Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-03 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:16 AM 1/3/2013, Jojo Jaro wrote:
OK, why can't the President of the United States make a special 
request to get his long form.  You say there was no legal way, but 
in fact there is. Abercrombie has enough authority by himself as 
governor to do this.  Obama could make a 2 minute phone call and the 
Bither issue would be resolved once and for all.  Why not do this 
simple thing?  Over 60% of America want it, why not do it.

This question has been answered many times. I'll do it again. Since 
Abercrombie has been mentioned, let's let him respond:

As can be seen, unless Abercrombie is *lying through his teeth*, the 
President *did* make a special request to get his long form. I 
never said there was no legal way to get a *copy*. I said there was 
no legal way to get the *actual long form original* out of the vault 
for public display. It can be taken out and copied upon a request by 
certain legally interested individuals. Abercrombie is not one of them.

If over 60% of the American people want it, they are sadly 
misinformed, because it was done in 2011, the certified copy was 
displayed at a press conference, reporters got direct copies of it 
(not scans) and a scan was released on the internet so that 
everyone can see it and read it.

Birthers, however, have kept repeating old and thoroughly discredited 
claims, I've seen many of them recently. It goes to show  

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
That is where you are wrong my friend.  A TRUE Christian will not find a 
call to Idolatry beautiful.  A muslim call to prayer is a call to pray to a 
false god (allah the moon god) in front of an idol (kabah - a meteroite 


- Original Message - 
From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

Jojo, you do not speak for true Christians.  I know many Christians and 
others who find the Muslim call to prayer beautiful.

On Jan 1, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Other than what he wrote in his autobiography, no.  But his autobiography 
is a revealing work into his psyche.

He mentioned that the muslim call to prayer was the most beautiful sound 
he has heard.  High praise from a supposed Christian.  Beautiful in that 
the music or melody is beautiful, but beautiful in the sense of worship it 

I can tell you now that a true Christian will NOT find a call to prayer to 
a moon god beaustiful and inspiring.


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

This is incorrect, Jojo.

Do you have any evidence for your assertion that President Obama is a 

On Dec 30, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia. 
You can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a 

On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating 
that the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate 
president; we have a usurper sitting on the throne.

Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC. 
He can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the 
Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all 
that in 2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's 
money to block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an 
innocuous document?  WHY indeed?

He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader 
proped up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic 


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

Are you stating that the President is Muslim?

On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything 
related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this 
current president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release 
information about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the 
corrupt right henchman) or thru the Presidential counsel;  for 
approval. This is the veil of corruption surrounding this 
usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are gving him a pass.  I'm not 
surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it helps prop up his 
illegitimate usurper muslim president.


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately 
after he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush 
Executive Order 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to 
specifically require his approval before release of any information, 
obstensively because of Executive Privelege.

Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.

Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, 
where located, and by whom?

Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly 
have you debunked?   you blatant liar.

No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive 
Order did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.

Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies 
you'll come up next.

You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You 
have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a 
dramatic image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.

You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks 

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
I've already said, you can not enroll into this muslim school that Obama 
enrolled in if you were not registered as a muslim.  And any adoption of a 
child by an Indonesian muslim man automatically makes the child a muslim.  That 
was the law.  Research it my friend.


  - Original Message - 
  From: de Bivort Lawrence 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 12:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  Your statements about nationality and about adoption and nationality are 

  What is your evidence for Obama being registered as a Muslim?

  On Jan 1, 2013, at 1:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

While what you are saying about Indonesian schools may be true today - I am 
not knowledgeable about the current school system in Indonesia, so I will not 
debate that.

While that may be true, it surely wasn't true in the 70's when Obama went 
there.  Records show he was registered in that school as a muslim.  

One more thing, he was adopted by an Indonesian muslim.  If he was adopted 
to be an Indonesian, he would have automatically lost his U.S. citizenship and 
gained Indonesian citizenship and automatically became a muslim.  In Indonesia, 
you gain the religion of your adoptive father.  Indonesia does not have and 
never had a Dual Citizenship program with the US.  Which means that he would 
have had to reacquire his US citizenship when he reached 18.   He had to do 
something to gain back his US citizenship.  Which automatically made him a 
naturalized US citizen, not a Natural-Born US citizen required by our 

One of my cousins was in the same boat and he was born about the same time 
as Obama.  He was born in U.S. soil (New York) but his parents brought him back 
to the Philippines.  By US law, as a minor, he has no official citizenship 
status if there is a question as to his citizenship.  In my cousin's case, he 
was born on US soil to Filipino parents.  Hence, his citizenship status was in 
limbo, until he can make a decision when he turns 18.  He can choose to be 
Filipino or US citizen.When my cousin turned 18, he had to go to the US 
Embassy to choose US citizen and get his papers (passport).  He is considered a 
Naturalized US citizen.  A person that has to take action to gain US 
citizenship is not a Natural Born US citizen.  This is the status of Obama even 
if he was indeed born in Hawaii.  He would still be a Naturalized US citizen 
and hence unqualified.

So, as you can see, Obama is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts.  The 
argument about whether he was born in Hawaii or not is just one aspect of his 
qualification (non-qualification) to be POTUS. 

In a free society like America, such questions about his qualifications 
should have been vetted openly.  If there was even a hint as to his 
qualifications, it should have been settled publicly and openly.  Why don't 
people take this issue seriously.  Even if people think that his BC was 
original and valid, people should still be calling for it to be settled once 
and for all.  Open up the vault copy.  No other steps or half measures will do. 
 Great controversies require great measures to settle.  Let the Birthers see it 
and it they are wrong, you get the chance to humiliate them to your heart's 
content.  If I am wrong about this, I'm sure I will have great shame and tuck 
my tail between my legs and go away quietly.  


  - Original Message - 
  From: de Bivort Lawrence 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:59 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  The earlier posting on muslim schools is confused. 

  Some Muslim schools have a curriculum that is based solely on the 
Qur'an. This kind of school would only attract non-Muslim students interested 
in the Qur'an, or in the culture of Islam.

  Some Muslim schools have a standard secular curriculum, and are 
attended mostly by Muslims, thus confusing some into calling them Muslim 

  Some Muslim schools are merely called such because they operate in a 
Muslim country, like Indonesia. This is like calling US public schools 
Christian because they operate in a predominantly Christian country.

  To suggest that President Obama must be a Muslim because he went to a 
Muslim school in Indonesia is a statement that at best is meaningless.

  On Dec 31, 2012, at 4:37 AM, Nigel Dyer wrote:

Indeed.   There is a Catholic school in Birmingham, UK, where the 
majority of pupils are Muslim


On 31/12/2012 04:40, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  Yes, Christian catholic schools are more tolerant of other faiths, 
but not muslims.  You can not go to a muslim school like the one Obama went to 
unless you are a muslim.


Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
Chuck, if you believe that Obama is a Natural-Born US citizen, then why not 
just open up access to a innocuous piece of document.  Why not show all 
brithers the vault BC.  It's simple my friend.  It will end the controversy.

Instead of doing that, you resort to accusations about treason because I will 
not swallow the bambi propaganda.  You know, that's what they did in Naxi 
Germany.  Anyone who would not swallow the propaganda was a traitor.

I am loyal to my country, my Constitution.  I have sworn an oath to defend the 
Constitution from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.  The illuminati and their 
puppet bambi, are DOMESTIC enemies of our Constitution.  They treat that sacred 
law as a piece of toilet paper but continuing to ignore its clear specific 
requirement.  The POTUS MUST be a natural-born US citizen.  


PS. I see you have employed a tactic that many have employed.  Instead of 
saying natural-born US citizen, you say Native born citizen.  There is no 
such thing as a Native Born citizen.  That is not a legal classification.  The 
proper classification is a Natural-Born US citizen.  I believe you do this 
intentionally to add confusion to the issue.

NO one reads my posts.  Really?  LOL.  Do you want me to tell you how many 
private emails I get about my posts?  Do you want me to tell you how many 
offline discussions I am having with some vortex members?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Chuck Sites 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 1:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  I'm sorry to break from scientific debates on Cold Fusion, but to be honest, 
JoJo has dominated this mailing list for several weeks now with very little 
response and light response from the Vortex-L mail list.  If I may, I would 
like to suspend the rules and use 4 letter words  If that is OK with you all, 
good old JoJo will get an insult so low, his shins might hurt from all of the 
fish bites. 

  so Jojol You know, all I can say is your beliefs are treasonous.  You say 
Obama is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts.   President Obama is 
certainly qualified to be POTUS on all levels.  In fact he has been one of the 
best POTUS's since Clinton.  You might as well say, I hate the USA.  You 
obviously a birther, since you seem to believe  the notion that Obama is not a 
native born citizen.  That is just goofy thinking. Only a dingbat righty would 
take that as fact.  

  You have been attacking Lomax for his religion.  Why don't you tell us right 
here and right now what your religion is if you have one.   We can then pick on 
every odd thing that your religion believes.  Based on everything you have 
said, it probably involves eating little babies (sarcasm).  

  Bottom line Jojo, is no one on this email lists likes your posts or even 
reads them.  You message is irrelevant and always Off Topic!   Go away an 
hassle some body on huffington post,  

  On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Obama is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts.

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
Again, Jojo, you are neither representative of Christianity, nor able to speak 
for Christians.  It is arrogant -- and revealing -- for you to suggest that you 

On Jan 2, 2013, at 4:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 That is where you are wrong my friend.  A TRUE Christian will not find a call 
 to Idolatry beautiful.  A muslim call to prayer is a call to pray to a false 
 god (allah the moon god) in front of an idol (kabah - a meteroite stone.)
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 12:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 Jojo, you do not speak for true Christians.  I know many Christians and 
 others who find the Muslim call to prayer beautiful.
 On Jan 1, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Other than what he wrote in his autobiography, no.  But his autobiography is 
 a revealing work into his psyche.
 He mentioned that the muslim call to prayer was the most beautiful sound 
 he has heard.  High praise from a supposed Christian.  Beautiful in that 
 the music or melody is beautiful, but beautiful in the sense of worship it 
 I can tell you now that a true Christian will NOT find a call to prayer to a 
 moon god beaustiful and inspiring.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 This is incorrect, Jojo.
 Do you have any evidence for your assertion that President Obama is a Muslim?
 On Dec 30, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia. You 
 can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a 
 On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that 
 the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; 
 we have a usurper sitting on the throne.
 Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
 phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC. He 
 can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the 
 Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that 
 in 2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to 
 block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous 
 document?  WHY indeed?
 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped 
 up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 Are you stating that the President is Muslim?
 On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything 
 related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current 
 president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release 
 information about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the 
 corrupt right henchman) or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. 
 This is the veil of corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and 
 people like lomax are gving him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are OK 
 for Lomax as long as it helps prop up his illegitimate usurper muslim 
 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after 
 he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive 
 Order 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically 
 require his approval before release of any information, obstensively 
 because of Executive Privelege.
 Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.
 Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, 
 where located, and by whom?
 Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly 
 have you debunked?   you blatant liar.
 No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
 claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order 
 did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.
 Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
I repeat, what is your evidence for these bizarre statements, Jojo?

On Jan 2, 2013, at 4:13 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 I've already said, you can not enroll into this muslim school that Obama 
 enrolled in if you were not registered as a muslim.  And any adoption of a 
 child by an Indonesian muslim man automatically makes the child a muslim.  
 That was the law.  Research it my friend.
 - Original Message -
 From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 12:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 Your statements about nationality and about adoption and nationality are 
 What is your evidence for Obama being registered as a Muslim?
 On Jan 1, 2013, at 1:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 While what you are saying about Indonesian schools may be true today - I am 
 not knowledgeable about the current school system in Indonesia, so I will 
 not debate that.
 While that may be true, it surely wasn't true in the 70's when Obama went 
 there.  Records show he was registered in that school as a muslim. 
 One more thing, he was adopted by an Indonesian muslim.  If he was adopted 
 to be an Indonesian, he would have automatically lost his U.S. citizenship 
 and gained Indonesian citizenship and automatically became a muslim.  In 
 Indonesia, you gain the religion of your adoptive father.  Indonesia does 
 not have and never had a Dual Citizenship program with the US.  Which 
 means that he would have had to reacquire his US citizenship when he reached 
 18.   He had to do something to gain back his US citizenship.  Which 
 automatically made him a naturalized US citizen, not a Natural-Born US 
 citizen required by our constitution.
 One of my cousins was in the same boat and he was born about the same time 
 as Obama.  He was born in U.S. soil (New York) but his parents brought him 
 back to the Philippines.  By US law, as a minor, he has no official 
 citizenship status if there is a question as to his citizenship.  In my 
 cousin's case, he was born on US soil to Filipino parents.  Hence, his 
 citizenship status was in limbo, until he can make a decision when he turns 
 18.  He can choose to be Filipino or US citizen.When my cousin turned 
 18, he had to go to the US Embassy to choose US citizen and get his papers 
 (passport).  He is considered a Naturalized US citizen.  A person that has 
 to take action to gain US citizenship is not a Natural Born US citizen.  
 This is the status of Obama even if he was indeed born in Hawaii.  He would 
 still be a Naturalized US citizen and hence unqualified.
 So, as you can see, Obama is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts.  The 
 argument about whether he was born in Hawaii or not is just one aspect of 
 his qualification (non-qualification) to be POTUS.
 In a free society like America, such questions about his qualifications 
 should have been vetted openly.  If there was even a hint as to his 
 qualifications, it should have been settled publicly and openly.  Why don't 
 people take this issue seriously.  Even if people think that his BC was 
 original and valid, people should still be calling for it to be settled once 
 and for all.  Open up the vault copy.  No other steps or half measures will 
 do.  Great controversies require great measures to settle.  Let the Birthers 
 see it and it they are wrong, you get the chance to humiliate them to your 
 heart's content.  If I am wrong about this, I'm sure I will have great shame 
 and tuck my tail between my legs and go away quietly. 
 - Original Message -
 From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 The earlier posting on muslim schools is confused.
 Some Muslim schools have a curriculum that is based solely on the Qur'an. 
 This kind of school would only attract non-Muslim students interested in the 
 Qur'an, or in the culture of Islam.
 Some Muslim schools have a standard secular curriculum, and are attended 
 mostly by Muslims, thus confusing some into calling them Muslim schools.
 Some Muslim schools are merely called such because they operate in a 
 Muslim country, like Indonesia. This is like calling US public schools 
 Christian because they operate in a predominantly Christian country.
 To suggest that President Obama must be a Muslim because he went to a 
 Muslim school in Indonesia is a statement that at best is meaningless.
 On Dec 31, 2012, at 4:37 AM, Nigel Dyer wrote:
 Indeed.   There is a Catholic school in Birmingham, UK, where the majority 
 of pupils are Muslim
 On 31/12/2012 04:40, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Yes, Christian catholic schools are more tolerant of other faiths, but 
 not muslims.  You can not go to a muslim school

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
Fine, if you do not want to accept it, then don't.  I've already said it.

