Re: [PHP] ' giving problem while inserting in table.

2002-07-12 Thread Martin Clifford

Use addslashes() on ALL strings before inserting them into your database.  Then, on 
your frontend, extract the data and use stripslashes() on all strings.

Hope to help!

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Anil Garg [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/12/02 10:45AM 
I am making a faq maintenance system using mysql and php.
To insert a entry in to a faq table i am using the following query:
INSERT INTO faq_table_netvd (id,question,
 VALUES ('0','$frm[question]',
now the problem is when $frm[question] has some string like: why i can't
i get the following error:
MySQL Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 't eat?' ,answer =
'Please recheck the power of your specs:)' ' at line 3.Putting a '\' before
' (e.g. \')solves my problem...but when i open the same quesion to edit it,
again i have to put backslashes where ever i find  '   in the quesion or

Can anyone please suggest a solution to this.

thanx and regards


[please ask if i havent explained the problem fully]

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Re: [PHP] Final Year Computer Science Project involving PHP

2002-07-12 Thread Martin Clifford

If completely developing a fully functional and optimized E-commerce site isn't good 
enough, I don't know what is.  I can understand how it may not necessarily be 
innovative (though it could have innovative features), but designing such a site would 
prove to anyone I know that you have a great knowledge of the language the site was 
created in.

As for original ideas, good luck.  You'll come to find that anything you can think to 
do has already been done.  You're best bet may be to look around some sites on the 
'Net and try to vastly improve what has already been done.

Projects that find solutions?  That could be anything from a Weight Loss Tracking 
System to an advanced encryption/decryption algorithm.

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Serdar Sokmen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/12/02 11:14AM 

Please read the rest of this email if you're interested in helping final

Computer Science student (yes, that's me...) by giving him some ideas on his

year project very possible involving PHP and SQL...

I will start next autumn my third year of Computer Science studies. I have
to carry

out a large programming project in this final year. These projects are

and assessed via a dissertation and an oral presentation. The project alone

for 20% of my whole degree, so it is quite important.

A variety of project proposals have been made available for our

already but they all look very dull and boring. We are also encouraged to
come up

with our own project ideas.

The onus is on us to define the problem boundaries, to investigate possible

solutions, and to present the results verbally, in writing and (possibly) to

demonstrate in action. They like having projects that find solutions (or
improve a

current sloution) real life problems.

This summer, I am doing an internship in a Swiss IT company, working on a

Management System implemented with PHP and MySQL. This will obviously give
me some

valuable experience with these languages (I sort of already learn them quite

well...) and most of our tuition in Uni is based on Java.

If you can think of an interestin final year project involving hese
languages, it

would be very kind to share it with me... In order to obtain a very high
mark, the

project needs to be challenging. For example, having an e-commerce web-site
using a

Database is seen as a weak, non-innovative project...

Many Thanks for your time

Serdar Sokmen

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RE: [PHP] PHP meetup

2002-07-12 Thread Martin Clifford

I just signed up for this, as I would LOVE to be able to talk and interact (in person) 
with some PHP Developers.  As I'm still learning (as we all are), it would be a great 
opportunity for me to be able to meet up and discuss this wonderful language with my 
peers.  Hopefully that'll come to pass! :o)

I emplore all PHP Developers to sign up for MEETUP.  You have nothing to loose, and 
everything to gain!

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/12/02 11:48AM 
Want to meet other PHP developers in your area? Check out: 

Pretty nifty idea... especially given the lack of user groups in the U.S.

I thought for others who had not seen this I would post this. There is
probably already a user group in your area if you live near a major city.
According to the web site
[] there 189 PHP user
groups in 52 countries.

While there is nothing in my area (closest is Houston, over 3 hours away
:^[ , and I thought there would be one in Austin, even if I don't want to
drive an hour to go drink an adult beverage or two.) but you may find one
already exists in your area. Meetup is a cool idea, and appears to be
gaining ground slowly. Jon, did you cross-post to all PHP lists?


Code! Yes. A programmer's strength flows from code maintainability. But
beware of Perl. Terse syntax... more than one way to do it...default
variables. The dark side of code maintainability are they. Easily they flow,
quick to join you when code you write.  If once you start down the dark
path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will. -- Yoda
(or maybe Coda)

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[PHP] Form/insert problem

2002-07-14 Thread Martin Kampherbeek

Below, is the code of a form to predict some matches. What I want is to submit this 
with with one button so it inserts the macthes in the database. One match is one 
The problem is that I don't know what to do now.
Can someone help me with this form and the insert file (addvoorspelling.php)



$today = date( Y-m-d H:i:s); 


mysql_connect(., ..., ..); 
mysql_select_db (..); 

$sql = SELECT * FROM wedstrijden WHERE status='actief' AND datum  '$today' ORDER 
BY datum;  
$resultaat = mysql_query($sql); 
$aantal = mysql_num_rows($resultaat); 
$i = 0; 

$queryr = SELECT * FROM ronde WHERE status='actief'; 
$resultr = MYSQL_QUERY($queryr) or die(mysql_error()); 
$aantalr = MYSQL_NUMROWS($resultr); 
$start = mysql_result($resultr,$r,start); 
$einde = mysql_result($resultr,$r,einde); 

link rel='stylesheet' href='centerstyle.css' 
body bgcolor=#f5f5f5 
font size='5'From $start to $einde/fontp 
table tr 
td width=300bDatum/b/td 
td width=150bHome/b/td 
td width=50/td 
td width=150bAway/b/td 
td colspan=2bHT/b/td 
td colspan=2bFT/b/td 

WHILE ($i  $aantal): 
$id_wedstr = mysql_result($resultaat,$i,id_wedstr); 
$home = mysql_result($resultaat,$i,home); 
$away = mysql_result($resultaat,$i,away); 
$datum = mysql_result($resultaat,$i,datum); 

$sqlv = SELECT * FROM voorspelling WHERE id_user='$id' AND 
$resultaatv = mysql_query($sqlv); 
$aantalv = mysql_num_rows($resultaatv); 

IF ($aantalv == 0): 

form action=addvoorspelling.php method=POST 
td width=300$datum/td 
td width=150$home/td 
  td width=50-/td 
  td width=150$away/td 
td width=50select size'1' name='ht_home' 
option value='--'--/option; 
$j = 0; 
WHILE ($j  11): 
printoption value='$j'$j/option; 
td width=50select size'1' name='ht_aways' 
option value='--'--/option; 
$j = 0; 
WHILE ($j  11): 
printoption value='$j'$j/option; 
td width=50select size'1' name='ft_home' 
option value='--'--/option; 
$j = 0; 
WHILE ($j  11): 
printoption value='$j'$j/option; 
td width=50select size'1' name='ft_away' 
option value='--'--/option; 
$j = 0; 
WHILE ($j  11): 
printoption value='$j'$j/option; 

input type=hidden value='$id' name=id 
input type=hidden value='$naam' name=naam 
input type=hidden value='$id_wedstr' name=id_wedstr 
input type=hidden value='$home' name=home 
input type=hidden value='$away' name=away 
input type=submit Value=Verstuur! 





RE: [PHP] IF inside LOOP?

2002-07-14 Thread Martin Towell

try using this if statement instead

if ($m  $num_rows2 - 1)

or even use the ?: operator

echo ($m  $num_rows2 - 1 ? ,  : .);

-Original Message-
From: César Aracena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 12:04 PM
To: PHP General List
Subject: [PHP] IF inside LOOP?

Hi all.
I've been fooling around with a LOOP which should show one or more text
string stored in separate rows in a DB. The trick would we to separate
them with commas (,) when there's another string to show or end it with
a period (.) if no other row is found according to the SELECT criteria.
This is what I have so far:
for ($m=0; $m$num_rows2; $m++)
$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
echo $row2[devlanguage];
if ($m  $num_rows2)
echo , ;
echo .;
The problem is that the LOOP stops as it's told to do, keeping the ELSE
statement from doing it's work, resulting in comma separated string as
it should, but also add an extra comma at the end of it instead of a
period. What approach should I use?
Thanks in advance,
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Cesar Aracena
Neuquen, Argentina

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RE: [PHP] BREAK into the DB

2002-07-14 Thread Martin Towell

there's a function word_wrap() (or is it wordwrap(), something like that
anyway) that'll help you there.

-Original Message-
From: César Aracena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 3:00 PM
To: 'PHP General List'
Subject: [PHP] BREAK into the DB

Hi all. I have this DB where I'm storing this sometimes large amount of
text into a TEXT field, but I can't seem to find the way to BREAK lines
so it won't make my browser go 3000 pixels wide when that text is
printed. About this, I have two questions:

1) What should I use to break the text into lines at the DB so HTML can
read them fine? and
2) How should I make the TEXT INPUT BOX so the visitor doesn't have to
type br or something after 20 words or so? Is there a way that PHP can
count and break text strings by itself prior storing?

Thanks in advance,

Cesar Aracena
Neuquen, Argentina

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[PHP] Strange problem with apache 2.0.39/php 4.2.1/gd-lib

2002-07-15 Thread Martin Lucas

hello everybody,

i'm trying to use php 4.2.1 with apache 2.0.39. i compiled php as dso, with
gd support
(libjpeg6b, libpng-1.2.3 , gdlib-1.8.4, freetype-2.1.2)
compiling and installation of the above packages went fine, but when i start
apache, i get the following message from the apache error log:
'PHP Warning: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/
undefined symbol: gdImagePngCtx in Unknown on line 0'

i tried several versions of gd-lib and libpng and recompiled php, but i
always got the same error message.

does anybody have an idea ?

thanks in advance 


Martin Lucas
- ICT Manager -
TechConsult GmbH
European IT-Marketing Research
Am Platz der Deutschen Einheit
Leipziger Str. 35-37
34125 Kassel
FON: +49(0)561 - 8109 172
FAX: +49(0)561 - 8109 2972

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[PHP] Re: Good Forum...

2002-07-15 Thread Martin Clifford

Invision Board is the best PHP based BB that I've seen so far.  If you're familiar 
with Ikonboard written in Perl, this is the same thing optimized for PHP.  Not to 
mention that the installation is a BREEZE!  You can get a copy FREE at, and you can check out a sample of what it can do in the 
forums link below.  Good Luck!

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/15/02 06:26AM 
phpbb is a good forum or phorum 

both are free to use :) 

i hope you can use one of those ;) 

JJ Harrison\ writes: 

 What is a good php-based forum? 
 I would have used vBulletin but my group a non-profit so we obviously can't
 afford it. 
 Part of what I require is users to be stored in a db table using md5() or
 anouther function. What I would do is expand the table with more user info
 for use with my whole site. 
 JJ Harrison
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[PHP] Alley-OOP! ... or not?

2002-07-15 Thread Martin Clifford

Hey all,

I've seen quite a few programs that seem to greatly favor Object Orienting Programming 
(OOP) in their code.  I don't mean to start a holy war or anything of the sort, but as 
a burgeoning PHP developer, I would like the opinions of my peers.

So how about it, ladies and gents?  Tell me about the Pros and Cons to OOP, and why 
you prefer to use it/not use it!

Personally, I've always used regular functions to accomplish my repetetive tasks, and 
OOP seems rather daunting for me, but I'm always open to new (and hopefully, more 
efficient) ideas!  Thanks!

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

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Re: [PHP] newbie: mysql statement

2002-07-15 Thread Martin Clifford

You're right Andrew, got a little ahead of myself :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Andrew Brampton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/15/02 03:23PM 
Shouldn't this be

UPDATE header SET parent='$this-parent' WHERE posted = max(posted)

Otherwise the max(posted) = max(posted) is true for all records (therefore
all records get updated)


- Original Message -
From: Martin Clifford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] newbie: mysql statement

I would rewrite the query as:

UPDATE header SET parent='$this-parent' WHERE max(posted) = max(posted)

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[PHP] [PHP-DB] RE: PHP meetup [CROSS-POST] Meet other PHP Developersin Your Area

2002-07-15 Thread Martin Clifford

Yes, everyone please join up!  I would love to find more developers in the Maryland 
area, and I'm sure others would in their areas as well!  Let's do the great american 
get togeth... err... the great php get together!

