Re: GSM power management improvements

2019-02-15 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tuesday, 5 February 2019 02:27:10 CET Mychaela Falconia wrote:
> Hello what's left of Openmoko community,
> If there is anyone still using their FreeRunner (or GTA01) as a phone
> with working GSM (perhaps on a private island whose owner likes GSM
> and is committed to keeping it forever), there is a modem firmware
> update which you might find interesting:
> The primary diff from previous versions consists of a couple of sleep
> mode improvements, i.e., improved ability to go into sleep modes which
> draw less power from the battery:
> * During those time windows in which the modem is disallowed from going
> into deep sleep by the UART activity timer (10 s after each transmission
> from the AP host to the modem on the AT command UART), previous fw
> versions needlessly suppressed big sleep in addition to deep sleep,
> allowing only small sleep.  The present version goes into big sleep
> during these time windows, saving more power.
> * Some Openmoko devices suffer from a hardware defect that requires
> disabling deep sleep - the infamous bug #1024.  Previous fw versions
> did not provide a sleep mode configuration that allows big and small
> sleep, but not deep sleep, forcing the user to choose between small
> sleep only or big sleep only on no-deep-sleep hardware.  OM AP software
> distros have been using the big sleep only AT%SLEEP=2 config in these
> circumstances.  Our new fw offers a new AT%SLEEP=5 option that allows
> big and small sleep, but not deep sleep, which should be ideal for
> deep-sleep-deprived OM hardware.  The default is still AT%SLEEP=4
> allowing all 3 sleep modes (small, big and deep sleep), just like
> before.
> * Most of the Calypso chip's GPIO and multifunction pins are unused
> and unconnected on Openmoko devices.  All fw versions for this modem
> released prior to 2017, including all legacy mokoN versions produced
> by the now-defunct original manufacturer of the hw, contain a bug in
> this regard: they configure many of these unused and unconnected GPIO
> and multifunction pins as inputs, causing them to float.  The general
> dictum in digital hw design is that CMOS floating inputs are bad, and
> they can sometimes cause increased power draw as a result of current
> flowing through both transistors of the CMOS input structure when they
> are partially open.  This bug has been fixed in the newer FreeCalypso
> fw releases since 2017: the correct way to handle unused and unconnected
> GPIO and multifunction pins is to configure them as dummy outputs with
> a constant value, which is what our current fw does.
> This new firmware release is brought to you by Falconia Partners LLC,
> a manufacturer of new cellular modems under the FreeCalypso brand,
> currently for GSM/2G but perhaps some day for UMTS/3G as well.  At the
> present time we don't do any work specifically for legacy Openmoko
> devices (there is no business case for it), but our own modem product
> is very similar to OM's, thus whenever we make significant improvements
> to the firmware for our own modem hw, it costs us nothing to compile
> and put out a new fw image for Openmoko's old modem as well.
> Please note, however, that even though our new FreeCalypso modem hw is
> very similar to OM's old modem, it is not identical, and the firmware
> images built for the two respective targets are NOT interchangeable!
> We build all of them from the same source tree, thus functional
> improvements made for one target automatically benefit the others as
> well, but a few hardware configuration and external interface bits are
> conditionally compiled.  If you take a firmware image built for our
> FCDEV3B and flash it into an Openmoko device, it may corrupt your FFS,
> so don't do it - please be sure to only flash fw images which were
> built specifically for whichever hardware you have.
> Happy 2019, and enjoy improved power management in the modem if you
> still have a free-running Openmoko device.
> M~
> P.S. In case anyone is concerned about the legality and safety of
> using new GSM products from Falconia Partners LLC, whether our new hw
> or our new fw for legacy hw from OM, please note that the products in
> question (both hw and fw) have been extensively used on public
> commercial GSM networks in several countries (at least USA, Canada,
> Austria, France and South Africa to my knowledge, plus maybe others I
> don't know about) over the course of many years now, without a single
> problematic incident anywhere ever.  Getting an official stamp of
> regulatory approval is definitely in the plans, but no one has paid
> for it yet.  In the meantime, despite having no official rubber stamp
> that says so, we already know with almost 100% certainty that our
> products (both hw and fw) function 100% correctly on the air, fully
> compliant with all of the relevant technical standards.

Re: [Tinkerphones] Fwd: [Gta04-owner] QtMoko: a dream comes true :)

2018-02-24 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 23 February 2018 12:58:12 H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> AFAIK git automatically adds a git: prefix if you say
> git clone

still looks like s':'/'
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Re: [Tinkerphones] Fwd: [Gta04-owner] QtMoko: a dream comes true :)

2018-02-23 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 23 February 2018 12:52:22 joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> On Fri 23 February 2018 12:43:08 H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > And the page lists it in the
> > "URL" section as
> > 
> >
> which is a verbatim quote and AIUI no correctly formed URL
> /j

OOPS sorry, I even meant to suggest
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Re: [Tinkerphones] Fwd: [Gta04-owner] QtMoko: a dream comes true :)

2018-02-23 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 23 February 2018 12:43:08 H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> And the page lists it in the
> "URL" section as

which is a verbatim quote and AIUI no correctly formed URL

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Re: Recalibration, band conversion and bug #1024 rework

2018-02-15 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 14 February 2018 14:40:01 Mychaela Falconia wrote:
> Hello OM community,
> I am pleased to announce that my company Falconia Partners LLC is now
> offering GSM RF tract recalibration services ...

Excellent news. Sounds like you're doing a great job there. Many thanks for 


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Re: moko13 firmware

2017-10-14 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tue 10 October 2017 12:38:54 Mychaela Falconia wrote:
> I forgot to add:
> : Option 3: new production of Neo FreeRunner (GTA02) verbatim clones.
> If people do desire to see new production of verbatim GTA02 clones
> that differ from FIC-made ones only in the manufacturing dates and the
> identity of the manufacturer, and someone steps forward to fund such,
> the new FreeRunners will have a sticker inside the battery compartment
> that officially names Falconia Partners LLC rather than Openmoko Inc.
> as the manufacturer of record, thus no one will have any ground to
> bitch about our firmware not being authorized or endorsed by the
> manufacturer.

What will be your FCC approval number for those devices. or on same topic, 
what IS the FCC approval number (and URL to the publicly available FCC 
approval report) of the devices you already built? And is that a global 
approval or a US-only one?

Just asking since I might have missed that part and am wrong (as usual 
according to you) in assuming you're selling devices that have no approval at 
all and thus are illegal to operate outside an anechoic chamber


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Re: modem firmware

2017-08-29 Thread joerg Reisenweber
the moral aspects of calling somebody out for removing "no parking" signs so 
people would have to pay tickets for unknowingly parking there, or not telling 
people that they are in danger to even *do time in jail* when they install and 
use a firmware that person provides, are not arguable in my world.

I won't comment the rest since it's totally missing the point

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Re: modem firmware

2017-08-29 Thread joerg Reisenweber
for the rest:
telling OM about alleged violations of rules while bluntly admitting that you 
yourself don't care abouzt rules, have no clue about them and think they are 
made to get violated... YES that is the spacefalcon we know and love ... *NOT*

wanna come shoot me once more? Or do you think you tricked us once more? 
Honestly you never were close to that. The only one's foot you are constantly 
shooting is your own.

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Re: modem firmware

2017-08-29 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 28 August 2017 22:33:03 Mychaela Falconia wrote:
> > thus rendering any operation of the device outside controlled self-
> > contained lab environment illegal.
> Yup, just like using hormonal birth control from an overseas pharmacy
> without allowing a doctor to sexually violate you under the guise of a
> necessary exam.  Laws like that are MEANT to be broken.

Thanks for taking care to lure users into breaking laws that need to get 
broken according to your definition. Just, I don't need any help on that, I 
need clear information about what I into when I follow your advice.

Can't you see how you're acting wrong?

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Re: modem firmware

2017-08-28 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 28 August 2017 11:29:17 wrote:
> The relevant howto includes a link to the release notes which include
> reasons why you might wish to do this.

Can't find any such link to release notes in the howto

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Re: modem firmware

2017-08-28 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 28 August 2017 11:29:17 wrote:
> hello
> There are step by step instructions to upgrade the modem firmware of your
> freerunner to the latest moko13 release from the freecalypso community.
> The relevant howto includes a link to the release notes which include
> reasons why you might wish to do this.
> --
> David Matthews

Please carefully note that this update is not based on the original licensed 
firmware for Openmoko devices, has not been checked and is not endorsed by 
original manufacturer Openmoko and thus will void your device's (FCC/CE/...) 
approval thus rendering any operation of the device outside controlled self-
contained lab environment illegal.

Best Regards

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Re: Openmoko IMEI survey

2017-08-25 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 18 August 2017 15:12:21 Mychaela Falconia wrote:
>  simple logic says that at least 98 numbers
> out of Openmoko's IMEI range must be still unused, and thus potentially
> usable for new production of GTA02 verbatim clones and/or FCDEV3B
> boards which are just the modem part of the GTA02.

Why would you want to abuse OpenMoko IMEIs in an illegal way, instead of 
arbitrary other larger manufacturer, for a series of phones not built and not 
in use anymore?

You're not owning those IMEIs (they need to be purchased/rented), for OM it 
would be illegal and punishable to support or invite you to use them in the 
way you plan to. And you're exposing OpenMoko device owners to public scrutiny 
by hijacking and abusing this particular IMEI range, possibly resulting in the 
whole IMEI range getting blacklisted on carriers.

@community: It's generally considered a poor idea to disclose your devices' 
IMEIs and particularly in this case you should think twice before you do.
I strongly suggest to use Nokia's 2110 IMEI range instead, or some other 
similar zombie IMEI range for Motorola or whatever.
For Falconia there's not a single benefit from using OM IMEI for that illegal 

Best Regards
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Re: Welcome to the Tinkerphones community

2016-07-01 Thread joerg Reisenweber

This was overdue and the new name is absolutely to the point and has quite 
some appeal. The definition of what is / is not a tinkerphone is very helpful 
and should go to the frontpage at

I like it very much.

What about icons etc, generally the complete "corporate identity"? Has it been 
discussed what will change (beyond the obviously pending overhaul of artwork/design), and are there already tasks 
assigned to experts? Maybe even new logos etc established and available?

Many thanks, Nikolaus - and whoever else been involved! :-)

On Fri 01 July 2016 08:29:39 H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Hi,
> after several years of running the OpenPhoenux community, we
> thought that it is time to refresh it a little and replace the awkward
> name "OpenPhoenux" (it was always difficult to spell and pronounce)
> with something new, self-explaining, that your mom understands.
> "OpenPhoneux" was originally coined in ca. 2009 as the name of an
> initiative, when it became clear that the Openmoko company would stop
> to develop a successor of the Openmoko Freerunner. It finally brought
> the GTA04 device to life.
> Back then, this was a motivating allusion to the situation of building
> something new on the remains of Openmoko, but nowadays probably
> only some core members of our community are able to understand
> this background.
> Therefore we discussed in a small circle what the core of Openmoko
> and Openphoenux is.
> It was easy to find what it is not:
> * it is not a 100% fair phone (we don't have the resources to track
>   components - it is enough challenge to have it working and being produced)
> * it is not a 100% open phone (we have not found a feasible solution for
> WLAN and GPU)
> * it is not a 100% secure phone (we can't do security audits of every
>   component)
> * it is not a cutting edge phone (we do not get the latest and greatest
>   chips as mainstream manufacturers do)
> * it is not a geeks (only) phone (we want everybody to be able to use
>   it)
> But then we found what the common denominator of all Openmoko
> activities was and is:
> It is a device that allows you to tinker with it, i.e. find out how it
> works, to replace software and even hardware components for smaller or
> bigger improvements and even repairs. It is designed in a way to enable
> such changes instead of stopping you (e.g. by protected boot loaders,
> undocumented code etc.).
> All this is facilitated by being open (as far as NDAs and other limitations
> allow) and using open source technology (e.g. GNU/Linux, Debian).
> Here is a definition of what "tinkering" is [1]:
>   "tinker or tinker around to make small changes to something in order to
> improve or repair it" "tinker with: He spends hours tinkering around with
> car engines."
> So we are now happy to tell the world that we are members of
> "the Tinkerphone community" :)
> There is a new web domain representing this change:
> I hope you will agree with us and stay here, contribute and share
> your ideas and achievements. And invite new tinkerers to participate.
> Happy tinkering,
> Nikolaus
> PS: it will need your help to update the documentation pages...
> [1]: 
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

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Re: gta02 as gps/navigator (in 2016)

2016-01-26 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tue 26 January 2016 09:18:57 Radek Polak wrote:
> My Freerunner has no longer working GPS, so i am not using it nowadays at 
> all.

What's the problem with the GPS? Could a spare antenna module incl cable help 
you out?
Just holler if you need one

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Re: Staus update GTA04A5

2015-05-12 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 13 May 2015 09:45:51 NeilBrown wrote:
> I've been trying to think what components are left that I haven't examined
> as closely as I can and one that has occurred to me recently is the memory.
> I presume this needs to be put in a low power mode and I assumed that it
> was. Maybe it is ... I should try to find the code that does that.

Yes, good point. Compare N900's PM kernel which probably does the right thing 
to RAM (and thus definitely _has_ the code for suspend and zeroclock), see:
> Suspend (echo mem >/sys/power/state), wifi and GSM off. 2 mA T
> Idle, no SIM, wlan off 7 mA@4.1 V T

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Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 18 April 2015 21:32:21 Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:
> I am not
> asking you to publicly apologize for the 2 years of mental TORTURE you
> put me through - so why are people asking me to apologize for my
> reaction to that torture?

Listen buddy!
NOBODY TORTURED YOU, except you yourself did that maybe. OM not even 
approached you, we simply ignored you as far as any possible. When that's 
torturing then what is it YOU are doing to me - right now?
What would ypou say when now *I* would claim you're torturing me by not 
granting me that apardon for your inappropriate behavior? Would you appreciate 
me threatening you, your family and coworkers, to get that pardon from you? 
And you have to admit that *you* started this particular thread by addressing 
me with your extorting efforts. NOT I did anything that would now result in me 
awaiting a public apology for the former (and recent) public threatening (not 
to mention the lying and badmouthing and...)