Do your own research.


  - Original Message - 
  From: de Bivort Lawrence 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 11:44 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  I repeat, what is your evidence for these bizarre statements, Jojo?

  On Jan 2, 2013, at 4:13 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

I've already said, you can not enroll into this muslim school that Obama 
enrolled in if you were not registered as a muslim.  And any adoption of a 
child by an Indonesian muslim man automatically makes the child a muslim.  That 
was the law.  Research it my friend.


  - Original Message - 
  From: de Bivort Lawrence 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 12:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  Your statements about nationality and about adoption and nationality are 

  What is your evidence for Obama being registered as a Muslim?

  On Jan 1, 2013, at 1:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

While what you are saying about Indonesian schools may be true today - 
I am not knowledgeable about the current school system in Indonesia, so I will 
not debate that.

While that may be true, it surely wasn't true in the 70's when Obama 
went there.  Records show he was registered in that school as a muslim.  

One more thing, he was adopted by an Indonesian muslim.  If he was 
adopted to be an Indonesian, he would have automatically lost his U.S. 
citizenship and gained Indonesian citizenship and automatically became a 
muslim.  In Indonesia, you gain the religion of your adoptive father.  
Indonesia does not have and never had a Dual Citizenship program with the US. 
 Which means that he would have had to reacquire his US citizenship when he 
reached 18.   He had to do something to gain back his US citizenship.  Which 
automatically made him a naturalized US citizen, not a Natural-Born US citizen 
required by our constitution.

One of my cousins was in the same boat and he was born about the same 
time as Obama.  He was born in U.S. soil (New York) but his parents brought him 
back to the Philippines.  By US law, as a minor, he has no official citizenship 
status if there is a question as to his citizenship.  In my cousin's case, he 
was born on US soil to Filipino parents.  Hence, his citizenship status was in 
limbo, until he can make a decision when he turns 18.  He can choose to be 
Filipino or US citizen.When my cousin turned 18, he had to go to the US 
Embassy to choose US citizen and get his papers (passport).  He is considered a 
Naturalized US citizen.  A person that has to take action to gain US 
citizenship is not a Natural Born US citizen.  This is the status of Obama even 
if he was indeed born in Hawaii.  He would still be a Naturalized US citizen 
and hence unqualified.

So, as you can see, Obama is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts.  
The argument about whether he was born in Hawaii or not is just one aspect of 
his qualification (non-qualification) to be POTUS. 

In a free society like America, such questions about his qualifications 
should have been vetted openly.  If there was even a hint as to his 
qualifications, it should have been settled publicly and openly.  Why don't 
people take this issue seriously.  Even if people think that his BC was 
original and valid, people should still be calling for it to be settled once 
and for all.  Open up the vault copy.  No other steps or half measures will do. 
 Great controversies require great measures to settle.  Let the Birthers see it 
and it they are wrong, you get the chance to humiliate them to your heart's 
content.  If I am wrong about this, I'm sure I will have great shame and tuck 
my tail between my legs and go away quietly.  


  - Original Message - 
  From: de Bivort Lawrence 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:59 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  The earlier posting on muslim schools is confused. 

  Some Muslim schools have a curriculum that is based solely on the 
Qur'an. This kind of school would only attract non-Muslim students interested 
in the Qur'an, or in the culture of Islam.

  Some Muslim schools have a standard secular curriculum, and are 
attended mostly by Muslims, thus confusing some into calling them Muslim 

  Some Muslim schools are merely called such because they operate in 
a Muslim country, like Indonesia. This is like calling US public schools 
Christian because they operate in a predominantly Christian country.

  To suggest that President Obama must be a Muslim because he went to a 
Muslim school in Indonesia is a statement that at best is meaningless.

  On Dec 31

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:13 AM 1/2/2013, Jojo Jaro wrote:
I've already said, you can not enroll into this muslim school that 
Obama enrolled in if you were not registered as a muslim.  And any 
adoption of a child by an Indonesian muslim man automatically makes 
the child a muslim.  That was the law.  Research it my friend.

Jojo has obviously not researched this, or he's lying. When the story 
came out, it was in a Moonie publication that attributed the claim to 
the Clinton campaign in 2008. Clinton denied it. So CNN and another 
major media source sent reporters to the school itself. It's a public 
school with students from every major religion present in Jakarta. 
There was a different school involved, a Catholic school, where Obama 
seems to have been registered as a Muslim.

Jojo was actually asked for a source here, but he did not provide it, 
he simply repeated his claim, that's his normal practice.

I recall seeing a story that Obama was indeed registered as a muslim 
student. Things like this happen. His mother's husband, the head of 
household, was Muslim, and he has a Muslim name, so the school may 
have merely assumed he was Muslim. It actually means very little 
about his actual religion, and he was a young child at the time.

The adoption would make the child eligible to be treated as a muslim, 
I think that Jojo might be correct about that. So what?

Jojo's claims about U.S. citizenship are idiosyncratic, common among 
birthers, and legally invalid. If someone is a U.S. citizen by right 
of birth, they are not a naturalized citizen. There is no case law on 
renounced citizenship on this, to my knowledge, but an automatic 
renouncement would clearly not apply. One can be a dual citizen, it 
does not negate natural born citizen.

These are arguments that have been *demolished* elsewhere, being 
brought here. For coverage of birther issues, in general, I now refer to

On the adoption issue, see
On the dual citizen issue, see

Suppose, however, the one non-Catholic school at the time was only 
open to muslim students. Suppose that it was only opened to others 
later. This would have just about zero implication as to Obama's 
present religious affiliation. I forget how old he was, but it was 
certainly before the age at which people make informed decisions 
about religion. There is no sign that the school was a madrassa, a 
religious school. That was something simply alleged without 
evidence in the original story, apparently an assumption that a 
muslim school, in a majority muslim nation, would be religious.

On the adoption claim, from Fogbow:

Claim: There's evidence Obama was adopted in Indonesia.

The only evidence is a 
page from the Santo Fransiskus Assisi (Saint Francis of Assisi) 
Catholic School in Jakarta, Indonesia, that refers to Obama as 
Barack Soetoro.  However, according to 
officials at the Assisi School, it was customary for students to be 
enrolled with their father's last name and religion.

(That would mean that a male head of household was considered the 
father, whether or not there was a formal adoption. This is routine 
here, by the way, if the actual parent informs the school that he's 
to be treated that way. It can be complicated.)

None of this has any legal significance whatever. If the birth 
certificates and legally-binding statements of Hawai'ian state 
officials are fake, that would be a real issue. But this wouldn't 
make a difference. Natural born citizen, it is totally clear, 
refers to place of birth. Period. There are exceptions under some 
circumstances for people born outside the U.S. There is some issue 
about children who lived outside the U.S. up to the age of 25. That 
didn't apply to Obama.

And *none of this belongs on this list.* It's here only because Jojo 
has continued to make his off-topic and highly disruptive claims.

No more original text below.


- Original Message -
From: mailto:ldebiv...@gmail.comde Bivort Lawrence
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

Your statements about nationality and about adoption and nationality 
are incorrect.

What is your evidence for Obama being registered as a Muslim?

On Jan 1, 2013, at 1:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

While what you are saying about Indonesian schools may be true 
today - I am not knowledgeable about the current school system in 
Indonesia, so I will not debate that.

While that may

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Harry Veeder
Is there any beauty in your life?


On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 4:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 That is where you are wrong my friend.  A TRUE Christian will not find a
 call to Idolatry beautiful.  A muslim call to prayer is a call to pray to a
 false god (allah the moon god) in front of an idol (kabah - a meteroite


 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 12:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

 Jojo, you do not speak for true Christians.  I know many Christians and
 others who find the Muslim call to prayer beautiful.

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
Lomax, please read up on the case of the Nordyke twins. They were born 
within a few days of Obama and they were able to obtain a long form copy of 
their BC.  You lie once again by claiming that there is no legal way.  Quite 
obviously  there is, cause the Nordyke twins were able to do it.  Please my 
friend, stop the lies.  Where is Obama's long form BC.  Not computer 
generated scans which are obviously fake.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 4:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 04:28 AM 1/2/2013, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Chuck, if you believe that Obama is a Natural-Born US citizen, then why 
not just open up access to a innocuous piece of document.  Why not show 
all brithers the vault BC.  It's simple my friend.  It will end the 

It's been shown to anyone who wants to see it, in the only legal way 
possible. By making copies available. What Jojo demands, with other 
birthers who have remained True to the Cause, is legally *impossible.* It 
would require removing an archive document from the archive. Not just one 
document, the entire book.

Instead of doing that, you resort to accusations about treason because I 
will not swallow the bambi propaganda.

Since Jojo goes into Bambi, I'll go into Idiot! Jojo claimed to want 
to end the cycle of insults. If that were true, it would be his obligation 
to end his own insulting, and Bambi is an insult, in context.

You know, that's what they did in Naxi Germany.  Anyone who would not 
swallow the propaganda was a traitor.

The comment was unfortunate. However, there have been military personnel 
who, taken in by birther claims, refused lawful orders and who were 
court-martialed for that. That's military justice and only applies to 
those under a legal obligation to obey the President. That is an example 
of real damage done by birther claims.

Naxi -- Nazi -- is totally irrelevant. One is free, in the U.S., to be a 
total idiot. It's not a crime, in itself. It may, sometimes, lead to 
criminal activity, that's another issue. Treason requires more than Bad 

I am loyal to my country, my Constitution.  I have sworn an oath to defend 
the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.

When did you do this, Jojo? I'm a natural-born citizen, I've never taken 
that oath. We know that you reside in the Philippines. Where were you 
born? Why do you call the U.S. my country? You don't live here, and, I 
assume, you don't pay taxes here.

 The illuminati and their puppet bambi, are DOMESTIC enemies of our 
Constitution.  They treat that sacred law as a piece of toilet paper but 
continuing to ignore its clear specific requirement.  The POTUS MUST be a 
natural-born US citizen.

And all evidence points to the fact that he is. The birther claims have 
been totally trashed, and what is left is mere suspicion and innuendo. Few 
reputable birthers are left, it's only nuts and fruitcakes still beating 
the drum.

In a few days, it is *totally over* as a legal issue. After the U.S. 
Congress certifies the election, even if it developed that Obama was 
actually smuggled into Hawaii as a baby, and had no right of citizenship 
by birth (there are details to be addressed there), it's *over.* The legal 
doctrine is *res judicata.* I somewhat doubt that Jojo understands the 
term, but he could resolve that doubt.

At that point, to raise a successful challenge would require a showing 
that Obama committed a crime. Not merely a technical violation of a 
regulation, even if it is a constitutional one. The *only* institution 
with the power to consider such a claim is Congress, through impeachment, 
once the President is accepted by certification of the election. It's 
end-game time.

A claim that no one reads Jojo's posts was naive polemic. So what?

No more original text below.


PS. I see you have employed a tactic that many have employed.  Instead of 
saying natural-born US citizen, you say Native born citizen.  There is 
no such thing as a Native Born citizen.  That is not a legal 
classification.  The proper classification is a Natural-Born US citizen. 
I believe you do this intentionally to add confusion to the issue.

NO one reads my posts.  Really?  LOL.  Do you want me to tell you how 
many private emails I get about my posts?  Do you want me to tell you how 
many offline discussions I am having with some vortex members?

