RE: SMTP configurations

2009-06-12 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Dharani []
 Can anyone tell me what are the configurations I must do in
 my Tomcat server
 in order to send mails using my web app?

None, unless you're using a security manager.  But you may need some 
configuration in your webapp, depending what package you're using to send your 

If you want us to help you, please describe the actual problem you have, in 
detail.  What are you trying to do?  What's failing?  On what Tomcat version, 
what OS, what Java version?

- Peter

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RE: Private JVM Heap Size

2009-06-10 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: William Biggs []
 I'm looking at a new web hosting they give Private JVM Heap
 Size what is the min jvm heap size would you go with ?

It depends entirely on your application.  Some apps can handle fairly high 
loads with under 100 Mbytes of heap; others need 2 Gbytes or more for even 
moderate loads.  You're the only person who knows what application you want to 
deploy; profile the application you want to deploy, under the load you want it 
to support, then purchase a hosting service with that much heap.

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat maxThreads Issue

2009-06-10 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Jones, Keven []
  Here is the complete config file. Thanks for the quick reply.

The list strips attachments - please paste inline.

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat maxThreads Issue

2009-06-10 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Jones, Keven []
 How do I

 A. get thread dumps when the processes are dying

The top of is good 
general reading.

kill -QUIT pid of Java process

If ps is confused by all the threads, depending on your Java version, you might 
be able to use jps 
( to get the pid.

Depending on your Java version, jstack 
( will also give 
you thread dumps.

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat maxThreads Issue

2009-06-10 Thread Peter Crowther
OK, so that's a JRockit JVM, not a Sun JVM.  Remind me not to point you at any 
more Sun documentation!

As a rough look at that, there are a few threads in the HTTP connector thread 
pool, a bunch of threads reading data from JK connections, and one or two in 
your app code.  I've never looked at the innards of JK, so will have to leave 
that to one of the JK experts to interpret.

- Peter

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RE: Problem setting Host

2009-06-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: hellian []
 I've been facing problem setting my Host property with Tomcat
 5.5. Please
 have a look on the code below and let me know what's wrong
 with my code.

 Now if I use the url, it doesn't work whereas the url does work well. Can anyone help me resolve this?

Cool, someone else using invisible ink :-).

We could help more if you supplied the code.

- Peter

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RE: how can i extract row http data from request

2009-06-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Meir Yanovich []
 i need to deal with legacy web app code , that needs to add basic
 authentication to it with sessions
 now i need to be able to extract the session id from the header (
 can't add sessions into the code )
 the scenario is that only once and only once per page i pass the
 session into the server side.
 but in the next server side calls i don't have it and i can add code
 to pass it into the server side call
 since i have the session from the first time i will save it into the
 map with the session id as the key.
 now i need only to be able to extract the session id on every
 client request .
 my question is .. can it be done ?

If I'm answering the right question...

Create a Filter.  Filters can do things to requests and responses before and/or 
after the legacy web app code sees the request.  The Filter can handle the 
authentication, for example by setting a cookie on a first response in a new 
session, and reading the cookie afterwards.

I suspect some of the other people on the list may have more information on how 
to do this - I know the theory, but haven't had to deal with authentication in 

- Peter

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RE: Error building Tomcat 6.0.18

2009-06-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: jhoare []
 I get the following errors trying to build Tomcat v6.0.18
 from source on linux?

... why?

Tomcat's pure Java, so runs the same on any platform.  Download Sun JDK, 
download zip of Tomcat, unzip, go.

- Peter

P.S. Say hi to Chisel ;-)

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RE: Deploying .war-file in Tomcat 5.5

2009-06-05 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Kai Behncke []
 I have installed Tomcat with apt-get install tomcat5.5 tomcat5.5-admin

From which we can assume you're running on Debian, rather than one of the many 
other platforms on which Tomcat runs?

 The default webapps-deirectoy is now:


Yes.  So that is the directory for the default (ROOT) webapp.  The directory 
for webapps is its parent directory.

 Tomcat is running and I copy a .war file in

 But how is this .war-file unpacked/deployed?

It won't be.  Copy/move it to /usr/share/tomcat5.5-webapps instead.

 I restarted Tomcat already with /etc/init.d/tomcat restart
 but don't get the filestructure of that war-file?

That's not surprising.  Put it in the right directory and try again.

- Peter

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RE: Deploying .war-file in Tomcat 5.5

2009-06-05 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: news [] On Behalf Of Marcus Better
 On Debian you should put it in /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps.

Ah - thanks, Marcus.  Debian's rather odd symlinking policy strikes again!

- Peter

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RE: Service Specific Error 0

2009-06-04 Thread Peter Crowther
Exact Tomcat version?  There are over 50 versions of Tomcat5.
Server 2008 x86 or x64?
Are you using the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the service wrapper?

- Peter

 -Original Message-
 From: aditya darbha []
 Sent: 04 June 2009 14:39
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Service Specific Error 0

 Hi AllWhen I install Apache Tomcat using net start
 Tomcat5  in Windows
 2003 32bit it starts the service with the specified credentials.

 However when I start the service using the same command net
 start Tomcat5 in
 Windows 2008, the service gets created, but it is not started
 even though
 the start mode is set to auto. When we try starting the
 service manually,
 it fails to start and exits displaying the error message
 Service Specific
 Error 0. NET HELPMSG 3547 for details. When I try the help
 message, there
 is no information and the logs are empty.

 How do I get out of this problem...

 Any help on this would be greatly appreciated..

 Thanks in advance...


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RE: Three tomcat instances

2009-06-03 Thread Peter Crowther
You don't tell us which version of Tomcat you're running, so it's hard to point 
you to the correct docs for your version on the Web.  However, if memory 
serves, look at the file RUNNING.txt in your Tomcat directory.  There's a 
section in there about setting up multiple Tomcats on the same machine.

- Peter

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: 03 June 2009 08:54
 Subject: Three tomcat instances

 I write a java web service and depending on a result i want it to call
 other web service (http://localhost:80/axis/serv.jws).
 But, i want serv.jws to be handled by three different servers
 on where i want to send it.
 How can i run three tomcats simultaneously?I read the server
 documentation,but mentions that only one server i can set
 into server.xml

 Any help appreciated.

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RE: How to reference Shared Libraries with TOMCAT

2009-06-03 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Sarva []
 Till now I have been deploying all the JARs in WEB-INF/lib
 folder of my Web Application and run it to satisfaction.


 Now we need a mechanism by which the JARs will not be stored
 in WEB-INF/lib
 but in a centralized location for example c:/lib, and all tomcat Web
 Applications should refer to this folder for all JARs required during

Why?  You will make a maintenance nightmare for yourself when the version of a 
jar changes for one application, but another application still needs the old 

 How can I do this.

Depends on your Tomcat version, which you didn't bother to tell us.

- Peter

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RE: How to kill the port used by tomcat

2009-06-03 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: kalpeer []
 How I can free the port without going to the original
 tomcat shutdown.

You have to kill the process that is using the port.

- Peter

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RE: How to kill the port used by tomcat

2009-06-03 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: kalpeer []
 Whats the command used to get the process id of the prot

That depends on your OS - which you haven't told us.  Tomcat should show up as 
a Java process, so if you're running a recent Java (which you also didn't tell 
us) then jps should tell you some possible process IDs.

- Peter

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RE: Too many open files

2009-06-03 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: []
 Can someone please help to to understand what might cause such an

File descriptor exhaustion - the process has run out of fds.  Any i/o could use 
a file descriptor, whether that's socket to httpd, socket to database or access 
to a file.  Naively, I'd expect lsof to show them - what makes you think it 

If you're lucky, you merely need to find the piece of code that's leaking 
resources and fix it - which I accept isn't always the easiest of jobs.  If 
you're *un*lucky, it's load related and you've just plain run out.  I'll leave 
the UNIX specialists to suggest ways of increasing the number of fds per 
process, but there have been some recent threads on here.

- Peter

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RE: Caching rendered page - reducing hits to the backend?

2009-06-02 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Andre-John Mas []
 I think I may end up simply ensuring that the database has
 enough memory and slowly evaluate where the bottle necks are.

It's often the best approach.  You can spend a lot of time optimising places 
that turn out not to be the bottleneck.  You can also spend a lot of time 
testing a new app, only to find out that the real usage patterns aren't like 
that at all and you suddenly need to optimise one operation that you never 
thought would be used heavily!

- Peter

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RE: Update server.xml without restart?

2009-06-02 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Lars Nielsen Lind []
 is it possible to update server.xml with out restart?

You can edit the file, but Tomcat will not notice the new configuration until 
you restart Tomcat.

What do you want to do?  There may be other ways to achieve your goal.

- Peter

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RE: Which Do I SSL - httpd or Tomcat?

2009-06-02 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Alston, Brian (US SSA) []
 I have a clustered/load-balanced Apache httpd and Tomcat
 setup. I have one httpd front end that load balances for two
 Tomcat back ends. I now want to add SSL to the mix but I am
 confused. Do I add the SSL to the httpd server, to the two
 Tomcat servers, or to all of them?

Unless you need secure communication between httpd and Tomcat (rare), keep the 
Tomcat comms unsecured and add SSL only to httpd.

