would like to avoid irregularities
which are just due to slightly different preferences.

Yes, its a difficult dilemma. I really appreciate lack of restrictions 
when writing code (and your help improving it), not so much so when 
trying to understand other peoples code.

But it was _much_
easier to add tests to 'bugs2016.input'.

OK, the next tests I write I will use an .input file. Then I can make 
more informed comments on compiler vs. interpreter for tests.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Regression testing

2016-09-26 Thread Martin Baker

On 25/09/16 23:31, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Concerning 'randomSimplicialComplex': random testing has some
advantages and drawbacks.  Main drawback is that results
change, so checking for correctness is harder.  Normal
random tests have advantage that they can generate large
number of examples including many which human would not
generate.  Your 'randomSimplicialComplex' looses
advantage of random testing because it just uses already
prepared examples.

Well I was planning to expand these tests. In addition to the basic 
examples from the factory functions I was planning to have random sums 
and products of these complexes. I am a bit concerned that the code has 
only really been tested with simple examples. I would like greater 
confidence that some structures will not break the code and that the 
structures scale up without error.

Concerning organization of tests, I do not buy argument
that "it must be in the same file"

OK, how about having an additional directory like src/algebra where 
there is a test file corresponding to every (eventually) spad file in 

I think it would really help if the test code and source code were 1:1.

What is in which
file matters mostlty for Makefiles and grep searches.
Putting things different than source code means a lot
of false hits from grep, which is a significant
distraction.  Also Makefile may get unnecessarly complicated.
When doing "quick and dirty" fixes people will go
directly to relevant function -- if you add something
20 lines below it may be as easily missed as something
in completely different file.

I think it is important to design these things from the point of view of 
someone new to FriCAS. Imagine, if you can, that I was new to FriCAS, 
that I wanted to contribute to the code, that I was not familiar with 
the test framework and that I believed in test driven development.

Would I know where to put the test code? Would I have to resort to 
searching the source to find existing tests?

What is important is that test should be easy to write
and easy to run.

Agreed and I think it is important to be able to run only tests relevant 
to my code. So I can run tests frequently during development not just 
when submitting a potential commit.

But if your tests
require separate action to run, then they will
be ignored.

Why not call these tests from the test framework?

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] Alg Top - Issue 2 - homotopy of delta complex

2016-09-26 Thread Martin Baker

On 30/08/16 16:43, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Concening future developement, we need to rethink
some basics.  First, current DeltaComplex looks
fine for homology (except for lack of vertices in
representation).  But it is underspecified for
homotopy.  As I wrote, there should be enough
information to compute fundamental group, but
not enough for higher homotopy.And even
fundamental group seem to give wrong results
sometimes.  So one way to go forward is
to declare that DeltaComplex is only for
homolgy (and by extension cohomology).
Alternatively one may work out how to represent
maps, say piecewise linear map and use this
representation in DeltaComplex.  At some
moment we will like to represent maps anyway
(they are needed for functorial properties and
for higher homotopy), so IMO resonable way
is to say that just now DeltaComplex is for
homology (and maybe fundamental group) and
implement similar but more topological domain

To help analyse this, I think torus shows the issues most clearly.

First the fundamental group when we start with SimplicialComplex:

(1) -> tS := torusSurface()$SimplicialComplexFactory

Type: FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)

(2) -> fundamentalGroup(tS)

 Type: GroupPresentation

I think this can be further simplified, I suspect that it will take a 
long time until the simplification gets to the level of the GAP program 
for example. We could re write the above as:

Substituting for -o we have:

w*t = t*w

That is, two edges that commute.

Moving everything to one side of the equation we have:
t * w * -t * -w

Now lets look at the situation for the compacted form

(3) -> tD := torusSurface()$DeltaComplexFactory

  1D:[[1,- 1],[1,- 1]]
   2D:[[1,2,- 1,- 2]]
   Type: DeltaComplex(VertexSetAbstract)

(4) -> fundamentalGroup(tD)

 Type: GroupPresentation

This is not correct, we have lost the orientation information, so how 
does this happen? The fundamental group is all about loops and the 
algorithm works by finding loops, each loop will be an edge not in the 
spanning tree:

(5) -> uG := UndirectedGraph(NNI)

   (5)  UndirectedGraph(NonNegativeInteger)
 Type: Type

(6) -> grapht : uG := oneSkeleton(tD)

Vertices: 1
Edges: 1-1,1-1,1-1,1-1
   Type: UndirectedGraph(NonNegativeInteger)
(7) -> spant : Tree(Integer) := spanningTreeNode(grapht, 1::NNI)$uG

(7)  1
 Type: Tree(Integer)

But this is not necessary, because we only have one vertex, we already 
know the loops, every edge is a loop. So we don't need to do this 
spanning tree stuff.

