Re: [QUAD-L] A friend in need.

2008-03-21 Thread Stacy Harim
What a sad story about this gentleman.  I don't know his situation but can 
sympathize as to what its like to get worse after getting hurt.  Memorial 
weekend will be 7 years for me.  I was paralyzed from the neck down after 
waking up from a coma, got better to t7/8 then last year got osteomyelitis in 
my spinal column and had to get several disks replaced with metal and now have 
rods, screws and something called cages replacing the vertabreas from t4 and 
screwed into my pelvis.  A screw has since popped through a vertabrae and have 
to get another surgery getting more rods.  I can barely bend my back as it is 
and am very frightful about what I am in store for after my next surgery.  I 
will most likely have to get more rods and then will be from t1 down.

I fought a serious pressure sore for a few years and had 4 surgeries on that. 
I'm healed but still have pain in the area.  Some bone had to be removed in 
order for it to heal.  Even though I've had  a lot of medical issues and have 
only a good few years of living paralyzed, I still know I have a life to live 
and giving up would lead to a miserable life.  Your friend will end up in a 
nursing home if he gives up and that is no way to live.  I try to use my 
situation to the best of my ability.  I know there is so much I cant do but 
have to use what I can.

I will pray for your friend.  I have so much going on with my mom and her 
health right now.  She also wants to give up and it breaks my heart.Please 
tell him he is in my prayers and I hope that he can recover from this 
depression.  WHen I have more time, I'd like to send him a letter or give him a 
call.  Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone. Is he on a  ventilator?  Is 
if fairly easy for him to talk on the phone considering his level is pretty 


- Original Message 
Sent: Sunday, March 9, 2008 5:00:38 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] A friend in need.

Hi all. I got a call from my visiting nurse, Chris (  Dave's care givers )  
last Wednesday and she asked if I would call a guy who broke his neck a few  
years ago and is currently in a funk thinking he's had about enough of this 
quad 'crap'.  I called him and went to visit as he lives about 2 miles from me. 
  He is 63 and broke his back on a trampoline 14 years ago and then fell out of 
bed 4 years ago and broke his neck at C1.   He is in pretty bad shape with only 
a little movement in his arms and none in fingers or anywhere else.  He has 
been plagues with UTIs and bed sores and can't seem to stay out of the hospital 
for vary long.  I chatted with him for about an hour and he told me he doesn't 
have a computer since he can't operate one.  He asked if I would mention him to 
you guys and that maybe someone in similar circumstances could give him a call 
and compare notes with him a bit.  I know some of you could give him some good 
news about computer
 accessibility since I don't know much about voice operated computing.  I have 
a laptop I could loan him to get his feet wet if any of you could spark an 
interest.  He says he's done with doctors, hospitals, and pills - and we all 
know where that will lead very quickly.   He's really a pretty nice guy in a 
pretty bad place.   His name is Gordon R Bierworth  at phone number (602) 
938-5838 - address: 5102 W Monte Cristo Ave, Glendale AZ.
Thanks in advance for your help with this.
AZ Dave Visit My Home Page

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Re: [QUAD-L] Gays

2008-03-21 Thread Stacy Harim
I love gay people.  I have always been around them since I was a kid.  My 
babysitter when I was  a kid is gay.  Since I have been exposed to many 
different types of people my whole life it has taught me not to judge anyone 
for color, religion, sexual preference, etc.  We are all God's children 
regardless of the above things.  I know that there are people that may not like 
me for whatever reason and I don't like to bejudged so why would I judge 
others.  You aren't a bad person but a good person for not being bothered by 
what a person prefers in a partner.

I got my tattoo years ago with one of my best friends who is gay.  He also 
stepped up and really helped me through the tough time of my life when I first 
became paralyzed.  He stepped up when other friends abandoned me.  We don't 
really keep in touch now that he has moved away but  every time I look at my 
ankle, I think of him and will always have the memory of that great day 


- Original Message 
To: Quad-lIST
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 10:40:32 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Gays

I guess I'm a bad person, but the fact that someone is gay doesn't bother me. 
It's more about what kind of person they are. I have a brother that is gay and 
I love him just as much as I would if he wasn't gay. I don't want to know what 
gays do behind close doors and he respects my wishes and doesn't go there.


Quadius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
No gays at Fox!
PS for those of you who, like myself, don't know much about chat, that means 
rolling on the floor laughing.

On 3/12/08, kaye allard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Not for Fox...LOL.

2008/3/11 John S. [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 

OMG! Homosexuals! That does it. now I can't watch ABC either? Theres homos 
working for all the stations!


- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 6:12:51 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] FW: Abomination

He was working for the part that maintained the website and had no business 
answering the email.
In a message dated 3/10/2008 5:33:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
I read snoops and didn't it say TRUE or am I going blind?  Sure it was one guy 
maybe , but he was working for ABC!  
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Age 57
Leesburg, FL
Very funny, Scotty. Now beam up my clothes.

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Re: [QUAD-L] makeup, probably just the girls ha ha

2008-03-21 Thread Stacy Harim
I always wear a little makeup when I go out.  I try to look nice.  I get stared 
at enough, I may as well look nice.

I have been seeing an infomercial on a powder makeup that covers all flaws that 
I am considering getting..  I'm 33 and have more pimples now than I had when I 
was a teenager.  Anyone use anything like this?


- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 3:57:08 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] makeup, probably just the girls ha ha

I cannot apply makeup myself, but I have been wearing the mineral every day 
unless I'm going somewhere, it doesn't take much time to be applied. I use my 
regular powder foundation as it seems to cover more. It of course depends on 
who is doing.  Everyone is making the mineral makeup and I was told that the 
mineral makeup worked well by a salesperson in a store called Sophia.  It is a 
store in the mall.  .  I previously bought the L'Oreal brand that has a 
foundation, blush and overall powder.

I use a lot of different brands.  I like to buy something to get the free guest 
at the different counters if there are items I want in the gift set.  They 
often have lipstick and eye shadow that I like.  I also go to drugstores or 
discount stores to look to look at makeup. I usually buy the same colors.  The 
one thing I like about department stores is they will try it on or you so you 
know what the color is going to look like on you.
What do you other girls like to do?

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Re: [QUAD-L] makeup, probably just the girls ha ha

2008-03-21 Thread Stacy Harim

I use almay eyeshadow from brown eyes.  It had purple and brown showdow in it 
that is supposed to bring out brown eyes.  I often get complimented on my 
makeup.  I use black/brown covergirl mascara that has that new kind of brush 
that I really like.  It keeps the lashes separted well.  I use a bit of blush 
and sometimes I wear lipstick but mostly ilp gloss since my lips get dry.


- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 10:08:28 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] makeup, probably just the girls ha ha

I wear the MAC eyeshadow, I will have to look up the colors.  I really like 
My eyeliner is from Clinique, a purple shades that is not bright at all.  For 
foundation powder I just used the cover girl powder foundation if I'm not using 
the minimal powder makeup.  Right now I have under a cover-up by Revlon but I'm 
going to get some from Lancome that I ran out of that is the best I have found. 
 I use all over pink powder by company just to give the glow and regular lose 
powder besides blush by Clinique for L'Oreal.  I try all kinds of lipsticks 
that will stay on longer because I drink a lot of liquids.  I guess my favorite 
is raspberry glosse by Clinique and then another wand gloss on top by different 
cosmetic companies.  My skin is fair so I wear more ivory colored makeup and 
raspberry colored lipsticks.
It seems the darker shades get on your teeth and are not as easy to have 
someone put on you as you often look like Betty Davis.  Ha ha.
I really think it helps to use the oil of Olay moisturizer and eye cream and 
now I have tried the one that the girl from Sex and the City advertises, I 
can't think of the name of it, it is cheaper than oil of Olay.  I know you are 
probably a lot younger than me so you may not worry so much about the 
moisturizer but I know they are good for your skin no matter what the age.  My 
mom has always used lotion on her face and she doesn't have many wrinkles at 73 
which is amazing.  She taught me that since I was a little girl and to always 
rub it completely all over your neck, because you age on your neck first.
It also helps not to go out into the sun unless you are wearing sunscreen.  
Some of the lotions do contain sunscreen .  There is a Oil of Olay that I often 
use that does. I often want more sunscreen and the lotion contains.  I often 
look for a sunscreen that is the high number that is not oily at all in use 
with my moisturizer.  There is one moisturizer with sunscreen that has color 
with it that you can wear if you don't want to wear makeup.  Most of you 
already know this, but just thought I would mention.
If anybody has any makeup tips I really enjoyed learning anything new.

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[QUAD-L] getting a service dog.

2008-03-21 Thread Stacy Harim
How did you all get your dogs?  I found one program but it takes 4 or 5 years 
and have to go stay in a hotel in Baltimor for a week for the training.  That 
is not possible for me but could really use a dog.



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[QUAD-L] my mom

2008-03-21 Thread Stacy Harim
Hey all.  I am having problems and serious concerns.  My mom recently got two 
of her toes amputated due to bad circulation  She isn't walking well on top of 
that due to the circulation.  I am the only kid that is tepping up to the plate 
with her.  My younger brother is in prison so has no way to help and my older 
brother isn't even calling us after several attempst to call him.

