Re: How do I update memory

2008-05-29 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Jeff,

I think you have to join what Palm calls the development Provider Solution
(?). When Palm accept you as a member, it takes a while for them to send you
the password. You use your email account (that you register with them) and
the password they give you to log in.


Heather Tufts wrote:

> The updates are embedded in the 3.5 SDK and the Update 1 to the 3.5 SDK.
> Also, there are a couple of debugger plugins hosted on the Metrowerks
> Website which you can download for Mac or Windows at
> ftp://palm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Those are all the public updates at

> this point.

This update is password protected - which user name and password should
I use?
(I did register my copy of Metrowerks.)

- Jeff

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Re: FldSetTextHandle()

2008-05-29 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Micheal,

This is what I use, hope that helps, remember to free the memory when you go to 
the next form.


/* */
/*  FUNCTION:SetFieldText, taken from utils.c in SimpleScan example*/
/* */
/*  DESCRIPTION:Perform all necessary actions to set a Field control's */
/*  text and redraw, if necesary.  Allocates a text handle.*/
/* */
/* */
/*  PARAMETERS: nFieldID(in) - The resource ID of the field.   */
/*  pSrcText(in) - The text to copy into field.*/
/*  nMaxSize(in) - Max size that the field can grow.   */
/*  bRedraw(in)  - Should the text be redrawn now? */
/* */
/*  RETURNED:   None   */
/* */
void SetFieldText(UInt nFieldID, const CharPtr pSrcText, Int nMaxSize, Boolean 
   VoidHand hFieldText;
   CharPtr  pFieldText;
   FieldPtr pField;
   Int16 len;
   UInt32 curSize;

   pField = (FieldPtr)GetObjectPtr(nFieldID);

   hFieldText = FldGetTextHandle(pField);
   if(!hFieldText) {
  hFieldText = MemHandleNew(nMaxSize);
   // If already allocated, make sure it can handle nMaxSize already.
   // If not, realloc that buffer
   } else {
  curSize = MemHandleSize(hFieldText);
  if(curSize < nMaxSize)
 MemHandleResize(hFieldText, nMaxSize);

   if( hFieldText ) {
  len = StrLen(pSrcText);
  pFieldText = (CharPtr)MemHandleLock(hFieldText);
  if (len > nMaxSize) {
 StrNCopy( pFieldText, pSrcText, nMaxSize-1);
 pFieldText[nMaxSize-1] = nullChr;
  } else {
 StrCopy(pFieldText, pSrcText);
  FldSetMaxChars( pField, nMaxSize-1);
  FldRecalculateField( pField, true );
 FldDrawField( pField );

/*  FUNCTION:FreeFieldHandle, taken from SimpleScan example*/
/*  DESCRIPTION: Free the memory associated with the text field on the */
/*   current Palm Form */
/*  PARAMETERS:  field id  */
/*  RETURNED:nothing   */
/* */
void FreeFieldText(int objectID)
   FieldPtr pField;
   VoidHand textH;

   pField = (FieldPtr)GetObjectPtr(objectID);
   textH = FldGetTextHandle(pField);
   if (textH){
  FldSetTextHandle(pField, 0);

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help, please!!!bugs in palm program

2008-05-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi the experts,

I am some bugs in my program but can not catch them and fix them. Please help 

I run the program the 1st time, inside the program, I get "index out of range" 
error. I have to reset the program. I run it the 2nd time, I get "bus error", 
the program doesn't run. I have to delete it and load it back before it can be 
run again.

I step through the program, set break points all over the places but in the 
middle of the program, after one breakpoint, before the next break point, I get 
"index out of range" error.

I step throught the program, step by step, sometimes the program jumps into the 
Assembly code, then jump back to my code. After a while, it goes in the 
evenloop and I miss the message sent back from the serial port, the program 
behaves differently... (I should get the message from the com port, process 
that message and so on). When the program jumps to the Assembly code, doesn't 
it mean it catch an exception?

I am checking the code to make sure I don't have the "out of range" bugs when I 
access the database. I check to make sure I do not overflow the strings in my 
program. What else I should check?

I think I may have bugs because word alignment. Please tell me what I have to 

I can duplicate the bug but can not catch it. What can I do? 

Thank you for your respond.


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Re:How to align a label in a table

2008-05-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> How can I align the label to the left?
I don't know if there is better way to do it. This is what I do, I make the 
table with 1 col and fill data in using WinDrawChars()
I forgot where I took this code, must be in an example code.

// Determine the length of text that will fit within the bounds.
// data to put in col1 is in tempstr1, col2 is in tempstr2

  width = bounds->extent.x - 45;
  textLen = StrLen(tempstr1);
  FntCharsInWidth(tempstr1, &width, &textLen, &fits);
// if the string is too long, add "..." at the end where it is cut
  if (!fits) {
// Now draw the text from the record.
  WinDrawChars(tempstr1, textLen, bounds->topLeft.x+1,

  leftbound = bounds->topLeft.x+125; 
  WinDrawChars(tempstr2,StrLen(tempstr2), leftbound,

hope that helps.


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What happens when user tab the silkscreen/hard buttons?

2008-05-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi everyone,
Please help me with these questions:
1. While my program is running, if the user tabs on the silkscreen buttons or 
the hard keys, does the FrmCloseEvent invoke? and the AppStop() will be called?
2. At a certain point in my program, I want to ignore anything the user tabs on 
the silkscreen (except the "cancel" button in my form), I set handle to true in 
keyDownEvent but it doesn't seem to work. What do I have to do?
3. I have a dialog form in my program ("save behind" is checked), when user tab 
a button on this dialog form, the window doesn't redraw completely. Part of the 
screen is erased, do I have to redraw everything to make sure? I think, 
supposely, we don't have to that.
4. I have a table in my form, when I select a row, I show a information window 
about that row (dialog form). If the row I selected is outside the dialog form, 
when I close the dialog form, it is OK. If the row is hidden, when I close the 
dialog form, it is not highlighted anymore. What can I do? I try to select the 
row afterward but it doesn't highlight either. Is this the same problem as 3 ?
Please tell me about anything that you may think of to solve these. Any help is 
very appreciated.


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re:netsample for Palm OS 3.5

2008-05-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
From: Jaco Vis (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 19:12:48 

>Anyone been able to port the 3.1 sample project Netsample to >3.5? The 
>supplied OS 3.5 Netsample
>project does no longer contain the FTP portion, as the 3.1 >version did. I 
>have an application
>based on the netsample for my ftp stuff, but this doesn't >compile under 3.5. 
>I've solved this
>by including the 3.1 header file dataprv.h in my project. >dataprv.h seems no 
>longer supported
>by 3.5 ? Can anyone confirm this? If so, why isn't it?

Yes, I think dataprv.h is no longer in Palm 3.5. I don't know why. What I did 
is I look at dataprv.h, copy the structure defined in there to my program, 
simplify it and use it. I change some variable typed structure to a generic 
datatype. I also have to change (I think a lot) in the name of datatype so my 
program can run under Palm3.5. Mainly, I use UInt8, Int8, UInt8*, Int8*, 
UInt16.. for all of my variables. Palm 3.5 doesn't support Ptr (CharPtr, 
MemPtr...) So you have to use Char*, MemHandle. There is a header file you can 
include (*compatibility.h or st) but it doesn't cover everything so I go ahead 
make the changes once.
If you use a good editor, it won't take too long to make all the changes. There 
is some documents in Palm dev zone about Palm 3.5 that may help, too.


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re:StrNCopy terminates with NULL?

2008-05-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

tmpstr = StrNCopy(tmpstr,lap->jobdata.fields[icustomer],24);

>Does StrNCopy terminate the string with a NULL? All the data >looks fine, 
>contains a truncated string as expected.
I think that StrNCopy() works the same way as strncpy() in C. So, it may not 
add a null char for you. Can you try to add a null char

tmpstr = StrNCopy(tmpstr,lap->jobdata.fields[icustomer],24);
tmpstr[24] = nullChr;
then put it in the label. If you change the text in the label many times in one 
form, you may want to reallocate the text inside the label, too.


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FrmGetFormPtr(), gadget, PRC to Overlay?

2008-05-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi everybody,

I am learning to use PRC to Overlay tool in Palm. I have a form with 3 objects. 
I want to make an overlay PRC with just 2 objects. I get stuck because I don't 
know how to do this:

1. If I call FrmGetFormPtr() in AppStart(), it return 0. If I call 
FrmGetFormPtr() or FrmGetActiveForm() in frmOpenEvent, it works fine. Why ?
2. If I'd like to find whether an object is existing in a form or not, can I do 
it or not? which API can I use?
3. I have a gadget in my form, I do some custom draw (WinDrawLine(), etc.) in 
the gadget. When I set gadget unusable (uncheck the usable box), it still 
draws. Why?
  How do I check the value of usable of that gadget?
  How do I set the value of usable of that gadget?

