[Origami] Gallery Update

2023-08-23 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji via Origami
Keeping up with posting on social media, I end up neglecting my website. I
finally made some long overdue updates to my galleries. These are all
designs by other artists that I had the urge to fold.

New gallery created featuring my 2022 and 2023 folds:

The top row of this previous galley is new:

I hope you all enjoy browsing.


My Origami: https://linktr.ee/origamee

Re: [Origami] Origami Digest, Vol 205, Issue 6

2023-05-09 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji via Origami
Truncated Cube

Is this the shape you are talking about?


On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 9:08 AM 

> Send Origami mailing list submissions to
> origami@lists.digitalorigami.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://lists.digitalorigami.com/mailman/listinfo/origami
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> origami-requ...@lists.digitalorigami.com
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> origami-ow...@lists.digitalorigami.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Origami digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: Octagon + triangles shape name (Jorge E. Jaramillo)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 9 May 2023 18:07:59 +0200
> From: "Jorge E. Jaramillo" 
> To: wanderer 
> Cc: The Origami Mailing List 
> Subject: Re: [Origami] Octagon + triangles shape name
> Message-ID:
>  b00tmchwz7pu...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> No it is not. Sorry if I wasn't clear, I'm so familiar with the shape, that
> I thought everybody knew it.
> As I said it is an octagon and each side of the octagon is connected to the
> base of an equilateral triangle.
> On Tue, May 9, 2023, 4:38 PM wanderer  wrote:
> > is it this?
> >
> > [image: image.png]
> >
> > On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 9:47?AM  wrote:
> >
> >> Yesterday I was in Pompei and saw these tiles forming this shape of an
> >> octagon surrounded by equilateral triangles and I had seen it last week
> in
> >> some churches as well. Pompei is from the 1 st century AD and churches a
> >> few centuries older which surprised me even though the shape is simple
> and
> >> logical and has been used by Chirs Palmer and several others even
> myself in
> >> origami stars and tessellations.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> So I was wondering if this shape has a name and if someone can share any
> >> interesting information about it.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Perhaps a link to see what you are referring to?
> >>
> >> Faye
> >>
> >
> -- next part --
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <
> https://lists.digitalorigami.com/mailman/private/origami/attachments/20230509/4755f8fb/attachment.html
> >
> -- next part --
> A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
> Name: image.png
> Type: image/png
> Size: 887340 bytes
> Desc: not available
> URL: <
> https://lists.digitalorigami.com/mailman/private/origami/attachments/20230509/4755f8fb/attachment.png
> >
> End of Origami Digest, Vol 205, Issue 6
> ***
My Origami: https://linktr.ee/origamee

[Origami] Fantasy origami video

2023-01-27 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji via Origami
Not sure if this was posted before. There's a very creative make-believe
video on youtube titled  "World's biggest Origami in Dubai". The
description goes thus:

"I dedicate this project to Dubai and my Daughter, a treat for Origami
lovers. It was my 7 year old daughter Vipanchi's dream to see the world's
biggest origami in Dubai, with my artistic and technical knowledge I
decided to create one. Models in the scene were created using Maya and
small post-production and tracking was made in After Effects. I hope you
Like it."

I particularly enjoyed the video because I was in Dubai recently.


Happy New Year (belated)

My Origami: https://linktr.ee/origamee

[Origami] Gallery Update

2022-09-07 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji via Origami

Here are some updates to my galleries:

Single Sheet Designs gallery has been updated with a bunch of new
tessellations. All five of them are from the same base molecules:

Modular Designs gallery has a couple of new cubes related to the above
tessellation molecules:

And of course, from time to time I fold others' designs that I find


My Origami: https://linktr.ee/origamee

[Origami] Gallery update

2022-05-19 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Hello everybody,

I have not written in a while! I have some new single sheet designs on my

I also have a promotion going on on Instagram that ends May 31st. Please
find details here:


My Origami: https://linktr.ee/origamee

Re: [Origami] Creator question

2022-03-23 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Thanks everyone for your replies.

Though this one looks and feels like Komiya's work, I wasn't sure because
of the 8 petals. Komiya's Dahlia has 12 petals and involves a
crossed-box-pleat collapse. It's definitely not low intermediate. And
that's why I wasn't too sure of who might be the creator of the 8-petal one.


My Origami: https://linktr.ee/origamee

[Origami] Creator question

2022-03-21 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Saw this nice instruction video for an 8-petal Dahlia that’s easy and
doesn’t involve any collapsing. Very teachable to low intermediate folders.
But the video doesn’t credit the creator. Any idea who it might be?



My Origami: https://linktr.ee/origamee

[Origami] Announcing my new book

2021-09-29 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Hello all,

I am happy to announce my eighth book Exquisite Modular Origami III ! My
new designs were piling up since 2017 and based on the social media
feedback it seemed like it was high time to publish a third volume of an
existing series. This time it's in full color unlike its predecessors.
Also, none of the designs have anything more difficult than a reverse fold.
I have some gems from guest contributors Enrica Dray (Italy) and Valentina
Minayeva (Lugansk). Enjoy about three dozen models and some variations.

Available on all Amazon marketplaces, here's the US link:

Details here: http://www.origamee.net/book8/index.html


My Origami: https://linktr.ee/origamee

[Origami] PDF release of Origami All Kinds

2020-11-17 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I am happy to announce the PDF release of *Origami All kinds: Single Sheet
and Modular Designs* via OrigamiUSA downloads! This new edition has revised
and bonus material as well.


I decided on the PDF release because many people reached out to me saying
that Amazon's international prices and shipping is not affordable in many
parts of the world. A Kindle reader is not very feasible either. At less
than half the print book price and zero shipping costs, it's a bargain and
one can now buy easily worldwide.


My Origami: https://linktr.ee/origamee

Re: [Origami] Serious piracy

2020-09-30 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> Here's the list of books Parcey Publish has (ironically Piracy Publish).
> Once again, I implore you to please check the interior of each origami book
> in the list
> https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks=p_27%3AParcey+Publish=relevancerank=Parcey+Publish
An update:
It seems like after at least 3 people complained (Sinayskaya, Me,
Montroll), they have taken Parcey Publish down, yay! But please be vigilant
as these pirates pop up all the time. Another reason to not judge a book by
the cover!

