Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio reboots often, Out of Memory

2023-01-01 Thread ralphy

icebreaker wrote: 
> This was my own fault, as I had my firewall settings really strong. I
> have changed it now and those messages are gone. Hopefully that will
> help it. At least, the free memory is around 15% now, instead of being
> at 5%.
> Do you know, why it's important to connect "home"? Because I think I had
> that blocking rule in a long time and maybe had a crash one a month or
> so.

The radio, touch and controller reset/reboot/crash every 24 days.  It's
a know issue and discussed at length in various threads on the forum,
unfortunately there's no simple fix.

Calling home is baked into the firmware it's not something that was
added to the community firmware.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio reboots often, Out of Memory

2022-12-31 Thread ralphy

icebreaker wrote: 
> Would it be possible to add a swap partition?
No the commands required to enable swap are not available.
Even if they were you'd risk quickly destroying the flash memory with
the constant writes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio reboots often, Out of Memory

2022-12-31 Thread ralphy

If you can fix the issue with the radio failing to connect to that could alleviate the out of memory issue.

{}: _handshake error: connection refused

These messages are not normal and squeezeplay is spinning trying to
connect every 4-5 seconds.

There is likely something unique to your setup that is causing the OOM.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2022-12-27 Thread ralphy

bengaldave wrote: 
> So in the release notes there is this:
> >>Add both channels mono output channel mode support.
> Is this related to the server settings/player>audio?
> Both channels stereo
> Both channels mono
> So for the radio is “both channels stereo” different than “both channels
> mono?”
> In both cases the radio only has one speaker

Yes for the radio's internal speakers both are pretty much the same. You
can plug in stereo headphones to the radio or connect the hp jack to a


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to force Radio to display screensaver?

2022-12-09 Thread ralphy

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I can't remember the original behaviour but I think I probably wanted
> the clock on my bedside Radio to be dimmer in a dark bedroom than the
> original firmware allowed.
> My understanding was that the community firmware with the patch fixed
> the original issue from this thread.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
The partial change that was committed should have fixed the original bug

The original discussion around the change is discussed 'here'

You would still need to manually install the remainder of the changes
from on the radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to force Radio to display screensaver?

2022-12-08 Thread ralphy

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Probably. I wonder why the "Reduce Brightness" patch related to it was
> never merged. I wouldn't be without it on my Radios.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

I didn't merge it because I prefer the original firmware behaviour and I
don't like forcing interface changes on everyone.

I added the Detect NowPlaying as screensaver support so it could be used
by other applets.

Has any one confirmed that reverting 'the screensaver detection change'
fixes the original issue?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2022-11-26 Thread ralphy

The posts to your query sum up the current state of the wifi radio
driver in the community firmware, there not much more I can add.

I have documented what was done to mitigate source code unavailability
for the CF near the bottom of the 'changelog'

Here's the summary.

- Use Logitech touch firmware 7.8.0r16754 lua module as
  the touchscreen Synaptics ChiralMotion API is closed source.
- Use Logitech controller firmware 7.8.0r16739 binary marvell gspi8686
  wireless modules.
- Use Logitech binary AR6002 wireless module from radio firmware
- Use Logitech radio baby dsp alsa module from firmware 7.7.3r16676.

Unfortunately I don't have a deep technical knowledge of WLAN but am
happy to help if I can.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Clearing Saved SSID / Logins on a Radio

2022-11-03 Thread ralphy

You can edit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf using vi on the radio and remove
the network(s) you want.

Once complete launch wpa_cli on the radio and type *reconfigure* to
force wpa_supplicant to reload the modified config file.


# wpa_cli
  wpa_cli v2.9
  Copyright (c) 2004-2019, Jouni Malinen  and contributors
  This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
  See README for more details.
  Selected interface 'eth1'
  Interactive mode
  > reconfigure
  > quit


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio run time on battery

2022-04-11 Thread ralphy

You can try reducing the power off by changing it in
'/usr/share/jive/applets/SqueezeboxBaby/SqueezeboxBabyMeta.lua line 32'

You need to restart squeezeplay or reboot the radio after making a

/etc/init.d/squeezeplay restart

We can also reduce the poweroff time out in the community firmware if we
can find a new default that's suitable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2022-01-17 Thread ralphy

P Nelson wrote: 
> I have had random issues with the radio on the community firmware not
> seeing my WiFi network, but it will see others.  Turning the radio off
> and on to reboot seems to help.  If the radio is connected to
>, click on my music to get the radio to look for your
> local lms.

What version of the radio Community Firmware are you running?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Simplified instructions for Squeezebox Radio Wi-Fi fix (wlanpoke)

2021-12-02 Thread ralphy

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Thanks very much for making wlanpoke, it's bringing back one of my SB.
> Now, I'm wondering if somebody knows the root cause of the issue and a
> way to solve it (changing BGA or any other component is not an issue, I
> saw there is an Atheros module with conformal shielding there)
'POMDev had been working on backporting an atheros driver to support the
radio's wifi hardware'
However, I haven't seen any updates on this recently.

There's been a lot of discussions around this issue in the 'Community
and 'Wifi connection on radio unstable'
threads as well.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] IR Hex-Codes for Preset 7 to 10 ?

2021-10-22 Thread ralphy

There are no IR codes defined for presets 7-10 on the radio, in fact,
unless you are running the community firmware on the radio version 8.0.1
r16862 or newer presets 7-10 are not supported.

You can add the IR codes sent by your remote to
/usr/share/jive/jive/irMap_default.lua on the radio to the bottom of


-- Harmony remote integration: Discrete IR codes to play presets 1-6
[0x76898A75] = "preset_1",
[0x76894AB5] = "preset_2",
[0x7689CA35] = "preset_3",
[0x76892AD5] = "preset_4",
[0x7689AA55] = "preset_5",
[0x76896A95] = "preset_6",

Note that the label for preset 10 is *preset_0*.

You don't need to reboot the radio after making changes to the file,
just restart squeezeplay.

/etc/init.d/squeezeplay restart


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2021-04-11 Thread ralphy

Tony T wrote: 
> Thanks,  but I guess I still don’t understand what this thread  is for
> then, if not for the the Community Firmware.

If you read the first post in this thread, you'll see that I created it
to discuss development of the community firmware.

The link provided by mrw is the official thread for the community
firmware release.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2021-04-05 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> Thank you for that, I thought I had come across the definition in the
> past, but couldn't remember where.
> There's nothing better than a hard fact, which you have (kindly)
> provided, to spoil a perfectly good tale !
> It turns out that our -ar6000.ko- seems to have chosen to increment the
> SSID length it is provided, by one. Not just for its own use, mind, it
> increments the length in the data buffer provided by the originating
> -SIOCSIWESSID- ioctl call. That (now changed) data buffer then informs
> the kernel's subsequent -wireless_send_event- event notification. And if
> the SSID was 32 bytes long, well, it now appears to have been 33 bytes
> long.
> I shall add that the kernel's -ioctl_standard_call- is also capable of
> tinkering with the SSID length in some circumstances, but seems to be
> capable of cleaning up after itself... (-net/wireless/wext.c-).
> I found one sample of an AR6000 driver source code that appeared to
> display this behaviour, and several that did not. Never mind that the
> sample I found is apparently for an AR6003, and Linux v3.3. The fact
> that one driver source appears to have done it suggests that others
> might have done it.
> That sample carefully increments the length if -WIRELESS_EXT > 20-,
> presumably because it knows, I suppose, that -wpa_supplicant- and
> friends will have taken care _not_ to increment the length in this
> circumstance. Ho hum.
> (File wireless_ext.c at:
> But not worth examining. )
> A little peek inside our -ar6000.ko- seems to reveal the same
> behaviour. There is always room for misinterpretation/error...
> Anyway, we can legitimately "squash" the kernel complaint by simply
> restricting the "random SSID" to 31 bytes in length, not 32, so my tale
> still contains a kernel of truth.

I've merged 'wpa_supplicant v2.9 - Fix \"Wireless Event too big (33)\"
messages' (  Thank

There's a new ' firmware available on sourceforge'
( with the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2021-03-30 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> So, possibly we have some kind of mismatch here if the wireless driver
> is compiled for wireless extensions < 21 (is it ?). Because setting a
> random SSID, or any SSID, of length 32 won't work, because
> -wpa_supplicant- will bump the length by one, to 33. I won't pretend
> that it makes 100% sense to me, I would have thought that it might have
> been spotted some time ago. But perhaps there aren't any current bits of
> wireless kit that use wireless extensions < 21.
> I have always associated the kernel message with
> connection/disconnection events, although that's not saying much. But I
> think I spin a plausible tale, even though it may not be supported by
> hard facts. Hard facts require a more rigorous investigation.
> *EDIT*: One possibility would be to adapt -wpa_supplicant- to generate
> its "random SSID" to be of length 31 (i.e -SSID_MAX_LEN - 1-). That
> would test my tale quite nicely.
> *DOUBLE EDIT*: Well, I have just made that adaptation, and, well, it
> works ! No more "Wireless event too big" messages evident on
> disconnection/re-connection. So I think we now understand them, or at
> least some of them. Provided there is no other unintended consequence
> apparent, I'll prepare a PR for consideration. I think it would be good
> to 'squash' the message, given that some users already have Wi-fi
> issues.

That's great that you've managed to squelch the log message.

Sorry, I didn't respond sooner.  The wireless extensions version is 22.

>From linux-2.6.26/include/linux/wireless.h for the radio.


  * This file define a set of standard wireless extensions
  * Version :22  16.3.07
  * Authors :Jean Tourrilhes - HPL - 
  * Copyright (c) 1997-2007 Jean Tourrilhes, All Rights Reserved.
  * This constant is used to know the availability of the wireless
  * extensions and to know which version of wireless extensions it is
  * (there is some stuff that will be added in the future...)
  * I just plan to increment with each new version.
  #define WIRELESS_EXT22


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2021-03-29 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> The only Wireless Event too big message that I can recall seeing is
> -eth1 (WE) : Wireless Event too big (33)-.
> '33' being the length of the offending message. Have you ever seen any
> others with different lengths ?

33 is the only length I've seen.

mrw wrote: 
> I found a commented patch, otherwise identical to yours, here:

I pulled the patch from git so I didn't include the explaination.

mrw wrote: 
> The relevant maximum permitted message length is -IW_CUSTOM_MAX-, which
> is defined to be 256. So the "Wireless Event too big" messages that I
> see are outside the scope of this patch.
> The kernel message is being sourced from here, in - wireless_send_event-
> (I think):
> We might get a little more information by printing out the command as
> well, i.e. by replacing:
> > 

  >   > 
  > printk(KERN_ERR "%s (WE) : Wireless Event too big (%d)\n", dev->name, 

> > 
> with
> > 

  >   > 
  > printk(KERN_ERR "%s (WE) : Wireless Event (cmd=0x%04X) too big (%d)\n", 
dev->name, cmd, wrqu->data.length);

> > 
> The replacement being motivate by this patch taken up within the
> current kernel code:
> Perhaps something to slip in on a next test build. It might help track
> it down, even though it may not actually matter.

I've added this for all players to '8.0.1r16852 which is now on


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Installing a patch

2021-03-21 Thread ralphy

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I use a patch on the Radio which cannot currently be installed by the
> patch installer as the source server is offline. I have a copy of the
> patch that I grabbed from the Radio before I updated to the latest
> community firmware. Is there a way to force the patch installer to
> install it or an easy way to manually install it?
> I tried manual installation via SSH but can only assume I was starting
> from the wrong directory as the target file could not be found.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Most of the patches for the patch installer are intended to be applied
in the /usr directory.

