[Tinyos-help] telosb with windows 8

2013-06-06 Thread Michael Schippling
Has anyone used serial port communication to a telosb mote
under Windows 8? I have a program that works fine under XP
but I don't seem to be able to get the right FTDI driver magic
under 8. We, may have, followed the instructions for loading
their VCP driver. When the program starts it detects that
there are devices on COM3 and COM5, but neither of those port
names actually connect to the mote.

To make matters worse I am debugging this over the phone with
someone who knows nothing about Windows on the other end, I
do not have any of the hardware to test...and its all TOS1.x

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Z1 High speed i2c accelerometer sampling

2013-04-16 Thread Michael Schippling
There are some intriguingly named files containing Stream and DMA
in the ...tinyos-2.x_main/tos/chips/msp430/adc12 directory. Some of
them even have comments which reference TEP documents that might
explain what they are trying to do. Maybe one of them will allow
you to run the ADC at higher rates...

In T1 with the mica's (what I know) one could free-run a single
ADC at low audio rates by bypassing most of TOS.


On 4/15/2013 1:27 PM, Martín René wrote:
 We are currently using the Z1 Motes and sampling at 200Hz without
 problems, but we can't raise the sampling speed above said speed without
 starting to have problems. We need to sample at 1000Hz and we can't get

 I know that the resources of the platform are scarse, but i know that
 the ADC can manage those speeds, and as we don't have a analog
 accelerometer we neee to speed up all we can the ADXL.

 Is it possible to sample the accelometer at those speeds?
 If it is, ¿how?

 Thanks! and saludos

 Martín René Vilugrón
 San Carlos de Bariloche
 Patagonia Argentina

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Packet contents

2013-02-19 Thread Michael Schippling
I'm just starting to deal with T2's Listen and ListenRaw (under Ubuntu)
and found that ListenRaw has some kind of timing and error issues.
If I run it in a shell window it just hangs around and prints no message 
data, but if I step through it in Eclipse I get a few
lines of output before (it appears) that the read() returns a -1
and the main loop exits. However the internal read thread is still
running so the process just hangs at that point. I don't think I
have the patience to compare its operation to Listen which seems
to work OK, so I'm probably going to just drink the kool-aide and
move on.

I did run across a mention of an extra byte in the message header
when using some kind of secure messaging protocol, probably in one
of the TEPs (111, 113, 116 seem to deal with messaging). That would
offset your payload start, and maybe even mess up the length

In the course of putzing with this I found that the tinyos.jar contains
the net/tinyos/packet/Serial.class which is used by Packetizer, but the
Serial.java file is missing from my source tree.

I can re-compile the source I have if I include the given tinyos.jar
but can't actually reconstruct the jar itself. I found a couple of
instances on this list of previous complaints about this file being
missing, but no offered solutions.

I got my source tree from here:
   git clone -v git://github.com/tp-freeforall/prod tinyos-2.x
as per E.Decker's instructions at:


On 02/06/2013 02:59 AM, Jan Hauer wrote:
 The java listen app should display all bytes. For debugging you could
 use the printf library (see apps/tests/TestPrintf) on the BaseStation
 and make a hexdump of your entire message_t. Maybe also make sure
 message_t payload is big enough (e.g. for cc2420 put CFLAGS +=
 -DTOSH_DATA_LENGTH=X, where X is max payload, in Makefile), and, of
 course, message_t definition must be the same on sender and


 On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Filip Jurnečka filip.jurne...@gmail.com 

 i've already seen that tutorial and yes, it works fine. The problem I am
 having is most likely somewhere deeper. I am using the hardware in-line
 security. I have specified the requested parameters for the SECCTRL
 registers so that they would add 4-byte CBC-MAC (using some specified key)
 to the message, but when I catch the message with the BS app, it overrides
 the last byte. I was thinking about deeper examination with the ListenRaw
 tool, but didn't get it working as expected. Is the BS/Listen app
 displaying all the received bytes?

 Oh and I am specifying the the length of the message to send (via the
 AMSend.send()) to be the size of my payload data.


 On Tue, 05 Feb 2013 18:11:36 +0100, Jan Hauer ha...@tkn.tu-berlin.de

 Hi Filip,

 the structure of serial AM packets is explained here:
 About the last byte: check once more that you pass the correct payload
 length, because in the example it seems that msg len field is 3 (not


 On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Filip Jurnečka
 filip.jurne...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, I did that. I know the byte 80 is in fact my defined AM type. Now it
 is still an open question for me why does the CBC-MAC override the last
 byte in the packet?

 Filip Jurnecka

 On Tue, 05 Feb 2013 14:58:18 +0100, wasif masood rwmas...@gmail.com

 Checkout the CC2420 datasheet for details regarding the 802.15.4 header

 On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Filip Jurnečka

 Hi there.

 I wonder how the packet delimiters work. Say I have two packets. If
 normally, the BS app displays them as:
 00 FF FF 00 01 00 22 80
 00 FF FF 00 01 01 22 80 00

 Now I don't know what the first 00 is, but the next  is the
 address, the 0001 should be my address, the next 00/01 defines the
 of the packet data. What is the 22? What is the 80? Is it the
 the data to follow? Obviously, the last 00 is the data sent.

 Now it gets more interesting, if I enable the in-line CBC-MAC with 4
 output, I get the following.
 00 FF FF 00 01 03 22 B7 E2 4C FB
 00 FF FF 00 01 04 22 80 71 36 57 EE

 The question is mainly about the fact that the output is overriding
 last byte of the unauthenticated message, i.e. the delimiter or the
 payload byte. Any ideas why and how to fix it?

 Best regards,
 Filip Jurnecka
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Re: [Tinyos-help] how Many Telosb/z1 nodes can be serially connected to one PC!

2013-01-14 Thread Michael Schippling
I have a vague memory that there was a problem
getting more than 16 serial COM ports under Windows,
and in some cases the device numbers kept incrementing
even though devices were not attached...

it's been a while since I tried though.

On 1/14/2013 3:12 PM, wasif masood wrote:

 Dear All,

 Does any of you have ever experienced about how many sensor nodes we can
 attach to a PC. In my experience, using external powered USB hubs, one
 can get as many connections as could but when it comes to serial
 logging, not all the nodes can get their data to the BaseStation via
 serial connection. Yesterday, I tired upto 10 and they worked just fine,
 but if I try to increase them beyond 10 some nodes just meteriously
 can't log any thing.

 Please share your experieces!
 Wasif Masood

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Re: [Tinyos-help] questions about MIG, JAR and Eclipse

2013-01-01 Thread Michael Schippling
It sounds like you've done everything right with Java and Eclipse.
Since the error is from GUI.java calling a javax.swing class I
expect it has nothing to do with TOS. I don't know what GWB is
or does or how it is implicated in this, but I would start by
googling the error text Unsupported drop mode for text
to see what it means.


On 1/1/2013 11:28 AM, Luis TWIPS.COM wrote:
 First, happy new year.

 I am finishing a little project and I am learning this step by step.
 First with a virtual machine with ubuntu and now with Debian.

 I have develop a little system to show temperature, and VCC in 1 mote. I
 have developed the nesc code,
 Now I have 3 java files (.java and .class ) all with the first line
 package work

 I have created a .jar file called  work.jar with this sentence jar -cf
 work.jar file1.class file2.class file3.class ( I don't see manifest file)
 I added that file to my Eclipse workspace importing it.

 I think it's all OK until here… If you think that I do something wrong,
 please tell me…


 Now  I have created a new project  with 2 files, Engine.java (the engine
 of the app) and Gui.java (the gui of the app), and I imported work.jar
 and tinyos.jar
 None error in the Eclipse. I had to add the Google Window Builder (GWB)

 But when I try to run as java app, I get these errors…. I don't know if
 it's a problem with tinyos or with GWB.
 I was without programming for 5-6 years, and I don't remember nothing
 about java and eclipse.
 Perhaps I am not doing the right way.

 Thanks in advance

 Exception in thread main java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ON:
 Unsupported drop mode for text
 at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.setDropMode(JTextComponent.java:745)
 at GUI.initialize(GUI.java:111)
 at GUI.init(GUI.java:60)
 at Engine.main(Engine.java:38)

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Re: [Tinyos-help] PC to Mote Serial Communication

2012-10-01 Thread Michael Schippling
Almost...Unfortunately all my information is based
on reverse engineering Tinyos 1.x and I think there
may have been some changes in 2.x, so YMMV. I think
there is a TEP document on the docs.tinyos.net site
that might be clearer than me...

I have a package of Java code for host side reading
and writing of messages, but it is targeted at
a platform that I added (USBPIC) so {may,is} be a bit
more confusing than necessary. Here:

Also there is an old document that _almost_ describes
the format, but I notice that it is not quite correct
either (...it's missing the seqno field...) here:

Specifics that I notice right away...

First you are using the old mica2 AM.h format
which will not fly with the telosb. Look in the
telos platform directories for an AM.h file that
specs the correct header format, mostly just adding
some number of useless fields that can be set to 0.
(This may be hidden in T2, I'm not sure if the
basestation code translates telosb headers or not).

Second there are hidden message type and sequence
number fields immediately following the first 0x7E
frame byte:

Each message sent or received has this raw format:
   -- added by Packetizer.java framer protocol
 byte frame=0x7E;// framing byte...gets escaped in body
 byte mtype=0x42;// TOS message type -- used for status
 byte seqno; // incremented sequence number
   -- user message with appropriate tinyos Header
 byte data[MAX_LEN];// header and user payload
   -- added by Packetizer.java framer protocol
 byte frame=0x7E;

Then the tinyos header Length field is the _payload_
length not including hidden stuff and the other header
fields. In your case it would be 2.

And finally you need to deal with the escaping of
0x7E and 0x7D values in the message body and calculating
the CRC value correctly. It does _not_ include the frame or
escaping bytes...See the two links above for info...


On 10/1/2012 8:08 AM, Sean Dekker wrote:

 I just want to make packets in C# and send to a TelosB mote. As simple
 as that but I couldn' make this packet yet. Can you please check what I
 am doing wrong?

 Here is the struct that I have defined and programmed into TelosB mote:

 typedef nx_struct pc_serial_msg
 nx_uint8_t sequenceNumber;
 nx_uint16_t controlCommand;
 } pc_serial_msg;

 And here is the code that responsible to make the packet:

 private Byte[] MakePacket(byte command)
 //Increment the sequence

 var pkt = new byte[10];

 pkt[0] = 0x7E;

 pkt[1] = 0xf; //Destination
 pkt[2] = 0xf; //Source
 pkt[3] = 0xf; //Length ???
 pkt[4] = 0x1; //Group
 pkt[5] = 0x1; //Type

 pkt[6] = _sequenceNumber;
 pkt[7] = command;

 //Generating CRC
 pkt[8] = 0x1;

 pkt[9] = 0x7E; //END

 return pkt;

 Can you tell me what I have to put in Destination, Source, Group and
 Type bytes? What is Length? is it the length of the packet that is going
 to be transmitet and equals number of bytes in the packet? Am I atleast
 in the right track or this is totaly wrong?


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Re: [Tinyos-help] Fwd: errors casting int64_t to float on MSP430

2012-09-18 Thread Michael Schippling
With a 32 bit float you get 24 bits of value and 8 bits of sign
so converting from an integer of larger than 24 bits will entail
some resolution truncation.


On 9/18/2012 2:45 PM, Eric Decker wrote:

 try using the 4.6.3 compiler.   3.2.3 is really old.

 It isn't clear what level of support for floating point exists.  Peter
 (the current msp430 gcc maintainer) will have more information.

 But do try 4.6.3 first.   You can get it in the msp430-46 package at

 Thanks for taking the time to look at this.

 On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:13 PM, Flemming Nyboe
 flemm...@rocketscience.eu mailto:flemm...@rocketscience.eu wrote:


 On the MSP430, all floating points types are 32 bit.
 A cast from int64_t to float produces strange results:
 Negative values are rounded to multiples of -256 (tested for -1
 to 0)
 Positive numbers smaller than 8725651e09 (8.7e15) are converted
 correctly, tested at 0.1% intervals. Above this number, it
 sometimes, but not always, goes wrong by many orders of magnitude.
 8725651e09 casts to 8725651e09 (OK)
 8725738e09 casts to 837068800  (extremely wrong)
 Some larger values still cast correctly.

 According to standard, the cast is legal, right? 32-bit float does
 cover the range of int64_t, although with some inaccuracy for large
 values. Or would this have been fixed in a later msp430-gcc?

 As has been pointed out before

 FTSP TimeSyncP.nc calculateConversion() uses this cast, and it
 results in wrong skew values if the points in the timesync table are
 spaced enough for int64_t localSum to reach the faulty range.

 nescc: 1.3.4

 Best Regards
 Flemming Nyboe
 www.rocketscience.eu http://www.rocketscience.eu

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 Eric B. Decker
 Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Fill first 8 bytes with memcpy

2012-08-09 Thread Michael Schippling
There's a number of strange and inexplicable things here,
but probably the problem is that you have not set pointer
to point to anything. Try something like:

uint8_t* pointer;
uint8_t buffer[8];
pointer = buffer;
call interface.function(pointer);

or even just:

uint8_t buffer[8];
call interface.function(buffer);

Also, unless you insist on using memcpy(),
you could make your fill loop like this:

for(i=0; i8; i++)
pointer[i] = i+1;


Felipe Cruz Martínez wrote:
 Hi all,
 i want to fill the first 8 bytes of a uint8_t* pointer with the values 0x01
 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08, and send it by radio (micaz motes):
 This is the code of my app (App.nc):
 /uint8_t* pointer;
 /call interface.function(pointer);/
 In other module/file, i have got the implementation of that function:

 /command void interface.function(uint8_t* pointer) /
 /uint8_t x = 1;/
 /memset(pointer, 0, 8*sizeof(uint8_t)); //For security, fill the
 first 8 bytes of the pointer with ‘0x00’
 /for(i=0; i8; i++) {/
 /memcpy(pointer+i, x, sizeof(uint8_t));/
 /printf(pointer[%d]: 0x%02X \n, i, pointer[i]);/
 /   }/

 /pointer[*1614823456ð*]: *0x00 */
 /pointer[1]: *0x00 */
 /pointer[2]: 0x03 /
 /pointer[3]: 0x04 /
 /pointer[4]: 0x05 /
 /pointer[5]: 0x06 /
 /pointer[6]: 0x07 /
 /pointer[7]: 0x08 /
 As you can see, first two bytes of the pointer are wrong.
 First byte of pointer got a wrong index: ‘1614823456ð’, and his value
 should be pointer[0] = 0x01
 Second byte got a correct index, but a value of ‘0x00’, when it should be
 pointer[1] = 0x02
 What i’m doing wrong? I hope that someone can help me, i took several days
 without solving this problem.
 Thanks for your time,

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Re: [Tinyos-help] I2C problem in micaz and MDA300

2012-07-17 Thread Michael Schippling
Try to compare the low level I2C code and see what's different
between T1 and T2. I think the last version of T1 had the
atmega code in:

If you search for schip tinyos I2C you'll find some help list
discussion of my battles with the Moteworks all-in-software
bit banging code used by the iris in:
Specifically the spec calls for a wait state mechanism driven
by the slave device which was not implemented in the software.
I would hope that a hardware impl does this correctly, but who knows...

I found this datasheet to have a good description of I2C operation
if you need to start poking an oscilloscope or logic analyzer at it:


francodipersio wrote:
 I am using Micaz and Tinyos-2.1.1 together with the MDA300 sensorboard.
 Taking as base the code from 
 , I am actually trying to complete the driver for controlling the 
 8-Channel Digital I/O.
 On MDA300 the hardware component proposed for the 8-Channel Digital I/O 
 is the PCF8574A and its work via the I2C interface. Two of the 8 
 channels are used for controlling two Relays.
 In order to control the I2C bus I am using the codes from 
 …tos\chips\atm128\i2c (by the way, I have downloaded the last version 
 from the trunk).
 At power on, the 8 channel ports on the PCF8574A are high (value 0xFF)
 I have no problem in reading the data from the device, once an Interrupt 
 change from high to low the correspondent pin on the 8 channel ports, 
 but the problems arise when I try to write on the device in order to 
 control the two relays. In this case the PCF8574A stop to work. I am 
 sure is not a hardware problem, because with the Tinyos-1.x everything 
 is working properly.
 In order to debug the problem I check the Atm128I2CMasterPacketP.nc 
 file, but apparently everything goes smoothly being the status codes 
 called by I2C.status the proper ones (table  88 – Status Codes for 
 Master Transmitter Mode in the ATmega128 Manual) along the writing process.
 So, I presume that something wrong is happening after data has been 
 transmitted and ACK has been received, thus during and after the STOP 
 condition is sent.
 Also I have noted that the data is reaching the device, because I 
 verified that the correspondent bit on the PCF8574A port is effectively 
 changed, but after that the device become irresponsive. Also, if I try 
 to write the default value (0xFF) and in this case everything go fine 
 and the device keep working.
 Somebody has any idea how to solve the problem?
 There is a way with the Atm128I2CMasterPacketP to check the status just 
 before and after the STOP condition is sent?
 I should check with an oscilloscope the I2C behaviour, but I am not so 
 familiar with them, so I hope to solve the problem in other way.
 Thank you in advance
 Franco Di Persio
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Signal processing

2012-06-15 Thread Michael Schippling
And let me just add: Good Luck With That.

Most of the tinyos controllers have very little RAM --
4-8Kb at most, and no math support beyond an integer multiply --
but sometimes it's a whopping 16 bit MUL.

If you can send your raw data to a real computer you will
probably have better results.


Sergio Valcarcel wrote:
 Assuming you have followed all the tutorials, I understand your question 
 is how to implement a wavelet transform that can process some data out 
 of the regular modules, available in TinyOS, right? 
 Then you have two options: 
 1) implement your own module in nesC
 2) use regular C functions (or even libraries) and call them from the 
 nesC modules (you can find how to do it in earlier posts of this list)
 On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Nahr Elk nahr...@gmail.com 
 mailto:nahr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I would like to process signals received from telosb motes using
 signal processing techniques. How can I do this please. Which
 features shall I use?
 My purpose is to apply a wavelet transform on the received signal.
 Please help me.
 Best regards,
 Nahr Elk
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Re: [Tinyos-help] cannot download Blink to a mica2 or a mica2dot

2012-05-11 Thread Michael Schippling
The Windows emulation of Unix leaves some things to be desired
At some past point the required naming scheme changed such that
one needs to use the /dev/...n-1 syntax instead of COMn. But of
course that is only needed for the MIB programmer...MOTECOM still
uses the COMn syntax...


