CS: Misc-instant incapacitation

2001-02-26 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Of course the famous French martyr, St Denis, after his execution by beheading at Montmartre is reputed to have picked up his head and walked off. But the story does not stop there! Apparently his head was somewhat dusty after having rol

CS: Target-Rem 700 problems

2001-02-23 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think that it may even be pertinent for a subsequent buyer to claim that the fault was created by the previous owner of the rifle and leave the vendor open to being sued for any injury that might result. If any one has a faulty arm one

CS: Misc-antique and military show, Bisley

2001-02-23 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] In my opinion very much worthwhile. Probably the best TRUE antique and modern ARMS show unlike many such as Birmingham and Nottingham which have become "badge and button" sales! Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org

CS: Pol-Face values. etc

2001-02-22 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I do not think that we are going to be that far behind you. It is said that the "line in the sand" for the Conservatives is stalking rifles and game shooting shotguns and that ALL else is negotiable in terms of it being proscrib

CS: Pol-Proliferation of Small Arms

2001-02-22 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] At risk of starting another "I didn't know that but" whilst Robin Cook may not know about the expert of Birmingham made "cutlasses" as they are sometimes called in the West Indies or, as we know them, "machetes&quo

CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-18 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The E-mail about "black faces" at Pistol A.D. was not meant to be sarcastic in that sense but to show that perception is, in fact, not always reality. It is the same with the disparagement of those who wear ex-surplus "ca

CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-18 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Q. The essence of the question is: if a wild predatory animal inflicts a certain level of misery upon its prey -- in the process of subduing it, what would you deem to be onerous when a human is conducting the same act? A. Because the chasin

CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-16 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] If hunting is not cruel, why then am I prosecuted if I set a pack of large dogs onto a smaller, solitary dog? All that the Hunting Bill really can be said to be doing is simply extending to wild mammals the protection that domestic ma

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a number of black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy

CS: Field-Cats...and Pheasants..

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you "steal" a pheasant when it is alive...it is poaching. When it is dead...it is theft. One cannot have "property" in game as it is wild. So what then of pet pheasants kept in an enclosed aviary? Theft or poac

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-13 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ferocious looking characters, unshaven, unwashed, wearing camouflage uniforms, pot bellied with knives sticking out of their boots ... get the picture? If they were playing violins I would consider banning music! What? Do you

CS: Pol-Positive reply from Bracknell MP

2001-02-12 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Don't JUST vote for him. That really is pointless. Write to him again, when you get your reply, thank him and ask him that as you wish to see such as he back in the House of Commons after May 2001 how you can help him with deliverin

CS: Misc-UKAEA Police

2001-02-12 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Do the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Police still exist? These were another force that was armed as a matter of course as well. -- I'm pretty sure they do. Steve. Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org

CS: Target-Shooting at 1000 Yards...

2001-02-10 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks to Vince for commenting on my "four to five feet" (48"-60") group at 1000 Yards. It wasn't meant to impress, or show itself to be a poor performance, but rather to point out that in the context of 1914

CS: Target-Phoenix postal comps

2001-02-09 Thread Richard
From: Richard Markham, [EMAIL PROTECTED] What's happened to the Phoenix postal competition? I can't get them on the phone and we are waiting results from last season. -- Richard Markham Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL PROTECTED

CS: Target-Shooting at 1000 Yards...

2001-02-09 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It was ONLY when I did try shooting at 1000 Yards, with my SMLE at Bisley with the HBSA, that I finally realised why the First World War ended up being fought in the manner in which it did. Everyone should try it once. Then everything

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-08 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I personally do not think that anybody should be allowed to own any gun of a type that I personally do not shoot. And those should be strictly licensed. Furthermore no-one has any use of military and police type weapons such as pistols

CS: Legal-Airguns

2001-02-07 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] So, the, what is an "air pistol"? how does it differ from an "air rifle". Are there any measurements? Or do we look back to the "pistol" definition in the 1937 Act of a barrel of under nine inches for cartri

CS: Pol-Letter to prospective Parliamentary candidates...

