[CTRL] Fwd: CFR National Security Council Members

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd

On Friday December 25, 1998 Reuters reported:

>Clinton Names USAID Head Atwood Envoy To Brazil
> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Clinton has named U.S. Agency for
>International Development (USAID) administrator Brian Atwood as ambassador
>to Brazil, the White House said Thursday.
> The nomination is subject to U.S. Senate approval.
> Atwood has led USAID, the agency that administers U.S. economic
>assistance around the world, since 1993. Previously, he served as a
>diplomat in Ivory Coast and Spain, and as Assistant Secretary of State for
>Congressional relations.

What Reuters didn't report is President Clinton and Brian Atwood are
Council on Foreign Relations members and the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) is part of the Council on Foreign Relations run United
States Psycho-Political Operations organization.

Hadley Cantril and Lloyd Free were Princeton University Social
Psychologists, researchers, and members of the intelligence community.
Council on Foreign Relations Member Nelson Rockefeller funded them to
develop psycho-political policy strategies and techniques. Council on
Foreign Relations Member Edward R. Murrow, would, with Rockefeller
Foundation Funding conduct a research project to perform a systematic
analysis of Nazi radio propaganda techniques and the political use of
radio. This study would result in a world wide monitoring and broadcasting
Government agency called the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS).

FBIS would become the United States Information Agency (USIA). The USIA was
established to achieve US foreign policy by influencing public attitude at
home and abroad using psycho-political policy strategies. The USIA Office
of Research and reference service prepares data on psychological factors
and propaganda problems considered by the Policy Planning Board in
formulating psycho-political information policies for the National Security
Council (NSC).

The USIA advises the Agency for International Development (AID)on the
implications of foreign public opinion for AID programs. Both in Washington
and at posts abroad, the two agencies work together to assure USIA's
effective support for US assistance programs, and conversely, to insure
that AID programs support US psychological objectives. US psychological
operations are  scripted, directed, and controlled by Council on Foreign
Relations members in the State Department, National Security Council,
Central Intelligence Agency(CIA), United States Information Agency, and
Agency for International Development.

The Council on Foreign Relations has only 3000 members yet controls over
three-quarters of the nations wealth.  Council on Foreign Relations members
make up a "Secret Team" that occupy the top positions in the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches of government; who control the
broadcasting and news agencies; who head the largest law firms; who direct
the largest private foundations and universities; and who hold top commands
in the military.

The Council on Foreign Relations has placed 100 Council on Foreign
Relations "Secret Team"  members in every Presidential Administration since
Woodrow Wilson. They work together to misinform and disinform the President
to act in the best interest of the Council on Foreign Relations not the
best interest of the American People. The "Secret Team" help carry out
psycho-political operations scripted by Council on Foreign Relations
members in the state department and the Intelligence Organizations.

The Council on Foreign Relations "Secret Team" is structured as circles
within circles. The psycho-political operations are coordinated by an inner
circle of Council on Foreign Relations members called the Special Group.
The Special Group evolved from the Psychological Strategy Board. The
Psychological Strategy Board was designed and run by Council on Foreign
Relations members Gordon Gray and Henry Kissinger. The Psychological
Strategy Board was established by an Executive Order written by President
Harry Truman.

Psycho-political operations are structured so  Council on Foreign Relations
sponsorship of an operation can be kept secret. The part played by a
"Secret Team" member is often kept secret from "Secret Team" members. This
allows the  "Secret Team" member to deny  participation in the operation.

The National Security Council was established by the National Security Act
of 1947. The National Security Council advises the president with respect
to the integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to
national security. The National Security Council is the principal forum for
the consideration of national security policy issues requiring a
presidential decision.

The National Security Council is chaired by the President. Its statutory
members, in addition to the President, are the Vice President and the
Secretaries of State and Defense. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
is the statutory military advisor to the Council, and the Dire

[CTRL] Fwd: [priory-of-sion] CIA,POS, intelligence gathering

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd


Jack wrote:
"Please note that Ct. Guelfi started his PoS activities at age 21 by
intelligence."  While some intelligence gathering might be of religious or
least nonclassified information, he gave us no assurance that the PoS does
engage in illegal espionage."

In reference to this an interesting book recently re-released by the
Croatians and written by Henri Pozzi in the early part of this century
titled "The Black Hand Over Europe" is worth looking at. Many threads to be
found here.There is a web site at :

Black Hand info: http://vukovar.unm.edu/~vuksan/blackhand/index.html

and another at :http://cronet.com/cic/blackh/index.htm
both have the same information. I suggest looking at The Constitution of the
Serbian Black Hand .

I posted this information earlier this month, Pozzi was a chief intelligence
officer for the UK during WW1 & 2. He seems to have keep tabs on secret
societies, the Mafia, political groups, ect. and their connections. Have not
read his book, but perhaps he mentions the POS or related facets.


To unsubscribe from this mailing list, or to change your subscription
to digest, go to the ONElist web site, at http://www.onelist.com and
select the User Center link from the menu bar on the left.

http://www.albino.com/circle/pos - - list of priory-related books,
associations, and websites

[CTRL] If HIV really causes AIDS, where's the evidence? / Medical fascism

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

The Register-Guard: Opinion: If HIV really caus 
December 29, 1998
Opinion: If HIV really causes AIDS, where's the evidence?
WHEN MY WIFE, KATHLEEN, tested positive for HIV in October, the sixth
month of her pregnancy, we were both stunned. Even more confusing was
that my blood tested negative for HIV. We have been married for more
than 10 years, monogamous, and never received blood transfusions. Our
calculations indicate that we have had 300 percent more sessions of
unprotected sex than the literature suggests is required for
Kathleen is and always has been a robust specimen. Neither of us is an
intravenous drug user. It was clear that what we had heard about HIV and
what we were observing in our own bodies raised profound questions.

On our doctor's advice, Kathleen started a regimen of a protease
inhibitor and AZT.

I hit the books, motivated to get a grasp on the science of our
situation and, as it turns out, the politics of the plague warriors.
After several weeks reviewing the ``literature'' disseminated by the
National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, I was angry. Nowhere was there any elucidation on a
causative link between HIV and AIDS. There were assumptions aplenty,
some obscure lab reports, but nothing resembling the precise elucidation
that I associate with scientific thinking.

I was not, I discovered, alone in my frustration.

Dr. Kary Mullis, recipient of the 1993 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his
invention of the polymerase chain reaction, someone eminently more
qualified than I am to discover such a document, was unable to do so
either. Dr. Mullis reports:

``I did computer searches. Neither Montagnier, Gallo, nor anyone else
had published papers describing experiments which led to the conclusion
that HIV probably caused AIDS. I read the papers in Science for which
they had become well known as AIDS doctors, but all they had said there
was that they had found evidence of a past infection by something which
was probably HIV in some AIDS patients. They found antibodies.
Antibodies to viruses had always been considered evidence of past
disease, not present disease. Antibodies signaled that the virus had
been defeated. The patient had saved himself. There was no indication in
these papers that this virus caused a disease. They didn't show that
everybody with the antibodies had the disease. In fact they found some
healthy people with antibodies.'' (``The Medical Establishment vs. the
Truth,'' Penthouse magazine, September 1998.)

Mullis goes on to note that to obtain satisfaction in matters pertaining
to HIV and AIDS one can do no better than review the literature
developed by Peter Duesberg, professor of microbiology at the University
of California, Berkeley. Duesberg has studied retroviruses for 25 years
and is considered by some to have the most brilliant mind in the field

Duesberg, it turns out, has argued all along that HIV cannot possibly
cause AIDS. His arguments take on the cadence and power of mathematical
certainty. Perhaps the most compelling strategy he uses to arrive at his
conclusion is the well known scientific principle which states that a
theory, in order to be useful, must accurately predict observed
phenomena. It can be demonstrated that the infectious HIV/AIDS theory
predicts none of the observed phenomena. (My own highly personal
observation corroborates this.)

There came a point in my research where I started to doubt our medical
establishment. Science and conventional wisdom appear to take divergent
paths. If Duesberg is correct, the American medical establishment and
particularly the Centers for Disease Control should start to notice a
substance significantly more repugnant than egg on its collective face.

We have an epidemic on our hands all right, an epidemic of bad science -
with legions of duped and/or unquestioning doctors of medicine as
co-conspiritors. This affair seen in all its stark ramifications is
nothing short of murderous fraud on a vast, global scale.

But I should perhaps return to my own story.

My failure to find any elucidation of the mechanism of pathogenicity for
the HIV/AIDS hypothesis, and my success in discovering conclusive
evidence of the powerful toxicity associated with anti-retroviral drugs,
persuaded my wife and me to abandon her therapy.

Compelling arguments put forth by John Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D., Dr. Eleni
Papadopulos, a biophysicist, and Dr. Roberto Giraldo, an infectious
disease specialist, which indicate that HIV is, at worst, a harmless
endogenous retrovirus, diminished our health concerns considerably.

So it was that our baby, Felix Hugh, was born at 9:55 p.m. on Dec. 7. He
weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was as perfect a little boy as anyo

Re: [CTRL] Arthur Koestler's ***novel*** The 13th Tribe.

1998-12-29 Thread Kenn Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

> This is an article that is not focused on Koestler's writings, but
> on his behavior. But do notice how The 13th Tribe is categorized by
> the Times.   --- Joshua2

That's "alleged" behavior--just he-said she-said rumors to sensationalize a
bio--and "mis"-categorized, since 13th Tribe is clearly not a novel. I ask again,
have you read the book? Or is belly-flop surfing around the web really the only
thing necessary to understanding this issue?

I think the removal of Koestler's bust from Edinburgh is criminal. Cesarani became
bent on assassinating Koestler's character because Koestler didn't fit his
expectations as a Jewish intellectual in this century. It's a pity that a CTRL
reader would repeat a personal smear like this instead of discussing the issue at

Here are some comments about the Koestler bio from Jim Martin at Flatland

"If the Revolution had been in Germany, at least it would have been a clean one."
-Arthur Koestler to Langston Hughes, Ashkhabad, USSR, 1932.

A new biography of Arthur Koestler, (The Homeless Mind) by David Cesarani, has
been published in England, to much fanfare in the press - apparently Koestler's
been accused of violent rape. "I always thought Koestler was an asshole,"
Alexander Cockburn wrote a couple of weeks ago, in a doubled barrelled blast at
both Koestler, and George Orwell, both of whom blew a few holes in the Iron
Curtain. (One reader wrote in reply, asking about Cockburn's father, Claud, and
his own covert history during the Hitler-Stalin Pact years.) Anyway, I'm wading
through this book, and will report on anything significant. So far, the book is
unavailable to the US book trade.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Arthur Koestler's ***novel*** The 13th Tribe.

1998-12-29 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

This is an article that is not focused on Koestler's writings, but
on his behavior. But do notice how The 13th Tribe is categorized by
the Times.   --- Joshua2

Times (London)   December 29 1998
Koestler's: accused of abusing women

Koestler's bust is banished from campus


A BRONZE bust dedicated to the writer and philosopher Arthur Koestler
has been removed from the foyer of Edinburgh University after female
students complained that it made them feel uneasy when they learnt
that he had a history of sexually abusing women.

The bust, erected more than a decade ago to commemorate one of the
university's most famous benefactors, is being stored in an
undisclosed location after women threatened to deface it.

Students demanded its removal when a biography by Professor David
Cesarani claimed that Koestler beat and raped several women, including
Jill Craigie, wife of the former Labour leader, Michael Foot.

The university said yesterday that the bust had been taken away for
security reasons. The students' union said: "There was a feeling he
should not be there. One day it just vanished from the foyer."

Arthur Koestler, who died in 1982 aged 77 in a suicide pact with his
wife, left money in his will to set up a chair of parapsychology at a
British university to investigate the paranormal. Edinburgh University
won the award and established the only institute of its kind in

Until details of his private life emerged, Koestler enjoyed an
unblemished reputation as an intellectual writer. He studied science
and psychology in Vienna before becoming a foreign correspondent in
the Middle East and Spain. His novels included Darkness At Noon and
The Thirteenth Tribe.

Just because some Jew writes something some religious bigot would like
to believe, that doesn't make it so. Koestler popularized the investigation
into the Jewish/Khazar connection in history and deserves credit for it.
But his conclusion that all western Jews are Khazars is wrong.

We're still #1 with BIG G. Yay!!!

To get good information on the subject see the Khazar web site.

To get stupid racist bullshit, see Jim Condit and Michael Hoffman.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-29 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

"Jim Condit Jr." wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> On Sunday, December 27, 1998 9:39 AM, KA [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > On Sun, 27 Dec 1998, Jim Condit Jr. wrote:
> > >over by the Roman Catholic Church . . . with the result that the world
> > >became civilized.
> >
> > THAT's debatable!
> Debatable, yes, but I submit we're coasting on the civilization brought to
> the world by the Roman Catholic Church between 4th and 14th century (one
> hundred years or so before Apostate priest Luther started changing the
> Bible which the Catholic monks of the Middle ages had preserved after the
> Catholic Popes (Damascus I to Gregory the Great) compiled and St. Jerome
> translated.)

I wouldn't brag about this if I were you. Non Catholics ( most people
exactly see this as a good thing.

> > Are you telling us you are against birth control pills, too?

> Absolutely. Better to call them birth prevention pills, or anti-baby pills.
> They do tremendous harm to women, too. This is where the many Protestant
> religions bit the dust (again) in following the demonic Margaret Sanger,
> while the Roman Catholic Church has been consistent and held firm.

They don't do tremendous harm to women at all. You do tremendous harm
women by spreading primitive unscientific superstitious bullshit.

> OK. I should have said that Adam and Eve were promised a Savior, and that
> the promise they passed on got distorted in many cultures up to the time of
> Noah -- but you have to sometimes try to cut these posts short when you
> think you've made the essential point.

There were no such persons as Adam and Eve for sure, and the existence
Noah is highly doubtfull. How do you feel about Mickey Mouse and
Duck? How about the tooth fairy?

> > >And those who believe that Jesus is a myth, might try to explain the
> Shoud
> > >of Turin, which still defies all explanations despite Ruling Elite
> attempts

The Jesus of your religion is mythological, but there was a real
So what do you do? You try to prove the myhological instead of the
How absurd is that?
> >
> > There are as many scientific studies debunking the shroud as supporting
> > the theory that it's Jesus' actual shroud...it all boils down to FAITH...
> I don't think so. They can't reproduce the shroud today, despite much
> high-falutin bunk that hopes you infer that they can. Also, the Shroud had
> certain pollens in it that were only found in the Mid-east area.

Superstition is a wonderful thing. It makes it possible to argue about
many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

> >
> > It is by FAITH alone that one is saved, not by turning THINGS into icons
> > and worshipping them...

People don't need to be saved for being born. They need to be saved
from the
insanity of people like you. Your glorious history is an example of

> It is blasphemy to believe that the Holy Ghost
> inspires dozens of "churches" which contradict themselves on the most basic
> points, such as what it takes to be saved. God is truth, and not a bundle
> of contradictions. One Faith, one Church, one magisterial voice, one flock,
> one Shepherd.

And one crock.

> > >Incorruptibles, (see book by Joan Carroll), etc. and so on. As Joe
> Sobran
> > >said, if you think that Jesus was a hoax, consider that His words are
> still
> > >be quoted 2000 years later ---

They weren't his words. They are words made up by some guys who wanted
invent a religion, and attributed them to him.

> >
> > And how long have the Buddha's words been quoted...or those of the
> > Hindus...or of Confuscius, or Lao-Tze?  All those religions have been
> > around much longer than Christianity...
> >
> Good point. But I believe all those religions are based on real men, not on
> hoaxes. It's only Christ that claims to have risen from the dead. The
> others didn't dare, or didn't think to make such claims. :^)Jim Condit
> Jr.
> >
> > June

Because they weren't so stupid as to claim the impossible as was done
for the mythological Jesus.

"And it came to pass that in the last days catatonics
roamed the earth, and great monsters ruled the masses."
  Joshua II 

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Re

[CTRL] "Catch 22" Is Tentative Reply From Finland

1998-12-29 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 12/29/98) -- In early  November  of 1998 this news service
sent an urgent "S.O.S." to Finland, requesting  political  asylum
for  the editor in that northern land.  Many good Finlanders have
responded to the request, offering assistance.

This news service has  received  information  that no less august
personages than Bill and Hillary  Clinton,  president  and  first
lady  of  the  United  States,  had  noticed our previous "S.O.S.
Finland" with some interest.

Many readers of CONSPIRACY NATION NEWS SERVICE (CNNS) had quietly
contacted us.  Citizens of the USA, they were most interested  in
the  progress  of  the  appeal;  they also thought along the same
lines:  that the opportunity to flee the United States would soon

The tentative, apparently unofficial response  from  Finland  has
been enigmatic, much like the Finns themselves.

Communiques received from Finland thus far are reminiscent of the
tautology expressed in Joseph Heller's  novel,  "Catch  22".   In
that  novel,  Captain  Yossarian  wanted  to  get  a  psychiatric
deferment  so  he  could  avoid  further  dangerous  World War II
bombing missions.   But  the  "catch"  was  that  since Yossarian
wanted to get out of it, then *ipso facto* he must not really  be
"crazy."  If, on the other hand, Yossarian =did= want to continue
endangering  his life with more missions, then that would mean he
=was= "crazy."  Yet Yossarian would never request deferment if he
wished to continue his hazardous  duty, hence his deferment could
not be processed.  That was the CATCH:  "Catch 22."

The tentative, apparently unofficial response  from  Finland  has
invoked  a  similar tautology:  (1) since the editor has not been
rounded up and sent  to  a  concentration  camp, then there is no
need to extend political asylum; (2) if the editor is rounded  up
and  put in a concentration camp, then he qualifies for political
asylum in Finland (but since he's in a concentration camp, he has
no way to emigrate to Finland.)

The  editor of CNNS is seeking to convince the Finns that if they
were to grant political asylum to him, such a good act would have
positive  benefits  to  the  nation  of  Finland.   The  implicit
connection in such an event would be:  What nation is BETTER than
the USA?  Finland.  The CNNS editor escaped to there.  This would
be good worldwide public relations for Finland.

The Finns need not fear that, were they to grant political asylum
to the CNNS  editor,  they  would  be  besieged  by requests from
others for similar political asylum.  Finland could merely  claim
that  the  CNNS  editor,  a  pioneering crusader with a worldwide
audience, was a special instance.

To  restate  the case:  This editor has made vigorous attempts to
inform the American people about  the incessant operations of the
U.S. MILTARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.   Over  $500  million  worth  of
missiles  was  recently rained on Iraq.  That attack accomplished
nothing  and  even  worsened  the  situation  --  except  for one
all-important accomplishment:  depletion of weapons  inventories.
In  fact,  the whole purpose of the IRAQIANA DRAMA was none other
than to deplete said weapons inventories  so as to churn out more
orders  for  more  weapons,   thereby   profiting   the   weapons
manufacturers.  Yet despite my efforts, the American people sleep
and  care  nothing except for "Furby" toys.  This editor believes
that a  dramatic  ESCAPE  TO  FINLAND  will  serve a HUMANITARIAN
interest.  Continued reports  by  this  news  service,  based  in
Finland, could add sufficient leverage that the people of America
would  finally  "get  it"  and ask, "WHY NO QUESTION ON IF WE CAN
Finland.  The effect of a political emigrant,  divorcing  himself
from the USA "land of milk and honey," would inherently call into
question  a mythology that "no one escapes from America" and thus
undermine  a  political  hegemony  that  threatens  even  FINLAND

There is no need to fear that the CNNS  editor,  as  a  political
emigrant,  would  bother  to criticize Finland herself.  His true
love -- first, last, and always -- is the United States.  How can
it be that the CNNS  editor  loves America yet criticizes her and
wishes to escape from her?  Read Nelson Algren's book,  "Chicago:
City  on the Make."  The CNNS editor is not in the same league as
Nelson Algren.  But read what Algren says.  Algren loved Chicago.
He wrote that it was because  he loved Chicago that he criticized
her.  And Algren finally left Chicago for good -- but  his  heart
never  left  the  city he loved.  The CNNS editor will be a "good
citizen" of Finland, but he can  never love her like he loves his
former homeland. And so, Finland will not be criticized.

Please respond, Finland. Time grows short.

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

[CTRL] Euro Pathologies

1998-12-29 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

Eurosociololgical Conniptions.


PROPERTY developers are at work throughout the Brandenburg lake district
grafting new housing estates on to run-down villages, putting up
hypermarkets, creating a dozen satellite townships in a web around the once
and future German capital of Berlin.
The political effects of this building boom are well known. Construction
companies can only meet their tight deadlines if they run round-the-clock
shifts. German workers are too expensive, so the environs of Berlin are
being pieced together by cheap Ukrainians, Poles, the British and the Irish.
The local youth, with official unemployment rates of 20 or more per cent -
and real rates at 30 per cent - are turning on the foreigners. Black Britons
in particular have been beaten up, even crippled by these resentful thugs.
Vietnamese, shrewd traders who are making fortunes selling cheap cigarettes,
have been set on fire. This is no longer the region celebrated by the
novelist, Theodor Fontane, or Johann Sebastian Bach: today the Brandenburg
concertos resonate to dark chords.
All this anger, bottled in over the winter like a potent home brew, is
likely to explode next year. The critical questions are whether and when the
anger will be directed at the euro, whether the far-right parties will be
able to mop up the discontent in the east and channel it, in time perhaps
for June's European elections, against the new currency.
The National Party of Germany, the Republicans and the German People's
Union - which whipped up more than 13 per cent of the vote in Saxony Anhalt
last autumn after a mere three-week campaign - are positioning themselves
for a euro protest. For the past year their demonstrators have brandished
"save the mark" placards along with a more obvious "foreign criminals go
Partly this is tactical: it is more respectable in German political culture
to be patriotically in favour of the mark than to be openly racist. Partly
it reflects a genuine division within German society. Popular approval for
the euro is creeping up - it has just edged above 50 per cent - but in the
east nobody is budging. More than half of east Germans are firmly against
the euro, only a third are in favour.
The mark was a symbol of unity. It was a promise from the west that it would
share its prosperity with the east. The decision to adopt the euro is
regarded as western diktat. Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, of the Allensbach
opinion survey institute, gives a clue as to how disenchantment with the
west has taken root.
Her latest poll, conducted last September, asks Germans: "Do you believe
that west Germans want to help the east?" Only 32 per cent of east Germans
held this opinion and 47 per cent firmly disagreed. Eastern Germans are
probably right to be wary of the euro.
The new common currency will expose the inefficiency of rustbelt industries.
Naturally old communist plants have been closed down or remodelled and
modernised - but shipyards and heavy industry can still barely survive
without heavy subsidies from Bonn and Brussels.
It is reasonable to assume that the first, or at least a significant, victim
of economic and monetary union will be Germany, saddled with its high labour
and welfare costs. East Germans know exactly what is coming: foreign direct
investment has been leap-frogging over eastern Germany into western Poland,
which is growing visibly richer by the day.
Here, then, is the witches' brew. There will be a tension between a Germany
perceived by its neighours as being rich - and obliged in a full monetary
union to make transfer payments to the impoverished south - and yet
perceiving itself as a land of spreading poverty.
This is a classic trawling ground for the fishermen of the far Right,
comparable to the recruiting atmosphere of the 1930s. And so, at precisely
the moment when Europe is supposed to be integrating more closely, the
divisions between East and West will become more apparent.
Even the proponents of the euro see it as a modernising device - look how it
helped to keep budgets under control - and accept that monetary union could
become a scapegoat. Necessary reforms of Germany's labour costs will be
blamed squarely on EMU institutions rather than on the German Government.
The German resistance to the euro is not confined to the east. Nor is it the
exclusive catchment area of the far Right. Pensioners remain nervous -
though notably less so since the accession of a Social Democratic
Government - and so do small businesses. It is precisely the small and
medium-sized company, making up the so-called Mittelstand, which is supposed
to generate jobs, specially in the east.
The trend of big business in "euroland" is already clear: towards mega
mergers that end up with job cuts. Yet small business in the east was led to
believe that the euro would be as strong as the mark. The new Government
preaches a soft euro, the European Central Bank a hard one: the confusion is
destroying t

[CTRL] No longer in services

1998-12-29 Thread Bill Burke

 -Caveat Lector-

  Thanks for the information that you supply.  I am living the inet for
a while and no longer need for you information CTRL.
Bill Burke

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Re: [EWAR] Re: [MC] Re: HAARP Re:Persinger

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd

I have to disagree on Edison, he was a firm believer in DC voltage (maybe
he had some other ideas before his time.)  It was Tesla who was a proponent
of Alternating Current.

There are without a doubt natural rythms to music that can "stir the soul".
 In the filming of "Doctor Zhivago", Spanish authorities under Franco, were
dispatched to monitor the filming of several marching scenes and take notes
on who was singing "Das Kapital" with the vigor of marxists, or their
allies.  Music is primal, it can to some extent manipulate a crowd, or
influence mood, but not on a scale that some technology can potentially

Advanced special effects in movies have evolved as our society has moved
from a visceral- seperation from the movies, to actually being a
"bystander" in the action.  For example the progression from Psycho, where
the violence was inferred, to A Nightmare on Elm Street, or Halloween-
where the violence is gruesome for soley a gratuitus reason, BUT IT SELLS.
Imagination is gone in the group we call- Generation X; how many of them
can find humor in a non-colorized version of Laurel and Hardy.

Ever have an MRI?  there are a LOT of people who suffer panic attacks when
inside of one.  I just got irritated at them bothering me all of the time
when they were asking me.

Brain implants wander into a gray area that really needs close scrutiny,
because there may come a time when it is routine for a kid who may be
diagnosed with A.D.D. (incorrectly at that), who has an implant to control
his behavior.  Why not routinely implant the same devices into all children
who are not of the "chosen class" so that they will be able to be controlled?

Sex sells, it just does.  Is this harmful manipulation?  Some would say so
based on the fact that what our perceptions of beauty seem to be, like Kate
Moss- "heroin druggie chic".

Often it is not a matter of ethics of the researcher, as many of them see
research as just that- research, neither good, nor bad.  The larger
question would regard those who would administer it, or arbitrarily decree it.

At 12:18 PM 12/29/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Gordon Tibbles wrote:
>> Read my original post.  That he would recognize the danger and still
>> experimentation is unconscionable.  There is no "safe" level and even if
there were,
>> the modulation to set up a specific field pattern within the brain has
>> application to initiate and sustain MC.
>Is this true of Edison's programs for wiring countries for electricity?
>Is this true of the marches of John P. Sousa?
>Is this true of Wagner's "Ring Series" operatic works?
>Is this true of advanced *special effects* in motion pictures?
>Is this true of the developers of diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging?
>Is this true of the physicians developing brain implants to improve the
lives and function
>those suffering from Parkinson's disease?
>Is this true of advertisers using sexual iconography to sell their products?
>Could you give us some examples of several neuroscientists who study brain
function whose
>work and personal ethics you would not attack?
>If you were asked to advise a committee that
>approves research projects that involve brain stimulation of human
subjects, could you lay
>a set of criteria that should be followed?
>Gene Johnson
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-Wes Thom

Re: [CTRL] Who said the African AIDS crisis is part of a conspiracy?

