RE: CSstrong blood vessals -spider veins?

2007-06-18 Thread Wendy
Does lack of strong blood vessels cause spider veins? Or is it mostly in
womens legs because of crossing them for years?
I wonder about dmso, cs applied to spider veins externally and taking
other supplements/herbs for strong blood vessels?
Quite anxious to find a solution/cause! ;-)
-Original Message-
From: zeb caffe [] 
Sent: June 18, 2007 1:34 PM
Subject: CSstrong blood vessals to Wayne
What types of things can a person do to build strong blood vessals?
Mineral intake?

TV dinner still cooling?
Check out*http:/
Tonight's Picks on Yahoo! TV.

RE: CSsilver plated flatware/stoneware

2007-06-15 Thread Wendy
I asked Huggins when I was at the clinic as I have pampered chef
stoneware and I also have the German clay non glazed oven units for
chickens etc.

He said they all come from the earth (ie. clay or stone etc) and so are
very polluted and not to use them as they leach in the heat just one
guys opinon though, I haven't seen anything in writing during my
research to learn more about these.


-Original Message-
From: Carl Deb Charter [] 
Sent: June 14, 2007 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: CSsilver plated flatware

How about using stone bakeware, like Pampered Chef sells?  Are there any

known problems with that?  They have stone bread pans, pizza stones, 
casserole, etc.



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RE: CSsilver plated flatware/corningware/visionware

2007-06-15 Thread Wendy
Some corningware is not meant for stovetop use.

I have several old white square ones with a clear lid-they have a blue
flower on the side and on the bottom they say for range use. There are
also skillets  but they don't work with a damn or else I haven't figured
out how to not have stuff stick in them ;-(

The Visionware that are made from glass and are brownish or rose
coloured. They are also meant for stove top BUT  these are the ones that
supposedly are heavy in metals and leach!! Huggins says with any type of
pot put distilled water in it and leave it overnight. If you have great
taste buds just taste the water in the morning from it and you can taste
what has leached.

The clear glass Pyrex are MOSTLY not for use ON the stove but only in
the oven- it will tell you on the bottom.

I think it is a matter of determining which is the lesser of the evils!
LOL  You can buy unbleached parchment paper from the health food store
and it is reusable so it can be used on top of most things. I'm not sure
either if it is any betterI imagine stuff offgases. as mentioned in
another email, I would think the stoneware although not perfect would be
a much better option then the steel pans... but I honestly don't know
for sure. ;-)

I don't get the part about the flatware? Is it better if it DOESN'T
stick? - I took a bunch of it out of the drawer yesterday- none of the
good set  sticks except for the actual knife blades, then the cheap
odds and ends that I had in drawer most stuck real good to the magnet. 


-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family [] 
Sent: June 14, 2007 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSsilver plated flatware

Thank you everyone for all the info-  looks like I should switch from 
my stainless pots n pans. But I use gas- I thought I could not cook 
with my corningware on the stove top. I mostly use my cast iron for 
frying (I love my cast iron), but the revere pots for steaming.

I will dig out the silverware box from my stainless flatware and see if 
it is 300 or 400 series.


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RE: Re: CSsilver plated flatware-cookware

2007-06-14 Thread Wendy
Dr. huggins and dr. tom levy MD in his book Optimal Nutrition for
Optimal Health the real truth about eating right for weight loss,
detoxification, low cholesterol, better digestion and overall well


use enameled iron or glass cookwares, such as that made by Le Creuset
and Pyrex. Avoid aluminum  and stainless steel whenever possible

Dr. Huggins says he has tested Le Creuset and also the Lodge brand
cast iron fry pans and they seem to be the best option. He also suggests
using a bamboo steamer for steaming.

For years I bought the Visionware that were coloured either brown or
rose coloured thinking glass was the best choice. Unfortunately I first
learned here about a year ago that they leach toxic metals from the dyes
and then I also learned about that as well at Dr. Huggins dental
revision clinic in Colorado.  This would explain a lot of the heavy
metals in my hair analysis!

The cast iron Le Creuset pots were outrageous in price, so we just had 1
pot to start with that would fit the bamboo steamer and you could fry in
it, boil water in it etc. Then I found an ebay seller that was selling
10pc or 12pc sets, I can't remember how many. Even with importing,
shipping and duty fees it was like 1/2 the cost of what I would pay at a
Williams Sonoma type store. But apparently you guys in the states have
Le CReuset 'outlet' stores where you can pick them up for a steal. The
way I figure it, is they are cast iron with enamel. As long as I use
proper utensils, the enamel should last and the whole set should be the
only pots I need for the next 20ish years. We actually have a special
'bean pot' that an old timer friend of my husband gave to us. I flipped
it over and it's a Le Creuset! LOL   AND I just found another one at a
garage sale for $20 the other day.

I have also purchased storage containers and casserole dishes etc. at
the Pyrex outlet store at the us/Canadian border. When doing homemade
French fries I was unsure what to do without a 'cookie sheet' so I put
them in the bottom of 2 large pyrex casserole with some coconut oil and
they turn out great.  At the Goodwill the other day there was actually a
clear Pyrex huge oven roaster- I'd never seen one before! It even had a
lid- I have the Le Creuset pots so I didn't need it but I certainly was
intrigued. It would have held an 8lb chicken easy I bet.

I have also found the old Corningware white enameled pots which are
stove top and oven safe and from my understanding these are great to use
too. In fact my 'rife doctor' cleans them by soaking them with peroxide.

These are the adjustments we've made so far I hope long term they
are the best options...


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: June 14, 2007 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: Re: CSsilver plated flatware

 What are safer cooking pots and utensils? 

 I have been collecting a set of the glass cookware Vision Ware.  It
used to be sold at most stores -- now is unavailable.  So I pick up
pieces as I find them at antique malls and flea markets.  You can also
buy them on Ebay.  MA

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CSa bit of iodine information....

2007-06-13 Thread Wendy

Dr. Brownstein is one of the leaders in helping people to overcome
thyroid disorders:



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CSdr. brownstein's iodine book comes with a bottle of lugol's! ;-)

2007-06-13 Thread Wendy

Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It (2nd edition by
David Brownstein, M.D. and a bottle of Old Fashioned Lugol's Iodine (1
fl. oz.) 

Price: $30.95  

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CSdr. brownstein's iodine book comes with a bottle of lugol's! ;-)

2007-06-13 Thread Wendy

Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It (2nd edition by
David Brownstein, M.D. and a bottle of Old Fashioned Lugol's Iodine (1
fl. oz.) 

Price: $30.95  

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RE: CSdental: pericoronitis: and acidiophious ?

2007-06-10 Thread Wendy
Dee, I am just curious, while ingesting CS so frequently during your
shingles, does it wipe out the good flora? Ie. is it necessary for you
to also ingest probiotics throughout each day?


Glad to hear you have made such a rapid recovery!

-Original Message-
From: Dee [] 
Sent: June 10, 2007 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: CSdental: pericoronitis: aloe vera link

I think aloe Vera is a great product, and for many things, but I have
most success with things like gum disease, with just CS. My daughter had
awful mouth abcesses which were completely cured in a few hours with CS
I have just had shingles which are nearly all gone now using CS and DMSO
the lesions. The lesions I had on my tongue and gums went after five
days of

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RE: CSRe: CS Lugol's Iodine Solution

2007-06-09 Thread Wendy
Does anyone know if there is a difference between Lugol's effectiveness
vs hydrogen peroxide? I use h202 for soaking veggies, sprayingo n skin
after shower, baths, spraying greens in the fridge. in fact I have
gotten greens like kale to last over 3 weeks in the fridge as green and
fresh, just by using h202.
Just curious if they are equal or if one is more effective?
I have sold it at cost to my co workers and friends and give some to my
parents.  I use it for topical cuts and take a drop every day as does my
boyfriend.  I use it also for cleaning my vegetables.  I fill a pot with
water and put iodine in before soaking raw vegetables.  It helps clean
off the pesticides and according to Hulda Clark it also kills the eggs
of bugs on the vegetables you can't wash off.  I'm sure it cleans other
stuff off too.  I just let it soak for 15 minutes and then rinse.  Then
I spray my veggies with silver water before storing in the refrigerator
and they keep longer.  It doesn't take long to use a liter of Lugol's
that way.

RE: CSdental: pericoronitis.leaning towards osteomyelitis

2007-06-08 Thread Wendy
I have had much success with water pik with hydrogen peroxide- if 3% not
strong enough, I have used stronger...Dr. Hal Huggins said if
everyone used one of these dental infections and gum disease would be
down 90%. ;-)
I too had an impacted nasty wisdom tooth with jaw pain etc. didn't know
that's what it was until I saw the xrays. They took it out at Dr.
Huggins clinic when I had the dental revision done. The dentist said it
was the 2nd worst he had ever seen in his career and apparently had to
call in others to see how bad it was! He did get it out and after the
full revision I did have lots of pain there, but I was able to use just
homeopathic arnica/hypericum, traumeel, ice and in the first 24 hrs a
few extra strength Tylenol with no bruising.
-Original Message-
From: Hannah [] 
Sent: June 8, 2007 8:14 AM
Subject: CSdental: pericoronitis.leaning towards osteomyelitis
I have the misfortune of having an infection in my lower jaw, around
wisdom tooth site.  When pain and pressure became  a little too much  I
asked my dentist what it could be.. his response was ..nothing wrong,
and  the wisdom tooth still embedded is fine... just some jaw pain.
With that  I went to see  my  local doctor  who  said straightaway that
it was  osteo arthritis...  he gave me a sheet with exercises for my jaw
and that was end of that visit.

Thought it was a bit weird  sort of pain to be osteo arthritis..  after
a  week  a tiny hole  appeared in gum and pus and went back to
dentist..  he then  sort of panicked, not sure what to do, so I pushed
for  an x ray. In general I won't have x-rays  but pain was getting
really bad  and I needed  proof 
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RE: CSdental: pericoronitis.leaning towards osteomyelitis

2007-06-08 Thread Wendy
I have read this of garlic too - to tuck it in the mouth overnight.  Of
course if you look at the videos on youtube about dr. schultze and the
cayenee etc. he says a woman ate 40 cloves of garlic a day, for 3 days
to get rid of a lung infection. I would think that would knock the crap
out of a mouth infection too wouldn't it???  
-Original Message-
From: Day Sutton [] 
Sent: June 8, 2007 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSdental: pericoronitis.leaning towards osteomyelitis
When I have tooth pain, I put two or three drops of Oil of Oregano on a
piece of cotton, and place it on the gum. (between tooth and cheek). I
let it stay there overnight, and pain is usually gone the next day.  Do
not use DMSO with it; its too strong and will burn.  It will be quite
hot enough as it is... 
On 6/8/07, Hannah wrote:

RE: CSRe: CS Lugol's Iodine Solution

2007-06-08 Thread Wendy
You can get Lugol's from Hulda Clark's people in Toronto:
5%60ml/2oz - $11.00 canadian
5% 180ml/4 oz in glass bottle, no eyedropper 14.25 canadian
so I guess if you multiplied that out, it would be way more than
$50/32 oz  
and I thought it was cheap at $14.25!! LOL  phew.
Just curious.. However would you use such a huge amount?? My 4 oz has
lasted years!
-Original Message-
From: zoe w [] 
Sent: June 8, 2007 7:18 PM
To: Tel Tofflemire
Subject: Re: CSRe: CS Lugol's Iodine Solution
Holy Cow,   that is the most expensive I've ever seen it! JCrows was
bad enough at 50$/32 oz
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CSwasn't there someone with CS and brown recluse bite?

2007-06-01 Thread Wendy

I'm pulling from memory here, didn't someone here successfully treat a
bad spider bite with CS? Was speaking with someone the other day and
could not recall the details of this incident and if the CS actually
worked and if it was in conjunction with other internal remedies as well
to conteract the venom?



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CScs and probiotics

2007-05-30 Thread Wendy

Is it correct that one should take these at different times so that the
CS does not destroy the probiotics?

Also, should you take probiotics WITH food or WITHOUT food? My ND always
said WITH food as the acid in the stomach would be too strong on an
empty stomach and kill much of it.  

A friend just said her container says AWAY from food.

I tried to google, but didn't come up with anything.



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CSnebulizing with CS

2007-05-25 Thread Wendy
Some of you may have seen this before, but as I was researching
nebulizing with CS I thought you would ifnd it interesting


snip from this websiteNote: This testimonial is reported by the
trustee of the website. This experiment was conducted
lawfully by a co-researcher conducting personal scientific research. The
information provided below documents a test experiment that requires a
good deal of knowledge, experience, and quick access to qualified
medical personnel.

Lung Infection: No Immune System Response
From: Jason R. Eaton
Date: 02/01/01
Contact: Email 


Monday morning, I had a shocking thing happen. While sitting in the
middle of an algebra lecture ( yes, at 30 years old I'm actually back in
school ) I experienced a severe pain behind my lower ribcage. For the
next several hours the pain increased, and as the pain increased, my
capacity for breathing diminished. In the middle of my database class
later that evening, I had to get up and leave. I could not actually make
it out to the parked car walking ( where my partner was waiting, I 
had phoned her ). I crawled the rest of the way to the car.

My partner began to insist that she take me to the hospital ( after all
we've been through, you'd think... ). I literally could not breath.
Between half breaths I told her that it seemed my lower lobes were
filling up with either fluid or mucus, and that if I was admitted to the
hospital, they would most likely insert chest tubes and quite possibly
put me on a vent. I told her not only would I be at increased risk for
everything else in that hospital, but that the treatment would cause at
least three further problems to deal with. I told her absolutely not. I
told her dying this way wasn't the worst way to go.

Upon arriving home, I discovered to my shock that I was not running a
temperature. THAT scared me. However, I was recovering from my initial
subconscious reaction of fear, and began to design my own treatment
protocol. I ingested six ounces of colloidal silver. However, I was not
near confident that this would be effective, due to the fact that I
believe the CS must be able to reach the site of the infection.

I ingested two home-made herbal blends with zero effect. I ingested 1000
mg of vitamin C and began taking doses of zinc.

My breathing capacity was at a level I'd never experienced before. My
lung span was reduced by more than 3/4. I had no coughing reaction
whatsoever, no reduction in appetite and no temperature.

My oxygen bottle, which I use for my CS nebulizer, was empty. I waited
until Tuesday afternoon whereby I gathered enough strength to drive to
the local welding supply store. Through fear, I almost started clay pack
treatments, but I'd been looking forward to trying out the nebulizer on
an actual illness.

Lifting the empty oxygen bottle was like trying to lift about 50 pounds.
I had to stop several times to catch my breath in and out of the shop.
If I stayed perfectly still for long enough, I could 
catch my breath and feel relatively good. Any movement weakened my body
incredibly. I could speak maybe one sentance at a time before having to
stop and just breath. Walking and talking was out of the question.

Tuesday night, I used the nebulizer for the first time, and incorrectly
( I figured this out the next day ). It is quite different using this
nebulizer on healthy lungs compared to hurting lungs.

Nothing I had done even touched my condition. My temperature remained
normal. At this point, I was convinced that I had either a very severe
case of bronchitis or bronchial pnemonia. I know QUITE a few tricks on
triggering the body into action, including herbal baths, steam baths,
ect. Nothing was making any difference to my core condition.

Wednesday early afternoon, I figured out that I must get the atomized
particles to the lung tissues that were in trouble. This, I assure you,
was quite painful. I used the nebulizer, breath after breath, for about
three minutes.

The effect was almost instantaneous and very dramatic. At the time, I
wasn't quite what you'd call coherent so my sense of time might have
been a bit off. At any rate, within moments, the mucus in my lungs began
to break up. I won't describe the coughing fits that followed. They
lasted for about eight minutes ( a guess ). 

When I was done, I was left shaking, drenched with sweat, purple faced,
and burning up.

I didn't have the strength to do another treatment that night. The
following morning ( was that this morning? wow ), upon waking up ( a
very slow process in my current condition ) I repeated the treatment.
This time, I nebulized for about three minutes. About six minutes
later, I began once again with the collodial silver induced coughing,
although this time, it was not severe.

I have regained my lung capacity and about half of my strength. I've
continued the treatment all today

CSCS / peroxide / algae bar for swimming pool???