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Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 18 April 2015 09:41:03 wrote:
> I wonder if you might now consider retracting and apologising for those, and
> undertake not to repeat similar in future?

Thanks for brining it up, Neil. Alas, you see, it's in vain. Despite all the 
good will from our side. This guy was probably born in a cinema during a Rambo 
movie. ;-) Maybe he *needs* that attitude that only he and his AK-47 can 
change the world, and everybody except himself is on the wrong side of that 
AK-47. Some people need that sort of challenge to push up the importance and 
perceived burden of their own struggle.
In Germany we have the saying "Viel Feind, viel Ehr". Worst case - and with 
according mental problems - you consider your allies your worst enemies just 
to keep that attitude. And you know Leroy Jethro Gibbs: "never apologize!" ;)

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Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 18 April 2015 20:22:31 wrote:
> yeah crazy - the four freedoms on a cell phone - only a nut case would dream
> that one up
you're completely missing the point.
this guy threatening OM and me personally to kill me when I don't grant him 
access to sources which even OM had unclear permissions in (since received 
form FIC and not directly from TI, initially) and for sure would be liable 
when disclosing them to a nut case psycho who thinks it's his natural right to 
have access to them and to threaten *us* (OpenMoko) instead of maybe TI with 
assault and murder when we don't grant him access. OM was *very* liberal with 
granting access to virtually *everything* to *everybody* who showed a *little 
bit* of common sense about avoiding possible damage to OpenMoko when getting 
access to that material whatever it been. We explicitly decided that any such 
common sense is NOT to be found in *this particular person* who rather 
threatens to kill us than considering how to cooperate in a reasonable manner 
that maximizes benefit and limits possible damage on both sides.

And evidently nothing has changed, the line of argumentation is all the same 
since years.

so: futile effort. File closed.

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Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 18 April 2015 17:41:02 Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:
> I would never had been able to work on a project like FreeCalypso -
> neither technically nor emotionally - while there were persons in the
> so-called "community" taunting me with "we have this source which
> would make a night-and-day difference for your project, but we'll
> never let you have it" - therefore, making plans of a life-for-a-life
> exchange (giving up my own life after torturing and killing them) was
> my only available option under those circumstances.

without any words. Guess about our motivation to cooperate with somebody as 
mad as this

futile effort to educate persons with such mental issues.

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Re: OT: Ubuntu phone && HTML5 / QML

2015-03-16 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 16 March 2015 22:00:42 Pascal Gosselin wrote:
> > On Mar 16, 2015, at 4:49 AM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller  
> .
> > I am just curious to understand how people think and decide such things in
> > March 2015.
> Here's my take on this:
> My particular vertical market need is for a very small computer that:
> -Boots up upon receiving an external power (charging) signal.
> -Customizable boot code
> -Runs Linux and can run whatever full-blown Linux tool/app we need at
> startup/boot without any user intervention -Can acquire and use a GPS
> signal at 4Hz or better.
> -Has an audio input (headset/mic jack)
> -Has Wi-Fi
> -Has accelerometers
> -Has at least 8GB storage
> The GTA02 does a fine job at the above, the external GPS antenna capability
> is a bonus. That's why we bought hundreds of them (everything Openmoko had
> left in 2010), for one particular vertical market use.
> What (else) would we need in a GTA05 ?
> -Better GPS (10Hz, Glonass, Galileo, BeiDou, offline A-GPS)
> -LTE or at least "4G-ish" capability
> -GSM Certification to operate in major countries
> -Dual SIM card capability
> -Dual internal MicroSD cards (RAID)
> -Retain external GPS antenna port
> -Support Invensense IMU chip for advanced motion processing (9 DOF)
> -Barometer/Temp sensor
> -Infrared blaster
> -RFID/NFC capability
> -Fingerprint scanner
> -Built-in GPIOs with externally-accessible connector
> -USB OTG, USB 3.0 ?
> -Built-In Ethernet capability
> -Built-in A/D converter with externally accessible connector
> -Built-In RS-232/RS-422 ports, externally accessible
> -Built-in camera with an external port to add a remote cameras (say up to 3
> meters from device). Basically multiple USB 2.0 ports at a minimum. -A
> decent-sized multi-touch or Glove-Friendly screen (two versions ?), the
> GTA02 screen is much too small by modern standards (we only use the screen
> for stuff like Wi-Fi password data entry by the end user) -HDMI outputs
> (support two external screens)
> -Speakers (like all phones)
> -Offer various battery sizes (thicker backs).

Neo900 is _almost_ there already ;-)
STEP2 will definitely be

> For the external connector for serial and GPIO, flat round contact pads with
> a docking station on the back like Garmin uses on many units.
> I believe such an open device would be highly successful in a Kickstarter
> campaign. The M2M (Machine-to-Machine) market is huge. Such a device would
> have broad appeal. Size is not very important, the capability/connectivity:
> Yes!
> Ubuntu phone, but for true hardware hackers and companies with vertical
> needs that are not met with current smartphones or by Raspberry Pi or
> Arduino platforms.
> GTA04's limited 1Hz GPS was a killer for us... didn't bother finding USB
> camera options for the USB OTG on the GTA04 as a result, nor the mysterious
> built-in camera option (not ideal for us, remote camera is what we need).
> The M2M folks want low-level hardware support (block diagrams, schematics,
> etc...) and open software drivers (abandonware is the problem here from
> commercial vendors).
> Offer a version that's a smartphone and a bigger version that's basically a
> small computer with a built-in very smart UPS, with the ability to add
> expansion cards for non-mobile uses.
> Personally I am not a purist, I don't mind inevitable closed aspects of some
> hardware/firmware that don't have open equivalents (the Invensense IMU
> stuff or LTE modem for example).  Nothing on the market offers what I'm
> looking for... and I'm sure I'm not alone seeking the Holy Grail of
> connected small mobile computer that's not iOS or Android.
> The current proposed Ubuntu smartphones all have serious flaws (no microSD
> on the Meizu and on the EQ 4.5 they can't even bother mentioning which
> exact Mediatek processor they are using !!!) and pretty much none of the
> expandability and interface capability that I'd like to see in the device.
> When you can't even publish a proper detailed hardware spec sheet for your
> Ubuntu phone, you know lower level support is going to be an absolute
> nightmare. That's what Ubuntu Phone is now.
> Better yet, the phone could have an internal small expansion slot with
> routing to the external connector pads. Need a bizarre interface ? Build a
> board and you are done, no internal soldering mods required.

Neo900 has HackerBus for now:
I know it's all not up to par with your requirements but you at least see 
we're heading into right direction :-)

> I would expect demand for such a device from the Drone market alone to be
> massive.
> More realistic than the current Phoneblocs-type project.  An open phone with
> a bunch of expansion ports. How hard can that be ?
> What would it take ?  $5M ? $10M ?  $30M ?

STEP2 will need sth like that, yes. Going to start a

Re: OT: Ubuntu phone && HTML5 / QML

2015-03-16 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 16 March 2015 10:43:51 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Our key problem is that we don’t have a big budget to spend for a new GTA05
> that can compete with others.

The Neo900 UG long term business plan has perspectives to change that, 
eventually :-)

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Re: Doc

2014-07-14 Thread joerg Reisenweber
don't click the link!

On Mon 14 July 2014 07:22:52 Vicente Alcañiz Buceta wrote:
>Incoming Google drive document awaiting you
> Click *Open*
> to view the shared docs
> View accessible PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, among other files online with Google
> Docs by only 2 clicks.
> Best Regards

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2014-06-29 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 30 June 2014 02:31:57 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> So what the heck have these people been doing for
> the past 3.5 years??

Their thing they been interested in, instead of bitching at others, like you 

Not everybody shares your approach and goals, some even find such goals utterly 
useless to scratch their own itch. Your contributions would probably receive 
more attention when you finally would refrain from constant engaging in useless 
personal insults and fights. But then, hoping for such a change of mindset is 
probably just ridiculously silly of me - we know your hang on this since 
several years now.

If you want to do me ONE favor: don't answer this mail! I already regret havng 
written it. Anyway now it's done, here it flies.
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Re: Pong Was: ping

2014-06-17 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tue 17 June 2014 20:43:43 Robert 'Bobby' Zenz wrote:
> Was thinking about it, but I dislike such small keyboards. To be
> honest, I'd need to try the keyboard of the N900 to know if I'd like it
> or not and if I can use it or not. On my GTA02 I'm using the stylus
> that came with it and the docked keyboard.
> Well, touchscreen keyboards never really worked for me when not using a
> stylus.

Seems you could do all this on GTA04 as well as Neo900, too. Except for one 
negligible difference: Neo900 comes with stylus built-in ;-)

N(eo)900 hw kbd is commonly considered one of the really good small keyboards. 
Ryan Abel (GeneralAntilles) once did an IRC live report from/about a 
conference talk, where he typed on N900 faster than I can type on a standard 
keyboard. It was really impressive and a proof that N900 hw kbd can't be 
_that_ bad. You might be able to find that event in


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Re: Pong Was: ping

2014-06-17 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tue 17 June 2014 19:07:36 Robert 'Bobby' Zenz wrote:
> Pong from Austria, still happy with my GTA02 (would like a GTA04,
> though).
> I wish everyone a good summer!

How about a Neo900?

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Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-19 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 19 May 2014 20:08:36 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> - full name in quotes
> - short name in quotes
> - the true numeric ID sent by the cell network (the decoded names in
>   the previous two fields come from a look-up table in the modem fw);
Nope they shouldn't, that LUT-name is a 3rd way to get the plaintext of 
carrier as long as network fails to transmit full and short name OTA (AFAIK).
And in userspace of GTA02 there's usually yet another LUT for a 4th way to get 
the name ;-)
SIM also might provide a name, so that would be a 5th way.

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Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-19 Thread joerg Reisenweber
Please consider that - it seems / I heard - several 850/900 and 1800/1900 
cells are getting reassigned in USA from GSM to UMTS or even LTE during last 
year. Ongoing.

good luck!

On Mon 19 May 2014 08:27:15 Nick wrote:
> Quoth Michael Spacefalcon:
> > Nick  wrote:
> > > The phone that works is 3G, and it doesn't seem to have a 'force 2G'
> > > option anywhere.
> > 
> > The option in question often goes by different names: it may also be
> > named "network type" or "network selection" etc, with the choices
> > being GSM or WCDMA or both.  Try selecting GSM if you can find the
> > elusive option.
> Hmm, I didn't see anything like that even, but I'll take another
> look tonight.
> > > I'm in the Greater Boston area,
> > 
> > Ahh - I didn't realize you were still here in the States - I remember
> > you asking on this list a few months ago about GSM frequency bands in
> > USA, with the intention of traveling to Boston area, but it was back
> > in February, so I thought the trip was over and you were back home in
> > the UK.
> Yeah, I'm here for 6 months. It's a good place :)
> > How long ago have you arrived in Boston?  Is the FR-not-working
> > problem something that happened upon arrival in USA, or has it been
> > working for you for a while in this part of the world?
> No, it has worked fine (well, in fact) for the past couple of
> months, so it definitely *can* work here.
> > Ahh, so you decided to be adventurous and use AT&T instead of the more
> > tried & tested T-Mobile.  Before we spend an inordinate amount of
> > effort figuring out why your FR doesn't work on AT&T in Boston,
> > perhaps you could try a T-Mobile SIM card just as a quick test?  If
> > you don't have one, just go into any T-Mobile store and ask them to
> > borrow a SIM for a few minutes to test in your phone while inside
> > their store.
> I may end up doing that, but there isn't a T-Mobile store very
> conveniently located for me, so I'll at least try some fun logging
> of AT commands first.
> > Also if there is any chance you might visit California before you go
> > back to the UK, we could meet up and do some GSM hacking together. :)
> Aah, that would be nice, but no, I don't think I'm going to get to
> the west coast this trip. It sounds like something well worth doing,
> and someday I'll make it there. I'll let you know if my plans change
> and I end up in California. Similarly, let me know if you come to
> Boston. :)
> > > Basically because I just want a dumbphone that works, really, so
> > > tend towards laziness regarding my phone nowadays.
> > 
> > If you are using your FR as an oversized dumbphone, have you considered
> > using a real dumbphone instead?  You might want to grab a Mot C139 on
> > ebay while they are still available - it is one of the models which I
> > am using for FreeCalypso firmware bring-up (along with the Neo FR and
> > Pirelli DP-L10) before building my own dumbphone hardware, and it has
> > the advantage of being a very simple dumbphone with full schematics
> > available (unlike the Pirelli).
> Hmm... I'll consider it...
> Thanks, and expect some nice AT output later.
> Nick
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

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Re: gta02 pcb layout

2014-05-13 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 14 May 2014 01:12:00 mobi phil wrote:
> I wanted to see only the surface pcb. 

On component placement you see the surface layer of PCB, incl all copper 


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Re: gta02 pcb layout

2014-05-13 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 14 May 2014 00:27:11 mobi phil wrote:
> hi!
> that was a lovely quick answer.. .found the schematics, but was not finding
> the pcb layout.

The PCB layout is an 8-layer (iirc, maybe 10)  which is pretty hard to publish 
in any useful representation other than the layout program's own one.
Anyway you don't need PCB layout to solve your problem.

> it looks that I broke the one toward the gps unit, that is towards the
> ground, which is normaly not used... or .. is it used on gta02?

Please send (link to) a number of macro snapshots illustrating your problem in 
a way so I can look up a solution for you.

