Re: ENC: Estou preparando uma revista

1999-05-13 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Oi Macan,
Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:

 On Thu, 6 May 1999, Adriano Freitas wrote:
Em nenhum momento eu falei que a RedHat (conectiva) é boa ou ruim. O
  que eu não aguento mais escutar é a associação que a mídia está
  fazendo de Linux com RedHat. Antigamente, fazia-se a seguinte pergunta:
  Você usa Linux? ou então Você  já instalou o Linux?. Hoje em dia a
  coisa é mais ou menos assim: Você usa RedHat (conectiva) ou então
  Você tem RedHat??.

 Sim, eu ja conversei ate com o proprio Arnaldo sobre isso,
 realmente e um problema, ver coisas como um livro entitulado Dominando
 o Linux 5.0 Quando o kernel ainda nem saiu do 2.0 (na epoca do livro).
 So por causa da versao da Red Hat. Mas eu entendo que isso e culpa da
 Midia, e nao da Red Hat ou da Conectiva, reporteres sao pessoas que sabem
 escrever em um espaco determinado. Sao obrigados a escrever sobre tudo,
 sem saber nada. Tudo bem que isso nao e justificativa para as confusoes
 estupidas que aparecem na midia e se propagam exponencialmente em numeros
 de leitores e novos usuarios, mas nao e culpa desta ou aquela distribuicao
 so porque ela e a mais famosa.

Mas, se voce for ler uma entrevista dos donos da RH, eles disserem que
querem associar o nome RH ao Linux assim como lamina de barbear e' Gillette.
Entao e' culpa da RH sim! Quanto a Conectiva, nao sei qual a politica deles. Se
por exemplo, eles mandam CDs de Linux para a Info Exame para eles fazerem
reportagens do Conectiva. Nao sei.

Outra coisa que eu discordo nas distribuições RedHat é o fato da
  empresa ser comercial (www.redhat.COM). Pessoas são contratadas para
  desenvolverem os pacotes, os processos de instalação, etc, etc, etc... O
  Debian já não!! É todo um trabalho feito por voluntários espalhados pelo
  mundo todo, assim como o Linux surgiu e queremos que ele fica para

 Cara, se a conectiva me contratasse para desenvolver a
 distribuicao deles eu ia correndo! Quer coisa melhor do que receber para
 escrever Free Software? Esta na lista dos meus dream jobs, se eu
 resolver sair da Core, que foi a empresa que eu fundei para  Ganhar
 dinheiro com Free Software o primeiro lugar em que iria bater na porta
 era na da Conectiva (tai Arnaldo, fica a dica pra voces... ;)

Eu nao trabalharia na RH, nem na Conectiva porque nao gosto da distribuicao
da Red Hat.  E' dificil atualizar (tem que ficar esperando o proximo CD), os
diretorios e arquivos nao estao em um lugar default, tem poucos pacotes
oficiais (assim, tem varios contribs da vida, sem qualidade assegurada
nenhuma), tem varios furos de seguranca e por ai vai.

 Curiosamente eu sou um Debian Developer, dou suporte a Debian,
 dou cursos de Linux, atualmente usando o Linux da Conectiva. Eu acho o
 seguinte, converta o maior numero de usuarios para Linux, nao importa
 a distribuicao, se ele estiver contente com a que ele tem, ele estara
 feliz, se ele precisar de algo que a conectiva nao oferece , ele vai
 procurar outras. Debian serve melhor do que ninguem ao nicho dos
 servidores de Rede.

A Debian tambem e' boa para desktop. Eu uso o Gnome+E ou o WMaker todos os
dias. Atualmente, eu posso dizer que a Debian tem mais programas para Desktop do
que a RH. E com mais qualidade e facil atualizacao.

 O que eu acho errado e que a SUCESU que negou apoio para a gente
 em 93 para criar grupos de usuarios de Linux agora venha com um Linux
 World'99 brasil e cobre de R$350,00 a R$1200,00 de *ingresso* com tanta
 gente boa como o LinuxSP realizando eventos gratuitos para o publico
 e de qualidade superior. Eu acho que era muito melhor que cada pessoa
 destas que vai pagar R$350,00 por um evento da SUCESU desse metade
 desse dinheiro quando fosse a um evento organizado por usuarios.


 Mas mais uma vez, em principio, nao ha nada de errado em ganhar
 dinheiro com Linux, mesmo a SUCESU tem liberdade para isso, e viva a
 liberdade para todos sem distincao. Mas que eu nao vou incentivar ninguem
 a ir, isso eu nao vou.

 Eduardo Marcel MacanCore Technologies Informatica LTDA
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Suporte e Desenvolvimento Unix/Linux.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 Visite-nos em

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PS: Meu e-mail da lista nao esta funcionando. De um cc: para mim.

Re: ENC: Estou preparando uma revista

1999-05-13 Thread Jose Carlos Benfati

On Wed, 12 May 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

 Mas, se voce for ler uma entrevista dos donos da RH, eles disserem que
 querem associar o nome RH ao Linux assim como lamina de barbear e' Gillette.
 Entao e' culpa da RH sim! Quanto a Conectiva, nao sei qual a politica deles. 
 por exemplo, eles mandam CDs de Linux para a Info Exame para eles fazerem
 reportagens do Conectiva. Nao sei.

A INfo sabe que existem várias distribuições, pois o correio info
deles, que é enviado para quem quiser de graça, funciona com um debian...
O fato dos testes serem feitos com a Conectiva provavelmente é por ser uma
distribuição em portugues, feita por uma empresa brasileira, etc etc. 

Re: ENC: Estou preparando uma revista

1999-05-13 Thread Clovis Sena

com todo respeito, vcs falam demais!! Ta na hora de vcs decidirem se vao
ficar ai metendo o pau ou vao mesmo arregassar as mangas e fazer algo
diferente. Esta lenga-lenga  de meter  o pau nos outros nao leva a nada !!!
Se eles estao no topo deve ser por competencia! Facam o mesmo !!!


Clovis Sena
Itautec Servicos/Filial Recife
Fone: 081 - 421 1126.


Re: Re: ENC: Estou preparando uma revista

1999-05-13 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld

Pelo amor de Deus até quando essa insanidade de qual é
a melhor distribuição vai continuar

   Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld

Nós gatos já nascemos pobres, porém já nascemos livres
 Senhor, senhora ou senhoria, felino não reconhecerá

Re: Hawking PN102TX--Help!!

1999-05-13 Thread tjm
If this helps, according to the Hawking web site,, their PCI
nics use the tulip.c driver.


tony mollica

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-13 Thread Rob
 Rob, I'm curious-- did you upgrade the linker as well? when i upgraded that
 in slink, i think that is what broke my system somehow. it happened to me
 twice. that is why i ended up giving up and going all the way with potato...
 was sick of having to manually re-link 30 or 40 .so files. no problems now,
 i'm just curious. ciao.

I beleive I did, yes. Pretty much everything relating to libc was upgraded
(compiler, linker, libs, headers, also g++ stuff).


Re: Communicator 4.5 and LDAP

1999-05-13 Thread Rob
 I switched from communicator 4.05 to 4.5 and now I can't access the LDAP
 server in our company. All searchez return an unknown LDAP error 0xFF
 when trying to access the LDAP server. Going back to 4.05 fixes the problem.
 Is there anyone aware of any changes to the LDAP support in Comm 4.5?
 any work arounds?

Aiyee, where to begin. My university has had similar problems for the last
two months. The problem is that 4.0x clients use a different command than
4.5x clients to access the LDAP system. I don't know all the details, we
eventually fixed all the problems by upgrading our servers to Messaging
Server 4.03, I beleive.


Re: Shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember?

1999-05-13 Thread Rob
 Just to add to this excellent explanation by Ray, in the Unix world it 
 is still pretty common to see files compressed with the Unix compress
 utility, in which case you might see file names like:

And while we're mentioning the unix world, you should note that the 'z'
switch to tar (ie tar xvfz foo.tar.gz) is a GNU tar extension, so probably
isn't going to work.


2 network cards revisited

1999-05-13 Thread MR
OK, I appreciate all the help I received about my original problem. I have
determined that one of the ethernet cards (Asante ISA) does not like
working in linux. So I yanked it out and replaced it. Now I have 2 Intel
EtherExpress 16 cards in the machine. Now, one is at io 0x300, irq 11 and
the other io 0x240, irq 10. Right now the first card (was in the machine
previously) is detected and setup upon bootup. How do I get the eexpress
module to recognize both cards and set the first to eth0 and the second to
eth1? Thanks!

Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Re: 2 network cards revisited

1999-05-13 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
You'll need to pass params to your kernel. If you're booting with lilo you'll 
need to
edit add:

append = ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1

If I got the eth0, eth1 right...

MR wrote:

 OK, I appreciate all the help I received about my original problem. I have
 determined that one of the ethernet cards (Asante ISA) does not like
 working in linux. So I yanked it out and replaced it. Now I have 2 Intel
 EtherExpress 16 cards in the machine. Now, one is at io 0x300, irq 11 and
 the other io 0x240, irq 10. Right now the first card (was in the machine
 previously) is detected and setup upon bootup. How do I get the eexpress
 module to recognize both cards and set the first to eth0 and the second to
 eth1? Thanks!

 Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: pppd

1999-05-13 Thread John Hasler
wtb writes:
 How can I convince pppd (and pon) that defaultroute is enabled.  They
 both return the error 'defaultroute is disabled' even though I think I
 have it edited into all support files.

By turning off your other defaultroute, which probably points to your
ethernet.  You almost certainly don't need it.  Edit /etc/init.d/network.

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: netdate - ntp - chrony ?

1999-05-13 Thread John Hasler
Christian Dysthe writes:

 I would really like to know the difference between netdate and
 ntp/chrony. And if you choose a time server to use with netdate,
 shouldn't it be just as accurate as if you used ntp?

No, though it may be quite accurate enough for your purposes.  The protocol
used by both chrony and xntp3 adjusts for propabation delay.  Chrony also
calculates the drift rate of your clock and makes adjustments while you are
off line.  Both chrony and xntp3 can act as time servers for your LAN.

The biggest advantage of chrony on a dial-up system like yours is that it
will just work straight out of the box.  No configuration necessary.  
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Local archives

1999-05-13 Thread William Lacy
I hope that I have the right list, anyway if not please let me know and
I'll repost.  Here is my question:

I have a few packages that I have imported with alien or downloaded from
non-free, etc., that I installed on my system with dpkg.  this is really
no big deal because I have always kept track, made script records of all
of these package installations, and I haven't run into any problems I
couldn't handle.  However I am installing Debian on a computer for my
brother and I want to make these packages show up in the dselect listing
to make things as easy as possible for him (he presently knows nothing
of computers beyond solitare =).

