Re: Solo Safe

2012-02-28 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Eric,
find the solo for that track and move mouse there and command click using 
your mouse for the click.
Talk soon

On Feb 28, 2012, at 1:41 PM, Eric Lambier wrote:

 Hey all!
 Anyone tell me how to solo safe with key commands?

Re: Protools busy and interacting?

2012-02-28 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi John,
You half to resize your Track List Table
At this point you need sighted assistance but after you drag the Track List 
Table over to the right about 30 % every thing works.
Just like Outspoken! ;)
I work from several templates with this done and wow is it quick! :)

On Feb 28, 2012, at 12:49 PM, John Boral wrote:

 Hey all, I just read something that said you don't have to interact in
 order to select tracks. That's not working for me in PT HD9. If I use
 VO space on a track in either the mix or edit window I get nothing but
 the error beep. I can select tracks by interacting but it does take
 much longer. I do have both link edit and scroll checked in options.
 The biggest problem now is PT saying Protools busy and never stopping.
 Usually when I get to around 20 or 30 minutes of using PT it says
 Protools busy and won't stop. I have to force quit and restart the
 entire machine to get it back.

Re: Solo Safe

2012-02-28 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Sean,
Just need a magic mouse i guess! :)
Let me get this straight;
Your saying this moves the Track List Table?
Or do this to solo safe the solo button?

Talk soon

On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:54 PM, Sean A. Cummins wrote:

 I found that if you swipe your finger lightly from right, to left across the 
 magic mouse, it moves the view over and put the items in their proper places. 
  Don't move the mouse, just swipe across the clicker from right, to left.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:40 PM
 Subject: Re: Solo Safe
 I'm not sure about solo safeing any other way! But there might be? any body 
 VO space bar ONLY works for me after you resize the Track List Table in 
 the mix window.
 I must say again  you should move the Track List Table 30% over to the right 
 so the track names are more visually exposed for all the PT commands to work 
 in the Track List Table.
 You need sighted assistance to grab the gray bar located at the top right 
 of the Track List Table!
 Thats why i use pt templates with this already done!
 On Feb 28, 2012, at 3:29 PM, John Boral wrote:
  Hi Chuck, is there any way of solo safe toggle without the mouse? Also, you 
  posted that you were able to  select tracks without interaction by VO space 
  on the actual track. Is that still working for you, not working with PT HD9.

Re: Solo Safe

2012-02-28 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Eric,
Use the real mouse.
Step #1 find the solo you want to solo safe.
Step#2 move the mouse to it just in case.
Step #3 hold down the command key.
Step #4 while holding down the command click the old mouse! ;)
Do the same to unprotect it.



On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:38 PM, Eric Lambier wrote:

 Hi there
 Not sure exactly what you mean. I can find the solo no problem but do you 
 mean use a real mouse? What do you mean by command click? I know that a mouse 
 click is VO shift spacebar. Is that what you mean?
 On 2012-02-28, at 2:43 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
 Hi Eric,
 find the solo for that track and move mouse there and command click using 
 your mouse for the click.
 Talk soon
 On Feb 28, 2012, at 1:41 PM, Eric Lambier wrote:
 Hey all!
 Anyone tell me how to solo safe with key commands?

Re: Solo Safe

2012-02-28 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi John,
 the gray bar is just outside the Track List Table at the top right.
Any body could do it! ;)
As for making a Template once you get a PT session configured how you like 
select Save As Template … from the file menu.
Tip before i would do this make a templates folder where Avid stores its 
templates for future accessibility of your custom templates.
There are STILL not accessible parts of the PT app so this makes it faster.
As for the mp3 i just use itunes and have it set for mp4 which is a little bit 

On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:03 PM, John Boral wrote:

 Hi again Chuck, thanks much for the tip. Can you just step me through
 anything I'd have to tell a sighted person about? Is this something a
 girlfriend can do or does it have to be someone who knows about how
 tracks look. Can I just tell her to look for the gray bar at the right
 corner and drag it a little bit? Any non-engineer suggestions for a
 normal person to do this would be appreciated. Yes, I'll save it
 once I have it. I assume it's the same way as in the old version
 whereby you use the get info and check stationary pad or is it
 different these days? One more question off topic, is there a good MP3
 converter that's super quick and easy without bells and whistles? Many
 times I have to convert wav to MP3 and back and I don't know what the
 best way of doing that with VO is. I'm currently using a PC for that
 because I was using SoundJam on the Mac but it can't convert anything
 24 bit.

Re: Authorising Pro Tools

2012-02-28 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi David  Nick,
May be its the garget note LOL
But seriously folks Hook up the ilok with out running pt and go to the ilok 
site and make sure you see the ilok and look at the licenses for it just to 
make sure it is cool! :)


On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:29 PM, Nick Gawronski wrote:

 Hi, If you bought a boxed version of pro tools you don't need an ilok account 
 as the ilok you will have received will have the proper license already on it 
 so you should just be able to plug it in and run pro tools just fine.  This 
 is what I did and things are working fine now.  You will need someone to help 
 you enter in the serial numbers from the card that came with the boxed 
 version to register it with avid but you only need to do this once and you 
 should receive an email from avid that tells you you registerd the program.  
 Hope this helps.  Nick Gawronski
 On 2/28/2012 2:49 PM, David Eagle wrote:
 Hi, I really can't believe I've had ProTools now for 5 months and still 
 haven't got it authorised yet. I havne' really put much effort into 
 resolving the issue but I've decided that I really need to get it sorted.
 I installed it successfully and updated it fine in order to use it on Lion. 
 It came with an Ilok that is apparently authorised. But when I attempt to 
 authorise using the Liscnce card option it fails and says that there is no 
 license on the ILok. I have to the best of my knowledge installed the Ilok 
 software. I have not registered this particular ILok because there was 
 nothing in the manual about having to do anything. I already use an Ilok for 
 Ivory and was hoping to be able to download a licence on to that but the 
 manual suggests that I need to use the authorised ILok.
 Incidentally if I try to authorise with the alternative option to the 
 license card option I get something called a challenge which is a series of 
 random words. Goodness knows what that's all about.
 Any ideas?

Re: a couple of questions before getting started with protools

2012-02-25 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Nick,
I agree we need to go to places around where we live if avid is going to be 
showing off pro tools 10 and show them the accessibility issues as the more 
they see the issues we are having learning or using it they could improve their 
documentation most importantly VoiceOver implementation  being an on going 
part of Avid.

My contacts   inside Avid suggest the same thing including using Avid tech 
support channels to raise the VoiceOver flag!
This is not just Chuck raving this is real people inside Avid saying this!
Lets get busy! ;)


On Feb 24, 2012, at 9:23 PM, Nick Gawronski wrote:

 Hi, I have the mac book pro 17 inch and yes you should upgrade the ram to 8 
 gigs it will cost you a little but it is well worth it.  I myself upgraded 
 the ram and I say it is best to get it done at an early stage then a later 
 one when you really need the memory.  I agree that more for the blind user 
 using pro tools 10 needs to be produced as from reading the manuals with my 
 copy sometimes it is not very clear how to always do something the blind way 
 even if some keyboard commands are given.  I would so buy a complete tutorial 
 made in audio of using pro tools for the blind if one existted.  I also think 
 we need to go to places around where we live if avid is going to be showing 
 off pro tools 10 and show them the accessibility issues as the more they see 
 the issues we are having learning or using it they could improove their 
 documentation and their software for everyone.  Nick Gawronski
 On 2/24/2012 6:16 AM, Brian Howerton wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am getting ready to take the mac plunge, and I was wondering what
 people might would recommend.  I am looking at getting the macbook pro
 with the 15-inch monitor, and the quad cor i7 processor but upgrading
 the drive to 8 gigs.  Was kind of wondering what people are using who
 are using the macbook pros for recording.  Also, I have been doing
 alot of reading on the voiceover screenreader getting the commands
 under my belt before I purchase the mac so I won't have such a huge
 learning curve ahead of me.  My question on the protools side of
 things is this:  I know that Kevin Reeves has done 3 great podcasts on
 using protools with voiceover, but I was wondering if anyone has
 written any guides as far as using protools with voiceover or are
 there any other podcast tutorials out there.  I thought maybe that was
 in the works, that someone was writing the textbooks for the protools
 certification courses so that blind people could take those courses as
 well.  Just was wondering what is out there  to learn the program with
 voiceover if anything.  Thank you for your help,

Re: a couple of questions before getting started with protools

2012-02-25 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Slau,
Give a call if you want. :)

In GOD I Trust

On Feb 25, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

 Still waiting for an answer, Chuck.

Re: Hopefully not OT: MIDI Setup Window

2012-02-23 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Chris  Gordon,
Yes the apple  AMS is whack!
Although there are some work arounds after you get it set up.
I've been letting Apple tech support know through my apple care coverage 
about this problem for the past 2 years at least.

They said it can be fixed,  but I guess not  enough of us take the time to let 
them know! ;)
I use external midi gear all the time so its usable once its set up! :)
PT comes  with MIDNAM files for my Kurzweil K2500X and my Roland Fantom-x6 and 
tons more so once you get past the AMS set up your cool! ;)
Give me a call for more details.
In GOD I Trust


On Feb 23, 2012, at 10:00 AM, Gordon Kent wrote:

 Well, you’re right.  We can’t do much there.  You’ll need sighted assistance 
 to select the right midi configuration for the equipment you’re using.  I 
 think the midi studio is pretty much a legacy ap on the mac and therefore 
 does not have the right coding for voice over.
 From: Chris Norman
 Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 4:57 AM
 To: Pro Tools Access
 Subject: Hopefully not OT: MIDI Setup Window
 Hiya all,
 I'm trying to set up DAW Remote to work with Pro Toosl, and for one of the 
 steps, I have to go into the Audio / MIDI configuration, and make it 
 networkable, but that window seems to not have much in it, except the items 
 in the toolbar, and an empty scroll area. Anyone got any thoughts on this?
 Take care,
 Chris Norman
 Email and MSN:
 Feel free to follow my music, either by following @cnproject on Twitter 
 (, or by liking my Facebook page at

Re: count in problem fixed ; delay compensation

2012-02-21 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Kevin,
Make sure that delay compensation is set to none in your Playback Engine 
… WHILE tracking.

The other day I was doing a dub for this keyboard player and I always record a 
midi track and audio track.
I had the delay compensation set to long from the last mix i did on that song 
and the play back was very wonky! :)
Out of time! :)
I am using pt 9.3 BTW


On Feb 20, 2012, at 10:39 AM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

 There's a weird midi issue with Pro Tools that I have noticed as well. I 
 didn't have this problem in Pro Tools 5, but I am seeing this in Pro tools 8 
 and beyond. I play in time, but when I play it back it definitely drifts from 
 the click or seems rushed. I don't have this problem in garageband. So 
 something wonky with the way PT is processing midi. It's very strange.

Re: What VoiceOver friendly applications can Control several CD/DVD burners to run a small cd/dvd duplication configuration?

2012-01-23 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Nektarios,
Thanks for the reply. :)
I found out toast 11 does multiple burners  I might take a chance on the new 
possibilities for accessibility.
I have toast 8 so the jump wont break me! LOL
I can see my 2 drives in LaCie LightScribe Labeler Version 1.2.2
But I have not found the silver bullet yet! ;)
I saw several posts on the net of doing the same thing I am attempting.

here is a snip from tech support letter I am going to send to lacie below. BTW 
I have been talking with Lacie for several years about VoiceOver issues!

I am using a Mac Pro running Snow Leopard Version 10.6.8
and LaCie LightScribe Labeler Version 1.2.2
The Lacie site says this can be done but so far I can't get The LaCie 
LightScribe Labeler to simultaneously Burn the Label on the cds.
Here is an excerpt from the  Lacie site below;
Save Time Chain Several LightScribe Drives together to create your own 
LightScribe duplication unit. LaCie LightScribe Labeler makes it easy to print 
simultaneously on several USB or FireWire LaCie LightScribe drives.
What steps are necessary  to do this? :)

Talk soon

On Jan 23, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

 I have almost the same problem and the short answer is none.
 No suitable program for this task is voice over friendly. 
 Tost isn't accessible ither. 
 And before anyone else starts replying before even reading the question, 
 which is very common on this list these days, no, burn and simply burns won't 
 do the job. 
 On Jan 22, 2012, at 12:40 AM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
 What VoiceOver friendly applications can Control several CD/DVD burners to 
 run  a small cd/dvd duplication configuration?
 Hi List,
 I have 2 LaCie Fire Wire 400 d2 DVD±RW 22x with LightScribe
 Burners and I am looking to ad on several more to set up a small cd/dvd 
 duplication configuration.
 What VoiceOver friendly apps will do this? : 
 I heard that Toast can do this?
 The Lacie site says this can be done but so far I can't get The LaCie 
 LightScribe Labeler to simultaneously Burn the Label on the cds.
 Here is an excerpt from the  Lacie site below;
 Save Time Chain Several LightScribe Drives together to create your own 
 LightScribe duplication unit. LaCie LightScribe Labeler makes it easy to 
 print simultaneously on several USB or FireWire LaCie LightScribe drives.
 What VoiceOver friendly apps will do this For my PT clients? ;)
 Any info would be appreciated!
 In GOD I Trust

Re: Avid Virtual instrument

2012-01-17 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Gord,
They must have improved xpand in PT 10! :)
The xpand I have in PT 9.3 reminds me of my old MIDI modules from the 1990s! LOL
Although just last week I found 16 Genetic Double Bass.tfx and client loved 
the Acoustic String bass ;)
Talk soon

On Jan 17, 2012, at 12:42 PM, Gordon Kent wrote:

 The instruments are not bad, especially the xpand which is sort of a Swiss 
 Army knife with drums, bass, guitars, etc.  The vacuum is a grungy synth, and 
 the boom is a drum loop player that is triggered from midi.  The piano isn’t 
 bad either.  I just wish we could use structure free but it is totally 
 inaccessible with VO.  It really has a lot ofsampled instruments as well as 
 regualar synths. 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 11:59 AM
 Subject: Re: Avid Virtual instrument
 Hi Nick,
 Is avid virtual instrument usable in a professional studio?
 Hi Quality?
 Whats in the package?
 In GOD I Trust
 talk soon
 On Jan 17, 2012, at 11:37 AM, Nick Gawronski wrote:
 Hi, that plugin is included with pro tools 10.  I like the fact that all of 
 the manuals are in pdf format so they are readible with a screen reader.  
 Nick Gawronski
 On 1/17/2012 8:57 AM, Monkey Pusher wrote:
 So  I am finally getting around to downloading PT 10 and  there is
 also a download for avid virtual instrument 10. Is that a plug in that
 s included in the PT10 uprage or is that something else i would  have
 to purchase seperately?

Re: software for noise reduction

2012-01-12 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
This is the best Noice remover I've heard so far ;)
I have been using X-noise for the last 10 years and its paid for it self many 
times over!
Last year i added Z-Noise here is a small blurbb from Z-Noise manual below

Waves Z-Noise
Waves Z-Noise is a single-ended broadband noise reduction audio processor. It 
very effectively reduces noise while preserving the highest audio quality. 
Superficially, Z-Noise works like other broadband noise reduction processors 
which use a noise profile, or noise print, to differentiate valid signal from 
noise. However, Z-Noise uses intelligent multi-level decision algorithms to 
maximize noise reduction with minimum unwanted artifacts. Plus, Z-Noise uses a 
more musical band spilt method for more natural results throughout the sound 
Z-Noise is ideal for removing additive noise such as tape hiss, vinyl surface 
damage, wind, air conditioner and ventilation system noise. Z-Noise offers 
several improvements, including:
• Z-Noise works on the complete frequency spectrum, thus high-frequency hiss 
and low-frequency rumble can be removed in the same pass. It is a truly 
broadband noise removal tool.

Waves X-Noise

Talk soon

Chuck Reichel

On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:30 PM, Stefan Albertshauser wrote:

 Hi all,
 Does anyone of you use a software for noise reduction? At the moment, I'm 
 trying isotope RX 2. Nearly all modules are accessible from pro tools, but 
 the spectral repair, where you can eliminate certain noises, such as the 
 noise of a car, isn't accessible.
 Any ideas?

Re: strange behavior and a AudioSuitequestion

2012-01-08 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Stefan,
Your correct.
When using AudioSuite
 do this first!
Back up your session.
Duplicate the play list for the track.
Until you get use to the numbering of play lists give it a unique name like 
Pitch shifted vocal.
Now if you don't like the result you can select the play list previously used 
and delete the play list that you processed and be back to clean track.
You could also rename the selected region for faster identification just in 
case other options half to be used. :)

If you rename the region choose name region and disk file  radio button
And then go to your audio folder for the pt session you're working in and find 
the region you renamed and import the audio   back in to your session.
I'AM sure others on the list could fill in the blanks about executing  this 
option! ;)
It sounds like from what you described that going to your audio folder for the 
pt session and grabbing the original audio before processing   is the option. 
For you.


 In GOD I Trust


On Jan 7, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Stefan Albertshauser wrote:

 You misunderstood me. I didn't insert the plugin in the mixer with inserts. I 
 inserted it with the Audio suite Menu. This is slightly different. You can 
 switch between plugins, but there isn't a menu item, that says none as it 
 is in the inserts menu.
 Thanks Stefan
 Am Jan 7, 2012 um 10:33 PM schrieb CHUCK REICHEL:
 Hi Stefan,
 I strongly recommend that you work with the Pro Tools Templates until you 
 get your Avid legs firmly beneath you! :)
 As for the  remove an audio suite plugin from a session Just select no 
 insert from the contextual menu,  for the insert you want to get rid of and 
 that will clear it.
 On Jan 7, 2012, at 3:55 PM, Stefan Albertshauser wrote:
 I watched the whole thing again. The Click track is always added, when I 
 open a new session with the setting create blank session. I only see the 
 track list, when I add some more tracks. After that, I can delete the 
 click. I don't know, why the Click is added. I contacted my dealer and he 
 also said, that this is strange. 
 Another thing, I would like to know is, how I can remove an audio suite 
 plugin from a session.  I tried the isotope voice reduction and chose wrong 
 settings. The sound is a bit artificial and I don't like it. But I forgot 
 to undo this editing.
 Can you help me?
 Am Jan 4, 2012 um 5:30 AM schrieb Slau Halatyn:
 If the click track doesn't appear, where are you seeing it? Are you sure 
 it's not in the track list? You do realize that, if there's only item in 
 the list, it will appear as though nothing is there when you interact with 
 the table. Try using Control-Option-m as soon as you get into that table. 
 You should see your contextual menu options for deleting the click.
 BTW, if you're creating a blank session, there's no reason for a click 
 track to appear.
 On Jan 3, 2012, at 8:47 PM, Stefan Albertshauser wrote:
 Hi Slau,
 Thanks, but I still create a blank session. The Click doesn't appear in 
 the track list, so I can't delete it.
 Thanks Stefan
 Am Jan 3, 2012 um 8:09 PM schrieb Slau Halatyn:
 Hi stefan,
 If you're using a template to create a new file, perhaps a click track 
 is already part of the template. You can always delete the click track 
 or create a new template or even start from a blank session in the 
 create dialog.
 To toggle the insertion following the palyback, use Control-n. There's 
 also a checkbox in the Preferences window for that option in case you 
 foget the shortcut.
 Haven't tried version 10 so I can't comment on clip automation but I'd 
 guess it's not quite accessible.
 On Jan 3, 2012, at 2:01 PM, Stefan Albertshauser wrote:
 Hi all,
 I connected a mackie universal pro and now, if I create a new session, 
 a click track appears, although I didn't create one. Also, if I hit 
 stop after recording or playing, the insertion point doesn't go back to 
 the beginning of the session. It stays, where I stopped.
 Another question is, if the clipp gain in pro tools 10 is accessible. 
 Has anyone tried this out?
 In GOD I Trust

Re: strange behavior and a question

2012-01-07 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Stefan,
I strongly recommend that you work with the Pro Tools Templates until you get 
your Avid legs firmly beneath you! :)
As for the  remove an audio suite plugin from a session Just select no insert 
from the contextual menu,  for the insert you want to get rid of and that will 
clear it.