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Re: gta02 pcb layout

2014-05-13 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tue 13 May 2014 23:49:13 mobi phil wrote:
> Hi,
> after years, was for "scientific" :) reasons wanted to give a new life to
> the gta02 I own. Opened it, and the usb connector was enough fragile. Tried
> to resolder it but the pcb couper line broke. Cannot see precisely to which
> resistor that line connected. So need a very good magnified photo or the
> pcb. Anybody can help?


together with component placement
should go a long way for this. Usually ti's just a question to find the right 
one of two ends of a 0402 resistor or capacitor. The other (wrong) end is 
usually connected to another similar 0402 component (or GND, or Vdd) so by 
testing for 4 conductance aka 0R connections from both ends of component A to 
both ends of component B you should be able to spot the "wrong end". The other 
one is the right end then, which you want to use to connect your bridging wire 

If you need more help, just holler.
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Re: Open Source AHRS project: giving away hardware

2014-05-11 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sun 11 May 2014 09:25:37 Pascal Gosselin wrote:
> Indeed. When you taxi an airplane on the ground in a straight live or drive
> a car in a straight line, GPS TRACK (adjusted for magnetic declination) =
> Magnetic Heading.
> The other complementary magnetometer calibration techniques involve driving
> around in a full circle in about 60 to 75 seconds or doing a 360 degree
> turn and stopping every 30 degrees.
> -Pascal
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On May 11, 2014, at 4:47 AM, "Jake"  
> >> On 05/11/2014 07:08 AM, joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> >>> On Sat 10 May 2014 11:57:30 Pascal Gosselin wrote:
> >>> calibrate the compass via GPS track by an easy calibration or
> >>> self-calibration method
> >> 
> >> GPS doesn't offer any data to calibrate magnetometer from.
> >> magnetometer aka compass is about orientation of device, GPS is
> >> about position and movement vector. They are 100% unrelated.
> > 
> > In a static situation this is correct, but while moving it is possible
> > to get the current heading from GPS.
> > 
> > Jake
> > 

This all assumes a locked and defined mounting situation for the magnetometer. 
Then yes. For an embedded device however this method tells you nothing about 
the magnetometer heading. The embedded device can change relative orientation 
to the vehicle that's driving.
PS: you must be very sure about the vehicle moving exactly straight ahead as 
well, for anything but a non-sliding car that's not guaranteed, think boat, 
even airplane
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Re: Open Source AHRS project: giving away hardware

2014-05-10 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 10 May 2014 11:57:30 Pascal Gosselin wrote:
> calibrate 
> the compass via GPS track by an easy calibration or self-calibration 
> method

GPS doesn't offer any data to calibrate magnetometer from. 
magnetometer aka compass is about orientation of device, GPS is about position 
and movement vector. They are 100% unrelated.

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Re: Openmoko GTA06

2014-04-13 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sun 13 April 2014 15:26:34 Norayr Chilingarian wrote:
> Then they need to filter who uses same Internet services as 
> me. This case it's much harder to make sure that me is me, right?

Nope, since your internet traffic is a way better richer fingerprint of you 
the numbers you could call (or don't, according to your planned use)
Logging in on a single forum or webmail-service or polling your mail via POP3 
or registering with a VoIP registrar already suffices. Heck even a more or less 
arbitrary cookie left in your browser suffices.
And as already explained a IMEI popping up out of nowhere is *always* highly 
suspicious and will usually already suffice to put you into the group of those 
20 subjects that currently frequently use fake changing IMEIs. For the rest a 
rough geolocation will do to identify you as subject #8 of those 20 subjects.
It's like you running the streets wearing a gorilla mask, and then changing 
your gorilla mask to a pig mask and then 100m further you swap that for a 
donkey mask. *Everybody* will look at you and there's not much doubt who you 
are, despite you never showing your real face.
OOOH, I almost forgot: tell me which internet service you may use without a 
SIM you paid for. They will probably die from laughing about you when you 
constantly swap your IMEI without constantly swapping your SIM *and your 
geolocation* exactly same time.

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Re: [Shr-Devel] FSO project hosting (mailing lists, ...)

2014-03-11 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tue 11 March 2014 18:26:07 Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Dr. Michael Lauer
>  wrote:
> > Quick update:
> > 
> > I have gathered the old subscribers’ list and
> > have invited (not autosubscribed) all former
> > members.
> > 
> > If you are not among the invited and have interest
> > to participate on the future of the FSO middleware
> > stack, then please feel very welcome to join
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > 
> > Mickey.
> Subscription link for lazy ones:
> Thank you Mickey for taking care of that!

Thanks to both of you! :-)
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Re: GTA04 work (was: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI))

2014-02-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 19:22:00 Bob Ham wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 18:15 +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > Am 21.02.2014 um 10:54 schrieb Bob Ham:
> > > On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 10:22 +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > >> the kernel controls the power drain.
> > > 
> > > How has that been determined?
> > 
> > Please find the answer and tell us about the results.
> This answer implies that you have nothing to back up your assertion that
> "the kernel controls the power drain".  It implies that your assertion
> was, in fact, just speculation.  And if you don't know whether the
> kernel causes the power drain, then you can't know that working on the
> kernel is working on the power drain.
> You are not working directly on the problem of the power drain.  When
> you start doing that work, instead of developing kernels for a useless
> phone board, the community will be more supportive.

Nikolaus' answer just implies one thing: he noticed quicker than me that any 
answer to you is futile.
Feel free to pick the right one matching to your statements from
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Re: GTA04 work (was: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI))

2014-02-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 19:22:00 Bob Ham wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 18:15 +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > Am 21.02.2014 um 10:54 schrieb Bob Ham:
> > > On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 10:22 +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > >> the kernel controls the power drain.
> > > 
> > > How has that been determined?
> > 
> > Please find the answer and tell us about the results.
> This answer implies that you have nothing to back up your assertion that
> "the kernel controls the power drain".  It implies that your assertion
> was, in fact, just speculation.  And if you don't know whether the
> kernel causes the power drain, then you can't know that working on the
> kernel is working on the power drain.
> You are not working directly on the problem of the power drain.  When
> you start doing that work, instead of developing kernels for a useless
> phone board, the community will be more supportive.

please take it elsewhere!
you evidently got NFC but think you can patronize and instruct others
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Re: GSM frequency bands in the USA

2014-02-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 18:51:37 Andrew Schenck wrote:
> its the 900/1800/1900 version, but I haven't found any way to verify
> > On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 12:07 +, Nick wrote:
> >> there. It is a European 900/1800/1900MHz version (I presume - I
> >> bought it 2nd hand - is there an easy way to check?). Can I just use

Under battery, on the label, right side directly above the "ASSEMBLY IN CHINA" 

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Re: (was: GTA04 work (was: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI)))

2014-02-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 11:43:08 David Matthews wrote:
> Yes it is, and those who do not believe so should allow those of us that do
> value it to enjoy it in peace :-0 - I at least do not need to be told
> repeatedly how foolish I am for delighting over something someone else
> believes has zero worth

Please don't polemize! Nobody has told you that you're foolish. You do that 
now, about those of us who question the purpose of changing IMEI (something 
that got lost in your mail's topic, as well as the thread reference that 
would've put this into context)
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Re: GTA04 work (was: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI))

2014-02-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 10:54:23 Bob Ham wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 10:22 +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> >  the kernel controls the power drain.
> How has that been determined?

Your initial rant sounded much similar to the plot:
blame the architect for not working on the electrics of the house, to stop the 
excess energy expense caused by the residents not shutting down the heating 
when opening the windows.
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Re: GTA04 work (was: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI))

2014-02-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 10:54:23 Bob Ham wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 10:22 +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> >  the kernel controls the power drain.
> How has that been determined?

Roughly same way as Pi 
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Re: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI)

2014-02-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 10:36:59 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> VLR,
> SF

Do yourself a favor and ask some of your friends with a more down-to-earth 
mindset before you ever again consider posting such mails. When you don't get 
it, go and ask your friends, maybe they also can explain to you why I 
suggested this.

Good luck!
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Re: changing IMEI

2014-02-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 10:17:26 Neal H. Walfield wrote:
> > And no, you probably can't use a VPN to have only encrypted data
> > transferred  over the air. I don't think there are any free and open VPN
> > endpoints available.
> Using Tor avoids this problem.  Check it out:

This would rely on all communication between your local device and Tor's entry 
node being completely and securely encrypted so nobody can spy on it, not even 
by profiling and correlation methods. Do you think that's warranted, *always*?

But honestly, the Freerunner probably isn't the device you want to use for 
data only, in an absolutely track-safe mode, to do... what exactly? VoIP? 
Hardly! For stealth access to internet there are for sure better solutions 
than the one we're talking about here. And initially we talked about _calls_ 

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Re: GTA04 work (was: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI))

2014-02-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 10:03:47 Bob Ham wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 08:54 +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > We ... are working on a 3.14 kernel and getting things mainline
> Why?  The GTA04 is not usable as a daily phone.  Why would you waste
> time on the kernel instead of working on the problems that prevent the
> board being used?

Thanks a lot for the excellent advice! Now if you could elaborate on what 
exactly *is* the source of the problem, and particularly why it's not related 
to kernel's power management, according to your insight.

> Why are you not spending this time working on the
> power drain?

See above!

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Re: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI)

2014-02-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 08:26:59 Radek Polak wrote:
> On Thursday, February 20, 2014 08:38:35 PM Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> > I am also convinced that the *real* reason why "Openmoko = failure" in
> > the general public's perception is precisely because of that NDA and
> > no one having broken it during the years when it mattered the most.
> That's your point of view. Point of view of a firmware hacker.
> But there are other points of view. E.g. some people expect the phone ring
> when friends/wife/customer calls. I had many phones before and 2 phones
> after (N900 and now Jolla). None of them had any problems with SMS and
> telephony.
> Openmoko is different - they never provided SW for reliable phone. Openmoko
> never provided stable maintainable kernel - instead they wasted their time
> on doing 4 ugly unusable distros while at the time they had perfectly
> stable usable and working Qtopia.

Granted, but then QTopia never been a "true linux" in my book. IIRC it had no 
X11, thus according to my definition of >my dream companion< it's as useless as 
Sailfish is now, and android ever been. And do you suggest any of your other 
phones provided a "maintainable kernel" so far? I have some of them too and 
know a bit about their kernels, I don't think they are any better than what OM 

A question to Michael S.: the heck which dang NDA are you talking about? OM 
allowed all reasonable individuals access to all the docs and specs and 
schematics we ever had, on request (yes, including the calypso sources we had 
- which not been much and not been maintained by OM at all, basically). We 
were just not able to put it on fileservers or P2P since that would have taken 
us out of business immediately. That's business, sorry you don't like to 
accept reality in that regard, probably caused by your communist ideology. But 
then, why don't you start a company in Russia? OOPS, they also went capitalism 
now. Maybe China, with their copycat capitalism, is the best homebase for you? 
Anyway OM never promised to help you bring communism to world dominion, 
neither at large nor in hw manufacturing. OM just started to bring you best 
you can get regarding openness and freedom. No use in stating "man should be 
able to fly" and do a basejump from Eiffel tower dressed in a funny suit to 
that happen. When OM would've taken that approach, absolutely zilch of all 
that's been achieved ever had reached the community.

> And even 5 years after there is no good kernel for Freerunner. 2.6.29-rc
> seems quite stable but the patch against mainline is horrible, besides
> it's power management is worse then it could be. 2.6.39 has hardly nearly
> unreproducible problem with resume.

Well, you can't deny the fact that *not* a *single* "phone" has a clean 
mainline kernel. That's because mainline - sorry to be frank here - has NFC 
about power saving. Neither about handling "realtime" requirements in resource 
limited embedded environment (admittedly not kernel's fault)

> Now we have free firmware which is cool, but the usablity of the phone
> hasnt changed much.

Well, my take on that is: it's up to you, the community, to come up with such 
systems designed to provide improved usability. Look, even Nokia announced EOL 
for any maemo fremantle maintenance only 2 years after roll out of N900. You'd 
have to pay a yearly fee probably even higher than the initial purchase price 
of the device, to make any group of professional paid developers continue 
support of a finalized product longer than a year or two, since otherwise 
there's simply no budget for such effort.

Freerunner been *free* in that it absolutely allows community to pick up on 
that task, you got *all* the *needed* *info* and docs, and that's what OM ever 
been about. *NOT* about liberating the *GSM* radio stack.

It has been mentioned in one of the last 5 posts to this thread: indeed, 
depending on your definition of free, you possibly never will find a "ONE 
HUNDRED PERCENT FREE phone" since no chip manuf will give you the masks and 
process step specs, nor the detailed internal structure description of chips, 
not even for ARM CPU. And the perceived liberation of FreeRunner now with that 
pirated GSM stack is a delusion as well, there are still things like WLAN 
firmware and glamo drivers, not to mention the maybe disclosed but not at all 
understood source code in the undocumented calypso chipset GSM stack itself. 
Heck I bet there's a whole lot of kernel stuff that's been provided by some 
chip manuf in BSP for the CPU/SoC and never reached the level of "understood 
by community so it could get done again for next similar chip". When you 
(whoever) call that rather unexciting and irrelevant achievement of pirated 
GSM radio stack the frontier line between a free and a proprietary embedded 
device that allegedly been crossed now, then I dunno what's your benchmarks 
and philosophy at large.

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Re: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI)

2014-02-20 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 07:48:02 joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> On Fri 21 February 2014 07:29:28 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > > Of course it will never happen legally, but so what?  We can build it
> > > illegally instead.
> > 
> > You are a Pied Piper of Hamelin.
> Let's hope we don't have to read "Pied Piper Revisited" or learn about some
> landslide or somesuch, in a few years. ;-P
> /j

And particularly: who's Rumpelstiltskin? And is OM == Shrek?

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Re: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI)

2014-02-20 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 21 February 2014 07:29:28 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > Of course it will never happen legally, but so what?  We can build it
> > illegally instead.
> You are a Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Let's hope we don't have to read "Pied Piper Revisited" or learn about some 
landslide or somesuch, in a few years. ;-P

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Re: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI)

2014-02-20 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Thu 20 February 2014 20:38:35 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> was a proprietary
> phone no different from anything out of Motorola, Samsung or Apple.

evidently bullshit!

