Re: [Vo]: Half full or half empty

2007-03-02 Thread RC Macaulay
May work in the new world of welfare but never in the saloon at Dime Box Texas. 
The characters that inhabit a Texas  beer joint are a microcism of the US 
Congress. For sure a fight will start as soon as somebody takes a sip outa 
somebody else's mug.. half full or half empty.. the fight starts... 


  - Original Message - 
  From: David Thomson 
  Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 7:49 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]: Half full or half empty

  Hi John,


  The answer is easier obtained by taking two glasses, one full and one empty, 
and then taking half of each.  If a glass is already empty, taking half of it 
doesn't fill it.  It only makes sense to take half of a full glass.





  From: John Berry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 1:40 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]: Half full or half empty


  I'm a 'we have the perfect amount of water and just an abundance of glass' 
person myself.

  Actually I think the answer to the riddle is simple, were you filling the 
glass or emptying it?

  On 3/2/07, thomas malloy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Paul Lowrance wrote

  From what I'm seeing Vo dominated by Glass half empty people?   I've always 
found Glass half full people to have much farther foresight.  It's amazing 
how skeptics and debunkers cannot see the obvious.  It's highly unlikely a 
person will accomplish something they disbelieve. 

  IMHO, it's better to take into consideration the whole truth, warts and all.

  --- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---



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3:24 PM

[Vo]: Re: Re: : Quantum Thermodynamics

2007-02-27 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Jones,

Depend on Jones Beene to keep me up late reading

Paragraph 3.8.3 regarding vortex... hmmm !

Once saw a vid piece on Finns showing their stoic personalities. The vid 
captured their actions when dancing.. absolutely no emotion expressed.Must 
be the long winters.


[Vo]: Re: CHEMTRAILS DOCUMENTARY on Discovery Channel Tonight Feb.22 9:00 PM

2007-02-22 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Mark,

Interesting your post today coincided with a series of contrails across 
south central Texas today stretching from Houston to San Antonio.

There were impressive in they appeared as a giant tick tack toe 
checkerboard crisscrossing. the sky as far as could be seen.


Our esteemed Senator for Texas, Mz Kay Bailey Hutchinson was the prime mover 
for funding legislation for weather modification studies including cloud 


[VO]: Helium and Hindenburg

2007-02-22 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts,

Yes, the Hindenburg project suffered from the cutoff of a supply of Helium gas 
by the US Gov't.

Helium is a strategic element. The US privatized the main US source of Helium 
into the hands of a subsidiary of Bechtol.
Considering the importance of Helium to atomic energy and research, it should 
not come as a surprise that Bechtol is a major player in atomic power plants 
for electric power generation.

Cold Fusion experiments produce Helium. Connect the dots.


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[Vo]: Cold Fusion,nuclear fusion, infinite energy, low energy nuclear reactions,lenr,chemically assisted nuclear reactions,canr,neutron emission, fusion reaction,heavy water,Fleischman and Pons, deute

2007-02-21 Thread RC Macaulay

[Vo]: Re: RT Quantum Hall Effect

2007-02-19 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote,

The quantum Hall effect, like the BEC was previously believed to only be 
observable at temperatures close to absolute zero (minus 459 degreesF).

But recently a form of carbon called graphene - in a high magnetic field 
has made the observation possible. Graphene is the name given to a single 
layer of carbon atoms densely packed into a benzene-ring structure like 
nanotubes, etc. (e.g., carbon nanotubes are usually thought of as graphene 
sheets rolled up into nanometer-sized cylinders). Planar graphene itself 
was once presumed not to exist in the free state, as it is inherently 
*highly stressed* due to the packing arrangement. The high field adds 
extra stress.

... not unlike deuterium, when confined in a metal matrix...

Temperature and pressure (internal stress) are somewhat interchangeable. 
Frank Grimer coined this combined property as compreture. In a situation 
where internal stress creates effective pressures in the range of 10^6 
psi, you can (arguably) have a situation at 300 K (=RT) where the 
compreture property is effectively the same as an unstressed material near 
zero K.

Howdy Jones,

Make that somewhat inter- unreactive and it fits in my head as 

Electro-chemistry strident.


[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Re: The $25 Million Branson Pr..

2007-02-15 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts,

Great ideas for bio themes in aerobics but anerobics can also play in the great 

The story behind the Medina culture which is produced by the firm in Medina 
Texas for a bio-growth enhancer .. seems that back in the 1930's, an ole time 
railroad brakeman that worked the Texas-Cal rails noticed certain dry ponds in 
the desert had explosive growth after a rain.
Taking a bucket full of muck back home, he produced a culture and the 
liquified product was sprayed on test field at cotton planting time.

Near Pt.Arther Texas, back in the early 1960's, a Chem engineer built a radical 
new  anerobic test digester system which he tested at the local wastewater 
treatment plant.The solids were dispersed to a drying bed  similar to how they 
operated the aerobic plant. The anerobic solids bed had a much higher plant 
growth that the aerobic solids.


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]:Re: The $25 Million Branson..

2007-02-14 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts,

Many major resources and plant facilities already exist in the USA..

Coal fired power plants
Water filtration plants
Wastewater treatment plants

A single huge wastewater treatment plant alone is the opposite of an algae 
factory by design. Change the process and the plant becomes an energy transfer 
reservoir. The primary purpose of removing solids and disinfecting the water 

Won't happen.. WHY? Because the mentality must first change and it won't happen 
in this generation because of the underlying inertia of public leadership and 
an intrinsic objection to anything other than habit. the internet may force the 
next generation of politico and municipal servant( bureaucrat) into morphing 
toward a sense of responsibility to citizens but only by having a free internet.

What we should be on guard over is the subtle encroachment of big Guv'mt into 
the internet under the gusie of  protecting the public from the harm. Google 
video is forcing a response by Gov'mts to act because they are being exposed.


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[VO]:Re: The $25 Million Branson Climate Prize

2007-02-13 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankFred wrote..

A 100 watt light bulb burns a pound of fossil-fuel carbon every 10 hours
generating 44/12 = 3.666 pounds of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide out the
power plant chimney.

Howdy Fred,

The UNIT # 1Fayette Power Plant ( FPP) located near Fayetteville Texas, a coal 
fired plant owned by civil entities including the city of Austin and Lower 
Colorado River Authority (LCRA) is one of the dirtiest polluters on the list of 
the worse in the USA.
Yes! It is owned and operated by the state of Texas and Austin. No scrubber. 
They kept promising to clean it up for years and now the word is they will be 
shutting it down as soon as they build Two more units Number 4 and 5. Our ranch 
is under the plume downwind some 9 miles.

  Over some 50 miles NW is ALCOA Rockdale Works ( a WW2 leftover)  that mines 
lignite to fuel their aluminum plant ( another worse polluter). One of the 
largest landowners in Texas with some 30-60,000 acres stripped to the bone 
after 60 years of mining. Alcoa is negociating to shut the whole works down.. 
provided a little incentive is offered.. like hands free up in Iceland plus 
lotsa state of Texas and Fed money.. Yum!.

Not to worry, the state and Feds are gonna do sum-tin'  'bout dit pollutin' all 
de nation.

People over in Dime Box Texas just smile cuz they don' no nothin 'bout 
politishuns  'cept they lizes when the truth is in their favor. 


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]: OT:Emergence

2007-02-12 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Jones,

A soliloquy indeed.
One must experience a  Jones moment on occasion in order to correctly 
position one's thinking cap while cogitating one's meditating.grin  ( I miss 
Grimer's posts on Vortex)
 You can cover more subject matter in a paragragh than my ole Chemistry 
professor could with chalk in one hand and eraser in the other.( He had a 
blackboard some 30 feet across.)

Time... hmmm !! You dare to introduce time. A simple clock and a yardstick 
demonstrate what we describe as physical reality. The clock and the yardstick 
can be used to plot  four dimensions. Beyond those four dimensions lies 
conjecture, imagination, beliefs  literally and liberly sprinkled with faith to 
which we have no way of measuring with the physical tools we have been given.

This does not mean they cannot be calculated in the mind provided you use 
abstract methods. Even in finance we must now rely on abstract differentials ( 
derivatives) simply because the complexity of the underlying value of what is 
considered  worth. 
Faith like worth can be assigned an abstract value and used in determining  
weight. Poets use this system of measurement and interchange the weight to 
words. Mathematicians use symbols for negatives and abstract values just as 
Einstein used the  C for a  fudge factor (which saved his hide in the end).

The Spanish language, a romance language with a heavy dab of  Moor is an 
example of interchanging an actual word for an abstraction Querencia is 
such..  and may be loosely traanslated as Camelot although essence suffers in 
translation and Camelot loses the depth of the feeling of the word.

The word faith transcends any word in expressive depth in the English 
language.. you said it in you post in another fashion and you are to be 
commended for the depth of your true understanding of the word. One must climb 
to the heights of a majestic mountain to fathom your descriptive analogy.

Continue with your discourse, it stimulates.


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Empathy ( was Re: More about..

2007-02-10 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts,

Lurking between the thoughts posted on this subject are grains of wisdom. 
Considering that the word cold fusion can provoke much debate. Some view the 
word similar to  con-fusion and some others  il-lusion while others as 
de-lusion or pro-fusion.
The debate  can  even be a-musing were it not for the seriousness of the need 
for clean forms of energy.

Not being a particle physicist, I study the elements of the words for 
insight. The elements are faith and hope conjured and mixed with jealously, 
vanity, lust and greed. Oh! what a witches brew.

The good news is that good science will emerge because of the energy expended 
in both theory and experiment versus controversy and suspicion. To paraphase 
ole Carysle.. science character is tempered in the fires of adversity where 
jealousy can succumb to greed and vanity to lust or visa-verse, depending on 
the quality of the instrument used to probe the depth. 

Ooops! That thought can take on the sensual however.. the sensual is mostly 
in the mind as is all true science.


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Re: [Vo]: FW: $25 million prize for greenhouse gas removal

2007-02-09 Thread RC Macaulay
FW: $25 million prize for greenhouse gas removal Stiffler wrote...

  Isn't that a big funny?

  If life is about to end because of global warming why is removal of Green 
House Gasses only worth $25Mil, yet a way to produce or filter water is worth 
$200 Billion?

  I doubt I would even start for $25 Million when 60% goes to the Feds.

  When I read who was involved I see why.

  Howdy Ron,

  Don't forget Ted Turner. He was in Houston touting the word..Ted has some 
serious money he could use if it isn't all going to Jane Fonda's alimony fund.


[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Global warming skepticism alive..

2007-02-07 Thread RC Macaulay

Jed Rothwell wrote..

but that is a political problem, not scientific.

Howdy Jed,

A keen insight you have. Things happen in the world that most attribute to 
conspiracy when they should be blamed on attitude. Given an opportunity, laws 
of human nature demand actions be met with inaction of leadership. Machavelli 
wrote the book on actions and resultants. 
There is actually a relationship between how you described FP reactions and 
the border agents articles in the below link. It's total absolute incompetence 
of our government at nearly every level, Homeland Defense ( FEMA) being the 
prime example. The simple fact is that leaders in government are incapable of 
planning anything that would work.. good or bad. Whatever happens.. simple 
happens and all the machinery is designed for is to cover tracks. One of the 
largest jobs categories is become.. spokesperson


[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Fw:{Bob Parks...Feb.2

2007-02-05 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankDavid Thompson wrote..
there is no mention of the impending
slaughter of humans.  Just 11,500 years ago a seemingly natural climate
change occurred, which wiped out the Wooly Mammoths, Saber Toothed Tigers, 
Giant Ground Sloths, Giant Beavers, and dozens of other species.

Howdy Vorts..