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/15/02 03:20PM 
No, it's not a dating service :)
Want to meet other PHP developers in your area? Check out: 

Pretty nifty idea... especially given the lack of user groups in the U.S.

I thought for others who had not seen this I would post this. There is
probably already a user group in your area if you live near a major city.
According to the web site
[] there 189 PHP user
groups in 52 countries.

I have seen some users groups mentioned, which is outstanding. PHP Meetup is
gaining lots of ground with 105 members at last check. Top 5 cities are...

Manhattan (below 42nd St) (5 members)
London, England (4 members)
Ann Arbor, MI (3 members)
Melbourne (3 members)
Washington DC (3 members) [actually tied with Philadelphia, PA and Orange
County, CA]

And I finally saw another San Antonio member. Just want to keep this fresh
in everyone's mind. If you know of other developer lists where php is
discussed please forward this along.



Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons-for you are crunchy and good with

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Re: [PHP] ^k ? -- how do I match that?

2002-07-15 Thread Martin Clifford

Just try eregi_replace(\^k[.+], , $container);

Regular expressions are the MASTERS of the INTARWEB! :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Jimmy  Brake [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/15/02 04:32PM 

I keep getting that evil little character ... ^k  from mac users (pre X)
and I need to remove it. Does anyone know how to remove?

This site has that character as a vertical tab. This character is what
is used in MS Excel when people hit return inside a cell. If they copy
and paste that into a form its ok, but when I export that data to a csv
it gets ugly. 

Thanks in advance!


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RE: [PHP] Free PHP Books in PDF or HTML Format

2002-07-15 Thread Martin Towell

try out

-Original Message-
From: Chris Carlson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:54 AM
Subject: [PHP] Free PHP Books in PDF or HTML Format

Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone on the list could recommend web sites to visit
to find free PHP books available on the 'net in either PDF or HTML



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[PHP] Get Anchor out of Url

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! I have a page which is called by:


Now I want to get the Anchor #JumpHere (which could be different each
time) in mypage.php4.

With PATH_INFO, I only get /myfolder/mypage.php4;
With QUERY_STRING, I only get MyVar1=SomethingMyVar2=Someother
With PhpInfo, I couldn't find any JumpHere.

Any ideas how I can get the anchor in a php-page?


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[PHP] Re: Submit code

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Thoma

 I am looking for PHP code that will submit (post) a form automaically to a
 ANOTHER php page.  I do not want to press a submit button.  I have found a
 class at PHPClasses but it is too complicated for my needs.  What is the
 simplest way of doing this?  What is the theoretical approach?

I think the only way to submit a form automatically is with JavaScript.

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[PHP] Re: Get Anchor out of Url

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Thoma

Oh, it seems, that only Netscape 4 is doing this wrong...

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RE: [PHP] Classes vs. Functions

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Clifford

To add to the below, object classes, can have their own set of functions, called 
methods.  These methods are specific to the function, and ALL functions within a class 
treat any properties (variables) within the class as global.

So if you have a class Car with two properties (Make and Model), then those two 
properties can be readily accessible to any method within the class.  At least I think 
that's how it works.  I'm not all that knowledgeable on the subject :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 10:51AM 
Could someone please explain the difference between classes and functions
and how to use a class. I write alot of PHP, but I never understood this at
all. I use an include statement in many of my pages and include a file with
a bunch of functions. For instance, I might have a function called stock();
In the page I am using I include the file that has this function and I call
it like this:


I am wondering if I am doing it the wrong way. So I need to better
understand classes. What is one, and why would you use it?

A class is the representation of an object, such as a person, place, or
A function is a group of commands that can be called for a specific purpose.

function addNumbers()

A function can be performed on an object, but an object (the logical
extension of class) cannot be performed on a function. Does that help?


Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

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Re: [PHP] Classes vs. Functions

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Clifford

Here is a sample code (don't take this as gospel... Jay knows more about OOP than I 
do, I'm sure!):

class Car {
var $make;
var $model;

function setMake($x) {
$this-make = $x;
function setModel($y) {
$this-model = $y;

$make and $model are the properties of the Car class, and setMake() and setModel() are 
the methods of the Car class.  You don't actually get an object until make a *new* 
one.  Like this:

$passat = new Car;

This assigns the new object, passat, the properties relating to it's make and model, 
using the methods setMake and setModel.  I'm sure this is right, but I'm sure I'm 
probably wrong (hehe, confused?).  I'm also sure someone will correct me if I am! :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Chris Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 11:06AM 
It helps a little bit, thank you. Could you provide some code as to what a
Class looks like. I am just trying to understand it better and if I see it,
it might help.
Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Could someone please explain the difference between classes and functions
 and how to use a class. I write alot of PHP, but I never understood this
 all. I use an include statement in many of my pages and include a file
 a bunch of functions. For instance, I might have a function called
 In the page I am using I include the file that has this function and I
 it like this:


 I am wondering if I am doing it the wrong way. So I need to better
 understand classes. What is one, and why would you use it?

 A class is the representation of an object, such as a person, place, or
 A function is a group of commands that can be called for a specific

 function addNumbers()

 A function can be performed on an object, but an object (the logical
 extension of class) cannot be performed on a function. Does that help?


 Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

 * Want to meet other PHP developers *
 * in your area? Check out:  *
 * No developer is an island ... *

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Re: [PHP] Classes vs. Functions

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Clifford

I'm still trying to figure that out, but the fog is clearing slowly but steadily :o)

From what I've heard on this and other lists, it's all a matter of preference.  
Obviously those that come from an object-oriented environment (Java, etc), will lean 
toward this method, while others stay with the procedural side of things (using 
functions).  It's all a matter of preference, and just yet I haven't decided which is 
more useful :o)

Good luck!

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Chris Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 11:19AM 
This helps quite a bit Thank you.
I am just wondering if I should make classes instead of functions? What
would be the benefit of that? Do you know?

Martin Clifford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Here is a sample code (don't take this as gospel... Jay knows more about OOP
than I do, I'm sure!):

class Car {
var $make;
var $model;

function setMake($x) {
$this-make = $x;
function setModel($y) {
$this-model = $y;

$make and $model are the properties of the Car class, and setMake() and
setModel() are the methods of the Car class.  You don't actually get an
object until make a *new* one.  Like this:

$passat = new Car;

This assigns the new object, passat, the properties relating to it's make
and model, using the methods setMake and setModel.  I'm sure this is right,
but I'm sure I'm probably wrong (hehe, confused?).  I'm also sure someone
will correct me if I am! :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums: 

 Chris Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 11:06AM 
It helps a little bit, thank you. Could you provide some code as to what a
Class looks like. I am just trying to understand it better and if I see it,
it might help.
Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Could someone please explain the difference between classes and functions
 and how to use a class. I write alot of PHP, but I never understood this
 all. I use an include statement in many of my pages and include a file
 a bunch of functions. For instance, I might have a function called
 In the page I am using I include the file that has this function and I
 it like this:


 I am wondering if I am doing it the wrong way. So I need to better
 understand classes. What is one, and why would you use it?

 A class is the representation of an object, such as a person, place, or
 A function is a group of commands that can be called for a specific

 function addNumbers()

 A function can be performed on an object, but an object (the logical
 extension of class) cannot be performed on a function. Does that help?


 Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

 * Want to meet other PHP developers *
 * in your area? Check out:  *
 * No developer is an island ... *

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Re: [PHP] strange beahaviour with a mysql query in php

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Clifford

If you only want to update the row if it exists, then you need to use a WHERE clause 
to make sure it does exist.  

Blah blah blah WHERE row_id='$id' LIMIT 1 might work.  I'm lazy and didn't want to 
retype what you had. :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 David D [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/16/02 11:57AM 

I ve got mysql 4.0.1
I don't understand what happen.
I use to make replace other than insert in order to avoid error in php

I have a table with on primary key :

CREATE TABLE `nlconfig` (
  `id` tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `nomnews` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `hebergeur` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `fromc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
  `fromonline` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'contact',
  `limitconf` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '7',
  `host` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'localhost',
  `user` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'root',
  `passwd` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `db` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'newsfr',
  `tablenews` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'news',
  `tabletemp` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'temp',
  `tablelog` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'log',
  `tableconfig` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'nlconfig',
  `admin_pass` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'pikatchu',
  `limitlog` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '10',
  `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `pathtopmn` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `langfile` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'lang-french.php',
  `welcome_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'bienvenue',
  `welcome_msg` text NOT NULL,
  `sub_msg` text NOT NULL,
  `pied` tinytext NOT NULL,
  `validation` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  `description` text,
  `newstemplate` varchar(100) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

When inserting with mysqlfront windows client :

replace into nlconfig values (last_insert_id(),'abc', 'nexen', 'a@', 'a',
'', 'localhost', 'root' , '', 'newsfr', 'news', 'temp', 'log', 'nlconfig',
'lucas', '', '', '', 'lang-french.php', '','','','',
'1','','' );

1st on row affected
2nd 2rows.

I get no error.
But from a php 4.06 script I get :
errno 1062: erromsg : Duplicata du champ '127' pour la clef 1
That means : duplicate value for key 1.

I didnt have the same result from a php script ?

That the same error i get with NULL in the id with the windows client ?!

Could you explain me what happen ?

I only want to insert a new row when values are different from what is on
the table,
and to replace the row that there is when there is the same id or when all
the data in query is the same !
Is it for that, that replace is for ?


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Re: [PHP] Exit script early

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Clifford

RTFM re: Exit and Continue.

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Michael Zornek [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 01:08PM 

So I'm creating a details.php page where I'm expecting the url to be
something like:


Thus in my php I have the following:

if (!isset($id))
{ // if no id exsits

// Create a page saying ID not found, goto index
writeHeader(Error, never);

echo h1Error: A hospital ID was not found./h1
  pGoto: a href=\index.php\Nursing Career Match/a


// what command can I use to end the script right here?
{ // Run MySQL stuff and display page


My question is what command can I use to end the script [inside the top
part of that if statement]?

~ Mike
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Apple Student Developers
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Re: [PHP] I can't echo object variables

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Clifford

Try enclosing it in curly braces.

echo p${db-field('name_long')};

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Michael Zornek [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 01:45PM 
We all know this works:

echo p$someVar;

However this does not:

echo p$db-field('name_long');

I know this slight variation will make it work:

echo p . $db-field('name_long');

But it's cumbersome .. Anyway to get the first way to work?

~ Mike
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Re: [PHP] Is there a way?

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Clifford

It's called here doc formatting, and follows the pattern below:

$chunk =  EOF;
// stuff here

Hmm.  For some reason that just doesn't look right.  I'm sure someone will correct it 
if I'm wrong though :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Chris Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 02:03PM 
In Perl you could print a block of information as it was written like this;
print HTML_END;

This a whole bunch of HTML code!!!


The best part about this, was that you did not have to escape your  and you
could mix in your variables making it easy to design and layout the HTML. Is
there a similiar way to do this in PHP?

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Re: [PHP] Session and output buffering

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Clifford

You have to give the variable value before registering it, from my experience.

$var = 123 Sesame Street;

Also, I don't believe you need to use session_unset(), since you are already 
destroying the session information.  If you are getting errors, it would be helpful if 
you include those in your message so that we might be able to deduce the error from 
it's cryptic nature :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Divyank Turakhia [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 02:46PM 
I have set output_buffering = On in my php.ini file, since I need this
for my application.

When the user logins I want to destroy any current session and start a
new session. I have included the below in my code for the same. But for
some reason all my old data is available in the session. 



Can anyone figure out where I may be going wrong.

Warm Regards,
Divyank Turakhia

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Re: [PHP] Newbie Question on Efficiency

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Clifford

Unless the file is getting retartedly big (10-20K), then I wouldn't separate them.  
Though if you have enough functions, you could justify making separate files for your 
database functions, output functions, backend functions, etc.

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 04:59PM 
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie and have a question on style that I've not
seen addressed anywhere.  I have a large number of frequently used
functions that I'm trying to find a good way to organize.  The method
I'm thinking of using is to simply create a .php file called, for
example, functions.php.  Then, just include the file at the top of each
page that needs any of the functions, and just call them as needed.  My
question is this- if that file gets very large with tons of different
functions, is that an inefficient method?  I'm not entirely clear on how
PHP is parsed and passed to the client.  I assume it would be best to
divide up the functions into multiple files (ex. dbfunctions.php, etc.),
but is that still the best method?  Basically, I'm just curious on how
you guys handle things like this.
Thanks in advance.
Michael Kennedy

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RE: [PHP] Classes vs. Functions

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Towell

 Martin Clifford wrote:
  Could someone please explain the difference between classes and
  and how to use a class. 

