Re: [realXtend] reX assoc board meet: focus on creation tools

2013-01-09 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Toni

Happy new year to everyone in the group. Its great to see how the realxtend
project progresses.

Some things that come to my mind to wish is about enhancing the COLLADA
import by using zipped COLLADA files like the Khronos suggestion of .zae
files and a drag and drop feature to upload them like it is in open
The way how it works right now is allready great, but I think I wasn't the
only one that tripped by the upload, before finding out that a placeable
has to be assigned too.
Maybe it would be a nice feature if a placeable could be assigned somehow
automaticly to COLLADA objects.

About inworld creation tools I think it's nice and useful to have some
basic tools like 3d  text, a pointer and maybe a basic sketching tool with
line and circle features to draw some planes which could be used for web
content or image display.
It could also be useful to have sort of a library of basic geometric shapes
to use to sketch out something quickly in realtime collaborative sessions,
with an option to group selected elements and to export those groups to a
COLLADA or .obj file.

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 8:45 AM, wrote:


 we had a semiofficial(*) realXtend association board meeting yesterday,
 mostly to discuss and organize further planning on development roadmap for
 the new year.

 My full notes are on-line, main point summarized here: We decided to plan
 work on two fronts, creation tools and pipelines coming as a new primary
 focus. The other area is the tech platform  engines topic which was
 already worked on a lot last already (the realXtend roadmap doc from last
 spring discusses the three areas there, i.e. current Tundra, browser based
 clients and the Mobile Tundra unified light client idea).

 For the creation tools and pipeline we agreed to gather wishes,
 requirements and development proposals and meet again on Thursday next week
 (17th)  to put together a plan. Ludocraft made one report on this already
 ages ago, they’ll check if parts of it are still valid. Francois will talk
 with Matteo and Francois from Spinningwire and ENER labs. Adminotech has
 some concrete needs, I think largely coming from VW use in education. I
 think Evocons at least can tell what they need in their work with the
 building industry.

 You, anyone, can also use this chance to inform the planning: what would
 you need to be able to create applications, worlds or whatever with
 realXtend better, or is that even a bottleneck for you now? Even vague
 ideas are welcome but the more concrete a plan the better of course.

 Some things discussed in the meeting: more example assets for e.g. use of
 different materials / options of the SuperShader, creating a new shader
 library. Better scene/ec editor with grouping etc. A question: is tighter
 Blender integration, for example with live material preview with a Tundra
 window as demonstrated by blender2ogre, a good way to author or is
 something else better?

 The full notes with some additional points are in
 too structured, sorry).

 I think we can use this mailing list / google group to gather ideas and
 discuss, but am also interested in more structured ways. For example has seemed nice for working on feature requests, I
 think I saw Kitely using that long ago and tested creating a realXtend
 account there too, but I don't have any real experience on using that or
 any other similar service. Github issues serve well for actual todo items
 and feature wishes too but I don’t think it suits this kind of requirements
 elicitation. Am open for suggestions, either here or privately.

 Finally, I’d like to explain a bit the rationale for the focus on creation
 tools as how the common interest focused there surprised me. I have earlier
 thought that there is a big divide between a)professional creators and b)
 supporting easy end user content creation. Basic realXtend offering, e.g.
 the Tundra SDK and the little WebGL and Flash clients, target professional
 creators -- people who are comfortable with normal 3d modeling and
 programming etc. More Second Life or Facebook style end user creation are
 implemented in custom applications, for example the TOY content tools which
 are a now a part of the Meshmoon offering, Cyberslide where you can just
 create a scene from your Powerpoint slides, or Ludocraft’s sandbox. But
 yesterday the common understanding was that there are many things that we
 could do to help both professional creators and services with user created
 content. Ease of creation is of utmost importance in professional use as
 well as it of course affects both the quality and especially the cost
 duration of projects. Also we figured that work on creation tools is
 relevant in any case, no matter whether we end up using Ogre, some other
 native engine, or WebGL more in the future.

 so here’s a starting point for the year!

Re: [realXtend] Re: WebGL demo with TOY lobby

2011-08-10 Thread Peter Steinlechner
WOW  - that looks realy great - I tested it quickly in Chrome and Firefox
and runs great in both.


On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 1:33 AM, Jonne Nauha wrote:

 Bill and MasterJ,

 As far as I understand the work this is just a websocket server in python.
 So essentially you don't need to install anything (once we ship this), but
 enable one python plugin to load during server startup (we might implement
 the websocket server as a C++ module as well if perf becomes an issue, but I
 believe its running fine now in py). This small py plugin will
 enable/receive websocket connections from web pages, they can then
 communicate what the scene has, essentially doing our entity-component sync
 to the web client (in json i believe now as its lighter). The client will
 then download the collada mesh files and texture etc. or whatever the scene
 has and show the content in the positions the server told it they should be.

 There is no special hacks here, just a plugin/module to the normal C++
 Tundra server to enable web clients, which is very nice :) The number of
 entity components the web client (pure javascript I think) can understand is
 limited, but we can grow the capabilities over time.

 For the web page side of things, well you can read the source code from the
 demo. Basically you include a bunch of JS, set the server host and port,
 make a HTML5 canvas and connect.

 Toni: Very nice work, demo works well and with good fps. I wonder it we
 throw native client avatars and start to move them around how fluid is the
 sync to web client (I gues we first need collada avatar files)? For free fly
 make mouse drag a bit faster and track Y axis too and it will be even nicer

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 Adminotech developer

 On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 9:29 PM, MasterJ wrote:

 Hello hello,

 Like always i love to be beta-tester if i can name me like that  ;).

 So for me just reading this give me energy and make me smile. (geek
 addict? hmmm i prefer to say : world-online (all platform, second
 life, open sim, realxtend, novoking, etc, etc) addict).
 i agrre for have documentation about this project.



 On 9 août, 15:35, Toni Alatalo wrote:
  as mentioned before, we've been working on a browser based (WebGL +
 WebSockets) realXtend client -- WebNaali. Rauli started it a year ago and
 got the basics working by the end of the year, and during the past months he
 has upgraded  improved it.
  There's finally a demo/test on-line:
  That's not the actual client code, just a test to load a scene with some
 free camera controls: arrows rotate  move the cam, pageup  down move cam
 up/down and rightclick-mouse works to rotate the cam too, similar to the
 native naali/tundra client. The scene is the same TOY lobby as on the public
 demo server, just with an older version of the tree.
  The graphics engine used is the same as in the actual client, so the
 scene runs the same as in WebNaali. We are using the GLGE engine, same as
 Sirikata's KataJS, and it seems to suite this well as has a similar
 featureset to Ogre .. there's terrain, sky, fog etc. too but we are not
 using those yet.
  Besides showing a scene, basic EC sync and entity actions work, and
 using those moving objects and the Tundra avatar and chat applications work:
 when WebNaali connects to a Tundra server with the AV app running, it gets
 an AV identically with the native clients, and moving it works so that
 others see it .. and the other AVs are shown to the web client. Also chat
 works, with a very basic UIs. There is no demo of that yet on-line, that's
 coming next. If someone is curious, we can document more how to do it on
 your own server already.




Re: [realXtend] Re: LudoCraft's Tundra 2.0-preview installer and code is out!

2011-07-06 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Bill

I havnt tested V2.0 preview yet - got interupted by dinner.
But I can assure you that the V1.0.x series is working quite fine.


On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 8:04 PM, gfxguru wrote:

 I'm sorry if I seem a little upset it's just that I've been following
 the realxtend for I don't know how long and have yet to get a
 functional platform working at all!

 On Jul 6, 2:00 pm, Toni Alatalo wrote:
  On Wed, 2011-07-06 at 13:23 -0400, Bill wrote:
   And I'm just a little confused.. This is Tundra 2.0 Preview? I haven't
   been able to get version One to work yet? Has anyone been able to get
   the first version to work because I'm feeling like a true idiot here.
  yes, the 1.* releases work, have been tested by a few hundred people
  succesfully. some have had perhaps gfx driver related probs with the
  latest 1.0.8, that issue is open yet.
  i was once in a classroom with 30 people seriously using it at once,
  none of them knew it previously, that felt a bit scary first .. as they
  all knew 3d etc from before and had existing content that were bringing
  over from max so were quickly seriously pushing it. went mostly fine.
  new 2 is a preview / proposal that will probably come the main release
   On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Ali Kämäräinen
   Currently .txml, .tbin, .scene, and .mesh files are supported
   (+ .material d'n'd applying for meshes that are already
   instantiated in the world). See also
   As for bug tracker, either the Google Code or GitHub one can
   be used. Hopefully we'll have only single one in the near
   Grey skies,
   Ali Kämäräinen



Re: [realXtend] Re: LudoCraft's Tundra 2.0-preview installer and code is out!

2011-07-06 Thread Peter Steinlechner
idk - but I think Bill just has some other expectations about Tundra - maybe
too much Second Life mindset without taking into account that Linden Labs
must have spent 30 - 50 man years before even going online in 2003 (and it
still runs quite shaky)
All I can say about the realXtend dev team is that they do an amazing job
and deserve my full respect.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 11:58 PM, limes wrote:

 Bill wrote:
  Ok I've started the issue que for Tundra 2.0 . Here are my issues with 2.0
   I may not be a super developer but I've been around for a while and I
   yet to get a has version to run without show stoppers. Can we just take
   time too stabilize one version?

   You have 1.0 working? Could someone please pass me the link to a

   I'm sorry if I seem a little upset it's just that I've been
   the realxtend for I don't know how long and have yet to get a
   functional platform working at all!

 And I'm just a little confused.. This is Tundra 2.0 Preview? I
 been able to get version One to work yet? Has anyone been able
 the first version to work because I'm feeling like a true idiot

 Ive seen alot, but this is perhaps the retardest reply to an open
 source development. What do you expect? By subscribing to a mailing
 list youd have a birthright to make demands on what people other
 people build on their free time? you are not feeling like an idiot,
 you're also acting like one. They say it's called a preview, and not
 stable. Do you think it means something? It's open source, get the
 code and start stabilizing one version. I'm sure they want your fixes,
 can you do it?

 I installed it and cannot also drag and drop, but it is simple because
 you can't write to program files unless you run as administrator and
 as guru you should know that. Build a scene to your documents dir and
 it's all great. I also see the erors and warnings but they probably
 know about that one as well. Everything works ok even with them so
 they probably dont mean anything.




Re: [realXtend] Permissions/Ownership/Security Tundra?

2011-07-02 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Those security features sound quite useful, in Open Wonderland is something
like the show/hide feature for content according the permission, but idk how
they implemented that.

On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 10:09 AM, Peter Steinlechner

 Hi Wim

 there is an unsubscribe button at the following URL

 On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Wim Trooster w.troos...@windesheim.nlwrote:

 How do I leave this mailinglist?
 Wim Trooster
 Op 1 jul. 2011 14:45 schreef Jonne Nauha het

  Btw the server wide password cant be in the scripts itself on the
  implementation, it should be in the tundra.ini config in [server] or
  [security] sections. Otherwise all clients can open it from cache and
  the password, as they get the script asset even if its not ran on the
  (except if you make it local only) :) Same thing would apply to the
  exchange things hash/secret thingie if implemented in a script. Server
  local py/c++ would ofc remove this problem, but config is always nice
  Best regards,
  Jonne Nauha
  Adminotech developer



Re: [realXtend] Re: Blog post: How to publish content to realXtend Tundra

2011-05-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Thanks Toni for the great hint

I tried it and the texture looks good in the game mode, but no change in
tundra, in the meantime i stumbled over the ogremeshy button which shows me
the same result like I see in tundra - the object with only the specular
map. Maybe there is some tinkering needed with the ogre material or texture
settings - but so far I didn't had  any success

On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 9:44 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On May 28, 2011, at 11:39 AM, ilikia wrote:
  I build my .blend files incorrectly? If I render my models in Blender,
  all textures are there.

 Not everything that works in the Blender non-realtime still image / movie
 rendering works in realtime / game engine rendering. By far.

 Better test is to see if your materials work in the Blender game engine,
 press 'p' in a 3d view or select 'start game' from menu.

 For example, for the Blender renderer you can put procedural textures etc
 that generate the image without using image files, and that doesn't work out
 of the box for the realtime world. Also the movie renderer can do different
 kinds of texture coordinate mappings, whereas for game engine usage you
 usually need to have UV coordinates for the mesh for texture images to show.

 One idea is that we'd make some sort of a simplified  realtime dedicated
 UI to Blender, so all the options that are there for movie making wouldn't
 confuse people who target realtime engines. This could be e.g. a part of the
 blender realxtend integration worked on in b2rex and blender2ogre by Pablo
 and Brett. Is feasible with Blender 2.5 with the rewritten UI engine that
 allows easy customizing in Python.


  On May 22, 4:09 am, Jonne Nauha wrote:
  Just wrote a long blog post how to publish content to Tundra. Should be
  easy to follow tutorial for people looking to run Tundra servers and
  their own content up.
  What I cover in the blog post:
 - Installing tundra, blender, blender2ogre exporter and others needed
 - How to export a simple scene in blender
 - How to automatically with Tundra or manually by hand publishing the
 assets for live server usage.
 - How to add avatar application with web refs to your server and a
 terrain to walk on.
  are welcome to the blog replies, so we can make the tutorial better if
  are parts that confuse you or something is incorrect.
  Best regards,
  Jonne Nauha
  Adminotech developer



[realXtend] How to change the sky/skybox

2011-05-04 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi all

The latest Tundra really rocks - I just checked the CAVE features, thats
truly awsome.
Now I want to set up a space/sci-fi scene, thinking to set it into a nice
skybox or at least at a permanent night sky.
Would that be allready possible (I guess it is) and how would this have to
be done? Any hints are highly appreciated.

IIRC in naali the avatar appearance was stored localy, will this feature
still be available in tundra?

BTW Some things I noticed in the chesapeak demo: the avatar isnt there
anymore and about after 15 minutes of inactivity the viewer crashes (tested
it on 2 machines) but it looks like something related to that demo, as it
doesn't happen in the new online demo.



Re: [realXtend] What is the status of prim support in Naali/Taiga/Tundra?

2011-05-03 Thread Peter Steinlechner

You mean something like this with the sketch application:


On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On May 3, 2011, at 3:10 AM, Peter Quirk wrote:

  What about touch events for specific faces,
  or being able to distinguish between the front and back (or outside
  and inside) of an object representing a door?

 This is supported, at least so that the raycast function in renderer
 returns not only the object hit, but also the face id inside and also the UV
 position on that face (the 2d point which you touched on the 3d face).

 At least this EntityClicked signal (event) gives the full RaycastResult
 which has all those infos,

 That equivalent of touch events is also as an entity action somewhere, but
 I don't remember if that one gives the same RaycastResult .. can check, e.g.
 the render to texture demo in tundra uses that action to get mouse clicks on
 the buttons that change 'tv channels' / the source camera.

  I can't get a clear understanding from the documentation or the
  binaries what the current support for prims is. For example, I don't
  see a way to select a face on a cube prim, either in the UI or the
  API. I don't see a way to set the material or color of a face.

 Yes, I don't think it is currently well documented.

 Also because there is not much to document. There is a c++ port of
 PrimMesher, which generates Ogre meshes from prim data, so Naali/Tundra can
 show them, but that's basically it. And with Tundra you can't currently use
 even that, 'cause the prim code is in the module that is used with
 Opensim/SL only. Would be quite simple to write a Tundra-style EC_Prim that
 used the existing PrimMesher code, if someone wants SL prims in Tundra.

 So there is no way to select a face of a cube prim currently. IIRC
 texture/material assignment GUI is also currently implemented for meshes
 only, as we haven't used prims for anything (yet).

  Considering the increasingly closer integration of blender with Taiga/
  Tundra, will we see the designer concepts of selecting faces or edges
  added to the runtime API?

 Is not planned for near future. The idea with the Blender integration is
 the opposite: we don't have to duplicate Blender in Naali/Tundra, 'cause can
 just use those features in Blender .. selecting faces and moving them etc.
 Have been thinking that making a custom UI for Blender to suite VW / game
 modelling (hide the more complex movie making things, like raytracing
 options for materials etc) would be a good idea. Integration could work for
 example so that entering editmode in Naali/Tundra opens the same state in
 Blender, or so.

 Editing in Naali/Tundra directly sure would be nice too, but I think is not
 most beneficial to start doing full polygon modelling there. If you were
 able to e.g. move faces, I suspect you'd quickly start missing all the other
 modelling features too?

 I'm curious about most simple ways of building, simpler than prims -- for
 example there was some nice rapid design tool made with browsers + canvas2d
  webgl, where you could just draw e.g. walls in 2d (vector) drawing app
 style, but that was actually the way to create 3d geometry. Something like
 might be quite simple to implement on Ogre, especially if we expose
 ManualObject for JS (and hence Py too). BTW if someone happens to know that
 demo, please give the link, I have been unable to find it again :p (was some
 commercial service iirc).

 Of course everything is open for anyone to do -- if someone wants to make
 Naali/Tundra an advanced prim or polygon mesh editor, feel free to either
 write it yourself or hire someone to do it :) Also the current b2rex is an
 independent project on it's own that Pablo runs, not related to the
 companies here in Oulu (nor in Spain :)





Re: [realXtend] What is the status of prim support in Naali/Taiga/Tundra?

2011-05-03 Thread Peter Steinlechner
The possibilty to sketch some simple objects inworld even in 3d planes might
be a cute feature to use in adhoc interactive visualization - like the 3d
text in the TOY demo .

Would it be possible to run the chemdoodle web ui on a 3d canvas and create
the molecules inside tundra ?

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On May 3, 2011, at 2:55 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 You mean something like this with the sketch application:

 similar idea, but with normal drawing and iirc it somehow allowed basically
 arbitrary 3d building, perhaps a bit in minecraft / volumetric style. i was
 thinking for buildings and such, drawing lines - being converted to 3d
 planes would be simple any nice, not necessarily the volumetric biz.

 really cool this chemdoodle, would be also a fun exercise to make that run
 inside naali/tundra .. would be the same web ui, but instead of webgl, it
 would create the molecules in the rex scene .. so it would be shared among
 all participants, and a part of a bigger scene. anyone wanna try?-)



 On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On May 3, 2011, at 3:10 AM, Peter Quirk wrote:

  What about touch events for specific faces,
  or being able to distinguish between the front and back (or outside
  and inside) of an object representing a door?

 This is supported, at least so that the raycast function in renderer
 returns not only the object hit, but also the face id inside and also the UV
 position on that face (the 2d point which you touched on the 3d face).

 At least this EntityClicked signal (event) gives the full RaycastResult
 which has all those infos,

 That equivalent of touch events is also as an entity action somewhere, but
 I don't remember if that one gives the same RaycastResult .. can check, e.g.
 the render to texture demo in tundra uses that action to get mouse clicks on
 the buttons that change 'tv channels' / the source camera.

  I can't get a clear understanding from the documentation or the
  binaries what the current support for prims is. For example, I don't
  see a way to select a face on a cube prim, either in the UI or the
  API. I don't see a way to set the material or color of a face.

 Yes, I don't think it is currently well documented.

 Also because there is not much to document. There is a c++ port of
 PrimMesher, which generates Ogre meshes from prim data, so Naali/Tundra can
 show them, but that's basically it. And with Tundra you can't currently use
 even that, 'cause the prim code is in the module that is used with
 Opensim/SL only. Would be quite simple to write a Tundra-style EC_Prim that
 used the existing PrimMesher code, if someone wants SL prims in Tundra.

 So there is no way to select a face of a cube prim currently. IIRC
 texture/material assignment GUI is also currently implemented for meshes
 only, as we haven't used prims for anything (yet).

  Considering the increasingly closer integration of blender with Taiga/
  Tundra, will we see the designer concepts of selecting faces or edges
  added to the runtime API?

 Is not planned for near future. The idea with the Blender integration is
 the opposite: we don't have to duplicate Blender in Naali/Tundra, 'cause can
 just use those features in Blender .. selecting faces and moving them etc.
 Have been thinking that making a custom UI for Blender to suite VW / game
 modelling (hide the more complex movie making things, like raytracing
 options for materials etc) would be a good idea. Integration could work for
 example so that entering editmode in Naali/Tundra opens the same state in
 Blender, or so.

 Editing in Naali/Tundra directly sure would be nice too, but I think is
 not most beneficial to start doing full polygon modelling there. If you were
 able to e.g. move faces, I suspect you'd quickly start missing all the other
 modelling features too?

 I'm curious about most simple ways of building, simpler than prims -- for
 example there was some nice rapid design tool made with browsers + canvas2d
  webgl, where you could just draw e.g. walls in 2d (vector) drawing app
 style, but that was actually the way to create 3d geometry. Something like
 might be quite simple to implement on Ogre, especially if we expose
 ManualObject for JS (and hence Py too). BTW if someone happens to know that
 demo, please give the link, I have been unable to find it again :p (was some
 commercial service iirc).

 Of course everything is open for anyone to do -- if someone wants to make
 Naali/Tundra an advanced prim or polygon mesh editor, feel free to either
 write it yourself or hire someone to do it :) Also the current b2rex is an
 independent project on it's own that Pablo runs, not related to the
 companies here in Oulu (nor in Spain :)




Re: making a world with Tundra (Re: [realXtend] Re: Register in realxtend)

2011-04-27 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Toni

Great news - hopefully it will make it into the 1.06 version.

If I remember right you mentioned somewhere that you used COLLADA files for
the Chesapeak Bay. Can they be used directly, or will we have to convert
them to ogre scenes ?


On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 8:42 PM, HOFF Industries Amanda Svenby wrote:

 Hey is there a demo that you have working that I could look at?

 From: MasterJ
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 12:13 PM
 To: realXtend
 Subject: Re: making a world with Tundra (Re: [realXtend] Re: Register in

  Great news ;)

 On 27 avr, 15:05, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On Wed, 2011-04-27 at 08:59 +0300, Toni Alatalo wrote:
  There is one stupidity though that currently requires a workaround. 
 Idea is that you can just run server.exe and start dragdropping your 
 models there. But currently that would make it copy all the models to  the
 same directory where the Tundra app was installed. This little  trick
  1. create a directory anywhere in your computer for your project, e.g.
  d:\projects\cadworld . Unless you already have a suitable dir.
  2. create an empty file called whatever.txml in that dir. this is just
  used to automatically start Tundra so that it uses this directory for 
 storage. Note: creating a file called .txml may not be easy on windows,  if
 it hides the file name extension from you and insists on making it 
 .txml.txt or so. We should come up with some nice way in the GUI to  start
 a new project so this trick wouldn't be needed.
  3. doubleclick the txml in that folder to run the server
  4. use view-scene right-click import, or dragdrop with mouse, to load
  your 3d models
  5. save the scene with view-scene right-click 'save scene'

 Instead of documenting the workaround, I gave a shot at fixing it by
 adding a new menu entry in the server mode GUI:

 'New Scene' - opens a file dialog where you can give the name of your
 scene file, e.g. 'my.txml'. It automatically then sets that directory as
 the default storage for your session, so you can import models etc. and
 they get placed in that dir.

 'Save' - saves the current scene to the file that you defined in 'New
 Scene', without asking questions. Like in does in Notepad, my benchmark
 for how the Tundra File menu should behave :) We didn't have this
 earlier 'cause didn't have the concept of 'current document', but I
 think it's nice.

 Jonne earlier added Import  Export funcs to the File menu that are a
 bit different, we're currently working on merging and sanifying these to
 make a sensible whole .. for the upcoming 1.0.6 release (coming right
 now actually).






Re: [realXtend] mac status: full chesapeake bay works on server with rendering

2011-03-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Affirmative - it loads them perfectly now.