1998-12-29 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

>  Elizabeth Chidonza, an AIDS-education worker in Cape Town, said she has
>twice had condoms break during sex. Her boyfriend is not infected with the
>AIDS virus, but she is. She is both afraid of infecting him and afraid he
>would beat her if she did.

What the hell is WRONG with this woman?  Why is she having sex with
someone who she's afraid would beat her -- for ANY reason?

>  As a result, he said, "I don't think there's a plot to dump substandard
>goods on Africa, but I'm sure there are individuals planning to dump their bad
>merchandise anywhere they can get away with it."

Seems to me I remember the Clintons went on a much-touted trip to Africa
recently, which was purported to be for the purpose of 'opening up the
African market'...


   Ring out the old, ring in the new,
 Ring happy bells, across the snow;
 The year is going, let him go;
   Ring out the false, ring in the true.

 -- Tennyson:  In Memoriam

revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

1998-12-29 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 29 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Lilke it, I like it !!
>For once can say, no way !  hehehe !  Okay, so I'm a rebel at heart
>but then spent (lived) in Maine too long.  Suits the downeast Yankee part of
>Go for the gusto

Uhhh...care to elucidate?

(For the rest of the list, THIS New England Yankee has NO idea what Lynne
is babbling about.)


   Ring out the old, ring in the new,
 Ring happy bells, across the snow;
 The year is going, let him go;
   Ring out the false, ring in the true.

 -- Tennyson:  In Memoriam

revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
 email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
 terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [priory-of-sion] The Hanover connection

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd

From: Kate Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is a repost, so apologies to all those who may have read this
before, but I thought some of the later arrivals might be interested in
a sidelight on the choice of the Elector of Hannover in 1714...

A bit more genealogy...  (and the Cecils, again...)

There is a kind of assumption made by many that the accession to the
combined thrones of Britain in 1714 of the House of Hanover was a kind
of mistake - a blip, if you like - and that the true bloodline continued
in the exiled Stuarts and was lost to the royal house of Britain.

However, however undesirable the Hanoverians were individually, their
claim to the throne was not at all spurious, and I think it's worth
looking at in a bit more detail:

Charles I Stuart was never really intended to become King - the first
son of James VI and I was Henry Frederick, who died tragically in 1612
at the age of eighteen, a beautiful, intelligent, energetic young man.
Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, James' chief minister, had also died
earlier in 1612, but not before setting in motion the plans for the
marriage of James' daughter Elizabeth to the young Elector Palatine,
Frederick of Nassau, the most eligible Protestant Prince in Europe.

The wedding of Elizabeth and Frederick in 1613 was one of those extended
fabulous Renaissance feasts, and notably infused with Rosicrucian and
other Hermetic symbolism.  The pair returned home to Heidelberg, a great
centre of artistic and scientific culture, where many of the Rosicrucian
and allied texts were published.  They were both highly educated and
deeply interested in such matters, but the tide of history was set
against them - Frederick accepted the electoral crown of Bohemia in
1620, and was defeated utterly by Catholic forces at the battle of the
White Mountain near Prague.  Heidelberg was sacked and the Biblioteca
Palatina carried off to Rome.  And Frederick and Elizabeth went into
exile, becoming known as the Winter King and Queen.

So far, the Catholics are winning all down the line (and just what was
in the Biblioteca Palatina?  Much of it is still buried in the depths of
the Vatican...)

But Elizabeth was determined to do her best - she had twelve children,
among them the wrong but wromantic Rupert of the Rhine, who fought for
his uncle Charles in the English civil war.  That they all received an
unusual education is clear from some of the family portraits - recently
on view in Edinburgh - notably that of their eldest daughter, Elizabeth,
who is painted wearing the strange pointed hat of a sybil, who
corresponded with Descartes, was an astronomer and a mathematician, and
became the (protestant) abbess of Herford.  The Winter Queen's twelfth
child was Sophia (an interesting name), who married Ernst Augustus of
Brunswick-Lueneburg, later Elector of Saxony, and whose child was
George, later George I of Britain.  By an odd coincidence, George was
born in 1660, the year of Charles II's Restoration.

Now, I don't know about the Priory and the Pope, and I know even less
about the Templar/Rosicrucian/Freemasonry links.  However, since we
accept that lineage through the mother is as valid as lineage through
the father (don't we?), I submit that, far from the usual image of
Protestant ministers scrabbling around for a suitable non-Catholic
successor to childless Queen Anne, and lighting on a distant German
cousin, that this was a well-thought out and long-meditated plan.  The
Stuarts had simply run out of gene-steam, and I think this had been
clear at least since 1612.  And Some People were looking for new and
vigorous blood.  I don't think they quite managed it - where did that
porphyria gene come from?

Anyway, food for thought, perhaps...

By the way, I'd just like to compliment Tim on his seriously impressive
genealogical research - how poor Michael can hold up his head is beyond
me...  why does Gardner persist, if all that side of his thesis can be
disproved so thoroughly?
Kate B


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http://www.albino.com/circle/pos - - list of priory-related books,
associations, and websites

[CTRL] Fwd: Irak protest: how voices are silenced in France

1998-12-29 Thread EASTERISLE

Some interesting info forwarded by an activist in France...


Equilibre was one of the most famous humanitarian association. It became
famous during the
Bosnian War being one of the only organisation courageous enought to
force the blocus imposed
by the Serb (with the passivity of the West and the complicity of
several countries, especially
France -this was Mr Mitterand- and England). In February 1998 in Le
Monde, the most famous
French newspaper, thepresident of Equilibre Mr Gilbert, back from Irak,
stated that the embargo
killed more than one million Irakian, mainly children, and suggested to
put a claim on international
court for Genocide.
Today, Equilibre is bankrupted. I have no data that can allow to put
this two fact in relation.
But I think it is that we have to do. Mr Clinton being a sexual maniac
is possibly not enought a
reason to impeach him. But Irak definitely is. 1.500 000 deaths, not
soldiers mainly children and eldery
people and because of total embargo sanctions (slightly released in
1995) is a CRIME.
This has to be investigated by competent and independant jurits,
document and testimony has to be studdied
and a law process has to be held.
Are our leaders not possibly better than Nazi. Did they commited a
genocide by means of imposing an embargo on food
against a desertic country because they did not like Saddam hussein ?
There is no time limit for judging a genocide crime. Together with
trying to have this useless and cruel embargo lifted
American patriots should quietly gather facts and data, collect monney
and work with lawyers to inculp our leader
of genocide facing the same tribunal that are now facing the Bosno
Serbian butcher.
It is my belief  that in no country in the world today but the USA,
there is the drive and the energy to do that.

Equilibre was one of the most famous humanitarian association. It became
famous during the
Bosnian War being one of the only organisation courageous enought to
force the blocus imposed
by the Serb (with the passivity of the West and the complicity of several
countries, especially
France -this was Mr Mitterand- and England). In February 1998 in Le
Monde, the most famous
French newspaper, thepresident of Equilibre Mr Gilbert, back from Irak,
stated that the embargo
killed more than one million Irakian, mainly children, and suggested
to put a claim on international
court for Genocide.
Today, Equilibre is bankrupted. I have no data that can allow to put
this two fact in relation.
But I think it is that we have to do. Mr Clinton being a sexual maniac
is possibly not enought a
reason to impeach him. But Irak definitely is. 1.500 000 deaths, not
soldiers mainly children and eldery
people and because of total embargo sanctions (slightly released in
1995) is a CRIME.
This has to be investigated by competent and independant jurits, document
and testimony has to be studdied
and a law process has to be held.
Are our leaders not possibly better than Nazi. Did they commited a
genocide by means of imposing an embargo on food
against a desertic country because they did not like Saddam hussein
There is no time limit for judging a genocide crime. Together with
trying to have this useless and cruel embargo lifted
American patriots should quietly gather facts and data, collect monney
and work with lawyers to inculp our leader
of genocide facing the same tribunal that are now facing the Bosno
Serbian butcher.
It is my belief  that in no country in the world today but the
USA, there is the drive and the energy to do that.

[CTRL] More on "Jane Doe #5"

1998-12-29 Thread Linda Minor


>At 06:27 PM 12/28/98 -0600, you wrote with the latest from Drudge.
>Here is a manifestation of the counter-attack, against the real



Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Date: December 22, 1998

 The currently ongoing coup d'etat, aimed to bring Vice-President Al
Gore quickly into the
U.S. Presidency, was proposed publicly, by former U.S. Secretary of State
Henry A. Kissinger,
in the October 15 London {Daily Telegraph}. More recently, in the December
15 edition of {The
Wall Street Journal}, former Nixon aide Clay T. Whitehead, described that
type of secret
committee which Kissinger was proposing for a Gore coup d'etat, as it had
operated inside the
Nixon administration.  This was, in fact, the so-called "Watergate"
operation which Kissinger, in
fact, coordinated under Vice-President Ford.

 Whitehead's version of Kissinger's proposals, then and now, coincides
exactly with a series of
coordinated actions, which have been operating within the Clinton
Administration, largely
behind President Clinton's back. These operations, centered around
Vice-President Al Gore, have
been pushed as a plan of action for preparing the ouster of the President.

 Neither of these two insider "secret committees," that which operated
against Nixon under
Kissinger, or the not-so-secret "national security" cabal now aligned
against Clinton, behind
Gore, is really original. As the writer Plutarch would have described it,
there is an ominous
parallel between the presently attempted coup d'etat against President
Clinton, and way in which
the government of Germany's Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher was overthrown,
on January 28,
1933 by Hjalmar Schacht and London-backed forces inside the German
parliament, to hustle
Adolf Hitler into power.

 To see the connection clearly, first consider crucial highlights of the
process through which a
then-otherwise unelectable candidate Hitler was brought into the
Chancellorship, on January 30,
1933, and to dictatorial power on February 28, less than one month later.
The same
London-centered, Anglo-American financier interests, now represented by
Prime Minister Tony
Blair, which brought the then virtually unelectable Hitler to power in
Germany, are behind the
use of a rabid Anglophile, the virtually unelectable Presidential candidate
Al Gore, in the effort
to run a parliamentary coup d'etat now, against Clinton, as against von
Schleicher earlier.

 Both the motive and the method behind these coup d'etats are so nearly
identical, not only in
astonishing fineness of certain details, but in crucial strategic
implications, as to scare the pants
off any U.S. citizen still capable of honest thinking.

 It is time for us all to say, "Never again!" and let Al Gore serve out
the remainder of his term,
in that quiet and obscurity which our nation's security interest demands for

  - {Schacht &
Hitler} -

 If we examine both matters in their crucial, political-economic
setting, there is a precise
parallel between the British Commonwealth-directed launching of the
targetting of President Bill Clinton, by the failed re-election campaign of
President George Bush,
during 1992, and the earlier process leading to Hitler's legal coup d'etat
of January 28-February
28, 1933. The economic issues, in both cases, are defined most sharply, by
comparing the global
crisis-developments which burst into the open during October 1997, with the
collapse of
Germany's discredited Social-Democratic government and party, in the
aftermath of the 1929
U.S. stock-market panic.

 The attempt of the Social-Democratic government to find a "Third Way"
between the German
population and maddened international bankers, led to the fall of that
government, and an
ensuing succession of "ministerial" governments, from March 30, 1930, during
the time of the
British government of Tony Blair "lookalike" Ramsay MacDonald, through
Hindenburg's appointment of Adolf Hitler on January 28, 1933.

 The key, London-directed figure of Germany throughout this period was
Brooklyn, N.Y.-born
Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, a life-long asset of the J.P. Morgan
interests, with direct
control over Schacht exerted by the Bank of England's Montagu Norman. This
was the same
Norman who was also an employee of the financial house of Averell Harriman,
during all of the
relevant years leading up to and beyond the Hitler coup d'etat. It was
Schacht, deployed, by
Norman, to bring the New York bankers into support for Hitler, who, assisted
by British
intelligence services, organized the German side of the Hitler coup d'etat
against the government
of Kurt von Schleicher (and Hitler's later assassination of von Schleicher).

 The Anglo-American financiers' immediate m


1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/98 2:04:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Debatable, yes, but I submit we're coasting on the civilization brought to
>the world by the Roman Catholic Church between 4th and 14th century

Lord have mercy! ;-)

And you sure have played a rather silly idealogical hand. MHO


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] New Issue of Turning the Tide

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd

From: Michael Novick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The new issue of "Turning the Tide; Journal of Anti-Racist Activism,
Research & Education" has just gone to press. Volume 11 #4 of TTT (Winter
1998-99) includes an anti-racist perspective on the impeachment and removal
of Bill Clinton, a revised proposal for anti-colonial demonstrations of
July 4, 2000 and a column by Mumia Abu-Jamal and information on the
struggle to free that political prisoner from death row in Pennsylvania.
The publication also includes a special 4-page insert on Anti-Racist Action
(A.R.A.) with a list of chapters, a calendar of upcoming events, and other
ARA news and resources. (The 4-page "Voice of ARA/Anti-Racist Action" will
also be distributed separately.)

Turning the Tide also includes information on the Jericho '99 Amnesty
Campaign for Political Prisoners and POW's; a piece by Mike Ruppert of
!Crack the CIA! Coalition about the up-coming Congressional hearings on the
CIA's admissions of knowledge of drug-dealing by its 'clients' and
operatives; an update on anti-abortion terror and ties between the
Christian and racist Right; and reviews/critiques of the films "The Siege"
and "American History X."

Gregory Gumbs has two poems from the colonized Caribbean, and David Jacob
contributes a short short story on the every-day nature of police abuse and
racism. Chris Crass of Food Not Bombs writes about the intersections of
anti-racism, feminism and environmentalism in "The Greening of Hate and the
Demeaning of Women." That piece has a lot of must-read recommendations
about understanding the role of women as leaders and organizers of social

As in all previous issues, the current "Turning the Tide" is full of
contact information on vital struggles of our time. In addition to the
contact list of over 120 chapters of ARA in the U.S. and Canada, there is
an article that surveys the current state of the prison struggle, providing
contacts and resources for activists and families; the QFREJ Pledge from
Queers for Racial and Economic Justice; and information on a number of
political prisoners, including Ruchell Magee, sole survivor of the 1971
Marin County Courthouse modern-day Slave Rebellion. From the trenches,
immigrant-rights activist Tom Louie reports on a struggle against INS
brutality, and James Tracy of San Francisco's Eviction Defense Network
analyzes the struggle over displacement and privatization in public
housing. There is a response from an Earth First activist, Karen Coulter,
to the exchange on the militia movement in the last issue of TTT, and
information on the upcoming southern California regional Anti-Racist Action
(Saturday January 16 at Koo's Cafe in Santa Ana). And more...

If you do not currently subscribe to Turning the Tide, you can get a free
sample copy of the current issue by sending your name and street address to
PART (People Against Racist Terror) at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; drop a card to
us at PO Box 1055, Culver City CA 90232; or call 310-288-5003. (This free
offer only applies to US zip-code system addresses; sorry).

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without charge or profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this type of information for non-profit research and
   educational purposes only.

  People Against Racist Terror (PART) PO Box 1055 Culver City CA 90232
   Tel.: 310-288-5003   E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Order our quarterly:
 "Turning the Tide:Journal of Anti-Racist Activism, Research & Education"

  End the racist death penalty! Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Alejandrina Torres,
and all political prisoners and P.O.W.'s in U.S. prisons!

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to digest, go to the ONElist web site, at http://www.onelist.com and
select the User Center link from the menu bar on the left.

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Religious Right,Religious Rights: an interview with A]

1998-12-29 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Anyway, more myth & legend on the Pilgrims:
> From http://www.athensnewspapers.com/1997/112697/1126.a3pilgrims.html
> American detective work brings
> alive Pilgrims' forgotten years
> By William J. Kole
> Associated Press

An update on Jeremy Bangs...

Dutch border tightens on American historian

By William J. Kole

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands -- Nearly four centuries after it took in the Pilgrims,
the Netherlands has ordered America's foremost Pilgrim expert to leave.

Jeremy Bangs, founder of a new Pilgrim museum in the medieval city of Leiden,
has been caught in the Dutch government's immigration crackdown, a response to
an unprecedented wave of refugees.

For Bangs, the order to leave by Jan. 15 is thick with irony. He has been
chronicling how the Pilgrims, before boarding the Mayflower, spent 11 years in
a Holland that proudly declared in 1609 that it "refuses no honest people free

The Netherlands' refusal to grant him a residency permit, Bangs contends, will
force the closure of the only museum focusing on the Pilgrims'
little-knownexile here.

"I'm not a refugee; I'm a historian," Bangs, 52, said yesterday. "They can
expel me. They can just appear and deport me. It's incredible. People are
shocked, and my own mood is souring."

The Justice Ministry, which oversees immigration policy, this month rejected
Bangs' application for new residency papers, saying the historian needed a
work permit.

Officials also have refused to recognize Bangs' financial support, expenses
and health insurance through the New England Historic Genealogical Society as
an adequate source of income.

Bangs, who has written 10 books about the Pilgrims, was told that he could not
apply for a work permit because he was officially considered an employee of
the museum he opened on Thanksgiving Day 1997 and only employers can apply.

"The whole thing just makes me furious," said Jane Fiske, editor of the
Register of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, which publishes
Bangs' research.

Bangs' Leiden American Pilgrim Museum is in a typical Pilgrim-style,
16th-century, one-room house in the heart of Leiden, 25 miles southwest of
Amsterdam. It was an instant hit in the town that offered refuge to 100
Pilgrims and that still holds yearly Thanksgiving Day services in the main
church. More than 2,600 people have visited the cramped museum cluttered with
Pilgrim-era tools, pottery and furniture.

Supporters worldwide are writing letters to Queen Beatrix and cabinet
ministers on behalf of Bangs and his wife. Even the Ministry of Culture has
issued a statement that Bangs' work "serves an essential interest of the

But the Justice Ministry has refused to budge. It is struggling to contain a
record of nearly 50,000 illegal immigrants this year from Afghanistan, Turkey
and the former Yugoslavia.

"Nobody could be more politically harmless than Jeremy," Fiske said. "You
know, I used to be proud of my own Dutch heritage but not anymore."

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Arabiana: 12-29

1998-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From ArabicNews.CoM

Turkey blames Iraq for yesterday's clash with US jets
Iraq, Politics, 12/29/98

Turkey fully blamed Iraq for the new military confrontation that took place
yesterday in northern Iraq, urging the concerned parties to refrain from
carrying out any provocative action that might threaten stability and
security in the area.

Meanwhile, Iraq said that four Iraqi soldiers were killed and that an US
jet was downed during the clash in southern Iraq. British and US jets are
still flying over northern Iraq.

An Iraqi source said, "Iraq is determined to prove it is a victim of the
Western aggression and at the same time it is ready to defend itself and
its lands."

An Iraqi military spokesman said that several "enemy jets" on Monday
morning violated Iraqi airspace and raided an Iraqi air-defense base which
he said intercepted the warplanes and forced them to retreat to their bases
in Turkey. The spokesman added that in the afternoon the jets came back and
fired missiles against an Iraqi position in the area.

Meanwhile, Arab and international media and political circles continued
their condemnation of the US - British aggression against Iraq.

Iraq said it will demand compensation of more than US $2 million for
destroying a store of 2,600 tonnes of rice during the US - British attacks
against Iraq earlier this month.

Iraqi Trade Minister Muhammad Mahdi Saleh said that the store, which was
destroyed in the city of Tikrit, contained amounts of rice at a cost of US
$1 million, adding that the facility itself was worth US $1 million.

On the oil-for-food program Saleh said, "This program will continue
naturally until its termination period by the end of May."

El-Baz: Iraqis need effective action to end their suffering
Egypt, Politics, 12/29/98

In a public meeting yesterday on Islamic thought organized by the Ministry
of Endowments and Al Azhar at El-Hussein mosque Osama El-Baz, the Egyptian
president's political advisor, said the Egyptian position toward the Iraqi
crisis expressed the government's great awareness and concern with the
reality of the situation.

El-Baz expressed the need for an effective role to put an end to the
suffering of the Iraqi people and not simply the delivery of speeches that
express condemnations and denunciations.

El-Baz said the Iraqi people will not be satisfied with voicing their
position, but would most importantly want to prevent the deterioration of
their situation.

On a different subject, El-Baz highlighted the decisive opposition of Egypt
to the decision of the Israeli government to stop the implementation of the
Wye River accord and impose new conditions on the Palestinian side.

President Mubarak to visit Damascus on results of his talks in Ankara
Syria, Politics, 12/29/98

The Jordanian weekly al-Majd reported that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
will visit Damascus within days and inform Syrian President Hafez al-Assad
on the results of his talks in Ankara with Turkish President Suleiman

The paper added that President Mubarak will highlight agreements concluded
concerning the gradual timetable for starting political talks by the
beginning of the new year on the level of the foreign ministers of Syria
and Turkey on issues of water sharing, and creating a joint military and
security mechanism to settle the consequences of the Turkish - Israeli
strategic alliance and its threat to Syrian national security.

Al-Majd quoted Egyptian sources as asserting that Presidents Mubarak and
al-Assad will make a comprehensive evaluation of Arab - Turkish relations
in collaboration with the Arab League in order to deal with all pending

The Egyptian sources added that talks will also deal with developments in
the Middle East peace process in light of the current halt on the
Palestinian track.

Mubarak calls on US and Europe to find just peace
Egypt, Politics, 12/29/98

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has reiterated the importance of
establishing a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East region that
ensures security and stability for all.

The Egyptian President warned Israel against its continued non-commitment
to the implementation of its obligations relating to Wye River agreement,
noting the adverse consequences of such a situation which could lead to the
collapse of the Palestinian - Israeli negotiations and return region to a
state of violence and disorder.

In an interview with Egyptian daily al-Joumhoriyah issued on Monday,
Mubarak urged the US and the European Union to work for salvaging the
Middle East peace process and resetting it into its right track.

He asserted that a just and comprehensive peace is the only guarantee for
ensuring stability in the region.

He, on the other hand, denounced, the US-British air strikes against Iraq
and reiterated "Egypt's support and sympathy with the people of Iraq and
for efforts to lift the sanctions imposed on them."


Re: [CTRL] Religious Right,Religious Rights: an interview with A

1998-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

I, too, am subject to researching my recollection for specificity within
the myth and legend of the settling of North America ... as much as I
wouldn't seek out K. Starr (the Indie Counselor, not the songstress) for
any reason, I can't help but admire the polysyllabic Snoopy dance he did
(without laughing at himself) for the J Committee.  Anyway, more myth &
legend on the Pilgrims:

>From http://www.athensnewspapers.com/1997/112697/1126.a3pilgrims.html

American detective work brings
alive Pilgrims' forgotten years

By William J. Kole
Associated Press

Historian Jeremy Bangs sits in the 17th-century
house that will become the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum, which opens on
Thursday in the Netherlands.
AP PhotoLEIDEN, Netherlands - Pilgrims once trod Leiden's cobblestones,
back when they were the latest ragtag refugees in town. Now this city is
reviving memories of a pious people who eventually found Dutch tolerance
too much to bear.
   On Thanksgiving Day, the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum opens to the
public, born of one man's lifelong passion to illuminate the Pilgrims'
largely forgotten 11 years in exile in Holland.
   For American historian Jeremy Bangs, it's a chance to remind the world
anew of the hope and heartache the future colonists endured long before
they even boarded the Mayflower.
   "Anyone who really wants to understand American society needs to know
about the Pilgrims," said Bangs, a leading Pilgrim scholar and the former
chief curator at Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, Mass.
   The 100 Pilgrims who settled in Leiden after a brief stay in Amsterdam
left an indelible mark on this medieval town, which welcomed them in 1609
with a declaration that it "refuses no honest people free entry."
   Capt. Myles Standish served in the Dutch army. In Leiden, William
Brewster published books forbidden in England. Their pastor, John Robinson,
participated in theological disputes that would later split the
Netherlands; he's buried in a nearby church.
   But the Pilgrims grew disenchanted with their lives here. Though they
had fled religious persecution in their native England, they tired on the
tolerance that lured them to the Netherlands. Many anguished over their
hosts' ambivalence about observing the Sabbath.
   The Pilgrims also left for reasons that still trouble expatriates today:
They fretted over the loss of their traditions as their children grew up
more Dutch than English.
   Slaving away as immigrants in low-paying menial jobs, they found
themselves haunted anew by their original dream of a place of their own in
which to worship and prosper.
   Though only a few dozen opted to leave on the Mayflower in 1620, more
followed over the next few years. Some never left - such as the wives and
children whose husbands and fathers went before them to the New World, only
to perish in that first bitter winter.
   But the ancient ties still bind. On Thursday, the people of Leiden -
including several hundred now thoroughly Dutch descendants of Pilgrims -
will gather in church in remembrance of their neighbors who changed the
   The museum, funded with help from the Mayflower Society, the Pilgrim
Society and the New England Historic Genealogical Society, is in a typical
Pilgrim-style 16th century one-room house.
   The place is packed with Pilgrim-era tools, pottery and furniture,
including a cabinet containing tobacco pipes, coins, buttons and toys.
   "We'll take these items out and have conversations," said Bangs, 51, who
has authored 10 books about the Pilgrims. "People will learn in this
intimate way."
   The Pilgrims brought with them to Plymouth Colony many Dutch ways, such
as the civil registration of marriages. John Quincy Adams would later hail
their Mayflower Compact as the foundation for the U.S. Constitution.
   Bangs originally came to Leiden, the birthplace of Rembrandt 25 miles
southwest of Amsterdam, to study Dutch art and architecture. He ended up
running the city's Pilgrim archives, and when it closed a few years ago, he
decided to stay.
   His own home betrays his passion. Original engravings of Pilgrim life
clutter a coffee table; a Pilgrim-era ladderback chair occupies a corner of
his kitchen.
   "We really don't know much about what Pilgrim family life was like," he
said. "That's the goal of this house museum - to give some sense of how
they lived."

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

: From: Gerald Harp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: To: [E

[CTRL] Fwd: About Govt U.S. Business

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd


Writing this email has interested me for sometime.  Beginning about
August 10th this year I obtained an email account with an online broker
for NYSE stocks -- and I began monitoring financial scenes within the
DJIA story.  Not a question that the new email brokers on the NYSE and
AMSE and NASDAC have a great deal to offer everyone.  In Oct I earned
$4,000 in one day and $1,500 in another.  Dealing and trading stocks --
and e-trade has gained some 500,000 users in only a few months.  We are
witnessing schitzophrenic buying and trading -- this is true.

My larger point is that whether or not you are buying or trading (this
is a low stakes gambling game) knowing about these companies can
measurably increase your mind power about mind control and world-wide
financial games going on NOW. In other words, you can hardly NOT get
involved, even if you don't have money on the line.

Also, I expect that a great deal more money will be inputted into the
stock market in the next few years -- and OUT of banks' hands (which is
good) -- because banks have had this power for far too long.  But, you
need to realize that investiments in stocks is REALLY  REALLY lucrative
-- stock investiments typically add up to at minimum 17% per annum
returns -- or MORE.  This is far more than bonds or bills.  Far, far
more.  And they have been doing this for years and years and years,
since the 50s.  Buy stocks you know of -- stocks that have a history
--etc. of any company you like.