Every morning I get a call from her all upset about something.  I am working on 
getting her medical assistance and hoping I can get help with her rent since 
she doesn't have an income and hopefully she will be able to draw disability.

On top of the toes she has an ulcer on the inside of her leg.  I talked to the 
doctor telling him that I cant physically help her and now he is getting her to 
rehab.  She is freaking out bc it is a nursing home/rehab.

I am at a loss of what to do.  She has car payments, phone, electric, etc.  We 
have talked about letting the car go but she lives out in the middle of nowhere 
and she can't stop onto my van.  I'm doing everything I can tp keep her from 
living with me again.  I can't take her negativity and if you all remember, she 
chased away a guy that I was dating.  On top of it all I will need to get 
spinal curgery again soon and scared to death of what will happen to my mom in 
the coming years when she wont be able to care for herself at all.

I did get my name back on the list for substuting with the board of edication a 
few weeks ago so I can help pay her bills but havent been called at all. I need 
to help my mom, but finding it so hard.

I'm curious to know how you all have handled or handling the aging of parents 
when you can't physically take care of them..  I always knew I would be the one 
to care for my parents when they got older but now that I have problems, I know 
I wont be able to do it and it breaks my heart to think my mom will eventually 
end up on a home since my brother wont even call to see how she is doing.

It is so exhausting dealing with my mom now.  She is a terrible patientand is 
getting great care but she doesn't think so.  Like i said before, she calls me 
first thing in the morning every day crying about something and doesnt seem to 
calm down unless I am there.  the day she has surgery, she had her heart rate 
well over a hundred and refuses anxiety medicine.  She didnt calm down until 
her friend that was visiting and I went to see her.  Her friend was on her way 
home so I was at the hospital all day into the night to keep her calm.

When I was in the hospital she constantly complained to me about things going 
on at home and now is throwing things in my face but she didnt do as much as 
she thinks because I had my dad helping me with my bills.  I was three hours 
away in baltimore and she wasnt able to come see me but expects me to be with 
her all the time.  I've missed a couple of days seeing her to give my back a 
break which hurts all of the time bc of the screw moving that popped through 
the vertabrae that I have to get fixed.

I have my second opinion in april for my back and will try to put off the 
surgery as long as I can so I can try to help her but cant put it off forever.

I knoq I rambled but I'm really  upset over this situation and scared to death 
of what is going to hapen.  does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get 
funds to save her car and apt.?  Like I said, moving back in with isn't 
something I can handle.  Mostlh because of her negativity complaining all of 
the time about everything and how she picks at me.  Her own friend cant deal 
with it.

Any suggestions would be great and even a prayer wouldn't hurt.  



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Re: [QUAD-L] getting a service dog.

2008-03-21 Thread Eric W Rudd
I got mine here .  Ted came to my house for a week, 
from FL to IL.

Eric W Rudd

  - Original Message - 
  From: Stacy Harim 
  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 3:23 AM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] getting a service dog.

  How did you all get your dogs?  I found one program but it takes 4 or 5 years 
and have to go stay in a hotel in Baltimor for a week for the training.  That 
is not possible for me but could really use a dog.


  Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

FW: [QUAD-L] close call

2008-03-21 Thread William Willis

Wow. Was that caused by AD or something else?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 19:40:27 -0400Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
close callTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Larry,I have had that problem twice.  One time I was delirious and the next 
experience I was in a coma for 13 days.
We really have problems when we have horrible UTI infection.Dana
it must've been septic like I think mine was.

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Re: [QUAD-L] Quadriplegic dump out a chair (update)

2008-03-21 Thread MikeyBird3
It sounds like Brian has some serious mental problems that need  attention.
In a message dated 3/20/2008 9:11:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I  thought I would give you the link to the article which was written up 

C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Age 57
Leesburg,  FL
Very funny, Scotty. Now beam up my  clothes.

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

Re: [QUAD-L] my mom

2008-03-21 Thread MikeyBird3
I'll send some prayers.  Your mom has got to apply for  disability.  If her 
negativity stops her (they'll never let me have it)  then you have to push 
her.  It sounds like you need to become the parent  and say this is what 
going to do.
In a message dated 3/21/2008 4:47:34 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Any suggestions would be great and even a prayer wouldn't hurt.  

C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Age 57
Leesburg,  FL
Very funny, Scotty. Now beam up my  clothes.

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

Re: [QUAD-L] Quadriplegic dump out a chair (update)

2008-03-21 Thread KK
But why the sudden behavior change?