Can anybody tell me how to do 1. 2. 3. or how to make an overlay PRC with 2 
objects. Is there any more documents about PRC to Overlay other than 7 pages 
OVERLAY TOOL from Palm site?
Thank you for reading and helping me.

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Re: FrmGetFormPtr(), gadget ???

2008-05-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi everyone,

Richard, thank you so much for your respond, I use FrmGetObject*() that you 
show me and they work

> FrmGetFormPtr() returns NULL (==0) if the specified form is not in memory.
> The form hasn't been loaded into memory when your code executes AppStart().
My stupid question, FrmGetFormPtr() only return the form pointer when the form 
is in memory, which
is when frmLoadEvent is queued( when we call FrmgotoForm() or FrmPopupform()), 
why do we need
FrmGetFormPtr(formID) while we can use FrmGetActiveForm()?

>Is this an extended gadget and are you using the 3.5 New Feature Set?  Have
>you defined and set up the gadget handler with FrmSetGadgetHandler()?  Is
>your gadget handler responding to formGadgetDrawCmd and formGadgetEraseCmd?
>If not, then the gadget is really not much more than a screen area you
>define so you can later get it's bounds.
For some gadget, I just need to bounds, for some other gadgets, I do need to 
define and setup the
gadget handler. The gadget handler is called when user tab inside/outside the 
gadget. I need the
gadget to draw w/o user control. I am hoping that when I set the gatget 
unusable, it won't be
drawed. I am wrong?

>>   How do I check the value of usable of that gadget?
>>   How do I set the value of usable of that gadget?

>Use FrmShowObject() to set it and FrmHideObject() to clear it.
Can I read the value of usable of a gadget?

Can anyone help me, please. Thanks a lot.


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RE: Modules or projects? -> multi segments

2008-05-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
I don't know how you do this in other compiler. With CW, it is very easy, just 
follow what this
article says:

hope this help.

>> You just need to enable the multiple segment, and the 
>> compiler will spilt the code to segments automatically!

>Not exactly.  Once you convert your project to a multi-segment application,
>it is your job to determine which files go in which segment in order to work
>out the sizes and appropriate linkage.

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re: Bitmap dimension

2008-05-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> Using CW (IDE 4.01) how can I define the dimension of the bitmap?
> I can see Default PICT in the box but it is locked.
Click on the bitmap window, then go to Contructor menu -> option ->set image 
size -> you can
change the size...


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re: Differance between .pdb/.prc file and File Streams

2006-06-14 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hello there,

In the Palm Doc section somewhere, you can find the File format document, which 
tells you the formats of different Palm files (PDB, PRC, PQA).

Using the exchange manager, you can convert the resource database to .PRC file. 
You can also convert the record database to .PDB file. 

I used to transfer files between the Palm internal memory and the external 
memory (SD card) using exchange manager. At that time, we didn't have pictures 
as jpeg file on the Palm, so I don't know if it works differently for .jpg 
file. I use file streaming as data buffer instead of allocate a big chunk of 

You mention that you got duplicate data and extra data when you transfer the 

I suggest to test these 2 steps seperately.
1. Using ExgDBWrite to convert to .prc or .pdb file
Instead of transfer the file after converting it, just save it in the SD card, 
then you can compare to see if your .prc or .pdb file is exactly the same as 
the original file or not.

2. transfer using netlib.
Instead of transfer the file, just transfer some data (100 bytes data) and see 
if you receive that data at the end.

If the 2 steps work OK, then you put them together and try with small file ( < 
packet size), then with bigger file...

Hope that helps.
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re: Help Regarding ExgDBWrite..

2006-06-09 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
> 1) Using ExgDBWrite to convert a database(currently Word to go 
> file) in memory to stream format,writing the result to a file 
> stream 
You could read this file stream and compare the raw data with the original 
database (.pdb, World to go file). If the data is correct, then the problem may 
be the 2nd step.

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re: Problem with list

2006-04-05 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

How do you store the list in the db. I would store data in the db, when I want 
to show the data, I read from the db and display in the table. If I don't 
change/delete data, the data is still there in the db.

If you could be a little bit more detail, may be someone could help.

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re: How can I build a simple prc for weight calculations in the jet I fly?

2006-03-08 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
check out this

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Re: Handle incoming calls and other Palm events on a hi-res program?

2005-11-29 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Ben,

> You should only switch to high resolution mode when you're 
> actually doing your drawing, and you should switch back to 
> standard resolution at all other times. At the least, make
> sure you're in standard before you exit from your event handler.
My program is similar to the media player program, it draws hi-res graphic all 
the time, so I only want to switch back to standard resolution when there is a 
Palm event (incoming call, SMS message, alarm, etc...). I just can not catch 
the Palm event :(

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Handle incoming calls and other Palm events on a hi-res program?

2005-11-29 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hello there,

In my program, I call
and display graphic in high resolution (320x320 for Treo 650). When the program 
is running, if there is an incoming phone call, the screen is messed up, part 
of a message text box is showed in the top left quarter of the screen. What do 
I need to do to handle switching betweeen hi-res and low-res?

Other than incoming call, which event do I have to handle the switching 
(between hi-res and low-res)?

Thanks in advances for your help.

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re: Storage data without using ordinary database ways

2005-10-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

I use file stream or put data in a binary file and load the bin file to the 
resource. File stream is actually palm database with 4K record each and each 
record has a header. You can read file stream using filestream API, and you get 
the data from a resource using DmGetResource and such.
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OT-Job in Phillip Medical (NY)

2005-10-03 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hello there, 

I am sorry. I know it is very OT. I got this email. May be someone can use the 
information. tnn

I work for Philips Medical and am in the process of finding candidates for a 
few different PalmOS related positions we have open in New York City. The group 
that is hiring is responsible for  creating applications to support a global 
sales team (account reps and technician) equipped with Palm Treos. 

I am hoping to do a little networking to locate folks that might be interested. 
If you know anyone who might be want to consider the openings (including you) 
just drop me a line. My contact information is below. To see the job 
descriptions, please go to and check out the following 
requisition numbers: 

Software Development Engineer 4  (#28088) 
Sr. Handheld Software Engineer (#28095) 
Project Manager IV  (#28079) 
Sr. Programmer/Analyst  (#28093) 

Thanks for helping to get the word out!
Beth Dion
Recruitment Account Manager
Philips N.A. Recruitment Services
Direct Tel:  425-487-7415
Cell: 206-618-3588

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re: what headers do I include to get IsFiveWayNavEvent()?

2005-09-30 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
It is defined in
PalmNavigator.h or PalmOneNavigator.h

HTH, tnn

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re: Compiles but won't run

2005-09-29 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

I didn't look very carefully the 2 files. I think, at least you miss this case 
in AppHandleEvent


You would need the prototype 
extern Boolean SecondaryFormHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP);

static Boolean AppHandleEvent(EventType * eventP)
UInt16 formId;
FormType * frmP;

if (eventP->eType == frmLoadEvent)
/* Load the form resource. */
formId = eventP->data.frmLoad.formID;
frmP = FrmInitForm(formId);

/* Set the event handler for the form.  The handler of the
 * currently active form is called by FrmHandleEvent each
 * time is receives an event. */
switch (formId)
case MainForm:
FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, MainFormHandleEvent);

case SecondaryForm:
FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, SecondaryFormHandleEvent);


return true;

return false;

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re: Proper sequence for resizing record?

2005-09-27 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
I do,

check size, if insufficient 


and it works.

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re: Palm One Calendar Creator ID

2005-09-10 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> I am using Tungsten T5 device (Palm OS 5.4).
> I need the creator ID of Calendar Application
I think it is kPalmOneCreatorIDCalendar
If you download the PIM header from PalmPlugin. You have info about Calendar, 
Task and Event applications.

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RE: reset message on Treo650 simulator, how to run simulator again?

2005-09-09 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hello Aaron,

I delete Palm\SimSlotDriverVolume and the simulator is working again. Thank you 
so so much. Somehow I "managed" to make the simulator not working on either my 
laptop and desktop and I was stuck.

Thanks again.


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reset message on Treo650 simulator, how to run simulator again?

2005-09-09 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hello all,

I am using Treo 650 Sprint CDMA (build 6025) debug simulator on Win XP Pro. One 
time the simulator crashes, so I close it.When I open it again, I got the empty 
message screen with the buton "Reset" on it. I tab the "reset" button, nothing 
happens. I close the simulator and now, everytime I open it, I got that same 
"reset" screen. I try hard reset, nothing happens. I try to delete the 
simulator folder, delete the "simulator", "palmsim", "rom" and "ssf" in the 
registry, unzip the simulator zip file again but still have the same problem 
after the system asking me to choose the ROM file. I can run other simulators 
(5.0, 5.2) but can not run the Treo650 simulator anymore.