I have three main local file archives that I want to keep separate for
maintainance sake, they are:

local - stuff that I imported with alien or came from unstable...

non-free - stuff that I downloaded from slink...

kde - the kde slink archive that was spoken of in news this week.

Right now I have the Packages files in each binary-i386 directory

If I use apt-get method in dselect there is no problem on my computer
(this sounds good) but my brother is not on the net- from what I
understand apt-get won't keep track of the multi-cds or will it?

It seems as though if I use the multi-cd method that I will have to mix
my dist/kde with my dist/local which I don't want to do since I want to
be able to update my kde archive by replacing it and editing the file
listings in the Packages file.

So what I am asking is: can I get the best of both worlds and keep local
and kde seperate while still listing the multicds in dselect?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

William Lacy

Re: programming X

1999-05-13 Thread Havoc Pennington

Assuming you have the X devel package as others have suggested, you may
also need to tell the compiler where to find the headers:

#include X11/Xlib.h should then work.

Xlib is beastly and nasty, so if you aren't very familiar with C
(especially if you're easily frsturated) it's probably a bad place to
start. Gtk would be better, or even better, simple command-line programs.
Gtk is more fun, but a small command line program is probably more
sensible. :-)


Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread André Bell
Everytime I run anything from the command line that requires x I get one of
these errors:

   - unable to open display
   - cannot connect to X server

I can run startx just fine. I don't get display errors there at all.  But
if I type xhost, xtv, or any other x application from the command line I
get one of the above error messages.

I've changed my xf86config file several times to select vga and svga
displays as well as cycled through the cards, and still I get those errors.
Maybe the display errors are unrelated to xf86config setup(?).

Any ideas how I can get these applications to run from the command line
without those error messages popping up?



apt dselect security fixes

1999-05-13 Thread Judith Bush

Someone give me a clue please.

Weekly news says new rsync to fix security hole, linked to email which
says uploaded to UK.

Subject: Uploaded rsync 2.3.1-0.slink.1 (source i386) to uk

greycat:~# more /etc/apt/sources.list
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable non-US
deb stable non-US 
deb stable main contrib non-free 
deb  stable main contrib non-free non-US 

I run dselect's update, which concludes with:

Replacing available packages info, using /var/cache/apt/available.
Information about 2686 package(s) was updated.

When i go to select packages, however, 

Pri Section  Package  Inst.verAvail.ver  
Opt net  rsync2.1.1-1 2.1.1-1  

Does this mean that only the source is available  i should compile it 
myself? Or am i doing something wrong with apt/dselect?

Thanks for the help,

judith bush

Re: Shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember?

1999-05-13 Thread André Bell
You start with foo.tar.gz

gunzip foo.tar.gz  Now you have a file called foo.tar which
   should be much larger than foo.tar.gz was.

tar -xvf foo.tar   Now all the files are extracted from foo.tar

As others have said, you can do this all in one step with tar -zxvf

In general, files that end in .tgz or .tar.gz are gziped tar archives while
files that just end in .gz are really just one file.

Thanks Ray and all,
This was exactly the case. Though the unarchived file didn't have an
extension after I ran gunzip it turned out to be a tar file.  Once I ran
tar -xvf on the file it uncompressed just fine. Now I have all the files I
could see with winzip.

Andre' if I can only figure out which of the hundreds of files is the

Re: Sparc Ultra5 (170)

1999-05-13 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 06:20:16PM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 On Wed, 12 May 1999, Collins M.  Ben  wrote:

  That is incorrect, slink supports UltraSPARC, and as does potato.

 That is odd, I was told that there was only a SPARC port and that an
 UltraSPARC (64-bit) port was in its infancy. That came from this list
 maybe a month ago.

The current sparc port runs on UltraSPARC's. That's not to say that it
is a 64bit user space. It is only a 32 bit user space, but runs none
the less. This is the same as the current UltraPenguin and RedHat 6.0.
There are no native 64bit sparc distributions yet (that was the
discussion you caught).

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]Debian GNU/Linux
OpenLDAP Dev - [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Choice of the GNU Generation
-- -- - - - ---   --- --  -  - ---  -  --

Re: sorting this mail

1999-05-13 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: sorting this mail
Date: Wed, May 12, 1999 at 09:01:47AM -0500

In reply to:tf

Quoting tf([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 hey all
 I don't suppose the list manager would consider putting somthing like [deb] 
 in the subject line, would he (you)?  Sure would 
 help me sort this stuff...

# Exim filter

if $header_x-loop: contains debian-user
save $home/mail/Lists/debian-user

if $h_x-loop: contains debian-devel
save $home/mail/Lists/debian-devel

* X-Mailing-List:

Its easy when you Read The Fine Manual(s).

Pascal, n.:
 A programming language named after a man who would turn over in
 his grave if he knew about it.

Re: pppd

1999-05-13 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: pppd
Date: Wed, May 12, 1999 at 01:27:51PM +


 How can I convince pppd (and pon) that defaultroute is enabled.  They both
 return the error 'defaultroute is disabled' even though I think I have it
 edited into all support files.   I am unable to vi pppd.Thanks Bill   
less /etc/ppp/options or grep defaultroute /etc/ppp/options
less /etc/ppp/peers/provider or grep defaultroute /etc/ppp/peers/*


But what we need to know is, do people want nasally-insertable

Re: Wierd PPP Problems

1999-05-13 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: Wierd PPP Problems
Date: Tue, May 11, 1999 at 10:26:36PM -0500

In reply to:John Hasler

Quoting John Hasler([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Chris Hoover writes:
  I'm having some strange problems with ppp on my dial out server.
  Everything has been working fine for quite some time (over 51 days of
  uptime on 2.2.2), and then tonight I started having problems connecting.
  Does anyone know what is going on, and how to fix it?
 At a guess, your ISP changed something.  Does it fail every time, or
 intermittently?  What sort of authentication are you using?  What does your
 chat script look like?
 Dial in with minicom and see if anything has changed.
 John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
 Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
 Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

John is right, its your ISP.  I used to have a problem like that with
Netcom, twice a year.  Their Support group kept telling me I was doing
something wrong.  My 'fix' for 2 years was to put my ppp-on into a
'Netcom' script that repeated the ppp-on attempts.  It would take
anywhere from 1 to 12 attempts before I got connected.  The problem
would last for a week or two and then, after they got so many
complaints, they would fix it.  Then I would go back to the normal
ppp-on script.


There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.
  -- Ken Olson, President of DEC, World Future Society Convention, 1977

Re: printout being chopped off...

1999-05-13 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: printout being chopped off...
Date: Wed, May 12, 1999 at 10:00:10AM -0700

In reply to:Sudhakar Chandrasekharan

Quoting Sudhakar Chandrasekharan([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Wayne Topa proclaimed:
  I had a similar problem with my Brother Laser Printer.  I finally
  fixed it by using a2ps and changing the papersize in a2ps.cfg
  ie Medium: Letter   607 780.  I just keep changing it until I got
  everything printing on the paper, correctly.
 Could you give me more information?  How does a2ps work with apsfilter and

Don't use apsfilter but I use it with everything else.  Netscape, gv,
etc.  I have a2ps defaulted to 2 pages/sheet.  That works nice in
Netscape (change print box Printer: from lpr to a2ps) and you can
print 2 pages in landscape, side by side or 2 pages one over the other
in Portrait mode.  I have a script that uses a2ps or enscript + psresize +
psselect + psnup to print files as 1/2/4 pages on one or both sides.
I do .ps and .pdf files from gv like that also. i haven't put that
into the script yet tho.

BTW altho I have a2ps defaulted to 2 pages per sheet if you want one
page (or 3 or 4), the command is a2ps -[1-4] overrides the default.
a2ps also handles files that have different extensions, ie gzip,gz,
bz2, bz and more.

I found a bug in the file in the a2ps.deb file supplied
with Slink.  I notified the maintainer but never heard from him and
don't know if the file has been updated or not.  I have Version
4.10.4-4 installed.  If anyone needs the updated file, I
will email it on request.  The bug shows up when you try to print a
gzipped file, it doesn't print.


Real computer scientists don't program in assembler.  They don't write
in anything less portable than a number two pencil.

Re: netdate - ntp - chrony ?

1999-05-13 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: netdate - ntp - chrony ?
Date: Wed, May 12, 1999 at 12:25:58PM -0500

In reply to:Christian Dysthe

Quoting Christian Dysthe([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I want a simple task performed. ntp does it, but is not really made for a
 dial-up system like mine.
 chrony does it also, but what I wondered is: couldn't It use netdate for this?
 I have put the following script in my /etc/ip-up.d
 if [ -x /usr/sbin/netdate ]
 /usr/sbin/netdate  /dev/null 21  
 exit 0 is a time server.
 In /etc/cron.daily I have this script:
 #! /bin/sh
 if [ -x /sbin/hwclock ]
hwclock --adjust  
hwclock --systohc --utc
 exit 0
 This last script is there since I do not often reboot, and still want the
 hardware clock adjusted.
 These two scripts seems to keep my clock correct without having to install ntp
 or chrony, or have I as a newbie missed something here?
 I would really like to know the difference between netdate and ntp/chrony. And
 if you choose a time server to use with netdate, shouldn't it be just as
 accurate as if you used ntp?

I'm with you. I do the same as you but have also installed adjtimex
which keeps things in line when I'm not connect for a long period,
like overnight.  For a home network, that combo works fine.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

Re: Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy :)

You need to start up a   xterm  session after you run startx.  Do this by going 
your $HOME/.xinitrc file and add a line in there somewhere before your window 
(usually the last line) to the effect of


and then try to run those programs after you get into X.


André Bell wrote:

 Everytime I run anything from the command line that requires x I get one of
 these errors:

- unable to open display
- cannot connect to X server

 I can run startx just fine. I don't get display errors there at all.  But
 if I type xhost, xtv, or any other x application from the command line I
 get one of the above error messages.

 I've changed my xf86config file several times to select vga and svga
 displays as well as cycled through the cards, and still I get those errors.
 Maybe the display errors are unrelated to xf86config setup(?).

 Any ideas how I can get these applications to run from the command line
 without those error messages popping up?



 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: 2 network cards revisited

1999-05-13 Thread MR
/etc/lilo.conf now looks like:

append=ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1

ran liloconfig and let it install a boot block using the current lilo config.

rebooted.. and only 1 card is picked up (looks like nothing changed)


You'll need to pass params to your kernel. If you're booting with lilo 
you'll need to
edit add:

append = ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1

If I got the eth0, eth1 right...