Nope, they ain't all missing. Some are holed up over near Dime Box Texas and 
come to the dance every Friday. Dancing  with a gal like a Wooly Mammoth or a 
Giant Beaver can be  frightening.

Solar warming is caused by an increase in our sun spot activity.


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]: MIT Professor Begins Hunger Srike

2007-02-05 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankSteve Krivit wrote..
It's not so much that the mind is shut. It's a process of belief systems 
and the influence of mass media.

Howdy Steven,

You have the fundamentals .. but ..CF lacks the charismatic person that can 
sell it. Until that person emerges, it slumbers. An example is Henry Ford.  
Pure energy, design and build thinking combined with marketeering genius. Right 
place at the right time in history. Everybody thinks they can do it given the 
opportunity.. but.. only a few have what it takes.. just a few.. there never 
has been but a few. If that person emerges on the CF scene we will see CF move 
forward. If not

 It is the person, not the science that is holding things up.


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]: vortex-digest Digest V2007 #50

2007-02-04 Thread RC Macaulay
Blankjohn herman wrote..
  General post:

   Open question set:

   NB:  This is intended to address real world science.  NOT theory.
Please defive term[s] and or experiment[s] which support answer.

  This is an attempt to guide vortex back toward science, as opposed to armchair
thinking and the like.

Howdy john,

True science has a heavy armchair component and is heavy on theory. Our company 
has an active research budget that has resulted in much failure but .. 
occasionally.. even a blind hog can root up an acorn..

Not being a nuclear physicist, I must depend on filtering thoughts that eminate 
from the various posts submitted in this unique group Vortex-L. 

Surprisingly, it has been the  armchair thinkers here that have provided me 
the most thoughtful stimulation. I must translate what I read here into some 
mechanical component because that is what we build.. mechanical products like 
vacuum induction feeder mixers and controls for industry.
 For example, a single seemingly laughable comment I read provoked a thought 
that resulted in solving a most sophisicated technical design problem.  It 
regarded the design of an extreme wide range  precision  flow control valve  
with a range from 100 gpm down to zero with a turn down ratio of  150:1. The 
problem was solved by thinking about a comment made in Vortex. That comment 
prompted us to realize that industry had no flow meter capable of measuring 
such a turn down ratio.
Shazzaam ! We designed a precision control valve that is linear with flow..  so 
we could use it  also as a measure of flow as well as control.  grin

So keep those armchair comments a part of the group.. Never know when a 
simpleton for Dime Box Texas knows  how to read.


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]: IPE

2007-01-31 Thread RC Macaulay
Jones wrote..

However, to the extent that when carefully controlled, the IPE 
methodology permits a new type of nuclear meta-phenomenon to appear and 
self-perpetuate - a limited *photon chain reaction* - that much is the 
key jumping-off point for possible understanding of some reported energy 
anomalies, and possibly those involving barium, which has an isomer with 
that required highly deformed nucleus.

Barium IPE - would have three possible advantage for LENR applications 
over hafnium IGE or cold fusion - if anecdote can be believed - in that 
the nuclear isomer in question can be regenerated through a pretreatment 
regime (conditioning) which itself becomes the key issue in the 
ability to use it - as the half-life of the isomer is minuscule. 
Secondly the energy available is about 10,000 times greater per unit 
weight than combustion, so even a fractional percent of active material 
is important. And thirdly, since barium ferrites are usable as a 
magnetic core material, any IPE which occurs will in effect change the 
inductive properties of the magnetized core itself so that direct 
conversion into electricity of that energy is possible at high efficiency.

Howdy Jones , 

Interesting stuff !

Ah Ha ! Barium.. I mentioned a Barite mine in Arkansas located near the town of 
Magnet Cove. The name suggests folks were aware of the anomalies of tha area. 
There were a few rather unexplained happenings that led to the name  Magnet 

Anyway, the Magnet Cove Barium Corp was formed to mine Barite which makes an 
ideal drilling mud.

Hence the name MagCoBar Corp. Which for the benefit of Robin I will explain , 
sold out later to Baroid Corp,  a division of the National Lead Company.. hmmm 
.. again interestging marriage.. and finally Baroid was gobbled by the 
Halliburton Corp. The use of Barite in drilling mud ( fluids) continues but 
substitutes  are now coming on because of price. Must be  a huge deposit of 
Barite in Arkansas.  waste drilling mud is sold and sprayed into ranch water 
ponds ( stock tanks) to make them leak tite.

Good informative post with your usual speculative insight  in LENR.


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Re: [VO]: Resonant Field Line Oscillations 1.6Mhz

2007-01-30 Thread RC Macaulay
 Some experiments with frequency 


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Re: [VO]: Resonant Field Line Oscillations 1.6Mhz

2007-01-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankR.Stiffler wrote..

  Hello R.C.

  This fellow does some great work in component construction, one of our weak 
area's, (machine shop no we don't have). I spend some time looking over Tesla 
and the big difference in what I am doing is the secondary is floating, one 
lead of the secondary is open. No a good population of EE's will say this is 
totally a coupling via capacity and I will fight to the hill that they are 
wrong. It seems what we can read about Tesla has been sanitized to some extent. 
(May be wrong) here, but with all he did he should have seen that there is such 
a thing as 'To coin a phrase' and Jones will like this one, Open System 
Wattful Potential, Duh!

  Well I think he did and someplace it got lost.

  So is the BlazeLabs in Texas? Looked a short time on the site and could not 
get an address, did not research the URL owner.

  Howdy Ron,

  Must be a part of the John Hutchison effect.. I think he is in Canada 


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Barium

2007-01-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Jones,

A neat homily on Barium, another of the  quirky elements. It nearly bumps 
into Lithium on the road to being an oddity. The oil industry uses Barite as a 
drilling fluid since it has an ideal  downhole weight. Arkansas has Barite 
mines ( Magnet Cove).. hence the name MagCobar, later Bariod owned and now 
Halliburton owned.

I have oftem wondered why Barium has never been used in certain lubricating 


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Barium

2007-01-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankRobin wrote..
In reply to  RC Macaulay's message of Tue, 30 Jan 2007 19:30:50 -0600:
Hi Richard,
I don't suppose there is any way you could avoid attaching a blank card to your
emauls (accidental spelling error deliberately left in;) is there?


Robin van Spaandonk

Howdy Robin,

??? to your question.. don't understand but..

I live near Dime Box Texas and that should say it all. 'Puters are not allowed 
in the saloon so I have so sneak over to Muldoon if'n I want to larn som'thin.. 


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[Vo]: Re: Waveform Circuit Cries Foul

2007-01-28 Thread RC Macaulay

R Stiffler wrote..

Okay already, for the people that are giving me the bad name (again), here
is a wave form. Now I have labeled certain points, the rest is up to you
that can tell, where it is taking place, (not why, but where).

Howdy Ron,

Madame Curie' avoided many on the problems associated with the internet by 
having a  closed society lab in France. The good part was they could work 
 singularily on a project. The bad part was they were isolated and 
developed tunnel vision and a siege mentality.
Ah! the benefits of the internet in the science world.. a good mix of both 
science and crazies. Read between the lines.. Jones is encouraging you..let 
it stimulate that good mind of yours.


[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Energy *Violations* using standard physics

2007-01-26 Thread RC Macaulay

Excerps from Paul's post..

You are asking way too much from nature.

  Nature?.. do you mean Physics?  we actually know little about physics.. 
perhaps some assumed values is all.
My theory simply states energy is simply moved from
one location to another. 

 Location?  do you mean Regimes? unless we know the origin, it becomes 
impossible to track it's movement from regime to regime.

 The account of Moses coming down off the mountain ... he said.. my prayer is 
that I would know God...  Moses spent 40 days up on the mountain in 
conversation and instruction from God.. and he discovered he was almost vacant 
as to an understanding.

 I have my physics textbook from engineering school printed 1940's. It is as 
reliable as any present day literate work.

What we may be seeing in this next generation of emerging scholars could be 
similar to the breakout of technology at Florence Italy in the 1500's. Consider 
that the people that burned their draft cards in the 60's are now in charge in 
Washington. Ask yourself what happened to those that entered academia rather 
than politics? Did they hinder the advance of science?

 How could a single generation  put a man on the moon and the next generation 
query what is is while driving Enron into the ground like a tent stake and 
getting  the nation into another  by jingo war?


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[Vo]: Re: Re: Einstein's Elevator Le Sage's Gravity Theory

2007-01-26 Thread RC Macaulay

Fred wrote..

Will a sphere within a sphere (a ball-bearing in a transparent hollow sphere)
due to the gravitational attraction between them, center itself during free 
fall ?

The inner ball should began to rotate until it begins to rub  the inner wall.


[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Vo Counter-Spin?

2007-01-24 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Jones,,

An elegant waxing of wordsmithing.

Yes , there is an interesting counter spin ( reverse rotation) that occurs in a 
water vortex.. hmmm.. actually , an induced counterflow... double 

We have yet to understand it much less describe it. Ask yourself the 
question...a flow is produced evidenced by water draining from a sink by 
forming a vortex.. cover the top of the vortex ( top cone shaped opening) and 
the flow almost stops.
How can  downward flow to drain increase by vortex action while an upward 
flow occurs when the vortex reforms.
It is almost like the vortex requires lubrication from the reverse vortex 
flow in order to accelerate..
Our tests continue to produce more questions than answers but we are studying 
methods of determining velocity in each regime. Sometimes we think we are 
dealing with something out of the  Twilight Zone when observing this reverse 
vortex. We have produced a beautiful shaped reverse vortex that can be seen 
using a Q beam lamp. Some report that this reverse vortex can produce light in 
the UV and perhaps the gamma range but we have not been able to detect anything 
visible or by a Radmeter.
Starting the fab work on the test with the 200 ea, magnets ( 3/4 neodym) next.


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]:Re: Yomiuri: Bush to promote ethanol..

2007-01-21 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankPhilip wrote..
Excellent!!! How true!!! The reason is that the intent in all cases is to 
indoctrinate along certain predictable lines thus creating a nice docile 
herd.  It's not to create clear, creative thinking - usually through 
doubting accepted dogma then applying lateral thinking and ultimately 
applying solid investigation.

Call me a cynic...

Howdy Philip,

Old story from the bibleAnd the people cried, we want a king.  Samuel 
explained.. you have a King !. The people cried, no, we want a king like 
everybody else.

Samuel explained.. If you elect a king, he will make your daughters servants, 
conscript your sons into an army and take your best land. 

 What this means is that if you pay somebody to do your worrying for you.. it 
is only a small step to where they start doing your thinking for you.. when 
this happens.. they wind up owning you.

Most issues can be simply resolved by identifying the troublemakers.. handcuff 
one of their hands to the other guy's hand .. give them both a sharp machete... 
take them outside the Dime Box Tavern.. and let them work it out between 
themselves. Sure saves on broken glass and mirrors.


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Not just for tree-huggers any more?

2007-01-20 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote..

NASA apparently recruits smart folks, right? The $64 question is:  
Why would they imagine that this is limited to, or even more appropriate, for 

Howdy Jones,

Halophyte production is beginning to make sense. Combined with developments in 
extremely fast  growth algea production, we may have a serious source of raw 
materials for bio-fuels.  Well... err.. maybe if NASA don't take over.

 There is some serious private capital plus money coming from the State of 
Texas for push behind algea and Halophyte production plus a number of small 
startup diesel biofuel  plants. One of the concerns along the Texas coast is 
the huge fresh water acquifers are being pumped at a rate that salt water 
intrusion is beginning migrate underground from the shoreline. A salt loving 
crop would help. 

Jose' Cuervo bio-diesel... get more stroke outa ya piston.