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On Mar 28, 2011, at 7:30 PM, john felipe urrego mejia wrote:

  which is more stable 1.0.3 or i think, at least fixes the material/texture loading problem that
 1.0.3 had with http assets.


 2011/3/28 Toni Alatalo

   On Mar 28, 2011, at 7:22 PM, john felipe urrego mejia wrote:

 taiga opensim uses the core, no tundra, taiga is the server and a client
 uses to access it, tundra is server and client but also can be installed
 on a win server 2008 client without using gpu


 by saying: server.exe --headless

 the chesapeake bay demo button that the tundra installer puts to the
 windows start menu runs a headless server, so that you can connect with a
 viewer to get an avatar and have the games working. currently the avatar
 functionality is made so that the server is never given an avatar, you can
 only use the free camera there .. but creation tools work the same.


  2011/3/28 Toni Alatalo

   On Mar 28, 2011, at 5:41 PM, john felipe urrego mejia wrote:

 Hi what diference between taiga 020 and tunda 103

 Taiga uses Opensimulator as the server, whereas Tundra includes both a
 server and client implementation using the Naali codebase.

 So with Naali-Taiga you have a Naali client talking with an Opensimulator
 server, whereas in Tundra you connect with a Tundra in viewer mode to
 another Tundra in server mode (with the server module enabled), and
 Opensimulator is not used.

 In Tundra you can also run the server with the rendering module enabled,
 so you don't actually need separate clientserver to view a scene, but can
 run the server so that it is a viewer as well. This is how that screenshot
 was made - tested viewing the scene on a mac in such a standalone mode.



 2011/3/28 Toni Alatalo

 good news!

  '353/353 entities created succesfully' says import of lvm-full.txml
 from scene struct in mac!

 only visual diff is that those dot like highlight things are somehow
 bigger in the water plane than on windows, and iirc on linux it looks the
 same as on win too.

 so the speculation in the earlier post was wrong, there was no prob with
 shaders, all animals work fine. and test if:
 this works: ./server-osx --file
 this crashes: ./server-osx --file

 the problem remains that with that direct loading of the scene at
 startup it crashes, but the same thing works when import the scene from gui
 after starting an empty server first. but only that full scene with the
 games etc. crashes, not the static scene, nor the bundled Tundra demos like
 avatar etc. that's probably something simple, perhaps has to do with load
 orders or something.

 but at least there is a workaround, so mac folks can see full chesapeake
 bay demo (work in progress) too.








Re: [realXtend] 3D model upload

2011-03-21 Thread Peter Steinlechner

You have to look under tools and scenes to upload meshes with naali

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 3:46 PM, Macho Che wrote:

 thanks for your kind suggestion. I've tried to use Naali for several times,
 also read the help files, but I even cann't find the upload button in Naali,
 very different with the old realxtend viewer, right? and I also cannot find
 some functions which are displayed in the help file. Maybe the different
 versions of  Naali all have some big changes?

 On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On Mar 21, 2011, at 10:04 AM, Macho Che wrote:

 My server is based on OpenSim, so I'd like to add some modules
 such as ModreX to import 3D mesh to my server. Any viewer is OK! There are
 many detailed 3D model (we can convert them to *.mesh type) but we cann't
 upload them to our sever. So what we need is 3D mesh supporting in our
 existing OpenSim server. It doesn't matter which viewer we use.

 Ok. You could give Naali a shot then.

 Are you also using prims to build, or only meshes? Naali has basic prim
 rendering support, but there seems to be some bug that some are sometimes
 sideways. And it's not optimized for rendering a large amount of prims.

 Do you need to have the meshes in the opensim asset server, or could you
 use any web server? We've found that e.g. dropbox is handy when authoring -
 can just copy .mesh files etc to a local folder, and use the public http ref
 to that in-world -- easier than doing the inventory upload biz.

 BTW: if you need full and complex prim support and other SL features, with
 just some meshes added, the new slviewer mesh beta + current opensim dev
 version which has support for storing Linden meshes may be a good option
 too. Naali is better if you need other reX features too, like customizable
 UI and control logic scripting etc.


 On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On Mar 18, 2011, at 5:05 PM, Macho Che wrote:

 Compiled the ModreX module in OpenSim successfully, but  the mesh cannot
 be  displayed, others are all OK.

 Ok, I don't know the status of modrex on 0.7, i.e. whether inventory
 works fully etc. With the Naali viewer we are typically not using the whole
 inventory system anymore, as it can load data (meshes, textures etc) from
 the web. I saw Mikko Pallari demoing one reX scene on 0.7, but don't know if
 he tested inventory (certainly he didn't need it). He most probably also
 tested with Naali. For basics the protocol is still the same so the old
 rexviewer prototype should work, though.

 Do you need to use the old rexviewer (the one based on slviewer), or
 could you use Naali instead? The old one hasn't been developed for 2 years
 anymore, and not used by any of the developers for about a year I think. I
 know it still has some features that Naali doesn't have, for Opensimulator /
 SL based usage (simultaneous multiregion, scultps, prim modelling UI, ..).

 But Naali especially with the Tundra server is much simpler if you just
 need to make a world with 3d models and don't necessarily need all of SL


 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 8:24 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On Mar 18, 2011, at 9:46 AM, Macho Che wrote:
  when I use my OpenSim server, I ignored the money part, and the 3D
 model I uploaded can be seen in my inventory, but I can't use it because
 there's no mesh to select (see the picture below), So you mean I should run
 the modrex module in my own OpenSim Server?




 *CHE Weitao*
 *Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS)*
 *Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building*
 *The Chinese University of Hong Kong
 Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
 Tel: +852-2696 1457*
 *Mobile: +852-90645196







Re: [realXtend] Avatar identity concept

2011-03-17 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Jani

Some interesting thoughts. Specially the ones about shopping and mirror

I was recently thinking a bit about this topic too and got to the following
personal conclusion that users will probably face the following common

A user will have more then only one avatar
A user will visit independently operated places
Some of the places will require a login - some will be public
Visual representation of an avatar can be defined on the server (avatar
on/off/selection of default avatars)
Visual representation can be customized by the user
User can select a variety of instant message services similar to Pidgin or
other IM clients
Use of IM can be switched on/off depending the place or be restricted to
place related IM (as for use in schools, to avoid external interferences)
A user can belong to several communication groups
A user can belong to several groups for access and object manipulations
Tundra can be run local or connect to places on the Internet
User can interact via virtual worlds with real world devices - like light
switches etc. (like the Radio Arkala demo)
Real World devices can send feedback to user and or places. Like the famous
fridge thats sends a message when the beer levels are low :-)

There are probably a few more common situations coming up while it


On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Jani Pirkola wrote:

 Dear all,

 I wrote an idea how Avatars could serve as an single sign on service (and
 more) for everyone. I would like to get your comments and feedback to see
 whether this is the way forward in the future.

 Best regards,

 Avatar as a user identity

 Dominant web approach to authentication is to have a separate user account
 for every web service. OpenID and Microsoft passport are both efforts to
 have single sign-on capabilities in the web, but users and service
 developers have not yet adopted them widely, maybe because they do not feel
 familiar to the users. Users do not really understand how their facebook
 account can be used to login to another service, for example.

 In the coming 3D Internet, users have avatars to represent them digitally
 for others and for themselves. From Second Life and similar 3D environments,
 it is already known that users either start to treat their avatars as
 friends or as extensions to their own personality. Many users use hundreds
 of hours to tweak their avatars to look exactly how they want and feel. This
 feeds the biggest industry in the Second Life, avatar clothing and
 attachments market.

 3D Internet is a set of interconnected 3D worlds where users can use 3D
 applications and meet with each other. Moving from a world to worl can be
 done via teleports. The overall setup looks technically much like the web
 today - there are world servers and world browsers. The new addition to this
 basic architecture is the Avatar.

 In the realXtend vision of the 3D Internet, user’s own Avatar is something
 that user can use in all the different 3D worlds. In effect, this means that
 users authenticate themselves to all the 3D world servers by using their
 avatar. This creates a single-sign-on system which is easily understandable
 and desirable to the users.

 The benefits for using Avatar as the user identity is not only the single
 sign on system. In the examples below Avatar can be understood as a set of
 services under unified Avatar metaphor.

 Message relay center
 Avatar can read all my emails from different accounts, my facebook
 messages, and twitter private messages, for example, and relay them to the
 user. Avatar can prioritize messages and send them using whatever means user
 prefers at the moment - for example all the messages or message headers can
 be received by SMS, or even by traditional mail. Users have complete control
 of how, when and what they receive. Avatar can auto reply to some of the
 messages based on rules set by the user.

 Virtual phone number
 Avatar can have its own phone number, and relay text messages and phone
 calls to the user, again based on user set rules or by learnt behaviour.

 Virtual physical address
 Avatar can own a virtual physical street address, where I can get all my
 traditional mail sent. Now when I move physically from an address to
 address, I just tell my avatar the new address. This approach is widely used
 in software programming where direct memory addresses are rarely used in
 favor of using pointers. Virtual physical street address can look like this:

 Myfirstname Mylastname

 Highstreet 34

 20123 Postila


 Both virtual phone number and virtual physical adddress are something users
 start to give to their friends and companies, so that when they move
 physically and change phone numbers, calls and mail just follows them
 without unnecessary hassle.

 Virtual devices
 Avatar can manage users’ contacts, calendar entries and data. These are
 automatically backed up from mobile devices, laptops and computers. 

Re: taiga2tundra scene xml conversion (Re: [realXtend] Re: Back up options)

2011-03-05 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Toni

thanks for the update, as I was just about to post about the missing
textures. I have a simlar issue with a group of trees in the chesapeak bay
demo where the textures dont show.

Another issue i have there is the fish and osprey demo - I can click the
fish and get transformed in a fish but the clock doesnt run in the upper
right corner and below the back button on the upper left corner I just have
a white square. I asume that place is for sort of a menu?
The osprey demo i couldn't get to work at all. I wonder if thats maybe in
connection with the preview version I had installed or did I missed
something ?

Anyhow - I think Tundra is the way to go as all makes perfectly sense.
Maybe a too early question: how many concurrent users you estimated could
connect to a tundra server ?

Cheers and a great weekend

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 15:48 +0200, Toni Alatalo wrote:
  On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 15:25 +0200, Toni Alatalo wrote:
   server.exe --file
  are some strange white objects (the texture png they ref to seemed white
  in my browser at least)

 Ah sorry for another message, forgot to mention the most visible known
 issue: some of the textures are assigned with the direct
 use-this-image-as-texture technique which is supported in old rexviewer
 and in Naali against Taiga, but not with Tundra. This is by design as we
 figured that it's ok to require using material definitions like normally
 with Ogre. So many textures there don't show 'cause the material ref in
 the mesh is directly to an image.

 There's two ways to solve this:
 a) create new plain use-a-texture materials in the converter
 b) add some feature to Tundra to support using images as textures
 directly. possibly a script that you can attach, or somehow to the

 Feedback on which approach would seem more useful is welcome, if is
 worthwhile I can do either at some point.


 same, but off now.



Re: [realXtend] Unity3D

2011-03-05 Thread Peter Steinlechner
There are also several commercial 3rd Party Server Products that are quite
tailored for use with unity3d:
Photon Socket Server
ES5 and a few others


On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 9:42 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 11:48 -0800, Amanda Svenby wrote:
  Have a question can realXtend be used with Unity3D? Does anyone know
  anyone that could set a server up for us?

 Yes, it is possible, but not ready or freely available out of the box.

 For using Unity3d as a client to connect to an Opensimulator server, IBM
 has a commercial(?) product called Canvas which does this (using the
 pre-existing open source libomv .net client library). A company called
 Tipodean has (I think) licensed that technology and is making a business
 around it,

 That thing targets Second Life compatibility against vanilla
 Opensimulator, so they don't currently support the additional realXtend
 features. Support could be added, the LibOMV folks at least have been
 interested, but if that thing is IBM closed source stuff only they can
 do it in the end.

 If you are not interested in the SL featureset and Opensimulator per se,
 but need for example the extensible scene architecture that realXtend
 now has, this could be implemented to a new client made using Unity3d.
 This has been in the talks, but AFAIK not done anywhere.

 In the publicly funded open source work we have used open source royalty
 free technologies only, not proprietary pay-to-dev-on things like
 Unity3d. So for a client that works in a web browser, we've tested two
 other things instead:

 1) using websockets + webgl, in WebNaali - works for very basics (the
 avatar app works so that you can connect to a Tundra server, get an
 avatar, see other avatars move in the scene and move your own av) ..
 we'll make some sort of 0.1 demo of this in coming weeks, the code is in

 2) making Naali a browser plugin, like Unity3d is. Jukka tested this a
 bit and it worked, would just need some non-trivial work (he estimated 1
 man month) do function properly (like not block the rest of the browser
 when it runs :) . An unrelated company has a product called NeoAxis
 which is a unity-like commercial SDK but made using Ogre, and they have
 packaged their ogre using player app in a browser plugin and it seems to
 work fine.

 But if you want specifically Unity3d instead of these, you can certainly
 hire someone to do it. Usually business arrangements here have worked so
 that people contact Antti Ilomäki, , who is
 a neutral party not involved in any specific company but has been taking
 care of the project overall and knows what the companies are doing. Or
 you can connect to one of the companies directly if you already know who
 you want to talk with. Later the idea is that the association (formed by
 anyone interested in rex usage and dev) can be the contact point, but
 that's not up yet so Antti can continue to serve in the meantime :)

 Of course Unity3d has it's own server  networking technology too
 (reportedly not too great but I suppose quite good still) -- don't know
 if you have checked that out. Depends on your needs whether just using
 that or reX tech works best.





Re: [realXtend] b2rex release 0.8: real time connection and blender2.5 support

2011-03-04 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hola Pablo

this sounds very exciting. If it works with tundra, it would be awsome, as I
think tundra will be the way to go in the near future.
In the meantime I will set up a Taiga 2.0 and try to be of help for testing.

I will let you know when its ready, it should be somewhere this weekend.


On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 11:51 PM, Pablo Martin wrote:


 B2rex 0.8 has been released, featuring real time connection to
 taiga/opensim server and support for blender 2.5.

 There is a new manual describing the current capabilities of 

 About the real time connection, this means now blender can connect to
 the sim server as a native client, with full access to the protocol and
 capabilities to import rex objects on the fly, move, rotate, scale
 objects, manage permissions, reparent, upload new objects, materials and
 textures, some inventory management... No support for prims or editing
 assets yet (they have to be reuploaded with a new uuid).

 The connection is done through an agent module, which can be an external
 program or run within the blender process, and also streamlines the
 protocol into more simple editor commands, so it should be
 straightforward to adapt to the tundra protocol, or to emit the same
 messages from naali without the need to understand the underlying
 protocol at all. The following diagram tries to illustrate the 3
 possibilities: For the
 moment I have implemented the first and second cases (for blender 2.5
 and blender 2.4).

 Regarding the support for blender 2.5 and blender 2.4, development has
 switched completely to blender 2.5, and blender2.4 still works to a
 certain extent although this release is only for blender2.5, and support
 for blender 2.4 will be continued as needed or required by the community.

 Another important news for this release is that modifications to the
 taiga server are no longer required, although there are still two
 optional patches provided, one to allow inventory management in
 standalone setup, another to allow for terrain modification using
 LayerData packages (allows to update a parcels of terrain
 independently). The old method of uploading and accessing worlds with
 custom xmlrpc calls is still supported but probably will be discontinued
 since applying patches to the server is not in most people's reach.

 Also, I have uploaded a couple of videos:

 Testers are wellcome, but note there are still a lof of corners to
 polish towards a more user focused 1.0. The only worlds tested at the
 moment are my localhost server, server, and virtualexpo
 world, I would also be happy to test access and compatibility with other
 worlds. Usage of b2rex is not recommended at the moment with production
 servers, but it should be safe.

 For the next release, I intend to add support for logic editing and
 control in the following areas:

1.Graphical editor for logic

2.Control several logic subsystems from realxtend and opensim

3. Access to the information from blender logic graphs and possibly
   export it

4.Executing b2rex inside blender's game mode

 Kudos to Invi, who started the blender2.5 support in this release and
 also implemented inventory management support.




Re: Tundra world building (Re: [realXtend] Taiga world building?)

2011-02-21 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Jonne

thanks for the great hints!
If using the assets like this, would it be possible then to use
Shibboleth together with Grouper as authentication and group tool?


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Jonne Nauha wrote:

 2) The second problem was during world building. Apparently, it does
 not save my object positions correctly... Sometimes it does, other
 times it does not. I edit the objects directly in the server. Do you
 know what could be happening? I did not have this problem with Taiga.
 Oh and sometimes I get this error that, maybe, is related:
 [ECAtributeEditorBase] Error: Unknown atrribute type qvector3d for
 ECAttributeEditorBase creation.

 Are you using the latest 1.0.1 release. There was a bug that i fixed
 actually today that the move did not work with the visual tools if the
 entity did not have a rigid body component. Try shift+e, click you
 mesh (turn off the manipulate mode first), add component -
 EC_RidigBody. Try manipulating now. Mail back if that helps, the fix
 is on the way on the next release.

 Also you can ignore the error prints, its just the treeview that shows
 you the attributes whining about something. It does not mean anything
 fatal as far as i know.

 - Jonne Nauha again...



Re: [realXtend] Can not load the *.mesh, How to solve it?

2011-02-21 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Han

have you tried this here allready:


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 3:31 AM, HW G wrote:

  Hi Guys:

 I got some problems in editing the appearance of the avatar. I found the
 AVATAR TAILOR and ATTACHMENT TOOL can not load the *.mesh or *.cloth file
 into them. Does anybody have this problem?

 In addition, does anybody know where I can download some their appearance
 from the website?

 Best Regards

 Guo Hanwen



Re: [realXtend] Text to Speech

2011-02-20 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi :-) you can switch it off under settings in the client

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 9:16 PM, MasterJ wrote:

 hello to all,

 hmmm here TTS didn't really work nice actually it's said letter by
 letter and with a nice robotic voice  hehehe.

 possible tu turn it off/on manually? and if yes were must i need to
 check for that? .ini file? .xml??



Re: [realXtend] Re: Back up options

2011-02-17 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Awsome to hear that Toni, just started to play around with the new tundra
and its fascinating :-)

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 3:28 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 10.2.2011 16:52, CecilBergwin kirjoitti:

  Small update for those who maybe have eyes on this thread and also
 looking at backing up from your Taiga Servers like us.

 A little update here again: I got the opensim scene backup tool to work by
 simplyfying some UI code related to how to 'save for http' button is showed
 in the backup tool.

 With that it saved all beatifully, wrote that semi-txml and folders for
 meshes, materials and textures. Automatically for the whole scene (given you
 are a region owner / can get god rights).

 I made a new conversion script based on the previous one, so there's a
 simple next to the previous dotscene creating one in tools/
 dir in tundra branch in naali repo.

 With these two tools can save a rex scene from Taiga, and load it to
 Tundra. Is a bit incomplete still, must put quaternion - euler conversion
 in place for rotations.  Put a w.i.p. conversion of the infamous ugly
 sandbox on to
  was talking with Jonne N. who has saved Beneath the Waves earlier with
 the tool that we could put that as a txml there too, with http assets (like
 that wro export is too).

 I need to travel now to teach rex programming tomorrow, but if Cecil can't
 build self (i pushed the tweak to github) we can provide a quickfix dll for
 woldbuildmodule soon enough I think. And have to tool working again in
 future releases.




Re: [realXtend] Pedro's Tundra comments questions

2011-02-11 Thread Peter Steinlechner
And yes - clear case of senior moment - rtfm does miracles and in the worst
case just run start-server.bat shows it all

Cheers and happy weekend

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 6:05 PM, Peter Steinlechner

 Hi Toni

 thanks for the answers. It looks like Tundra will be the way to go!

 Just another question came up, of which I think you allready thought about.

 How will the scenes be stored persistent on the tundra server, so in case
 of a crash or restart the right scenes start up again?
 I thought maybe there could be a way to store the datas referencing the
 assets in a database or a folder with set of scene files and their positions
 and have them loading on start of the tundra server. (I wouldn't be
 surprised if it allready is there and I just need to go through the

 Cheers and a happy weekend to all

 On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 Hi all,

 we talked about Tundra with Peter/Pedro, he tested the demos and sent in
 some comments and questions. We agreed to continue here -- I'll quote enough
 so that you see the nice comments too:

 On Feb 10, 2011, at 11:02 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 this is brilliant and I start to grasp and embrace the whole tundra idea.
 Certainly I have to tinker around with it a bit more, but I think this
 really become the firefox and apache for virtual worlds! To make the
 GUI a part of the application, rather then having it in the viewer is a
 rock solid feature that opens some new horizons.

 Yep, and not only the GUI but basically all functionality .. like whether
 a client connection gets an avatar or something else etc.

 There is not much missing to make the opensim based taiga server very
 soon obsolete :-)

 We'll see, Opensim has nice aspects too, I'm not surprised if both stay
 around and develop for different purposes. But it seems to be that many
 applications don't need the Opensim featureset (like grids), and indeed that
 we can easily enough port the basics like chat and avatars to Tundra as
 application level scripts.

 One point I'd like to clarify: the customizability of the client, loading
 code from the net as a part of the service for custom GUIs etc., is there
 always in Naali. It doesn't basically matter if you use a Tundra or Taiga
 server, the EC system and the API for adding keybindings and menu entries
 from e.g. EC_Script Javascripts loaded with http can work similarily. So you
 can make also opensim+modrex worlds so that the service/app there defines
 the GUI.

 The difference currently is that Naali releases have the default UiModule
 always enabled, whereas in the builds from the Tundra branch it is disabled.
 But we could for example make it so that for Taiga worlds the default UI is
 shown only if modrex tells so (and when logging to vanilla opensim have it
 automatically on). Also, the new Asset API and the current EC_Script
 implementation that handles code loaded from the net are in the Tundra
 branch only so not in the 0.4 release. We may later get the things merged so
 that have the current things for all usages, discussed it in the meeting
 today, but that's to be seen and also depends on what people actually need.

 But there sure are unique points in Tundra usage, like: 1) ease of
 authoring of e.g. meshes on a local standalone app, which automatically
 updates textures in the 3d view when they change on disk and 2) network game
 dev where it makes sense to run same code partially both in the server 
 client 3) custom messaging for advanced feats.

 Just to note that the ECs and client side Javascript works against Taiga
 as well, can be useful if someone has made e.g. a complex app as an Opensim
 region module and wants a custom GUI for it.

 - Would it be possible to attach an alternative collision mesh to objects?
   This might be helpfull in case of adding ramps to stair meshes for
   Similar it was in rexviewer 0.42

 Yes I think that already works, EC_RigidBody (which is how we communicate
 things to Bullet) supports putting a collision mesh ref IIRC. I think we
 should make the dotscene pipeline support that (or did someone do that
 already?) so that you can define the collisions meshes in your modelling app

 - Poking around a bit in the ogre website I stumbled over hydrax water,
   looks quite neat - but didnt got further into the details and wonder if
   would be very difficult to add or if you folks allready have something
   stunning in mind ?

 Ali tested SkyX and Hydrax already a year ago or so, was it so that either
 is even in somehow as a compile time option? He's been waiting for the guy
 to make a release so could look at using them again. I think with Hydrax
 there was problems with using it for large waters, was too heavy?

 - The terrains resemble about the same size like in opensim but could I

Re: 0.4.0 buildmode entering crash fixed(?) (issue 67) (Re: [realXtend] Re: Naali 0.4.0 release)

2011-02-09 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Toni

it did the trick for me too :-) Thanks a lot !


