Re:OT: HTML frames

2003-03-07 Thread scars
 Well, sort of.  It's a single component of the frameset I navigated to, 
 albeit the one with the information of interest.  The pisser about it 
 is that the URL window of my browser never changes from the site's main 
 page, no matter where I navigate.  Instead of being able to copy the 
 text from that window, I'd have to engage in backhanded sleuthing based 
 on the status information that's displayed when I mouse over the URL.  
 That's inexcusably user-hostile.

most times you can get the url when you rightclick on the link to the
source and choose open in a new window. normaly you get a new window
with the page displayed and the direct link in the addressfield.

Off topic: Russian engineering / On topic : MZ-S

2003-03-07 Thread mike wilson

Just a response to the recent posts on Russian cars.  Having
come back from two weeks in western Siberia, I can testify that
Russian cars work very well indeed.  The cars never frightened
me at all.  Russian driving is something else.  No smiley.

As more and more western cars appear, one thing became obvious
to me.  The numerous small scale collisions that occur on
Russian roads in winter are going to become much more
expensive.  Whereas before, a metal bumper would only need
straightening and repainting, the new plastic sort have to be

WRT MZ-S, I can report that in a day of -18+severe windchill,
the camera and 28-70 2.8 never failed to work, unlike my fingers
and most other extremeties.  Going from that into a +20, humid
cafe caused both to take a severe bath due to condensation but
this also had no apparent effect.


Sreet Photos

2003-03-07 Thread Clive evans
Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Strret photography seems to be much simpler the less you look like a REAL
photographer [think about Cartier Bresson with a a little Leica back in the
days when REAL photogs used 4X5 Speed Graphics...
My favourite tools are a 25 year old Canon [sorry] Canonet G111
rangefinder, inconspicuos, fast 40mm f1.7 lens about 20
times cheaper on Ebay  than a Leica  witha 35mm to do the same job!] A 40mm
pancake lens with its own body!
The other nifty acqusition for this stuff is a Ricoh Gr-1S super compact
with a 28mm f2.8 this falls in to the same bracket as
the Olympus XA that i used to use [still have] from 20 years ago, super
quality that fits in your pocket and doesn't LOOK too serious!
I always try and make a point of saying HELLO [after the first
snapso now I get a loooking into camera version] and
THANKYOU which also usaually gets another smile!
Load any of these with TriX or CN400 and off you go!
Clive Evans
Antibes France

Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread whickersworld
Bruce Rubenstein wrote:

 I didn't say it was a knock off and it doesn't matter if
it's similar or
 not. It doesn't matter if it has the best interface know
to humanity,
 because people don't start with user interfaces, or any
other technical
 detail. A digital SLR, for the general population, is just
an expensive
 electronic gadget. They want to buy from a company that
they know makes
 good electronic gadgets, or a camera brand that has such
good name
 recognition that they already know it. Pentax is neither.
Pentad's name
 recognition starts with Spotmatic and ends with K1000,
with nothing in
 between. If Pentax's DSLR sales are just dependent on long
time Pentax
 users then they'll sell about as many as Minolta did of
their Maxxum 9's.


It seems to me that Pentax is a well-run, profitable and
generally successful company, especially in comparison to
some larger companies who sell DSLRs at a loss and have done
for years now.

The company's main market is in point-and-shoot cameras; it
manages to sell both 35mm and digital PS cameras in large
numbers and at a profit.  It also manages to do this without
spending vast amounts of money on advertising.  This sounds
to me like a well-managed company, and I fail to see how
your criticism of it can be justified.

Whether the *ist D sells profitably or not will not depend
solely on numbers sold.  It will depend crucially on the
profit margin on each sale.  If Pentax can offer the *ist D
at an attractive price point, it will sell well.  In other
words, if the *ist D and two kit lenses can be had for the
same price as the Canon EOS 10D (or less) then it will sell.

Our enlightened self-interest in the success of the Pentax
DSLR line depends on two things.  One is whether their
product(s) meet(s) our needs at a price we can afford.   The
other is whether Pentax is making money with DSLRs, because
an unprofitable Pentax is unlikely to survive, let alone
offer us the equipment we want to buy.

Not being at the very sharp end of digital technology, and
being economical with the advertising budget, has served
Pentax pretty well so far, and the *ist D is a beautiful
product.  I'm very happy with its announcement.  But why
aren't you?

I would also venture the question, if the Pentax brand gives
you as much dyspepsia as it appears to, why do you buy it
and why do you discuss it on here?  Maybe you would be
happier with a camera brand that kept your blood pressure
somewhat lower?

Forgive me if I have misunderstood your dissatisfaction.



Re: Agfa Scala

2003-03-07 Thread whickersworld
David Harris wrote:

 Just to point out that currently there are NO labs in
 the UK to process scala, it has to be sent to France
 since Joes Basement went bust in January.

Hi David,

Thanks for the reminder.  My exposed Scala is building up in
the freezer for when I decide where to have it processed.
By where I probably mean in which European country!

Best regards,


Re: Off topic: Russian engineering / On topic : MZ-S

2003-03-07 Thread Dr E D F Williams
More OT stuff about Russian engineering:

I have just acquired a Soviet era compound microscope. Every single control
was frozen solid with hardened grease. It took me a week to get it all to
pieces, cleaned, adjusted and back together. The image is reasonable
considering the objectives and eyepieces are only achromats - not flat field
optics. I nearly bust a gut getting it in and out of the car - it weighs
19,5kg! The microscope is a copy of one of the Leitz instruments of the
1980s or thereabout. The only trouble I anticipate is finding replacement
light bulbs. The one in the lamp housing looks new, but is of a pattern I've
never seen before. As soon as I've found a phototube (that can be modified
to fit the frame) I'll be in the photomicrographic game again.

The finish on the mechanical parts, slides, screws and in particular the
fine focus mechanism is rather rough. The grease they used contained
graphite which became as solid as cement. This made disassembly very
difficult. I soaked some parts in light petrol ether overnight and even then
it was difficult.

Where I'm going to store this monster when its not in use I have no idea. At
the moment its up on top of a filing cabinet, but getting it there was a
weight lifting exercise. There's no place you can get a good grip.
Dr E D F Williams
Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: March 30, 2002

- Original Message -
From: mike wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 11:12 AM
Subject: Off topic: Russian engineering / On topic : MZ-S


 Just a response to the recent posts on Russian cars.  Having
 come back from two weeks in western Siberia, I can testify that
 Russian cars work very well indeed.  The cars never frightened
 me at all.  Russian driving is something else.  No smiley.

 As more and more western cars appear, one thing became obvious
 to me.  The numerous small scale collisions that occur on
 Russian roads in winter are going to become much more
 expensive.  Whereas before, a metal bumper would only need
 straightening and repainting, the new plastic sort have to be

 WRT MZ-S, I can report that in a day of -18+severe windchill,
 the camera and 28-70 2.8 never failed to work, unlike my fingers
 and most other extremeties.  Going from that into a +20, humid
 cafe caused both to take a severe bath due to condensation but
 this also had no apparent effect.


Re: MZ-3 vs ZX(or MZ)-5n (EX: Re: *ist v. MZ or ZX series)

2003-03-07 Thread Frantisek Vlcek
  In bright sunlight the high shutter speeds can be wonderful assets.  I
  speeds up to 1/8000 in pentax and even a 1/12000 in a minolta body.
  If you
  want to blur your background in a portrait type image in bright
  you'll need the fast speeds to run f2 range aperatures.
 Very fast shutter speeds can be used for such purposes, but they're far
 from the only way.  Slower films (at ISO 100, correct exposure at f/2
 is 1/2000 in direct sun... even ZX-M can do that) and ND filters are
 two others that come to mind.

On a shoot, I usually use 400-800 film, overall day. The fast shutter
is definite plus here, when I want to use 2.8 or 3.5 aperture with
70-210 lens to blur background, or even faster with f/2 wideangle
prime. That's why a Hexar RF appeals to me (although offtopic) - Leica
and similar lenses are very nice near wide open, but you can't use
them with any Leica... (whose 1/1000 is mostly 1/750 and 1/1000 only
in the electronic M7). Especially in sunlight, shooting M6 at
fastest 1/1000 even with 100 iso film would give you f/5.6, which is
nowhere near wide open. And now imagine it with general use 400
film... But I digress.

This all depends of course on what you shoot, your style, etc.


Pentax 1.7 TCU

2003-03-07 Thread Tony Gieske
Pentax people:

I bought a 1.7 F Pentax teleconverter because somewhere I heard you could
use it to convert Pentax A lenses to autofocus lenses. I bought it on eBay,
and I think it came from overseas, because I couldn't find it
at any of the mail order houses or any of the local photo shops here in

I can't get it to work properly with my ZX 5n.

Coupled with my Pentax 85mm f1.4 A lens, it racks the lens a quarter
inch or so, leaves image blurry. If you hand turn the lens all the way
out to infinity, it bucks back and forth trying to focus. (I'm test
focusing on a TV screen.)