Li, Haixia-OSU Stillwater wrote:
 After I restart my computer, new problem appears. I cannot download a program 
 to any nodes. I still use command 
 make mica2dot install mib510,com1
 but it says it should use /dev/ttyS0. However, yesterday I used com1, it 
 works. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot. 
 From: tinyos-help-boun...@millennium.berkeley.edu 
 [tinyos-help-boun...@millennium.berkeley.edu] on behalf of Li, Haixia-OSU 
 Stillwater [hai...@ostatemail.okstate.edu]
 Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 10:32 AM
 To: András Bíró; Michael Schippling
 Cc: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
 Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] cannot download Blink to a mica2 or a mica2dot
 I updata  the cygwin in my computer. The version of DLL is changed from 
 1.5.25 to 1.7.14. Now it works. Thanks.
 From: tinyos-help-boun...@millennium.berkeley.edu 
 [tinyos-help-boun...@millennium.berkeley.edu] on behalf of Li, Haixia-OSU 
 Stillwater [hai...@ostatemail.okstate.edu]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 3:41 PM
 To: András Bíró; Michael Schippling
 Cc: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
 Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] cannot download Blink to a mica2 or a mica2dot
 thanks everyone. I'm using cygwin in window xp. I don't know what uisp is. 
 I used the same MIB510 for IRIS. I'll check my cygwin version and try again.
 From: András Bíró [andras.b...@unicomp.hu]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 1:09 PM
 To: Michael Schippling
 Cc: Li, Haixia-OSU Stillwater; tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
 Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] cannot download Blink to a mica2 or a mica2dot
 If it's an uisp related problem, you can try to use avrdude for the
 older avr platforms as well with this command:
 export PROGRAMMER=avrdude
 After that, make should use avrdude instead of uisp.
 Micheal: Iris uses avrdude by default, so it's not really a platform
 dependent bug.
 On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Michael Schippling sc...@santafe.edu wrote:
 There's a long history of this one in the help archives:
 This is the first time I've heard of it being Mote
 dependent though...I presume that you use the same
 MIB510 for the Iris as well?

 Unfortunately I don't think anyone ever figured out
 what and why. My last suspicion was that it was an
 internal cygwin error coming from UISP (the download
 program itself) -- (sometimes) upgrading cygwin or
 just moving to Linux fixed it.


 Li, Haixia-OSU Stillwater wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I cannot download Blink to a mica2 or mica2dot, but it can be downloaded
 to a IRIS.

 I used,

 make mica2 install mib510,com1

 it shows,

 make: *** [program] Error 57

 Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?



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Re: [Tinyos-help] cannot download Blink to a mica2 or a mica2dot

2012-05-08 Thread Michael Schippling
There's a long history of this one in the help archives: 
This is the first time I've heard of it being Mote
dependent though...I presume that you use the same
MIB510 for the Iris as well?

Unfortunately I don't think anyone ever figured out
what and why. My last suspicion was that it was an
internal cygwin error coming from UISP (the download
program itself) -- (sometimes) upgrading cygwin or
just moving to Linux fixed it.


Li, Haixia-OSU Stillwater wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I cannot download Blink to a mica2 or mica2dot, but it can be downloaded 
 to a IRIS.
 I used,
 make mica2 install mib510,com1
 it shows,
 make: *** [program] Error 57
 Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?
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Re: [Tinyos-help] [Tinyos-hlep] CLASSPATH new problem

2012-05-08 Thread Michael Schippling
You need quotes around the actual paths to make the shell
ignore the semi-colon:
 export CLASSPATH=C:\...\java\tinyos.jar;.


Li, Haixia-OSU Stillwater wrote:
 Hello all,
 I used to set the CLASSPAHT without any problem, but I have not use it 
 for one year. Recently, when I want to use tinyos, and set the CLASPATH, 
 it shows a problem.
 $export CLASSPATH=C:\cygwin\opt\tinyos-2.x\support\sdk\java\tinyos.jar;.
 bash: . filename argument required
 .: usage: . filename [arguments]
 Could anyone tell me how I can do to set the environment variables? Last 
 year, I can use it, but now, I cannot.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Config ADC for Mica2 (Urgent Please help)

2012-05-01 Thread Michael Schippling
I'm going to assume that you mean receiving an analog signal...

Look at the code for the light or temp modules. It will take a
little digging but you should be able to get down to the raw
ADC level. Then copy it, probably all you need to do is change
the ADC channel used.


Hasib1 wrote:
 Dear all, 
 I want to configure a ADC channel for sending analog signal. My temperature
 and light sensor is working. now i want to connect an analog signal of
 voltage level 0-3 V to any one of the ADC port provided in MDA100. I am
 using MIB520 as Base station. If any one can help e in configuring that i
 would be really really grateful.
 I have not used this before so ay help would be of great value. 
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Location task structure

2012-04-30 Thread Michael Schippling
In one of the few improvements ever made to UNIX
the -R makes grep recurse through directories.
Or so the man page says

Eric Decker wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Maycon Maia Vitali 
 maycon.ppgi.u...@gmail.com mailto:maycon.ppgi.u...@gmail.com wrote:
 $ grep -nHiR TOSH_sched_entry_t $TOSROOT
 No that won't work.   grep will only look in the top level of the 
 $TOSROOT directory.
 Using find like I said below will feed every file starting in $TOSROOT 
 to grep.
 *Maycon Maia Vitali* (aka 0ut0fBound)
 Offensive Security Certified Expert (OSCE)
 Security Researcher @ Hack'n Roll
 http://maycon.hacknroll.com http://maycon.hacknroll.com/
 Hack'n Roll
 2012/4/30 Eric Decker cire...@gmail.com mailto:cire...@gmail.com
 When I'm looking for things in the sources, here is what I use...
 cd ${TOSROOT}
 find . -exec grep -nHi thing I'm looking for '{}' \;
 In your case...
 find . -exec grep -nHi TOSH_sched_entry_t '{}' \;
 But when I search the current development sources, that string
 is not found.
 Why are you looking for it?   What are you doing?
 On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 7:31 AM, Omkar raiker
 omkarraika...@gmail.com mailto:omkarraika...@gmail.com wrote:
 please help he in finding the structure defined below in
 tinyos 2.x source code..
 typedef struct
 void (*tp)();
 Omkar Raikar
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 Eric B. Decker
 Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher
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 Eric B. Decker
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Project Query

2012-04-19 Thread Michael Schippling
If I remember correctly the source for all the real components
of Moteworks are behind a license wall. All you get in the free
world is a link library. I remember this because I could find
no documentation for the router code and they seem to have
followed TOS the-code-is-the-documentation tradition...


Aravind Ramesh wrote:
 Hi Sir/Madam
  I am doing my final year project in Tiny-os. For hardware 
 implementation, i am using Moteworks. But i am unable to locate the 
 MULTIHOP ROUTER component in the Moteworks. Can u please help me with 
 this sir..Awaiting for your reply sir.
 Aravind Ramesh
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Random.Rand16() problem

2012-04-15 Thread Michael Schippling
I would assume that rand16() returns a 16 bit random number
so you will have to do some calculating to range it to 0-1.
But I recommend avoiding floating point on the controller side
whenever possible because there is no hardware support for it.

I don't know why you get the same number on each call as I would
expect the float cast to just give you the int16 values themselves.
Maybe try making your random variable an int and see what...

Also look at the Random interface, there should be some kind of seed()
call which would allow starting the pseudo sequence from a different
point on each of your motes. The easiest would be to use the moteID
as the seed on each device.


Hanen Rekik wrote:
 I use TOS 2.1.1 and I am trying to generate rando*m* numbers between 0 and 1, 
 also I want to have  different random numbers at the different motes.
 I am using Random interface, RandomC component and float random = call 
 Random.rand16(); but I didn't get a value between 0 and 1, and always I get 
 the same random number.
 How should I write the code.
 Please help.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Need help with Tinyos-1.x TOSSIM

2012-04-01 Thread Michael Schippling
It looks like you have put something like this in apit.h:

#include mymote.h

If that's the case, mymote.h should be found if it is in
the source or include search path. The current directory
(.../apps/testingtinysec) should work.

Another way to try it is to find where apit.h is included
in your application source code and put a mymote.h include
on the line before it. Notice that, for some reason I haven't
fathomed, in NESCC usage out side of the module{} block is:

include mymote

without the s,.h, and 's ...

If that doesn't help we'll need to see your source files
and makefile to try to figure it out.

Also...you don't need to screen grab. You can redirect text
output in the bash shell into a file like this:

make pc  error.txt


shruti wrote:
 Hello all
 Sir I am working on cygwin tinyos and I am nt able to run make pc 
 command properly.
 Can u help me please asap
 I want to know how should I include my “mote.h”header file in nesc code..
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Re: [Tinyos-help] help lesson 4 - The java class is not found: TestSerial

2012-03-27 Thread Michael Schippling
I don't use TOS2 so I can't easily look it up, but it may be
that you need to include the full package name on the command
line which might be something like:

java net.tinyos.tools.TestSerial

Java wants the fully specified package name for all classes
it uses, even if you are in the directory that contains the
class itself. And it treats package and directory trees
identically, so you can imagine a jar file as an extension
of the directory structure.


tifenn.ra...@etu.utc.fr wrote:
 Dear all,
 I try to follow the tinyos-2.x tutorial in lesson 4: Mote-PC serial  
 Communication. I successfully compiled and installed the TestSerial  
 application on telosb mote.
 However, when I type in the TestSerial directory:
 java TestSerial
 I get:
 The java class is not found:  TestSerial
 The current directory and the tinyos.jar are included in the CLASSPATH  
 as it points to:
 The TestSerial.class and TestSerialMsg.class were generated in the  
 TestSerial directory.
 I am using Cygwin on Windows 7.
 I hope someone can help me.
 Thanks a lot in advance.
 This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Turn off AVcc pin on Telosb

2012-03-23 Thread Michael Schippling
AVcc is, unfortunately, exactly what it says: the Vcc power supply pin.
So, nope. Can't shut it off without shutting off the whole telos board.
You will need to use one of the other digital I/O pins.

Your problem is that a motor draws more current than can be supplied
by a regular output pin. If you just want to run your DC motor in one
direction you can use a common-emitter transistor driver to boost
the current. E.g. look for it here:

mshrehm...@gmail.com has also given you another option, using a
Hobby Servo motor, which contains a driver of it's own and is
operated using variable width pulses from a digital I/O pin. Along
with the ease of hardware interface you also get speed and direction
control, but you have somewhat more complicated software in making
the right pulses. Here's some more info:
Where the second site actually sells some of the motors. Usually
hobby servos are used for setting rudders and flaps and such where
you want to go to a specific angle, but they can be modified for
continuous rotation (I think there are some that are continuous,
but it's been a while since I looked).

I have posted code for ATMEGA timers and hobby servo control here:
I don't know how easy it would be to port the timer code to MSP chips.
Also, should you actually need speed control, I've hacked the servo
back into the hacked servos by adding an encoder:


Imene Boudellioua wrote:
 Is there a ways to set the AVcc pin in Telosb (Pin 1 in the 10-[in 
 expansion connector U2) to low, or clear it? I want to be able to turn 
 it on and off to control a DC motor. I need this for my project to 
 control a small DC motor. I tried connecting the DC motor to pin 9 (Gnd) 
 and any pin set to 1 but it was not working for some reason. However, 
 when I connect it to Gnd and AVcc, it works perfectly.  Is there a way 
 to turn the AVcc pin manually in tinyos? if not, what will be the 
 solution to my problem?
 Thank you in advance.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Help with float operation and printf

2012-03-22 Thread Michael Schippling
You are not using floating point variables.
Also printf uses a %f for flat format.

Abdullah wrote:
 Hi there,
 This code gives me wrong output. I don't know why!
 event message_t* Receive.receive(message_t *msg, void *payload, uint8_t 
 len) {
   int32_t p = getRssi(msg);
   // t1 = p - c, where c = -67.03
   int32_t t1 = p + 67.03;
   // t2 = t1 / a, where a = -15.73
   int32_t t2 = t1 / -15.73;
   // d = 10^t2, where d is the distance in meters.
   int32_t d = powf( 10.0, t2 );
   printf(%d dBm , %d m\n, p , d);
 //printf(Rssi Message received from node %d: %d dBm\n, call 
 Ieee154Packet.source(msg), getRssi(msg));
 return msg;
 I cannot add/div float numbers, and I cannot print float numbers in 
 printf !!
 I'm using iris mote and tinyos, nc.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] help us to solve this parse error in tinyos1.x

2012-03-22 Thread Michael Schippling
it would be a bit of a help to include the errant source file.

priya wrote:
 help us to solve this parse error in tinyos1.x
 $ make pc
 compiling MHLeachPSC to a pc binary
 ncc -o build/pc/main.exe -g -O0 -board=micasb -pthread -target=pc -Wall 
 w -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x7d -Wnesc-all -fnesc-nido-tosnodes=1000 
 d/pc/app.c MHLeachPSC.nc -lm
 MHLeachPSC.nc:25: parse error before `components'
 dummy: `RouteSelect.selectRoute' not implemented
 dummy: `RouteSelect.isActive' not implemented
 dummy: `RouteSelect.initializeFields' not implemented
 dummy: `StdControl.init' not implemented
 dummy: `StdControl.start' not implemented
 dummy: `StdControl.stop' not implemented
 make: *** [build/pc/main.exe] Error 1
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Vanderbilt AcousticLocalization java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

2012-03-21 Thread Michael Schippling
To get to the actual TOS release for the nescc builds under T1,
I think what you need is something like this in your environment
(on Windows):

# Set main pointers used by TOS build system to find files
#  TOSROOT is for external programs, TOSDIR for makefiles
TV=tinyos-1.x ## I use this to select specific TOS versions
export TOSROOT=C:/cygwin/opt/$TV
export TOSDIR=/opt/$TV/tos

I believe TOSDIR gets transliterated into a %T variable in
the Makefiles, i.e.: /opt/tinyos-1.x/tos

This is also required, but you probably already have it set:
export MAKERULES=/opt/$TV/tools/make/Makerules

Then, if there are extra bits of added TOS goodness in other
directories you can include them in the Makefile with PFLAGS
(this is probably what the VUTOS variable is trying to do)
like this:

EXTRATOS=../tos  ## or some %T/../contrib... directory

PFLAGS  += -I$(EXTRATOS)/platform/mica2 \
   -I$(EXTRATOS)/interfaces \

By figuring out where the files that the compiler is whining
about actually are you should be able to add the right directories.

Another option is to put it all together in your main tos and apps
directory structure, so you don't need the contrib searching...

For the Java problem you need to add the jar or root directory tree
that contains the classes of interest to your CLASSPATH, something
like this:

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH;C:/whevever/your/files/are;

Search for CLASSPATH for more info than you will ever need...


giacomo_gioacch...@libero.it wrote:
 Dear all,
 I am using the AcousticLocalization app from the Vanderbilt University.
 I am trying to run the java app AcousticLocalization as is described in the 
 README.txt file in:
 AppLoader I enter the following command:
 but I got the following error:
 Could not Found module:  java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.tinyos.
 Any ideas on how to fix the problem?
 I'm quite newbbie in this subject, any help is greatly appreciated!!
 Thanks in advance,
 Messaggio originale
 Da: sal...@isis.vanderbilt.edu
 Data: 21/03/2012 17.39
 A: giacomo_gioacch...@libero.itgiacomo_gioacch...@libero.it
 Ogg: Re: Re: [Tinyos-help] Vanderbilt AcousticLocalization

 This code is for tinyos-1.x, so that should not be the issue.


 On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:30 AM, giacomo_gioacch...@libero.it
 giacomo_gioacch...@libero.it wrote:
 Hi Janos,
 thanks for your answer. Actually the mote I am using is exactly the mica2 
 I compile with the command make mica2. I am using TinyOS-1.x, could that be 

 Messaggio originale
 Da: sal...@isis.vanderbilt.edu
 Data: 21/03/2012 14.57
 A: giacomo_gioacch...@libero.itgiacomo_gioacch...@libero.it
 Cc: tinyos forumtinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
 Ogg: Re: [Tinyos-help] Vanderbilt AcousticLocalization


 The code in contrib/vu/apps/AcousticLocalization does compile for
 mica2. If you need to get it work on another platform, you'll have to
 figure how the makefiles need to be adapted to include the required

 Please note that this code was written 10 years ago, that is, it
 predates micaz and iris.


 On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 8:28 AM, giacomo_gioacch...@libero.it
 giacomo_gioacch...@libero.it wrote:
 Dear all,
 I downloaded from sourceforge all the minitasks\02\vu\ CVS folder to try
 AcousticLocalization application of ISIS Vanderbilt University. I have 
 folder vu in :
 and I have set the environment variable VUTOS as explained in the ReadMe
 with the command:
 export VUTOS=/opt/tinyos-1.x/contrib/vu/tos
 but when I try to compile the applications in the apps folder the system 
 unable to search interfaces and components in the correct folders.
 Has someone else faced the same problem?
 Hope to see some answers,
 thanks in advance

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Vref to Read ADC port

2012-03-16 Thread Michael Schippling
I believe the Vref is permanently attached to the battery.
There may be ways to use an internal ref or another input
via software, but I'm not that familiar with the MSP chip.

Alex FP wrote:
 Dear all.
 In order to read a ADC channel  i.e. ADC6 (Port6.6)  using a Vref 
 external,needed for proper ADC quantization, is necessary connect  a 
 battery source to the port 1.2 in a telosb mote? or Is possible to use 
 an other port?
 new Msp430GpioC() as VoltageRef;
 VoltageRef - HplMsp430GeneralIOC.Port12;
 Thanks in advance.
 Yours faithfully,
 Tinyos-help mailing list
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Re: [Tinyos-help] RSSI with tinyos-1.x and mica2

2012-03-06 Thread Michael Schippling
Here's the battery section right out of the MPR/MIB User’s Manual:

6.4  MICA2 Battery Voltage Monitor

The MICA2 units have an accurate voltage reference that can be used to
measure battery voltage (Vbatt). Since the eight-channel, ATMega128L
ADC uses the battery voltage as a full scale reference, the ADC full
scale voltage value changes as the battery voltage changes. In order
to calibrate the battery voltage a precision external voltage
reference is required. The MICA2 uses an LM4041 (Mfg: National
Semiconductor) 1.223 V reference (Vref) attached to ADC channel 7.

NOTE:  ADC channel 7 is also used for JTAG debugging on the Atmega128
processor. MICA2s and MICA2DOTs ship with the JTAG fuse enabled. When
this fuse is enabled the input impedance of channel 7 is lowered which
affects the voltage reference measurement. The fuse must be disabled
if ADC channel 7 is used. See below for information on setting
ATMega128L fuses.