 Whether you should like OOP or not is a religious matter, so I will not 
 enter the field. OOP has its pluses and its minuses. It's a technique, 
 not an ultimate truth, although it is often presented as such. And as 
 any technique, it can do wonders and it can do plain bull**t when not 
 properly used.

 Nowadays 100% of my work is OOP based, but I worked some 15 years on 
 functions and I cannot blame those who keep working that way. There are 
 reasons for doing it and reason for not to do it. Get yourself a good 
 clear book, then make a decision.


I have to agree here. IMO, there are benefits in using classes over
functions, and there's benefits in using functions over classes. Once you
get to know oop a little better, you should be able to determine which is
better is any given situation.

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RE: [PHP] Printer margins

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Towell

You can't change this type of setting on a client's browser
The only way you'd be able to do this is to tell the user that the page
prints best when margins are set to 0.25

-Original Message-
From: Manuel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 10:52 AM
To: PHP General
Subject: [PHP] Printer margins

I'm creating an HTML file that will be printed by my website users. I've
notices that most browser have the default print margins set to 0.75. Is
there any way to change the print margins to 0.25?

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RE: [PHP] Classes vs. Functions

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Towell

 A CLASS after all is just a collection of functions with a
 data model. But ... there is modular and then there is OO imho.

A class is more than just a bunch of functions that have been placed
together. If you want to do that, then you might as well just throw them all
into the same include file and that's it. There's no added benefit in
wrapping a class around them.

Agreed, a class can be used to simulate the C-style struct, or to collect a
bunch of functions, but the real power of classes is when you start to model
the real world objects (ie, methods and properties, not just functions and

I'm not saying to go all OO (or all procedule, I use both...), just that
when used correctly, they can be really helpful.

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RE: [PHP] Newbie Question on Efficiency : Follow-up Question

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Towell

The only reason a compiled language would not include a function/module/etc
is to reduce the size of the final executable.

Since php doesn't store (barring the caching engines, but they work
differently anyway) a compiled version, it doesn't need to worry about not
including something.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Kennedy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 1:36 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Newbie Question on Efficiency : Follow-up Question

Yeah, that's what I figured.  With C++ you could find evidence that it
only grabbed the used portions, but in PHP I didn't see anything to
support that.  Of course, like I said, the answer likely wouldn't have
made a difference in anything I did, but it's nice to delve a little
deeper sometimes.  Thanks.


-Original Message-
From: John Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 8:05 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Newbie Question on Efficiency : Follow-up Question

PHP loads everything up before it starts doing anything. It's only going
to execute the code it needs to, though, of course. I asked this
question a while ago and got that answer. The process of loading all of
the code is minimal, though, compared the actually executing the code. 

---John Holmes...

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Kennedy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:26 PM
 Subject: RE: [PHP] Newbie Question on Efficiency : Follow-up Question
 OK, if I understand C++ correctly, if I write a program and #include
 iostream.h or something similar and compile the program it only
 compiles with the used functions in it, right?  So, if I never use
 it leaves that function out of the final complied app.
 Does/can PHP do anything similar?  I'm always much more comfortable
 a language when I can understand how it works and I'm sure some of you
 feel the same.
 Now, I fully understand that PHP documents are not even close to being
 compiled in the traditional sense.  But, I'm wondering if it pulls all
 the necessary functions into memory when the page is accessed, then
 them when needed, or does it pull the whole include()d file into
 and just combine the whole mess together into one big memory heap and
 run like that?
 My gut tells me that it's the second one, but I'm just wanting to be
 sure.  Of course, the answer likely won't make a single difference in
 life, but I'm just curious...  Also, I hope the above question isn't
 stupid.  I do have a habit of thinking about something for a while and
 then having it suddenly hit me later that the answer is simple very
 trivial.  Ah, well...
 Thanks for humoring me.
 -Original Message-
 From: Monty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 5:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Newbie Question on Efficiency
 If you have have a large number of functions, it might be better to
 them into a few files that you can include as needed. I use one file
 contains functions needed by every page. I have a few other files that
 contain functions that aren't needed by every page, so, I include them
 on pages that need them. But most functions go in the main include
 on every page.
 Separating them will also minimize some overhead if you have a lot of
 functions. Otherwise, if your include files aren't War  Peace in
 one include file is fine.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 04:59PM 
  Hello everyone, I'm a newbie and have a question on style that I've
  seen addressed anywhere.  I have a large number of frequently used
  functions that I'm trying to find a good way to organize.  The
  I'm thinking of using is to simply create a .php file called, for
  example, functions.php.  Then, just include the file at the top of
  page that needs any of the functions, and just call them as needed.
  question is this- if that file gets very large with tons of
  functions, is that an inefficient method?  I'm not entirely clear on
  PHP is parsed and passed to the client.  I assume it would be best
  divide up the functions into multiple files (ex. dbfunctions.php,
  but is that still the best method?  Basically, I'm just curious on
  you guys handle things like this.
  Thanks in advance.
  Michael Kennedy
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RE: [PHP] Bug in PHP?

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Towell

check that the gaps between the domains are really spaces
eg: echo ord($HTTP_POST_VARS[domains]{11});

I did this through a test script:

$HTTP_POST_VARS[domains] =;
$site = explode( ,$HTTP_POST_VARS[domains]);

and got this as the output

[0] =
[1] =
[2] =

But the email program (yours or mine) might be converting the gap to
spaces... (??)

-Original Message-
From: Aleks D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 5:35 PM
Subject: [PHP] Bug in PHP?


I'm trying to explode an associative array element in $HTTP_POST_VARS
retrieved from submitting am html form.  The URL to the form is:

Now when I try to explode $HTTP_POST_VARS[domains] it doesn't seem to have
the desired effect. I use the syntax $site = explode(
,$HTTP_POST_VARS[domains]); and instead of the expected result of:

$site[0] =;
$site[1] =;
$site[2] =;

I get: $site[0] =;

The value of $HTTP_POST_VARS[domains] after submitting the form is  Does anyone have an idea of how
I can get each domain in a seperate array index?


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Re: [PHP] $HTTP_SESSION_VARS ? Have I got it wrong

2002-07-17 Thread Martin Clifford

Define the value of $count before registering it, and it should work fine :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/17/02 10:14AM 
The answer is probably yes.

I do a
session_start() followed by a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['count']=2 on one page.
Then I go to another page and do a session_start() again; unfortunately
the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['count'] is empty!!!

I tried doing a session_register('count2'); $count2=123; in the first page
followed by another page where I display $count2 and that works fine.



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Re: [PHP] $HTTP_SESSION_VARS ? Have I got it wrong

2002-07-17 Thread Martin Clifford

Ignore that, I'll just go grab my copy of Hooked on Phonics so I can learn to read 
before replying.

:trots off:

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Martin Clifford [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/17/02 10:15AM 
Define the value of $count before registering it, and it should work fine :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums: 

 Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/17/02 10:14AM 
The answer is probably yes.

I do a
session_start() followed by a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['count']=2 on one page.
Then I go to another page and do a session_start() again; unfortunately
the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['count'] is empty!!!

I tried doing a session_register('count2'); $count2=123; in the first page
followed by another page where I display $count2 and that works fine.



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Re: [PHP] querying for one specific row number

2002-07-17 Thread Martin Clifford

If you are using an auto_increment primary key field named id, then you would use this:


Just so long as you know that if for some reason you delete that row, there will NEVER 
Be another id of 2, unless you set it that way.

If you only want to select certain columns from the row, then list those columns in 
place of the wildcard.

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM table WHERE id=1 LIMIT 1


Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Phil Schwarzmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/17/02 10:21AM 
I want query my mysql table and get one particular row.
So let's say my table had 5 rows (entries) in it, and I want to pull
just row #2, how would I do this??

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[PHP] Of Jobs and Certs

2002-07-17 Thread Martin Clifford

Howdy everyone,

I'd like to get everyone's input on Jobs and Certs.  I know there are a couple 
Certifications for web developers out there, such as the CIW and CWP certifications.

Here are my questions:

1.  What is the best method to go about becoming certified?
2.  What is the best way to go about getting into the web development industry?
3.  If you have ever taken online courses relating to web development, what is your 
opinion on them?  Good, bad, ugly?
4.  Which certification is most beneficial?  I know that CWP requires work experience 
before becoming certified past certain points, and CIW does not require this.
5.  Why can't I remember what question five was? Doh.

At any rate, I'm current a data entry clerk, but have quite a bit of web experience 
(none at a job, though), and I know that I have TONS more to learn, but I am very 
passionate about it and want to be able to do it as a career.  I just don't know where 
the hell to start, and I know that some of you might be able to offer some advice in 
this area.

Thanks in advance!  This is very important to me, so I thought I'd ask the people that 
would know best :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

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Re: [PHP] $_SESSION - autostart, or session_start() ?

2002-07-17 Thread Martin Clifford

The error is pretty self-explanatory.  You aren't starting the session before 
soemthing is being written to the page.

This will yeild the same error:

-top of document--
?php session_start(); ?
-botton of doc-

This is because something has been sent to the browser (the comment line), which is 
after the HTTP headers have already returned from the server.


Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Matt Babineau [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/17/02 11:20AM 
If I set the SESSION autostart = 1 in the PHP config, would that
eliminate my need to use session_start() in my code? I have some PHP
inline with some HTML, and the PHP is telling me:
Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent
Any ideas how to remedy this?
Matt Babineau
p: 603.943.4237
PO BOX 601
Manchester, NH 03105

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Re: [PHP] how to access javascipt variables in PHP

2002-07-17 Thread Martin Clifford

You can blend the two... sort of.

script language=javascript
!-- hide me

function checkWidth() {
var width = screen.width;
var height = screen.height;
document.location = filename.php?width= + width + height= + height;


body onload=checkWidth();

I'm not aware of any PHP vars that hold screen information.



 Seppo Laukkanen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/17/02 03:06PM 
Can anybody help?

I have javascript code to find out browsers width and height, but they
are stored in javascript variables. How can I access them from PHP? Or
is there a method to do same in PHP straightly?


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RE: [PHP] Re: Includes vs. Functions

2002-07-17 Thread Martin Towell

 Chris, thanks for describing your method. The reason I really dislike
 Functions in PHP is because you have to pass every variable needed by a
 function, even if that variable is global in the main script, which is a
 pain in the ass when a function needs a long string of variables. It
 it easier to forget a variable in the list and can make the code look


 The whole idea behind modularization is that you are creating a black
 box so to speak, a chunk of code that performs one function, and one
 function only.  It should present a *minimal* interface to the outside
 world.  This means that if I have a black box that say, gives me the
 current local time in a particular timezone, I should be able to feed
 it the name of the timezone, and it should give me back the current
 time.  I should NOT have to know how it works inside, or care.  I feed
 it one value, and it returns another value.


To add to this. If you're passing too many values to a function, then maybe
that function isn't broken down enough. I remember hearing/reading that if
you need to pass more than, I think, 5 or 6 values to a function, then
you're passing too many.


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Re: [PHP] Check for Associative Array

2002-07-18 Thread Martin Clifford

Try this:

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
// code here

This way, the resulting array will ONLY be associative.


Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Henning Sittler [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/18/02 12:57PM 
What's the best way to check for an Associative Array?  There is no
is_assoc() or similiar function listed in the manual (I don't think anyway).

I'm using mysql_fetch_array() and I want to foreach only the assoc. part of
the array without using mysql_fetch_assoc():

foreach ($arr as $key=$value) { 
echo $key:$value;

But of course it show both the indexed array and the assoc array contents.
Is there an existing function to check this, or should I do one of these
things inside the foreach loop:

A) set $last=value and just check if $value = $lastval

B) check if the $key is just a number or just a string

C) $key += 1

?? Thanks,

Henning Sittler 

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Re: [PHP] Check for Associative Array

2002-07-18 Thread Martin Clifford

Oh well.  And HTH means Hope to Help.