In fact the information we want is already in the DeltaComplex 
representation in its purest form:

   2D:[[1,2,- 1,- 2]]

Representing the edges by 'A' and 'B' we get:

A * B * -A * -B

So we can calculate the fundamental group:
1) In the case of a fully triangulated DeltaComplex from the mapping 
from 1D to 0D cells (the graph).
2) In the case where it has been reduced down to 1 vertex, we then use 
the mapping from 2D to 1D cells.

But what about the situation inbetween these two extremes? Somehow I 
think we need to use both mappings.

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] fix regression bug gpresent to OutputForm

2016-09-25 Thread Martin Baker


A small bug fix for you.

patch is here:
code is here:

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] Regression testing

2016-09-25 Thread Martin Baker

On 24/09/16 22:33, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Since in similar way one can build projective space I have
replaced projectivePlane() by projectiveSpace(n) where
n is the dimension.  I also made a few other changes to make
code more efficient.

Thank you for improving and committing.

> ATM I have omited part dealing with

"randomSimplicialComplex".  This function is fishy, giving
result which is far from beein random.  And usefulness is
far from clear, for testing testing all cases is more
efficient and more convenient.

This function is for regression testing. I think it is very important 
that regression tests are in the same source file as the code being 
tested. It may seem that it is just as good to have a separate script 
file like bugs2016 but I think human nature means things don’t get used 
and updated by anyone modifying the code if hidden away in a separate file.

Of course you may have other regression tests but I think its also 
important to have tests written by the original author and anyone else 
working on the file.

These tests have already caught a couple of bugs which might otherwise 
had got into the code.

It would be good if there was some standardised way of doing this that 
does not pollute the namespace or use runtime resources. I do feel 
strongly that this code does need to be in the same file or they could 
be ignored.

I would also like to write more regression tests for other code that I 
have written. If there were a standarised way to add it to the source 
files then I would do this.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] alg top - new factory functions.

2016-09-24 Thread Martin Baker

On 24/09/16 17:56, Martin Baker wrote:

Apart from Homotopy (which I will look at next) the only anomaly is
projective plane, see line 19 below.

Just realised whats wrong with projective plane, it should have 2 
vertices like this:

  -- generate a minimal projective plane.
  projectivePlane() : DeltaComplex(VertexSetAbstract) ==
  dC := DeltaComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
  vs1 := vertexSeta(2)$VertexSetAbstract
  deltaComplex(vs1, [[[1, -2], [1, -2]], [[1, -2, 1, -2]]])$dC

So, I've just patched the patch, still in the same place:
and the file is here:

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] alg top - new factory functions.

2016-09-24 Thread Martin Baker

Here is a proposed patch for alg_top, the patch is here:
and the file is here:

This adds new factory functions, in SimplicialComplexFactory there is a 
triangulation of dunceHat from Kurt Pagani.

I have added a new package 'DeltaComplexFactory' which has functions to 
construct common complexes which are smaller than DeltaComplexes 
constructed from SimplicialComplexes. Some of these are based on your 
bugs2016.input file.

Apart from Homotopy (which I will look at next) the only anomaly is 
projective plane, see line 19 below.

Martin B

(1) -> DCF := DeltaComplexFactory()

   (1)  DeltaComplexFactory
 Type: Type
(2) -> cD := circle()$DCF

 1D:[[1,- 1]]
  Type: DeltaComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
(3) -> dhD := dunceHat()$DCF

  1D:[[1,- 1]]
 2D:[[1,1,- 1]]
  Type: DeltaComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
(4) -> tD := torusSurface()$DCF

 1D:[[1,- 1],[1,- 1]]
  2D:[[1,2,- 1,- 2]]
  Type: DeltaComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
(5) -> ppD := projectivePlane()$DCF

 1D:[[1,- 1],[1,- 1]]
  2D:[[1,- 2,1,- 2]]
  Type: DeltaComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
(6) -> kbD := kleinBottle()$DCF