Origami home: origamee.net 
Instagram: instagram.com/origamee/ 
Facebook: facebook.com/origamee.net
Flickr: flickr.com/mmukhopadhyay

[Origami] Serious piracy

2020-09-26 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I am writing to you about a Parcey Publish on Amazon. The person
systematically pirates the entire content of books (Kindle and print)
under *different
covers and titles *to be elusive. This could be the most clever form of
piracy. The cover has nothing to do with the contents. I implore you to
please check each origami book he/she has, to see if yours or somebody
else's book has been violated. If it is your book then file an infringement
report with Amazon. If it is somebody else's, notify that author and also
write a review to that effect.

My Exquisite Modular Origami and Maria Sinayskaya's Zen Origami books
were violated. We were able to bring the listings down. Though Amazon gave
me the runaround, I was persistent. I know John Montroll's Easy Origami
book is plagiarised. I DM'ed John but I don't know if he reads the
is the pirated version.

Here's the list of books Parcey Publish has (ironically Piracy Publish).
Once again, I implore you to please check the interior of each origami book
in the list

To think that Amazon continues to be a platform for the pirate to sell even
after complaints and taking items down, boggles my mind.

Thanks for your help,

Origami home: origamee.net 
Instagram: instagram.com/origamee/ 
Facebook: facebook.com/origamee.net
Flickr: flickr.com/mmukhopadhyay

[Origami] Tipping story

2020-09-02 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

Found it rather heartwarming, so sharing.

Origami home: origamee.net 
Instagram: instagram.com/origamee/ 
Facebook: facebook.com/origamee.net
Flickr: flickr.com/mmukhopadhyay

Re: [Origami] New designs, diagrams, and more

2020-05-30 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Hi everybody,

It was brought to me attention that I sent a wrong instructions link. Sorry
about that and here is the correct one. Enjoy!

The new designs gallery link one more time is:
I have added a Nymphaea from a dodecagon as well, since my post yesterday.

Also, it was brought to my attention that the Amazon USA is not reflecting
the discounted price for Origami All Kinds, though all other marketplaces
are. When I initiated the price cut, it was showing right, but I don't know
when Amazon sneaked it back up again. I was very dismayed. I have talked to
them and they said that they will fix it in a few business days. Maybe, one
of their unethical business practices, or simply a bug... Sorry for the


Origami home: origamee.net 
Instagram: instagram.com/origamee/ 
Facebook: facebook.com/origamee.net
Flickr: flickr.com/mmukhopadhyay

[Origami] New designs, diagrams, and more

2020-05-29 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I wanted to let you know about my new designs since my email about the Sand
Dollar. I have a few more single sheet designs - Trillium without and with
color change,  Sweet Home (2), LoveMyHome (2), and most recently, Nymphaea.
You can see photos here: http://origamee.net/creation/ss18to19.html

There are also new and free instructions for 11 of  my designs made by me
or by others in the past couple of months.
Videos: Poinsettia Floral Ball, Curled Sonobe, Clover Heart 2, Water Lily,
Hollyhock, and Majestic Mosaic.
Diagrams: Clover Hearts 1, 2, and 3, Sweet Homes, and Pentas.
You can find the instruction links here: http://www.origami.net/diagrams/

I have a lottery draw for winning 5 free books on Instagram, draw ending
May 31st, 21:00 hours Pacific Time. All you have to do to participate is
follow @origamee and comment on this post

Finally, the temporary price cut that I had announced for my book, Origami
All Kinds, will end on June 30th, after which it will go back up to it's
original retail price. You can find it on most Amazons. Please find details
here: http://origamee.net/

Hope all are keeping well in these uncertain times. Best wishes,


Origami home: origamee.net 
Instagram: instagram.com/origamee/ 
Facebook: facebook.com/origamee.net
Flickr: flickr.com/mmukhopadhyay

[Origami] New video tutorial

2020-04-19 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I am no video making expert but I have uploaded video instructions for
Water Lily from my book Origami All Kinds. I hope you enjoy folding. Stay
calm and fold origami.

Origami home: origamee.net 
Instagram: instagram.com/origamee/ 
Facebook: facebook.com/origamee.net
Flickr: flickr.com/mmukhopadhyay

[Origami] Book discounted

2020-03-26 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

Now that we have more time to fold, I temporarily discounted the price of
my book, Origami All Kinds: Single Sheet and Modular Designs, by 25%. While
I do not have control over production costs and Amazon's share, I have
slashed my own royalty by nearly two thirds. The new price is a steal for a
110p, full color book. You can find on most Amazons worldwide.

Book details: http://origamee.net/book7/index.html
The flyer is on my homepage: http://origamee.net/

If you are interested in reviews, here are a couple of links:


Keep calm and fold on!


Origami home: http://www.origamee.net
Instagram: @origamee
Facebook: facebook.com/origamee.net
Flickr: mmukhopadhyay

Re: [Origami] My First 2020 Designs

2020-03-24 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> My first designs of 2020 are a couple of sand dollars from a square each.
> Photos are here: http://www.origamee.net/creation/ss18to19.html
> The second one is inspired by Alphonsus Rouis of The Philippines, who has
> a beautiful off centered design from a circle.
Thanks for all the kind responses I got from people regarding my Sand
Dollar designs. I thought I will just answer on this forum rather than
write individually.

Some of you asked about diagrams. Well, the Sand Dollars were born just a
few days ago, so no diagrams obviously. I am actually two years behind in
diagramming. But with the overwhelming response that I got, I might just
make some instructions soon, or might teach at Origami Connect of

In the meantime, I know that Alphonsus Rouis is working on instructions for
his design for The Fold magazine of OrigamiUSA. Like I said before, it's
from a circle and the flower is not centered like some sand dollars in
nature. Here's a photo of his design:


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net
Instagram: @origamee
Facebook: facebook.com/origamee.net
Flickr: mmukhopadhyay

[Origami] My First 2020 Designs

2020-03-22 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

My first designs of 2020 are a couple of sand dollars from a square each.
Photos are here: http://www.origamee.net/creation/ss18to19.html
The second one is inspired by Alphonsus Rouis of The Philippines, who has a
beautiful off centered design from a circle.

Hope all are staying healthy and safe and folding more.