To compute the battery voltage:

1.  Set the BAT_MON processor pin (PA5/AD5) to HI.
2.  Program the application code to measure ADC Channel 7.
3.  Compute battery voltage, Vbatt, from Channel 7’s data by:

  Vbatt = Vref × ADC_ FS ADC_Count

   Vbatt = Battery voltage
   ADC_FS = 1024
   Vref = External voltage reference = 1.223 V
   ADC_Count = Data from the ADC measurement of Channel 7

So it looks like you have it mostly right. And, yes, the final
result is the power at the receiver.

Make sure you notice that the Battery Voltage calculation is
inverted from what you'd expect: Full-Scale/Count because what
you are measuring is a fixed voltage using the battery as the
ADC reference...It does actually work once you puzzle it out...
I think you can probably ignore the NOTE about Jtag and maybe
just add a fudge factor to the battery calculation. Or even
just ignore the whole battery thing and use 3.0...

Also, if you are just measuring the RSSI of received messages,
a measurement is appended to each message in TOS_Msg.strength.
However I forget if this is the raw count from ADC-0 or if it
has been massaged into Vrssi or even RSSI. Searching the radio
code for strength should elucidate this.

Note that floating point calculations are rather costly as they
are done in software so you might want to use some other
methodology, or just the raw Vrssi...


giacomo_gioacch...@libero.it wrote:
 I am using the mica2 motes with tinyos-1.x. I want measure the RSSI 
 value at the receiver. My motes emit at 433MHz. From the datasheets I 
 have been reading I think that everytime a packet is received the 
 following should be done:
 -read the ADC_Count value from chan[7] of the ADC and use it to obtain 
 Vbatt in: Vbatt= Vref x ADC_FS / ADC_Count
 -read the ADC_Count value from chan[0] of the ADC and use it to obtain 
 Vrssi in: Vrssi= Vbatt x ADC_Count / ADC_FS
 -in the end obtain the RSSI value in dBm in this way: RSSI (dBm)=-51.3 x 
 Vrssi - 49.2
 Is this process correct? If so, is there a way to make the calculation 
 of the RSSI (dBm) on the mote? And last can I assume the RSSI value 
 computed to be the received power at the receiver or there is a 
 conversion I need to do?
 Thanks in advance,
 Tinyos-help mailing list
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Re: [Tinyos-help] syntax error (easy)

2012-02-22 Thread Michael Schippling
That looks ok to me syntactically so maybe there's something
else wrong. You might have a hidden character in your text,
if you can use a hexdump utility to look at the file you
could find something amiss, or, unlikely, also in the
FrameControl file too... Also try moving the lines and
elements around to see if the error moves with them.

If there were errors in definitions and such you probably
would get something besides syntax error.

Hopefully someone with better eyes will spot something.

Felipe Cruz Martínez wrote:
 I’m sure that it is an error very easy to resolve...
 / [...]/
 /[110]typedef frameCtrl_t* frmCtrl_rx;/
 /[111]ieee802155cmd_t* WNRx  = (ieee802155cmd_t*)payload;/
 /*[112] *   frmCtrl_rx = call 
 /(Function _getFrmCtrlFields_ returns a frameCtrl_t*)/
 /In component `WakeupExampleC':/
 ///WakeupExampleC.nc: In function `Receive.receive':/
 /WakeupExampleC.nc:*112*: *syntax error before `='*/
 //opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/cc2420/lpl/DummyLplC.nc:39:2: warning: 
 #warning *** L/
 /make: *** [exe0] Error 1/
 /frmCtrl_rx is a pointer to a type structure frameCtrl_t:/
 /typedef nx_struct frameCtrl {/
 /nx_uint16_t FrmCtrl;//Este va a ser el famoso campo de 2 
 bytes.   /
 /nx_uint8_t protocolVersion;  /
 /nx_bool frameType;/
 /nx_bool destAddMode;/
 /nx_bool srcAddMode;/
 /nx_uint8_t txOptions;/
 I don’t understand why compiler gives me an error.
 I hope someone can help me, thanks very much.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] UART sending series of commands to PC

2012-02-13 Thread Michael Schippling
Also I would recommend eliminating the busy-wait delay()
by splitting the whole sending sequence into multiple calls
driven by a timer. It's not much of a delay, but long-running
tasks may end up blocking other tasks which need resources.


Eric Decker wrote:
 It is very strange to be sending modem commands to a pc but okay if you 
 You are using UartStream which is split phase.  You need to be catching 
 the completion event (signal) from UartStream.sendDone.  When the 
 sendDone comes in you can then start up the next string you want to send.
 The way you have UartStream.sendDone right now doesn't make a whole lot 
 of sense.
 If you don't know how this works you need to read the basic TinyOS 
 documents and tutorials.  Start with Phil's book.
 On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 12:13 AM, #BHARTI GOEL# bhar0...@e.ntu.edu.sg 
 mailto:bhar0...@e.ntu.edu.sg wrote:
 I am trying to send a series of commands to the PC hyperterminal
 using UART interface. Now when I send a single command it works
 fine. But when I send a series of commands it stops working. I have
 tried to create delays after each command but still it does not
 work. Can anyone tell me what I can possibly do?
 Here is my code :
 module GSMmodemC @safe()
   uses interface Boot;
   uses interface Init as UartInit;
   uses interface StdControl as UartControl;
   uses interface UartStream;
   uses interface Leds;
   uses interface TimerTMilli;
 char* uartsendBuf1 = AT\n;
 char* uartsendBuf2 = AT+CMGF=1\n;
 char* uartsendBuf3 = AT+CMGS=;
 char* uartsendBuf4 = +6590140252 tel:%2B6590140252;
 char* output = Hello;
 char* input;
 uint16_t inputlen;
 uint8_t recevedByte;
   event void Boot.booted() {

 call UartInit.init();

 call Timer.startPeriodic(3000);
 call UartControl.start();
 static void delay(uint32_t cycles)
 while (--cycles  0)
   event void Timer.fired() {

 call UartControl.start();   
 call UartStream.send(uartsendBuf1, 3);
 /*call Leds.led1Toggle();  // This
 part does not work
 call UartControl.start();
 call UartStream.send(uartsendBuf2, 10);
 call Leds.led1Toggle();
 call UartControl.start();
 call UartStream.send(uartsendBuf3, 8);
 call Leds.led1Toggle();
 call UartControl.start();
 call UartStream.send(uartsendBuf4, 11);
 call Leds.led1Toggle();
 delay(5000); */
   async event void UartStream.sendDone( uint8_t* buf, uint16_t len,
 error_t error )
 call Leds.led0Toggle();   
 call UartStream.enableReceiveInterrupt();
   async event void UartStream.receivedByte( uint8_t byte )
   if( (char* )byte == a)
   call Leds.led1Toggle();
   call Leds.led2Toggle();
   recevedByte = byte; 
   call UartControl.stop();
   async event void UartStream.receiveDone( uint8_t* buf, uint16_t
 len, error_t error )

 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Eric B. Decker
 Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher
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Re: [Tinyos-help] need help about installing and checking JAVA for Mote-PC communication !

2012-02-06 Thread Michael Schippling
Just try make without the intelmote2 part.
I don't think there is any platform specific code
in the Java tools.

Mashal al-shboul wrote:
 Hi All,
 I need help about checking Java installation in UBUTNU for communication 
 between the PC and iMote2 sensor mote.
 i have the directory tinyos-2.1.1/support/sdk/java correctly,should i 
 compile it?. However when i compile it (by make intelmote2),
 i get make: *** No rule to make target `intelmote2'.  Stop. although 
 there is a make file in the directory and mostly the makerules are 
 specified correctly in it.
 and i have noticed in Synaptic Package Manager that JDK is installed , 
 but i am not sure that it works properly.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] ADC0 in (10-pin expansion) of Telosb is I/O?

2012-01-19 Thread Michael Schippling
I believe it can be configured as either digital or analog,
probably using that generalIO interface.

aca...@correo.ugr.es wrote:
 Someone know if ADC0 (The pin 3) in the 10-pin expansion of Telosb mote is
 a GeneralIO? I've seen according to the tmotesky and telosb data-sheet
 ADC0 appears as Analog input, but in some implementations in TinyOS this
 is taken account as a GeneralIO. This finally is correct?
 e.g.: Msp430GpioC.HplGeneralIO  - HplMsp430GeneralIOC.ADC0; in:
 Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Help Set-up

2012-01-17 Thread Michael Schippling
Oh Eric, Eric, Eric... Java is not that hard. At least compared to
something like the TOS build system. It even {used to be} a rather
rationalized and simple alternative to most egregious C++ shenanigans.

But anyway... There was one more question in the complaint list:
  WARNING: CLASSPATH environment variable doesn't exist.
  Your classpath should contain  and a pointer
  to the cwd (a dot)
Add '.' to your CLASSPATH... See if you can find a place where
CLASSPATH is actually set, in files like .bahsrc or .profile,
and add the dot to the list using a semi-colon ';' as a separator.
Or else do this:

I explicitly set PATH and CLASSPATH in my .bashrc so I know what
I'm getting and {think that} I have some control over my world...

And any Java above and beyond 1.4 is fine for TOS, at least until
Oracle destroys the backward compatibility feature. I forget exactly
what went in at 1.4, maybe generics, but some TOS code won't compile
with previous versions. Someone should fix tos-check-env, no?


Eric Decker wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 11:25 PM, Varun Agrawal varagra...@gmail.com 
 mailto:varagra...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have recently installed TinyOS on my Ubuntu machine and on running
 tos-check-env I got the following errors:
 tos-check-env hasn't been updated in quite a while.
 on my system I have java 1.6 and tos-check-env checks for 1.4 or 1.5.   
  It bitches.   Your 1.7 will also cause a bitch.
 I don't know why tos-check-env insists that version 1.4 or 1.5 is 
 required for TinyOS.   
 I personally ignore it.   But I don't use the Java programs.The ones 
 I have used seem to work.   The problem I have is I've never bothered to 
 learn Java so if something goes wrong they seem much too complex to 
 figure out.   Fairly opaque.
 I'm using graphviz 2.20.2 and that seems to work fine and toe-check-env 
 is looking for 1.10.
 I would suggest you move on and don't worry about it.
 tos-check-env completed with errors:
 -- WARNING: CLASSPATH environment variable doesn't exist.
 Your classpath should contain  and a pointer
 to the cwd (a dot)
 -- WARNING: The JAVA version found first by tos-check-env may not
 be version 1.4 or version 1.5one of which is required by TOS. Please
 ensure that the located Java version is 1.4 or 1.5
 -- WARNING: The graphviz (dot) version found by tos-check-env is
 not 1.10. Please update your graphviz version if you'd like to use
 the nescdoc documentation generator.
 I have Java 1.7, graphviz is showing version 2.26.3 and I have a
 feeling the Classpath problem is due to Java.
 Any useful links or help??
 Yours faithfully,
 Varun Agrawal
 Computer Science and Engineering
 National Institute of Technology
 Surat, India.
 About Me http://www.about.me/varunagrawal
 computerCalledVarun() http://computercalledvarun.wordpress.com/
 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Eric B. Decker
 Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher
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Re: [Tinyos-help] URGENT: NesC renames all internal functions?!

2012-01-10 Thread Michael Schippling
Search this list and the doc site http://docs.tinyos.net/
for advice on calling C functions and libraries from TOS.
That's the opposite of what you want, but you may find
something in the various described approaches for getting
around the name mangling.


Anna Förster wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am trying to implement a tinyos interface to a software library. The 
 problem I am currently facing is that the NesC compiler re-names all 
 functions like this:
 in BlinkC.nc I define for example MY_FUNCTION
 And then it is converted to BLINKC_MY_FUNCTION
 Well, what I am actually trying to do is the following simple scenario:
 An external C file uses an interface function, which needs to be defined in 
 Tinyos, let's say interface_function(). To compile the C file, I have defined 
 a INTERFACE.H file, where I only declare the function, but do not impelment 
 it. Then, in the tinyos code, I want to implement it by putting exactly this 
 fucntion into the implementation of the TinyOS component.
 What happens is that the linker cannot find the implementation of this 
 fucntion, because NesC has renamed its implementation to 
 Any ideas of how to handle this?! Any other possibilities of how to implement 
 a tinyos function and call it from an external file?
 Thanks a lot,
 Dr. Anna Förster
 PostDoctoral Researcher
 Networking Laboratory, SUPSI
 Via Cantonale, Galleria 2
 Manno, Switzerland
 Tel. + 41 58 666 6597
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Re: [Tinyos-help] missing address-of operator?

2012-01-04 Thread Michael Schippling
It's legal and sleazy enough that I might have done it...
I'd almost say it's doing nothing, because message_t*
already includes the message header. But a serial_header
may be a different size (hopefully smaller...).

msg-data is an array of chars and thus already a pointer
(I'm not sure, but putting an  in front of it might just
be a noop in this case anyway...). sizeof() is returning
something that is the moral equivalent of an int, and
subtracting that from a char* just backs the pointer
up that number of bytes. The whole thing is counting
on data[] being chars because pointer arithmetic is
done with an implicit sizeof(element) multiplier.

Of your other suggested options, this might be one
way to do it:

  (uint8_t *)msg + offsetof(message_t, data)

That gets you to the msg-data pointer again and
enforces that you are working with bytes. But you
might as well go whole hog and subtract the
serial_header size at the same time:

   (uint8_t *)msg + offsetof(message_t, data) - sizeof(serial_header_t);

Isn't C fun?

Flemming Nyboe wrote:
 Is this legal:
 --- 8 
 serial_header_t* getHeader(message_t* msg) {
   return (serial_header_t*)(msg-data - sizeof(serial_header_t));
 --- 8 
 … or is the (msg-data) missing an address-of operator?
 The construct is found (at least) in TEP111 and CC2420TimeSyncMessageP.ncf
 BR Flemming Nyboe
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Ultrasonic Sensor with telosB

2011-12-18 Thread Michael Schippling
What fails?
Have you made it past the hardware interfacing?
Having trouble accessing GPIO?
Not getting a good signal?
Not able to time the signals correctly?

One problem may be that the Ping-thing runs on 5v and
the telsob runs on 3.3v. I think you can ignore the
over-voltage on the telos pin at low currents (even
though the specs say you shouldn't), but the telos
may not pull high enough to trigger the Ping. You'll
need an oscilloscope to see what's happening at that

For GPIO there is some kind of GeneralIO component
and there used to be a 32Khz timer (and might even
be a micro-sec timer now), but I don't use T2 so I
don't know what they are.


Mukesh Miraculous wrote:
 Hi everyone, Kindly help me. I am using Ping))) ultrasonic sensor from 
 parallax. I am trying to connect it through GPIO but it fails. I require 
 code urgenlty . kindly help me people.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Change adc prescaler for accelerometer sampling operation

2011-12-15 Thread Michael Schippling
Sorry I can't help any further as I don't use ReadStream
or any other TOS2 interfaces... You are probably on the
right track in looking at Microphone sampling apps.


Kushal Sarkara wrote:
 Thank you for your response. In keeping with the topic of our original 
 conversation, I am still trying to implement the ReadStream interface to 
 sample the MicaZ accelerometer. 
 After sampling at the prescaler setting that guarantees full precision 
 (which is ATM128_ADC_PRESCALE_64 for the MicaZ, according to my 
 calculations) and reading up on the SoundLocalizer application in the 
 TinyOS Programming Manual, I was wondering if there was any way to alter 
 the prescaler and use ReadStream (necessary, in my opinion, because I 
 want to append samples to the log as they are obtained and ReadStream 
 provides this facility).
 The plethora of ADC configuration interfaces makes it confusing for a 
 TinyOS 2.x and programming novice such as myself to figure out where the 
 prescaler is altered but I think that I've managed to figure out how 
 this can be done. What I am having a lot more trouble doing is figuring 
 out how the ReadStream interface configures the ADC. There must be a 
 point at which the ReadStream interface specifies what prescaler it 
 wants to use, right? This led me to search for a module for the 
 ReadStream interface but I have had no luck.
 * Is there a module for the ReadStream interface where the prescaler
   etc is set? 
 * Is it possible to modify the prescaler for ReadStream at all or is
   it perpetually set to ATM128_ADC_PRESCALE?
 * Is it a good idea to try to mimic the ReadStream operation by
   using something like Atm128AdcSingle.getData (like the
   SoundLocalizer does) and then trying to store each sample in a
   buffer, which would then be appended to the log? My opinion is
   that this will result in a lot of processing overheads (and make
   it really tough to program, but I don't see just that being a
 I apologize for the lengthy post.
 On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:04 PM, Michael Schippling sc...@santafe.edu 
 mailto:sc...@santafe.edu wrote:
 Changing the return value will have no effect on the ADC.
 There used to be an interface for this that was actually
 documented in the code:
   ADCControl.setSamplingRate(__uint8_t rate);
 The name may have changed to setPrescaler() or something
 more obvious.
 Kushal Sarkara wrote:
 I am using TinyOS 2.1.1 on Ubuntu 9.10 with MicaZ motes. I am
 looking to alter the value of the prescaler while sampling the X
 axis of the accelerometer on the mts300 sensorboard.
 After doing some digging, I found the file
 /tos/sensorboards/mts300/__AccelP.nc which returns the value of
 the prescaler for configuring the Adc, the getdata() function
 for which leads me back to the
 /tos/chips/atm128/adc/__Atm128AdcP.nc file.
 The code in the AccelP.nc file that I am referring to is as follows:
 / async command uint8_t ConfigX.getPrescaler() {/
 /return ATM128_ADC_PRESCALE;/
 /  }/
 Will it suffice to change the returned value to, for example,
 /ATM128_ADC_PRESCALE_32 (/as provided in the
 /tos/chips/atm128/adc/__Atm128Adc.h) if I want to use the adc
 prescaler (32)?
 Thanks in advance,
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Sending array to the PC

2011-12-15 Thread Michael Schippling
This looks like a structure assignment which should copy
between two pointers:
 nmsg-neighbors = tableOfNeighbors;
but I think it might not work correctly with arrays.
You probably need to do a memcpy() to get the contents
of your table into the message. I'm a little rusty on my C
pointers (too much Java lately) so you may have to fiddle
with *'s and 's to get the two sides to be pointers
to the beginning of each array...as written I think
they should both be pointers, but obviously the compiler
doesn't agree...


