Re: [Talk-at] Public Transport Schema und Wien

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Christian Aigner
Am 30.05.2015 um 18:17 schrieb Robin Däneke:

 Könntest du mir da ein paar Beispiele nennen?

Schau Dir mal den Stadtbus 1 in Mödling an.


Route Bahnhof - Babenbergergasse - Prießnitztal

Route Prießnitztal - Stadtbad - Bahnhof

Das ist eine relativ kurze Busstrecke mit zwei unterschiedlichen


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Versatz geoimage vs. basemap

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden grubernd

On 2015-05-30 16:00, Flaimo wrote:

Welches Bildmaterial ist hier aber wirklich exakt? Soll ich jetzt jedes
Mal den Basemap-Layer vorher manuell zurechtschieben? Oder besteht die
Chance, dass die neuen geoimage-Bilder dann besser sind? Dann würde ich
noch mit größeren Änderungen warten...

meiner Erfahrung nach stimmen die Lagepositionen von Gebäuden in der 
Basemap nur bedingt und sind keine verlässliche Quelle. genauso wie 
deren Hausnummern usw... leider.

wo in der Basemap die einzelnen Daten herkommen würde ich wirklich gerne 
wissen - und zwar am liebsten pro Objekt. derzeit ist die Basemap leider 
etwas, das unter wikipedia-Regeln mit [citation needed] markiert werden 

dagegen sind die Orthofotos von selbst im dreidimensionalen 
Gelände in den Bergen so perfekt korrigiert, dass man sich fragt ob die 
zaubern können. andrerseits machen die das auch schon länger.. ;)

beide Einschätzungen allerdings ohne exakte vermessungstechnische Daten, 
sondern nur aus der Beobachtung und Arbeit mit beiden Quellen im 
Vergleich mit allem anderen deren man so habhaft werden kann. ausserdem 
mappe ich kaum in OÖ sondern meistens in der Stmk.

generell rücke ich Gebäude mit source 09 oder überhaupt mit 
wechselndem Versatz schon in Richtung geoimage Position. zumindest wenn 
der Versatz offensichtlich ist und sich vorallem mit anderen Objekten 
deutlich in die Quere kommt.

aber wenn man sich mal die ÖK/AMAP anschaut, dann merkt man, dass eine 
perfekte Karte nicht unbedingt auf den Millimeter exakt sein muss, 
sondern funktionieren. *grins*


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Water depth in lake

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden John Whitmore
On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 05:47:18PM +0100, Colm Moore wrote:
 This is potentially life or death information, so I'm not sure if it is 
 approved for OSM.
 Different datums (measurements) are used:  However, with lakes, you might find 
 novel effects on water depth, like flows from higher rivers / lakes, 
 reservoirs, currents, etc.

Thanks for all the responses to my message and it's certainly food for

I was actually talking with a boat person about it and they were saying that
it wasn't simple at all. If I did have a depth at a position I'd also have to
get my hands on the official water level at that time. He wasn't sure who
keeps that info but basically all water depths are measured relative to a set
water level. If the current level is below or above that then you have to
adjust all figures. 

Guess it's something I've never thought about before, but sure now I know.

Thanks again.


 Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
 the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
  Message: 2
  Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 15:10:51 +0100
  From: Daniel Cussen
  To: Discussion of OpenStreetMap in Ireland
  Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Water depth in lake
  3) Depth is normally displayed on maps as mean tide level (I think),
  are you taking into account tide (off shore) or recent rain for rivers
  to calculate the actual depth below mean level?
 Talk-ie mailing list

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Tag für Fahrradzählstellen

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Tom Pfeifer

Hallo Frau Robert Klemm,

bevor wir einen Tag erfinden sollten wir überlegen, ob wir diese Dinge
überhaupt mappen wollen. Auch wenn es von den Fahrradsensoren erst
ein paar Handvoll gibt -- Fahrzeugsensoren, als Induktionsschleifen
oder als Bewegungsmelder von oben, gibt es ja schon zuhauf, an vielen
Kreuzungen je ankommende Spur, und unterwegs auch noch genug.

Selbst die Vorschläge, die Ampellichter pro Spur zu erfassen sind bisher
nicht übermässig erfolgreich, ich sehe daher noch nicht den tieferen
Nutzen, Fahrzeugsensoren egel welcher Ausprägung in OSM zu erfassen.


Frau Klemm wrote on 2015-05-30 11:40:

Hallo Zusammen,

ich wollte fragen, ob ein Tag für Fahrrad-Zählstellen gibt? Ich bin heute
mit dem Rad in Berlin unterwegs gewesen und hab einige Zählstellen gefunden,
die auf dem Radweg eingelassen wurden.

Siehe link:

Könnt Ihr mir da weiterhelfen?

Viele Grüße


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Water depth in lake

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Colm Moore

This is potentially life or death information, so I'm not sure if it is 
approved for OSM.

Different datums (measurements) are used:  However, with lakes, you might find 
novel effects on water depth, like flows from higher rivers / lakes, 
reservoirs, currents, etc.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

 Message: 2
 Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 15:10:51 +0100
 From: Daniel Cussen
 To: Discussion of OpenStreetMap in Ireland
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Water depth in lake

 3) Depth is normally displayed on maps as mean tide level (I think),
 are you taking into account tide (off shore) or recent rain for rivers
 to calculate the actual depth below mean level?

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Public Transport Schema und Wien

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Christian Aigner
Am 30.05.2015 um 18:58 schrieb Robin Däneke:
 OK. Habe den *33A* jetzt so angepasst, dass er sowohl stop und platform
 hat, und im Overpass richtig ist. Passt das so?

Bei der stop_position gehört noch ein bus=yes. Ansonsten ist mir beim
schnellen drüber schauen nichts aufgefallen.

Außer natürlich, daß die Hin- und die Rückfahrt jeweils in eine eigene
Relation gehört. ;-)

Aber das muß nicht sofort geändert werden.


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Data Model for Address

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 30/05/15 09:00, SK53 wrote:
 However, there is a British Standard for addresses, which I'm told by
 those who know it well provides a high degree of flexibility for the
 numerous cases which do not reflect housenumber, supplement, street,
 place model.

There is a standard for identifying any property in the UK
This is used by every UK council to provide the data free of charge, but
we are not then allowed to use it freely :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] aufgeteilte Straßen wieder vereinen

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Walter Nordmann
Hast du mal versucht - natürlich ohne hochzuladen- einfach beide Ways im 
Josm zu vereinigen? Josm bringt das dann mit den Relationen selber in 
Ordnung, wenn sonst nicht geändert wurde.


On 30.05.2015 17:48, Christian Aigner wrote:


Ich bin gerade dabei, den Liesinger Platz wieder zu reparieren.

Dort wurde z.B. die B13a aufgeteilt, obwohl gar keine bauliche Trennung
irgend einer Art vorhanden ist.

Beim Auftrennen wurden jede Menge Bus-Relationen kaputt gemacht.

Ich möchte das jetzt wieder reparieren.

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Public Transport Schema und Wien

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Robin Däneke
OK. Habe den 33A jetzt so angepasst, dass er sowohl stop und platform hat, und 
im Overpass richtig ist. Passt das so? ___
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Nove preklady wiki

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Petr Vozdecký

k úpravě wiki (pokud ji mám udělat jako rozšíření dosavadní práce) bych 
potřeboval nějakou širší shodu komunity.

Pochopil jsem, že by se mělo jednat o změnu ve smyslu nepoužíváme kombinaci
noexit=no( a fixme
ale pouze fixme(
, protože značka noexit=no
( je zastaralá, 
neboť a tady bych asi chtěl poradit nějaký jasný postoj, rozhodnutí, 


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Martin Švec - OSM
Datum: 30. 5. 2015 14:32:00
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Nove preklady wiki

On 29.5.2015 23:56, Marián Kyral wrote:
 Dne 29.5.2015 v 23:21 Martin Švec - OSM napsal(a):

 koukám do Osmose a co nevidím... Najednou se mu nelíbí moje noexit=no
 tagy. Po chvíli jsem našel, že v [1] byla hodnota noexit=no opravdu už
 dávno prohlášena za zastaralou, hmmm. Z diskuse na wiki není ten závěr
 tak jednoznačný, nicméně anglická verze [2] se o možnosti noexit=no
 taky nezmiňuje.

 Tušíte někdo kudy se dostávají pravidla do Osmose? Pokud je všeobecná
 shoda že noexit=no je zastaralé, měla by se upravit i česká wiki. A já
 se naučím používat jen fixme=continue :-)

 Commit na githubu:
 A Trac je tady: (bohužel většina
 je francouzky :-( )


Dík za nasměrování. Chybu noexit=no Osmose tahá přímo z wiki Deprecated_
features, viz např.

V květnu proběhl úklid stránky Deprecated_features, noexit=no se tam dostal 
18.5. prý ze seznamu abandoned a inactive tags:

Dále, nerealizovaný návrh pravidel v JOSM (a výživná diskuse na tagging 
listu :-)):

Můj osobní závěr: noexit=no by se neměl používat, preferuje se fixme=
continue. Tag noexit=yes na cestách je dlouhodobě sporný, líbí se mi 
současný výklad na české wiki. Doporučuji upravit wiki ve smyslu, že noexit=
no je zastaralé a pro označení nedomapované cesty se má použít pouze fixme=
continue na posledním známém uzlu.


Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] waterway=riverbank

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Tobias Knerr
Am 29.05.2015 06:25, schrieb Markus:
 Das würde ein weltweites Tagging-Schema zerstören...
 Wer weiss Genaueres?

