Re: [OSM-talk] OSM-Garmin relationship?

2011-06-30 Thread Matthias Julius
Greg Troxel writes:

 I would guess that the 'warranty' comment is just the typical corporate
 reaction to questions of liability, perhaps combined with a lack of
 understanding of open data.

Especially when you consider that when you turn on your device you get a
warning saying All information is presented for reference only.  You
assume total responsibility and risk associated with using this device.
(at least mine does that.)  So there is no warranty for the data anyway.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ebook-Karte auf Kindle

2011-06-27 Thread Matthias Julius

Fabian Schmidt schrieb:


Am 27.06.11 schrieb Wolfgang Barth:

 Was ich mich schon immer gefragt habe war, warum es kein GPS-Gerät
 e-paper Anzeige gibt. Auch diese transflexiven Displays sind bei 
 Sonnenlicht nur schlecht ablesbar. Für Outdoor-Geräte die man bei
 nutzen will, wäre E-Paper die erste Wahl, auch wenn man keine Farbe,
 nur Graustufen darstellen kann.

Also ich habe mit meinem Garmin GPSmap 60 keine Probleme bei Sonnenschein. Das 
funktioniert so gut, dass ich mich immer frage, warum niemand solche Displays 
in Handies einbaut.

Wenn es Probleme bei Sonnenlicht gibt, liegt das eventuell an ungenügender 
Entspiegelung der Oberfläche. Prinzipiell kann das aber auch bei E-Paper 


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ebook-Karte auf Kindle

2011-06-27 Thread Matthias Julius
Fabian Schmidt schrieb:

Am 27.06.11 schrieb Matthias Julius:

 Also ich habe mit meinem Garmin GPSmap 60 keine Probleme bei 
 Sonnenschein. Das funktioniert so gut, dass ich mich immer frage,
 niemand solche Displays in Handies einbaut.

- kein Smartphone-Hersteller würde auf ein Touchpad verzichten

Schließen sich Touchscreen und transflektives Display gegenseitig aus?

- die Handytester sitzen drinnen und schreiben über Kontrast und

In fast jeder c't z.B. wird die teilweise Unbrauchbarkeit von Handies, Tablets 
und Notebooks im Freien bemängelt. Sollte diese Kritik noch nicht bis zu den 
Herstellern durchgedrungen sein?

 Wenn es Probleme bei Sonnenlicht gibt, liegt das eventuell an 
 ungenügender Entspiegelung der Oberfläche. Prinzipiell kann das aber 
 auch bei E-Paper passieren.

Ich nehme an, dass Dein GPSMap nicht wesentlich entspiegelt ist. Es 
versteht einfach besser, mit statt gegen die Sonne zu arbeiten[1].

Wirklich entspiegelt ist es nicht. Es kommt halt auf das Verhältnis der 
Lichtmengen an, die ober- und unterhalb des Flüssigkristalls reflektiert werden.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Luftbilder für JOSM

2011-06-26 Thread Matthias Julius
malenki writes:

 Stephan Knauss schrieb:

Da die Bilder allerdings aus vielen Einzelbildern zusammengesetzt
werden kann sich der Versatz nach ein paar Kilometern geändert haben.

 Soweit ich weiß, werden alle Bilder mit einem Höhendatenmodell
 nachberechnet, um Verzerrungen zu eliminieren. (Veranschaulichung: stell
 dir einen auf die Zugspitze führenden Weg mit Serpentinen vor).
 Viele der Bing-Bilder wurden aber nicht aus der Senkrechten
 aufgenommen. Die Folge sind teilweise erhebliche Abweichungen auch
 innerhalb kleine Gebiete.

Genau, die Variation des Versatzes hat nichts damit zu tun, dass es
viele Einzelbilder sind (abgesehen von Ungenauigkeiten bei der
Entzerrung und eventuellen Fehlern, die dabei gemacht werden). Die Güte
der Entzerrung hängt vielmehr von der Genauigkeit des Höhenmodells ab,
das dabei verwendet wurde.

Die meisten Pixel wurden ja nicht genau senkrecht von oben fotografiert,
sondern schräg. Das sieht man sehr schön an hohen Gebäuden,
Schornsteinen oder ähnlichem. Dort deckt sich auf den Luftbildern das
Dach meist nicht mit dem Grundriss. Da muss man eben aufpassen, dass man
den Grundriss mappt und nicht das Dach.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Pitiful proceedings - as usual

2011-06-21 Thread Matthias Julius
Michael Collinson schrieb:

The link looks good. I'll make sure any future  license change related 
stuff goes here as well as our normal announce mailings.

For me the preferred and most natural way of receiving announcements is the 
announce mailing list.  Announcements on talk might get drowned in all the 
other traffic about the license change process. :/)

Subscribing to announce should be strongly recommended to everyone.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Pitiful proceedings - as usual

2011-06-20 Thread Matthias Julius
NopMap schrieb:


Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Well there was an announcement on 14th June on this list and others
 Mike Collinson saying that we intend to move to phase 4 this Sunday 
 19th June or as soon after as is technically practical.
 For anyone who had already agreed, this date passed unnoticed. What 
 exactly did you miss - would you have liked another email that said
 we've really implemented it now?

Yes, exactly. As you properly quoted or as soon... makes this
rather vague.

I have read that to mean We will switch to phase 4 unless there are technical 

Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Given that the clear intent to switch to phase 4 on Sunday was widely

 published, was that not enough?

A clear no to this. We intend to ... or maybe later contains no
about whether anything has happened.

I believe you noted the guesses and questions on the matter in the
forum yesterday, the question on this list...

How difficult is it to guess what happened if you have read the above 
announcement and on the following day you can not upload anymore and 
coincidentally you have declined the CTs?

Or is anyone saying I know they intended ro switch to pase 4, but, when I 
could not upload I did not realize they really did.?

If someone did not read the original announcement he probably would not read 
the next one neither.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bing aerial imagery priorities

2011-06-18 Thread Matthias Julius
David Murn writes:

 On Fri, 2011-06-17 at 09:16 -0500, Toby Murray wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 10:19 PM, David Murn wrote:
  when all the nearmap-derived data is removed
 It seems like you missed an email a couple of days ago?
 Current NearMap derived data does not need to be removed from OSM
 during the license change.

 It sounds like you mis-read the email.

 It does not 'need' to be removed, NearMap have simply said it CAN be
 relicenced, depending on the user who derived the data.

 Unless a user can guarantee that their edits were 100% based on nearmap
 and used no other CC source (unlikely for Australian users), they cant
 accept the CTs, which means all their edits must be removed.

Wasn't there a requirement to attribute Nearmap derived data?  Where
that has been done the data could be saved.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bing aerial imagery priorities

2011-06-17 Thread Matthias Julius

Steve Coast schrieb:

I'm speaking personally and there are no guarantees here but I'd like
get input on what areas you would like Bing to prioritise for aerial 
and/or satellite imagery in the coming year.

Large areas of Switzerland have pretty low resolution.  A couple cities have 
really good coverage.  But, in between it is poor.  I am particular interested 
in the area around Thun.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Users who disagree to ODbL but want PD / CC0

2011-06-16 Thread Matthias Julius
Dermot McNally writes:

 On 16 June 2011 18:55, Robert Kaiser wrote:

 I know at least one person who does exactly that just because he wants to
 harm the OSMF because he disagrees with the processes - not with the
 outcome, though.

 The harm he's doing is to the other mappers in the areas he has mapped.

It does not matter why someone decides to not agree to the CT but still
releases his data into PD.  It is enough that people like that exist and
we need to deal with that.  And to argue that they should agree to the
CT and then forget OSM is not going to help.

There are probably also people that have stated somewhere that their
data is PD and later disappeared.

It would be a pity to loose all the data of those people.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wanderwegeverlauf und Kartenwerk der Landesvermessung

2011-06-16 Thread Matthias Julius
Johannes Huesing writes:

 Manuel Reimer [Mon, May 30, 2011 at 08:12:52PM 
 André Joost wrote:
 Ein Tourismusverband, der unbedingt *seine* Rechte *nicht* weitergeben
 will, kann uns daher u.U. einen Strick draus drehen, wenn wir einfach
 *alle* Wanderwege aus den Karten der Landesvermessung übernehmen.
 Kann er nicht. Wege, die mit Wanderzeichen gekennzeichnet sind,
 können auch ohne importierte Daten erfasst werden.

 Der französische Wanderverband ist da sehr beißwütig und hat sich 
 unter anderem die Abkürzung GR für Grande Randonée als Marke schützen

Na und? Das heisst doch nur, dass man die Marke nicht für etwas anderes
verwenden darf. Wenn man also eine geschützte Marke genauso verwendet
wie der Markeninhaber, wird das ja wohl kein Markenrechtsverstoss sein.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] für OSM?

2011-05-30 Thread Matthias Julius
Ulf Lamping writes:

 P.S: Neulich bei Amazon gesehen: MARCO POLO Karten 1:150.000 Kreta:
 Mit landwirtschaftlich schönen Strecken ... :-)

Rapsfelder z.B. sind doch recht nett anzusehen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Geofabrik Download Server Update

2011-05-19 Thread Matthias Julius

Frederik Ramm schrieb:


On 05/19/2011 06:44 AM, Hermann Peifer wrote:
 Are the boundary polygons that you use for clipping available
 I do vaguely remember that I have seen them earlier, but I can't find
 them anymore.

No, they aren't publicly available but I send them to people on
There's really no reason to keep them secret, I just haven't set up a 
mechanism to automatically put them on the server because I didn't
people were all that interested.

Are they so much in flux that simply putting them on a web server won't do as a 

If you publish them you might get patches to eliminate those occasional spots 
of no-man's-land you were referring to in an earlier mail.

One thing people might be interested in doing is to merge them and use the 
result for extracting where the geofabrik extracts are not mergeable.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Geofabrik Download Server Update

2011-05-04 Thread Matthias Julius

Frederik Ramm schrieb:


Matthias Julius wrote:
 One option would be to run osmosis with clipIncompleteEntities=false
 (the default).  That would not increase the burden on your box and
 allow the extracts to be merged.  Of course, this would leave it up
 the data consumer to deal with the incomplete ways and relations.

Yes. I somewhat fear the number of i am getting a strange error in my 
program emails that this would cause.

Yes, that is why there would need to be a tool that can trim incomplete ways.  
Maybe as an osmosis task.

Merging extracts is a niche operation and not the main purpose of what
am doing. 

Is it that small of a niche?  There are probably plenty of reasons why someone 
might be interested in an area that crosses an extract boundary.

You might save a lot of bandwidth if people who for example want to produce a 
Garmin map for BeNeLux do not ha e to download the whole of Europe. ;-)

Of course, this all speculation.  Maybe I am the only one that cares for 
mergeable extracts.

For someone who wants to mix and merge at will, it would be 
much better to simply divide the world in lots of squares and select 
from those. The expensive polygon cutting could be dropped completely. 
It is possible that a process for doing that can be derived from those 
who do regular Garmin maps. If done properly, it would even be possible

to have a web interface where you can select your area of interest, and

a matching extract is then merged live from pre-made squares...

 In some ways this is even preferable because it would preserve the
 boundary of the extract.  Otherewise you get a fuzzy boundary and the
 consuming tools have no way of knowing the original boundary.

Yes but if you start looking at this closely then the only thing you 
know is that the boundary must be somewhere between nodes X and Y so 
that doesn't get you far.

It is more a cosmetic thing.  If for example someone wants to render a map for 
a certain extract they will have some long ways sticking out here and there, 
which is ugly.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Garmin: Mehrere Länder in einer gmapsupp.img?

2011-05-04 Thread Matthias Julius

Joerg Fischer schrieb:

NopMap wrote:

Dnke. Der Tipp zu osmchange war genau das was ich brauchte. Für den
geneigten Mitleser: Entgegen seinem Namen ist osmchange nicht nur für
Nachziehen von täglichen Differenzen, es kann auch *.osm zusammen

| osmchange64 czech_republic.osm poland.osm austria.osm \
| switzerland.osm italy.osm  germany.osm  DACHIPLCZ.osm

Anschließend verfüttere ich das Ergebnis wie immer an mkgmap und es
funktioniert perfekt. In Vorbereitung der Urlaubssaison kann ich jetzt
für mich relevanten Länder auf 2GB quetschen. :-) Dank auch an Martin!

