RE: Mod_jk + Apache on RHEL3 gives 503 for jsp only

2005-10-11 Thread Mark Eggers
Here's a quick writeup.

This is going to be a long reply, and I hope it will
be useful.

I am using Fedora Core 4 as a model.  I hope it will
be close enough to RHEL 3 to be useful.  You may have
to change paths in order to correspond to your

First of all, my environment:

Dell 8200 with 768 MB memory
Dual boot:
Fedora Core 4 2.6.13-1.1526_FC4
Windows 2000 Professional


Java 1.5.0_4 from Sun
Apache 2.0.54 from RPM
Tomcat 5.5.9 from
mod_jk from source


Java 1.5.0_4 is installed in /usr/jdk1.5.0_04 and soft

linked to /usr/java
JAVA_HOME is set in /etc/profile
$JAVA_HOME/bin is placed in $PATH before /usr/bin

I've left the Apache RPM install alone, which means
the following:

DocumentRoot /var/www
Logs /etc/logs soft linked to /var/log/httpd
modules  /etc/modules soft linked to
conf /etc/conf

I've created a tomcat user with the same group
membership as apache user.  The home directory is

/home/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 Current Tomcat


I've placed in /etc/httpd/conf

# basic worker list

# one to serve the applications

# one to check the status

This is all you really need in order to connect a
local Apache to a local Tomcat.

I cannot think of a good reason to define more
workers.  That isn't to say that there aren't any.

If you put multiple workers going to the same host and
different ports, then you will have to modify
server.xml.  Basically, you will have to add a
connector statement for each unique port that you use
in your file.

You have two different ports, so you will need two
connector statements.

Connector port=10009
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
   protocol=AJP/1.3 /
Connector port=8099
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8643
   protocol=AJP/1.3 /

I'm following the examples used by Fedora Core 4 in
configuring other add-on modules for Apache.  You can
place the mod_jk configuration information directly in
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, but I've chosen to create
a separate file in /etc/httpd/conf.d

The contents of my file are as follows:

# following Fedora's add-on philosophy
LoadModulejk_module modules/

JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/
JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogStampFormat  [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 
JkShmFile logs/shm-file

# jk status
JkMount /jk-status/ status


Static File Problem
This is where the configuration can become a little
more complex.  It helps to understand how Apache finds
files to serve.

Each host in Apache has a DocumentRoot.  In Redhat
Fedora, the line that defines that reads:

DocumentRoot /var/www/html

That means that when you enter the following URL:


Apache will look for the DirectoryIndex files (usually
index.html) in:


This is fine until you add an application server into
the mix.  Many people package up the entire
application into one war file.  This means that all
static as well as dynamic content gets loaded into the
application server area.

In your case, that's

Apache will know absolutely nothing about this
directory, and any files that are not mapped by
JkMount and served by Tomcat will not be found by

Static File Solutions
1. Change DocumentRoot

The most global change is to change DocumentRoot.  In
order for this to work, all files in
/usr/local/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps must be
readable by the user that runs Apache (typically
apache in a Redhat distribution).

The way to do this is to put the following as your
DocumentRoot statement.


While this works, it means that you will have to place
all web sites in this location, even if they do not
have dynamic content.

In general, I don't like this solution.

2. Add Directory and Alias Statements

Traditionally locating static files in a dynamic web
site has been done by using a combination of Directory
and Alias directives.  The Directory directive grants
appropriate server permissions (who gets to see the
files, etc.) and the Alias directive matches a
directory with a base URL.

For example, here's one way to map application1 living



# This goes in httpd.conf
Directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/application1/
   Options Indexes 

Re: JSP Newbie seeking guidance

2005-10-10 Thread Mark Eggers
I am not familiar with the book.

If they are recommending using Tomcat's connection
pools and JNDI, then you will need to add the jar file
that contains the MySQL driver to

If you are connecting to the database directly from
your web application then you probably need to place
the jar file containing the MySQL driver in
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/app-name/WEB-INF/lib, where
app-name is the name of your application.

You can pick up the MySQL jdbc driver from:

If you are just starting out on jsp/servlet
programming, then running Tomcat standalone is
probably a good first choice.

The later versions of Tomcat (5.5.x) perform pretty
much the same as Apache 2.0.x for static pages.  

Coupling Apache and Tomcat together makes sense when
you start using some of the features that Apache
supports but that Tomcat may not be optimal for.



--- John Geiger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am avoiding the real issue--OK, I am ready to face
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: In
 lt;drivergt;, invalid driver class name:
 This is the error I get running an exercise from the
 Apress book. I can not
 seem to find my way using Google.
 I think maybe MySQL is not installed--or I am
 missing an important
 Eeek. Thanks.

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Re: Problem with tomcat configuration

2005-10-06 Thread Mark Eggers
https is port 443.  You need to to uncomment the HTTP
1.1 connector for 8443 and change the port to 443.

Uncomment the following connector in server.xml:

!-- Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --
 Connector port=8443 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 
acceptCount=100 scheme=https 
clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS /

Change the port to 443.  Read the documentation
concerning the attributes (especially the sslProtocol
and clientAuth).


--- vineesh kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I manged to configure https on tomcat 5.5.9 with a
 passord different than
 changeit. It's working.But i tried to configure
 https on port 80 (i am
 running tomcat as root user). but when i point the
 browser to the system
 like https://localhost/ I am getting an error
 indicating that connection
 refused by the https server, but if we pint the
 browser like
 https://localhost:80/ it's working fine.
 but i want it in the former way. How can i do that?

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Re: Mod_jk + Apache on RHEL3 gives 503 for jsp only

2005-10-06 Thread Mark Eggers

 I have jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 installed and working
 properly on the new
 server.  It is perfectly accessible from the legacy
 web server.

By perfectly accessible you mean . . . ?
 The main page, home.jsp, loads fine in the servlet
 if no page is given.
 http://webserver/PI/  The home.jsp spawns a 503 if
 is in the URL.
 http://webserver/PI/home.jsp   I can successfully
 get images from the
 page from the tomcat instance.  It does not like the
 .jsp extension.

By successfully getting images, do you mean:




 I have watched in Ethereal as no traffic goes from
 the apache to the
 I have tried using the loopback and local network

Why?  Is this Tomcat instance on the same server?

 # Load mod_jk module
 # LoadModule jk_module modules/
 LoadModule jk_module /etc/httpd/modules/
 # Declare the module for IfModule directive
 #AddModule mod_jk.c
 # Where to find
 JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/
 # Where to put jk logs
 JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
 # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
 JkLogLevel debug
 # Select the log format
 JkLogStampFormat [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 
 # JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,
 JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat
 # JkRequestLogFormat set the request format
 JkRequestLogFormat %w %V %T

I don't see the specification for JkShmFile

 # Send servlet for context /examples to worker named
 JkMount /examples/servlet/* worker1

The above should be:

JkMount /servlets-examples/servlet/* worker1

 JkMount /PI/* worker3
 #JkMount /PI/*.jsp worker3

Why are you using worker3 here?

 # Send JSPs for context /examples to worker named
 JkMount /examples/*.jsp worker1

The above shoould be /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1

 JkMount /journals/*.jsp worker1
 Worker Properties
 # Define some properties


According to the documentation this should contain a
comma separated list of all the workers.  However, if
you're going to the same Tomcat instance all the time,
you'll only need one worker definition

 # Set properties for worker1 (ajp13)

First of all, there should only be one worker list. 
Second of all, why do you have multiple workers going
to the same host but different ports?  Do you have
multiple Tomcats running on this host?

 # Set properties for worker2 (ajp13)
 # Set properties for worker3 (ajp13)
 # Set properties for worker4 (ajp13)

Even after all that is done, there are some other
issues when connecting Apache httpd and Tomcat.  If
Apache's DocumentRoot does not correspond to Tomcat's
appBase, then any static files contained in the
application will not be served by Apache without some
more Apache configuration changes.

There are several ways of accomplishing this, using
the Directory directive and Aliases or JkAutoAlias in
Apache's httpd.conf.


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Re: Context path changes in context.xml not working

2005-10-05 Thread Mark Eggers
As mentioned several times on the mailing list, path
is no longer read from webapp/META-INF/context.xml.

Try placing the context information in: 


under %CATALINA_HOME%\conf or %CATALINA_BASE%\conf if
you're using multiple Tomcats served from one binary.

If you're using the defaults, then engine-name is
Catalina and hostname is localhost.



--- David Kerber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Running Tomcat 5.5.9 on Windows 2000 server.
 I am trying to change the context path of an
 application, and it works 
 fine when I put this into my server.xml:
   Context path=/wradev/pelican 
 reloadable=true autoDeploy=true
 unpackWARs=true crossContext=false/
 According to the docs, putting this into the
 server.xml is not the 
 preferred way, but when I put it into my 
 webapps/SiteData/META-INF/context.xml, it doesn't
 seem to take effect, 
 even when I stop and restart Tomcat.
 Is there something I'm missing here?  Or is it a bug
 which will be fixed 
 in a later release.

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Re: Context path changes in context.xml not working

2005-10-05 Thread Mark Eggers
Did you try it in:



--- David Kerber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nobody has any suggestions about setting up a
 2-level context path 
 *without* putting it in the server.xml (it works
 fine in there)?

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Re: Why doesn't my context work?

2005-09-29 Thread Mark Eggers
--- Michael Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ lots of stuff snipped ]

OK, I finally got around to putting this together on
my Limux (Fedora Core 4) box.

My environment:
2.6.12-1.1456_FC4 running on a Dell 8200 with 768 MB
java 1.5.0_04-b05
apache 2.0.54
tomcat 5.5.9

My configurations:

# httpd.conf stuff
LoadModulejk_module modules/

JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/
JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogStampFormat  [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 
JkShmFile logs/shm-file

LoadModule userdir_module modules/
IfModule mod_userdir.c
UserDir enable username

Directory /home/*/webspace
  AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
  Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

# Adding JkMounts for UserDir
JkMount /~*/*.jsp local
JkMount /~*/*/*.jsp   local
JkMount /~*/servlet/* local
JkMount /~*/*.do  local

# stuff - mostly default for now

# one to serve the applications

# server.xml stuff in Tomcat under Host/Host
!-- adding listener to test local host directories

1. Add the appropriate user names in the line:

UserDir enable username

This is a space-separated list of user names. 
Otherwise you can just have:

UserDir enabled

to get them all.

2. Excuse the wrapping in the Options line under the
Directory directive.
This is just a bare bones one.  There are lots of
options to explore.

This is the listener that will add the same directory
to Tomcat that was added to Apache with the userdir

You will get a single web application under
/~username.  If you look at Tomcat's manager
application, you will see a /~username application.

I ran the first application from the Head First
Servlets  JSP book (my standard is it working
application) and this setup worked.

One thing to note.  I did not get Tomcat to explode a
war file in /~username.  I had to explode the war
manually in ~username/webspace.

I didn't see a way of adding multiple user
applications by using this listener.  I just did a
quick scan of the UserConfig javadoc.  My guess is
that if you want multiple web applications per user
you will have to set up a virtual host for each user.

Just some thoughts.



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Re: Why doesn't my context work?

2005-09-26 Thread Mark Eggers
--- Michael Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right now I use symlinks
 to my individual
 users' website directories, but now that I've
 discovered Alias I'll
 probably switch completely to using Aliases.

 created a test Alias
 point to the ~/webspace/webapps directory in my
 personal account, but I
 can't seem to JkMount it, and I can't figure out
 why.  Here is the
 mod_jk portion of my httpd.conf file:
 #mod_jk stuff
 LoadModule jk_module
 JkMount /*.jsp wrkr

I think your JSP JkMount line will only get
hostname/*.jsp.  It won't match hostname/*/*.jsp. 
I think you'll need another line in there that says:

JkMount /*/*.jsp wrkr

 JkMount /servlet/* wrkr

You will probably have the same issue with the servlet
matching.  Try this instead:

JkMount /*/servlet/* wrkr

Good idea here.

