RE: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

Oh, isnt that true about the
mainstream mediaLOL. Izzy

You guys should be journalists for CNN; youcan make
anything sound seedy.


RE: [TruthTalk] false notions

2004-04-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

Omigosh, this must be trueI think I
saw it on Star Trek!!! Izzy

Kolob is a ruling planet that lies near the vicinity of God's abode--it takes
1000 earth years to make one revolution--it was never touted in any Mormon
scripture as being God's actual place of residence. 

[TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

In my library I have many different translations Bill 
and I can find the gospel in all of them. However, when I want to dig a little 
deeper I always goto the KJV which IMO is better than anything that has 
come along since.. As for fighting and dividing, I'm not into that either. 
We are all at different places in our pilgrimage and if we really love the Lord 
from our heart and feed upon His Word those who are like minded will want to 
walk with us; in fact this is the only way true fellowship happens ie: "when we 
walk in the light as HE is in the light". Jesus is the one building HIS 
Church and it's future is not up to any man - translater, cult leader, 
whatever judyt

From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have nothing against the KJV. I prefer the NKJV 
for the simple reason that it is easier to teach from -- I'm talking about 
teaching people whowere not rearedin KJ language. During the time I 
was doing my Greek studies, my professors were from Westminster Theological 
Seminary. There isn't a more conservative seminary in the country. They had us 
translating from the UBS, TR, and Nestle/Aland texts.The purpose of this 
multi-texting approach was to not only familiarize us with the variants within 
the texts, but across the texts as well. I am aware of the bickering that goes 
on between the different "schools" of thought. I don't even disagree with you 
concerning the footnoting. But the texts themselves are remarkably similar, 
considering the 1700-2000 years ofcopying and passing forward. It just 
seems to me that instead of marveling atour God for preservingthe 
text, we Christians use this as just one more way to fight with each other 
and divide. I am not so sure that is the best of our options. Bill

From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Judy,

  There are dozens of NT manuscripts, thousands of 
  fragments,and thousands and thousands of referents from antiquity. From 
  time to time new discoveries are made, some of which are older than previous 
  manuscript evidence. If the new discovery checks out, how is that a bad thing? 
  jt: Well I'm reading that they are 
  not a sure thing. Many errors and ommissions and the reason they were stored 
  away was probably because they weren't the best manuscripts and so didn't get 
  worn out. One was missing whole books and all of Paul's epistles.
  If it doesn't check out, then it is catalogued 
  and "marginalized." Most variants have to do with the spelling of pronouns 
  eautou (of himself) instead of autou (of him), for instance, 
  something like that, not enough to affect doctrine but noteworthy nonetheless. 
  Don't you want at least someone to be informed in stuff like this, even if you 
  yourself are not? Bill
  IMO the new translations have 
  caused a lot of confusion even though I have many of them myself. I don't use 
  them as much as the KJV which is hard to beat. Some of the ommissions in the 
  newer versions are quite serious. These translators remove the text and 
  replace it with footnotes etc. and in years to come the footnotes will 
  probably be thoughtunnecessary and we willlose all the way 
I plan to Bill; you talk 
like these men are reworking a science manual rather than the Words of the 
Living God.

Keep on reading, Judy.

  - Original Message - 
  Now Bill, got to tell it 
  like it is. I'm just reading how Nestle and Aland were evolutionists and 
  Westcott and Hort were only nominally orthodox in theology, both denied 
  Biblical inerrancy and promoted spiritism and racism. Nestle and Aland, 
  like Kittel were German theological liberals... What's so good about all 
  that? As the old saying goes, no smoke without 
  Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is 
  discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin 
  explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence 
  contains a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that 
  the actual text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant 
  is then placed in the margin, with explanatory details as to why the 
  change. You guys should be journalists for CNN; youcan make anything 
  sound seedy.Bill
Please do, I will be 
looking fwd to that. I don't know a whole lot about German 
other than things began to change for the worse 
when their textual criticism began to
permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
Nestle/Aland pair. jt

From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it 

[TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

don't want to speak for Blaine, but I see nothing in Mormonism that prevents 
either of us to fellowship with non-LDS Christians. Perhaps I don't 
understand fellowship quite the same way you do 
though.Fellowship. I do think that fellowship is bigger than 
denominational boundaries but limited by a true sense of mutuality and 
purpose. A lexical view of koinonia reveals a number of nuances, to 
wit (old guys say that a lot, "to wit"): fellowship, association, 
community, communion, joint participation, intercourse. Note the 
progression. It was part of the routine of the first church (Acts 

jt:Scripture defines "fellowship" as "walking in the light 
as HE is in the light" This is the only way we can have true fellowship 
(lightalso meaning truth) and this is when the blood of Jesus 
Christ cleanses us. When we compromise with themixture we are 
fellowshipping with devils and this is not the standardJesus and the First 
Century Church left to us. john: My experience 
with the Mormon church has been one that is the witness to a degree of 
exclusion which goes beyond sectarian or denominational bias. It seems to 
me that this exclusiveness is the surrounding halo of a world religion. 
If that is the case, we have no fellowship or brotherhood. 
I don't like saying that. I have only my instincts about this 
issue. If Blaine and I are brothers (or Dave and I), to what 
eventuality can we point as the defining factor which presents us with the same 
Parent? Or is there more to brotherhood than divine 

jt: The 
fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man are taught by Freemasonry and the 
mystic cults, it's part of the OLD religion. God created all men but today Jesus 
defines the brethren. He said "who is my mother and who are my brethren? 
and he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother 
and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in 
heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother" (Matthew 12:48). 
This is an impossible feat if we are holding on to 'doctrines of 


Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

FYI-The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (The oldest known 
Bible translated for the first time into English) Harper More than 1000 years 
older than any previously discovered biblical manuscripts with material never 
before published or translated. Lance

  - Original Message - 
  Wm. Taylor 
  Sent: March 31, 2004 22:23
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
  words of the living God
  Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is 
  discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin 
  explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence contains a 
  very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that the actual text 
  is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant is then placed in the 
  margin, with explanatory details as to why the change. You guys should be 
  journalists for CNN; youcan make anything sound 
  - Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:00 
Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
words of the living God

Please do, I will be looking fwd to that. I don't 
know a whole lot about German theologians
other than things began to change for the worse 
when their textual criticism began to
permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
Nestle/Aland pair. jt

From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it right I 
will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - revised 
corrected new improved edition and counting, right?

You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - 
Nest/Aland any edition 

Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his personal 
views from the task he is qualified 
to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well 
educated sectarian.All you have proven 
is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in 
theory. That does not change the fact that he 
and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the 
others). Do you have 
some textual criticism. I was quoting the text with no reference 
to Aland's theology.Aren't you 
the guy who thinks the KJ is the inspired version? John 

RE: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

Waiting on pins and needles! Izzy

Behalf Of Jonathan Hughes
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004
10:20 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Covenant
versus Contract

Well I promised myself I wouldnt
write any more posts until I had finished writing an exam next Monday but I
wanted to put one small one forward. Blaine and Johns comments below (thank
you gentlemen) highlight an area that I have had a lot of change in
lately. Basically it comes down to figuring out whether Gods
relationship with me (and all TT members) is a covenantal relationship or a
contractual relationship. Lets have a discussion of the
difference(s) between covenant and contract. I would suggest beginning
with a simple definition (marriage is an example of covenant, business
agreement an example of a contract) and then go to scripture (as Blaine is doing below) to
determine which type of relationship God has with us. To tip my hand I
come in fully on the covenant side. I have come to see that God always
begins with grace, then gives law, and then the consequences. In other
words, I am the Father of Abraham etc. (grace), Follow my commandments (law)
and you will be blessed (consequences). If that order is misconstrued or
changed around I think one runs into a lot of trouble. How would the
verse Blaine
mentions below work out? Is it an example of works being a prerequisite
for saving grace? One may want to work out what to do with all the
Ifs that are often placed in verses dealing with covenant (for
example, If you follow my commandments I shall bless you). Do they make
them into contracts or are they descriptive ifs, prescriptive ifs etc.?
This is part where I am still fuzzy but Ill get there. And finally
I would like to discuss how our Christian lives would be different if we
realized Gods relationship with us was one of covenant instead of
contract. This will lead us into discussing Christs High
priesthood and His vicarious humanity. I am getting excited just thinking
about where we could go with all this. Thank you God! Lets
work it out.

Now I may not be able to post much until
next Monday or Tuesday so please do not be suspicious if I do not reply to any
responses right away. I cannot stress how important I think it is to deeply
understand the difference between a Covenant God and a Contract God. May
the Spirit of God lead us in this discussion.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Blaine Borrowman
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004
10:20 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Men's

Blaine: Greater love hath no man than this--that he give his
life for his friends. You are my friends if you Keep My

I did not bother to look
this scripture up, what I have written I wrote from memory. It is
basically accurate, andit is a fundamental truth. You will only be
saved if you are willing to keep his commandments--although works alone will
not save you,through both works ANDhis saving grace--his mercy--one
MAY repent and start from scratch, and thereby be saved. Otherwise, the justice of God will bind you to your sins, and you will have to pay for
them yourself before you may come out from that prison ruled over by
Satan. Jesus alone has the keys to that prison, and only he stands at the
gate to Heaven--he employs no servant there. He will not let just anybody
through, for strait is the gate, and narrow the way, and FEW there be that find
it. This scripture tells us not everyone that saith Lord,
Lord, will be admitted--just a few.

- Original Message - 



Sent: Monday, March 29,
2004 9:59 AM

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Men's Doctrines

In a message dated
3/29/2004 6:10:19 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

It is grace verses works, whether Mormon, Baptist, 
Catholic or whatever. 

**Red flag; doctrine of men.
Grace is no covering for sin and it is only accessed 
by faith...(Romans 5:2) and faith is dead
without corresponding actions (Jame 2:17) 

Just for the record, Blaine
-- God's grace even saves a works-salvantionist. Christ died
for us while we were yet sinners. A works-salvationist would say
Well, duh. 
As one who is aware of his/her continued sinful self (Romans 3:23, IJo
1:8 etc), this statement Christ died for us while we yet sinners
must have some relevance other than the obvious -- I mean all
sacrifice for sin is created for those who are yet sinners.
What is significant about this statement is the fact that the sacrifice
is once and for all time -- that the flow of the blood is
eternal and continual, that our sins are remembered NO MORE. The
problem for the sinner is not sin, it is the decision to avoid God and,
hence, His solution. The problem is already solved.
That is why the gentile (Romans 2) who has no knowledge of God or

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

Jt provides "worldview analysis" Whoda thunk it. 
Yup,convictions arrived at concerning some matters influence 

  Sent: March 31, 2004 22:41
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words 
  of the living God
  Now Bill, got to tell it like it is. I'm just reading 
  how Nestle and Aland were evolutionists and Westcott and Hort were only 
  nominally orthodox in theology, both denied Biblical inerrancy and promoted 
  spiritism and racism. Nestle and Aland, like Kittel were German theological 
  liberals... What's so good about all that? As the old saying goes, no 
  smoke without fire...jt
  Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is 
  discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin 
  explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence contains a 
  very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that the actual text 
  is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant is then placed in the 
  margin, with explanatory details as to why the change. You guys should be 
  journalists for CNN; youcan make anything sound seedy.Bill
Please do, I will be 
looking fwd to that. I don't know a whole lot about German 
other than things began to change for the worse 
when their textual criticism began to
permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
Nestle/Aland pair. jt

From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it right I 
will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - revised 
corrected new improved edition and counting, right?

You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - 
Nest/Aland any edition 

Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his personal 
views from the task he is qualified 
to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well 
educated sectarian.All you have proven 
is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in 
theory. That does not change the fact that he 
and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the 
others). Do you have 
some textual criticism. I was quoting the text with no reference 
to Aland's theology.Aren't you 
the guy who thinks the KJ is the inspired version? John 

[TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

the flow of the 
blood is eternal and continual, that our sins are remembered NO 
jt: Unrepented sin has not gone 
anywhere John and there is nothing wrong with God's memory
The problem for the 
sinner is not sin, it is the decision to avoid God and, hence, His 
jt: And why do we avoid God? Go back 
to Genesis 3:10 "I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself"
The problem is already 
jt: Not when sin is 
still present justholdingto a doctrine will not cleanse the heart 
john:I am not surprised at Blaine's 
works salvantionist position.

jt: If it is the post I am thinking of Blaine 
posted the words of Jesus ONLY. How does obedience to God become 

john:but the single most devastating teaching, 
striking at the very heart of Mormonism, is the biblical doctrine of salvation 
by grace through faith apart from obedience to a system of commandments. 

jt: What about obedience to the Word of God (the 
Lord Jesus Christ)

john: If we are saved by grace, there is no for the "right 

jt: There is ONLY one right one and that 
is the one that Jesus is presently building.
Central to the biblical doctrine of grace is the very obvious reality 
that man is a sinner. Tons of bible on this. I Jo 1:8 makes a 
statement in greek, a present tense statement: "if we say that we 
are having no sin, the truth is not within us." 
When I sat in first year greek and read that, understanding the 
impact of continuous linear action ("are having no") I was stunned. 

jt: Because of the condition of our heart and the old 
Adamic nature which plagues us. However, "IF we confess our sin, HE is 
faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness" 
(1 John 1:9) - so what does that make us?

My mind did not race to figure out how to escape the implications of this 
verse. Implications? I mean I as sitting in greek class, for 
crying out loud studying "the Word of God.' Not smoking. Not 
drinking. Not lusting. No t ... well you get it. 

jt: Why? This is thereality and when we begin to 
deal with Truth is when we make progress. Since that first 
shock, I have come to realize that sin exists in, at least, two quantitative 
forms: time/space (historical sins such as drinking, lying, 
and the like --- things that last for a relatively brief period of time; 
things I can hide; things that often do not define who I am) and 
sins of character -- like envy, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, anger, 
slothfulness -- all those things that lay the foundation for 
historical sin. One murders because one is filled with hate or 
some type of perversion. 

jt: We don't have to look to tradition or 
history.The mirror will tell uswhere the sin problem resides: 
"For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, 
fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, 
an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come FROM 
WITHIN and defile the man.(Mark 

This is exactly why Paul says that "all have sinned and are 
falling short of the glory of God." 

jt: Because we are all born into this world with this 
Adamic "fallen" human nature and a heart described as in Mark 

Grace people recognize the fact that sin is ever upon us, inescapable, 
often intentional, always disastrous and deserving of death. Works 
are commanded, they are necessary, but they are never accomplished by those who 
are righteous on their merits -- never. So God 
substitutes our faith for our supposed righteousness and refuses to consider our 

jt: This is where things get a bit twisted. 
Righteousness and obedience are boththe fruit of repentance and faith 
which in themselves are gifts from God. Judyt 

[TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

I wouldn't get my hopes too high. Older doesn't 
necessarily mean better and the
Essenes were a cult like group. The major intact 
texts from caves 1 and 11 were 
published by the late 1950's and didn't make any big 
waves. judyt

From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FYI-The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (The oldest known 
Bible translated for the first time into English) 
Harper More than 1000 years older than any 
previously discovered biblical manuscripts with material 
never before published or translated. 

  Wm. Taylor 
  Oh please. When new 
  manuscript evidence is discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the 
  lower margin explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the 
  evidence contains a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity 
  that the actual text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant 
  is then placed in the margin, with explanatory details as to why the change. 
  You guys should be journalists for CNN; youcan make anything sound 
  seedy. Bill
  From: Judy Taylor 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:00 
Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
words of the living God

Please do, I will be looking fwd to that. I don't 
know a whole lot about German theologians
other than things began to change for the worse 
when their textual criticism began to
permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
Nestle/Aland pair. jt

From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it right I 
will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - revised 
corrected new improved edition and counting, right?

You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - 
Nest/Aland any edition 

Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his personal 
views from the task he is qualified 
to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well 
educated sectarian.All you have proven 
is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in 
theory. That does not change the fact that he 
and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the 
others). Do you have 
some textual criticism. I was quoting the text with no reference 
to Aland's theology.Aren't you 
the guy who thinks the KJ is the inspired version? John 

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

A distinction I've found helpful on this C vs C 
discussion is drawn from IF  IFF. The former can be understood as" If this 
then that" while the latter is understood to mean (not say) "If and only if". 
`Are there "conditions" attached to grace? If there are and, we are fallen how 
then do we fulfil them? If we "do" them without assistance then we are not THAT 
fallen. If we "do" them with assistance (divine) then we are priviledged over 
those who are not the recipients of such. One can see where this 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 01, 2004 05:49
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus 
  the flow of the 
  blood is eternal and continual, that our sins are remembered NO 
  jt: Unrepented sin has not gone 
  anywhere John and there is nothing wrong with God's memory
  The problem for the 
  sinner is not sin, it is the decision to avoid God and, hence, His 
  jt: And why do we avoid God? Go 
  back to Genesis 3:10 "I was afraid because I was naked and I hid 
  The problem is 
  already solved. 
  jt: Not when sin is 
  still present justholdingto a doctrine will not cleanse the heart 
  john:I am not surprised at Blaine's 
  works salvantionist position.
  jt: If it is the post I am thinking of Blaine 
  posted the words of Jesus ONLY. How does obedience to God become 
  john:but the single most 
  devastating teaching, striking at the very heart of Mormonism, is the biblical 
  doctrine of salvation by grace through faith apart from obedience to a system 
  of commandments. 
  jt: What about obedience to the Word of God 
  (the Lord Jesus Christ)
  john: If we are saved by grace, there is no 
  for the "right church." 
  jt: There is ONLY one 
  right one and that is the one that Jesus is presently building.
  Central to the biblical doctrine of grace is the very obvious reality 
  that man is a sinner. Tons of bible on this. I Jo 1:8 makes a 
  statement in greek, a present tense statement: "if we say that we 
  are having no sin, the truth is not within us." 
  When I sat in first year greek and read that, understanding the 
  impact of continuous linear action ("are having no") I was 
  jt: Because of the condition of our heart and the old 
  Adamic nature which plagues us. However, "IF we confess our sin, HE is 
  faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from ALL 
  unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9) - so what does that make us?
  My mind did not race to figure out how to escape the implications of this 
  verse. Implications? I mean I as sitting in greek class, for 
  crying out loud studying "the Word of God.' Not smoking. Not 
  drinking. Not lusting. No t ... well you get it. 
  jt: Why? This is thereality and when we begin 
  to deal with Truth is when we make progress. Since that 
  first shock, I have come to realize that sin exists in, at least, two 
  quantitative forms: time/space (historical sins such as 
  drinking, lying, and the like --- things that last for a relatively 
  brief period of time; things I can hide; things that often do not define 
  who I am) and sins of character -- like envy, jealousy, 
  hatred, bitterness, anger, slothfulness -- all those things that 
  lay the foundation for historical sin. One murders because 
  one is filled with hate or some type of perversion. 
  jt: We don't have to look to tradition or 
  history.The mirror will tell uswhere the sin problem 
  resides: "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, 
  adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, 
  lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil 
  things come FROM WITHIN and defile the man.(Mark 7:21)
  This is exactly why Paul says that "all have sinned and are 
  falling short of the glory of God." 
  jt: Because we are all born into this world with this 
  Adamic "fallen" human nature and a heart described as in Mark 
  Grace people recognize the fact that sin is ever upon us, inescapable, 
  often intentional, always disastrous and deserving of death. Works 
  are commanded, they are necessary, but they are never accomplished by those 
  who are righteous on their merits -- never. So God 
  substitutes our faith for our supposed righteousness and refuses to consider 
  our sins. 
  jt: This is where things get a bit twisted. 
  Righteousness and obedience are boththe fruit of repentance and faith 
  which in themselves are gifts from God. Judyt 

[TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

Are you being funny Lance? Yes some matters do 
influence others, (where is discernment these days)? Bad company corrupts good 
morals and we are not ever exhorted to seek out the devil in order 
toreceive wisdom from God. Read the 
Preface to the KJV and compare that with what these other theologians were 
about. judyt

From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jt provides "worldview analysis" Whoda thunk it. 
Yup,convictions arrived at concerning some matters influence 

  Now Bill, got to tell it 
  like it is. I'm just reading how Nestle and Aland were evolutionists and 
  Westcott and Hort were only nominally orthodox in theology, both denied 
  Biblical inerrancy and promoted spiritism and racism. Nestle and Aland, like 
  Kittel were German theological liberals... What's so good about all 
  that? As the old saying goes, no smoke without fire...jt
  Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is 
  discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin 
  explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence contains a 
  very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that the actual text 
  is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant is then placed in the 
  margin, with explanatory details as to why the change. You guys should be 
  journalists for CNN; youcan make anything sound seedy.Bill
Please do, I will be 
looking fwd to that. I don't know a whole lot about German 
other than things began to change for the worse 
when their textual criticism began to
permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
Nestle/Aland pair. jt

From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it right I 
will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - revised 
corrected new improved edition and counting, right?