On Jan 7, 2012, at 3:55 PM, Stefan Albertshauser wrote:

 I watched the whole thing again. The Click track is always added, when I open 
 a new session with the setting create blank session. I only see the track 
 list, when I add some more tracks. After that, I can delete the click. I 
 don't know, why the Click is added. I contacted my dealer and he also said, 
 that this is strange. 
 Another thing, I would like to know is, how I can remove an audio suite 
 plugin from a session.  I tried the isotope voice reduction and chose wrong 
 settings. The sound is a bit artificial and I don't like it. But I forgot to 
 undo this editing.
 Can you help me?
 Am Jan 4, 2012 um 5:30 AM schrieb Slau Halatyn:
 If the click track doesn't appear, where are you seeing it? Are you sure 
 it's not in the track list? You do realize that, if there's only item in the 
 list, it will appear as though nothing is there when you interact with the 
 table. Try using Control-Option-m as soon as you get into that table. You 
 should see your contextual menu options for deleting the click.
 BTW, if you're creating a blank session, there's no reason for a click track 
 to appear.
 On Jan 3, 2012, at 8:47 PM, Stefan Albertshauser wrote:
 Hi Slau,
 Thanks, but I still create a blank session. The Click doesn't appear in the 
 track list, so I can't delete it.
 Thanks Stefan
 Am Jan 3, 2012 um 8:09 PM schrieb Slau Halatyn:
 Hi stefan,
 If you're using a template to create a new file, perhaps a click track is 
 already part of the template. You can always delete the click track or 
 create a new template or even start from a blank session in the create 
 To toggle the insertion following the palyback, use Control-n. There's 
 also a checkbox in the Preferences window for that option in case you 
 foget the shortcut.
 Haven't tried version 10 so I can't comment on clip automation but I'd 
 guess it's not quite accessible.
 On Jan 3, 2012, at 2:01 PM, Stefan Albertshauser wrote:
 Hi all,
 I connected a mackie universal pro and now, if I create a new session, a 
 click track appears, although I didn't create one. Also, if I hit stop 
 after recording or playing, the insertion point doesn't go back to the 
 beginning of the session. It stays, where I stopped.
 Another question is, if the clipp gain in pro tools 10 is accessible. Has 
 anyone tried this out?

In GOD I Trust

Re: Transfering tapes to digital.

2012-01-07 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Stephen,
Use PT and after transferring them  insert a noise reduction plug like waves 
x-noise and some mastering plugs and   bounce them.
If they are important tapes its worth the time!

On Jan 7, 2012, at 4:36 PM, Stephen Martin wrote:

 I would like to rip my old tapes to a digital medium. My only question is 
 what do you guys recommend using on the mac. I could use  pro tools and split 
 them up into regions and export each reagion as a different file. Figured 
 this would be quicker since Pro TOols only does a real time render and that 
 could get  more time consuming. Any other apps you guys would recommend that 
 would make this task easier? Garage Band, Amadeus Pro etc.

Re: transport window in Protools

2012-01-03 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Jørgen,
Just Hit Command 1 on the num pad.
You will hear something like this.
Transport Checked.
Then start exploring! :)
Chuck Reichel

On Jan 3, 2012, at 3:20 PM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen wrote:

 Hi All
 Where can i find the transport window in Protools, One of my sighted friends 
 tell me, that i should find the transport window, but i can't find that.
 Best regards

Re: Autotune 7

2011-12-30 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Chris,
Contact Henrik He has been very Helpful and Knows about VoiceOver issues.


Antares Audio Technologies

They will extend the demo period from 10 days to 30 days at least thats what he 
told me.
I think I payed $169.00 for upgrade from auto-tune 4.
They would know about controller info.
YMMV Talk soon

On Dec 30, 2011, at 5:09 AM, Chris Norman wrote:

 Hiya mate, I'm using the Euphonix MC2 control surface, not sure if I got the 
 name right, but can I control the parameters from the keyboard? are they 
 accessible enough for that?
 Take care,
 Chris Norman
 Email and MSN:
 Skype [and iChat]: chris.norman7[]
 Follow my music on Facebook:
 Or on Twitter:
 The Chris Norman Project's Youtube channel can be found at:
 On 29 Dec 2011, at 19:34, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 Yes it works.
 Here are the   parameter lay outs for a control/24 with abbreviations listed 
 I think they should match your controller if not let me know!
 Contact me off list for more stuff! :)
 Control 24 control surface for Auto-Tune 7 + Time
 01 Inpu  Input Type
 02 Trac  Tracking
 03 Key   Key
 04 Scal  Scale
 05 Detu  Detune
 06 Tran  Transpose
 07 Leng  Throat Length
 08 Form  Use formants
 09 blank
 10 Retu  Retune speed
 11 Huma  Humanize
 12 NatV  Natural Vibrato
 13 IgnV  Ignore Vibrato
 14 Targ  Target notes via MIDI
 15 Octa  MIDI Octaves
 16 blank
 17 VSha  Vibrato shape
 18 VRat  Vibrato rate
 19 VVar  Vibrato variation
 20 VDel  V.Onset delay
 21 VOnR  V.Onset rate
 22 VPit  VIbrato pitch
 23 VAmp  Vibrato amplitude
 24 VFor  Vibrato formant
 No Mapping for:
 Master Bypass
 YMMV ;)
 On Dec 29, 2011, at 3:48 AM, Chris Norman wrote:
 Hiya All,
 Before I go ahead and buy this software, can I just check:
 I'm sure I saw a message about it, and that it was accessible etc, I'm
 going to try it myself, but what do people think? is it worth the $300
 that it's going to cost me or not?
 Take care,
 Chris Norman.
 !-- --

Re: midi quantize

2011-12-26 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Gord,
In regards to the MIDI Quantize Questions.
Before I stopped exploring the quantize window I found a work around if I 
remember correctly.
If you VO shift click on the field and enter what you want you can't see the 
change but its there! YMMV
Also There some options when saving the settings that become Visible by 
voiceOver when using the save quantize with file option.
BTW after saving them they appear in the pull down for quantize window.
What i did was to name the saved file with the quantize strength in the name 
and just pick that one out of the popup presets pulldown.
Before any body gets their Christmas stocking out of alinement this is to the 
best of my recollection at this time, but there are some work arounds!

My avid contacts say to Keep raising the VoiceOver awareness issues
Of course we all should do this in an professional manor Just like any other 
big company they need to know what is going on in the real world!

PS this Statement is directly from them not my self!!!
Merry Christmas all! :)

In GOD I Trust

On Dec 25, 2011, at 10:53 PM, Gordon Kent wrote:

 Yeah that’s what I thought.  The lack of midi access is really one of the key 
 reasons why we can’t totally depend on PT for all our professional production 
 needs.  Let’s hope that logic becomes viable.
 From: Bryan Smart
 Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 5:12 PM
 Subject: Re: midi quantize
 Gord, Kevin and I spent a lot of time playing with the MIDI processing 
 dialogs, like quantize, all the way back in 8.04, and couldn't get any of the 
 additional parameters other than the ghrid to work. As far as I know, it 
 isn't possible for you to adjust the swing, the strength, limit quantizing to 
 notes with a certain velocity level, etc.
 Another annoying limitation in the MIDI department.
 On Dec 20, 2011, at 1:07 AM, Gordon Kent wrote:
 Has anybody had any success using the midi quantize settings dialog?  I can 
 quantize a selection but I haven’t figured out how to adjust the amount of 
 swing.  I see two fields next to the swing button that say 0 and 100.  Are 
 we supposed to drag some sort of arrow in betweenthose values to get a value 
 like 30 or so to get a subtle swing feel?

Re: Auto-Tune 7 is working with PT 9.3!

2011-12-06 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Gord,
Thats funny! I Must have missed that post!
Before I upgraded from my old Auto-tune TDM version I posted on this list 
specifically asking if Auto-Tune 7
Was working with PT 9 and had absolutely no CLEAR responses!
Is Learn Scale From MIDI showing up on your controller?
It's not showing up on my Control/24!
I called AT tech support and they are looking in to it.
They seem to be very helpful there.

Talk soon
In GOD I Trust

On Dec 6, 2011, at 1:15 AM, Gordon Kent wrote:

 Yeah, I posted that a while ago.  It shows just how good a plug can work for 
 us if it is coded properly.
 Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 9:00 PM
 Subject: Auto-Tune 7 is working with PT 9.3!
 Just wanted to give a heads up on
 Auto-Tune 7!
 So far  using Auto-Tune 7 in the audio suite  version, is very accessible.
 All the parameters that I tried seem to work fine.
 The TDM version of Auto-Tune 7 works good with a Controller.
 Garget Notes Via MIDI :)  AKA Target Notes Via MIDI On  off button can  be 
   accessed only from a Controller as far as I know,
 Its extremely cool for those special T paine effects:)
 I have not tried the new time stretching feature yet!
 There is a training video using
 Auto-Tune 7,  that is actually pretty good from
 its called AT7Explained (
 Its on sale for $24.95 till end of the year.
 They also have PT videos.
 Here is the  info from my contact with them.
 Thanks for being a Groove 3 customer and don't hesitate to let us know if you 
 have any questions or comments. We can be reached at and 
 by phone at 1-800-460-7509 during normal business hours. 
 Talk soon
 YMMV :)
 Chuck Reichel

In GOD I Trust

Re: took the plunge to pt10

2011-11-02 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Guys,
Have you guys let Avid know about the stuff that is not working yet?
especially The channel
The Squeaky wheel gets the voiceOver working! :)



On Nov 2, 2011, at 10:25 AM, Monkey Pusher wrote:

 Bummer, i recently purchased an upgrade as  well mainly since lion is
 on all my macs and i was  hoping it would bring an end to the
 ocasional crash or other issue i have  with 9.05 on lion. The channel
 strip is one one feature i was looking forward to using , but i guess
 i'll have to stick to the plugs that has worked for me  thus far on
 that one. I think the new plug in format is supposed to bring 64 bit
 support to PT plug ins.
 On 11/1/11, Gordon Kent wrote:
 Well, I got pt 10, why, because it was there.  That being said, I really
 wanted to use the channel strip.  It is not accessible with VO.  The one good
 thing so far is that it does let you record to interleave files, so that
 they are true stereo wav files. They are going to start using a new plug-in
 format for some reason.  I think that it may be doing a bit better at
 assigning the busses to the outputs and labeling them properly.  Also, if
 you have some new proprietary controller it is supposed to give you support
 to a whole host of functions.  I haven't really explored it fully.  One
 thing though is that if you change any routing you need to save in the newer
 format which I guess will not be backward compatible.  I thought we would be
 getting some new instrument content but I really didn't see anything
 different after installing it.  I just wish the strip was accessible;le.
 -Original Message-
 From: Slau Halatyn
 Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 5:53 PM
 Subject: Re: Authorising ProTools
 Some installers are quirky in the way VoiceOver interacts with them. Try
 routing the mouse pointer to the VO cursor and performing a mouse click
 either with a physical mouse or with the VO-Shift-Space Bar.
 On Nov 1, 2011, at 5:48 PM, David Eagle wrote:
 Hi, I've finally got round to trying to get ProTools installed on the Mac
 after having it since July, but I can't authorise it because I have no way
 of unchecking the use Licence card option. I press VO space on it and it
 says unchecked but when I shift tab the tab to it again it tells me that
 it's still checked. There seems no way to uncheck the box using VO. Also
 weirdly, none of the buttons like authorise, back, next, quit etc work
 with VO space; you have to press enter on them in spite of VO telling you
 to press VO space.
 Any ideas; or do I need to get someone sighted to do this for me?

Re: Authorising ProTools

2011-11-01 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Slau,
Sighted assistance is definitely required!
It would be nice is this was fixed!
Any movement about VoiceOver at the AES show?
Since PT 10 is out they should have some techs laying around looking for 
something to do! :)

Talk soon

Talk soon

On Nov 1, 2011, at 5:53 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

 Some installers are quirky in the way VoiceOver interacts with them. Try 
 routing the mouse pointer to the VO cursor and performing a mouse click 
 either with a physical mouse or with the VO-Shift-Space Bar.
 On Nov 1, 2011, at 5:48 PM, David Eagle wrote:
 Hi, I've finally got round to trying to get ProTools installed on the Mac 
 after having it since July, but I can't authorise it because I have no way 
 of unchecking the use Licence card option. I press VO space on it and it 
 says unchecked but when I shift tab the tab to it again it tells me that 
 it's still checked. There seems no way to uncheck the box using VO. Also 
 weirdly, none of the buttons like authorise, back, next, quit etc work 
 with VO space; you have to press enter on them in spite of VO telling you to 
 press VO space. 
 Any ideas; or do I need to get someone sighted to do this for me? 

Re: Ideal mac for recording/editing/mixing

2011-10-22 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Brian,
Does Avid now support SSD?
Talk soon

On Oct 22, 2011, at 4:34 PM, Brian Casey wrote:

Could you put an SSD as one of the drives...I assume they don't have  
heating issues as they don't have moving parts...although, again, I  
don't know much abou  these things so I could be completely wrong  


From: Nickus de Vos
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 8:23 PM
To: Pro Tools Accessibility
Subject: Re: Ideal mac for recording/editing/mixing

Wow sounds cool but does the MBP motherboard do fine with the 2 hard

Kevin Reeves wrote:
You can still have 2 hard drives with the macbook. OWC sells this  
device called the Data doubler. It's a mounting bracket that fits  
in the Macbook Pro in place of the optical drive. This lets you  
add a second hd in the machine. As far as the optical drive you  
just pulled out, you can then mount it into an external drive  
enclosure designed for laptop dvd drives. Then, you've got your 2  
hd's and your dvd drive as an external when you need it.

Chuck Reichel

Re: Auto-Tune V7 Garget Note

2011-10-18 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi David,
Could you tell me what exactly is a Garget Note?
I just got off the phone with Henrik from  antarestech   and He  said  
you must mean Target note because the term   Garget Note  does not  

What page of the Autotune manual is this located on?
I would love to learn about it and get back in the loop!
Feel free to contact me off list if you want.
Here is contact info for Antares Audio Technologies


Antares Audio Technologies



On Oct 17, 2011, at 1:59 PM, David Eagle wrote:

No, I meant Garget Note. You're obviously too far out of the loop! :)

On 17 Oct 2011, at 17:44, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi David,
What is a Garget note? LOL
Do you mean Target note?
Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:01 PM, David Eagle wrote:

So does that mean we have access to the Garget Notes Via Midi  
option Gord?

As for the question regarding how to get to the parameters, I  
can't answer that because I'm not using ProTools at the moment. I  
will be very shortly though.


On 17 Oct 2011, at 13:12, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Kevin,
You are accurate now!

Melodyne is useless except in stand alone mode!
I am still thinking about upgrading my Autotune to Autotune 7, as  
waves Tune for pitch correction is still inches away from being  
VoiceOver friendly!
BTW I got my PT 9. upgrade from Washing pro not Avid, must have  
been a long session day! LOL

Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 5:17 AM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey man. Actually, what comes on the CD is Melodyne, not  
Autotune. BUt it doesn't come as a download from the site. It's  
only available as one of the disks that ship. Hope that helps.


Hey Kevin,I got PT 9.3 from the avid site!
Where is  Autotune located?

On Oct 16, 2011, at 8:51 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey gord. It is indeed available as rtas, and comes as a free  
light version with your purchase of Pro Tools. I think you've  
got it on one of the dvd's that came with either 8 or 9, not  
sure which. Maybe it came with both versions. Hope that helps.


Autotune 7 works fine as an insert effect in pt, and yes, the  
parameters do show up with voice over.  As a matter of fact,  
you see more stuff here than you do when using it as a VST in  
windows with Sonar, haven't tried it with reaper though.   
Some folks like meladyn but I don't even know if that is  
available as an rtas plug.


-Original Message- From: Christopher-Mark Gilland
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 6:20 AM
Subject: Auto-Tune V7

Has anyone had much success with tweeking the settings of the  
plugin after insertting it on an audio track?  I know some  
3rd party plugins
work, but others simply put, don't.  Was just wonderring if  
this is one a
those that simply won't, unless you like the default  
settings, which I kind
a ish, do, but it would be nice to modify them if ever  
needed, admittedly.

Also, are there any other pitch correction plugins aside auto- 
tune that I

could maybe try a demo of to see how I like?


Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Re: Auto-Tune V7 Garget Note

2011-10-18 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi David,
How much would it cost to find out what an Auto-Tune Garget Note is?
I was concerned that I was out of the loop!!
Mainly because I have been using the TDM version of Auto-Tune
starting back at version 3!  since 2002 and may have over looked this  
hi security clearance secret!
Is it safe yet to move up to Auto-Tune 7 using a Mac Pro with Snow  
Leopard running a Pro Tools HD3 system with PT version 9.3 and a  
Control 24 yet?

contact me off list would love to speak live! LOL
Talk soon

Chuck Reichel

On Oct 18, 2011, at 2:10 PM, David Eagle wrote:

What?! Henrik from  antarestech! O come on! I taught him everything  
he knows! Seriously, if you want to know, I'll tell you. But it'll  
cost you a lot of money. YOu don't think I'm going to divulge the  
biggest secret behind Autotune for free do you? In fact, I can't  
believe I let the Garget Note thing slip out so carelessly in an  
Email. What was I thinking?

No my friend. I think it's safe to assume you haven't got the money  
to discover the truth. So for your sanity, let's just assume that I  
made a mistake and wrote Garget note as opposed to Target note. It's  
probably for the best.