- Original Message -
From: mailto:cbsit...@gmail.comChuck Sites
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

I'm sorry to break from scientific debates on Cold Fusion, but to be 
honest, JoJo has dominated this mailing list for several weeks now with 
very little response and light response from the Vortex-L mail list.  If I 
may, I would like

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
A Hillary Clinton insider has claimed that Chelsea was threatened if Hillary 
made it public that he believed Obama was not Natural-Born US Citizen. 
Bill Clinton was prepared to cross the illuminati but he decided that 
Chelsea's life was more important than Hillary's presidency.

Tell me, who was the first person to file a court case against Obama's 
ineligibility?  Hint:

The first person was a Hillary supporter.  Not a Republican or a Birther. 
There was no Birther movement yet.  He started the Birther movement and he 
was a Democrat supporter of Hillary.

For sure, Hillary knew of Obama's ineligibility.  But the illuminati 
promised her the Sec. of State post with the option to be World Bank 
President if she ceded POTUS to Obama; plus Chelsea's life.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 4:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 04:13 AM 1/2/2013, Jojo Jaro wrote:
I've already said, you can not enroll into this muslim school that Obama 
enrolled in if you were not registered as a muslim.  And any adoption of a 
child by an Indonesian muslim man automatically makes the child a muslim. 
That was the law.  Research it my friend.

Jojo has obviously not researched this, or he's lying. When the story came 
out, it was in a Moonie publication that attributed the claim to the 
Clinton campaign in 2008. Clinton denied it. So CNN and another major 
media source sent reporters to the school itself. It's a public school 
with students from every major religion present in Jakarta. There was a 
different school involved, a Catholic school, where Obama seems to have 
been registered as a Muslim.

Jojo was actually asked for a source here, but he did not provide it, he 
simply repeated his claim, that's his normal practice.

I recall seeing a story that Obama was indeed registered as a muslim 
student. Things like this happen. His mother's husband, the head of 
household, was Muslim, and he has a Muslim name, so the school may have 
merely assumed he was Muslim. It actually means very little about his 
actual religion, and he was a young child at the time.

The adoption would make the child eligible to be treated as a muslim, I 
think that Jojo might be correct about that. So what?

Jojo's claims about U.S. citizenship are idiosyncratic, common among 
birthers, and legally invalid. If someone is a U.S. citizen by right of 
birth, they are not a naturalized citizen. There is no case law on 
renounced citizenship on this, to my knowledge, but an automatic 
renouncement would clearly not apply. One can be a dual citizen, it does 
not negate natural born citizen.

These are arguments that have been *demolished* elsewhere, being brought 
here. For coverage of birther issues, in general, I now refer to

On the adoption issue, see
On the dual citizen issue, see

Suppose, however, the one non-Catholic school at the time was only open to 
muslim students. Suppose that it was only opened to others later. This 
would have just about zero implication as to Obama's present religious 
affiliation. I forget how old he was, but it was certainly before the age 
at which people make informed decisions about religion. There is no sign 
that the school was a madrassa, a religious school. That was something 
simply alleged without evidence in the original story, apparently an 
assumption that a muslim school, in a majority muslim nation, would be 

On the adoption claim, from Fogbow:

Claim: There's evidence Obama was adopted in Indonesia.

The only evidence is a 
page from the Santo Fransiskus Assisi (Saint Francis of Assisi) Catholic 
School in Jakarta, Indonesia, that refers to Obama as Barack Soetoro. 
However, according to 
officials at the Assisi School, it was customary for students to be 
enrolled with their father's last name and religion.

(That would mean that a male head of household was considered the father, 
whether or not there was a formal adoption. This is routine here, by the 
way, if the actual parent informs the school that he's to be treated that 
way. It can be complicated.)

None of this has any legal significance whatever. If the birth 
certificates and legally-binding statements of Hawai'ian state officials 
are fake, that would be a real issue. But this wouldn't make a difference. 
Natural born citizen, it is totally

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
Lomax claims that it matters not what allah's origins were.  OK.  Because it 
is clear from archeological evidence that allah (al-ilah) was the pagan moon 
god of arabs.  He had 3 daughters that the koran initially said should be 
worshipped.  Later muhammed abrogated those verses saying that he was 
deceived by Satan.  Funny, can't allah, the supposed almighty god, protect 
his prophet from deception.  Can't allah keep his word (koran) pure from 

The kabah was where these pagans worshipped al-ilah.  The pagans walked 
around kabah stone just like the muslim do today.

My friends, if you are reading this, please research this yourself.  Don't 
believe me, check it out yourself.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 3:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 04:11 AM 1/2/2013, Jojo Jaro wrote:
That is where you are wrong my friend.  A TRUE Christian will not find a 
call to Idolatry beautiful.  A muslim call to prayer is a call to pray to 
a false god (allah the moon god) in front of an idol (kabah - a meteroite 

Is the call to prayer a call to idolatry? This brings up the Moon God 
Allah argument, recognized immediately here, over six months ago, as 

The claim is that Allah is a Moon God, allegedly because it was a name 
for a pre-Islamic god of the moon. That is arguing that the referent of a 
word is controlled by its etymology. So if someone says, Hey, Dennis is a 
great guy! they are praising Dionysius, the Greek God. Idolatry!

No, Allah, *regardless of origin* -- and we don't care about origin, we 
care about *present meaning* -- is God, and that's not in controversy 
among Christians who speak Arabic, *except for those afflicted by the 
present claims.* Very modern.

And we do not have an idol in mind when we face Mecca, and the verse that 
commands this only refers to the *direction*. It does not command worship 
of the Ancient House. It says to face the direction of the Sacred 
Masjid. (Mosque is not an Arabic word, Masjid means, place of prayer.

I once had a prayer carpet, given to me by a Pakistani Muslim to whom it 
was a beloved object, and it had a picture of the House on it. I had this 
carpet for years, but it always, when I used it, didn't feel right. So, 
years later, because I knew it was important to him, he had prayed with it 
all over the world, I gave it back to him. He was insulted, it was part of 
an unfortunate sequence of events. This was over thirty years ago, by the 

We don't worship the House, we don't even worship the direction, we merely 
face it, as best we know. We seek direction from God, and we respond to 
what God has commanded.

Ka'aba does not mean a stone. It means cube, and refers to the overall 
shape of the whole House. There is an ancient stone set in a corner of the 
Ka'aba. It performs no central role in Islam. Because there is a tradition 
that the stone was *reset* in the corner of the Cube by action of the 
Prophet -- he didn't actually do it himself, rather he arbitrated a 
dispute on who would be allowed to do it, *before his mission* -- there 
are those who touch this stone, to touch a place where Muhammad may have 
touched. That's a traditional practice, and could be considered a kind of 
worship, but they would never do this as part of the prayer, it would be 

We don't worship the stone. I do not recall *ever* thinking of the stone 
while in prayer.

So, again, Jojo is just tossing mud. He's actually claiming that many of 
my friends, people I've known well, who are Christian and who even 
disagree with me on theology, greatly, are actually *not Christians,* but 
only because they don't agree with Jojo. That is, in fact, such an 
un-Christian position that I'm going to assert:

Jojo is not a TRUE Christian.

And that's been totally obvious for a long time. Jojo is not following 
Jesus, he's not imitating Jesus, he's not teaching what Jesus taught, he's 
not demonstrating what Jesus demonstrated, he is, by pretending to be a 
Christian, *defaming* the Christian religion. That he may be pretending 
this even to himself would only demonstrate the depth of his denial.

(As certain Muslims do with Islam through their own extremities.)

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
This should have been tagged OT from the beginning. However, changing 
a subject header after it has started screws up threading, and the 
whole point of my responding at all to Jojo is to keep sane 
information in his threads, for future readers who find this through 
Google. I would never inititate this discussion here.

At 05:21 PM 1/2/2013, you wrote:
Lomax, please read up on the case of the Nordyke twins. They were 
born within a few days of Obama and they were able to obtain a long 
form copy of their BC.  You lie once again by claiming that there is 
no legal way.

I read all this months ago. Joho seems to not realize something. I 
actually research what I write, when it enters controversy. I check my facts.

  Quite obviously  there is, cause the Nordyke twins were able to 
do it.  Please my friend, stop the lies.  Where is Obama's long 
form BC.  Not computer generated scans which are obviously fake.

Have you seen the Nordyke twin's long form BC? When was it issued?

If you haven't seen it, look at:

Just the first I could find.

The Nordyke certificate was issued in 1966, you can see the date. 
It's a negative copy, and I received copies like that of birth 
records -- my own, for example --, it's how it used to be done, the 
copying machines made a negative. So Ms. Nordyke requested a birth 
certificate copy in 1966, and that is what she got. A copy of the 
original, the long form. If you look carefully at the picture, you 
can see the lines starting to bend from where the original is bound 
in a volume, as you can see this same bending in the long form image 
that has been issued by Obama.

(Looking at some of the birther pages, the arguments they come up 
with are a *scream!*) Referring to the

Hawai'i later computerized their records, and started to issue 
short-form certificates, with only the legally important data. 
Apparently getting a long form requires special permission, and it's 
not clear that it's automatic that you can get one at all. And *who* 
can get one? Can I write to Hawai'i and get a copy of, say, that 
Nordyke BC? Or Obama's, and will they be treated *any differently*?

(Answer: to do this I'd have to commit a crime, I'd have to 
impersonate them. Or be representing them, and be able to show that. 
However, people to obtain birth certificates under false pretenses. 
For a $10 fee, they obviously can't do a lot of investigation! On the 
other hand, if they get a letter from Barack Obama, P.O. Box blah 
blah, Philippines, do you think they'd fall for it?

Now, what Jojo had actually demanded was to see the vault copy 
itself, not some copy on the internet. Well, did he see the Nordyke 
twins BC? Or just a copy on the internet?

Now, some people may have visited Ms. Nordyke and may have seen the 
certified copy. And some people have seen certified copies of Obama's 
short form and the vault certificate, the long form. The page I 
pointed to made a big fuss about how different the long form was from 
Obama's short form. Much ado about *nothing*. They are quite 
distinct, obviously, but the short form includes all the legally 
important data, and is how Hawai'i stopped handling the vault copies. 
The entered the important data into a computer, and they print copies 
out by computer. My guess is that it's a secure computer system, not 
connected to a network, and that the clerk issuing a BC doesn't 
actually look at the vault copy. But that's a guess.

It is difficult to believe that Jojo is unaware of these arguments, 
unless he's really new to the field and just has a habit of asserting 
what he *just learned* as certain fact. He *has* done that, at least 
once, because he acknowledged just having read it.

So what is it that Jojo is demanding, he who does not even live in 
the U.S.? Does he want a courier to arrive with the bound volume? 
Does he want a copy mailed to him with the certification? He has to 
be eligible to recieve one, and there is a $10 fee if he's eligible. 
The State of Hawai'i does not issue the original to *anyone*. It's 
called a vault copy because that's where it's kept! And it doesn't 
issue certified copies except to eligible persons. Read the 
application information:

Jojo has demanded to know who has seen the original long form. I gave 
him a list by position or circumstance. He demanded the names. All of 
this could be found in a few minutes on the internet. I gave the 
names of two Hawai'ian officials who had certified that they had seen 
the original. Jojo then simply claims I'm lying. But all this can 
quickly and easily be verified. I found more, since I wrote that. It 
appears that state Secretaries of State, having a legal need for 
birth information, can request it from Hawai'i. Hawai'i does not send 
them the certificate, it sends, instead, a letter under official seal 
and signed as a testimony 

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
But El is not the name of the God of Israel.  El is a generic word, not a 
proper name.  The proper name of the God of Israel is Jehovah.  


  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 9:15 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  The god El, has also very polytheistic origins. Not that its also related to 
the name Allah.

  There are plenty of bibliography in that page to corroborate with that 

  2013/1/2 Jojo Jaro

Lomax claims that it matters not what allah's origins were.  OK.  Because 
it is clear from archeological evidence that allah (al-ilah) was the pagan moon 
god of arabs.  He had 3 daughters that the koran initially said should be 
worshipped.  Later muhammed abrogated those verses saying that he was deceived 
by Satan.  Funny, can't allah, the supposed almighty god, protect his prophet 
from deception.  Can't allah keep his word (koran) pure from error?

The kabah was where these pagans worshipped al-ilah.  The pagans walked 
around kabah stone just like the muslim do today.

My friends, if you are reading this, please research this yourself.  Don't 
believe me, check it out yourself.


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 3:38 AM

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  At 04:11 AM 1/2/2013, Jojo Jaro wrote:

That is where you are wrong my friend.  A TRUE Christian will not find 
a call to Idolatry beautiful.  A muslim call to prayer is a call to pray to a 
false god (allah the moon god) in front of an idol (kabah - a meteroite stone.)

  Is the call to prayer a call to idolatry? This brings up the Moon God 
Allah argument, recognized immediately here, over six months ago, as bigotry.

  The claim is that Allah is a Moon God, allegedly because it was a name 
for a pre-Islamic god of the moon. That is arguing that the referent of a word 
is controlled by its etymology. So if someone says, Hey, Dennis is a great 
guy! they are praising Dionysius, the Greek God. Idolatry!