You can investigate stocks so beautifully through YAHOO's financial arm
-- and BOY howdy do, once you understand the potential here, you will
never go back -- look up quote.yahoo.com -- and get an small EMAIL
investment account with E-TRade -- send them $500 in the mail, and

Last, this is about conspiracy fellas -- start investigating THE
companies involved in conspiracy -- lets' GO !!!  The main leaders here
are Emerson Electric, Raytheon (RTNA), PRY and PRYA (Greek burglar alarm
systems), SBC -- electronics.   The short, beautifully done write-ups on
these companies within the Yahoo story tell huge stories about what the
U.S. govt has done -- also, Amazon Com's recent belly into fame with
stocks soaring into the 275+ range, (unheard of really for a
bookseller), bring up great great possibilities you should not be so
unaware of.  We now have a totally schitzoid stock market, with
fantastic gains to made, IF you can judge the potential.  You need to
figure out what companies are NWO companies, going global or on the
edge, and then go for it.  I highly recommend that conspiracy thinking
expand into the financial sphere soon -- we need to talk about
companies, mergers, and JP Morgan stuff, to begin to open up the TRUE
conspiracy stuff going on here, now, FAST.


[CTRL] Bethlehem; 90s Revision

1998-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Joke du Jour (tm)  Set 1.  Volume 12; Issue 29.  Dec 29, 1998

I'm probably going to get my tail blasted for running this piece.
People seem to forget that this is a joke list.  Satires are a
part of a humor collective.  Please take it as such.


"Revised Tale Of Bethlehem"

And Joseph went up from Galilee to Bethlehem with Mary,
his espoused wife, who was great with child. And she
brought forth a Son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes
and laid Him in a manger because there was no room for
them in the inn. And the angel of the Lord spoke to the
shepherds and said; "I bring you tidings of great joy. Unto
you is born a Savior, which is Christ the Lord."

"There's a problem with the angel," said a Pharisee, who
happened to be strolling by. As he explained to Joseph,
angels are widely regarded as religious symbols, and the
stable was on public property, where such symbols were
not allowed to land, or even hover.  "And I have to tell you,
this whole thing looks to me very much like a Nativity scene,"
he said sadly. "That's a no-no, too." Joseph had a bright
idea- "What if I put a couple of reindeer over there near the
ox and the ass?" he said, eager to avoid sectarian strife.

"That would definitely help, said the Pharisee, who knew
as well as anyone that whenever a savior appeared, judges
usually liked to be on the safe side and surround it with deer
or woodland creatures of some sort. "Just to clinch it, throw
in a candy cane and a couple of elves and snowmen, too."
he said. "No court can resist that!"

Mary asked, "What does my son's birth have to do with
snowmen?" "Snowpersons," cried a young woman,
changing the subject before it veered dangerously toward
religion. Off to the side of the crowd, a Philistine was
painting the Nativity scene. Mary complained that she and
Joseph looked too tattered and worn in the picture. "Artistic
license," he said. "I've got to show the plight of the haggard
homeless in a greedy, uncaring society in winter." he
quipped. "We're not haggard or homeless- the inn was
just full," said Mary. "Whatever," said the painter.

Two women began to argue fiercely. One said she objected
to Jesus' birth "because it privileged motherhood." The other
scoffed at virgin births, but said that if they encouraged more
attention to diversity in family forms and the rights of single
mothers, well, then, she was all for them. "I'm not a single
mother," Mary started to say, but she was cut off by a third
woman who insisted that swaddling clothes are a form of
child abuse, since they restrict the natural movement of

With the arrival of 10 child advocates, all trained to spot
infant abuse and manger rash, Mary and Joseph were
pushed to the edge of the crowd, where arguments were
breaking out over how many reindeer (or what mix of
reindeer and seasonal sprites) had to be installed to
compensate for the infant's unfortunate religious character.

An older man bustled up, bowling over two merchants,
who had been busy debating whether an elf is the same
as a fairy and whether the elf/fairy should be shaking hands
with Jesus in the crib or merely standing to the side,
jumping around like a sports mascot.  "I'd hold off on the
reindeer, the man said, explaining that the use of asses
and oxen as picturesque backdrops for Nativity scenes
carries the subliminal message of human dominance. He
passed out two leaflets, one denouncing manger births
as invasions of animal space, the other arguing that
stables are "penned environments" where animals are
incarcerated against their will. He had no opinion about
elves or candy canes.

Signs declaring "Free the Bethlehem 2" began to
appear, referring to the obviously exploited ox and ass.
Someone said the halo on Jesus' head was elitist. Mary
was exasperated. "And what about you, old mother?"
she said sharply to an elderly woman. Are you here to
attack the shepherds as prison guards for excluded
species, maybe to complain that singing in Latin
identifies us as Roman oppressors, or just to say that
I should have skipped patriarchal religiosity and joined
some dumb new-age goddess religion?"

"None of the above," said the woman, "I just wanted to
tell you that the Magi are here." Sure enough, the three
wise men rode up. The crowd gasped, "They're all male!"
And, "Not very multicultural!" "Balthasar here is black,"
said one of the Magi. "Yes, but how many of you are gay
or disabled?" someone shouted. A committee was
quickly formed to find an impoverished lesbian wise-
person among the halt and lame of Bethlehem.

A calm voice said, "Be of good cheer, Mary, you have
done well and your son will change the world." At last, a
sane person, Mary thought. She turned to see a radiant
and confident female face. The woman spoke again,
"There is one thing, though, Religious holidays are
important, but can't we learn to celebrate them in ways
that unite, not divide? For instance, instead of all this
business about 'Gloria in excelsis D

[CTRL] Linux: 12-29

1998-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Nando / AP

Even with open source, Red Hat is red hot.

Copyright © 1998 Nando Media
Copyright © 1998 Associated Press

DURHAM (December 29, 1998 12:22 a.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - It's
not exactly time to tell Windows to step aside, but Durham's Red Hat - and
the Linux operating system it distributes - are on a roll.

The buzz started building in September when Silicon Valley darlings
Netscape Communications and Intel invested in Red Hat.

Since then, Red Hat has received the kind of national hype that has long
been the dream of technology companies based in the Triangle.

The attention gave the previously obscure Linux operating system - the
basic software that manages all the other programs and files in a computer
- new legitimacy. Some in the industry even tout it as a potential threat
to Microsoft's Windows.

Microsoft attorneys recently cited Red Hat's product as proof the Redmond,
Wash., giant is not a monopoly.

After ducking the spotlight for most of its three years of existence, Red
Hat was suddenly the rage. Last month, when some of its executives attended
Comdex, the industry's biggest trade show, they were mobbed by reporters
and industry leaders looking to strike deals.

The publicity has generated tremendous momentum and opportunity for its 85
employees. But while the ride has been thrilling, now comes the hard part:
fulfilling the promise.

"When you get as much publicity as we get, you end up setting a lot of
expectations," said Bob Young, Red Hat's chief executive officer. "What
worries me is that we've got a lot of work to do to meet those

Red Hat, located in Research Commons near Research Triangle Park, is
largely in the business of providing an alternative to Microsoft for
programmers and computer geeks.

The alternative is Linux, which it distributes.

Linux was developed in the early 1990s by a Finnish student named Linus
Torvalds. He wanted to create an operating system for PCs that worked like
the high-powered operating system Unix, the main system used on the big
computers that run most of the Internet.

But rather than start a company and market the system, Torvalds did
something that captured the imagination of programmers around the world.
Torvalds posted the Linux source code - the blueprints for the software -
on the Internet. Anyone can suggest improvements or download Linux and use
it for free. Microsoft closely guards the Windows source code and charges
about $90 for its operating system.

"We don't own Linux," said Jon "Mad Dog" Hall, executive director of Linux
International, a trade association which promotes Linux. "It's owned by the
community of programmers who have contributed to it over the years."

Red Hat makes its money by testing versions of Linux, adding its own tools,
manuals and technical support and then selling the whole thing in a
shrink-wrapped box for $50 and up - still less than Windows 98.

Last month, someone posted a memo on the Internet written by two Microsoft
engineers that called Linux a challenge to company revenue. And Nov. 18, in
a Washington, D.C., courtroom where Microsoft is on trial for anti-trust
violations, a company attorney held up a package of Red Hat software and
cited it as proof that Microsoft had a tenuous grasp on the operating
system market.

While it has been popular among hackers and back-room techies, some
observers wondered whether large companies would ever seriously accept a
product not backed by a company like Microsoft.

That's where Red Hat comes in. In 1994, a local IBM employee named Marc
Ewing discovered the wonders of Linux and started his own company to market
Linux products. Ewing later merged with a company started by Young to
create Red Hat.

The company purposefully maintained a low profile.

"Our goal is to build a successful software company for the next 20 years,"
Young said.

But all the attention has forced Red Hat to revisit its growth plans. It
leased new, bigger offices and has grown from 50 to 85 employees in just a
few months. And Young expects sales - projected to be $10 million in 1998 -
and employment to double annually in the coming years.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


[CTRL] Pinochet: 12-29

1998-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Irish Times

WORLDTuesday, December 29, 1998

Allegation 'brought system into disrepute'

By Jamie Wilson

Britain: Britain's Lord Chancellor said yesterday the legal system had been
brought into disrepute by allegations of bias and the overturning of the
Law Lords' historic judgment against Gen Pinochet.

Lord Irvine of Lairg insisted that new procedures had to be adopted to
ensure there was no repeat of the setting aside of the Law Lords' original
ruling that the former Chilean dictator was not immune from prosecution.

"It is of course unprecedented. It is in the highest degree unfortunate
because it does have a tendency to bring the legal system into disrepute,"
Lord Irvine told BBC radio. "This was of course litigation where the eyes
of the world were, and are, upon us. But what is necessary to do is not cry
over spilt milk but to see that procedures are put in place to ensure that
this does not happen again."

Lord Irvine's comments follow the decision by five senior Law Lords earlier
this month to set aside an earlier Lords judgment that Gen Augusto Pinochet
was not immune from extradition and prosecution for crimes against

They ruled the case would have to be reheard after it emerged that a member
of the original panel, Lord Hoffmann, had not declared his links with
Amnesty International, a vociferous opponent of Gen Pinochet's military

Lord Irvine said that in future when a panel of Law Lords was assembled to
hear an appeal the judges should meet to consider whether the presence of
any of the judges could give rise to an appearance of a conflict of

Lord Irvine's comments yesterday met with a tepid response from former
Master of the Rolls Lord Donaldson, who said the Lord Hoffmann affair did
not mean the system required a radical overhaul.

"What happened is unfortunate but I don't see any need to alter the system.
All judges know that they have to let the parties in a case know of
anything that gives the appearance of bias. That has certainly been the
case for as long as I can remeber. Just because the system broke down on
this one occasion does not mean the system is wrong."

But Lord Scarman, a retired Law Lord, agreed with Lord Irvine that the
judges should meet to examine possible conflicts of interest before hearing
a case. - (Guardian Service)

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Y2K Overhype (Re: [CTRL] OEN 12/27/98)

1998-12-29 Thread EASTERISLE

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 4:38:46 PM, you wrote:

>This is the whole problem with this topic.  One does not know what to
>That is the whole point anyway.

So true, so true. Whether it turns out to be a bona fide catastrophe or merely
a pretext for martial law, I think we need to start converting our anxieties
about it into action, and use it as an opportunity for community building,
community agriculture to guarantee continuity of our food supply, etc. Call me
a kook, but I think we need to steal the ball and take it back down the court,


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] [prj] Incredible Newsweek cover--European Union Tower ...

1998-12-29 Thread EASTERISLE

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 8:40:03 PM, you wrote:

>Lloyd is a fellow member of the long, boring, bombastic, legalistic posters
>club that seems to thrive on this list.  Here he is at least brief but in
>being so he has exposed his know nothing fundamentalist philosophy with great

All right now, we can always learn from each other's views, even if all we
learn is that we disagree vehemently  ;-)

Peace out,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Raising Baby in an era of toxins from MS NBC

1998-12-29 Thread L. Shipton

To whoever might be interested.
aka The Pied Piper
Raising Baby in an era of toxins from MS 
e-mail at 
or at
My Web Site
Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history. Mission 
Possible International5950-H State Bridge Rd. 
#215    Duluth, 
GA 30097 USA 2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends! 3. Return 
Asparcidal food to the store.(anything with Monsanto's 
NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste) VISIT http://www.dorway.com Get links to over 30 
sites on aspartameVISIT http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/ 
..FAQs & CasesVISIT http://www.notmilk.com Exposing Bovine Growth 
Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of 

[CTRL] Critics Cite Iran Weapons Loophole

1998-12-29 Thread Hilary Thomas

DECEMBER 28, 12:48 
Critics Cite Iran Weapons Loophole 
By GEORGE GEDDAAssociated 
Press Writer 
WASHINGTON (AP) — Recent statements by an Iranian official have critics 
worried that Iran may exploit a loophole in the chemical weapons convention 
treaty approved last year — one insisted on by conservative U.S. senators. 

Citing these recent statements, some disarmament experts say the Tehran 
government could take advantage of conditions that were meant to protect U.S. 
``We have provided Iran a loophole to cheat,'' said Amy Smithson, a weapons 
expert at the Henry L. Stimson Institute. 
U.S. officials had hoped the August 1997 inauguration of President Mohammad 
Khatami, widely perceived as a moderate, could lead to an Iranian reassessment 
of its weapons programs. Not long after Khatami took office, in November 1997, 
Iran ratified the chemical weapons convention. 
The treaty bans the use, development, production and stockpiling of all 
chemical warfare agents and requires the destruction of existing stockpiles over 
10 years. 
The U.S. Senate ratified the treaty in April 1997, only after Sen. Jesse 
Helms, R-N.C. and his allies set conditions for U.S. participation, including 
giving the president the right to veto inspections at suspect sites and barring 
inspectors from taking soil or other types of samples from U.S. chemical 
facilities out of the country. 
Marc Thiessen, a Helms spokesman, said, ``The provisions are designed to stop 
the treaty from being used for corporate espionage and other forms of 
Some arms control advocates believe the administration gave away too much to 
Helms in the negotiations. 
Iran had remained largely silent on the issue until a few weeks ago, when 
Iranian diplomat Mohammad R. Alborozi spoke in the Netherlands at a conference 
of states that are members of the convention. 
Alborozi quickly took aim at the conditions imposed by the U.S. Senate. 
Expressing regret over the measures, he said ``that the spillover effect of such 
an exercise ... can open the door for legislative bodies of other countries to 
seek derogation from the convention is a matter of serious concern for all state 
``If other states follow this pattern, then any outlook for full and 
unconditional implementation of the provisions of the convention will be in 
jeopardy. This we regard as a seriously alarming matter.'' 
At the same time, Alborozi said his government has decided to ``exercise and 
demonstrate maximum transparency and determination for full compliance with the 
provisions of the Convention.'' 
Alborozi did not say whether Iran currently retains a chemical weapons 
production capability. 
Smithson said the Iranian comments were not reassuring, and that by taking a 
cue from Washington, Iran is in effect saying it too could block a challenge 
inspection on the basis of national security interests. 
Spurgeon Keeny, of the Arms Control Association, agreed: ``When we exempt 
ourselves from certain provisions, we're inviting Iran or other countries to 
question our seriousness.'' 
A Clinton administration official acknowledged that the conditions leave 
Washington ill-positioned to argue that other states don't have the same right. 
Despite the conditions, the official said, the United States believes it can 
faithfully comply with the treaty and will do so. 
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Iran's willingness to 
abide by the treaty has been in doubt since the beginning. He said Iran's 
membership in the Non-Proliferation Treaty has not prevented it from trying to 
develop nuclear weapons and that Iran also is pursuing a biological weapons 
capacity despite a treaty commitment not to do so. 
Iran has denied it is trying to develop nuclear or biological weapons. 
A 1997 Pentagon report issued at the time Iran ratified the convention said 
chemical weapons were a high priority for Iran because of its inability to 
respond in kind to Iraq's attacks during their war in the 1980s. Iran also was 
motivated by evidence, the report said, that Iraq was developing advanced agents 
such as VX, a substance of which one or two drops can be lethal. 
Helms, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman, says that since no 
weapons inspection regime is foolproof, the ban will not help the situation or 
enhance American security anyway. 
He argues the United States has little to fear from most countries that 
ratify the treaty. The concern is with those that ratify and cheat and those 
that don't join the treaty at all. Indeed, five of the seven nations on the 
State Department list of countries accused of promoting international terrorism 
have neither signed nor ratified the treaty: Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Syria and 
Sudan. The two remaining countries are Iran and Cuba. 
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[CTRL] Man Injured by Fallen Raccoon

1998-12-29 Thread Hilary Thomas

THIS is rooted in some evil conspiracy I sure!!!
DECEMBER 29, 02:06 
Man Injured by Fallen Raccoon 

MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. (AP) — Brad Davis was training his puppy to pick up 
the scent of a treed raccoon when his colleague, Donnie Lamb, decided to shoot 
the raccoon out of the tree. 
Trouble was, Davis was standing underneath it. The 15-pound animal fell 60 
feet onto his head, knocking him out and fracturing three vertebrae Dec. 17. 

``I heard him shoot, and the next thing I knew, I was seeing lights shining 
in my eyes,'' said Davis, 27. 
For Christmas, he got a hard hat, a raccoon cap and plenty of teasing. 

``People have been picking at me bad,'' he said. ``A friend called me last 
night to go coon hunting and said I could sit in the truck and just listen to 
the dogs.'' 
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[CTRL] Nose-Biting Judge Free Again

1998-12-29 Thread Hilary Thomas

just couldn't resist forwarding this very important report.
DECEMBER 29, 04:36 
Nose-Biting Judge Free Again 

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A former judge who served five days behind 
bars for biting a defendant's nose and then was thrown in jail for violating 
probation has been released. 
Joseph Troisi ``was apparently a model prisoner and did everything he was 
told to do,'' attorney Harry Deitzler said Monday. ``He was putting in a lot of 
work while he was up there. I was told he was washing police cruisers.'' 
Troisi resigned and pleaded no contest to battery charges in October 1997 
after jumping from the bench, ripping off his robe and biting a defendant's nose 
during a contentious bail hearing. 
He served five days in jail. His probation was revoked after a judge ruled he 
inappropriately confronted a court official who had testified against him in the 
nose-biting case. 
Deputy Circuit Clerk Ward Grose said Troisi had confronted and insulted him, 
blocking his access to a courtroom with a chest bump. 
In August, Troisi began serving time in the women's section of the Pleasants 
County Jail for his own protection. He was released last week. 
``He will practice law, feed his family and put his children through 
college,'' Deitzler said. 
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[CTRL] Bank Sues Hubbell for Overdue Money

1998-12-29 Thread Hilary Thomas

DECEMBER 29, 11:14 
Bank Sues Hubbell for Overdue Money 

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Presidential friend Webster Hubbell has been 
sued by the Bank of Little Rock, which claims he owes at least $43,604 on a 1997 
promissory note. 
Frederick S. Wetzel III, attorney for Bank of Little Rock, said the money 
stems from a second mortgage on the Hubbells' Little Rock home. 
The total owed by Hubbell and his wife, Suzanna, was calculated through Dec. 
15, according to the lawsuit filed Monday in Pulaski County Circuit Court. Each 
day they fail to pay adds $11.95 in interest, the lawsuit said. 
Hubbell, a former top Justice Department official, was indicted by a federal 
grand jury for a third time in November on charges that he covered up his and 
Hillary Rodham Clinton's roles in a fraudulent Arkansas real estate development 
deal. They were partners at the Rose Law Firm at the time. 
The indictment accuses Hubbell of perjury before a congressional committee, 
fraud, false statements and impeding two federal regulatory agencies. 
A federal judge in July threw out a 10-count tax-evasion indictment against 
Hubbell. Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr has appealed that dismissal. 
Hubbell pleaded guilty to tax evasion and mail fraud in December 1994 after 
admitting to overbilling his clients at the Rose Law Firm. He served 19 months 
in prison before his release in February 1997. 
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[CTRL] Oklahoma Bomb Jury to Issue Report

1998-12-29 Thread Hilary Thomas

DECEMBER 29, 15:38 
Oklahoma Bomb Jury To Issue Report 

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Eighteen months and 117 witnesses after it began 
its work, a grand jury investigating allegations of a wider conspiracy and a 
government cover-up in the Oklahoma bombing is expected to release its findings 
The Oklahoma County grand jury was convened by way of a petition drive over 
the objections of state Attorney General Drew Edmondson, who called it ``the 
worst kind of conspiracy pandering.'' And both he and the chief federal 
prosecutor in Oklahoma expressed doubt anything would come out of the 
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols have already been convicted on federal 
charges in the bombing. McVeigh received a death sentence, Nichols life in 
prison. An Army buddy, Michael Fortier, pleaded guilty to knowing about the 
attack beforehand but telling no one. He got 12 years in prison. 
Former state Rep. Charles Key, one of the leaders of the petition drive to 
empanel the grand jury, has said he believes that the federal government knew 
about the bombing beforehand and that others were involved but have not been 
arrested. The government has denied any prior knowledge. 
Key said his efforts were worth it no matter what the outcome. 
``It's always worth it to do the right thing. That's what I and the rest of 
us who have worked on this feel. We've done the right thing for the right 
reason,'' the former legislator said. 
The grand jury has the power to indict, but Bob Macy, the district attorney 
in Oklahoma City, has already said he will bring murder charges against McVeigh 
and Nichols, and the grand jury focused instead on other possible figures. 
U.S. Attorney Patrick Ryan, who prosecuted McVeigh and Nichols, has said that 
the government had ``no credible evidence to suggest that others were 
And Edmondson said he believes the odds are slim the grand jury investigation 
will shed any additional light on the April 19, 1995, attack that killed 168 
people and injured more than 500 others. 
``I will be amazed if they suggest by name any people involved in the bombing 
that are not even known,'' Edmondson said. 
As of October, the cost of the grand jury was put at nearly $414,000. 
In October, the grand jury complained of attempts to contact members at home 
and of erroneous claims about what some witnesses would say. 
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[CTRL] A Different Approach to the Impeachment of President Clinton

1998-12-29 Thread Scramjet1

 -Caveat Lector-


Sent: December 21, 1998 8:59 AM


Subject: A Different Approach to the Impeachment of President Clinton

December 21, 1998

To:  Congressman Harold E. Ford, Jr.

9th Congressional District Representative

From:  Dr. Bill Adkins

Senior Pastor-Founder, Greater Imani Church & Christian Center

Memphis, Tennessee

My Dear Congressman,

   In lieu of the recent developments surrounding the impeachment of


Clinton, I propose this unique response.  Since the president was impeached


articles of perjury and obstruction of justice please consider the


The posthumous impeachment of the first fifteen Presidents of the United

States of America on the charge of lying under oath and obstruction of


  These charges are based on each President's sworn oath to uphold


the defend the Constitution of the United States.  In its  preamble that

instrument clearly calls on the President of the United States to "Secure


Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."  By its own language


Constitution voided the institution of slavery, however, nine of these

Presidents personally owned slaves and the others openly disregarded their

sworn oath to protect the freedom of all Americans.  It was only because of

the differing opinions of interpretation of the language that clarity was

needed to deal with such sensitive matters, therefore, numerous amendments

were added to offer such clarity.  Abolitionists argued that the


was clear, however, the 13th Amendment was needed to outlaw slavery,


18, 1865.  The 14th Amendment was needed to define citizenship, so it was

passed on July 28th, 1868.  The 15th Amendment was needed to offer

franchisment and voting rights, so it was passed on March 30th, 1870.  The

right to vote for women was needed because for some, "men" mentioned in the

Constitution only meant "men."  That was passed August 26th, 1920.  Finally,

the Poll Taxes of the South had to be eliminated so the 24th Amendment was

passed on February 4th, 1964.

The amendments to the Constitution questioned the validity of the original

organ, according to Tocqueville.  I conclude that the original writing was

exact and succinct.  Therefore 15 Presidents, prior to Lincoln and the

Emancipation Proclamation were in contempt of their sworn oath.  We should

consider posthumous impeachment of:

George Washington

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

James Monroe

John Quincy Adams

Andrew Jackson

Martin Van Buren

William H. Harrison

James Knox Polk

Zachary Taylor

Milliard Filmore

Franklin Pierce

James Buchanan

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] United States of Urantia

1998-12-29 Thread KFord74987

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi everyone...I would like to draw your attention to a brilliant article
written by a dear friend of mine Behzad Sarmast, better known as "Behz" He
pretty much sums up what has been happening on our mixed up backwards planet.
I have part of the article below..the rest can be read by following the link
at the bottom...enjoy




As humanity nears the twenty-first century after Christ, and as all the world
watches and waits in anticipation of things to come, we present this paper to
every God-knowing individual on planet Earth. No matter what your religion or
philosophy, if you follow and serve the Universal Father of truth, beauty, and
goodness, you are of us.

This paper is meant to give an analysis of the political, social, and
spiritual status of our world as it stands today, and provide the means by
which all believers may formulate personal decisions and create their own
destinies in the days ahead. It is our sincere hope and desire that these
words uplift, inform, and benefit the people of our planet, even every

Throughout history the human race has experimented with countless social and
political systems. Even democracy which is cherished as an ideal by so many
was invented long before the advent of Christ. But never in our entire history
has the opportunity existed for a government that can seize the authority and
wield power over the whole of the planet -- there is indeed something new
under the sun.

It is beyond the scope of this work to examine the history and methods used in
bringing the world to this level of cosmic insanity. It is merely our wish to
examine the goals and ideals of this coming system, and test its viability as
contrasted by the universal laws.

As always the present is intimately connected with the past, and in order to
understand the future we have to go back at least two centuries.


Even two centuries after its inception, the Constitution of the United States
of America remains a source of misconception and confusion for the masses.
Patriots and Christians alike have accepted the God spoken of in the
Declaration of Independence as their own. Indeed, the pen is mightier than the
sword, and the scribes of this Declaration knew their craft well. It should be
remembered that in separating from Europe and its corrupted churches, the
American government went further to separate from God himself -- the baby was
thrown out with the bathwater. Despite popular myth, this nation was not
founded on biblical principles, and it is interesting that this has to be
revealed to people when the official seal of the nation has emblazoned this
fact from the very beginning. The Latin "Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum"
means "Announcing the birth of the new secular order."

Unfortunately, the "fathers" of the land were not the God-fearing Christians
people are led to believe. Thomas Jefferson, one of the most influential
individuals in setting up the laws of the land was an atheist and always used
the word God to mean nature, forever confusing later generations. The
"Jefferson Bible" which he penned himself was extracted from the biblical
gospel of Jesus, but it does not have a single mention of Jesus' divinity, his
miracles, allusions to the after-life, resurrection, or anything whatsoever
having to do with the gospel as we know it. To Jefferson, and so many other
Masons responsible for the Constitution, Jesus was only a benevolent teacher
whose existence ended on the cross. Everything else was blamed on unscrupulous
men who added divinity to Jesus' story after his human life, and human death.
The gospel according to Tom ends with Jesus' entombment.

