Re: Unicode

2014-05-11 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/11/2014 10:31 PM, Alain Farmer wrote:

I am using version 6.1.0-rc-1 (Desktop)

None of the unicode stuff works [for me]:
* set the useUnicode to true
* the unicodeText of field
* the unicodeFormattedText of field
No error messages; just empty.
Can anyone give me a clue as to what to do ?

Is this really the version you're using? That version is almost a year 
old and has been superseded by several newer versions.

Is this stuff that works for you in other versions of LiveCode but not 
in the version you want to use now?


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/25/2014 10:29 AM, Richmond wrote:


1. The menubar (Linux) states it it dp 4.

2. Still unable to put an insertion point into the search fields in
the Dictionary and RevOnline.

3. Double-clicking on a control in the toolbar does nothing.

4. Unable to switch back and forth between Browse and Point except via
the menubar.

These problems were all there in dp 3

Effectively unusable at the moment.


It shows the same build number in the About screen. You have to wonder 
exactly where the mixup is.

As before, I don't find any of the problems running this in openSUSE 
that you have there. It is possible these are system isolated problems 
or perhaps distro specific. You should consider filing a bug report with 
all system specific information as you can imagine might be relevant.

To the devs -- it seems with recent changes some Linux users are having 
new issues with dependencies where they had previously been running 
LiveCode without problems. Might it be possible to provide a script 
which checks for all known requirements as well as any suggested libs 
(making sure to distinguish 32 and 64 bit versions as necessary!) and 
lists them as installed or missing, in a format a little less cryptic 
than running 'ldd'? Something like this could save a lot of head 
scratching and frustration! I don't know that the problems Richmond is 
experiencing are related to this sort of problem, but in many other 
reported instances of troubles, being able to easily and definitively 
identify missing libs would have been an enormous boon.


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/25/2014 11:52 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:

or wait for an actual release announcement.


If we assume this is a mislabeled dp4, I suppose it's possible there are 
problems resolved in the actual dp5 that we can't experience just yet, 
but the issues he's talking about here have plagued him for a few 
releases and do not exist on my system. This is troublesome from many 
perspectives. This, along with other issues experience by Linux users 
lately, does suggest a simple solution to identify dependency issues for 
Linux would be highly useful.

Release announcements have not been entirely consistent, with at least 
one recent release being announced on one list much earlier than on the 
other, and I am in agreement with those who think RunRev needs to find a 
better solution to pre-staging than the current implementation if we 
need to be cautious about downloading what are publicly linked versions.

I have no interest whatsoever in the headaches of attempting to build 
from source, thank you very much.


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/25/2014 01:58 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

...which was also not announced...

With so many parallel versions and more than one place to track 
announcements, it's hard to be sure exactly what is current. The fact 
that there is a public link on the LiveCode site to downloads of 
versions which haven't been announced but are available - fully vetted 
or not - makes it silly to worry someone about downloading them. People 
who might have no idea about these lists and any official release 
announcements are being directed to these builds by RunRev.


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/25/2014 10:20 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:


Sunday, May 25, 2014, 12:31:34 PM, you wrote:

With so many parallel versions and more than one place to track
announcements, it's hard to be sure exactly what is current.

Ah, ok... maybe I missed something here. You're saying there was a
version that was released but wasn't announced on this list? That's a
bit disconcerting - which version was that?

The fact that there is a public link on the LiveCode site to
downloads of versions which haven't been announced but are available
- fully vetted or not - makes it silly to worry someone about
downloading them.

I'm not particularly worried about that. I just think it's silly to
download an unreleased version and then complain about it.

People who might have no idea about these lists and any official
release announcements are being directed to these builds by RunRev.

My confusion again, sorry. So RunRev is directing people to download
these versions? I missed that announcement. Maybe I should slog my way
through the Kevin thing after all.

There was recently a version announced on one list which I did not see 
announced on the other. It struck me as odd. I don't remember which and 
I'm sorry but I don't feel inspired to wade through the lists to figure 
it out. I wouldn't suggest it was anything more than an accidental 
oversight, btw.

Again, it doesn't matter if it's been announced. If it's placed in a 
publicly available download location, alongside other releases, it is 
released. These are accessed from a plainly available link on the 
LiveCode .com website. The link is labeled View All LiveCode 
Downloads. These unannounced versions have release dates and release 
notes. There is nothing to indicate these are merely almost releases 
and not to be downloaded until some future date.

The staging process is missing a step and it's not the fault of the 


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/25/2014 11:35 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

That's what the dp and rc designations are for, but it would probably be 
more clear if there was a statement on the page explaining what those mean, along with appropriate 
caveats.  Final releases should be clearly marked as stable.

We're discussing the difference between releases which have been 
announced and versions which have been uploaded to the release directory 
before they have actually been given all final checks, not the 
difference between dp, rc and gm versions.

The process which sometimes results in improperly functioning builds or 
installers being publicly available prior to their actual finalization 
and announcement has been discussed in the past and explained by the 
devs, who have suggested that the system was being looked at with an eye 
to fixing this.

But, I agree that a note on the download page, along the lines you 
suggest, would be a good idea :)


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/26/2014 12:53 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:

That's what I thought. This urban legend has been batted around

Um, what is it you thought? I didn't say I once heard somebody say 
their friend's uncle told them about a neighbor... urban legend style. 
It was my own (recent) observation. I noticed a release announcement on 
one list but not the other. It's not impossible that I missed it, but I 
did look for it at the time. If I missed it, I will not have been the 
only one who has overlooked an announcement for one reason or another.

In any event, depending on these lists to prevent people from 
downloading publicly available software until it's time is wildly 
irresponsible and scolding or mocking someone for downloading such 
software is ridiculous. People regularly overlook or miss announcements 
and others might not be downloading immediately from the announcements 
but prefer to go to the download directory at some other convenient 
time. I'm pretty sure there is also hope that curious people are finding 
and downloading LiveCode with the expectation that they'll join these 
lists sometime after rather than vice versa. While it's possible to say 
many of us should know better, there are groups of people who can't and 
others for whom it may not be convenient.

The system is not in any way reliable, nor particularly defensible given 
there are any number of reasons why someone may encounter one of these 
not-ready-for-release releases.


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Re: RELEASE LiveCode 6.6.2

2014-06-07 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/07/2014 12:58 PM, Mike Kerner wrote:

I'm getting an error that the file isn't found.

That error is typically what you get trying to run in a 64 bit 
environment without the 32 bit libs installed. Do you have other 
versions of LiveCode running on this particular computer?


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Re: Nested Repeat loops

2014-06-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/20/2014 08:18 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

Wondering if anyone has an elegant way of exiting all the way out of a set
of nested repeat loops., e.g:

repeat for...
repeat for...
   repeat for
  repeat for
 if . then I want to exit out of the outermost repeat loop
  end repeat
  do this and that
   end repeat
   do this and that
end repeat
do this and that
end repeat

Right now, I set a flag to true when the exit condition is met then test it
in the do this and that stuff.  Works fine but feels a little kludgy.


Maybe I've completely failed to understand what it is you don't like 
about your current method, but...

Would it be practical and feel cleaner to wrap your nested repeats 
inside a command, say,'doLoop'. When your 'if' condition in the nth 
repeat is met, you 'exit doLoop'. You only have to reference and check a 
condition once this way and you cleanly exit the entire nested structure 
exactly when and where the condition is found.

A useless example that works:

Create a card with four fields and a button. Put this script in the button:

 on mouseUp
   answer exited loop
end mouseUp

on doLoop
   repeat 10 times
  add 1 to field 1
  repeat 10 times
 add 1 to field 2
 repeat 10 times
add 1 to field 3
repeat 10 times
   if field 3 is 3 then exit doLoop
   add 1 to field 4
end repeat
 end repeat
  end repeat
   end repeat
end doLoop


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Re: LiveCodeServer - Prints shebang line

2014-07-15 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/15/2014 08:46 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

Hi Peter

One of the contributions I made just prior to christmas was to handle the shebang 
and basically put the script into ?lc mode immediately if there's a shebang. I 
really didn't get much of a chance to experiment with it but it was merged in. 
Unfortunately I can't remember which version of LC but perhaps try one of the 
latest server versions???