 For some unknown reason the OP specifically does not want to use 

Martin Clifford
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Re: [PHP] spawning scripts to different graphical targets

2002-07-18 Thread Martin Clifford

I would assume you just do it as if you didn't have any scripts in it in the first 

The link in frame A might be like below:

a href=content.php?show=TOC target=bClick here to see the content/a

Then, in frame b, content.php will show up and you can then use $show to decide what 
to do.  I might be totally off on this one, but I only went on what it sounded like 
you wanted.

The same applies to JavaScript.

// This can be used to get the height and width of the browser window for any 
server-side needs.

script language=javascript
!-- hide me

function getScreen() {
   var height = screen.height;
   var width = screen.width;

   document.location = index.php?height= + height + width= + width;

body onload=getScreen();

:babbles on and on and on...:

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Alberto Serra [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/18/02 03:12PM 

Is there a way I can decide where to target my output from server side?

suppose my page has two iframes

! A !! b !

while executing a script that is called by A can I spawn another script 
that will output to b? And no, I cant' use any Jscript, but I do know 
from server side what my target names are (A and b, that is).

Bear in mind that A and b might be even different windows, but I'd more 
than happy even if it worked with iframes on a single window.


LoRd, CaN yOu HeAr Me, LiKe I'm HeArInG yOu?
lOrD i'M sHiNiNg...
YoU kNoW I AlMoSt LoSt My MiNd, BuT nOw I'm HoMe AnD fReE
tHe TeSt, YeS iT iS
ThE tEsT, yEs It Is
tHe TeSt, YeS iT iS
ThE tEsT, yEs It Is...

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[PHP] Arrays and Regs

2002-07-18 Thread Martin Clifford


Just a performance question, if anyone knows for sure.  Within a large array, would 
using numerical indices be quicker than associative?  I'm talking about a *noticeable* 
difference in performance, here.

Also, on Regular Expression replacements:

$text = eregi_replace(([abc]+), span style=\color: red\\\1/span, $text);

Would this replace any occurences of the pattern with the same pattern match in red 
text?  I'm not sure exactly how the \\1, \\2, etc. works.  So, does:

$text = eregi_replace((a)(b)(c), \\1, $text);

Does this output only the 'a'?  I find this confusing for some reason, hehe.  Any help 
would be great!

Martin Clifford
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RE: [PHP] Please Help with LOOP!!

2002-07-18 Thread Martin Towell

Asmodean - using comma is another way of using echo...

Wee - try this instead - you're putting two loops together when you don't
need to

for($count=1; $count=$rows; $count++)
  $query_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  $price = $query_data[price_lq];
  $RowColor = useColor();
  // current echo statements here


while($query_data = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  $price = $query_data[price_lq];
  $RowColor = useColor();
  // current echo statements here

-Original Message-
From: Asmodean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 10:48 AM
To: PHP General
Subject: Re: [PHP] Please Help with LOOP!!

Hello Wee,

Friday, July 19, 2002, 2:36:40 AM, you wrote:

WK Hi all...

WK I'm a complete beginner in programming. Just started a few months ago. 

WK So, I'm sorry if this is a stupid question to ask. But I'm at a dead end
here and do not know where else to go.

WK I'm trying to automate a checkbox name to have the name choice1 to
have incremental effect on the number such as the following:

WK input type=checkbox name=choice1 value=x
WK input type=checkbox name=choice2 value=x
WK input type=checkbox name=choice3 value=x
WK ...

WK And I used the following script (please don't laugh) :)

WK Maximise this email to full screen so that you can see the script

WK for($count=1; $count=$rows; $count++) {
WKwhile($query_data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
WK $price = $query_data[price_lq];
WK $RowColor = useColor();
WK echo TR BGCOLOR=\$RowColor\\n;
WK echo TD width=\10%\ valign=\top\font size=\2\
face=\Arial, Helvetica,
WK echo TD width=\60%\ valign=\top\font size=\2\
face=\Arial, Helvetica,
WK echo TD width=\15%\ valign=\top\font size=\2\ face=\Arial,
Helvetica, sans-serif\,$,$price,BR/FONT/TD;
WK echo TD width=\15%\ valign=\top\input type=\checkbox\
name=\choice,$count,\ value=\,
WK }

WK The result was irritating... it came up with the same name, which is
choice1 all the way like:

WK input type=checkbox name=choice1 value=x
WK input type=checkbox name=choice1 value=x
WK input type=checkbox name=choice1 value=x
WK ...

WK Am I doing it the wrong way? If so, how should I do it? 

WK Please pleas help... thanks

WK Yours,
WK Wee Keat

WK Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the
stronger the trees.

echo TD width=\15%\ valign=\top\input type=\checkbox\
name=\choice,$count,\ value=\,

Your problem is with this line. Look closely at the following part:


You should do this:

name=\choice . $count . \

... and it will generate names like 'choice1', 'choice2', and so on.

Best regards,
 Asmodeanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [PHP] vertical word match

2002-07-18 Thread Martin Towell

try changing the +'s with *'s
+ = 1 or more
* = 0 or more

-Original Message-
From: Joe Rice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 3:30 PM
Subject: [PHP] vertical word match

any regex gurus?
i'm trying to match words put into a textarea
that are in the form of a\np\np\l\e
or any combination of new lines in between, before
or after.  

$answer = hello\na\np\np\nl\ne\n; /*from textarea in form*/
$word = apple;
$word = preg_replace(/(.)/,(.?|\s+|\n+|)$1(.?|\s+|\n+|),$word);

but if

$word = red apple;
$answer = r\ne\nd\n\na\np\np\nl\e;

it doesn't match.

thanks in advance,

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RE: [PHP] Sorting array based on key string

2002-07-18 Thread Martin Towell

dunno if this'll work... but here goes...


but ksort() might mangle the order from sort(). In that case, you'll need to
write your sort routine that retains the old order

-Original Message-
From: Peter J. Pieczora [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 5:35 AM
Subject: [PHP] Sorting array based on key string

Pardon my sloppy explanation but here it is:

how can i sort an array based on key element ie.

key values are: a1, a2 ,a3 ..., b1, b2 ,b3, ...c1, c1, c3...
so doing this:
while (list($k, $v) = each($data)) {
for ($i=0; $icount($k); $i++) {
echo $k[0] = $v\nbr;
will list all the $k $v .
a = foo
a = bar
b = another foo
and so on

Now, how can i sort it according to $k[0]
where $k[0] = a, than the same for all b's and so on.

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RE: [PHP] best way to delete char# 4-7 from a string?

2002-07-18 Thread Martin Towell

dunno how much slower it'd be, but it might look better. You could convert
the strings to an array, use array_splice(), and then convert back to a

-Original Message-
From: Justin French [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 3:39 PM
To: php
Subject: [PHP] best way to delete char# 4-7 from a string?


Let's say I have the following string:

$str = 'abcdefghijklmnop';

...and I want to strip out char #'s 4 through to 7 (d,e,f,g)

$strip_start = 4;
$strip_end = 7;

($str would now be 'abchijklmnop';)

THEN I want to plug a new string $filler at position 4

$filler = '4567';

($str would now be 'abc4567hijklmnop')

This is what I think would work (untested), looking for pointers,
optimisation, or a better approach:

$str = 'abcdefghijklmnop';
$strip_start = 4;
$strip_end = 7;
$filler = '4567';

$pre = substr($str,0,$strip_start-1);// abc
$post = substr($str,$strip_end+1,strlen($str));  // hijklmnop

$str = $pre.$filler.$post;  //abc4567hijklmnop


Justin French

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[PHP] Re: Arrays and Regs

2002-07-19 Thread Martin Clifford

Firstly, many thanks to Richard and Dan...

A quick test script in PHP would have been faster than asking... :-)

It was just one of those questions that I had burning in my mind at the time, and 
since I don't have access to PHP at work (As if the Government would allow that!), I 
had to ask :o)

And to Dan:  I would love to change the line margins of my email client, but 
unfortunately Novell Groupwise sucks, and the government will not, without exception, 
allow customization of any software, whatsoever.  So I'm stuck with it.

Thanks again guys!


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RE: [PHP] Hex Help Please...

2002-07-21 Thread Martin Towell

Doesn't look like anyone has replied to you on the php-general mailing list.

Have a look at this page
some of the docs there might help you


-Original Message-
From: Georgie Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 6:16 PM
Subject: [PHP] Hex Help Please...


There's a PHP script that takes a monochrome BMP and converts it into some
sort of hex code and I've noticed some patterns with this code. This image
is 72 pixels wide by 14 high so there's 1008 pixels. In the code returned,
theres 252 chars, which is 1008 divided by 4.

So I guessed the image is split into 4 pixels each. So if I pass an image
with the first pixel black and everyhting else white, it returns 8 for those
4. If I pass an image with the first and second black, it returns c.

With the first three black, it returns e. With the first 4, f. And if I have
the 5th pixel black it goes onto the next char code, eg returning f for the
first 4 pixels, then 8 for the 5th pixel black, ie the first pixel in the
next 4. In total it returns f8.

I tried reading in each pixel of the script, checking if it was black or
white, 1 for black, 0 for white. Then converting these 0s and 1s from
decimal to hex, then converting from binary to hex, but to no avail. Then I
tried taking a set of 4 1s or 0s and converting them, but still no luck.

So my questions is, does anyone know how theyre encoding the image I
could probably could decipher the coding with some experimentation but it
really looks like hex and I might be wasting my time.


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RE: [PHP] automatic credit card processing

2002-07-21 Thread Martin Towell

either use curl, and set to option to return the results to you to on
or use ob_start(), ob_get_contents(), etc

-Original Message-
From: Dominic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 4:11 PM
Subject: [PHP] automatic credit card processing

Hi all
I try to automatically process cc payment. I use online clearing via a 
third party
-- so what I have to do:
1. SSL-TCP/IP connection to this third party-server
2. perform basic http authentication
3. send authorization request parameters to the software (via POST or GET)
4. receive + parse authorization response

1-3 is not a real problem, but how can I receive the response, before it 
is printed out to the browser/screen? I know I should get the response 
string into a variable so the whole procedure is silent, but how?

thanks a lot for every little help!


dominic brander

dominic brander - snowflake productions gmbh -
tel. 01 451 75 71 - fax. 01 451 63 80 - mobile 076 543 17 94

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RE: [PHP] separated string by comas

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Towell

$string = str_replace( , ,, $string);

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 4:57 PM
To: php-general
Subject: [PHP] separated string by comas

I have a string that is separated by spaces like this
$string=test test1 test2 test3;
how can I make the string so it is separated by comas like this
I know this is probably simple but I just can't figure it out


Best regards,
 rdkurth  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[PHP] Re: Using Javascript

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Clifford

Just my opinion, but it is ALWAYS a good idea to terminate statements with semicolons, 
no matter if there is or isn't additional statements.

But thanks Chris for at least using standardized HTML coding practices.  I can't stand 
it when I see tags and the like that don't cooperate with standards.


 Chris Earle [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/22/02 01:18AM 
You use the onClick feature like this:

input type=text name=text1 onClick=dd.value='? echo $correct; ?'
no semicolon unless there is more than one thing being called/defined -- you
use single quotes within the onClick's double quotes

Uma Shankari T. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


  I need to display a value on the text box during onClick event where the
 data is fetched from the database..I have given the code like this but it
 is giving unterminated string constant..

 input type=text name=text1 onClick=(dd.value=? echo $correct; ?);

 Can anyone please tell me how to solve this ...

 Thanks  Regards,

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Re: [PHP] Newbie's question about \n

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Clifford

Think of it this way:  br creates a line break in HTML Output, \n creates a line 
break in HTML Code.

echo I really\n like\n PHP!;

HTML Code:

I really

HTML Output:

I really like PHP!


It seems that i have a very silly problem.
I can't get the new line escape character to work.
the following is my SIMPLE script and corresponding output.

PHP script:
-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN; 

echo this should be printed out:\n;
echo this is a second line;

Output in IE6:
this should be printed out: this is a second line



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Re: [PHP] What does register_globals do?

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Clifford

My way of thinking about is:

With register_globals ON, all variables defined are available anywhere in the script 
(with the exception of functions and classes, unless defined otherwise), whereas with 
register_globals OFF, they are only available through the superglobals for the 
respective variable types.

