Re: [gentoo-user] emerge java version problems.

2003-06-16 Thread Stroller
On 16/6/03 11:23 am, "Jani-Matti Hätinen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Phil Barnett wrote:
>> However, when I follow that link, I end up with:
>> j2sdk-1_4_1_03-linux-i586.bin (note the version change)
>> Now what?
> You can find the older version from:
> If that link doesn't work, just search for it in alltheweb or google.

I also have a copy, somewhere here, if you need it. This worked fine for me
last week. Once you have started you emerge, can you please check
bugs.gentoo & report it is no-one else has yet..?



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Re: [gentoo-user] Can Linux web browsing be a complete experience?

2003-06-16 Thread Stroller
On 16/6/03 12:14 pm, "Tom Allison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alan wrote:
>> Yes, and no.  In windows it seems a little nicer because it's a lot
>> better (IMHO) about installing the plugins... you get a prompt saying
>> "hey, install xyz", you click ok, it grinds for a few minutes, goes
>> through an install wizard, and then you go back to the original window
>> and voila! it's there and working.
> Some would consider this a security problem.

Not my mum, tho'.

>> ...  Mac
>> OS/X seems to have it right with running as a user with SU privileges
>> all the time and then popping up a "please enter your user password"
>> whenever a program needs to be installed.  Not running as root, but
>> running close enough to it that you can tasks like installing software
>> much easier. I wish linux was a bit more like this...
> First, this is a security item in Linux that you will not easily get around,
> nor should you.
> Second, what you are referring to smells a lot like SUDO only wrapped up in
> something "cute".

This is *exactly* what it is. The "something cute" is just a Cocoa
implementation of the same sort of thing that KDE (ksu?) & Gnome supply.

IMO user privileges is one thing Apple have managed to get very right with
OS X - for home & SOHO installations, the user to install the o/s
automatically has sudo privileges, but directory services (LDAP?) is also
supported out of the box for larger installations. In the former case, all
other users can be granted user-only access & in the latter the sysadmin can
make sensible decisions regarding network policy. This manual would appear to provide quite a decent

> No, Linux is usable as a browsing platform.  It works fine on so many sites
> that it's really a minority.  Java applications puke.  That's not the fault
> of Java...

I find this story interesting:


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[gentoo-user] Re: Regarding your posts on the GUML

2003-06-16 Thread Stroller
On 16/6/03 1:01 pm, "Zack Gilburd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please do not take the following offensively, I merely mean to provide you
> with constructive critcism.

Don't be silly. I always try not to let on when I'm offended.

> I've noticed that on your posts to the GUML, you advertise your want to be
> employed;

Gizza job, mister..!

>... However, I do not think
> it would be wise to advertise yourself as a sysadmin, then post to a ML with
> your root address.


> IMHO, using root for *anything* except essential
> administrative tasks is risky and careless.

I most certainly agree. I rather like `sudo`, as it ensures that the
administrator must be conscious of each root-privileged action that he takes
- using `su` it is rather too easy to stay logged in as root for longer than

> If I were you, I would post from
> a different user than root.

Erm... but, of course, I do. I rather assumed that would be obvious.

> Again, please don't take the following
> offensively, but if I were in the market to employ a sysadmin, I would not
> hire you because of your seemingly reckless usage of the root account.

It's not really THAT seemingly, Sir:

  [silva:~] stroller% host mail is handled (pri=10) by mail is handled (pri=20) by
  [silva:~] stroller% nslookup
  Server:  gentoo.lan

  *** No address (A) records available for
  [silva:~] stroller%

As you can see, stellar.eclipse is virtually hosted. Is it really a risk for
me to post using this address..?

> I hope that this did not come off as rude in any way, I just want to offer my
> advice as a fellow Linux professional and sysadmin.

Glad to have received it. I shall certainly reconsider my posting address -
I do not wish the same address to be made in the futile.


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Re: [gentoo-user] How did MySQL get in here?

2003-06-18 Thread Stroller
On 18/6/03 8:23 pm, "Thomas T. Veldhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...
> I run stable on this server and I don't have MySQL in my USE variable.
> USE="curl doc imap ipv6 maildir odbc samba slp sse usb -oss -3dnow -apm \
>-arts -avi -encode -gpm -gtk -kde -gnome -mikmod -motif -mpeg \
>-oggvorbis -opengl -pdflib -qt -quicktime -sdl -truetype -X -xmms -xv \
>-mysql -ldap"
> So, why the heck is it suggesting it for
> emerge -up world

I think `emerge -upv world` would tell you this. It's not fantastically well
documented, but has been mentioned here a few times.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Partition setup?

2003-06-18 Thread Stroller
On 18/6/03 9:18 pm, "Joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I¹m in the process of planning my Gentoo Linux install, and I was wondering
> if anyone had some input on setting up the partitions?  I have 2 drives, one
> 15Gb and a 40Gb drive.  I will be running an ftp server on this box, and using
> it for miscellaneous other tasks.  If anyone can give any insight or maybe how
> you have set up your partitions I would appreciate it!  Thanks!

If it was going to be *just* an FTP server, I might be inclined to look into
LVM, in order to add some of your 15gb drive towards the ftp partition; I
don't have any experience  with LVM, yet, tho', so don't know how difficult
it is. Besides, since you're asking, you probably don't want to go that

Here's what I'd do:
  /dev/hda  - 15gig drive; partition into 4, thus;
/dev/hda1   - /boot, 25meg - 50meg
/dev/hda2   - /swap, 125meg - 750meg
/dev/hda3   - / c 4gig  (plenty of room for /usr/portage,
  /usr/temp &c, but still
/dev/hda4   - /home, the rest, c 10gig.
   "My Documents" in M$ terminology.

  /dev/hdb  - 40gig drive, only one partition:
/dev/hdb1   - /home/ftp, 40gig

Some folks prefer to have /usr on a separate partition - it's such a popular
choice that I'm sure there must be a very good reason, but I've never worked
out (or researched, I'm too lazy) what it is. Giving /home it's own
partition just really works for me - it's a logical separation between user
& system files - and the /home/ftp mount point for the 2nd drive (I also
have another at /home/news, because I also run a caching Usenet server) just
made sense when I upgraded my system.

Note: some filesystems (eg; `man mke2fs`, "-m" option) reserve a certain
percentage of the drive for the root user. If you're configuring your
2nd-drive as I describe above you can force this to 0%.



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Re: [gentoo-user] Starting gentoo without xdm

2003-06-20 Thread Stroller
On 20/6/03 8:59 am, "Ohad Lutzky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 02:37:14AM +0200, Sebastian Hungerecker wrote:
>> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 01:29:04 +0100
>> Jan Drugowitsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Create a second runlevel and add all services to it, which are in the
>> current runlevel except xdm. Then add an entry to grub, which boots in
>> this new-created runlevel
> That sounds like the right way to do it. Can you give an example of the
> right kernel parameters?

Runlevels are not specified as kernel parameters - I don't think this is
possible to do as a grub option.

My personal preference is for something like:

  # cp -r /etc/runlevels/default /etc/runlevels/gui
  # rc-update del xdm default
  # rc-update add xdm gui

This will cause your box to boot into CLI mode & a command propmt. To get a
GUI you simply log on as root & type `rc gui`.

Alternatively, you might:

  # cp -r /etc/runlevels/default /etc/runlevels/cli
  # rc-update add xdm default
  # rc-update del xdm cli

This would cause your box to boot to the GUI as it does now, then you would
use alt-F1 to get a CLI; login as root to `rc cli` & shutdown the GUI.

Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I hope this clarifies the previous
responses for you,


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Re: [gentoo-user] Starting gentoo without xdm

2003-06-20 Thread Stroller
On 20/6/03 1:37 am, "Sebastian Hungerecker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 01:29:04 +0100
> Jan Drugowitsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Would anyone know a better possibility to do this without
>> modifying scripts
> Create a second runlevel and add all services to it, which are in the
> current runlevel except xdm. Then add an entry to grub, which boots in
> this new-created runlevel

Whups! I hadn't seen this when I made my posting a moment ago. Please ignore
me - I also need to learn how to tell grub how to boot to different


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Re: [gentoo-user] Latest ghostscript ebuild

2003-06-27 Thread Stroller
On 27/6/03 9:03 pm, "Jason Giangrande" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Any one know why the latest version of ghostscript requires X, gimp,
> gimp-print, and a whole bunch of other crap, to be installed?  I'm
> running a file and print server with no windowing system and do not plan
> to install one, yet I use ghostscript drivers for an HP Laser Printer
> that is shared on this system, and now I can't install it without
> installing X.  Even when I try USE="-X" which is how I installed it
> before.

Appears to work fine here:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ emerge -upv world
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating world dependencies ...done!
[ebuildU ] sys-apps/grep-2.5.1-r1 [2.5-r1] +nls -build
[ebuildU ] sys-devel/patch-2.5.4-r5 [2.5.4-r4] -build -static
[ebuildU ] sys-apps/reiserfsprogs-3.6.8 [3.6.4-r1]
[ebuildU ] sys-apps/miscfiles-1.3-r2 [1.3]
[ebuildU ] sys-apps/debianutils-1.16.7-r2 [1.16.7-r1] -static -build
[ebuildU ] sys-apps/portage-2.0.48-r1 [2.0.47-r10] -build
*** Portage will stop merging at this point and reload itself,
recalculate dependancies, and complete the merge.

[ebuildU ] sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.3-r1 [1.3.1-r1]
[ebuildU ] sys-libs/cracklib-2.7-r7 [2.7-r6]
[ebuildU ] app-misc/uptimed-0.3.0 [0.2.0-r1]
[ebuildU ] sys-apps/grub-0.93.20030118 [0.92-r1]
[ebuildU ] app-text/ghostscript-7.05.6-r2 [7.05.5] -X -cups -cjk

And a LOAD more.



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[gentoo-user] Best way to start VNCserver & KDE

2003-06-28 Thread Stroller
I've recently installed KDE & VNC on one of my boxes.

I've set up KDE according to the Desktop Configuration Guide, and that works

To run VNCserver (without KDE running locally) I logged in as user & issue
that command; it seems to create a .vnc directory in ~stroller and I can
connect from another host. The GUI is, however, the primitive twm.

How do I get VNCserver to display my KDE GUI login / desktop, please..?

I have tried changing the last line of the startup file that is created in
my ~ thusly:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ cat .vnc/xstartup

  xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
  xsetroot -solid grey
  xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
  # twm &
  kdm &

But running that as user appears not permitted. Running that script as root
just causes kdm to start on the machine's local display, not under VNC.

I'm not really much of an X guru - Mandrake had an /etc/init.d/ script which
took care of this for me - so I'm probably overlooking something simple. Can
anyone advise me..?



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Re: [gentoo-user] Best way to start VNCserver & KDE

2003-06-28 Thread Stroller
On 28/6/03 1:39 pm, "Jon Gaudette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Replace "kdm &" with "startkde &" (w/o quotes)
> From what I know, you cannot start a login manager with vnc, but the
> actual desktop/window manager itself.

Thanks, lads! Worked perfectly!


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Re: [gentoo-user] USB and Firewire user guides

2003-07-01 Thread Stroller
On 30/6/03 11:28 am, "Paul Stear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I may be missing something but I have been trying to get a usb storage device
> to work and to get my dv camera to work via my firewire board.
> Is their a how-to, user guide, instructions, etc that I can look at?
> If anyone has these items working perhaps they will be kind enough to send me
> instructions and copies of any config files.

I would have thought that this was such a common topic, that I'm surprised
that no-one else has answered this already, and I'm sorry that you've had to
wait so long for my humble reply.

I can't comment (yet) on configuring hardware, but I recently recompiled the
kernel on my Vaio C1 to support my USB flash memory drive. Formerly the USB
floppy drive worked fine, but I got errors when I tried the flash stick.

I cannot give you a precise answer as to how to fix this, because I resolved
it myself using trial & error. Currently the following items are selected in
`make menuconfig`:
- Memory Technology Device (MTD) support
  - MTD partitioning & concatenating
  - RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers - lots of 'em
  - Mapping drivers for chip access - none
  - Self-contained MTD device drivers - lots of 'em
  - NAND Flash Device Drivers - not selected
- SCSI support
   - scsi disk & scsi generic selected, hardly any low-level drivers chosen
- USB Support
   - USB verbose debug messages
(`tail -f syslog` when you plug the device in)
   - Miscellaneous USB options - all of 'em
   - USB Host Controller Drivers - all of 'em
   - USB Mass Storage support - all of 'em

I think these options should be sufficient to get you up & running with USB.

My /etc/fstab now has two entries thus:

  # Vaio USB floppy
  /dev/sda/mnt/floppy autouser,noauto,rw0 0
  # LAKS Watch USB Flash Storage
  /dev/sda1   /mnt/laks   autouser,noauto,rw 0 0

Someone posted this URL yesterday - I seem to
recall that my flash device is FAT formatted, so of course you will also
need DOS filesystem types enabled.

I hope you find this information useful,


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Re: [gentoo-user] Courier IMAP

2003-07-03 Thread Stroller
On 3/7/03 5:16 am, "Andrew Gaffney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I emerge'd courier-imap. I set up a test user with 'useradd -m testuser' to
> make sure the .maildir
> and correct files got created. I can access the mailbox with IMAP from
> Mozilla, but when I try to
> create a folder, I get the error 'The current command did not succeed. The
> mail server responded:
> Invalid mailbox name.' I tried adding a folder called 'Discuss' and 'test'
> under Inbox and the main
> account name. I can copy messages into the Inbox folder just fine. Anyone have
> any idea what's going on?

IMAP seems to be a bit quirky - because the RFC specification for it may be
(I believe this is a debated point) unclear different clients behave in
different ways. For instance: I cannot get Microsoft IMAP clients under
Windows to co-exist with  client on the
same server - M$ expects the magic folder "Deleted Items", the other
"Trash". Funnily enough, Mac OS X users of M$'s entourage email client can
select the name of their magic folder.

Some notes on configuring different clients with Courier-IMAP are available

Are your users virtually-hosted or do they exist in /etc/passwd..? I have no
experience of the former, but in the latter case I'd shell into the
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] $ maildirmake -f Test\ Folder .maildir/
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] $ ls -a .maildir/ | grep Test
 .Test Folder

Maildirmake is documented in the man pages. I have sometimes found this to
be better than trying to use the mail client to create folders across the
IMAP connection, as this may be quirky. OTOH, Entourage seems to refuse to
subscribe to new folders on the IMAP server which have not been created by
itself, so YMMV.