Hast Du Dir das Ergebnis mal genau angesehen? Die Extrakte der Geofabrik sind 
(abgesehen von den Bundesländern) nicht für das Zusammenführen geeignet, da die 
Wege an der Grenze beschnitten werden. Und je nachdem, wie das Zusammenführen 
funktioniert, hat man dann eventuell Lücken oder fehlende Wege auf einer Seite 
der Grenze.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Geofabrik Download Server Update

2011-05-03 Thread Matthias Julius

Kai Krueger schrieb:

Altogether, I think those daily country extracts are one of the most
tools for working with OSM data, so I'd like to send a great thanks
Geofabrik for providing the resource to offer this valuable service.

I agree.

But, I need to point out again that theese extracts are not quite as useful as 
they could be, IMHO. Unless something has been changed, ways that cross the 
bounding polygon are trunkated at the last node inside the polygon. When two 
neighboring extracts are merged there will be a gap at the border (or worse). 
This makes the extracts unusable if one needs a little bit more than one.  
Merging of two extracts is much easier and resource friendlier than downloading 
the bigger extract and extracting the data from that.

I know it has been stated before that the Geofabrik extracts are as they are to 
maintain backwards compatibility.  One could provide a little tool or osmosis 
filter (if that doesn't exist, yet) that trunkates incomplete ways for tools 
that cannot cope with those on their own.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Geofabrik Download Server Update

2011-05-03 Thread Matthias Julius
Frederik Ramm writes:


 Matthias Julius wrote:
 But, I need to point out again that theese extracts are not quite as
 useful as they could be, IMHO. Unless something has been changed,
 ways that cross the bounding polygon are trunkated at the last node
 inside the polygon.

 I have started to slowly introduce extracts built with the
 --complete-ways option, but not all extracts have that yet. In Europe,
 all sub-country extracts have it but countries don't, so you should be
 able to join two German Laender or two French regions, but you will
 encounter problems when joining a part of Germany with a part of
 France. I'm working on that but even a box with 90 GB of RAM disk has
 a hard time splitting Europe into countries with --complete-ways.

One option would be to run osmosis with clipIncompleteEntities=false
(the default).  That would not increase the burden on your box and still
allow the extracts to be merged.  Of course, this would leave it up to
the data consumer to deal with the incomplete ways and relations.

In some ways this is even preferable because it would preserve the
boundary of the extract.  Otherewise you get a fuzzy boundary and the
consuming tools have no way of knowing the original boundary.
Alternatively, the boundary polygon could be stored in the file.
Unfortunately, so far the file formats only support rectangular bounding

 Note that two other preconditions exist for a successful join of
 neighbouring regions. First, the polygons I use for cutting must
 actually overlap. They usually do but every now and then I encounter a
 little bit of no man's land due to polygon simplification. Second, you
 have to use software that properly eliminates the double elements; I'm
 not sure if Osmosis does that.

If it doesn't than this is the chance to fix it.

Do your polygons really overlap?  I think it would be ideal if the
shared the nodes.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Share Alike für Datenbanken mit Vektordaten

2011-05-01 Thread Matthias Julius
Simon Poole writes:

 Was soll das Problem sein (hat Fredierik aber auch schon in Detail

 a) aus Eigeninteresse wird wohl was zurückfliessen, denn was nützen
 Karten die nicht aktuell gehalten werden.

Was soll zurückfliessen? Das Aktuellhalten erledigt ja OSM.

 b) ist es jedem anderen Navi Hersteller freigestellt die Daten auch zu
 nehmen und die Karten zu besseren, vielleicht auch freieren
 Konditionen anzubieten.
 c) hab ich grundsätzlich kein Problem damit, wenn Firmen
 Geschäftmodelle verfolgen mit dem sie Geld verdienen, anstatt solche
 mit denen Sie nichts verdienen.

Wenn das Geschäftsmodell nur darin besteht, OSM-Daten in ein
proprietäres Format zu konvertieren, ist das schon etwas bedenklich.

Ich könnte damit aber leben. Immerhin muss die Datenquelle ja noch
genannt werden. Wenn dadurch einer deren Nutzer dazu gebracht wird, die
Daten in OSM zu verbessern, is OSM ja auch geholfen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Cycleways - oftmals falsch getaggt

2011-04-29 Thread Matthias Julius
Simon Poole writes:

 Die Quelle für Leute die richtiges Englisch sprechen (hab hier grad
 leider nur ne kleine Version davon) sagt unter Anderem dazu:

 path  1 a way or track laid down for walking or made by continual
 treading, 2 the line along which a person or thing moves .

 Bei den Leuten die nicht richtiges Englisch sprechen mag das aber
 anders definiert sein :-)

Ein Problem ist, dass viele Tags von Leuten definiert werden, deren
Muttersprache nicht Englisch ist und deren Englischkenntnisse sehr
verschieden sind. Außerdem ist Englisch auch nicht gleich Englisch in
den verschiedenen Ecken der Welt.

Daher sollte man die Bezeichnungen der Tags sowie deren Werte nicht zu
eng sehen. Am Ende zählt die Dokumentation.

Vielleicht sollte man Radwege als object_type=5487932 taggen. Das ist
natürlich nicht ganz ernst gemeint, würde aber dazu zwingen, die
Bedeutung des Tags zu dokumentieren, wenn es eine haben soll. Und auch,
die Dokumentation zu lesen, wenn man wissen will, was es bedeutet.

Ein paar tausend Leute sind eben schwer unter einen Hut zu bringen, so
dass sie alle unter einem beschreibenden Tag das Gleiche verstehen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Cycleways - oftmals falsch getaggt

2011-04-29 Thread Matthias Julius
Fabian Schmidt writes:

 Am 29.04.11 schrieb M∡rtin Koppenhoefer:

 geht es um Höflichkeit, wenn man sein Mapping den lokalen
 Gepflogenheiten anpassen soll?

 Ich empfinde es als höflich, ein einheitliches Kartenbild zu wahren,
 auch wenn es zu unterschiedlichem Tagging der Lausitzer und
 mitteldeutschen Tagebaue führt (zumal ich nicht weiß, welche noch
 aktiv sind)..

Ich finde, man sollte daraufhin arbeiten, ein weltweit einheitliches
Kartenbild zu wahren.

 Ich finde das Wort Gastmapper ist an sich schon ein Affront, der
 sich nicht mit meinem Verständnis von OSM deckt.

 Kannst Du Dir rückblickend vorstellen, dass lokale Mapper einen
 Kommentar aus der Ferne wie in
 als verletzend empfinden?

Wenn man des Vandallismus beschuldigt wird, ist das immer
verletzend. Dann ist es egal, ob der Kommentar von Nah oder Fern
kommt. Der Unterschied ist nur, dass man das mit dem Mapper um die Ecke
in der nächsten Kneipe ausdiskutieren kann.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Auswertung der ersten Reaktionen auf Lizenzwechsel Phase 3

2011-04-28 Thread Matthias Julius

Sebastian Hohmann schrieb:

Am 27.04.2011 10:45, schrieb Sven Geggus:
 Sebastian  wrote:

 Das Argument hab ich nie verstanden. Was definierst du denn als
 Missbrauch? Und seit wann sind Firmen verpflichtet etwas

 Share Alike Lizenzen oder auch dei GPL sind so gebaut, dass
 zwangsweise unter der selben Lizenz stehen müssen.

 Der Grund hierfür ist dass niemand value added Profdukte mit
 Lizenz anbieten kann. Dieser Schutz ist es den PD nicht hat.

 Ein aktuelles Beispiel wäre Google und Mapmaker, der jetzt in USA
 wurde. Wären unsere Daten PD hätte Google direkt mit dem Import
 bereits stark verbesserten Tiger basierenden Daten starten können.

Trotzdem sind Firmen bei Share-Alike nunmal nicht verpflichtet generell

etwas zurückzugeben, wie es häufig impliziert wird, sondern eben nur 
bei entsprechenden Anwendungen, die auch abgeleitete Datenbanken mit 
neuen Daten erstellen. Ein Produkt attraktiver zu machen, geht ja auch 
auf andere Weise (schnellere Server, besseres Routing, ..).

Es geht doch aber gerade um die verbesserten Daten. Es kann uns ja egal sein, 
was irgend jemand mit den Daten macht. Nur, wenn jemand verbesserte Daten 
veröffentlicht, soll er das bitte unter der gleichen Lizenz machen. Und genau 
das wird der Grund sein, warum die ODbL auf Share-Alike bei Produced Works 

Bei OSM geht es schließlich vordergründig um die Daten. Es nützt uns relativ 
wenig, wenn jemand seine gerenderten Karten unter eine freie Lizenz stellt.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Cycleways - oftmals falsch getaggt

2011-04-26 Thread Matthias Julius

Bernd Wurst schrieb:

Am 2011-04-26 13:30 schrieb Henning Scholland:
 Diesem Weg darf jeder benutzen.

Das ist ja das geniale:
highway=path alleine darf jeder nutzen, highway=path in Kombination
mit somespecialfoobar=designated darf eben nur noch
somespecialfoobar benutzen.

Das bedeutet, um zu entscheiden ob ein hundsordinärer Radfahrer den Weg
nutzen darf, muss er Tags auswerten die ihn nicht betreffen bzw. die er
potenziell gar nicht kennt, weil irgend jemand ein Verkehrsmittel
eingetragen hat das vielleicht auch schmaler als ein Auto ist und
daher auch irgendwie in die path-Kategorie gehört.

Nein, muss er nicht. Um zu entscheiden, ob er da lang darf, muss er nur noch 
das bicycle-Tag auswerten. Er weiß dann nur nicht, wer da eventuell außerdem 
noch lang darf.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Kein Quellen-/Lizenzhinweis

2011-04-14 Thread Matthias Julius
bundesrainer writes:

 Am 13.04.2011 15:37, schrieb Tobias Knerr:
 Am 13.04.2011 15:13, schrieb Alexander Matheisen:
 Macht sie irgendwie unglaubwürdig...
 Dass sie unabhängig von OSM sogar ihre eigenen Inhalte unter CC-BY-SA
 stellen, würde ich positiv hervorheben. Dass sie die Sache mit dem
 Lizenzlink hinbekommen, ist auch schon fast ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal
 unter Weiternutzern...

 Ein Vorstandsmitglied ist gleichzeitig auch bei Creative Commons
 Deutschland für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zuständig. Da darf man einen
 vernünftigen Umgang mit Lizenzhinweisen schon erwarten.

 Das mit dem fehlenden Quellenhinweis ist wohl einfach nur ein Versehen.

Und da die Karte hier nur als Hintergrund für eine Grafik dient und als
Karte gar nicht zu gebrauchen ist, würde ich das auch nicht so eng


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] alternative API-Dienste nutzen

2011-04-12 Thread Matthias Julius
Jan Tappenbeck writes:

 Am 11.04.2011 21:09, schrieb Carsten Gerlach:

 Am Montag 11 April 2011 schrieb Jan Tappenbeck:
 Am 10.04.2011 19:34, schrieb Florian Gross:
 Note that bbox queries have a maximum of 10 square degrees.

 bringt auch eine Fehlermeldung bei -4 bis +4 sind 8 Degree und von 35
 bis 44 sind es 9 !!

 8 Grad * 9 Grad  macht bei mir 72 Quadratgrad und das ist größer als 10. 

 Gruß, Carsten

 Ach so ist das zu sehen - dann müßte man also Kacheln oder immer die
 Welt abfragen und wirklich ausschneiden.

Oder man nimmt einen entsprechenden Extrakt und filtert selbst, z.B. mit


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] alternative API-Dienste nutzen

2011-04-09 Thread Matthias Julius
Jan Tappenbeck writes:

  hi !

 es gibt ja zwischenzeitlich jxapi und auch von mapquest eine
 entprechende alternativen.

 Bei beiden habe ich aber festgestellt das[shop=farm][bbox=4.6582031,45.0890356,16.875,55.5783447]

 eine Fehlermeldung (nur 10 grad auswertung zulässig) bekommen.

 Eine globale Auswertung[shop=farm]

 ist allerdings möglich - obwohl bei Mapquest bbox beschrieben.

 Ist mir ein Fehler unterlaufen - kann mir jemand weiterhelfen ?

 Es macht ja wenig Sinn und ist performancelastig wenn ich die Welt
 auswerte und dann nur DE mit osmosis herausfiltere.