Das geht auf ein erfolgreiches Proposal von 2011 zurück:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Public Transport Schema und Wien

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Robin Däneke
Passt der 33a jetzt? Wenn ja, dann werde ich sobald wie möglich alle Linien so 
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Alex Barth
We've got beautiful name:LANGUAGE tags, they work, I say let's use them.
The English speaking community is well started into this practice (just
look at the 1.3 million name:en tags [1]!) - now let's have the rest of us
get in on the fun too ;-)

Frederik's called upon the local-first rule a couple of times. It's a
really useful principle for deciding conflicting edits, and I read it as
local observation wins. This is good, but it shouldn't mean if you can't
read the name of a thing at its place in a specific language it doesn't
have one - just like so many other things that aren't labeled in the real
world in the local language.

In regards to relying on Wikidata for translations: OpenStreetMap is so
much bigger than the people who pay attention to the mailing list.  If we
changed the standing practice of name:LANGUAGE tags and punted translations
to Wikidata - how would the average mapper know about it? Would we write
Wikidata integration for iD and JOSM to allow for seamless editing of
Wikidata translations, then migrate name:LANGUAGE tags off to Wikidata?
This seems a lot of effort for unclear gain.

[1] Others have already compared the usage of name:en vs name:ru

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 8:27 AM, SomeoneElse wrote:

 On 29/05/2015 12:58, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:

 On 29/05/2015, SomeoneElse wrote:

 I'd say that whether or not a name is actually usable to help navigate
 to a place is a pretty important piece of information.

 True. And that what name should give you. The name:CC tags should
 not be a hindrance, at most they should be given alongside name by
 your satnav.

  For example,
 when processing OSM data for my own use I'll try and drop unsigned names
 and refs from roads (there's no point in saying turn left on Foo
 Street if Foo Street does not appear on the sign).

 That's really neat. How do you know wether a street is signposted or
 not ? I don't know of any tag that gives that info. I can't imagine a
 good heuristic using name:CC.  I've added quite a few unsignposted
 street names by asking locals.

 I've used name:signed=no (though this is by no means an accepted tag, and
 if anyone can come up with a more accepted version that does the same job
 I'm all ears).

 Maybe something like name:signed=en;cy might solve the name
 verifiability problem for Abergavenny?

  It's the same
 principle here - if there are 300 names for a place, are you really
 suggesting that I have to do an external check to some other database to
 find that as it's in South Wales, signs are likely to be in Welsh and
 English, so it's those language names that I need to look out for?

 What's wrong with name ? What's the UK policy on the content of
 name for places with Welsh and English names ? If you want to see
 Welsh names as often as possible but still make the local name more
 prominent, use local name (welsh name if different) in your map
 generating script.

 The problem here is that there are two* equally valid and correct names
 (in on-the-ground verifiable terms) for Abergavenny.

 Obviously there are more complicated places too - and immediately sprung to mind
 (re the former I thought that it was An Daingean that appeared on the
 official signs these days?).



 * or possibly three if you count Latin.  It wouldn't surprise me if that
 wasn't on a Welcome to Abergavenny sign somewhere.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Versatz geoimage vs. basemap

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Friedrich Volkmann
On 30.05.2015 19:58, grubernd wrote:
 On 2015-05-30 16:00, Flaimo wrote:
 Welches Bildmaterial ist hier aber wirklich exakt? Soll ich jetzt jedes
 Mal den Basemap-Layer vorher manuell zurechtschieben? Oder besteht die
 Chance, dass die neuen geoimage-Bilder dann besser sind? Dann würde ich
 noch mit größeren Änderungen warten...

Flaimo, du wirst am besten wissen, was in deiner Gegend am exaktesten ist.
Im Normalfall würde ich aber die Orthofotos von als Referenz
annehmen, sofern sie einigermaßen senkrecht aufgenommen wurden (also in den
Häusern, Bäumen usw. keine Perspektive erkennbar ist). Wenn die alten anders liegen als die anderen, ist das schon fast ein

Um kleine Fehler zu bestimmen, müsste man mit amtlichen Vermessungspunkten
(z.B. KT-Steine) vergleichen, deren genaue Koordinaten das BEV aber leider
geheim hält. Die nächstbeste Alternative wäre ein Vergleich mit einem
genauen Laserscan, der für OÖ aber ebenfalls nicht verfügbar ist (siehe
anderen Thread).

Ansonsten bleibt noch der Vergleich mit GPS-Tracks und anderen Orthofotos.

 meiner Erfahrung nach stimmen die Lagepositionen von Gebäuden in der Basemap
 nur bedingt und sind keine verlässliche Quelle. genauso wie deren
 Hausnummern usw... leider.

Das hängt vom Bundesland ab. In Wien stimmen die Gebäude einigermaßen. Aber
auch nicht immer. Aufs Orthofoto muss man beim Nachzeichnen immer schauen,
die Basemap eignet sich nur zur Kontrolle, oder wenn man am Orthofoto was
nicht genau erkennen kann (Perspektive, Schatten o.ä.).

 wo in der Basemap die einzelnen Daten herkommen würde ich wirklich gerne

Die kommen m.W. alle aus amtlichen Datenbeständen der Bundesländer. Mich
wundert nicht, dass die so viel Müll in den Datenbeständen haben. Das ist
überall so, wo es Daten gibt. Mich wundert aber, dass die den Müll so
ungeniert in die Basemap reingeschüttet haben. Mein Verdacht ist, dass sie
nur die miesen Daten kostenlos zur Verfügung stellen wollen, die genauen
Daten gibts - so wie früher auch schon - gegen Cash.

 dagegen sind die Orthofotos von selbst im dreidimensionalen
 Gelände in den Bergen so perfekt korrigiert, dass man sich fragt ob die
 zaubern können. andrerseits machen die das auch schon länger.. ;)

Sie können leider nicht zaubern. In den Bergen sowieso nicht, und sogar im
Flachland gibt es immer wieder haarsträubende Diskrepanzen wie z.B. hier:

 aber wenn man sich mal die ÖK/AMAP anschaut, dann merkt man, dass eine
 perfekte Karte nicht unbedingt auf den Millimeter exakt sein muss

Kommt auf den Mapstab an. Aber ich stimme dir zu, dass die Amap in kleinen
Mapstäben besser aussieht als alle OSM-Karten. Gründe sind vor allem die
nichtinterpolierten 20m-Höhenlinien und die dezenteren Flächensignaturen.

Friedrich K. Volkmann
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-TW] 2015 OpenStreetMap臺北聚會第二彈!6/8(一) 摩茲工寮

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Dennis Raylin Chen

6/8(一) 19:30~21:30 在八德路一段94號3樓的摩茲工寮 (




Talk-TW mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Tag für Fahrradzählstellen

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Garry

Am 30.05.2015 um 22:37 schrieb Tom Pfeifer:

Hallo Frau Robert Klemm,

bevor wir einen Tag erfinden sollten wir überlegen, ob wir diese Dinge
überhaupt mappen wollen. Auch wenn es von den Fahrradsensoren erst
ein paar Handvoll gibt -- Fahrzeugsensoren, als Induktionsschleifen
oder als Bewegungsmelder von oben, gibt es ja schon zuhauf, an vielen
Kreuzungen je ankommende Spur, und unterwegs auch noch genug.

Selbst die Vorschläge, die Ampellichter pro Spur zu erfassen sind bisher
nicht übermässig erfolgreich, ich sehe daher noch nicht den tieferen
Nutzen, Fahrzeugsensoren egel welcher Ausprägung in OSM zu erfassen.

Allein schon mal um einen Eindruck davon zu bekommen was wo erfasst wird.
Ein Gesamtbild vermittelt einen anderen Eindruck als das Wissen über das 
Vorhandensein einzelner Sensoren.

Letztenendes geht es bei den Sensoren auch um politische Zwecke.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] tag et point-virgule

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
Ca dépend lesquelles.

Pour name=* ou name:lang=* (ou wikipedia=* ou wikipedia:lang=*) par
exemple il ne faut qu'une seule valeur.

Mais en revanche pour alt_name=* ou alt_name:lang=* sont faits pour
stocker des valeurs supplémentaires, et il me parait valide d'en mettre
plusieurs séparées par point-virgule : ces tag alt_name sont justement
faits pour ça: stocker ce qu'on ne met pas dans name=*.

Il me semble aussi que loc_name=* et loc_name:lang=* pourrait aussi
avoir plusieurs noms car le seul critère de code langue n'est pas suffisant
pour les distinguer et il n'y a pas de critère précis en dehors de
l'indication d'un usage local qui peut lui aussi avoir des alternatives
(particulièrement dans des pays ou des langues sans orthographe réellement
officialisée : on écrit un peu comme on prononce, et il y a aussi des
petites différences dialectales même au plan local et dans une même

Même dans des pays ayant des agences officielles, on trouve aussi des
variantes orthographiques selon les agences (géographiques, électorales,
statistiques/démographiques, différents ministères, organismes publics
divers...). Ce n'est pas aussi strict qu'on le voit en France (ou existe
pourtant aussi des variantes) sans qu'on puisse réelleement savoir laquelle
variante est la plus officielle. Tant que les diférences sont réduites à
l'absence ou la présence d'accent, on peut garder la version accentuée
(mais on trouve couramment des différences d'accents, notamment en Afrique
où les tononymes francophones hésitent très souvent entre accent aigu et
accent grave, du fait de la présence aussi d'autres langues africaines très
courantes localement, comme le bambara et d'autres).

Nombre de pays africains sont polyethniques, les langues sont nombreuses
(et même quand la langue française est officielle, elle ne l'est que pour
une partie du gouvernement et minoritaire ailleurs dans la population, le
français ou l'anglais étant seulement utilisés de facto comme langue
d'échange, plus ou moins bien maitrisée et localement très créolisée avec
les langues indigènes. Même là-bas pour ceux qui défende un français très
épuré, pour éviter la multiplication des créoles mais aussi préserver les
langues locales, ils s'adaptent aussi à des variantes orthographiques et de
prononciation sur la toponymie et les noms propres en général, et ils sont
conscients que tout le monde autour ne connait pas ce français ou anglais
épuré (que même nous en France ou au Royaume-Uni ne connaissont plus aussi
bien, ou pouvons considérer parfois comme des formes archaïques.)