  No, Allah, *regardless of origin* -- and we don't care about origin, we 
care about *present meaning* -- is God, and that's not in controversy among 
Christians who speak Arabic, *except for those afflicted by the present 
claims.* Very modern.

  And we do not have an idol in mind when we face Mecca, and the verse that 
commands this only refers to the *direction*. It does not command worship of 
the Ancient House. It says to face the direction of the Sacred Masjid. 
(Mosque is not an Arabic word, Masjid means, place of prayer.

  I once had a prayer carpet, given to me by a Pakistani Muslim to whom it 
was a beloved object, and it had a picture of the House on it. I had this 
carpet for years, but it always, when I used it, didn't feel right. So, years 
later, because I knew it was important to him, he had prayed with it all over 
the world, I gave it back to him. He was insulted, it was part of an 
unfortunate sequence of events. This was over thirty years ago, by the way.

  We don't worship the House, we don't even worship the direction, we 
merely face it, as best we know. We seek direction from God, and we respond to 
what God has commanded.

  Ka'aba does not mean a stone. It means cube, and refers to the overall 
shape of the whole House. There is an ancient stone set in a corner of the 
Ka'aba. It performs no central role in Islam. Because there is a tradition that 
the stone was *reset* in the corner of the Cube by action of the Prophet -- he 
didn't actually do it himself, rather he arbitrated a dispute on who would be 
allowed to do it, *before his mission* -- there are those who touch this stone, 
to touch a place where Muhammad may have touched. That's a traditional 
practice, and could be considered a kind of worship, but they would never do 
this as part of the prayer, it would be forbidden.

  We don't worship the stone. I do not recall *ever* thinking of the stone 
while in prayer.

  So, again, Jojo is just tossing mud. He's actually claiming that many of 
my friends, people I've known well, who are Christian and who even disagree 
with me on theology, greatly, are actually *not Christians,* but only because 
they don't agree with Jojo. That is, in fact, such an un-Christian position 
that I'm going to assert:

  Jojo is not a TRUE Christian.

  And that's been totally obvious for a long time. Jojo is not following 
Jesus, he's not imitating Jesus, he's not teaching what Jesus taught, he's not 
demonstrating what Jesus demonstrated, he is, by pretending to be a Christian, 
*defaming* the Christian religion. That he may be pretending this even to 

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
OK, why can't the President of the United States make a special request to 
get his long form.  You say there was no legal way, but in fact there is. 
Abercrombie has enough authority by himself as governor to do this.  Obama 
could make a 2 minute phone call and the Bither issue would be resolved once 
and for all.  Why not do this simple thing?  Over 60% of America want it, 
why not do it.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

This should have been tagged OT from the beginning. However, changing a 
subject header after it has started screws up threading, and the whole 
point of my responding at all to Jojo is to keep sane information in his 
threads, for future readers who find this through Google. I would never 
inititate this discussion here.

At 05:21 PM 1/2/2013, you wrote:
Lomax, please read up on the case of the Nordyke twins. They were born 
within a few days of Obama and they were able to obtain a long form copy 
of their BC.  You lie once again by claiming that there is no legal way.

I read all this months ago. Joho seems to not realize something. I 
actually research what I write, when it enters controversy. I check my 

  Quite obviously  there is, cause the Nordyke twins were able to do it. 
Please my friend, stop the lies.  Where is Obama's long form BC.  Not 
computer generated scans which are obviously fake.

Have you seen the Nordyke twin's long form BC? When was it issued?

If you haven't seen it, look at:

Just the first I could find.

The Nordyke certificate was issued in 1966, you can see the date. It's a 
negative copy, and I received copies like that of birth records -- my own, 
for example --, it's how it used to be done, the copying machines made a 
negative. So Ms. Nordyke requested a birth certificate copy in 1966, and 
that is what she got. A copy of the original, the long form. If you look 
carefully at the picture, you can see the lines starting to bend from 
where the original is bound in a volume, as you can see this same bending 
in the long form image that has been issued by Obama.

(Looking at some of the birther pages, the arguments they come up with are 
a *scream!*) Referring to the

Hawai'i later computerized their records, and started to issue short-form 
certificates, with only the legally important data. Apparently getting a 
long form requires special permission, and it's not clear that it's 
automatic that you can get one at all. And *who* can get one? Can I write 
to Hawai'i and get a copy of, say, that Nordyke BC? Or Obama's, and will 
they be treated *any differently*?

(Answer: to do this I'd have to commit a crime, I'd have to impersonate 
them. Or be representing them, and be able to show that. However, people 
to obtain birth certificates under false pretenses. For a $10 fee, they 
obviously can't do a lot of investigation! On the other hand, if they get 
a letter from Barack Obama, P.O. Box blah blah, Philippines, do you 
think they'd fall for it?

Now, what Jojo had actually demanded was to see the vault copy itself, 
not some copy on the internet. Well, did he see the Nordyke twins BC? Or 
just a copy on the internet?

Now, some people may have visited Ms. Nordyke and may have seen the 
certified copy. And some people have seen certified copies of Obama's 
short form and the vault certificate, the long form. The page I 
pointed to made a big fuss about how different the long form was from 
Obama's short form. Much ado about *nothing*. They are quite distinct, 
obviously, but the short form includes all the legally important data, and 
is how Hawai'i stopped handling the vault copies. The entered the 
important data into a computer, and they print copies out by computer. My 
guess is that it's a secure computer system, not connected to a network, 
and that the clerk issuing a BC doesn't actually look at the vault copy. 
But that's a guess.

It is difficult to believe that Jojo is unaware of these arguments, unless 
he's really new to the field and just has a habit of asserting what he 
*just learned* as certain fact. He *has* done that, at least once, because 
he acknowledged just having read it.

So what is it that Jojo is demanding, he who does not even live in the 
U.S.? Does he want a courier to arrive with the bound volume? Does he want 
a copy mailed to him with the certification? He has to be eligible to 
recieve one, and there is a $10 fee if he's eligible. The State of Hawai'i 
does not issue the original to *anyone*. It's called a vault copy 
because that's where it's kept! And it doesn't issue certified copies 
except to eligible persons. Read the application information:

Jojo has demanded to know who has seen the original long form. I

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-01 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
Jojo, you do not speak for true Christians.  I know many Christians and 
others who find the Muslim call to prayer beautiful.

On Jan 1, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Other than what he wrote in his autobiography, no.  But his autobiography is 
 a revealing work into his psyche.
 He mentioned that the muslim call to prayer was the most beautiful sound he 
 has heard.  High praise from a supposed Christian.  Beautiful in that the 
 music or melody is beautiful, but beautiful in the sense of worship it 
 I can tell you now that a true Christian will NOT find a call to prayer to a 
 moon god beaustiful and inspiring.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 This is incorrect, Jojo.
 Do you have any evidence for your assertion that President Obama is a Muslim?
 On Dec 30, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia. You 
 can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a Muslim?
 On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that 
 the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; 
 we have a usurper sitting on the throne.
 Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
 phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC. He 
 can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the 
 Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that 
 in 2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to 
 block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous 
 document?  WHY indeed?
 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped 
 up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 Are you stating that the President is Muslim?
 On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything 
 related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current 
 president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release 
 information about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the 
 corrupt right henchman) or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. 
 This is the veil of corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and 
 people like lomax are gving him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are OK 
 for Lomax as long as it helps prop up his illegitimate usurper muslim 
 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after 
 he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive 
 Order 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically 
 require his approval before release of any information, obstensively 
 because of Executive Privelege.
 Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.
 Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, where 
 located, and by whom?
 Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly 
 have you debunked?   you blatant liar.
 No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
 claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order 
 did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.
 Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies you'll 
 come up next.
 You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You 
 have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a 
 dramatic image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.
 You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks access 
 to Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to which you 
 are responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails to apologize, 
 or point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a 
 Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to 
 apply to birth records

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-01 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
Your statements about nationality and about adoption and nationality are 

What is your evidence for Obama being registered as a Muslim?

On Jan 1, 2013, at 1:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 While what you are saying about Indonesian schools may be true today - I am 
 not knowledgeable about the current school system in Indonesia, so I will not 
 debate that.
 While that may be true, it surely wasn't true in the 70's when Obama went 
 there.  Records show he was registered in that school as a muslim. 
 One more thing, he was adopted by an Indonesian muslim.  If he was adopted to 
 be an Indonesian, he would have automatically lost his U.S. citizenship and 
 gained Indonesian citizenship and automatically became a muslim.  In 
 Indonesia, you gain the religion of your adoptive father.  Indonesia does not 
 have and never had a Dual Citizenship program with the US.  Which means 
 that he would have had to reacquire his US citizenship when he reached 18.   
 He had to do something to gain back his US citizenship.  Which automatically 
 made him a naturalized US citizen, not a Natural-Born US citizen required by 
 our constitution.
 One of my cousins was in the same boat and he was born about the same time as 
 Obama.  He was born in U.S. soil (New York) but his parents brought him back 
 to the Philippines.  By US law, as a minor, he has no official citizenship 
 status if there is a question as to his citizenship.  In my cousin's case, he 
 was born on US soil to Filipino parents.  Hence, his citizenship status was 
 in limbo, until he can make a decision when he turns 18.  He can choose to be 
 Filipino or US citizen.When my cousin turned 18, he had to go to the US 
 Embassy to choose US citizen and get his papers (passport).  He is considered 
 a Naturalized US citizen.  A person that has to take action to gain US 
 citizenship is not a Natural Born US citizen.  This is the status of Obama 
 even if he was indeed born in Hawaii.  He would still be a Naturalized US 
 citizen and hence unqualified.
 So, as you can see, Obama is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts.  The 
 argument about whether he was born in Hawaii or not is just one aspect of his 
 qualification (non-qualification) to be POTUS.
 In a free society like America, such questions about his qualifications 
 should have been vetted openly.  If there was even a hint as to his 
 qualifications, it should have been settled publicly and openly.  Why don't 
 people take this issue seriously.  Even if people think that his BC was 
 original and valid, people should still be calling for it to be settled once 
 and for all.  Open up the vault copy.  No other steps or half measures will 
 do.  Great controversies require great measures to settle.  Let the Birthers 
 see it and it they are wrong, you get the chance to humiliate them to your 
 heart's content.  If I am wrong about this, I'm sure I will have great shame 
 and tuck my tail between my legs and go away quietly. 
 - Original Message -
 From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 The earlier posting on muslim schools is confused.
 Some Muslim schools have a curriculum that is based solely on the Qur'an. 
 This kind of school would only attract non-Muslim students interested in the 
 Qur'an, or in the culture of Islam.
 Some Muslim schools have a standard secular curriculum, and are attended 
 mostly by Muslims, thus confusing some into calling them Muslim schools.
 Some Muslim schools are merely called such because they operate in a Muslim 
 country, like Indonesia. This is like calling US public schools Christian 
 because they operate in a predominantly Christian country.
 To suggest that President Obama must be a Muslim because he went to a 
 Muslim school in Indonesia is a statement that at best is meaningless.
 On Dec 31, 2012, at 4:37 AM, Nigel Dyer wrote:
 Indeed.   There is a Catholic school in Birmingham, UK, where the majority 
 of pupils are Muslim
 On 31/12/2012 04:40, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Yes, Christian catholic schools are more tolerant of other faiths, but 
 not muslims.  You can not go to a muslim school like the one Obama went to 
 unless you are a muslim.
 Before Lomax spins this again; may I simply ask readers to research this on 
 their own to see which of us both is lying.

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2013-01-01 Thread Chuck Sites
I'm sorry to break from scientific debates on Cold Fusion, but to be
honest, JoJo has dominated this mailing list for several weeks now with
very little response and light response from the Vortex-L mail list.  If I
may, I would like to suspend the rules and use 4 letter words  If that is
OK with you all, good old JoJo will get an insult so low, his shins might
hurt from all of the fish bites.

so Jojol You know, all I can say is your beliefs are treasonous.  You
say Obama
is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts.   President Obama is certainly
qualified to be POTUS on all levels.  In fact he has been one of the best
POTUS's since Clinton.  You might as well say, I hate the USA.  You
obviously a birther, since you seem to believe  the notion that Obama is
not a native born citizen.  That is just goofy thinking. Only a dingbat
righty would take that as fact.

You have been attacking Lomax for his religion.  Why don't you tell us
right here and right now what your religion is if you have one.   We can
then pick on every odd thing that your religion believes.  Based on
everything you have said, it probably involves eating little babies

Bottom line Jojo, is no one on this email lists likes your posts or even
reads them.  You message is irrelevant and always Off Topic!   Go away an
hassle some body on huffington post,

On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Obama is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts.

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread Nigel Dyer
Indeed.   There is a Catholic school in Birmingham, UK, where the 
majority of pupils are Muslim


On 31/12/2012 04:40, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Yes, Christian catholic schools are more tolerant of other faiths, 
but not muslims.  You can not go to a muslim school like the one Obama 
went to unless you are a muslim.

Before Lomax spins this again; may I simply ask readers to research 
this on their own to see which of us both is lying.


Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread Alain Sepeda
my wife know that school.
it is a Jakarta dowtown secular state school...
the country is muslim, yet there is 6 religion allowed, yet mandatory (you
have to believe in one single god, with a paradise... that is the rule...
whichever it is is your choice, even if like US there are political group
using religion to reach power, and some increasing discrimination against
minorities, nationally or locally)

until recently when liberalisation inspired by humanrightists develop, the
hijab (woman head scarf, which is much more sexy in indonesia than in saudi
arabia) was forbidden in state school...

and whatever you can say, it is clear Obama speak more like an evangelist
A bit shocking for a secular French, but if american love that style, it is
their own freedom...
Our choices since 10 years are criticized by more than 50% of the
population, so we cannot give lessons... ah ah ;-)

note also that what is evident from France is that US president is very
weak because of the constitution, by design ... parliament rules and is

It is clear that US fear their government...

whether it is good or not is not to be discussed... I just remind facts.

2012/12/31 Jojo Jaro

 His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia.
  You can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.


 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:14 AM

 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

 On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a

 On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that
 the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president;
 we have a usurper sitting on the throne.

 Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute
 phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He
 can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the
 Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that
 in 2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to
 block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous
 document?  WHY indeed?

 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader
 proped up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic


 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

 Are you stating that the President is Muslim?

 On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything
 related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current
 president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information
 about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right
 henchman) or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. This is the veil
 of corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are
 gving him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it
 helps prop up his illegitimate usurper muslim president.


 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after
 he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive Order
 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically require
 his approval before release of any information, obstensively because of
 Executive Privelege.

 Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.

 Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type,
 where located, and by whom?

  Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly
 have you debunked?   you blatant liar.

 No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you
 claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order
 did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.


 Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies
 you'll come up next.

 You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You
 have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a dramatic
 image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.

 You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks
 access to Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to which
 you are responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails to
 apologize, or point to an actual order doing

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread Alain Sepeda
ah ah... good professors and very strict say my (muslim) step-child...
my (muslim) wife confirm , and me too... if catholic religion disappear, we
have to keep the schools...

in Indonesia like in france, religious schools have to enforce mixing and
except madrassa in indonesia which are too religious to allow that...
noboby's perfect...

2012/12/31 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

 At 10:17 PM 12/30/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia.
  You can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.

 Who says that? Muslims go to Christian schools all the time.

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
This is incorrect, Jojo.

Do you have any evidence for your assertion that President Obama is a Muslim?

On Dec 30, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia.  You 
 can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a Muslim?
 On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that 
 the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; we 
 have a usurper sitting on the throne.
 Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
 phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He 
 can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the 
 Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that in 
 2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to 
 block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous 
 document?  WHY indeed?
 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped 
 up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 Are you stating that the President is Muslim?
 On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything related 
 to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current president 
 is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information about 
 Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right henchman) 
 or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. This is the veil of 
 corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are 
 gving him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it 
 helps prop up his illegitimate usurper muslim president.
 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after he 
 took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive Order 
 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically require 
 his approval before release of any information, obstensively because of 
 Executive Privelege.
 Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.
 Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, where 
 located, and by whom?
 Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly 
 have you debunked?   you blatant liar.
 No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
 claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order 
 did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.
 Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies you'll 
 come up next.
 You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You 
 have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a 
 dramatic image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.
 You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks access 
 to Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to which you 
 are responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails to apologize, 
 or point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a 
 Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to apply 
 to birth records held by Hawaiian state officials? It's all here right in 
 front of us, no more research should be necessary.
 But, also for the record, I'll say it again: There is no Executive Order 
 that blocks public access to the vault birth certificate. That access is 
 blocked by Hawaiian law on the privacy of records (as is true, I think, in 
 all states). Some access to records is blocked by HIPAA, a federal law 
 relating to the privacy of medical records, and there are other laws 
 protecting the privacy of certain records, but no relevant Executive Order 
 that does what Jojo claims.
 He lied, and he is continuing to lie. But ... his turn.
 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary
 For Immediate Release January 21, 2009
 EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 - - - - - - -
 By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
This is incorrect, Jojo.

Do you have any evidence for your assertion that President Obama is a Muslim?

On Dec 30, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia.  You 
 can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a Muslim?
 On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that 
 the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; we 
 have a usurper sitting on the throne.
 Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
 phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He 
 can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the 
 Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that in 
 2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to 
 block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous 
 document?  WHY indeed?
 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped 
 up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 Are you stating that the President is Muslim?
 On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything related 
 to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current president 
 is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information about 
 Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right henchman) 
 or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. This is the veil of 
 corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are 
 gving him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it 
 helps prop up his illegitimate usurper muslim president.
 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after he 
 took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive Order 
 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically require 
 his approval before release of any information, obstensively because of 
 Executive Privelege.
 Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.
 Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, where 
 located, and by whom?
 Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly 
 have you debunked?   you blatant liar.
 No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
 claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order 
 did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.
 Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies you'll 
 come up next.
 You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You 
 have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a 
 dramatic image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.
 You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks access 
 to Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to which you 
 are responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails to apologize, 
 or point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a 
 Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to apply 
 to birth records held by Hawaiian state officials? It's all here right in 
 front of us, no more research should be necessary.
 But, also for the record, I'll say it again: There is no Executive Order 
 that blocks public access to the vault birth certificate. That access is 
 blocked by Hawaiian law on the privacy of records (as is true, I think, in 
 all states). Some access to records is blocked by HIPAA, a federal law 
 relating to the privacy of medical records, and there are other laws 
 protecting the privacy of certain records, but no relevant Executive Order 
 that does what Jojo claims.
 He lied, and he is continuing to lie. But ... his turn.
 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary
 For Immediate Release January 21, 2009
 EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 - - - - - - -
 By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
The earlier posting on muslim schools is confused.

Some Muslim schools have a curriculum that is based solely on the Qur'an. 
This kind of school would only attract non-Muslim students interested in the 
Qur'an, or in the culture of Islam.

Some Muslim schools have a standard secular curriculum, and are attended 
mostly by Muslims, thus confusing some into calling them Muslim schools.

Some Muslim schools are merely called such because they operate in a Muslim 
country, like Indonesia. This is like calling US public schools Christian 
because they operate in a predominantly Christian country.

To suggest that President Obama must be a Muslim because he went to a Muslim 
school in Indonesia is a statement that at best is meaningless.

On Dec 31, 2012, at 4:37 AM, Nigel Dyer wrote:

 Indeed.   There is a Catholic school in Birmingham, UK, where the majority of 
 pupils are Muslim
 On 31/12/2012 04:40, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Yes, Christian catholic schools are more tolerant of other faiths, but not 
 muslims.  You can not go to a muslim school like the one Obama went to 
 unless you are a muslim.
 Before Lomax spins this again; may I simply ask readers to research this on 
 their own to see which of us both is lying.

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
Salut, Alain.

Bonne nouvelle année.

Most Americans do not fear our government. A few do, and are viewed by the rest 
of Americans as paranoid and living in an alternative Tea-party reality.  That 
reality is so bizarre, and the people who advocate it as so bizarre that they 
do get a lot of publicity and attention. They do have a political impact, 
especially on the Republican party, where some republican leaders want to rid 
themselves of the Tea-Party members knowing that association with them will 
reduce the Republican party to fringe status, and other republican leaders want 
to embrace the Tea-Party knowing that it may be the last stronghold of the 
republican party. It is a fascinating trap and I am curious to see how the 
Republicans (who include some pretty decent and smart people) will work this 

Like people everywhere, most Americans want lower taxes and more government 
services. They want the government to stop telling them what to do with laws 
and regulations, but they at the same time want the government to stop others 
from doing things they disapprove of. As I said, like people everywhere.

For myself, I appreciate our government greatly. By and large, it is efficient, 
economic, responsive, and transparent. Of course, there are many things the 
government does that I disagree with (especially in foreign affairs), but 
generally I appreciate and support our government. Generally!


On Dec 31, 2012, at 10:34 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

 my wife know that school.
 it is a Jakarta dowtown secular state school... 
 the country is muslim, yet there is 6 religion allowed, yet mandatory (you 
 have to believe in one single god, with a paradise... that is the rule... 
 whichever it is is your choice, even if like US there are political group 
 using religion to reach power, and some increasing discrimination against 
 minorities, nationally or locally)
 until recently when liberalisation inspired by humanrightists develop, the 
 hijab (woman head scarf, which is much more sexy in indonesia than in saudi 
 arabia) was forbidden in state school...
 and whatever you can say, it is clear Obama speak more like an evangelist 
 A bit shocking for a secular French, but if american love that style, it is 
 their own freedom...
 Our choices since 10 years are criticized by more than 50% of the population, 
 so we cannot give lessons... ah ah ;-)
 note also that what is evident from France is that US president is very weak 
 because of the constitution, by design ... parliament rules and is 
 It is clear that US fear their government...
 whether it is good or not is not to be discussed... I just remind facts.
 2012/12/31 Jojo Jaro
 His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia.  You 
 can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a Muslim?
 On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that the 
 Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; we have 
 a usurper sitting on the throne.
 Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
 phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He 
 can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the Birther 
 movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that in 2 
 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to block 
 access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous document?  
 WHY indeed?
 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped up 
 by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 Are you stating that the President is Muslim?
 On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything related 
 to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current president is 
 covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information about Obama's 
 BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right henchman) or thru the 
 Presidential counsel;  for approval. This is the veil of corruption 
 surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are gving him a pass. 
  I'm not surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it helps prop up his 
 illegitimate usurper muslim president.
 - Original Message - From: Abd

RE: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread Zell, Chris
The fact that many or most Americans do not fear the government is not 
something to celebrate.  The erosion of rights under the Constitution is 
shocking - if most people understood or cared - and Obama has become worse than 

While Congress hotly debates budgets, just hours away from a fiscal cliff, they 
have no trouble at all passing a bill (twice) that allows for indefinite 
imprisonment without trial by a bipartisan majority (NDAA). Don't waste your 
time protesting to your elected representative, they won't bother answering ( 
my experience).

And they easily pass a bill to search your email without a warrant - take note 
of the fact that no one even bats an eye that the FBI went thru tens of 
thousands of emails from the most prominent military leaders in the country 
recently. Not even their position saves them..

And most astounding of all?  Take a good look at the track record of people 
crying for gun confiscation and note how disgusted and aggrieved they normally 
are in preaching that the government is corrupt and unresponsive.  Like Michael 
Moore and his 9/11 work.  The government is evil but let's give up our guns? 

Oh, and the US now puts a higher % of its people in prison than Russia does.

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread Eric Walker
On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 9:10 AM, de Bivort Lawrence ldebiv...@gmail.comwrote:

Most Americans do *not* fear our government.

I think Alain has in mind the system of checks and balances in US
government -- the veto of the President, the Supreme Court striking down
legislation, etc.  By and large, US government is quite decentralized,
especially in comparison to the French government.  This has the effect of
raising barriers to one group's making drastic changes for which there is
no consensus (see the recent constitution story in Egypt) at the cost of
making it difficult to get things done when agreement can't be found.  Many
countries do not have governments that are as easily paralyzed as that of
the US.  Advocates for this kind of governmental decentralization are
worried about tyranny.


Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread Jojo Jaro
Other than what he wrote in his autobiography, no.  But his autobiography is 
a revealing work into his psyche.

He mentioned that the muslim call to prayer was the most beautiful sound 
he has heard.  High praise from a supposed Christian.  Beautiful in that 
the music or melody is beautiful, but beautiful in the sense of worship it 

I can tell you now that a true Christian will NOT find a call to prayer to a 
moon god beaustiful and inspiring.


- Original Message - 
From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

This is incorrect, Jojo.

Do you have any evidence for your assertion that President Obama is a 

On Dec 30, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia. 
You can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a 

On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that 
the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; 
we have a usurper sitting on the throne.

Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC. 
He can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the 
Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that 
in 2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money 
to block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous 
document?  WHY indeed?

He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader 
proped up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic 


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

Are you stating that the President is Muslim?

On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything 
related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current 
president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release 
information about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the 
corrupt right henchman) or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. 
This is the veil of corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and 
people like lomax are gving him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are 
OK for Lomax as long as it helps prop up his illegitimate usurper muslim 


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after 
he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive 
Order 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically 
require his approval before release of any information, obstensively 
because of Executive Privelege.

Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.

Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, 
where located, and by whom?

Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly 
have you debunked?   you blatant liar.

No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive 
Order did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.

Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies 
you'll come up next.

You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You 
have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a 
dramatic image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.

You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks 
access to Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to 
which you are responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails 
to apologize, or point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, 
effectively, a liar.

Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to 
apply to birth records held by Hawaiian state officials? It's all here 
right in front of us, no more research should be necessary.

But, also for the record, I'll say it again: There is no Executive 
Order that blocks public access to the vault birth certificate. That 
access is blocked by Hawaiian law

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread Jojo Jaro
While what you are saying about Indonesian schools may be true today - I am not 
knowledgeable about the current school system in Indonesia, so I will not 
debate that.

While that may be true, it surely wasn't true in the 70's when Obama went 
there.  Records show he was registered in that school as a muslim.  