 # Deny direct access to WEB-INF
 LocationMatch .*WEB-INF.*
AllowOverride None
deny from all

Good start.

 Alias /michael /home/michael/webspace/webapps

I would probably change some of the Directory
directives.  Since this lives outside your normal
DocumentRoot, this Directory is not going to inherit
the permissions you gave to DocumentRoot.

Something like the following might work better:

Directory /home/michael/webspace/webapps
  Options Indexes
  Allow Override None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

 Directory /home/michael/webspace/webapps
 Options FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride None

I tend to put the Directory and Aliases before the
JkMount statement, if I do that, then I can do the

Alias /michael /home/michael/webspace/webapps
Directory /home/michael/webspace/webapps
  Options Indexes
  Allow Override None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

JkMount /michael/*.jsp wrkr
JkMount /michael/*/*.jsp wrkr
JkMount /michael/*/servlet/* wrkr

Finally, make sure the user Tomcat is running as has
read access to everything in

If there are a lot of applications, you can group all
the Directory directives, followed by all the Alias
directives, followed by all the JkMount statements.

Another way to organize your httpd.conf file is by
application.  In other words, for each application:

  # directory directives
Alias /desired_mapping /directory_napping
JkMount /desired_mapping/*.jsp tomcat-worker
JkMount /desired_mapping/servlet/* tomcat-worker

I'm away from my system right now, but I think either
of these methods should work fine.

The ugly thing about doing it this way is that every
time you add a new user, you'll have to update Apache,
which means you'll have to stop and start the server.

If you could get the user directory idea to work, then
everything would just happen.



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Re: Mod_jk setup problems

2005-09-20 Thread Mark Eggers
Glad I was able to help a little bit.

In my experience (Linux,Solaris,Win/2K), 8080 should
always work if you have the Connector configured.  If
you can't get to http://localhost:8080/jsp-examples/
running, then there is something else amiss.

In your httpd.conf file, I still didn't see something
like the following:

JkShmFile /var/log/memory.shm

This wasn't necessary in 1.2.6 and may not be
necessary in 1.2.14, but according to the
documentation it's used on UNIX platforms.

In lbfactor is used to set the
relative weight of a worker when you're doing load
balancing.  Since you're not doing load balancing,
letting it default to 1 should be fine.

You have two JkMounts for docstore.  I'm thinking that

JkMount /docstore/* worker1

is necessary.

If the entire web application (including static files)
lives in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps, then the Apache
process will need access to those directories and

Finally, a long time ago the order of startup was
important.  I think it was Tomcat first, then Apache. 
It's been a while, and right now I'm on the Windows
side of this machine so I can't check.  The order of
startup issue went away with Apache 2.0.x, but it may
still be an issue with your environment (Apache

I would be interested in seeing your error logs from
mod_jk as well as seeing what catalina.out has in it
when you try to get to a web application via port

Hope this gives you some avenues to explore.


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Re: Where to place a common jar file?

2005-09-19 Thread Mark Eggers
From the Tomcat documetation:


* For classes and resources specific to a particular 
web application, place unpacked classes and resources 
under /WEB-INF/classes  of your web application 
archive, or place JAR files containing those classes 
and resources under /WEB-INF/lib of your web
application archive.

* For classes and resources that must be shared across

all web applications, place unpacked classes and 
resources under $CATALINA_BASE/shared/classes, or
JAR files containing those classes and resources under


Further on down the page:

Common - This class loader contains additional classes

that are made visible to both Tomcat internal classes 
and to all web applications. Normally, application 
classes should NOT  be placed here.


--- David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Shared jars can be placed in common/lib, but keep in
 mind that all your
 webapps will be locked to the same version of the
 jar.  It's better to
 have a copy in the webapp instead where you'll have
 more version
 independence between wepapps.
 David Thielen wrote:
 If I have a jar file used by multiple servlets,
 should I put it in
 ${catalina}/common/lib or in

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Re: Mod_jk setup problems

2005-09-19 Thread Mark Eggers
A couple of things here.  I'll try to insert comment
where appropriate.

--- Don Boling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't seem to get anything to successfully pass
 though the mod_jk connector to the webapp.

What version of mod_jk?
 My mod_jk.conf , are as follows.
 $ less mod_jk.conf
 JkLogFile  /var/log/jk.log
 JkLogLevel debug

Later versions of mod_jk need JkShmFile on UNIX.

 JkMount /*.jsp worker1
 JkMount /servlet/* worker1
 JkMount /examples/* worker1
 JkMount /docstore worker1
 JkMount /docstore/* worker1

My installs of Tomcat on Linux and Windows do not have
an examples web application.  I have /jsp-examples and
a /servlets-examples contexts.  You might try:

JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1
JkMount /servlet-examples/servlet/* worker1

I don't know what your other applications are, but
I'll comment on a general setup in a bit.
 # Define 1 real worker using ajp13
 # Set properties for worker1 (ajp13)

You probably don't need worker.worker1.lbfactor since
you're not using load balancing.  Recycle
(worker.worker1.reclycle_timeout) needs to be spelled

[Lots of log stuff deleted]

With the exceptin of docstore, I did not see anything
that matched your JkMount statements.  Since there was
no match, no requests were forwarded.

In general, you will probably not have
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps and Apache's DocumentRoot
ovelapping each other.  Since they don't overlap,
Apache will not know anything about static files
(html, css, etc.) that live in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps.

You can use Directory and Alias directives in Apache
to set up access and map the directory into a URI
space that Apache knows about.

With later versions of mod_jk, you can use JkAutoAlias
to map directories for you.  From the documentation at

JkAutoAlias /opt/tomcat/webapps

Then you can use JkMount to map certain requests
(*.jsp, /*/servlet/*).

JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1

The value of JkAutoAlias appears to be prepended to
the JkMount directive to find the physical location.

I've not used JkAutoAlias, but this appears to be a
nice alternative to Directory and Alias directives in

In short:

1. Add JkShmFile to httpd.conf
2. Remove lbfactor from
3. Change the spelling of recycle
4. Use JkAutoAlias or Directory / Alias directives to
put the appropriate directories within Apache's
document and URI space.

I hope that gets you up and running.


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RE: Where to place a common jar file?

2005-09-19 Thread Mark Eggers
I think so.  If you use global naming resources and a
resource link (accessing your jdbc database via jndi),
then you might only need to place the jdbc drivers in

Reading some other online documentation, this appears
to be the preferred method.


--- David Thielen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry - you're right on the shared vs common. I put
 the jdbc drivers in
 common/lib as I access them via Tomcat's jndi - so
 Tomcat uses them. Is that
 correct for them
 Thanks - dave

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Re: Why doesn't my context work?

2005-09-16 Thread Mark Eggers
 Here are the contents of
 Context path=/user appBase=/home
 debug=0 privileged=true

From the documentation for Tomcat 5.5.9 at

The Document Base (also known as the Context Root) 
directory for this web application, or the pathname
to the web application archive file (if this web
application is being executed directly from the WAR 
file). You may specify an absolute pathname for this 
directory or WAR file, or a pathname that is relative 
to the appBase directory of the owning Host.

If you've not changed server.xml, then the appBase is

Rather than using a combination of appBase and docBase

in your context file (and I don't think appBase is
appropriate in a context node - at least in 5.5.9),
you could use an absolute path for docBase:


This means that the following URL would potentially

The next issue is one of permissions.  If you're on a
UNIX machine, make sure that 


is readable by the owner of the process running
Tomcat.  Otherwise you'll not be able to serve the

Finally, I notice that you're going directly at this

Unless your Tomcat is configured to run on port 80,
you will be hitting any web server that is running,
and not your Tomcat server.  By default, Tomcat serves
http on port 8080.

In order to get Tomcat and Apache talking, you'll have
to do a lot more work.  This involves getting mod_jk
(or mod_proxy) built and installed, configuring Apache
httpd.conf,, and possibly
server.xml (although the default server.xml already
has the ajp 1.3 connector configured).

I hope that starts you down a more productive path.


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Re: Why doesn't my context work?

2005-09-16 Thread Mark Eggers

--- Michael Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK.  For clarification I am running
 tomcat-5.0.27-r6.  I want user's
 tomcat files to be read from
 /home/*/webspace/webapps.  My personal
 account is michael so my personal tomcat directory 
 be /home/michael/webspace/webapps .  Just for the
 sake of arguments I
 created a directory called user under
 /home/michael/webspace/webapps and
 moved my jsp files into it.
 My /opt/tomcat5/conf/Catalina/localhost/user.xml
 file looks like this
 debug=0 privileged=true

You don't need privledged=true, so let's remove

 I restarted Tomcat.  I am using mod_jk and when I go
 to I see the Tomcat
 start page.  However,

Good, you're using mod_jk.  You will need to do some
Apache configuration in order for this to work.

I am going to assume that /home/* lies outside of the
DocumentRoot directory tree.

1. Get Apache to recognize web directories outside of
the DocumentRoot tree.  There are several ways of
doing this.  One such way is given in the actuall
httpd.conf file that comes with the stock Apache.

Basically you need to give a set of Directory
directives that give Apache access to the material in
the home directories.

If you use the userdir_module in Apache, then
~username/directory will become a part of the web
space (if you take the comments out).

If you do this by hand, you'll need to give both
Directory directives and an Alias directive to move it
into the web space that Apache serves.

2. Once you do that, you'll need to add JkMount
statements as well.  I suspect that JkMount statements
will respond to Alias directives since JkMount deals
with web space and not directories.

I don't know if JkMount interacts with the
userdir_module.  In other words, I don't know what
will happen if you put in a JkMount statment that

JkMount /~*/*.jsp tomcat

It would be interesting to find out if that would end
up mapping to /~username/directory/*.jsp where
username is the user name and directory is the
value of UserDir.

3. Once you do that, it's always nice to make a small
WEB-INF/web.xml, even for plain jsp pages.  Something
like the following should work:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
display-nameBeginning JSP/display-name
descriptionContainer for quick

Sorry for the wrapping.

In short, you need to do the following three steps.

1. Make sure your Apache server knows about
directories outside of DocumentRoot.  Use Directory
and Alias directives or userdir_module.

2. Use JkMount to map the expected incoming URLs to
the Tomcat server.  Experiment to see if JkMount picks
up on the substitutions done by userdir_module.

3. Make a small WEB-INF/web.xml with the appropriate
structure.  Creating a proper web application is
useful, especially once you start adding servlets to
the mix.


 when I go to I
 get Tomcat 404
 Resource Not Available for /user/index.jsp .  You
 reprinted the
 paragraph from the Tomcat documentation and it made
 the same amount of
 sense to me as it did when I read it in the Tomcat
 docs:  Basically

Hmm, let me see if I can give my explanation.

If you do not have a leading / in your appBase value,
then the containing Host's docBase value gets stuck
on in front.  In other words:


From the Host container documentation, if the
appBase value does not have a leading /, then it is
taken relative to $CATALINA_BASE.  The resulting path
to the application looks like:


If you haven't defined $CATALINA_BASE, it defaults to
the same value as $CATALINA_HOME.  The resulting path
to the application the looks like:



In combination with the userdir_module from Apache to
get the directories into Apache's web space, you might
also want to take a look at user web applications
section of the Host container document.  The section
is toward the end of:


It looks like you could use the userdir_module,
appropriate JkMount directives, and the howto in the
Host container document to construct a pretty
flexible environment where every user could have a web
applications directory.