Le 29 mai 2015 09:59, bernard a écrit :

 J'ai remarqué qu'Osmose n'appréciait pas que les valeurs soient séparées
 par des point-virgules.
 Or, des pages wiki le proposent
 Qu'en est-il?
 Il est mentionné dans la FAQ
 Valeur avec ou sans point-virgule?

 Merci de votre réponse


 L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le
 logiciel antivirus Avast.

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cépages ?

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Laurent Chiche
Merci pour vos réponses.
Je vais fouiller les pistes  suggérées

Le 29 mai 2015 16:12, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :

 crop=grape existe,
 mais c'est pour du raisin, en général. Donc pas pour spécifier le cépage.

 Par contre, bien que les cépages ne rentrent pas dans les classifications
 peut-être faudrait-il s'inspirer de cette hiérarchie des tags existante
 (species, genus, taxon) pour classer les cépages et leur famille
 d'appartenance ?


 Le 29 mai 2015 15:51, dHuy Pierre a écrit :

 Le Tag crop semble correspondre à ton besoin même si actuellement aucun
 usage n'en ai fait pour cartographier les cépages.L'usage d'un crop:type me
 paraîtrait bien aussi mais sans aucun fondement.
 Si tu trouves une solution meilleure tiens nous au courant :)

   Le Vendredi 29 mai 2015 12h32, Laurent Chiche a
 écrit :


 Quelqu'un sait-il s'il est possible d'indiquer les cépages des vignes et
 quels attributs utiliser ? J'ai cherché, mais rien trouvé à ce sujet dans
 le wiki.


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 Talk-fr mailing list


 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cépages ?

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
Remarque aussi applicables aux élevages animaux (la plupart des genres
d'animaux domestiques ne sont pas des espèces distinctes, juste le fruit de
sélections au sein d'une même espèce (par exemple les races de chiens,
bon nombre de races de vaches (limousine, etc...), ce qui n'interdit pas
du tout les croisements (qui existent encore malgré tout pour préserver la
richesse génétique et permettre de nouvelles sélections pouvant résister à
certaines maladies par exemple).

Idem pour bon nombre de cultivars floraux (même si certains hybrides ne
sont même pas reproducteurs) et de céréales (la plupart des surfaces
cultivées aujourd'hui dans nombre de pays européens et américains sont avec
des semences hydrides rendues volontairement infertiles. Cf. Monsanto), ou
variétés fruitières et légumières normalisées du catalogue européen
autorisé à la vente (tomates, pommes de terre, choux, pommes) au point que
les espèces traditionnelles et même les sélections naturelles (non
hybrides) se voient retirées des catalogues autorisés à la vente (un comble
!) pour le seul motif qu'elles ne sont pas calibrées ou peuvent être
habitées par certains insectes (pourtant pas nuisibles du tout à la santé):

Ces espèces naturelles (même sélectionnées depuis des siècles pour
s'adapter à un terroir de culture) sont pourtant tout à fait vendables en
circuit court et bien meilleures (et nutritivement plus riches que les
fruits vendus aujourd'hui qui n'ont presque plus rien en vitamines,
minéraux, huiles essentielles, arômes, antioxydants...), leur seul défaut
étant leur moins grande conservation et moins de résistance au transport
(pour la vente internationale en circuit long) ou la réfrigération (afin de
permettre de les cueillir avant maturité et les conserver pendant des
semaines ou des moins et les faire mûrir artificiellement à la demande et
hors saison), mais en revanche alors que les hybrides déclenchent des
épidémies d'allergies alimentaires et de nouvelles malnutritions du fait de
leur grande pauvreté alimentaire, et épuisent les sols (ou demandent des
quantités énormes d'engrais et de traitements chimiques nuisibles à notre
santé et à l'environnement).

Le 31 mai 2015 01:29, Philippe Verdy a écrit :

 les cépages ne sont peut-être pas des espaces mais des variétés de type
 cultivar la hiérarchisation devrait être utilisable, remplacer taxon
 par cultivar...

 Le 29 mai 2015 16:11, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :

 crop=grape existe,
 mais c'est pour du raisin, en général. Donc pas pour spécifier le cépage.

 Par contre, bien que les cépages ne rentrent pas dans les
 classifications biologiques,
 peut-être faudrait-il s'inspirer de cette hiérarchie des tags existante
 (species, genus, taxon) pour classer les cépages et leur famille
 d'appartenance ?


 Le 29 mai 2015 15:51, dHuy Pierre a écrit :

 Le Tag crop semble correspondre à ton besoin même si actuellement aucun
 usage n'en ai fait pour cartographier les cépages.L'usage d'un crop:type me
 paraîtrait bien aussi mais sans aucun fondement.
 Si tu trouves une solution meilleure tiens nous au courant :)

   Le Vendredi 29 mai 2015 12h32, Laurent Chiche a
 écrit :


 Quelqu'un sait-il s'il est possible d'indiquer les cépages des vignes et
 quels attributs utiliser ? J'ai cherché, mais rien trouvé à ce sujet dans
 le wiki.


 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list


 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] Craigslist OpenStreetMap Rendering Issue

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Mike Thompson
I have posted this issue to the Craigslist feedback forum, but I also
thought I would post it here to see if anyone has a specific contact at
Cragislist that handles their map rendering.  They use - and credit -
OpenStreetMap (which is wonderful), but I believe they perform their own
custom rendering, which seems to be the source of this issue.

The issue is that some streets that are not one way in OSM data, are
rendered as one way by Craigslist.

If you go to this ad and zoom in on the map you will see the arrows
designating one way streets, for example on Cliffrose Way (

Here is the approximate area on the default OSM map:

I looked at the data and all of the streets in question seem to be tagged
oneway=no. Admittedly this tag is rather superfluous in these cases - or
at least I believe it is, I am not the one that added it, but it shouldn't
be interpreted as indicating a one way street.

I could remove this tag, but I feel this would be tagging for the renderer
(actually someone else's renderer), and there may be legitimate cases for
using oneway=no on a way representing a street somewhere else.

Why care? I would imagine to the majority of the users make no distinction
between OpenStreetMap and Craigslist's rendering of OpenStreetMap, if the
map is wrong, to them that simply means that OpenStreetMap is wrong.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Water depth in lake

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Daniel Cussen
Could you use height info from the GPS? Would it be good enough to
calculate depth below sea level at that point? GPS height might take
into account variable water height?

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cépages ?

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
les cépages ne sont peut-être pas des espaces mais des variétés de type
cultivar la hiérarchisation devrait être utilisable, remplacer taxon
par cultivar...

Le 29 mai 2015 16:11, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :

 crop=grape existe,
 mais c'est pour du raisin, en général. Donc pas pour spécifier le cépage.

 Par contre, bien que les cépages ne rentrent pas dans les classifications
 peut-être faudrait-il s'inspirer de cette hiérarchie des tags existante
 (species, genus, taxon) pour classer les cépages et leur famille
 d'appartenance ?


 Le 29 mai 2015 15:51, dHuy Pierre a écrit :

 Le Tag crop semble correspondre à ton besoin même si actuellement aucun
 usage n'en ai fait pour cartographier les cépages.L'usage d'un crop:type me
 paraîtrait bien aussi mais sans aucun fondement.
 Si tu trouves une solution meilleure tiens nous au courant :)

   Le Vendredi 29 mai 2015 12h32, Laurent Chiche a
 écrit :


 Quelqu'un sait-il s'il est possible d'indiquer les cépages des vignes et
 quels attributs utiliser ? J'ai cherché, mais rien trouvé à ce sujet dans
 le wiki.


 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list


 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Craigslist OpenStreetMap Rendering Issue

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Warin

On 31/05/2015 10:51 AM, Mike Thompson wrote:
I have posted this issue to the Craigslist feedback forum, but I also 
thought I would post it here to see if anyone has a specific contact 
at Cragislist that handles their map rendering.  They use - and credit 
- OpenStreetMap (which is wonderful), but I believe they perform their 
own custom rendering, which seems to be the source of this issue.

The issue is that some streets that are not one way in OSM data, are 
rendered as one way by Craigslist.

If you go to this ad and zoom in on the map you will see the arrows 
designating one way streets, for example on Cliffrose Way 

Here is the approximate area on the default OSM map:

I looked at the data and all of the streets in question seem to be 
tagged oneway=no. Admittedly this tag is rather superfluous in these 
cases - or at least I believe it is, I am not the one that added it, 
but it shouldn't be interpreted as indicating a one way street.

I could remove this tag, but I feel this would be tagging for the 
renderer (actually someone else's renderer), and there may be 
legitimate cases for using oneway=no on a way representing a street 
somewhere else.

Why care? I would imagine to the majority of the users make no 
distinction between OpenStreetMap and Craigslist's rendering of 
OpenStreetMap, if the map is wrong, to them that simply means that 
OpenStreetMap is wrong.

I'd remove it.
Redundant information - data base bloat. Like vehicle=yes on a motorway ...

Perhaps these could be candidates for a mechanical clean up?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Craigslist OpenStreetMap Rendering Issue

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Marc Gemis
I've seen this topic being discussed here or elsewhere in the past. I
thought that the consensus was that in some area's (a Spanish town I
believe), it was ok to leave the oneway=no. The reasoning was that most
streets in that town were oneway=yes, and the oneway=no was used to
indicate that this road was surveyed and and an exception to the oneway=yes.

so a world-wide mechanical edit should not be performed.