2007-05-21 Thread Wendy
Anyone ever use CS in a swimming pool or would you need so much it would
be cost prohibitive? I would think Terry's unit could make mounds of CS
for it... H, although, it might turn the pool yellow?

We have small children and we have a 13,000 gallon above ground swimming
pool and are exploring options. We hooked up my medical grade ozone
generator a few years back and it seemed to work not bad but it wasn't
an effective stand alone product-course we aren't sure we turned it on
enough. Being located in direct sunlight encourages algaeWe may try
it again this year

An older chiropractor we've just met says he just uses hydrogen peroxide
by the cupful and an algae bar  and it works just
great- he's got 6 grown sons and some grandkids that use it. He says
he's been doing it so long he doesn't use the h202 test strips. We will
have to compare costs vs effectiveness, although it is difficult to find
others who are successfully 100% chlorine free with a 24' pool. Hot
tubs are usually where you see most of the information, but that is such
a small body of water in comparison and there is no plastic liner to
contend with.

I am curious if anyone knows anything about this algae bar and if it
is truly 'safe' I read one person suggesting that if it 'killed
algae' it was probably harming humans too but I would think the ppm
would be so low?? On their website they indicate that it emits copper...
but then in one paragraph they indicate it gives off silver- so I'm not
sure if that is a typo or not...

Of course I also discovered something called the Floatron  but it's $260 US! It's concept looks a bit like the
'algae bar'- I think.

Any experience, thoughts etc.??



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RE: CSRe: Gary Hobart

2007-05-16 Thread Wendy
You could try in the U.S.
They have SUPERB herbs and excellent quality at cheap prices and you can
also buy in bulk if you want. For instance I can buy stale organic
nettle here in Canada for $30-80/lb. At mountain Rose I can also
purchase organic and it still smelling fresh and green (but dried of
course) for $9/lb.  They do not have 'warehouse' stock herbs- ie. Herbs
that sit around forever losing their medicinal value. Their customer
service is also wonderful.
-Original Message-
From: Leslie [] 
Sent: May 16, 2007 11:41 AM
Subject: CSRe: Gary Hobart
Thanks for the info re Essiac recipe. Do you know of the best places to
get all the ingredients? Also, I had a knot come up on my upper arm and
wondering if a tumor and what would dissolve it and make it go away
completely?? It has been there several years.

RE: CSMange

2007-05-11 Thread Wendy
I swear our dogs had mange late last fall..  From what I read any type
of mange 'could' be looked at as the immune system needing to be
balanced and improved. In our case that was most definitely true as life
had gotten busy and their diets had gotten fairly basic. 
Anyhow we did give the dogs CS to drink and also used Ted's hydrogen
peroxide and borax, as well as some herbal tinctures from the holistic
vet to support kidneys and spleen (apparent weakness in our breed). Teds
cure, did stop the itching but bathing our big guys frequently in our
itty bitty bathtub in the winter was not all that easy. Although ours
wasn't the mange where all the hair falls out in patches we did have
hair loss on the ears, which regrew in the first couple weeks. They did
continue to itch off and on but we also believe there may have been a
pesticide exposure so says our herbalist and animal communicater etc.
However, if you read these testimonials, it's a cheap instant fix. ;-)
-Original Message-
From: Pat Lawrie [] 
Sent: May 10, 2007 11:16 PM
Subject: CSMange
I know that CS works for bacteria, fungus, and virus, but is it at all
effective on larger critters like mange mites on dogs? The normal way to
kill them is several weeks of ivermectin, but don't want to do that if
CS would work.

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RE: CSMange-ozonated olive oil

2007-05-11 Thread Wendy
His wife sells it at


-Original Message-
From: Duncan Crow [] 
Sent: May 11, 2007 5:13 PM
To: Pat Lawrie;
Subject: Re: CSMange

Pat, I think ozonated olive oil will work on mange. Dr. Pressman 
makes ooo and sells it online: -- it's not listed on his site so you have to email him.


On 10 May 2007 at 20:16, Pat Lawrie wrote:

 I know that CS works for bacteria, fungus, and virus, but is it at all
effective on larger critters like mange mites on dogs? The normal way to
kill them is several weeks of ivermectin, but don't want to do that if
CS would work.

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RE: CSPet Food

2007-05-10 Thread Wendy
Yes it was raw and yes it is absolutely bizarre. I wouldn't have
believed it, if I hadn't gone through it myself. Especially being new to
raw feeding I thought for sure there was any positive outcome. We've
never fed cooked bones or meat.


-Original Message-
From: Jodi W Menard [] 
Sent: May 9, 2007 7:25 PM
Subject: RE: CSPet Food

Wendy wrote on 5/9/2007, 5:51 PM:


  This new dog was chewing a  bone  I had given him -  roughly a 10
  curved beef rib bone.

10 and he was fine?  Amazing.  But, was it a raw bone, Wendy?  Thanks. 

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RE: CSPet Food

2007-05-09 Thread Wendy
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I think if one does their research
and factors everything in they will be able to make an informed choice
that works for them whichever 'diet' they choose. Talking with breeders
that are into 3rd and 4th and upwards generations is an excellent way to
get a handle on what works best for them and how their stock is etc, and
you can go from there.  When I did all the research 7 or 8 yrs ago I
learned what I could. We had purchased a 2.5 yr old trained guard dog to
live with us during our short stint in the Bahamas. I'd practiced on a
'rent a dog' for a few weeks prior to his arrival with awesome results.
(shudder- don't even ask! What deplorable standards.sigh)

This new dog was chewing a  bone  I had given him -  roughly a 10
curved beef rib bone . I needed to put him in the house while I went and
got laundry as the workers were afraid of him and he hadn't been with us
long. When I reached for him, he thought I was trying to take his bone
and he inhaled the whole damn thing I was freaked out to say the
least. I figured there was no way it was coming out whole through in his
bowel movement and he wasn't vomiting it back up. I thought for sure
this $6k dog was about to die!! Oh my gawd what a night.  The quality of
the vets there was um, well questionable, so I had their number and I
waited it out with him- stayed with him all night on the bed, all the
next day... nothing. Did a lot of research that night, talked with a lot
of people on line, they said no worries, we were feeding a pretty well
rounded diet and they were all correct- his body broke the bone down. He
had absolutely no problems at all. In 3-4 months of feeding raw to him
he was a completely transformed dog, it really was incredible.

We have been feeding raw every since.  Although I do know there are
supporters of NOT supplementing or feeding veggies... I personally do
notice when the diet is not varied enough or we leave out the oils and
supplements, their coats are the first to show it, then goopy eyes,
energy level etc. 

 Garnet wrote on 5/9/2007, 9:24 AM:

  Bones can cause problems for dogs. Even the raw feeding lists will
  you this. If you have a dog that bolts its food be very careful
  introducing bones. They can kill.
  Pat wrote:
   Oh, I agree that organic meat surely would be the best diet for a
  dog.  It's just that my dog was so messed up when I was feeding
  itmaybe she didn't chew the bones enough.  Then a vet tech told
  that where she worked, they'd done several surgeries to remove bone
  which was causing a blockage.  She won't feed bones of any kind to

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CSCS and hernia???

2007-05-08 Thread Wendy
Hello everyone, my dh thinks he has a hernia (middle of the
Abdomen so that would indicate a ventrical). 

Are all hernias the same? What exactly are they and what causes them?

Any information on colloidal silver or other treatments being used?

I would like to do more research and reading but so far am mostly
getting mainstream options. If all hernias are the same- it will make it
easier to find information I think.




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CScayenne and colloidal silver

2007-05-06 Thread Wendy
Not sure if this has been posted in the past... stumbled on it in search
of sinus infection remedies ;-(


Cayenne and Colloidal Silver
It is unknown exactly how effective cayenne pepper is in delivering
colloidal silver to the bloodstream or organs of the body. Our
experiments centered around utilizing cayenne pepper orally for use with
stubborn lung infections that were resistant to other treatment.

In addition to stimulating the circulatory system, cayenne loosens the
mucus in the lungs associated with infections. Within only a few minutes
of using cayenne orally, the mucus begins to break up, and the lungs
begin a process of clearing. This treatment is ideal when nebulizing
with colloidal silver. Since any colloidal silver is most effective in
areas it can directly reach, utilizing cayenne in this manner can
greatly increase the infection fighting properties of colloidal silver
as used in the lungs.
end snip

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CSNebulizers revisited

2007-05-05 Thread Wendy
My husband and 2 children and I got hit with a nasty cold/flu/virus or
whatever the damn thing is. I got hit the hardest.. And  I have tried
everything over the course of 2-3 weeks (CS, oil of oregano, oregamax,
nac,  hoemopathics, ozone therapy, acidophilous, mega sodium ascorbate,
mustard plaster, cold wet sock treatment, sweat bath to raise core temp
and burn it out, Echinacea combo, radiance reiki, then when it went to
my sinuses I've tried cs in netti pot, h202 in netti pot, salt water,
rebounding, vitamin c flush, home remedies like 'tomato hot tea', apple
cider vinegar, natural Sinus Buster from the health food store.)   I am
feeling some relief today from rebounding consistently but I can't taste
or smell yet. My nostrils are clear but my head is still stuffy. 
I made a dandelion, sprout, lettuce, banana apple smoothie today and
took a b complex and feel much more normal ;-)
I must say that it would have been way easier to have a nebulizer from
the get go. BUT each time I go to buy one I can't figure out   WHICH
ONE. we have no archives here. but I recall the size of particles to be
important.. But then someone uses a humidifier from Walmart don't
Any recommendations on WHICH NEBULIZER to buy that would work for the
whole family.
Thanks  SO much.

RE: CScanadian sources for nebulizer?

2007-05-05 Thread Wendy
Hi there, just curious if anyone knows where to find these types of
things in Canada. Ordering on ebay means $20-$30 US to ship plus most
only ship UPS or FEDEX which means an additional  $20-50 'handling' duty
fee  ACK!
I feel I'd really like to get a portable one, it would be nice to be
able to use it via a car battery or generator should we ever have any
more blackouts! ;-(  or while camping etc.
Any thoughts?
-Original Message-
From: Al Rawlinson [] 
Sent: May 5, 2007 3:47 PM
Cc: ALVIS rawlinson
Subject: CSFw: cs used in nebulizer

CSPH information websites or book titles?

2007-05-05 Thread Wendy

Hi there, if I wanted to read more about the body's PH, diet, charts
etc. could anyone tell me the best links or books on the subject??



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RE: CSPlug-in products

2007-05-04 Thread Wendy

although these things are evil IMO to do with indoor air quality, this
particular email, appears to be a hoax


-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin [] 
Sent: May 4, 2007 6:19 AM
Subject: CSPlug-in products

Received from a friend:

Received from a friend who is in the property
insurance business. It is
well worth reading. This is one of those e-mails that
if you didn't send
it, rest assured someone on your list will suffer for
not reading it. The
original message was written by a lady whose brother
and his wife learned a
hard lesson this past week. Their house burned
down... Nothing left but
ashes. They have good insurance so the house will be
replaced with most of
the contents - that is the good news. However, they
were sick when they
found out the cause of the fire.

   The insurance investigator sifted through the
ashes for several hours.
He had the cause of the fire traced to the master
bathroom. He asked her
sister-in-law what she had plugged in the bathroom.
She listed the normal
thingscurling iron, blow dryer. He kept saying to
her, No, this would
be something that would disintegrate at high

Then her sister-in-law remembered she had a Glade
Plug-In, in the
bathroom. The investigator said that was the cause of
the fire. He said he
has seen more house fires started with the plug-in
type room fresheners
than anything else. He said the plastic they are made
from is THIN plastic.
He also said that in every case there was nothing
left to prove that it
even existed. When the investigator looked in the
wall plug, sure enough
the two prongs left from the plug-in were still in

Her sister-in-law had one of the plug-ins that
had a small night light
built in it. She said she had noticed that the light
would dim and then
finally go out. She would walk in to the bathroom a
few hours later, and
the light would be back on again. The investigator
said that it was getting
too hot, and would dim and go out rather than just
blow the light bulb.
Once it cooled down it would come back on. That is a
warning sign. The
investigator said he personally wouldn't have any
type of plug in fragrance
device anywhere in his house. He has seen too many
places that have been
burned down due to them.


Ok, I had one similar to this at my place in the
mountains; it used the
slide-in packets. Last weekend I unplugged it to use
the outlet and found
that the unit had melted and scorched the face of the
outlet so I decided
to replace the outlet I went to my panel and shut off
the circuit breaker.

   Upon pulling the cover plate I found that the
outlet had burnt away,
melted a considerable portion in the interior plastic
wall box and wire
insulation. Obviously, this got very hot and I was
very lucky that this did
not cause a fire in the wall because I would have
certainly lost my place.

   Notice that my breaker did not trip and I manually
shut it off.  I need
to investigate why. Perhaps it was a steady current
and never caused a
surge or arcing that would have tripped the circuit
breaker. I am
encouraging everyone I know to pass on the fact that
these are potentially
dangerous. The Consumer Products Safety Commission
does not have a recall
on the specific model that I was using. However, they
will be hearing from
me. Our Fire Prevention personnel will be using the
remnant that I brought
back to help spread the word through the Fire
Prevention community as well.

   If you use something similar to this or other
plug-in products take
the time to pull them and toss them. We can't afford
to be the proving
grounds for these devices. It is my opinion that
these are unsafe and
should be pulled before something tragic occurs.

This danger in addition to the toxic chemicals they
fill your house with.

  Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk
email the boot with the All-new Yahoo! Mail at

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CSSleep According to Ayurveda Geopathic Stress in or under where you sleep?

2007-04-30 Thread Wendy
Thought you might find this interesting also if there are any

snipIn the home, geopathic stress can affect your health, especially
if you are sleeping over an underground stream or watercourse. Places
disturbed by negative energies can be very disruptive to sleep. If you
sleep near high-voltage power lines or even over domestic supply cables,
you will find that your sleep may be restless. If you find that your
sleepless nights have no apparent reason, you may do well to check for
underground distrubances.end snip

snip of article

Sleep According to Ayurveda

It is best to sleep with the top of the head facing east and the feet
facing west (promotes meditative sleep). Facing south while sleeping
draws energy into body.

Sleeping facing north draws energy from the body, and disturbs the body,
mind and spirit. Sleeping with the head facing west causes disturbing

Sleeping on the left side helps digestion. It promotes the functioning
of the right nostril and is good for a person. The right nostril heats
and activates the body and when it is working a person becomes more
interested in food and sleep.

Sleeping sitting up provides the most alert sleep and is the best. Yogis
often sleep sitting up. 

Sleeping on the right side is relaxing, and it activates the left
nostril, which cools and relaxes the body making it easier to control
(which is good for Yoga).

Sleeping on the back disturbs Vata. It activates both nostrils at the
same time, which produces disease by (encouraging energy to leave the
body). Sleeping on the back harms the brain.

Sleeping on the stomach disturbs everything. It causes disease by
obstructing deep, healthy breathing.  (end snip




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CSPau d'arco, rife, ozone, greens,vertical motion and MS

2007-04-28 Thread Wendy
I have been researching MS alternative therapies for a friend, thought
I'd pass this on in case it is of interest  


here is a quote from the information site:

I began using yerbamate and lapacho tea about 3 mos. ago. I immediately
experienced a surge of energy . . . within half-an-hour I was up dancing
which is pretty amazing considering I've got MS and spent most of the
Spring in a wheelchair. Within 2 days I noticed a lessening of pain and
muscle spasms which was fantastic . . . my urinary, bowel and digestive
functions have vastly improved . . . There is no doubt that the MS has
greatly improved with the herbs as I quit using them for a week and all
the old symptoms return. I start the tea again and they subside., I've
repeated this scenario three times.


snipI started using this green food mixture on a regular basis in the
spring of 2003. I was so impressed with the quality of this product and
the improvement that I noticed with my own health that I eventually
began using it at my clinic in the treatment of a variety of chronic
health conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, headaches, degenerative
and rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and even heart
disease. end snip


snip of article

Multiple Sclerosis

 In the case of MS it has been shown that hyperbaric oxygen therapy
as well as intense static magnetic field therapy can be very therapeutic
in at least partially reversing the condition (ref. 5).  We may assume
as one reasonable hypothesis that the increase in oxygen from hyperbaric
oxygen treatment facilitates ATP production and tissue repair.  However,
some MS seems to be associated with on going microbial infection in the
neural tissue.  It may be an anaerobic microbe, which is susceptible to
damage and death from increased oxygen to the tissue.  Also, these
patients are good candidates for low intensity broad band ultrasound
treatment to help in cleaning out all forms of microbial infection.  It
was discovered in the 1920's and 30's by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife that
every microbe (virus, bacteria, fungus, etc. ) he studied had at least
one ultrasound frequency that destroyed it very easily.  By very slowly
scanning through the entire range of ultrasound frequencies used by Rife
and then some, it is possible to kill off the great majority of
microbes.  This is what low intensity broad band ultrasound units, such
as the Ultra 10A, are all about.  To get a good overview of Rife type
technologies, please read the article VIBRATORY ENERGY MEDICINE .