 OK, I appreciate all the help I received about my original problem. I have
 determined that one of the ethernet cards (Asante ISA) does not like
 working in linux. So I yanked it out and replaced it. Now I have 2 Intel
 EtherExpress 16 cards in the machine. Now, one is at io 0x300, irq 11 and
 the other io 0x240, irq 10. Right now the first card (was in the machine
 previously) is detected and setup upon bootup. How do I get the eexpress
 module to recognize both cards and set the first to eth0 and the second to
 eth1? Thanks!

Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Re: Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread Pollywog

On 13-May-99 Brant Wells wrote:
 Howdy :)
 You need to start up a   xterm  session after you run startx.  Do this by
 going into
 your $HOME/.xinitrc file and add a line in there somewhere before your
 window manager
 (usually the last line) to the effect of
 and then try to run those programs after you get into X.

I am a little confused by this.  I was using an .xinitrc but changed to an
.xsession after I had some problems and I found something in the Debian
Tutorial which only mentioned .xsession.  Does it matter which is used,
.xinitrc or .xsession ?


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-13 Thread add|ct|on
i think its safe to say dont touch your linker if you upgrade slink. a lot
of people commented to me that they'd done so when slink broke in an
upgrade. quite interesting.


help, I got sucked into /dev/null

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

  Rob, I'm curious-- did you upgrade the linker as well? when i upgraded
  in slink, i think that is what broke my system somehow. it happened to
  twice. that is why i ended up giving up and going all the way with
  was sick of having to manually re-link 30 or 40 .so files. no problems
  i'm just curious. ciao.

 I beleive I did, yes. Pretty much everything relating to libc was upgraded
 (compiler, linker, libs, headers, also g++ stuff).


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread Andrew Chung
 Everytime I run anything from the command line that requires x I get one of
 these errors:
- unable to open display
- cannot connect to X server

It means just that - it can't connect to the x server. You need to run the
programs either in xterm (or equivalent) or set the DISPLAY env variable. 
In bash you'll do something like :
export DISPLAY=':0.0'
This will tell the programs to display to your local xserver. 

See for PGP key

It's a sin only if you dwell on the what ifs and the but ifs

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-13 Thread Pollywog

On 13-May-99 add|ct|on wrote:
 i think its safe to say dont touch your linker if you upgrade slink. a lot
 of people commented to me that they'd done so when slink broke in an
 upgrade. quite interesting.

What exactly is the linker, ldso ?

If you upgrade slink's ldso to potato and *then downgrade it back to slink's
ldso* yes, you will break it.  I have potato ldso now on my slink, but I did
not downgrade it when I removed libc6 2.1.1


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Emacs and the ALT key.

1999-05-13 Thread Allen B. Riddell

Ok... I can't remember if this started when I installed 2.2, but I suppose 
it doesn't really matter.

the ALT key (on my PC keyboard) doesn't seem to work in emacs.. It works in 
netscape -- and aside from that, I have absolutely no problems at all with 

I remember using xmodmap when I used redhat to make the backspace key -- 
but I think that wont work here -- for some reason.. since somewhere I read 
that my version of X doesn't use that xmodmap thing..

Anyway -- any help would be appreciated.


Backups Sharing

1999-05-13 Thread Allen B. Riddell

I've got a relatively small harddrive running Debian -- I could fit it all 
on a CD-R, and I'd like to, frankly. I LOVE debian and my system now.

What's the recommended way of doing this. I fear that I'll backup crazy 
stuff if I just tar the entire root directory --- isn't there some wacky 
stuff in /proc and other stuff to screw up?

Anyway -- any help would be appreciated.

Also -- I'm wondering, I mount my windows HD on to /win or something silly 
like that -- but is there any way I can give access to the directory /win 
-- read and write access to one user other than root?



RE: Shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember?

1999-05-13 Thread Shaleh

On 12-May-99 André Bell wrote:
 Is there a good shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember all the
 I ask because I must be doing something wrong.  When I ungzip file.gz the
 system converts my .gz file to one file with no extension instead of
 unzipping the file and all of its contents.
 I know there are multiple files in the gzips that I look at because I can
 view all of the compressed files when I view the contents of the gzip file
 on my pc, just not with gzip on linux :(

Is the file name something.tar.gz or something.tgz?  If so try:

tar zxvf something.tar.gz

it should extract the files.  gzip compresses one file usually, tar is used to
make an archive of many files (whereas Windows usually tosses everything in one

Re: Emacs and the ALT key.

1999-05-13 Thread Havoc Pennington

On Wed, 12 May 1999, Allen B. Riddell wrote:
 the ALT key (on my PC keyboard) doesn't seem to work in emacs.. It works in 
 netscape -- and aside from that, I have absolutely no problems at all with 

Probably the Windows key (if you have one) is bound to the Meta keysym,
which is what Emacs is looking for; I don't think Emacs uses the Alt
keysym at all by default. If you don't have a Windows key, you need to
move Meta to some other key of your choice. (Many people have the physical
Alt key send both Alt and Meta keysyms, which is technically wrong but
works nice in practice, since few apps use both keysyms. However, XEmacs
insists on complaining about it every time you start up.)

That said, I'm not sure how to do this without Xmodmap. Perhaps it will
help to know what you're trying to achieve though. :-)


Re: Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 13 May, Pollywog wrote about Re: Display issues
 On 13-May-99 Brant Wells wrote:
 Howdy :)
 You need to start up a   xterm  session after you run startx.  Do this by
 going into
 your $HOME/.xinitrc file and add a line in there somewhere before your
 window manager
 (usually the last line) to the effect of
 and then try to run those programs after you get into X.
 I am a little confused by this.  I was using an .xinitrc but changed to an
 .xsession after I had some problems and I found something in the Debian
 Tutorial which only mentioned .xsession.  Does it matter which is used,
 .xinitrc or .xsession ?

From the xdm man page

   Then  xdm runs the Xsession script as the user.  This sys­
   tem session file may do some additional startup and  typi­
   cally  runs the .xsession script in the user's home direc­
   tory.  When the Xsession  script  exits,  the  session  is

From the startx man page

   Note that in the Debian GNU/Linux system, what many people
   traditionally put in the .xinitrc file should go in .xses­
   sion instead; the idea is that the  user's  X  environment
   should look and act the same whether startx, xdm, or xinit
   is used to start the X session.  All discussion of  .xini­
   trc  below  applies  equally  well  to .xsession.  Keep in
   mind, however, that X sessions started from xdm will  com­
   pletely disregard the .xinitrc file.

So they(.xinitrc and .xsession) are the same but originated from
different camps(startx and xdm).  The Debian way is to use .xsession. 
To be safe you can soft link .xinitrc to .xsession.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Wordperfect

1999-05-13 Thread Matt Kokidko
I've tried the suggestion of changing the color from 24 to others.  X will only 
boot with 24 or 8.

Re: Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread Pollywog

On 13-May-99 Brian Servis wrote:
 So they(.xinitrc and .xsession) are the same but originated from
 different camps(startx and xdm).  The Debian way is to use .xsession. 
 To be safe you can soft link .xinitrc to .xsession.

I dislike having xdm start when I start the machine, so I removed the xdm
stuff from init.  Then, much to my surprise, kdm started when I started the
machine, so I removed that from init.  All is well now, and I get a plain,
simple console, just the way I like it.

I will put .xinitrc back, just to be safe.



[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: LPRng spooling and small HDDs

1999-05-13 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, Jose L Gomez Dans wrote
   I finally got my SMB printer server to work. Sorry for all the
 e-mails trying to figure out what was wrong. In true fact, the spooling
 stopped because the system ran out of disk space. Apparently, the server
 gets the file without problems, but when it sends it to the printer, it
 tries to make a copy of it somewhere (/tmp), and well, you know, Laser Jet
 files are fairly *bulky* :) I was wondering if there's a way of printing
 directly, or at least someway of not having the file around twice, when it's
 already formatted (most of these files come straight from a Windows driver,
 so they're to be dropped directly to the printer).
   Any clues?

Depending on exactly how you're printing lpr's '-k' option may help you,
but the right thing to do is either to increase the space available for
spooling jobs (disc space is cheap) or limit the size of jobs that
people can print; after all, if making a temporary copy can exhaust your
disk space then so can printing it twice, or printing something twice as

You may also consider using magicfilter to make your printer impersonate a
PS or PCL printer, and have your clients print to that; if they're printing
mainly text it would certainly reduce the size of your spool files.  I 
haven't tried this myself, but it should work.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Broken Select in dselect (typos removed)

1999-05-13 Thread Kent West
Mitch Blevins wrote:
 In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
  Hi All.
  This just started today, after doing a dselect/Update off of
  stable main, contrib, and non-free. Now when I run dselect and go into the
  Select option, the program just quits with the message:
   dselect: failed to create baselist pad: Cannot allocate memory
  This is on a 32MB AMDK6-233; one partition with 235MB still free. Kernel is
  Any clues?
 Do you have a swap partition?  Are you running any other memory-hogging
 applications at the same time? (like Netscape)

Yes, have swap; and yes, was running Netscape. I had been able to run
dselect/select several times already during this particular session
while Netscape was running, so I didn't really suspect Netscape of being
the problem. At any rate, everything's working fine now after a reboot
(not to fix things a la Windows, but for another reason). I just now
ran dselect/select and have two Netscape Navigator windows open and the
Netscape Mail window open and this Netscape Message Composer window
open; if the problem resurfaces, I'll shut down all of Netscape and try
it and see what happens.


Re: 2 network cards revisited

1999-05-13 Thread Ben Messinger
MR wrote:
 /etc/lilo.conf now looks like:
 append=ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1
 ran liloconfig and let it install a boot block using the current lilo config.
 rebooted.. and only 1 card is picked up (looks like nothing changed)

Make your append entry the first line. I am using two NIC's in this way.
You might also try being more ambiguous and let the kernel find the
addresses on its own. My lilo.conf looks like this:

append = ether=0,0,eth1

#safety net - this is a known working kernel

Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Only dead fish go with the flow. Use Debian/GNU Linux.

HP 7200i

1999-05-13 Thread Johann Spies at Johann
I can get a HP7200i CD-R-drive (still new) at a very reasonable price.  I
have checked the Hardware-Howto, but did not get much information on

Can anybody comment on the usability of this drive with Linux?