If you get close to sharp focus by hand, it will pull the image in till
the indicator light flashes in the viewfinder and the beeper sounds, and
then it stops. But you may or may not be in sharp focus. It's often
close, but then you need to give it a tiny little turn more by hand to
get it really sharp.

I tried turning the aperture ring to A and the shutter speed dial to A
and it seemed to work somewhat better, but not consistently.

Coupled with my Pentax 135mm f1.8 A, the AF works much better, but you
still must get it close by hand.

Anybody got any tips about this?

Tony Gieske

Re: Agfa Scala

2003-03-07 Thread Kevin Waterson
This one time, at band camp,
whickersworld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the reminder.  My exposed Scala is building up in
 the freezer for when I decide where to have it processed.
 By where I probably mean in which European country!

Dunno about Europe, but I get it developed here in .au 
I am a recent convert to Scala and am most impressed with the
results. I pushed the film to 1600 and was still happy with the
results. My next shoot I am taking some Scala to see the
results if I push to 3200.

The only problem I have experienced is scanning the slides 
with the canon FS4000, the images appear very dark when scanned.

My supplier in Sydney says this film has been discontinued and
it is remaining stocks only, anyone else know about this?

Kind regards

(_ \ 
 _) )            
|  /  / _  ) / _  | / ___) / _  )
| |  ( (/ / ( ( | |( (___ ( (/ / 
|_|   \) \_||_| \) \)
Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia

Re: Pentax 1.7 TCU

2003-03-07 Thread Hans Imglueck
Hello Tony,

the 1.7 F converter covers not the whole range. It can only
focus when you are in some range close to the focus. That depends
clearly on the focal length of the used lens. So the behaviour 
you have discribed is normal. 

The difference between the automatically found focus and the
correction done by hand may be due to somewhat wrong diopter
correction of the finder or a misalignement of the AF sensor
and the screen. My finding was: Often the AF sensor is right
and the focusing by hand is not.

Best regards, Hans. 

--- Tony Gieske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Pentax people:

I bought a 1.7 F Pentax teleconverter because somewhere I heard you could
use it to convert Pentax A lenses to autofocus lenses. I bought it on eBay,
and I think it came from overseas, because I couldn't find it
at any of the mail order houses or any of the local photo shops here in

I can't get it to work properly with my ZX 5n.

Coupled with my Pentax 85mm f1.4 A lens, it racks the lens a quarter
inch or so, leaves image blurry. If you hand turn the lens all the way
out to infinity, it bucks back and forth trying to focus. (I'm test
focusing on a TV screen.)

If you get close to sharp focus by hand, it will pull the image in till
the indicator light flashes in the viewfinder and the beeper sounds, and
then it stops. But you may or may not be in sharp focus. It's often
close, but then you need to give it a tiny little turn more by hand to
get it really sharp.

I tried turning the aperture ring to A and the shutter speed dial to A
and it seemed to work somewhat better, but not consistently.

Coupled with my Pentax 135mm f1.8 A, the AF works much better, but you
still must get it close by hand.

Anybody got any tips about this?

Tony Gieske

23a mail

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POP  more!

Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Hans Imglueck
Hello John,

well said. I'm also very content with announcement of the
*ist D. 

Regards, Hans.

--- whickersworld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bruce Rubenstein wrote:

 I didn't say it was a knock off and it doesn't matter if
it's similar or
 not. It doesn't matter if it has the best interface know
to humanity,
 because people don't start with user interfaces, or any
other technical
 detail. A digital SLR, for the general population, is just
an expensive
 electronic gadget. They want to buy from a company that
they know makes
 good electronic gadgets, or a camera brand that has such
good name
 recognition that they already know it. Pentax is neither.
Pentad's name
 recognition starts with Spotmatic and ends with K1000,
with nothing in
 between. If Pentax's DSLR sales are just dependent on long
time Pentax
 users then they'll sell about as many as Minolta did of
their Maxxum 9's.


It seems to me that Pentax is a well-run, profitable and
generally successful company, especially in comparison to
some larger companies who sell DSLRs at a loss and have done
for years now.

The company's main market is in point-and-shoot cameras; it
manages to sell both 35mm and digital PS cameras in large
numbers and at a profit.  It also manages to do this without
spending vast amounts of money on advertising.  This sounds
to me like a well-managed company, and I fail to see how
your criticism of it can be justified.

Whether the *ist D sells profitably or not will not depend
solely on numbers sold.  It will depend crucially on the
profit margin on each sale.  If Pentax can offer the *ist D
at an attractive price point, it will sell well.  In other
words, if the *ist D and two kit lenses can be had for the
same price as the Canon EOS 10D (or less) then it will sell.

Our enlightened self-interest in the success of the Pentax
DSLR line depends on two things.  One is whether their
product(s) meet(s) our needs at a price we can afford.   The
other is whether Pentax is making money with DSLRs, because
an unprofitable Pentax is unlikely to survive, let alone
offer us the equipment we want to buy.

Not being at the very sharp end of digital technology, and
being economical with the advertising budget, has served
Pentax pretty well so far, and the *ist D is a beautiful
product.  I'm very happy with its announcement.  But why
aren't you?

I would also venture the question, if the Pentax brand gives
you as much dyspepsia as it appears to, why do you buy it
and why do you discuss it on here?  Maybe you would be
happier with a camera brand that kept your blood pressure
somewhat lower?

Forgive me if I have misunderstood your dissatisfaction.



23a mail

Select your own custom email address for FREE! Get [EMAIL PROTECTED] w/No Ads, 6MB, 
POP  more!

Re: Pentax 1.7 TCU

2003-03-07 Thread Lukasz Kacperczyk
Hi Tony,

First of all - download the manual for the adapter from the American Pentax
site (it's in the Literature section). The lens should be set on infinity
for most distances, but for some closer focusing distances you have to set
the focus ring near the desired distance. There's a table that explains all
that in the manual.

 If you get close to sharp focus by hand, it will pull the image in till
 the indicator light flashes in the viewfinder and the beeper sounds, and
 then it stops. But you may or may not be in sharp focus. It's often
 close, but then you need to give it a tiny little turn more by hand to
 get it really sharp.

I also bought such an adapter recently for my MZ-S, and I have very similar
problems when using it with a FA 50/1.4. Haven't had the time to shoot a
test roll yet. But maybe it's a normal thing (I'm not saying that it should
be like this, just that maybe it *is* like this).


 internetowy magazyn o fotografii


Szukasz banku bez prowizji ? 
mBank - zaloz konto

Re: New Message from Mike Johnston

2003-03-07 Thread frank theriault
Hi, Chris,

I must say, I must have taken the penis shot out of context.  I didn't
realize that it was being contrasted with gory, violent shots.  Maybe I just
saw it, and went ballistic.

Had I seen the images you refer to, I'd have been equally (if not more)

I've often told friends that sexual images are no worse than some images seen
on the evening news.  To put a different spin on it (adding another
ingredient), an emaciated, starving child from a third world country with
flies all over his/her face is ~real obscenity~.


Chris Brogden wrote:

 And yet it's okay to link to new photos showing death, dismemberment, and
 blood?  I'm not coming down on you, specifically, Frank; I just find it
 mindboggling how North American culture finds nothing wrong with exposing
 kids to violence, but tries to prohibit them from seeing a naked body.

 To prevent this from being entirely OT, I should say something about
 posting stuff to the list, but I'm too tired right now... I should be in
 bed.  :)


Honour - that virtue of the unjust!
-Albert Camus

Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on black body?

2003-03-07 Thread Stan Halpin
on 3/07/03 1:45 AM, Rob Studdert at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please someone send me a picture or two of a silver limited on a black
 preferably the MZ-S, so I can see how nice it looks and convince myself
 I don't really need the black after all...
 Sorry Stan, but I'd hate to see you make a terrible mistake :-)
 Rob Studdert

Lovely pictures Rob. Thank you, I guess.


It's that time again...

2003-03-07 Thread Camdir
Folks, as it is Friday in most parts of the world I feel dutifully obliged to 
point out that we have some new toys:
LX #5231369  FA1 
100mm F2.8 F macro
35mm F3.5K
KX (choice thereof)

Kind regards from sunny Brighton


Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on black body?

2003-03-07 Thread Brendan
I agree, makes the LX look new again.

 --- Stan Halpin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  on
3/07/03 1:45 AM, Rob Studdert at
  Please someone send me a picture or two of a
 silver limited on a black
  preferably the MZ-S, so I can see how nice it
 looks and convince myself
  I don't really need the black after all...
  Sorry Stan, but I'd hate to see you make a
 terrible mistake :-)
  Rob Studdert
 Lovely pictures Rob. Thank you, I guess.

Post your free ad now!