You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - 
Nest/Aland any edition 

Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his personal 
views from the task he is qualified 
to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well 
educated sectarian.All you have proven 
is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in 
theory. That does not change the fact that he 
and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the 
others). Do you have 
some textual criticism. I was quoting the text with no reference 
to Aland's theology.Aren't you 
the guy who thinks the KJ is the inspired version? John 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

This book contains the 2,000 year old texts of the 
Bible. THAT VERY SAME BIBLE you read daily. These are not non-biblical texts. 
(ISBN 0060600640) Check it out "man". (intended as humour (Cdn sp) not sarcasm) 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 01, 2004 06:07
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words 
  of the living God
  I wouldn't get my hopes too high. Older doesn't 
  necessarily mean better and the
  Essenes were a cult like group. The major 
  intact texts from caves 1 and 11 were 
  published by the late 1950's and didn't make any big 
  waves. judyt
  FYI-The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (The oldest known 
  Bible translated for the first time into English) 
  Harper More than 1000 years older than any 
  previously discovered biblical manuscripts with material 
  never before published or translated. 

Oh please. When new 
manuscript evidence is discovered, a new edition is released with notes in 
the lower margin explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the 
evidence contains a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity 
that the actual text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The 
variant is then placed in the margin, with explanatory details as to why the 
change. You guys should be journalists for CNN; youcan make anything 
sound seedy. Bill

From: Judy Taylor 

  Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:00 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
  words of the living God
  Please do, I will be looking fwd to that. I don't 
  know a whole lot about German theologians
  other than things began to change for the worse 
  when their textual criticism began to
  permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
  heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
  Nestle/Aland pair. jt
  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
  have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it right 
  I will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - revised 
  corrected new improved edition and counting, right?
  You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - 
  Nest/Aland any edition 
  Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his 
  personal views from the task he is qualified 
  to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well 
  educated sectarian.All you have proven 
  is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in 
  theory. That does not change the fact that he 
  and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the 
  others). Do you have 
  some textual criticism. I was quoting the text with no 
  reference to Aland's theology.Aren't you 
  the guy who thinks the KJ is the inspired version? John 

[TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

We probably need to lay all preconceived ideas aside 
andexamine our understanding of what grace means, that is the definition 
ofgrace in the Word of God. We are taught that it means "unmerited favor" 
- who coined that one? We are also taught that noone could ever fulfill 
God's Law (which makes Him a bit of an ogre because all through the OT this was 
His standard with covenant blessings for those who walked in his statutes and 
covenantcurses following those who did not) along with a place of 
repentance (through the Levitical system) for those who missed it and had to 
repent. The word "contract" is not scriptural and neither is 
"unmerited favor" and the condition for receiving grace from God (which 
incidentally is the ability to do as we ought) is obedience from the heart. Yes 
we can be conformed to His image and yes we can also fulfill the law through 
Christ (1 Corinthians 9:21); Paul said he wasn't without the law to God but 
under the law to Christ and this is where we are at also if we are His. 

From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A distinction I've found helpful on this C vs C 
discussion is drawn from IF  IFF. The former can be understood as" If this 
then that" while the latter is understood to mean (not say) "If and only if". 
`Are there "conditions" attached to grace? If there 
are and, we are fallen how then do we fulfil them? If 
we "do" them without assistance then we are not THAT 
fallen. If we "do" them with assistance (divine) then 
we are priviledged over those who are not the recipients of such. One can see 
where this leads.Lance

  the flow of the 
  blood is eternal and continual, that our sins are remembered NO 
  jt: Unrepented sin has not gone 
  anywhere John and there is nothing wrong with God's memory
  The problem for the 
  sinner is not sin, it is the decision to avoid God and, hence, His 
  jt: And why do we avoid God? Go 
  back to Genesis 3:10 "I was afraid because I was naked and I hid 
  The problem is 
  already solved. 
  jt: Not when sin is 
  still present justholdingto a doctrine will not cleanse the heart 
  john:I am not surprised at Blaine's 
  works salvantionist position.
  jt: If it is the post I am thinking of Blaine 
  posted the words of Jesus ONLY. How does obedience to God become 
  john:but the single most devastating teaching, 
  striking at the very heart of Mormonism, is the biblical doctrine of salvation 
  by grace through faith apart from obedience to a system of commandments. 
  jt: What about obedience to the Word of God 
  (the Lord Jesus Christ)
  john: If we are saved by grace, there is no for the "right 
  jt: There is ONLY one right one and 
  that is the one that Jesus is presently building.
  Central to the biblical doctrine of grace is the very obvious reality 
  that man is a sinner. Tons of bible on this. I Jo 1:8 makes a 
  statement in greek, a present tense statement: "if we say that we 
  are having no sin, the truth is not within us." 
  When I sat in first year greek and read that, understanding the 
  impact of continuous linear action ("are having no") I was 
  jt: Because of the condition of our heart and the old 
  Adamic nature which plagues us. However, "IF we confess our sin, HE is 
  faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from ALL 
  unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9) - so what does that make us?
  My mind did not race to figure out how to escape the implications of this 
  verse. Implications? I mean I as sitting in greek class, for 
  crying out loud studying "the Word of God.' Not smoking. Not 
  drinking. Not lusting. No t ... well you get it. 
  jt: Why? This is thereality and when we begin 
  to deal with Truth is when we make progress. Since that 
  first shock, I have come to realize that sin exists in, at least, two 
  quantitative forms: time/space (historical sins such as 
  drinking, lying, and the like --- things that last for a relatively 
  brief period of time; things I can hide; things that often do not define 
  who I am) and sins of character -- like envy, jealousy, 
  hatred, bitterness, anger, slothfulness -- all those things that 
  lay the foundation for historical sin. One murders because 
  one is filled with hate or some type of perversion. 
  jt: We don't have to look to tradition or 
  history.The mirror will tell uswhere the sin problem 
  resides: "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, 
  adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, 
  lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil 
  things come FROM WITHIN and defile the man.(Mark 7:21)
  This is exactly why Paul says that "all have sinned 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

Kinda yes and kinda no. The "no" part" has to do 
with your scripture quotations. Every one of them is believed by yourself to 
refer to a meaning that makes whatever point you are about in that conversation. 
Sometimes that meaning is the real meaning. But, you too are"influenced". 
Sometimes that "influence" (folks you study with, books you read etc) can be 
seen to have lead you away from that which is intrinsically true and right. 
Please don't respond by asking me if I believe myself to always reflect one over 
the other 'cause just like you and all others on TT, I don't. Lance 

  Sent: April 01, 2004 06:14
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words 
  of the living God
  Are you being funny Lance? Yes some matters do 
  influence others, (where is discernment these days)? Bad company corrupts good 
  morals and we are not ever exhorted to seek out the devil in order 
  toreceive wisdom from God. Read the 
  Preface to the KJV and compare that with what these other theologians were 
  about. judyt
  From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Jt provides "worldview analysis" Whoda thunk it. 
  Yup,convictions arrived at concerning some matters influence 
Now Bill, got to tell it 
like it is. I'm just reading how Nestle and Aland were evolutionists and 
Westcott and Hort were only nominally orthodox in theology, both denied 
Biblical inerrancy and promoted spiritism and racism. Nestle and Aland, like 
Kittel were German theological liberals... What's so good about all 
that? As the old saying goes, no smoke without fire...jt
Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is 
discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin 
explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence contains 
a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that the actual 
text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant is then placed 
in the margin, with explanatory details as to why the change. You guys 
should be journalists for CNN; youcan make anything sound 

  Please do, I will be 
  looking fwd to that. I don't know a whole lot about German 
  other than things began to change for the worse 
  when their textual criticism began to
  permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
  heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
  Nestle/Aland pair. jt
  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
  have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it right 
  I will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - revised 
  corrected new improved edition and counting, right?
  You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - 
  Nest/Aland any edition 
  Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his 
  personal views from the task he is qualified 
  to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well 
  educated sectarian.All you have proven 
  is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in 
  theory. That does not change the fact that he 
  and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the 
  others). Do you have 
  some textual criticism. I was quoting the text with no 
  reference to Aland's theology.Aren't you 
  the guy who thinks the KJ is the inspired version? John 

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

Jt's meaning? Anyone presented with what you 
outlined from scripture then, has the capacity within to say in response: a. I 
do understand what you've just explained to me and I accept it and will repent 
or, b. Same but, nope I don't want it.Lance

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 01, 2004 06:31
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus 
  We probably need to lay all preconceived ideas aside 
  andexamine our understanding of what grace means, that is the definition 
  ofgrace in the Word of God. We are taught that it means "unmerited 
  favor" - who coined that one? We are also taught that noone could ever 
  fulfill God's Law (which makes Him a bit of an ogre because all through the OT 
  this was His standard with covenant blessings for those who walked in his 
  statutes and covenantcurses following those who did not) along with a 
  place of repentance (through the Levitical system) for those who missed it and 
  had to repent. The word "contract" is not scriptural and neither 
  is "unmerited favor" and the condition for receiving grace from God (which 
  incidentally is the ability to do as we ought) is obedience from the heart. 
  Yes we can be conformed to His image and yes we can also fulfill the law 
  through Christ (1 Corinthians 9:21); Paul said he wasn't without the law to 
  God but under the law to Christ and this is where we are at also if we are 
  His. judyt
  From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  A distinction I've found helpful on this C vs C 
  discussion is drawn from IF  IFF. The former can be understood as" If 
  this then that" while the latter is understood to mean (not say) "If and only 
  if". `Are there "conditions" attached to grace? If 
  there are and, we are fallen how then do we fulfil 
  them? If we "do" them without assistance 
  then we are not THAT fallen. If we "do" them with 
  assistance (divine) then we are priviledged over those who are not the 
  recipients of such. One can see where this leads.Lance

the flow of 
the blood is eternal and continual, that our sins are remembered NO 
jt: Unrepented sin has not gone 
anywhere John and there is nothing wrong with God's 
The problem for the 
sinner is not sin, it is the decision to avoid God and, hence, His 
jt: And why do we avoid God? Go 
back to Genesis 3:10 "I was afraid because I was naked and I hid 
The problem is 
already solved. 
jt: Not when sin 
is still present justholdingto a doctrine will not cleanse the 
heart John
john:I am not surprised at Blaine's 
works salvantionist position.

jt: If it is the post I am thinking of 
Blaine posted the words of Jesus ONLY. How does obedience to God 
become "works-salvation?"

john:but the single most 
devastating teaching, striking at the very heart of Mormonism, is the 
biblical doctrine of salvation by grace through faith apart from obedience 
to a system of commandments. 

jt: What about obedience to the Word of God 
(the Lord Jesus Christ)

john: If we are saved by grace, there is 
no for the "right church." 

jt: There is ONLY one 
right one and that is the one that Jesus is presently building.
Central to the biblical doctrine of grace is the very obvious 
reality that man is a sinner. Tons of bible on this. I Jo 1:8 
makes a statement in greek, a present tense statement: "if we 
say that we are having no sin, the truth is not 
within us." When I sat in first year greek and read that, 
understanding the impact of continuous linear action ("are having no") 
I was stunned. 

jt: Because of the condition of our heart and the 
old Adamic nature which plagues us. However, "IF we confess our sin, 
HE is faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from ALL 
unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9) - so what does that make us?

My mind did not race to figure out how to escape the implications of 
this verse. Implications? I mean I as sitting in greek 
class, for crying out loud studying "the Word of God.' Not 
smoking. Not drinking. Not lusting. No t ... 

jt: Why? This is thereality and when we begin 
to deal with Truth is when we make progress. Since that 
first shock, I have come to realize that sin exists in, at least, two 
quantitative forms: time/space (historical sins such as 
drinking, lying, and the like --- things that last for a relatively 
brief period of time; things I can hide; things that often do not 
define who I am) and sins of character -- like envy, 
jealousy, hatred, bitterness, 

[TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

Correct me if I'm wrong Lance but I'm reading 
youstating that I misread scripture because of outside influence (you have 
already said that you don't believe the Holy Spirit is involved in this) so IYO 
I am led away from what is "intrinsically true and right" However, in saying 
this you are setting yourself (or some theologian that you respect and follow) 
up as the standard of what is true and right rather than God's Word. If I 
am perverting truth here, you have the responsibility as a fellow believer to 
show me in balance and in context why you think I am doing so (in love), so that 
I may walk in all truth. judyt

From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kinda yes and kinda no. The "no" part" has to do 
with your scripture quotations. Every one of them is 
believed by yourself to refer to a meaning that makes whatever point you are about in that conversation. 
Sometimes that meaning is the real meaning. But, you too are"influenced". 
Sometimes that "influence" 
(folks you study with, books you read etc) can be seen to 
have lead you away from that which is intrinsically 
true and right. Please don't respond by asking me if I believe myself to 
always reflect one over the other 'cause just like you and all others on TT, I 
don't. Lance 

  Sent: April 01, 2004 06:14
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words 
  of the living God
  Are you being funny Lance? Yes some matters do 
  influence others, (where is discernment these days)? Bad company corrupts good 
  morals and we are not ever exhorted to seek out the devil in order 
  toreceive wisdom from God. Read the 
  Preface to the KJV and compare that with what these other theologians were 
  about. judyt
  From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Jt provides "worldview analysis" Whoda thunk it. 
  Yup,convictions arrived at concerning some matters influence 
Now Bill, got to tell it 
like it is. I'm just reading how Nestle and Aland were evolutionists and 
Westcott and Hort were only nominally orthodox in theology, both denied 
Biblical inerrancy and promoted spiritism and racism. Nestle and Aland, like 
Kittel were German theological liberals... What's so good about all 
that? As the old saying goes, no smoke without fire...jt
Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is 
discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin 
explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence contains 
a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that the actual 
text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant is then placed 
in the margin, with explanatory details as to why the change. You guys 
should be journalists for CNN; youcan make anything sound 

  Please do, I will be 
  looking fwd to that. I don't know a whole lot about German 
  other than things began to change for the worse 
  when their textual criticism began to
  permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
  heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
  Nestle/Aland pair. jt
  From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
  have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it right 
  I will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - revised 
  corrected new improved edition and counting, right?
  You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - 
  Nest/Aland any edition 
  Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his 
  personal views from the task he is qualified 
  to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well 
  educated sectarian.All you have proven 
  is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in 
  theory. That does not change the fact that he 
  and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the 
  others). Do you have 
  some textual criticism. I was quoting the text with no 
  reference to Aland's theology.Aren't you 
  the guy who thinks the KJ is the inspired version? John 

[TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

I would hope that anyone presented with anything I say 
would be Berean enough to look for it themselves in scripture gobefore the 
Lord toask God forwisdom - thenwe will make some progress in 
the right direction (I'm not looking for a following), and yes I do believe that 
in spite of being fallen in nature mankind's will is free enough to make this 
choice for himself when drawn to Jesus by the Holy Spirit (there He is again) 
and that God is no respecter of any man's person. jt

Jt's meaning? Anyone presented with what you 
outlined from scripture then, has 
the capacity within to say in response: 

a. I do understand what you've just explained to me 
and I accept it and will repent or, 
b. Same but, nope I don't want 

  From: Judy Taylor 
  We probably need to lay all 
  preconceived ideas aside andexamine our understanding of what grace 
  means, that is the definition ofgrace in the Word of God. We are taught 
  that it means "unmerited favor" - who coined that one? We are also 
  taught that noone could ever fulfill God's Law (which makes Him a bit of an 
  ogre because all through the OT this was His standard with covenant blessings 
  for those who walked in his statutes and covenantcurses following those 
  who did not) along with a place of repentance (through the Levitical system) 
  for those who missed it and had to repent. The word "contract" is 
  not scriptural and neither is "unmerited favor" and the condition for 
  receiving grace from God (which incidentally is the ability to do as we ought) 
  is obedience from the heart. Yes we can be conformed to His image and yes we 
  can also fulfill the law through Christ (1 Corinthians 9:21); Paul said he 
  wasn't without the law to God but under the law to Christ and this is where we 
  are at also if we are His. judyt
  From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  A distinction I've found helpful on this C vs C 
  discussion is drawn from IF  IFF. The former can be understood as" If 
  this then that" while the latter is understood to mean (not say) "If and only 
  if". `Are there "conditions" attached to grace? If 
  there are and, we are fallen how then do we fulfil 
  them? If we "do" them without assistance 
  then we are not THAT fallen. If we "do" them with 
  assistance (divine) then we are priviledged over those who are not the 
  recipients of such. One can see where this leads.Lance

the flow of 
the blood is eternal and continual, that our sins are remembered NO 
jt: Unrepented sin has not gone 
anywhere John and there is nothing wrong with God's 
The problem for the 
sinner is not sin, it is the decision to avoid God and, hence, His 
jt: And why do we avoid God? Go 
back to Genesis 3:10 "I was afraid because I was naked and I hid 
The problem is 
already solved. 
jt: Not when sin 
is still present justholdingto a doctrine will not cleanse the 
heart John
john:I am not surprised at Blaine's 
works salvantionist position.

jt: If it is the post I am thinking of 
Blaine posted the words of Jesus ONLY. How does obedience to God 
become "works-salvation?"

john:but the single most devastating 
teaching, striking at the very heart of Mormonism, is the biblical doctrine 
of salvation by grace through faith apart from obedience to a system of 

jt: What about obedience to the Word of God 
(the Lord Jesus Christ)

john: If we are saved by grace, there is no for the 
"right church." 

jt: There is ONLY one right one and 
that is the one that Jesus is presently building.
Central to the biblical doctrine of grace is the very obvious 
reality that man is a sinner. Tons of bible on this. I Jo 1:8 
makes a statement in greek, a present tense statement: "if we 
say that we are having no sin, the truth is not 
within us." When I sat in first year greek and read that, 
understanding the impact of continuous linear action ("are having no") 
I was stunned. 

jt: Because of the condition of our heart and the 
old Adamic nature which plagues us. However, "IF we confess our sin, 
HE is faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from ALL 
unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9) - so what does that make us?