We are pleased to announce the release of LiveCode 6.6.

Release Contents
*  '#!' now recognised by server

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Re: SHELL text encoding OS X?

2014-07-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/26/2014 07:44 AM, Klaus major-k wrote:

Hi friends,

i am currently using some shell commands, mainly mdfind, to get a list of 
But german UMLAUTS etc. are not correctly displayed.

i thought the shell output would be UTF8, but unidecode(listoffiles) produces 
lots of glibberish 8-)
- Grabber fuÃàr Anyone.rtf

should of course be:
- Grabber für Anyone.rtf

This even happens with LC 7dp7, but shouldn't right?

Anyway, what can I do win LC 6.6.2?
Any hints very appreciated!



In LiveCode 7 try something like:

put textDecode(shell(myCommand),utf-8)

Works for me retrieving data from shell in Linux.


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Re: SHELL text encoding OS X?

2014-07-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/26/2014 08:05 AM, Klaus major-k wrote:

thank you, but my question was:

Anyway, what can I do in LC 6.6.2?


You also wrote this:
This even happens with LC 7dp7, but shouldn't right?

so it seemed you might be interested in how it's supposed to work there.

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Re: [BUG][SHELL] Could Others Please Test This OS X/Linux

2014-09-30 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/30/2014 10:17 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:

Before I go ahead and submit a bug report I'd like others to test and
report their findings.

openSUSE, LiveCode 6.6.2

Redirected the output to files. Results are identical, except for the 
extra file created by running the initial 'find $PWD  pwdtest.txt'. 
91,426 vs. 91,427.


put shell(find $PWD) into tStore
put the number of lines of tStore

is also the same except for the second file created in the previous step 
and a couple of other files created by the system as it tracks recently 
used applications and documents. (This output was also stored to a file 
and all files were compared using a diff tool.)


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Re: [BUG][SHELL] Could Others Please Test This OS X/Linux

2014-10-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/01/2014 08:09 AM, Kay C Lan wrote:

But then why is this not the case
with Linux?

For Linux users who have installed single user, in their HOME 
directory, the defaultfolder is their HOME directory.. Those who have 
installed for all users, in /opt, will run into these kinds of issues, 
at least sometimes, perhaps depending on what you're attempting to do 
with shell(). The defaultfolder in an /opt install is 
/opt/runrev/VERSION and 'put shell(find $PWD)' returns file not 
found errors.


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Re: Volume Size

2014-10-14 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/14/2014 04:55 AM, JB wrote:

I can get a file size by listing the detailed files and I can
get a list of all drives and volumes that are mounted by
using the volumes function.  Is there a way to get the
size of a drive or volume that is returned by using the
volumes function?

John Balgenorth

If 'volumes' doesn't work, maybe you can try

get shell(df -h)

You can try 'put shell(df -h)' in the message box to see if it gives 
you a result. If the command is still installed in OS X, you'll get 
information on disc size and usage.


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Re: Volume Size

2014-10-14 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/14/2014 10:37 PM, JB wrote:

The dictionary states,

This function always returns empty on Unix systems.

So, is Linux a Unix OS?

For LiveCode purposes, yes. The dictionary does indicated, by omission 
of the penguin icon, that 'volumes()' is not supported under Linux. I 
find the 'diskSize()' returns an unexpected and useless result here 
under openSUSE, despite the dictionary's indication that it is supported 
under Linux. In Linux you should be able to use shell(df).


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Re: Livecode Server on Dreamhost fails in Ubuntu upgrade

2014-11-11 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/11/2014 12:42 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

One thing I noticed is that script execution speed seems to have gotten
dreadfully slow in 64-bit 7.0 - roughly 6x slower.

I have a simple script that repeats 5000 times, adding to a counter and 
populating and sorting a list with seven items. It takes just a little 
less than 4x as long to execute under LC 7 Server as it does under any 
previous version. I'm running 32bit in LC 7, btw.


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Re: LC Server on DreamHost?

2014-11-22 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/21/2014 01:56 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

the speed of loading
is TERRIBLE with the 7.0.1 LC Linux server. It takes 4.5 seconds for
LC to
'execute' a simple page every time. It's not about DNS and a PHP page on
the same site loads immediately by comparison.

Is this possibly related to other slowdowns in the desktop versions?

Unless there is a problem specific to the 64 bit engine it seems more 
likely related to some issue with the DreamHost setup. The script that 
Phil provides in his bug report shows similar nearly instantaneous 
execution times for 6.1.2, 6.5.1 and 7.0.0 served from the same (32 bit) 
machine at WebFaction: (6.1.2) (6.5.1) (7.0.0)

I do have a simple test script with a repeat loop and a list sort that 
takes @ 4 times as long to execute with 7.0.0 as it does with earlier 
versions, but Phil's script doesn't show anything like the same problem 
here as it does on his DreamHost server.


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Re: LC Server on DreamHost?

2014-11-22 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/21/2014 01:56 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

I'm glad it isn't just me:

Phil Davis


Your desktop utility shows a difference of about 8 to 10 times using 
your URLs and about 4 times using mine when run under 6.6.2. Opening the 
URLs in a browser continues to show a significant difference, but it's 
hard to quantify. Could you put a timer in the scripts themselves? Also, 
it seems probable from how they display in the utility and the browser 
that the scripts are not quite identical, with the one at not converting 'CR' to 'br' as does 
(apparently) the other one. However doubtful it might be that this has 
serious impact, it would be best ensure they are identical.


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Re: OT: Web Server-side ID3 Tagger

2014-12-16 Thread Warren Samples

On 12/16/2014 12:24 AM, Brahmanathaswami wrote:

I need to set the ID3 tags for MP3 files that have already been uploaded
to our web server.

typically my approach is to create a thin desktop client, which can read
our media database from the web server... then I need to send a POST
back to my  which in turn then passes some params to [The
ID3 Tagger program] via shell

path to file

locally on a mac this is as simple as getting info in iTunes, adding the
ID3 metadata and iTunes writes it back to the same .mp3 file (or aiff)

Does anyone know of a *nix program that can do the same, that I can call
from shell (would run on CentOS 6.2)

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Is id3v2 installed, or can you install it?

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Re: Windows?

2011-06-04 Thread Warren Samples
On Saturday, June 04, 2011 05:48:55 PM Colin Holgate wrote:
 I don't know if it's changed, but when I bought Windows to use under
 Fusion, I had to get Ultimate.

From page 2 of the EULA for Win 7 Professional, Home Remium and Home Basic:

d. Use with Virtualization Technologies. Instead of using the software directly 
on the licensed
computer, you may install and use the software within only one virtual (or 
otherwise emulated)
hardware system on the licensed computer. 

You can find the EULAs here:

You may run into trouble trying to install an OEM lisence on a second computer, 
even if you've removed it from 
the first machine (or virtual machine). The OEM license may be locked to 
particular hardware as part of its 
activation, due to its purpose. I have had to reactivate after updating 
VirtualBox because changes in the 
hardware emulation cause it to raise a flag. (That could just be FUD, but I'm 
not about to install and attempt 
to activate it on another machine just to see what happens to my first 
license!) I have seen it suggested that 
the best option for people whose installation plans require flexibility, and 
this may apply to you, is to buy 
a retail family pack which will allow you to install 32 and/or 64 bit versions 
as well as move them from 
machine to machine, including virtual machines.  