Could anybody tell me what to do so I can run the Treo650 simulator again, 

Many thanks

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re: Codewarrior/Table/MultipleColumns

2005-08-23 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
In the Contructor, If you click on Columm, then use Ctrl-K to add more columm 
(Ctrl-K to add more of the items...)
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re: test .net app on the web with simulator?

2005-08-16 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

> Can one use the simulator to connect to the web? 
Yes, I think so. I check on Settings -> Communication -> Redirect NetLib calls 
to Host TCP/IP


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What is the 1st param in SysLibInstall( , ) ? How to use SysLibInstall()

2005-08-11 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hello everyone,

First, I am sorry for the long email. I don't know how to write it shorter.

I want to run my application from the "send contact" menu in the contact 
(address book app).
I read the recipe in Palmsource about running the application from the send 
The recipe said
Begin quote
Check that the library is not already installed:
if (! SysLibFind(kSmsLibName, &refNum))

Then install the library. This sets up the dispatch table and registers the 
exchange library with the Exchange Manager:
if (!SysLibInstall(MyInstallDispatcher, &refNum))
End quote

I need to check and install the local exchange library, not the Sms lib
After checking the lib if (SysLibFind(exgLocalLibName, &refNum)), how can I 
install the library using SysLibInstall()? I don't know how to get dispatch 
table (MyInstallDispathcher). The recipe makes me think it is simple to use 

I follow the function AESLib_LoadLibrary() in AESLib_inline.h and do this

Err LoadLocalExchangerLibrary()
  Err err;
  MemHandlecodeRscH = 0;
  SysLibEntryProcPtr   codeRscP = 0;
  UInt16 cardNo = 0;
  LocalID  dbID = 0;
  DmSearchStateType searchState;
  DmOpenRef dbR = 0;
  SysLibTblEntryPtr  entryP = 0;
  Boolean  libInROM = false;
  UInt16 refNum;

  DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator(true, &searchState,   sysFileTExgLib, 
sysFileCLocalLib, true, &cardNo, &dbID);
  if (!dbID)
 return sysErrLibNotFound;

  libInROM = (MemLocalIDKind(dbID) != memIDHandle);

  if (0 == (dbR = DmOpenDatabase(cardNo, dbID, dmModeReadOnly)))
 return sysErrNoFreeRAM;

  if (0 == (codeRscH = DmGet1Resource(sysResTAppCode, 1))) {
  // I got stuck in this line, codeRscH is 0
  // what should be the value of the 2nd param 
  // in DmGet1Resource() in this case?
 ErrNonFatalDisplay("Can't get library rsrc");
 err = DmGetLastErr();
 err = sysErrLibNotFound;
  } else {
 codeRscP = (SysLibEntryProcPtr)MemHandleLock(codeRscH);
 err = SysLibInstall(codeRscP, &refNum);
 if (!err && !libInROM) {
DmDatabaseProtect(cardNo, dbID, true);

  dbR = 0;

  if (err) {
 refNum = sysInvalidRefNum;
 if (codeRscP && !libInROM) {
  } else {
 entryP = SysLibTblEntry(refNum);
 entryP->dbID = dbID;
 if (libInROM) {
entryP->codeRscH = 0;
 } else {
entryP->codeRscH = codeRscH;
  return err;

Could someone please tell me what I do wrong. 
Also, in the recipe, toward the end, it said "If the application has multiple 
segments, you have to load and lock each segment that contains a part of the 
Exchange Library."
My application has multiple segments, which segment will contains a part of the 
Exchange Library? How do I know? Could you explain to me, please.

Many thanks for reading my email and for your help.


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re: table - why it changes when i press on it

2005-08-11 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
you wrote:
> I draw i table which is not editable. But every time pres on it, > it starts 
> to show some strange
> chars and it draws the line below the field...  Why is that?
You could set a breakpoint in the formHandleEvent to see where to code jumps to 
when you press on the table. Do you have code to process any table related 
event? If you do, my guess is you forget a break statement so instead of 
getting out of the switch statement, it goes to the next case ... just a guess.


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How can I run my application from the "Send Contact" menu of the Contact program ?

2005-08-05 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hello there,

I am using CW 9.3 and writing a program for Treo 650.

I try to run my application from the "Send Contact"/"Send Task"/"Send Event" 
menu of the PIM application. I would like to receive the PIM record and use it 
in my application also. Is there any way I can put my application in the list 
of the send dialog, along with Versa mail and Bluetooth?

I read the exchange manager, read the Palmsource recipe "How can I have my 
application called by the Send menu?", and other related docs but still don't 
know how to do it. I think I have to register data, install the local exchange 
library,... , use exchange manager to receive data... I try and nothing 
happens. Am I in the right path?

Could anyone please tell me what I should do, what should I try first, any 

Many thanks.

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please see

re: Drawing bitmap from external card

2005-07-14 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> Has anyone drawn a bitmap bigger than 64k 
> from an external card before? I was able 
> to get the image from the card and allocate 
> enough memory for a MemPtr to hold it by 
> using MemGluePtrNew. After casting the 
> MemPtr as a BitmapPtr, I called 
> WinDrawBitmap(someBitmap,0,0) in the 
> frmOpenEvent event handler, but nothing 
> showed up... Can somebody help? 

Can you draw a smaller bitmap from the external card? If not, try that first.

> WinDrawBitmap(someBitmap,0,0) 
Input data someBitmap (of WinDrawBitmap()) is in the Palm bitmap format (bitmap 
family, check the "Palm OS Programmer's Companion"). It is a lot different than 
the format of images (.bmp,.gif, .jpg, etc...)

If you can load the image in advanced, cut the image to smaller size imagees 
and put them in the resources (using Constructor). 

If you have to load the image at runtime
has links for some image related libraries.

I tried to show images at run time on the Palm but I couldn't get the right 
color table (color pallete) and I gave up.

If you find out how to draw bitmap from external card, let me know too, please.


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re: Convert Int16 to UInt32?

2005-07-14 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
I believe you (that it works before and doesn't work now)...
I think it should work. May be try to cast it.

Int16 num_bytes_read;
num_bytes_read = NetLibReceive(..);

// If you need the variable new_buffer_size for anything then
// do UInt32 new_buffer_size = (UInt32)num_bytes_read;
// otherwise ...
UInt8 *buf = NULL;

if (num_bytes_reads > 0) {
   buf = (UInt8 *)MemPtrNew((UInt32) num_bytes_read);
   // type cast to (UInt8 *) or to whatever you define buf
   if (!buf) {
  // error
   } else {
  // use buf

Hope it works,

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re: Need help to change system time

2005-07-11 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hello there,

May be you use TimSetSeconds(). You can get the date & time and use 
TimDateTimeToSeconds() to convert to the # of seconds then use TimSetSeconds().

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re: Check which Graffiti 2 Version is running

2005-07-11 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

I don't know the answer of your question. I think may be you can have the list 
of devices which support Graffiti 2 and check which device the program is 
running on.

Please post the answer when you know it. Thanks.

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re: How to get group of push ctl

2005-05-20 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

I would think a quick and easy way is keeping a table (array) in your program. 
Since you make those push buttons, you know which group they belong to. Just 
wonder why you need the group number...

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re: An application is closed, a blank screen is shown.

2005-05-20 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
You could try to queue an appStopEvent to exit your program. I call this 

HTH, tnn

void ExitProgram()
   EventType event;

   MemSet(&event, sizeof(EventType), 0); = FrmGetActiveFormID();
   event.eType = appStopEvent;   / Get out on stop event.
   EvtAddEventToQueue (&event);

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Re: Multipleline Text Field

2003-11-26 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Marcel,

You wrote:
> In the news group, I didn't find any messages about SetFieldText() or
> GetFieldText() yet. I will try to read the Memopad example, which is pretty
> long...  :-)
I do a search for "setfieldtext" on escribe and it found 86 matches, this is
one of them

If you want the scroll bar along the textfield, then the Memopad example shows
how to do it.

What you did is the same as what they do in those functions.


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RE: Multipleline Text Field

2003-11-24 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

In the memopad tutorial, there is some sample code on multi line text field
with scroll bar.

If you just need multiline text field without the scroll bar, (I am using CW, I
don't know how to do it in Pilrc) In the contructor, you put a text field with
the height = number of lines x 11, set to multiline (uncheck single line,

In your code, use SetFieldText(), GetFieldText(), FreeFieldText() to work with
text fields. You can find these functions by searching this news group or email
me, I can send you these functions. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Hope that helps.