My mind did not race to figure out how to escape the implications of 
this verse. Implications? I mean I as sitting in greek 
class, for crying out loud studying "the Word of God.' Not 
smoking. Not drinking. Not lusting. No t ... 

jt: Why? This is thereality and when we begin 
to deal with Truth is when we make progress. Since 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

Check archives re:the role of the HS in 
interpretation (my understanding). Given: Some on this site are actually 
"believers". They quote scriptures intended to support an opposing meaning to 
those you've quoted. This, at its worst is the "O Ya" factor and, at its best is 
simply an indication that some can't or won't be lead by the Spirit to a correct 
apprehension of the "intrinsic meaning" therein.I believe everyone is and will 
be reflective of the latter position this side of the eschaton. Lance 

  Sent: April 01, 2004 06:46
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words 
  of the living God
  Correct me if I'm wrong Lance but I'm reading 
  youstating that I misread scripture because of outside influence (you 
  have already said that you don't believe the Holy Spirit is involved in this) 
  so IYO I am led away from what is "intrinsically true and right" However, in 
  saying this you are setting yourself (or some theologian that you respect and 
  follow) up as the standard of what is true and right rather than God's 
  Word. If I am perverting truth here, you have the responsibility as a 
  fellow believer to show me in balance and in context why you think I am doing 
  so (in love), so that I may walk in all truth. judyt
  From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Kinda yes and kinda no. The "no" part" has to do 
  with your scripture quotations. Every one of them 
  is believed by yourself to refer to a meaning that 
  makes whatever point you are about in that 
  conversation. Sometimes that meaning is the real meaning. But, you too 
  are"influenced". Sometimes that "influence" (folks you study with, books you read etc) 
  can be seen to have lead you away from that which 
  is intrinsically true and right. Please don't 
  respond by asking me if I believe myself to always reflect one over the other 
  'cause just like you and all others on TT, I don't. Lance 

Sent: April 01, 2004 06:14
Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
words of the living God

Are you being funny Lance? Yes some matters do 
influence others, (where is discernment these days)? Bad company corrupts 
good morals and we are not ever exhorted to seek out the devil in order 
toreceive wisdom from God. Read the 
Preface to the KJV and compare that with what these other theologians were 
about. judyt

From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jt provides "worldview analysis" Whoda thunk 
it. Yup,convictions arrived at concerning some matters influence 

  Now Bill, got to tell it 
  like it is. I'm just reading how Nestle and Aland were evolutionists and 
  Westcott and Hort were only nominally orthodox in theology, both denied 
  Biblical inerrancy and promoted spiritism and racism. Nestle and Aland, 
  like Kittel were German theological liberals... What's so good about all 
  that? As the old saying goes, no smoke without 
  Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is 
  discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin 
  explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence 
  contains a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that 
  the actual text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant 
  is then placed in the margin, with explanatory details as to why the 
  change. You guys should be journalists for CNN; youcan make anything 
  sound seedy.Bill
Please do, I will be 
looking fwd to that. I don't know a whole lot about German 
other than things began to change for the worse 
when their textual criticism began to
permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
Nestle/Aland pair. jt

From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it 
right I will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - 
revised corrected new improved edition and counting, right?
You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - 
Nest/Aland any edition 

Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his 
personal views from the task he is qualified 
to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well 
educated sectarian.All you have proven 
is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in 
theory. That does not change the fact that he 
and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the 

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

Thanks for putting your "cards on the table" 

  Sent: April 01, 2004 06:54
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus 
  I would hope that anyone presented with anything I 
  say would be Berean enough to look for it themselves in scripture 
  gobefore the Lord toask God forwisdom - thenwe will 
  make some progress in the right direction (I'm not looking for a following), 
  and yes I do believe that in spite of being fallen in nature mankind's will is 
  free enough to make this choice for himself when drawn to Jesus by the Holy 
  Spirit (there He is again) and that God is no respecter of any man's person. 
  "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Jt's meaning? Anyone presented with what you 
  outlined from scripture then, has 
  the capacity within to say in response: 
  a. I do understand what you've just explained to 
  me and I accept it and will repent or, 
  b. Same but, nope I don't want 
From: Judy Taylor 
We probably need to lay 
all preconceived ideas aside andexamine our understanding of what 
grace means, that is the definition ofgrace in the Word of God. We are 
taught that it means "unmerited favor" - who coined that one? We are 
also taught that noone could ever fulfill God's Law (which makes Him a bit 
of an ogre because all through the OT this was His standard with covenant 
blessings for those who walked in his statutes and covenantcurses 
following those who did not) along with a place of repentance (through the 
Levitical system) for those who missed it and had to repent. The 
word "contract" is not scriptural and neither is "unmerited favor" and the 
condition for receiving grace from God (which incidentally is the ability to 
do as we ought) is obedience from the heart. Yes we can be conformed to His 
image and yes we can also fulfill the law through Christ (1 Corinthians 
9:21); Paul said he wasn't without the law to God but under the law to 
Christ and this is where we are at also if we are His. judyt

From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A distinction I've found helpful on this C vs C 
discussion is drawn from IF  IFF. The former can be understood as" If 
this then that" while the latter is understood to mean (not say) "If and 
only if". `Are there "conditions" attached to 
grace? If there are and, we are fallen how then 
do we fulfil them? If we "do" them without 
assistance then we are not THAT fallen. If we "do" them with assistance (divine) then we are priviledged over 
those who are not the recipients of such. One can see where this 

  the flow of 
  the blood is eternal and continual, that our sins are remembered NO 
  jt: Unrepented sin has not gone 
  anywhere John and there is nothing wrong with God's 
  The problem for 
  the sinner is not sin, it is the decision to avoid God and, hence, 
  His solution.
  jt: And why do we avoid God? Go 
  back to Genesis 3:10 "I was afraid because I was naked and I hid 
  The problem is 
  already solved. 
  jt: Not when 
  sin is still present justholdingto a doctrine will not cleanse 
  the heart John
  john:I am not surprised at 
  Blaine's works salvantionist position.
  jt: If it is the post I am thinking of 
  Blaine posted the words of Jesus ONLY. How does obedience to God 
  become "works-salvation?"
  john:but the single most 
  devastating teaching, striking at the very heart of Mormonism, is the 
  biblical doctrine of salvation by grace through faith apart from obedience 
  to a system of commandments. 
  jt: What about obedience to the Word of 
  God (the Lord Jesus Christ)
  john: If we are saved by grace, there is 
  no for the "right church." 
  jt: There is ONLY 
  one right one and that is the one that Jesus is presently 
  Central to the biblical doctrine of grace is the very obvious 
  reality that man is a sinner. Tons of bible on this. I Jo 1:8 
  makes a statement in greek, a present tense statement: "if we 
  say that we are having no sin, the truth is 
  not within us." When I sat in first year greek and read that, 
  understanding the impact of continuous linear action ("are having 
  no") I was stunned. 
  jt: Because of the condition of our heart and the 
  old Adamic nature which plagues us. However, "IF we confess our sin, 
  HE is faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from ALL 
  unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9) - so what does that make us?
  My mind did not race to figure out how to escape the implications of 
  this verse. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Kevin Deegan
The Dead sea scrolls were individual finds of individual manuscripts. There were multiple finds.
A manuscript is not a "Bible" or codexLance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

FYI-The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (The oldest known Bible translated for the first time into English) Harper More than 1000 years older than any previously discovered biblical manuscripts with material never before published or translated. Lance

- Original Message - 
From: Wm. Taylor 
Sent: March 31, 2004 22:23
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence contains a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that the actual text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant is then placed in the margin, with explanatory details as to why the change. You guys should be journalists for CNN; youcan make anything sound seedy.


- Original Message - 

From: Judy Taylor 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:00 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

Please do, I will be looking fwd to that. I don't know a whole lot about German theologians
other than things began to change for the worse when their textual criticism began to
permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
Nestle/Aland pair. jt

From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it right I will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - revised corrected new improved edition and counting, right?
You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - Nest/Aland any edition 

Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his personal views from the task he is qualified 
to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well educated sectarian.All you have proven 
is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in theory. That does not change the fact that he 
and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the others). Do you have 
some textual criticism. I was quoting the text with no reference to Aland's theology.Aren't you 
the guy who thinks the KJ is the inspired version? John 

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Yahoo! Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway - Enter today

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

Kevin: Please research this title I listed. See 
exactly what mss were translated. Are you devaluing this find? 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 01, 2004 07:16
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
  words of the living God
  The Dead sea scrolls were individual finds of individual manuscripts. 
  There were multiple finds.
  A manuscript is not a "Bible" or codexLance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

FYI-The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (The oldest 
known Bible translated for the first time into English) Harper More than 
1000 years older than any previously discovered biblical manuscripts with 
material never before published or translated. Lance

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 31, 2004 22:23
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting 
  the words of the living God
  Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is 
  discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin 
  explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence 
  contains a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that 
  the actual text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant 
  is then placed in the margin, with explanatory details as to why the 
  change. You guys should be journalists for CNN; youcan make anything 
  sound seedy.
  - Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 
8:00 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
words of the living God

Please do, I will be looking fwd to that. I 
don't know a whole lot about German theologians
other than things began to change for the worse 
when their textual criticism began to
permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
Nestle/Aland pair. jt

From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it 
right I will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - 
revised corrected new improved edition and counting, right?
You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - 
Nest/Aland any edition 

Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his 
personal views from the task he is qualified 
to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well 
educated sectarian.All you have proven 
is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in 
theory. That does not change the fact that he 
and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the 
others). Do you have 
some textual criticism. I was quoting the text with no 
reference to Aland's theology.Aren't you 
the guy who thinks the KJ is the inspired version? John 

  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! 
  Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway - Enter 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Kevin Deegan
I am not detracting justclarifying your use of the word "Bible" they were mssLance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kevin: Please research this title I listed. See exactly what mss were translated. Are you devaluing this find? lance

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Deegan 
Sent: April 01, 2004 07:16
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

The Dead sea scrolls were individual finds of individual manuscripts. There were multiple finds.
A manuscript is not a "Bible" or codexLance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

FYI-The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (The oldest known Bible translated for the first time into English) Harper More than 1000 years older than any previously discovered biblical manuscripts with material never before published or translated. Lance

- Original Message - 
From: Wm. Taylor 
Sent: March 31, 2004 22:23
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence contains a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that the actual text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant is then placed in the margin, with explanatory details as to why the change. You guys should be journalists for CNN; youcan make anything sound seedy.


- Original Message - 

From: Judy Taylor 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:00 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

Please do, I will be looking fwd to that. I don't know a whole lot about German theologians
other than things began to change for the worse when their textual criticism began to
permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
Nestle/Aland pair. jt

From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it right I will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - revised corrected new improved edition and counting, right?
You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - Nest/Aland any edition 

Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his personal views from the task he is qualified 
to perform. The guy who cannot do that is just a well educated sectarian.All you have proven 
is the former. So you don't agree with Aland in theory. That does not change the fact that he 
and others did a monumental work in this most recent text (and the others). Do you have 
some textual criticism. I was quoting the text with no reference to Aland's theology.Aren't you 
the guy who thinks the KJ is the inspired version? John 

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway - Enter todayDo you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway - Enter today

[TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

What about the HS giving understanding Lance? 
Believers!! Ppl believe in all kinds of doctrines and ideas and not all 
are from the Spirit of Truth. Those with opposing meanings should be able to 
show in balance and in context why the scriptures I post are being wrongly 
used. By intrinsic do you mean "inward"? (In the person or in 
the Word)? Both should be the same. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of the 
latter at the 'eschaton' because without understanding they will be the ones 
walking in lawlessness who will say "Lord, Lord!!" judyt

From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Check archives re:the role of 
the HS in interpretation (my understanding). Given: Some on this site are 
actually "believers". They quote scriptures intended to support an opposing meaning to those you've 
quoted. This, at its worst is the "O Ya" factor and, at its best is simply an 
indication that some can't or won't be lead by the Spirit to a correct 
apprehension of the "intrinsic meaning" therein.I 
believe everyone is and will be reflective of the latter position this side of 
the eschaton. Lance 

  Correct me if I'm wrong 
  Lance but I'm reading youstating that I misread scripture because of 
  outside influence (you have already said that you don't believe the Holy 
  Spirit is involved in this) so IYO I am led away from what is "intrinsically 
  true and right" However, in saying this you are setting yourself (or some 
  theologian that you respect and follow) up as the standard of what is true and 
  right rather than God's Word. If I am perverting truth here, you have 
  the responsibility as a fellow believer to show me in balance and in context 
  why you think I am doing so (in love), so that I may walk in all truth. 
  From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Kinda yes and kinda no. The "no" part" has to do 
  with your scripture quotations. Every one of them 
  is believed by yourself to refer to a meaning that 
  makes whatever point you are about in that 
  conversation. Sometimes that meaning is the real meaning. But, you too 
  are"influenced". Sometimes that "influence" (folks you study with, books you read etc) 
  can be seen to have lead you away from that which 
  is intrinsically true and right. Please don't 
  respond by asking me if I believe myself to always reflect one over the other 
  'cause just like you and all others on TT, I don't. Lance 
Are you being funny Lance? 
Yes some matters do influence others, (where is discernment these days)? Bad 
company corrupts good morals and we are not ever exhorted to seek out the 
devil in order toreceive wisdom from 
God. Read the Preface to the KJV and compare that with what these 
other theologians were about. judyt

From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jt provides "worldview analysis" Whoda thunk 
it. Yup,convictions arrived at concerning some matters influence 

  Now Bill, got to tell it 
  like it is. I'm just reading how Nestle and Aland were evolutionists and 
  Westcott and Hort were only nominally orthodox in theology, both denied 
  Biblical inerrancy and promoted spiritism and racism. Nestle and Aland, 
  like Kittel were German theological liberals... What's so good about all 
  that? As the old saying goes, no smoke without 
  Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is 
  discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin 
  explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence 
  contains a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that 
  the actual text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant 
  is then placed in the margin, with explanatory details as to why the 
  change. You guys should be journalists for CNN; youcan make anything 
  sound seedy.Bill
Please do, I will be 
looking fwd to that. I don't know a whole lot about German 
other than things began to change for the worse 
when their textual criticism began to
permeate the Seminaries in this country. I had 
heard of Westcott  Hort but not this
Nestle/Aland pair. jt

From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]I 
have a lot of problems with the NA text.When they finally get it 
right I will give you a critique.Right now we are at revision 26 - 
revised corrected new improved edition and counting, right?
You should avoid like the plague, the Wescott  Hort text - 
Nest/Aland any edition 

Kevin. A true scholar is one who can separate his 
personal views from the 

Re: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

and this is not the 
standardJesus and the First Century Church left to us. Do you mean that Jesus did not really dine with 
tax collectors and harlots? 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 3:21 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was 
  Dialogue with Mormons)
  don't want to speak for Blaine, but I see nothing in Mormonism that prevents 
  either of us to fellowship with non-LDS Christians. Perhaps I don't 
  understand fellowship quite the same way you do 
  though.Fellowship. I do think that fellowship is 
  bigger than denominational boundaries but limited by a true sense of 
  mutuality and purpose. A lexical view of koinonia reveals a 
  number of nuances, to wit (old guys say that a lot, "to wit"): 
  fellowship, association, community, communion, joint participation, 
  intercourse. Note the progression. It was part of the 
  routine of the first church (Acts 2:42).
  jt:Scripture defines "fellowship" as "walking in the light 
  as HE is in the light" This is the only way we can have true fellowship 
  (lightalso meaning truth) and this is when the blood of Jesus 
  Christ cleanses us. When we compromise with themixture we are 
  fellowshipping with devils and this is not the standardJesus and the 
  First Century Church left to us. john: My 
  experience with the Mormon church has been one that is the witness to a 
  degree of exclusion which goes beyond sectarian or denominational bias. 
  It seems to me that this exclusiveness is the surrounding halo of a 
  world religion. If that is the case, we have no fellowship 
  or brotherhood. I don't like saying that. I have only my 
  instincts about this issue. If Blaine and I are brothers (or Dave and I), 
  to what eventuality can we point as the defining factor which 
  presents us with the same Parent? Or is there more to brotherhood than divine 
  jt: The 
  fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man are taught by Freemasonry and the 
  mystic cults, it's part of the OLD religion. God created all men but today 
  Jesus defines the brethren. He said "who is my mother and who are my 
  brethren? and he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, 
  Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father 
  which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother" (Matthew 
  12:48). This is an impossible feat if we are holding on to 'doctrines of 

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Terry Clifton

Jonathan Hughes wrote:

  Well I
promised myself I wouldnt
write any more posts until I had finished writing an exam next Monday
but I
wanted to put one small one forward. Blaine and Johns comments
below (thank you gentlemen) highlight an area that I have had a lot of
in lately. Basically it comes down to figuring out whether Gods
relationship with me (and all TT members) is a covenantal relationship
or a
contractual relationship. Lets have a discussion of the difference(s)
between covenant and contract. I would suggest beginning with a simple
definition (marriage is an example of covenant, business agreement an
of a contract) and then go to scripture (as Blaine is doing below) to
which type of relationship God has with us. To tip my hand I come in
fully on the covenant side. I have come to see that God always begins
with grace, then gives law, and then the consequences. In other words,
am the Father of Abraham etc. (grace), Follow my commandments (law) and
will be blessed (consequences). If that order is misconstrued or
around I think one runs into a lot of trouble. How would the verse
Blaine mentions below work out? Is it an example of works being a
prerequisite for
saving grace? One may want to work out what to do with all the Ifs
that are often placed in verses dealing with covenant (for example, If
follow my commandments I shall bless you). Do they make them into
contracts or are they descriptive ifs, prescriptive ifs etc.? This is
part where I am still fuzzy but Ill get there. And finally I would
like to discuss how our Christian lives would be different if we
realized Gods
relationship with us was one of covenant instead of contract. This
lead us into discussing Christs High priesthood and His vicarious
humanity. I am getting excited just thinking about where we could go
all this. Thank you God! Lets work it out.
  Now I may
not be able to post much until
next Monday or Tuesday so please do not be suspicious if I do not reply
to any
responses right away. I cannot stress how important I think it is to
deeply understand the difference between a Covenant God and a Contract
God. May the Spirit of God lead us in this discussion.

I look forward to more as your
time permits, John. At present, the biggest difference I see in a
covenant and a contract is that a contract is an agreement acceptable
to two or more parties, while in a covenant, the stronger party always
sets the terms. Give me more!

[TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

He ate with them but ATST was separate from them, 
and relationship involve trust and 

"Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because 
he knew all
men and needed not that any should testify of man; for 
he knew
what was in man" (John 2:24) and

"For such an high priest became us, who is holy, 
undefiled, separate from sinners, and made 
higher than
the heavens (Hebrews 7:26)

Jesus fellowshipped with those who had first made a 
(left all) commitment to him. jt.

From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and this is not the 
standardJesus and the First Century Church left to us. 
Do you mean that 
Jesus did not really dine with tax collectors and harlots? 

  From: Judy Taylor 
  John wrote:I don't want to speak for Blaine, but I see nothing in 
  Mormonism that prevents either of us to fellowship with non-LDS Christians. 
  Perhaps I don't understand fellowship quite the same way you do 
  though.Fellowship. I do think that fellowship is bigger 
  than denominational boundaries but limited by a true sense of mutuality 
  and purpose. A lexical view of koinonia reveals a number of 
  nuances, to wit (old guys say that a lot, "to wit"): fellowship, 
  association, community, communion, joint participation, intercourse. 
  Note the progression. It was part of the routine of the 
  first church (Acts 2:42).
  jt:Scripture defines "fellowship" as "walking in the light 
  as HE is in the light" This is the only way we can have true fellowship 
  (lightalso meaning truth) and this is when the blood of Jesus 
  Christ cleanses us. When we compromise with themixture we are 
  fellowshipping with devils and this is not the standardJesus and the 
  First Century Church left to us. john: My 
  experience with the Mormon church has been one that is the witness to a 
  degree of exclusion which goes beyond sectarian or denominational bias. 
  It seems to me that this exclusiveness is the surrounding halo of a 
  world religion. If that is the case, we have no fellowship 
  or brotherhood. I don't like saying that. I have only my 
  instincts about this issue. If Blaine and I are brothers (or Dave and I), 
  to what eventuality can we point as the defining factor which 
  presents us with the same Parent? Or is there more to brotherhood than divine 
  jt: The 
  fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man are taught by Freemasonry and the 
  mystic cults, it's part of the OLD religion. God created all men but today 
  Jesus defines the brethren. He said "who is my mother and who are my 
  brethren? and he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, 
  Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father 
  which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother" (Matthew 
  12:48). This is an impossible feat if we are holding on to 'doctrines of 

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Terry Clifton

Lance Muir wrote:

  A distinction I've found helpful on
this C vs C discussion is drawn from IF  IFF. The former can be
understood as" If this then that" while the latter is understood to
mean (not say) "If and only if". `Are there "conditions" attached to
grace? If there are and, we are fallen how then do we fulfil them? If
we "do" them without assistance then we are not THAT fallen. If we "do"
them with assistance (divine) then we are priviledged over those who
are not the recipients of such. One can see where this leads.Lance

I am really glad that "one" can see. Could you ask that one to explain
it to me?

