Re: [Mpls] Ways to Deal With Fake Posters

2003-03-20 Thread Mike Nelson
We should find their parents and make them pay.

Mike Nelson - maybe

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Re: [Mpls] Re: Mpls School walk-outs

2003-03-20 Thread Diane Wiley
Middle school students at Seward also "walked out" to go to the rally at the
U.  They too are facing detention as a consequence.  Seeing all these kids
taking a stand makes me think there may be hope for the world.  I can't
imagine why anyone would deny our children the rights we hold dear for

Diane Wiley Powderhorn Peace Zone

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Re: [Mpls] (1) Council will duck mediation tomorrow, and (2) Minneapolis Human Resources Director resigns

2003-03-20 Thread dain lyngstad
The problem of course is that the judicial system is
populated by politicals who will not force their party
to do their job or risk embarassing their party by
insisting they do their job. Dain
--- Peter Jessen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It would appear that the City Council will pass a
> resolution tomorrow,
> 3/21/03, sponsored by CMs Johnson and Zirby, to
> direct the police chief to
> proceed with  mediation IF, IF, IF these three
> conditions are met:  (1) the
> writ of mandamus (writ from superior court to lower
> court directing some
> action) is dropped; (2) that a recognized community
> organization sign off on
> the mediation, and (3) that the Federal mediation
> office agree to proceed.
> With these three, the City Council and the  Mayor
> will then direct the chief
> to participate.  Asked his opinion of this, Ron
> Edwards, author of "The
> Minneapolis Story, Through My Eyes" (in which he
> discusses the origin of
> this whole mediation action and problem in Chapter
> 16) has noted that "this
> is just another example of the council to avoid its
> duty."  He went on to
> say that "the two Jills will never drop their writ"
> (see story in City Pages

> ), and that the
> second requirement is "stupid and infantile as there
> are already credible
> people at the table."  As to the third requirement,
> Edwards noted that "the
> Federal mediation office has already agreed." 
> Further, said Edwards, "I am
> troubled by the designation of a lame duck chief who
> will be departing on or
> before January 4, 2004.  What incentive and passion
> will he now have to work
> with the community?"
> According to Edwards this is just another sign of
> how messed up the city
> system of operations is, as seen in the other news,
> that Ann Albright
> resigned as Human Resources Director.  As Edwards
> stated, "I'm not surprised
> by her resignation.  Her office is responsible for
> all of the layoffs and
> job banks.  I predicted she would leave six months
> ago.  Its too chaotic and
> messed up."
> As background for the writ of mandamus:  it is
> interesting to note that a
> writ of mandamus, a writ or court order directing a
> public official to
> perform his official duty, can be used on any
> official to fulfill their
> constitutional duty, from the President (can only be
> issued from the Supreme
> Court) to the Mayor or Police Chief (which can be
> issued by a local court).
> Learn more at
> damus
 ndamus> , about how this allows for "ordering a
> government official
> (regardless of branch or level) to give an answer on
> the public record
> explaining by what authority he or she is acting in
> a particular situation."
> Thus, it is a very powerful writ.  One may not agree
> with the two  Jills and
> their Writ of Mandamus, but they open up to all the
> existence of a very
> powerful writ that many don't know about.  That
> raises the question of what
> it is that the chief is hiding that he, the mayor,
> and the council don' want
> him on the public record explaining his actions? 
> Thus, although a writ of
> mandamus can only be issued by a court, it exists as
> a way to enable people
> to get their officials to do their job, to make
> leaders do what their
> Constitutional job descriptions require of them. 
> The very act of their
> doing so shows that one side believes another side
> is not doing its job.
> Clearly one can disagree with this strategy but one
> can also not disagree
> that the Chief is not doing his job and that neither
> the Mayor nor City
> Council is forcing him to do his job.  What better
> sign is there of urgent
> need for mediation between police and community?
> Peter Jessen, Portland,

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/ms-tnef

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Re: [Mpls] Kid Protests

2003-03-20 Thread David Shove

On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Peter T Schmitz wrote:

> Children may be our only hope in stopping this war which is costing
> citizens of Minneapolis dearly. Just imagine the possibilities if 25 to
> 50 per cent of school children in Great Britain and the United States
> refused to attend classes until our governments ended their war and
> sanctions against Iraq.
> I'm terribly proud of Minneapolis's elementary, junior and senior high
> school students who are showing a lot more courage and integrity than our
> cowardly Mayor and City Council.Peter SchmitzCARAG

Well, but, they have MUCH bigger backsides to protect.

(When they turn the other cheek, it's something to behold).

--David Shove

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Re: [Mpls] Kid Protests

2003-03-20 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Children may be our only hope in stopping this war which is costing
citizens of Minneapolis dearly. Just imagine the possibilities if 25 to
50 per cent of school children in Great Britain and the United States
refused to attend classes until our governments ended their war and
sanctions against Iraq.  

I'm terribly proud of Minneapolis's elementary, junior and senior high
school students who are showing a lot more courage and integrity than our
cowardly Mayor and City Council.Peter SchmitzCARAG

"But I don't believe in a big guy with a beard on a throne, telling us
we're bad; I certainly don't believe in original sin.  I believe in the
opposite of that; you have an Eden immediately from the time you are born
but as you are conditioned by your  caretakers and your surroundings, you
may lose THAT ORIGINAL THING.  Your task is to get back to it, to claim
responsibility for your own perfection."Jeff Buckley, 1966-1997

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Re: [Mpls] Wellstone's Memorial

2003-03-20 Thread Diane Wiley
Jon Gorder said:  It's never been named anything. We who grew up there just
called it Tower hill. It hasn't functioned as a water tower since who knows
when. It's kind of waiting for a purpose.  A landmark tower on the highest
point of land in Minneapolis. Not a bad memorial for a towering liitle man.

Diane Wiley of Powderhorn says:   Many of us who went to the U of M in the
sixties called it "Yeats' Tower" -- or "The Witch's Hat" -- I can't think of
anything better than to name it after Paul.

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[Mpls] Kid Protests

2003-03-20 Thread Jim Mork
Wizard is right about kids protesting. Bush is running up the bill for them 
to pay off in the future.  They probably don't UNDERSTAND that part of it.  
But if they did, they were making the best use of their time to get out 

Jim Mork

"Only a LUNATIC would cut schools to buy more bombs".

"We hold these truths to be self-evidentthat governments are formed, 
deriving their just powers by the consent of the governed"Declaration of 

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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs

2003-03-20 Thread Gypsycurse7
Forgot to sign my post. So in case people out there don't know who's 
responsible for this latest outrage,

Linda Mann

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[Mpls] School Walk outs

2003-03-20 Thread Gypsycurse7
Below is an excerpt from the "the Wrap" a news service from the Guardian 
newspaper in England I subscribe to. It concerns school walk outs in England 
(the right wing carping should strike a familiar note).

I certainly hope that there isn't any retaliation against students at Field 
or any other school for exercising their first amendment rights. But in case 
there is, we can help them by contacting school board members or going to the 
school board meeting at 807 NE Broadway on the 2nd and last Tuesdays at 4:00. 
Go to for details (wait until tomorrow, Friday - 
Doug and I still coming down from that awesome demonstration in town this 

Lets not let today's students experience the same types of "civics lessons" 
my generation received in the 60s around protests against the Vietnam war (I 
remember being forced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance once when my best 
friend I were caught just mouthing the words).

A "sort of pacifist jingoism" has gripped the country, complains the
Telegraph: schoolchildren are taking to the streets to oppose the
war. Unauthorised absence from school may still be truancy as far as
the authorities are concerned, but that didn't prevent hundreds of
pupils massing in Parliament Square yesterday.

The only ones with permission to be there, the Times notes ironically,
were the Etonians. "Prince Harry pulls my peace badges off," one
sixth-former said, but revealed that Eton had sanctioned the day off
"because it believes in free speech".

The Mirror's John Pilger urges readers to "leave your home, work,
college, school ... "The polite term is civil disobedience. The
street term is rebellion."

* Britons urged to join anti-war protests,2763,918039,00.html
 * Times: Schoolchildren bring city to a halt,,173-617296,00.html

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Re: [Mpls] (1) Council will duck mediation tomorrow, and (2) MinneapolisHuman Resources Director resigns

2003-03-20 Thread Chris Johnson
Peter Jessen wrote:
It would appear that the City Council will pass a resolution tomorrow,
3/21/03, sponsored by CMs Johnson and Zirby, to direct the police chief to
proceed with  mediation IF, IF, IF these three conditions are met:  (1) the
writ of mandamus (writ from superior court to lower court directing some
action) is dropped; (2) that a recognized community organization sign off on
the mediation, and (3) that the Federal mediation office agree to proceed.
With these three, the City Council and the  Mayor will then direct the chief
to participate.