If you can't get it to apply from there, upload the patch file, we
should be able to figure it out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2021-03-18 Thread ralphy

mh_ wrote: 
> Hi @ralphy,
> Would you perhaps like to integrate
> in the radio firmware?

Thanks.  I'm unsure at this point.

I'm reluctant to apply patches to the CF that modify the UI in this

It's better to provide this type of change as a Patch Installer package,
not everyone who uses the Radio would want it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2021-03-17 Thread ralphy

POMdev wrote: 
> I don't know how to do this. I don't have an original file to diff with
> my modified file. What exactly should I diff?
> The best I can do for now is from the new edited File:
> poky/meta-squeezeos/classes/squeezeos-upgrade-image.bbclass starting
> line 45/50:
> squeezeos_version() {
> echo "${DISTRO_RELEASE} r${@squeezeos_squeezeplay_revision(d)}"
> > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/squeezeos.version
> echo `whoami`@`hostname` `date` >>
> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/squeezeos.version
> echo "Base build revision: " "${METADATA_REVISION}" >>
> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/squeezeos.version
> }
> line 48 was originally: 
> echo "Base build revision: " ${METADATA_REVISION} >>
> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/squeezeos.version
> This caused problems because ${METADATA_REVISION} had the value
> "". When substituted by inclusion into
> home/squeezeos/poky/build/tmp-baby/work/baby-none-linux-gnueabi/squeezeos-image-1.0-r1/temp/log.do_configure.29941:
> echo "Base build revision: "  >>
> /home/squeezeos/poky/build/tmp-baby/rootfs/etc/squeezeos.version
> it resulted in a "line 202: syntax error near unexpected token `>>"
> fatal error. 
> BTW, perhaps the problem lies earlier with the version functions
> returning "" (I changed these to "(unknown)"), fixing my issue
> two ways.)
> New to poky and bitbake, etc., I don't know the source of this
> "poky/meta-squeezeos/classes/squeezeos-upgrade-image.bbclass", so I need
> directions on how to do the diff you want.

That's ok,  what you've provided is great, thanks.

For reference, running

git diff poky/meta-squeezeos/classes/squeezeos-upgrade-image.bbclass

from the squeezeos folder would produce the output below, which can be
redirected to a file.


diff --git a/poky/meta-squeezeos/classes/squeezeos-upgrade-image.bbclass 
  index 02d1caf6d..6bd1db7b4 100644
  --- a/poky/meta-squeezeos/classes/squeezeos-upgrade-image.bbclass
  +++ b/poky/meta-squeezeos/classes/squeezeos-upgrade-image.bbclass
  @@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ addtask squeezeos_image after do_rootfs before do_build
  squeezeos_version() {
  echo "${DISTRO_RELEASE} r${@squeezeos_squeezeplay_revision(d)}" > 
  echo `whoami`@`hostname` `date` >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/squeezeos.version
  -   echo "Base build revision: " ${METADATA_REVISION} >> 
  +   echo "Base build revision: " "${METADATA_REVISION}" >> 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2021-03-16 Thread ralphy

POMdev wrote: 
> This was not working for me for the longest time. I was getting the
> following error:
> > 

  >   > NOTE: Running task 587 of 1140 (ID: 5, 
  > NOTE: package squeezeos-image-1.0: started
  > NOTE: package squeezeos-image-1.0-r1: task do_configure: started
  > fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount parent /home)
  > Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
  > ERROR: function do_configure failed
  > ERROR: log data follows 
  > | 
 line 202: syntax error near unexpected token `>>'
  > NOTE: Task failed: 
  > NOTE: package squeezeos-image-1.0-r1: task do_configure: failed
  > ERROR: TaskFailed event exception, aborting

> > 
> Looking at
> /home/squeezeos/poky/build/tmp-baby/work/baby-none-linux-gnueabi/squeezeos-image-1.0-r1/temp/run.do_configure.29941,
> the following function was defined on line 199:
> > 

  >   > squeezeos_version() {
  > echo "7.8.0 r15953" > 
  > echo `whoami`@`hostname` `date` >> 
  > echo "Base build revision: "  >> 
  > }

> > 
> Aha, the above "" abuses echo too much, causing the ">>" to
> fail. This "run.do_configure.#" is created by
> /poky/meta-squeezeos/classes/squeezeos-upgrade-image.bbclass
> > 

  >   > squeezeos_version() {
  > echo "${DISTRO_RELEASE} r${@squeezeos_squeezeplay_revision(d)}" > 
  > echo `whoami`@`hostname` `date` >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/squeezeos.version
  > echo "Base build revision: " ${METADATA_REVISION} >> 
  > }

> > 
> Where ${METADATA_REVISION} is generated in
> poky/meta/classes/base.bbclass base_detect_revision, which returns
> "". The problem here is that this string, if not quoted,
> interferes with echo in the do_configure step. I did two things:
> quoted the shell variable in the echo statement, and (unnecessarily)
> changed the return values of this and the base_detect_branch function
> to  "(unknown)", then it all worked after removing "-ltinfo" per the
> 'original instructions'
> (
> > 

  >   > echo "Base build revision: " "${METADATA_REVISION}" >> 

> >  adding quotes to make the minimum change.
> This works for my environment, for now. Perhaps the sources might be
> updated?

I don't have this issue in my build VM, so I can't reproduce.

Could you provide a diff, so I can investigate adding your changes?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Spontaneous turning-on

2021-03-15 Thread ralphy

gordonb3 wrote: 
> That is weird, because then you should be seeing the same error, unless
> of course the build you perform skips the parts where these errors
> occur.
> I'm actually somewhat hazy on that point as well, as there does not
> appear to be any instruction how to build for any specific target
> machine even though there is a separate subdirectory for each of them.

There are many patch files included in the 'squeezeos poky build
repository' (

If you post details on your build failure, we should be able to figure
out why I don't have a problem.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Spontaneous turning-on

2021-03-15 Thread ralphy

gordonb3 wrote: 
> Note that this is not related to the pull request I made. That one is
> purely for keeping the conversion method from C unsigned integer to
> lua_Number to alter the number sign when pushing it onto the LUA stack.

I've built a 'jive binary with the PR'

I only tested it in qemu as I'm in the middle of testing something else
on my radio and ui works okay.  I can't test playback in qemu as I
haven't found a kernel audio driver that works so far.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Spontaneous turning-on

2021-03-14 Thread ralphy

gordonb3 wrote: 
> Yeah... The sources appear to be pretty messed up. Running a native
> build I'm seeing the weirdest errors pop up, including ones that appear
> to indicate that they are supposed to be built with at least version 4.6
> of the GNU C compiler, but that doesn't fit the source's dates and would
> likely also cause issues with the libc version in the players.
> What compiler version do you use for the community edition?

I use the cross compiler version included with the bitbake/poky 3.1
build system.

arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Sourcery G++ Lite 2010q1-202) 4.4.1
Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is

I'm running a Ubuntu 10.4.04 i386 VM which was the OS recommended by the
slimdevices developers at the time.

The jive hardware uses libc 2.11.1.

ldconfig (Sourcery G++ Lite 2010q1-202) 2.11.1
Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is
Written by Andreas Jaeger.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Spontaneous turning-on

2021-03-13 Thread ralphy

gordonb3 wrote: 
> As I read it this he can only make that change based on the community
> version, which to me appears to imply that he uses a newer development
> platform that creates incompatible binaries. I'm not yet willing to go
> that way so I'm currently investigating a different route. As my armv5te
> development machine originally came with a Debian Squeeze based OS,
> which seems to be what the Squeezeboxes are based on as well, I did some
> digging and found the original install image. I'll need to change some
> parameters as Squeeze is obviously archived now and I will need
> build-essentials to get me going, but I should then be able to compile
> the squeezeplay sources to create a jive binary that is compatible with
> my Radio.
> In the meantime I have submitted a pull request to Ralph's fork to be
> included in the community build. The change is of course currently
> untested on the actual platform but I'm certain it will solve the sign
> change in the LUA part of squeezeplay.

The community builds are as close as we can get to the original firmware
in terms of binary compatibility.  A community jive binary will run on
the stock firmware provided the fdk-aac decoder is linked static and
libraries too.

Several of the components of the logitech firmware do not have source
code available.  The community firmware (CF) git repositories have
incorporated work arounds for the missing bits.  See the 'community
firmware thread'
for all the details.

I'm not certain the statement that the original firmware was based on
debian squeeze is accurate.  It was released in Feb 2011 and the
controller development, the first logitech product based on the jive
platform started around Aug 2007.  That's the first commit date to the
logitech squeezeos repo and then switched to the poky environment around
Jul 2008.

The poky/bitbake environment currently used to build the jive platform
firmware, which is now called yocto is a custom linux distribution.

I have seen the pull request, it was submitted to the multiplatform
squeezeplay repo, not the one I use for the CF builds.  But that's okay,
I will build a jive binary compatible with both stock and CF with the
change, without committing the PR so we can test the possible
performance and functionality impacts.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-03-12 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> I shall add that later versions of the wpa_ software (i.e. as included
> in the Radio's community firmware release) bring their own
> problems/incompatibilities with the way SqueezePlay has been brought up
> to expect. Not insuperable, I think (I have yet to relay one issue to
> @ralphy), but may add complication. Or even grant additional assistance.

If the updated wpa_supplicant software for the radio is causing too many
problems, then lets consider reverting to the version included with

I can continue to use v2.9 regardless.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-03-12 Thread ralphy

POMdev wrote: 
> my docker build system is finally working, and I am working on modifying
> or reverting a later wireless chip driver (version 063) to support the
> existing AR6002 chip in the radios (driver now 062). The other important
> pieces of the wireless 'stack' have been built and potentially might be
> modified to handle mitigation much faster than the script. A compiled
> Atheros utility 'recEvent' dumps numerous messages from the driver, but
> stops before the failed ping is detected, then resumes as the wpa_
> software is killed until it finally stops as the driver is unloaded by
> the script. This suggests that the failure might be caused not by
> problems from chip RF AGC issues, or the driver, but by something in the
> wpa_ software. Put another way, the wpa_ software might be adapted to
> better handle the chip RF problems. Debug builds of this software might
> identify a problem that can be easily solved.

That's great to hear you got a build system working and you're looking
at the wifi driver.
Is that the 063 sources I found?  I've had too many other projects on
the go to look at it since first discussed. 

The build system strips debug symbols from all binaries unless
INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP = 1 is defined in the .bb (recipe) file, but that
won't remove extra logging that a debug build might include.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Spontaneous turning-on

2021-03-11 Thread ralphy

gordonb3 wrote: 
> Maybe...
> As it happens I do already have a crossdev environment for armv5te, but
> it will be a major challenge to create a binary that will run with the
> existing libc on the Radio.

I can quickly build a jive binary for the radio with the changes to
jive_jiffies from post #89, but it will based on the current community
firmware not the stock.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio would not connect to LMS 8: "Update required"

2021-01-17 Thread ralphy

L0O wrote: 
> Hello!
> Got the firmware. :) Now it is: 8.0.1-r16824 - is that correct? May I
> update LMS to 8.2.0?

Yes r16824 is the latest community firmware and you can update to LMS
8.2.  The firmware version will stay the same.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-12-29 Thread ralphy

ralphy wrote: 
> Updating dropbear to 2020.81 does not fix the "dropped" connections.
> Unfortunately the radio rebooted last night after only 10 days uptime,
> so I've had to restart the test I was running to help track this down. 
> No crash log either, so I don't have a clue as to why it rebooted.