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clustering questions

2005-06-13 Thread Mark Eggers
I'm looking at clustering and have a few questions.

1. In the documentation, the Cluster element is shown
as a child of the Engine element.  In the example
server.xml  the Cluster element is shown in the Host

When I put the Cluster element in the Host element, I
get clustering messages in catalina.out.  I don't get
this if I put the Cluster element in the Engine

So the proper location for a Cluster element is inside
a Host element?

2. There is a statement concerning number of threads
would be optimal if it matched the number of nodes.  I
am fronting Tomcat with Apache/mod_jk.  Would the
number of nodes be the maximum clients I have
configured for Apache times the number of Apache
servers that can hit this Tomcat server?

I am looking at having several virtual hosts running
under one Tomcat instance.  Does this mean I need to
have a separate Cluster element for each virtual host?

Thanks for helping me get started on this.


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Re: Mysterious failures

2005-05-25 Thread Mark Eggers

--- Grant Ingersoll

 Thanks for the ideas.  I cranked my debugging up to
 There are a couple of things that I see, but don't
 know if they are 
 1. SEVERE: The scratchDir you specified: 

   -- I never set this, I am assuming it is the

This is normally the work directory for the admin
application.  Are you trying to replace this
application, or could there be a context problem?

 2. WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Class-Path
  -- I think this is due to some JAR in struts

I will have to load and launch a Struts application to
check on this.  I don't recall seeing this recently.

 3. In the apache log I get warnings about compiling
 mod_jk with EAPI on

EAPI compilation is for a module compiled for Apache
1.3 and supporting SSL.  Are you using Apache 1.3 or
2.0?  From the error message below, it sounds like you
are trying to run a 1.3 module on a 2.0 server.  This
won't be successful.

Either download and compile the source, or get the
binary release for apache 2.0.47.

 I am mapping through mod_jk, so the error I get is
 the Apache Internal 
 Server Error.  The Tomcat process is dead, so there
 is no tomcat error 

Hope this helps


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Re: Hiding resources

2005-02-02 Thread Mark Eggers
How about doing your development in a different area,
and do your your deployment via export?

You could also frontend your Tomcat wtih Apache and
deny access with Apache.

Just a couple of random thoughts . . . 


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Re: apache jk2.conf and tomcat question heeelp

2004-12-23 Thread Mark Eggers
Create a Java web application in the 'normal' fashion.  See
http://localhost/tomcat-docs/appdev/index.html for how to set things up.

This will create your entire web application in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps.

Now, in your Apache httpd.conf file, you need some configuration
additions.  Let's say your application is called beg-jsp (for beginning

Directory /home/tomcat/tomcat-5.0/webapps/beg-jsp
   Options Indexes MultiViews
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from
   Allow from 192.168.1

Replace /home/tomcat/tomcat-5.0/webapps/beg-jsp with the directory where
your application is located.  Adjust the Allow from statements as

Also add an alias directive in your httpd.conf.

Alias /beg-jsp//home/tomcat/tomcat-5.0/webapps/beg-jsp/

Again, replace /home/tomcat/tomcat-5.0/webapps/beg-jsp with YOUR

Now, in, add the following lines to pass all jsp
requests to Tomcat.


Replace with your hostname.  The worker I'm using is
the default worker.  Change that if you've defined it differently than
the default.

Now Apache will serve all content except for files ending with jsp.
That will get sent to Tomcat to serve.


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Strange problem

2004-12-10 Thread Mark Eggers
 I'm running Tomcat 5.0.30 on FC2 with SUN 1.4.1_02 
 jdk I'm having this strange problem, I can not
 any jsp or servlet pages using a browser, it seems 
 to be timing out, but telnet to the port tomcat is 
 listening then type GET ... works. I can see the 
 directory structure and regular html pages works 
 fine, any ideas?

I have a couple of thoughts.

1. Make sure that Tomcat is using Sun's jdk and not
GJC.  You can do that by setting JAVA_HOME in
/etc/profile, and making sure that whereever you
installed the jdk is before /usr/bin in the path.  Or,
you can move all of the GJC stuff out of the path.

2. If I recall correctly, you'll need a copy of
tools.jar in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib

3. Depending on which kernel you have, (later FC 2
kernels and all FC 3 2.6 kernels), there is a problem
with the new threading model and j2sdk 1.4.1.  The
best bet is to upgrade your j2sdk to j2skd1.4.2_06.

I currently run Tomcat 5.028 on Fedora Core 3 with
j2sdk 1.4.2_06 and have no problems.  I have jdk1.5,
but I've not upgraded my Tomcat to 5.54 and recompiled
my applications yet.

Hope this helps

. . . . just my two cents

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Re: Fedora Core 3

2004-12-01 Thread Mark Eggers
I'm using the following on Fedora Core 3 as a development environment
with no problems.

Apache 2.052
Tomcat 5.028
Java 1.4.2_06
mod_jk2 (I know it's unsupported)

Please note that a Fedora Core 3 install or upgrade from Fedora Core 2
will install the GNU Java compiler.  This can create some issues.  Just
either use rpm to remove, or move the offending files out of the path.

I'll move to Apache 2.1 (with mod_proxy), Tomcat 5.5x, and Java 1.5 as
soon as I can make sure everything I have runs with Java 1.5.  I'm
looking forward to the move, since building cocoon 2.1.6 was 3 times
faster with Java 1.5 than 1.4.2_06.

just my two cents . . .

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RE: Help with mod_jk2

2004-10-19 Thread Mark Eggers

 Im trying to do multiple instances on different ports. the jkUriSet worked
 great for the first one, but the second and third dont work. Im ending up
 having to map every extension type in the which seems
 totally wrong.
 I will try your technique and see if i can get the second instance runnng
 under ajp13...


I've not tried multiple instances of tomcat under multiple ports.  I'm
running a single instance of Tomcat on the same machine as I run
Apache.  I use virtual hosts in both.  That coupled with putting a
manager application for each virtual host seems to work pretty well.

I have not tried running multiple instances of Tomcat, either from the
same binary or from separate binaries.  I'm not sure this machine could
tolerate that.  I have mysql, postgresql, apache, tomcat with multiple
applications - all on a Dell 8200 with 768 MB of memory.

If you just need virtual hosts, then a a way that works for me is the

VirtualHost *
  ServerRoot fully

  DocumentRoot /home/apache/fully

# other stuff for this virtual host

!-- local virtual host for testing virtual hosting access --
Host debug=0
  unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
  xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

!-- Aliases short name --

!-- access log for this virtual host --
Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
   directory=logs  prefix=fully-access. suffix=.log
   pattern=common resolveHosts=false/

!-- shared context log for this virtual host --
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
directory=logs  prefix=fully. suffix=.log


And in /home/tomcat/conf/Catalina, I have two subdirectories.


In these directories go the xml files.  You need balancer.xml. 
manager.xml gives you the manager application.  admin.xml gives you the
administrative application.  I've also put a ROOT.xml in the directory to point to /home/tomcat/fully.
Since I'm running everything on a single host, there's really no need
for me to create multiple workers with different host names.  Everything
is local, and goes through ajp13:localhost:8009.

I suppose if I wanted to improve performance, I could try UNIX sockets. 
Unfortunately, that is not portable across platforms.  Since my goal is
to run identical development/deployment environments on Linux and
Windows, I tend to shy away from using platform-specific capabilities
(UNIX sockets, in-process).

With the exception of directory naming, I can (and do) run the same
environment on both Linux Fedora Core 2 and Windows/2000 Professional.

Add cygwin and a sed script on Windows, and I can convert my Linux
configuration files to Windows.  A similar sed script converts my
Windows configuration files back to Linux.  It's probably time to
rewrite the script in Perl, since managing multiple virtual hosts is
getting to be a bit messy.

Going back to the beginning:

1. What is your overall Tomcat goal?
   a) multiple hosts (real or virtual) ?
   b) load balancing ?

2. What is your overall Apache goal?
   a) static pages ?
   b) Apache httpd-specific functions ?

3. What is your overall environment goal?
   a) Single development or learning?
   b) Development environment?
   c) Model for small or large production site?
   d) Small or large production site?

Answering some of the above questions can help you decide how to
structure your Tomcat/Apache environment.


just my two cents . . .

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RE: Help with mod_jk2

2004-10-14 Thread Mark Eggers
OK, I'm coming in a little late to this thread.  Here is my
configuration for a typical web application using

I am running this on Fedora Core 2 with httpd 2.0.52 and Tomcat 5.0.28.


# general section - for all virtual hosts
LoadModule jk2_module modules/

# particular virtual host
VirtualHost *
  ServerAlias lvh
  DocumentRoot /home/apache/lvh

  ErrorLog logs/lvh-error.log
  LogLevel warn
  CustomLog logs/lvh-access.log common

# Directory for application
  Directory /home/tomcat/lvh/beg-servlets
 Options Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews
 AllowOverride None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from 192.168.1
 Allow from

  Directory /home/tomcat/lvh/beg-servlets/WEB-INF
AllowOverride None
Deny from all

# Aliases
  Alias /beg-servlets/   /home/tomcat/lvh/beg-servlets/

# Alternate file logger

info=Global server options

# Example socket channel, override port and host.

# define the worker

# could place the following in httpd.conf with JkUriSet


!-- local virtual host for testing virtual hosting access --
  Host debug=0 appBase=/home/tomcat/lvh
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

!-- Aliases short name --

!-- access log for this virtual host --
Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
   directory=logs  prefix=lvh-access. suffix=.log
   pattern=common resolveHosts=false/

!-- shared context log for this virtual host --
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
directory=logs  prefix=lvh. suffix=.log


If the beg-servlets application had jsp files, then I would need to add
the following lines to



The above configuration maps all jsp and servlets to Tomcat, while
letting Apache httpd serve all other files.  I run both httpd and Tomcat
in the same group (webgroup).  However, each server has its own user id.
Marking the directories 750, and the files 640 solves the access
problems.  In a production setting (this is a development server), I
would probably recommend 550 and 440 for the permissions.  There's
really no reason to allow write access.

Alter the above for your host names and virtual host structure.  I run
three virtual hosts on both httpd and Tomcat.  I am fixing to add ssl to
this mix sometime in the near future.



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Re: valid XHTML 1.1, Tomcat, text/xml, and @!* IE

2004-09-18 Thread Mark Eggers
Yes, but the actual XSL is just a copy statement:

stylesheet version=1.0
template match=/
copy-of select=./

This should mean that no actual transformation gets done.

However, also from the FAQ:

Why is it allowed to send XHTML 1.0 documents as text/html?

XHTML is an XML format; this means that strictly speaking it should be
sent with an XML-related media type (application/xhtml+xml,
application/xml, or text/xml). However XHTML 1.0 was carefully designed
so that with care it would also work on legacy HTML user agents as well.
If you follow some simple guidelines, you can get many XHTML 1.0
documents to work in legacy browsers. However, legacy browsers only
understand the media type text/html, so you have to use that media type
if you send XHTML 1.0 documents to them. But be well aware, sending
XHTML documents to browsers as text/html means that those browsers see
the documents as HTML documents, not XHTML documents.

A third hack might be to use the:

  !--[if IE]


hack in your document.  This means that only Internet Exploder will see
what's there.