Re: [QUAD-L] Quadriplegic dump out a chair (update)

2008-03-21 Thread MikeyBird3
He's no longer with the BSCIP.  Maybe he's having financial  trouble and 
family trouble and it became too much for him.  I'm just  guessing here.
In a message dated 3/21/2008 12:04:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

But why  the sudden behavior change?

C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Age 57
Leesburg,  FL
Very funny, Scotty. Now beam up my  clothes.

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

RE: [QUAD-L] close call

2008-03-21 Thread RollinOn
Well first it's good to see you're ok!
I've had a uti put me in the hospital before but not like that, I passed out
in my dr's office while driving my chair going into the waiting room and
luckily my aid was keeping a good eye on me before I took out a few
She seen me pass out and took my hand off the joy stick just in time.
But it was just the opposite for me my blood pressure was extremely low and
that's why I passed out.

It's crazy being a quad!

Mark Jackson





From: William Willis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 5:41 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] close call

Hey guys. I had a really nasty experience this week and thought my end had
come. I woke up Sunday morning with pain in my lower abdomen and a slightly
nauseous feeling. I thought I just had a bug. Then my wife rolled me over on
my back. That's when the nasty began. My entire abdomen went into violent
spasms. I couldn't breath or talk and began gasping for breath. Then my head
felt like a bomb. Then my wife says I zoned out and literally became a
zombie. I thought I was dying. My wife tried to bring me around with no
luck. She called the ambulance and I was rushed to the hospital. My BP was
180/120, it's usually 95/60. For about two hours I was completely out of it.
Tests showed I had - you guessed it - a UTI. of course. all the other
symptoms were AD. 
I've had the shakes and cold sweats many times before, but I have never
experienced anything like this. I thought my time had come. The doc put me
on levaquin, ditropan, and dantrolene. Only today have I begun to feel
better. Have any of you guys experienced this? Larry Willis


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[QUAD-L] Fwd:close call

2008-03-21 Thread wheelchair


Sent: 3/21/2008  11:13:41 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] close  call

yes I have seen my husband sweating when his Bp is really high.we turn him  
check his catheters forkinks,take binders or kinks from the sheet.  disimpact 
him .most of the times AD getscontrolled only once I used  nitroglycerine at 
my husbands request (he is a cardiologist ) which brought  his BP down  
prevented me from taking him to the hospital 

--- On Thu, 3/20/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wheelchair@

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

[QUAD-L] Pain back/tummy

2008-03-21 Thread wheelchair


Sent: 3/21/2008  11:02:52 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Pain Pain Pain  back/tummy

some times taking cranberry juice helps  preventing UTI 

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

[QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread Greg
I've been waiting for a chair repair for months. I just hate the way my
insurance and the chair shop (Apria) do business.

This is the procedure:

1.  Go to doc for prescription for repair.
2.  Go to shop to do a check-up.
3.  Shop contacts insurance to get approved.
4.  Shop orders parts.
5.  Once parts arrive, shop confirms with insurance that they approve.
6.  Shop calls the schedule repair.
7.  If they are busy and can not get me in on the same calendar month
the insurance approved, thy must get re-approved.


It now takes 3 months to get a repair done. And here is the worst part. If I
want to pay for it myself, they will not let me. Because of the contracts
the shop has with the insurance, the shop is not allowed to do business with
me directly. So if it's something simple, I go to another shop and pay
myself. If I did not have a back-up chair, I could be in bad shape if it was
a big repair job. It is immoral to do that to someone who has no other
chair. The only loner chairs they have are manual chairs and you have to
fight for one of those.


I've been without my left chest / trunk support for months now. It just came
in, but they are confirming with the insurance again.


Sincerely, and tipping to the left, Greg 

Re: [QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread wheelchair
Your experience should be a lesson for all.  But its not always the  fault of 
your DME.  Especially when it comes to CMS payment.  This is  their protocol 
for doing repairs.  Violate CMS policy and you soon find  yourself outside... 
looking in.  DME repairs is a good business, but if CMS  changes its mind on 
coverage, the DME is often left holding the special order  part.  Many times 
the order is verified and re verified to make sure that  the DME will be paid.  
Its not very pretty, but that's how it is.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/21/2008 3:00:15 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I’ve been without my left chest /  trunk support for months now. It just came 
in, but they are confirming with  the insurance again. 
Sincerely, and tipping to the  left, Greg 

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

RE: [QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread Joan Anglin
The entire wheelchairs/repairs/parts procedure is so antiquated. I purchased my 
own chair because I had no insurance and I was not eligible for Medicare until 
I turned 65. So I come into the Medicare System with my own chair. I now need 
batteries, tires, and am surprised to find out that Medicare will not supply 
anything for my chair because they did not buy the chair for me.