I've been connected to the radio for two days now.


root pts/0192.168.x.x   Mon Dec 28 06:49   still logged in
  root pts/1192.168.x.x   Mon Dec 28 06:49   still logged in

Turns out it's the non-zero keepalive value. You can add -K 0 to
dropbear in /etc/inetd.conf and remove -I 0.  I've updated the dropbear
build configuration file to fix it for the next build.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-12-26 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> Feels right. Dropbear certainly dropped a message in the log that it
> "deliberately" closed the connection.

Updating dropbear to 2020.81 does not fix the "dropped" connections.

Unfortunately the radio rebooted last night after only 10 days uptime,
so I've had to restart the test I was running to help track this down. 
No crash log either, so I don't have a clue as to why it rebooted.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-12-24 Thread ralphy

I left two ssh connections open last night using -I 0, this morning they
were both disconnected with an 'Write failed: Broken pipe'

I used the dropbear version that was current at the time but there have
been several releases since then.

Looks like this might be an issue with the v2019.78 as I found this in
the changelog for the 2020.79.

Fix idle detection clashing with keepalives, thanks to jcmathews

Going to build the latest 2020.81 to see if the dropped connections is


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-12-23 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> I'll communicate my wifi findings through your Squeezeplay (or
> SqueezeOS-SqueezePlay ?) repo. An action will be needed.

SqueezeOS-SqueezePlay is what I use for the firmware, it's the closest
code base to the original.  My SqueezePlay repo has had so many changes
over the years and I really want to keep the community firmware as close
to the original as possible.

mrw wrote: 
> I also find that the new Dropbear insists on throwing me off after a
> period of idleness. Something to with an '-L' switch, or lack of, I
> think. Not a worry, but something to be aware of !

According to the dropbear help -I 0 is the default, no connection
timeout and keep alive should be enabled by default, at least that's how
I read it.


-i  Start for inetd
  -K   (0 is never, default 1, in seconds)
  -I   (0 is never, default 0, in seconds)

Try forcing no timeout by adding -I 0 (capital letter eye and zero) to
the end of the ssh line in /etc/inet.d.conf.  


# grep ^ssh /etc/inetd.conf
  ssh stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/dropbear dropbear   -i -I 0

You can restart inetd without rebooting will kill -HUP and the pid of
the inetd process.  I've noticed the disconnects as well and have made
the change on my radio also.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-12-22 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> On the subject of the Radio wifi, I seem to getting consistently poor
> wi-fi scan results with the updated -wpa_supplicant- tool. I cannot be
> sure, because I very rarely need to establish a new wi-fi connection,
> but it doesn't seem right.
> Basically, I have had to enter the SSID manually (in Squeezeplay set up)
> to be able to establish a wifi connection. Wifi scanning just does not
> seem to be working. I'm pretty sure, without being absolutely positive,
> that this is "new firmware" related.
> I haven't really being paying attention to this over the past few
> months, it has only just come to my attention when installing the latest
> firmware. I'm guessing that an issue has been there all along.
> Any suggestions as to how to test ?
> My thought is to carry out some checks over a period of, say, a couple
> of days, and compare how the the newer and original wpa_supplicant
> binaries perform. Perhaps a periodic run of -wpa_cli scan_results- and
> see what networks are seen with new vs original.
> Would I be right in thinking that the only changes to wi-fi are in the
> -wpa_supplicant- and -wpa_cli binaries- ? If so, it is just a matter of
> replacing the two of these. Or are there other libraries, etc., that I
> would need to consider ?

Yes only those 2 binaries.  All other support libraries are statically
linked, so you should be good.

There is also a  'kernel patch to fix the Wireless Event too big
but I still get the occasional one in /var/log/messages.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radios Reboots, with talk radio in the UK, cable connected , cable connect

2020-12-21 Thread ralphy

We've released 'updated firmware for the Radio, Touch and Controller'
along with an LMS plugin to automatically download the new firmware.

The firmware includes the
discussed in this thread, as well as several other fixes from mrw and

Full change details are available in the new firmware thread.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radios Reboots, with talk radio in the UK, cable connected , cable connect

2020-12-09 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> Thanks. I won't be offering a custom binary as I think there is an
> "ordinary user" workaround available.
> Nevertheless I think that Squeezeplay does need correcting, and I've
> satisfied myself that I have an appropriate patch. A second set of eyes
> is always welcome.
> I've attached to this post:
> >   >   > 
  - The patch that I think needs to be in Squeezeplay:
  > -0001-Bugfix-Incomplete-extraction-of-icy-metadata-causes-.patch.txt-
  - A debug/verification patch that traces proper operation:
  > -0002-Bugfix-icy-metadata-for-testing-only-verify-operatio.patch.txt-
  - A 'pokyized' version of the above that I applied to the existing
  > squeezeos source tree to build the test jive binary:
  > -00xx-poky-icy-fix-debug-version.patch.txt-
  > > > 
> I have tested both on desktop Squeezeplay on macOS, and on a Radio
> with a custom jive binary.
> Typical log output from the debug/verification version is as follows:
> > 

  >   > 
  > Dec  8 00:22:22 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - streambuf_icy_filter:393 
ICY: Caught defect
  > Dec  8 00:22:22 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - streambuf_icy_filter:397 
ICY: Stream buf read ptr should be 0, it is 0
  > Dec  8 00:22:22 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - streambuf_icy_filter:401 
ICY: Recovered from defect: icy metadata: StreamTitle='Ludwig van Beethoven - 
Symphony No.6 in F major Opus 68 (2)';StreamUrl='';UTC='20201208T002157.047';
  > Dec  8 04:21:34 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - streambuf_icy_filter:393 
ICY: Caught defect
  > Dec  8 04:21:34 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - streambuf_icy_filter:397 
ICY: Stream buf read ptr should be 0, it is 0
  > Dec  8 04:21:34 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - streambuf_icy_filter:401 
ICY: Recovered from defect: icy metadata: StreamTitle='Franz Schubert, Schubert 
Ensemble - Piano Quintet in A major D.667 
  > Dec  8 09:12:42 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - streambuf_icy_filter:393 
ICY: Caught defect
  > Dec  8 09:12:42 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - streambuf_icy_filter:397 
ICY: Stream buf read ptr should be 0, it is 0
  > Dec  8 09:12:42 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - streambuf_icy_filter:401 
ICY: Recovered from defect: icy metadata: StreamTitle='Gustav Holst - `In the 
bleak mid-winter.`

> > 
> This was generated on a Radio, playing out this continuous stream:
> -
> I will add that changing -STREAMBUF_SIZE- in -streambuf.c- from 3MB
> to, say, 150k, makes for a much more effective test session, because
> the incidence rate is increased about 20-fold.
> Let me know if you would be interested in a receiving a PR.

Thanks for offering to create a PR but it's not necessary.

I'll have a play with the patches over the weekend and can just apply
the 0001-Bugfix-Incomplete-extraction-of-icy-metadata-causes-.patch file
to the squeezeplay sources if everything appears to be okay.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radios Reboots, with talk radio in the UK, cable connected , cable connect

2020-12-07 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> That said, there is a project to keep the Radio's firmware updated,
> initiated by forum member @ralphy: Community Build Radio Firmware:
> That does have native AAC support (kudos to @ralphy), although some
> other limitations remain. I suspect that the absence of a native WMA
> decoder is the only item of any significance, and then only if you find
> yourself needing that format.
> I am intending to offer up this particular 'patch' for inclusion in a
> future release, if it passes muster.

Thanks.   The AAC decoder was the only private feature from the official
firmware that I felt was a must have for the community firmware

In addition to the community radio firmware, I now have replacement
firmware for the controller being tested and have almost completed new
firmware for the touch.

I can build a radio firmware with your patch for test proposes if you'd
prefer that to having to create an installer for the custom jive binary.
The patch could be kept private until you're statisfied the issue have
been fixed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-12-01 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> That probably wants to be in @ralphy's announcement post:
> (It does work, I had forgotten too, so thanks for the reminder).

Thanks.  It's been added.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radios Reboots, with talk radio in the UK, cable connected , cable connect

2020-11-29 Thread ralphy

bpa wrote: 
> If the issues is in the MP3 decoder I think nothing can be done as I
> think is a 3rd party binary - it doesn't look like it has been updated
> in Ralphy new radio firmware build

Yes, that's correct.  I only updated the fdk-aac decoder as the logitech
firmware uses an older closed source implementation.

I did consider upgrading the mad mp3 decoder as there have been a lot of
issues fixed in the last 6 years.

If testing concludes that it's the mp3 decoder causing the reboot then
I'll look at updating/fixing it in the community radio firmware.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-11-23 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> As regards 'a better way', I am getting the feeling that checking for
> wrap around might actually not be too onerous an approach. Would add
> some element of 'complexity' to the look of the code. There's a lot of
> places to examine, though.

I agree, it's a lot of work just to avoid a reboot about once a month.

mrw wrote: 
> The Lua version 5.1.1 in LMS appears to differ from the downloadable
> tarball version 5.1.1 and the Lua website. So that hasn't helped me,
> I've probably been working off false assumptions.
> -LUA_TINT- seems to drive matters. It's in the LMS version 5.1.1, and
> 5.1.5, but not in the Lua 'stock' 5.1.1.

Yes I ran into that when upgrading lua from 5.1.1 to 5.1.5.
In the end I applied the 5.1.2-5.1.5 lua release patch sets to the
logitech lua 5.1.1 sources with only a few conflicts to resolve.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-11-21 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> This may be some kind of answer if unsigned 64 bit integers are
> available, and don't kill performance:
Perhap changing the lua default integer type to 64bit by changing
LUA_NUMBER_MODE to 22 making the lua integer type a long long.
Need to confirm the LUAI_BITSINT definitions as well.  I confirmed that
a long long is 8 bytes on the radio.  This could have a negative impact
on available memory in the radio.

mrw wrote: 
> Redefine -jive_jiffies- to be -Uint64- instead of -Uint32-. 
> Systems that use -SDL_GetTicks()- won't get much benefit, because that's
> only 32 bit unsigned milliseconds anyway. But systems that use
> -clock_gettime- could gain.
> Fix up -jiveL_get_ticks- to push appropriate unsigned value.
> The lua number type in use on SqueezePlay is, I believe, a double float,
> with 53 bits ? of integer precision, not 64, but that might be ok. It
> ought to give us about 300,000 years instead of 24 days. It is a compile
> time option.[/url]

SDL_GetTicks is called directly only in jiveblit.c which is easy to fix
but jive_jiffies is used a lot and in many cases expected to be only

I would think using a double to have a bigger performance impact on the
radio than a 64bit int since it uses emulated floating point.  Need to
try it to be sure.  If changing LUA_NUMBER_MODE doesn't work.

I'll have a stab at trying these changes on a 32bit intel linux system
to see how far I can get.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-11-20 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> I may have misspoken. It would be enough to restart SqueezePlay, I
> think, if it were possible to do it without triggering the watchdog.
> I suspect that may not be easily done, in any robust manner.
> But @ralphy may know better:

You need to stop the watchdog monitoring the file in
watchdog.conf and reboot once for the change to be applied.

Otherwise right after the restart of squeezeplay, the watchdog is still
monitoring the old pid which is no longer valid and the watchdog reboots
the device anyway.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-11-20 Thread ralphy

mherger wrote: 
> >> My restart script requests the current power state of the radio from
> >> before restarting squeezeplay, then waits 30 seconds after
> squeezeplay
> >> restarts before restoring the saved power state.
> > 
> > Might there be any advantage in doing the auto reboot via an Applet ?
> I
> > assume it can be done. It might allow for more sophistication in
> > restoring state (if, indeed, more sophistication would be helpful).
> Why is there any reboot required?
> -- 
> Michael

There is no reason.