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]: time distortion fields

2007-01-18 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHarvey wrote..
Likewise the same twilight zone  episodes can happen
when we deal with resonant voltage rises in time:
compare the time periods where they came from relative
to each other as occurs in 120 three phase production
of electrical impulses, and the results that can be
seen when those impulses are used to create resonant
voltage rises individually, and the end comparing of
those resonant voltage rises against each other/

What the time laws say is that time must be shared
equally and divided. And that in this division the
circle of time will always add to 360 degrees when
divided three ways. But the second factor of voltage
amplification present in resonant voltage rise shows
that in mutual inductance of resonant elements, the
measured differnce between each of these voltage rises
in time with measurement to the other shows a circle
well expnaded to some 400 degrees, when a circle is
only possible with 360. 13 meters were used to show
that effect, and I am glad to have pointed it out.

Howdy Hardy,

Watching the LCD screen of a Fluke Inc. test meter measuring 3 phase power and 
voltage under various loads gives visible evidence. 

Perhaps that is why they call it a fluke.


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[Vo]: evert fluid tech Clem motor

2007-01-17 Thread RC Macaulay
 Evert's updated pages show some  Clem overunity motor info


[Vo]: Re:[VO]: FRE

2007-01-11 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankPaul wrote..
My point was
that present rise in temperatures will 
be a drop in the bucket with global free energy
unless we develop FRE (Free Recyclable 
Energy) machines.  IMHO the idea of personal and
portable ZPE, cold fusion, etc. devices 
is suicidal.

Howdy Paul,

Not to worry, hide and watch the scene unfold. Imagine a gravy train with 
biscuit wheels( the world economy).. The train doesn't fly off the track on a 
tight curve, It doens't crash into another train, it doesn't collapse a 

The biscuit wheels get soggy from the gravy and slowly sinks into the track and 
rolls over on it's side. No noise, no shouting, just a few watching with awe.. 


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[VO]:Re: Hydro Hub

2007-01-06 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankInteresting comparison between R-O and MSF Triple flash distillation 
methods of desal. Thankfully, we have both processes. Each process has it's 
benefits and advantages.

 Our tiny manufacturing company struggles with research in methods of reducing 
the mineral content of brackish and seawater prior to entering the pre-filters 
of the R-O membrane trains. One of the functions of a water vortex is it's 
ability to create a vacuum when the spin is induced by mechanical means. We 
have closely studied the MSF processes and the comparative efficencies vs R-O, 
in particular , the temperature differentials between the flash stages. One of 
our test setups include a two stage Lazell Flow Nozzle ( expander rather than a 
throat venturi effect). The purpose is to determine if we can get the flash 
without the added cost of heating.
Hmmm.. a sort of a hybrid MSF- RO.. (sounds like the lyrics to RAP music. 


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[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Hydro Hub

2007-01-06 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankRobin wrote..
What do you think of this:- ? 

Howdy Robin,

Depends on what will happen now.. lloks ike Aquasonics was acquired by h2ovap.

Notice Ezekiel project mentions an Australian project.. how is it going ?

The problem with this process appears to be the same problem at Carslbad 
Caverns.. scraping carbonates off the walls takes all the fun out of work.


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[Vo]: Re: China Coal

2007-01-02 Thread RC Macaulay

Terry wrote,,,2089-2524271_1,00.html

China chokes on a coal-fired boom
Michael Sheridan

Toxic cloud of progress can be seen from space

A GREAT coal rush is under way across China on a scale not seen
anywhere since the 19th century. Its consequences have been detected
half a world away in toxic clouds so big that they can seen from
space, drifting across the Pacific to California laden with
microscopic particles of chemicals that cause cancer and diseases of
the heart and lung.

Nonetheless, the Chinese plan to build no fewer than 500 new
coal-fired power stations, adding to some 2,000, most of them
unmodernised, that spew smoke, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide into
the atmosphere. 

Howdy Terry,

They must have energy so they use coal. China is obviously aware of the 
havoc the use of coal will wreak on their long term plans. Consider they are 
painfully aware of the need for clean cheap energy,, Taken another step, it 
is conceivable they are feverishly searching for such a source. Taken 
another step, it is conceivable they have searched the world's data bases on 
new energy research and know about research in Cold Fusion and have known 
since 1990's. It would not be hard to take the next step and consider they 
are researching this field now and are ahead of the rest of the world.

Why so, you say??
 A little tidbit of info.. the Hydro Hub of Singapore.. a consortium of 
National University of Singapore ( NUS) and some of the leading world 
corporations like GE Water and Siemens Water. Why would firms like these be 
investing in research in water on such a large and integrated scale ( 
co-operative ventures) ?

Because they are aware and know something. What do they know? I suggest they 
know of some technology being advanced. Some connection between new energy 
forms that have application in water treating. Our tiny company in Texas is 
researching a miniscule segment of this new water technology. We ship 
product into the Pacific Rim and receive enough feed back to sense a dynamic 
emerging out of HydroHub.

What nation has the must urgent need of a new form of energy? China of 
course. They have discovered something and this discovery has application in 
other fields of science.

Taking a huge step .. pure conjecture would suggest the names of the 
players.. GE and Siemens.. are sufficent to think it fits.
These two players in the great game are not kids nor fools. They don't 
invest 1/2 bil bucks in HydroHub Singapore unless they already have their 
money back with interest.
Who in the world is GE anyway??? Well !! think GE Capital Corp and let that 
steep awhile.. think Bank of New York and Mellon Bank recent joining at the 
hip to manage some 22 TRILLION in assets worldwide. Think WalMart and Home 
Depot, the nations largest retailers. Think Boeing and Siemens.. How do they 
all fit together.. They are the great game.. not just one of the players.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, we are looking, wondering when the science of 
Cold Fusion will finally become mainstream.
Answer, it took about 30 seconds after FP announced their research in the 
1990's for the players in the great game to understand. These people are 
tough.. they stay on top.. strong take it away from the weak, the smart 
takes it away from the strong, the bank holds the money for the smart. One 
of the smartest moves in the past 10 years is China forced the brits let 
them into Hong Kong banks. Nope, they ain't fools. China now controls the 
world's money management system.


[Vo]: Richard's Rube Goldberg's

2006-12-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankRobin wrote..
 We will be testing a series of throats with the hope we may achieve some 
acceleration of the vortex funnel.. hmmm.. fun stuff.
Isn't this going to result in explosive decompression of the water in the vortex
making it vaporize? (Just a vague memory).

Howdy Robin,

You sure are an observant cuss from down under. grin.

Visualize the test setup. A housing ( 4 clear PVC pipe section) surrounding 
the water vortex with an eyewall center of approx 3/4 dia. The pipe section is 
actually a series of flanged segments ( interchangeable) that allows us to 
insert various segments for combinations of tests.An example of a segment may 
have embedded 1'/2 dia neodym magnets ( 200ea) flush with ID and positioned in 
a series of circular spirals. Another segment has a double spiral cone shaped 
springs ( one Iron, one aluminun) for connecting to a 48 VDC power to provide a 
voltage curtain.Another segment has a electro mag( stator) Other segments have 
the venturi throats and expanders( Lazell type).  The drive unit is a 25 HP 
motor 3450RPM connected to 1: 3 sheave setup belt drive. Using a VFD drive we 
can vary the speed from zero to 10,500 rpm. We should be able to accelerate 
without separating the column ( vertical vortex) but another test will be to 
determine what happens if  a separation occurs. May produce pulsation if we can 
get the Lazell expander to co-operate plus the rotating distributor can be 
configured with sufficent cavities( perhaps 9 to 11) that can produce harmonics 
assisting a pulsation.

Overall, the purpose behind the never ending tests is to cause  molecular 
changes to take place in the  mineral content of seawater sufficent to allow a 
reduction in mineral content of the water prior to entering the reverse osmosis 
train prefilters with the added benefit of changing the salt to a form of 
marble suitable for disposal. 

Heck, why dream of little things.. make it the moon!


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[VO]:Re: Upside down

2006-12-29 Thread RC Macaulay
Jones wrote..

Therefore this cannot be correct, can it? ... since
the electron has substantial mass; not only is pushing
that much mass to lightspeed, or even close ...
totally out of the question, since the electron would
then have more mass-energy equivalent then the nucleus
itself - but where would the energy required to do
this - be coming from?

Robin posted an interesting thought

From the rest mass lost by proton and electron during shrinkage. Since the
electron is continually losing rest mass, while it gains kinetic energy, there
comes a point where the next level is unattainable. According to the first graph
on my web page ( this
occurs about q=124 (p=124 to use Mills quantum numbers). However the exact level
is irrelevant, for home grown Hydrinos, because fusion would occur long before

Howdy Vorts,

Robin's math demonstrates my thoughts that science lacks the mathematics to 
take fusion to the next level. Pure conjecture on my part that... magnetics are 
poorly understood and the pivital role played by magnetics in balancing Robin's 
equation cannot be fully stated as confirmed by Robins math.
One of the design tasks we envision in our water vortex apparatus is make a 
series of throats similar to the old Gibson formula for venturis that would 
both accelerate and expand the fluid flow. Stacking the vortex may produce the 
same result as pulsation and /or lend support  to Robin's thoughts.
An alternate thought we have is to use expanders similar to the Lazell flow 
nozzle that produces the opposite effectas the Gibson throat. Since nuclear 
physics is not our forte, we must rely on fluid hydraulics to achieve what 
little progress we make in water treatment.
Imagine an acceleration of fluid flow beyond so called terminal velocity of 
water. This may be possible using a combination of socalled
ejector throats. If these velocities can be achieved, do they have an 
application for study of light or heavy H ? hmmm.
The vortex group offers us a constant stimulation of thought.


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Re: [Vo]: Re:[VO]: Inertia,Aspden Angular Mo

2006-12-29 Thread RC Macaulay

In reply to  RC Macaulay's message of Fri, 29 Dec 2006 16:00:35 -0600:
Interesting question. Consider the thermal updrafts that occur during huge 
forest fires. I have noticed TV news live vid of vertical vortex forming 
that eyeball measure some 5000 ft high. In an instant of 1 to 3 seconds , 
a fire cone accelerates up the vortex. I have noticed this in several vids 
of forest fires in extreme mountanous terrain. Calculating the eyeball 
height of the cone and the time duration makes the fire travel some 2500- 
5000 feet per second Naw !, It can't be...  Something is taking place 
I don't understand.

Footage I have seen of forest fires on TV has never shown a flame more 

twice the height of the trees. 2500-5000 feet is up in the clouds.
Can you find an instance of the coverage that you refer to on the web?

Howdy Robin,

I have seen this event twice. Once the past year during a Colorado forest 
fire.. I can't find it but it was the one the lady forest ranger set. I 
calculated the height of the adjacent mountain terrain. The fire on the side 
down between the rugged slopes had to be between 2500 to 5000 feet change 
below the peaks. A funnel type vortex would form and the flame would shoot 
straight up above the peaks.. weird to witness... the thing that caught my 
attention was the velocity of the vertical flame inside the vortex. The 
flame would suddenly shoot up inside the vortex in 1-3 seconds. wow
Since that time I have asked if anyone fighting a fire of this type had ever 
witnessed an event of this type.. One mentioned they have seen such and it 
was accompanied by a whirling noise like a banshee.  so much for things that 
go bump in the night.
It gave us the idea for trying to achieve acceleration of a vortex. Some 
time back a guy bamed Bull invented a horwitzer that could shoot 250 or more 
miles. He used a series of ejector throats feeding into the next series of 
ejector throats. The gun barrel was some 150 feet long.. One was found in 
Iraq during the Gulf War. Iraq was planning to shell Isreal by lobbing a 
projectile into the near space.Try to imagine the muzzle velocity.
We will be testing a series of throats with the hope we may achieve some 
acceleration of the vortex funnel.. hmmm.. fun stuff.