- Peter

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RE: Which Do I SSL - httpd or Tomcat?

2009-06-02 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Alston, Brian (US SSA) []
 Thank you for reading and replying. Can I assume from
 your reply that if I am not on a secure LAN that I should SSL
 httpd and both Tomcat servers?

SSL between httpd and Tomcat will protect the channel between httpd and Tomcat 
from eavesdropping and some tampering.  How likely is someone to be able to 
intercept and/or tamper with the communication between your httpd and your 
Tomcat servers?  If it's unlikely (for example, because the httpd = Tomcat 
communication is via a LAN that you reckon is secure enough), you probably 
have better targets for your security effort.

- Peter

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RE: Newbie question: How to test if Tomcat is running?

2009-06-02 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Kai Behncke []
 I have installed tomcat on a Debian Etch-System via
 apt-get install tomcat5.5 tomcat5.5-admin tomcat5.5-webapps

 and started it with /etc/init.d/tomcat start

 Now I would like to test if it runs on my remote server, but
 if I type:

 nothing at all appears?

Unless Debian changes Tomcat's configuration a lot, the default port is port 
8080, not 8180.  Try that?

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat Concurrent Requests

2009-06-01 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: CrystalCracker []
 Given that each request takes 2 seconds on average. Among
 them, some of them
 take less than 500ms, and some take as long as 5 seconds or
 even a little more sometimes.

 How many  such concurrent request would a tomcat server
 running on a double quad-core server handle?

It's totally dependent on your application.  If a 5-second request is CPU-bound 
for all that time, very few.  If it's mostly waiting for data to be returned 
from a database or web service, probably quite a lot - but you may be 
saturating the database.  At the extreme, I could write a webapp that slept for 
500ms to 5 seconds, then returned some fixed output - almost no memory use, 
almost no CPU use, and it would scale very well indeed.

There is only one way to find out how your application will perform: measure 
it.  And measure end-to-end, with measurements of load-balancers, databases, 
web service back-ends and so on.  Anything else won't give you a true picture.

There is one general point, though.  You'll need to set up enough threads on 
your connector that you can handle that degree of concurrency, or Tomcat will 
become a bottleneck.

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat Concurrent Requests

2009-06-01 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: CrystalCracker []
 The 5 seconds calls are all database or webservice calls. So
 they all go to waiting state.

OK.  So the bottleneck almost certainly isn't Tomcat.

 I did some load tests using JMeter, but I had problems coming to a
 conclusion with the data. What should I look for exactly? Because as I
 increase the no of concurrent requests, the app starts
 responding slower and slower.

1) Make sure you're measuring the important things.  You should be measuring 
load on Tomcat, but also on the database and on the web services - and on the 

2) Look for the bottleneck.  It may be in an odd place - RAM or (equivalently, 
in many cases) disk seeks per second on the database server are both common 
bottlenecks.  There's no guarantee it's on your Web server at all (though it 
might be).

JMeter's output isn't useful for finding bottlenecks.  The output of tools on 
your servers *is* useful.  On Windows, Performance Monitor is your friend.  On 
UNIX, vmstat and iostat are good first lines of attack; your flavour of UNIX 
probably has better tools than those.

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat Concurrent Requests

2009-06-01 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 CrystalCracker wrote:
  How many  such concurrent request would a tomcat server
  running on a double quad-core server handle?
 At least 8 (1 per core), but that's about all you can tell without
 finding where the bottlenecks are.

If I wanted to *really* split hairs, I'd point out that one request might 
launch background threads and even this isn't necessarily true.  But I'm 
splitting hairs now.

- Peter

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RE: MaxPermSize, Tomcat startup trouble

2009-05-28 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Henjo []
 Thank you both for replying. The architecture is indeed x86
 (Windows 2003
 server) and changing OS is not an option right now (going live soon).

The alternative view: You can go live with a known-unreliable system, or you 
can change OS and go live with a maybe-unreliable system :-).

 The strange thing is that if we place all 20 contexts in the Tomcat
 6.0\webapps then we get this exception/error:

 Cause by  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space.

 If we place the contexts outside of the Tomcat 6.0\webapps (updated
 server.xml ofc), then we DON'T get the OutOfMemoryError.
 Because we'd like to use the WAR update mechanism, keeping
 all webapps in Tomcat 6.0\webapps is preferred.

I'm somewhat surprised.  Do all 20 contexts get started when they're elsewhere?

By the way, there's one other thing you *could* try if you had to reduce memory 
usage.  I don't like it, because it makes versioning the webapps a nightmare; 
but it might save you quite a lot of RAM and allow you to go live on the 
current hardware.  The choice is yours!

If many of your webapps use the same versions of the same jars, you *could* 
share them between webapps.  The classes will then be loaded once, rather than 
once per webapp, reducing the amount of PermGen required.  The problem, of 
course, is that your webapps are then locked to the same library versions - 
updating one webapp with a new library is a problem.

If you want to look at this approach, check the Tomcat 6 classloader how-to on 
the web site.  But if you do this, I would suggest you regard it as an 
emergency hack and look urgently at ways to remove it.

- Peter

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RE: MaxPermSize, Tomcat startup trouble

2009-05-27 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Henjo []
 OS is Windows 2003.

x86 or x64?

 Available RAM is 3.5Gb on the machine, so that's not a problem.

I assume x86 from that sizing.  As Chuck points out, you won't get the space 
you want given Windows' appalling memory use.

 Any ideas how we can get a much larger PermSpace going?

Change to an x64 Windows architecture, or change to a non-Windows OS (may not 
be large enough, even so), or run two (or more) Tomcat instances on the machine 
and split the contexts between them so that you don't need 1G of Permspace.

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat Server can't load himself (without using localhost)

2009-05-26 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Sibil87 []
 I mount Tomcat 6.0 on my server and u can visit it at

 If I open any browser from that machine and I try to visit
 http://localhost:8080 I can see my Servlet Manager and it's all ok.

 If I open any browser from that machine and I try to visit I don't have any response...

 Why is not working on the
 same machine?!?
 Is there any conf file of Tomcat I have to change to make it work?!?!

I think you have a firewall problem.  Check your firewall configuration on the 
computer - is port 8080 open?

- Peter

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RE: Why a dir names ondemand is not accessable under webapps/ ?

2009-05-26 Thread Peter Crowther
Tomcat version?
Anything in the logs?

 -Original Message-
 From: meili100 []
 Sent: 26 May 2009 06:21
 Subject: Why a dir names ondemand is not accessable under webapps/ ?

 I have multiple subdirs under webapps/ . All of them work
 fine except a dir
 called ondemand. It can not be access from browser. The
 permission has no
 problem. Indeed I can access it at first, but after few days it's not
 accessable. But if i rename it to, say mydir000, it works,
 but after few
 days it does not work any more.

 Any hint why it doesn't work? Thanks lot
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Tomcat - User mailing list archive at

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RE: Silent Installation of Apache Tomcat

2009-05-22 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: aditya darbha []
 If I decide against installing TOMCAT using the
 conventional exe in WINDOWS, is there a way I can install Tomcat?
 What files typically need to go into the installation?

Download the zip installation.  Unzip.  You now have the files.

- Peter

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RE: deploy my files with a different user than root

2009-05-22 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Jose Manuel Hostalet Wandosell
 I am using the tomcat manager to deploy my apps, but after
 deploy, web files have root as owner. I have permissions to
 deploy but I am not root of the machine, how can I deploy my
 files with a different user?

Don't run Tomcat as root.

- Peter

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RE: Performance: switch vs if ... else if

2009-05-22 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 As a
 result, right now I don't have any way of generating enough
 load to find
 a bottleneck in the overall servlet (which is a very good thing!!).

That's a win.  Congratulations!

- Peter

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RE: Silent Installation of Apache Tomcat

2009-05-21 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: aditya darbha []
 want to couple Apache Tomcat into my application. My
 installer would check
 for an existing installation of the TOMCAT and would try to
 install Tomcat
 if there is no existing installation.!!
 This installation has to be silent and the user need not
 explicitly know
 that Apache Tomcat is being installed.Is there a way of
 installing Apache
 Tomcat silently in Windows?

 If yes, how can I do it?

A Tomcat installation is just a bunch of files plus some way of starting 
Tomcat.  Your installer could install the files (don't forget you may need to 
install a JRE as well, as the machine may not already have an appropriate 
version installed).

Your installer could also call the script to create an appropriate service - it 
depends whether you want to start Tomcat as a service, or whether you just want 
it started when the user starts your program.  Be aware of your user base if 
you choose to do this.  In general, I get rather upset when an installer 
installs something that runs at startup on my machine and doesn't tell me.

- Peter

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RE: MAX Simultaneous connections with Tomcat on Windows XP Pro

2009-05-18 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Arijit Sarkar Job Gmail []
 So If I have an web application deployed on tomcat and windows XP pro,
 theoretically, unlimited users can connect to the application
 Tomcat or Windows XP does not place any limits to that?

There are no limits imposed by XP's license - XP's 10-connection limit applies 
only to it acting as a SMB server, and doesn't affect anything else.  Tomcat 
also doesn't impose any limits due to licensing.

