Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-11 Thread Jeffrey Brian Downard
Gary F, List,

The distinction between these two ways of thinking about the phenomenological 
categories (matter and form) is present, I think, in the passage quoted.

When you strive to get the purest conceptions you can of Firstness, Secondness, 
and Thirdness, thinking of quality, reaction, and mediation – what you are 
striving to apprehend is pure Firstness, the Firstness of Secondness -- that is 
what Secondness is, of itself -- and the Firstness of Thirdness. (CP 1.530).

The material categories of quality, reaction and mediation are the familiar 
categories that we readily find in common experience. The question is:  are 
these common conceptions really fundamental as universal categories or not? 
Peirce suggests that it is an open question as to whether or not these material 
categories correspond in some way with the formal tones of thought that have 
the character of what he calls firstness, secondness and thirdness. These tones 
of thought have the form of elemental monadic, dyadic and triadic relations. 
That, at least, is how I read the writings between, say, 1896-1903 when he is 
developing the phenomenological account of the categories in a more refined 
manner--as a separate kind of philosophical theory.

On my reading of the relevant texts, all of the observations, conceptions and 
valid forms of inference that any cognitive agent might employ to learn 
something about the world involve compositions of these three formal 
relations--no more and no less. If this claim is on the right track, then we 
can formulate a third question:

3. Does inquiry in philosophical logic show that self-controlled reasoning of 
any kind involves observations of these three formal features (and compositions 
involving them) in the signs we employ--and nothing more?

I think a positive answer to this question is, at the least, a plausible 
hypothesis. As such, we have sufficient reason to treat examples of good and 
bad reasoning as data for our logical inquiries, and to focus our analyses on 
these formal features in the observations that we've gathered as we sort 
through the data and try to correct the observational errors that might be part 
and parcel of our data set for our developing theory of logic.


Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 1:52 PM
Subject: RE: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?


I’m puzzled by the fact that the two questions you pose are both about “the 
formal and material categories,” when by his own account (CP 1.284 for 
instance), all of Peirce’s phenomenological or phaneroscopic analyses deal with 
the formal categories (or “formal elements of the phaneron”) and not with the 
material. Thus your quotation from the Lowell Lectures I take to be entirely 
about the formal “categories” or “elements.” Perhaps I’m not understanding what 
you mean by “material categories” or why you see a need to mention both. Can 
you explain? Does the formal/material distinction have anything to do with how 
the categories are connected with the modal conceptions?

By the way, we need a new subject line for this …

Gary f.

From: Jeffrey Brian Downard 
Sent: 11-Sep-18 12:00
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

Jon S, Gary R, John S, Gary F, List,

A question has been raised about the connection between the phenomenological 
categories of first, second and third, and the modal conceptions of what is 
possible, existent and (contingently) necessary.

Here is one place where Peirce provides a relatively clear explanation of the 
relation between these tones of thought--considered as formal elements and as 
material categories--as they are studied in phenomenology and these three modal 

But now I wish to call your attention to a kind of distinction which affects 
Firstness more than it does Secondness, and Secondness more than it does 
Thirdness. This distinction arises from the circumstance that where you have a 
triplet you have three pairs; and where you have a pair, you have two units. 
Thus, Secondness is an essential part of Thirdness though not of Firstness, and 
Firstness is an essential element of both Secondness and Thirdness. Hence there 
is such a thing as the Firstness of Secondness and such a thing as the 
Firstness of Thirdness; and there is such a thing as the Secondness of 
Thirdness. But there is no Secondness of pure Firstness and no Thirdness of 
pure Firstness or Secondness. When you strive to get the purest conceptions you 
can of Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness, thinking of quality, reaction, and 
mediation – what you are striving to apprehend is pure Firstness, the Firstness 
of Secondness -- that is what Secondness is, of itself -- an

RE: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-11 Thread gnox

I'm puzzled by the fact that the two questions you pose are both about "the
formal and material categories," when by his own account (CP 1.284 for
instance), all of Peirce's phenomenological or phaneroscopic analyses deal
with the formal categories (or "formal elements of the phaneron") and not
with the material. Thus your quotation from the Lowell Lectures I take to be
entirely about the formal "categories" or "elements." Perhaps I'm not
understanding what you mean by "material categories" or why you see a need
to mention both. Can you explain? Does the formal/material distinction have
anything to do with how the categories are connected with the modal

By the way, we need a new subject line for this .

Gary f.


From: Jeffrey Brian Downard  
Sent: 11-Sep-18 12:00
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the


Jon S, Gary R, John S, Gary F, List,


A question has been raised about the connection between the phenomenological
categories of first, second and third, and the modal conceptions of what is
possible, existent and (contingently) necessary.


Here is one place where Peirce provides a relatively clear explanation of
the relation between these tones of thought--considered as formal elements
and as material categories--as they are studied in phenomenology and these
three modal conceptions. 


But now I wish to call your attention to a kind of distinction which affects
Firstness more than it does Secondness, and Secondness more than it does
Thirdness. This distinction arises from the circumstance that where you have
a triplet you have three pairs; and where you have a pair, you have two
units. Thus, Secondness is an essential part of Thirdness though not of
Firstness, and Firstness is an essential element of both Secondness and
Thirdness. Hence there is such a thing as the Firstness of Secondness and
such a thing as the Firstness of Thirdness; and there is such a thing as the
Secondness of Thirdness. But there is no Secondness of pure Firstness and no
Thirdness of pure Firstness or Secondness. When you strive to get the purest
conceptions you can of Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness, thinking of
quality, reaction, and mediation - what you are striving to apprehend is
pure Firstness, the Firstness of Secondness -- that is what Secondness is,
of itself -- and the Firstness of Thirdness. (CP 1.530).


A Firstness is exemplified in every quality of a total feeling. It is
perfectly simple and without parts; and everything has its quality. Thus the
tragedy of

King Lear has its Firstness, its flavor sui generis. That wherein all such
qualities agree is universal Firstness, the very being of Firstness. The
word possibility fits it, except that possibility implies a relation to what
exists, while universal Firstness is the mode of being of itself. That is
why a new word was required for it. Otherwise, "possibility" would have
answered the purpose. (CP 1.531)


We may say with some approach to accuracy that the general Firstness of all
true Secondness is existence, though this term more particularly applies to
Secondness in so far as it is an element of the reacting first and second.
If we mean Secondness as it is an element of the occurrence, the Firstness
of it is actuality. But actuality and existence are words expressing the
same idea in different applications. Secondness, strictly speaking, is just
when and where it takes place, and has no other being; and therefore
different Secondnesses, strictly speaking, have in themselves no quality in
common. Accordingly, existence, or the universal Firstness of all
Secondness, is really not a quality at all. (CP 1.532) 


I think the following questions about the phenomenological categories are
worth considering.


1.  If Peirce's grand hypothesis concerning the character of the formal and
material categories is plausible then, philosophically speaking, what
follows as a consequence?


2.  If the phenomenological analysis of the formal and material categories
is on track, then how can we use these insights as a guide for philosophical


Here is a start on question (1). While it might seem something of a leap, I
think the phenomenological theory provides the seeds of the arguments needed
to show that analytic philosophers such as Quine and Goodman, and
continental philosophers such as Derrida and Foucault, are mistaken. That
is, these 20th century philosophers are mistaken in claiming that human
experience is "radically subjective" in character and, as a result, that
there are strong reasons for being skeptical about the possibility of any of
us ever really understanding the reference and meaning of one another's


Here is a start on question (2). The phenomenological account of the
categories of experience and the methods that are employed 

Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-11 Thread Gary Richmond
Jon, list,

Jon wrote:

JAS: Could you please provide citations where Peirce associated possibility
(1ns), existence (2ns), and conditional necessity (3ns) with phenomenology,
rather than metaphysics?  I understand those to be modes of Being, rather
than irreducible elements of experience; I think of the latter as quality
(1ns), reaction (2ns), and mediation (3ns)

I'll have to split my response up a bit because of time constraints, and so
will offer for now only places where Peirce associates 1ns with possibility
(I'll take up the other categories in later posts).