Re: Pentax 1.7 TCU

2003-03-07 Thread Rob Studdert
On 7 Mar 2003 at 3:34, Tony Gieske wrote:

 Coupled with my Pentax 85mm f1.4 A lens, it racks the lens a quarter
 inch or so, leaves image blurry. If you hand turn the lens all the way
 out to infinity, it bucks back and forth trying to focus. (I'm test
 focusing on a TV screen.)

Firstly the light output of a TV is quite low putting you into marginal AF 
operation secondly and most importantly the TV image isn't constant, it's being 
constantly updated and is wildly flickering to you cameras AF circuit. No 
wonder it's having difficulties. Test it outside in the daylight and see how it 

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986 PDMLer since 1998

Re: Pentax 1.7 TCU

2003-03-07 Thread Lukasz Kacperczyk

 Firstly the light output of a TV is quite low putting you into marginal AF
 operation secondly and most importantly the TV image isn't constant, it's
 constantly updated and is wildly flickering to you cameras AF circuit. No
 wonder it's having difficulties. Test it outside in the daylight and see
how it

Oh yeah - and that too :-)



Szukasz banku bez prowizji ? 
mBank - zaloz konto

Tripod and Monopod on Ebay from PDML member

2003-03-07 Thread Lindamood, Mark

Both are for sale.  Contact off-line.  

And, yes, I still have that new condition 24mm SMC f2.8 I keep trying to peddle.  


Re: Why doesn't my lens work?

2003-03-07 Thread Gregory L. Hansen
Butch Black said:

 Gregory L. Hansen wrote:
  I'm having trouble figuring out why my Kalimar 500mm f/8 reflex lens,
  manual, doesn't seem to work.
  Pictures I've taken with it seemed grayish, grainy, low contrast,
  under-exposed. snip

 I would do a couple tests. First, take a good look at the negatives. Are
 they very dark or very thin compared to a negative that prints well? Thin
 means you are underexposing, dark overexposing. Both could give you that
 flat, grainy look you were describing.

Negatives always look thin to me.  The prints, without extra brightness,
came out pretty dark from the machine at CVS.  I tried a Motophoto, I
think they removed some of the red, and they came out much nicer, but
still low contrast.  The guy that handled it wasn't working last night,
I'll try to find him tonight and see if he can tell me how much
brightening he had to do, if he has any opinions on it.

Also, I realized that the sensor arm tells the camera how much the lens
will stop down when the picture is taken, but the lens is always f/8, so
it wants to tell the camera that this is as much light as it's going to
get.  So setting the arm to f/1 doesn't necessarily mean anything.

 Second. Were you shooting in program or an auto exposure mode. I don't think
 reflex lenses work properly in auto exposure.

Aperture priority.

 Third. If the negs were underexposed, were you compensating for shooting
 snow. You should open up 1-2 stops for snow or sand.

+1 exposure compensation and bracketing, I'd thought +- 1 EV but the
camera was set to +- 0.5 EV.

 Fourth. Inexpensive reflex lenses have a reputation of being slower then

 I would test the lens on a wall indoors with and without the TC. You should
 get a reading 2 stops slower with the TC on. I would also test against
 another lens (not reflex) preferably telephoto at f8 you should get the same
 readings which is a good way of telling if your lens is slower then f8.

I was just testing it last night, setting camera parameters on my K1000
and in manual mode on my ZX-L with other lenses set to f/8, and then with
the reflex.  For instance, 400 ASA, f/8, 1/8 second.  And it did actually
seem to meter right, although my SMCP-M 50/2 seemed to want half a stop
more light than my other lenses.

I wasn't using the TC at the time, I only used that to see where the
sensor arm moves to.

 Finally. As mentioned by others, inexpensive reflex lenses are notorious for
 being flat with poor color and adding an inexpensive TC would only make
 matters worse.

I'm starting to think this is it.  It's supposed to be warm tomorrow,
maybe I'll look for some birdies and try Sunny 16, comparison with other
lenses (but none of them have that much telephoto), and a wide range of
exposure values, and see if I can get a definitive opinion.  I was
thinking of trying to push e.g. 400 film to 800 or 1600 to see if I can
increase the contrast a little.  But if the lens is just naturally washed
out, I might have to just put up with it for a long time until I can save
up for a decent one.  And I'm not sure what that would be, but I'll be
aiming for $500 or $600, and the Sigma 170-500mm seems to be about all
there is.  There's the Sigma 600mm reflex for $379, but I don't think I
want another manual fixed aperture.

People have said how expensive the Limited lenses are, but I've been
pricing telephotos that seem to run $2000 to $11,000, and then I saw the
Limiteds for $500 to $800 and thought pshaw, for the best money can buy
that's pretty darn cheap.

Still have the S3 for sale

2003-03-07 Thread brooksdj

The S3 is still for sale,with 55 f 1.8 and meter,and cases.
I have had a few inquiries but nothing further,so if noone is interested i'll try my 
at Ebay.
$60 US plus shipping to North American addresses.
Contact me off list.


Re: PhotoSIG (offending images) was Re: New Message from Mike Johnston

2003-03-07 Thread Caveman

I do plead guilty for not writing the warning. I learned the lesson and 
I won't do it again.

About hypocrisy: hell, it was just a prick. The male fraction of this 
list sees such on a daily basis.

Ed Matthew wrote:
Frankly, I found the image obnoxious, but less objectionable than the 
fact that you sent a link to it without warning.

Why is the defense of suggesting 'hypocrisy'so commonly used by the 

Re: Why doesn't my lens work?

2003-03-07 Thread Gregory L. Hansen
Brendan said:

  The age old grey snow metering error, the camera
 tried to make the snow ( white ) 18 % grey. The low
 contrast tho is the lens, the kalimar 500mm F8 is the
 same as my vivitar 400mm, low not contrasty flat

Low contrast lens, huh?  I think I'd just about reached that conclusion
independently.  That means I'll just have a low contrast lens for a long
time, until I can buy something decent with that kind of telephoto.

Street photo (was Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on blackbody?)

2003-03-07 Thread Caveman
Hi Rob,

How do you find this particular lens to be suited to street and portrait 
photo ?

*WARNING* The following links may lead you to images inducing evil 
feelings such as lust and envy:

on 3/07/03 1:45 AM, Rob Studdert at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
*WARNING* The above links may lead you to images inducing evil feelings 
such as lust and envy.

Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Ken wrote:

 U.S. has 3 times the connected population of Japan, and no wonder the camera
 mfrs flock to the U.S. market. I understand for example, the Kodak 14n is on
 allocation to distributors, mostly in the U.S. and only a very small number
 would be trickling into Japan, the second largest market.

No wonder as the market for digital camera at this price range is microscopic anyway.


Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Steve Desjardins
It definitely means that if you are going to sell every camera you make, there is no 
use in lowering the price to sell more.  You can't buy market share without having 
the units themselves to deliver.  The correct business approach would be to price the 
cameras just low enough to sell every one you make.  Making them cheaper accomplishes 
nothing.  The higher price may even make them more desirable, in a perverse sort of 

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/07/03 11:38AM 
Doug wrote:

 Excellent point. Reports out of PMA indicate that Pentax will have trouble 
 keeping up with demand for the *ist D, and the price hasn't even been set yet.

Not to be negative but hardly any digital camera is made for meeting demand. Nothing 
scare the manufacturers more than having unsold stock of digital cameras. Hence, avery 
digital camera manufactured are already sold. So the fact that a manufacturer doesn't 
meet demand doesn't mean anything really. 


RE: Importing used equipment into the US

2003-03-07 Thread Paul Eriksson
Even thou I'm buying from a company?

I've bought a lot of stuff from UK
via ebay and never paid anything but
the selling price.

 I'm thinking about buying a used lens from Camera-Direct in England.  My
 question is import fees, taxes, etc. will I have to pay here in the US.


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RE: Limited camera user interface

2003-03-07 Thread Steve Desjardins
It has not effect on function, but if you are spending that much on a lens and they 
make the matching kind, it's frustrating not to be able to get it.  Certainly we care 
about colors for cars, although it doesn't effect mileage.

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/07/03 10:25AM 
Just tell me one thing, why does the camera have to match the lens, are we
talking about colour, you know the sexy thing?


Provided  that there will be a camera matching the Limited lenses, what kind
of interface would you like to see? Pentax have been all over the place
regarding interface for their cameras the last decade. All of them have
basically been great but for different usage and preferences. Eg. to my mind
theres no doubt that the traditional dial interface is best for working on a
tripod whereas the newer wheel interface is better for settings when your
cameras is held up to your eyes.