Sigh - asking Microsoft to play by the rules is just not a possible

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: valid XHTML 1.1, Tomcat, text/xml, and @!* IE

2004-09-17 Thread Mark Eggers
On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 17:55, Garret Wilson wrote:
 With Tomcat 5.5.2, JSF, and JSP, I'm serving up pure, 
 standards-compliant XHTML 1.1 that starts out with:
 ?xml version=1.0
 html xmlns=;
 That works just fine with FireFox, but with IE (the very latest and 
 greatest available), I get:
 Parameter entity must be defined before it is used. Error processing 
 resource '

Yep - known bug that IE cannot handle this.  Apparently there is a
work-around detailed at:

I haven't tried it yet.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Strange problem with Apache2/Tomcat4 part II

2004-07-30 Thread Mark Eggers
I think that this has been discussed on the list before.

You might want to check the archives.

If I remember correctly, this happens on a Redhat 9 system where the SSL
libraries have been installed via RPMs.

Before running your configure commmand, setting an environment variable
via the following:

export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/kerberos/lib

You may also run into gdm issues as well, but given your location of
Apache, I'm guessing that you compiled httpd on your own.

If this doesn't solve your problem, check out the
archives and look for md5.


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: jk2, apache2, tomcat5, on redhat 9 issue

2004-07-25 Thread Mark Eggers
I'm not sure what's borked with installing modules on Redhat since I
build everything myself.

Based on your error messages, it doesn't seem that the rpm's apxs is
finding everything correctly.

There have been several threads on this in the mailing list, so you can
search there as well.  If I recall correctly, you'll need to do the
following when you run configure for

1) cd to jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.4-src/jk/native2
2) run configure with:

./configure --with-apxs2=$APACHE_HOME/bin/apxs \
--with-tomcat41=$CATALINA_HOME \ \
--with-jni \

where $APACHE_HOME is where apache is installed (although check to make
sure apxs is there), $CATALINA_HOME is where Tomcat is installed, and is where is located.

JNI is the Java native interface so that UNIX sockets will work. You
will need to set JAVA_HOME to point to your J2SDK install.

Getting this to work is problematic on stock Redhat installs, because I
don't think the necessary libraries were linked into the stock httpd
server.  I think the reason that this was avoided was to reduce the
dependency list for httpd.

There have been a lot of discussions on how to fix UNIX socket
operations on stock Redhat installs.  Basically you have to modify
server/apache2/Makefile and add a line containing EXTRA_LDFLAGS with
several libraries.  You could also do:

export EXTRA_LDFLAGS= . . . .

where . . . . is the list of libraries before running configure.  I
don't recall the libraries right off hand, so you'll need to query the
mailing list archive.

Only add pcre if you have the Perl regular expression library installed
(most likely you do).

I'm not sure that httpd and httpd-devel install and  There are RPMs for those as well, so you might do the

rpm -q rpm-name --filesbypkg

where rpm-name would be the appropriate one for httpd or httpd-devel. 
Make sure that the libraries are there.  If they are not, then you'll
have to get the appropriate RPMs for apr and apr-util.
(starting with 2.0.4) require these libraries.

When those libraries are installed, make sure that they're in your
LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  The easiest way to do this is to create a file called
apache.conf in /etc/  There should be a line in it that
points to the directory where apr and apr-util live.  The run
/sbin/ldconfig as root to add the libraries.

Note - Only do the above if the libraries are not already in a path that
is included in the ldconfig configuration.

Once that is done, you should be able to run  Then you'll
get to configure it.  There have been many discussions on how to
configure mod_jk2, and several links have been posted to the mailing


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: jk2, apache2, tomcat5, on redhat 9 issue

2004-07-24 Thread Mark Eggers
You will need to install the httpd-devel rpm as well.  This will give
you apxs and other material needed to compile mod_jk2.  You might check
on yum to see if mod_jk2 is already compiled.  It is for Fedora Core 2. 
I don't know if it is for Redhat 9.

I build my own Apache, mod_jk2, etc. from source so all I can tell you
is what Synaptic, yum, and rhn tell me.


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Re: AGAIN: How can you deploy an application onto a specific host?

2004-07-07 Thread Mark Eggers

This depends a lot on your environment.

I am running 3 virtual hosts on this machine.  I have used the following
documentation in setting up a manager application for each virtual host.


In particular, I use the following solution:

Install the manager.xml context configuration file in the
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname] folder.

For example, my CATALINA_HOME is /home/tomcat, and the [enginname] is
Catalina.  I have multiple hosts (localhost lvh1, lvh2), so I have three
subdirectories (/home/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost,
/home/tomcat/conf/Catalina/lvh1, /home/tomcat/conf/Catalina/lvh2).

In each of these subdirectories, I have a copy of balancer.xml,
manager.xml, and ROOT.xml.  In the localhost subdirectory I also have a
copy of admin.xml.

Right now I authenticate against a single user database, but I suppose
that I could change that on a per virtual host basis by editing the
manager.xml file.  That way each virtual host could have a different
manager . . . .

That should be enough to get you started.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: mod_jk

2004-03-06 Thread Mark Eggers

Here's how I've compiled mod_jk on Linux (Redhat 9 and
Fedora Core 1).

   1.  Download source
   2. Uncompress it and extract the tar file.
   3. cd to 
   4. chmod u+x configure
   5. Run configure with:

./configure \
--with-apxs=apache-root-directory/bin/apxs \
--with-java-home=java-root-directory \

For example:

  ./configure --with-apxs=/home/apache/bin/apxs \
  --with-java-home=/usr/java \
   6. If you use Apache 1.3 with SSL (mod_ssl), you 
  will need to add the following to your configure

  command: --enable-EAPI

For example:

  ./configure --with-apxs=/home/apache/bin/apxs \
  --with-java-home=/usr/java \
  --with-jni \
   7. Run make
   8. The .so files will be in the appropriate 
  * apache-1.3 - mod_jk for apache 1.3.x
  * apache-2.0 - mod_jk for apache 2.0.x
  * iis - mod_jk for iis
  * jni - jkjni (if selected during configure)
  * netscape - mod_jk for netscape server
  * domino - mod_jk for domino server
   9. Copy those to files to 
  apache-root-directory/modules with the proper 
  10. Configure and restart both Tomcat and the Apache

  web server.



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Re: Tomcat5 RH ES mod_jk2 Apache2

2004-01-30 Thread Mark Eggers

See the following link:

Replace /examples/*.jsp with /jsp-examples/*.jsp and
/examples/servlet/* with /servlets-examples/servlet/*
and you should be good to go with Tomcat 5.


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Apache + Tomcat RH HOWTO (Apache Compile)

2004-01-28 Thread Mark Eggers
RedHat places some libraries in places that configure
doesn't expect.  In order to get SSL compiled, the
following environment variable needs to be set before
running configure.

export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/kerberos/include 

(all on one line - sorry about the wrap)


just my two cents . . . .

--- Luc Foisy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In function `ssl_hook_UserCheck':

 undefined reference to `OPENSSL_free'
 In function `ssl_callback_SSLVerify':

 undefined reference to `OPENSSL_free'

 undefined reference to `OPENSSL_free'
 In function `ssl_callback_SSLVerify_CRL':

 undefined reference to `OPENSSL_free'
 modules/ssl/.libs/ In
 function `ssl_var_lookup_ssl_cert':

 undefined reference to `OPENSSL_free'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make[1]: *** [httpd] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

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Re: Problem with cc-gcc compiling mod_jk in Solaris 9

2004-01-27 Thread Mark Eggers

Are you trying to compile mod_jk, or mod_jk2?

Instead of creating a symbolic link, do the following:

1. Make sure that gcc is in your path (it's usually
installed in /opt/something if I remember

2. Set an environment variable:

setenv CC=gcc  (C shell)
export CC=gcc (Bash shell)

3. If you compiled apache yourself, use the same
CPPFLAGS environment variable for this compilation.

4. The configure script will attempt to find java, so
set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to
your desired location.

5. For mod_jk2, download the 2.0.2 source, gunzip, and
untar it.

6. Go to the jk/native2 directory and run the
following configure command:

./configure --with-apxs2=path_to_your_apxs_file \
--with-tomcat41=path_to_your_tomcat \

6i. If you have the Perl regular expresions library
installed, use the following configure command

./configure --with-apxs2=path_to_your_apxs_file \
--with-tomcat41=path_to_your_tomcat \
--with-jni --with-pcre

7. Fix a line in server/apache2/Makefile.  The line:

JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre

should read:

JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre
-lpcreposix -laprutil-0

8. Run make

9. The module ( and should be in 


5a. For mod_jk, download the 1.25 source, gunzip it,
and untar it.

6a. Go to the jk/native directory and run the
following configure command:

./configure --with-apxs=path_to_your_apxs_file \

7a. Run make

8a. The module ( should be in apache2/

9a. The jni component ( should be in jni/

That all being said, I've not used the or
jni component much.  I use and on
Linnux, and mod_jk2.dll and jkjni.dll on Windows/2000.

Hope this helps you get started.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: mod_jk problem

2004-01-27 Thread Mark Eggers

There are a lot of ways to start out exploring jsp

1. Create a directory under %CATALINA_HOME%/webapps
and modify Tomcat's server.xml

a) For example, create a beg-jsp directory
b) Add the following context in server.xml

!-- Beginning JSP context for experimenting with raw 

Context path=/beg-jsp docBase=beg-jsp debug=0
  reloadable=true crossContext=true
  prefix=localhost_beg-jsp_log. suffix=.txt

c) Restart Tomcat

Now you can throw jsp files into this directory and
have them served by Tomcat.

2. Create a web application structure and deploy it

a) Create a directory beg-jsp in 


b) Create a subdirectory WEB-INF

c) Add the following minimalist web.xml file to the
WEB-INF directory

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, 
  Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN;
  display-nameBeginning JSP/display-name
Container for quick JSP tests


(don't wrap the !DOCTYPE)

d) In the beg-jsp directory, create a small
index.html.  I just put links to jsp files in this

e) Use the Tomcat manager application to deploy the
application.  Where it says War or Directory URL, just
put in


(where path_to_beg-jsp is

f) Click on the Deploy button, and you should have a
new application

3. Create the web application structure in a
development area, war the application, and deploy the
war file.

a) Create the directory structure given in:


(actually, it's under Deployment)

b) Use the minimalist web.xml from option 2c above and
put it in your local WEB-INF directory

c) Create your files

d) If you don't want to get ant and go through the
entire build process . . . just do the following in
the base directory where you did all the editing:

jar -cf beg-jsp.war *

e) Now use the Tomcat Manager Application to install
the war file.

The advantage of using the third method is that it
will prepare you to expand to a servlet/jsp
application.  Your structure will be started, and you
can then start learning ant, servlets, configuration
management, and application structure.

I know I haven't covered mod_jk or mod_jk2, but that's
an entirely different kettle of fish.


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Build problem with: connectors source

2004-01-26 Thread Mark Eggers
Building mod_jk and mod_jk2 is a bit tricky, but not
too bad.  Here's how I accomplished it on Linux
(Redhat 9 and Fedora Core 1).


1. Download the latest source.

2. Uncompress and and untar it

3. cd to mod_jk2 native area

cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2-src/jk/native2

4. Set CPPFlAGS to the same that you had when building
Apache.  For me this meant the following:


(all on one line)

5. Run configure with the following:

./configure --with-apxs2=/home/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-tomcat41=/home/tomcat \
--with-os-type=include/linux \
--with-jni \

Replace the /home/apache/bin/apxs with your location
of apxs.

You will notice an error about command OS not being
found.  This is a bug in the configure script, and is
also in an M4 macro file.  It will not affect the

6. Change to the server/apache2 directory

cd server/apache2

7. Edit the Makefile and change the following line

JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre


JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre
-lpcreposix -laprutil-0

This is a problem with the configure script (and
another M4 file).