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Re: [gentoo-user] upgrade from gentoo 1.2 to the current 1.4series.

2003-07-03 Thread Stroller
On 3/7/03 12:28 pm, "William Kenworthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Not so long ago someone posted the location of the upgrade from gentoo
> 1.2 to the current 1.4 series.  Can someone repost the link because I
> cannot find it!

It's in the 2nd section of the Gentoo Linux User Documentation Resources at

The direct link (English) is


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Re: [gentoo-user] Automatic update of packages related to thekernel

2003-07-03 Thread Stroller
On 3/7/03 3:13 pm, "Saurabh Nanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any way I can inform the portage system of a kernel upgrade - so that
> it can automatically recompile packages which depend on the kernel (like,
> alsa-driver and the nvidia modules)?
> ... I rebooted into the new kernel, alsa did
> not work and neither did X. So I had to manually (re)emerge alsa-driver,
> nvidia-kernel, and nvidia-glx.
> Is there a way to automate this process?

ISTR this was discussed on -dev not so long ago. sys-apps/pcmcia-cs also
requires recompilation when changing kernel. ISTR that automation of the
recompilation process is planned in the future.


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Re: [gentoo-user] OT: ntp

2003-07-03 Thread Stroller
On 3/7/03 6:28 pm, "Christopher Egner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alright then, any ideas what to use. I mean, I agree syncing to multiple
> servers seems a bit drastic (nice to know I won't be late for work, but
> still...). ...
> If anyone has any other ideas. let me know

rdate was mentioned on a posting a couple of months ago.



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-- Forwarded Message
From: Matthew Daubenspeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 12:13:35 -0400
To: gentoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Time

On Thu, Apr 10, 2003 at 05:59:30AM -0500, ds wrote:
> In winblowz, I can use atomic clock to keep my server time accurate, is
> there a like service for Linux?

rdate works very well...

*  net-misc/rdate
  Latest version available: 990821
  Latest version installed: 990821
  Size of downloaded files: 3 kB
  Description: rdate uses the NTP server of your choice to
syncronize/show the current time

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Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Emacs

2003-07-05 Thread Stroller
On 5/7/03 12:53 pm, "Leonid Podolny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi and sorry for the off-topic.
> Some days ago I tried to search the internet for the good reference card
> for emacs (the car with most important key combinations - always mix
> them). The strange thing is that I couldn't find any. They always speak
> about the card attached to emacs manual, but it's not available at the
> available for download copy, only the commercial one. Hope someone can
> point me to one. not only sell quick-reference cards (mugs,
mousemats), but have some links to quick-reference webpages on their site:

I hope this is helpful,


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Re: [gentoo-user] [LONG] New dependancies?

2003-07-10 Thread Stroller
On 10/7/03 4:03 pm, "Dmitry  Suzdalev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [ebuildU ] sys-apps/grep-2.5.1-r1 [2.5-r1]
> [ebuild  N   ] dev-libs/libxml-1.8.17-r2
> [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libglade-0.17-r6
> [ebuildU ] sys-apps/module-init-tools-0.9.12 [0.9.11-r3]
> The question is: What are those new ('N') packages? Why might I need iputils
> for example? I don't use them at all.
> And I'd be very grateful if some one could point out what packages depend on
> that 'N's? 
> May be its because some new USE-flags in make.globals?

I always run emerge with the -pv options, instead of just -p.
   emerge -upv world --deep
  [ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/gtk-perl-0.7008-r9
  [ebuild  N   ] media-gfx/gimp-1.2.4  +python +nls -gnome +aalib +perl -doc
  +jpeg +png -tiff -doc
  [ebuild  N   ] net-ftp/curl-7.10.5-r1  +ssl -ipv6 -ldap
  [ebuild  N   ] sys-apps/pciutils-2.1.10-r1
  [ebuild  N   ] sys-apps/usbutils-0.11-r1
  [ebuild  N   ] sys-apps/hotplug-20030501-r2
  [ebuild  N   ] net-print/cups-1.1.19  +ssl -slp +pam
  [ebuildU ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.5.7 [2.5.6] +python +readline
  [ebuild  N   ] net-print/foomatic-2.0.0
  [ebuild  N   ] media-gfx/gimp-print-4.2.5  +cups -doc +nls
  [ebuildUD] app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.2.7 [1.2.7-r2] +krb4
  [ebuildU ] dev-perl/TermReadKey-2.21 [2.19-r1]
  [ebuild  N   ] dev-java/java-config-0.2.8
  [ebuild  N   ] dev-java/blackdown-jdk-1.4.1  -doc
  [ebuildU ] dev-libs/libxslt-1.0.30-r1 [1.0.30] +python
  [ebuild  N   ] net-libs/c-client-2002d  +ssl
  [ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/DB_File-1.803-r2

The red & blue "+foo -bar" indicates which USE flags the packages will
implement. I tend to use this to tweak my settings. Someone else has also
suggested using `qpkg`, which is probably better.


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Re: [gentoo-user] [LONG] New dependancies?

2003-07-10 Thread Stroller
On 10/7/03 4:56 pm, "Stroller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 10/7/03 4:03 pm, "Dmitry  Suzdalev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ... 
> The red & blue "+foo -bar" indicates which USE flags the packages will
> implement. I tend to use this to tweak my settings. Someone else has also
> suggested using `qpkg`, which is probably better.
> Stroller.

Replying to my own message: when I tried this out, because I had emerged -up
world recently, I had to use the --deep parameter to get any output. And
WHAT a long list it was, too -  my USE flags have definitely changed since I
had the system installed, and now it wanted to install Xfree. Why..?

I tracked it down to GhostScript.
Check this out:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ emerge -pv

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild  N   ] sys-apps/pciutils-2.1.10-r1
[ebuild  N   ] sys-apps/usbutils-0.11-r1
[ebuild  N   ] sys-apps/hotplug-20030501-r2
[ebuild  N   ] net-print/cups-1.1.19  +ssl -slp +pam
[ebuild  N   ] dev-util/intltool-0.25
[ebuildU ] media-libs/freetype-2.1.4 [1.3.1-r3] -doc +zlib -prebuilt
[ebuild  N   ] x11-misc/ttmkfdir-3.0.9
[ebuild  N   ] x11-base/opengl-update-1.5
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.2.0-r2  -doc
[ebuild  N   ] app-arch/unzip-5.50-r1
[ebuild  N   ] app-arch/cabextract-0.6
[ebuild  N   ] x11-base/xfree-4.3.0-r2  +3dfx -sse +mmx -3dnow -xml
+truetype +nls -cjk -doc
[ebuild  N   ] x11-libs/gtk+-1.2.10-r10  +nls
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/glide-v3-3.10-r3
[ebuild  N   ] net-ftp/curl-7.10.5-r1  +ssl -ipv6 -ldap
[ebuild  N   ] net-print/foomatic-2.0.0
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/Text-Balanced-1.95
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/Parse-RecDescent-1.94
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/audiofile-0.2.3-r1
[ebuild  N   ] media-sound/esound-0.2.29  +tcpd -alsa
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/ORBit-0.5.17  +nls
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/giflib-4.1.0-r3  -X +gif
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/imlib-1.9.14-r1
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gnome-libs-1.4.2  -doc +nls -kde
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/gdk-pixbuf-0.21.0  -doc
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/XML-Writer-0.4-r2
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/gtk-perl-0.7008-r9
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/mpeg-lib-1.3.1-r1
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/aalib-1.4_rc4-r2  -X +slang +gpm
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/File-Spec-0.82
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/Digest-MD5-2.24
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/Test-Harness-2.28
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/Data-Dumper-2.101
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/Inline-0.44
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/Filter-1.29
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/ExtUtils-F77-1.14-r1
[ebuild  N   ] dev-perl/PDL-2.4.0  -opengl
[ebuild  N   ] media-gfx/gimp-1.2.4  +python +nls -gnome +aalib +perl -doc
+jpeg +png -tiff -doc
[ebuild  N   ] media-gfx/gimp-print-4.2.5  +cups -doc +nls
[ebuildUD] app-text/ghostscript-7.05.6 [7.05.6-r2] -X +cups -cjk

[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ USE=-cups  emerge -pv

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/jbigkit-1.4
[ebuildU ] media-libs/freetype-2.1.4 [1.3.1-r3] -doc +zlib -prebuilt
[ebuild  N   ] media-gfx/imagemagick-5.5.6  -X -cups +jpeg -lcms -mpeg +png
+truetype -tiff +xml2
[ebuild  N   ] sys-apps/pciutils-2.1.10-r1
[ebuild  N   ] sys-apps/usbutils-0.11-r1
[ebuild  N   ] sys-apps/hotplug-20030501-r2
[ebuild  N   ] net-print/cups-1.1.19  +ssl -slp +pam
[ebuild  N   ] net-print/gimp-print-cups-4.3.5  +nls -gtk +readline
[ebuildUD] app-text/ghostscript-7.05.6 [7.05.6-r2] -X -cups -cjk

[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $

This just seems dead weird to me: with the -cups flag, CUPS is still
installed. With the +cups flag, cups is emerged along with the kitchen sink

Can anyone explain this, please..? I would have expected `USE=-cups emerge
ghostscript` not  to install CUPS at all.


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Re: [gentoo-user] [LONG] New dependancies? (GhostScript & CUPS,USE flags).

2003-07-12 Thread Stroller
On 10/7/03 8:35 pm, "Marius Mauch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 19:23:23 +0100 Stroller wrote:
>> Can anyone explain this, please..? I would have expected `USE=-cups
>> emerge ghostscript` not  to install CUPS at all.
> Reading the ghostscript ebuild the following line showed up in DEPEND;
> cups? gimp-print : gimp-print-cups"
> So if you have +cups it has gimp-print as a dependency and
> gimp-print-cups if not. gimp-print-cups again has cups as a required
> dependency while gimp-print uses the cups useflag. Looks like a wrong
> usage of the cups useflag in ghostscript to me, you should file a bug
> for that if it bothers you.

I should obviously have looked at Bugzilla first. This is bug 19937;
although it has been open sometime, the printing team seem to b aware of it,
& intend to fix.


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Re: [gentoo-user] gentoo is slow

2003-07-12 Thread Stroller
On 12/7/03 5:35 pm, "Daniel Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 12, 2003 at 04:27:38PM +0800, William Kenworthy wrote:
>> Mandrake and debian (monolithic, no modules) used the 2.4.21 kernel,
>> against 2.4.20 gentoo-sources with preempt etc (it seems gentoo is
>> behind here?)  
> To compare performance, you should use similarly configured kernels.
> Preempt decreases overall performance significantly but also increases
> interactivity greatly. Things will benchmark slower with it enabled,
> like you are experiencing.

I'm sorry - this is really dumb of me to ask: what is "increased
interactivity" in this context..?

Why might preempt be a Good Thing , if it decreases performance..?



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Re: [gentoo-user] networking win98 and linux

2003-07-16 Thread Stroller
On 16/7/03 3:31 am, "reg hughson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have my computers (win98 and gentoo boxes) sharing an internet
> connection through a router but as it stands right now, the two
> computers can't 'see' each other. Would someone point me to a guide that
> shows how to get the two able to swap files back and forth across the
> router?

Others have explained a little about Samba (I recommend the Samba HOWTO at
<>), but there's a couple of other
things I'd like to reply to in your post:

> I have my computers (win98 and gentoo boxes) sharing an internet
> connection through a router...

Your boxes are almost certainly not connected to each other "through" a
router, but connected to *the Internet* through a router. If your router has
several LAN ports, to which the various machines in your house are
connected, then those additional Ethernet posts are functioning as a hub, or
switch, which is a dumb device. The PCs are connected to each other through
the hub.

> ... as it stands right now, the two
> computers can't 'see' each other

Well, there's seeing, and there's "seeing".;-]

Just  because you can't see the connections in Network Neighbourhood or
Konqueror, doesn't mean the computers can't see each other.

Have you tried pinging..?

On the Gentoo box try:
  $ /sbin/ifconfig 
  eth0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:B4:C3:5E:5C
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

We're only interested in that 2nd line, which gives the machine's IP
address, in this case Now on the Windows box, go to Start &
Run & type "winipcfg" to get it's IP address.

Open a DOS prompt & type `ping ` or in my case
`ping`. You should see some replies. On the Gentoo box type
`ping `.

If you see ping replies, this means that the computers CAN, in fact, see
each other. You just can't see any compatible network services running in
your network browser.

Appropriate compatible network services might be ftp, www, Gnutella, or (as
others have mentioned) windows file & print sharing, which is packaged with
Windows by default. Linux uses Samba to provide file-sharing compatible with
M$'s file & print sharing. I always set that up by editing the
/etc/samba/smb.conf file with a text editor - it's a pretty long scary
configuration file the first time you edit it, but there's really not much
there that needs changing.

Don't forget to use the smbpasswd program, and also to add smb to your
default runlevel.



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Re: [gentoo-user] Listing all init scripts at any runlevel

2003-07-18 Thread Stroller
On 18/7/03 11:47 am, "Dhruba Bandopadhyay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How can I list all init scripts that are currently added to the default
> run level and to the boot level?  A solution other than looking at bootup
> screen would be helpful.

$ ls /etc/runlevels/default/ /etc/runlevels/boot/
bootmisc  checkroot  consolefont  keymaps modules  rmnologin  urandom
checkfs   clock  hostname localmount  net.lo   serial

apache  courier-imapd  local  net.eth0  samba  sysklogd  vcron
atd courier-imapd-ssl  named  netmount  sshd   uptimed   xinetd



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Re: [gentoo-user] emerge files on CD

2003-07-22 Thread Stroller
On 22/7/03 7:33 am, "Robert Storey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I'm new to Gentoo - so new that I haven't installed it yet. My big
> hangup is that I don't have broadband, and there is no hope of getting
> it where I live. One friend of mine (who does have broadband) has
> offered to download the whole lot of Gentoo emerge files and burn these
> onto CD.

I think others have pointed out  this forum posting:

But you may also find this list positng from April interesting:

On 17/4/03 2:38 pm, "Kurt Lieber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 17, 2003 at 02:11:37PM +0200 or thereabouts, Gour wrote:
> The entire distfiles tree is roughly 18GB, so no, it is not available on
> physical media at this point.
> There is one vendor, Hiiq Inc, that does sell a DVD which contains a subset
> of the distfiles tree for $10.  I do not know exactly what is/isn't on that
> DVD -- you would need to talk to the vendor to get that info.