Best wishes,

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Commit chart for kusudama

2020-01-11 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> I'm glad there are smart and patient people in the world ... I have tried
> for years to get the colors to work out the way I want them to!! I usually
> get to the end and have it all go haywire and have matching colors. If I'm
> feeling ok about it, I just turn that part so no one sees it (actually so
> *I* don't see it - no one else ever send to notice it). Or I'll fold more
> units, take it apart and try to put it together again. Sigh.
> Thanks for the chart Meenakshi!

You're welcome, Dee. I am sure many have come up with coloring solutions, I
just put it out there. And patient I am definitely not!

I also happen to have coloring charts for some of the more challenging
planars such as STUVWXYZ, if you do not know already. Many people have told
me that they found them useful. They are also in my book Ornamental
Origami: Exploring 3D Geometric Designs, CRC Press.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Symmetrical five-color scheme...

2020-01-08 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> Thank you so much for sharing your chart! That's what I was looking
> for. How did you manage to distribute the colors symmetrically in
> something with so many edges like an icosahedron?

Thanks, Gerardo! I am so glad you found the chart useful! I have had it
since 2007 and published in several of my books, but your email prompted me
to post it for everyone. I did the color distribution virtually by playing
with colors on my drawing software with some educated guess. It ended up
being fun! The 3-color icosahedron and dodechedron were the most

Meenakshi, I wanted to offer you an idea. There are too many single
> and duo-colored kusudamas in the world. I think it's because most of
> us couldn't find how to symmetrically arrange different color units
> together. If more people knew about your chart there would probably be
> more multicolor kusudamas in the world.

While multiple colors look nice, some modulars are actually better with a
single color, or duo colored paper. If there are flowery designs involved,
they actually look nice if all petals are in a single color. But for some
modulars such as polypolyhedra (wireframes) or more geometric designs,
multiple colors are nice.

So how about making a
> campaign, for example on social media? There could be a hashtag for
> it. People could fold a multicolor kusudama using your chart and post
> pictures on their social media along with the hashtag and a link to
> your chart. That way more will know.
> What do you think Meenakshi? I'd really like to see a lot more
> multicolor kusudamas : )

That’s very kind of you. You’re welcome to create hashtags as long as you
include #origamee, and start the campaign. I am not that much on social
media, only a little. Please also feel free to publish in Neorigami.



Re: [Origami] Symmetrical five-color scheme for a stellated icosahedron

2020-01-05 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> From: "Gerardo @neorigami.com" 
> I continue working with 30 unit kusudamas. Many of them are based on a
> common stellated icosahedron. I altered the sonobe unit in order to fold
> the following one:
> http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view=1IUdkZCFFUWp8-uSERSkbO_SCDCTIg-P9

I had also discovered this plain variation of a Sonobe unit in 1998. Here's
a 90 unit construction with it:

> I was able to use five different colors in order to fold it completely
> without connecting two units of the same color together at any point of the
> kusudama. Yet, the resulting color scheme is not symmetrical at all.
> I wanted to ask you guys and gals the following: Is there a way to use five
> different color sheets in order to fold, in a symmetrical fashion, that
> particular stellated icosahedron?

That's the best color distribution you can have in a five-color scheme.
You could call it a five-way symmetry. I have an even color distribution
chart for the  Platonic Solids published in many of my modular origami
books. But I uploaded the chart here as well if there's any interest.


Re: [Origami] What model is this?

2019-12-20 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> > From: Andrea Plate 
> >
> > I made this model many years ago.  Over time the connections have
> loosened
> > and the "hole" has become larger.  I'd like to make it again but forget
> the
> > name of the model.  Help?
> >
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7j_htDbzCW1bC1aU0VaLXF3STg/view?usp=sharing
Hi Andrea,

It is my 2012 design Curly Locks as seen in these pics:
http://origamee.net/creation/windmill/curls2.jpg  (folded with memo cube
http://www.origamee.net/guest/gg2012/lyuba1.jpg (folded with harmony paper)

The design was published in my book Exquisite Modular Origami II
http://www.origamee.net/book6/index.html, as well as in British Origami
Magazine #276.
Hope that answers your question.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] New book edition

2019-10-03 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> Sara Adams

 Sun, 28 Jul 2019 00:11:01 -0700

> I checked German Amazon just now, but it doesn't seem to be available

> Do you know whether it will become available there soon?

Sorry for the really belated reply. It took Amazon 2+ months to fix the
situation. So now you will be able to pre-order from Amazon Germany if you
wish. I am writing to the list just in case the information benefits other
people in Germany.


Also, I would like to add that the book will be released weeks earlier than


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] origami and kirigami

2019-08-22 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Interesting article about kirigami which ends with the paragraph:

"Next the researchers aim to explore how to combine cuts and folds to
achieve any shape  with a given set of
properties, thus linking origami and kirigami


Hope you enjoy the read.

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] New book edition

2019-08-15 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> Sara Adams Sun, 28 Jul 2019 00:11:01 -0700 

> I checked German Amazon just now, but it doesn't seem to be available there:
> https://www.amazon.de/gp/offer-listing/0367208105/ref=tmm_pap_new_olp_sr?ie=UTF8=new==
> Do you know whether it will become available there soon?

> Best wishes and happy folding,

Hi Sara,

It has been over a couple of weeks since your query but unfortunately
I do not have an answer. Both me and CRC Press have written to Amazon
about this issue with no answer or fix. Normally, most Amazon
marketplace listings feed from the corresponding amazon.com listing
overnight or within 24 hours, so obviously there is some bug
somewhere. Maybe if you report this as a potential consumer they might
address the situation. Sorry about this.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] 270 sonobe ball

2019-08-08 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> I'm Looking for assembly instructions for a ball made up of Sonobe units.
> not the 30 parts ball... but the 270 parts ball (or bigger).
> i think its also called the epcot ball.
Hi Ami,

I think you are looking for the following:

I have not constructed one, but to make the Sonobe version you would have
to replace each triangle in the figure with triangular pyramids.

Also, here is a similar construction but not with Sonobe Units. It's with
spikier units but the idea is the same.

The underlying structure is a buckyball. Hope all this helps.

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] New book edition

2019-07-29 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Hi Sara,

> those are fantastic news!
> I checked German Amazon just now, but it doesn't seem to be available
> there:
> https://www.amazon.de/gp/offer-listing/0367208105/ref=tmm_pap_new_olp_sr?ie=UTF8=new==
> Do you know whether it will become available there soon?