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Fail to connect the the real device for debugging.

2003-11-23 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hello all,

I fail to debug my program using emulator/simulator, so I use the real Palm for
debugging. It has been working OK until the last couple days, I tried to set up
hotsync using bluetooth, now, I can't connect to the TT anymore. What should I
do? should I do a hard reset on the TT? 
I am using Win XP, CW 9.2, emulator 4.0, simulator 5.2 and Tungsten T.

Thank you for any help.


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Re: Timing out an application for inactivity (security feature)

2003-09-15 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> I would  like to timeout an application (exit the application) if the user
> has not accessed in a certain amount of time (say 5 minutes).
I guess you would want to keep the time, everytime the user interacts with the 
program, update
that time to the current time. On the mainloop, frequently check to see if it is time 
out or not,
if time out, then queue the close event to exit the program.


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Re: (newbie need help)My app doesn't return to the aplications screen (Home).

2003-09-12 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

> In my app besides the main form, I have secondary forms where I choose
> certai elements. I "jump" from one form to another using FrmGotoForm(). When
> I open my app, if I don't go to any of the secondary forms, the app exits
> perfectly. However, if I jump from the main form to a secondary form and
> from this to the main form, afterwards when pressing HOME, all forms close
> but the app doesn't return the user to HOME. 

Do you meam HOME = the launcher?

>From the secondary forms, can the app exit perfectly?

When you say "the app doesn't return the user to HOME", what do you get? the blank 
screen until
you reset the Palm?

I don't think it is the problem with FrmGotoForm(). If you return false in 
frmCloseEvent of a form
and call FrmGotoForm() to go to a form, it always works fine. 

If you put a main button (to go back to Main form) in your secondary form, when user 
presses that
button, then exits the program, does the problem happen?

You can also test it by writing a small program with some forms, the secondary form 
has a list,
when you cloose an item, automaticaly go back to the main form, does the problem 
happens? If the
problem happens, then it may have st to do with the list (memory for the list items?)

When I have a bug in my app, the app just behaves weird until I fix the bug.


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Re: Is there something wrong with this forum?

2003-09-08 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

I check the messages from escribe. At the bottom of the page, it said "Downloading 
entire archives
is a violation of eScribe's site usage policies. Any such attempts will result in your 
restriction from accessing this site." In red.

So, if you use escribe, may be you can't download the archives.


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Re: Deleting files from Expansion card.

2003-08-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

> Anyone know how to delete files from the expansion card.  
> Can it only be done programmatically???
You can do that using the VFS manager. 
And this is the plus, Jeff Ishaq posts the link to the tutorial about VFS ...



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RE: Draw custom form title?

2003-08-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Yes, thank you for telling me. I forgot about that.


From: LionScribe (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 09:12:20 

You cannot use mixed fonts that way

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RE: Draw custom form title?

2003-08-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

You can use FrmSetTitle(). It overwrite the old title, so if it is shorter, the old 
one still
shows. I have to fill it with space before I put the new title in,


Subject: Draw custom form title?


How can I draw a custom form title? I want to draw part of the title with
characters from the standard font and another part with glyphs from the
symbol 11 font. Is this possible?


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Re: How to get IDs from Popup?

2003-08-25 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Ken,

I just try to understand your question.

> Is there a new legal way to get the internal object ID's of a popup
> trigger?

> Getting a pointer to a trigger, and then referring to popupP->controlID
> and popupP->listID actually work, for the time being, but the emulator
> with a debug rom complains that that's not going to be legal forever, so
> I'd like to be able to do it legally, if possible.
May I ask what is the data type of popupP that you refer to in popupP->controlID

I use CW, if in Form , I have a popup named , then

The ID of the popup is 

The index (ID?) of the popup 
UInt16 musicPopIndex;
musicPopIndex = FrmGetObjectIndex(FrmGetFormPtr(MainForm), MainMusicPopTrigger);
The index of the popup should be in a range of 
0 to FrmGetNumberOfObjects(FrmGetFormPtr(MainForm)) - 1

The pointer of the popup is FrmGetObjectPtr(FrmGetFormPtr(MainForm), musicPopIndex);

And the same to the list in the form ...

If the form has 2 lists, I don't know how to find out which list associated with which 


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Re: Can I debug the program on the SD card?

2003-08-19 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Ben,

From: Ben Combee (view other messages by this author) 

> At 03:31 PM 8/19/2003, ThuNguyet Nguyen wrote:
> >What does the OS do when we run a program from the SD card?

> After it copies your program off the card, your app gets a special 
> sysAppLaunchCmdCardLaunch launch code which means "I'm running after being 
> loaded from the card" launch code.  You can use the debugger settings in 
> CodeWarrior for Palm OS V9 to try to simulate the launch code and see how 
> your program reacts.  You may not have globals available here, so use the 
> "launch as subroutine" feature to be sure that globals WILL NOT be setup.
I try to change the setting in CW. In PalmOS Debugging, 
I change Lauch code to sysAppLaunchCmdCardLaunch 
I check Lauch as a subroutine (instead of switch out current app)

I change the setting, then start to debug, on the PC, I get the message "Fail to 
launch the
application" or st similar. Either or both changes of the setting makes my TT reset 
and stays in
the Palm logo screen forever. If I try to do hard reset + up button, I can go back to 
the launch
screen but after that, a hard reset sets the Palm to Palm logo screen again. I have to 
do the hard
reset and Power button (and up button to delete all) and hotsync the Palm again.

Am I missing something that you told me to do? What should I do now, please tell me 
(again). Thank
you so much.


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Re: Strange positioning problem with popup form

2003-08-19 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Mark,

From: "Mark Nudelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Form A, a 160x160 form, is on screen.  A menu item calls FrmPopupForm to
> bring up form B, which is a 160x103 form positioned near the bottom of the
> screen (it is positioned at 0,56).  Everything works fine, except if I tap
> on the unobscured part of form A while form B is up, it acts like form B
> has suddenly been repositioned at the top of the screen (0,0).  
I don't have an answer to your question because it hasn't happenned to me :)
Is form B modal form? With modal form, I always set the width to 156. It should stay 
at the bottom
of the screen. So, the biggest modal form is 156x156, positioned at (2,2)
If the height of your form is 103, may be you want to try 156x103 and position it at 
(2,55). Try
it, may be the strange problem disappear.


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Can I debug the program on the SD card?

2003-08-19 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hello all,

I am writing a Palm program for the Tungstens and it works fine on the Internal memory 
but if I
put it on the SD card and run it, I get the Fatal Alert saying "MemoryMgr.c, 
Line:3564, NULL
handle". Tapping on the "Reset" button in the Alert doesn't work, I have to do hard 

I use CW 9.2, Window 98, testing on TT, TC and TT2.

How can I debug to find the error?
My program first looks for the SD card, then reads files on the SD card (using 
VFSManager) and
reads files on the intermal memory (using FileStreamManager) and display those files 
on the

I can not debug my program using POSE or SIM because they don't support the sound 

What does the OS do when we run a program from the SD card? 

Does my program do something that conflict with what the OS does? 

What do I have to do or check?

Do I have to do this: Telling the user that my program won't run from the SD card.

Any help, idea or opinion is very appreciated.



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Re: Bitmap PDB

2003-08-19 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Ken,

>1. convert a windows bmp to a pdb
>2. read and display the pdb from a prc 

I wrote a similar program before.

I read the bitmap file format (MS site, search for BITMAPFILEHEADER or so), then I 
read about
bitmap on the Palm in the Companion and SDKs. I also read about the format of the PDB 
file and the
source code of PDBMake ( There is a lot of 
sample codes
about bitmap on the Palmsource site and on this forum.

I had 2 programs
1. The PC program read the bitmaps and save them in the PBD file. This PDB file is 
install on the
Palm. When you write the PC program, be careful about the color table and the Endian.
2. The Palm program to read the bitmaps from the database and display them. When the 
bitmaps is
big (>= 65535), I have to split it into 2 or more records.

Hope that helps.


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Re: Programmatic Category creation

2003-08-12 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> I am working on an application which wants to store data in the user's To-Do
> list, in a predetermined category.  I can't find example code for how to
> programmatically create a Category which does not exist (if there's an open
> slot, otherwise use Unfiled), and to apply that new Category to the new
> items.  
Check the memopad tutorial. If you have a category associated with the database in 
your program,
add the interfaces and the code as in the Memopad program (assign the category for 
each records,
etc...) then the part "programmatically create a Category which does not exist" will 
be done by
the system. You don't need to write code to do it. Try the tutorial and you know what 
I mean.
Well, the tuorial goes with CW 8, you can download the trial version from MW website.

Hope that helps.