[VO]: The holiday season

2006-12-22 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts,

As we enter the holiday season, may all have a safe and joyful celebration of  
Christmas. May the new year bring peace on earth and goodwill toward man.

I commend each of you for keeping the Vorts a respectful group and interesting 
place to share ideas.


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[VO]:Re: Firing Circuits

2006-12-18 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Terry,

The theme for using a spark plug firing at frequency speeds approaching the 
resonant frequency of water is to an attempt to combine two functions. One is 
to apply an electric current path surrounding the water vortex and also 
interrupt the current path so as to replicate a ultrasonic transducer and 
frequency generator..   a model A spark coil and a boom box effect with 
adjustable frequency. Hopefully achieve an electronic  tuning fork that 
causes a resonance in the vortex.. hmmm! Add to that little tidbit ... a series 
of Neodym magnets in a spiral array fixed in a section of pipe ahead or behind 
the pipe section housing the spiral spring electrodes and we may generate some 
O3 or O isotopes..

 Not to worry, we have an ole man lives in Dime Box Texas that drinks a gallon 
of peach squeezing every day and he can hear the steam locomotive whistle a 
mile away even though the train hasn't run in a hundred years. Now that is 
resonance. Off track.


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[VO]:Re: Firing Circuits

2006-12-18 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankRobin wrote..

You may not need such a heavy duty spark generator. Instead of trying to
generate sparks at the requisite frequency, whatever you think it is, why not
just adjust the resonance of the tank circuit to match it instead? IOW, let each
spark generate lots of high frequency oscillations? Just as in old spark gap
radio transmitters.

Howdy Robin,

Thanks for the thought. Please expand on it. You have a picture in your mind I 
am not seeing clearly but it is a  very important idea that I must consider.


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[VO]:Re:Measuring Precession

2006-12-17 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJohn Berry wrote..

Some type of processional force is claimed by the Steven's device.

Can anyone suggest a great way to detect even very small processional forces?

Howdy John,

Dr.R.Stiffler posts on this group. You may ask him. He has been doing some 
interesting work in this area using magnetics.


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[VO]: Firing Circuits

2006-12-17 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts,

Been in discussion with some making suggestions for our next series of 
experiments for water vortex studies. One suggestion was to use the discharge 
of a high voltage Tesla coil and fire that voltage across spiral wound springs 
( 1/2 gap), one of iron and one of aluminum ( a sparkplug if you may). The 
springs would be mounted inside a clear PVC 4 pipe shrouding the water vortex 
and the spiral springs configured to approach the shape of the water vortex 
upward flow. The idea would be to increase the frequency of bursts to the 
resonant frequency of water. If this would be possible it may supplant the need 
for an ultrasonic horn configuration and transponder. Hmmm.. 

Electronic wizards??? can an electronic firing circuit be made that is capable 
of this number of bursts?  My ole model A spark coil, condensor and points 
don't seem vigorous enough.


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[VO]:Re: Neglected Power Law

2006-12-12 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Jones,

Interesting series of posts regarding  a diesel-turbine-hybrid unit.

 We have been studying a work of Schauberger, a design he proposed for a  
implosion type compressor. Our interest is in using it  for vacuum induction 
against pressure above 30 PSI, hopefully up to 150 PSI.

 Yuor idea of using  a Roots style blower fits. Even more interesting would be 
an implosion type blower if anyone makes a version of the Schauberger design.


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[VO]: OT: Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941

2006-12-07 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts,

Visited funeral home tonight pay respects to old friend served with in the US 
Navy WW2
I thought about Iraq and the pending commission study report to Bush.

My thoughts are our leaders should never pull a gun on a man they don't intend 
to kill.  All it gets is a lotta good men killed for nothing. 

Capt.David Fraser of Houston. West Point Grad, US Army ranger, special forces.. 
killed in Iraq Nov. 26, 2006. 25 years old.
Soldier, warrior, brother, friend..He was a warrior and our leaders were using 
him as a policeman in a war. What a waste.

To everyone that ever served his nation honorably,  comrade and foe, I salute 
you. Few leaders in the world deserve your service and the sacrifice made by 
those that have fallen in battle.
I still get tears when I see our flag and remember what it stand for and who it 
stands for.

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[VO]:Re: Another energy machine story

2006-12-06 Thread RC Macaulay
Thomas wrote..

Phil contends that if 
we had spent the same money on energy development, we'd have energy 
independence. I think that if the Powers That Be wanted us to have 
energy independence we'd be energy independent.

Howdy Thomas,

One must understand there has been an irrevocable change since WW2. Now the 
focus is on melding and merging the world populace in phases. We are somewhere 
between the 1st and 2nd phase which can be described as socio market spheres 
like UCM and NAFTA. Energy is one of the major components for the success of 
this planning. It is being used both as a triggering mechanism and a lure.

Forget the wealth gained by the few from petro sales. Like the stock market, it 
is being allowed because it serves the purpose. You may consider the  swinging 
di*ks (SD's) of Wall Street and big petro as expendable. Keep your eyes on 
Putin. Watch his tactics. Notice he permitted a few Oligs to gain much before 
he had them jailed.

The US can be energy independent when you think about it. All that's necessary 
is to convert from autos getting 20 mpg to 100 mpg and turn off all the lights 
at night. Ask yourself what is preventing this and why an energy policy has not 
been made.

 It's because it does not serve the interests of the players in the great game. 
The SD's like Buffett may appear as guiding the economy but the real power lies 
in the hands of the people guiding the bureaucracy inside the beltway.


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[Vo]: [VO]

2006-12-06 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote..

Looks like the Vo-server was down yesterday, as two-day old messages appeared 
this morning and at least one post which needed correction is still apparently 
lost in cyberspace... One always suspects some kind of high-level tampering 
when this happens ... not that anyone with good sense would pay serious 
attention to this forum, but still... it makes one revert to using 
abbreviations. I suspect that neutron is some kind of flag for the snoops, 
and very few of our Corporals stationed in the German-message-screening-brigade 
have good sense but ... anyway

Howdy Jones,
Internet problems..
not just the vortex group , but a host of hosts.. went down.. ghostly hosts.
I used to think it was a huge conspiracy until I considered the reality of 
human nature.. Now I am convinced it is a matter of the blind leading the blind.

Liked you info on H2O2 and ozone.. we have a dickens of a time trying to get 
ozone gas to mix in water.. the hard headed stuff just wants to off-gas. 
However, if there are people in Dime Box Texas that know how to mix gunpowder 
with whiskey , we shouldn't fret about it.


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Re: [VO]:Re: Another energy machine story

2006-12-06 Thread RC Macaulay

Robin wrote..

In reply to  RC Macaulay's message of Tue, 5 Dec 2006 08:06:58 -0600:
Hi Richard,
One must understand there has been an irrevocable change since WW2. Now the 
focus is on melding and merging the world populace in phases. We are 
somewhere between the 1st and 2nd phase which can be described as socio 
market spheres like UCM and NAFTA. Energy is one of the major components 
for the success of this planning. It is being used both as a triggering 
mechanism and a lure.

It appears you have been reading the Club of Rome report. :)

Howdy Robin,
No need to read the Club of Rome report in depth, only follow the financial 
news such as..

The Bank of New York ( formed by Alexander Hamilton back in the 1780's) and 
Mellon Bank ( 1880's CarnegieMellon)
announced they merged to form NYB-Mellon. Not much news there until you 
study their asset base... now the largest on earth... 22 TRILLION bucks. 
Stop and think a minute and consider that WalMart, Microsoft and GE couldn't 
manage their business without a resource like NYB-Mellon to handle the 
amount of cash that flows across the desk every day. Actually, the Chinese 
have to rely on them for advice because the mind boggling amount of business 
that China generates acroos the globe on a daily basis. It takes knowhow 
that few organizations possess on this magnitude.
Ask yourself how an organization can manage that huge amount of resources 
and assets without having a game plan... Which means the Club of Rome is 
only a  component of so huge a business. Conspiracy theorists are rampant.. 
but the real power controls conspiracies, they don' let conspiracies control 

[VO]:Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote..

On one lower level there is the well-known prhenomenon of magentic 
precession of domains in a permanent magnet (PM), no?

Precession involves angular momentum, no?

Angular momentum can be transfered, no?

If a PM is capable, at the domain level, of transfering some of 
its precessional angular momentum away from its aligned and 
synchronous domains-  then that would necessarily be a 
conservative situation... and the magnet would/should become 
demagnetized... unless ??

Unless something (some quantum force or effect) akin to the 
Casimir force was capable of applying an effectvie pressure, at 
the domain level, so that the angular momentum of the PM - which 
had been lessened by a small amount in the transfer of energy [to 
either a valence electron or another unrelated domain] was 
immediately recouped (or regauged as Bearden likes to 

Howdy Jones,

Been thinking about how to fit a section of 4 inch clear PVC pipe into the test 
rig we are designing . The pipe will encase the eyewall type vortex .. approx 
3 ft in vertical length. In this section we plan to flange in various pipe 
segments for experiments.
One will be a section of magnets. The idea is to use neodym  1/2'dia x 1/4  
and  imbed them flush with the inside dia of the pipe. Then came and idea to 
fix the magnets into the pipe in an upward spiral that matches the normal 
vortex upward spiral . Also add some removable s shapedclips inside the pipe 
would enchance the vortex possibly. The question arose about adding a section 
of pipe for a ultrasonic horn  segment .. above or below the magnet section.. 
We decided since the pipe segments are modular, they can be installed either 
way to determine results. Had another e-mail suggesting we design a segment 
with copper rings and add a  tesla coil  setup firing circuit into the water 
vortex... sounds kinda wild but we will add it if anyone has any experience in 
electro- water setups of this type.
Weare also studying how to install a UV lamp inside the pipe to interact with 
the vortex.

Als planning to arrange the 4 inch vertical pipe so an external pipe shroud can 
be installed and sealed with another liquid. This experiment could be used to 
determine if there is a temperature differential result from the formation of 
the vortex in the inner pipe filled with water.. 

Fun stuff..

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[Vo]: Re: does centripetal vortex create a free electron in vortexed water?

2006-11-30 Thread RC Macaulay
Esa Ruoho wrote..

  hello, does anyone have any data  as to how vortexing could create a free 
electron (or, free up an electron) in the molecular structure of water?

  came across this quote (first was speaking with an old man  about water's 
energy levels  and  he asked if  my  vortexeralso frees up an electron  in the 
  The great scientist Viktor Schauberger was the first to demonstrate what 
happens to water when we pump it through pipes under pressure. Coming out of 
the ground, Schauberger said, water is living. It contains an extra electron 
in the outer ring, and it is the vortex of naturally moving water that creates 
this structure.

  But when pushed through a pipe, although it wants to move in a vortex (as we 
can easily demonstrate for ourselves), water is forced into a circular motion, 
and this circular movement strips the outer electrons off the water molecule, 
creating what's called unstructured water. It's still hydrogen and oxygen, 
but it lacks a specific electrical charge.
  this from

  but honestly.. anyone have any more leads.

  Howdy Esa,

  Best evidence is that a vortex has an  internal reverse flow as you can see 
by viewing water flow down a drain.


[VO]:OT: Mega-tsunamis are more common..

2006-11-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHarry Veeder wrote,
Prof Bryant used satellite images from Google Earth to identify inland dunes
in the shape of arrowheads that he says are signs of mega-tsunamis

Howdy Harry,

Good example would be the  dunes down on the King Ranch in deep south Texas. 
They can be observed both sides of US 77 below Kingsville. Something bigger 
than a hurricane caused them.


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[VO]:Re: RCM Vortex Machine

2006-11-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote..

Is you main focus here to use the device for water purification - 
only, or are you looking towards possible energy applications?

... or are you just going to stir it all up, so to speak, and see 
what comes out?
which G come to think of it, is how 'Mother Nature' often 
operates (biomimicry).