MS Cured - 1657 members
MS Support Group - Multiple Sclerosis. - This is a group of people who
wish to share information on CURING Multiple Sclerosis. Main subject:
eliminating MS cofactors, MS alternative therapies and beating MS. Join
this group and get the support and knowledege necessery for curing and
preventing reoccurance of MS. Some of the areas we discuss are:- Diet,
Zone Diet, Blood type Diet, Best Bet Diet, Mercury, Raw Food Diet, MSG,
Bee Venom Therapy, Parasites, Lectins, Amalgam fillings, Hyperberic
Oxygen therapy, Ozone O3, hydrogen peroxide H2O2, Cleansing bowels,
mucoid plaque, mucus, toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, Dental cleanse,
nickel, root canals, cavitations, bacteria, Lyme Disease, kidney
cleanse, kidney stones, 
liver cleanse, Gallbladder cleanse, gallstones, massage, Herbal
formulas, Parasite killing herbs, enema, salty water, Zapper, Bob Beck's
Silver Pulser, Magnet pulser, magnets, Supplements, Flaxseed oil,
Selenium, Coenzyme Q10, Shark Cartilage, Essiac, Laetrile, Colloidal
minerals, chelation therapy, Histamine Therapy, Procarin, chelated
minerals. Vitamins, B17, B12, Padma 28 (Adaptrin), Enzymes, seaweed,
kelp, kombu, shiitake, miso, Macrobiotics, Max B. Gerson, Dr.Budwig
Diet, Foods to avoid (sugar, aspartame, white fat...)We have learned
from Dr.Bernard Jensen, Dr.Max B. Gerson, Dr.Richard Schulze, Dr.Hulda
Clark, Dr.F.X.Mayr, Dr.Joel Wallach, Dr.Johanna Budwig, Dr.Udo Erasmus,
Ed Mc Cabe, Dr.Robert Bob Beck, Royal Rife, ...this list is very long.
We don't promote the use of CRAB drugs or steroids in this group as the
members who join are looking for a cure, not managed care.This is a very
open group. We try to ensure that it is left alone with as little
moderation as possible. We do, however, insist that everyone is polite
and civil to everyone else at all times! We also do not allow any
advertising or marketing of products that the person sending the e-mail
has any financial involvement.

Taken from:

The Owner's Manual by Saul Pressman

Multiple Sclerosis

The flow of nerve impulses is interrupted because the myelin sheath
covering the nerves is being

CSpau d'arco for Rosacea

2007-04-24 Thread Wendy
Not CS related... but I think someone was asking about Rosacea the other
day.I stumbled on this tonight ?


Pau d'arco works wonders on Rosacea!  My mother suffers from Rosacea on
her cheeks and nose and instead of using the strong antibiotic cream the
doctor gave her I had her spray her face with a fine mist of Pau d'arco
(same strength we drink) and then use Derma Med's Rosaderm cream.  You
wouldn't believe the results!  Mom is just thrilled as there is
absolutely NO sign of the Rosacea after only a week of using the Pau
d'arco - truly amazing.  The strong antibiotic cream the doctor
prescribed didn't work nearly as well and can, we understand, lead to
antibiotic resistant Rosacea and a worsening of the condition.

For another great use, I usually have a severe reaction to Black fly
bites.  I got 2 bites last week and splashed them several times a day
with some Pau d'arco tea.  Not only did it take the itch away - and keep
it away - but the swelling was minimal and they healed much faster than
normal!  I'm sure it will work as well on mosquito bites, etc.

Finally, we decided to try the Pau d'arco leftover fines for our veggie
garden transplants and it is doing a great job.  We don't have any mold
or fungus and the transplants are growing beautifully. 

end snip

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CSvitamin a links and information?

2007-04-23 Thread Wendy

Hello. I know we've talked about vitamin A supplementation recently.
Does anyone have links or information on 'how much' we and our children
REALLY need or can handle (I mean other then the low end RDA!).

Or information on deficiencies etc.  I have a holistic parenting group
and there is talk and questions about supplementing with it. I'd like to
research it before I offer my 2 cents, but all I have come up with seems
to be the standard RDA info. There has been some talk raised by one mom
of a 3 yr old asthmatic boy that the vitamin a in larger doses is
important for him when he has an attack, but at one point how does she
figure out how much is too much etc.??

Articles or links would be most helpful since unfortunately I can't dig
through the archives. ;-)



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RE: CSPersistent cough.

2007-04-17 Thread Wendy
As I read this I am wondering if you ever considered whooping cough???
If you google whooping cough on the rise or whooping cough outbreaks or
whooping cough misdiagnosed you will find a plethora of information.
I am reminded of 2 yrs ago when my toddler, baby and I contracted
whooping cough. It is massively underdiagnosed and commonly
'misdiagnosed' as bronchitis, or whatever flu is going around and the
like with people being given puffers and antibiotics as a treatment. I
recall reading that any cough longer then 2 weeks in an adult could
potentially be whooping cough- the classic 'whoop' usually only occurs
in children. For some, mostly adults it can be very mild and just
unexplained where nothing seems to work for it. CDC is reporting highest
#'s in 40 years. We contracted ours from a local teen and they say that
is the hardest hit population right now.
If a child is vaccinated it typically only provides about an 80%
protection from the disease, as with many of us older folks, our
vaccines would have waned long ago ;-)  I did read that dangerous levels
of vitamin Cand low levels of vitamin A are the main reasons why some
people  get it and some don't. Massive doses of sodium ascorbate turned
us around. This makes a lot of sense considering my children AND I were
VERY low in both as well as zinc and selenium. 
Finding a doctor that can diagnos it is pretty tricky. Doesn't really
matter anyway, because antibiotics don't work and you just need to ride
it out. I told the ER doc my baby had whooping cough as I knew my
toddler at home had had it for 2 weeks already- we had a real good case
of it and in our situation, there was just no mistaking it. Anyhow the
ER doc told me there was NOTHING wrong with my baby- it was her mother
and also that whooping cough DID NOT exist anymore, THAT'S why we
vaccinate! I told him to F off and he said lady what do you want from
me. I said I am exhausted and I just want to speak to someone who knows
this disease as I have some questions for a real person as I've beenr
easearching this disease for weeks now. The pediatrician walked in and
said in 2 seconds that absolultey that was whooping cough and they
swabbed to confirm what I already knew. ;-)
So I just thought I'd throw this out there just in case it might help
others with any unexplained coughs ;-)
-Original Message-
From: Roger Barker [] 
Sent: April 17, 2007 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: CSPersistent cough.
Thanks Sam, a good suggestion as I have some 3% HP available. 
On 17 Apr, 2007, at 3:32 PM, Sam L. wrote:

Hi Roger.
From what I have heard thru the grapvine is this could be a fungi or
mold causing this condition. Try adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide
to 1-2 ounces of CS and doing a nasal rinse. Just a few drops in each
nostril with your head hanging over the bed, do this several times twice
a day or as much as you can stand, it is quite uncomforable.  I had good
results with this protocal several years ago. 
Hope that helps.


RE: CSRebounder brand.

2007-04-17 Thread Wendy
I'e not heard of Cellerciser, however I spent about 2 months researching
before I bought. The 2 I came up with were Needak (100% USA made) and
the Reboundair (which I was told was started by Al Carter who left
Needak years ago...and apparently even Needak made Reboundair for awhile
before they took them overseas to be made at a more reaonsable cost).
The warranties were excellent on them. I've had mine since Xmas and I
put it right in the middle of the livingroom floor. I bought a Timex
watch with the CR (countdown repeat) function on it and I set it to go
off every hour. Then I bounce for 2 minutes, drink a glass of water and
continue on with my day.

I went with Needak and it was about $200 US. ( I think sells
them online for this too) Although I'm in Canada, the 100% USA made as
well as it being around for so long and the testimonials almost
convinced me. Then I spoke with the Canadian Distributor for over an
hour - her bill and I was convinced. It is actually referred to as
'vertical motion' and there is much to know about it. She explains it
all and that one should NOT have their feet leave the matt until much

Anyhow this woman is about 50ish and has been doing this for 25 yrs...
she's a walking talking expert- pretty awesome actually- I figure if
someone gives me that much time and has been behind a product that long,
that works for me ;-)

In case anyone needs her info  it's Beverley Ann Bazowski
306-244-9861... if it takes 24 hours for her to call you back, IMO it's
worth the wait ;-)



-Original Message-
From: Carlos Pérez [] 
Sent: April 17, 2007 1:59 PM
Subject: CSRebounder brand.

Hello, friends,


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RE: CSvita mix to-NOW juicer comparison chart and pullp uses

2007-04-13 Thread Wendy
My MIL has a norwalk but as is the case with some, it is found to be a
bit labour intensive. 

I once owned an Angel juicer (like a Green Power) to the tune of $1600,
I sent it BACK and bought a new Champion instead, they last for 20+ yrs,
plus I have the grain attachment and can grind my own flours and the
blank allows you to make nut butters and sherbert. I have to agree with
most reviews in that it is definitely a little workhorse, it does
great juice, makes awesome 'ice cream' for us from either frozen bananas
or the Sproutmans vanilla ice cream recipe from cashews that we freeze
in ice cube trays and buzz through it HOWEVER now for frequent QUICK
use, I use the 'cheapy' Jack Lalane... and while it is not anywhere near
the nutrient quality that one would extract from an expensive juicer ,
with a super busy lifestyle and little kids at least we are USING IT!!!
ROFL. It has a WIDE hopper and I don't have to peel or cut the fruit
like I do with the Champion or other juicers. It is a HUGE time saver.
It depends on what you are looking to do... for wheatgrass, dandelions,
kale I have a manual stainless steel crank. If you are not sure you
would keep up with juicing, I would say buy a cheap one first- walmart
has them here for about $40 canadian or you can get one from a garage
sale. Definitely a Vitamix is a 'universal' appliance doing a wide
variety of things and again can be purchased used. If I had the money
though, I would DEFINITELY upgrade to a new one ;-) The other thing
about buying a 'good one' of anything is that if you tire of it, there
is still some good resale value in it ;-)

For those that are adventurous, you can take the pulp from straining
your almond milk or the left over pulp from making vegetable juices, you
can get creative and add spices, nuts etc., flatten them out and
dehydrate them or put them in your oven. They make excellent 'crackers'
and it is easy to do ;-)

Here is a link to juicer comparison chart although it doesn't have the
'real cheapy' ones on it:



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RE: CSConcentrace, Wallach, etc.- water cooler glass bottles?

2007-04-13 Thread Wendy
Does anyone know if a big glass wine jug (ie. 21 L or 6 gallon wine
carboy)  would sit on a water cooler??? 

We too use a water cooler but the jugs are #7's and the worst offenders
I've been reading lately. I've been wracking my brain to try and figure
out an alternative...storing in stainless steel is not an option (ie.
Nickel and cadmium) it sure is convenient to have a water cooler and
allows the kids to help themselves - establishing good water habits. We
use a lot of distilled water as I don't like drinking our well water. I
was thinking I could invest in my own distiller and then store it in the
glass wine jug and rig something on the wall that would help secure the
glass bottle so it wouldn't fall off but I don't know if the big
glass carboy would fit???

has anyone tried this



-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: April 13, 2007 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: CSConcentrace, Wallach, etc.

The easiest way I found to take the Concentrace minerals is to put a 
tablespoon or two into 5 gallons of distilled water when I re-fill my 
water cooler jug. Basically it re-mineralizes the water without the 
flavor being all that noticable. If you drink the water you're supposed 
to each day, this will do you pretty well.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]


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RE: CSResponses to misc posts- ph readings Terry

2007-04-11 Thread Wendy
I also have an instruction page I can email you
explaining how to conduct the testing, with places to
write down the daily numbers. If you do the 6-day
testing and send the numbers to me, I will tell you
what they mean.

. is this the same for children as well as adults? I was thinking we
can all do it at the same time as I am curious to know how the kids are
doing. ;-)




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CSsign the almond petition and pass it on

2007-04-06 Thread Wendy

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RE: CSvita mix to susan and iodine to sol

2007-04-06 Thread Wendy
I'm not susan, but I bought a used vitamix  for $80 Can a few years ago
and it is still going strong!!! And I LOVE it and use it almost every
day. of course I'd love a new one more ;-) LOL  We make nut milks and
smoothies and I blend soups in it.
I have to say if it was the only appliance I had, absolutely I would
make all my vegetable juice in it. But I also have accumulated a
champion, acme and a jack lalane (hey don't laugh-I have 2 little kids
and very little time and I can seriously make 5 kind vegetable juice and
be juiced and cleaned up in 2.5 minutes with the jack lalane -JUST like
the infomercial-so while  not the same nutrient quality-better then
nothing which it would be if I had to find the time to chop it all up to
go in the champion) 
Victoria Boutenko, the raw foodist, uses a Vitamix for all the
juice.nutmilks  in her video and shows a few ways you can do that - we
make either a green slushy, which could be  apple, water, kale or chard
or dandelion etc.,  lime to make it palatable (even my kids like this)
and then you can drink it thick with a straw or strain it in the nut
milk bag, into green vegetable juice as Victoria does in the video.
Most of the nut milk bags I found were made from nylon but I recently
found some organic unbleached cotton ones in the states (as always ;-) )
from this  very kind lady   and they
make superb almond milk and strain juice too. 
I can tell you that with the vitamix I can even take a strawberry
smoothie, add carrots and celery  to it for the kids if we are in a
hurry and you cannot even tell they are in there. It is smooth as
smooth. From my understanding it will also do nut butters, breads etc.
although I've never wanted to push this old one too much just in case.
-Original Message-
From: zeb caffe [] 
Sent: April 6, 2007 4:04 PM
Subject: CSvita mix to susan and iodine to sol
Susan can you use the vita mix the same way as a juicer? I thought that
a vita mix was just a high powered blender that crushed ice and fruit.
Does it work as effectively as a regular juice extractor? I have been
wanting to buy a good juicer but find them so cumbersome. 

CSCS and 5.5 yr old - flu? reacts to CS?

2007-03-30 Thread Wendy

Hi there.

I think my 5.5. yr old son picked up a flu bug from his playgroup. He
has a very hot burning fever- his skin and hands are real hot, feels
like I can fry an egg on his head and he's fairly lethargic (which is
rare for him when he gets sick)_. Ironically it's only at 102.5 at the
moment, and although it's not that high, he's been complaining of a
whopping back of the headache and stiff neck, stiff hands etc. Ive been
giving him Reckewegs R1 combination homeopathic remedy. Since nothing
seems to be shifting, I have just given him belladonna 200c.

I've been giving him sodium ascorbate every hour, extra zinc, oil of
oregano, lots of chewable vitamin a(beta carotene), hmf super powder

I started spraying his throat with CS when he first complained of a sore
throat yesterday morning. The CS worked well on the sorethroat but then
the whopping headache started. I took him to the ND/chiropractor and we
are going back again tomorrow.  In the night it moved to his chest and
he has a hard infrequent cough going on- I was thinkig of spraying CS
and dmso in hist throat 

My concern with the CS is I am almost POSITIVE that each time I gave him
a couple  tablespoons- the excruciating pain in his head started. I have
also been doing Radiance Reiki on him all day as well. I would get rid
of the headache- give him some CS and then the headache was back- right
at the bump in the back of the skull. (we make the CS with the

Also at least 3x he also complained LOUDLY that his stomach hurt
following the CS (which I would give by itself).