The information about the writ of mandamus was interesting and useful 
knowledge.  It really wasn't necessary to cloud it in the self-promoting 
inflammatory rhetoric of Ron Edwards.  But I guess I do thank you for 
including those choice quotes from Mr. Edwards, as my opinion of him has 
now dropped several dozen notches.

The "Jills" will never drop their lawsuit?  They have stated publicly 
that as soon as Chief Olson shows up at mediation, they will drop it.  I 
see no reason for them to lie about that.

I'd sure like to get to the bottom of this whole issues -- it stinks 
like a pile of dead fish, but just exactly who is doing what for what 
obscure personal gain is impossible to see.

I do know that you ought to have let us know with each of your recent 
references to Ron Edwards book that you make money for each copy sold. 
Otherwise we might come to think you're trying to promote sales of it on 
this list, which strikes me as rather unethical.

Chris Johnson

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Re: [Mpls] Wellstone's Memorial

2003-03-20 Thread Joncgord

I regret that Paul's only cogent connection with Prospect Park ( Where 
Schneiders has dwelt all these years) was that he garnered something like 
90%of the vote there. 
If  he and family had only lived there awhile I don't think there would 
be too much outcry if it were proposed that the neighborhood landmark tower 
were named after him.
It's never been named anything. We who grew up there just called it Tower 
hill. It hasn't functioned as a water tower since who knows when. It's kind 
of waiting for a purpose.
A landmark tower on the highest point of land in Minneapolis. Not a bad 
memorial for a towering liitle man.
Jon Gorder
Loring Park


"Let me make the superstitions of a nation and I care not who makes the law."
Puddin'head Wilson

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[Mpls] Re: Mpls School walk-outs

2003-03-20 Thread Sueherr
I just got back from the protest down at the Federal Court Building.  
Thousands, many children and youth among the crowd.  Very serendipitously, I 
was talking to a staff member from Anthony Middle School this afternoon,  and 
he told me that my 12-year old son was one of 200  of their students that 
walked out in protest against the war.  He didn't tell me anything about it, 
nor do I think I will hear about it in retrospect since he tends toward the 
taciturn.  I am very proud, and happy that the acorn didn't fall very far 
from the tree.  Incidentally, the school decided that all kids that walked 
out would receive after school detention on Monday and write a short 
reflection piece on what they believe about the war - and why they choose to 
protest.   Seems fair to me.

Susan Herridge
To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the 
affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure 
the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in 
others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden 
patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has
breathed easier because you have lived.  This is to have succeeded.   
--- Ralph Waldo Emerson  

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[Mpls] Wellstone's Memorial

2003-03-20 Thread Steve Brandt
List member Susan Marcicle asked me to post the URL to a
column that Doug Grow wrote about political discussions at Schneider
Drug, which is owned by Tom Sengupta.

There's no live link but those with access to the Library can look it
up online.  It appeared on page 2b on Aprtil 10, 2000.

Steve Brandt
Star Tribune 

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[Mpls] (1) Council will duck mediation tomorrow, and (2) Minneapolis Human Resources Director resigns

2003-03-20 Thread Peter Jessen
It would appear that the City Council will pass a resolution tomorrow,
3/21/03, sponsored by CMs Johnson and Zirby, to direct the police chief to
proceed with  mediation IF, IF, IF these three conditions are met:  (1) the
writ of mandamus (writ from superior court to lower court directing some
action) is dropped; (2) that a recognized community organization sign off on
the mediation, and (3) that the Federal mediation office agree to proceed.
With these three, the City Council and the  Mayor will then direct the chief
to participate.  Asked his opinion of this, Ron Edwards, author of "The
Minneapolis Story, Through My Eyes" (in which he discusses the origin of
this whole mediation action and problem in Chapter 16) has noted that "this
is just another example of the council to avoid its duty."  He went on to
say that "the two Jills will never drop their writ" (see story in City Pages
 ), and that the
second requirement is "stupid and infantile as there are already credible
people at the table."  As to the third requirement, Edwards noted that "the
Federal mediation office has already agreed."  Further, said Edwards, "I am
troubled by the designation of a lame duck chief who will be departing on or
before January 4, 2004.  What incentive and passion will he now have to work
with the community?"

According to Edwards this is just another sign of how messed up the city
system of operations is, as seen in the other news, that Ann Albright
resigned as Human Resources Director.  As Edwards stated, "I'm not surprised
by her resignation.  Her office is responsible for all of the layoffs and
job banks.  I predicted she would leave six months ago.  Its too chaotic and
messed up."

As background for the writ of mandamus:  it is interesting to note that a
writ of mandamus, a writ or court order directing a public official to
perform his official duty, can be used on any official to fulfill their
constitutional duty, from the President (can only be issued from the Supreme
Court) to the Mayor or Police Chief (which can be issued by a local court).
Learn more at
 , about how this allows for "ordering a government official
(regardless of branch or level) to give an answer on the public record
explaining by what authority he or she is acting in a particular situation."
Thus, it is a very powerful writ.  One may not agree with the two  Jills and
their Writ of Mandamus, but they open up to all the existence of a very
powerful writ that many don't know about.  That raises the question of what
it is that the chief is hiding that he, the mayor, and the council don' want
him on the public record explaining his actions?  Thus, although a writ of
mandamus can only be issued by a court, it exists as a way to enable people
to get their officials to do their job, to make leaders do what their
Constitutional job descriptions require of them.  The very act of their
doing so shows that one side believes another side is not doing its job.
Clearly one can disagree with this strategy but one can also not disagree
that the Chief is not doing his job and that neither the Mayor nor City
Council is forcing him to do his job.  What better sign is there of urgent
need for mediation between police and community?
Peter Jessen, Portland,

[Mpls] School Walk outs against the war

2003-03-20 Thread kathy Hacmac
Perhaps you should get your information correct before you start
making unfounded accusations about schools and teachers.

First, the district, in anticipation of walkouts and protests, sent 
specific guidelines to ALL schools and teachers. These guidelines
specifically laid out what could and could not be done in the event
of a student walkout.

The teachers could say NO but they can NOT restrain students if they
do walk out of the classroom.

Students, upon THEIR request, were given the opportunity to form a 
protest during their half hour lunch time. Many anticipated this, due
to OTHER PARENTS AND SCHOOL activities which they learned about from
older siblings and friends. Therefore, some had their own signs and
participated. Others, as is always true with a protest or walkout,
participated because it looked like "fun".

Regardless, this WAS IN NO WAY planned nor was assistance provided by
teachers or school officials. The only participation by the adults
was to observe and provide a safety net in case of harassment or
incident outside the ability of the students to handle. And this was
only as long as they remained on school property!

Second, I happened to be at the school right after students dispersed
for the day. I found teachers greatly distressed that their students
did walk out and they felt powerless to prevent them. Again, physical
restraint is NOT nor should it be condoned in today's schools. There
was an officer present had such restraint been necessary.

Many teachers encouraged their students to remain in the classroom
and a number of them took the time to allow students to talk about
their feelings about the war as part of the class curriculum. Others
have encouraged students to write how they felt - and those who
participated in the walkout may face similar requirements. Some who
did not return in the time allotted will also receive no credit for
missed classwork.

All students who exceeded the lunch time allotment, will have at
least one half day of unexcused absence on their records - officially
as this information will be sent to the District. This is per
District guidelines. 

Students who left the school grounds will have additional actions
taken as they are considered truant. Although warned, some still left
the grounds and  returned only to board buses for home.

Finally, perhaps your children are too young, too old, or simply
don't care, but I can tell you there are many, many students at the
middle school level who have very strong feelings about the war. I
certainly remember the air raid drills we had and I had no
information to form an opinion since details weren't broadcast into
my home for breakfast and dinner every day. Today's children have
opinions and they have the guts - and the right - to be 
heard in a way I never did.

Did I support my child's participation in the protest? First, I
didn't know about it until afterwards. By then, I had heard the
comments from teachers, the principal and other parents. Regardless
of my feelings, I was proud that my son decided for himself how he
felt about the war and participated because HE wanted to . . . it had
absolutely nothing to do with my feelings nor with the teachers.

Just because you are an adult, it doesn't mean your intellectual and 
moral judgements are right or supported. I hope my child always keeps
the right and the wisdom to determine what he feels about an issue
and I certainly hope he always has the right and opportunity to
PEACEFULLY show others his perspective.

Thank you Field School and the Minneapolis District for preparing our
teachers to deal with the anticipated walkouts in an intelligent and
non-combative manner while giving students the freedom to make their 
choice on how to show their feelings about war.

Kathy Hacmac
PTA Chair, Field School and active parent

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re: [Mpls] re CCHT

2003-03-20 Thread Fredric Markus
I am very glad that CCHT, with the approbation of the Elliot Park
neighborhood and substantial participation by a number of funding
sources, has undertaken to convert the five-story St. Barnabas hospital
for use as a safe and secure residence for homeless youth. St. Barnabas
is in the shadow of the Metrodome and what used to be Metropolitan
Medical Center (MMC - a large private hospital incorporated into HCMC
some years back). 

