RE: Justifying the War Re: Seth Finkelstein on 16 words

2003-07-30 Thread Horn, John
From: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] By the way - of the recent developments in the nuclear programs of the DPRK, India, Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq over the past 15 years - how many occurred with the knowledge of US intelligence sources? I'll give you a hint - the answer is

RE: Empire Of Lies

2003-07-30 Thread Horn, John
From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Franks is, I think, a choice that might surprise people a little bit. I'm quite serious, though. Tommy Franks, as leader of CENTCOM, led the liberation of two countries at a cost of less than 500 allied lives. Where the Soviet Union and

RE: Empire Of Lies

2003-07-29 Thread Horn, John
From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I agree it's a very good book - probably the best single-volume history of the war, actually. But I actually disagree with that conclusion. I don't think state's rights had anything to do with the war, actually. much snippage I'm not sure

Harry Potter 5 (no spoilers)

2003-07-29 Thread Horn, John
From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Why isn't anyone discussing this? Anyways, it's marvelous. Rowling has, once again, surpassed herself - this one is even better than the last. I must disagree. I was somewhat disappointed in #5. The plot was sort-of pointless, if you think

RE: The Case for a Marriage Amendment to the Constitution

2003-07-29 Thread Horn, John
From: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Brown v. Board was a completely different example, involving an amendment that had been passed relatively recently in history, and in the Supreme Court overturning its previous interpretation. In the case of gay marriage, the USSC has

RE: I have returned from paradise

2003-07-29 Thread Horn, John
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I would propose Irfanview, which has a nice Batch Process utility and is freeware for private use (I use it for my shkrinking of images for the website)... I'll put in another big recommendation for Irfanview. Wonderful for quick and

RE: When does it end? (RE: Seth Finkelstein on 16 words)

2003-07-29 Thread Horn, John
From: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] At 03:11 PM 7/24/2003 -0500 Horn, John wrote: I don't know. It is a scary proposition. We cannot defeat every terrorist in the world. We cannot? Then why is it that suicide bombing is almost unheard of almost everywhere in the world

RE: Seth Finkelstein on 16 words

2003-07-28 Thread Horn, John
From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] already. When Ashcroft's jack-booted thugs come for you, give me a call - I'll be happy to protect you. When Ashcroft's jack-booted thugs come for them, they won't be able to call you. They won't get their one phone call. They won't be able

RE: Seth Finkelstein on 16 words

2003-07-28 Thread Horn, John
From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] If John Ashcroft were anyone _but_ an evangelical Christian (speaking as a non-evangelical non-Christian) the way he is treated by the Left would be recognized by everyone for what it is - sheer religious bigotry of the most unvarnished sort.

RE: Empire Of Lies

2003-07-28 Thread Horn, John
From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] The other stuff is equally tendentious, of course. The idea that the Civil War wasn't about slavery is the product of a frankly racist school of historical thinking that few historians of the post-Civil Rights era would accept. The idea that

RE: Gray Davis Recall Election Set for Sep-Oct

2003-07-25 Thread Horn, John
From: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Of course, California Democrats, instead of doing the wise thing and trying to get a solid candidate in there are rallying around the sinking ship. You mean, like the Terminator? - jmh ___

RE: How we were hoodwinked

2003-07-24 Thread Horn, John
From: Doug Pensinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 0WEAP.html?pagewanted=1th To my mind, the most telling and eye-catching point in the judgment of five of the six intelligence agencies was that if left unchecked, Iraq would

RE: When does it end? (RE: Seth Finkelstein on 16 words)

2003-07-24 Thread Horn, John
From: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] How does this end? Can anyone offer a definition of the conditions necessary for us to return to peacetime, or whatever one might properly call 'normal' conditions? It ends when the US has dominated all the other countries in the world, I

Dreaming (was: Science and Knowledge)

2003-07-24 Thread Horn, John
-Original Message- I waited to allow someone else to come up with this one. We have no scientific means to allow people to tell if they are dreaming, even though dreams have been studied for thousands of years. We have means to see if other people are dreaming, but we have no

RE: Difference between man and woman.