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Terry Clifton

Judy Taylor wrote:

  We probably need to lay all preconceived
ideas aside andexamine our understanding of what grace means, that is
the definition ofgrace in the Word of God. We are taught that it means
"unmerited favor" - who coined that one? We are also taught that noone
could ever fulfill God's Law (which makes Him a bit of an ogre because
all through the OT this was His standard with covenant blessings for
those who walked in his statutes and covenantcurses following those
who did not) along with a place of repentance (through the Levitical
system) for those who missed it and had to repent. The word
"contract" is not scriptural and neither is "unmerited favor" and the
condition for receiving grace from God (which incidentally is the
ability to do as we ought) is obedience from the heart. Yes we can be
conformed to His image and yes we can also fulfill the law through
Christ (1 Corinthians 9:21); Paul said he wasn't without the law to God
but under the law to Christ and this is where we are at also if we are
His. judyt

Can you explain to me, Judy, the difference between keeping the law and
fulfilling the law. I firmly believe that no one has ever kept even
the first commandment without fail.

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

Judy, in all respect and candor, how do you know 
you are "from the Spirit of Truth"? I'll speak for my self here, when I go to 
Scripture, I go in prayer, earnestly, inwardly, desiring that the Spirit lead me 
to truth. Yet I sometimes (most times?) come away with a "leading" different 
from the "leading" you receive. Does that 
necessarily mean I am the one in error, the one 
deceived, the one perverting the words of the living God? Does it necessarily 
mean the same about you? Of course not on both counts. Please listen to what 
Lance is saying, look to his words for their intended meaning, try to understand 
him. This is an important distinction and one which gets to the heart 
ofany discussions of fellowship (see parallel thread).


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 5:35 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words 
  of the living God
  What about the HS giving understanding Lance? 
  Believers!! Ppl believe in all kinds of doctrines and ideas and not all 
  are from the Spirit of Truth. Those with opposing meanings should be able to 
  show in balance and in context why the scriptures I post are being wrongly 
  used. By intrinsic do you mean "inward"? (In the person or 
  in the Word)? Both should be the same. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of 
  the latter at the 'eschaton' because without understanding they will be the 
  ones walking in lawlessness who will say "Lord, Lord!!" 
  Check archives re:the role of 
  the HS in interpretation (my understanding). Given: Some on this site 
  are actually "believers". They quote scriptures 
  intended to support an opposing meaning to those 
  you've quoted. This, at its worst is the "O Ya" factor and, at its best is 
  simply an indication that some can't or won't be lead by the Spirit to a 
  correct apprehension of the "intrinsic meaning" 
  therein.I believe everyone is and will be reflective of the latter position 
  this side of the eschaton. Lance 
Correct me if I'm wrong 
Lance but I'm reading youstating that I misread scripture because of 
outside influence (you have already said that you don't believe the Holy 
Spirit is involved in this) so IYO I am led away from what is "intrinsically 
true and right" However, in saying this you are setting yourself (or some 
theologian that you respect and follow) up as the standard of what is true 
and right rather than God's Word. If I am perverting truth here, you 
have the responsibility as a fellow believer to show me in balance and in 
context why you think I am doing so (in love), so that I may walk in all 
truth. judyt

From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kinda yes and kinda no. The "no" part" has to 
do with your scripture quotations. Every one of 
them is believed by yourself to refer to a meaning 
that makes whatever point you are about in that 
conversation. Sometimes that meaning is the real meaning. But, you 
too are"influenced". Sometimes that "influence" (folks you study with, books you read etc) 
can be seen to have lead you away from that which 
is intrinsically true and right. Please don't 
respond by asking me if I believe myself to always reflect one over the 
other 'cause just like you and all others on TT, I don't. Lance 

  Are you being funny 
  Lance? Yes some matters do influence others, (where is discernment these 
  days)? Bad company corrupts good morals and we are not ever exhorted to 
  seek out the devil in order toreceive 
  wisdom from God. Read the Preface to the KJV and compare that with 
  what these other theologians were about. judyt
  From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Jt provides "worldview analysis" Whoda thunk 
  it. Yup,convictions arrived at concerning some matters influence 
Now Bill, got to tell 
it like it is. I'm just reading how Nestle and Aland were evolutionists 
and Westcott and Hort were only nominally orthodox in theology, both 
denied Biblical inerrancy and promoted spiritism and racism. Nestle and 
Aland, like Kittel were German theological liberals... What's so good 
about all that? As the old saying goes, no smoke without 
Oh please. When new manuscript evidence is 
discovered, a new edition is released with notes in the lower margin 
explaining the nature of the discovery. It's only when the evidence 
contains a very high degree of probability concerning authenticity that 
the actual text is changed, reflecting the updated evidence. The variant 
is then placed in the margin, with explanatory 

Re: [TruthTalk] false notions

2004-04-01 Thread Charles Perry Locke
David, you are denying what several of your own prophets have stated. Have 
you not seen the multitude of references that Kevin has provided that 
indicate such? Are you saying that they were NOT prophets, and had no 
authority, or were they wrong on just this one occasion?

Please set me straight. Explain to me the DH understanding of the 
relationship between the LDS god and Mary that produced Jesus' earthly body. 
If it differs from the LDS teachings, please tell me what the LDS believe 
about this.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] false notions Date: 
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 23:04:33 -0800

DAVEH:  Interestingly.Perry you have once again quoted /He had physical 
sex with Mary/ which I have several times denied to be LDS doctrine on TT.  
Why do you make such a claim when you know it to be false?  Did you think I 
lied to you?

Blaine Borrowman wrote:

*Blaine:  I have covered all of the doctrines I know about that can be 
substantiated by Mormon scriptures,  at least I hope I didn't leave 
anything out.  Your list of truths about what we believe, Perry, would 
not stand up to any scriptures that I know of, Mormon or otherwise.  You 
are touching on almost all the doctrines I have heard repeated by 
anti-Mormons in their many attempts to discredit the Church of Jesus 
Christ of Latter-day Saints.  They dig up some obscure commentaries made 
in moments of  unwary speculation, and try to attach these to the official 
belief system of the LDS Church.  If I as a sunday school teacher were to 
dwell on these doctrines as if they were fundamental truths, with more 
than passing commentary, I would soon be removed from teaching the 
Latter-day Saint people.  If you want to know what we teach, read current 
commentary by current LDS writers, or go to the official scriptures--the 
BoM, the DC, and etc.  * *If I wanted to know what Jews teach, would I go 
to an anti-semitic source?  Not unless I wanted to hear with itching ears 
the devil's version of what they teach.*  *(:)*  - Original Message 
- From: Charles Perry Locke [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 8:42 AM 
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] false notions

 Blaine,  Great! You caovered the parts that are similariities 
between you god and  jesus, and the God and Jesus of the Bible. Now tell 
the WHOLE story,  Blaine... give the other aspects of God from your own 
DC, and the  writings of your other LDS prophets which you ALSO believe. 
It is THOSE  characterisitcs that make your god and jesus different from 
the biblical God  and Jesus. Please don't hold anything back.  He is from 
KOLOB. He was once a  MAN. He had a father himself that was once a man, 
and is now a god. He had  physical sex with Mary. There are infinite such 
gods. Jesus is a brother of  SATAN. Be truthful, Blaine. Tell us all of 
it.   Perry   From: Blaine Borrowman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: [TruthTalk]  false notions  Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 23:26:04 
-0700  I would like to try once again to clarify my (Mormon) 
beliefs as to who  Jesus really is.  If needed, I can verify all of 
these assertions by  biblical scripture. He is as follows:  1)  The 
God of the Old Testament--Jehovah--he was the I Am that I Am that  
gave commandments to Moses, and delivered the Children of Israel out of 
 Egypt.  2)  He was the firstborn of all spirit creations OF the 
Father.  (Rev 3:14)  3)  All other things were created BY him (but OF 
the father).  4)  He is the only begotten of the Father in the flesh.  
5)  He gave his life and blood to atone for the sins of all, as he 
overcame  all things, including death.  6)  He was the firstborn of 
the resurrection, having pre-eminance in all  things.  7)  He now 
reigns on the right hand of the Father (both in bodies of  flesh  and 
bone) and caringly intervenes in the affairs of men, by speaking to his  
ordained and authorized servants, the prophets.  8)   He will again 
set his foot on the earth, which is his footstool, and  will reign 
forever as King and Prince over all,  in justice and equity, and  his 
Kingdom will never end.I can't see that any of these beliefs make 
my Jesus different from your  Jesus--unless you don't believe your own 

~~~ Dave Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
~~~ If you wish to receive things I find interesting, I 
maintain Five email lists... JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS, STUFF and MOTORCYCLE.

Find a broadband plan that fits. Great local deals on high-speed Internet 

Let your speech be always with grace, 

Re: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

Wrong. He fellowshipped with them and then they 
made a commitment to him, then they loved him. I John 4.18-19 -- "There is no 
fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. 
But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.We love Him because He 
first loved us." The movement is always, Godmanward. 
Was Jesus not God? Did he not always do the will of his Father? Why would his 
dining with tax collectors and harlots be anything less than his love and 
demonstration of that perfect love for them; and thatbeing the reason for 
the change of their heart/attitudefor him?

Bill Taylor

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 5:59 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was 
  Dialogue with Mormons)
  He ate with them but ATST was separate from them, 
  and relationship involve trust and 
  "Jesus did not commit himself unto them, 
  because he knew all
  men and needed not that any should testify of man; 
  for he knew
  what was in man" (John 2:24) and
  "For such an high priest became us, who is holy, 
  undefiled, separate from sinners, and made 
  higher than
  the heavens (Hebrews 7:26)
  Jesus fellowshipped with those who had first made a 
  (left all) commitment to him. jt.
  From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  and this is not the 
  standardJesus and the First Century Church left to us. 
  Do you mean 
  that Jesus did not really dine with tax collectors and harlots? 
From: Judy Taylor 
John wrote:I don't want to speak for Blaine, but I see nothing in 
Mormonism that prevents either of us to fellowship with non-LDS Christians. 
Perhaps I don't understand fellowship quite the same way you do 
though.Fellowship. I do think that fellowship is 
bigger than denominational boundaries but limited by a true sense of 
mutuality and purpose. A lexical view of koinonia reveals a 
number of nuances, to wit (old guys say that a lot, "to wit"): 
fellowship, association, community, communion, joint participation, 
intercourse. Note the progression. It was part of the 
routine of the first church (Acts 2:42).

jt:Scripture defines "fellowship" as "walking in the 
light as HE is in the light" This is the only way we can have true 
fellowship (lightalso meaning truth) and this is when the blood 
of Jesus Christ cleanses us. When we compromise with themixture 
we are fellowshipping with devils and this is not the standardJesus 
and the First Century Church left to us. 
john: My experience with the Mormon church has been one that is the 
witness to a degree of exclusion which goes beyond sectarian or 
denominational bias. It seems to me that this exclusiveness is the 
surrounding halo of a world religion. If that is the case, 
we have no fellowship or brotherhood. I don't like saying that. 
I have only my instincts about this issue. If Blaine and I are 
brothers (or Dave and I), to what eventuality can we point as 
the defining factor which presents us with the same Parent? Or is there more 
to brotherhood than divine genetics? 

jt: The 
fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man are taught by Freemasonry and the 
mystic cults, it's part of the OLD religion. God created all men but today 
Jesus defines the brethren. He said "who is my mother and who are my 
brethren? and he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, 
Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my 
Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother" 
(Matthew 12:48). This is an impossible feat if we are holding on to 
'doctrines of devils'


Re: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

This is not to say that fellowship and relationship 
does not involve trust and commitment. It is to say that that relationship was 
initiatesby Jesus at his movement toward them, in his utter acceptance of 
them in spite of who they were, and his absolute refusal to leave them in their 
sin. That fellowship is what removed the fear on the part of his recipients, 
allowing them to drop the pretence and be real with him about who they were; 
that then is their repentance, resulting in trust and commitment.


  - Original Message - 
  Wm. Taylor 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 6:33 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was 
  Dialogue with Mormons)
  Wrong. He fellowshipped with them and then they 
  made a commitment to him, then they loved him. I John 4.18-19 -- "There is no 
  fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. 
  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.We love Him because 
  He first loved us." The movement is always, 
  Godmanward. Was Jesus not God? Did he not always do the will of his 
  Father? Why would his dining with tax collectors and harlots be anything less 
  than his love and demonstration of that perfect love for them; and 
  thatbeing the reason for the change of their heart/attitudefor 
  Bill Taylor
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 5:59 
Subject: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was 
Dialogue with Mormons)

He ate with them but ATST was separate from them, 
and relationship involve trust and 

"Jesus did not commit himself unto them, 
because he knew all
men and needed not that any should testify of man; 
for he knew
what was in man" (John 2:24) and

"For such an high priest became us, who is holy, 
undefiled, separate from sinners, and made 
higher than
the heavens (Hebrews 7:26)

Jesus fellowshipped with those who had first made a 
(left all) commitment to him. 

From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and this is not the 
standardJesus and the First Century Church left to us. 
Do you mean 
that Jesus did not really dine with tax collectors and harlots? 

  From: Judy Taylor 
  John wrote:I don't want to speak for Blaine, but I see nothing in 
  Mormonism that prevents either of us to fellowship with non-LDS 
  Christians. Perhaps I don't understand fellowship quite the 
  same way you do though.Fellowship. I do 
  think that fellowship is bigger than denominational boundaries but limited 
  by a true sense of mutuality and purpose. A lexical view of 
  koinonia reveals a number of nuances, to wit (old guys say 
  that a lot, "to wit"): fellowship, association, community, 
  communion, joint participation, intercourse. Note the progression. 
  It was part of the routine of the first church (Acts 
  jt:Scripture defines "fellowship" as "walking in the 
  light as HE is in the light" This is the only way we can have true 
  fellowship (lightalso meaning truth) and this is when the 
  blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us. When we compromise with 
  themixture we are fellowshipping with devils and this is not the 
  standardJesus and the First Century Church left to 
  us. john: My experience with the Mormon 
  church has been one that is the witness to a degree of exclusion 
  which goes beyond sectarian or denominational bias. It seems to me 
  that this exclusiveness is the surrounding halo of a world religion. 
  If that is the case, we have no fellowship or brotherhood. 
  I don't like saying that. I have only my instincts about 
  this issue. If Blaine and I are brothers (or Dave and I), to 
  what eventuality can we point as the defining factor which presents us 
  with the same Parent? Or is there more to brotherhood than divine 
  jt: The fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man are taught 
  by Freemasonry and the mystic cults, it's part of the OLD religion. God 
  created all men but today Jesus defines the brethren. He said "who 
  is my mother and who are my brethren? and he stretched forth his hand 
  toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For 
  whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is 
  my brother, and sister, and mother" (Matthew 12:48). This is an 
  impossible feat if we are holding on to 'doctrines of 

[TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

I don't know that there is a difference Terry - keeping 
and fulfilling is the same thing but we have been taught doctrines in 
Christendom that do not conform us to godliness and holiness. Enoch was 
pleasing to God and so was Elijah (they were translated). We are not required to 
keep the letter of the law and we fulfill the law through Christ by walking 
after the Spirit in obedience to Him. Just holding on to a doctrine that 
says "He did it so I don't have to" will not conform us to His image so that we 
will be like Him when He comes. judyt

From: Terry Clifton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can you explain to me, Judy, the difference between keeping the law 
and fulfilling the law. I firmly believe that no one has ever kept even 
the first commandment without fail.Terry
Judy Taylor wrote:


  We probably need to lay all preconceived ideas aside 
  andexamine our understanding of what grace means, that is the definition 
  ofgrace in the Word of God. We are taught that it means "unmerited 
  favor" - who coined that one? We are also taught that noone could ever 
  fulfill God's Law (which makes Him a bit of an ogre because all through the OT 
  this was His standard with covenant blessings for those who walked in his 
  statutes and covenantcurses following those who did not) along with a 
  place of repentance (through the Levitical system) for those who missed it and 
  had to repent. The word "contract" is not scriptural and neither 
  is "unmerited favor" and the condition for receiving grace from God (which 
  incidentally is the ability to do as we ought) is obedience from the heart. 
  Yes we can be conformed to His image and yes we can also fulfill the law 
  through Christ (1 Corinthians 9:21); Paul said he wasn't without the law to 
  God but under the law to Christ and this is where we are at also if we are 
  His. judyt

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:Dialogue with Mormons

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/31/2004 10:46:09 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If we have a common parent, I think I'd 
consider that qualifies as a brotherhood of sorts.

I agree but would add "spiritual" --- "spiritiual parent(s)"


Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/31/2004 11:45:34 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

God has no religion

He's not Mormon?


[TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

I don't know that I would phrase it like that 
Bill. When I was born again I know that God sealed me with the Holy Spirit 
of promise but it was only when I layed aside all of the doctrines of men that 
had gotten me confused (because there are so many of them) and came asking God 
for wisdom that things came together for me. I no longer need to cut out some 
parts of the Bible out because they don't fit into my doctrine. I love 
every Word, they are all life-giving, better and more satisfying than my 
necessary food. You, John, and Lance cheer each other on because you have 
all read and follow some of the same theologians. I recognize God's Word 
when it is spoken in balance and in context. For eg; I don't know what 
Kevin has been into or what he reads but when he posts God's Word in balance and 
in context I know he has been with the Lord.Does this make any sense 
to you? judyt

From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Judy, in all respect and candor, how do you know 
you are "from the Spirit of Truth"? I'll speak for my self here, when I go to 
Scripture, I go in prayer, earnestly, inwardly, desiring that the Spirit lead me 
to truth. Yet I sometimes (most times?) come away with a "leading" different 
from the "leading" you receive. Does that 
necessarily mean I am the one in error, the one 
deceived, the one perverting the words of the living God? Does it necessarily 
mean the same about you? Of course not on both counts. Please listen to what 
Lance is saying, look to his words for their intended meaning, try to understand 
him. This is an important distinction and one which gets to the heart 
ofany discussions of fellowship (see parallel thread). Bill

  From: Judy Taylor 
  What about the HS giving 
  understanding Lance? Believers!! Ppl believe in all kinds of 
  doctrines and ideas and not all are from the Spirit of Truth. Those with 
  opposing meanings should be able to show in balance and in context why the 
  scriptures I post are being wrongly used. By intrinsic do you mean 
  "inward"? (In the person or in the Word)? Both should be the same. I 
  wouldn't want to be in the shoes of the latter at the 'eschaton' because 
  without understanding they will be the ones walking in lawlessness who will 
  say "Lord, Lord!!" judyt
  Check archives re:the role of 
  the HS in interpretation (my understanding). Given: Some on this site 
  are actually "believers". They quote scriptures 
  intended to support an opposing meaning to those 
  you've quoted. This, at its worst is the "O Ya" factor and, at its best is 
  simply an indication that some can't or won't be lead by the Spirit to a 
  correct apprehension of the "intrinsic meaning" 
  therein.I believe everyone is and will be reflective of the latter position 
  this side of the eschaton. Lance 
Correct me if I'm wrong 
Lance but I'm reading youstating that I misread scripture because of 
outside influence (you have already said that you don't believe the Holy 
Spirit is involved in this) so IYO I am led away from what is "intrinsically 
true and right" However, in saying this you are setting yourself (or some 
theologian that you respect and follow) up as the standard of what is true 
and right rather than God's Word. If I am perverting truth here, you 
have the responsibility as a fellow believer to show me in balance and in 
context why you think I am doing so (in love), so that I may walk in all 
truth. judyt

From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kinda yes and kinda no. The "no" part" has to 
do with your scripture quotations. Every one of 
them is believed by yourself to refer to a meaning 
that makes whatever point you are about in that 
conversation. Sometimes that meaning is the real meaning. But, you 
too are"influenced". Sometimes that "influence" (folks you study with, books you read etc) 
can be seen to have lead you away from that which 
is intrinsically true and right. Please don't 
respond by asking me if I believe myself to always reflect one over the 
other 'cause just like you and all others on TT, I don't. Lance 

  Are you being funny 
  Lance? Yes some matters do influence others, (where is discernment these 
  days)? Bad company corrupts good morals and we are not ever exhorted to 
  seek out the devil in order toreceive 
  wisdom from God. Read the Preface to the KJV and compare that with 
  what these other theologians were about. judyt
  From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Jt provides "worldview analysis" Whoda thunk 
  it. Yup,convictions arrived at concerning some matters influence 
Now Bill, got to tell 
it like it is. I'm just reading how Nestle and Aland were evolutionists 
and Westcott 

Re: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 2:24:06 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John wrote:
I don't want to speak for Blaine, but I see nothing in Mormonism that prevents either of us to fellowship with non-LDS Christians

John did not write this (above). Try again. John wrote this (below_

Good post. And thanks for not taking offense. I am afraid I did speak for Blaine. Probably a mistake. 