On 18 Oct 2011, at 18:53, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi David,
Could you tell me what exactly is a Garget Note?
I just got off the phone with Henrik from  antarestech   and He   
said you must mean Target note because the term   Garget Note  does  
not exist!!!

What page of the Autotune manual is this located on?
I would love to learn about it and get back in the loop!
Feel free to contact me off list if you want.
Here is contact info for Antares Audio Technologies


Antares Audio Technologies



On Oct 17, 2011, at 1:59 PM, David Eagle wrote:

No, I meant Garget Note. You're obviously too far out of the  
loop! :)

On 17 Oct 2011, at 17:44, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi David,
What is a Garget note? LOL
Do you mean Target note?
Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:01 PM, David Eagle wrote:

So does that mean we have access to the Garget Notes Via Midi  
option Gord?

As for the question regarding how to get to the parameters, I  
can't answer that because I'm not using ProTools at the moment.  
I will be very shortly though.


On 17 Oct 2011, at 13:12, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Kevin,
You are accurate now!

Melodyne is useless except in stand alone mode!
I am still thinking about upgrading my Autotune to Autotune 7,  
as waves Tune for pitch correction is still inches away from  
being VoiceOver friendly!
BTW I got my PT 9. upgrade from Washing pro not Avid, must have  
been a long session day! LOL

Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 5:17 AM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey man. Actually, what comes on the CD is Melodyne, not  
Autotune. BUt it doesn't come as a download from the site.  
It's only available as one of the disks that ship. Hope that  


Hey Kevin,I got PT 9.3 from the avid site!
Where is  Autotune located?

On Oct 16, 2011, at 8:51 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey gord. It is indeed available as rtas, and comes as a  
free light version with your purchase of Pro Tools. I think  
you've got it on one of the dvd's that came with either 8 or  
9, not sure which. Maybe it came with both versions. Hope  
that helps.


Autotune 7 works fine as an insert effect in pt, and yes,  
the parameters do show up with voice over.  As a matter of  
fact, you see more stuff here than you do when using it as  
a VST in windows with Sonar, haven't tried it with reaper  
though.  Some folks like meladyn but I don't even know if  
that is available as an rtas plug.


-Original Message- From: Christopher-Mark Gilland
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 6:20 AM
Subject: Auto-Tune V7

Has anyone had much success with tweeking the settings of  
the Auto-Tune
plugin after insertting it on an audio track?  I know some  
3rd party plugins
work, but others simply put, don't.  Was just wonderring if  
this is one a
those that simply won't, unless you like the default  
settings, which I kind
a ish, do, but it would be nice to modify them if ever  
needed, admittedly.

Also, are there any other pitch correction plugins aside  
auto-tune that I

could maybe try a demo of to see how I like?


Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Re: Auto-Tune V7 Garget Note

2011-10-18 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi David,

The Target notes via midi option is available when using the Old mac  
OS9 with AutoTune
It works with Outspoken but it would be nice to know if that part of  
the AutoTune7 window is VoiceOver friendly!

I have done some bazar effects using the Garget Note!!!
There is a 10 day trial for AutoTune7 and if you call Henrik from   

He  will make it 30 days most likely at least thats what He told me.
Any body out there making AutoTune7 work with PT and voiceOver?

I am glad that the Garget Note thang was not a real function because  
I thought i wasalmost out of the loop!


On Oct 18, 2011, at 6:10 PM, David Eagle wrote:

Hello, I assume you instantly deduced this and are just playing  
along, but in case you are actually not and are having sleepless  
nights wondering what the heck a Garget note is, I will admit that  
my knowledge of AutoTune with ProTools is - to say the least -  
primitive. And of course, I meant Target note, but my letter G must  
have decided to fleetingly switch places with the letter T on my  
keyboard. That's the only explanation for what happened. So, there  
is no Garget Note; although there really should be.

Sorry I can't be of actual help to you. I'm still interested to know  
whether the Target notes via midi option is available to VO or not,  
so if anyone knows - and is still following this rather tangential  
topic - then please let us know.

Ghank you and toodbye!
On 18 Oct 2011, at 20:25, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi David,
How much would it cost to find out what an Auto-Tune Garget Note  

I was concerned that I was out of the loop!!
Mainly because I have been using the TDM version of Auto-Tune
starting back at version 3!  since 2002 and may have over looked  
this hi security clearance secret!
Is it safe yet to move up to Auto-Tune 7 using a Mac Pro with Snow  
Leopard running a Pro Tools HD3 system with PT version 9.3 and a  
Control 24 yet?

contact me off list would love to speak live! LOL
Talk soon

Chuck Reichel

On Oct 18, 2011, at 2:10 PM, David Eagle wrote:

What?! Henrik from  antarestech! O come on! I taught him  
everything he knows! Seriously, if you want to know, I'll tell  
you. But it'll cost you a lot of money. YOu don't think I'm going  
to divulge the biggest secret behind Autotune for free do you? In  
fact, I can't believe I let the Garget Note thing slip out so  
carelessly in an Email. What was I thinking?

No my friend. I think it's safe to assume you haven't got the  
money to discover the truth. So for your sanity, let's just assume  
that I made a mistake and wrote Garget note as opposed to Target  
note. It's probably for the best.

On 18 Oct 2011, at 18:53, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi David,
Could you tell me what exactly is a Garget Note?
I just got off the phone with Henrik from  antarestech   and He   
said you must mean Target note because the term   Garget Note   
does not exist!!!

What page of the Autotune manual is this located on?
I would love to learn about it and get back in the loop!
Feel free to contact me off list if you want.
Here is contact info for Antares Audio Technologies


Antares Audio Technologies



On Oct 17, 2011, at 1:59 PM, David Eagle wrote:

No, I meant Garget Note. You're obviously too far out of the  
loop! :)

On 17 Oct 2011, at 17:44, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi David,
What is a Garget note? LOL
Do you mean Target note?
Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:01 PM, David Eagle wrote:

So does that mean we have access to the Garget Notes Via Midi  
option Gord?

As for the question regarding how to get to the parameters, I  
can't answer that because I'm not using ProTools at the  
moment. I will be very shortly though.


On 17 Oct 2011, at 13:12, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Kevin,
You are accurate now!

Melodyne is useless except in stand alone mode!
I am still thinking about upgrading my Autotune to Autotune  
7, as waves Tune for pitch correction is still inches away  
from being VoiceOver friendly!
BTW I got my PT 9. upgrade from Washing pro not Avid, must  
have been a long session day! LOL

Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 5:17 AM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey man. Actually, what comes on the CD is Melodyne, not  
Autotune. BUt it doesn't come as a download from the site.  
It's only available as one of the disks that ship. Hope that  


Hey Kevin,I got PT 9.3 from the avid site!
Where is  Autotune located?

On Oct 16, 2011, at 8:51 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey gord. It is indeed available as rtas, and comes as a  
free light version with your purchase of Pro Tools. I  
think you've got it on one of the dvd's that came with  
either 8 or 9, not sure which. Maybe it came with both  
versions. Hope that helps.


Autotune 7 works fine as an insert effect in pt, and yes,  
the parameters do show up with voice over.  As a matter  
of fact, you see

Re: Auto-Tune V7

2011-10-17 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi David,
What is a Garget note? LOL
Do you mean Target note?
Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:01 PM, David Eagle wrote:

So does that mean we have access to the Garget Notes Via Midi option  

As for the question regarding how to get to the parameters, I can't  
answer that because I'm not using ProTools at the moment. I will be  
very shortly though.


On 17 Oct 2011, at 13:12, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Kevin,
You are accurate now!

Melodyne is useless except in stand alone mode!
I am still thinking about upgrading my Autotune to Autotune 7, as  
waves Tune for pitch correction is still inches away from being  
VoiceOver friendly!
BTW I got my PT 9. upgrade from Washing pro not Avid, must have  
been a long session day! LOL

Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 5:17 AM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey man. Actually, what comes on the CD is Melodyne, not Autotune.  
BUt it doesn't come as a download from the site. It's only  
available as one of the disks that ship. Hope that helps.


Hey Kevin,I got PT 9.3 from the avid site!
Where is  Autotune located?

On Oct 16, 2011, at 8:51 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey gord. It is indeed available as rtas, and comes as a free  
light version with your purchase of Pro Tools. I think you've  
got it on one of the dvd's that came with either 8 or 9, not  
sure which. Maybe it came with both versions. Hope that helps.


Autotune 7 works fine as an insert effect in pt, and yes, the  
parameters do show up with voice over.  As a matter of fact,  
you see more stuff here than you do when using it as a VST in  
windows with Sonar, haven't tried it with reaper though.  Some  
folks like meladyn but I don't even know if that is available  
as an rtas plug.


-Original Message- From: Christopher-Mark Gilland
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 6:20 AM
Subject: Auto-Tune V7

Has anyone had much success with tweeking the settings of the  
plugin after insertting it on an audio track?  I know some 3rd  
party plugins
work, but others simply put, don't.  Was just wonderring if  
this is one a
those that simply won't, unless you like the default settings,  
which I kind
a ish, do, but it would be nice to modify them if ever needed,  

Also, are there any other pitch correction plugins aside auto- 
tune that I

could maybe try a demo of to see how I like?


Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Re: recommendation for a good rtas channel strip

2011-10-17 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Monkey  Gordon,
If you have the Horse power use separate inserts for each Plug-in.
After all you have 10 of them in PT!
If you want the waves fader mapping contact me off list.
Once you hear the Waves H-comp you'll never go back! LOL
From my experience channel strips have tons of stuff to manage in the  
same plug window and even with a control 24 with 24 faders you half to  
bank down to much to get to what you want to  manipulate.


Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 11:29 AM, Monkey Pusher wrote:

The waves stuff does have some RTAS  plugs as well, however they
aren't very accessible at-least with out mapping the control to a
control surface  from what i have read on here. However From what i
understand the Izotope stuff should be VO friendly  and Izotope said
that do do some basic VO testing with all their Plugs now and welcome
feedback. Nectar is their vocal channel strip, alloy is there general
purpose channel strip, and ozone is their mastering oriented channel
strip. I believe there should be free demos on the
site to check out. Been meaning to check these out and post my
experiences myself, but working on  mastering editing with PT before i
get back into mixing again so haven't gotten around to it yet. Post
your experiences please if you try them before i do.

On 10/16/11, Gordon Kent wrote:
Are there any good channel strip plugs that will work with VO and  
PT.  It
seems that most of the waves stuff is for native setups, but maybe  
I have
that wrong.  I would just like to get something better than the  
stock eq's
and compressor.  The factory plug-ins have been around since pt6  
and maybe
earlier than that.  The bomb factory compressor is a bit better,  
but it

would be nice to have a strip with comp/eq/tube distortion etc.

-Original Message-
From: Slau Halatyn
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: Master Tracks?

No worries, I didn't take it that way at all. It's definitely an  
aspect of
using the master track that one should consider. At this point, I  
think the
issue of pre versus post fader compression is beyond the question  

someone is just trying to get their head around Pro Tools in general,
that'sl all.



On Oct 16, 2011, at 11:03 AM, Stephen Martin wrote:

I do agree with you, and i do apologize if i came off as trying to  

you or saying you shouldn't put a compressor on the master track.  
It was
intended more as a suggestion or tip that i came across  in my own  

in learning more about PT, and figured i'd would share another way  

doing it with the list.
On Oct 16, 2011, at 10:49 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

As with most things, there's more than one way to accomplish a  
task and
this is one of them. Some people put compressors on the master  

some don't. I'm simply illustrating one of its uses.


On Oct 16, 2011, at 10:02 AM, Stephen Martin wrote:

I have read in a few  places where they don't always recommend  
putting a

master compressor on the master track, since the master track  
unlike all

the other tracks in pro tools has the fader before the inserts and
sends, which means if u put a compressor on the master track,  
set it up
how u like, then later adjust the master fader, it will pretty  
cause you to have to go redo the compressor settings. A work  
around is
to create a sub mimix aux track and send all your tracks to  
that, add
all your master effects on that track and output that to the  


On Oct 16, 2011, at 9:54 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:


Master tracks control the output level being fed to an output  
bus. Most

often, a master track will control the main left and right  
outputs for
a stereo mix. It's not necessary to necessarily use a master  
track for
a regular mix but it certainly does help to create a master  
track to
see the combined level of all of the individual tracks on the  
track's level meter. Further, when putting bus compression over  
entire mix, it would normally be done with a compressor plug-in  
on a
master track. Finally, master tracks are used when creating  
stems for
surround mixes, alternate mixes, instrumental versions, etc.  
most people just use a single master track for overall mix  



Chuck Reichel

Re: recommendation for a good rtas channel strip

2011-10-17 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Gordon,
I have heard good stuff about uad plugs
Are they accessible with VoiceOver is my first question.
 and how much?
What channel strips from uad would you recommend?
Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 2:46 PM, Gordon Kent wrote:

Oh I have the horse power.  I was just looking for better stuff than  
the stock digi stuff.  I have so much great vst stuff around,  
especially the uad plugs so I'm spoiled.


-Original Message- From: Chuck Reichel
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: recommendation for a good rtas channel strip

Hi Monkey  Gordon,
If you have the Horse power use separate inserts for each Plug-in.
After all you have 10 of them in PT!
If you want the waves fader mapping contact me off list.
Once you hear the Waves H-comp you'll never go back! LOL
From my experience channel strips have tons of stuff to manage in the
same plug window and even with a control 24 with 24 faders you half to
bank down to much to get to what you want to  manipulate.


Talk soon

On Oct 17, 2011, at 11:29 AM, Monkey Pusher wrote:

The waves stuff does have some RTAS  plugs as well, however they
aren't very accessible at-least with out mapping the control to a
control surface  from what i have read on here. However From what i
understand the Izotope stuff should be VO friendly  and Izotope said
that do do some basic VO testing with all their Plugs now and welcome
feedback. Nectar is their vocal channel strip, alloy is there general
purpose channel strip, and ozone is their mastering oriented channel
strip. I believe there should be free demos on the
site to check out. Been meaning to check these out and post my
experiences myself, but working on  mastering editing with PT  
before i

get back into mixing again so haven't gotten around to it yet. Post
your experiences please if you try them before i do.

On 10/16/11, Gordon Kent wrote:
Are there any good channel strip plugs that will work with VO and   
PT. It
seems that most of the waves stuff is for native setups, but  
maybe  I have
that wrong.  I would just like to get something better than the   
stock eq's
and compressor.  The factory plug-ins have been around since pt6   
and maybe
earlier than that.  The bomb factory compressor is a bit better,   
but it

would be nice to have a strip with comp/eq/tube distortion etc.

-Original Message-
From: Slau Halatyn
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: Master Tracks?

No worries, I didn't take it that way at all. It's definitely an   
aspect of
using the master track that one should consider. At this point, I   
think the
issue of pre versus post fader compression is beyond the question   
someone is just trying to get their head around Pro Tools in  

that'sl all.



On Oct 16, 2011, at 11:03 AM, Stephen Martin wrote:

I do agree with you, and i do apologize if i came off as trying  
to correct

you or saying you shouldn't put a compressor on the master  
track.  It was
intended more as a suggestion or tip that i came across  in my  
own journey

in learning more about PT, and figured i'd would share another  
way  of

doing it with the list.
On Oct 16, 2011, at 10:49 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

As with most things, there's more than one way to accomplish a   
task and
this is one of them. Some people put compressors on the master   

some don't. I'm simply illustrating one of its uses.


On Oct 16, 2011, at 10:02 AM, Stephen Martin wrote:

I have read in a few  places where they don't always recommend  
putting a

master compressor on the master track, since the master track   
unlike all

the other tracks in pro tools has the fader before the inserts  
sends, which means if u put a compressor on the master track,   
set it up
how u like, then later adjust the master fader, it will pretty   
cause you to have to go redo the compressor settings. A work   
around is
to create a sub mimix aux track and send all your tracks to   
that, add
all your master effects on that track and output that to the   


On Oct 16, 2011, at 9:54 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:


Master tracks control the output level being fed to an output   
bus. Most

often, a master track will control the main left and right   
outputs for
a stereo mix. It's not necessary to necessarily use a master   
track for
a regular mix but it certainly does help to create a master   
track to
see the combined level of all of the individual tracks on the   
track's level meter. Further, when putting bus compression  
over  an
entire mix, it would normally be done with a compressor plug- 
in  on a
master track. Finally, master tracks are used when creating   
stems for
surround mixes, alternate mixes, instrumental versions, etc.   
most people just use a single master track for overall mix   



Quantizing Elastic Audio

2011-10-09 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Listers!
Has any body got Elastic Audio  to work yet?
I am getting ready to take a deeper look in to taking a deeper look LOL
at Quantizing Elastic Audio  just thought before I do?
Does any body have any notes on the subject?
Here is a section from the PT manual on it.
Thanks for any input!

begin excerpt;

Chapter39: Event Operations 833
Quantizing Elastic Audio
ProTools lets you apply Quantize to Elastic Au-
dio events as well as MIDI notes. Quantize can
be applied to Event and Warp markers closest to
the quantize grid on Elastic Audio-enabled
tracks, regardless of whether they are sample- or
tick-based. When quantizing, Event markers
closest to the quantize grid are promoted to
Warp markers and all Warp markers closest to
the quantize grid are quantized based on the
Quantize settings.
Quantization can also be applied to region start
times (or sync points) on all audio tracks,
whether they are Elastic Audio-enabled, or sam-
ple- or tick-based. This lets you quickly quantize
audio regions without applying TCE, and is es-
pecially useful when working with “one-shot”
regions (single-event regions) such as sliced re-
gions or region groups.
To quantize Elastic Audio events:
1  Select the audio you want to quantize on Elas-
tic Audio-enabled tracks. (Audio not on Elastic
Audio-enabled tracks will not be quantized.)
2  Choose Events  Event Operations  Quantize.
3  In the Quantize window, select Elastic Audio
Events from the What to Quantize pop-up
4  Set the Quantize Grid and Options settings.
5  Click Apply.
The Warp and Event markers closest to the
Quantize Grid are quantized accordingly. TCE is
applied between these markers and all other
markers maintain their position relative to the
Quantize Grid.
Chuck Reichel

Quantizing Elastic Audio

2011-10-08 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Listers!
Has any body got Elastic Audio  to work yet?
I am getting ready to take a deeper look in to taking a deeper look LOL
at Quantizing Elastic Audio  just thought before I do?
Does any body have any notes on the subject?
Here is a section from the PT manual on it.
Thanks for any input!

begin excerpt;

Chapter39: Event Operations 833
Quantizing Elastic Audio
ProTools lets you apply Quantize to Elastic Au-
dio events as well as MIDI notes. Quantize can
be applied to Event and Warp markers closest to
the quantize grid on Elastic Audio-enabled
tracks, regardless of whether they are sample- or
tick-based. When quantizing, Event markers
closest to the quantize grid are promoted to
Warp markers and all Warp markers closest to
the quantize grid are quantized based on the
Quantize settings.
Quantization can also be applied to region start
times (or sync points) on all audio tracks,
whether they are Elastic Audio-enabled, or sam-
ple- or tick-based. This lets you quickly quantize
audio regions without applying TCE, and is es-
pecially useful when working with “one-shot”
regions (single-event regions) such as sliced re-
gions or region groups.
To quantize Elastic Audio events:
1  Select the audio you want to quantize on Elas-
tic Audio-enabled tracks. (Audio not on Elastic
Audio-enabled tracks will not be quantized.)
2  Choose Events  Event Operations  Quantize.
3  In the Quantize window, select Elastic Audio
Events from the What to Quantize pop-up
4  Set the Quantize Grid and Options settings.
5  Click Apply.
The Warp and Event markers closest to the
Quantize Grid are quantized accordingly. TCE is
applied between these markers and all other
markers maintain their position relative to the
Quantize Grid.
Chuck Reichel

Re: Getting Midi to play

2011-10-05 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Christopher,
Have you read the manual about this???
This is the first place to check out!
Read then try out what you read if you can't get it working then ask  

If you need clarification by all means call me!