Thanks for your kind words and also thanks to everyone who wrote to me
privately.  I see that it's available for pre-order on most Amazon
marketplaces and it's strange that only Germany does not have it yet. I
will ask CRC Press and get back to you. But I have a feeling that the
situation will correct itself soon.

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] New book edition

2019-07-28 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I am happy to announce a new edition of my book *Wondrous One Sheet Origami*
by CRC Press. The older edition was self published and the new one has
about 40% new or revised material and is available to pre-order both in
paperback as well as hardcover versions. CRC Press has given the book a
beautiful new look with a lovely cover design and an interior that does not
look like mere printouts.

A preview of the content is in http://www.origamee.net/book5/index.html

Pre-ordering is possible from the following, with CRC currently giving a
discount of $5.99.

http://www.amazon.com/dp/0367208105?tag=meensmodumani-20 most other
online bookstores.

Thanks for all your support.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Free instructions

2018-11-07 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Like the past few years, I am celebrating WOD 2018 by sharing notes and
instructions for my designs Leaf and Pentas. Please find links in

You can find the WOD application photos here


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Gallery update

2018-08-12 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
This time I had a lot of fun with color change hearts. These clover and
hydrangea hearts are a confluence of the works of two great creators, Shuzo
Fujimoto and Francis Ow. In a post (
https://www.flickr.com/photos/61236172@N08/8219418579/), Francis Ow
mentioned that he would like to improve upon his colored-in clover heart
with color change. My challenge began with that and I also designed
additional hearts with varying sizes of clover or hydrangea and changing
their positions as well. Please see

I also have a couple more new modulars:

I have kept photo notes/clues of the hearts and if you are already an
expert of Fujimoto's Clover collapse and would like to fold these hearts,
please write to me privately and I will be happy to send the photos.

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Gallery update

2018-07-24 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I have some new modular designs. Please see top two rows of


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Gallery update

2018-06-16 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I have a couple of new designs, single sheet and modular. Please check out
the top rows of:



My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Gallery Updates

2018-04-24 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> > New leaf design: http://origamee.net/creation/ss18to19.html
> > New modulars: http://origamee.net/creation/cr17to18.html
> > Flower Strip from Dec 2017: http://origamee.net/creation/ss16to17.html
> > 2018 Guest Gallery entries: http://www.origamee.net/guest/
And now I've added a couple more rows to my Modular gallery



My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] In London next Sunday

2018-04-22 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
 Hi All,

I am repeating this message from BOSMail group:

I will be in London (Bloomsbury Street) and am free to meet origami folks
the morning of next Sunday, April 29th, 9:30 - 11am. If that doesn't work
we could potentially meet one of the evenings of May 1st-3rd.

Please contact me privately (mmukhopadh...@yahoo.com) if there's any
interest. I need to solidify this soon so I can work on other plans.

Meenakshi Mukerji

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Gallery Updates

2018-04-02 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

It's been a while since I have updated my website with new designs, though
I am more prompt on social media (Facebook and Flickr). Please check out
the following:

New leaf design: http://origamee.net/creation/ss18to19.html
New modulars: http://origamee.net/creation/cr17to18.html
Flower Strip from Dec 2017: http://origamee.net/creation/ss16to17.html
2018 Guest Gallery entries: http://www.origamee.net/guest/



My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Origami Sighting - Lexus Comercial

2018-03-21 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
>  http://archive.bridgesmathart.org/2014/bridges2014-235.pdf
>  http://www.georgehart.com/virtual-polyhedra/leonardo.html

Thanks for all your responses and resource pointers, Robert, Faye and

Elevated Polyhedra seems like a great nomenclature. I myself have
mistakenly called the Sonobe constructions stellated in the past but have
refrained from it more recently after learning the definition. Now I know
to call them elevated.


Re: [Origami] Origami Sighting - Lexus Comercial

2018-03-20 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Thanks for both videos - the commercial as well as behind the scene. A
clarification about the shape. In origami we loosely call the Sonobe type
constructions stellated octahedron (12 units) or stellated icosahedron (30
units) while they are actually not. The the single sheet model in the ad
appears to have the same shape as a 12 unit Sonobe construction.

A stellated octahedron can be thought of as a compound of two tetrahedra,
where the spikes are smaller tetrahedra themselves (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellated_octahedron).  The Sonobe
constructions have spikes that are pyramids bound by 3 right isosceles
triangles and a triangular base. In the case of the Stellated Octahedron,
the spikes are bound by 4 equilateral triangles. The Sonobe type
constructions in no way satisfy the criteria for a stellated solid (

But then, I haven't found a good name for those Sonobe solids. How about
pyramidized octahedron or icosahedron?


Re: [Origami] PCOC and OrigaMIT

2017-11-23 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> I had a great time at two conventions back to back this year, PCOC and
> OrigaMIT. Between teaching, volunteering and exhibiting, I was lucky to
> have attended some classes. Please see photos in the first two rows of:
> http://origamee.net/gallery/2017/index.html
Sorry I meant to say first THREE rows of  http://origamee.net/gallery/


[Origami] PCOC and OrigaMIT

2017-11-20 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I had a great time at two conventions back to back this year, PCOC and
OrigaMIT. Between teaching, volunteering and exhibiting, I was lucky to
have attended some classes. Please see photos in the first two rows of:

My exhibits can be seen here:

Complete albums are on Flickr:
PCOC: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mmukhopadhyay/albums/72157689008091244


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Gallery update

2017-10-19 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I forgot to mention my two new simple designs based on the traditional
crane. One is a Peacock for PCOC 2017 and the other is Simple Swan. Please
see photos here: http://www.origamee.net/creation/ss16to17.html

Hope to see many of you at PCOC in a couple of weeks.


On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Meenakshi Mukerji <meen...@gmail.com>

> It has been a while since I have updated pages on my website origamee.net,
> thanks to social media. It has also been a while since I folded designs by
> others. But finally I was able to do both.
> I enjoyed folding a few things recently, please see photos here:
> http://www.origamee.net/gallery/2017/index.html
> I have updated free instruction links as well. Enjoy folding Enigma Bowl
> by David Mitchell and Feathered Crane by Riccardo Foschi:
> http://www.origamee.net/diagrams/diagrams1.html
> Meenakshi
> --
> _
> My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Modular icosahedron with plain faces?