Martin Stehlik wrote:
 In my application, I have defined following structure:
 typedef nx_struct neighbors {
   nx_uint16_t id; // id of the neighbor
   nx_uint8_t rssi; // rssi of the signal received from neighbor
 } neighbors_t;
 Then, I have following array:
 neighbors_t tableOfNeighbors[MAX_NEIGHBORS];
 I need to send the array to the PC for analyzing in my Java application.
 I would like to send following message using SerialActiveMessageC:
 typedef nx_struct neighborsMsg {
   neighbors_t neighbors[MAX_NEIGHBORS];
 } neighborsMsg_t;
 but this assignment did not work:
 neighborsMsg_t* nmsg = (neighborsMsg_t*)(call
 SerialPacket.getPayload(pkt, sizeof(neighborsMsg_t)));
 nmsg-neighbors = tableOfNeighbors;
 resulting in:
 invalid lvalue in assignment
 Could anyone write me what is the best way how we can transfer arrays
 from the nodes to the PC? Is it possible to send arrays in messages?
 I would really appreciate any answer! I spent time searching google and
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Tinynode reading from serial port

2011-12-15 Thread Michael Schippling
You might be able to use basestation as a basis for your
re-Mote node, but I expect it would be easier to hack up
a demo app that reads from an internal sensor like O'scope.
The serial messages that basestation expects are the whole
TOS Message struct and your wind sensor probably doesn't
format it's data that way.

You are one the right track with the architecture, but you
should use the low level Uart component to read your sensor,
replacing the O'scope DemoSensor components. Unfortunately
there's not a lot of example code for that...but you can try
searching back on this list for discussions of Uart usage.


Victoria Pimentel wrote:
 I have a wind sensor with an RS232 output cable. I want to connect this 
 cable to a tinynode 1 serial port. The wind sensor will send readings to 
 its RS232 output cable and the tinynode 1 will read the sensor readings 
 from the tinynode 1 serial port. Then, I want this tinynode 1 to send to 
 the radio all the messages that it is receiving from the serial port to 
 a tinynode 2 that is connected to a computer.
 Basically I need to install in the tinynode 1 a base station app that 
 reads from the serial port and sends to the radio,  and in the tinynode 
 2 a base station app that reads from the radio and send through the 
 serial port.
 I thought I could do this by installing BaseStation on both tinynodes 
 because BaseStation is supposed to be a bridge between the serial and 
 radio channel in any direction. However, the tinynode 1 is not reading 
 from the serial port the messages that the wind sensor is sending.
 I also thought that I could change the Oscilloscope application to read 
 sensor readings from the serial port instead of the light, voltage or 
 temperature sensors. But I could not find how to change it.
 Any help would be appreciated.
 Victoria Pimentel
 Sensor Networks Lab Assistant
 Faculty of Computer Science
 University of New Brunswick
 Fredericton, Canada
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Re: [Tinyos-help] How to store data collected by a telosb network in a db?

2011-11-30 Thread Michael Schippling
By printf() I guess you're using C,
here's the first hit I got for mysql C api:

If your TOS interface is in Java, look into JDBC.


Geo Gkolfin wrote:
 I have a telosb network that sends data periodically to a telosb 
 basestation connected with a pc (via usb). I need to store the data that 
 the basestation receives in a database. So far, I simply use printf in 
 order to see the received data. I have mysql installed, and I could 
 create a database, but I do not know how to use the data received by the 
 basestation in order to create an INSERT query that will be performed 
 automatically. Can someone explain the general idea? (I use xubuntos)
 Thank you all in advance!
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Telosb light sensor specification

2011-11-27 Thread Michael Schippling
Check to see that the O'scope program is configured to sample
the light sensor. It may be using something else. I remember
one less than spectacular demo that used the battery voltage...


Baudry Arthur wrote:
 Good afternoon to both of you, 
 Thanks for your answer, I was away for a few days and I'm just seeing it 
 About the sensor type, I have no idea my mote is supposed to be a 
 telosb, if I do a motelist the reference is M4AP1122 and the description 
 is Sensilla tmote sky. I don't know what exactly is the type of the 
 sensor, this a light sensor mounted on the telosb node. 
 I am seeing anything changing when I cover the sensor with my finger, 
 that's why I know that there is a problem but I don't know how to fix 
 it, I'm using oscilloscope to send the data to another 
 node equipped with basestation and the value displayed after conversion 
 are around 3900 just like the values I can observe when I run the Java 
 GUI for Oscilloscope. 
 If you have any ideas, they are welcome :)
 Have a good day
 On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:26 AM, Urs Hunkeler u...@gmx.ch 
 mailto:u...@gmx.ch wrote:
 I remember getting values close to 0 ( 50) when it is dark and
 values just slightly greater than 1000 when it is very bright
 (without any conversion). If your values don't change much, I think
 there is a problem with the sensor. You should see a clear drop
 (50%?) when you cover the light sensor with your finger.
 On 11/24/11 7:37 PM, Baudry Arthur wrote:
 Good afternoon everyone,
 I use a telosb node equipped with a light sensor, I have
 succeeded in
 receiving data from the node on my laptop, but for me the data are
 talking non sense because I always get a value next to 4000 (when I
 convert the readings to a decimal value) even if it is dark in
 my place.
 Is there a way to treat those data, I know that for example for
 temperature data we have to apply a formula to get the real
 value. Does anyone know how to interpret the light data ?
 Have a good day, regards,
 Arthur Baudry
 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Arthur Baudry
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Telosb light sensor specification

2011-11-27 Thread Michael Schippling
The tutorials may help in understanding this, but...

There should be a config file, in TOS1 mine is Oscilloscope.nc

It has these lines:
  components Main, , DemoSensorC as Sensor, 

   OscilloscopeM.SensorControl - Sensor;
   OscilloscopeM.ADC - Sensor;

Then you need to dig through the ratholes of platform directories
to find _which_ DemoSensorC file is being used. Sometimes doing
make tmote docs will generate some nice diagrams, but they are
about as hard to decipher as the directory structure itself. The
DemoSensorC I found for tmotes, again in the last T1 release, is:
and it uses InternalTemp as it's sensor...

The Oscope supplied with moteiv -- the original commercial tmote
-- uses a set of sensors, none of which is Light...


Baudry Arthur wrote:
 Ok but I am still a beginner, how do I check that ? 
 On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Michael Schippling sc...@santafe.edu 
 mailto:sc...@santafe.edu wrote:
 Check to see that the O'scope program is configured to sample
 the light sensor. It may be using something else. I remember
 one less than spectacular demo that used the battery voltage...
 Baudry Arthur wrote:
 Good afternoon to both of you,
 Thanks for your answer, I was away for a few days and I'm just
 seeing it now. About the sensor type, I have no idea my mote is
 supposed to be a telosb, if I do a motelist the reference is
 M4AP1122 and the description is Sensilla tmote sky. I don't know
 what exactly is the type of the sensor, this a light sensor
 mounted on the telosb node. I am seeing anything changing when I
 cover the sensor with my finger, that's why I know that there is
 a problem but I don't know how to fix it, I'm using oscilloscope
 to send the data to another node equipped with basestation and
 the value displayed after conversion are around 3900 just like
 the values I can observe when I run the Java GUI for
 Oscilloscope. If you have any ideas, they are welcome :)
 Have a good day
 On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:26 AM, Urs Hunkeler u...@gmx.ch
 mailto:u...@gmx.ch mailto:u...@gmx.ch mailto:u...@gmx.ch wrote:
I remember getting values close to 0 ( 50) when it is dark and
values just slightly greater than 1000 when it is very bright
(without any conversion). If your values don't change much, I
there is a problem with the sensor. You should see a clear drop
(50%?) when you cover the light sensor with your finger.
On 11/24/11 7:37 PM, Baudry Arthur wrote:
Good afternoon everyone,
I use a telosb node equipped with a light sensor, I have
succeeded in
receiving data from the node on my laptop, but for me the
 data are
talking non sense because I always get a value next to
 4000 (when I
convert the readings to a decimal value) even if it is
 dark in
my place.
Is there a way to treat those data, I know that for
 example for
temperature data we have to apply a formula to get the real
value. Does anyone know how to interpret the light data ?
Have a good day, regards,
Arthur Baudry
Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help@millennium.__berke__ley.edu http://berkeley.edu
 Arthur Baudry
 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Arthur Baudry
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Problems with Atmel128 I2C-Components (iris) with slow I2C sensors

2011-11-24 Thread Michael Schippling
Yes, TOS 1.x, which underlies Moteworks. Although I just noticed
that the last release of T1 has a hardware impl for I2C in mica128.
Here is what I used, including my small patch to I2CM.nc:


But I imagine that it will be fairly pointless to try to use it
as all the bit access methodology was changed in T2, so there'd
be a bunch of porting to do.

I also put the spec that I used to debug my problem here,
where the section of interest is 3.7 Clock synchronization:


My symptom was that I missed the first bit of the second byte
of data from the slow device and thus lost bit sync and failed
to complete that byte (if memory serves correctly...). I found
this by looking at the data line with a scope and counting the

If you really think your problem is the clock stretching issue
then it might be better to see how the ATmega hardware thinks
it should be dealing with it.


Sebastian Dölker wrote:
 Unfortunately I have never worked with moteworks 
 and T1 (T1 = tinyos 1.X ?)
 I work with tinyos-2.1.1 and the standard i2c component of atmle128L (iris) 
 which uses the under laying twi (two wire interface) 
 of the atmel128L chip but it seems that with this 
 special co2-sensor (with long reaction times and the “clock
 synchronization mechanism”) this doesn’t work well.
 I guess I have to do bitbanging..
 Is it possible to use the sources that you mentioned as a starting point? 
 Where can I find them?
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] (no subject)

2011-11-23 Thread Michael Schippling
If by open you mean edit or view, and you are doing that
by double clicking on the file in a GUI file manager, then
it looks like the .nc file type is associated with some
other kind of document. I don't know how Ubuntu's file
manager works, but there should be some way to change
that association to be your favorite programming text
editor -- On Widows you right click and find an Open With
menu entry that often has an option to select a program.
Failing that you can open a shell window and try vi [file]
or emacs [file].


Rakshitha GB wrote:
 i am installing Tinyos on Ubuntu using VMware.
 if i open Blink or any .nc files, it gives error saying
 There is no application installed for Unidata NetCDF document files
 i need guidence.
 Tinyos-help mailing list
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Problems with Atmel128 I2C-Components (iris) with slow I2C sensors

2011-11-23 Thread Michael Schippling
I'm not sure what you mean by slow, but here's something to check...

The T1 version of I2C for the ATmega used bit banging on the TOS
side rather than the controller's I2C hardware -- go figure
I found that it didn't recognize a wait-state-request from
external devices and would lose a bit when reading -- for the
particular device I was using, an SC18 SPI-I2C converter --
which would make it lose message sync and fail. I don't remember
the details, I think the external device can hold one of the
lines to signal that it's not ready -- I made up the name above
but that's what it's doing -- digging through the I2C spec should
turn it up. I fixed it by putting a short busy wait at the end of
each i2c_ack() which slows everything down but makes it work.

If you think this is what you have I can try to find more details.

Sebastian Dölker wrote:
 I have a problem with the Atmel128 i2c environment.
 I want to read out the k30 co2-sensormodul from senseair. 
 On this sensor the i2c communication is implemented in software. 
 Because of that there is an advice in the datasheet 
 that it might come to problems during the i2c communication 
 caused by the long response time of the sensor.
 The problem was that after an undetermined time the atmel128 i2c 
 components got in an incorrect state out of which the software can’t
 recover.The bus lines stayed high and the return value was EBUSY.
 The only way to make the software run fine again was to reset 
 the node with the watchdog.
 However this solution is inadequately.
 I analyzed the Atm128I2CMasterPacketP Component and found out that 
 while the node was in the incorrect state the Atm128I2CMasterPacketP 
 returned with EBUSY in the else-block at line 220 in the I2CPacket.read() 
 To solve the problem I added the i2c_abort(EBUSY) call in the else-block. 
 (same for the I2C.write() command, see software snippet below (2,3))
 After that it seemed to work fine.
 Now the software recovers out of the incorrect state.
 Had somebody else this problem or tested the atmel128 i2c components with 
 slow i2c sensors?
 Is it possible that in this else-Block should be a call to the 
 However there seems to be another bad state, which fortunately occurs more 
 In this state the return value is EOFF and the bus lines also are in high 
 I tried to add the i2c_abort-function in the else if block above,
 but this seemed not to solve the problem. (see the software snippet below)
 Has anyone an idea how to solve that problem?  
 Best regards!
 Modified Atm128I2CMasterPacketP.nc:
 async command error_t I2CPacket.read(i2c_flags_t flags, uint16_t addr, 
 uint8_t len, uint8_t* data) {
 atomic {
   if (state == I2C_IDLE) {
 state = I2C_BUSY;
   else if (state == I2C_OFF) {
 i2c_abort(EOFF);   //added...1
 return EOFF;
   else {
   i2c_abort(EBUSY);  //added...2
   return EBUSY;
 async command error_t I2CPacket.write(i2c_flags_t flags, uint16_t addr, 
 uint8_t len, uint8_t* data) {
 atomic {
   if (state == I2C_IDLE) {
 state = I2C_BUSY;
   else if (state == I2C_OFF) {
   i2c_abort(EOFF); //added...3
 return EOFF;
   else {
   i2c_abort(EBUSY); //added...4
 return EBUSY;
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Problems with Atmel128 I2C-Components (iris) with slow I2C sensors

2011-11-23 Thread Michael Schippling
I don't know if what you are working with uses hardware
or software (since I've only used T1) -- if you have started
with Moteworks you probably have T1...

Look at the low level driver and see. If it uses ATmega
hardware I would hope that it supports the so called clock
synchronization mechanism.

Otherwise I put this in I2CM.nc to stretch the period
between bytes received a bit:

   void i2c_ack()
SET_DATA(); // schip 8/12/09
TOSH_uwait(10); // -- to fix SC18 wait-state non-detect


Sebastian Dölker wrote:
 Thank you for your quick reply!
 Yes I see my workaround isn’t such a good idea.
 With other I2C-Sensors (tsl2561 light sensor) I also hadn’t any problems
 and all worked fine. But with the k30 co2 sensor in particular something 
 doesn’t work.
 I also tried to slow down the i2c clock but it didn’t help.
 The co2 sensor uses the so called clock synchronization mechanism.
 Is it what you mean Michael?
 This is described as follows in the I2C- Specification:
 “On the bit level, a device such as a microcontroller with or
 without limited hardware for the I2C-bus, can slow down
 the bus clock by extending each clock LOW period. The
 speed of any master is thereby adapted to the internal
 operating rate of this device.”  
 Equally it is described in the atmel datasheet:
 “The slave can extend the SCL low period by
 pulling the SCL line low. This is useful if the clock
 speed set up by the master is too fast for the
 slave, or the slave needs extra time for processing
 between the data transmissions”
 Because of that I concluded that the Atml128-I2C components support this 
 but now I’m not sure if it works fine.
 Have anybody successfully communicated with an i2c sensor
  that slows down the master clock with this mechanism?  
 Yes I think it is a related problem.
 If I don’t get it to work with the standard tinyos components I think
 bit banging will be the next step.
 Are there any sources? Can you give a hint?
 Best regards
 Tinyos-help mailing list
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Re: [Tinyos-help] undefined reference to `sqrt'

2011-11-16 Thread Michael Schippling
Look carefully in math.h, there may be an #ifdef around the double
math functions. I thought that the telosb used doubles rather than
floats (the ATMEGA uses float math) but it sounds like I'm wrong...

ys...@lifc.univ-fcomte.fr wrote:
 Hi Manjunath,
 Yes it compiled, thanks a lot. And I'll check if the result is correct.
 Still don't know why sqrt function is declared in math.h but unusable.
 Maybe it's declared but not implemented. Anyway I really appreciate your
 Best regards.

Can you please try sqrtf() ?

 Manjunath D


 On Wed, 16 Nov 2011, ys...@lifc.univ-fcomte.fr wrote:


 I'm working with telosb mote, and I need to use sqrt function in my
 program, but I can't compile it.

 mkdir -p build/telosb
compiling TestMulAppC to a telosb binary
 ncc -o build/telosb/main.exe  -Os -O -mdisable-hwmul -Wall -Wshadow
 -Wnesc-all -target=telosb -fnesc-cfile=build/telosb/app.c -board=
 -DIDENT_USERNAME=\xubuntos\ -DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\xubuntos-tinyos\
 -DIDENT_UIDHASH=0xb186c6f2L  TestMulAppC.nc -lm  LM here
 TestMulC.nc: In function `TestMulC$Boot$booted':
 TestMulC.nc:22: warning: unused variable `m'
 /tmp/ccIJqAuN.o: In function `EllipticCurveP$mtIsPrime':
 app.c:(.text+0x6c0): undefined reference to `sqrt'
 make: *** [exe0] Error 1

 I have included math.h in my program, and I've noticed that the -lm
 is turned on, and I have even found the function declaration at ligne 62
 in file /usr/msp430/include/math.h

 extern double sqrt _PARAMS((double));

 I don't understand why it cannot find sqrt function.

 So can anyone help me out?

 Best regards

 Yanbo SHOU
 Ph.D student Cartoon Team
 Computer Science Laboratory of Franche-Comté
 Office 420C
 16 route de Gray
 25 000 Besançon, France

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Change adc prescaler for accelerometer sampling operation

2011-11-14 Thread Michael Schippling
Changing the return value will have no effect on the ADC.
There used to be an interface for this that was actually
documented in the code:
ADCControl.setSamplingRate(uint8_t rate);
The name may have changed to setPrescaler() or something
more obvious.


Kushal Sarkara wrote:
 I am using TinyOS 2.1.1 on Ubuntu 9.10 with MicaZ motes. I am looking to 
 alter the value of the prescaler while sampling the X axis of the 
 accelerometer on the mts300 sensorboard.
 After doing some digging, I found the 
 file /tos/sensorboards/mts300/AccelP.nc which returns the value of the 
 prescaler for configuring the Adc, the getdata() function for which 
 leads me back to the /tos/chips/atm128/adc/Atm128AdcP.nc file.
 The code in the AccelP.nc file that I am referring to is as follows:
 / async command uint8_t ConfigX.getPrescaler() {/
 /return ATM128_ADC_PRESCALE;/
 /  }/
 Will it suffice to change the returned value to, for 
 example, /ATM128_ADC_PRESCALE_32 (/as provided in 
 the /tos/chips/atm128/adc/Atm128Adc.h) if I want to use the adc 
 prescaler (32)?
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: [Tinyos-help] request for help about tinyos compilation and jdk1.5

2011-11-07 Thread Michael Schippling
Amazingly enough the ROM/RAM message you got
is what's supposed to happen! So your compile
environment is setup right...

For the checkenv messages --

If you are not familiar with Java there's
a good wikibook and Oracle has a fine tutorial.
Then look around here for classpath advice:

The version complaints are just old news,
if you have Java SDK 1.5 or greater installed you are fine.
The Graphviz is probably newer too, and it's only used when
making documentation pages.