Has anyone else experienced this???



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RE: CSChicken Pox- so if it is fleas?

2007-03-28 Thread Wendy
Thanks so much Terry, I appreciate that and yes I do have Lysine
capsules as I think you or someone else told me about them for dh when
his cold sore breaks out... of course naturally I would NOT  have drawn
the connection  to know to use that for the kids! Thanks again.

Well as of this morning, I'm thinking it may just may be flea bites. It
looks JUST like chicken pox pimple stage but it hasn't spread- still 20
on the back and same on arm, but none on ankles, legs etc. by
spraying it repeatedly with CS while she slept before I fell asleep last
night and then again this morning it looks much better then it did.

I can't imagine how none of us have any bites but her and that hers are
only on her back and shoulder? Especially since we cosleep. 

Sigh... it would almost be easier if it was CP rather then fleas. Now I
have to figure out how to deflea my house of fleas that I can't seem to
see. Yeah. I sweapt borax into the cracks of the hardwood/plywood floors
as a start until I get a better plan. I wonder about DE??? Unless it
could have happened in the sandbox already? The snow is almost all gone
and it was gorgeous and the kids went into our box for the first time
the day it broke out. 

Thanks again Terry


-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin [] 
Sent: March 28, 2007 9:30 AM
Subject: CSChicken Pox

Wendy said,
 I think my 2.5 yr old has chicken pox- tis the

Yes, liberal CS is important. Chicken pox is from the
Herpes family of viruses, along with cold sores
(Herpes Simplex I), VD (Herpes Simplex II) and
Shingles (Herpes Zoster). They are all killed by CS. 


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CSCS and chicken pox?

2007-03-27 Thread Wendy

Hi there. 

I think my 2.5 yr old has chicken pox- tis the season. (My son had it at
exactly the same age and time frame, although that time we did expose
him on purpose).

Anyhow it's been a few years since I've gone thru it  and I'm just
brushing back up on my supplement list etc. for helping to boost her
immune system. C, zinc, A/beta 

Back then I didn't know about CS and we didn't utilize it with my son
but now my dad makes it for us with a Silvergen ... I was reading some
reports online on using it to spray the bumps and also internally.

Anyone have any thoughts, tips, suggestions etc. either CS related,
herbal or otherwise? I just gave her some rhus tox 30c for the itching
and I sprayed her back with the CS which seemed to take the itch away.
I'll know more in the morning what we are dealing with.

The anthroposophical doc says it's flea bites, which is possible... but
there is definitely fluid in these 'pimple/flea bite things'.  They say
it's tough to distinguish between pox and insect bites in the first
24-48 hours... but after that THEN you know.



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RE: CSFluoride

2007-03-27 Thread Wendy
Fluoride- h, what a can of worms... I'll leave that for the others
to answer.. LOL

I did notice your mention of a sore place on the upper gum... back to
Huggins- when I was there in June, he says almost  all gum
issues/disease can be cured quickly and easily with a $40 waterpik and
some hydrogen peroxide. 

Sure works for my husband and I if our gums/mouth are sore!

Hope you don't mind me passing that on



-Original Message-
From: Pat [] 
Sent: March 27, 2007 10:42 PM
To: silver list
Subject: CSFluoride

Carlos said,  By the way, has anyone noticed that dental caries
have not gotten any better since the beginning of the fluor craze,

Last week the dentist asked what kind of toothpaste I'd been using
because I have a sore place on the upper gum that has been there for 3
months.  I told him various natural ones with no fluoride.  He about
went wild, asking where I read that fluoride is not good for teeth.  He
said things are put out 


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CShealthy oven/toaster oven?

2007-03-06 Thread Wendy

Hi there, sorry to post this so off topic, but I was sure I remembered
someone here had posted a link to a 'healthy type' oven or toaster
oven... maybe out of Australia  Last year. I can't remember. I am
wondering what a healthier alternative would be to our now broken
toaster oven.



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RE: CShealthy oven/toaster oven?

2007-03-06 Thread Wendy
That's it!! Thanks so much!

I emailed Rachel at Dr. Huggins where I had did my dental clinic, to ask
her about this... and she said it's a lot like this one that Dr. Huggins

It even looks the same...I had no idea! but hey it's in Canada and
cheaper I think! The reviews seem to be good on it.


-Original Message-
From: Rowena [] 
Sent: March 6, 2007 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: CShealthy oven/toaster oven?

Maybe you are thinking of the EasyCook TurboOven.
There are copies everywhere, probably.
 Hi there, sorry to post this so off topic, but I was sure I remembered
 someone here had posted a link to a 'healthy type' oven or toaster
 oven... maybe out of Australia  Last year. I can't remember. I am
 wondering what a healthier alternative would be to our now broken
 toaster oven.




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RE: CShealthy oven/- silicon dangers?

2007-03-06 Thread Wendy

Does anyone have any links to information about dangers of baking with
silicon.. ie. Muffin tins, cookie sheets etc.

I've googled and am not coming up with anything.



-Original Message-
From: Rowena [] 
Sent: March 6, 2007 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: CShealthy oven/toaster oven?

Maybe you are thinking of the EasyCook TurboOven.  

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RE: CSthyroid and adrenal re balancing

2007-02-25 Thread Wendy
Faith, I sure would love to see this if possible...



There are a few very easy pressure points to re-align these organs.

If you are interested, I can send you the information, maybe even on

Take care, Faith

Licensed, Reflexology practitioner


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RE: CSFibers, now body bugs

2007-02-17 Thread Wendy

I wonder if there would be any connection in regards to PH levels or
blood type??  


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: February 16, 2007 12:29 PM
Subject: CSFibers, now body bugs

One of these women called me about 1 1/2 years ago, and I sent them CS.

I guess it didn't work.


Remember the report about people who had threads coming out of their 
bodies? Well, these people have something worse. You can see the video 
(which will make you itch!!) at:

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RE: CSMSM heart/was now Cayenne tinctures

2007-02-15 Thread Wendy

1 oz. Liquid Fire  250,000 Heat Units!

Ingredients: Organic Habanero peppers, African Bird Peppers, Chinese and
Asian Peppers, Mexican Habaneros and California Jalapenos.

CAUTION! Extremely Potent!!  $18

And it is! LOL


-Original Message-
From: Charles Marcus [] 
Sent: February 12, 2007 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: CSMSM  heart/was now Cayenne

 Do you take Cayenne, for a spice bottle??? or pure cayenne from an 
 herbal way... 
 I have no way in finding pure herbal remedies in this area.. I need 
 to order everything by mail..
 where do all of you get your herbal or homeopathic remedies???
 I'd love to know if there are good places to get these online.. ??
 take care, 




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RE: CSBorax and Demodex Mange

2007-02-14 Thread Wendy
Not sure if this will help- but this is the popular borax and h202 cure
for mange.


-Original Message-
From: Day Sutton [] 
Sent: February 13, 2007 6:26 PM
To: Silver Post
Subject: CSBorax and Demodex Mange

Unfortunately I deleted the senders address from this post.  Does
anyone know how to get in touch with Renee??

-- Forwarded message --
From: KJ  MJ Cochran
Date: Feb 13, 2007 6:03 PM
Subject: Fw: (no subject)


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RE: CSGarlic foot bath for detox-NOW raw dog feeding

2006-12-22 Thread Wendy
We have fed raw to our animals for almost 6 yrs. One of the sites I
truly love and pass on to all new raw dog feeders is below, she has
awesome big photos on what and how to prepare etc. 
Also, excellent books are by Dr. Billinghurst, Tom Lansdale, K. Schultz,
Pitcairn etc.
hth warmly
-Original Message-
From: rusty0 [] 
Sent: December 22, 2006 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: CSGarlic foot bath for detox
Denise, I have three dogs i would like to put on a raw diet, can you
email me how to do this and what you feed them?  pleaseJen

CSdmso cs for mange and human scabies?

2006-10-15 Thread Wendy

Anyone have any experience with this? I don't know what type of
mange/scabies the dog and I have, pretty sure this is what it is though,
been noticing it for a month or more, working with it for the last
couple weeks. I am working long distance with homeopath and trying
mezereum 30c for 3 days.

Dogs are super itchy, affecting their ear tips, hind feet area plus,
elbows and belly are affected. I think possibly there was an internal
ear problem as well with brown discharge- I used garlic and mullein oil
and cs. Dogs getting really tired of me working on him ;-( (spoke with
someone else this morning that we have not been in contact with, she
said her dogs exhibiting same behaviour and is making herself raw from
the scratching)

For me: back of my hand and now wrists and fingers are involved (this
has happened before over the years, always thought it was eczema flaring
up!) My husband and small children show no signs. Internet says Scabies
is commonly misdiagnosed as eczema I've used a
peroxide/aloe/glycerin mix on my hands- burns and itches like crazy-
just put dmso on it and it soothed it A LOT! Wow.

How often do I spray cs on dog or is this even effective to kill mites?
Can I put dmso on dogs hot spots to kill them and heal or with cs? (The
dmso I have is DMSO gel with aloe vera 99.9% pure- 90% dmso, 10% aloe) 

I have heard tea tree oil helps but only where they can't lick it- so
then wondered about them licking dmso. Also read maybe spraying with
Apple Cider Vinegar and also for balancing their ph internally. 

I've been putting oil of oregano on ear tips as well as hot spots, tough
to get through all the long fur though for inside elbow areas though.
Also spraying ears with yellow dock infusion. Have read it could be poor
immunity. Despite raw fed and no vax this is occurring although we've
been lazy with supplements and veggies this last year. I am bumping up
diet with lots of EFA's, cod liver, olive leaf extract, large amounts of
sodium ascorbate,  kelp, concentrance etc. Was thinking about
transfactors too? Had dog adjusted by chiropractor too as his  back
was out and he was in pain.

Also lots of CS in their drinking water.

I am using Hulda Clarks' zapper, not sure if this will help me at all.

I am not sure if any of this is helping. Should I be spraying furniture,
quarantining them? Washing bedding etc? We have plywood floors since
ripping carpets up maybe I should wash the floors with something?

Any input as to what to apply, how frequently or in what combinations
would be greatly appreciated!!!



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RE: CSCS Tooth Abcess

2006-10-12 Thread Wendy
A water pik and hydrogen peroxide might temporarily fix it or buy you
some time.

I have found it very effective with sore teeth and gums. I got mine at
walmart for $50 and it has a little attachment that gets right into the
space between the teeth, and different blasting settings. Dr. Huggins
told us abot the water pik and hydrogen peroxide. I also read about
using the water pik in Hulda Clark's book for teeth.



-Original Message-
From: Leo [] 
Sent: October 12, 2006 12:25 AM
To: Silver List
Subject: CSCS  Tooth Abcess

Can anyone tell me of their own experience with CS and a tooth abcess? 
My dentist says either a canal or an extraction are going down.

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RE: CSNeed Homozon Info-ozone-taste preference

2006-10-01 Thread Wendy
While not a direct response to your question, I thought I would share
this about my experience with homozon and oxygen therapies.
I used it before I got pregnant with my first child and off and on when
I was nursing, with great results if I recall. I didn't particularly
care for the chalk like consistency. I drink lugols and herbal tinctures
that taste way worse but are much more tolerable then homozon. If I
recall the homozon gave me alot more energy, more oxygenation, and I
used it prepregnancy with the fasting and liver and parasite cleanses
(as per hulda clark) that I was doing.  
This is the product I have at the above link, not sure where I purchased
it from then. I ended up buying an ozone generator and oxygen tank from
Dr. Pressman on his monthly payment plan 6 yrs ago and found the
ozonated water much yummier and effective then the homozon (keeps you
regular and full of energy), plus I could also do rectal insuffilation
which I did over a year ago- and passed an absolutely enormous parasite.
My ND said it was probably, no, I saved it in a jar of
alcohol, if I recall it was about 18 long. Both rectal insuffilation
with ozone as well as hydrogen peroxide enemas resulted in the same
thing- releasing large parasites (4 in total if I recall over a 4-5 yr
period) . I have also been doing other cleanses and therapies, finding a
rife doctor-getting rid of lyme, giardia, endolymax nana, hpv and a
couple other nasties, having amalgams removed etc., using rife doctor to
get rid of heavy metals.  I feel like a new person quite literally! I
thought the other day, wow I haven't felt like this since I was 20. I
have to say having the energy and desire to race around with my 2 kids
under the age of 5  is magical. Here's hoping it will continue to
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: October 1, 2006 12:11 PM
Subject: CSNeed Homozon Info
I can not locate Donna Crow's email address and need to order more
Homozon  can anyone help?
Also...  would like to know how Homozon has worked with other people.
I've been on it for about two weeks and have two bottle prepared 1-Lemon
Juice 2-Homozon throughout the days I consum these two bottles...
sometimes I feel that I filling up with air and will burst  I've had
long time constipation problems and the VA diagnosed me with a lazy
colon and perscribed antibiotics (which I did not take)...   just want
to see how the Homozon has helped others.

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CSWAR ON PLASTIC: Rejecting the toxic plague

2006-09-21 Thread Wendy

This was sent to me from our Naturopath:

In our ever increasing toxic world the above web site has identified a
major problem that I am seeing in more patients every day. PLASTICS are
Dangerous! Plastics are responsible for most of the increases in
serious diseases.
By drawing your attention to this we all can become part of a solution
rather than accept disaster without a fight.

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RE: CSWAR ON PLASTIC: Rejecting the toxic plague

2006-09-21 Thread Wendy
Sorry for the confusion.. I'm not in practice, this was forwarded to me
from our ND/homeopath/chiropractor.
-Original Message-
From: Teri Johnston [] 
Sent: September 21, 2006 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: CSWAR ON PLASTIC: Rejecting the toxic plague

I've had terrible reactions to any plastic/teflon etc when it gets
inside of me (IV catheter) contact lens, plastic dust you name it.  Hard
to avoid it these days.   What kinds of reactions are you seeing in your


At 10:51 AM 9/21/2006, you wrote:

This was sent to me from our Naturopath:

In our ever increasing toxic world the above web site has identified a
major problem that I am seeing in more patients every day. PLASTICS are
Dangerous! Plastics are responsible for most of the increases in
serious diseases.
By drawing your attention to this we all can become part of a solution
rather than accept disaster without a fight.

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CSdogs and ear mites or flea bites and CS?

2006-09-18 Thread Wendy

I just noticed our shepherds ears are crusty and bumpy on the outside of
the ear flap. He's been itching a lot, but life has been busy ;-( The
inside of the ear seems fine believe it or not.

I'm not sure if it's mites, fleas or flies. Of course diet is the root
cause of any of this and we've been lazy and they've not been getting
their veggies and oils much the last couple months with their raw meat
and bones. Our female is scratching too but no visible signs of

I have noticed him scratching in other places but I cannot visibly see
any indication of patches, bad skin or fleas or flea poop.

One of my vet herbals says to put 1/2 tsp of oil of oregano in 1/2 to 1
ounce of olive oil and apply to the ear which I did to the outside ear
flaps where the hair is yesterday and today and I will keep at it and
see what happens.

But CS just popped into my head and I wondered if anyone had ever had
any success with this??


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CSthe organic revolution ...from the organic trade association

2006-09-12 Thread Wendy
Ok, although not CS related, I truly found this very cool and hats off
to the people who made this. Organics vs The dark side ah yes. Sigh.

It still makes a good smile today and cute for kids!


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RE: CSKen, allergies?-ragweed sodium ascorbate

2006-09-04 Thread Wendy
If the link breaks, paste it back together.


The patient, a woman thirty-five years of age, was markedly
sensitive to ragweed pollen, and was given pre-seasonal treatment
with pollen antigen (Lederle). When 200 pollen units were given, the
patient developed hives all over her body, swelling of the eyes and
tongue and marked wheezing. This reaction was relieved in about
fifteen minutes by epinephrine. Attempts to increase this amount
slightly brought forth increasingly severe reactions.