Nicht notwendigerweise. Eine Datenbankabfrage ohne bbox ist
wahrscheinlich deutlich weniger aufwendig als eine mit. Ohne bbox sucht
man einfach alle Objekte mit shop=farm und dann alle Knoten, die von Wegen
referenziert werden, die bei der ersten Abfrage zurückgegeben wurden.

Mit bbox muss man alle Knoten in der bbox suchen, dann nach allen
Wegen, die einen dieser Knoten referenzieren und dann alle Relationen, die
einen dieser Knoten oder Wege referenzieren. Von all diesen Objekten
muss man dann nebenbei diejenigen herausfischen, die shop=farm haben.

Aber vielleicht ist es ja auch nur ein Bug. ;-)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Okay, this is just cool (Lockport, NY)

2011-04-03 Thread Matthias Julius
David Murn writes:

 Based on andrzej's email correspondence, where it was pointed out that
 the relevant point in ToS is in regards to 'mass downloads or bulk feeds
 of any content', I assume this means that we cant automate the process
 from googles resources (such as the bing street tracer), but that
 individual use is fine ('checking the odd street name is okay').

I have read that a bit differently: If you come across an odd street
name in OSM (or some random street without a name) you may check it in
StreetView.  But, you may not go through an area in StreetView and
systematically add every street name you find -- automated or not.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Nuklearkarte Deutschland

2011-04-02 Thread Matthias Julius
fly writes:

 Am 02.04.2011 15:39, schrieb Jens Frank:
 Zur Standortbewertung müsste man sich natürlich noch anschauen, ob man
 nicht evtl in der Nähe ausländischer AKWs wäre. Frankreich stellt seine AKWs
 z.B. gerne in Grenznähe auf.

 Die Schweiz ist da auch nicht besser, wobei Leibstadt ja schon angezeigt

Bei der Größe der Schweiz gibt es nicht viele Orte, die _nicht_ in
Grenznähe sind.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Extracting a BBOX from an osm change file

2011-03-11 Thread Matthias Julius
Phil! Gold writes:

 * Rodolphe Quiedeville [2011-03-11 13:39 +0100]:
 I want to know if changes files from are useful for a BBOX. My
 first idea wass to to this with osmosis, if someone give me a hint.

 You can't apply a bbox to a change file.  Change files basically contain
 the IDs of changed objects and their current properties.  Notably, they do
 not contain the old properties of the objects, so osmosis cannot tell in
 all cases whether an object should be considered to be in or out of the

To be a bit more precise: Change files contain only changed objects but
not their dependencies.  That means that if someone changes a tag on a
way or relation the change file will contain that way or relation but
not the nodes they contain.  Therefore, osmosis can not know where that
way or relation is located.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bike / Pedestrian directions on the MQ Open sites

2011-03-11 Thread Matthias Julius
Jo writes:

 About that tag, it makes sense if there actually is a bicycle path, but when
 it's a street where only bicycles can go in two directions, wouldn't it make
 more sense to use one_way:bicycle=no?

Well, you can propose to change the tagging scheme, but the
cycleway=opposite tag has been used for this purpose for ages.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Unsetting CT flag

2010-12-08 Thread Matthias Julius

On Wed, 8 Dec 2010 21:45:14 +1100, Andrew Harvey
 I've decided to just ignore the CTs for now, and continue to operate
 under CC BY-SA. Others are doing this to, and you could too, assuming
 you haven't agreed to the CTs and you don't actually plan to sit
 around after the complete license transition. I'm yet to hear from
 anyone in my local community who is vocal against this practice so I'm
 not inclined to stop.

Exactly.  If you are not forced to upload under the new CTs (e.g. your
account was created before they were mandatory for new users and you have
not voluntary agreed to them) there is no harm in continuing to upload your
data (unless you have a problem with CC-BY-SA, of course).  As has been
stated numerous times there will be a last CC-BY-SA planet file with all
data before the data is relicensed.  Your data won't be lost if you don't
agree to the new CTs.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] imagery-Plugin Luftbild verschiebe

2010-12-08 Thread Matthias Julius

On Wed, 8 Dec 2010 11:44:57 +0100, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 Am 2. Dezember 2010 20:18 schrieb Stephan Knauss
 Man müsste auf Serverseite irgendwie die Möglichkeit haben dem
 Plugin zu sagen hör mal meine Daten sind gut, schalte verschieben

 In der Theorie kann doch der Offset mit jeder einzelnen Kachel anders
 der offset ist von den Kacheln völlig unabhängig, d.h. er kann auch
 innerhalb derselben Kachel unterschiedlich sein.

Genau. Vor allem in unebenem Gelände wenn die Bilder nicht oder nicht
richtig entzerrt wurden. Schön sieht man das, wenn mal ein Schornstein oder
Turm (nicht gerader der in Pisa) drauf ist. Dann sieht man, dass auf dem
Bild die Spitze ein Stück neben dem Fuss ist, obwohl der Turm eigentlich
senkrecht stand. Das ganze ist von der Turmhöhe sowie von der Flughöhe und
seitlichem Abstand des Turmes von der Flugbahn des Fliegers, der die Bilder
gemacht hat, abhängig. Bei anderen Bodenerhebungen ist der Effekt der
gleiche, nur nicht so offensichtlich. Deshalb müssen die Luftbilder anhand
von Höhendaten korrigiert werden.

   x -- Flugzeug
  / | -- Turm
 /  |
   Turmspitze auf Bild


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Großes Multipolygon (50k Nodes) h ochladen

2010-12-06 Thread Matthias Julius

On Mon, 6 Dec 2010 08:26:46 -0800 (PST), Walter Nordmann wrote:
 hi thomas,
 immer noch serbien?
 ok, spltte die tausende neuen ways in kleinere pakete auf und packe
 die passenden neuen nodes dazu.
 alles ids negativ aber im osm-file eindeutig. jedes file darf wieder bei
 und am ende noch ne relation rein (ebenfalls negativ), die die ways
 uploads in einer relation zusammen fasst.
 an ende stellst du die neuen teilrelationen manuell in einer
 super-multipoint relation zusammen.
 das wars ;)
 also erst alle nodes, dann alle ways und dann eine relation. alles in
 file. das ganze ca 10x
 upload starten, in den weihnachtsurlaub fahren und nächstes jahr mit nem
 neuen accout weitermachen ;) ;) ;)

Genau! Solche Monster hochzuladen sollte man schon gut begründen können.

Ansonsten hat JOSM eine Funktion, die Daten häppchenweise hochzuladen. Im
englischen JOSM heisst die Chunked Upload. Da kann man dann festlegen,
wieviele Objekte per Upload JOSM hochladen soll.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Großes Multipolygon (50k Nodes) h ochladen

2010-12-06 Thread Matthias Julius
Walter Nordmann writes:

 Matthias Julius wrote:
 Ansonsten hat JOSM eine Funktion, die Daten häppchenweise hochzuladen. Im
 englischen JOSM heisst die Chunked Upload. Da kann man dann festlegen,
 wieviele Objekte per Upload JOSM hochladen soll.
 das ist dann doch immer noch ein changeset und damit greifen doch dessen
 beschränkungen. (oder?)

 ich würde die daten dennoch in mehrere files aufbrechen und die dann - unter
 benutzung des von dir vorgeschlagenen features - hochladen.

In mehrere Dateien zerteilen geht nur, wenn es keine Abhängigkeiten
zwischen den Dateien gibt, do sonst die neuen IDs von der ersten Datei
der zweiten nicht bekannt sind und die Objekte nochmal als neu
hochgeladen werden.

Um eine Grössenbeschränkung von Changesets zu umgehen, kann man auch
einen Teil der Daten in JOSM selektieren und dann Auswahl
hochladen. Das kann man dann so oft machen, bis der Rest in einen
Changeset passt. Auf diese Art bleiben die Daten konsistent - ausser,
wenn beim Upload ein Problem auftritt (Netzwerkproblem z.B., nicht
Problem mit den Daten). Deshalb sollte man es mit der Grösse der
einzelnen Uploads auch nicht übertreiben.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Bing und SlippyMap

2010-12-03 Thread Matthias Julius

On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 15:47:52 +0100, UMAX974 wrote:
 Hab gerade nach der Anleitung mein gut funktionierendes WMS (auch mit
 Bing) und slippymap ausgenockt und imaginary als einziges Plugin

 so nu is Bing auch weg, auch in den Einstellungen und der Auswahl der
 diversen wms plugins ist Bing nirgends zu finden, so was mach ich nu...?

Vielleicht hast Du Dir das Plugin nur eingebildet.

Das heisst nämlich Imagery.



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Database and its contents

2010-11-26 Thread Matthias Julius
Message-ID: 90c6e47a092dece1a7770a5cb6164...@localhost
User-Agent: RoundCube Webmail/0.3.1

On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 17:39:46 +0100, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert
Gremmen wrote:
 But there is no restriction to do with
 any work that is not protected by license or PD.
 In that sense any license is a restriction.

No, a license cannot protect any work or restrict what one can do with the
work.  It can only give permissions.  Of course, these permissions might
have some conditions (like BY-SA).  The protection comes from the law
(copyright, database right, patent right, ...).  What is not restricted by
the law is permitted.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] CT, section 3

2010-11-26 Thread Matthias Julius

On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 16:47:14 +0100, Robert Kaiser wrote:
 Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer schrieb:
 There seems to be a substantial number of OSMF members who consider all
 created by individuals to be community-owned, even going so far as to
 people who refuse to accept the CT as holding our data hostage. This
 gives me a feeling that OSMF and the OpenStreetMap community ignore the
 hours that I spent for creating OpenStreetMap content. I contributed to
 OpenStreetMap because it is licensed under the CC-BY-SA. I would never
 contributed under a license that says: All your work is now ours. You
 give up
 all control. Bugger off if you disagree.
 You can't reasonably have people keeping control of their 
 contributions to 100% at all time, because contributions from all of us 
 are so heavily entangled that it's nearly (if not completely) impossible

 to separate them again and determine what's owned by whom, esp. as we 
 routinely modify database objects created and modified by random other

 I can't see how it would work in practice to keep control over 
 individual contributions.

Especially there so many ways how OSM objects can get disconnected from
their history like delete/undelete (remember, there is no real undelete,
the data gets uploaded as new again and gets new IDs), splitting (part of
the object gets uploaded as new with no reference to the old version) and
merging (the merged object only stays connected to the history of the one
it inherits its ID from).


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Frage an die Nutzer von Geofabrik-Extrakten

2010-11-26 Thread Matthias Julius

On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 08:24:46 +0100, Frederik Ramm
 Die Geofabrik-Extrakte verhalten sich also ab jetzt so:
 1. alle Nodes im betreffenden Gebiet sind enthalten
 2. alle Ways, die einen dieser Nodes nutzen, sind enthalten, allerdings 
 werden sie um die Nodes gekuerzt, die ausserhalb des Gebiets liegen
 3. alle Relationen, die irgendein Objekt referenzieren, das im Auszug 
 enthalten ist, sind ebenfalls enthalten, allerdings werden sie um die 
 Elemente gekuerzt, die nicht enthalten sind
 4. alle Objekte sind wie ueblich numerisch aufsteigend sortiert.

Zu 2. und 3.: Ich fände es deutlich besser, wenn Objekte in den Extrakten
nicht modifiziert würden. Dann wären grenzüberschreitende Objekte eben
unvollständig. Eine verarbeitende Software kann das ja relativ einfach
selbst beschneiden. Unmodifizierte Objekte hätten aber den grossen Vorteil,
dass sich zwei benachbarte Extrakte problemlos ohne Lücken wieder
zusammenfügen lassen würden.