Fellowship. I do think that fellowship is bigger than denominational boundaries but limited by a true sense of mutuality and purpose. A lexical view of koinonia 

"Walking in the light " has nothing to do with works. The verse actually says "If we are walking in the light as He is in the light, we are having fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus keeps on cleansing us from our sins" (JJo 1:7)

If the blood "keeps on cleansing" it is because we "keep on sinning." Mere logic would tell us this. As we read on, (the next verse) low and behold, it actually says that we always have sin. We are never free from things like pride, conceit, bigotry and the like. 



Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

Though it is difficult nay, nigh on impossible to 
underestimate the ability of even "long-time" believers to articulate on The 
Nature of God  The Nature of God's Gospel I will readily nay (once again) 
acknowledge the following: 1. God is gracious. By His Spirit He takes the most 
inarticulate expressions and changes lives. 2. When welcomed into His 
Presence we ought not to expect "Good for you you figured it all out"; instead 
"Well done good and faithful servant." Blessings, Lance Original Message 

  Sent: April 01, 2004 08:56
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words 
  of the living God
  I don't know that I would phrase it like that 
  Bill. When I was born again I know that God sealed me with the Holy 
  Spirit of promise but it was only when I layed aside all of the doctrines of 
  men that had gotten me confused (because there are so many of them) and came 
  asking God for wisdom that things came together for me. I no longer need to 
  cut out some parts of the Bible out because they don't fit into my 
  doctrine. I love every Word, they are all life-giving, better and more 
  satisfying than my necessary food. You, John, and Lance cheer each other 
  on because you have all read and follow some of the same theologians. I 
  recognize God's Word when it is spoken in balance and in context. For 
  eg; I don't know what Kevin has been into or what he reads but when he posts 
  God's Word in balance and in context I know he has been with the 
  Lord.Does this make any sense to you? judyt
  From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Judy, in all respect and candor, how do you know 
  you are "from the Spirit of Truth"? I'll speak for my self here, when I go to 
  Scripture, I go in prayer, earnestly, inwardly, desiring that the Spirit lead 
  me to truth. Yet I sometimes (most times?) come away with a "leading" 
  different from the "leading" you receive. Does that 
  necessarily mean I am the one in error, the 
  one deceived, the one perverting the words of the living God? Does it 
  necessarily mean the same about you? Of course not on both counts. Please 
  listen to what Lance is saying, look to his words for their intended meaning, 
  try to understand him. This is an important distinction and one which gets to 
  the heart ofany discussions of fellowship (see parallel thread). 
From: Judy Taylor 
What about the HS giving 
understanding Lance? Believers!! Ppl believe in all kinds of 
doctrines and ideas and not all are from the Spirit of Truth. Those with 
opposing meanings should be able to show in balance and in context why the 
scriptures I post are being wrongly used. By intrinsic do you 
mean "inward"? (In the person or in the Word)? Both should be the 
same. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of the latter at the 'eschaton' 
because without understanding they will be the ones walking in lawlessness 
who will say "Lord, Lord!!" judyt

Check archives re:the role 
of the HS in interpretation (my understanding). Given: Some on this 
site are actually "believers". They quote 
scriptures intended to support an opposing 
meaning to those you've quoted. This, at its worst is the "O Ya" 
factor and, at its best is simply an indication that some can't or won't be 
lead by the Spirit to a correct apprehension of the "intrinsic meaning" therein.I believe everyone is and 
will be reflective of the latter position this side of the eschaton. 

  Correct me if I'm 
  wrong Lance but I'm reading youstating that I misread scripture 
  because of outside influence (you have already said that you don't believe 
  the Holy Spirit is involved in this) so IYO I am led away from what is 
  "intrinsically true and right" However, in saying this you are setting 
  yourself (or some theologian that you respect and follow) up as the 
  standard of what is true and right rather than God's Word. If I am 
  perverting truth here, you have the responsibility as a fellow believer to 
  show me in balance and in context why you think I am doing so (in love), 
  so that I may walk in all truth. judyt
  From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Kinda yes and kinda no. The "no" part" has to 
  do with your scripture quotations. Every one of 
  them is believed by yourself to refer to a meaning 
  that makes whatever point you are about in that 
  conversation. Sometimes that meaning is the real meaning. But, you 
  too are"influenced". Sometimes that "influence" (folks you study with, books you read 
  etc) can be seen to have lead you away from 
  that which is intrinsically true and right. 
  Please don't respond by asking me if I believe myself to always reflect 
  one over the other 'cause just like 

Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wrong. He fellowshipped with them and then they 
made a commitment to him, then they loved him. I John 4.18-19 -- 

jt: He didn't fellowship with any of 
the disciples before calling them. He said "Come follow me" and they left 
everything and came.
Who are these ppl who he committed to 
first (in his personal ministry); you are thinking of the song "O How I Love 

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts 
out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made 
perfect in love.We love Him because He first loved 
us." The movement is always, Godmanward. Was Jesus not God? Did he 
not always do the will of his Father? 

jt: The above is true but even those 
of us who are serving him are not yet free from fear - why not? As Terry 
just said, we don't love Him like we think we do. The movement may be 
God/manward but it is on His terms and Jesus did not commit himself to the 
ungodly, he was also separate from sinners. Paul warned of the same thing when 
he spoke about being delivered from unreasonable and wicked men forall men 
have not faith (2 Thess 3:2); Jesus had to walk through a crowd wanting to kill 
him more than once. Even Jesus could only deal with those who would receive from 

Why would his dining with tax collectors and 
harlots be anything less than his love and demonstration of that perfect love 
for them; and thatbeing the reason for the change of their 
heart/attitudefor him?

jt: Their heart attitude changed 
because they were drawn to Him by the Father and even then it wasn't all of 
them. There were only 125 in the upper room at Pentecost. I know love is 
important but we shouldn't try to read into the text what is not there. 

From: Judy Taylor 

  He ate with them but ATST 
  was separate from them, fellowship
  and relationship involve trust and 
  "Jesus did not commit himself unto them, 
  because he knew all
  men and needed not that any should testify of man; 
  for he knew
  what was in man" (John 2:24) and
  "For such an high priest became us, who is holy, 
  undefiled, separate from sinners, and made 
  higher than
  the heavens (Hebrews 7:26)
  Jesus fellowshipped with those who had first made a 
  (left all) commitment to him. jt.
  From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  and this is not the 
  standardJesus and the First Century Church left to us. 
  Do you mean 
  that Jesus did not really dine with tax collectors and harlots? 
From: Judy Taylor 
John wrote:I don't want to speak for Blaine, but I see nothing in 
Mormonism that prevents either of us to fellowship with non-LDS Christians. 
Perhaps I don't understand fellowship quite the same way you do 
though.Fellowship. I do think that fellowship is bigger 
than denominational boundaries but limited by a true sense of 
mutuality and purpose. A lexical view of koinonia reveals a 
number of nuances, to wit (old guys say that a lot, "to wit"): 
fellowship, association, community, communion, joint participation, 
intercourse. Note the progression. It was part of the 
routine of the first church (Acts 2:42).

jt:Scripture defines "fellowship" as "walking in the 
light as HE is in the light" This is the only way we can have true 
fellowship (lightalso meaning truth) and this is when the blood 
of Jesus Christ cleanses us. When we compromise with themixture 
we are fellowshipping with devils and this is not the standardJesus 
and the First Century Church left to us. 
john: My experience with the Mormon church has been one that is the 
witness to a degree of exclusion which goes beyond sectarian or 
denominational bias. It seems to me that this exclusiveness is the 
surrounding halo of a world religion. If that is the case, 
we have no fellowship or brotherhood. I don't like saying that. 
I have only my instincts about this issue. If Blaine and I are 
brothers (or Dave and I), to what eventuality can we point as 
the defining factor which presents us with the same Parent? Or is there more 
to brotherhood than divine genetics? 

jt: The 
fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man are taught by Freemasonry and the 
mystic cults, it's part of the OLD religion. God created all men but today 
Jesus defines the brethren. He said "who is my mother and who are my 
brethren? and he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, 
Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my 
Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother" 
(Matthew 12:48). This is an impossible feat if we are holding on to 
'doctrines of devils'


[TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

This apparently is where your doctrine veers off 
into a wide sweeping thing Bill. I don't see it in scripture. When the young man 
came to Jesus who was rich and unwilling to part with his riches; he walked off 
and Jesus was sad but he didn't go running after him. So from what we know 
Jesus left that man in his sin. Also we are not real with him. Church 
people are not real with him or with each other. We are still full of fear and 
all kinds of other stuff that we need to deal with. Sanctification is a 
second work of grace. jt

From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is not to say that fellowship and relationship 
does not involve trust and commitment. It is to say that that relationship was 
initiatesby Jesus at his movement toward them, in his utter acceptance of 
them in spite of who they were, and his absolute refusal to leave them in their 
sin. That fellowship is what removed the fear on the part of his recipients, 
allowing them to drop the pretence and be real with him about who they were; 
that then is their repentance, resulting in trust and commitment. Bill

  Wm. Taylor 
  Wrong. He fellowshipped 
  with them and then they made a commitment to him, then they loved him. I John 
  4.18-19 -- "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because 
  fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in 
  love.We love Him because He first loved us." The 
  movement is always, Godmanward. Was Jesus not God? Did he not always do 
  the will of his Father? Why would his dining with tax collectors and harlots 
  be anything less than his love and demonstration of that perfect love for 
  them; and thatbeing the reason for the change of their 
  heart/attitudefor him?
  Bill Taylor

He ate with them but ATST 
was separate from them, fellowship
and relationship involve trust and 

"Jesus did not commit himself unto them, 
because he knew all
men and needed not that any should testify of man; 
for he knew
what was in man" (John 2:24) and

"For such an high priest became us, who is holy, 
undefiled, separate from sinners, and made 
higher than
the heavens (Hebrews 7:26)

Jesus fellowshipped with those who had first made a 
(left all) commitment to him. 

From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and this is not the 
standardJesus and the First Century Church left to us. 
Do you mean 
that Jesus did not really dine with tax collectors and harlots? 

  From: Judy Taylor 
  John wrote:I don't want to speak for Blaine, but I see nothing in 
  Mormonism that prevents either of us to fellowship with non-LDS 
  Christians. Perhaps I don't understand fellowship quite the 
  same way you do though.Fellowship. I do 
  think that fellowship is bigger than denominational boundaries but limited 
  by a true sense of mutuality and purpose. A lexical view of 
  koinonia reveals a number of nuances, to wit (old guys say 
  that a lot, "to wit"): fellowship, association, community, 
  communion, joint participation, intercourse. Note the progression. 
  It was part of the routine of the first church (Acts 
  jt:Scripture defines "fellowship" as "walking in the 
  light as HE is in the light" This is the only way we can have true 
  fellowship (lightalso meaning truth) and this is when the 
  blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us. When we compromise with 
  themixture we are fellowshipping with devils and this is not the 
  standardJesus and the First Century Church left to 
  us. john: My experience with the Mormon 
  church has been one that is the witness to a degree of exclusion 
  which goes beyond sectarian or denominational bias. It seems to me 
  that this exclusiveness is the surrounding halo of a world religion. 
  If that is the case, we have no fellowship or brotherhood. 
  I don't like saying that. I have only my instincts about 
  this issue. If Blaine and I are brothers (or Dave and I), to 
  what eventuality can we point as the defining factor which presents us 
  with the same Parent? Or is there more to brotherhood than divine 
  jt: The fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man are taught 
  by Freemasonry and the mystic cults, it's part of the OLD religion. God 
  created all men but today Jesus defines the brethren. He said "who 
  is my mother and who are my brethren? and he stretched forth his hand 
  toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For 
  whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is 
  my brother, and sister, and mother" (Matthew 12:48). This is an 
  impossible feat if we are holding on to 'doctrines of 


2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor
Can we say with the Psalmist
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul
The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple
The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes
The fear of the Lord is clean enduring for ever
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether

More to be desired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb
Moreover by them is thy servant warned
And in keeping of them there is great reward

Who can understand his erorrs? Cleanse thou me from secret faults,
Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sin; 
Let them not have dominion over me
Then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.


2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir
Yes we can. Lance-
From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 01, 2004 09:52

 Can we say with the Psalmist
 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul
 The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple
 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart
 The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes
 The fear of the Lord is clean enduring for ever
 The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether

 More to be desired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold
 Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb
 Moreover by them is thy servant warned
 And in keeping of them there is great reward

 Who can understand his erorrs? Cleanse thou me from secret faults,
 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sin;
 Let them not have dominion over me
 Then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great

 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
 Be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer
 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:Dialogue with Mormons

2004-04-01 Thread Dave

In a message dated
3/31/2004 10:46:09 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  If we have a common
parent, I think I'd 
consider that qualifies as a brotherhood of sorts.

I agree but would add "spiritual" --- "spiritiual parent(s)"
DAVEH: I would not be opposed to that, but fear that by doing so it
deemphasizes the literal nature of the parenthood of our Heavenly


Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] false notions

2004-04-01 Thread Dave

Charles Perry Locke wrote:
David, you are denying what several of your own prophets
have stated.
DAVEH: No, Perry. I am denying the spin you are putting on their
 Have you not seen the multitude of references that Kevin
has provided that indicate such?
DAVEH: No.I have not. The references I have seen have not said
God had physical sex with Mary. So I do not understand why you
continue saying that we do believe that, despite me telling you
previously that it is not LDS doctrine or teaching.
 Are you saying that they were NOT prophets, and had no
authority, or were they wrong on just this one occasion?
DAVEH: Please quote the passage you think applies and I'll explain it
as I understand it. 
Please set me straight. Explain to me the DH understanding
of the relationship between the LDS god and Mary that produced Jesus'
earthly body. If it differs from the LDS teachings, please tell me what
the LDS believe about this.

DAVEH: OK Perry.once again FTR..LDS doctrine is very specific
about Mary.She was a virgin.  Furthermore,
I do believe God the Father is Jesus' literal father. Do you not
believe both those concepts, Perry?

 I also believe there is a genetic (if that is the correct word)
connection between God the Father and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus that
took place by virtue of the power of the Holy Ghost. That does not
mean that the HG created Jesus. But rather Jesus was conceived in the
womb from genetic (as best as I understand it) material of both the
Heavenly Father and Mary without a physical/sexual union that would
disqualify Mary's virginity.

 Now that you presumably understand what I just explained,
Perry.will you continue expounding that we believe the opposite?

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] false notions Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 23:04:33

DAVEH: Interestingly.Perry you have once again quoted /He had
physical sex with Mary/ which I have several times denied to be LDS
doctrine on TT. Why do you make such a claim when you know it to be
false? Did you think I lied to you?

Blaine Borrowman wrote:

*Blaine: I have covered all of the
doctrines I know about that can be substantiated by Mormon scriptures,
at least I hope I didn't leave anything out. Your list of "truths"
about what we believe, Perry, would not stand up to any scriptures that
I know of, Mormon or otherwise. You are touching on almost all the
doctrines I have heard repeated by anti-Mormons in their many attempts
to discredit the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They dig
up some obscure commentaries made in moments of unwary speculation,
and try to attach these to the official belief system of the LDS
Church. If I as a sunday school teacher were to dwell on these
doctrines as if they were fundamental truths, with more than passing
commentary, I would soon be removed from teaching the Latter-day Saint
people. If you want to know what we teach, read current commentary by
current LDS writers, or go to the official scriptures--the BoM, the
DC, and etc. * *If I wanted to know what Jews teach, would I go
to an anti-semitic source? Not unless I wanted to hear with itching
ears the devil's version of what they teach.* *(:)* -
Original Message - From: "Charles Perry Locke"
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, March 29,
2004 8:42 AM Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] false notions
 Blaine,   Great! You caovered the parts that are
similariities between you god and  jesus, and the God and Jesus of
the Bible. Now tell the WHOLE story,  Blaine... give the "other"
aspects of God from your own DC, and the  writings of your
other LDS prophets which you ALSO believe. It is THOSE 
characterisitcs that make your god and jesus different from the
biblical God  and Jesus. Please don't hold anything back. He is
from KOLOB. He was once a  MAN. He had a father himself that was
once a man, and is now a god. He had  physical sex with Mary. There
are infinite such gods. Jesus is a brother of  SATAN. Be truthful,
Blaine. Tell us all of it.   Perry   From: "Blaine
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Reply-To:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject:
[TruthTalk] false notions  Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 23:26:04
-0700 I would like to try once again to clarify my
(Mormon) beliefs as to who  Jesus really is. If needed, I can
verify all of these assertions by  biblical scripture. He is as
follows:  1) The God of the Old Testament--Jehovah--he was the
"I Am that I Am" that  gave commandments to Moses, and
delivered the Children of Israel out of  Egypt.  2) He
was the firstborn of all spirit creations OF the Father. (Rev 3:14)
 3) All other things were created BY him (but OF the father).
 4) He is the only begotten of the Father in the 


2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

You know what the key to the scriptures is 
It's not Church doctrine, it's not words and it's not 
indicatives and imparatives
It's the parable of the Sower found in Matthew 13:3, 
Mark 4:3, Luke 8:5. jtFrom: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Yes we can. 
 Can we say with the Psalmist The law of the Lord is perfect, 
converting the soul The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the 
simple The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart 
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes The fear of 
the Lord is clean enduring for ever The judgments of the Lord are true 
and righteous altogether More to be desired are they than gold, 
yea than much fine gold Sweeter also than honey and the 
honeycomb Moreover by them is thy servant warned And in keeping 
of them there is great reward Who can understand his erorrs? 
Cleanse thou me from secret faults, Keep back thy servant also from 
presumptuous sin; Let them not have dominion over me Then shall 
I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great 
transgression Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my 
heart Be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my 
redeemer -- "Let your speech be always with grace, 
seasoned with salt, that you mayknow how you ought to answer every 
man." (Colossians 4:6) If 
you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
you will be unsubscribed. If you have afriend who wants to join, tell 
him to send an e-mail to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he 
will be subscribed.

--"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, 
that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him 
to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he 
will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 2:55:55 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

the flow of the blood is eternal and continual, that our sins are remembered NO MORE. 
jt: Unrepented sin has not gone anywhere John and there is nothing wrong with God's memory 

Because I ahve changed my mind about sin does not eliminate sin from my life (Rom 7:25, I John 1:8 , Ro 3:23.

Whio said there was something wrong with God's memory. I was just quoting the words found in Jere 31:31-34.

Re: [TruthTalk] false notions

2004-04-01 Thread Charles Perry Locke

  If I produce a statement from one of the LDS prophets that says it WAS a 
physical union, will you change your position? Or will you deny that the one 
who stated it was a prophet?


Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] false notions
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 07:24:17 -0800

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

David, you are denying what several of your own prophets have stated.
DAVEH:  No, Perry.  I am denying the spin you are putting on their words.

Have you not seen the multitude of references that Kevin has provided that 
indicate such?
DAVEH:  No.I have not.  The references I have seen have *not *said /God 
had physical sex with Mary/.  So I do not understand why you continue 
saying that we do believe that, despite me telling you previously that it 
is not LDS doctrine or teaching.

Are you saying that they were NOT prophets, and had no authority, or were 
they wrong on just this one occasion?
DAVEH:  Please quote the passage you think applies and I'll explain it as I 
understand it.

Please set me straight. Explain to me the DH understanding of the 
relationship between the LDS god and Mary that produced Jesus' earthly 
body. If it differs from the LDS teachings, please tell me what the LDS 
believe about this.
DAVEH:  OK Perry.once again FTR..LDS doctrine is very specific 
about Mary.She was a virgin.   Furthermore, I do believe God the Father 
is Jesus' literal father.  Do you not believe both those concepts, Perry?

   I also believe there is a genetic (if that is the correct word) 
connection between God the Father and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus that 
took place by virtue of the power of the Holy Ghost.  That does not mean 
that the HG created Jesus.  But rather Jesus was conceived in the womb from 
genetic (as best as I understand it) material of both the Heavenly Father 
and Mary without a physical/sexual union that would disqualify Mary's 

   Now that you presumably understand what I just explained, 
Perry.will you continue expounding that we believe the opposite?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] false notions Date: 
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 23:04:33 -0800

DAVEH:  Interestingly.Perry you have once again quoted /He had 
physical sex with Mary/ which I have several times denied to be LDS 
doctrine on TT.  Why do you make such a claim when you know it to be 
false?  Did you think I lied to you?

Blaine Borrowman wrote:

*Blaine:  I have covered all of the doctrines I know about that can be 
substantiated by Mormon scriptures,  at least I hope I didn't leave 
anything out.  Your list of truths about what we believe, Perry, would 
not stand up to any scriptures that I know of, Mormon or otherwise.  You 
are touching on almost all the doctrines I have heard repeated by 
anti-Mormons in their many attempts to discredit the Church of Jesus 
Christ of Latter-day Saints.  They dig up some obscure commentaries made 
in moments of  unwary speculation, and try to attach these to the 
official belief system of the LDS Church.  If I as a sunday school 
teacher were to dwell on these doctrines as if they were fundamental 
truths, with more than passing commentary, I would soon be removed from 
teaching the Latter-day Saint people.  If you want to know what we 
teach, read current commentary by current LDS writers, or go to the 
official scriptures--the BoM, the DC, and etc.  * *If I wanted to know 
what Jews teach, would I go to an anti-semitic source?  Not unless I 
wanted to hear with itching ears the devil's version of what they 
teach.*  *(:)*  - Original Message - From: Charles Perry 
Monday, March 29, 2004 8:42 AM Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] false notions

 Blaine,  Great! You caovered the parts that are similariities 
between you god and  jesus, and the God and Jesus of the Bible. Now 
tell the WHOLE story,  Blaine... give the other aspects of God from 
your own DC, and the  writings of your other LDS prophets which you 
ALSO believe. It is THOSE  characterisitcs that make your god and jesus 
different from the biblical God  and Jesus. Please don't hold anything 
back.  He is from KOLOB. He was once a  MAN. He had a father himself 
that was once a man, and is now a god. He had  physical sex with Mary. 
There are infinite such gods. Jesus is a brother of  SATAN. Be 
truthful, Blaine. Tell us all of it.   Perry   From: Blaine 
Subject: [TruthTalk]  false notions  Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 23:26:04 
-0700  I would like to try once again to clarify my (Mormon) 
beliefs as to who  Jesus really is.  If needed, I can verify all of 
these assertions by  


2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

"Key" comes off a little too much like "doctrine" 
Judy. Even a JTD but,reading, indwelling Scripture is always and ever an 
EXCELLENT IDEA! Blessings, Lance

  Sent: April 01, 2004 10:23
  Subject: [TruthTalk] GOD'S LAW OUR FRIEND 
  You know what the key to the scriptures is 
  It's not Church doctrine, it's not words and it's not 
  indicatives and imparatives
  It's the parable of the Sower found in Matthew 13:3, 
  Mark 4:3, Luke 8:5. jtFrom: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Yes we 
  can. Lance-~~~
   Can we say with the Psalmist The law of the Lord is perfect, 
  converting the soul The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the 
  simple The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart 
  The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes The fear of 
  the Lord is clean enduring for ever The judgments of the Lord are true 
  and righteous altogether More to be desired are they than 
  gold, yea than much fine gold Sweeter also than honey and the 
  honeycomb Moreover by them is thy servant warned And in 
  keeping of them there is great reward Who can understand his 
  erorrs? Cleanse thou me from secret faults, Keep back thy servant also 
  from presumptuous sin; Let them not have dominion over me Then 
  shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great 
  transgression Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of 
  my heart Be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my 
  redeemer -- "Let your speech be always with grace, 
  seasoned with salt, that you mayknow how you ought to answer every 
  man." (Colossians 4:6) If 
  you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
  you will be unsubscribed. If you have afriend who wants to join, 
  tell him to send an e-mail to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he 
  will be subscribed.
  --"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, 
  that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)
  If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
  you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell 
  him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he 
  will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 5:01:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jesus fellowshipped with those who had first made a total
(left all) commitment to him. jt.

And a wonderful bunch of deserters they were. 

[TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

the flow of the 
blood is eternal and continual, that our sins are remembered NO MORE.  

writes:Unrepented sin has not gone anywhere John and 
there is nothing wrong with God's memory 
john: Because I ahve changed my mind about sin does not eliminate sin 
from my life 
(Rom 7:25, I John 1:8 , Ro 3:23)

jt: We not only have to change our mind and hate it, we 
separate ourselves from it andstop 
doing it. There is no sacrifice for presumptuous sin. None under the Old Covenant 
according to Heb 10:26 and 
27 there is none for us either.Whio said there was something 
wrong with God's memory. 

jt: I don't know whether or not you said it but you 
hear it all the time in Churches, that God
has separated us from sin as far as the east is from 
the west and he doesn't remember it
any more. This is not true if we continue to 
actively participate with it.

I was just quoting the words found in Jere 31:31-34. 

Good words...

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 4:26:08 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I am not detracting just clarifying your use of the word "Bible" they were mss

Ditto all present day translations -- they are mss in the vein of B and Siniaticus.


Re: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 5:33:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

He fellowshipped with them and then they made a commitment to him,

Perfect. Read it and weep, judyt.


[TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

In a message dated 
4/1/2004 5:01:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
Jesus fellowshipped with those who had first 
made a total (left all) 
commitment to him. jt. 
john: And a wonderful bunch of deserters they were. 

jt: Only while natural menas soon as they 
received the Holy Spirit of
Promise at Pentecost they turned the known world upside 
down in Jesus
Name. jt

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 6:14:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"Well done good and faithful servant."

It just struck me that I say these words to my grand kids all the time. " Matty, your coloring is great" (when , in fact, it leaves much to be desired). "Well done" encourages me to continue, to learn how to color between the lines, to sin not. Judy's gospel leaves notroom for spiritual growth if we understand that growth includes overcoming sin.


Re: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] FELLOWSHIP (was Dialogue with Mormons)

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 6:19:30 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

He didn't fellowship with any of the disciples before calling them. He said "Come follow me" and they left everything and came.

But they did not stop sinning. He did not make THAT a requirement of apostleship.


Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 6:41:38 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You, John, and Lance cheer each other on because you have all read and follow some of the same theologians. 

Not the least of whom is Jesus the Lord. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Re:Dialogue with Mormons

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 7:09:07 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I agree but would add "spiritual" --- "spiritiual parent(s)" 

DAVEH: I would not be opposed to that, but fear that by doing so it deemphasizes the literal nature of the parenthood of our Heavenly Father.

W would think it to be enhanced.


[TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

Are you saying the sacrifice is not sufficient to 
overcome sin John
That he left us no power and no gifts when he 

In a message dated 
4/1/2004 6:14:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
"Well done good and faithful servant."It just struck me that I say 
these words to my grand kids all the time. " Matty, your coloring is 
great" (when , in fact, it leaves much to be desired). "Well done" 
encourages me to continue, to learn how to color between the lines, to sin not. 
Judy's gospel leaves notroom for spiritual growth if we understand 
that growth includes overcoming sin. John 

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 7:48:25 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

john: Because I ahve changed my mind about sin does not eliminate sin from my life 
(Rom 7:25, I John 1:8 , Ro 3:23)
jt: We not only have to change our mind and hate it, we separate ourselves from it and stop 
doing it. There is no sacrifice for presumptuous sin. None under the Old Covenant and 
according to Heb 10:26 and 27 there is none for us either.

Quoting other scriptures does not change the truth expressed in those I offered to you. And addressed none of them.

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 8:04:12 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Are you saying the sacrifice is not sufficient to overcome sin John

no. Your are the one saying. that. He did all that He could but, in the end, it depends upon us. Absolutely crazy.


Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 7:48:25 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I don't know whether or not you said it but you hear it all the time in Churches

YOU said that I made that statement and when put on the spot, you ignore and move on. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 6:56 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words 
  of the living God
  I don't know that I would phrase it like that 
  Bill. When I was born again I know that God sealed me with the Holy 
  Spirit of promise but it was only when I layed aside all of the doctrines of 
  men that had gotten me confused (because there are so many of them) [Judy, that's like saying you are now the only one among us who 
  is not confused, yet you gobbled up Kevin's mss rhetoric yesterday--that is 
  before we began to talk and you backed off a bit. I say this simply to say 
  that you are as influenced still by the world as is the next mature 
  Christian. It's when we are honest about this that we are paidia 
  --children, because me arepaideai, 
  formable.]and came asking God for 
  wisdom that things came together for me [that is when 
  things began to come together for me also]. I no longer need 
  to cut out some parts of the Bible out because they don't 
  fit into my doctrine [What are the implications of 
  this statement: thatI do haveto"cut out" portions of the 
  Bible "because they don't fit into my doctrine"? Can you give me examples of 
  where I have done this?]. I love every 
  Word, they are all life-giving, better and more satisfying than my necessary 
  food. You, John, and Lance cheer each other on because you have all read 
  and follow some of the same theologians [I don't know that 
  I have ever heard John mention the name of any theologian]. I 
  recognize God's Word when it is spoken in balance and in context. For 
  eg; I don't know what Kevin has been into or what he reads but when he posts 
  God's Word in balance and in context I know he has been with the 
  Lord.Does this make any sense to you?[Yes, Judy, it makes a great deal of sense to me. You agree with 
  Kevin because his theology is close to your own. You disagree with others of 
  us because your theology is less compatible with ours. This, however, is a 
  reflection and demonstration of our own limitations, ourown 
  theologies,and not a reflection or demonstrationof the absence ofSpirit guidence onthe part of us 
  with whom you do not agree. Godly, obedient, Spirit filled, turthseeking 
  Christians can havesincere and honorable disagreements concerning 
  matters of truth, without that necessitating an either/or scenario on behalf 
  of any of us. Bill]judyt
  From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Judy, in all respect and candor, how do you know 
  you are "from the Spirit of Truth"? I'll speak for my self here, when I go to 
  Scripture, I go in prayer, earnestly, inwardly, desiring that the Spirit lead 
  me to truth. Yet I sometimes (most times?) come away with a "leading" 
  different from the "leading" you receive. Does that 
  necessarily mean I am the one in error, the 
  one deceived, the one perverting the words of the living God? Does it 
  necessarily mean the same about you? Of course not on both counts. Please 
  listen to what Lance is saying, look to his words for their intended meaning, 
  try to understand him. This is an important distinction and one which gets to 
  the heart ofany discussions of fellowship (see parallel thread). 
From: Judy Taylor 
What about the HS giving 
understanding Lance? Believers!! Ppl believe in all kinds of 
doctrines and ideas and not all are from the Spirit of Truth. Those with 
opposing meanings should be able to show in balance and in context why the 
scriptures I post are being wrongly used. By intrinsic do you 
mean "inward"? (In the person or in the Word)? Both should be the 
same. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of the latter at the 'eschaton' 
because without understanding they will be the ones walking in lawlessness 
who will say "Lord, Lord!!" judyt

Check archives re:the role 
of the HS in interpretation (my understanding). Given: Some on this 
site are actually "believers". They quote 
scriptures intended to support an opposing 
meaning to those you've quoted. This, at its worst is the "O Ya" 
factor and, at its best is simply an indication that some can't or won't be 
lead by the Spirit to a correct apprehension of the "intrinsic meaning" therein.I believe everyone is and 
will be reflective of the latter position this side of the eschaton. 

  Correct me if I'm 
  wrong Lance but I'm reading youstating that I misread scripture 
  because of outside influence (you have already said that you don't believe 
  the Holy Spirit is involved in this) so IYO I am led away from what is 
  "intrinsically true and right" However, in saying this you are setting 
  yourself (or some theologian that you respect and follow) up as the 
  standard of what is 

[TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

Got to take grandson to the Dr. will address them when 
we get back.
However, it is all true and the one I quoted negates 
nothing Paul taught 
neither does Romans invalidate Hebrews. 

In a message dated 
4/1/2004 7:48:25 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

john: Because I ahve changed my mind about sin does not eliminate 
  sin from my life (Rom 7:25, I John 1:8 , Ro 3:23) jt: We not only have to change our mind and hate it, we 
  separate ourselves from it and stop doing it. There is no sacrifice 
  for presumptuous sin. None under the Old Covenant and according to Heb 10:26 and 27 
  there is none for us either. Quoting other scriptures does not 
change the truth expressed in those I offered to you. And addressed 
none of them. 

[TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Judy Taylor

Show me where I said you said it.
I just stated it as general fact... jt


In a 
message dated 4/1/2004 7:48:25 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I don't know whether or not you said it but you hear it all the 
  time in ChurchesYOU said that I made that statement and when put on the 
spot, you ignore and move on.  John 

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor


I have really been appreciating your posts. You and 
Terry are like the elders of our little congregation. I'm fully on board with 
your grace doctrine. I think it is the only way to understand the whole 
of Scripture, Old and New Testaments. I agree that therewas a transference 
of righteousness whichtook place between Christ and us. I just have a 
small question about the substitution of our faith for Christ's righteousness. I 
believe that it is (was) Christ's faithfulness thatstands in for us and it 
is here that the substitution is made. As you would, I'm sure,agree with 
me, even our faith is weakened by the fleshand is unworthy. Faith, it 
seems to me, is the assurance we have that we are saved by Christ's 
faithfulness to his Father throughout his earthly life -- by this I mean his 
blessed fulfillment of all righteousness. Faith is the assurance of this truth. 
Obedience is faithfulness and is thus the primepurveyor of assurance. 
"Justification by faith," then, is justification by Christ's faithfulness and 
not our own. This distinction is important, I believe, because itleaves 
room for other aspects ofatonement besides just a substitutionary 
transference (see my Atonement post below).

Allowme now to set out the question as I see 
it, in particular relation to pistis Christou (faith or faithfulness 
of Christ). There are eight occasions in Paul's letters where the 
phrase pistis Christou or its equivalent occurs. These are all important 
passages relating to the central issues of God's salvation in Christ and of the 
participation by humans in that salvation. If in these phrases, or in any of 
them, the faith or faithfulness of Christ is meant (as distinct 
fromourfaith in him), I suggest it at once becomes likely that there 
are other occurrences of pistis by itself which should also be referred 
to the faith or faithfulness of Christ if the context allows this -- he 
is, after all, our Savior. Just for the fun of the exercise, I 
suggest you read "the faithfulness of Christ" (or the equivalent where stated) 
in place of pistis these eight versesand 
just see what it does for your understanding of Christ's atoning work, and your 
fuller understanding of Scripture. The eight basic occurrences 

Gal 2.16 (twice) --"We... knowing that a man 
is not justified from works of law but only through the faithfulness of Jesus 
Christ (pistis Iesou Christou), even we believed 
(episteusamen) on Christ Jesus, that we might be justified from the 
faithfulness of Christ (pistis Christou) and not from works of 
law."Gal 2.20 --"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no 
longer I that live, but Christ lives in me, and that life I now live in the 
flesh I live by faith (pistis) which is of the son of God who 
loved me and gave himself up for me.Gal 3.22-- "but the scripture 
shut up everything under sin so that the promise from the faithfulness of Jesus 
Christ (pistis Iesou Christou) might be given to those who believe 
(pisteuousin)."Rom 3.22-- "but now the righteousness of 
God has been manifested... the righteousness of God through the faithfulness of 
Christ (pistis Christou) unto all who believe 
(pisteuontas)."Rom 3.26 (which concludes this same section) 
--"to display his righteousness at this present season, that he himself 
might be just and the justifier of the man who is from the faithfulness of Jesus 
(pistis Iesou)."Phil3.9-- "that I may gain Christ, 
and be found in him, not having my own righteousness which is from law, but that 
which is through the faithfulness of Christ (pistis Christou), the 
righteousness of God on the ground of that 
faith(pistis)."Eph3.12-- "according to the 
eternal purpose which he determined in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have 
boldness and access with confidence through the faithfulness of 
him(pistis autou)."

John, I know you are aware of this, but for the 
sake of those who may not be, the difference between our Bible's translation and 
these here is strictly a matter of interpretation. The phrase pistis 
Christou is a genitive construct and can be translated either "faith in 
Christ" or "faithfulness of Christ." The first translationis what would be 
called an objective genitive, and the second translation a subjective genitive. 
It isthe same distinction we have tomake when interpreting the 
phrase "the righteousness of God." Is this God's righteousness bestowed upon us, 
i.e. "righteousness from God"? or is it the righteousness God demands of 
us?or might it be something else? We can only commit to and answer this 
question, and hence draw a distinction,in prayerful 

If you are interested I will be glad to expand and 

Bill Taylor

From03/02/04 on TruthTalk. In regards to the 

Jesus Christ himself explained that he had come as 
a servant to give his life in an act of sacrifice for us. Thus resting on 
Christ's own self-interpretation, the New Testament concept of atoning 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

Preach it, elder John!

  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 8:55 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
  words of the living God
  In a 
  message dated 4/1/2004 6:14:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  "Well done good and faithful servant."It just struck me that I say 
  these words to my grand kids all the time. " Matty, your coloring is 
  great" (when , in fact, it leaves much to be desired). "Well done" 
  encourages me to continue, to learn how to color between the lines, to sin 

RE: [TruthTalk] Chat Session Thursday, 9:00 pm Eastern Time

2004-04-01 Thread David Miller
Bill wrote:
 I won't be coming to the party. My connection is 
 just too slow for that much fun.

Slow dial-up connections are fine for this chat.  Don't let a slow
connection keep you from coming.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Chat Session Thursday, 9:00 pm Eastern Time

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor
David, I have a 57 k modem, but I usually can only connect at around
9600-14400. Will that still work?
- Original Message -
From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 10:44 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Chat Session Thursday, 9:00 pm Eastern Time

 Bill wrote:
  I won't be coming to the party. My connection is
  just too slow for that much fun.

 Slow dial-up connections are fine for this chat.  Don't let a slow
 connection keep you from coming.

 Peace be with you.
 David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Chat Session Thursday, 9:00 pm Eastern Time

2004-04-01 Thread David Miller
Bill wrote:
 David, I have a 57 k modem, but I usually can only 
 connect at around 9600-14400. Will that still work?

There are two levels to the chat.  One is voice.  The other is text.  If
you really are getting connections that slow, you might have some
trouble with audio.  You certainly could participate in the text part of
it.  I don't think it would be a bad idea to give it a try.  You might
check around for alternative dial-up numbers offered by your ISP
provider to make sure you are using one that has the fastest connection.