The following week the 410 pollen units of ragweed were given along
with ½ c.c. of sodium ascorbate, (100 mg. in 2 c.c.) in the same
syringe. No reaction occurred. Thereafter, at two-day intervals,
increasing doses of ragweed pollen were given with ½ c.c. of sodium
ascorbate. In addition, 100 mg. of ascorbic acid were given three
times a day by mouth.

The patient volunteered that she had not had citrus fruits for many
years because of sensitivity to orange and grapefruit. Finally, a
dose of 1500 units of ragweed pollen antigen combined with ½ c.c. of
sodium ascorbate was given without incident.

Ascorbic acid was thus able to reduce the exquisite sensitivity to
ragweed pollen antigen in this patient. It was thought desirable to
find out whether this phenomenon was a local effect of ascorbic acid
on the pollen antigen. On a ragweed-sensitive patient, the following
skin tests were carried out by intradermal injection:

Ragweed .02 c.c.; ragweed .02 c.c. plus .05 c.c. of sodium ascorbate
(described above); histamine hydrochloride 1/1000 solution, .02
c.c.; histamine hydrochloride (1/1000 solution) .02 c.c. plus .05
c.c. of sodium ascorbate. There was no observable difference between
ragweed and ragweed with sodium ascorbate or between histamine and
histamine with sodium ascorbate. Thus, whatever detoxification
occurs is not local in nature.

The liver is the site of detoxification for most noxious substances
in the body. Usually they are rendered harmless by conjugation in
the liver cells. It is certainly by design that the liver, next to
the adrenal glands, contains the most ascorbic acid of any organ in
the body. The ascorbic acid is undoubtedly one of the substances
concerned with detoxification.

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: September 4, 2006 11:44 AM
Subject: CSKen, allergies?

Dear Ken (Ode),

Several times in the past you've mentioned reducing or eliminating your 
pollen sensitivity by licking the windshield. I'm entering ragweed 
season here which usually makes me miserable from late august through 
the first frost. I'm going to try your technique.


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RE: CSKen, allergies?- honey relieves allergies

2006-09-04 Thread Wendy
We have heard the same from different people and articles. I would say
it's definitely worth a try and it's pretty inexpensive. If you tried a
bunch 3 or 4x a day for a week, you'd know if it was helping. 

If you cn find a LOCAL  bee keeper, maybe you could get him to open a
hive right now and scoop out some honey for you. You could tell him why
you want to try it. ;-) 

They talk about honey and allergies a bit on this video clip, great
info, also has fella with hives on top of tall buildings in NYC!

Allergy Sufferers Look to Nontraditional Relief
By Robin Clayton, The News Leader (USA), 8/31/2006

Bessie Davis remembers taking her daughter Davilyn Artis to the doctor
constantly when she was a little girl.

She had allergies really bad, said Davis. Her eyes would get so much
mucus in them that they would close shut.

Davis doesn't remember how long it's been, but after years of taking
prescription medication for her allergies, Artis finally gave another
solution a try. Despite available prescription and over-the-counter
allergy medications such as Allegra and Claritin, many allergy
sufferers, like Artis, are turning to nontraditional treatment methods

She started with taking bee pollen tablets, said Davis Tuesday
afternoon as she picked up some allergy relief products for her daughter
at Healthabit Natural Foods in Kinston. She takes those and she doesn't
have a problem all summer..

-Original Message-
From: Mark S. Siepak [] 
Sent: September 4, 2006 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSKen, allergies?

Licking the Windshield sounds, u, unsanitary, even if you clean it
first. I have always heard that you can use local raw honey to abate
symptoms. Don't know how long it would take, though. Suspect that
work for this year, maybe next. A tablespoon a day should get your
used to the local pollens. Key thing is LOCAL, and RAW honey.

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RE: CSKen, allergies?

2006-09-04 Thread Wendy
Dr. Feder Homeopathy for allergy relief:

Allergies are Nothing to Sneeze at...With Homeopathic Medicines

The Food Allergy Book by William Walsh
Allergies, Disease in Disguise by Koch

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: September 4, 2006 11:44 AM
Subject: CSKen, allergies?

Dear Ken (Ode),

Several times in the past you've mentioned reducing or eliminating your 
pollen sensitivity by licking the windshield. I'm entering ragweed 
season here which usually makes me miserable from late august through 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSKen, allergies?- more on sodium ascorbate and allergies plus case histories

2006-09-04 Thread Wendy
Hey mike! (wave) 

There is an awesome article about vit c curing allergies. (did you get
Dr. Levy's book when we were at the clinic?) 

I'm reading a bunch of vitamin c books right now and they basically say
many many many people are walking around, unknowingly borderline
SCURVY!!! YES. In this day and age!!! because doctors (or ourselves)
don't know what to look for!!! It tells this story of this poor young
woman who went thru I think 4 yrs of bleep. Surgery after surgery,
pooling blood in her stomach, operating to suck it out  etc. etc. until
finally ONE DOCTOR thought to ask her what she ate. She had no vit c in
her diet at all despite the fact she lived in California. Plus when we
get sick, have children, are
stressed our bodies are robbed so rapidly and of copious amounts.  I was
just reading an article today about the connection with SIDS and vit c

Anyhow thought I'd pass this on as these are both specific to sodium
ascorbate helping/eliminating allergies.


The Immune system, allergy and auto-immune disorders in relation to
Sodium Ascorbate
The availability of the sodium salt of ascorbic acid for oral use
represents a marked advance in the therapeutic approach to allergy.
In many cases considerable relief from allergic manifests and in
some cases even striking and dramatic improvement. The sodium form
of ascorbate is thought to improve adrenal metabolism. This regular
use of sodium ascorbate at least one gram twice daily has been found
in clinical studies as far back as the 1940's to have a high degree
of success in the resolution of hay fever and asthma. (See the
article Sodium Ascorbate in the Treatment of Allergic Disturbances
for details of asthma and hay fever treatment and also some
discussion as to why the sodium form of vitamin C is by in large the
preferable form).
These conditions are related to an under functioning of the adrenal
glands in the sense of failure to produce enough natural steroids.
This in turn is related to an over activity of one wing of the
immune system, tending to produce the self-attack syndrome that pays
a part not only in asthma but all auto-immune disorders. The fact
that clinical trials have been done on asthma and allergy sufferers
is not an indication that sodium ascorbate is only therapeutic for
these auto-immune disorders, but rather a strong indication that all
auto-immune disorders will tend to be helped with sodium ascorbate
use, as the mechanisms described are not specific to asthma only but
to all auto-immune disorders. I refer the reader to my article
Factors Involved In Auto-Immune Disorders And Effective, Natural
Treatment Protocols and also to the use of Sterols and Sterolins to
further understand and alleviate auto-immune disorders. I believe
that most chronic (long term, rather than short episodes) disease
has an auto-immune component, where there is excess
activity/production of B cells and under activity /production of T

scroll down in this article for chart of cases, dosages and outcomes.

snip Sodium Ascorbate in the Treatment of Allergic Disturbances:
Ruskin, The American Journal of Digestive Diseases, September 1947
The availability of the sodium salt of ascorbic acid for oral use
represents a marked advance in the therapeutic approach to allergy.
In refractory cases of allergy and asthma sodium ascorbate was more
effective than ascorbic acid.

[AscorbateWeb Editorial: The use of sodium ascorbate in allergies
instead of ascorbic acid may seem like a fine point, but the author
of this study presents ample clinical evidence with a sound
biochemical basis. Anywhere from 300 to 1500 mg/day gave great
relief to the patients, whose case histories and comments are
interesting to read. One young patient received iron injections for
anemia; we know today (see 1995 Sharma study) that ascorbate so
enhances dietary iron absorption that supplemental iron salts would
probably have been unnecessary.

At any rate, most current allergy remedies have potentially
dangerous side-effects and raise significant toxicity issues ...
unlike sodium ascorbate.]

end snip

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: September 4, 2006 11:44 AM
Subject: CSKen, allergies?

Dear Ken (Ode),

Several times in the past you've mentioned reducing or eliminating your 
pollen sensitivity by licking the windshield. I'm entering ragweed 
season here which usually makes me miserable from late august through 
the first frost. I'm going to try your technique.


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RE: CS Hydrogen peroxide recipes for sore knee

2006-08-31 Thread Wendy
Hmmm not sure why it dropped the subject off the first message.


-Original Message-
From: Wendy [] 
Sent: August 31, 2006 12:11 AM
Subject: CS

I have the Twelth and Thirteenth Edition of this booklet, have looked at
it for years, but only recently reread it with the hopes of helping a
mainstream sisters carpel tunnel wrists... I've been experimented on us
first, which made me think it might help your knee! 

I made up some 6% spray and a 6% gel. The ingredients were easy to find.
I had never used glycerin before but it was at the local health food
store. The aloe juice was easy to find, and the gel I just used the
regular gel rather then the cosmetic grade as I figured there'd be less
additives in it. It's not as thick but works none the less. 

I used the gel on my dh's back pain away - and bleached his back
temporarily too! ;-) Also has taken away several neck aches of mine.
Still experimenting but here is the whole chapter with recipes and uses
for it:



From Hydrogen Peroxide  Ozone
Thirteenth Edition

Conrad LeBeau

Chapter V Bio-Oxidate Formulas: quote” in this book, I am releasing
several formulas for making your own bio-oxidative medicines. Some
formulas are designed for persons to make at home and others for heatlh
care professionals. The 3% Peroxy Spray work equally as well as the
Peroxy Gel. Peroxy Spray should be stored in a refrigerator if not used
on a regular basis. Either may be left out at room temperature for
several days at a time. However, they will gradally lose their potency
if exposed continuously to warm temperatures for more than two weeks at
a time.


Aching joints
Pain (lessens or eliminates altogether)
Back massage
Athlete’s foot
Sore muscles
Minor infections
Insect bites
Fungal and yeast infections
Carpal tunnel syndrome

Several letters received by us from customers indicate that Peroxy Gel
is also beneficial for – 

Skin cancer
Improves circulation in hands and feet – restores feeling
Cuts and wounds that won’t heal

Testimonial letters tell of some incredible stories of healing
experiences and of the gratitude people experience from using the gel.

Several letter claim hydrogen peroxide was effective against skin cancer
and tumors near the surface of the skin. As a topical application, it is
believed to be compatible with any other treatment prescribed by your
physician. Dosages: massage up to two tablesppons daily into the skin or
use the 3% peroxy spray.

The aloe vera acts like a carrier helping the H202 penetrate faster into
the tissues and into the blood vessels. It also buffers the solution
making it gentler on the mucus membranes and more patient friendly.

3% Peroxy Spray (for external uses)
formula for 1 pint

1.  into a bowl, pour 1 cup of aloe vera juice and add one cup of a
6% Hydrogen Peroxide solution. Mix with a spatula and pour into a bottle
with a spray nozzle like an old Windex bottle. Keep refrigerated when
not in use. For external use, spray directly on to any area of the body,
you desire. Keep out of eyes. Use the same as you would Peroxy Gel. 
2.  label the bottle “Peroxy Spray – 3% H202 solution”

Note: DO NOT place 3% Peroxy Spray in the eyes. Some people have mixed
the 3% solution with equal amounts of aloe vera juice and used a few
drops in for infections in the ears.


FOR HOME USE – Sublingual H202
For infections (except herpes types) that won’t respond to prescribed

1.  mix 2 tablespoon of 6% H202 (food grade quality) with 4
tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice. This gives you a 2% H202 solution in
aloe vera juice. Using a dropper pipette, take 20 (1/4 teaspoon) to 40
drops (1/2 teaspoon) under the tongue every 30 to 60 minutes as directed
by a health care professional who can monitor the effects and advise
you. Hold solution in the mouth for 3 minutes until most of it is
absorbed and then drink a full glass of water. Use up to ½ hour before
meals but no earlier than 2 hours after a meal. You can also rinse your
mouth with this solution and gargle with it also.

CARE PROFESSIONAL. Small amounts applied topically may be used more
frequently or as described.

6% Peroxy


2006-08-30 Thread Wendy
I have the Twelth and Thirteenth Edition of this booklet, have looked at
it for years, but only recently reread it with the hopes of helping a
mainstream sisters carpel tunnel wrists... I've been experimented on us
first, which made me think it might help your knee! 

I made up some 6% spray and a 6% gel. The ingredients were easy to find.
I had never used glycerin before but it was at the local health food
store. The aloe juice was easy to find, and the gel I just used the
regular gel rather then the cosmetic grade as I figured there'd be less
additives in it. It's not as thick but works none the less. 

I used the gel on my dh's back pain away - and bleached his back
temporarily too! ;-) Also has taken away several neck aches of mine.
Still experimenting but here is the whole chapter with recipes and uses
for it:



From Hydrogen Peroxide  Ozone
Thirteenth Edition

Conrad LeBeau

Chapter V Bio-Oxidate Formulas: quote” in this book, I am releasing
several formulas for making your own bio-oxidative medicines. Some
formulas are designed for persons to make at home and others for heatlh
care professionals. The 3% Peroxy Spray work equally as well as the
Peroxy Gel. Peroxy Spray should be stored in a refrigerator if not used
on a regular basis. Either may be left out at room temperature for
several days at a time. However, they will gradally lose their potency
if exposed continuously to warm temperatures for more than two weeks at
a time.


Aching joints
Pain (lessens or eliminates altogether)
Back massage
Athlete’s foot
Sore muscles
Minor infections
Insect bites
Fungal and yeast infections
Carpal tunnel syndrome

Several letters received by us from customers indicate that Peroxy Gel
is also beneficial for – 

Skin cancer
Improves circulation in hands and feet – restores feeling
Cuts and wounds that won’t heal

Testimonial letters tell of some incredible stories of healing
experiences and of the gratitude people experience from using the gel.

Several letter claim hydrogen peroxide was effective against skin cancer
and tumors near the surface of the skin. As a topical application, it is
believed to be compatible with any other treatment prescribed by your
physician. Dosages: massage up to two tablesppons daily into the skin or
use the 3% peroxy spray.

The aloe vera acts like a carrier helping the H202 penetrate faster into
the tissues and into the blood vessels. It also buffers the solution
making it gentler on the mucus membranes and more patient friendly.

3% Peroxy Spray (for external uses)
formula for 1 pint

1.  into a bowl, pour 1 cup of aloe vera juice and add one cup of a
6% Hydrogen Peroxide solution. Mix with a spatula and pour into a bottle
with a spray nozzle like an old Windex bottle. Keep refrigerated when
not in use. For external use, spray directly on to any area of the body,
you desire. Keep out of eyes. Use the same as you would Peroxy Gel. 
2.  label the bottle “Peroxy Spray – 3% H202 solution”

Note: DO NOT place 3% Peroxy Spray in the eyes. Some people have mixed
the 3% solution with equal amounts of aloe vera juice and used a few
drops in for infections in the ears.


FOR HOME USE – Sublingual H202
For infections (except herpes types) that won’t respond to prescribed

1.  mix 2 tablespoon of 6% H202 (food grade quality) with 4
tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice. This gives you a 2% H202 solution in
aloe vera juice. Using a dropper pipette, take 20 (1/4 teaspoon) to 40
drops (1/2 teaspoon) under the tongue every 30 to 60 minutes as directed
by a health care professional who can monitor the effects and advise
you. Hold solution in the mouth for 3 minutes until most of it is
absorbed and then drink a full glass of water. Use up to ½ hour before
meals but no earlier than 2 hours after a meal. You can also rinse your
mouth with this solution and gargle with it also.

CARE PROFESSIONAL. Small amounts applied topically may be used more
frequently or as described.

6% Peroxy Gel 
Formula for one Pint for external use only

1. into a bowl squeeze 1 and 1/3 cups of aloe vera gelly (obtain from a
health food store or drug store). Make sure you buy a cosmetic grade gel
that is thick and solid

CSascorbate web ring

2006-08-26 Thread Wendy
We were talking about vitamin c awhile back- just stumbled on this! WOW.


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CSLyme Borreliosis Treatment Protocol

2006-08-22 Thread Wendy
I found this over at:

excellent information as I'm scrolling thru the archives


Lyme Borreliosis Treatment Protocol

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CSnebulizer with child and whooping cough

2006-08-20 Thread Wendy

Hi there. How often would one need to use the nebulizer with a 3-4 yr
old child. Dose of cs???

