Re: [CGUYS] monitor suddenly won't work in new computer

2009-05-21 Thread Jeff Wright
> The light on the monitor no longer comes on when one tries to turn it > on > even when it's just plugged into the outlet and not connected to the > computer. Make sure that the power plug didn't come loose at the monitor while you were moving things around. Remove the cord from the A/C outlet o

Re: [CGUYS] I wonder

2009-05-18 Thread Jeff Wright
> Anyone out there on a politics list?  Do they ever break out into computer > subjects? On a political blog I frequent, the topic can change from a serious discussion on whatever the post topic is to discussions of Star Trek or SF in general, movie trivia, sex, zombies, cars, arguments over firea

Re: [CGUYS] How do I change the sizes pf the partirions?

2009-05-17 Thread Jeff Wright
> >From what I have read, M$ is not giving out much information about > what > has changed. Why am I not surprised? Results 1 - 10 of about 4,090,000 for vista disk management &ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1 H

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-17 Thread Jeff Wright
> Apple thrives by boosting their "profit margin." In fact if you look > at > the "I'm a Mac" ad series I think you will find that most of the ads > are > just about that -- how Apple boosts the customer's wallet. FTFY * **

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-17 Thread Jeff Wright
> In contrast I see M$ making its money by grabbing its customers by the > balls and making them pay. They hook businesses in with the promise of > low prices and big savings, insinuate themselves into the core of the > business, and then start making demands. Essentially, pay up or we pull > our s

Re: [CGUYS] Have you seen this net?

2009-05-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> When did you last see it? What do you mean by "stole it" anyway? > When did we have "our internet" that we now do not have and was taken > from us by illicit means? I have it. It's in my basement. The League of Extraordinary Robber Barons asked me to hold onto to it for a couple days while th

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> This suggests an easy solution for paying for current financial > bailouts. > Arrest several hundred multi-billionaires and strip them of their > ill-gotten assets, just like is currently being done with Madoff. That > should net a few $trillion in spare change. Without enforcement of > moral > h

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> Thank you. Why am I not surprised that I was being mislead? Gosh, I didn't memorize their founding date and they possibly made a profit 4 out of 144 years. Go on Tom, put on The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" and crank it up. You've clearly earned it. **

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> Objective commentators There is no such thing. What you describe are people whose stated conclusions match yours beliefs. See "confirmation bias." Also see "partisan ideologue." * ** List info, subscription managem

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> So we must wait for the crumbs to fall from the rich man's table? Mr. > Moneybags you are a real sweetheart. You must be waiting for the nice ladies down at the DMV to come up with the next technological breakthrough. Sure, I don't have a problem with the wealthy being an integral part of our e

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> The free market hardly exists for primary research; never did. Primary research? Define please. Private philanthropists donate their money to universities for research all the time. They like having things named after them, such as the Smithsonian Institute and Carnegie-Mellon. There's also

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> The NIF is an experimental > facility for fusion research. If it's successful, then energy companies will > profit hugely from research that they either can't afford, or are too > short-sighted to fund. I understand that. It's also a project that is: 600% over budget; 8 years behind schedule;

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> "Yet again."  Huh?; you had five posts this morning that all missed the > point - time and again. If you don't understand Mark, just say so. There's no shame in that. I'll put it to you another way: If you want science, go to scientists. If you want politics, go to politicians. Don't go to

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> You are happy when the government "leases" public land for coal, oil and > gas extraction and gets paid little of nothing for it, but when it acts > to promote a more balanced energy policy you act outraged. (I worked on > the National Energy Plan for close to 10 years so I do know something > ab

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> A marketing term used to promote anarchy and rule by the rich. "Free > Market" is what made Bernie Madoff a billionare. OK, so you don't know what it is. That factoid is a real time saver for me. *pssst* He got rich off of fraud. I tell you this so you don't go on being confused and embarrass

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> I guess we can count on Jeff's whimpering politics for two full terms. > And whining at Tom on behalf of M$, regardless. I guess we can count on Mark for missing the point. Yet again. * ** List info, subscription managem

