Re: CS>Congestive Heart Failure

2005-09-30 Thread Christine Carleton
Check your teeth... Teeth tell stories long before an allopathic medic can
pick things up with an expensive tech. instrument that bridges them from law
suits.  American nomenclatures #1, 16, 17, 32 are related to aspects of the
heart.  When they are compromised, cavities, fillings, etc, the energy to
their related organ is also qualified.  Other teeth are related to other
organs.  The meridians - energy to the cells, organs and endocrines can be
affected with any intervention into the physical body, scars, surgery,
etc... Christine

From: (
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 17:36:13 +
Subject: Re: CS>Congestive Heart Failure
Resent-Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:36:39 -0700

My dad had this.  What we heard was by the time they discover the problem,
the infection has done quite a bit of damage.  My dad was on IV-antibiotics
for weeks before they replaced his valve.  Having night sweats was his first
alert to any infection.  Took MONTHS for a doctor to diagnose the correct
condition.  My sister figured it out faster on webmd.

So, timing is everything.


Re: CS>Re: fingernails/bone density

2005-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
Bone Density?  Calcium may have limits of effectiveness...

Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 12:11:23 -0500
Subject: Re: CS>Re: fingernails/bone density

Jill, I care for people with lupus and cancer as well and I also see them
get well, but NINE days?
At any rate, sorry if I offended you
Have a great day
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: fingernails/bone density

CS>splitting nails

2005-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
Issues with nails can be related to congested gall bladder and liver.

Emotionally there can be aspects of anger, a tendency for shouting, some
challenges with planning and decisions, sometimes sight/vision,
irritability, rage, blame, jealousy and resentment.

Lots of greens - veggies washed in good water (CS) with lemon to assist
removing the pesticides, herbicides, etc - can be helpful.


Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 14:45:09 +
Subject: Re: CS>splitting nails

Re: CS>veterinary questions

2005-09-22 Thread Christine Carleton
BodyTalk (energy medicine) assists with children demonstrating debilitating
effects from vaccinations.  Often kids with so called ADD call for
assistance balancing vaccinations.  Humm... It works with animals too.

From: "bbanever" 
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 18:47:33 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>veterinary questions

Hello Barbara,
 My dog was vaccinated about 1 year ago for rabies before that it
had been a few years.  I've long suspected vaccines as a cause of
disease either from the mercury in them (thimerasol) or from the  bugs
you are putting into the bloodstream... anyway thanks.
- Original Message -
From: Barbara 
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS>veterinary questions

One well known cause of autoimmune hemolytic anemia are vaccines.  Was the
dog vaccinated recently?  I don't have any suggestions for treatment only
the cause.  Sorry...
PS.  You can google the  and you will
find lots of entries.
  I don't know the cause... he doesn't have cancer or anything anyone can
point to as the cause... is this possibly a virus or a chemical exposure of
some sort?  Some have said a tick bite can do it ... titer for that proved
Bob Banever

Re: CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark

2005-09-15 Thread Christine Carleton

Tea from herbs, trees, flowers, etc is different from essential oils.
Essential oils are the concentrated life blood of the plant, tree, herb,
flower, root, whatever.  EG. 1 drop of EC-AFNOR standard Peppermint is
equivalent to about 25 bags of tea.  So a tea broth may just do the trick
for an older person, not polluted with the chemical supplements our younger
kids have, or if they have been on pharma products for years, they may need
a more concentrated form - oil.

There is no hard rule.  Muscle testing is a great aid in situations like
this.  Appropriateness can be determined, as well as amount, frequency,
duration, etc.  Remember with natural products it's often recommended to use
6 days and take one day of rest so one can 'benchmark' and establish the
effectiveness and changes.


> From: Ken & Nancy Bagwell 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 13:46:40 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark
> I looked up Willow Bark one time as an alternative to
> asprin, but was kinda of put off by the idea that
> Willow as a tea would require several cups to consume
> to get the equivalent dosage of sacylic acid (sp?) in
> a single asprin.
> Am I missing something?
> -Ken
> --- Christine Carleton 
> wrote:
>> Deborah,
>> I have not used White Willow Bark, but have used
>> Birch essential oil.  In my experience, individuals
>> allergic to aspirin (a single chemical constituent
>> -acetylsalicylic acid-) appear to have not problem
>> when using all the minute chemical constituents
>> that nature provides in her products rather than
>> fractionated pharmacy products.  Personally I would
>> try a bit as a tea, and monitor results.  I have
>> enjoyed the benefits of many herbs, barks, trees,
>> stems, from nature.  If you took it to a Chinese
>> herbalist, they should be able to tell you as
>> they use many grasses, roots, trees etc in the
>> broth's they prescribe for people to cook up
>> in the Chinese cooking pots.
>> Christine
>>> From: "deborah byron"
>>> Reply-To:
>>> Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 12:41:50 -0500
>>> Subject: CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark

>>> I'd like to ask the list whether anyone here has
>> experience using an
>>> infusion of white willow bark, the botanical
>> source of salicylic acid, in
>>> place of aspirin.  I'm wondering specifically
>> whether some other
>>> ingredient would be needed as a buffer.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Deborah

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Re: CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark

2005-09-15 Thread Christine Carleton

I have not used White Willow Bark, but have used Birch essential oil.  In my
experience, individuals allergic to aspirin (a single chemical constituent
-acetylsalicylic acid-) appear to have not problem when using all the minute
chemical constituents that nature provides in her products rather than
fractionated pharmacy products.  Personally I would try a bit as a tea, and
monitor results.  I have enjoyed the benefits of many herbs, barks, trees,
stems, from nature.  If you took it too a Chinese herbalist, they should be
able to tell you as they use many grasses, roots, trees etc in the broth's
they prescribe for people to cook up in the Chinese cooking pots.


> From: "deborah byron" 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 12:41:50 -0500
> To:
> Subject: CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:42:22 -0700
> I'd like to ask the list whether anyone here has experience using an
> infusion of white willow bark, the botanical source of salicylic acid, in
> place of aspirin.  I'm wondering specifically whether some other
> ingredient would be needed as a buffer.
> Thanks,
> Deborah
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Gift is a noun

2005-09-12 Thread Christine Carleton
"To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or
measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity."
---Douglas Adams, Writer


> From: Marsha Hallett 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 09:45:45 -0600
> Subject: Re: CS>Gift is a noun

> Gee, I thought one gives a gift, not gifts a gift.

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Re: CS>Thanks for the kind thoughts

2005-09-09 Thread Christine Carleton

An insight from an energy medicine perspective.  Each thought is a energy
bundle of consciousness on an electronic grid.  When repeating thoughts
accumulate, they develop an attitude, they can explode in our head or
elsewhere.  Consider what thoughts/attitudes are held sacrosanct (possibly
silently storing or culturally induced and limiting).  Are they worth
keeping or letting it go, relequinishing control, and discovering a new
perspective? Life is a journey of release...  Attachments kill...

The Gall Bladder meridian is massive throughout the head.  It's about
expansion of decisions, blockages, and be a catalyst to wider perspectives
of consciousness.  It's complimentary organ is the liver which stores anger.
So cleanse the liver physically...  Liver is a soul issue about planning,
adaptation, and activity.  Liver and gallbladder are balanced with the
element of wood and foods in that category.

Specific essential oils also cross the blood brain barrier and oxygenate
starting the rebuilding process.  Primarily they are the ancient sacred ones
which facilitate meditation and higher consciousness (frequency).

My younger brother had a series of strokes.  Without knowing the medical
specifics, BodyTalk identified specifically on the Circle of Willis what was
compromised in the brain, as identified by his neurosurgeon plus his
underlying belief systems. He was shocked because he's rigidly fixated in
allopathic protocols and electronic scanning technologies which does not
identify emotional (yikes - scarey stuff) components.  From an energy
medicine perspective those electronic grids can be rebuilt if one chooses to
release prevailing limiting beliefs.  Attachments to our sensitive ego
issues curtail our scope.  He prefers to keep his attitude about his wife,
and their life and it's slowing killing him.  His medications are not
dealing with the root cause or stopping his layering of consciousness
energy concentrations. It's his life and his choice.

Best wishes on the journey of changes.


> From: Trem 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 04:58:17 -0700
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: CS>Thanks for the kind thoughts

> Fellow list-members and friends.
> As some of you may know, I suffered a cerebral event *stroke* about three
> weeks ago.  I have heard from some of you and  from others on different
> lists that may also know about my problem.
> In my terms I broke my brain.  I usually tell folks "we don't get out of
> here alive".   Many of us get a few divots along the way of life. This is
> just one of my divots. I have healed from most of the previous ones with
> little scarring and suspect this one won't be much different. Time really
> does heal.
> As you may know or suspect, my life has been directed toward one end the
> last 7 or eight years.  Once I discovered silver and what it could do I
> wanted to let the world know of my discovery. I became something of a
> proselyte. I have a saying I sometimes use. "I'm trying to save the
> worldten or twenty parts per million at a time".   I do think it's been
> working.   Silver is definitely one of nature's best gifts to the world.
> I would like to thank each and every one of you for your kind words and
> thoughts.  I do appreciate them so much.
> My best to you all.
> Trem

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Oil of oregano

2005-09-08 Thread Christine Carleton
NOTE:  NEVER USE OREGANO ON CATS - the phenol content will harm their liver.
Oregano is OK with dogs, horses, people etc...  CC

> From: Christine Carleton 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 20:10:28 -0700
> To: 
> Subject: Re: CS>Oil of oregano

> When I deal with infections I put the oil on my feet or that of my animals.

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Re: CS>Oil of oregano

2005-09-08 Thread Christine Carleton
When I deal with infections I put the oil on my feet or that of my animals.
Ensure your using a medical quality EC-AFNOR standard oil which should be
printed on the label on the bottle.  Oil will penetrate the skin into the
blood in one minute.  It takes the heart pump 20-21 minutes to circulate all
blood through the body - including wee alveoli in the lungs, and to cross
the blood brain barrier.  Oils have an intelligence (if they are a medical
quality) harmonize with naturally with the body, and know what is priority.

Vita Flex points (Reflexology is the simplified version and there will be
charts on the web) for the bronchial tubes are located between the bones on
the tops of the feet. The sinuses are at the base of the middle three toes
on the bottom of the feet.  One of the most effective ways of handling a
respiratory problem is by doing rectal implants with a couple of blends
designed to deal with respiratory challenges.  There is a nerve that goes
from the rectum to the lungs.  The oils will travel in this manner in 3
seconds.  Inhalation is also effective.  Lung challenges are treated via the
back, not the chest to avoid drawing toxins through breast tissue.

I would muscle test for:
Is this oil appropriate at this time?
Do I require other oils?
How many drops?
Identify the frequency - hours, minutes, days?
Do I require another form of supplementation?
In my experience amounts often change every day, or every other day, and
reduce on an ongoing basis.

If you have any further questions you may contact me off line.

> From: "Jonathan B. Britten" 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 11:04:42 +0900
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Oil of oregano
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 19:04:44 -0700
> That is the very question I hope to find answers for.   I am willing to
> do tests on myself, but I need some sense of the risks before starting.
> At present I know little about essential oils, other than that they
> require careful use.

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Re: CS>To Trem

2005-09-08 Thread Christine Carleton

> From: "ransley" 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 16:32:32 -0400
> To: "The Silverlist" , "Trem" 
> Subject: RE: CS>To Trem
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 13:32:52 -0700
> Trem wrote:
>> I broke my brain about three weeks ago (stroke) but am quickly getting back
> to square one.<
> Trem- I surely wish for you a speedy and complete recovery! I had no idea, I
> guess if you said anything about it then I missed it. I certainly do want to
> thank you for putting me on the right track about that little problem I was
> having about a month ago, over on Garnet's DMSO group. I guess that was just
> a few days before your problem.
> Daddybob
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> Address Off-Topic messages to:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Pneumonia and Nebulizing and 7 year old...

2005-09-07 Thread Christine Carleton
There are different qualities of oregano oil subject to the type of growing,
organic, metal contents of distiller, etc.  If one is dealing with an
International standard there are specific benchmarks of chemical
constituents required.   If the oil has been distilled with chemicals, one
will have a 'reaction' - possibly like a chemical burn.   One has have a
degree of reliability regarding the source.  English and French protocols
are different, and justifiably so.  Other countries have other standards.
My point is to not condemn oregano unless one is more specific about the
quality they have utilised.  A healing oregano should have 25% Monoterpenes
including a and b pinenes, mycrene; Monoterpene phenols (60-72%); and other
chemical constituents.  Christine

Subject: Re: CS>Pneumonia and Nebulizing and 7 year old...

In a message dated 9/6/2005 9:53:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
wife has cured bronchitis twice, in about 3 days,
with high doses of GSE. We are trying to see how well
oil of oregano works.
Used oregano on my 40 year old sons feet full of toe nail fungus. He had an
allergic reaction to the oregano and missed several weeks work with raw and
cracked skin. Go slow on using oregano. I add it to my foot baths with Epsom
salt 1 1/2 cup + cup vinegar. It does not bother me.
My 5th day on Buteyko breathing exercises. I stopped using both my steroid
inhalers yesterday. My dwell time before needing another breath is less than
10 seconds. Still using Walgreens personal humidifier, nebulizer, with
CS,DMSO, Xylitol, GSE and still getting a little mucus and fungus out. I
debated spending $35 for Buteyko then realized I am spending $80 every 3
months after insurance for steroid inhalers. I can't keep tape over mouth
more than several hours at night, new tape does not work. I awake and feel
like it is suffocating me and tear off the tape.


2005-08-30 Thread Christine Carleton
I was being facetious.
However, your correct Terpenes; monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes cross the
blood brain barrier.  Most of the 'Holy anointing oils' have sesquiterpenes.
Curious isn't it.  Simple folks knew the basics way back in time, before the
wonderful world of chemistry.  Specific oils kill viruses.
As a post polio person I stay a great distance from vaccines.
Something happens with vaccines cos kids have assorted 'challenges'.
I work with energy medicine which assists kids damaged by vaccines.
Frankly I don't care what 'they, or the counter they and they' say.  If a
kid learns better, behaves better, or has less tummy and head aches, that's
good enough for me.  The rest of the drama is non productive to my time.

> From: "Rowena" 
> Reply-To:
> From: "Christine Carleton"   Why did essential oils not die a natural death
> centuries ago if they did not work?
> I read that the terpenes in them penetrate the blood brain  barrier.  Does
> the vaccine do that?
> Rowena

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Avian flu

2005-08-28 Thread Christine Carleton
The FDA in the US prohibits one saying essential oils are anti-bacterial,
anti-viral etc...  I reside elsewhere. This appears to be common knowledge
in France, Germany, Egypt, Japan, England, Turkey, China, India etc.  Is the
rest of the world crazy?  Why did essential oils not die a natural death
centuries ago if they did not work?  Oh, well, I don't profess to understand
...  My tom cat purrs as I put oils on his pussy punctures and wounds...
Oregano keeps military surgical theatres cleaner in Russia that standard
medical air and scrub down procedures.  It's easy for everyday folks...  Use
on feet or in capsules... Different chemical constituents have different
attributes.  They can rebuild depleted immune systems. As far as I'm
concerned, flu is a non issue. And put a Dr. Emoto sign on your CS water
bottle.  Intent counts.   Christine

From: "Ernie Patai" 
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 12:53:53 -0400
Subject: RE: CS>Avian flu
Resent-Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 09:54:22 -0700
Hi  Sandy, In my humbest opinion,
I would suspect if someone's immune system is weak, they are pretty much
susceptable to any bacteria or virus. It isn't the virus that invades our
body, it's our body's inability or capability to fight it off. Now I'm not
saying throw oneself into a lepre colony. But if one is taking CS before,
during and after I would suspect that it will ward off whatever new pademic
is lingering around. I would also suspect that the "media" thrives off
sensationalism which inturn will blow up any issue of concern at hand to
create the situation to sell their story. So should we all now go out and
get a vacine against this one too? :-) This situation could e worse
or...could be minor in comparrison. This is why I stay away from reading or
watching the news. 
Yes many more will probably die in comparrision. Hospital is the least
safest place to stay when sick. It is usually the last stop before checking
out. I don't want to sound cynical. But look at the food menu, that should
give you a big hint. Right up there with airline food.
Just a thought.

I don't know if this has been discussed here and the  archives are down.
The media here in Toronto are giving a lot of attention to Avian flu.  It's
my opinion that if they are really splashing it around, it's much worse than
they're saying, which is hugely bad!  A friend of mine who works in a
hospital is being told that many more people will die, relative to the Sars
numbers.  I realize that we are all responsible for healthy living, e.g.
keeping our immune system functioning well, but they are saying that this
pandemic will harm mostly the elderly and young children. Is CS affective
against this virus and if so, before or after the fact?


Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page

Re: CS>Emphesema and Acne

2005-08-24 Thread Christine Carleton

There is basic information about BodyTalk on my site at I'll include a couple of attachments that founder,
Dr. Veltheim describes BodyTalk.

I am located in Vancouver, Canada - actually White Rock which is just south
of the city sitting on the US/CA border.  I do distance sessions locally,
while people are in the office (saves commute time for them) and to other
countries and continents.  Distance is not an issue when working in the

Effectively, one uses neuromuscular testing over a BT chart of conventional
anatomy, physiology, psychology, body chemistry (naturopathic vials),
Traditional Chinese medicine aspects including the 5 element theory, the
meridians, chakras, environmental factors, chiropractic energy lines,
circulation, nervous system, aspects of quantum physics, etc.  It goes on
and on is great detail.

By following the body's agenda, the body will start the healing.  The
critical difference is that I do not diagnose or prescribe.  The body
directs the session over recognised medical modalities combined together.
It's like a puzzle.  When enough bits of information are gathered, I tap the
head for introducing the new electrical support grids, and then the heart
with the idea that when in the heart, it will lock and hold.

Distance stretches the mind a bit subject to one's background. The principal
is simple. E=MC2 --- there is no time or distance.   Usually only
experienced practitioners do distance sessions.  The proof is in the
results.  It takes a bit of mind gymnastics to comprehend, (which is not
necessary for it to work).

I've a local residing PhD in nuclear physics who 'stretched her belief
system' and had a distance session over Xmas while she was preparing Xmas
dinner for international guests.  She was amazed with the results.  Summer
arrived.  Her next session was going to be when she was on vacationon the
east coast of North America.  We reside on the West Coast.  On a human level
the 'distance' started to 'mess' with her perception of reality.  Based on
E=MC2 she stretched, and the day her body indicated she needed the session,
(surrounded by family...) was exactly appropriate, and she appreciated the
'assistance'.   The point is it does not matter if it's in North America or
the southern hemisphere, or another continent.  It works.

You can contact me at:
P: 604.531.8849

I hope this answers your questions.

"Warmly with e-hugs,


"Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association

"Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When
you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore.
Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory." --- Alan Alda, Actor and


Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 12:21:46 EDT
Subject: Re: CS>Emphesema and Acne
Resent-Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 09:22:14 -0700


Please tell me where I can learn more about Body Talk.

Where are you located?

What is involved in the distance healing?

How can I contact you?



Re: CS>Emphesema and Acne

2005-08-20 Thread Christine Carleton
I had a client who had horrid active red acne from 14 years to 29 years old.
She'd spent $10,000's addressing it with specialists in Eastern Canada for 8
years, and additional $10.000.'s in Western Canada.  She cam to me for
BodyTalk for something completely different.  As I went through my protocol
(which can be done by distance too), I recall a specific types of herpes
came up.  No bit deal, I just 'tapped it out' according to our protocols.
She cancelled her follow up for 3 weeks hence, and I kinda forgot about
her oh well. 3 months later, she called saying she had been in Eastern
Canada as her mother was dying, and her mother's last wish had been
answered. The client got off the plane 3 weeks after our appointment, and
her face was clear (abet with acne scars) but no more raging raw visible
acne. It has remained clear for the past 3 years.  Hint:  don't get caught
into specialities - it might be a more wholistic connection with organs and
endocrines throughout the body.  Christine

From: (
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 22:01:14 +

For Acne:  We discussed this last year on the Silver List, there doesn't
seem to be a real natural cure that works for everyone.  In my experience
it's hormone related.  That means taking Rx hormones or accutane, which
aren't great options either.  My sons just finished taking accutane.  They
had the worst acne in their schools.  My dad's skin was so badly scarred he
actually had it sandpapered.  There really isn't any way to fix the scars -
I've asked.

Take care,


Re: CS>iodine and DMSO

2005-08-20 Thread Christine Carleton
Virus?  Not sure... I suspected they're parasites.  After I put essential
oils on my neck the 'critters'  they migrated to my arm pits.  Hold you
breath... I did... got the tweezers out as they grew large enough to get the
tweezers around them I pulled them out. Could hardly feel it, except for a
big one which I'd ignored for too long ... It bled a bit. -- just a bit.  A
year later a couple made a comeback, and the tweezers extracted them
quickly.  The moles on the neck diminished when my kidney meridian was

From: Raine 
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 02:02:12 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>iodine and DMSO
Resent-Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 01:58:52 -0700

This is interesting news to me- skin tags caused by a viris.

Thanks, Rowena.


Rowena wrote: 
iodine for the removal of a sebacous
cyst ... iodine to the skin over the cyst. let it briefly dry
then coat with the dmso gel.

 what would be the
negatives to use this on a cyst on a dog's chest.  do dogs tolerate
iodine enough to use this modality

Might the dog's chest not be a bit close to the dog's lungs and get you into
trouble with the listowner?

This is very useful information about the iodine and DMSO - I have liquid
DMSO myself, so it shouldn't be a problem mixing it, though I might add CS
to dilute a bit.  Now all I need is a sebaceous cyst somewhere.

Some thirty years ago my husband and son came home with ringworm, which I
suspect came from the swimming baths they were attending.  I forget what we
did for the boy, possibly painted it with iodine, but certainly with my
husband, I painted it with iodine, neat.  It seemed a shame to throw out the
iodine-soaked cotton wool, so I taped it to the ringworm.  The skin came
away - neat little circle, as I recall.  The Dr. reckoned that was the end
of the ringworm, all right.