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Re: [gentoo-user] Restore of mail

2003-07-23 Thread Stroller
On 23/7/03 10:02 am, "Patrick Marquetecken"

> I need to restore about 5000 e-mail that are in maildir format. This is
> structure of subfolders in subfolders in sub and all the mails have the
> extention .msg

What program created them..? Is that not a mail-client with IMAP
capability..? If you can get kMail (for instance) to read them then you can
just drag & drop them into your IMAP mail server.

> Does anyone knows what the best way to make them visible in a e-mail program
> with imap capacity so i can put them on a imap mailserver.

I can't wait until you post the full explanation of this. IMAP is brilliant!


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Re: [gentoo-user] Restore of mail

2003-07-23 Thread Stroller
On 23/7/03 2:10 pm, "Patrick Marquetecken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> I need to restore about 5000 e-mail that are in maildir format. This is
>>> structure of subfolders in subfolders in sub and all the mails have the
>>> extention .msg
> I got a .tar file witch have all those mails. It comes from a SUN iplanet
> mailserver.

Surely, if these are valid maildirs, then almost any mail client will be
able to read them.

I'm not sure that they are, tho'. I have to add that I'm not *terribly*
experienced in these matters, but I know this is a valid maildir

[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ ls .Maildir/cur/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $

This is a listing of my home directory on my courier-imap server.

>>> Does anyone knows what the best way to make them visible in a e-mail program
>>> with imap capacity so i can put them on a imap mailserver.
>> I can't wait until you post the full explanation of this. IMAP is brilliant!
> I'm trying to get these mail into a local mailbox, and from there move them to
> a IMAP server.

Well, surely you could untar them to the server directly..?

The directory format for courier-imap is:
  $ ls -a1 .Maildir/

  $ ls -a1 .Maildir/.Folder
  courierimapuiddb  cur  maildirfolder  new  tmp

NB: the ".Maildir" is set in courier-imap config files, and can be changed;
it should be the same for all users.

Names of folders & subfolders are arbitrary, but are saved as hidden files,
ie with the dot at the start of their names.

Separate directories exist for a folder & it's subfolders - the directories
which are IMAP subfolders are indicated hierarchically by the dot in the
middle of their names.

Each directory contains the special directories cur, new & tmp. Read mail is
stored in cur.

Maildirs should be made on the server using the `maildirmake` command, and
their subfolders using `maildirmake -f`. The man pages give the deatails.

It shouldn't be too hard to
 `mv folder/subfolder/* .Maildir/.folder.subfolder/cur/`
for each of the folders you have in your tar file. But please do this
carefully for a test-user first - I really am not sure about your .msg


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Re: [gentoo-user] Emerge: strange things happen...

2003-07-24 Thread Stroller
On 24/7/03 9:53 am, "Stefano Marinelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello there. Strange things happen with emerge. An example:
> root # emerge -upD world
> These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
> Calculating world dependencies ...done!
> [ebuildU ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.12 [2.11z-r7]
> [ebuildU ] sys-devel/binutils- []
> [ebuildU ] sys-devel/gcc-3.2.3-r2 [3.2.3-r1]
> [ebuildUD] app-office/openoffice-bin- [1.1_beta-r1]
> root #
> but, look at this:
> root # emerge -p depclean
>>>> These are the packages that I would unmerge:
> ... 
> Why does it want to delete the gimp

Do you have Ghostscript &/or CUPS installed..?

Actually I'm not sure if this is a relevant question, but I believe your
issue may be related to bug 19937. The printing packages were amended a few
days ago to resolve it.

I suspect that Gimp is not in your world file, and is now no longer a
dependency of anything in your world file. The easy answer, of course, is to
add it.


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Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Light Linux Laptop?

2003-07-24 Thread Stroller
On 24/7/03 6:11 pm, "Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone know of a good laptop to run linux on (preferably gentoo)?
> I was wondering, since gentoo is a source-based distrobution, how *slow*
> of a computer can be useful?
> Would mozilla run well on a Pentium II-266 Mhz? I realize there are other
> browsers like links & lynx, but they don't seem to render most pages
> correctly.

I've installed Gentoo on a PII 400 Vaio C1. Those are the ones with the 480
x 1140 (?) widescreens, and they're available 2nd hand on eBay for c £400.

That doesn't answer all your concerns, but it IS a lovely _light_ lappy -
it'll just about fit in an inside jacket pocket. With a very little hacking,
it is possible to use the whole width of the screen in framebuffer mode.
TBH, it is a little too short, but it is quite usable.

The C1 is adequately fast in the console even with a knackered hard-drive -
I'll be interested to see how it does in KDE once I've gotten around to
replacing that. My battery is knackered also, 8-[, but I get an hour out of


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Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Light Linux Laptop?

2003-07-24 Thread Stroller
On 24/7/03 8:40 pm, "Michael Gruenberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Compiling stuff is probably too slow without distcc (KDE took 4-5 days
> if I remember correctly without distcc).

It took 20 days to compile KDE & all it's dependencies with my poor
knackered hard-drive!!


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Re: [gentoo-user] Procmail for several users

2003-07-24 Thread Stroller
On 24/7/03 7:52 pm, "Patrick Marquetecken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm installing a small server (88mb ram can't be upgraded) that will gather
> mail for 10 persons
> The have mail adresses at "normal" isp's and hotmail.
> For hotmail i'm using gotmail.
> And using fetchmail for gathering the mails from the isp's.

I don't know about procmail - I like maildrop.
The following works for me:

  $ head -40 .fetchmailrc
 timeout 60
 protocol pop3

  # Test porpoises only

  mda "/usr/bin/maildrop -d $USER"

user "joe.stroller" there with password wibble,
is "stroller" here;



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Re: [gentoo-user] adsl boottime

2003-07-27 Thread Stroller
On 28/7/03 12:28 am, "Molnar Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to start up my ADSL connection at boot time, or maybe give the
> users permission to start it for themselves (so I wouldn't have to su
> every time). Are there any scripts available on the web to do this?

I think that /etc/init.d/net.ppp0 might do what you require. It might also
be worth searching the forums, if you haven't already.


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[gentoo-user] Anyone using syslog-ng..?

2003-07-29 Thread Stroller
A week or two ago I installed syslog-ng-1.6.0_rc3 because it does some
filtering I require on logs from my firewall & printer, which access it by
port 514.

Previously I had sysklogd-1.4.1 installed, and this had a script in
cron.daily which zipped up & archived all old logfiles. Now that script is
emailing me each day, because it can't find /usr/sbin/syslogd-listfiles;
when I find a version of that, I find it is unsuitable for my system as it
relies on /etc/syslog.conf to tell it which logs to zip.

I guess I have two questions:
- How come it's so hard to zip up all the files in /var/log..? Why are such
  long scripts needed..?
- Why isn't syslog-ng supplied with a suitable cron script to tidy my

Many thanks for everyone's time & patience,


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Re: [gentoo-user] Anyone using syslog-ng..?

2003-07-30 Thread Stroller
On 30/7/03 8:28 pm, "Marshal Newrock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Alan wrote:
>>> - Why isn't syslog-ng supplied with a suitable cron script to tidy my
>>>   logfiles..?
>> This would be handled by logrotate, but you still have to come up with
>> the config files for it yourself :\  I managed to grab a bunch off my
>> debian box, but it'd be nice to see logrotate as a USE variable and
>> ebuilds to throw a script in /etc/logrotate.d/ if they see it for things
>> like postfix, syslog*, apache, etc.
> syslog-ng is much more configurable than sysklogd.
> ...That's in addition to being able to split up what would
> normally be one logfile into several, or combine a few, or just discard
> certain messages.

It's wonderful. I have /var/log/ADSL-Router-firewall.log
/var/log/ADSL-Router-other.log & /var/log/HP-LaserJet-Printer.log

>  I'm sure it's possible to have a default logrotate.d
> file for the default syslog-ng file.

I have to say I'm not really clear why I need logrotate for syslog-ng, when
I didn;t need it for sysklogd.

> ...  On the other hand, I seem to recall
> the default syslog-ng.conf file not having very much in it.

The default syslog-ng.conf file was indeed pretty lame. There's one in the
forums <>
which is much better. If there are any devs reading this, I'd vote for that
to become the default.
> At any rate, you get much greater control at the cost of greater
> maintenance.  Once you've figured out exactly what you want in your
> syslog-ng.conf file, though, it's fairly easy to write up a syslog-ng file
> for logrotate.  I just choose all the options I want to apply to (almost)
> all log files, then write up each individual file with any exceptions (ie,
> daily instead of weekly).

Thanks. I'll take a proper look at it.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Anyone using syslog-ng..?

2003-07-30 Thread Stroller
On 30/7/03 3:45 am, "Alan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> - Why isn't syslog-ng supplied with a suitable cron script to tidy my
>>   logfiles..?
> This would be handled by logrotate, but you still have to come up with
> the config files for it yourself :\  I managed to grab a bunch off my
> debian box...

Would you have a copy you can post, please..?



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Re: [gentoo-user] How to keep syslog msgs out of/var/log/messages?

2003-08-01 Thread Stroller
On 1/8/03 6:11 pm, "edj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Using syslog-ng.  /var/log/messages fills with "syslog-ng[717]: STATS:
> dropped 0", one after another.  OK - so syslog is working.  However, an
> identical log appears in /var/log/syslog.  How to keep it from logging
> to messages?  Sorry, but syslog.conf is gibberish to me, and the man
> page is not very helpful.  Any advice appreciated.  Thanks.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ cat /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf.out-of-the-box
# $Header: 
1.3 2003/05/12 22:43:48 msterret Exp $
# Syslog-ng default configuration file for Gentoo Linux
# contributed by Michael Sterrett

options { 

# The default action of syslog-ng 1.6.0 is to log a STATS line
# to the file every 10 minutes.  That's pretty ugly after a while.
# Change it to every 12 hours so you get a nice daily update of
# how many messages syslog-ng missed (0).



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Re: [gentoo-user] How to keep syslog msgs out of/var/log/messages?

2003-08-01 Thread Stroller
On 1/8/03 10:11 pm, "edj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 01 August 2003 02:43 pm, Stroller wrote:
>> On 1/8/03 6:11 pm, "edj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Using syslog-ng.  /var/log/messages fills with "syslog-ng[717]:
>>> STATS: dropped 0", one after another.  OK - so syslog is working.
>>> However, an identical log appears in /var/log/syslog.  How to keep
>>> it from logging to messages?  Sorry, but syslog.conf is gibberish
>>> to me, and the man page is not very helpful.  Any advice
>>> appreciated.  Thanks.
>> # Syslog-ng default configuration file for Gentoo Linux
>> # contributed by Michael Sterrett
>> options {
>> long_hostnames(off);
>> sync(0);
>> # The default action of syslog-ng 1.6.0 is to log a STATS
>> line # to the file every 10 minutes.  That's pretty ugly after a
>> while. # Change it to every 12 hours so you get a nice daily update
>> of # how many messages syslog-ng missed (0).
>> stats(43200);
>> };
> The generation of STATS lines isn't the problem.  It's their
> destination.  How to keep 'em out of /var/log/messages?

Whups! Sorry!

I think something like:

 destination syslog { file("/var/log/syslog"); };
 filter f_sysl-ng { program("syslog-ng"); };
 log { source(src); filter(f_sysl-ng); destination(syslog); flags(final); };

Should get it. You'll obviously need to juggle this with your other filters.



stroller at bigfoot dot com

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Re: [gentoo-user] gimp guru needed

2003-08-01 Thread Stroller
On 2/8/03 1:09 am, "Ernie Schroder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A couple of days ago I ran my updates and among others, cups
> ghostscript, foomatic,hpijs and gimp-print were updated. Now I have no
> print option with gimp. I tried re-emerging gimp-print to no avail. It
> seems to me that in the past I used something called gimp-print-cups
> but emerge -s gimp shows nothing like that in portage...

What does `emerge -pv gimp` say..?
Maybe there is some USE flag you're missing.


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Re: [gentoo-user] lvm-mod + Kernel 2.6

2003-08-02 Thread Stroller
On 2/8/03 2:39 pm, "Wouter Vanwalleghem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 16:50, Thomas Schweikle wrote:
>> Hi!
>> after some tryal i could manage having a running kernel 2.6-beta2 with
>> gentoo. Only one problem remaining:
>> lvm isn't working any more. Is it missing from this kernel?
> Yes, lvm has been removed from the 2.6.x kernels. And I was unable to
> find lvm patches for the 2.6.x series on the Sistina site, home of the
> makers of linux-lvm.
> There are two things you can do, both of which require you to include
> the device-mapper in your kernel (in the Multi-device support (RAID and
> LVM) section):
> -LVM2
> -EVMS (which is what I used)

So I was just about to implement LVM for several disks (6gig - 10gig) on my
2.4.20 system. The question is: is this advisable for future

I think I read here recently that LVM will be supported by LVM2, but what's
this EVMS stuff..? I trust LVM(2) isn't being phased out..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Poll #3

2003-08-04 Thread Stroller
On 4/8/03 6:50 pm, "Fred Van Andel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is the third gentoo poll.
> The question is:
> Where do you use gentoo?
>  a) At home on the desktop
>  b) At home as a server
>  c) At home as a firewall
>  d) At work on the desktop
>  e) At work as a server
>  f) At work as a firewall

Everywhere I use Intel hardware, that I can. For sheer pleasure of use my
workstation is a Mac OS X G4. But for home server & laptops Gentoo is


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Bootstrapping a Heterogeneous compile farm?

2003-08-11 Thread Stroller
On 8/8/03 3:02 am, "Adam Scriven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I'm kinda wondering about distcc and ccache.  I've got both running now
> over the cluster, but I'm wondering if that's overkill, or if they will
> interfere with the cluster's functioning.

Well, I thought that distcc was unnecessary in a clustered environment, and
that you just compiled with a higher -j number. But according to this HOWTO
<> I was incorrect.

So it seems like you might well need to use distcc.
Certainly, I admire you for your project - do let us all know how it goes.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Normal applications under OpenMosix?

2003-08-11 Thread Stroller
On 11/8/03 5:40 pm, "Jeffrey Smelser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I ran a 3 cluster system and things migrate constantly..
> What's nice is that any application you run, can be migrated. It doesn't
> matter what you run.. you can also tell it to run things on nodes.. Just about
> anything.

You seem to be well-positioned to answer questions from the floor.