I didn't know about all of this when my kids went thru it in 2005 but I
have a mom with cs and a nebulizer and a 3.5 yr old 2 wks into whooping

I have sent her all my info on vit c saturation neutralizing the toxin,
herbs, homeopathics etc.

Any thoughts on the cs..


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RE: CSCS and lyme

2006-08-19 Thread Wendy

I don't know that much about rife etc. just what I've read from Gary
Wade's site  although I started reading
about frequencies and stuff thru Hulda Clark's stuff years ago. I have
her little zappers but not a rife type machine yet. ;-) I stumbled on my
practitioner by accident as we had taken our kids to Toronto for
electrodermal testing for food sensitivities. It was thru her that I
found this family that is practicing rife and bicom etc.

They have several books that they get the frequencies from... one I know
is : The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing: Holistic technology for
cancer and other diseases (Paperback) by Nina Silver (Author) and I'm
not sure of the other. Then they look up borrelia and  take all the
frequencies listed and then dowsed or used the elctrodermal screending
to determine which #'s were the ones we needed to zap/use. He has dowsed
for 25 years, and they've been using electrodermal for years.

From my understanding using both machines is the frequency machine kills
it and the bicom eliminates the toxins out of the body (same as mercury
etc.) via urine/feces, balances the system etc.
www.biocomtherapy.comhonestly I have much more reading to do on this
yet! ;-)

They dected borellia by way of electrodermal testing. He didn't seem to
think it was a big deal, then I did some research on it and said holly
crap! He said well we just kill and and we're done with it. He says even
advanced cases respond. He has people come from all over the world and
presently they are booking into DECEMBER! Ugggh. Thank goodness
for the odd cancellation.

Another interesting book I have heard about at is : 

When Antibiotics Fail: Lyme Disease and Rife Machines, with Critical
Evaluation of Leading Alternative Therapies by Bryan Rosner (Paperback -
Jan 2005) 

I am feeling pretty great although I've also had a full dental revision
in June (at the same time as Mike- wave Hi Mike) down in Coloarado and
so some days are good and some are really fantastic. I was having
headaches for a few weeks, similar to after the revision but I confess I
wasn't doing my vit c flushes or baking soda baths which are part of the
follow up protocol AND I've been cheating and eating a few treats and
drinking tea which are on the DON'T EAT list! ;-)  I went to this doctor
a month ago for zapping the borrellia, giardia and another one I can't
remember, but we ran out of time and so last week I went back to use the
bicom to help eliminate the mercry, borrellia and heavy metals (I have
more to do next time including giardia), my head hurt worse. He dowsed
and said probably 48 hrs I would feel shitty... which I did, and now
headaches seem gone? Knock on wood. 

We'll see what happens.

There is a lady in Kentucky that trained my doctor in Toronto on the
Bicom (my guy is 77 and a converted MD). I spoke with her the other day
to get her info to pass on to others that were at the dental clinic. She
suggested that she might also be able to post to her Bicom user group to
find practitioners closer to my friends. I am unsure if all those who
use a Bicom would also practice rife type work.

Worth exploring though   her website is
she mentioned she will be on a month or 2 month tour of the US
practicing in different cities, but I haven't had a chance to see where.

Not sure if any of this helps or not...


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RE: CSVitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)

2006-07-14 Thread Wendy
I called around and it is not available locally or at the Big Carrot in

We get ours from Smith's Pharmacy in Toronto, 3463 Yonge Street, Toronto
416-488-2600 and I buy a Kilogram at a time to save on shipping.

It is in powder form and I just stir it into water, although I suppose
some people use juice. My sister and her older kids have a hard time
with the taste, however I and my little ones don't seem to mind it. I
figure compared to grapefruit seed extract, oil of oregano or some of
our herbal's pretty mild LOL!



-Original Message-
From: claire shaw [] 
Sent: July 14, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: RE: CSVitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)

Yes, I did mucho research on this  
Great thingsodium ascorbate!!! LOL
Wendy, where do you get your sodium ascorbate? Is this the same as Ester

also in canada

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RE: CSVitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)

2006-07-14 Thread Wendy
I called around and it is not available locally or at the Big Carrot in

We get ours from Smith's Pharmacy in Toronto, 3463 Yonge Street, Toronto
416-488-2600 and I buy a Kilogram at a time to save on shipping.

It is in powder form and I just stir it into water, although I suppose
some people use juice. My sister and her older kids have a hard time
with the taste, however I and my little ones don't seem to mind it. I
figure compared to grapefruit seed extract, oil of oregano or some of
our herbal's pretty mild LOL!



Wendy, where do you get your sodium ascorbate? Is this the same as Ester

also in canada


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RE: CSVitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)

2006-07-13 Thread Wendy
Yes, I did mucho research on this when my then 3.5 yr old, 4 month old
and I contracted whooping cough back in the spring of 2005. It was
particularly nasty and scary and after speaking with a woman in new
Zealand and finding out about sodium ascorbate and mega dosing, it
literally turned us around. We've taken it ever since and it's about
the only thing dd (now 19months) can tolerateevery other form of vit
c makes her scream and her bum red.

Dr. huggins (yes I was the one at the same clinic mike was at-wave hi
mike, done your flush yet? I'm due for #3 tomorrow) recommends this as
well. I also am reqired to do 3 vitamin c flushes in a row, 1 week a
part, then one off, then 3 in a row etc. while we are recovering from
the full dental revision.

Great thingsodium ascorbate!!! LOL


-Original Message-
From: Pat [] 
Sent: July 14, 2006 12:01 AM
To: silver list
Subject: CSVitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)

Hi.  Has anyone else tried Vitamin C- Sodium Ascorbate
Buffered Crystals?  This stuff is wonderful because
it's pH neutral and I can take 2000 mg of vitamin C
without it causing intestinal problems.  I just mix
1/2 teaspoon of the crystals in 3 or 4 oz Green
Goodness juice and drink it down, doesn't taste
bad.  When I'm having a bad respiratory allergy
attack, one dose usually helps tremendously.  My
daughter had recommended it, she found it helpful for
allergies also.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSVitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)

2006-07-13 Thread Wendy

Dr. tom levy's take on it: (dr. huggins refers to him in his books)  

dr. huggins vitamin c protocol:



-Original Message-
From: Maryau Jeune [] 
Sent: July 14, 2006 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSVitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)

I did hear about this kind of vitamin C, but read somewhere (have to 
find link) that ascorbic acid was better for flushes (can't recall 
why).  But yes, I also remember reading that it's easier on the tummy...


Pat wrote:
 Hi.  Has anyone else tried Vitamin C- Sodium Ascorbate
 Buffered Crystals?  This stuff is wonderful because
 it's pH neutral and I can take 2000 mg of vitamin C
 without it causing intestinal problems.  I just mix
 1/2 teaspoon of the crystals in 3 or 4 oz Green
 Goodness juice and drink it down, doesn't taste
 bad.  When I'm having a bad respiratory allergy
 attack, one dose usually helps tremendously.  My
 daughter had recommended it, she found it helpful for
 allergies also.


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CScs dmso for canine elbow calouses?

2006-07-08 Thread Wendy

Hi there, just wondering whether this might work? I have read from an
allopathic standpoint canine elbow calouses are quite common, especially
in larger breeds when they lay on hard surfaces. Show people apparently
have special elbow pads to protect them so they don't get them as they
would be unsightly in the ring. We ripped up the carpets 6 months ago
and after just returning from 3 wks holidays, I notice our male now has
bad elbow calouses on his front elbows and he keeps LICKING it!!!

However I have also read online from a homeopathic standpoint it is a
sign/symptom of chronic disease. Other then some eye discharge (which I
attribute to non organic feed-we feed raw diet and don't vax or do
flea/tic meds of any kind) he's in great health and is 5.5 yrs old.

I also read that aloe vera applied daily to them would help get rid of

I wonder if the cs and dmso would be a better choice...althogh if he
licks it off will it be on long enough to have any effect and will it
hurt him to lick it off?

Any other ideas?



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CSre: This man's best friend

2006-07-05 Thread Wendy
Ooops, this bounced! Lets' try again. ;-) honest Mike, I have html
off... sigh, I wish I could figure it out! uggh.


Dave, I’m not a vet, but have had success with flax oil and cottage
cheese with some friends ailing older, kibble fed dogs over the years.
One,  (a big bouvier) I remember well, we were house and dog sitting 
years ago and I thought he would would not make it before they got home
(he fell down the stairs and couldn’t get around well as it was).

Within 2 weeks of flax oil and cottage cheese 3x a day, he was RUNNING
around the yard like a damn puppy and wagging his tail. His owners were
stunned, hell so was I! LOL. Now, maybe he wasn’t that ill, he was 12 I
think, who knows.

However, I have read enough at Shirley’s Wellness Café over the last 6
-7 years to convince me lots of people have had miracles. This website
is great holistic info for kids, dogs, men, women!!!  In fact Shirley’s
own experience with saving her dog is a good read,

Here is another contact (Lita-she’s a homeopath) from Pets 4 Homeopathy
group – she is amazing. Her love for animals is just incredible.

Not sure what you pay for your dog food or if you feed kibble but we
have found that feeding raw to our dogs has actually been cheaper money
wise but phenomenal in health benefits. Tonnes of information on the
B.A.R.F. (bones and raw food or biologically appropriate raw food)
feeding program can be found. It can be as complicated or as easy as 
want to make it. IMO I can’t do worse then kibble! ;-)  We have 100-120
lb dogs so we’ve done a lot of calling around to find the best value. A
local butcher guy sells bones and offal real cheap (another local
butcher is expensive) you have to keep calling  and it’s human grade so
you could share the bones – some for the dogs, (some for your soup), we
also get cases of chicken carcases (or necks and backs) with some meat
and fat and the whole carcass still there 150-180 lbs for $30.  Again
raw for the dog, soup for you. Sometimes you can put a free ad in your
local buy/sell magazine under hunters etc. asking for wild game bones
for your dog.  If the dog is older you could whack it up small with a
cleaver or if you can also try grinding it until the dog gets strength
or inclination to eat it whole. We only fed the pups ground for a few
weeks and then they were on their own to work their way thru stuff.

Some people supplement with the raw diet, some give griains, some feel
supplementation is necessary, some felt just the basics is all that is
needed. Sometimes you can get produce for free from the grocer that is
salvageable and grind it all up and give that to them as well. Beet
greens, carrot, lettuce etc. If it’s not organic soak in sink with some
peroxide) Incidentally you can produce to last 2-3 weeks in the fridge
by first soaking it when you get home from the store and then the odd
squirt of 3% on it when it’s in the fridge. I’ve had kale keep2+ weeks
crispy! It’s a bit of work, but worth it if you are budget conscious.

Another thought is clover is a powerful  blood cleanser as are other
herbs. I purchase loose dried herbs at the local health food store. 
are really cheap, under $1 and I can make a lot of infusions with that.

I have some awesome herbal and homeopathic dog books but that doesn’t
help! Can anyone recommend some good herbal and homeopathic animal

Anyhow, just some ideas. 



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RE: CSThis man's best freind - why low red blood cells?

2006-07-04 Thread Wendy

I had one more thought that might offer you some free advice.

Try  Go to the forum. Although mostly for people,
it is possible someone will read your dogs case and advise. I have had
excellent luck on a # of occasion of getting free advice that worked
very well.

I have seen pet posts there the odd time so I know they do occur. If
they were to offer a remedy, you might know someone locally that would
have the pellets? Alternatively they are about $4-5 at a hfs and from
what I have heard lots of health food stores can order in particular



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RE: CSear infection

2006-07-04 Thread Wendy
This is common subject on my holistic parenting group ;-)
We use 3% hydrogen peroxide in the kids ears  (now 4.5 yrs and 19
monthts) as soon as they start poking their fingers in them (indicating
they are itchy), or if they are sore, although not sure about that if an
infection is already set in-we’ve never had a diagnosis of one.
I have read grapefruit seed extract (gfs), colloidal silver,  removing
dairy especially can help  and wheat and citrus,  lots of water too
works for us. Oh, I have also heard about an onion heated put in a cloth
and placed over the ear….you might want to google that for more specific
instructions ;-) Maybe some older folks here can add their experiences
with this.
I think we’ve only had 1 ear problem….my son was about 2 at the time and
started screaming at a friends house. I pulled over and nursed  him a
few times on the way home, otherwise the poor child just screamed. I
gave him a homeopathic remedy and used st. francis ear oil (mullein,
garlic etc.) warmed in the ear (put whole bottle in a mug of hot water
to warm) and poof, it was gone.  is one
site but you can google for homeopathy and ear infections…. Also herbs
for ear infections. Aviva Jill Romm has excellent childrens herbal
books, and I’m not sure if you have it but an invaluable book is Janet
Zand’s  Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child. In this particular book
for ear infections  it recommends different doses depending on age of
child… for lactobacillus acidophilus or bifidobacterium bifidum, vit c
and bioflavonoids as they are both mildly anti-inflammatory, zinc boosts
the immune system, Echinacea and goldenseal  bombo formula is important
for clearning and type of infection. Echinacea is antiviral and
goldenseal is antibaceterial. Garlic is antibacterial and can  help heal
an ear infection (in aviva jill romm’s book, she recommends ‘garlic
lemonade’ and her kids love it, so do mine… I cut 4-5 cloves of garlic
up and put in bottom of 1 quart jar- pour boiling water over it, let
stand 20-30 minutes depending on childs liking of garlic;-)… then add
fresh squeezed lemon juice and raw honey or maple syrup to taste). Back
to the book…. Mullein oil is a tradion al native American remedy used to
reduce swelling and inflammation. Then there are ½ dozen homeopathic
suggestions depending on symptoms… then general recommendations etc.
If you need more specific info, email me off list.
-Original Message-
From: Kandee Edge [] 
Sent: July 4, 2006 8:43 AM
To: List Silver
Subject: CSear infection
My daughter has an ear infection.  Did I read here recently that you
could use CS in the ears?  I should have saved the email, but didn't.
Any advice on how to combat it without antibiotics?  If CS is
effectivehow much and how often should I administer it?  

RE: CSThyroid supplement ?

2006-06-14 Thread Wendy
Debbie: these groups might be of interest to you.. the first one IMO is
awesome and the members are VERY informative and there is lots of info
in the files section as well.
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: June 14, 2006 12:54 AM
To: Unknown
Subject: CSThyroid supplement ?
Could I get some advice on Thyrocare and Thyrosol for Thyroid support.
Thanks debbie

RE: CSozonated olive oil

2006-06-13 Thread Wendy
I've always ordered my ozonated olive oil from them and no I do not in a
million years think you were 'taken'. ;-) Yes it comes in a white
container- not a fancy one. I try to order in the off season when it is
not so hot though. It lasts a long time for me so it's not hard to do. 

However when I was living in Nassau they did ship it to me (along with
an oxygen tank too! LOL) - there might have been cold packs in it, but I
just refrigerated it after I got it without opening it.

I have on occasion forgotten mine and left it out on the counter in the
hot summer  I just stick it back in the fridge until it solidifies up-
but keep the lid on or the ozone will escape. If I can smell the ozone
in it- I'm good. 

I've been ordereing it from them for over 5 yrs now and IMO it is superb
and so has their service been! Saul may be short on words but in my own
experience, he's long on patience and information!



-Original Message-
From: starshar [] 
Sent: June 10, 2006 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: CSozonated olive oil

Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 11:53 AM

 About a week and half ago, one of the members wrote the bennefits of
 ozonated olive oil and posted a web site. I ordered it, and it came 
 yesterday from SLW SERVICES in langley bc. It is an unlabeled white
 plastic jar, screw on lid. It was seeping liquid into the safeway
 bags used for packaging.No note and on emailing thru the given pay-pal

 email listed as mail was returned as 
 undeliverable. I have it in the refridgerator now and it is now in
 form. Does anyone know if ive been taken for $20, or is this a normal 
 delivery for ozonated olive oil called natures gift(for skin, and
 being mailed as a liquid would it still be effective).Ive never used
 begore... Please advise.

The shipment probably went through some hot weather areas, always a
this time of year.

If you can still get a whiff of the ozone, then it's probably still 

I remember Saul Pressman saying that he kept his jar on his bathroom 
windowsill, perhaps between the actual window and a storm window. He did

not, however, mention the season of the year.