This might be useful for skin tags, might it not?  That's caused by a virus,
isn't it?  Perhaps a drop of iodine, a drop of DMSO, a drop of coconut oil,
and a drop of CS (or larger amounts) and paint on.  The DMSO would carry the
viricidal elements in and likely have an effect of its own on the problem.



CS>Re: Protection/Water Treatments

2005-08-09 Thread Christine Carleton

A couple of suggestions re water.  Explore and consider the benefits of
intention.   Dr. Marasu Emoto's site many assist.  Put
your 'message' on your water.  It will help.

>From my perspective:
1. By principal I do not engage energies beyond the wisdom of the divine
being.  Angel water comes from beyond my scope of verifiable knowledge. As
an energy medicine practitioner, I have experience that some of them are
also sick, and/or have facades which one would not engage if they looked
2. Magnets are a metal that resonate to a specific frequency.  If one's
health is compromised, magnets support increasing the internal frequency..
If one's health and vitality are high, magnets compromise and drain one's
energy.. Magnets are effectively a static tool that can be a helpful tool
subject specific personal frequency.
3. Essential oils (GRAS quality - generally recognised by FDA as safe for
internal consumption - food quality and consumable) are alive, address
frequency, and may assist with parasites, viruses, bacteria in water, and
have a variety of frequencies.  Our biorhythm changes by the hour subject to
the time and organ which is predominate on the 24 hour clock so oils have
the ability to address these natural cyclical changes.
4. CS water has historical benefits - personal research is important to
verify benefits.
5.  Neuro muscular feedback is an effective tool to ascertain which is
optimal - it will change as one develops.
6.  Some systems have literally cleaned polluted environmental problems in
Europe - eg Grandre water.
7. Some organs and endocrines are compromised with utilization of water, and
need to be individually addressed with the priority and direction by the
body to optimize the efficiency.
8.  Some people have too much water in their body systems and only require a
1 - 1.5 liters per day subject to their body constitution on the Traditional
Chinese system (water, earth, wood, fire and metal) dealing with Yin and
Yang balance to optimize their meridian and chakra functioning.

I find the Emoto system powerful, simple and effective.  Enhancement with CS


Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 18:21:55 EDT
Subject: CS>Re: Protection/Water Treatments
Resent-Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 15:25:30 -0700

Very true indeed!  Protection does set up a mind-set of duality, as does
healing, and everything else we do in the realm of form.  Were it not for
means of protection from the Dark Forces, I would not longer be "alive", but
would be on the other side of the balance-continuum of "life" and "death".
Thanks to removing the Dark Force energy I have the opportunity to
consciously choose the nondual "path".

Your comment about water and CS was provocative.  I have read that so much
can be done with water that promotes well-being on every level, but am not
well informed about the possibilities.  Do you know where would be a good
place to start?  I have heard of angel water, magnetized water, ozonated
water, Willard Water, water that has an alkalinating effect, etc., etc., but
would like to find a source that discusses the entire field of water
treatment, makes comparisons and draws conclusions.  The information
available seems to be from sources only offering one particular brand--for

Thanks for your valuable comments.


Re: CS>Asthma and EFT

2005-08-09 Thread Christine Carleton
Protection is a step of awareness of the 'blocked energies'.  However,
protection sets up a mind set of duality.  Perhaps if we could escape from
the media overlay of 'Your with Us or Your 'agin Us' mentality, and started
to see that all is in balance, then we could ask the right questions to get
the lessons and move on. Fear is wonderful 'dumbing down' tool.  It's energy
blockage which limits the consciousness.  Often our most precious sacrosanct
beliefs get us into biggest 'do-do's' which create most physical, emotion
and mental pain places.  Some energy medicines build and extend the
prevailing electrical grids around our bodies, and our awareness of choices
increases.  Good water, (CS) aids conductivity of electrical impulses
increasing consciousness.

Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 11:37:09 EDT
Subject: Re: CS>Asthma and EFT
Resent-Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 08:37:40 -0700

May I please have your tutorial file also?  Will EFT work on bladder
inflammation?  Will it work on parasites?--no information on the emofree
website on these.  

I have not found information on the emofree website on the use of EFT to
remove the influence of Dark Force energies; it should work, because
chiropractic techniques have a noticeable effect.  Does anyone have any
information or experience in this regard?  Protection against the Dark Force
energies is an extremely significant component of overall health and well
being.  If there is any interest in this sensitive topic, I will share some
of the valuable information I have.  It would definitely need to be moved to
the OT list, however.



Re: CS>Asthma and EFT

2005-08-09 Thread Christine Carleton
This is common place in energy medicine as people work to decrease pain thus
increasing their frequency and consciousness.  We acquired pain by
misperceptions/misalignment of truth.  When balanced, one's gates of
awareness to truth open and the pain will dissolve.  It's subtle

Good food and water assist the process.

Addiction to junk foods is often reflective of 'eractic' though processes
which attract lower energies - eg. drugs - street and pharma, alcohol,
sugar, anger, rejection, anti-biotics (Latin = anti->against, biotic->life),
abandonment,  you know them...  Don't cover them up with pain killers.  Look
directly at them. They inhibit the electrical circuitry of the meridians,
chakras, etc. which activate the exterior membranes of our cells - the brain
of the cells - Reference: Dr. B. Lipton, cellular biologist.  Book: 'The
Biology of Belief, unleashing the power of consciousness, matter and
miracles'..  Sometimes limited thinking patterns are acquired from cultural,
spiritual practices... It's all within each one of us.


Consider the depth of ancient wisdom:

The thought manifests as the word
The word manifests as the deed
The deed develops into habit
And the habit hardens into character

So watch the thought
And it's ways with care
And let it sprig from love
Born out of respect for all beings
... Dharma


Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 12:03:20 EDT
Subject: Re: CS>Asthma and EFT
Resent-Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 09:03:49 -0700

In a message dated 8/9/05 10:39:03 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

Protection against the Dark Force energies is an extremely significant
component of overall health and well being.

Well, I'm at least wondering what Dark Force energies are? MA

Re: CS>The Lethal Science Of Splenda - A PoisonousChlorocarbonat News Breaking Healt

2005-07-30 Thread Christine Carleton
Dr. David Hawkins simply explains it as frequency of consciousness.  
'Power vs Force, the Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour'.  That's a 
start. Someday they may get it.  Most need confirmation of double blind 
science which double blinds them.  Oh well...  The irony of it all.   
Until then, trust the knowing within.  Discover the wisdom of folks as 
they appear in your reality. They do get smigges of different frequency 
consciousness when they are in the presence of your energy field.  Know 
and honor your contributions.


On Jul 30, 2005, at 10:22 AM, Stuff wrote:

What blows my mind is that so few see it.
I suppose that's what makes Enforced Incompetence inevitable.

At 06:05 PM 7/26/2005, Ode wrote:

 When people start to hold other people responsible for our actions 
ignorance, be it via insurance, litigation or demand for legislation, 
kids can no longer make mistakes and the world must become 
the day that people discover that they are no longer 'allowed' to act 

never learn how.

 Silicone choke proof people. How nice. How fail safe interlocked and 

to the rulebook. How dull.
May we all live in perfect safety, ignorance and blamelessness till 
we die
of absolute boredom..or make ourselves vacant enough to tolerate 

Enforced Incompetence is on the march.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>chemical sensitivity

2005-07-22 Thread Christine Carleton

As strange as this sounds, EC-AFNOR medical quality essential oils have
helped people with extreme chemical sensitivities. Cleansing is essential.
Oils assist oxygenating the stagnant areas - perhaps the whole body
internally and externally.  One starts slow because of the detox process.
The sensitivity to smells is to petro-chemicals, not the unique cleansing
combination that nature provides with a multitude (hundreds) of minute
chemical constituents in her plants, flowers, trees, etc.  I know of a
couple of women who had been in massive chemical spills - with valid
permanent work disability certification - who have cleaned up their systems
with oils and cleansing products whose frequency has been boosted by oils.
Colonics are helpful, as well as lymph drainage.  Also BodyTalk can assist
re-balancing stressed endocrines, assists with meridians and chakras because
that level of pollution is often deeper than this life alone.  If the
electrical system is not working - this is not woo-woo - Dr. Bruce Lipton,
PhD., cellular biologist, speaks about photographing these networks.  The
energy of the meridians and chakras activate the cells, the DNA, RNA,
hormones etc.  That's why they call it 'Energy Medicine'.  That's why the
Genome projects are a Comic Joke - the cells need the electrical spark of
the meridians and chakras to activate the DNA.  Sometime these situations
are 'wake up' time to a higher level of awareness and frequency.  BodyTalk a
form of energy medicine can be done at a distance by an experienced
proficient practitioner.


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association

'I honour in you the divine that I honour within myself,
and I know that we are one."  ---Deepak Chopra


> - Original Message -
> From: kent
> To:
> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 2:26 PM
> Subject: CS>chemical sensitivity
> Hi all
> Does anyone know anyone or anyway to deal with chemical sensitivity (other
> than barricading yourself in your home:).  I met a woman recently who is
> sensitive to chemicals.  (Perfumes lights among other things).  Any ideas as
> to cause or cure would be appreciated.  I know it's off topic Mike, but this
> list is a near inexhaustible source of information and knowledge please
> allow me this indiscretion so I may help this tormented woman.
> thanks everyone
> Kent
> =

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>bacteria cell membrane and respiration

2005-07-22 Thread Christine Carleton
Hope you boys and girls like this one...  I love a bit of Universal
Humour... Many of us were lead down the garden path when we did anatomy...

Source: The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. page 66
Quote:  "In the nucleus and its genes are not the cell's brain what exactly
is DNA's contribution to cellular life? Enucleated cells die, not because
they have lost their brain but because the have lost their reproductive
capabilities. Without the ability to reproduce their parts, enucleated cells
cannot replace failed protein building blocks, not replicate themselves.  So
the nucleus is not the brain of the cell - the nucleus is the cell's gonad!
Confusing the gonad with the brain is an understandable error because
science has always been and still is a patriarchal endeavour.  Males have
often been accused of thinking with their gonads, so it's not entirely
surprising that science has inadvertently confused the nucleus with the
cell's brain!'"


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association

'I honour in you the divine that I honour within myself,
and I know that we are one."  ---Deepak Chopra

> From:
> Subject: CS>bacteria cell membrane and respiration
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 06:29:23 -0700
> "Where is cell¹s brain?  The answer is to be found in bacteria,
> the most primitive organisms on Earth.  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>fleas and ticks OT

2005-07-19 Thread Christine Carleton
'No essential oils on or around cats' is an erroneous statement.  
Knowledge of oil chemistry is critical when using oils with cats.  EO's 
cut owners vet costs.

Essential oils containing PHENOLS are dangerous for cats.  Cats can use 
other oils, and in fact enjoy them.  e.g. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) 
if it's organic and steam distilled without chemicals.  The peppermint 
family is related to cat nip.  There are cats who will search 
peppermint oil out of a purse and roll on bottles of peppermint much 
like their behaviour with cat nip...

On more than one occasion, essential oils have saved my cat's lives, 
and at other times saved me extensive medical bills.  They are fabulous 
for treating for viral or bacterial infections.  I have used them on 
open wounds and severe infections.  On one occasion it took two 
experienced cat people 5 tries to hold a badly wounded cat in a towel 
to apply oils to his horribly infected ears and other puncture wounds.  
Four hours later, he quietly lay on the bed and allowed more Rosewood 
oil (monoterpenols: linalol 95%) to be applied to his apple red ear and 
other wounds.  A couple of drops every 4-6 hours continued for 3 or 4 
days.  On the final day, when approaching with the oil bottle he 'took 
a hike'.  Inspection later that day revealed no more infection.  He 
knew. Trust your animal's indicators.  Rosewood has been studied at 
Weber State Univ. for its inhibition rate against gram positive and 
gram negative bacterial growth.

I've noticed that my cats will often lick my wrist where I have applied 
essential oils for perfume like purposes.

EO's saved one cat's life when he was in a seizure and rigid - even his 
tail could not be moved with hugely dilated eyes.  We had no time to 
get to the vet - he was on his way out.  It took about 5 minutes until 
he 'returned'.  We used a combination of inhalation, and direct topical 
neat application with different oils.

Essential oils are an umbrella term. Each oil acts differently subject 
to it's chemical constituents.  Cats must be treated with care, and 
with the correct oils will respond favorably, just like people or other 

Clean water - and high quality water - CS - is important for keeping 
the pipes clean for our furry friends.

On Jul 19, 2005, at 9:21 AM, sol wrote:

I still prefer lavender essential oil. It doesn't have the 
photosensitizing effect of lemon essential oil. Of the citrus oils, I 
believe grapefruit oil is the only non-photosensitizing one. 
Eucalyptus oil can be very irritating to the skin. Eucalyptus radiata 
is the preferred oil according to Patricia Davis (Aromatherapy: An 
A-Z) because it does not irritate skin or mucous membranes.

Lavender oil (I am reminded this year because we have huge numbers of 
gnats, flies this year) does not keep the bugs from 'buzzing' you, so 
they still annoy, but do not bite. Best and longest lasting repellancy 
is with an oil dilution, diluted in water (I use CS) it must be 
applied more frequently.


P.S. No essential oils around or on cats.

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2005-06-23 Thread Christine Carleton
Check out:
Blessings, Christine

Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 07:06:05 -0500
Resent-Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 05:06:32 -0700

Diabetes type II is a nurtured condition and easily reversible.
1/Use a glycemic diet
2/ Eat small frequent meals
3/ Eat good fat or protein with each meal
4/ drink half of your weight in ounces of clean water
5/ Support with
   1000 mg of Lipoic Acid
   500 Bilberry extract
   200-600 micrograms of Chromium Picolinate
   50-100 mg vanadium Sulfate
   25 mg Banaba ex (0.1% Corosolic acid)
   3000 mg fish body oils
   500 mg Gymmena Sikvestre
   100 mg Cinnamon ext
and a good multivitamin/mineral formula
Try also Citozyme-PAN by Biotics to repair the pancreas
Enzymatic Therapy has a product called Glucose Regulation which includes
most of the items above. Jarrow Labs has also a similar effectie product.
Neither will give you the entire spectrum so check carefully to complete the
above schedule.
Frank Cuns-Rial

Re: CS>Post Polio Syndrome

2005-06-23 Thread Christine Carleton
 one can master almost anything.
If I can, others can.  Energy medicine worked for me after being down for
many years.

Warmly with E-hugs,


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will
interest (their) patients in the care of the human frame
and in the cause and prevention of dis-ease"... T. Edison

"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed,
second it is violently opposed, and
third, it is accepted as self-evident."
---Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

There are no incurable illnesses, only incurable people.

> From: (Nina Whit)
> Reply-To:
> Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 14:06:51 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Post Polio Syndrome
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 11:07:05 -0700
> THere is a doctor in Las vegas named Fuller Royal MD who treats pps.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>mercury and silver

2005-06-01 Thread Christine Carleton
A sensitive woman feels/sees the enormous power of the spark of life as the
sperm merges with the egg.  The rest is scientific speculation of folks who
depend upon instruments.  Try getting in contact with the real tool - the
energy of the body.  How many situations through history have man's thoughts
been illusions? -- the mind - the trickster?  Sensitivity alters one's
perceptions about the beginning of life which impact one's value system
differently than currently held by the science community.

> From: "Dan Nave" 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 09:27:51 -0500
> And, for all you "Highlander" fans, the "Quickening"...
> Dan

> Re: CS>mercury and silver
> From: Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
> Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 19:04:24
> Interestingly, the term was also used to describe a certain state of
> fetal development, at which time the fetus was thought to be truly
> alive. I am not positive, but this may have corresponded with the
> first felt movements in utero.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-25 Thread Christine Carleton

Today's sensitive equipment shows energy flows in lines through the body as
ancient Chinese acupuncture charts indicate.  Leading edge cellular
biologists demonstrate that no activity happens at a cellular or DNA/RNA
level without the activation of that energy - sometimes call Chi.

The body's innate wisdom knows when to activate that type of energy.
Because western medicine does not deal with energy and cannot market it
(it's within each of us - sorry no patent or money making potential here)
most people are not aware of it.  Media scoffs at such things to keep folks
buying placebos  Chi is life force.  When chi is blocked, (qualified
limited mental conditioning, education or though patterns) dis-ease results
from that ignorance of energies.  I would expand my exploration beyond pills
and examine energies within - not with the mind, but using innate wisdom.  I
would look into energy medicines.

Re comments about hormonal balance.  I would use pregnenolone - the
precursor to hormones -> estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone.  Nature
is beautiful and in generally in harmony with us.  Pharma folks play with
artificial hormones - which often creates additional problems and more money
= good for business.  Personally, I would choose to use a hormone precursor
which balances the hormone production within.


> From: "..::( Jason )::.." 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 12:07:16 -0700
> Subject: CS>My symptoms - please help!
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 12:07:22 -0700
> Greetings...
> I am on what appears to be an eternal quest to figure out what exactly is
> going on in my body, and how to fix it. For 7 years I have bobbed around
> from Dr. to Dr. and from diagnosis to diagnosis (all of which ended up being
> incomplete), ultimately leaving me on my own to figure things out.
> The closest thing I can come to is either Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue, or
> Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Candida, and ???  Seems like I may have a lot of
> different things going on, but I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY MY BODY JUST WONT
> Can anyone please help to cut through the fog of confusion and suffering? I
> am only 30 years old, and have been suffering for too long!!  I am SO TIRED
> of Drs not knowing what to tell me, cramming a million pills in my face, and
> taking all my money and in return getting nothing besides frustration and
> side effects.
> Overall it seems as if my immune system is essentially just not functioning.
> My body should have healed by now. I am only 30. It feels like something
> SYSTEMIC is sapping my energy and hampering my immune system... BUT WHAT IS
> IT!?!?!?!?!?
> Here's what is going on with me:
> My muscles hurt when I use them, specifically my shoulders, neck and arms.
> And I am talking about light use - like reading some magazines or driving
> for 30 min.  I was in some fairly severe rear-ending car accidents in my
> earlier years, so theoretically this could be causing some of my muscle
> pain/weakness all these years later?  Myofascial Pain Syndrome?
> Fibromyalgia?
> My energy levels are also at an all time low - it is as if my "chi" or life
> force is just COMPLETELY DRAINED. Hard to describe, but my "life energy"
> feels like it is not even there at all. No excitement, no happiness, no
> creative drive, no ANYTHING. I feel like a walking husk, like everything has
> just gone flat line. Is this what Chronic Fatigue feels like?
> I have a LOT of anxiety that appears to come from a biochemical / biological
> level. In other words, I don't get all worked up about something and thus
> experience anxiety. Quite the opposite: it's a nice day, I am in a good
> mood, yet I have twisting, nervous anxiety running through my system.
> Frustrating and hard to deal with to say the least.
> My libido has never been so low in my life - it as if it is non-existent.
> When I eat sugars or alcohol, I get the dreaded brain fog that Candida and
> Fibromyalgia sufferers experience. This leads me to think that I have
> Candida at a bare minimum.
> These vary in intensity, but are always there to the point that people often
> comment with things like "wow, you look tired!" or "wow, you look terrible!
> Get some sleep!" etc etc etc. and it is not only very frustrating, but also
> very embarrassing and self-esteem sapping.
> When I eat wheat (like the amount in an order of tempura shrimp), I get
> upper extremity muscle pain, and very uncomfortable anxiety that almost
> seems to come from a nervous system level. Hard to explain but it as if
> someone is sticking a fork in my whole nervous system and just twisting.
> Very uncomfortable, and usually is accompanied by stomach upset/nausea.
> I am 

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest: Uncontrolable granddaughter

2005-05-09 Thread Christine Carleton
Good horse sense (or should I say bird talk) is louder than all the
psych-circle talk in the world.