I read recently that (Open)Mosix didn't migrate compilation processes,
because they're too short-lived. Is this true..?
Can you tell us please how you deal with this..? Do you run distcc on your

Many thanks,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] email system for the home network

2003-08-12 Thread Stroller
not yet been seen by any mail application.  The cur  subdirectory
  stores messages that have already been seen by mail applications.

> Does  Courier-IMAP now just read the emails from this directory?

Yup. From

"The primary advantage of maildirs is that multiple applications can access
the same Maildir simultaneously without requiring any kind of locking

> And I am assuming
> that when I try to access my email from my work computer, the emails stay on
> my home computer and are not downloaded to my work computer, correct?

Yes. You should try it using various clients over the LAN. IIRC your wife
has a Windows box, so you should be able to connect from that - I recently
connected to the courier-imap server on my LAN using my mother's PC, Outlook
Distress & her 56k dial-up connection. It was a little slow synchronising,
but quite adequate, especially considering how big some of my mailboxes are.

Note that Outlook Distress doesn't handle the "Trash" folder correctly - it
wants "Deleted Items" (this is mentioned in /etc/courier-imap/imapd), but
the system still seems to be usable. For hints on configuring some mail
clients check out:


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Firewall and syslogd

2003-08-14 Thread Stroller
On 8/8/03 2:48 pm, "Thomas T. Veldhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am not a syslog expert, so need some help.  I have rules in my firewall
> for logging, but currently, it is all logged into my syslog file.  How do I
> setup syslog to filter them out and put them in a separate file.  Does
> anybody here have a scheme for this?  What I mean is, do you use multiple
> files for various firewall rules?  How did you set this up?

I have recently started using syslog-ng, which is designed for filtering of
syslog messages. I think if you emerge'd this syslogger you would find this
task relatively trivial.

If you search the archives by my name & "syslog-ng", you should find a
couple of threads in which this fantastic logger has been discussed.

I think a filter something like:

 destination firew { file("/var/log/firewall"); };
 filter f_iptables { program("iptables"); };
 log { source(src); filter(f_iptables); destination(firew); flags(final); };

Should catch all iptables messages into a separate logfile.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Bootstrapping a Heterogeneous compile farm?

2003-08-14 Thread Stroller
On 8/8/03 3:02 am, "Adam Scriven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I'm kinda wondering about distcc and ccache.  I've got both running now
> over the cluster, but I'm wondering if that's overkill, or if they will
> interfere with the cluster's functioning.

Well, I thought that distcc was unnecessary in a clustered environment, and
that you just compiled with a higher -j number. But according to this HOWTO
<> I was incorrect.

So it seems like you might well need to use distcc.
Certainly, I admire you for your project - do let us all know how it goes.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] mouse in console

2003-08-14 Thread Stroller
On 9/8/03 3:36 pm, "Ernie Schroder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday 09 August 2003 04:27 am, Dhruba Bandopadhyay wrote:
>> You need to enable the gpm use flag and then re-emerge the packages
>> that use it.  Also, you need to emerge gpm.  Then configure it and
>> start it. Applications like links should use it automatically.
> I didn't compile anything here with the gpm flag and mouse works in
> consoles and lynx. (I suppose that it works in lynx because it works in
> console?) The question is, I guess, what needs to be recompiled to take
> advantage of gpm?

I'm sure I've got one box (not here, so I can't check) without gpm & one box
with. On the box *without*, console mouse works better than it does on the
one *with* gpm, particularly when I'm shelled in.

As I recall, on the box _with_ gpm, I can't use the mouse _at all_ when I'm
shelled in from another machine. If anyone could explain this, or why my
memory must be fooling me, I would be much indebted.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge -e missing over a quarter of installedpackages

2003-08-15 Thread Stroller
On 16/8/03 3:11 am, "Ernie Schroder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 15 August 2003 09:19 pm, William Kenworthy wrote:
>> What gives?
>> rattus# emerge -e --deep world -p|wc
>> 135 5345612
>> rattus# wc /var/cache/edb/world
>> 608 608   11445 /var/cache/edb/world
>> rattus#
> Thast said, after reading your post I decided to try for myself to see
> if there were discrepancies as you pointed out.
> # wc /var/cache/edb/world
>   108 1082080 /var/cache/edb/world
> # emerge -e --deep world -p|wc
>   3881549   16617
> I seem to be off in the other direction. What gives here?

Your output is as expected (I read the 3rd field of `wc` to be number of

The world file contains only packages which have been explicitly emerged;
the output of `emerge -e --deep world -p` contains also their dependencies
and lines such as "These are the packages that I would merge..."

I would not expect the world file to be longer than the output of `emerge
-edp world`, unless that world file had been copied from another system (in
which case, for some reason, `emerge -e` doesn't seem catch everything).


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge -e missing over a quarter of installedpackages

2003-08-16 Thread Stroller
On 16/8/03 8:32 pm, "Peter Ruskin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday 16 Aug 2003 20:23, Dhruba Bandopadhyay wrote:
>> $ emerge -Duep world | grep ebuild | wc -l
>>  405
>> $ wc -l /var/cache/edb/world
>>  327
>> So this is accurately disproportionate.  Correct?
> Wrong.
> With `emerge -Duep world` you're saying to portage: "Pretend I have
> nothing installed.  Now get me everything that's in
> /var/cache/edb/world, plus all ebuilds that they depend on."

$  emerge -e --deep world -p|wc && wc /var/cache/edb/world
177 7027330
 54  541012 /var/cache/edb/world

I think "approximately the correct ratio" are good words to describe this
relationship. It looks like one might average between 0 & 4 dependencies per
package, which sounds about right. This doesn't allow for emerge messages
("these are the packages I would install").

We still haven't addressed the OP's (Mr Kenworthy) original issue - `emerge
-ed world` on his system wants to install less than 135 packages for the 608
in his world file. Unless he has some non-unique entries in his world file.
IMO he really needs to post that, if he wants to find out what's wrong.

OTOH, `emerge -pve `cat /var/cache/edb/world`` will probably recompile all
the packages on his system using the new optimisations in his make.conf,
which seems to have been his original intention.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Wierd and frustrating Gentoo install problems.

2003-08-16 Thread Stroller
On 17/8/03 12:03 am, "Adam Scriven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I tried to move the current /usr and /var, and overwrite them with the new LVM
> versions, but both were in use.  As an experiment, instead of moving the
> / and / to /usr and /var, I simply sim-linked /usr to /,
> and the same with var.
> This seemed to work OK, until I get this error:
> LOG FILE = "/tmp/sandbox-fileutils-4.1.11-r1-4170.log
> unlink:/
> unlink:/
> The above log file only contains the two "unlink" lines above.
> I've read the LVM install page, but it assumes that you have a working version
> of the LVM utilities at the partition and mounting phase, and I can't seem to
> figure out a way to do that.

I think that what you need to do is copy the contents of /usr & /var into
your two logical volumes, edit fstab to point /usr & /var to those
partitions & then reboot.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] How to install NPTL v0.55?

2003-08-20 Thread Stroller
On Wednesday, 20 August 2003, at 4:41 pm, Loic Domaigne wrote:

The next point I'm eager to try is NPTL. I would like to have the 
version available, namely 0.55 (the v0.28 available with glibc-2.3.2-r1
is too buggy for me). For this, I need to install glibc-2.3.2-r3.

How should I proceed? From my understanding, a simple emerge glibc
won't do the trick, since the current (stable) package version is
emerge /usr/portage/sys-libs/glibc/glibc-2.3.2-r3.ebuild



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[gentoo-user] OT: Apache2 Configuration Questions

2003-08-21 Thread Stroller

These questions are probably slightly off-topic, as they're not  
uniquely relevant to Gentoo as a distro, but I know how helpful &  
knowledgeable my fiends here are, and how long the Apache documentation  
is, so I thought I'd throw these questions to the floor and see if  
anyone has any quick tips.

I've used Apache before, and found it easy to install simple webpages &  
sites under it, but I have not really dug much deeper than that.  
Following instructions at I have installed Squirrelmail &  
that works fine - those instructions took care of the php & ssl stuff  
for me.

I have recently got global DNS sorted for my LAN: I got a free  
subdomain of, and used Bind on my server to host the DNS entries  
(free secondary DNS from

So now the server in my airing cupboard is addressable as It is also addressable as & &  
anything-you-like-as-long-as-it-is-not-a-valid-hostname-on-my- All my files are in  

My first question is: is it possible to have apache return requests for with /home/httpd/htdocs/stuff/index.html ? Is  
it possible to do this automagically for all & ??

Secondly: is it possible to redirect to to ensure encryption..?

(Actually, I'm sure the answer to both of these is "yes", so the real  
questions are "how do I do these things?";-])

Previous installations of Apache that I have had, have allowed me to  
browse to and see a list of files to click on &  
download (or click on & view in the browser in the case off pictures)  
if there is no index.html in that directory. On my default Gentoo  
installation of Apache2 I get the message "Forbidden - You don't have  
permission to access /somedir/ on this server." How can I change this  
behavior..? I think it is best to enable directory contents listings on  
a per-directory basis. I've had problems with files with spaces in the  
names in the past before - when clicking on the link in the directory  
listing it the file won't download. IIRC this is something to do with  
the space character and %20. Can anyone tell me about this..?

Finally, it's be kinda handy to arrange my webpages on a template  
basis: if Apache finds no index.html but does find content.txt it  
should dynamically create & display a page from cat'ting some  
predefined head.html with content.txt and a predefined tail.html. I  
believe that Apache's "server-side includes" does this. Is that  
correct, or am I much confused..? Does anyone have any pointers to  
suitable tutorials, or any helpful advice on this..?

Many thanks for comments - I'm not (just) trying to skip my homework,  
but hopefully inviting discussion from the wise heads around here who  
can demonstrate their superior knowledge.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Apache2 Configuration Questions

2003-08-21 Thread Stroller
On Friday, 22 August 2003, at 1:20 am, Owen Gunden wrote:

On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 08:51:11PM +0100, Stroller wrote:
Following instructions at I have installed Squirrelmail &
that works fine - those instructions took care of the php & ssl stuff
for me.
I forgot to mention that soon gentoo is going to implement a bit of a
better web application installation framework.  You might be 
Yes, I'd seen the discussion on -dev and glanced at it when i saw the 
announcement recently, but I don't really feel that I'm qualified to 
appreciate the advantages of the proposed structure (except that I'm 
used to /var/www)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Apache2 Configuration Questions

2003-08-21 Thread Stroller
On Friday, 22 August 2003, at 1:16 am, Owen Gunden wrote:

On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 08:51:11PM +0100, Stroller wrote:
My first question is: is it possible to have apache return requests 
for with /home/httpd/htdocs/stuff/index.html ? Is
it possible to do this automagically for all & ??
Yes.  For this you want to do some reading on name-based virtual 
hosts.  I
suggest [1].  There is probably an example in
/etc/apache2/conf/vhosts/vhosts.conf (make sure this file is included 

Many thanks - I'll take a look at the resources you mention. For others 
who are interested, I've already found that this page clarified muchly for me 
the concept of server-side includes.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Email retrieval (was: cron and crontab)

2003-08-22 Thread Stroller
On Friday, 22 August 2003, at 3:22 am, Spider wrote:
Well, I think I'll take this moment to push a piece of documentation I
wrote a while ago:
That looks like a very good HOWTO - I was contemplating the building of 
mail-server like this: a friend has a small company on ADSL, and each 
of his employees connect to his ISP's mailserver for email, even when 
the message is sent from the next desk! This is only a problem when 
they send big files around the place, but there are other 
considerations (of accountability & long-term centralised mail 
storage), too.

It seems like your HOWTO addresses that perfectly, except that you 
don't mention external delivery, I don't think. I take it messages for 
"joe" are delivered to local user joe, but for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
they should be handed to the ISP's server, via SMTP..?

Presumably there are web-based tools for managing fetchmail & 
whathaveyou..? I'm trying to think what configuration my friend would 
need to do himself, should a new user or shared IMAP mailbox need 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Apache2 Configuration Questions

2003-08-22 Thread Stroller
On Friday, 22 August 2003, at 10:17 am, Magnus Nordseth wrote:

My first question is: is it possible to have apache return requests 
for with /home/httpd/htdocs/stuff/index.html ? Is
it possible to do this automagically for all & ??
I strongly recommend using dynamic vhosting for this. Look at for more info.
Looks perfect! Thanks!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] WOT:According to SUSE CEO we're not here?

2003-08-23 Thread Stroller
On Saturday, 23 August 2003, at 1:24 am, Ernie Schroder wrote:

SuSE's CEO Richard Seibt chose to demonstrate a high degree of
arrogance. In response to CRN's question about Windows to Linux
migration, Seibt insisted that "Linux means two companies: Red Hat and
SuSE, and nobody else.
Is Meister Seibt taking idiot lessons from SCO CEO Darl McBride?
"Seibt: ... Look at the Unix operating system vendors.There's 
Hewlett-Packard, for instance, Sun Solaris andIBM with AIX and SCO. 
They all face competition fromMicrosoft Windows. ... If you think each 
of the named companies has to increase profitability each quarter, 
thenit is logical that they think about what the next steps are. It's 
my view that the industry has decided there is one main operating 
system competitor to Microsoft, and thatis Linux. Linux means two 
companies: Red Hat andSuSE, and nobody else. There will be no third 
distribution that will be supported by the large IT vendors. And from 
that perspective, even Novell decided not to compete anymore on 
operating systems. They now migrate all oftheir applications to Linux. 
This is a two-horse race between Linux and Windows."

I think he's saying Gentoo doesn't exist in terms of outsourceable o/s 
support contacts. You can buy support from RedHat (and presumably SuSE) 
that you can't from Gentoo. Gentoo's non-static nature & dynamic 
updates also, I believe, make it difficult to justify in the enterprise 

I read that article as the SuSE executives being quite aggressive in 
their marketing, presumably to sound comparably strong with RedHat, but 
to be fair I feel that the "arrogance" you describe could be a 
misunderstanding if English is not Herr Seibt's first language.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] WOT:According to SUSE CEO we're not here?

2003-08-23 Thread Stroller
On Saturday, 23 August 2003, at 10:53 am, Jason Stubbs wrote:

On Saturday 23 August 2003 18:38, Stroller wrote:
I think he's saying Gentoo doesn't exist in terms of outsourceable o/s
support contacts. You can buy support from RedHat (and presumably 
that you can't from Gentoo. Gentoo's non-static nature & dynamic
updates also, I believe, make it difficult to justify in the 
Actually, the devs are working on at least two systems to make Gentoo 
attractive to the enterprise. I subscribed to the gentoo-dev ML a 
couple of
days ago and already have read about a system to help admins with 
issues as well as a talk of "releases". Once that's done, Gentoo will 
viable for the enterprise and outsourcableness (is that a word?) will 
If you'd been signed up to -dev for 3 days, you'd see that I'm also 
subscribed, because I posted to the group on the 21st.