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> I never understood how a project that is breaking new ground, doing > something that has never been done before, can be held to an > arbitrary schedule and budget. Has anyone ever done an analysis of > the Manhattan project for schedule and budget? I guess you can say > they met their schedule, a

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> The market didn't work at all. MS's monopoly prevented the market from > working. Without competition, IE was everywhere. When competition was > allowed, through lawsuits and legislation--not the "free" market--MSIE > finally had to compete with other better browsers, and was found to be > inferi

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> But ah, the money to be made in Miami SUPPRESSING solar water heating > was and is, HUGE and continuous; and concentrated solely in the hands > of The Florida Power and Light Company. IOW, the market was interfered with by a guvmint backed monopoly.

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> That's what happens when governments abdicate their responsibility to > govern. The so-called "free market" is full of such outrageous > examples. > Another one is the US nonexistent broadband policy. Please, enlighten us as to how a guvmint backed monopoly is a "free market." Are you sure you

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> Even when the politican appoints respected scientists and technologists > to fill science and technology posts? > > Maybe you are stuck in the past? The cons/neocons are no longer running > the show. Oh, that's right, I forgot that the *right* people are in charge now. No, no one will ever use

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-11 Thread Jeff Wright
> That EU lawsuit against Microsoft started in the last century when IE was > pushed onto Windows users and Netscape was dying because of it didn't have > that kind of access. Ten years later IE market share is down because IE is > an awful program and there are finally alternatives that aren't hid

Re: [CGUYS] external hard drives

2009-05-11 Thread Jeff Wright
> RAID is for uptime, nothing else. addendum: Excepting RAID 0, which is for performance. No fault tolerance at all. * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a membe

Re: [CGUYS] external hard drives

2009-05-11 Thread Jeff Wright
> What they don't warn you about in RAID school though, is that after a > failure, when the RAID is being rebuilt, your data is 100% vulnerable! > And this striping process can take 24 hours or more for large disks! > > How _likely_ is it that you'll have two failures in a row? Well, the > drives *

Re: [CGUYS] Revealed Truth

2009-05-11 Thread Jeff Wright
> In the previous 8 years not a single action was brought > by the government on this basis. That's a feature, not a bug. Oh, you mean that's a bad thing? Who knows, maybe they'll finally nail Apple for it's abuse of anti-trust laws regarding OS X and iTunes. **

Re: [CGUYS] external hard drives

2009-05-11 Thread Jeff Wright
> That is just silly. You must have never takes a statistics class.With > RAID probability of failure is higher and recovery is more complex. But > the bigger problem is that RAID does not provide any real data security. Yes, RAID is more complex and it's not fool-proof. RAID isn't supposed to ha

Re: [CGUYS] external hard drives

2009-05-11 Thread Jeff Wright
> RAID increases the probability of failure. Turning a machine on increases the likelihood of failure. > Two drives are more likely > to > fail than one drive. But not at the same time. That is the failure that RAID is designed to mitigate. If you have multiple, simultaneous drive failures, yo

Re: [CGUYS] external hard drives

2009-05-11 Thread Jeff Wright
> The RAID issue has been debated much on this group. > > As a former institutional information systems manager who oversaw RAID > systems, in my opinion Tony is right that RAID is not the best backup > system in this case when offsite websharing and backup systems are > easily available at at rea

Re: [CGUYS] Win7 Speed Improvement Was M$ B$

2009-05-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> PCWorld is the first to run scientific benchmarks. Three unconfirmed tests by some slacker are scientific? You sound like a fine, upstanding young man, allow me to tell you about a slightly used bridge I have for sale. Oh, and no they aren't the first; far from it. I linked to a "scientific"

Re: [CGUYS] Win7 Speed Improvement Was M$ B$

2009-05-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> Despite your ureasoned commentary, the text you quote makes exactly > that > point "faster for all sorts of reasons." That's the difference of > looking > at parts vs looking at the whole. This magazine's speed test shows that > as a whole Win7 is unimpressive. Guard, turn, dodge, parry, spin,