8. Change back to the native2 directory

cd ../..

9. Run make

10. and will be in:


11. Copy them into your modules directory for Apache,
change the permissions accordingly (so your Apache
process owner can read them), and proceed to the

This and supports both IP sockets
and UNIX sockets on Linux.  From previous discussions
on this mailing list I think that in-process support
will depend on a new MPM for the web server.

The M4 script changes appear to be fairly trivial, but
my first pass at the OS change seemed to break other
stuff (concerning OS subdirectory detection for
jkjni/java).  I'm working on unravelling that (since I
don't understand M4, yet) and I'll try to post my
patches to Bugzilla.


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: mod_jk problem

2004-01-25 Thread Mark Eggers
Please see the following:


Lots of information, including several step-by-step


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Redhat9 / mod_jk2 builds from source

2004-01-14 Thread Mark Eggers

Not a problem :-)

I do have some additions to my original post.  The
changes get UNIX sockets working as well as IP

Set the following environment variables:

export LDFLAGS=-lgdbm -lldap -lexpat -ldb
export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/kerberos/include

(all on one line for the second command).  Use the
appropriate command for the shell you're in.

Tell configure about OS-specific files for Java JNI. 
For linux and the Sun JVM, the files are located in
include/linux underneath $JAVA_HOME.  The configure
command for mod_jk2 is then:

./configure --with-apxs2=/home/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-tomcat41=/home/tomcat \
--with-os-type=include/linux \
--with-jni \

Finally, modify the JK_LDFLAGS line in
server/apache2/Makefile to include libaprutil.  It
will read:

JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre
-lpcreposix -laprutil-0

(again on one line).

Run make, and the resulting / will
support both IP socketes and UNIX sockets.

In-process communication will probably have to wait
until a new MPM module is out for Apache.

The missing aprutil-0 library is probably due to an
autoconf / configure issue.  The developers (according
to folks on this mailing list) have decided to use the
Apache apr interfaces, but have not finished updating
the configure scripts.  This is really apparent if you
try to build the connectors from the current CVS.

I've tried the above on Fedora Core 1 with both 4.1.29
and 5.0.16 with success.


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Redhat9 / mod_jk2 builds from source

2004-01-14 Thread Mark Eggers

This is all pretty much in a bug I posted to on (#17762).

If you build Apache with all shared modules, then
there are some dependencies in apr and aprutil.  An
ldd from 2.0.46 on Redhat 9 (2.4.20-9) shows the

ldd /home/apache/lib/ = /lib/ = /usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ = /lib/tls/ = /lib/tls/ = /usr/lib/ = /lib/ = /lib/ = /usr/lib/
 /lib/ = /lib/ = /lib/ = /lib/ = /lib/ = /lib/ = 
   /usr/kerberos/lib/ = /usr/kerberos/lib/ =
/usr/kerberos/lib/ = /usr/kerberos/lib/ = /usr/lib/

ldd /home/apache/lib/ = /lib/ = /usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/ = /lib/tls/ = /lib/tls/ = /usr/lib/ = /lib/ = /lib/ = /usr/lib/
 /lib/ = /lib/ = /lib/ = /lib/ = /lib/ = /lib/ = 
  /usr/kerberos/lib/ = /usr/kerberos/lib/ =
/usr/kerberos/lib/ = /usr/kerberos/lib/ = /usr/lib/

So I guess strictly speaking if you build libapr and
libaprutil with the appropriate LDFLAGS, you should
not need them to build and

I found if you don't use 


in your configure command, UNIX sockets (
will fail with the following error:

INFO: APR not loaded, disabling jni components: initialize
Exception during startup processing
. . . . .
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: getJkEnv
at org.apache.jk.apr.AprImpl.getJkEnv(Native Method)

About the environment variables . . . I think that if
you get libapr and libaprutil built with the listed
environment variables you should not need them when
building and

Messier details are probably better discussed by the
developers who know the internals of this code.  I'm
just beginning to look at it for the following

1. Submit a patch for autoconf to get the right
configure script built.

2. Look at a new MPM module in Apache for Linux and
the new thread model that will support in-process

When I get to it I don't know since most of my time is
spent looking for employment.


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Redhat9 / mod_jk2 builds from source

2004-01-14 Thread Mark Eggers
Oscar - set $JAVA_HOME if you get configure errors
with include-os-type=include/linux.  The configure
script will tack on the $JAVA_HOME value.

If you don't, then give the full path to the header

I think I get all the extra info because I build
Apache with:

./configure --with-ssl=shared --with-modules=all

Basically, I have the kitchen sink version of Apache.

Hope that clears things up.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: John Turner or someone who responsible for Posting -- Re: How to Apache2, Tomcat4.1.2, JK2 ?

2004-01-13 Thread Mark Eggers
This has been discussed in detail on this mailing list
recently.  Check the archives.

In short, IP sockets work, and UNIX sockets work. 
In-process will probably require a new Apache MPM, and
currently does not work.

just my two cents . . . .

--- Nikola Milutinovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Shreehari Manikarnika wrote:
  Is this possible? - connecting Tomcat 4 to Apache
 2 via mod_jk2 under
  Linux, in any_of_the_JNI_modes. Any sort of help
 or even a reference to
  any available information will be great!
 The two modes that work on Linux are channelSocket
 (regular network socket) 
 and channelUnix (using UNIX domain sockets,
 The in-process is problematic, at best, on Linux.

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Re: Redhat9 / apxs / mod_jk2 build problem.

2004-01-12 Thread Mark Eggers

I don't know about
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar.gz, but
the latest CVS snapshot has some problems during make.

It appears to be an issue with the configure scripts
(actually multiple issues) that need to be addressed.

The best bet is to use the 2.0.2 source and compile
from there.

As discussed on the mailing list you'll be able to get
sockets (both IP and UNIX) working, but in-process is
currently not possible with the available
multi-processor modules in apache.

Also, add --with-pcre and --with-os-type=include/linux
to your ./configure command for mod_jk2.

Finally, you'll need to tweak the Makefile in
server/apache2 of mod_jk2.  The JK_LDFLAGS line should

JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre
-lpcreposix -laprutil-0


just my two cents . . . .

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Mapping in

2004-01-10 Thread Mark Eggers
There are actually several ways to map between Apache
and Tomcat via mod_jk2.

The first is using  If you've
compiled with -pcre, then perl regular expressions
should work as well as individual names.

Also, remember that servlets traditionally live in
/app-name/servlet/servlet-name.  This is
controlled by the web.xml for the particular
application (context) and is found in:


The example context is especially confusing, primarily
due to the name.  In Tomcat 4.1.29, you have the


However, the actual location of the servlets according
to web.xml would be:


So, in your file you will need to
have the following in order to map all servlets in the


or whatever you called your worker name.

While works well for a small
number of sites, it does not scale very well since the
match lookup is linear.  Another way to manage mod_jk2
mapping is detailed in the source of mod_jk2.

I know, I know, reading the source is not supposed to
be a requirement, but then again this is open source
so you do have the opportunity.

Anyway, in jk/native2/server/apache2/mod_jk2.c, there
is a little documentation concerning JkUriSet.

Basically, you use Apache constructs to map the
location and within that you use the JkUriSet
directive to map the location to the appropriate

I've tried both ways, and they both work well. 
According to the source, using JkUriSet is the
preferred method.

As for in-process, there has been some discussion on
this mailing list about why in-process does not work
with the current MPM (multi-processor modules)
available for Apache httpd.  The real problem seems to
be that there is currently no MPM that runs all of
apache within one process in UNIX, using threads
exclusively to handle separate requests.

Actually, this is not quite true since there is an
experimental MPM that accomplishes this.  However,
according to the documentation this is slower than the
current worker model (multi-process, multi-thread) and
not recommended for production work.

The problem is that when multiple processes get
started, each process attempts to start its own Tomcat
(if in-process is being used).  This can't be done
using the same server,xml.

In recent kernels (Redhat 2.4.2x, generic 2.6.0,
2.6.1) there has been a new implementation of threads.
 It might be possible to build a new MPM that takes
advantage of this.  As far as I know, this is not
being done (yet).  This sounds like a great
opportunity to make a contribution :-).

Hope this has been helpful.

just my two cents . . .

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Re: mod_jk2 doesn't create jk2.socket

2004-01-09 Thread Mark Eggers
This looks like you are running on Linux . . . Or at
least I've seen the same behavior on Linux as you're
seeing here.

It also looks like you're trying UNIX sockets as
opposed to IP sockets.

I've had some success doing this on the following

Fedora Core 1 2.4.22-1.2138.nptl
Java 1.4.2_02-b03

Apache 2.0.48 from source
Tomcat 5.0.16 binaries
mod_jk2.sofrom 2.0.2 source

To accomplish this, I did the following:

1.Set my environment variables as follows:

a) export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java
b) export LDFLAGS=-lgdbm -lldap -lexpat -ldb
c) export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/kerberos/include   \

2.Configured Apache with:

./configure --enable-ssl=shared \
--enable-modules=all \

3.Built and installed Apache

4.Went to

5. Configured with:
./configure --with-apxs2=/home/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-tomcat41=/home/tomcat \
--with-os-type=include/linux \
--with-jni \

6. Went to server/apache2 and changed the following
line in the Makefile from:

JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre


JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre
-lpcreposix -laprutil-0

7. Went back up to the directory in step 5, and
performed a make.

8. Changed to cd ../build/jk2/apache2

9. Copied the .so files ( and to

10. Made the appropriate Tomcat and Apache
configuration changes.

Started Tomcat, and then Apache.  UNIX Sockets works
on Linux.

The reason for CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS is that Redhat
puts libraries and include files in places not
expected by the configure scripts.  The configure
scripts should probably be patched to reflect this.

There are some extra include files in the linux
subdirectory of the Java SDK, which is the reason for
the --with-os-type=include/linux.  The configure
script tacks on $JAVA_HOME, so the entire path CANNOT
be given.

Finally, it appears that many of the references have
been moved out of libapr (as of 0.93?) and into
libaprutil.  This should probably be reflected in the
configure script by running apu-config as well as

There has also been some discussion concerning running
Tomcat in-process with Apache on Linux.  This is going
to be difficult, since the multi-processor modules
(MPM) for Apache on UNIX don't support a single
process multi-threaded worker.  There is an
experimental MPM, but according to the documentation
it's unstable and slower than the worker MPM

Since Redhat 2.4.2x, Fedora Core 1, and the base Linux
kernel (2.6.0, 2.6.1) now have the new NPTL threads,
it might be possible to write a linux-specific MPM
that keeps all the threads in a single process (like
the win_mpm module).

Hmmm . . . . another project.

I realize that this is probably much longer than you
expected, but I hope it helps.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Building jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2-src [HOW?]

2004-01-09 Thread Mark Eggers

See my recent mail message concerning mod_jk2 doesn't
make jk2.socket.  It has an abreviated configure,
compile, and install for mod_jk2 contained in it.

Basically, don't use ant to compile just the native
portion of the connector.  Go to the subdirectory
native/jk2, run configure, and then run make.

Then switch to the build/jk2/apache2 directory and
copy the resulting .so files to the modules location.

Please read the other mail message for configure,
environment, and Makefile alterations that are
required to get this all to work.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: problem connecting Apache2 and Tomcat 5 via mod_jk2

2004-01-09 Thread Mark Eggers

I've found it much easier to create the appropriate
files by hand.

There are several good references on the web.  Here is
a page of 'em.