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Re: pdb file

2003-08-11 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> Q1:  pdb is a table or a database file??
pbd is the database file, record database file. prc is the resource database file.

> Q2: how can i access a pdb file in my palm application? ( how to use)
Use the data manager functions. You need to open it, read / write and remember to 
close it later.
There is a lot of database sample programs that you may want to try. Source codes of 
Memopad, Addressbook, etc... goes with CW. You can down load a free trial version of 
CW8 from
A lot of the Palmbooks has database example program. The advanced book may not have it 
they teach something else.

> I would like to ask how can i get data from a pdb file which
> contains data in excel format.
I don't know what is the excel format exactly. When you read a record in your pdb 
file, you get
that data (in excel format) and you can do whatever you want with it.


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RE: Very Persistant Problem

2003-07-30 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> ...
> None of the events that relate directly to
> the two controls are being sent to the form handler
> ...
> Has anyone ever seen anything like this?
No, it haven't happen to me.

What I can think of is in the contructor, do you check to make sure the buttons are 

May be you could post the code to handle events for that form and somebody may see st.

If you take out all the forms except a couple of forms including the new form with 2 
controls that
you mention. Does the problem the same?

If it does and if you don't mind, may be you can send me that simple project, I would 
like to try
it. May be I found nothing, I am just curious why it doesn't work.



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Re: Newbie Database Questions

2003-07-29 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
> Ahh, if anybody knows where can a copy an example of writing databases on
> palm, please give-me the link too.
Too lazy to read your code  You can get the CW 8 Demo from MW web site. The link 

Ben Combee said that the Memopad tutorial is in there. 

I check my CW, inside CW 8, there are Palm OS 5 examples and Palm OS 4 examples. They 
both have
the Memopad examples (plus more), Address, Datebook, Memo, Todo each has a database. 
So, the
source code will show how to read/write/modify records (also pack/unpack records).

Hope that helps.


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Re: Newbie question: fopen

2003-07-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> I wonder if I can use fopen calls in my code.
No, I don't think so.
To work with the file streams on the Internal memory, you can use the File Stream 
To work with the files on the External memory, you can use VFS manager


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Re: Newbie Database Questions

2003-07-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

When I started to learn Palm database, I tried the database sample in "Palm 
Programming The
Developer's Guide" by O'Reily, then I tried MemoPad tutorial. I learned a lot from 

There is a lot of function calls to do each of the operation you want.

Open the database

get the data

write new records ...

> 1) Update a field on a specified record.
Get the record
lock it
modify it (resize, or create new handle)
unlock it
(free old handle if needed)

> 2) Permanent exclusion of a specified record.

> 3) Insertion of a record on a specified positiom.
Add a new record at the end
Move all the records from index (n+1) to the next one (start from the last one)
do the same steps as 1) for record index n

> 4) Insertion of a record on a sorted specified position.
Sort the database 
do the same steps as 3)

Close the database.


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Re: par or pdbmake for UNIX

2003-07-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
> Unfortunately I haven't figured out par but pdbmake I've got working
> however it doesn't do null characters. (not that I could create anyway).
I didn't use par or pdbMake but I did read the source code of pbdMake and learn to 
make the PBD
file so I can make it myself the way I want it. The only thing is when you write the 
code on the
PC/Unix, be careful about the Little Endian/Big Endian.


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RE: Simulator Directory

2003-07-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Jeff,

> My primary complaint was that the Simulator didn't provide an easy way
> to insert/remove (mount/unmount) the media, whereas the Emulator does.

Please show me how to debug VFS using POSE. You mentioned before that we need the 
HostFS file to
be installed on the POSE. I searched for it but I couldn't find it. I wouldn't dare to 
ask because
I thought I should search more. It seems so obvious that I should be able to find 
it... ANW, I
gave up and debug VFS on the real devices. 

Thanks in advances.


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Re: Simulator Directory

2003-07-25 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
> Does anyone know what folder the Palm OS Simulator uses when doing 
> HostF file operations? The docs don't mention anything.
On my machine, it is the sub folder "Card1" in the folder that I put the Simulator 


I can never test VFS manager on the Simulator. I rememember a while back, Jeff Ishaq 
(or somebody)
said that it is better to test VFS manager on the Emulator.

I hope it works for you.


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Re: fldEnterEvent - Loss of field control

2003-07-24 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
> I'm currently handling a fldEnterEvent for the only two editable fields
> in my form.
May I ask why you have to handle fldEnterEvent.
I think if you do whatever you need to do in fldEnterEvent and don't set the handle to 
true, then
the system will do what it suppose to do with fldEnterEvent.


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Re: PalmOS Security Lockout Form

2003-07-11 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> Our program has set programmatically the Power-off
> feature on the Auto-Lock Handled in the Security Lock
> Form.

> Whenever user enter our application at a
> particular form, say formB (where formA is the main
> screen) then power-off the palm. The palm will ask
> he/she to enter the password. 

> The moment palm
> returning to our application after password key-in
> correctly, it will go back to the formA instead of the
> formB which is the latest screen before power-off?

I am confused. When you say "The palm will ask he/she to entere the password", do you 
mean that is
part of other application, not your application?
What I think is the log in screen is a part of your application, so, the user stays in 
application before and after the Palm is OFF, your application controls which form it 
will jump to
after the login process.

I do security on our program, too. I request the user log in when needed. So, the user 
can be on
any form. I do not power off the Palm. What I do is

UInt16 backFromSecurity = 0; // global variable

// before the program jump to the security form, I do
backFromSecurity = FrmGetActiveFormID();

// log in, verification, etc...

// and later on,
backFromSecurity = 0;


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Re: Palm Simulator/Emulator Help

2003-07-09 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,
>The emulator is able to load the library but it doesnt support sound
> APIs that are being called in my application program, where as the
> simulator, displays an error message that it couldnt find the required dll.
I think both emulator and simulator don't support sound APIs. I have to test on the 
real device.


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Re: Need help using TblGetItemPtr - getting wrong data

2003-06-19 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

I read your posts about TblSetItemPtr() and TblGetItemPtr(). Both of these functions 
are available
on PalmOS 3.5 so you don't need to use
tableP->items[row * tableP->numColumns + column].ptr

I didn't use TblSetItemPtr() and IblGetItemPtr() before. I do use TblSetItemInt() and 
I always set
it to be the record number (in the database).

What is the code around your while loop ?

/* Put the data after the time, if any, into the table ptr item. */
CharPtr pRec;
Char szEndPoint[ 30 ];
Int16 nDay = 0;
StrCpy( szEndPoint, "1534f" );
Char ch = szEndPoint[ nDay ];
/* Go through string looking for the first non-numeric char. */
while ( ch && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' )
ch = szEndPoint[ nDay ];
if ( ch )
pRec = szEndPoint + nDay;
pRec = NULL;
TblSetItemPtr( pBusTimes, i, nColumn, pRec );

How "i" and "nColumn" effect "szEndPoint" ?
>From your code, pRec is &szEndPoint[4] , so the value is the string "f" until you 
szEndPoint, the value may change.

I think the memory that "pRec" points to in TblSetItemPtr() must be available for the 
pBusTimes during the life time of that table.

I would think on your table, each row will have different value (not "15:34 ?", ? is a 
If you take these values from a database, may be you just need to set TblSetItemInt() 
to record
number and in your custom draw function, you retrieve the record by the record number 
(index of
the record) and draw... That is what I saw in the samples program and I always do that 
in my

The memopad project (tutorial) shows you how to do all of these.


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Re: 515 and console mode

2003-06-13 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> putting the device in console mode (shortcut .. 2
> and holding various scrollbuttons while doing a reset). 
I know that we do Shortcut Dot Dot Two to put the device in the Console mode but I 
haven't heard
that holding various scrollbuttons while doing a reset put the device in the Console 

I hope Shortcut Dot Dot Two works for you.

Also, you can try to build the program "Dot Dot Two". The project should be in the CW 
folder, 2K DotDotTwo.prc file works. I haven't tried the 515 for a while but I think 
there is no
different from 515 and other Palm devices.


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Re: Dynamic popup list....not able to proceed

2003-06-13 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

I skim thru your code from the last posts, I am not good at catching the bugs, so
If you have CW 9, I can built a test program with dynamic popup list and you can try.


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Re: getting field text and padding

2003-06-10 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

As I said, the input string must be at least maxlen+1 (which is 16). You overwrite 
every string.