> From: Ode Coyote 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 09 May 2005 08:20:52 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: silver-digest: Uncontrolable granddaughter
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 06:49:16 -0700
> When the baby bird becomes too demanding, loudly squalking that they know
> everything and wants to grab all the worms...Momma bird gives baby bird a
> little nudge.
> Baby bird discovers what it is to fly or die.
> 16 year olds can legally emancipate themselves, or a parent can
> 'emancipate' them.
> Squalking is a declaration of independence.
> Honor it or suffer.  Your choice.
> "Controlling" others is a study in frustration.
> Controlling you is your only real choice. If that requires excluding
> another from your peaceful environment to maintain be it.
> [You can always sent em a peanut butter sandwich/tattered blanket/tent just
> before they starve or freeze. Providing steak is counterproductive]
> Teanagers should run the world while they still know everything.
> Old people forget in the face of reality.
> If someone insists that they're right..they are.  Finding out 'how' right
> is 'their' job and they'll have to do can't.  Your job is done.
>, you want an SUV?OK cool..go buy one.  End of story...go play
> 'your' harp in the yard and see how well the rain keeps it in tune.
> No problem.
> PS  Give back that old rusty trusty Toyota...I'll drive it.
> ..anyone who fucks with my head at the mall gets to walk home. [They might
> find the locks changed and a sleeping bag on the door step with a 'take a
> hike' note pinned to it.]
> Go find another airstrip baby, you ain't flying that crap through MY head
> space. [Where "I" am the traffic controller.]
> I can always love ya from a distance..and eventually will anyhow 'if and
> when' you grow up. ['They' determine how far away that is and when.]
> Ya can't buy and sell love, especially with abuse as the currency.  If you
> accept an exchange like that..YOU'RE the turkey on a learning curve. [Gee
> whiz! Step aside and let that crosswind blow by!]
> Nothing that anyone 'says' can MAKE you feel ANYTHING..unless you volunteer
> victimhood.
> Who's wearing a sign that says, "Kick me and MAKE me cry"?
> Well, kick ME and you'll see just how fast I'm not at the end of your foot.
> [Was that a sonic boom?]
> You'll look pretty stupid standing there with one foot in the air, I'll
> betcha. [and nary an SUV to stand on]
> Now you wanna hate me?  OK, your choice. [Not something I can
> control...that's YOUR headspace.]
> Your game, your rules...I ain't playin.
> Go have the fun that you defined for yourself.
> Ode
> At 12:57 PM 5/7/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been on this list forever and make colloidal silver and this list has
>> so many wise people on it that was wondering what list that I could go to
>> that would help us know what to do with my granddaughter who will be 16
>> soon. It is not just being a  teenager since she has always had a bad
>> character. She makes my daughter miserable and she told her that she didn't
>> love her or her father any more and that all she wants from them is
>> financial support. They just bought another house in a upscale neighborhood,
>> she said she was ashamed to have friends over to her other house. She harped
>> and harped on this and now it is a suv, her other friends that have turned
>> 16 have a used SUV. It's like she gets in my daughter's ear and repeats the
>> same thing over and over. She is beautiful and is good in sports and makes
>> good grades. My daughter teaches at the high school that she goes to.
>> Last night she called my daughter at 10 PM and wanted her to come and get
>> her at her friends house and she didn't do this and this morning when she
>> picked her up she started in on the suv again. They had gone to a store and
>> granddaughter called her a "dumb but) loud enough for people to hear. This
>> is so severe that my daughter called me this morning crying and said that
>> she made her so miserable that she wishes she had never been born. Her
>> father is a military man and tends to ground her for long periods which
>> punishes my daughter also to have her around all the time. He wanted to
>> ground her last week and I got into it and told my daughter that if you are
>> too strict sometimes it backfires and she begged him not to ground her, I
>> probably should not have gotten into it. In the halls at the school she told
>> my daughter that she wasn't going to swim practice to be a life guard and
>> she told her she wasn't going and she told her she had to and granddaughter
>> looked at her real mean and said Make Me. Well she did go because her father
>> picked her up and took her. She doesn't mess with him and says she hat

Re: CS>Wars and All

2005-05-06 Thread Christine Carleton
see Louise Hay - warts - think it's something like little bits of anger
under the skin... re-check perspectives...

> From: metaphor 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sat, 07 May 2005 03:16:22 +0930
> To:
> Subject: CS>Wars and All
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Fri, 6 May 2005 10:46:41 -0700
> Which leads me to my next ailment.  Plantars warts.  I had one when I was in
>> the Navy 20 years ago.  I dug it out and it went away, only to reappear and
>> bring friends.  I have tried the salicylic acid pads, I have tried wart
>> remover, and I have tried to have them frozen by a medical doctor three
>> times.  All to no avail and they multiply.
>> I think the daily CS is helping to reduce the warts.  Hard to tell.  I have
>> not applied the CS directly.
>> I REALLY would love to have nice lovely feet.  Any advice?
>> Lori
> Hello Lori ,
> Not sure if your the lister who posted the message above  re Plantar
> Warts ? Anyway I will  add my' two penny worth ' regarding  a cure , for
> this  mother and her children ( Plantar and  family ) :
> To completely dispose of these  invading warts :
> Soak the foot nightly  in a solution of Permanganate of Potash (   Red
> Crystals  )  which can be obtained from most  chemists stores ...After
> soaking  in as hot a solution  as you can bear ... for  15 to 30 mins
> .  Thoroughly   dry the foot / feet  ,  then paint the offending  wart and
> babies with   Gentian Violet and let dry naturally .
> Keep this up until the warts dry up and drop off  .
> Whilst your in the processes of achieving this cure ...  Please be aware
> that you need to ensure . All of the items in your bathroom or  pool area
> ,  that come into contact with the wart area on your foot/feet .. Must
> be  thoroughly sterilized, so as to ensure you do not reinfect yourself or
> for that matter anyone else in your household ..
> Bathroom and pools are notorious  for spreading  the colonies of Plantar
> warts .. ( Bath Mats and the like especially .
> Either wear footwear suitable for bathroom and pool areas  to protect them
> .. Don't forget to cleanse/sterilize  the footwear too ...  Especially
> after wearing  .. or before  using them ... re Foot soak and treatment
> .   You may like to cover the wart area with a dressing ... so as to keep
> it dry ...
> Its a cheap solution to a  frustrating  problem ... but works every
> time  without fail !!
> BTW  not wearing  closed healed footwear  such as sandels  and the like
> or frequently  walking barefoot ... is a   cause for badly cracked heels .
> If anyone is in the habit of doing this  ..long term .. and has  sore
> cracked heels ...  then this is likely the major cause for it .
> Regards,
> Margaret
> --
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> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Oh my feet

2005-05-06 Thread Christine Carleton
In my experience I've seen cracks that had been present for well over a year
heal in a couple of days when the electrical severing from a scar - often on
the other leg - is reinstated, and the imbalance corrected.

> From: Marshall Dudley 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 10:30:29 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Oh my feet
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Fri, 6 May 2005 07:31:59 -0700
> My wife and her father had the same thing I believe.  Think calluses would
> form,
> then crack and become very painful, I think it may be genetic to some extent.
> He
> used a product called "Corn Huskers Lotion" on his with some relief.  She
> started taking vitamins and cut beef out of her diet completely and is on a
> low
> carb diet.  She no longer is afflicted with this now but we are not sure if
> the
> vitamins, stopping consumption of beef or the low card diet is what help, or
> something else that changed that we are not aware of.  I believe however that
> the vitamins may have been the major thing since that is what she did first
> and
> they seemed to improve very much during that time.
> Marshall
> lkfields wrote:
>> I have to tell you, I have tried so many things for my feet and they just
>> get worse the older I get.
>> My feet are very dry.  The heels get the worst calluses you can imagine.
>> Each month I have to soak my feet in warm vinegar (plain water won't work to
>> soften the callous) and then use a blade to scrape off the calluses.  My
>> husband is grossed out by it.  When I was in my early twenties I would sit
>> and rub my heels across the concrete steps of my apartment to keep it down.
>> I wear shoes all the time, I wear slippers, I keep my feet clean and dry.  I
>> had a nurse look at it once and say that it looked like a fungus was causing
>> it.
>> With the idea that it might be fungus caused, I have been taking 1 Tables of
>> CS a day and applying CS directly to the callous via a cotton ball.
>> Which leads me to my next ailment.  Plantars warts.  I had one when I was in
>> the Navy 20 years ago.  I dug it out and it went away, only to reappear and
>> bring friends.  I have tried the salicylic acid pads, I have tried wart
>> remover, and I have tried to have them frozen by a medical doctor three
>> times.  All to no avail and they multiply.
>> I think the daily CS is helping to reduce the warts.  Hard to tell.  I have
>> not applied the CS directly.
>> I REALLY would love to have nice lovely feet.  Any advice?
>> Lori
>> --
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>> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Frank-and-sense, regards CC

2005-04-28 Thread Christine Carleton

The energy modalities that you refer and many others are helpful - either
with the assistance of products - electrical, CS, waters, supplements, oils,
foods, whatever, however, when all of that does not seem to help, further
blockages and mis-tunement may release with Kundalini work.  That really
shifts gear to moving internal energies and emotional blockages and root of
the problems as they are lodged in the electrical blockages in the chakras,
gunas, polar fields etc.  --- Depends on where one's consciousness is - Many
individuals feel safe with supplements, products, and diagnosis.  It works
on some important levels and the 'ouchie' decreases. When the going gets
deep (difficult challenges), one has go inside for greater resolution
within.  Sickness is a tool, it is a gift of potential to opening other
doors of consciousness that may assist waking people up or not .  Experience
is generally the best teacher not OPO's (other people's opinions).


From: "Louise" 
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 12:24:08 -0400
Subject: RE: CS>Frank-and-sense, regards CC

In many ways that is true, in German New Medicine and other energy teachings
the thought can be a powerful healer.
Some of us need some help so acupressure, reflexology, homeopathy, yoga, chi
gung etc all can help the energy flow (blockages and mistunements show up as
illness) some of the illness symptoms though are really the bodies efforts
to heal us.  Many of which is interfered with drugs and either the body
sends the energy to another location to try and heal or it might cause
another shock to the system and so start another thing the body has to heal.

From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:43 AM
Subject: CS>Frank-and-sense, regards CC
 snip  but sense is quite often an artifact of a sales pitch. [as are,
sometimes, results]

Well there is in an nutshell. I simply don't trust ANY salesman ..or tell me the whole story.
Either and both sides of a fence begs the question, why de fense?

Methinks maybe that most "pills" are for the brain, not the body. [and the
brain does the job, not the pill]
Ode [Ken]


2005-04-26 Thread Christine Carleton
Another perspective - I was treating a child about 8 and thyroid presented
as an issue.  Specific hormones were addressed with connections to many
other areas of the body.  I shared the hormone info with the mother who
exclaimed 'I've been on synthyroid for 10 years - before this child was
born'.  The older ones are not hyper.  Note: This is not a study - it's
private practice.  

Two weeks later, the teacher asked the child 'What's up?'  The child did not
know what she referred to.  Paraphrasing I was told the teacher identified
that the child had not been out of her desk in two days since returning from
Easter break, had not disrupted the class, bugged other students, did her
homework, was paying attention and asking questions, and generally not the
severe ADD/ADHD behaviours that had plagued her the past 3 years of school.

The house rule of survival for all was that she not be in the same room as
her brother has been lifted --- they now study together.  Mom & Dad have
even took her to a meeting of an 1hr and she did not interrupt once.  She's
listening and holding to the suggested behaviour guidelines now.

In my experience the root of what looks like ADD/ADHD may be beyond where
science conventionally looks.  The only important issue in these people's
lives is greater harmony in the family and at school.


> From: Ode Coyote 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 10:26:38 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>off topic - humour regarding drug companies
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 08:38:25 -0700
> If pollutants were the only factor, everyone in that environment would
> have ADHD and none in another environment would.
> There is something else in common with the effects.
> Ever stop to notice that some people don't want to pay attention?
> Maybe they find something or other dull? [What the heck "should" be
> interesting?]
> No one ever tries to manipulate anyone?
> Everyone is aware of what they are doing and why?
> No one justifies anything by blaming something else? [Who decides what's
> just and what's not?]
> Anything can be used for many purposes...including toxins.
> Toxins may be a tool, but they're not 'the' cause.
> Remove the hammer, and thumbs may well sigh in relief.
> But then, there are rocks.  Get it?
> Then again, whatever it takes to break a chain breaks a chain.
> If toxins are being used as a link in a chemical chain?
> It doesn't have to make sense, especially if the chain doesn't make sense.
> Ummm, come to think about it...there's not that much going on with humans
> that does make sense.
> That's what makes us interesting.
> We are very powerful but not always very smart.
> But then, 'smart' is an opinion and depends on point of view.
> Carry on.
> Ode

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2005-04-18 Thread Christine Carleton
I had a friend who had similar symptoms.  He went to a old chiropractor from
the Palmer school of chiropractic. He was very skeptical but had tried
everything else.  The bloke told him it was due to an impact 18 years before
- from reading his x-ray.  He had no recall.  When commiserating with his
family, his mother reminded him that a bus hit him when he was 19.  With
that he went back to the chiro, and got over his 'challenges'.  CC

From: David S Osborne 
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 09:57:13 -0400
Resent-Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 06:55:44 -0700

Hi Debbie when was the last time you had a colonoscopy??   davido

On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 18:18:39 -0700 (PDT) Deborah Gerard
Hi everyone,
I am totally stumpedabout four years ago I had an awful bout with IBS
and after a strict diet, Nystatin, Zyfulcan...and teeth redone it went
awaywell now it is back and my biggest problem is being kept awake at
night with which feels like big stuck gas bubblesI am down to eating
almost nothing but rice milk, rice cereal and carrots and peas...I take
enzymes I am at a total lose as to what the heck is going on...any ideas or
input would so much be appreciated...I am taking the cs, holding it in my
mouth for ten minutes and swallowing...thanks in advance Debbie

Re: CS>Cataracts

2005-04-16 Thread Christine Carleton

I used a recipe that blends Frankincense and Sensation (EC-AFNOR standard
oils - French medical benchmarks of active chemical constitutents).  It's
worked for me for 6 years plus when specialists could not grind lenses for
me.  I have no restrictions on my driving licence because of the oils.  I'm
happy with them.  This is OT.  Your welcome to contact me off line if you
want to know more.


> From: Sandee George 
> Subject: Re: CS>Cataracts
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 16:11:42 -0700
> Which oils did you use Christine?
> Sandee
> "The one who accomplished it is the one
> who failed to realize that he could not do it."

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Re: CS>RE: cataracts

2005-04-16 Thread Christine Carleton

I'm nearsighted and astigmatic, and have been all my life. In addition,
polio skewed my vision so the topography of the eyeball reaches it's pitch
at 4 & 8 o'clock respectively which meant no one could grind lenses for me.
The pesky black spots were increasing, double vision was common, and triple
when stressed - things were not clear unless working at 18pt.

When someone suggested oil I thought they were nuts - but there were no
other untravelled avenues so... with great scepticism thought I'd try it.  I
blended the oils of Frankincense and Sensation in a recipe and applied
daily.  Initially it was a struggle - I had to get over my resistant
attitude towards MLM's - a personal block for me - (today I suspect my
closed mindedness reflected in my vision).  I'm glad I got over it, because
I passed my driving test without visual aids.  Works for me.

I used an internationally recognized French medical standard EC-AFNOR oils.
After all, it was literally my sight, and I didn't need to put my eyes at
further risk. That was about 6 years ago.  Now, if my vision acts up and
gets blurry (about once a year) - I use my recipe and in 1-2-3 days my eyes
have cleared up.  It's saved me a bundle with ophthalmologist fees and
fashionable glasses.  This is OT.  For further info, please contact me off

Life is humourous - my 3 younger sibblings have worn glasses for 10-15 years
and think I'm nuts --- it doesn't compute in their medical culture --- but I
don't need corrective lenses --- perhaps I'm not as crazy or blind as they
think!  Does the Universal laugh?  I think so.


Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 04:50:56 +
Subject: Re: CS>RE: cataracts

Have not heard from  you but I am very interested.

Thank you 

-- Original message from Christine Carleton
: --
> I've used essential oils to assist with a number of vision challenges
> including double & triple vision, black spots in front of the eyeballs, etc.
> Cataracts appear to respond also. Contact me off line if you want to know
> more. My ophthalmologist could not grind corrective lenses because as Post
> Polio individual, distortion in my eye muscles left the pitch - at 4:00 and
> 8:00 o'clock respectively. I was working at 18pt, with double and triple
> vision. Also had those pesky, nasty black spots in front of my eyeballs.
> Now I work at 10-11 pt in single vision with no correction & no black spots.
> I limit my dairy to cream in coffee and partake in cheeses. CC

Re: CS>Cataracts

2005-04-15 Thread Christine Carleton
Some essential oils seem to be effective dissolving cataracts.
Sure helped my macular degeneration.  CC

From: sol 
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 13:42:32 -0600
Subject: Re: CS>Cataracts
Resent-Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 12:43:11 -0700

Why eye surgeons wait until a cataract is "ripe" before operating: even in
these days eye surgery is not without risk, a certain percentage of the
surgeries will "fail" and lead to complications or complete loss of sight.
The percentage must surely vary with the competence of the surgeon, but it
is a safe bet that not one single surgeon has a 100% success rate. Therefore
it is felt that it is best to wait until the sight in the cataract eye is
essentially nil before performing surgery. I know for a fact that this was
the reason for waiting 35 years ago when I worked for eye doctors, and
though there are now artificial lenses and a lot of improvements in the
surgery, it still is not without risk.

Marvin Hacker wrote:

 I have a friend, a fellow member of our church who is in his 70's and had
restricted vision due to cataracts. He is a vet and the folks managing his
case would not allow surgery because "it wasn't that bad yet" but it was
sufficiently bad that he could only drive in daylight hours.


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Re: CS>Got milk? etc., for cataracts

2005-04-11 Thread Christine Carleton
>From my experience, eyes and vision also relate to emotions - sometimes we
choose to see, some times not.  Vision = layers of emotion/pain.  Eyes often
improve when one does gall bladder and liver cleanses - Chinese medicine >
wood element >>> eat lots of greens.  Expand decisions rather than
contracting to established boxes of safety...  Deepak Chopra says 20/20 is
blindness compared to extended sight...  There is so much more if we just
seek-look-n'see beyond limited science criteria. Then one has to get honest
with themselves.  As vision improves blockages in charkras are dissolved or
is it as one cleans their chakras vision improves - hand in glove stuff.  CC

> From: Sandee George 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 13:44:20 -0300
> Subject: Re: CS>Got milk?  etc., for cataracts

> I went to the site and read what was there, the bottom line is that
> cataracts are caused
> from toxins - so what is new in illness - get rid of the "muck" so the
> body can function as
> it was originally meant to do    Man CANNOT improve on MOTHER
> NATURE'S design !!!
> From the ego vantage point they may THINK they can but it just never
> seems to work !!!???
> Now I checked with one of my old lady herbalists in the country re the
> coconut water and
> cataracts - it was a wonderful conversation - which I will relate - Hi
> there mother X, how are
> you today - just fine - mother do you know if coconut water is good for
> the eyes - she looks
> at me and says - now how would a modern woman like you know about such
> things ?   I replied
> I don't that is why I have come to you - she says - any time you have
> anything wrong with the
> eyes young coconut water will cure it all - so speaketh the sage 
> She went on to inform me
> that the only thing which can kill the poison of a tree we have down here
> if it gets into the eyes
> is coconut water, and if this is not used the poison of the tree will
> damage the eye - so thank's
> to whomever suggested this wonderful gift of nature as one of the
> assistants for eradicating
> cataracts now I have my own home grown supply    After leaving her
> house I stopped and
> bought some coconuts to start using it right away - I will share the
> results later 
> Regards to all
> Sandee
> "The one who accomplished it is the one
> who failed to realize that he could not do it."

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Re: CS>RE: cataracts

2005-04-11 Thread Christine Carleton
I've used essential oils to assist with a number of vision challenges
including double & triple vision, black spots in front of the eyeballs, etc.
Cataracts appear to respond also.  Contact me off line if you want to know
more.  My ophthalmologist could not grind corrective lenses because as Post
Polio individual, distortion in my eye muscles left the pitch - at 4:00 and
8:00 o'clock respectively. I was working at 18pt, with double and triple
vision.  Also had those pesky, nasty black spots in front of my eyeballs.
Now I work at 10-11 pt in single vision with no correction & no black spots.
I limit my dairy to cream in coffee and partake in cheeses.  CC

> From: "ransley" 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 11:37:42 -0400
> To: "The Silverlist" ,
> "sol" 
> Subject: CS>RE: cataracts

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Re: CS>Essential oils cautions

2005-03-18 Thread Christine Carleton
It costs to meet ISO-9002 standards.  Just business. Confirms chemical bench
marks for vet or medical use.  Oils often work in serious situations where
other things have not.  eg = dental infections from implants, or help with
withdrawal from anti-depressants, or the big C prostate & breast etc.  CC

> From: sol 
> Subject: Re: CS>Essential oils cautions
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 08:42:57 -0800
> What I go with is that the company that YLO says certifies their oils
> has stated that they do NOT certify oils. What they do is "certify"
> companies......for a fee.
> sol
> Christine Carleton wrote:
>> OPO - other people's opinions are formed by their experiences - both
>> disappointments and success.  Having 14-15 years with oils from all over the
>> world, my experience differs from your opinion.  Thank God we are not all
>> the same or we would have nothing to talk about.  CC

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Re: CS>Essential oils cautions

2005-03-18 Thread Christine Carleton
I agree - sometimes life giving -

From: Sally Khanna 
Resent-Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 08:45:50 -0800

Hi Sol,

I don't know about YL oils, but I've had experience with some and not all
are dangerous to apply directly to the skin.  In Ayurveda, applying certain
essential oils directly to marma points can bring about dramatic changes.


Re: CS>Essential oils cautions

2005-03-18 Thread Christine Carleton
OPO - other people's opinions are formed by their experiences - both
disappointments and success.  Having 14-15 years with oils from all over the
world, my experience differs from your opinion.  Thank God we are not all
the same or we would have nothing to talk about.  CC

> From: sol 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 08:42:16 -0700
> To:
> Subject: CS>Essential oils cautions
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 07:43:05 -0800
> Young Living makes a number of totally worthless claims for their oils,
> the most dangerous being that they are "therapeutic grade" and therefore
> somehow purer than other oils and therefore somehow the chemistry of the
> constituents of the oils doesn't matter and one can ingest or apply
> toxic oils straight and undiluted onto the skin. This is simply
> multi-marketing advertising, and also as I said, extremely dangerous.
> Both humans and animals (especially cats) have been harmed by their
> recommended uses of oils.
> It is never safe to ignore basic chemistry. I cannot state strongly
> enough that one needs to turn to a reputable source of information on
> the chemistry of essential oils, such as Aromatherapy, An A-Z by
> Patricia Davis. Fooling around with "recommendations" from a
> multi-marketing company with a poor record of safety is taking a huge
> leap of faith into serious risk and danger, no matter what their
> marketing claims are.
> sol

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Re: CS>Holistic Arts Dentist database

2005-03-18 Thread Christine Carleton
Check the Common Ground magazine and the dental schools.

From: "Yogiboy" 
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 09:07:10 -0500
Subject: RE: CS>Holistic Arts Dentist database
Resent-Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 06:07:33 -0800

Is there one for the Canadian side?