I'm sure there's a much better way to explain it, but it works for me :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Matt Babineau [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/22/02 03:59PM 
I have never had a clear understanding about what this does, the php.ini
has an explanation but being newer to PHP I don't understand it very
well. Could someone prodive a human explanation about what
register_globals does and why it is so important?
Matt Babineau
p: 603.943.4237
PO BOX 601
Manchester, NH 03105

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RE: [PHP] What does register_globals do?

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Clifford

unless defined otherwise was what I said.  When I said that, I simply meant that you 
declare the variables as global within the function and/or class.

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Matt Schroebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/22/02 04:41PM 
 From: Martin Clifford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 4:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] What does register_globals do?
 My way of thinking about is:
 With register_globals ON, all variables defined are available 
 anywhere in the script (with the exception of functions and 
 classes, unless defined otherwise), whereas with 
 register_globals OFF, they are only available through the 
 superglobals for the respective variable types.

That's not quite right.  Php's variable scoping is different than most langauges.  
Variables inside a function are always local, even with register_globals on (this has 
something to do with Rasmus' life experiences at IBM). So you would need to use global 
on a variable inside a function (unless it's passed in) and except for the 'magic' 
global arrays, $_POST, $_GET, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, etc

--- register_globals on --


function echo_out() {
  global $target;
  echo $targetbr;


--- register_globals off --


function echo_out() {
  echo {$_GET['target']}br;


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RE: [PHP] Comma question

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Towell

I remember from a previous post, the dot operator will create a temporary
string in memory, and then echo that out. The comma operator will just
output as it goes - ie. it doesn't create a temporary string.

As for Lee Doolan's reply:
  echo trtd{$obj-strName[$i]}/td/tr;
interesting - never thought of doing that, I alway's broke out of the quotes
to do object dereferencing. Should make my future code more readable I


-Original Message-
From: B i g D o g [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Comma question

Thanks all for the info...

I figured that the comma was to concatenate but is was wondering if the
parser handled it different.

I knew the {} helped the parser now which was the variable...but i have
never seen it like that...

I have only seen it like ${var}...

Just wondering the difference...

.: B i g D o G :.

- Original Message -
From: Kevin Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Comma question

 Curly braces {} are sometimes required for PHP to properly parse variables
 within quoted strings.  Good example might be defining variable-variables
 within a quoted string  ${$myvarvar}.  However I do not believe that
 braces are required in this particular string.

 As for the comma I believe it does the same thing as the period.  It will
 concatonate the quoted string with the output of the htmlspecialchars()
 function within the echo statement.


 - Original Message -
 From: B i g D o g [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 4:34 PM
 Subject: [PHP] Comma question

  Tried to check the archive, but it is offline...
  What does the , and {} do in this type of statement?
  Example:  echo trtd{$strName}/td/tr, htmlspecialchars(
 $teststr );
  .: B i g D o g :.
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RE: [PHP] Formating datevariables...

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Towell

As Demitrious said, use mysql to do it.

But if you want to use php, just use substr(), since all the numbers are
there, there's no point converting to unix time, just to convert it back
again... unless you're going to do some maths of it

-Original Message-
From: Demitrious S. Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 9:51 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Formating datevariables...

Why not let mysql do it? It has a function do to exactly that, I

But php's date() is the function you're looking for...

-Original Message-
From: Ragnar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 4:42 PM
Subject: [PHP] Formating datevariables...

I have a column in a mysql table with a timestamp. The value of this
is for instance:


How do i change the format on this to DDMM (22072002) in php?



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RE: [PHP] Problem with Not displaying HTML if data not found

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Towell

what about
  if (strlen($result[FLRPLAN_3])  0)

-Original Message-
From: markbm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:02 PM
Subject: [PHP] Problem with Not displaying HTML if data not found

I am trying to develop a page that, in certain places, I only want it to
display the TR and TDs if data is found for a given field.  For example,
if I only have an image for the  first floorplan of a house, I do NOT have
an image for the  second floorplan of a house, then show the first floorplan
image only.skip over that next row because the field in the db is empty.

The problem that I'm having is that the syntax that I've been using to
define empty in the db field does not always work.  The code reads:

if ($result[FLRPLAN_2] )  {
   printf (tr);
 printf (td colspan=3 bgcolor=#F0F8FF);
 printf (font size=5 bSecond Floor Plan:b
/td/font)  ;

  printf (/tr) ;
 printf (tr);
 printf (td colspan=3 ) ;
 echo img
src='$planid/; .
mysql_result($result, 0,'FLRPLAN_2').'';
 printf ( /td) ;
  printf (/tr );

if ($result[FLRPLAN_3] )  {;
  printf (tr);
printf (td colspan=3 bgcolor=#F0F8FFfont size=5
bThird Floor Plan:b );
printf (/td/font   );
 printf (/tr  );
 printf (tr   );
printf (td colspan=3 );
  echo img
src='$planid/; .
mysql_result($result, 0,'FLRPLAN_3').'';
printf (/td  );
 printf (/tr  );

I have tried:

1.  if ($result[FLRPLAN_3] )  {;
2.  if ($result[FLRPLAN_3])  {;
3.  if ($result[FLRPLAN_3]'')  {;
4.  if ($result[FLRPLAN_3]' ')  {;
5.  if ($result[FLRPLAN_3]NULL)  {;

and none seem to work correctly (i.e. blank field in db, but HTML row shows
up with missing image..or image is in db, but no HTML row shows up.  If
it helps, each of the image fields are varchar(125)basically I just
have the name of the image file, and then a pointer to the web server
directory structure

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


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RE: [PHP] redirecting after login

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Towell

using header() should work if you don't output anything before it. If you
can restructure your code so that you can remove any output until after the
header(), then that'd be the way to go.

You said the meta refresh didn't work - did you get the syntax right? Since
I don't use it much, it's one of those tags that takes me ages to get the
syntax right (I could chuck it into a code repository somewhere, but I'm too
lazy to do that...)

Failing the above two methods, you could put a hidden form that gets
auto-submitted when the page loads


-Original Message-
From: Tim Thorburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:00 PM
Subject: [PHP] redirecting after login


A site I'm working on requires a login screen where various individuals 
will log into the site and add information for their various 
departments.  Rather than setup a different script for each department, I 
was hoping to create one script that would either accept or deny a login 
based on the username/password stored in a database, then based on the 
username/password - redirect the individuals browser to a URL.

I've got the login part working perfectly, and I can turn the URL into a 
link on the page, but I'd rather have the script just automatically forward 
the person to the page they're login gives them access to.

I've tried using header(), but since the redirection takes place about 
mid-script, it doesn't work.  I've also tried using meta tag redirects, 
but those don't seem to accept the PHP/MySQL combo.

Any ideas?


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RE: [PHP] Problem with Not displaying HTML if data not found

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Towell

it's the mysql_result()... try this...

echo img src='$planid/; .
$result[FLRPLAN_2] . '';

mysql_result($result, 0,'FLRPLAN_2')
  ^--- you're always looking at the first row


-Original Message-
From: markbm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Problem with Not displaying HTML if data not found

When I changed this line, it still gives me the same problem.  My db field
is a varchar(125)...could that have anything to do with it?  Basically, the
first time, without data in the works fine and the TR is not
displayed, but when I add data back into the field, nothing changes...its
like it does not recognize that something is back in the field.  I did a
commit on the db each time, and cleared the browser cache, etc.


Martin Towell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 what about
   if (strlen($result[FLRPLAN_3])  0)

 -Original Message-
 From: markbm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:02 PM
 Subject: [PHP] Problem with Not displaying HTML if data not found

 I am trying to develop a page that, in certain places, I only want it to
 display the TR and TDs if data is found for a given field.  For
 if I only have an image for the  first floorplan of a house, I do NOT have
 an image for the  second floorplan of a house, then show the first
 image only.skip over that next row because the field in the db is

 The problem that I'm having is that the syntax that I've been using to
 define empty in the db field does not always work.  The code reads:

 if ($result[FLRPLAN_2] )  {
printf (tr);
  printf (td colspan=3 bgcolor=#F0F8FF);
  printf (font size=5 bSecond Floor Plan:b
 /td/font)  ;

   printf (/tr) ;
  printf (tr);
  printf (td colspan=3 ) ;
  echo img
 src='$planid/; .
 mysql_result($result, 0,'FLRPLAN_2').'';
  printf ( /td) ;
   printf (/tr );

 if ($result[FLRPLAN_3] )  {;
   printf (tr);
 printf (td colspan=3 bgcolor=#F0F8FFfont size=5
 bThird Floor Plan:b );
 printf (/td/font   );
  printf (/tr  );
  printf (tr   );
 printf (td colspan=3 );
   echo img
 src='$planid/; .
 mysql_result($result, 0,'FLRPLAN_3').'';
 printf (/td  );
  printf (/tr  );

 I have tried:

 1.  if ($result[FLRPLAN_3] )  {;
 2.  if ($result[FLRPLAN_3])  {;
 3.  if ($result[FLRPLAN_3]'')  {;
 4.  if ($result[FLRPLAN_3]' ')  {;
 5.  if ($result[FLRPLAN_3]NULL)  {;

 and none seem to work correctly (i.e. blank field in db, but HTML row
 up with missing image..or image is in db, but no HTML row shows up.
 it helps, each of the image fields are varchar(125)basically I just
 have the name of the image file, and then a pointer to the web server
 directory structure

 Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


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RE: [PHP] Passing Special Characters In url

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Towell

I think the proper way of sending an ampersand is to use amp;

-Original Message-
From: Ricky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:30 PM
Subject: [PHP] Passing Special Characters In url


I am having problems passing variables in a url specifically when there is
an  sign. Any suggestions?


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RE: [PHP] Re: Using fopen()/fread()/fscanf()

2002-07-22 Thread Martin Towell

I'm thinking that you need to remove the:
   $contents = fread($filename, 100);
line. This is probably making the file pointer point to the end of the file.

-Original Message-
From: Jason Soza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 4:17 PM
To: David Robley; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Using fopen()/fread()/fscanf()

I'm fairly certain that fopen() is working fine - I can echo $contents;
and it works great, but it displays the entire page that I fetched. I just
want certain parts of the page and unfortunately, fscanf() doesn't seem to
think $contents or $filename are valid. Just more info on this, I tried
replacing fscanf($filename,...) with fscanf($contents,...) and got the same

Jason Soza

-Original Message-
From: David Robley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 8:37 PM
Subject: [PHP] Re: Using fopen()/fread()/fscanf()

 I think I'm pretty close to getting this right (maybe!), I've been reading
 through the manual, but can't seem to work it out. I keep getting this

 [Mon Jul 22 19:03:24 2002] [error] PHP Warning:  Supplied argument is not
 valid File-Handle resource in index.php on line 66

 I'm trying to open a URL, read the contents, then pull out specific info
 found between specific HTML tags. This is what I have so far:

 63| ?php
 64|   $filename =
 fopen(;, r);
 65|   $contents = fread($filename, 100);
 66|   while($headlines = fscanf($filename, p style=\padding-left:
 45\font face=\Verdana\ size=\3\b%[a-zA-Z0-9,. ]/b/font,
 $headline)) {
 67|   extract($headlines);
 68|   print a

 69|   }
 70|   fclose($filename);
 71| ?

 Any ideas? Any other functions I could try instead of fscanf()?

That error indicates that fopen failed to open the requested file. Given
that the URL works fine in a browser, is it possible that your php is not
configured to do remote fopen? Check the setting of allow_url_fopen in

It is a good idea to test the result of such calls before trying to use
the result:

fopen('Whatever') or exit('Couldn't get it, Boss!');


if(fopen('whatever') {
  do good things;
  bleat vigorously;

David Robley
Temporary Kiwi!

Quod subigo farinam

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Re: [PHP] control structure question

2002-07-23 Thread Martin Clifford

For steps and sequences, I always use switches.  Most commonly associated with the 
action variable, it would look like this:

switch($action) {
  // what to show if no variable exists, or is set to a value
  // that is not acceptable below
   case add_file:
  // what to do in the even that a file needs to be added
  // to the database.
   case remove_file:
  // what to do in the even that a file need sto be removed
  // from the database.