Howdy Jones,

The original unit demonstrated the ability to form a near perfect eyewall 
type vortex. This eyewall is intriguing enough for us to want to pursue some 
interesting as well as far out suggestions for tests including yours regarding 
microwave into the center of the eye. Still trying to figure out how to rig a 
test for this. Could an external magnetron connected to a submerged wifi 
antenna work under water ?

The object is to attempt to shake, rattle or roll minerals out of brackist and 
seawater prior to filtering upstream of the reverse osmosis membrane batteries. 
We can aereate some out via oxidation but overwhelming in scope. Some input 
states a combo of events may allow a 'disconnect of mineral from water 
sufficent to separate.

Shucks, if my ole great grandad could make the best corn squeezins in 
Crockett county, we should be able to separate minerals from water. Course the 
 revenuers got him in the end but his reputation remained intact, it was only 
his neck they stretched.


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[VO]:Re: BioMimicry, the old way

2006-11-28 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote..
Real science based on 'taking a risk' with some degree of 
educated-speculation, instead of real-fluff based on total 
mainstream obeisance.

 Consequently, we need to 
add another layer of complication. See ... until fairly recently 
... we were totally unaware of this snow-ball earth situation 
and like most new findings - it raised more problems than it 

But oxygen somehow appeared anyway, from putative snowball-earth, 
as it melted. How did this transpire and how did organisms evolve 
oxygen tolerance? Short answer: HOOH.

Howdy Jones,

Where would we be without a after thankgiving portion of delicious  grits as 
served by the  Jones???Obeisance is right out of his vocabulary  grin.

My ole pal, the geologist and I could never agree on anything including the 
earth was round or flat. I considered the premise the earth was once completely 
sheathed in an ice cover so massive that the pressure   increased  the heat 
of the core. Why so?  Assuming it is now in a near fluid state... would it have 
to  been rather non-elastic in order for the mass to form the ball ?? Hmmm. Are 
earthquakes  recent events in time and are they evidence of this massive 
release of weight represented by melting of the ice sheath?

Mix hydrogen peroxide and oxone... what is the reaction from these two oxidants?


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[VO]:Re: Hidden wealth

2006-11-27 Thread RC Macaulay
Jones wrote..

As for the coming decade [and stranger than fiction forms of 
wealth], take the national helium repository for instance - close 
by a certain ranch in Crawford TX. This one is not yet 
fictionalized. It was recently, very quietly, shuttled into 
private hands from DoE, in what is clearly political manipulation. 
There could be a trillion dollars worth of 3He hidden in there - 
but no one is talking. And few except at the highest levels would 
know for sure if a breakthrough in 3He fusion has taken place in a 
so-called black project. Still black-gold, eh?

Howdy Jones,
My! what big eyes you got grandma. Private hands indeed!... spell that Bechtol 
Corporation, George Shultz, the cowardly lion lookalike. Who is Bechtol ? The 
leading US nuke plant contractor, the 2nd in command ( still carrying Brown and 
Root's water) in Iraq et al.
Enter the committee lead by Jim Baker ( another good ole Texas boy) serving 
to figure out how to right wrongs brought about by a totally disaster called 
the  W factor.
No place but Texas.
Helium... ah ha ! Did you say Algeria? hmmm... French-Italian nuke interests ?
Tell us why Helium and Nuclear power fit hand in glove.. an indispensible 


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[VO]:Re: Magnetic effect on water

2006-11-16 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankMichael Foster wrote..

Somewhere on Bill's endlessly large website is an
experiment showing that exposure to a magnetic field
increases the viscosity of water.  This is such an
easy thing to test that I tried it.  It really works.

At first I thought that this is mysterious and inexplicable.
Then it occurred to me that since water molecules are
electric dipoles, they would be subject to the Lenz effect
when in a magnetic field, i.e., they would resist a change
in orientation.  Since the normal random thermal motion of
the molecules would be more or less restricted, depending
on the strength of the magnetic field, the rise in temperature
of the water to ambient would be suppressed.

This might also explain the precipitate.  The normal Brownian
motion caused by thermal agitation would also be suppressed,
resulting in the water's inability to keep small paricles in
suspension.  The water would have to have some fine particulate
impurity in the first place for this to happen.

And here's some speculation:  Suppose you place a beaker full
of water inside a larger container with a non-polar liquid.
Expose these to a strong magnetic field.  Would the water
become colder and the non-polar liquid hotter?  Anti-entropic?

Howdy Michael,

We were able to drop out some white powder precipitate one a single occasion 
some time back.We had forgotten to turn off the test unit over the lunch hour. 
Never able to reproduce the event in our steel test tank. The municipal source 
of our water supply could have had been hypo-chlorinated that day... or some 
chemical agent to reduce manganese.. or visa-verse. Using a plexiglas tank with 
aluminum frame and municipal chlorinated water  would occasionally produce the 
precipitate and severely oxidize the aluminum.

You idea of using a non-polar liquid is intriguing. Glad we have been giving 
the next test rig modular design theme some time for input like your 
speculation. If you would like to see a pic of the present setup I can send you 
a pdf.


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[Vo]: Re: Magnetic effect on water

2006-11-14 Thread RC Macaulay

Dr. Stiffler wrote,

I have a question for the group and will follow up with additional coverage
of the research that brings questions like these to the forefront.

Assume (2) 150mL Pyrex lab beakers filled with distilled, de-ionized 
Seal both tops of the beakers with Al foil to reduce evaporation. Place 

beaker in the center of a ring magnet (we used ones taken from audio
woofers), the rating of which is not relevant at this point.

Place the second beaker at least a meter from the beaker and the ring
magnet. Now let both sit undisturbed for 24 hours.

Repeatedly here is what I have found. The beaker within the center of the
ring magnet, does not reach equilibrium with ambient temperature (yet the
magnet itself does). The beaker that is one meter away from the other 

does reach equilibrium with ambient.

Additionally the beaker within the magnet has a white precipitate where 

other one does not.

Before I go further, has anyone done anything similar?

*I do not subscribe to the effects of magnetic field on pure water, yet I
now have question on that understanding.


Howdy Stiffler,
Much studies around including some pretty far out stuff in the  ORMUS 
areas. WE have a research test setup at our Weimar Texas shop. Our next 
series of tests will start a log on the use of magnets and solenoids both 
for flows and water vortex studies.


[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Give Mel a Break?

2006-11-12 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,
Nuff said about culturals and races.
Back in the US Navy WW2., a kid I knew from down around Corpus Christi Texas 
told of the fights he could start at the dance hall. Seems the small nearby 
farming communities were sorta "clannish". Orange Grove was all Dutch, San 
Patricio was Irish-Mex mix, Alice was German, Robstown was Czech, 
Kingsville some partJewish settlement... and so on . The dance hall 
was midway between the towns. 
To get a fight started, my smartaleck kid friend would stand outside and 
shout to one of the guys inside saying... "did you hear what that Bohunk called 
you".. the fight would start in earnest.. all it takes is to play the card.. 
ethnic, culture and race..
Fun Back to talking about science ideas.. the highest 
form of gossip!!!

[VO]:Re: MERUCRY and the Vortex Prophecy?

2006-11-08 Thread RC Macaulay

Nick Palmer wrote,P.S. I'm very dubious about astrology! 

Slate Magazine today on net...

"In fact, the best news of the 2006 elections is the opportunity it gives 
Democrats to earn the lasting support of the independents and disgruntled 
Republicans whose votes just dropped in our laps. Tuesday was the death knell 
for Rovism—the quaint and now fully discredited theory that majorities are built 
not by expanding support with ideas that work but by mobilizing extreme 
minorities with ideas that aren't meant to be enacted and wouldn't work if they 
did "


More carnival than astrology but what the heck, Jones said it like it 


[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Greenest of the Green

2006-11-03 Thread RC Macaulay

Standing Bear wrote,
This is a stratosphereof inflated salaries that can disappear in a 
heartbeat along withthe standards of living to which these pampered darlings 
havebecome accustomed.

Interesting observations da Bear. Consider Clear Channel Communications of 
San Antonio Texas. Now considering going private. The present management is in 
the hands of a wealthy family. The stock is 1/2 of 2000 price. This family has 
reaped huge stck and other encentives and now face super enrichment by selling 
Who is buying Clear Channel to take private and why ? Goldman sachs is " 
handling" the deal for management and studying offers by Texas-Pacific, 
Kohlberg, Blackstone Group and others. Serious money must want Clear Channel... 
Clear Channel owns 1500 some odd USA radio stations.. A few names may be 
recognized.. Rush Limbaugh, A conservative voice over 1500 stations is no 
small potaters.
Scary stuff to begin with.. a single entity controlling 1500 dispersed radoi 
stations nationwide.. How did they get an ok from FCC to capture such a huge 
base? .. and better still.. who wants this asset and resource.. and why.. the 
what-ifs are staggering if one considers that Rush could be effectively silenced 
if certain parties took the 1500 stations private... while I am not a Rush fan.. 
I can see a danger. Anything that has a smell of Goldman Sachs scares me.

[Vo]: Re:[VO]

2006-11-01 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote
Below the sun's surface, in the fusion zone there will likely be a 
monstrous positive charge bias, which keeps this area far less-dense 
than it otherwise should be, if only gravity were at work. Electrostatic 
repulsion is in constant battle with gravity there. The resultant charge 
layering makes the structure like a giant capacitor, and on the surface and 
in the corona, you will have a corresponding negative charge bias, to 
balance out the positive bias below - and many surplus electrons, which 
probably are "paired" for substantial statistical time periods (even if it 
is nanoseconds as paired and femptoseconds as sequentially unpaired) - 
since there is also a gigantic magnetic field and a gigantic gravity field, 
with which to structure this kind of persistent electron pairing - which is 
highly favored by electrons anyway..
if protons from the flare are moving fast enough to exit the 
gravity field alone, or to capture a single electron and exit into the solar 
wind, then they provides the bulk of this wind, and the single electron 
capture would provide perhaps the remaining 5-10% of solar heating. The 
stable hydrino-hydride, in contrast will be ejected electrostatically, 
but at a much slower pace both in numbers and in velocity. The Hy- may 
move at less than one percent of the speed of the bulk of solar 
Howdy Jones,
I suggest the mind picture is blurred by the use of the wording " solar 
wind".Unforunately, sometime in the past the event was named "solar wind" 
and has"misdirected " sciencesince.
A mind picture of a robus strip shaped torus would better fit the frame for 
reference. It may be possible todesign an experiment to demonstate if the 
"solar wind" actually inverts . Picture the Indianapolis speedway track 
reshaped into a robus strip and watch the race cars run past heading 
eastand watchthem return from the west, yet never meet together in a 
The magnificent " capacitor "fits" the mind picture .. however.. 

[VO]:Re: The Hydrino Harvester(c)

2006-10-29 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,

Alas!! NASA and aerospace introduced with their attendant bureaucratic 
bumbling ang bungling. Did you notice that Boeing was "edged out" of the 
latest contract with NASA in favor of Lockheed- Martin.

Ummm .. lets see.. that means a total regime change at NASA with a new 
contractor.. as profound as it would be if KBR were replaced by another 
contractor in Iraq. All this means that energy, space exploration, science 
etc is not the driving force.. money and power is the driving force.

Washington... where it is not nearly as important to win .. as it is 
to make sure the other guy loses. What a philosophy.


[VO]:Re: The Hydrino Harvester

2006-10-27 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Jones,

Or it may be stated " HY". A Jones homily is always welcome on a blustery 
Texas fall day.

The thing most  thought provoking in your " copyrighted theory" 
is considering the long sought explanation of " heat" radiation received on 
earth from the sun. To consider that a fascimile of heat is " encapsulated" in 
something while " in transit" from the sun to the earth is blasphemy to the gods 
of higher learning. Yet , how else to explain how heat can survive the coldness 
of vacuum space over 93 mil miles.. hmmm!