St. Barnabas was a classic white elephant - obsolete for its original
use and standing vacant year after year. CCHT, to its credit, undertook
to address the chronic shortage of suitable facilities for homeless
youth by undertaking to rehab this structure with provision for
affordable private living quarters for 50 youth and also provision for
supportive services. 

The intended beneficiaries are young people who are old enough to be
capable of independent living but in considerable distress for lack of
stable housing, counseling, and a way back into the world of schooling
and employment and trustworthy social relationships. There are hundreds
of these kids in Minneapolis and only a handful of places for them to

CCHT is not new to this effort. They have an established facility
elsewhere in town and in general a solid track record with supervising
agencies, funding sources, and neighborhood entities. Alan Arthur may be
a bit forceful at times, but he is very good at what he and his
associates do. 

As a former board chair at the now defunct Lambda Sobriety Center for
recovering GLBT folks, I am very aware of the ameliorative effect of
CCHT's initiative. Instead of a dead building in a development
cul-de-sac, I see hope and a secure sense of belonging being offered to
at least some of our very young "walking wounded". As a student of our
urban scene, I'm glad to see a big old building put to a good use. Good
for Elliot Park and good for CCHT!

Fred Markus, Horn Terrace, Ward Ten, in the Lyndale Neighborhood

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[Mpls] Re: Management

2003-03-20 Thread Tim Bonham
You know, Craig, for years I've heard Managers whine about how hard they 
had it.  How they showed up first and left last.  And in 25+ years of 
consulting experience, at all kinds of companies all over the Twin Cities, 
I've only seen it actually be true twice.
In general, my experience has been that it's the frontline workers 
who work the hardest and get paid much less than the Managers.

It has been many years since I was on the frontline of management in the
private sector.  You know the position, hiring firing, and being the one who
shows up early and stays late.
. . .
Craig Miller

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Re: [Mpls] RE: Mr. Arthur's CCHT response

2003-03-20 Thread steven meldahl
What does CCHT say it is going to cost per unit for this housing in the
Harrison neighborhood??

Steve Meldahl
Jordan (work)
- Original Message -
From: "Jason Sittko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 2:31 PM
Subject: [Mpls] RE: Mr. Arthur's CCHT response

> One can see the reasons why I needed help.  Mr Arthur's staff
> response appears to come straight from it's literature; save the
> comments which I'm sure CCHT wants to edit in soon.
> Mr. Arthur's 14 year's of experience is in geographically containing
> under the guise of being the only economically feasible option.
> Low income wage earners are forced to travel numerous miles because
> projects are not pursued in neighborhoods that the likes of Mr. Arthur
> inhabit: Orono, Wayzata, Woodbury et. al.  Accordingly, neighborhoods
> as mine that are already among the poorest are forced to remain that
way for
> the profit of others.
> Mr. Arthur paints a picture of a solid cohesive working relationship
> his CCHT initiates with the neighborhoods he enters.  Yet, all the
> I have received from my query are negative except for one...his own.
My own
> year-long experience is negative so far as well.
> The project at Penn and Glenwood will add 60 units into an a space
that they
> will not be able to work with due to historic limitations.  CCHT did
> even bother to research this when they spent over a million on the
> because...why bother when you're connected enough to deal with it
> Well it did not work this time and now the density is going to be
> hard.  It has to be because now the project is constrained and to make
> financially feasible they have to push the density even more.
Moreover, it
> will be pushed on the low income side so the project looks palatable
to the
> free money trough that CCHT soon hopes to belly up to.
> The effect?  The  Harrison neighborhood will see it's average home
> rate decline when it is already approximately only 35% and we are
> among the top 10 poorest neighborhoods.  CCHT can jam 150 tenants in
> building and walk away with a nice talking piece for future
> created low income housing, they refurbished an old building etc etc.
> problem is that they will not be the ones who have to live day to day
> such low income density.
> Also, to be certain, this is not a latent misguided fear of low income
> citizens.  This is a neighborhood fed up with being the social
> playground for every mayor, think-tank or non-profit organization that
> to feather its cap by claiming to help the poor only to pen in the
> We simply don't want their brand of development in our neighborhood.
> say're going to get it. It's a simple story that's been
> before.  We're getting the shaft because CCHT feels it can give it to
> Like I've said before, there are some supporters in the Harrison
> that are for the project.  Interestingly, some of these people have
ties to
> CCHT or don't even live near the project.
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Re: [Mpls] What is your school up to?

2003-03-20 Thread Constance Nompelis

--- "Jordan S. Kushner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(snip): Forget
> about independent and
> critical thinking.   Forget about training students
> to become politically
> aware and even active citizens who can come to their
> own conclusions about
> social and political issues, and even, god-forbid,
> exercise their
> prerogative to dissent.

I agree that this is already happening, but would
argue that it's not going in quite the political
direction you think.  I attended Northrop Montessori
(not so very long ago either) and recall quite clearly
how we were encouraged to support (through posters and
discussion with our parents) Michael Dukakis in his
presidential bid because he was "nicer" and of course,
a democrat.  

This while my fourth grade teacher there, one Ms.
Cheryl Bradford, was teaching multiplication
incorrectly.  (I swear to God, you can ask my mother
and former classmates, many of whom are still angry
about that!)

The direction that public schools have taken merely
during my educational career, (especially montessori)
is appalling.  We spent more time discussing global
warming and protecting the trees in 5th and 6th grade
than we did preparing for the academic demands that
middle school would bring.  Sadly, many of my
classmates had to take remedial math and reading
classes as we moved on to Anthony or Anwatin, or

This is real, and it's a problem, and I remember it
very clearly.  My children will not be subjected to
the kind of "education" that I was - they will go to
private or charter school - at least as long as we
live in Mpls.

Connie Nompelis
Ventura Village

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[Mpls] Children taking time from school to learn about life and death

2003-03-20 Thread ArthurTHimmelman

What are the benefits of children engaging in civil disobedience against a war most of their elders in the United States are supporting?  Among them surely must be the education (not schooling) they are receiving about the consequences of confronting existing power relations.  They are also increasing their capacity for human empathy because they are feeling and understanding that the tragic deaths of other children are connected to their own lives.  If only more adults felt and thought as deeply about our collective responsibility for the taking of innocent life.  If only more adults were as courageous as these children in confronting the existing power relations that are bringing this horrific war to Iraq and into our classrooms and homes as well.

Arthur T. Himmelman
Loring Park

[Mpls] Children taking time from school to learn about life and death

2003-03-20 Thread ArthurTHimmelman
What are the benefits of children engaging in civil disobedience against a war most of their elders in the United States are supporting?  Among them surely must be the education (not schooling) they are receiving about the consequences of confronting existing power relations.  They are also increasing their capacity for human empathy because they are feeling and understanding that the tragic deaths of other children are connected to their own lives.  If only more adults felt and thought as deeply about our collective responsibility for the taking of innocent life.  If only more adults were as courageous as these children in confronting the existing power relations that are bringing this horrific war to Iraq and into our classrooms and homes as well.

Re: [Mpls] What is your [school] list up to today?

2003-03-20 Thread Keith Nybakke
Title: Re: [Mpls] What is your [school] list up to

Craig Miller wrote:
This is how it starts to happen. 
All things being equal one kid graduates
from Kerkhoven-Murdoch-Sunburg
and the other kid graduates from SW High Mpls.  All things being
equal, then
you read the headline of what MPS does DURING school time.  Now
yourself as the employer, administrator, Dean, etc.

One of my critics on this thread, claimed that this is how we share
express our values.  What if they aren't your neighbors or
children's values?  Let the school
teach  two plus two, Shakespeare,

Cry 'havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war.
(Julius Caesar 3.1.275)

We go to gain a little patch of ground
That hath in it no profit but the name.
(Hamlet 4.4.18-19)

Langston Hughes,

Hughes' revolutionary voice was so strong, so biting in
presenting the harsh conditions of everyday working folk, especially
those Black and others of color, that in 1953 he was called before the
so-called "Un-American Committee" led by Senator Joseph
McCarthy. Hughes, as well as W.E.B. Du Bois, Paul Robeson and so many
others, was accused of being a communist and communist sympathizer.
His    passport was taken away, and his
ability to earn a living greatly affected.


Stravinsky remained in the West when
World War I broke out, and the Russian revolution of October 1917
turned him, like other members of the Diaghilev circle, into a
permanent exile.


World War I pushed France's musical life to
the sidelines. Ravel himself volunteered for the army, but was
rejected-he was too short and underweight. In 1916, he finally made it
into the army as a truck driver, and even saw the front lines, but his
ill health got him discharged a year later-they thought he had


He modestly attributed his discoveries largely to the admirable
work done by his predecessors; and once explained that, if he had seen
further than other men, it was only because he had stood on the
shoulders of giants.


A country cannot simultaneously prepare and prevent war.

The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that refuse
military service.