I agree that Peirce most frequently associates 1ns with quality, but there
are other words he uses  to distinguish that category from 2ns and 3ns.
Here are examples of his associating 1ns with possibility.

1903 | Lowell Lectures on Some Topics of Logic Bearing on Questions Now
Vexed. Lecture III [R] | CP 1.25

Firstness is the mode of being which consists in its subject’s being
positively such as it is regardless of aught else. That can only be a
possibility. For as long as things do not act upon one another there is no
sense or meaning in saying that they have any being, unless it be that they
are such in themselves that they may perhaps come into relation with
others. The mode of being a *redness*, before anything in the universe was
yet red, was nevertheless a positive qualitative possibility. And redness
in itself, even if it be embodied, is something positive and *sui generis*.
That I call Firstness. We naturally attribute Firstness to outward objects,
that is we suppose they have capacities in themselves which may or may not
be already actualized, which may or may not ever be actualized, although we
can know nothing of such possibilities [except] so far as they
are actualized.

You can see here as well the germ of his also characterizing the categories
(first, in a late letter to William James as I recall) as may-be's, is's,
and would-bes. So, commenting on (in the quotation above) only of 1ns*: "*We
naturally attribute Firstness to outward objects, that is we suppose they
have capacities in themselves which *may or may not be* already actualized,
which *may or may not ever be* actualized, although *we can know nothing of
such possibilities [except] so far as they are actualized.*

Perhaps I might better have characterized the first category as that of
may-be's (btw, Peirce also writes of can-be's and might-be's).

In the quotation below, 1ns is characterized here as being "an abstract
possibility" (there is also a passage where he speaks of its
"indeterminacy." We *know* 1ns, however, only "immediately," that is, in
*present* experience.

1905-06-01 | The Logic Notebook | MS [R] 339:242r
*Firstness* is the Mode of Being of that which is such as it is positively
and regardless of anything else. It is thus an abstract possibility, It can
therefore only be known to us immediately.

This final quotation gives *possibility* as one of several ideas in which
1ns is "prominent."

1904 | A Brief Intellectual Autobiography by Charles Sanders Peirce | Peirce,
1983, p. 72; MS [R] L107:22
*Firstness* is the mode or element of being by which any subject is such as
it is, *positively* and regardless of everything else; or rather, the
category is not bound down to this particular conception but is the element
which is characteristic and peculiar in this definition and is a prominent
ingredient in the ideas of quality, qualitativeness, absoluteness,
originality, variety, chance, possibility, form, essence, feeling, etc.

The point of Peirce associating 1ns with possibility is, I think, that
while we *may *come to know it most characteristically as "quality," before
it is so known it is a mere *qualitative possibility*.

JAS:  I think of the [irreducible elements of experience] as quality (1ns),
reaction (2ns), and mediation (3ns)

I mainly do myself. But I also believe that there are reasons to expand our
categorial associations to include, not only possibility, but to see 1ns as
"a prominent ingredient in the ideas of quality, qualitativeness,
absoluteness, originality, variety, chance, possibility, form, essence,
feeling, etc." In short, to limit 1ns to "quality" seems to me all too
restrictive in a way, perhaps, tending to limit the power of
phenomenological thinking about it. In my view, to associate it *only*, or
even mainly, with 'quality' might tend to persuade one to gloss over
phenomenological 1ns and, so, to plunge willy-nilly into logic as semeiotic
with an insufficient sense of how this category finds a place in that

Still, even more abstract than 'quality' or 'possibility', at its most
abstract, it is but a Pythagorean number, 1ns, which "characterization"
Peirce would seem to have come to prefer. Yet I think that *that* move
actually allows all the associations listed above (and more) to co-mingle
in our thinking, perhaps especially our semeiotic thinking.



*Gary Richmond*
*Philosophy and Critical Thinking*

Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-11 Thread Jeffrey Brian Downard
From: Jon Alan Schmidt 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

Gary R., List:

Could you please provide citations where Peirce associated possibility (1ns), 
existence (2ns), and conditional necessity (3ns) with phenomenology, rather 
than metaphysics?  I understand those to be modes of Being, rather than 
irreducible elements of experience; I think of the latter as quality (1ns), 
reaction (2ns), and mediation (3ns).


Jon S.

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 10:44 PM, Gary Richmond>> wrote:
Jon, list,

Jon wrote:

JAS: To clarify, I wholeheartedly agree that the Categories play a significant 
role throughout Peirce's entire architectonic.  The assertion that I questioned 
was that they are "central to semiotic," which I took to imply that they are 
somehow more prominent in that branch than others.  My understanding is that 
instead the Categories are most fundamentally phenomenological.

Well, of course, and by definition, "the Categories are most fundamentally 
phenomenological." I BI would hope that goes without saying. But of all the 
sciences following phenomenology, I believe that the categories are more 
central to semeiotics than to any of the other cenoscopic sciences, certainly 
more central there than to esthetics and ethics, metaphysics, the special 

JAS: I must point out again that Possibles/Existents/Necessitants are the 
constituents of three Universes, not Categories, although there is an obvious 
alignment with 1ns/2ns/3ns.  I am no longer convinced that these Universes are 
truly metaphysical; after all, they are the primary basis for classifying Signs 
within Speculative Grammar, the first branch of logic as semeiotic.

But in Phenomenology Peirce defines 1ns (in part) as the possible, 2ns as the 
existent, and 3ns with would-be's, that is, what would necessarily be if 
certain conditions were to come into being and prevailed. Therefore I have to 
modify my earlier suggestion that these three are essentially metaphysical, but 
now recall that the are essentially phenomenological. In short, this language 
of possible/ existent/ necessitant is first introduced in phenomenology. As you 
noted, all the categories have applications in semeiotic (theoretical grammar 
in particular) as well as metaphysics. Jon continued:

 JAS: I continue to be intrigued by Peirce's remark in "New Elements" to the 
effect that the employment of metaphysical terms and concepts in that context 
is a kind of hypostatic abstration.

CSP:  The logician is not concerned with any metaphysical theory; still less, 
if possible, is the mathematician. But it is highly convenient to express 
ourselves in terms of a metaphysical theory; and we no more bind ourselves to 
an acceptance of it than we do when we use substantives such as "humanity," 
"variety," etc., and speak of them as if they were substances, in the 
metaphysical sense. (EP 2:304; 1904)

As I see it, this is more along the line of Peirce's saying that the sciences 
lower in the classification can offer examples, perhaps even terminological 
suggestions, to those above it. But it is the principles of logic as semeiotic 
which, as you yourself have noted, properly understood and applied, become 
those of metaphysics.



Gary Richmond
Philosophy and Critical Thinking
Communication Studies
LaGuardia College of the City University of New York
718 482-5690

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 10:28 PM Jon Alan Schmidt>> wrote:
Gary R., List:

GR:  While perhaps "every perception involves signs," as several have noted, 
signs are not studied in phenomenology but in logic as semeiotic.

Representation/mediation (3ns) is one irreducible element of the Phaneron, but 
so is quality (1ns), and so is reaction (2ns).

GR:  I think to reduce the application of the cat[eg]ories to the 3ns of signs 
+ "the Universes of Possibles, Existents, and Necessitants," (again, not 
semeiotic but metaphysical categories) is to reduce almost to absurdity the 
central importance of the Universal Categories not only to semeiotics but, in 
my opinion, almost all the sciences which follow it.

To clarify, I wholeheartedly agree that the Categories play a significant role 
throughout Peirce's entire architectonic.  The assertion that I questioned was 
that they are "central to semiotic," which I took to imply that they are 
somehow more prominent in that branch than others.  My understanding is that 
instead the Categories are most fundamentally phenomenological.

I must point out again that Possibles/Existents/Necessitants are the 
constituents of three Universes, not Categories, although there is an obvious 
alignment with 1ns/2ns/3ns.  I am no longer convinced th

Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-11 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Gary R., List:

Could you please provide citations where Peirce associated possibility
(1ns), existence (2ns), and conditional necessity (3ns) with phenomenology,
rather than metaphysics?  I understand those to be modes of Being, rather
than irreducible elements of experience; I think of the latter as quality
(1ns), reaction (2ns), and mediation (3ns).