Basically, whatever the value of $action, that is what section of code will execute.  
Hope that helps!

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Javier Montserat [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/23/02 10:03AM 
is there a more programmatically elegant way of saying...

$isError = ;

function main() {


if (!$isError) {

if (!$isError) {
// etc. etc.

function doStep1() {
if ($something) {
$isError = 1;

function doStep2() {
if ($something) {
$isError = 1;

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Re: [PHP] Using PHP with MySQL - Can I supress MySQL errors?

2002-07-23 Thread Martin Clifford

Put an ampersat symbol (@) in front of the function name to suppress errors.

$link = @mysql_connect(host, user, pass);

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 DonPro [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/23/02 12:08PM 

I'm using PHP to connect and perform queries with a MySQL database.  I've noticed that 
it there is an error performing certain
commands like 'mysql_connect()', I'll get a warning message in the browser.

I'd like to suppress these messages as I am storing the error, mysql_error(), in an 
array.  So if there is an error, I would simply
display the contents of the array in a nice format.

Is this possible?


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Re: [PHP] PHP creating table for HTML layout

2002-07-23 Thread Martin Clifford

PHP is server-side, so it can't do anything that would help with the layout of HTML on 
the client-side.  You might want to look into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to format 
the page so that it validates the way you want it to :o)


Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Briggsy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/23/02 04:10PM 
I am hoping someone can help me with a desperate problem I am having

I know nothing about PHP and hoping that it might be able to solve a problem
I have with HTML tables.

I want my web background to cover the entire screen regardless of screen
size. The background has a header, a left side nav and a footer. I want the
footer to be on the bottom of the screen or bottom of the text, which ever
is greater. If you go to you will get an idea of what I'm
talking about. If you are using IE 5.x or greater it should show correctly.

I used the HTML table tag height=100%, however this is not a valid tag and
therefore Netscape ignores it. Also if  I use it it wont validate as a true
complaint code, which I want it to.

So can I use PHP to create a table or place the background images to create
a header, side nav and footer with the middle white section adjusting to
screen size.

I don't want to have to greater multiple sites for different resolutions and
would rather have one template that all pages call by an include statement
(That's the ASP command, think I saw the same command in PHP)

Any help or solution would be appreciated as I have been searching the net
and working on this for weeks and I'm getting nowhere.



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RE: [PHP] Re: Credit card checks?

2002-07-23 Thread Martin Towell

Try this:

  function do_mod_10($num)
// The Luhn formula works right to left, so reverse the number.
$num = strrev($num);
$total = 0;
for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i  strlen($num); $i++, $j=3-$j)
  $digit = $num[$i] * $j;
  if ($digit  9)  $digit -= 9;
  $total += $digit;

return ($total % 10 == 0);

-Original Message-
From: Mark McCulligh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 10:47 AM
Subject: [PHP] Re: Credit card checks?

You could use an algorithms called mod10.  Both Visa, MasterCard and I think
most other credit cards use the mod10 algorithm.  A credit card must pass a
mod10 test to be a valid number(Like a Regular Expression test).  It won't
tell you if the number exist, but it will tell you if it could exist.  I
also know the mod10 is used for Canadian Social Security numbers (SIN).

Unfortunately I have never seen a PHP function for it, I only used mod10 in
a language called Uniface by Compuware.   I know there is another name for
it also, but I can't remember it right now.

It is a great test, someone just typing in numbers at random will have a
terrible time guessing a number right.  I have never seen someone do it let.
Then you can use the first character of the number to test the card type.

I will see if I can locate the algorithm and email it too you.


Jas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Just wondering if anyone has come across the need to develop a class to
 a string of numbers based on a credit card type.  If you have where would
 be able to get information on what string of numbers is consistent with
 of the different credit cards?  Any help would be appreciated!

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RE: [PHP] Banner Ad Serving...

2002-07-23 Thread Martin Towell

use the auto_append or auto_prepend directives in the php.ini file

-Original Message-
From: Dave at [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:48 PM
To: PHPlist
Subject: [PHP] Banner Ad Serving...

Is there any way of automatically adding a certain bit of code to every page
on a web server (or within a given directory)?

As in, is there any kind of Apache-specific PHP stuff that will add a banner
ad or copyright notice to pages (without editing the actual pages themselves
and without changing their file names)?  I've looked around a bit, and I
can't seem to brainstorm how it could be done.

Any help will be greatly appreciated (with good karma to boot). :)


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Re: [PHP] Re-directing

2002-07-24 Thread Martin Clifford

PHP redirects using the header() function, but it's not very useful if information has 
already been sent to the browser.  ANY information, including a hard return.  So if 
you have a login script, you would start your session, register any variables, then 

?php header(Location: index.php); ?

That would do the trick.  But like I said, once the parser begins to write HTML to the 
browser, then you can no longer send HTTP headers.

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Roberts, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/24/02 10:28AM 
Is there a way to redirect to a different script in PHP? I call it
redirecting, but can't find it in the documentation using that track.

I have a script...that if a certain criteria is met, I want to load a
different script. Haven't been able to figure that out yet. I have gotten
about it by conditionally executing a location.href in javascript. It works,
but would like to know how to do it in PHP.


Mark Roberts
Sr. Systems Analyst
LanApps/Web Development
The Williams Information Services Corporation

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Re: [PHP] Re-directing

2002-07-24 Thread Martin Clifford

Awesome!  Learn something new everyday!

That's why I love this list :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Chris Sharkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/24/02 11:01AM 
Well you can actually,

If you start your script IMMEDIATELY (well before you output anything) with:


This will buffer output so you can use your header anywhere in your script


and then if you weren't redirected then you send the output with



- Original Message -
From: Martin Clifford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Re-directing

PHP redirects using the header() function, but it's not very useful if
information has already been sent to the browser.  ANY information,
including a hard return.  So if you have a login script, you would start
your session, register any variables, then redirect.

?php header(Location: index.php); ?

That would do the trick.  But like I said, once the parser begins to write
HTML to the browser, then you can no longer send HTTP headers.

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums: 

 Roberts, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/24/02 10:28AM 
Is there a way to redirect to a different script in PHP? I call it
redirecting, but can't find it in the documentation using that track.

I have a script...that if a certain criteria is met, I want to load a
different script. Haven't been able to figure that out yet. I have gotten
about it by conditionally executing a location.href in javascript. It works,
but would like to know how to do it in PHP.


Mark Roberts
Sr. Systems Analyst
LanApps/Web Development
The Williams Information Services Corporation

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Re: [PHP] PHPMyAdmin interface

2002-07-24 Thread Martin Clifford

It's not normal that I've come across.  Any hosting company I've ever dealt with 
(albeit not many, still three different ones), have all offered phpMyAdmin for 
interfacing with MySQL.  And honestly, if the host REQUIRES you to do it, then they 
aren't worth hosting with.  You'll find that will transcend into other areas of how 
they do business (i.e. technical support tickets, etc).

Currently I'm hosting with, and they have good prices.  Another 
of my sites is on, and they're very good as well.

WebSytz' control panel flat out sucks, but it's usable.  DZones has an incredible 
control panel, but they just didn't have the price I wanted for my current website.  
There's plenty out there, and since you pay monthly, you lose nothing by switching to 
another company.  The choice is yours.

BTW, I hadn't intended this to become a chapter, but it did... sorry for the length :o)

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/24/02 12:46PM 
I have just recently just signed up for virtual hosting with a MySQL
database.  They do not have a PHPMyAdmin interface too access the
database.  All they have given me is my username and password and the
server too login too.  They suggested that I install PHPMyAdmin on my
workstation and access my database that way.
Is there major security risks too my database doing this?  Is this normal,
where service providers request that I install PHPMyAdmin on my
workstation or should I be looking for a new internet service provider who
supplies the interface on the server?

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Re: [PHP] MySQL Backup and Restore

2002-07-24 Thread Martin Clifford

With phpMyAdmin, just scroll down until you see the dumping section.  Select the 
appropriate information, tick the save as file box, then Go.  It'll prompt you to 
save the file.  You just use that file, then, as a query to your next database.


 1LT John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/24/02 01:38PM 
I've never had any luck using PHPMyAdmin for dumping databases. They always
time out over the 30 second limit. I know if it was my installation, I could
fix it, but these are usually with hosting companies, where that's the only
access they provide. It's very much a pain in the butt...

---John Holmes...

- Original Message -
From: Justin French [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] MySQL Backup and Restore

 Can highly recommend doing it (and a whole lot more) with phpMyAdmin

 Justin French

 on 24/07/02 1:04 PM, Peter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

  grab ur self a copy of myphpadmin  or use mysqldump or just simply make
  copy of the data dir or grab ur self a copy of mysql_front
  -Original Message-
  From: kip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2002 12:58 PM
  Subject: [PHP] MySQL Backup and Restore
  Can you tell me the steps of backup and restore the databases in Mysql?
  And can i specific a path for the backup file?
  Futhermore, i have installed the MySQL in Win2000 but i don't know how
  restore the database of MySQL from a Linux server to Win2000 MySQL.
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Re: [PHP] Help with msql_fetch_array()

2002-07-24 Thread Martin Clifford

Shouldn't it be:

$result = mysql_query($sql, $link_id);

PHP will be quick to tell you that there is a missing link identifier in the 
mysql_query() call.  It's happened to me plenty of times.  HTH!

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 PHPCoder [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/24/02 02:16PM 
Yes, what on earth was I thinking!
should be:
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
 $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
 } else {
 echo whatever;

Kevin Stone wrote:

You beat me too the punch and I think you explained it better than me, but
just one minor little thing to note.  Where you said..

if ( $result = mysql_query($sql)) 

This is not a valid way to check if the query has returned anything.
mysql_query() returns FALSE on error.  So if there was no error but there
also wasn't anything returned then the object stored in $result wiill more
than likely evaluate to TRUE.  For the determining factor you should count
the number of rows with mysql_num_rows($result).  If the returned value is
zero then you know it hasn't returned anything.


- Original Message -
To: Matthew Bielecki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: php-general [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Help with msql_fetch_array()

I can almost guarantee that it's not the second line that is failing,
the problem here is that $result is not containing naything, and that is
normally due to the fact that you are not connecting to the db, or the
table tablename is not there.

I use the following format as my standard MySQL connect and query


$link = @mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password) or die ('Could
not connect!'); //@ suppresses the default error message generated by
this function and the or die() bit kills the script right then and
there should it not be able to connect.
$sql = select * from your_table_name;
if ( $result = mysql_query($sql)) {  // checks to see if $result
contains anything before it even tries to fetch an associative array
from it.
 $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
} else {
echo Empty result set!;

Note also that I use mysql_fetch_assoc and NOT mysql_fecth_array, as 9
out of 10 times, you don't need the array element id's that is returned
by mysql_fetch_array.

Matthew Bielecki wrote:

I have a couple of scripts that fail with the error of:
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL


resource in...

I'm new to both SQL and PHP and I'm wondering if I have some setting
turned off or what.

Here's the piece of code that is failing (the second line fails):

$result = mysql_db_query($dbname, SELECT * FROM tablename ORDER BY id);
   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

Thanks for your help in advance!!

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Re: [PHP] Hitting return in a textarea box...

2002-07-24 Thread Martin Clifford

I've never had a problem with this.  Even using a textbox with only the required 
parameters works fine as far as hitting the return key to get a newline.  If you're 
talking about hitting the return key to submit, that's something else entirely, hehe.

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Jesse Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/24/02 02:26PM 
I'm putting together a message board, and I'm having
problems with hitting the return(enter) key within my

I've looked around for a solution, I tried
wrap=hard, wrap=soft and wrap=vitual and none of
them worked (should they?  I may have done it wrong?)
and I also tried nohardbreaks and nosoftbreaks, but I
think they may be no longer supported.

Is this a case for regex?  If so, can someone perhaps
point me to an article on how to accomplish this? 
Thanks very much for any help.


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RE: [PHP] RE: create object from variable class.

2002-07-24 Thread Martin Towell

This should work
$object = new $classname;


-Original Message-
From: Michiel ten Hagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 11:17 PM
To: 'Mathieu Dumoulin'
Subject: [PHP] RE: create object from variable class.