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Re: changing IMEI

2014-02-20 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Thu 20 February 2014 15:27:33 Neal H. Walfield wrote:
> and am careful to tunnel all of my data
> via Tor

Recent tests have revealed that at least 20 nodes in Tor are trying to break 
into your encrypted data transmission.
It'd widely known that Tor is infiltrated by agencies.

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Re: changing IMEI

2014-02-20 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Thu 20 February 2014 15:27:33 Neal H. Walfield wrote:
> Why do you think the only use for a mobile phone is to make calls?  If
> I only make a data connection and am careful to tunnel all of my data
> via Tor, then this identification method is useful.
> Neal

Err, right. For that usecase it might work - until you do *anything* that 
gives away your ID, which is even more easy in internet than in a GSM call 
(think searching for 2 or 3 topics on google which are specific to you. Or 
visiting 2 or 3 specific websites, maybe even in a certain specific usage 
pattern. Obviously you can't use email or anything like that. And google [and 
others] might be able to identify you from your typing style and rhythm into 
the search term textfield already).

And no, you probably can't use a VPN to have only encrypted data transferred 
over the air. I don't think there are any free and open VPN endpoints 

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Re: changing IMEI

2014-02-20 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Thu 20 February 2014 12:05:00 Christoph Pulster wrote:
> Hi,
> @joerg: sorry we mis-communicate.

No we don't. Or at least I don't. ;-)

> I am not talking about tracking  
> (location of caller), 

me neither since that's absolutely trivial

> but identification of caller.

me too

> If I buy a mobile, name is registered and connected with IMEI.


> Using a Openmoko and changing IMEI with Michaels tool does make a "new"  
> device out of it. Logfiles cant be law prooven evident of my identity.

Sorry, that's a dangerous misconception. 
Again, just in case I still didn't manage to make it clear enough: there is 
nobody else but you on this earth calling those 3 phone numbers (unless you 
call numbers that are getting called by 0.5mio users per day).
Simply compare who called number A during last year, and who also called 
number B during last year already reduces number of individuals to max 10. 
Then check which of those 10 individuals doesn't use her/his old IMEI anymore 
and here you are: old IMEI linked to new fake IMEI. With only 2 calls done 
from your new SIM and IMEI to your wife and your mother (or any other 
arbitrary two "normal" phone numbers you called before). This will hold for 
evidence on any court, better than fingerprints.

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Re: IMEI changing kit for GTA02

2014-02-19 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 19 February 2014 12:21:00 Christoph Pulster wrote:
> Hi,
> its nice to see, outlaw Michael's activities cause some life in this
> list.
> @Nikolaus: damn to UK laws, Michael is providing a tool to change IMEI,
> no more no less. Besides legal issues, I miss the thanks to Michaels
> effords. Of course he wrote a lot strange/non tolerable things in this
> list in the past, but concerning technical effords, he was very
> insistant and pushed it as far as writing a tool for easy change of IMEI
> without having full access to NDA-infos.
> @Joerg: "changing IMEI...will not improve your privacy, au contraire"
> please explain this to me again.
> If I buy a Openmoko and use a non-registered prepaid card with it,
> change the IMEI before first usage, who can track my real ID ?
> Christoph

I knew this will come up again. We had been through all this a month or two 
ago. Whatever...:

who can track you? everybody who already tracked you and noticed you did a 
call before to same far end number from roughly same geo-location. When you do 
TWO calls to TWO (normal) numbers, not even geo-location is needed (unless 
both numbers are of the class "gets 50 calls per day").
And so far we didn't even consider any implications from fingerprinting of your 
mobile equipment's GSM stack and physical transceiver. Buzzword nmap "guess 
OS" to give you an idea of how that works.

Honestly, changing your IMEI doesn't mean you magically get invisible, you 
rather stand out as one of maybe 5 guys in your wider area - read town, 
country - using a *new* fake IMEI. Even when you change your IMEI (and discard 
your SIM and get a new one) after every single call you do, you will stand out 
even more as THE only guy who is known to do that in your whole country.

Then add on top true eavesdropping on calls and speaker recognition.

And when things go really haywire, you pick a "random" IMEI that's actually 
already in use by somebody else, or is blacklisted.

Oh, and make sure you did pay your SIM with real money, not any credit card or 

So let's sum up: you find a carefully selected fake IMEI, switch your phone to 
that, insert that new SIM you just purchased for 10 bucks at a gas station 
where you popped up disguised as Benjamin Franklin and registered it in 
internet under Benjamin's identity to enable it, then you do one phonecall and 
discard the SIM immediately after call. Right?

Better use a phonebooth! ;-)

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Re: IMEI changing kit for GTA02

2014-02-19 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 19 February 2014 11:26:49 Nick wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 10:19:12AM +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > According to it is
> > a full (not semi) offence with up to 5 years in prison in the UK.
> > 
> > And even possessing such a tool isn't allowed:
> > 
> >
> Eugh. What a horrible piece of legislation. What *should* happen is
> that it should be repealed now that mobile phone theft is far less
> than it was when it was drafted, and known abuses of surveillance
> are far higher. I have precisely zero faith in anything like that
> happening, particularly in the UK.
> Although, reading section 1(3)(b) of the first legislation, it looks
> like it's legal if the manufacturer permits it in writing. So someone
> at OM should say "yeah, sure, whatever", which would make us a
> little safer ;)

If that makes you feel better:
yeah, sure, whatever
OM nor me can allow or forbid anything you do to your phone, and I consider 
changing of IMEI reasonably safe from a technical perspective.

I however again want to emphasize the absolute lack of any point in changing 
IMEI. It will not improve your privacy, au contraire it will make you light up 
in their surveillance like a pink Zebra in savanna.
When you need to have privacy, don't use GSM! Use a phonebooth instead! Use 
coins, not a phone card!

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Re: IMEI changing kit for GTA02

2014-02-07 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 08 February 2014 01:54:44 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> joerg Reisenweber  wrote:
> > you recall that single line I actually censored?
> line 60, I assume.

Yes, that one.

> > (Must have been the only time
> > in my life I did this) In the changelogs, around moko5 or something.
> Considering the time proximity between this hack and the moko5->moko6
> change in which you (not you personally, but the company) went backward
> from the sensible approach (used in most other TI-based products too)
> of storing configuration items in FFS to the non-sensible approach of
> hard-coding them in the fw, let me make a guess: the crappy Weendoze-
> only host tools for development and production which TI gave you (for
> FFS programming in this case) were unreliable, and you were looking
> for a way to avoid needing to do any FFS programming through the RVTMUX
> interface (TI's official way) at all.  Of course the IMEI is one item
> which can't be hard-coded in the fw, and if you didn't want to (or
> couldn't) use the "proper" RVT/ETM-based method of programming, then
> you had to hack in some other way, such as a special AT command.
> But I assume that the issues with TI's production testing and
> programming tools must have been solved in time for GTA02A7 mass
> production, as my unit came with a /pcm/IMEI (IMEISV really) setting
> which cannot be programmed via that AT@SC hack, only via the proper
> RVT/ETM channel.
> I also find it cute that all mass-produced GTA02 units (at least the 4
> that have been liberated so far: mine, David's, Norayr's and Giacomo's)
> came with a few files in FFS (/pcm/CGM[IMR]) which are not used by any
> of your fw's from moko6 onward, only by moko5 - surely flashing a GTA02
> back to moko5 is NOT recommended (I even remember seeing admonitions
> somewhere to never do that), yet those files seem to be there just to
> support those people who might do that...  Wasn't it your inability to
> write these strings into FFS reliably that made you go back to hard-
> coding them?

I have no idea, I took care about GSM firmware only much later. But I think 
until the point in time when I was able to contract Dieter Spaar for OM, there 
been significantly less knowhow about all that stuff inside OM than what you 
demonstrate here. After Sean Chiang left, the domain had nobody savvy how to 
handle all that, iirc. And the whole stuff been even temporarily considered 
lost forever, thanks to reformatting of a laptop HDD (iirc). Also see bug #666 
which got fixed in moko5 but evidently the patched lib TI provided for that got 
dropped for no reason in later fw versions, until Dieter noticed that and 
included it again in Moko9-Beta1

> > It actually been a weird "secret" AT command to change the IMEI, it
> > claimed in changelogs that it had some really weird formula to add
> > birthday^5 to old IMEI or sth and append that to the new IMEI, for
> > "authentication" - and it never worked afaik.
> So I assume we are in agreement then that this "secret" AT@SC command
> is NOT recommended for use?

Yes, definitely. I think this command never really worked. And for obvious 
reasons it never been tested thoroughly, I guess.

When I had to tinker with calypso IMEI I'd probably rather resort to your 
tools than try this command or ti_tat

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Re: IMEI changing kit for GTA02

2014-02-07 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 07 February 2014 22:25:23 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> Hello fellow freedom lovers,
> I have just released the first version of the kit that allows a Neo
> Freerunner user to set his/her IMEISV to any value of his/her choice.
> Download it here:
> Operating instructions are inside the tarball.  The way in which this
> kit works is completely independent of what firmware version you have
> in flash: it can be moko11, leo2moko, or even blank or corrupt flash.
> (Just like with fc-loadtool, the chain starts with Calypso's on-die
> boot ROM, i.e., the wonderful hardware unbricking feature TI gave us
> in this baseband chip, similar in principle to FR's NOR U-Boot which
> is extra hardware just for unbricking.)
> Please also note that many vendors' "standard" proprietary firmwares
> include undocumented AT commands for setting the IMEI, and as my
> experiments indicate, moko11 appears to be one of them:
> However, I do not recommend using that AT@SC command, as the half-baked
> implementation does not make the proper distinction between IMEI and
> IMEISV, and the last 16th digit of the complete IMEISV (which is what
> the modem actually uses and sends over the air) ends up being set to a
> "random" value that is an artifact of the obfuscation scheme.
> As an example, the original factory IMEI of the GTA02 I use for FC
> development is 35465101-961584-0; the original factory programming of
> the complete IMEISV is 35465101-961584-00.  However, if one uses that
> AT@SC hack to change it, it is then impossible to revert the complete
> IMEISV back to this original setting using the same AT@SC command!  If
> one feeds the correct obfuscated AT@SC string for setting
> 35465101-961584-0, the full IMEISV gets set to 35465101-961584-01
> instead of the original factory 35465101-961584-00.
> In contrast, the FFS editing kit linked above allows you to set all 16
> digits of the IMEISV to whatever you choose; the kit provides the
> mechanism and you decide on the policy for what the SV digits should be.
> However, considering that those with a desire to play with their IMEIs
> would probably find an AT command much more convenient than the rather
> cumbersome (albeit powerful) XRAM-agent-based mechanism presented in
> my current kit, I plan on making a new version of leo2moko that will
> include a new AT command for setting the IMEISV.
> I will not be replicating the obfuscated AT@SC command, instead it
> will be a different AT command that sets all 16 digits explicitly and
> works without any obfuscation.  The syntax I propose is:
> AT+SIMEISV="1234567890123456"
> If anyone has an argument for a different syntax, please speak up now.
> Viva la Revolucion,
> SF

you recall that single line I actually censored? (Must have been the only time 
in my life I did this) In the changelogs, around moko5 or something.

It actually been a weird "secret" AT command to change the IMEI, it claimed in 
changelogs that it had some really weird formula to add birthday^5 to old IMEI 
or sth and append that to the new IMEI, for "authentication" - and it never 
worked afaik.

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Re: testing the free calypso software

2014-02-03 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 03 February 2014 21:42:38 Norayr Chilingarian wrote:
> Does anyone know what will happen in a cellular network where there is
> more than one device has the same IMEI. In other words, if we all
> could change our IMEI numbers, and use one imaginary number, are there
> technical reasons for network to not work.

no technical but organizational. Usually that IMEI gets an instant ban, and a 
fat bold red alarm logline in carrier's network logs.

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Re: testing the free calypso software

2014-01-28 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tue 28 January 2014 18:58:19 Norayr Chilingarian wrote:
> 01/27/14 10:26 -ում, Michael Spacefalcon-ը գրել է:
> > In the absolute worst case scenario imaginable, if someone does lose
> > their RF calibration values and has no backup copy anywhere, you
> > should be able to send your FR to some lab to get it recalibrated.  I
> If someone has no backup of calibration data, can she use calibration
> data from other phone?
> Then we can send our data to that person. Or it won't work this way?
> I probably don't understand it well.

Not recommended and not entirely correct procedure but nevertheless should 
sort of work, yes. You might want to edit the IMEI to what yours been, before 
(or after) you flash that alien calib data.

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Re: testing the free calypso software

2014-01-27 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 27 January 2014 19:26:19 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> Giacomo 'giotti' Mariani  wrote:
> > By the way, I think that your work, with the right notes about being
> > experimental and so on of course, should also be in the official wiki.
> As much as I would love to see it happen, I doubt that the powers
> controlling that wiki will ever allow it.

That's a bold misconception. OM wiki isn't censored, it just gets cleaned of 
SPAM and obviously incorrect AND hazardous info, like e.g. somebody suggesting 
to run wear tests against NAND to verify its formatting.


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Re: CSD calls from Neo Freerunner

2014-01-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tue 21 January 2014 15:42:20 Al Johnson wrote:
> On Monday 20 January 2014 07:31:55 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> > For those who don't know what CSD is:
> > 
> >
> [snip test call logs]
> > CSD calls may be placed from a GSM mobile either to a land line or to
> > another mobile.  (I don't know if it's possible to establish a CSD
> > connection from a land line to a mobile.)
> It's possible to establish the connection from land line to mobile, with
> both analogue and ISDN landlines. I used to use it for remote access to
> condition monitoring systems. You should be able to send and receive faxes
> too. It does need carrier support though.