On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 4:19 AM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On Feb 7, 2011, at 10:09 AM, Toni Alatalo wrote:
  On Jan 31, 2011, at 12:34 AM, Peter Quirk wrote:
  Toni - I filed this as incident 67 with crash dump yesterday.
  made a quick fix to this on friday, there was a bug in UiModule in the
 code that adds menu entries. At least on that laptop where the crash
 happened with the 0.4.0 release, also my own dev build crashed in that
 place, which is fixed

 I realized that it may work for you to just replace that one module -- did
 the trick in the release for me. Uploaded it to

 Folks who got the crash, please test replacing the one in 0.4.0 release
 with that one and see if entering builmode works fine then.


  I figure we should get a new test build out ASAP, and if that fix works
 for you, make a 0.4.1 soon then.
  On Jan 28, 11:58 pm, Toni Alatalo wrote:
  On Jan 29, 2011, at 6:21 AM, Peter Quirk wrote:
  It produces a mini crash dump each time. The console error is
  realXtend encountered an unexpected error. Crash dump was saved to
  Where would you like me to place the crash dump?
  Oh great that it does, without the dump it is pretty impossible to
 know what is going on in the native code.. perhaps you can submit an issue
 to the google code tracker and attach the dump there? I think the only place
 now where we can debug it now is on the machine at Evocativi/Adminotech
 where the build for the release was made, but hopefully someone there can
 check the dump on Monday. And/or copy the debugging support files over so
 can do it elsewhere too.
  On Jan 28, 6:15 am, Toni Alatalo wrote:
  On to, 2011-01-27 at 18:30 -0800, Peter Quirk wrote:
  Did anyone find the fix? I'm having the same problem on two
  Windows 7 systems. I deleted appdata\Roaming\realXtend and c:\Users
  \user\.naali-cookies, but it didn't change anything.
  I'm clueless so far. Just installed 0.4.0 on win7 and have no probs,
  build mode works etc.
  Do you get a crash dump? Or errors in the console? The console
  goes to a log file, or alternatively you can run viewer.exe from
  line when the output stays in the console after the crash. Probably
  there is no relevant output, though, but only a crash dump or being
  to reproduce the problem when running with a debugger would help.
  I'll test on more machines.
  - Peter
  On Jan 25, 10:04 am, Toni Alatalo wrote:
  On Jan 25, 2011, at 2:47 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  Yes, I tested the builds you mentioned and it sounds like its the
 same issue you must have had. Thanks for this hint and I will try laters to
 find those files. By any chance you have a hint about the file name ?
  16:00  Pforce appdata/etc../configuration
  16:00  Pforce .ini files from there
  16:01  Pforce prolly some uiexternal.ini
  16:01  Pforce matti had many crashes before clearing that file
  .. i think it's the appdata in your users home dir and realXtend
 dir there etc., am not on windows not so can't check
  On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Toni Alatalo
  On Jan 24, 2011, at 5:20 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  When i try to use the build tool the viewer crashes no matter if
 I use it in Fisu or on the local Taiga 0.2.0
  Did you test the Enne builds at some point on that machine, the
 ones where the external windows + docking feats were first introduced? I had
 the prob on one box that got crashes with 0.4 builds 'cause had incompatible
 .ini files (with the window setup saved) lying around.
  if that's the case, I don't know yet what ini file / where to
 remove, but we can figure out.
  On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:
  On Jan 21, 2011, at 1:45 PM, mattiku wrote:
  Naali viewer 0.4.0 is now ready for use.
  Apparently a bug sneaked in that broke old mediaurls (the ones
 attached to textures with the old viewer, not using EC_3dCanvasSource
 directly) -- had happened in a refactoring I made a while ago. Just noticed
 it today 'cause some friendly person had added one to and the test bot that logs in there after each
 commit reported the fail.
  Fix is in develop now, and at least the bot doesn't complain
 anymore. Will test more at some point, and I guess we'll have to do a fix
 release soon'ish.. can wait a while if people report other possible probs
  Matti Kuonanoja

[realXtend] X11 Applications

2011-02-02 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi all,

is there a possibility to use X11 applications inworld, similar to the 3d
canvas for web content?
I found this feature in open wonderland and think it could very usefull for
collaborative and educational environments.



Re: [realXtend] Looking for an experienced realXtend software guru

2011-01-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Thanks Antti and Toni for lifting the clouds over my head a bit and for not
getting me wrong. :-)

But wasnt referring about sculpties and megaregions, as they are to me just
sort of patches. With 3d meshes the sculpties will be well obsolete and the
megaregions are not necessary, if the region size simply could be set
bigger, like you demonstrated in the 1km by 1km region.

I understand well that there are a few different goals and ideas, given by
all the possibilities you made available with the naali+tundra+taiga
framework. Also the way tundra works in a standalone mode on the desktop is
a very promissing approach that opens up some nice possibilities (First time
I imagined about how cool it could be to have a 3d desktop was about back in

About taiga I was also thinking that WIFI might come in handy, though it
seems to be made for opensim 0.7.2 AFAIK, so I didnt try that out yet as
taiga still is based on opensim 0.6.9 RC1. I seen that mikko p started with
and guess that WIFI should relatively easy work then for starters. But as
you mentioned, obviously tundra seems to be a better choice for some apps.
Are there any recommendations or guidelines of how to implement
authentication for a multi online user environment ?

Maybe I missed out on something that is allready available in
naali/tundra/tundra: how could I set up a portal to go from one region to
another without using ether? Similar the way it is done in open cobalt or
open wonderland?

Anyhow - realxtend is an interesting project, well worth watching :-)


On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 1:58 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:d i

 On ke, 2011-01-26 at 14:44 +0100, Peter Steinlechner wrote:


  their resources, I beleive that there is a need of a roadmap
  redefinition with focus on delivering an operational, administrateable
  client - server framework. Yes, I know they are working on it, all the
  partial results make sense and are great proof of concepts, but there
  is undeniable a cluttering which IMHO needs a focusing, consolidating,
  structuring and finetuning. I'm well aware, that this is easier said

 it is good that you defined what you meant in this way, 'cause from the
 earlier parts of the post I had no idea what exactly you meant by coming
 far off from the original roadmap etc. There are so many different ideas
 and requirements, and so many goals in the original Naali  Taiga

 First goal of Naali was to implement a viewer where the basics work,
 compatible with the earlier rexviewer and rexserver, using that protocol
 as is. That was achieved somewhat a year ago in 0.1 which showed the
 scenes and basics like chat worked, and uploading meshes + assigning
 textures. Then again, many of the features that the old viewer had due
 to the Linden base may never appear in Naali. So I did not know if you
 referred to such missing features, like scuplties or multiregions.

 Another goal was to make a platform which the participating companies,
 and anyone in the world, can use to develop applications. This has been
 achieved with the modular structure of the application, the extensible
 scene model with the entity-components, and the scripting support. This
 is most mature now with the Tundra server, as there is nothing hardcoded
 about the worlds (e.g. user controls) there so defining your own
 behaviours is easy. These extension mechanisms have also been a solid
 base for adding basic functionality -- basically the difficulty of
 adding features to the old base was what drove the project to make

 A different perspective is making a end user application for someone who
 wants to build an own world, using ready made tools and default
 functionality, without developing an own application. Antti's role in
 the planning has been typically to remind us of this perspective,
 whereas we from the different companies are mostly concerned with the
 platform part 'cause we have the programmers to do the apps we need.
 None of the current rex dev companies has been targetting an application
 like SL, or at least hosting one themselves. But we have wanted to make
 it so that others who do target that can use reX tech as a basis.

 So that's a bit of history and current status from my perspective.
 Future is largely open -- like Antti said, determined by what the
 individual companies and people do.

 In any case, it would be interesting to know what you mean by:
 - operational
 - administrable

 The easy package we have at least in the Tundra preview, 'cause you can
 just install it and run the server executable to have a server you can
 ask other's to connect to. Using the viewer executable in the same
 package. There is not much to administrate, though, 'cause out of the
 box it doesn't have authentication even :p . Don't know if from your
 perspective Tundra is just an experiment on the sidetracks, but for some
 here it already is the choice when developing apps .. even the only
 choice, 'cause

Re: [realXtend] NPC development

2011-01-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Guo

theres a description with samples:*

*But i don't now if they still work in the actual server builds :-(


On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 4:34 AM, HW G wrote:

  Hi Guys:

 I remembered that someone told me there is source code in
 realXtend-server-0.5-BeneathTheWaves about developing a NPC.

 However, I have not found anything here.

 Can anybody let me know how to develop a NPC, like the path planning, log
 on the server, executing the animation.

 Many thanks.

 Best Regards

 Guo Hanwen 郭翰文

 *PhD Student Hanwen Guo*
 *School of Information Technology*
 *Science and Technology *
 *Queensland University of Technology*
 *[A]   Level 3,126 Margaret St, Brisbane Queensland 4000 *
 *[T]   +61 07 3138 9577*
 *[M]   00 61 431082193 *
 *[E]   ***
 *We are the captives of own identities*
 *Living in the prisons of own creations*



Re: [realXtend] b2rex release 0.7: import capabilities

2011-01-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
That sounds awsome! Then blender would become a fullsize editor for

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 10:30 PM, Pablo Martin wrote:


 B2rex 0.7 has been released featuring import capabilities as well as
 specific character support. The import capabilities allow to browse
 scene objects directly from blender, update blender objects from
 realxtend and import whole realxtend regions into blender keeping the
 uuid link so objects can be synchonized back and forth.

 More information about the release at:
 Specially, following pages of the manual detail the new capabilities:
  * (asset browser)
  * (character panel)

 For next release, I'll be focusing on real time synchronization of
 blender (to both naali and taiga) and realxtend, support for managing
 permissions, and adding support for blender2.5 and the new ogre exporter.




Re: [realXtend] Looking for an experienced realXtend software guru

2011-01-26 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Dear Jani

I was following the realxtend project with a high interest since the early
releases in 2008 which where very impressive and where showing a lot of
great improvements. The realXtend project really stood out of all other
virtual world environments at that time do to fact as it was based on common
sense, practical approaches and was realized by a highly talented small team
in a very short time.
With high expectation I was following the naali project as well and had to
notice that it came far off the initial roadmap and vision for whatever
reasons. Without any doubts its not because a lack of skills or motivation
of the involved people, as they delivered with naali and tundra some very
innovative approaches to get towards a 3d Internet.
So I guess that there must be probably a combination of political,
organisational and man power related issues that lead to this backlog from
the initial naali-taiga roadmap. A few things I noticed as an interested
outsider of the realxtend project are that there where a lot of experimental
and RD tasks, which for sure are benefitial on the longer run, but
unfortunately seemed to have sidetracked the project into an extreme
programming exercise which bypassed the expectations of the intended
audience. Though the group in Oulu and the enne group from Spain made some
miracles happen within their resources, I beleive that there is a need of a
roadmap redefinition with focus on delivering an operational,
administrateable client - server framework. Yes, I know they are working on
it, all the partial results make sense and are great proof of concepts, but
there is undeniable a cluttering which IMHO needs a focusing, consolidating,
structuring and finetuning. I'm well aware, that this is easier said then

So I hope that you soon find the software guru that makes realxtend work,
as I personaly really would like to see it soar on the virtual skies.


On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Jani Pirkola wrote:

 Dear all,

 One of companies here in Oulu is looking for an experienced software guru
 to make realXtend work.* In case you are interested, please contact me
 ASAP*. The position is a senior position and the company in question is a
 stable and good place to work at.

 Best regards,
 Jani Pirkola



Re: [realXtend] Naali 0.4.0 release

2011-01-24 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi all

V 0.4 looks great so far. Thanks for the great job you are doing.

When i try to use the build tool the viewer crashes no matter if I use it in
Fisu or on the local Taiga 0.2.0


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On Jan 21, 2011, at 1:45 PM, mattiku wrote:
  Naali viewer 0.4.0 is now ready for use.

 Apparently a bug sneaked in that broke old mediaurls (the ones attached to
 textures with the old viewer, not using EC_3dCanvasSource directly) -- had
 happened in a refactoring I made a while ago. Just noticed it today 'cause
 some friendly person had added one to and the
 test bot that logs in there after each commit reported the fail.

 Fix is in develop now, and at least the bot doesn't complain anymore. Will
 test more at some point, and I guess we'll have to do a fix release
 soon'ish.. can wait a while if people report other possible probs too.

  Matti Kuonanoja




Re: [realXtend] Re: Season´s Greetings from LudoCra ft

2010-12-25 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Merry Xmas and a happy new year to all of you.

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:10 PM, MasterJ wrote:

 happy christmas and happy new year too

 thank you

 On 23 déc, 09:59, Ville Wittenberg
  Card for you:
  Tony Manninen
  Pekka Salonp
  Anna Asplund
  Marja Kuipers
  Laura Vallius
  Tomi Kujanp
  Tuomo Korva
  Heikki Korva
  Ville Wittenberg
  and the whole team
  Ville Wittenberg
  PR and Communications



Re: [realXtend] Re: Full body digitizing technologies

2010-12-01 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Are there any recommendations about the max polycount for the avatars in
online environments like realxtend/opensim ? And how many polys are produced
by the mentioned methods?
But this can be really something interesting in the future. Paparazzis
wouldn't just shoot pics of celebrities anymore but chase them with scanners

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 6:27 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:

 We can do something similar using 
 VideoTrace I
 have a beta license of VT and only lack of time, and because I haven't a
 professional video camera, has prevented me try it in depth, but if
 someone manages Bojou, can make things very interesting.



 2010/12/1 David Simmons

 I remember one avatar artist that did custom avatars from just 5
 pictures. On full body front, a full body back and  close ups of the
 head, face, side and back.

 On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:56 AM, digitalmouse
  On Dec 1, 1:34 pm, Antti Ilomäki wrote:
   It would be
  interesting to know how feasible the technology already is for
  creating avatars for various purposes.
  Based on the documentation there, Creaform can export it's models to
  many different systems, such as Maya and 3D Studio Max.  So, in
  principle, it could be used to make a very realistic avatar in SL/
  realXtend environments.
  Although since they don't actually list prices on the website, it's
  probably not very feasible for most people in this community.

 “The greatest danger in modern technology isn't that machines will
 begin to think like people, but that people will begin to think like
 machines” Unknown




Re: [realXtend] Re: Full body digitizing technologies

2010-12-01 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hola Alberto

i was thinking about that too, do you know if somewhere some samples are
around to see the quality of the polyreduced avatars ?

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:

 I know people than are design avatars for Unity3D, and are using the Digimi
 Developer Game Kit, to
 convert a Daz model, like Victoria 4, with textures, from the usual 15
 poligons to 24000, converting it in fbx model, with animations.


 2010/12/1 Peter Steinlechner

 Are there any recommendations about the max polycount for the avatars in
 online environments like realxtend/opensim ? And how many polys are produced
 by the mentioned methods?
 But this can be really something interesting in the future. Paparazzis
 wouldn't just shoot pics of celebrities anymore but chase them with scanners

 On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 6:27 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:

 We can do something similar using 
 VideoTrace I
 have a beta license of VT and only lack of time, and because I haven't a
 professional video camera, has prevented me try it in depth, but if
 someone manages Bojou, can make things very interesting.



 2010/12/1 David Simmons

 I remember one avatar artist that did custom avatars from just 5
 pictures. On full body front, a full body back and  close ups of the
 head, face, side and back.

 On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:56 AM, digitalmouse
  On Dec 1, 1:34 pm, Antti Ilomäki wrote:
   It would be
  interesting to know how feasible the technology already is for
  creating avatars for various purposes.
  Based on the documentation there, Creaform can export it's models to
  many different systems, such as Maya and 3D Studio Max.  So, in
  principle, it could be used to make a very realistic avatar in SL/
  realXtend environments.
  Although since they don't actually list prices on the website, it's
  probably not very feasible for most people in this community.

 “The greatest danger in modern technology isn't that machines will
 begin to think like people, but that people will begin to think like
 machines” Unknown






[realXtend] Strange Local Scene behaviour

2010-11-29 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi all

I was trying to upload a scene in naali which contained a 10MB mesh
(yes - its's a bit big) and the following happened:
- zip file is produced local
- progressbar advances to 71%
- after about 30-60 seconds I'm getting logged off (according the console)

First I thought it's because the mesh size, but when I use the old realXtend
0.42 viewer, the upload works nicely.

I can't attach the zip file as a reference to this post (max. 4 MB allowed)
to the group, but if someone wants to have it, just let me know so i can
send it.



Re: [realXtend] Strange Local Scene behaviour

2010-11-29 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hola Alberto

I used blender 2.49.b with the available exporters from the ogre website.


On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:


 Appear an error in the console?.
 Was the scene exported from 3d max using OgreMax?. Just an user asked me
 for help some days ago, and we discovered that if we use the latest
 versions of ogremax, does not load the scene, and we had to retrieve the
 version 1.6.


 2010/11/29 Peter Steinlechner

 Hi all

 I was trying to upload a scene in naali which contained a 10MB
 mesh (yes - its's a bit big) and the following happened:
 - zip file is produced local
 - progressbar advances to 71%
 - after about 30-60 seconds I'm getting logged off (according the console)

 First I thought it's because the mesh size, but when I use the old
 realXtend 0.42 viewer, the upload works nicely.

 I can't attach the zip file as a reference to this post (max. 4 MB
 allowed) to the group, but if someone wants to have it, just let me know so
 i can send it.





Re: [realXtend] Strange Local Scene behaviour

2010-11-29 Thread Peter Steinlechner
nearly forgot - there where no errors regarding the upload in the console -
just the user logoff.

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Peter Steinlechner

 Hola Alberto

 I used blender 2.49.b with the available exporters from the ogre website.


 On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:


 Appear an error in the console?.
 Was the scene exported from 3d max using OgreMax?. Just an user asked me
 for help some days ago, and we discovered that if we use the latest
 versions of ogremax, does not load the scene, and we had to retrieve the
 version 1.6.


 2010/11/29 Peter Steinlechner

 Hi all

 I was trying to upload a scene in naali which contained a 10MB
 mesh (yes - its's a bit big) and the following happened:
 - zip file is produced local
 - progressbar advances to 71%
 - after about 30-60 seconds I'm getting logged off (according the

 First I thought it's because the mesh size, but when I use the old
 realXtend 0.42 viewer, the upload works nicely.

 I can't attach the zip file as a reference to this post (max. 4 MB
 allowed) to the group, but if someone wants to have it, just let me know so
 i can send it.





Re: [realXtend] scene file name extension

2010-11-25 Thread Peter Steinlechner
I would vote for the .rxb :-)

2010/11/25 Antti Ilomäki

 Also on the blog now:

 2010/11/25 Toni Alatalo
  I think we are really close to being able to release a kind of preview
 demo of Tundra, i.e. Naali with the server module  executable. One key is
 that Jukka wrote a nice doc about how to use the document/scene/application
 files and explanation of what they are, and I changed the public doxygen to
 use the version from Tundra branch so the page is up at . I think we
 basically just need to write a little more usage docs to at least point to
 where the example scenes are and make an installer.
  As you can read in the doc, the local server works nicely as a preview /
 editor thing -- it is not only for people who want to host servers, but also
 for e.g. modellers, texture artists and scripters to easily see how their
 things look and work in ReX. The server executable is a normal Naali app,
 shows the scene using Ogre etc (but you can optionally run it without gfx
 for server usage). A bit like the local scene preview in Naali now, but much
 nicer and faster 'cause you don't need a server connection anywhere -- just
 run Naali standalone to view local files. By clicking a file in your file
 manager so it starts Naali showing that scene. Besides these own document
 files in the internal format, you can of course also import dotscene files
 as well, and there's support for not only Ogre meshes but Collada too etc.
  There is one non-technical issue remaining, and I feel a bit stupid to
 bring it up 'cause is kind of nitpicking, but it is something we should get
 right the first time so is worth some consideration now. It is the file name
 extensions that I was asking about in sprint planning as well. We talked
 about with Antti yesterday but didn't conclude and he suggested posting here
 to get ideas  feedback, so here we go. Because the issue is non-technical
 and I'd like to hear user opinions, decided on last minute to post this to
 users list instead of the -dev list.
  Currently, like that doc says, we use 'txml' and 'tbin' for so-called
 Tundra files. Previously they were just .xml and .bin but the guys added the
 t* to make them unique for registering to operating system so that opening
 them directly to the right application works. There is a couple of problems
 with these names:
  1. That entity-component serialization system is not really Tundra
 specific, is not in the server module and not tied to any protocol. It is
 implemented in Naali core and was originally and will used with Taiga (to
 store Naali EC data on opensim, started in last March or so). I've been
 testing the idea of calling the format the 'realxtend format' instead, and
 it seems to make sense. Matti K. at least agreed in the meeting. The
 counterlogic here goes that Tundra is the name for the design, the
 legacy-free usage of pure EC data for making everything without things
 hardcoded in e.g. LLUDP / SL assumptions. And that Tundra is a strong nice
 sounding name! With this logic if there are some day other implementations
 that support the Tundra way, they also implement the Tundra protocol and the
 support for Tundra files etc. .. e.g. a modtundra to opensim? This might be
 confusing though 'cause otherwise Tundra is the name for the server module
 implementation in Naali. One funny point with the current 'txml' and 'tbin'
 names is that 'cause Taiga also start withs T, we could say they are both
 Tundra and Taiga files :)
  2. Erno argued that there are also many other XML (and of course binary)
 files used with Tundra (i.e. Naali), and I think that's a good point. For
 example the module loading configuration files are xml, in
 modules/core/*.xml -- those could be called 'tundra xml files' as well. It
 would be good to say what is in the file in the name, and in one way it is
 the scene. Jukka's doc also says a scene file. So Erno was thinking .rts
 for RealXtend Tundra Scene could be it, which is logical enough but I don't
 think that sounds too great :o (even though one idea with the generic EC
 model is to allow making Real-Time Strategy games :)
  I was now thinking of these extensions again, but now with better logic:
  .rex - RealXtend Entity XML (earlier just thought it's RealExtendXml :p)
  .rxb - .rex binary (rxb just sounds like 'rex in a tight binary form',
 doesn't it?-)
  The files are exactly the entities, the whole idea of the formats is to
 store the entities, either a full scene or just some selected entities.
 There is nothing else in the files, not for example assets like Collada .dae
 files can have (dae is 'digital assets exchange'), nor some generic Tundra
 config stuff .. only the entity-components with their attribute values.
  Opinions? Please anyone tell yours, this is for end users, you don't need

Re: [realXtend] Re: Naali 0.3.4 out

2010-11-22 Thread Peter Steinlechner

Hi Toni - this sounds great! Looking forward to this.
I just looked quickly at the new release and noticed some things with the
3dcanvas in naali 0.3.4:
- Website displays nice on the prim, but after clicking on it just can see
the native plywood material
- strangely some youtube videos work, some others not (maybe i made
something wrong?)

About the 3dcanvas: is it possible to align and scale it on a surface like a
texture before, or is there a different approach to display just certain
parts of a website on an object?


On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 5:33 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On la, 2010-11-20 at 13:26 -0800, MasterJ wrote:
  i already have a problem in build mode i don't know how i turn that
  off but actually i can't click on ruler for use it i need to click
  directly on the numbers (x,Y,Z) for mod them.

 It's a bug in the release, thanks for reporting! We'll publish a bugfix
 release (again..) tomorrow. There was also another bug that Matteo
 noted: the alt-leftclick cam didn't work, that's also fixed now.