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already
earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since
for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to
civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command,
senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently
I hate all this, how despicable an ignoble war is; I would rather be
torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my
conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act
of murder.


"that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have
died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of
freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the
people, shall not perish from the earth."

Knowledge held in common.  Not the
political opinion of SD 60 of the DFL party.

Mr. Miller, examine the quotes and descriptions attributed above
to your scholarly heroes. The words can easily be used to discredit
your view that any child in the Minneapolis School District who
opposes the war is being led astray. It would seem that your cultural
icons REQUIRE a critical eye on warfare and state power and unbridled
authority. It seems that according to criteria you have selected, 
our children are learning well -- probably because they are being
taught well.

I am immensely proud of the them.

I'd hire one of them in a minute.

By the way,  my ancestors homesteaded in the
Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg area and I grew up in the
Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa area. A rural education is no guarantee of
lock-step homogeneity. I am a living example of that.

Keith Nybakke
Nokomis East

[Mpls] RE: Mr. Arthur's CCHT response

2003-03-20 Thread Jason Sittko
One can see the reasons why I needed help.  Mr Arthur's staff generated
response appears to come straight from it's literature; save the Harrison
comments which I'm sure CCHT wants to edit in soon.

Mr. Arthur's 14 year's of experience is in geographically containing poverty
under the guise of being the only economically feasible option.
Low income wage earners are forced to travel numerous miles because these
projects are not pursued in neighborhoods that the likes of Mr. Arthur
inhabit: Orono, Wayzata, Woodbury et. al.  Accordingly, neighborhoods such
as mine that are already among the poorest are forced to remain that way for
the profit of others.

Mr. Arthur paints a picture of a solid cohesive working relationship that
his CCHT initiates with the neighborhoods he enters.  Yet, all the responses
I have received from my query are negative except for one...his own.  My own
year-long experience is negative so far as well.

The project at Penn and Glenwood will add 60 units into an a space that they
will not be able to work with due to historic limitations.  CCHT did not
even bother to research this when they spent over a million on the project
because...why bother when you're connected enough to deal with it later.
Well it did not work this time and now the density is going to be pushed
hard.  It has to be because now the project is constrained and to make it
financially feasible they have to push the density even more.  Moreover, it
will be pushed on the low income side so the project looks palatable to the
free money trough that CCHT soon hopes to belly up to.

The effect?  The  Harrison neighborhood will see it's average home ownership
rate decline when it is already approximately only 35% and we are already
among the top 10 poorest neighborhoods.  CCHT can jam 150 tenants in the
building and walk away with a nice talking piece for future pamphlets..they
created low income housing, they refurbished an old building etc etc.  The
problem is that they will not be the ones who have to live day to day with
such low income density.

Also, to be certain, this is not a latent misguided fear of low income
citizens.  This is a neighborhood fed up with being the social engineering
playground for every mayor, think-tank or non-profit organization that wants
to feather its cap by claiming to help the poor only to pen in the poverty.

We simply don't want their brand of development in our neighborhood.  They
say're going to get it. It's a simple story that's been told
before.  We're getting the shaft because CCHT feels it can give it to us.
Like I've said before, there are some supporters in the Harrison leadership
that are for the project.  Interestingly, some of these people have ties to
CCHT or don't even live near the project.

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Re: [Mpls] What is your [school] list up to today?

2003-03-20 Thread David Brauer
Craig writes:

on 3/20/03 12:34 PM, Craig Miller at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This is how it starts to happen.  All things being equal one kid graduates
> from Kerkhoven-Murdoch-Sunburg
> and the other kid graduates from SW High Mpls.  All things being equal, then
> you read the headline of what MPS does DURING school time.  Now picture
> yourself as the employer, administrator, Dean, etc.

Depends on who's doing the hiring. If I'm in a top-down, order-driven kind
of company, I'll pick the former student. If I'm in a knowledge-based,
creativity biz that values independent thought, I'd pick the protest kid
every time.

I don't think these are just District 60 values - but there are a heck of a
lot of jobs in that District (including the south half of Downtown).

I would also hazard a guess that it wasn't the at-risk kids who did this -
they just skip for the hell of it. Sounds to me like these were the smart
kids that most employers seriously crave, especially in a knowledge-based

David Brauer
King Field
Used to have District 60 values but will soon adapt to District 61

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[Mpls] RT & Peter

2003-03-20 Thread Annie Young

From Tom Welling
"I guess the question might be how strong the relationship between
RT & Peter is, I've heard a lot of people say they are feuding -
anyone have more info on that?"
I would suggest you think about who could be possible
candidates against RT next time around in the election cycle.  I
keep hearing Peter is running... could that be why there appears to be
strain between them?
Just guessing,
Annie Young
East Phillips

[Mpls] Excess Project & NRP mtg ins beneficiary gets ACORN "Shark of the Year" award

2003-03-20 Thread Dave Piehl
Wells Fargo Mortgage, primary beneficiary of the
nearly $200 million Access Project, and potential 
beneficiary the recent NRP mortgage insurance proposal
is alleged to engage in predatory lending in the very
community they claim to serve!!

Article from Insight News, published 03.12.03

online at

ACORN charges Wells Fargo with predatory lending

As a Twin Cities coalition plans to launch a consumer
education campaign against predatory lending called
“Don’t Borrow Trouble”, a grassroots community
organization says that one of the lenders involved in
the coalition engages in predatory lending. 

According to Alton Bennett, an ACORN representative,
“The best way for Wells Fargo to prevent predatory
lending would be to not practice it.”

Minnesota ACORN charges that as a Twin Cities
coalition plans to launch a consumer education
campaign against predatory lending called “Don’t
Borrow Trouble”, one of the lenders involved in the
coalition engages in predatory lending

Wells Fargo last week was presented with a “shark of
the year award” by Minnesota ACORN for its predatory
lending. According to ACORN, Wells Fargo uses fraud
and deception to trap homeowners into mortgages with
high interest rates, excessive fees, and harmful
terms. ACORN cited the cases of a number of families
who had been lied to about the conditions of their
loan and were refinanced out of a good loan they had
at a much lower interest rate with a different lender
to the new loan with Wells at a much higher rate, such

Nina and Leandro Mata are South Minneapolis homeowners
who had a loan with an 8% fixed rate and a monthly
payment of $738, including taxes and insurance. Wells
Fargo Home Mortgage refinanced them and gave them a
new loan with an adjustable interest rate that started
at 12.15% and could rise as high as 18.25%. Their
monthly payment is now $1,144, this not including
taxes and insurance, which are an additional $160.
Their $109,000 loan included almost $10,000 in closing

Another, example is with Richard and Lynn Morneau who
had a mortgage at 7.875% interest and a total monthly
payment of $724 including taxes and insurance. Wells
Fargo financial refinanced them and gave them a new
mortgage at 11.98% interest and a monthly payment of
$1,950, not including taxes and insurance which are an
additional $150 permonth . Their $162,651 loan
included over $8,500 in closing costs. 

Birdell Beaks is a North Minneapolis homeowner who had
a 7.25% interest rate and a $320 per month mortgage
payment, including taxes and insurance, and always
paid her mortgage on time. Wells Fargo Financial
refinanced her and gave her a new loan with an 11%
interest rate and an $880 monthly payment, not
including taxes and insurance which are an additional
$120 a month. The loan for $51,394 included $5,700 in
closing costs. 

After an article about ACORN’s accusations ran in the
Pioneer Press, the group says they received a number
of calls from other Wells Fargo customers who saw the
article and felt they had been ripped off. 

ACORN and ACORN Housing have brought the above cases
and others to Wells Fargo‚s attention, but they say
Wells Fargo has refused to make any changes to the
loans or talk to a housing counselor about the

In Minnesota and throughout the country, ACORN and its
sister organization, ACORN Housing Corporation, are
engaged in a multi-faceted campaign against predatory
lending. The campaign involves outreach and education
to help homeowners avoid becoming victims of predatory
lending, counseling and assistance for people who have
already fallen prey to abusive practices, direct
action protests against predatory lenders, work for
greater regulatory supervision by state and federal
agencies, and efforts for stronger legislation on the
local and national level. 

ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for
Reform Now, is the nation's largest community
organization of low- and moderate-income families,
with over 120,000 member families organized into 600
neighborhood chapters in 45 cities across the country.
Since 1970 ACORN has taken action and won victories on
issues of concern to our members.

For more information on ACORN To
receive updates on ACORN's work every two weeks go to 

Since 1991, AHC has helped over 1,000 low and moderate
income families purchase homes in the Twin Cities, and
in 1999, AHC expanded its efforts to also assist
existing homeowners. For more information visit

David Piehl

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Re: [Mpls] What is your [school] list up to today?

2003-03-20 Thread Robert Schmid
What WOULD Einstein do?

He was a professor - I suspect that he would applaud these children for 
stretching their minds.

He was a survivor of Nazi germany - He would applaud these children for 
using the voice they still have.