Char a[15] = "123456789"; // should be Char a[16];
Char b[15] = "987654321"; // Char b[16];
Char c[15] = "741852963"; // Char c[16];

PadStringWithChar(a,15,' '); // maxlen = 15
PadStringWithChar(b,15,' ');
PadStringWithChar(c,15,' ');

//when i put it through the debugger i found that:
//a ends up being "123456789  "
//b ends up being ""
//c ends up being ""

Also, you may want to read about global/local variables and scope of a variable.
If you want, you can do google search for "C tutorial" and read about declaring a 
variable ... I
Once in a while, I read a C tutorial again and always learn st there that I miss the 
last time. :)


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Re: getting field text and padding

2003-06-10 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

To get the text in the field, search the archives for textfield or SetFieldText(), 
FreeFieldText()... These functions are in almost every Palm books that I read.

After you get the string from your text field, you can pad it with this function (no 
compiling and
testing ...)

// <->inString, string before and after padding
// -> maxlen, string len after padding
// -> ch, the character that you want to pad to the inString
// the input inString must have enough room for at least maxlen+1 characters.
void PadStringWithChar(Char *inString, UInt16 maxlen, Char ch)
   Int16 i;
   UInt16 len;

   len = StrLen(inString);
   for(i=len; i

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Re: MsaTimeToSu

2003-06-04 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

> Do i need to set each element of a MsaTime var
> in order to obtain the Sound Unit with MsaTimeToSu
> or can i just set the .frame element ?
> UInt32 startsu;
> MsaTime time = {0, 0, frame};
> MsaTimeToSu(_msaRefNum, &time, &startsu);
I set time.minute and time.second, I never use the time.frame. You can try both and if 
the result
is the same then the answer is Yes. I use MsaTimeToSu() and MsaSuToTime(), they work 
every time
for me.


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RE: FrmHideObject not consistent?

2003-05-31 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Don,

> I apply the same code to yet another label object on the form, and for some
> reason, the FrmHideObject only clears a portion of the label field, leaving
> garbage (the old string) in roughly the last half.  It's as if the
> WinEraseRectangle that (I'm guessing) is done inside FrmHideObject doesn't
> see the entire length of the field.
I did use FrmHideObject() when I wanted to change the text in the label but I don't 
use it
anymore, I read something about it & I had the same problem as you have. So, now, I 

// some code to make sure that labelText is shorter than 
// the original string in the label (or cut it)
// ...
  FrmGetObjectBounds(frmP,objIndex, &r);
  WinEraseRectangle(&r, 0);

This code works every time for me (different OS version)

> I'd do the WinEraseRectangle, but how do I know the
> real, current, area of the field?   
When you mention "field", I don't know if you still talk about label or you also talk 
about text
field. I use SetTextField(), GetTextField(), FreeTextField() to manipulate text 
fields. These
functions are mentioned a lot in Palm books, in this forum and I can send you my code 
if you want.



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Re:Hide cursor

2003-04-03 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
> Need some help turning of the blinking cursor of an
> edit field:

Can you use FrmSetFocus(FrmGetActiveForm(), noFocus); ?


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Re: Tungsten Issues?

2003-03-13 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Mike,

>I have tested this on the Emulator using 3.5 and 4.0 debug ROMS and don't
>see this problem. 
>But for some reason on the Tungsten, when the
>application is launched, the screen just goes blank and then returns back
>to the launcher.
I have a program that runs on Tungsten|T and it happens the same way. It works fine on 
5,6 of the
Tungsten but goes blank and returns back to the launcher on one of them.
The program always works fine when I debug using the real device. So, I try the 
(palmsim.exe) and the simulator crashes sometimes. I step thru the code, find and fix 
the bugs.
Now, it works fine. 

If you try to debug in the simulator and the simulator doesn't crash, then I don't 
know what may


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Re:Stopping a Sound Stream using Sound Streaming API (PalmOS 5)

2003-03-11 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Stopping a Sound Stream using Sound Streaming API (PalmOS 5)

> The problem which I am facing is - I have a stop
>button in the application which when pressed should
>stop the playing of sound.Basically when the stop
>button is pressed, I am calling an API of mp3 library
>which stops the playing of sound through
>SndStreamStop().But once the mp3 song starts playing,
>the stop button doesn't respond.On pressing it doesn't
>gets pressed. It seems in my application the event of
>stop button being pressed is not even received by the
>application. Looks like the application doesn't accept
>any other event while the song is being played.

May be the Palm still responds to the event but it is just very slow. On the 
Tungsten|T, some SD
cards work faster than others. You can step in the code in case ctlSelectEvent, does 
your program
jumps to that code? If it does, would it stay in SndStreamStop() for a long time?
Just a thought.


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Re:Hide and Show bitmap object as other objects,and then, move it..

2003-02-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
>I want to Show and Hide bitmap just as other object (label, for example) but
>it seems that the function FrmShowObject does not work.

FrmShowObject always works for me. I hide/show bitmaps/graphic buttons.
Let say I have 3 graphic buttons btn1, btn2, btn3. They are the same size and same 
What I always do is:
To show btn2

To show btn1

and so on ...

void HideObject(UInt16 id)
UInt16 obj_index;

obj_index = FrmGetObjectIndex(FrmGetActiveForm(), id);
FrmHideObject(FrmGetActiveForm(), obj_index);

void ShowObject(UInt16 id)
UInt16 obj_index;

obj_index = FrmGetObjectIndex(FrmGetActiveForm(), id);
FrmShowObject(FrmGetActiveForm(), obj_index);

Have you try that?

I don't know how to move object, though.


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Re: Draw a colored bitmap!

2003-02-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Ben wrote:
>While you loaded the 8-bit image using the clipboard, did you paste it into 
>a 1-bit bitmap?  Did you setup a bitmap family in Constructor with a 8-bit 
>family member?  Did you paste into that?  If you open your .rsrc file now, 
>is the bitmap shown as 1-bit?

And does he also need to set screen mode to 2,4,8 ... bits as Ben mentions in ?


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Re:Emulator that suports Memory Sticks?

2003-02-21 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

As I remember, the Sony emulator for N710/N760 supports MF (supports VFS). When you 
create a
section, you tell it the size (16, 32, 64, 128 ?), then you can drap whatever you want 
to put in
the MS to folder MS128 (or MS64, etc...). It has been a while so I don't remember if 
the emulator
for NR70 support MS or not, it should and so should the later Sony Emulators. To 
obtain the Sony
emulator I had to register as Sony developer, I think.


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Re: FrmPopupForm???...

2003-02-13 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Dan,

I remember people said st about FrmReturnToForm(0) before. (Search the forum for 
:) ) So, I never use it. What I did is:

Let say you are in FromA, you will show FormB (modal form), then you go back to FormA. 
I only use
the pair FrmPopupForm() and FrmReturnToForm() for modal form.

UInt16 backFromFormB = 0;

backfromFormB = FrmGetActiveFormID(); // I call this right before FrmPopUpForm()

//When you are about to go back to FormA 

FormBExit(); // do anything you want to do in frmCloseEvent of formB
if (backFromFromA) {
} else {

I guess you can always call FrmReturnToForm(FormA); if you are sure about that. 

One thing to remember is FrmReturnToForm() doesn't generate frmCloseEvent for FormB, 
so you want
to do whatever you need to do before you go back to FormA in FormBExit(). Also put 
FormBExit() in
frmCloseEvent of FormB because it will be call when you are in FormB and the user 
exits your

In debugger, when you are in FormB, if you set a break point in FormAHandleEvent(), as 
soon as
FrmReturnToForm() is called, I think it will hit the break point. If after 
FrmReturnToForm(), your
program doesn't go to handle the event for FormA, where does it go?

You can try this, after FrmReturnToForm(), call FrmGoToForm(FormA), if you do that, 
even you don't
have any code to update FormA, FormA still gets update OK, just the screen is 
flicking. I did tell
you that last email because I think that is the quick and dirty way to do it but I had 
to do that

Hope that helps.


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Re:color labels or buttons?

2003-02-13 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Tina,

>Can I put two labels on one form -- one label text is red, and the other
To draw a color text, I use the Win...() functions. I am sure there must be other way 
to do it.
This is what I did:
Save the draw state
Save the font (if you want to change the font)
Set your font
Set the text color that you want
(Erase the erea)
draw the text
Restore the font
Restore the draw state

>How about buttons? 
If 2 buttons are different (in position), I use graphic buttons or buttons with bitmap 
for PalmOS
before 3.? (not support graphic button).

I guess you are asking in the case 2 buttons are in the same position:
I do either 1 or 2 depending on my program.

1. I have 2 graphic buttons, I show or hide them whenever I need to.

2. I have 1 button with no frame, no text and 2 bitmaps (2 bitmap families), I show 
and hide the
bitmaps when I need to.
I have to use 2. for PalmOS that not supporting graphic button.

Hope that helps.


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Re: CW9, add segment 3 -> Tungsten is frozen ...- Solved (to: Ben Combee)

2003-02-12 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Ben,

I found out that all the strange things happened when I add another segment to my app 
because I
drap my file with the PilotMain() function to the 2nd segment. I forgot that rule. My 
mistake. I
fix it and it works OK now. 
Thanks again for your help and the help from MW tech support.