 The 3d editing one happened due to a refactoring which was finished
 recently (a few days) before the release -- the
 arrows/manipulator/3dgizmo is now made generic in the code so that it is
 not limited to only moving/rotating/scaling normal scene objects, but
 can be given attributes from any e.g. own custom entity-components for
 manipulating. For example if you make a mounted weapon that shoots to
 some direction with custom code, can use that builtin 3d widget to
 rotate the shooting direction. Nathan did that work and tested it, but
 it requires a new EC which accidentally wasn't included by other people
 who made the release build and no one noticed. Oops.

 I think in the future we could have an extended release candidate period
 -- now it's been just a day or two without much announcing, so has been
 just a couple of devs testing a little I think, so these have gone
 unnoticed. Perhaps from now on we announce them here and give a week for
 anyone to test?

 The next release is now planned to be 0.4.0 with a couple of major
 changes: there's a new entity-component data synchronization mechanism
 in Naali develop now (since today) for usage with Taiga 0.2, and the
 Enne folks have started to integrate their external ui widgets + menu +
 docking module. Let's see how these work and progress and make test
 builds available as soon as it makes sense.

 Otherwise most of the development is happening now in the Tundra branch,
 and if things work out well that becomes Naali 0.5 later .. which will
 ship with server module and support for the new protocol used with that,
 but which continues to work against vanilla OpenSim and Taiga too. If
 someone here doesn't know what this Tundra experiment is about, Antti
 blogged about it now in

 If someone wants to help us test the Taiga (i.e. opensim+modrex)
 compatibility of the Naali client in the 0.5 candidate branch (aka.
 Tundra branch), I uploaded a suitable zip of a windows build to the
 google code downloads on Friday,
 . That build is not suitable for using the Tundra server -- it does ship
 with it, but as the normal Naali GUI doesn't have means to login to it
 yet, you can't do any Tundra stuff with that :p Also this build does not
 have anything new compared to 0.3.4, actually is a bit older (a week
 before 0.3.4 perhaps), so is only for testing Taiga compatibility and
 not useful for any usage. There is one known issue: flying is either
 disabled or doesn't work, I don't know yet why. Antti Ilomäki here has
 been testing it otherwise and has found that otherwise things like
 webviews etc. have been working.

 We regularily pull all the new code from the main develop to the tundra
 branch, so everything coming to 0.4 will be in due time in the branch
 for the possible 0.5 too.

 If the client in the Tundra branch with the support for the alternative
 protocol etc. doesn't somehow work well with Taiga in the end, we have
 to start maintaining two clients .. one for OpenSim/Taiga servers and
 another version for Tundra servers. If this would happen, we need to
 bring all the server-independent improvements from the Tundra branch to
 mainline Naali .. especially the Javascript support has been worked on
 there a lot. Oh and it has a physics module using Bullet which we'll
 hopefully get to use for client side physics too (now is used only in
 server mode). But so far seems good, hopefully we can merge in due time
 (in December).

 For actual Tundra usage, there are already nice example scenes and
 application demos in the repo that some adventurous folks on irc have
 already tested, but as there are little usage info docs etc. yet I don't
 recommend anyone to try it yet. We'll see during this week when and how
 could make a first release 

Re: [realXtend] Re: Naali 0.3.3 PF with Taiga 02.0RC5 issues

2010-11-11 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Jonne - fyi

Got the ubuntu 10.10 box working, yes 32bit. :-) When I try to install naali
via the Software Center, where I got the following message: Dependency is
not satisfiable: libqt4-phonon (=4.6.0)

I will try via terminal as you mentioned and kee you updated.

@mikkopa - just seen the video with the working flash - yay


On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Jonne Nauha

 Good stuff, hope its 32bit as 64bit is not out for the latest :) Let me
 know how it goes, provide some logs via pastebin if you get errors. Start
 the viewer via terminal cd /opt/naali  ./ to see all the

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer

 On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 Got it working, but had to delete the databases.

 @ jonne - will have an ubuntu box tomorrow and will test the ubuntu viewer


 On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 I forgot to mention that just the naali viewer from 0.3.0 up crashed. I
 havn't tested previous naali versions, but the old realXtend 0.42 viewer
 works fine.

 On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 8:27 PM, MasterJ wrote:

 hmmm i don't know if it's match the problem because here i use Naali
 0.3.3 postfixes and sometimes when i delete meshes the viewer crash
 it's happen more often when the mesh is an old one for me  so if
 someone can help about that i can be happy too.


 On 8 nov, 20:22, pedro wrote:
  Hi all
  After succesfully running naali with the latest taiga server I dared
  to upgrade an existing installation, managed to login once, loaded a
  opensim scene (the little animated robot i grabbed in fisu). After
  deleting it the viewer crashed   and since then the viewer crashes at
  My working setup was a plain taiga wizard installation with an empty
  database, where i tested to upload opensim- and local scenes. User
  server, asset server, message server and region server run on the same
  machine and everything works fine.
  The taiga 0.1.4 which I upgraded to 0.2.0 runs distributed over 3
  machines user-, asset- and message server one, 4 regions on a second
  and 2 regions on a third machine.
  I used the taiga wizard to configure the basics and followed the
  instructions here:
  In the modrex.ini i made the following changes :
   ;In grid mode or in Taiga it is necessary to use ModularRex.dll as
  you client stack
   ;instead of OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.dll
   RexEventQueue = true
  Source=localhost;Database=os_modrex;User ID=root;Password=
  Then i used the same region.ini files that where working in the 0.1.4
  Did i forgot to change some other settings ?
  Many thanks in advance for any hints





Re: [realXtend] Re: Naali 0.3.3 PF with Taiga 02.0RC5 issues

2010-11-09 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Got it working, but had to delete the databases.

@ jonne - will have an ubuntu box tomorrow and will test the ubuntu viewer


On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Peter Steinlechner

 I forgot to mention that just the naali viewer from 0.3.0 up crashed. I
 havn't tested previous naali versions, but the old realXtend 0.42 viewer
 works fine.

 On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 8:27 PM, MasterJ wrote:

 hmmm i don't know if it's match the problem because here i use Naali
 0.3.3 postfixes and sometimes when i delete meshes the viewer crash
 it's happen more often when the mesh is an old one for me  so if
 someone can help about that i can be happy too.


 On 8 nov, 20:22, pedro wrote:
  Hi all
  After succesfully running naali with the latest taiga server I dared
  to upgrade an existing installation, managed to login once, loaded a
  opensim scene (the little animated robot i grabbed in fisu). After
  deleting it the viewer crashed   and since then the viewer crashes at
  My working setup was a plain taiga wizard installation with an empty
  database, where i tested to upload opensim- and local scenes. User
  server, asset server, message server and region server run on the same
  machine and everything works fine.
  The taiga 0.1.4 which I upgraded to 0.2.0 runs distributed over 3
  machines user-, asset- and message server one, 4 regions on a second
  and 2 regions on a third machine.
  I used the taiga wizard to configure the basics and followed the
  instructions here:
  In the modrex.ini i made the following changes :
   ;In grid mode or in Taiga it is necessary to use ModularRex.dll as
  you client stack
   ;instead of OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.dll
   RexEventQueue = true
  Source=localhost;Database=os_modrex;User ID=root;Password=
  Then i used the same region.ini files that where working in the 0.1.4
  Did i forgot to change some other settings ?
  Many thanks in advance for any hints



Re: [realXtend] Re: Naali 0.3.3 released

2010-11-08 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Matti

thanks that would be appreciated - but no rush if it's too time consuming
for you. I can wait until the next sprint. But if you want me to test them
out, just toss it my way and I'm glad to try. :-)


On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Matti matti.reijo...@adminotech.comwrote:

 Hi Peter,

 No the collision fix is not in 0.3.3, i've committed fix to develop
 branch. Without the fix i dont think any uploaded scene had collisions
 working.. of cource if you want the fix allready, i can throw you
 couple of py files that fix it.

 On Nov 6, 9:48 pm, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  Hi Matti
  Is the collision fix allready in the naali 0.3.3 ? I tried with it on the
  taiga 0.2.0.rc5, but didn't notice a difference uploading a testscene
  contained 2 meshes, each with one material.Maybe there was something
  with the meshes used.
  The files I used are in the attached zip file.
  On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Matti
   If this is about uploaded scenes collisions not working, i just did
   fix for
   it, hopefully it works, i took me long time trying to find bug in
   server end,
   by debugging ode collisions
   and then i noticing differences that lead to fixing it at client end..
   On Nov 5, 9:35 pm, Jonne Nauha wrote:
I'm not sure what Antti meant but as far as I know there is no
tasks going on. The fix that I was talking is already in. We are not
probably going to make this a habit to make postfixes to installers,
the 3 week cycles are  enough. All the release stuff takes time from
two guys for a day from actually doing any new code.
I dont think the external ui module will work without the core
 changes it
inculudes to the ui interface classes, havent had time to look. If
coming to our core repo I cant say, not for me to decide  I guess.
Also can you tell me in more detail how collisions are broken. Please
spesific and maybe provide the meshes for testing.
Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
realXtend developer
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 8:39 PM, Mark Malewski
  Unless I'm mistaken that issue is being worked on at the moment.
  Hopefully not too difficult to fix.
 Can we expect to see an updated Naali_0.3.3.2 (or postfixes 2) with
 collision fix?
 Also will the UiExternal module work properly with the latest Naali
 2010/11/3 Antti Ilomäki
 Unless I'm mistaken that issue is being worked on at the moment.
 Hopefully not too difficult to fix.
 2010/11/3 Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab
  According to the patch note Sending ObjectDeselected packet to
  OpenSim. This caused collisions never to recalculate for
  after once selecting a object in build mode.  Does it mean the
  collisions should work now ? I tried but have seen no changes.
  On 2 nov, 19:28, MasterJ wrote:
  well done!!!
  who said 3 weeks is an eternity? :) (joke).
  it's a lesson for Linden Lab look them they just start the mesh
  support and only part of beta not all ... ts...
  SLO Bohhh and they receive money
  that???  ok .. no way :)
  Realxtend team is and still the best.
  time to test this famous drag and drop feature :)
  On 2 nov, 11:08, Antti Ilomäki
   The long awaited (three weeks is an eternity if you're
   for a
   new Naali release) Naali 0.3.3 is now out.
   This version contains major changes in content creation /
   see full changelog here:
   Content delivery is one of the most important challenges for
   Immersive Web or the open network of virtual worlds. Recently
   been doing a lot of work on easier and more powerful ways of
   and exporting objects, collections of objects and entire
   of the results are now available in the 0.3.3 Naali release.
   Download yours here:


Re: [realXtend] Re: Naali 0.3.3 PF with Taiga 02.0RC5 issues

2010-11-08 Thread Peter Steinlechner
I forgot to mention that just the naali viewer from 0.3.0 up crashed. I
havn't tested previous naali versions, but the old realXtend 0.42 viewer
works fine.

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 8:27 PM, MasterJ wrote:

 hmmm i don't know if it's match the problem because here i use Naali
 0.3.3 postfixes and sometimes when i delete meshes the viewer crash
 it's happen more often when the mesh is an old one for me  so if
 someone can help about that i can be happy too.


 On 8 nov, 20:22, pedro wrote:
  Hi all
  After succesfully running naali with the latest taiga server I dared
  to upgrade an existing installation, managed to login once, loaded a
  opensim scene (the little animated robot i grabbed in fisu). After
  deleting it the viewer crashed   and since then the viewer crashes at
  My working setup was a plain taiga wizard installation with an empty
  database, where i tested to upload opensim- and local scenes. User
  server, asset server, message server and region server run on the same
  machine and everything works fine.
  The taiga 0.1.4 which I upgraded to 0.2.0 runs distributed over 3
  machines user-, asset- and message server one, 4 regions on a second
  and 2 regions on a third machine.
  I used the taiga wizard to configure the basics and followed the
  instructions here:
  In the modrex.ini i made the following changes :
   ;In grid mode or in Taiga it is necessary to use ModularRex.dll as
  you client stack
   ;instead of OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.dll
   RexEventQueue = true
  Source=localhost;Database=os_modrex;User ID=root;Password=
  Then i used the same region.ini files that where working in the 0.1.4
  Did i forgot to change some other settings ?
  Many thanks in advance for any hints



Re: [realXtend] Estate management tools?

2010-11-07 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Strange - my estate tool is there. Have you tried to click on the LOAD
ESTATE DATA button to refresh the values

On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 10:39 PM, gfxguru wrote:

 I just noticed the Estate Management under Server Tools is missing. Is
 this because the account type is OpenSim? or how do I access this
 menu? My default character first user is unable to modify inworld



Re: [realXtend] Naali external widgets

2010-11-04 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi :-)

From a user perspective, I think this is a great idea to keep things handy
while editing, specialy when using multiple screens.


2010/11/4 Antti Ilomäki


 Looks very interesting indeed. Jonne has been really busy during the
 past couple of days, so he probably hasn't had time to take a look at
 your work yet. Do you have plans for integrating the work to the main
 Naali Line?

 2010/11/3 Enne RD
  Hello everyone,
  As we said a few weeks ago, Enne is a company very
  interested in the RealXtend project. We find the need of a different user
  interface where the editing windows could be moved outside the
  world visualization and several menus and toolbars were available.
  We have generated an installer for our UiExternal version
  Naali to make it easier to perform tests without having to compile. We
  uploaded the executable to our account of Google Docs; you can download
  file here:
  The main advantages of this idea are:
  - No module requires any change.
  - The UiModule is the only modified project and if the new
 optional module
  (UiExternalModule) is not included, everything works as is working now.
  - More customization: The developer can define each window as
  in/out/moveable.  If a window is moveable, the user can place it in/out
  scene in runtime with a mouse click; and also to add/remove menus anytime
  easily depending of the position of the widget.
  We have uploaded the code to github of the idea of
  widgets :)  It is working now, and widgets can be placed inside the scene
  or outside (as DockWidgets) and change their position in runtime with
  a mouse click!
  The code is
  (available for all who want to try/test) and more details can be found in
 .. and
  in the realXtend-dev group
  We will continue working in this way until we have your
  feedback. Your feedback/opinion will be much appreciated! Thanks in
  for it!
  Best Regards,
  Daniel Ventura



Re: [realXtend] Re: Cannot log onto Taiga Server

2010-11-02 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi yuki,  did you create a user in the grid server console?

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Mikko Pallari

 Can you tell more what parameters are you using on login? OpenSim or
 realXtend account? And what world url? And does UserServer print any error


 On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Yuki wrote:

 Hello Mikko,

 thank you, but I am still unable to login.
 The error message now reads:
 Failed to connect: connecting failed, reason unknown. World address
 probably not valid.

 Before that I had authentication problems.

 Thank you for your help.




Re: [realXtend] blender2realxtend presentation at the Blender conference today

2010-10-29 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Awsome - i just sent an avatar there :-)

2010/10/29 Antti Ilomäki

 It seems that there's something interesting going on now at

 2010/10/29 Toni Alatalo
  we'll present Pablo's b2rex today at the Blender conference. There are
  nice screenshots of Naali showing objects with complex materials and
  scenes with shadows etc. in the Pablo's slides:
  I got to finally test the tool yesterday here with him and it's
  awesome :) Can edit the full scene in Blender, publish it once to modrex
  with a press of a simple button, then move some object, press the update
  button again, and the object moves immediately to the new place on the
  server .. and brings the materials correctly for the rex SuperShader.
  Uses the same dotscene exports as the current realXtend things in
  releases, but has a nice simple one-click UI for the whole export
  meshes, the scene, and send to server -hurdle. And when assets haven't
  changed, but just positions in the scene etc., updating the changed
  scene is quick. It generates the UUIDs in Blender, and keeps them stored
  in custom properties in Blender, so the opensim metadata that Blender
  created is saved in the .blend files and updating changes afterwards
  I applied the b2rex patch needed on the server side it to the Taiga that
  had been using locally and it went ok, but now that tried to redo after
  updated to current modrex master got some conflicts .. but probably not
  too complex to solve, we'll have a look.
  We also looked at implementing it to the Naali http service (which now
  does REST to provide the image rendering service, and it seemed very
  easy to add xml-rpc for scene bundle uploads handling too .. so it would
  work also when using the Tundra (==Naali) server.
  Otherwise we've been thinking about game logic systems and probably do
  more during the weekend after the presentation .. Pablo has earlier
  developed a node editor and similar things for artists to configure AI
  logic state machines etc, and we are doing some game etc. logic things
  now for new realXtend demos and to complete the scripting APIs back in
  Oulu in November and December. Is good to get to focus on that too now
  that the basic scene data with advanced materials etc. works quite
  nicely already.



Re: [realXtend] Re: A bit unrelated maybe but interesting

2010-10-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Mark - not yet, but you can try the sl group sweet sculpties - they will
sure give a notice when the first release is ready.

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Mark Malewski mark.malew...@gmail.comwrote:


 Do you have a web page link, or any information on it?  That others can
 read or see?

 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 Hi MasterJ

 I was not talking about he studio nor sculpties, it's a brand new thing
 TBB showed last night first in public. The first public alpha should be
 available soon, but there is no fixed schedule.


 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 8:26 PM, MasterJ wrote:

 h if you speak about the famous software nammed The Studio it's a
 in-world tool and not really really opensource (you still need to use
 some l$ to buy this exceptionnal tool).
 it's related to *sculpty* the famous mesh tool on Second Life (a
 texture saved as .tga is used for reproducing some mesh).

 just a problem exist if you really speak about that it's extremly
 heavy scripted with LSL so  surely only useable a few not a lot i
 actually don'^t know how many part (we can said percent) of LSL stuff
 is included on opensim/taiga.

 but you write it's a tool under developpement and an open source one
 so :
 of course if i understand totaly wrong and i'm *lost on my idea* i'm
 extremly sorry can you please give us the name of the tool?
 i'm extremly interessed too ;) theblack box is a very good scripter
 and a friend here :)


 On 28 oct, 04:14, Toni Alatalo wrote:
  pedro kirjoitti: I just seen a great demo of TheBlack Box's inworld
 mesh tool in SL -
   stunning simple to use and opensource too.
  I didn't find it with Google.
  What is it? A LSL script that makes collada of prim data? Or a viewer
  feature in some viewer that does that?
  If it is LSL, then it already works in Taiga too, because Taiga is
   Basicaly one places a few prims the way the mesh should look and then
   the tool turns out a collada file.
   It is still under development, but it might be something that would
   great in realxtend too and TheBlack Box would welcome if people would
   pick up that idea.
  Yah, well depending what it is, you can perhaps use it already.
  Naali doesn't currently have Collada import, but there are several
  that you can use to bring Collada to RealXtend (i.e. Ogre). Antti
  Ilom ki has been testing a collada - ogre converter by the immersive
  education folks that they wrote for rex use, and you can use also
  Blender to do that etc.
  But in the sprint that starts now, Heikki T rm l is actually adding an
  existing open source mesh format lib to Naali itself that can read
  Collada and many other formats.





Re: [realXtend] lights and reflections in naali

2010-10-24 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Thanks for the hint Toni and welcome back from holidays :-) I will dig
deeper into the ogre materials and shaders and experiment more with them.

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 7:08 AM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On pe, 2010-10-15 at 09:54 -0700, pedro wrote:
  I just was watching nMechanics demo:
  - is it possible to have this sorts of reflections in naali too or is
  it too early ? Also is there a possibility available to simulate neon
  lights and glow around lightsources or is it best to try simulating
  these effects with materials and textures?

 The lighting on the car is a shader, running on the GPU -- not related
 to logic scripting on server or client to which this thread jumped to
 later. And it is by no means too early to do that, has been possible
 since the beginning basically 'cause Ogre provides the mechanism.

 There used to be a realxtend demo world up with a car that has a similar
 shader, but that server hasn't been up recently in the old address at
 least .. perhaps someone from Evocativi can tell if they have it running

 Ah this old mac screenshot actually shows it:

 With Ogre you define the shaders you want to use with the materials,

 There is a tutorial for how to use them with the old viewer, should show
 identically in Naali too (it is the same Ogre, and also Ogre just gives
 the shaders for the gfx card to run),
 .. you can do the same authoring somehow with Naali too. That one uses
 the multiuse SuperShader that comes with both rexviewer and Naali, with
 which you can use the basics like specular maps for shinyness out of the





Re: [realXtend] Re: Uploading Scene in Naali 0.3.2 Taiga 0.1.4

2010-10-11 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Toni - thanks for the news, I was using the Edificio6 scene that Alberto
had posted here in the group. So I think we both are using the same. I
forgot to mention, that I used for this test a Taiga 0.1.4 and a Taiga 0.2.0
RC1 setup - both freshly installed. I don't know if that helps you, but when
in local scene I choose the Save option, a file with the scene name and the
ending .saved is created in the scene directory on the local PC. As for the
zip file that should be created, I can confirm that they don't get created
on my PC. To create the scenes I used Blender 2.49b with the ogre mesh and
scene exporter found on the ogre site.

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On su, 2010-10-10 at 13:09 +0200, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  thanks for your reply, I had it run for about a half hour without any
  results. Also when I try to load Albertos sample scene, it doesn't
  show up local. But if I use my test scenes which have smaller mesh
  size, they show up local. I'm affraid it must be something related to
  the Win7 installation I have, as Albertos scene seems to run perfectly
  on his XP installation. About the zip file you mentioned, where should
  I look for it? I checked in the same folder where the scene files are.

 Yes it seems to make the zip in the same folder. I think that it gets
 stuck for you at 14% and you don't see .zip files there mean that the
 zip creation fails somehow. Unfortunately I think the errors from there
 are not going to the log nor f1 console now, only to the console window
 which is disabled in releases .. we have to fix that too.

 That worked for me with both of your test scenes, they both show locally
 and Naali makes the zips, but so far have managed to publish only the
 other to the server 'cause am encountering some other prob with my
 server setup perhaps.

 Alberto's EDIFICIO 6 gives me a parser error when reading the file
 locally. I suspect a bug / incompatibility in the simple dotscene loader
 from the python-ogre project. Are you saying that worked for you? Or did
 I find a different scene zip than the one you meant.

 Matti already did some fixes and little ui improvements today, we'll be
 testing more.



  On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Toni Alatalo
  On su, 2010-10-10 at 09:42 +0300, Toni Alatalo wrote:
   On la, 2010-10-09 at 15:29 +0200, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
Have you tried also to export the scene without the camera
  and the
lamp ? I just selected the objects and it worked well.
   That won't affect the zip making + uploading part. If you
  can see the
   scene locally after the load, it could be read ok. The
  publish button
   just blindly makes a zip of the files and uploads it using
  Oops sorry apparently I was wrong there -- the publisher
  actually does
  read the scene structure to find material references etc., I
  guess to
  know what textures etc. it needs to put in the zip, so it is
  possible there is some bug there if it doesn't take into
  regard entities
  without mats like cameras. So this may be worth a try too.
   The people who had problems: did you wait for long?
   The fact that the GUI status bar now gets stuck does not
  mean that he
   tool got stuck. It just is not yet implemented so that it
  would update
   incrementally -- it jumps in big steps when everything is
  done, so the
   GUI is misleading.
   I read the publish code now, and the zip making part
  apparently copies
   all the textures to a temporary directory etc. which can
  take a while.
   This is probably made worse by that zip making being run in
  a thread in
   the same process. So if you have Naali running at
  not-ultra-high fps, it
   can be slow (Naali eats all cpu of that processor, and if
  you are on
   multicore, the other processors are not utilized for the zip
  making now
   because cpython has a global lock).
   So if the people who had probs can please test again, let it
  run for a
   long time, and see if a .zip file finally appears etc. that
  would be
   On the dev side I think we should port that to use a
  subprocess -- then
   it will not be slowed down by Naali mainloop with the
  rendering etc.,
   especially on multicore machines should be normal speed for
  zip making
   then. Matti R. can see an example in pychessview if wants to
  give this a
   shot. Fortunately it should be trivial, perhaps only

Re: [realXtend] KIND OF SERVER

2010-10-10 Thread Peter Steinlechner
With taiga you best get it distributed to several servers - as a rule of
thumb you can have about 40 concurrent users per region in opensim

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 9:01 PM, john felipe urrego mejia wrote:

 hello, what kind of machine I have to support 10 regions and 234 users
 online and at the same time?