2001-02-06 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] One might also point out that in actual fact the continued use of the police to enforce the Firearms Acts was actually aiding an increase in crime by removing officers from other duties, and ask whether your candidate would be

CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-06 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Interestingly if you run over a dog in your car, lorry or other vehicle (and kill the dog) you legally MUST report it to the police. If it is a cat? Nothing. Running over and killing a cat does not require reporting the fact to

CS: Pol-tories

2001-02-01 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I recall seeing him on television at the Conservative Party Conference, when he did his "stunt" of taking off his jacket being asked about a handgun ban. He replied that the Government was going to wait for Cullen's Rep

CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-29 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] So if David Mellor was not typical of the Tory party what then of Michael Forsyth, Sebastian Coe, Michael Howard, etc. etc. It makes one wonder if these individuals are "not typical" of the Tory party why the 1997 Firearms Act

CS: Pol-Hunting Ban

2001-01-24 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] You tie a rope to the cage and throw it in the farmer's slurry pit where it drowns in a manner that is guaranteed to excite even those whose taste for inflicting pain on helpless animals has been otherwise jaded by years of other acts

CS: Crime-firearm offences

2001-01-23 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It would be quite simple to identify who held these guns and what they were. However, the thought crosses my mind that the excuse "I stole it in a burglary" is a lot less incriminating for a criminal found in possession of s

CS: Field-Squirrels

2001-01-23 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] You should practice more! I used to shoot hit and kill starlings at sixty yards with my .22" Airsporter, iron sights and Eley Wasp. Nowadays? I doubt it! -- I have no problem _hitting_ the squirrels, they don't die when I shoot th

CS: Pol-New Labour Banned Pistols

2001-01-23 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I actually was quite happy that Blair banned .22" pistols if only because the Tories "secure clubs" criteria was in fact a de facto ban without obligation to pay compensation. All Blair really did was oblige the Government

CS: Misc-Some Doubts

2001-01-23 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Black powder was most definitely made in the UK by grinding the wet mixture under heavy rollers. There exists a very well known photograph of the machinery. The two rollers were as tall as a man and about three feet wide. Cybershoote

CS: Pol-Not going?

2001-01-23 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I wasn't saying or equating murder or rape with hunting, just pointing out that it does not help the pro-hunting argument to state that if you have not taken part, or witnessed an event or happening (in their case a hunt) that you c

CS: Pol-Hunting Ban

2001-01-23 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Of course one thing that few people ever mention about controlling foxes is cage trapping. It is humane and very efficient. Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL

CS: Field-Eating squirrels...

2001-01-21 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Years ago, perhaps they still do, "Guns Ammo" used to have a advert for Marlin Firearms on the back cover. Each advert had a different recipe for a particular edible animal and featured also a rifle from the Marlin produ

CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-01-21 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am still amazed that the idea exists - from the proposed T-Shirt - that it was "New Labour" that banned handguns! Just to remind everybody, again, it was John Major's Conservative Government that banned handguns. -- It does

CS: Pol-Hunting ban

2001-01-21 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The irony of the hunting ban - I have my own views on whether we need one or not - is that if enacted it will strengthen the hand of those wishing to see action taken against those who presently illegally course hares at night wit

CS: Field-Eating squirrels...

2001-01-21 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Are you sure it was a squirrel and not a large grey cat? I don't have any Sealpoint Siamese recipes that I recall from the back of "Guns Ammo"! -- It was definitely a squirrel. It was the biggest squirrel I have ever seen, b

CS: Pol-The March in March

2001-01-21 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The idea of T-Shirts with messages reminds me of the, true it is said, story of the famous shoot where the beaters were given smocks with letters on to wear so that the beating line could be kept "gapless". The story goes th

CS: Pol-Not going?

2001-01-21 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I do not know if Stuart has seen a hunt, and a kill, or not. But has he to have seen a rape or a murder before he can be "qualified" pronounce on whether he personally finds the idea of those two acts wrong? Cybersh

CS: Pol-My reply from William Hague

2001-01-20 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Here is the "reply" if you could call it that from William Hague. It seems that all that happens is the reader sees the word "handgun" and prints out the "standard" "handgun" letter without botheri

CS: Misc-lost ammo

2001-01-20 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Excuse me they are not worthless 9mm JSP rounds. They are highly dangerous prohibited expanding ammunition suitable for use in even more dangerous prohibited small firearms. And...contained in (if ACPO had its way) a component part - th

CS: Pol-Foxhunting...link to Hansard

2001-01-20 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Clicking on this takes us to Hansard. Click then on 17 January and you can see what your MP had to say...or not! http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/cm/cmhansrd.htm Cybershooters website: http://www.cybersh

CS: Misc-the man with the golden air pistol

2001-01-16 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The story I heard, again years ago, was that yes, they had forgotten the "prop" PPK and that a "gopher" was sent out to Thomas Bland's on St. Martin's lane and came back with the air pistol shown in the photograph.