Thanks in advance


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know 
  my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me,
  and lead me in the way everlasting.
  Psalms 139:23,24 

Re: Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread André Bell
Just to make sure I understand, you mean I need to,
   1) run startx (which for me launches fvwm)
   2) start xterm from within fvwm
   3) open the hidden file $HOME/.xinitrc and edit the xterm line
   4) then try to run the X programs from within fvwm?

I was hoping to avoid using fvwm because it takes so long to load on a 486,
let alone launch another program within fvwm.  I waited a half an hour for
a game to load -- don't want to do that again... 

Is there a way to launch x programs work from the command line instead?  

p.s. I don't have a $HOME/.xinitrc nor a /usr/.xinitrc 

Brant Wells wrote:
Howdy :)

You need to start up a   xterm  session after you run startx.  Do this by
going into
your $HOME/.xinitrc file and add a line in there somewhere before your
window manager
(usually the last line) to the effect of


and then try to run those programs after you get into X.

Video4Linux: RadioTrack /dev Device?

1999-05-13 Thread Clint Dimick
I'm trying to get my AIMS RadioTrack card working and have recompiled my
kernel to include support for this device; however, some programs have
made reference to a /dev/radio device file.

After searching through the /usr/include/linux/videodev.h include file,
I'm under the assumption I need to do a mknod radio c 81 9 or
mknod radio c 81 13 (for the second RTRACK_2 device).  Is this correct?
So far, I'm not having much luck in getting this device to respond and
wondered if anyone else on this list has had experience here.  Hopefully
I'm just missing something obvious!

Thanks in advance,

- Clint

Re: 2 network cards revisited

1999-05-13 Thread MR
 /etc/lilo.conf now looks like:
 append=ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1
 ran liloconfig and let it install a boot block using the current lilo
 rebooted.. and only 1 card is picked up (looks like nothing changed)

Make your append entry the first line. I am using two NIC's in this way.
You might also try being more ambiguous and let the kernel find the
addresses on its own. My lilo.conf looks like this:

append = ether=0,0,eth1

#safety net - this is a known working kernel

I moved my append line to the top and tried yours also and it still does
not pick up the second card. I know the card works as it was pulled from
another system so it shouldn't be the hardware. 

Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Re: Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread Bruce Sass
On Wed, 12 May 1999, André Bell wrote:

 Everytime I run anything from the command line that requires x I get one of
 these errors:
- unable to open display
- cannot connect to X server

You get those errors because X is not running.

Hmmm, (since you don't want a window manager running) you could
commment out fvwm (and everything else) in /etc/X11/window-managers...
that will start up X and dump you into an xterm when you issue a
startx command.

- Bruce

Re: Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread flip
On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 10:29:14PM -0500, André Bell wrote:
  I was hoping to avoid using fvwm because it takes so long to load on a 486,
  let alone launch another program within fvwm.  I waited a half an hour for
  a game to load -- don't want to do that again... 
  Is there a way to launch x programs work from the command line instead?  
All you really need to do is to set your DISPLAY environment variable, 
and you can then run stuff from the command line...
  for csh and derivations:  setenv DISPLAY localhost:0.0
  for bash and related: export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
and you're all set to run from that have to re-setenv if
you open a new shell, so you might want to put that in your .cshrc or

 - flip

Good.  Bad.  I'm the guy with the gun.
   -- Ash, Army of Darkness

re: hp 7200i

1999-05-13 Thread Wim Kerkhoff
Check read this, UDF enables you to read those CDRW disks you make in

In order to burn CDR disks in linux, you need to recompile your kernel.
DISABLE IDE Atapi CD-rom support, and ENABLE scsi emulation and scsi
generic support.  This will make your IDE burner appear to cdrecord, etc
as a scsi drive on /dev/scd0 or /dev/sr0, or something like that.

There is no write support for CDRW disks in linux like Adaptec DirectCD
lets you make your 7200i appear as a letter under Windows 9x.


Wim Kerkhoff

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 22:22:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: Wim Kerkhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: UDF/cdrw CD's  (fwd)

Oops, I mean -not- quite ready with the writing part.

Wim Kerkhoff

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 22:20:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Wim Kerkhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: UDF/cdrw CD's 

Well, there is read-only support for UDF disks, but this project is ready
with the writing part yet...  

Wim Kerkhoff

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 22:38:48 -0500
Subject: positive feedback

Just thought I'd share this with you. :-)

Dave Boynton

 From: Ivan =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fern=E1ndez?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello, I just wanted to say that I tried the udf- driver for
 linux in my machine (kernel 2.2.5) with an ide Philips CDD3610 drive
 (firmware 3.01), and it compiled and worked out of the box. I think you
 said on the web site that you wanted feedback from people with ide
 drives, so there it is. I have compiled the kernel for SCSI emulation
 (all the usual options to write CDs under Linux); cdrecord and other
 programs like cdrdao (and the kernel itself, to judge from
 /var/log/dmesg) use the generic SCSI-3/mmc driver for this recorder, so
 I guess other drives working like that should be OK too. And by the way,
 I created the UDF sistem and wrote the files under Win95 with DirectCD
 *2.0* (in case that should make any difference to the v2.5 you talk
 about in the documentation).

 I have also checked out that it works fine to mount the CD with 

   mount -t auto /dev/scd* /mnt

 This will correctly predict if the CD is udf or iso9660.

 Thanks a lot for the nice job. Eagerly awaiting full write support.


 Ivan Fern?ndez


help please

1999-05-13 Thread B Koteswara rao

i have installed sendmail version 8.9.3. when i run sendmail 
its giving warning like: hash map Alias0: unsafe map file 
/usr/local/etc/mail/aliases.db: Group writable directory
dbm map Alias0: unsafe map file /usr/local/etc/mail/aliases: No such file or 
WARNING: cannot open alias database /usr/local/etc/mail/aliases; reading text 

I  have also copied the aliases file from my other server.

Re: I'm still in tears: SB64 still not there

1999-05-13 Thread William Lacy
I have a SB64 and I know it can be a hassle to set up so here is a copy
of my isapnp.conf file...

I don't like carrying a lot of baggage so I just deleted the extra junk
in this file instead of uncommenting the good stuff. I think its pretty
wise to stick with the kernel that you have for the reasons that you
stated- 2.2 still needs isapnp so you really wouldn't help yourself
because like you said your problem is probably with this file.  2.0.36
will work just fine- you just need to get this file right, which can be
a pain.

First off, it looks like it found your SB card and you just need to pick
the correct irq, dma, etc. there is a lot of extra crap in your file
that I deleted and mine works fine so you could probably delete that too
(easier to read).  The DMA, IRQ stuff I am using is mostly right out of
the SB book so yours will probably be similar if not exactly the same,
however the number after CONIFIGURE ie.-
(CONFIGURE CTL00b2/18083 (LD 0
# ANSI string --Audio--

is not the same in your file- that is what you needed the isapnpdump or
whatever its called is to get this value for YOUR computer, (notice that
this is pretty much the only thing not commented out in the file ;)  The
IRQ, DMA you can get from the SB book or windows 95 if you have that
configured on this computer, if not I would try the values from the SB

Notice that I deleted everything until I came to one of the CONFIGURE
lines and then I entered the needed values for that parameter (midi,
sound, game, whatever), and left the CONFIGURE line that isapnpdump
gave me.

Good luck with it- remember that you have to load soundbanks and use
AWEmidi to use midi because its a wavetable card, most of your midi
players won't work, only the one for AWE.

Laters :)

# $Id: pnpdump.c,v 1998/01/07 05:17:47 fred Exp $
# This is free software, see the sources for details.
# This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# For details of this file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# For latest information on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# Trying port address 0203
# Trying port address 020b
# Board 1 has serial identifier 9c 0a dc 7d 03 b2 00 8c 0e

(READPORT 0x0020b)

# Card 1: (serial identifier 9c 0a dc 7d 03 b2 00 8c 0e)
# Vendor Id CTL00b2, Serial Number 18083, checksum 0x9C.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 1.0
# ANSI string --Creative SB AWE64 Gold--
# Vendor defined tag:  73 02 45 40
# Logical device id CTL0044

(CONFIGURE CTL00b2/18083 (LD 0
# ANSI string --Audio--

 (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
 (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
 (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 5))
 (IO 0 (BASE 0x0220))
 (IO 1 (BASE 0x0330))
 (IO 2 (BASE 0x0388))

 (ACT Y)

# Logical device id CTL7002
(CONFIGURE CTL00b2/18083 (LD 1
# Compatible device id PNPb02f
# ANSI string --Game--

 (IO 0 (BASE 0x0200))
 (ACT Y)

# Logical device id CTL0023

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-13 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, 11 May 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 I just thought of something.  Maybe Potato works better on the 2.2.x kernels
 than it does on 2.0.x kernels ??  I cannot upgrade to the newer kernels yet,
 because I would lose ipfwadm and I am not familiar with ipchains.

Isnt there a wrapper for this?

 Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   Drive nail here ( ) to need a new monitor.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Glade for Slink

1999-05-13 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
I installed slink in a friend house and he wants glade that I showed
for him running in my potato system at school. But gnome-stage-slink
(and now slink dist) doesnt have glade, only potato. What I can do? We
want glade to develope a school project at home (we have only slink and
cant update from the net to potato for two reasons - cost and glibc 2.0
-- we dont want to upgrade to glibc 2.1).
Have a nice  day,Paulo Henrique

Free Builder

1999-05-13 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Is there any intention to package Free Builder for Debian? Now that
we have a reasonable java plataform (with jdk, awt, xemacs, and others).

Have a  nice day,Paulo Henrique

Re: 2 network cards revisited

1999-05-13 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, MR wrote
 /etc/lilo.conf now looks like:
 append=ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1
 ran liloconfig and let it install a boot block using the current lilo config.
 rebooted.. and only 1 card is picked up (looks like nothing changed)

At the risk of seeming obtuse this will only work if the drivers are
compiled into the kernel, rather than loaded as modules.  If you are using
modules, you need to edit files in /etc/modutils and run update-modules to
get the second card working.  If this is the case, you probably need to
change a line that looks like 
options eexp io=0x300 
options eexp io=0x300,0x240 
or so.

If you're not sure if it's loaded as a module, run lsmod and see if it
lists 'eexp'; if it does, it's a module.  If you're using a stock kernel, 
it's loaded as a module.

Good luck,

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: 2 network cards revisited

1999-05-13 Thread Jens Ritter

  append=ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1
 I moved my append line to the top and tried yours also and it still does
 not pick up the second card. I know the card works as it was pulled from
 another system so it shouldn't be the hardware. 

Maybe you have to supply some parameters to the driver of the network
Which driver do you use with your etherexpress cards?