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Re: LIVECODE running in LION

2011-06-08 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, June 08, 2011 09:50:16 AM Andre Garzia wrote:
  I don't think I like it (just for personal reasons, nothing technical)

*GASP* Blasphemy 

(snicker, snicker)


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Re: Distinguishing CLI from GUI

2011-06-13 Thread Warren Samples
On Monday, June 13, 2011 07:41:32 AM Richard Gaskin wrote:
 As Todd Geist quoted here earlier, in the Dictionary entry for $ it says:
  If you start up the application from the command line (on OS X,
  Unix or Windows systems), the command name is stored in the
  global variable $0 and any arguments passed on the command line
  are stored in numbered variables starting with the $ character.
  For example, if you start the application by typing the following
  shell command:
myrevapp -h name
  then the global variable $0 contains myrevapp (the name of the
  application), $1 contains -h, and $2 contains name.
 In my tests here, it seems this is only partially correct:  $0 contains
 the app name from the command line (myrevapp in their example), but $1
 contains the name portion after the -h option flag, and the flag
 itself does not appear in any $ variable.
 I have an app in which I'd like to have two different behaviors,
 depending on whether it's being run from the command-line or as a GUI.
 This would be easy if the engine worked as described in the Dictionary
 so I could easily detect if the user launched it with -ui, but it
 seems the option flags are not being passed to the application, though
 everything that doesn't begin with - is.
 So my question is two-fold:
 1. I've tested this on Windows and Linux and get identical behavior, in
 which the - flags aren't present in the $ vars.  Can anyone here
 confirm this on Linux, Win, or OS X?
 2. If this is indeed a documentation bug and what I see in my tests is
 what happens for everyone, how can I determine whether the app was
 launched with -ui or not?
   Richard Gaskin
   Fourth World
   LiveCode training and consulting:
   Webzine for LiveCode developers:
   LiveCode Journal blog:


It seems to be working here although certain letters seem not to be usable. For 
example -s does not work. I 
can get an answer dialog to return -h when used as a cl flag and the app will 
do something if there is a 
variable $x which equals -h.

as a silly example, this script does exactly what it looks like it should:

on openstack
answer $0  $1  $2  $3  $4  $5
if $1 is -h then answer hooboy, it works
end openstack

using this command: '/myApp -h a-param -o some-param' answers /myApp -h 
a-param -o some-param and then 
answers hooboy, it works.

openSUSE 11.4 with Bash.



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Re: Distinguishing CLI from GUI

2011-06-13 Thread Warren Samples
On Monday, June 13, 2011 12:54:04 PM Richard Gaskin wrote:
 Warren Samples wrote:
  It seems to be working here although certain letters seem not to be
  usable. For example -s does not work. I can get an answer dialog to
  return -h when used as a cl flag and the app will do something if
  there is a variable $x which equals -h.
  as a silly example, this script does exactly what it looks like it
  on openstack
  answer $0  $1  $2  $3  $4  $5
  if $1 is -h then answer hooboy, it works
  end openstack
  using this command: '/myApp -h a-param -o some-param' answers /myApp -h
  a-param -o some-param and then answers hooboy, it works.
  openSUSE 11.4 with Bash.
 Are you able to get those args when running faceless?
 I haven't, but at least the windowID trick seems to be a reasonable for
 around for the moment.
   Richard Gaskin

This simple script:

on openStack
  put $0  $1  $2  $3 into url 
if $3 is -h then get shell(opera)
end openStack

seems to work as expected with and without -ui. Using this command: 
''launchTest -ui -Q some-param -h 
launches Opera and creates the file with this line: launchTest -Q some-param 


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Re: Distinguishing CLI from GUI

2011-06-15 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, June 15, 2011 11:16:19 AM Richard Gaskin wrote:
  seems to work as expected with and without -ui. Using this command:
  ''launchTest -ui -Q some-param -h launches Opera and creates the file
  with this line: launchTest -Q some-param -h.
 Thanks for that info.  I've had no such luck in Ubuntu, OS X, or WinXP.
 @Mark Weider:  are you able to get -ui in any of the $ vars in your 
 Fedora setup?


Just to point out, although I'm sure you noticed;  while I do get the promised 
$ vars, which appears to be not 
working for you, the -ui flag is not being stored here, and it seems you're 
interested in getting that. That 
the $ values exist at all would indicate commandline, but it's not 
inconceivable that one might want some 
conditional behaviors based on whether or not the app is running with a gui, 
thus storing the -ui flag could 
be helpful. Such refinement is naturally only useful if the basics can be 
relied on, though :(



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Re: Thanks for DropTools.

2011-06-18 Thread Warren Samples
On Saturday, June 18, 2011 10:05:18 PM Roger Guay wrote:
 As usual, I'm riding the tail end of the wave, but I too want to thank Ken
 Ray and all of you who are contributing to his Drop Tools plugin. Just a
 very minor nit, Ken: LiveCode Preferences is found in the LiveCode Menu
 and not in the Edit menu as indicated in your DropTools User Guide. 
 Thanks again for making LiveCode even greater!

That depends on what platform you're running Livecode in. In Windows and in 
Linux, it is indeed found under 
the Edit menu.



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Re: group name persisting

2011-06-22 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, June 22, 2011 05:09:48 PM Pete wrote:
  fingers crossed

Nothing wrong with crossed. Just keep them where you can see them.

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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-07-20 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, July 20, 2011 01:11:55 PM Richard Gaskin wrote:
 For better or worse, it seems those scrollbars are the wave of the future:

Stevie was really enthuastic about his drawers, too. For a while.


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Re: Lion Xcode 3.2.6

2011-07-20 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, July 20, 2011 11:45:58 PM Terry Vogelaar wrote:
 I wanted to upgrade yesterday, but I couldn't, because it is 'Already
 installed' according to the App Store.

Not to make light of the problems you personally are having, Terry, but would 
this be the same we provide a 
seamless path to software installation and upgrade, for the ultimate user 
experience Apple App Store that so 
many people are so excited about? Lordy!


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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-07-21 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, July 21, 2011 01:11:17 PM Andre Garzia wrote:
 I vote for Mac OS
 X 10.8 Megalomaniac Garfield


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Re: OT: I want to buy Lion

2011-07-27 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, July 27, 2011 01:20:05 PM Arie van der Ent wrote:
 Hi Tiemo,
 It is not necessary to wait for Lion on a USB-stick. Don McAllister from
 screencastsonline did the following; 1. buy Lion from App store;
 2. make a copy from the installer (in your application folder);
 3. open up the copy of the installer package, then open the folder Shared
 Support in it; 4. there you'll find InstallEDG.dmg;
 5. copy this file to an USB-stick 8 gb.
 That's all.


He's explained why he can't buy 10.7 at the moment. Unless you're silently 
implying Tiemo enlist the aid of 
someone who had purchased it and is willing to share, this is not useful 
information. There seems to be 
conflicting information regarding a clean install of 10.7 with some saying 
they've done it and others saying 
there's got to be 10.6.8 avaible at one point or another to run the installer. 
It does not seem likely that 
Apple will ignore forever those users who need or would simply prefer to be 
able to purchase physical install 
media of some sort or another, though. I wonder if it's possible to clone a 
drive and just install that drive 
in another machine.



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Re: AW: OT: I want to buy Lion

2011-07-28 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, July 28, 2011 01:41:57 AM Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
 I don't understand why they don't offer anymore any
 classic download option for backward compatibility for users who are not
 up to date every day like me.

They're not interested in helping you to maintain your backward status. Apple 
wants its users up to date, 
with the program, and feeding them money through iTunes and the App Store. 



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Re: AW: OT: I want to buy Lion

2011-07-28 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, July 28, 2011 11:13:23 AM Bob Sneidar wrote:
 I think that may be harsh. Remember one of Microsoft's excuses for not
 producing a really modern OS for so long was that they had to maintain
 backwards compatibility for all their users. At some point this becomes a
 ball and chain for the vendor

No, Bob, not harsh at all. I don't see much judgement being passed, really. 
There is only slight and mostly 
implied chacterization of Apple's obvious marketring strategy. I'm not going to 
flame you, but your apologia 
strikes me as being almost irrelevant to the issue of directing traffic in a 
gratuitous fashion through 
Apple's various money-making apparatus. Not always convenient for the consumer, 
but certainly convenient for 


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Re: Installing iOS SDK and Xcode on Windows 7.

2011-07-29 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, July 29, 2011 10:09:13 AM Roger Eller wrote:
 it would be prohibitively slow in a vm


Have you some disappointing experience running vms? My own experience running 
VirtualBox is that the guest OSs 
run quite snappily. I cannot recommend that one rely on a virtualized OS for 
development purposes because 
certain OS features are bound to be tied to hardware features that the vm won't 
provide. That said, for many 
purposes, including some kinds of testing during development, they are very 
usable and useful indeed. 



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Re: [OT] More Apple Foolishness

2011-07-29 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, July 29, 2011 11:44:11 AM David C. wrote:
 snip...from iTunes (the single most frustrating and annoying app
 interface-wise on the whole planet on any OS) /snip
 Absolutely on the mark! To be tied at the hip with that one piece of
 software is absolutely awful and I'm doing just about all that I can
 to remedy that.
 I am so glad to know that I'm not the only one that feels that way.
 Best regards,
 David C.