Mashal al-shboul wrote:
 Hi All,
 i am new member in the list,i am happy to be here.
 actually, i installed tinyos-2.1.1 and its compiler packages,and now i'm 
 trying to check the environment ;
   so, when i compile an application in the shell  no error appears but 
 it ends at:
compiled BlinkAppC to build/intelmote2/main.exe
 7452 bytes in ROM
   70 bytes in RAM  
 another wounder, when i write check-tos-env  it tells :
  WARNING: CLASSPATH may not include 
 /opt/tinyos-2.1.1/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar. Please ensure that 
 /opt/tinyos-2.1.1/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar is in your CLASSPATH or 
 you may experience configuration problems
 -- WARNING: CLASSPATH may not include '.' (that is,  the symbol for the 
 current working directory). Please add '.' to your CLASSPATH or you may 
 experience configuration problems.
 -- WARNING: The JAVA version found first by tos-check-env may not be 
 version 1.4 or version 1.5one of which is required by TOS. Please ensure 
 that the located Java version is 1.4 or 1.5
 -- WARNING: The graphviz (dot) version found by tos-check-env is not 
 1.10. Please update your graphviz version if you'd like to use the 
 nescdoc documentation generator.
 how can i install jdk 1.5?, i can't find 1.5 version...and what about 
 the warnings?..
 i would be grateful if you help me, i am waiting .
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Reading the usb port without the java Listen (what is the byte RSSI)

2011-11-04 Thread Michael Schippling
The message header, kinda by definition, is at the beginning of
the message packet before the payload. So trying to get the
header out of the payload is a non-starter... There may be a
Packet.getHeader() or some such method -- I don't use that
module so I don't know. Or you could probably get away with
a cast and structure copy like this:

   btrpkt-header = (ieee154_header_t) pkt;

I'm not sure what pkt is usually it would already
be a pointer passed in to your function from the message
receive code, so the '' may be superfluous.


sai manoj wrote:
 I want to copy the message header into payload by creating my own 
 payload format
 This is the Msg format I like to transmit
 typedef nx_struct Msg 
   nx_uint16_t hdr;
   ieee154_header_t header_t;
   nx_uint16_t val;
   nx_uint16_t type; 
 And in the implementation part I tried 3 different 
 Msg* btrpkt = (Msg*)(call Packet.getPayload(pkt, sizeof(Msg))); 
 I need to do copy the header of the data into payload
 International Institute of Information Technology,Bangalore
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Error while running net.tinyos.tools.Listen -- URGENT

2011-11-03 Thread Michael Schippling

I guess you are using a network base-station/programming adapter.
I'm afraid you'll have to find documentation for that adapter.
If you send the name and number of that beast maybe someone
will know how to use it correctly. I only use serial or USB

It will probably boil down to figuring out the network address
and port number to use with the -comm argument. I notice that
the value you sent: network@192.168.**.***:10002 has those
wild-card *'s which is probably not correct. 192.168... is
usually a locally routed net, so that part could be right.
Presuming that you used it for programming you should have
the right IP address someplace, I just don't know about
the :port #.


Modi, Jenis Ashokkumar wrote:
 Hi Michael,
 Thanks for the reply. I have installed both my motes using RJ 45(or say using 
 IP address) cable only. I cannot use the Serial cable connection to my motes 
 as it can be just connected using RJ 45 cable. I am confused about the below 
 lines which is there on 
  . which says that,
 BaseStation is receiving your BlinkToRadio packets and sending them to the 
 serial port, so if it is plugged into a PC we can view these packets. The 
 Java tool Listen is a basic packet sniffer: it prints out the binary contents 
 of any packet it hears.
 So, my question is that, is it necessary for me to have my mote connected to 
 PC (via serial com port) ? or Is there any mechanism via which I can sniff 
 this packets as I am using RJ 45 cable to connect to my motes? I don't have 
 serial port connection to my motes. 
 Waiting for your kind reply. 
 Thanks  Regards,
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Schippling [mailto:sc...@santafe.edu] 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 9:08 AM
 To: Modi, Jenis Ashokkumar
 Cc: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
 Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Error while running net.tinyos.tools.Listen -- 
 It's a little unclear, but I'm going to assume that your point 2 means
 that you have installed Basestation on the mica2 that is plugged into
 the host computer. And further that you are seeing leds blink as one
 would hope...
 Then, the error you are getting indicates that Listen is expecting to
 connect to a network port, usually the SerialForwarder. This is the
 default behavior, but I always recommend just forgetting about SF and
 going direct, as it were. To connect Listen to the actual input port
 you need to set use something like -comm serial@COM1:mica2 where
 COM1 is the I/O port your mica2 is plugged into. You can also
 set the same string in a MOTECOM environment variable and not have
 to bother with it on the command line.
 Probably searching for MOTECOM will turn up some better advice.
 Modi, Jenis Ashokkumar wrote:

 Hi All,

 Could you please help me for this part? I want to run Listen
 application and want to see the packet it sees. These are the steps
 which I am following.

 This is what I did in steps. 1. Install mica2 motes on
 apps/tutorials/BlinkToRadio. (on 2 different motes) 2. Install mica2
 mote (one of the mote where BlinkToRadio is installed) on
 apps/Basestation application. 3. java net.tinyos.tools.Listen -comm

 This throws me Error on
 network@192.168.**.***:10002:java.net.ConnnectException: Connection
 refused. Please let me know If I am following wrong steps. I am
 following this link for getting output.


 Thanks  Regards, Jenis

 ___ Tinyos-help mailing
 list Tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu 
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Reading the usb port without the java Listen (what is the byte RSSI)

2011-11-03 Thread Michael Schippling
One of the features of the Mote-PC communication is that
the RSSI value is not included... On one hand it makes sense
because that channel doesn't have a radio strength, but on
the other, it causes lots of grief because folks want to see
the strength of the signal received at the base-station,
which is I presume what you are trying to do.

The age-old solution was to reserve a spot in your messages and
modify the base-station code to stuff its RSSI into that slot.


Jorge R. Beingolea G. wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm working on an application to process the Telosb, using Oscilloscope 
 I started by collecting and reading data through the USB port, and 
 realized that the process of reading directly from USB port, without the 
 use of command java Listen, 2 bytes are added to the beginning of the 
 frame and 3 to end.
 In the package (Oscilloscope application = 36 bytes), I could not 
 identify any byte that corresponds to the RSSI.
 What I wonder is if some of the additional bytes (2 before and 3 bytes 
 at end) may be of RSSI and are abstracted when using the command java Listen
 could you help me?
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Error while running net.tinyos.tools.Listen -- URGENT

2011-11-03 Thread Michael Schippling
Sorry, but I can't help much further.

My assumption is that Listen should be able to connect to external
network ports, because it can do that with SerialForwarder. I know
that SF has a quirky message format that needs a preamble character
of some kind -- I think more like Telnet.

First I would make sure that the leds are blinking on both your motes.
Blink does exactly that, and most basestations blink when sending or
receiving. Then I'd look for _something_ supplied by your net adapter
that reads messages to see if you get anything.


Modi, Jenis Ashokkumar wrote:
 Hi Michael,
 I am trying to find stuff on internet, but it seems there are very
 few places( or say application's document e.g. Readme.txt) where I
 can get answer for my query. Most of the readme.txt in application
 folder specifies syntax for serial/USB device.
 For the value which I sent which I specified as
 192.168.**.***:10002, I am not putting that as a wild card, I am
 just specifying * here( in the e-mail). When I install application on
 mote, I am specifying the actual IP address. For example, . If you know the Lantronix device installer, it says
 that 10001 port is for input and 10002 is for output. Again, you can
 modify the port number. I have set my port numbers as 10001 and 10002
 respectively for i/p and o/p, but it does not show me output on that
 port. :(
 FYI: I am using mica2 motes, and trying to install basestation and
 blinktoradio application on motes. I am installing application using
 this kind of command : make mica2 install.1 eprb,
 Thanks  Regards, JEnis
 -Original Message- From: Michael Schippling
 [mailto:sc...@santafe.edu] Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 9:30 AM 
 To: Modi, Jenis Ashokkumar Cc: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu 
 Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Error while running
 net.tinyos.tools.Listen -- URGENT
 I guess you are using a network base-station/programming adapter. I'm
 afraid you'll have to find documentation for that adapter. If you
 send the name and number of that beast maybe someone will know how to
 use it correctly. I only use serial or USB devices.
 It will probably boil down to figuring out the network address and
 port number to use with the -comm argument. I notice that the value
 you sent: network@192.168.**.***:10002 has those wild-card *'s
 which is probably not correct. 192.168... is usually a locally routed
 net, so that part could be right. Presuming that you used it for
 programming you should have the right IP address someplace, I just
 don't know about the :port #.
 Modi, Jenis Ashokkumar wrote:
 Hi Michael,
 Thanks for the reply. I have installed both my motes using RJ 45(or
 say using IP address) cable only. I cannot use the Serial cable
 connection to my motes as it can be just connected using RJ 45
 cable. I am confused about the below lines which is there on
 . which says that, BaseStation is receiving your BlinkToRadio
 packets and sending them to the serial port, so if it is plugged
 into a PC we can view these packets. The Java tool Listen is a
 basic packet sniffer: it prints out the binary contents of any
 packet it hears.
 So, my question is that, is it necessary for me to have my mote
 connected to PC (via serial com port) ? or Is there any mechanism
 via which I can sniff this packets as I am using RJ 45 cable to
 connect to my motes? I don't have serial port connection to my
 Waiting for your kind reply.
 Thanks  Regards, Jenis
 -Original Message- From: Michael Schippling
 [mailto:sc...@santafe.edu] Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 9:08
 AM To: Modi, Jenis Ashokkumar Cc:
 tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help]
 Error while running net.tinyos.tools.Listen -- URGENT
 It's a little unclear, but I'm going to assume that your point 2
 means that you have installed Basestation on the mica2 that is
 plugged into the host computer. And further that you are seeing
 leds blink as one would hope...
 Then, the error you are getting indicates that Listen is expecting
 to connect to a network port, usually the SerialForwarder. This is
 the default behavior, but I always recommend just forgetting about
 SF and going direct, as it were. To connect Listen to the actual
 input port you need to set use something like -comm
 serial@COM1:mica2 where COM1 is the I/O port your mica2 is plugged
 into. You can also set the same string in a MOTECOM environment
 variable and not have to bother with it on the command line.
 Probably searching for MOTECOM will turn up some better advice.
 Modi, Jenis Ashokkumar wrote:
 Hi All,
 Could you please help me for this part? I want to run Listen 
 application and want to see the packet it sees. These are the
 steps which I am following.
 This is what I did in steps. 1

Re: [Tinyos-help] Reading the usb port without the java Listen (what is the byte RSSI)

2011-11-03 Thread Michael Schippling
Sorry, that was the extent of my ideas...
maybe someone smarter and more up-to-date has some better ones.

Jorge R. Beingolea G. wrote:
 Hi Michael,
 There is no other way?
 in my case only installed the application of the oscilloscope, but I'm 
 reading directly from the USB port without the aid of some other 
 application like: MOTE-PC or java Listen.
 when I read the USB port have a few additional bytes, I thought some of 
 them could be the RSSI?
 you have any idea how can I include the RSSI in the frame?
 Em 11/3/2011 5:21 PM, Michael Schippling escreveu:
 One of the features of the Mote-PC communication is that
 the RSSI value is not included... On one hand it makes sense
 because that channel doesn't have a radio strength, but on
 the other, it causes lots of grief because folks want to see
 the strength of the signal received at the base-station,
 which is I presume what you are trying to do.

 The age-old solution was to reserve a spot in your messages and
 modify the base-station code to stuff its RSSI into that slot.


 Jorge R. Beingolea G. wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm working on an application to process the Telosb, using 
 Oscilloscope application.

 I started by collecting and reading data through the USB port, and 
 realized that the process of reading directly from USB port, without 
 the use of command java Listen, 2 bytes are added to the beginning of 
 the frame and 3 to end.

 In the package (Oscilloscope application = 36 bytes), I could not 
 identify any byte that corresponds to the RSSI.

 What I wonder is if some of the additional bytes (2 before and 3 
 bytes at end) may be of RSSI and are abstracted when using the 
 command java Listen

 could you help me?


 Tinyos-help mailing list

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Error while running net.tinyos.tools.Listen -- URGENT

2011-11-02 Thread Michael Schippling
It's a little unclear, but I'm going to assume that your point 2 means
that you have installed Basestation on the mica2 that is plugged into
the host computer. And further that you are seeing leds blink as one
would hope...

Then, the error you are getting indicates that Listen is expecting to
connect to a network port, usually the SerialForwarder. This is the
default behavior, but I always recommend just forgetting about SF and
going direct, as it were. To connect Listen to the actual input port
you need to set use something like -comm serial@COM1:mica2 where
COM1 is the I/O port your mica2 is plugged into. You can also
set the same string in a MOTECOM environment variable and not have
to bother with it on the command line.

Probably searching for MOTECOM will turn up some better advice.


Modi, Jenis Ashokkumar wrote:
 Hi All,
 Could you please help me for this part? I want to run Listen
 application and want to see the packet it sees. These are the steps
 which I am following.
 This is what I did in steps. 1. Install mica2 motes on
 apps/tutorials/BlinkToRadio. (on 2 different motes) 2. Install mica2
 mote (one of the mote where BlinkToRadio is installed) on
 apps/Basestation application. 3. java net.tinyos.tools.Listen -comm
 This throws me Error on
 network@192.168.**.***:10002:java.net.ConnnectException: Connection
 refused. Please let me know If I am following wrong steps. I am
 following this link for getting output.
 Thanks  Regards, Jenis
 ___ Tinyos-help mailing
 list Tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu 
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Information general

2011-10-30 Thread Michael Schippling
There's a lot of, probably mostly correct, info here:

and in general looking around in:  http://docs.tinyos.net
will turn up answers to lots of questions.


Javier Vázquez Villodres wrote:
 I need information general of the frames that receive the tmotes. The 
 information I need is the following and more extensive please!:
 * *Destination address* (2 bytes)
 * *Link source address* (2 bytes)
 * *Message length* (1 byte)
 * *Group ID* (1 byte)
 * *Active Message handler type* (1 byte)
 * *Payload* (up to 28 bytes):
   o *source mote ID* (2 bytes)
   o *sample counter* (2 bytes)
 *dest addr*   *link source addr*  *msg len*   *groupID*   
 *handlerID* *source 
 addr* *counter*
 ff ff 00 00   04  22  06  00 02   00 0B
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Data conversion in Listen.java

2011-10-21 Thread Michael Schippling
Assuming that you were getting good packets before making
your changes, then you changed the wrong thing. If Listen
is like the T1 version there is a Dump.java class that
does the output to the console: Dump.printPacket() is what
you want to change...this should not affect any of the
packet I/O handling. Also look at how other programs
do their message handling using a utility called MIG.


Ashish Sharma wrote:
 Hi all,
 I want to convert the hex data printed by Listen.java to decimal. Has
 anyone tried such thing? I made some modifications in the java
 (Listen.java) program but it seems the decimal data is being ignored..
 I am always getting 'Packet too long' or 'Bad packet', 'Ignoring
 unknown packet', etc... error. Some help in this regard would be
 Ashish Sharma,
 Communication  Information Technology,
 Universität Bremen.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] [TinyOS-Help] size of code in ram or flash?

2011-10-20 Thread Michael Schippling
A message at the end of compilation should tell you
how many bytes of RAM and ROM are used by the program.
RAM is the declared variables and (I think) a fixed size stack.
ROM is the program code and constant variables. It is stored
in the flash memory when downloading. Note that initialized
variables are included in this and some startup code copies
them to RAM.


João Gonçalves wrote:
 Hello, can someone clarify me if the msp430 compiler (mspgcc)
 can or does automatically, load some part or maybe all of an application 
 code to the flash memory of an msp430,
 when the total size of the compiled aplication is bigger than the RAM 
 size of the uC?
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Question regarding interrupt in Tinyos

2011-10-19 Thread Michael Schippling
Just for reference

Moteworks uses TOS1 which has different functions than TOS2
for doing everything useful.

That's one reason I stayed out of the fray...
but it is interesting that the interrupt number seems to be
mixed up between major versions. I wonder if it has to do with
the mica boards using a different numbering scheme than the
actual atmega manual for their hardware interrupts?


dong bo wrote:
 What I found in the tos/sensorboards/sensorboard.h is a 
 Hi Antonio, I did not find what you mentioned in that file. Is it under 
 tos/sensorboards ?
 On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 12:11 PM, antonio rosa 
 antoniorosarodrig...@gmail.com mailto:antoniorosarodrig...@gmail.com 
 Moteworks provides a function that management the interrupts:
 defined on a sensorboard.h
 2011/10/19 dong bo shawndon...@gmail.com
 Hi Micheal,
 Thanks for your reply. Actually, I am working on the tone
 detection part, and the interrupt response seems very strange.
 The following is my original code for this part, and I can see
 that the interrupt is coming continuously. But when I probe the
 INT3 pin using an oscilloscope, I found the hardware is working
 fine. I suspect the interrupt part is not working fine.
 By the way, I am using the environment of Moteworks downloaded
 from Xbow website. Thanks a lot!
 command result_t StdControl.init()
 call RadioControl.init();
 call HPLUART.init();
 call Leds.init();
 call Serial.SetStdoutSerial();
 call MicControl.init();
 call Mic.muxSel(1);
 call Mic.gainAdjust(64);

 return SUCCESS;

 command result_t StdControl.start()
 call RadioControl.start();
 call MicControl.start();
 call MicInterrupt.enable();
 return SUCCESS;

 command result_t StdControl.stop()
 call RadioControl.stop();
 call MicControl.stop();
 return SUCCESS;
 async event result_t MicInterrupt.toneDetected()
 call MicInterrupt.disable();
 call Leds.redToggle();

 call MicInterrupt.enable();
 return SUCCESS;
 On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Michael Schippling
 sc...@santafe.edu mailto:sc...@santafe.edu wrote:
 We would have to look at your code, but most likely you
 are not returning from the interrupt correctly.
 dong bo wrote:
 I am trying to implement the tone detector software in a
 Mica2 motes with MTS310 sensor cards. The current
 problem is that as soon as the interrupt is triggered,
 the system would crash. I triggered green LED to toggle
 every a while and red LED will be toggled in the
 interrupt callback function. As soon as there is a
 sound, red LED will be toggled, and green LED will not
 be blinking at more, and there will be no more response
 from the system. Does anyone know about this?
 Thanks in advance!
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Question regarding interrupt in Tinyos

2011-10-18 Thread Michael Schippling
We would have to look at your code, but most likely you
are not returning from the interrupt correctly.


dong bo wrote:
 I am trying to implement the tone detector software in a Mica2 motes 
 with MTS310 sensor cards. The current problem is that as soon as the 
 interrupt is triggered, the system would crash. I triggered green LED to 
 toggle every a while and red LED will be toggled in the interrupt 
 callback function. As soon as there is a sound, red LED will be toggled, 
 and green LED will not be blinking at more, and there will be no more 
 response from the system. Does anyone know about this?
 Thanks in advance!
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Global Variables

2011-10-17 Thread Michael Schippling
I was never able to get the names to resolve...
Instead I have an interface method that passes
a pointer to the global around to everyone else.
Do you have a good trick to avoid that?