P.S.: Please vote against Spam! At
(Sorry Europeans only)
Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
Key fingerprint: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37 

Re: Remove occurences of X from file

1999-05-13 Thread Jens Ritter
Stefan Baums [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 Hi all.
 I use Emacs/MULE and write the following document:
Hall=F6 KuryLowicz
 where (this is the important bit!) the L of this iso-latin-1 email is
 actually the Polish l (l with a bar through it).
 Then I save it in the encoding emacs-mule. According to less in an
 iso-latin-1 terminal the file looks like:
Hall82=F6 Kury82=B3owicz

 Question: Can anyone clue me how to write a small script to remove the 82=
 characters from the file? (The point is to then feed it to LaTeX and

First have a look what less [+-]r says. Use something like:

cat your file | perl -e ' while(){ s/\x82//g; print; } '  cleaned.file

(sorry I don't have my perl notes handy).

I guess there is a way to trick latex to display a \lbar (see \hbar). 



P.S.: Please vote against Spam! At
(Sorry Europeans only)
Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
Key fingerprint: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37 

re: hp 7200i

1999-05-13 Thread Johann Spies at Johann
On Wed, 12 May 1999, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:

 Check read this, UDF enables you to read those CDRW disks you make in
 In order to burn CDR disks in linux, you need to recompile your kernel.
 DISABLE IDE Atapi CD-rom support, and ENABLE scsi emulation and scsi
 generic support.  This will make your IDE burner appear to cdrecord, etc
 as a scsi drive on /dev/scd0 or /dev/sr0, or something like that.

How will this affect my usage of a normal IDE Atapi CD-rom?  Is it a
question of either scsi or IDE?

Sorry if this is a stupid question.  I have newer used CDRW before either
on windows or linux and I intend not to use it under windows if it is not
really necessary.

 There is no write support for CDRW disks in linux like Adaptec DirectCD
 lets you make your 7200i appear as a letter under Windows 9x.


 Wim Kerkhoff
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 22:22:21 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Wim Kerkhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: UDF/cdrw CD's  (fwd)
 Oops, I mean -not- quite ready with the writing part.
 Wim Kerkhoff
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 22:20:20 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Wim Kerkhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: UDF/cdrw CD's 
 Well, there is read-only support for UDF disks, but this project is ready
 with the writing part yet...  
 Wim Kerkhoff
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 22:38:48 -0500
 Subject: positive feedback
 Just thought I'd share this with you. :-)
 Dave Boynton
  From: Ivan =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fern=E1ndez?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hello, I just wanted to say that I tried the udf- driver for
  linux in my machine (kernel 2.2.5) with an ide Philips CDD3610 drive
  (firmware 3.01), and it compiled and worked out of the box. I think you
  said on the web site that you wanted feedback from people with ide
  drives, so there it is. I have compiled the kernel for SCSI emulation
  (all the usual options to write CDs under Linux); cdrecord and other
  programs like cdrdao (and the kernel itself, to judge from
  /var/log/dmesg) use the generic SCSI-3/mmc driver for this recorder, so
  I guess other drives working like that should be OK too. And by the way,
  I created the UDF sistem and wrote the files under Win95 with DirectCD
  *2.0* (in case that should make any difference to the v2.5 you talk
  about in the documentation).
  I have also checked out that it works fine to mount the CD with 
  mount -t auto /dev/scd* /mnt
  This will correctly predict if the CD is udf or iso9660.
  Thanks a lot for the nice job. Eagerly awaiting full write support.
  Ivan Fernández
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The 
  spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.  
   Mark 14:38 

Re: kernel and modules compiling

1999-05-13 Thread J Horacio MG
Hi Alexander,

excuse me for going over this again, but I fear something is going
awfully wrong.

Alexander Schwartz dixit:
~ On Wed, 12 May 1999, J Horacio MG wrote:
~  ~ I also install the kernel using a small shellprogram provided (you will
~  ~ need to switch that to executable using chmod +x)
~  ~ 
~  ~ The last thing I do is that I run lilo. 
~  ~ 
~  ~ make bzImage
~  ~ make modules
~  ~ # rm -rf /lib/modules/2.2.5 # Only if you are very sure about this!

I did this... well, sort of, just in case I did:
make modules
# cd /lib/modules
cp -r 2.0.36/ /tmp
rm -r 2.0.36
cd /usr/src/linux
make modules_install

and to my surprise, it only installed modules/fs/ and modules/net ...
what happened to the rest of the modules?  This is not doing much sense,
but just in case you can help me with it, I send you again the .config
file I'm using.


# Automatically generated make config: don't edit

# Code maturity level options

# Loadable module support

# General setup
# CONFIG_MAX_16M is not set
# CONFIG_MCA is not set
# CONFIG_M386 is not set
# CONFIG_M486 is not set
# CONFIG_M686 is not set
# CONFIG_MTRR is not set

# Floppy, IDE, and other block devices

# Please see Documentation/ide.txt for help/info on IDE drives
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD_IDE is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_CMD640 is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RZ1000 is not set

# Note: most of these also require special kernel boot parameters
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ALI14XX is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DTC2278 is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HT6560B is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_QD6580 is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_UMC8672 is not set

# Additional Block Devices
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XD is not set
# CONFIG_PARIDE is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD is not set

# Networking options
# CONFIG_FIREWALL is not set
# CONFIG_NET_ALIAS is not set
# CONFIG_IP_FORWARD is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ACCT is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ROUTER is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set

# (it is safe to leave these untouched)
# CONFIG_INET_PCTCP is not set
# CONFIG_INET_RARP is not set

# CONFIG_IPX is not set
# CONFIG_ATALK is not set
# CONFIG_AX25 is not set
# CONFIG_NETLINK is not set

# SCSI support
# CONFIG_SCSI is not set

# Network device support
# CONFIG_PLIP is not set

# CCP compressors for PPP are only built as modules.
# CONFIG_NET_RADIO is not set
# CONFIG_TR is not set
# CONFIG_FDDI is not set
# CONFIG_ARCNET is not set

# ISDN subsystem
# CONFIG_ISDN is not set

# CD-ROM drivers (not for SCSI or IDE/ATAPI drives)

# Filesystems
# CONFIG_EXT_FS is not set
# CONFIG_XIA_FS is not set
# CONFIG_UMSDOS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_857 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_860 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_861 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_862 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_863 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_864 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_874 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_3 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_4 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_6 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_8 is not set
# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_9 is not set
# CONFIG_HPFS_FS is not set

# Character devices
# CONFIG_DIGI is not set
# CONFIG_CYCLADES is not set
# CONFIG_STALDRV is not set
# CONFIG_RISCOM8 is not set
# CONFIG_PRINTER is not set
# CONFIG_MOUSE is not set

Re: kernel and modules compiling

1999-05-13 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
J Horacio MG wrote:

 Hi Alexander,

 and to my surprise, it only installed modules/fs/ and modules/net ...
 what happened to the rest of the modules?  This is not doing much sense,
 but just in case you can help me with it, I send you again the .config
 file I'm using.




configName: config
  Type: Plain Text (text/plain)

perhaps you set the option in the kernel config that says to not compil modules
that don't change.
(this option set the version of your kernel in modules)

Re: HP 7200i

1999-05-13 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
and look at there hardware support.

Re: apt dselect security fixes

1999-05-13 Thread Remco van de Meent
Judith Bush wrote:
 Weekly news says new rsync to fix security hole, linked to email which
 says uploaded to UK.
 Subject: Uploaded rsync 2.3.1-0.slink.1 (source i386) to uk
 greycat:~# more /etc/apt/sources.list
 deb stable main contrib non-free
 deb stable non-US
 deb stable non-US 
 deb stable main contrib non-free 
 deb  stable main contrib non-free non-US 

You have to include the slink-proposed-updates directory as well, to get
that rsync (and procmail and some more) fix with apt. 

Something like this will do (didn't test it, by the way :/):

 deb dists/slink-proposed-updates/


Re: Sparc Ultra5 (170)

1999-05-13 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 07:36:10PM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 On Wed, 12 May 1999, Ben Collins wrote:

  The current sparc port runs on UltraSPARC's. That's not to say that it
  is a 64bit user space. It is only a 32 bit user space, but runs none
  the less. This is the same as the current UltraPenguin and RedHat 6.0.
  There are no native 64bit sparc distributions yet (that was the
  discussion you caught).

 This is from the UltraPenguin web page:

 UltraLinux is a fast 64bit free operating system, which supports up to 1TB
 of physical and another 1TB of IO memory, fully supports Linux/Sparc 32bit
 binaries plus will soon support 64bit UltraLinux ELF binaries. It uses the
 Visual Instruction Set for high bandwidth operations, even
 older 32-bit applications take advantage of this increased performance if
 they are dynamically linked. The 64-bit userland for UltraPenguin is half
 done, developers have initial statically linked ELF 64-bit binaries
 working. We will announce seperately the availability of this so others
 can experiment with it and help us out, so please be patient.

 SO it looks like it is a 64-bit kernel with a 32-bit user space.

Which is exactly what Booting the sun4u kernel from the slink bootdisk
will do.

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]Debian GNU/Linux
OpenLDAP Dev - [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Choice of the GNU Generation
-- -- - - - ---   --- --  -  - ---  -  --

Re: Partition Type A0 ??

1999-05-13 Thread Rune Linding Raun
its a a0 but depending on the version of your fdisk/cfdisk... it may not know
it by name
On 13-May-99 chris burgess wrote:
 my Extensa had the same, and seems to operate fine with or without. it's for
 the suspend software to dump its inner thoughts to when susp'd, and at least
 on my box the 40Mb == the max RAM. I think it was type unknown, but might
 have been type amoeba (??).
 don't think it should be of any use w/out the suspend software to write to
 On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 07:20:05AM -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 On a recent installfest I ran into that with a Toshiba laptop.  The owner
 didn't know what that partition was for, so we removed it (~40 MB) using
 linux's fdisk.  We proceeded with the installation, rebooted, and surprise,
 surprise, the machine stopped booting!  We disable power saving and all that
 stuff, and the machine wouldn't boot.  We removed the hd from the BIOS, and
 the machine was able to boot from a floppy.  We recreated the partition
 (same type, same place), and the machine worked again.
 chris burgess

E-Mail: Rune Linding Raun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 13-May-99
Time: 12:56:14

This message was sent by XFMail

remote execution

1999-05-13 Thread Robert Vollmert

What is the safest way to execute a command as root on a remote
computer? What I'm trying to do is run a script on computer B when
computer A brings up a PPP link. This script has to be run as root.
Currently, I'm using ssh with a /root/.shosts file on B, but this
seems a little dangerous. Any better suggestions?