2003-07-17 Thread Horn, John
From: Gary Nunn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] An image that definitively and clearly illustrates the difference between men and women. Unless, of course, you are talking about actual stereo or computer equipment. Then, the woman is content with just an

RE: Project Orion

2003-07-16 Thread Horn, John
From: Robert J. Chassell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Orion by George Dyson 2002, Henry Holt and Co ISBN 0-8050-7284-5 (pbk) Recently, George Dyson wrote a book on Project Orion, a project on which his father, Freeman Dyson, worked in the late 1950s. The project

RE: Reading lists.

2003-07-14 Thread Horn, John
From: Alberto Monteiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Bryon Daly asked: So I'm curious, why do you wish to deprive your daughter of all things Barbie? Barbie is a white-supremacist doll :-) My daughter's army of Barbie includes quite a few multi-cultural Barbies. Nita has made a

RE: Hunting Bambi? Misogeny Rears Its Ugly Head

2003-07-14 Thread Horn, John
From: Robert Seeberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I watched the video from the site. It looks to be real enough. Of course it *could* be a hoax, but that really is the Las Vegas TV news so it probably isn't one. The jury is still out on Snopes:

RE: Speaking of sports Re: Why we cast novels

2003-07-11 Thread Horn, John
From: Kevin Tarr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] When Jon had his little rant about books into movies and actors who play the roles, I agreed with him and feel the same way about sporting matches. Ahem, that was John as in 'jmh', not Jon. But that's OK. grin The only people more

RE: br!n: the Chronicles of Riddick look like a Jijo ripoff :-/

2003-07-10 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Well, that's one way that some people have fun. And some people can't understand why I still play RPGs at my age. Different people have fun in different ways, huh? But, I must also point out, this is the only list I'm currently subscribed to

RE: Why we cast novels

2003-07-10 Thread Horn, John
From: Reggie Bautista [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] John Horn replied: rant mode Does anyone else *HATE* these sorts of discussions as much as I do? They are so unbelievably pointless! John, I have to respectfully disagree with you. And you are certainly allowed to. (Unlike in the

RE: Why we cast novels

2003-07-10 Thread Horn, John
From: Bryon Daly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I agree with Reggie, for pretty much the same reasons. I don't think that casting a novel is all that much more pointless than, say, discussing how Glorfindel, killed in the Silmarillion, is alive and well to assist Frodo et al on the way to

RE: brin: the Chronicles of Riddick look like a Jijo ripoff :-/

2003-07-08 Thread Horn, John
From: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] This brings up an interesting question: Who do y'all think would the ideal cast of characters be for either an Uplift War or Startide Rising movie? (Jon, this is not personal. It is just something that I have to say. I can't hold it in though

RE: More on Spiders

2003-07-05 Thread Horn, John
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] In a message dated 7/5/2003 2:52:03 PM US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: So What Could Spider*Woman* Do With Her More Complex Spinnerets? Maru ;) Sell a lot of comic books to sexually frustrated male teens

RE: More on Spiders

2003-07-05 Thread Horn, John
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Comic Geek Maru But were you sexuaSPAT! Are there any other kind of male teenagers??? - jmh ___

RE: Comparision of ecconomic growth

2003-07-01 Thread Horn, John
From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] --- Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Social Security retirement age is being increased very gradually. Too gradually, if you ask me -- I'll theoretically be able to collect full benefits at 67, rather than 65. Of course, that'll

RE: Comparision of ecconomic growth

2003-07-01 Thread Horn, John
From: Ray Ludenia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] iaamoac wrote: Moreover, hopefully by then Social Security will be means-tested, forcing those who have saved to not realy upon the efforts of those 1.5 workers for sustenance. The implication being that those who have saved should be

RE: Names, was Another ultrasound

2003-06-29 Thread Horn, John
From: Ronn!Blankenship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Of course, most telemarketers these days don't say Mr. Cleaver at all: they say, Hello, may I speak to Ward? I'd like to be able to say that this is the first time I've ever heard this joke... But I can't. grin I will not have anyone