Following are the system requirements given at PalTalk's website,

PalTalk system requirements
Windows 98/Me/NT4 w/SP6/2000/XP/2003*
Intel Pentium 166MHz Processor 16MB of RAM or better. 
Internet Connection (28.8kbps modem or better)
Full Duplex sound card required (for Audio)
USB Digital Web Camera (For video, not required for only viewing)

If you are going to try it, it would be best to download and install the
software right away.  That is the thing that will probably take awhile
at your connection speeds.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Terry Clifton

Judy Taylor wrote:

  I don't know that there is a difference
Terry - keeping and fulfilling is the same thing but we have been
taught doctrines in Christendom that do not conform us to godliness and
holiness. Enoch was pleasing to God and so was Elijah (they were
translated). We are not required to keep the letter of the law and we
fulfill the law through Christ by walking after the Spirit in obedience
to Him. 

No arguement on the above. I fully agree. God is very big on

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 8:46:19 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John, I know you are aware of this, but for the sake of those who may not be, the difference between our Bible's translation and these here is strictly a matter of interpretation.

Hey -- thank you for the compliment. And this particular post appeals to me on a number of levels. 

First, it is a discussion about faith -- absolutely my favorite subject (including politics). 

Secondly, I have for years, allowed myself academic license regarding the use of nuance. I trust and respect a number of exegete's (if I might use that word in that way), to wit: AT Robertson (I actually have one of his books dated in 1930's -- found it in used book store for $20.00) "A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the light of Historical Research, Kittles, Arnt and the other German guy, Liddle and Scott's lexicon of common greek. Big names in academia. I own few commentaries but a good number of exegetical works. These absolutely awesome individual works offer definition and grammatical assistance that dwarfs my knowledge and abilities. I often have to read these works with a dictionary at my side - and I am not ashamed to say that. (Blass , Debrunner and Funk -- Greek Grammar of the New Testament takes me hours to discern -- tough reading for a layman -- but I want to know so I labor along). HERE THEY ARE and here I am. I fully accept their scholarship. However, with much of their work, they refer to nuance. Lexicographers function on nuance. And in that, I allow myself some freedom. I often say, "what if this notion of the word is actually meant rather than that one." It produces some exciting and insightful conclusions. And right here in Gotham City, a fellow groupie actually proposes the same freedom. So you truly have my attention on this, Bill Taylor. 

3. And then there is the heart of your post. It is a shame that I have to go work. We never know when God will give us another shot of maturity or a deeper sense of understanding and then, all of a sudden BAM -- there it is. I have read the entire post. Absolutely great. 

And here is the difference between the knowledge of the world and that which comes from God -- at the conclusion of your post, I thanked my God - truly thankful, with tears, actualkly. A filling monent. 

You made my day..



Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Kevin Deegan
Rhetoric LOL
Open your eyes and look at the shameful condition of these Manuscripts.

They are full of additions subtractions blank spaces, big ugly blotches from erasing.
VATICANus  Sainaiticus are tainted on almost every page. It is the product of hundreds of years of tampering. Whay all the fixes?

Ps 119:140 Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it."Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Original Message - 
From: Judy Taylor 
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 6:56 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

I don't know that I would phrase it like that Bill. When I was born again I know that God sealed me with the Holy Spirit of promise but it was only when I layed aside all of the doctrines of men that had gotten me confused (because there are so many of them) [Judy, that's like saying you are now the only one among us who is not confused, yet you gobbled up Kevin's mss rhetoric yesterday--that is before we began to talk and you backed off a bit. I say this simply to say that you are as influenced still by the world as is the next mature Christian. It's when we are honest about this that we are paidia --children, because me arepaideai, formable.]and came asking God for wisdom that things came together for me [that is when things began to come together for me also]. I no longer need to cut out some parts of the Bible out
 because they don't fit into my doctrine [What are the implications of this statement: thatI do haveto"cut out" portions of the Bible "because they don't fit into my doctrine"? Can you give me examples of where I have done this?]. I love every Word, they are all life-giving, better and more satisfying than my necessary food. You, John, and Lance cheer each other on because you have all read and follow some of the same theologians [I don't know that I have ever heard John mention the name of any theologian]. I recognize God's Word when it is spoken in balance and in context. For eg; I don't know what Kevin has been into or what he reads but when he posts God's Word in balance and in context I know he has been with the Lord.Does this make any sense to you?[Yes, Judy, it makes a great deal of sense to
 me. You agree with Kevin because his theology is close to your own. You disagree with others of us because your theology is less compatible with ours. This, however, is a reflection and demonstration of our own limitations, ourown theologies,and not a reflection or demonstrationof the absence ofSpirit guidence onthe part of us with whom you do not agree. Godly, obedient, Spirit filled, turthseeking Christians can havesincere and honorable disagreements concerning matters of truth, without that necessitating an either/or scenario on behalf of any of us. Bill]judyt

From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Judy, in all respect and candor, how do you know you are "from the Spirit of Truth"? I'll speak for my self here, when I go to Scripture, I go in prayer, earnestly, inwardly, desiring that the Spirit lead me to truth. Yet I sometimes (most times?) come away with a "leading" different from the "leading" you receive. Does that necessarily mean I am the one in error, the one deceived, the one perverting the words of the living God? Does it necessarily mean the same about you? Of course not on both counts. Please listen to what Lance is saying, look to his words for their intended meaning, try to understand him. This is an important distinction and one which gets to the heart ofany discussions of fellowship (see parallel thread). Bill

From: Judy Taylor 
What about the HS giving understanding Lance? Believers!! Ppl believe in all kinds of doctrines and ideas and not all are from the Spirit of Truth. Those with opposing meanings should be able to show in balance and in context why the scriptures I post are being wrongly used. By intrinsic do you mean "inward"? (In the person or in the Word)? Both should be the same. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of the latter at the 'eschaton' because without understanding they will be the ones walking in lawlessness who will say "Lord, Lord!!" judyt

Check archives re:the role of the HS in interpretation (my understanding). Given: Some on this site are actually "believers". They quote scriptures intended to support an opposing meaning to those you've quoted. This, at its worst is the "O Ya" factor and, at its best is simply an indication that some can't or won't be lead by the Spirit to a correct apprehension of the "intrinsic meaning" therein.I believe everyone is and will be reflective of the latter position this side of the eschaton. Lance 

From: Judy Taylor 
Correct me if I'm wrong Lance but I'm reading youstating that I misread scripture because of outside influence (you have already said that you don't believe the Holy Spirit is involved in this) so IYO I am led away from what is "intrinsically true and right" However, in saying this you are setting yourself (or some 

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

Thank you, my brother, and through you God has made 
my day as well.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:23 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus 
  In a 
  message dated 4/1/2004 8:46:19 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  John, I know you are aware of this, but for the sake of those 
who may not be, the difference between our Bible's translation and these 
here is strictly a matter of interpretation.Hey -- thank 
  you for the compliment. And this particular post appeals to me on a 
  number of levels.  First, it is a discussion about faith 
  -- absolutely my favorite subject (including politics). 
   Secondly, I have for years, allowed myself academic 
  license regarding the use of nuance. I trust and respect a number of 
  exegete's (if I might use that word in that way), to wit: AT Robertson 
  (I actually have one of his books dated in 1930's -- found it in 
  used book store for $20.00) "A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the light 
  of Historical Research, Kittles, Arnt and the other German guy, 
  Liddle and Scott's lexicon of common greek. Big names in 
  academia. I own few commentaries but a good number of exegetical works. 
  These absolutely awesome individual works offer definition and 
  grammatical assistance that dwarfs my knowledge and abilities. I 
  often have to read these works with a dictionary at my side - and I am 
  not ashamed to say that. (Blass , Debrunner and Funk -- Greek Grammar of 
  the New Testament takes me hours to discern -- tough reading for a 
  layman -- but I want to know so I labor along). HERE 
  THEY ARE and here I am. I fully accept their 
  scholarship. However, with much of their work, they refer to nuance. 
  Lexicographers function on nuance. And in that, I 
  allow myself some freedom. I often say, "what if this notion of the word 
  is actually meant rather than that one." It produces some exciting and 
  insightful conclusions. And right here in Gotham City, a fellow 
  groupie actually proposes the same freedom. So you truly have my 
  attention on this, Bill Taylor.  3. And then there 
  is the heart of your post. It is a shame that I have to go work. 
  We never know when God will give us another shot of maturity or a deeper 
  sense of understanding and then, all of a sudden BAM -- 
  there it is. I have read the entire post. Absolutely great. 
   And here is the difference between the knowledge of the 
  world and that which comes from God -- at the 
  conclusion of your post, I thanked my God - truly thankful, with 
  tears, actualkly. A filling monent. You made my day.. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

Oh,and don't ever let go of Robertson without 
first giving me a shout. I paid over a hundred for mine at seminary. I have the 
others you mentioned also, all purchased at marked-up prices. It's not that I am 
all that upset, even seminary bookstores have to stay in business; but sometimes 
I thought the prices to be a bit on the ram-it-in-you-and-twist-it-off high side 
of reasonable.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:23 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus 
  In a 
  message dated 4/1/2004 8:46:19 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  John, I know you are aware of this, but for the sake of those 
who may not be, the difference between our Bible's translation and these 
here is strictly a matter of interpretation.Hey -- thank 
  you for the compliment. And this particular post appeals to me on a 
  number of levels.  First, it is a discussion about faith 
  -- absolutely my favorite subject (including politics). 
   Secondly, I have for years, allowed myself academic 
  license regarding the use of nuance. I trust and respect a number of 
  exegete's (if I might use that word in that way), to wit: AT Robertson 
  (I actually have one of his books dated in 1930's -- found it in 
  used book store for $20.00) "A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the light 
  of Historical Research, Kittles, Arnt and the other German guy, 
  Liddle and Scott's lexicon of common greek. Big names in 
  academia. I own few commentaries but a good number of exegetical works. 
  These absolutely awesome individual works offer definition and 
  grammatical assistance that dwarfs my knowledge and abilities. I 
  often have to read these works with a dictionary at my side - and I am 
  not ashamed to say that. (Blass , Debrunner and Funk -- Greek Grammar of 
  the New Testament takes me hours to discern -- tough reading for a 
  layman -- but I want to know so I labor along). HERE 
  THEY ARE and here I am. I fully accept their 
  scholarship. However, with much of their work, they refer to nuance. 
  Lexicographers function on nuance. And in that, I 
  allow myself some freedom. I often say, "what if this notion of the word 
  is actually meant rather than that one." It produces some exciting and 
  insightful conclusions. And right here in Gotham City, a fellow 
  groupie actually proposes the same freedom. So you truly have my 
  attention on this, Bill Taylor.  3. And then there 
  is the heart of your post. It is a shame that I have to go work. 
  We never know when God will give us another shot of maturity or a deeper 
  sense of understanding and then, all of a sudden BAM -- 
  there it is. I have read the entire post. Absolutely great. 
   And here is the difference between the knowledge of the 
  world and that which comes from God -- at the 
  conclusion of your post, I thanked my God - truly thankful, with 
  tears, actualkly. A filling monent. You made my day.. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

Excuse me, Kevin, I did it to you 

  - Original Message - 
  Wm. Taylor 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:37 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
  words of the living God
  Okay, Terry, I'll do that in my quiet time, while 
  reading,meditating upon, andlovingGod's Word.
- Original Message - 
Kevin Deegan 

Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:29 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
words of the living God

Rhetoric LOL
Open your eyes and look at the shameful condition of these 

They are full of additions subtractions blank spaces, big ugly blotches 
from erasing.
VATICANus  Sainaiticus are tainted on almost every page. It is the 
product of hundreds of years of tampering. Whay all the fixes?

Ps 119:140 Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth 
it."Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 6:56 
Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
words of the living God

I don't know that I would phrase it like that 
Bill. When I was born again I know that God sealed me with the 
Holy Spirit of promise but it was only when I layed aside all of the 
doctrines of men that had gotten me confused (because there are so many 
of them) [Judy, that's like saying you are now the 
only one among us who is not confused, yet you gobbled up Kevin's mss 
rhetoric yesterday--that is before we began to talk and you backed off a 
bit. I say this simply to say that you are as influenced still by the 
world as is the next mature Christian. It's when we are honest 
about this that we are paidia --children, because me 
arepaideai, formable.]and came asking God for wisdom that things came 
together for me [that is when things began 
to come together for me also]. I no longer need to cut out some 
parts of the Bible out because they don't fit into 
my doctrine [What are the implications of 
this statement: thatI do haveto"cut out" portions of 
the Bible "because they don't fit into my doctrine"? Can you give me 
examples of where I have done this?]. I love every Word, they are all life-giving, 
better and more satisfying than my necessary food. You, John, and 
Lance cheer each other on because you have all read and follow some of 
the same theologians [I don't know that I have ever 
heard John mention the name of any theologian]. I recognize 
God's Word when it is spoken in balance and in context. For eg; I 
don't know what Kevin has been into or what he reads but when he posts 
God's Word in balance and in context I know he has been with the 
Lord.Does this make any sense to you?[Yes, Judy, it makes a great deal of sense to me. You 
agree with Kevin because his theology is close to your own. You disagree 
with others of us because your theology is less compatible with ours. 
This, however, is a reflection and demonstration of our own limitations, 
ourown theologies,and not a reflection or 
demonstrationof the absence 
ofSpirit guidence onthe part of us with whom you do not 
agree. Godly, obedient, Spirit filled, turthseeking Christians can 
havesincere and honorable disagreements concerning matters of 
truth, without that necessitating an either/or scenario on behalf of any 
of us. Bill]judyt

From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Judy, in all respect and candor, how do you 
know you are "from the Spirit of Truth"? I'll speak for my self here, 
when I go to Scripture, I go in prayer, earnestly, inwardly, desiring 
that the Spirit lead me to truth. Yet I sometimes (most times?) come 
away with a "leading" different from the "leading" you receive. Does 
that necessarily mean I am the one in 
error, the one deceived, the one perverting the words of the living God? 
Does it necessarily mean the same about you? Of course not on both 
counts. Please listen to what Lance is saying, look to his words for 
their intended meaning, try to understand him. This is an important 
distinction and one which gets to the heart ofany discussions of 
fellowship (see parallel thread). Bill

  From: Judy 
  What about the HS 
  giving understanding Lance? Believers!! Ppl believe in all 
  kinds of doctrines and ideas and not all are from 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

Okay, Terry, I'll do that in my quiet time, while 
reading,meditating upon, andlovingGod's Word.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:29 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
  words of the living God
  Rhetoric LOL
  Open your eyes and look at the shameful condition of these 
  They are full of additions subtractions blank spaces, big ugly blotches 
  from erasing.
  VATICANus  Sainaiticus are tainted on almost every page. It is the 
  product of hundreds of years of tampering. Whay all the fixes?
  Ps 119:140 Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth 
  it."Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 6:56 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
  words of the living God
  I don't know that I would phrase it like that 
  Bill. When I was born again I know that God sealed me with the Holy 
  Spirit of promise but it was only when I layed aside all of the doctrines 
  of men that had gotten me confused (because there are so many of them) 
  [Judy, that's like saying you are now the only one 
  among us who is not confused, yet you gobbled up Kevin's mss rhetoric 
  yesterday--that is before we began to talk and you backed off a bit. I say 
  this simply to say that you are as influenced still by the world as is the 
  next mature Christian. It's when we are honest about this that we 
  are paidia --children, because me 
  arepaideai, formable.]and came asking God for wisdom that things came 
  together for me [that is when things began to 
  come together for me also]. I no longer need to cut out some parts 
  of the Bible out because they don't fit into my 
  doctrine [What are the implications of this 
  statement: thatI do haveto"cut out" portions of the 
  Bible "because they don't fit into my doctrine"? Can you give me examples 
  of where I have done this?]. I 
  love every Word, they are all life-giving, better and more satisfying than 
  my necessary food. You, John, and Lance cheer each other on because 
  you have all read and follow some of the same theologians [I don't know that I have ever heard John mention the name 
  of any theologian]. I recognize God's Word when it is spoken 
  in balance and in context. For eg; I don't know what Kevin has been 
  into or what he reads but when he posts God's Word in balance and in 
  context I know he has been with the Lord.Does this make any 
  sense to you?[Yes, Judy, it makes a great deal 
  of sense to me. You agree with Kevin because his theology is close to your 
  own. You disagree with others of us because your theology is less 
  compatible with ours. This, however, is a reflection and demonstration of 
  our own limitations, ourown theologies,and not a reflection or 
  demonstrationof the absence 
  ofSpirit guidence onthe part of us with whom you do not agree. 
  Godly, obedient, Spirit filled, turthseeking Christians can 
  havesincere and honorable disagreements concerning matters of truth, 
  without that necessitating an either/or scenario on behalf of any of us. 
  From: "Wm. Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Judy, in all respect and candor, how do you 
  know you are "from the Spirit of Truth"? I'll speak for my self here, when 
  I go to Scripture, I go in prayer, earnestly, inwardly, desiring that the 
  Spirit lead me to truth. Yet I sometimes (most times?) come away with a 
  "leading" different from the "leading" you receive. Does that 
  necessarily mean I am the one in error, 
  the one deceived, the one perverting the words of the living God? Does it 
  necessarily mean the same about you? Of course not on both counts. Please 
  listen to what Lance is saying, look to his words for their intended 
  meaning, try to understand him. This is an important distinction and one 
  which gets to the heart ofany discussions of fellowship (see 
  parallel thread). Bill
From: Judy 
What about the HS 
giving understanding Lance? Believers!! Ppl believe in all 
kinds of doctrines and ideas and not all are from the Spirit of Truth. 
Those with opposing meanings should be able to show in balance and in 
context why the scriptures I post are being wrongly used. By 
intrinsic do you mean "inward"? (In the person or in the Word)? 
Both should be the same. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of the 
latter at the 'eschaton' because without understanding they will be the 
ones walking in lawlessness who will 

[TruthTalk] Being free of sin

2004-04-01 Thread David Miller
John wrote:
 But they did not stop sinning. He did not make THAT 
 a requirement of apostleship.

I thought he made it a requirement of all disciples.  Didn't he tell the
woman caught in adultery, go and sin no more?  Didn't he tell us that
we must be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect (Mat. 5:48)?
Didn't Paul call himself perfect in Phil. 3:15?  Didn't Paul speak of us
being made free from sin in Romans 6?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread David Miller
John wrote:
 Well done good and faithful servant.
 It just struck me that I say these words to my 
 grand kids all the time.   Matty, your coloring 
 is great  (when , in fact, it leaves much to be 
 desired). Well done encourages me to continue, 
 to learn how to color between the lines, to sin 
 not.   Judy's gospel leaves notroom for spiritual 
 growth if we understand that growth includes 
 overcoming sin.

I sure hope God doesn't act this way.  If God were to say to me, well
done, good and faithful servant, I hope to be able to trust that he
really means it.  For this reason, I never tell my children that their
coloring is great when it is not.  I might say, hey, that is pretty
good for a 2 year old or something like that, or I might say, that's
pretty, but try to keep within the lines... here, let me show you.
When I tell my kids, hey, that is great, fantastic without any
qualifiers, they know that I mean it.  I sure hope God treats me this
way or I might always be wondering if he really is satisfied with how I
have done.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread David Miller
John wrote:
 I Jo 1:8 makes a statement in greek, a present tense 
 statement:  if we say that we are having no sin, 
 the truth is not within us.

 all have sinned and are falling short of the glory 
 of God. [Romans 3:23?]

Hey, John, aren't you mangling these verses?  The mood of these verbs
are in the indicative, yet you use a participle form to stress
continuous action which is not indicated in the Greek.  Can you name for
me a reputable translation which translates these verses this way?

There is no doubt that the Scriptures teach that all have sinned (past
tense) and that all, therefore, need Christ, but to suggest that
believers continue to sin would mean that Christ either is insufficient
to deal with the sin problem in our lives, or Christ himself is a
minister of sin.  I would have problems with either of these

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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RE: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

2004-04-01 Thread David Miller
John wrote:
 Because I have changed my mind about sin does not 
 eliminate sin from my life  
 (Rom 7:25, I John 1:8 , Ro 3:23)

 Quoting other scriptures does not change the truth 
 expressed in those I offered to you.