2017-09-07 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Both Origami Omnibus by Kasahara, and Unit Origami Multidimensional
Transformations by Fuse have equilateral triangular flat units for
constructing polyhedra, including icosahedron. Fuse's method uses separate
joint units. None of these are particularly stable.


> So if you know such model please let me know the name, author and if
> possible where its diagram is published.
> Thanks.
> --
> Jorge Jaramillo

[Origami] Gallery update

2017-08-10 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
It's been a while since I have written about updates to my website
galleries, although I have been folding from time to time. I would like to
share the following updates:

Single Sheet gallery updated, top 5 rows:

New gallery of modulars:

My updates are more current on social media than my website. So please
check these from time to time if you don't hear from me:


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Origami All Kinds

2017-06-09 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
This is just a quick follow up of my book announcement from last week.  You
must have heard that OUSA's The Source has stocked up on my book.

Also the look-inside feature is now ready on Amazon, so please check it out.
They do not show the whole Table of Contents, so please also visit
http://origamee.net/book7/index.html and click on the respective link.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] New book - Origami All Kinds

2017-06-01 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

It is my immense pleasure to announce my new and seventh book "Origami All
Kinds: Single Sheet and Modular Designs".  Please find details in:

Thanks so much to the following for their invaluable help: Tere
Montero-Cañibe , Jorge
Jaramillo, Rui Roda , Charul Patil
, Michał Kosmulski
, Evan Zodl
, Mukul Achawal
, and Edward Holmes.

Although I was solicited several times by my original publisher CRC Press
to do another book with them, I decided to go the route of independent
publishing on CreateSpace for several reasons, flexibility and royalty%
being the main ones.

I have reached the landmark of 10 years of book publishing and 20 years of
my online presence, currently origamee.net. Thanks to the origami community
for all your support. I hope you will continue to support me as always.

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] April update

2017-04-22 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I haven't been folding much this year because I have been busy with my
seventh book which I hope to release in the next couple of months.
Unlike my previous books which had mostly one type of origami -
modular or single-sheet, I have mixed them up this time, so hopefully
I will be able to interest more people.

I made a wreath of all the flowers I designed and collected in the
past few years and these flower diagrams will appear in the book.


Additionally a lot (but not all) of my previously unpublished designs
from the following albums will be in the book:





My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Blintzed Bird Base

2017-03-05 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Randlett names step 7 the Blintzed Bird Base in both The Art of Origami
(1961, see page 145) and The Best of Origami (1963, see page 126). Step 10
is the basis of George Rhoads?s Bug, presented in Best Of Origami (it
appears as step 3 on page 130). That?s the earliest appearance I?ve seen of
step 10 explicitly. Rhoads explored the Blintzed Bird Base extensively, so
you see several different treatments of it in his 1950s/1960s work.

It should be noted that Yoshizawa explored multiply blintzed Frog Bases
back in the 1950s (his 1959 Cicada is made from what amounts to two
Blintzed Frog Bases), so there?s a good chance that he created the BBB and
?step 10? as part of that exploration. Since he didn?t give instructions
for his more complex creations, though, that must remain supposition.

Thanks, Robert, for your research.  This was exactly the kind of detail I
was looking for.  When I attended your Cicada class at OrigaMIT I did
notice the double Blintzed Frog Base in the crease pattern.  Thanks again.


Re: [Origami] Blintzed Bird Base

2017-03-04 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> From: Anna 
> https://68.media.tumblr.com/71cbe319eb2561931a24c175ae336d
> Step 7 shows a blintzed bird base and even says so. No idea whether the
> base from step 10 has a name on its own. The numeration of the steps is
> very peculiar though.

Thanks for your reply, Anna.  Yes, step 7 says Blintzed Bird Base but I
asked anyway because I have seen different definitions on the internet. And
yes, the numbering is funky but fortunately my questions deal with
unambiguous numbers :)

It would still be interesting to know who was the first one to come up with
what is in Step 10.  The steps leading to it are very natural and there may
be multiple people who arrived at it independently.  Any clues/pointers
would be appreciated!  These are the times when I miss David Lister...


[Origami] Blintzed Bird Base

2017-03-03 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I have some questions about the Blintzed Bird Base.  Please refer to the

1) Is what's shown in step 8 a Blintzed Bird Base, or rather what's shown
in step 10?
2) I have seen the use of what's in step 10 in lot of designs, specially
insects.  Who can we attribute this base (step 10) to?

I've used this base (step 10) in a few of my designs and wanted to give the
right credits.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] 34th CDO, Dec 2016

2017-01-31 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I had a blast at the CDO convention in December.  Here are my albums:

1) CDO people, exhibits and more:


2) Milan sightseeing album complete with captions:

I hope you enjoy!


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] November update

2016-11-30 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I had a fabulous time at Origami Mexico 2016 at Mexico City last month!
Enchanting city, warmhearted people, fabulous food and awesome folders - I
couldn't ask for more!  Being there during the Day of the Dead festivities
was an added bonus.  If anybody is contemplating going there, I would
highly recommend it!  Please see my albums to see what I mean:

Exhibits and people album:
Sightseeing album with captions: https://goo.gl/photos/AVz6Ddu42wwcCa439

Additionally, I have updated my Display Ideas page with two beautiful
flower arrangements made by Teresa Montero Cañibe of Mexico:

I am looking forward to meeting a lot of my European origami friends, some
for the first time, at CDO next week!

Happy Holidays in advance!

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Display case

2016-11-04 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> I am so glad to know someone else does this! My husband has made a
couple of these for me over the years. They look pretty sharp

Could you or someone please post some pictures somewhere and send us links.