 1D:[[1,- 1],[1,- 1]]
   2D:[[1,2,1,- 2]]
  Type: DeltaComplex(VertexSetAbstract)

(7) -> SCF := SimplicialComplexFactory()

   (7)  SimplicialComplexFactory
 Type: Type
(8) -> cS := sphereSurface(2)$SCF

  Type: FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
(9) -> dhS := dunceHat()$SCF

   Type: FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
(10) -> tS := torusSurface()$SCF

   Type: FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
(11) -> ppS := projectivePlane()$SCF

   Type: FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
(12) -> kbS := kleinBottle()$SCF

   Type: FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)

-- circle
(13) -> homology(cD)

   (13)  [Z,Z]
   Type: List(Homology)
(14) -> homology(cS)

   (14)  [Z,Z]
   Type: List(Homology)

-- dunce hat
(15) -> homology(dhD)

   (15)  [Z,0,0]
   Type: List(Homology)
(16) -> homology(dhS)

   (16)  [Z,0,0]
   Type: List(Homology)

-- torus
(17) -> homology(tD)

   (17)  [Z,Z*2,Z]
   Type: List(Homology)
(18) -> homology(tS)

   (18)  [Z,Z*2,Z]
   Type: List(Homology)

-- projective plane
(19) -> homology(ppD)

   (19)  [Z,Z+C2,0]
   Type: List(Homology)
(20) -> homology(ppS)

   (20)  [Z,C2,0]
   Type: List(Homology)

-- klein bottle
(21) -> homology(kbD)

   (21)  [Z,Z+C2,0]
   Type: List(Homology)
(22) -> homology(kbS)

   (22)  [Z,Z+C2,0]

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] computation.spad Documentation Issues.

2016-09-22 Thread Martin Baker

On 22/09/16 10:35, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

Hi Martin,

Because different browsers can render SVG slightly differently I tend
to export to a raster format (PNG) for the web. I think this is as
standards based as I can get.

I have seen that font-related stuff can differ from computer to
computer, but if you have converted your objects to paths (included the
fonts), then I see no reason why different browsers should show the SVG

It's even a w3 standard.

Yes, fonts always seem to be a problem. I must admit that I have not 
tried this recently. Browser support for these standards seems to be 
constantly improving so I think I should test it out more frequently and 
convert objects to paths as you suggest.

So much to do! I tend to find something that works and stick with it.

Lines with arrow heads always used to be a problem (don't know if it 
still is?). Inkscape allows arrows to be added, but I guess that its not 
in the standard, Inkscape puts some sort of tag, like a macro, at the 
start of the file and this builds up each arrow head from smaller 

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] computation.spad Documentation Issues.

2016-09-22 Thread Martin Baker

On 22/09/16 10:25, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

What exactly is meant by "FriCAS IO"?

I meant your website:

Do you think it would be viable, when browsing the 
Category/Domain/Package API, that the information about each individual 
structure might additionally link out to further external information 
wherever that information might be (wiki, translated Axiom book or other 
sites). Ideally those URLs would be picked up from ++ comments so that 
it would be available to other programs.

Given the history of pan-axiom documentation issues I don't have a great 
expectation of massive improvements but any small incremental 
improvement would be something.

Anyway, just a thought, I can get by with current situation if its not 

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] computation.spad Documentation Issues.

2016-09-22 Thread Martin Baker

On 21/09/16 20:56, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Martin Baker wrote:

Usually I first produce documentation in HTML and put it on my website.
I then copy it into code file, this copy is inferior to the HTML version
because it does not have diagrams.

What do you use to create diagrams?  In other words: what is the
sorce code of your diagrams?

I use an open source program called Inkscape. It stores the diagrams in 
SVG (which is an XML format) so I suppose you could say that is the 
source but I don't edit it with a text editor. Because different 
browsers can render SVG slightly differently I tend to export to a 
raster format (PNG) for the web. I think this is as standards based as I 
can get.

Some of the diagrams can be quite big, too big for HyperDoc sized 
windows I think.

Well, I prefer to be independent of network if possible.
Network have unpredictable performance, may be not available
at all.  There are also securtity problems which vanish
if tere is no network connection.  So it good to have
standalone documentation.

Also we want documentation to be secure for the long term, that is, we 
don't want so documentation to disappear if an individual developer 
stops working on it or for a tool chain to become unmaintainable if an 
individual company goes bust.