I ran through their entire obstacle course with switch back turns, hoops to 
jump through, and even past their local fire breathing dragon J. Only to be 
told by the very top supervisor-her own words-that the best bet for me would be 
to order a new chair. I explained to her that these were not a dime a dozen 
wheelchair, with tilt and recline and all the other bills and whistles we were 
looking at $20,000 plus. She said that is OK, we can then maintain it for you!

What is wrong with this system?

I really have a problem with going ahead and buying a new wheelchair when I 
have the chair of my dreams and for the first time I feel safe when I am out 
and about by myself. I can get around most of the obstacles that I encounter, 
do not have to look for curb cuts, drive sideways on our hillside without 
feeling that the chair is ready to run downhill, etc etc and so forth.

Have any others of you run into this problem? Is there another answer?

Joan in sunny Reno Nevada

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2008-03-21 Thread William Willis

Guys, what drug is it that brings your BP down quickly?
Test your Star IQ

Re: [QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread MikeyBird3
It's run by the government.  Enough said.
In a message dated 3/21/2008 4:29:40 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

looking  at $20,000 plus. She said that is OK, we can then maintain it for  
What  is wrong with this system? 

C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Age 57
Leesburg,  FL
Very funny, Scotty. Now beam up my  clothes.

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

Re: [QUAD-L] Quadriplegic dump out a chair (update)

2008-03-21 Thread Quadius
I think it's all guessing right now.  I'll try to keep you updated, without
flooding you with too much unnecessary info.


  *He's no longer with the BSCIP.  Maybe he's having financial trouble and
 family trouble and it became too much for him.  I'm just guessing here.*

  In a message dated 3/21/2008 12:04:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

 But why the sudden behavior change?

 C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
 Age 57
 Leesburg, FL
 Very funny, Scotty. Now beam up my clothes.*

 Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

Re: [QUAD-L] getting a service dog.

2008-03-21 Thread Quadius
Do you have any movement below your neck?  I would love to have a dog, but I
really don't have a way to walk it when I am alone.  Just curious.
C2-3 quadriplegic almost 13 years post

On 3/21/08, Eric W Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I got mine here .  Ted came to my house for a
 week, from FL to IL.

 Eric W Rudd

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Stacy Harim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Friday, March 21, 2008 3:23 AM
 *Subject:* [QUAD-L] getting a service dog.

  How did you all get your dogs?  I found one program but it takes 4 or 5
 years and have to go stay in a hotel in Baltimor for a week for the
 training.  That is not possible for me but could really use a dog.


 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your 

Re: [QUAD-L] getting a service dog.

2008-03-21 Thread Eric W Rudd
yes, but u can train them off-leash or have an aide hook her leash to ur 
chair...i'm not sure but i assume they train for high quads

Eric W Rudd

  - Original Message - 
  From: Quadius 
  To: Eric W Rudd 
  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 4:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] getting a service dog.

  Do you have any movement below your neck?  I would love to have a dog, but I 
really don't have a way to walk it when I am alone.  Just curious.
  C2-3 quadriplegic almost 13 years post

  On 3/21/08, Eric W Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I got mine here .  Ted came to my house for a 
week, from FL to IL.

Eric W Rudd

  - Original Message - 
  From: Stacy Harim 
  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 3:23 AM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] getting a service dog.

  How did you all get your dogs?  I found one program but it takes 4 or 5 
years and have to go stay in a hotel in Baltimor for a week for the training.  
That is not possible for me but could really use a dog.


  Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

Re: [QUAD-L] my mom

2008-03-21 Thread Quadius
I really wish I could help you out, but it looks to me like you need the aid
of a good social worker.  I recently faced some issues with my mother, but
not nearly to the extent you are experiencing right now.  My heart goes out
to you and hope someone else on here will have a better idea of how you can
contact the social worker or any other ideas.

On 3/21/08, Stacy Harim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey all.  I am having problems and serious concerns.  My mom recently got
 two of her toes amputated due to bad circulation  She isn't walking well on
 top of that due to the circulation.  I am the only kid that is tepping up to
 the plate with her.  My younger brother is in prison so has no way to help
 and my older brother isn't even calling us after several attempst to call

 Every morning I get a call from her all upset about something.  I am
 working on getting her medical assistance and hoping I can get help with her
 rent since she doesn't have an income and hopefully she will be able to draw

 On top of the toes she has an ulcer on the inside of her leg.  I talked to
 the doctor telling him that I cant physically help her and now he is getting
 her to rehab.  She is freaking out bc it is a nursing home/rehab.