So many for so long have been intentionally or unintentionally confused by the
way different beliefs use the common word "God." In the days to come it would
be wise to discern the difference between the "God" of the humanists and the
God of Christ. Einstein was a dues-paying member of the Humanist Society of NY
and yet because of his many references to the "God" of the universe people
mistakenly think of him as a believer. In fact he rejected the notion of a
personal Creator and held the idea of an after-life and divinity in contempt,
reserved only for the "egoistic imagination" of unstable individuals.
Comparatively speaking, up until recent times atheists were not at liberty to
expose their "blasphemous" beliefs and because of persecution have for
centuries learned to use words to disguise their ideology. Much of what we
hear on a day-to-day basis in public today would have been punishable by death
just a few hundred years ago, and often was.

The God of the Constitution was far, very far, from our heavenly Father. In
short, the God mentioned in the Constitution and the Declaration of
Independence is nature. The efficiency and beauty of nature should not be
confused with its laws, and the laws of God are not the same as the laws of
nature. The 

[CTRL] The Dubious Achievement Awards

1998-12-29 Thread Hilary Thomas

DECEMBER 28, 07:37 
The Dubious Achievement Awards 
By LARRY BLASKOAssociated 
Press Writer 
For journalists, year's end is a time of reflection, which takes much less 
energy than actually reporting something. That leaves time for other worthy 
pursuits, such as celebrating at holiday parties. 
In that spirit, a glass or two is hereby raised to this year's winners of the 
CompuBug Dubious Achievement awards for Determined Dumbness in software and 
The Practice Makes Perfect award goes to Microsoft for Windows 98, which 
fixed some of Windows 95's bugs and introduced a swarm of its own. 
The I Knew I Forgot Something award goes to Apple Computer, which introduced 
its much-touted iMac without a floppy disk drive. Clearly, the ``Think 
Different'' crowd never takes work home. Of course, for $150, you can add an 
external floppy drive, just like you could 20 years ago, before it became 
standard equipment. 
With the minimum system requirements for everything from games to 
productivity software roaring past the 166-megahertz Pentium/32 megabytes of RAM 
mark, the Immoderation in All Things award is shared by the entire software 
industry. While we all would like to upgrade our machines every six months, many 
of us have other financial obligations, including children, a mortgage and such. 

The software industry also wins the Punishing Profligate Packaging award for 
surrounding 5-inch-wide CD-ROMs with enough cardboard to deforest Canada, much 
of it inside in sadistic origami creations that aren't going to let go of the 
software without inflicting at least a paper cut. And we really needed the 
latest trend: box-cover flaps, some with multiple pages, touting the product. 
Quick, go hug a tree while there are still some left. 
The Yes, We Have No Bananas award goes to software manufacturers whose only 
installation and help instructions are online. If we could get the doggone stuff 
to install, we wouldn't need the help! 
The Chicken Little Marketing award goes to those who raise the grim vision of 
the end of computing in Year 2000 unless you do a ``system audit'' with a 
product that, coincidentally, they sell. 
The Al Capone Financing Genius award goes to those computer manufacturers 
that are pushing leasing programs to increase their market share, thereby making 
it possible for consumers to pay much more for a computer than it would cost to 
buy one. Manufacturers say it makes computers available to those who can't 
afford to buy one — in the same way loan sharks give high-risk lenders 
``access to financial services.'' 
Finally, the Tolerance Beyond Belief award goes to publicists, editors and, 
most of all, CompuBug's readers, who have endured with me this year — and 
for the past 15 years — and keep coming back for more. 
Questions and comments are welcome. Mail to: CompuBug, P.O. Box 626, Summit, 
N.J. 07901. Or e-mail via the Internet: Larry—Blasko(at)ap.org. 

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Come join exploration - a discussion list dedicated to 
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Re: [CTRL] Khazaria...and the Prince of Egypt

1998-12-29 Thread Kenn Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

> I am surprised by Koestler's superficial concept of the chosen people.

You've read the book? One of his points is that the middle east has been invaded
and re-invaded by so many tribes and peoples--including the Vikings!--that the
idea of a "Chosen people", seen simply from a racial or ethnic point of view, is a
bit absurd.

Below is a movie review that fits this thread. It's from Acharya S.

Moses, Theft from Egypt

   Argh.  Here we go again, as millions of children worldwide are
   with a bunch of hooey, although Dreamwork's "Prince of Egypt" is being
   presented as an adult cartoon.  No matter, as both children and adults
   will be brainwashed into believing that, unlike the "Lion King," the
   "Little Mermaid" and other Disney fare, "Prince of Egypt" is a true
   about God's "chosen people" and their escape under the marvelous Moses
   from those evil, nasty Egyptians!  Obviously, this is yet more mindless

   propaganda designed to empower a certain group of people.  Yet, the
   brainwashing is profound, as interviewers breathlessly question
   about how they felt in creating such an epic, which many might consider
   border on "blasphemy," and the illustrators themselves giddily admit
   this cartoon was more difficult than others "because it really

   Horseshit.  The Moses story did not "really happen."  Like the vast
   majority of biblical tales, it is a myth based on older tales, changed
   revolve around characters of a certain ethnicity or cultural
   if you will.  The Moses tale is, in fact, a plagiarism taken from Egypt

   and its satellite, Canaan, among others.  Moses, then, is not the
   of Egypt" but a "Theft from Egypt."  Since the ancient Egyptians
   cannot address this calumny against them for millennia, I will do it
   them.  The following is an excerpt from my book "The Christ Conspiracy:

   The Greatest Story Ever Sold."

   Moses, the Exodus, the Ten Commandments

   The legend of Moses, rather than being that of a historical Hebrew
   character, is found from the Mediterranean to India, with the character

   having different names and races, depending on the locale: "Manou" is
   Indian legislator.  "Nemo the lawgiver," who brought down the tablets
   the Mountain of God, hails from Babylon.  "Mises" is found in Syria,
   he was pulled out of a basket floating in a river.  Mises also had
   of stone upon which laws were written and a rod with which he did
   miracles, including parting waters and leading his army across the sea.

   In addition, "Manes the lawgiver" took the stage in Egypt, and "Minos"
   the Cretan reformer.

   Jacolliot traces the original Moses to the Indian Manou:  "This name of

   Manou, or Manes . . . is not a substantive, applying to an individual
   its Sanscrit signification is the man, par excellence, the legislator.
   is a title aspired to by all the leaders of men in antiquity."

   Like Moses, Krishna was placed by his mother in a reed boat and set
   in a river to be discovered by another woman.  The Akkadian Sargon also

   was placed in a reed basket and set adrift to save his life.  In fact,
   "The name Moses is Egyptian and comes from mo, the Egyptian word for
   water, and uses, meaning saved from water, in this case, primordial."
   Thus, this title Moses could be applied to any of these various heroes
   saved from the water.

   Walker elaborates on the Moses myth:

   "The Moses tale was originally that of an Egyptian hero, Ra-Harakhti,
   reborn sun god of Canopus, whose life story was copied by biblical
   scholars.  The same story was told of the sun hero fathered by Apollo
   the virgin Creusa; of Sargon, king of Akkad in 2242 B.C.; and of the
   mythological twin founders of Rome, among many other baby heroes set
   adrift in rush baskets.  It was a common theme."

   Furthermore, Moses's rod is a magical, astrology stick used by a number
   other mythical characters.  Of Moses's miraculous exploits, Walker also


   "Moses's flowering rod, river of blood, and tablets of the law were all

   symbols of the ancient Goddess. His miracle of drawing water from a
   was first performed by Mother Rhea after she gave birth to Zeus, and by

   Atalanta with the help of Artemis. His miracle of drying up the waters
   travel dry-shod was earlier performed by Isis, or Hathor, on her way to


[CTRL] Allies can't blast friends into backing new strikes

1998-12-29 Thread Agent Smiley

>  Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/
>  Allies can't blast friends into backing new strikes
>  Britain and US have no takers for more Iraq raids and no real
>  alternatives. Peter Beaumont and Patrick Wintour report
>  London OBSERVERSunday December 27, 1998
>  After the four-day war against Iraq, the campaign against Saddam
>  Hussein has entered a new and dangerously ill-defined phase. Faced
>  with threats of further raids against Iraq, the diplomatic initiative
>  to contain Saddam is running into the sand.
>  United States officials last week conceded privately that new raids
>  would face almost insuperable opposition from the international
>  community, and that sending back the Unscom arms inspectors has been
>  made impossible by the bombing.
>  They argued that it was hard enough to make the case for strikes over
>  the UN inspections. "Without them," one official told the Los Angeles
>  Times, "we're looking at a bunch of new problems." More seriously,
>  argue others, the longed-for removal of Saddam and his cronies appears
>  no nearer.
>  "Saddam is not going to come up laughing after this. He's been hurt.
>  But there's one absolute standard by which the US military action can
>  be judged - whether in six months Saddam is still in power," said
>  James Placke, a former US diplomat in Iraq now with Cambridge Energy
>  Research Associates in Washington. "Are we any closer? Probably not."
>  The key issue now is what international consensus can be reached for
>  dealing with Saddam. British officials believe any move towards
>  consensus is weeks away at least.
>  "Before, we were at odds with Iraq. Now the problem is going to be the
>  allies, and we'll be in the uncomfortable position of trying to coerce
>  them rather than Iraq," said Kenneth M. Pollack, a Middle East analyst
>  at the National Defence University in Washington. "What are we going
>  to do, slap sanctions on France and Turkey? We certainly can't bomb
>  them."
>  The alternatives to further military action are beginning to look very
>  few indeed. The Pentagon is pushing hard for a 'no-drive zone' for
>  military vehicles to match the existing no-fly zone imposed on the
>  Iraqi military, implicitly designed to aid armed opposition groups and
>  create space for them to flourish.
>  It is, however, an idea finding little enthusiasm among British
>  officials, who are nervous that a 'no-drive zone' might become an
>  unenforceable charade - like the 'safe havens' set up after the Gulf
>  War and in Bosnia. One British source said: "You end up looking weaker
>  if you impose conditions that you do not intend to implement."
>  In Britain, formulating a post-bombing policy has become as much about
>  trying to reassure European and Arab allies opposed to the raids as
>  about tackling Saddam. Last week Foreign Secretary Robin Cook talked
>  for two hours by telephone to the German Foreign Secretary, Joschka
>  =46ischer, as part of a round of calls designed to rebuild support for
>  the US-UK policy on Iraq and develop a 'morning after' strategy.
>  As president of the EU for the next six months, Germany is eager to
>  back plans to give either the EU or the UN a new role in getting
>  humanitarian aid into Iraq. Cook will support an increase in aid. Iraq
>  now has to order the food, but the EU is looking at a system under
>  which Brussels makes deliveries without waiting for a request. The
>  British also want a tightening of sanctions against Iraq amid signs
>  that trade restrictions have been widely flouted. It is here that the
>  greatest potential for division between Britain and the US and the
>  rest of the international community lies. Thomas Pickering, the US
>  Under-Secretary of State, warned last week: "If Iraq chooses to end
>  its co-operation [with the inspectors], it has literally chosen for
>  sanctions in perpetuity." It is an idea that will pay badly in the
>  Arab world.
>  =46or Britain, the war has had deeper psychological ramifications - in
>  particular for Labour's foreign policy, which has stepped closer to
>  the new belligerence of the US. This was evident in the dispatch of
>  the carrier Invincible to the Gulf.
>  Tony Blair said last week: "If those who abuse force to wage war are
>  not confronted by those willing to use force to maintain peace, war
>  becomes more likely. We cannot do everything, but what we can do, we
>  should do."
>  _
> *  The Activist  *
>   http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian
> =20
>   This is not about the world that we inherited from our forefathers,
>   It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!

Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/

Allies can't blast friends into backing new strikes

Britain and US have no takers for more Iraq raids and no 

Re: [CTRL] Who said the African AIDS crisis is part of a conspiracy?

1998-12-29 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

By the end of this century we may know everything there is to know about the
HIV virus and not a damn thing about AIDS.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Khazaria.......NOT!

1998-12-29 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/98 7:58:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>  "Jim Condit Jr." wrote:
>  >
>  >  -Caveat Lector-
>  >
>  > I'm happy to be able to refer all to research that will settle the
>  > issue. (incidentally, I'm not the two people below are communicating
>  > accurately with each other) -- Arthur Koestler, himself a Jewish scholar,
>  > wrote The Thirteenth Tribe which was on the New York Times best seller
> list
>  > for quite a few months back in the 1970's. In it he urges support for
>  > Israel but, but also urges that the "chosen people" line be dropped
>  > according to him, 70% of the Jews in the world today are descended from
> the
>  > Khazars in Russia who converted to Judaism, only 30% being descended from
>  > the Hebrew people of Biblical times.

I am surprised by Koestler's superficial concept of the chosen people.  At
times like this i wish i knew the bible better.  There is a place in the Old
Testament which describes the tribes of Israel lining up on slopes of two
adjacent hills where they would respond to one another in apparently a sort of
chant format.  The notion was that they were participating in the Exodus, not
commemorating it or recalling it but participating in it.  A notion quite
analogous to the Catholic Mass.  In other words, though i am no rabbi, my
understanding is that, like with Catholics, those who convert to Judaism are
considered to be fully Jews, not apart or inferior.  Therefore, if not a
single living Jew carries a dollop of DNA from the Hebrews of the biblical
era, the living Jews are still the Chosen People.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Who said the African AIDS crisis is part of a conspiracy?

1998-12-29 Thread Scramjet1

 -Caveat Lector-

Faulty Condoms Thwart AIDS Fight in Africa


  JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- Out of the depths of the AIDS epidemic
sweeping Africa, an ugly truth is emerging: Some condom makers have been
dumping their substandard wares here and Africans have been risking their
lives on brittle, leaky or ill-fitting condoms.

  The problem has been particularly bad here in South Africa, where, until
last August, government officials were using a procurement system that almost
invited manufacturers to ship their castoffs here.

  There is no question that a scarcity of condoms and the refusal of many men
to use them are to blame for far more of Africa's 23 million HIV infections
than faulty condoms are. And experts say most condoms are perfectly good and
that the influx of bad ones may finally have been stemmed. But the deviousness
or sloppiness of some manufacturers and the failure of inspectors to catch
them have contributed to the disease's spread.

  As a result, couples who do practice safe sex have been left helpless.

  Elizabeth Chidonza, an AIDS-education worker in Cape Town, said she has
twice had condoms break during sex. Her boyfriend is not infected with the
AIDS virus, but she is. She is both afraid of infecting him and afraid he
would beat her if she did.

  In the West, condoms are not necessarily thought of as life-saving medical
devices. Here, however, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, which
causes AIDS, is rampant, and virtually everyone infected will die of it
because almost no one in Africa can afford thousands of dollars for AIDS
"cocktails" that enable people to live with the disease. Condoms also prevent
the spread of venereal diseases and urinary tract infections, which can
produce sores that speed HIV transmission.

  Hundreds of millions of condoms are handed out free on this continent each
year, paid for -- and tested -- by international aid agencies.

  Even now, though, more than 4 million Kenzo brand condoms from Polo Latex
Co. of Calcutta are on their way back to India. They were not tested before
distribution, and complaints from Cape Town prostitutes flooded in to SWEAT,
the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Task Force, a community aid agency,
which had handed thousands out free.

  When they were checked, the results were shocking: As many as 48 out of 200
in some test batches broke.

  "Some of them had sand inside the foil packets," said Andrew Crichton, a
national Health Department consultant. "How do you even do that? You
practically have to have a guy inside the factory throwing dirt into the
machine. The cartons had water marks and were disintegrating. They looked like
they'd been around the world twice."

  Thiru Moopen, assistant director of Inbeco, a Pretoria company that imported
the condoms, said her "fingers were burnt" in the deal. Polo Latex "claimed
its factory was sabotaged," she said, but it agreed to replace the goods.

  A consignment of Twin Lotus condoms from China is also being recalled, and
there have been problems with other brands.

  There has been no worldwide study of faulty condoms, said Bunmi Makinwa, a
distribution expert for UNAIDS in Geneva, but anecdotal reports crop up. There
have been occasional problems in Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Rwanda, Zambia and
Malawi. In 1993 in Zimbabwe, 24 million condoms made in Malaysia by Dongkuk
Techo Rubber and paid for by the British government failed tests. Fortunately,
the results came in before any were distributed, but fearing they would be
stolen and end up on the black market, Zimbabwe burned them.

  In a country where 25 percent of adults are now infected, it took 18 months
and $157,000 to replace them, even though Durex, a London-based company making
a high-quality, slightly more expensive brand, sent "emergency shipments."

  Dongkuk later said its goods were rejected only because the standards were
raised after they were made. A British Embassy AIDS educator denied that,
calling it "an excuse," but acknowledged that Dongkuk now sells condoms
elsewhere without problems.

  The incident was so embarrassing -- British aid officials were "nearly
court-martialed" by Parliament, one expert joked -- that the British aid
agencies adopted far stricter testing rules, which are now used in the many
English-speaking countries for which they buy condoms.

  Condoms are made all over the world, but most factories are in India,
Malaysia, Thailand and China, where latex rubber and cheap labor are

  Dennis Blairman, a British condom-quality consultant, has toured dozens of
factories. "The industry is a jungle," he said. "Some makers have very
science-based companies with excellent laboratories, and others are awful,
staggering along with broken-down machinery. Latex goes in one end, something
comes out at the other, and the buyer doesn't know the difference."

  As a result, he said, "I don't think there's a plot to dump substandard
goods on Africa, but I'm sur

[CTRL] Paper Links Boston Museum To Looted Antiquities (Reuters)

1998-12-29 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Paper Links Boston Museum To Looted Antiquities

BOSTON (Reuters) - The Boston Museum of Fine Arts, already embroiled in
several controversies, apparently acquired scores of Greek and Roman
antiquities looted from Italian archaeological sites, the Boston Globe
reported Sunday.

The newspaper said the museum seemed to have acquired the objects in the
14 years since it says it abandoned dealings in the illicit art market. The
Globe said the questionable objects included three valuable Greek vases
apparently excavated illegally from 2,300-year-old grave sites in the Apulian
region of southern Italy and smuggled out of the country.

In what the Globe called ``a telltale admission,'' the Museum of Fine Arts
described the three vases as among a ''host'' of newly discovered artifacts in
a book it published in 1993. The newspaper has been investigating the museum's
collections with the help of classical scholars and art experts.

It said it found that only 10 of the 71 items in the Greek and Roman
collection had any recorded ownership or provenance.

The remaining artifacts, including the three vases mentioned in the book, have
no pedigree at all--strong circumstantial evidence that most were recently
unearthed by grave-robbers, the Globe said.

The accusations added to the museum's woes.

Its ``Monet in the 20th Century'' exhibit, which closes this weekend before
moving next month to the Royal Academy of Arts in London, was accused of
failing to note clearly that one of the artist's works had been looted by the

And that was not the only Monet to cause problems for the institution.

Claude Monet's ``Fields of Poppies at Giverny,'' which hangs in another
gallery, has become the subject of a struggle. The painting was loaned to the
museum in 1911 by the Right Rev. William Wolcott of Lawrence, Massachusetts,
but the city of Lawrence now wants it back, so it can be sold to raise
much-needed funds.

Museum of Fine Arts Director Malcolm Rogers said in an earlier interview that
if that was what Wolcott had had in mind, he could have sold the painting
himself and donated the proceeds to Lawrence.

A year ago, the Museum of Fine Arts turned aside a public demand from the
government of Guatemala that it return scores of pre-Columbian artifacts
looted from ancient Mayan grave sites in that country.

The museum argued that the artifacts had entered the United States legally
between 1974 and 1981. It was only in 1983 that the museum committed itself to
international standards designed to curb the widespread plundering of

The museum declined to comment immediately on the Globe's investigation
and suggested that reporters call its press office Monday.

Robert F. Tatman
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Masonry

1998-12-29 Thread Agent Smiley

Title: Origins of the Society

Origins of the Society
The Old Charges of Freemasonry
(1) The Operative Craft

"There exists a collection of documents which has been called up as evidence both for the operative and non-operative origins of Freemasonry.  Described by Anderson as the Gothic Constitutions, and now known collectively as the Old Charges, some 127 versions have been traced of which 113 are still in existenceAll have a common form:
a. an opening prayer
b. a legendary history of the mason craft tracing it from biblical origins to its establishment in England
c. a code of regulations for Masters, Fellows and Apprentices covering both craft practices and morals
d. arrangement for large-scale 'territorial' assemblies at which attendance was obligatory
e. procedures for the trial and punishment of offenders
f. admission procedures 'for new men that were never charged before', including an oath of fidelity."
"Historically, the Old Charges fall into three groups.  The first comprises the two earliest versions, the Regius MS of c.1390 and the Cook MS of c.1420...The second, and largest, group begins with the Grand Lodge No. 1 MS, dated 25 December 1583, and covers all the versions datable before the formation of the premier Grand Lodge in 1717.  The third group comprises manuscript and printed versions produced after 1717, the majority of which appear to have been produced as antiquarian curiosities."
- John Hamill, The Craft, A History of English Freemasonry

The Wood manuscript, written, in 1610 "traces the history of the Order from two pillars that were found after Noah's Flood, none made of a marble that would not burn with fire, the other made of a substance known in Masonic legends as Laterus, which would not dissolve, sink or drown in any water.  One of these pillars was found and upon it were inscribed the secrets of the sciences from which the Sumerians developed a moral code that passed to the Egyptians through the Sumerian Abraham and his wife Sarah.  The script goes on to describe Euclid teaching geometry to the Egyptians, from whom the Israelites took it to Jerusalem, which resulted in the building of King Solomon's Temple."
- Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus

"A record of the society written in the reign of Edward IV, said to have been in the possession of the famous Elias Ashmole, founder of the Museum at Oxford, and which was unfortunately destroyed, with other papers on the subject of Masonry, at the Revolution, gives the following account of the state of Masonry at this period:
"That though the ancient records of the brotherhood in England were many of them destroyed, or lost, in the wars of the Saxons and Danes, yet king Athelitane, (the grandson of King Alfred the Great, a mighty architect,) the first anointed king of England, and who translated the Holy Bible into the Saxon tongue, (AD 930) when he had brought the land into rest and peace, built many great works, and encouraged many Mason from France, who were appointed overseers thereof, and brought with them the charges and regulations of the lodges, preserved since the Roman times; who also prevailed with the king to improve the constitution of the English lodges according to the foreign model, and to increase the wages of working Masons."
- William Preston, Illustrations of Masonry (1804)
Preston's accounts of the history of Masonry in England, beginning with the Druids and Romans, are based on the mythical history included in Anderson's Constitutions (1773) and his own 1776 Appendix.

"In the west of England there is a magnificent chain of cathedrals without parallel elsewhere: Exeter, Wells, Gloucester, Worcestershire and Hereford, as well asmany abbeys and castles, on which building was carried out almost continuously during the five centuries before A.D. 1500."
The Regius MS and the Cooke MS, based on a lost 1360 manuscript, are the only pre-Reformation versions of the Old Charges still extant.  Both "say that Athelstan, grandson of Alfred the Great gave charges to masons for he was the King of Wessex before he became King of All England [c.895-939], and he is reputed to have been the founder in 932 of the monastic house which was the fore-runner of the cathedral at Exeter." 
According to the Cooke MS, Athalstan's youngest son "'loved well the science of Geometry' and he became a mason himself. He, in turn, gave charges to masons 'as it is now in England'. Moreover he obtained a patent from the king that they should 'make assembly when they saw reasonable time to come together'."
- Bro. J. R. Clarke, "The Old Charges (A New Look at the Oldest of Them)"

"During the reign of Henry II, the Grand Master of the Knights Templars superintended the Masons, and employed them in building their Temple in Fleet-street, A.D. 1155.  Masonry continued under the patronage of this Order till the year 1199, when John succeeded his brother Richard i

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Kenn Thomas talk in Los Angeles (spread the word)]

1998-12-29 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 12/29/98 1:02:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> << The author of Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles and the upcoming Maury
>  Island UFO
>  publisher of Steamshovel Press, the conspiracy magazine, will give a
>  lecture/slide presentation on the connection between UFO lore and the
>  history of covert intelligence, starting with the 1947 Maury Island UFO
>  case, through Jim Garrison's investigation of the JFK assassination, to
>  the Inslaw/Promis scandal of the 1990s. Learn how a closely tied group
>  of covert operatives have figured into the most prominent events of
>  parapoltical manipulation of the 20th century. Thomas will also be on
>  hand after the talk to answer questions and dialogue on all things
>  conspiratorial. Copies of his book, Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles, and
>  the latest issue of Steamshovel Press will be on sale.
>   >>
> God I'd pay REAL money to see such a slide show and lecture!  I have always
> enjoyed your work Kenn and like Steamshovel very much (it was one of the
> sites that I bookmarked on my web browser after I got on line!).  What do I
> have to do to get you to come to Pittsburgh?  I am not above kidnapping and
> blackmail!  BTW who was that person you were meeting in the Motel 6 on
> Saturday?!?!?
> Teo1000

And as long as you're in Pittsburgh, how about a side trip to Philly...?



Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed 
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [priory-of-sion] Re: wrong george

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd

From: Tim Carmain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I read someplace (probably Maurice Ashley or Christopher Hill) that
no less
> than eleven individuals with arguably better claims to the British
> were passed over in favor of Georg of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (aka George
I) upon
> the death of Queen Anne. Any idea as to who all these folks were?
>  from James III, of course)
> Any help, or suggestions as to where to look, would be greatly
> Many thanks!!!
> Regards,
> K

"German Georgie" was 58th in line for the throne, but the first
Protestant on the list, beating out:

1. Anne-Marie d'Orleans
2. Victor Amadeus of Savoy
3. Charles Emmanuel II of Sardinia
4. Marie-Louise of Savoy, Queen of Spain
5. Louis I of Spain
6. Infante Felipe Pedro Gabriel of Spain
7. Ferdinand VI of Spain
8. Elisabeth-Charlotte of Bavaria
9. Philippe d'Orleans, Duke of Chartres
10. Louis d'Orleans
11. Marie-Louise d'Orleans
12. Marie-Adelaide d'Orleans
13. Charlotte d'Orleans
14. Louise-Elisabeth d'Orleans
15. Philippine-Elisabeth d'Orleans
16. Louise-Diana d'Orleans
17. Elisabeth-Charlotte, Duchess of Lorraine
18. Leopold of Lorraine
19. Francis of Lorraine, HRE Francis I
20. Charles of Lorraine
21. Elisabeth of Lorraine
22. Anne-Charlotte of Lorraine
23. Louis-Otto of Solms
24. Dorothea of Solms
25. Elisabeth of Solms
26. Christine of Solms
27. Adelaide of Solms
28. Eleonore of Solms
29. Anne-Henriette de Bourbon, Princess de Conde
30. Louis de Bourbon-Conde
31. Charles de B-C, Comte de Charolais
32. ??, Mademoiselle de Clermont
33. Marie-Anne de Bourbon-Conde
34. Louis de Boubon-Conti
35. ??, Mademoiselle de Charolais
36. ??, Mademoiselle de Clermont
37. ??, Mademoiselle de Vermandois
38. ??, Mademoiselle de Sens
39. Marie de Conti
40. Louis, Prince de Conti
41. Marie, Duchess of Bourbon
42. Louis de Conti
43. Louise, Duchess of Maine
44. Louis de Maine
45. Louis-Charles de Maine
46. ??, Mademoiselle de Maine
47. Marie de Conti
48. Benedikte, Duchess of Brunswick-Luneburg
49. Charlotte of Brunswick, Duchess of Modena
50. Francis of Modena
51. Frederick of Modena
52. Benedicte of Modena
53. Amelia-Josepha of Modena
54. Henrietta of Modena
55. Wilhelmina of Brunswick, HR Empress
56. Maria-Josepha of Habsburg, Queen of Saxony
57. Maria-Amalia of Habsburg, HR Empress

I guess it didn't pay to b Catholic in those days.