Mein konkretes Problem: Ich wohne z.Z. in der Schweiz, meine Eltern in D
und die meiner besseren Hälfte in F. Wir sind also in den drei Ländern
häufig unterwegs und daher möchte ich mir eine Garmin-Karte basteln, die
diese Länder enthält. Mit den Geofabrik-Extrakten ist dies so nicht

Mir ist natürlich bewusst, dass es da auch andere Lösungen gibt, aber das
zusammenfügen von ein paar Extrakten is deutlich bequemer als das
Ausschneiden aus dem Europa-Extrakt z.B.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Frage an die Nutzer von Geofabrik-Extrakten

2010-11-26 Thread Matthias Julius

On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 01:32:45 -0800 (PST), NopMap wrote:
 Matthias Julius wrote:
 Zu 2. und 3.: Ich fände es deutlich besser, wenn Objekte in den
 nicht modifiziert würden. Dann wären grenzüberschreitende Objekte eben
 unvollständig. Eine verarbeitende Software kann das ja relativ einfach
 selbst beschneiden. Unmodifizierte Objekte hätten aber den grossen
 dass sich zwei benachbarte Extrakte problemlos ohne Lücken wieder
 zusammenfügen lassen würden.
 Da muß ich Dir widersprechen. Es ist sehr gut so, daß in den Extraktne
 ungültigen Referenzen auf nicht vorhandene Objekte enthalten sind - denn
 lösen in weiterverarbeitenden Tools Fehlermeldungen aus. Ist ja auch
 so, keine Software kann einen Verweis auf etwas das nicht da ist

Es ist zwar schon ein paar Jahre her, aber die API hat auch mal
unvollständige Wege ausgespuckt. Die meisten map-Downloads werden wohl
unvollständige Relationen enthalten. Eine Software, die damit nicht umgehen
kann, halte ich für buggy.

 Im Grenzgebiet macht es nur Sinn, das nächstgrößere Extrakt zu verwenden
 den gewünschten Ausschnitt selbst dort zu extrahieren. Ein
 von OSM Files gibt immer Probleme durch Duplikate und Schneidartefakte.

Zwei Extrakte vom gleichen Planet lassen sich auch problemlos wieder
zusammensetzen - wenn die Daten nicht modifiziert worden sind.

 wenn Du einen sehr ausgebufften Merge-Algorithmus dafür schreibst, kann
 auch zwei halbe Ways wieder zum Original restaurieren. Aber alle
 Tools, die nur ein Extrakt betrachten, sehen einen konsistenten

Das Problem ist, dass zwischen den beiden (oder mehr) Hälften eine Lücke
ist. Mit den Standardprogrammen geht das dann nicht mehr. Geordnete
Relationen kriegt man auch nicht so einfach wieder in die richtige

Was passiert eigentlich mit Wegen, die die Grenze mehrfach kreuzen? Kriegt
dann jedes Fragment eine eigene ID? Man kann ja nicht einfach nur die
Knoten weglassen, die ausserhalb der Grenze liegen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Frage an die Nutzer von Geofabrik-Extrakten

2010-11-26 Thread Matthias Julius

On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 12:32:00 +0100, Frederik Ramm
 On 11/26/10 11:54, Matthias Julius wrote:
 Was passiert eigentlich mit Wegen, die die Grenze mehrfach kreuzen?
 dann jedes Fragment eine eigene ID? Man kann ja nicht einfach nur die
 Knoten weglassen, die ausserhalb der Grenze liegen.
 Doch, genau das macht Osmosis. Das fuehr dann manchmal zu ziemlich 
 deformierten Polygonen.

Das ist ja dann noch ein Grund, die Wege nicht zu verstümmeln.

Wenn von einem Weg ein Knoten nicht im Extrakt enthalten ist, kann die
Applikation entscheiden, wie sie sich verhalten soll. Wenn der Knoten aus
dem Weg entfernt worden ist, kann die Applikation davon nichts wissen. Mit
dem Nachbarextrakt zusammenfügen lässt sich das auch nicht sinnvoll.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Frage an die Nutzer von Geofabrik-Extrakten

2010-11-26 Thread Matthias Julius

On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 12:57:33 +0100, André Joost wrote:
 Am 26.11.10 12:42, schrieb Matthias Julius:

 Das ist ja dann noch ein Grund, die Wege nicht zu verstümmeln.

 Wenn von einem Weg ein Knoten nicht im Extrakt enthalten ist, kann die
 Applikation entscheiden, wie sie sich verhalten soll. Wenn der Knoten
 dem Weg entfernt worden ist, kann die Applikation davon nichts wissen.
 dem Nachbarextrakt zusammenfügen lässt sich das auch nicht sinnvoll.

 Das hat aber zur Folge, dass in jedem noch so kleien Extrakt sämtliche 
 Autobahnen, Bundesstraßen, Europastraßen, internationale Rad- und 
 Wanderwege drin sind, weil die alle durch Sammelrelationen untereinander

 verknüpft sind. Das sind dann keine Extrakte mehr.

Wieso? Die referenzierten Objekte, die komplett ausserhalb des
Grenzpolygons liegen wären ja auch weiterhin nicht im Extrakt enthalten.
Nur die Referenzen würden nicht beseitigt.

M.M.n. sollten die Extrakte so gebaut werden:

1. Alle Knoten innerhalb des Grenzpolygons
2. Alle Wege, die mindestens einen Knoten aus 1. referenzieren
3. Alle Relationen, die mindestens einen Knoten aus 1., einen Weg aus 2.
oder eine Relation aus 3. referenzieren

Die Extrakte wären so am einfachsten zu erzeugen und am flexibelsten
einzusetzen weil keine Daten modifiziert werden.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Frage an die Nutzer von Geofabrik-Extrakten

2010-11-26 Thread Matthias Julius

On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 14:32:51 +0100, Frederik Ramm
 Hallo Matthias,
 On 11/26/10 12:42, Matthias Julius wrote:
 Das ist ja dann noch ein Grund, die Wege nicht zu verstümmeln.

 Wenn von einem Weg ein Knoten nicht im Extrakt enthalten ist, kann die
 Applikation entscheiden, wie sie sich verhalten soll. Wenn der Knoten
 dem Weg entfernt worden ist, kann die Applikation davon nichts wissen.
 dem Nachbarextrakt zusammenfügen lässt sich das auch nicht sinnvoll.
 Das Problem ist Kontinuitaet und der Mangel von Spezifikation.
 Anfangs kannte Osmosis nur den Modus, in dem ich es jetzt betreibe - 
 dass nicht vorhandene Objekte auch nicht referenziert wurden.
 Irgendwann wurde das Verhalten umgestellt auf das, was heute der Default

 ist, naemlich, dass im Zweifel inkonsitente Extrakte entstehen, aber 
 dafuer keine Objekte verstuemmelt werden. Damals wollte ich aber den 
 Benutzern der Extrakte keine Aenderung zumuten, denn viele hatten sich 
 darauf verlassen, konsistente Extrakte zu haben.

Leider schliesst das alle Anwender aus, die sich für grenzüberschreitende
Gebiete interessieren. Klar, man kann sich den nächstgrösseren Extrakt
nehmen und sich das interessante Gebiet herausschneiden. Aber erstens muss
man dann deutlich mehr Daten herunterladen, als man braucht, und dann ist
es auch deutlich aufwendiger, sich einen Grenzpolygon zu basteln und zu
pflegen als sich ein paar Extrakte auszusuchen und zusammenzuführen.

 Und jetzt haben wir es ja wieder gesehen; ich habe eine Aenderung 
 geplant, die aber die Reihenfolge der Relationen im File betraefe, und 
 es gab Leute, die damit nicht klarkommen.
 Wenn es jetzt eine exakte Spezifikation gaebe, in der z.B. drin steht, 
 worauf man sich verlassen darf und worauf nicht, dann wuerde ich mich 
 vermutlich einfach darauf zurueckziehen und sagen: Mein File erfuellt 
 die Spezifikation, wenn Du die nicht verarbeiten kannst, Pech gehabt. 
 Aber in Abwesenheit der Spezifikation gilt halt: never change a running


Wenn Programmautoren sich auf Annahmen verlassen, die in keiner
Spezifikation stehen, sind sie aber auch selber schuld. ;-)

Ich würde sagen, das Mass der Dinge ist die API. Programme, die
.osm-Dateien verarbeiten, sollten alles akzeptieren, was die API so an
Daten ausspuckt. Und wenn die API z.B. keine Garantien zur Reihenfolge der
Daten gibt, sollten Programme sich auch nicht darauf verlassen. Wenn
Programme nur mit Geofabrik-Extrakten funktionieren, ist das ja auch ein
bisschen kurzsichtig. 

 Ich aergere mich manchmal, dass ich auf der Geofabrik-Seite nicht von 
 vorn herein eine Zwangsregistrierung eingebaut habe. Als Benutzer finde 
 ich sowas immer bescheuert, wenn ich mich irgendwo erst anmelden soll - 
 deswegen hab ich das auch nie gemacht. Aber als Seitenbetreiber bzw. 
 Download-Anbieter wuerde ich manchmal echt gern eine Rundmail an alle 
 schicken: Ab dem 1.12. gibt es folgende Aenderungen, bitte richtet Euch

 schonmal drauf ein... - aber die Moeglichkeit habe ich nicht. 
 Mittlerweile werden die Geofabrik-Extrakte (zu meinem Bedauern) mehr und

 mehr von End-User-Software heruntergeladen, da ist die Chance, die Leute

 zu erreichen, praktisch Null.

Eine Zwangsregistrierung fände ich auch unangebracht. Aber eine
freiwillige wäre vielleicht nicht schlecht. Am einfachsten geht das
wahrscheinlich per Mailingliste, die jeder abonieren kann, der auf dem
Laufenden gehalten werden will. Die Endanwender zu informieren ist
eigentlich gar nicht so wichtig. Es sind ja die Programmautoren, die ihre
Anwender ggf. mit Updates zu versorgen haben.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Database and its contents

2010-11-25 Thread Matthias Julius

On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 13:56:54 +, Rob Myers wrote:
 On 11/25/2010 01:33 PM, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen

 That is turning reality upside down.
 The only reason
 for any license is to restrict any user of data/map/dbase or
 whatever the license is for.
 The licence only restricts those people who would restrict others. 
 Specifically it restricts them from imposing further restrictions. Which

 means that, in total, there are fewer restrictions.

A license is a grant of permissions, possibly depending on some
conditions.  Some licenses are more permissive than others, but in general
a license can not take privileges away.  For the prime example of
the law restricts what one can do with published works.  The copyright
holder may give you a license to do something with the work that is
normally prohibited by the law.  But they can not prevent anyone to do
something with the work that is permitted by copyright law.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lokalisierung und bessere Suche in Taginfo

2010-11-23 Thread Matthias Julius

On Mon, 22 Nov 2010 18:42:51 +0100, Jochen Topf wrote:
 Außerdem wurde die Suche komplett überarbeitet. Es wird jetzt in Keys
 Values gesucht. Dabei wird eine Prefix-Suche verwendet, d.h. max
 maxspeed, aber nicht betamax. Bestandteile eines Keys oder Values,
 durch Doppelpunkt, Leerzeichen oder dergl. getrennt sind, werden einzeln
 gefunden. Sucht man nach etwas wie =residential (ohne Anführungs-
 aber mit dem Gleichheitszeichen), so werden alle values mit
 gefunden, gleich welcher Key. Sowas wie highway=residential geht auch.

Der einzige kleine Schönheitsfehler, der mir aufgefallen ist, ist, dass
Values, die bei mehreren Keys vorkommen, mehrfach in der Ergebnisliste
stehen. Man kann zwar den zugehörigen Key recht einfach per Tooltip
herausfinden, aber übersichtlicher wäre es, wenn die Keys in irgendeiner
Form direkt in der Ergebnisliste ständen.

 Die Taginfo-Seiten haben eine OpenSearch-Definition, damit kann man die
 auch einfach in seinem Browser einbauen. Beim Firefox klickt man z.B.
 Icon links neben dem Suchfeld oben rechts an und wählt Add Taginfo.

Hier ist anzumerken, dass damit das Firefox-eigene Suchfeld gemeint ist
und nicht das von Taginfo.

 Viel Spass beim Ausprobieren!



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Werden IDs von gelöschten Objekten wiede r vergeben?

2010-11-23 Thread Matthias Julius

On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 16:38:24 +0100 (CET), Fabian Schmidt wrote:
 Am 23.11.10 schrieb Jochen Topf:
 Die ID wird niemals neu vergeben. Auch deswegen, weil gelöschte Objekte
 noch da sind. Sie werden nur als gelöscht gekennzeichnet, aber sie sind
 allen ihren Änderungen in der Historie noch abrufbar.
 d.h. es kann passieren, dass eine ID an einer Stelle gelöscht und an
 ganz anderen Stelle wieder recycelt wird:

Das kann eigentlich nicht passieren. Schon alleine deshalb, weil die IDs
von der Datenbank mittels einer Sequenz generiert wird. D.h. sie werden
fortlaufend vergeben, ohne dabei nachzusehen, ob irgendwo eine frei ist.