On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 3:22 AM, Warin wrote:

 On 31/05/2015 10:51 AM, Mike Thompson wrote:

 I have posted this issue to the Craigslist feedback forum, but I also
 thought I would post it here to see if anyone has a specific contact at
 Cragislist that handles their map rendering.  They use - and credit -
 OpenStreetMap (which is wonderful), but I believe they perform their own
 custom rendering, which seems to be the source of this issue.

 The issue is that some streets that are not one way in OSM data, are
 rendered as one way by Craigslist.

 If you go to this ad and zoom in on the map you will see the arrows
 designating one way streets, for example on Cliffrose Way (

 Here is the approximate area on the default OSM map:

 I looked at the data and all of the streets in question seem to be tagged
 oneway=no. Admittedly this tag is rather superfluous in these cases - or
 at least I believe it is, I am not the one that added it, but it shouldn't
 be interpreted as indicating a one way street.

 I could remove this tag, but I feel this would be tagging for the
 renderer (actually someone else's renderer), and there may be legitimate
 cases for using oneway=no on a way representing a street somewhere else.

 Why care? I would imagine to the majority of the users make no
 distinction between OpenStreetMap and Craigslist's rendering of
 OpenStreetMap, if the map is wrong, to them that simply means that
 OpenStreetMap is wrong.

 I'd remove it.
 Redundant information - data base bloat. Like vehicle=yes on a motorway ...

 Perhaps these could be candidates for a mechanical clean up?

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Keulen (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Roland Olbricht


first of all, I appreciate the ongoing work of the DWG in general and 
Fredrik in particular to detect, discuss, and handle mass edits 
resembling mechanical edits. I will get to them in a separate thread.

What I would not support in OSM, and like to outsource to Wikidata or
other, is if speakers of these 20 languages were to start assigning
name tags in their language to thousands of places in, say, the UK.

Where do you draw the limit?


Yes, I've thought about that; name:en is very useful for me but
ultimately, if the locals don't use it, then it isn't on the ground,
and then it shouldn't be in OSM really.

I happened to drive through Belgium a few days ago, heading home. A good 
approximation of home in this case is name=Köln. Actually, I found a 
street sign (150 km away from Köln) that reads Keulen. Should I have 
followed it or not?

Luckily, in the offline database on my device, the object with 
name=Köln had a tag name:nl=Keulen. So I know that the sign is 
referring to my desired destination.

Please note that
- I had no internet connectivity in that situation, hence wikidata, 
any other external database or even non-copied OSM data was not an option.
- I'm not citing the English name of the object in this mail to avoid 
redundancy. Is it worth it?
- No street sign within the extend of the object name=Köln displays 
Keulen, hence it is not on the [local] ground.
- Not even a street sign within the Netherlands does display Keulen 
(although associated with ISO code nl). They show Köln.
- I myself live slightly outside the cultural perimeter of Köln, seen 
from Köln themselves. Hence, I might be called non-local in a 
borderline strict sense.

So in total: Is it really a gain to remove all name:XX tags from 
Köln? And do we want to discuss such cases again and again with 
overzealous self-appointed curators? Please note, the DWG does recognize 
when the on-the-ground rule is a rule of thumb, but others with an OSM 
account might not.

I opt for: If a human mapper decides that it is worth adding name:XX 
to an object then let him/her do so. All annoying cases are covered by 
the mechanical edit policies, we don't need extra strict rules for name 

Best regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Data Model for Address

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Colin Smale

Hi Jerry, 

...or we identify use cases we want to handle (and thereby take a
conscious decision to de-scope other use cases), and ensure that our
model is fit for (our) purpose. Then map the official data model onto
the internal model. This mapping will probably be a one-way mapping,
i.e. it is unlikely to be possible to go from the (simplified) OSM model
back to the standard model in a reliable way. 

I found this paper (2003) which shows some more of the vagaries of the
system. There is a short section on BS7666. It's a few years old now so
things have moved on a bit, but I reckon a significant part still holds
true. [3] 



On 2015-05-30 10:00, SK53 wrote: 

 If the world is complicated it may be necessary to reflect that in the data 
 model (or alternatively make the data model so general that complications are 
 pushed to applications). I think the Royal Mail approach to addresses is 
 already too Procrustean!
 However, there is a British Standard for addresses, which I'm told by those 
 who know it well provides a high degree of flexibility for the numerous cases 
 which do not reflect housenumber, supplement, street, place model.
 On 29 May 2015 at 15:26, Colin Smale wrote:
 If anyone is interested in the data model used by Royal Mail in UK 
 addresses, this will tell you loads:
 Warning: you may find yourself uttering things in rather unparliamentary 
 language when you read this. 
 Contrast this with the Dutch address model: Street, Housenumber (numeric), 
 Housenumber Extension (alphanumeric), Postcode (XX) and Town. Probably 
 much the same in Belgium and Germany too. 
 Talk-GB mailing list [2]

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Keulen (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 05/30/2015 08:59 AM, Roland Olbricht wrote:
 Please note that
 - I had no internet connectivity in that situation, hence wikidata,
 any other external database or even non-copied OSM data was not an option.

Well: The data on your device will most certainly have been
preprocessed; you weren't using a raw .osm.pbf file.

Whoever does the preprocessing is of course free to join OSM data with
any other database; so if for example we agreed that Wikidata was our
name repository of choice and we'd reduce our own name:xx tagging to
what is used by the people living in a place, then there would have been
a wikidata tag on the Köln node and the software that generated your
offline database could have made a choice whether, and to what degree,
to include the Wikidata name catalogue in your offline data set.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Keulen (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Johan C
2015-05-30 8:59 GMT+02:00 Roland Olbricht


 first of all, I appreciate the ongoing work of the DWG in general and
 Fredrik in particular to detect, discuss, and handle mass edits resembling
 mechanical edits. I will get to them in a separate thread.

  What I would not support in OSM, and like to outsource to Wikidata or
 other, is if speakers of these 20 languages were to start assigning
 name tags in their language to thousands of places in, say, the UK.

  Where do you draw the limit?


 Yes, I've thought about that; name:en is very useful for me but
 ultimately, if the locals don't use it, then it isn't on the ground,
 and then it shouldn't be in OSM really.

 I happened to drive through Belgium a few days ago, heading home. A good
 approximation of home in this case is name=Köln. Actually, I found a
 street sign (150 km away from Köln) that reads Keulen. Should I have
 followed it or not?

 Luckily, in the offline database on my device, the object with
 name=Köln had a tag name:nl=Keulen. So I know that the sign is
 referring to my desired destination.

The values used in the destination tag ( should always display
the exact name as it is shown on the signpost

 Please note that
 - I had no internet connectivity in that situation, hence wikidata, any
 other external database or even non-copied OSM data was not an option.
 - I'm not citing the English name of the object in this mail to avoid
 redundancy. Is it worth it?
 - No street sign within the extend of the object name=Köln displays
 Keulen, hence it is not on the [local] ground.
 - Not even a street sign within the Netherlands does display Keulen
 (although associated with ISO code nl). They show Köln.
 - I myself live slightly outside the cultural perimeter of Köln, seen
 from Köln themselves. Hence, I might be called non-local in a
 borderline strict sense.

 So in total: Is it really a gain to remove all name:XX tags from Köln?
 And do we want to discuss such cases again and again with overzealous
 self-appointed curators? Please note, the DWG does recognize when the
 on-the-ground rule is a rule of thumb, but others with an OSM account
 might not.

 I opt for: If a human mapper decides that it is worth adding name:XX to
 an object then let him/her do so. All annoying cases are covered by the
 mechanical edit policies, we don't need extra strict rules for name tags.

 Best regards,


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Data Model for Address

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden SK53
If the world is complicated it may be necessary to reflect that in the data
model (or alternatively make the data model so general that complications
are pushed to applications). I think the Royal Mail approach to addresses
is already too Procrustean!

However, there is a British Standard for addresses, which I'm told by those
who know it well provides a high degree of flexibility for the numerous
cases which do not reflect housenumber, supplement, street, place model.


On 29 May 2015 at 15:26, Colin Smale wrote:

 If anyone is interested in the data model used by Royal Mail in UK
 addresses, this will tell you loads:

 Warning: you may find yourself uttering things in rather unparliamentary
 language when you read this.

 Contrast this with the Dutch address model: Street, Housenumber (numeric),
 Housenumber Extension (alphanumeric), Postcode (XX) and Town. Probably
 much the same in Belgium and Germany too.


 Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] open data comune di Verona

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Andrea Musuruane
Ho sistemato il problema. Grazie!



2015-05-29 18:20 GMT+02:00 Leonardo

 Il validatore di JOSM segnala 4 errori legati al tag addr:postcode vuoto.



 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Besoin d'aide pour WeeklyOSM en français

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Emmanel Dewaele

WeeklyOSM est la revue hebdomadaire de tout ce qui passe dans le monde
d'OpenStreetMap, sur le site Ces articles sont
écrits par la communauté allemande, puis traduits en anglais, et dans
d'autres langues encore.

Une édition francophone ( existe depuis le début
de l'année... mais je me trouve maintenant seul à traduire (et relire plus
ou moins) ces articles qui paraissent chaque semaine. Cela représente une
charge d'environ trois à quatre heures, qu'il m'est difficile d'assumer seul
en ce moment (pour cause de déménagement), d'autant qu'en l'absence d'une
autre personne pour relire, je perds de ma motivation.

Participer à WeeklyOSM n'est pas très compliqué, il faut simplement :
* une bonne compréhension écrite de l'anglais
* savoir écrire de manière correcte et concise en français
* et puis connaitre OpenStreetMap en général (et avoir suffisamment de
curiosité pour chercher à comprendre les quelques sujets techniques qui
viennent parfois s'insérer)

J'aurais aimé être présent au SotM-fr, mais je trouve utile de mettre le
sujet sur la table. Vous aurez sans doute l'occasion d'en discuter.