I almost never used iTunes when I ran OS X. It wasn't my preferred application 
for anything and I was never 
interested in the store. Since the vast majority of the requent updates to 
iTunes focused on the store, I 
eventually tried to get software update to ignore those updates. To no avail. 
Software update refused to honor 
that request. It was the only update that refused to be ignored. 



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Re: Installing iOS SDK and Xcode on Windows 7.

2011-07-29 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, July 29, 2011 12:04:49 PM Roger Eller wrote:
 running natively on brand new i7 machines with high-end
 video cards.

The Hackintosh is not a great secret, and indeed there is no reason for OS X 
not to run beautifully on non-
Apple hardware once the issues of booting and certain drivers are overcome, but 
the question was regarding 
performance within a virtual machine. I do not suffer any serious degree of 
slowness running any OS inside a 
virtual machine here. I don't particularly encourage the venture proposed by 
the OP, and am very disturbed by 
the preoccupation of the author of the article he references with avoided 
paying what are legitimate fees, but 
my experience does not support your prediction. I think the sort of statement 
you make presents unwarranted 
discouragement to those who may otherwise find virtualization a very useful and 
convenient tool for certain 

What I find most curious about the original post, is how does the OP propose to 
implement this if he cannot 
also test it? It makes me think of a post I saw the other day in a forum, Here 
fishy fishy...



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Re: Getting someone's age from dob and current year

2011-07-30 Thread Warren Samples
On Saturday, July 30, 2011 07:16:44 PM Roger Eller wrote:
convert tToday to seconds
convert tBorn to seconds

It's been talked about before, but this calls for a reminder: attempting to 
convert a date prior to Jan 1, 
1970 to seconds returns invalid date instead of a number in Windows. Don't 
do this if you are going to 
need this to work in Windows! Under Windows, you need to subtract the birthyear 
from the current year and 
determine if the current month/day is later than the birth month/day and 
subtract one year if necessary. 
Conveniently, this methods does work on all platforms. 



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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-05 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, August 05, 2011 10:25:18 PM Alejandro Tejada wrote:
 This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it
 in your country on copyright grounds.

This doesn't have much or even anything to do with Censorship. This is about 
honoring commercial distribution agreements which will vary from country to 
country, not content censorship. There are lost of videos, from all over the 
place, which have location restrictions.



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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-05 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, August 05, 2011 11:30:44 PM Alejandro Tejada wrote:
 many people, around the world, are not supposing to watch

to finish your sentence... on youtube.

I suppose you could write to Sony and ask them. While this is just speculation, 
it is a possibility that either some performer appears, or some material is 
used in this segment which is affected by contracts which prevent youtube 
distribution whereas the other segments which you can see on youtube are not.



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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-05 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, August 05, 2011 11:45:46 PM Warren Samples wrote:
 On Friday, August 05, 2011 11:30:44 PM Alejandro Tejada wrote:
  many people, around the world, are not supposing to watch
 to finish your sentence... on youtube.
 I suppose you could write to Sony and ask them. While this is just 
 speculation, it is a possibility that either some performer appears, or some 
 material is used in this segment which is affected by contracts which prevent 
 youtube distribution whereas the other segments which you can see on youtube 
 are not.

You'll find a discussion of this in another of these clips:

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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-05 Thread Warren Samples
On Saturday, August 06, 2011 12:48:04 AM Alejandro Tejada wrote:
  You'll find a discussion of this in another of these clips
 Hmmm, There is no discussion in that page. (or anything else)
 Only the message:
 This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it
 in your country on copyright grounds.

Here is a segment of the comments from the page linked to above:

Uploader Comments (timegrinder) 

This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The 
audio has been disabled. More about copyright


Love these videos!!! 5* for them all
thomandy  2 years ago 

Vid back up.
timegrinder  2 years ago  5  

what happened to the audio? Will it get back?
JaredChacon  2 years ago 

Unfortunatly the entire audio for this vid has been removed as WMG have a 
copyright claim on a short clip in it :-/ Bass part 4 also has copyright issues 
and i have been considering refuting these claims on the basis of educational 
fair use, which is unlikely to succeed. The only other option is to reupload 
the vids with the clips taken out.
timegrinder  2 years ago 

thanks indeed and it if it could be up without the clips at leas that would be 

philmacari  2 years ago 

Would seem all disputed vids are now back up.
timegrinder  2 years ago

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Re: [OT] Blasted Flash

2011-08-11 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, August 11, 2011 08:32:51 AM Richmond Mathewson wrote:
 Firefox 6, Ubuntu 11.04

No probs here in Opera on openSUSE

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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-11 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, August 11, 2011 11:53:33 AM Bob Sneidar wrote:
 But the very thought of having people pay royalties on what we consider to be 
 a gift from God namely the talent and the inspiration for the music seems 
 to be... well quenching. The moneychangers in the temple comes to mind. 

Bob, how far are you willing to go with argument? Is it just musicians? Who is 
exempt? Is there anyone or any field where you'd to say, Oh, God doesn't have 
anything to do with that, so I'll pay you? Let me take my cello down to the 
supermarket and see if they'll give me food if I play for them. Would that 
actually be any different from asking for cash? I dunno, but it is fair to 
suggest that you want to benefit from my, or some musician's talents - and hard 
work invested in developing an nurturing that talent, wthout returning anything 
except maybe a smile. Is your smile worth something in the supermarket? The 
issue of payment and distibution is far more varied and complex than most of 
you seem to be aware of or willing to consider. As consumers your interests 
only reflect a very limited perspective.



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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-11 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, August 11, 2011 12:09:47 PM Roger Eller wrote:
 I agree.  In fact, I witnessed the rise of a YouTube artist, and bought his
 very first CD because 1) he was that good, and 2) I wanted to be supportive
 of the hundreds of songs he posted on YouTube (and I enjoyed for free).
 THAT is an artist!  Play it to express what you feel, and if we feel it too,
 we will buy it.

The effect of unlicensed redistribution on the music industry is a topic of 
huge debate. The view the RIAA and AF of M take is certainly an exageration. 
But unlicensed distribution is not harmless. Your anecdote reflects a 
legitimate part of the debate, but the music industry is not some simple 
monolith. Many of us work for wages which are determined by the projected use 
and distribution of the final product. While it is undeniable that the exposure 
gained through unlicensed redistribution can be an incredible boon to some 
projects, it also competes with licensed distribution and certainly makes it 
impossible to fairly compensate many of us when the actual distribution is 

I can't escape the feeling that a part of what some of you are saying is that 
you feel the entities that produced the material have received what you believe 
to be a fair return and they should not be entitled to receive anything more 
and therefore any future use of that product shall be without cost to you. Is 
that really what you think? Is it really reasonable?



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Re: What to Do Since FTP No Longer Supported in Mac OSX Lion?

2011-08-12 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, August 12, 2011 01:44:32 PM Gregory Lypny wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I was building a nice app with LiveCode the other day.  It used PUT URL and 
 FTP to download files from my remote Mac.  Worked like a charm until 
when I updated the OS on the remote Mac to Lion.  Now I get socket timeout 
messages.  I then read on the web that FTP is not enabled in Lion but SFTP 
works if 
Remote Login is enabled in the Sharing pane of System Preferences.  I confirmed 
that SFTP works by trying it with Interarchy.  How can I make SFTP work in a 
LiveCode handler?

You can still use FTP:

While FTP is still available and configurable from the command line, it's no 
longer supported as an easy to turn on option in System Preferences
-- from

Hope that helps,


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Re: What to Do Since FTP No Longer Supported in Mac OSX Lion?

2011-08-13 Thread Warren Samples
On Saturday, August 13, 2011 10:17:25 AM Richard Gaskin wrote:
 IIRC Apple no longer makes Xserve anyway, so who needs an OS X FTP server?
   Richard Gaskin

At issue is which protocol is being used when one enables file sharing in the 
System Preferences on a standard OS X Desktop install. The FTP option has been 
replaced with SFTP. 