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Re: Little Help, memory error

2003-02-11 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Al,

This is the prototype of StrPrintF
Int16 StrPrintF(Char *s, const Char* formatStr, ...);
Do you forget to define the string that you will put your format string in (1st 
parameter). It
should be big enough to hold the  time string and the number of seconds, at least 14 
characters, I


StrPrintF(" %s:%02d",timeAsString ,dateTime.second);

From: Al Smith (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 08:53:08 

I try fixing it , but now im getting a low memory error..

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2003-02-10 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Dan,

What I did is
In frmUpdateEvent, I call FrmDrawForm(), then do all the custom draw for your form 
after that.
Sometimes, I have to erase the whole window, then draw the form, then do all the 
custom draw.

Hope that helps.


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Re: CW9, add segment 3 -> Tungsten is frozen when I kill the debugger, why?

2003-02-10 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Ben,

>I am using CW9 on Win98. I debug my program on the real device (Tungsten).
>My program works fine until I add segment 3 to it then the program works 
>fine in the debugger
>until I exit the program. At this time the palm still OK. When I kill the 
>debugger, then the
>Tungsten resets and and stay in the Palm logo screen forever until I do a 
>hard reset.

Ben wrote:
What happens when you drag 
the app's PRC file to POSE or PalmSim?

--> When I drag the PRC to PalmSim. It is OK, I run it, it is OK, actually it doesn't 
do much
because I need the SD card to work with my program so the program just display an 
error message
and tapping OK exits the program.
Then, I try to run the debugger, exit the program on PalmSim OK but when I try to kill 
debugger, I get this error "I:\DoghouseII\ARM\Core\Emul68K\SrcSlowEmu\Run68K.c, 
Line:3109, Invalid
read from FF28" in the message window, there are also 3 buttons "Reset", "Ignore" 
and "Quit"
on the next line, then button "Debug" on another line. The last line has 3 checkboxes 
"Break in
Native" (uncheck), "Break in 68K" (check), and "Break in Native then 68K" (uncheck). 
When I hit
"quit" button, this message window disappear, so does the PalmSym. I open the PalmSym 
again and
try to debug again but I get the message saying that it can not down load the database 
because the
database may be protected by DmDatabaseProtect().

Ben wrote:
What happens if you do a no-notify reset -- reset the device with the up 
part of the d-pad held?  This resets the device without sending out 
notifications to the installed applications.

--> IF I do a no-notify reset, the Tungsten goes to Prefs (back to normal). Now, I can 
run my
program normally (not in debug mode).

Ben wrote:
When you look at your map file for your project, how large is the third 
segment?  Does it exceed 64K?

--> I don't know if I look at the right place. Segment 1:41K, segment2: 32K, segment 
3:26K. The
program always gets to the point that I have the linker errors "16 bit out of 
range..." before it
reachs 64K.

I will contact tech support, I think it is bugs in my program ...

Thank you so much for the quick response.


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CW9, add segment 3 -> Tungsten is frozen when I kill the debugger, why?

2003-02-10 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi all,

I am using CW9 on Win98. I debug my program on the real device (Tungsten).
My program works fine until I add segment 3 to it then the program works fine in the 
until I exit the program. At this time the palm still OK. When I kill the debugger, 
then the
Tungsten resets and and stay in the Palm logo screen forever until I do a hard reset. 

When I try to install the program to the Tungsten, the HotSync process seems to be OK 
until the
end, the Palm stays at the HotSync screen which says "Clean up - please wait". It just 
stays there
untils I do a hard reset.

This first happens a week ago. I try to go back to my older code, double check to see 
if I have
done something wrong, haven't found anything yet :(

Does anybody have this same problem? Do you know what I may have done wrong? What can 
I do? Please

Thank you in advances.


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Re:Fatal Exception - HELP

2003-01-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

> The problem is that the code below gives me a
>"Fatal Exception".  The problem that I am encountering is that this error is
>not consistant in any way.  Some times it will happen when I input a number
>once, other times it takes 20 or more tries to break it.  
I suppose your function SetFieldText() is a good function. There are some similar 
versions of this
function out there and I use one of them, with 4 parameters as you have, too. Plus you 
said that
the error is not consistant, I think the error is somewhere else, not in the code you 
post. That
happens to me before and usually, I write pass the memory of a string or st.

BTW, do you call SetFieldText() in frmOpenEvent, before FrmDrawForm() and call 
FreeFieldText() in
I can send you the functions that I have.

If you comment out all the code about the text field(s), do you get the fatal error?

Can you try a very small program with just 1,2 text fields and try to input data, 
retrieve data to
see if the error happens?

Hope that helps.


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How to detect when the side button (record button) on Tungsten T is released?

2003-01-24 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi everybody,

I try to detect when the side button (record button) on Tungsten T is pressed and 
released. I get
the keyDownEvent (vchrHard5) when the button is pressed and another keyDownEvent 
autoRepeatKeyMask) when the button is hold. No matter how long it is hold, I get only 1
keyDownEvent (vchdHard5, autoRepeatKeyMask).

Please tell me which event I should get when the button is released.

Thanks in advances.

Thunguyet Nguyen

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Re:missing object in form

2002-11-26 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Sorry for my last email, wrong key stroke :((

>MyApp (2.0) called SysFatalAlert with the message:
>"Form.c, Line:1762, Object #3401 in form #3600 is
I use Contructor to generate the UI of the program and if the form is XY00 then every 
object in
the form will be XY??. So, for me, I think that object #3401 is not in the form #3600. 
Please tell
me that I am wrong.

Sometimes, I have the error message "Object #2024 in form #2000 is missing" and when I 
check the
src.h file, it is in there. So I just close everything and reopen again and it works.
Other time, I set a breakpoint and see what the active form is, it may be an alert 
form or a menu
form, etc...

Please post the solution when you have it fixed. Thank you so much.


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Re:missing object in form

2002-11-26 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
missing object in form

From: Max Bian (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 08:00:57 


I just picked up the palm programming again and I got a problem I cannot 
  solve.  Pose reported the following message:

MyApp (2.0) called SysFatalAlert with the message:
"Form.c, Line:1762, Object #3401 in form #3600 is

I am not sure what happened.  The object #3401 is a popuptrigger.  I am 
sure it is in the resource and I have not touched the code that deals 
with it.  All I did was spliting some other codes into several segments. 
  What's the best to find out the cause?  I am using prc-tools with 
pilrc 2.9.9

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Re: How to get the size of palm free memory?, link to sample code

2002-11-18 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,
This is the link to the sample code from Palmsource.**&p_cluster=20046|30051&p_faqid=291&p_created=1032309756

If the link doesn't get you there, then go to knowledge base in Palmsource, then 
search for "free
memory and total memory".

I can also send you that sample code (GetOSFreeMem()).

Hope that helps.


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Re:Tungsten Serial Comm

2002-11-18 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Matt,

>My company wrote an app for one of our clients that uses Serial 
>communication.  Now, someone is trying to use it with a tungsten and 
>they say it's not working. Has anything changed in the Tungsten or Palm 
>OS 5 that might affect this?
>Do you use old serial manager on your program?
My program used old serial manager (so it works with the old Palm) and it didn't work 
with the
Tungsten. Last week, I changed it to use the new serial manager (if new serial mgr is 
use it, otherwise, use the old one), then it works fine.

If you use the new seial mgr, it should work.

hope that helps.


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Re: Sampled Sound on Tungsten: SOLVED

2002-11-05 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi Daniel,

Just a question : when you create a sound stream, are you using 
sndInt16 ( or sndInt16Big which is the same ) ?
I was having the exact same problem, until I try to use sndInt16Little.

I didn't get any answer on this one from Palm, but as it does not 
involve big changes in your code ( except having sound data swapped ), 
just try using sndInt16Little and your problem will be solved !

Yes, it works, :

I used sndInt16 before and use sndInt16Little and it works.

Thank you so so much.


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sample sound on Tungsten T?

2002-11-04 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen
Hi there,

I'm trying to add voice recording and playback from a memory card to 
some applications using the OS5 sound API's.

It appears that the buffer passed to the callback routines is not 
correct.  It never changes even though audio is supposed to be double 
buffered, and whatever data is written to it does not have any effect 
on the sound coming from Tungsten T  (OS 5.0).  On the record the 
buffer contains random stuff, including some ASCII strings.

If I use the SndPlayResource function to play audio then my sampled 
sound functions appear to play back a buffer from the resource audio 
over and over again.

Anyone know how to get sampled sound API's to work on a Tungsten T?  
Also, the SndPlayResource with the Async flag appears to lock up the 
unit, but the Sync playback works OK.