Bon week-end à tous.

View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] waterway=riverbank

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Stephan Wolff

Am 29.05.2015 um 21:04 schrieb Christoph Hormann:

Es geht hier nicht um die Erfassung von Strömungen in einem Gewässer und
auch nicht darum, dass irgendjemand behauptet, dass waterway=riverbank
ein Tag ohne jede Probleme wäre, sondern darum, dass natural=water +
water=river eher einen Rückschritt gegenüber dem riverbank-Tagging

Die genannten Probleme können aber nur dann auftreten, wenn man 
natural=water ohne water=* verwendet. Da die Angabe von water=* 
deutlich differenzierter als das alte Schema ist, werde ich diese 
Möglichkeiten (zumindest teilweise) nutzen.

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk] Mechanical name edit? (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Roland Olbricht


Not only well-known tourist magnets carry foreign names; some dedicated
language mappers have gone over and beyond the call of duty and added,
for example, name:ru tags even to small villages:


(This is a matter currently under investigation by Data Working Group
and it is relatively certain that not all 582,653 name:ru tags will remain.)

Thank you for informing the community. Do you actually have substantial 
evidence of a mechanical edit or something similar?

When checking e.g. Wales
I found a distribution that rather looks like the result of human activity.

Even more, the biggest changeset involved
has a full discussion attached to it:

When cross-checking with another region (in Northrhine-Westphalia) I 
found that the name:ru tags there have been added by an even bigger 
number of different mappers. For some of them, I know personally that 
they are locals. For example, the stadium in Cologne seems to have got 
its Russian name when a football match to a Russian team took place.

So, could you please point out a suspicious changeset?

Best regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Keulen (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Warin

On 30/05/2015 6:00 PM, Johan C wrote:

The values used in the destination tag 
( should always 
display the exact name as it is shown on the signpost

When the 'name on the signpost' changes along the way, or by the 
direction of travel .. what then?

The more data that is available the better.

Some languages are phonetic (Russian, Arabic for instant) so a name 
correctly stated maybe of some use to gain verbal directions.

I see no reason to remove data unless it is incorrect. Data bloat is a 
problem ... and as OSM grows it will be an increasing problem.

Removing data restricts the future of OSM .. where does it stop?
Should all highway=track be removed as 'most' people don't use them?
Should the number of nodes in a way be restricted to less than 20 per 

The data base should contain all the data. Post processors can remove 
(filter) as much as they like but not remove data from the data base.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Keulen (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Philip Barnes
On Sat, 2015-05-30 at 11:05 +0100, SomeoneElse wrote:
 On 30/05/2015 07:59, Roland Olbricht wrote:
  I happened to drive through Belgium a few days ago, heading home. A 
  good approximation of home in this case is name=Köln. Actually, I 
  found a street sign (150 km away from Köln) that reads Keulen. 
  Should I have followed it or not?
 A name:xx that's actually used on signposts on the ground (the name of a 
 place in a neighbouring country on a road in that country going to that 
 place) to guide travellers to a place is clearly on the ground 
 verifiable.  I used Abergavenny (in a largely English-speaking part of 
 Wales) as a specific example previously to try and separate the 
 commonly used e.g. on signposts names from the translations.
I have certainly used signposts as verification of name:cy=Eglwys Wen,
name:cy=Croesoswallt, name:cy=Yr Amwythig and name:cy=Caer.

Phil (trigpoint)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mechanical name edit? (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Philip Barnes
On Sat, 2015-05-30 at 20:55 +1000, Warin wrote:
 On 30/05/2015 8:41 PM, Roland Olbricht wrote:
  On 05/30/2015 09:48 AM, Roland Olbricht wrote:
  Thank you for informing the community. Do you actually have substantial
  evidence of a mechanical edit or something similar?
  There are a couple individual complaints and license issues (people
  taking names from a collection of military maps published in Russia in
  2008, or from Wikipedia which is CC-BY-SA licensed). Quite a few users
  have already been blocked about mass-adding name:ru in the past (eg
  Thank you. Reading the text of this block
 I too now understand the name:ru 'problem', no so much 'inflation' but 
 possible licence infringement.

Many of the places involved are unlikely to be well known in Russia and
have a Russian name, some were unknown to most of us in GB.

Abergavenny as an example is not a large city, it is a small market town
in rural Wales. It is not a major centre of either commerce or
international tourism.

Phil (trigpoint)

talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Tag für Fahrradzählstellen

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Frau Klemm
Hallo Zusammen, 


ich wollte fragen, ob ein Tag für Fahrrad-Zählstellen gibt? Ich bin heute
mit dem Rad in Berlin unterwegs gewesen und hab einige Zählstellen gefunden,
die auf dem Radweg eingelassen wurden. 


Siehe link:


Könnt Ihr mir da weiterhelfen?


Viele Grüße


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Nove preklady wiki

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Martin Švec - OSM

On 29.5.2015 23:56, Marián Kyral wrote:

Dne 29.5.2015 v 23:21 Martin Švec - OSM napsal(a):


koukám do Osmose a co nevidím... Najednou se mu nelíbí moje noexit=no
tagy. Po chvíli jsem našel, že v [1] byla hodnota noexit=no opravdu už
dávno prohlášena za zastaralou, hmmm. Z diskuse na wiki není ten závěr
tak jednoznačný, nicméně anglická verze [2] se o možnosti noexit=no
taky nezmiňuje.

Tušíte někdo kudy se dostávají pravidla do Osmose? Pokud je všeobecná
shoda že noexit=no je zastaralé, měla by se upravit i česká wiki. A já
se naučím používat jen fixme=continue :-)

Commit na githubu:
A Trac je tady: (bohužel většina
je francouzky :-( )


Dík za nasměrování. Chybu noexit=no Osmose tahá přímo z wiki 
Deprecated_features, viz např.

V květnu proběhl úklid stránky Deprecated_features, noexit=no se tam dostal 
18.5. prý ze seznamu abandoned a inactive tags:

Dále, nerealizovaný návrh pravidel v JOSM (a výživná diskuse na tagging listu 

Můj osobní závěr: noexit=no by se neměl používat, preferuje se fixme=continue. 
Tag noexit=yes na cestách je dlouhodobě sporný, líbí se mi současný výklad na 
české wiki. Doporučuji upravit wiki ve smyslu, že noexit=no je zastaralé a pro 
označení nedomapované cesty se má použít pouze fixme=continue na posledním 
známém uzlu.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mechanical name edit? (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 05/30/2015 12:26 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 as a sidenote for those who plan to study Italian with the aid of osm-talk, 
 München is 'Monaco di Baviera' in Italian ;-)

Glad I didn't add that in a name:it tag ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I find it odd that inaction, incapability or incompetence of local sign 
installers is a worry for a database of geographical facts, which OSM is.

Some roads are hundreds of miles long, at what interval does it need to 
be signed for it to be considered signed. Beginning and end? Every 100 km?

Some streets have signs that are now obscured by trees and bushes.

On the ground rule is a rule of thumb, not the entirety of factual 
truth. People similarly being lax in making sure their homes conform to 
local rules about address visibility (huge pet peeve of mine since being 
a paper boy in the 1980s) should not hinder us in giving their homes the 
proper address in our database of facts.

If you wish to use on the ground as the only rule then we can just 
forget about the whole thing - defeated by inaction of people that 
should be putting up signs and maintaining them.

As for the name inflation, there is no such thing. Illegal imports maybe 
but name inflation as a problem does not exist. Any talk of too much 
data by adding an extra name field to a node is defeated soundly by any 
3d mapping entity. I've looked at some of the 3D stuff done and it blows 
my mind how detailed and cool it is, then when I peek at the code behind 
it I admit defeat in trying to understand it at a glance as it is an 
intricate series of relations upon relations. A simpler example is Stade 
de France, fantastic stadium - was there myself at 1998 World Cup.

Data bloat can happen, Wikidata is too fragile, we need our own store of 
data (POI extra details, names, translations etc) that can exchange 
material with Wikidata but is under full OSMF control - and not 
controlled by notability deletionists. In 5 years time would we be 
arguing about bloat in OSMData as someone suddenly purges some section 
from it?


--Jói / Stalfur

Þann 30.5.2015 12:22, skrifaði Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am 29.05.2015 um 13:58 schrieb moltonel 3x Combo

That's really neat. How do you know wether a street is signposted or
not ? I don't know of any tag that gives that info.

there are ~600 visible_name
37000 unsigned_ref
518 unsigned
400 signed
161 name:signed
124 name:sign
86 ref:signed
48 unsigned_name
47 ref:unsigned
16 name:signposted

I haven't checked on which kind of objects or which do not refer to highways or 
Very likely I also missed some variants

It seems that for names nobody cares to say whether they are signposted or not 
(or maybe only when the sign is different from the actual name), while for ref 
it seems common practice(?) to use unsigned_ref

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Unsigned road refs (was: Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden SomeoneElse

On 30/05/2015 13:51, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:
I find it odd that inaction, incapability or incompetence of local 
sign installers is a worry for a database of geographical facts, which 
OSM is.

Why should it be incompetence?  Near where I live there's a ring road 
around a local town.  There are no signs indicating the ref of the road 
because that's not the information that the road planners want to get 
across.  Instead, they'll add the destinations that people actually want 
to get to, with the ref of that road in brackets.  It's not 
incompetence; it's trying to communicate clearly with road users.