Thx for quick reply,

If I use the following:
$object = new {classname};

I get this a parse error:
Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE'
or `'$'' in
/home/sites/ on
line 29

From that I conclude that with this method its not possible to create an
object from a variable class name

Michiel ten Hagen

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Mathieu Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Verzonden: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:11 PM
Onderwerp: Re: create object from variable class.

Simple, you made an error here
You are telling the new operator to look into a variable to get the
classname, to specify the class name as a string do this:

$object = new {$classname};


Ps: I never tried this, but I think it is actually going to work, you
got nthing to lose anyway I guess, takes two seconds to try.

Karel De Groot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Is it possible to create an object from a clas which name is in a
 Example: (doesn't work)
 $object = new ${$classname};

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RE: [PHP] Numbers with leading zero...

2002-07-24 Thread Martin Towell

you could use: printf(%02d, ++$Num);
or if you want to put it back into $Num, use the sprintf() version

-Original Message-
From: vins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 10:44 AM
Subject: [PHP] Numbers with leading zero...


I've got this script that needs to take for examle 02 and increase that to
but when i run the script $Num++; it changes 03 to 3;

is there not a function that adds leading zeros onto a string ?

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Re: [PHP] PHP Meetup, how many of you have signed up?

2002-07-25 Thread Martin Clifford

I've signed up, and I suppose I would qualify for the Washington, DC area, though that 
is not strictly the locale I have setup :o)

As it's new, I'm sure many will be signing up in the coming weeks.  Personally, I can 
hardly wait to sit around and chat with other PHP developers.  Sign up now if you 
haven't all!

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

 Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/25/02 10:15AM 
Top 10 Locales --
Washington DC (9 members)
Amsterdam (7 members)
Leeds, UK (7 members)
London, England (7 members)
Atlanta (5 members)
Manhattan (below 42nd St) (5 members)
Melbourne (5 members)
Oakland-Alameda, CA (4 members)
Nashville, TN (4 members)
St. Louis, MO (4 members)

I am somewhat surprised that there are no more developers in Texas signed
up. In my area it would just be me and one other. I was hoping to get to see
enough to start a users group. There is only a total of 268 signed up

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Re: [PHP] pulling records from mysql

2002-07-25 Thread Martin Clifford

You would need to use SQL to identify which columns and rows you need to retrieve, 
then use various MySQL PHP functions to gather the information.

For your two queries, they would appear thus, respectively:

SELECT firstname FROM tablename WHERE id=16


SELECT firstname FROM tablename ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 15

The functions you'll want to look into are mysql_connect(), mysql_select_db(), 
mysql_query() and mysql_fetch_array().  They can be found at, do a 
search for any one of the functions ;o)



 Tyler Durdin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/25/02 11:18AM 
I have a column in my table named firstname with twenty records in it. How 
can i use php to pull out individual records (say for ex. record 16)? Also, 
how could i pull out all records upto number 15? Thanks in advance.

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Re: [PHP] Paying Job...

2002-07-25 Thread Martin Clifford

resists the urge to debate ethics

Why didn't you just say, Charge by whichever will screw the client the worst.?  


 Tyler Longren [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/25/02 11:44AM 
Charge by which ever will get you the most money.


On Thu, 25 Jul 2002 11:46:38 -0400
Gerard Samuel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Basically, someone is looking to get a database driven site built,
 and Ive never written code for money before.
 Im looking for advice, as to how the experienced coders in here charge
 for their work.
 Do you charge by the page, script or by the hour (that would be nice).
 Thanks for any input you may provide...
 Gerard Samuel 
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Re: [PHP] pulling records from mysql

2002-07-25 Thread Martin Clifford

Yes, that will indeed return the rows specified, but the result is very unstable.  By 
it's nature, MySQL does not have to conform to any sorting method unless you specify 
it.  So it's very good practice when retrieving multiple rows to ALWAYS order them.  
Just my thoughts :o)


 Tech Support [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/25/02 12:09PM 
This query will return only the 16th row

SELECT firstname FROM table_name LIMIT 16, 1

This query will give you all rows up to 15

SELECT firstname FROM table_name LIMIT 1, 15

Jim Grill
Web-1 Hosting 
- Original Message -
From: Tyler Durdin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 10:18 AM
Subject: [PHP] pulling records from mysql

 I have a column in my table named firstname with twenty records in it. How
 can i use php to pull out individual records (say for ex. record 16)?
 how could i pull out all records upto number 15? Thanks in advance.

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RE: [PHP] Using one submit button

2002-04-16 Thread Martin Towell

user price[] as the name
you'll also need to pass the ids as $id[]
so you know which one you're updating

-Original Message-
From: Jennifer Downey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 11:51 AM
Subject: [PHP] Using one submit button

Hi all,

I thought I was going to give php a break today but I can't it's too

I am having a little problem with a submit button in which it is suppose to
update records from a form.

Here is the code

echo BRBRa href=\locker.php\My Locker/a | a
href=\myshop.php\My Shop/a | a href=\items.php\My
width=20%Bfont size=2Image/font/B/TDTD width=30%Bfont
size=2Name/font/B/TDTD width=20%Bfont
size=2CENTERQuantity/CENTER/font/B/TDTD width=30%Bfont
size=2CENTERRemove Item/CENTER/font/B/TDTD width=30%Bfont
echo FORM action='$PHP_SELF' METHOD='post';

 $query = SELECT uid, id, name, image, type, quantity FROM
{$config[prefix]}_shop WHERE uid = {$session[uid]};
 $ret = mysql_query($query);
 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($ret))
 $uid = $row['uid'];
 $id = $row['id'];
 $name = $row['name'];
 $image = $row['image'];
 $iquantity = $row['quantity'];
 $itype = $row['type'];

 echo TD width=20%img src='$image'/TD;
 echo TD width=30%font size=2$name/font/TD;
 echo TD width=20%font
 echo TD width=30%font size=2CENTERa
 echo TD width=30%font size=2CENTERinput type=\text\
value=\\ name=\price\ size='6'
 echo /TD/TR/TABLE;

 echo input=\hidden\ name=\remove\ value=\yes\;
echo CENTERINPUT TYPE=\submit\ NAME=\update\ VALUE=\Updat
echo /form;
 $query = UPDATE {$config[prefix]}_shop SET price = '$price'
where uid = {$session[uid]};
 $ret = mysql_query($query);

What I need this to do is update the price in the db table.
if I have on item it is fine. If I have two items it won't update the first
items price but will the second. if I try to enter a price in the first
items textbox it doesn't update and then deletes the second item's price.

If I have 15 items and using one submit button how do I get this to update
all items that are listed?


The sleeper has awaken

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RE: [PHP] Displaying Results

2002-04-16 Thread Martin Towell

I think you can get everything after the ? in the URL with $QUERY_STRING
but I think that it would be a bit dangerous to just accept what's passed, I
think some checking should be done before you use $QUERY_STRING as is

-Original Message-
From: Jason Soza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Displaying Results

Sorry, I just noticed that the count() function will do at least the 
first part of my question, i.e. SELECT year, COUNT(*) FROM cars GROUP 
BY year

But the second part still has me a bit stumped. I know that you can 
pass a variable using something like script.php?year=1991, but doesn't 
that assume that in your script you have something like:
$query = (SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE year=$year)

So the $year is the only variable that gets replaced by the script.php?
year=1991 you called it with. How could I make it so that the 
entire 'year=$year' part of the query gets replaced by what comes after 
the ? in script.php?year=1991  ?

Thanks in advance 

- Original Message -
From: Jason Soza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 2:49 pm
Subject: [PHP] Displaying Results

 Suppose I want a script that goes into a table, looks up all 
 records in 
 a given field, and groups and displays the results like so:
 match1 (1)
 match2 (5)
 match3 (6)
 So basically it looked at the field 'matches' and found a total of 
 records, 1 record for match1, 5 records for match2, and 6 records 
 match3. It would also be handy for the output to be a link so when 
 clicked on it, it would pass a query on to the database querying 
 just that particular field, like:
 SELECT * FROM table WHERE match=match1
 Can someone point me in the right direction for this? Or show me 
 example script that would accomplish this? Any help would be 
 Thanks a lot!
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RE: [PHP] Nasty DoS in PHP

2002-04-17 Thread Martin Towell


  If this allows a DoS attack, then this is a very real security problem.
 Why should it?  Even if there is a verifiable bug allowing time/memory 
 limits to be exceeded when header() goes into an infinite loop, how could 
 someone exploit this from the outside?  If a scripter is letting any
 web visitor put their script into an infinite loop, then the results are
 *least* as much the scripter's fault as PHP's.  [snip]
 As far as I can tell, the only security problem here is the usual one: 
 figuring out who is clueful enough and responsible enough to be trusted 
 with access to operations which can compromise the server.

A coder could do a lot more damage to a server, than a DoS, if they had
access the PHP. Oh! The fun I would have if I was malicious (but I'm not
BTW). There's more at stake than a simple DoS if someone can upload a PHP
script to a server.

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RE: [PHP] Nasty DoS in PHP

2002-04-17 Thread Martin Towell

Is that memory usage used by PHP or apache?

-Original Message-
From: Jason Soza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 12:35 PM
To: CC Zona
Subject: Re: [PHP] Nasty DoS in PHP

For what it's worth, I just ran this script on my server, and despite 
the 30 second time limit and 8mb memory limit in php.ini, the script 
ran longer than 30 secs, CPU usage went between 60% and 100% and my 
memory usage reached 352000 before I stopped it.

As far as a DoS, I don't think so. A bug? Possibly. Bad coding? Yep. :)

Jason Soza

- Original Message -
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 6:21 pm
Subject: Re: [PHP] Nasty DoS in PHP

 In article p05100304b8e3cee5ab0c@[],
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Archer) wrote:
  At 8:55 PM -0400 17/4/02, Justin Farnsworth wrote:
  This is a rather meaningless thread.  It is a
  security issue that is displaced.
  If PHP is not honoring the time limit and memory usage directives
  when outputting headers, then this is a bug in PHP.
 A big if, since the OP has not yet verified that the time limit 
 memory limit are in effect at the outset of the loop as supposed.  
 else want to test for this scenario?  Someone, that is, who can 
 deliberately bring down their server without getting kicked off 
  If this allows a DoS attack, then this is a very real security 
 Why should it?  Even if there is a verifiable bug allowing 
 limits to be exceeded when header() goes into an infinite loop, 
 how could 
 someone exploit this from the outside?  If a scripter is letting 
 any random 
 web visitor put their script into an infinite loop, then the 
 results are at 
 *least* as much the scripter's fault as PHP's.  Ditto for the 
 scripter who 
 sets the infinite loop himself while allowing the web user to 
 specify what 
 function gets executed in the loop.  And if neither of these is 
 then where's the DoS?  As has already been pointed out, someone 
 down their own server with their own code, isn't a DoS.  It's 
 usually poor 
 coding, and _possibly_ (see above) attributable to a bug, but it's 
 not a 
 As far as I can tell, the only security problem here is the usual 
 figuring out who is clueful enough and responsible enough to be 
 with access to operations which can compromise the server.
 Whether there is a bug or not remains an open question.  I'll be 
 curious to 
 hear whether anyone is able to reproduce a server crash in spite 
 set_time_limit(30) and ini_set(memory_limit,8M) conditions.

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RE: [PHP] need your help

2002-04-17 Thread Martin Towell

is this a local server you're connecting to (as in, on the same machine as
the script)
if it is, then the ip address would prob. need to be and not

-Original Message-
From: Waty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 1:29 PM
Subject: [PHP] need your help


i got error when open the imap:
my code : 

$mail_server =;
$mail_port = 143;
$utg_box =1;
$mail_id = username;
$mail_pass = password;

$open_mail_box = {.$mail_server.:.$mail_port.}INBOX..$utf_box;
$mbox = imap_open($open_mail_box, $mail_id, $mail_pass);

Couldn't open stream {}INBOX.1 

Please help thanks a lot


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RE: [PHP] PHP and Quicktime...

2002-04-17 Thread Martin Towell

you don't need php to do this - use html's embed to do it

-Original Message-
From: Pusta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 3:49 PM
Subject: [PHP] PHP and Quicktime...

Hello all,

I'm new at PHP but learning and loving it.  For a school project, I have to
use PHP to display a video on a web page using QuickTime.  Can anyone point
me to where I can get some info on how to do this?