However, there is an issue with all the jive based clients where a timer
variable wraps back to zero every 24 days +20:31 which causes
squeezeplay to stop updating the watchdog shared memory semaphore which
causes the watchdog to reboot the device.  Here's the 'thread where this
is discussed'
Starrting around post #26.

My understanding is that some prefer this not happen in the middle of
listening and want to reboot when the device when it's not likely to be
in use.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-11-20 Thread ralphy

bobertuk wrote: 
> Thanks ralphy, I'll see how it goes. I used the following for a twice
> monthly reboot...
> > 

  >   > 0 5 * * 1,15 /sbin/reboot

> > 

If you have the radio setup to turn off the display when soft powered
off.  You'll likely find that the screen will be on after each scheduled

My restart script requests the current power state of the radio from LMS
before restarting squeezeplay, then waits 30 seconds after the restart
before restoring the saved power state.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-11-20 Thread ralphy

bobertuk wrote: 
> Thanks ralphy, custom firmware installed and working well so far.
> I want to set up cron to reboot my radio every day but I'm not sure how
> to do that with a busybox device. I'm was familiar with VI and full
> blown UNIX cron and crontab -e (from many years ago!) but my poor old
> brain isn't as agile as it used to be. Do I need to set environment or
> will a simple single line entry entry work?
> As an example a simple entry like this...
> 0 5 *   *   */reboot
> in this instance to reboot every day at 5am.
> Thanks

The radio is the same

run *crontab -e* and vi will be started

press the letter *i*

copy and paste the following line into vi.


0 5 * * * /sbin/reboot

press the escape key

then type *:wq*

run *crontab -l* to display the cron job.

I have a script on my radio that just restarts squeezeplay twice a month
to keep the radio from rebooting every ~21days from the timer variable
overflow issue.

Unfortunately it requires disabling the watchdog timer for the
squeezeplay process id.  I'll eventually make it available but it's
still too early days for that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-11-20 Thread ralphy

mherger wrote: 
> > I've been running various versions of the custom firmware on the one
> and
> > only rev 7 ue radio I own without any issues for nearly a year.
> I'll add my voice here to confirm that I've been using that firmware for
> several months without any issue.
> > Remove Napster/Rhapsody support as logitech source code is private.
> Please note that this is not related to the current Napster 
> implementation. That was for the very early (first MOD service we had, 
> actually) implementation of the Rhapsody service. Today's implementation
> should continue to work.
> Thanks a lot Ralphy for all your effort putting this together!
> -- 
> Michael

I've corrected my post accordingly.  Thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-11-19 Thread ralphy

My squeezebox radio firmware is now available for those who want to try
it out. LMS 8.0 is supported without patches.


Key missing features are the wma decoder and Napster/Rhapsody support.
If you need to decode the wma format on the radio, install the Play
Windows Media (WMA) plugin on LMS.
Note that a windows LMS install includes wma decode support and does not
need the plugin.

I've been running various versions of the custom firmware on the one and
only rev 7 ue radio I own without any issues for nearly a year.

That being said, *if you are not prepared to take the risk that it will
brick your radio STOP here*.

For those interested, here's a summary of the changes.

SqueezeOS (Linux)
7.8.0 r16798
root@poky Wed Oct 28 16:12:42 EDT 2020
Base build revision:  e275963a460e429b575bb5b7975f5763d2d854d7

Update dropbear ssh server/client to 2019.78 release.
Added a pre-generated ecdsa dropbear host key and confirm dropbear ecdsa
host key file exists at boot.
Removed unused dropbear init.d script.
Update wpasupplicant to v2.9.
Update busybox to 1.18.5.
Enable busybox cron daemon support.
Enable busybox last and telnet commands.
Use radio/baby binary AR6002 wireless module as atheros
1.0-r20-build_sw.62 source code is unavailable.
Give a controlling tty to the serial console to enable job control.
Enable ssh remote login by default.
Disable inetd telnet remote login as service is not enabled in busybox.
Ensure lastlog and wtmp files exist in /var/log at boot to fix file not
found messages.

Details available 'here.'

7.8.0 r16798

Connect to LMS 8 without patches.
Include mrw squeezebox radio jive_alsa bass dropout patches.
Include mrw patch to ensure scrolling label returns to left margin.
Always start at the first item in the Random Albums menu.
Ignore radio firmware older than SR to SB migration firmware (7.7.3
Use radio/baby dsp alsa module from logitech firmware 7.7.3r16676 as
logitech source code is private.
Update Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library v2.0.1.
Remove closed source WMA decoder support.
Remove Napster/Rhapsody support as logitech source code is private.
Remove obsolete libspotify based Spotify Applet. 
Remove Test connectivity to upon detection of Ethernet commit
to allow setup to complete when no network is available.

More details available 'here.'

The radio supports rolling back the firmware to the previous version
before the most recent firmware download.

Here are the steps.

1) Turn Radio off: Press & hold the power button till you see "Goodbye"
2) Turn back on: Press & hold REW and PWR buttons simultaneously.

Alternately, you can delete the firmware from the cache/updates folder
and restart LMS and then the radio.  Eventually the radio will prompt
you to install the last official radio 7.7.3_r16676 firmware.

You need a local LMS and the radio should already be connected to it.

Find the cache folder path in the LMS settings->information tab near the
bottom. Mine is /opt/logitechmediaserver/cache

Unzip ''
( into the
cache/updates folder and restart LMS.

I strongly suggest a factory reset of your radio BEFORE installing the
custom firmware for the first time.  After that, I've found it's not

A factory reset will delete all settings, applets and patch installer
patches including the lms 8 connectivity patch.

Navigate to Home > Settings > Advanced > Factory Reset > Continue on the
Radio to perform the factory reset.

After rebooting and completing the initial setup the radio will
eventually prompt you to install the 7.8.0_r16798 firmware.

We are investigating the possibility to include the firmware download
automatically after LMS 8.0 is released.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-10-12 Thread ralphy

bobertuk wrote: 
> @ralphy - I noticed that you have managed to activate the busybox cron
> daemon. My Radio is in a awkward position and when it needs to be
> re-booted it's difficult to get to the power plug to pull power. Are you
> able to describe how to activate cron? If it's possible I could use cron
> to schedule a weekly re-boot as a workaround to needing to physically
> pull power to re-boot. Alternatively, is your new Radio firmware
> available?
> Thank you

Unfortunately the firmware needs to be rebuilt to enable cron in

When I first enabled cron in the firmware, I setup a job to reboot the
radio twice a month and within a few days of adding it I noticed that
the radio had become really slow.  At the time, I just wanted to play
some music so I just rebooted and a few days later, a factory reset
wiped the job.  I need to retest using cron to determine if that was the
cause.  I've neved found the radio to be that slow before or since but
there were several other changes at the time, which might have
contributed to the problem as well.

I have not released the new firmware yet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-10-11 Thread ralphy

POMdev wrote: 
> 1) This is a docker build running on a small ubuntu. From the docker,
> there is a confusing set of overlays shown here: 31800.
> I should mention that the docker persists across host reboots. I don't
> know whether this answers your question or not.
What version of ubuntu?  
I'm using '32bit 10.4.04 with local updated tools'
That's what was current and recommended when the radio firmware was
being developed.  'Others have been successful using v12.x but had to
make changes to the poky bitbake files to get it to work'

POMdev wrote: 
> 2) Who can we approach at Logitech to see if they can release the
> source? Also, what about this reference in local.conf:
> # Enable the below to build wlan drivers / wps using private source
> Is that anywhere on this site? 
> Also, I would say that you with your years of product support for their
> branded product, are not just one of the public. It's worth a shot?

I'd doubt it very much.  If logitech had had plans to release the
private sources, they would have already done so.  You need to have
login credentials to the svn repository to access the private source

POMdev wrote: 
> 3) It might help for your code to be available. Also, I have seen 6002
> drivers in some code somewhere. Perhaps these or the de-compiled
> ar6000.ko code can be substituted for the ?6003? code in later drivers.

Extract the attached file atheros-ar6-module-src.tar.gz in

Remove the ## from the beginning of
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_atheros-ar6-module = "atheros-ar6-module-src" in

|Filename: atheros-ar6-module-src.tar.gz|


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-10-07 Thread ralphy

POMdev wrote: 
> Any progress fixing my docker build?
> In investigating the Wireless Connectivity issue, I really need debug
> versions of the Atheros driver, related utilities, and wpa_supplicant to
> determine who knows what, when. If I cannot compile them myself, could
> someone else do so, please?
> The driver kernel module contains the notice: "license=GPL and
> additional rights." Apparently, secrecy for the driver (and loader)
> source is unnecessary. Who can release the Atheros SDK source code?
> I wrote a progress report, which I will upload soon.

Sorry, I got side tracked.  I've been working to build 'a current
Net-SSLeay perl module for LMS on windows'

>From your build log wpa_supplicant is built okay;


NOTE: package wpa-supplicant-2.9-r0: task do_unpack: completed
  NOTE: package wpa-supplicant-2.9: completed

it's the image creation that's failing.


NOTE: package squeezeos-image-1.0: started
  NOTE: package squeezeos-image-1.0-r1: task do_configure: started
  ERROR: function do_configure failed
  ERROR: log data follows 
 line 202: syntax error near unexpected token `>>'
  NOTE: Task failed: 
  NOTE: package squeezeos-image-1.0-r1: task do_configure: failed
  ERROR: TaskFailed event exception, aborting
  NOTE: package squeezeos-image-1.0: failed

I haven't encountered that error, but it appears to be related to this


fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount parent /home)
  Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

Is your home folder split on separate volumes?

Logitech would need to release the atheros sources they used for the
radio.  It's not available to the public.

I haven't spent any time since my last post to get the google source
driver to work on the radio, but I can make available what I have to


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-09-26 Thread ralphy

The attachment appears to have been deleted.

Try executing these commands and then upload and attach the zip file.


ralphy@poky:~/source/squeezeos$ *rm -rf 
  ralphy@poky:~/source/squeezeos$ *rm 
  ralphy@poky:~/source/squeezeos$ *bitbake squeezeos-image > logfile.txt 2>&1*
  ralphy@poky:~/source/squeezeos$ *zip -9 logfile.txt*
  adding: logfile.txt (deflated 68%)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-09-26 Thread ralphy

POMdev wrote: 
> Here is the latest version of the 'wlanpoke' software
> 31691, which fixes some logging related bugs and
> includes expanded usage information especially helpful for Windows
> users. A few options have changed. Please read the manual. As usual your
> kind comments are welcome. 
> The software has been running for 10 days now, with 2 failed connetions,
> one from the AC adapter not conneced, the other unknown, however, the UI
> froze accessing Settings |Advanced |Diagnostics |Ethernet (with no cable
> attached). The radios seem to continue to play music during a failed
> connection and restoration, sometimes with a few second pause. 
> The log files have not pinpointed the cause of disconnection so far, but
> my analysis has not been exhaustive.
> My next step is to instrument a radio located in one of the worst
> locations and see what I can see. The setup: 
> o A legacy RF spectrum analyzer and webcam combination to capture
> frequencies from below to above the 2.4 gHz WiFi band.
> o A WiFi sniffer adapter ideally reconfigured as a spectrum analyzer,
> and/or, at least listening to an access point.
> o A "tap" on the AP ethernet feed into WireShark to capture packets to
> and from the AP, with and without other AP clients connected.
> This will if anything certainly produce a lot of data. 
> I would also like to try a recent version of wpa_supplicant, but my
> docker 7.8 build is failing at task 587 of 1140 (ID: 5, …
>, do_configure). Also, examination of the "source for
> .63” would be helpful.
> Perhaps a forum administrator could make a new troubleshooting topic and
> move these related messages into the new topic.
To help you resolve the build issue, you'll need to post the full log,
not just where bitbake failed.