He was an opponent of war.  You do the math.

And he showed that Newton was wrong.

And Lincoln?  I seem to remember he had some pretty strong politcal 

What about Eisenhower, who warned us against the rise of the 
military-industrial complex?

Or Theodore Roosevelt who said - "To announce that there must be no 
criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president 
right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally 
treasonable to the American public.”

I was taught Thoreau.  Who taught me about civil disobedience.   Did my 
school make a mistake?

What about Oppenheimer? - he was also a physicist.  Or is his history a 
little too embarrassing?

What about Schroedinger?  Heisenberg?  You don't even want to know what 
those two little subversives were hiding in  their equations.

Or Darwin?

Knowledge held in common?  That must be a very tiny amount of 

On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 12:34 PM, Craig Miller wrote:

express our values.  What if they aren't your neighbors or neighbors
children's values?
Then we start a DIALOG.

Robert Schmid
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[Mpls] the Attack on Iraq- another unfunded mandate! (MPD blows the budget on overtime)

2003-03-20 Thread Dyna
	Besides the $3,000,000,000 a day of our tax dollars our military is 
spending making Iraq safe for big oil, we taxpayers are having our 
pockets picked at home here too. Minneapolis Police seem to be ordering 
mandatory overtime for saturday, and ordering overtime for later today 
also. At the state level Governor Pawlenty has completely forgotten 
about his fiscal crisis and put a couple hundred guardsman on the state 
payroll to ineffectively secure our water supply and such. Your tax 
dollars at work?


		Dyna Sluyter, hanging on in Hawthorne


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Re: [Mpls] What is your [school] list up to today?

2003-03-20 Thread Craig Miller
Well this sure set off a hornet's nest.

Anybody been reading Doonesbury lately?  How all Oregon High School
Graduates are being kept out of the  mythical Ivy League college.

This is how it starts to happen.  All things being equal one kid graduates
from Kerkhoven-Murdoch-Sunburg
and the other kid graduates from SW High Mpls.  All things being equal, then
you read the headline of what MPS does DURING school time.  Now picture
yourself as the employer, administrator, Dean, etc.

One of my critics on this thread, claimed that this is how we share and
express our values.  What if they aren't your neighbors or neighbors
children's values?  Let the school teach  two plus two, Shakespeare,
Langston Hughes, Stravinsky, Ravel, Newton, Einstein, Lincoln. Knowledge
held in common.  Not the political opinion of SD 60 of the DFL party.

Craig Miller
Rogers, MN

> Has this list gone absolutely mad?
> About "remembering" which job applicants are graduates
> of Minneapolis Public Schools and which aren't, I have
> 2 things:
> --Be sure you apply that standard to the Rhodes
> Scholars, IB Diploma winners (including myself), Ivy
> grads, and Athena winners who graduated from MPS.

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[Mpls] PiPress on Bill of Rights vote

2003-03-20 Thread Borger, Judith Yates
Title: PiPress on Bill of Rights vote 
MINNEAPOLIS: Federal security laws are targeted 
With the nation at war, the Minneapolis City Council is expected to pass a resolution Friday that would prevent the city from enforcing some sections of the federal Homeland Security and USA Patriot acts.

[Mpls] Field Protest

2003-03-20 Thread Kathy Hacmac & Gary
Perhaps you should get your information correct before you start making 
unfounded accusations about schools and teachers.

First, the district, in anticipation of walkouts and protests, sent specific 
guidelines to ALL schools and teachers. These guidelines specifically laid 
out what could and could not be done in the event of a student walkout.

The teachers could say NO but they can NOT restrain students if they do walk 
out of the classroom.

Students, upon THEIR request, were given the opportunity to form a protest 
during their half hour lunch time. Many anticipated this, due to OTHER 
PARENTS AND SCHOOL activities which they learned about from older siblings 
and friends. Therefore, some had their own signs and participated. Others, 
as is always true with a protest or walkout, participated because it looked 
like "fun".

Regardless, this WAS IN NO WAY planned nor was assistance provided by 
teachers or school officials. The only participation by the adults was to 
observe and provide a safety net in case of harassment or incident outside 
the ability of the students to handle. And this was only as long as they 
remained on school property!

Second, I happened to be at the school right after students dispersed for 
the day. I found teachers greatly distressed that their students did walk 
out and they felt powerless to prevent them. Again, physical restraing is 
NOT nor should it be condoned in today's schools. There was an officer 
present had such restraint been necessary.

Many teachers encouraged their students to remain in the classroom and a 
number of them took the time to allow students to talk about their feelings 
about the war as part of the class curriculum. Others have encouraged 
students to write how they felt - and those who participated in the walkout 
may face similar requirements. Some who did not return in the time allotted 
will also receive no credit for missed classwork.

All students who exceeded the lunch time allotment, will have at least one 
half day of unexcused absence on their records - officially as this 
information will be sent to the District. This is per District guidelines.

Students who left the school grounds will have additional actions taken as 
they are considered truant. Although warned, some still left the grounds and 
returned only to board buses for home.

Finally, perhaps your children are too young, too old, or simply don't care, 
but I can tell you there are many, many students at the middle school level 
who have very strong feelings about the war. I certainly remember the air 
raid drills we had and I had no information to form an opinion since details 
weren't broadcast into my home for breakfast and dinner every day. Today's 
children have opinions and they have the guts - and the right - to be heard 
in a way I never did.

Did I support my child's participation in the protest? First, I didn't know 
about it until afterwards. By then, I had heard the comments from teachers, 
the principal and other parents. Regardless of my feelings, I was proud that 
my son decided for himself how he felt about the war and participated 
because HE wanted to . . . it had absolutely nothing to do with my feelings 
nor with the teachers.

Just because you are an adult, it doesn't mean your intellectual and moral 
judgements are right or supported. I hope my child always keeps the right 
and the wisdom to determine what he feels about an issue and I certainly 
hope he always has the right and opportunity to PEACEFULLY show others his 

Thank you Field School and the Minneapolis District for preparing our 
teachers to deal with the anticipated walkouts in an intelligent and 
non-combative manner while giving students the freedom to make their choice 
on how to show their feelings about war.

Kathy Hacmac
PTA Chair, Field School and active parent
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[Mpls] I-35W Access Project and RT Rybak

2003-03-20 Thread Tom Welling
Peter Schmitz:After reading all the thoughtful comments, both pro and con, regardingthe 35W Access Project, I was wondering what Mayor Rybak's position is onthis issue. Can list members help me out here? Tom Welling:I'm sure it won't be a big suprise, but I've gotten only vague answers from the mayor's staff on this.  Isn't it odd that the so-called environmental mayor who was and is so concerned about the airport issues has difficulty making this decision?  I've heard that some of his staff (Wagenius) support it as a courtesy to Peter McLaughlin, and others oppose it on their own assessment of the project.  I guess the question might be how strong the relationship between RT & Peter is, I've heard a lot of people say they are feuding - anyone have more info on that? Tom Welling UptownJoin Excite! - http://www.exci
 te.comThe most personalized portal on the Web!

RE: [Mpls] re CCHT

2003-03-20 Thread Tom Welling
 I am unimpressed with CCHT's work; in my opinion, they use way too much public funding to "create" precious few units of housing.  I use the word create in parenthesis because they destroy a lot of housing too, and I would call their projects poorly managed.  CCHT has wreaked havoc in Elliot Park and Phillips when I lived in that area.   Tom WellingUptown--- On Thu 03/20, Alan Arthur < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:From: Alan Arthur [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 11:01:35 -0600Subject: [Mpls] re CCHTIn response to Jason Sittko's posted question, at, as to whether anyone has experience with the Central Community Housing Trust (CCHT)
 :Yes. I have 14 ½ years of experience with the Central Community Housing Trust. In every single project done by CCHT in the past 17 years, no project has been developed without numerous planning and brainstorming discussions with, and building relationships with, people who live and work in the neighborhoods. As a matter of absolute fact, CCHT has developed almost 1,200 units of housing and has never developed a project without the approval of the neighborhood citizen participation organization. The proposed Ripley development in the Harrison Neighborhood is a case in point. Central Community Housing Trust staff people have worked with the Harrison Neighborhood Association intensively for over a year on different ideas and scenarios for the site. As with all sites, there are practical, political, and financial realities, both market and our own. If we are "bullies" to point those realities out, then so be it. We are certainly persistent, because that is how a
 ll development projects of any kind get done. But we have fully engaged with every committee and every process required by the Harrison Neighborhood. I doubt if any other developer, for-profit or nonprofit, would spend as much time working with a neighborhood, on as challenging a site, as we have in Harrison.There are always different opinions and concerns in communities about all development projects. Some concerns are based in fact and some based on fears and perceptions. Everyone always has a different perspective or idea about what would be "perfect". One of our roles is to synthesize collective and multiple desires with reality and produce something great. CCHT is certainly as interested as the neighborhood and neighbors in helping re-capitalize this important site as a place that works for the people who will live there, for neighbors, and for the entire community. The current proposal incorporates many, many ideas that came from Harrison residents and 
 neighbors, regarding both unit types and design. I recommend talking to the leaders and neighbors in the Elliot Park neighborhood, where we have helped bring over $70 million dollars of public and private re-investment over the past 17 years, including building the first "market" housing there in over 70 years. Ask them if the Central Community Housing Trust has made a positive or negative difference in their neighborhood.We always welcome rational discussion of concerns and perspective. Please always call us if you have any questions. AlanAlan Arthur, President, Central Community Housing Trust1625 Park Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55404-1634612-341-3148 ext. 201 Fax: 612-341-4208 [EMAIL PROTECTED]--- Learn how Central Community Housing Trust is responding to the affordable housing shortage in the Twin
  Cities. Please join us for a 1-hour Building Dreams presentation: May 5, 2003 at 4:30pm:We are also happy to present Building Dreams at your organization, church, or business. Space is limited, please register online at or call Philip Schaffner at 612-341-3148 x237 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) TEMPORARY REMINDER:1. Send all posts in plain-text format.2. Cut as much of the post you're responding to as possible.Minneapolis Issues Forum - A City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn E-DemocracyPost messages to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, and more: Excite! - http://www.excite.comThe most personalized portal on the Web!