For landline to mobile you need to signal to carrier that the OTA connection 
shall not use GSM-codec for voice but rather establish a 9k6 data connection.
From ISDN you can set the "data" service class flag, from analog landline there 
is no such flag. So usually a dedicated telephone number for inbound CSD-
datacalls is mandatory and carriers rarely support this nowadays, anyway you 
have to ask your carrier to provide such number for your mobile.
IIRC there's another method where mobile switches type of a connection on the 
fly, so you'd initiate a voice call from landline to mobile and then mobile 
switches type to datacall. Can't remember what the according AT-commands been 
to accomplish that.

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Re: [Community] GTA04A5 / Letux 2804

2014-01-17 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 17 January 2014 19:13:24 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller  wrote:
> > Not everybody is weighting the factor of "freeable down to the modem"
> > equally when calculating the relative position of two devices to decide
> > between "upgrade" and "downgrade". You have a different weighting than
> > me.
> If freedom is not important to you, then you might as well use an
> iPhone or the latest Android from Samsung.
> As Jim Marrs has said very eloquently in the preface to one of his
> books, being free is like being pregnant - either you are, or you
> aren't.
> > I don't know, but isn't *that* something you should fight against
> > instead of modifying
> > leaked firmware for a system that never has been locked?
> "Modifying leaked firmware" is not an accurate description of what I
> am doing.  As you should know full well, I am designing and building
> my own Free Plain Phone, and I have chosen to use the same Calypso
> chipset as used in the GTA02.  I chose this chipset because it already
> exists, because it is known to work exceptionally well, at least in
> "dumbphone" applications (I've been using one of my Pirelli phones as
> my everyday cellphone since last spring, and I have nothing but praise
> for it in terms of battery life, GSM signal strength and call quality),
> because all hardware documentation and firmware sources for this
> chipset have already been freed, and because I have already amassed a
> great deal of experience working with this chipset.
> Providing hacking support for Openmoko-made modems is simply a side-
> product of my FreeCalypso work: I have chosen to bring my firmware up
> on known-working hardware first, so that when I build my own hw and
> get to debug it, I will have the benefit of known-working firmware.
> Put another way, the free phone community (combination of FreeCalypso
> and OsmocomBB projects) has already made great progress with the
> Calypso chipset.  Switching to another vendor's chipset on a whim
> would be an enormous setback for the project and for the community,
> and it is not fair for you to ask that of us - here I am referring to
> the "you should be working on this instead of that" argument in your
> comment.
> > So your claim of "GTA02 is 100% freeable and GTA04 is not" is only based
> > on your disinterest to work on solutions?
> I am working on solutions, but the problem I have chosen to solve is
> different from yours.  Some people, such as me, simply want a good
> working cellphone, a device for making and receiving phone calls on
> the go - and we want this cellphone to be free as in 100% owned and
> controlled by the user.  If the objective is to have a plain phone,
> rather than a mobile computer, a device consisting of just one baseband
> processor, without an extra application processor, is a technically
> superior solution for the problem at hand: greater battery life, less
> unnecessary complexity, fewer points of failure.  And the existence of
> the Calypso chipset makes it possible for such a simple and efficient
> "dumbphone" to also be 100% free by virtue of the user owning and
> controlling the complete firmware.
> Then there are those people who do want their pocket-resident device
> to be a computer complete with an OS like GNU/Linux, rather than just
> a phone - but some of those people would also want that device to be
> 100% free including the telephony processor - and not just "half-free"
> aka "half-pregnant".  For this class of users, the best currently
> extant device is the GTA02, made by Openmoko - not your GTA04, and not
> my dumbphone either.
> Yes, there is the problem of these devices no longer being made - but
> instead of solving this problem by building a new device that would be
> as near-identical to the GTA02 as possible, including the Calypso
> (just like how I seek to copy the Pirelli DP-L10 as closely to verbatim
> as possible), you are making it worse by *actively destroying* the
> remaining stock of Openmoko phones!
> Hence we will likely always be fighting on opposite sides.
> VLR,
> SF

Please can you save me from reading those walls of text filled with 
ideologically biased trolling, offenses and badmouthing of good work others do 
that you obviously are not interested in?
If you have nothing better to contribute than a silly 
> Upgrade?  Surely you must have meant downgrade - why would anyone in
> his or her right mind voluntarily give up a device that is 100%
> freeable down to the modem (GTA02) for a Qualcomm-based closed
> proprietary product like yours?
just to start your usual trolling based on the deserved reply, then you rather 
simply shut up.

Many thanks!

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Re: /gsm/com/rfcap: tri-band GSM modem believes itself to be quad-band

2014-01-15 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Thu 16 January 2014 02:58:29 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> Hello Om community,
> In the course of hacking TI GSM firmwares, I have come across something
> that some of you may find interesting, or might even have some insight
> into.
> We all know that our good familiar Neo Freerunner (GTA02) was made in
> two versions: one with 900/1800/1900 MHz bands, the other with
> 850/1800/1900 MHz instead.  The hardware difference is one RF SAW
> filter part populated differently on the same PCB; see this picture:
> The SAW filters for the GSM downlink Rx path are the 3 little buggers
> near the upper right corner, immediately adjacent to the shiny metallic
> component which is the antenna switch.  There is one Rx SAW filter for
> each of the 3 supported bands: one for 1800 MHz (both GTA02 versions),
> one for 1900 MHz (ditto), and one populated for either 850 or 900 MHz.
> (*I think* the topmost one out of the 3 in that picture is the one
> responsible for the 850 vs. 900 MHz difference, but please double-check
> that before attempting any surgery on your Neo!)
> Well, here is the part which will surely surprise at least some of you:
> the standard firmware for the GTA01/02 modem (which is the same for
> all versions, both GTA01 and GTA02) does not actually know which 3
> frequency bands are supported by the device it runs on!  And no, it
> does not auto-detect either: there is no way (short of ESP) for any
> firmware running on the Calypso/Iota/Rita chipset to divine what kind
> of SAW filter sits between that chipset and the antenna.
> Instead, as strange as it may sound, the modem (at least when running
> the standard mokoN firmware, see below) believes itself to be quad-
> band!
> In TI's universe, the "standard" way to "teach" a GSM device (phone or
> modem) which GSM frequency bands it supports is *not* to hard-code
> that knowledge in the firmware at compile time; instead this property
> is stored in a configuration file named /gsm/com/rfcap in the GSM
> device file system.  Yes, TI-based GSM devices all use a flash file
> system with a very UNIX-like "look and feel", including UNIX-style
> pathnames; see my write-up:
> d9ca46897eb3640b/doc/TIFFS?at=default
> Like most files in TI's GSM FFS, /gsm/com/rfcap is a binary file, not
> ASCII.  It is a file of exactly 16 bytes, and although I haven't found
> a formal document describing its format in plain English, we can study
> the code that reads this file and acts upon its content:
> -gsm/rr/rr_csf.c
> The 16-byte file is being read into a variable of type EF_RFCAP, which
> is defined here:
> /condat/com/include/pcm.h
> Lines 442 through 460 (inclusive) give the structure definition, which
> is followed by the definitions for the bit fields in each byte.
> And here is what this /gsm/com/rfcap file contains on a standard GTA02
> modem, as revealed by a TIFFS parsing tool such as the mpffs-tools-r1
> package I released last summer:
> 00 1F 41 14 00 00 00 00  50 00 00 A5 05 00 C0 00
> Decoding the meaning of the rest of the bytes is left as an exercise
> for the reader, but I draw your attention to the 2nd byte, which is 1F.
> This byte indicates which RF bands are physically supported by the MS
> (mobile station) hardware, and 1F means quad-band, i.e., all 4 of 850,
> 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz.  Thus even though my trusty GTA02 is only
> 900/1800/1900 MHz tri-band in reality, it believes itself to be
> quad-band!
> Digging some more, one finds that the 16 bytes quoted above appear in
> the moko10 and moko11 fw images (convert them from *.m0 to plain binary
> with the mokosrec2bin.c utility I wrote almost a year ago, then do the
> "binary grep" with the memmem() C library function), and further
> analysis reveals that these "standard" firmwares unconditionally
> overwrite the /gsm/com/rfcap file in FFS with the hard-coded "string"
> of bytes on every boot.  To convince yourself of the latter fact, take
> a GTA02 modem with moko11 in it, change the rfcap file in FFS to
> something else, reboot the modem normally, and observe that the rfcap
> file will be reverted back to the 16 bytes shown above, claiming to be
> a quad-band GSM device.
> My leo2moko firmware does not contain this rfcap-resetting "feature":
> it does not automatically overwrite the rfcap file with anything, and
> uses whatever settings happen to be written in the FFS (the modem's
> flash file system).  At the present, there is no practical difference:
> if your modem ever ran moko10 or moko11 prior to being flashed with
> leo2moko, the content of the /gsm/com/rfcap file in FFS will be what
> moko10/11 wrote into it the last time it booted, whic

Re: Use of a FreeRunner

2013-12-21 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 21 December 2013 12:34:49 Ed Kapitein wrote:
> On 12/21/2013 11:58 AM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
> > People,
> > 
> > I have not used my FreeRunner for ages and probably should donate it
> > someone who can make use of it but a thought occurred to me: It would
> > be good to have something that could act like a SMS server eg I have a
> > demand where if an (urgent) email comes into a particular account,
> > that the contents of the email are able to be resent as an SMS out
> > through a mobile device gateway to a number of phones - could OpenMoko
> > be rejigged to do this somehow?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Phil.
> Hi Phil,
> I did the same thing, but It is of limited use, a lot of mail is in HTML
> format and hard to convert to SMS.
> Also, you need to strip the headers etc.
> So you might want to write a script first and run it on real-life mails,
> before you put effort in reconfiguring the freerunner.
> Just my 0.02BTC
> Kind regards,
> Ed

Plain HTML mails are usually forwarded to /dev/null by my spam filter right 
away. I haven't recently seen anybody but Jolla sending HTML-only mails 
instead of proper multipart/alternative at least.
Also you shouldn't regularly watch mails by rendering their HTML content, this 
is a severe privacy and security threat.


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Re: Larger capacity battery

2013-12-20 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 20 December 2013 16:08:07 Dominic Walden wrote:
> Hello,
> I was thinking about purchasing another battery from Golden Delicious
> (as a spare/backup) but before I do does anyone know of any higher
> capacity batteries that are compatible with a Freerunner?
> The only ones mentioned on the wiki are 1100mAh or less.
> Someone[1] appears to have got it working with a 6Ah portable DVD
> player battery by using the battery circuit board from the Openmoko
> battery. I'm not sure if I want anything as drastic as that, but I
> would not be averse to doing the same with a battery the same size as
> the Openmoko one.
> Thanks,
> Dominic

BL-6C: 1150mAh. And that's probably as good as it gets for cells fitting into 
GTA02 battery bay. Unlike NiMH the LiIon technology hasn't made noticeable 
evolution during last few years. When searching you may find a 2nd source 
battery that has a *real* capacity of maybe 20% higher. You will need to 
discard 95% scam before you find that one manufacturer.
Maybe useful background can be found in:

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Re: QtMoko v58 with 2.6.39 kernel and improved power management

2013-12-18 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Thu 19 December 2013 08:21:54 Radek Polak wrote:
> the update interval is now as often as uevents are comming from linux
> kernel.  You can enable logging->power management and check in log how
> often it is - i think it could be those 20s.
> > Is there a way of increasing the frequency, and making it work "in the
> > background" while the phone is in suspend?
> AFAIK the battery charge is updated even when phone is suspended - the chip
> in  battery does this.
> Maybe we could force QtMoko to read it immediately after leaving suspend.
> The  values should be fresh. I can check if it's easily doable.

Yes, the chip does "gapfree" battery monitoring in GTA02-battery. Since FIQ 
needed to read out the (bq27x00 chip in) battery is kinda heavy, it makes 
sense to not update it too often. Also battery doesn't change that fast to 
make sense when updating more frequently, actually I think 20s is pretty 
frequent already.
However an update cycle scheduled immediately after resume should be easily 
feasible and is the "right thing[TM]" to do :-)
Maybe an even smarter way to handle all related issues would be to trigger a 
battery chip readout and update the battery gauge display whenever the display 
becomes "visible" - X11 should be able to send an according signal, I think. 
This would as well support up-to-date displayed values after closing a 
fullscreen app and after unblanking the screen.

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Re: [gta02] cannot boot from NAND

2013-12-13 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 13 December 2013 13:25:47 Ben Wong wrote:
> Are you using dfu-util or dd to write to the NAND?

dd to write to NAND? :-o Don't do that!
That's prone to fail, since dd can't handle bad blocks, and NAND per 
definitionem doesn't. That's why you got things like jffs2/ubifs

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Re: the second operating system

2013-12-10 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tue 10 December 2013 21:12:02 Bernard Schelberg wrote:
> > -- Forwarded message --
> > From: joerg Reisenweber 
> > To:
> > Cc:
> > Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 01:00:13 +0100
> > Subject: Re: the second operating system
> > 
> > On Mon 09 December 2013 19:32:28 Norayr Chilingarian wrote:
> > > There is an osnews article named "The second operating system hiding in
> > > every mobile phone", and I guess some people in this list may be
> > > interested. Not that we didn't know about it, just wanted to share an
> > > article with you.
> > > 
> > >
> > > _eve ry_mobile_phone
> > 
> > This article is of pretty poor quality and quite misleading. :-S
> > Deprecated!
> Do you have a better article on this subject that you can recommend?
> Or could you explain some more about how it is misleading? The reason
> I ask is that I'm having an ongoing conversation with colleagues about
> why I continue to support projects that are working to bring us a free
> phone. I thought the article referenced made some convincing points,
> but I don't want to quote it if it's incorrect.

The article completely lacks any discussion of how entangled or not entangled 
the modem is with the "first OS". On dumbphones there's even no "first OS" at 
all and the whole phone UI is handled by the modem OS. 
While on free phones like GTA0x and Neo900[1] the modem is as much a part of 
"the first OS" as e.g. a USB stick you plug to your PC is running a "second OS" 
on your PC.
We actually have ~12 .. 15 "other OSes" running on any modern PC or 
smartphone, basically every smart chip comes with its own CPU that of course 
needs an "OS". The modem is just another extremely large and smart "chip" of 
that category, but it's not at all entangled with the primary OS - ON FREE 
PHONES. For the usually android crap things look different, since often main 
CPU and modem share same chip and same RAM and you never can tell what the 
modem OS could do to the main OS.