RE: [Humor] RE: Question Regarding Religion and Atheism

2003-06-27 Thread Horn, John
From: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Well... it depends on if the stones are standing upright or not, I guess. :) Why? Did they have too much to drink at the Solstice Party? (Couldn't resist.) - jmh Should Have Maru ___

RE: Names, was Another ultrasound

2003-06-27 Thread Horn, John
From: Ronn!Blankenship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OTOH, with different names, when someone calls and asks for the father's name when everyone who knows him knows he has moved, it's a dead giveaway it's a telemarketer, and you can either have some fun with them or tell them exactly

RE: Catholicism Re: james ossuary a fake - scientists

2003-06-25 Thread Horn, John
From: Deborah Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] AFAIK, nearly all other Protestant denominations focus on Communion more as remembrance of me [Jesus], rather than any actual change or spiritual presence in the bread and wine (or, as in one church I attended with a friend, some type of

RE: constatine's hot 'cross' buns

2003-06-25 Thread Horn, John
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] But where's Groo? Wandering around in those dark and twisty passages. Oh wait... that's grue. Sorry. - jmh ___

RE: Constantine's cross may have been mushroom cloud from meteor impact

2003-06-24 Thread Horn, John
From: Russell Chapman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't think it's a coincidence that Muslim countries generally seem to have advanced about 300 years of our advances in the last 1300 years or so, and that's being generous in how the time is scaled... I found it fascinating when I found

RE: Another ultrasound

2003-06-24 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] This time, the ultrasound tech admitted to the first sexing error in 5 or 6 years. I got this far, misread the first line and thought you were going to say that you didn't have twins and that it was, in fact, triplets! Two boys and a girl. Oh

RE: Finished the new Harry Potter

2003-06-23 Thread Horn, John
From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: William Taylor D. No one else reads that friggen fast? I figured I'd be a little behind the curve - I didn't get it until about 1:00 this afternoon. Knowing the people on this list, I

RE: Scatalogical Re: Neanderthal Question Regarding Religion and Atheism

2003-06-23 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Well, Ronn!, if you ever find yourself regularly changing the diapers of a baby from the time it's a newborn until about 18 months or so, you'll see more variety of color than you ever wanted to. :) And, soon, you'll be seeing it in

RE: Tech-ish help

2003-06-19 Thread Horn, John
From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] A friend of mine (a Green Beret currently serving in Tashkent, having just left Baghdad) just sent me a (very funny) letter in MS Word Format talking about his experiences. I was hoping to publish it on my blog (he has approved the idea) and

RE: ADMIN: Bad, bad server! Stop that!

2003-06-17 Thread Horn, John
From: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Some of you have been getting list mail, quite a few others haven't been. I'm one of those who hasn't been getting mail. Unfortunately, YahooGroups isn't getting it either (until this one) so there's no backup plan. Is there somewhere else to

RE: ADMIN: Bad, bad server! Stop that!

2003-06-17 Thread Horn, John
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Nick, and Julia too, just in case you guys don't here this often enough: YOU ROCK! Igneous? Certainly from volcanic activity. Metamorphic? Changed by 'flame'..? No. Sedimentary? NEVER! Getting his schist

RE: Are you a model citizen?

2003-06-13 Thread Horn, John
From: Adam C. Lipscomb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Great idea! I've got a Secret Volcano Lair, can you bring the Plutonium and the Deadly Bikini-clad Vixens? Julia! Kat! Dee! Let's see who else do we have... Deborah! Oh man, I know I'm missing someone... Oh yeah, Ritu! and Ticia! Too


2003-06-13 Thread Horn, John
From: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Richard Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: WHO THE FUCK... Jon said: Rich, did he crosspost to Culture? No, not this time. Rich Small blessings, at least. is back up, btw. Am sure it simply has a new host,

RE: Code and documentation (was Re: Scientific method)

2003-06-13 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Richard Baker wrote: People move on. What's the mean time spent in a job in the software industry: two or three years? In the mid-1990s in graphics, it was 18 months. At least, that's what someone at my husband's company determined when

RE: [Seebergers] Stella Awards

2003-06-13 Thread Horn, John
From: Robert Seeberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] It's time once again to consider the candidates for the 2003 Stella Awards. The 2003 Stella award candidates look remarkably like the 2002 award candidates. And the 2001 candidates, and the 2000 candidates... - jmh

RE: Picking apart the Matrix - spoilers

2003-06-10 Thread Horn, John
entire threat snipped I really, really got to get out to see this movie. The number of messages I've skipped is getting huge on this thread... And it's morphing into other threads. - jmh ___

RE: Plonkworthy?