Romans 7:25 is a summation of what it is like for the unregenerated
person living under the law.  Read Romans 7:1-6, pay special attention
to the tense of Romans 7:5, when we WERE in the flesh.  Compare it
with Romans 8:4 which speaks of us not walking after the flesh.  Romans
7 for the most part describes a life of condemnation, which is not the
normal Christian life.

1 John 1:8, likewise, must be taken in context.  He just got done saying
in verse 7 that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.
Clearly verse 8 in context is an answer to the objection that we don't
need Jesus to cleanse us of sin.  It is like speaking to someone dirty
who says, I don't need a bath.  If I tell him that he does need a
bath, that does not mean that he always needs a bath even after he has
taken one.  Use some common sense here.  

Verse 10 keeps the context in check by using past tense, if we say that
we have not sinned... That is the point.  Read on and learn that he
that is born of God does not continue to sin.  

Romans 3:23?  Look at the tense again.  Past Tense.  All have SINNED,
and because of that PAST SIN, we come [present tense] short of God's
glory.  Now enters Jesus Christ who washes away our sins.  When Jesus
washes away our sins, does he do a bad job and leave some on us?  Are we
still fallen, dirty creatures after experiencing the grace of Christ?  

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] Graven images

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

I'm "cleaning house" a little today and ran across 
this post I saved from way back in February. My point of interest concerns the 
"uncovering of Noah." I suggest you all look up the biblical connotations of 
this term "to uncover." The offence was a bit more violating than anything so 
non-physical as just taking a peek. A lack of respect and dishonoring certainly, 
extremely unloving, I don't disagree, but let's not make Noah the pervert here 
and accuse him of anything too majorin terms of over-reacting,before 
we rule out the possibility that just maybe the curse does fit the 


  Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2004 4:39 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Graven images
  When Ham uncovered the nakedness of his father, 
  Noah, Noah laid 
  a curse on him that was to be passed on to each 
  succeeding generation.
  This seems like some kind of major over-reaction, 
  does it not? If Ham 
  had simply gone into Noah's tent and pulled the 
  bed covers off him, and 
  thus exposed his naked body, I see no reason why 
  such an incidental act 
  would elicit a curse upon 
  Ham was not honoring and respecting his Father. 
  He not only stood and
  took a good look himself rather than covering his 
  Father, he went and got
  his brothers to have a look also. Noah 
  wasn't being vengeful, he spoke
  prophetically. The problem wasn't a naked 
  male body, the problem was
  with love and 

[TruthTalk] Re:DAVID SURPRISES (Maybe)

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir
DAVID SURPRISES!!!Christ insufficientChrist a minister of sin DO
BELIEVERS CONTINUE TO SIN? Before I RSVP please clarify what you mean. This
might just be huge. Lance
From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 01, 2004 13:44
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

 John wrote:
  I Jo 1:8 makes a statement in greek, a present tense
  statement:  if we say that we are having no sin,
  the truth is not within us.
  all have sinned and are falling short of the glory
  of God. [Romans 3:23?]

 Hey, John, aren't you mangling these verses?  The mood of these verbs
 are in the indicative, yet you use a participle form to stress
 continuous action which is not indicated in the Greek.  Can you name for
 me a reputable translation which translates these verses this way?

 There is no doubt that the Scriptures teach that all have sinned (past
 tense) and that all, therefore, need Christ, but to suggest that
 believers continue to sin would mean that Christ either is insufficient
 to deal with the sin problem in our lives, or Christ himself is a
 minister of sin.  I would have problems with either of these

 Peace be with you.
 David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Re:DAVID SURPRISES (Maybe)

2004-04-01 Thread David Miller
Lance wrote:
 Before I RSVP please clarify what you mean.

My position is that Christ is sufficient; therefore, when we are found
in him, he is found living in us, and in Him is no sin.

And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is
no sin.  (1 John 3:5 KJV)

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ
liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the
faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
(Galatians 2:20 KJV)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract--SAINTS, NOT SINNERS

2004-04-01 Thread ELSMANLAW

In a message dated 4/1/2004 1:49:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John wrote:
 Because I have changed my mind about sin does not 
 eliminate sin from my life 
 (Rom 7:25, I John 1:8 , Ro 3:23)

 Quoting other scriptures does not change the truth 
 expressed in those I offered to you.

Romans 7:25 is a summation of what it is like for the unregenerated
person living under the law. Read Romans 7:1-6, pay special attention
to the tense of Romans 7:5, "when we WERE in the flesh." Compare it
with Romans 8:4 which speaks of us not walking after the flesh. Romans
7 for the most part describes a life of condemnation, which is not the
normal Christian life.

1 John 1:8, likewise, must be taken in context. He just got done saying
in verse 7 that the blood of Jesus Christ "cleanses us from all sin."
Clearly verse 8 in context is an answer to the objection that we don't
need Jesus to cleanse us of sin. It is like speaking to someone dirty
who says, "I don't need a bath." If I tell him that he does need a
bath, that does not mean that he always needs a bath even after he has
taken one. Use some common sense here. 

Verse 10 keeps the context in check by using past tense, "if we say that
we have not sinned..." That is the point. Read on and learn that he
that is born of God does not continue to sin. 

Romans 3:23? Look at the tense again. Past Tense. All have SINNED,
and because of that PAST SIN, we come [present tense] short of God's
glory. Now enters Jesus Christ who washes away our sins. When Jesus
washes away our sins, does he do a bad job and leave some on us? Are we
still fallen, dirty creatures after experiencing the grace of Christ? 

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 



2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir
David: surely I'm misunderstanding you. Re-phrase, re-visit, play it again
David 'cause I'm about to laugh out loud. Lance
- Original Message - 
From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 01, 2004 13:49
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract

 John wrote:
  Because I have changed my mind about sin does not
  eliminate sin from my life
  (Rom 7:25, I John 1:8 , Ro 3:23)
  Quoting other scriptures does not change the truth
  expressed in those I offered to you.

 Romans 7:25 is a summation of what it is like for the unregenerated
 person living under the law.  Read Romans 7:1-6, pay special attention
 to the tense of Romans 7:5, when we WERE in the flesh.  Compare it
 with Romans 8:4 which speaks of us not walking after the flesh.  Romans
 7 for the most part describes a life of condemnation, which is not the
 normal Christian life.

 1 John 1:8, likewise, must be taken in context.  He just got done saying
 in verse 7 that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.
 Clearly verse 8 in context is an answer to the objection that we don't
 need Jesus to cleanse us of sin.  It is like speaking to someone dirty
 who says, I don't need a bath.  If I tell him that he does need a
 bath, that does not mean that he always needs a bath even after he has
 taken one.  Use some common sense here.

 Verse 10 keeps the context in check by using past tense, if we say that
 we have not sinned... That is the point.  Read on and learn that he
 that is born of God does not continue to sin.

 Romans 3:23?  Look at the tense again.  Past Tense.  All have SINNED,
 and because of that PAST SIN, we come [present tense] short of God's
 glory.  Now enters Jesus Christ who washes away our sins.  When Jesus
 washes away our sins, does he do a bad job and leave some on us?  Are we
 still fallen, dirty creatures after experiencing the grace of Christ?

 Peace be with you.
 David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Terry Clifton

Wm. Taylor wrote:

  Excuse me, Kevin, I did it to you
Original Message - 
Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:37 AM
Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

Okay, Terry, I'll do that in my
quiet time, while reading,meditating upon, andlovingGod's Word.



 Uh, you lost me Bill. Do what in your quiet time?


2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir

Elsman, I'm no theologian so you gonna' have to 
'splain it simply. Lance

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 01, 2004 14:08
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus 
  WORLD YOU LIVE IN. In a message dated 4/1/2004 
  1:49:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  John wrote: Because I have changed my mind about sin 
does not  eliminate sin from my life  (Rom 7:25, I 
John 1:8 , Ro 3:23) Quoting other scriptures does not change 
the truth  expressed in those I offered to you.Romans 7:25 
is a summation of what it is like for the unregeneratedperson living 
under the law. Read Romans 7:1-6, pay special attentionto the 
tense of Romans 7:5, "when we WERE in the flesh." Compare itwith 
Romans 8:4 which speaks of us not walking after the flesh. Romans7 
for the most part describes a life of condemnation, which is not 
thenormal Christian life.1 John 1:8, likewise, must be taken in 
context. He just got done sayingin verse 7 that the blood of Jesus 
Christ "cleanses us from all sin."Clearly verse 8 in context is an 
answer to the objection that we don'tneed Jesus to cleanse us of 
sin. It is like speaking to someone dirtywho says, "I don't need a 
bath." If I tell him that he does need abath, that does not mean 
that he always needs a bath even after he hastaken one. Use some 
common sense here. Verse 10 keeps the context in check by 
using past tense, "if we say thatwe have not sinned..." That is the 
point. Read on and learn that hethat is born of God does not 
continue to sin. Romans 3:23? Look at the tense 
again. Past Tense. All have SINNED,and because of that PAST 
SIN, we come [present tense] short of God'sglory. Now enters Jesus 
Christ who washes away our sins. When Jesuswashes away our sins, 
does he do a bad job and leave some on us? Are westill fallen, 
dirty creatures after experiencing the grace of Christ? Peace 
be with you.David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor

I be lookin for scribbled out spots in the NT text. 
Just funnin with Kevin. I am sorry a misused your name. I was thinking Kevin and 
writing Terry. Can you ever forgive me }:)


  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 12:21 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the 
  words of the living God
  Wm. Taylor wrote:

Excuse me, Kevin, I did it to you 

  Original Message - 
  Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:37 AM
  Re: [TruthTalk] Perverting the words of the living God
  Okay, Terry, I'll do that in my quiet time, 
  while reading,meditating upon, andlovingGod's 
  Uh, you lost me Bill. Do what in your quiet 


2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir
Of course He is without sin. Are you? even though He is in you? We're missin
one another's meanin' right? Lance
- Original Message - 
From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 01, 2004 14:07
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Re:DAVID SURPRISES (Maybe)

 Lance wrote:
  Before I RSVP please clarify what you mean.

 My position is that Christ is sufficient; therefore, when we are found
 in him, he is found living in us, and in Him is no sin.

 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is
 no sin.  (1 John 3:5 KJV)

 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ
 liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the
 faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
 (Galatians 2:20 KJV)

 Peace be with you.
 David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
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[TruthTalk] Re:APRIL FOOLS DAY???

2004-04-01 Thread Lance Muir
Have we been had?
- Original Message - 
From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 01, 2004 14:07
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Re:DAVID SURPRISES (Maybe)

 Lance wrote:
  Before I RSVP please clarify what you mean.

 My position is that Christ is sufficient; therefore, when we are found
 in him, he is found living in us, and in Him is no sin.

 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is
 no sin.  (1 John 3:5 KJV)

 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ
 liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the
 faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
 (Galatians 2:20 KJV)

 Peace be with you.
 David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] knowing Truth

2004-04-01 Thread ttxpress

how is his Grammar(?); if you wake up in time, ask him 
aboutthe Ap. Paulanyi's use of indicatives and imperatives (tell 
himDrGTthinks it's easy to exegete, but others, less 
brilliant,struggle to distinguish betwPaulanyi's head trips 
andhis dreams..apparently that's whyhe's the populist' candidate for 

On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 20:07:18 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Sometimes I hear from 
  the Lord in my dreams, g..Izzy

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:APRIL FOOLS DAY???

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor
I see Lance is thinking the same thing, my brother. We'll be praying for


- Original Message -
From: Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 1:18 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Re:APRIL FOOLS DAY???

 Have we been had?
 - Original Message -
 From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: April 01, 2004 14:07
 Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Re:DAVID SURPRISES (Maybe)

  Lance wrote:
   Before I RSVP please clarify what you mean.
  My position is that Christ is sufficient; therefore, when we are found
  in him, he is found living in us, and in Him is no sin.
  And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is
  no sin.  (1 John 3:5 KJV)
  I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ
  liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the
  faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
  (Galatians 2:20 KJV)
  Peace be with you.
  David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
  Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
 know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
  If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
 friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:APRIL FOOLS DAY???

2004-04-01 Thread Wm. Taylor
Someone had better check on John. He may have had a heart attack. This is
too much for me. What's it like for our older brother? I'm serious. Someone
pick up the phone and call him. Send me his number; I'll call him. John if
you're a part of this, then speak, speak NOW!

- Original Message -
From: Wm. Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:APRIL FOOLS DAY???

 I see Lance is thinking the same thing, my brother. We'll be praying for


 - Original Message -
 From: Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 1:18 PM
 Subject: [TruthTalk] Re:APRIL FOOLS DAY???

  Have we been had?
  - Original Message -
  From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: April 01, 2004 14:07
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Re:DAVID SURPRISES (Maybe)
   Lance wrote:
Before I RSVP please clarify what you mean.
   My position is that Christ is sufficient; therefore, when we are found
   in him, he is found living in us, and in Him is no sin.
   And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him
   no sin.  (1 John 3:5 KJV)
   I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but
   liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the
   faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
   (Galatians 2:20 KJV)
   Peace be with you.
   David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
   Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
  know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
   If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
  friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
  Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
 know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
  If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
 friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract--SAINTS, NOT SINNERS

2004-04-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

Elsman, Would you kindly turn down
the volume? We can all read normal typeset. We are not deaf, dumb or
blind. Or do you consider your points to be so insignificant that you must
SCREAM them out at us in HUGE RED LETTERS? Manners are sincerely appreciated
here as acts of love. Otherwise, I CANT HEAR YOU WHEN YOU ARE
SCREAMING!!! Thank you, Izzy

Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004
1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant
versus Contract--SAINTS, NOT SINNERS


In a message
dated 4/1/2004 1:49:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John wrote:
 Because I have changed my mind about sin does not 
 eliminate sin from my life 
 (Rom 7:25, I John 1:8 , Ro 3:23)

 Quoting other scriptures does not change the truth 
 expressed in those I offered to you.

Romans 7:25 is a summation of what it is like for the unregenerated
person living under the law. Read Romans 7:1-6, pay special attention
to the tense of Romans 7:5, when we WERE in the flesh.
Compare it
with Romans 8:4 which speaks of us not walking after the flesh. Romans
7 for the most part describes a life of condemnation, which is not the
normal Christian life.

1 John 1:8, likewise, must be taken in context. He just got done saying
in verse 7 that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.
Clearly verse 8 in context is an answer to the objection that we don't
need Jesus to cleanse us of sin. It is like speaking to someone dirty
who says, I don't need a bath. If I tell him that he does
need a
bath, that does not mean that he always needs a bath even after he has
taken one. Use some common sense here. 

Verse 10 keeps the context in check by using past tense, if we say that
we have not sinned... That is the point. Read on and learn that he
that is born of God does not continue to sin. 

Romans 3:23? Look at the tense again. Past Tense. All have
and because of that PAST SIN, we come [present tense] short of God's
glory. Now enters Jesus Christ who washes away our sins. When Jesus
washes away our sins, does he do a bad job and leave some on us? Are we
still fallen, dirty creatures after experiencing the grace of Christ? 

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills,


RE: [TruthTalk] knowing Truth

2004-04-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

Thank you for the information, g. Iz

Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004
2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] knowing

how is his Grammar(?); if you wake up in time, ask him aboutthe Ap. Paulanyi's
use of indicatives and imperatives (tell himDrGTthinks it's easy to
exegete, but others, less brilliant,struggle to distinguish
betwPaulanyi's head trips andhis dreams..apparently that's
whyhe's the populist' candidate for newPope:)

On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 20:07:18 -0600 ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sometimes I hear from the Lord in my
dreams, g..Izzy


2004-04-01 Thread ELSMANLAW
 ---I CORINTH. 10:13



In a message dated 4/1/2004 2:24:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Elsman, I'm no theologian so you gonna' have to 'splain it simply. Lance

- Original Message - 
Sent: April 01, 2004 14:08
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract--SAINTS, NOT SINNERS


Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract--SAINTS, NOT SINNERS

2004-04-01 Thread ELSMANLAW
In a message dated 4/1/2004 5:15:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Elsman, Would you kindly turn down the volume? We can all read normal typeset. We are not deaf, dumb or blind. Or do you consider your points to be so insignificant that you must SCREAM them out at us in HUGE RED LETTERS? Manners are sincerely appreciated here as acts of love. Otherwise, I CANT HEAR YOU WHEN YOU ARE SCREAMING!!! Thank you, Izzy


SORRY. I CANNOT TYPE WELL, AND this allow me to skip the shift-key. will try to watch it.

RE: [TruthTalk] Covenant versus Contract--SAINTS, NOT SINNERS

2004-04-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

Thank you kindly, Brother! Izzy

Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004
4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Covenant
versus Contract--SAINTS, NOT SINNERS

In a message dated 4/1/2004 5:15:03 PM Eastern Standard
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Would you kindly turn down the volume? We can all read normal typeset. We
are not deaf, dumb or blind. Or do you consider your points to be so
insignificant that you must SCREAM them out at us in HUGE RED LETTERS? Manners
are sincerely appreciated here as acts of love. Otherwise, I CANT HEAR YOU

CANNOT TYPE WELL, AND this allow me to skip the shift-key. will try to
watch it.


Re: [TruthTalk] Re:APRIL FOOLS DAY???

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 12:20:08 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: "David Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John wrote:
  I Jo 1:8 makes a statement in greek, a present tense
  statement: "if we say that we are having no sin,
  the truth is not within us."
  "all have sinned and are falling short of the glory
  of God." [Romans 3:23?]

 Hey, John, aren't you mangling these verses? The mood of these verbs
 are in the indicative, yet you use a participle form to stress
 continuous action which is not indicated in the Greek. Can you name for
 me a reputable translation which translates these verses this way?

Wow. I come flying back home in my Silerado -- going to hook up with Bill's post of this morning and BAM (I think I have used that word before , today), I have all this stuff from Miller. David Miller. A good guy. A works salvationist? I don't think so. 

But, hey, I will answer some of your commits as time permits. 

Your remarks above: actually all first year greek grammars present the kind of verb ending(s) I used in my post. (I have Summers and Mounce on my shelves). I am kind of startled that this would be an issue. Not that I am always right (an admission I can freely make on this list because my children do not read these posts). Because participle endings are similar makes little difference to me. These are not participles. Present indicative active gives us activity WITH NO END IN VIEW. That does not mean the action is on going but it can mean that -- and very often does. With that admission, I guess I am allowing a works theologian to go his own way. Do you have reference material that condemns "my" application of the greek tense? I don't think so. But if so, I certainly can change my mind. 

I am going to close this post and see what others have said. No doubt this is somewhat of a surprise to others on this list as well. Maybe I don't have to do all the talking. 

BUT, in closing, David, let me say this: stark raving and absolute sinlessness is a consideration in the mind of God -- not an actual event in our lives. God CONSIDERS our faith to be righteousness. Paul tells us to CONSIDER ourselves dead to sin (Ro 6:11) -- he tells us that because it is already a fact in the mind of God. "He remembers our sins" no more is a consideration on the part of God. I think lance said it was unilateral and something or other  sorry Lance. I'll have to look it up. 

Anyway ... I am going to read the mail first and then, hopefully, do some serious thinking about BillyT's post. 



Re: [TruthTalk] knowing Truth

2004-04-01 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/1/2004 12:40:06 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

how is his Grammar(?); if you wake up in time, ask him about the Ap. Paulanyi's use of indicatives and imperatives (tell him DrGT thinks it's easy to exegete, but others, less brilliant, struggle to distinguish betw Paulanyi's head trips and his dreams..apparently that's why he's the populist' candidate for new Pope:)
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 20:07:18 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sometimes I hear from the Lord in my dreams, g..Izzy

I love this post


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