Of course, you may still hit limits due to memory use, processor use, network 
bandwidth etc, number of concurrent sockets open etc..., but they're the 
standard ones you'd encounter on any operating system.

- Peter

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RE: Apache httpd vs Tomcat static content performance

2009-05-18 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Christopher Schultz []
 1. Is the number of requests (100, sufficient? It seems to take
forever on this machine... my Coyote tests took longer than

You want enough tests that they're sensitive to statistically significant 
differences that you're interested in finding.  The tests shouldn't be 
dominated by end effects - startup and shutdown.  I'd be more inclined to run 
*multiple* tests - 3 is about the minimum - to make sure that your single test 
hasn't been messed up by something unexpected.  I'd expect a few minutes per 
test to be enough to ignore end effects; I'd be far more inclined to run 10 
2-minute tests than 1 20-minute test, for example.

 2. Is a concurrency of 1 okay? I thought about it and testing the
ability of the OS to schedule processes and threads doesn't seem
like it adds anything to the data.

Depends.  *Exactly* what are you testing?  If it's who can serve the most 
bytes per second / requests per second, a concurrency of 1 isn't appropriate - 
you want to see what happens as you approach saturation, which is unlikely to 
happen with a single thread.  If it's who can serve load without horrible lock 
contention in the system, same answer.

 Below is the data I've collected so far. I'll publish everything on my
 blog, including graphs, etc. once it's finished. (Strange that httpd
 dramatically increased its transfer rate when requesting the
 16MiB file!)

Looks interesting.  Is there any way of finding out what the rate-limiting 
factor is in each case - CPU, memory bandwidth, memory capacity, disk bandwidth?

- Peter

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RE: Apache httpd vs Tomcat static content performance

2009-05-18 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Christopher Schultz []
 I suppose I could gauge each test so it would take (roughly) a certain
 amount of time (say, 10 minutes). At least then I'd know how long the
 entire battery would take :)

I think that's probably a better approach.

 Okay. My original test plan included concurrencies of 1, 2, 4, 8, and
 16. I think I'll just do 1 and 16 and maybe another one if I get the
 time. Maybe I should just get a faster server :)

1, 4, 16 would be interesting - and if you run for fixed time rather than fixed 
number of requests, you might be able to afford to do this.

 That's a good question... if the disk can't read the data any faster,
 than the server can't serve the bytes any faster (unless caching is
 being used, I suppose, but this is supposed to be
 out-of-the-box config).

You'd hope your underlying OS (Gentoo, I assume from your other message) would 
cache the file!

 Since this is a relatively old server (1500MHz 32-bit AMD Athlon), I'm
 surely being limited by just about everything except memory
 capacity (it
 doesn't take much memory to serve static content). I can easily get
 memory timing information, and I suspect my memory timing will
 significantly beat the throughput of the TCP stack (shared memory be
 damned). I can also benchmark my disk I suppose. Since I already have
 the transfer rates for the HTTP responses, I can simply see if the
 hardware is significantly faster than the server so rule-out any real
 hardware difficulties.

As a rough first cut, vmstat 5 and watch the numbers ;-).  iostat too, if you 
can.  If CPU isn't pegged at 100% and the disk isn't at full capacity, that's 
an interesting result as it implies the box has spare capacity and there's 
contention elsewhere - often lock contention, as David Kerber has recently seen!

It just seems a shame to waste the opportunity to gather information about 
*what* the rate limiter is, as well as at what point you get to the limit.

- Peter

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RE: Preventing OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-05-13 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 would it not be easier to catch the OOM exception and then return a
 sorry, server overloaded page to the browser ?

At that point, it's too late.  A thread, somewhere in the system, tried to 
allocate some memory for an object and couldn't.  This could happen anywhere!  
It might be while allocating the buffer to read the request, or the buffer to 
send the response, or even the socket instance from which to read the request.

There are then no guarantees.  You may be unable to send anything back to the 
client, as you may be unable to access the socket because the OOM was caused by 
trying to create that socket.  Or the thread that got the exception might be 
one of the threads processing incoming requests.  Once the system encounters an 
out-of-memory error, you pretty much have to stop the process and start again, 
as you generally have no idea what else has failed.  You can't even save any 
outstanding work to file, as there's no guarantee you can allocate the memory 
for the file object - if MS Word runs out of memory, you just lost your 

This isn't unique to Java, by the way - if you want a coding nightmare, try to 
handle *all* malloc() fails in a reasonably sized C program.  Or kalloc() calls 
in a kernel :-).  When you realise that running out of memory means you can no 
longer guarantee to allocate any new memory for any purpose at all, the scale 
of the problem becomes apparent.

- Peter

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RE: Preventing OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-05-13 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Todd Hivnor []
 One challenge with Peter's suggestion of tracking the
 number of sessions myself is that I have a collection
 of webapps. So I can't just set up a shared static counter;
 I need a counter which works across multiple webapps.
 The only way I know to do that is to use a text file,
 and take care about locking the file before updating it.
 Or perhaps I can use ServletContext.

Some classes can be shared across webapps, though the precise approach varies 
depending on the version.  See the Classloader how-to for your Tomcat version 
at for details.  Pre-6.0, you could load a class 
through the common or shared classloaders; in 6.0, your options are reduced 
somewhat.  That class could keep a common integer.  It doesn't have to be a 
straight session count; you could weight it based on the relative sizes of the 
sessions.  A heavy session increments the counter by 10, a light one by 1.

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat Cluster Deployment without WAR

2009-05-13 Thread Peter Crowther

 From: Alexander Diedler []
 WatchDir is F:\inetpub\wwwroot  if there is something changed,
 it should be deployed to all other cluster nodes.

If you're on Windows, why not use the built-in file replication to replicate 
changes between the nodes rather than use Tomcat?

- Peter

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RE: Preventing OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-05-13 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 Thanks, Chuck and Peter, for the clarifications on OOM.
 I believe that unconsciously, with my large object
 reservation theory,
 I was vaguely remembering something I had read some time in the past.
 So I searched Google for java +parachute +memory and this
 is something
 I found :

 Does this have any bearing on the OP's issue ?

 It is past me capacities to see if it is relevant or not (I don't mean
 the above post per se, but the idea).


The idea's relevant... as long as you realise that all it's doing is defending 
a very few critical areas of Tomcat's code against some (not all) OOMEs.  
Another thread could allocate heap memory between lines in this code, leading 
to unexpected failures because the memory freed by the parachute has been used 
elsewhere; and it doesn't defend all areas of Tomcat's code (I think - Filip 
will no doubt correct me).

It's a great way of helping to make sure that, most of the time, it's at least 
possible to log an OOME - assuming the application passes it up the stack, 
which most will.  It's not a general solution without a lot more work; each 
webapp would have to do something similar at each point that it might allocate 
heap memory.

- Peter

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-12 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David Kerber []
 I definitely should hook a profiler to the app so I can be sure of
 what's taking the time, though.

Yes.  If you don't measure it, you don't know whether you're fixing the right 

Also consider connector, then if necessary process and OS limits on the number 
of concurrent connections.  Do you usually have connector threads sat idle, or 
are they all reading and processing requests most/all of the time?  A thread 
dump will tell you - the last one you posted had at least one thread in the 
pool waiting for a connection, and you can simply spot which others look 
similar.  The other way to check would be to monitor the depth of your 
connector's socket's accept queue, but I'm not aware of any way to do this in 

At this point, I'm guessing on any remaining bottlenecks.  I recall your 
network is gigabit from the router (I think I've recalled correctly), but also 

- Is the firewall or router overloaded?  Highly unlikely if they're properly 
specced, but I have been in one data centre where the bottleneck turned out to 
be the routers.*

- What's your external connectivity like?  Gigabit from the router is 
irrelevant if you're trying to fit 20 Mbit/s of data down a 10 Mbit/s pipe :-).

- Peter

* Names elided to protect the innocent, but a manufacturer's claim that a 
particular spec of router could handle two ISDN primaries turned out to be 
correct in the USA (23 B-channels per PRI) and wrong in Europe (30 B-channels 
per PRI).

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-12 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 In my original post, I posted a bunch of numbers about
 network and other
 possible bottlenecks, and what it boiled down to was that neither my
 firewall load, nor total internet connection bandwidth were close to
 their limits.

Thanks.  Apologies for not referring back!

 I do have questions about the number of connections that
 the OS networking stack can handle, but have not figured out how to
 check on that.

As a first step:
netstat -an  somefile.txt
How many TCP sockets are there in the result?

 The outside world connection is a full T-1, running about 40% - 50%
 capacity on average.

Dedicated or contended bandwidth?  Can you get the other 50-60% out of it if 
you try hard from another machine on the same network, or do you never get it 
in reality?

- Peter

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-12 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 Just over 1000 total, 810 to the port that this application is using.

Should be fine on Windows.

 The vast majority are showing a status of TIME_WAIT, a dozen or so in
 ESTABLISHED and one (I think) in FIN_WAIT_1.

Sounds fair enough.  The ESTABLISHED ones are active both ways and able to 
transfer data; the one in FIN_WAIT_1 has been closed at one end but the other 
end's still open; and the ones in TIME_WAIT are closed but tombstoned so the 
TCP stack knows to throw away any data that arrives for them.  None of those 
are a surprise.