I've uploaded the 'wpa_supplicant v2.9 binaries for the radio to
(  To
install see the bottom of 'this post'

The atheros-ar6ksdk.build_sw.63 source that I'm investigating is from
the 'google chromium project'
I've had to pull the sources for a couple of the tools from the sdk 3.1
source as google has removed it from theirs.

The supported ar600x device list matches the driver from logitech,
however the .63 driver tries to load the firmware for the ar6003 when
inserted.  I'm guessing that google modified the driver to look for the
ar6003 as that appears to be the atheros hardware they use(d). That's as
far as I've had time to look at it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-09-17 Thread ralphy

POMdev wrote: 
> The 3.1_RC.734 is similar. Would not this be the case with the .62
> source, in the middle, as well? Perhaps someone could check the
> slimdevices private repository mentioned in the sources, and maybe make
> that public if so allowed. If not, it should be.

As the .62 and 3.1_RC.734 share one supported chipset
*sdio:c*v0271d0300* you could conclude that but the 020x support has
been stripped or was never there.

I've found what appears to be the source for .63 and most of the applies cleanly.  Haven't had a chance to
look at it more closely yet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-09-15 Thread ralphy

ralphy wrote: 
> The 'Cyanogenmod url' ( looks
> promising.  Thanks for that.
> I'll investigate building the ar6000 driver module from that source. 
> Since it's loaded at boot time, we can replace the kernel module to try
> it without the need to flash a new firmware and a factory reset will
> revert the module to the stock version if things go badly.

Unfortunately, the cyanogenmod ar6000 module v3.1.1.734 doesn't support
the ar6002 in the least not my rev.7.  Module loads on the
radio but doesn't find the wifi hardware.


# cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '(Hardware|Revision)'
  Hardware  : Logitech MX25 Baby Board
  Revision  : 0007
  # cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:0001/mmc0:0001:1/modalias 

ralphy@poky:~$ modinfo 
  filename:   ar6000.ko
  license:Dual BSD/GPL
  description:Driver to access the AR600x Device, version
  author: Qualcomm Atheros
  license:Dual BSD/GPL
  description:AR6K buffer pre-allocation
  author: Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
  alias:  *sdio:c*v0271d0301**
  alias:  *sdio:c*v0271d0300**
  vermagic: preempt mod_unload modversions ARMv5 

The only other 'ar6k module sources I've found'
are older .18 versus the '.62'
used for the radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-09-12 Thread ralphy

POMdev wrote: 
> I'm not sure how udhcpc is launched, but it reports:

The busybox builtin ifup script launches udhcpc in response to the udev script bringing up an interface.

POMdev wrote: 
> (BTW, ^C (e.g., to stop ping) doesn't work in the serial console. The
> only way to break out is to reboot if you have lost your connection.)

You can change /etc/inittab to enable job control on the serial port. 
See 'this post'

'The change is included in my recent firmware'


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-09-11 Thread ralphy

POMdev wrote: 
> Have you tried fiddling with "wmiconfig?"  There seem to be a few
> settings there that might be relevant. Also, if you are interested, I
> could post what I have done so far. A list of things to not bother with?

No, I haven't played with wmiconfig.  When the wifi drops out on my
radio, I just plug in the ethernet port to a wireless bridge I leave
under the table, reconfig the network to use ethernet and then I forget
about it for a few weeks, or until I go to take the radio outside and
realize the ethernet cable is still plugged in.

Yes please post your investigations, they could be helpful when testing
a newer wifi driver.

POMdev wrote: 
> Anyway, I am willing to test or develop, although I haven't done wifi
> before. And, is there a better forum or topic for this project?

Feel free to continue the discussion in this thread.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-09-07 Thread ralphy

cris- wrote: 
> I was able to run the build successfully under Debian "testing":
> the needed changes are available into the branch ' 7.8-debian-testing '
> ( of this
> repository
> I've tested the build using gcc 8, 9 ad 10, of course only for the
> target machine "baby".
> I would like to send a PR for the merge: I'm just not sure if you would
> like to keep a separate branch or use the 7.8 one.
> To be honest I haven't yet tested the produced image because I'm waiting
> a radio I bought on the internet and I want to use as a test machine.
> Would it be possible to document a bit more the process to push new
> images to the server and how to recover to the previous firmware
> version?

I'd prefer not to upgrade the build environment, it would mean starting
all over to prove the stability of the custom firmware.

My custom firmware builds have been stable on the radio for 6 months
now.  All too often I've run into issues using newer gcc versions to
build older software and the actual radio firmware kernel and program
files are still built using the bundled gcc 4.4 arm compiler anyway.

The radio supports rolling back the firmware to the previous version
before the most recent firmware download.  Here are the steps.

1) Turn Radio off: Press & hold the power button till you see "Goodbye"
2) Turn back on: Press & hold REW and PWR buttons simultaneously.

To load a custom firmware build start by performing a factory reset
before downloading a custom firmware for the first time.  After that,
I've found it's not necessary.

Navigate to Home > Settings > Advanced > Factory Reset > Continue.

You need a local LMS and the radio should already be connected to it.

Find the cache folder path in the LMS settings->information tab near the
bottom. Mine is /opt/logitechmediaserver/cache

Copy the new firmware file (baby_7.8.0_r16xxx.bin) into

Extract the jive.version file.

unzip baby_7.8.0_r16xxx.bin jive.version

Rename jive.version to baby.version

You should have two files in the updates folder


As this point I reboot the radio and after the restart it prompts to
load the new firmware.

Alternatively, you can also use the 'loading custom firmware as
documented on the wiki'

I'm currently investigating a newer ar6000 wireless driver in the hopes
to improve connection stability that's reported all too often on the
forums.  I hope to provide a custom radio firmware build to those
willing to risk it, after that's complete.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-07-28 Thread ralphy

kalon33 wrote: 
> Is this the same driver than the one we can find here:
> or
> or
> ?

The Cyanogenmod url looks promising.  Thanks for that.

I'll investigate building the ar6000 driver module from that source. 
Since it's loaded at boot time, we can replace the kernel module to try
it without the need to flash a new firmware and a factory reset will
revert the module to the stock version if things go badly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-07-20 Thread ralphy

Tony T wrote: 
> Does the Touch use the same Atheros WiFi chip as the Radio?  I also have
> WiFi dropping on all of my Radios, but not on my Touch. 
> Also, for me it is most likely interference from neighbors causing the
> Radio WiFi drops.

No, the touch uses the Marvell GSPI W8686 wifi chip.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-06-25 Thread ralphy

Deleting the tmp-baby folder should remove all traces of previous radio
firmware build files.

libtinfo is the low-level terminfo library which doesn't exist on my
build vm either.

I seem to recall the same issue when I first attempted to setup my build
vm, but couldn't find any reference to it in my initial build notes.

If you don't have the ubuntu 10.x libncurses5-dev package installed try
installing it

sudo apt-get install libncurses5

erase tmp-baby and force a full rebuild with

bitbake squeezeos-image -f


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-06-24 Thread ralphy

omnium21 wrote: 
> cd docker
> ./
> su - squeezeos
> cd poky
> source ./poky-init-build-env 
> bitbake squeezeos-image
> And the error I'm getting:
> | arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv5te -mtune=arm926ej-s
> -mthumb-interwork -mno-thumb
> --sysroot=/home/squeezeos/poky/build/tmp-jive/staging/armv5te-none-linux-gnueabi
> -DCURSESINC="" -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer
> -frename-registers -O2 -ggdb -feliminate-unused-debug-types  -Wl,-O1 -o
> alsamixer alsamixer.o -lncurses -ltinfo -lasound -lm -ldl -lpthread
> |
> /home/squeezeos/poky/build/tmp-jive/cross/armv5te/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/4.4.1/../../../../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld:
> cannot find -ltinfo
> | collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> | make[1]: *** [alsamixer] Error 1
> | make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/home/squeezeos/poky/build/tmp-jive/work/armv5te-none-linux-gnueabi/alsa-utils-1.0.18-r0/alsa-utils-1.0.18/alsamixer'

First, to build the radio (baby) firmware you need to change MACHINE to
baby in local.conf as you are building the controller (jive) firmware in
the above error message. 

ralphy@poky:~/source/squeezeos$ grep baby poky/build/conf/local.conf
MACHINE ?= "baby"

If you have a poky/build/tmp-baby folder delete it before starting the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio keeps losing wireless connection and won't reconnect - any ideas?

2020-06-19 Thread ralphy

The .z77 extension is the athwlan firmware in compressed format that
bmiloader can uncompress at load time.

Code: If a compressed version of the WLAN 
application exists, use it$IMAGEPATH/bmiloader -i $NETIF --write 
--address=$LOADADDR --file=$wlanapp.z77 --uncompress

I'd be wary of loading that firmware in the radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-05-12 Thread ralphy

D1eter wrote: 
> Did problems like these happen to others? I tend to believe this was
> just by chance and has nothing to do with the community fimware build.
> I'd expect stability to improve with the newer software used in the
> community build.

mrw wrote: 
> @ralphy noted an update to wpa_supplicant, here:
> Might that be implicated ?
> I've found the stock firmware to be quite stable as regards networking.
> But I have seen occasional reports of difficulties, perhaps associated
> with newer wi-fi setups.

It's certainly possible however, I have a dlink and an asus wifi access
point that the radio would not connect to using the stock wpa_supplicant
whereas with v2.9 the radio connects immediately.

I'd been running the latest 7.8.0r16788 over wifi for 24days and a bit
before the radio rebooted due to the 'timer overflow issue'
I've never had stability issues with any of the custom builds but I
only have 1 ue radio rev.7 hardware so it's an extreme small test bed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-05-09 Thread ralphy

D1eter wrote: 
> About max sample rate: Where is this configured? Can it even be changed
> on the Radio itself or in its firmware?

There is no option that I've found that allows changes to the max sample

There are several software layers involved in the audio chain in the
radio and the source code is not available for some components.

There's a good discussion of this in the radio 'Base Amp problem


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-26 Thread ralphy

D1eter wrote: 
> I have an old Ubuntu 10.04 64bit VM that I'm trying to use as a build
> system for the Radio firmware. Unfortunately, I'm stuck at a seemingly
> well known problem that I haven't been able to fix: The build system has
> libsdl1.2debian and libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio installed (but not
> libsdl-dev) and these seem to interfere with building the firmware
> somehow. Build fails at the install step for libsdl-image, see output
> attached.
> I found this problem mentioned in
> but the fix there does NOT work as is also mentioned here:
> Does anyone know a solution to this problem? While removing the SDL
> libraries from the build system might fix it I'd rather avoid this as it
> also removes ubuntu-desktop which I'd like to keep.
> Cheers, Dieter
I had to rename /usr/bin/sdl-config as indicated in the wiki and I also
have libsdl1.2-dev installed on my ubuntu 10.04 32-bit vm.