-Original Message-
From: Deborah Gerard []
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 1:23 AM
Subject: CS>Holistic Arts Dentist database

Re: CS>water debate

2005-03-18 Thread Christine Carleton
Beautiful.  Thank you.  CC

> From: Ode Coyote 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 08:00:12 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>water debate
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 05:44:46 -0800
> Everything in the universe is absolutely connected.
> "People" as personalities can only exist and be self aware as some degree of
> denial of that connection.
> Ego is the moderator and director of denial. It is a neccessary tool used to
> exist as 'not everyone, everything, everywhere, all at once, all the time'
> It 'claims' specific powers by denying absolute all inclusive power.
> There are as many quirks and configurations of denial patterns as there are
> people. 
> It's what makes each person unique and makes 'people' possible.
> Dowsing and any connectivity related activity requires a 'not doing'...a sort
> of not caring and non involvement.
> Since psychics and healers are usually VERY involved with themselves and those
> close to them, their abilities won't work there.
> You may be able to dowse a strangers well but not your own.
> Most psychics can tell you all about you and nothing about themselves.  Their
> lives and relationships are usually a real mess.
> Back when I used to do healing work, I always felt like meddler.  I quit. [for
> the most part]  You have a right to your drama.
> Psychics, dowsers and healers just have a sort of egoic 'leakyness' in their
> personality configurations. It's generally a very specific hole in the denial
> defense mechanism that keeps the entire perceptual universe from collapsing
> into perfection realized. [Perfection is not very exciting.  "Life" and where
> life happens, as we see it and think we know it, is an amazement park...a
> constructed adventure.]
> Ego says that anything that can be done requires effort...a 'doing'
> The reality is that everything is already done and no effort is required.
> Everything that is, was and ever will be, already exists as a perfect and
> complete other words, absolute order. [Each viewpoint completely
> envelopes the other]
> The function of the senses is to pick patterns out of that chaos and deny all
> that doesn't fit the pattern.
> The fact is that perception itself is something that is being "done" and
> requires enormous constant effort..seeing 'what is' by eliminating all else
> from perception that 'also is' by placing it somewhere other than an all
> inclusive 'here' and holding it there.
> There is no there...only places 'seen as' other than here by a sensory
> apperatus designed specifically to do that.
> The "mind" is nonlocal and exists everywhere. It is not in the brain.
> The brain is a mind regulator, like a valve or tuned radio.
> ..a radio is working well when it 'tunes out' signals.
> The ego is that which turns the dial to keep the radio tuned.
> A strong ego is like a PLL circuit [Phase Locked Loop] that automatically
> keeps todays FM radios from drifting off signal.
> A very strong ego makes the world look binary...and very very 'real'.
> You could look at brain waves as inductance effects or harmonic opposite phase
> cancellation signals.
> A telepath doesn't "transmit" anything anywhere. It's already everywhere.
> All boxes are self constructed 'constructs' used to define your personal
> reality and the current version of self that lives inside it.
> Get it? 
> PS  I know a few people that live concurrent lives on different planets.
> ["This" universe?  Who knows? Irrelevant] They can maintain distinctions
> between them...control the "cross talk"... and operate with sanity.They
> have never told ANYONE but me.
> The stories are facinating and detailed.
> They tend towards being hermits and live very simple lives, mostly way far out
> in the forest. 
> One such person was wanting some way to never come in and still support
> herself.  She should write.
> ...too private.  Perhaps writing it down would make it all seem a bit TOO
> real? 
> Ode 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>No more toothpaste

2005-03-17 Thread Christine Carleton
Thanks,  I was trained in the early '90's in English protocols with
essential oils, and switched to French in '87 after experiencing the
powerful effects of YL and travelling to Utah to see for myself the grow op,
distillers, etc. That is all I have used in professional practice since
then, also with their toothpaste, shampoos, soaps, etc..  In fact I've saved
lives with these, and broken 24/7 suicide watches using them.  What else can
I say?  They work! Christine

From: "Essentially Sasha" 
Subject: Re: CS>No more toothpaste
Resent-Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 20:48:35 -0800

Go to  These are essential oils, totally organic, 100%
natural.  They will also assist on advising combinations.

---Original Message---
From: Christine Carleton <>
Date: 03/17/05 07:34:09
Subject: Re: CS>No more toothpaste

Opinion:  If someone knows the chemistry of oils, that might apply.  Without
understanding the interactions one might find they have created something
quite different than the 'product'.  Adding one oil to another in a
different sequence can produce a different result.  This might be a case
where a little bit of information is dangerous. Also, how do you determine
if they are organic or to what standard are they independently certified -
cos these days most words are misapplied - like organic re chicken allows
the birds to be fed pharma products  Christine

From: Raine 
Subject: Re: CS>No more toothpaste
Resent-Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 01:09:27 -0800

Seems this could be made at home quite cheaply. Don't get me wrong, I do use
some Garden of Life products. Just this one seems it could be a "do it
yourself" type.


At 09:15 AM 3/16/2005, you wrote:
For those who asked about Clenzology Tooth & Gum Solution, here are the
ingredients & website.  I have found it at Vitamin Shoppe and buy when 30%


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Mike Devour 

Re: CS>waterdebate

2005-03-17 Thread Christine Carleton
Spot on.  Had a client who had both legs amputated at the knees.  His back
had been bothering him for a long time.  The balance points was on meridians
near where the 'ankles' would have been.  His reaction was just like a
massage therapist getting that sore spot.  ahh... oh... the pain in my back
is letting off.  Go figure.  If if works, it works... just we cannot explain
who cares, just so the pain is not there...  So many stories - a young boy
who had been shown a tadpole regrowing it tail did not know he 'could not
regrow his leg when he lost it... CC

From: "Essentially Sasha" 
Subject: Re: CS>waterdebate

This I'm starting to believe has more truth than not Sally.  Especially, the
more I am learning about Energy Medicine in which it is noted pain and
sensitivities in the arms and legs of amputees.  It seems the energy
meridians are still there even though the physical part is not.

From: Sally Khanna 
Subject: Re: CS>waterdebate

I agree 100%, Marshall.  We limit ourselves by our belief.

For instance, has anyone heard that in some societies people can regenerate
extremeties simply because no one told them they can't?


Re: CS>water debate

2005-03-17 Thread Christine Carleton
Dowsing is simply neuro muscular feedback - aka muscle testing or applied
Kinesiology - it's simply is a visible tool.  Anyone can do it with
objectivity and practice  for far more than finding water.
Like Ode says, it's the dowser/tester.

> From: Ode Coyote 
> Subject: Re: CS>water debate

> It's not the rod but the dowser.
> Any rod is suitable, a pendulum, a couple of pieces of old coathanger...
> Reliable and accurate..also, the dowser.
> Ode 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>No more toothpaste

2005-03-17 Thread Christine Carleton
Opinion:  If someone knows the chemistry of oils, that might apply.  Without
understanding the interactions one might find they have created something
quite different than the 'product'.  Adding one oil to another in a
different sequence can produce a different result.  This might be a case
where a little bit of information is dangerous. Also, how do you determine
if they are organic or to what standard are they independently certified -
cos these days most words are misapplied - like organic re chicken allows
the birds to be fed pharma products  Christine

From: Raine 
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 01:19:01 -0800
Subject: Re: CS>No more toothpaste
Resent-Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 01:09:27 -0800

Seems this could be made at home quite cheaply. Don't get me wrong, I do use
some Garden of Life products. Just this one seems it could be a "do it
yourself" type.


At 09:15 AM 3/16/2005, you wrote:
For those who asked about Clenzology Tooth & Gum Solution, here are the
ingredients & website.  I have found it at Vitamin Shoppe and buy when 30%


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Mike Devour 

Re: CS>No more toothpaste

2005-03-16 Thread Christine Carleton
I've been happy for about 4-5 years with a all natural toothpaste called
Dentarome which contains:
Baking Soda as a mild abrasive, Water for consistency, Vegetable glycerine
for moistener, Xanthum gum as a natural thickener, Ionic minerals for
natural flavour, stevioside for natural flavour, thymol and eugenol for
anti-microbial benefits, essential oil or thieves*, wintergreen and
peppermint (organic) for ant-imicrobial benefits.  *thieves contains
cinnamon, clove, lemon and eucalyptus radiata essential oils. It works.
Even with loose teeth, tartar, whitening, breath, and in a pinch makes a
great deodorant - especially for cleansing out clogged lymph glands.
Works for me.

> From: Sharon Cooper 
> Subject: Re: CS>No more toothpaste

> Thank you very much Cindy.
> I do know how to use google, but I really appreciate it when someone
> here mentions a product and then gives information about it. I know
> everyone is busy, just like me. I have wound up spending a lot of time
> sorting through thousands of hits before, and was still not sure I had
> the same product that was mentioned. I really, really like it when
> people can support both product recommendations and facts with URL's.
> Thanks to all of you who do so and don't complain when asked for
> information. You will never know how many people you  have helped,
> because often people don't chime in about it. Rest assured though, that
> your Karma is increasingly good! It will all come back to you some day!
> Thanks again.
> Sharon
> On Mar 16, 2005, at 9:15 AM, CH wrote:

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Re: CS>[List Owner] Dan Nave

2005-03-12 Thread Christine Carleton

> From: "Jim Holmes" 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 08:53:09 -0700
> To: 
> Subject: RE: CS>[List Owner] Dan Nave
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 07:54:05 -0800
> Self defense?  Syringe, Knife, Gunif deadly, what is the difference?
> The Syringe is more insidious, because it is presented as a healing.
> But, how many M.D.s know that they are the tool of a hidden population
> reduction program?
> -Original Message-
> From: Jonathan B. Britten []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 7:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Dan Nave
> Generally I steer clear of this kind of controversy,  but I have one
> comment that I think may be helpful to anyone posting information about
> health issues:  be sure that any "attacks" do not invite or advocate
> violence.
> I mention this because I did read the interesting attack on Pasteur
> posted on the the Matrixcide web site.The author of this sometimes
> highly intemperate essay at times clearly advocates physical violence
> against MD's involved in vaccination programs.The author
> unambiguously advocates shooting them.   This is not a mere rhetorical
> device or hyperbolic outburst;  the author evidently is quite sincere
> in advocating the deaths of those who would impose vaccination.   He
> makes this statement several times in the essay.
> I note that the author of the essay is NOT the person running the web
> site.   Nevertheless, it seems to me that a person who posts such
> advocacy without taking the trouble to distance himself from such
> comments runs the risk of being seen as a potential source of violence
> himself. Further, I know that experts in bioterrorism are extremely
> worried about public hysteria in the event of an epidemic/pandemic, and
> worry about necessary measures for quarantining those whose refusal to
> follow epidemiological guidelines might imperil others.This whole
> issue is a can of ugly, writhing, toxic snakes, and even the best
> people in the field can come to differing conclusions about the proper
> course of action in an emergency.  The point here is simple, though:
> if I were among these folks, essays advocating the murder of doctors
> would make me very worried indeed.   I would want law enforcement
> people to keep an eye on those advocating such actions.
> In summary, I think that the misdeeds of doctors, politicians, and
> anyone doing wrong need to be exposed.   However, those who advocate
> violence are very likely to do great harm to their own cause, and to
> bring unwanted attention to themselves and others associated with them.
> I think Mr. Devour should be aware of this aspect of the web site that
> has brought about the controversy.
> On Tuesday, Mar 8, 2005, at 12:49 Asia/Tokyo, M. G. Devour wrote:
>> Dan's charges that John Rigby's use of the list represents...
>> "... an anti-establishment political philosophy..."
>> "... an attack on Doctors, Politicians, and the System..."
> --
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> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cancer therapies...

2005-02-06 Thread Christine Carleton

When working intensively with EC-AFNOR (French medical standard) essential
oils, generally one is clear of the 'mass' that causes problems within a
month.  The principals are cleansing and frequency.  It works. There are
tried and true recipes that one can do at home or head off to a clinic for
MD & ND etc professional guidance - kinda depends on budget considerations.
Same time line of 30-40 days for prostate and breast mass challenges.

These are not touted as cancer cures which puts one in the laser beam of the
regulatory bodies.  The foundation is rapid cleansing, and somehow the goo
seems to go away.  Supplemental therapies such as chiro, naturo, massage,
classic Chinese acupuncture and BodyTalk with it's silent no talk approach
to releasing emotional ties are beneficial also.

If you want to know more please contact me off line.

Christine Carleton, CBP

> From: "M. G. Devour" 
> Greetings,
> I've been working very hard the last week exploring alternative cancer
> therapies in greater depth. A good friend is diagnosed with colon
> cancer, with possible liver involvement. He'll get word back on the
> liver pathology tomorrow, so we'll know more soon.
> From what I see, he's a good candidate for the alternatives. He's still
> quite strong and healthy, his wife is open to these ideas and has
> health-care experience, and they have friends and family enough to
> provide support if they need it.
> I've found good, solid information on the Gerson therapy. Anybody have
> any stories to tell about it, good or bad?
> I haven't found anything good enough on the Budwig diet and therapy
> that I'd be willing to give to somebody else. Any pointers? Web sites,
> books? Brooks has recommended Budwig in the past. I'll have to refer
> back to some of his posts to see what resources were suggested.
> Anything else?
> If they decide to add or substitute some alternative therapies, I'll be
> continuing this research for a while. Any other comments are welcome --
> direct experiences, particularly. I'd like to provide some first hand
> testimonials from folks I know, apart from the ones in books and
> elsewhere.
> Peace, all.
> Mike D.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Help with...

2005-01-28 Thread Christine Carleton


The key?  The lab is inside!  Listen to the innate intelligence, in the
priority and sequence it wishes to re-establish health, and you'll discover
your on the right path.  In my experience, it's faster than anything else.
The body knows what to do.

When one utilises a dynamic systems theory which accesses the benefits of
individual modalities like allopathic medicine and it's specialities,
anatomy, physiology, naturopathic, chiropractic, environmental influences,
Vivaxis (GK - life axis), Chinese medicine, meridians, energies, psychology
and body chemistry, etc... there are many options the body can choose from
to link together the bits it needs to find solutions.  It's all within.
There are no counter indications or overdoses.  It blends seamlessly with
any other protocol.

Lungs are my weak link - lungs are about grief and other aspects
(pathologies) of consciousness. First the thought ...   Hydration can be
important, but if the organ or endocrine is unable to utilize the water, H2O
or CS, then that organ may require being 'tapped - out' so that the
organ(s)/endocrine(s)/body parts can reconnect and effectively utilize it.
Also the Chinese element of metal.  The large intestine which is the Yang
organ which assists balancing the Yin Lung.  Sometimes when one assists
cleaning the solid internal organ (LI) the hollow internal organ (LU) is
relieved of additional pressures.  I would find a good practitioner who
accesses a dynamic systems approach to wellness.

Wishing you well,

From: "James Allison" 
Organization: Sunstone Herbals
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 07:09:51 -0700
Subject: CS>Help with...
Resent-Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 06:09:18 -0800

Hi everybody.  Sorry I haven't said much lately, but I've been having
problems that CS doesn't seem to help.  I just got out of the hospital 2
weeks ago (did 6 days in there) due to a spontaneous pneumothorax (which is
medical terms for a lung collapsing without any reason in particular.  For
those that are learned in the field, actual reason is blebs).  I did have a
chest tube in me for the time I was there, but I didn't opt for having the
surgery where they go in and actually fix the problem (they basically cut,
staple and glue your lung to the lung wall).  To make a long story short,
for the past couple of days I've had the same symptoms that I had before,
and before going into a very scary situation (the whole hospital rigmarole)
once again,  I thought I would see if anybody here had any suggestions.
I've done some lookups on the net, and almost everywhere says that surgery
is the only real option.  Does anybody know of any less evasive options for
this?  I'm gonna stick by the computer for a few more hours and hope for
suggestions, then call and schedule an x-ray, which I think I already know
the outcome of.  If you don't here from me for a couple of weeks, you'll
know the outcome as well ;)


Re: CS>

2005-01-25 Thread Christine Carleton
BodyTalk is a dynamic systems theory that encompasses all the advantages of
allopathic, naturopathic, chiropractic, traditional Chinese medicine,
anatomy, physiology and many other modalities into one expansive integrated
system.  What impressed me?  BT turned on abdominal breathing that had been
locked off for 40+ years due to polio.  Then I started to think again, and
healing repairs started.  Further info:


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association (up before Jan 31st)

From: kent 
What is body talk?

- Original Message -
From: Christine Carleton <>
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: CS>


When I go ice cold from paralytic polio it is classically called 'brown
out'. All along my spine and deep within to the core of me is ice cold like
touching ice in the freezer.  It physical reality terms it means I am
loosing brain and central nervous system cells that allopathic medicine
indicates can never be regained.  Also my meridians are closed down and some
brain connections are compromised.  I use BodyTalk to reactive them.  It's
very hard on the body and takes time to regain some of the lost information.
Energy levels remain low for weeks.  BT is the only relief I have found.
Food and water help marginally, as does a hot bath each hour, but when the
core is shutting down, it's time for bigger guns - contacting the innate
wisdom within and seeing if it is prepared to restart the system.

Warmly with eHugs,


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association

From: Denise Rollheiser 
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:56:17 -0600
Subject: Re: CS>
Resent-Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 04:54:22 -0800

Thanks, Kent.  I've decided NOT to start the gabapentinmy neurologist
could not guarantee that it would help and, well, I've been living with the
'cold at the core feet' for 8 months now - I'm gonna continue trying to deal
with it by 'mind over matter'!  The sensations in my feet are primarily that
of ICE COLDso cold in fact, that at times it feels that if I bump them,
they will shatter - much like the Robert Patrick character in Terminator 2
when he gets covered in nitrogen gas!

I've been working sooo long to get off of all prescribed medications (other
than the supplements I now have to take as a result of my weight loss
surgery) AND combined with the fact that I am not amuzed with the side
effects that I read (about the gabapentin)I guess I've decided to take
charge of my own medical treatment!

That and I am in the process of finding a classic-trained homeopathic

Heck, with CS, the support of everyone here and some 'tweaking' that I'll do
on my own - to paraphrase a movie (who's title I forget)"Doctors!  I don
need no stinkin' doctors!"

Temps have been totally strange latelylast Monday it was -30C and 24
hours later (Tues morning) it was -2C and freezing rain.  This morning it is
-6C with a forecast high of +2 and more freezing rain slated for this week!

Mother Earth definately has her undies in a knot!

- Original Message -
From: kent <>
Hi Denise,
I have been on gabapentin, since I suffered a spinal cord injury six years
ago.  If your feet feel like they are "burning" similar to the body warming
up from frostbite, then the gabapentin may help.  It is primarily used for
neuropathic pain.  I know for myself CS has no effect on my particular
"neuropathic" situation.  I'm not sure how bad (liver and kidney) gabapentin
is, perhaps Dr. Kenney or Mr. Harris can be of some assistance here. On a
different note, Good luck with the cold weather I called my sister in Regina
and she said it was -25 (I'm originally from there).

Re: CS> (OT paralytic polio and magpulsers)

2005-01-25 Thread Christine Carleton
Thanks for a great article.  With a stroke an individual can reactive the
cells that have lost the information to support performance.  With polio,
96-97% of the central nervous system was destroyed.  It appears that
overwork on the remaining 3-4% of cells that know how to duplicate is
significantly compromised.  Thus they rebuild shoddy cell factories, which
over time are less and less capable of reproducing the shoddy cell
factories.  PPS (post polio syndrome) is breakdown of the compromised cell
factories. It's called a 'brown out'.  It's a bit ugly if one is aware of
loosing brain functioning when they 'blow the cell factories'.  It happens
when one overextends with exercise and/or work.  Fried out forever.
Unfortunately magnetics cannot restart that which has decades of
deteriorated information at a cellular level.  The rule within the polio
circles is 'Use it, and lose it'.  So one is encouraged to conserve energy -
'Brown outs' come from over-extending.  Good things, like CS water, and
other common sense nutrition factors are helpful.

> From: "" 

> You may want to consider a magpulser or if you live near a Papimi clinic get
> some treatments. There is a lot of research going on right now into the
> benefits of magnetic energy. This article from the NY Times was in the
> magpulser forum a few days ago. Very encouraging.

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>

2005-01-24 Thread Christine Carleton
Vancouver, Washington or Vancouver BC?  CC

From: kent 
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 12:01:15 -0800
Subject: Re: CS>
Resent-Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 11:59:39 -0800

Hi Denise,
I totally understand your desire to get off all "modern medicine"
prescriptions and such.  I'm not a big fan of pills actually I hate them. It
is kinda funny, I never thought I would have to take pills, but after being
injured in a car accident it seems to be the only thing that can help
certain things that are affecting my CNS (central nervous system).  As far
as the weather goes, it seems pretty strange everywhere.  I'm currently
living in Vancouver and the weather for the most part is great, actually it
is great.  Wish I could say the same for the government here.  Have yourself
a good day.

- Original Message -
From: Denise Rollheiser 
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 4:56 AM
Subject: Re: CS>

Thanks, Kent.  I've decided NOT to start the gabapentinmy neurologist
could not guarantee that it would help and, well, I've been living with the
'cold at the core feet' for 8 months now - I'm gonna continue trying to deal
with it by 'mind over matter'!  The sensations in my feet are primarily that
of ICE COLDso cold in fact, that at times it feels that if I bump them,
they will shatter - much like the Robert Patrick character in Terminator 2
when he gets covered in nitrogen gas!
I've been working sooo long to get off of all prescribed medications (other
than the supplements I now have to take as a result of my weight loss
surgery) AND combined with the fact that I am not amuzed with the side
effects that I read (about the gabapentin)I guess I've decided to take
charge of my own medical treatment!
That and I am in the process of finding a classic-trained homeopathic
Heck, with CS, the support of everyone here and some 'tweaking' that I'll do
on my own - to paraphrase a movie (who's title I forget)"Doctors!  I don
need no stinkin' doctors!"
Temps have been totally strange latelylast Monday it was -30C and 24
hours later (Tues morning) it was -2C and freezing rain.  This morning it is
-6C with a forecast high of +2 and more freezing rain slated for this week!
Mother Earth definately has her undies in a knot!
- Original Message -
From: kent 
Hi Denise,
I have been on gabapentin, since I suffered a spinal cord injury six years
ago.  If your feet feel like they are "burning" similar to the body warming
up from frostbite, then the gabapentin may help.  It is primarily used for
neuropathic pain.  I know for myself CS has no effect on my particular
"neuropathic" situation.  I'm not sure how bad (liver and kidney) gabapentin
is, perhaps Dr. Kenney or Mr. Harris can be of some assistance here. On a
different note, Good luck with the cold weather I called my sister in Regina
and she said it was -25 (I'm originally from there).