And it looks like someone has edited out my writeups. 
I'll try to get my how-to documents on another web
page next week.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: mod_jk2 doesn't create jk2.socket

2004-01-09 Thread Mark Eggers

It should be more or less the same.  You probably can
get away with not setting the environment variables if
you've installed the libraries in their usual places
(/usr/local or /opt).

The --with-apxs2=apache_home/bin/apxs should take
care of finding the proper libapr.  If you've
installed one of the Sun binary packages for Apache
you might see if there is a development package as

Alternatively, you can look in apache-home/bin and
see if you have the following three files:


If you do, then the configure command I posted before
should work.

If not, then you'll have to do a bit of tweaking.  Try
the following to get compiling and linking to work.

export CPPFLAGS=-I/location-of-apache-includes
LDFLAGS=-L/location-of-apache-libs -lapr-0 \

The location for each is usually:


Again, apxs should be able to figure this out, but at
least with the Redhat RPMs people have reported some
issues.  I imagine Sun packages might have similar

You'll still have to patch the Makefile in
server/apache2 as I noted in the previous mail


just my two cents . . .

PS - My preferred way of dealing with Solaris installs
has been to get gcc up and running, and then build
everything else from source.  This can be a pain on a
slow box . . . building the latest version of gcc and
perl take a while.  However, in the end I think the
effort is worth it.
Check to see if there is a directory under
$JAVA_HOME/include.  If so, you'll have to add that to
the configure command in the same fashion that I added 

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RE: mod_jk2 JNI question for the brave :)

2004-01-08 Thread Mark Eggers
I've tried compiling the jk2 code in
jakarta-tomcat-connectors from CVS and get the
following error for this file:


common/jk_channel_socket.c:74:2: #error
jk_channel_socket is deprecated

Any thoughts?

I've gotten both IP and UNIX sockets to work on Fedora
Core 1 using the 2.0.2 source, but I do get the
dreaded child not found loop when trying in-process


--- Mladen Turk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The JK2 code (from CVS) will in that case refuse to
 load the inprocess jvm,
 and the code snippet in you exhibit is meant to be
 used for that.
 At least the code was designed to do that (on more
 then one child process,
 kill the jvm channel).

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RE: mod_jk2 JNI question for the brave :)

2004-01-08 Thread Mark Eggers
OK . . . when I take a break from job searching I'll
look at that and the missing -laprutil-0 in

It's probably missing in the appropriate mod_jk
Makefile as well.

just my two cents . . . .

 Few months ago we decided to use the APR as
 mandatory for JK2.
 As such the apr_socket is used instead.
 It's probably the makefile bug.
 Feel free to submit the patches :-)

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Re: tomcat-connectors

2004-01-05 Thread Mark Eggers
If you are using the rpms, you will have to tell
configure where to find the libraries and include

Type ./configure --help for the syntax

  --with-PACKAGE[=ARG]use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
  --without-PACKAGE   do not use PACKAGE (same as
  --with-gnu-ld   assume the C compiler uses
GNU ld default=no
  --with-pic  try to use only PIC/non-PIC
objects default=use both
  --with-apxs=FILE  location of apxs for Apache
  --with-apxs2=FILE  location of apxs for Apache
  --with-apache13=DIR   Location of apache13
source dir
  --with-apache13-include=DIR   Location of apache13
include dir
  --with-apache13-lib=DIR   Location of apache13
lib dir
  --with-apache2=DIR   Location of apache2
source dir
  --with-apache2-include=DIR   Location of apache2
include dir
  --with-apache2-lib=DIR   Location of apache2 lib
  --with-iis=DIR   Location of iis source dir
  --with-iis-include=DIR   Location of iis include dir
  --with-iis-lib=DIR   Location of iis lib dir
  --with-iplanet=DIR   Location of iplanet
source dir
  --with-iplanet-include=DIR   Location of iplanet
include dir
  --with-iplanet-lib=DIR   Location of iplanet lib
  --with-tomcat33=DIR  Location of tomcat33
  --with-tomcat40=DIR  Location of tomcat40
  --with-tomcat41=DIR  Location of tomcat41
  --with-apr=DIR   Location of APR source dir
  --with-apr-include=DIR   Location of APR include dir
  --with-apr-lib=DIR   Location of APR lib dir
  --with-java-home=DIR Location of JDK directory.
  --with-java-platform=2   Force the Java platorm
   (value is 1 for 1.1.x or 2 
   for 1.2.x or greater)
  --with-os-type=SUBDIRLocation of JDK os-type 
  --with-jni   Build jni support
  --with-pcre  Build pcre support

I don't use the RPMs for the web server, but I think
it's because those RPMs place the include and library
files in a place not known by apxs2.


just my two cents . . . .

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Re: MOD_JK2 also Fails aaaggggg@###!!!

2004-01-02 Thread Mark Eggers

This has been discussed on the list before.  While you
can use a vanilla RedHat 9 install, some of the
libraries (apr, apr-util) are not quite where the make
file thinks they should be.

There are several solutions.

1. Build apache 2.0.48 from source.

a) Note that on RedHat, the SSL libraries and includes
are not where the configure file expects.

export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/kerberos/lib

should solve that problem.

b) After building and installing Apache from source,
you then will need to install Tomcat - the binaries
will do fine.

c) Finally, download

d) Uncompress it and extract the tar file.

e) cd to

f) chmod u+x configure

g) Run configure with:

  --with-apxs2=apache-root-directory/bin/apxs \
  --with-tomcat41=tomcat-root-directory \
  --with-java-home=java-root-directory \
  --with-jni \

For example:

./configure --with-apxs2=/home/apache/bin/apxs \
  --with-tomcat41=/home/tomcat \
  --with-java-home=/usr/java \
  --with-jni \

h) Run make

i) The two .so files ( and will be


j) Copy those to files to
apache-root-directory/modules with the proper

k) Configure and restart

If you're using the default RedHat 9 installation, you
will probably have to tell configure where to find the
libraries.  Add the following to the ./configure


Please check the syntax by typing

./configure --help

2. If you do not want to approach this from source,
check out for RPMs of mod_jk and
mod_jk2.  I've not used these, so caveat emptor.

Once you get a connector built and installed, there
are several good resources for getting Apache and
Tomcat configured.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Really dumb question -- how do I set up Tomcat 5 to run as a service on NT?

2004-01-02 Thread Mark Eggers

Check the following page:

About 3/4 down the page, you should see the following:

Tomcat 5.0.16 KEYS

* 5.0.16 zip PGP MD5
* 5.0.16 tar.gz PGP MD5
* 5.0.16 exe PGP MD5
* 5.0.16 Deployer zip PGP MD5
* 5.0.16 Deployer tar.gz PGP MD5
* 5.0.16 Embed zip PGP MD5
* 5.0.16 Embed tar.gz PGP MD5

Download the exe file and follow the installation


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Re: tomcat4.1.24 + apache_2.0.47 + connectors-jk2.0.2

2004-01-02 Thread Mark Eggers
John's excellent instructions are written for mod_jk

mod_jk2 is different.

There are several How-To's available.

[link]  Tomcat-Apache using JK2 connector

from the FAQ page or

are two good sources of information.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: MOD_JK2 also Fails aaaggggg@###!!!

2004-01-02 Thread Mark Eggers

I am sending you the config.log and a script of
exactly what I did since it is rather large.

Here is my environment.  I realize that it is more
recent than yours.  However, I performed the exact
same operations on all previous versions of RedHat 9
with the same results.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] apache-system]$ uname -a
Linux phoenix 2.4.22-1.2135.nptl #1 Mon Dec 15
15:55:18 EST 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

[EMAIL PROTECTED] apache-system]$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.3.2 20031022 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.2-1)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] apache-system]$ libtool --version (GNU libtool) 1.5 (1.1220.2.1 2003/04/14

[EMAIL PROTECTED] apache-system]$ ld --version
GNU ld version 20030820

[EMAIL PROTECTED] apache-system]$ make --version
GNU Make version 3.79.1, by Richard Stallman and
Roland McGrath.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native2]$ java -version
java version 1.4.2_02
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
(build 1.4.2_02-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_02-b03, mixed

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native2]$ rpm -qa | grep gcc

I noticed that you appear to be compiling this as
root.  In general, this is a bad idea as root has
special paths, and in Fedora Core 1, uses an older
compiler to build the kernel.

In general, building this software as a generic user,
and then su'ing to root is a more productive approach.

Also, make sure that when you built the Apache web
server that you enabled shared modules.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Need Help - Apache 2.0.48 + Tomcat 4.1.29 + Mod_jk2 + Windows 2000 Server ( No IIS)

2003-12-26 Thread Mark Eggers

and see if that information helps.

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Re: Can't get jk2 to work!

2003-12-11 Thread Mark Eggers
JK2 and JK are two different beasts.

If you are going to use JK instructions in httpd.conf
(which is what you have), then you will need to use

Go to here:

and select the JK 1.2 binaries to download.

If you are going to use JK2, then you need to follow
these instructions:



The normal socket configuration is probably the
simplest to get running.

Also, see the following links:

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Problem with tomcat, iis and jk2

2003-12-03 Thread Mark Eggers
See the following, among others:

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Re: Where is the HowTo FAQ section?

2003-12-01 Thread Mark Eggers
I'm putting some stuff in the Wiki right now.  I
should be done in another hour or so.

I am describing the following:

Tomcat 4.1.x / Apache 2.0.x / mod_jk2 IP sockets /
Tomcat 4.1.x / Apache 2.0.x / mod_jk IP sockets /

Tomcat 4.1.x / Apache 2.0.x / mod_jk2 IP sockets /
Tomcat 4.1.x / Apache 2.0.x / mod_jk IP sockets /

Tomcat 4.1.x / IIS 5 / mod_jk2 IP sockets / Win2K
Tomcat 4.1.x / IIS 5 / mod_jk IP sockets / Win2K

They are step-by-step instructions, which means they
are necessarily short on detail.

I hope this helps someone.

just my two cents . . . .

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Tomcat FAQs on Wiki

2003-12-01 Thread Mark Eggers

I have put some of my documentation on the Tomcat Wiki

These are sort of bare-bones documents about some ways
to connect Tomcat/Apache on Linux, Tomcat/Apache on
Windows/2000, and Tomcat/IIS 5 on Windows/2000.

Hopefully this will be of some use.

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Re: Problem finding external Linux shared object library under Red Hat/Tomcat 4.1.24

2003-11-19 Thread Mark Eggers

Once you put the directory where the library lives in
/etc/, you'll need to run ldconfig.

If you put it in the startup script, you might have
something like:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

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RE: Looking for mod_jk2

2003-11-13 Thread Mark Eggers

The linker is looking for  I don't know
what you used in your ./configure run.

On some installations the link between the current
version of libapr and (and
does not get made when Apache is installed.  This
appears to be mostly a problem with the RedHat RPM

You may find that to be true also with libaprutil.

To solve those problems, do the following.

1. cd to the Apache lib directory
2. soft link the current libs to the base names
3. cd back to the source directory
4. rerun configure (to make sure)
5. run make

For example:

(1) cd /home/apache/lib
(2) ln -s
ln -s
ln -s libaprutil-so.0.9.4 libaprutil-so
ln -s libaprutil-so.0.9.4 libaprutil-so.0
(3) cd /src/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2
(4) ./configure
(5) make

Note that you will not need unless you
attempt to run either UNIX sockets or in-process
communication.  IP sockets work fine without the

The last time I tried UNIX sockets or in-process
communication on RedHat Linux 9 I was unsuccessful. 
There are some linking problems that I think have more
to do with the way Redhat lays out their system via
RPMs than the code.