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Re: Grabbing the Date and Time From a Time Server on the Internet

2011-08-15 Thread Warren Samples
On Monday, August 15, 2011 12:31:25 PM Bob Sneidar wrote:
 This interests me, because while I could depend on the system time I suppose, 
 to datetimestamp entries in an SQL tab

But wouldn't it be simpler, and smarter, to let the db create and store store 
its own timestamp as the insert is made? Input from the user would be 
and even irrelevant.


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Re: Retrieving Date and Time From The Internet

2011-08-16 Thread Warren Samples
On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 11:13:58 AM Bob Sneidar wrote:
 Okay, I contacted the USNO site via email and requested that they include the 
 year in the returned date/time. 

You could try this:

Your time info is here in the html it returns (example):

div id=analog-digital
span class=font7
5:10 PM
Tuesday, August 16, 2011/strong
br /
span class=font1
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) -0400 

Isolate this from the rest of the source and filter out the lines that begin 
with , and you'll have what you're looking for. If you want a different city, 
just select one 
from the list and copy that URL.


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Re: Max length of value passed to shell()

2011-08-29 Thread Warren Samples
On Monday, August 29, 2011 06:35:36 PM Dar Scott wrote:
 Whereas I'm lazy, I thought I'd ask rather than run a test.
 Is there some limit to the length of the string passed to shell() on any 
 platform, especially OS X, whether by the engine or the shell-command program 
 itself.  Or 
even the typical limitations of utilities themselves.  I'm not concerned about 
editor limitations; I'm thinking of a computed value passed to shell().
 Anybody happen to know?

Running getconf ARG_MAX here in BASH under OpenSuse returns 2097152, which 
seems like pretty many to me. Don't know about Livecode limits, though.



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Re: LiveCode 4.6.4

2011-09-06 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/06/2011 02:24 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

SSSHHH! We are not supposed to even KNOW there is a 4.6.4. But seriously, this 
is not the forum for pre-release versions. Did you get an email telling you 
where to post beta issues?


Final public release was announced today.


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Re: LiveCode 4.6.4

2011-09-06 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/06/2011 02:40 PM, Roger Eller wrote:

It looks like the announcement ONLY went to the DEV list though...  Odd...


Yes, I noticed that, too, but I checked the store and it's available for 
download in my account.


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Re: Reading PDF - a cry for help

2011-09-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/29/2011 12:27 PM, stephen barncard wrote:

I just created a PDF with two lines of text and a 16x16 graphic and
following text. A very basic test pattern.   Then I opened up the document
in BBEdit.

Yikes!   A huge amount of data is there - some binary and some plain text
for such simple data. A minefield of fun and a big project to work with.

Here's the specs ( a large PDF document) right from the source. PDF

Good luck.

But it should certainly be doable. In fact, File Juicer does it. It's 
Mac software, but it is an example of exactly what is being discussed. 
It might be a lot of work, but clearly it's not a hopeless task :)



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Re: new iPhone 4s

2011-10-04 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/04/2011 02:13 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

but it doesn't replace Viagra

I'm sure there are some...

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Re: new iPhone 4s

2011-10-05 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/05/2011 11:34 AM, Colin Holgate wrote:

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:31 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

* It requires lots of touches to do simple things.

please let me know if there is a quicker way!


1. Touch the Clock in the lower right.
2. In the popup that appears there are some sliders to the right. Touch those.
3. In the popup that appears, touch Settings at the bottom.
4. Touch Applications in the list on the left.
5. Touch Manage applications at the top of the list on the right.
6. In the next screen, touch Running on the right.
7. This next step can take a while, because it lists all of the processes 
running. Scroll through the list to find the app you want to close, and touch 
8. There may be more than one sub process listed. Touch Stop for each one.
9. You're back at the previous list now, scroll until you find the next app you 
want to close. Touch Stop.
10. If greeted with a Stop system service? dialog, touch OK.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for each of the other apps you want to close.

On my Samsung Exhibit, I press and hold the Home button which floats a 
window showing recently used applications as well as a button which 
opens the task manager where I can kill any open apps all at once or one 
at a time.


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Re: Export and Import SQLite data from LC Project?

2011-10-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/25/2011 02:34 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hi John,

Can't you transfer the entire database file? If not, you can just do a dump and 
import the resulting file or do a query and save the data to a text file, which 
you import the usual way.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Mark is correct. This is from the Distinctive Features page provided 
by SQLite:

Single Database File
 An SQLite database is a single ordinary disk file that can be located 
anywhere in the directory hierarchy. If SQLite can read the disk file 
then it can read anything in the database. If the disk file and its 
directory are writable, then SQLite can change anything in the database. 
Database files can easily be copied onto a USB memory stick or emailed 
for sharing.

Stable Cross-Platform Database File
 The SQLite file format is cross-platform. A database file written on 
one machine can be copied to and used on a different machine with a 
different architecture. Big-endian or little-endian, 32-bit or 64-bit 
does not matter. All machines use the same file format. Furthermore, the 
developers have pledged to keep the file format stable and backwards 
compatible, so newer versions of SQLite can read and write older 
database files.

You don't need to do anything other than copy the database file.


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Re: Confused again

2011-10-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/25/2011 05:44 PM, Timothy Miller wrote:

She seemed to suggest that the upgrade to 5.0.1 is for developers only, but 
that doesn't sound right.

Please advise.

Tim Miller

Any upgrades you are entitled to will be available from the Store at Select that link and sign in. 5.0 seems to be the latest 
publicly available version. There is a 5.0.1 developer preview which is 
a pre-release version available only to those who have paid the 
additional money to be involved in the Developer Program. I don't get 
any messages regarding an update when I open 5.0 under Linux. (I am a 
member of the Developer Program as a result of the prior licensing 
model.) I wonder if this is a bug.

If you have a question regarding what future updates you may be entitled 
to, ask RunRev support directly. They are the only people who have 
access to your records and who can provide you a definitive answer.



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Re: What's the difference between LC 'shell' and OSX terminal?

2011-10-28 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/28/2011 11:52 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:

While trying to get just a bit comfortable with a command-line interface, I 
started Terminal on Mac OSX Lion and eventually got a command to work (after 
finding out how to cope with spaces in file and folder names). I put the same 
thing in an LC 'shell' command and got a runtime error (Handler: can't find 
handler). I guess this is because in the Terminal context, the shell recognised 
the program I was calling ('convert' - it's dear old ImageMagick) but within my 
prog and the LS IDE it didn't. What do I need to do to get 'my' shell to be 
able to invoke the same apps that the raw terminal interface can? My guess is 
that it's something to do with a context variable like LS's defaultFolder, but 
I just don't know how to get there. Can anyone explain?



Graham, post the exact code you're trying to make work using Livecode's 
shell() function so it can be debugged. The shell function should have 
access to any command the terminal has access to.



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Re: What's the difference between LC 'shell' and OSX terminal?

2011-10-28 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/28/2011 11:52 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:

While trying to get just a bit comfortable with a command-line interface, I 
started Terminal on Mac OSX Lion and eventually got a command to work (after 
finding out how to cope with spaces in file and folder names). I put the same 
thing in an LC 'shell' command and got a runtime error (Handler: can't find 
handler). I guess this is because in the Terminal context, the shell recognised 
the program I was calling ('convert' - it's dear old ImageMagick) but within my 
prog and the LS IDE it didn't. What do I need to do to get 'my' shell to be 
able to invoke the same apps that the raw terminal interface can? My guess is 
that it's something to do with a context variable like LS's defaultFolder, but 
I just don't know how to get there. Can anyone explain?



Paste this in the message box:

put shell(convert)

and see what happens. You should get usage information from ImageMagick.

To add a path to the input and output files inside the quoted shell 
command try surrounding the paths with single quotes.


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Re: What's the difference between LC 'shell' and OSX terminal?

2011-10-28 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/28/2011 12:53 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Is this in Windows or Mac? Im Mac to get usage for a shell command you have to 
preface it with man. I think it's short for manual. This only works if whatever 
installed the command in the shell also installed a man page.


Technically you are correct, he'll get  help but for our purpose here 
usage seemed like an acceptable description of what he'll see. Beat me 
with a stick.


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Re: What's the difference between LC 'shell' and OSX terminal?