Re: [realXtend] Re: Uploading Scene in Naali 0.3.2 Taiga 0.1.4

2010-10-09 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Have you tried also to export the scene without the camera and the lamp ? I
just selected the objects and it worked well.

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 3:01 PM, MasterJ wrote:

 here i have same trouble too (and more becaue i have a python error
 with blender)
 the progress bar stop at 14%.
 but i use Naali 0.3.1 and Taiga 0.1.4
 i have changed nothing on the opensim.ini here.
 and i never try uplaod scene from console because i can't found the
 command to type.

 for the ones know python my python error is :


 On 9 oct, 13:00, pedro wrote:
  Hi all
  Despite scene upload via console workes fine, scene upload via naali
  resists to work on my setup. On the server I have the following
  ; This allows somne control over permissions
  ; please note that this still doesn't duplicate SL, and is not
  intended to
  region_owner_is_god = true
  parcel_owner_is_god = true
  On the client side I run naali 0.3.2 on Win 7pro with Admin rights and
  the most actual updates.
  So when I load a local scene it looks fine, everything is there. When
  I  try to publish the scene to the server nothing happens, except the
  progressbar jumps to 14% and gets stuck there. I can't see any
  activity on the consoles, so my wild guess is that it must get stuck
  at creating the zip file.
  Installed is 7zip, but I also tried after uninstalling it and also
  tried with switched off virus scanner without any success.
  What else could I try to make this strong feature working ?



Re: [realXtend] big region test: fly thru a single 1km * 1km region on opensim (not a megaregion) with Naali

2010-10-08 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Toni

This is absolutely great. I imagine that free definable region sizes would
be welcomed all over and valued over the seamless multiregion support. A
1x1km region would be comparable with 16 regular regions now, without border
crossing effect. How was the memory/cpu usage? I hope this feature will be
available in the near future.


On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 1:38 AM, Toni Alatalo wrote: (be patient the flight takes
 a while :)

 we agreed to do this test already in April or May, but the one who we
 figured would do this has been busy with other stuff, so has been

 requires opensim 0.7 so now that i had it running for other reasons
 (added a http frontend to an image rendering service there, but that's a
 topic for another post :) figured to do this to finally see how things
 work out.

 worked out of the box, i didn't need to do anything. except disable ODE
 'cause it crashed. and i tested 10km * 10km first, but that ended up
 with the terrain module creating a huge map image or something and
 writing that to sqlite trashed my laptop so had to kill that process.

 couldn't put meshes there 'cause modrex doesn't work with 0.7 yet, but
 with that and the new terrain entity-components in Naali now this should
 become really usable (you can now put several terrain entities in one
 scene/region in naali against taiga, and if not yet, later set their
 size and resolution too).

 our plan has been to first test big regions and ensure that Naali
 doesn't have artificial region size limits before possibly looking into
 seamless continuous sl style multiregion support. i think for many
 applications single big regions suffice, but there are of course others
 where separate but for the user continous multiple regions are needed.




Re: [realXtend] Re: Ogrescene videotutorial

2010-10-04 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Toni - thanks for the hint about enabling god mode in opensim.ini -
somehow this helped that I can use the local preview now with the upgraded
Though, I'm still getting stuck when i try to upload them. The odd thing is
that there is no reaction at the consoles at all. All I can see, is that a
new file is getting created in the folder where I have the scene and mesh
files on the local machine, called test03.saved. So I guess the issue must
be there. I use a Win7pro workstation with 7-zip installed. The test servers
are set up like this: 1 Grid Server running User Service, Opensim.Server and
Messaging Server. The Regions run on different Servers only running
Opensim32bitLaunch.exe. The import of the scene via console works like a


On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:

 Hi Toni, thanks for your fast and complete information.
 I'm going to test it again using the master avatar instead the albert's one
 I'll to comment here the result this afternoon/night.

 Yes, I cleaned the prims from de database to get a new and clean scene
 without old buildings on it.



 2010/10/4 Toni Alatalo

  On su, 2010-10-03 at 16:27 +0200, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:
  Trying to test the Naali0.3.1, I have been unable to upload a picture.
  Naali tells me than no upload capability (see picture attached).

 That means you don't have permissions do to it. I don't know exactly how
 that permission/capability (or caps in general, am still an opensim
 newb :) are configured, but got it working for myself this way:

 Use the avatar that is the master avatar for that .. region(?). Test
 User is default. Weirdly enough the account itself didn't exist in my
 Taiga installs out of the box, so I just said 'create user' in the user
 server console and created Test User and somehow it indeed got the UUID
 that was set as the master avatar(?).

 Then enabled this in OpenSim.ini:
 region_owner_is_god = true

 Someone who knows how opensim permissions and CAPs etc actually works
 can hopefully fill in how that system actually works, and how you can
 grant some user that CAP etc., but that's what I did to get it working.






Re: [realXtend] Ogrescene videotutorial

2010-10-03 Thread Peter Steinlechner
This sounds great and of course I had to try it too. So I exported a scene
and the meshes from blender and tried to load the created .scene file via
naali local scene loader  ..ehm... without any success on the test server I
had upgraded manualy from taiga 0.1.3 to taiga 0.1.4 RC1 . Looks like i must
have borked something as on a later installed complete empty server the
loader performed nicely. Except for when i wanted to publish the scene to
the server the processing of the zip file gets stuck at 14% . Anyhow - thats
an awsome feature that soo makes sense and makes things easier in the future

@Alberto - in your video why did you delete first the objects in your

On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On la, 2010-10-02 at 12:18 +0200, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:
  In this tutorial I tried to explain how to load a scene in Taiga
  created in 3dmax 2009, using the plugin OgreMax.


 Besides the command line ui for this on the server side, there is now a
 GUI tool for loading dotscenes now in Naali. You can test what happens
 with that for you, works in 0.3.1 at least .. don't know if it is in
 same shape in 0.3.0 which you seemed to have. Just point it to
 your .scene and it should load it.

 The nice thing there is that local previews for big complex scenes is
 fast, 'cause it just loads the meshes and textures etc. directly from
 your local disk .. no network transfers nor databases are involved. You
 can then see whether the materials and scale etc. are correct, and press
 publish when it makes a zip of it and sends over to Taiga .. which then
 does the same as the command line load you used in the video. You can
 set the offset visually before upload. Hopefully useful also when using
 a remote / hosted opensim where can't access the server console etc.



  Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
  Comment: Use GnuPG with Firefox : (Version: 0.8)



Re: [realXtend] Ogrescene videotutorial

2010-10-03 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Following Albertos tutorial I tried also to upload the scene via the console
- but there i got the following error message after trying to set the offset
via ogrecene offset 128.128.31 : Could not parse new offset vector

On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Peter Steinlechner

 This sounds great and of course I had to try it too. So I exported a scene
 and the meshes from blender and tried to load the created .scene file via
 naali local scene loader  ..ehm... without any success on the test server I
 had upgraded manualy from taiga 0.1.3 to taiga 0.1.4 RC1 . Looks like i must
 have borked something as on a later installed complete empty server the
 loader performed nicely. Except for when i wanted to publish the scene to
 the server the processing of the zip file gets stuck at 14% . Anyhow - thats
 an awsome feature that soo makes sense and makes things easier in the future

 @Alberto - in your video why did you delete first the objects in your

 On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On la, 2010-10-02 at 12:18 +0200, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:
  In this tutorial I tried to explain how to load a scene in Taiga
  created in 3dmax 2009, using the plugin OgreMax.


 Besides the command line ui for this on the server side, there is now a
 GUI tool for loading dotscenes now in Naali. You can test what happens
 with that for you, works in 0.3.1 at least .. don't know if it is in
 same shape in 0.3.0 which you seemed to have. Just point it to
 your .scene and it should load it.

 The nice thing there is that local previews for big complex scenes is
 fast, 'cause it just loads the meshes and textures etc. directly from
 your local disk .. no network transfers nor databases are involved. You
 can then see whether the materials and scale etc. are correct, and press
 publish when it makes a zip of it and sends over to Taiga .. which then
 does the same as the command line load you used in the video. You can
 set the offset visually before upload. Hopefully useful also when using
 a remote / hosted opensim where can't access the server console etc.



  Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
  Comment: Use GnuPG with Firefox : (Version: 0.8)



Re: [realXtend] Re: creating account trought web site

2010-10-01 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Jonne

AFAIK the servers don't get shipped with the webinterface - the only one I
know is the recent diva distro based on opensim 0.7 . There is also a redux
around that worked with opensim 0.6.9. I think they just handle opensim
registration but non of them handle openid or rex authentication.

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 3:29 PM, john felipe urrego mejia wrote:

 hello, I'm already registered, that credential information placed in the

 2010/10/1 Jonne Nauha

 I don't think what antti gave you is anyhow connected to OpenID. We had a
 nice openid provider (with signup pages etc) in Taiga but dropped that once
 ScienceSim got its own openid provider. I guess ours was better in some

 What antti gave you will prolly work hand in hand with the old
 authentication and avatar storage servers! I didnt look so I could be wrong
 but if its supposed to bring you this then im right. So this has
 nothing to do with taiga, legacy rex login stuff purely. I'm suprised if the
 servers dont ship with this web interface out of the box?

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer

 On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 10:59 AM, MasterJ wrote:

 i still have a question i want to made an openID account so i try to
 log on : is my sever here but result is an
 error like you type a wrong adress.

 any idea why?
 i have try to repalce 8010 with 8004 but still have the error.



 On 30 sep, 20:20, MasterJ wrote:
  thank you wow that's many files
  time for me to learn about editing those ;)
  On 30 sep, 14:56, Antti Ilomäki wrote:
   Here's the code (I think) for anyone interested.





Re: [realXtend] Question about objetcts in standalone

2010-09-29 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Ola Manuel

normalmente los objetos dejado en una region estan permanente y no hay
differenca si estas usando mysql o sqlite.


2010/9/30 José Manuel Meza

 Hi everybody!
 I have a question, How many time will be the objets in the server in the
 standalone mode??
 The thing is thad I create a little scenario and I will use that the next
 week but I didn't use mysql only sqlite from the standalone mode.

 Now in spanish...

 Tengo una pregunta, cuanto tiempo duran los objetos en el modo standalone?
 lo que pasa es que la siguiente semana conectaré a varios alumnos para
 mostrarles un escenario y no quisiera que se borraran los objetos.


 Lic. José Manuel Meza Cano

 Educación a Distancia
 División de Educación Continua y Vinculación
 Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales
 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

 Profesor ordinario de asignatura
 Licenciatura en psicología
 Sistema de Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia
 Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala
 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

 Nos vemos luego, en línea siempre



Re: [realXtend] First impressions

2010-09-23 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Antti, hypatiaa

I can agree with antti's opinion about economy - this topic was crossing my
mind as well. Micro transaction system might be a nice thing, specialy for
folks that want to open online casinos as a case example. But for simple
content trade I think all whats needed is a fully functional web browser -
so content providers can open a normal webshop for digital content. After
all it's done successfully for a few years. Some might argue about IP
infringment - but at least Second Life is a living example that they can
handle just an illusion of DRM. I made a more detailed essay about this at and I'm curious to hear
what you all think about this. :-)


2010/9/23 Antti Ilomäki

 This may come a bit late, but I went through my emails and realized I
 hadn't replied to this although I had planned to do so from the start.

 Any ideas and suggestions are of course always welcome, especially
 when they're as thoughtful as in this case. Note that people are free
 to contribute, many improvements are relatively straightforward to
 code and ideally the current core devs who know the system inside out
 focus on the difficult stuff and everyone can join in by helping with
 simpler things first, then progressing to deeper levels of

 The question about economy is an interesting one. As an open source
 software project realXtend is not really interested in becoming a bank
 and I think that's best for everyone. A functional virtual economy in
 the Immersive Web would be a desirable thing, though, and ideally some
 payment companies would be interested in integrating their systems to
 realXtend. Technically it shouldn't even be too difficult and we're
 open to discussions with anyone who might be interested in such
 integration. In the name of openness, it wouldn't of course be just
 one service provider, but perhaps several different implementations
 for people to choose from.

 2010/7/18 hypatiaa
  Hi list!
  I've off and on used RealXtend on a curiosity basis for a while. I'm a
  content creator, although I've been working with Second Life for quite a
  while, I use just about anything that's remotely called a virtual world
  even some game engines (Unreal, BlueMars/Cryengine, etc). Been around
  virtual worlds since they were 2.5 d back in the 90s.
  So I'm pretty excited about what's up with this project, been lurking it
  quite some time. Although I can use Blender, my tools of choice are modo,
  ZBrush and Carrara. I'm capable with 3ds Max too. My primary interests
  in creating new avatars, accessories for avatars, as well as
  I've come back to experimenting and seeing how the user experience is
  I've got some observations -
  1. I fired up Taiga successfully this morning and logged into my private
  standalone world to get a feeling for where it's at. Thankfully this was
  relatively painfree - I had major issues a few months ago, this has
  seriously improved.
  2. Cameras. Not to put too fine a point on it, they suck. Can't cam to
  at the front of the avatar in default mode, which makes it hard to see
  you are doing when customising the avatar. The free mode isn't really
  great either - its better for building and no support for mouse wheel
  which I feel is more natural (and its supported in the default, it should
  consistent IMO).
  3. No onscreen camera and avatar movement controls. Think ahead for
  touchscreens - a gui for movement and camera makes navigation easier for
  those who are either visually inclined or may not have a mouse at hand.
  4. Cannot minimise the IM window - takes up huge amount of screen real
  estate - clicking it away clicks away the IM. I do love that I can just
  Google talk in my virtual world. That is fantastic. (I'm not a Facebook
  but its nice to have that one too)
  5. Economy - how will content delivery be handled? It needs to be easy to
  import, so that content creators like myself can make assets that are
  to go for a world creator to just buy and put it in the world. Also
  needs to be taken towards making it super easy to deliver this content to
  users, and make it super easy for them to customise and accessorise their
  avatars - as they will not in general have high technical skill. My focus
  more on the avatar because IMO that is where you have to grab people to
  them want to use the software. Pretty builds are empty without users, so
  their experience really needs to be center stage.
  Anyway, I don't want to sound critical, I do really love RealXtend and I
  want to see it succeed. I'm going to keep on using it as you guys put out
  new versions of the software as I do like the general direction its
  I'll be super excited when I see Apple support too (not just Macs, but

Re: [realXtend] Re: Scripted objects in naali

2010-09-21 Thread Peter Steinlechner
On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 9:41 PM, Bill wrote:

 Where can we find information on programming objects in C# within

 On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 1:53 AM, Toni Alatalo ant...@kyperjokki.fiwrote:

 On ma, 2010-09-20 at 14:24 -0400, Bill wrote:
  I'm just wondering what scripting language can we use. We use drupal
  on the web and would love to be able to integrate functionality into
  our web applications.

 Are you still talking about for example a script that rotates an object?
 How would you like to integrate things like that to your web

 With opensim+modrex you can use LSL or Python (or c#). The LSL example
 Peter posted in the first message of this thread works to set the
 angular velocity of an object, to set a constant rotation speed for it,
 works. Same can be done from the Python rexscript. Just that Naali fails
 to implement that kind of rotation currently but we'll need to fix it.

 To integrate web applications with VWs often the most straightforward
 thing is to use webviews (embedded browser in the viewer) to show your
 own web UIs to things. We'll probably test soon how it works to add
 custom javascript funcs to control in-world things from js code in such
 UIs running in Naali webview.


  On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 2:08 PM, MasterJ wrote:
  ho about scripting can we use the old demo python script we
  have with
  realxtend 0.42 on Naali 0.3.1?
  On 17 sep, 19:29, Bill wrote:
   Can you give us an example of creating a script that will
  rotate an object?
   On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 7:33 AM, Ali Kämäräinen 
Naali doesn't currently support LSL basically at at all
  (there might be few
Grey skies,




Re: [realXtend] Scripted objects in naali

2010-09-15 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Toni, Jonne, thanks for reply :-) The object runs fine in the old r042
viewer - but not in naali. I havnt tested with other viewers, as i can't see
meshes there.

As its naali only I cant resist your offer of an example script as you
mentioned, but no need to rush - it was just an observation I thought it
might be of interest and it would look great having some moving objects for
some video shots, so there is no need to affect server side effects.

I'm just testing 0.3.1 - so far awsome - specialy the tilt for the cam got
my attention. I will look at the rest after dinner and keep you postet if i
notice something fancy.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 Jonne Nauha kirjoitti:

  We provide the EC system for c++ devs for custom components that can do
 nice things. Also for scripting python and javascript, but other people are
 more qualified to talk about those :) But I know there will be script stuff
 done in the next sprint, EC_Script that can run both JS and py. Dunno if
 this helps if you want to do server side scripting, modrex has python stuff

 Yah the LSL should work, 'cause it's server side so running in opensim like
 usually. So Peter, you see an object rotating in other viewers but not in

 Probably llTargetOmega uses some packet that we haven't implemented, 'cause
 it is a constant smooth rotation which needs to be done on the client side
 .. not so that server sends each rotation change. If this is the case, I
 think we should consider implementing support for that.

 Nothing we've done in rex yet replaces LSL for the purpose that Linden made
 it: untrusted sandboxed code running on servers. If you are doing this on
 your own server, can alternatively use the old rexscript Python system, but
 it mostly calls the same open functions than the LSL calls so target omega
 setting probably won't work to Naali. You can of course just use llSetRot or
 so from either LSL or rex Py, but that won't give you the smooth constant
 rotation which targetOmega does.

 If you are fine with a Naali only tech, you can use the new scripting
 scripting support there to get smooth rotation on the client side. Basically
 a piece of code attached to your object that says:
 myentity.placeable.Orientation += rotchange in Python or Javascript. We
 plan to later have scripts using the Naali API run on the server too, then
 we will have a LSL replacement. I can make you a working example of this if
 you're interested, can do that tomorrow. But this is currently client only,
 so won't rotate the object on the server (just in all clients) so it won't
 affect the server side collisions etc. which may or may not be a problem for
 you depending on the case. I wonder if even with the Linden tech all the
 clients and the server have an identical rotation when using llTargetOmega,
 'cause it would seem it depends on when each client got the command .. and
 the server can't know what rot the clients are at. Do collisions and visuals
 stay in sync if you e.g. make a big rotating door with TargetOmega and stand
 so that get pushed by it?


 On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 5:02 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

Thanks for the confirmation :-) Actualy I'm glad to hear less and
less LL - I will try to figure out how i can get that to work the
proper way.

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Jonne Nauha wrote:

You cant set/edit/view LL scripts with Naali but of course if
you script rotates some obj inworld (or other manipulation) in
the server then Naali will show it.
But I guess we cant help you much with your LL script coding,
we have few devs that have done something with it but most not
like me :)

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
realXtend developer

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Ali Kämäräinen wrote:


Naali doesn't currently support LSL basically at at all
(there might be few exceptions).

Grey skies,







Re: [realXtend] Re: Taiga 0.1.3 released

2010-09-08 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Edwige

have youcreated a user account in the user server console ?

and looking at your screenshot you don't need the IP adress in the: user
n...@ if you use opensim login

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:

 I am working on XP, and I am pretty sure there is no problem of
 firewall, considering the fact that I have no problem with the old
 realxtend server, that uses the same port, as far as I know (and I run
 it both locally and externally).

 I tried also to use my Network IP, without any success either.

 Thanks anyway for your answers !

 Here is a screenshot of how I try to log :
 Am I doing something wrong ?

 I have looked at all the windows of the servers, there is absolutely
 no notice that someone tried to connect.

 Anyone else has a clue of why it is not working ?



 On 7 sep, 19:05, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  Hi Edwige
  i think you need to use your Network IP instead of
  Easy to find when opening a command prompt and entering the command:
  On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Nathan Letwory
   Hash: SHA1
   On 7.9.2010 19:57, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
Thanks a lot for your answers !
But I don't manage to connect to my server with login :
testu...@ password : test and world :
The error message is Authentication failed to,
check your Authentication adress and port
I tried with Naali 0.3.0 and the old Realxtend viewer, same issue.
   Make sure you start your servers as administrator and that all
   ports are open in case you run a firewall.
   - --
   Nathan Letwory
   Letwory Interactive
   Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
   Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [realXtend] Re: Taiga 0.1.3 released

2010-09-08 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Edwige

you will need to use then: edwige lelievre as username (2 words)

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:

 Yes, I tried with a user I created also (it is in the database of the
 But I don't really understand how it works (different from the old
 for instance I created an user like that.
 I write create user in the grid window (OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.exe)
 it asks me :
 First Name [default] : edwige
 Last Name [user] : lelievre
 Password : mypassword

 So I should log with  :
 login : lelievre
 password : mypassword
 server ?

 It looks like using lelievre or edwige never works : when I clic on
 connect, nothing happens. It I don't add @ at the end, it
 doesn't even try to connect !

 On 8 sep, 10:25, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  Hi Edwige
  have youcreated a user account in the user server console ?
  and looking at your screenshot you don't need the IP adress in the: user
  n...@ if you use opensim login
  On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
   I am working on XP, and I am pretty sure there is no problem of
   firewall, considering the fact that I have no problem with the old
   realxtend server, that uses the same port, as far as I know (and I run
   it both locally and externally).
   I tried also to use my Network IP, without any success either.
   Thanks anyway for your answers !
   Here is a screenshot of how I try to log :
   Am I doing something wrong ?
   I have looked at all the windows of the servers, there is absolutely
   no notice that someone tried to connect.
   Anyone else has a clue of why it is not working ?
   On 7 sep, 19:05, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
Hi Edwige
i think you need to use your Network IP instead of
Easy to find when opening a command prompt and entering the command:
On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Nathan Letwory
 Hash: SHA1
 On 7.9.2010 19:57, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
  Thanks a lot for your answers !
  But I don't manage to connect to my server with login :
  testu...@ password : test and world :
  The error message is Authentication failed to,
  check your Authentication adress and port
  I tried with Naali 0.3.0 and the old Realxtend viewer, same
 Make sure you start your servers as administrator and that all
 ports are open in case you run a firewall.
 - --
 Nathan Letwory
 Letwory Interactive
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [realXtend] Re: Taiga 0.1.3 released

2010-09-08 Thread Peter Steinlechner
I forgot:you need to use the port in the Login URL too - like:
http://192.168.X.X:8002 - you should use here your IP Adress you entered in
the taiga configuration not
If it doesnt show the grid infos then there might be something wrong with
the port

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:

 Additional question : is there more port to open with this new
 version ? (I already have open 7000, 8000, 9000, 1 and 10001 for
 the old realxtend, but in my memories, it was only required if I
 wanted external server, it was not necessary for local server)

 On 8 sep, 10:59, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
  Ok, it looks better with login with edwige lelievre
  The error message in Naali window is : connexion failed, reason
  unknown. World address probably not valid.
  Now I also have an error message on the server (that is a
  progress ! ;) ) : 
  10:54:11 - [BASE HTTP SERVER]: Requested method [login_to_simulator]
  from threw exception: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie
  à une instance d'un
  request, IPEndPoint client)
  (a part is in french because my computer is in brefnch, sorry)
  Thanks for your help Peter :)
  On 8 sep, 10:25, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
   Hi Edwige
   have youcreated a user account in the user server console ?
   and looking at your screenshot you don't need the IP adress in the:
   n...@ if you use opensim login
   On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
I am working on XP, and I am pretty sure there is no problem of
firewall, considering the fact that I have no problem with the old
realxtend server, that uses the same port, as far as I know (and I
it both locally and externally).
I tried also to use my Network IP, without any success either.
Thanks anyway for your answers !
Here is a screenshot of how I try to log :
Am I doing something wrong ?
I have looked at all the windows of the servers, there is absolutely
no notice that someone tried to connect.
Anyone else has a clue of why it is not working ?
On 7 sep, 19:05, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
 Hi Edwige
 i think you need to use your Network IP instead of
 Easy to find when opening a command prompt and entering the
 On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Nathan Letwory
  Hash: SHA1
  On 7.9.2010 19:57, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
   Thanks a lot for your answers !
   But I don't manage to connect to my server with login :
   testu...@ password : test and world :
   The error message is Authentication failed to
   check your Authentication adress and port
   I tried with Naali 0.3.0 and the old Realxtend viewer, same
  Make sure you start your servers as administrator and that all
  ports are open in case you run a firewall.
  - --
  Nathan Letwory
  Letwory Interactive
  Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
  Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [realXtend] Re: Taiga 0.1.3 released

2010-09-08 Thread Peter Steinlechner
you where close then :-) did you try with yet ?