Þann 30.5.2015 12:22, skrifaði Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am 29.05.2015 um 13:58 schrieb moltonel 3x Combo

That's really neat. How do you know wether a street is signposted or
not ? I don't know of any tag that gives that info.

there are ~600 visible_name
37000 unsigned_ref
518 unsigned
400 signed
161 name:signed
124 name:sign
86 ref:signed
48 unsigned_name
47 ref:unsigned
16 name:signposted

I haven't checked on which kind of objects or which do not refer to 
highways or names

Very likely I also missed some variants

It seems that for names nobody cares to say whether they are 
signposted or not (or maybe only when the sign is different from the 
actual name), while for ref it seems common practice(?) to use 

Looking at the values and distribution, those look to be mainly 
US-based, where a road can be part of multiple routes.  It's a slightly 
different problem that's being solved there, I think, and again I 
suspect it's due to the road planners trying to communicate clearly with 
road users.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Keulen (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Philip Barnes
On Sat, 2015-05-30 at 20:17 +1000, Warin wrote:
 On 30/05/2015 6:00 PM, Johan C wrote:

  The values used in the destination tag
  ( should always
  display the exact name as it is shown on the signpost
I guess it adds verification that the name in another language is valid,
in this case name:nl.

Phil (trigpoint)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mechanical name edit? (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Warin

On 30/05/2015 8:41 PM, Roland Olbricht wrote:


On 05/30/2015 09:48 AM, Roland Olbricht wrote:

Thank you for informing the community. Do you actually have substantial
evidence of a mechanical edit or something similar?

There are a couple individual complaints and license issues (people
taking names from a collection of military maps published in Russia in
2008, or from Wikipedia which is CC-BY-SA licensed). Quite a few users
have already been blocked about mass-adding name:ru in the past (eg

Thank you. Reading the text of this block

I too now understand the name:ru 'problem', no so much 'inflation' but 
possible licence infringement.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Keulen (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Serge Wroclawski

replies in-line

On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 2:59 AM, Roland Olbricht wrote:

 Luckily, in the offline database on my device, the object with name=Köln
 had a tag name:nl=Keulen. So I know that the sign is referring to my
 desired destination.

Depending on the device in question, it is probably not actually using
OSM data in its pure object form. If you have a Garmin, for example,
you're using some Garmin data file. Very few software programs operate
on pure OSM data without some additional processing step, even if that
step is just to extrapolate things like geometries of objects.

 Please note that
 - I had no internet connectivity in that situation, hence wikidata, any
 other external database or even non-copied OSM data was not an option.

Right, but it's likely that your map device had done some
pre-processing step. That's where a tool would know how to bring in
the Wikidata names and conflate them properly.

 So in total: Is it really a gain to remove all name:XX tags from Köln?

That's a separate issue, I think, from what we're discussing.

No one is talking about making a mass edit where all names are removed.

Let's imagine another scenario where you were on the same road and the
name you wanted was not present. If so, you would be compelled to fix

But if the map you used didn't need to be updated, it already worked,
you would not be thinking about it.

 And do we want to discuss such cases again and again with overzealous
 self-appointed curators? Please note, the DWG does recognize when the
 on-the-ground rule is a rule of thumb, but others with an OSM account
 might not.

I don't understand what you mean here. Can you elaborate?

 I opt for: If a human mapper decides that it is worth adding name:XX to an
 object then let him/her do so. All annoying cases are covered by the
 mechanical edit policies, we don't need extra strict rules for name tags.

The line between human and mechanical edit can be thin. If a company
uses Mechanical Turk to make OSM edits one at a time, I would argue
that this mass edit is the same as a computerized mechanical edit.
That's why there are two issues here:

1. Is this a mechanical edit (which the DWG already addresses)
2. Is the data correct?

The second point is where Frederik is talking about, and he's simply
saying Let's go back to basics and use the on the ground verification
as a rule of thumb.

- Serge

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

 Am 29.05.2015 um 14:05 schrieb SomeoneElse
 * I have absolutely no idea what signage is around Haifa - if a name:en for a 
 place does appear on signs and is useful to use to see if you have got there 
 then clearly there needs to be some indicator that says that name:en is 
 useful here, but (say) name:cy is not.

why are we focussing only on signs? What kind of signs? There are hundreds of 
name:en tags in osm for features in the municipality of Rome, but you won't 
find an official sign that says Rome, you might find quite a lot of touristic 
information boards with English names at the monuments, usually just English 
and Italian, but in OSM we do have typically also de, fr, es, ru and some more 
localized names tagged. All of them are helpful if you speak these languages, 
naturally, and they are in use - not on signs but in travel guides (books), 
used by tour guides (humans), tourists etc. If you speak to English folk they 
will speak about Tuscany rather than Toscana. On the ground truth for me is not 
just signs, it is also oral knowledge, people talking to each other, stuff that 
is in books or newspapers  talking about the ground, etc


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Keulen (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Christoph Hormann
On Saturday 30 May 2015, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Whoever does the preprocessing is of course free to join OSM data
 with any other database; so if for example we agreed that Wikidata
 was our name repository of choice and we'd reduce our own name:xx
 tagging to what is used by the people living in a place, then there
 would have been a wikidata tag on the Köln node and the software
 that generated your offline database could have made a choice
 whether, and to what degree, to include the Wikidata name catalogue
 in your offline data set.

I am all for going strictly by the verifiability principle but this 
should not require local verifiability.  There are many fields where 
this does not work at all:

- maritime features outside territorial waters.
- areas without local population or where local population has little 
contact with the outside world.
- touristic areas with little local population like remote high mountain 

In all of these cases names of features will be very difficult or 
impossible to verify locally in any language, verifiable names here 
primarily exist in written records abroad and in the memory of people 
who have visited the area but who are definitely not locals.

And IMO it would be very regrettable if OSM universally referred to an 
external database for names of such features and specifically excluded 
them from the scope of the project.  The question is also would you 
leave such features without any name and if not on what basis do you 
decide which name to tag?

My suggestion for the whole issue would be to clarify the verifiability 
rule w.r.t. names and advise mappers to document sources of non-local 
names they add in changeset comments and source tags and ultimately in 
cases of conflicts it would be the burden of proof for the mapper to 
show the names added are verifiable (like by being consciously and 
specifically used by several other independent sources).

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Keulen (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden SomeoneElse

On 30/05/2015 07:59, Roland Olbricht wrote:

I happened to drive through Belgium a few days ago, heading home. A 
good approximation of home in this case is name=Köln. Actually, I 
found a street sign (150 km away from Köln) that reads Keulen. 
Should I have followed it or not?

A name:xx that's actually used on signposts on the ground (the name of a 
place in a neighbouring country on a road in that country going to that 
place) to guide travellers to a place is clearly on the ground 
verifiable.  I used Abergavenny (in a largely English-speaking part of 
Wales) as a specific example previously to try and separate the 
commonly used e.g. on signposts names from the translations.

I've mentioned elsewhere in 
the thread - if you're getting a bus there from the west it'll certainly 
have both Doire and Derry on it, and up in the Donegal Gaeltacht if 
there's a sign it'll almost certainly _only_ say Doire.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mechanical name edit? (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 05/30/2015 09:48 AM, Roland Olbricht wrote:
 Thank you for informing the community. Do you actually have substantial
 evidence of a mechanical edit or something similar?

There are a couple individual complaints and license issues (people
taking names from a collection of military maps published in Russia in
2008, or from Wikipedia which is CC-BY-SA licensed). Quite a few users
have already been blocked about mass-adding name:ru in the past (eg But without going into
details about these, I believe statistics alone tells you that there's
something going on:

The top 10 name:ru mappers have between themselves added over 150,000
name:ru tags world wide. Approximately 45 people have added more than
1,000 name:ru tags each.

That doesn't mean that adding more than 1,000 name:ru tags is wrong; but
we'll certainly have a closer look and where this happened over a short
time span and in a concentrated fashion we will ask questions, and if we
spot cases where it is obvious that names were taken from some sort of
dictionary or database and copied into OSM without the requisite local
knowledge, we'll revert.

This lack of local knowledge does often manifest itself in accidental
translations. To give a fictitious example: The German city of München
is called Monaco di Bavaria in Italian, and Munich in English.
There's also a Munich in North Dakota. Now if suddenly someone were to
add name:it=Monaco di Bavaria to Munich, North Dakota, then I could be
relatively sure that they did so without local knowledge (in fact,
without knowledge about North Dakota and without knowledge about
Italian) and that the other 1000 name:it translations they did in the
same changeset are as worthless as this one.

(For name:uk, the top 10 editors have added 70,000 names, and just 18
people have added more than 1,000.)

I'm reluctant to discuss individual users or individual changesets here
especially as long as we're still investigating the matter. If you can
spare the time though, I'm sure the DWG would welcome an application
from someone with your analytical skills!


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Keulen (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Jo
Another confusing one is Aachen. Depending in which language region of
Belgium you are it will be Aken or Aix-la-Chapelle.

Anyway, I'm also in favor of keeping most of the name:XX tags + a wikidata
Q-number, of course. That's not the kind of redundancy I'm afraid of. In
fact it's the kind of redundancy that's helpful for automatic verification
of the data.


2015-05-30 12:05 GMT+02:00 SomeoneElse

 On 30/05/2015 07:59, Roland Olbricht wrote:

 I happened to drive through Belgium a few days ago, heading home. A good
 approximation of home in this case is name=Köln. Actually, I found a
 street sign (150 km away from Köln) that reads Keulen. Should I have
 followed it or not?

 A name:xx that's actually used on signposts on the ground (the name of a
 place in a neighbouring country on a road in that country going to that
 place) to guide travellers to a place is clearly on the ground
 verifiable.  I used Abergavenny (in a largely English-speaking part of
 Wales) as a specific example previously to try and separate the commonly
 used e.g. on signposts names from the translations.