Is OS 5.1 the only answer?

Also, does anyone know how to find and use the sound API on the Sony 
NX60 and NX70 devices?  It appears they didn't implement the sampled 
sound API either.

Thanks in advance for any help!


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[OT] trip to Europe

2002-08-02 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

Hi everyone,

I am sorry for the "very off topic" question. Palm news groups are the only groups 
that I join.
So, I have no place else to turn to.

My sister plans to go to Europe with her friend next week for 3 weeks. Today, her 
friend called
and said she couldn't make it. They don't have friends in Europe.

My question is "Is is safe and fun for a girl to travel to Europe by herself for 3 
I am really appreciated if you could tell me st about this.
Please email your opinion/suggestion to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: dynamic heap chunk corrupted when calling FldDrawField():SOLVED

2002-07-17 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

Hello Keith,

Thank you so much for pointing out to me what happens.

>>"During a regular checkup, Palm OS Emulator determined that the dynamic
>>heap chunk with header address 0x5058 got corrupted. The 
>>"hOffset" field of the chunk header did not reference a memory 
>>location within a master pointer block." The "Continue" and the 
>>"Debug" buttons are gray out, so the only thing I can do is "Reset".

>I know of no way to get this error message without first disabling 
>facilities in the Debug Options dialog.  If you have disabled those, 
>then you are depriving yourself of valuable information -- in 
>particular, notification at the exact point where the memory is 
>getting corrupted.
Yes, that is my problem. All of the options in my Debug Options Dialog were disable. I 
remember that I would do such thing and when I did it. By enabling them again, the 
debugger shows
me the code where I overwrite the memory and it has nothing to do with FldDrawField(). 
Thank you
thank you so much.


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dynamic heap chunk corrupted when calling FldDrawField()

2002-07-16 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

Hello all,

I get this error message when I call FldDrawField() after setting a new text in a 

"During a regular checkup, Palm OS Emulator determined that the dynamic heap chunk 
with header
address 0x5058 got corrupted. The "hOffset" field of the chunk header did not 
reference a
memory location within a master pointer block."
The "Continue" and the "Debug" buttons are gray out, so the only thing I can do is 

This is the snip code to set new text field, do you see anything wrong in the code? 
Any idea or suggestion is very appreciated.


/* */
/*  FUNCTION:SetFieldText, taken from utils.c in SimpleScan example*/
/* */
/*  DESCRIPTION:Perform all necessary actions to set a Field control's */
/*  text and redraw, if necesary.  Allocates a text handle.*/
/* */
/* */
/*  PARAMETERS: nFieldID(in) - The resource ID of the field.   */
/*  pSrcText(in) - The text to copy into field.*/
/*  nMaxSize(in) - Max size that the field can grow*/
/* including nullChr   */
/*  bRedraw(in)  - Should the text be redrawn now? */
/* */
/*  RETURNED:   None   */
/* */
void SetFieldText(UInt16 nFieldID, const Char* pSrcText, Int16 nMaxSize, Boolean 
   MemHandle hFieldText;
   Char*  pFieldText;
   FieldPtr pField;
   Int16 len;
   UInt32 curSize;

   pField = (FieldPtr)GetObjectPtr(nFieldID);

   hFieldText = FldGetTextHandle(pField);
   if(!hFieldText) {
  hFieldText = MemHandleNew(nMaxSize);
   // If already allocated, make sure it can handle nMaxSize already.
   // If not, realloc that buffer
   } else {
  curSize = MemHandleSize(hFieldText);
  if(curSize < nMaxSize)
 MemHandleResize(hFieldText, nMaxSize);

   if( hFieldText ) {
  len = StrLen(pSrcText);
  pFieldText = (Char*)MemHandleLock(hFieldText);
  if (len > nMaxSize - 1) {
 StrNCopy( pFieldText, pSrcText, nMaxSize-1);
 pFieldText[nMaxSize-1] = nullChr;
  } else {
 StrCopy(pFieldText, pSrcText);
  FldSetMaxChars( pField, nMaxSize-1);
  FldRecalculateField( pField, true );
 FldDrawField( pField );

In the contrustor, the text field is set
single line
not dynamic size
left justified
max characters: 64

This is the function call

Char authorstr[41] = "Thunguyet nguyen";
SetFieldText(RecordAuthorField, authorstr, 41);

Do I have to set dynamic size for the field because I have to set different text (with 
length) for the field? Is that my problem?

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RE: Transffer of the .PDB files...

2002-07-05 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

Hi Aaron,

On Fri, 5 Jul 2002, ThuNguyet Nguyen wrote:
> > I need know any manner of send a .PDB file to a Server via Socket. I tryed
> > File Streaming API, but this not work, Do you know other manner ?
> Have you tried Exchange manager? I use that for transfering files between
> Palm and PC. Exchange manager converts between the file format on PC and
> the database on Palm. I only use File Streaming as a very big buffer on Palm.

  this probably wouldn't help unless the PC understands the exchange manager.

  what needs to happen here is that the PDB needs to be "mirrored" piece by
  piece over a simple byte transmission (ie: ftp). on way to do this (as a
  hack) is to get the address of the pdb file and copy byte for byte, or,
  manually generate the .pdb file in a raw stream which is sent to the
  "receiving" client. :)

One way to "manually generate the .pdb file in a raw stream" would be taking the data 
Exchange manager, is that right? 

I use ExgDBWrite with the callback function to write the data to a file stream (as a 
buffer), then
I use YModem to transfer the data to our device (removable hard drive when PC looks at 

For me, I think if we know what is in the database in Palm, then we can generate the 
.pdb file.
Otherwise, I don't know what else I can do except using the exchange manager. Am I 
something? Could you explain it for me, please.

> > I need know any manner of send a .PDB file to a Server via Socket. I tryed
> > File Streaming API, but this not work, Do you know other manner ?
Does he mean that when the data is in a file stream, he can't use fpt to transfer to 

Thanks a lot.


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RE: Transffer of the .PDB files...

2002-07-05 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

Hi there,

> I need know any manner of send a .PDB file to a Server via Socket. I tryed
> File Streaming API, but this not work, Do you know other manner ?
Have you tried Exchange manager? I use that for transfering files between Palm and PC. 
manager converts between the file format on PC and the database on Palm. I only use 
File Streaming
as a very big buffer on Palm.


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Re: Why LstGetSelection() doesn't return noListSelection? it works, thanksss.

2002-06-06 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

Hi John,

> When you initialize your list, did you use LstSetSelection() and 
> initialize the selection to noListSelection?
I didn't do it before. I do it now and it works fine. 
Thank you so much.


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Why LstGetSelection() doesn't return noListSelection? Please help

2002-06-04 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

Hello all,

Please tell me what I do wrong.

I am using CW 8 (update to 8.2) on the POSE ver 3.5 (m505 skin).
I have a dialog form that has a popup trigger associated with a list. Content of the 
list is
dynamically created inside the program.
If user selects the 1st item in the list, LstGetSelection() return 0
If user doesn't select any item in the list, LstGetSelection() also return 0 while I 
think it
should return noListSelection.

Do I have to try to catch lstSelectEvent? Since this is a dialog form, I just want to 
get out of
it when user press a button. I don't want to check any other event.

How do I know that the list is no selected???

Thanks a lot for any help.


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Re:How to change the Title of Alert Message box dynamically?

2002-06-03 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

FrmCustomAlert() will do it.
> How to change the Title of Alert Message box dynamically? 

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Re: digitizer problem ...

2002-05-28 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

Hi there,

> Does anybody face the problem as a digitizer problem occurred when our palm
> software installed. 

I have a similar problem. I have a Palm V and the digitizer doesn't work. I run the 
Welcome (build
in) program to calibrate the screen again (or Pref -> digitizer) and the Palm seems to 
work OK
until the next hot sync. Then, I have to calibrate again. I think, OK, not too bad, 
just have to
do it once but I was wrong. Once, I try to play a game and the digitizer doesn't 
work... Now, I
think it is the hardware problem.

If this problem happens on one Palm device, I think it is not your software problem. 
If it happens
on every Palm that your software is installed, then I don't know :(

Hope that somebody would know.


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old and new serial mgr, SrmOpen() question.

2002-05-03 Thread ThuNguyet Nguyen

Hi all,

When I use old serial manager, before beaming, I have to close the serial port and 
open it again
after that.
What do I have to do when I use new serial manager? Do I have to close the serial 
port, open it
using the logical portID 'serPortIdPort'
   SrmOpen(serPortIrPort, baudrate, portIDP);
then after beaming, I have to close it and open again using the logical portID 
   SrmOpen(serPortCradlePort, baudrate, portIDP);

Thanks for any help.


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