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:

 I tried to get grid info with and
 (my network IP), but it doesn't works : Could not retrieve grid info
 With, it takes more time to give me this error ;)
 Absolutely no effect on the server !

 Thanks for your patience :)

 On 8 sep, 11:06, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  Best you start over in adding a new avatar in naali (ether) and choose
  avatar type opensim.
  Enter first name, last name and password and save.
  Then click on new world - enter there the login URL and then click on the
  GET GRID INFO button at the bottom, this should fill out the other
  Save the settings and you should be god to go.
  On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
   Ok, it looks better with login with edwige lelievre
   The error message in Naali window is : connexion failed, reason
   unknown. World address probably not valid.
   Now I also have an error message on the server (that is a
   progress ! ;) ) : 
   10:54:11 - [BASE HTTP SERVER]: Requested method [login_to_simulator]
   from threw exception: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie
   à une instance d'un
   request, IPEndPoint client)
   (a part is in french because my computer is in brefnch, sorry)
   Thanks for your help Peter :)
   On 8 sep, 10:25, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
Hi Edwige
have youcreated a user account in the user server console ?
and looking at your screenshot you don't need the IP adress in the:
n...@ if you use opensim login
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
 I am working on XP, and I am pretty sure there is no problem of
 firewall, considering the fact that I have no problem with the old
 realxtend server, that uses the same port, as far as I know (and I
 it both locally and externally).
 I tried also to use my Network IP, without any success either.
 Thanks anyway for your answers !
 Here is a screenshot of how I try to log :
 Am I doing something wrong ?
 I have looked at all the windows of the servers, there is
 no notice that someone tried to connect.
 Anyone else has a clue of why it is not working ?
 On 7 sep, 19:05, Peter Steinlechner
  Hi Edwige
  i think you need to use your Network IP instead of
  Easy to find when opening a command prompt and entering the
  On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Nathan Letwory
   Hash: SHA1
   On 7.9.2010 19:57, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
Thanks a lot for your answers !
But I don't manage to connect to my server with login :
testu...@ password : test and world :
The error message is Authentication failed to,
check your Authentication adress and port
I tried with Naali 0.3.0 and the old Realxtend viewer, same
   Make sure you start your servers as administrator and that all
   ports are open in case you run a firewall.
   - --
   Nathan Letwory
   Letwory Interactive
   Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
   Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [realXtend] Re: Taiga 0.1.3 released

2010-09-08 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Way to go :-) Glad it helped :-)

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:

 With, I manage to get grid info ! Whoot !

 Here are the informations I get :
 nickname : hippogrid
 mode : grid
 plateform : OpenSim
 (the rest is empty) Is that ok ?

 And I managed to login, awesome !!

 I will write a tutorial about that all :)

 Thanks you so much !!


 On 8 sep, 11:31, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  you where close then :-) did you try withhttp:// ?
  On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
   I tried to get grid info withhttp://
   (my network IP), but it doesn't works : Could not retrieve grid info
   With, it takes more time to give me this error ;)
   Absolutely no effect on the server !
   Thanks for your patience :)
   On 8 sep, 11:06, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
Best you start over in adding a new avatar in naali (ether) and
avatar type opensim.
Enter first name, last name and password and save.
Then click on new world - enter there the login URL and then click on
GET GRID INFO button at the bottom, this should fill out the other
Save the settings and you should be god to go.
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
 Ok, it looks better with login with edwige lelievre
 The error message in Naali window is : connexion failed, reason
 unknown. World address probably not valid.
 Now I also have an error message on the server (that is a
 progress ! ;) ) : 
 10:54:11 - [BASE HTTP SERVER]: Requested method
 from threw exception: La référence d'objet n'est pas
 à une instance d'un
 request, IPEndPoint client)
 (a part is in french because my computer is in brefnch, sorry)
 Thanks for your help Peter :)
 On 8 sep, 10:25, Peter Steinlechner
  Hi Edwige
  have youcreated a user account in the user server console ?
  and looking at your screenshot you don't need the IP adress in
  n...@ if you use opensim login
  On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
   I am working on XP, and I am pretty sure there is no problem of
   firewall, considering the fact that I have no problem with the
   realxtend server, that uses the same port, as far as I know
 (and I
   it both locally and externally).
   I tried also to use my Network IP, without any success either.
   Thanks anyway for your answers !
   Here is a screenshot of how I try to log :
   Am I doing something wrong ?
   I have looked at all the windows of the servers, there is
   no notice that someone tried to connect.
   Anyone else has a clue of why it is not working ?
   On 7 sep, 19:05, Peter Steinlechner
Hi Edwige
i think you need to use your Network IP instead of
Easy to find when opening a command prompt and entering the
On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Nathan Letwory
 Hash: SHA1
 On 7.9.2010 19:57, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
  Thanks a lot for your answers !
  But I don't manage to connect to my server with login :
  testu...@ password : test and world :
  The error message is Authentication failed to,
  check your Authentication adress and port
  I tried with Naali 0.3.0 and the old Realxtend viewer,
 Make sure you start your servers as administrator and that
 ports are open in case you run a firewall.
 - --
 Nathan Letwory
 Letwory Interactive
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Re: [realXtend] Problems uploading .mesh files.

2010-09-07 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi George

Have you tried to use the latest Taiga server?

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:24 PM, George van Zeeland wrote:

 hi guys.

  How big are the meshes you want to upload ?
 I just made a very simple .mesh file of 45kb to test it before i would
 spend a lot of time in to making something that doesn't work.

 Just a few min ago i ran in to another problem to. Particle scripts
 don't show either.
 The compile just fine and start, getting msg the are running but the don't
 [8:04]  Compile successful
 [8:04]  Primitive: Script running.

 I am in the dark at the moment nothing shows an error but its not
 visible on the region.

 when i ran server 0.4 a year ago i could not set nor save ground
 textures but ok, everything els worked.
 server 0.5 has a lot more problems, flying controls are not set, you
 can only go up but not down.
 mesh uploads don't work, particle scripts don't work.
 Cant edit water visuals, light and ambient setting are not getting saved.
 Sound does not work. setting media textures dont work wind/flying/menu
 sounds missing or not playing.
 Water visuals using windlight does not work.
 I would go back to 0.4 if it was not for the fact it wont run properly
 on my windows 7, it acts weird around writing permission or something
 but it does not work.

 Not sure what els ill run in to but so far i am experiencing a lot of
 problems and I am not getting any information about errors on the
 console windows the say it all good wile obviously its not.

 little problem is i need to have this world up i have people waiting
 to get on it. but i think i will have to disappoint them. and me being
 a programmer worst nightmare noob kind of guy is not helping either

 I could use the server of someone who has it running and working right now

 Lot of crap ai ??
 I really hope someone is willing and able to help me puppy eye's

 Best regards George.



Re: [realXtend] Re: Taiga 0.1.3 released

2010-09-07 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Edwige

i think you need to use your Network IP instead of

Easy to find when opening a command prompt and entering the command:

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Nathan Letwory nathan.letw...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 7.9.2010 19:57, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab wrote:
  Thanks a lot for your answers !
  But I don't manage to connect to my server with login :
  testu...@ password : test and world :
  The error message is Authentication failed to, please
  check your Authentication adress and port
  I tried with Naali 0.3.0 and the old Realxtend viewer, same issue.

 Make sure you start your servers as administrator and that all necessary
 ports are open in case you run a firewall.


 - --
 Nathan Letwory
 Letwory Interactive
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -




Re: [realXtend] Legacy 256x256m region limits ?

2010-09-06 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Toni

that is so teasing to think about a 10*10km region - i was at an os 512*512m
megaregion, and that was realy a better experience than with the region
crossing, specialy for vehicle usage.

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On ma, 2010-09-06 at 08:21 +0200, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  terrain creation. Could the region size then be set on a per region
  base or just globaly per opensim server ? Either way would be fine for
  me, if we could run then a  512x512m area instead of 4 normal regions
  per server. Could i change the required setting somewhere in the taiga
  server or in the database ?

 Reportedly (opensim devs told us) that it's a compile time constant in
 OpenSim. REGIONSIZE = 256 or so. So it is AFAIK global, and you can't
 have variable sizes. This constant is respected more in 0.7 than in
 earlier versions, so they recommended that it would be good to test with
 that. So to test this you need to change some config and recompile.

 The reason why it's been fixed at 256 so far is that the Linden protocol
 and viewer, I suppose exactly in the multiregion part, supposes that.

 Naali doesn't (currently) have regions at all, just a single global
 scene, and it doesn't have size limits. There is a couple places in UI
 now where we've hacked a couple 0-255 checks currently, I think for when
 you move objects when editing and in camera movement code. But these are
 easy to remove when testing this.

 I'm looking forward to seeing a 10km * 10km sim and testing some racing
 there :) (Nebadon of osgrid fame has a racing megaregion, iirc 8km*8km,
 and said that would be interested in testing that thing on a single big
 region with Naali)


  2010/9/6 Antti Ilomäki
  We've been intending to do big region tests for a while now,
  shouldn't actually be too difficult. The Naali viewer doesn't
  the region size and changing it in OpenSim is relatively easy
  as well.
  Terrain is a bit problematic since it doesn't scale, but you
  generate a suitably large terrain mesh in Blender or Max for
  2010/9/6 George van Zeeland
   Hi there.
   Pedro wrote:
   I'm sure it must be some legacy from opensimulator that
  regions can
   have just a size of 256x256m. But would'nt it be somehow
  great to have
   free definable region sizes
   A region is hosted on the grid and the grid is 1000x1000 so
  i guess it
   might be posible to create a region as big as 1000x1000.
   And i guess it would still be possible to have different
  (sort of
   regions) by navigating on the hypergrid that allows
  navigation between
   all the grids hosted on the open sim.
   Pedro worte:
   though it might then need bigger terrain textures maybe.
   This would be undesirable.
   Not only would bigger ground textures (referring to higher
   put a lot more pressure on you system rendering the texture,
  it would
   also put more pressure on the bandwidth of your connection.
  If you
   could create a region as big as 1000x1000 the to render
  ground patches
   would still be 256x256 the don't stretch with the region
  land the
   would just tile the same way over a bigger pice of land.
   Pedro wrote: IMHO this would open up some great
   specially for bigger
   I doubt it one would benefit from having bigger regions, one
  of the
   great advantages of heaving more than one region is that its
   to set a new set of textures for every region. One big
  region would
   mean one texture set for the complete scenery, and
  especially with
   bigger scenes different texture sets are a great + If you
  like the
   same textures blending the same way your first region does
  just copy
   the settings.
   Perdo wrote:
   I don't have a clue if it's technically a miracle to make
  this happen,
   but i definitly know that the dev's here are achieving one
   after the other.
   Hell yes the are :))
   Best regards George z.


Re: [realXtend] Legacy 256x256m region limits ?

2010-09-06 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Another idea that just came up. I wonder if it would be possible to have
sort of like a grid teleporter ? Now if we want to go to a different place
we can easy do this via ether, but it might be great if this could be
mimicked via an object inworld, without going to ether.

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Peter Steinlechner

 Hi Toni

 that is so teasing to think about a 10*10km region - i was at an os
 512*512m megaregion, and that was realy a better experience than with the
 region crossing, specialy for vehicle usage.

 On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On ma, 2010-09-06 at 08:21 +0200, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  terrain creation. Could the region size then be set on a per region
  base or just globaly per opensim server ? Either way would be fine for
  me, if we could run then a  512x512m area instead of 4 normal regions
  per server. Could i change the required setting somewhere in the taiga
  server or in the database ?

 Reportedly (opensim devs told us) that it's a compile time constant in
 OpenSim. REGIONSIZE = 256 or so. So it is AFAIK global, and you can't
 have variable sizes. This constant is respected more in 0.7 than in
 earlier versions, so they recommended that it would be good to test with
 that. So to test this you need to change some config and recompile.

 The reason why it's been fixed at 256 so far is that the Linden protocol
 and viewer, I suppose exactly in the multiregion part, supposes that.

 Naali doesn't (currently) have regions at all, just a single global
 scene, and it doesn't have size limits. There is a couple places in UI
 now where we've hacked a couple 0-255 checks currently, I think for when
 you move objects when editing and in camera movement code. But these are
 easy to remove when testing this.

 I'm looking forward to seeing a 10km * 10km sim and testing some racing
 there :) (Nebadon of osgrid fame has a racing megaregion, iirc 8km*8km,
 and said that would be interested in testing that thing on a single big
 region with Naali)


  2010/9/6 Antti Ilomäki
  We've been intending to do big region tests for a while now,
  shouldn't actually be too difficult. The Naali viewer doesn't
  the region size and changing it in OpenSim is relatively easy
  as well.
  Terrain is a bit problematic since it doesn't scale, but you
  generate a suitably large terrain mesh in Blender or Max for
  2010/9/6 George van Zeeland
   Hi there.
   Pedro wrote:
   I'm sure it must be some legacy from opensimulator that
  regions can
   have just a size of 256x256m. But would'nt it be somehow
  great to have
   free definable region sizes
   A region is hosted on the grid and the grid is 1000x1000 so
  i guess it
   might be posible to create a region as big as 1000x1000.
   And i guess it would still be possible to have different
  (sort of
   regions) by navigating on the hypergrid that allows
  navigation between
   all the grids hosted on the open sim.
   Pedro worte:
   though it might then need bigger terrain textures maybe.
   This would be undesirable.
   Not only would bigger ground textures (referring to higher
   put a lot more pressure on you system rendering the texture,
  it would
   also put more pressure on the bandwidth of your connection.
  If you
   could create a region as big as 1000x1000 the to render
  ground patches
   would still be 256x256 the don't stretch with the region
  land the
   would just tile the same way over a bigger pice of land.
   Pedro wrote: IMHO this would open up some great
   specially for bigger
   I doubt it one would benefit from having bigger regions, one
  of the
   great advantages of heaving more than one region is that its
   to set a new set of textures for every region. One big
  region would
   mean one texture set for the complete scenery, and
  especially with
   bigger scenes different texture sets are a great + If you
  like the
   same textures blending the same way your first region does
  just copy
   the settings.
   Perdo wrote:
   I don't have a clue if it's technically a miracle to make
  this happen,
   but i definitly know that the dev's here are achieving one
   after the other.
   Hell yes

Re: [realXtend] Naali World Building demo video

2010-09-06 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Jonne

thats quite a cute teaser :-) and awsome to see how the building tool
progressed in this short time. It looks like we soon can get over the old
r0.42 viewer. Now i can't wait until the new viewer get's available.

realxtend rocks!

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Jonne Nauha

 Good afternoon,

 I've been working on the world building mode for Naali and people (Antti
 Ilomäki mostly) have been asking a video of the new features/building UI.
 I've finally made a video and blog post to go along with it. Let me know
 what you think! Note that its still work in progress and you will find bugs
 here :) All that you see on the video will be available in our next release
 0.3.1 thats due next week.

 Blog: for
 more info on the subject
 Youtube video: I recommend 720p
 fullscreen to get the most of it
 Direct download:
 uploading to dropbox, will be up in 30 mins or so

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer



Re: [realXtend] Re: I can't upload

2010-09-03 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Sketchup doesn't make automaticly a collission model, you need to make that

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 11:38 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On pe, 2010-09-03 at 14:34 -0700, DiogoLuiz wrote:
  Ok, now I got this, but my object is now a white object and I can walk
  inside that, how could I fix this?

 You must assign materials or textures to it.

 Collisions currently work only for the first submesh, the first material
 index. There is a patch for the server that should fix it to work an
 all, but there was some problem with it so it's not in current version
 yet. Now you can make a collision model which is all in one part, and
 set that as the collision model of your object. I don't know if Sketchup
 can do that for you (i know Blender can).




Re: [realXtend] Re: Naali saving avatar trouble

2010-08-31 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Here is a little Quickstarter for the Taiga Installation:

- Check on your Server that Microsoft .net 3.5 and the most actual patches
are installed
- Check if MySQL 5 or higher is installed
- Install MySQL and search for the my.ini file.
- search for max_allowed_packet, most likely the default value is 1M, change
this to 16M
- If not present, then add the following line In the Section [MySQLD]:


- restart the MySQL Service and follow the Taiga installation instructions.

BTW - if anyone has some issues with uploading meshes that are smaller then
the 16M set check for the time when this happens - if its after exactly 60
seconds, then i assume its .net timeout and a faster internet connection
helps substantialy.

Cheers, Pedro

2010/8/28 Antti Ilomäki

 Well here's some initiative for you:

 My internet is barely working for some reason, I'll try to get the
 Taiga release mail out shortly.

 Anyway, ANYONE who has good ideas about additions or modifications to
 the wiki are welcome to contribute. Creating tutorials and maintaining
 the wiki is very time consuming work for the developers who are very
 busy with other tasks as well, so it would be a good way to contribute
 for people who know how to use stuff, but don't want to do

 2010/8/28 Jonne Nauha
  Yeah we would first need to make a FAQ as we dont have one for naali or
  tationaiga ;) Someone just needs to make the initiative!
  Best regards,
  Jonne Nauha
  realXtend developer
  On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  Hi Ali, Jonne
  That's a good idea to post it in the FAQ, as most people will trip over
  this max_allowed_packet thingy at least once.  Maybe it's good to
 mention it
  in the Taiga Setup Wizzard too.
  On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 11:09 PM, MasterJ wrote:
  thank you for the fast reply,
  hmmm i found my.ini but i have nothing related to max_allowe_packet
  inside. any idea why?
  this my.ini is on MySql server 5.1 folder not directly inside the main
  MySql folder.
  ha i found just now when i type it's named here : my-huge.ini i have
  lot of my-XXX.ini  . h ok i test them all.
  On 27 août, 22:08, Ali Kämäräinen
   Hi ya'll,
   For me this max_allowed_packet thing seems like a poster boy of Taiga
   material for the wiki page?
   Greys skies,



Re: [realXtend] Re: Naali saving avatar trouble

2010-08-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Ali, Jonne

That's a good idea to post it in the FAQ, as most people will trip over this
max_allowed_packet thingy at least once.  Maybe it's good to mention it in
the Taiga Setup Wizzard too.

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 11:09 PM, MasterJ wrote:

 thank you for the fast reply,

 hmmm i found my.ini but i have nothing related to max_allowe_packet
 inside. any idea why?
 this my.ini is on MySql server 5.1 folder not directly inside the main
 MySql folder.

 ha i found just now when i type it's named here : my-huge.ini i have
 lot of my-XXX.ini  . h ok i test them all.



 On 27 août, 22:08, Ali Kämäräinen
  Hi ya'll,
  For me this max_allowed_packet thing seems like a poster boy of Taiga FAQ
  material for the wiki page?
  Greys skies,



Re: [realXtend] Re: Naali saving avatar trouble

2010-08-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
If i can help out somehow, i would be glad.

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Jonne Nauha

 Yeah we would first need to make a FAQ as we dont have one for naali or
 taiga ;) Someone just needs to make the initiative!

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer

 On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 Hi Ali, Jonne

 That's a good idea to post it in the FAQ, as most people will trip over
 this max_allowed_packet thingy at least once.  Maybe it's good to mention it
 in the Taiga Setup Wizzard too.

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 11:09 PM, MasterJ wrote:

 thank you for the fast reply,

 hmmm i found my.ini but i have nothing related to max_allowe_packet
 inside. any idea why?
 this my.ini is on MySql server 5.1 folder not directly inside the main
 MySql folder.

 ha i found just now when i type it's named here : my-huge.ini i have
 lot of my-XXX.ini  . h ok i test them all.



 On 27 août, 22:08, Ali Kämäräinen
  Hi ya'll,
  For me this max_allowed_packet thing seems like a poster boy of Taiga
  material for the wiki page?
  Greys skies,





Re: [realXtend] Re: Grid setup question

2010-08-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Ryan

Taiga 0.1.3 works nicely - but i still have the same issue with the old
I noticed the folowing error message at startup of the region :

10:13:49 - [CABLE BEACH ASSETS]: Failed to locate an IImprovedAssetCache.
Storage for local and temporary assets will be disabled

Though i get the same message on the region i have on the same server where
the grid services run. Grid Service shows the region as connecting

Well - i only use the old viewer to build and because i can see into
neighbouring regions and enter them without teleport.

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Peter Steinlechner

 Found it :-)

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 Hi Ryan

 not yet - atm i am still using Taiga 0.1.2 but im glad to give it a try.
 Where can I find it ?

 Cheers :-)

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Ryan McDougall sempu...@gmail.comwrote:

 Did you try using the TaigaWizard setup application?

 Taiga 0.1.3 RC?

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 1:30 PM, pedro wrote:
  I still wonder where i got things wrong in adding a region to a grid
  that's on a different server?
  The Region.ini file i use looks like this:
  The grid servers entry in the opensim ini point all to the correct IP
  and ports of the server where all grid services run.
  On the server where the above mentioned region is located i just start
  up OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe
  When i try to get from a region thats located on the same server where
  the grid servers run to the sandbox box by using the r0.42 viewer, i
  get the following messages in the console of the Sandbox server:
  12:23:22 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region Sandbox told of incoming child
  agent test
  user d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482 (circuit code 1954024387,
  s 16)
  12:23:22 - [OGS1 USER SERVICES]: Verifying user session for d7e1567b-
  12:23:22 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: User authentication returned True
  12:23:22 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region Sandbox authenticated and
  authorized incom
  ing child agent test user d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482
  (circuit code 195
  12:23:22 - [CAPS]: Registered seed capability /CAPS/2eee15b0-e186-40f6-
  6ef41679/ for d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482
  12:23:22 - [EVENTQUEUE]: Adding new queue for agent d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-
  9ae09482 in region Sandbox
  12:23:22 - [OBJECTADD]: /CAPS/OA/cf0c5b53-0ecc-4b31-aff9-39d978f93803/
  12:23:22 - [GETTEXTURE]: /CAPS/ccd11f07-4121-4816-9c09-98980da9643c
  12:23:24 - ---
  12:23:24 -   uri=/agent/d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482/
  12:23:24 -   content-type=application/json
  12:23:24 -   http-method=PUT
  12:23:24 - ---
  12:23:54 - ---
  12:23:54 -   uri=/agent/d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-
  12:23:54 -   content-type=
  12:23:54 -   http-method=DELETE
  12:23:54 - ---
  12:23:54 - [REST COMMS]: Agent Deleted.
  Region (Sandbox) #
  Any hint of what i could have got wrong is highly appreciated, the
  good or better the surprising thing is that the same settings work
  nicely in naali.
  On Aug 19, 9:56 am, pedro wrote:
  Hi all
  I tried to setup a grid by using Taiga 0.1.2 server on 2 independent
  Server 1 runs the grid services and 1 region
  Server 2 only runs 2 regions
  With naali i can teleport perfectly from server 1 to the 2 regions on
  server 2 and back
  With the the r0.42 viewer i can see the regions located on server 2 on
  the map, but when i try to connect via TP after a while i get the
  message: Could not teleport Problems connecting to destination.
  Any hints appreciated, but as the old viewer won't be in use much
  longer, it's just an observation :-)
  While making this setup, another question came up: knowing the ip
  addresses of the grid services and some coordinates to place a region,
  anyone could place a region in that grid?
  If this is the case, i think that some procedures will be necessary
  that allows grid operators and admins to manage who can place regions
  and where they can be placed.