[Vo]: Fw: Re: Removal of chi?

2006-10-27 Thread RC Macaulay


again, there is a chi in your chi-mney Richard.

Watch Jones blow his 
stack over that one. :-)


Sumtin's doon tikled 
dat man's fancy.

Humor is an imperative for survival in the new 
world of dis-order of science and politics.

Hannibal could have been defeated with 
laughter when you think about it. Just the headlines in the Roman Times would 
have done it. 
" General P.T (Barnum) Hannibal invades Rome with 
circus troop complete with elephants."


Re: [VO]:Re: The Hydrino Harvester

2006-10-27 Thread RC Macaulay

Dr. Stiffler wrote..

RC Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sir, I respect your opinion as I would
expect you of mine, yet I wonder about your e-mail account of walhalla as
opposed to valhalla? :-)

Howdy Dr.Stiffler,

The account is named walhalla after the nearby (used to be) town of 
Walhalla, Texas. The local pronunciation differs depending on ancestory. 
Germans pronounce the word with a V sound.
Stories differ regarding the demise of Walhalla Texas, some believe the 
procrastinators club originated in the basement of the old cotton gin back 
in 1889, but since they never got around to composing a members list... 
well.. err.. what can I say

Settlers started coming in around 1821 ( the Austin Colony), the first 
German town in Texas was settled nearby and named Industry. More German 
settlers came and named Oldenburg, Rutersville, New Ulm, Waldeck, Weimar 
etc. The Czechs came later and named their towns Dubina, Nechanitz, Praha 

My favorite character out of Texas history is a fella named Buckner, a 
genuine individual. He came in around 1815 before Austin, settled alongside 
a spring fed creek otherside of LaGrange Texas. He had an old indian woman 
lived with him. Nobody lived closer than 100 miles. Along came Austin and 
told him he'd have to move off the land he settled cuz it was given the 
Austin settlers by Mexico. Buckner held his own for 15 some years. The 
trouble with Mexico got worse and Austin kept asking Buckner to fight with 
the settlers but he stayed out of it until 1835 when he let a politicain 
talk him into going down to Velasco to help fight. Got himself killed for 
the trouble and outa kindness, the politicains divided his land between 
themselves. Kinda reminds me of the story of Iraq.

Say Walhalla or Valhalla , don't much matter anymore, cuz Mexico will soon 
demonstrate that Santa Ana actually won the battle of San Jacinto in 1836.. 
just took longer than expected.


[VO]:Re: Removal of chi?

2006-10-26 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote,
The reason that this is important is that many physicists, on hearing 
something like Qi or Chi or orgone spoken in a serious context, turn pale, 
start to froth at the mouth, and slather vulgarities... 
anyway...Howdy Jones,
One must have a regular portion of Jone's "homolies" to survive in the 
backwoods of Texas. 
Much space has been devoted on the web to the remarkable properties of water 
including "ormus" state water etc.The bible has an interesting sentence.. "the 
water and the blood".

[VO]:Fred's Solar Chimney

2006-10-23 Thread RC Macaulay

Fred wrote,

Never try to outdo a Texan. They certainly have the hot air 

Bush, and Jones Beene's ancestral heritage country. 

"In the heart of the nation's leading oil province, Monahans 
(Texas) officials and residents are hoping to land a major renewable energy 

If located at Monahans, the solar tower -- also known as a solar 
chimney -- would be, at 3,000 feet tall, the largest manmade structure in the 
world and generate 200 megawatts of green electricity, enough to power 200,000 
Howdy Fred,
Shucks Fred, they may pull it off. That is the financing and tax benefits. 
Our Gov. Rick Perry has a little package of "freebees" for stuff like this 
chimney.. that is if he survives the next election. Boy wonder slid into office 
on Guv. Bush coattails and has hung around performing wonders with numbers while 
eating cucumbers. He put a backdoor deal together with Cintra of Spain for 
a 180 billion dollar TransTx Corridor highway to make sure the illegals and 
WalMart had a superhighway between Mexico and Canada ready for the next phase of 
the new world order.
Worked right, this towercould be named after the retiring Prez... let's 
see .. hmmm. we could call it.. "blowin smoke up" or something commerative.
Technology wise, the darn thing makes sense on paper.. but...if it don't.. 
well. wez really gonna have sumtin' to chuckle about..which is what Texans are 
best at.. laughing at themselves.
 we don wanna hab anythin like this around Dime Box 

[VO]:Re: The Vacuum ICE

2006-10-22 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote,

Some of those old locomotives could pull half a million pounds with 
less than a hundred real horsepower, it is said - because they had 
sufficient torque.

Howdy Jones,

My ole boss used to say, horsepower is horsehockey, torque is what a mule 
has in his rear.

Ah! Steam locomotives... brought back memories of mid January 1946, war 
over,arrived atCamp Schmacher outside Berkeley, caught the east 
bound continental out that night , passed Sacramento steaming up the Donner 
grade and BLAM! near snowbound waiting for daylight and plows to clear the 
tracks. Thats when I saw an example of pure, raw horsepower.. at first dawn, UP 
connected two mountain locomotives to pull the 40 car troop train up across the 
pass heading to Reno.
As the tracks curved around the steep grade, you could see the two 
locomotives " chugging" away at a speed of just above walking.. it was after 
nightfall before we reached Reno.
That's real Hoss power.

Back to reality... much of our work is vacuum inducting feeding of 
chemicals... strange experiences occur when working with vacuum. There has been 
a lack of research in the vacuum arena until NASA .


[VO]:Re: A short rant

2006-10-21 Thread RC Macaulay

 Harry Veeder wrote,  Though Huygens rejected 
Newton's theory of universal gravitation because it required 
action-at-a-distance, his own mechanistic account failed to explain 
satisfactorily how subtle vortical-matter transferred centripetal 
conatus to ordinary matter." Richard wrote, 
 A further explanation is required to address the purpose and action of 
 the " reverse vortex" present in a vortex. One of physics puzzling 
Thomas wrote,
Have you read any Russell? His model has vortexes, centripetal, center 
seaking and centitifugal that expand.

Howdy Thomas,

Technically, the reverse vortex is not fully covered by Russell. Consider 
the granddaddy of all earthly observable vortex.. the gulf of Mexico style 
hurricane. The sustained eyewall may exceed 60 miles diameter. 
Acounterforce must exist.The low pressure formed in the eye cannot 
reconcile with the surrounding forces produced. The assumption that an 
unmeasurable"electro-magnetic event" takes place above, below or globally 
opposite the eye has been offered. That thought would in turn produce congecture 
that a spinning top must have a corresponding unseen energy balance opposite. 
hmmm!! Such conjecture, not taken to extreme ( tongue in cheek), may in turn 
offer some insight into why LENR is so extremely difficult to reproduce. We may 
be looking for the resultant in the wrong place. 




2006-10-21 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,

Ever look at things like a kid and simply stare. They see it but 
don't,because that's not what they are looking for.
We are looking at the next war that actually started around year 1990 via 
computer. An information war.A cyber war.This war is evolving as new weapons are 
developed, We have entered the " blog" phase. The next phase can be " denial of 
service" which in turn will be overcome by the demand for armored internet 
services via the next version of wifi and in turn by satellite.hmmm!

Since all battles are won and lost in the mind before the fight 
starts.We need to cast a cautious eye on what the fed is planning for 
"satellite protection and space measures". 
Ever get the idea that there is somebody out there a whole lot smarter than 
realized.. and they may be inside thebeltway and notelsewhere?


[VO]:Re: Future speed freaks

2006-10-20 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Jones, A close peek at the "rocketman" makes me consider he has 
adapted the vortex air blaster theme to a turbine.. pretty neat.

Alas! the USA is rapidly losing it's capacity to produce anvanced 
technology products. Almost every consumer product is now made in China. That 
doesn't mean it can't be produced in the USA, it means the experience in daily 
production allows them to advance past our idleness to the point that they would 
need to send their tech people to the USA to make a product to meet their 
quality control standards. We have become a nation of wholesalers.

[VO]:Re: A short rant

2006-10-20 Thread RC Macaulay

Harry Veeder wrote,

Though Huygens rejected Newton's theory of universalgravitation 
because it required action-at-a-distance, his own mechanisticaccount failed 
to explain satisfactorily how subtle vortical-mattertransferred centripetal 
conatus to ordinary matter."

Howdy Harry,

A further explanation is required to address the purpose and action of the 
" reverse vortex" present in avortex. One of physics puzzling 


[VO]:Re:{anti-Vo]:Global warming

2006-10-16 Thread RC Macaulay

Nick Palmer wrote,

No, it does not conflict with the need to do something...

Howdy Vorts,

Ah Ha! Now therein lies the real problem. .." the need to do 
something" !

Shakespeare once penned " there is a tide..."

It ain't up to us anymore which is why it's a waste of time to talk about 
global warm. I went to wedding in Dallas over the weekend. Dallas is one of the 
"NEW" boom town cities of the world where the movers and shakers migrate toward. 
I listened to the talk and after more than 40 years of business experience, I 
compared what I heard with what my gut feeling was telling me.
Best way to describe what I sensed in Dallas.. playing poker with scared 
money. It's like a game of monolopy.. everybody knows the money is make believe 
and the hotels and properties are just play

Folks, global warming is way down the list of priorities. 

Not to worry.. the laws of human nature are alive and well in the world. 
Read Cervantes "Don Quixote" and get the joke.
Jones Beene should write a 21 century version.


[VO]:Re: Flux Tansfer Events

2006-10-08 Thread RC Macaulay

Terry wrote, 
close and personal with a leaking magnetosphere Cosmic plumbingBy Lucy 
SherriffFriday 6th October 2006 06:02 GMTYou may or may not know 
that Earth's magnetosphere leaks. You mightthink it is therefore time to 
send for the intergalactic plumbers. Andin a manner of speaking, that is 
what the European Space Agency hasdone, in collaboration with its 
counterparts in China.
Howdy Terry,
One mustavoid being " strip searched" byLady Sheriffs. 
Great graphics shown in the links,utter fictionof what could have 
actually happened to the spacecraft monitoring systems.
Itmay bethat the same people reading these "tea leaves" 
were responsible for the recent award of the Nobel prize for physics for 
the next episodeof "big Bang" theories. At least the Flat Earth Society 
publishes a disclaimer and the Darwinians admittheir ideas areonly a 
misguided attempt to frustrate the intellect.

[VO]:Re: More on DSHP

2006-10-06 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote,

First of all, the 'eureka moment' in question goes back further than 
Archimedes - it is Mother-nature's idea - biomimicry at work. 
Howdy Jones,
Surprising how many Texas AM engineering school undergrads are now 
tracking your posts on this subject via my secret code ring 
locationunder my keyboard. They asked me if I knew Jones I remarked 
that he lives over the other side of Eureka which is not even close to Dime 
Still believe that Schauberger's vortex windmill would bea good easy to 
make project with fiberglas. 

Description: GIF image

[Vo]: [VO];Re: Steve Krivit NO LONGER urges participation in Wikapedia

2006-10-05 Thread RC Macaulay

Steve wote,

Well, some of you attempted to intervene, and I applaud you, whoever it 
was, but it seems the like things are a bit out of control there at the 
moment. I'm appalled that such destruction could occur and that it 
has been left to stand. Let them have their way. One day they will wake up 
to a very big surprise.

Howdy Vorts,

Seems to me thatmore peopleare lending credence to 
Wikipedia than deserved. So much for a great idea.

They become tainted and painted with the ole "tar brush" and become 

For shame.. the gossip that will ensue over at the domino parlor at 
Dime Box Texas.