 I've mentioned elsewhere in
 the thread - if you're getting a bus there from the west it'll certainly
 have both Doire and Derry on it, and up in the Donegal Gaeltacht if
 there's a sign it'll almost certainly _only_ say Doire.



 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mechanical name edit? (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

 Am 30.05.2015 um 12:13 schrieb Frederik Ramm
 The German city of München
 is called Monaco di Bavaria in Italian,

as a sidenote for those who plan to study Italian with the aid of osm-talk, 
München is 'Monaco di Baviera' in Italian ;-)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mechanical name edit? (was Re: Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?)

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Roland Olbricht


On 05/30/2015 09:48 AM, Roland Olbricht wrote:

Thank you for informing the community. Do you actually have substantial
evidence of a mechanical edit or something similar?

There are a couple individual complaints and license issues (people
taking names from a collection of military maps published in Russia in
2008, or from Wikipedia which is CC-BY-SA licensed). Quite a few users
have already been blocked about mass-adding name:ru in the past (eg

Thank you. Reading the text of this block and the user's most recent 
e.g. ten changesets does indeed strongly give the impression of a 
mechanical edit. I would agree to revert those edits.

This is in particular different from the previously discussed changeset 
in Wales. That one shows reasonable effort to get support from locally 
active mappers.



talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Avoid taging with both natural=water + waterway=riverbank

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Richard

I have fixed this in a few places in the wiki:

the combination of natural=water + waterway=riverbank for a single object
is pretty dangerous and should be avoided because it will cause subtle
and very hard to find rendering problems.

The problem I hit was where someone placed a natural=water on some parent
relation whereas the riverbanks were multipolygons of waterway=riverbank.
The islands that were correctly mapped using multipolygons were flooded
by the inherited natural=water.

Similarly the advice which was in wiki to tag the multipolygons with 
natural=water and the ways with an additional waterway=riverbank might
cause the same problem.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

 Am 29.05.2015 um 13:58 schrieb moltonel 3x Combo
 That's really neat. How do you know wether a street is signposted or
 not ? I don't know of any tag that gives that info.

there are ~600 visible_name 
37000 unsigned_ref
518 unsigned
400 signed
161 name:signed
124 name:sign
86 ref:signed
48 unsigned_name
47 ref:unsigned
16 name:signposted

I haven't checked on which kind of objects or which do not refer to highways or 
Very likely I also missed some variants

It seems that for names nobody cares to say whether they are signposted or not 
(or maybe only when the sign is different from the actual name), while for ref 
it seems common practice(?) to use unsigned_ref


talk mailing list

[Talk-it] Aggiornamento dei controlli sui nomi delle strade, ora con alt_name

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Forsi

finalmente ho riaggiornato i controlli per utente che erano fermi da
tanto tempo, ho aggiunto gli alt_name e unificato database e
interfaccia utente col controllo per comune, che è molto simile a
quella del controllo delle DUG:
la ricerca per nome utente usa un elenco vecchio quindi non trova
tutti i nomi e per il momento ho tolto il controllo parola per parola
col correttore ortografico perché è già lento così, ma così trova meno
errori potenziali

solito disclaimer: non tutti questi nomi non sono veramente sbagliati,
semplicemente non seguono le regole che ho inserito nel programma
quindi bisogna modificare con prudenza e per gli errori non banali
conviene conoscere i luoghi o contattare il mappatore (un errore
banale potrebbe essere VIAROMA tutto maiuscolo e senza spazio, ma
ci sono tanti nomi di persona o di luogo che è meglio lasciare stare
se non si conoscono)

le way con alt_name sono 6178, 2 in meno rispetto alla settimana
scorsa ;-) su 919539 way con name (1730 in più rispetto alla settimana

Daniele Forsi

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-at] Versatz geoimage vs. basemap

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Flaimo

die aktuellen Bilder aus dem Jahr 2014 für den Großraum Linz sind ja auf
den Basemap-Orthofoto-Layer bereits vorhanden. Wenn ich diesen Layer mit
dem Geoimage-Layer in JOSM vergleiche haben Gebäude teilweise einen Versatz
von bis zu zwei Meter. Rein subjektiv schaut es für mich aus, als ob der
Geoimage-Layer qualitativ besser wäre, was die Korrekturen betrifft,
allerdings sind die Bilder dort noch von 2010. Laut Mail, die ich vom LFRZ
bekommen habe, sollen die neuen Bilder bei geoimage aber auch innerhalb der
nächsten beiden Wochen zur Verfügung stehen. Fraglich ist, ob die dann
besser nachkorrigiert sind.

Welches Bildmaterial ist hier aber wirklich exakt? Soll ich jetzt jedes Mal
den Basemap-Layer vorher manuell zurechtschieben? Oder besteht die Chance,
dass die neuen geoimage-Bilder dann besser sind? Dann würde ich noch mit
größeren Änderungen warten...

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Public Transport Schema und Wien

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Christian Aigner
Am 29.05.2015 um 22:37 schrieb Robin Däneke:
 Ok. Dann sollten die Plattforms aber auch nicht mit der Linie selbst
 assoziiert werden oder immer nur dann, wenn sie in Form von Areas oder
 Linien angezeichnet werden. (Die Platform ist, mit 12-20 Meter, immerhin
 eine Linie oder eine area... (In den inneren Bezirken sind ohnehin fast
 alle platforms Linien. 
 @caigner: Meinetwegen ändere ich in Wien die Linien so um, dass sie nur
 eine Stop position haben... Aber dann bitte keine einzelnen Platform
 nodes mehr, wenn eh schon ein stop_position da ist... Können wir uns
 etwa darauf einigen. Ich würde vorerst nur die Tags umsetzen. Das mappen
 der jeweiligen platforms muss dann warten. Könnte man das (wenn wir uns
 drauf einigen können) auch irgendwo publizieren?

Ich möchte an dieser Stelle auch mal wieder erwähnen, daß wir die Welt
symbolisch abbilden, in dem wir Striche für Straßen, Polygone für
Gebäudeumrisse zeichnen, Punkte für Mistkübel, Telefonzellen, Bäume etc.

Wir verwenden darüber hinaus auch so seltsame Konstrukte wie Relationen,
mit denen wir bestimmte Dinge logisch zusammenfassen.

Eine Landkarte ist eine symbolische Abbildung der Realität.

Friedrich hat natürlich Recht, wenn er meint, eine Plattform sei eine
raised structure. In der Realität auf jeden Fall. Aber hier kommt noch
etwas anderes ins Spiel, nämlich die Sprache.

Im Englischen ist eine Plattform nicht nur ein physikalisches Ding,
sondern eben auch ein Ort, an dem man auf ein Verkehrsmittel wartet.

Und auf einer Landkarte muß diese Plattform nicht zwingend als Strich
oder sogar Fläche eingezeichnet werden, sondern es reicht aus, einen
Punkt (Node) zu setzen und damit weiß man dann, wo sich dieser Ort befindet.

Um es klar zu sagen: Wir machen nicht Malen-nach-Zahlen. Eine Datenbank
für eine Landkarte zu befüllen bedeutet zu abstrahieren.

Es ist wichtig, eine Telefonzelle mit einem Node einzutragen. Es ist
nicht wichtig, den exakten Umfang der physikalisch vorhandenen
Telefonzelle einzuzeichnen.

Es ist wichtig, eine Bushaltestelle mit stop_position und platform
einzutragen. Es ist nicht wichtig, daß die Platform geometrisch korrekt
ist. Hauptsache, sie ist da. Es ist auch nicht wichtig, das
Wartehäuschen einzuzeichnen. Es ist aber wichtig, shelter=yes zu setzen,
wenn eines vorhanden ist.

@Robin: Bevor Du jetzt anfängst, wieder alles mögliche zu ändern, schau
Dir doch noch mal korrekt (nach public transport scheme v2) eingetragene
Buslinien anzusehen. Es gibt bereits genug Beispiele dafür, und nimm sie
Dir als Vorlage.

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Aggiornamento dei controlli sui nomi delle strade, ora con alt_name

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Federico Cortese
2015-05-30 15:04 GMT+02:00 Daniele Forsi

 finalmente ho riaggiornato i controlli per utente che erano fermi da
 tanto tempo, ho aggiunto gli alt_name e unificato database e
 interfaccia utente col controllo per comune, che è molto simile a
 quella del controllo delle DUG:

Grazie Daniele, come sempre utilissimo tool!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Aggiornamento dei controlli sui nomi delle strade, ora con alt_name

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 30/05/2015 15:04, Daniele Forsi ha scritto:
 finalmente ho riaggiornato i controlli per utente che erano
 fermi da tanto tempo, ho aggiunto gli alt_name e unificato database
 e interfaccia utente col controllo per comune, che è molto
 simile a quella del controllo delle DUG: la ricerca per nome utente usa un elenco 
 vecchio quindi non trova tutti i nomi e per il momento ho tolto il 
 controllo parola per parola col correttore ortografico perché è
 già lento così, ma così trova meno errori potenziali
 solito disclaimer: non tutti questi nomi non sono veramente 
 sbagliati, semplicemente non seguono le regole che ho inserito nel 
 programma quindi bisogna modificare con prudenza e per gli errori 
 non banali conviene conoscere i luoghi o contattare il mappatore 
 (un errore banale potrebbe essere VIAROMA tutto maiuscolo e 
 senza spazio, ma ci sono tanti nomi di persona o di luogo che è 
 meglio lasciare stare se non si conoscono)
 le way con alt_name sono 6178, 2 in meno rispetto alla settimana 
 scorsa ;-) su 919539 way con name (1730 in più rispetto alla 
 settimana scorsa)

good! :)

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

 Am 29.05.2015 um 15:55 schrieb Komяpa
 What exactly are we trying to save by omitting these locales, what wasn't 
 eaten already by source= on French buildings? :)

yes, and there are more tags that are both, used more often and are more 
questionable than name:ru tags, e.g.

even of tiger:name_base_1 there are more than a million, almost double the 
amount of all Russian names in osm.