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Hillary: was New Fold

2016-10-19 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Meenakshi Mukerji <meen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am happy to have caused a lot of stir with the Hillary logo design!
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/mmukhopadhyay/29572866884/
> First, Robert came up with a version from a square (7x7 grid):
> http://langorigami.com/crease-pattern/hillary
> Then Jason came up with a more efficient one from a square (I actually
> collapsed this one and had a lot of fun):
> http://jasonku.scripts.mit.edu/misc/hillary.pdf
> Next, Cheng Chit Leong made one from an 8x8 grid:
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/chengchit/30042297230/
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/chengchit/30222931742/
> And today Michel Grand of France showed me an improved arrow starting
> with my fold.  He may post a CP soon:
> http://origamee.net/temp/michel_hillary.jpg
> Patsy had my design tweeted:
> https://twitter.com/wangiverson/status/787257774593847296

We now have a few more CPs for those interested:

1) Cheng Chit Leong has an improved one from an 8x8 grid

2) Michel Grand has a CP from 1:3.5 rectangle

3) Francis Ow has a CP from 1:4 rectangle


Re: [Origami] New fold

2016-10-11 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> Origami and politics perhaps do not mix but I couldn't help but design
this beautiful symbol with color change:
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/mmukhopadhyay/29572866884/

Since many of you asked here are the rough instructions:

My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] September update

2016-09-30 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> When I follow the link, I arrive at a page full of spam links.
> Has something gone wrong?
> Hans Dybkj?r

Dear Hans,

I uploaded and tested the link before I sent out the email.  Soon after, a
lister, Vedder Wright, wrote privately to me with the same concern.  When I
went to test I saw the link wasn't working, although I could swear that I
had tested before emailing.  Anyway I re-uploaded my files and things
started working again.  I had never seen this bizarre behavior before.
Does anyone have such experience?  My domain provider is


[Origami] September update

2016-09-29 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Just one new design this month.  Please see first row of


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] August update

2016-08-24 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I have a new design and variation in the first two rows of

Also, now that we are getting closer to the dates, I am happy to announce
that I have two special guest invitations coming up soon:

1) 5th Origami Mexico Convention

2) 34th CDO Italy Convention

I hope to make a lot of new friends and see a lot of old ones at Mexico and


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] July update

2016-07-26 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Couple of new square grid tessellations in the first two rows of:

Couple of new modulars in the first two rows of:


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] June update

2016-06-30 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
> I experimented with tessellations taking molecules from my modular
> designs and they turned out great.  Of course, this would not have
> been possible without the genius of Shuzo Fujimoto.
> http://origamee.net/creation/ss16to17.html (first 3 rows)

I added one more to the tessellations:


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] May update

2016-05-18 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I have a couple of new designs with color change as seen in the first
two rows of
They belong to the same family as my Tulip Garden from last month.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] March update

2016-03-23 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
New modular design Floral Struts:

New single sheet designs Fancy Frog, Heliconia and Red Ginger:
(The units above, slightly modified ended up looking like what I call Fancy
Frog.  The tropical flowers are work in progress.)


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] February update

2016-02-16 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I have some new designs, all made from strips of paper ranging from
1:3 to 1:7.  Please see first 3 rows of

I also started a new Guest Gallery for 2016.  I now have a total of
over 500 submissions in my Guest Galleries which I started in 2003!

I have restructured my webpage, arranging my designs by year rather
than by design type such as Sonobes, Dodecahedra etc.  Some old
gallery sizes were getting out of control and hence I made the change.
If you have deep linked, those links will continue to work as I have
not changed any file location or removed any file.

I will be in Chapel Hill, NC in early March.  If anybody from that
area would like to connect please write to me off line.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] January update

2016-02-03 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
After a short break I am back to folding.  Some new designs are in
first 4 rows of

There are 4 new instruction videos of my older designs here:


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] OrigaMIT 2015

2015-11-18 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Just a quick note to say that I had a wonderful time at OrigaMIT 2015.
It's always fun to see familiar as well as new faces!  It was very well
organized and attended by many origami notables.  There were tons of great
classes from simple to advance levels.  I taught my Bird of Paradise Flower
and Abstract Flower.  I wanted to attend so many classes but, of course,
time wasn't enough.  Here are photos of some classes that I could attend:
http://origamee.net/gallery/2015/index.html (Pony/Spirowl/Cicada).

I also made a photo album where I will slowly add more pictures:

Thanks OrigaMIT for having me as special guest!  I truly enjoyed!


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] November update

2015-11-10 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
To celebrate World Origami Days I released free diagrams for my Mayur

Also, there are new, mostly simple, designs in the first 4 rows of


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Exquisite Modular Origami II

2015-10-15 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I am happy to announce that Exquisite Modular Origami II has now been
released!  It is available at most Amazons worldwide.  Japan and Canada
will take a few extra days.  Please find additional details here:

A quote from the preface that says it all -

"I have subjected my designs to some rigorous self-imposed criteria before
handpicking them for the book. First of all, of course, they have to be
aesthetically pleasing with clean well defined lines. Second, they must be
sturdy and should be able to withstand a moderate amount of handling
without falling apart. Third, the starting papers must be squares and, if
not, then the starting proportions should be easily obtainable. Lastly, the
models should not rely on inserts or separate joining tabs."


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] New book pre-announcement

2015-09-29 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

After a successful *Exquisite Modular Origami *which has been consistently
in the top 50 Amazon.com origami books, if not the top 25, for 4 years in a
row (http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books/5159/), I am about to
launch it's second volume.  Please find a preview here:

I am hoping that it will be released sometime in October when I will make
another announcement.  Thanks for all your good wishes.  Without you this
would not have been possible.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] September update

2015-09-11 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I have updates to my 2015 gallery:
It was fun to fold designs by Ilan Garibi, Evan Zodl, Jorge Jaramillo, and
Peter Keller.

There are new instruction links for Peter's Star and Jorge's Sun:

My Guest Gallery has new photos as well:


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] CenterFold fun

2015-08-07 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I had tons of fun at Centerfold 2015 in Ohio.  Being a relatively smaller
convention, I found it to be a little less overwhelming and relaxing.  I
have photos of some of the things I folded in and out of class here:
http://origamee.net/gallery/2015/index.html (first three rows).

Thanks, Ohio Paper Folders, for having me as one of the special guests.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Belated June update

2015-07-04 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Not much folding for me in June but here are some updates:

I had a lot of fun with the Mondrian Cube by David Mitchell and wonderful
instructions by Leyla Torres.  A photo is here:

Two new 6-unit Sonobe constructions other than the cube are shown here:

Some updates in my Guest Gallery - of note are two tessellations, the cells
of which incorporate my designs:

Happy Fourth of July to my US friends!


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] April update

2015-04-27 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
 April has been a few new flower designs for me!  All exploit the crossed
box pleat.
 Some have color change and some use harmony paper for effect.  Please
find the
 flowers in: http://origamee.net/creation/onesheet3/index.html

Soon after the update I had a few more designs/variations in quick
succession.  Some are color change versions of existing ones.  Also a
couple of new Fujimoto Hydrangea color change adaptations which I call
Hydrangea and Leaves and Acid Base Hydrangea.