 That's our corporate connection, so it's shared across all
 users.  I can
 easily run it up to 100%  it by doing a large d/l from
 somewhere (I need
 to plan my patch Tuesday updates to avoid trouble), so my router and
 firewall have no trouble handling the full bandwidth.

Ah, OK.

 However, those
 are low numbers of high-throughput connections.  This app
 produces large
 numbers of connections, each with small amounts of data, so
 it may scale differently.

It may, but I'd be a little surprised - IP is IP, and you have enough 
concurrency that latency shouldn't be a problem.

That said, if a client has multiple data items to send in rapid succession, 
does it accumulate those and batch them, or does it send each one as a 
different request?  Or does the situation never arise?

- Peter

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RE: Analyzing Tomcat related VM crash?

2009-05-12 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Rainer Jung []
 Look for a GC fix (1.6.0_13), or try the child vm, or try switching to
 another GC algorithm, like CMS.

(Coming to the thread late, sorry if this has all already been said).

Also consider bad RAM, or memory corruption caused by some native code, if you 
have any native code in your app - JNI, ODBC drivers, other database drivers 
that are not pure Java, etc.  From my days dealing with  Smalltalk GC, I found 
the commonest cause of a crash during GC was a bad object header somewhere in 
the heap - usually because something's overwritten it or a bit's flipped due to 
bad RAM.

- Peter

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[OT] RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-12 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 A typical client will have 2 to 5 items to send per
 transaction (they're
 actually lines from a data logger's data file), and each line
 is done in
 a separate POST request.  The frequency of transactions varies widely,
 but typically won't exceed one every 10 or 15 seconds from any given
 site.  As I mentioned earlier, each data line is small, 20 to
 50 bytes.

OK, so your top end is about 1 line every 2 seconds.  You'll need at least 2 
round-trip times (RTT) per line (SYN out, SYN-ACK back, ACK-DATA out, ACK-DATA 
back, plus the FIN-ACK out), but that's not a high rate.

 We had looked at batching up the transmissions before, and
 it's still an
 option.  However that adds a bit of complexity to the software on both
 ends, though the gain would be far fewer individual requests to
 process.  For now, we prefer the simplicity of line-by-line
 transmission, but if we start running into network limitations we'll
 probably start batching them up.

I'm interested - and this is now a long way from Tomcat, hence the [OT] mark 
above.  If a set of lines represents one transaction, why would you ever not 
send it and try to process it atomically?  Or is it acceptable to have 
part-transactions within your system?

- Peter

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-11 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 My cpu usage for tomcat
 has gone from bouncing between 0 and 1 in task manager, to a steady 2
 since more threads are now actually doing work instead of waiting around
 for their turn at the code, my disk writes per sec in perfmon have also
 more than doubled, and the destination log file is growing much faster
 as well.

All excellent news.  The fact that you've seen the performance double means 
that there was, in fact, a bottleneck there.  Have you taken a new thread dump 
to see whether the locks (almost certainly on the log write) are still a 
problem?  If so, you might have to go to a more complex scheme such as multiple 
log files managed by a pool manager.  Don't even try to write the pool manager 
yourself; they're horribly messy things to get right and shake the race 
conditions out*.  I half-remember Jakarta Commons has one that can be adapted 
if you get to that stage.

 Thanks a ton!!!

No problem.

- Peter

* Yes, I did implement one.  I still have the scars.

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RE: Preventing OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-05-11 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Todd Hivnor []
 I would like to proactively avoid running out of heap
 space. I would like people get a Server Too Busy
 message, _before_ the heap is actually exhausted.

 I would rather serve 40 users well than 45 users

Rather than monitor memory, which is subject to GC whims as George points out, 
I'd suggest monitoring the number of sessions in your application - find a 
number of sessions you can live with, keep a (suitably synchronized) counter 
that's incremented and decremented as sessions are created and destroyed, and 
don't start new sessions if that counter is higher than your threshold.

- Peter

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David Kerber []
 The synchronized section doesn't do a whole lot, so it
 doesn't take long to process.

Indeed.  So take a thread dump and see what's happening before making *any* 
changes to this key part.

 My question is, what kinds of operations need to be
 synchronized?  All I do is decrypt the data from the POST,
 send a small
 acknowledgement response back to the site, and write the line
 to the log
 file.  Does that sound like something that would need to be
 synchronized?  If not, pulling that out would be a really easy test to
 see if it helps my performance issue.

Decrypt: parallel.
Send ack: parallel.
Increment counters: synced.
Write to log file: synced (or you'll have some very odd stuff happening).

- Peter

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 Also, right now I'm doing a .flush() after the .write() to the log
 file.  Is that usually necessary, other than to avoid losing
 data lines in case of a system failure?

No, other than that.

What disk subsystem are you running on?  Start Performance Monitor and, from 
Physical Disks, monitor your disk writes per second.  If it's over 150(ish, 
depending on the disk) per spindle in your disk array, you're saturating your 

 How would a
 .flush() affect the speed of returning from a synchronized .write()?

It can be significant, as the data has to get to the file.  I'd check the 
above.  Also, do you have any battery-backed write cache (BBWC) on the disk 
subsystem and how's it configured?  On systems where disk has proved to be the 
bottleneck, and there are many small pieces of data being written, I've seen 
better than a factor of 10 improvement by adding write cache in this way.

- Peter

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 I'll look into that to be sure, but I don't think the HD is limiting.

I think I agree with you, but it's a classic area that people miss - Intel have 
done entirely too good a job of branding the CPU as the only place where speed 

- Peter

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 Now that I've got a thread dump, what am I looking for?

You found it first time :-).  Now the hard part - fixing it.

 I've got a
 bunch of sections like this, pretty much all of which are waiting to
 lock 0x057c73e0.  Is there any way to figure out what that
 object is?
 I imagine it's the disk write, but can't figure out how to
 tell for sure.

It's the sync at the start of your method.

 [2009-05-08 10:43:24] [info] waiting for monitor entry
 [2009-05-08 10:43:24] [info] [0x2739f000..0x2739fb64]
 [2009-05-08 10:43:24] [info] at
 [2009-05-08 10:43:24] [info] - waiting to lock 0x057c73e0 (a

... so they're all waiting to get the monitor on a eddsrv.EddRcvr, which is 
what the synchronized on your doPost method will lock on.

If you say pretty much all are stuck there, then you have massive contention on 
that monitor.  Time to move to some finer-grained locking!  As a first step, 
I'd remove the synchronized from the method; I'd replace it with one lock 
around the counter updates (locked on one object) and another lock in your 
decrypt/log/respond code that's purely around the logging section (locked on a 
different object).  Then I'd re-evaluate - run, take another thread dump and 
see where the bottlenecks are now.  If they're anywhere, I'll bet they're 
around the logging code.

- Peter

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 I also have quite a few blocks like this:
 [2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info] - locked 0x0510e6e0 (a
 I assume these are just threads waiting for something to do
 (waiting for a request)?

They look like spares in the pool, but my knowledge of Tomcat's internals is 

 Until you said that, I didn't even notice that I had what appear to be
 double synchronizations, making the method synchronized, and also
 having synchronized{} blocks inside it.  I assume I've been
 double-screwing myself all this time??

Yeah, I did raise an eyebrow when I saw it.  It'll take a few CPU cycles per 
request, but no more than that.  Only one thread can get into the method, so 
any internal syncs just add overhead.  They're not further places for 
contention to occur.

- Peter

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Caldarale, Charles R []
 Strictly speaking, that's one thread per *servlet* object; if
 using the SingleThreadModel (let's hope not), the container
 is allowed to create multiple instances.

Good point in the general case, but I rather suspect David would have seen very 
different performance characteristics and some *very* confused output if that 
were the case here.

  They're not further places for contention to occur.
 Depending on what else uses the criticalProcess object, that
 may or may not be true.

Another good point.  I was assuming something that isn't necessarily true, 
namely that criticalProcess was created for just that sync block.

Meh, why don't I bow out and leave Chuck to give all the good answers? ;-)

- Peter

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RE: Performance with many small requests

2009-05-07 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David kerber []
 The tomcat application simply takes the post request,
 does a checksum verification of it, decrypts the
 lightly-encrypted data,
 and writes it to a log file with the timestamps and site identifiers I
 mentioned above.  Pretty simple processing, and it is all inside a
 synchronized{} construct:

 protected synchronized void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response )
 throws ServletException, IOException {
 synchronized ( criticalProcess ) {
 processRequest( request, response, false );

Doesn't the synchronized in the above mean that you're essentially 
single-threading Tomcat?  So you have all this infrastructure... and that sync 
may well be the bottleneck.

You could detect this by taking a thread dump in the middle of the day, and 
seeing whether a significant number of threads were waiting on either of your 
sync objects.  If there are a significant number, consider re-engineering this 
critical piece of your application to be multi-threaded :-).

- Peter

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RE: invalid certificate

2009-05-06 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Melanie Pfefer []
 So you mean this error cannot be fixed?
 All self-signed certificates have this problem when a browser
 accesses the page using ssl?