I suggest the following interface for a Limited camera wich I assume is the
closest thing to an LX with AF, a nomenclature used by Pentax camera
division boss, we will ever seen. 
The new fad of having large LCD panels on the back of the camera, like on
the *ist, makes room for traditional controls on the top plate of the
camera. I suggest a Limited lens focus ring finished metal shutter speed
dial on top. This dial should have an A setting addition to the
shutterspeed. The camera have two wheels, like on the *ist D. Some may think
that this is overkill but I think it adds flexibility because it gives you
both manual and hyper manual with no need for hold switch like on the
MZ-S.  In A, both lens and camera, the camera give hyper program like on the
Z-1p. When lens is off the A setting, the camera varies between hyper manual
and aperture priority auto like on the MZ-S. Switches for metering modes and
drive modes should be placed like on the MZ-S. AF system interface like on
the *ist D. A large LCD panel on the back would detract from the camera
traditional look and finish, matching the Limited lenses, while it may give
room for a host of features, perhaps via custom fuctions, without cluttering
the interface. Such a camera have the potential of appelaing to a lot of
advanced Pentax users whether they come from the Z-1p, MZ-S, LX or any of
the medium format cameras.


RE: Importing used equipment into the US

2003-03-07 Thread J. C. O'Connell
yes, I think so. Some of my purchases
even though on ebay, were from UK camera shops.

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Eriksson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 11:51 AM
 Subject: RE: Importing used equipment into the US
 Even thou I'm buying from a company?
 I've bought a lot of stuff from UK
 via ebay and never paid anything but
 the selling price.
   I'm thinking about buying a used lens from Camera-Direct in 
 England.  My
   question is import fees, taxes, etc. will I have to pay here 
 in the US.
 Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

RE: Limited camera user interface

2003-03-07 Thread zoomshot
Well all current lenses are made to match any of our series of our cameras,
so what point are you making?


-Original Message-
From: Pål Jensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 07 March 2003 16:39
Subject: Re: Limited camera user interface

 Just tell me one thing, why does the camera have to match the lens, 
 are we talking about colour, you know the sexy thing?

No idea why but Pentax have always made lenses to match certain bodies or
series of cameras.


Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Bruce Dayton
Oh, the turmoil Pentax must be in trying to decide on the final
pricing.  Many reasonable scenarios have been put forth.


Friday, March 7, 2003, 8:48:24 AM, you wrote:

SD It definitely means that if you are going to sell every camera you make, there is 
no use in lowering the price to sell more.  You can't buy market share without 
having the units themselves to
SD deliver.  The correct business approach would be to price the cameras just low 
enough to sell every one you make.  Making them cheaper accomplishes nothing.  The 
higher price may even make them
SD more desirable, in a perverse sort of way.

SD Steven Desjardins
SD Department of Chemistry
SD Washington and Lee University
SD Lexington, VA 24450
SD (540) 458-8873
SD FAX: (540) 458-8878

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/07/03 11:38AM 
SD Doug wrote:

 Excellent point. Reports out of PMA indicate that Pentax will have trouble 
 keeping up with demand for the *ist D, and the price hasn't even been set yet.

SD Not to be negative but hardly any digital camera is made for meeting demand. 
Nothing scare the manufacturers more than having unsold stock of digital cameras. 
Hence, avery digital camera
SD manufactured are already sold. So the fact that a manufacturer doesn't meet demand 
doesn't mean anything really. 

SD Pål

Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Steve wrote:
- Original Message - 

 It definitely means that if you are going to sell every camera you make, there is no 
 use in lowering the price to sell more.  You can't buy market share without having 
 the units themselves to deliver.  The correct business approach would be to price 
 the cameras just low enough to sell every one you make.  Making them cheaper 
 accomplishes nothing.  The higher price may even make them more desirable, in a 
 perverse sort of way.


And thats probably exactly whats going to happen. They are almost certainly going to 
price it close to the competition. I don't expect a steal. 
Anyway, digital have some similarities to low volume products. The fact that 
Hasselblad doesn't meet demand with the H1 is seen as an indication that the camera 
sell in huge numbers. However, the fact is probably that this is all about low scale 
production and only filling distributors warehouses globally is going ot equal months 
of production. The Pentax 645N, which indeed was a sucess, wasn't available to some 
countries distributors before a year after introduction. This doesn't mean that they 
sold 10 000 a month. 


Re: *ist D price issues

2003-03-07 Thread Peter Alling
This is not a camera that will be sold in an electronics store or a 
discount house that sells
PS cameras and entry level offering.  The *ist D will be available in 
Camera Stores.  If Pentax
offers a bonus to sales people who sell the thing they will sell more of 
them.  Never
underestimate the value of a cash incentive to the right people.  If the 
camera itself is any
good once the sales person shows the camera to the customer coupled with 
the enthusiasm engendered
by the cash incentive the camera should sell itself.  If Pentax does a 
little education about it's
commitment to backward compatibility a lot of people who don't currently 
own a SLR will take a very
serious look.

At 11:32 AM 3/7/2003 -0500, you wrote:
In a message dated 3/5/2003 9:16:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 So you tell me, how is Pentax going to turn heads and get
 people to
 buy the *ist D over the Canon 10D?

Come out with some really good lenses, in appealing focal lengths, with 
for the camera? However, if they do that they should really premier some 
of those lenses WITH the camera.

Offer free popcorn? Well, offer free old manual lenses that they might 
still have in stock on some dusty back shelf (probably they don't, yeah)? 
Include a basic lens with the camera and in the price? Come out with a 
whole bunch of limited lenses?

Beats me. I too think they have a problem. When the 10D wasn't revealed 
yet the problem was not as obvious. But now that it is, the problem is.

To get a whole bunch of people to look at the *ist D they almost have to 
break the $1000 barrier. I am speaking for the average consumer who may 
know very little about cameras anyway. Or just a little. Like me, about 
six months ago (and still quite often, now.) Price will be what catches 
their eye first. $800-900 is still a lot for a camera for the average 
person, but it sounds a tad more reasonable.

I've had a whole bunch of reactions to the *ist D, as we have learned more 
and more (all favorable to the camera though), and that's the conclusion 
that I've finally reached. Nice camera -- what's the price?

Doe aka Marnie :-)
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

RE: Limited camera user interface

2003-03-07 Thread zoomshot

It doesn't matter, I stick a 200mm FA2.8IF on to my MZ-S and I have black
and silver, so what, I can shoot my targets, don't care about the colour


It has not effect on function, but if you are spending that much on a lens
and they make the matching kind, it's frustrating not to be able to get it.
Certainly we care about colors for cars, although it doesn't effect mileage.

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/07/03 10:25AM 
Just tell me one thing, why does the camera have to match the lens, are we
talking about colour, you know the sexy thing?


Provided  that there will be a camera matching the Limited lenses, what kind
of interface would you like to see? Pentax have been all over the place
regarding interface for their cameras the last decade. All of them have
basically been great but for different usage and preferences. Eg. to my mind
theres no doubt that the traditional dial interface is best for working on a
tripod whereas the newer wheel interface is better for settings when your
cameras is held up to your eyes.

I suggest the following interface for a Limited camera wich I assume is the
closest thing to an LX with AF, a nomenclature used by Pentax camera
division boss, we will ever seen. 
The new fad of having large LCD panels on the back of the camera, like on
the *ist, makes room for traditional controls on the top plate of the
camera. I suggest a Limited lens focus ring finished metal shutter speed
dial on top. This dial should have an A setting addition to the
shutterspeed. The camera have two wheels, like on the *ist D. Some may think
that this is overkill but I think it adds flexibility because it gives you
both manual and hyper manual with no need for hold switch like on the
MZ-S.  In A, both lens and camera, the camera give hyper program like on the
Z-1p. When lens is off the A setting, the camera varies between hyper manual
and aperture priority auto like on the MZ-S. Switches for metering modes and
drive modes should be placed like on the MZ-S. AF system interface like on
the *ist D. A large LCD panel on the back would detract from the camera
traditional look and finish, matching the Limited lenses, while it may give
room for a host of features, perhaps via custom fuctions, without cluttering
the interface. Such a camera have the potential of appelaing to a lot of
advanced Pentax users whether they come from the Z-1p, MZ-S, LX or any of
the medium format cameras.


No respect (again...)

2003-03-07 Thread Stephen Moore

All --

Charlotte Camera is one of the places I used to watch
regularly for used gear. Having purchased a few things
earns me a monthly visit from their e-mail newsletter.
The lead story:

  Industry Notes

  We just got back from the PMA (Photo Marketing
  Association) Convention in Las Vegas so there is a lot to
  report this month. Here are a few of the key announcements

  DIGITAL SLR FOR $1499.95!! Canon launches the new
  Canon 10D -- a 6.3 megapixel digital SLR. Starting to ship
  to us now - call us for more details. The perfect complement
  to your new digital SLR is the new Canon EF 17-40 4.0 lens.

They go on to tout a couple of C PS models, the N
80-200 2.8 VR, Olympus digital PS models, etc. etc. etc.

Sheesh! I thought the *ist D was pretty big news.
But what the hell do I know?


RE: Limited camera user interface

2003-03-07 Thread zoomshot

Is this coming from the kidnapped Pål?

Well all current lenses are made to match any of our series of our cameras,
so what point are you making?


Just tell me one thing, why does the camera have to match the lens, 
 are we talking about colour, you know the sexy thing?