There must be some way that web documents could optionally be 
distributed with the code for use offline if required.

Another aspect is conceptual and technical integrity.
Online documentation fits well to distributed/decentralized
model where various pieces are developed independently.
This has advantages, allowing various approches and
creating diverse points of view.  But it also leads to
replication and bloat.  And it makes harder to find
relevant correct documentation.

From my point of view, its not very easy to find the correct 
documentation now, that’s why I would like a central hub which I think 
Fricas IO has the potential to become.

So it makes sense to
develop core documentation in more coordinated way,
trying to use common style and common tools.
Unfortunately, in the past it was hard to reach
agreement what the common approach should be.

Exactly, if there are n people reading this then there will be n 
different views about what the common approach should be.

Your comments are a very good summary of the various sources of 
documentation and how they evolved. It is easy to see that each has its 
pros and cons. I think I'm reluctantly coming to the conclusion that 
there is not likely to be consensus on this any time soon.

IMO ability to produce different renderings (versions)
of documentation is important.

Yes, and I expect different formats can be produced from hyperdoc at the 
syntax level. But once a document has been chopped up into small windows 
I think its usefulness and readability will be greatly diminished when 
concatinated back to HTML or other formats.

When documenting precisely defined mathematical structures then it might 
be a good idea to force authors to be concise and fit everything into a 
small window. However with graphics related software there is a lot of 
explanation required and a limit to how much this can be compressed down.

Even with mathematical structures like SimplicialComplex for example 
there are a lot of arbitrary decisions which need to be explained in a 
lot of detail which would be very hard to cram into small windows. By 
"arbitrary decisions" I mean choices about notation, representation, 
user interface, etc. that is not forced by the underlying mathematics.

I will try to convert
parts of your documentation to HyperDoc, we will see
how it works.

Please please don't. I sent the earlier post because I thought there 
might be a way to cut down on everyones work but that would just 
increase the workload. I would feel very guilty if I caused you extra 
work doing this. I think it would be better to stay with the current 
situation than to go down that path.

I think there are situations where the small guys can beat the big guys 
but I think the battles have to be chosen carefully. I'm not sure 
competing with web tools is winnable especially since documentation 
tools are not the core business of FriCAS.

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] computation.spad Documentation Issues.

2016-09-21 Thread Martin Baker
In order to complete the recent changes to computation.spad I have 
updated the documentation to match the code changes. Documentation 
changes only, no change to code.

patch is here:
code is here:


1) Is it possible to suppress automatic insertion of spaces around colon 
and commas in literate parts of the file?

2) Am I wasting my time doing stuff on literate code?

This is not a big deal for me. I will continue doing the literate 
version if you think it worthwhile but, if not, its better not to waste 
my (and your) time.

Usually I first produce documentation in HTML and put it on my website. 
I then copy it into code file, this copy is inferior to the HTML version 
because it does not have diagrams.

So why not just rely on the online documentation?

It would be really good if Fricas IO could be the hub for all the 
various types of online documentation for all categories, domains, etc. 
If there were to be a standardised way to embed URLs in ++ comments like 

++ Author: Martin Baker
++ Date Created: March 2011
++ Basic Operations:
++ Related Constructors:
++ Also See:
++ AMS Classifications:
++ Keywords:
++ Reference:
++ Tutorial:

++ An implementation of untyped lambda-calculus

Then Fricas IO might be able to pick up the URLs and generate links that 
users would see when they were browsing this domain.

Just an idea.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Algebraic Topology Issue 1

2016-09-21 Thread Martin Baker

On 19/09/16 20:25, Kurt Pagani wrote:

However, you can get the current handbook from github if you are interested:

I have only just skimmed through so far but Kenzo does look very 
interesting. It looks like they have found a way to code structures like 
fibrations, spectral sequences and relating chain complexes to 
structures like algebras, coalgebras, and much more.

I think it would be good to include structures like these in FriCAS. I 
guess we need to get the basics right first but I also like to try to 
work out a long term path for where this is headed.

Thank you for coding the dunceHat example. I will write a patch to 
include this in SimplicialComplexFactory.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Algebraic Topology Issue 1

2016-09-21 Thread Martin Baker

On 20/09/16 16:06, Waldek Hebisch wrote:
> You are confused.
It happens!