[Mpls] Walkouts

2003-03-20 Thread Jim Mork
The schools REALLY missed an opportunity here. They should have cancelled 
regular classes and convened the student body in the auditorium to get a 
full-school discussion going about things like "wars that democracies 
fight", the history of the War Powers Act (which is allowing Bush to attack 
without a Congressional resolution), the process in which the Constitutional 
drafters forced presidents to consult with Congress, etc.  In short, the war 
is THE most important issue of the day in schools and they should have 
IMMEDIATELY switched education into a relevant mode.  Heck, they could even 
have allowed students to express their views by making signs.  In short, why 
let 'em walkout because you, the administration, must trudge stupidly on as 
if this day were no different from any other day.

And what I'm also wondering: What happened at the private schools of 
Minneapolis?  We have those who think they are INHERENTLY superior. Did THEY 
realize the teachable moment was here?

Jim Mork

"Only a LUNATIC would cut schools to buy more bombs".

"We hold these truths to be self-evidentthat governments are formed, 
deriving their just powers by the consent of the governed"Declaration of 

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[Mpls] What is your [school] list up to today?

2003-03-20 Thread Patrick Peterson
Has this list gone absolutely mad?

About "remembering" which job applicants are graduates
of Minneapolis Public Schools and which aren't, I have
2 things:

--Be sure you apply that standard to the Rhodes
Scholars, IB Diploma winners (including myself), Ivy
grads, and Athena winners who graduated from MPS.

--Your suggestion sounds pretty unethical, if not
outright illegal.  I frankly hope that this type of
behavior doesn't pervade HR departments.  If so, maybe
I should go to law school -- I could make a fortune on
unlawful discrimination suits.

About the protest itself

--Recall that it was a bunch of kids who persuaded
McDonalds to change their packaging from styrofoam to
paper-based packaging, and that Kids for Saving the
Earth (a successful environmental awarness group) was
started by kids in the metro area (I believe).  They
were somehow able to persuade Target to carry their
magazine in their stores for a long time (they were
near the community information kiosks), which were
extraordinarly well-produced.  Perhaps your
perceptions do not fit the evidence.

--I don't doubt that some students wanted to talk
about the war one day in class and batted around the
idea of a walkout (probably based on things that they
had studied about the Civil Rights Movement or things
they saw on TV).  Did teachers and parents help? Maybe
-- I'll even venture to say Probably.  Did they force
them to hold an anti-war sign or walk out?  Probably

About $17,000 for activism (Victoria's comment):

--Frankly, if this activity teaches students to
question media and their leaders, think for themselves
about issues important to them, and take action, I
think it's worth more than $17,000.

--Look:  public education is supposed to teach young
people about their community and how to make a
difference.  This walkout probably generated
inumerable discussions about government and how it
makes decisions.  Also discussed probably were what
other people thought of a war, why nations go to war,
Iraq, how individuals can take control of their lives,
and how to participate in civic participation.  In a
school system where the required civics class is a sad
joke, this is sorely needed.

I wonder if the types of people who were upset would
be so upset if there was a walkout in support of the
war?  Doubt it.

Patrick Peterson

From: "Craig Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 09:57:43 -0600
Subject: [Mpls] What is your school up to?

I believe that the schools that organize and allow
kids to take class 
off to go out and protest are
using taxpayer money for political purposes and
bordering on 
the kids.

It has been many years since I was on the frontline of
management in 
private sector.  You know the position, hiring firing,
and being the 
one who
shows up early and stays late.

Well, if I ever have to be in that thankless position
again, I've got 
for the Mpls School Board.

All things being equal between two job applicants.I'm
going to remember
which school district thought it was ok to stop
teaching math, reading, 

Tough decisions made easy by the Minneapolis School
Board.  To those 
who fail to prevent this nonsense.  Shame on you. 
Your doing your 
such a disservice.



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[Mpls] Local Arab Leader comes out against war

2003-03-20 Thread Mark Wilde

Farok Hamod, the imam at a mosque in northeast
Minneapolis, said Tuesday that he does not support an
invasion of Iraq and wonders whether all other
alternatives have been exhausted. AP | Jim Mone 

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Re: [Mpls] Senator Berglin and Responses to Graffiti

2003-03-20 Thread Conor Donnelly
Chris Johnson wrote:

> Mr. Donnelly confuses correlation with causality, a common mistake.  I
> recommend spending the time necessary to clearly undestand the
> difference, as it's a frequent problem when people are arguing.

I'm not confused about the difference between correlation and causation.
I simply demonstrated the facts contained within the police report
showing that most incidents of tagger graffiti are concentrated in a
thriving and prosperous part of town. Sure, there are many explanations
for this, but assuming a causal relationship to increased crime and
deterioration is precisely what I'm urging people to avoid.

> This report lends just about zero credence to an argument that says
> graffiti does not help lead to greater crime in areas plagued with
> graffiti.  

This report lends zero credence to either side of that argument. All it
does is describe the spatial distribution of tagger graffiti. Make of it
what you will. For now, I agree with Keith Reitman on West Broadway. The
field of urban problems is scattered with much greater monsters.

Conor Donnelly

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Re: [Mpls] Children protesting (Field School) Proud Parent (Correction)

2003-03-20 Thread Robert Schmid
On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 11:04 AM, ken bradley wrote:

The teachers did not have the students vote for walk
out at Field Middle School yesterday. The staff was
truly surprised by the students walking out, and they
have been informed future walk outs will have
I think that is as it should be.  The student walkout, regardless of 
who organized or led it, was an excellent lesson in the exercise of 
first amendment rights.  But the lesson would be lost if some or all of 
the students did it because they thought it was fun.  In order to make 
the lesson viable, it should reflect real-world implications, i.e. if 
you break the rules, their will be consequences.  I hope the students 
do walk out again.  I hope their parents encourage them to do so.  For 
the first time since 9/12/02 I have hope that we will once again be 
'the land of the free and the home of the brave' instead of the land of 
"make me safe!"

Robert Schmid
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re: [Mpls] $17,000 per student for political activism?

2003-03-20 Thread Eric Oines
We decry our children's lack of civic engagement, and then when we don't 
agree with the form that engagement takes, we criticize it.

How many times has someone on the list said, directly or indirectly, 
"Democracy is for those who show up"?

Well, the kids are showing up, making their own signs, giving their energy 
and passion.  There were dozens of kids on the Lake Street bridge last 
night, carrying handmade signs, waging Peace on Earth.  It was very 
heartening, considering the circumstances.

Because of the excellent peace and justice curriculum at my daughter's 
pre-school, the Mpls. YWCA, she understands more about non-violent conflict 
resolution and the importance of respect for herself and others than most of 
our national leadership (IMHO).

Oh, and by the way, she can read and do math as well.  You CAN have both!

You should be cheering for the future instead of counting beans, Vicky!

Eric Oines
North Minneapolis
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and 
love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time 
they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall - think of it, 
 ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948), Agitator

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Re: [Mpls] $17,000 per student for political activism?

2003-03-20 Thread Jason C Stone

I will never be a parent, but I burst with pride for our young people that were able 
to muster the
courage to fight what they perceive to be an injustice.  These kids, their parents, 
and teachers
are a credit to our community and will be the spark for ongoing evolution of what it 
means to be a
'community'.  Calling kids wholesale illiterate belies the truth, and diminishes the 
efforts of
both teachers and students.  Please reserve your damnnation of teachers until you have 
your opinions in facts - until then they are my heroes.