Re: CS>

2005-01-24 Thread Christine Carleton

When I go ice cold from paralytic polio it is classically called 'brown
out'. All along my spine and deep within to the core of me is ice cold like
touching ice in the freezer.  It physical reality terms it means I am
loosing brain and central nervous system cells that allopathic medicine
indicates can never be regained.  Also my meridians are closed down and some
brain connections are compromised.  I use BodyTalk to reactive them.  It's
very hard on the body and takes time to regain some of the lost information.
Energy levels remain low for weeks.  BT is the only relief I have found.
Food and water help marginally, as does a hot bath each hour, but when the
core is shutting down, it's time for bigger guns - contacting the innate
wisdom within and seeing if it is prepared to restart the system.

Warmly with eHugs,


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association

From: Denise Rollheiser 
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:56:17 -0600
Subject: Re: CS>
Resent-Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 04:54:22 -0800

Thanks, Kent.  I've decided NOT to start the gabapentinmy neurologist
could not guarantee that it would help and, well, I've been living with the
'cold at the core feet' for 8 months now - I'm gonna continue trying to deal
with it by 'mind over matter'!  The sensations in my feet are primarily that
of ICE COLDso cold in fact, that at times it feels that if I bump them,
they will shatter - much like the Robert Patrick character in Terminator 2
when he gets covered in nitrogen gas!
I've been working sooo long to get off of all prescribed medications (other
than the supplements I now have to take as a result of my weight loss
surgery) AND combined with the fact that I am not amuzed with the side
effects that I read (about the gabapentin)I guess I've decided to take
charge of my own medical treatment!
That and I am in the process of finding a classic-trained homeopathic
Heck, with CS, the support of everyone here and some 'tweaking' that I'll do
on my own - to paraphrase a movie (who's title I forget)"Doctors!  I don
need no stinkin' doctors!"
Temps have been totally strange latelylast Monday it was -30C and 24
hours later (Tues morning) it was -2C and freezing rain.  This morning it is
-6C with a forecast high of +2 and more freezing rain slated for this week!
Mother Earth definately has her undies in a knot!
- Original Message -
From: kent <>
Hi Denise,
I have been on gabapentin, since I suffered a spinal cord injury six years
ago.  If your feet feel like they are "burning" similar to the body warming
up from frostbite, then the gabapentin may help.  It is primarily used for
neuropathic pain.  I know for myself CS has no effect on my particular
"neuropathic" situation.  I'm not sure how bad (liver and kidney) gabapentin
is, perhaps Dr. Kenney or Mr. Harris can be of some assistance here. On a
different note, Good luck with the cold weather I called my sister in Regina
and she said it was -25 (I'm originally from there).

Re: CS>Live Bacteria (Joni)

2005-01-09 Thread Christine Carleton
If I had your challenges I would read
Then I would use CS water on the recommended daily schedule.
Then I would find a BodyTalk practitioner who could determine which organs,
endocrine system, or body parts are not utilising the water properly, and
have them restart optimal functioning of water utilisation.  Sound strange?
Only if your mind is locked into conventional medical paradigms.  If someone
had not restarted my abdominal breathing that had been locked off for 44
years I suspect I would not be here today.  Consider outside the box.

Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association
Distance healing works!
> From: "Joni Lovegrove" 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2005 09:18:13 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Live Bacteria (Joni)
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2005 06:19:15 -0800
> This is an old email, but I have a question concerning mycoplasms for
> someone willing to answer.  I  have other chronic problems I have asked
> questions about previously but most recently have had an unexplained
> pulmonary  problem which presents itself as asthma, but none of the
> conventional treatments have worked.  My husband and I have been ill since
> before Thanksgiving, which started with what we thought was the flu, he has
> had ongoing lanrangel spasms (very frightening), unrelenting cough for both
> of us, we have had prednizone, antibiiotics, allergy medications, etc.,
> inhalers, etc., a friend just mentioned to me this weekend that she was
> recently hospitalized for mycoplasms and treated with high dose antibiotics.
> How could this be diagnosed and what is the chance of trying CS for this?
> With so many sudden breathing problems, we decided to purchased and ion
> clean air machine which after a week of being closed up in the bedroom and
> becoming much worse finally read the fine print and found out you are NOT
> suppose to use these machines with asthma or any kind of repiratory
> problems, the machine actually produces ozone and in a close area this can
> pose serious health problems, in a room with the door closed in a very short
> period of time, the ozone level is sometimes 5 times higher than permissable
> levels.  This is  on the box but in the back of the manual.  It does clean
> spores, bacteria, etc., with the ozone it produces.   Everything I have read
> since this, says ozone exposure can cause many of the symptoms we are having
> and can cause pulmonary damage. Does CS also work for repairing damage
> already done?  I do remember in earlier questions about asthma, someone
> mentioned several things to add to a breathing treatment when doing them at
> home, I think it included DSMO?  I thought I saved the email, but cannot
> locate it.
> Thanks,
> joni

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>water, water, everywhere

2005-01-07 Thread Christine Carleton
Ontario? ...  Check out:


> From: "Louise" 

> Well here in Ontario the government has decided that our wells should have
> chlorine added

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Tsunami

2005-01-05 Thread Christine Carleton

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Re: CS> orthotics

2005-01-04 Thread Christine Carleton
Supports are great, but for long term solutions, its an inside job
then one does not have to pay for outside support.

> From: Marshalee 
> Orthotics helped me immensely, too!
> Now I walk straight, with much less pain. If I could lose 100 pounds,
> I`d really be fine!
> Marshalee

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Re: CS>The origin of back pain

2005-01-04 Thread Christine Carleton
Judy and Nathan,

My experience:  L4&5 out 5/8", continuous central nerve pain
damage which looked like could not stand still, sit still, or rest.
Calcification and osteoporosis throughout lower spine.   Also a broken
clavicle from the assault (Jan 31.2001) that healed in standard time,
but exasperated the situation for 3 months.  Previous bulging C2-3-4
which surgeon said surgery within the week - I didn't listen to him.
Could not walk more than a block. Weight bearing - credit card and key
were heavy to carry.  'Miserable' --- too generous a word.  After 1 yr. 3
months, my other body systems were exhausted too.  Doc said it was
too much weight - I said 'Explain why until the minute of the assault,
my back had never hurt, at any time, for any reason?'  He said the injury
was permanent and I was poor a surgical risk.  Chiro said she had seen
one person recover partially in all her years with similar challenge.
Physio made it worse.  Not the same as yours but similar.

Fast forward Jan 4, 2005.  Range of motion in stride has gone from 12
inches to 3 feet.  Forward bend - can touch floor - with palms flat.
Pain level .5/10 only when I overdo it, otherwise miniscule pain .01 or
.02/10 - probably because I look inside at a cellular level and watch
it continue to heal.  Weight bearing - can lift 2 cube moving boxes.
Twisting - good by some measures - cannot do a decent yoga twist yet.
Overall twist - excellent by dr. standards and age, but then how many
can do a decent twist that have not had a back injury - few, very few!
Walking about 1 mile every other day at a faster than average speed.

What did I do?   Sessions with a talented BodyTalk practitioner. Now I'm
one.  Had my abdominal breathing restarted - it had been frozen off 40
yrs before with paralytic polio.  Breathing improved circulation. In 6 mo.
I certified in the BT process and pain level was about 30% (Sept 2002).

What do I know?  It took connections to the organs, endocrine, body
parts including the brain, meridians, Vivaxis, Wei Qi, circulation,
central nervous system, energies (including thought forms from others),
Chinese five elements, clocks, family genetics, etc.  Also restarted
deep sleep.  A bit too much to explain here.

Water is very important, however if the cells are not hydrating, it's
all but useless.  So tweaking the hydration be it in specific organs,
endocrine, whatever is critical.  And a bit of sea salt daily on the
tongue.  A lot of my systems were beyond functioning appropriately
with water, and had to be addressed.

THE BODY KNOWS HOW TO HEAL.  Are you prepared to do the work?
Go natural. The key is to LISTEN TO IT --- in the sequence it wants the
healing done, not what your mind/ego/ or person in power (dr. etc.)
tells you to do. Listen within or contact someone who knows how to
deal with these issues.  I used no meds.  At a molecular level the body's
DNA spins clockwise, phamaseuticals spin counter clockwise. In my
experience they add undue stress.  I avoided even baby aspirin.

Repeating strains, accidents, patterns?  From what I've seen, it's in
the mind too.  Pain is about consciousness.  We are multi-dimensional
beings with emotional grids, mental grids, and spiritual grids that are
impacted or carry distorted information.  These need to be addressed
also.  Einstein said there is no time or distance.  BodyTalk can be
done one to one, or via distance.  It's effective.  If you want to know
more, contact me.

Warmly with eHugs,


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association (under construction, up by mid Jan)

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

Re: CS>Foot problems, hurt your back

2005-01-04 Thread Christine Carleton
As someone else said Yoga is excellent.  Why?  In a disciplined form like
Iyengar Yoga one learns how to place their feet, and work their feet
muscles.  How to watch the colour of their skin, to observe the circulation
or lack there of.  It creates a strong foundation. Without good roots, the
tree will fall. Without strong feet, the bodies organs, endocrines,
meridians, and body parts are off orientation and directional alignment.
Good shoes, esp. Birkenstocks are fabulous supports, but your feet should be
strong without shoes.  Until the feet are strong use supports.

P.S. It's an inside job.

Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association

From: "Tel Tofflemire" 
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 13:31:44 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>Foot problems, hurt your back
Resent-Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 12:31:58 -0800
This is the right link, it just did not light up?
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

---Original Message---
From: Tel Tofflemire <>
Date: 01/04/05 13:18:04
Subject: Re: CS>Foot problems, hurt your back

I had the same problems with my feet, a Dr. told me to go see the
Birkinstock store in Mesa , AZ
It is a German made sandal and shoe for men and women.
I have never had a foot problem since and I wear 5 or 6 different pair.  I
seem to get another pair every yr.  for the last 5 or 6 years,  I still have
the first pair.  They are made well, and if you have a special problem, they
can make a fit that will work perfect for you.
birkenstockcentral.comtake a look.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

---Original Message---
From: Trem <>
Date: 01/04/05 12:30:13
Subject: CS>

Hi DB,

I suffered all my life trying to find shoes that I could wear comfortably.
I also bought every type arch support available.  About ten years ago I was
talking with a person that had the same problem and she said the cure for
her was orthotics.  I went to a podiatrist and he made a set for me and I
tell you it was a Godsend!!!  I cannot put shoes on without inserting them.
Without them I don't last more than a few minuteswith them I can walk
and stand for hours.

They cost me a couple of hundred dollars and they're worth every cent.  They

Best regards,

- Original Message -
From: ransley <>
To: The Silverlist <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 11:06 AM
Subject: CS>

Mborgert wrote: 
 > I do reflexology, I have noticed people of all ages with back and neck
pain. To me a majority of the pain is coming from the feet, arches that is,
If one follows both arches up the body you will see this could be the
problem. I have sent people to the docs and have sent them to the foot
stores but they were still having pain when I realized that the docs were
only making arch supports for the arch as it is NOW not as it WAS  Very
important.  What I tell people now is to get socks all kinds kids, thin
adult etc. and try different combinations until you feel relief.  What
happens is the arches go that makes the knees knock and thus it throws the
back out, twisted in a way which in turns throws the neck out.  Unless you
have had a accident, this is usually the cause.  Test yourself look in a
mirror and see if the above is true or look at your feet and observe have
they fallen??   <
You're really on to something there. Part of my back problems are in no
small way due to my feet problems. Long, narrow heels, but wide at the toes,
with an arch that appears normal when the foot is raised, but disappears on
the floor. Ankles that roll in, but will readily roll out with my foot
turning up under me. Congenital on my mother's side.
I can't wear cheap shoes with flat insoles, must have built in arch support.
Yet I've never found an arch support insert that I can wear for 3 minutes,
and I've bought a bunch of them.
I spend a fortune in shoes and socks. I never get to wear a shoe out like
other people. Insoles must be replaced often, but once a shoe has a bit of
outboard side wear on it and begins to roll, my knees and hips will start
killing me. Then it's off to the shoe store again, and the offending shoes,
which still look just fine, go to the thrift store. Oh well, at least I'm
always in good looking shoes!
It drives me nuts, but it really drives my wife nuts about the money. She
says I have Royal Feet. She has short wide sturdy peasant feet which will
only hurt after a shoe is about worn through.

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Re: CS>FW: CS>Hydrogen Peroxide

2004-10-02 Thread Christine Carleton

Don't know... I was under their magical media 'Glamours' for years too
During the 50's they started putting SV-40 monkey virus into human blood -
mixing animal DNA with human DNA is a violation of divine laws.  Subsequent
generations are paying the price.  SV-40 is being found in the brain tumors
of children and grandchildren of those originally vaccinated yet the
grandchild has yet to get that vaccination. Escalating? yup!  PS: Most
people have been inoculated with the polio vaccine.  Dumbing down?

> From: Christine Carleton 

>> From: sol 
>> You are probably right about the legal issue. When did the
>> responsibility change from helping a patient, to prescribing
>> pharmaceuticals? Is this relatively recent, or did I just spend the
>> majority of my life ignorant of the true purpose of MDs? It all seems to
>> be escalating so fast..
>> sol
>> Christine Carleton wrote:
>>> Sol,
>>> It's not personal.  It's legal.
>>> In court the first responsibility of an MD is to prescribe pharmaceuticals
>>> rather than suggest clean water or food to patients.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Hydrogen Peroxide>Hippocratic oath

2004-10-02 Thread Christine Carleton
If you studied and did shifts for 24-36 hours straight for years on end
would you call that brain washing or objective thinking?  Remember there are
massive legal implications if one violates their $100,000.+ investment in
their education, family and status. Some of the brightest minds - tunnelled
and blindsided - to lead the media 'conditioned' sheeple?  Ironic isn't it?
 Fortunately other individuals break away and make a new model - like which offer insights into added perspectives and
potentially some solutions of what ails you.  Some 'folk-lore' has not died
out for hundreds or thousands of years > and even complimentary therapies.
The test of time is important as many non allopathic models consider other
elements such as emotion, consciousness, spirituality, community.
In the days before stainless steel flatware many of us ate off sterling
silver - plated or solid - and unknowingly ingested minute amounts of silver
daily.  Curious how we know to use CS water for health...


> From: Dennis Gulenchin 
> Why do MD's bother taking the hippocratic oath? It is disregarded
> immediately- it should be changed to the pharmaceutical oath where they
> swear to prescribe as many drugs as possible as long as it doesn't kill
> the patient before his bank account is drained!
> Dennis
> sol wrote:
>> You are probably right about the legal issue. When did the
>> responsibility change from helping a patient, to prescribing
>> pharmaceuticals? Is this relatively recent, or did I just spend the
>> majority of my life ignorant of the true purpose of MDs? It all seems
>> to be escalating so fast..
>> sol
>> Christine Carleton wrote:
>>> Sol,
>>> It's not personal.  It's legal.
>>> In court the first responsibility of an MD is to prescribe
>>> pharmaceuticals rather than suggest clean water or food to patients.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:Keeping our alternative treatments

2004-10-02 Thread Christine Carleton
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." --- R.
Buckminster Fuller

Check out:

"The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of
the Western World.  No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so
entirely from its media all objectivity - much less dissent." --- Gore Vidal


From: Dennis Gulenchin 

Maybe a way of getting around the gestapo ways of the FDA is to have the
native people sell and promote alternative treatments for any (lack of
health) symptoms. They have been advertising their Lakota rheumatoid
arthritis formula in magazines and on TV for some time so maybe the FDA has
no jurisdiction over native Americans?
Lakota Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

There seem to be different laws or lack of laws for natives so if they got
into the sale of alternative treatments and supplements it would be
benificial to everyone and the FDA could not stop them.  This is just my
theory, not sure if it would work, but I think we have to look for ways to
stay ahead of Codex and FDA and our gestapo health Canada people!

Re: CS>Muscle testing....

2004-10-01 Thread Christine Carleton
Muscle testing ( aka Applied Kinesiology - AK ) is a body of knowledge that
generally is acknowledged as beginning with Dr. George Goodheart, DC in the
early 1960's utilizing the bio-feedback technique of manual muscle testing.

Dr. John Thie (DC) introduced AK via the book called 'Touch for Health' in
1973.  AK was the first simple, truly holistic system of health care
available to people with no previous knowledge of the body or how it works
for them (even children with allergies and ADD etc.).  Many practitioners
have employed it with different healing modalities and studies since then.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD lectures on cell biology, histology and embryology.
He researched on mechanisms controlling cell behaviour employed cloned
human muscle cells. Dr. Lipton resigned his tenured position to pursue
independent research integrating quantum physics with cell biology. His
breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, the "skin" of the cell, revealed
that the behaviour and health of the cell was controlled by the environment,
findings that were in direct contrast with prevailing dogma that life is
controlled by genes.

Dr. John Veltheim, ND, CD, DTCM founder of BodyTalk utilizes a form of AK
with application over established models of anatomy and physiology and
classical Chinese medicine etc.

Dr. Phil McGraw, PhD demonstrated in September 2004 on his Dr. Phil TV show
how an ADD child could use it effectively to control/balance his head's
biochemistry ups and downs.

Dr. Frank Lawlis, MD, author demonstrates electronic bio-feedback effective
controlling erratic brain impulses as shown in neuro diagnosed ADD/ADHD

Dr. David Hawkins, MD, PhD used it in his ground breaking book Power vs
Force, the Hidden Determinates of Human Behaviour.  The results correlates
well with Rupert Sheldrakes¹s Morphogenetic Fields" hypothesis.  It also
correlates with Karl Pribrams¹s holographic model of brain-mind function.

In a holographic universe the achievements of every individual contribute to
the advancement and well-being of the whole. The facts presented in Power
vs Force ascertains the conclusions reached by Nobelist Sir John Eccles that
the brain acts as a receiving set for energy patterns residing in the mind
itself, which exist as consciousness expressed in the form of thought.

Dr. Dan Dyer, MD, motivational speaker and author referred to it recently in
his fund raising efforts for PBS.  Intention counts. Integrity is essential.

It is the vanity of the ego that claims thoughts as Œmine.¹ Genius commonly
attributes the source of creative leaps of awareness to that basis of all
consciousness which as traditionally been called Divinity.  It is within all
of us.  Integrity is required in self sometimes beyond prevailing social
consciousness or influenced 'belief systems'.

There are many sites dealing with AK and detractors who have vested
interests that you not to be able to ascertain truth for yourself.

Initially the deltoid muscle (thus required two people) was utilized,
however, as with all modalities refinement occurs over time.  Now many
people use their fingers in a locking and releasing pattern (can self test)
to ascertain the same results.  As one practices and builds the AK muscle,
plus learns to trust their body instead of their mind/ego, accuracy
increases.  Truth, honesty, integrity are essential and may require media
'conditioned programs' to be re-evaluated.

Any good bookstore will carry information on AK.  It's relatively easy to
learn and develops trust in one's self instead of outside influences.

Benefits apply not only to health, health products, medications, etc, but
the validity of the latest news report.  One is not as easily led by special
interest groups that may be politically influential with the FDA or other
governing bodies.  Thus there are many detractors.  One learns what is
beneficial for themselves or family.  As Al Gore wisely said 'a grass roots
up-swelling is stronger than any political platform'.  This is not to be
construed as a political position but recognition of dynamics of authentic
power verses force.  When people wake up to the truth within themselves,
our society will mature and change for the better.  Brain chemistry changes
as one moves beyond 200 MHz producing a kinder, empathetic, cognition
to the environment, nature, fundamental laws of life and living.

With specific focus on CS, one can ascertain the frequency of use, and the
strength that is most beneficial day by day or week by week.  Remember to
stir in a clockwise fashion for optimal benefits.


> From: "tbass" 
> CS Gang,
> How does one learn "Muscle testing"..??
> Can it be done by one person or needs
> two people? Any comments? A direct
> e-mail is acceptable.
> Thanks,
> Tom Bassett

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Re: CS>help for asthma

2004-10-01 Thread Christine Carleton
Ensure she's aware MD's can loose their licence to practice if they do not
prescribe a pharmaceutical first.   Refer to a dictionary - anti means
against, biotic means life.  Counter-clockwise proteins and strands of DNA
do not exist on planet earth as natural substances. Simple counter-clockwise
proteins have been synthesised in a lab, but they are dead, having no place
in the life forms of this world.

What does she want?  Perhaps, gentle constant care by a doctor - it may be
nurturing when someone is holding onto emotional pain.  Some people feel
this is supportive and enjoy sharing their ailments as a topic of
conversation.  Others are too ornery, educated or independent to use a
'locked into meds' protocol. Whatever her choice, it's right for her.
Support her with her choices.  Broadening the scope of education can be
helpful.  Research the site to discover more than most MD's
will tell her in a quick visit.

For reasons known only to the supreme powers that ignite life within each of
us, the major molecules that make up living systems on earth are all chiral
in the same way. This is true for all of natures plants, animals and
micro-organisms. Amino acids are the basic molecular building material of
living matter. All amino acids are l-isomers (left-handed). Right-handed
amino acids can be made in a laboratory, but they are all dead and are not
found in living organisms.

DNA rotates in a clockwise direction.  Natural products do too.  They
harmoniously blend with the body and support it.  Intent counts.  Clockwise
circles direct the intent we are placing a spin on the molecules of our CS
waters that enables them to more easily engage within every cell of our
bodies as well as the strands of DNA that form our cellular intelligence.
Check the veracity of this with muscle testing.