Jon S.

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 10:44 PM, Gary Richmond 

> Jon, list,
> Jon wrote:
> JAS: To clarify, I wholeheartedly agree that the Categories play a
> significant role throughout Peirce's entire architectonic.  The assertion
> that I questioned was that they are "central to semiotic," which I took to
> imply that they are somehow more prominent in that branch than others.  My
> understanding is that instead the Categories are most fundamentally
> *phenomenological*.
> Well, of course, and by definition, "the Categories are most
> fundamentally *phenomenological*." I BI would hope that goes without
> saying. But of all the sciences *following* phenomenology, I believe that
> the categories are more central to semeiotics than to any of the other
> cenoscopic sciences, certainly more central there than to esthetics and
> ethics, metaphysics, the special sciences.
> JAS: I must point out again that Possibles/Existents/Necessitants are the
> constituents of three *Universes*, not *Categories*, although there is an
> obvious alignment with 1ns/2ns/3ns.  I am no longer convinced that these
> Universes are truly *metaphysical*; after all, they are the primary basis
> for classifying Signs within *Speculative Grammar*, the first branch of *logic
> as semeiotic*.
> But *in* Phenomenology Peirce defines 1ns (in part) as the possible, 2ns
> as the existent, and 3ns with would-be's, that is, what would necessarily
> be if certain conditions were to come into being and prevailed. Therefore I
> have to modify my earlier suggestion that these three are essentially
> metaphysical, but now recall that the are essentially phenomenological. In
> short, this language of possible/ existent/ necessitant is first
> *introduced* in phenomenology. As you noted, all the categories have
> applications in semeiotic (theoretical grammar in particular) as well as
> metaphysics. Jon continued:
>  JAS: I continue to be intrigued by Peirce's remark in "New Elements" to
> the effect that the employment of metaphysical terms and concepts in that
> context is a kind of *hypostatic abstration*.
> CSP:  The logician is not concerned with any metaphysical theory; still
> less, if possible, is the mathematician. But it is highly convenient to
> express ourselves in terms of a metaphysical theory; and we no more bind
> ourselves to an acceptance of it than we do when we use substantives such
> as "humanity," "variety," etc., and speak of them as if they were
> substances, in the metaphysical sense. (EP 2:304; 1904)
> As I see it, this is more along the line of Peirce's saying that the
> sciences lower in the classification can offer examples, perhaps even
> terminological suggestions, to those above it. But it is the principles of
> logic as semeiotic which, as you yourself have noted, properly understood
> and applied, become those of metaphysics.
> Best,
> Gary
> *Gary Richmond*
> *Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
> *Communication Studies*
> *LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*
> *718 482-5690*
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 10:28 PM Jon Alan Schmidt <
>> wrote:
>> Gary R., List:
>> GR:  While perhaps "every perception involves signs," as several have
>> noted, signs are not studied in phenomenology but in logic as semeiotic.
>> Representation/mediation (3ns) is *one *irreducible element of the
>> Phaneron, but so is quality (1ns), and so is reaction (2ns).
>> GR:  I think to reduce the application of the cat[eg]ories to the 3ns of
>> signs + "the Universes of Possibles, Existents, and Necessitants," (again,
>> not semeiotic but metaphysical categories) is to reduce almost to absurdity
>> the central importance of the Universal Categories not only to semeiotics
>> but, in my opinion, almost all the sciences which follow it.
>> To clarify, I wholeheartedly agree that the Categories play a significant
>> role throughout Peirce's entire architectonic.  The assertion that I
>> questioned was that they are "central to semiotic," which I took to imply
>> that they are somehow more prominent in that branch than others.  My
>> understanding is that instead the Categories are most fundamentally
>> *phenomenological*.
>> I must point out again that Possibles/Existents/Necessitants are the
>> constituents of three *Universes*, not *Categories*, although there is
>> an obvious alignment with 1ns/2ns/3ns.  I am no longer convinced that these
>> Universes are truly *metaphysical*; after all, they are the primary
>> basis for classifying Signs within *Speculative Grammar*, the first
>> branch of *

Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-11 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
John S., List:

JFS:  Semiotic, the general theory of signs, would also be pure
mathematics, either formal or informal.

Not according to Peirce; he classified it as a Normative Science.

JFS:  Semiotic under phenomenology would be an application to perception
and recognition of actualities.

As Auke noted, phenomenology is the study of *appearances*, not
actualities.  Actuality is a subset of Reality, and it is *metaphysics *that
deals with the Reality of phenomena.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 10:16 PM, John F Sowa  wrote:

> Jon AS and Gary R,
>> Why expect Peirce to mention logic as semeiotic in connection
>> with phenomenology, when he explicitly classified it as a
>> Normative Science?
> To show the relationships more clearly, I attached another copy
> of CSPsemiotic.jpg.  Note that Peirce placed formal logic under
> mathematics and logic under normative science.  That is two mentions.
> He mentions it twice because formal logic has no designated application
> under mathematics.  Its existential quantifiers range of possibilities.
> When it is under normative science it is applied to some subject matter
> where its variables refer to actualities.  In such an application, it
> would serve to evaluate truth or falsity.
> In 1887, Peirce wrote about the design of logic machines.  But he did
> not mention them in his 1903 classifications.  If he had, he would
> then place logic for theorem proving under a branch of engineering.
> That would make three mentions.  In general, there is no limit to
> the number of sciences that could use the same theory of mathematics
> -- including practical science (engineering).
>> I believe that semiotic belongs directly under phenomenology, since
>>> every perception involves signs.
> GR
>> While perhaps "every perception involves signs," as several have noted,
>> signs are not studied in phenomenology but in logic as semeiotic.
> That's a critical distinction.  Semiotic, the general theory of
> signs, would also be pure mathematics, either formal or informal.
> As mathematics, it would refer to possibilities.
> Semiotic under phenomenology would be an application to perception
> and recognition of actualities.  But it would make no value judgments.
> It would be as nonjudgmental as a pattern recognition program.
> To deem some phenomena worthy of study is to make a normative
> value judgment.  But a bare, nonjudgmental contemplation is like
> Buddhist meditation.  That is phenomenology prior to any
> intentionality.
> As with logic machines, one could use semiotic in a robot that
> does some useful work.  That would be an application of semiotic
> under some branch of engineering.
> John

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RE: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-11 Thread Auke van Breemen
John, Gary R, List,

There are two possible ways to proceed the discussion. The first is trying to 
prove ones position right, the second is trying to understand why the question 
could appear. Gary's contribution about utens and docens, that I quote, belongs 
for me to the second way, which I like most. 

Gary R.
I have sometimes thought, and a few times on this list introduced the notion, 
that this issue might be at least partially resolved by considering more 
seriously Peirce's distinction between logica utens, the ordinary logic we all 
use and must use, and logica docens, the formal study of logic as a normative 

Yes, and we must not forget that all of the theoretical sciences have an utens 
and a docens. With math Peirce explicitly discusses it in his billiard player 
example. I do not recall to have ever found a mention of the utens and docens 
of phenomenology. That need not wondr us too much because although Peirce in 
several places discusses phenomenological issues, he was of the opinion that 
nothing is lost if we do not pay attention to the apprehension of the sign as 
an object.

Semiotic under phenomenology would be an application to perception and 
recognition of actualities.  But it would make no value judgments.
It would be as nonjudgmental as a pattern recognition program.

I would argue that:
phenomenology is concerned with what appears,
semiotics with signs. 
>From an analytical point of view. Since the sign evolves what is involved and 
>a sign only can do this by appearing at some point, there seems some overlap 
>between both sciences. But we must not forget that although the material 
>objects may overlap the formal don't.