Ich halte das eher für ein Artefakt der Umstellung auf API 0.6 oder so.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Best license for future tiles?

2010-11-17 Thread Matthias Julius
M∡rtin Koppenhoefer writes:

 2010/11/17 Matthias Julius

 On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 18:20:39 +0100, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 Btw: isn't a rendering a derived database as well?

 A database of pixels?  I would not regard a printed map as a database.
 And neither would I the electronic version of that.

 One could argue about a rendered vector map.

 I think that this distinction is nonsense, a vector map has a certain
 resolution just like a georeferenced bitmap has.

There is no reason for a vector map to have a lower resolution than the
OSM data itself.  But, this is not the point.  The difference to a
bitmap is that a vector image contains descrete objects which someone
could import directly into a database.  So, one could view a vector map
as a database of map objects.

Each .osm file already is a vector map.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM-Update bei Ubuntu

2010-11-17 Thread Matthias Julius

On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 09:13:04 +0100, Wolfgang
 ich oute mich hier mal: Für mein Suse gibt es das schon lange. Die
 werden von den Entwicklern in ein eigenes Repository geschoben, das über
 gefunden und in die normale Softwareverwaltung eingebunden werden kann.
 wenn eine neue Version eines OSM-Programms (josm, osmosis, merkaartor,
 stabile ist/scheint, wird sie von den Entwicklern rübergeschoben und
 vollkommen stressfrei eingebunden werden.
 Ich wundere mich eigentlich etwas, dass das unter Ubuntu so ein Thema

Es ist kein grosses Thema. Es muss nur jemand machen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Grünflächen in Wohnanlagen

2010-11-17 Thread Matthias Julius

On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 17:08:03 +0100, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 Am 17. November 2010 16:22 schrieb Jan Tappenbeck
 Hi !

 das geht aber immer mehr in Richtung PARK !

 Gruß Jan :-)
 ich würde wohl landuse=residential lassen (wenn die Rasenflächen Teil
 der Wohnanlage sind) und leisure=garden mit einem geeigneten
 garden-subtag (s. Wiki) verwenden.

Eine Wiese als Garten zu bezeichnen ist aber wohl doch etwas daneben. Was
spricht gegen landuse=residential für das gesamte Wohngebiet und
leisure=park für den Rasen falls es parkähnlich ist oder anderenfalls
leisure=green, leisure=grass oder leisure=lawn auch wenn diese nicht in den
Map Features stehen. Die gibt es aber schon 98x, 42x und 3x in OSM (laut


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Pumpwerk der Entsorgung

2010-11-16 Thread Matthias Julius

On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 08:53:41 +0100, Andreas Labres wrote:
 On 16.11.10 08:14, Guenther Meyer wrote:
 type = sewer
 Ich bin jetzt im Englischen auch nicht sooo fit, aber für mein Gefühl
 eher das einzelne Abflussrohr, der Abwasserkanal, während das Abwasser
 Kategorie) IMO eher sewage heißt.

Das ist richtig. Allerdings würde ich mich eher für wastewater
entscheiden, da es man_made=wastewater_plant ja schon gibt.

Man könnte das Ganze auch man_made=wastewater_pumpstation nennen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Pumpwerk der Entsorgung

2010-11-16 Thread Matthias Julius

On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 09:20:50 +0100, Ulf Lamping wrote:
 Am 16.11.2010 09:06, schrieb Matthias Julius:

 On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 08:53:41 +0100, Andreas  wrote:
 On 16.11.10 08:14, Guenther Meyer wrote:
 type = sewer

 Ich bin jetzt im Englischen auch nicht sooo fit, aber für mein Gefühl
 eher das einzelne Abflussrohr, der Abwasserkanal, während das
 Kategorie) IMO eher sewage heißt.

 Das ist richtig. Allerdings würde ich mich eher für wastewater
 entscheiden, da es man_made=wastewater_plant ja schon gibt.

 Man könnte das Ganze auch man_made=wastewater_pumpstation nennen.
 Ich würde eine Pumpstation von der Art her parallel zu Pipeline sehen:
 Ob die einzelnen Subtags dort besonders schlau gemacht sind lasse ich 
 mal dahingestellt, aber die Ähnlichkeit zwischen einer Pumpstation und 
 einer Pipeline sind in der Realität so frappierend, das die dort 
 verwendeten Subtags auch hier verwendet werden sollten.
 Also sowas wie:

OK, wenn es die Tags da schon gibt, ist das Kind ja schon in den Brunnen

Allerdings gibt es auch 25x type=sewage in OSM (type=sewer gibt es nur
24x). Das steht zwar nicht im Wiki, ist aber m.M.n. vorzuziehen. Die
Wikiseite kann man ja anpassen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Pumpwerk der Entsorgung

2010-11-16 Thread Matthias Julius

On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 16:49:36 +0100, Torsten Leistikow
 Die Frage hier ist doch mal wieder, aus welchem Blickwinkel man ein
 A) Es handelt sich hierbei grob gesagt um ein Objekt der
 Abwasserentsorgung. Und
 wenn man das genauer betrachtet, sieht man, dass es sich dabei um eine
 Pumpstation handelt.
 B) Es handelt sich hierbei grob gesagt um eine Pumpstation. Und wenn man
 diese genauer betrachtet, sieht man, dass diese Abwaesser pumpt.
 Die eine Sichtweise ist genauso gut/schlecht richtig/falsch
 wie die andere.

Dann bietet sich vielleicht noch die Verwendung des utility-Tags an. Das
gibt es ja auch schon 200x in OSM. Dann könnte man die obigen Fälle wie
folgt behandeln:

A) utility=sewage (oder wastewater)


B) man_made=pumping_station
   utility=sewage (oder wastewater)



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Tagwatch vs. tagstat

2010-11-15 Thread Matthias Julius

On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 10:55:57 +0100, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 Am 15. November 2010 10:22 schrieb Jochen Topf
 Ich habe versucht mit der Karte, wo die Keys sind, so ein bischen die
 Geographie mit zu berücksichtigen. Ich will das auch noch weiter
 auf Ways/Relations und auch für Values, sobald ich Zeit habe, mir zu
 wie das effizient gemacht werden kann.
 ja, wenn bei der Suche auch Values berücksichtigt würden wäre das
 nochmal ein Riesenschritt und würde einem immens dabei helfen, wenn
 man ein bestimmtes (einem noch unbekanntes) Tag zu einem Feature
 sucht, für das bisher noch nichts dokumentiert ist. Bisher muss man in
 Taginfo schon eine grobe Ahnung haben, wo man suchen muss, und wenn es
 dann eine Amenity ist, muss man ggf. zig Seiten durchbrowsen, um
 festzustellen, dass es eben doch noch nichts gibt. Ich sehe die
 Value-Suche mit Abstand als den wichtigsten Featurerequest (der
 vermutlich auch auf Auswertungsseite am meisten Ressourcen schluckt).

Was ich auch noch lästig finde, ist der Umstand, dass Listen sich ihre
Sortierung und angezeigte Seite nicht merken. Wenn man z.B. einen
Listeneintrag angeklickt hat und dann im Browser auf die Zurück-Taste
drückt, wird die Liste wieder in ihrer Standardsortierung angezeigt und
steht ganz am Anfang. Man kann sich den Eintrag natürlich auch in einem
neuen Fenster/Tab anzeigen lassen, nur muss man daran auch denken.

Ich fände auch besser, wenn die Suchergebnisse in Tabellenform angezeigt


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM-Update bei Ubuntu

2010-11-15 Thread Matthias Julius

On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 13:48:51 +0100, Jan Tappenbeck
 Im Web habe ich unter [1] eine Anleitung gefunden, das josm-tested.jar 
 heruntergeladen und
 sudo mv ./Desktop/josm-tested.jar /usr/share/java/
 Das Jar war danach auch vom Desktop verschwunden - aber wenn ich das
 alte Icon dann ausführe, dann wird immer noch die 20-Monate alte
 Kann mir einer sagen wie man das am besten macht.

Grundsätzlich würde ich das Paket der Distribution deinstallieren. Dann
gibt es wenigstens keine Interferenzen.

Debian hat das gegenwärtige josm-tested in unstable. Das Paket kann man
von herunterladen und per
dpkg -i manuell installieren. Ob das aber unter Ubuntu funktioniert, kann
ich Dir nicht sagen. Wie gut das Debian-Paket überhaupt funktioniert, kann
ich Dir auch nicht sagen. Es gibt jedenfalls ein paar Bugs

Ich lade mir jedenfalls die jeweilige JOSM-Version manuell von herunter und starte die dann per
java -jar josm-testing.jar oder so ähnlich direkt von der Konsole.

 Unter Windows habe ich noch eine Einstellung im Start-Batch mit welchem
 ich der JAR mehr Speicher zuweisen. Vielleicht kann einer in diesem
 Zusammenhang mir gleich nochmal sagen wie ich dieses integriert

Hier funktioniert die gleiche Option wie unter Windows. Aus der obigen
Befehlszeile wird dann sowas wie java -Xmx512M -jar josm-tested.jar.

Man kann das ganze dann auch in ein Shell-Script schreiben. Dazu eine
Textdatei (z.B. mit Namen josm-start) anlegen:


java -Xmx512M -jar /pfad/zu/josm-tested.jar

Dann sollte man die Datei als ausführbar kennzeichnen: chmod a+x

Und dafür lässt sich dann auch ein Icon oder Eintrag im Menü anlegen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM-Update bei Ubuntu

2010-11-15 Thread Matthias Julius
Guido Scholz writes:

 Die eigentliche josm-Version versteckt sich hier:


 Man erkennt auch gleich welche svn-Version vorliegt.

 Genug der vielen Worte. Meine Variante besteht nun darin, diese alte
 Version durch eine neue zu ersetzen. Dazu kopiere ich die frisch
 heruntergeladene Datei einfach auf die alte z.B. wie folgt:

   sudo cp josm-tested.jar /usr/share/josm/josm-0.0.svn3514.jar

 Das ist es schon. Ein Vorteil dieses Vorgehens ist, dass sich das
 josm-Paket jederzeit ohne Spuren zu hinterlassen über das Paketsystem
 deinstallieren läßt. Weiterhin kann man josm über das normale Menu
 starten, denn der Eintrag bleibt erhalten.

... und wenn es Ubuntu in den Sinn kommen sollte, deren JOSM-Paket zu
aktualisieren, wird die händisch installierte Version kurzerhand wieder
überschrieben. Das könnte irgendwann mal für Überraschungen sorgen.

Hat eigentlich irgend jemand mal das Debian-Paket ausprobiert?


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Förderbandbrücke

2010-11-12 Thread Matthias Julius

On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 11:37:26 +0100, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 Am 12. November 2010 11:16 schrieb Chris66
 Am 12.11.2010 10:58, schrieb Frank Martin:

 Ich meine für Güter, nicht für Menschen.

 für Güter wäre der korrekte englische Begriff man_made=conveyor_belt
 ggf. zusammen mit bridge=yes.
 sehe ich auch so. Es gibt schon ein Proposal dafür:
 analog zu bridge=xy könnte man es auch (zusätzlich) als bridge subtag
 sehen, wobei es ja auch Förderbänder gibt, die keine brückenartigen
 Konstruktionen sind.

conveyor_belt != goods_conveyor

Laut Taginfo gibt es:

6x man_made=conveyor
23x man_made=conveyor_belt
24x man_made=goods_conveyor

Such Dir was aus!

Schade, dass man bei Taginfo nicht nach values suchen kann.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-dev] [Tagging] Super-relations or not

2010-11-02 Thread Matthias Julius

On Tue, 2 Nov 2010 01:02:37 +0800, Eugene Alvin Villar
 On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 12:25 AM, Peter Budny wrote:
 As far as I'm concerned, the difference in what's required to tag
 is minimal between these concerns.  Therefore, wouldn't it make the
 sense to choose whichever is programmatically the easiest and most
 flexible to deal with?
 It depends on what the you want to use route relations for. It's quite
 possible that different uses would demand different ways of
 structuring the route relation(s).

I would sey they should be set up that is best for mappers to deal with. 
Software can be made to deal with any scheme as long as there is a
consistent scheme.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Villain?