I don't think anyone (or at least many folks) here would argue with the 
statement that Gentoo is a wonderful distro, and it's certainly getting 
better all the time. But I don't believe that GLEP #14 addresses the 
moving-target nature of Gentoo - if you `emerge sync` and find that you 
need a single security update, I believe it's possible that you will 
need to update more than one package; this surely implies the potential 
for a lengthy & involved etc-update process. Whilst this isn't a 
problem for me, I think it makes Gentoo unsuitable for the enterprise.

Also important to enterprise is support for commercial software, which 
is usually supplied as pre-compiled binaries. These binaries are, as I 
understand it, compiled against particular versions of libraries, and 
may be incompatible with distros using other versions of said 
libraries. Whilst manufacturers are prepared to say "we support 
Mathematica on Linux for RedHat versions 7.1 & 8" (and perhaps also for 
SuSE), they cannot do so for Gentoo, as they do not know which 
libraries (or optimisations?) you have compiled on your systems. This 
may or may not be covered by another GLEP, as I am aware of that Gentoo 
"release trees" are often discussed as desirable, but certainly Gentoo 
would have to do a lot of catching-up with RedHat in the enterprise to 
have enough market-share to justify many commercial software houses 
supporting it.

Perhaps the most significant factor is that Gentoo as a commercial 
entity isn't big enough for enterprise, and even claims to be going 
non-profit. I can see a good argument for choosing RedHat because 
they're big enough & wealthy enough to sue: although one might be 
unlikely to sue them, their size & commercial status mean they have a 
financial interest in ensuring reliability & software-integrity, and 
they have a corporate structure in place to manage their liability. If 
Daniel Robbins or a community of Linux hackers b0rk up your 
enterprise-scale systems, there's not much point in suing them, so they 
have no accountability to you.

At the end of the day, however, I feel that little of this is 
important. It would be nice for me if Gentoo was found suitable for use 
by smaller businesses, consultants and system admins responsible for a 
few (or a few tens of) boxes. But the enterprise market is something 
else entirely, and undoubtedly shares few of my needs - I suspect that 
were Gentoo to go chasing this market it would risk becoming unsuitable 
for my purposes. Right now, it is perfect.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] WOT:According to SUSE CEO we're not here?

2003-08-23 Thread Stroller



On Saturday, 23 August 2003, at 12:04 pm, bob bob wrote:

I'd be really interested in reading about this.. is the Dev ML 
archived somewhere I can get to it without having to sign up for the 

Actually, the devs are working on at least two systems to make Gentoo 
attractive to the enterprise. I subscribed to the gentoo-dev ML a 
couple of
days ago and already have read about a system to help admins with 
issues as well as a talk of "releases". Once that's done, Gentoo will 
viable for the enterprise and outsourcableness (is that a word?) will 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] auto Emerge world

2003-08-23 Thread Stroller
On Saturday, 23 August 2003, at 11:42 pm, Terje Kvernes wrote:
  I've been running ~x86 on three boxes for a couple of months now,
  with the latest and greatest.  things work surprisingly well, with
  some tidbits here and there requiring testes...
I think you're saying it takes balls to run ~86..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Portage tree on a CD

2003-08-25 Thread Stroller
On Monday, 25 August 2003, at 11:53 am, Ronald Landheer-Cieslak wrote:

I'm looking to buy a CD(-set) containing the current (or 1.4) portage 
I am *not* looking for pre-built binaries: I want to avoid having to 
the distfiles as I have a simple modem connection and I want to update 
installation (and install Lyx, which requires tetex, which is >50 MB 
with its

...Any pointers? Do the pre-built CDs come with sources? Is there a 

On Tuesday, 22 July 2003, at 11:10 am, Stroller wrote: may find this list positng from April interesting:

On 17/4/03 2:38 pm, "Kurt Lieber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 17, 2003 at 02:11:37PM +0200 or thereabouts, Gour wrote:

The entire distfiles tree is roughly 18GB, so no, it is not available 
physical media at this point.

There is one vendor, Hiiq Inc, that does sell a DVD which contains a 
of the distfiles tree for $10.  I do not know exactly what is/isn't 
on that
DVD -- you would need to talk to the vendor to get that info.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] archives of mailing list

2003-08-26 Thread Stroller
On Monday, 25 August 2003, at 18:39PM, Kenneth Macdonald Karlsen wrote:
Where do i find archives of the mailing list on the web?
I remember some threads about xmms and openoffice recently that i 
would like to check out.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Linux 1.4 General Install Question

2003-08-26 Thread Stroller
On Tuesday, 26 August 2003, at 06:38AM, Meph Istopheles wrote:
  My question has to do with partitions as well.  I've been
running the same /home partition on /dev/hdb1 for quite a few
installs of RH.
# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2  37G  3.4G   31G  10% /
/dev/hda1  76M   15M   57M  21% /boot
/dev/hdb1  12G  511M   10G   5% /home
none  251M 0  251M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hdb2  13G  3.0G  9.3G  24% /backup
/dev/hdd1  75G   20k   71G   1% /backup2
(/dev/hda1 is so big because I have a few different kernels in
I'll be swapping the current /dev/hdd1 to be /dev/hda & the
current /dev/hda.
  Now, I've been using DiskDruid for partitioning when I set up,
& have used fdisk countless times on different drives for
partitioning, but never during setup.  Will the setup --
assuming, as it should, will find all drives & will set fstab
to mount /dev/hdb1 as /home, or will I have to do that manually
after first boot as root?
Drive partitioning & mounting is something that Gentoo doesn't believe 
in doing automagically for you.

It is covered in section 7 of the install docs:
You should treat your partition layout just like /boot /usr & /var 
mentioned in the docs.

Code listing 7.2 shows how to mount a typical simple partition layout 
from _within_ the InstallCD  chroot. Let's edit this for your system 
(for the df -h above, not your proposed changes, because it's too early 
in the morning for me to absorb those right now):

# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/gentoo
# mkdir /mnt/gentoo/boot
# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/gentoo/boot
# mkdir /mnt/gentoo/home
# mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/gentoo/home
# mkdir /mnt/gentoo/backup
# mount /dev/hdb2 /mnt/gentoo/backup
# mkdir /mnt/gentoo/backup2
# mount /dev/hdd1 /mnt/gentoo/backup2
Editing fstab is mentioned later in the same document:
Code listing 15.1:

  /dev/BOOT /boot   ext2 noauto,noatime  1 2
  /dev/ROOT /   ext3 noatime 0 1
  /dev/SWAP noneswap sw  0 0
  /dev/cdroms/cdrom0  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660  noauto,ro 0 0
  proc  /proc   proc defaults0 0
"... of course be sure to replace "BOOT", "ROOT" and "SWAP" with the 
actual block devices you are using (such as hda1, etc.)"

So on your system:

  /dev/hda1 /boot   ext2 noauto,noatime  1 2
  /dev/hda2 /   ext3 noatime 0 1
  /dev/hdb1 /home   reiserfs noatime 0 3
  /dev/hdb2 /backup reiserfs noatime 0 3
  /dev/hdd1 /backup2reiserfs noatime 0 3
  /dev/SWAP noneswap sw  0 0
  /dev/cdroms/cdrom0  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660  noauto,ro 0 0
  proc  /proc   proc defaults0 0


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] resolving network name

2003-08-27 Thread Stroller
On Wednesday, 27 August 2003, at 07:22AM, Tom Hosiawa wrote:

I have two computers behind a Linksys router that runs as a dhcp 
I'm wondering how I can make the computer name resolve to its ip

For example, if I want to ping my desktop I can just go "ping
desktop_name" rather then "ping"
What model is the Linksys router..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Fetchmail Problem... I think

2003-08-27 Thread Stroller
On Tuesday, 26 August 2003, at 13:32PM, Angel Gabriel wrote:

Each time I use fetchmail on this one system, mail never seems to be
delivered locally. Even when I send mail from one user to the next it
says mail sending, but nothing ever seems to arrive. I use postfix,
(naturally), and I'm very confused, how would I go about debugging this
You provide too little information to provide useful help. ESR explains 
how to ask questions better in this article:

Do you run fetchmail as user or as a daemon..?
What does your .fetchmailrc say..?
   (Post it complete as an attachment, having edited your passwords)
What does it say when you run `fetchmail -v -v`..?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Fetchmail Problem... I think

2003-08-27 Thread Stroller
On Wednesday, 27 August 2003, at 14:57PM, Jean Magnan de Bornier wrote:
This is my fetchmailrc
# Configuration created Tue Aug 19 09:09:30 2003 by fetchmailconf
set postmaster "user"
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
set daemon 60
poll with proto POP3
   user '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' there with password 'mailpassword' is
'user' here

When i run this mail gets's fetched, but it dissappears, no longer on
the pop server, just gone.
I think you should add "keep" at the end of your .fetchmailrc :
...'user' here keep
until your problem is solved, so at least the mail stays in the server
"fetchall" would probably also be handy for him, so that he can 
repeatedly test his setup.

Gabriel: please run fetchmail with the `-v -v` options, and post the 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Linux 1.4 General Install Question

2003-08-27 Thread Stroller
On Tuesday, 26 August 2003, at 19:45PM, Meph Istopheles wrote:

  Morning Stroller,

  Now, I've been using DiskDruid for partitioning when I set
up, & have used fdisk countless times on different drives for
partitioning, but never during setup...
Drive partitioning & mounting is something that Gentoo doesn't
believe in doing automagically for you.
  Sounds good.  I wonder though, does Stage 3 install offer a
screen for editing fstab?
Erm... when I last installed one used a text editor, `nano -w 
/etc/fstab`. I believe vi is also now included on the install CDs.

Code listing 7.2 shows how to mount a typical simple partition
layout from _within_ the InstallCD chroot.
  Ah, chroot.  I've only used this during rescue operations with
RH.  It'll be odd having to do this as a part of install, but
that's cool.
Let's edit this for your system (for the df -h above, not your
proposed changes, because it's too early in the morning for me
to absorb those right now):
# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/gentoo
# mkdir /mnt/gentoo/boot
# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/gentoo/boot
# mkdir /mnt/gentoo/home
# mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/gentoo/home
# mkdir /mnt/gentoo/backup
# mount /dev/hdb2 /mnt/gentoo/backup
# mkdir /mnt/gentoo/backup2
# mount /dev/hdd1 /mnt/gentoo/backup2
  This is something which caught my eye when I was skimming the
docs:  /mnt/gentoo.  Is this a system thing, or is there a time
one will actually be editing docs & have to remember that
/mnt/gentoo... is required as opposed to /, which is all I've
done with RH, slack & FreeBSD?
I think someone else already answered this, but I can't find it, so 
excuse me if I'm reiterating:

These directories are created _inside the InstallCD environment_ which 
is a Unix filesystem on a CD-ROM. /mnt/gentoo is relative only to 
_this_ filesystem, and not to your root hard-disk.

Once you chroot into /mnt/gentoo /dev/hda2 becomes /, /mnt/gentoo/boot 
becomes /boot and so on. This is just as it is when you boot up the 
system for the first time. Gentoo is hence just like BSD & the other 
Linux distros you are familiar with.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] resolving network name

2003-08-28 Thread Stroller
On Wednesday, 27 August 2003, at 19:39PM, Tom Hosiawa wrote:

I have two computers behind a Linksys router that runs as a dhcp 
I'm wondering how I can make the computer name resolve to its ip

For example, if I want to ping my desktop I can just go "ping
desktop_name" rather then "ping"
What model is the Linksys router..?

Its the linksys BEFW11S4
My last router, quite an old Efficient Networks model, had some tools 
which made this sort of admin at the router fairly straightforward. One 
could set the DHCP server to associate IP address with MAC address (ie: 
always to allocate the same IP address to the same machine), and it had 
an internal DNS server that one could use to associate names with IP 

This allowed `ping desktop` and `ping pornpipe` (the router) exactly as 
you require.

Looking at the manual at I was 
surprised to find that _neither_ of these facilities seem to be 
mentioned. Consequently I recommend you allocate a static IP to your 
desktop within the same subnet as it is currently, by editing 
/etc/conf.d/net.eth0; then either run DNS on your Gentoo box (say by 
emerging bind), or more simply (as others have suggested) by entering 
the IP addresses of various machines in your /etc/hosts file.

The one good thing to be said for a Windows network is that these steps 
are unnecessary - Client For MS Networks seems to take care of hostname 
-> IP translation for hosts discovered by broadcast on the network. You 
might investigate Samba to see if it has these capabilities.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] resolving network name

2003-08-28 Thread Stroller
On Thursday, 28 August 2003, at 05:41AM, Stroller wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 August 2003, at 19:39PM, Tom Hosiawa wrote:

I have two computers behind a Linksys router that runs as a dhcp 
I'm wondering how I can make the computer name resolve to its ip

For example, if I want to ping my desktop I can just go "ping
desktop_name" rather then "ping"
The one good thing to be said for a Windows network is that these 
steps are unnecessary - Client For MS Networks seems to take care of 
hostname -> IP translation for hosts discovered by broadcast on the 
network. You might investigate Samba to see if it has these 
FYI: unless I am misunderstanding what WINS is, section 7 (Name 
Resolution Options) of /etc/samba/smb.conf suggests that such a 
configuration is possible under Linux. I think you could perhaps find 
the solution simply by emerging & configuring this package - but if you 
have never configured Samba before, it can be a little tricky!



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Switching to and from Dvorak keymap?

2003-09-01 Thread Stroller
On 30 Aug 2003, at 10:59 am, Owen Ford wrote:

I guess I should have included this very helpful link as well :)

If you need any more help, feel free to email me off-list.
NO! Please keep in ON-list. This is interesting & useful!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] imap-pop3 not working

2003-09-01 Thread Stroller
On 30 Aug 2003, at 8:23 am, Daniel Guerrero wrote:

... I can't login to imap/pop3; I have to use pop3 because it seem the 
firewall of the school don't make me access to the port of imap; I 
have tried to login with telnet, with the password in the "clear" 
field of mysql; but I can't login, imap don't say anything, just close 
the connection; pop3 says can't login; what do you think this could 
Unfortunately you do not specify explicitly the steps you have taken to 
install the software, or much of the troubleshooting you have done 
already. This article is blunt but helpful in these respects:

The only think I can think of: have you tried:
   # /etc/init.d/courier-pop3d start
   # /etc/init.d/courier-imapd start
on the server..?
Alternatively, have you added them to the default run-level. What does
   # /etc/init.d/courier-pop3d status
and last; this is surely a config that I haven't reached, but how 
could I configure squirrelmail to manage the local user accounts? (I 
haven't check a lot but it seem to be working the local mail 
accounts), and could I use squirremail to manage multiple domains, I 
think the answer is yes... but how.
If you search Freshmeat for "courier" you will find a number of 
web-based front-ends for managing courier-imap (and other mail 
servers). You'd have to check which of these are in portage.