John, your suggestion:
As with logic machines, one could use semiotic in a robot that does some useful 
is interesting. But I would have written one can use semiotics as a blueprint 
to build a robot. Ronald Stamper, working in the early days of Peirce 
scholarship when almost all had to be gathered from secondary sources and 
Morris was having his influence came a long way in making such a blueprint  for 
information systems by developing his semiotic ladder, which also can be 
regarded as an refinement of Shannon/Weaver's technical, meaning and 
effectiveness levels or also Morris syntax, semantics and pragmatics. The 
interesting issue is that your CG properly belong to the meaning level. For the 
sign aspects pertaining to the sign regarded in itself, for instance, one would 
have to look for other means like pattern recognition techniques. I will not 
extend this line of thought but just suggest that the nine sign aspects point 
the way to what ought to be covered for a robot build according to semiotical 



-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: John F Sowa  
Verzonden: dinsdag 11 september 2018 5:16
Onderwerp: Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

Jon AS and Gary R,

> Why expect Peirce to mention logic as semeiotic in connection with 
> phenomenology, when he explicitly classified it as a Normative 
> Science?

To show the relationships more clearly, I attached another copy of 
CSPsemiotic.jpg.  Note that Peirce placed formal logic under mathematics and 
logic under normative science.  That is two mentions.

He mentions it twice because formal logic has no designated application under 
mathematics.  Its existential quantifiers range of possibilities.
When it is under normative science it is applied to some subject matter where 
its variables refer to actualities.  In such an application, it would serve to 
evaluate truth or falsity.

In 1887, Peirce wrote about the design of logic machines.  But he did not 
mention them in his 1903 classifications.  If he had, he would then place logic 
for theorem proving under a branch of engineering.
That would make three mentions.  In general, there is no limit to the number of 
sciences that could use the same theory of mathematics
-- including practical science (engineering).

>> I believe that semiotic belongs directly under phenomenology, since 
>> every perception involves signs.

> While perhaps "every perception involves signs," as several have 
> noted, signs are not studied in phenomenology but in logic as semeiotic.

That's a critical distinction.  Semiotic, the general theory of signs, would 
also be pure mathematics, either formal or informal.
As mathematics, it would refer to possibilities.

Semiotic under phenomenology would be an application to perception and 
recognition of actualities.  But it would make no value judgments.
It would be as nonjudgmental as a pattern recognition program.

To deem some phenomena worthy of study is to make a normative value judgment.  
But a bare, nonjudgmental contemplation is like Buddhist meditation.  That is 
phenomenology prior to any intentionality.

As with log

Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-10 Thread Gary Richmond
Jon, list,

Jon wrote:

JAS: To clarify, I wholeheartedly agree that the Categories play a
significant role throughout Peirce's entire architectonic.  The assertion
that I questioned was that they are "central to semiotic," which I took to
imply that they are somehow more prominent in that branch than others.  My
understanding is that instead the Categories are most fundamentally

Well, of course, and by definition, "the Categories are most fundamentally
*phenomenological*." I BI would hope that goes without saying. But of all
the sciences *following* phenomenology, I believe that the categories are
more central to semeiotics than to any of the other cenoscopic sciences,
certainly more central there than to esthetics and ethics, metaphysics, the
special sciences.

JAS: I must point out again that Possibles/Existents/Necessitants are the
constituents of three *Universes*, not *Categories*, although there is an
obvious alignment with 1ns/2ns/3ns.  I am no longer convinced that these
Universes are truly *metaphysical*; after all, they are the primary basis
for classifying Signs within *Speculative Grammar*, the first branch of *logic
as semeiotic*.

But *in* Phenomenology Peirce defines 1ns (in part) as the possible, 2ns as
the existent, and 3ns with would-be's, that is, what would necessarily be
if certain conditions were to come into being and prevailed. Therefore I
have to modify my earlier suggestion that these three are essentially
metaphysical, but now recall that the are essentially phenomenological. In
short, this language of possible/ existent/ necessitant is first
*introduced* in phenomenology. As you noted, all the categories have
applications in semeiotic (theoretical grammar in particular) as well as
metaphysics. Jon continued:

 JAS: I continue to be intrigued by Peirce's remark in "New Elements" to
the effect that the employment of metaphysical terms and concepts in that
context is a kind of *hypostatic abstration*.

CSP:  The logician is not concerned with any metaphysical theory; still
less, if possible, is the mathematician. But it is highly convenient to
express ourselves in terms of a metaphysical theory; and we no more bind
ourselves to an acceptance of it than we do when we use substantives such
as "humanity," "variety," etc., and speak of them as if they were
substances, in the metaphysical sense. (EP 2:304; 1904)

As I see it, this is more along the line of Peirce's saying that the
sciences lower in the classification can offer examples, perhaps even
terminological suggestions, to those above it. But it is the principles of
logic as semeiotic which, as you yourself have noted, properly understood
and applied, become those of metaphysics.



*Gary Richmond*
*Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
*Communication Studies*
*LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*

*718 482-5690*

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 10:28 PM Jon Alan Schmidt 

> Gary R., List:
> GR:  While perhaps "every perception involves signs," as several have
> noted, signs are not studied in phenomenology but in logic as semeiotic.
> Representation/mediation (3ns) is *one *irreducible element of the
> Phaneron, but so is quality (1ns), and so is reaction (2ns).
> GR:  I think to reduce the application of the cat[eg]ories to the 3ns of
> signs + "the Universes of Possibles, Existents, and Necessitants," (again,
> not semeiotic but metaphysical categories) is to reduce almost to absurdity
> the central importance of the Universal Categories not only to semeiotics
> but, in my opinion, almost all the sciences which follow it.
> To clarify, I wholeheartedly agree that the Categories play a significant
> role throughout Peirce's entire architectonic.  The assertion that I
> questioned was that they are "central to semiotic," which I took to imply
> that they are somehow more prominent in that branch than others.  My
> understanding is that instead the Categories are most fundamentally
> *phenomenological*.
> I must point out again that Possibles/Existents/Necessitants are the
> constituents of three *Universes*, not *Categories*, although there is an
> obvious alignment with 1ns/2ns/3ns.  I am no longer convinced that these
> Universes are truly *metaphysical*; after all, they are the primary basis
> for classifying Signs within *Speculative Grammar*, the first branch of *logic
> as semeiotic*.  I continue to be intrigued by Peirce's remark in "New
> Elements" to the effect that the employment of metaphysical terms and
> concepts in that context is a kind of *hypostatic abstration*.
> CSP:  The logician is not concerned with any metaphysical theory; still
> less, if possible, is the mathematician. But it is highly convenient to
> express ourselves in terms of a metaphysical theory; and we no more bind
> ourselves to an acceptance of it than we do when we use substantives such
> as "humanity," "variety," etc., and speak of them as if they were
> substances, in the 

Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-10 Thread John F Sowa

Jon AS and Gary R,


Why expect Peirce to mention logic as semeiotic in connection
with phenomenology, when he explicitly classified it as a
Normative Science?

To show the relationships more clearly, I attached another copy
of CSPsemiotic.jpg.  Note that Peirce placed formal logic under
mathematics and logic under normative science.  That is two mentions.

He mentions it twice because formal logic has no designated application
under mathematics.  Its existential quantifiers range of possibilities.
When it is under normative science it is applied to some subject matter
where its variables refer to actualities.  In such an application, it
would serve to evaluate truth or falsity.

In 1887, Peirce wrote about the design of logic machines.  But he did
not mention them in his 1903 classifications.  If he had, he would
then place logic for theorem proving under a branch of engineering.
That would make three mentions.  In general, there is no limit to
the number of sciences that could use the same theory of mathematics
-- including practical science (engineering).


I believe that semiotic belongs directly under phenomenology, since
every perception involves signs.


While perhaps "every perception involves signs," as several have noted,
signs are not studied in phenomenology but in logic as semeiotic. 

That's a critical distinction.  Semiotic, the general theory of
signs, would also be pure mathematics, either formal or informal.
As mathematics, it would refer to possibilities.

Semiotic under phenomenology would be an application to perception
and recognition of actualities.  But it would make no value judgments.
It would be as nonjudgmental as a pattern recognition program.

To deem some phenomena worthy of study is to make a normative
value judgment.  But a bare, nonjudgmental contemplation is like
Buddhist meditation.  That is phenomenology prior to any

As with logic machines, one could use semiotic in a robot that
does some useful work.  That would be an application of semiotic
under some branch of engineering.