All from single sheet.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] March update

2015-03-18 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Not much folding this time but would still like to share this update:

Thanks Dasa for the brilliant box idea and Sara for making such a wonderful


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] February update

2015-02-26 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Please find new photos in my 2015 gallery, first 4 rows:

I have been folding for so many years but never a Yoshizawa.  I just fixed
it!  I was surprised to find out that the collapsing technique used in the
Sunflower, which I have seen in so many designs, is originally his.  I
never knew it existed so long ago and I stand corrected.

Tons of stuff in my guest gallery:

Also please be on the lookout for my Wonderfold 2014 convention report in
an upcoming issue of OUSA's The Fold.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] January update

2015-01-25 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I created a new 2015 gallery and have a few Fujimoto twist stars on there:

I also updated this page with some lovely origami gifts I received at
Wonderfold 2014:

It's a small update but I am glad to have started my new folding year!


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Wonderfold 2014

2015-01-21 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I've been lazy about writing a report but here is my album showing exhibits
and people:

There is another public album on FB:

In a nutshell, Wonderfold was wonderful!  It was an extra sweet homecoming
trip for me.  Hope to write a full report sometime soon.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] paper query

2014-11-08 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I am looking for 8-9 duo paper in Bird of Paradise colors, i.e., orange on
one side and blue or purple on the other.  The weight should be like
regular kami or duo paper, i,e., 60-70 gsm.  I have used double tissue in
this photo but would like something more commonly available.

This product has the colors I need but only 8 sheets in the whole pad, and
along with the shipping it is not cost effective.  Besides the papers tend
to crack.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006BAUTE/

If you know of any other sources please let me know.  Even Kraft if
available in that duo combination would be great.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Decorative Cube Diagrams

2014-10-27 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
On Mon, 27 Oct, 2014 Anne LaVin anne.la...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am continually amazed at the generosity of origami creators/designers in
 sharing their materials, especially given how much work goes into
 diagramming a piece.

That is absolutely right, Anne!  Diagramming is a lot of hard work and
thanks for the reminder.

 What I think she meant was making the diagrams freely and publicly
 available.  Which does not mean she doesn't still have a copyright in the
 diagrams, unless she expressly gives it up, or uses some other scheme like
 Creative Commons or something.

Thanks for clarifying!  That is exactly what I meant!  I used the term
domain as in the internet and not as in the legal world.  It does help to
have lawyer connections ;)

A typo in the body of my original email.  Please read Decorative Cubes
and not Decorate Cubes.

Happy WODs.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Decorative Cube Diagrams

2014-10-26 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

To celebrate World Origami Days (Oct 24-Nov 11) I have released diagrams
for my Decorate Cubes in the public domain via Origami USA's The Fold:


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Origami My Heart instructions

2014-10-24 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I'd like to celebrate my estimated 25,000 books sold landmark by making my
Origami My Heart instruction video available to all.  The number includes
the sale of all 5 of my titles over 7 years from the release of my first
one.  While it's not a large number, it's not too shabby for origami books
either.  When I embarked upon the journey of writing my first book, little
did I think I'd be writing 5 in 7 years!  I hope to start another title
next year.  Thanks to all for your support and good wishes!

As for the video, it's my first one.  It's not the best but quite workable
as my video specialist friends Sara Adams and Evan Zodl have told me!

Photo link: http://origamee.net/creation/2014/myheart.jpg

Video link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSquJKFRWnw

Have a great weekend.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] Origami My Heart instructions

2014-10-24 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
 As for the video, it's my first one.  It's not the best but quite
workable as my video specialist friends
 Sara Adams and Evan Zodl have told me!

I am very sorry I forgot to mention Leyla Torres' name.  She too gave me
similar feedback.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] October update

2014-10-11 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

Quite a few updates this time!  A lot of the origami pics have been clicked
with nature.

A couple of new designs here, as well as new photos (top 2 rows):

I revisited Compound of 5 Tetrahedra and have a better solution now from 60

See top 3 rows of 2014 Gallery of designs by others:

I reverse engineered a variation of Palmer Flower Tower that can be seen

A couple of new diagram links (Shell and Autumn Leaf):


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Peace Lily and Leaf

2014-09-11 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Diagrams now available at OUSA file downloads:


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] September update

2014-09-04 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I have a few updates.

Two new 24-unit assemblies of my Hearty Cube, which will be in an upcoming
issue of The Fold are shown here:

I had the pleasure of meeting Dave and Assia Brill last month and the
privilege to learn a couple of designs from them first hand!  Also caught
Shrikant Iyer while he was on a tour here and had him attend our local
Valley Folders' meeting.  He taught the delightful Roman Diaz Maple Leaf
which I could not stop folding!  All of these are shown in the first 4 rows

My Origami People album has been updated as well


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] August update

2014-08-05 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I have a few updates:

New single sheet design Bird of Paradise in

New modular design Flora in http://origamee.net/creation/2014/index.html

I am exhibiting at Sunnyvale Public Library, CA, and CenterFold, OH.
Photos are here


Thanks, John Scully, for sponsoring and facilitating the OH exhibition.

Also, I am happy to announce that I have accepted Wonderfold 2014's
invitation as guest of honor.  The convention is in Mumbai in December.  I
dedicated last month's Mayur design to the convention and coincidentally
their mascot is an origami peacock.  The peacock is also the national bird
of India.  It will be an unique experience to go back to my motherland as
an origami special guest.  With prior guests such as David Brill and Tomoko
Fuse, I'm going to have to fill big shoes! More convention details here:

Tons of new submissions in my Guest Gallery as well:



My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] June update

2014-06-12 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I've had a flurry of new modular designs.  Please check out my new gallery

Most of the designs are new.  A few I wrote about earlier in the year.  I
hope you all enjoy.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] WWF sighting - oops

2014-06-07 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
 Designed by Anita Barbour, the origami animals pictured inside come to
life in

Please read:
Designed by Anita Barbour and Joseph Wu...

I mistakenly omitted Joseph's name, sorry.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] WWF sighting

2014-06-07 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I've had this WWF calendar on my wall since January but only when I turned
the page to the month of June did I notice to my surprise that every page
has an origami representation of the animal featured for the month!  They
are small photos without individual credits but this is what it says at the

Designed by Anita Barbour, the origami animals pictured inside come to
life in WWF's award-winning tablet app.  Visit worldwildlife.org/together
to find out how to experience the world's most amazing animals in one app.