If the browser doesn't trust the root certificate that certifies the 
self-signed cert, it will give at least a warning and in some cases an error.  
This is a good thing, as otherwise I could create a self-signed certificate 
that said my web server was, trick your browser into 
visiting my server, and you wouldn't see a warning.

Think of a certificate as being ID for that web server.  A certificate signed 
by a root certificate authority (CA) that's trusted by the browser is like a 
passport - slow and expensive to get, but almost everybody trusts it as ID.  A 
self-signed certificate is like a letter you've signed as proof of your own 
identity - fast and cheap to get, but not very good for proving who you are.

Is your web application being used on the Internet, or within the company?

If it's on the Internet, you really don't have a choice - if you want SSL and 
no warnings, you'll have to get a certificate signed by a well-known 
certificate authority, and you'll have to pay the money for that.

If it's on your internal network, the alternative is to add your company root 
CA to the browsers' trust list, then use an internally-generated cert.  You 
still can't use a *self-signed* cert as they're always one-offs, but you can 
generate one from your company CA if you have it.  Clearly if you don't have a 
company CA, you can't do this!

- Peter

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RE: hot-deploy problems

2009-05-01 Thread Peter Crowther
Tomcat version?
Java version?

 -Original Message-
 From: david owens []
 Sent: 01 May 2009 15:52
 Subject: hot-deploy problems

 I hope you folks are not sick to death of this question, but
 I have still not found a satisfactory answer.

 I used to hot-deploy war files with no problems, and about
 half the time I get ZipException: error in opening zip
 file, or Illegal access: this web application
 instance has been stopped already. errors.

 I don't currently specify a config.xml and it seems to
 have something to do with that (docbase and appbase being
 the same?).

 But I hate to add app configurations that are not contained
 in the war files themselves.  Is there a way to solve this
 with the META-INF/config.xml?  If so, can someone please
 provide an example?  If not, what is the best solution?  (I
 have no spaces or other unusual characters in my jar or war
 file names, and half the time things work fine).

 Thank you much,
 -- David D.

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RE: Slightly OT: log4j - generic log4j.dtd

2009-04-30 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Gregor Schneider []
 Most of you may know the typical first lines of any

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
 !DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd

Why does the DTD need to be stored relative to the XML file rather than (say) 
with its correct absolute path, then use the XML parser's preferred solution to 
tell it where the local DTD cache is?

This is just an idle thought - I've no idea how or even whether it would work 
in Tomcat, as I don't know how you'd set up the cache location.  But most XML 
parsers have one *somewhere*.

- Peter

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RE: GC Problem

2009-04-29 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: S Arvind []
 Tomcat after running for couple of hours , somthing is
 getting wrong and it
 is keep on doing Garbage Collection(as it dispaly in console)
 . And tomcat
 also becoming dump slow.. and we cant able to do any, until
 it restarts...

I suspect your application has a memory leak somewhere - and it is almost 
always the application, not Tomcat :-).  Use a profiler to find out where all 
the memory is going.

Do you get out-of-memory errors in the Tomcat log files if you leave the 
application running even once it has become slow?

- Peter

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RE: GC Problem

2009-04-29 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: S Arvind []
 Yeah daily atleast once Out-of-memory will raise and we will
 restart the tomcat.

As the amount of free memory goes down, the JVM will have to collect garbage 
more and more frequently, until you get the symptoms you see where it is 
spending most of its time in GC.

You can prove it's a memory leak by increasing the amount of RAM available to 
the JVM.  If you still run out of memory - but a little later - it's almost 
certainly a leak.

- Peter

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RE: GC Problem

2009-04-29 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: S Arvind []
 Is there any good settings for GC for tomcat running in
 server with 4GB and Quad Core processor.

As much RAM as the OS doesn't need for other purposes.  There's no straiht 
answer for this, as it depends what else is running on the box.  You might try 
initial and maximum heap sizes of 3 Gbytes, but that's a finger-in-the-air 
guess.  Try it; measure it; and adjust it if your application spends a lot of 
time collecting garbage, or if the OS starts using its swap file.

 I bascially need GC parameter for

I'm going to make a prediction: it doesn't matter how much RAM you allocate, 
you won't have enough.  You will still run out of memory and have to restart 
Tomcat.  I think this, because I think you have a memory leak in your 

- Peter

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RE: Extra Threads in background

2009-04-29 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: David.Meldrum []
 My least favorite activity is programming by experiment.

Try Morris dancing sometime ;-).*  Alternatively, enable debugging, connect a 
suitable debugger and set a breakpoint in the code you want to prevent being 
called twice?  Depends on the toolset you have available.

- Peter

* Before I get descended upon by a side of stick-wielding real ale enthusiasts 
wearing bells, I should probably point out that I've played for, run sound for 
and danced Morris.

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RE: Why we need two servers (httpd and tomcat)

2009-04-27 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Vinay Nagrik []
 Can someone explain to me the basic difference between httpd
 and tomacat serer.  What one can do so the other can not do.

Apache httpd can serve static content over HTTP.  It can have modules plugged 
in (CGI, perl, PHP) to serve various kinds of dynamic content.  It has many 
modules, and very flexible configuration options.  It is written in C and needs 
to be compiled for each platform.  It cannot serve Java servlet content; for 
that you need a Java servlet container, which you can connect to it in various 

Apache Tomcat is a Java servlet specification-compliant servlet container.  It 
can serve static content over HTTP.  It has built-in facilities for serving 
Java servlets, and requires no modules to do this.  It has relatively few 
modules, and some configuration has to be done in code where Apache httpd 
allows configuration through files.  It is written in Java, and portable to any 
platform able to run a (sensible) Java virtual machine.  It can be connected to 
Apache httpd in various ways so that httpd can appear to serve servlet content.

 And why do we need these two servers in the first place.

Because httpd doesn't serve Java servlets (and Tomcat doesn't serve perl and 
PHP efficiently, though it's pretty good at static content).  Even if httpd did 
everything, someone would write a pure Java web server and servlet container, 
because Java developers are like that :-).

- Peter

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RE: JVM crash issue

2009-04-23 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: jochen []
 I deployed an inhouse application in Tomcat 6.0 and I
 experienced random JVM crashes for two weeks.

Are you *absolutely certain* your hardware is good?  We've had several reports 
of JVM crashes on this list where the real problem is faulty hardware - usually 
bad RAM.  It's far more common than most people realise.  Test by running the 
application on different hardware.

 Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM
 code, C=native code)
 V  []
 Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
 v  ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
 v  ~BufferBlob::Interpreter

The code that is closest to the crash is this OpenSymphony code, which is then 
invoking something by reflection when the crash happens.

Do the crashes always happen at the same point in the code?  If so, I'd ask 
OpenSymphony :-).  If not, I suspect bad hardware - but you might want to 
analyse several crash dumps to look for common factors.

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat shutsdown automatically

2009-04-23 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Potri Raaja []
   Our Tomcat application server is throwing the below
 mentioned eror and
 it shutsdown automatically. This happens occasionally i.e.,
 once or twice in
 a week.Can you please suggest us with a solution to solve this issue.
 # An error report file with more information is saved as

Read the error log.  See if it gives you any more information.  At the very 
least, it'll tell you what the JVM was doing at the time.

- Peter

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RE: Apache HTTP before Tomcat

2009-04-23 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Bart Ophelders []
 If I put an Apache HTTP server in front of Tomcat, will this
 influence performance?


- Peter

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RE: Tomcat shutsdown automatically

2009-04-23 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Potri Raaja []
 The below mentioned details are the error message from the
 hs_err_pid29022.log file, can you please look in to this and
 help me out to trace the exact issue.

The fault is happening in some native code in the Oracle driver 
(  I'm with Chuck, I'd try the native Java Oracle client and 
see whether the problem goes away.  Failing that, check with Oracle about any 
issues between their native client and your exact JVM version and environment?

  Stack: [0x22e7f000,0x22f0),  sp=0x22efe9a8,  free space=510k
  Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM
 code, C=native
  C  []
  C  []

- Peter

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RE: Problem with maximum threads

2009-04-21 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: connossieur []
 There is no problem in the application code.

How have you proved this?

Take a thread dump (you're on Java 1.6, so you can use jstack).  What are the 
threads doing?

- Peter

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RE: Problem with maximum threads

2009-04-21 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: connossieur []
 The application doesn't have problems as I tested it with
 Visual VM (profiler for java 6) on Windows.

OK.  You've done more research than most, then - we get a lot of people blaming 
Tomcat as the first thing they do, so we tend to have some well-developed 
check your code! reflexes.

 Anyways, can there be problem with Tomcat?

It's pretty stable.  But no code is ever 100% guaranteed bug-free, despite what 
we might like, so there always *can* be a problem :-).

6.0.9 is quite old now; the current version is 6.0.18, and there have been a 
number of bugfixes.  How tied are you to the old version - can you update and 
see whether that resolves the issue?

 I mean, I have limited the number of threads, still tomcat
 spawns more than 1000 threads?

This is where that thread dump comes in.  *Something* is spawning threads - 
rather than guess what's doing it, let's get some evidence of what they're 
doing?  Then we stand a better chance of working out what's spawning them.