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Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-10 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
Gary R., List:

GR:  While perhaps "every perception involves signs," as several have
noted, signs are not studied in phenomenology but in logic as semeiotic.

Representation/mediation (3ns) is *one *irreducible element of the
Phaneron, but so is quality (1ns), and so is reaction (2ns).

GR:  I think to reduce the application of the cat[eg]ories to the 3ns of
signs + "the Universes of Possibles, Existents, and Necessitants," (again,
not semeiotic but metaphysical categories) is to reduce almost to absurdity
the central importance of the Universal Categories not only to semeiotics
but, in my opinion, almost all the sciences which follow it.

To clarify, I wholeheartedly agree that the Categories play a significant
role throughout Peirce's entire architectonic.  The assertion that I
questioned was that they are "central to semiotic," which I took to imply
that they are somehow more prominent in that branch than others.  My
understanding is that instead the Categories are most fundamentally

I must point out again that Possibles/Existents/Necessitants are the
constituents of three *Universes*, not *Categories*, although there is an
obvious alignment with 1ns/2ns/3ns.  I am no longer convinced that these
Universes are truly *metaphysical*; after all, they are the primary basis
for classifying Signs within *Speculative Grammar*, the first branch of *logic
as semeiotic*.  I continue to be intrigued by Peirce's remark in "New
Elements" to the effect that the employment of metaphysical terms and
concepts in that context is a kind of *hypostatic abstration*.

CSP:  The logician is not concerned with any metaphysical theory; still
less, if possible, is the mathematician. But it is highly convenient to
express ourselves in terms of a metaphysical theory; and we no more bind
ourselves to an acceptance of it than we do when we use substantives such
as "humanity," "variety," etc., and speak of them as if they were
substances, in the metaphysical sense. (EP 2:304; 1904)


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 8:25 PM, Gary Richmond 

> Jon, John, Francesco, Gary F, Auke, list,
> I too am mystified as to why John is suggesting that semeiotic should be
> placed below phenomenology in Peirce's classification of sciences. As JAS
> wrote: Why expect Peirce to mention logic as semeiotic in connection with
> phenomenology, when he explicitly classified it as a Normative Science?
> But perhaps a hint as to what John may have in mind occurs in his initial
> post in this thread:
> JS: When I drew a diagram to illustrate Peirce's classification,
> I did not include semeiotic because he had not mentioned it.
> But since it is a science, it belongs somewhere in that diagram.
> Where?
> I believe that it belongs directly under phenomenology, since every
> perception involves signs.
> While perhaps "every perception involves signs," as several have noted,
> signs are not *studied* in phenomenology but in logic as semeiotic. And
> while I'm not yet ready to fully commit to this suggestion, I am tending
> to think that Auke may be correct in suggesting that the study of semeiotics 
> *per
> se** principally* occurs in the first of the three branches of logic,
> i.e., theoretical grammar. The second branch, critical logic ("logic as
> logic" as Peirce at least once characterized it) concerns itself
> *principally* with "classif[ying] arguments and determin[ing] the
> validity and degree of force of each kind," while the third and final
> branch, methodeutic (or, theoretical rhetoric) principally takes up "the
> methods that ought to be pursued in the investigation, in the exposition,
> and in the application of truth." But all of these branches of logic are,
> as I see it, informed by the categories.
> 1903 | Syllabus: Syllabus of a course of Lectures at the Lowell Institute
> beginning 1903, Nov. 23. On Some Topics of Logic | EP 2:260
> All thought being performed by means of signs, logic may be regarded as
> the science of the general laws of signs. It has three branches: (1) 
> *Speculative
> Grammar*, or the general theory of the nature and meanings of signs,
> whether they be icons, indices, or symbols; (2) *Critic*, which
> classifies arguments and determines the validity and degree of force of
> each kind; (3) *Methodeutic*, which studies the methods that ought to be
> pursued in the investigation, in the exposition, and in the application of
> truth. *Each division depends on that which precedes it *(boldface added).
> I recall that many years ago Joe Ransdell and I had a list discussion
> about the place, not of semiotics but of phenomenology. At one point he
> suggested that it might not be a science at all and, in any event, even if
> it were, there wasn't much scientific work to do there and, moreover,
> Peirce had alre

Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-10 Thread Gary Richmond
Jon, John, Francesco, Gary F, Auke, list,

I too am mystified as to why John is suggesting that semeiotic should be
placed below phenomenology in Peirce's classification of sciences. As JAS
wrote: Why expect Peirce to mention logic as semeiotic in connection with
phenomenology, when he explicitly classified it as a Normative Science?

But perhaps a hint as to what John may have in mind occurs in his initial
post in this thread:

JS: When I drew a diagram to illustrate Peirce's classification,
I did not include semeiotic because he had not mentioned it.
But since it is a science, it belongs somewhere in that diagram.

I believe that it belongs directly under phenomenology, since every
perception involves signs.

While perhaps "every perception involves signs," as several have noted,
signs are not *studied* in phenomenology but in logic as semeiotic. And
while I'm not yet ready to fully commit to this suggestion, I am tending to
think that Auke may be correct in suggesting that the study of semeiotics *per
se** principally* occurs in the first of the three branches of logic, i.e.,
theoretical grammar. The second branch, critical logic ("logic as logic" as
Peirce at least once characterized it) concerns itself *principally*
with "classif[ying]
arguments and determin[ing] the validity and degree of force of each kind,"
while the third and final branch, methodeutic (or, theoretical rhetoric)
principally takes up "the methods that ought to be pursued in the
investigation, in the exposition, and in the application of truth." But all
of these branches of logic are, as I see it, informed by the categories.

1903 | Syllabus: Syllabus of a course of Lectures at the Lowell Institute
beginning 1903, Nov. 23. On Some Topics of Logic | EP 2:260

All thought being performed by means of signs, logic may be regarded as the
science of the general laws of signs. It has three branches: (1) *Speculative
Grammar*, or the general theory of the nature and meanings of signs,
whether they be icons, indices, or symbols; (2) *Critic*, which classifies
arguments and determines the validity and degree of force of each kind; (3)
*Methodeutic*, which studies the methods that ought to be pursued in the
investigation, in the exposition, and in the application of truth. *Each
division depends on that which precedes it *(boldface added).

I recall that many years ago Joe Ransdell and I had a list discussion about
the place, not of semiotics but of phenomenology. At one point he suggested
that it might not be a science at all and, in any event, even if it were,
there wasn't much scientific work to do there and, moreover, Peirce had
already done most all the important work in it. As you might imagine, I

I think that it's possible (and in my experience, a fact) that some
logicians and semioticians have trouble imaginingg that, "since every
perception involves signs," that wherever you *might* place
phenomenology--if you classify it as a science at all--semiotics has either
to replace it or, as John has done, place semiotics very near phenomenology
(so, near the head of cenoscopic science). It may be that *everything is
semiotic*, but semiotic is studied in *semeiotic* (I always use this
spelling when referring to Peirce's tripartite science).

I have sometimes thought, and a few times on this list introduced the
notion, that this issue might be at least partially resolved by considering
more seriously Peirce's distinction between *logica utens*, the ordinary
logic we all use and must use, and *logica docens*, the formal study of
logic as a normative science. For it is surely true that if we are to say
anything at all about phenomenological inquiries-and, for that matter,
theoretical esthetical and ethical inquiries, we are fairly dependent on
our ordinary logic, our *logica* *utens*. Theoretical ethics, esthetics,
and logic as semeiotic (that is, the normative sciences) can, however,
offer *examples* to the first cenoscopic science, phenomenology. So, along
with such exemplary cases, since we have a *logica utens *we can make
progress in that under-studied and, in my opinion, under-appreciated
science. Phenomenology is hard to do, as Peirce in several places makes
clear, such that, as in every discipline, some are drawn to it and others
are not, some have great intellectual capacity for tackling it, some have

JAS wrote: Also, in what sense are his Categories "central to semiotic"?
His trichotomies for Sign classification are divisions into the *Universes *of
Possibles, Existents, and Necessitants, rather than the *Categories* of
1ns, 2ns, and 3ns.