These are followed by a lot crap in the same quantity order, like KSJ2:filename 
(!) ~500K

All these came to light by a single taginfo search for name, needless to say 
similar import crap can be found for different keys as well. Many of them are 
not even documented.

talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Undiskutierter Import aus Brachenbuch in Deutschland

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Michael Reichert

es dürfte bestimmt auch einige Leute hier interessieren.

Am Donnerstagabend hat eine Armee (ca. 70 bis 100 Accounts) OSM mit
über 15000 neuen Nodes geflutet. Mittlerweile hat sich ein Vertreter der
Firma, die dafür verantwortlich ist, im Forum zu Wort gemeldet.

erster Post zum Thema:
erster Beitrag des Geschäftsführers:

Btw, natürlich hat die DWG eingegriffen.

Viele Grüße


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I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

 What exactly are we trying to save by omitting these locales, what
wasn't eaten already by source= on French buildings? :)

Martin Koppenhoefer:
 even of tiger:name_base_1 there are more than a million, almost double the 
 amount of all Russian names in osm.


It is a common fallacy for people in OSM to argue: Someone else is
doing stupid things, and while they do that, everyone else should
certainly be allowed to do stupid things also.

I don't buy into that logic; just because silly (or sillier) stuff
happens elsewhere in OSM doesn't mean that lesser problems should
automatically be ignored.


I am less concerned about rubbish remaining from imports because that
can be cleaned up without someone complaining. I am more concerned about
things that become established and all of a sudden you find there's no
way back because people rely on it. KSJ2:filename is not one of these tags.


My main problem with name tag inflation is not the data volume (even
though I can see this becoming an issue if someone should really argue
that each named object has a name in each of the several thousand
langauges on the planet!).

My problem is that people start labelling places they have zero
knowledge of, relying on military atlases from 50 years ago, or dubious
travel websites, or transliterated guesswork, or database lookups. In my
opinion this is often not verifiable, at least not for the usual sense
in which we use verifiable.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Public Transport Schema und Wien

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Friedrich Volkmann
On 30.05.2015 16:03, Christian Aigner wrote:
 Friedrich hat natürlich Recht, wenn er meint, eine Plattform sei eine
 raised structure. In der Realität auf jeden Fall. Aber hier kommt noch
 etwas anderes ins Spiel, nämlich die Sprache.
 Im Englischen ist eine Plattform nicht nur ein physikalisches Ding,
 sondern eben auch ein Ort, an dem man auf ein Verkehrsmittel wartet.

...vorausgesetzt es ist eine raised structure. ;-)

Es ist immer wieder interessant, wie Deutsche und Österreicher versuchen,
englische Begriffe umzuinterpretieren und dabei glauben es besser zu wissen
als die Muttersprachler.

public_transport=platform ist von railway=platform bzw. highway=platform
abgeschaut und war ursprünglich wie diese genau für die physischen
Plattformen gedacht. Erst später wurde ins public_transport Proposal der
Satz eingefügt: If there is no platform in the real world, one can place a
node at the pole. Seither entspricht das Tag nicht mehr genau der
Wortbedeutung im Englischen.

 Es ist wichtig, eine Bushaltestelle mit stop_position und platform
 einzutragen. Es ist nicht wichtig, daß die Platform geometrisch korrekt
 ist. Hauptsache, sie ist da. Es ist auch nicht wichtig, das
 Wartehäuschen einzuzeichnen. Es ist aber wichtig, shelter=yes zu setzen,
 wenn eines vorhanden ist.

Wichtig ist für jeden was anderes. Für manche ist die ganze Openstreetmap
nicht wichtig, sondern z.B. etwas zu essen zu haben.

Friedrich K. Volkmann
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-pe] [talk-latam] State of the Map LatAm 2015

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Fernando

Felicitaciones Julio y la comunidad chilena!

El sitio está muy bueno, pronto les haré llegar mas comentarios.

Saludos y nos vemos en septiembre!

On 29/05/15 14:57, Julio Costa Zambelli wrote:


Hoy hemos anunciado la realización del primer State of the Map LatAm. 
El evento tendra lugar entre el 4 y el 6 de Septiembre, en Santiago de 

Como muchas personas solicitaron durante el State of the Map de Buenos 
Aires en Noviembre pasado, el evento se realizara el viernes, sábado y 
domingo inmediatamente anteriores al AbreLatam (7-8) y el ConDatos 
(9-10). De forma que puedan postular a las becas que ofrecen esos 
eventos. De todas maneras hemos abierto un proceso de becas para las 
entradas y alojamientos en Santiago, las cuales se financiaran con la 
ayuda de los auspiciadores de nuestra conferencia.

Pueden obtener más información en y en

Y también respondiendo a este mensaje.


Julio Costa Zambelli
Fundación OpenStreetMap Chile
Cel: +56(9)89981083

talk-latam mailing list

Talk-pe mailing list

Re: [Talk-pe] [Talk-cl] State of the Map LatAm 2015

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden David Pineda
Buena, participare, se ve muy interesante!

El 29 de mayo de 2015, 13:57, Julio Costa Zambelli escribió:


 Hoy hemos anunciado la realización del primer State of the Map LatAm. El
 evento tendra lugar entre el 4 y el 6 de Septiembre, en Santiago de Chile.

 Como muchas personas solicitaron durante el State of the Map de Buenos
 Aires en Noviembre pasado, el evento se realizara el viernes, sábado y
 domingo inmediatamente anteriores al AbreLatam (7-8) y el ConDatos (9-10).
 De forma que puedan postular a las becas que ofrecen esos eventos. De todas
 maneras hemos abierto un proceso de becas para las entradas y alojamientos
 en Santiago, las cuales se financiaran con la ayuda de los auspiciadores de
 nuestra conferencia.

 Pueden obtener más información en y en

 Y también respondiendo a este mensaje.


 Julio Costa Zambelli
 Fundación OpenStreetMap Chile
 Cel: +56(9)89981083

 Talk-cl mailing list

David A. Pineda Osorio
F:+56 9 82142267
Ingeniero Civil Electricista
Universidad de Chile

Talk-pe mailing list

[Talk-at] aufgeteilte Straßen wieder vereinen

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Christian Aigner

Ich bin gerade dabei, den Liesinger Platz wieder zu reparieren.

Dort wurde z.B. die B13a aufgeteilt, obwohl gar keine bauliche Trennung
irgend einer Art vorhanden ist.

Beim Auftrennen wurden jede Menge Bus-Relationen kaputt gemacht.

Ich möchte das jetzt wieder reparieren.

Meine Vorgehensweise wäre die folgende:

1) die eine Hälfte der aufgetrennten Straße löschen
2) die Löcher, die dadurch in bestehenden Relationen bestehen, wieder

Kaputte Relationen zu reparieren nimmt einiges an Zeit in Anspruch. Also
wird es eine Weile dauern, bis alles, was mit dem Liesinger Platz an
ÖPNV zusammen hängt, wieder korrekt funktioniert.

Muß ich auf irgend etwas besonders aufpassen?


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Undiskutierter Import aus Brachenbuch in Deutschland

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Alexander Lehner

On Sat, 30 May 2015, Michael Reichert wrote:


es dürfte bestimmt auch einige Leute hier interessieren.

Am Donnerstagabend hat eine Armee (ca. 70 bis 100 Accounts) OSM mit
über 15000 neuen Nodes geflutet. Mittlerweile hat sich ein Vertreter der
Firma, die dafür verantwortlich ist, im Forum zu Wort gemeldet.

Sehr interessant!
Problematisch duerfte v.a. das Entfernen nicht mehr existierender POIs 
sein. Normalerweise kuemmert man sich als OSMler um 'seine' Eintraege in 
regelmaessigen Abstaenden.
Aus eigener Erfahrung kann ich beschreiben, wie Google oder andere Firmen 
das machen:
Webseiten werden per Bot durchforstet, die Adresse rausgefiltert und in 
GoogleMaps eingetragen. Da gibt es Jungunternehmer, die vielleicht in 
einer Garagenfirma anfangen und dann dreimal umziehen. Da ist dann dreimal 
das gleiche Geschaeft eingetragen.

Ich hab dann mal spasseshalber bei Google beantragt, meinen Firmeneintrag 
auf GoogleMaps zu loeschen. Das hat fast ein Jahr gedauert!

Mit solchen Mechanismen wird OSM dann wie im Thread beschrieben zur 

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Public Transport Schema und Wien

2015-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Robin Däneke

 Im Englischen ist eine Plattform nicht nur ein physikalisches Ding,
 sondern eben auch ein Ort, an dem man auf ein Verkehrsmittel wartet.
Also ich bin in Englisch und allen Eigenarten die die Briten so in der Sprache 
haben ziemlich vertraut. Aber von einer platform zu sprechen, bei einer 
Bishaltestelle, das hab ich noch nie gehört.
 @Robin: Bevor Du jetzt anfängst, wieder alles mögliche zu ändern, schau
 Dir doch noch mal korrekt (nach public transport scheme v2) eingetragene
 Buslinien anzusehen. Es gibt bereits genug Beispiele dafür, und nimm sie
 Dir als Vorlage.

Könntest du mir da ein paar Beispiele nennen?

Und: Ich werde mal am 33A versuchen, die platform als einfache Node anzulegen, 
ohne das highway=bus_stop Vielleicht funktioniert es dann AUCH mit OP... Wenn 
das funktioniert passe ich alles an. Unter beachtung der Beispiele.
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