Hope that explained a bit of what I miss in that article. It's not incorrect 
but simply not comprehensive and thus misleading. A modem OS is exactly NOT 
similar to a PC BIOS "second OS" (see my other post). The article creates such 


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Re: the second operating system

2013-12-10 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Tue 10 December 2013 14:42:56 Christoph Bänsch wrote:
>  I think that fact isn't new. The BIOS on a normal PC is a 'Second OS' too.
> There is one big difference: the BIOS is safer than the firmware of an GSM
> modem.

The one big difference is: BIOS runs on main CPU, modem is a peripheral and for 
all "free phones" doesn't even share RAM with CPU. We have a third OS on 
lis302, a 4th on camera chip, a 5th inside PMU, on PC we have one in HDD and 
one in optical drive. We have one even in SD-card and so on and on

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Re: the second operating system

2013-12-09 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 09 December 2013 19:32:28 Norayr Chilingarian wrote:
> There is an osnews article named "The second operating system hiding in
> every mobile phone", and I guess some people in this list may be
> interested. Not that we didn't know about it, just wanted to share an
> article with you.
> ry_mobile_phone

This article is of pretty poor quality and quite misleading. :-S

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Re: Fundraising for GTA04A5 has started!

2013-11-22 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 22 November 2013 18:22:40 thomasg wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
>  wrote:
> > Am 22.11.2013 um 17:21 schrieb Lukas Märdian:
> >> Am 22.11.2013 23:23, schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:
> >>> Am 22.11.2013 um 15:46 schrieb Pascal Gosselin:
>  What about GPS specifications ?  My company would have interest in
>  multiple units if the GPS chip was capable of 5Hz or greater updates.
>   Recent GPS chipsets all seem to have GPS/GLONASS capability, which
>  is very nice to have.
> >>> 
> >>> I think we can not easily change to use something different than the
> >>> WSG0084 using a Sirf IV.
> >> 
> >>> Unfortunately, the latest datasheet still isn't telling anything about 
the max. update rate and any updates in the firmware:
> >> On page 15 it says: "3: Defined as current drawn during continuous
> >> operation at a 10Hz update rate." Could this be a hint, that the module
> >> can actually operate at a max. update rate of 10Hz?
> > 
> > Unfortunately no. I also stumbled over this sentence but I think they
> > mean the update rate of the current probe, i.e. they did measuer the
> > supply current 10 times per second.
> > 
> >> Is there any GTA04 board, which already has a W2SG0084i installed?
> > 
> > Yes, about 50 or 80 (I don't remember the exact figure) since the
> > W2SG0004i was EOL and could easily be swapped. Unfortunately we don't
> > have a mapping to serial numbers.
> > 
> >> If
> >> so, we could try to query/set the output rate according to chap. 5 "NMEA
> >> Input Messages", using the message ID 103.
> > 
> > That one unfortunately only allows to specify the reporting rate in
> > multiples of 1 second, i.e. up to 255 seconds. But not 1/10 sec.
> > 
> >> Also chap. 6.2 "OSP Input
> >> Messages" look interesting, especially message 0x81.
> >> 
> >> Cheers,
> >> 
> >>  Lukas
> > 
> > Maybe someone knows a good technical contact to Wi2Wi?
> > I only have very indirect support though a distributor.
> I don't think that will help you.
> The interface is SiRF's protocol, not Wi2Wi's and no documentation
> mentions of a mode above 1 Hz.
> To my knowledge, no SiRF chipset has support for a faster rate (at
> least in the frontend, internally, they might).
> So for 5/10 Hz a u-blox would be needed (or a SkyTraq, which are
> available up to 20 Hz).

The question arises what for a update rate of >1Hz is useful anyway. Given the 
precision and jitter in GPS position fixes, a higher rate would probably be 
useful only for speed values which are derived from doppler effect and thus 
independant from the positions the GPS chip calculates. Given the assumption 
that the GPS equipment is mounted inside a mobile object to calculate data 
about that object's movement and position, maybe exploiting other generic data 
sources like accelerometer and gyro might yield better results when combined 
with a pretty standard 1Hz GPS.

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Re: First small steps toward free GSM firmware

2013-11-14 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 15 November 2013 01:59:10 Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 1:50 AM, kardan  wrote:
> > The following is more generally related to the GSM subject:
> >
> > very_mobile_phone
> I really don't understand this article. It's like it's some kind of
> surprise that GSM modems run firmware on their processors. It's so
> obvious, yet everyone seems surprised and shares this article like it
> was something insightful.
> Probably you know this, but I feel like clearing it up to some other
> readers that may be confused: This whole topic is exactly about such
> "OS hiding in the modem" and I guess everyone who was following
> Openmoko struggling with firmware bugs already know that it's buggy
> and probably not very hard to exploit (AFAIR even some pretty standard
> GPRS usage may cause buffer overflows).

Lastly, the baseband processor is usually the master processor, whereas the 
application processor (which runs the mobile operating system) is the slave.

Nothing more to say. This article isn't worth the CPU time to render it on my 

You can hack and exploit the baseband as much as you like, it stays baseband 
can can do nothing it couldn't do anytime on any location in the network.
IOW, don't worry about what's going on in your modem. It's even less 
interesting than what's going on in your harddisk of your PC. Since the 
harddisk could actually introduce a infected bootloader or kernel to your 
system, the modem is sth you rarely ever boot from. ;-P


Thanks Dos1! :-)
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2013-11-13 Thread joerg Reisenweber
just a little reminder, since it might have passed unnoticed by a few (though 
I wonder how that could've happened)

check out

It's GTA04's sibling

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Re: First small steps toward free GSM firmware

2013-11-10 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sun 10 November 2013 22:53:55 Norayr Chilingarian wrote:
> About wiki, first of all, we have new, legally free (in those repressive
> countries (: ) tool - the flasher. Secondly we have the alternative
> firmware _with_source code.
> I belive it worth to write there about free flasher, how to build it,
> and how to use it, not only with leo2moko port. The flasher can be used
> to flash moko11 too. Also, it worth to write there how to build the
> leo2moko firmware. Anyone may add whatever political concern she has to
> the same wiki page.

Absolutely. nothing wrong in instructions how to build and flash new calypso 
firmware. Just please don't sugest it might fix issues that users may conceive 
they have. Placebo effect is all powerful. And more users flashing new firmware 
and then looking for any improvements they might want to spot will result in 
more such reports about "new firmware improves XYZ" which agian pulls in new 
users tempted to try and believe.

By all means write instructions based on clear facts! We need those.
Sorry if I sounded rude.

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Re: First small steps toward free GSM firmware

2013-11-10 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sun 10 November 2013 18:27:45 Nick wrote:
> Quoth Norayr Chilingarian:
> > What I would write in wiki is step by step instructions how to build the
> > firmware, free loader, and flash it.
> > I don't think it can confuse someone in some way.
> > 
> > What about moderation, then, well, what you are saying is against
> > collaborative work, like it is in Wikipedia.
> > Everyone, by even not having Wikipedia account could go and write
> > everything he wants. However, as we see, there are more sane people
> > rather than idiots, and Wikipedia is mostly correct.
> I think Joerg was worried about you writing a page saying "this
> firmware improves power consumption" before more testing and
> consulting with more knowledgeable people. I'm sure we all agree
> that a place to discuss ideas and possibilities (as wrong as they
> may turn out to be) is valuable, but Joerg has no doubt been around
> long enough to have to deal with the fallout of those discussions /
> conjectures being left in places where people take theories that had
> been disproved elsewhere as fact, and shared the disinformation
> wider. Which ultimately can give a bad impression to a project, as
> well as bad experience to others.
> Which is a long way of saying: the mailing list is the best place
> for discussion, and the wiki should be reserved for things which we
> are more sure about. So instructions on building and loading the
> firmware would be fine for the wiki, but speculations about its
> power saving (or sms receiving) improvements are best for the
> mailing list. Which I know is what you suggested, but that wasn't
> clear initially.

!00% ACK, sorry if that wasn't clear enough from what I wrote. Thanks for 
helping me out :-)
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Re: First small steps toward free GSM firmware

2013-11-10 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sun 10 November 2013 18:03:36 Norayr Chilingarian wrote:
> I know, that people tend to make connection between events.
> I know, that often it is useful, and often it is wrong to make those
> connections.
> I don't know why do I see an improvement, and I accept the possibility,
> that it's because of other firmware.
> How can we know if it is? More testing, more users trying it.
> Try the firmware and write there your observations. Measure something if
> you can.

Pretty evil and rogue approach to suggest coming up with some nonsense that 
other more competent people tell you is definitely unrelated, and suggest other 
people should waste their time on trying to reproduce your findings, while you 
can't come up with any sane story why those "patches" or "fixes" you claim to 
see are real.

How about this: my last 3 firmware flashes were in the night between 3:00 and 
3:30, I claim this could mean something worth investigating and now I ask 
other users to get up in the night and reflash their modem firmware to verify 
they see more responsiveness in scrolling screens after that.

*maybe* you're able to get my point. And no, this is NOT about censorship, 
this is about taking care of OM's customer base, protecting them from 
suggestions to clean their device in dishwasher engine and the like.

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Re: First small steps toward free GSM firmware

2013-11-10 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sun 10 November 2013 11:15:22 Norayr Chilingarian wrote:
> I have documented what I have done, and I have a manual draft on my
> computer.
> If I can get a wiki account, I will add the information there.

A good example why we should keep wiki in moderated mode. All you could 
contribute based on your reports so far is mere random noise confusing the 
hell out of users. Neither #1024 nor SMS nor power management is *ANY* related 
to the modem firmware - you are *definitely* observing (and spreading as 
some random effects that have no correlation whatsoever. Now adding this to 
wiki would cause another few dozen (or hundreds) of users to eventually try to 
reproduce your "achievements" and add their own success stories to wiki, 
suggesting even more snakeoil and doing more havok to the system and the info 
As a general rule don't spread any info when you can't *teach* people about 
tha basics of that info - here: as long as you don't have a story which code 
in calypso firmware needs to get changed in which way and why, to achieve a 
certain improvement, youplese don't even think about suggesting messing with 
this stuff in wiki or elsewhere.

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Re: First small steps toward free GSM firmware

2013-11-10 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sun 10 November 2013 10:33:47 Norayr Chilingarian wrote:
> What's also interesting, I have an impression, that power managment
> works much better. With turned on gsm, it lasts more than 3-4 hours, as
> before. I'll measure how long will it stay today. But I already see it's
> becoming usable. Yes, I did not fix hardware. No, I did not enable deep
> sleep in /etc/frameworkd.conf. So I did not do anything to fix the
> issue.

Are you *sure* about that? Starting your room heating may already suffice - no 
kidding. Please don't try to outsmart the experts. #1024 been pretty complex 
and I suggest you learn about it before claiming moko11 has a bug regarding 
that. :-/

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Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

2013-10-09 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 09 October 2013 20:47:01 Fernando Martins wrote:
> It is laudable to have more hardware open and it would be "nice" if
> goldelico would release the schematics in source. But I don't see them
> has having such obligation neither I see any inconsistence in their
> actions or words. Goldelico has certainly contributed to the cause of
> open hardware and you are merely trying to put shame on them by
> rhetorical manipulation to force them to do something they obviously
> don't have to. It is your actions I don't find laudable. ANd causing a
> lot of wasted energy.

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Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

2013-10-05 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 05 October 2013 21:03:44 Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > But none of them is building modular devices. I wonder why.
> For the same reason they don't make their hardware open, for the same
> reason they don't make their software Free, for the same reason they
> don't want you to have root access on your phone.
> Stefan

Nonsense, read very enlightening post of Ian Sterling (Hi speedevil! :-D) 
somewhere in this thread!

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Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

2013-10-05 Thread joerg Reisenweber
on a sidenote: Was KDE no open source software when Qt wasn't FOSS (for those 
who still remember that time)?

In layout project files they might even be (C) non-free libraries for e.g. 
component footprints, which would *forbid* disclosing them to the general 
public. Is the hardware less open then? Should EE create their own footprint 
lib to be allowed to give the rest of the docs to the community, since without 
footprints in project file the whole project isn't open anymore?

I think sometimes it's pretty tedious to discuss hw subjects with people who 
come from a sw background. So I will stop contributing to this futile 
discussion now.

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Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

2013-10-05 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 05 October 2013 19:37:59 Bob Ham wrote:
> > Hm, I wonder what you want to prove?
> I want you to stop describing the GTA04 as open hardware.  You seem to
> be aware that there is a difference between what you describe as "open
> hardware" and what others describe as "open hardware" and yet you ignore
> this discrepancy and continue as if what you're saying is true because
> it accords with your own personal definition.
> I want to make it undeniably clear that describing the GTA04 as "open
> hardware" is wrong.

According to your own personal definition.

> What you're doing is nothing to do with open hardware.  The idea that
> you can pop some schematic bitmaps in the back of your manual while
> refusing access to the source files, and then rightfully label your
> company's product as "open hardware" is fallacious.
> Please stop labelling your company's product as "open hardware".

I seems that all your quotations and arguments refer to some form of licence 
finally. You can't request anybody who's disclosing his sourcecode to refrain 
from calling it "open source" as long as s/he's not claiming it adheres to a 
certain licence like e.g. GPL.
Same applies to calling a hardware "open hardware" as long as it doesn't claim 
to adhere to whatever open-hardware-licence (and heck, there are so many 
diferent licences like there are different open-hardware projects out there, 
see the wili pages you quoted).

Bottom line: when GolDeliCo's definition of "open hardware" doesn't meet yours, 
there's hardly anything you can do about it. I suggest you just check the 
particular project's licencing to find out about the details of "open" just 
like you have to do with every arbitrary other "open hardware" project. 