TIA, Robert

Robert Vollmert  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian with 2.2.x kernel?

1999-05-13 Thread David Wright
Quoting Jake Bishop ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I am using Slink with 2.2.5 I got from the proposed-updates dir.So far no 
 used the Dial-up
 install option when I first installed my system.I compiled it the Debian way
 according to the Book-
 make -kpkg. etc

On the other hand, I compiled the same source in the same manner,
updated netbase with the special slink-compatible version, and it
ran fine for 1hour 8mins before

alloc_skb called nonatomically from interrupt 
Kernel panic: skput:over: c281ade9:104 put:104 dev:eth0
In swapper task - not syncing

which looks a bit familiar from early 2.0.x kernels.
So I've purged it and gone back to 2.0.36.

BTW what is the canonical way of finding out the name of an installed
package with a long name? dpkg -l kernel-package* truncates the name
of the package but dpkg --status foo insists foo be complete.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.


1999-05-13 Thread Paulo J Matos aka PDestroy
How do I configure it so I can burn some CDs on Linux?

Paulo Jorge Matos aka PDestroy
Minister of FortuneCity - Marina District
Personal Page :
Page me at :
SBN Level 2 Member
HTML Writers Guild Member

lpq:cannot open connection to `lp@localhost' - Connection refused

1999-05-13 Thread Jan Krupa

I have two printer installed on my Debian2.0 machine (the name of it say A):
local lp and remote p22 which is installed on other debian2.0 machine (say B).

When I print from machine A using p22 printer to printer on machine B
it seems work fine but after the printing is finished the lpq command
gives the following message: 
cannot open connection to [EMAIL PROTECTED]' - Connection refused
and I cannot print on local printer.

lpc start lp
gives the same message.

It seems that lpd is stopped but

gives no result.

Rebooting the machine starts lpd and again printing on remote printer
and then  

Does anybody have some idea what is going wrong and how to
get the printers to work properly?


Part of my /etc/printcap on machine A
# Local printer hplj4mp :
# Remote printer hplj5p 

an entry from /etc/hosts on machine B

ip_number_of_machine_A A


an entry from /etc/hosts.lpd on machine B



Re: What group does Apache run as?

1999-05-13 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Wed, 12 May 1999, Stephen A. Witt wrote:

 I'm trying to install Jitterbug, which is a bug tracking system, and I ned
 to be able to figure out which group apache runs as.

You don't find out what group apache runs as, you TELL IT in the
/etc/apache/httpd.conf file on the line that begins Group.  I understand
that on Debian installations, it's usually www-data.
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

re: hp 7200i

1999-05-13 Thread Kenneth Scharf
 DISABLE IDE Atapi CD-rom support, and ENABLE scsi emulation and
 generic support.  This will make your IDE burner appear to
 as a scsi drive on /dev/scd0 or /dev/sr0, or something like that.

How will this affect my usage of a normal IDE Atapi CD-rom?  Is it a
question of either scsi or IDE?

Most people think that you must disable IDE cdrom support to use scsi
emulation, because the ide driver will win out.  It is possible to
specify on the lilo command line which driver a given device will use
(something like /dev/hdc=scsi).  If you have two cd rom drives, one is
an RW and the other is RO, you could specify that the RO is ide, and
the RW is scsi if you want.

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

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[Fwd: Re: My CDR is not recognized at boot]

1999-05-13 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
Hi all,

If this can help somebody like mee...

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: My CDR is not recognized at boot
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 17:52:13 +0200
From: Kurt Garloff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: SuSE GmbH, Nürnberg, FRG

On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 01:38:03PM +0200, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:
 Hi Kurt,
 I found your email adress in your driver's sources.

Yes. It's because I am the maintainer of this driver.

 I've got a TEKRAM DC390 scsi card (simple fast-scsi), and here is my problem:
 Debian distribution, 
 ABIT BH6 w/PII400, 
 SCSI chain:   CTRLR=Id7,
   CD-R YAMAHA CDR-4416S=Id5

This device is very well known to me. It caused trouble to more people than
to you. That's a Yamaha bug: It needs too much time to recover from a SCSI
bus reset.

 1- Weird thing: If I let the speed setting of the DC390 @ 10.0 MHz transfer
 speed, at boot the YAMAHA says its working @ 8.0 MHz; If I put 8.0 MHz in the
 DC390, at next boot, it says its working @ .. 6.6 MHz (don't know why?)

Me neither. Almost certainly some Yamaha firmware misfunction.

 * Started (a month ago) w/kernel 2.0.36 from debian's CD: YAMAHA causes
 troubles, zapped from system (I was obliged to cut-off the main power supply 
 recover it in the system!): The DC390 was recognized as AM53C974,

Then you used the AM53C974 driver. Well it's buggy, if you allow
disconnection, so I'd prefer not to use it. Unfortunately, it's also

 * Recompiled the kernel w/only the DC390: DC390 was recognized as DC390, 
 CR was not recognized,
 * Upgrade to 2.2.1: always no recognition of the CDR (not seen by the driver)
 * Upgrade to 2.2.7: still the same!

It's the same driver in those kernel, so the behaviour must be the same.

Here's the band aid:
Become root and type
 echo scsi add-single-device 0 0 5 0 /proc/scsi/scsi
 cat /proc/scsi/scsi
Your CD-R will be detected.

Please read the web page
for more information.

Hope this helps.
Kurt Garloff  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   SuSE GmbH, Nürnberg, FRG
Linux kernel development;SCSI driver: DC390 (tmscsim/AM53C974)

Description: PGP signature

drawing flow charts program recommandation

1999-05-13 Thread Shao Zhang
What programs will you guys recommand me to use to draw some flow 
charts in linux?

xfig? gimp? anything else??




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 


1999-05-13 Thread Rob

Having a problem with my printer, its a Canon BJC-255SP, and I'm running it
with the 'bj200-filter' from the magicfilter package. No matter which way I
do it, the printer always cuts off the final line of text on each page.
/etc/printcap contains 'pl#66', but fiddling with the number has absolutely
no effect.

Any clues?


Re: Backups Sharing

1999-05-13 Thread Carl Mummert
One solution:

As root:

# cd /
# find . -xdev | afio -o -Z filename.afio

xdev tells find not to go across a mount boundry, so you may have to 
list several root s for find, i.e.

# find . /root /other/dir /somewhere/else -xdev | afio -o -Z filename.afio

Of course, there a many ways to do this, some using tar, some using afio.
I am sure you will get other suggestions as well.


1999-05-13 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all,

Just installed Debian first time yesterday.  Must say its a great system when 
installed even it it gets very hairy during dselect.

The plan was a very basic installation that would dual boot with NT.  When that 
worked I would put the applications on and when that worked, I planned to 
install GNOME.

I am using the Slink release.

Steps 1 and 2 were relatively painless.  Everything went in and everything 
worksincluding even fetchmail for my pop3 account.

When I went back into dselect for GNOME, I selected some games and apps that 
required the whole GNOME setup to work. I opted for Configure lots of text flew 
past on the screen but nothing seems to have been installed.  Except the Gnome 
Terminal and a Hello World button on one of the OLWM menus.

Does anyone have any pointers on what's needed to set GNOME up as the default 
graphical shell?  There are no instructions for Debian users on the GNOME site.

All help appreciated!


I've got myself a hanky. (Was: SB 64 still not there)

1999-05-13 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Thanks all you guys for the help with the configuration of my SB AWE 64. I owe you all. I am some steps closer to a working solution now, but we're not there yet.

First I rewrote the isapnp.conf file with all the suggestions incorporated. After the isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf initialisation I got the following...

Board 1 has Identity 0c 0b a6 bd 16 c3 00 8c 0e:  CTL00c3 Serial No 195476758 [checksum 0c]

So that looks good (I hope).

Then modprobe -a sound, and the speakers produced a short blip to, while lsmod showed the module was loaded with 24 pages (whatever that may mean).

I did a cat /dev/sndstat and that also looked good

Sound Driver:3.5.4-960630 (Thu May 13 18:06:48 CST 1999 root,
Linux P200 2.0.36 #2 Sun May 9 20:53:11 CST 1999 i586 unknown)
Kernel: Linux P200 2.0.36 #2 Thu May 13 18:08:47 CST 1999 i586
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 7: SB MPU-401

Card config: 
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5
SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 5
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.16)

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL-3

Midi devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster

Only the MPU-401 didn't have drq 0 as it should have.

The big test came with this: cat > /dev/audio, however the following returned

# cat > /dev/audio
Sound error: Couldn't allocate DMA buffer
bash: dev/audio: Cannot allocate memory

Using /dev/dsp gave the same result. I thought it might have to do with the kernel compilation, so I did it over again according to the book, but no positive result.

I am not really sure how much buffer I shoud assign. I have a AWE64 Value and that card has 512k RAM on board. When I compiled the kernel I entered 512k, so I hope that is right.

If you have any ideas, then I hope you can pass them on. Thanks again.

Background: I do a lot with plain audio, especially editing of sound files for my English classes. These files can run in the hundreds of MB and although Windblows95 can handle these without too much problems I need to run them over a LAN and that poses more problems. I'm not interested in MIDI, so if that doesn't work out it's okay.



Re: I've got myself a hanky. (Was: SB 64 still not there)

1999-05-13 Thread Hans van den Boogert
OKay, okay, that was of course HANKIE what I meant. - H

Re: 2 network cards revisited

1999-05-13 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Sorry, I should have read your email more closely. You did say How do I get the
eexpress module to recognize both cards and set the first to eth0 and the second
to eth1? Using append= in lilo would only apply if the devices you're trying to
configure are compiled into the kernel, not as a module. Since you are using a
module you need to edit /etc/conf.modules (or put a file in /etc/modutils/ and
then running update-modules if you're running slink or higher) and add the line:

options eexpress io=0x300,0x240 irq=11,10

(I'm pretty sure the above sytax is correct but if someone else knows better
please speak up.)
MR wrote:

 /etc/lilo.conf now looks like:

 append=ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1

 ran liloconfig and let it install a boot block using the current lilo config.

 rebooted.. and only 1 card is picked up (looks like nothing changed)


 You'll need to pass params to your kernel. If you're booting with lilo
 you'll need to
 edit add:
 append = ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1
 If I got the eth0, eth1 right...