CS: Pol-Mowlam approves guns deal

2001-01-15 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Handguns? From Britain? What make and model? Are we a "go between" or are these handguns ones being sold from those handed in. I think this warrants someone trying to get their MP or Peer to ask a question about this. C

CS: Misc-police weapons

2001-01-11 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] One intriguing aspect of this is would the police be allowed to use such weapons against Russian Spetsnatz paratroopers. I wonder if, by extension, one could use the European Human Rights Act to argue the point of JHP and JSP? --

CS: Misc-police weapons

2001-01-09 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yes indeed. Expanding bullets, that's easy and also CS Gas as the Geneva Gas Protocol prohibits the use, of course, of all gases in war...but from a "rabble rousing2 point of view it makes good "copy".. Cy

CS: Misc-Shotguns/forensic

2001-01-07 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Would they check the suspects for DNA matches against the recovered shot gun in our contributor's novel before or after they had attacked them with their personal thermobaric weapons. On a less sarcastic note I suppose that at least it

CS: Pol-Kate Hoey

2001-01-05 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Might I suggest that the "proper" way of both getting Blair to realise the support we wish to give Kate Hoey AND at the same time to express that thanks to her is to write one letter only, direct to Tony Blair at 10 Dow

CS: Pol-Tony Martin and David Mellor

2001-01-05 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The fact remains, and we are still not doing enough to continually point it out day after day, that if Tony Martin had been allowed legally to possess in his home non-lethal weapons of defence such as an electric baton or a CS spray then

CS: Misc-Shotguns/forensic

2001-01-05 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] There was a notable case involving just this issue some years ago. A bank clerk was shot dead with a shot gun using Eley cartridges. Some (long) time later the police raided the perpetrator's house. A box of cartridges was found an

CS: Target-New Air gunners Equipment

2001-01-05 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] But then, of course, there is a long tradition of BB "machine guns" in the USA, for example the official BB firing .50" BMG for air gunner training. If anyone doubts, I'll post a picture and a reference. Cy

CS: Misc-Thermobaric Weapon..

2001-01-05 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] A Tory Home Affairs spokesperson is reported today to have said, on being asked her views on thermobaric weapons: "When elected to power at the forthcoming General Election we shall actively examine the possibility of this being i

CS: Misc-Welcome to HotBarrels

2001-01-02 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I saw this page recommended in one of the Sunday or Saturday colour magazines. It has a "wicked" pheasant shooting game to download. I could not kill more than half a dozen, yet some of the "top scores" seem huge. P

CS: Misc-berets

2001-01-02 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I disagree with Cooper about the beret. It was warm, easily folded and put in a pocket or under an epaulette when not needed, you could sit on it to keep your bottom dry and it would not lose its shape when the ground was wet, and you

CS: Pol-Widdecombe on self-defence

2001-01-02 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perhaps we need to now write to Miss Widdecombe asking if, in support of her proposals, she will allow, in the home (as in France) non-lethal weapons of self defence such as CS Gas and Electric Stun Guns to be possessed? Even, perhaps, on

CS: Target-Beware of Factory Rebuilds

2000-12-27 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am sorry that Alex had such bad luck with his rifle. Nothing to do with me by the way. But I have always found "classics" not that bad. However it is very much a case of "suck it and see". I found the real "devils&

CS: Misc-King's African Rifles

2000-12-27 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think that John Masters' books "Bugles and a Tiger" and "The Road Past Mandalay" give good information on the Gurkha set-up. As I read it Gurkha officers help Viceroy's Commissions, NOT King's Commissions and therefore

CS: Target-Beware of Factory Rebuilds

2000-12-27 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] You haven't seen "gun coping" at all until you have heard of, and seen some of the "horrors" that used to be done with English double barrel shotguns when the fetish for them was at its height in the late 1970's early 1980

CS: Target-Drill Purpose designation

2000-12-18 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Generally with Bren Guns it was that the parts were no longer within the correct tolerances. But best to check out safety with a qualified gunsmith. Problem may well be either bore wear or, more worryingly headspace. Cybershooters web

CS: Misc-Naval Gun Fun

2000-12-14 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dover did have Naval Guns! They were used to try, unsuccessfully, to sink the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau during the two ships "Channel Dash" (Operation Thunderbolt Cerberus) from Brest to the North Atlantic. They scored no

CS: Misc-Auction Fees

2000-12-14 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] There are a number of gun auction houses. Weller and Dufty, Birmingham; Southam and Sons, Thrapston, Northants, and some London Houses. Sellers' Premium seems about 12-15% plus VAT. Buyers Premium? 10-15% plus VAT. Some Houses will negotia