I would disagree with Jon in this matter since I *do*, as does John, see
the Categories as "central to semiotic," that there is much more categorial
involvement in semeiotics than  "the *Universes *of Possibles, Existents,
and Necessitants" which are, after all, principles that the science
following logic as semeiotic, that is, metaphysics offers. However, a
discussion of 

Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-10 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
John S., List:

I am still puzzled.  Why expect Peirce to mention logic as semeiotic in
connection with phenomenology, when he explicitly classified it as a
Normative Science?

Also, in what sense are his Categories "central to semiotic"?  His
trichotomies for Sign classification are divisions into the *Universes *of
Possibles, Existents, and Necessitants, rather than the *Categories* of
1ns, 2ns, and 3ns.

What Peirce *did *say on various occasions is that Signs are the
paradigmatic exemplars of the phenomenological Category of 3ns, which is
the element of representation or (more generally) mediation.  Nevertheless,
again, the science that *studies *Signs is not part of phenomenology, but
of Normative Science.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 3:55 PM, John F Sowa  wrote:

> Auke, Francesco, Frances, Gary F, and Jon AS,
> I agree with your points, but none of them explain one important
> issue:  Peirce's categories of 1ns, 2ns, and 3ns are central to
> semiotic, and they are usually called *phenomenological* categories.
> But in that classification of 1903, he did not mention semiotic
> in connection with phenomenology.  At the end of this note, I
> include a copy of every paragraph from the 1903 classification
> that mentions the word 'phenomenology'.
> AvB
>> Speculative rhetoric the first branch of non-mathematical logic is
>> an alias for semiotics. There is no reason at all to look elsewhere
>> in the classification of the science.
> In the middle of CP 1.191, where Peirce is talking about normative
> science, he wrote "All thought being performed by means of signs,
> logic may be regarded as the science of the general laws of signs."
> That sentence mentions logic and signs in connection with normative
> science.  But why didn't he mention a connection between phenomenology
> and signs in paragraph 186 or 190?
> FB
>> I take seriously his claim that "logic is semiotics" and use "semiotics"
>> as equivalent to "logic" (in the broad sense). If this identification
>> is made, every problem about semiotics' collocation in the scheme
>> disappears
> I agree.  But that does not explain why he did not mention either
> word 'logic' or 'semiotic' in his discussion of phenomenology.
> FK
>> it could be that only "formal" semiotics was intended to be the
>> new thrust for logics, but not a new label for logics.
> That is probably what Peirce intended, since he continued to use
> both words.  In fact, his ethics of terminology would prevent him
> from dropping the word 'logic', which had a long history of usage.
> GF
>> I’m guessing that you don’t want to include semiotics with logic,
>> as Peirce did in the Syllabus classification of 1903 (without using
>> the word “semiotic”)
> I *definitely* want to include semiotic with logic.  But that
> is not the question I was asking.
> GF
>> I think Peirce’s 1903 solution to the problem was to trichotomize
>> logic as Speculative Grammar, Critic and Methodeutic.
> But that sentence is in the middle of a discussion of normative
> science.  It doesn't explain why he didn't mention either word
> 'logic' or 'semiotic' in connection with phenomenology.
>> I agree with Gary F. and Francesco, and share Auke's puzzlement
>> that there is any question about this.   CSP:  Normative Science has
>> three widely separated divisions:
>> (i) Esthetics; (ii) Ethics; (iii) Logic.
> I certainly wasn't puzzled about that.  My question was about
> the absence of any mention of semiotic in Peirce's discussion
> of phenomenology.
> My guess:  Peirce started to write a brief summary of his
> classification.  Note the one sentence paragraph 190 below,
> but the much longer paragraphs 191.
> I suspect that Peirce continued to get many new ideas as he
> wrote.  Therefore, his omission of any mention of semiotic in
> his discussion of phenomenology was accidental, not deliberate.
> That conclusion is supported by the fact that his lengthy discussion
> about logic in a paragraph about the normative sciences seems to be
> out of place.  As Peirce was writing, he seemed to get sidetracked
> by new ideas that came to mind.  He probably wrote them down as
> they came to him, and he never went back to edit the earlier parts.
> John
> CP 1.186
> Philosophy is divided into a. Phenomenology; b. Normative Science;
> c. Metaphysics. Phenomenology ascertains and studies the kinds of
> elements universally present in the phenomenon; meaning by the
> phenomenon, whatever is present at any time to the mind in any way.
> Normative science distinguishes what ought to be from what ought not
> to be, and makes many other divisions and arrangements subservient to
> its primary dualistic distinction. Metaphysi

Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-10 Thread John F Sowa

Auke, Francesco, Frances, Gary F, and Jon AS,

I agree with your points, but none of them explain one important
issue:  Peirce's categories of 1ns, 2ns, and 3ns are central to
semiotic, and they are usually called *phenomenological* categories.

But in that classification of 1903, he did not mention semiotic
in connection with phenomenology.  At the end of this note, I
include a copy of every paragraph from the 1903 classification
that mentions the word 'phenomenology'.


Speculative rhetoric the first branch of non-mathematical logic is
an alias for semiotics. There is no reason at all to look elsewhere
in the classification of the science.

In the middle of CP 1.191, where Peirce is talking about normative
science, he wrote "All thought being performed by means of signs,
logic may be regarded as the science of the general laws of signs."

That sentence mentions logic and signs in connection with normative
science.  But why didn't he mention a connection between phenomenology
and signs in paragraph 186 or 190?


I take seriously his claim that "logic is semiotics" and use "semiotics"
as equivalent to "logic" (in the broad sense). If this identification
is made, every problem about semiotics' collocation in the scheme

I agree.  But that does not explain why he did not mention either
word 'logic' or 'semiotic' in his discussion of phenomenology.


it could be that only "formal" semiotics was intended to be the
new thrust for logics, but not a new label for logics.

That is probably what Peirce intended, since he continued to use
both words.  In fact, his ethics of terminology would prevent him
from dropping the word 'logic', which had a long history of usage.


I’m guessing that you don’t want to include semiotics with logic,
as Peirce did in the Syllabus classification of 1903 (without using
the word “semiotic”)

I *definitely* want to include semiotic with logic.  But that
is not the question I was asking.


I think Peirce’s 1903 solution to the problem was to trichotomize
logic as Speculative Grammar, Critic and Methodeutic.

But that sentence is in the middle of a discussion of normative
science.  It doesn't explain why he didn't mention either word
'logic' or 'semiotic' in connection with phenomenology.


I agree with Gary F. and Francesco, and share Auke's puzzlement
that there is any question about this.   
CSP:  Normative Science has three widely separated divisions:

(i) Esthetics; (ii) Ethics; (iii) Logic.

I certainly wasn't puzzled about that.  My question was about
the absence of any mention of semiotic in Peirce's discussion
of phenomenology.

My guess:  Peirce started to write a brief summary of his
classification.  Note the one sentence paragraph 190 below,
but the much longer paragraphs 191.

I suspect that Peirce continued to get many new ideas as he
wrote.  Therefore, his omission of any mention of semiotic in
his discussion of phenomenology was accidental, not deliberate.

That conclusion is supported by the fact that his lengthy discussion
about logic in a paragraph about the normative sciences seems to be
out of place.  As Peirce was writing, he seemed to get sidetracked
by new ideas that came to mind.  He probably wrote them down as
they came to him, and he never went back to edit the earlier parts.


CP 1.186
Philosophy is divided into a. Phenomenology; b. Normative Science;
c. Metaphysics. Phenomenology ascertains and studies the kinds of
elements universally present in the phenomenon; meaning by the
phenomenon, whatever is present at any time to the mind in any way.
Normative science distinguishes what ought to be from what ought not
to be, and makes many other divisions and arrangements subservient to
its primary dualistic distinction. Metaphysics seeks to give an account
of the universe of mind and matter. Normative science rests largely on
phenomenology and on mathematics; metaphysics on phenomenology and on
normative science.