No idea why but Pentax have always made lenses to match certain bodies or
series of cameras.


RE: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Doug Brewer
Ah. Well, I saw the $1600 price here on the list as well, but I've heard 
nothing about it elsewhere, so I don't know how solid that guess is. Since 
the specs for the camera have not been finalized, I'd say it would be 
difficult to predict what the price will be.

At 11:34 AM 3/7/03, you wrote:

Last I heard it was $1600, what is the other, here in the UK the dollar
price will be the GBP price.

RE: Importing used equipment into the US

2003-03-07 Thread Paul Eriksson
Thanks a lot,
yes, I think so. Some of my purchases
even though on ebay, were from UK camera shops.

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

FS Friday

2003-03-07 Thread Rupprecht, James R
I have a Motor Drive LX with NiCad pack for sale. I purchased the motor off
eBay about a year ago with plans to buy a third LX. I mounted and tested the
drive with 4-5 rolls of film, and it worked perfectly. It is very clean,
with only a little rub on the screw that holds the rewind lever on. The
NiCad pack was purchased as a nearly new item from someone on the list. It
has never been recelled, and functions as a new unit. A charger is NOT
included in this deal.

I am selling because I have decided not to buy another LX since the D*ist
was announced. Id like to get about $250 shipped for this combo, but might
entertain offers if it doesn't go for that. Paypal at no additional charge.

LMK if anyone is interested.


Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Doug Brewer
Nevertheless, if a camera is expected to sell out without yet having a set 
price, it's foolish to suggest the camera should be sold cheaper than it 
could be.

At 11:38 AM 3/7/03, Pål wrote:

Not to be negative but hardly any digital camera is made for meeting 
demand. Nothing scare the manufacturers more than having unsold stock of 
digital cameras. Hence, avery digital camera manufactured are already 
sold. So the fact that a manufacturer doesn't meet demand doesn't mean 
anything really.


Re: March Pug (very long thread)

2003-03-07 Thread gfen
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Steve Cottrell wrote:

Who is this person sending these messages? Steve WHAT? WHO Cottrell?

It cannot be, we all know your name is _really_ Cottington! Perhaps
Cottington Cottrell, or Cottington Steve Cotrell... hmmm..

--   - more fun than a poke in your eye. photography and portfolio.

Re: PhotoSIG (offending images) was Re: New Message from Mike Johnston

2003-03-07 Thread gfen
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Caveman wrote:
 About hypocrisy: hell, it was just a prick. The male fraction of this
 list sees such on a daily basis.

Every time I look in a mirror.


--   - more fun than a poke in your eye. photography and portfolio.

Re: PhotoSIG (offending images) was Re: New Message from Mike Johnston

2003-03-07 Thread Peter Alling
Ooooh, Ooooh, that implies you don't wear anything, (not an image I wanted 
to have).

At 12:23 PM 3/7/2003 -0500, you wrote:
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Caveman wrote:
 About hypocrisy: hell, it was just a prick. The male fraction of this
 list sees such on a daily basis.
Every time I look in a mirror.


--   - more fun than a poke in your eye. photography and portfolio.
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Re: Report from PMA spies

2003-03-07 Thread Jostein
Didn't something similar happen when the Mz-5 (US: ZX-5) was
I remember the major dealers here in Oslo being very enthusiastic
about the camera, even though they are all very nikon and canon
biased. One dealer said I never thought Pentax as a brand could come
back like that.

From: Bruce Rubenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This would be a major accomplishment.



 I'm standing by my prediction that the *ist-D (and the Optio S) are
 going to put Pentax on a lot of store shelves where Pentax hasn't
 seen much lately.

Re: No respect (again...)

2003-03-07 Thread Frits Wüthrich
You think they really been at the PMA?

On Friday 07 March 2003 17:10, Stephen Moore wrote:
 All --

 Charlotte Camera is one of the places I used to watch
 regularly for used gear. Having purchased a few things
 earns me a monthly visit from their e-mail newsletter.

 The lead story:
   Industry Notes
   We just got back from the PMA (Photo Marketing
   Association) Convention in Las Vegas so there is a lot to
   report this month. Here are a few of the key announcements
   DIGITAL SLR FOR $1499.95!! Canon launches the new
   Canon 10D -- a 6.3 megapixel digital SLR. Starting to ship
   to us now - call us for more details. The perfect complement
   to your new digital SLR is the new Canon EF 17-40 4.0 lens.

 They go on to tout a couple of C PS models, the N
 80-200 2.8 VR, Olympus digital PS models, etc. etc. etc.

 Sheesh! I thought the *ist D was pretty big news.
 But what the hell do I know?


Frits Wüthrich

Re: PhotoSIG (offending images) was Re: New Message from Mike Johnston

2003-03-07 Thread gfen
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Peter Alling wrote:
 Ooooh, Ooooh, that implies you don't wear anything, (not an image I wanted
 to have).

Especially if you've seen me!

--   - more fun than a poke in your eye. photography and portfolio.

For Sale Friday

2003-03-07 Thread J. C. O'Connell
Here's a nice item I relisted at a lower price:

For you istD fans it would have same view as
a 67-187 35mm lens which is pretty close to
a typical 70-200.

In any case, I already have two of these ( both
screw  K) and it's a fine optic to be sure.

J.C. O'Connell  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
My Business references  Websites:

Re: Pentax 1.7 TCU

2003-03-07 Thread Jostein
Last summer, I had a jolly good time at the PDMLUK-event shooting
flying Spitfire planes with the A*400/2.8 and the F-1.7TC.

The converter did a very good job combined with that particular lens,
but I have had some other good experiences too. Like with M-200/4,
A-50/1.7 and K-135/2.5 to name a few.

I second the comment on finding something else to test focus on.


- Original Message -
From: Tony Gieske [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Coupled with my Pentax 85mm f1.4 A lens, it racks the lens a quarter
 inch or so, leaves image blurry. If you hand turn the lens all the
 out to infinity, it bucks back and forth trying to focus. (I'm test
 focusing on a TV screen.)

PC Cord and : New toy

2003-03-07 Thread brooksdj
Jeff i looked at the Vivitar 285hv and there is a double male
socket on the side of the flash.Would you think this is the socket that would connect
to the F.


 You're welcome.
  Hi all.
  Thanks to list member Jeff,i am now the pround owner of a Minolta F Spotmeter.
  Jeff did me a HUGE favor and i picked it up last night.It differs from his by only 

  in the EV mode(one is right but which oneg)in unscientific test.Clean,with box 
  Hope to put it through its paces this weekend.
  Once again thanks Jeff.
  Dave(not buying anything else this year)Brooks  

Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Feroze Kistan
Think its a bit late for body re-design. There is one more body to come not
so. I really do love my MZS, nice weight, feel and size. Anyone can remember
what the general opinion was when that model was released?

I have to say looking a bit like your competition isn't too bad. I suppose
some parts will
have to be in the same place because of ergonomic or fashion reasons.
One of the more common comments I got on the D100 was you could use most of
the functions without reading the manual, and when the mojority of use still
can't (at least me) set the damm VCR without a teenager around thats pretty
good design.

If you were looking for something as revolutionary as that new phone that
like a klingon car alarm remote than I think Pentax would have lost more
potential new buyers that way. Imitating a proven design is not a bad
business decision especially when you in the business of selling tools and
not in the business of tantalizing people with sex toys

- Original Message -
From: Pål Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 1:35 AM
Subject: Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

Pål Wrote:

 So Pentax better market it heavily cause it won't stand out at the shelves,
or better, redesign the body particularly the prism face.

Re: No respect (again...)

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Peter wrote:

 Pål this is a very strange arguement. So you mean to
 tell me that you'd be happier of Pentax released a
 special, sexy' incompetent camera? 

Pentax recently marketed stylish camera with old technology. Now they market ugly or 
derivative cameras with new technology. I think it is a good idea to marry the two but 
not in form of ugly cameras with old technology.


*ist-D price update - official - read it here first

2003-03-07 Thread Camdir
From the online BJPMORE NEWS...
Pentax unveils first digital SLR

Pentax has delivered on a promise to unveil its first digital SLR camera
this year. Having abandoned plans to introduce a full-frame sensor
model, the Japanese manufacturer began working on a new 35mm camera
system that would also form the basis for a digital SLR, and both are
finally revealed this week at the PMA trade show in Las Vegas.

The ist D boasts the smallest and lightest body of any interchangeable
lens digital SLR currently available, weighing just 510g without
batteries. Expected to arrive in July, the ist D delivers a 6.1m pixel
resolution from a 23.5x15.7mm sensor, and may cost as little as 0
without a lens, according to one UK spokesman.

(Read more in this week's printed issue of BJP)

You read it here first.

Have a great weekend.


Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Feroze wrote:

 If you were looking for something as revolutionary as that new phone that
 like a klingon car alarm remote than I think Pentax would have lost more
 potential new buyers that way. Imitating a proven design is not a bad
 business decision especially when you in the business of selling tools and
 not in the business of tantalizing people with sex toys

You mean thats the only alternatives? 
Good looking products are always well received whatever. Derivative ones, particularly 
stylistically chaotic cut and paste designs, rarely succeed to the same extent. 


Re: *ist-D price update - official - read it here first

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Peter wrote:

 Expected to arrive in July, the ist D delivers a 6.1m pixel
 resolution from a 23.5x15.7mm sensor, and may cost as little as 0
 without a lens, according to one UK spokesman.

At that price some may even forgive how it looks and the fact that it is a Pentax.


Re: No respect (again...)

2003-03-07 Thread Jostein

Pål is an advanced user who has had top notch Pentax gear for many
years. There aren't many left of that breed, but what they want is
basically for Pentax to grow big enough to renew their range of top
gear at a pace more comparable to Nikon and Canon.

Being beyond the entry-level stuff myself, I must say that I have
sometimes become a bit disillusioned each time Pentax has released
_another_ entry-level SLR and _more_ zooms in the normal range of
aperture 3.5-5.6.

Meanwhile, the top range see little renewal. Take for example:
- the FA* 80-200/2.8 Powerzoom lens not changed since early nineties.
- the FA* 28-80/2.8  The same.
- 1.4x and 2x TC still manual focus. 3rd party vendors have made AF
- AF and camera noise is as loud as ten years ago. Even counting the
sneezing hamster.

The market for the top gear may be small, but the signal effect huge.

I _do_ understand Pål's stance on this. Many people in his situation
have given up waiting for a Pentax initiative to renew their top gear

That said, I don't share Pål's pessimism. With the kind of photography
I do, I have nothing to gain from switching brand, and I find _enough_
support for my kind of work in the Pentax line. As long as Pentax
stays healthy as an enterprise, there's more goodies to come.

We live in interesting times. Always. :-)


- Original Message -
From: Keith Whaley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: No respect (again...)

 You know, Pål, your kind of diminishing and disparaging comments
 regarding Pentax's design efforts and new product releases is
getting tiresome...

 Whenever someone says Pentax is doing something that could be
 construed as exciting, or ground-breaking (for them) you find words
 make it less so, or put it down.

 Why is that?

 keith whaley

 * * * *

 Pål Jensen wrote:
  Stephen wrote:
   Sheesh! I thought the *ist D was pretty big news.
   But what the hell do I know?
  I hate to repeate this again, but *ist D isn't great news outside
the Pentax pond. Unfortunately, Pentax didn't use this oportunity to
release a DSLR that is something special as opposed to very competent.

Re: *ist-D price update - official - read it here first

2003-03-07 Thread Peter Alling
Well, hell sigh me up for a dozen!

At 02:44 PM 3/7/2003 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
and may cost as little as 0

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Re: No respect (again...)

2003-03-07 Thread dick graham
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  In my eyes, the ist D is not ugly at 
all. Innovative design?  Maybe not, but still good looking with a finish 
that reminds me of the MZ-S with its leather like grip and black spackled 
top plate parts.  We still have to wait for performance reports to pass 


At 08:43 PM 3/7/03 +0100, you wrote:
Peter wrote:

 Pål this is a very strange arguement. So you mean to
 tell me that you'd be happier of Pentax released a
 special, sexy' incompetent camera?
Pentax recently marketed stylish camera with old technology. Now they 
market ugly or derivative cameras with new technology. I think it is a 
good idea to marry the two but not in form of ugly cameras with old technology.


Re: *ist-D price update - official - read it here first

2003-03-07 Thread Peter Alling
At 02:58 PM 3/7/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Well, hell sigh me up for a dozen!
That should have been sign.  (Damned spell checker).

At 02:44 PM 3/7/2003 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
and may cost as little as 0

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Re: Importing used equipment into the US

2003-03-07 Thread Rfsindg

No import duties.  The rules are any 35mm camera equipment is duty free. Have Peter at 
Camera Direct mark it Used 35mm Camera Lens.  

Once they charged me a $5 duty on a $100 ME Super from Germany plus an extra $10 in 
handling for the postal service to collect it.  (They didn't even open the box!)  I 
wrote back to complain that it was used 35mm photo gear and they refunded the $5.  I 
suppose the answer is clearly mark the box!

Regards,  Bob S.


 I'm thinking about buying a used lens from Camera-Direct in England.  My 
 question is import fees, taxes, etc. will I have to pay 
 here in the US.

Re: No respect (again...)

2003-03-07 Thread Rfsindg
That is sad.  I'd visit when I was in town.  My FA24/2, AF500T Flash, and later my 
A*85/1.4 all came used from there.  
Bob S. near Chicago

In a message dated 3/7/2003 1:29:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Charlotte Camera has changed ownership and is not nearly as 
 good as it used to be.  

Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread gfen
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, [iso-8859-1] Pål Jensen wrote:
 Good looking products are always well received whatever. Derivative
 ones, particularly stylistically chaotic cut and paste designs, rarely
 succeed to the same extent.

It IS good looking..if your idea of good looking is SMALL. Guess what?
Lots of CONSUMERS (you know, the people with disposable income, not the
curmudgeons who hang about on mailing lists and scruntize ebay for things
spelt pentex) have a real fetish about SMALL things.. Meaning something
that's positivly tiny, like the Optio-S, is a good thing.. And a tiny
DSLR? No different than the Optio-S.

You aren't quite grasping that the whole point of the ist F and D is that
they're TINY compared to their brethren.

It may not be sexy to you, its not sexy to me, either. Hell, my 645 is
sexy to me cause it looks high tech and intimidatingly big. Your MZ-S is
sexy to you because it looks timeless and high tech. Everyone likes
different things, and the mass market obviously must like those Canon
Rebel bodies because they sure do sell, and Canon keeps making more of the

--   - more fun than a poke in your eye. photography and portfolio.

Scoop: the new wa lenses?

2003-03-07 Thread Paul Eriksson
First of all, I don't know how trustworthy this info is!!!
Pentax will release three new wide angles this fall
1. 18-35mm f/3.5-5.6 (the lens the *ist D was shown with at the PMA)
2. Pro??? 16-35mm f/2.8 or 3.5
3. 16mm f/?
Second there is also a potential problem with non A lenses and the white 
balance  exposure system on the *ist D.

Please don't flame me, this info comes from someone that should have some 
info but that I can't personally vouch for.


Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Feroze Kistan
Yes, either you follow the establishment, learn from their mistakes to see
what works and what dosn't. To have to go it alone with a truly unique
design not only requires guts but a lot money to back you up if you fail.
Many companies have crashed by putting a large chuck of money into
developing a product that was to change the world only to fail. The recent
post of size comparisons of the various DSLR's seems to indicate that the
*istD is in terms of size makes it stand out from the pack. Even if this
camera is not a resounding success at least they are finally playing the
game, conservative or not, they are in the game.


- Original Message -
From: Pål Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

 Feroze wrote:

  If you were looking for something as revolutionary as that new phone
  like a klingon car alarm remote than I think Pentax would have lost more
  potential new buyers that way. Imitating a proven design is not a bad
  business decision especially when you in the business of selling tools
  not in the business of tantalizing people with sex toys

 You mean thats the only alternatives?
 Good looking products are always well received whatever. Derivative ones,
particularly stylistically chaotic cut and paste designs, rarely succeed to
the same extent.


Re: New guy has *ist questions...

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Nick wrote:

 I'm thrilled to hear this but is it mentioned anyplace? 

I'm not sure about it. Can anyone get this confirmed? The reason is that I know for a 
fact that the *ist and *ist D was originally designed with only full functionality 
with A, F, FA and FA J lenses. However, things might have changed in the finalizing.


*ist D viewfinder

2003-03-07 Thread Juan J. Buhler

Hi PDMLers,

Yet another thread on this...

So, I returned to the group after some months not reading it, and
found out about the new *ist D. If the price is below/around $2000, I
am going to seriously consider getting one to use with my K and M
lenses. As much as I love Tri-X, I'm ready to kiss film goodbye if I
get a camera as usable as my MX and Leica M6.

Question: Anyone know whether the viewfinder on the *ist D is full
frame (ie, covers what the whole field of view of the lens) or is it
blacked out to the smaller field covered by the sensor?

Question2: How do you pronounce *ist? Is it the camera fomerly known
as the replacement for the MZ-D?



 Juan J. Buhler | Lead FX Animator @ PDI | Photos at

Re: Scoop: the new wa lenses?

2003-03-07 Thread Brendan
The white balance and non electronic lenses? humm it
is possible but I only see slight inaccuracy in the
white balance or the need to set it manually ( point
at white wall as the white point. ).

 --- Paul Eriksson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  First
of all, I don't know how trustworthy this info
 Pentax will release three new wide angles this fall
 1. 18-35mm f/3.5-5.6 (the lens the *ist D was shown
 with at the PMA)
 2. Pro??? 16-35mm f/2.8 or 3.5
 3. 16mm f/?
 Second there is also a potential problem with non A
 lenses and the white 
 balance  exposure system on the *ist D.
 Please don't flame me, this info comes from someone
 that should have some 
 info but that I can't personally vouch for.

 Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months

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Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Feroze wrote:

 Yes, either you follow the establishment, learn from their mistakes to see
 what works and what dosn't. To have to go it alone with a truly unique
 design not only requires guts but a lot money to back you up if you fail.

This is getteing rather tedious. I'm not suggesting pentax should make a weirdo 
design. Their history is full of great industry design that are individual, have 
character and have cought the buyers fancy and are greatly copied. Thats all I'm 
asking for; stick to their successful recipe.


Re: *ist D viewfinder

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Juan wrote:

 Is it the camera fomerly known
 as the replacement for the MZ-D?

Yes it is and it is everything Pentax indicated it would be.


Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Mark Roberts
gfen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It IS good looking.

*Very* few people are going to base the purchase of a $1500.00 camera on
how it looks. Especially in the first year when it seems likely there
will be a waiting list to get the *ist-D.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: New guy has *ist questions...

2003-03-07 Thread Bill Owens
Full functionality, no.  ALL PENTAX LENSES are usable, with the same
restrictions as K, M, and 645 and screwmount lenses have on the newer
bodies.  In other words, all Pentax lenses will work as well on the *ist
models as they do on the PZ-1p and MZ-S.  Consider it confirmed to this


- Original Message -
From: Pål Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: New guy has *ist questions...

 Nick wrote:

  I'm thrilled to hear this but is it mentioned anyplace?

 I'm not sure about it. Can anyone get this confirmed? The reason is that I
know for a fact that the *ist and *ist D was originally designed with only
full functionality with A, F, FA and FA J lenses. However, things might have
changed in the finalizing.


Re: No respect (again...)

2003-03-07 Thread Bill Owens
Smaller than the MZ-S and with AA batteries in the camera itself seems
pretty darned innovative to me.


- Original Message -
From: Pål Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: No respect (again...)

 Dick wrote:

  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  In my eyes, the ist D is not ugly
  all. Innovative design?  Maybe not, but still good looking with a finish
  that reminds me of the MZ-S with its leather like grip and black
  top plate parts.  We still have to wait for performance reports to pass

 My point isn't that it is bad performer or not worth the money or
whatever. My dissapointemnet comes from the simple fact that the *ist D look
too much like too many other cameras and thereby Pentax loose the chance to
make people that are not usually checking out Pentax too take notice.


FS: Pentax LX body, CLA, 4 months warranty

2003-03-07 Thread Andre Langevin
SN 5304xxx  Cosmetics EX  Mechanically perfect  $400.

Complete CLA with new shutter curtains 16 months ago.

I give you a 4 months warranty and a free LX case.


Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread gfen
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Mark Roberts wrote:
 gfen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It IS good looking.

I'm a little bothered that you completley took that out of context, and
the fact that its a direct response to Pal stating its not a good looking
camera and derivitive trash.

Truth be told, I don't care WHAT it looks like as long as it fits in my
hand the way I want it to, and does what I want it to.

 *Very* few people are going to base the purchase of a $1500.00 camera on
 how it looks. Especially in the first year when it seems likely there
 will be a waiting list to get the *ist-D.

Hey, if I could afford it and justify it (at the same time, there's the
rub!), I'd be on the list.

--   - more fun than a poke in your eye. photography and portfolio.

Re: March Pug (very long thread)

2003-03-07 Thread Andre Langevin
David Blowin' by Andre Langevin;
Great composition and use of framing (and rule of thirds). First time I've
seen a soprano sax shaped like that. Tri X does well in contrasty lighting.
Thanks Butch for taking the time for commenting all the pug's pictures!

The sax shape is indeed uncommon.  I think the resulting tonality has 
also to do with D76, which opens up the shades a bit.  For some 
reason the musician's face was uniformly lit, unlike most other 
photos taken there.  Microphones's shades are sometimes difficult to 
avoid (especially when there is some action).

I do frame intuitively without thinking about the thirds.  In other 
words I don't follow rules for framing but it is possible to find 
afterwards that the picture objectively respects the thirds.



Re: Scoop: the new wa lenses?

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Paul wrote:

 2. Pro??? 16-35mm f/2.8 or 3.5
 3. 16mm f/?

I'll say they are likely. The rumor mill say the good things comes in fall. With pro 
grade lenses could follow the cameras above the *ist. Pentax did announce an 18/2.8 to 
the distributors. That must have been a couple of years ago. It never materialized (at 
least not yet). The release of APS sized digital sensor may have made them reconsider 
and gone wider. A 16-35 or similar pro grade zoom has been lacking in the Pentax lens 
line up. 


Summary and manual focusing on the newer cameras

2003-03-07 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
Just figured I'll sum up what I learned.  Please let me know if I am
still mistaken somewhere...

MZ-30 and MZ-60 (ZX if you pref) will not work with my manual aperture
lenses.  -  these are out of the Q.

The MZ-3 and MZ-5n has the best feel for someone who is used to the dial
on the MX, K-1000, LX... etc.  It also has a more sophisticated
pentaprism viewfinder and simple basic functions.

The *ist has the best (most sophisticated) autofocus and the prism is
some new bright one which sould be very cool.  Also it can shoot more
pics per sec. (2.7)

If flash is crucial (I don't use a flash, yet) the high-speed flash 
sync is only available on the MZ-6 (ZX-L) the top of the line MZ-S and
the new model...

And lastly, the discussion about the viewfinders is what I find
disturbing and possibly a crucial decision factor.  I really don't
undertsnad what the 0.7 and 0.8 magnification means but it seems to be
crucial for manual focus.

Several people noted that they have to use the beep function of the
MZ-5n (3?) to be able to focus manually.  Now this disturbs me.  I want
to be able to focus... period.  If this is true, no way will I upgrade. 
Is this true about the rest of the models?

Someone suggested that People have changed the screens out of their
ZX-5 and -5n cameras with the split screen from the ZX-M body. It will
affect teh spot metering on these cameras, but it can in fact be done.

What is the spot metering?  How will it affect it?

Someone also suggested that the MZ-5 (not the n) is the same as the
MZ-M.  Does that mean it focuses the same?

What about the rest of the ZX line, the MZ-S, or older autofocus models
(P series), is it as hard to manual focus with those as it is with the
MZ-5n?  Any word on the *ist?



Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
gfen wrote:

 I'm a little bothered that you completley took that out of context, and
 the fact that its a direct response to Pal stating its not a good looking
 camera and derivitive trash.

Good looking is in the eye of the beholder. But it does not look original and 
distinctive and I believe that it need to do to get other than those with k-mount 
inventories to be interested. What bothers me isn't the fact that the *ist D look like 
it does, cause I'll never buy one anyway, but the fact that it may indicate Pentax 
future lack of direction. Hopefully, it doesn't. It is likely that Pentax plays it 
safe in entry level and the body above them will show more originality, thats why I'm 
after all is using Pentax.


Re: New guy has *ist questions...

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Bill wrote:

 Full functionality, no.  ALL PENTAX LENSES are usable, with the same
 restrictions as K, M, and 645 and screwmount lenses have on the newer
 bodies.  In other words, all Pentax lenses will work as well on the *ist
 models as they do on the PZ-1p and MZ-S.  Consider it confirmed to this

I was thinking of the fact that the *ist was designed without the mechanical coupling. 
It will only meter with lenses with electrical contacts. Still, it might changed but 
it was originally designed withn a crippled mount due to its entry level status.


Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on black body?

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Stan wrote:

Please someone send me a picture or two of a silver limited on a black body,
preferably the MZ-S, so I can see how nice it looks and convince myself that
I don't really need the black after all...


Silver lenses on black bodies look as good as black lenses on silver bodies. 
In my opinion, black Limited lenses doesn't look more exclusive than an A series 
lenses whereas silver Limiteds looks expensive. I also suspect that silver Limiteds 
are more durable in finish.


Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on black body?

2003-03-07 Thread Alan Chan
In my opinion, black Limited lenses doesn't look more exclusive than an A 
series lenses whereas silver Limiteds looks expensive. I also suspect that 
silver Limiteds are more durable in finish.
I honestly don't feel my silver LIMITEDs are very duriable in finish.  :(

Alan Chan
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: *ist-D price update - official - read it here first

2003-03-07 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
  and may cost as little as 0

 Well, hell sigh me up for a dozen!

I'm even willing to pay 50-100% more for it...  :))


Re: Importing used equipment into the US

2003-03-07 Thread Alan Chan
I was told once that used cameras and lenses Made in Japan didn't require 
tax when imported into US. At least that's what the eBay buyer told me. Just 
marked the parcel Used camera/lens, Made in Japan would do.

Alan Chan
I'm thinking about buying a used lens from Camera-Direct in England. My 
question is import fees, taxes, etc. will I have to pay here in the US.
The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on black body?