[VO]:Re: Seeing Tesla with new eyes

2006-09-30 Thread RC Macaulay

John Berry wrote..

I have a friend, he's a bit odd, but anyway he told me about a friend 
of his (also John) who built a death ray, he isn't technical and I'm am doubtful 
he'd be able to come up with such interesting details, by using very strong UV 
lamps and high voltage was able to create just such a conductive channel through 
the air, he told me the guy had killed, I forget if it was a goat or a cow, 
maybe one of each with it. He asked his friend if I could have a look but 
his paranoid friend (who lives in isolation) didn't agree, and next time he told 
me that it wasn't working. (I forgot what he said blew)This was about a 
year ago if that. I'd say it's more likely than not he's on the level, 
he doesn't have interest in science in any form which makes the details (most of 
which I can't recall accurately enough to recount) he gave seem unlikely to be 

Howdy John,

After all John, what are friends for? Used to have a friend like that 
myself. LIved over near Cat Spring ,Texas in an ole house next to the abandoned 
railroad tracks ('bout 40 some miles over from Dime Box, 
Texas). Anyways, this fella could sit in his front porch rockin' 
chair and drink " white lighnin". He could actually see and hear the ole 
steam locomotive coming into town 100 years after they tore up the tracks and 
the last train ran.

Now, that's what you call science.

He had this trick.. he could drink corn squeezing and chew tobacco both at 
the same time. Well... err...that is ' till one night he accidently 
washed down a whole plug of "Wedding Cake" chewing tobacco with a healthy "swig" 
of white lighnin.
What happened next could be described sorta like what happened to your 
friend.. septin.. my friend spent the next few days in the outhouse... funny 
thing .. he never heard or saw any more steam locomotives.. but that science for 
you... can't always reproduce an experiment.


[VO]: Re: Esa Rucho

2006-09-27 Thread RC Macaulay

Esa wrote..

I really hope this email isn't taken as 1) troll 2) annoyance I 
would love to pose some more questions, 
I am starving of information, and tired of the "quick fix" people
Howdy Esa,
A lenghty discourse from you. Thanks!. Ask your specific questions, thats 
what Vorts is all about. Is your vodeo clip available to send? I would like to 
view your egg test if you wish to send a clip to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[VO]:Re: On the magnetization of Water

2006-09-22 Thread RC Macaulay

--- Robin  How do you intend to remove a fraction of a 
percent,The fractional percent is with no catalyst present(pure 
water) but the equilibrium level is much higherwith a colloidal 
catalyst. and concentrate it to HTP?That is done in a 
cascade. Because of the enormousdensity difference, only a few 
simple stages areneeded. We hope to get to mid-grade with three 
stages,maybe two, and to HTP from there in one final stage,which is done 
immediately prior to injection so thatthere is almost no stored HTP. 

Howdy Vorts,

I have been following this thread with much interest. Most exciting and 
parallels some of our studies.. The Russian paper on magnetic treatment of 
wastewater caught my attention but the HTP idea is fascinating.

Now couple the small turbine attached to the 100,000 rpm generator to a mag 
coupled flywheel and it's beginning to jell.


[VO]:Re: Jones post

2006-09-18 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote..

Notwithstanding that major breakthrough, the hybrid car itself will need no 
large engine, just a tiny genset - similar in size to a present day turbocharger 
- except thatthe compressor-end is gone and replaced with a high speed 
electrical generator - operating at only one speed (100,000 RPM) and about 20 kW 
output - used to keep the batteries charged for longer trips than the 10 miles 
they can go with no genset. 

This is basically a tiny steam engine. A slightly larger radiator is there, 
but it is used to condense some of the steam back to water so that less need be 
carried. The steam is made mostly from water which has been converted onboard 
into HTP (high test peroxide), but zero HTP (which is dangerous) is carried 
aboard the vehicle.

How can that be??? Simple, my dear Watson- it is all manufactured and 
enriched continuously and "just in time" (as detailed in the next posting). 

Howdy Jones,

Interesting insight into nature in this article that states..

"Pax’s projects also take a cue from a design theory called biomimicry, 
coined by Janine Benyus, who wrote a seminal book on the subject in 1997. 
Biomimicry argues that nature uses only the energy it needs, fits form to 
function, and recycles everything.
So why not design products the same way?"

[VO]: Pitkinen magnetics paper

2006-09-04 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,

Interesting insight in magnetics study by Pitkanen.

My interest is the application of some of the thoughts expressed in his 
paper to a water vortex.


2006-08-30 Thread RC Macaulay

Remi wrote,

The best thing is for visionaries/ideas people to form a consortium 
ofengineers/scientists (much as Steorn) and cut every worker in, pay 
everyworker a salary and give every worker equity.Kind of socialism 
within capitalist constraints: you look after the foundersand the 

Howdy Remi,

Don't work thata way. 
The strong take itaway from the weak and the smart take it away from 
the strong.


[Vo]: Question

2006-08-29 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Frank,

Are you being blocked by vortex or is this an 
example of our esteemed intelligence ( or lack thereof) heirarchy in 
One requires a steady input of " the Grimer" 
complete with latin verbage to survive in the rural parts of Texas where rumors 
and suspicions abound that Santa Ana and General Grant have signed a trade 
agreement with WalMart and our Confederate money could loose 10% of it's value 

OUr best,


[VO]:Re: A SODden Thought

2006-08-26 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Jones.

Whne I was a kid I couldn't miss the saturday morning movie adventure. Alas 
! Yesterday! But, not to worry because Jones Beene is here to provide the spark 
of inspiration together with that intrinsic sense of humor so vital to life  

For those odd Texans that never attended AM engineering school, what 
Jones means is SOD is present in everyday life.
We see it in manifest form.. what you say??? RUST. the evidence Dr. 
Watson RUST isd the evidence. Just as a hurricane is the evidence of CF. Some 
one will harness the energy available, but only and unless that person believes 
just as a kid watching a western movie and believed he would grow up one day and 
be a cowboy.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Magnetron application to water vortex

2006-08-22 Thread RC Macaulay

On 8/18/06, Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

True ... but just as all the clocks in a clock store line-up in
phase, on their own (like magic ?)  one would expect microtrons,
especially if wired in parallel, to do the same, no?

Terry wrote,

Not really.  The resonant frequency of the microwave cavity will vary
with the mechanical variations in the device.  The frequencies have to
be exact to be phase synchronous.

Robin wrote,

Then use the same source and split the beam in two (or pass the
same signal through two separate amplifiers).

Howdy Robin ,
Thanks for the idea. We keep plugging away at the task and ideas are always 


[VO]:Re: SciAM Sept.

2006-08-21 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Jones,

Mention Nuke power plants . The South Texas Nuclear Power Plant near Bay 
City Texas, some 100 miles due south of me has a problem. Abunch of 
spoilsports sneaked into town and begin examining medical records over the past 
20 years and learned there has been a marked increase in illnesses associated 
with radiation.
Not to worry because the plant owners are going to ADD two more reactors to 
the plant. Seems this plant was originally a joint venture with Houston Lighting 
and Power, city of Austin etc al. Brown and Root construction( now Halliburton) 
had the contract for about 2 bil bucks, trouble started immediately and finally 
Bechtol took over the contract and completed the job for around 8 bil, give or 
take a few.
HPP started crying they were stranded with a money losing nuke 
plant so the State of Texas sold bonds and gave them the money( 15 bil give or 
take a few)with the public paying off the bonds (by charging higher 

Since in Texas, it considered to be very poor sportsmanship to ever give a 
sucker an even break, After triple flipping the ownership of the plant across 
three different owners, each using the same brand of tears and crying towel, the 
plant finally wound up being owned by Mr. Nobody ( in other words we really 
aren't sure exactly who the owners are for lianility purposes).

Uhmmm! Lets see if I have this straight in my mind Bush was Governor at 
the time and. oh no.. there is no connection,, couldn't be. P.T. 
Barnum and Mark Twain had it pegged.


[Vo]: [VO}:Re: Where did Vortex get lost?

2006-08-20 Thread RC Macaulay

john wrote,

We all see war and political and religious 
aspects in the news and in our lives. 
 I am not suggesting to ignore 

 I am asking if any Vos would like to get back to 

Howdy john,
Hey, I know what you mean. Once in awhile I try to interject a bit of humor 
about Texas as a way to cool it.

All the same to you I will just stick with what ole Sheriff Jim said ( may 
recall he was the law back when the best lil ho'house in Texas was at its prime. 
When asked what he intended to do about all the lawbreaking out at the chicken 
ranch ( site about 12 miles from myhome).. Sheriff Jim quipped.. What? 
arrest the lawbreakers going out to the chicken ranch? I hate to tell you but 
I'd have to arrest the governor, the legislatureand the attorney general 
if I did. Who would be left to run Texas?

Talk about science.. look at the links below and consider where science is 
pursuing insanity .. err... or visa-verse


[Vo]: Magnetron application to water vortex

2006-08-17 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,

We have made several modifications to our test setup andcan 
producea very stable eyewall in the water vortex. Suggestions made 
regarding applying a pair of magnetronsaimed at the vortex have been 
intriguing. I have some pdf pics of the test setup including a pic of trhe 
actual " eye" produced. Before wefabricate a stainless steel 
container for further testing, we would welcome input on ideas for the mounting 
of the megnetrons. 
Being a bunch of Vorts.. your ideas and suggestions may be as completely 
wild as you wish  grin
Yes, we know a microwave cannot be "aimed" or focused... thats why 
wehave to do it. 
Ask me and I will send you the two pics to view.


[VO]:Re: New Segway Products

2006-08-17 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,

Can'y find too much false in what John Berry wrote about the good ole USA 
which may be the reason the Confederacy in the south is still fighting the Civil 
War of 1861-1865. I know my grandmother sure hated the Yankees cuz her 
granddaddy was killed in that war by the damn Yankees and she wasn't born til 

Folks sure have a long memory , may even be a few Muslins still around that 
hate Crusaders. 

Shucks, if you want to read all about what started it with the Muslins ya 
have to go back to Genesis and read how bad poor little Ismael got treated by 
his stepmama Sarah.That must have been around... uh...lets see.. about 2000 BC, 
give or take a century or too. My memory ain't too good on dates but I'm a 
Texan and Texans never forget anything that's real important like a really dirty 
trick. I bettter sign off now cuz I'm getting plum worked up again jus thinking 
about our boys at the Alamo and Goliad... Now , that was really a dirty trick 
ole Santa Ana's side kick played on Col.Fannin. Why he promised Fannin if he 
would surrender that Fannin and his troops would get parole.. word of honor, 
cross my heart, sure fire deal, no lie... BLAM,BLAM and that was the end of ole 
Fannin and his troops as soon as he layed down his gun and raised his hands. But 
as they say, time has a way of solving old peoblems.. but I gotta say those 
Yankees lie when the truth is in their favor so I kinda gotta go along with what 
John Berry had to say about em.

Just south of Dime Box Texas wher the bluebonnets grow, the cattle call and 
the tequila tastes like lemomade.

[VO]:Re: New Segway Products

2006-08-16 Thread RC Macaulay

Mike Carrell wrote..
Do you advocate policies which guarantee equality of outcome as opposed to 
equality opportunity? Be careful of what you wish for, that produces equal 
poverty for all.
Howdy Mike,
Ah! The law of unintended consequenses. You may add to the equation the " 
derivative" consequence. This strange "critter" has morphed into a near 
uncontrollable super virus that eats anything that approaches it for security, 
balance, offset, hedge or a host of excuses to foster the great game. 
Derivatives are now indispensible to the world financial system. Rummy was 
certainly right in his statement... " deficits no longer matter". A truism when 
you think about it. SEC was spoiling to "regulate" the beast until the very wise 
of the world led them aside and explained the facts of life to them. The poor 
dumb Muslim nations are so far back in the mire of the 6th century that they 
know they are being used by big petro but they dont know what to do about it 
except blow themselves up attempting to get even.Ever notice that many of the 
firebrand leaders in these natiions were educated in Moscow back in their glory 
days... take for example.. Saddam Hussian,, hmmm. Scratch the surface of the lot 
and notice they are first Marxist and last Muslin clerics.
The problem with wanting to play in the world's poker game of life 
isthe need toconstantly remind yourself the house wins because they 
hold the oddswhich causes you bet against 

[VO]:Re: New Segway Products

2006-08-15 Thread RC Macaulay

Robin wrote..