I am on the East Coast of the great USA!!!

Chuck Reichel

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:54 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

So, how then do I load an instrument into the track?


- Original Message - From: Kevin Reeves
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: Getting Midi to play

You're not hearing anything because you didn't assign anything to  
the midi out on that track. Pro TOols doesn't automatically assign  
the midi to anything. You have to open an instrument or assign it to  
a keyboard's inputs.


Re: creating busses in PT?

2011-10-03 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Christopher,
Check out this link this will help you ketch the PT buss!

Chuck Reichel

On Oct 3, 2011, at 10:31 AM, Christopher Harrington wrote:

I've done the aux tracks, I'm not sure what to do from here though…
Any help would be great!!
Chris Harrington
On Sep 29, 2011, at 5:28 PM, Monkey Pusher wrote:

Quick answer since i am on my way out and don't have time to do a  
detailed one, but should point u in the right direction. You will  
to create AUX tracks name them accordingly and then assign your  

to them either at the track out put or as one of the sends from the
track depending on the signal flow you want. Command+ShiftN for new
tracks, select the amount, whether its stereo or mono, and c change
type to AUX and  click ok.

On 9/29/11, Christopher Harrington wrote:

Hi everyone,
I'm mixing a rock song, and I'm wanting to create a drums bus  
guitar bus, and what not. Would anyone mind breaking this down for  
me in PT?

I've done it in sonar, but PT seems much different in that regard.
Chris Harrington

Chuck Reichel

Re: to new Pro Tools users

2011-10-02 Thread Chuck Reichel

Right ON Slau!
I try to call avid every chance I get and guess what The people I talk  
to are starting to say yes I have heard of VoiceOver!

The squeaky wheel gets the grease!



On Oct 1, 2011, at 11:25 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Just a little note to the new Pro Tools users on this list (and I'm  
not directing this toward anyone in particular):

As new users, you should know that you're entitled to technical  
support from Avid. Sure, it's for a limited time and they won't be  
able to advise about anything from a VoiceOver perspective but I  
feel it's important to avail oneself of the support offered by the  
makers of Pro Tools. Further, while it is true that they will not  
offer VoiceOver-specific support, it certainly doesn't hurt for them  
to know that there are new blind users of Pro Tools purchasing the  
product and using the platform. All of that said, don't forget the  
old RTFM advice and, when you get stuck, just give a hollar.


Chuck Reichel

Re: Waves Plugins.

2011-09-27 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Kevin,
At this point you MUSt have a control surface to use Waves plugs.
You half to Document each plugs parameters and what faders  and  
encoder knobs and buttons relate to your Waves plug parameters.
Also the waves presets must be saved on the PT side so you can recall  

I have most of the Platinum bundle saved already contact off list also.
If you check the list archives there are several posts on this.

I have several of the plugs documented contact me off list if you need  
the textedit docs.

PS I use Waves exclusively so it is doable!
Talk soon

On Sep 27, 2011, at 4:30 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey guys. Was looking at some of the waves plugins and wondered how  
people were getting along. I see all of the parameters, but can't  
seem to change them. I know that Gord or someone on here had messed  
with them, so was wondering how you were getting along. Any help you  
can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Chuck Reichel

Re: Reverbs EQ, Compressors and etc.

2011-09-19 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Stephen,
I use Waves exclusively!
I'VE Heard most of the rest and Waves is the best!
You definitely need a control surface though at this point.
Talk soon

On Sep 19, 2011, at 7:07 AM, Stephen Martin wrote:

Hello All,

So I am starting to work on more mixing and editing in ProTools now  
and was wondering if you guys had any favorite plug ins outside of  
the degi or avid plugin ins that ship with pro tools tat u would  
like to share, especially the 3 i mentioned in the subject line.  
Haven't really found a built in reverb i like yet, and the eq's seem  
great for cutting and are transperent and all but what else is out  
there. I have gathered a ton of favorite 3rd party plug ins  I used  
from time to time on the pc, but needless to say most don't have a  
mac version.


Chuck Reichel

Pro Tools-Effects for Vocals and Music - YouTube; 1/8 and 1/16 delay with PT stereo delay...

2011-09-04 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Listers,
I thought this video covers PT 9 sends and returns in a easy to  
understand presentation, so i am passing it along.

Pro Tools-Effects for Vocals and Music - YouTube
Good basics for PT 9 users.
The video actually plays! LOL


Chuck Reichel

Re: Can we change the order of tracks?

2011-08-21 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Gordon  Slau,

No dance needed just resize the tracks table to the right ending up to  
be about 30% wider and they move effortlessly.
The only problem is that sighted assistance is needed to move the  
tracks table because the small gray splitter bar  is not visible yet!
This is not a big issue if you work from PT templates with the table  
already resized.

There are other ways to move tracks also.
Below is a old post on tracks.

On 1/6/11, Chuck Reichel wrote:
Hi Scott  List,

I just got this to work in PT 8.1 for reordering tracks in the mix
step #1 Just  inter act with the track list table.
step #2 find the track you want to reorder and mouse down on it.
step 3 using VO move up or down in the track list table till you find
where you want to put it.
Step 4 mouse up on the track and bang! its there just below track
you stopped on.

At this point the track you just dropped on to its new position is now
selected, and it has moved below the track your stopped on!

Just another note you do not half to inter act with a track and then
stop interacting with it to select the track.
You can just  Vo space bar on it.. to select it.
Just use the mac commands for selecting contiguous Shift click with
actual mouse or non contiguous Command click with mouse items in
this case tracks  in the track list in the mix window in PT.
This is going to speed up the  work flow immensely!!!
Even with the Control-24 I find my self looking at the track list
table to absolutely verify that the  tracks are selected before I make
a group per say..
This keeps the work flow in the track list table!
Your Mileage may vary.

On Aug 21, 2011, at 7:33 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Hey Gordon,

There are others on the list who have experimented with dragging  
tracks within the track list. Chuck will have a particularly  
entertaining approach that involves standing on one leg and waving  
something or other above one's head. I'll leave that dance to others  
to describe. For now, let me just mention that Pro Tools creates new  
tracks immediately next to any selected track. In other words, if  
you select a track within a series of tracks and create a new track,  
it'll appear to the right of the currently selected track.



On Aug 21, 2011, at 4:54 PM, Gordon Kent wrote:

Sometimes when I insert a new track it doesn't go where I expect it  
to go. I know we can sort tracks by type, but I have a situation  
where I want an instrument track to be placed with some audio  
tracks and it is now the last track in the session, after my aux  
and master tracks.  Is there a way to do this or do I have to  
assign the track to a group with other tracks?


-Original Message- From: Slau Halatyn
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: Confused about busses/ PT 9 Link about busses.

Hey Gord,

I'm not sure where you're seeing that. When assigning sends or  
track outputs to a bus, since any number of tracks can be assigned  
to any bus, there's no such thing as available or unavailable.  
The only thing I can think of is if an Aux track hasn't been  
assigned to an output but then it usually just says, No Output or  
something like that. If you come across that message again, let us  
know so we can figure out where and why you're seeing it. It used  
to be that LE systems had way fewer busses than HD systems and if  
you were to open such an HD session on an LE system, the higher  
busses were inactive but that should no longer really be the case.  
Anyway, keep an eye out.



On Aug 9, 2011, at 4:54 PM, Gordon Kent wrote:

Thanks.  I've been wondering why sometimes you see the message  
busses 32 thru 96 active or whatever.  Does that mean that those  
are the ones that are still left unused?


-Original Message- From: Slau Halatyn
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: Confused about busses/ PT 9 Link about busses.

Hey Gordon,

Just to clarify, every Pro Tools session has 128 stereo or 256  
mono channels of busses which may or may not be used but are  
available for assignment. Further, an auxiliary track is  
technically known as an auxiliary input so it's source doesn't  
necessarily have to be a bus. You can have an aux input that gets  
its feed from your interface as well. Plus, of course, busses can  
feed busses. For example, you can have a bus for several soprano,  
alto, tenor and bass tracks and have all of those 4 aux tracks  
output to yet another bus for, say, an entire choir and put that  
on one fader. Of course, you probably already figured that from  
prior experience ;)



On Aug 8, 2011, at 8:21 PM, Gordon Kent wrote:

Thanks.  There's a lot of good stuff up there.  I guess the main  
concept I need to get used to is that the aux tracks you create  
are actually assigned to the available busses and act as a  
gateway to those

Re: off topic, Ableton Live

2011-08-19 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi guys,
If it is off topic may be you should take it off PT List?
On Aug 19, 2011, at 3:40 AM, Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:

Hi Peter ,
Yes, except I am the performer as well.
I'll have a look at your link.

Le 19 août 2011 à 06:40, a écrit :

Hello Jean,
so you are looking for something that allows you to do instant  
programming but you depend on the inventiveness of the musician who  
is performing.

It must be possible
last may a dutch composer made a concert for recorder (i mean  
flute) and laptop

I don't know if you read the newsletters of
maybe there's something in it for you.
- Original Message - From: Jean-Philippe Rykiel 

Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: off topic, Ableton Live

Hi Peter,
That's what I'm doing for the moment. I use an Akai MPC3000 synced  
with an Electrics Repeter. It works but it's not as versatile as  
Live, and how I'd like to have all this inside a laptop! Not you?


Le 18 août 2011 à 23:13, a écrit :

Hallo all,
that was my opinion too.
There are enough devices which can do the job.
ps i heard a perfect example lasst friday when Steven reichs  
electric counterpoint was performed live at the royal albert hall.
- Original Message - From: Brian Casey 

Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: off topic, Ableton Live

Sounds like you need a couple of kaoss pads! But seriously, maybe  
hardware of some sort might be a better route?

From: Jean-Philippe Rykiel
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: off topic, Ableton Live

Hey Herman and all,
Sonar's  matrix view is cool, but from what I watched en  
youtube, you can't record into it. You have to use already  
recorded material that the matrix view lets you combine the way  
you want, but it's no good for improvisation.
What I am really looking for is  something like Ableton with  
accessibility if it exists. I don't believe Protools can do   
that, but I thought someone on the list  may have had  similar.  
needs and found some peace of software to fulfill   them



Le 17 août 2011 à 14:32, HF a écrit :

Sonar's Matrix view does pretty much all that ableton does.  
Plus a few things that Ableton doesn't do which I can't  
remember at the moment. You would have to spend a lot of time  
in setting it up, but you would have to do that in Ableton as  


On 8/17/2011 8:23 AM, Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:

Hi friends,
I'm looking for a tool to do loop based music in a Live  
situation, with the ability to record, add, delete, edit audio  
and midi

loops and tracks within loops on the fly.
Of course, Ableton would be the ideal tool for this, but I  
don't it has

ever been made accessible.
I'd like to know if someone knows a way to achieve this for  
the blind,

with or without voiceover

Chuck Reichel

Fwd: Time For A Tune Up – Pro Tools Maintenance | Tip and Trick | ProMedia Blog

2011-08-10 Thread Chuck Reichel

Begin forwarded message:

Here is a tip and trick blurb  link to whole article.
The other options you can tweak under the hood are setting for Host  
Processors and CPU Usage Limit.  If you have one of these new hi- 
fancy computers that have multiple processors, you can assign how  
many of those processors you want to use as well as how much of  
those CPU’s to assign for Pro Tools.  The mistake that most people  
make is assuming the highest possible value is the best; and this is  
not always true.  Keep in mind that your computer depends on the  
CPU’s for everything; including screen redraws, running  
applications, running other applications such as Reason, Ableton  
Live, BFD, etc…  Also, most of those pesky virtual instruments still  
need processor support to be able to run as a plug-in in Pro Tools.   
For these reasons, Avid recommend that you assign the number of RTAS  
Processors to 1/2 of what’s available as a starting point.  If you  
have 8 CPU’s, assign 4,

Chuck Reichel

Re: Confused about busses/ PT 9 Link about busses.

2011-08-08 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi List,
Heres a great little article on PT 9 busses.

On Aug 5, 2011, at 4:26 PM, Gordon Kent wrote:

Hi chuck:

Thanks for getting back to me.  I had had him check for that since  
we have it in the lt version, but it didn't seem to be there, at  
least it wasn't in the output tab of the i/o setup window.  I'll  
have him give it another look, maybe it is in a different place.


-Original Message- From: Chuck Reichel
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Confused about busses

Hi Gordon,
Here is the solution to your friends I/O set up getting messed up.
Tell your friend with the full tdm system before he opens  your
session to go and make sure to uncheck  Sessions overwrite current I/
O Setup

Have Him Follow this path find the set up menu; next find the I/o;
open the I/O window, then find option for Sessions overwrite current
I/O Setup
which is located near the bottom of the PT I/O set up window.
MAKE SURE that   Sessions overwrite current I/O Setup when opened;
is  unchecked   to prevent your session that your sending to Him
changing his I/O.
Call me for further details if you want.

GOD Bless

Chuck Reichel

On Aug 4, 2011, at 11:38 PM, Gordon Kent wrote:

Usually when I set up a track in PT, I just assign the output to a  
physical hardware output.  How can I use all those busses they  
give  you and where do you go to route their outputs to the  
appropriate  hardware? When I send a PT session I've done to  
someone I do a lot  of work with who has a full tdm system, it  
messes up all his i/o  routing.  I figured that if I just route all  
my tracks to a master  bus instead of hardware, it might help the  
situation.  Any ideas  about this would be welcome.


-Original Message- From: Slau Halatyn
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: From joy to frustration!

Hi Gazza,

Use Command-Option-1 to use Commands focus mode. There are two  
other modes which are, if I remember correctly, Audio Regions and  
Groups  focus mode and they are Command-Option-2 and Command- 
Option-3  respectively. There's also a keyboard focus button right  
in the  window but, if the tracks list isn't displayed, you can't  
access  that button. what Kevin mentioned about the Mix window  
display  buttons should help you get it to be visible. I think  
there's also a  menu item to display the tracks list.



On Jul 12, 2011, at 3:49 AM, Gary Readfern-Gray wrote:

Hi Listers,

Well, I bought a mac about a year ago because I wanted to start   
using Pro Tools, but when the accessible version finally arrived,  
I  found getting around a session so clunky and horrible to use,  
I  bought Logic and have been using that, I have a little sight so  
I  was stumbling along with it.

Then, after months and months of using Logic, I come across  
Keven's tutorial and discover that, once you've got more than one  
track in  the session, the track list is usable by VO and that's  
what I  wanted to do initally, quickly find a track, mute, solo  
and arm.

However, whilst I can select the tracks in the track list, Shift  
m  r and s are not working for me regardless of what I seem to try.

So I googled around and found that this seems to have something  
to  do with keyboard focus mode? I'm using PT 8.4 by the way, and  
these  keys apparently are available in 8.4?

So, How, in the name of sanity, do I get that functionality to  
work where I can sit in the track list and mute, solo and arm and  

My other question is, How do I get the track list to be displayed   
in the mix window? PT is only letting me cursor over there if I'm   
in the edit window but Kevin seemed to be able to get there  
whilst  in the mix window?

Finally, for now, what's the quickest way to get to the track  
list?  I'm often using vo i to bring up the items list and typing  
table to  filter the list and selecting track list table, however  
if you've  got a gazillion tracks in your session, it takes a  
while for the  itme list to pop up. Any thoughts on that one?



Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Re: Confused about busses

2011-08-05 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Gordon,
Here is the solution to your friends I/O set up getting messed up.
Tell your friend with the full tdm system before he opens  your  
session to go and make sure to uncheck  Sessions overwrite current I/ 
O Setup

Have Him Follow this path find the set up menu; next find the I/o;  
open the I/O window, then find option for Sessions overwrite current  
I/O Setup

which is located near the bottom of the PT I/O set up window.
MAKE SURE that  		Sessions overwrite current I/O Setup when opened;  
is  unchecked   to prevent your session that your sending to Him  
changing his I/O.

Call me for further details if you want.

GOD Bless

Chuck Reichel

On Aug 4, 2011, at 11:38 PM, Gordon Kent wrote:

Usually when I set up a track in PT, I just assign the output to a  
physical hardware output.  How can I use all those busses they give  
you and where do you go to route their outputs to the appropriate  
hardware?  When I send a PT session I've done to someone I do a lot  
of work with who has a full tdm system, it messes up all his i/o  
routing.  I figured that if I just route all my tracks to a master  
bus instead of hardware, it might help the situation.  Any ideas  
about this would be welcome.


-Original Message- From: Slau Halatyn
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: From joy to frustration!

Hi Gazza,

Use Command-Option-1 to use Commands focus mode. There are two other  
modes which are, if I remember correctly, Audio Regions and Groups  
focus mode and they are Command-Option-2 and Command-Option-3  
respectively. There's also a keyboard focus button right in the  
window but, if the tracks list isn't displayed, you can't access  
that button. what Kevin mentioned about the Mix window display  
buttons should help you get it to be visible. I think there's also a  
menu item to display the tracks list.



On Jul 12, 2011, at 3:49 AM, Gary Readfern-Gray wrote:

Hi Listers,

Well, I bought a mac about a year ago because I wanted to start  
using Pro Tools, but when the accessible version finally arrived, I  
found getting around a session so clunky and horrible to use, I  
bought Logic and have been using that, I have a little sight so I  
was stumbling along with it.

Then, after months and months of using Logic, I come across Keven's  
tutorial and discover that, once you've got more than one track in  
the session, the track list is usable by VO and that's what I  
wanted to do initally, quickly find a track, mute, solo and arm.

However, whilst I can select the tracks in the track list, Shift m  
r and s are not working for me regardless of what I seem to try.