CS: Pol-Police state marches on

2000-12-14 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It was a jokeabout the "innocent having nothing to fear" Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ T O P I C A http:/

CS: Target-Cosmoline

2000-12-14 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It might be a Model 1917 or Pattern '14 or what have you "mummy wrapped" and "in cosmoline" but it won't, in my opinion, be either the original wrap or the original cosmoline. About the only chance, ever for exam

CS: Pol-Police state marches on

2000-12-12 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I do not know what all the fuss is about roadside DNA Tests. Only those who have something to hide have anything to fear. Let me tell you all that the police do not just stop innocent people in this country. Nor do they ever arrest peo

CS: Misc-Brown Bess

2000-12-12 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The "Brown Bess" is I think the weapon with the longest "in service" period with the English (British) Army without significant modification. From the time of Marlborough to Wellington. Longer, too in India. I think tha

CS: Pol-yet another statue

2000-12-10 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Twenty knotted guns? Good work for someone. Are sculptors paid by the work, or like actors, by the number of renditions of the work? Wouldn't it be funny if someone cut the knot off and turned it into a "snubbie"! -- I w

CS: Legal-Airgun power limits

2000-12-09 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] As far as I can remember a Crown Court decision is not binding on any other court. Which is probably a reason that an acquittal at a Crown Court on such as a Walther would not have been appealed by the prosecution. -- It's not binding b

CS: Misc-Lethality of Shotguns

2000-12-09 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apparently, I was told by an "expert" in these things, who is quite well known, there is very little difference at "normal shot gun ranges" between lettered shot and numbered shot in lethal effect when used on people.

CS: Target-Weaver Stance

2000-12-07 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] All this talk about stances is, sadly, but fond memories to me! I suppose that we can use it with our CO2 air pistols? The only stance I last used was two fingers up to John Major when some of us voted Labour in 1997 to deliberately (a

CS: Misc-Reference in the Latest Commentaries

2000-12-05 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fancy my dear friend Ken Pantling worrying that people might think his motives ill for posting Cooper's Commentary! Certainly not, I can warrant. However the reference to "My Old Kentucky Home" in Jeff Cooper's "Commenta

CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-12-03 Thread Richard
From: Richard Markham, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Why is it that so many people are blinded by a venomous hatred of the police, to the extent that everything else, common sense included, is blotted out? I am sure someone can answer this one. IG Because the only time Joe public sees the police

CS: Misc-How do they prove that theory...

2000-11-28 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] How do we prove the theory that the reason people "bear left" because of it being the "shield side" of the body? By means of the Sherlock Homes methodonce you have eliminated all other possibilities, that which re

CS: Misc-Driving on the PROPER side...

2000-11-27 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] How can we prove that we, in UK, drive on the PROPER side of the road? Simply look at the design of aircraft carriers! On ALL NATIONS carriers, US, Japanese (with the sole exception of two converted cruisers), French, Russian etc the air

CS: Misc-Death Penalty

2000-11-20 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perhaps the reality is that the death penalty was never a deterrent to murder...after all when you murder someone you do it presuming that you actually won't get caughtso the "tariff" is irrelevant, but a deterrent to crim

Misc-Stefan Kisko

2000-11-17 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] He was prosecuted by the (now) Lord Waddington who was later Secretary of State for Home affairs under the Tories. When asked to comment on the matter of Mr Kisko's innocence Lord Waddington's reply made interesti

CS: Field-how to deal with roadkill

2000-10-31 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having said that, about swerving, it may not be sentimentality that makes one swerve to avoid an animal, or bird. I have witnessed the damage done to a coach windscreen by a pheasant and have had a headlamp knocked from its mountings by

CS: Target-Pistols at Commonwealth Games

2000-10-26 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have now received a reply to my letter to the Home Office regarding the possibility of other pistol shooting events being held in the United Kingdom. I do hope that, finally, those who would aid the pistol events at Bisley in 2002 will r

CS: Pol-Dunblane BBC Radio 4

2000-10-20 Thread richard . j . hudson
that be like it or not. We just need to keep at it. Never ever give up. Richard Hudson Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ T O P I C A The Email You Want. http://www.topica.com/t/16 Newsletters

CS: Misc-No bangs, no smoking guns

2000-10-18 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Interestingly at the beginning of WWII Parker-Hale were contracted to make, and did, a number of silenced Winchester .22LR rifles for the war Office. I believe that they were for the Home Guard "Special Units" tasked with assass

CS: Pol-Albie Fox at Tory Conference...