Animals featured:  tiger, rhino, polar bear, jaguar, gorilla, butterfly,
elephant, turtle, orangutan, snow leopard, bison and penguin.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Promotional

2014-05-30 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
After 15 years of using my Yahoo address, which I primarily used for
origami affairs, this is my first email to the list from my gmail address.
 Sorry, administrators, for not doing this earlier and having you do extra
work as a result and thanks for all you do!

I have a one-month promotional for my books and OUSA downloads.  Please see
details here:  http://www.origamee.net/omh.html and thanks for looking.


My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] April update

2014-04-11 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I have updated the following galleries:

I had fun transposing my octagonal collapse flowers to other polygons.  Please 
see first 2 rows of

I folded a few designs by other creators.  Please see first 4 rows of 

and my Fractals Gallery

And, of course, there are new submissions in my Guest Gallery

Happy spring!

My origami website http://www.origamee.net 

[Origami] tridecagon

2014-03-06 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Has anybody come across how to fold an origami tridecagon (or triskaidecagon) - 
a polygon with 13 sides?  If you have then please let me know the source.  

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Gallery update

2014-03-04 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

Finally had a chance to create my 2014 gallery.  I folded a couple of Peter 
Engel leaves, tons of Curlicues and some other models.  The entire gallery is 
new so please take the time to scroll down all the way: 

I also released an inexpensive grayscale edition of Wondrous One Sheet Origami:

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] New video: Flower Gaillardia by Meenakshi Mukerji

2014-02-01 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

 With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I knew I had to present a
 model fit for the occasion. It's a beautiful flower, Gaillardia, designed
 by Meenakshi Mukerji. 
 Video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/I8JOe1c3Dx8

Thanks for the incredible video!  You have done such a wonderful job of 
explaining the collapse with the much needed patience!

 Diagrams are also published in her new, excellent book Wondrous One Sheet 
 While Meenakshi has previously mostly been known for her modular origami,
 this book proves that she has just as much to offer regarding single sheet
 folds. So do check out her new book, and of course her super useful
 website: http://origamee.net/

Thanks also for your kind words about my book and my website!  I am so glad you 
think that way.  I don't know if it's a coincidence but the book is #1 at the 
moment in amazon.de origami books!

Please keep up your great work on origami videos.  I have to mention here that 
I referred to your videos to make Fujimoto san's Hydrangea and Crowding 
Butterflies, both of which went a long way in influencing some of my designs.

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] January update

2014-01-29 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Happy New Year everybody!

I haven't folded this year yet as I was traveling.  But I have worked on my 
2014 Guest Gallery which has tons of new submissions in just a month!  Please 
check it out:  http://www.origamee.net/guest/

Also, 2013 has been a year of the largest number of submissions to my Guest 
Gallery so far - 82 in all!  Please check it out as well: 

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Folders in Hongkong

2014-01-10 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I will be in transit in HKG for 8 hours on Jan 15th, arriving around 6 am and 
leaving around 2 pm.  Any folders based in Hongkong interested in a meet please 
contact me offline.  I understand that it is a weekday and people have to work.


Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] World Record Origami Modular?

2014-01-09 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Here is a 900 unit Sonobe assembly by Rosa Sanchez folded way back in the 1990s

I pulled it out of the WayBack machine.

Still in India.

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Happy New Year

2013-12-31 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Greetings from India!  I just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful year ahead.  
Also wanted to let you know that The Source now has my newest book:  

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] December update

2013-12-22 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
I have a small gallery update - the last one for the year.  Couple of new folds 
in my 2013 gallery: http://www.origamee.net/gallery/2013/index.html

The Braided Corona Star is truly lovely, thanks Maria, for the design, and 
Sara, for the video.  

The single sheet square frame was also fun.  It is designed by high school 
freshman Martin Sejer Andersen.  For those of you who don't know Martin, he has 
been designing origami for some years now and here is his design gallery: 
His YouTube channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/Msaorigami

I tried a rounded button (second row) on Peter Engel's new Santa by folding in 
the four corners of the original button.

Also, my new book has had a good start and I would like to thank you all for 
your support.

Once again, Happy Holidays!

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] Wondrous One Sheet Origami

2013-12-04 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
Contrary to my previous email, it seems now that I will be able to release my 
new book before the holiday season after all!  Things just fell into place and 
went better than expected and I am happy to give you the news.  Please find a 
preview here:

I will write again when the book becomes available.

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] November update

2013-11-21 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

I have a small gallery update, the final one for this year.  I have updated my 
2013 Gallery with the following:
- Santa Claus by Peter Engel with this cute coat button, folded at Cal Origami 

- Infallible Smile Generator by Tony King also folded at Cal Origami 
Convention.  It is a variation of Yami Yamaguchi's Fireworks.
- Spiralled Square by Ilan Garibi
- Jumping Poison Arrow Frogs by Michael LaFosse folded for OUSA annual gift.

I will take this opportunity to announce that I have been working on my fifth 
book.  This time it is single sheet designs and not modular.  The tentative 
title is Wondrous One Sheet Origami, and optimistically, it should be ready 
in a couple more months.

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

Re: [Origami] another sunday, another video

2013-11-13 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji

this Sunday I had the time to make another tutorial video. 
 This time it's a color-change-four-wings-spiral-on-a-square from a single 
 sheet of paper.
 See here the model:  
 and how to fold it here: 
Thanks, Ilan, for the wonderful model and for sharing the video instructions.  
I really enjoyed folding it!

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

[Origami] October update

2013-10-18 Thread Meenakshi Mukerji
It has been a while since my last update.  I had a wonderful time at PCOC.  
Thanks to Patty Grodner and the NM society for making it a perfect convention.  
Thanks to those who came up and introduced themselves and said that they 
enjoyed my updates.  That reassurance is definitely needed once in a while.

I have updated my 2013 Gallery with some things I folded at PCOC and more:

My Souvenirs page has a photo of some of the goodies I collected:

I have added another photo of my Octagonal Collapse Flower, this class at PCOC 
I think was a hit:

My Origami People album has some new photos:

My NM sightseeing album:

Have you visited my modular origami website? http://www.origamee.net

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