2010-05-14 Thread Matthias Julius
Iván Sánchez Ortega writes:

 On Friday 14 May 2010 15:03:25 Nakor wrote:
 I take you to the word. Can you please help me finding out what in the
 software I use (JOSM) and/or my workflow is seriously wrong?

 Not running the Validator plugin frequently enough. It detects, warns, and 
 helps fix duplicated nodes.

And not updating the area first before running the Validator and

An easy way to create duplicate objects with JOSM is to create new
objects, save the layer to disk, upload to API and then close JOSM
without saving the layer again (because I just saved it and didn't
change anything, silly JOSM!).  When loading the file again JOSM
treats these objects still as new and happily uploads them again at
the next opportunity.

Aborted uploads can have similar effects when the data was accepted by
the server but the server response did not make it back to JOSM.

The reason behind all this is that the API server is assigning the IDs
for new objects and returns them to the software which in turn needs
to update its local data.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Villain?

2010-05-14 Thread Matthias Julius
Nathan Edgars II writes:

 It's not so simple. This changeset: made me a
 villain when I selectively undid a so-called hero's indiscriminate
 joining of highways to boundaries, power lines, and pipelines: . Of course it
 was useless, since another hero later came along and screwed it up

 (Apparently I'm now a hero - maybe I should do another unjoining so
 I can be on both lists.)

It is probably good practice when disjoining two ways to move one node
off to the side a little bit in order to not create duplicate nodes.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Street Naming Conventions

2010-04-12 Thread Matthias Julius
andrzej zaborowski writes:

 On 9 April 2010 15:30, Matthias Julius wrote:
 Val Kartchner writes:

 3) Prefix, body, suffix is available from the TIGER data, but what about
 streets that have already been added (or corrected) by users?  As we've
 seen, a bot won't always be able to correctly make these separations (as
 in the example of Southbay vs. South Bay given previously)  How do
 we make it so that it meets the goals I've given?

 I would say:
 - assemble the name out of the tiger:name_* tags
 - if that matches the name tag re-assemble the name while expanding
 tiger:name_direction_prefix and tiger:name_direction_prefix and
 replace the name tag.

 Ok, added the check in r20882 although I'd say the script is useful
 for data from sources other than TIGER too.

That may be.  But, I would start with the easy stuff.  It just
requires a lot more scrutiny and special case handling if you are only
parsing name tags.  All I am arguing is that if you have the
components separate like in the TIGER data then you should simply use
them.  Name suffixes in TIGER are a limited set.  Who knows what 'St'
at the end of a street name can possibly mean.

 I don't think that only the direction_prefix/suffix should be
 expanded, basically all name should be the way it is pronounced to
 avoid ambiguity.

 The East Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior Boulevard is an example
 that I think shows that the direction parts of the name are the least
 of the problems.  On the signage the name appears as E DR MLKjr BLVD
 or similar.

Question is how it appears in TIGER or other imported datasets.  It is
probably impossible to write a script that handles every possible case
correctly.  That's why I think the script should stick to the things
that are unambiguous and leave the rest to humans.  It is far better
to leave a couple of cases untreated than to screw up good data.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Street Naming Conventions

2010-04-09 Thread Matthias Julius
Val Kartchner writes:

 On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 12:23 -0400, Richard Welty wrote:
 i don't think anyone would argue with this. it's why having a bot 
 rampage through
 fixing things is probably a Real Bad Idea unless it's extremely well 
 thought out
 and comprehensively tested beforehand.

 While I didn't like what the bot was doing (at the time),

What was the bot doing?

 I don't thing rampage is the correct word to use.  That implies
 malice, which wasn't what was attempted.  However, it did have a
 beneficial side effect: this topic.  ;-)

In the special case of TIGER data there is a tag

I would have thought it should be fairly save to reconstruct the name
from the tiger:name_* tags while expanding tiger:name_type - IF the
name is still the original one.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Street Naming Conventions

2010-04-09 Thread Matthias Julius
Val Kartchner writes:

 3) Prefix, body, suffix is available from the TIGER data, but what about
 streets that have already been added (or corrected) by users?  As we've
 seen, a bot won't always be able to correctly make these separations (as
 in the example of Southbay vs. South Bay given previously)  How do
 we make it so that it meets the goals I've given?

I would say:
- assemble the name out of the tiger:name_* tags
- if that matches the name tag re-assemble the name while expanding
tiger:name_direction_prefix and tiger:name_direction_prefix and
replace the name tag.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Street Naming Conventions

2010-04-09 Thread Matthias Julius
andrzej zaborowski writes:

 On 9 April 2010 15:06, Matthias Julius wrote:
 Val Kartchner writes:

 On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 12:23 -0400, Richard Welty wrote:
 i don't think anyone would argue with this. it's why having a bot
 rampage through
 fixing things is probably a Real Bad Idea unless it's extremely well
 thought out
 and comprehensively tested beforehand.

 While I didn't like what the bot was doing (at the time),

 What was the bot doing?

 I don't thing rampage is the correct word to use.  That implies
 malice, which wasn't what was attempted.  However, it did have a
 beneficial side effect: this topic.  ;-)

 In the special case of TIGER data there is a tag

 I would have thought it should be fairly save to reconstruct the name
 from the tiger:name_* tags while expanding tiger:name_type - IF the
 name is still the original one.

 Except for a few caveats the bot follows the TIGER documentation and
 expands everything listed there (taking into account the suffix/prefix
 requirements), it only touches name and name_1, 2 and so on, leaving
 alone other tags.  I did a dry run on a piece of Canada and the
 ruleset applies pretty well there too, the streets there were from

But, I think it is probably safer to not parse the name and
instead reassemble the name from the (expanded) tiger:name_* tags


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Street Naming Conventions

2010-04-07 Thread Matthias Julius
andrzej zaborowski writes:


 On 7 April 2010 07:36, Val Kartchner wrote:
 The Editing Standards and
 page says: In the name tag, enter the full name as it appears on the street 
 name signs. [...]  Do not abbreviate words.

 Some sample ACTUAL street signs around here say 14th Street, 1400
 South, A Ave, Bee Ct, Cheyenne Dr.  If we expand the
 abbreviations, this still doesn't carry the other directional
 identifier.  (e.g.: W 1400 S)  However, if the directional identifer is
 added and expanded then A Ave becomes South A Avenue which really
 buries the most important part of the street name A. (Two areas I've
 mapped have single-letter street names, one A-H Ave and the other A-K
 Street.)  Even expanding the local convention (for instance) of S 1000
 E should be expanded to South 1000 East Street (according to the
 wiki), again burying the most important part.

 Using USPS abbreviations is the convention used by all commercial online
 mapping providers that I've seen.  (i.e.:,, )  I think that OSM should adopt the
 same convention.

 What do people think?

 I'd like to see them as separate tags, but I'd really like the name=
 tag to remain consistent across the world, i.e. have an unabbreviated
 name in it, that can be passed to something like a text-to-speech
 system without having to keep a list of possible abbreviations for
 every language in the database.  Especially names like St Park St
 (State Park Street) or St Tropez St (Saint Tropez Street) would be
 difficult to deal with.  Changing from unabbreviated to abbreviated in
 a renderer or another tool is much easier on the other hand, with less
 space for ambiguity.

Yes, this is exactly my view, too.  It is much easier for tools to
abbreviate the string than to expand it without ambiguity.  Because in
the latter case it has to make assumptions.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Editor without relation-support makes sense?

2010-03-25 Thread Matthias Julius
Tirkon writes:

Not supporting relations is impossible anyway; the API will not allow 
the deletion of a node that is part of a relation.

 Will this apply to the node3 in the example above as well, because the
 node itself is not member of the relation. It is only part of a way,
 which is member of the relation.

Of course not.

The API only rejects the deletion of objects that are referenced by
another one.  To delete a node that is part of a way which in turn is
member of a relation does not involve the relation.  The editor needs
to update the way and then delete the node.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Are Yahoo street maps legal? (as JOSM WMS layer via desktopwms)

2010-03-01 Thread Matthias Julius
Valent Turkovic writes:

 I recently discovered destopwms [1] and it is a great utility that
 enables OSM, Yahoo and Google maps as WMS layers in JOSM.

 OSM layer is great because it is easier to map when can see the map at
 the same time.

Do you know the slippymap plugin for JOSM?  It does just that.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US highway tagging and relations

2010-02-08 Thread Matthias Julius
Jeff Barlow writes:

 Shows how? This is not obvious to me. Are there examples
 somewhere? If they are not connected then are we supposed to move
 them around till they are? If so how does one guess where they
 are supposed to go?

There is a sort button in the relation editor (the fifth from the top
on the left hand side).  With that JOSM tries to sort the relation
members so that the end of one way in the list connects to one end of
the next way.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Warning: Potential Flamewar] Clarifying Interstate Relations

2010-02-08 Thread Matthias Julius
Jeffrey Ollie writes:

 What's more annoying is that he is changing the names/refs.   From
 what I understand the ref is supposed to be only the
 interstate/highway number (e.g. 90 or 80) and not I 90 (MN).

And I don't like this at all.  First, this seems to be different than
how this is handled in many other places in the world.  From what I
have seen in Europe there is always the complete designation how it is
found on highway shields used in the ref tag.

Second, separating out the highway system requires the data consuming
application to know how to piece things back together.  Otherwise, a
shield on a map for example with just a 25 in it is pretty limited in

Third, I consider a reference containing just the number to be
incomplete.  IMHO, the ref tag should contain the complete designation
of a piece of highway.  This also makes it easier to search for this.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Warning: Potential Flamewar] Clarifying InterstateRelations

2010-02-08 Thread Matthias Julius
Mike N. writes:

 Second, separating out the highway system requires the data consuming
 application to know how to piece things back together.  Otherwise, a
 shield on a map for example with just a 25 in it is pretty limited in

   After / if a generalized shield solution is in place, a 25 placed on an 
 'Interstate' shield is quite descriptive.

But it required every application that is to deal with US data to know
about it.

 It avoids the need for the renderer or consumer to parse out the

Which is quite trivial to do.

 Third, I consider a reference containing just the number to be
 incomplete.  IMHO, the ref tag should contain the complete designation
 of a piece of highway.  This also makes it easier to search for this.

   To search, just search for both the network and route tags.  It's just as 
 though the information was placed in separate database columns.

Which makes it much more complicated if the application used for
searching does not support the schema.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Warning: Potential Flamewar] Clarifying Interstate Relations

2010-02-08 Thread Matthias Julius
Jeffrey Ollie writes:

 On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Matthias Julius wrote:
 Jeffrey Ollie writes:

 What's more annoying is that he is changing the names/refs.   From
 what I understand the ref is supposed to be only the
 interstate/highway number (e.g. 90 or 80) and not I 90 (MN).

 And I don't like this at all.  First, this seems to be different than
 how this is handled in many other places in the world.  From what I
 have seen in Europe there is always the complete designation how it is
 found on highway shields used in the ref tag.

 I don't know if you have travelled much in the US and I've never been
 to Europe, but US road signs are pretty minimal:

 The color and shape of the sign is used to distinguish different types
 of routes.

On the shields, yes.  But everyone calls 'I 75' just that and not 'the
highway 75 on a blue shield'.

 Second, separating out the highway system requires the data consuming
 application to know how to piece things back together.  Otherwise, a
 shield on a map for example with just a 25 in it is pretty limited in

 Again, the color and shape of the shield is used to distinguish different 

So if a renderer puts the correct shield on a highway that is
certainly helpful.  But, if it does not know about the particular
tagging schema I would prefer that it puts 'I 25' on ther instead of
just '25'.  My point is that the ref tag should contain the complete
reference to the object and not require the consideration of another

 Third, I consider a reference containing just the number to be
 incomplete.  IMHO, the ref tag should contain the complete designation
 of a piece of highway.  This also makes it easier to search for this.

 That's why I set the name tag on the relation to something a little
 more descriptive.

IMHO it is wrong to set the name tag if the highway does not really
have a name.

 Obviously, this scheme works only in the US, which is why the
 network tag is used to distinguish US routes from those in other

The network tag is certainly useful to make it easier to distinguish a
German 'A 4' from a British 'A 4' for example.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Use of highway=tertiary

2010-01-04 Thread Matthias Julius
Greg Troxel writes:

 Stellan Lagerstrom writes:

 We have a user (mk408) who seems intent on turning 3/4 of all
 residential streets in the bay area into tertiary.
 This seems excessive to me. Most of these are just residential streets,
 not thoroughfares, etc.
 Here's one changeset:

 I think tertiary is way overused.  Starting with the notion that
 highway=secondary should be a state highway, tertiary should be a
 significant road that people use to get to a state highway, or at least
 a link between population centers of thousands of people.  Other main
 roads within a city would then be unclassified.