2003-06-09 Thread Horn, John
From: Ronn!Blankenship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ...the whole POINT of the Masorti movement is to think about our lives. Is it working? Erik Reuter I think about having a Maserati in my life. It hasn't worked yet. That may not be exactly what they mean . . . Oh! You mean

RE: English rules exceptions Re: China RFID tracking people

2003-06-08 Thread Horn, John
From: William T Goodall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] The only rule we got at school was 'after c', and then one just learned all the exceptions. Everyone has a few words they can't spell I think. One of mine is 'resteraunt'. Oops! Restaurant. Mine are: vacuum, caffeine, torture and a few

RE: Sleep Apnea

2003-06-08 Thread Horn, John
From: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] But I definitely pay attention (no joke intended)to news about connections between sleep apnea and AD/HD, etc. Since the information about that was posted, we started wondering if something like this might be effecting my daughter. She was showing

RE: Sleep Apnea

2003-06-08 Thread Horn, John
From: Han Tacoma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I hope Debbi can add something to this. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine, they are for allergies! Diphenhydramine also makes you very sleepy. Very, very sleepy. That's the PM part of Tylenol PM. It's just Tylenol with Benadryl. So it is

RE: Are you a model citizen?

2003-06-06 Thread Horn, John
From: Gary Nunn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Upstanding How refreshing that there are still people around like you, who respect society and the law. Your Grandparents would be proud. You have a good knowledge of the law and a good public spirit, or

RE: Br!n: Janelle

2003-06-06 Thread Horn, John
From: Robert Seeberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Janelle was the first female alpha-mail on the list and was the third listowner with Hector and Julia and later with Nick and Julia. I was going to say something about this but then I forgot what it was... Obligatory second line. - jmh

RE: Br!n: Br!n 9/11 statement shown accurate again

2003-06-06 Thread Horn, John
From: Andrew Crystall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isn't that the (potential) problem? You might be coherent enough to grab your gun and move. But would you be coherent enough to recognize that this wasn't a fight or flight situation? I'm using a blade, remember. And I keep it OUT

RE: How jealous are you?

2003-06-06 Thread Horn, John
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 9,11,6,9,9,6,0 - jmh ___

RE: China RFID tracking people

2003-06-06 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Deborah Harrell wrote: Jan, Julia - 'scuse me, *Jul-yer* - Don't. Ever. Call. Me. That. Again. Please. Must resist. Must resist. MUST RESIST!!! Ah, the urge has passed... (Remember Marvin's wanker post...?) - jmh Stay Good

RE: Br!n: Br!n 9/11 statement shown accurate again

2003-06-05 Thread Horn, John
From: Andrew Crystall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I was working on pure reflex. ACT. When shit happens enough times you pick that one up. Not something I'm especially proud of... Isn't that the (potential) problem? You might be coherent enough to grab your gun and move. But would you be

RE: army tortures iraqi prisoners, photos show

2003-06-05 Thread Horn, John
From: The Fool [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] It's been a few days and I haven't heard anything of this in any other media source. many. many links snipped Hmmm... Are you trying to tell me something, Fool? - jmh I Guess I Didn't Look Hard Enough Maru

RE: army tortures iraqi prisoners, photos show

2003-06-03 Thread Horn, John
From: The Fool [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED],,2003242223,00.html A BRITISH soldier has been arrested over sickening torture photos of an Iraqi prisoner. snip It's been a few days and I haven't heard anything of this in any other media source. You'd think

RE: H.I.P.A.A.

2003-06-02 Thread Horn, John
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm not sure what John has in mind for future benefits, but one of the impacts the legislation has had to date is on healthcare portability. If you move from one employer to another you can no longer be denied care or have

RE: H.I.P.A.A.