After you renamed sdl-config did you delete the tmp-baby folder?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-14 Thread ralphy

For anyone trying to setup a poky build environment I've uploaded
20200213-updated-utilities-i386.tar.gz to 'my sourceforge site'
The file contains 32-bit curl-7.52.1 git-2.25.0 openssl-1.1.1d wget-1.18
to allow bitbake to consistantly download the sources successfully for
'squeezeos builds'

I use Ubuntu 10.4.04 i386 for my build environment which was current
when the poky environment used to build the firmware was released.

Extract the file in /usr/local as root

sudo tar -x -z -C /usr/local -f 20200213-updated-utilities-i386.tar.gz 

I'd suggest using a non-root user for building the firmware.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-13 Thread ralphy

I quite often have to reboot the radio when I reload the ar6000 driver.

You should use wpa_cli to manipulate the wireless connection.

Type help for a complete list of commands and there's plenty of usage
docs online.


# wpa_cli
  wpa_cli v2.9
  Copyright (c) 2004-2019, Jouni Malinen  and contributors
  Selected interface 'eth1'
  Interactive mode
  > status


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-12 Thread ralphy

Steevee28 wrote: 
> Unfortunately, I don't have a cross-build system at the moment and I'd
> have to start from scratch. My knowledge is very limited about that.
I took a quick look and the ar6000 driver sources for the radio are
classified as confidental and not available in the public squeezeos

We would need to find a similiar version of the sources.  The only
version reference I found was in the modules string table.



There are many load time settings available for the driver.  Tweaking
one or several of these might improve the connectivity issues, once you
understand what each does.


filename:   ar6000.ko
  license:GPL and additional rights
  alias:  sdio:c*v0271d0300*
  alias:  sdio:c*v0271d0201*
  alias:  sdio:c*v0271d0200*
  vermagic: preempt mod_unload modversions ARMv5 
  parm:   fwloadenable:int
  parm:   bmienable:int
  parm:   bypasswmi:int
  parm:   debuglevel:int
  parm:   tspecCompliance:int
  parm:   onebitmode:int
  parm:   busspeedlow:int
  parm:   skipflash:int
  parm:   wmitimeout:int
  parm:   wlanNodeCaching:int
  parm:   logWmiRawMsgs:int
  parm:   enableuartprint:int
  parm:   enabletimerwar:int
  parm:   mbox_yield_limit:int
  parm:   reduce_credit_dribble:int
  parm:   allow_trace_signal:int
  parm:   tx_attempt:array of int
  parm:   tx_post:array of int
  parm:   tx_complete:array of int
  parm:   hifBusRequestNumMax:int
  parm:   war23838_disabled:int
  parm:   resetok:int

I've sent you a PM where you can download wpa supplicant v2.9 for the

To install, scp the tar file to /dev on the radio using the ethernet
Backup the original wpa_cli and wpa_supplicant binaries from /usr/sbin
unless you're okay doing a factory reset of the radio if things go
Extract the tar file into /usr/sbin
If you get a file busy message you'll need to kill the wpa_cli and
wpa_supplicant processes.
Reboot the radio. You can type reboot from the ssh connection.
You may have to setup the wireless connection again after the reboot.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-12 Thread ralphy

Steevee28 wrote: 
> Since two weeks now, I'm heavily affected by Wifi stability problems of
> the Radios. 
> (see 970794, although I now know that the Wireless event
> too big event is -not- the root cause)
> In my neighborhood, due to Corona, several new Wifis popped up, now
> having more than 2 dozens neighboring Wifis, which causes *all my
> Radios* to now drop Wifi connection after minutes, sometimes even after
> -seconds-!
> I'm now sure that the problem is due to Wifi interference and that it is
> specific to the AR6000 of the baby.
> So, Ralphy, do see a chance that your new firmware may contain fixes /
> stability improvements for the Atheros AR6000 chipset that could solve
> these problems? (besides enabling Wifi channel 13)
> *I'm willing to test* with your help, because my Radios are now
> completely unusable if no Ethernet cable is plugged in (which is not a
> true option for me).
> Btw, since the driver is modularized and resides in /lib/atheros, as
> well as the chip firmware binaries, it should be possible to update them
> without having to fully switch over to your new firmware, isn't it?
I've not investigated upgrading the ar6k driver.

The only wifi related changes I've made is upgrading wpa_supplicant to
the latest version and patching the kernel to not send a wireless event
messages that exceeds the maximum allowed size.  I could provide you
with the new wpa_* binaries to try as long as you're comfortable using
the linux command line.

I sometimes have to plug the radio's ethernet port into an old wireless
N router configurated as an ethernet bridge with dd-wrt when this
happens.  Perhaps that's another option?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-11 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> I'll look over your wpa observations and other points when time permits.

Thanks.  I've done a bit more digging.

The file adds an IMAGE_INSTALL config option.

If I rename poky/meta-squeezeos/packages/wpasupplicant to wpa-supplicant
and all occurances in the recipe then I only get the latest version.


bitbake --show-versions | grep ^wpa
  wpa-supplicant 0:2.9-r0

If I then rebuild the controller or touch firmware the image includes
wpa supplicant 0.5.7 which is neither version listed.  Turns out it's
actually from marvell-wlan-tools-bin.


# ./wpa_supplicant -v
  wpa_supplicant v0.5.7-MSI-1
  Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Jouni Malinen  and contributors

So until I can test if v2.9 of wpa supplicant works on at least the
touch both it and the controller will remain as is.  This thread is
about the radio firmware anyway.

I am going to leave the renamed wpa-supplicant in meta-squeezeos for now
and change the baby.conf to IMAGE_INSTALL += "wpa-supplicant".


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-10 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> Thank you. The "obvious" platform is the Controller, meaning 'jive' as
> opposed to 'baby', I suppose. I've never tinkered with the Controller
> firmware, though.

Yes, but I wasn't sure.  I've sent you a PM with download details.

While testing the controller firmware in qemu, as I don't own a
controller, I noticed that wpa_supplicant was still even an older
version than what was originally included with the radio so didn't
recognize the country= setting in wpa_supplicant.conf.  For now, I've
removed the setting in git and controller firmware.

Listing the versions of wpa supplicant available to bitbake reveals two
package names.  The touch and controller recipes are using
wpa-supplicant whereas the radio uses wpasupplicant.


bitbake --show-versions | grep ^wpa
  wpa-supplicant   0:0.5.8-r5 
  wpasupplicant  0:2.9-r0

The jive_7.8.0_r16785 firmware still has the original 0.5.8 wpa_*
binaries and includes your patch. Once I track down why the different
packages perhaps you can try replacing just the wpa_supplicant and
wpa_cli binaries with 2.9 to confirm they work okay.  I'll dig my touch
out of storage and try the updated ones there first.

At this point all my firmware builds have both ssh and telnet login
access enabled by default.  I did that while testing the dropbear
updates in case they failed I could still login to the radio via telnet.
I haven't pushed those changes as I intend to remove telnetd and
disable remote login (ssh) by default as it is today in the official
logitech firmware builds.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-09 Thread ralphy

mherger wrote: 
> Is the only way to test your work to build myself? Or do you have any 
> binaries to give a try?
> -- 
> Michael
You don't need to build it.  I've sent you an email with download


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-09 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> I also made an alternative source code patch, which I think may be a
> better approach for SqueezePlay generally. The lua script "hacky patch"
> is the only way to fix the firmware without a change to the binary.
> Better to fix the root problem, I think.
> But... I haven't tested it for real, as I am not (yet) in a position to
> use modified jive binaries on my Controller or Radios. Would you be
> prepared to take on the testing challenge ?
> Patch attached.

Yes I can/will test your change.  I can also build a regular squeezeplay
package with the patch if you'd like.  Just let me know what OS platform
you'd prefer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-08 Thread ralphy

Just a quick update.

I've been successfully using the new firmware for the last 6 weeks as
the changes have progressed.
I've updated the ssh client/server and wpa_supplicant components,
enabled cron, applied a few bug fixes and native LMS 8.0 support.
As I indicated in my previous post, I'm working on an applet to set the
wpa_supplicant.conf country code from the US default set in the new

Here's a itemized list from my squeezeos github repos of the firmware
changes to date.

>From changelog


Update wpasupplicant to v2.9.
  Enable busybox telnet command.
  Add baby kernel patch to fix (WE) : Wireless Event too big (33) messages.
  Update dropbear ssh server/client to 2019.78 release.
  Enable busybox cron daemon.
  Remove unused dropbear init.d script.
  Apply busybox patch to prevent zombie processes.
  Enable busybox last command.
  Fix lastlog no such file or directory remote login error messages.
  Remove libspotify LD_PRELOAD in init.d squeezeplay script.
  Add fdk-aac dependency to squeezeplay recipe.
  Add the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library recipe.
  Use baby dsp alsa module from logitech firmware 7.7.3r16676 as original 
source code is private.

>From changlog.


Fix up misaligned and/or jittery text after horizontal scrolling. 
Squeezeplay often fails to properly "home" horizontally scrolled text when 
scrolling has paused. On a Squeezebox Controller, this fault may also result in 
"jittering" of the text.  Thanks to mrw for the patch.
  Remove obsolete libspotify based Spotify Applet.
  Add High-Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) support.
  Always start at the first item in the Random Albums menu.
  Baby only - ignore firmware older than SR to SB migration firmware (7.7.3 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-04-08 Thread ralphy

robho wrote: 
> Maybe this thread is mostly about audio quality/tweaks, but if you are
> planning on releasing a new generic firmware it could be valuable to add
> support for WiFi channel 12-13. There's a simple fix here:
> It's usually the access point that restricts WiFi frequencies.

At least for me, this thread isn't mostly about audio tweaks, but
updating the outdated software components in the radio/touch/controller

Thanks I was aware of the wlan script changes to enable all wifi
channels.  My plan is to add the setrd flag based on the wpa_supplicant
country code setting from a new country code setup applet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Spontaneous turning-on

2020-03-17 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> Any reason why you don't run a cron job on the device itself ?

Steevee28 wrote: 
> No. Cron is not available on the Squeezeboxes.

The crontab command is enabled in the 'busybox config'
but crond disabled.  Not sure what use the crontab command is without
the cron daemon.

The crontab file location is also set to /var which is remapped to a
ramdisk during boot, so any crontab jobs are lost when the radio resets.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Spontaneous turning-on

2020-03-15 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> Was that the full crashlog ? It looks a bit truncated. You should find
> it as /root/crashlog.something.
> There exists watchdog code within SqueezePlay, which I have not
> examined, although it appears to be periodically writing to a semaphore
> or somesuch. Speculatively, it might be that element of the watchdog
> that triggered matters, rather than the absence of a running squeezeplay
> process.

That's likely with the first line from the tail /var/log/messages:
'watchdog[688]: semaphore 749:0 was not changed.'  in the previous

mrw wrote: 
> Assuming that was the trigger, then /usr/sbin/ would have been
> used to create the log entries (in /var/log/messages as usual), and then
> copy it over to /root.
> This gives us the source of the watchdog daemon.
> Edit: And I should add the source of the watchdog code in SqueezePlay:
> platform_linux.c:

Unfortunately, no it wasn't the full crashlog file.  I managed to get
what I included from an ongoing tcpdump capture, I've been running on
the firewall for the radio.  Someone clicked send the crashlog to
logitech when they went to use it.  Once sent the crashlog applet
deletes the logfile.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Spontaneous turning-on

2020-03-13 Thread ralphy
 and the radio does not reboot,
so perhaps that the watchdog timer isn't rebooting the units because the
squeezeplay process has died, but it is being trigger by some event.

I am however running a 'custom firmware build'
but it's still close to the current radio firmware version.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-03-02 Thread ralphy

The radio has now been running my 7.8.0 r16764 firmware for nearly 2
weeks without an issue.