Manjunath Doddavenkatappa wrote:
 I used use a separate component that allocates global variables. I am not 
 sure whether there is more appropriate way...
 Manjunath D
 On Mon, 17 Oct 2011, wasif masood wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am wondering is it possible to define a global variable in nesC which is
 to be visible to all components in the project? If not, what are other good
 approaches against that?

 Wasif Masood

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Custom modules.

2011-10-17 Thread Michael Schippling
The doc/tutorial describes how to do this with the config file.

For a simple example, I think the Blink demo app has a config
file that links in a couple of external modules. Or look for
an app that has multiple .nc files (in T1 SimpleCmd has more
than one source file) and see how it works.


Jude Allister wrote:
 I have created a module that provides 3 interfaces.  It is called 
 LEDModuleC.nc and it includes a .h file containing things that module 
 I am having trouble testing it in a different application now.  Is there 
 a specific file-name format I must give it instead of LEDModuleC.nc?  
 How do I tell my test application where to find it? Do I just #include 
 LEDModuleC.nc ??
 I was under the impression that if I put them all in the same folder, 
 the uses statements in the test application would make nesC look for 
 the stuff in LEDModuleC.nc.  I guess this isn't the case?
 also, I am a bit confused either way about what would go in my 
 TestAppC.nc and TestC.nc files to use the new module.  I looked at a bit 
 of the TinyOS examples/library files and I'm still not quite getting it.
 Right now:
 // 3 interfaces provided by LEDModuleC.nc
 uses interface LEDCycler;
 uses interface LEDBlinker;
 uses interface LEDPulser;
 // can't exactly figure this part out.
 Hopefully this is something quick/minor to work out.
 Thank you
 Tinyos-help mailing list
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Re: [Tinyos-help] TelosB Digital Output

2011-10-12 Thread Michael Schippling
Once again, here's my cheatsheet for the TELOSB I/O:
You can use any of the I/O pins for digital output,
but avoid the I2C ones as they are shared with the
radio. If you need to drive more than 10 or 20mA
you should use a common emitter transistor follower,
or if you've got a few outputs, chips like the ULN2803,
google will be your friend there...

They complicated the methodology of accessing the I/O
in T2 and I only use T1. I think there is a component
called MSP430GeneralIO or something like that for such


Eric Decker wrote:
 You need to find the telosb schematic and see what pins are brought out 
 to a header.
 then find the msp430f1611 manual and bone up on how to use the digital 
 i/o pins.
 To kick a switch you need to figure out how to wire the h/w for that 
 kind of usage.   I don't know about that kind of stuff.  I go to my h/w 
 guy for that kind of stuff.
 On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 5:02 AM, Orestis Evangelatos 
 orestis.evangela...@unige.ch mailto:orestis.evangela...@unige.ch wrote:
 Hello everybody!
 I am using some TelosB sensors together with tinyos2.1.1 and i want to
 drive some switches via the DC output of the mote. How could i access
 the DC output of the sensor? Are there any examples anywhere that i
 could have an idea on that?
 Thank you!
 Orestis Evangelatos
 Orestis Evangelatos,
 TCS and Sensors Lab,
 University of Geneva, Switzerland
 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Eric B. Decker
 Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher
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Re: [Tinyos-help] cant debug the CLASSPATH errors

2011-10-03 Thread Michael Schippling
Widows and Linux probably use different directory separators
so you may be following the worng instructions.
Look for CLASSPATH on this page:

If that doesn't work, post your actual settings.

hamna anwar wrote:
 ive installed tinyos in windows vista through vmware, followed the 
 procedure present on wikipedia. im getting the following errors. have 
 tried almost all the ways to remove them, went through the help archives 
 as well. im new to linux , so please explain how can i debug the problem 
 in simple and easy steps
 -- WARNING: CLASSPATH may not include 
 /opt/tinyos-2.1.0/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar. Please ensure that 
 /opt/tinyos-2.1.0/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar is in your CLASSPATH or 
 you may experience configuration problems
 -- WARNING: CLASSPATH may not include '.' (that is,  the symbol for the 
 current working directory). Please add '.' to your CLASSPATH or you may 
 experience configuration problems.
 -- WARNING: The graphviz (dot) version found by tos-check-env is not 
 1.10. Please update your graphviz version if you'd like to use the 
 nescdoc documentation generator.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] env setting for the tinyos

2011-09-30 Thread Michael Schippling
TOSROOT and TOSDIR are especially not right.
They shouldn't be defined as lists in terms of themselves.
All non-PATH variables should not have the second copy of their
name or any dangling ;. stuff:
export MAKERULES=$MAKERULES $TOSROOT/support/make/Makerules;.
should be
export MAKERULES=$TOSROOT/support/make/Makerules

And I'm not sure that having spaces in PATH and CLASSPATH
will work right either. The separators should all be ';' on
ubuntu I think. Of course cygWidows uses a mix, ':' for PATH
and ';' CLASSPATH...

I have multiple installed versions through which I switch
so my setup is a bit more complicated, but here goes. What
you really want is the last two lines with $TV set to your
version directory name:

### appropriate version/directory name and define
### MAKERULES and TOSMAKE_PATH as needed below
TV=tinyos-1.1.7   ### various back-revs, use 1.1.7 for RoboCar
#TV=tinyos-1.x### for MOTEIV/tmote
#TV=MoteWorks ### for MOTEWORKS

### set this for MOTEIV and back-revs
export MAKERULES=/opt/$TV/tools/make/Makerules

### set these only for MOTEIV (!not back-revs!)
#export TOSMAKE_PATH=/opt/moteiv/tools/make
#export MOTEIV_DIR=/opt/moteiv

### set this only for MOTEWORKS -- xbow put their Makerules
### file in a slightly different place
### and doesn't use TOSMAKE_PATH
#export MAKERULES=/opt/MoteWorks/make/Makerules

# Set main pointers used by TOS build system to find files
#  TOSROOT is for external programs, TOSDIR for makefiles
export TOSROOT=C:/cygwin/opt/$TV
export TOSDIR=/opt/$TV/tos

I may be overly superstitions, but on Windows I believe that TOSROOT
needs to use the _real_ windows path -- and be used for CLASSPATH
and any other external tool settings -- and the TOSDIR needs to use
the cygwin relative path. This shouldn't matter on a real OpSys.


if you are on Windows TOS should be defined using the cygwin
Indtiny s wrote:
 I have done the following environment setup on ubuntu ,
 but still i'm not able to do the $make mica2 sim   // i'm trying in the 
 led blink demo
 I get the error is
 ***No rules to make the target mica2 . stop .
 export TOSROOT=$TOSROOT:/opt/tinyos-2.x
 export MAKERULES=$MAKERULES $TOSROOT/support/make/Makerules;.
 export PATH=$PATH: /opt/msp430/bin
 pls help to fix the bug
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Re: [Tinyos-help] about micaz

2011-09-28 Thread Michael Schippling
This seemed a little crazy to me too, but the explanation I got
was that microwave frequency receivers have to overcome a lot
of (relative to frequency) capacitance and thus need more power.


Mohamed Maalej wrote:
 Hi all,
 Concerning the Micaz mote, when I take a look on its datasheet I read 
 that the receive mode (19.7 mA) consumes more energy than the transmit 
 mode (17.4 mA) thing that is unusual (see datasheet of mica2 mote for 
 Can you explain to me what is the reason, or if I'm missing something ?
 Mohamed Maâlej
 Tél: 96481112
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Problem ADC with MSP430 in tinyos 2.1

2011-09-27 Thread Michael Schippling
There may be an overloading of AMSend names going on...

In the congig file try, instead of
something like:
 TestAdcC.TestMessage - AM.AMSend[AM_TEST_SERIAL_MSG];

And then in the program file use:
 call TestMessage.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, ...
 event void TestMessage.sendDone(message_t* ...

That's how I would do it with the old and moldy TOS1.x code anyway.

Juan Verdu wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I am working with a MSP430F2617 microcontroller  and a radio CC2420 
 under the Zolertia driver.
 I am making an application to read the internal temperature of the 
 microcontroller, and later I will send the information to a base station 
 under the Basestation application.
 My application performs Send () correctly but this application fails 
 AM.sendDone (), if I change the component SerialActiveMessageC by 
 ActiveMessageC, the same problem will happen. In this case, I do not use 
 a radio. I use the serial port and I wouldn´t use the BaseStation 
 The code is as follows:
 include $(MAKERULES)
 #ifndef TEST_SERIAL_H
 #define TEST_SERIAL_H
 typedef nx_struct test_serial_msg {
   nx_uint16_t counter;
 } test_serial_msg_t;
 enum {
 _TestAdcC.nc _
 #include Timer.h
 #include TestAdc.h
 module TestAdcC
   uses interface Boot;
   uses interface Leds;
   uses interface TimerTMilli as Timer0;
 uses interface Msp430Adc12Overflow as overflow;
   uses interface Msp430Adc12SingleChannel as adc;
   uses interface Resource;
   uses interface SplitControl as Control;
   uses interface Packet;
   uses interface AMSend;
 #define BUF_SIZE 100
   uint16_t buf[BUF_SIZE];
  message_t packet;
 uint16_t counter = 0;
 uint16_t Data;
 void configureSingle();
 msp430adc12_channel_config_t adcconfig = {
 sref: REFERENCE_VREFplus_AVss,
 ref2_5v: REFVOLT_LEVEL_1_5,
 adc12ssel: SHT_SOURCE_ACLK,
 adc12div: SHT_CLOCK_DIV_1,
 sampcon_ssel: SAMPCON_SOURCE_SMCLK,
 sampcon_id: SAMPCON_CLOCK_DIV_1
   event void Boot.booted()
 call Resource.request();
 async event void overflow.conversionTimeOverflow(){
   async event void overflow.memOverflow(){
   async event uint16_t *adc.multipleDataReady(uint16_t *buffer, uint16_t 
 return buffer;
  task void send(){
 test_serial_msg_t* rcm = (test_serial_msg_t*)call 
 Packet.getPayload(packet, sizeof(test_serial_msg_t));
 // call Resource.release();
 call Leds.led0Toggle();
  rcm-counter = Data;
 if(  call AMSend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, packet, 
 sizeof(test_serial_msg_t)) == SUCCESS)
 call Leds.led1Toggle();
   async event error_t adc.singleDataReady(uint16_t data){
 Data = data;
 post send();
   return SUCCESS;
 event void Resource.granted(){
 call Timer0.startPeriodic(2048);
   void configureSingle(){
 error_t e;
 e = call adc.configureSingle(adcconfig);
 event void Timer0.fired()
 call adc.getData();
 event void AMSend.sendDone(message_t* bufPtr, error_t error) {
 call Leds.led2Toggle();
 event void Control.startDone(error_t err) {
  event void Control.stopDone(error_t err) {
 #include TestAdc.h
 configuration TestAdcAppC {
   components MainC,
  components ActiveMessageC as AM;
  components new TimerMilliC() as Timer0;
  components new Msp430Adc12ClientAutoDMAC() as Lectura;
   TestAdcC.overflow - Lectura;
   TestAdcC.adc - Lectura;
   TestAdcC.Resource - Lectura;
TestAdcC - MainC.Boot;
   TestAdcC.Leds - LedsC;
   TestAdcC.Timer0 - Timer0;
   TestAdcC.Control - AM;
   TestAdcC.Packet - AM;
 Could someone help me?
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 A greeting and thank you very much
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Re: [Tinyos-help] temperature and humidity help!!!

2011-09-27 Thread Michael Schippling
Look through the doc/tutorial materials.
Then find a demo app that reads one of those sensors
and sends the data over the radio. There might even
be a demo that reads them all, but you should be able
to find a starting place.


Javier Vázquez Villodres wrote:
 I am new to TinyOS and need help urgently. I have to make a program that 
 collects temperature and humidity with a TMOT sky and not how. Someone 
 could help me?.
 My email address is *jvazquez.bcn@**gmail.com http://gmail.com*. Thanks!
 Quizás quisiste decir: Hola, Soy nuevo en esto de TinyOS y */necesita/* 
 ayuda urgentemente. Tengo que realizar un programa que recoja 
 temperatura y humedad con una
 Escribe texto o la dirección de un sitio web, o bien, traduce un 
 documento http://translate.google.es/?tr=fhl=es.
 Cancelar http://translate.google.es/?tr=thl=es
   traducción del español al inglés
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Debugging Java using Eclipse under Cygwin?

2011-09-24 Thread Michael Schippling
Create an Eclipse project for your app and link it to the
TOS source tree, and/or, create a project for the TOS source
itself. Strangely enough there is no magic TOSmake foo for
the host side Java code. Just get all the classpaths and
MOTECOM variables set right and make sure you have the comm
JNI libs and jars installed in the JRE that Eclipse uses.


Zhen Song wrote:
 Dear All
 Any one have suggestions on how to debug Java using Eclipse under Cygwin?
 I'm working on TinyOS development under Windows. I'm looking for
 something more efficient than JDB. It will be super if I can debug the
 Makefile generated .class files under Eclipse.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Sensing humans?

2011-09-11 Thread Michael Schippling
What you probably want is a PIR sensor (Passive InfraRed) like those
used in motion sensitive porch light fixtures. Here's one example:

Note that they detect low-freq IR (around 10nm) which is what mammal
bodies radiate, and they need a differential signal from motion so
if you stand still (or wear a heavy parka) they may not fire.


Geo Gkolfin wrote:
 Hello everybody!
 I am using tinyOS -2.1.0 and telosb motes. I need to detect human 
 presence, so I wonder if there is something like an occupancy sensor.
 Thanks in advance!
 Best regards, 
 Tinyos-help mailing list
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Porting c code with nc one

2011-09-10 Thread Michael Schippling
I don't know of any micro-controller that has floating point
hardware support. Are there such? The telosb MSP chip doesn't
even have int multiply or divide instructions. The mica Atmega
has an 8-bit multiply but no divide.

With you, I always recommend fixed-point math.


Sergio Valcarcel wrote:
 Hi Malissa,
 Depending on the platform you are using, your CPU may accept  float or 
 even double numbers. Also, depending on the architecture float 
 computations might be accelerated with dedicated hardware or not. 
 So the main points you have to verify is whether the extensively use of 
 float operations will decrease the overall performance of your system. 
 Of course, it is not the same to compute a numerical integration than to 
 average two numbers... 
 Another main point is the memory footprint. Float numbers typically 
 could use 4 bytes. So you must take care of how much available RAM you 
 have for your application.
 A final concern is that you can not use network data types (i.e. 
 nx_struct) for communications since there is not defined a nx_float type.
 The other option, instead of using floats, could be to convert to 
 integer, scaling as many decimals you want. For instance, 165.32 could 
 be converted to 16532 (remembering that it is multiplied by 1e2).
 I hope it helps!
 On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Maissa Ben Jamaa 
 maisa.benja...@gmail.com mailto:maisa.benja...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello sir,
 Please can I ask you a question: does using float number in a nc
 code for real compilation matter?
 Thank you
 Best regards,
 Maissa Ben Jamaa
 2011/9/9 Maissa Ben Jamaa maisa.benja...@gmail.com
 Hello sir,
 I am very thankful for your answer, I tried to do something
 similar to blip code but I got the following error:
 gcc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple languages.
 Noting that I am now testing my code with Tossim.
 Best regards,
 Maissa Ben Jamaa
 2011/9/8 Sergio Valcarcel serteck...@gmail.com
 Dear Maissa,
 Please, check this thread:
 It is pretty straight forward, but do not hesitate to mail
 me if you need further help.
 On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Maissa Ben Jamaa
 maisa.benja...@gmail.com mailto:maisa.benja...@gmail.com
 Hello sir,
 I saw your interaction in tinyos help about porting c
 code with nc code.
 here is the
 Please can you tell me the steps to follow in order to
 make this porting.
 Best ragards,
 Maissa Ben Jamaa
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Telosb image processing

2011-09-05 Thread Michael Schippling

rupesh vishwakarma wrote:
 yes I am working in 16 MHZ what can i do to make it fast process

Well...The MSP chip doesn't have a Multiply instruction (I'm a little
surprised because the ATMEGA does and I never bothered to look).
But it does do 16 bit integer Add and Sub so that's something...
Therefore you need to be very careful with your math, and possibly
hand-asm-code the inner loops.

Also access to the external EEPROM may be rather slow, you should
look into comparing the speed with the internal Flash memory for
your image storage. Probably transferring larger blocks of data
from ROM to RAM will help a bit too.

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Wrong printed value

2011-08-19 Thread Michael Schippling
ahI think the number of significant digits for a float is 24 bits
so the cast may be rounding. See:


Geo Gkolfin wrote:
 There are not so many steps to be made. The functionality is described 
 in my first mail.
 On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Eric Decker cire...@gmail.com 
 mailto:cire...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Geo Gkolfin geo198...@gmail.com
 mailto:geo198...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for your answer!
 Actually it almost worked!
 %lu prints 3354000128 instead of 3354000112.
 %lx prints c7e9fb00 which is 3354000128 hex.
 This can drive you crazy! Any ideas please?
 Without explicitly stepping through the code and seeing what it is
 doing, we would be guessing. 
 On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 12:58 AM, Michael Schippling
 sc...@santafe.edu mailto:sc...@santafe.edu wrote:
 That is a little odd...
 I guess the implicit casting is trying to help you by
 returning the largest value for the uint16 when converting
 from a too-big float. When you change to uint32 you
 should get 0xC7E9FAF0 in your integer (which is what
 my Widows calculator shows as the correct conversion
 for decimal 354000112). Then, because the top bit is
 set and you asked for a signed decimal output %ld
 you should get a negative value, but it's off by 16...
  -940967168d == 0xC7E9FB00
 so I'm not sure what is going on.
 Try printing %lu or %lx and see what you get.
 Geo Gkolfin wrote:
 I am using telosb motes and tinyos-2.1.0. I have an
 application in which some floating point operations are
 done and I wish to print (using PrintfClient) only the
 decimal part of the result. Since the printed value is
 not what it should be -it is always 65535- I wrote a
 simple program where I have:
 float y;
 uint16_t x;
 I run
 java net.tinyos.tools.PrintfClient -comm
 and I get the 4354!
 If I change the value stored in y to:
 y=3354000112.542134509 then the printf returns 65535
 -the same value as in my application!  So I guess this
 is because the value does not fit into a uint16_t. I
 change x definition to uint32_t and %u to %ld (make is
 okay with that), but then the printed value is -940967168!
 What is the problem?
 Thanks in advance,
 Tinyos-help mailing list
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 Eric B. Decker
 Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Error on tos-check-env

2011-08-12 Thread Michael Schippling
Searching for win32 error 487 I found that there may be
a conflict with McAfee VirusScan 8.0.0 or perhaps some
other process. Look through the search results, and check
on the cygwin.com site for any advice they may have.