- Peter

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RE: Problem with maximum threads

2009-04-21 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Christopher Schultz []
 Also, please post a full thread
 dump. I want to see 1000 complete stack traces, baby.

Mmm, that's a good few kilos of carbon to shift the bits around the mailing 
list subscribers ;-).  Any chance of putting the thread dump on a convenient 
web site and posting a link?

- Peter

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RE: What Tomcat presentations / demos / discussions do you want to see at ApacheCon US 2009?

2009-04-16 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 How about a session like :

 Everything you always wanted to know about connecting Apache
 httpd and Tomcat, but never dared to ask

 To be given jointly by Apache httpd AND Tomcat experts.

 - when do you need to do that, and when do you not really need it

Ye gods.  You'll have a religious war between the presenters!

- Peter

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RE: CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it

2009-04-14 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
  public void close()
  throws SomeException
  socket = null;
 flush() being another function which reads the socket until there's
 nothing left to read, and throws away the result.
 socket is a property of the object created by this class, obtained
 somewhere else from a object.
 Looking at that code above, it is obvious that socket is open, until
 it is set to null, without previously doing a socket.close().
 I don't know Java enough to know if this alone could cause that socket
 to be lingering until the GC, but I kind of suspect so.

Nice piece of detective work, André!  Yes, that code's broken - the socket's 
not referenced but not closed, so it will stay open until a GC tidies it up.

$deity only knows what the original developer was thinking when they wrote that.

- Peter

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[Mildly OT] RE: apache/tomcat communication issues (502 response)

2009-04-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 a TCP CLOSE_WAIT state happens when the writing side of a TCP
 has finished writing and (nicely) closes its side of the socket to
 indicate the fact,


 but the reading side of the connection does not read
 what is left in the buffers, so there is still some data unread in the

No.  It merely means that the reader has not yet closed the socket.  You're 
putting more context behind that than there really is - the reader may, for 
example, have read all the data, but never have issued the close() call.

 and the reading side never closes the socket.

Has not yet closed :-).
 (itself reproduced from TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2) is a useful resource 
if you want to know what the states mean.  If you're seeing CLOSE_WAITs on the 
Tomcat server, it means the client has sent a FIN and Tomcat's ACKed that.  If 
you can, look on the client to see what's happening.  If you see connections in 
FIN_WAIT_1, the client never got the ACK from Tomcat, if you see connections in 
FIN_WAIT_2, the client got the ACK and is sitting around waiting for Tomcat to 
close the connection and send a FIN.

- Peter

P.S. Yes, I used to teach this stuff ;-).

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RE: CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it

2009-04-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 It has been previously established that a socket in a
 long-time-lingering CLOSE-WAIT status, is due to one or the other side
 of a TCP connection not properly closing its side of the
 connection when
 it is done with it.
 I also surmise (without having a definite proof of this), that this is
 essentially bad, as it ties up some resources that could be
 otherwise freed.

At the very least it'll tie up a kernel data structure for the socket itself.  
I don't know modern Linux kernels well enough to know how buffers are 
allocated, but I suspect you won't be wasting much memory on buffers as they'll 
be allocated on-demand.  You're probably talking tens to low hundreds of bytes 
for each one of these.

You will also be consuming resources in whichever program is not closing the 
sockets correctly.

 So my question is : considering the situation above, is there
 I can do locally to free these lingering CLOSE_WAIT sockets, and under
 which conditions ?

 For example, I see this line :
 tcp6  12  0 :::  :::
 CLOSE_WAIT 29649/java
 which tells me that there is a local process 29649/java,
 whith a local
 socket port 41674 in the CLOSE_WAIT state, related to another socket
 #11002 on the same host.
 On the other hand, I see this line :
 tcp0  0
 which shows a local socket on port 11002, related to this
 other local
 socket port #41764, with no process-id/program displayed.
 What does that tell me ?

The process that was on port 11002 closed its end of the socket and sent a FIN. 
 Process 29649 hasn't closed its end of the socket yet.

 I also know that the process-id 29649 corresponds to a local java
 process, of the daemon variety, multi-threaded.  That program
 talks to
 another known server program, written in C, of which instances are
 started on an ad-hoc base by inetd, and which listens on port 11002
 (in fact it is inetd who does, and it passes this socket on to the
 process it forks, I understand that).

The local Java process may have a resource leak.  It appears not to have closed 
the socket it was using to communicate with the server.

A possible reason for the lack of a PID on port 11002 is that the socket was 
handed across from inetd to the C daemon - not sure about this.

 What it looks like to me in this case, is that at some point
 one of the
 threads of process # 29649 opened a client socket #41674 to the local
 inetd port #11002; that inetd then started the underlying
 server process
 (the C program); that the underlying C program then at some point
 exited; but that process #41674 never closes one of the sides of its
 connection with port #11002.


 Can I somehow detect this condition, and force the
 offending thread of
 process #29649 to close that socket (or just force this
 thread to exit) ?

Threads are flows of control.  Threads do not reference objects other than from 
their stack and any thread-local storage - and there are plenty of other places 
that can hold onto objects!  The socket may well be referenced from an object 
on the heap (not the stack) that's ultimately referenced by a static variable 
in a class, for example, in which case zapping a thread may well do nothing.

You need to find out what, if anything, is holding onto the socket.

If you have some way of forcing that Java process to collect garbage, you 
should do so.  It's possible for sockets that haven't been close()d to hang 
around, unreferenced but not yet garbage collected.  A full GC would collect 
any of these, finalizing them as it does and hence closing the socket.  If a 
full GC doesn't close the socket, some other object is still referencing it.

If a full GC doesn't clear the problem, you may need to go in with some 
memory-tracing tool and find out what's holding onto the socket.  It's a long, 
long time since I had to do this in Java, so I have no idea of the appropriate 
tools - my brain's telling me Son of Strike, which is for the .Net CLR and 
*definitely* wrong!

Does that help?  Or is it clear as mud?

- Peter

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RE: CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it

2009-04-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 This process is started as a daemon, with a java command-line.
 Is it possible to add some arguments to that command-line to induce
 the JVM to do a GC more often ? - I don't 
think so, although the RMI option under Explicit Garbage Collection might 

 The same question for the related Tomcat webapp (which I suspect of
 having the same issue).  But in that case I do have to be a bit more
 careful regarding the performance impact, although this
 webapp is pretty much all that is running in this Tomcat.

That one's easy.  Add another webapp with one page.  When the page is 
requested, call System.GC().  Job done!

 Relatedly, does there exist any way to force a given JVM
 process to do a
 full GC interactively, but from a Linux command-line ?

I'm not aware of one, but I'm not an expert.  I await the experts' comments 
with interest!

- Peter

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RE: Installing Tomcat

2009-04-08 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Jonathan Mast []
 I'm trying to get Tomcat 6 running on a RedHat box.

 I don't want to build deamon with jsvc as the docs say I
 should do, at least
 not yet.  Is this the extent of the official documentation
 for setting up Tomcat on Linux?

You don't say what this is, so we can't help you.

 I installed JDK 6 and Tomcat 6, defined JAVA_HOME and
 TOMCAT_HOME and setup
 have a Host and Context in server.xml for  I invoke start and get a process running, but I can't reach mysite.

*Exactly* how are you trying to reach it?  From what computer, and what are you 
trying as the address?  If it's, have you changed your hosts 
file or DNS so that it points to your computer rather than off into the 

What happens if you browse to http://localhost:8080?

 I should say that apache httpd 2.0 is already running on this
 machine and my is reachable there, so I figured would
 take me to tomcat.  Is that a correct assumption? IE. Should
 I be able to by httpd by tacking :8080 onto the url?

If you still have a default server.xml, this should work.  However, you've 
changed your server.xml.  You haven't bothered to post your new one, so we 
can't tell whether this would work or not.

 If I kill apache httpd (I have no intention of using it going
 forward), will
 updating server.xml with port 80 rather than port 8080
 automagically get
 everything to work, or is there other stuff I need to do
 before Tomcat will
 run as a standalone webserver?

With the default server.xml, simply changing 8080 to 80 (and ensuring the 
process at least starts as root, which is why jsvc is so important) will be all 
you need to do.  With your server.xml?  Nobody on the list will have any idea.

Give us some more information, please - we're not psychic!

- Peter

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RE: Jsp working fine from tomcat, but displaying source when accessed through apache (Only on Firefox)

2009-04-07 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: newToMina []
 I have jsp page which displays fine when I access it directly
 from tomcat.
 But when the page is access through apache (mod_jk) it
 displays the source code.

Do you have a JkMount for the directory with the .jsp in *and* the same 
directory exposed directly through httpd?  Seems unlikely to be the problem 
givem that both responses shown below return a JSESSIONID cookie, but even 

 This is happening only on Firefox and on IE it works fine.

What do the requests look like?  Presumably there's a key difference somewhere?

- Peter

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[OT] RE: Slow servlet response under WinXP Pro

2009-04-01 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: []
 This may be key.  Can you recommend any option changes based on your
 experience?  One thing I was hoping for was to exclude certain
 directories/processes from being scanned by Symantec 11.0,
 but I can not find a way to do this.  Does a way exist?