  7.8.0 r16764
  root@poky Sat Feb 15 11:20:32 EST 2020
  Base build revision:  ba2bffadb9f1c1b77eee1b1c08a7985eeb97e14e
  09:05:49 up 13 days, 21:24, load average: 0.35, 0.26, 0.19
  root   749 1 27 Feb17 ?3-18:52:26 /usr/bin/jive
  root   781   749  7 Feb17 ?1-00:31:01 jive_alsa -d default -c dac 
-b 29991 -p 3 -s 16 -f 3

I have tweaked several scripts since then but have been testing those
changes in qemu.  Unfortunately the SqueezeBaby applet needs to be
disabled in qemu for squeezeplay to start and there's no qemu audio
device support available in the kernel.  So jive_alsa fails to
initialize but jive continues to run.  Currently exploring options to
provide audio for testing.

I'm working on updating ssl and dropbear now that I have a working qemu.
I'd like to provide shared ssl libraries instead of the current static
link so they could also be leveraged for local https connection support
in the future.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-03-02 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> Possibly also the MSP firmware.
Agreed.  Although the msp430 firmware is available in the 'logitech
squeezeos github repo'
the license in the recipe is Confidential.

mrw wrote: 
> Provides an ALSA control to switch on and off. This is used by
> Squeezeplay in the context of headphone jack activity to automatically
> disengage when headphones are plugged in, and engage (i.e. produce mono
> tweeter and woofer) when headphones are removed.

Perhaps providing 2 EQ curves, one for the bass crossover and another
"flat" for the headphone jack and switching between them in _setEndpoint
would be enough? You can create multiple alsa equals devices with
distinct settings.  Eventually even an applet to change the headphone
curve settings could be implemented.

mrw wrote: 
> Presumably well optimized code implementing equalization/crossover -
> would the alternatives provide adequate efficiency ?

So far, my only experience has been using alsaequals on a single arm
processor with fpu.  This would definitely need more research.

mrw wrote: 
> I've found those.
> By courtesy of the United States NSA, I used Ghidra nine or ten months
> ago to see what might be seen in the dsp plugin vis-à-vis the "bass drop
> out" issue[1]. On the way, I located the various filter co-efficients.
> I have now matched these up to the relevant dsp "cook-book" algorithms
> ( plus one other.
> Results agree to the penny, or, in two cases, to within a couple of
> quid[2].
> [1] And found nothing that implicated the plugin.
> [2] Which, I suspect, may stem from the use of single floats instead of
> double floats when the firmware was prepared.

Amazing.  Knowing that you have the settings, makes researching
alsaequals performance on the radio a worthwhile next step.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Spontaneous turning-on

2020-02-25 Thread ralphy

The touch and radio watchdog timer will reboot the units if the
squeezeplay process crashes.

The watchdog timer also restarts the radio if the microcontroller
monitor process dies.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-02-18 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> I will be re-issuing it with the "new, tweaked" 30 and 50 buffer sizes.
> I'll have a look to see if one can prevent "double installation" where
> it has already been included in a firmware.
> For what it's worth, 29,999 and 49,999 also work just fine, pointing to
> an integer rounding issue at this particular sample rate (22,050). Using
> 29,991 and 49,990 gives a bit of headroom.

It doesn't make sense to have the applet in the firmware, if it means
changes to support both cases.  It's easy enough to install if needed. 
I won't include it unless you agree we should.

mrw wrote: 
> I was wondering about the status of, for example, the dsp component.

If it turns out that the dsp module stops distribution, then perhaps
implementing something similiar with the 'caps'
( and 'alsa equalizer'
( pairing like we have in
piCoreplayer could be an option.

mrw wrote: 
> LMS presents the existing firmware binary (7.7.3) as a "Forced" update.
> I discovered that, without the additional changes in 7.8, we would
> always be presented with an upgrade (to 7.7.3) if the Radio reports
> itself as 7.8.0. That probably underlies at least some of the changes
> (and logging traces) that you observed.

Provided the newer firmware resides in the cache/updates folder on the
local lms server(s) the radio does not prompt to downgrade the firmware
on switching between local servers.  I haven't tried with 7.8

mrw wrote: 
> Don't overlook linuxrc. I haven't looked, yet.

Thanks.  Yes, there's a lot happening in that script.  I modified
linuxrc recently to fix the error logged when connecting to the radio
via ssh.


Feb 15 15:40:06 dropbear[822]: lastlog_perform_login: Couldn't stat 
/var/log/lastlog: No such file or directory
  Feb 15 15:40:06 dropbear[822]: lastlog_openseek: /var/log/lastlog is not a 
file or directory!

mrw wrote: 
> So far, so good. But I have yet to test the specific Alarm issues that
> were addressed.
My radio alarm has worked the last two mornings, so at least what used
to work still seems to be okay. I haven't tested the changes yet either.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-02-17 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> But, perhaps, only if you need to. I think my 'buffer management' applet
> would install on this as is, but I'd need to check as I did incorporate
> some tests to ensure that it was running on a Radio.

Your AlsaBufferSize applet works fine with 7.8.  I just updated the ms
buffersizes for 30 and 50 for now.  I've tested 22050Hz mp3 files which
play fine with 29991 ms setting.

It does assert for the SqueezeboxBaby applet at load but it could be
installed only with the squeezeplay-baby recipe.  The touch with edo
already has a similiar applet and the controller audio has other issues
that require tweaking thread priority and was never officially
supported, only released as a beta feature.  I too thought it better to
include your applet as part of the firmware update and leave the default
values.  Perhaps with 2 entries each for 30 and 50 using the exact and
"tuned" ms values.

mrw wrote: 
> Looks very promising! It will be a while before I can personally pay
> much attention because of other commitments at present.
> In terms of distribution, in an ideal fully open source world one might
> consider distributing a 'pukka' firmware package, and I think that is
> what you are indicating. But is that the world we are in ? I have zero
> knowledge of the subject, but the thought did occur to me.
> Another possibility might be to distribute only the changed components,
> as a 'patch set', to be applied to the vanilla Logitech 7.7.3-r16676
> firmware. I guess one might be following a well trodden path with this
> approach.
> Perhaps with an 'applicator' applet to look after matters, rather than
> as a simple 'patch applet' patch.
> But it's some time off, I suspect.

Yes, the touch enhanced digital output applet installs a new jive_alsa
binary, applets and patches on the current firmware, updates the linux
kernel too.
However, flashing a new firmware takes about 2 minutes and provided
rolling back the firmware to stock is an option, would be an easier
approach, depending if there are modified firmware distribution concerns
or not.

There are lots of firmware version checks at startup, that I need to
better understand.


Feb 16 09:40:37 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:375 
Firmware URL:
  Feb 16 09:40:37 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:327 
Major: 7 Minor: 8 Patch: 0 Revision: 16764
  Feb 16 09:40:37 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:382 
Firmware version newer than SR to SB migration firmware - ok!
  Feb 16 09:40:37 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:406 
we're up to date - no firmware change
  Feb 16 09:40:37 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:421 
hebe2 firmware= 
  Feb 16 09:40:41 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:375 
Firmware URL:
  Feb 16 09:40:41 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:327 
Major: 7 Minor: 8 Patch: 0 Revision: 16764
  Feb 16 09:40:41 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:382 
Firmware version newer than SR to SB migration firmware - ok!
  Feb 16 09:40:41 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:406 
we're up to date - no firmware change
  Feb 16 09:40:41 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:421 
wandboard firmware= 
  Feb 16 09:40:42 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:799 
  Feb 16 09:40:42 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:375 
Firmware URL:
  Feb 16 09:40:42 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:327 
Major: 7 Minor: 7 Patch: 3 Revision: 16676
  Feb 16 09:40:42 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:382 
Firmware version newer than SR to SB migration firmware - ok!
  Feb 16 09:40:42 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:409 we 
don't downgrade, even if lower versioned firmware is of more recent revision - 
  Feb 16 09:40:42 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:421 

I will test this in time but for now I'm back to daily radio use
activities to see how it performs and if any issues crop up. My previous
firmware flash partition still has a stock firmware image I can
hopefully revert to if needed.

How are your alsa_jive modification(s) working so far?


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-02-16 Thread ralphy

Success running a 7.8.0 build on my radio and so far the results have
been positive.

To be able to make trackable updates to the various subsystems, I've
moved to 'forks of the logitech repositories'
I removed the aac and random album menu patches from the squeezeos
squeezeplay recipe and committed them to the logitech squeezeplay fork,
where they really belong.

The baby dsp module loads and works with the new firmware.  The default
buffer should be changed to 30ms (29991) and 3 periods instead of the
current default 20/2, based on mrw's findings in the 'Bass Amp Problem

As an extra safety net, I temporarily re-enabled the telnet daemon so
you can connect to the radio using telnet as well and ssh, which is also
enabled by default.  I have not committed these 2 changes.

Rhapsody (Rhap) is another missing features in the community build
verses stock as indicated by the capabilities squeezeplay publishes to
LMS at startup.  Spotify (spt,spdr,Spdirect=spotify) and Windows Media
(wma,wmap,wmal) were previously noted.  Ogg/flac (ogf) support has been
flawless so far with the Radio Paradise flac stream, which I would
expect as support has been in the touch firmware for ages.

Logitech 7.7.3-r16676.



Community 7.8.0-r16764



Performance of the radio with 7.8 has been on par with the previous 7.7.
It's unclear what I was experiencing previously with the 7.8 test jive
binary running on a 7.7 firmware.

The openssh library 0.9.8g needs to be updated, but that requires a lot
of qemu testing before flashing it to the radio.

The radio does support rolling back one firmware version;

1) Turn Radio off: Press & hold the power button till you see "Goodbye"
2) Turn back on: Press & hold REW and PWR buttons simultaneously.

I have not needed to resort to using it so far, thankfully.

More testing is required before I'd consider making the build available
to everyone.  However, if you'd like to try the build, send me a PM.  *I
have not tried to downgrade the radio back to the stock firmware yet so
I can't confirm it's even possible at the moment*.  But as long as you
only flash the radio once, you should be able to revert to 7.7 using the
roll back procedure.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-02-13 Thread ralphy

Because I was looking in the squeezeos repository not squeezeplay. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-02-13 Thread ralphy

That's much easier.  Thanks for the build path change.

I haven't been able to find the commit for Baby only - ignore firmware
older than SR to SB migration firmware (7.7.3 r16667).

Merging 7.7 into 7.8 committed no chances.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2020-02-13 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> Should this subject be moved to another thread ?

Yes, I thought the same thing when I last replied.

Created 'Community Build Radio Firmware'
thread and replied there.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2020-02-13 Thread ralphy

Carrying on the radio firmware build discussion from the 'Bass Amp

mrw wrote: 
> Will do. But expect patchy responses as I have some family matters to
> deal with over the next few weeks.
> I'll load it onto one of my Radios. Certainly worth checking.
No worries. Thanks.

mrw wrote: 
> Jive.lua[/i] to report itself to LMS as -7.8.0 r_whatever- because the
> version is baked into the jive binary, and one or two (I think) of the
> 7.7.3 -> 7.8.0 patches need this to work. (-Update context-menu styles
> to use icons for playlist control actions.- and -Task B0020: Player
> control over UDP-). I'd be surprised if the lua enhancements were the
> cause of higher cpu usage, but I haven't checked. I'll try and look at
> that. 

I had the same issue as I'd committed my changed to git in the 7.7
branch and it increased the revision number.  I used 'bvi'
( to modified the version strings in the
jive binary to match the original firmware version.