LU Wei wrote:
I am  new to tinyos. i just installed tinyos on windowsXP and cygwin, and 
 i make this cammand to check that the environment is setup correctly: 
 the output of this command is: 
 a little window show up and say  perl.exe have stopped work , besides, the 
 cygwin window show perl 3872 fork_copy: linked dll data/bss pass 0 failed, 
 0x2c2000..0x2c2370, done 0, windows pid 604, win32 error 487.
 Please, how can i correct this errors?
 best wishes!
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Programming Iris Motes

2011-08-12 Thread Michael Schippling
well, you can use TOS, or program them from the ground up...

Have a look at the doc/tutorial and http://docs.tinyos.net


suraj p wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I have 2 Iris motes and MIB 520 and I want to use these for home 
 automation project. In order to do this do I have to learn programming 
 in TinyOS? Please reply me with necessary info.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] semaphore and tossim

2011-08-09 Thread Michael Schippling
Any sort of waiting is a bad idea in TOS because it is
non-pre-emptive. There is a threads implementation, of
which I know nothing, that might provide sync primitives
if you insist on doing it the way you describe.

However the pattern you probably want is fairly standard:


 // did it go out ok?

 post task2();

// continue from here

Hopefully you can interpret my shorthand sketch

ehsan enayati wrote:
 Hi, i'm doing my thesis simulations in tinyos2.1 and TOSSIM, in one of 
 my component i need to wait for an event(general concept of event not 
 the one in tinyos) to happen
 , i broadcast a packet via AMSend and i should wait till first response 
 comes back and then continue my program sth like this:
 WAIT and after receiving first response continue from here
  i wanted to use semaphore but it didn't worked in TOSSIM, please help 
 me my thesis deadline is near and i should solve this problem as soon as 
 With the best regards
 *Ehsan Enayati*
 M.Sc. Student ,Information Technology
 Sharif University Of Technology
 enay...@ce.sharif.edu mailto:enay...@ce.sharif.edu
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Pinouts of a TelosB SPI bus

2011-08-01 Thread Michael Schippling
hmmm...I haven't used SPI, on anything actually, but it
looks like they did not bring all the signals you need
to the I/O headers. According the the MSP430 Users Guide,
I think you need SOMI0 which is named RADIO_SO on the
schematic. You do get access to SOMO0 and UCLK0 as RADIO_SI
and RADIO_SCLK, and I think you can use them for I2C, but
there's not enough wires for SPI. I believe, from a quick
glance at the spec sheet, that an internal UART is used
to do the actual comm but the I/O pins are those of the
RADIO_* variety.

The CC2420 radio chip interfaces via SPI so you would need
to do arbitration in any case.


Marcelo Coelho wrote:
 Thanks for the quick replies!
From what I understood, the SPI functionality is provided by the UART0 tx/rx
 ports and the I2Cclk (for clock source) and I2Cdata (for the slave select)
 in the 10pin expansion header.
 Michael: I liked the pinout that you pointed, specially the description of
 the UART1TX (?wtf?) :p
 Marcelo Coelho
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Schippling [mailto:sc...@santafe.edu]
 Sent: segunda-feira, 1 de Agosto de 2011 17:04
 To: Thomas Schmid
 Cc: Marcelo Coelho; tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
 Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Pinouts of a TelosB SPI bus
 And here's a list of controller and header assignments:
 Thomas Schmid wrote:

 - Thomas

 On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 8:24 AM, Marcelo Coelho
 mjcoe...@criticalsoftware.com wrote:

 I'm trying to add Ethernet communication functionality to a Crossbow
 TelosB mote. To accomplish that, I intend to use an Arduino Ethernet
 shield (and it's schematics), but don't have the pinouts of the TelosB
 Do you know the pinouts of the TelosB SPI bus?

 Thanks in advance!

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Coelho

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Logarithmic function

2011-07-31 Thread Michael Schippling
I have two different versions of msp430 tools courtesy
of different mystery TOS installations, one in /usr
and one in /opt. They both have the same directory
structure, so the only math.h file I could find was:
Both contain a logf() declaration, and a logf10()...
To show my ignorance I remembered that log was base
10 not ln, so that probably tells you how useful my
information is...


Geo Gkolfin wrote:
 Oops, my bad! Actually logf() works fine. It computes ln correctly. I 
 still cannot find it in any of the math.h files but it works. 
 Sorry again.
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Logarithmic function

2011-07-31 Thread Michael Schippling
The base10 log ironic part was a reference to how bad
my memory is of math functions that I don't often use...
I also forgot that avr math.h uses doubles...

hope things keep working for you

Geo Gkolfin wrote:
 Dear Mr Michael Schippling 
 Thank you so much for both your help and your irony. I am afraid I was 
 looking at avr! After your enlightening reply I was able (at last) to 
 find logf. Unfortunately I cannot understand the base 10 ironic part 
 of your mail. But logf(2.718) returns 1 so I guess logf computes the 
 Neperian logarithm. Excuse me if my comment is irrelevant. 
 Once again thank you for replying.
 Please keep up the good work helping us and the positive energy. 
 Best regards,
 On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 7:37 PM, Michael Schippling sc...@santafe.edu 
 mailto:sc...@santafe.edu wrote:
 I have two different versions of msp430 tools courtesy
 of different mystery TOS installations, one in /usr
 and one in /opt. They both have the same directory
 structure, so the only math.h file I could find was:
 Both contain a logf() declaration, and a logf10()...
 To show my ignorance I remembered that log was base
 10 not ln, so that probably tells you how useful my
 information is...
 Geo Gkolfin wrote:
 Oops, my bad! Actually logf() works fine. It computes ln
 correctly. I still cannot find it in any of the math.h files but
 it works. Sorry again.
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Logarithmic function?

2011-07-29 Thread Michael Schippling
there may be a logf(float) function. Look in the relevant
math.h file to see what's what.

Geo Gkolfin wrote:
 I am using a telosb mote and I am trying to convert the adc value of an 
 external temp sensor in Celsius. The conversion formula uses the 
 logarithmic function. I need to compute ln(x/y). I tried log(x/y) as in 
 C, but it is not correct. Could someone help me?
 Thanks in advance!
 Tinyos-help mailing list
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Re: [Tinyos-help] L operator in timers

2011-07-26 Thread Michael Schippling
You forgot to mention that big-endian numbers are
MUCH easier to read in hex, and even octal, dumps...

I rue the day intel decided to one-up motorola and
go little-ended. Computers will never be connected
to one-another after all... Between that and the
incredibly stupid p.match over CR/LF I'll bet the
world GDP has been dinged by at least 10%.

Given that the hardware message headers are NOT
nx_ types and that there is (in all cases?) some
kind of translator between TOS and e'net, IMHO
it is just-one-more-confusion to add big-end
numbers into the mix.

But back to TOS... One possibility is that the Timer
does not really use a full 32 bit value. Both atmega
and msp have 16 bit counters -- maybe there is some
software foo to extend that by counting the counts --
so a mis-aligned number _might_ wrap around and end
up setting a crazy count value.

Your experimental protocol seems to be the best approach.


Eric Decker wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 5:19 PM, Michael Schippling sc...@santafe.edu 
 mailto:sc...@santafe.edu wrote:
 hmmmnot sure Normal numbers on just about every
 platform with which we deal are Little Endian, but for some
 reason they decided to use Big Endian for the nx_types,
 didn't think it through and not concerned about performance.
 prior to intel processors being as ubiquitous as they are big endian 
 processors were more prevalent.
 And the powers that be selected big endian for network transmission 
 order on the networks being worked on at the time.
 It made sense because big endian network order and big endian puters 
 played well.  At least at the IP level.  IEEE did it different and the 
 h/w guys did it different.   Look at how we describe IPv6 h/w addresses 
 (like EUI-64).   Its easy to wrap ones mind into squirrly little nots.
 Then intel came along and frankly having TinyOS network order be little 
 endian for custom protocols makes sense from a performance perspective 
 but in the presense of IPv6 and 6lowpan stuff it would still have to be 
 sent over big endian.   So who know what is the right answer.
 even though, e.g. the CC2420 hardware header values, are
 still Little. But treating a small valued Big End int
 as Little would make the value large -- I think I did
 that right, in my head at least.
 that is correct.   Which doesn't explain the behaviour he is seeing.   
 And why I think playing computer or byting the bullet and debugging the 
 embedded system in a more reasonable way (like with a real debugger via 
 the jtag port) is the way to go.
 What I meant by reset(10) was to send a literal value
 as an arg, rather than getting it out of your message.
 Just to see that something works the way we want.
 yep good suggestion.
 scatram...@gmail.com mailto:scatram...@gmail.com wrote:
   for going crazy I meant that the TimerTMilli MyTimer fires
 every few milliseconds...
   I bet you are right saying that the app_period is not reconverted
 to the right byte order. it would explain why the timer fires in few
 millisec cos I usually set the app_period between 1 and 30
   btw, what's reset(10) ? is not a Timer command, isn't it?
   On 25 Jul 2011, at 22:13, Michael Schippling wrote:
   I don't have no intercourse with nx_types but it might
   be that app_period is not being re-converted back to
   the right byte order. Does it work with reset(10)?
   Also, please define crazy timer
   scatram...@gmail.com mailto:scatram...@gmail.com wrote:
   Thanks a million Michael
   there still is something that doesn't work:
   if I do:
   call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024L * (uint16_t)
   where 'period' is a 'nx_uint16_t' inside the struct 'sync_msg'
   everything works fine
   on the other hand, if I use a function like:
   reset((uint16_t) (sync_msg.app_period))
   reset (uint16_t period){
 call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024L * (uint16_t) period);
   the timer goes crazy
   any idea why? am I doing something wrong casting the value?
   On 25 Jul 2011, at 17:14, Michael Schippling wrote:
   long integer
   scatram...@gmail.com mailto:scatram...@gmail.com wrote:
   An easy question:
   What the 'L' stands for when assigning the period to a timer?
 for example
   call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024 * 10L);
   it starts a periodic timer that fires every 10 seconds but
 what's the meaning of 'L'
   I couldn't find it in google...
   Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Loading / saving a array of uint8_t at micaz/iris nodes

2011-07-26 Thread Michael Schippling
 From my reading of the referenced page it looks like the
xml file is used to define storage areas -- like files --
in the external EEPROM, but it doesn't address initializing
the contents prior to running your program.

You could implement a message to send and store your key.
I don't know if there is any erase of external EEPROM done
when a device is programmed, so the contents _might_ persist
across new downloads and thus you would only have to do
the message thing once.

Another possibility is that there is a small internal EEPROM
area on each controller. In T1 one accessed this using the
InternalFlashC component -- which has probably changed names
in T2. This memory _is_ erased but can be initialized at
download time. I don't think TOS has implemented any method
to do this so you would have to dig through the controller
and download utilities to figure out how to do it.


Markus Niedermann wrote:
 Im using tinyos 2.1.1 at micaZ and iris nodes.
 I use ECDH to get a secret key for a symmetric encryption between nodes 
 and with the PC.
 For saving time, I pregenerate my public / private keys at the PC.
 First, I hard-coded them as uint8_t- arrays in the code.
 The configuration is should be installed at different nodes with 
 different keys.
 Now I want to save the 160-bit-keys at the external flash of my nodes.
 How should I handle this?
 The TinyOS-Page seems to be partially offline, so I can't get all 
 Information I need.
 I read this tutorial.
 I'm not quite sure how I have to configure the xml file.
 I guess I have to write a second application, that I use to save the 
 keys on my nodes, right? Or is there a way to save something directly 
 over the serial interface?
 Thanks for your help!
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] L operator in timers

2011-07-25 Thread Michael Schippling
long integer

scatram...@gmail.com wrote:
 An easy question:
 What the 'L' stands for when assigning the period to a timer? for example
 call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024 * 10L);
 it starts a periodic timer that fires every 10 seconds but what's the meaning 
 of 'L'
 I couldn't find it in google...
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] L operator in timers

2011-07-25 Thread Michael Schippling
I don't have no intercourse with nx_types but it might
be that app_period is not being re-converted back to
the right byte order. Does it work with reset(10)?

Also, please define crazy timer


scatram...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks a million Michael
 there still is something that doesn't work:
 if I do:
 call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024L * (uint16_t) (sync_msg.app_period));
 where 'period' is a 'nx_uint16_t' inside the struct 'sync_msg'
 everything works fine
 on the other hand, if I use a function like:
 reset((uint16_t) (sync_msg.app_period))
 reset (uint16_t period){
call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024L * (uint16_t) period);
 the timer goes crazy
 any idea why? am I doing something wrong casting the value?
 On 25 Jul 2011, at 17:14, Michael Schippling wrote:
 long integer

 scatram...@gmail.com wrote:
 An easy question:
 What the 'L' stands for when assigning the period to a timer? for example
 call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024 * 10L);
 it starts a periodic timer that fires every 10 seconds but what's the 
 meaning of 'L'
 I couldn't find it in google...
 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] L operator in timers

2011-07-25 Thread Michael Schippling
hmmmnot sure Normal numbers on just about every
platform with which we deal are Little Endian, but for some
reason they decided to use Big Endian for the nx_types,
even though, e.g. the CC2420 hardware header values, are
still Little. But treating a small valued Big End int
as Little would make the value large -- I think I did
that right, in my head at least.

What I meant by reset(10) was to send a literal value
as an arg, rather than getting it out of your message.
Just to see that something works the way we want.


scatram...@gmail.com wrote:
 for going crazy I meant that the TimerTMilli MyTimer fires every few 
 I bet you are right saying that the app_period is not reconverted to the 
 right byte order. it would explain why the timer fires in few millisec cos I 
 usually set the app_period between 1 and 30
 btw, what's reset(10) ? is not a Timer command, isn't it?
 On 25 Jul 2011, at 22:13, Michael Schippling wrote:
 I don't have no intercourse with nx_types but it might
 be that app_period is not being re-converted back to
 the right byte order. Does it work with reset(10)?

 Also, please define crazy timer


 scatram...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks a million Michael
 there still is something that doesn't work:
 if I do:
 call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024L * (uint16_t) (sync_msg.app_period));
 where 'period' is a 'nx_uint16_t' inside the struct 'sync_msg'
 everything works fine
 on the other hand, if I use a function like:
 reset((uint16_t) (sync_msg.app_period))
 reset (uint16_t period){
   call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024L * (uint16_t) period);
 the timer goes crazy
 any idea why? am I doing something wrong casting the value?
 On 25 Jul 2011, at 17:14, Michael Schippling wrote:
 long integer

 scatram...@gmail.com wrote:
 An easy question:
 What the 'L' stands for when assigning the period to a timer? for example
 call MyTimer.startPeriodic(1024 * 10L);
 it starts a periodic timer that fires every 10 seconds but what's the 
 meaning of 'L'
 I couldn't find it in google...
 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] What is the maximum speed LED can toggle?

2011-07-23 Thread Michael Schippling
The usual thing would be to have a Timer
post a send() task, and use a busy semaphore
that is reset in sendDone(). Then you only need
one global message buffer.

If it was the receive side that hung up I would
look at how you free the internal receive msg

But it might be best to post your code...


Lee Carol wrote:
 Hi Michael and Eric, thank you for replying.
 It's the sending side that failed and I do not know how to debug a 
 buffer failure..
 After extensive testing, it does seem like some kind of buffer problem 
 as it always give me a few successful packet then die if I am on the 
 40~50Hz but no packet is sent after that.
 Any idea?
 On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 5:47 PM, Michael Schippling sc...@santafe.edu 
 mailto:sc...@santafe.edu wrote:
 If you can't debug it with an LED or two...haha...
 Actually I have sometimes used a scope and once
 or twice have been forced to use a logic analyzer.
 You should be able to flash the LED exactly as fast as
 you can execute a while-loop with a toggle in it.
 There may be a buffer failure. Are you freeing each
 message buffer as soon as you are done? Is it the sending
 or receiving side that dies, and how do we know?
 My speed tests using T1 and mica's of various flavors
 were able to run fairly fast for-mostly-ever, although
 33/second is about the mica2 limit.
 What platform are you using?
 Eric Decker wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Lee Carol casab...@gmail.com
 mailto:casab...@gmail.com mailto:casab...@gmail.com
 mailto:casab...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, I am writing a program that, every time a packet is sent from
mote, LED light toggles.
When I increase the packet sending rate to 33Hz, my mote only
for few seconds then stop.
I've examined my code and everything seems to work fine.
Wondering if LED is causing the problem and want to know how fast
the LED can be toggled.
 probably not.  Not much can go wrong with the LED.
 I would recommend that you get a jtag pod and dig into what is
 actually going on.   trying to debug embedded systems using
 printfs and led while doable isnt the most efficient of
 programmer time.   my not so humble opinion.  (I've been doing
 embedded stuff since the 70's).
Anyone knows?
Thanks for viewing
Tinyos-help mailing list
 Eric B. Decker
 Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] What is the maximum speed LED can toggle?

2011-07-22 Thread Michael Schippling
If you can't debug it with an LED or two...haha...
Actually I have sometimes used a scope and once
or twice have been forced to use a logic analyzer.

You should be able to flash the LED exactly as fast as
you can execute a while-loop with a toggle in it.

There may be a buffer failure. Are you freeing each
message buffer as soon as you are done? Is it the sending
or receiving side that dies, and how do we know?

My speed tests using T1 and mica's of various flavors
were able to run fairly fast for-mostly-ever, although
33/second is about the mica2 limit.

What platform are you using?


Eric Decker wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Lee Carol casab...@gmail.com 
 mailto:casab...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, I am writing a program that, every time a packet is sent from
 mote, LED light toggles. 
 When I increase the packet sending rate to 33Hz, my mote only works
 for few seconds then stop. 
 I've examined my code and everything seems to work fine. 
 Wondering if LED is causing the problem and want to know how fast
 the LED can be toggled.
 probably not.  Not much can go wrong with the LED.
 I would recommend that you get a jtag pod and dig into what is actually 
 going on.   trying to debug embedded systems using printfs and led while 
 doable isnt the most efficient of programmer time.   my not so humble 
 opinion.  (I've been doing embedded stuff since the 70's).
 Anyone knows? 
 Thanks for viewing
 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Eric B. Decker
 Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Using TelosB 2420 onboard sensors

2011-07-17 Thread Michael Schippling
Please send messages to the help list, not me directly.