 I am at a loss of what to do.  She has car payments, phone, electric,
 etc.  We have talked about letting the car go but she lives out in the
 middle of nowhere and she can't stop onto my van.  I'm doing everything I
 can tp keep her from living with me again.  I can't take her negativity and
 if you all remember, she chased away a guy that I was dating.  On top of it
 all I will need to get spinal curgery again soon and scared to death of what
 will happen to my mom in the coming years when she wont be able to care for
 herself at all.

 I did get my name back on the list for substuting with the board of
 edication a few weeks ago so I can help pay her bills but havent been called
 at all. I need to help my mom, but finding it so hard.

 I'm curious to know how you all have handled or handling the aging of
 parents when you can't physically take care of them..  I always knew I would
 be the one to care for my parents when they got older but now that I have
 problems, I know I wont be able to do it and it breaks my heart to think my
 mom will eventually end up on a home since my brother wont even call to see
 how she is doing.

 It is so exhausting dealing with my mom now.  She is a terrible patientand
 is getting great care but she doesn't think so.  Like i said before, she
 calls me first thing in the morning every day crying about something and
 doesnt seem to calm down unless I am there.  the day she has surgery, she
 had her heart rate well over a hundred and refuses anxiety medicine.  She
 didnt calm down until her friend that was visiting and I went to see her.
 Her friend was on her way home so I was at the hospital all day into the
 night to keep her calm.

 When I was in the hospital she constantly complained to me about things
 going on at home and now is throwing things in my face but she didnt do as
 much as she thinks because I had my dad helping me with my bills.  I was
 three hours away in baltimore and she wasnt able to come see me but expects
 me to be with her all the time.  I've missed a couple of days seeing her to
 give my back a break which hurts all of the time bc of the screw moving that
 popped through the vertabrae that I have to get fixed.

 I have my second opinion in april for my back and will try to put off the
 surgery as long as I can so I can try to help her but cant put it off

 I knoq I rambled but I'm really  upset over this situation and scared to
 death of what is going to hapen.  does anyone have any suggestions on how I
 can get funds to save her car and apt.?  Like I said, moving back in with
 isn't something I can handle.  Mostlh because of her negativity complaining
 all of the time about everything and how she picks at me.  Her own friend
 cant deal with it.

 Any suggestions would be great and even a prayer wouldn't hurt.


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2008-03-21 Thread Quadius
I managed to find the link in the quad archives.

Atenelol, Procardia, Nitroglycerin tablets or cream

On 3/21/08, William Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Guys, what drug is it that brings your BP down quickly?
 Test your Star IQ Play 

[QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread DAANOO

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 
Hi Joan,
why should buy your own wheelchair, be any different than having a  
wheelchair that Medicare bought.  That's what I have and I think they help  pay 
for the 
repairs but they would not pay for in the of the wheelchair itself  even 
though I had Medicare.  It is a weird system.  That is why my  suppliers says 
takes so long to get repairs because it has to go through  Medicare system to 
get repairs for the heart Blue Cross does not pay.
So sorry that you have to go through this.  It is a crazy system and I  would 
think that you could feel this because you're now on Medicare and  65.
Maybe you can somehow change the system if you take it to court and get a  
legal aid while you're if you qualify for one.  That would be the only  thing I 
did recommend.
I had you that would Medicaid, go to court with the legal aid to move to a  
different county and get the kind of care I needed, because Medicaid would not  
cover my care because I had a tracheostomy.
Just a thought.  I have  legal aid lawyer through KU
.  I also had to have 2 state representatives involved, and letters  from all 
my doctors. I know this is different with Medicare through the  government. 
After this battle I have had no trouble getting care.
I sure wish you good luck to get Medicare to pay for your repairs as I know  
how expensive they are I think you have a Permobil.  I don't know if  Medicare 
will buy another.  My suppliers said it would be difficult to get  another 
Permobil with the new regulations.  That would be good to ask the  list if any 
of them have for mobile through Medicare.  I think I remember  Mark mentioning 
he was going to get one.
I sure hope it is possible, because  I love mine.  I would hate to have to 
switch to another brand of wheelchair  is this chair took away the back pain 
that I was having previously in my old EJ  with a reclining system, before they 
had tilt  space.  I have had this  chair five years of may well not try to get 
in each year yet with the new  rules.

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 
---End Message---

RE: [QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread RollinOn

Mark Jackson





Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Chair Repair

It's run by the government.  Enough said.
In a message dated 3/21/2008 4:29:40 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

looking at $20,000 plus. She said that is OK, we can then maintain it for

What is wrong with this system?