Re: [realXtend] Re: Grid setup question

2010-08-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Thanks Jonne

It was the only warning i had found while starting up the region, so i
thought i will mention it. I wonder if I am the only one that has this
Anyhow  when testing on some local desktops taiga0.1.3 i got a realy funny
Norton Sonar behaviour that declared taigawizard.exe as dangerous and
deleted it. :-(

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Jonne Nauha

 Well that is only a warning and you can enable the better cache mechanisms
 in the configs if you know where to look. I'm not sure if this is needed for
 your average sim. OpenSim spews out a lot of warnings and even errors that
 you dont need to be concerned of in normal usage.

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer

 On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 Hi Ryan

 Taiga 0.1.3 works nicely - but i still have the same issue with the old
 I noticed the folowing error message at startup of the region :

 10:13:49 - [CABLE BEACH ASSETS]: Failed to locate an IImprovedAssetCache.
 Storage for local and temporary assets will be disabled

 Though i get the same message on the region i have on the same server
 where the grid services run. Grid Service shows the region as connecting

 Well - i only use the old viewer to build and because i can see into
 neighbouring regions and enter them without teleport.

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 Found it :-)

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 Hi Ryan

 not yet - atm i am still using Taiga 0.1.2 but im glad to give it a try.
 Where can I find it ?

 Cheers :-)

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Ryan McDougall sempu...@gmail.comwrote:

 Did you try using the TaigaWizard setup application?

 Taiga 0.1.3 RC?

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 1:30 PM, pedro
  I still wonder where i got things wrong in adding a region to a grid
  that's on a different server?
  The Region.ini file i use looks like this:
  The grid servers entry in the opensim ini point all to the correct IP
  and ports of the server where all grid services run.
  On the server where the above mentioned region is located i just
  up OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe
  When i try to get from a region thats located on the same server
  the grid servers run to the sandbox box by using the r0.42 viewer, i
  get the following messages in the console of the Sandbox server:
  12:23:22 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region Sandbox told of incoming child
  agent test
  user d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482 (circuit code 1954024387,
  s 16)
  12:23:22 - [OGS1 USER SERVICES]: Verifying user session for d7e1567b-
  12:23:22 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: User authentication returned True
  12:23:22 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region Sandbox authenticated and
  authorized incom
  ing child agent test user d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482
  (circuit code 195
  12:23:22 - [CAPS]: Registered seed capability
  6ef41679/ for d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482
  12:23:22 - [EVENTQUEUE]: Adding new queue for agent
  9ae09482 in region Sandbox
  12:23:22 - [OBJECTADD]:
  12:23:22 - [GETTEXTURE]: /CAPS/ccd11f07-4121-4816-9c09-98980da9643c
  12:23:24 - ---
  12:23:24 -   uri=/agent/d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482/
  12:23:24 -   content-type=application/json
  12:23:24 -   http-method=PUT
  12:23:24 - ---
  12:23:54 - ---
  12:23:54 -   uri=/agent/d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-
  12:23:54 -   content-type=
  12:23:54 -   http-method=DELETE
  12:23:54 - ---
  12:23:54 - [REST COMMS]: Agent Deleted.
  Region (Sandbox) #
  Any hint of what i could have got wrong is highly appreciated, the
  good or better the surprising thing is that the same settings work
  nicely in naali.
  On Aug 19, 9:56 am, pedro wrote:
  Hi all
  I tried to setup a grid by using Taiga 0.1.2 server on 2 independent
  Server 1 runs the grid services and 1 region
  Server 2 only runs 2 regions
  With naali i can teleport perfectly from server 1 to the 2 regions
  server 2 and back
  With the the r0.42 viewer i can see the regions located on server 2
  the map, but when i try to connect via TP after

Re: [realXtend] Re: Grid setup question

2010-08-27 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Ryan

not yet - atm i am still using Taiga 0.1.2 but im glad to give it a try.
Where can I find it ?

Cheers :-)

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Ryan McDougall wrote:

 Did you try using the TaigaWizard setup application?

 Taiga 0.1.3 RC?

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 1:30 PM, pedro wrote:
  I still wonder where i got things wrong in adding a region to a grid
  that's on a different server?
  The Region.ini file i use looks like this:
  The grid servers entry in the opensim ini point all to the correct IP
  and ports of the server where all grid services run.
  On the server where the above mentioned region is located i just start
  up OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe
  When i try to get from a region thats located on the same server where
  the grid servers run to the sandbox box by using the r0.42 viewer, i
  get the following messages in the console of the Sandbox server:
  12:23:22 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region Sandbox told of incoming child
  agent test
  user d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482 (circuit code 1954024387,
  s 16)
  12:23:22 - [OGS1 USER SERVICES]: Verifying user session for d7e1567b-
  12:23:22 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: User authentication returned True
  12:23:22 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region Sandbox authenticated and
  authorized incom
  ing child agent test user d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482
  (circuit code 195
  12:23:22 - [CAPS]: Registered seed capability /CAPS/2eee15b0-e186-40f6-
  6ef41679/ for d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482
  12:23:22 - [EVENTQUEUE]: Adding new queue for agent d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-
  9ae09482 in region Sandbox
  12:23:22 - [OBJECTADD]: /CAPS/OA/cf0c5b53-0ecc-4b31-aff9-39d978f93803/
  12:23:22 - [GETTEXTURE]: /CAPS/ccd11f07-4121-4816-9c09-98980da9643c
  12:23:24 - ---
  12:23:24 -   uri=/agent/d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-a085-82fe9ae09482/
  12:23:24 -   content-type=application/json
  12:23:24 -   http-method=PUT
  12:23:24 - ---
  12:23:54 - ---
  12:23:54 -   uri=/agent/d7e1567b-ce97-4b0d-
  12:23:54 -   content-type=
  12:23:54 -   http-method=DELETE
  12:23:54 - ---
  12:23:54 - [REST COMMS]: Agent Deleted.
  Region (Sandbox) #
  Any hint of what i could have got wrong is highly appreciated, the
  good or better the surprising thing is that the same settings work
  nicely in naali.
  On Aug 19, 9:56 am, pedro wrote:
  Hi all
  I tried to setup a grid by using Taiga 0.1.2 server on 2 independent
  Server 1 runs the grid services and 1 region
  Server 2 only runs 2 regions
  With naali i can teleport perfectly from server 1 to the 2 regions on
  server 2 and back
  With the the r0.42 viewer i can see the regions located on server 2 on
  the map, but when i try to connect via TP after a while i get the
  message: Could not teleport Problems connecting to destination.
  Any hints appreciated, but as the old viewer won't be in use much
  longer, it's just an observation :-)
  While making this setup, another question came up: knowing the ip
  addresses of the grid services and some coordinates to place a region,
  anyone could place a region in that grid?
  If this is the case, i think that some procedures will be necessary
  that allows grid operators and admins to manage who can place regions
  and where they can be placed.



Re: [realXtend] Naali 0.3.0 Release Candidate 1

2010-08-26 Thread Peter Steinlechner
So far it looks great to me - the only issues i had was when trying the cave
settings that the screens stayed black. I have to check that laters again,
just changed a bit the camera angles - but thats an awsome feature!!!
One issue I have seen on a first look, is that the IM connect window seems
to freeze after i click on it, so i can't even choose or enter some IM

Looks like its time to rush out and get some 3d glasses and beamers to setup
a cave :-)

Cheers and keep up the good work

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 Feel free to test if want to help in the release candidate phase -- if
 there are no showstoppers this becomes 0.3.0 final tomorrow.

 We'll update release notes and docs tomorrow and send a proper release
 announcement then with more info. There are no big changes after 0.2.5 but
 some cool things, like proper fullscreen support (ctrl-f) (also for the
 folks who wanna test nvidia stereographic 3d). It is changed to 0.3 because
 we now have the internal entity-component system in place so that it can be
 used to make more features later on in the 0.3.x series .. or custom ones in
 your own applications! Those won't work with the old viewer anymore (0.2.x
 was mostly about backwards compatible legacy). But more info about that too

 Please report if have bad probs with the rc so we fix it for a proper
 final. There are no remaining critical probs known from the testing we've
 been doing with the devs, except for the annoying buggy gui widget docking
 behaviour for which we'll either get a fix or disable it.

 cheers, ~Toni

 From: Jonne Nauha
 Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:04 PM

 * Installer
 Get it, test it:

 * Test worlds // Old fisu, legacy server, supports no auth I
 believe and rex auth. // Taiga server, supports rex auth at least.

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer



Re: [realXtend] Naali 0.3.0 Release Candidate 1

2010-08-26 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Correction about the CAVE view - it works like a charm - it was a typical
new user thing. Maybe what would help,* *but i assume you have that allready
planned in, might be a little preview vindow that helps setting the values.

naali gets more impressive with every release :- )


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Peter Steinlechner

 So far it looks great to me - the only issues i had was when trying the
 cave settings that the screens stayed black. I have to check that laters
 again, just changed a bit the camera angles - but thats an awsome feature!!!

 One issue I have seen on a first look, is that the IM connect window seems
 to freeze after i click on it, so i can't even choose or enter some IM

 Looks like its time to rush out and get some 3d glasses and beamers to
 setup a cave :-)

 Cheers and keep up the good work

 On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Toni Alatalo ant...@kyperjokki.fiwrote:

 Feel free to test if want to help in the release candidate phase -- if
 there are no showstoppers this becomes 0.3.0 final tomorrow.

 We'll update release notes and docs tomorrow and send a proper release
 announcement then with more info. There are no big changes after 0.2.5 but
 some cool things, like proper fullscreen support (ctrl-f) (also for the
 folks who wanna test nvidia stereographic 3d). It is changed to 0.3 because
 we now have the internal entity-component system in place so that it can be
 used to make more features later on in the 0.3.x series .. or custom ones in
 your own applications! Those won't work with the old viewer anymore (0.2.x
 was mostly about backwards compatible legacy). But more info about that too

 Please report if have bad probs with the rc so we fix it for a proper
 final. There are no remaining critical probs known from the testing we've
 been doing with the devs, except for the annoying buggy gui widget docking
 behaviour for which we'll either get a fix or disable it.

 cheers, ~Toni

 From: Jonne Nauha
 Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:04 PM

 * Installer
 Get it, test it:

 * Test worlds // Old fisu, legacy server, supports no auth I
 believe and rex auth. // Taiga server, supports rex auth at least.

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer



Re: [realXtend] Evocativi runs realXtend on a MeeGo Mobile phone

2010-08-20 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Jonne

A few questions about the release. When do you think a release will be to
expect ?
Will megaregions be supported too and also the WIFI from Diva for simple
administration tasks ?

cheers and realXtend rocks :-)

On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 6:51 PM, Nathan Letwory nathan.letw...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 20.8.2010 19:14, Jonne Nauha wrote:
  You'll have to understand that MeeGo is in quite early dev phase. At
  for the apps like screen capture. The unix foundation is basically
  there, but UI and app wise its quite useless. Keeping that in mind it was
  nice feeling to get Naali to run on it :) So there is a lot of potential
  even if the platform is not release ready yet.

 You mean that vnc doesn't work either? Surely that works with a
 linux-based phone? You could use that to create high-quality screenshots.


 - --
 Nathan Letwory
 Letwory Interactive
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -




Re: [realXtend] Evocativi runs realXtend on a MeeGo Mobile phone

2010-08-19 Thread Peter Steinlechner
That sounds great Jani

i still got some minor issues to set up a showcase grid, but i hope that
will be resolved with the next server and viewer release.

realXtend rocks :-)

On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 10:01 PM, Jani Pirkola wrote:

 Good news!




Re: [realXtend] Evocativi runs realXtend on a MeeGo Mobile phone

2010-08-19 Thread Peter Steinlechner
psst :-)

On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 12:10 AM, Jonne Nauha

 You should probably note in the article that the screenshot is from the
 Nokia N900 maemo 5 device. I'm sure you know this but most readers might not

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer

 On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 11:48 PM, caocao wrote:

 That is a great job!

 2010/8/20 Peter Steinlechner

 That sounds great Jani

 i still got some minor issues to set up a showcase grid, but i hope that
 will be resolved with the next server and viewer release.

 realXtend rocks :-)

 On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 10:01 PM, Jani Pirkola jpirk...@gmail.comwrote:

 Good news!







Re: [realXtend] Re: unexpected difficulties uploading assets after a while

2010-08-08 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Have you checked if maybe a certain object you try to upload is causing this
behaviour ?

On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 3:41 AM, ShortPieceOf String wrote:

 It's still happening every time I try to use it.

 I'm using realXtend Viewer 0.42 and realXtend Server 0.5 .

 There are absolutely no error messages in the Opensim console window.
 All that is logged is the successful adding of a few textures and
 sounds. I can still walk around and create new prims on the ground,
 but any attempt to add new assets is greeted with Unable to upload
 whatever asset UUID due to the following reason: The server is
 experiencing unexpected difficulties.

 Since the Opensim console window has no errors, you might think it's a
 problem with the viewer. However, if I close down the Realxtend viewer
 and restart it, and then try to log back in, I am greeted with...

 Unable to connect to world server:
 Received no response from;

 So clearly the server has gone wrong, despite the previous lack of
 error messages in the console. One thing I've noticed is that the
 prims I have created after the unexpected difficulties message are
 still there in the sim. So it seems that prim information can be
 stored, but no textures or other assets.

 Has anyone got any clue how to resolved this? Am I looking in the
 right place for error messages?
 Also, is this the best place to be asking for help, or is there a
 bigger RealXtend forum I'm unaware of?



Re: [realXtend] Naali 0.2.5 released

2010-08-06 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Found a way to replicate the above mentioned freezes - using at the same
time the realxtend 0.42 viewer and manipulating the mediaurl of some
displayed textures in the same region lets the other avatar on naali freeze.

Other thing i noticed: I'm still using rx 0.42 for building and uploading.
When i log in later with naali, using the same user i used before for
building, the inv doesnt shows any content on naali.

Even having set serverside_object_permissions=true other avatars then the
creator/owner can edit objects (only in naali,but not r0.42)

When using a mediaurl that contains flash elements i get a message, that
claims that flash isn't installed yet.

When in detached camera, i can not zoom or tilt the cam. But i bet you are
allready working on that :-)

So far my 5 cents from a first glimps on naali 0.25 you devs do an
outstanding job

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 6:24 PM, Peter Steinlechner

 Thats great news Jonne

 the shadows look realy great, I experienced some randome freezes that
 looked like disconnects. After a reconnect via ether all was fine again. If
 i find a way to reproduce them i will post it. One situation i could
 reproduce was when getting to close to the region border - but the other
 freezes i can't figure out yet.

 On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Jonne Nauha

 Naali 0.2.5 now available, get the windows installer here:
 Linux users can refer to the wiki on how to build and realxtend-dev
 mailing list on any problems building.

- Video support for media urls. If mime type of mediaurl is video and
supported by Phonon backend Naali will play the video in endless loop 
refresh ratio defined with media url texture.
- Include new version of EC_DynamicComponent.
- Refactored ECEditor's property browser (ECBrowser).
- World Building: new object, clone object and delete object. Selected
object viewport on the right side can now be rotated with mouse and zoomed
with mouse wheel. New shortuts for manipulating selected object, Ctrl =
move, Ctrl+Alt = Scale, Ctrl+Shift = Rotate.
- Module and service getter API improvements
- Couple of new stats for network profiling + dumping network traffic
to file
- Use dummy Loading... items in each inventory folder when using
OpenSim inventory for increased responsiveness: the expansion arrow is
visible even though the folder has no children retrieved yet.
- Scene complexity tab in the Profiler window. Shows information about
objects, materials and textures, including total triangle count, to assist
world builders in keeping within their chosen complexity  performance

 *Bug Fixes*

- Shadows now fixed. On DirectX we use multiple shadowmaps for better
shadow quality. On openGL we are forced to use only 1 shadowmap which
degrades shadow quality.
- Notification message boxes now blend in with the background. Bug
introduced when we changed the Naali QStyle.
- Better handling of webdav exceptions when connecting to inventory.
- Chat bubble and name tag appearance fixes.

 *Notes:* When you are checking out the world building mode in Naali.
 Please note that right clicking items means multi selection. This feature
 has a bug in the python code that will rotate the object you just multi
 selected. You can potentially do some harm to worlds with this so be
 careful, I'd suggest selecting objects with left mouse :) This bug will be
 fixed asap.

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer



Re: [realXtend] Naali 0.2.5 released

2010-08-06 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Jonne

Thanks for the fast reply :-)

I was testing this on a local Taiga 0.1.2 installation running on a W7
machine, and i think i could pinpoint it to the opensimulator FreeView TV -
which runs great in the old viewer, but doesnt show any videaos on my naali
installation, though the menu and the texture changing functions of that
work fine.

About the Inventory thing, thanks for confirming my thoughts about this and
hopefully we can somewhere soon forget about using the old viewer :-)

About the streaming media I will check what Matti made, looks like i must
have made something wrong, as i just added the mediaurl to a texture like in
the old viewer, pointing to some quicktime movie embedded in a html page on
the web.
While looking for a non flash video I just noticed how dominant flash video
has become on the web.

The object as pivot point is a great feature as well as the viewport in the
build window, also the profiler and the estate management tools look realy

Its realy awsome what you are getting done


On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Jonne Nauha

 Something gone wrong in the media url handling in naali then, I have tested
 this quite much with old viewer and naali in same world (as naali cant set
 the media urls yet :) and didnt notice this kind of freeze. Will have to
 revisit testing at some stage.

 What server are you using? If you use Taiga and OS account, old viewer will
 use the opensim inventory. When you get in with naali, it will use webdav
 inventory for OS accounts also. This might be why you don't see your stuff.
 If not taiga then I cant think of anything that would clear your inv when
 hopping to Naali, hmm...

 We use QWebViews to show urls. This does not have build in flash and
 haven't looked into how to enable it yet. Please check out the new feature
 that Matti Kuonanoja made where you can put a stream url directly as media
 url. This will invoke phonon library in naali and ask if it can play that
 stream. It's not flash but quite nice for direct streams :)

 Detach camera as in go into free fly mode? I don't think we have zoom or
 tilt coming for that mode, but better camera controls are in the things to
 do list for sure :) Object as pivot point camera mode was already added:
 hold Alt and mouse click on a object, should focus and you can rotate with
 mouse. Zoom for this is coming. Also build mode now has object viewport that
 you can manipulate with mouse and zoom with mouse wheel.

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer



Re: [realXtend] Naali 0.2.5 released

2010-08-05 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Thats great news Jonne

the shadows look realy great, I experienced some randome freezes that
looked like disconnects. After a reconnect via ether all was fine again. If
i find a way to reproduce them i will post it. One situation i could
reproduce was when getting to close to the region border - but the other
freezes i can't figure out yet.

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Jonne Nauha

 Naali 0.2.5 now available, get the windows installer here:
 Linux users can refer to the wiki on how to build and realxtend-dev mailing
 list on any problems building.

- Video support for media urls. If mime type of mediaurl is video and
supported by Phonon backend Naali will play the video in endless loop using
refresh ratio defined with media url texture.
- Include new version of EC_DynamicComponent.
- Refactored ECEditor's property browser (ECBrowser).
- World Building: new object, clone object and delete object. Selected
object viewport on the right side can now be rotated with mouse and zoomed
with mouse wheel. New shortuts for manipulating selected object, Ctrl =
move, Ctrl+Alt = Scale, Ctrl+Shift = Rotate.
- Module and service getter API improvements
- Couple of new stats for network profiling + dumping network traffic
to file
- Use dummy Loading... items in each inventory folder when using
OpenSim inventory for increased responsiveness: the expansion arrow is
visible even though the folder has no children retrieved yet.
- Scene complexity tab in the Profiler window. Shows information about
objects, materials and textures, including total triangle count, to assist
world builders in keeping within their chosen complexity  performance

 *Bug Fixes*

- Shadows now fixed. On DirectX we use multiple shadowmaps for better
shadow quality. On openGL we are forced to use only 1 shadowmap which
degrades shadow quality.
- Notification message boxes now blend in with the background. Bug
introduced when we changed the Naali QStyle.
- Better handling of webdav exceptions when connecting to inventory.
- Chat bubble and name tag appearance fixes.

 *Notes:* When you are checking out the world building mode in Naali.
 Please note that right clicking items means multi selection. This feature
 has a bug in the python code that will rotate the object you just multi
 selected. You can potentially do some harm to worlds with this so be
 careful, I'd suggest selecting objects with left mouse :) This bug will be
 fixed asap.

 Best regards,
 Jonne Nauha
 realXtend developer



Re: [realXtend] Re: unexpected difficulties uploading assets after a while

2010-08-02 Thread Peter Steinlechner
That sounds like it goes into Voodoo mode!

What happens after you restart the server?

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 12:57 AM, ShortPieceOf String wrote:

 I've now set RealXtend up to use MySql instead of SQLIte, but I get
 the same problem. I can upload stuff and everything seems fine, but
 after a while, perhaps 10 minutes things seem to go wrong.  When I try
 to upload anything I get the Unable to upload whatever asset UUID
 due to the following reason:
 The server is experiencing unexpected difficulties. message.

 I'm not the only person getting this. Does anyone have any idea what
 might be going on because this is pretty much a show-stopper.



Re: [realXtend] Training

2010-07-20 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Kordou

there isn't much around yet - the best hints you will find on the site as it is still under quite some development, but i think
it might change as soon as the development progresses very good and the dev
team does an awsome job. Thumbs up for the devs :-)

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 6:27 PM, kordou wrote:


 Does anyone know any training source for realxtend like webinars, online
 courses, books  e.t.c.

 Thank you in advanced




Re: [realXtend] Website down ?

2010-07-15 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Maybe someone unplugged the server to get an air conditioner running :-)

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:


 To me has been the same

 2010/7/15 pedro

 Hi all

 just tried to look at the website but cant reach it.
 Looks like somethings seems to got stuck.




Re: [realXtend] Re: Testing meshes and scenes with the viewer RX 0.5 and Naali 0.2.2

2010-07-15 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Holla Alberto

That looks quite good - about the collisions it might be a similar issue i
had when exporting models from Sketchup - so i used the following
I created the basic model without texturing it and saved it as a mesh for
collisions - then i started to create the detailed and textured model based
on the basic mesh, uploaded them both and the collisions worked perfect.
Maybe its not the most efficient way, but it has the advantage, that you
easy can modify just the collision mesh. In case of stairs for example you
can achieve a smoother movement of the avatar when you use a ramp in the
collision mesh instead of the steps.

Hope that this will work for you too using 3d studio

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:

 It appears that  there is a problem in Google docs and it puts all the
 images repeatedly, and Picassa doesn't load them either (holiday time,
 perhaps ;-D ), because that, I put them here.