Ever heard of a Pyrrhicvictory? - because that would be the most 
probable outcome, if youboth had your way. (No bets on who the "victor" 
would be).
Howdy Robin,
All the above is just an academic argument compared to what is staring 
Australia in the face. An entire continent, underpopulated by mostly European 
Infidels. Just northwest of Australia lies the East Indies with a muslim 
population explosion in progress in a land hungry series of nation islands. When 
its time , they will come knocking on your door. They are already invading 
Australia by the boatloads. Streets in major cities are no longer safe. 
What is your suggested solution?

[VO]:Re: OT How to deal with terrorism

2006-08-14 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,

Been an interesting series of comments but I see no consensus.

At the fundamental base of humanity, very few have an inherent evil within. 
I have metvery few that were evil to the core without any redemptive 
There seems to be an age , possibly around 6-9 years, where certain 
patterns of behavior emerge and a set of values begin to form that influence 
behavior into adulthood. It is mostly impossible to change a persons mind 
or behavior once set.since only God can change the heart.
Different religious cultural practice and parental teaching and discipline 
seems toidentify withvarious cultures. Muslim culture clashes with 
Judeo-Christian culture and has for some 1400 years. Isreal understands there 
can be no peaceful resolution so their method of survival is eye for an eye. The 
Christian method is dependence upon God. We could be seeing the 
samesituation that occurred in the time of the kings of Isreal where 2 
Chronicles chapter 20 identifies battles that belong to God. 

The USA is not only a paradox, it is going through another phase of melding 
of cultures of which the outcome we cannot predict.
Dynamic changes underway have unintended consequences where individual 
freedoms arefurther reducedboth by the well intended and the schemes 
of men.

Human nature isinfluenced byjealousy, vanity, lust and greed 
which leads to no end of mischiefwith never ending variations producing 
one of the most profitable and intriguing industries on the US scene... 
lawyering. and the military industrial complex so profitable to the Carylile and 
Blackstone group.

I recall reading something written by DesCartes after his visit to the holy 
lands regarding his unbelief that the phophecy of the eventual restoration of 
Isreal couldn't happen because no one lived in the desert region between the 
western sea and the Persian gulf except a few thousand nomadic herdsmen. Yet the 
Zionist movement sent settlers to form Kibbutz along the Gaza area in the 
1880'sThey secured authorization from the Turkish Sultan and purchased ( 
emphasis on bought , not took)the land from the tribesmen on which they 
drilled water wells and created irrigated farming co-ops ( communes)to 
sellproduce to Europe. After thses farms were established, their next step 
was to form the Hebrew University to begin the training of a civil service cadre 
for governing. This long range planning resulted in what Isaiah predicted and a 
nation was created in "one day" in 1948. There has not been one day of peace 
since that day. There has not been a day since 1948 that Isreal has not been 
mentioned in the world news. Phophecy states that every nation that comes 
against Isreal will injure themselves. A view of the pics of the damage wrought 
against Lebanon seems to confirm that prophecy.

Maybe the Mexicans had it right in the old days.. when two people couldn't 
agree, they tied their hands together with rawhide , handed each a sharp machete 
and advised them to settle the matter between themselves.
Oh! were the disputes of the world that easy to resolve. But .come to 
think of it.. trouble usually starts with just two. If the twocould be 
culled out before they were able to hire somebody else to fight their battles. 
everyone else would be left in peace to chase women, drink whiskey and raise 


[VO]:Re: Are we there yet?

2006-08-09 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,

Reduced to application, the Coleman Powermate AirGen idea is a 1000 watt 
non-portable electric generator. Praxair will package the device with a botttle 
of hydrogen gas( under high pressure)and market it nationwide. 

A high pressure cylinder of hydrogen gas? For standby power source for a 
computer ? When I sit down to my "puter" I do not wish to have a hydrogen 
cylinder between my legs .. or anywhere close.. these things leak and go "boom 
in the night". Some of us kids in Texas ain't got a lick of sense but we ain't 

Now if you want to discuss colloid.. well.. once when we were kids and the 
strip down 34 model chev we used to hunt ducks in the rice fields wouldn't 
start, we found the battery was dry. Shazzaam !A little squirt of pi*s in 
the battery did wonders. Colloids in actions. 


[VO]: OT: BP Alaska Pipeline shutdown ??

2006-08-07 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Vorts..

Why do I get the feeling tha my chain is getting "yanked" by people a whole 
lot smarter than me?


[VO]:Re: Correa Patent Issued

2006-08-06 Thread RC Macaulay

Chris wrote..
Tonight has been consistent, as someone just informed me that Stanford has 
hooked up with Chevron to study "their" new discovery of nanodiamond for broad 
scale industrial applications and something to do with Silicon Vally. The 
looming question is why I ever thought anyone at Stanford (or any other 
University that I contacted) would bother to fund my discovery of a never before 
known, Semiconductive Non DetonationNanodiamond powder?

Quite the "common" thing to do.

Howdy Chris,
You read my post on patent themes. Didn't your grandmother ever tell 
you that people cheat at cards? Hollywood has made a fortunefostering the 
fable thatgood guys wear white hats. What is to keep bad guys from wearing 
white hats to fool the gullible?

A border cantina ( University) is no place to look for a " friendly " 
game of cards. The crossed bandeleers and the knife in the boot is a sure sign 
you are in mixed company. Ah! Stanford .. where all the hopes and 
aspirations of the simple and pure in heart clash with "silicon valley and US 

If you want to make a fortune, move to New Mexico, raise long red peppers 
and sell the strings to the rich tourists. All the patents have expired.


[VO]:Re: Correa Patent Issued

2006-08-05 Thread RC Macaulay

Chris wrote..
My comments on this are at 
I will say here that the Correa's are common folk, with no imagination, foul, 
nastypersonalitiesand they havesticky fingers as well.

My Pulsed Plasma Drive worked so well for them - they decided to say they 
invented it! 

Howdy Chris,

Gosh Chris,
That's plum disgusting! My sweet ole grandma Blanche Louise Townley, 
to whom one never attributed a "cuss word" would have understood and appreciated 
the " common" remark. One must be veddy British to appreciate the depth of 
disgust the use of this word implies.

[VO]:Re: Hydrophobia in New Mexico

2006-08-04 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote.. 

Interesting results re: hydrophobic surfaces from Fred's old stomping 

Fascinating, the formation of vortex shapes. 
Spit on a dry very hot cast iron skillet and the liquid "bounces and dances" 
without evaporating.
Or , the strange accounts of natives dancers in the South Pacific walking 
across hot rocks without injury.. hmm

[VO]:Re: Magnetic Vortices Charged Water

2006-08-01 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,

I have acopy of a Russian paperon a new physical method of 
disinfection of water that addresses a portion of the magnetic water theme. I 
will send a jpg to anyone that wishes to read it.


[VO]:Re: Colloidal Carbon Nanoparticles..

2006-07-29 Thread RC Macaulay

Fred wrote..

I like this example:

"EXAMPLE 8 (Revival of battery of imported car): In a 
battery mounted in a car manufactured by MERCEDES BENZ (trademark) which was 
conveyed from German on a ship and landed in Japan, completely deep discharge 
was proceeded under the influence of ambient air temperature when the ship 
passed the equator during transportation, so that the battery could not be used 
nor charged. A trial was made to revive the battery which could not be used 
because of the deep discharge. A total amount of 250 cc of a carbon suspension 
was supplied in each cell of a battery (almost 100 AH) of a 4.5 liter 
displacement engine of the car manufactured by MERCEDES BENZ which battery could 
not be charged. The battery was charged with currents of 60A for 15 minutes. 
When the battery was mounted in the car manufactured by MERCEDES BENZ and the 
engine was tried to be started, the engine could be started at once. It became 
clear from the above that the carbon suspension could recover a ! battery which 
deeply discharged, by quick charge for a short period of time. "

Howdy Fred..

Had a little troublewith the translation. Am I correct in 
understanding they attributed the total dischargeof thebattery to 
crossing the Equator ?This could be easily verified by experiment. The 60A 
charge for 15 minutes on a 100AH battery is the giveaway. . 60 Amps at 14.4 
vdccharge of a100 AH battery for 15 minutes will result in a pool of 
gunk. Again, easy to verify by experiment.


[VO]:Re: The Military and Hubbert

2006-07-29 Thread RC Macaulay

John Steck 

harumph harumph 
harumph 8^)
Richard wrote..

Big oil may also be the stabilizing agent for the world economy and not the 
Federal Reserve nor gold.

Howdy John,

As in the physical sciences, one must keep an open mind else we all wind up 
at MIT playing keepaway. The magnitude of the currency represented by the daily 
marketing of oil ,is in itself, so profound, that the world banking 
industry is fearfulof replaciing the dollar withthe Euroas the 
trading vehicle. Robin correctly identified this tidbit in his post 
bymentioning the US holds the world hostage with the printed dollar.

Whne drinking Tequila in Texas border cantina, one must be 
circumspect as to the atmosphere and environment. Once inside the door, macho 
plays a greater role. It is assumed that more than one patron has a weapon of 
choice and scouts honor don't play to the audience.


[VO]:Re: The Miolitary and Hubbert

2006-07-27 Thread RC Macaulay

Robin referred to link below..,club_of_rome_revisted.html
Howdy Robin,
Simmons has been a favorite reference for oil and gas(OG) people in 
Texas. Interesting report to gether with the website.. don't miss the rest of 
Left unmentioned in much of the energy forecasts is the economic warps 
created by " credit cards" and their role in new financial programs like 
reverse and 2nd mortgages.
While Simmons does a great job in OGtrending 
studiesthefinancial worlduses the daily reports ofWall 
Street where not anly is everything for sale but has a published bid price. 
These bids and prices include the value of a nation when you think about it.
It will not be energy nor food that determines outcome.. it will be 

[VO]:RE: Just a test..subject keeps..

2006-07-26 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy John Berry,

Interesting thought regarding parallel lines of force. You may expand on 
the thought and receive more input form others in the group. 

Regarding "missing" e-mail posts and messages, we have been experiencing 
power outages in key locations in the US like St.Louis. The internet is subject 
to power outages just like my lightbulbs at home.

During the past few months there has been some internet "magic" taking 
place. I will leave it up to others to speculate and/or identify this magic, be 
it key location power outage, mid-east rowdy boys playing games or big uncle 
protecting us from ourselves.
Go figure.


Re: [Vo]: Tesla Unveiled

2006-07-26 Thread RC Macaulay

Howdy Terry,

The link refers to Tesla's 1931 Pierce -Arrow touring car supposedly 
rigged up to run on a black box sitting on the front seat and caapable 
of 90 MPH speed.
Take it froma  guy that drove his first car in 1936. Nobody drove an auto 90 
MPH in those days except race drivers with specially equipped motors and 
Reference was made the motor was capable of 1800 RPM. That dead giveaway 
proved the whole episode was a figment of someones imagination. 1800RPM with 
transmission and  gearing in a 1931 Pierce-Arrow would give you speeds of 
approx 45-50 MPH maximum. .. The Tesla cult is alive and well... All 

- Original Message - 
From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Tesla Unveiled

The first Tesla:


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