C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Age 57
Leesburg, FL
Very funny, Scotty. Now beam up my clothes.


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2008-03-21 Thread RollinOn
I have a poster of Bea Author naked!
That does it for me.

Mark Jackson





From: William Willis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 3:30 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] BP

Guys, what drug is it that brings your BP down quickly?


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Re: [QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread Quadius
After reading wheelchair of response, I might understand the need for
verification and re-verification, but I don't comprehend a three-month
delay.  If someone like me were in bed down for three months, it would cost
far more money in the long run.

If this seems to be the norm and you cannot get new chair repaired in a
reasonable amount of time then you might want to look at trying to get some
help from some outside sources.
Another words maybe you need to contact your representative or possibly let
some of your local news stations know what kind of delays the paralyzed
public is having to deal with.  If they have a good investigative reporter
they can find more dirt than even you will be able to provide them.
That's just my two cents.  Thankfully I have a much more responsive company.
And it must be noted that I get my repairs done through the VA, so I don't
deal with this type of situation.  So maybe I'm just overreacting, but it
seems unreasonable to me.

On 3/21/08, Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've been waiting for a chair repair for months. I just hate the way my
 insurance and the chair shop (Apria) do business.

 This is the procedure:

1. Go to doc for prescription for repair.
2. Go to shop to do a check-up.
3. Shop contacts insurance to get approved.
4. Shop orders parts.
5. Once parts arrive, shop confirms with insurance that they
6. Shop calls the schedule repair.
7. If they are busy and can not get me in on the same calendar month
the insurance approved, thy must get re-approved.

 It now takes 3 months to get a repair done. And here is the worst part. If
 I want to pay for it myself, they will not let me. Because of the contracts
 the shop has with the insurance, the shop is not allowed to do business with
 me directly. So if it's something simple, I go to another shop and pay
 myself. If I did not have a back-up chair, I could be in bad shape if it was
 a big repair job. It is immoral to do that to someone who has no other
 chair. The only loner chairs they have are manual chairs and you have to
 fight for one of those.

 I've been without my left chest / trunk support for months now. It just
 came in, but they are confirming with the insurance again.

 Sincerely, and tipping to the left, Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] getting a service dog.

2008-03-21 Thread theomen723


I trained my own service, but?I recommend getting one that is professionally 
trained at least for your first dog.

Training a dog is not easy esspecially for a mid-high quad.? You need to be 
able to care for all of the dogs
needs (i.e. feed, walk, put on and take off harness and gear, and groom and 
bathe or take somewhere to get done).? 
To me, if you can't be independent with the dog, then there's really no point 
in getting one.? The only thing I get tired of doing
sometimes is going to bed late and waking up early for walks.? 

In Texas you can get a dog free of charge

Luke c-5/6 incomplete, 7 1/2 yrs post

PS? I'm living completely independent in the college dorms because of the help 
I get from my pup.

-Original Message-
From: Stacy Harim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 3:23 am
Subject: [QUAD-L] getting a service dog.

How did you all get your dogs?? I found one program but it takes 4 or 5 years 
and have to go stay in a hotel in Baltimor for a week for the training.? That 
is not possible for me but could really use a dog.



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Re: [QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread KK
Done all that except I just call the doc instead of going in.  If my chair is
broken, how will I get there?  Can't figure out why the doc has to get involved 
a chair repair.

Praxair, wheelchair shop, says they have rules to follow for Medicare.  I keep
telling them I am not on Medicare.  I am private insurance.  Do the work  I 
pay  send in the insurance papers myself.  They won't allow me to do that.

3 months is a normal turn around time.