Tim Carmain

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http://www.albino.com/circle/pos - - list of priory-related books,
associations, and websites

[CTRL] Fwd: RMNews Update: Is The White House Changing Strategy?

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd

Commentary by Ru Mill, Editor of RMNews



* * * * *
html">Salon Newsreal
Newsreal | Blood money
 This is the link for the Arkansas Blood Money story, as
told by Salon Magazine.

I have also inserted the text of the article at the end of my
comments to make it easier to forward.
* * * * *
There are now two articles from "Clinton Friendly" media
resources that make me question what
is coming in the NEAR future. I don't have any answers, I am only
pointing out a change in the wind, or in the "spin".

Matt Drudge ran a story stating that the National Enquirer
is going to be running an article about
Hillary hitting the President so hard that he had to wear
make up to cover the bruises. The
Drudge Report also stated that Bill told the Secret Service,
"Get that bitch out of here before I do
something I can't get out of" (or words to that effect) The
Drudge article closed with reference to
the fact that Bill has returned to his "junk food binges".

Later that night, on FOX News, one of the "psychological
commentators" said that eating junk
food was a substitute for his sexual addiction. In other
words, if he can't get sex, then he is going
to spiral down, psychology, and have to feed his addiction
in the only way he can, i.e. binging on  junk food.

I had just moved to Carmel from San Francisco when
Mayor Moscone was gunned down by Dan
White. I still considered myself a San Franciscan,  therefore
the murder of my mayor hit me very
hard. I followed the case as well as I could in those days,
(BI... Before Internet).

My memory is fuzzy right now, I can't remember if Dan
White, the man who murdered Mayor
Moscone and supervisor Harvey Milk, was convicted of
manslaughter or second degree murder.
Whichever it was, he was out of jail in 7 years or less. What
defense did he use?

He used what we would now call, "The junk food" defense.

Dan White's lawyer convinced the jury that Dan White was
suffering a "sugar high" from eating too many Twinkies.
This tactic is now called "The Twinkie Defense" At the
time the lawyer was making this ridiculous defense before
the jury, no one believed it would work.  San Francisco and
the nation were horrified when Dan White was let go with a
slap on the wrist.

Shortly after Dan White was released from prison, he
"conveniently" committed suicide. There
are other, more sinister  stories tied to the Dan White story.
Many CIA operatives I have spoken to tell me George
Moscone knew too much about the Jonestown Massacre.
Jim Jones had been an active member of the San Francisco
community before he moved to the jungles of South
America and started Jonestown.

The government operatives I have spoken with regarding
the whole incident tell me that the Jonestown operation was
a government experiment in mind control. They also  tell
me Dan White was a "Manchurian Candidate" who had
been programmed to kill Moscone, and any witnesses who
happened to see the murder.
* * * * *
(All of this is covered in Volume 1 of RMNews.
Unfortunately,  RMNews, Volume 1 is not on
the Internet. It is available from Pigeon Point Publishing. If
you want more information on how
to obtain  a copy, send me an email and I will send you a
list of products which are available
from Pigeon Point Publishing. Or click on the soon to be website of Rumor Mill
News Agency http://www.rumormillnews.com/">RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY -
Home Page http://www.rumormillnews.com/"   There is a short list of
products for sale on this page.)
* * * * *

Getting back to the information reported in the Drudge
article, I can foresee "a junkfood"
defense being used in the future in regards to Bill Clinton.
The question is, "What crime will he use it to cover?" Is the
White House setting us up for the murder or the beating of
Hillary Clinton? Are we being prepared for foreign policy
that is so dangerous to the world that it brings
us to the point of nuclear annihilation?

Will we see Bill Clinton's lawyers  tell us that "the stress
caused by the Republicans and Ken
Starr threw the President into a fit of junk food binging that
affected his mental capacity and
diminished his ability to judge right from wrong."

This tactic  sounds vaguely similar to Dan White's
"Twinkie Defense."

 I have not yet seen this weeks edition of the National
Enquirer. I don't know if they will run the story. But if they
do, you must remember that the story was run, with
permission from Bill Clinton's lawyer, David Kendall.
David Kendall is also the legal counsel for the National


1998-12-29 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


The British Army on the Rhine have been recalled for crowd control exercises
and British Newspapers eg. Scotsman have beeb pedalling the preperatory
ground for Martial Law given the necessity.

However my Discussion group in Edinburgh, Scotland think that the problem
could have been easily and quickly spotted by some of the most logical
and pragnatic minds in the world ie. computer scientists - many years ago.

In the UK, there is some publicity from Banks and Bureaus re dealing with Y2K
but as usual - there is this mind - numbing blanket of media silence,
whilst the TV continues with its other agendas.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: CNN on Richard Mellon Scaife

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd

Accuracy in Media is funded by Richard Mellon Scaife.Cmdr Bill Donaldson
was funded by Accuracy in Media.  Cmdr. Bill Donaldson believes that TWA 800
was shot down by Terrorists.I believe that Cmdr Donaldson is in error.
Does this mean that AIM and the newer TWA 800 organizations formed with Cmdr
Donaldson are part of the coverup?

Best Regards,
Marshall Houston
Portland, Oregon


 http://cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1998/04/27/scaife.profile/">Who Is
Richard Mellon Scaife? - April 27, 1998

Who Is Richard Mellon Scaife?

He's very rich and very partisan, but is he behind an anti-Clinton

By Brooks Jackson/CNN

WASHINGTON (April 27) -- Who is Richard Scaife? He's a 65-year-old
billionaire Republican wielding power from the shadows.

According to President Bill Clinton's allies, he's the main money man
behind a right-wing anti-Clinton conspiracy, attacking with his money.
Former White House counsel Lanny Davis argues, "He's using it to destroy
a president of the United States."

If it's a conspiracy, it's a pretty open one. Scaife's tax-exempt
foundations disclose their grants on the Web. Among them: $2.4 million
over several years to American Spectator to pay for anti-Clinton
reporting, even a private eye to dig up dirt. And millions more went to
other anti-Clinton groups.
Documents: Grants From Scaife Foundations, 1994-1996
He refused CNN's request for an interview, but this much is undisputed:
Richard Mellon Scaife is very rich and very partisan.

He was born to great wealth, the great grand-nephew of Andrew Mellon,
growing up in Pittsburgh at the family's opulent home, Penguin Court.
Often in the care of servants, his hobby was reading newspapers.

Burton Hersh, author of "The Mellon Family," said, "Even as a child, he
always saw the correlation between the media and the reputation of
politicians. That's certainly been a sub-theme of his life."

Today he owns a newspaper, Pittsburgh's second largest, the
Tribune-Review. But he has made his main mark not as a media baron, but
by financing Republican politics.

He was the second-largest donor to the Nixon-Agnew campaign in 1972,
giving $1 million.

Former President Ronald Reagan appointed many veterans of Scaife-funded
think tanks to his administration.

Later, Scaife gave to GOPAC, the political fund that helped make Newt
Gingrich speaker in 1994. Gingrich says Scaife's money laid the basis
for modern conservatism. And his money still flows:
•To the Heritage Foundation alone, nearly $3.5 million from Scaife
foundations in the most recent three years on record.
•$1.22 million to the American Enterprise Institute.

•$1.40 million to Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

•$325,000 to the Cato Institute.

•$575,000 to the Citizens for a Sound Economy, among others.

Scaife has particular contempt for the Clintons. At a Heritage
Foundation event in November 1994, Scaife said, "I think maybe Hillary
and company have it figured out right. They wouldn't be happy here."

Scaife's foundations shovel millions into groups hostile to Bill
Clinton. The Free Congress Foundation, which runs a conservative cable
channel, received $1.9 million from 1994 to 1996.

Hollywood's Center for the Study of Public Culture, which sees liberal
bias in the movies, got nearly $1.8 million. Accuracy in Media, a group
still promoting the idea that Clinton aide Vince Foster may have been
murdered, got $675,000.

At Scaife's newspaper his reporter Christopher Ruddy doggedly pursues
the Foster case. And when Ruddy's book, "The Strange Death of Vincent
Foster," got a bad write-up in the American Spectator, saying Ruddy
sounded like a "right-wing nut," Scaife cut off the magazine's money.

American Spectator Editor-In-Chief R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. said, "Dick was
angered by the review. And called me and said he didn't care to support
the American Spectator any further."

The Spectator used most of Scaife's money for what was called "the
Arkansas project." Through an Arkansas bait shop, Spectator operatives
kept in touch with Clinton accuser David Hale, even supplying Hale with
$200 to make phone calls from prison.

Now Independent Counsel Ken Starr is investigating possible illegal
witness-tampering, because a woman and her son say Hale got even more of
Scaife's money, something the Spectator denies.

Tyrrell said, "No, we have no evidence that money went to Hale. In fact,
if money went to Hale from my people they'd be in big trouble."

Some Clinton allies say Starr himself may have a conflict because of
Scaife money. Scaife has given nearly $13 million over the last 36 years
to Pepperdine University, which offered Starr a job.

But Pepperdine, Scaife and Starr all deny any connection. "I have never
met him. I have never talked to him. I have had no arrangement --
implicit, explicit, direct or indirect -- with him," Starr said this
month when announcing he would not take the Pepperdine position.

To his detractors, 

Re: [CTRL] Polls

1998-12-29 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 7:30:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  If you do the math, the percentage of the actual population of the
>  United States represented in the polls works out to .027%. That
>  doesn't sound very "representative" to me!

Statistical samplig, especially when stratified, can yield highly accurate
results from a relatively small number of respondents.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Y2K Nightmare -Vanity Fair- Jan.1999

1998-12-29 Thread flw
Title: RemarQ [comp.software.year-2000] 12.31.99 The Y2K Nightmare -Vanity Fair- January 1999

A topnotch Y2K article in latest Vanity 
Fair (of all places!)
Fair January 1999 

Will the millennium arrive in darkness and chaos as billions of lines of 
computer code containing two-digit year dates shut down hospitals, banks, 
police and fire departments, airlines, utilities, the Pentagon, and the 
White House? These nightmare scenarios are only too possible, Robert Sam 
Anson discovers as he traces the birth of the Y2K "bug," the 
folly, greed and denial that have muffled two decades of warnings from 
technology experts, and the ominous results of Y2K tests that lay bare the 
dimensions of a ticking global time bomb.
The Y2K Nightmare 
By Robert Sam Anson 
The nightmare scenario goes like this: 
It is an instant past midnight, January 1, 2000, and suddenly nothing 
works. Not ATM.'s, which have stopped dispensing cash; not credit cards, 
which are being rejected; not VCRS, which now really are impossible to 
program. The power in some cities isn't working, either; and that means no 
heat, lights, or coffee in the morning, not to mention no televisions, 
stereos, or phones, which even in places with power-aren't working, either. 
Bank vaults and prison gates have swung open; so have valves on sewer lines. 
The 911 service isn't functioning, but fire trucks are on the prowl (though 
the blaze had better be no higher than the second floor; since their ladders 
won't lift). People in elevators are trapped, and those with electronic 
hotel or office keys can't get anywhere, either. Hospitals have shut down 
because their ventilators and X-ray machines won't work and, in any case, 
it's now impossible to bill the H.M.O. 
Traffic is a mess, since no streetlights are working. Trains are running, 
but their control switches aren't, which is bad news for supermarkets, 
utilities, car dealers, and international trade, which can't move by ship 
either. Only the brave or foolhardy are getting on airplanes-but with so 
many countries degenerating into riots and revolution, it's wiser to stay at 
home anyway. There are no newspapers to read or movies to go to or welfare 
checks to cash. Meantime, retirees are opening letters saying that their 
pensions have been canceled because they are minus-23 years old. Many banks 
and small businesses have gone bust, and it will be weeks-if ever before the 
mess that is the broker's statement is sorted out. 
On the brighter side, no one can punch a time clock; on the darker; most 
of the big manufacturing plants have shut down because their lathes and 
robots aren't work- ing. Pharmacies aren't filling prescriptions; the D.M.V. 
is not processing license renewals, and everyone's dashboard keeps flashing 
SERVICE ENGINE Now. Mortgage payments sent on time have been marked late, 
and everyone's phone bill is messed up because of all those calls that began 
in 1999 and ended in 1900. On the Internet where thousands of Web sites are 
suggesting how to find God and when to move to the wilderness the acronym 
for what's occurring is TEOTWAWKI: The End Of The World As We Know It.
Will it happen? "Yes," "No", and "Maybe," 
say the experts. And that's the most unnerving thing about the phenomenon 
variously known as "Y2K," "The Year 2000 Problem," or 
"The Millennium Bug": No one will know the extent of its 
consequences until after they occur. The one sure thing is that the wondrous 
machines that govern and ease our lives won't know what to do. Some will 
freeze, electronically paralyzed; others will become imbecilic, giving 
idiot. answers and issuing lunatic commands; still others, overwhelmed, will 
simply die -as will the blind faith the world has placed in them. "The 
reason we are in this screwup," says Paul Strassmann, who oversaw the 
Pentagon's vast computer operations during the Bush administration, "is 
that ... Americans fell in love with computers and put up with ... failures 
that they would not have put up with in a crummy toaster or 
The product of this folly is a looming disaster with an immovable 
deadline that will touch the entire world. Its scale is unique, too: 1.2 
trillion lines of potentially lethal software code located in virtually 
every country, plus 30 billion microprocessors. Many are linked-computer to 
computer; network to network, place to place -everywhere from birthing rooms 
to crematoriums. And if potential catastrophe is to be avoided, every line 
and chip must be checked-a task variously likened to building the pyramids, 
changing all the light bulbs in Las Vegas in an afternoon, or individually 
polishing enough ma

[CTRL] Fwd: SOFTWAR Best Of 1998 - The Red Rat Strikes Back

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd


If Attorney General Janet Reno really wanted to investigate Bill
Clinton then she need look no farther than WORLDNETDAILY.
Starting in 1998, Worldnetdaily readers were treated to a series
of articles on the documented sale of advanced technology to
China for campaign donations.

One prime example of the documented China scandal is a series of
letters written to President Clinton and Commerce Secretary Ron
Brown by million-dollar DNC donor Sanford Robertson.  Sanford
Robertson is a U.S. businessman and a west coast financial
banker.  He recently sold his firm, Robertson Stephens Company,
to Bank of America for well over a billion dollars.  Robertson,
when interviewed, could not remember traveling to China with Ron

The connections between Sanford Robertson, the Communist Chinese
and the Clinton/Gore campaign are provided in his own written
words.  Robertson bragged in a 1994 letter to Ron Brown that his
influence extended into the PRC leadership by employing the son
of a powerful red party member.

Robertson also foolishly wrote a November, 1994, "thank you"
letter to Bill Clinton.  The letter was found in the files of
Ron Brown at the U.S. Commerce Department.  Robertson thanked
Clinton in writing for sending him to China on U.S. tax dollars.
"Thank you for autographing the pictures taken in the cabinet
room before Ron Brown's delegation to China.  The trip seemed to
be an economic and diplomatic triumph."

Robertson's letter to President Clinton specifically mentions
how Secretary Brown skipped over "human rights" during his 1994
talks with the communist Chinese leadership.  According to
Robertson, Brown went directly to more important issues such as
"helping Chrysler, Sprint and others with their joint ventures."

Robertson concluded his letter to Clinton with a telling post
script, and a personal DNC donation report.  Robertson wrote to
Clinton "Bob Rubin came to our home on Thursday for a Dianne
Feinstein dinner, which raised over $100,000 for her campaign.
Bob, of course, turned out the financial community and Silicon

Another prime example of Bill Clinton selling lucrative trade
rights in exchange for campaign donations is Bernard Schwartz,
the CEO of Loral.  Schwartz traveled to Beijing in August 1994,
on U.S. tax dollars.  Schwartz also donated over a million
dollars to the DNC.

According to documents discovered in the files of Ron Brown,
Schwartz met with Chinese Army Lt. General Shen Roug Jun, to
sell U.S. communications satellites and buy Chinese space
rockets.  The meeting between Loral CEO Schwartz and the PLA
General was arranged by President Clinton.

The documented evidence shows Loral successfully exported
advanced military technology using the Brown connection and the
massive amount of money donated to the DNC.  Another letter
discovered in the previously unreleased files of Ron Brown shows
that Loral Defense Systems President, Jerald A. Lindfelt, wrote
Brown in March of 1996.

Lindfelt sought Brown's help in the export of an advanced radar
system called SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) to China's State
Science and Technology Commission.  SAR radar is employed by
U.S. bombers, and special military aircraft such as the advanced
JSTARS ground surveillance plane.  SAR radar played a major role
in detecting and destroying Iraqi tanks during the Gulf war.

"We've worked hard trying to resolve these problems with the
Department of State, the Department of Commerce and the Defense
Technology Security Administration (DTSA)," Loral's Lindfelt
wrote to Brown.

"But someone in these organizations always manages to block our
participation...  Over the years we have found that this type of
obstacle often comes from lower levels of management rather than
by people willing to look at the bigger picture.  Could you help
us by identifying someone in the Commerce Department high enough
in the organization to help us resolve these issues and open
this marketplace..."

Of course, Lindfelt knew he was writing to someone "high enough"
in the Commerce Department who could appreciate Loral's plight.
Brown was well aware that Schwartz had donated over a million
dollars to Bill Clinton - the same man that would sign any

President Clinton left a paper trail a mile wide between himself
and his Chinese benefactors.  Money paid to U.S. and Chinese
agents went directly into Bill Clinton's 1996 campaign.  In
exchange, Clinton used his pen to sign waiver after waiver,
circumventing Congress and the law, to export satellites, super
computers, radars, secure communications, and bombing navigation
equipment to China.  In fact, according to the GAO, Clinton
personally authorized a secure communications system be sold
directly to the Chinese Air Force.

Motorola obtained a waiver from Bill Clinton to sell a secure
communications system to the Chinese police.  Motorola obtained
that waiver over the objections of State Depa


1998-12-29 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 3:01:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Caveat Lector-
>  And pagan elements being incorporated into the actual structures of the
>  churches, not to forget superstitions that became part of the rituals.

Why are so many on this list making a big deal about the pagan elements of
Christmas?  I have been hearing this for decades with each teller under the
impression he/she is stating some new finding.  Folks, this info has been
around for hundreds of years.

The early missionaries merely coopted the pagan festivals and imagery.  Of
course, new meanings were supplied, these new meanings incorporated to a
greater or lesser degree the underlying beliefs of Christianity.  The adults
understand that the Christmas decorations or the determination of the birthday
of Jesus of Nazareth are not Christian beliefs, they are trivia that keeps
certain people occupied.

This is slightly analogous to the Israeli religious practice of using the
common stories of their region for their purpose such as the stories of
creation or the story of the flood.  Of course the Israeli prophets charged
them with profound and extraordinary meaning.  The analogy is somewhat shallow
because, in the case of the early Christians, we are speaking of co-option at
a much shallower level.  For instance, the specious claims that the Christmas
tree stands for the wood of the cross or that since the tree was at least once
alive, it stands for the living God are harmless though very weak linkages.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Religious Right,Religious Rights: an interview with A

1998-12-29 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 2:44:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  I believe the problem arose when the civil rights of some were being
>  violated by those felt to be the majority.  Separating the two allowed for
>  free exercise thereof without infringement on others / others' rights.
>  Suffice to say, the Judeo-Christian perspective was pervasive in them olden
>  days, before the quilt of religions / faiths that exist currently.  As the
>  Pilgrims fled Jolly Ol' England for some tolerance

Good post.  Your take is coorect and your thoughts about the ongoing nature of
the constitution is also correct.

However, the Pilgrims did not come to America to escape English persecution.
They fled first England and then Holland because neither the English nor the
Dutch would permit the Pilgrims to persecute others.  They came to America so
they could force their religious practices on those around them.  They were
not alone in this.  It is not for nothing that creeps like Pat Robertson
admire the religious leaders of the early colonies


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Christmas Eve Conspiracy Power Move

1998-12-29 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 1:08:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  This move by the Germans is consistent with their historic Drang nach
>  Whenever the Germans get antsy, they start pushing to the east. And
>  destabilizing the Serbs is just part of the reassertion of their old ties
>  Croatia (*Catholic* Croatia, I guess we should note). "Indeed do many
>  come to pass" fnord.

Yeah, God forbid that a bigot should not note that.  The non-bigots should
note that the Serbs attempted to keep Croatia as part of the Frankenstein
monster called Yugoslavia by force.  Serbia occupied a good chunk of Croatia
for months after Croatia finally pulled loose from the bloodsucking Serbia.
Croatia finally had to use force to recover the ground.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] With No Decency

1998-12-29 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

December 29, 1998

With No Decency

BOSTON -- In 1994, when Bosnia was nearly crushed by the attacking Serbs,
President Clinton decided to make no objection if Croatia violated a U.N.
embargo by letting arms go through to the Bosnians.

Our Ambassador to Croatia, Peter Galbraith, was told to say -- if President
Franjo Tudjman asked whether we objected -- that he had "no instructions" on
the point. Mr. Tudjman asked, got the answer and let the arms through. They
made a crucial difference in saving Sarajevo and Bosnia.

Two years later The Los Angeles Times told the story, emphasizing that some of
the arms had come from Iran. Senator Bob Dole, the prospective Republican
candidate for President, demanded an investigation. Speaker Newt Gingrich
appointed a special subcommittee with a $1 million budget. He named as
chairman Representative Henry Hyde.

There was in fact no mystery to investigate, and no failure. Ambassador
Galbraith and others involved testified freely about what they had done --
without regrets, because the policy had been a great success. Bosnia survived.
So did the new Muslim-Croat Federation brought into being by the United
States. The military balance shifted against the Serbs, making possible the
Dayton Accords. They paved the way for the expulsion of Iranian agents from

But Henry Hyde was determined to find something that could be called
wrongdoing. So the committee pursued, among other things, a report that
Ambassador Galbraith had dated an American journalist while he and she were in

Both were single, so the most prurient bluenose could not have objected. But
committee investigators deposed Mr. Galbraith's secretary and a member of his
staff to get details of the relationship -- until a lawyer objected.

Mr. Galbraith was also questioned about how he had been told what to say to
Mr. Tudjman. A White House assistant had telephoned, he said, passing on word
from Anthony Lake, the President's national security adviser, to say that he
had "no instructions." The assistant added that Mr. Lake had said it with a
smile and a raised eyebrow, Mr. Galbraith testified, saying that he had made a
note of that.

The committee then questioned Mr. Lake and his assistant, and they said they
could not remember the smile and raised eyebrow. Mr. Hyde and his committee,
implying that Mr. Galbraith had made that up, referred his testimony to the
Justice Department for criminal investigation.

Why mention that two-year-old investigation now? Because it shows how petty,
nasty and partisan Henry Hyde was in a situation where no wrong had been done.
His purpose was to find something -- anything -- to discredit the Clinton
Administration in an election year. If individuals were hurt, their
reputations damaged for no reason, so be it. Casual McCarthyism.

When the House Judiciary Committee started its impeachment inquiry, the
Washington press corps trotted out its usual adjectives for chairman Hyde:
grandfatherly, nonpartisan. In reality, Mr. Hyde performed exactly as he had
in 1996: as a relentless partisan.

When Salon, an Internet magazine, broke the news that Mr. Hyde had had a five-
year affair with a married woman starting when he was 41, Republican leaders
reacted with outrage, demanding an F.B.I. investigation of how the truth had
been told. They can dish it out, but they think they should be immune to such
attacks themselves.

The press made little of Mr. Hyde's hypocrisy in that episode. Nor has it done
much with the discovery that Representative Bob Barr, a leading advocate of
impeachment, and Trent Lott, the Senate majority leader, spoke to a virulent
racist group: something more deplorable than anything President Clinton has

But the public understands. I think that is one large reason why an
overwhelming majority continues to support President Clinton.

Most Americans did not like the vengeful partisan tone of the impeachment
process. They did not like Kenneth Starr's bullying of Monica Lewinsky and her
mother, or his prying into the most private side of their lives, or his
publishing of gratuitous sexual detail. They understood that breaking down the
wall between private and public life is the hallmark of tyranny.

In all of this the American sense of fair play was offended. And as Joe
McCarthy learned, you offend that at your peril.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be c

Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

1998-12-29 Thread AGiles7207

 -Caveat Lector-

Lilke it, I like it !!
For once can say, no way !  hehehe !  Okay, so I'm a rebel at heart
but then spent (lived) in Maine too long.  Suits the downeast Yankee part of
Go for the gusto


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Y2k and Asia (Second Falling Shoe?)