I believe the doc/tutorial covers how to use the
ADC interfaces and the oscilloscope program.

Basically you should be able to replace VoltageC,
or even DemoSensorC itself, with anything that
provides the ADC interface, such as Photo or Temp
(which may be mica specific...not sure...I see
that my telos directory has a HumidityC.nc file).
Since I don't use Tos2 I'm not sure what they've
called everything.


Aravind S wrote:
 I am a final year M.Tech student of Cochin University of Science and 
 Technology in Vlsi and Embedded systems.As a part of my M.Tech project I 
 need your help in the following topic:
 I am new to tinyos . I have run the oscilloscope  app. with two telosb 
 2420. It seems to work fine but displays a constant  line graph.
  I want to now use the light , temperature sensors to display on  graph 
 AND display the value on LINUX terminal.I am using tinyos-2.x installed 
 on linux(RHEL 5.4). 
 Checking DemoSensorC.nc  shows VoltageC as DemoSensor. How can 
 this  be  changed this to light or temp?
 Please send me the source code.
 Eagerly waiting for your replay
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] net.tinyos.tools.Listen

2011-07-14 Thread Michael Schippling
Please send messages to the help list to keep a record of my mistakes.

The problem here is that Java doesn't know from /opt/tinyos-2.x...
because that's a cygwin thing. So your CLASSPATH should have a
real widows directory name, like C:/cygwin/opt/tinyos-2.x/...

If you have compiled Listen as well you should be able to run
it from the top java tools directory (from where you compiled).
Then the . in the CLASSPATH should find the newly compiled class.


Nimish Kale wrote:
 Thanks for the reply, I complied the Listen.java, but still nothing. I 
 keep on getting the same errors. 
 This is what i have put in my .bashrc file
 export TOSROOT=/opt/tinyos-2.x
 export TOSDIR=$TOSROOT/tos
 export TOSDIR=$TOSROOT/tos
 export CLASSPATH=$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar:.
 export PYTHONPATH=$TOSROOT/support/sdk/python
 export MAKERULES=$TOSROOT/support/make/Makerules
 export PATH=/opt/msp430/bin:$PATH
 Please help me debug this problem
 On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Michael Schippling sc...@santafe.edu 
 mailto:sc...@santafe.edu wrote:
 First make sure your CLASSPATH contains the tools jar file.
 You shouldn't need to build everything, but if you have to
 you can compile the files needed by Listen by going to the
 /opt/tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/__java directory and typing:
   javac net/tinyos/tools/Listen.java
 Then the argument -comm serial@/dev/tty/USB0; telosb
 is wrong. The semi-colon ';' is a command separator so
 the shell thinks telosb is a new command. It should be
 a colon ':' with no space, ala:
-comm serial@/dev/tty/USB0:telosb
 Nimish Kale wrote:
 Hi I am new to tinyos and running it on ubuntu. I am having
 problems with the net.tinyos.tools.Listen. I need to check the
 data from a mote
 I am getting the following error:
 VPCEB23FM:/opt/tinyos-2.x/__apps/BaseStation$ java
 net.tinyos.tools.Listen -comm serial@/dev/tty/USB0; telosb
 Exception in thread main java.lang.__NoClassDefFoundError:
 Caused by: java.lang.__ClassNotFoundException:
 at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(__URLClassLoader.java:217)
 at java.security.__AccessController.doPrivileged(__Native Method)
 at java.net.URLClassLoader.__findClass(URLClassLoader.java:__205)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.__loadClass(ClassLoader.java:__321)
 at sun.misc.Launcher$__AppClassLoader.loadClass(__Launcher.java:294)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.__loadClass(ClassLoader.java:__266)
 Could not find the main class: net.tinyos.tools.Listen. Program
 will exit.
 telosb: command not found
 when i use the 'make' command in
 opt/tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/__java I get the following errors:
 failed to parse message file
 make[3]: *** [PrintfMsg.java] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory
 make[2]: *** [subdirs] Error 2
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 make[1]: *** [subdirs] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/__java/net'
 make: *** [subdirs] Error 2
 Please help me out
 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Nimish Kale
 MS CS student
 University of Texas at Dallas
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] java

2011-07-13 Thread Michael Schippling
Are you sure your mica2 is connected to COM1?

Eric Decker wrote:
 TinyOS 1 has been deprecated for a long time.
 You'd be more likely to get help if you were running TinyOS 2.1.1.
 For example: There is no way I'm going to spend scarce time digging into 
 a T1 problem.
 On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 5:15 AM, Akila Kiki akilafore...@yahoo.fr 
 mailto:akilafore...@yahoo.fr wrote:
 hi i try to run application ident in tinyos-1.x , but it display me
 this error:
 javac Ident.java
 export MOTECOM=serial@COM1:mica2
 akila@akila-HP-620:/opt/tinyos-1.x/tools/java/net/tinyos/ident$ java
 serial@COM1:57600 died - exiting (java.io.IOException: Could not
 open COM1: TOSComm JNI library runtime error: flush: Input/output error)
 it say that  serial@COM1:57600 died, how to update it, please help me
 Tinyos-help mailing list
 Eric B. Decker
 Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] FTDI USB Serial Device converter disconnected

2011-07-07 Thread Michael Schippling
Are you sure that the device didn't actually disconnect?
Maybe the cable got wiggled, power blipped, or something?

I can't think of an easy way to debug this since it could
be anything from a bad cable to buggy software. Probably the
only workaround is to have the USB client attempt to reconnect
whenever it dies.


scatram...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm facing a very nasty problem with the USB using Blip and telosb.
 I've a small testbed set up where few telosb report data to a telosb 
 IPBaseStation connected by USB to a laptop running Ubuntu 10.
 The ip-driver is running and the tun0 interface works perfectly until, for 
 some reason, the USB disconnects!!!
 Happened many times already and always after a random period of time (few 
 hours or few days).
 Has anybody of you had the same problem?
 Please, have a look to my dmesg:
 [   62.583495] device tun0 entered promiscuous mode
 [181469.402683] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1 disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling...
 [181469.403667] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, address 2
 [181469.406021] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now 
 disconnected from ttyUSB0
 [181469.406654] ftdi_sio 1-1:1.0: device disconnected
 [181469.627963] usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 
 [181469.777676] usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
 [181469.783296] ftdi_sio 1-1:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
 [181469.784171] usb 1-1: Detected FT232BM
 [181469.785634] usb 1-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to 
 As you can see the USB went off after more than 2 days of activity!
 I suspect it's related to the USB hardware rather than applications but, so 
 far, it happens to me only using telosb.
 I google it a bit but I have not found solution yet
 Any comment is more than welcome
 Many thanks
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Error on tos-check-env

2011-06-28 Thread Michael Schippling
You probably have newer versions installed,
but check that you really have them with:

type dot  -- should show a path to dot.exe

type java -- should show a path to a java SDK


Ben Ahmed Farah wrote:
 i just installed TinyOS on ubuntu 10.04  and i make this command to 
 check that the environment is setup correctly : tos-check-env
 the output of this command is:
  tos-check-env completed with errors:
 -- WARNING : The JAVA version found first by tos-check-env may not be 
 version 1.4
 or version 1.5 one of which is equired by TOS. Please ensure that the 
 located version is 1.4 or 1.5
 -- WARNING : The graphviz (dot) version found by tos-check-env is not 
 1.10. Please update your graphviz version if you'd like to use the 
 nescdoc documentation generator.
 please how can i correct this errors?
 thks a lot.
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] tinyos communication problem

2011-06-27 Thread Michael Schippling
Please post the actual errors your get.
For #1, it may be that you are not defining the
right download device (parallel is the oldest and
now obsolete interface). For instance I have these
defined in my top level makefile and/or environment:

export DEFAULT_PROGRAM=mib510
export MIB510=/dev/ttyS0


pooja kavathekar wrote:
 I have just started working with Tinyos and am using mica-z motes for my 
 My problem is when I try to compile and download the Blink application 
 into the mote, it gives me an error of
 1) 'Direct Parallel access not defined'
 2) there seems to be errors in finding the make files...however I 
 checked the directory for the make files and the file is there.
 3) Compilation seems fine...the problem is that the code cannot download 
 into the mote.
 4) I changed some environment variables and then I got a different error 
 that 'target maybe damaged..'
 I have upgraded all the softwares needed...any help in this regard will 
 be highly appreciated.Thanks!
 Pooja Kavathekar, MS Student
 Department of Electrical  Computer Engineering,
 Center for Self-Organizing  Intelligent Systems (CSOIS)
 Utah State University
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] tos-install-jni

2011-06-23 Thread Michael Schippling
I think the problem is that your PATH -- which I believe
is what is printed in the output below -- contains these:

but the JNI files got installed to the JRE directory:
/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_11/jre/bin

Windows32 itself has a drain bramaged version of java,
I don't know what would be in Sun/Java,
and for some reason a standard Java install insists on
making two apparently identical JRE directories...
So there are many possible java's to run.

try: type java to see what you are really running.
Then set your PATH variable to have the jre/bin directory
before windows/system32


vinod kumar wrote:
 when I run java.net.tools.Listen -comm serial@COM4:telosb
 I am encountering the problem *Toscomm* *JNI* *library* *not* *found* 
 1. I have installed the tos-install-*jni* and it is successfully installed 
 without any problems. I confirm this because when I run 
 tos-locate-jre --*jni* the following is printed
 /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_11/jre/bin 
 2. In order to resolve the problem I try to follow the 

 I have run LibTest.java and  get the exception below:
 Files\ATT\Graphviz\bin\tools;C:\Program Files\Nmap; 
 bin;C:\Program Files\CVSNT\
 Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no *toscomm* in 
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
 at LibTest.main(LibTest.java:6)
 could you please tell me what I should do?
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] tos-install-jni

2011-06-22 Thread Michael Schippling
Based on messages received here, that script only works
about 75% of the time... Search this list for various
pieces of advice about fixing it. I use a back rev of
the tos libs and install them by hand so I can't tell
you exactly what to do, but if you can find the getenv
and toscomm files you can just copy them to the right
places in your JRE.


vinod kumar wrote:
 Hi ,all:
   My environment is Tinyos 2.0.2 , JDK version is 1.5.0_12, and run 
 tos-check-env without error. But when I run the tos-install-jni, it gets a 
 error like below:
 $ tos-install-jni

 [: ==: unknown operand
 Installing 32-bit Java JNI code in /cygdrive/c/Program 
 Files/Java/jdk1.5.0_12/jre/bin ...
 install: cannot stat `/usr/local/lib/tinyos/*-32.dll': No such file or 
 I don't know how to correct this error. Please help me to fix this error.
 Thanks in advanced.
 Best wishes,
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Measuring different dynamic properties

2011-06-22 Thread Michael Schippling
There {is,was} a stack trace module, maybe you can find
it by searching on this list. Since there usually isn't
any dynamic memory allocation, memory usage is probably
no more complicated than looking at the compile output.

Dynamic power consumption would be interesting but you
need to put a current monitor in-line with the battery,
which requires a bit of hardware-foo. Probably just a
few resistors going to an ADC input but I'm not sure
about the range you would be able to resolve. I have
such a thing on my robo-cars, but use an op-amp and
a completely different power scheme.

I've sometimes puzzled over making some kind of
CPU monitor. I think one could put a counter in the
task scheduler to measure how long the controller
sleeps on it's daily rounds. But that's about as
far as I've gotten with it


swayanti das wrote:
 Hi All
 I am trying to measure different properties of TinyOS applications and 
 TinyOS threded applications and have this applications running on iris 
 Can anyone help me with this.
 I want to measure the dynamic properties like stack consumption, or real 
 time memory consumption, CPU used, etc..
 I have tried measuring the power consumption of these applications, but 
 I need more dynamic properties.
 Any help is highly appreciated.
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] tinyos-1.x

2011-06-18 Thread Michael Schippling
Try doing make again in the tools/java directory and see
if you get any errors, or output of any kind. If that
doesn't make the class files, post the output here.

You can also force a compile of a specific file like this:

javac -classpath . net/tinyos/packet/BuildSource.java


sabrina sabrina wrote:
 Good evening,
 here I am preparing my paper on the subject of
 the study of routing protocols in WSN
 I installed the TinyOS-1.x according to blog
 the tinyviz works very well for the simulation of sensors and it has 
 many examples of applications tinyos-1.x/apps with a preview on the 
 functioning of global
 . / build / pc / main.exe - help
 I have thus recovered a lot of traces is what I'm most interested in my 
 project as export DBG = led, am, packet, route 
 but the only problem is that I noticed that in some folder as the 
 file on TinyOS packet- 1.x/tools/java/net/tinyos/packet
  some files.java are not compiled in files.class for 
 eg BuildSource.java as although I 
 did make one on tinyos-1.x/tools/java to compile but I can not get
 I seek your help on this really small point if you will
 to send me your file java tinyos-1.x/tools/java is asking too much or 
 if your applicationpacket at least: for tinyos-1.x/tools/java/net/packet
 able to recover the java classes compile correctly
 thank you very much for your help.
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Tinyos 1.x+SimpleCmd

2011-06-15 Thread Michael Schippling
I haven't used either of those programs so this is
probably uselessbut

Have you run other test apps to see if you really
have communication through the system? Try CntToRfm
or SenseToRfm. And I think you should see some LEDs
flashing when messages are sent/received. Would have
to look at the actual code to see which ones though.


loulou liloucha wrote:
 Hi all..
 I have a problem with the configuration of Telosb mote..
 I installed SimpleCmd in a mote whit ID=1, 
 an athor mote(ID=0) connected to the PC is running TOSBase and its 
 receive data using a Java application (BcastInject).
 but I have a problem between the base station and the athor mote...
 I think that the mote ID=1 don't receive any things...
 please if any one worked whit this help me...
 I need your help..
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] bitwise operation

2011-06-14 Thread Michael Schippling
Yes. It's plain old C. With confusing syntactic additions.

Peng Du wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 A quick question: are the bitwise operators in tinyOS the same with
 the c ones? e.g.  for bitwise AND and ~for NOT.
 Thanks a lot.
 Tinyos-help mailing list
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Distance Calculations with RSSI

2011-06-14 Thread Michael Schippling
search for rssi location and various other combinations.
there has been a lot of work done on this, and none of it
is very accurate.


Matthew Jacques wrote:
 I am currently trying to build a WSN using MicaZ motes and I need to 
 know, to a fair degree of accuracy, how far apart one node is from 
 another. I was reading up on how it is possible in some cases to use 
 RSSI and LQI to achieve this. I tried taking measurements of average 
 RSSI when the nodes were 1.5, 2 and 2.5 meters apart but the results 
 were very erratic. While I did notice that the RSSI tended to be higher 
 when the nodes were further away from each other, the results were not 
 accurate enough to place the node within even 4 meters of its actual 
 Is RSSI not an accurate enough way to get the precision I need?  If not 
 is there any other method I can use to get the distance between nodes?
 I was also thinking of maybe using the system time of the nodes to time 
 how long a signal took to travel between them but I figured that with 
 the time to send and the turnaround time of the message in the other 
 node this would be a pretty inaccurate way to do it. Is that even worth 
 Matthew Jacques
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Adding precision to sensor data obtained

2011-06-10 Thread Michael Schippling
Pretty much all sensors readings on TOS devices are
integer values directly from the ADC -- some few, like
Voltage, may be may be mangled for range and level
but are probably also ints. IIRC the telosb has a 12
bit converter so you should have 0-4095 as your values,
which is a resolution of about .00025 per bit. You may
convert that to floating point to about 4 decimal places
if you like.


Mayank Gupta wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am sending sensor readings from telosb mote to the pc and storing
 the data in mysql database. The problem I am facing is that I want
 data to be precise upto at least 2 decimal places but data in my
 database always comes out to be as integer. I have modified the mig
 generated file to push data into the database rather than show output
 on the screen.  I hope someone can guide me in the right direction so
 that I can get more precise value in my database.
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Re: [Tinyos-help] Adding precision to sensor data obtained

2011-06-10 Thread Michael Schippling
Assuming that the readings you are getting are,
as I suggested, the raw ADC values from 0-4095
you can convert them to a voltage by multiplying
by the ADC's reference voltage -- nominally 3.3v.
So a 0 value is equal to 0 volts and a full scale
4095 value is equal to 3.3v. The reading you get
is some fraction in between those:

(value / full-scale) * refVolts

example, if your value happens to be 2000:

(2000 / 4095) * 3.3 == 1.6117 volts

I would take the last couple digits with a grain
of salt because the system is usually pretty noisy,
and I'm not really bright enough to figure out if
the theoretical precision is 3 or 4 decimal points

Now your sensor may need some calibration and scaling
so the conversion you use will probably have a form
like (Mx + B), where M is a scale factor and B is an
offset, both of which you might derive from spec sheets
or brute force measurements.

What are you sensing anyway?

Mayank Gupta wrote:
 Thanks for the help Michael. But again I am not really sure how to do that.
 Can you refer me to some tutorial  or reading where I can see how to
 actually code it.. Sorry but not really getting it.
 On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 5:13 PM, Michael Schippling sc...@santafe.edu wrote:
 Pretty much all sensors readings on TOS devices are
 integer values directly from the ADC -- some few, like
 Voltage, may be may be mangled for range and level
 but are probably also ints. IIRC the telosb has a 12
 bit converter so you should have 0-4095 as your values,
 which is a resolution of about .00025 per bit. You may
 convert that to floating point to about 4 decimal places
 if you like.


 Mayank Gupta wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am sending sensor readings from telosb mote to the pc and storing
 the data in mysql database. The problem I am facing is that I want
 data to be precise upto at least 2 decimal places but data in my
 database always comes out to be as integer. I have modified the mig
 generated file to push data into the database rather than show output
 on the screen.  I hope someone can guide me in the right direction so
 that I can get more precise value in my database.

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Re: [Tinyos-help] Using UART and Radio in MicaZ on MoteWorks

2011-06-09 Thread Michael Schippling
The MultihopMsg struct contains:
   uint16_t sourceaddr;
   uint16_t originaddr;
which you may be able to use to determine where the
message came from.

But you may be using the raw uart code to communicate
between a micaz and some other device. Then you won't be
using AM or MultiHop messages, so the interfaces will be
different anyway.


TJ wrote:
 I am using MicaZ with MoteWorks on Windows XP.
 I am trying to implement a network bridge where the mote has to 
 communicate over UART to a attached device (a micro controller running 
 some algorithms) and also communicate with other similar mote-device 
 By my understanding, there are two send interfaces which i can use for 
 the wireless and UART channels respectively. But there is only one 
 receive interface that has to handle both.
 My doubt is this - how do i differentiate where the packet is coming 
 from if this is the case?? As MoteWorks seems very restricted in terms 
 of the library files it contains.
 Always Yours
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