Jason Stone / Nokomis

--- Victoria Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is just a guess, but I'll bet a lot of Minnesota taxpayers would
> object to making involuntary political contributions to the tune of $17,000
> per child in Minneapolis.
> This dog and pony show (the small children protesting) should be added to
> the list of reasons why less than half of Minneapolis students graduate
> from high school.  They may be illiterate - but, boy oh boy, do they have
> political opinions - in 2nd grade!
> I agree with Paul Kuettels, the teachers who organized this should be
> fired.
> Vicky Heller
> Cedar-Riverside and North Oaks
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Re: [Mpls] What is your school up to?/If not teaching kids the 3 R's

2003-03-20 Thread PennBroKeith
In a message dated 3/20/03 8:47:13 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Why not just go ahead and complete the process that has been taking place
>  for the past 20 years.  Make the schools nothing but a training ground to
>  mold students into corporate commodities

Keith says; I wish that were closer to the truth, and the actual outcome. I 
will presume you are on point, this time, and thus referring to Mpls. Public 
Schools. The last twenty years, and the ten before them, have shown: Too high 
a percentage of the kids cannot read, write, or solve a math problem at 
appropriate skill levels. I will not blame a teacher; or teachers. I will 
blame the Kumbayah Clique that in the past (remember Green?) ripped down our 
public school stock, and stopped having a curriculum of education and student 
success, by measurable standards. If this institution does "mold students 
into corporate commodities", it is into the shape of the burgers they will be 
flippin'. Nothin' corporate about,  "Would you like fries with that happy 

I thank a teacher I can write this, 

Keith Reitman   NearNorth

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Re: [Mpls] Children protesting (Field School) Proud Parent (Correction)

2003-03-20 Thread ken bradley
Hello Minneapolis Issues:

Ken Bradley Stated:" He told me the teacher had the
students vote if they
wanted to protest."

Ken Bradley Correction: My son participated in a class
project that involved the children holding signs over
35W on Monday. It was just his class and they voted. 

The teachers did not have the students vote for walk
out at Field Middle School yesterday. The staff was
truly surprised by the students walking out, and they
have been informed future walk outs will have


Ken Bradley  Still Proud

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[Mpls] re CCHT

2003-03-20 Thread Alan Arthur
In response to Jason Sittko's posted question, at, as to whether anyone 
has experience with the Central Community Housing Trust (CCHT):

Yes.  I have 14 ½ years of experience with the Central Community Housing Trust.  In 
every single project done by CCHT in the past 17 years, no project has been developed 
without numerous planning and brainstorming discussions with, and building 
relationships with, people who live and work in the neighborhoods.  As a matter of 
absolute fact, CCHT has developed almost 1,200 units of housing and has never 
developed a project without the approval of the neighborhood citizen participation 

The proposed Ripley development in the Harrison Neighborhood is a case in point.  
Central Community Housing Trust staff people have worked with the Harrison 
Neighborhood Association intensively for over a year on different ideas and scenarios 
for the site.  As with all sites, there are practical, political, and financial 
realities, both market and our own.  If we are "bullies" to point those realities out, 
then so be it.  We are certainly persistent, because that is how all development 
projects of any kind get done.  But we have fully engaged with every committee and 
every process required by the Harrison Neighborhood.  I doubt if any other developer, 
for-profit or nonprofit, would spend as much time working with a neighborhood, on as 
challenging a site, as we have in Harrison.

There are always different opinions and concerns in communities about all development 
projects.  Some concerns are based in fact and some based on fears and perceptions.  
Everyone always has a different perspective or idea about what would be "perfect".  
One of our roles is to synthesize collective and multiple desires with reality and 
produce something great.  

CCHT is certainly as interested as the neighborhood and neighbors in helping 
re-capitalize this important site as a place that works for the people who will live 
there, for neighbors, and for the entire community.  The current proposal incorporates 
many, many ideas that came from Harrison residents and neighbors, regarding both unit 
types and design. 

I recommend talking to the leaders and neighbors in the Elliot Park neighborhood, 
where we have helped bring over $70 million dollars of public and private 
re-investment over the past 17 years, including building the first "market" housing 
there in over 70 years.  Ask them if the Central Community Housing Trust has made a 
positive or negative difference in their neighborhood.

We always welcome rational discussion of concerns and perspective.  
Please always call us if you have any questions.  
Alan Arthur, President, Central Community Housing Trust
1625 Park Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55404-1634
612-341-3148 ext. 201   Fax: 612-341-4208  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Learn how Central Community Housing Trust is responding to the affordable housing 
shortage in the Twin Cities. 
Please join us for a 1-hour Building Dreams presentation: May 5, 2003 at 4:30pm:

We are also happy to present Building Dreams at your organization, church, or 
Space is limited, please register online at or call Philip Schaffner at 
612-341-3148 x237 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

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[Mpls] Children protesting (Field School) Proud Parent

2003-03-20 Thread ken bradley
Hello Minneapolis Issues:

I want to take this moment to boast about my son Isaac
Bradley, who attends Field School and has participated
in the protest.

He told me the teacher had the students vote if they
wanted to protest. The teacher told them to make signs
reflecting their opinion. 

I am very proud of my son to speak his opinion.
Apparently 150 kids walked out of school yesterday in
protest of the war. The Principal told me, "They did
not see this coming!" I think it is truly amazing that
middle school kids have the strength and courage to
speak out against this war! 

Ken Bradley Proud Parent 

--- WizardMarks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How very poignant, led by eighth graders, children
> at Field school held 
> signs against a fence protesting this war. If there
> is any other sight 
> that should make a grown person cry, that's the one.
> Who will the war 
> hurt most? Shouldn't they speak out to say this is
> not good?
> We all have got to learn to speak truth to power;
> from a child's point 
> of view, all us adults are more powerful than they.
> Who better to tell 
> than us, the adults in their world?
> Our children do not want war. They are bright enough
> to know that it 
> will be on TV, in the papers, talked about by all
> the adults, parents 
> and siblings may not come back. They have a stake in
> this war--and it's 
> huge.
> WizardMarks, Central
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Re: [Mpls] What is your school up to?

2003-03-20 Thread Jordan S. Kushner
Why not just go ahead and complete the process that has been taking place
for the past 20 years.  Make the schools nothing but a training ground to
mold students into corporate commodities.  Forget about independent and
critical thinking.   Forget about training students to become politically
aware and even active citizens who can come to their own conclusions about
social and political issues, and even, god-forbid, exercise their
prerogative to dissent.  In fact, don't just forget about teaching students
about freedom and democracy.  Fire any teachers and administrators who dare
to encourage such development.  And to enforce the corporate oligarchy and
emerging dictatorship, systematically deny economic opportunities to anyone
who anyone with the gall to have even been placed in a school district that
shows any sign of tolerating political diversity.  Sounds like Craig, et al.
have the program for destroying any liberty for future generations.

Jordan Kushner
downtown lawyer

- Original Message -
From: "Craig Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 7:57 AM
Subject: [Mpls] What is your school up to?

> I believe that the schools that organize and allow kids to take class time
> off to go out and protest are
> using taxpayer money for political purposes and bordering on brainwashing
> the kids.
> It has been many years since I was on the frontline of management in the
> private sector.  You know the position, hiring firing, and being the one
> shows up early and stays late.
> Well, if I ever have to be in that thankless position again, I've got news
> for the Mpls School Board.
> All things being equal between two job applicants.I'm going to remember
> which school district thought it was ok to stop teaching math, reading,
> writing.
> Tough decisions made easy by the Minneapolis School Board.  To those
> who fail to prevent this nonsense.  Shame on you.  Your doing your
> such a disservice.
> Craig Miller
> Rogers MN
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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs against the war

2003-03-20 Thread kuettels
Hi All!

I really appreciate Jeff Seidel's excellent and informative post. It took much 
of the wind out of my sails and went a ways toward restoring my faith in The 
Public Education Establishment, at least the that consists of Field Elementary.

My biggest misconception was that all Public Elementary Schools are K-6 
nowadays.  Throwing 7th and 8th graders into the equation does give some 
credence to the possibility that the protest was organized by soley by the kids.

Jeff says that it occured during lunch hour and that most of the kids stayed on 
school property -- I assume he means "the playground," and that the ones who 
strayed face consequences.

Assuming all of this is true, I am sorry for having reacted so viscerally to 
Linda Mann's initial post.

There is still plenty to be concerned about, but the information provided by 
parent Seidel puts a better, saner perspective on the incident.



Paul Kuettel
Falcon Heights
Kids in Elementary (my innocent baby girl) Middle-School (the smart-ass with 
more smart than ass) and High School (a good boy who is staying in class today 
during a planned walkout)

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[Mpls] School Walk-outs / Children protesting

2003-03-20 Thread 3womenwalking
As the mother of an 8 year old third grade girl, I must speak on her behalf
and many of her classmates.   She has been moved to tears thinking that
George Bush is going to bomb Iraqi children.  I tell her he would never
intentionally kill children, but that Saddam Hussein is a bad man (remember,
she's 8) and might put his own people in danger to protect himself.  Ok, so
that said,  I have encouraged her to make her voice heard and send her
peaceful prayers to Iraqi children by lighting candles at Lake Harriet,
attending peace rallies and if she wanted to, protest at her school.
Children need to speak out in some way (protest at school) to release this
horrible fear that is inside them because believe it or not, to them it
seems like a real possibilty that if we can bomb Iraqi children, Iraq or
some other country could bomb us.  I don't feel this is brainwashing, it is
sharing our family values.