2011-10-28 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/28/2011 03:09 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

Try this on your terminal:

which convert

This will return the path to the convert command, in my case is:


So change your convert command in the shell to /usr/local/bin/convert
image.jpg blabla and see if you can get it to work.

(I may of course be wrong and the problem may lie elsewhere)


This would have been my suggestion if his shell() looked ok. It does 
point out a problem with using shell(), especially in OS X where things 
are very possibly not going to be installed in their standard *nix 
locations. A method to check for the location of an exectuable and if 
necessary, a way for the user to provide the path, should be provided.


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Re: What's the difference between LC 'shell' and OSX terminal?

2011-10-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/29/2011 09:40 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:


Mike's response contains all the correct information, but it can be 
distilled to this:

change what you what you type into the message box to:

put shell(/opt/local/bin/convert)

This should display in the message box whatever the terminal displays 
after you type convert in Terminal and press enter.

The put is what will cause the output to be displayed. On my machine, 
issuing the convert command without any args returns the help. This is 
not uncommon behavior for cli programs.

Also I note that while it is very common to require two hyphens before 
whole word args, 'convert' doesn't seem to use any single letter args 
and only responds to single hyphen (as compiled on my machine) args. 
This is from the help itself: -help   print program options


put shell(/opt/local/bin/convert -help)
works for me here, but if not for you, then:

put shell(/opt/local/bin/convert --help)

In an application you might prefer to use get in place of put before 
your shell().



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Re: OT: Command-line blues (ImageMagick)

2011-10-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/28/2011 07:33 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:

[As an aside I would NOT recommend IM on a Mac to anyone who has only worked 
within a GUI environment. The installation of IM for Mac took longer (and 
appeared to use more resources) than installing Lion on my Mac, even if you 
take into account my making a complete clone of my hard disk before the Lion 
installation started. My machine is now stuffed with Xcode, MacPorts, countless 
components of IM, and IM itself. If there is an uninstall process I have not 
discovered it and probably never will. So, IMHO, avoid. In contrast, there is a 
simple .exe file available for the PC. No geography teacher would ever be 
willing to do the Mac install, although doubtless many of them are very able, 
so there will never be a Mac version of my app.]


I see you found the Windows binary installers. Good! About Macports; 
Macports will allow you to export fully functioning binaries which you 
can supply to your users for simple install. (Allows you to create 
pre-compiled binary installers of ported applications to quickly install 
software on remote computers without compiling from source code.)


This means you could offer precompiled binaries with simple 
installation, in a known location, for every version of OS X you are 
able to set up Macports in and that your app is available for.

To ensure compliance with the GPL, you may need to make this a separate 
download from your app and provide a way for your users to access the 
source. (An easy to find link in your documentation should be adequate.)

You can uninstall Macports by following directions found here:



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Re: What's the difference between LC 'shell' and OSX terminal?

2011-10-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/29/2011 12:59 PM, stephen barncard wrote:

on a side note regarding shell - I just ran this from the message box:

put shell(man zip)

and got this text:

Not an answer to your question, but that doesn't happen here running Linux.

Here is something from discussion of Phil Davis' Shell Command Help plugin:

and the next few messages.


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Re: Waiting for 'shell'

2011-11-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/01/2011 12:11 PM, Roger Eller wrote:

I use animated GIFs which I show just before a lengthy conversion, then
hide it when shell has completed the task.  It' not a progress bar, but
indicates a busy state quite well.


What platform(s) does this work on? When I do this, the animation stops. 
Running Linux here.


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Re: Waiting for 'shell'

2011-11-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/01/2011 03:47 PM, Roger Eller wrote:

I've done this on Mac and Windows, but I would expect it to work on Linux


Putting something like show animated.gif  get shell(cp fileLocA 
fileLocB) in a button leaves the animated gif completely static during 
the copy operation. Interestingly, the gif is static the whole time - 
until the copy is finished - even if there is a wait before the get 
shell(). Perhaps you are doing something a little more 
involved/complicated to display the gif?


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Re: Waiting for 'shell'

2011-11-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/01/2011 06:27 PM, Roger Eller wrote:

I just looked back at the original post.  If I understand correctly, the
problem is not seeing when shell completes, but to let the user know there
is backgrounded activity while shell is still processing, and so they don't
think the app has locked up.


Yes, and the progression eventually involved an alternative which which 
would necessitate some clever method to determine when to stop showing 
the progress indicator because the process had finished. Therefore:

   Oh cool. Yep, that could be easily used as an indication that the
  launched process has completed. That or ps would both work on mac 
  or linux.

It does make sense :)


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Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/08/2011 11:03 AM, René Micout wrote:

A little information :
in Mac OS X Lion when you need to know what is the default (country) language 
of the system :

  put defaults read NSGlobalDomain into vxLangage
  get line 10 of shell (vxLangage)

Before Lion it was line 9 of shell  now line 10

Bon souvenir de Paris

Not even close here.

Don't you want the line that begins with AppleLocale that comes after 
the list of available languages?


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Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/08/2011 12:01 PM, René Micout wrote:

Yes of course, it is better,
line 10 is the first language in the list (and I think it is the default system 
(country) language.
AppleLocale is line 33...
Thank you Warren

Le 8 nov. 2011 à 18:39, Warren Samples a écrit :

I get a very different line count. Perhaps this depends on how many 
languages the user has installed, or removed. It might be safest to look 
for the line that starts AppleLocal rather than hardcode some 
potentially incorrect line number..


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Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/08/2011 12:39 PM, René Micout wrote:

get shell (defaults read NSGlobalDomain) don't work... !!?

Don't forget to wrap your shell command with  !


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Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/08/2011 01:17 PM, René Micout wrote:

But why
put defaults read NSGlobalDomain into vxLangage
get shell (vxLangage)
works ?
I don't write put quote  defaults read NSGlobalDomain  quote into vxLangage

Le 8 nov. 2011 à 19:39, René Micout a écrit :

Thanks to Pete, Warren and Ben !!

My new script after all their informations :
   put defaults read NSGlobalDomain into vxLangage
   get shell (vxLangage)
   get line lineOffset(AppleLocale,it) of it
   put false into vxFrançais ; if fr is in it then put true into vxFrançais

get shell (defaults read NSGlobalDomain) don't work... !!?

vxLangauage is a variable not a string.

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Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/08/2011 01:21 PM, Warren Samples wrote:

vxLangauage is a variable not a string.

oops! Didn't spell your variable correctly. That would never work either :D


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Re: Re : Wasting space on the forum.

2011-11-14 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/14/2011 07:25 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Top please.

This is a whole other topic. I personally prefer to have the new reply 
at the bottom, as the quoted text prepares the context for the reply. I 
understand the other point of view, and I would say that it frequently 
doesn't make a difference practically speaking, but usually when it 
does, it's because I've been assisted by the prologue.

I would complain more about those who reply point by point, placing 
their replies between quoted sections. This is often confusing.


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Re: clipboard issue in Windows?

2011-11-30 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/30/2011 11:35 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 11/30/11 1:00 AM, Pete wrote:

I can see where the confusion comes from on this.  The dictionary claims
you can copy a chunk of a control to the clipboard, even has an
example  -
copy word -3 to -1 of field Help.

I was wrong, the dictionary is right. Either I was relying on old info,
or else I lost a synapse somewhere. This works for me too:

   copy word 1 to -1 of fld 1

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |


copy and clipboardData may be unreliable on Linux it seems. The copy 
function and clipboard is complicated in Linux and for some reason the 
KDE clipboard utility, Klipper, does not copy data from LiveCode using 
either copy or the clipboardData on my system. It works when Klipper 
isn't running, though.


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Re: [ANN] Extensions for LiveCode/Linux

2011-12-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 12/19/2011 10:12 AM, Andrew Kluthe wrote:

Im looking at the webkit extension now. Looks nice.

Only other requirement is python, correct?

You may need to install the python-webkitGTK bindings. Would not run 
initially on my system, openSUSE, but installing the bindings allows the 
python browser to run. The purebasic demo does not work.