There are numerous complementary practitioners who delve in natural methods
to cleanse and rebuild the body.

Other aspects to consider:

Dr. Batmanghelidj's (aka Dr. Batman) book 'Your Bodies' Many Cries for
Internal climate is dry.  This is different than drinking water.  Sometimes
one drinks water but is unable to utilise it.  See BodyTalk practitioner for
tweaking water utilisation (hydration) internally and connection to the
spheno-basilar junction which is mobile in healthy people.
Drink CS enhanced water
Emotions:  Grief with sadness, shame, disappointment, guilt, or other
psychological factors which may be locked in emotional, mental or spiritual
energy levels... 
Virtue:  Rectitude, righteousness, dignity, INTERGITY > perhaps think again
about community standards/conventions and do what is in HEART not
Expression:  tendency to weeping, outwards and/or inwards
Smell:  Can tend towards putrid/rotten
Nose:  Smell can be depleted
Fluids tend to mucus
Body hair may be thinning or diminishing
Organs influencing: Large Intestine - congestion > often benefits from
extended internal cleansing - check out Apothecary shops for natural herbs
Primary organ:  Lungs - avoid steam inhalation.  Apply essential oils
topically, over lungs, throat, drop on pillow or diffuse subject to
respective protocols French or English certified qualities.  Essential oils
should not be inhaled for asthma related problems.  They can be applied to
the feet or ingested (if they are GRAS certified - Generally Regarded As
Safe by the FDA for human consumption.)
Triggers - maybe respiratory infection, exercise, stress, allergies
Cleansing - change internal pH from acidic to alkaline, change diet.
Dental status - lungs related to American nomenclatures #4, 5, 12, 13, 20,
21, 30, 31, 
Chiropractic - relationship of spinal challenges related to LU an LI
Endocrine influence - thymus, pituitary; intermediate and posterior lobes
Stress, trauma, tension, emotions, memories, drama are locked in limbic
brain - routed via amygdala over the frequencies of smell.  Access with
specific essential oils.  The other four primary senses are routed via
thalamus to cerebral cortex.
Asthmatic attacks may be treated with specific AFNOR standard essential oils
by insertion in the rectum which will make contact via the meridians with
the lungs in 3-5 seconds and open the lungs for the individual can breath
before the ambulance arrives.  This is distinctly off topic, so if you want
to know more contact me off line.


> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:01 PM
> Subject: CS>help for asthma

>> to all...will someone please tell me of a successful approach with
> wife is seeing three drs and taking a ton of meds...nothing
> seems to help her clear her lungsthanks
>> chuck,

Re: CS>the realm of fantasy or superstition.

2004-09-29 Thread Christine Carleton
> From: David Bearrow 
>> than simply benefits.  This is beyond science as we know it.
> That would put it in the realm of fantasy or superstition.
> David 

Beyond science is quantum physics.

If one curtails themselves exclusively to the world of double blind
traditional science they would volunteering to live in a realm of illusion,
falsehoods, fantasy, superstition, greed etc., and distinctly denying and
circumventing the potential to find truth.

Any adept can muscle test each statement for truth.  The results can be
different from what one thinks(ego) is right.

Fortunately Kinesiology appears to be hitting the mainstream Sept '04.
Dr. Phil McGraw showing a young boy on 'mental numbing meds for
hyperactivity' how to 'muscle test for what his body wanted.
PBS had Dr. Wayne Dyer lecturing about the power of intent relative to the
frequency of emotional consciousness and potential.
Dr. Hawkins says everyone can determine the truth of the news in the comfort
of their living room instead of believing what media, (& science) says.
Dr. Frank Lawlis demonstrates electronic bio-feedback effective controlling
erratic brain impulses as shown in neuro diagnosed ADD/ADHD kids.

We and our children have the potential to live in world of truth (not
innuendo or accucations) if they learn to muscle test. It's a muscle.  It
takes exercise.  

Some science benchmarks may dissolve as they have in the face of quantum
physics.  Oh well...  That's progress!  Leading edge people like Dr. Candace
Pert have taken massive hits over moving science into the quantum realms,
however, truth just won't go away.  See book 'Molecules in Motion'.

Use Kinesiology with the amounts and frequency of CS consumption. We are
unique with our own biorhythms, and there is no uniform prescription. Listen
within.  Test the direction you stir your CS water relative to one's body's
ability to uptake.  There is a difference.  Your body knows.

Thoughts/emotions influence results. Thoughts have frequency. Thoughts
are measurable and controllable.  How to get to 200 MHz level thoughts?
Hawkins benchmarks work suggests drop attitudes/behaviours such as
Indifference, Demanding, Pride, Scorn, Inflation = 175 MHz
Vengeful, Antagonistic, Anger, Hate, Aggression = 150 MHz
Denying, Disappointing, Desire, Craving, Enslavement = 150 MHz etc...

Integrity is not hallmark of the prevailing governing bodies - e.g., FDA,
published abstracts, etc. The system is cracking. Integrity is required.

Gregg Braden did a talk at a Washington state high school for about 3
hours. The principal advised allowing about 15 minutes for the first five
rows of 'disruptive and disabled' children to be 'removed' before getting
into the meat of the talk.  Braden elected to talk at a rapid fire rate,
with overheads of patterns from sacred sites, crop circles, DNA spirals, and
images from leading edge physics.  After the three hour lecture all the
typically 'disruptive' children were in the auditorium.  They listened
quietly and attentively. hmmm... No one removed from the lecture...

Whose got challenges?  Curiously some teachers complained that Braden
spoke too fast, and the information was beyond... Humm?? The kids remained
attentive in the face of truth.  Why can some teachers not see the impact
and results?  

Sparks other questions.  Is science/medicine correctly diagnosing,
medicating and serving these children? Do they act out because they are
curtailed to the limits of conventional science? Would the work of Dr. Frank
Lawlis and others who question the current status quo be helpful to them?

Could some of science operating in a realm of illusion, falsehoods, fantasy,
superstition etc., and distinctly denying and circumventing the potential to
find truth for purposes beyond integrity?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Sinus wash and nose drops for cold?

2004-09-29 Thread Christine Carleton

'Constant auto-inoculation of the nose and eyes by the fingertip area, leads
to an overloaded immune system and most of the infections of the upper
respiratory tract.'  The article is about prostate, but the contamination
aspect is well explained.

Look at the water supply to the house.  Chlorinated water effects the
thyroid - destructive to it. Consider putting a filter on your in house
water supply to the shower and tub to support it in an optiminal manner.
Your skin is the largest elimination and receiving organ of pollution.  Stop
the intake of chlorine as much as possible.


> From: sol 
> I wonder if individual susceptibility as DB mentioned to certain strains
> of bacteria or viruses, as well as other existing conditions don't play
> a big role...I have Epstein-Barr from the mono (as does most
> of the population, apparently it affects some more than others) and lots
> of allergies, including a severe allergy to iodine, and probably life
> long intestinal candida, arthritis, yada, yada. And never without EIS,
> did I ever have ANY resistance to any bug that came by. I do have some
> symptoms of iodine deficiency, but can't do anything about it, because
> of the severe allergy, which has gotten worse and worse over the past 20
> years. So I guess 2 years without a cold or flu is pretty good? It sure
> felt like the miracle of my life! It is just so depressing to have a
> cold. Hope springs infernal as my husband says, and it seemed like I'd
> never catch another one..
> sol

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cs/legal issue and hippocratic oath

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
 and all seduction and especially from the
> pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves. All that
> may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily
> commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret
> and will never reveal. If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life
> and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve
> from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot."
> or is that just a fairy tale now.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "sol" 
>> CS>Hydrogen Peroxide
>> You are probably right about the legal issue. When did the responsibility
>> change from helping a patient, to prescribing pharmaceuticals? Is this
>> relatively recent, or did I just spend the majority of my life ignorant of
>> the true purpose of MDs? It all seems to be escalating so
>> fast..
>> sol
>> Christine Carleton wrote:
>>> Sol,
>>> It's not personal.  It's legal.
>>> In court the first responsibility of an MD is to prescribe pharmaceuticals
>>> rather than suggest clean water or food to patients.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>FW: CS>Hydrogen Peroxide

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
Further irony:   
Professional responsibilities and personal choices may be different. It's
LEGAL LIABILITY regarding licensing in professions and institutions. I would
guess-a-mate that about 60-65% of my EO clients are from occupations like
family services, hospital professionals of one sort or another or work
within medical clinics.  They're worried about bugs and getting sick.

Some have been downsized, had anxiety attacks, are on leave, or have
had to retire before having time to research other perspectives beyond their
training. It's tough. It's hard on the soul.  It's hard on one's health 'n
happiness.  It's really hard on nurses and counsellors who don't have as
flush a cash flow. INTERGITY HELPS HEALING.  Vitamins, minerals, CS, DMSO,
fresh air, clean water and sites like are helping wake more
people up.  Also transparent bias like Ed is experiencing with his web site.

> From: Christine Carleton 
> The irony: A portfolio will not produce health but buy the best MD to
> prescribe expensive pharmaceuticals.  Universal Humour at it's best?
> Truth produces health.
> Christine

From: sol 
...  However, the "wound wash" and the neosporin they always wanted to put
on her wounds invariably let them become terribly I don't
know what the medical deal is, maybe just drumming up business for abx
prescriptions? Whatever, I was completely underwhelmed by their alternatives
to peroxide. However they were very insistent that we not use it, to the
point where both the Dr. and the nurse became very angry. Had I known about
EIS those days, I'd have used it.

  So we just quit telling them what we were doing. God knows my mother
would probably have lost a leg, if I had let them treat her their way only.
...  I would clean the wound my way, and put on a vit e ointment (from a
clean new jar of ointment) and it would be better when the dressing was
changed, ...  

... Medical people see what they want to see, I guess. Sort of like the
rest of us, but then I know I saw what I sawand my mom reported less
pain in the wounds when I took care of them, too.

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Re: CS>FW: CS>Hydrogen Peroxide

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
Don't know... I was under their magical media 'Glamours' for years too. Gee,
I even got paralytic polio from these folks & continued to do what they said
for years.  Some of us are 'THICK' for a while until we start to grow.
Suspect it got going when the 'electrical' appliances like Nicola Tesla
discovered and Edward Casey suggested use of in the '30's while
Rockerfeller's gentleman politician prohibited use of with the Ivy League
Schools lest Rockerfeller and co. cut off funding and scholarships for
students and research.  If memory serves me over a hundred naturopathic
schools were closed then and the world of chemistry open opportunity?

> From: sol 
> You are probably right about the legal issue. When did the
> responsibility change from helping a patient, to prescribing
> pharmaceuticals? Is this relatively recent, or did I just spend the
> majority of my life ignorant of the true purpose of MDs? It all seems to
> be escalating so fast..
> sol
> Christine Carleton wrote:
>> Sol,
>> It's not personal.  It's legal.
>> In court the first responsibility of an MD is to prescribe pharmaceuticals
>> rather than suggest clean water or food to patients.
> --
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Re: CS>CS and Humidifiers?

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
A study was sponsored by the Institute of General Pathology and
Human Ecology, and the Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of
Sciences may provide some answers.
SOURCE:  Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry.
If you want to know the respective ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption
Capacity) scores contact me off line.

> -Original Message-
> From: fredsus1 []
> Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 3:37 PM
> To: silver
> Subject: CS>CS and Humidifiers?
> Can I put CS water in a humidifier? I have long tried to think of some
> kind of anti-bacterial/mold agent to put in the water that would be ok
> to be disbursed into the air. If so, what concentration and if not, what
> else can I use?
> Susie

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Re: CS>peirced ears

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
EVERYONE before us is a teacher - an infant, an animal, a child, an elder...

From: "Jim Holmes" 
All teachers are students of their students, and all students are teachers
of their teachers.
-Original Message-
From: elle roberts []
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 9:37 AM
Subject: RE: CS>peirced ears

Thanks so much Richard,

I am learning,  learning.

I think (after a posting I saw the other day on the list) that YOU are the
teachers and US (newbies) are the pupils.

Re: CS>cats and essential oils (and dogs, too)

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
E-mail is up, web is down... talk to you later tonight maybe.

> From: sol 
> My reply sent to the OT list.
> sol
> Christine Carleton wrote:
>> There are a number of schools of thought regarding essential oils.  

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CS>FW: CS>Hydrogen Peroxide

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton

It's not personal.  It's legal.

In court the first responsibility of an MD is to prescribe pharmaceuticals
rather than suggest clean water or food to patients.

Know their 'legal lay of the land'.  They are trapped.  Many know, but
think/feel they cannot forfeit a $100,000. education, risk loosing their
mortgage or family society status to finding a different occupation.

Dr. David Hawkins, MD, PhD says that choices of money and trappings no
longer create success but INTEGRITY to whatever field - making mouse traps -
whatever - is the new definition of success.

The irony: A portfolio will not produce health but buy the best MD to
prescribe expensive pharmaceuticals.  Universal Humour at it's best?

I agree with your conclusion.  ...stick with what works, no matter what
(allopathic and some science - my interjection) professionals say.

Truth produces health.



From: sol 

   I think the amount of H202 one would add to EIS is small enough not
to be a problem even if one believes H202 is a problem.  I myself still
believe straight 3% H202 is a perfectly good wound flush for immediate
first aid, and I would also have no hesitation to use it on an infected
wound where I wanted to debride the pus and infected cells off the
wound. It does kill new cells, but I personally never have continued to
use it on a non-infected healing wound, nor do I know anyone else who
has. I think perhaps they don't like peroxide because it is cheap and

   With my mother who got many infected wounds on her legs in her last
couple years, she had this argument with the public health nurse and the
doctor several times. However, the "wound wash" and the neosporin they
always wanted to put on her wounds invariably let them become terribly I don't know what the medical deal is, maybe just
drumming up business for abx prescriptions? Whatever, I was completely
underwhelmed by their alternatives to peroxide. However they were very
insistent that we not use it, to the point where both the Dr. and the
nurse became very angry. Had I known about EIS those days, I'd have used it.

  So we just quit telling them what we were doing. God knows my mother
would probably have lost a leg, if I had let them treat her their way
only. I remember once the nurse washing a leg wound, and putting on
neosporin, they next morning it was unbelievably worse and inflamed.

They insisted I was wrong about the reaction to the neosporin. I would
clean the wound my way, and put on a vit e ointment (from a clean new
jar of ointment) and it would be better when the dressing was changed,
but the nurse would still be horrified that I had taken off her dressing
and re-done it, saying I was making things worse.

FWIW, my mother is the one who wanted peroxide used, as she said it was what
she always used and she never used to get infections from cuts andscratches.

   Medical people see what they want to see, I guess. Sort of like the
rest of us, but then I know I saw what I sawand my mom reported less
pain in the wounds when I took care of them, too.

   I ended up feeling less respect for doctors and nurses than I had
ever had, and also believing one just has to try different things, and
stick with what works, no matter what the professionals say.

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Re: CS>Gatorade (homemade) and CS results

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
I believe it is critically important to really hear and understand the
implications what Ed has said about 'legalities', and the interpretation of
'claims'.  Truthful speech is curtailed and limited by political
powers/special interest groups.  Seeking complimentary methodologies in CS,
DMSO, Vitamin C, minerals and all other vitamins, etc, is in jeopardy when
folks don't address the lies of the prevailing governing bodies.

Curious how bandages made by larger corporations with pharma ties using CS
can advertise whereas Ed is restricted and not allowed to state that CS may
be applied topically.

It's like a scientist influencing teachers who tell students that animals do
not have emotions or  and that injecting, slicing, testing, and butchering
in a lab is not painful to animals.  A child who has a pet (and perhaps not
yet influenced by money) can see through that baloney.

See for a small insight into the
manipulative history of the FDA.

In Canada an MD was stripped of his licence because the Ontario College of
Physicians and Surgeons determined in court that his first responsibility
was to prescribe pharmaceuticals rather than suggest clean water or food to
patients. NO patients complained.  His professional college went after him
and we know who pays (follow the money) the professional colleges for
teaching physicians.

Also - The Alliance of Nations - An Open
Letter by Dr. Rath in the New York Times of June 30, 2004.

Sometimes I think all these falsehoods are in perfect timing with emerging
consciousness (over 200 MHz) and tools to drive us to quit looking outside
of ourselves, but to look inwards, where all wisdom resides.

Christine Carleton, C.B.P.

From: "Ed Kasper" 
... the FDA has already cited my site in regards to CS where I stated that
CS may be applied topically. The FDA insisted that when one offers CS as a
mineral supplement it MUST BE taken internally. So I was obliged to comply
and changed wordings and suggestions.

I used to tell people to use CS topically and to follow up with a laser
pointing pen (red LED) for disorders on the skin and a lot of people
reported really great success on tough cases. BTW, kombucha (well aged)
works very well on the skin as well and another good along with CS.

Presently I still have the links on my site to join this list, but the FDA
also stated that where I sell  products  (FDA specific stated CS and Ginseng
in my case) and even though I do not make any medicinal claims yet have
links to other sites that do, then the FDA considers that link as part of my
label...and therefore I was making the medical claim.
Ed Kasper L.Ac., Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

Re: CS>Any success using CS with CFS/mycoplasma?

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
If one limits their perception of disease to a virus or bacteria or
mycoplasma, (the Canadian and US governments spayed mycoplasmas on the
citizens of Winnipeg in the 1950's in secret research to see what would
happen) which is great
justification for health challenges. And ongoing misery and illness.
However, if one expands their horizon beyond 'them & us' - nasty govt.,
virus, bacteria, duality perspectives, and considers they are responsible
for all that happens to them to provide themselves with an opportunity to
experience and grow then one draws a different conclusion effecting the
resulting potential to heal.  Each of us brings to us what we need to learn.

Consider that words, feelings, emotions, spiritual limitations, mental
perspectives comprise who we are as people. Each of us has a different
experience growing up - like when we fell off a bike, or a horse, or the
types of foods, loving or abusing parents, teachers, religious influences,
etc., and the sequence of our 'knocks' is unique.

We have electrical circuitry in our RNA blueprint that makes us whole.
Sometimes the DNA has been damaged, and the cells are reproduced in their
dysfunctional pattern.  (Polio is a classic example of 96-97% CNS cellular
damage that results in PPS years out from the event.)  Other times the
circuitry has not been turned on but needs to be developed.  E.g.: an
athletic training develops, healing emerges.  We are comprised of electrical
fields that hold emotional, mental and spiritual information.  Unless these
are reinstated, it's pretty hard to heal. The body knows how.

Dr. J. Veltheim, while operating a teaching college for ND's, CD's, and
Classical Chinese Medicine with 4 and 5 years licensed certifications in
Brisbane Australia had a client base of over 300 people with Fibromyalgia.
With permission, he used them for 'testing' his emerging protocols for
BodyTalk as conventional methods had not provided success.  As he tracked
the electrical links that each individual required on different sessions no
one pattern emerged.  Each body required different links, with different
pacing between sessions, and different healing rates.  I believe that only 2
or 3 people did not get over their Fibromyalgia.  Links for diagnoses that
carry names like MS, Lupus, Chrones are unique and different... Curiously,
Autism and CP often come up with connections to toxins> vaccination> heavy
metals ... > liver> adrenals> etc    hummm

Fibromyalgia is not simply a virus.  Viruses can be 'tapped out' quickly. In
24-36 hrs the body can 'burn out' a virus with a wee healing fever.

Quality of food, water, CS, DMSO, nutritional supplements, EO's etc.,
SUPPORT healing on a daily basis.  Blaming anything is futile.  Healing
comes from within.  The body knows the sequence of organs, endocrine, and
body parts that need reinstatement of the electrical circuits.  And it can
produce a healing if people can get beyond the social conditioning that a
'virus' or another nasty yet unknown thing is responsible.

Follow the money.  A bacterial theory allows a drug to be developed and
patented.  And it employees thousands of people and produces good stock
returns. Wonderful large expensive testing machines are developed for
supporting this theory of bacterial load.  Does 'running around in circles'
mean anything?   Didn't the 'ancients' talk about knowing all.  People have
written books about curing cancer from laughing - thoughts, emotions...
Perhaps the mind interferes with the body?

When did anyone stop and listen to their body and do what it wanted?  Is it
(the body) pissed off with being ignored?  Until one pays attention - could
pain is relative to conscious restrictions?  Could the body want to show us
how we have made a few errors in judgement and it makes one hurt until we
stop doing what we believe is right?  Wake up.  It it hurts, something's
askew.  Love (500 MHz*) does not hurt.  We are all human and allowed to make
mistakes.  Sometimes we have to let go of our 'opinions'.  Perhaps one can
discover more than a virus theory if they listened within, rather than to
media advertising...  The virus theory is not getting people well - it's one
choice that provides other benefits.  Examine what gifts illness brings.

I've seen clients change dynamics at home & work - not the 'nasty spouse or
boss who does not understand', but themselves, how they respond to family,
work, entanglements.  As their body reconnects they discover the 'illusions'
they were entrapped in and make new decisions.  Concurrently, 'illness'
decreases as circuits are reconnected and rebuilt by the body in it's
seemingly 'illogical but effective' sequence. Who cares about protocols
being beyond conventional anatomy perspectives or employment of supposedly
unsubstantiated meridians, Chinese elements, vivaxis, etc?  Those arguments
are mental distractions/mental masturbation/mental circles/mental ego.

Consider expanding h

Re: CS>cats and essential oils (and dogs, too)

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
There are a number of schools of thought regarding essential oils.  GERMAN
protocols suggest inhalation is the preferred method.  The ENGLISH protocols
always use an oil or lotion to dilute essential oils.  Just as the FRENCH
have different belief systems and experience with sex, food, cars, and
fashion, they hold different views about the use of oils.  The CHINESE and
EAST INDIAN systems are different again because they include a wider
perspective of the influencing aspects of humans, animals etc.