I have tried the patch and AFAICS it works fine, I would be happy if it 
were applied.

> As a face (part of simplical complex) (1,3) and
> (3, 1) are the same face.  And problem is not due to wrong
> orientation of input:

I remember now, it is the same face but we allow it to be included 
multiple times in different orientations:

(1) -> ASIMP := FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
   (1)  FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
 Type: Type
(2) -> v2a:List(List(NNI)) := [[1,3],[1,3],[3,1]]

   (2)  [[1,3],[1,3],[3,1]]
   Type: List(List(NonNegativeInteger))
(3) -> sc1 := simplicialComplex(vertexSeta(3::NNI),v2a)$ASIMP

   Type: FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
(4) -> addImpliedFaces(sc1)

   (4)  [[-(1,3),(1,3),(1,3)]]
Type: List(List(OrientedFacet))
(5) -> sc1::DeltaComplex(VertexSetAbstract)

  1D:[[1,- 2],[1,- 2],[- 1,2]]
  Type: DeltaComplex(VertexSetAbstract)

Under a strict geometric interpretation of a definition of 
simplicialComplex I suspect that this should not be allowed? But, as we 
discussed earlier, it is useful not to prevent this to allow 
construction of interesting delta complexes.

> - apparently you want chains here.  Chains are not the same as
>   complexes.

I take your point and I would like to pursue your earlier comments about 
having a separate chain domain (though I'm not sure exactly how).

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] Github IO

2016-09-19 Thread Martin Baker


I notice that has not been updated to 1.3.0.

I guess that must mean its not automatically generated?

Anyway I find the site useful and hope you get a chance to update it.

Martin B.

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Re: [fricas-devel] Algebraic Topology Issue 1

2016-09-19 Thread Martin Baker

On 19/09/16 11:17, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

AFAICS code which allows omiting lower
dimensional faces is buggy, if we include lower dimensional
faces we get duplicate simplices.  In particular, all
faces of triangle are duplicated and we get three extra

Are sure this is buggy?
AFAICS we need to take orientation into account and orientation requires 
a consistent set of notation standards. Could it be that other programs 
are using different conventions?

(1) -> triangle := sphereSolid(2)$SimplicialComplexFactory

Type: FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)
(2) -> delta(triangle)

 Type: FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)

So [(1,2),-(1,3), (2,3)] represents a circular chain (boundary of a 

Which can be notated [(1,2),(3,1), (2,3)]

OTOH [(1,2), (1,3), (2,3)] represents two parallel chains, starting and 
ending at the same vertices. This will have different homology.

These conventions make sense to me because all we need to do is order 
the facets (left entry is most significant) and then alternate the sign.

This is what concerns me about your proposal, for changing the VertexSet 
structure, the user interface could then loose this ordering information.

So is this Cyclic?
[(a,b),-(a,c), (b,c)]

I would say yes, but only if ab>c, but the user can't know 
this because they can't see the underlying index ordering.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Algebraic Topology Issue 1

2016-09-19 Thread Martin Baker

On 19/09/16 12:00, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

I can only speak for firefox, but you should note that forging a http
connection is easier than forging a https connection.

If you allow Firefox to do an exception for the above site (note that
you don't need to accept that exception "permanently" -- deselect the
checkbox), it means that you connect to the site in an encrytped way. So
the connection to the target site is encrypted, the only thing that you
don't know is that the site is the site it claims to be and that nobody
has led you to a wrong site. With http, you neither have encryption nor
can you be sure that someone led you to the wrong site.

As I see it, this sites certificate simply has expired. So it would
probably be a good thing to tell thit to the webmaster of

As long as you trust that the .pdf does not have a virus, I think, it's
not a problem if one trusts "self-signed certificates". Although
nowadays people should probably switch to "Let's encrypt"-certificates.


OK, thanks, I'll do that.

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Re: [fricas-devel] Algebraic Topology Issue 1

2016-09-19 Thread Martin Baker

On 19/09/16 04:59, Kurt Pagani wrote:

Hello Martin

As promised (before vacation) below two examples which I'm unable to
interpret (otherwise I recognized that you've improved your code and
that it's now included in fricas -- great :). A lot more examples work
now (i.e same results as Kenzo).

Thanks, very much, for checking this.