One more thing, he was adopted by an Indonesian muslim.  If he was adopted to 
be an Indonesian, he would have automatically lost his U.S. citizenship and 
gained Indonesian citizenship and automatically became a muslim.  In Indonesia, 
you gain the religion of your adoptive father.  Indonesia does not have and 
never had a Dual Citizenship program with the US.  Which means that he would 
have had to reacquire his US citizenship when he reached 18.   He had to do 
something to gain back his US citizenship.  Which automatically made him a 
naturalized US citizen, not a Natural-Born US citizen required by our 

One of my cousins was in the same boat and he was born about the same time as 
Obama.  He was born in U.S. soil (New York) but his parents brought him back to 
the Philippines.  By US law, as a minor, he has no official citizenship status 
if there is a question as to his citizenship.  In my cousin's case, he was born 
on US soil to Filipino parents.  Hence, his citizenship status was in limbo, 
until he can make a decision when he turns 18.  He can choose to be Filipino or 
US citizen.When my cousin turned 18, he had to go to the US Embassy to 
choose US citizen and get his papers (passport).  He is considered a 
Naturalized US citizen.  A person that has to take action to gain US 
citizenship is not a Natural Born US citizen.  This is the status of Obama even 
if he was indeed born in Hawaii.  He would still be a Naturalized US citizen 
and hence unqualified.

So, as you can see, Obama is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts.  The 
argument about whether he was born in Hawaii or not is just one aspect of his 
qualification (non-qualification) to be POTUS. 

In a free society like America, such questions about his qualifications should 
have been vetted openly.  If there was even a hint as to his qualifications, it 
should have been settled publicly and openly.  Why don't people take this issue 
seriously.  Even if people think that his BC was original and valid, people 
should still be calling for it to be settled once and for all.  Open up the 
vault copy.  No other steps or half measures will do.  Great controversies 
require great measures to settle.  Let the Birthers see it and it they are 
wrong, you get the chance to humiliate them to your heart's content.  If I am 
wrong about this, I'm sure I will have great shame and tuck my tail between my 
legs and go away quietly.  


  - Original Message - 
  From: de Bivort Lawrence 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:59 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  The earlier posting on muslim schools is confused.

  Some Muslim schools have a curriculum that is based solely on the Qur'an. 
This kind of school would only attract non-Muslim students interested in the 
Qur'an, or in the culture of Islam.

  Some Muslim schools have a standard secular curriculum, and are attended 
mostly by Muslims, thus confusing some into calling them Muslim schools.

  Some Muslim schools are merely called such because they operate in a Muslim 
country, like Indonesia. This is like calling US public schools Christian 
because they operate in a predominantly Christian country.

  To suggest that President Obama must be a Muslim because he went to a 
Muslim school in Indonesia is a statement that at best is meaningless.

  On Dec 31, 2012, at 4:37 AM, Nigel Dyer wrote:

Indeed.   There is a Catholic school in Birmingham, UK, where the majority 
of pupils are Muslim


On 31/12/2012 04:40, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  Yes, Christian catholic schools are more tolerant of other faiths, but 
not muslims.  You can not go to a muslim school like the one Obama went to 
unless you are a muslim.

  Before Lomax spins this again; may I simply ask readers to research this 
on their own to see which of us both is lying.


Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-31 Thread Jojo Jaro
Are you saying your wife knows the exact school Obama went to?  What's the name 
of the schoold and its address please?  Can she descirbe what it looks like?  
When was the last time you wife has physically seen that school?


Careful now, your next answer will reveal if you are lying about this or 
telling the truth as an actual witness of the school.

Note, this is not an insult.  I am forewarning you that I am attempting to set 
up a bait trap for you.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Alain Sepeda 
  Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 11:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  my wife know that school.
  it is a Jakarta dowtown secular state school... 
  the country is muslim, yet there is 6 religion allowed, yet mandatory (you 
have to believe in one single god, with a paradise... that is the rule... 
whichever it is is your choice, even if like US there are political group using 
religion to reach power, and some increasing discrimination against minorities, 
nationally or locally)

  until recently when liberalisation inspired by humanrightists develop, the 
hijab (woman head scarf, which is much more sexy in indonesia than in saudi 
arabia) was forbidden in state school...

  and whatever you can say, it is clear Obama speak more like an evangelist 
  A bit shocking for a secular French, but if american love that style, it is 
their own freedom...
  Our choices since 10 years are criticized by more than 50% of the population, 
so we cannot give lessons... ah ah ;-)

  note also that what is evident from France is that US president is very weak 
because of the constitution, by design ... parliament rules and is 

  It is clear that US fear their government...

  whether it is good or not is not to be discussed... I just remind facts.

  2012/12/31 Jojo Jaro

His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia.  You 
can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:14 AM

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a 

On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that 
the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; we 
have a usurper sitting on the throne.

  Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He can 
quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the Birther 
movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that in 2 minutes, 
yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to block access to 
this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous document?  WHY indeed?

  He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader 
proped up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.


  - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
  Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  Are you stating that the President is Muslim?

  On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything 
related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current 
president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information 
about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right henchman) 
or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. This is the veil of corruption 
surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are gving him a pass.  
I'm not surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it helps prop up his 
illegitimate usurper muslim president.


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately 
after he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive Order 
13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically require his 
approval before release of any information, obstensively because of Executive 

  Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.

  Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, 
where located, and by whom?

Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-30 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a Muslim?

On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that the 
 Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; we have 
 a usurper sitting on the throne.
 Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
 phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He 
 can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the Birther 
 movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that in 2 
 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to block 
 access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous document?  
 WHY indeed?
 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped up 
 by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 Are you stating that the President is Muslim?
 On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything related 
 to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current president 
 is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information about 
 Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right henchman) or 
 thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. This is the veil of corruption 
 surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are gving him a 
 pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it helps prop 
 up his illegitimate usurper muslim president.
 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after he 
 took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive Order 
 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically require 
 his approval before release of any information, obstensively because of 
 Executive Privelege.
 Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.
 Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, where 
 located, and by whom?
 Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly have 
 you debunked?   you blatant liar.
 No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
 claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order 
 did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.
 Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies you'll 
 come up next.
 You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You have 
 acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a dramatic 
 image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.
 You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks access to 
 Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to which you are 
 responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails to apologize, or 
 point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a liar.
 Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to apply 
 to birth records held by Hawaiian state officials? It's all here right in 
 front of us, no more research should be necessary.
 But, also for the record, I'll say it again: There is no Executive Order 
 that blocks public access to the vault birth certificate. That access is 
 blocked by Hawaiian law on the privacy of records (as is true, I think, in 
 all states). Some access to records is blocked by HIPAA, a federal law 
 relating to the privacy of medical records, and there are other laws 
 protecting the privacy of certain records, but no relevant Executive Order 
 that does what Jojo claims.
 He lied, and he is continuing to lie. But ... his turn.
 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary
 For Immediate Release January 21, 2009
 EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 - - - - - - -
 By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
 laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish policies 
 and procedures governing the assertion of executive privilege by incumbent 
 and former Presidents in connection with the release of Presidential 
 records by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) 
 pursuant to the Presidential Records Act of 1978, it is hereby ordered as 
 follows: Section 1. Definitions. For purposes of this order:
 (a) Archivist refers to the Archivist of the United States

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-30 Thread Jojo Jaro
His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia.  You 
can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.


- Original Message - 
From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

On what evidence do you base your assertion that President Obama is a 

On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that 
the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; 
we have a usurper sitting on the throne.

Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He 
can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the 
Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that 
in 2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to 
block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous 
document?  WHY indeed?

He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped 
up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

Are you stating that the President is Muslim?

On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything 
related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current 
president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release 
information about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the 
corrupt right henchman) or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. 
This is the veil of corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and 
people like lomax are gving him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are OK 
for Lomax as long as it helps prop up his illegitimate usurper muslim 


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after 
he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive 
Order 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically 
require his approval before release of any information, obstensively 
because of Executive Privelege.

Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.

Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, 
where located, and by whom?

Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly 
have you debunked?   you blatant liar.

No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order 
did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.

Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies 
you'll come up next.

You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You 
have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a 
dramatic image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.

You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks access 
to Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to which you 
are responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails to 
apologize, or point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, 
effectively, a liar.

Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to 
apply to birth records held by Hawaiian state officials? It's all here 
right in front of us, no more research should be necessary.

But, also for the record, I'll say it again: There is no Executive Order 
that blocks public access to the vault birth certificate. That access 
is blocked by Hawaiian law on the privacy of records (as is true, I 
think, in all states). Some access to records is blocked by HIPAA, a 
federal law relating to the privacy of medical records, and there are 
other laws protecting the privacy of certain records, but no relevant 
Executive Order that does what Jojo claims.

He lied, and he is continuing to lie. But ... his turn.

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release January 21, 2009

EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 - - - - - - -


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish 
policies and procedures governing the assertion of executive privilege 
by incumbent and former Presidents in connection with the release of 
Presidential records by the National Archives

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-30 Thread Alan Fletcher
 From: Jojo Jaro
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 7:17:09 PM
 His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia.
 You  can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.

THE source for birther-watching and birther debunking.
(I post there under a pseudonym)

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-30 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 10:17 PM 12/30/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in 
Indonesia.  You can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.

Who says that? Muslims go to Christian schools all the time.

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-30 Thread Jojo Jaro
Yes, Christian catholic schools are more tolerant of other faiths, but not 
muslims.  You can not go to a muslim school like the one Obama went to 
unless you are a muslim.

Before Lomax spins this again; may I simply ask readers to research this on 
their own to see which of us both is lying.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 10:17 PM 12/30/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia. 
You can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.

Who says that? Muslims go to Christian schools all the time.

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-30 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 10:46 PM 12/30/2012, Alan Fletcher wrote:

 From: Jojo Jaro
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 7:17:09 PM
 His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in Indonesia.
 You  can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.

THE source for birther-watching and birther debunking.
(I post there under a pseudonym)

Yes, a valuable resource, very thorough. So far, what I've seen from 
Fogbow checks out. But this is not the place to debate this. I would 
personally not object at all if Jojo posted a link to an equivalent 
site, say as an authoritative site showing what birthers consider the 
strongest evidence. I thought of posting a link to Orly Taitz, but 
you can find a link to her site from the Wikipedia article.

(Jojo claims that he is only responding to propaganda. Arguing 
propaganda here is ultimately disruptive, but placing a link to a 
place where information can be found on some off-topic subject is 
rarely harmful. Someone else can post a link that corrects bias, etc. 
It's when we start calling each other liars that it becomes a 
problem. If there had only been a link here on Moon God or any of 
many other issues, I'd never have taken the time to write detailed responses.)

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-30 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 11:40 PM 12/30/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Yes, Christian catholic schools are more tolerant of other faiths, 
but not muslims.  You can not go to a muslim school like the one 
Obama went to unless you are a muslim.

Before Lomax spins this again; may I simply ask readers to research 
this on their own to see which of us both is lying.


let me help readers out, if they care about this. I found no evidence 
that the school was a Muslim school, though *most of the students 
were Muslim,* it appears.

The original story was on a now-defunct web site, the following link is dead:
For coverage of Insight Magazine, see
Coverage by Fox News:,2933,245079,00.html,2933,245582,00.html
Coverage of the issue in detail:

I don't see a source for the claim other than the Insight Magazine 
article. I found the Insight article on the wayback machine:

- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 10:17 PM 12/30/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
His own autobiography says that he went to muslim school in 
Indonesia. You can't go to muslim school unless you're muslim.

Who says that? Muslims go to Christian schools all the time.

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-29 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
Are you stating that the President is Muslim?

On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything related 
 to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current president is 
 covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information about Obama's 
 BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right henchman) or thru the 
 Presidential counsel;  for approval.  This is the veil of corruption 
 surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are gving him a pass. 
  I'm not surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it helps prop up his 
 illegitimate usurper muslim president.
 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies
 At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after he 
 took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive Order 
 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically require 
 his approval before release of any information, obstensively because of 
 Executive Privelege.
 Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.
 Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, where 
 located, and by whom?
 Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly have 
 you debunked?   you blatant liar.
 No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
 claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order did 
 not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.
 Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies you'll 
 come up next.
 You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You have 
 acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a dramatic 
 image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.
 You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks access to 
 Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to which you are 
 responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails to apologize, or 
 point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a liar.
 Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to apply 
 to birth records held by Hawaiian state officials? It's all here right in 
 front of us, no more research should be necessary.
 But, also for the record, I'll say it again: There is no Executive Order 
 that blocks public access to the vault birth certificate. That access is 
 blocked by Hawaiian law on the privacy of records (as is true, I think, in 
 all states). Some access to records is blocked by HIPAA, a federal law 
 relating to the privacy of medical records, and there are other laws 
 protecting the privacy of certain records, but no relevant Executive Order 
 that does what Jojo claims.
 He lied, and he is continuing to lie. But ... his turn.
 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary
 For Immediate Release January 21, 2009
 EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 - - - - - - -
 By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws 
 of the United States of America, and in order to establish policies and 
 procedures governing the assertion of executive privilege by incumbent and 
 former Presidents in connection with the release of Presidential records by 
 the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) pursuant to the 
 Presidential Records Act of 1978, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 
 1. Definitions. For purposes of this order:
 (a) Archivist refers to the Archivist of the United States or his 
 designee. (b) NARA refers to the National Archives and Records 
 (c) Presidential Records Act refers to the Presidential Records Act, 44 
 U.S.C. 2201-2207.
 (d) NARA regulations refers to the NARA regulations implementing the 
 Presidential Records Act, 36 C.F.R. Part 1270.
 (e) Presidential records refers to those documentary materials maintained 
 by NARA pursuant to the Presidential Records Act, including Vice 
 Presidential records.
 (f) Former President refers to the former President during whose term or 
 terms of office particular Presidential records were created.
 (g) A substantial question of executive privilege exists if NARA's 
 disclosure of Presidential records might impair national security 
 (including the conduct of foreign relations), law enforcement, or the 
 deliberative processes of the executive branch.
 (h) A final court order is a court order from which no appeal may be 
 Sec. 2. Notice of Intent to Disclose Presidential Records. (a) When the 
 Archivist provides notice to the incumbent and former Presidents of his 
 intent to disclose Presidential records pursuant

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-29 Thread Jojo Jaro
No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that 
the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; we 
have a usurper sitting on the throne.

Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He 
can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the 
Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that in 
2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to 
block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous 
document?  WHY indeed?

He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped 
up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.


- Original Message - 
From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

Are you stating that the President is Muslim?

On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything 
related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current 
president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release 
information about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the 
corrupt right henchman) or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. 
This is the veil of corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and 
people like lomax are gving him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are OK 
for Lomax as long as it helps prop up his illegitimate usurper muslim 


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after 
he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive 
Order 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically 
require his approval before release of any information, obstensively 
because of Executive Privelege.

Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.

Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, where 
located, and by whom?

Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly 
have you debunked?   you blatant liar.

No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order 
did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.

Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies you'll 
come up next.

You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You 
have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a 
dramatic image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.

You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks access 
to Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to which you 
are responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails to apologize, 
or point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a 

Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to 
apply to birth records held by Hawaiian state officials? It's all here 
right in front of us, no more research should be necessary.

But, also for the record, I'll say it again: There is no Executive Order 
that blocks public access to the vault birth certificate. That access 
is blocked by Hawaiian law on the privacy of records (as is true, I 
think, in all states). Some access to records is blocked by HIPAA, a 
federal law relating to the privacy of medical records, and there are 
other laws protecting the privacy of certain records, but no relevant 
Executive Order that does what Jojo claims.

He lied, and he is continuing to lie. But ... his turn.

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release January 21, 2009

EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 - - - - - - -


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish policies 
and procedures governing the assertion of executive privilege by 
incumbent and former Presidents in connection with the release of 
Presidential records by the National Archives and Records Administration 
(NARA) pursuant to the Presidential Records Act of 1978, it is hereby 
ordered as follows: Section 1. Definitions. For purposes of this order:

(a) Archivist refers to the Archivist of the United States or his 
designee. (b) NARA refers to the National Archives and Records 

(c) Presidential Records Act refers to the Presidential Records Act, 
44 U.S.C. 2201-2207.

(d) NARA regulations refers to the NARA

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-29 Thread Daniel Rocha
I recommend you this story, specially the animated version:

BTW, this is not safe for work. It's very gruesome, although, it's just

2012/12/30 Jojo Jaro

 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped
 up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.


Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-29 Thread Daniel Rocha
Oh, damn. This is a sequel. But the original is not hard to find.

2012/12/30 Daniel Rocha

 I recommend you this story, specially the animated version:

 BTW, this is not safe for work. It's very gruesome, although, it's just

 2012/12/30 Jojo Jaro

 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader
 proped up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic


 Daniel Rocha - RJ

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-29 Thread Axil Axil
“This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped up by a corrupt shadow
government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.”

This accusation is categorically true for G. W. Bush.

His election was notorious for a controversy over the awarding of Florida's
25 electoral votes, and the subsequent recount process in that state,
fourth election in U.S. history in which the eventual winner failed to win
a plurality of the popular vote. Later studies have reached conflicting
opinions on who would have won the recount if it had been allowed to
On December 12, the partisan Supreme Court ruled in a 7–2 vote that the
Florida Supreme Court's ruling requiring a statewide recount of ballots was
unconstitutional, and in a 5–4 vote that the Florida recounts could not be
completed before a December 12 safe harbor deadline, and should therefore
cease and the previously certified total should hold.

It is my belief that G. W. Bush was not validly elected president of the
U.S. in contravention of the will of the majority.

Fortunately, all such injustices are remedied by the passage of time and a
beneficent providence.

Cheers:   axil

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that
 the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president;
 we have a usurper sitting on the throne.

 Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute
 phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He
 can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the
 Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that
 in 2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to
 block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous
 document?  WHY indeed?

 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped
 up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.


 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM

 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

 Are you stating that the President is Muslim?

 On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything
 related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current
 president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information
 about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right
 henchman) or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. This is the veil
 of corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are
 gving him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it
 helps prop up his illegitimate usurper muslim president.


 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after
 he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive Order
 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically require
 his approval before release of any information, obstensively because of
 Executive Privelege.

 Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.

 Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type,
 where located, and by whom?

  Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly
 have you debunked?   you blatant liar.

 No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you
 claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order
 did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.


 Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies
 you'll come up next.

 You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You
 have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a dramatic
 image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.

 You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks access
 to Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to which you are
 responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails to apologize, or
 point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a liar.

 Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to
 apply to birth records held by Hawaiian state officials? It's all here
 right in front of us, no more research should be necessary.

 But, also for the record, I'll say it again: There is no Executive Order
 that blocks public access to the vault birth certificate. That access is
 blocked by Hawaiian law on the privacy of records (as is true, I think

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-29 Thread Jojo Jaro
Yes, Axil, I am honest enough to acknowledge that I have been wrong about GW 
Bush.  I was a strong supporter of G.W. Bush at that time but have since 
changed my view.  His membership in the Skull and Bones secret society should 
have tipped me off sooner, but I was preoccupied with partisanship at that 
time.  Though I still think that he won Florida.

But how about Obama?  Do you think that his Birth Certificate have been vetted 
properly and openly?  Do you think Obama is a legitimately qualified president? 
 Can you conclude that he is a Natural-Born U.S. Citizen based on the scanned 
BC he has put up of the Internet?  Cause other than this scanned BC, there is 
no other proof he was born in Hawaii.

I take that back,  there could possibly be proof he was born in Hawaii that is 
in his vault BC.  But alas, for some unknown inexplicable reason, he has 
blocked access to that.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Axil Axil 
  Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 11:36 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  “This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped up by a corrupt shadow 
government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.”

  This accusation is categorically true for G. W. Bush.

  His election was notorious for a controversy over the awarding of Florida's 
25 electoral votes, and the subsequent recount process in that state, fourth 
election in U.S. history in which the eventual winner failed to win a plurality 
of the popular vote. Later studies have reached conflicting opinions on who 
would have won the recount if it had been allowed to proceed.

  On December 12, the partisan Supreme Court ruled in a 7–2 vote that the 
Florida Supreme Court's ruling requiring a statewide recount of ballots was 
unconstitutional, and in a 5–4 vote that the Florida recounts could not be 
completed before a December 12 safe harbor deadline, and should therefore 
cease and the previously certified total should hold.

  It is my belief that G. W. Bush was not validly elected president of the U.S. 
in contravention of the will of the majority.
  Fortunately, all such injustices are remedied by the passage of time and a 
beneficent providence. 

  Cheers:   axil

  On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that 
the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president; we 
have a usurper sitting on the throne.

Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute 
phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He can 
quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the Birther 
movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that in 2 minutes, 
yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to block access to 
this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous document?  WHY indeed?

He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped 
up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

Are you stating that the President is Muslim?

On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything 
related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current 
president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information 
about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right henchman) 
or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. This is the veil of corruption 
surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are gving him a pass.  
I'm not surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it helps prop up his 
illegitimate usurper muslim president.


  - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately 
after he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive Order 
13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically require his 
approval before release of any information, obstensively because of Executive 

Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.

Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, 
where located, and by whom?

  Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly 
have you debunked?   you blatant liar.

No, no apology, unless you show

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-29 Thread Axil Axil
“But how about Obama? Do you think that his Birth Certificate have been
vetted properly and openly? Do you think Obama is a legitimately qualified
president? Can you conclude that he is a Natural-Born U.S. Citizen based on
the scanned BC he has put up of the Internet? Cause other than this scanned
BC, there is no other proof he was born in Hawaii.”

The supporters of G. W, Bush took their case to court and won. The same
should be done for the supporters of the Birther theory.

First find the convincing evidence, the smoking gun, that supports their
case, and then take it to the courts.

It is not productive to appeal to the court of public opinion to advance
their case.

I suspect an ulterior motive; that efforts in this regard are directed to
fill talk show air time and raise revenue from higher viewer ratings.

Obama was recently reelected with a majority of 53% of the vote, so it is
an uphill fight to change all those minds and if accomplished…so what.

Cheers:   axil

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:53 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Yes, Axil, I am honest enough to acknowledge that I have been wrong about
 GW Bush.  I was a strong supporter of G.W. Bush at that time but have since
 changed my view.  His membership in the Skull and Bones secret society
 should have tipped me off sooner, but I was preoccupied with partisanship
 at that time.  Though I still think that he won Florida.

 But how about Obama?  Do you think that his Birth Certificate have been
 vetted properly and openly?  Do you think Obama is a legitimately qualified
 president?  Can you conclude that he is a Natural-Born U.S. Citizen based
 on the scanned BC he has put up of the Internet?  Cause other than this
 scanned BC, there is no other proof he was born in Hawaii.

 I take that back,  there could possibly be proof he was born in Hawaii
 that is in his vault BC.  But alas, for some unknown inexplicable reason,
 he has blocked access to that.


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Axil Axil
 *Sent:* Sunday, December 30, 2012 11:36 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

 “This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped up by a corrupt shadow
 government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.”

 This accusation is categorically true for G. W. Bush.

 His election was notorious for a controversy over the awarding of
 Florida's 25 electoral votes, and the subsequent recount process in that
 state, fourth election in U.S. history in which the eventual winner failed
 to win a plurality of the popular vote. Later studies have reached
 conflicting opinions on who would have won the recount if it had been
 allowed to proceed.
 On December 12, the partisan Supreme Court ruled in a 7–2 vote that the
 Florida Supreme Court's ruling requiring a statewide recount of ballots was
 unconstitutional, and in a 5–4 vote that the Florida recounts could not be
 completed before a December 12 safe harbor deadline, and should therefore
 cease and the previously certified total should hold.

 It is my belief that G. W. Bush was not validly elected president of the
 U.S. in contravention of the will of the majority.

 Fortunately, all such injustices are remedied by the passage of time and a
 beneficent providence.

 Cheers:   axil

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 No, I am not stating that the President is a muslim.  I am stating that
 the Usurper is a muslim.  We currently don't have a legitimate president;
 we have a usurper sitting on the throne.

 Why doesn't he just come clean?  He could do this with a single 2 minute
 phone call to the Hawaiian authorities to open access to his vault BC.  He
 can quickly end this controversy, establish his legitimacy, kill  the
 Birther movement and start the healing of the nation.  He can do all that
 in 2 minutes, yet he spends over 4 million dollars of Tax payer's money to
 block access to this vault BC.  Why block access to such an innocuous
 document?  WHY indeed?

 He won't because he can't.  This is the pattern of a corrupt leader
 proped up by a corrupt shadow government strengthened by corrupt demonic


 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:40 AM

 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

 Are you stating that the President is Muslim?

 On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything
 related to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current
 president is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information
 about Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right
 henchman) or thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval. This is the veil
 of corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are
 gving him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-29 Thread Jojo Jaro
Axil, court battles have been inititated to force the revelation of Obama's 
vault BC, but it has always been dismissed on technicality.  Supposedly, no 
American citizen can bring a charge against Obma because he has not been 
specifically aggrieved or hurt by the elevation of an unqualified POTUS.  In 
other words, unless you can prove that you have been hurt more than the rest of 
the people, you have no specific standing to bring a court case.  This is how 
Obama has been able to escape from justice.  It does not hurt that the shadow 
government demons are also threatening all those you would try.

It seems to me that if he is legit and has nothing to hide, he would simply 
allow the openning of his vault BC and not spend over 4 million tax payer 
dollars to defend it.  What is the rational of defending a vault BC?  Why spend 
all the attorney's efforts and all the money that does not even belong to him?

Don't you find that unusual?

I have said before.  The Birther movement will die a quick death and I will 
apologize in shame and go away if Obama can do this.

Fact is, he won't because he can't.  He either does not have a vault BC or his 
vault BC must indicate he was not born in Hawaii.  During that time, parents 
and grandparents can register a birth by writing to the authorities.  But the 
BC thus created would not contain hospital or doctor's information, or midwife 
information.  That is likely what Obama's BC is missing.  But we will never 
find out because of the veil of corruption.