The source noted subscribes to the English school. I've managed stores
selling ENGLISH protocols which is the best protocol with mainstream public
because of general ignorance, lack of education, limited chemistry knowledge
and especially LEGAL LIABILITES.

Professionally I utilise French protocols with certified internationally
recognised standards (AFNOR - Association French Normalization Organization
Regulation) or ISO certification. This standard is more stringent and
differentiates true therapeutic-grade essential oils from similar Grade A
essential oils with inferior chemistry. The AFNOR standard was written by a
team headed up by the government - certified botanical chemist, Herve
Casabianca, Ph.D., while working with several analytical laboratories
throughout France.  Thus direct neat application (subject to chemical
content), ingestion, retention enemas, inhalation, and diffusion and
changing lives and health.

ISO-9002 certified oils are an adjunct to CS. They are complimentary. It
often depends where one's consciousness resonates.  (Dr. D. Hawkins, MD,
PhD, book 'Power vs Force' - see e-mail to Garnet).  Using Dr. Hawkins
protocols of evaluation, I consider there is more FEAR aspects on English
protocols, less on the French, and a wider scope with Eastern approaches to
understanding impacts on meridians, body types and extended energy systems
not yet fully understood by science or allopathic protocols for more reasons
than simply benefits.  This is beyond science as we know it.

Personally, after 14 years of use, I use few oils now. I love them all and
call upon them only for specific situations when friends, family ail.

Re cats: Imagine this. Your cat collapses flat onto his side and immediately
seizes into a rigid hunched back Halloween shaped cat whose tail stiff with
rapidly dilating eyes.  The resident teenager screams and wails in panic
that her cat is dying and we must get to the vet.  She's right on the first
point.  But there's not time to get to the vet, even get to the car.
Knowing that 'all is perfect in every minute', I put a drop of blended EO's
to assist with digestive track on the rear paws, and offer inhalation of a
Trauma release blend that is designed to prevent going into a coma, and then
inhalation of a blend which has brings back loving and good memories.  Eyes
remain still for a minute that's as long as an hour...  Got the picture?
That was 6 years ago.  Cat's pushing 14 yrs old and doing fine other than
losing his resident 'stud' status to a 2 yr old Siamese who beat him up and
took over the territory.  Now he's out 2-4 hrs/day not 22 hrs/day.

Diffusion.  I used to diffuse frequently - 5 days out of 7 for 13+ years.
The cats have 24 hr open outdoor access as a choice but usually park
themselves and sleep in close proximity to me which is in the same room(s)
as the diffusers.  From the classic ENGLISH protocol perspective I guess one
would consider my cats live in abusive environment.  However, other than
their kitten vaccinations (required for cats from the SPCA) they are like
their owners who never catch a cold, get sick, require meds or go to vets.
Follow the money... there might be some clues there.

I could tell numerous other cat/oil stories.  Suffice to say I'm respectful
of cautions regarding phenols, (except when life threatening urgency - like
chemo is sometimes helpful to folks - then they need to cleanse).  Cats are
different and see into other levels of awareness.

Regardless of our human substantiated or unsubstantiated 'belief systems', I
trust the response and behaviour of animals to know what is beneficial for
them.  A compliant cat who patiently allows me to drop oils on ouchies,
ticks, or clear his aura is louder than what we have as evidence in science.
Just my experience. I utilize other healing modalities too - only ones that
produce tangible results - BodyTalk,  Animal Talk and Plant Talk all of
which are challenging for some people to get their head around.  Oh well...

Remember small birds will die from the fumes of cooking with a Teflon pan in
close proximity to their roost whereas wee birds of a couple of ounces are
fine with diffusion of AFNOR standard essential oils. What do the fumes of
the Teflon pan do to your children?  Yourself?  Allergies?  Could money
influence why these toxic items continue to be sold?  Quality counts. Scope
counts. Education counts.  First do no harm.  (and follow the money).


PS.  Cat also likes to smell every

Re: CS>Cats Sensitive to Essentail Oils

2004-09-27 Thread Christine Carleton
> From: Garnet 
> Although I am very open to hear any verifiable information
Sometimes when an animal is sick, one uses what is at hand.  Also a backdrop
of testimonies of others form a web of successful solutions. There will
always be nay-sayers to everything.  Look at the uphill awareness around CS.

> that EOs are not liver toxic for cats, just because some have survived
> does not mean they are safe for all cats, or even the one that survives.

Absolutely true!
> I heard about Tee Tree a long time ago, being too strong for cats, and
> that they tend to immediately lick it off. I have actually had one cat's
> neck wound get larger and slough skin, taking much longer to heal when I
> used Tee Tree in a lapse of brain function moment -- I was so happy to
> catch her long enough to medicate her, that I did not stop and think,
> just what was closest.

Tea Tree - which does not clearly identify the type of oil - IS NOT ALL
Essential Oils.  Personally I would never use any Tea Tree (Melaleuca
Alternifolia, Melaleuca Quinquenervia, or Melaleuca Ericifolia) on a cat.
...  When a title is misleading, how much trust should one put in the
content in the following article?
> Right now on cat wounds or allergic skin stuff I use 20% DMSO and CS or
> just 50% DMSO. I have one semi-wild cat that gets bare weepy spots each
> spring and fall on her feet, belly, and neck. One application of 50%
> DMSO clears them up enough that they heal over, two would be better.

Use what works!  This sounds great for that 'timid flighty cat'. Curious
about cats?  I found that as I came forward more, one cat became less
reserved, less timid.  Are they a mirror for aspects about ourselves? hmm..

> Sometimes it is hard for us to believe sensitivities that vary so widely
> from what we know in other species or ourselves.
> Having been very chemically sensitive myself at one time, including all
> EOs, I can appreciate that most cats may not do well with them -- yet
> some may or may seem to -- liver function and challenges vary even in
> the sensitive individual.

Logical thinking - could it be related to consciousness and frequency?  Dr.
David Hawkins, MD, PhD, orthomolecular medicine specialist indicates that
when a person has moved their consciousness beyond 200 MHz that their brain
chemistry changes thus their ability to understand concepts at yet another
level.  So, this is a perpetually moving scale for us and animals.  Some
cats are smarter, more inquisitive than others.  Folks too.  See following
chart - FEAR is an effective control tool to have people comply (-200 MHz).
> Dilute EOs may be tolerated on a short term or one time basis, but you
> have to ask yourself what are you compromising for the liver to handle
> even that much? We don't know.

When a cat is seriously injured seizing one uses what is at hand.  In my
case, I have a healthy cat 6 years later instead of a dead cat.  This does
not imply it is the right way for all people.  Like chemo for folks, it got
him over a rough situation. Could it shorten his life? I don't know.  What
does chemo do to longevity?  However, if I had not done oils, my 'hug bug'
cat would not have been here for the past 6 years.
> According to the Total Load Theory it is not the single exposure that
> does the damage, it is the total accumulation of all exposures and the
> toll they take, that then allows that one straw to "break the camel's
> back". Could be that cats are more sensitive these days due to genetics,
> lots of in bred cats out there, or city living.

Even old cultures often did cleanses (sometimes enforced by nature not
producing food so early in the season) for a few weeks or a month in the
spring each year - curiously at the same time the gall bladder and liver
optimise cleansing on a yearly cycle.  And they live lots longer than us!
> When there are safe-er alternatives why not use what we know is not
> harmful, isn't that the whole point of doing alt med in the first place?

Personally, I never consider I employ alternative medicine.  I utilize
COMPLIMENTARY protocols.  It's a mental perspective.  Mentally it's smoother
when one removes 'them/us', 'warring  - 'right/wrong' duality perspectives.
Complimentary appreciates the attributes of each protocol at the level they
address.  Some protocols speak to the physical, emotional, mental and or
spiritual levels as well as aspects identified in quantum physics.
> I love EOs now that I am well enough that I do not react to all of them,
> but I am still careful and some of them still bother me. I consider the
> impact of any strong substance as a possible contributor to total load
> and keep tabs on my level of toxicity, as far as I can perceive it, and
> do what I can pro-actively to keep that margin of safety in case there
> is an unavoidable large expsoure. I want my toxin level as low as
> possible. 

When I teach about oils I suggest people first select oils that they like -
that appear favourable to them

Re: CS>Strep virus--why do I still have it?

2004-09-24 Thread Christine Carleton
Correction:  A list of bacterial factors can be quickly checked for specific
agents too.  Often CD's have vials for allergy testing which cover other
nasties including agents often heard about with germ war fare.

> From: Christine Carleton 
> Without knowing what the CD referred to to ascertain the 'strep' one is
> drawing a conclusion without full information.  A professional with a full
> list of viruses can ascertain the specific one quickly.
> Christine  
>> From: David Bearrow 
>> First off, all forms of strep are bacteria not virus. If your chiropractor
>> told you it was a strep VIRUS then that person is showing ignorance so
>> great that I would not believe anything further that person had to say
>> medically.
>> Is it possible to get a false positive or misinterpret the results of a
>> muscle test?
>> David Bearrow
>>> On 22 Sep 2004 at 0:01, wrote:
>>>> Hello all--
>>>> A question:  My chiropractor tells me I am carrying a strep virus,
>>>> discovering this during a session of muscle testing. [initial test to
>>>> see if my adrenal glands were working right.]  I have been regularly
>>>> drinking 4 oz. of CS at 8 ppm.  I have upped this to 6 oz.  It's been
>>>> several weeks and I am still testing positive, according to the muscle
>>>> test.  Any thoughts about this?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Theresa
>> --
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>> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>peirced ears

2004-09-24 Thread Christine Carleton
Organic lavender is kind and gentle to the skin.
Oregano and Thyme are high in phenols. Use in capsules if GRAS quality
identified on products.  They can be very helpful.  Oregano and Thyme are
also 150,000 on the ORAC ratings.  Tea Tree has many origins.  Quality and
botanical family counts.

> From: Garnet 
> I love Tee Tree too but some are sensitive to it, or do not like the
> smell, like my daughter.  Oregano and Thyme Oil are good too. Diluting
> them may be the key for sensitive skin.
> Garnet
> On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 13:59, ransley wrote:
>> Although we consume mass quantities of CS around here, the first
>> thing I go for on any skin ailment is Tea Tree Oil. DB
>> -Original Message-
>> From: elle roberts []
>> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 1:29 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: CS>peirced ears
>> My daughter has peirced ears,  when they get inflammed she is afraid
>> to use CS to help the inflamation ... this is because we have learned
>> not to use a metal spoon etc.  to ingest CS.  She thinks the CS will
>> react some way with the sterling silver earings.  Can anybody tell me
>> if this is correct?  Otherwise,  I would like her to use it.  It seems
>> an ongoing problem.
>> Thanks again list ... awesome to get this help.
>> elle.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Strep virus--why do I still have it?

2004-09-24 Thread Christine Carleton
Without knowing what the CD referred to to ascertain the 'strep' one is
drawing a conclusion without full information.  A professional with a full
list of viruses can ascertain the specific one quickly.

> From: David Bearrow 
> First off, all forms of strep are bacteria not virus. If your chiropractor
> told you it was a strep VIRUS then that person is showing ignorance so
> great that I would not believe anything further that person had to say
> medically.
> Is it possible to get a false positive or misinterpret the results of a
> muscle test?
> David Bearrow
>> On 22 Sep 2004 at 0:01, wrote:
>>> Hello all--
>>> A question:  My chiropractor tells me I am carrying a strep virus,
>>> discovering this during a session of muscle testing. [initial test to
>>> see if my adrenal glands were working right.]  I have been regularly
>>> drinking 4 oz. of CS at 8 ppm.  I have upped this to 6 oz.  It's been
>>> several weeks and I am still testing positive, according to the muscle
>>> test.  Any thoughts about this?
>>> Thanks
>>> Theresa
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Strep virus--why do I still have it?

2004-09-24 Thread Christine Carleton
If the practitioner who is doing the muscle testing has a list of all the
viruses, its pretty easy and quick to identify the strain that is the
culprit.  Viruses tapped out will be addressed by the body generally within
24 hours.  Some of the nasties take 36 hrs and produce a 'healing fever'
while recouperating.  Then one gets to the point of not searching the lists,
and just taps the sucker out.  After all, we just want to feel better.


At 09:55 AM 9/22/2004, you wrote:
>  A question:  My chiropractor tells me I am carrying a strep virus,
>discovering this during a session of muscle testing. [initial test to see if
>my adrenal glands were working right.]

I have seen muscle testing done.  It is impressive to watch, and apparently
can tell you IF a weakness or physical illness exists. However, the person
doing it said NOTHING about its ability to IDENTIFY a particular bacterium
or other CAUSE of the weakness or illness.Educated guesses may be
accurate, or not.  Perhaps, you could ask your allopathic physician to order
up a lab strep test to diagnose whether you actually have strep or not. Then
you can decide how to go about treating it if it exists -- up your CS
intake, divide doses, add another agent to it, etc..

I think my doc is pretty good at diagnosis of things caused by an
identifiable agent.  Where we generally differ is on what to do after the
problem is identified!  ;-)



Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2004 #698

2004-09-24 Thread Christine Carleton
Essential oils have saved my cats lives on more than one occasion.  Also the
lives of others cats.  Blanket statements eliminating all oils are
incorrect.  Knowledge of quality and chemical constituents are paramount.

In a message dated 9/11/2004 11:00:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
fredsus1 :

> Tea tree can be great but it has the potential for
being very toxic to dogs and is an ABSOLUTE no-no for cats (any EO is).

Do you know why it is so?

>>> With cats it's a liver issue  they cannot metabolize essential oils of
any kind.


Re: CS>[List Owner] There's a problem...

2004-09-24 Thread Christine Carleton
Wow, I just got over 250 emails since clearing my computer this morning.

> From: "M. G. Devour" 
> I'm wondering if some of you who haven't seen these old duplicates are
> like Marshall; they're just sorted away somewhere out of sight...
> Garnet, your Linux based system might be a little more intelligent and
> dispose of messages with duplicate message ID's. I heard somebody else
> talking about that on one of the list owner support lists.
> I don't know what might be causing message doubling, though I've seen a
> little of that, too.
> Other list owners at Eskimo have had the same problem, so plenty of
> folks are calling into support... Which means they'll be on it and
> we'll be hearing something about it as soon as humanly possible.
> Meanwhile, about twenty old *DIGESTS* just came through in a huge lump.
> I'm sure our digest subscribers are going to be just *thrilled*.
> Sorry for the inconvenience folks!
> Updates as information arises.
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CS>

2004-09-24 Thread Christine Carleton
A title such as 'Why Cats Can't Metabolize Essential Oils' is misleading to
say the least.  Specifically, the information is focused on Tea Tree oils
not all essential oils.

I have had a number of situations which the use of oils has literally saved
the life of my cats.  I have many associates who have also saved their lives
with oils after being given up by the vets. Oils and cats present individual
challenges especially if an oil has phenols in it's chemical constituents.
However, to completely discard something that is life giving is non
productive.  Discernment rather than fear and withdrawal is effective.  A
more examination and education into the chemistry of oils may be productive.
Blanket statements like cats can't metabolize essential oils are false.

The English protocols are different than the German or French.  Therein lies
various perceptions as to use and effectiveness. Tea Tree oil is a common
name for Melaleuca Alternifolia which some Australian growers distil in
copper distillers which contributes more chemicals to the oil product even
if chemicals are not used in the distillation process.  Distilling in a
surgical stainless steel cooker produces different results.

MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA is generally considered Tea Tree oil however there
are other Melaleuca's used for medical purposes and they have corresponding
price variances.  AFNOR standard Melaleuca Alternifolia contain
Montoterpernes: ax pinene, B-pinene, myrcene; Sesquiterpenes; Monoterpene
alcohols, (45-50%); Terpene oxides.

MELALEUCA QUINQUENERVIA are completely different even though it is also
considered a Tea Tree oil - at a significantly different price point.  It's
chemical constituents are Sesquiterpenes; Monoterpene alcohols; linalol;
Sesqueterpene alcohols; (+)-trans- nerolidol (81-82%), farnesols; Terpene
oides: 1.9 cineol. 

MELALEUCA ERICIFOLIA (sometimes called Australian Rosalina) contains
ax-Pinene, 1.8 Cineol, Linolook, ax-Terpineol, Linonene, paraCymene

Oils high in phenols are debilitating to a cat's liver.  However, in
critical situations, just as chemo is used in people, sometimes the
potential debilitating effects of a blended oil with phenols is useful given
the extent of the physical challenge the cat is facing.

Then cleansing comes in.  That's where CS can be useful in their water.
My cats prefer a bowl with a fish pump oxygenating the water.  Initially
they did not like the addition of substances to the water, however, they
choose the supplemented water that is 'flowing' over still water in their

As they are intelligent discerning animals, who will not consume tainted
foods, I provide a choice and observe their discretion and get my mind or
others opinions out of the way.  With regards to essential oils and wounds,
my cat will voluntarily remain still and allow application when infected and
inflamed, and will 'disappear' after he discerns he no longer needs

The majority of essential oils are helpful for cats, dogs, horses, goats,
cows, birds, racoons, and other two and four legged beasts.


> From: connie horne 
Why Cats Can't Metabolise Essential Oils


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Re: CS>Strep virus--why do I still have it?

2004-09-22 Thread Christine Carleton

> From: sol 
> For this type of diagnosis, I would go and get a blood test for
> strep, and not rely on muscle testing.

There are over 250,000 Kinesiology tests conducted by MD's. (Hawkins, D.,
MD, PhD.)  10,000¹s people have repeated the tests.  Some are still
sceptical because they have unbalanced 'issues' and biases in their belief
systems in their lives (energy systems) which may provide inconsistent
readings and influence the outcome.  You can do kinesiology at home and not
have to listen to the 'news' or a 'professional' do determine what is truth.

Some professionals have reached a plateau (after extensively exercising &
developing the Kinesiology muscle) that they rely upon it's accuracy.  Then
they know that it¹s important to share the information derived from the
tests and not to simply redo them.

There are degrees of Truth:
Truth is specific under specific conditions.
Only confront truth within a certain context.
Crossing from a more natural protocol to a pharma based protocol may produce
ambiguity - it's the clean water and oil/petro story - they do not mix well.

CS will help and probably more than less initially.   Also look to the
emotional, mental aspects that are out of line that have contributed to the
strep.  The human body functions in relationship, not exclusively.

Hint: Check the small intestine and heart (knowing and wisdom) because it
can be related to developing a higher level of propriety and order if one
releases nervousness, shock & excitement.  Also, the triple burner and
pericardium may be playing a role too.

Or ask your chiro for a referral to a BodyTalk practitioner who can 'tap
out' such a virus which will generally be gone in 24 hours.  ''

What benefits is the virus providing you?  Or alievating you from
participating in?  What's the thought pattern behind that?  If it didn't
provide a benefit, your body would not magnify and produce it for you.  Move
from the 'war' mentality to 'balancing relationships', and what the strep is
to share with you about your belief systems.


> Why not try much larger oral doses of CS? A pint to a quart or more
> per day?
> Deep seated hidden bacterial and viral and fungal infections are
> likely (my personal opinion) to require very large intakes of CS.
> I have arthritis, which may be due to some bacterial or other joint
> infections, and believe I have also leaky gut (due to candida most
> likely) and am currently trying to take in between a pint and a quart of
> CS daily. At some point if this high intake produces good results, I
> will post it here. So far so good---it does seem to be helping, I have
> less joint pain on the days when I drink more CS, and less GI problems
> on those days too.
> There is a large gap in recommended doses of CS. Some here believe
> the more the better, and others keep their intake to what I consider
> very small amounts. I'm not sure why, but for myself am going with the
> very large doses, for at least a few months, to see what happens. There
> have been reports here that small amounts taken over a period of years
> have dealt with deep seated infections, but I don't want to wait years.
> sol
> wrote:
>> Hello all--
>> A question:  My chiropractor tells me I am carrying a strep virus,
>> discovering this during a session of muscle testing. [initial test to see if
>> my adrenal glands were working right.]  I have been regularly drinking 4 oz.
>> of CS at 8 ppm.  I have upped this to 6 oz.  It's been several weeks and I
>> am still testing positive, according to the muscle test.  Any thoughts about
>> this?

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Re: CS>cs and shingles

2004-09-15 Thread Christine Carleton
>From another perspective:

Singles is an acute viral infection with inflammation of certain spinal or
cranial nerves and the eruption of vesicles along the affected nerve path.
It usually strikes only one side of the body is often accompanied by severe
neuralgia.  Also called herpes zoster.

Some say it is necessary to cleanse the liver = anger which may improve the
sight, nails, irritability, rage, blame, jealousy, resentment, and reduce
the winds - shouting plus the smell of rancidity allowing reduction of inner
tears with greater planning and better decisions.  Balance the gallbladder.

Dr. Schnaubelt says that his greatest success in helping individuals with
singles came from applying a blend of 50 percent Ravensara Aromatica and 50
percent Calophyllum Inophyllum (related to St. John's Wort).  "Drastic
improvements and complete remission occurs within seven days."  (Alternative
Medicine - The Definitive Guide, p. 56).


> From: "Richard Harris" 
 Hi Nancy,
> Thanks for your informative sharing. I'm 81--Your 80 year old friend that
> you gave CS for shingles needs to smarten up and take enough CS to help him
> much faster; in addition, if I were he, I'd apply a CS wetted washcloth or
> paper towel over the area covered by Saran Wrap to waterproof it--repeat as
> often as needed. Additionally, I'd be taking a sublingual Vit B-12 2,500mcg
> tablet once or twice a day. I make a cream called "Heal & Soothe" for
> Bedsores, decubitous ulcers, radiation burns & Shingles that speeds healing,
> reduces scarring. See my Site if I can be of help.
> Sincerely,
> _
> Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist

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Re: CS>cs and shingles

2004-09-15 Thread Christine Carleton
>From my experience shingles can be located in the physical body,
emotional and mental body electrical systems.
A fellow practitioner had a client who had been around the world
for a couple of years looking for a solution to shingles which was
just about encircling his body = death.
When he presented himself with his wife, she was asked to remain
in the waiting room. In the office, while offering great resistance to
the suggestion, he was requested to take off his wedding ring which
had been on his hand for almost 50 years.
The itch diminished and disappeared in short order.
There are energies beyond the herpes zooster limits of perception.