BTW: why didn't you allow '0'? NNI=0,1,2,... ;)

-- from

Neither Firefox nor Chrome would allow me to connect to this site, I got:

"Your connection is not secure
The owner of has configured their website 
improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has 
not connected to this website."

Even when I changed https to http it automatically changed it back and 
would not connect.

ASIMP := FiniteSimplicialComplex(VertexSetAbstract)

 v0:List(List(NNI)) :=[[0],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7], _
   [0,1],[0,2],[0,3], _
   [0,4],[0,5],[0,6], _
   [0,7],[1,2],[1,3], _
   [1,4],[1,5],[1,6], _
   [1,7],[2,3],[2,4], _
   [2,6],[2,7],[3,4], _
   [3,5],[4,5],[4,6], _
   [5,6],[5,7],[6,7], _
   [0,1,5],[0,1,6],[0,1,7], _
   [0,2,3],[0,2,4],[0,2,6], _
   [0,3,4],[0,5,7],[1,2,3], _
   [1,2,4],[1,2,7],[1,3,5], _
   [1,4,6],[2,6,7],[3,4,5], _

Well since these values are potentially being used as indexes into 
VertexSet and since the usual FriCAS default is 1-based indexing I used 

However Waldek has suggested replacing VertexSet with any SetCategory 
which would allow indexes to be hidden from user interface. This would 
allow any values to be used here.

I will therefore attempt to implement Waldeks suggestion.

On 05/09/16 01:17, Waldek Hebisch wrote:
> No.  My suggestion is to have:
> FiniteSimplicialComplex(VS : SetCategory)
> ...
>   Rep := Record(VERTSET : List(VS), SIMP : List(OrientedFacet))
> SIMP can use numbers from 1 to n.  VERTSET gives correspondence
> between numbers and vertices.

On 19/09/16 04:59, Kurt Pagani wrote:

-- Dunce hat

 v1:List(List(NNI)) :=[[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8], _
   [1,2],[1,3],[1,4], _
   [1,5],[1,6],[1,7], _
   [1,8],[2,3],[2,4], _
   [2,5],[2,6],[2,7], _
   [2,8],[3,4],[3,5], _
   [3,7],[3,8],[4,5], _
   [4,6],[5,6],[5,7], _
   [6,7],[6,8],[7,8], _
   [1,2,6],[1,2,7],[1,2,8], _
   [1,3,4],[1,3,5],[1,3,7], _
   [1,4,5],[1,6,8],[2,3,4], _
   [2,3,5],[2,3,8],[2,4,6], _
   [2,5,7],[3,7,8],[4,5,6], _

I don't think all these values are necessary because any set is assumed 
to contain all its subsets. However, explicitly including them should 
not cause a problem. I will try to investigate what is going on.

Thanks again,

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] Minor code changes to computation.spad

2016-09-19 Thread Martin Baker

On 18/09/16 18:41, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Martin Baker wrote:

Thanks for applying previous patch.

When you did this you made some changes and one of these changes
introduced a bug, so here is a fix for this bug:

I got caught by Spad weirdness.  In Spad


is the same as


which gives the same result as


that is without string quotes.  OTOH
   ss : String := "string"

is the same as interpreter "string"::OutputForm and adds
string quote.  I am thinking about removing the special
handling of '"string"@OutputForm' from Spad compiler.
There seem to be several uses of this in algebra, so there
is some work adjusting.  But still I think that removing this
irregularity is better.


I think the main problem is much simpler than that, its not doing 
anything with the result, it should assign it to variable 's'. So it 
gives empty output like this:

(1) -> UNTYP := SKICombinators Untyped

   (1)  SKICombinators(Untyped)
  Type: Type
(2) -> m1 := I()$UNTYP


but it should give output like this:

(2) -> m1 := I()$UNTYP

   (2)  I

I think the code should be like this:

  -- output
  coerce(n : %) : OutputForm ==
  s : OutputForm := empty()$OutputForm
  if n case lf then
  -- leaf node so print I, K or S
  s := (n.lf)::OutputForm -- **need to assign to s here **
  if n case nd then
  -- binary node which has two subnodes c1 and c2
  if atom?(n.nd.c2) then
  if variable?(n.nd.c2) then
  s := hconcat([s,_
message(" "),_
  s := hconcat([s, (n.nd.c1)::OutputForm,
  s := hconcat([s,(n.nd.c1)::OutputForm,message("("),_
  if n case vr then
  -- variable node so print name
  s := (n.vr)::OutputForm

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] Minor code changes to computation.spad

2016-09-18 Thread Martin Baker

Hi Waldek,

Thanks for applying previous patch.