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Re: The "open hardware" phone project that's had the most interest

2013-10-05 Thread joerg Reisenweber
In the last 50 years I've seen only _one_ truly modular concept for electronic 
circuits that would basically meet the flexibility requirements you are asking 

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Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

2013-10-05 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 05 October 2013 11:09:02 Parchet Michaël wrote:
> Hello,
> Your free hardware idon't use the Planned obsolescence concept isn't it ?
> Thanks for your answer.
> Best regards
> mparchet

Now THIS is a good question! 
And the answer is: of course NO planned osolescence, we build that stuff for 
ourselves first and foremost :-) I want to *use* my device, once it's built, 
and I want to do that for a looong time to come.

(please read ! "jOERG" is my 
signature, I don't like to see it "counterfeit" ;-D )
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Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

2013-10-04 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 04 October 2013 19:48:19 Bob Ham wrote:
> You've previously said that the reason you refuse to release the
> hardware source files, making the device more "open", is because you
> expect money in return.  Are you now saying restricting access to the
> hardware source files is somehow a "design decision"?

Refuse? RESTRICTING access? Honestly guys, what are you thinking we are doing 
here? Does Nikolaus owe you something (more) since he already gave you more 
than anybody else usually does?
This is a project as open as defined by the author, thus everything that's not 
open/free is not open/free, and everything offered to the community as CCbyCA 
or whatever is a gift to community, with no liabilities whatsoever arising 
from that for the one donating it. Period. End of discussion. Do we have to 
feel bad about the decision not to disclose project files? Definitely NOT! May 
you _ask_ why they don't get disclosed? Sure. But don't _question_  the answer 
you get, and don't even complain when you get no answer at all either.

You're not entitled to anything.
NOBODY needs project files to use this product and make the most of it, in any 
way you like. You get schematics and component placement and technical manual 
and datasheets. And on reasonable request GolDeliCo probably will even hand 
out layout as a number of pdf files, so you could check whether it's possible 
to drill a hole at pos X-Y into PCB. That's it. Be happy or get over it.

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Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

2013-10-03 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Thu 03 October 2013 08:56:43 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > I know.  But I'm not talking about swapping the actual CPU or the
> > actual display.  I'm talking about swapping the "CPU module" or the
> > "display module".  I.e. create a standardized module interface around
> > off-the-shelf (i.e. non-standardized) components.
> Yes, there is even a standard for an interface between displays and CPU.
> Well, even two or three:
> > It would have its own cost (in money and in size), but in the long run,
> > I hope the benefits of relying on standardized interfaces would make up
> > for it.
> MIPI is already doing all this:
> Everyone is there, ARM, TI, even Apple:

Remains to annotate that all those interfaces have rather tough electrical 
specs, e.g. MIPI HSI (often used to interface to modems) has a max PCB trace 
length of 15..20mm iirc, among other requirements that basically forbid usage 
of any connectors at all, for sure the iuse of cheap connectors.

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Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

2013-09-25 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 25 September 2013 21:32:13 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Am 25.09.2013 um 20:45 schrieb Stefan Monnier:

> Production problems show almost immediately, even if there is only one
> person. And they show after making let's say 20 units. I.e. it does not
> need to produce let's say 1000 units to find real production problems. And
> if you produce 1000 and find that 5 are bad, you don't worry as much as if
> you have 2 bad in 20.

Yield of 995/1000? Amazing!! A Yield of 950/1000 is already considered good.
That's what PV runs (and later on production QA) are for, to determine and (if 
necessary) improve, and sustain your production yield. No users needed for 
that. Actually it would be a very poor idea to ship PV devices without tests 
to users and hope for them to find the "lemons".

> > Also, if you can upgrade the screen and the CPU separately, you might
> > attract a few other users, who aren't so interested in Freedom but do
> > like the idea of customizing their phones.
> That is a dream that is not realistic. Every display has a different
> connector (there is no standardization!). And every CPU has different
> signals and power supply needs. I.e. you can swap an OMAP3505 for an
> OMAP3530
> or an DM3730 but nor for an OMAP4 or OMAP5 or Snapdragon or i.MX6.
> Because they are not designed for this way of use.

Layman's idea of modularization, which never will fly in embedded. All the real 
progress made in embedded been based on new interfaces that were smarter and 
faster and smaller than the previously used ones. So it's like saying "if 
Industry PC Standard Architecture had used a standardized interface (like ISA) 
then Pcs had evolved faster and were cheaper than they are today". Actually it 
needed PCI since ISA wasn't appropriate for the next generation of hardware 
technology. Same with embedded chips, just there you have like 5 duzen 
interfaces, and most chips have more than one interface, SoCs have like 20 of 

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Re: GTA04-N900 vel. Neo900

2013-09-03 Thread joerg Reisenweber
just as a short newsflash: we got 258 votes-of-interest and even 30 that are 
willing to pay >=700EUR for a Neo900 aka GTA04-NeoN board plus housing and 
other needed parts.
Follow the hype at

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Re: GTA04-N900 vel. Neo900

2013-08-28 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 28 August 2013 22:21:18 Norayr Chilingarian wrote:
> Also, I believe many apps like GPS apps which use liblocation won't
> work, because liblocation is proprietary, and needs to be rewritten with
> the same interface. 

GolDeliCo won't ship the Neo900 with maemo pre-installed. We got (or will 
have) a fremantle porting task force at maemo community that does the porting, 
provides installable rootfs, and explains how to install and use the closed 
blobs like liblocation. Nokia "donated" maemo to community, and we had the 
permission from Nokia to re-use and even re-distribute the blobs since years 

While rewriting blobs is a long term minor goal of CSSU [1], we won't do a 
complete rewrite of every closed blob for Neo900 fremantle-port. Actually if 
we did, we could use any arbitrary hardware ülatform and just recompile the 
completely liberated fremantle for it. We wouldn't need a GTA04-N900 that's 
close to the original N900 hw-wise. The idea of GTA04-N900 is to reduce the 
hw-diffs to an amount that can get handled in kernel/drivers by patching them. 
You probably know that kernel and kernel driver modules are FOSS in maemo.

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Re: GTA04-N900 vel. Neo900

2013-08-28 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 28 August 2013 10:33:47 Paul Wise wrote:
> There is some info about how different Maemo (all versions) is from
> Debian in these files:
> These are derived from this data:

Maybe related resp helping: (NB that's not my POV, usual 
disclaimers apply), and

The maemo fremantle porting project is not targeted at creating a fork or new 
release of maemo OS, but strictly to keep compatibility from N900 to Neo900 so 
users can ideally restore a backup from their old N900 to their new Neo900 and 
the device acts exactly like user got used to. Also we don't plan to recompile 
the repositories with all the applications, and for the much needed core apps 
like dialer we even can't do that since they are closed.

However you're free to run any distro you like on GTA04 and GTA04-N900 aka 
Neo900, just the maemo community fremantle porting task force will not bother 
about "rebasing on debian" or whatever, the goals of that task force are 
clearly defined.


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Re: Battery graphs - was Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone

2013-08-27 Thread joerg Reisenweber
also check video bus. We know on GTA02 the display used iirc 20mA plus for a 
black screen. 

Oh and for the 1kR "termination", just driving high a dataline that runs to an 
unpowered chip will eat quite some current via clamp diodes from input pin to 
0V-VDD, often even enough to power the chip ;-D Called reverse feeding

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Re: Battery graphs - was Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone

2013-08-27 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Wed 28 August 2013 00:29:18 NeilBrown wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 09:46:12 +1000 NeilBrown  wrote:
> > On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 15:31:19 +0200 "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller"
> > 
> >  wrote:
> > > Hm. That sounds quite different from the situation about 1 year ago
> > > when you did the first releases of QtMoko and I always thought that
> > > the 3.7 kernel is working well enough, so that I started to add new
> > > features.
> > > 
> > > Has it become worse since then?
> > 
> > I like drawing graphs.  So I did - see attachment.
> > 
> > For the last year or so my GTA04 has been logging the power usage during
> > suspend for every suspend cycle longer than a few seconds.  I do this by
> > reading the "charge_now" value from the bq27000 in the battery, comparing
> > the "before" and "after" values, and dividing by the number of seconds.
> > 
> > I currently have my phone configured to wake from suspend every 5
> > minutes, check that the modem is still working, and go back to suspend. 
> > This has helped collect quite a lot of values.
> > 
> > To get the graphs I collected all those values, discarded negative
> > numbers (when the battery was charging) and a few numbers that were
> > clearly ridiculous (numbers more than 1 amp), and sorted the remainder.
> > 
> > 
> > So we get a cumulative frequency graph of different current levels.
> > 
> > The red line ('/tmp/uamp') is for the last couple of days since last
> > reboot. This is running 3.7 with offmode disabled.
> > The green line ('tmp/uamp2') is for the last year, running a variety of
> > different kernels.
> > 
> > Obviously there is a very different number of samples in each. 342 in
> > uamp 10031 in uamp2.  So I normalised the X values so the graphs are
> > comparable. They are much the same shape which suggests  the pattern is
> > fairly robust.
> > 
> > The Y axis is microamps.
> > The green values below 2 (20mA) are with offmode enabled I assume.
> > The red values are all greater because I have offmode turned off to
> > improve reliability.
> > 
> > The steps are a bit of a surprise.  They are all about 2mA.  I don't
> > think this is an artefact of the precision with which measurements are
> > taken as the charge value read from the battery has a much higher
> > precision.
> > I think it must be an actual 2mA difference in (average) current usage.
> > This could be 2mA more for the whole time, or 4mA more with a 50% duty
> > cycle etc.
> > 
> > So if we can make off-mode really usable (which possibly means find and
> > fix some bug in the omap usb code) and if we can find out what is
> > causing these 2mA steps and resolve that, then might might be a little
> > closer to acceptable power usage.
> > 
> > I might try running for a while with the modem turned off and see what
> > result I get.
> Here are results with modem powered off.
> 1/ The minimum current is higher!!! without the modem  at work. - 28mA
> rather than 24mA.
> 2/ The maximum is much lower. 36mA vs 97mA.
> 3/ We still see a 2mA step.  Most of the values are 30mA or 32mA.  A few
> are 2mA lower, or 2,4,6 mA higher (roughly).
> This is very strange.  The very rare high values when modem is working are
> quite believable.  The steps and the high minimum are harder to explain.
> Suppose some parallel bi-directional buss ended up in suspend with both
> ends driving outputs.  Suppose also that if they were driving the same
> value it would cause minimal current drain, but if they were driving
> different values it would cause 2mA drain on each line that was
> unbalanced.
> Then if the actual output bits on one side were random as we enter suspend,
> we would see a range of different multiples of 2mA in current drain.
> If this parallel bus were related to the modem, then when the modem wasn't
> in use we would see much less variability.  But maybe higher average as
> some bits might stuck on a "bad" value.
> Now there is a bi-directional bus between the OMAP and the USB PHY.  But I
> would be very surprised if both (or either) side were driving outputs on
> suspend, and I count at least 12 steps in the green line, so it would have
> to include the 8 data line and 4 control lines ... which is getting
> increasingly unlikely.
> I might be able to try holding the PHY in reset during suspend.  That
> should force all pins to tri-state.  However first I think I'll try 15
> minute suspends rather than 5 minute and see if that makes a difference.
> Is there another credible explanation for the 2mA steps?
> NeilBrown

check ULPI. also check the bus from CPU to musb core. And why would both ends 
need to be driven? In my book a 2mA is sth like 1.8V into 1kR termination, for 

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Re: GTA04-N900 vel. Neo900

2013-08-26 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 26 August 2013 14:35:50 Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:
> Joerg's idea includes full port of Maemo 5 (Fremantle) to allow N900
> users to have drop-in upgrade - just like now GTA04 is for GTA01/02
> owners. I think that can increase interest a lot!

Indeed I consider maemo fremantle compatibility a key feature of this project, 
since fremantle is proven on OMAP3 platform, both for power management and 
general every day usability. And userbase at maemo mostly expects 
We (would) need to adapt GTA04 to mach resp resemble N900 enough so that all 
remaining differences can get handled on kernel/driver level.
On an encouraging sidenote, we have already at least 2 volunteers for doing 
that kernel morphing, one of them even a ex-nokian kernel maintainer \o/

There are still some _severe_ issues that need to get evaluated/tackled ASAP:
*) instabilities/issues reported for GTA04, with power management and modem
**) USB / musb core in OMAP which is a greedy hog as long as powered.
*) camera (N900 has 5MP with autofocus)
*) N900 has 32GB eMMC
*) interfacing the flex circuit board (aka ribbon cable) connection to  to 
screen half, that also has ALS, secondary (VGA?) camera, proxy sensor, 3color 
*) component sourcing for speakers, antennae, et al
*) completely different charging (N900 uses bq24150)
*) AV-connector with auto-detection of headphones, headset, AV (maybe simply 
replace that in userland by a requester to pick type of cable/connection
*) audio at large, N900 has a quite different circuitry for whole audio, and 
fremantle has some nasty PA modules, some of them even closed blobs (XPROT 
speaker protection, some limiter/compressor/EQ/overtemp-cutout)

*)... I'm afraid there's more to come, that I don't see right now

Anyway, the general mood is best described by "extremely excited" and it seems 
it's maybe worth following this idea some further, even with the above points 
pending to get solved.


I hope I didn't state anything that Nikolaus will bash me for when tomorrow he 
reads all the stuff that happened.

The poll I added on that ^^^ thread on tmo however shows that 7/8 of users are 
expecting us to compete with Samsung for the price range. Well, that been 
expected. The resulting discussion is maybe helpful nevertheless.

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Re: GTA04-N900 vel. Neo900

2013-08-26 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 26 August 2013 21:47:08 arne anka wrote:
> the most striking part of jörg's n900 idea seems not to attract any
> comments -- he said, he'd know at least one company who would be
> interested.

Oh? where did I say this? Been a communication error. Or a complete storage 
dropout ;-)  Sorry both happens to me sometimes, so I'd really be interested 
in a pointer or citation.