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Re: [ANN] Extensions for LiveCode/Linux

2011-12-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 12/19/2011 08:16 AM, Bob Warren wrote:

In case you missed Rev's announcement a few weeks back, and now that the
site is complete, Linux fans might find the following extensions useful:

1. UTF-8 Stack Template
2. UTF-8 Function Demo
3. Accent-Blind International Bubble Sort
4. UTF-8 Text Editor
5. Shell Without Wait
6. Web Browser (WebKit engine)
7. Web Browser (PB WebKitGtk Library)
8. UTF-8 Compliant Picture Chooser

And here's where you will find them:

In the python-webkit browser demo, it seems the python processes are not 
terminated by closing the browser or quitting Livecode. Also, I am 
unable to close the window of the fullscreen demos except by killing the 
process. Are these things expected behavior?


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Re: 5.0.2 startup woes

2011-12-23 Thread Warren Samples

On 12/23/2011 11:40 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

Now with this new 5.0.2 that I just purchased, various startup, openstack and 
preopenstack commands do not implement -- that is they don't implement when I 
double-click on the stack while LiveCode is not running. (Everything works fine 
if LiveCode is already running.) But, for example, if you make a stack that 
simply consists of a stack script that says:

on openstack
   choose browse tool
end openstack

If you double-click on the stack with LiveCode not running, and 5.0.2 starts 
up, does the tool change to browse tool? In my computer (Mac), it doesn't -- 
but the computer does beep. Am I missing something really basic here? If I drag 
my new version 5.0.2 to the trash,  which leaves 4.6.4 to start up, and do the 
same thing, the tool switches to browse tool as it should. There are other 
startup issues suddenly going on in 5.0.2 which I don't understand.

Can anyone advise?


This also happens here in Linux. In 5.0, Livecode opens, the stack 
appears and both parts of this script work. In 5.0.2 the stack is 
opening almost instantly and well before the Livecode toolbar appears. 
It beeps but does not switch to the browse tool. It would seem that 
Livecode is attempting to run the script before it's fully ready.


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Re: SQL Date Formatting

2012-01-11 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/11/2012 07:20 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Hi all. I am having F-I-TZ working with dates in mySQL. I WANT to store the 
dates as real dates, but mySQL formats them as -mm-dd. Livecode does no 
such thing and nothing I know how to do can get Livecode to work with dates in 
this format AS dates.

It's no good for my present purposes to work with other formats. I query SQL 
and then drop the data into a datagrid with no custom formatting, and that is 
just the way it has to be. What I need is to tell Livecode to sue SLQ date 
formatting. I have no real hope, but if someone knows of a way to do that, I 
would appreciate it.

I think what is really needed is a feature request for one more date format for the 
convert command: convert myDate to sqlDate.sigh


Is the problem getting them from Livecode to mySQL or what mySQL returns 
from select?

Can you set the date format in your select statement?


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Re: Application Menu (again) and RunRev attribution

2012-01-13 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/13/2012 11:51 AM, Pete wrote:

I am about to release my first commercial product written with Livecode and
I'm wondering what the etiquette is, if any, regarding mentioning Livecode
and RunRev in the About dialog, maybe something like Built with Livecode
from RunRev plus a web address?

From the EULA:

APPENDIX A - Required Copyright Notice
You must include the following copyright notice where other such notices 
appear. In the event that such other notices do not appear in the 
Created Software, this notice must be placed in a reasonable location.
Built with LiveCode. Portions (c)2000-2011 RunRev Ltd, All Rights 
Reserved Worldwide.
We would like you to include the RunRev logo, as per the terms set on 
our website. However, unlike the Copyright notice above, you are not 
required to include the logo.

I can't find the guidelines for using the images, but I saw them once 
and recall thinking it was a little formal and restricting, but it's 
their business :D


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Re: revBrowser sound

2012-01-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/19/2012 04:20 AM, wrote:

  it's kinda annoying to always have their website open when surfing the 
internet, accidentally closing my music when closing to many windows.

Can't you just open it in it's own window and hide/minimize it? Park it 
on another desktop/workspace? That would keep it safe from inadvertent 
closing. If you have a habit of quitting the browser to close windows, 
then maybe you could install a browser that you only use foe this 
purpose, again putting the window on a workspace you aren't using.


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Re: best 404 ever

2012-01-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/20/2012 11:01 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

I get blank screen. I am probably being blocked by a content filter.:-)


It's done in Flash

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Re: Application quit on OS X

2012-01-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/20/2012 11:23 AM, Pete wrote:

As far as I can tell, all Mac applications work this way..

This is not correct. It depends on what kind of application it is. Most 
work this way but several utilities do not. I have seen some discussion 
of this elsewhere, although I can't recall where, and I think Apple has 
issued its official opinion on this which does allow for this behavior.

One could use the closestack message to open a dialog with a menubar, 
which ask the user if they would like to open another window or quit the 
app, or some other option appropriate for the app.


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Re: Developing on Mac, standalone on Windows

2012-01-23 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/22/2012 11:55 PM, Pete wrote:

I just compiled and ran my fist standalone on Windows and I'm finally
realising the benefits of developing cross platform applications with LC.
  I was pretty amazed when everything I developed on my Mac just ran as
expected on Windows!

The on;y problem I need to address concerns fonts.  I have a very few
controls that depend on font size to correctly position themselves around
other, non-textobjects and it seems that LC's default font on WIndows is
different than on a Mac, or at least the font size/spacing is.

I left the font and size blank in almost all of my controls' text
formatting options but perhaps I need to name a specific font to have
things line up correctly on OS X and Windows?

-- Pete Molly's Revenge

It may be worth the time to build a small app that lets you play with 
things like font choice and size, and text margins and run it as a 
standalone - margins and alignment are not always the same in a 
standalone as in the IDE - in whatever platforms (and various versions 
of these OSs!) you want to deploy in. It can be fairly simple and not 
really all that time consuming but may be very illuminating and helpful. 
This would leave you the ability to confidently set such things 


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Re: Video on Linux (again)

2012-02-06 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/06/2012 09:23 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

How are you playing videos on Linux?

Are you able to do it at all?

Running openSUSE 12, KDE and KWin. I get audio but no video attempting 
to play videoclips. Using the player, and with window effects on, I get 
audio but no visible video. I get video if I turn off window effects 
before launching Livecode. It renders normally with full opacity. Once 
launched, I can turn window effects back on and video is still normal. 
Toggling window effects after launch has no effect on the video, either 

Mint 9 in VirtualBox, running without window effects, videoclips behave 
as above above. Video playback using a player is fine. When I ran Mint 
10 with Compiz, I got the same transparent masking effect you have 
described seeing under Ubuntu.


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Re: The Linux engine...

2012-02-23 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/23/2012 03:20 AM, Malte Brill wrote:

I figured out so much that this is a GNOME (working) versus KDE (not working) 
thing. What really scares me is the exit on signal 11 issue. How does one debug 

Not that this is of any practical value, but this is an issue with 
compositing. If you turn off window effects, shift+Alt+F12, background 
patterns should render normally. That works here with openSUSE KDE. 
There is a related problem with video rendering for many of us. Happens 
also with Gnome 2 on Ubuntu and Mint when running Compiz. It *may* also 
be dependent on specific video card/driver combinations.


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Re: The Linux engine...

2012-02-23 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/23/2012 01:50 AM, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

I've more or less stopped using Rev because I only use Linux, and having got
a 22 inch monitor, I simply can't read most of the IDE unless I reset screen
resolution to much lower resolution.  Or put on reading glasses which brings
its own problems.  It doesn't make any difference which WM you use. It was
fine on my old 19 inch monitor, but I've given up struggling with it on the
new one.

Now, is this Rev's problem, or is it X11's problem?  Who cares?  You have to
be able to read the IDE to use it.


Hmm. Peter, I am using a 24 inch monitor and don't have any issues like 


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Re: The Linux engine...

2012-02-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/25/2012 12:27 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

Just MHO on a Sunday morning,

Joe Wilkins

It's Saturday.

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Re: [OT] Free SSL certificates available

2012-03-11 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/11/2012 05:03 PM, Rick Harrison wrote:

Hi Andre,

Is StartSSL the one in Israel?

I think when I looked at them it was only free for 1 month.
They were also very intrusive, almost like spyware, so
I didn't end up going with them.

Let me know.


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Re: What is wrong with this ?

2012-03-12 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/12/2012 10:54 AM, Ken Corey wrote:

On 12/03/2012 15:38, John Dixon wrote:

on mouseUp
put;  into raceListURL
put URL raceListURL into fld 1
end mouseUp

It will not work for me under Win XP from boot camp... Can anyone tell
me why ?