When you did this you made some changes and one of these changes 
introduced a bug, so here is a fix for this bug:

Updated file is here:
and patch is here:

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] Minor code changes to computation.spad

2016-09-17 Thread Martin Baker

On 17/09/16 06:00, oldk1331 wrote:

I want to have
print "a string"
insead of
print("a string"::OutputForm)
when I am debugging.

I tried to add a "print : String -> Void", but not successful.
What's the right way to do it?

I also asked about something like this in thread here:!topic/fricas-devel/ouZg285DTcI

In this thread I think the long term solution is given by Waldek:

Waldek Hebisch wrote:
> I thought about easier debugging printouts
> from Spad and I see the following possibilities:
> - teach Spad compiler to allow "open types", that is types
>  for which compiler can infer type of parameter.  That
>  would allow something like:
>  with Spad compiler automatically choosing appropriate
>  overloaded version of 'print' matching type of 'x',
>  after a single import like:
>import from PrintPackage1(?)
>  where '?' means that we allow all types of arguments.
> - Use infix operator plus overloading for printing, like:
>   d_out << "abc" << 1
>  with overloaded versions of '<<' it could print any type.
>  Note: to avoid a lot of imports that requires either adding
>  '<<' to all domains or "open types" like above.
> "open types" would require change to Spad compiler.  Using '<<'
> with explicit import is just matter of writing appropriate
> package.  In principle we could add '<<' to SetCategory or
> even to 'CoercibleTo(OutputForm)' (using conditional export
> in 'CoercibleTo').

I hope a solutions like these can be implemented, I don't have the 
knowledge to do anything myself.

Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] [PATCH] Minor code changes to computation.spad

2016-09-16 Thread Martin Baker

On 15/09/16 19:49, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

Martin Baker wrote:

Minor code changes to computation.spad
1) Change sayMsg to print.
2) Improve OutputForm, don't use string.
3) implement CoercibleTo(OutputForm).

I see that you have a lot of code like:


If you want to print string without quotes use 'message':


gives you desired OutputForm.  For nonconstant strings
this is more efficient and in all cases is clearer
than going via symbols.

OK, I have done that.

Updated file is here:
and patch is here:

This compiles and works so, as far as I can tell, its ready to go. There 
is just one thing that I'm curious about. I now have lot of lines like this:

print(message "warning I does not have a parameter to act on")

This generates a compiler error like this:

   compiling exported coerce : SKICombinators UT -> ILogic
** comp fails at level 11 with expression: **
error in function coerce

** level 11  **
$x:= (message warning I does not have a parameter to act on)
$m:= $EmptyMode
#:G6598 # #) (#:G6601 # #) (|s| # #) (|lambdaOverSki| #))
  ((|lambdaOverSki| #) (= #) (I #) (K #) ...)
  ((|Ski2Lambda| #) (= #) (|atom?| #) (|bind| #) ...)))

   >> Apparent user error:
is an unknown mode

I assume this is because there are 2 print functions with the same 
signature (although the error message gives no clue to this).

So I changed the line to:
print(message "warning I does not have a parameter to act on")$OutputForm

and this makes the error go away.

The interesting thing is, I only have to do this once (see line 2794 in 
code) and then all other similar functions compile without specifying 
domain. Its like I only have to tell the compiler which version of 
'print' to use once and it then uses the same for all future 'print' calls.

So, my questions are:
1) Are my suppositions correct?
2) If so, is it safe to rely on it?

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] Minor code changes to computation.spad

2016-09-15 Thread Martin Baker

Minor code changes to computation.spad
1) Change sayMsg to print.
2) Improve OutputForm, don't use string.
3) implement CoercibleTo(OutputForm).

new file is here:

patch is here:

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] update URLs in computation.spad

2016-09-15 Thread Martin Baker

This patch only modifies URLs, no other changes.
Spaces are removed and URLs updated, invalid URLs removed.

new file is here:

and patch is here:


PS I do have some further changes to this file (comments and minor code 
changes) but I will send those separately as I think thats what you prefer.