So I googled around and found that this seems to have something to  
do with keyboard focus mode? I'm using PT 8.4 by the way, and these  
keys apparently are available in 8.4?

So, How, in the name of sanity, do I get that functionality to work  
where I can sit in the track list and mute, solo and arm and unarm?

My other question is, How do I get the track list to be displayed  
in the mix window? PT is only letting me cursor over there if I'm  
in the edit window but Kevin seemed to be able to get there whilst  
in the mix window?

Finally, for now, what's the quickest way to get to the track list?  
I'm often using vo i to bring up the items list and typing table to  
filter the list and selecting track list table, however if you've  
got a gazillion tracks in your session, it takes a while for the  
itme list to pop up. Any thoughts on that one?



Chuck Reichel

Re: Melodyne

2011-06-26 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi HF,
Basically the same thing so far on the mac.
stand alone Menus are pretty accessible and with key commands I can  
change mono tracks.

I have the cost effective Melodyne version That shipped with PT.
I just took a look in PT and the RTAS version of Melodyne essentials  
controls change the values  with the Control 24 but have not got it  
working yet.

Looks like it might be accessible may be.


PS grab Waves SoundShifter while its still on sale! $500 is regular  
price but its on for $129.00 as of last week.

Talk soon

On Jun 26, 2011, at 4:38 PM, HF wrote:

Melodyne over on the PC is somewhat accessible. At least as a stand  
alone. If you were working with one track like a Vocal for example,  
you were able to go in there and break things up into small sections  
and correct them with MIDI. blind cool tech had a podcast on someone  
using it awhile ago. Not sure if those same key commands would work  
within a Pro Tools Plug-in window. I suspect you would have better  
luck on the PC side of things.


On 6/26/2011 2:29 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

I think nobody has replied because nobody has used it yet. Anyone?


On Jun 26, 2011, at 4:50 AM, Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:

Hi all,
I wonder why no one has replied specifically about Melodyne. It  
be interesting to know if it's accessible because it's really  
I don't have a ProTools yet so I can't test it but I seem to  

there is a demo version available on their website.
More generally speaking, can someone tell me what is the way to
approach a plug-in developer about accessibility? Is it very hard to
do? I know that Izotope has made most of their plug-ins  
accessible, at

least on PC with their VST version. I don't know what motivated them
but they did it.
Could be that someone in the company has a blind friend or family
member, I don't really know but it doesn't seem such a hard job.

Chuck Reichel

Re: Melodyne

2011-06-26 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Kevin,
It came with 8.1.
9.1 coming soon! LOL

On Jun 26, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Does this come with Pro TOols 9 as a download?
On Jun 26, 2011, at 6:24 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi HF,
Basically the same thing so far on the mac.
stand alone Menus are pretty accessible and with key commands I  
can change mono tracks.

I have the cost effective Melodyne version That shipped with PT.
I just took a look in PT and the RTAS version of Melodyne  
essentials controls change the values  with the Control 24 but have  
not got it working yet.

Looks like it might be accessible may be.


PS grab Waves SoundShifter while its still on sale! $500 is  
regular price but its on for $129.00 as of last week.

Talk soon

On Jun 26, 2011, at 4:38 PM, HF wrote:

Melodyne over on the PC is somewhat accessible. At least as a  
stand alone. If you were working with one track like a Vocal for  
example, you were able to go in there and break things up into  
small sections and correct them with MIDI. blind cool tech had a  
podcast on someone using it awhile ago. Not sure if those same key  
commands would work within a Pro Tools Plug-in window. I suspect  
you would have better luck on the PC side of things.


On 6/26/2011 2:29 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

I think nobody has replied because nobody has used it yet. Anyone?


On Jun 26, 2011, at 4:50 AM, Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:

Hi all,
I wonder why no one has replied specifically about Melodyne. It  
be interesting to know if it's accessible because it's really  
I don't have a ProTools yet so I can't test it but I seem to  

there is a demo version available on their website.
More generally speaking, can someone tell me what is the way to
approach a plug-in developer about accessibility? Is it very  
hard to
do? I know that Izotope has made most of their plug-ins  
accessible, at
least on PC with their VST version. I don't know what motivated  

but they did it.
Could be that someone in the company has a blind friend or family
member, I don't really know but it doesn't seem such a hard job.

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Pitch changing in PT

2011-06-24 Thread Chuck Reichel
 to sing? Did the Beach boys need that?


 - Original Message -
 From: Jake
 Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 8:29 AM
 Subject: a new round of questions

 I just sat in on my first recording session today, it was  
informative and thought provoking. The engineer was using Logic  
rather then PT but I assume the principles are the same. One  
question I have is regarding tuning. They laid down some vocal  
tracks and were tuning them to harmonize with each other. As I  
understand it they were using a visual representation of the 3  
vocal tracks (Low and High backing tracks and a lead vocal track.)  
The pitch of the 3 tracks were displayed as a graf or some thing  
and they were able to clean up the sharps and flats and in one  
case even drop the pitch a few notes to be more in continuity with  
the other 2 tracks. They could see it as I have said mapped out,  
is VO able to interpret the visual representation or do we just  
have to have an ear for it.

 thanks much

Chuck Reichel

Re: Software instruments and precise editing

2011-06-20 Thread Chuck Reichel
 sort of Rewire support is available in Pro Tools. That  
approach is

probably the best lead on an accessible sampler.

You're right about Xpand. The electronic drums and some other  
areas are
really lacking, but the editing support is very good. You  

how many parameters are in the window. If you aren't familiar  
with the
VoiceOver item chooser (VO-i), you should spend some time with  
it. If

know part of the parameter's name, the item chooser can help  
jump you

to it without having to step through them all. If you find that  

editing, and bouncing back and forth between a few of the same
over and over, then set VO hot spots on the parameters, and you  

directly to one of the parameters with a single hot key.


On Jun 12, 2011, at 12:27 PM, Gordon Kent wrote:

I was hoping that the garitan aria player would be accessible  
but it

look good.  If it were we could import sfz stuff into it.  We  

are going to need a sampler of some sort.  I like xpand  
though, at

have access to the envelopes and it's simple and  


-Original Message-
From: Bryan Smart
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: Software instruments and precise editing

No, I said that I'd had luck.

Most of the Avid instruments are accessible. They show their  

plug in window's preset librarian, and you can edit them  
through the

automation parameters.

There are some exceptions.

Structure and Structure LE are 100% out. You must use their  

to load presets, those browsers are completely invisible to  


they don't support keyboard navigation. This is really too  
bad. Xpand

sort of a general sound module, but the quality of the  
instruments in
Structure are much better. Structure also has nice expansions  

that we can't use.

From the instrument Expansion, the Transfuser instrument that  
is used

create/perform grooves in real-time by mixing and modifying  
loops is

somewhat accessible, but crashes VO a lot.

Like I said, though, every 3rd-party instrument that I've  
tried is
inaccessible. Without Structure, the built-in instruments are  

picking up a part here and there if you're using mostly real
but just need the occasional synth to cover a specific sound.  
If you

completely sequence, I don't think that the instruments that  
we can

cover what is needed. I'd think better of the set if we could  
Structure in our pallet. As is, though, most of the  
instruments in

like a synth rack from the mid 90's. Velvet and DB33 are  

like modelers such as Lounge Lizard and B4.

The absolute deal breaker for me, and anyone that sequences
music from Dance Pop, to Hip Hop, to Dub Step, and so on, is  
that we


have access to any sort of sampler at all. The electronic drums
the presets are very out of date, and, without a sampler, I  
can't use

sampled kits. These styles also require lots of sampled bits and
gang shouts, atmospheric effects, stabs, transitions, etc, and  

any way to trigger them. You could manually import each piece,  

track, and push it around, but that is the million years way  
to create


In terms of quality, I'd say that the Avid instruments are  
better than

of what comes with Sonar, but are way behind GarageBand and  

It's too bad. Editing in Pro Tools is so fast, that it could  
be really

for sequencing. Until we get access to a sampler plug in and  
instruments, though, I still have to do those sorts of  
projects in

you're working on simple stuff, like simple drums, bass, and  

arrangements, though, then it probably be enough.


On Jun 8, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Tim Elder wrote:

Hi Brian,
You say others have had luck with the accessibility of Avid  
instruments.  Can you further describe the relative  
accessibility of
the Avid instruments?  I was considering an investment in the  

virtual instrument collection.  As of now I still do most synth
programming in Sonar because of the quality of the access to  

virtual instruments and then export to Pro Tools for mixing and
editing.  I would prefer to do more sound generation in PT if  

virtual instruments are accessible.

Stefan Albertshauser wrote:
Hello, I'm about to purcase pro tools. I didn't find two  


1.   I wonder, if it is possible for us to navigate to
like in sonar.

2.   How do you use software instruments like Contact,  
where the

to load files, I think, aren't automatable?

Thanks for reply






Delayed But On Time | Tip and Trick | ProMedia Blog

2011-05-15 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi List,
This might be useful to some one!
So enjoy.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Delay Compensation. 

Chuck Reichel

Re: adjusting incriments of scrub wheel Audio Restoration

2011-05-10 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Slau,
Restoration  plugins have not been added to the Masters Bundle.The  
Xnoise, Znoise etc are

still part of the Restoration bundle.
This is directly from my contact at waves.
Just to clarify.
Talk soon

On May 10, 2011, at 8:52 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Hey Chris,

The plug-ins Chuck is referring to are known as the Waves Mastering  
Bundle. There's an RTAS version for around $750 or so—not cheap but  
it's considered to be one of the best. When you originally said pops  
and clicks, I thought you meant plosives and mouth noise during live  
tracking. There's still no plug-in for that… ;)


On May 10, 2011, at 3:16 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

Hi Chuck and Slau,
Thanks for the info. It'll be very helpful. On the pop click note,  
when I say that the plugin was a filter, it didn't mean as a  
substitute for a plosive filter on the mic, I meant that it removes  
mouth noise. If you run it on a recording of an old record, it  
would remove the pops of a gently scratched record.

I know there must be one.


On May 9, 2011, at 8:45 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Hi Chris,

Chuck's comment on using the Command modifier while scrubbing is  
correct, although it is dependent upon which zoom level you're in.  
So, in general, zooming way out will give you a broader stroke, so  
to speak, and the Command modifier will narrow that focus.  
Alternately, if you zoom way in, the range of motion for scrubbing  
will be a lot tighter and the Command modifier will narrow it even  
more. I find that zooming in too far is kind of frustrating for  
scrub purposes. The C24 has some dedicated buttons for zoom level  
and I think you'll find that somewhere around level 2 or 3 works  



On May 9, 2011, at 5:01 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

Hi Guys,
I must simply be brain dead today, but I just can't seem to find  
the command to make the C-24's scrub wheel change the amount of  
selection as the wheel is turned while in scrub mode. I'm editing  
a voice track for breaths and pops, and I want to adjust how much  
my scrub will cover at one turn. Does anyone know the keyboard  
command to do this?



Chuck Reichel

Re: Strength not visible in quantize window. It is confirmed.

2011-04-14 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Kevin,
Just check  the strength button and then punch in a strength number  
like 80 per-say.

then on the num pad hit enter and away you go!
Make a selection from the combined quantize pop up button and the  
strength field usually comes up with a value of 82 which is just  
fine for most thangs  If you want the full details give me a call.

Talk soon

On Apr 11, 2011, at 11:44 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey folks. On one of the conferences, we had kind of a breakthrough  
whereby we found that typing in the fields in the quantize window  
did indeed indeed make changes, even though it was not reported by  
VO. The unfortunate thing is that voiceover sees everything but the  
actual strength field. Jason has confirmed with a sighted assistant  
that vo stops short of the actual strength field. We see the check  
box, but the field, which should have a 0 in it, is the very last  
element in the window, unfortunately, vo's window boundary is just  
before it. I thought I'd throw that out there, as we now need to  
come up with yet another work around to try and access this one  
field. Strength is so important that it really controls the robocity  
of the performance. Wow. Robocity. I think I just made up a word,  
and Vo's spell check didn't even flag it. Anyway, If anyone has any  
ideas, I'm all ears. Thanks to Jason for finding and reporting this  
to me.


Chuck Reichel

“Using Xpand!2 - Virtual Pro Tools Synth” (Part 1) | Faculty Articles | ProMedia Blog

2011-04-11 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi List,
This link about Xpand!2 could be of some use.


Talk soon 
 Tools Training: “Using XPand2 Virtual Synth”  Pro Tools  
Certification Classescontent

Chuck Reichel

Re: idle question

2011-04-10 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Jake,
Did you include the link for the article in your email?

On Apr 10, 2011, at 2:10 AM, Jake wrote:

I was wondering if any one has read the article on the perils of  
Digital storage of media? from the December 13, 2010 issue of  
Rolling Stone. I thought it razed some valid points.


Chuck Reichel

Re: Send Faders

2011-04-08 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Jon,
Just VO space bar on it and it will bring it up to 0.


On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Jon Solitro wrote:

Is there any shortcut to bring a send fader up to 0? the only thing I
have figured out so far for moving the fader with VO is interacting
with it and then pressing VO+Left or Right, and it moves it very
slowly. There has to be a faster way.

Chuck Reichel

Re: Structure Free first Audition!

2011-03-20 Thread Chuck Reichel

I think  the installer on that pt   8. disc for: Structure Free : is  
messed up.
After 2 hours of tech support with sweetwater sweetcare trying to  
get : Structure Free installed the tech gave up and got me a free 1  
time tech support  with Avid.
It took the Avid tech over a period of 2 weeks of pt crashing when  
trying to use : Structure Free to get it straight.
After 2 digi deliveries of the : Structure Free The first one was the  
wrong  Structure Free from the tech.

we finally got it  working last friday.
You need sighted assistance currently unless you use quickkeys to  
get to the : Structure Free patches.

So far the patches sound good!
there are only 63 patches included with : Structure Free! LOL

talk soon

On Mar 20, 2011, at 1:48 AM, J. R. Westmoreland wrote:

I have a disc I haven't downloaded from Avid yet. I will download  
that one

and see if it is there.
I like Kevin have looked through the disks received in the package  
and the
closest thing I find is stuff in the third party folder in the  

content folder.
The other disk is the PT Loops disk. The third one is the how-to

J. R.

-Original Message-
From: []  
On Behalf

Of Kevin Reeves
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2011 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: Structure Free first Audition!

I'm still confused at where the structure sounds are located on the  
DVD's. I
know they don't exist on 9, but I do have the DVD's for 8. If anyone  
give me a path, that would be fantastic. For all I know, I don't  
have any of

these sounds.

On Mar 19, 2011, at 7:12 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi list,
I just got the first batch of Structure Free patches saved with  

help of course!
I only have listened to  the first 24 so far and Structure Free has  
wet my

whistle for the full Structure!

So far patches are slam-men!
slam-men! enough that I have 2 new songs started with Structure!

Talk soon
Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Alternative way to get tracks selected with out a controller.

2011-03-19 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Listers,
You may find this interesting.
I came across this when I was in a session  the mix window had not  
had the tracks table vertical splitter moved to the right 30%.
As long as the tracks are showing you can use control ; and or  
control shift ; to move the track selection down in the tracks.
You can also use control shift p  to move up maintaining  the  
selection of the track you started on.
This makes it easy to  select any tracks that are showing in the  

These track  selections are reflected shown in the tracks table.
I discovered this when moving a selection from 1 track to another in  
the mix window.

talk soon

Chuck Reichel

Re: Alternative way to get tracks selected with out a controller.

2011-03-19 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Frank,
The command shift works fine when you have your tracks table spread  
out to the right  by using the vertical splitter.
When it is moved to the right with the vertical splitter dragging  
tracks and selection is very easy.

Talk soon

On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:53 PM, Frank Carmickle wrote:

Hey Slau

What we have been looking for is a way to do multiple selection.   
The shift modifier, I am assuming, allows us to do this with out a  
control surface.


On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:46 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Guys, this is how Pro Tools worked since version 5. How did you  
extend selections between multiple tracks before? I don't  
understand what the discovery is. This is not new, except if you  
simply didn't know it before but then it begs the question I asked  


On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:30 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Yep. Totally works here. Why didn't I think of that earlier.  
You're brilliant.

On Mar 19, 2011, at 5:22 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Listers,
You may find this interesting.
I came across this when I was in a session  the mix window had  
not had the tracks table vertical splitter moved to the right 30%.
As long as the tracks are showing you can use control ; and or  
control shift ; to move the track selection down in the tracks.
You can also use control shift p  to move up maintaining  the  
selection of the track you started on.
This makes it easy to  select any tracks that are showing in the  

These track  selections are reflected shown in the tracks table.
I discovered this when moving a selection from 1 track to another  
in the mix window.

talk soon

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Re: Alternative way to get tracks selected with out a controller.

2011-03-19 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Slau,
If your just getting into pro tools this is a sure way to check that  
you have made the correct selection!

you can check the tracks table to make sure what you have selected!
You know what they say!
Measure twice and cut tracks once! LOL

On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:46 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Guys, this is how Pro Tools worked since version 5. How did you  
extend selections between multiple tracks before? I don't understand  
what the discovery is. This is not new, except if you simply  
didn't know it before but then it begs the question I asked above.


On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:30 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Yep. Totally works here. Why didn't I think of that earlier. You're  

On Mar 19, 2011, at 5:22 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Listers,
You may find this interesting.
I came across this when I was in a session  the mix window had  
not had the tracks table vertical splitter moved to the right 30%.
As long as the tracks are showing you can use control ; and or  
control shift ; to move the track selection down in the tracks.
You can also use control shift p  to move up maintaining  the  
selection of the track you started on.
This makes it easy to  select any tracks that are showing in the  

These track  selections are reflected shown in the tracks table.
I discovered this when moving a selection from 1 track to another  
in the mix window.

talk soon

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Re: Alternative way to get tracks selected with out a controller.// Dragging tracks in the track table.

2011-03-19 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Slau,
Have you tried to drag and drop tracks to re order them in the new PT  
while in the tracks table?

If you don't move the vertical splitter over to the right about 30%  
you can not drag or use command click to select meltable tracks.
Of course you need sighted assistance to use the mouse to click and  
drag the vertical splitter over to the right!
Thats why my templates all have the vertical splitter for the tracks  
table moved  30% % to the right to make the visual and the other basic  
track moving stuff available in every session i do from my templates.

talk  soon
Your mouse may veri! LOL

On Mar 19, 2011, at 8:34 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Chuck, the track table has nothing to do with extending the  
selection while the edit follows track selection.

On Mar 19, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Frank,
The command shift works fine when you have your tracks table spread  
out to the right  by using the vertical splitter.
When it is moved to the right with the vertical splitter dragging  
tracks and selection is very easy.