Los grandes espiritus siempre encuentran una violenta oposición en 
mentes mediocres.
A. Einstein
I didn't know Einstein spoke Spanish. I guess you learn something new 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] How to determine what installed...

2003-09-02 Thread Stroller
On 1 Sep 2003, at 9:40 pm, Ben Kennedy wrote:

For example... /usr/sbin/sendmail exists on my system.  I want to know
which package provided that.  In particular, I want to install courier-
mta.  So I would like to first figure out who put sendmail there, and
unmerge that package if appropriate.
Are you sure you have sendmail installed, however..?

The mistake I had made when I felt aggrieved that someone had installed 
sendmail on mysystem was that I didn't realise this:

$ ls -l /usr/sbin/sendmail
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root  15 Mar  3 23:21 /usr/sbin/sendmail -> 

`man ssmpt` says: "ssmtp is a send-only sendmail emulator... It  
provides the functionality required for humans and programs to send 
mail via the standard or /usr/bin/mail user agents"

I believe that ssmtp is "more secure" than sendmail, because it doesn't 
listen on port 25 (or any other network ports!) but only allows 
delivery from the local machine outwards to the net.

I *think* that ssmpt is part of base-layout, or of some other package 
which nearly everything depends upon and which consequently gets 
emerged early on nearly any system.

Please post & let me know how you get along with courier-mta. I use the 
cut-down courier-imap server, along with the courier maildrop mta, but 
I use Squirrelmail for webmail. I believe net-mail/courier (if this is 
what you intend using) uses it's own webmail environment, and would be 
interested to hear how you find this, as it might be suitable for a 
future project.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Blatantly OT: Secondary DNS Exchange

2003-09-05 Thread Stroller
This is blatantly OT, but in the last few weeks I've managed to get 
global DNS sorted for my /29 home LAN and my domain 
(& for my various hosts in that domain!). If you are always-on with a 
static IP address, and want a little project then I'd highly recommend 
it - getting my own domain name with the ability to fully administrate 
it on my own Gentoo Bind server, for a total cost of £0 (that's $0, 
zilch, nada, nothing) really appealed to the Lancastrian chromosomes I 
got from my father. Check out for scanty details.

There is a problem, however: my secondary DNS services are currently 
being provided by Granite Canyon, and as explained in this URL 
<> (if you're really interested) it seems I 
can't get them carry reverse-lookups for me. This shouldn't matter, but 
it's bugging me.

My solution to this is to try & find someone else to host my secondary, 
but I don't seem to be able to find other organisation that does free 
DNS with zone transfers. I think this is what is required for me to 
retain central control over &c ad infinitum.

I have contemplated doing a secondary swap with someone at but I don't know anyone there. I'm 
sure they're all reliable people, but I'm extremely conscious that 
don't want a secondary who isn't going to disappear on me when they 
decide to reinstall or move ISP (& IP address).

It occurred to me, then, that I trust & feel I can rely on members of 
the Gentoo community:
Does anyone here run their own Bind server, who wants to host DNS 
secondary for me, on an exchange basis..?

I was getting uptimes in monthly figures when my server was on 
Mandrake, and I don't see how that should change significantly since I 
migrated it to Gentoo a couple of months ago, so you're likely to get 
reliable service from me. If there was enough interest, we could even 
form the Unofficial Gentoo-User Secondary-DNS Cabal (tm) which would, 
with several of us providing secondary DNS for each other, provide 
pretty reasonable redundancy, I reckon.

Any offers, or comments..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] telnet & qpkg

2003-09-10 Thread Stroller
I tried to test a server by telnetting to its appropriate port today to 
find that `telnet`is not installed on my system. I do not know if I've 
tried to use it on Gentoo before, so tried to find it using the 
`locate` command.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ locate telnet | grep bin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ qpkg -i /usr/sbin/ktelnet
[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ qpkg -i /usr/sbin/ktelnetd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ grep telnet /var/cache/edb/world
[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $
Are these results normal..? Am I using `qpkg` incorrectly..?

I find that `ktelnet`is a CLI telnet app (I do not have KDE installed 
on this system), and presumably ktelnetd is correspondingly a daemon, 
but I have no idea how they got there - I always ssh into this system. 
Is it possible I've been hacked..? ktelnetd does not _seem_ to be 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] telnet & qpkg

2003-09-10 Thread Stroller
On 11 Sep 2003, at 4:59 am, Dan Foster wrote:

I think you want the telnet-bsd ebuild for telnet.
Thank you.

(I don't use telnet to login to systems; I usually use it as a 
tool -- ie, telnet to a server on port 389, 110, 443, 8080, etc. as 
That's exactly why I wanted it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ qpkg -i /usr/sbin/ktelnet
[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ qpkg -i /usr/sbin/ktelnetd
I think you want to do this instead:

$ qpkg -f /usr/bin/ktelnet

From the qpkg man page:

  Package Selection:

   -f, --find-file Finds package that owns file 
Duh! That was a dumb typo of mine! That was *exactly* what I intended.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ qpkg -f /usr/bin/ktelnet
app-crypt/krb5 *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ qpkg -f /usr/bin/ktelnetd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $
Two questions remain:
- Why does app-crypt/krb5 (kerberos?) rely on what appears to be a 
telnet app..?
- Where has /usr/bin/ktelnetd come from, and why doesn't qpkg show me..?

P.S. I'd highly recommend sending mail from an address other than 
'root' :-)
I think you'll find it's a virtually-hosted domain.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] IP address of a DNS

2003-09-12 Thread Stroller
On 13 Sep 2003, at 3:53 am, Trey Sizemore wrote:

I need help finding the IP address of a DNS.
Of any DNS in particular..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] IP address of a DNS

2003-09-13 Thread Stroller
On 13 Sep 2003, at 9:08 am, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 22:00:18 -0700 (PDT) Joshua Banks 
| If your trying to query and find info on a particular DNS domain then
| you would use the NSLOOKUP
| utility..Lots of stuff on google on howto use for NSLOOKUP..

FWIW, nslookup is deprecated. It's better to use 'host', which is in
I never understand this: I'm sure it is possible to get `dig` to behave 
less verbosely, but it always seems to display for more information 
than I require. Even with the "this program is depreciated" message, I 
find the output of `nslookup` far more convenient.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Choice of Kernel Sources

2003-09-13 Thread Stroller
There seem to have been a couple of threads recently regarding 
recompilation of kernels & whatnot, so I thought this would be a good 
opportunity to start a new thread on "what's the best sources?"

I think this has been mentioned in the forums in the past, but I don't 
read them much. Besides, I'm sure this list can discuss matters better. 

What I'm personally after is the best sources for a headless 
general-purpose server: all it does is serve mail, DNS & a few 
webpages, and crunches away in the background at Seti when it's not 
busy, so it doesn't have to be hardened or anything superlatively 
special. I would like to upgrade to 2.4.21 for reasons of paranoia, 
tho', as I'm using 2.4.20 vanilla sources at the moment.

Gentoo-sources are tweaked, as I understand it, for interactivity - 
switching between applications quickly, like you would on your desktop 
- so I think that for my server they would give (fractionally) poorer 
performance. I'd be kinda tempted to try RedHat sources, as I seem to 
recall hearing they performed well in tests,

Has anyone got any comments or suggestions..?


Here's the full list; I `emerge sync`d a couple of days ago:
$ emerge -s sources | grep -E '(sources|available)'
[ Results for search key : sources ]
*  sys-kernel/aa-sources
  Latest version available: 2.4.22-r1
  Description: Full sources for Andrea Arcangeli's Linux kernel
*  sys-kernel/ac-sources
  Latest version available: 2.4.22-r1
  Description: Full sources for Alan Cox's Linux kernel
*  sys-kernel/alpha-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.21-r1
  Description: Full sources for the Gentoo Linux Alpha kernel
*  sys-kernel/arm-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.19-r1
  Description: Full sources for the ARM/Linux kernel
*  sys-kernel/ck-sources
  Latest version available: 2.4.22-r1
  Description: Full sources for the Stock Linux kernel Con 
Kolivas's high performance patchset
*  sys-kernel/compaq-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available:
*  sys-kernel/development-sources
  Latest version available: 2.6.0_beta5
  Description: Full sources for the Development Branch of the Linux 
*  sys-kernel/gaming-sources
  Latest version available: 2.4.20-r3
  Description: Full sources for the Gentoo gaming-optimized kernel
*  sys-kernel/gentoo-sources
  Latest version available: 2.4.20-r6
  Description: Full sources for the Gentoo Kernel.
*  sys-kernel/grsec-sources
  Latest version available:
  Description: Vanilla sources of the linux kernel with the 
grsecurity 1.9.12 patch
*  sys-kernel/gs-sources
  Latest version available: 2.4.22_pre2
*  sys-kernel/hardened-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.20-r4
*  sys-kernel/hppa-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.22_p6
  Description: Full sources for the Linux kernel with patch for hppa
*  sys-kernel/hppa-sources-dev [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.21_p10
  Description: Full sources for the Linux kernel with patch for hppa
*  sys-kernel/mips-prepatch-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.22_rc2-r1
  Description: Linux-Mips CVS pre-patch sources for MIPS-based 
*  sys-kernel/mips-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.22-r1
  Description: Linux-Mips CVS sources for MIPS-based machines
*  sys-kernel/mm-sources
  Latest version available: 2.6.0_beta4-r6
  Description: Full sources for the development linux kernel with 
Andrew Morton's patchset
*  sys-kernel/mosix-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.20
  Description: Full sources for the Gentoo Mosix Linux kernel
*  sys-kernel/openmosix-sources
  Latest version available: 2.4.22
  Description: Full sources for the Gentoo openMosix Linux kernel
*  sys-kernel/pfeifer-sources
  Latest version available:
  Description: Full sources for the experimental Gentoo Kernel. 
Patches from here may move into sys-kernel/gentoo-sources
*  sys-kernel/ppc-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.21-r2
  Description: Full sources for the Gentoo Kernel.
*  sys-kernel/ppc-sources-benh [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.22-r2
*  sys-kernel/ppc-sources-crypto [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.20
  Description: Full cryptoapi enabled sources for the Gentoo Linux 
PPC kernel
*  sys-kernel/ppc-sources-dev [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.21
  Description: Full developmental sources for the Gentoo Linux PPC 
kernel - Experimental!
*  sys-kernel/redhat-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available:
*  sys-kernel/rsbac-sources [ Masked ]
  Latest version available: 2.4.20
*  sys-kernel/selinux-sources
  Latest version available: 2.4.21

Re: [gentoo-user] advice regarding LVM needed

2003-09-15 Thread Stroller
On 15 Sep 2003, at 2:05 pm, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:

Am Montag, 15. September 2003 15:04 schrieb Collins Richey:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the 2.6 kernel dropped support 
LVM, and thus EVMS is now the only way to fly?
Both LVM2 and EVMS2 use Sistina's Device Mapper which has been 
into 2.6 in favor of LVM1.
Sorry. I don't understand what you just said. 8-\
I think LVM2 is supposed to be backwards compatible with LVM1. Is that 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] How-to trouble shoot emerge/ebuild error messages...

2003-09-16 Thread Stroller
bash-2.05b#less make.defaults

USE="x86 oss apm arts avi berkdb crypt cups encode foomaticdb gdbm 
gpm gtk imlib java jpeg kde gnome libg++ libwww mad mikmod mmx motif 
ncurses nls oggvorbis opengl pam pdflib png python qt quicktime 
sdl slang spell ssl svga tcpd truetype X xml2 xmms xv zlib"

Better to simply look at the output of 'emerge info'
Again, I think it's better to look at make.defaults. At least then you 
where the use flags are coming from.
I think it's better to look at `emerge info`: it is in /etc/make.conf 
that any changes should be made, users are discouraged from changing 
make.defaults. Encouraging users to look in make.defaults to see where 
"their" defaults come from fosters the risk of them editing it.

Joshua: you might find `emerge ufed` useful for helping you edit your 
USE flags.
I always run `emerge -upv somefile` before emerging it for real - the 
-v flag tells you which USE flags it wants to use.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] small network

2003-09-17 Thread Stroller
On 17 Sep 2003, at 7:43 am, Jean Magnan de Bornier wrote:

OK I will be more specific: I just want to transfer files from my pc to
my laptop, or make backups of one on the other. I have tried to do that
with a cable (rj45 as it's called in France) connecting them, but then 
could figure out what to do. There is some utility in KDE but I could 
make it work
This is why I believe I need a howto; I am currently reading the 
but any other advice will be welcome
You probably want to install Samba (SMB), then. This is an 
implementation of Microsoft filesharing for Linux, and will allow you 
to drag & drop files on your PC to & from your Linux box; I would 
imagine that KDE / Gnome also allow drag & drop of files on SMB shares, 
or you can mount Windows shares at the command-line on your Linux box.

First, as someone else has pointed out, you need to ensure that the two 
machines are connected via the RJ45 cable (as it's also called 
elsewhere). You need to allocate each machine a different IP address on 
the same subnet - something like &, subnet mask - then `ping` between them.

When I first started networking I found Helmig's HOWTO for Windows 
For configuring Samba:



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT networking question

2003-09-17 Thread Stroller
On 6 Sep 2003, at 1:52 am, Spider wrote:

begin  quote
On Fri, 5 Sep 2003 18:39:16 -0400 (EDT)
Marshal Newrock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, Ernie Schroder wrote:

As far as measuring bandwidth, there's a program called 'bing' (which
is not in portage) which will determine the available bandwidth
between twopoints.  I'm sure there's many good programs in
net-analyzer as well which do things like that.
Lets play some homebrew stuff here:

on the server:
dd if=/dev/zero of=testfile bs=1M count=100
nc -l -p  < testfile;
on the client:
time nc server  >/dev/null

Repeat three or four times for good measure.
Sorry for replying to this so late - I seem to have some latency with 
my POP3 server & this has only just come through.