2003-06-02 Thread Horn, John
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Let me way in from the provider side of this debate. HIPA is going to make the practice of medicine much more difficult and more expensive. All of those forms patients are being required to sign are forced on all of us by the government.

RE: H.I.P.A.A.

2003-06-01 Thread Horn, John
From: The Fool [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Speaking as someone who has been immersed in HIPAA for the last 2 years for my job, this article is HORRIBLE and full of inaccuracies. Whether you know it or not you now have a medical identification number. Er, no. You don't. I just received a

RE: H.I.P.A.A.

2003-06-01 Thread Horn, John
From: Jim Sharkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Horn, John wrote: There are parts of the HIPAA rule that I don't like, but there are plenty more that I do like. Both as a member of the healthcare community and as a patient. HIPAA legislation is costing a lot of companies a great deal

RE: The Geek Test

2003-05-29 Thread Horn, John
From: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Geek Test: I'm not as of a geek as I thought: 29.19% - total geek. - jmh ___

RE: Pregnancy update

2003-05-27 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I had my first (but not my last) ultrasound exam with this pregnancy. Both twin girls are fine so far. Their parents, on the other hand, are in a bit of shock at the news. Whoa! Yes, that would be a bit of a shock. Congratulations,

RE: DPS destroys records in cover-up

2003-05-27 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Fool wrote: Democrats fume after DPS destroys Killer D records By David Pasztor Are the Killer D's back yet? I haven't heard but I sort of assumed they must be. I wonder if we'll get some additional hits on the Brin-L with people

RE: Pregnancy update Dor-hinuf's

2003-05-27 Thread Horn, John
From: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Baby Spines. Mother's Soft Belly Tissue. I sense disaster on the wind. Yikes. Jon GSV How do Hoons translate Cesarean Section? Sounds like it's sort of a do-it-yourself Cesarean! Ouch. - jmh

RE: Brin: The Core: list of ripoffs

2003-04-12 Thread Horn, John
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I was refering to non-fiction events of the making of Starlost and then Phoenix without Ashes. Those who do not study history may be condemned to pay repetitive legal fees. Not to mention The Terminator and Soldier... - jmh

RE: Scouted: Tornadoes to drop 'concrete bombs'

2003-04-05 Thread Horn, John
From: Jean-Marc Chaton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tornadoes to drop 'concrete bombs' Tornado jets are poised to use yet another different weapon in the war against Iraq ... concrete bombs. Dang! I was gonna post that one! You beat me to it. I thought it was pretty interesting too. I've

RE: SCOUTED: US Troops Fire at Civilians in Iraq

2003-04-05 Thread Horn, John
From: J. van Baardwijk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] How two people who consider themselves to be at opposite ends of the political spectrum can be so alike, it is amazing! His behaviour is far different from mine. When I disagree with someone, I prefer to attack the *argument* From this

RE: The end of malaria

2003-04-05 Thread Horn, John
From: The Fool [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] The end of malaria in sight? (Science) A biologist at Imperial College in London, Austin Burt, has suggested (technical overview) a dramatic scheme for eradicating the world's most deadly disease, malaria. He proposes the use of cutting-edge

RE: Europe Unveils New Moon-Orbiting Craft

2003-04-04 Thread Horn, John
From: Alberto Monteiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] There's a huge waste of Delta-V [or fuel] by launching things in a straight line towards planets. The most lots of stuff snipped serious You know, it's really nice having actual rocket scientists on this list. Especially ones who can

RE: Question for those who are anti-war . . .

2003-04-03 Thread Horn, John
From: Dan Minette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] America just doesn't things like this. Like what? Overthrow dictatorships that have invaded another country and have the potential to destabilize the world? What about the Balkans? That had no basis in UN resolutions at all. Yes, France

RE: You know what would be cool?