Talk soon

On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:53 PM, Frank Carmickle wrote:

Hey Slau

What we have been looking for is a way to do multiple selection.   
The shift modifier, I am assuming, allows us to do this with out a  
control surface.


On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:46 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Guys, this is how Pro Tools worked since version 5. How did you  
extend selections between multiple tracks before? I don't  
understand what the discovery is. This is not new, except if  
you simply didn't know it before but then it begs the question I  
asked above.


On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:30 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Yep. Totally works here. Why didn't I think of that earlier.  
You're brilliant.

On Mar 19, 2011, at 5:22 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Listers,
You may find this interesting.
I came across this when I was in a session  the mix window had  
not had the tracks table vertical splitter moved to the right  
As long as the tracks are showing you can use control ; and  
or control shift ; to move the track selection down in the  
You can also use control shift p  to move up maintaining  the  
selection of the track you started on.
This makes it easy to  select any tracks that are showing in  
the session.
These track  selections are reflected shown in the tracks  
I discovered this when moving a selection from 1 track to  
another in the mix window.

talk soon

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Re: tempo change problem

2011-03-18 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Yuma,
My phone is in my signature that will work.
Talk then

Chuck Reichel

On Mar 18, 2011, at 12:08 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

Hi again,

Something must be wrong as all of what you said has been done.
I sometimes get strange behaviour from ptools and perhaps a reboot  
might help.

Instead of doing vo shift w, i go through the items list chooser so  
i can fast browse the elements on the screen, but no midi cluster.

Will reboot and see if its there

Ps: how should i call you?

Best regards,


Chuck Reichel

Re: Quantizing Elastic Audio ! has any body tried this?

2011-03-17 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Scott  frank,
Don't forget about the CombinedQuantizePopUpButton
This has several dozen grooves in it!

I just went to the quantize window option 0 and picked a Logic  
Style Groove from the groove pop up menu and applied a swing groove  
to test the quantization  of   a midi drum track and put a swing  
groove on the midi  funk  drum track and bang it works fine.

Happy quantizing
next test will be  the audio quantization?
just look for the CombinedQuantizePopUpButton and look at all the  
options in this baby!

Logic Style Grooves submenu
also you can Recall with Template button
and save button

talk soon

On Mar 17, 2011, at 7:05 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

Hey Frank,

Aha, that's quite a discovery! I'd checked out the window of course,
but always assumed that the fields weren't being updated as VO doesn't
reflect it. Never actually tried applying anything to see if it took

Come the end of March I'm my own boss again for a while, so I'll be
back on board with the conferences.


On 3/16/11, Frank Carmickle wrote:

Hey Scott

So if you bring up the quantize window, option 0, you will see a  
bunch of
controls and edit fields with values.  If you check the swing box  
ten vo
shift space on the edit field you can type in an amount.  You will  
not see a
change but it is there.  You can also up arrow and down arrow to  
You must click apply for it to take effect.  The fields will always  

zero using voiceover.

Hope you get to join us again soon.  I know it's late for you folks  
there.  It's not really possible to have the time work for  
everyone.  Trying

to include the US mountain folks after work and such.

Take care

On Mar 16, 2011, at 5:08 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

Hi all,

Can anyone spare a sec to jot down what it was that has been  

about the quantize window last night?
the hours I'm working clash horribly with the conference calls  
until the
end of the month, but I'm keen not to fall too far out of the loop  



On 16 Mar 2011, at 17:49, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Listers!
Lets see if this is doable?
After the discussion last night about the Quantize window and the
discoveries that  were made this just might work?
Here is a excerpt from the PT manual.

Chapter39: Event Operations 833
Quantizing Elastic Audio
ProTools lets you apply Quantize to Elastic Au-
dio events as well as MIDI notes. Quantize can
be applied to Event and Warp markers closest to
the quantize grid on Elastic Audio-enabled
tracks, regardless of whether they are sample- or
tick-based. When quantizing, Event markers
closest to the quantize grid are promoted to
Warp markers and all Warp markers closest to
the quantize grid are quantized based on the
Quantize settings.
Quantization can also be applied to region start
times (or sync points) on all audio tracks,
whether they are Elastic Audio-enabled, or sam-
ple- or tick-based. This lets you quickly quantize
audio regions without applying TCE, and is es-
pecially useful when working with “one-shot”
regions (single-event regions) such as sliced re-
gions or region groups.
To quantize Elastic Audio events:
1  Select the audio you want to quantize on Elas-
tic Audio-enabled tracks. (Audio not on Elastic
Audio-enabled tracks will not be quantized.)
2  Choose Events  Event Operations  Quantize.
3  In the Quantize window, select Elastic Audio
Events from the What to Quantize pop-up
4  Set the Quantize Grid and Options settings.
5  Click Apply.
The Warp and Event markers closest to the
Quantize Grid are quantized accordingly. TCE is
applied between these markers and all other
markers maintain their position relative to the
Quantize Grid.

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Re: tempo change problem

2011-03-17 Thread Chuck Reichel
clicking the Tempo Ruler Enable (Conductor)
button, then set the default tempo for the Song
Start Marker to the new tempo.
Manual Tempo mode
Tempo value in BPM
Tempo Ruler
Enable button
Tempo Resolution selector

Hi list,

So i've been hands on trying the introductory elements of pt, and  
unfortunately got stuck at the tempo change part.

I've got an instrumental track with metronome on in my mix window,  
and as stated on the intro doc, i go to view rulers tempo which is  
incidentally checked.

Then i go to my edit window, but can't find tempo or the add button  
to change the tempo from the default 120 bpm.

There are, however 5 tempo related items when i check the item list  
chooser, but none of them is pertinent to this function.

Here we go, my first question :)



Chuck Reichel

Re: tempo change problem

2011-03-17 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Yuma,
Hit command 1 to take you to the transport.
then look over to the right for the midi  cluster interact with it.
 if it is not showing   you half to check the option to show it.
something I do when in a unexplored window like the edit window for  
example is to hit VO shift w this will read the entire con-tense of  
the stuff you have showing in the window.
then when you hear 120 for example you know that is most likely the  
tempo in the midi cluster.

I think you know how to get there after that.
Talk soon
If your able you can call me at the studio tomorrow.
I am on the east coast of the USA.
Talk tomorrow

On Mar 17, 2011, at 10:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

Hi Chuck,

Alright, did check midi control cluster but it's not there.

I went to the options menu which is residing in the clusters set,  
popped up the menu and checked midi control cluster.

Thought this might be in the mix window but then since transport is  
in the dit, traced back to main window, and looked within the  
transport cluster itself but nothing.

Do i have to select a track before i do that? It's fairly straight  
forward here, and your explanation has no flaws so i don't get it.

Will keep looking



Chuck Reichel

Re: TC HeliconVoiceLive 2 Accessibility

2011-03-10 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Chris,
Are you saying that the TC Helicon VoiceLive 2,  has software that is  
accessible with Snow Leopard?

I'V been looking at the TC Helicon for pt hd Rig.
Did  you test it out with PT?
Let us know?

On Mar 10, 2011, at 1:37 PM, Chris Norman wrote:

I'd like to say I'm doing this purely to alert the list of a good  
thing LOL, but to be honest, it's also partly because I'm just dead  
excited! :P

I just got a new TC Helicon VoiceLive 2, and discovered, it's  
surprisingly accessible.

Sounds great, and works really well, although haven't tried to  
associated app for Mac OS X yet.

Hope this isn't too off topic, but it did occur to me, that perhaps,  
it would be a good idea (if it hasn't been done already_, to start  
maintaining a list, possibly by way of a Wiki, or some such, of  
accessible hardware. Would be great for future blind folks to be  
able to look through a list, and see what's accessible, and what's  
not, and get more taylored how-to's on gear.

HTH, and sorry for rambling.

Take care,

Chris Norman
Email and MSN:
Skype [and iChat]: chris.norman7[]

Chuck Reichel

Re: Cut copy not available control ; works with only 1 track showing!

2011-03-05 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Slau  Kevin,
I just had to use the old control ; a hour ago!
I had  a single master track showing with a automated fade out that I  
had to get rid of.

Check this out!
I had the master track with the fade out that needed to be wiped out  
and until I hit control ; I could not get a edit selection in that  
master track to delete the automation!

Keep in mind there was only one master track showing no other tracks!
Talk soon
On Mar 5, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

I think that, with the Control modifier, the keyboard focus doesn't  
matter but if keyboard focus is enabled, simply pressing p or  
semicolon will work. I haven't tried it since I'm so used to using  
the Control key to be on the safe side.


On Mar 5, 2011, at 2:48 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Ah! Control P and Semi-colon. That's the command. I totally  
forgot about that one. Does keyboard focus mode have to be on for  
that to work? or is that a command that is now standard? Thanks so  
much for this.

Hey Ronald,

That last option I referred to is under the Options menu right  
below Link Edit  Timeline.

What Kevin was referring to was simply the neighboring track. In  
other words, by using the Control-; (semicolon and Control-p  
commands, one can move up and down through neighboring tracks and  
the insertion will follow the selection and vice versa.



On Mar 1, 2011, at 9:18 AM, RvR wrote:

Hey guys,
First, Kevin, what does adjacent track mean?
And Slau, where can I find the  insertion follows track  
selection? I do find a few options which include follows etc,  
but are with region, scrub, playback in it.

Op 1 mrt 2011, om 02:57 heeft Kevin Reeves het volgende geschreven:

Slau. In Pro Tools 8 and above,, simply selecting a track in the  
edit or mix track list will create the insertion. What you need  
to do is select an adjacent track, then go back to the one you  
want to edit and select it. By doing this, somehow it creates an  
insertion point and you can start editing. I've never had to  
scrub or anything. I just select, and start editing. Hope this  

On Feb 28, 2011, at 9:40 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Hi ronald,
On Feb 28, 2011, at 10:23 AM, RvR wrote:
Can anyone tell me why I cannot cut or copy a selected range  
on an audiotrack? I can cut or copy when selecting the whole  
range with command+a.

In order to cut, copy or paste audio, there needs to be an  
insertion point within a visible track. A sighted person would  
click with the selector Tool or grabber Tool. Scrubbing or  
shuttling within a track automatically creates an insertion  
point. So, if you have a control surface with a scrub/shuttle  
wheel, simply scrub or shuttle momentarily and then proceed  
with selecting audio for editing. If an insertion point isn't  
created, the range specified for editing simply highlights the  
ruler without selecting any audio.

Is an edit selection something different than a record or play  

It can be, if the Edit and Timeline aren't linked. For 99  
percent of users, there's no need to unlink the edit and  
Timeline. Make sure it's linked. Under the Options menu you'll  
see an item for that and it should be checked.

And I wonder if the inserteon function with arrow down and up  
should be working always? Cause it doesn't seem to work here.

It does work all the time but, again, one must have an  
insertion point within a track for it to work for editing.  
Otherwise, all you're doing by using down arrow and up arrow is  
making a selection in the ruler. Scrub or shuttle first and  
then the arrows will make selections within the track and you  
can edit.

Also got mixed results with the numpad keys slash to enter  
ragnes. Sometimes the star key seems to do the trick though.

The asterisk key will highlight the Main counter parameter.  
since Edit and Timeline are linked, entering a value for the  
Main counter automatically enters that same value in the Start  
field. Make sure that when you're entering values in Start and  
End, you press Enter on the num pad to complete the selection  
process. Same thing applies to just entering a Main counter  
value. Press Asterisk, enter the value and press enter on the  
Num pad.

Hope that helps,


Chuck Reichel

Here is the Silver Bullet for selecting and dragging tracks in the mix window!

2011-03-05 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Listers!
This is short and sweet!
The Track list Table in the mix window must be moved to the right or  
expanded by about 30% over to the right.

The only thing that is a hassle is that VoiceOver does not see the  
Vertical Splitter when your  interacting with the track list table.
over the past several weeks I have been observing that some sessions  
could drag and drop tracks and Select command click non contiguous  
tracks but there did not seem to be any consistency!
After a producer friend and myself moved the track list table over the  
corse of the past week or so session by session, by using the mouse   
while interacting with the table and BTW this vertical splitter is in  
the top right of the table.

Track selection and reordering is now consistent.
What i have-done is to have the track list table moved in my main  
session template so every session has that same table size or  
placement and bang.
May be there is a way to get VoiceOver to see the vertical splitter? 

check this out in your next session!

Your Vertical Splitting may vary!
Talk soon

Chuck Reichel

Re: Midi track setup program changes.

2011-02-25 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi JR,

Since your on midi have you found a way to insert a program change  
that actually stays in the track?

I have been poking around the PT midi tracks and can change  banks and  
program changes.

 also some what use the midnam files in the midi track.
BTW the midnam files do display there patch names just fine after  
entering the program #.
 After a re launch of the pt session containing the midi tracks the  
next day the program changes are not staying in the track!

any 1 having the same results?
Is there a keyboard command to insert a program change?Thanks

On Feb 25, 2011, at 1:45 PM, J. R. Westmoreland wrote:


We are now in Chapter 6 on the PT101 course book.
This chapter is recording and working with MIDI.

I have the MIDI keyboard up and running, a JV 35 by Roland. It was a  
bit tricky but mostly because it was one of those where you have to  
change from “local: on” to “local: off”, on being the default, This  
is one of those cases where you have to be able to see the LED  
display on the keyboard. The bad part is that it claims in the book  
that the parameter isn’t saved which means you have to do it every  
time the keyboard is powered up. Anyway, it is working now.

I created a blank session, then created a new “instrument” track.  
According to my instructor and the book this allows the use of  
xpand2 pack.
If I follow the procedure we used in class and the book there are at  
least one place where you must use the mouse, maybe even two.
Does someone have a procedure they use when doing this that is fast  
and no mouse required?

Second, I want to select and record 4 bars for a drum loop, I  
suspect I will use these later to duplicate for the track. In the  
book they have you drag from bar 1 through 4 to select them as a  
region? Then record them. What is the best way to accomplish this  
Can I set the start and end info in the counters area then somehow  
select it?

It would be nice to take this text and set up an alternative set or  
procedures that could be used by the visually impaired. Maybe I  
should write down what works and collect them together for the next  
person who attempts this cert effort. This would be a good time to  
do this since the book is VERY new, we couldn’t get them for the  
class until Jan 7th. I’m still trying to get an accessible version  
of the book that isn’t just a scanned version. LOL

Thanks for the advice.

J. R.

Chuck Reichel

Re: Pro Tools 101. Was, Re: What lossless formats will Pro Tools handle on import? also Meter change steps???

2011-02-23 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Kevin,
While were on the topic of how important the enter key is in PT did  
you get a chance to compile those steps on how to insert   a meter  
change yet???

Chuck Reichel


On Feb 23, 2011, at 8:30 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

Hey J. r.
Are you taking the official pro tools 101 course, which will award  
you the operator cert? If so, can you please keep us posted as to  
what parts of the requirements cause you to ddelve into inaccessible  
parts of PT? Are you actually using the 101 official courseware? I'm  
thinking of doing that course myself and going to an official pro  
tools school to take the tests. Would love to get your take on thins  
so far. Please keep us posted on this. Thanks so much.


Hi all,

I’m doing an assignment for my Pro Tools 101 class and have to  
import a number of tracks, clip segments from them, butt splice  
them together, and bounce the result back to disk as an mp3 file. I  
then have to take that result and cross fade the segments into each  
other and bounce that to disk.

I can import the files directly from CD if needed but have all of  
them already in FLAC format. That format appears to give the Mac  
fits. Does Pro Tools handle this format? Is there another lossless  
format that would be better?

I ask because I’m having to re-do all my CDs for my broadcasting  
anyway and would like to have a format that is compatible between  
the systems. Sorry if this is a bit far afield.

J. R.

Re: automation deletion

2011-02-21 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Frank  Slau,

Hit control delete this will delete ALL automation for that track.
This works almost all the time for me! LOL


On Feb 21, 2011, at 8:57 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:


Theoretically, you're following the right concept. Did you scrub in  
the track before deleting? Is it the only track that's selected? Did  
you press Return then Shift-Option-return to select everything?


On Feb 21, 2011, at 12:59 AM, Frank Carmickle wrote:


Vinny and I were talking about deleting automation this evening.  I  
have a pass on volume automation that I want to delete so I  
selected volume on the track view selector in the edit window.   
Then I believe to have selected the whole session then I hit  
delete.  Doesn't seem to work.  The track that I have selected  
still wants to follow the automation.  Am I missing something?


Chuck Reichel

Waves | Tips Tricks Excellent read / watch for any plugs!

2011-01-21 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi List,
Just thought I would pass this along.
Just click on the links and listen or watch some very applicable tips  
and tricks for controlling your mix or sending it out of control! LOL


Chuck Reichel

Re: assigning sends to selected tracks Mouse click does not keep menu open

2011-01-14 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Slau  list,
After Slau and my self put this to the test it still does not work here!
Mouse click does not keep open the sub menu.
Is any body experiencing the same mouse behavior?
Unless I hold the mouse down the menu disappears.
1 click with the mouse using   instructions below and the second I  
leave go of the mouse the menu closes?

Any body else experiencing this mouse Trap??? LOL


On Jan 14, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

OK, Chuck, this is categorically for you but it'll help others:

To assign sends on selected tracks, do the following:

1. Make sure the tracks for which you want to assign sends are truly  
selected and showing.
2. Navigate to one of the selected tracks either in the Mix window's  
channel section or in the edit window.
3. Navigate to the send that you wish to use for all the selected  

4. Route the mouse pointer to the VoiceOver cursor.
5. While holding down Option and shift, click the mouse or track  
pad. A menu will come up.

6. Navigate to the desired path and press Return.

This will work for things like setting multiple tracks to a  
particular output. Using only the Option key with the above step 5  
will instead set all tracks to the same path rather than just the  
selected ones.

chuckles, I know you're south of the Mason-dixon line so, as you  
like to say, Your mileage may vary. Thing is, this absolutely  
works and is definitely not a bug. Somewhere else, something must be  
going wrong for you but I can't imagine what. Instead of trying it  
from the Control|24, do it from the keyboard. Maybe you'll get  
better mileage.



Chuck Reichel

Re: I/O setup, 003 and other issues in 8.0.4 ; changing audio inputs or audio output paths

2011-01-06 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Brian  Slau,

The Mouse does not work for my self when changing audio inputs or  
audio output paths for any given track.

Here is what works for me every time!
step #1 Find the audio output path you want to change, and then get a  
contectual menu on it Vo shift m.
 usually it comes up already on the output sub menu but since your  
in a contextual  menu its very easy to navigate to what you want.
step #2 now just use VO and navigate to the output choice you want to  
assign to the tracks and when you find it
Step #3  hold down Option and hit return and bang the Silver  
Bullet! LOL
All outputs will be which ever out put was selected when you hit  
Option and return
Alternatively You can just hit VO space bar on the audio in or  
output path and it will say  menu 5 items interface then use Vo to  
navigate to the desired choice..