Axil, I don't care if Obama was releceted with 99% of the popular vote.  The 
Constitution ought be be stronger that mere popularity.  We must be a nation of 
laws if we are to survive as a nation.  Bullying, ingnoring the law, and/or  
making up the rules as we go will not cut it.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Axil Axil 
  Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 1:14 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  “But how about Obama? Do you think that his Birth Certificate have been 
vetted properly and openly? Do you think Obama is a legitimately qualified 
president? Can you conclude that he is a Natural-Born U.S. Citizen based on the 
scanned BC he has put up of the Internet? Cause other than this scanned BC, 
there is no other proof he was born in Hawaii.”

  The supporters of G. W, Bush took their case to court and won. The same 
should be done for the supporters of the Birther theory. 

  First find the convincing evidence, the smoking gun, that supports their 
case, and then take it to the courts.

  It is not productive to appeal to the court of public opinion to advance 
their case.

  I suspect an ulterior motive; that efforts in this regard are directed to 
fill talk show air time and raise revenue from higher viewer ratings.

  Obama was recently reelected with a majority of 53% of the vote, so it is an 
uphill fight to change all those minds and if accomplished…so what.

  Cheers:   axil

  On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:53 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Yes, Axil, I am honest enough to acknowledge that I have been wrong about 
GW Bush.  I was a strong supporter of G.W. Bush at that time but have since 
changed my view.  His membership in the Skull and Bones secret society should 
have tipped me off sooner, but I was preoccupied with partisanship at that 
time.  Though I still think that he won Florida.

But how about Obama?  Do you think that his Birth Certificate have been 
vetted properly and openly?  Do you think Obama is a legitimately qualified 
president?  Can you conclude that he is a Natural-Born U.S. Citizen based on 
the scanned BC he has put up of the Internet?  Cause other than this scanned 
BC, there is no other proof he was born in Hawaii.

I take that back,  there could possibly be proof he was born in Hawaii that 
is in his vault BC.  But alas, for some unknown inexplicable reason, he has 
blocked access to that.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Axil Axil 
  Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 11:36 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  “This is the pattern of a corrupt leader proped up by a corrupt shadow 
government strengthened by corrupt demonic forces.”

  This accusation is categorically true for G. W. Bush.

  His election was notorious for a controversy over the awarding of 
Florida's 25 electoral votes, and the subsequent recount process in that state, 
fourth election in U.S. history in which the eventual winner failed to win a 
plurality of the popular vote. Later studies have reached conflicting opinions 
on who would have won the recount if it had been allowed to proceed.

  On December 12, the partisan Supreme Court ruled in a 7–2 vote that the 
Florida Supreme Court's ruling requiring a statewide recount of ballots was 
unconstitutional, and in a 5–4 vote that the Florida recounts could

[Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-27 Thread Jojo Jaro
Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after he 
took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive Order 
13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically require his 
approval before release of any information, obstensively because of 
Executive Privelege.

Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly have 
you debunked?   you blatant liar.  I'm not surprised as the continued 
presidency of a muslim would serve islam and muhammed, so it is OK to lie, 
to deceive, by outright lying or guile.  I'm not surprised.

Goodness my friend, you have been exposed as a liar on 3 occasions now. 
(A'isha age during consumation with muhammed.  The obligatory requirement of 
FGM in Sharia,. and now this.)  Don't you have some shame?  Are you going to 
continue your lies, because you lies would serve islam and muhammed?

Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies you'll 
come up next.

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release January 21, 2009

EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 - - - - - - -


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws 
of the United States of America, and in order to establish policies and 
procedures governing the assertion of executive privilege by incumbent and 
former Presidents in connection with the release of Presidential records by 
the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) pursuant to the 
Presidential Records Act of 1978, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 
1. Definitions. For purposes of this order:

(a) Archivist refers to the Archivist of the United States or his 
designee. (b) NARA refers to the National Archives and Records 

(c) Presidential Records Act refers to the Presidential Records Act, 44 
U.S.C. 2201-2207.

(d) NARA regulations refers to the NARA regulations implementing the 
Presidential Records Act, 36 C.F.R. Part 1270.

(e) Presidential records refers to those documentary materials maintained 
by NARA pursuant to the Presidential Records Act, including Vice 
Presidential records.

(f) Former President refers to the former President during whose term or 
terms of office particular Presidential records were created.

(g) A substantial question of executive privilege exists if NARA's 
disclosure of Presidential records might impair national security (including 
the conduct of foreign relations), law enforcement, or the deliberative 
processes of the executive branch.

(h) A final court order is a court order from which no appeal may be 

Sec. 2. Notice of Intent to Disclose Presidential Records. (a) When the 
Archivist provides notice to the incumbent and former Presidents of his 
intent to disclose Presidential records pursuant to section 1270.46 of the 
NARA regulations, the Archivist, using any guidelines provided by the 
incumbent and former Presidents, shall identify any specific materials, the 
disclosure of which he believes may raise a substantial question of 
executive privilege. However, nothing in this order is intended to affect 
the right of the incumbent or former Presidents to invoke executive 
privilege with respect to materials not identified by the Archivist. Copies 
of the notice for the incumbent President shall be delivered to the 
President (through the Counsel to the President) and the Attorney General 
(through the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel). 
The copy of the notice for the former President shall be delivered to the 
former President or his designated representative. (b) Upon the passage of 
30 days after receipt by the incumbent and former Presidents of a notice of 
intent to disclose Presidential records, the Archivist may disclose the 
records covered by the notice, unless during that time period the Archivist 
has received a claim of executive privilege by the incumbent or former 
President or the Archivist has been instructed by the incumbent President or 
his designee to extend the time period for a time certain and with reason 
for the extension of time provided in the notice. If a shorter period of 
time is required under the circumstances set forth in section 1270.44 of the 
NARA regulations, the Archivist shall so indicate in the notice.

Sec. 3. Claim of Executive Privilege by Incumbent President. (a) Upon 
receipt of a notice of intent to disclose Presidential records, the Attorney 
General (directly or through the Assistant Attorney General for the Office 
of Legal Counsel) and the Counsel to the President shall review as they deem 
appropriate the records covered by the notice and consult with each other, 
the Archivist, and such other executive agencies as they deem appropriate 
concerning whether invocation of executive privilege is justified.

(b) The Attorney General and the Counsel to the President, in the exercise 
of their discretion and after appropriate review 

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately 
after he took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush 
Executive Order 13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to 
specifically require his approval before release of any information, 
obstensively because of Executive Privelege.

Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.

Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, 
where located, and by whom?

Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What 
exactly have you debunked?   you blatant liar.

No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what 
you claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* 
Exectuive Order did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.

Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies 
you'll come up next.

You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. 
You have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create 
a dramatic image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.

You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks 
access to Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to 
which you are responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails 
to apologize, or point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he 
is, effectively, a liar.

Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to 
apply to birth records held by Hawaiian state officials? It's all 
here right in front of us, no more research should be necessary.

But, also for the record, I'll say it again: There is no Executive 
Order that blocks public access to the vault birth certificate. 
That access is blocked by Hawaiian law on the privacy of records (as 
is true, I think, in all states). Some access to records is blocked 
by HIPAA, a federal law relating to the privacy of medical records, 
and there are other laws protecting the privacy of certain records, 
but no relevant Executive Order that does what Jojo claims.

He lied, and he is continuing to lie. But ... his turn.

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release January 21, 2009

EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 - - - - - - -


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish 
policies and procedures governing the assertion of executive 
privilege by incumbent and former Presidents in connection with the 
release of Presidential records by the National Archives and Records 
Administration (NARA) pursuant to the Presidential Records Act of 
1978, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Definitions. For 
purposes of this order:

(a) Archivist refers to the Archivist of the United States or his 
designee. (b) NARA refers to the National Archives and Records 

(c) Presidential Records Act refers to the Presidential Records 
Act, 44 U.S.C. 2201-2207.

(d) NARA regulations refers to the NARA regulations implementing 
the Presidential Records Act, 36 C.F.R. Part 1270.

(e) Presidential records refers to those documentary materials 
maintained by NARA pursuant to the Presidential Records Act, 
including Vice Presidential records.

(f) Former President refers to the former President during whose 
term or terms of office particular Presidential records were created.

(g) A substantial question of executive privilege exists if NARA's 
disclosure of Presidential records might impair national security 
(including the conduct of foreign relations), law enforcement, or 
the deliberative processes of the executive branch.

(h) A final court order is a court order from which no appeal may be taken.

Sec. 2. Notice of Intent to Disclose Presidential Records. (a) When 
the Archivist provides notice to the incumbent and former Presidents 
of his intent to disclose Presidential records pursuant to section 
1270.46 of the NARA regulations, the Archivist, using any guidelines 
provided by the incumbent and former Presidents, shall identify any 
specific materials, the disclosure of which he believes may raise a 
substantial question of executive privilege. However, nothing in 
this order is intended to affect the right of the incumbent or 
former Presidents to invoke executive privilege with respect to 
materials not identified by the Archivist. Copies of the notice for 
the incumbent President shall be delivered to the President (through 
the Counsel to the President) and the Attorney General (through the 
Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel). The 
copy of the notice for the former President shall be delivered to 
the former President or his designated representative. (b) Upon the 
passage of 30 days after receipt by the incumbent and former 
Presidents of a notice of intent to disclose Presidential records, 
the Archivist may disclose the records 

Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

2012-12-27 Thread Jojo Jaro
Lomax does not understand that this Executive Order covers anything related 
to previous and current presidents.  Anything about this current president 
is covered by this order.  IF anyone wants to release information about 
Obama's BC, they have to go thru Eric Holder (the corrupt right henchman) or 
thru the Presidential counsel;  for approval.  This is the veil of 
corruption surrounding this usurper-in-thief and people like lomax are gving 
him a pass.  I'm not surprised as lies are OK for Lomax as long as it helps 
prop up his illegitimate usurper muslim president.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

At 03:50 AM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Here is the actual Executive Order that Obama issued immediately after he 
took power.  The Media spins this as rescinding a Bush Executive Order 
13233.  But in fact, it is a new Executive Order to specifically require 
his approval before release of any information, obstensively because of 
Executive Privelege.

Obstentively? Took me a moment. Ostensibly.

Release of any information. Sure. Any information of what type, where 
located, and by whom?

Now, Lomax, who is lying now.  Do I get my apology now?  What exactly have 
you debunked?   you blatant liar.

No, no apology, unless you show that the Executive Order does what you 
claimed. I not only never claimed that this *particular* Exectuive Order 
did not exist, I linked to it and discussed it specifically.

Go Ahead, take you best spin shoot.  Let's see what spin and lies you'll 
come up next.

You've acknowledged all along that what you are doing is spinning. You 
have acknowledged that you say things that aren't true to create a 
dramatic image. That's spin. But I'll give you a fair chance here.

You claimed that this document is an Executive Order which blocks access 
to Obama's vault BC. Below, I quote a bit of what I wrote, to which you 
are responding. I wrote, in more than one way, If he fails to apologize, 
or point to an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a 

Okay, how does this Order do that? What would cause this document to apply 
to birth records held by Hawaiian state officials? It's all here right in 
front of us, no more research should be necessary.

But, also for the record, I'll say it again: There is no Executive Order 
that blocks public access to the vault birth certificate. That access is 
blocked by Hawaiian law on the privacy of records (as is true, I think, in 
all states). Some access to records is blocked by HIPAA, a federal law 
relating to the privacy of medical records, and there are other laws 
protecting the privacy of certain records, but no relevant Executive Order 
that does what Jojo claims.

He lied, and he is continuing to lie. But ... his turn.

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release January 21, 2009

EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 - - - - - - -


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish policies 
and procedures governing the assertion of executive privilege by incumbent 
and former Presidents in connection with the release of Presidential 
records by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) 
pursuant to the Presidential Records Act of 1978, it is hereby ordered as 
follows: Section 1. Definitions. For purposes of this order:

(a) Archivist refers to the Archivist of the United States or his 
designee. (b) NARA refers to the National Archives and Records 

(c) Presidential Records Act refers to the Presidential Records Act, 44 
U.S.C. 2201-2207.

(d) NARA regulations refers to the NARA regulations implementing the 
Presidential Records Act, 36 C.F.R. Part 1270.

(e) Presidential records refers to those documentary materials 
maintained by NARA pursuant to the Presidential Records Act, including 
Vice Presidential records.

(f) Former President refers to the former President during whose term or 
terms of office particular Presidential records were created.

(g) A substantial question of executive privilege exists if NARA's 
disclosure of Presidential records might impair national security 
(including the conduct of foreign relations), law enforcement, or the 
deliberative processes of the executive branch.

(h) A final court order is a court order from which no appeal may be 

Sec. 2. Notice of Intent to Disclose Presidential Records. (a) When the 
Archivist provides notice to the incumbent and former Presidents of his 
intent to disclose Presidential records pursuant to section 1270.46 of the 
NARA regulations, the Archivist, using any guidelines provided by the 
incumbent and former Presidents, shall identify any specific materials, 
the disclosure