1998-12-29 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

Date: Saturday, December 26, 1998 3:39 PM
Subject: Y2k and Asia

>When the chips are down
>Anxious pundits predict the Y2K bug will trigger a second
>economic meltdown in the region, writes PETER ALFORD.
>IMAGINE that in 12 months, just as the battered East Asian economies
>begin to right themselves, they are knocked over again by a second
>Suppose China stops being a regional sheet anchor and is engulfed by
>the new emergency. Think about the social chaos in Indonesia today and
>then picture that kind of havoc breaking out elsewhere as
>impoverishment sweeps across the region for the second time in three
>Imagine, finally, that the storm waves from this next Asian crisis
>don't lap relatively harmlessly on Australia's shore but break over us
>with full force. This, rather than the millennialist panic stories
>about planes falling from the skies and electricity grids collapsing,
>is the kind of scenario that keeps year 2000 experts awake at night.
>East Asia, a region with more than one-third of the world's
>population, one-quarter of its manufacturing capacity – and, to be
>selfish about it, most of Australia's markets – is uniquely exposed to
>the millennium bug. All the region's developed and semi-developed
>countries, except Singapore, are running at least six months behind
>Australia and the handful of other leading countries in Y2K
>preparedness. With barely 12 months to run to the critical date – plus
>the fact Y2K problems will start snowballing from midyear as
>computerised systems begin routinely looking into the 1999-2000
>financial year – that could prove to be a fatal gap.
>We've had fair warning of the ramifications, says Phil Dodd. The 1997
>Asian currency crisis, which has cascaded into emerging economies
>everywhere and at one point drove the Australian dollar down to US55c
>for no apparent reason except proximity, illustrates the hazards of
>worldwide interconnectedness.
>What we face is much more dangerous, says Dodd, who heads the Unisys
>Asia-Pacific year 2000 project. Left uncorrected, the elementary but
>incredibly pervasive programming glitch that is the Y2K bug will
>affect not just capital flows but banking systems, physical trade,
>information transfers, energy supplies and transport.
>"To me, the currency crisis is a precursor, a warning," he says. "It's
>the tremor before the earthquake."
>The East Asian problem has two sets of ramifications for Australia. In
>the short run, Y2K-related breakdowns in Asian hub cities could
>disrupt telecommunications links, air transport and shipping. These
>problems might take several months to overcome.
>In the long run, the really worrying prospect is that cascading Y2K
>breakdowns in banking systems, communications, electricity and other
>utilities will plunge the region into a second recession – a recession
>that may be worse than the current one.
>The economic crisis in Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, The
>Philippines, even Hong Kong, is one reason East Asia is so exposed to
>the bug.
>Engrossed by week-to-week survival during the past 18 months, most
>industries and governments, until about six months ago, had given only
>distracted attention to Y2K rectification.
>China's approach is similarly under-developed and even Taiwan, with
>its sophisticated information technology industries, is in poor shape.
>Japan, the second largest and second most technically advanced
>economy, is especially worrying: "Large parts of corporate Japan,
>including the banks, still seem to be in denial," says one analyst.
>Y2K programs are the only technology expenditures that have been
>maintained throughout the region during the Asian recession, says
>Gartner Group's Hong Kong research director Joe Sweeney, but they were
>belated and badly under-funded at the outset.
>Gartner's next status report on international Y2K preparedness will
>show every economically significant East Asian country except
>Singapore still in what Sweeney describes as "the danger zone".
>Gartner, a Connecticut-based consultancy that has been a leader in
>raising Y2K awareness, has identified a new hazard: the "Y2K speed
>Sweeney says there is clear evidence most customers in developed
>countries, recognising East Asia's dangerous unpreparedness, are
>planning to order extra goods and materials next year as several
>months' buffer against supply failures in early 2000.
>"Asian suppliers are going to see all their orders take off, they're
>going to think the recession is over and then they're going to run
>into two or three months when there are no orders at all – that's
>where their businesses are going to fail," says Sweeney.
>"The Y2K speed bump has nothing to do with technology, really; it is
>the way economies work. And it's definitely going to happen."
>Dodd also strongly makes the point that Y2K is fundamentally a

[CTRL] Cong.Testimony of David C. Hall, CARA Corp. Re: Y2K

1998-12-29 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: House Testimony of David C. Hall, Senior Consultant, CARA

> Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology
> Field Hearing on Year 2000 Efforts
>   September 3, 1998
>Chicago, Illinois
> Testimony of David C. Hall, Senior Consultant, CARA
> Subject:  Infrastructure and Embedded Systems Year 2000 Efforts
> Today I will limit my testimony to a few statements that, in my
>opinion, describe the state
> of the Infrastructure and Embedded Systems efforts to date.  The
>written testimony
> provides some additional information.  The statements are as follows:
> 1.  Fewer than 10% of the enterprises in the world have begun
>serious embedded
> systems and equipment testing.
> 2.  The test results thus far agree with the original estimates of
>the magnitude of the
> embedded systems problem-that anywhere from 1% to 15% of the
> embedded systems and items of equipment exhibit some type of Year 2000
>impact.  These
> impacts range from minor to catastrophic.
> 3.  These impacts are showing up on an individual basis, that is,
>by serial number rather
> than by model number.
> 4.  This means that every microprocessor-based embedded system and
> item must be individually tested to be sure of its Year 2000 status
> 5.  There is insufficient time and trained resources to test every
> embedded system and equipment item in the United States, much less
>every one in the
> world.
> 6.  Therefore, we must assume that not all Year 2000 impacts will
>be found
> and fixed by January 1, 2000, and should expect disruptions and
>disturbances from Year
> 2000 embedded systems and equipment impacts.
> 7.  How many disruptions and disturbances and how serious they are
>will depend
> entirely upon how much work is accomplished, both in remediation and
> planning, before January 1, 2000.
> 8.  Since we cannot find and fix all the impacts, we should make a
>concerted effort to
> find and fix those that pose the most serious risks to public health,
>safety and the
> environment.
>  Global Implications of the Year 2000 Embedded Systems
> Problem
> By:
>  David C. Hall
>Senior Consultant
>Year 2000 Infrastructure and Embedded Systems Engineering
>CARA Corporation
>  August 1998
> The part of the Year 2000 Problem caused by embedded systems
> containing a microprocessor of microcontroller) will be the most
>extensive and expensive
> part of the Year 2000 Problem.  The world has spent the better part of
>five decades
> automating, networking, centralizing, and integrating our facilities,
>plants, public and private
> infrastructures, communications, financial systems, health systems,
>just about
> everything else.  With over 10 billion microprocessors sold worldwide
>in the last five years
> alone, we have a tremendous job  of finding, testing and fixing to
>accomplish in less than
> two years.  The bottom line to this
> problem is that wherever on or in the globe there is an electronic
>device, there may be Year
> 2000 problems and risk.
> The Whole Issue
> The Year 2000 Problem was originally seen as just an Information
>Technology (IT) problem,
> affecting only the old legacy mainframe software programs. However,
>over the past few
> years it has become known as a Business Problem, because it affects
>reliability of all
> computer-based systems and equipment used, be they Information
>Technology systems,
> desktop computing systems, or facility environmental control systems.
>In each of these
> cases, the reliability of information is the most important
>consideration about Year 2000
> problems.
>  In human terms, bad information may cause us to make a wrong
>In machine
> terms, bad information may cause a malfunction, a total shutdown, or
>produce the wrong
> result.  The difference is that humans can often interpret bad
>information, through
> application of  intelligence, and compensate.  Machines cannot
>compensate, they will do
> exactly what they have been programmed to do.
> As a country, community, or person, we are part of a global
>neighborhood that has come to
> depend upon many different types of computers to process data, manage
> communicate, and control 

[CTRL] Social Security system ready for Year 2000 - NOT!

1998-12-29 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

Interesting essay regarding SSA and Y2K.

Social Security at Risk from the Y2K Domino Effect
By Jim Lord  June1, 1998

Every enterprise is dependent on the Y2K compliance of
its suppliers and service providers and the Social Security
Administration (SSA) is no exception.  Among all federal agencies, SSA
is universally recognized as the Y2K leader within the US government.
They started their Year 2000 repair efforts in 1989 after a major system
failed. As a result of this early start, they will almost certainly have
their computers completely ready for the date change deadline. This is,
of course, great news for tens of millions of people who are dependent
on Social Security for their basic income.  Or is it?
The fact is, because of the way they do business, the Y2K readiness of
the Social Security Administration might not matter. You see, SSA
doesn't make payments directly to Grandma or any of the other 50 million
Social Security beneficiaries. Instead, they send a list over to another
agency called the Financial Management Service (FMS), a little known
part of the Treasury Department.  FMS sends the actual checks or, if
payment is made by direct deposit, they electronically send the money to
Grandma's bank account. According to an article in the April 1, 1998
issue of the Year 2000 Law Report here's what Treasury Secretary Robert
Rubin said about the FMS in testimony before a House Subcommittee:
"(T)he only bureau left with truly serious (Y2K) issues is (FMS). That
bureau, which handles a wide range of financial transactions for almost
every government agency - including the administration of the Electronic
Federal Tax Payment System - continues to be 'the area we're most
concerned about.'"  Well, those aren't very comforting words. Even
worse, that's just half of the equation - the output side. Take a look
at the input to the SSA "engine." You know all that money you've been
paying into Social Security all these years? Well, it doesn't go to the
Social Security Administration at all, it just goes into the General
Fund, which includes income tax money and other revenues. And every
dollar of it has to go through those REALLY old computers over at the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The ones that GAO says are among the
most serious Y2K risks in the entire federal government.
Even if SocialSecurity gets their computers fixed the system might fail
because there isn't any money coming in or there's no way to get the
payments out.
It doesn't matter what any government agency (or business for that matter)
says about their own internal Y2K readiness. If they haven't tested
their systems with all of their interconnections and dependencies on
customers, suppliers, vendors, and service providers, they are not yet
prepared for the date >The fact is, because of the way they do business,
the Y2K readiness of the Social Security Administration might not
You see, SSA doesn't make payments directly to Grandma or any of
the other 50 million Social Security beneficiaries. Instead, they send a
list over to another agency called the Financial Management Service
(FMS), a little known part of the Treasury Department.  FMS sends the
actual checks or, if payment is made by direct deposit, they
electronically send the money to Grandma's bank account. According to an
article in the April 1, 1998 issue of the Year 2000 Law Report here's
what Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin said about the FMS in testimony
before a House Subcommittee:  "(T)he only bureau left with truly serious
(Y2K) issues is (FMS). That bureau, which handles a wide range of
financial transactions for almost every government agency - including
the administration of the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System -
continues to be 'the area we're most concerned about.'"  Well, those
aren't very comforting words. Even worse, that's just half of the
equation - the output side. Take a look at the input to the SSA
"engine." You know all that money you've been paying into Social
Security all these years? Well, it doesn't go to the Social Security
Administration at all, it just goes into the General Fund, which
includes income tax money and other revenues. And every dollar of it has
to go through those REALLY old computers over at the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS). The ones that GAO says are among the most serious Y2K
risks in the entire federal government.
Even if Social Security gets their computers fixed the system might fail
because there isn't any money coming in or there's no way to get the
payments out.  It doesn't matter what any government agency (or business for
that matter) says
about their own internal Y2K readiness. If they haven't tested their
systems with all of their interconnections and dependencies on
customers, suppliers, vendors, and service providers, they are not yet
prepared for the date change


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzti

Re: [CTRL] Russia deploys new nuclear missiles

1998-12-29 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

The bear is not dead after all.  Watch for more signs that the "cold war" is
not over and look for a resurgence of Russia in the news.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "The Americas" National War College

1998-12-29 Thread American Patriot Friends Network

 -Caveat Lector-

[APFN] - American Patriot Friends Network Message Board

 Re: The National War College (The Americas Chp-7 Linked)
 Tuesday, 29-Dec-98 06:30:06 writes:

The Americas

Differing strategic and threat perceptions undermine U.S. efforts
to form a collective security framework. Although U.S. military
strategy involves reorienting traditional Latin American defense
strategy away from a Cold War focus and toward cooperative security
missions such as peacekeeping and counter drug efforts, Latin
American senior officers view these missions as secondary to
protection of national borders and sovereignty. The political
will might exist among the civilian leadership, but in nations
where the military has gained a high level of autonomy and
self-sufficiency, the military's prerogative to defend the
nation's sovereignty cannot easily be changed. Military
officers throughout the hemisphere (including the United
States) have publicly expressed the feeling that multilateral
operations within the region or outside (e.g., Croatia,
Crete, Sinai) potentially weaken the military's ability to
respond to primary security roles.

Click for full Story: NWC "The Americas"
The Americas (Chp-7)

rely on what KISSENGER tells them.

[APFN] - American Patriot Friends Network Message Board

ATTN: "The Jury" - U.S. Senate

Rights Come From God! [Citizens Rule Book]

[APFN] Original Intent is a 75K files in winword format.
If you want the whole file I will send via email or ICQ.
Send request to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ICQ# 10811517

Original Intent
By David Barton
ISBN 0-925279-57-9
"Our Constitution operates on long-standing principles which were
and incorporate into our government … ; each constitutional provision
a specific philosophy implemented to avoid a specific problem…
[G]rasping the
purpose for any clause of the Constitution is possible only through a
historical understanding of the debates and the conclusions reached two
hundred years ago.
"… [T]he perception of historical intent… affects the debates on
and the 1st amendment], gun control and the 2nd Amendment; States'
and the 10th Amendment, abortion and the 9th and 14th Amendments,
and the First amendment; etc. Therefore, if our understanding of
facts and constitutional intent becomes confused or mistake, the
policies may be not only ill-founded but may actually create the very
that the Founders originally intended to avoid.
"Because the portrayal of history so affects current policy, some groups
found it advantageous to their political agenda to distort historical
intentionally. Those particularly adept at this are termed
"…In fact, there is an unhealthy tendency in many current books on the
Founders-a tendency confirmed in their concluding bibliographies-to cite
predominately contemporary 'authorities' speaking about the Founders
rather than
citing the Founders' own words… Although there were 55 Founders who
drafted the
Constitution, and 90 more who drafted the Bill of Rights, why does the
current Court invoke only Thomas Jefferson and James Madison as its
Are there no constitutional authorities among the other
who framed those documents?…
Since Jefferson has over 60 volumes of written works and Madison has
over twenty,
why does the Court continually invoke only one or two select sentences
from these
exhaustive works?… Since several signers of the constitution were also
Justices on
the U.S. Supreme Court, why does the current Court avoid citing the
declarations of
those Justices on today's issues?
"… As more and more of the primary-source information documenting the
views of the
founders has been publicized, it clearly has contradicted what the
courts and some
'scholars' have claimed.
"The question of what the Founders intended as the proper relationship
religious expression and 'public life… is clearly documented in their
writings… In attaching today's 'enlightened' perceptions to yesterday's
acts, the
Court [has] demonstrated an unscholarly, and even disquieting approach
to both law
and history….pg. 21 'Whenever words are understood in a sense different
from that
which they had when introduced… mistakes may be very injurious.'- Noah
pg. 22…
As President Thomas Jefferson admonished Supreme Court Justice William
'On every question of construction, carry ourselves back to the time
when the
Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the
debates, and
instead of trying what meaning may be

[CTRL] LaRouchies On Warpath Against Algore

1998-12-29 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Wash. Times Politics Section, 12/29/98

LaRouche resurfaces

Lyndon LaRouche's movement will release a dossier today exposing
   Vice President Al Gore's "co-presidency plot" as a threat to national
  LaRouche backers will hold a noon rally outside Friends of Al
   Gore Inc., at 1800 K Street NW, shouting slogans like "Stop the coup!"
  and "Al Gore and Tony Blair must go!" and "Bring in LaRouche as
  President Clinton's economics adviser!"
A peek inside the dossier reveals, "Why Al Gore is unelectable in

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: 'Holiday' greetings

1998-12-29 Thread MShrum

 -Caveat Lector-

Beautiful! I love you, Jim! The same to you!


Jim Condit Jr. wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> -Original Message-
> From:   Kalivas [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:   Sunday, December 27, 1998 8:54 AM
> To: (Recipient list suppressed)
> Subject:'Holiday' greetings
> Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit,  our
> best wishes for an environmentally conscious,  socially
> responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral
> celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within
> the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion
> or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the
> religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others,
> or their choice not to practice religious or secular
> traditions at all . . .
> and...  a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and
> medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the
> generally accepted calendar year 1999, but not without due
> respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose
> contributions have helped make America great (not to imply
> that America is necessarily greater than any other country
> or is the only "AMERICA" in the western hemisphere), and
> without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical
> ability, religious faith, or choice of computer platform of
> the wishee.
> (By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms:
> This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It
> implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any
> of the wishes,  and is revocable at the sole discretion of
> the wisher.)
> This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the
> usual application of good tidings for a period of one year,
> or until the  issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting,
> whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to
> replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the
> discretion of the wisher.)
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Hoffman/LaRouche--Same Line

1998-12-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Hoffman Wire has been "hammering" Gore much longer than LaRouche.  Here's a
copy of something he put out in February:


Re: Trent Lott Speaks of "Sellout," but he's guilty of it

>From   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark C. Craig)
Organization   Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)
Date   26 Feb 1998 19:03:33 GMT
Message-ID <6d4ea5$7ng$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References 1


In a previous article, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael A. Hoffman II)

>THE HOFFMAN WIRE. Feb. 26, 1998. Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
>   Trent Lott and his Prey
>The Republican "opposition" led by Senate leader Trent Lott of Mississippi
>is trying to surpass the Democrats in slavish devotion to foreign policy
>in the Israeli interest.
>Lott calls the UN-brokered agreement with Saddam "a sellout."
>When did we last hear those stirring words from Republicans? Surely not
>when the U.S. and Britain sold out the white republic of South Africa.
>But then that sellout happened to be approved by Harry Oppenheimer of
>DeBeers Inc. and Joe Slovo, the Yiddish-speaking Communist who
>masterminded the ANC's terror-bombing campaign.
>Having the kosher stamp of approval, the reversion of South Africa to the
>Dark Ages was fine with the U.S. Republican leadership. No chin jutting
>declarations, no lines in the sand drawn there.
>But all the cliches of jingoism are being reanimated by the Republican
>neo-cons now, as they make fidelity to Zionist interests with regard to
>Iraq, the top priority of the United States of America--even as they claim
>to be tax-cutters and "fiscal conservatives."
>According to the Feb. 26 New York Times:
>"Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre told reporters Wednesday morning that
>the military buildup in the gulf has cost the Pentagon $600 million more
>than it had budgeted for the fiscal year that began Oct. 1.
>"But that figure is still rising. The administration is expected to
>request next month that Congress approve an emergency supplemental
>appropriation of at least $1.2 billion for military operations in
>Bosnia and the Persian Gulf." [End quote]
>Of course it doesn't "cost the Pentagon," it costs the taxpayers and "$600
>million more" doesn't tell us what the operation has cost from the
>beginning. The establishment media have been reluctant to report the full
>price tag. This writer has heard a figure of $100 million a day.
>Now an additional $1.2 billion is to be sought.
>How ironic that the Republicans, with their solecistic hectoring in the
>Senate of Lilliput, mimic the rhetoric of defiant patriotism in service to
>their party's boot-licking fealty to Israeli interests.
>The Founders never intended for our Republic to be the Policeman of the
>World. Heck, we can't even police our border with Mexico. But we police
>Israel's with the zeal of a lap dog.
>Americans are being told we can't any longer afford quality medical care,
>social security, mass transit passenger trains or even to properly
>maintain the monuments of our past, such as the Gettysburg National
>But we can always afford serving as Sugar-Daddy to the Zionists.
>Trent Lott may rattle his macho saber and yammer about a "sellout" all he
>likes. In truth, he's the one selling us out, as he pees in his pants
>before the power of the Jewish lobby.
>"Here relentless ruffians lay,
>And here the fell Republican prowls for prey,
>Here a falling nation thunders on your head,
>And here a media pundit talks you dead."
>[with apologies to Samuel Johnson]
>Now available-Michael A. Hoffman II's Revisionist History #5
>The Inside Story of the Top Communist Operative
>Who Groomed Al Gore to Rule a Soviet America
>This is the most comprehensive investigative report on Armand Hammer and
>Al Gore Jr. in print. Section headings include: I. KGB Asset Al Gore Sr.
>II. Gore, Hammer and Gadhafi. III. Learning Lenin's Iron Law of
>Conspiracy. IV. Operation Elders of Zion. V. Zion's Stealth Candidate.
>As the Clinton administration sinks under a load of scandal, all eyes are
>focused on his possible successor. But the skeletons in Gore's own closet
>may prove to be the far greater liability.
>Not available online. Hardcopy only. Revisionist History newsletter Issue
>#5. "Hammered!" $6.50 postpaid. Independent History, Box 849, Coeur
>d'Alene, ID 83816. (Overseas send U.S.$10).

[CTRL] The Real Al Gore Sr.

1998-12-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

And you want Al Gore Jr. for your president?

>From   Justice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization   ISPNews http://ispnews.com
Date   Sun, 27 Dec 1998 20:16:45 -0800
Newsgroups talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.misc

Boy are we in a world of shit!

The Real Al Gore Sr.

  Some people will no doubt object to this
  column. After all, you're not supposed to
  speak ill of the dead -- especially the
  recent dead. But with all the flowery
  tributes to Al Gore Sr. in the last few days,
  I figure somebody has to speak the truth
  about this man who, in his lifetime,
  collaborated with and profited handsomely
  from evil.

  Vice President Al Gore eulogized his
  father Tuesday as a politician driven by
  "conscience" who never forgot his humble
  upbringing and always tried to help others.

  "Dad, your whole life has been an
  inspiration,'' Gore said, his voice cracking

  I believe Al Jr. when he says that. And it
  scares the hell out of me.

  To appreciate what I'm about to tell you
  with regard to Al Gore Sr., you first must
  familiarize yourself with a man by the
  name of Armand Hammer -- worth more
  than a few columns himself.

  Hammer was a personal friend of V.I.
  Lenin. He was known as Lenin's "path" to
  America's financial resources -- in other
  words, the guy who would sell us the rope
  with which we would be hanged. Hammer
  was the first Western businessman to
  participate in KGB-controlled joint
  ventures in the Soviet Union. The son of
  Julius Hammer, a founder of the Socialist
  Labor Party and later the Communist Party
  USA who served time in Sing Sing for
  performing illegal abortions, Armand was
  called the "Capitalist Prince" by the KGB.
  Hammer dutifully served the Soviets for
  seven decades and became the first -- and
  only -- American capitalist to be awarded
  the Order of Lenin.

  Edward J. Epstein's "Dossier: The Secret
  History of Armand Hammer" is must
  reading for anyone who wants to
  understand how so-called "capitalists"
  like Hammer can serve as willing and able
  tools of revolutionary Marxists and global

  Lenin told Stalin about Hammer: "This is a
  small path leading to the American
  'business' world, and this path should be
  made use of in every way." To the Soviet
  Union in his day, Hammer was a figure
  with much in common with the
  contemporary spy-cum-billionaire
  Mochtar Riady -- doing the bidding of
  socialist tyrants -- and making a bundle in
  the process.

  Hammer was part-time spy, part-time
  money-launderer, part-time industrialist --
  but a full-time traitor to the United States
  of America.

  But I digress. The story for today is how
  Hammer's corrupt, evil career was aided
  in numerous ways by Vice President Al
  Gore's Daddy, who was a partner in
  various Hammer enterprises for more than
  four decades. As Epstein documents in
  "Dossier," the elder Gore helped Hammer
  make connections with a series of U.S.
  presidents and used his influence to help
  Hammer's Occidental Petroleum company
  gain access to foreign political leaders.
  But, most importantly, it was Gore who
  helped stop the FBI from pursuing an
  investigation of the industrialist as a
  Soviet agent of influence.

  It seems Al Gore Sr. knew something
  about "controlling legal authorities" and
  obstruction of justice himself. Like father,
  like son.

[CTRL] Gore Sr. was Armand Hammer's Lawyer

1998-12-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

"Elder Gore's Legacy"

>From   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (True Facts)
Organization   Pencils for Lenin
Date   Sat, 5 Dec 1998 17:33:54 -0800 (PST)
Newsgroups alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,alt.politics.media

Gore Sr. was Armand Hammer's Lawyer.

Gore Sr. negotiated for Occidental's purchase of Oil from the then
unknown Muammar Qaddafi in Libya. This involved deals with

Gore Sr. kept shady big-bucks oil man Armand Hammer out of trouble on
more than one occasion.  Consider the following from "The Dark Side of
Power, the Real Armand Hammer" by Blumay & Edwards, Simon & Schuster,
ISBN 0-671-70053-7

"...Senator Albert Gore, Sr. of Tennessee, a loyal friend who
had defended Armand against acussations of attempted bribery on
the floor of the U.S. Senate." p. 57

"Senator Albert Gore Sr. became a close friend and business
associate [of Armand Hammer], and was rewarded when he left office
with a highly paid executive position at Occidental"
(The above is part of the caption under a picture in the center of
the book of the entire Gore family sitting at pool side with Mr. Hammer)

In 1989 a class-action suit was filed against Occidental,
and look who shows up in the middle of it:

"The Wall Street Journal reported that the committee
was chaired by former Senator Albert Gore, Sr., and that Gore
`appears to have misunderstood the project' and those `facts' that
had surfaced during litigation." p. 448

side-note; Anyone have a copy of Armand Hammer's autobiography?
  I threw mine away in disgust at its self-praising
  tone...anyway in that book Armand said that when Love Canal
  news broke he needed his best lawyer on that job...who did
  he send? Tree-hugger Algore's dad that's who!  This needs
  looking into and would make great ad spots during Algore's
  bid for the presidency.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Review: Dossier--Secret History of Armand Hammer

1998-12-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer - by Edward Jay Epstein

>From   Stefan Lemieszewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date   Wed, 18 Mar 1998 11:13:25 GMT
Newsgroups soc.culture.ukrainian,soc.culture.usa,soc.culture.europe

Among other things, Armand Hammer is also known for delivering out of
the Soviet Union, the KGB-forged Trawniki identification card used in
John Demjanjuk case. Armand Hammer was a philanthopist, KGB agent,
money launderer, executive at Occidental Petroleum, and "great
Armand Hammer's father, Julius Hammer, was a co-founder of the
Communist Party - USA.

"Hammer not only lived a lie; he died one."

Below is a book review by Tony Allen-Mills of  "Dossier: The Secret
of  Armand Hammer" written by Edward Jay Epstein.

Stefan Lemieszewski


March 15 1998

The Sunday Times

The great pretender

Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer
by Edward Jay Epstein
Onion business £14.99 pp 418

By Tony Allen-Mills

In May 1977, the Prince of Wales attended the opening in
London of an exhibition of Sir Winston Churchill's paintings and
watercolours. He was introduced to the gallery's owner, a
formidable American business tycoon, art collector and
philanthropist named Armand Hammer, then 79 years old.
Hammer promptly offered the Prince one of his Churchill
paintings as a gift for the Queen's Silver Jubilee fund. It was the
beginning of an unusual friendship between the heir to the
British throne and a man who would later be exposed as one of
the great frauds of the 20th century.

As soon as Hammer learnt that one of Charles's hobbies was
painting watercolours, he arranged for the prince to take lessons
from a well-known American artist. The multi-millionaire oilman,
head of Occidental Petroleum, began to make large donations
to charitable causes supported by Charles. He proudly
described their relationship as "a deeply cherished and
wide-ranging friendship".

When, two years later, Charles's beloved Uncle Dickie - his
great-uncle, Earl Mountbatten - was murdered by the IRA,
Hammer stepped in to help the prince realise one of the earl's
last unfulfilled dreams. Both Charles and Mountbatten had been
avid supporters of the United World Colleges, the international
campuses that combine academic study with
outward-bound-style physical training. Mountbatten had long
been trying to raise enough money to open a new campus in
the United States. Now Hammer opened his wallet to assist the
grieving prince. In September 1982, Charles boarded Hammer's
private jet to fly to Montezuma, New Mexico for the grand
opening of the Armand Hammer United World College of the
American West. It had cost Hammer nearly $5m to complete
the project, but his reward was beyond price. He had become a
close friend of the future King of England and his new bride,
Diana. There was even talk of Hammer becoming a godfather to
the couple's first child.

What Charles could not have known was that much of the
money for the school he called his "impossible dream" came
from a slush fund established to pay bribes to the corrupt
middlemen who had arranged Occidental's oil concessions in
Libya. Nor can the prince have been aware that his wealthy
American friend was a KGB stooge, whose art and business
empires had long provided a convenient conduit for the
laundering of Kremlin funds used to finance Soviet espionage

All this and much more is laid bare in Dossier: The Secret
History of Armand Hammer, by Edward Jay Epstein. Hammer
died of cancer aged 92 in 1990, fondly imagining that the sordid
details of his astonishing life of myth, fakery and deceit would
be buried with him in his family mausoleum in Los Angeles. He
reckoned without Epstein's audacious sleuthing through almost
a century's worth of family papers, government archives, court
files and secret tapes, not to mention the bitter recollections of
some of the mistresses and illegitimate children Hammer
discarded along the way.