Re: [CGUYS] Win7 Speed Improvement Was M$ B$

2009-05-07 Thread Jeff Wright
Just for grins and googles, I did sample searches and found the following: Results 1 - 10 of about 4,350 for "windows 7 faster" q=f&oq= Results 1 - 10 of about 98 for "windows 7 slower"

Re: [CGUYS] Win7 Speed Improvement Was M$ B$

2009-05-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> You have a talent for missing the obvious. > > My comment about DDR was in regards to one improvement out of many. A > series of small improvements will add up: 2% here, 3% there, 1% > someplace > else... and the total can be 20%, 30%, 40%, 100% or more. That's how > the > job is done. You said

Re: [CGUYS] Win7 Speed Improvement Was M$ B$

2009-05-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> As you pointed out, testing used synthetic benchmarks. Vendors tend to > code for these well-known benchmarks. We expect real world experience > to > be worse. Actually, the expectation is that real-world results will be just be different. Synthetic benchmarks only measure what they were design

Re: [CGUYS] Win7 Speed Improvement Was M$ B$

2009-05-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> Writers in the tech press are stating frankly that M$ (lisp or whistle > here, which ever appeals) is continuing their trend of slowing > operating > systems. XP was slower than NT/2000. Vista is slower than XP. Now w7 > will be slower than Vista. My dog can detect trends this obvious! Time

Re: [CGUYS] Win7 Speed Improvement Was M$ B$

2009-05-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> Is this the best you could do? *I* don't have to do much at all. The question you should be asking, "Is this the best the reviewer could do?" > I guess it is tough not having right on your side. Very true, which is why the article comes off as so weak. Speaking of weak: > PC World's speed t

Re: [CGUYS] Win7 Speed Improvement Was M$ B$

2009-05-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> "Speed Test: Windows 7 May Not Be Much Faster Than Vista" > > faster_than_vista.html > > PC World's speed tests against Vista show Win7 is 1-4 percent faster, > below the threshold of human perception. Wow. They could

Re: [CGUYS] Need EMachine W31xx restore disc

2009-05-06 Thread Jeff Wright
>   A customer failed to make his own set, now his restore partition is > corrupted. > >   Need to purchase restore set for Emachine W3107;  W3115 and W3118 should > work fine (same MB and DVD). > >   As a last resort, I could put a commercial WinXP on it, but he would lose > all of his bundled

Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> But 3/4 of the day was M$ updaters running very slowly or not at > all. I should have been able to download the SP3 exe once and then > quickly run that on each PC. It didn't and there is really no excuse for > that. I've given you the fish and the net and told you how to catch the fish and how

Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> What patching system is that? Shavlik NetChkPro * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a member map, and more at **

Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> Do you really run around the office, stopping at each PC to run > "Start>>Settings>>Control Panel>>Automatic Updates"? No wonder you are so > grumpy. No, I use a not-free patching system that scans each system and lists what patches are missing on them. I can then push out patches, including se

Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> Clearly, M$ has managed to make updates such a tangled mess that you need > to install special software to manage it all. Not so on the Mac. Nope, but you do have to have more than a gnat's worth of gumption. Start>>Settings>>Control Panel>>Automatic Updates>>download but don't install. Whew!

Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> There always seems to be some excuse. "Everybody knows not to do this on > Tuesdays" or Wednesdays, or whatever. The bottom line is that I needed to > do something fairly ordinary and it didn't work and the reason it didn't > work was at their end. That's your excuse when you play in traffic at

Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> "Everyone" experiences that only if they get the computer that "everyone" > has. That has been the point, as I was all too much reminded of yesterday. No, not "everyone" Tom, just people who approach management of multiple computers the same way Chevy Chase approches a comedic scene. At the ver

[CGUYS] Study: teens kill virtual pedestrians when texting while driving

2009-05-05 Thread Jeff Wright ing-while-driving.html But, it's a pretty small sample size. Still, at least the deaths were virtual. * ** List info, subscription management

Re: [CGUYS] blackberry os

2009-05-05 Thread Jeff Wright
> I've got a pearl I've been experiencing problems with lately. I get > probably over 100 text msgs a day, lately I've not been able to send > MMS..I > get a clock symbol to show it's sending and it never times out nor > fail. > I'm going to call or stop in at a tmobile in a day or two, but since

Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-05 Thread Jeff Wright
> I said I was downloading from a M$ server. Where do you get Adobe in > there? Trying to shift the blame I guess. XP SP3 is purely a M$ > travesty. > I had no problems downloading patchers from the Adobe servers. Maybe you should have said that to begin with instead of speaking in code. > Ain't

Re: [CGUYS] Blackberry Curve outsells iPhone in Q1 2009

2009-05-05 Thread Jeff Wright
> I might go for an iPhone if it didn't come with such an awful provider > attached but I also like real buttons on a keyboard which most of the > Blackberries have. Not to mention a battery that goes for longer than 4 hours. I'd like to trade my 8700g in for a Curve, but I'd also like a 3G netwo

Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-05 Thread Jeff Wright
> The Windows patcher stopped downloading at the 10% mark and would not > resume. What "Windows patcher" are you talking about? Is this something that Adobe provided? As you so aptly pointed out, you get what you pay for. > I tried again with different computers and different programs, > but al

Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-05 Thread Jeff Wright
> I'm going to repeat myself. If he isn't willing to spend a bit more, > he'll > end up with an underpowered computer he won't be happy with. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. Most of the computers that you can get today are vastly overpowered for what most people end up using them for: word proce

Re: [CGUYS] First time computer buyer

2009-05-05 Thread Jeff Wright
> Additionally, > he only wants to spend about $400 or so for everything, including the > printer. He knows nothing of computer pricing, so this is not an > issue of wanting a Windows machine simply because they are known to be > initially cheap. I submit that this is exactly what the issue is an

Re: [CGUYS] Blackberry Curve outsells iPhone in Q1 2009

2009-05-04 Thread Jeff Wright
>>Funny, I though the Jesus phone was sending all those non-believers >>straight to Hell. > > Verizon is running a BOGO firesale on that model. Duh, what do you expect? So? If the iPhone is what someone wants, they're going to get it. The iPhone cabal has made it clear that price is never an issu

[CGUYS] Blackberry Curve outsells iPhone in Q1 2009

2009-05-04 Thread Jeff Wright 1. RIM BlackBerry Curve (all 83XX models) 2. Apple iPhone 3G (all models) 3. RIM BlackBerry Storm 4. RIM BlackBerry Pearl (all models, except flip) 5. T-Mobile G1 Funny, I though the Jesus phone was sending all those non-believers straight to Hel

Re: [CGUYS] Windows Vista out?

2009-05-04 Thread Jeff Wright
>> How do you account for that 1% market share while Apple increased to 10%. Is Apple now wearing the equivalent of a water-filled push-up bra? That number looks plumper than it really is. * ** List info, subscription manag

Re: [CGUYS] Win7 Harebrained AutoPlay Now Less Dangerous

2009-05-03 Thread Jeff Wright
> Why does M$ think it should decide what I want to do with it? Why can't > I > decide? You've always been able to. Just hold down the left shift key when inserting the media. It's been that way since Windows 95. * ** Lis

Re: [CGUYS] Windows Vista out?

2009-05-01 Thread Jeff Wright
> Please ask yourself why you reacted so radically? What is so > threatening > to you? Brilliant. I await your declaration of mike and I being in denial. I can see now why you play on Tom's team. If you can't dazzle them with bullshit, baffle them with bullshit. > Did you read it? You are mak

Re: [CGUYS] Microsoft DRM Infects FireFox?

2009-05-01 Thread Jeff Wright
> AAC is Apple's name for MP4. Yes, I know that. So, you just contradicted yourself; par for Tom's course. > Any questions? Yes, why are you so full of...never mind. * ** List info, subscription management, list rules,

Re: [CGUYS] Microsoft DRM Infects FireFox?

2009-05-01 Thread Jeff Wright
> Funny that all my iTunes stuff is either MP3 or MP4. Maybe you are > running ZuneTunes? Or are you flogging Apple for moving on to MP4 format? > Got those "MP3 FOREVER" bumper stickers on your car? Apple stopped selling in the AAC format? News to me and damned if I could find a single thing on

Re: [CGUYS] Windows Vista out?