If any body can tell me how to get command Option working to assign  
ins or outs incrementally 1 2 3 4 ect. they will receive the coveted  
PT prospector award!!

May be the mouse works better in the Snow Belt! LOL

When I try the mouse it just says inter face 48 items and just  
hovers there in limbo land no matter  what kind of VO tricks i try!!!

Talk later

On Jan 6, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Hey Brian,

I had meant to respond to this message but somehow got sidetracked.

The I/O setup table isn't accessible yet but the rest of the window  
is. Here's what you can do (and you'll need to do it for both the  
input and output tabs):

Select all with Command-a and then press the delete button. You'll  
probably get an alert but you can just delete these paths left over  
from the other system.

Then press the Default Paths button. This will create the proper  
input paths (or output paths, depending upon which tab you're in).

When you return to the session, it's likely that your outputs will  
all say No Output. when you're focused on any track's output  
assignment, route the mouse to the voiceOver cursor. Now you'll need  
to perform this next task with a physical mouse button or track pad.  
Hold down the Option key and click. Use VoiceOver to navigate to  
your first stereo bus (analog 1-2 or whatever) and press Return.  
this will globally set all outputs to the same path.



On Dec 30, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Brian Casey wrote:

Hi all,

Some of this is just my lack of knowledge in the software in  
general, but firstly, in setup and I/O, I'm having problems  
navigating and I think there are parameters that are inaccessable.  
I'm just working on a project imported from a HD rig, and in the  
mix window, the session is still showing up the output and input  
paths from that HD rig. When I try to change them, the I/O paths  
for my 003 I'm working with at the moment aren't showing up, and I  
thought that I would be able to get them to show up in the setup  
and I/O window. They have shown up to an extent, but when I click  
OK, ProTools tells me I haven't set all necessary parameters for  
the output path or which ever I'm trying to adjust.

As a separate issue, I'm using a borrowed 003 on a Macbook pro from  
my college, and it has drivers for an M box mini installed. I would  
have thought with the 003 connected and recognised, when I open a  
new session, any track in it would have the 003 input and output  
paths available for routing, however this doesn't seem to be the  
case. It only seems to be showing one pair of stereo outs or their  
mono left and right, and the same for input, just one stereo pair,  
and an  S/PDIF stereo pair. So even working from a new session and  
not just in my imported session from the HD system I can't seem to  
establish all the routing paths from and to the 003. In fact,  
though I am now thinking that the I/O setup window isn't working  
for me, I actually got the right analogue inputs and outputs for  
the 003 when in the imported HD session, but only had the few  
stereo pairs and their mono equivalents mentioned above.

Strange stuff, apologies if I'm asking questions that are in the  
users mannual, but I haven't made it all the way through the  
general ProTools one, and only have borrowed the 003 in the last  
few days.

Maybe its just that the I/O window isn't fully accessible yet and  
the other problems are to do with drivers or something.

Thanks for reading,

Chuck Reichel

Re: Reordering tracks

2011-01-06 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Scott  List,

I just got this to work in PT 8.1 for reordering tracks in the mix  

step #1 Just  inter act with the track list table.
step #2 find the track you want to reorder and mouse down on it.
step 3 using VO move up or down in the track list table till you find  
where you want to put it.
Step 4 mouse up on the track and bang! its there just below track  
you stopped on.

At this point the track you just dropped on to its new position is now  
selected, and it has moved below the track your stopped on!

Just another note you do not half to inter act with a track and then  
stop interacting with it to select the track.

You can just  Vo space bar on it.. to select it.
Just use the mac commands for selecting contiguous Shift click with  
actual mouse or non contiguous Command click with mouse items in  
this case tracks  in the track list in the mix window in PT.

This is going to speed up the  work flow immensely!!!
Even with the Control-24 I find my self looking at the track list  
table to absolutely verify that the  tracks are selected before I make  
a group per say..

This keeps the work flow in the track list table!
Your Mileage may vary.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 5:16 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:


In addition to all the valuable tips Slau and Chuck replied with, I
thought I should update this thread to say that there's also a
dragging workflow to reorder tracks.

The following assumes that you're dragging in the mix window:
1. Interact with the track you want to drag, and use
VO+Command+Shift+Space to mouse-down on the track name field. Note
that at this point, you really do have to be interacted, and it'll
only work on the track name field.
2. Uninteract, and navigate left or right along the horizontal display
of tracks until you reach the track to the right of where you want the
moving track to be dropped. When you mouse-up in the next step, the
track you're moving will always be dropped to the left of the track VO
is focused on.
3. Mouse up using VO+Command+Shift+Space again to drop your moving
track. Note that in the mix window, you don't have to be interacted at
dropping stage.

Should you want to perform this workflow in the edit window, the only
significant differences are:
1. The track name field is landed upon as soon as you interact with  
the tracks

2. You also have to interact and be focused on the track name field to
drop here for some odd reason.

Easier than it sounds believe me. Not always the most efficient
method, but between this and what Slau and Chuck posted, we're pretty
well equipped to rearrange tracks now.


On 9/20/10, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Scott,
If you want it beside your original track You can Duplicate the  

Shift optionn D will make dupp of selected track.
This should drop the track  by  the original track.
Make sure insert after last selected track is checked in the
duplicate  dialogue.
Also in the duplication dialogue you could un checkactive playlist.
I just took a look at the duplicate dialogue and pt 8.04 is very cool
you can choose what gets duplicated with accessible check boxes! Very
cool compared to PT 5.1..
Let us know what happens?
The atvantage is that it will save time with all the track I/O and
effects especialy if it is related to the org GT track.
Your mileage may very!
Talk soon

Chuck Reichel
In GOD I Trust

On Sep 20, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:


Has anybody figured out a way of reordering tracks after creation?  
an example, let's say I have a last minute flash of inspiration  
for a

lead guitar harmony, but I'm creating the track for this stroke of
genius to reside on after tracking a load of keys. By default,  
when I
create a new track, it goes straight to the bottom of the list, so  

have my lead stuff, then the keys tracks, and one more lonely lead
harmony after those. Is there a way of dragging that harmony track  

to be with its guitar pals using VO?

Cheers in advance

Chuck Reichel

Re: PT 9, The Expansion Pack and Mac OS 10.6.5

2010-12-22 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Bryan,
When this happens in my Waves plugin window in my HD3 rig I close ALL  
the other windows that are open.
This usually stops the jump out of the window syndrome! LOL At  
least  in my waves plugin windows It stays in the window.

Your mileage may very!
Talk soon
On Dec 22, 2010, at 1:52 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

Vinny, what is happening in Strike is that, when VO focus moves to  
some controls, a tool tip pops up. When that happens, VO's focus  
moves out of the window. Since the plug in windows are kind of  
strange floating windows, and don't show up in the regular Command-`  
ring, they won't receive focus automatically when the tool tip  
window disappears. Instead, you're dropped back in to the mix/edit  

A workaround is to move directly to controls with the item chooser.  
This lets you skip over the controls that bring up tool tips, but  
doesn't make it possible to actually operate those controls.

Another issue that I discovered is that Transfuser freezes up  
VoiceOver. Don't know why. Maybe Transfuser's window is too full of  
busy graphics? It doesn't happen right away, but, soon after opening  
its window, I'm stuck in the eternal busy, busy, busy, busy state.

Velvet is pretty good, but I don't think it stacks up to Lounge  
Lizard. The tine harmonics sound very static. That makes all of the  
bright dyno pianos sound like cheesy synthetic crap. The old school  
epiano presets sound accurate, though. Lounge Lizard can produce  
some beautiful glassy epianos that sound something like what an FM  
rhodes would sound like if it were a real instrument, and not  
digitally synthesized. No idea why AIR cut corners.


-Original Message-
From: []  
On Behalf Of Vinny Pedulla

Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 10:18 PM
Subject: PT 9, The Expansion Pack and Mac OS 10.6.5

Hi Folks,
I finally got my upgrade to PT 9 this weekend along with the  
expansion pack.
So far so good with accessing the instruments in the pack. Since  
they are using the Avid library menu all the presets are available.  
I think Strike is very usable not only because it's accessible, but  
the kits rock as well. The only strangeness I found is the way VO  
behaves in the plug-in window when Strike is instantiated. Voice  
Over is not very responsive and looses focus from the plug-in window  
at times. I don't know if there is some funky refreshing going on  
with the drum layout.
Velvet and Hybrid react more stably and all the presets can be  
accessed via the librarian menu. I'll let you know how I find the  
last two instruments after I get a chance to use them for a bit. I  
did however, upgrade to 10.6.5 to see if that would fix the issues I  
was having with the Strike window, but no changes as of yet. I did  
find that PT 9 does seem to work fine for me with the update, but I  
did clone my drive with Super Duper before I ran the update just in  
case I need to go back.
I'll keep you posted on what ever else comes up with all these  
areas, Vinny

Chuck Reichel

Re: frustration with C/24 / / Isopatch Bantambays

2010-12-17 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Chris,
Here is a great resource  for the best wire and patch-bays in the USA.
Several of us here on the list have been using Redco for years.
Chris Stubbs
Redco Audio
1701 Stratford Ave
Stratford, CT 06615
P 800.572.7280
P 203.502.7600
F 203.502.7610

I use 3 of these bays I bring EVERYTHING on the back of the Control  
24 over to my patch-bays by the way.
The Isopatch Bantambays have a physical separator every 2 channels so  
finding a location on the bay is a breeze!
I believe the c-24 has the same basic DB25 connectors as my control-24  
the Isopatch Bantambays  have the same DB25 conectors.

After you design  the layout you want you just plug and play! LOL
Contact me off list for detailed detailes.
Talk soon

Chuck Reichel

On Dec 17, 2010, at 6:08 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

I don't remember if I introduced myself on the list before, but my  
name is Chris Snyder. I'm working with a ProTools nine HD two  
system, and I'm using c/24 control interface. Does anyone have  
experience with the c24? I'm having some wiring and routing path  
issues. Plus I'm trying to understand where the analog ends and the  
digital begins and vise-versa. I mean, with the old Mackie, I knew  
it was analog, and I knew where all my inputs and outputs were. Now  
it seems that with these giant DB25 cables, I just don't understand  
how to route things.

Any help would be appreciated.

Chuck Reichel

Does anyone have a Roland Fantom X6 patch name (.midnam) file

2010-12-17 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi List,
I thought I would ask if any body has set up any external midi rack or  
keyboard gear yet?
I have PT 8.1 recognizing my   Roland Fantom X6 as a controller and i  
need to access patch names

I  need to access all the banks .
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have all the x6 names on my pt 5.1 rig in oms! LOL

Chuck Reichel

Re: Is there a go to a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver / Quickeys version info?

2010-12-16 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Bryan,
Have you tested quickeys with PT HD running and instantiating  a short  
cut in the Plugins window?

What is the current quickeys version to get??
Who has it for the most cost effective price?
I'v seen it for $59.00?
Thanks again
On Dec 15, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

QuicKeys should work there. It can position the mouse, or position  
and click, or drag/drop.


-Original Message-
From: []  
On Behalf Of Chuck Reichel

Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 11:47 AM
Subject: Is there a go to a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver

Hi Listers,
I am looking for a Go to a specific coordinate command in  

Is there a specific command in VoiceOver to tell the cursors to go  
to say 9 inches over and 5 inches down?

I haven't found it in VoiceOver?
I know VoiceOver will announce the position by hitting mouse  
location twice VO f5
I need to get to a screen position in Avids ProTools plugin window  
that VO won't read!
There is a Load button for waves tool bar that has to be accessed  
to get to the Presets to load them.
I already tried mouse keys even after 96 clicks to the right and 96  
clicks down LOL several times the load button wont click!

I am not sure Quickeys operates inside the PT Plugin window!
any thoughts?

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Pro Tools Hot spot update

2010-11-29 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Listers,
I just wanted to give a brief Hot spot update..
To make things easier  with hot spots set up the num pad to watch hot  
spots using num pad # 1 to watch the # 1 hot spot and so-forth..
When your in a plugin Waves Rcomp in this case find the threshold and  
other important controls you want to find out what your controller is  
mapped to..
After you set your hot spots with VO shift # 19 just hit the  
corresponding num pad number for that hot spot and when you touch the  
correct fader or switch VoiceOver announces any change made to that  

 For instance Threshold minus 6 or what ever you change it to..
If you watch several parameters at once VoiceOver will announce the  
change of that value and that it was the threshold if that is the one  
you moved a control for..

Very cool!!
In a multi track session using full drum kit just set your hot spots  
the way you have your drum track layout and for me I hit num pad  
number 1 for my kick and voiceover announces watching hot spot 1 and  
says the level as it changes, When you want to look at another track  
level hit it again and VoiceOver announces no longer watching hot  
spot 1

in This way I was monitoring several tracks at once,
 Including watching the master fader output with just the num pad..
If we could name the individual track meter when you would monitor the  
track it might say,  Kick minus 2.5 or what ever when you jump back  
and forth VoiceOver would announce the track name and its changed  

Ya all give it a try!!
I think we need a thorough tutorial on hot spots! The VoiceOver help  
did not seem to go in to enough depth for me..

Talk soon

Chuck Reichel

Re: plugins

2010-11-26 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Herman,

I load  each plugin preset  1 at a time to make sure that specific  
plugin preset parameters are being displayed  in the plug window  
before saving..
This insures accuracy in recalling the exact preset with its specific  
parameter differences..

Talk soon

On Nov 26, 2010, at 2:05 PM, Herman Fermin wrote:

Can  you save all the pre-sets at once or do you have to go through  
each one by one and save one by one?
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Chuck Reichel 

Hi Slau,
I just took a deeper look at my waves plugs.. Using the control 24  
of corse..

It seems all necessary   values and mode / behavior buttons are  
displayed in the PT plug window..
The Load and save are not visible as of yet Waves calls this the  
WaveSystem toolbar
They are aware of this so I highly recommend that EVERY BODY email  
waves and let them know also..

In fader flip mode I was jumping back and forth between the inserts  
for the audio tracks with the dedicated EQ and comp… buttons and it  
seemed to be responding rather well..
The trick with Waves is to get some sighted assistance and bring up  
the presets for each plug say the Rcomp for instance..
Once the preset is loaded just save it with the PT plug save menu  
and it becomes available in the plugin presets pull down including  
the waves full re set which did in deed reset the rcomp to its  
factory preset state very cool!
What I was impressed  with today was that the behavior modes for the  
waves plugs were changeable with the C24 faders..
So all you half to do after getting  the presets in to the menu is  
to sit there with the controller and document the fader # and  
buttons and what it is related to in the PT plug window..
What would be nice for VoiceOver is to have a mode to realtime  
report the changes to save time querying the value display..

Talk soon

On Nov 22, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

All plug-ins which have automate-able parameters are accessible in  
the sense that the parameters are visible to voiceOver as sliders.  
The odd exception apparently seems to be Waves at this time but I  
can't personally confirm the behavior. What will not be accessible  
are any menu buttons specific to the plug-in. For example, Waves has  
Load and Save buttons which are not visible because they're not  
automate-able. Most basic eQs and compressors don't use proprietary  



On Nov 22, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Frank Carmickle wrote:

Hi everyone

I am looking to get some other EQs comps and verbs.  What are the  
accessible ones at this time?  I've been mixing this little four  
track demo that I recorded on a zoom h4n a month ago and the drums  
are really harsh.  I just put the h4n in front of the drum kit.  I'm  
looking for a plugin that can help me smooth out some of the 4.5k  
crunch.  If I use the four band that comes with pro tools to pull  
down that area and thicken the bottom iI find it gets really smiley  
really quick.  I just want to soften the edge on the snare and the  
cymbals.  Any ideas would be really appreciated.

Thanks much

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Re: plugins/digi003

2010-11-26 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Slau  brian,
I have been dealing with this same problem of VoiceOver loosing focus  
while inside a plugin for no apparent reason..
I constantly half to  go to the window overview VO F2 and vo space  
on the plug window I was in..

may be there is a work around???
Using hot spots sometimes  helps..
Speaking about hot spots I thought hot spots could monitor changes  
taking place  at that hotspot??
As I said in a recent post Constantly queering the parameter change  
taking place is cumbersome, but I am glad we can now! LOL

talk soon

On Nov 26, 2010, at 2:40 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Hi brian,

The plug-in window will always come up if you've instantiated a plug- 
in. What might be happening in your case is that, if you use Command- 
= to move to the Mix or Edit windows, the plug-in window won't  
automatically close and, having instantiated another plug-in on a  
different insert, the plug-in window will seem not to appear but  
that's because it's already opened but not gaining focus. Use VO-f2  
twice to bring up the window menu to verify.


On Nov 26, 2010, at 1:31 PM, Brian Casey wrote:

Hi John, as far as I know, this isn't possible...all I've been  
doing for the moment is changing a parameter on the 003 and then  
going back to see what changed with Voice over in the plugin  
window. Of course, that's a problem if Voice over can't look at  
areas of the plugin your using. going by ear is always a good way  
too of course.

If anyone else can correct me on that I'd be delightedmaybe  
there is a way to get Voice over to give continuous feedback on a  
changing parameter.

Also, a really basic thing I know, but I'm not used too Voice Over  
and the way it acts. If I go to say incert A on a track with Voice  
over, and bring up the pop up menu and incert an EQ for example,  
should the EQ window automatically open every time? It doesn't  
always for me.

Then, further more, if I go up to the close button at the top of  
that plugin window if it does in fact open, and I come back to look  
at the incert I put in, I see the pop up menu for incert a, and if  
I go over again it says 'Incert a, 4 band EQ, window open' or  
whatever. If I then use the VO keys and space it should go into the  
plugin window open shouldn't it? Or am I missing something about  
how windows opporate in PT. All I've done beyond that so far really  
is cycle between mix and edit windows with command and plus.

Cheers, and sorry for a long message,
From: Jon Solitro
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 4:23 PM
To: Pro Tools Accessibility
Subject: Re: plugins/digi003

How does one get VoiceOver to read what each knob does when in  

mode for a particular plugin on the 003?

Chuck Reichel

Re: waves, was RE: plugins

2010-11-22 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Cameron,
I never do a session with out using my trusty Waves plugs!
Talk soon

On Nov 22, 2010, at 2:37 PM, Cameron wrote:

Hey Slau.  On the topic of plug ins, would a waves bundle be a wise
investment if one is using a control surface?  Or, would you recommend
another company?



-Original Message-
From: []  
On Behalf

Of Slau Halatyn
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: plugins

All plug-ins which have automate-able parameters are accessible in  
the sense
that the parameters are visible to voiceOver as sliders. The odd  
apparently seems to be Waves at this time but I can't personally  
confirm the
behavior. What will not be accessible are any menu buttons specific  
to the
plug-in. For example, Waves has Load and Save buttons which are not  
because they're not automate-able. Most basic eQs and compressors  
don't use

proprietary buttons.