It's not a help, but as a negative data point it seems to work for me
(LiveCode 5.5dp1, Windows 7 64 bit).


Also works here in XP (running inside VirtualBox on a Linux machine), in 
both Livecode 4.6.4 and 5.0.2.


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Re: What is wrong with this ?

2012-03-12 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/12/2012 12:38 PM, John Dixon wrote:

It does however beg the question as to why this is undocumented ?

And also the question 'why is there a problem there, but not here?'


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2012-03-14 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/14/2012 11:11 AM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

Thanks Fellas,

Even after removing Bing and restarting and Quitting/starting, Bing still 
showed up as the active search engine. I don't trust them at all now. VERY 
insidious! Guess I'll just use Safari now. Seems as if it's a little better 
than it was a couple of months ago.

Joe Wilkins

Have you tried to edit the preference using about:config?

Type about:config, without the quotes, in the address bar. Dismiss the 
warning. Type search, without the quotes, in the filter field. Look 
for - it's the second line in my 
case. What soes it say? If it says Google, then something is 
definitely screwy because it's not using the specified default. If it 
says Bling, then right-click anywhere in that line, select Modify 
from the contextual menu and type Google into the dialog, without the 
quotes. Click OK. Maybe restart Firefox and you *should* be ok.

Good luck!


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2012-03-14 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/14/2012 11:42 AM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

continued frustration. Result was website cannot be found. (sigh!)
Thanks anyway! Just not my day. My vision is poorer than usual today.
Joe Wilkins

That seems odd. You can edit the prefs files directly in a text editor. 
It's not difficult or scary. You need to know where your profile is and 
which one if there are more than one. This may help:


Once you've found your profile directory, open the file called prefs.js 
in your favorite text editor. Search for You want that line to look this way:

user_pref(, Google);

You may also have a file called user.js  Check that to make sure it 
doesn't have anything that conflicts with this.

Good luck :)


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2012-03-14 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/14/2012 12:25 PM, Warren Samples wrote:

On 03/14/2012 11:42 AM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

continued frustration. Result was website cannot be found. (sigh!)
Thanks anyway! Just not my day. My vision is poorer than usual today.
Joe Wilkins

That seems odd. You can edit the prefs files directly in a text editor.
It's not difficult or scary. You need to know where your profile is and
which one if there are more than one. This may help:


Once you've found your profile directory, open the file called prefs.js
in your favorite text editor. Search for You want that line to look this way:

user_pref(, Google);

You may also have a file called user.js Check that to make sure it
doesn't have anything that conflicts with this.

Good luck :)


I should have tried this before I wrote. There are two lines that need 
to be checked:

user_pref(, Google);

I'm not sure why, but it's not working here as simply as it should. Set 
this in prefs.js and for good measure, also create a file user.js in 
this same folder and add these lines to it:

# my search engine preference
user_pref(, Google);

Good luck!


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Re: Serious Question about the list...

2012-03-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/18/2012 08:51 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

I am automatically notified of any new message on this mailing list. I don't 
know of a way to do this with the forum messages (unless I'm already 
participating in the discussion)

RSS works, although it's not quite as nice as a properly threaded 
mailbox, at least for those receiving all posts individually. (On my 
computer, Thunderbird does a horrible job of threading. Kmail is much 
better and when I ran OS X, Powermail did this perfectly.)


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Re: using a special keyboard in livecode fields (in Windows 7)

2012-03-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/20/2012 12:37 PM, Richmond wrote:

On a Mac, a Win or a Lin?

Did you fall asleep before you reached the end of the subject?


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Re: [OT] A couple of links about Gnome and usability

2012-03-24 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/24/2012 05:48 PM, Pete wrote:

I already have a Windows laptop that I only use for testing out the LC apps
I develop on my Mac.  I don't really want another computer.  It seems like
Apple has just about shut the door on running anything but OS X on their
computers.  Can I install Linux on my Windows computer a dual boot it

If you have enough memory, it may be more useful, and simpler, to run a 
Linux distro inside VirtualBox or VMWare. To make that even easier, you 
can find, using your favorite search engine, downloadable, ready to go 
virtual machine disk images of almost any Linux distro, in current and 
older versions. For casual use, this would be my recommendation.

Good luck,


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Re: [OT] A couple of links about Gnome and usability

2012-03-24 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/24/2012 06:53 PM, Pete wrote:

the VM approach solves
the hardware problem.  So now I'm left with the question of which Linux
distro to go for

Since you can test them so easily, I would suggest firstly not to be too 
anxious about making the best decision. You don't have to decide 
Before you start; you can decide as you go. Again, you can download 
either fully set up virtual machine disks or run almost any distro from 
a liveCD, which is also a fabulously easy way to trial a distro. I run 
openSUSE, currently and ran Mint 9 and 10 before that. For what you 
expect to be casual use, I would think that the Desktop Environment (the 
Unity, KDE, Gnome, Enlightment, XFCE, LXDE things that people talk about 
- will be the most 
important consideration. You will need to find the one that is the most 
intuitive to you. After that, the software management aspect may be the 
second most important. This was much simpler in Mint than it is in 

I would recommend you try a Mint version first. I have no experience 
with Gnome 3, but Mint 9 is the long term support version of that distro 
and uses gnome 2. Mint 10 was very pleasant to use but it will lose 
support next month. I had bad experience with KDE under Mint and Kubuntu 
has a very poor reputation, so it's hard to recommend KDE in those 
distros. Do a little research about desktop variants of whatever disto 
you are gravitating to and (taking everything with heaping spoonfuls of 
salt) you should find some helpful info.

Inside VirtualBox, you will probably find your desktop doesn't run with 
effects (Compiz, KWin) so you save some memory. This somewhat equalizes 
the playing field between the heavy feature-full (aka bloated) Desktop 
Environments and the light nimble (aka primitive) ones. That *should* 
mean you won't be making as many performance/feature sacrifices as you 
look for what best suits your taste.

Good luck!


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Re: [OT] A couple of links about Gnome and usability

2012-03-24 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/24/2012 06:53 PM, Pete wrote:

So now I'm left with the question of which Linux
distro to go for



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Re: [OT] A couple of links about Gnome and usability

2012-03-24 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/24/2012 09:44 PM, Roger Eller wrote:

The easiest way for a beginner is a WUBI installation.  You don't need an
emulator or virtual box or parallels, etc.  Just a PC that is already
running Windows.  When you install Ubuntu via WUBI, it is just a series of
folders on the hard-drive (no dedicated partition necessary).  This method
sets it up to dual-boot, so you just choose which OS to run when you turn
the computer on.  To remove it, you just uninstall it.


That's interesting. I had never seen this. It seems a really simple and 
great way to deal with dual-boot installation, provided that one wants 
to run Ubuntu. However a dual-boot system is not nearly as convenient 
for many purposes, such as let me see real quick how this looks/works 
on Linux and Windows. I see that convenience as a big plus for virtual 
machines. Although I recognize the advantages of running the OS 
natively, for a lot of purposes this is moot. Maybe it's a case of 
choose the tool that lets you do the job the way you want it done ;)


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Re: [OT] A couple of links about Gnome and usability

2012-03-24 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/24/2012 06:53 PM, Pete wrote:

 you can find downloadable, ready to go virtual
 machine disk images of almost any Linux distro, in current and
 older versions.

Here are some links to preconfigured virtual disk images.

and info on how to get one running once you've downloaded it:

Good luck!


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Re: [OT] A couple of links about Gnome and usability

2012-03-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/24/2012 06:53 PM, Pete wrote:

  So now I'm left with the question of which Linux
distro to go for

More ideas that might interest you :)

Since you are mainly working in OS X and I assume you are happy and 
comfortable working in that interface, you may be interested in a linux 
distro that is set up out of the box to look and act much like OS X. You 
can do this in any distro but this would be a simpler route, and for 
someone who might not want to spend a lot of time and effort fiddling 
with a system he's not planning to use every day, a very sensible choice.

Do-it-yourself ideas:

youtube also has lots of videos of people demonstrating their Mac-like 
Linux desktops. You might enjoy a peek at a few of those.

Good luck!


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