But I don't seem to have `nc` installed. What is it, please, and what 
package might I find it in..?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] "etc-update" versus Manual update opinions..

2003-09-17 Thread Stroller
On 17 Sep 2003, at 1:24 pm, Gwendolyn van der Linden wrote:

brett holcomb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, if you use etc-update on files like /etc/fstab your
system will break.
Exactly.  I would vote for keeping /etc/fstab.example in portage, and
making the copying/editing part of the installation procedure (cp
/etc/fstab.example /etc/fstab; nano -w /etc/fstab).
I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if this was changed, were you to file 
it as a bug. I'm cross posting to gentoo-dev to see what they think.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] distcc requires xfree ???

2003-09-17 Thread Stroller
On 17 Sep 2003, at 2:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So I thought I should try out distcc on three hardware-challenged and
absolutely identical computers.
emerge -p distcc

shows a requirement of xfree (???)
You should always run `emerge -pv filename` to see what USE flags 
Portage proposes using.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] mlDonkey - new install - questions & bugs?

2003-09-18 Thread Stroller
Hello, all,

I've recently emerge'd mlDonkey, and very pleased with it I am, too. I 
have shared the /home/p2p/.mldonkey/incoming folder by Samba, so I can 
collect completed files over the LAN, but this has raised a couple of 

- How do I change the umask that mlDonkey writes files with..? I want 
files world (or at least group) writable, so I can delete them over SMB 
from my workstation when I've moved them somewhere else.

- Looking to fix this, I noticed that files in this directory were 
owned by the user p2p, so took a look in /etc/passwd for this user. 
Looking at some of the entries:
Stroller[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/stroller:/bin/bash

- Should proftpd & p2p really be high user numbers..? Shouldn't they be 
low, below 500 like apache & portage..?

- Shouldn't p2p's login shell be set to /bin/false..? (I thought 
/bin/true was more correct, but every other daemon uses /bin/false, so 
I'm happy with that).

- Is this a bug, should I file it..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: mlDonkey - new install - questions & bugs?

2003-09-20 Thread Stroller
On 19 Sep 2003, at 4:54 am, Carl Hudkins wrote:

On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 04:12:49 +0100, Stroller wrote:

- How do I change the umask that mlDonkey writes files with..? I want
files world (or at least group) writable, so I can delete them over 
from my workstation when I've moved them somewhere else.
	There may be a better way, but I'd just use "chmod" for this.  If the
directory is owned by p2p of group p2p, and you use "chmod 6766 
then all new files created there by any user (except root) will be 
by user p2p.p2p and have modes 766 (rwxrw-rw-)
Ah! Excellent! I didn't know hat `chmod` worked like this.

Many thanks,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Portage snapshot

2003-09-20 Thread Stroller
On 19 Sep 2003, at 3:41 pm, David wrote:

Does anyone know of a mirror that has a portage snapshot after
I've been looking for days for a newer snapshot after reading about the
recent update to openssh. I can't emerge sync because of the firewall 
behind so a new snapshot is my only hope.
If no-one else has offered already, let me know if you'd like me to 
send you an up-to-date .tar of my Portage tree.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Scripting Error?

2003-09-22 Thread Stroller
On 21 Sep 2003, at 2:07 pm, johnlowell wrote:

Dane Elwell wrote:

That file is /etc/issue.


Many thanks for your response!!

A quick look at /etc/issue in both the effected machine and one of the 
uneffected ones shows the following difference:

Effected machine: This is \n. \O (\s \m \r) \t
Uneffected machine: This is \n. \o (\s \m \r) \t
Changing the "O" to "o" fixes the problem.
I haven't followed the rest of this thread, but I observed that 
/etc/issue on my machine changed to "This is \n.\O (\s \m \r) \t" in an 
update of world (baselayout?) 2 or 3 days ago.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] portage masked problem

2003-09-22 Thread Stroller
On 20 Sep 2003, at 9:11 pm, Eric Marchionni wrote:

when i try to emerge enemy-territory on my dell notebook it shows up 
as masked. though on my desktop system the same ebuild isn't masked.
even a ACCEPT_KEYWORDS x86 doesn't help.

I get the impression from this posting that the developers of "Enemy 
Territory" are requesting significant changes to Gentoo's ebuild for 
this game, which may not be practical. The impression I get is that ID 
games require that no changes be made to their installers, and that 
their installer allows the user to choose where in the filesystem files 
are located; this makes package-management via Portage impossible. If 
this is not the case, then I apologise - I'm sure one of the devs will 
step up & correct me.

I see the very bottom of this posting says:
> I was just made aware of the issue with Enemy Territory and the EULA 
> it concerns Gentoo.  As the maintainer of this package, I would like 
> work with you on a resolution.  At this time, I have blocked the 
> from installing in portage until a resolution can be made...
> Chris Gianelloni

I guess more details will become clear shortly.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Cleaning up ../distfiles from make.conf

2003-09-23 Thread Stroller
On 23 Sep 2003, at 2:06 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Either I have to have a "per client" ../distfiles directory on the nfs
server wich creates an enormous redundancy...
Or, I share the single ../distfiles directory between all 13 computers,
with all potential concurrency problems that would bring in to the 
Could you explain what concurrency issues you anticipate, please..?

I think that in this situation it's advisable to ensure that no two 
machines `emerge sync` at the same time, but that is easily controlled. 
One might also need to `emerge -fu world` on one machine before 
actually `emerge -u`ing all other machines, however this is again 
fairly trivial. Both could be managed by a midnight cron job, for 

Marius's emerge wrapper is constructive. I just can't understand why it
would be so difficult to create a flag for this in make.conf. The 
value would typically be to keep the distfiles.
This was discussed on -dev last month, without a massive consensus.

A script is, however, given that (with some discretion, I think) 
deletes files in this directory as you require; this script could of 
course also be cron'd. Clearly the important factor is that a script 
which removes files from .../distfiles/ should not facilitate a user 
placing anything more than insignificant additional load on the 
volunteer mirrors & file-servers who give their bandwidth to Gentoo & 
the OSS community.

I think that the reason no huge consensus was reached regarding this on 
-dev when it was last discussed is that it's not sufficiently 
interesting or useful enough to anyone involved that they might wish to 
incorporate it into Portage (which is, by all accounts, a large & 
complicated piece of code as it is). Feel free to supply a patch.

As Daniel recently said at , "The goal of
Gentoo is to design tools and systems that allow a user to do their 
pleasantly and efficiently as possible, as *they* see fit."

And also "If the tool forces the user to do things a particular way, 
the tool is working against, rather than for, the user."
Please excuse my skepticism: I do not wish to critisise our beloved 
leader, however this statement rang out of true for me when he 
originally posted it.

Surely the goal of ANY distro or operating system is "to design tools 
and systems that allow a user to do their work pleasantly and 
efficiently as possible, as they see fit"..? Surely ANY o/s or distro 
should aspire to such perfection in all matters..?

However this world is one of compromises, and it is difficult enough to 
describe eloquently enough one's idea of "pleasant and efficient" in 
English, let alone in code. Now implement your code such that it is 
powerful & flexible enough to do things ANY way that ANY user requires, 
and I think you will be coding until Judgment Day. I think that the 
consequence of each & every distro aspiring to such perfection is that 
each takes different approaches & hence different compromises, suitable 
for different types of user.

Gentoo never forces you to do anything a particular way, because you 
have access to the source-code, and you can change that. By default, I 
think, Gentoo is most suitable for users who have a particular design & 
engineering 'philosophy'; it provides "tools and systems that allow" 
such a user "to do their work pleasantly and efficiently as possible, 
as *they* see fit."

I think that such a user would decide that it is easy enough to 
implement what you require with the tools resources you have been 
advised of in this thread, rather than trying to reimplement it 
themselves in any other way


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] File is corrupt or incomplete.

2003-09-23 Thread Stroller
First remove /usr/portage/distfiles//font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2 then 
comment out your MIRRORS line in make.conf & try again.


On 23 Sep 2003, at 3:45 pm, Chris wrote:

I have been trying to install mplayer on my home machine. It appears 
to be
down to the final file. I have already dl it from 2 diff places. Any

!!! File is corrupt or incomplete. (Digests do not match)
our recorded digest: 1ecd31d17b51f16332b1fcc7da36b312
 your file's digest: 6c3f032ddf401ca522900291de03fee5
!!! File does not exist: 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Cleaning up ../distfiles from make.conf

2003-09-23 Thread Stroller
On 23 Sep 2003, at 4:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Could you explain what concurrency issues you anticipate, please..?
Simply that two (or more) clients would try to download and _store_ the
same file at the same time... could also
be that one or more client believes it is already downloaded because 
first bytes were just downloaded by another client.
The clients will not download a file if only part exists - the md5sum 
of the downloaded file will not be valid & the emerge will fail.

Both could be managed by a midnight cron job, for
Let me clarify that:

I think that in this situation it's advisable to ensure that no two 
machines `emerge sync` at the same time... also need to `emerge -fu 
world` ...however this... could be managed by a midnight cron job, 
for instance.
I feel unhappy with automatic system updates. Should etc-update be 
automatically after the emerge or not? Should every operator check 
computer every morning to see if en etc-update gives something to do?
The `emerge --update` is done separately - no-one sensible would advise 
system updates without manual intervention. However if all the files 
are stored on one machine & exported over NFS, then it is expedient to 
have that machine do the fetching of all files. A cron job to `emerge 
sync && emerge -fud world` does NO installation or upgrading of any 
systems - it only updates the local portage database & fetches the 
updates you require. It would, I would think, be quite easy to unshare 
the NFS export before getting the files, and reshare it afterwards, as 
part of the cron job. If this is done at 4am, then it is likely to 
cause little interruption to service in most environments.

A script is, however, given that (with some discretion, I think)
deletes files in this directory as you require; this script could of
course also be cron'd.
That's great, except that it has to be _procedurally_ syncronized 
again. We
wouldn't want to run this script before the emerge had finished, would 
I don't think this should be a problem if it only deletes distfiles 
which are over (say) a month old. But I haven't examined that script; I 
think it would also be possible to go something involving `qpkg -I -v` 
and a less-than statement.

I don't quite see what your problem is with a 'procedural" solution: 
you can use cron to only get files on odd days of the month, and only 
delete old ones (I think) on even days. The only intervention necessary 
is to install them, which is as it should be.

IMHO, any deletion of ../distfiles/* should happen in the end of an 
sequence. But again, that's just an opinion.
Well, I think you should be able to write a wrapper script called 
`myemerge` which simply calls emerge with the same parameters as those 
with which it was itself invoked, then empties distfiles for you.

I hope you forgive me expressing my opinion - I think you're making a 
problem out of nothing with this. I see quite simple solutions using 
bash scripting which will get you what you want. Whilst it might seem a 
little kludgy to have to do things yourself, and that it might be nice 
to have the facilities you describe built into Portage when it 
eventually gets completely rewritten, I think that scripting solutions 
are quite adequate in the circumstances.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Installing Gentoo on a 4G drive?

2003-09-23 Thread Stroller
On 23 Sep 2003, at 7:53 pm, Joshua Banks wrote:

I ran into a problem when trying to install Gentoo on a 4gig drive.
I configured the drive with the following:
Primary hda1 boot +64M "Ext3"
Primary hda2 swap +128M
Primary hda3 root + the rest of whats left of the drive. "Reiserfs"
After downloading the 94M i686 stage3.tar.bz2 file and doing an 
"emerge sync" per the directions
at stage 9 of the install guide, I was prompted to make sure to get 
the latest version of
"Portage" installed before installing anything else basically.

So before doing a "emerge system" I ran through the rest of the 
install guide; rebooted; ejected
CD and now I'm booting off the HD. At this point I login with user 
name and password.
. /etc/profile
and then did a "emerge -u system" and it updated the Portage version 
and then started compiling
the files for the baselayout and some others that I can't remember off 
the top of my head.
...I started to get some
kind of error that I ran out of disk space and it kept repeating this 
over and over.
For a binary distro, 4gig should be LOADS of space. For Gentoo it seems 
to be adequate, but kinda tight. You should be able to determine for 
yourself, on one of your other machines, how much space is being 
consumed by the Portage tree & by distfiles. You may be surprised.

Since then I Fdisked the drive...
I do wish you hadn't done that before this:

 and started over again and I've configured the drive with the same
settings above.
You could have saved some trouble.

I'm downloading this image right now so I wanted to get an idea of 
what I need to
do so that this doesn't happen again.
What image are you now downloading & why..? You should be able to do 
quite an adequate install using a Gentoo CD that is even some months 

 Has anyone else ran into this type of issue and if so what do I need 
to do to overcome my drive
not running out of space?
Yes! You can delete anything you don't need!
Start with that 94Meg "stage3.tar.bz2", as soon as you've unpacked it. 
Next time it stalls, delete everything out of distfiles, and try 
`emerge -up world --resume`. It's quite possible that you have the full 
source in distfiles for 2 different versions of Portage, baselayout, 
gcc & gcclib. Once you have deleted the old ones you should have enough 
space to compile the new ones. Also check out the contents of /tmp - 
with copious use of the `du` command you should be able to work out  
for yourself what is consuming space - I am sure that with a 4gig drive 
it will be possible to pare things down enough to get up to date.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Cleaning up ../distfiles from make.conf

2003-09-23 Thread Stroller
On 23 Sep 2003, at 7:18 pm, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:

The `emerge --update` is done separately - no-one sensible would 
system updates without manual intervention. However if all the files
are stored on one machine & exported over NFS, then it is expedient to
have that machine do the fetching of all files. A cron job to `emerge
sync && emerge -fud world` does NO installation or upgrading of any
systems - it only updates the local portage database & fetches the
updates you require. It would, I would think, be quite easy to unshare
the NFS export before getting the files, and reshare it afterwards, as
part of the cron job. If this is done at 4am, then it is likely to
cause little interruption to service in most environments.
Besides I share your opinion, that shell-scripting is an adequate way 
cleaning distfiles, I must admit, that a cron-job, which calls emerge 
sync &&
emerge -fud world only makes sense on a shared .../distfiles, if and 
only if
all machines sharing this, have the same packages installed. Given I 
have a
server w/o X and such and some desktop machines naturally with this 
The share resides on the server, because this is the only machine 24/7 
How could an update of X, KDE etc happen and use already downloaded 
When the desktops call emerge -ud world parallel, wouldn't that cause
problems? Am I missing something? I'd love to do it this way, but I 
found no
workaround for this problem yet.
You are right - in this scenario, if 2 desktops `emerge -u world` 
simultaneously to the shared directory then they will collide on 
fetches of new files not in the world file of the server. So in this 
instance something more sophisticated is required.