The result is one of the great demolition jobs of modern
biography: a jaw-dropping exposé of a ruthless charlatan who
bullied and betrayed his way to an imposing reputation as a
billionaire patron of the arts with a long list of powerful friends.
Epstein's painstaking research strips layer after layer of criminal
sham and pretence from a bogus tycoon's self-aggrandising
perfidy. If it is any consolation to Buckingham Palace, the
Prince of Wales was far from alone in being played by Hammer
as a sucker.

Hammer first became known in American business circles as
the Soviet Union's "First Capitalist". His father, Julius Hammer,
was born in the Jewish ghetto of Odessa. Moving from Czarist
Russia to New York

[CTRL] Armand Hammer

1998-12-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


On the role of U.S. Vice-President Al Gore, see Jonathan Broder, "Who Lost
Russia?" in Salon magazine, Sept. 1, 1998. Through his father, former
Senator Al Gore, and his father's sponsor, triply "designated personality"
Armand (e.g., named as "Arm-and-Hammer," as in baking soda, or Socialist
Labor Party) Hammer, Gore has close connections to the creation of Russia's
present financier oligarchy. Hammer, long a triple agent of the U.S.A., the
British monarchy, and the Soviet apparatus, was a key connection to the
faction of the late Yuri Andropov and Andropov's Hammer-linked protégé,
Mikhail Gorbachev. The source featured by Salon, is Stephen Cohen, a
specialist on the subject of one-time Soviet dictator N. Bukharin. Cohen et
al., recognize that Gore's current Russia policies are a continuation of
former President George Bush's; Cohen makes implicitly clear that he sees
the onrushing doom of Chernomyrdin's policies as an echo of the downfall of
the Soviet NEP, dictator Bukharin, and Bukharin's leading U.S. agent, Jay
Lovestone, at the close of the 1930s.


Who Lost Russia?

No one in Washington has yet publicly raised the question of who lost
Russia, but scholars and experts who follow Russia for a living accept with
a sort of weary resignation that such a debate is now inevitable and could
claim victims in the administration. If it comes to that, some of these
scholars say, the first to wear a scarlet "R" on his forehead will be Vice
President Al Gore, the administration's most outspoken proponent of the
reforms that have decimated the Russian economy and fomented the current
political crisis.

"The front guy in the administration is Gore," Cohen said in an interview
with Salon, noting the vice president co-chairs the U.S.-Russia commission
on reform with now-acting Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. "That's been
his baby. Of course you can't find him now. He's hiding. This will hurt him
in the presidential primaries when Democratic challengers say this policy
was Gore's and he'll have to take responsibility."

Other scholars reject the question itself. "Russia was never ours to lose,"
says Marshall Goldman, a Russian specialist at Harvard University. "It's the
Russians who lost Russia. We worked on the margins. We gave them advice. But
we didn't force them to adopt it. We always do this, torture ourselves about
who lost Russia, who lost China. It's a mistake."

Cohen says Russia probably will have to return to some form of
state-controlled economy to weather the current crisis. During the Great
Depression, he notes, President Franklin Roosevelt used the government to
put Americans back to work, and it is not unreasonable for Russia to do the
same. The problem today arises, he says, when these practical solutions run
up against the "monetarist orthodoxy" that has become the ideological
fashion of the times.

"The danger is that the United States will start screaming, 'Communism!
communism!'" Cohen says. "That kind of a debate will be completely
dysfunctional. We have to open our mind and say to the Russians, 'OK, the
policy that we recommended to you failed. Let us hear what you propose.
We'll try to help you. We will not scream that this is a return to communism
because we realize that the Russian state has got to reenter the world
economy. It's got to come back from this crisis and stabilize things."

But even as Cohen and other scholars warn against the dangers of an
ideological debate over Russia, they cannot resist some finger-pointing

The story of America's current involvement with Russia, they note, goes back
to the Bush administration, which formulated the policies when the Soviet
Union collapsed in 1991. In the wake of that historic moment, then-Secretary
of State James Baker toured the former Soviet republics and got the leaders
of those countries to sign onto a 14-point "bill of rights" that allowed
them to qualify for American assistance.

But American aid back then was counter-productive, says Barry Ickes, a
Russian expert at Penn State. "It consisted of subsidies for imported food,
which Russia didn't need," he says. "At that point, a ruble stabilization
fund would have helped. But that would have had to have been combined with
policies that closed down money-losing industries. And that simply didn't

While American champions of Russian reform like Harvard's Jeffrey Sachs
argued strenuously for greater loans from the International Monetary Fund
for ruble stabilization, experts like Goldman argued against it. "They
couldn't have absorbed it," he said, reflecting on conditions in Russia back
then. "They didn't have the institutions. There would have been even more
capital flight."

Joining Goldman were scholars like Cohen and Peter Reddaway at George
Washington University, who warned against a cookie-cutter ap

Re: [CTRL] [prj] Incredible Newsweek cover--European Union Tower ...

1998-12-29 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

As an atheist sometimes drifting toward theism...I am hardly a

I cetainly meant the "BEAST" reference in a symbolic way only!  ..as the
Bible was
intended to be interpretted, by the way!

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://msen.com/~lloyd/
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-Original Message-
Date: Monday, December 28, 1998 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [prj] Incredible Newsweek cover--European Union Tower

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 3:40:03 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< >  Lloyd Responds:  Here's a good revision for you:--the Pope is the head
>  of the Beast!

Lloyd is a fellow member of the long, boring, bombastic, legalistic posters
club that seems to thrive on this list.  Here he is at least brief but in
being so he has exposed his know nothing fundamentalist philosophy with

Jerry >>

Lloyd may be somewhat long winded at times, as are many here, including
myself.  BUT, everyone who studies conspiracy in international politics and
banking owes him a debt of gratitude.  The site he manages A-Albionic.com is
VERY large and well organized site chock full of loads of good information.
Sure there are agendas in everyone, including you Jerry, but does that
good work done by the person in question?  Lloyd Miller is a valuable poster
here and it is my hope that he continue to contribute.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Khazaria.......NOT!

1998-12-29 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

"Jim Condit Jr." wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> I'm happy to be able to refer all to research that will settle the "Khazar"
> issue. (incidentally, I'm not the two people below are communicating
> accurately with each other) -- Arthur Koestler, himself a Jewish scholar,
> wrote The Thirteenth Tribe which was on the New York Times best seller list
> for quite a few months back in the 1970's. In it he urges support for
> Israel but, but also urges that the "chosen people" line be dropped since,
> according to him, 70% of the Jews in the world today are descended from the
> Khazars in Russia who converted to Judaism, only 30% being descended from
> the Hebrew people of Biblical times. Encyclopedia Britannicas from about
> 1913 and before have the area of Khazaria on the maps dealing with the
> Middle Ages located in what today is called Russia. Also, the Book
> Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed covers this issue in some depth.
> Finally, and most devastatingly for those who are against the decisive
> evidence for the existence of Khazars who converted to Judaism in about the
> 11th century, thus destroying the "chosen people" defense for apologists
> for modern day Israel's numerous crimes against the Palestinians and
> Lebonese, -- see Ted Pike's book or videotape, The Other Israel, in which
> he quotes from, and identifies where, in the Jewish Encyclopedia the story
> of the Khazars and their conversion to Talmudic Judaism (as opposed to Old
> Testment Hebrewism) can be found. Case closed? Thanks. Jim Condit Jr.

I have a flash for you. Arthur Koestler is wrong in how many Jews are
descendants of Khazars. Further more, the Jews of all extraction
that land by conquest and hold it by being the toughest kid on the
Unless anybody can change that, that's the way it's going to stay. If
you don't like that, tough shit. There isn't a damn thing you can do
about it. As to the " Chosen People " thing, there is a good reason
for it.
God like us better than he/she likes you. And for good reason. We
the Central Bank in Heaven.

So fuck you and your little dog too.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Owners of the Bank of England

1998-12-29 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

The profits of the Federal Reserve itself are returned to the US

However, the profits of the member banks are not!  The member banks of the
benefit hugely, of course, by getting their share of money created out of
nothing to
loansame in England w/ the nationalized Bank of England.

Most of what you have read from the conspiracy culture about these matters
incorrect in details like thesethough correct in overall perspective.

-Original Message-
From: Webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, December 28, 1998 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: Owners of the Bank of England

That's great - many thanks, any pointers on reading material to flesh this
out? - Also, does this mean that UK pounds are not indebted on their
creation? ie money is put into circulation with printing costs as the only
overhead? unlike the US and Fed arrangement.

I am also trying to find out who owns the newly created the European
Central Bank (ECB) which is responsible for the provision of the Euro

Kind regards, Latimer Clark

On 28 Dec 98, at 7:05, Lloyd Miller wrote:

> The Bank of England was nationalized by the British Government under the
> Labor Party after World War II.
> Of course, this means nothing as the previous owners of the Bank of
> England own the government.  Remember, the Rothschilds, contrary to
> popular myth, are Court Jews, agents of the Monarchy and subservient to
> it.  The Rothschilds were rewarded with a position on the prestigious
> "Acceptance Committee" of the Bank of England after the Napoleonic Wars.
> The Royal Family and their relatives and allies owned the Bank of England.
>  Remember a point seldom mentioned, investment bankers act as agents for
> the super richthey are not the "Rich", themselves.
> The Rothschilds had no money when William of Orange conquered England in
> the Glorious Revolution.  William was already super-rich with a House full
> of Court Jews at his beck and call!Rothschilds rose to prominence
> around the time of the American Revolution acting as Court Jews for the
> then richest man in the World the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, a relative of
> the British Monarchs.  The Landgrave made money renting out drafted
> soldiers to other Monarchs and making loans all through covey of Court
> Jews who where positioned to take the blame..
> >Hi Lloyd,
> >Wonder if I could pick your very knowlegable brain  - The Fed is well
> >documented as a private bank and its owners are known. The Bank of
> >England is acknowledged as a private bank, but I have little knowledge of
> >its owners - I would assume that Rothschild would be key as apparently
> >they provided alot of support to get William of Orange into power in the
> >first place, but do  you know of any resources that I could follow up on?
> >Very kind regards, and I greatly admire the work you are doing.
> >Latimer Clark
> ***
> Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
> Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
> entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
> rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
> Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
>  To Discuss Ideas:
>   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://msen.com/~lloyd/
>   For Ordering Info & Free Catalog:
>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://a-albionic.com/formaddress.html
>   For Discussion List:
>text in body:  subscribe prj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Explore Our Archive:  
>Video Finder, Free Catalogs, Links, Sweepstakes, What-Not:
>  http://www.msen.com/~daugh/store.htm
> ***

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-29 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Jim Condit Jr. wrote:
>> >over by the Roman Catholic Church . . . with the result that the world
>> >became civilized.
>> THAT's debatable!
>Debatable, yes, but I submit we're coasting on the civilization brought to
>the world by the Roman Catholic Church between 4th and 14th century (one

But that presumes that what predated the invasion of Roman Catholicism
was NOT 'civilization'...highly debatable, as much of Europe had a high
degree of 'civilization' prior to Christianity -- especially eastern
Europe, which resisted Christianity into early Renaissance times...and
yet, they were every bit as 'civilized', if not more so, than their
Romanized neighbors...

And one just has to compare medieval Rome with, say, Barcelona of the
same period (under control of the Moors) to find the appellation of
Roman Catholicism being 'civilized' not only debatable, but

>hundred years or so before Apostate priest Luther started changing the
>Bible which the Catholic monks of the Middle ages had preserved after the

Oh, as if the church prior to Luther hadn't taken 'poetic license' with

>I know you're right about the traitorous, apostate Roman Catholics (many
>too dumb and shallow to know of their infidelity) and don't know any
>Wiccans ---  but as I understand it, both are simply in contradiction of
>their professed group's doctrine.

First off, neo pagans, and Wiccans in particular, do NOT have a
'professed doctrine', especially on a group level...but most I have known
have actually been vehemently opposed to abortion and euthanasia, as they
feel it is against the 'life affirming' nature of the 'Great Mother

>> Are you telling us you are against birth control pills, too?
>Absolutely. Better to call them birth prevention pills, or anti-baby pills.

And so?  Your point is?

>They do tremendous harm to women, too.

Which should be OUR choice to make...not yours.

>This is where the many Protestant
>religions bit the dust (again) in following the demonic Margaret Sanger,
>while the Roman Catholic Church has been consistent and held firm. (All
>Protestant religions in the USA, except the liberal plants like

Unitarians are a separate religion, and are NOT Protestant.

>> Then explain to us the flood legends which come to us from civilizations
>> which PRE-DATE Noah?  ;-)
>OK. I should have said that Adam and Eve were promised a Savior, and that
>the promise they passed on got distorted in many cultures up to the time of
>Noah -- but you have to sometimes try to cut these posts short when you
>think you've made the essential point.

Or as in your case, don't have any FACTS, just superstitious opinion...

Which you have a perfect right to hold...you DON'T, OTOH, have the right
to try to impose your superstitions on the rest of us...

>Same deal -- or are you suggesting that "evolution" planted these notions
>in widely diverse peoples, all getting the idea independently, or what are
>you suggesting regarding the prevalence of the Savior or the Mother/Child
>team legends found in so many cultures?

In my cosmology, I find it hard to believe God would condemn a whole
people just because they had the 'bad luck' to be born at a certain time,
and/or in a geographical location, which made it impossible for them to
know about the Judeo-Christian religions...

>> There are as many scientific studies debunking the shroud as supporting
>> the theory that it's Jesus' actual shroud...it all boils down to FAITH...
>I don't think so. They can't reproduce the shroud today, despite much

They can't recreate the Great Pyramid at Giza, either...nor figure out
how the other 6 Wonders of the World which haven't survived were built...
neither can they figure out how the Druids built Stonehenge...or how huge
carved heads representing all the races of the world got into the middle
of the Guatamalen jungle, especially considering neither the Incans or
Mayans had the wheel

>high-falutin bunk that hopes you infer that they can. Also, the Shroud had
>certain pollens in it that were only found in the Mid-east area.

It doesn't PROVE anything...the KNOWN HISTORY of the Shroud has it in
certain churches in the Mideast during the late Byzantine/early Medieval

>> It is by FAITH alone that one is saved, not by turning THINGS into icons
>> and worshipping them...
>Here, here; so true. Who said anything about worshiping icons? Material

You are, by being so vehemently focused on STUFF like the Shroud...you
catholics turn THINGS into objects of worship...

>things or signs are sometimes given to strengthen Faith.

Bull!  God isn't a Las Vegas magician, needing smoke and mirrors...

A true believer doesn't NEED cheap tricks to strengthen their faith...the
WORD given to us should be sufficient...

>in St. Mark and elsewhere. It is blasphemy to believe that the Holy Ghost

Actually, the whole concept of 'the Holy Ghost' is considere

Re: [CTRL] Snvel snivel was Re: Echoes from the Past

1998-12-29 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 28 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Smooth move from republicans and lying and blow jobs to sixties liberals
>fighting against the dreaded "Jim Crow south."

Especially considering that those very same Jim Crow laws were kept in
effect by southern Democrats, who firmly controlled the south...


   Ring out the old, ring in the new,
 Ring happy bells, across the snow;
 The year is going, let him go;
   Ring out the false, ring in the true.

 -- Tennyson:  In Memoriam

revcoal AT connix DOT com
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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt on MSNBC Cable

1998-12-29 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

>   Flynt: “... As far as the investigators that I have on the payroll,
>if they know people in the White House, that’s a very possibility, but I
>have no contact with the White House.”

So he can truthfully say he has no contact with the White House -- while
those whom he employs CAN possibly have contact...he sounds like he went
to the same parsing English classes as the prez...

It's highly unlikely that anyone at the WH has direct contact with
Penthouse or Flynt, either...but that's not to say that those whom the WH
employs to conduct it's 'dirty tricks' don't...

>   Flynt: “Look, all I know is that we hired a firm in Washington that
>is made up of former FBI and CIA operatives, that are assisting in the
>investigation, and we have two of the most respected investigative
>journalists in the business, but they would only take this assignment with a
>deal of anonymity.”

And one has to wonder if this investigative firm has contacts in/with the

>   Flynt: “I’ve never met Clinton. I’ve never been to the White House. I
>have no contacts with the White House.

But his employees DO...


   Ring out the old, ring in the new,
 Ring happy bells, across the snow;
 The year is going, let him go;
   Ring out the false, ring in the true.

 -- Tennyson:  In Memoriam

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 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: 'Holiday' greetings

1998-12-29 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From:   Kalivas [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, December 27, 1998 8:54 AM
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Subject:'Holiday' greetings

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit,  our
best wishes for an environmentally conscious,  socially
responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral
celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within
the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion
or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the
religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others,
or their choice not to practice religious or secular
traditions at all . . .

and...  a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and
medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the
generally accepted calendar year 1999, but not without due
respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose
contributions have helped make America great (not to imply
that America is necessarily greater than any other country
or is the only "AMERICA" in the western hemisphere), and
without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical
ability, religious faith, or choice of computer platform of
the wishee.

(By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms:
This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It
implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any
of the wishes,  and is revocable at the sole discretion of
the wisher.)

This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the
usual application of good tidings for a period of one year,
or until the  issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting,
whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to
replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the
discretion of the wisher.)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] FW: MER Magazine - July 1997 - [MER FlashBack]

1998-12-29 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Thought some of you might like to know how to get info from the MER (Mid-East 
Realities) group.
-Original Message-
Sent:   Monday, December 28, 1998 5:22 PM
Subject:MER Magazine - July 1997 -   [MER FlashBack]

_   M  I  D  -  E  A  S  T R  E  A  L  I  T  I  E  S :


 Read the hundreds of Readers' Comments from Throughout the World at:

NOTE TO READERS:  Many of the thousands of persons and organizations
now receiving MER began doing so in recent months. We have now
arranged past MER articles into monthly on-line magazines; and during
this period when regular pubication of MER is suspended we will be
publishing Monthly Table of Contents from the past. Just click on the
link indicated and you can easily read any of the articles mentioned.

  M E R M O N T H L Y M A G A Z I N E
  J U L Y1  9  9  7

 T  A  B  L  E  O  F  C  O  N  T  E  N  T  S :

 "SlaughterHouse" in Persian Gulf Predicted
 "Watch Me Bleed" - Palestinian Poem
 Israeli Mole In Washington?
 Bibi YES, Edward Said NO
 War Ahead In Mid-East?
 Algeria - Gross Injustice Prevails: MER Editorial
 What To Do? - MER Editorial
 Hey Newt! What's That About Nazi Behavior?
 America - Tormenter of the Palestinians
 Surprise Attack Coming?
 Israeli Torture Systematic and "Legal"
 Trump, Jerusalem & Miss Universe
 Jordanian 'Democracy' A Myth...and Rami Khouri
 Free Vanunu Now

  To find out how to receive MER regularly email to:
M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
POBOX 18367  - Washington, DC 20036
202 362-5266  Fax: 202 362-6965

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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1998-12-29 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sunday, December 27, 1998 9:39 AM, KA [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> On Sun, 27 Dec 1998, Jim Condit Jr. wrote:
> >over by the Roman Catholic Church . . . with the result that the world
> >became civilized.
> THAT's debatable!

Debatable, yes, but I submit we're coasting on the civilization brought to
the world by the Roman Catholic Church between 4th and 14th century (one
hundred years or so before Apostate priest Luther started changing the
Bible which the Catholic monks of the Middle ages had preserved after the
Catholic Popes (Damascus I to Gregory the Great) compiled and St. Jerome
translated.) Now, as paganism revives, civilization is in a free-fall.

> >And now the forces of neo-paganism with their birth
> >prevention (anti-baby) pills, abortion, "mercy" killing and the whole
> Hogwash.  I know plenty of 'neo pagans', including Wiccans, who don't
> believe in abortion nor euthanasia...and plenty of Roman Catholics who
> do...

I know you're right about the traitorous, apostate Roman Catholics (many
too dumb and shallow to know of their infidelity) and don't know any
Wiccans ---  but as I understand it, both are simply in contradiction of
their professed group's doctrine.

> Are you telling us you are against birth control pills, too?

Absolutely. Better to call them birth prevention pills, or anti-baby pills.
They do tremendous harm to women, too. This is where the many Protestant
religions bit the dust (again) in following the demonic Margaret Sanger,
while the Roman Catholic Church has been consistent and held firm. (All
Protestant religions in the USA, except the liberal plants like
Unitarianism) were anti-birth control in 1930, for instance.
> >Many neo-pagans think they have a great "find" when they reveal that
> >cultures have the story of a Savior, and mother and child "team" like
> >and Mary, etc. Did it ever occur to any of these neo-pagans that the
> >way these "legends" could have appeared in so many cultures is that they
> >have a common source? And that source was the promise of a Savior for
> >mankind passed on by Noah after the great flood.
> Then explain to us the flood legends which come to us from civilizations
> which PRE-DATE Noah?  ;-)

OK. I should have said that Adam and Eve were promised a Savior, and that
the promise they passed on got distorted in many cultures up to the time of
Noah -- but you have to sometimes try to cut these posts short when you
think you've made the essential point.

> Let alone the 'saviour' legends which also come from those pre-Noah
> cultures...

Same deal -- or are you suggesting that "evolution" planted these notions
in widely diverse peoples, all getting the idea independently, or what are
you suggesting regarding the prevalence of the Savior or the Mother/Child
team legends found in so many cultures?

> >And those who believe that Jesus is a myth, might try to explain the
> >of Turin, which still defies all explanations despite Ruling Elite
> There are as many scientific studies debunking the shroud as supporting
> the theory that it's Jesus' actual shroud...it all boils down to FAITH...

I don't think so. They can't reproduce the shroud today, despite much
high-falutin bunk that hopes you infer that they can. Also, the Shroud had
certain pollens in it that were only found in the Mid-east area.

> It is by FAITH alone that one is saved, not by turning THINGS into icons
> and worshipping them...
Here, here; so true. Who said anything about worshiping icons? Material
things or signs are sometimes given to strengthen Faith. But, check out St.
Paul, you need to believe with a Divine Faith, and you need to believe what
Christ taught " . . . he who hears the Church (singular), hears Me." It's
in St. Mark and elsewhere. It is blasphemy to believe that the Holy Ghost
inspires dozens of "churches" which contradict themselves on the most basic
points, such as what it takes to be saved. God is truth, and not a bundle
of contradictions. One Faith, one Church, one magisterial voice, one flock,
one Shepherd.

> >Incorruptibles, (see book by Joan Carroll), etc. and so on. As Joe
> >said, if you think that Jesus was a hoax, consider that His words are
> >be quoted 2000 years later ---
> And how long have the Buddha's words been quoted...or those of the
> Hindus...or of Confuscius, or Lao-Tze?  All those religions have been
> around much longer than Christianity...
Good point. But I believe all those religions are based on real men, not on
hoaxes. It's only Christ that claims to have risen from the dead. The
others didn't dare, or didn't think to make such claims. :^)Jim Condit

> June
>  #####
>     #  #
> ###  ##   ##    #   ###  ##
>  ##  ####     

Re: [CTRL] Brown Germany

1998-12-29 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Germany's occupational government's support of the Iraq bombing just shows
that the dominant worldwide Jewish Lobby controls Germany, along with the
government of Great Britain, the USA, and Canada. That's all. Don't get too
bogged down with whether the government is superficially called, Democrat,
Republican, a combination of the two, Social Democrat, Green-Red, etc.
Don't be afraid to emulate the Scare Crow in the Wizard of OZ, pull back
the curtain and see who's really animating the Great OZ (these
governments). It must also be mentioned that much credit and thanks must be
given to those Jewish scholars and groups bucking the Judeo-Masonic Ruling
Elite, such as those who put out the excellent MER list on the internet.
Jim Condit Jr.

On Tuesday, December 29, 1998 1:33 AM, Alamaine Ratliff
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Whatever "was" was ...
> >From wsws.org
> ""  "The new consists in the fact that everything stays as it was"
> (Fischer, in an interview with the weekly newspaper Die Zeit).  ""
> WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Germany
> The mask falls: Germany's Red-Green government and the bombing of Iraq
> By Ulrich Rippert
> 29 December 1998
> Nothing has more clearly revealed the true nature of the German Red-Green
> (Social Democratic Party-Green Party) governing coalition than its
> for the American bombing terror attack against Iraq. This action alone
> belies all the descriptions of the coalition as a "left government".
> What can one expect from a government which justifies the bombing of a
> former colonial land which has been bled white by years of economic
> sanctions, and repeats the most stupid and outrageous propaganda lies of
> the aggressor? How will such a government deal with its own people?
> According to the US Pentagon, during the 70 hours of air strikes over
> nights, 100 targets were bombed. Some 415 cruise missiles were fired,
> including 325 Tomahawks from US war ships and 90 from fighter
> missiles than were launched in the entire gulf war of 1991. In addition,
> hundreds of bombs were dropped. The first estimates from the US military
> reported 28 targets destroyed and another 46 severely damaged. Iraqi
> officials claimed heavy civilian casualties.
> On the second day of the bombardment German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder
> declared that the military intervention was "the result of the stubborn
> refusal of Saddam Hussein to collaborate with the UN inspectors in
> controlling weapons of mass destruction". And further: "Our solidarity
> our NATO partners is without question." The chairman of the Social
> Democratic (SPD) fraction in the Reichstag, Peter Struck, declared the
> military action to be "regrettable, but necessary".
> As to whether the German government would be prepared to give more
> extensive, active support, Defence Minister Sharping (SPD) declared there
> had been no requests in that direction and therefore such additional
> support was not a current issue for the government. However the chairman
> the defence committee, Wieczorek (SPD), did not exclude the possibility
> "logistical support".
> Anyone who expected criticism of the military action by the leading
> politicians of the Green Party was quickly disappointed. On the second
> of bombing, during an official visit to Dublin, Foreign Minister Joseph
> Fischer appeared before cameras, furrowed his brow and assumed his very
> best posture as statesman. He proceeded to repeat the exact formulation
> used by then-Chancellor Helmut Kohl in 1991 to justify German support for
> the gulf war: "Saddam Hussein bears full responsibility". His state
> minister, Ludger Vollmer, reckoned to be a "left" in the Greens, said on
> the same morning: " The government regrets that it has come to this
> military confrontation. Nevertheless, we say very clearly that the
> responsibility is born by Saddam Hussein."
> In its edition of December 18 the conservative newspaper Tagesspiegel
> commented: "As well the defence politician Angelika Beer, up until
> reckoned to be strongly left-orientated, framed her criticism in
> faithful to the line of the coalition: apprehension, reservations,
> The opportunism of the Greens is virtually boundless and takes
> bizarre forms. Twenty years ago this party appealed to many young people
> an ecological and pacifist opposition movement. Now it is ready to agree
> anything and everything. Even two years ago, if someone had predicted
> the next German foreign minister would be called Fischer and that in his
> second month in office he would agree to an American attack on Iraq, that
> person would have been ridiculed and Fischer himself would have
> Who does not recall the innumerable resolutions and endless debates in
> which the Greens emphasised their "pacifist principles" and pledged
> themselves to non-vi

Re: [CTRL] Polls

1998-12-29 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey, Jerry! Polling is a "discipline"??? A discipline in high risk, high
stakes deception maybe -- when practised by the Big 5 TV networks (FOX now
aboard in that elite group). Also, your assertion that "the American
people" "elected" Clinton twice is merely an act of faith on your part, as
it has been made illegal in every state but New Hampshire to exersize
citizen checks and balances on the computerized vote count. That's right,
just like in tin horn dictatorships, or Communist countries, any American
citizen who tries to double check the vote at the neighborhood precinct
will be met with police power and eventually arrested if they insist.