2000-10-04 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Who heard Albie Fox's speech? No mention at all that the handgun ban was a Conservative Government, on a THREE LINE WHIP that banned pistol shooting! Just the illusion that it was Blair's fault! -- Unfortunately in the near future convincing

CS: Pol-Big Brother is watching you

2000-10-04 Thread Richard
From: Richard Barrett, [EMAIL PROTECTED] You have to pass the crypto keys by hand otherwise the security falls over at that point anyway. If you phone or email it, everyone can know it. If you use PGP, you generate a private key (which you keep) and a public key (which you can freely email

CS: Misc-Big brother is watching you

2000-10-04 Thread Richard
From: Richard Barrett, [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- I don't think anyone could answer a question like that. From my perspective, very secure. From GCHQ's perspective, not very. They can even crack 128-bit encryption now, so PGP should be easier even than that. Not so. PGP only uses public key

CS: Target-Origin of the term Practical...

2000-09-21 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The term "practical" has been used the turn of the century! Walter Winans uses it in his books, and deals at some length with the defensive use of the pistol. Tracey also use the term in his book "Revolver Shooting in War"

CS: Legal-miniature rifle ranges

2000-09-17 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] My advice is to designate a set day each week or month for SOLE use of your range as a "Gallery range". Indeed better to lease that set day to an entirely new commercial enterprise run by perhaps yourself as an entirely separate

CS: Pol-Pistol Shooting at Commonwealth Games

2000-09-15 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having written to my MP, Stephen Dorrell, asking him to contact the Home Office Minister to clarify the position regarding pistols at the forthcoming Commonwealth Games I today received this reply: Dear Stephen, Thank you for your le

CS: Legal-Hague Convention...Internet Links to the lot!

2000-09-01 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.lib.byu.edu/~rdh/wwi/hague.html Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ T O P I C A The Email You Want. http://www.topic

CS: Legal-Hague Convention

2000-09-01 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Specific accord relating to use of gases is the "Geneva Gas Protocol" of 1926. The Germans had invented an anti-tank round in which the bullet (fired from an A/Tank Rifle contained CS or CN type gas to neutralise the crew once th

CS: Legal-Geneva Gas Protocol...text

2000-09-01 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1925 Gas Protocol The Hague Convention, (17 June 1925) Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare Entry into Force: 8 Feb

CS: Legal-Hague Convention

2000-08-31 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Only lethal gases banned? No it isn't! All gases are banned if my memory of my university degree serves me all right. -- Hence Section 5(1)(b) of the 1968 Act, I assume. Steve. Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List adm

CS: Pol-Police Hollow points

2000-08-23 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] There is another answer to the argument for 9mm JHP. So called "stopping power" can be had by either a "light and fast" bullet or by a "heavy and slow" bullet. This dates back to before the beginning of thi

CS: Pol-Anonymity..and the Olympics

2000-08-15 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Much has been said about an "us and them" attitude. Just what is trying to be done in allowing foreign nationals to import, possess and shoot pistols in the UK! So what if Mick Gault won four Gold Medals. Did he have the

CS: Legal-anonymity

2000-08-15 Thread Richard
From: Richard Barrett, [EMAIL PROTECTED] In his recent post IG successfully identifies the fundamental problem that exists in the relationship between the Police as an institution and the general public. The Falmouth incident which sparked of this thread brought out just one way in which

CS: Pol-Olympic shooters lobby for easing of handgun ban

2000-08-14 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I wholeheartedly agree...and NOW is the time to get letter writing to your LOCAL MP asking him or her to "ask the Home Secretary" if he will refuse to make any exception to the law which prevents the shooting of handguns in

CS: Legal-Anonymity

2000-08-14 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I can recall that all police vehicles in London having distinctive numbers painted on the outside. Why? As the direct result of an incident in which a man was assaulted by police officers in a vehicle. He could not identify the vehicle and

CS: Pol-Straw may permit pistol shooting at Manchester games

2000-08-14 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I, for one, will be writing to support Gill Marshall-Andrews. Those who actively tried to stop this ban may, perversely, now support her because it was a total ban. It sickens me that the NRA are seemingly colluding in this whole matte

CS: Legal-Anonymity

2000-08-14 Thread Richard
From: Richard Barrett, [EMAIL PROTECTED] The arguments being presented to justify anonymity for Police Officers giving evidence in court, even the Coroner's court, are plausible but represents the thin end of a very thick wedge. That wedge being: one set of rules for the ordinary citizen