2009-05-01 Thread Jeff Wright
> No. You've made, what is for you, the short trip from amusing to very sad. > > For an interesting take on behavior and self-righteous indignation; > Interesting that you chose to use something from David Brin, one of the most self-rightous and sanctimonious

Re: [CGUYS] Microsoft DRM Infects FireFox?

2009-04-30 Thread Jeff Wright
> Jeff's alter ego -- Joseph Stalin -- speaks. Off to the Gulag with you! Sorry Tom, I didn't mean to step on your turf. Go beat the help; you know how that makes you feel better. > Bad analogy. That's hardware. No, it's a market supply response in meeting demand. Should I go over it with you

Re: [CGUYS] Windows Vista out?

2009-04-30 Thread Jeff Wright
Grab the Release Candidate (RC) of Windows 7 on May 5. It's the last beta release before RTM (release to manufacturers) later this year. Use it free for 13 months. In case you're worried, I just took a la

Re: [CGUYS] Microsoft DRM Infects FireFox?

2009-04-27 Thread Jeff Wright
> Are there radio streams that use Silverlight??? Many radio stations > have > alternate streams. Silverlight doesn't work on a lot of computers. I'd > complain to the station and ask them to get something more widely used > for their stream, or to have an alternate stream. While I agree with you

Re: [CGUYS] Microsoft DRM Infects FireFox?

2009-04-26 Thread Jeff Wright
> Or does it demonstrate how little Jeff knows about Windows? You're on to me. I don't know about 2 obscure files. Game. Set. Match. * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, c

Re: [CGUYS] No netbook for you!

2009-04-26 Thread Jeff Wright
> Finally comes out? Android market share is shooting up like a rocket, > mostly at the expense of Palm and Windows Mobile. :::sigh::: Android netbook. Netbook. Like the subject? * ** List info, subscription management,

Re: [CGUYS] No netbook for you!

2009-04-26 Thread Jeff Wright
> Marketing people will tell you that having so many variations just > confuses customers and causes them to postpone purchases. It is the > same > problem that has slowed adoption of Linux. I doubt it's the marketing people saying this, since they came up with that nonsense to begin with. That s

Re: [CGUYS] APPL vs MSFT Stats

2009-04-26 Thread Jeff Wright
> Another difference between mac users and seemingly others...or maybe > it's > just Tom. For most users it's not about ideaology, it's about what > works. > For some, like me, I love my ipod touch and have little to no use for a > netbook. Others may have exactly what they want/need in that form

Re: [CGUYS] Microsoft DRM Infects FireFox?

2009-04-26 Thread Jeff Wright
> You installed it. I've never even heard of a 'MS DRM' plug > seem to > attract very strange issues. I've been running FF on computers since > it > came out, I've never had it install any extensions without my doing so. > > I've also never known MS to be 'stealthy'. Same here. I just

Re: [CGUYS] Latest Win 7 Hack is "Unfixable"

2009-04-26 Thread Jeff Wright
> >This is a non-story. > > I was wondering how long it would take Chris to do a Dick Cheney on us. OMG!!! Sum gai hax0rd 7 beta n' sed they cnt fix it!!! * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, pri

Re: [CGUYS] Upgrade MS Office from 2003 to Office 2007

2009-04-21 Thread Jeff Wright
I have seen conflicting answers on rules storage, but rules should be part of the .pst file. Mailing lists, if you're talking about distribution lists, would be part of the contacts in the .pst. The .pab (personal address book) file hasn't been used since Outlook 97/98. If you are nervous about

Re: [CGUYS] Upgrade MS Office from 2003 to Office 2007

2009-04-20 Thread Jeff Wright
Correction: that is .pst file, not files. There can be more than one pst file, but only if you create another one deliberately. > All of your data is contained within the .pst files that is your > Outlook mailbox.  Nothing happens to that, but you may need to point > 2007 at it.  You'll probably