I keep mine in the 'frig but then always forget about it!
After a few years of languishing there, I think it's mostly evaportated.


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RE: CSHuman Papilloma Virus

2006-06-13 Thread Wendy
Interesting I went to see an old Dr north of Toronto that lost his
MD license years ago for not playing by the rules. He is into Rife/beck
and other awesome stuff and it takes 4 months or more to get into see
him. Anyhow electrodermally he told me I had the HPV virus which they
'zapped' and he believes it is all gone. I sure felt better afterwards. 

Here is something interesting he told me he said the #1 place HPV
comes from for women is the speculum in the doctors office. Ewww.
Although I don't go often and when I do, I use our ND, I have since
purchased my own! ;-)


-Original Message-
From: Marshalee Hallett [] 
Sent: June 10, 2006 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: CSHuman Papilloma Virus

CS cured me.

 In the news:
 Gardasil, a vaccine against the virus that causes most
 cervical cancers , most cancers of the vagina and
 vulva, and genital warts , won FDA approval today.
 I know a young woman with the Human Papilloma Virus. 
 Too late for the vaccine, but vaccines scare me
 anyway.  About 30% of the women with the virus develop
 pre-cancerous lesions.  Since this is a virus, CS
 should kill it, right?  Does anyone know of cases
 where CS has gotten rid or it?  I wonder how much one

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RE: CSozonated oil

2006-06-02 Thread Wendy
I buy it thru Dr. Pressman's wife: 
we use-cuts, scrapes, burns, diaper area etc.
it is oily, smells like ozone, works great.
-Original Message-
From: zeb caffe [] 
Sent: June 2, 2006 5:15 PM
Subject: CSozonated oil
where do you purchase ozonated oil and what is it beneficial for?

Sneak preview the all-new*http:/ It's not radically different. Just radically better. 

RE: CSozonated oil

2006-06-02 Thread Wendy
I don't have any experience with what you describe- perhaps you could
ask dr. pressman or ask here at the ozone therapy group.
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: June 2, 2006 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: CSozonated oil
Wendy, curious if this oil would help my wife who previously had cancer
surgictly removed from her foot, face, and  and her arm.  She again has
it on her arm and is sore and starting to ooze.  I know a while back I
tried that black-stuff'(can't remember the name) on my nose as several
people may remember.  It evidently did the job, but took several months
to clear.
I would be open to any suggestions as she no longer has
health insurance because of my retirement, and on Medicare/Aid.   Thank
you, PanAm
a message dated 6/2/2006 6:15:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
buy it thru Dr. Pressman's wife:
we use-cuts, scrapes, burns, diaper area etc.
it is oily, smells like ozone, works great.
Wendy, curious if this oil would help my wife.  She had
   had cancer surgectly removed from her foot, face, and arm

RE: CSOzone.....The Story of Ozone

2006-06-01 Thread Wendy
Me three. ;-)
We have a medical ozone generator we purchased from Saul Pressman at
Plasmafire (service and support has been over the top for the last 5
yrs) and we also use an Aranizer upstairs and it runs 24/7. 
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: June 1, 2006 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: CSOzone.The Story of Ozone
In a message dated 6/1/2006 6:21:06 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
I've been using a medical ozone generator for almost 4 yrs now.  I do
inhalation...filtered through olive oil.  May I suggest that you do not
believe all the hype until you have done some more extensive research.
Medicine men/women in Europe have been using successfully for years to
treat all manner of illnesses...with great success.
I have too Pat..Edith

CScs and stye infection-quick input needed pls!

2006-05-18 Thread Wendy

Hi there. I have a friend with a stye/eye infection. She usually can
self prescribe, but despite everything she's doing she is having some

I left her a small bottle of cs a year ago (made with silvergen 6) to
put in her cupboard (she hasn't' delved into cs yet). I suggested she
put that in it. I have read testimonials on line about a soaked cloth in
cs as well.

Any thoughts as to how many drops, how often, poultice vs drops etc.???

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Her email to me:


I was supposed to go to the clinic today but woke up to a very painful
swollen eye. Went to the walk-in- clinic and got an antibiotic drops. Do
I want to use it, hell no.But I run out of ideas. It is a sty that is
not localized anymore but spread onto my whole upper lid. The boys took
a picture of me. I really look scary and funny at the same time.

snip Last Thursday at the clinic the office was covered in a 0.5cm
thick dust of yellow pollen. I never been allergic to anything in my
life other than some people. :)

By the time I got home my left eye was very itchy and watery. I did not
anything. I figured I am getting another sty.

Friday morning my eyelid were glued together. Because I never had that
sty I looked up pink eye.
Took Pulsatilla and Apis. Nothing happened. All weekend long my eye were
itchy and just a very tiny bit swollen upper lid. Monday I took
and Staphysagria. Again I have a hard time repertorising my own
symptoms. So
I took remedies for Sty and took remedies for pink eye. Monday I also
had a
pimple like white thing on my upper lid which I get with sty.

Yesterday I went to the clinic again did not take any remedy. Today
I have is much worse. My eye is in pain, my eyelid is very itchy but
my eye hurt so much I can't even touch it. It burns and the eye lid is
swollen and red.

I took again Staphysagria, Belladonna for inflammation and redness and
Sul for infection. Nothing is happening. I am not getting better. Taking
6000mg Vit C, Cod Liver oil, My multivitamin, Grapefruit seed extract,
acidophilus. I even thought of candida in the eye but never heard of it
never read something like this. We see many mother at the clinic with
candida infection and accidentally I could have touched my eye while
with a mother who had Candida.

The reason I think it is something at the clinic as I am worse the
day and gets better in a two days or so but doesn't go away completely.

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RE: CSPoison Ivy

2006-04-30 Thread Wendy
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but I have been told that there
is supposedly a plant that always grows right near poison ivy that is an
antedote plant. Hmmm the name of it eludes me. You might find it if you


-Original Message-
From: V [] 
Sent: April 30, 2006 1:50 AM
To: Jeff
Subject: Re: CSPoison Ivy

Hi Jeff,

poison ivy is really not an infection. what causes it is an oily acid
called carbolic acid. It soaks through the skin and combines with some
substance in a lower layer of the skin and produces a substance that the
imuune system then reacts to with blistering. I have had it many times
and have not found something that gets rid if it fast. I wonder if the
DMSO might carry the carbolic acid further into the body. It may not be
good if it does that.


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RE: CSPoison Ivy

2006-04-30 Thread Wendy
If not rhus tox try this..
-Original Message-
From: Nenah Sylver [] 
Sent: April 29, 2006 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSPoison Ivy
Rhus tox is the homeopathic preparation of, and for, poison ivy. The
health food store staff should know the correct dosage.
- Original Message - 

RE: CSBook

2006-04-26 Thread Wendy
Mike (ok my settings are on plain text and my security at normal-
I hope this comes thru normally, if not any thoughts???

I do have this book but I've only read a couple chapters. may I offer my
experience with books when this happens? 

I read aloud to my husband a lot (he's not a book reader) and he 'gets
it' the first time, probably like yourself- instantly and it stays with
him (same as when we argue! LOL ie. I GOT IT THE FIRST TIME!!! As I
continue to plead my point..he he. In fact he gets quite frustrated with
these types of books and says to me ya ya, why do they all repeat
themselves?? I got it the first time!!! One author in particular that
comes to mind from years ago is Dr. Ian Billinghurst on the Barf Diet,
but there are others he dislikes that I have read.

However, I don't seem to learn the same as him. I need to read stuff
over and over and over before it sinks in and sticks!!! LOL So for me
this actually works to my benefit for a book to repeat itself and I have
found a lot of authors do that and I love it but as long as it is new
material. ;-) otherwise I skim and skip. But maybe that is why? I am a
very quick reader and speaker and I do skim and skip a lot when I read
so maybe this is whyI'm not really paying attention,  what I didn't
pick up in the first chapter, when it gets repeated in the 3rd one I
catch it yk?

Now the other thing that you might be experiencing is that everything
inthis book you already are aware of so it's not a big revelation or

I also found this with a holistic parenting nutritional ebook- I ordered
it, read it and went h, but I already know all that, she's not
telling me anything new. ;-( However, I also realized after 8 yrs of
reading a bazillion books that this one would have been a great one to
start with as someone just starting out or figuring stuff out. I also
think this book is wonderful for some people- I actually just got it
back from a mainstream woman who lost her husband last year so for her
it would have a totally different meaning then for me.

Just my musing...


-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: April 26, 2006 5:45 PM
Subject: RE: CSBook

I have the updated version of Trudeau's Natural Cures They Don't 
Want You To Know About. I'm almost finished with it.

He covers the field pretty completely, and there were some things I 
hadn't heard about after 9 years of interest in alternative medicine. 
It is nice to have it all collected into one place... or would be if he 
presented it better.

If your thoughts differ, please share. I'm all for any argument that 
would bolster my opinion of the man.

Be well,

Mike D.


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CSCS and endocervicitis

2006-04-22 Thread Wendy

Hi there and help! I'm curious to know if anyone has any experience with
CS and vaginal issues - ie. Endocervicitis? I've been battling this
since my daughter was born 17 months ago, except I thought it was a
cyst. The same thing happened after my son was born 4.5yrs ago however
diligent use of vaginal ozone therapy cleared it up in 6-8 weeks. This
has not been the case this time.

My ND has used silver nitrate twice on it but with no success.

I have to get on top of this so I decided to do something about it. I
have purchased my own speculum and was thinking about spraying CS
directly onto the cervix where the infection is a couple times a day. I
tried it tonight and it's a little tricky, but doable;-) Or maybe mixing
it with dmso??? Any thoughts? Will using either of these upset the
balance??? Ie. Kill the good guys and the bad guys? Acidophilous??

I have read some articles about success with painting it with iodine or
using tea tree oil as a 40% solution but am still researching. I haven't
a clue on how to take the essential tea tree oil I have to  make a 20% -
40% solution??... dilute with olive oil maybe??? but how do I do the

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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CSCS not working for stomach bug?

2006-04-22 Thread Wendy

Me again.

My 2 small children and I have a nasty bug of some sort - day 9 today
since my 4.5 yr old first threw up.

It seems that they throw up basically every 2nd day, just once until
thestomach is completely empty. Then they go back to running around
happy and playing. They've not mounted anything but a low grade fever
once in awhile. For me, my stomach has just been burning and churning,
no vomiting. Any food or drink seems to cause a sore tummy for 2 of us.
My ds had runny poops off and on but just him.

A few days ago it moved into a cold too with runny nose, cough (mostly
just my youngest) which is in line with 2 other families we know of that
had this before us although we haven't even been around them this year.

I've used what usually always works for everything - oregano oil and
homemade cs (silvergen model), sodium ascorbate, I'm still nursing so
using allicyn and GSE and nursing as much as possible. My kids aren't
eating much and are losing weight and they are tiny to begin with so
this isn't good.  I've been juicing and chicken soup etc. to help with
fats and nutrients. At first because it was only occurring every 2nd day
and they were in such a good mood that I kept thinking it was gone and
would forget to maintain their dosages throughoutthe next day.

I have successfully found a homeopathic remedy for my youngest for the
bad cough that just came on last night and it's way better then it was.
(she had just about gotten over a 6wk chronic cough before this) and am
awaiting feed back from our homeopath for a more accurate remedy for the
whole picture.

Any other thoughts or experience with a bug like this??


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CScs for horses- misinformation in article?

2006-04-18 Thread Wendy
I came across this today. This woman has an amazing site and she is also
quite incredible in helping both animals and people- so I was surprised
to see this information quoted on her site about CS which is too bad
because so many people reading it would miss out on the benefits. Since
I make my own CS with a silvergen unit I have no problem using it for
people and pets!


Natural anti-bacterial for your Horse

Conventional methods of electrically producing colloids involve placing
silver electrodes in a container of water and applying an electrical
current to them. This method works with varying degrees of success, from
not at all, as the case with electronic gizmo's sold over the Internet,
to large expensive devices which manage to produce some amounts of
colloidal particles. 
Australian Colloidal Laboratories is in possession of technology far
different and more highly advanced than what is used conventionally. In
a grossly simplified explanation, water is firstly passed through a
complex purification system, then restructured and only then passed
through the proprietary process from where the colloidal silver
dispersion comes out in an amazingly pure and beneficial form. The
additional use of radionics and scalar waves completes the process. 
Australian Colloidal Laboratories has, by innovation become world
leaders in the area of colloidal silver production.  To contact CeeCeez
for more info

end snip

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CScanine question

2006-04-12 Thread Wendy
In my experience,  Calendula tincture would help as well. I have used
both CS  and calendula tincture (alternating) and a homeopathic remedy
internally in my then 3 week old baby daughters eye for an eye infection
that came on rapidly had the eye swollen shut and pussy.

I have used CS repeatedly in my dogs eyes as well. I have a big 
bottle. I spray it in their face and give them a treat. Spray- give
treat, spray – give treat. Then… after awhile they don’t mind me
spraying it in 
eyes! ;-)  They taught us in dog class to do this with their paws,
touching and looking in their mouth etc. to get them used to it just in
case you need to.

There are many different homeopathic remedies for conjunctivitis or eye
infection that you could google for as well…….



Here is herbal tincture info:


In All You Ever Wanted to Know about Herbs for Pets by Mary L.

Conjunctivitis: is a generic term that refers to inflammation of the
ucous membranes and soft tissues surrounding the eye. The problem 
when bacteria, fungi, or other foreign substances come in contact with
these tissues an tearing fails to eliminate the irritating elements.
Most cases are acute and are caused by dust, plant material, or other
environmental irrants. In these cases, a simple saline eye rinse 
brings relief. An astringent eyewash using raspberry leaf or nettle tea
combined with a tea of certified organic goldenseal or Oregon grape 
offers further assistance by fighting infection and quickly reducing
inflammation and soreness.

A Simple Astringent Eyewash

Using a clean dropper bottle, combine the following:

½ tsp of cooled clear raspberry leaf or nettle tea * make sure that the
tea is absolutely free of particles, you don’t want them in your 

½ tsp of Oregon grape or goldenseal tea * same, no particles

add 1 oz of sterile saline (available in the eye care section of
supermarkets and pharmacies)

shake the mixture thoroughly – the finished solution should be tinted

If possible hold the animlas head to one side and use a dropper pipette
to thoroughly rinse the eye laterally, from the nose outward, towar the
animal’s cheek. The idea is to wash any irritating particles away from
the animal’s eye. This process can be repeated two or three times daily
until the condition improves. If the rinse causes further irritation,
stop using it – your companion may be sensitive to the herb you are
using. Other herbs to consider for use in eyewashes include calendula,
chamomile, thyme, bee balm, chickw2eed, dandelion leaf, or rose petals.
Regardless of which herbs you use, be extra careful in assuring that
they are free of dust, pollen, or toxic residues (such as herbicides or
car exhaust) as the eyes are extremely sensitive to such substances.

end snip from book

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RE: CSoops sorry :O)

2006-04-09 Thread Wendy
Oops on my part! I thought you meant you wereputting it downstairs
'inside'. Duh. 

I still had some in the spritzer bottle and turned out I didn't need it-
we all made it thru the night ;-)

Joel is feeling better, still some diareah but definitely feeling

Will call you today.


-Original Message-
From: Norm [] 
Sent: April 8, 2006 11:58 PM
Subject: CSoops sorry :O)

I assumed you were coming by so I left it outside...I
went around to talk to Becky about basement
stuff...talked for a while then went for a walk and
then stopped at Ruth's on the way back...hope you are
ok ..

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2006-04-09 Thread Wendy
We accidentally posted to the CS group!!! SORRY!!!


-Original Message-
From: Norm [] 
Sent: April 8, 2006 11:58 PM
Subject: CSoops sorry :O)

I assumed you were coming by so I left it outside...I
went around to talk to Becky about basement
stuff...talked for a while then went for a walk and
then stopped at Ruth's on the way back...hope you are
ok ..