If it can't do that, change AV providers - at least for any server that 
supplies database services.

No, I'm not joking.  I've seen everything from slow performance to a production 
SQL Server detaching databases and marking them corrupt due to poor AV 

- Peter

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RE: redirection

2009-04-01 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: fredk2 []
 I would be better...The apache httpd web server is more

Irrelevant to this problem.

 and its vulnerabilities are better researched.

References for that assertion?  I'm not disagreeing, I'd just be interested in 
the hard data.

 You can also add
 mod_security and
 other modules to further protect the Tomcat against common
 attacks (assuming you do not use a WAF firewall).

And, indeed, that Apache + mod_security + mod_jk + Tomcat has fewer 
vulnerabilities than just Tomcat.

 Furthermore you can add more Tomcats and
 balance when needed...

Irrelevant to this problem, though I agree with you in the general case.

 also on unix if you do not use jsvc or
 iptable you
 need to run tomcat as root for port 80 which is not a good

True, but that's like saying if you do not have a lock on your front door, 
your front door will not be locked which is not a good idea.  Why would anyone 
*not* run using jsvc or iptables?

- Peter

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RE: redirection

2009-04-01 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Gregor Schneider []
 On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Peter Crowther wrote:
  And, indeed, that Apache + mod_security + mod_jk + Tomcat
 has fewer vulnerabilities than just Tomcat.

 Since I'm interested on hard data, too, hand over the facts, please.

Quite.  If you look at the full original quote...

-- snip --
 From: fredk2 []
 (assuming you do not use a WAF firewall).

And, indeed, that Apache + mod_security + mod_jk + Tomcat has fewer 
vulnerabilities than just Tomcat.
-- snip --

... I was re-using the assuming from the previous poster's brackets.  Sorry - 
I should have made that more explicit.  Here's the re-stated version:

And, indeed, *assuming* that Apache + mod_security + mod_jk + Tomcat has fewer 
vulnerabilities than just Tomcat.

I'd also be very interested to see the evidence (either way) on that.

- Peter

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[OT] RE: redirection

2009-04-01 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Gregor Schneider []
 See, I believe in the statement that the more components you're adding
 to an environment, the more possibilities there are for a
 security-hole. However, to believe is not to know...

It's clear that a naïve more components = less secure argument doesn't work 
in computer security, as I think few people on this list would argue with the 
following: A Tomcat server with a dedicated firewall in front will be more 
secure than the same Tomcat with no dedicated firewall in front.  Here, more 
components - and the assumption of fitness for purpose and correct 
configuration - lead to an assumption of higher rather than lower security.

So we're then into a discussion of how well httpd + mod_security + { mod_proxy, 
mod_jk} would serve for the purpose - a discussion of the *quality* of the 
components, rather than just the *quantity*.  And that's why I'd love to see 
the hard data because, like you, I don't know :-).

- Peter

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RE: [OT] of very off topic marketing question

2009-03-22 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 Peter Crowther wrote:
  I'm also particularly amused by the topmost set of bars in
 figure 2, given how proud the perl-ites are of their RE
 library and performance ;-).
 You didn't expect for a minute that this would remain
 unanswered, did you ?
 First, the perl-ites would answer that the comparison being
 with PHP, it is of little relevance.

sigh.  Quite.  One of these days I'll learn to read... apologies.

- Peter

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[OT] RE: very off topic marketing question

2009-03-21 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Christopher Schultz []
 I wonder how the folks over at Wikipedia feel about their PHP-based
 system. I suspect they get a significant amount of load.

And, indeed, Facebook.  I'm not sure who gets more hits!

There are some big, big PHP systems out there, and they clearly work.

 I'm not trying to be combative... I'm just really interested in how they
 feel their scalability feels to them.

Quite.  I'd be fascinated.  I also wonder how much the limiting factor on the 
big sites is scaling the database, not scaling the front-end services - but 
that's getting *really* off-topic!

- Peter

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RE: Issue with SSL server/ network configuration

2009-03-20 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: i_am_superman []
 is there a simple way to map one
 domain name to two different SSL connectors?

I don't think there is, unless you want part of your application to be 
accessible from a different port.  So the part that doesn't need certs might be 
at (implicitly on port 443) and the part that does need 
certs might be at  You could then set up two 
different connectors, with different hosts and the different security 

I *think* this would allow you to re-use your existing server certificate; 
browsers check the cert based on the domain name excluding the port, so as long 
as matched you'd be OK.  You could probably get away with just 
the single keystore, too.  But you'd need appropriate code (or vanilla HTML) in 
the applications to direct the user to the other app at the appropriate time!

Does this help, or have I answered the wrong question?

- Peter

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RE: Issue with SSL server/ network configuration

2009-03-20 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: i_am_superman []
 I don't think my client will allow me to run a public SSL
 website any port but 443 (firewalls).

Then you'll also need a second IP address on the server, as I'm sure you've 
already realised.

- Peter

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RE: Issue with SSL server/ network configuration

2009-03-20 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: i_am_superman []
 we have 3 environment (test, accept, prod) so we
 need 3 extra certificates. No big deal indeed, but I need
 to be sure that I really need them.

Get a wildcard certificate?  They're about 3 times the price of a regular cert, 
and can authenticate * (for example).

- Peter

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RE: Issue with SSL server/ network configuration

2009-03-20 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: i_am_superman []
 What are the restrictions on wildcard certificates?

Some very old browsers don't understand them.  Probably not a problem in your 
environment, but check your client's browser support requirements.

 If I
 have two subdomains with one wildcard certificate, do I still
 need the two IP addresses?

Not sure.  I'll leave that to the more experienced folks on the list to answer!

 Or is the IP address tied to the (wildcard) certificate?

IP addresses are never tied to certificates.  Certificates allow browsers to 
authenticate based on the common name in the certificate, and the hostname that 
the browser is using to access the site.

- Peter

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RE: very off topic marketing question

2009-03-20 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Jason Pyeron []
 PHP by itself is very fast. Much faster than ASP or JSP
 running on the same
 type of server. This is because it has very little overhead
 compared to its
 competitors and it pre-compiles all of its code before it
 runs each script

 How would others respond to this?

PHP doesn't scale as well under heavy load.  If they are genuinely interested 
in scalability, figures 4-12 of should 
be interesting to them.

I'm also particularly amused by the topmost set of bars in figure 2, given how 
proud the perl-ites are of their RE library and performance ;-).

I copy the paper's conclusions here:

8   Conclusion

When implementing a web server system which will never experience high load, 
or in
which performance, throughput, and reliability under high load is not an issue, 
the use of any of the analyzed languages or web servers will achieve similar
performance results. If outstanding performance and throughput is the primary 
then the use of JSP over PHP is advisable. However, if a 5-10% difference in
throughput and performance is acceptable, then the implementer of a web system 
achieve similar results using either PHP or JSP. In which case, other 
such as developer language familiarity and programming efficiency, 
security, reliability, middleware compatibility, etc. would be the deciding 
factors. It is
also reassuring to developers of both language runtimes and web servers, that
enhancements to either can offer performance improvements to the community.

- Peter

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RE: very off topic marketing question

2009-03-20 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Matt Brown []
 I would ask for benchmarks and evidence to back up that assertion.

There are plenty out there, but mostly old (... PHP4 promises to...).  The 
IBM reference I've posted is relatively new and appears on an initial read to 
have a reasonable methodology.

Incidentally, the figures in that IBM paper are with httpd+mod_jk or 
lighttpd+mod_proxy in front of Tomcat - the raw Tomcat throughput would be 

- Peter

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[OT] RE: very off topic marketing question

2009-03-20 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Martin Gainty []
 Apache is hamstrung by the number of prefork processes it can spawn..

Yes.  For this job, it's hamstrung by the PHP process being single-threaded and 
therefore having to spawn and keep multiple copies (each with its own address 
space) to handle concurrent requests.

In other words: PHP (at least up to PHP5) is architecturally unsuitable for 
high-throughput services.  It can be made to work, as Facebook demonstrates; 
but there are better architectures that have lower overhead.

Actually, that's an interesting question.  I wonder how many tonnes of carbon 
would be saved per annum if Facebook were reimplemented in something that 
allowed multiple threading and smaller sessions, such as Mono/ASP.Net or 
glassfish/servlets? ducks and runs to avoid the PHP lynch mob

- Peter

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RE: no request on access log

2009-03-19 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Kaushal Shriyan []

So are you testing these by browsing to, and have you 
mapped that in your DNS or hosts file to be your Tomcat server?  If not, these 
won't work.

Do you need two Host elements?  Are you actually serving two different sites 
from one Tomcat?

What Tomcat revision are you running?  There were two different major versions 
of Tomcat 5.  Version numbers are 5.x.y - what are the values of x and y?  If 
you tell us that, we can give you more help.

- Peter

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[OT] RE: tracing port to port

2009-03-18 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 I think I'll have to refresh my TCP knowledge base, to see if there is
 any byte somewhere in a TCP header specifying the internet protocol.
 But I don't think so.