2003-04-03 Thread Horn, John
From: Deborah Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Still, I might go hunt a game up this summer - even horses can't supply that thrill of foiling the D'Master's evil plan of annihilation! ;) That's the spirit! Go get those bad guys! - jmh ___

Yahoo Groups is Evil and Must Be Eradicated

2003-04-03 Thread Horn, John
OK. Is Yahoo Groups totally broken? Every so often I miss an email message from the list. (Actually, this happens more often than I'd like.) If I notice it, I'll go over to Yahoo Groups to see what I missed. Yesterday, the post in question was Jeffrey Miller's original post about his house

RE: SCOUTED: US Troops Fire at Civilians in Iraq

2003-04-03 Thread Horn, John
From: J. van Baardwijk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] At 22:49 02-04-2003 -0500, John Giorgis wrote: Fifteen Iraqi civilians were packed inside the Toyota, officers said, along with as many of their possessions as the jammed vehicle could hold. Ten of them, including five children who

RE: Some semi-good news

2003-04-03 Thread Horn, John
From: Miller, Jeffrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] First off, I'm -completely- amazed at all of you for the emails offlist and the suggestions about what to do; I was shocked and astounded when I read about this yesterday. My wife was enraged when I told her about it last night. She was more

Scouted: China hits back on human rights

2003-04-03 Thread Horn, John l BEIJING, China (Reuters) -- China retaliated on Thursday against a U.S. report critical of its human rights performance, accusing America of turning a blind eye to violations at home while pretending to be the world's

RE: Br!n: Re: Peter Arnett has negative effect on ratings

2003-04-03 Thread Horn, John
From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Well, around Baghdad, unsurprisingly enough. Thus to destroy the Republican Guards, you have to go to Baghdad. Because, after all, Baghdad won't come to you. - jmh Or Was That Something Else Maru

RE: Ad Astra

2003-04-03 Thread Horn, John
From: Damon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] My #1 reccommendation to you if you want to sell units is to make it D20 compatable. I haven't look at this yet, Rich. But if you are interested in any Hero Systems conversions, I'm your guy! - jmh ___

RE: SCOUTED: US Troops Fire at Civilians in Iraq

2003-04-03 Thread Horn, John
From: J. van Baardwijk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Oh, *that* post! I thought you were referring to some message you sent (but which I didn't receive) in reply to my initial statement. Thanks for clearing that up. IOW, this is NOT a case of criminal negligence. Doesn't look like

RE: You know what would be cool?

2003-04-02 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Generally, it's take care of your own. But since most of our kids are at an age where they can play with minimal supervision, it's not bad. So, I guess I wait until the youngest (whenever *that* one appears) is at least 3 or so. My

RE: I hate inches! :-(

2003-04-02 Thread Horn, John
From: Reggie Bautista [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] There's another gaming standard: 1 inch = 2 meters, at least when you're talking about hex maps in Champions... I'm definitely well aware of that one being a major Hero System fan. So by Jackson's conversion that would be 1 inch = 6

RE: You know what would be cool?

2003-04-02 Thread Horn, John
From: Deborah Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] So, why did you stop? Mmm, sounds good, but I [1] moved away from 'the gang,' [2] had to *really* study (as opposed to college, where I frequently got by with all-nighters-before-the-test-alone) and [3] didn't have the time to run a game

RE: Question for those who are anti-war . . .

2003-04-02 Thread Horn, John
From: Kevin Street [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] The thing that bothers me so much here is that this time it's *America* who's the aggressor. The one major power that has (almost) never acted in an imperialistic manner, the country that has helped other nations far more than it has harmed

RE: christian vultures circling iraq ready to strike

2003-04-02 Thread Horn, John
From: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] JDG - What is evil without religion? Evil. It seems to me that belief in evil is a religion. Or perhaps you can demonstrate the existence of evil through science, without resorting to faith? Evil is like beauty or great art: I know it

The warmonger and the peacenik

2003-04-01 Thread Horn, John
I found this on a newsgroup and thought it summed up some of arguments going on around here rather well... Tacked on to the end is the warmonger final response. Note that I'm not saying it is a particularly accurate summary of either side of the argument but it is how things sound to a

RE: I hate inches! :-(

2003-04-01 Thread Horn, John
From: Alberto Monteiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... and now even more that it has three values: 1 USA inch = 2.something cm 1 TV inch = 2.0 cm 1 penis enlargement spam inch = 0.5 cm You forgot the Steve Jackson (of GURPS fame) easy conversion for any roleplaying game: 1 meter = 1

RE: Brin-L population explosion, cont'd

2003-03-29 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Dunno how we'll refer to the third one. Abstractly, right now it's Gamma. (And make all the radiation cracks you want now.) Just how many letters of the Greek alphabet are you planning on going through? grin I always suggest stopping at two.