2003-03-07 Thread Pål Jensen
Alan wrote:

 I honestly don't feel my silver LIMITEDs are very duriable in finish.  :(

Thats pretty amazing as I have never sen more durable finish even after being carried 
around along with other metal lenses. No scratches.


Re: Summary and manual focusing on the newer cameras

2003-03-07 Thread Ryan K. Brooks
Levente -Levi- Littvay wrote:
The *ist has the best (most sophisticated) autofocus and the prism is
some new bright one which sould be very cool.  Also it can shoot more
pics per sec. (2.7)
I thought only the *ist D had a prism, the *ist was a mirror?

Short telephoto prices

2003-03-07 Thread n5jrn
Why does the SMC-A 100/2.8 sell for significantly more than the SMC-A 
135/2.8?  Does the former have better optics than the latter or is it 
just that the former is more convenient for portrait work?

David Barts
Portland, OR

LX Grip (EX: Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on blackbody?)

2003-03-07 Thread Levente -Levi- Littvay
 Sorry Stan, but I'd hate to see you make a terrible mistake :-)

Wwoww, that grip looks AWSOME.  Having the tsandard grip and a motor
drive always scared me.  (possibly one of the reasons why I never got
around to buying an MX just use the LX wia the morot drive)  But this
changes perspective...

What kind of grip is this?  Do these show up on the market once in a


Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on black body?

2003-03-07 Thread Peter Smekal
Stan wrote:

Please someone send me a picture or two of a silver limited on a black body,
preferably the MZ-S, so I can see how nice it looks and convince myself that
I don't really need the black after all...

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Reply: bla bla bla bla bla bla

Silver lenses on black bodies look as good as black lenses on silver bodies.
In my opinion, black Limited lenses doesn't look more exclusive than an A
series lenses whereas silver Limiteds looks expensive. I also suspect that
silver Limiteds are more durable in finish.


Peter Smekal
Uppsala, Sweden

Re: Report from PMA spies

2003-03-07 Thread Bruce Rubenstein
The MZ-5, and the rest of the MZ series was the most significant (from a 
brand/marketing POV) camera that they introduced since the A series. 
It's sold better than any other AF models that they had, and even made 
them a viable brand to 3rd party lens makers again. They just rested on 
their chassis since then.



Didn't something similar happen when the Mz-5 (US: ZX-5) was
I remember the major dealers here in Oslo being very enthusiastic
about the camera, even though they are all very nikon and canon
biased. One dealer said I never thought Pentax as a brand could come
back like that.

Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on black body?

2003-03-07 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Pål Jensen
Subject: Re: Help needed (longish)- Silver Limited on black body?

 Silver lenses on black bodies look as good as black lenses on silver
 In my opinion, black Limited lenses doesn't look more exclusive than an A
series lenses whereas silver Limiteds looks expensive. I also suspect that
silver Limiteds are more durable in finish.

The thing I like the least about my 77 is the silver finish. It reminds me
of a 1950's Contaflex lens. Not that there is anything wrong with 1950's
Contaflex lenses, compared to other lenses of the same era, but the thing
looks dated, and dated looks cheap.

William Robb

Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-07 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Pål Jensen
Subject: Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

 This is getteing rather tedious. I'm not suggesting pentax should make a
weirdo design. Their history is full of great industry design that are
individual, have character and have cought the buyers fancy and are greatly
copied. Thats all I'm asking for; stick to their successful recipe.

What is getting tedious is your mindset on this particular subject.

William Robb

FS Friday

2003-03-07 Thread jjmeeks1
Hi, I have a few things for sale. Anyone interested, please contact me off line. I 
have pictures I can email and better descriptions.


K1000 EX condition, but with inaccurate meter $50
M 50mm f1.7 EX condition $35
A 70-210 f4 EX condition $80
Traceflex - a plastic Diana clone in EX+ to mint- condition $20

Re: No respect (again...)

2003-03-07 Thread Bruce Rubenstein
I just call'em as I see'm, but I still think Pentax, USA sucks (I think 
all the women on the list have already put me on their kill list).



Which is even more strange becuase BR has well, um, been almost, sorta 
POSITIVE about the latest Pentax news and product offerings.



OT: Question For You Professional photogs out there

2003-03-07 Thread David Chang-Sang
Ok folks,

Here's the scenario.

I shot a number of baby pics about 3-4 months ago for a young mother and her
husband.  I know them via her (the young mother's) mother-in-law.

I fired off about 24 color 6x6's and 36 BW and 24 Color 35mm shots.  I did
a lot because the kids were super fidgety - one, the young girl, is just
past two years old and the son is just over 3 months old.  Needless to say
it was hard for them to sit reasonably still for any length of time.

Anyway, I handed over the proofs and waited till they were ready to order
prints.  I figured I got about 6-8 decent photos out of all the shots I
took - mainly due to trying to maintain the kids attention :-)

The kicker was, that the mother-in-law has been dealing with me and she said
that her daughter-in-law (i.e. the mother of the kids) didn't like ANY of
the photos.  That was fine, I could deal with that but she added a comment
that struck me as interesting.  She said that in the future, if I'm going to
give proofs back to clients, I should only hand them the good photos and
toss out all the bad ones.

My question to all of you:
How do YOU handle your proofs when handing them back to clients?  Do you
sort and only hand the good ones back or do you give them the whole 9 yards
so they know you're not holding anything back?

I'm curious as this is sort of new per se to me.


Re: Short telephoto prices

2003-03-07 Thread Bruce Rubenstein
Many more 135 lenses were sold than 100mm lenses. Supply and demand. BTW 
the 100mm has a reputation for much better optics than the 135.



Why does the SMC-A 100/2.8 sell for significantly more than the SMC-A 
135/2.8?  Does the former have better optics than the latter or is it 
just that the former is more convenient for portrait work?

David Barts
Portland, OR

Re: Size of *ist D

2003-03-07 Thread Anthony Farr
No.  Only the Kodak and the Canon EOS 1Ds are full frame.  The Nikon D1x
is something less but I'm not sure what.  The Oly is 4/3 inch and the
rest are APS sized.

Anthony Farr

- Original Message -
From: Nagaraj, Ramesh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Nice work.
 Does all cameras have same sensor size?


Re: OT: Question For You Professional photogs out there

2003-03-07 Thread Bruce Rubenstein
I never give an unedited set of pictures to anyone. Don't let clients 
get confused with too many choices. Certainly don't let them know that 
you take anything other than great shots.



My question to all of you:
How do YOU handle your proofs when handing them back to clients?  Do you
sort and only hand the good ones back or do you give them the whole 9 yards
so they know you're not holding anything back?
I'm curious as this is sort of new per se to me.



2003-03-07 Thread frank theriault
I was buying film today, and noticed that Downtown Camera here in
Toronto is selling Agfa APX (bw 400) for $3.00 Cdn for a roll of 36.  I
asked them what it was like, and they said quite grainy.  I asked if
it was a lot grainier than TriX, and he just said again, quite grainy.

OTOH, when I looked on the Agfa Canada site, they mentioned good
fineness of grain.

I chickened out, and bought my usual Ilford HP5+, for a whole 33 cents a
roll more.

Anyone familiar with APX, and if so, what do you think of it?


Honour - that virtue of the unjust!
-Albert Camus

RE: Short telephoto prices

2003-03-07 Thread Peter Alling
Not even close.  The 135 actually has a rather poor reputation, the 100
is rare enough that I don't think I've ever heard of anyone having one.
At 09:50 PM 3/7/2003 -0500, you wrote:
are they even the same optical design except just scaled differently?
 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Alling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 8:53 PM
 Subject: Re: Short telephoto prices

 I believe that the 100 is somewhat more scarce than the 135.

 At 02:51 PM 3/7/2003 -0800, you wrote:
 Why does the SMC-A 100/2.8 sell for significantly more than the SMC-A
 135/2.8?  Does the former have better optics than the latter or
 is it just
 that the former is more convenient for portrait work?
 David Barts
 Portland, OR

 Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
  Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Make contact prints without enlarger?

2003-03-07 Thread Tonghang Zhou

I've never done any printing myself, but I was reading
about making contact prints from negatives, and it would
seem unnecessary to use an enlarger for this purpose.
It seems you'll just need a contact frame and a way to
shine light onto it.  Of course I don't know how you'd
control the exposure time.  Anyone like to explain this


Re: Size of *ist D

2003-03-07 Thread Rob Studdert
On 8 Mar 2003 at 4:53, Anthony Farr wrote:

 For those who were wondering how the *ist D (and the Olympus
 4/3)compared in size to some other DSLRs, I've put a compilation up on at:
 The *ist D is the only camera for which I couldn't get a front
 elevation.  Instead I flipped a rear elevation and made a silhouette of
 it, that'll have to suffice for the moment.
 Hope you all find the comparison as enlightening as I did.

Thanks for the effort Anthony, an image is worth a thousand words.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986 PDMLer since 1998

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