The Psychical Sciences are: a. Nomological Psychics or Psychology;
b. Classificatory Psychics, or Ethnology; c. Descriptive Psychics,
or History. Nomological psychics discovers the general elements and
laws of mental phenomena. It is greatly influenced by phenomenology,
by logic, by metaphysics, and by biology (a branch of classificatory
physics). Classificatory psychics classifies products of mind and
endeavors to explain them on psychological principles. At present it
is far too much in its infancy (except linguistics, to which reference
will be made below) to approach very closely to psychology. It borrows
from psychology and from physics. Descriptive psychics endeavors in
the first place to describe individual manifestations of mind, whether
they be permanent works or actions; and to that task it joins that of
endeavoring to explain them on the principles of psychology and
ethnology. It borrows from geography (a branch of descriptive ph

Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-10 Thread Jon Alan Schmidt
t the only signs we can
> study are signs interpreted in human thought. I reply that by the
> definition thoughts are themselves signs, and that if it happens to be a
> fact that all other signs are ultimately interpreted in thought-signs, then
> that fact is irrelevant to logic. The proof that it is irrelevant is that
> all the principles of logic are deducible from my definition without taking
> any account of the alleged fact, much more clearly than if any attempt is
> made to introduce this allegation as a premiss. Therefore, unless this
> allegation be regarded as itself a truth of logic, which it is not, since
> it is not of a formal nature, it is perfectly irrelevant to logic. I also
> define very carefully what I mean by a “formal” law. I say nothing in the
> definition about normative principles, because not all the principles of
> logic are normative. Indeed, it is only the connection of logic with
> esthetics through ethics which causes it to be a normative science at all.
>  ]]
> (This by the way is the only place I’ve found where Peirce uses the term
> “formal semiotic.”) I think Peirce’s 1903 solution to the problem was to
> trichotomize logic as Speculative Grammar, Critic and Methodeutic.
> Speculative Grammar, being First in this trichotomy, is *minimally*
> normative (normativity being a form of Secondness), but still connected
> with logic in the broad sense. “Thus there are, in my view of the subject,
> three branches of logic: Speculative Grammar, Critic, and Methodeutic” — as
> Peirce said at the end of Lowell Lecture 1, and in the Syllabus (CP 1.191,
> EP2:259).
> Gary f.
> *From:* Francesco Bellucci 
> *Sent:* 10-Sep-18 01:08
> *To:* Peirce-L 
> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the
> sciences?
> Dear John, List,
> as I see it, semiotics is logic in the broad sense (comprising spec. gr.,
> critical logic, and methodeutic), and its place in the classification of
> the sciences is the place of logic. The fact in Peirce's schemes of
> classification of the sciences there never appears semiotics, is an
> indication that it is simply identical with logic (and, I tend to think,
> especially with the first branch of logic, spec. gr.)
> That a thinker can spend so much time and ink talking about signs, their
> functioning and their varieties, and yet fail to find a place for the
> science of signs in his classification of the sciences seems to be
> unbelivable. Therefore, I take seriously his claim that "logic is
> semiotics" and use "semiotics" as equivalent to "logic" (in the broad
> sense). If this identification is made, every problem about semiotics'
> collocation in the scheme disappears
> Best
> Francesco
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 1:17 AM, John F Sowa  wrote:
> In his 1903 classification of the sciences (CP 1.180-202)
> Peirce classified formal logic under mathematics, but he also
> classified logic as a normative science.
> Question:  Where is semeiotic?
> As a formal theory, it would be classified with formal logic
> under mathematics.  But semeiotic is also an applied science when
> it is used in perception, action, communication...
> When I drew a diagram to illustrate Peirce's classification,
> I did not include semeiotic because he had not mentioned it.
> But since it is a science, it belongs somewhere in that diagram.
> Where?
> I believe that it belongs directly under phenomenology, since every
> perception involves signs.  See the attached CSPsemiotic.jpg.
> Does anyone have any comments?
> John

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RE: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-10 Thread gnox
John, list,

I have to agree with Francesco and Auke. I’m guessing that you don’t want to 
include semiotics with logic, as Peirce did in the Syllabus classification of 
1903 (without using the word “semiotic”), because it doesn’t seem normative 
enough. Peirce recognized the problem here and had already wrestled with it in 
his Carnegie application in 1902 (Draft D - MS L75.235-237):

[[ I define logic very broadly as the study of the formal laws of signs, or 
formal semiotic. I define a sign as something, A, which brings something, B, 
its interpretant, into the same sort of correspondence with something, C, its 
object, as that in which itself stands to C. In this definition I make no more 
reference to anything like the human mind than I do when I define a line as the 
place within which a particle lies during a lapse of time. At the same time, a 
sign, by virtue of this definition, has some sort of meaning. That is implied 
in correspondence. Now meaning is mind in the logical sense. But many will 
object that the only signs we can study are signs interpreted in human thought. 
I reply that by the definition thoughts are themselves signs, and that if it 
happens to be a fact that all other signs are ultimately interpreted in 
thought-signs, then that fact is irrelevant to logic. The proof that it is 
irrelevant is that all the principles of logic are deducible from my definition 
without taking any account of the alleged fact, much more clearly than if any 
attempt is made to introduce this allegation as a premiss. Therefore, unless 
this allegation be regarded as itself a truth of logic, which it is not, since 
it is not of a formal nature, it is perfectly irrelevant to logic. I also 
define very carefully what I mean by a “formal” law. I say nothing in the 
definition about normative principles, because not all the principles of logic 
are normative. Indeed, it is only the connection of logic with esthetics 
through ethics which causes it to be a normative science at all.  ]]


(This by the way is the only place I’ve found where Peirce uses the term 
“formal semiotic.”) I think Peirce’s 1903 solution to the problem was to 
trichotomize logic as Speculative Grammar, Critic and Methodeutic. Speculative 
Grammar, being First in this trichotomy, is minimally normative (normativity 
being a form of Secondness), but still connected with logic in the broad sense. 
“Thus there are, in my view of the subject, three branches of logic: 
Speculative Grammar, Critic, and Methodeutic” — as Peirce said at the end of 
Lowell Lecture 1, and in the Syllabus (CP 1.191, EP2:259).

Gary f.


From: Francesco Bellucci  
Sent: 10-Sep-18 01:08
To: Peirce-L 
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?


Dear John, List,


as I see it, semiotics is logic in the broad sense (comprising spec. gr., 
critical logic, and methodeutic), and its place in the classification of the 
sciences is the place of logic. The fact in Peirce's schemes of classification 
of the sciences there never appears semiotics, is an indication that it is 
simply identical with logic (and, I tend to think, especially with the first 
branch of logic, spec. gr.)


That a thinker can spend so much time and ink talking about signs, their 
functioning and their varieties, and yet fail to find a place for the science 
of signs in his classification of the sciences seems to be unbelivable. 
Therefore, I take seriously his claim that "logic is semiotics" and use 
"semiotics" as equivalent to "logic" (in the broad sense). If this 
identification is made, every problem about semiotics' collocation in the 
scheme disappears





On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 1:17 AM, John F Sowa> > wrote:

In his 1903 classification of the sciences (CP 1.180-202)
Peirce classified formal logic under mathematics, but he also
classified logic as a normative science.

Question:  Where is semeiotic?

As a formal theory, it would be classified with formal logic
under mathematics.  But semeiotic is also an applied science when
it is used in perception, action, communication...

When I drew a diagram to illustrate Peirce's classification,
I did not include semeiotic because he had not mentioned it.
But since it is a science, it belongs somewhere in that diagram.

I believe that it belongs directly under phenomenology, since every
perception involves signs.  See the attached CSPsemiotic.jpg.

Does anyone have any comments?