I'm still testing the 7.7 aac decoder changes on my one radio, so I
haven't explored the possible performance degradation I perceived.  But
I'd agree that the lua changes do seem unlikely to be the cause.  Or
that there is really a difference.

mrw wrote: 
> Baby only - ignore firmware older than SR to SB migration firmware
> (7.7.3 r16667)[/i]). I suspect that it is there to prevent a "converted
> to LMS Smart Radio" from inadvertently downgrading to an earlier
> firmware that doesn't recognize the Smart Radio hardware (revision 8 ?).

No. I hadn't noticed that that change was missing from the 7.8 branch. 
I've 'forked the logitech squeezeos repo'
( and will merge 7.7 and
continue all further development on 7.8 as the 7.7 changes are available
in the source tarball from a few days ago and were really only to
confirm the aac changes were doable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2020-02-12 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> I recall that jive_alsa was "bit perfect" (subject to 4 debug hash bytes
> of no significance), and that was bit perfect (I was
> trying out a few later versions). I did have to define the original
> build directory, somewhere in the poky conf file, I think, to get the
> build tree the same - it is certainly baked into jive_alsa. Makes binary
> comparison somewhat easier.
Could you provide details on the change(s) the next time you have the
aws instance running?

ralphy wrote: 
> First step. I'm going to POC the aac decoder using the current 7.7.3
> squeezeplay with no other changes so it can be installed in place of the
> current firmware jive binary for testing.

I've built a drop in replacement for the radio /usr/bin/jive 7.7.3r16676
binary with the fdk-acc decoder.  The wma decoder and defunct libspotify
based Spotify applet private features are missing as discussed.  I've
been playing my usual aac radio streams as needed and playing through my
~1400 m4a local library files when idle for the last couple days without
issue.  CPU usage seems on par with the stock jive binary during aac
playback.  It would be great to have others test as well.  The aac
decoder code is identical to what was added to the squeezeplay github
sources in August 2019 so has had a fair bit of testing already. It's
applied as a patch file in the squeezeplay recipe. The random album menu
and compatibility patches are also included in the squeezeplay recipe. 

The binary is available in the 'squeezeos folder'
( on
sourceforge.  The bitbake recipes, sources and patches needed to compile
jive are there as well.

mrw wrote: 
> I guess native ogg/flac might be good to have on the Radio if that
> stream format gains significant traction. But perhaps not at the expense
> of the the other 'private' functionality

I also have a 7.8.0 jive which includes ogg/flac support as well as aac
and does work with the 7.7.3 firmware but libFLAC needs to be replaced
and libogg installed in /usr/lib from the 7.8 rootfs,  otherwise jive
crashes when you attempt to play an ogg/flac stream.   I have noticed
that jive CPU usage was higher in general and wonder if it could be
related to not having applied the 7.8.0 lua enhancements.  More
investigations needed.

Note that for a 7.8.0 firmware build the squeezeplay-compatibility.patch
must be removed from my


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2020-02-07 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> My own project, if I get to it, was to simply move the 'baby' onto
> Squeezeplay 7.8.
> It hadn't occurred to me to consider Squeezelite as a way to go. I'm not
> sufficiently familiar with it.
> As far as I can see, the only binary change is to take up ogg/flac, and
> perhaps some version numbering tweaks. I, personally, could live without
> wma and spotify, but I would be looking to see if your current aac would
> drop in place of the private aac. Does the "old spotify applet" have any
> value now ? I simply don't know.
> I can see that there are quite a number of lua script changes that would
> need to be gone through to check that nothing breaks (upgrade
> compatibility for example, and perhaps restoration of firmware), but I'm
> not sufficiently familiar at present.
> I have no knowledge of the "lua random albums menu" and "lms 8.0
> compatibility fixes" that you refer to, something to look into.
> I personally would not wish to lose the local backup alarm, or the sound
> effects.

That's why I haven't mentioned the squeezelite alternative as I'd also
prefer to keep all changes as close as possible to the current.  There
are other lua changes needed as well to manage the amp auto power off
and you need to disable starting the squeezeplay player.

The spotify applet uses the defunct libspotify so it no longer works and
wma decoding can be handled in LMS with bpa's PlayWMA plugin.

First step. I'm going to POC the aac decoder using the current 7.7.3
squeezeplay with no other changes so it can be installed in place of the
current firmware jive binary for testing.

Your idea to update squeezeplay to match the touch 7.8.0 version seems
the best option.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2020-02-06 Thread ralphy

I have to decided what's the best way to proceed.

Update the bitbake squeezeplay recipe to use my current squeezeplay
sources or backport acc and maybe ogg/flac, and apply the lua random
albums menu and lms 8.0 compatibility fixes or just disable the
squeezeplay player and use squeezelite.

I'm leaning towards backporting as you do loose the local backup alarm,
and navigation sound effects when using squeezelite.  Headphone
switching still works and I haven't tried the line-in.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2020-02-06 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> I finally found some time for this, thank you for the encouragement to
> proceed, and the tips. I knew less than nothing of 'poky' the day before
> yesterday, now just nothing.
> But I have generated an 'almost bit perfect' build of -jive_alsa-.
> Meaning that I have recreated that which is shipped in the standard
> firmware (7.7.3 r16676), except for four differing checksum bytes in the
> (unused) -.gnu_debuglink- section of the binary. That is of no
> consequence.
> So I have confidence that I am using the build system sufficiently
> properly, and can experiment with a few possible patches.
> I've used Amazon EC2 to spin up a Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04) instance,
> just the one core, so it takes about four hours once the sources are
> downloaded. I've not bothered with qemu.
> I had one or two trials/tribulations/puzzles on the way, partly ssl
> related, partly of my own making, and with a good sprinkling of
> ignorance thrown in. The somewhat dated SqueezeOS build instructions
> were very helpful. (
> ).
> I find that the sourceforge mirror sites are very inconsistent, some
> will accept the 'older' ssl connections, some won't, that so it can be a
> matter of pure luck as to whether a particular download succeeds.

I've managed to build the radio firmware using a workaround for the
private babydsp sources with 'these steps'

Keep in mind that the squeezeplay in this firmware does not support the
aac and wma decoders or the old spotify applet, as those are part of the
private sources as well.

Now I need to decide if I'm brave enough to load it on my radio! 
Perhaps a qemu test run first.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2019-02-06 Thread ralphy

I can re-run the tests of interest again with the signal generator for
whatever duration if you'd like.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2019-02-04 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> I should remark that I have the same outcome with R1.3 of jive_alsa. I
> haven't tried with R1.4.

The are no functional changes between 1.3 and 1.4, only 'more logging'
See 'post #48'
for details.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2019-02-03 Thread ralphy

Interesting results with my UE rev.0007 radio.

All tests were done playing 48Khz 16bit flac files via wireless

Firmware jive_alsa buffer size 2 buffer count 2


First time I've ever noticed that happen.  However, the first thing I've
always done on the radio is turn off the sound effects.

Firmware jive_alsa buffer size 3 buffer count 3

No bass dropout for the duration of the test about 13m.  No alsa errors

ri1.4 jive_alsa buffer size 2 buffer count 2

No base dropout during the 30m test.  Lots of alsa errors and a few
kernel ssi1_irq SISR 120 SIER 180100 fifo_errs=?

ri1.4 jive_alsa buffer size 3 buffer count 3

No base dropout during the 20m test.  No errors reported

I've attached the logs from the first 3 tests, didn't bother with #4.

Thanks for putting this together.

|Filename: |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2019-02-02 Thread ralphy

mrw wrote: 
> Yes. But be aware that if you then shut down the Radio (jive) in a
> controlled manner, it will overwrite your good work with its own cached
> values as it closes. So requires a rather more firm approach. Perhaps
> just plain 'reboot'. Or 'kill -9 jive'. I don't know what is best, or if
> it matters.

If you kill -9 jive the watchdog timer will automatically reboot the
radio within 60 seconds and you can't do anything with the radio once
jive is dead, so issuing the reboot command after updating
SqueezeboxBaby.lua is probably best.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2019-02-01 Thread ralphy

The 'EDO applet for the touch'
( might be a good
starting point for an applet to change the buffer period count and time
for the radio.

It doesn't allow you to enter values but rather supplies a list of
options to choose from and the kernel updater section would need to be

Also, I've added a few more error reporting changes to jive_alsa and
upload r1.4.  'Post #31'
has been updated for the newer version.

1.4 reports the buffer time and count settings and there were several
error messages reporting the errno instead of a corresponding error


Jan 31 10:35:31 squeezeplay_alsa[785]: _pcm_open:730 Opened device default 
using format: S16_LE sample rate: 44100
  *Jan 31 10:35:31 squeezeplay_alsa[785]: _pcm_open:756 Using buffer period 
count: 3
  Jan 31 10:35:31 squeezeplay_alsa[785]: _pcm_open:768 Using buffer time: 3*

I haven't had the audio_thread_execute:1025 xrun (snd_pcm_mmap_commit)
err=-32 in message.log since changing the buffer settings, whereas
before it was reported at least once a day.

Not that that's of any significance other than an observation as I've
not ever noticed the bass amp dropoff with my 0007 revision UE radio.


# egrep '(^Hardware|^Revision)' /proc/cpuinfo
  Hardware  : Logitech MX25 Baby Board
  Revision  : 0007


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2018-12-31 Thread ralphy

I had a similiar issue with my radio after installing a new wifi AP.  If
I unplugged the new AP and rebooted the radio it worked as before.

I came across 'this bug report'
( describing how or
why this could happen.

I modifed the wlan file as discussed in the bug report and my radio on
wifi has been solid for 5 month now with the new AP point online.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Setting up an Additional Radio

2018-12-02 Thread ralphy

The setting files for the Radio are in /etc/squeezeplay/userpath
however, you'll need to change the MAC address in
settings/SlimDiscovery.lua to match that of the new radio before
restoring the files.

Jive updates the settings files during operation, so you'll need to kill
the /usr/bin/jive process on the new radio and quickly restore the
modified settings files before the watchdog timer reboots the radio.

Not sure you can disable the watchdog timer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2018-11-20 Thread ralphy

Thank you, that would be great!

I've added the patch we discussed here to the squeezeplay git repo.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2018-11-19 Thread ralphy

I started cherry picking Triode's EDO and my jive_alsa fixes but
eventually decided it would be better to keep the code as close to each
other as possible.  There are new features that are useless to the radio
but cause no harm either.

So I took the latest decode_alsa_backend.c from my 'squeezeplay
repository' ( with the patch
to reopen the ALSA device if the number of available frames exceeds the
total number of frames in the buffer applied as well and ended up with

I changed these modules from INFO to WARN on the Radio in

The error reporting is much better in the updated version, so if/when
you experience an issue, login to the radio and look at

The code is available on 'my github site'

To update jive_alsa to 1.3


ssh -l root radio
  cd /usr
  # backup the older version, don't use copy as the file is in use.
  # you must move it out of the way for the new file to be extracted from the 
  mv bin/jive_alsa bin/jive_alsa-1.0
  tar xzf RadioJiveAlsa-1.3.tgz
  rm RadioJiveAlsa-1.3.tgz

After the reboot you can delete /usr/bin/jive_alsa-1.0 if you want, but
don't delete the original jive_alsa.bak logitech build.

>From the radio, you can confirm the version after the reboot.


/usr/bin/jive_alsa -?
  Usage: /usr/bin/jive_alsa *ri1.3* [-v] -d  [-c 
] [ -t ] [ -s ] -b  -p 


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