Sort of :-).  The nearest you get is the four bytes specifying the source and 
destination port numbers - though as you already know that's subject to 
considerable latitude in interpretation!  In particular, if one of those values 
is a well-known port (, the 
corresponding protocol RFC-SHOULD* be in use

- Peter

* Acronym decoder for those who are about to complain: Internet Engineering 
Task Force (IETF) Requests for Comments (RFCs) frequently make use of MUST, 
SHOULD, MAY, SHOULD NOT or MUST NOT (capitalised in that way) to indicate how a 
correct system behaves.  This has entered some more general Internet 
parlance, so RFC-SHOULD can be taken to mean SHOULD as defined in RFC 2119 

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[OT] RE: Vmware Server 2 web interface uses tomcat but hogs 8005 and 8009

2009-03-17 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Christopher Schultz []
 On 3/17/2009 4:18 AM, Rainer Frey (Inxmail GmbH) wrote:
  On Monday 16 March 2009 22:42:27 Christopher Schultz wrote:
  Can you clarify this a bit?
  There is no special management instance. VMWare Server is
 an application that
  runs on a regular host operating system instance (it
 installs linux kernel
  modules though, and probably also Windows drivers).

 Interesting. This used to be called VMWare Workstation.

Not entirely.  VMware Server has also (for many years) run on a normal OS.  I 
first looked at it in around 2002, but the price was prohibitive for us.  
Luckily, competition in the virtualisation market has brought the price down to 
near zero for the simpler products.

The difference has been in the capabilities, as Workstation initially provided 
enhanced I/O (for example the ability to connect to USB devices on the host) 
whereas Server initally scaled to multiple guests on one host.

And, yes, both put a lot of drivers onto the host!

- Peter

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RE: JSESSIONID hijacking

2009-03-13 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Pieter Temmerman []
 However, as the jsessionid URL rewriting is defined in the servlet
 specification, I would expect this to be secure.

Why, out of interest?

 Therefor I was wondering whether the hijacking is caused by a
 misconfiguration of Tomcat, my webapp or rather completely normal.

It's completely normal.  Other frameworks have exactly the same features.  Some 
form of magic number maps to a session; match the magic number and you match 
the session.  Sometimes there's a different magic number to match a login, but 
that's just a different magic number that can be hijacked too.

If you don't want eavesdroppers to be able to pick up your sessions, use SSL.  
If you don't want session IDs to appear in your URLs so that your users don't 
cut+paste them or save them in favourites, use cookies.  But be assured that if 
someone can read the request your browser sends to the server, they can hijack 
your session.

- Peter

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RE: JSESSIONID hijacking

2009-03-13 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Pieter Temmerman []
 I don't know. It just seemed way to easy to hijack a session, so I
 supposed it must be secure.

Large portions of the web architecture are insecure by their original design.  
This makes security in web-based systems... erm.. a challenge :-).

 In my case cookies are created as well.

OK.  So why not rely entirely on the cookie rather than exposing the JSESSIONID 
in the URL at all?  Or (most likely) have I got the wrong end of the stick here?

 By SSL, I suppose you mean client authentication with a certificate?

No, I mean securing the connection by using https: rather than http:.  Entirely 
server-side.  At least that way, someone with a wiretap can't steal your 
session IDs off the wire.  There's still a long way to go before you can 
prevent a different person using a different client from using a session ID 
that they happen to have obtained via (say) an eavesdropping plug-in on the 
user's browser, but it's a good start.

Something to think about: No security will be 100%, not least because there are 
users involved and they're really remarkably good at leaving massive security 
holes in any technological solution - emailing their password to a colleague's 
Hotmail account, writing down login details on a Post-It or just leaving their 
computer unlocked as they nip to the loo.  What security is good enough for 
your application?

- Peter

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RE: JSESSIONID hijacking

2009-03-13 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Zaki Akhmad []
 2009/3/13 zhaoxueqing

  jsessionid is the only way to indentity the user logined.
  if you get it ,you are this user.
  but? we can check others , for example IP!

Difficult, depending on your environment.  Some ISPs run large proxy clusters, 
meaning that different requests can appear to come from different IP addresses.

 But we can *still* do IP spoofing. Any other better recomendation?

Don't just use a non-varying shared secret (a password) as login information.  
Instead, use client certificate authentication (distributed by non-network 
means such as USB keys) and/or a SecurID token or similar.  All of which pushes 
the cost of security to the point that the application may be unworkable.

What is good enough for your application?

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat for Dummies

2009-03-13 Thread Peter Crowther
[I seem to be getting very delayed emails from the list; if this has already 
been answered, ignore me!]

 From: André Warnier []
 suppose there are 3 active
 servlets (processing requests) at the moment the request to
 undeploy is
 issued by one of them.  The servlet issuing the undeploy request knows
 that it has asked for it, so it can take any appropriate measures to
 terminate itself cleanly and quickly.
 Which leaves the other two (I am using two intentionally,
 because there
 is only one call to the ServletContextListener; it avoids cheating).
 How do they know ?

That's up to you, as the application developer.  It depends how tight a 
coupling you want between the servlets, and how much configuration you want in 

 Would that be like positioning some variable somewhere, accessible to
 all the servlets belonging to that same webapp, which they can check
 from time to time ?

That works.

 Or does one have to implement in each servlet some
 kind of callback routine that the ContextDestroy can call ?

That works too.  Or if they were genuinely independent servlets that happened 
to be bundled into the same webapp, I think you could choose to register three 
listeners so that each of the three got an appropriate ContextDestroy call?

 And, does that tie into the fact that all the servlets of a
 same webapp,
 by virtue of sharing the same classloader, can actually share

They share classes, and hence they can share (say) a singleton or a static 

 And, does that somehow relate to what the original OP of another
 thread, who was talking about a static variable being set
 when Tomcat is shut down, meant ?

Probably :-).

- Peter

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RE: How can JSP use the .jar file out of Tomcat's Home ?

2009-03-12 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: []
I have to make a JSP invoke a Class which is in a .jar
 file out of Tomcat

 How can I deal with it?

Add the jar to the WEB-INF/lib directory of the webapp with the JSP in.

- Peter

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RE: How can JSP use the .jar file out of Tomcat's Home ?

2009-03-12 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: []
 Sent: 12 March 2009 13:51
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: Re: How can JSP use the .jar file out of Tomcat's Home ?

 For the jar is the core of another running application.
 I want to use API in the jar to put stream from the servlet
 to the core.

If you have written a client/server application with both the client and the 
server in the same jar, you have an architecture problem.  You should 
separate out the API into its own jar, and call that.

But changing code takes time.  If the server code is never called from the API, 
all you lose by putting a copy of the jar in your webapp's WEB-INF/lib is some 
storage space.

- Peter

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RE: Error filterStart

2009-03-12 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Dolphin06 []
 Hello, i have tomcat 5.5.27 installed on Red Hat 4.0 and jdk 6u12.
 I m deploying my application using xml file that i put under
 When i start up tomcat the application is created inside the webapps
 directory and work directory, but cannot start.

What error message(s) are you seeing in Tomcat's log files?

- Peter

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RE: Starting Tomcat6 via command line/Removing registry keys

2009-03-11 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Cornelius Herzog (CH Software) []
 Now I want to control Tomcat via an external script and so I
 need it to start via command line to adapt the parameters.

If you install Tomcat via the zip (not the exe), you get some scripts to 
control its startup and shutdown via the command line.  tomcat6.exe is not 
used, and neither is the registry.  Try downloading the zip, unzipping it, 
looking for the .bat files in the root of the unzipped content and moving them 
across to your current install.

For some reason the scripts are not included in the setup version that installs 
the service.  Several of us on this list are puzzled about why they are not 

- Peter

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RE: unkown protocol httpg - using apache-tomcat-6.0.18

2009-03-11 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: shashidhar velagandula
 I am using apache-tomcat-6.0.18 , I want to access a  SRM(storage
 resource manager) service endpoint which uses httpg protocol
 eg: service endpoint - httpg:// , by
 deploying a web
 service application using apache-tomcat server

 when a client tries to invoke the service , it is giving
 error as  Exception unknown protocol: httpg

That's not surprising - most browsers don't understand httpg:... as a prefix.

Just to check, which of the following do you want to do?

1) Client (browser?) uses http to access a web application running inside 
Tomcat.  Web application redirects client to a httpg: resource.  Browser uses 
httpg to access that resource.

2) Client (browser?) uses http to access a web application running inside 
Tomcat.  Web application accesses the httpg: resource internally, forms a 
response to the browser, and replies to the browser using http.

3) Client (browser?) uses httpg to access a web application running inside 

4) Something else - in which case please tell us what!

1 and 2 require no changes to Tomcat's configuration files.  3 does, but Tomcat 
doesn't support a httpg connector so you'd have to write your own.  1 and 3 
require the client to understand httpg, which browsers don't.

I *think* you're trying to do 2, in which case you need to write/buy the 
appropriate web application to deploy, and make sure its configuration files 
are set up so that it knows to contact httpg:// to reach 
the SRM endpoint.  If you're writing it, may be 
relevant - the webapp will have to be quite careful in how it registers the 
protocol handler.

If you're trying to do something else, post more details to the list and we may 
be able to help!

- Peter

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