Martha Sandberg

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[Mpls] Children protesting

2003-03-20 Thread WizardMarks
How very poignant, led by eighth graders, children at Field school held 
signs against a fence protesting this war. If there is any other sight 
that should make a grown person cry, that's the one. Who will the war 
hurt most? Shouldn't they speak out to say this is not good?
We all have got to learn to speak truth to power; from a child's point 
of view, all us adults are more powerful than they. Who better to tell 
than us, the adults in their world?
Our children do not want war. They are bright enough to know that it 
will be on TV, in the papers, talked about by all the adults, parents 
and siblings may not come back. They have a stake in this war--and it's 

WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] $17,000 per student for political activism?

2003-03-20 Thread Victoria Heller
This is just a guess, but I'll bet a lot of Minnesota taxpayers would
object to making involuntary political contributions to the tune of $17,000
per child in Minneapolis.

This dog and pony show (the small children protesting) should be added to
the list of reasons why less than half of Minneapolis students graduate
from high school.  They may be illiterate - but, boy oh boy, do they have
political opinions - in 2nd grade!

I agree with Paul Kuettels, the teachers who organized this should be

Vicky Heller
Cedar-Riverside and North Oaks

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Re: [Mpls] What is your school up to?

2003-03-20 Thread Jim MCGUIRE
--Original Message Follows
From: "Craig Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I believe that the schools that organize and allow kids to take class time 
ff to go out and protest are
using taxpayer money for political purposes and bordering on brainwashing 
the kids.

I take it that this is brainwashing, where as having them stand to say the 
Pledge of Allegiance would be ok?  I may be reading between the lines in 
your message, but I'm extrapolating from your bias.  I would argue that, 
perhaps, protesting is a lesson in civics.  The schools shouldn't condone 
it, but neither should they condemn it.

The rest of your message showed your intention to discriminate against any 
future hirees based on their political beliefs.  Seems rather 

Jim McGuire
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[Mpls] What is your school up to?

2003-03-20 Thread Craig Miller
I believe that the schools that organize and allow kids to take class time
off to go out and protest are
using taxpayer money for political purposes and bordering on brainwashing
the kids.

It has been many years since I was on the frontline of management in the
private sector.  You know the position, hiring firing, and being the one who
shows up early and stays late.

Well, if I ever have to be in that thankless position again, I've got news
for the Mpls School Board.

All things being equal between two job applicants.I'm going to remember
which school district thought it was ok to stop teaching math, reading, and

Tough decisions made easy by the Minneapolis School Board.  To those parents
who fail to prevent this nonsense.  Shame on you.  Your doing your children
such a disservice.

Craig Miller
Rogers MN

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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs against the war

2003-03-20 Thread Seidel
Well Paul.  Congratulations!  This is my first post in over three years 
of being a passive observer to the Minneapolis Issues bulletin board. 
You just hit a little too close to home and I thought I would comment 
on your comments.

Just so you know, Paul, I am one of those obnoxious parents who has not 
one but two children at Field School.  My eldest told me the night 
before of the planned demonstration, which was being planned solely by 
one of her close friends at school.  I told my daughter that I was not 
going to persuade her either way about whether she should protest or 
not.  But I did tell her that she would have to bear the consequences of 
her actions, whether a detention or worse.  Understand, Paul, that most 
of the kids organizing this protest were in the top of the 8th grade 
class in one of the District's top schools.  They are very capable of 
organizing a protest without their parents making the signs for them. 
To my knowledge, no parent assisted in convincing any of the kids to do 
this protest.

My understanding is that nearly all of the kids protested during their 
lunch hour and remained
on school property.  It just so happens that the property line of the 
school falls on 46th Street, a very busy street in that part of 
Minneapolis.  The Administrators of the school felt that this was 
acceptable, as do I in retrospect.  Some students chose to walk off the 
school premises and hold signs over the 35W and 46th Street bridge. 
Those students were hit with a truancy violation, which can end up in 
suspension, because they walked off the property during school hours.  I 
thought this also was very acceptable.  In whole, I believe all acted 
civil and First Amendment rights were upheld very well.  I don't always 
agree with the School District and I don't always agree with my 
children's opinions on things, but I do respect them and I think they 
both deserve our respect in this case.

Jeff Seidel
Paul Kuettel wrote:

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Re: [Mpls] Free Speech/Affordable Housing/Small Business/typo

2003-03-20 Thread PennBroKeith
In a message dated 3/20/03 6:45:22 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> His tenants postings of, NOT Mpls. specific issues, personal 
>  attacks, and all cumulative violations of List rules, shall be violations 
>  his landlord licensee. 
Sorry I mean't "license". Keith  Reitman  NearNorth

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[Mpls] Free Speech/Affordable Housing/Small Business

2003-03-20 Thread PennBroKeith
In a message dated 3/20/03 6:04:25 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>  David Brauer
>  King Field
>  Giving peace a chance on the list
Keith says; Learning opportunity into the perils of landlord-ry. DB is the 
Mpls. landlord; The List members are his tenants. I will be the City of Mpls, 
CCP/Safe. His tenants postings of, NOT Mpls. specific issues, personal 
attacks, and all cumulative violations of List rules, shall be violations of 
his landlord licensee. 

Dear DB, We have notified you twice (much more then twice) of violations of 
the rules (by other people). We have asked you to take action, an example of 
action would be to expel people. You have mostly given warnings. Even though 
you have expelled some people, others have subsequently violated the rules. 
You have had dozens (hundreds) of posters, but three violations this year 
means you must shut this enterprise down; all your legitimate posters must be 
dumped, and this Free (affordable) Speech Forum is hereby closed. 

OK boys-Board 'er up!! 

Keith Reitman   NearNorth

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Re: [Mpls] 35W Access Project -- 35W specific issues

2003-03-20 Thread Peter T Schmitz
After reading all the thoughtful comments, both pro and con, regarding
the 35W Access Project, I was wondering what Mayor Rybak's position is on
this issue.  Can list members help me out here?  

Also, I was recalling the Mayor's passionate and gallant defense of State
House Representative Phyllis Khan a few weeks ago after some on the list,
myself included, may have been too harsh in our criticisms of her.  Does
anyone on this list recall him extending a similar courtesy to Council
Member Natalie Johnson Lee last August when the white leadership of the
Minneapolis police union called for her resignation after she referred to
the "untimely deaths of two fellow citizens" (Police Officer Melissa
Schmidt and her alleged killer Martha Donald)?-Peter Schmitz 

The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a
woman.-Willa Cather, 

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RE: [Mpls] Senator Berglin and Responses to Graffiti (fwd)

2003-03-20 Thread David Brauer
David Shove writes:
> Where in that statement did I say or imply that graffitti should be
> tolerated? At NO point did I say I wanted both. I want neither. But I was
> misrepresented in a way to dismiss my statements about billboards - and
> very effectively, I see.

My apologies, David. I imputed arguments I've heard others make - that
graffiti is ok because billboards exist - to you. But I now understand that
your point was different.

No intent to misrepresent, but sometimes it happens. Again, I'm sorry.

David Brauer
King Field
Giving peace a chance on the list

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[Mpls] Field School walkout / Lake St vigil

2003-03-20 Thread Socialist2001
Any threat of retaliation by the Public School administration against 
students, teachers and principals for exercising and allowing the exercise of 
first amendment rights should be met with massive protests at the next school 
board meeting (which generally happen on the 2nd and last Tuesday of the 
month at 807 NE Broadway in the 3rd floor board room).

I expect walkouts at many of the public schools in Minneapolis today. The new 
Gulf war is unquestionably opposed by a huge majority of the city's 
residents. It has been noted that a big majority of the Democratic Party 
voters opposed the war without UN approval, according to a recent opinion 
poll. And in the last Presidential election, the total vote for Nader in 
Minneapolis wasn't much lower and in many precincts was higher than Bush's. 
Pro-war lawn signs and counterprotesters have been pretty scarce. 

There appeared to be about 2000 antiwar protesters yesterday around 5:00 pm 
at the Lake Street Bridge. Total participation from 4:30 to 6:00 PM was 
certainly much greater than 2000. There was a density of about one person per 
meter along the guard rail on each side of the bridge, for the entire span of 
the bridge, and a lower-density stream of people walking back and forth 
across the bridge. There also appeared to be protesters lining the street for 
about 2 blocks east of the bridge (as seen from the Minneapolis side). 

-Doug Mann, King Field
Mann for School Board web site

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