I recently checked out the latest versions of the
connectors, apr, and apr-util from  I
may try UNIX sockets and in-process communication
again.  However, since this is a development machine,
I  am fine with the IP socket connection.


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Re: How to get mod_jk 2.0 for redhat

2003-11-12 Thread Mark Eggers

Check out  I don't know how good
these RPM's are since I build the connectors from

. . . . just my two cents

--- Michel Cote [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking for the BINARY distribution of the
 Tomcat web server connector
 (mod_jk 2.0) for Linux RedHat  On the mirror sites i
 can connect on, i only
 find windows or solaris release. I tried to build
 from the source
 distribution but as i'm not a developper, i didn't
 Thank in advance for any help.
 Michel COTE.
 PS : Sorry for my bad english.

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Re: How to turn on mod_jk2 logging

2003-11-12 Thread Mark Eggers
From my config file on the Windows/2000 Pro side:

# Alternate file logger
# level=DEBUG

info=Global server options
# Default Native Logger (apache2 or win32 )
# can be overriden to a file logger, useful
# when tracing win32 related issues

Hope this helps

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RE: tomcat 4.1.27 with jvm 1.4.2_02=crashes

2003-11-10 Thread Mark Eggers
Output on my machine (RedHat 9 20.4.20-9, Tomcat
4.1.29, Apache 2.0.47)

java -showversion
java version 1.4.2_02
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
(build 1.4.2_02-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_02-b03, mixed

I pulled this down from Sun on 11/03/2003 0903.

Everything runs cleanly on this machine.  However I
have not deployed many applications (Cocoon, Xindice,
basic Struts, Jetspeed).

I think b28 is from 1.4.2.

Could you have references to both 1.4.2 and 1.4.2_02
mixed in your,, or

Just a thought.

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Re: Is this still an issue with 4.1.24 ?

2003-10-06 Thread Mark Eggers
Yes, it is best to use the appropriate mapping in your
application's web.xml.

just my two cents . . . .

--- Mark W. Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I came  across this article and wondered if this is
 an issue with 
 4.1.24.  Thanks for any thoughts on this issue.

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Re: JK2 log location, anyone?

2003-10-02 Thread Mark Eggers
According to the docs (don't have them handy at the
moment), mod_jk2 uses the Windows system logging as a
default.  If you want to use your own log file, put
something like the following in

# Alternate file logger
# level=DEBUG

info=Global server options
# Default Native Logger (apache2 or win32 )
# can be overriden to a file logger, useful
# when tracing win32 related issues

${serverRoot} is the root directory of your Apache
installation - in my case it's C:\Apache2.


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Re: Development Tools

2003-09-09 Thread Mark Eggers
Hopefully Tim that was tongue firmly planted in cheek!

Anyway, I use emacs/ant/jde for emacs

I have cygwin on the Windows platform so when I drop
into a shell in emacs I have something that works

I also use xae ( which is an
xml authoring environment for emacs.  If you add your
DTD catalogues to the system catalogues location, you
can do all sorts of interesting things like have
pop-up menus for allowed xml nodes, syntax
highlighting, etc.

The really nice thing about all of this is that it
works the same way regardless of the platform I'm on.

I guess one of these days I'll finish learning
Netbeans or Eclipse, both of which are nice.

just my two cents . . . .

--- Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I love cygwin! The ease of use of *nix, the
 stability of windows.
 Mike Curwen wrote:
  I also use TextPad/ANT.  For simple/small
 projects, it's a breeze.  I
  found this for code-completion, but haven't been
 brave enough to try it
 -Original Message-
 From: Christopher Williams
 Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 11:01 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Development Tools
 Having suggested Netbeans and Eclipse as possible
 environments, I've been using Textpad and Ant for
 about six 
 months since I failed to migrate JBuilder 6 to a
 new system 
 (the license info got screwed up somehow).  It
 works for me.  
 The one thing I really miss is code completion,

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Re: Installing Tomcat 4.1.24 as a service on Win 2000 - won't start

2003-09-05 Thread Mark Eggers
If you're starting things as a service, the
environment variables need to be defined at the system
level and not the user level.


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Re: Tomcat IIS How to

2003-08-29 Thread Mark Eggers
If you do not have a full-fledge webapp (with a
WEB-INF/web.xml), you will have to add the context to
Tomcat's server.xml

Here's an example that I use to just noodle around
with jsp files:

  crossContext=true reloadable=true
  useNaming=true debug=0 swallowOutput=false
  docBase=beg-jsp cookies=true path=/beg-jsp
  debug=0 verbosity=1
  directory=logs timestamp=true

This is based on the example in server.xml.  However,
if you want to use taglibs you'll need to go the
entire route with a proper WEB-INF, lib, and

In the long run, it's probably best to do this, since
any web application you deploy should have the
standard  web application deployment descriptor.

Take a look at
%TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps\tomcat-docs\appdev  and the
subdirectories for a simple example.


just my two cents . . . . 

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Re: Auto-Confirmation

2003-08-22 Thread Mark Eggers
Since they are in California, I've already called and
made them aware of the problem.  I don't know what
they are currently doing about it though.

just my two cents . . . .

--- Pike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 guess what, quest is actually a list member ...
 forget my previous remarks ... someone needs to
 unsubscribe him
  Thank you for submitting your request to Quest
 Software Technical 
  Quest Software Technical Support - United States  
   From: Mark R. Diggory
   Sent: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 14:55:56 -0400
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: Re: E-Mail to CompuServe Customer
   Typical Microsoft!
 + give luck a chance

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Re: JK2

2003-07-11 Thread Mark Eggers
I get the same problems on Redhat 9 once I resolve all
of the dependencies.


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RE: Tomcat 5 - Jetspeed JSP Portlets do not display

2003-06-30 Thread Mark Eggers
I am using the following environment:

jetspeed 1.4-b5-dev from 6/4/2003
tomcat 4.1.24 full
apache 2.0.46
j2sdk 1.4.1_03
windows/2000 pro

The default jetspeed account (turbine/turbine) works
via port 8080 (tomcat) and port 80 (apache).


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Re: Problems with mod_jk2

2003-06-24 Thread Mark Eggers
What are the ownership and permissions on the
following directory?


[Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (error ) [jk_logger_file.c
(172)]  Can't  open log file


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Re: possibly off topic: question

2003-06-17 Thread Mark Eggers

You would single out what you wish to have Tomcat
handle, and then Apache would handle the rest.

For example:



would send all files ending in .jsp and all files
underneath the /app/servlet uri to Tomcat.  Everything
else underneath the /app uri would be served by

Theoretically it is possible to be more fine-grained
with perl-compatible regular expressions, but I've not
experimented with this.


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RE: possibly off topic: question

2003-06-17 Thread Mark Eggers
One of the ways you could accomplish the
/app/servlet/* mapping is to map each of your servlets
in the app's web.xml file with a:


for each servlet in your app.  You would also have to
define something like:


This would map the class Name in package to MyServlet, and then the
servlet-mapping would map the MyServlet name to a uri.

According to the documentation, you may have more than
one servlet-mapping per servlet-name, but then the
Apache-Tomcat mapping might get a bit cumbersome.

Then the people who build the pages will have to refer
to the servlet with the proper uri . . . .


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Re: Mod_jk2 for apache 2.0.43

2003-06-11 Thread Mark Eggers
mod_jk2 is working for me (socket connection) with
apache 2.0.46, tomcat 4.1.24, j2sdk 1.4.1_03 on
windows/2000 professional with latest patches.

just my two cents . . . .

--- Angus Mezick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can I use
 2.0.2/bin/win32/mod_jk2-2.0.43.dll in apache 2.0.46
 which has security

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Re: JK2, which is the best way to build it?

2003-06-10 Thread Mark Eggers

I just downloaded the 4.1.24 connectors source and
could not get the ant task to build.  It fails while
in mod_jk.  It appears that there is at least one
include file missing, but I have not taken the time to
debug it.

However, if you change directories to
distribution/jk/native2 and do the following,
mod_jk2 will build.

1. chmod u+x
2. ./
3. ./configure --with-apxs2=location-of-apxs \
4. make and will be in

They seem to be a little smaller than the ones built
from the connectors source.

TCP socket connections work fine on Redhat 9, but I am
still unable to get UNIX sockets (unresolved symbol
apr_md5_final) or inprocess communication to work.

I'll probably experiment more with it this afternoon. 
I am thinking this is an artifact of the way libraries
are installed via Redhat rpms.

Please note that I am using apache 2.0.46 built from
source with the following configure command:

./configure --with-mod-ssl=shared --with-modules=all

I am not using the Redhat rpms for apache.

For Redhat 9, you'll need to set an environment


to get the appropriate encryption routines to compile
for httpd-2.0.46.

Please also note that http://localhost/server-info/
reports mod_jk2 as 2.0.3-dev when built from

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Help Please: Starting Tomcat using channelUnix with mod_jk2

2003-06-07 Thread Mark Eggers

I've been trying the same thing with Redhat 9, and
getting a similar problem.  I even put
/home/apache/lib in /etc/ and ran
/sbin/ldconfig -v.  I verified that that shared
libraries are indeed loaded.

I also tried modifying /home/tomcat/bin/ to
include a -Djava.library.path=[various things], but
that failed to work as well.

I'll think about it some more tomorrow.

One thing to note:  In the source code, there has been
a recent change from apr_MD5FINAL to apr_md5_final. 
I'm wondering if the propagation has made it all the
way through.

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RE: Tomcat/ Apache startup

2003-06-06 Thread Mark Eggers

I don't know about Redhat 7.3, but the default
configuration in Redhat 9 restricts user noone and
nobody so that network access does not work.

I am using similar scripts, but installed Tomcat from
the binaries and made two users.

1. tomcat is a normal user and has rw access to the
/home/tomcat directory structure.

2. tomcat-op is a user in the same group, but only has
write access to the appropriate areas (temp, work,
logs - plus some other logging for specific apps).

This seems to work reasonably well, although I could
probably tie down the security in a better fashion.

just my two cents . . . .

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RE: Tomcat/ Apache startup

2003-06-06 Thread Mark Eggers

I am using the scripts from:

I modified them slightly, including using sudo -u
tomcat-ops for the Tomcat startup script.

These scripts take care of setting the appropriate
environment variables before starting, stopping, or
restarting Tomcat.


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Re: JK2 - missing library

2003-06-04 Thread Mark Eggers
It appears that you have not installed the Perl
compatible regular expressions library.

You can either install the appropriate RPM or forego
the --with-pcre switch.

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Re: Tomcat 4 jk2-2.0.2 with apache2 in solaris 8 configuration

2003-06-03 Thread Mark Eggers

Did you build httpd yourself, or did you download a binary?

If you built httpd yourself, what was your configuration command?

Also, what configuration command did you use to build mod_jk2?

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Apache 2.0.45 + Tomcat 4.1.24 + mod_jk(2)

2003-04-03 Thread Mark Eggers

I don't know about Apache 2.0.45, since the mod_jk2
binaries say for use with 2.0.43 only (at least the
Windows ones do).  I do have 2.0.43 and Tomcat 4.1.24
working via mod_jk2 on my Windows/2000 Pro machine

I'm thinking it's most likely an
Apache/mod_jk2.{dll|so} issue.

What do the logs say?

just my 2 cents . . . .

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Re: Tomcat and IIS

2003-03-27 Thread Mark Eggers
You can tell IIS which page to serve as well.  I'll
try to describe the graphic interface while typing.