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Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone

2013-08-26 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 26 August 2013 13:17:09 Radek Polak wrote:
> On Saturday, August 24, 2013 03:20:10 PM joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> > On Sat 24 August 2013 14:22:55 Radek Polak wrote:
> > > 1/ poor power management
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > > something. But i always worked in userspace. I barely understand kernel
> > > and i have no EE skills and equipment to contribute. I can contribute
> > > only as a tester. I thought that i will deliver working userspace and
> > > IMO QtMoko is very good at it. But without working kernel and HW there
> > > is not much point to improve it.
> > 
> > many thanks for this contribution, it's already a better help than much
> > of the discussion about what's wrong with our community and the GTA04
> > project at large.
> > 
> > However one remark about it: it's not that simple to blame kernel for
> > poor power management. What we learned from last maybe 6 years of
> > different OM distros and from maemo and mer and nitdroid etc is: poor
> > power management is way too often caused by userland, like sensorfw and
> > WLAN connection manager and X11/windowmanager and audio (alsa/PA) and
> > whatnot else.
> Yup, after playing with alsa settings i could save a few mAmps on GTA04
> too.
> > Often it's even rogue apps that do silly stuff like updating their system
> > status icon 25 times per second or constantly chatting with internet or
> > even just polling files when you should use inotify instead.
> > Kernel power saving measures are relatively simple to test and fix, and
> > usually it's not kernel to blame for abysmal standby time and/or
> > operation time.
> > 
> > To give you a simple example: on N900 maemo you have "scanning period" in
> > settings-internet, which makes device scan for WLAN APs only every 5, 10,
> > ... even 30 min. This is needed since the WLAN chip cuts thru the battery
> > in less than 3 hours when you constantly scan for APs. Clearly a userland
> > issue where kernel can't do much. Now you can start to blame kernel WLAN
> > driver for not doing proper powersaving but that won't help establish a
> > decently working usable OS on N900.
> I think in case of QtMoko on GTA04 we can blame kernel/HW a little bit
> more, since we are using suspend to RAM whereas N900 is always on (which
> really cool btw). So while GTA04 is in standby there should be idealy just
> PMU+RAM+modem turned on, everything else should be off. But something is
> wrong and noone has yet figured what it is. At best there is ~16mA with
> omap enable_off_mode - but then we hit "imprecise external abort" bug so
> currently we have ~22mA at best. If you compare this with GTA02 or N900
> it's really bad. GTA02 is 12mA and i'd say N900 is even better. Together
> with reenumerating modem it makes GTA04 barely usable even for a few
> hardcore supporters but unusable for normal users.
> Regards
> Radek

Yes, absolutely (I can't confirm neither deny your facts). N900 easily goes 
down to ~10mA in *standby*, see
and also

What I can think of are floating lines making chips eat more than they should - 
may particularly due to suspend mode.

Let's hope we'll iron that out during next few months

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Re: Reasons why people could be interested in this community

2013-08-24 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 24 August 2013 16:12:23 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > A word to Nikolaus: I'm a bit sad that you ignore the fact that openmoko
> > did  share gerbers, PADS project files, BOM, whatever, on request. We
> > shared everything, sometimes under a NDA when we had to do that way.
> Sorry, but I didn't know that until now. I just knew about the PDF
> schematics and the BOM and the 3D CAD data and the component placement
> plan.
> This was enough to start the GTA04 project, so I did not research further
> into what else would have been available on request.

Sure thing, and I wasn't to suggest otherwise. I also completely understand 
that nobody will hand out production process details to somebody who has not a 
single good reason why they are needed by him/her, except for cloning. When I 
get me an icecream cone at that italian guy, I of course won't ask him for 
every single detail of his production process since that's a rather bold 
approach. I can ask the guy about what components the icecream is made of and 
I'm sure he's happy to discuss the topic with me... Meh I digress. Nikolaus, 
keep up the good work please! Openmoko indeed did not *publish* the PADS 
project files, they got handed out on demand to guys we considered will make 
"fair use" of them. They had a story what for they needed them (master thesis 
etc) - nobody ever came and asked for our project files to start his own 
business based on that. And no wonder since it would've been extremely silly.

Anyway, to all those guys out there acting as if Nikolaus owes you one: He 
invested REAL MONEY (5 digits?) and MONTHS (2 digits) of his working time into 
bringing some good stuff to community. Now you come and say "that looks nice, 
please hand us the complete production process so we can do it ourselves and 
not pay anything to you for all your awesome work".

I really wonder what you think this project is.
Every other company would've kept the schematics closed and just deliver a 
blackbox product, and just because Goldelico opted for an open and public 
development process you think the money and time Nikolaus and co invested are 
legally the property of community now? :-o

A quite disappointing mindset which I detect here.

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Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone

2013-08-24 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 24 August 2013 14:22:55 Radek Polak wrote:
> 1/ poor power management
> something. But i always worked in userspace. I barely understand kernel and
> i have no EE skills and equipment to contribute. I can contribute only as
> a tester. I thought that i will deliver working userspace and IMO QtMoko
> is very good at it. But without working kernel and HW there is not much
> point to improve it.

many thanks for this contribution, it's already a better help than much of the 
discussion about what's wrong with our community and the GTA04 project at 

However one remark about it: it's not that simple to blame kernel for poor 
power management. What we learned from last maybe 6 years of different OM 
distros and from maemo and mer and nitdroid etc is: poor power management is 
way too often caused by userland, like sensorfw and WLAN connection manager 
and X11/windowmanager and audio (alsa/PA) and whatnot else. 
Often it's even rogue apps that do silly stuff like updating their system 
status icon 25 times per second or constantly chatting with internet or even 
just polling files when you should use inotify instead.
Kernel power saving measures are relatively simple to test and fix, and usually 
it's not kernel to blame for abysmal standby time and/or operation time.

To give you a simple example: on N900 maemo you have "scanning period" in 
settings-internet, which makes device scan for WLAN APs only every 5, 10, ... 
even 30 min. This is needed since the WLAN chip cuts thru the battery in less 
than 3 hours when you constantly scan for APs. Clearly a userland issue where 
kernel can't do much. Now you can start to blame kernel WLAN driver for not 
doing proper powersaving but that won't help establish a decently working 
usable OS on N900.

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Re: Reasons why people could be interested in this community

2013-08-24 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 24 August 2013 13:00:45 Bob Ham wrote:
> On Sat, 2013-08-24 at 09:56 +0200, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > > Why are you still a member of this community
> I want freedom.  I want a phone that runs 100% free software, including
> any firmware for component devices and also including firmware running
> on the baseband processor.  I want the same freedom for the hardware.
> The openmoko-community and openphoenux-community mailing lists are
> places where I expect like-minded people will congregate.
> >> and participating in this discussion?
> Even though I believe the GTA04 product from Golden Delicious is not
> viable, I don't expect it will be the last effort to produce a free
> phone.  Indeed, if Golden Delicious release the source files for the
> board, the GTA04 design could form a base for the development of the
> next effort.  I hope this will happen.

You say "gta04 is a fine basis to do further improvements but it's not worth 
getting the device itself".
That's insane. HNS and his small crew invested substantial time and *money* 
into actually *producing* a working device and all you need to do is buy one. 
This would allow golddelico to continue their awesome work.
But what you are interested in seems not at all focused on joining efforts but 
to "fork" and try on your own if you could do any better than Nikolaus.
I consider this rogue and silly. 
Plus you evidently have not the faintest idea of what's the real troubles in 
hw design and production, otherwise you'd not think you could do substantially 
better than goldelico. Every fool can draw up a nice (though most certainly 
not bug-free) schematics, and even creating a PCB layout is not that 
complicated, there are FOSS tools for that. The problems are somewhere else, 
and a project that considers PCB gerbers of GTA04 as an indispensable 
prerequisite for a new design, well such project is doomed to fail from 
beginning and I'd consider it detrimental to the actually existing and working 
GTA04 project since - even if not the manpower of those devels who focus on 
the new project due to lack of expertise and insight into where the major 
problems of any such project are - it however will deprive GTA04 project of 
possible customers that might contribute to GTA04 (and successors) with their 
money, if they weren't lured into waiting for another competing project 
started by a few guys who obviously think they can do better since they don't 
know sh*t about hw manufacturing.

my 2 ct about this weird arguing here.

A word to Nikolaus: I'm a bit sad that you ignore the fact that openmoko *did* 
share gerbers, PADS project files, BOM, whatever, on request. We shared 
everything, sometimes under a NDA when we had to do that way. And maybe you 
didn't know but Wolfgang pestered all EE pretty badly to allow community 
contribution, just we never really could come up with a workflow how to make 
such process work. The problem with that is the expertise of community 
contributions which take ten times the manpower of company EE staff to explain 
why it can't get done this way, than what company EE would need to come up 
with an own better draft for the same thing. 
OM been a company with "lots of money" so we didn't worry too much about 
community competing projects, and eventually I even convinced Sean and 
Wolfgang and others that no commercial competitor will snatch away and copy-
cat our product either.
Bottom line: to claim OM never allowed community contribution and never shared 
PCB or project files is pretty incorrect.

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Re: Releasing GTA04 hardware source files (was: community Digest, Vol 353, Issue 3)

2013-08-23 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 24 August 2013 02:10:55 Bob Ham wrote:
> On Sat, 2013-08-24 at 00:20 +0200, joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> > Can't you finally come up with some *suggestions* or - even
> > better - real actions that would help?
> At present the community is beholden to a particular company which
> produces something the community depends on.  That company has a
> monopoly on production within the community.  It does not share the
> source files for its work and does not allow others to contribute to
> designs.

stopped reading here, since obvious BS. Get your facts sorted! Stop spamming!

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Re. Building a totally new smart phone

2013-08-23 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 24 August 2013 02:04:45 Adam Bogacki wrote:
> I would like to add my vote to the proposal of a totally new non-smart
> phone.
> I think there is increasing demand for a secure non-smart phone.

There IS NO secure phone! See any of the dozen other mails in this very thread 
about that topic. 
Or rather, there's not even any insecure phone - means you can't make it more 
secure by reviewing the firmware of the modem, since there IS NOTHING insecure 
in the firmware. It's not like you could kick out any rogue hidden backdoors 
since there aren't any, I won't elaborate again why that's evident. There are 
also no flaws in any security related encryptions or whatever that you could 
in the phone firmware, since those flaws (if any relevant) exist in the 
spec and you need to fix both ends, mobile and BTS. And this still leaves all 
the other vulnerabilities of all public networks which always allow 
eavesdropping on a multitude of levels not under the control of the phone's 

Increasing demand for secure phone? I offer the only solution: adjust your 
habits, improve your knowledge. The phone is as secure as the user who 
operates it.

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: community Digest, Vol 353, Issue 3

2013-08-23 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 23 August 2013 22:45:05 Bob Ham wrote:
> I can't see anything that people will cause people to make that
> decision.  This is why I'm wondering what cause *you* see.  You said
> you're waiting.  What do you believe is going to happen?  What are you
> waiting *for*?  What is going to occur that will cause people to decide
> to spend money on the GTA04?
> I can't see any reason.  A train stopped at a disconnected signal light
> waiting for it to go green, doesn't make any sense to me.

What's your point???
Waiting is a sustainable and valid state. When you can't see any reason then 
why do you insist in any sort of answer from somebody else? I don't think we 
owe you something. Can't you finally come up with some *suggestions* or - even 
better - real actions that would help? Instead you perpetuate this moot 
arguing about if there's sth that can be done or if it's reasonable or even 
allowable to *wait* for 200 preorders, instead of simply declaring the whole 
thing out "of production" or "discontinued" as you seem to insist it is.

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Building a new totally free phone

2013-08-23 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Fri 23 August 2013 21:07:14 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> > I would be 
> > very happy to have a really free modem firmware on my GTA02 in the 
> > meantime.
> Then maybe you should try talking some sense into Joerg etc - maybe
> they'll listen to you more than they are willing to listen to me.

I wonder how a single brain can produce that much nonsense and be that dull. 
You seem a smart guy otherwise, so I really don't grok how you can be so weird 
in this single issue.
I told you everybody who been interested - except you - got access to the 
sources you're so terribly _not_ wanting (I wonder what now. Do you need them 
or not? And if you do, then for what since you already got the full radio 
stack which OM never had, and you're not interested in the AT interpreter of 
GTA0x modem but rather in any "UI" which obviously OM also never had). 
Everybody except you since I don't give access to stuff that's under NDA to a 
guy who's calling OM a bunch of rogue idiots and threatening to shoot me. Also 
you clearly say you're not asking for me handing that stuff to you (verbatim, 
see your prev mail) , you want me to PUBLISH it under my full name and stating 
loud that I don't give a flying F about the NDA contracts I'm under, thus 
ruining my professional career just to meet your idea of how industry and FOSS 
and community and the world at large works or should or ought work.
Grow up, dude! You're biting the hand that feeds you, like a rabid dog. Won't 
happen (again, recall glamo?). 
You're seriously blaming OM and its employees for not violating the agreements 
they had to sign (and believe me, we tried hard to avoid signing any such 
agreements, since OM was planned to be as open as feasible), to make the whole 
project possible? I honestly wonder what kind of mater is inside your skull.

YOU are not even worth this lengthy answer, and nobody else got the problem 
YOU have with OM calypso firmware sources, since everybody else asking kindly 
had access to all the stuff since 2011, and nobody found it worth doing much 
leaking about it. Since in some regard, the calypso firmware *is* OSS, it's 
just not FOSS.
Get that! Wrap your head around it. And stop throwing darts at my picture at 
your wall, you honestly need to find a new and better reason for living.

Good bye!

[ps: trying hard to not elaborate on a guy like you talking about morally 
correct behaviour, and about the paradox you're exposing there in just 2 

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: community Digest, Vol 353, Issue 3

2013-08-23 Thread joerg Reisenweber
could everybody please stop answering without checking and fixing the damn 
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