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RE: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-10 Thread frances.kelly
Frances to John and listers--- 
Wherever semiotics and logics might be located in a classification of the 
sciences, it could be that only "formal" semiotics was intended to be the new 
thrust for logics, but not a new label for logics; nor seemingly was it 
intended that all of semiotics broadly would be all of logics deeply. While 
semiotics is clearly claimed to be the theory or science of all signs, logics 
(or symbology) is likely stated to be only the theory or science of (signed) 
symbols. In any event, was it implied that semiotics is preparatory and 
contributory to logics, and that logics was merely ready to fall away from 
semiotics. To help better appreciate the locus and status of semiotics, until 
indeed more information might surface, it might be useful to review the impact 
that other formal theories and sciences could play here, such as metaphysics 
and ontology and cosmology and especially epistemology as well as psychology 
and methodology. It is assumed that art and tech and science are perhaps the 
main acts of humanity, but that semiotics is a field of study falling only 
under science, and then only under formal science. It is further supposed that 
the monadic formal science is philosophy and of a realist stripe, which is then 
followed by the dyadic natural science of say matter and life, and then the 
triadic social science of say polity and ethnicity and society. This layout of 
the umbrella sciences (formal and natural and social) tends to make a 
consistent categorial tern, and perhaps even a richer trichotomic tern. 

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RE: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-09 Thread Auke van Breemen
John, Frances,

I am puzzled. Speculative rhetoric the first branch of non-mathematical logic 
is an alias for semiotics. There is no reason at all to look elsewhere in the 
classification of the science.


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: John F Sowa  
Verzonden: maandag 10 september 2018 6:03
Aan:; 'Peirce-L' 
Onderwerp: Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

On 9/9/2018 9:48 PM, wrote:
> In his later classification of the sciences Peirce seemingly located
> *formal* *logics* under the mathematical sciences, but he also located 
> *critical logics* and *normal* *logics* as separate normative sciences 
> under the philosophical sciences.

Yes.  That's what Peirce said in his 1903 classification, which I used for the 
CSPsemiotic.jpg diagram (attached).  Note that formal logic is under 
mathematics, and logic is also the third of the normative sciences, as Peirce 

> The curiosity here might be whether semiotics as a science should be 
> somewhat separated from logics

Yes.  Peirce said that logic was a branch of semiotic, but he also said that a 
broader conception of logic would make it identical with semiotic.

> then semiotics is also a defined referential science and an applied 
> instrumental science, so that semiotics aside from being a formal and 
> normal sort of logics might be best located somewhere under 
> phenomenology within the philosophical sciences. Semiotics after all 
> is a vast study of senses and signs and systems

Yes.  That would justify putting Semiotic under Phenomenology, as in 

> Any pragmatist classification of the sciences should of course be 
> architectonically consistent with the trichotomic structure of the 
> phenomenal categories. This seems to be an initial task that has yet 
> to be fully done, even before the location of an independent or 
> isolated mathics and logics and semics within that completed structure.

Yes.  1903 is the year that Peirce began his correspondence with Lady Welby.  
During the following decade, he wrote a great deal more about the trichotomic 
structure.  But the currently available manuscripts don't mention how that 
structure might affect his
1903 classification.

Unless and until more MSS are found with new information, the 1903 version be 
the framework into which we could include semiotic.


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Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-09 Thread Francesco Bellucci
Dear John, List,

as I see it, semiotics is logic in the broad sense (comprising spec. gr.,
critical logic, and methodeutic), and its place in the classification of
the sciences is the place of logic. The fact in Peirce's schemes of
classification of the sciences there never appears semiotics, is an
indication that it is simply identical with logic (and, I tend to think,
especially with the first branch of logic, spec. gr.)

That a thinker can spend so much time and ink talking about signs, their
functioning and their varieties, and yet fail to find a place for the
science of signs in his classification of the sciences seems to be
unbelivable. Therefore, I take seriously his claim that "logic is
semiotics" and use "semiotics" as equivalent to "logic" (in the broad
sense). If this identification is made, every problem about semiotics'
collocation in the scheme disappears


On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 1:17 AM, John F Sowa  wrote:

> In his 1903 classification of the sciences (CP 1.180-202)
> Peirce classified formal logic under mathematics, but he also
> classified logic as a normative science.
> Question:  Where is semeiotic?
> As a formal theory, it would be classified with formal logic
> under mathematics.  But semeiotic is also an applied science when
> it is used in perception, action, communication...
> When I drew a diagram to illustrate Peirce's classification,
> I did not include semeiotic because he had not mentioned it.
> But since it is a science, it belongs somewhere in that diagram.
> Where?
> I believe that it belongs directly under phenomenology, since every
> perception involves signs.  See the attached CSPsemiotic.jpg.
> Does anyone have any comments?
> John
> -
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Re: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-09 Thread John F Sowa

On 9/9/2018 9:48 PM, wrote:
In his later classification of the sciences Peirce seemingly located 
*formal* *logics* under the mathematical sciences, but he also located 
*critical logics* and *normal* *logics* as separate normative sciences 
under the philosophical sciences.

Yes.  That's what Peirce said in his 1903 classification, which I
used for the CSPsemiotic.jpg diagram (attached).  Note that formal
logic is under mathematics, and logic is also the third of the
normative sciences, as Peirce said.

The curiosity here might be whether semiotics as a science should
be somewhat separated from logics

Yes.  Peirce said that logic was a branch of semiotic, but he also
said that a broader conception of logic would make it identical
with semiotic.

then semiotics is also a defined referential science and an applied
instrumental science, so that semiotics aside from being a formal
and normal sort of logics might be best located somewhere under
phenomenology within the philosophical sciences. Semiotics after
all is a vast study of senses and signs and systems

Yes.  That would justify putting Semiotic under Phenomenology,
as in CSPsemiotic.jpg.

Any pragmatist classification of the sciences should of course be
architectonically consistent with the trichotomic structure of the
phenomenal categories. This seems to be an initial task that has
yet to be fully done, even before the location of an independent or
isolated mathics and logics and semics within that completed structure.

Yes.  1903 is the year that Peirce began his correspondence with
Lady Welby.  During the following decade, he wrote a great deal
more about the trichotomic structure.  But the currently available
manuscripts don't mention how that structure might affect his
1903 classification.

Unless and until more MSS are found with new information, the 1903
version be the framework into which we could include semiotic.


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RE: [PEIRCE-L] How should semeiotic be classified among the sciences?

2018-09-09 Thread frances.kelly
Frances to John and other interested listers--- 

In posting a revised tree diagram on a classification of the sciences you seem 
to be positing in your guess some frustration over its original realist 
framework, along with some irritation on where to locate a wider science of 
semiotics as a theory of signs that holds more than only symbols. 

In his later classification of the sciences Peirce seemingly located formal 
logics under the mathematical sciences, but he also located critical logics and 
normal logics as separate normative sciences under the philosophical sciences. 
The curiosity here might be whether semiotics as a science should be somewhat 
separated from logics altogether, but as a proto kind of quasi logics and thus 
where should semiotics then fall within a classification of the sciences. 

As an exacted foundational theory, semiotics would likely be well classified 
with formal logics under mathematics, but when fielded in other ways as an 
alternate study then semiotics is also a defined referential science and an 
applied instrumental science, so that semiotics aside from being a formal and 
normal sort of logics might be best located somewhere under phenomenology 
within the philosophical sciences. Semiotics after all is a vast study of 
senses and signs and systems, which breadth seems far beyond the depth of 
symbolic and algebraic logics, even given logics own necessary importance in 
mathematics and philosophics. 

Any pragmatist classification of the sciences should of course be 
architectonically consistent with the trichotomic structure of the phenomenal 
categories. This seems to be an initial task that has yet to be fully done, 
even before the location of an independent or isolated mathics and logics and 
semics within that completed structure. My muse is that a newly revised 
classification of the sciences but along Peircean lines is indeed possible. 

John wrote in my compacted paragraph: 
In his 1903 classification of the sciences (CP 1.180-202) Peirce classified 
formal logic under mathematics, but he also classified logic as a normative 
science. Question: Where is semeiotic? As a formal theory, it would be 
classified with formal logic under mathematics. But semeiotic is also an 
applied science when it is used in perception, action, communication. When I 
drew a diagram to illustrate Peirce's classification, I did not include 
semeiotic because he had not mentioned it. But since it is a science, it 
belongs somewhere in that diagram. Where? 

I believe that it belongs directly under phenomenology, since every perception 
involves signs. See the attached CSPsemiotic.jpg. Does anyone have any 


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