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CSnebulizer questions

2006-03-27 Thread Wendy
I came across these instructions for using CS in a nebulizer. but he
says to not put it in your mouth, but to breath deeply

How would you do that with kids? I don't think I could get my young ones
to do it- I try already misting the cs in our faces and we make a game
out of it ;-) 

Plus I can't remember and with the archives down- what particle size is
optimum? There were a few other tips about nebulizers too but I cannot

I see a 'ducky' nebulizer on ebay, I was wondering hm. My 16 month
old seems to have developed a bronchial type cough that has lasted 3
weeks. I've been using sodium ascorbate, oregano oil, cs, homeopathics,
herbs, carrot juice etc. but it's still there. Sometimes dry, sometimes

Mostly it comes on after she falls asleep and when she wakes up. There
doesn't seem to be any other symptoms except the odd crusty nose but I
don't want to end up with a secondary! We know she is sensitive to a lot
of things including dust, cat-dog-sheep hair so we have noticed perhaps
the wood furnace and the dogs and cat as being irritants. We have yukky
old carpets and we are debating taking up the livingroom one which is
not glued down and just have the plywood for now. Now that the weather
is getting nicer we can have windows open.

Also our aranizer is away being repaired so that will help too when it

Anyhow, I was musing that the cs in the nebulizer might be quite

Anyone else use it with their kids??




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RE: CSCS w/ antibiotic...herxheimer ?

2006-03-10 Thread Wendy
How does one 'pronounce' herxheimer correctly???




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RE: CSsilver and breastfeeding

2006-03-07 Thread Wendy
Nurse, nurse, nurse!!! LOL 

My kids do get cs - they are 1yr and 4yrs and I did give it to the baby
when she was 4 months..although I'm still not sure on my opinion on that
;-) I'm not sure about if you take it if the baby will benefit through
your milk, someone else can probably answer that. 

I can tell you however that I have read that vitamin c and other
vitamins and herbs etc. that you take, the baby can benefit from through
your milk.

When we had whooping cough/pertussis last year for 3 months my baby was
only 4 months old at the beginning, her brother was 3yrs. By taking mega
doses of sodium ascorbate (vitamin c) we were able to turn it around. I
was taking 10 grams a day and breastfeeding(alas I wonder what a
nebulizer and cs would have done in the very beginning???)...anyhow,
from what I read it is rare for a breastfed baby and mother to get
pertussis or sick UNLESS they are both critically low in vit c. Anyhow
other forms of vit c can be really hard on the baby- mine cried like
crazy... the sodium ascorbate is buffered and we found it worked well
for us. There is a lot of info on sodium ascorbate if you google. It is
excellent for colds, flus and ongoing system strength.

I also took and do take oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, garlic,
Echinacea, kale/chard/carrot juices,  etc.  when breastfeeding if she is
unwell and my baby was able to benefit from that. An excellent book
worth reading is Superimmunity for Kids by Dr. Leo Galland... it gives
specific info to help boost our childrens immune system, he does believe
that kids worldwide are in trouble nutritionally despite our best
efforts. Also one of the best books to have on hand IMO if you don't
already have it, that I always give for shower gifts is Smart Medicine
for a Healthier Child. Not only does it have homeopathic, herbal,
nutritional advice for all ailments A-Z but it also has convention
allopathic advice thereby making it ideal for all parents to have on
hand. Another great one is Aviva Jill Romm's Healthy Babies. she
gives specific herbal advice and recipes and dosages etc.

I have found other great ideas and support at herbal

If you happen to live in Canada I also belong to a holistic parenting
group  .

Hugs, and I hope your babe is feeling better soon!



-Original Message-
From: Kandee Edge [] 
Sent: March 6, 2006 5:09 PM
To: List Silver
Subject: CSsilver and breastfeeding

When taking CS during breastfeeding, can the benefits
of it pass to the child as well.  I have a 3 month old
who has a nasty cold and was wondering if I took
CS...would it help her.  I have not yet starting
taking CS.  I'm still a newbie.


Kandee, mom to Hannah and Grace

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RE: CSVisionware- aluminum source?

2006-03-04 Thread Wendy
My apologies if this comes thru twice I'm not sure what I did the
first time ;-(

Although for some of us. ;-)  being obsessed about what we are ingesting
is a necessity! I know I am always searching for answers or 'better'
answers then the ones we have.  to burning questions!

Like, in my situation both my children have had a hair analysis (they
are 4 yrs and 1yr) and both of them are excreting really high levels of
aluminum (hmmm visionware???) and my youngest also high levels of lead
.. (which doesn't mean my 4 yr old doesn't have high lead, maybe he's
just not excreting it) 

So. Did they get it through my breast milk (I have 13 amalgams and I
breastfeed a long time) OR is it something presently going on in our
imemdiate environment? Our house is only 20 yrs old and we live on
secluded 100 acres although 1.5 km from the highway.I have never used
aluminum pots since my parents switched when we were kids, we don't use
a microwave, my children have never been vaccinated, the kids and I eat
99% processed free foods, no crackers, no candy, no sugar, no pop, no
chocolate, no store bought juice. Once in a blue moon we eat tuna from a
can. We buy organic as often as we can afford. We juice, we sprout, we
drink green smoothies, and we use cs etc. We try to eat as much raw as
we can but doing everything from scratch and having 2 little ones is
very time consuming and frustrating some days, especially working around
their food sensitivities.

DESPITE all of this, birthing our babies at home, using ND and
chiropractor that we can't afford, using homeopathics, herbs, and not
needing allopathic care (except for the antibiotics they gave us when we
all got whooping cough last spring which we knew wouldn't work anyhow
but with a 4 month old so sick fear makes you do anything that 'might'
help) .my kids STILL have  food sensitivities like you
wouldn't believe: wheat, milk, citrus, soy, corn, tomato and the
youngest one eggs and some nuts too and she also cannot tolerate fish
oils or hypoallergenic liquid vitamin!. The hair analysis also showed my
kids really low in vitamins and minerals (magnesium, phosphouros,
sodium, zinc off the charts with boron, potassium, strontium beining
unacceptable levels. Sigh.  But hey.on the upside my 4 yr old has
beautiful teeth and the 1 yr old is looking good! LOL

I've always used visionware for at least the last 5 yrs because I
THOUGHT THEY WERE SAFE and non toxic so believe me this thread REALLY
INTERESTS ME!. I even ditched the no stick electric fry pan
a couple years back- it was the last to go. My husband got frustrated
and bought an expensive set of stainless steel for xmas 2 yrs ago but I
was concerned when I read about the nickel and chromium.. Some of what I
read says nickel accumulates in the breast. I have a breast lump.

So I guess sometimes it helps to question EVERYTHING so maybe,
just maybe SOMETHING will make sense .because honestly some days when I
see other mainstream kids munching away on crap cooked in a so called
evil aluminum drinking a coke with no visible reaction I think HOW IS

Musing in Canada.












-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: March 4, 2006 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: CSVisionware


In a message dated 3/4/2006 7:26:57 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

However, if one is obsessed with what one is ingesting..then 
where does the anti stop. How far is one willing to go?

Yes -- my sentiments exactly.  MA

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CSCs dmso breast lump, but lactating....

2006-03-04 Thread Wendy

I there. Just curious about this.

We use a lot of alternative therapies for our family and we make our own
CS although I have limited knowledge of dmso.

I'm 38 and turned my life around about 8 yrs ago and did a lot of
cleansing and cleanup (except for amalgams) prior to my first child
being born 4.5 yrs ago. I don't do a lot of cleansing and avoid parasite
herbs etc. when I am breastfeeding.

However I have a very distinct non moving breast lump in the left breast
that has been bugging me off and on for maybe 1/2 a year. I had a
thermography scan just for the heck of it prior to it bugging me and it
was questionable with a pattern forming but 10% although they recommend
you don't rely on this alone. I think the lump has been hiding under
fibrostic (sp?) tissue in the breast. It's the same spot and same breast
that I have had mastitis in at least 3 times in the last 4.5 yrs. I've
had some rife type work done a few weeks ago as it was indicated I had a
parasite hiding in it. I felt intense pain for a few minutes while
zapping on one of the frequencies...then the pain was gone. I go back
next week so I'll see what is going on. From what I've read about
mammography and biopsies that's perhaps not a road I'd like to travel

I have been rebounding and been more aggressive with the ozone therapy
(8 glasses of water, vaginal insuffilation and breast funneling every
day) and it seems to have elminated a lot of the fibrostic stuff and it
feels more like normal breast tissue now making it easier to pinpoint
under my finger. 

So...on to my question.

My dad had excellent success with a lump/cyst on his side that was way
in. He used dmso and cs. We were talking about how that might work well
in this situation however I'm still breastfeeding. Anyone read anything
about that???

My daughter is 15 months and since using more ozone I have weaned her
rather rapidly back to 2x a day from about 15x. I will need to consider
weaning completely as I assess what is going on and also as I hopefully
make plans to have my amalgams removed. I am such a believer in the
importance of extended nursing that this truly breaks my heart. ;-(

However in the meantime, I thought I'd ask and see Our other thought
was wouldn't that breast be close to the heart when using dmso??

Thank you


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSStainless steel cookware-nickel allergy update

2006-03-02 Thread Wendy
Glass visionware pots are supposed to be ideal. Remember those? \They
come in rose or a brown colour and they are seethrough...all different
sizes. We have a bunch of them.Up until a few years ago you could
purchase a set of 3 at Canadian Tire for $25 Can. However then they
apparently quit making them... Upon further investigation it seems they
do still make them but apparently overseas, Chiina I think. I know that
here in Toronto you can pick them up starting at $6 each at the outlet
stores. One place says they get a shipment a few times a year.

I find mine at Goodwill, thrift stores and garage sales. My kids break
them a lot ;-) Last summer I found a huge glass fry pan that cooks an
awesome pot of rice and a dutch oven that works wonderfully for chicken!
It took me awhile to get my head around using glass and things do stick
sometimes especially if you use high heat but even a REALLY bad
stick/burn can be gotten out with boiling, baking soda, vinegar etc.

Reheating things is a challenge for us as we haven't used a microwave in
5 years and leftovers do stick so typically we just don't have left
overs ;-)


-Original Message-
From: Jeanne [] 
Sent: March 1, 2006 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: CSStainless steel cookware-nickel allergy update

Teflon is toxic, now aluminum, what can you cook with that is safe?  I
trying to make a change and cant find anything safe.  Please help me,


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSStainless steel cookware-nickel allergy update

2006-03-02 Thread Wendy
I just read Dr. Hulda Clark's new book (after I sent the post about
visionware pots) 'The prevention of all cancers' and she indicates that
Glassware, canning jars, Teflon, toothbrushes, paper plates, plastic
ware, and 'good' china seep heavy metals, malonic acid and thallium.
Ceramic and enamelware also seep.

She indicates stainless steel, high density polyethylene (#2), zippered
plastic bags, and white Tupperware bowl in her picture do not seep.

Then somewhere else last week I read that stainless steel does seep and
that you could take distilled water and test it- then fill a stainless
steel pot up, leave it overnight and then test it the next day for TDS.

When I store the CS in the plastic distilled water jug it tastes funny
to me. I try to keep it in a glass gallon jug. 

Sigh... can't there just be an easy answer. my head hurts. ;-(


-Original Message-
From: Jim Holmes [] 
Sent: March 2, 2006 3:56 PM
Subject: RE: CSStainless steel cookware-nickel allergy update

I have heard rumored that those vision utensils are composed of a large
percentage of metal of some sort.  Does anyone know? 

 I have always cherished them, and have many that have not been broken. 


-Original Message-
From: Wendy [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 6:46 AM
Subject: RE: CSStainless steel cookware-nickel allergy update

Glass visionware pots are supposed to be ideal. Remember those? \They
come in rose or a brown colour and they are seethrough...all different
sizes. We have a bunch of them.Up until a few years ago you could
purchase a set of 3 at Canadian Tire for $25 Can. However then they
apparently quit making them... Upon further investigation it seems they
do still make them but apparently overseas, Chiina I think. I know that
here in Toronto you can pick them up starting at $6 each at the outlet
stores. One place says they get a shipment a few times a year.

I find mine at Goodwill, thrift stores and garage sales. My kids break
them a lot ;-) Last summer I found a huge glass fry pan that cooks an
awesome pot of rice and a dutch oven that works wonderfully for chicken!
It took me awhile to get my head around using glass and things do stick
sometimes especially if you use high heat but even a REALLY bad
stick/burn can be gotten out with boiling, baking soda, vinegar etc.

Reheating things is a challenge for us as we haven't used a microwave in
5 years and leftovers do stick so typically we just don't have left
overs ;-)


-Original Message-
From: Jeanne [] 
Sent: March 1, 2006 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: CSStainless steel cookware-nickel allergy update

Teflon is toxic, now aluminum, what can you cook with that is safe?  I
trying to make a change and cant find anything safe.  Please help me,


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSUTI and Fingernail Ridges- UTI

2006-02-21 Thread Wendy
I've found that CS doesn't prevent or cure urinary tract infection. I
know it was a full blown one; I had test strips I'd bought after my last
one 3 years ago.   However, I'd had three within a few months twice in
my life (I think the germs don't get killed off totally), and I know
they normally result in urgency, burning and stinging.nb! sp; Normally
they're miserable.  This time I waited more than 24 hours before calling
the doctor and it felt so mild that I've continued with a full schedule
of running around.  I started Bactrim this afternoon and will probably
feel well by a.m.  How can antibiotics reach all these places when CS

Ozone therapy works well for UTI as do herbs. Ozone can be applied with
a catheter (easier with women) for 3 minutes, 1 or 2x and I have found
that usually takes care of it. Not comfy but very effective. ;-)
Aviva Jill Romm has some excellent herbal books with specific
recommendations. Since UTI's can be common during pregnancy she does
address this in her one book. She says most bladder infections
(cystitis) can nearly always be treated at home with natural remedies.
Beginning treatment at the earliest symptoms is optimal. She says cut
sugar as it breeds bacteria, take Echinacea root tincture , vit c, uva
ursi, wild yam etc. and gives specific dosages and preparation
(availaale in The Natural Pregnancy Book, herbs, nutrition and other
holistic choices)  Freqently you can find this book at your local
library. She is a 20+ yr herbalist as well as a midwife in the states.

RE: CSSilver in newborn eyes

2006-02-20 Thread Wendy
In our province silver nitrate or erythromycin ointments (newborn
eyecare)  is the only law (vaccines and vit K are not), however if you
have a more 'lay' type midwife (not the new ones we refer to as
'medwives') you can get still get around it. Although one woman was
threatened by her so called midwife a few years back and told that it
was required by law and that if she refused Child services would need to
be called and they would take the newborn (thereby jeopardizing the
bonding etc. of mom and newborn) and they would do it anyway. Nice. Oh,
and her 1st daughter had a known allergy to erythromycin.! Thank
goodness this is not a common occurrence with the midwives in our
The crazy thing about the eye drops is that from my understanding even
if a woman does not have a vaginal birth but has a c-section, it is
still administered to the newborn. Despite the fact the baby DID NOT
come down the birth canal!!!
Vit K is still an option in our province but not everyone has this
luxury. It is worth doing research on to make an informed decision.
Newborn eye care or prophylaxis
Almost all states and provinces require this. In some instances parents
can sign a waiver to avoid the procedure.
Silver nitrate drops or erythromycin ointments are placed in the eyes
within an hour or so after birth to prevent infection and possible
blindness if the newborn is exposed to the bacteria causing gonorrhea in
the birth canal. Erythromycin also decrease the risk of an eye infection
caused by chlamydia
Silver nitrate causes redness, swelling and discharge from the eyes.
Erythromycin and tetracycline usually do not. All cause blurring of
vision. Delaying the procedure up to the allowed one hour gives you some
time with the baby when he is alert and can see clearly. Prophylaxis
cannot prevent all possible eye infections such as herpes simplex virus,
Group B streptococcus or hemophilus influenzae.
Some researchers now suggest that eye prophylaxis is overused. Rather
than treating all babies, they believe women should be tested for
chlamydia and gonorrhea and treated if necessary and only babies whose
mothers have infection be treated.
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: February 20, 2006 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: CSSilver in newborn eyes
My first child was given silver nitrate after birth which is caustic.She
also continued to have senitive eyes and vision weakness. My son had
antibiotic drops with no issues and the other 4 had nothing and have
better than 20/20. Of course I also knew there was no transferrable

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