Go to the following place:

Start--Settings--Control Panel--
Administrative Tools--Internet Services Manager

Go to the following place in the manager:

[hostname]--Default Web Site

Right-mouse click on the Default Web Site and select

1. Select the Documents tab.
2. Click the add button
3. Type in the name of the document
4. Click OK
5. Click OK (again) to close the Properties dialogue
6. Exit the Information Services Manager

I can't remember if you have to restart the IIS
server, but I usually do.

Right now I'm using Apache 2.043 on Windows/2000 Pro
with Tomcat 4.1.24 and mod_jk2.  I can substitue IIS 5
by shutting down Apache and starting up IIS.

Both work fine, but I just prefer working with the
Apache web server.  That way, I know my configurations
will work on both Windows and more reasonable
operating systems.

As soon as I get forrest patched up (again), I will
have a document that details all of this stuff. 
Hopefully it will be available in html, pdf, and the
original how-to-v1.0 xml.  If I'm really lucky, I may
be able to get forrest to spit out rtf as well.

just my two cents . . . .

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Upgrading j2sdk on Windows/2000 running Tomcat as a service

2003-03-19 Thread Mark Eggers

I don't know if this has been discussed before, but I
ran into this issue the other day.

I am running Tomcat 4.1.18 on a Windows/2000 Pro
machine as a service.  Everything works well
(integrated with Apache 2.0.43 or IIS 5 via mod_jk2). 
I was running j2sdk 1.4.1_01 and decided to do the
minor upgrade to j2sdk 1.4.1_02.

I knew there would be issues with several packages
(Emacs jde, Sun 1 Studio 4 CE), and I managed to get
those solved with only a little difficulty.

Once I set my JAVA_HOME to the new directory and
changed my PATH, I thought everything would be taken
care of with Tomcat.  Unfortunately, Tomcat would not
start.  Tomcat complained it could not find jvm.dll.

I did some digging around in the batch files, and
there was no mention of any hard-coded paths.  I ended
up backing up my custom configuration / applications,
uninstalling Tomcat, and then re-installing Tomcat.

Today I thought about investigating the registry.

I found the following entry:

Apache Tomcat 4.1--Parameters--JVM Library

This was set to hard-coded path of jvm.dll.  Of
course, since I had installed Tomcat under the
previous version of Java (1.4.1_01), the path no
longer existed.

I did this search after I had re-installed Tomcat, so
I actually found the right path.  However, rather than
re-installing Tomcat, it appears that I could have
changed the value of this entry to reflect the new
location of jvm.dll and all would have been well.

I hope this enables people to avoid problems and
issues upgrading Java on Windows when running Tomcat
as a service.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: three tiers on three machines: Apache, Tomcat, DB

2003-03-13 Thread Mark Eggers

I've never done this, and I don't have three machines
to test this on.  However, this is how I would
approach things:

# replace hostname with your host name for Tomcat
# replace ip_address with your host ip address for 
# Tomcat
port = 8009
host = ip_address

# define the worker

# map a URI

# Socket configuration

# socket configuration

!-- JNDI stuff
see the following in the documentation and replace
localhost with the name or ip address of your database
server.  This should get remote database connections
up and running



There are a few issues that I'm not sure about.  One
is how to get the URIs correct when a request is
forwarded from your Apache host to the Tomcat host. 
Does this happen automatically, or do you need to do
some URI rewriting?

Also, lacing static and dynamic pages together might
get interesting.  I would imagine that you would need
to create the same site structure on both machines so
that html, images, css files, jsp files, and servlets
can 'find' each other.

Just some thoughts - hope this gets you started.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Problems configuring Tomcat with Apache using mod_jk2

2003-03-04 Thread Mark Eggers
Actually, mod_jk2 does not use JKMount . . . .

In you might have a configuration
that reads:

# Uri mapping

Now this is really pointing to:


Most of the time, the absolute directory is outside of
your document home for the Apache web server.

You can handle this with a directory alias in the
httpd.conf file.  Something like:

Alias /examples/ /opt/tomcat/webapps/examples/

will work.  Just substitute your directory location
for the one in the above line.

These two snippets (from and
httpd.conf) will let Apache serve everything except
the files ending in .jsp.  That will be handed off to

To include the servlets under the examples directory,
add the following to your file.


This will get all of the servlets in the examples
webapp, while still allowing Apache to serve static

There are some more configuration changes that you
should do, like denying access to the WEB-INF
directory, and configuring the properties of the
actual application directory.  Most of that is
detailed in the Apache web server documentation.

I'm just a user/sysadmin/developer and not a member of
any Apache group, so this is just based on my
experience and the reading of the documentation.


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RE: Installation - Tomcat 4.1 - Windows 2K

2003-03-04 Thread Mark Eggers

It appears that you are using only the java runtime
environment in your JAVA_HOME (hence, jre).

You will need to set your JAVA_HOME to point to the
java standard development kit (j2sdk) instead.  If you
don't have the java development kit installed on your
machine, you can download it from



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RE: Configuring Tomcat with IIS Web Server

2003-03-04 Thread Mark Eggers

There are three other issues that you need to be
concerned about with IIS.

1. Make sure you set up virtual directories to point
to the %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps\appname for each Tomcat
application you wish to serve via IIS.

2. Make sure your System account (which runs IIS) has
read access to those directories.

3. In the Default Web Site--Properties--Documents
add both index.jsp and index.html to the list of
default documents.


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RE: Tomcat 4.1.18 - IIS 5.0 plugin

2003-03-03 Thread Mark Eggers
2.0.2 works fine for me on Windows/2000 Pro with both
IIS 5 and Apache 2.0.43 with Tomcat 4.1.18 and j2sdk

I did find that I could not have both the version 1
and version 2 redirector in my registry.  If I did,
IIS would not connect to jk2.  Once I removed that
entry in the registry, isapi_redirector2.dll worked as

This is a development machine so I have not
stress-tested this configuration.

The following are my configuration files and registry

just my two cents . . . .

# Socket configuration

# apr configuration
# file in C:\Tomcat\conf

# socket configuration

# file in C:\Apache2\conf
# only at beginning. In production uncomment it out
# [logger.apache2]
# level=DEBUG


# Example socket channel, override port and host.

# define the worker

# Uri mapping













Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector]

Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\2.0]

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RE: I'm new to this and could use a hand

2003-03-03 Thread Mark Eggers

If you're creating a new directory to learn JSP, be
aware that Tomcat does not launch new contexts by

I've placed the following in my server.xml file right
before the /Host.  This allows me to just 'drop in'
jsp files to test things.  I also log the information
to a separate file so I can parse the error logs more

crossContext=true reloadable=true

You'll probably want to change the debugging level as


just my two cents

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Re: [OT] free Database with Transaction (Sorry for the noise)

2003-02-18 Thread Mark Eggers
Check out Postgresql at


just my two cents . . . .

--- Jens Skripczynski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking for a Database, that can do 
 - sql transactions,  
   (or anything similiar to sql - if it works with a
   database, xml is fine)
 - has a java 1.4.1 jdbc driver
 - is free (even better if for commercial use)

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RE: [OT] free Database with Transaction (Sorry for the noise)

2003-02-18 Thread Mark Eggers
Since I don't use Postgresql in production, I don't
know how well it works (or doesn't) on Win/2K.

However, for development work Postgresql on Win/2K
works fine.  I'm currently running Postgresql on my
Win/2K Pro machine.

I suspect that since Postgresql has to go through
Cygwin to access a filesystem, performance on a
Windows platform may not be as good as Mysql (without
transactions) or a database engine with native file

I have not done benchmarks, so the above performance
comments express only my opinion.  Interestingly
enough, Postgresql's second biggest installation base
(at 21.4%) is on the Windows/Cygwin combination.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Problem making Tomcat 4.1 invoke servlet from Apache 2.0.44

2003-02-07 Thread Mark Eggers

Try the following:



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Re: mod_jk2

2003-02-06 Thread Mark Eggers
Unfortunately, I don't Jukka.  Right now I have only
one system to work with so I'm not load balancing.

If I remember correctly, I think you have to use URI
rewriting in order to manage load-balanced sessions .
. . but don't quote me on this.

just my two cents . . . .

--- Jukka Raanamo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 Since you've got  the whole thing working, do you
 know if for the load 
 balancer to be able to keep track with what request
 belongs to what 
 session, session id's must be written to the uri
 instead of using 
 cookies? I got it otherwise working with Apache
 2.0.44/Tomcat 4.1.18/JK2 
 2.0.43 it just that sessions do not persist.
 Jukka Raanamo

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Re: Help with Apache 1.3/Tomcat 4.1.18/JK?

2003-02-06 Thread Mark Eggers
Normally you have to compile modules with a different
(extended) interface when running SSL for Apache 1.3.

If your rpms for were not compiled for the
extended interface, they won't load or work with
SSL-enabled Apache.

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load balancing (was mod_jk2)

2003-02-06 Thread Mark Eggers
From the Tomcat 4.1.18 documentation:

Identifier which must be used in load balancing
scenarios to enable session affinity. The indetifier,
which must be unique across all Tomcat 4 servers which
participate in the cluster, will be appended to the
generated session identifier, therefore allowing the
front end proxy to always forward a particular session
to the same Tomcat 4 instance.

This can be found at:



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Re: jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2-src cannot compile

2003-02-06 Thread Mark Eggers

apr is the utility that configures load modules before
compiling them.

If I remember from other rpm installs, that file is
usually in /usr/bin, but I normally don't use rpm

You can try the following find command to track down
the binary, and then fill it in on the build file.

cd /usr
find . -name apr -print

Hopefully that will get you through the build

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: Sample App

2003-02-06 Thread Mark Eggers

This looks like a packaging issue.  If you've compiled
your bean in src/mypackage/feijao with a package
definition of src.mypackage.feijao, then you'll need
to place the class file in:


where the WEB-INF directory is the one that lives
inside your particular web-app.

just my two cents . . . .

--- José_Moreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Im building a simple test with the jsp sample app
 just by adding a custom
 bean and a test.jsp but i get :
 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: src/mypackage/feijao

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jk2 connector - cannot compile

2003-02-06 Thread Mark Eggers

I'm sorry, but I should have thought of this sooner.

When you installed Apache via rpm, there are usually
three rpm's available.


I believe the apache-dev rpm has the apr utility plus
the libraries and include files you will need to build
loadable modules.

just my two cents . . . .

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Re: mod_jk2

2003-02-05 Thread Mark Eggers
I am currently using Apache 2.0.43, Tomcat 4.1.18, and
jdk 1.4.1_01 successfully on Win/2000 Professional
with mod_jk2.

I have also used mod_jk2 to integrate IIS 5 and Tomcat
4.1.18 on Win/2000 Professional.

I have not tried the JNI (in process) configurations,
nor have I tried the Cygwin port of Apache 2.0.x with
the Cygwin IPC daemon.

Since this is my personal development machine, I don't
have any really pressing need to improve performance
(right now) by trying an in-process or semaphore

Under Tomcat, I'm running cocoon 2-dev, struts, and
jetspeed.  Under Apache I'm running both mod_php4 and
mod_perl (with ActiveState Perl).

Everything seems to be stable on the following

Dell 8200
1.8 GHz Intel
512 MB memory
80 GB disk

I am also running both postgres and mysql as well as a
full development environment on this machine.

Occaisionally I'll play Unreal Tournament (original or
2003) with no real problems.

I'll try to put together some how-to's (using Forrest)
in the next few days.

just another out-of-work sys-admin/programmer/network
engineer . . .

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Re: Graphics (CEWOLF) using tomcat4.0.3

2003-02-04 Thread Mark Eggers
Iain, a quick question . . . .

Are you running an X Server on your Linux machine?  If
not, you'll either need to upgrade to jdk 1.4.x or run
a virtual frame buffer in order to use graphics.


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