First to polling:

Who are these polling "practitioners" who know the "ins and outs"?? Please
read SuperPollsters: How They Measure and Manipulate Public Opinion in
America by David W. Moore, who himself has been a pollster for 26 years.
The book is endorsed by David Broder of the Washington Post, so it can
hardly be dismissed by people like yourself, who believe that the polls are
"scientific." Here is a sentence from the concluding paragraphs of the
book: "There is still a tendency for media polls to create the illusion of
public opinion, by asking forced-choice questions on some topics that are
unfamiliar to most people. And public opinion about most topics is not as
fully explored as it was for the Persian Gulf War, often resulting in
misleading conclusions about its stability and precision." end of quote.
 And then the concluding sentence ends with, " . . . polling can, indeed,
provide a continuous monitoring of the elusive pulse of democracy. More or

This is the polling industry speaking. I charge without doubt that the
polling by the 5 Big TV networks on Clinton is weighted and dishonest. Who
are they polling? Exactly how is the poll conducted? It's permissable to
question and scrutinize ANYTHING in the election process EXCEPT 1) How
polls are done and who is polled; 2) how the votes are "counted" by the
computer programs (I have yet to talk to one county official who signs
election results as "true" who can even name the person who programmed the
computer which counted the votes!!!)  and yet, we are supposed to run
our entire country based on these daily polls, and the computerized vote
counting, -- and also on that complete hoax known as "exit polling" 
 The ENTIRE argument of the sorry rabble of Clintonistes on the talk shows
is -- THE POLLS and the COMPUTERIZED VOTE COUNTS of the last two
Presidential elections. What a gullible nation we have become.

I'm sorry to have to refer to my own website, but www.networkamerica.org
contains much much more information on the unverifiable and riggable nature
of exit polls and computerized voting, as well as numerous referrals to
experts and articles (some in the establishment press) which back up the
position I have stated above. I list 4 or 5 of them below for those who
won't have time to do further research. Furthermore:

Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus published that his wife was called
for a poll on Clinton, -- but the pollsters exited the phone call after she
answered to one of the "lead in" questions/comments by stating that she was
not "the lady head of the house", but her husband was head of the house. A
caller on WLW radio (50,000 watt clear channel voice, Cincinnati, Ohio) on
Saturday morning December 26 relayed that his sister in Georgia was called
for a poll about Clinton, but hung up on when she said she had not voted
for Clinton. These are anecdotal, but one would be stretching to dismiss
them out of hand.

Is any rational person supposed to believe that while 60% of the voting
public voted against Clinton, that 70% now support him even after he's
shown to be an adulterer, liar, perjurer . . .? Right. WHO ARE THE BIG
MEDIA-paid POLLSTERS POLLING? The Big Media really blew its cover when it
published on the day after the first wave of recent Iraq bombings -- that
70% of the people thought there was no connection between the imminent
impeachment vote and the sudden Iraq bombings Right. Who in hades are
these big media-paid pollsters polling?

And, you are on a conspiracy research list, and you're putting out the bunk
that Clinton is the one responsible for the economy? He's giving the
Alan Greenspan crowd, The Ruling Elite, what they want, and Greenspan keeps
the interest rates down. Also, the economy is only great for the Vultures
on Wall Street, the average working man is groaning under unnecessary debt
artificially created by even the "low" interest rates we have, and the
ungodly tax burden.

Back to Polls, -- It's now come out that Congressional mail in most offices
is running 2 to 1 FOR impeachment/removal! Every "call in" poll from AOL to
talk show stations which I've heard about --  reports a 2 to 1 margin for
impeachment/removal. Oh, I forgot, these polls are "unscientific." I say
they are MORE scientific than the BIg Media Polls because at least 

Re: [CTRL] Kenn Thomas talk in Los Angeles (spread the word)

1998-12-29 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/98 1:02:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< The author of Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles and the upcoming Maury
 Island UFO
 publisher of Steamshovel Press, the conspiracy magazine, will give a
 lecture/slide presentation on the connection between UFO lore and the
 history of covert intelligence, starting with the 1947 Maury Island UFO
 case, through Jim Garrison's investigation of the JFK assassination, to
 the Inslaw/Promis scandal of the 1990s. Learn how a closely tied group
 of covert operatives have figured into the most prominent events of
 parapoltical manipulation of the 20th century. Thomas will also be on
 hand after the talk to answer questions and dialogue on all things
 conspiratorial. Copies of his book, Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles, and

 the latest issue of Steamshovel Press will be on sale.

God I'd pay REAL money to see such a slide show and lecture!  I have always
enjoyed your work Kenn and like Steamshovel very much (it was one of the first
sites that I bookmarked on my web browser after I got on line!).  What do I
have to do to get you to come to Pittsburgh?  I am not above kidnapping and
blackmail!  BTW who was that person you were meeting in the Motel 6 on

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Arthritis

1998-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Tuesday, December 29, 1998

'New Era' of Treatments For Arthritis Is Dawning

By Justin Gillis Washington Post Service

WASHINGTON - A new generation of arthritis treatments emerging from U.S.
research laboratories holds out hope for millions who suffer from one of
humankind's oldest and most exasperating afflictions.

The treatments, some of which are already on the market, are particularly
important to 2.1 million Americans, including 71,000 children, who have a
form of the disease called rheumatoid arthritis. The disease can destroy
joints and cause lifelong pain, but treatments are having such striking
effects that some people with this disease have stopped using wheelchairs
or walkers and resumed active lives.

Alyce Kelso, 63, used to work 10 or 12 hours a day as a bus driver. But
then her immune system went haywire and began attacking the joints in her
body. As her rheumatoid arthritis worsened, she had to stop working, and
eventually she needed a wheelchair or walker to get around her home in
Rochester, New York. She feared that she would waste away in a rocking

''I was just in pain every day of my life,'' she said.

Desperate, she enrolled in a study testing one of the first drugs for
rheumatoid arthritis produced by the budding U.S. biotechnology industry.
Last year she started injecting herself twice a week with the compound

The results were electrifying. In weeks her swollen joints shrank, most of
her symptoms cleared up and the pain dissipated. She canceled two surgeries
to alleviate problems in her elbow and toes. The wheelchair and the walker
fell by the wayside.

Rheumatologists - doctors who specialize in treating arthritis - are
watching in amazement as children who once used wheelchairs are instead
running and jumping like other children. These doctors are pinching
themselves as adult patients show up to report that, for the first time in
years, the pain of rheumatoid arthritis is gone.

''This is the beginning of an entirely new era in the treatment of
arthritis,'' said Dr. Daniel Lovell, a pediatric rheumatologist at
Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati and director of a national
network testing arthritis treatments in children. ''I'm very optimistic
that within the near future we'll have the ability to design treatment
approaches that will work very effectively for large numbers of our

Many doctors remain somewhat cautious, unsure of the long-term effects of
drugs like Enbrel. But these days, a rising sense of hope pervades their
professional discussions.

''It's too soon to be saying things like, 'By golly, we're going to cure
rheumatoid arthritis,''' said Dr. Richard Brasington, clinical director of
rheumatology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
''But there's tremendous excitement and optimism.''

New treatments such as Enbrel are designed to take advantage of detailed
knowledge of the immune system gained in recent years. The goal is to
selectively tone down components of the system that seem to be overactive.
The same strategy is working against the debilitating bowel ailment Crohn's
disease, and it may prove useful in diseases as diverse as congestive heart
failure and the nerve ailment multiple sclerosis.

Arthritis is a broad name for a group of more than 100 diseases that cause
pain, tenderness and limited movement in - or permanent damage to - the

The most important types are osteoarthritis, the ''wear and tear'' form of
the disease that people tend to get in their older years, and rheumatoid
arthritis, which can occur at any age. Both involve activation of the
immune system, but rheumatoid arthritis is a classic ''autoimmune'' disease
- an ailment in which the body aggressively attacks its own tissues.

In the case of osteoarthritis, research is proceeding on how to interrupt
the underlying disease, with some promising strategies just beginning to
reach human trials. More immediately, to combat the symptoms, scientists
have created anti-inflammatory drugs that seem to promise pain relief
without the serious side effects, such as bleeding ulcers, sometimes caused
by aspirin, Advil and similar compounds.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and a

[CTRL] Brown Germany

1998-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Whatever "was" was ...

>From wsws.org

""  "The new consists in the fact that everything stays as it was"
(Fischer, in an interview with the weekly newspaper Die Zeit).  ""

WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Germany

The mask falls: Germany's Red-Green government and the bombing of Iraq

By Ulrich Rippert
29 December 1998

Nothing has more clearly revealed the true nature of the German Red-Green
(Social Democratic Party-Green Party) governing coalition than its support
for the American bombing terror attack against Iraq. This action alone
belies all the descriptions of the coalition as a "left government".

What can one expect from a government which justifies the bombing of a
former colonial land which has been bled white by years of economic
sanctions, and repeats the most stupid and outrageous propaganda lies of
the aggressor? How will such a government deal with its own people?

According to the US Pentagon, during the 70 hours of air strikes over four
nights, 100 targets were bombed. Some 415 cruise missiles were fired,
including 325 Tomahawks from US war ships and 90 from fighter planes--more
missiles than were launched in the entire gulf war of 1991. In addition,
hundreds of bombs were dropped. The first estimates from the US military
reported 28 targets destroyed and another 46 severely damaged. Iraqi
officials claimed heavy civilian casualties.

On the second day of the bombardment German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder
declared that the military intervention was "the result of the stubborn
refusal of Saddam Hussein to collaborate with the UN inspectors in
controlling weapons of mass destruction". And further: "Our solidarity with
our NATO partners is without question." The chairman of the Social
Democratic (SPD) fraction in the Reichstag, Peter Struck, declared the
military action to be "regrettable, but necessary".

As to whether the German government would be prepared to give more
extensive, active support, Defence Minister Sharping (SPD) declared there
had been no requests in that direction and therefore such additional
support was not a current issue for the government. However the chairman of
the defence committee, Wieczorek (SPD), did not exclude the possibility of
"logistical support".

Anyone who expected criticism of the military action by the leading
politicians of the Green Party was quickly disappointed. On the second day
of bombing, during an official visit to Dublin, Foreign Minister Joseph
Fischer appeared before cameras, furrowed his brow and assumed his very
best posture as statesman. He proceeded to repeat the exact formulation
used by then-Chancellor Helmut Kohl in 1991 to justify German support for
the gulf war: "Saddam Hussein bears full responsibility". His state
minister, Ludger Vollmer, reckoned to be a "left" in the Greens, said on
the same morning: " The government regrets that it has come to this
military confrontation. Nevertheless, we say very clearly that the ultimate
responsibility is born by Saddam Hussein."

In its edition of December 18 the conservative newspaper Tagesspiegel
commented: "As well the defence politician Angelika Beer, up until recently
reckoned to be strongly left-orientated, framed her criticism in vocabulary
faithful to the line of the coalition: apprehension, reservations, regret."

The opportunism of the Greens is virtually boundless and takes increasingly
bizarre forms. Twenty years ago this party appealed to many young people as
an ecological and pacifist opposition movement. Now it is ready to agree to
anything and everything. Even two years ago, if someone had predicted that
the next German foreign minister would be called Fischer and that in his
second month in office he would agree to an American attack on Iraq, that
person would have been ridiculed and Fischer himself would have protested.

Who does not recall the innumerable resolutions and endless debates in
which the Greens emphasised their "pacifist principles" and pledged
themselves to non-violence? "Make peace without weapons!" "Blue helmets
yes--Green helmets no!" "Peace maintenance, but no peace at the price of
military force!" etc., etc. Even their party programme of this year, agreed
at their conference in Magdeburg, states: "Bundnis 90/The Greens refuse to
support military peace missions and war interventions".

Since their participation in the government, the Greens have demonstrated
the hollowness of their protest politics of the past. They have no
independent answer to the complex problems of society and adapt without a
quiver to the political machinery in Bonn and Berlin. The same party that
loudly proclaimed prior to the elections: "The change is to Green",
declared after the election: "The new consists in the fact that everything
stays as it was" (Fischer, in an interview with the weekly newspaper Die

Fischer is well acquainted with the strategic interests pursued by the
American government with its provocative offensive. During the gulf war

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] CKLN Mind Control Radio Series - Tape 46A- Ritual Abuse Panel

1998-12-29 Thread RoadsEnd

Producer/Interviewer:  Wayne Morris
Tape 46a  Gail Fisher-Taylor & Caryn Stardancer

This is broadcast 46 of the radio series that has been going on for about
one whole year on this show concerning government military mind control and
cult ritual abuse. Today we are going to be focusing on the latter aspect
of this - ritual abuse and we are going to be talking about a lot of
different issues within that topic and I have with us in the studio Toronto
psychotherapist, Gail Fisher-Taylor and we should have by phone, Caryn
Stardancer, a California-based advocate for survivors and publisher of


I am a psychotherapist in Toronto. I also do consultation as well as
education in terms of workshops, and one of my areas is definitely
focusing ritual abuse, sadistic abuse, cult abuse.


I am a survivor myself, and when I was in recovery there really wasn't
anything being said about ritual abuse, cult abuse or mind control that I
knew about. There weren't any resources available, so when I finished my
recovery, myself and another survivor began publication of a small
newsletter that we were doing on my friend's kitchen table and sending it
out.  Now we have an international non-profit. We have members in every
state of the USA, and all the provinces in Canada, Europe, Australia, New
Zealand. Our membership is made up of survivors and professionals who treat


I would like to just briefly review the ritual abuse aspects of
the series of the past year as it ties into government mind control.
We have heard from Dr. Stephen Kent, Professor of Sociology at the
University of Alberta, who specializes in contraversial religious groups,
and ritual abuse, alleged abuse in this context.

We have also heard from Lynne Moss-Sharman, a survivor and
advocate who started The Stone Angels group for ritual abuse survivors from
the Thunder Bay area and her testimony of the
prevalence of ritual abuse in that area, more particularly
within the Masonic Lodge context. We have also heard from
Jeanette Westbrook, a survivor in the United States. Her father
and his friends had allegedly ritually abused her as a child and teenager,
and it's very interesting in that she did attemptl to
bring her father to court. He died just before being extradited
to face charges. Her father was responsible for all the nuclear
power plant inspections in the United States, not to mention
being a Mormon church deacon, boy scout leader, 33 degree
Mason, and so forth.

We heard the testimony given to the U.S. government radiation
hearings by Claudia Mullen, and the ritual aspects of her
experimentation. We heard from quite a number of other people -
other survivors of government mind control that has also had
a ritual abuse aspect. There seem to be many levels of this
kind of activity, and I would like to talk about that.

We have heard from government mind control survivors who have
experienced ritual abuse in that context, for a particular
purpose. There have also been many allegations of people being
involved local cult activity. I would like to ask you both
what your experiences or perceptions are in terms of the
different levels of cult activity and its purpose.


Without trying to go on too long (these things can sometimes
turn into hours), my abuse started in the forties, WWII.
So obviously some of the things I first saw were a mixture of
people who were involved in military, and who were in power
settings and were doing that kind of experimentation. There
were also Masonic connections. In the time I was given "mentorship" I was
told there was something called The Pantheistic Occult, and essentially
what that meant was that there are all different kinds of systems under
which mind control can be perpetrated (or belief systems, religious
beliefs, political beliefs). Basically the idea is that you target a person
- by where their vulnerabilities are - dependent upon their cultural or
educational group, the profession in which they are involved, where their
vulnerabilities are - by what they already believe.

There are different ways people are brought into the system. Some of them
are churches - there was certainly a church involved in the early contact
with my family. What the Pantheistic Occult basically meant was that it
basically doesn't matter what the belief system is, it depends on the
person's adaptability, the way they respond to issues of power, and you
move your way up depending on your adaptability. You may never know that
there is a group larger than the one you are involved in, or you may,
depending on how you move through the system, and also how the people who
are in contact with you move through the system.


When you say it doesn't really matter in terms of the specific ideology, do
you think the religious or belief systems involved here are a front for

Re: [CTRL] Kenn Thomas talk in Los Angeles (spread the word)

1998-12-29 Thread Kenn Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Kenn Thomas to appear at Kindred Spirits bookstore near LA.

The author of Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles and the upcoming Maury
Island UFO
publisher of Steamshovel Press, the conspiracy magazine, will give a
lecture/slide presentation on the connection between UFO lore and the
history of covert intelligence, starting with the 1947 Maury Island UFO
case, through Jim Garrison's investigation of the JFK assassination, to
the Inslaw/Promis scandal of the 1990s. Learn how a closely tied group
of covert operatives have figured into the most prominent events of
parapoltical maniuplation of the 20th century. Thomas will also be on
hand after the talk to answer questions and dialogue on all things
conspiratorial. Copies of his book, Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles, and

the latest issue of Steamshovel Press will be on sale.

Saturday, January 9, 7:00 PM
at the Kindred Spirits store at Ralph's Shopping Center, 813 W. Foothill

on the northwest corner of Foothill Blvd. and Mountain Ave.
in Claremont, about 35 miles east of Los Angeles, surrounded by La
Verne, Pomona, Montclair, Upland and Ontario.  (see below for further
No admission charge.

Call for more information:

Kindred Spirits at 909-626-2434.
or Greg Wright of the Art Bell Chat Club at

>From Los Angeles, go east on the I-10 to Towne Ave., exit and turn
go north to
Foothill Blvd., turn right and go east to Mountain Ave. (the next light;

CAUTION: Avoid the Mountain Ave. that intersects Foothill Blvd. in
Upland*), turn left and immediately turn left again into the shopping
center parking lot. Kindred Spirits is on the right.

* To undescore:  the "Claremont" Mountain Ave. is between Towne Ave. and

Indian Hill Blvd., which are exits from the San Bernardino = I-10

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Russia deploys new nuclear missiles

1998-12-29 Thread Hilary Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Gregory T. Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, December 28, 1998 10:37 PM
Subject: [TheEagle-L] Russia deploys new nuclear missiles

>Sunday, December 27, 1998 Published at 14:12 GMT
>World: Europe
>Russia deploys new nuclear missiles
>The Topol-M is an upgrade of the earlier Topol missile, seen here
>Russia has deployed 10 new intercontinental nuclear missiles, known as
>Topol-M, and put them on full combat readiness.
>The new single-warhead missiles will be based in the Saratov region
>about 700km south-east of Moscow.
>The Russian Defence Minister, Igor Sergeyev, said they would keep intact
>Russia's nuclear potential for the foreseeable future.
>"This is a very important event, because even in the difficult financial
>conditions of 1998 we have managed to find funds for financing this top
>priority area," Mr Sergeyev said.
>Mr Sergeyev said that the adoption of the Topol-M system would preserve
>Russia's security and independence by keeping its missile and nuclear
>potential intact for the foreseeable future.
>'Shield for 21st century'
>The foundations for "Russia's missile and nuclear shield" for the 21st
>century are being laid today, the minister added.
>Correspondents say the Topol-M could be the new heart of Russia's
>missile force. A futher 10 missiles are due to be commissioned within
>the next 12 months, and another 20 the following year.
>The Topol-M is a long-range single warhead intercontinental ballistic
>missile, but it is lightweight and mobile, designed to be fired from a
>Its mobility means it is better protected than a silo-based missile from
>a pre-emptive first strike.
>Deteriorating relations
>The deployment comes at a time of deteriorating relations between Russia
>and the West. Moscow opposes the expansion of Nato membership into
>eastern Europe. It also opposes NATO action in the former Yugoslavia.
>Last week, Russia accused the United States and the United Kingdom of
>flagrantly violating international law and endangering international
>security by bombing Iraq, in the face of Moscow's opposition on the
>United Nations Security Council.
>When the attacks began, Russia's parliament voted almost unanimously to
>delay indefinitely the ratification of Start II, the latest round of
>strategic arms reduction agreements.
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List Moderator:  Hilary A. Thomas

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (no subject)

1998-12-29 Thread Agent Smiley

From: Ben Masel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: talk.politics.drugs
Date: 09 Jun 93 16:58 PDT
Subject: 4th Amendment Card

During the 6 mos last summer and fall during which i could not get
my tailight to stay fixed i was pulled over a total of 14 times,
asked for permission to search 11. I refused each time.  I always
had a large supply of the "Notice to Law Enforcement Officers"
cards appended below, and explained to the officer that after
producing and distributing thousands of them i could not set a bad
example by consenting myself. Result... not one search.

It helps that my long hair is streaked w grey. Cops tend to defer
to the superior legal knowledge of anyone older than they are.  It
also helps to present an ACLU membership card, casting you as
someone refusing not because of something to hide, but because of
a fanatic dedication to the Constitution.


I do not consent to a search of my person, belongings, home, or
vehicle. I retain my 4th Amendment Rights, and all other Rights
under the US and State Constitutions.


Date, time of notice (optional) 


The 4th Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their person, houses,
papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and siezures
shall not be violated, and no warrant shall issue, but upon
probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly
describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to
be siezed.


[CTRL] (no subject)

1998-12-29 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

 Click here: A:\disgrace.htm

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Snvel snivel was Re: Echoes from the Past

1998-12-29 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 11:52:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< you seem to be stuck on dealing with the symptoms rather than the problem.
 comparable to putting a band-aid on a car wreck. you are right but you
 could be righter. your stand seems to subtract from the greater issues and
 irregardless of where you stand on this, you should be aware of who you
 are standing next to and mindful of whose company your opinions are
 keeping with. you are mostly right but there is a more central position.

 a warier eye

 chris >>

My problem is perhaps jumping the gun too much when I see people making stupid
comments in support of someone about which they know nothing and refuse to see
the truth.  People can label me all they want, but I am not a right winger,
not racist, not any of the things mentioned above.  I don't give a crap what
people label me as.  I just can't stand stupidity and sycophantic support.  A
more central view is one that would condemn all of this activity on all sides
as I MOST DEFINITELY do.  Much of what Jerry had to say, was probably correct
in someone's viewpoint but I tend to just go after the stupidity.  I can
certainly get a handle on the idea that right wing radicals were behind the
60's "Jim Crow south", it is a fair characterization.  It would also be a fair
characterization to say that it was the "liberals" who did something to change
that sorry state of affairs.  BUT and here is the big issue for me. . .IT IS
SHEER LUNACY to automatically support and sustain people simply because of
idiotic notions of political parties and so-called social agenda BECAUSE some
liberals were racist, and some radical right wing types were not.  This is
just one example, of many I could mention.  Closer to this issue is; Why do
the supporters of Clinton continue to support him in light of all of the evil
surrounding him?  ALSO; Why do so many who want to see him hang concentrate so
much on the stupid issues of lying and sex charges and not on the real issues
(in effect toting the Republican party line)?  I am not a republican, and I
support no agenda, sometimes I just respond too quickly to ridiculous and
stupid comments from ass kissing idiots.
Republicans are no better.  Why don't we have referendum to remove all the
assholes right now?  Why aren't we pushing for in depth investigations on all
of the traitors and treasonous scum who are in office right now (of which a
majority are probably REPUBLICAN, if for no other reason than that they are
the majority in office at this time, but more probably due to the fact that
most democrats are in reality republican in philosophy, bearing in mind that
these characterizations "republican" and "democrat" are just ways of
describing a stereotypical philosophical viewpoint and in no way correspond to
reality)?  Why aren't the Hyde's and the Livingston's dragged screaming out
into the light as well?  There are agendae here that is a certainty and some
radical right wingers are definitely after Clinton.  That bothers me.  I would
like to tackle one problem at a time please.  Let us get rid of Clinton, a
person we very definitely have the goods on, THEN we can start again and go
down the list till we get rid of all the mother***kers in office.
In the end result though, nothing will happen and it will be business as
usual, and really what good will it do to have Clinon removed?  I am a big
"principle" man, but I am also growing weary of this crap too.
Does that clear things up about my position?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Be afraid, be very afraid.. . .

1998-12-29 Thread Teo1000

In a message dated 12/28/98 11:24:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Hopes for Bush to reach White House

A powerful faction of Beijing's foreign policy establishment hopes
Texas Governor George Bush wins the race for the White House in late 2000.
 A diplomatic source in Beijing said yesterday the leadership was convinced
Vice-President Al Gore's chances of succeeding Mr Clinton had been hurt by the
spate of scandals surrounding the incumbent administration.
 A special team reporting to the Communist Party Central Committee's Leading
Group on Foreign Affairs, which is headed by President Jiang, had been
studying possible candidates eyeing the US presidency in 2000.
 Many cadres and scholars thought Mr Bush, son of former US president George
Bush, might increase Sino-US ties if he became president.
 "Beijing was upset at Clinton's troubles because it regarded the two Sino-US
presidential summits of 1997 and this year as a huge success," a Beijing
source said.
 "However, Chinese leaders also think the young Bush will pursue policies
friendly to China because of the influence of his famous father."
 As Washington's chief of mission in Beijing before diplomatic relations were
established by president Jimmy Carter in 1979, the elder Mr Bush played a key
role in improving bilateral ties.
 Analysts said as part of Beijing's long-standing policy of striking a
balance, Chinese diplomats would concentrate on building relations with Mr
Gore and Mr Bush next year.
 Mr Bush was re-elected Texas Governor with 69 per cent of the vote last

look out


SCMP Internet Edition



Monday  December
28  1998

Hopes for Bush to reach White House




A powerful faction of Beijing's foreign policy establishment hopes Texas
Governor George Bush wins the race for the White House in late 2000.
 A diplomatic source in Beijing said yesterday the leadership was convinced
Vice-President Al Gore's chances of succeeding Mr Clinton had been hurt by the
spate of scandals surrounding the incumbent administration.
 A special team reporting to the Communist Party Central Committee's Leading
Group on Foreign Affairs, which is headed by President Jiang, had been
studying possible candidates eyeing the US presidency in 2000.
 Many cadres and scholars thought Mr Bush, son of former US president George
Bush, might increase Sino-US ties if he became president.
 "Beijing was upset at Clinton's troubles because it regarded the two Sino-US
presidential summits of 1997 and this year as a huge success," a Beijing
source said.
 "However, Chinese leaders also think the young Bush will pursue policies
friendly to China because of the influence of his famous father."
 As Washington's chief of mission in Beijing before diplomatic relations were
established by president Jimmy Carter in 1979, the elder Mr Bush played a key
role in improving bilateral ties.
 Analysts said as part of Beijing's long-standing policy of striking a
balance, Chinese diplomats would concentrate on building relations with Mr
Gore and Mr Bush next year.
 Mr Bush was re-elected Texas Governor with 69 per cent of the vote last

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Beijing was upset at Clinton's troubles because it regarded the two
Sino-US presidential summits of 1997 and this year as a huge








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