Re: [CGUYS] Upgrade MS Office from 2003 to Office 2007

2009-04-20 Thread Jeff Wright
All of your data is contained within the .pst files that is your Outlook mailbox. Nothing happens to that, but you may need to point 2007 at it. You'll probably have to set up your connections to POP/IMAP and SMTP servers, so have tyhat info handy. I never liked the way that MS buried the pst fi

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jeff Wright
> Not everyone spends and > spends with the wild abandon of the cons/neocons. Right. And now Obama is showing them how it's really done. The neocons only had the magical war that would pay for itself. You know, an investment. > Clinton paid off > Ronald > Reagan's crazy spending. Actually, G

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jeff Wright
> -Original Message- > I know that has been that way since the late 60's. > > However you lumped three distinct and separately financed items into > one item and all three are funded differently. > > The biggest problem with SS is the number of folks funding it per > recipient. > > It ha

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jeff Wright nl.html Oh, and it's those damn tax and spend Republicans too. ;-) > -Original Message- > From: Jeff Wright [] > Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 10:07 PM > To: 'Computer Guys Discussion

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jeff Wright
> $millions: > > Year Receipts Outlays Surplus > - - --- > 1998 1,721,955 1,652,685 69,270 > 1999 1,827,645 1,702,035 125,610 > 2000 2,025,457 1,789,216 236,241 > 2001 1,991,426 1,863,190 128,236 > > The Fed was also in the black every year from 1920

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jeff Wright
> lets not lump all those together > > SS is supposed to be funded by the Social Security Trust, which is > mainly financed by bonds. There is no trust Rev. It's an accounting trick that moves the SS funds into the general fund and replaces it with an I.O.U. It really doesn't matter how well in

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jeff Wright
> That is not true at all. There is no reason why a government can not > run > a profit. Sometimes it does it directly by leasing the people's > property. > When badly run by cons/neocons the make a quick buck by selling off the > people's property. That is less good. The federal gummint has never

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jeff Wright
> Not true. If the economy picks up briskly those debts will be repaid > quickly. That's the point of making a good investment. That is fantasy. These stimulus debts will be with us for dcecades. TARP is largely a blank check that can be spent on whatever the president and the Sec. or the Treas

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jeff Wright
If the government does not spend, tens > of > thousands of businesses, (at least?) will close. > > OK, I'm done. You'd think that would had happened by now, considering that the bulk of the stimulus money will not be spent for several years. All we've heard is "yer all ginna die!" from our fear

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-18 Thread Jeff Wright
> >You of all people should understand the relationship between > >investment and future prosperity. I'll bet that Verizon did not > >pay for all the fiber with current cash flow. > > Of couse not, that statement doesn't make sense, we pay > for it with exisiting capital and loans like any other

Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> By Book cooking you must mean: anything that results in conclusions that > do not agree with your preconceived notions. Have you audited this course before? I see no need to bore you at the introductory level course. We're moving you right up to the advanced level course to take advantage of y

Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> You are reaching; your splitting hairs, fishing for excuses to attack > are evident.  Sheesh: "dedicated to weaselly ways." Are you applying for an internship to Weaselly Ways? We think you have what it takes. I'll just put you down for a "yes" on Book Cooking, but it's over-subscribed right n

Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> Time and time again we have magazines and blogs that tear down and price > Mac PCs vs. Windows PCs and demonstrate exactly that: comparable machines > have comparable prices. Yet the WFBs keep insisting that they are cheap > and that cheap is a virtue. So wrong and so tiresome. Only someone dedi

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> What do you want to call someone who gets involved in a highly technical > business in which they are going to spend real money without informing > themselves about the technology? > > I suppose some would gleefully call them "sheep waiting to be shorn." > > A good friend would say to them "Hey,

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> And your reference to the "sex offenders registry" was just innocent > elaboration? You really have to have a troubled mind to put those 2 unrelated statements together and twist that into gay bashing. Never mind that you missed my painfully obvious example of "guilt by association," which is w

Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> It is not nearly as bad as the WFBs campaign to discredit me by > insisting > I have an anti-MS bias. I have a cunning plan > I resent that intensely. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! * ** List info, subscription management, list ru

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> HOWEVER, what does gay bashing and general hate mongering have to do > with > computers? Absolutely nothing, which is why I said nothing of the sort. Oh right, I said something uncomplimentary about a gay man, who just also happens to be a corrupt and power-mad Democratic congresscritter.