Not every secondary highway needs to be a state highway.  I would tag
roads that have more than just local relevance as tertiary.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Marking closed bridges

2009-12-04 Thread Matthias Julius
Richard Welty writes:

 On 12/3/09 11:27 PM, Richard Welty wrote:
 On 12/3/09 11:00 PM, David Fawcett wrote:

 I agree that it would be good to have a standard answer.  I am
 thinking that the tag should be used for both symbology and

 i'm going to try out the suggested access=no/description=blahblahblah method
 see what i think about it.

 and now that i've seen it, the mapnik rendering is not distinguishable 
 from access=private

 on the other hand, we don't tag to get a specific rendering effect from 
 an existing renderer.

Exactly!  Don't tag for the renderer!

 maybe an additional term on access (access=closed), so that some 
 future renderer will be
 able to distinguish the different reasons for restricted access.

If the public does not have access at all then access=no is the
appropriate tag, IMO.

If you want to indicate the reason that should go into a separate tag.

I don't think it is a good idea to invent a new access tag for every
nuance of access restriction.  No application can keep up with all

If you want access=no to be rendered differently from access=private
you can try to convince the people in charge of the rendering styles
to do that.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] What's causing rendering artifacts in the Southeast?

2009-11-27 Thread Matthias Julius
David ``Smith'' writes:

 On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 2:18 AM, Dale Puch wrote:
 It sounds like t...@home needs to trim data at the tile border, and then
 close open ways along the border of the tile...
 Just my uneducated opinion.

 Let's say you have a tile with two ways crossing it, and they don't
 intersect in the tile.  Both of these ways are outer members of the
 same multipolygon relation, and they don't share any nodes.  There's
 no way to determine whether to color in the space between the two
 ways, versus the rest of the tile except for that space, unless the
 renderer knows whether the ways wrap around the polygon clockwise or
 counterclockwise.  One might think that it's safe to assume (as with
 coastlines) the answer is clockwise, but when multipolygons are used
 to map adjacent features with shared ways, that condition cannot be
 true for both/all multipolygon relations; so that assumption must be
 thrown out.  In order to paint the polygon correctly, the entire
 polygon must be known, which means loading the entire multipolygon

Well, it would be fairly easy if the ways in a multipolygon were
required to be ordered.  Then, when there is a gap a renderer could just
connect the ways.

At least this would work in most cases.  It doesn't work when the area
is being inverted or becomes self-intersecting when you do that.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] What's causing rendering artifacts in the Southeast?

2009-11-25 Thread Matthias Julius
Dale Puch writes:

 Oops I spoke too soon.  There is a relation.
 I still think this is the probable source of the problem though.  Perhaps
 someone with more experience with relations could take a look?

I don't know all the details in how osmarender deals with relations,
but, I think this is caused because the relation does not have any
tags (besides type=multipolygon).

I have changed that for one of them (304245).  We'll see whether that
makes a difference.

This is the recommended way of tagging anyway.  When a relation is
used to form a feature like a riverbank the tags should go onto the
relation and be removed from the member ways.

Besides, this relation is a chore to work with because it has 365
members.  I would say it should be split where tributaries enter the
main river.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] TIGER considered harmful

2009-11-16 Thread Matthias Julius
David Lynch writes:

 Agreed. I can understand not wanting to abbreviate words that don't
 have a standard abbreviation, but the USPS is the de-facto arbiter of
 how addresses (and therefore street names) are written in the United
 States, and they have a well-defined list of which words are
 abbreviated and the abbreviations for those words. Any decent
 namefinder/geocoder should be able to handle the idea that 100 W 6th
 St and 100 West 6th Street both refer to the same address, and a
 really good one should also know that 100 West Sixth St and 100 W
 6 would also be at the same location.

While this is true I think there is benefit for sticking with one
version or the other within OSM.  And since Street names usually are
not abbreviated outside the US and the abbreviations might not be as
intuitive for a non-english speaker I believe it would be better if
they were spelled out completely.  IMHO it is unfortunate this was not
done during the TIGER import.  It would have been easy enough.

If some renderer considers the long names as waste of space it can
abbreviate them.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Non-Integer addresses

2009-11-16 Thread Matthias Julius
Greg Williamson writes:

 Just out of curiosity, how do our European companeros deal with things
 like 2-Bis ? Most of the addresses I have seen in the US with
 letters tend to be campuses and business parks as opposed to street

 A legit address in France -- #2 rear would be my rough translation.

I just would not assume that an address is numerical.

There are house numbers in Germany like 25a, 25b, 25c, ...  or even 14 ½. 
They just are what they are.  This happens when a lot is divided up.
And we don't have 5-digit house numbers.  Typically they are consecutive
with even numbers on one side and odd numbers on the other.  The above
are the alway present exceptions to the rule.  And of course there are
other numbering schemes.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Super Wal-Mart Tag

2009-11-14 Thread Matthias Julius
Randy writes:

 Matthias Julius wrote:

Randy writes:

Dale Puch wrote:

Would it be improper to tag the true Wal-Mart services to the building
way, (either using semicolons or shop_n and amenity_n, and the
partnered services (McDonald's, etc.) as separate nodes in the building,
and related with is-in?

I consider numbered tags to be messy.  Nodes inside the building is not
better unless you are really producing a map of the building's

I would use relations for this purpose, e.g. one relation per shop.


 I guess I still don't understand all there is to know about relations. I 
 thought you had to have a map entry such as a node or way to relate, in a 
 relation. Back to the wiki for me.

Yes, I would create a relation for each thing in the building having the
building itself (area, node or relation) as the only member.

That way the different shops (or banks, law offices, dentists, ...) in
the building can be independant objects and reference the building.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Super Wal-Mart Tag

2009-11-13 Thread Matthias Julius
Randy writes:

 Dale Puch wrote:

For the same reason as doing nodes at a mall or similar.  To know the
stores/services available, not just the type of stuff that is usually 

If your tagging fast food, why would you not tag the McDonalds in the super
walmart as well?  Or the bank ect.  As for the walmart services themselves,
that can be one node, but with the seprate services listed in tags.


 Would it be improper to tag the true Wal-Mart services to the building 
 way, (either using semicolons or shop_n and amenity_n, and the 
 partnered services (McDonald's, etc.) as separate nodes in the building, 
 and related with is-in?

I consider numbered tags to be messy.  Nodes inside the building is not
better unless you are really producing a map of the building's

I would use relations for this purpose, e.g. one relation per shop.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] License plan

2009-03-03 Thread Matthias Julius
Richard Fairhurst writes:

 80n wrote:
 What percentage of data would other people feel willing to see 
 sacrificed in order to move forward with the new license?

 I'd be interested to see this related to our userbase and editing stats.

 If (say) we lose 5%, how many months - at current rates of growth - does it
 take us to get back to the previous level?

It is not that simple.  What if those 5% is half of South Africa?  You
certainly can not interpolate overall OSM growth to re-surveying South


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] oneway yes or true

2009-02-27 Thread Matthias Julius
Celso González writes:

 I dont understand the -1 or reserved value, what that means?
 one way yes/true/1 but in the opposite direction of the way?



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Adding architect names to buildings

2009-02-19 Thread Matthias Julius
Elena of Valhalla writes:

 On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Matthias Julius wrote:
 You could create an architect relation and have the buildings be
 members of that.

 that looks like a category, not a relation: I was under the impression
 that this use of relations was discouraged.

What is the definition of a category here?

I would call a category something like buildings that are 29 strories
tall.  An architect I would call an (abstract) object that can have
other attributes as well like a birthdate, an email address and so
on.  (Whether all this belongs into OSM is another debate).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Adding architect names to buildings

2009-02-19 Thread Matthias Julius
Jonathan Bennett writes:

 Matthias Julius wrote:
 What is the definition of a category here?

 I would call a category something like buildings that are 29 strories
 tall.  An architect I would call an (abstract) object that can have
 other attributes as well like a birthdate, an email address and so
 on.  (Whether all this belongs into OSM is another debate).

 It may well be an abstract object, but it's not a geographical one so it 
 doesn't belong in OSM. Relations are a way of linking one geographical 
 feature to another for some geographical reason -- part of the same 
 long-distance route, or opposite banks of a waterway for example. In 
 this case there's no geographical link between two buildings from the 
 same architect -- you could just as easily say that all buildings 
 belonging to one company should be part of a relation, but that too 
 would essentially be categorisation.

This is all true and after rereading
I agree that the architect issue is a category in that definition.

I just prefer to explicitly link objects together over duplication of


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Adding architect names to buildings

2009-02-19 Thread Matthias Julius
Jonathan Bennett writes:

 Matthias Julius wrote:
 I just prefer to explicitly link objects together over duplication of
 As long as the buildings are tagged consistently, having the tag is 
 probably enough -- you can then use XAPI to query the DB for all 
 buildings by a particular architect.

IF they are tagged consistently.  This is exactly the point.

Especially with names of persons there might be several different ways
to spell them which all might be correct, for example:

Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Hundertwasser, Friedensreich
F. Hundertwasser
Hundertwasser, F.

There are more variations possible when there are middle names
involved.  Additionally there are any number of mis-spellings
possible.  With names from foreign languages this is not even that


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] National Forest Boundaries

2009-02-19 Thread Matthias Julius
Karl Newman writes:

 On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Theodore Book wrote:

 I have put the various proposals on the wiki at:

 It seems like the landuse=forest tag has a fair amount of consensus, but
 that we are not yet sure how to tag the fact that it is a national
 forest, and not just any forest.

 Especially since there may be large swathes within the national forest
 boundary that are devoid of trees...

There is also a distinction between landuse=forest and natural=wood.

But analogous to boundary=national_park there could be
boundary=national_forest.  And then one would need to extend this to
state parks and forests as well as metro parks and who knows what kind
of administrations manage some pieces of land.

So maybe this should be boundary=park,admin_level=1 for national parks
and admin_level=2 for state parks and so on.

The possibilities are endless ...


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Large OSM globe style images

2009-02-18 Thread Matthias Julius
Inge Wallin writes:

 Hi, one of the Marble developers here...

I noticed that Marble shows the map right up to the poles.  These are
not covered by Mercator maps.  So I suspect Marble stretches the map a
little bit leading to some inaccuracies like water reaching almost
directly up to the south pole.

It would be more accurate if Marble did not stretch the map and
instead allowed a fill color or image to be specified for each pole.
Or is this already possible?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Adding architect names to buildings

2009-02-18 Thread Matthias Julius
Robert (Jamie) Munro writes:

 Frankie Roberto wrote:
 Looking through Tagwatch I noticed that both artist=* and artist_name=*
 have been used (presumably for public sculptures and art installation),
 and I did wonder whether architect_name=* would be better. It seems that
 artist_name=*  matches old_name=*  better, but on the other hand it's
 not particularly ambiguous having artist=* or architect=*.

 Why should it match old_name? Your not describing a name of the object,
 you are referencing the designer of the object. Unless you want
 architect_name, architect_address, architect_date_of_birth,
 architect_..., it seems pointless.

Is the architect an attribute of the building or is the building an
attribute of the architect?

You could create an architect relation and have the buildings be
members of that.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Openstreetbugs source code

2009-02-18 Thread Matthias Julius
Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason writes:

 On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:14 AM, Kyle Gordon 
 I hope I'm not alone in saying Thank You! :-D

 OSB is a wonderful resource that many of us couldn't live without. I
 know a few people were sceptical due to the licensing, but hopefully now
 they will be quiet.

 Yes it's useful, but I don't see how this addresses the problems of
 OSB being closed. Is this not a third party implementation of the OSB
 JS interface which is not running on the main OSB site, and is the OSB
 bug DB not still closed with no dumps available?

But now, since the code is available, someone could set it up as or so and integrate it with the OSM main site.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Large OSM globe style images

2009-02-18 Thread Matthias Julius
Inge Wallin writes:

 On Wednesday 18 February 2009 20:43:35 Matthias Julius wrote:
 Inge Wallin writes:
  Hi, one of the Marble developers here...