 2010/7/15 Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao

 I've made some tests uploading the building attached with some curious
 results: Google docs Ogrescene and 




Re: [realXtend] Re: Testing meshes and scenes with the viewer RX 0.5 and Naali 0.2.2

2010-07-15 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Impressionante :-)

Indeed thats impressing, not only the price, but how easy they create roads,
terrains and buildings. But IMHO i think there is not yet a way around to
have collisions with interior building parts like staircases or features
like opening and closing doors, elevators other then touching each model
manualy. But i got to admit - if i would have to build a realistic city
model for interective online simulators, i would go for a tool like this to
create the layout and the basic city. And their water looks great too - i
hope hydrax or something similar might make it eventualy into one of the
next releases.

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:

 Is a very good suggestion, and it works perfectly when only try with a
 building, but now i'm testing some ways to use Procedural 
 Generation, and in 
 that case, the software to generate in some cases nearly
 2000 meshes, and that is impossible. 
 PixelActive a free version of their soft 
 (the original costs 19.000$) for 3dmax
 2011 ( and with it you can
 do this:

 If we can use that to create then the scene, you can to imagine all the
 potential of this way to build a city, for example, and using the GiS
 importation (

 But with hundreds or thousands of meshes, is impossible that way to get
 than the collisions works right.


 Specifically, I want to try the version of 
 2010/7/15 Peter Steinlechner

 Holla Alberto

 That looks quite good - about the collisions it might be a similar issue i
 had when exporting models from Sketchup - so i used the following
 I created the basic model without texturing it and saved it as a mesh for
 collisions - then i started to create the detailed and textured model based
 on the basic mesh, uploaded them both and the collisions worked perfect.
 Maybe its not the most efficient way, but it has the advantage, that you
 easy can modify just the collision mesh. In case of stairs for example you
 can achieve a smoother movement of the avatar when you use a ramp in the
 collision mesh instead of the steps.

 Hope that this will work for you too using 3d studio

 On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:

 It appears that  there is a problem in Google docs and it puts all the
 images repeatedly, and Picassa doesn't load them either (holiday time,
 perhaps ;-D ), because that, I put them here.


 2010/7/15 Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao

 I've made some tests uploading the building attached with some curious
 results: Google docs Ogrescene and 






Re: [realXtend] Re: Testing meshes and scenes with the viewer RX 0.5 and Naali 0.2.2

2010-07-15 Thread Peter Steinlechner
WOW - all i can say is that female avatars in SL look a bit more sexy :-)
But the rest is kick ... stuff - wow

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:

 Ejem, ejem

 Peter says:
 ...But IMHO i think there is not yet a way around to have collisions with
 interior building parts like staircases or features like opening and closing
 doors, elevators other then touching each model manualy. ..

 Yes, that is possible today using procedural (and very expansive) soft like
 this: But IMHO i think there is not yet a way around to have collisions with
 interior building parts like this:

 But suere than in some few years we cand get somothing better with Taiga
 and Naali ;-)


 2010/7/15 Peter Steinlechner

 Impressionante :-)

 Indeed thats impressing, not only the price, but how easy they create
 roads, terrains and buildings. But IMHO i think there is not yet a way
 around to have collisions with interior building parts like staircases or
 features like opening and closing doors, elevators other then touching each
 model manualy. But i got to admit - if i would have to build a realistic
 city model for interective online simulators, i would go for a tool like
 this to create the layout and the basic city. And their water looks great
 too - i hope hydrax or something similar might make it eventualy into one of
 the next releases.

 On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:

 Is a very good suggestion, and it works perfectly when only try with a
 building, but now i'm testing some ways to use Procedural 
 Generation, and 
 in that case, the software to generate in some cases nearly
 2000 meshes, and that is impossible. 
 PixelActive a free version of their soft 
 (the original costs 19.000$) for 3dmax
 2011 ( and with it you
 can do this:

 If we can use that to create then the scene, you can to imagine all the
 potential of this way to build a city, for example, and using the GiS
 importation (

 But with hundreds or thousands of meshes, is impossible that way to get
 than the collisions works right.


 Specifically, I want to try the version of 
 2010/7/15 Peter Steinlechner

 Holla Alberto

 That looks quite good - about the collisions it might be a similar issue
 i had when exporting models from Sketchup - so i used the following
 I created the basic model without texturing it and saved it as a mesh
 for collisions - then i started to create the detailed and textured model
 based on the basic mesh, uploaded them both and the collisions worked
 Maybe its not the most efficient way, but it has the advantage, that you
 easy can modify just the collision mesh. In case of stairs for example you
 can achieve a smoother movement of the avatar when you use a ramp in the
 collision mesh instead of the steps.

 Hope that this will work for you too using 3d studio

 On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao wrote:

 It appears that  there is a problem in Google docs and it puts all the
 images repeatedly, and Picassa doesn't load them either (holiday time,
 perhaps ;-D ), because that, I put them here.


 2010/7/15 Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao

 I've made some tests uploading the building attached with some curious
 results: Google docs Ogrescene and 








Re: [realXtend] Re: RealXtend exporter for blender

2010-07-06 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Thanks Toni for bringing the light back into the scene and me back on track

The question that now came up is the following and any hints are highly

Is it possible to have a grid accessible for public access via CB for
everyone, but just give the region owners the right to create things in
their corresponding region at the same time ? I could see a case where a
school would like to keep some persistent public accesible basic
installations and at the same time assign to each teacher their own
classroom (region), where the teacher could be able to customize it and
asign his/her students to access the place? As well as giving the students
some rights to create their own things?

Another idea just crossed my mind, concerning the backup and restore of the
regions and i dont know if that would be a technical sound approach. If the
regions could be stored each into its own database instead of having all
regions on a server in the opensim db, then it might be easy to make a
complete independent and scheduled backup/restore of the regions with all
the meshes via the db, instead of creating some oar's and some workaround to
keep the meshes.

But im affraid that this procedure might break away too far of the opensim
build,even if i personaly think, that this would benefit the opensimulator
scene as well.

Anyhow - keep up the great work - realxtend realy rocks :-)

On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Toni Alatalo wrote:

 On ti, 2010-07-06 at 08:33 +0200, Peter Steinlechner wrote:
  Now I am completly confused. What is the difference between Taiga
  Server and opensim + modrex ? Either its to early in the morning or I
  just must have a massive misunderstanding.

 Based on a quick reading of what Tara was writing below, the distinction
 here seems to refer to authentication. Taiga is opensim + modrex + cable
 beach, and CB brings web techs for auth  inventory, openid + webdav,
 which are not connected to any SL like grid but work anywhere on the
 web. I.e. with vanilla Opensim you have to make a new account, with
 Taiga you don't.

 BTW CB is nowadays merged with the VWRAP effort which is otherwise
 worked on mostly by Linden folks, and Opensim itself has also adopted
 webdav inventory too, so can well be that vwrap  opensim / simiangrid 
 taiga are essentially the same things soon. Or I don't know but we'll

 Of course anyone can still configure their servers to be closed, e.g.
 accept only accounts created for that game / service , or allow anon
 access like websites usually, or whatever. I think many of the debates
 that seem like big political decisions around these things are
 technically simple configuration setups that don't affect the
 programming work much.


  On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 6:43 AM, Tara Desoto
   I was simply giving my opinion to the designer of this
  project .   I fully realise that my point of view is going to
  be different than yours , simply because of the differences
  between my project and yours ( if you even have a Rex
  project )  ..  I  attempted to present a collaborative
  viewpoint to the situation .  Since the designers' project is
  about the Integration of Blender and Realxtend , the scope of
  this discussion is wider than simple asset pipelining ... In
  brief , I  approached this topic from the aspect of community
  building and collaborative integration , rather than solitary
  asset pipelining.   I am not saying that my points of view are
  any more possible or probable than the next , given the scope
  of the mission .  I simply presented this to the designer in a
  cordial manner .  IF he thinks that all my ideas are dumb or
  if he thinks that some of them are good , then so be it , I am
  happy that he gave me the chance to express those ideas and
  expect  nothing more .
An asset creation pipeline is essential for Realxtend ,
  there is no doubt about it .  Some Ideas are for  solitary or
  even offline creative environments and other ideas are for
  collaborative environments .  The logical conclusion to make
  in this case is that the final product will probably be a mix
  between the two paradigms. You speak of creating appealing
  contant ,  offline  .  Why would there even be an offline
  situation.  Why not just bring a preview grid right there with
  you and view the content in world as you create it, where ever
  you are .
  IF you think that its drama to speak face to face with
  at least an avatar of a person before you decide if you can
  work together , then you are  Naeve in the extreme as to how
  collaborative work gets done in this Environment . Why did you
  use such obviously inflammatory

Re: [realXtend] Re: RealXtend exporter for blender

2010-07-05 Thread Peter Steinlechner
IMHO i think a smooth as possible blender upload would benefit the entire
content production and bring the community of blender artists with their
great works on board. For people that love rapid prototyping Sketchup is a
great, easy to learn and free option and after all - those who love to use
prims like back in sl they can.

From the social aspects i see no reason why this should hinder the artisan
from inworld activities as well as from collaborative works and it rather
frees them to work with less distractions.

So much for my 5 cents in this topic and YAY!  We are not in SL anymore!

realxtend rawks big time

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Tara Desoto wrote:

 HI Senor Martin ..

   I hope you have been well !I would like to give you a few comments
 .From my perspective ,  I would hope that you don't  remove Talented
 Craftsmen , Artisans and Architects from the world Grids by creating only an
 OFF line content creation  pipeline that removes the  Artisans avatar from
 the worlds .There are several reasons why I would like to see builders
 remain in world and not simply pipeline content .Some reasons are social
 and cultural , some of the other reasons are economic .

 Some Concerns I have ::

   Content Creators are very good citizens of a world grid .Serious ,
 large scale grid owners know that these content creators are critical to
 there early success .   I personally sponser these creators much like a
 Rennaissance Era Princess would .   I give them everything they need , money
 , land etc to succeed . But they also need to see me in world ,  in order to
 remain highly motivated as I want and need them to be .I suppose I could
 require the guys to be in world while they pipeline content , but then its
 easy for them to say they were AFK working ..So in terms of Global
 management of a crew , I feel its essential that work is done in world..
 Economically ,  I would hope to see builders in world , because these are
 good jobs .  They also bring more content creators to the world grid as they
 say that the world is a good place to live a virtual life ...What kinds
 of jobs and opportunities do we have in world if we remove the construction
 trades  from our world grids  ? We also do not want a world full of game
 players .   Game players do not contribute content generally so they are not
 productive in world .   They are consumers ..  We need consumers and
 producers in world .   Economically , I feel its essential that people are
 able to project there vision and plans upon the world  ( while they are in
 world ) .   IF people only see a world as being a place for them to play a
 game ,  this is going to dramatically reduce the amount of content that is
 in world .  It could possibly lead to a near monopoly of content where the
 world owner needs to create much of the content herself .   This is viable
 in small scale operations , but is impossible in larger grids  for one
 person to create content for 1000 regions , for example .

   I could go on and on about my reasons as to why I need to see my artisans
 in world creating there masterpieces and my biggest concerns  that I have is
 that I am very precise in what I require my guys to do and they dont
 motivate like they do when they are with me  .  In many cases , if they do
 not see me , they may not even really care about the job too much .   Who
 knows if I can get the person to even produce in such a situation without
 them  having direct contact with me .

   I also see mistakes that others do not see and In my view ,  Its going to
 be hard for most of them to meet the requirements of my builds if they do
 not have direct contact with me during the building process in world .
 Part of this reason , is because they all like to take short cuts ,
 regardless of how much money they are being paid .   I have never seen a
 build where a person has created exactly what i want without changes having
 to take place .   For example , I could say , this flooring is not right ,
 I do not like those windows .. That should have been pure white cement and
 not that shade you used... ETC ..  So a method of fixing things , some what
 on the fly like this , would be very helpful . IF they can't do it in world
 at least in some modest way , I think we are going to get less work done
 than we would like to , because it is going to take them longer to fix there
 builds.   In short and if possible  senor Martin ,  I would like you to
 integrate blender  into the world building system so that we can some how
 keep builders in world .   You probably have a colloborative solution in
 place already ,  I am simply saying that this solution is important to the
 success of larger grids.   Lastly ,  while it is probably a defeat for me if
 all of my builders are creating content off world , but we all sincerely
 appreciate your efforts in creating a working build system for Taiga .

  Thank you Senor Martin 

Re: [realXtend] Re: RealXtend exporter for blender

2010-07-05 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Even if its a bit boldly pointed out - but we realy should try to think more
like the web then like a single world with a central government like SL. I
don't want to downsize the merits of Linden Labs and others that came up
with a niche product.

A thing I realy like in SL is the ability to have several online groups and
wonder if it would be possible to have simultaneously several jabber
connections to different accounts - that could maybe solve the whole group
implementation. I wouldnt wonder if its allready in naali and i just didnt
found the button yet :-)

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:55 PM, Mark Malewski mark.malew...@gmail.comwrote:

 * IMHO i think a smooth as possible blender upload would benefit the
 entire *
 * content production and bring the community of blender artists with
 their great works on board. *

 I completely agree.

 This is not all about the SL people (who are stuck in the mindset of
 Second Life).  We need to get beyond the mindset of those stuck in Second
 Life mentality, and instead this needs to be viewed as look at all the
 Blender artists (and other non-SL artists that do 3D graphic design) and
 giving them an opportunity to take their creative work, and import it
 directly into OpenSim + ModRex.  (Without having any SL experience at

 I believe the best thing we can possibly do is create better content
 creation tools for artists, and make it as EASY as possible to bring good
 content in.  There is absolutely no reason to REQUIRE a persistent always
 on Sync with the server (and content should be able to be created offline,
 that's the whole point of using blender, and then simply uploaded with a
 quick touch of the SYNC button).  Although it might not be a bad idea to
 have a toggle on/toggle off sync button that could be left on (with a
 persistent sync to the server) for those that just really enjoy burning up
 bandwidth (or for those working/collaborating with others in real-time).
  But please make sure that persistent internet connectivity is not a
 requirement, because mobile users (such as myself) would really prefer to
 design things whenever/wherever and not have to have a persistent internet
 connection to a server.  I would prefer to develop locally (offline), and
 then simply just sync (import/export) the finished creation to a server
 when I'm at a place with a high bandwidth internet connection.

 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 IMHO i think a smooth as possible blender upload would benefit the entire
 content production and bring the community of blender artists with their
 great works on board. For people that love rapid prototyping Sketchup is a
 great, easy to learn and free option and after all - those who love to use
 prims like back in sl they can.

 From the social aspects i see no reason why this should hinder the artisan
 from inworld activities as well as from collaborative works and it rather
 frees them to work with less distractions.

 So much for my 5 cents in this topic and YAY!  We are not in SL anymore!

 realxtend rawks big time

 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Tara Desoto wrote:

 HI Senor Martin ..

   I hope you have been well !I would like to give you a few comments
 .From my perspective ,  I would hope that you don't  remove Talented
 Craftsmen , Artisans and Architects from the world Grids by creating only an
 OFF line content creation  pipeline that removes the  Artisans avatar from
 the worlds .There are several reasons why I would like to see builders
 remain in world and not simply pipeline content .Some reasons are social
 and cultural , some of the other reasons are economic .

 Some Concerns I have ::

   Content Creators are very good citizens of a world grid .Serious ,
 large scale grid owners know that these content creators are critical to
 there early success .   I personally sponser these creators much like a
 Rennaissance Era Princess would .   I give them everything they need , money
 , land etc to succeed . But they also need to see me in world ,  in order to
 remain highly motivated as I want and need them to be .I suppose I could
 require the guys to be in world while they pipeline content , but then its
 easy for them to say they were AFK working ..So in terms of Global
 management of a crew , I feel its essential that work is done in world..
 Economically ,  I would hope to see builders in world , because these are
 good jobs .  They also bring more content creators to the world grid as they
 say that the world is a good place to live a virtual life ...What kinds
 of jobs and opportunities do we have in world if we remove the construction
 trades  from our world grids  ? We also do not want a world full of game
 players .   Game players do not contribute content generally so they are not
 productive in world .   They are consumers ..  We need consumers and
 producers in world .   Economically

Re: [realXtend] Server version to use for development

2010-06-29 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Pablo

It sounds like an issue i had too. Probably the mesh size is too big.
Have you changed the the my.ini on your MySQL installation to
max_allowed_packet = 16M

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Pablo Martin wrote:

  On 29/06/10 13:19, Mikko Pallari wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:03 PM, Pablo Martin wrote:

 On 29/06/10 09:22, Mikko Pallari wrote:

  I see... ok, I tried the preferred combination and could get it to work
 nicely without too much trouble :). Anyways, thinking about it.. what I
 really want is to follow with the modrex trunk, because that's where the
 latest advances in the ogre importer are. What opensim version should I
 use in this case?

  Well, the trunk should follow the OpenSim master, but as told,
 unfortunately we haven't had time to update that branch for some time. As we
 are currently developing against the taiga-0.1 branch, latest ogre scene
 importer stuff are there.

 Ok, ok. So the problem with incorrect assets is normal with trunk versions,
 or maybe I messed up the configuration?

 So now I have a test server at with b2rex
 extensions. The issue I have is I don't see all the uploaded asset
 meshes properly (sometimes ones show, and sometimes others, but the more
 complex one seem to be less likely to appear), not sure where the
 problem is coming from... I think either a network reliability issue, or
 something with differring mono version on the server (i compiled on an
 ubuntu lucid, but installed on a debian stable with backports..).

  I haven't yet had time to look at what does b2rex extension adds to
 ModreX part, so can't say if it because of that.

 It just adds a couple of convenience methods to upload assets to a scene
 and clear a scene through xmlrpc. Also, this only happens sometimes.

  But if you are using the reaXtend viewer 0.4x then the meshes won't show
 probably because of the UDP download of assets. If you try to connect with
 Naali then it is able to download assets with http.

 I'm using the head from the repository for naali, so I don't think that
 should be the problem. I was more thinking either a problem during upload
 (doesn't seem likely because it uploads a zipfile and there are no errors
 uncompressing), or a problem during udp download to the client. Anyways,
 i'll keep investigating the issue, for now I'm happy it's running on a
 public server :)

 Greetings and thanks!



[realXtend] Single Regions Backup - Restore

2010-06-29 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi all

Is there a best way to backup and restore single regions in taiga server ?

I created an OAR of a region, but when loading it to a different region, the
meshes where missing, but all container prims rezzed at the right place.



Re: [realXtend] RealXtend exporter for blender

2010-06-28 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Pablo

thats great news and I will try it as soon as possible. I tried to get a
look at the pics on your website, but all i could see was a frame with the
name thumbnail, it looks like they where somehow encoded as a click on the
thumbs just reavealed a pile of data.
Anyhow i think the b2rex is a great step towards the right direction.

realxtend rocks!!!

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 7:58 PM, Pablo Martin wrote:


 I made the first release of a b2rex exporter:

 The package is available 

 The plugin controls the ogre mesh and scene exporters to generate a
 world suitable for uploading to realxtend.
 Also, it can connect to the opensim server, and using a custom modrex
 plugin it can upload worlds and clear a scene directly.
 Also, i modified the ogre exporters a little bit, to allow whole scene
 offseting directly, and to improve material handling a little bit, when
 used with realxtend. It currently supports materials with normalmaps and
 specularmaps, as well as the normal materials with just a diffuse
 texture. They are included on the package for now.

 Note, for direct uploading you need a custom modrex version, and some
 special config on the server (enable xmlrpc and rest interfaces)

 Screenshots of exported 

 More details on the README file, or the manual 
 Also, i setup a webpage for the 
 The page is an elgg instance, and I'd like to configure it to manage a
 rex grid in the near future, and maybe implement some parts of the asset
 workflow there.

 This project is just starting, and comes from a proposal made to nlnet
 (a dutch fundation) for funding on this regards. They accepted a plan
 proposal, which is made public at the site webpage. The goal is to have
 as good blender integration with the realxtend world, also to allow
 realxtend to have this kind of integration when needed (ie, developing
 key areas of client or server software). Some people from realxtend
 already know of this (it was announced on the irc chat some time ago).

 The plan is pretty far fetched, touching on direct connection from
 blender, maybe reviewing mesh formats or asset server system, good
 support for uploading and tweaking characters, great material support,
 even logic support to the extent possible (or more... ;-)). So, I'm
 going to be working hard on the next months towards this goals. :-)

 Anyways, the most important is that I would love to hear any ideas you
 may have, regarding what can be done from blender or how it can be used.
 Either on this list or the project webpage. Also, I will be coming back
 with analysis of the situation to get more direct feedback. On the last
 weeks I've been getting intimate with the realxtend and opensim
 software, so there are a lot of things I have to put on paper now for

 You can also report problems or bugs in the git repo, or directly on the
 project forum (or here).




[realXtend] Error at mesh import

2010-06-25 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi all

looks like I'm good in crashing things :-)

I dont know to whom i should adress this issue, the server or viewer devs?
I made a few objects in sketchup and used the ogre exporter with the rexmesh
tool. I made 2 seperate meshes, a more detailed one for the look and a
simplified one for the collisions. After removing the textures from the
collision mesh i uploaded both and whe i applied the collision mesh, i got a
huge error message in the server console and the collisions didnt work. But
the worst thing was that when i tried to restart the region, that object
caused the server to crash at startup. (a restore of the database to a
previous working state solved the situation) So far i have no clue if this
is caused by the exporter but think this could lead to some troubles if
people upload erroneous meshes in some public available environments.

Where would it be best to post the mesh and error messages ?


Re: [realXtend] Taiga 0.1.2 changing regions

2010-06-21 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Mikko - thanks for that hint, i tried that too and the regions get listed
correctly but still couldnt change the regions. Maybe its an issue of the
used OS build in Taiga 0.1.2 ?

But i noticed also something new when tinkering around and i know it doesnt
makes much sense - but i incremented the max_packet size on the MySQL server
to 24 MB and tried to load a mesh of about 17MB which failed to load.
Is this a limit of the old rexviewer i was using to build or a server limit?
As i was testing it out on a local installation, so i dont think it was some

Cheers and a good start into the new week

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Mikko Pallari

 Use command show regions to view valid region names. If the region you
 are changing to is not on the list then the change region command won't


 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 7:32 PM, Peter Steinlechner wrote:

 Hi all

 I got a strange issue when i want to change the regions in the opensim

 Region (root) # change region TaigaSim02
 Couldn't select region TaigaSim02
 Currently selected region is root
 Region (root) #

 So i cant change the regions for uploading terrains for example. This just
 happens on my Win7 (64) Pro box, but not on my XP Pro box.

 Any hints are highly welcome.




[realXtend] Taiga 0.1.2 changing regions

2010-06-19 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi all

I got a strange issue when i want to change the regions in the opensim

Region (root) # change region TaigaSim02
Couldn't select region TaigaSim02
Currently selected region is root
Region (root) #

So i cant change the regions for uploading terrains for example. This just
happens on my Win7 (64) Pro box, but not on my XP Pro box.

Any hints are highly welcome.


Re: [realXtend] It works :)

2010-06-17 Thread Peter Steinlechner
Hi Laurent

did the mesh show up in your inventory or do you get an upload error?

Have you tried the realxtend 0.42 to upload ?

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Laurent Rathle wrote:

 Hello again,

 I’ve finally connected to Taiga. Now I’ve found a 3ds max object and would
 like to export it with ogremax to open in Taiga. Should I export the whole
 scene in 3ds ? I get a .mesh file of around 78 ko . how can I send it to
 taiga ? I’ve tried upload menu in the inventory without success

 thank you



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