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[PHP] Open Download-Box

2002-04-18 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! I have a PDF-File, which the user should download (it should not
open in the browser, even if the Adobe-Reader-Pluging is installed). I

 $fd = fopen ($filename, rb);
 $contents = fread ($fd, filesize ($filename));
 fclose ($fd);

 header(Content-type: application/octet-stream);

 echo $contents;

This doesn't work in IE (Version 6, 5 is not tested yet): When I get the
download-box and I choose open instead of save, the download-box
opens again! Then pressing open, everything is okay, but why is the
box opened twice?


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Re: [PHP] Open Download-Box

2002-04-18 Thread Martin Thoma


  header(Content-type: application/pdf);

Thanx, but it doesn't work, too, on IE.
Another effect is, that Netscape now opens it in the broser window instead
of downloding it.

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RE: [PHP] how to popup a new browser window from php

2002-04-18 Thread Martin Towell

use vbscript :P
otherwise no - php = server - [java|vb]script = client

-Original Message-
From: Wo Chang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 9:15 AM
Subject: [PHP] how to popup a new browser window from php

Dear All,

One simple question:

Is there any easy way to popup a new browser from PHP
without using any Javascript?

Any helps would be greatly appreciated.


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[PHP] printer functionality under 4.2

2002-04-19 Thread Dedek Martin


anybody knows how to activate printer functionallity under 4.2 ?? why was it removed 
from the releases afer 4.1 ??



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RE: [PHP] PHP @ 24-hour programming competition

2002-04-21 Thread Martin Towell

Firstly, since you can take in already written code, if you have a lot of
pre-written generic code, that would be good.

 We're really interested in your opinions - is this feasible or
 are we just plain mad? :)

You've probably both - aren't all programmer mad? g

-Original Message-
From: Dennis Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 2:45 AM
To: Visontay Peter; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP @ 24-hour programming competition

This sounds interesting... I am not familiar enought with PHP-GTK to give an
informed opinion.  I think your decision should be based on how familiar
with the tools you take into the contest.Since you are not face with a
lot of time, will your competition be using Visual IDEs to aid the rapid

You may wnat to post to one of the php-gtk-* lists.  They may be able to
address your needs in more detail.

Good luck!!

If you choose to use PHP, please post the results of the contest to the
list.  It should be interesting.

- Original Message -
From: Visontay Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 7:43 PM
Subject: [PHP] PHP @ 24-hour programming competition


 I have quite an unusual problem for you :) There will be a 24-hour
 programming competition at our university, where teams of 3 have one
 day to solve a complex problem (which will be revealed on the day
 of the competition). Teams cannot get help from outside, so no outward
 network / phone communication is available, but you can use anything you
 take there with you (any development tools, books, pre-written software

 The language in which you write the software is up to you, the most
 popular choices being C++ and Java - but this year our team are going
 to use PHP (and PHP-GTK).

 The big question is: will PHP be enough for the whole project, or will
 we need something else (like external C/Java modules)?
 Last year the task was to write an artificially intelligent soccer game
 based on a client-server architecture: there was a server acting like
 some kind of game controller (referee) and 2D display screen, while
 the automated clients (players) were playing individually according
 to the game's rules and some simulated information on what they 'see'
 at the time.

 It's said that it will be something quite different this year -
 but required knowledge includes:
 algorithm theory, information and code theory, artificial intelligence,
 queuing, databases, client-server architectures, computer networks,
 control theory, 2D graphic programming and software ergonomy.
 All this in 24 hours - nice, eh? :)

 So the question again - are there any parts of all this where you think
 PHP will not be enough? (Apart from the graphics, for which we'll use
 PHP-GTK). If so, what kind of outside module integration do you
 recommend for us?
 Also, which PHP sites / resources / code libraries do you think we should
 (recursively) download which might help us a lot? (Apart from,
 of course.)

 We're really interested in your opinions - is this feasible or
 are we just plain mad? :)

 Peter Visontay

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RE: [PHP] Better standards in PHP-coding

2002-04-21 Thread Martin Towell

(Just got back from the weekend)

Just my 2c worth

IMHO, as long as the code is indented properly, it doesn't matter where
the braces are, just be consistant. Personally, I prefer to put the opening
brace on a new line, but I can just as easily read other people's code when
the opening brace is on the same line (as long as it's indented properly).

As for indenting - I prefer using spaces and this ensures that my code will
look the same in someone else's editor as it does in mine. There are people
here, in the company, that use tabs and have set their tabs to be 4 spaces,
I have my tabs set to 8 spaces - really plays havoc when they indent quite a
distant :(

Also, with one line statements, I prefer to place it on the same line as the
statement that requires it (ie, function, if/else, while, do, etc). But,
again, as long as the coder is constant, I find it just as readable when the
statement is on a new line, surrounded by braces or not.

So what I'm basically saying is - choose a style that suits you, and be
_consistant_ with it - oh, and make sure you indent your code, there's
nothing worse than trying to read code that's not indented, or indented all
over the place!


-Original Message-
From: Tom Rogers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Better standards in PHP-coding

I like the following form, not sure how much time gets wasted in parsing 
but it's easy  for me  to follow :)

 if(something else):
 forget it;


At 11:51 AM 21/04/2002, Frank wrote:

The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose

Subject: Uses of block markers in coding

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[PHP] Re: Open Download-Box

2002-04-22 Thread Martin Thoma

 this is a problem of IE, not of PHP.

Year, but since I controll IE with PHP, I thought someone has a


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RE: [PHP] From where was function called?

2002-04-22 Thread Martin Towell

um - (unix) grep   (windows) find files
That's something that I've been wanting for a while - a function call stack
that the php script can look at.

-Original Message-
From: Nico van der Dussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:04 AM
Subject: [PHP] From where was function called?


I'm having a real problem:

In a codeset of more than 5000 lines of code, I have a rogue call to a

Is there a way I can determine in a function from where the call was
made?  (Filename, linenumber etc)



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RE: AW: [PHP] Re: Second opinion needed - javascript blocker

2002-04-22 Thread Martin Towell

What about:
1. getting rid of anything between script and /script.*
2. get rid of any attributes that start with  on and end with a
quotes or space
Maybe I'm forgetting about some valid attributes that start
with on, you might have to cater for them

Does this work?


-Original Message-
From: Leif K-Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: AW: [PHP] Re: Second opinion needed - javascript blocker

Thynks, but I don't want to block html, I want to block javascript!  And
since onmouseover and similar events can be put in any tag, I'm trying to
block them.
on 4/22/02 4:44 PM, J Smith at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Then I'd suggest using the strip_tags() function and define which tags you'd
like to leave untouched.


Red Wingate wrote:

 He might want to use this function but doing so no links or bold underline
 Tags will be destroyed as well.

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RE: [PHP] Unsubscribe?

2002-04-22 Thread Martin Towell

[snip from bottom of msgs]
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-Original Message-
From: Josiah Wallingford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 10:38 AM
Subject: [PHP] Unsubscribe?

How do you unsubscribe to this mailing list?

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RE: [PHP] Why isn't this working? :(

2002-04-22 Thread Martin Towell

 Can someone try to figure out what's wrong with my code?
What are you expecting, and what are you seeing?

-Original Message-
From: Leif K-Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 11:12 AM
Subject: [PHP] Why isn't this working? :(

I have a site where users can sign up.  I have had huge problems with people
using auto-signups, so I tried to stop them with an authentication image.
Someone has since gotten around that.  I highly doubt he is using OCR.  Can
someone try to figure out what's wrong with my code?  Here it is:
Contents of auth_image.php:
$dbh = mysql_connect (MYSERVER, MYUSER, MYPASS);
mysql_select_db (MYDB,$dbh);
$authimage = ImageCreate(40,15);
$white = ImageColorAllocate($authimage, 255, 255, 255);
$black = ImageColorAllocate($authimage, 0, 0, 0);
header(Content-type: image/jpeg);
$getcode = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query(select * from signupcodes where id
= '$id'));

Some code from signup.php:
//I do seed the random number in the header
$code = mt_rand(1000,);
mysql_query(insert into signupcodes(code) values('$code'));
$codeid = mysql_insert_id();
input type=hidden name=codeid value=$codeidimg
bCode from above:/b input type=text name=codebr

At top of proccess_signup.php:
$getcode = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query(select * from signupcodes where id
= '$codeid'));
if($code != $getcode[code]){
die(bError:/b wrong code);

In the middle of process_signup.php, after I've done checks of a few other
 echo You're a member! :Dbra href='/'Back to homepage/a;
mysql_query(delete from signupcodes where id='$codeid') or print 

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RE: [PHP] Interesting Links, can be not PHP

2002-04-22 Thread Martin Towell

it's a bookmark

basically, it's telling the browser to scroll the page down until it finds
the named bookmark

a name=topTop of page/a
a href=#topgo to top/a

clicking on that link will scrol the page to top

in your case, it's a no-name bookmark, and most browsers treat this as
either don't move or top

it's useful when doing onClicks, etc. when you don't want to user to go to
a different page


-Original Message-
From: Mantas Kriauciunas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 5:17 PM
To: PHP General List
Subject: [PHP] Interesting Links, can be not PHP

Hey PHP General List,

  Well i have seen some strange links last few months earlyer i
  didn't look at them because i didn't care... and now i am curious...
  how to understand link like this Http:// and thats
  it... links ends and as it sayes for example it links to Our Works
  page on that website... how to understand that # ? can anybody
  expain? or give link to explanation ?

Have A Nice Day! 
 Mantas Kriauciunas A.k.A mNTKz


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2002-04-23 Thread Martin Towell

I used it for a site I did. The code wasn't doing anything too funky. Just
simple accesses to adodb and also simple form manipulation - worked like a

Although, the database stuff, it converts it the standard PHP functions, but
I had some classes for that, so I still had to manually go through and
change the code

-Original Message-
From: Chuck PUP Payne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 9:38 PM
Subject: [PHP] ASP to PHP

I got a strange request from a client. He wants to be able to take his ASP
pages and move them over to PHP so that he can run them on apache on his
linux server. I saw a tool yesterday ASP2PHP, but I am wanting to know does
it work, how much is lost, is it easy to use? Is there another way to change
ASP file to PHP with out a lot of re-writes?

Chuck Payne

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RE: [PHP] Re: Wich Database abstration layer?

2002-04-23 Thread Martin Towell

I hope we're not going to get into the this db class is better than that
one thread again

-Original Message-
From: Manuel Lemos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 9:28 AM
Subject: [PHP] Re: Wich Database abstration layer?


Javier wrote:
 Can anybody recomend me a nice DB abstraction layer that is not
 included in phplib?

You may want to try looking at Metabase. It assures true database

Manuel Lemos

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RE: [PHP] how to give vars to a php(shell env) script?

2002-04-23 Thread Martin Towell

try setting an environment variable before calling your script

-Original Message-
From: Hermann Bier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 12:34 PM
Subject: [PHP] how to give vars to a php(shell env) script?

Hi NG!

how could i give some vars to a php script, that is directly executed by 
php-parser. for instance:

#!/usr/bin/php -q
echo $SOME_VAR;

is it possible at all?

thanx for advance.

Hermann Bier

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RE: [PHP] SQL Warning

2002-04-23 Thread Martin Towell

or make it

-Original Message-
From: Jason Murray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 1:51 PM
To: 'Jennifer Downey'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] SQL Warning

 Would you please direct your attention to this URL
 Look at the bottom where the big orange commented syntax is 
 and explain what is going on there?


I think this should be


... also, it's handy to actually echo or print the SQL you're
executing, as you will be able to see if the SQL is correct
or not. 

The error on line 14 occurs because you're trying to execute 
mysql_fetch_array on a mysql result set that doesn't exist. 

The most likely reason it doesn't exist is because the SQL is 
wrong. Echo the SQL and you'll find out whats happening.


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RE: [PHP] SQL Warning

2002-04-23 Thread Martin Towell

The reason why I said that is 'cause the array was inside quotes, so quoting
again would break out of the original quotes

-Original Message-
From: Miguel Cruz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 2:03 PM
To: Jason Murray
Subject: RE: [PHP] SQL Warning

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Jason Murray wrote:
 I think this should be

Those are equivalent.


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