On Nov 22, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Frank Carmickle wrote:

Hi everyone

I am looking to get some other EQs comps and verbs.  What are the
accessible ones at this time?  I've been mixing this little four  
track demo
that I recorded on a zoom h4n a month ago and the drums are really  
harsh.  I
just put the h4n in front of the drum kit.  I'm looking for a plugin  
can help me smooth out some of the 4.5k crunch.  If I use the four  
band that
comes with pro tools to pull down that area and thicken the bottom  
iI find
it gets really smiley really quick.  I just want to soften the edge  
on the

snare and the cymbals.  Any ideas would be really appreciated.

Thanks much

Chuck Reichel

Re: Pro Tools 9 confirmation Getting VoiceOver to studio rooms.

2010-11-19 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Brian,
Here is what I did for routing VoiceOver to my control room
I was considering using an Digital Coax  Optical Toslink to Analog  
Audio Converter

But went with the most direct clean way to do it..
From my amp closet  I split the Audio out from my mac pro quad core  
with a Y jack..
Then took 1 side of the audio and plugged it in to 2 direct boxes I  
had laying around..
Then took the balanced outs LR out to my mixer in the control room  
that is dedicated to VoiceOver Outspoken and all my studio room talk  
back Microphones ..
I took a feed to my little powered monitor sitting under my desk and  
bang! Job finished..
Since it is integrated in to my rack with all my patch bays I can  
route the signal any where  between my 4 studio rooms..

No hum!!
The other side of the splitter from the mac pro I just extended to my  
computer speakers in studio C for my daily experiments on the PT 8.1..
This way I don't  half to boot the whole studio and save wear and  
tear  on all the other studio systems..

Talk soon

On Nov 19, 2010, at 6:11 AM, Brian Casey wrote:

Hi all,

Great news about PT9, but my question kind of relates to Frank's and  
routing Voice over.

I'll be doing some work on a HD system over the next few months, and  
need to have a think about how I'll route Voice over into the  
control room. The Mac pro is inside a machine room just off the  
control room, so directly connecting headphones isn't an option,  
plus I'd prefer to have it on speakers anyway. One thing I was  
considering was using a programme like Jack or some such to re-route  
the audio inside the computer from the apple core audio into  
ProTools and bring it up on a fader. This way Voice over would  
actually appear inside the DAW, and I could have it on a fader on  
the desk too to have physical control over the level. The other  
alternative I guess is to patch out a cable into the control room  
from the core audio's output on the CPU and have it on a small  
powered moniter of some sort next to the desk, though I'm probably  
going to run into impedance maching problems there.

I know some of you guys discussed Voice over on headphones versus on  
speakers before, but if I remember correctly there wasn't something  
like this discussed.


From: Slau Halatyn
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: Pro Tools 9 confirmation

Hi Frank,

If you don't have an interface connected, the default output is  
apparently set to the Pro Tools Aggregate Device. By default,  
VoiceOver will come through the computer's output and Pro Tools  
will output through the interface. Again, that's assuming the  
interface's drivers are installed and the interface is detected. I  
seem to be having some trouble with the aggregate device but I  
haven't yet connected to the HD interface. I'll test that some time  


On Nov 19, 2010, at 12:14 AM, Frank Carmickle wrote:


Well I didn't really get to write much about my experience with  
pro tools 9 as of yet.  I finally got it working on Sunday before  
I left for NYC. I got to play with it for about an hour after I  
got it running.  I was able to take a four track recording done on  
a zoom h4n and mix it and add plugins.  I still haven't figured  
out how to do any location setting or editing but this is my first  
time ever using pro tools.  I will probably be asking lots of  
questions once I get a bit deeper in to it.

I am having trouble understanding the audio midi setup to  
configure the pro tools aggregate device.  I want to have  
voiceover playing out the mac book speakers and the audio playing  
out the mbx or the echo audiofire.  I haven't even gotten the  
audiofire configured yet.  I will do this some time this weekend.

Next thing is to get a control surface.  Any recommendations?  I  
saw the euphonics mc transport.  That looks pretty good.  Maybe  
that along with the mc mix.


On Nov 18, 2010, at 5:29 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:


Well, I just simply wanted to confirm, categorically, that the  
accessibility of Pro Tools version 9 is there, at least as much  
as it was in 8.0.4. I just installed it, transferred the iLok  
license and, for what it's worth, it's as I suspected but I  
didn't want to assume anything. Man, it's weird to run HD without  
having the interfaces connected. Very cool, though, if I just  
need to do some editing or something away from the studio. I just  
unplug the iLok and I'm off. Wow… what a concept.


Chuck Reichel

Re: audio IO

2010-11-16 Thread Chuck Reichel

Try hitting page up in the 6 pack.
Sometimes the window gets moved down at least from my sighted friends  

After page up the view gets clearer it seems to pull the track info up..

Talk soon
On Nov 16, 2010, at 2:04 PM, HF wrote:

I was specifically talking about when you interact with the track in  
the edit window. One time I inserted a track and I was able to see  
the audio IO and the other time I inserted a track instead of having  
the audio IO, instead there was a comment field. Both tracks I  
inserted were different types but share that common denominator. So  
I was a bit confused.


On 11/16/2010 8:37 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Hey Herman,

If I understand your question, you're asking about displaying I/O  
paths in the edit window. You can set your preferences for what the  
Mix and Edit windows display in the menu bar under the submenu that  
says something like, Mix Window Shows… and Edit Window Shows…

I'm not at the studio right now so I don't have  Pro Tools in front  
of me and can't give you a precise location for that submenu. Alas,  
as soon as I install Pro Tools 9, I'll be able to answer questions  
like this from anywhere. My, how the world has changed, eh? :)



On Nov 16, 2010, at 8:28 AM, HF wrote:

How do I make them appear in the edit window? I made an aux track  
yesterday and they were exactly where I thought they would be.  
Then I inserted a stereo track and instead of of the audio IO I  
had comments. I was able to get to the Audio IO when interacting  
with the track in the mix window. Is this normal or am I missing  
something again?


Chuck Reichel

Case 175989492 / resolution for the audio midi setup Time to email accessibility!!!

2010-09-27 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi List,
As most of you already know PT uses the audio midi setup for Midi  
communication to external Midi devices.
If you have not yet ran the app go to your utilities folder and give  
it a  whirl!
After you take a peek at it you will notice that after you get past  
the empty scroll area  where the midi devices are located  By the way  
you have to grab the mouse and randomly drag on it to get a midi  
device selected but after that the tool bar selections become  

Then the   midi device options  are pretty much usable.
below is some of my exchanges with apple since i have a current apple  
care contract.
Jon from apple mentioned that the more they know about the issue the  
quicker it will get fixed!
I have a rack full of midi modules I am not ready to ditch yet and I  
am sure I am not alone!

We need to  start emailing apple.
Talk soon

Begin forwarded message:

That is correct chuck,

We verified the issue, and submitted a ticket to the development team,  
hopeing that in future updates there may be a resolution for the audio  
midi setup up

On Sep 23, 2010, at 11:56 AM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
Hi Jon,
Are you talking about the Audio Midi Set up? That was escalated to  

Or the to-do list issue?
Thanks for addressing the broken AMS app.
Talk soon
On Sep 23, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Jon Molyneaux wrote:
Hey like i was mentioning before,  Engineers replicated same exact  
issue, and they've gone ahead and escalated to development and  
hopefully it will be fixed in a future release, unfortunately i didn't  
get a follow up regarding logic

Jon, Senior Advisor

On Sep 21, 2010, at 7:53 AM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
Hi Jon,
I received your voicemail but it was hard to understand.
Could you email me back whats up with the Audio Midi Setup?
Talk soon

Chuck Reichel

On Sep 7, 2010, at 8:46 AM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
Hi Jon,
Great talking yesterday!
Here is whats going on with Audio Midi setup so far.
Have you found any work around? ?
I am having problems with VoiceOver and the audio midi setup AMS.
VoiceOver can read the tool bar items but the area that has the midi  
instruments is totally  invisible to Voiceover.
It just says empty scroll area  My wife who has excellent site   
verified that there is several midi instruments in side it!

Can you get this fixed?
I am using a mac pro quad core running snow Leopard 10.6.3
 with a Avid Digidesign pro tools hd3 system installed on it.   I  
absolutely need access to these parts of the midi set up window.

Also so do thousands of other Blind midi users.
May be Apple  don't know that the Audio Midi setup application  is  

Thanks again.

On Sep 2, 2010, at 5:29 PM, Jon Molyneaux wrote:
Here's my contact information

Jon Molyneaux
P. S. If you wish to reach me regarding this case, please contact me  
at 1-877-388-0879 ext. 34001. I currently work Sunday-Thursday 9:15 am  
to 6:15 pm PST. If you reach my voicemail, please leave your name,  
phone number, case number and the best time to reach you. If you  
prefer--or if you need assistance with a different issue--please  
contact Apple at 1-800-MY-APPLE (1-800-692-7753) or 

Have you been introduced to Apple Expert?

Jump start your next support call by creating a case online first. Let  
us know the best time to reach you, and we'll connect you to an Apple  
Expert with the answers. Check out Apple Expert today!
(Available only in the United States and Canada)

Jon Molyneaux

Chuck Reichel

Re: Need PT bounce converted to WMA for client!

2010-08-16 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi List!
All I requested was a conversion to wma not a dissertation on this  
guys computer skills!

Buy the way He makes over a  6 figure income way over that in-fact!
also the ruff mix was taken from a regular cd that i had maid to get  
to him but I knew it would be quicker to pop a ruff mix to his place  
before he hits the road to make another couple of thousand of bucks !
What i want is a conversion to wma that my Mac Pro quad core snow  
leopard box running my PT HD3 system can painlessly make a wma file,  
so i can get him the product He requested from  my self!

Talk soon
On Aug 16, 2010, at 5:53 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

I'd say Kevin is right on the money with the 44.1 khz 16 bit advice.
Assuming this chap is running through some kind of cheapo onboard
chipset for sound, i've seen a few that don't go any higher than that,
so although files will open, you get silence and on particularly
unlucky days lock-ups too..

Hth, let us know how you get on man

On 8/16/10, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
That's what struck me funny.  Maybe, Like Kevin said, he's an  
idiot.  I mean
really; come on now.  Everybody and their brother and sister knows  
very well
that mp3 is a common format which all players can play.  Just how  

literate is this client anyhow?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

A Very Proud and Happy Mac User!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Aug 16, 2010, at 12:31 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

That's seriously funny.

WMA is the Windows Media Audio format. It compresses better than  
MP3, and

supports surround sound and lossless compression. Not much uses it,
though, except Windows Media Player, and a few portable music  

Every damn digital music player in the world supports MP3, though.  
I can't

believe that he can't play it.


-Original Message-
From: []  

Behalf Of Kevin Reeves
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 1:06 AM
Subject: Re: Need PT bounce converted to WMA for client!

Quick answer, client is an idiot. Windows Media Player plays mp3's
straight out of the box. Also, are you bouncing in 44 16? That  
will make a
difference. It's weird, but it works. If you still need to  
convert, try a
program called switch. Or, just send it to him in wave. I'm sure  
Sound Recorder will load it. Lolol. Sorry. I couldn't resist. THis  
probably knows nothing about computers, hence why he can't play  
the de
facto standard filetype. Oh. He could download winamp. It really  
whips the

Lama's ass, but can it play mp3's on his machine? I guess we'll see.

On Aug 15, 2010, at 2:53 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi List,
I just sent a ruff mix in a mp3 format to a client but he said he  

only open WMA files any converters out there ?
I converted to regular mp3 using itunes and then i used max to  
mp3 but

no go on the clients part.
I have the Mp3 option for PT HD and it did not list any wma mp3  
Is there a solution I am over looking besides telling him to grab  
a copy

of itunes for his PC?

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

Re: VoiceOver and Pro Tools ; sound preferences for assigning VoiceOver output.

2010-07-22 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi HF,

When  I  booted up for the first time on my  mac pro the sound  
preferences were  set to Internal speakers built in  output this is  
the first choice in the output table found in sound preferences.

 I chose Line out which is choice #2 Built in LINE OUTPUT this  
routed VoiceOver out the sound card.
The third choice is digital output this was fun because at the time  
there was no digital outputs hooked up so VoiceOver got Laryngitis  !  
after installing my Digi HD3 cards it put a fourth choice in the sound  
prefs table which was  digidesignHW Hd  pcie card
What is probably going on at your school is they have the built in  
line output routed to a mixer chann that is Potted down!
Make sure you have cursor tracking off when exploring  the sound  
output devices table!
If you navigate to a output device with cursor tracking on that output  
choice becomes active and if you don't have any outputs hooked up for  
that choice  no out puts  VoiceOver shuts up!!!

Talk soon

Chuck Reichel

Call me at the studio if you need further clarification.
On Jul 21, 2010, at 11:45 PM, HF wrote:

I've only thus far used Pro Tools on laptops. So VoiceOver just  
comes out of the regular little speakers, which is fine. What  
happens on the Mac Pro's? Do we hear Voice over through the onboard  

I've noticed at my school that any time I've tried to turn on Voice  
Over on any of the PT HD systems, Voice Over either doesn't turn on  
or no speech. Could it be that the onboard sound cards get somehow  
disconnected or turned off?


Chuck Reichel

Re: ? on pro tools HD hardware. ; Hardware A/D for PT

2010-07-20 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi list,
I just wanted to mention while were on the topic of Hardware A/D for  

that I just installed a Lynx Aurora 16

 along with  a hd3 system and so far very cool.
16 analogue I/O and 16 Aes-ebu digitalI/o and it worked with PT out  
of its box! LOL
Just wanted to say there is a alternative to the digi 192 out there  
for about $3K!

here is a link to check it out
Talk soon

Chuck Reichel

On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:54 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

Cool Thansk for the info hay you sed something about you use a 24  
chanil interface you wouldn't know wich one this whas by?

On 2010-07-18, at 10:18 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

I don't use a Mac Book Pro in the studio. That's just my laptop.  
That said, it has an Express 34 slot so I can hook it up to a Magma  
expansion chassis which houses the HD PCI cards if I need a  
portable solution for remote sessions. I'm preparing to buy a Mac  
Pro. Currently, the HD system is running off a dual processor G4.


On Jul 17, 2010, at 10:40 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

Hi Slau I have a ? for you you use a macbook pro in your studio is  
that right?  Will if it is I was kerius what hardware you used to  
make pro tools Hd work.

On 2010-07-17, at 4:40 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Ah, right. Well, I'm sure that Bryan will get the file from  
Patrick soon and will post it as soon as he has an opportunity.


On Jul 17, 2010, at 5:28 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

Thanks verry much and I understand what you mean about that.   
I'm just kerius how things work with vo so that is why I was  
intersted in the demo.

On 2010-07-17, at 3:16 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

I'm not sure when that might be posted but, keep in mind, it's  
not a tutorial but more of an overview of what kind of  
accessibility there is in the new version.


On Jul 17, 2010, at 2:35 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

Hay ? for you you wouldn't know when the pro tools demo from  
acb file that was recorded will be posted do you?

On 2010-07-17, at 1:17 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Hey Clarence,

Control-Space Bar actually puts the transport into a Pause  
with Pre-Prime for instant playback. This is what that means:

If you have a large session, say, 24 tracks record enabled or  
even on an LE system, say, 16 tracks ready to record in  
QuickPunch mode, the system is going to allocate drive space,  
prepare voices, automation data (if there is any) and a few  
other things. If you simply start the recording or even  
playback, there will be a pause before the transport engages.  
This can vary from a second to several seconds if it's a  
particularly large session. In order to have a more immediate  
start to playback, it's possible to pre-prime the deck, as  
they say, for instant playback or recording. Pressing Control- 
Space Bar puts Pro Tools into this Pause mode. Simply  
pressing the Space Bar after that instantly starts playback.  
Further, Control-Command-Space Bar puts PT into Pre-Primed  
Record mode so pressing Space Bar after that instantly puts  
the Transport into record mode.

Pausing the transport, the way most people think of pausing  
something, is a bit different. Pro Tools has two main  
behaviors: 1. Is for the transport to remember the start  
position and, if the transport is stopped, it will keep  
resuming playback from the same start position unless that  
start position is specifically changed, and 2. Insertion  
following Playback which means that wherever you press the  
space bar, the transport will keep the insertion point there  
and, upon pressing space bar again, will continue playing  
from that location.

I would strongly suggest using the default method which is  
for the insertion point to not follow playback. Here's the  
reason. When you make a selection, pressing the space bar  
will play only the selected range. No matter how many times  
you press play, it'll only play the selected range. This is a  
good means to verify your selection range quickly without  
even having to look at the start, End and Length fields in  
the edit window. From there, one can cut, copy paste, etc.  
Now, if the insertion point follows playback, as soon as you  
play the selection, the selection is actually lost. It's very  
obvious to a sighted user but it can be confusing to a blind  

Here are two things one can do for alternatives:

1. If you really want to get into that other mode where it  
just pauses when you hit the space bar, pressing Control-n  
toggles this playback mode and the preference is also in the  
SetupsPreferences dialog and is called Insertion Follows  

2. If the transport is engaged, and you find a spot you want  
to start playback from, simply pressing the down arrow will  
automatically populate the start field with the current  
transport value. In other words, if, while the transport is  
engaged, you press the down arrow at the 2 minute mark

Re: 2 things ducking work around

2010-07-19 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi GF,
Quick fix! for ducking your track.
Just record your voc along side your bed in a separate track then  
automate the bed to duck it down when you want.

If this is not a live thing this will work.
I did this for my SPR web demo years ago and it sounds just like the  

Talk soon
On Jul 19, 2010, at 6:14 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

I don't know of any plug-in that has a look-ahead feature like that.  
There probably is something out there like that but I'm not aware of  

The slowing down effect you're looking for can be done in Serato  
Pitch-n-time. I haven't used it in 8.0.4 yet so I'm not sure if it's  
accessible. Elastic Audio probably does the same thing but that  
interface is almost purely visual and I don't know how it's going to  
be made accessible.

Sorry, not much help, I'm afraid.


On Jul 19, 2010, at 5:24 PM, clarence griffin wrote:

Ok, here's 2 things I want to see if I can do with PT.
1. I want to duck down a bed so I can talk over it. I already know  
how to do the trick with a compressor and the side chaining deal.  
The only thing with that is I want the bed to duck down before I  
start talking, the compressor won't let me do a look ahead like  
that, well not the default one.

2. Is there a plugin or effect that will allow me to do the  
equivalent of a tape stop, or a record brake? I want to be able to  
do that for some cool production fx.

Any ideas on this stuff?


Chuck Reichel

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