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] updates to graph code

2016-09-13 Thread Martin Baker


Here are some updates to graph.spad, the new file is here:

Or patch is here:

The changes are:
1) Improve output from UndirectedGraph to SVG and to OutputFormat. No 
longer has arrows on edges - JG
2) New version of addArrow! and simplify unnecessarily complex code - JG 
+ MB

3) New output to SVG: diagramSvg2 which does not clip lines - MB

These changes were sent to me by Johannes Grabmeier who is using 
UndirectedGraph to output data, I also applied some of his changes to 
other graph types where appropriate.

Martin B

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[fricas-devel] [PATCH] updates to scenegraph code

2016-09-12 Thread Martin Baker


I have a patch for the scenegraph code, the new file is here:

Or, if you prefer, the patch is here:

The changes are:
1) Better scaling of fonts when outputting to SVG. Now uses transform 
tag rather than changing font-size which only has limited number of sizes.

2) Additional addSceneLine function which does not clip line.
3) Various small bug fixes
4) Update URLs and remove whitespace from URLs

These changes are required for some updates to graph.spad that Johannes 
Grabmeier has sent me. I will wait to see if this patch is acceptable 
before I send the patch to graph code.


Martin B

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Re: [fricas-devel] Algebraic Topology Issue 1

2016-09-06 Thread Martin Baker

On 05/09/16 01:17, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

No.  My suggestion is to have:

FiniteSimplicialComplex(VS : SetCategory)
  Rep := Record(VERTSET : List(VS), SIMP : List(OrientedFacet))

SIMP can use numbers from 1 to n.  VERTSET gives correspondence
between numbers and vertices.

I can see the merit in this. When users are just using abstract 
(combinatorial) topology they can use:


But if some 'geometry' is involved then VS will have to be something 
more complicated and some part of the software will have to 'see' inside 
this SetCategory.

This geometry is not just for graphical interface (important to me as 
this is) but it is also genuine mathematical content, for example I 
would like to distinguish isotopy, that is embeddings in higher 
dimensions, where a trefoil knot is different from a circle for example 
also we need guarantee that facets do not intersect.

Perhaps FiniteSimplicialComplex could implement mostly just the abstract 
stuff and the geometry could be done externally in other domains or 

As you point out, constructors and output will have to be more 
complicated to do this. In order to keep the output to a manageable size 
I think I will need something like the following in coerce to OutputForm:

if (VS is NNI) or (VS is PI) or (VS is Integer) or (VS is Symbol)
   then map_to_VS_in_output()
   else use_index_in_output()

That is, if VS is something compact (like a number or a symbol) then use 
that in the output but if it is something more complicated (like a 
coordinate) then just display the index instead.

Would this work? Is there a less messy way to see inside VS?

Part of your confusion may come from fact that in textbooks
chains play important role, but you have not direct representation
of chains.  You represent chains as list of cells, which
means that 0 chain is represented as empty list.  But you
do not have operations on chains like addition or multiplication
by scalar.  In a sense adding chains is trivial, all
you need is FreeModule(Integer, Facet), but you do not
have Facet, you only have OrientedFacet.  Instead of Facet
one could use say Set(Integer), but then this becomes
completely disconnected from your code.

This looks like an interesting idea. I guess this would only work for 
DeltaComplex and not FiniteSimplicialComplex because the facets need to 
be graded. Do you think it would be a problem having both (since it 
involves some duplication).

So we have:
Facet for DeltaComplex
OrientedFacet for FiniteSimplicialComplex

It seems to me that one of the big advantages of panaxiom is its type 
system and so that should be used to enforce the grading. That is, if we 
try to add Facets of different dimensions that will be detected at 
compile time rather than runtime. So can we define a facet type like this:

Facet(n:NNI) -- an 'n' dimensional facet.

We can then define a chain like this:

  Rep := FreeModule(Integer, Facet(n))

Could we define a boundary map like this:

  Rep := Chain(n) -> Chain(n-1)

Not sure how practical this is? In practice, for finite dimensions, we 
would just hide a lookup table inside a lambda so perhaps we might as 
well put the lookup table directly in the Rep:

  Rep := List(List(Integer)))

We then need a way to define DeltaComplex, a bit like this:

DeltaComplex(n:NNI,VS : VertexSet)
  Rep := Record(VERTSET : VS, MAPS : [BoundaryMap(m) for m in n..1])

but that does not work. Is there a way to have comprehensions for types? 
Or is there some other way to do this?

Martin B

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