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> There you go again, name calling and attributing to me things I did not > write. Sure you did. It's not my fault that you believe your own PR. I'm name calling? I hope that you have a doctor's note for your literary Tourette's. ***

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
>  These are the same companies that totally screwed up our economy, > are they not?  The ones that pay their executives and managers > millions upon millions in bonuses for shoddy work and negligent > policies?  Why be interested in buying cheap computers if millions are > going to be blown in com

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> Yes, the 50-cent screwdriver can get the work done -- sometimes. And if > it doesn't, you can always lower your standards to the point where the > 50-cent screwdriver is adequate. Low aspirations and ridicule of those > who say "We can do better" will get you through the day. I see you've upgrad

Re: [CGUYS] iTunes: Crap or not. [Was: Launching iTunes on Wind

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> Tom, I will grant you this.  Perhaps this should accepted as a list > standard. > > I would also suggest we proscribe the use of a dollar sign in place of an > "s" or "S" when writing "Microsoft" or abbreviating same as "MS".  As well > as any analogous abuse of the terms "Apple", "OSX", "Mac", e

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> If Jeff had his way, the stricter regulation would protect us from > defective software like the playground for viruses that is Windows. I like choice and the freedom to choose. You seem to prefer dictates, irrationality, demagoguery and fear-mongering. That about sums up your bag of cheap deb

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> After seeing the difference between cheap tools and professional tools, > I am not tempted by the cheap ones, because they caused me to start the > tasks over, or they broke when I needed to depend on them. And yet, millions of professional companies, including many in the Fortune 500 range, man

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> Sure, Jeff, but after using both for over 20 years, I've never seen the > "generic" PC-Windows that can hold a candle to a decent Mac. I would > never pay _any_ money for the Dell laptop my company provides me, for > example, and I use that at least 5 days a week. Good for you, Mark. Now pass

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> Once again lacking facts or rationality, Jeff resorts to ridicule. I thought your posts were set to that by default. Life's too short, beyond mocking your absurdist reality. * ** List info, subscription management, list

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-14 Thread Jeff Wright
> Then how good do you feel when you buy that store brand drug and open > the > package to discover a label inside that says "Mfg. by Dr. Tom's Drug > Emporium and Spa, Baluchistan, Pakistan." > > Interested in some low-cost baby formula "fortified" with melamine? > > Can I interest you in some d

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-14 Thread Jeff Wright
> What in heck are you guys talking about? I was hoping you knew. * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a member map, and more at **

Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-14 Thread Jeff Wright
> Would you pick a surgeon who was an idiot? Or for the WFBs: Would you > pick a surgeon who was an idiot because all the good surgeons charge > too > much? RAAARGH!! STRAWMAN CRUSH!! I know I'm not going to waste any more time than needed to deal with your asinine argument. There, I'm done.

Re: [CGUYS] Another new Windows ad...

2009-04-11 Thread Jeff Wright
> BTW, on the topic of cheating, did anyone notice that the good fellas > at > MS were just fined $11.8M for price rigging MS Office? I have a question: when you read articles like this, do you rub your palms together vigorously or is it more of a hand-washing action where you rub your hands over

Re: [CGUYS] Another new Windows ad...

2009-04-10 Thread Jeff Wright
> Apple is very good at business. They offer excellent products at a fair > price with enough cash left over for R&D. How much of the competitors' 1.7% > profit goes to R&D? Betty--Assuming Tom's claim is real (he misplaced his link to back this up, goshdarnit!), 1.7% is an average of ALL PC maker

Re: [CGUYS] Another new Windows ad...

2009-04-10 Thread Jeff Wright
> You have it backwards. $$$ doesn't equal quality. However, often it costs > more to design and make a quality product--and have money left over for R&D. No, I don't have it backwards; I explained as much. Please read again what I wrote.

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