> From: "nancymike" 

> I have to disagreeThe CS will get to the nerve ganglia.  My neighbor
> turned 80 this past July. He had shingles 8 years before I learned about CS.
> He had been in constant pain for over 8 years.  It was very difficult to
> see.  When he saw me getting better because of CS he told me he wanted to
> try it.  He began to drink 1 oz. of my homemade CS 10 ppm a day. Since I was
> drinking 16 oz. per day, I kew this wold be a long process.  I waited three
> months, then asked how he was feeling.  He said he still had a lot of pain.
> Then he thought a minute and said he wa putting his wallet in his pocket.
> Something he had not been able to do in 8 years.   The CS was working from
> the inside,  very slow and very subtle, but definate!  Six months later he
> was doing more and more.  It has been over two years now and he has no more
> pain.  It is SLOW and SUBTLE, but keep at it and before you realize it, the
> pain is gone..
> Nancy

>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Nina Whit" 

>> Shingles(herpes zooster) lie dormant in the nerve ganglia and masnifest
>> them selves as shingles when a body is under stress, ÇS will help the
>> out break,but will probably not get to the nerve ganglia where they
>> replicate

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Re: CS>Accutane and MSM

2004-09-09 Thread Christine Carleton
I worked on a tall (5'10") model slim 29 year old vegetarian who had acute
acne all her adult life since middle school.  A BodyTalk link on her second
session was 'herpes to belly button to other organs, endocrines etc., I
forget which herpes variety.  I never told her about the herpes link - it
didn't matter because I knew the body would take care of it.  The surprise
was her her face cleared in three weeks, and it has been clear for the past
2 years.  Her life changed.  hmmm... these aspects pass in families...

> From: "C. Hatzfeld" 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:41:54 -0500
> To: 
> Subject: Re: CS>Accutane and MSM
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 07:41:58 -0700
> I took accutane years ago and it did not destroy any oil producing glands in
> my skin.  I still get an occasional spot.  My dad's skin was so bad he
> actually had it sand-papered but you couldn't tell that seeing him.  My kids
> are getting acne pretty bad now and I worry most about the scarring.  I
> don't want them to go to accutane...I'm searching for alternatives...CS &
> DMSO helped but only a little.  The dermatologist gives topical which don't
> fully work and the only other thing that really works is antibiotics, also
> not good.  Part of the problem is my boys are not consistent with their
> usage of whatever the item is.  We eat little beef but we'll monitor that to
> see how it might affect their skin.
> Cindy
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: CS and lyme disease

2004-09-09 Thread Christine Carleton
I have a client who was diagnosed and put on long term pension with CFS in
the early 1990's after a life time (50+ years) of being ill since childhood.
About 2 months ago her MD/ND/DO +++ (very well qualified practitioner) re
tested yet again and suggested it was Lyme's disease as the root cause, not
chronic fatigue syndrome -- she had been getting better during the last 20
months (while doing BodyTalk) which was 'unusual' to say the least.

What did her life looked like?  Initially she could not drive the 1.5-2 hrs
for a session.  A friend had to drive as she would be dragging her butt to
get to the car, fall asleep on the BT table, and be asleep going home.

About 6 months ago (approx 1 session every 3 weeks-1 month) she started to
drive herself.  The massive darkening under her eyes started disappearing.

She discovered and is continuing to discover that the 'triangulation' in
family dynamics is changing - she is not jumping in, and she is not drawn in
- she knows her boundaries better.  She allows others to carry with what is
their 'stuff' and tells them to take their 'stuff' elsewhere when they try
to engage her.  BodyTalk is NOT talk therapy, but energetic links around the
physical, emotional, mental fields of the physical body.  Her energy fields
are stronger (less leaks) and others cannot press her buttons or penetrate
her boundaries thus draw down her energies.

Her JUDGEMENTS (spoken and unspoken mind chatter) of others is changing,
thus the judgements she casts upon herself are less.

On her second last appointment we 'tapped - out' (BodyTalk language for
making a links that the body called for and would start to undertake
repairing) Lymes's.  (Lymes did not show itself until other broken
connections were strong enough to engage addressing it PLUS she probably
needed the 2nd opinion from her MD/ND/DO to confirm what was underneath
the life long illness.)  I use special BodyTalk vials (similar principal to
Homeopathics) to balance the energetic actions of viruses, bacteria,
environmental influences, hormones, foods, etc., at different levels in the
bodies - physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.  Slowly, in the
determined priority by the body the electrical grids are reset.

At her last appointment her body would not indicate an appropriate time for
the next appointment.  What her body did indicate was she was STRONG enough
to determine when/if she needed any further appointments.

She was charged with the responsibility to listen within to her whispers of
intuition, to be responsible for herself, and to choose when/if to make the
appointment instead of being 'hand held' as in the past.

She is NO LONGER A VICTIM but in charge of her own well being.

It actually SCARED her a bit.

She's READY TO take on the new stage in her healing journey.  She has
established TRUST in herself and knowing her body. This is a new adventure
after being  a c u t e l y  sick for about 14+ years.

The physical ailments are dissolving.

She is studying and RETRAINING for a new JOB and LIFE.

Now she has to consider if she wants to undertake further consciousness
growth (BodyTalk sessions) in a deliberate and disciplined fashion which
will continue to build further grids of awareness.  She's clear as to what's
helped her gain her wellness.

On the other hand, some friends and family members have moved on and
continue to do their same stuff while she has stepped up to the plate of
life.  She's glad she can see beyond their 'illusions' now.

The body can deal with anything unless transition is appropriate and it will
take different links to prepare for passing in peace.

So what would I say is:

1.  One can move beyond Lymes.  I've seen it with BodyTalk.  My teacher has
also had clients who've had success = come off all disability incomes and
are back to work. 

2.  Energetic boundaries will re-establish - this will look like
interpersonal dynamics will change with family members and friends =
spouses, children, elders, and other relatives and associates.

3.  Illusions of what a good mom/dad/son/daughter/person will change to a
reality that supports one supporting themselves.  Individuals develop enough
energy to support others as they start to see clearly the dynamics of
manipulation, and choose to step back and not participate any longer with
the illusions put forth by the family, school, religion, media - TV, radio,
movies, allopathic medicine, etc.,

4.  It takes stepping out of the 'envelope' of generally recognized
practices which have produced no results to enjoy results.


6.  Support groups reinforce the official allopathic line about Lymes being
a permanent condition.  Who needs that type of belief system if they really
want to get well?  It's simply counter indicated to wellness!

7.  The body has the ability to heal if one changes their perceptions about
life.  It's a personal choice.

I hope this offers hope.


> From: William Meyer 
> my lyme disease is going ok.
> but 

Re: CS>Dog with Bile Duct Obstruction

2004-08-29 Thread Christine Carleton

There is an oil blend call Di-Tone that works in 10-20 minutes with people
when applied topically near location of blockage.  For a cow it is applied
twice, every 30 minutes - maybe because they have two stomachs.  It brings
most animals out of cramps as things move along quite quickly.

How I use it:  I put it in my hand and hold the animal's paw.  Absorption is
very fast - like a transdermal patch.  It offers comfort and safety to an
animal if it is accustomed to being touched all over --- no one is coming
near them with a needle etc.  Note: It cannot be used on cats as there is a
high phenol content a cat's liver cannot integrate properly.  Otherwise, a
few drops underneath the top lip on the gums and on the tongue. If the
animal is very resistant and cannot be contained, a sprinkle a few drops on
the spine and then gentle massage into skin, just like with humans.

Otherwise, if it is of a more serious nature, I would use the protocols
suggested for 'masses'.  Again, with dogs, application on the feet, and on
the inside of the gums and on the tongue, and even ingestion via a capsule
placed at the back of the mouth, holding the mouth closed while rubbing the
throat causing swallowing are effective.


>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Nancy Venzon" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 5:16 PM
>> Subject: CS>Dog with Bile Duct Obstruction
>>I know this is off topic, so would appreciate direction to the proper forum
>> or
>> web sites for information. We have noticed our 10 yr old Schnauzer losing
>> weight
>> and energy. Unable to jump on the bed ect. Had some labs drawn at the Vets.
>> WBCs
>> around 24,000 (Norm up to 17,000) Alkaline Phosphotate 2700 (Norm up to 150)
>> Bilirubin 1.3 (Norm .6), albumin low, Protein low, globulin normal, urine
>> dilute
>> with spec gravity 1005 (Norm 1025 - 1030) with protein spilling in urine.
>> glucose 250. XRay showed her spleen enlarged.  Tues we will have a Bile Acids
>> test. I asked for a gut opinion and he just said obstruction or sludge in the
>> Bile ducts which will lead to Liver damage. Treatment would consist of
>> starting
>> Antibiotics, a drug called Actigal that sounds like a Doggy Lipitor it
>> inhibits
>> bile Acid and Cholesterol absorbtion and a LD diet I assume that stands for
>> Liver Disease. I plan to begin Colloidal Silver in her water dish, Silimarin
>> and
>> continue to research, any suggestions ?
>> ===

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Dog with Bile Duct Obstruction

2004-08-29 Thread Christine Carleton
Find someone who does Kinesiology or Animal Talk.  One can determine in a
none-invasive way what they are dealing with.

Re Kinesiology:  Interesting how -'average science folks'- consider
Kinesiology bunk but people like Dr. David Hawkins & Dr. Y. Omura who are
listed in Who's Who in the US and the Who's Who of World Medicine have
achieved international acclaim with Kinesiology as one of the attributes in
their tool chest. Should we all learn to listen within?

PS.  One does not have to be a trained physician - there are other ways...
People who see the world in 'right or wrong' lenses of perception will have
challenges with Kinesiology.  Those who have prejudice with money or power
may have some challenges with readings.  Those who have an open heart to
knowing all it right, and allow themselves to go with the flow, instead of
their mind interfering with 'mentalisms - trained mental beliefs' will
produce the most objective results.  Note both of these men had to move
beyond accepted standards to achieve recognition.  Does that not tell you
something about the systems they left behind?

> - Original Message -
> From: "Nancy Venzon" 
>> I know this is off topic, so would appreciate direction to the proper forum
>> or
> web sites for information. We have noticed our 10 yr old Schnauzer losing
> weight
> and energy. Unable to jump on the bed ect. Had some labs drawn at the Vets.
> WBCs
> around 24,000 (Norm up to 17,000) Alkaline Phosphotate 2700 (Norm up to 150)
> Bilirubin 1.3 (Norm .6), albumin low, Protein low, globulin normal, urine
> dilute
> with spec gravity 1005 (Norm 1025 - 1030) with protein spilling in urine.
> glucose 250. XRay showed her spleen enlarged.  Tues we will have a Bile Acids
> test. I asked for a gut opinion and he just said obstruction or sludge in the
> Bile ducts which will lead to Liver damage. Treatment would consist of
> starting
> Antibiotics, a drug called Actigal that sounds like a Doggy Lipitor it
> inhibits
> bile Acid and Cholesterol absorbtion and a LD diet I assume that stands for
> Liver Disease. I plan to begin Colloidal Silver in her water dish, Silimarin
> and
> continue to research, any suggestions ?
> ===
> Homeopathy. Dogs respond well to this (I can't recommend anyone, though).
> Also,
> when humans do a liver cleanse a standard item is Epsom salts to drink, to
> open
> the bile duct. I don't know how this would translate to a dog, though, the
> stuff
> is vile to drink   ;-O
> If the bile duct is obstructed there may be parasites. Colloidal silver is
> great
> but won't affect more than single-celled microbes. Maybe you could do a
> parasite
> cleanse too.
> Good luck. Nenah
> This email was cleaned by emailStripper, available for free from
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
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> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>X-Ray

2004-08-29 Thread Christine Carleton
For those wishing to increase their antioxidant capacity.

Antioxidant quality can be determined by ORAC scores
(ORAC - Oxygen radical absorbance capacity)

The following information might be helpful:

From:  Brunswick Laboratories (Wareham, MA)

Brunswick Laboratories in co-operation with Dr. Ronald Prior at the U. S.
Department of Agriculture are responsible for the development of the ORAC

The ORAC test is a reliable and recognized standard for the antioxident
capacity of natural products which measure the ability of a substance to
absorb, or quench, the peroxyl radical, one of the most important reactive
oxygen species in the human body.

Comparative hydrophilic ORAC analysis with a variety of food products.

ProductORAC 1 per 6 ozORAC 2 per 100 grams
Berry Young Juice21,2003,900
Xango2 5501,840
Tahaitian Noni 2   5001,710
Himalayan Goji2   4001,350
1. micromales Trodox equivalent
2. Test conducted on a single sample of unopened retail product
These vales represent the antioxidant capacity of the prducts tested per one
fluid ounce serving and per 100 grams.

Contact me off line if you want to know about BYJ.

From: Sally Khanna 

In the study of herbal medicine, I was taught that miso can counter act the
effects of x-rays.
Many people I know take lots of miso soup after x-rays.


Paul Holloway  wrote:
I agree that early detection is a good thing - thermography will detect
breast cancer earlier than mammography, with zero risk.
Those who decide to go ahead with a mammography might consider taking large
doses of antioxidants before and after to reduce free radical damage caused
by radiation.
It's hard to balance harm against benefit in screening tests like this.
That's why I think it's a shame that thermography isn't in wider use.
Paul H

- Original Message -
At 05:48 PM 8/27/2004, you wrote:
>1. Studies do not show that routine mammography reduces
>mortality - 

Maybe large statistical studies don't -- I am sure that is true, but for any
one individual, it can mean the difference between life and death.  I am
also quite sure that I would be deader than a dornail right now, if my
breast cancer had not been identified in time by a mammogram.   It was
already an inch in diameter, and I could not even feel it -- nor had it been
visible on a mammogram the year before.   I am a seven year (eight this
December) "survivor," -- so far (breast cancer can come back anytime) --
after doing the things the allopathic docs recommended:  lumpectomy,
lymphoidectomy (ouch!) followed by radiation and Tamoxifen (and a year of
shark cartilage I decided to take myself to "mop up" any little cells that
might be left).   But if it comes back again -- I will go the surg! ery
route, perhaps even the radiation, but chemo -- NYET!  I'll try any
alternative that seems to be worth its salt, instead.  I have a friend dying
of her metastasized breast cancer right now -- her loving husband tried to
get her to go the alternatives route right after diagnosis, but she followed
the advice of a family member in the medical profession and has instead made
her last weeks miserable with the chemo.  Docs decided it wasn't helping so
quit that and decided to give her massive radiation to make the tumor
smaller.  That, too, is making her very ill.  Duh...

A few years back, I also had another friend who had metastasized breast
cancer and was facing imminent death take my advice and bring herself back
from death's door with Benefin shark cartilage (now banned by our friendly
FDA who clamped down on Dr. Lane, its developer, proponent, and supplier),
whereupon she lived happily and healthily for a year past the time she
should h! ave died, eating like a horse, working full time, and playing
tennis twice a week, until her dimwitted son read on the Internet that shark
cancer was all a scam and told her she was wasting her money.  She stopped
using it, went back on chemo at her doctor's behest and was dead in three
months.  Not from the cancer.  No...from an opportunistic infection which
grew deadly from a little cold -- it attacked her damaged immune system and
killed her six days later.

The best chances for a cure are WHEN THE CANCER IS DIAGNOSED EARLY.  I think
surgery is our best bet from the mainstream docs.  Anything after that is a
crapshoot.  And that is why I keep a very large archive of alternative
cancer treatments.  I advise others to do the same.  A great start is Bill
Henderson's comprehensive book about Curing your Cancer, and his free Cure
Your Cancer e-newletter.  Write him here to sign on.


Re: CS>X-Ray

2004-08-29 Thread Christine Carleton
Re Kinesiology:
Interesting how -'average science folks'- consider kinesiology bunk but
people like Dr. David Hawkins & Dr. Y. Omura who are listed in Who's Who in
the US and the Who's Who of World Medicine have achieved international
acclaim with Kinesiology as one of the attributes in their tool chest.
Perhaps we should learn to listen within and not exclusively to 'science'.
PS.  One does not have to be a trained physician - there are other ways...

> From: "Jonathan B. Britten" 
> Thanks for the education, Marshall.Bottom line for me:  whenever
> possible,  I will seek out the skills of a physician trained in medical
> kinesiology,  particularly Omura's methods.

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Re: CS>EOs for pain? Re: CS>X-Ray

2004-08-27 Thread Christine Carleton
Re gibbled sentence...   I meant to say -
I also found they eliminated the debilitating effects I experienced from
living in a mouldy environment.  The fungus and moulds do not appear to have
returned in the 2 months after washing affected materials.

> From: Christine Carleton 

> I also found they fungus and moulds and the debilitating effects I had from
> a mouldly living environment.

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Re: CS>EOs for pain? Re: CS>X-Ray

2004-08-27 Thread Christine Carleton

The original conversation was about the big C in lungs. Your clip is about
broken bones.  They are different protocols.  Following might give a bit of
an general overview.

Terpenes with molecules containing only one isoprene unit are called
Phenylpropanoids. Among other functions, Phenylpropanoids cleanse receptor
sites of the cells.

Monoterpenes (substances containing two isoprene units or ten carbons atoms
per molecule). Among other functions, Monoterpenes reprogram the DNA at a
cellular level which is why healings via essential oils are often permanent,
i.e. the miswritten codes in the cells has been corrected.

Sesquiterpenes (substances containing three isoprene units or fifteen carbon
atoms per molecule). Sesquiterpenes deprogram miswritten codes in the DNA.

There are also Diterpens (substances containing four isoprene units or
twenty carbon atoms per molecule), as well as Triterpens and Tetraterpens
containing thirty and forty carbons per molecule each respectively.

All of the Terpen family of molecules are small enough to penetrate the
blood brain barrier. Sesquiterpene molecules have the capability of carrying
oxygen, like hemoglobin does in the blood. Hence they are oxygenating to
human tissue and are especially effective in fighting cancer cells which
cannot tolerate oxygen.

Science is behind the medical quality of essential oils.  At that level they
are not about smell but about healing.

I also found they fungus and moulds and the debilitating effects I had from
a mouldly living environment.


> From: sol 

> Christine,
> Could you share which oils, and how you used them? Topical
> application? Neat or diluted? Oral ingestion?
> TIA,
> sol
> Christine Carleton wrote:
>> 2. In my experience with a broken clavicle which cannot be cast pain relief
>> from prescribed narcotic pain killers was less effective than EO's. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>EOs for pain? Re: CS>X-Ray

2004-08-27 Thread Christine Carleton

This list is about CS.
I would be please to answer your questions off line if you wish.


> From: sol 

> Christine,
> Could you share which oils, and how you used them? Topical
> application? Neat or diluted? Oral ingestion?
> TIA,
> sol
> Christine Carleton wrote:
>> 2. In my experience with a broken clavicle which cannot be cast pain relief
>> from prescribed narcotic pain killers was less effective than EO's.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>X-Ray

2004-08-27 Thread Christine Carleton
 shampoo, deodorant
with no chemicals - (natural is an abused word, so is organic). All chemical
cleansers out of the house. Turn off the TV.  Allow the mind to reflect and
release without pointing a finger or 'justification'.

All information in #4 is my personal beliefs and what I would do.  This is
NOT a suggestion as you are in the care of an M.D. and are responsible for
your own decisions.

I hope this answers your question.  Any further discussion should be taken
off line.


> - Original Message -
> From: "Christine Carleton" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:04 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>X-Ray
>> Faye,
>> This is what I know. Our bodies are run on electrical/chemical
> communication
>> within each cell.  They're very tiny pulses of communication which
> combined
>> together they have the power to operate a human.
>> Why would I subject my cells to a blast where inevitably some will be
>> killed, disabled, mutated, and become dysfunctional and increase the
> strain
>> on my immune system?  I could find different wholistic therapies that
> would
>> verify can all is well inside. After all, awakening awareness is going
>> within, not listening to the limitations of the most recent technology
> which
>> will be outdated in 10 years with a list of detrimental effects.
>> After a mammogram I've seen people go into anxiety waiting for results for
>> the next 10 days... Give me a break - this is creating stress or
> dysfunction
>> as one worries about their breasts.  Add the media intensity on top.
>> This is an opportunity to explore alternative modalities that are no
>> invasive and can give insights on the spot.  Diagnose is the licensed
> arena
>> of allopathic to which we have been psychologically conditioned but we can
>> all grow beyond that limitation.
>> Just my opinion.
>> Christine
>>> From: sol 
>>> Reply-To:
>>> Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 21:56:19 -0600
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: CS>X-Ray
>>> Resent-From:
>>> Resent-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 20:56:27 -0700
>>> My mother, a salty tongued old devil, never had a mammogram until she
>>> was in her 70's. she refused to ever have another saying, "if there
>>> was nothing wrong with them before, there damn sure is afterward".
>>> Forget the radiation, she believed all the crushing could not be good.
>>> sol
>>> Jim Holmes wrote: Message
>>>> I avoid radiology unless it is absoloutly necessary.  Some folks think
>>>> that Breast CA is in-part caused by the "checkup" mammograms.
>>>> JOH
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> From: Faye Killian []
>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 5:29 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: CS>X-Ray
>>>> I know this has probably been discussed here before but I need to
>>>> know. Does taking silver affect you in any way while having an
>>>> x-ray? I have a mammogram coming up and was just concerned about
>>>> it. Have been taking cs for over a year now.
>>>> Faye
>>> -- 
>>> "You can complain because roses have thorns or you can rejoice because
> thorns
>>> have roses."  Ziggy
>>> --
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>>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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