  OK, I appreciate all the help I received about my original problem. I have
  determined that one of the ethernet cards (Asante ISA) does not like
  working in linux. So I yanked it out and replaced it. Now I have 2 Intel
  EtherExpress 16 cards in the machine. Now, one is at io 0x300, irq 11 and
  the other io 0x240, irq 10. Right now the first card (was in the machine
  previously) is detected and setup upon bootup. How do I get the eexpress
  module to recognize both cards and set the first to eth0 and the second to
  eth1? Thanks!

 Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Jens B. Jorgensen

Help w/dpkg (no /etc/init.d file)

1999-05-13 Thread sgore
While configuring my /etc/ppp/ip-up.d scripts, I (stupidly) removed the
 /etc/init.d entries for a couple of packages (instead of just
update-rc.d [-n] [-f] name remove).  Now, dpkg can't remove, install,
configure, purge, or even force any operation on those packages.

Is there any way to fix this?

Steve Gore


1999-05-13 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe

I'm trying to backup some of the machines that we have arround here.

We have one machine with a tape. 

My first attempt was to backup just the machine with the tape (wich  is
a critical one since it has all the users home's ) with taper, but taper
kept segfaulting so nothing was achieved.

Then I tryed to use amanda, but when i told it to backup the whole of
/home it stopped saying that the whole backup wouldn't fit in one tape.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how do i solve my problem.

P.S. I know i could do it with tar or dump, wich eventually will be used
if i can't find another way, but we really would like something with a
greater level of user-friendliness

Mario Filipe 

Re: 2 network cards revisited (fwd)

1999-05-13 Thread Robert Rati
I've come in late on this message, so I'm not sure I'm catching it all,
but you should be able to assign your two network cards eth0 and eth1 in
your /etc/conf.modules.  In there, you should see something like:
alias eth0 whatever module you have for nic (eexpress in this case)
options eth0 io=0xXX iqr=X

You should just be able to add 2 more lines like these two only alias eth1
instead of eth0.  I could be wrong though.


On Thu, 13 May 1999, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:

 Sorry, I should have read your email more closely. You did say How do I get 
 eexpress module to recognize both cards and set the first to eth0 and the 
 to eth1? Using append= in lilo would only apply if the devices you're trying 
 configure are compiled into the kernel, not as a module. Since you are using a
 module you need to edit /etc/conf.modules (or put a file in /etc/modutils/ and
 then running update-modules if you're running slink or higher) and add the 
 options eexpress io=0x300,0x240 irq=11,10
 (I'm pretty sure the above sytax is correct but if someone else knows better
 please speak up.)
 MR wrote:
  /etc/lilo.conf now looks like:
  append=ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1
  ran liloconfig and let it install a boot block using the current lilo 
  rebooted.. and only 1 card is picked up (looks like nothing changed)
  You'll need to pass params to your kernel. If you're booting with lilo
  you'll need to
  edit add:
  append = ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1
  If I got the eth0, eth1 right...
   OK, I appreciate all the help I received about my original problem. I 
   determined that one of the ethernet cards (Asante ISA) does not like
   working in linux. So I yanked it out and replaced it. Now I have 2 Intel
   EtherExpress 16 cards in the machine. Now, one is at io 0x300, irq 11 and
   the other io 0x240, irq 10. Right now the first card (was in the machine
   previously) is detected and setup upon bootup. How do I get the eexpress
   module to recognize both cards and set the first to eth0 and the second 
   eth1? Thanks!
  Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from 
 Jens B. Jorgensen
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Dumbterminal on network

1999-05-13 Thread Robert Rati
I'm creating a network in my home and have a dumb terminal I'm not sure
hwo to network.  I want to make it able to login to the router I have and
telnet out.  What would be best would be a straight telnet machine without
logining into the router, but I don't think that is possible.  All it has
on it is a serial port and no way to assign it an IP.  I'm guessing I can
just make this another terminal screen on the router, but I'm not quite
sure how to do this.  I should be able to connect the two serial ports
together and tell the router to put a console to that com port, right?  Or
any I way off?  How would I go about adding this dumb terminal to the
network?  Any help would be preciated.  Thanks.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: Emacs and the ALT key.

1999-05-13 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
I posted a lengthy description of how to deal with this back in August (the 
was introduced with hamm). I'll repost the content here:

This problem has come up so many times since hamm started getting used
that it almost merits its own HOWTO. What's happened is that you've
upgraded X and now you are using the XKEYBOARD extension. As you've
noticed, the ALT key now does ALT and the windows key is now the
META key. I've argued several times that this is a bug since it
changes behavior. Alas no one listens to this raving madman. Where's
whatcha do (as root):

sed -e 's/Alt_L/Foo_L/' -e 's/Alt_R/Foo_R/'  /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us |\
sed -e 's/Meta_L/Alt_L/' -e 's/Meta_R/Alt_R/' |\
sed -e 's/Foo_L/Meta_L/' -e 's/Foo_R/Meta_R/'  /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ 
/usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us.old
mv /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us

(Now restart X and Things should work normally.

Michael Symalla wrote:

 Dear Debian users,

 can anyone help me to let my Alt-key be the metakey in emacs? Now I am
 using the ESC key, which works fine but is not as comfortable as the ALT

 Thanks a lot.

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Havoc Pennington wrote:

 On Wed, 12 May 1999, Allen B. Riddell wrote:
  the ALT key (on my PC keyboard) doesn't seem to work in emacs.. It works in
  netscape -- and aside from that, I have absolutely no problems at all with

 Probably the Windows key (if you have one) is bound to the Meta keysym,
 which is what Emacs is looking for; I don't think Emacs uses the Alt
 keysym at all by default. If you don't have a Windows key, you need to
 move Meta to some other key of your choice. (Many people have the physical
 Alt key send both Alt and Meta keysyms, which is technically wrong but
 works nice in practice, since few apps use both keysyms. However, XEmacs
 insists on complaining about it every time you start up.)

 That said, I'm not sure how to do this without Xmodmap. Perhaps it will
 help to know what you're trying to achieve though. :-)


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: Help w/dpkg (no /etc/init.d file)

1999-05-13 Thread shaleh
 While configuring my /etc/ppp/ip-up.d scripts, I (stupidly) removed the
  /etc/init.d entries for a couple of packages (instead of just
 update-rc.d [-n] [-f] name remove).  Now, dpkg can't remove, install,
 configure, purge, or even force any operation on those packages.
 Is there any way to fix this?

no --force-* option for installing worked?

If not try this:

touch the file needed in /etc/init.d.  When the install script asks you to 
replace it, say yes.

or the really ugly way, grab each deb that you messed up, unpack it in a temp
directory with ar x foo.deb, and grab the init.d script from the package by

Re: libc6-2.1.1 ... safe to install?

1999-05-13 Thread Pollywog

On 13-May-99 Michael Beattie wrote:
 On Tue, 11 May 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 I just thought of something.  Maybe Potato works better on the 2.2.x
 than it does on 2.0.x kernels ??  I cannot upgrade to the newer kernels
 because I would lose ipfwadm and I am not familiar with ipchains.
 Isnt there a wrapper for this?

If there is a wrapper, I am unaware of it.  That is one of the things I need
to find out about before I upgrade my kernel.


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: Help w/dpkg (no /etc/init.d file)

1999-05-13 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 13 May, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about Re: Help w/dpkg (no /etc/init.d 
 While configuring my /etc/ppp/ip-up.d scripts, I (stupidly) removed the
  /etc/init.d entries for a couple of packages (instead of just
 update-rc.d [-n] [-f] name remove).  Now, dpkg can't remove, install,
 configure, purge, or even force any operation on those packages.
 Is there any way to fix this?
 no --force-* option for installing worked?
 If not try this:
 touch the file needed in /etc/init.d.  When the install script asks you to 
 replace it, say yes.
 or the really ugly way, grab each deb that you messed up, unpack it in a temp
 directory with ar x foo.deb, and grab the init.d script from the package by

or, if you ask nicely for the specific files I am sure people will be
more than happy to email them to you.  After all they are only small
text files.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: I've got myself a hanky. (Was: SB 64 still not there)

1999-05-13 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Thu, 13 May 1999, Hans van den Boogert wrote:

 Thanks all you guys for the help with the configuration of my SB AWE 64.
 I owe you all. I am some steps closer to a working solution now, but
 we're not there yet.
 # cat  /dev/audio
 Sound error: Couldn't allocate DMA buffer
 bash: dev/audio: Cannot allocate memory

 I'll bet you have more than 16MB of RAM, right?

 Okay, this is one of the annoying things about running a real operating
system like Linux on historically bent hardware like the PC. It seems that
DMA (direct memory access) on the ISA bus can only happen in the first
16MB of RAM.

 Linux likes to treat all of memory the same (because on sane hardware, it
*is*) and by default doesn't reserve any space for DMA stuff below 16MB.
This can cause problems if you want to allocate some of that memory and
it's all filled up. (The floppy drive can suffer this problem, too.)

 There are a couple of solutions. Traditionally, you'd compile sound into
the kernel, not as a module... but you and I have ISA PNP cards. I'm told
that there's an option to the sound module, dmabuf=1, that forces it to
grab a buffer and hold it as long as the module is loaded, but this may
only be in the 2.2.x kernels.

 To make sure that this is really the problem, try two things. First, the
next time you get that message, try using the floppy drive. Second, try
booting the kernel with the option mem=16M. (If you're using LILO, try
booting with linux mem=16M. This will force the kernel to use only
memory below 16MB, and thus you should always have some memory free for
DMA stuff, though you'll swap more.


 Ray Ingles (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Modern deductive method: 1) Devise hypothesis. 2) Apply for grant.
  3) Perform experiments. 4) Revise hypothesis. 5) Backdate revised
  hypothesis. 6) Publish.

New to list - is there a FAQ?

1999-05-13 Thread Bryan Scaringe
I just joined the list.  Any docs I should read before posting?
Is there a list-specific FAQ? (I've seen the Debian-FAQ.)
I have had experience with various Linux distros for a couple of
years, and just switched from RedHat to Debian (because of the awful network
init scripts in RedHat).  That in mind, I'm looking for DEBIAN SPECIFIC docs,
esp those pertaining to the package management system.

Thanks in advance,

2 ethernet cards - solution found

1999-05-13 Thread MR
Yesterday, I ran into the page at

It tells how to get two ethernet cards working either as a module or
compiled into the kernel. 

So, using this information, I was able to get two eexpress modules loaded,
one for each card. Now both cards work fine. 

I appreciate the suggestions from all of you. Thanks!


Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Re: CD/R disks for backup?

1999-05-13 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Received any answers about this?