2008-03-21 Thread Ms Linda Ferrell
 I take Norvasc prn for hi BP

Re: [QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread DAANOO

I don't know why it takes so long to get repairs.  I use Apria also  and I 
have Blue Cross through my stepmom and also Medicare.  I just got the  switches 
and the box repaired on my Permobil and it took over two months now I'm  
waiting for my foot pedals to be adapted and it has already been 2 months.
They tell me it is approval for the parts with Blue Cross and  Medicare.  
Don't they understand we need to chair and they will not pay for  backup.
The switches used to be covered by Apria and they would extend them for me,  
now they don't longer will.  A friend is close to help me, but he has not  
been available I guess.  If he cannot do I don't know who will do.  I  need the 
switches extended to be able to operate the switches to adjust the tilt  in 
space, the reclining, the back in the petals.  I don't understand why  they 
no longer do this as they did in the past.  They won't even  recommend someone 
that will do.
In a message dated 3/21/2008 3:00:15 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I’ve been waiting for a chair  repair for months. I just hate the way my 
insurance and the chair shop (Apria)  do business. 
This is the  procedure: 
1.  Go to doc for  prescription for repair.  
2.  Go to shop to do a  check-up.  
3.  Shop contacts  insurance to get approved.  
4.  Shop orders  parts.  
5.  Once parts arrive,  shop confirms with insurance that they approve.  
6.  Shop calls the  schedule repair.  
7.  If they are busy  and can not get me in on the same calendar month 
the insurance approved, thy  must get re-approved. 
It now takes 3 months to get a  repair done. And here is the worst part. If I 
want to pay for it myself, they  will not let me. Because of the contracts 
the shop has with the insurance, the  shop is not allowed to do business with 
directly. So if it’s something  simple, I go to another shop and pay myself. 
If I did not have a back-up  chair, I could be in bad shape if it was a big 
repair job. It is immoral to do  that to someone who has no other chair. The 
only loner chairs they have are  manual chairs and you have to fight for one of 
I’ve been without my left chest /  trunk support for months now. It just came 
in, but they are confirming with  the insurance again. 
Sincerely, and tipping to the  left, Greg 


**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

Re: [QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread wheelchair
CMS is controlling or trying to control against fraud.  In the past  its been 
bad.  Bad, to the tune of a billion dollars over the last 5 years  of waste 
and CMS is trying to control all of that by developing partitions and  
procedures. Wait until competitive bidding kicks in to establish the maximum  
allowable price for a wheelchair.  Next it will maximum allowables   for 
repairs too.  
This amounts to government restraints in business...  affecting the consumer, 
all behind your backs.  (you are not suppose to  know this is going on)
And in the next  2-3 years it will become more restrictive and  competitive.
Those working with private insurance and the VA may not face these new road  
places and competitive uniformity to restrict costs.  
Keep in mind that the DME are not allowed to blame the government either,  
just follow the established guidelines or face losing your certification.   
Maybe this explains the reason the most DMEs don't stock parts and components  
like they once did.  Why stock it, if it won't be approved, like in the  past.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/21/2008 4:36:01 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

After reading wheelchair of response, I might understand the  need for 
verification and re-verification, but I don't comprehend a  three-month delay.  
someone like me were in bed down for three months,  it would cost far more 
money in the long run. 
If this seems to be the norm and you cannot get new chair  repaired in a 
reasonable amount of time then you might want to look at trying  to get some 
from some outside  sources.

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

Re: [QUAD-L] Chair Repair

2008-03-21 Thread wheelchair
I beg to differ, as I've seen this very question asked in private  discussion 
boards for DMEs.  The answer is the used chair must be  registered with CMS 
to qualify and the paperwork must be completed and submitted  by the DME doing 
the repairs, before the work is done.  Granted, there is  little or no 
incentive for anyone at the DME to complete and submit the  paperwork, when 
they can 
sell you a new chair, which is a lot easier.
I would ask you to consider making contact with a consumer advocate in your  
area or state/federal representative with your documentation and let them 
begin  the process of contacting CMS for a clarification letter or statement.
Only then will you get that which you want.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/21/2008 3:29:40 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

The  entire wheelchairs/repairs/parts procedure is so antiquated. I purchased 
my  own chair because I had no insurance and I was not eligible for Medicare 
until  I turned 65. So I come into the Medicare System with my own chair. I 
now need  batteries, tires, and am surprised to find out that Medicare will not 
supply  anything for my chair because they did not buy the chair for  me. 
I  ran through their entire obstacle course with switch back turns, hoops to 
jump  through, and even past their local fire breathing dragon J.  Only to be 
told by the very top supervisor-her own words-that the best bet for  me would 
be to order a new chair. I explained to her that these were not a  dime a 
dozen wheelchair, with tilt and recline and all the other bills and  whistles 
were looking at $20,000 plus. She said that is OK, we can then  maintain it for 

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 


2008-03-21 Thread wheelchair
LOL, Mark.  Are you sure that the poster is not that of Bea  Arthur?  lol
In a message dated 3/21/2008 4:35:02 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I have a poster of Bea Author naked!
That does it for me.
Mark  Jackson 

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 


2008-03-21 Thread andrea murray
Linda what is a hiBP!

Ms Linda Ferrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:.hmmessage P {   PADDING-RIGHT: 
BODY.hmmessage {   FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma  } I take 
Norvasc prn for hi BP

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2008-03-21 Thread wheelchair
Welcome back to the woild, Linda!  How are you doing?
In a message dated 3/21/2008 6:47:36 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Linda what is a hiBP!

Ms  Linda Ferrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
I take Norvasc prn for hi BP

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 