My personal approach would be, then, to hold copies of the "world" file 
for each desktop machine on the master server machine - something like 
/var/cache/edb/world then /var/cache/edb/world.machine2 
/var/cache/edb/world.machine3 & so on. A cron job (on each desktop) 
backs these up at a suitable time each day before the desktop users 
leave for the evening & switch their machines down (you could even add 
it to the shutdown sequence, I guess).

Now, I'm no Bash guru, so I have to recommend the Advanced Bash 
Scripting Guide, which is a free download from the LDP; chapter 10 
covers lists, and examples 10-3 & 10-4 suggest that one could then 
proceed something like:

 /usr/bin/emerge sync ;
 for application in `cat /var/cache/edb/world*`
   /usr/bin/emerge -uf $application
I guess there might be a bug in the way this script handles `quotes` 
and substitution of * on the 2nd line, but I'm sure one could fix this 
- hopefully you get the point. One could also concatenate all the files 
into a pipe before uniquely `sort`ing them, so that `emerge -f` isn't 
called repeatedly for files which have already been downloaded. But 
these are details. I think this would, loosely speaking, work in such a 
way that the master server downloads all the files that will be later 
be emerged on the desktops.

Hope this makes sense,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Cleaning up ../distfiles from make.conf

2003-09-24 Thread Stroller
On 23 Sep 2003, at 9:42 pm, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:

systems - it only updates the local portage database & fetches the
updates you require. It would, I would think, be quite easy to 
the NFS export before getting the files, and reshare it afterwards, 
part of the cron job. If this is done at 4am, then it is likely to
cause little interruption to service in most environments.
Besides I share your opinion, that shell-scripting is an adequate 
way of
cleaning distfiles, I must admit, that a cron-job, which calls emerge
sync && emerge -fud world only makes sense on a shared 
.../distfiles, if
and only if all machines sharing this, have the same packages 
Given I have a server w/o X and such and some desktop machines 
with this things. The share resides on the server, because this is 
only machine 24/7 up. How could an update of X, KDE etc happen and 
already downloaded files? When the desktops call emerge -ud world
parallel, wouldn't that cause problems? Am I missing something? I'd 
to do it this way, but I found no workaround for this problem yet.
I think, this would work, but that's not what I really want to do: 
world files, copying them here over and there over, everytime I update 
desktop and/or the server.
Well, of course you don't need to copy the files manually everytime. 
There are lots of ways to do this: at 4:30pm every machine runs 
something like:
 `cat /var/cache/edb/world >> 
 `qpkg -I -v >> //somemachine/NFS/share/world.othermachines`
To retain version information. The server can uniquely sort this file 
before running `emerge -Uf` for each line.

 Note I have some machines running ~x86, and I do
updates quite often (every two days average on this computers). I also 
emerge packages only to have a look, how they work and if they fit my 
better than the program I actually use for this purpose. That's not my 
of comfort ;-)
But as long as the automated sync & fetch process only takes place at 
midnight, you can quite happily emerge new packages during the day, to 
the same shared distfiles, without interfering with it.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] bittorrent

2003-09-25 Thread Stroller
On 25 Sep 2003, at 7:08 am, Stephen Boulet wrote:

On Tuesday 23 September 2003 09:01 am, Terry Churchill wrote:
Absoloutely, but I don't agree that bittorrent is the way to go.

But - it should be an option for those who do want to use it, and are
willing to open the required ports on firewalls, etc.

You only have to open specific ports on firewalls if you are serving a
torrent. Others jumping on it have no problem, and are encouraged to 
do so,
since they make everyone's download rate go up.
I think you're mistaken. As far as BitTorrent is concerned there should 
be no difference between someone "serving" a torrent (IE: the original 
individual with the complete file) and other peer with parts to share. 
Someone who is NATted or firewalled but who has the complete file may 
contribute very little (if at all - I don't know how BT implements 
this) to other peers.

For anyone else reading who is unfamiliar with BitTorrent, background 
is available at

I've been using BitTorrent quite a bit recently, and this is what I can 
 - BitTorrent relies on all peers serving the file simultaneously as 
downloading it.
 - If you are behind NAT or a firewall, and have not opened the 
appropriate ports then other peers cannot connect to you. They can, 
however, share the file with you if you can connect to them.
 - The problem with this is that the VAST majority of users are NATted 
or firewalled & do NOT open these ports.
 - Consequently, the burden of sharing is shifted largely onto the few 
peers who do have their ports open correctly.
 - All NATted / firewalled peers (without ports open) share a total 
download bandwidth supplied by the total upload of peers with their 
ports open correctly. It is more desirable that all peers share a 
download bandwidth equalling the total upload of ALL peers (which is 
many times more).
 - If you open your ports, all the incorrectly configured clients can 
then connect to you, and you benefit from their total upload bandwidth, 

Whether this is important is a matter of scaling. I tend to deal 
mostly, at present, with .torrents with a shortish life-span (of a week 
or three) and total peers in the order of 10 - 200.

My theory is that when a .torrent is fresh, there a relatively high 
number of "sophisticated" peers connected: that is to say peers who 
know what they're doing & have their ports open; if just one or two of 
these peers are on a fast connection (say 3mbit or a university 
connection) then they can largely compensate for all the 
"unsophisticated" peers (without their ports open). It is still 
possible for the unsophisticated peers to download, say, a 650meg file 
in a matter of a few hours, especially as an unspohisticated peer may 
get a chunk from one sophisticated peer and share it with several 

When there are only a dozen or two peers, however, and only one of them 
has his ports open, the download rate for NATted/firewalled peers slows 
to trickle - if the sophisticated peer has only 512/256 ADSL, then his 
meagre upload is shared between ALL of the unsophisticated peers. The 
sophisticated peer can get chunks from all of the other peers, however, 
and may still be able to saturate his bandwidth. A characteristic of 
this scenario is that you may experience very fast download rates up to 
a certain point, and only then does the trickle become noticeable.

Conclusion: it may not always matter to you if you're NATted or 
firewalled when you BitTorrent, but if you are then you become part of 
the problem. Users opening their BitTorrent ports (6881 - 6889 are a 
good start) may experience speed increases of a factor of 10 or more. 
It is my experience that for any reasonably well-seeded (or even 
well-peered) file then BitTorrent should be able to saturate my 512k 
ADSL download bandwidth - I can download a 650meg file in 3 - 6 hours, 
when NATted / firewalled peers might show ETAs of several days for the 
same file.

I like this discussion of BitTorrent's ports & firewall requirements, 
but it seems to be down at the time of writing:

I would be interested to discuss this matter further, especially if you 
can point out any flaws in my reasoning.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] local network (nat) / dns error

2003-09-27 Thread Stroller
On 27 Sep 2003, at 4:17 pm, Tux the turtle wrote:

hi there - i'm quite confused.
setting up a local network (ip area 10.151.0.*) with a server used to 
to the internet I can ping from the server but not from a
client (host not found). A ping to the nameservers ip run from the 
works - so it seems to be a forwarding problem.
I'm a little confused, also. I think from your description that DNS for 
this client is perhaps not resolving.

What happens when you try this:
  $ host is an alias for has address
What happens when you try to `ping`..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] local network (nat) / dns error

2003-09-27 Thread Stroller
On 27 Sep 2003, at 5:30 pm, Tux the turtle wrote:

Hash: SHA1
Am Samstag, 27. September 2003 14:09 schrieb Stroller:
On 27 Sep 2003, at 4:17 pm, Tux the turtle wrote:
hi there - i'm quite confused.
setting up a local network (ip area 10.151.0.*) with a server used to
to the internet I can ping from the server but not 
from a
client (host not found). A ping to the nameservers ip run from the
works - so it seems to be a forwarding problem.
I'm a little confused, also. I think from your description that DNS 
this client is perhaps not resolving.

What happens when you try this:
   $ host is an alias for has address
What happens when you try to `ping`..?
$ host -> command not found
Ok. So you should probably `emerge bind-tools` later, then. They're 
always useful to have on a system.

ping ip -> this is working both from server and client.
Well, if both client & server can ping THAT ip (and other external 
ones) it's not a forwarding issue, but a DNS one. I think you need to 
examine /etc/resolv.conf on the client (assuming it's a Gentoo box). 
Assuming both the client & server are Gentoo boxes you should be able 
to use the resolve conf from the server.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Which CD set to get

2003-09-28 Thread Stroller
On 28 Sep 2003, at 4:32 pm, Jess Anderson wrote:

I'm about to make the Big Switch, i.e., from RedHat [1] to
Gentoo Linux...
Congratulations!!! just now looking for clarification about
differences between the various 2-CD sets offered by the store.
I haven't used any of these CDs, but looking at what it says: "2-CD set 
with many pre-built packages... optimized for ".

I have only 1 question: who decided that all (& only) the Mac Gentoo 
CDs would have pictures of girly pink flowers on them..?

I have a mix of six machines on my home LAN, including a
Pentium Pro, two Pentium IIIs (one a laptop), an Athlon Tbird
and two Athlon XPs. All at present run RH 7.2, kept fully up to
I think the "Gentoo Linux 1.4 for i686" set would be best, then. It's 
"optimized for P6-class (Pentium Pro/II, Celeron 266-533MHz, original 
Athlon) CPUs" and all your machines should run those optimisations 

The verbiage about gentoo CD sets includes "packages optimized
for  platform". My assumption is that this means chiefly the
kernel. Is that correct, or are other optimzations also
I would guess that is incorrect. I would guess it means chiefly the 
packages (applications). If you read the installation guide at 
<> you'll see that 
compiling the kernel is part of the standard Gentoo install.

I'm not so familiar with these CDs as the download editions of Gentoo, 
but the stuff that these CDs are best known for is the pre-compiled 
binaries of GDE, Knome, OpenOffice &c &c. These take FAR longer to 
compile than the kernel does, so I would imagine that it is the former 
that are optimised, rather than the latter. (and I 
daresay `man gcc`) hints at the sort of optimisatons that Gentoo / 
Portage is principally about (alongside optional run-time 
functionality) when compiling applications. & suggest that little 
opimisation will take place when compiling the kernel (although there 
is a section in `make menuconfig` to choose a processor - I don't know 
what difference it makes).

I further assume I could get any of the x86-compatible CD sets
and compile optimized kernels for whatever platform (in which
case it seems reasonable to get the Athlon XP set). Is this
correct as well?
Hmmmn... dunno. I would *ass*u*me that the Gentoo installation disks 
which are merely  _optimised_ for AlthlonXPs would allow you to install 
on a PentiumPro, but I wouldn't bank on it. The 686 disks will 
certainly allow you to compile (& optimise) for ALL i86 architectures, 

I'm an experienced Linux user, but not a kernal compilation
whiz, so am looking at "what's easiest" as compared to "what's
Stage 3 x86 on all machines, optimised CFLAGS & USE flags on each one, 
`make dep && make clean bzImage modules modules_install && 
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot`, don't forget stuff with 
grub & /etc/fstab, reboot then `emerge sync && emerge -up world` & 
leave 'em all compiling for a week or so (it saves on heating bills).



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] bittorrent

2003-09-29 Thread Stroller
On 29 Sep 2003, at 5:44 am, Stephen Boulet wrote:

On Thursday 25 September 2003 08:38 am, Stroller wrote:

You only have to open specific ports on firewalls if you are serving 
torrent. Others jumping on it have no problem, and are encouraged to
do so,
since they make everyone's download rate go up.
I think you're mistaken. As far as BitTorrent is concerned there 
be no difference between someone "serving" a torrent (IE: the original
individual with the complete file) and other peer with parts to share.
Someone who is NATted or firewalled but who has the complete file may
contribute very little (if at all - I don't know how BT implements
this) to other peers.
I wonder if the fact that I've enabled stateful connection tracking 
makes a

   iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -i eth1 -s 
I know Linux is generally a more "clever" NAT router than these cheap 
little hardware jobbies, but I don't believe this'll make a difference. 
I'd love to here an argument or analysis of why it should, tho', 
because my brain hurts right now.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Which CD set to get

2003-09-29 Thread Stroller
On 29 Sep 2003, at 1:29 pm, Jason Stubbs wrote:

On Monday 29 September 2003 11:01, Stroller wrote:
Hmmmn... dunno. I would *ass*u*me that the Gentoo installation disks
which are merely  _optimised_ for AlthlonXPs would allow you to 
on a PentiumPro, but I wouldn't bank on it. The 686 disks will
certainly allow you to compile (& optimise) for ALL i86 architectures,
The packages that come on the CDs are optimized so that they will run 
on only
that architecture or better.
Ah, thanks for clarifying.

 The best thing to do is either get a CD set for
each of your architectures or (my choice) just get the lowest common
denominator. As new versions become available, software will be 
with the optimizations you want, which will cover most of the system 
after a
couple of months.
Ah, yes! I meant to mention that.


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Re: [gentoo-user] xinetd

2003-09-29 Thread Stroller
On 29 Sep 2003, at 5:11 pm, Jeffrey Smelser wrote:

Has anyone gotten xinetd to work?? I had it on a redhat system for 
years and when I moved my last box over, I can't get ANY of my 
services to work.. They all just say FAIL: whatever can not start 'ip 
Is this when you run `/etc/init.d/xinetd start`..?

In my /etc/xinetd.conf the "only_from" line is commented out. Does that 


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Re: [gentoo-user] Installing Gentoo / 2.6.0 Kernel / Hyperthreading / Stuff

2003-09-29 Thread Stroller
On 29 Sep 2003, at 12:10 pm, Ulrich Rhein wrote:

4.  What's the deal with the sse2 on the P4?  I vaguely remember on 
mailing lists there was something bad going on with either sse2 or
-march=pentium4 and some version of gcc... Question:  Will it be safe 
for me
to specify -march=pentium4 in my CFLAGS?
gcc doesn't use SIMD instructions (except in very rare cases), because
it is hard for a compiler to use them. Additionally, gcc doesn't
generate much faster (just bigger) code when compiling with -march=...,
if it does generate different code at all. There is usually no
significiant performance gain with it.
Why is Gentoo's ability to set CFLAGS optimisations in make.conf so 
widely touted, then..?
Surely if what you say is true, then this is a redundant feature of 

I was thinking of installing Portage on my Mac; if what you say is 
true, then I guess I'm as well off with Fink..?


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