 I noticed that Marble shows the map right up to the poles.  These are
 not covered by Mercator maps.  So I suspect Marble stretches the map a
 little bit leading to some inaccuracies like water reaching almost
 directly up to the south pole.

 It would be more accurate if Marble did not stretch the map and
 instead allowed a fill color or image to be specified for each pole.
 Or is this already possible?

 Good point!  I'll have to check what actually happens.

 Can you register this on as well?

Actually, after looking at the south pole again a little more
carefully it seems more like Marble is projecting the pixels at the
edge of the tiles towards the pole.  At least this is not completely


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] News blog link - to

2009-02-17 Thread Matthias Julius
Lester Caine writes:

 Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:

 So, we have a pile of good intentioned legacy here. OGD carries posts on all
 sorts of open geo data stuff in the early days (Aug 2004) including the most
 important one relating to OSM. Over time
 Steve and the others he handed out access to have posted principally about
 OSM but I'd argue it's never been the official OSM blog, it was just that it
 was the only blog where official stuff re OSM ended up.
 Should OSM have a separate blog, probably
 Blog or announcements list?

I'd vote for the latter.

Or both and a gateway in between.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM on The Reg

2009-02-11 Thread Matthias Julius
Claudius Henrichs writes:

 Am 11.02.2009 13:18, Gert Gremmen:
 does *any* mapping app have an option like 'add road'?
 Do you know any mapping application accessible for everyone
 having internet ???

 *cough* *cough*

And the thing is that Mapmaker is probably known to more people than
OSM expectations of beginners will be for our editor to work just the
same than Mapmaker.  And if Mapmaker has an Add Road button (don't
know it myself) people expect one here, too.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM on The Reg

2009-02-11 Thread Matthias Julius
Someoneelse writes:

 Maybe something more akin to openstreetbugs plus a simple guided way to 
 add one feature at a time should be integrated into OSM, but I wouldn't 
 use GMM as an example except of what not to do!

We certainly should not try to emulate their bugs.  But, are there any
elements in their user interface that are nice to have (if they work


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Long Ways and API 0.6

2009-02-09 Thread Matthias Julius
Frederik Ramm writes:

 There being multiple relations for the same walking route is something 
 that happens every day, not because of the size limit but because 
 someone working on a local bit of the route might not be aware of 
 someone else working on another local bit until they meet. It is 
 actually *easier* to then combine the parts in a super relation than to 
 move all the members from one part-relation to the other.

 I'm pretty sure we'll soon have good tools to work with that kind of 
 thing. And anyway, if the super-relation is ignored and someone just 
 sees the smaller parts of the walking route, that's not a big loss is it?

What I don't like here is that this leads to duplication of data.
Super-relations are fine, but IMHO tags should be moved to the
super-relation.  And then it would be a big loss if a renderer doesn't
know how to deal with it.

What is an application actually supposed to do when the tagging of of
a relation contradicts the tagging of its members?  For example: a
super-relation with ref=E50 with a member-relation with ref=E52
which has a way tagged with ref=E58


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Long Ways and API 0.6

2009-02-09 Thread Matthias Julius
Frederik Ramm writes:


 Matthias Julius wrote:
 What I don't like here is that this leads to duplication of data.
 Super-relations are fine, but IMHO tags should be moved to the

 They should, but I would postpone that until later.

Yes.  I just like to bring this up once in a while to nudge people
into thinking in that direction. ;-)

 The same is true with today's superways - tags should really be moved 
 from the way into the relation but we can wait with that until everyone 
 knows how to handle a superway.

I'm just afraid you can wait forever here.  I am not saying that
people are too stupid to grasp the concept.  It is more a matter of
motivation to deal with the issue.  I think a prerequisite is support
in the main renderers.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-dev] donating read-only api-mirrors

2009-02-06 Thread Matthias Julius
Milenko writes:

 As far as I know, the ROMA servers return data as close as possible to
 the main API.  They should be no more than 3-5 minutes behind the main
 API.  Please correct me if I'm wrong (and I very well could be!).

But they still don't implement the whole API.  They only implement the
map call.  That's why they are called ROMA (Read Only Map Api).  The
data is supposed to be complete.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Key:smoothness

2009-02-02 Thread Matthias Julius
Dave Stubbs writes:

 2009/2/2 Richard Fairhurst
 Ulf Lamping wrote:

 Yes, if it would use descriptive terms it might solve some
 problems. But if you think of a better solution it gets really
 difficult to find better terms thats aimed towards something.

 smoothness:vehicle would make sense to me. But, you know, water under
 the bridge and all that.

 suitability_wheeled_vehicle would be even better.

Suitability sounds a bit more fitting than smoothness.

And one could put the type of vehicle into the value like
'suitability=horse:good;mountainbike:bad;racebike:impossible' or
something like that.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] when do 12 TAH tiles render?

2009-01-31 Thread Matthias Julius
Vikas Yadav writes:

 Just a casual query about what is the schedule to render TAH tiles below
 I had changed many things in North India maps and those zoom levels still
 show tiles.

They get stitched togetcher from z12 tiles after the rendering of a
z12 tiles was requested, rendered and uploaded.

If you render and upload tiles before they get auto-requested the
server won't stitch lowzoom tiles.  The auto-requester only considers
changes to nodes, BTW.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Handling of towns with different or alternative names

2009-01-27 Thread Matthias Julius
Simon Ward writes:

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 02:50:37PM -0500, Russ Nelson wrote:
 On Jan 27, 2009, at 2:08 PM, Manfred Podzkiewitz wrote:
  Hello, i have a question about the handling of unoffical, or ethnic,  
  historic names of towns and villages.
 The TIGER import in the USA uses name_1 for alternate names.  Perhaps  
 we should view all tags starting with name as potential names? 
 That points to using nameEN for the English name of a city, and  
 nameDE for the German name of the same city, etc.
 Or should that be name:EN and name:DE?

 These already exist, see Key:name[1].

 This doesn’t account for multiple names in the same language, though.  I
 can also imagine a place having several old names over time, while
 old_name=* really only allows for one.

IMHO there really needs to be a well defined mechanism that allows a
tag to have multiple values.  To invent new keys like old_name_1 and
old_name_2 is certainly not optimal.

The FAQ has the recommendation of separating multiple values with a
';' and to enter a semicolon that is part of the data as ';;'.

That's actually error prone if someone enters a semicolon who doesn't
know about the rule.  I think that should better be reversed or '\;'
be used as separator because this is much less likely to appear in
regular data.

Of course it is also possible to use relations.  But, for tags that
simply add a property to an object (like old_name) this is overkill.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can not remove a way from a relation

2009-01-27 Thread Matthias Julius
Shaun McDonald writes:

 On 27 Jan 2009, at 20:46, Erik Lundin wrote:


 I had a similar problem earlier this month. The correspondence can be
 found in the mail archives:

 The problem is that JOSM gets an error while uploading a relation that
 references a non-existent way. I wrote a little perl script to find
 relations referencing non-existent ways or ways referencing non- 
 nodes. Using the script I found that the relation (21359) contains a
 reference to way 8135282, which was deleted on January 5th
 ( I tried to
 remove the way from the relation, but get the same error while  

 There could be another way that has been deleted, or there is a node  
 that is reference by a way that is missing.

Does the API verify the integrety of a way that is referenced in a
relation and that itself is not being uploaded?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Handling of towns with different or alternative names

2009-01-27 Thread Matthias Julius
Simon Ward writes:

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 04:36:08PM -0500, Matthias Julius wrote:
 That's actually error prone if someone enters a semicolon who doesn't
 know about the rule.  I think that should better be reversed or '\;'
 be used as separator because this is much less likely to appear in
 regular data.

 Almost any character could appear in regular data, unless it’s quite a
 special character—say, rather appropriately, the unit separator (US,
 ASCII 0x1f).  The problem then is entering the special character.

While this is true, a key sequence like '\;' or '\\' should rarely be
seen in nature.  At least it should be a lot less likely than a single
';'.  To be on the safe side we can use '/|\|/|\|/|\' or similar.  ;-)

 Ultimately the user should not have to care what, or if a, separator is
 used, and they would be presented with multiple values as appropriate
 for the interface they are using.

This is true, but AFAIK no editor supports that, yet.  Until then it
needs to be done manually.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapping driveways

2009-01-24 Thread Matthias Julius
Ulf Lamping writes:

 First of all, you should NEVER remove anything from the database, unless 
 you have made certain by your own eye that the object in question is an 
 error and not existing in reality! Even than take care not to remove 
 anything marked as abandoned or alike, that marks this object was once 
 here and the info is kept for historical reasons.

Yes, renderers and other applications can then choose whether they
want to use that information or not.

 Here in germany we are simply not asking if something should be 
 included! People in densely mapped areas are starting to map single 
 trees and litter bins - not all of us doing so, but that's not the point 

 How this should be tagged depends on what's on the ground. Please have a 
 look at:

 It indicates to use highway=service together with service=driveway.

 Funnily enough, I don't have a clear understanding what a driveway 
 actually is, seems to be an american english specific term?

It's typically a piece of pavement that connects the road with peoples
garage door.  Of course, the pavement and the garage are optional.

In German I would probably say Grundstückseinfahrt.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] When is a bridge not a bridge?

2009-01-23 Thread Matthias Julius
Kenneth Gonsalves writes:

 On Friday 23 Jan 2009 6:00:08 pm Sven Rautenberg wrote:
  if the way is layer=0 and the bridge is layer=0 too
  (the crossing way under is layer=-1, digged)
  then the bridge has no ramps.

 Something with negative layer has to be a tunnel. Bridges are useless if
 there is a tunnel. Do not tag bridges as layer=0 just because there
 are no ramps. The layer tag is to help a renderer put the ways in the
 right visual order - not to indicate whether or not a way is elevated or
 not. Do not tag ways as layer=-1 just because they are below the
 general earth surface (such as rivers).

 this is important - only underground rivers should be given a -1 layer tag

Yes, it has been pointed out many times that layers are relative only
and have nothing to do with elevation.  They describe whether some
object is directly above another and not whether it is higher than
another one nearby.

Generally, I regard the earth's surface -- natural or not -- as
layer=0.  That means that a bridge which is completely level with the
surrounding area is still layer=1 (at least) because it is above the


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can not remove a way from a relation

2009-01-23 Thread Matthias Julius
Gerda og Carsten writes:

 I am unable to remove way

 from the relation

 I am thus also unable to delete way 4596756 which is overlapping
 another way also beeing part of the relation.

 I am using JOSM and get en error when I try to upload the relation
 after having taken way out of the relation.

It might be helpful to know what the error is.  The console output of
JOSM might be interesting, too.

 I can see that this relation has more than thousand ways, and I think
 this could be the problem.

You get the error after a fresh download of the relation?  Such a huge
relation has a large potential for conflicting edits because many
people might want to edit it at the same time.  However, I can't
really think of why uploading a new version of a relation could create
a conflict for the API.

Maybe JOSM runs into a timeout with a large object like this when the
server is under load.  Again, what is the error?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] When is a bridge not a bridge?

2009-01-23 Thread Matthias Julius
Marc Schütz writes:

 (Forwarding to list)

 Am Friday 23 January 2009 17:28:17 schrieben Sie:
 As I understood the text of the wiki when I first started, layer 0 is
 the general level of the terrain, so levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are above
 the ground on successively higher bridges, and -1, -2, -3, -4, and -5
 in successively deeper trenches.

 Indeed, that's what the wiki page says. Unfortunately I cannot find the place 
 where the discussion took place when the feature was introduced (probably 
 before today's standardization process); I'm pretty sure that this was not 

 One could argue that because the default is layer=0, the natural surface 
 be in this layer. However, we do not model the natural surface, so this seems 
 to be a completely arbitrary limitation. Lacking a definition for natural 
 surface, there isn't even an application where this information could be 

The layer tag is just the way to tell applications about the vertical
ordering of objects.  It is irrelevant for objects that don't
overlap.  And the absolute number doesn't matter as long as the higher
object has a higher number.

A somewhat special case are objects that are next to each other that
overlap in map renderings because they are rendered wider than
reality, like a road next to a railway.  Then it should be up to the
renderer to decide how to solve that.

Everything else is just a matter of convention.  I think it produces
the least amount of surprises if layer tags are applied to the smaller
feature (like the bridge instead of the river) to avoid effects on
more distant intersections.


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