RE: Counterprotester picture

2003-03-29 Thread Horn, John
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] But perhaps the MORANS is a contraction for MORE RANS, or past Democratic presidential wannabes. It could a further mispelling of MORE RAMS. But wait, that would put him back in St. Louis, again... - jmh

RE: Irregulars Question: long term stellar ephemeris

2003-03-29 Thread Horn, John
From: Alberto Monteiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Does anyone have any idea of the accelerations [in a non-rotating frame of reference, relative to the Sun] of the stars in the Sun neighbourhood and the bright stars in our sky for some long time? I'm not worried about the _precision_ of

RE: You know what would be cool?

2003-03-29 Thread Horn, John
From: Deborah Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] When I was into 'Dungeons and Dragons,' I did paint miniature cast figurines, and among the warlocks, necromancers, goblins and elven archers were various knights and mounted characters - does that count? :) Debbi who still misses those

RE: Brin-L population explosion, cont'd

2003-03-29 Thread Horn, John
From: Robert Seeberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I am the oldest of 7 in a family where the average is 4 - 5 children (I have 80 or so cousins via my 13 aunts and uncles and that's just my moms side of the family). After the second child, the older children do quite a bit to help with

RE: New list members

2003-03-27 Thread Horn, John
From: Joshua Bell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm an old folk, returning after a year's hiatus. I'll mostly be lurking but I might jump in occasionally. The world is in desperate need of some intelligent discussion right now. In the interrim, we've had a new addition to our lives - check

RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

2003-03-27 Thread Horn, John
From: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] You still are not getting it, don't you? :-( The question is, is he is going to use them against his own people and blame it on coalition forces. :-( I get it, but don't think that will be a particularly effective ploy. I disagree.

RE: Anneka Pictures!

2003-03-27 Thread Horn, John
Two new pictures of Anneka... Ah, what a cutie! - jmh ___

RE: Counterprotester picture

2003-03-27 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] A picture of someone protesting war protesters is at Something ironic about that one, isn't there? ;) I *really* wish he didn't have a St. Louis Cardinals t-shirt on... I really,

RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

2003-03-26 Thread Horn, John
From: Damon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I think what would be even more illuminating about this attack is the nature of the gas. Its quite possible that it may have been a *new* non-lethal suppressive gas that had unforseen serious side-effects. Has this gas been used since? Has any

RE: Admin reproducing

2003-03-25 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Damn, but I hate it that my body is so sensitive when there's someone not quite 2 wanting to crawl all over it) I thought that's what *Dan* was for. Or at least that's what got you in this predicament in the first place! ;-) - jmh

RE: Question for those who are anti-war . . .

2003-03-25 Thread Horn, John
From: Ronn!Blankenship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Is there anyone who considers themselves opposed to the current military action in Iraq who does not also consider themselves opposed to President Bush? I'm the opposite. I am, generally, opposed to President Bush but am a (somewhat

RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

2003-03-25 Thread Horn, John
From: J. van Baardwijk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Building up such an arsenal when you know you'll never be able to use it is basically just a huge waste of time, money and other resources. It kept the Soviets out of Western Europe for a long time during the Cold War. And eventually

RE: Music Re: Sullivan on the BBC

2003-03-24 Thread Horn, John
From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] If you have suggestions for other R.E.M. songs I could have thrown into the fray, please share. :) There's always It's the End Of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)! - jmh ___

RE: CNN morons.

2003-03-24 Thread Horn, John
From: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Friday evening, Tom Brokaw took a call on air from the mother of one of the first American casualties. She'd had 24 hours to absorb the news of her son's death and _she_ called the network, not the other way around. She felt the media

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