Bill White wrote:

 Does anyone use CD/R disks for backup?  I have some questions.
 1.) How do you make sure that mkisofs doesn't make a file system which is
 bigger than the disk?
 2.) If your partition is 1000Mb and it is mostly full, you have to 
 partition the partition.  How do you do that without much manual

Hard to believe such a tool doesn't exist somewhere.  I needed
this yesterday and did it manually from a list made from `du'
output.  If I ever have time I may write a perl script to do this
that would spit out mkisofs command lines.

The annoying part is that you can't give more than one path to
mkisofs.  e.g. suppose you have 10 directories with 300 MB of
data in each, like

path/data  3GB
path/data/dir1 300MB
path/data/dir2 300MB
path/data/dir3 300MB

You can't specify two of them to mkisofs.  Instead you must go up
one level and exclude all the ones you don't want.

 3.) How do you do incrementals?  That is, how do you tell mkisofs to only
 include files which have been changed since a given date?

That would be interesting.
Probably possible to generate a file list with find, but AFAIK
mkisofs can't generate an image from such a file.  Perhaps first
create a temporary tree using tar and then use mkisofs on that?

 4.) Is there a convenient way to record system metadata, like the partion
 table contents, so that you could (a) boot from your last level 0 backup,
 and (b) be prompted to repartition your disk?  You might use this for
 a painless mechanism for catastrophic hardware recovery.
 I've actually thought about this at some length, and I have some ideas.
 I don't want to spam the list with my plaintive bleatings, so perhaps, 
 if anyone else is interested, we could continue a more lengthy discussion
 via private email.

I'm interested, but unfortunately don't have much time.

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

tn3270 client

1999-05-13 Thread Andrei Ivanov
Morning all.
I've looked around on and my CDs, trying to locate a tn3270
client. Nothing came up, so does anyone know where can I find one?
I remember seeing it somewhere...but it was a long time ago.


1999-05-13 Thread Christopher J. Morrone

I have Debian running on a laptop that I just purchased, and I have ssh
installed.  However, since this is a laptop, its not always connected to
the there some easy way to keep sshd from pausing the boot
sequence for 5 minutes if there is no network?

Re: sshd

1999-05-13 Thread Collins M. Ben
On Thu, May 13, 1999 at 12:01:42PM -0400, Christopher J. Morrone wrote:
 I have Debian running on a laptop that I just purchased, and I have ssh
 installed.  However, since this is a laptop, its not always connected to
 the there some easy way to keep sshd from pausing the boot
 sequence for 5 minutes if there is no network?

If you don't want sshd running at all you can just do:

update-rc.d -f ssh remove

This will remove the links in /etc/rc?.d but leaves the /etc/init.d/ssh
script. You will need to run `/etc/init.d/ssh start` to start sshd
manually, but you wont need that unless you plan on logging _into_ the

Re: sshd

1999-05-13 Thread Christopher J. Morrone
On Thu, 13 May 1999, Collins M.  Ben  wrote:

 On Thu, May 13, 1999 at 12:01:42PM -0400, Christopher J. Morrone wrote:
  I have Debian running on a laptop that I just purchased, and I have ssh
  installed.  However, since this is a laptop, its not always connected to
  the there some easy way to keep sshd from pausing the boot
  sequence for 5 minutes if there is no network?
 If you don't want sshd running at all you can just do:
 update-rc.d -f ssh remove
 This will remove the links in /etc/rc?.d but leaves the /etc/init.d/ssh
 script. You will need to run `/etc/init.d/ssh start` to start sshd
 manually, but you wont need that unless you plan on logging _into_ the

Yes, I do plan on logging into the laptop remotely.  And I don't want to
remove the daemon from the startup...I just don't want it to pause for 5
minutes when there is no network. :)  Why exactly does sshd freeze on
startup, is it trying to do a DNS lookup or something?

Re: New to list - is there a FAQ?

1999-05-13 Thread shaleh
   I just joined the list.  Any docs I should read before posting?
 Is there a list-specific FAQ? (I've seen the Debian-FAQ.)
   I have had experience with various Linux distros for a couple of
 years, and just switched from RedHat to Debian (because of the awful network
 init scripts in RedHat).  That in mind, I'm looking for DEBIAN SPECIFIC docs,
 esp those pertaining to the package management system.

In Debian EVERY pacakge places a directory in /usr/doc.  Browse around.

Web site also has info.

Re: wmakerconf 1.99.4 seg faults

1999-05-13 Thread John Leget
Problem solved,
i removed all files in ~GNUstep/Defaults and added them back one at a time and
narrowed it down to the theme i had set up. It appears that the jpg  background 
i was using had a premature end ie was incomplete, id never had any problems, 
opening it up in xv revealed the problem
So i saved the loaded XV image over the original ;problem fixed . pat on back

and after a closer look at my desktop i can now see the missing part :0).

Go figure

Anyway guess ill see whats new in wmakerconf now

PS - wmakerconf 2.1 exhibits the same touchyness

John Leget wrote:

 It gets to 93% - WorkSpaceBack and seg faults
 Im running Potato  anyone have this working ???.

 Using wmaker prefs for now :)


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Re: Dumbterminal on network

1999-05-13 Thread Kevin Lee

If it is a cisco router you will see a RJ45 console port on the back of it.
 The 7000, 7500 series if I remember correctly will have a RS-232.  This is
actually a serial connection that runs a 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop
bit, and no parity.  Cisco also supplies an adapter for the serial
connection between a terminal or pc and the RJ45.  While in console mode
you can telnet directly out to another host.  The command is:  telnet or telnet hostname if you have dns set up on the router.
By attaching the dumb terminal to the router's console port you will not
need to assign an IP address.

Kevin Lee
Vulcan Industries
(205) 640-2433


At 10:00 AM 5/13/99 -0500, you wrote:
I'm creating a network in my home and have a dumb terminal I'm not sure
hwo to network.  I want to make it able to login to the router I have and
telnet out.  What would be best would be a straight telnet machine without
logining into the router, but I don't think that is possible.  All it has
on it is a serial port and no way to assign it an IP.  I'm guessing I can
just make this another terminal screen on the router, but I'm not quite
sure how to do this.  I should be able to connect the two serial ports
together and tell the router to put a console to that com port, right?  Or
any I way off?  How would I go about adding this dumb terminal to the
network?  Any help would be preciated.  Thanks.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Dumbterminal on network

1999-05-13 Thread Robert Rati
I wish I had a Cisco router.  My router is just going to be a 386 PS/2 or
a P166 depending on if I can get the 386 PS/2 to work.  I need to find a
way to jack the dumbterminal into that router. :)


On Thu, 13 May 1999, Kevin Lee wrote:

 If it is a cisco router you will see a RJ45 console port on the back of it.
  The 7000, 7500 series if I remember correctly will have a RS-232.  This is
 actually a serial connection that runs a 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop
 bit, and no parity.  Cisco also supplies an adapter for the serial
 connection between a terminal or pc and the RJ45.  While in console mode
 you can telnet directly out to another host.  The command is:  telnet or telnet hostname if you have dns set up on the router.
 By attaching the dumb terminal to the router's console port you will not
 need to assign an IP address.
 Kevin Lee
 Vulcan Industries
 (205) 640-2433
 At 10:00 AM 5/13/99 -0500, you wrote:
 I'm creating a network in my home and have a dumb terminal I'm not sure
 hwo to network.  I want to make it able to login to the router I have and
 telnet out.  What would be best would be a straight telnet machine without
 logining into the router, but I don't think that is possible.  All it has
 on it is a serial port and no way to assign it an IP.  I'm guessing I can
 just make this another terminal screen on the router, but I'm not quite
 sure how to do this.  I should be able to connect the two serial ports
 together and tell the router to put a console to that com port, right?  Or
 any I way off?  How would I go about adding this dumb terminal to the
 network?  Any help would be preciated.  Thanks.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
 Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055
 Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: We need centralized accounts -- Any docs for ldap passwords?

1999-05-13 Thread Rob Browning
Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But if you're not ready for potato then NIS will provide a
 ready-made solution. It's pretty straightforward. I'd be glad to
 offer assistance. As for a comparison, well, they're different. NIS
 has been around a long time, LDAP is newer.

Thanks to both of you for the help.  We're running all unstable here
so getting the ldap packages isn't a problem, but I wasn't completely
sure what the tradeoffs are.  I'll go look at the web sites Ben

Actually I had already seen the ldap pacakges, but I wasn't quite sure
where to start.  I was hoping for a HOWTO or something, but I can
always just jump in and figure it out as I poke around.

Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930

Debian on Armada 6500

1999-05-13 Thread Juergen Fiedler

I am trying to install Debian on a Compaq Armada 6500 using FTP and this
far, I haven't had too much luck. The base system installed OK, but I
can't seem to get networking to run (I was planning to use my Slackware
router as a gateway). The builtin Xircom CreditCard isn't recognized at
all (doesn't show up in ifconfig). That seems to be quite normal.
So I borrowed a Kingston EtheRX PCMCIA card. This one shows up as eth0
in ifconfig. But when I try to ping the router, I get the same error
over and over again:

eth0: pcnet_reset_8390() did not complete.

Does anyone know what could have gone wrong here? I'm running out of
people that I can borrow Ethernet cards from.


compiling X from the debian sources doesn't work.

1999-05-13 Thread Frankie

I recently bought the cheapbytes debian 2.1 CD's. Because the computer
that I am using at the moment is a P-60, there is a strong urgency to
tweak every last bit of speed out of my system.

I decided to recompile my x-server and libraries in order to eek a bit
more speed
out of X, by using pentium optimisations ( I used pentium-builder
package. )

However, when I have unpacked the x source and diff (revision 11), and
do dbuild, after many hours, dbuild quits with errors. (the whole error
is something like 2.5 MB so I have extracted relevant bits :-) )

(I have also tried dpkg-deb, build, etc, etc and I still get these

These are the errors:

$ grep -n ] Error *.messages 
19421:make[5]: *** [resource.o] Error 1
19754:make[5]: *** [xrdb.o] Error 1
19940:make[6]: *** [main.o] Error 1
19942:make[5]: *** [dix] Error 2
21692:make[4]: *** [resource.o] Error 1
22113:make[4]: *** [xrdb.o] Error 1
22205:make[5]: *** [main.o] Error 1
22207:make[4]: *** [dix] Error 2
25271:make: *** [binary-arch] Error 1

gcc -c -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -ansi -pedantic-I../..
de  -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L -D_POSIX_SOURCE
'-DXRDB_PROGRAM=/usr/X11R6/bin/xrdb'  '-DDEF
_SESSION=/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -ls' 
'-DDEF_FAILSAFE_CLIENT=/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm'  '-DDEF
.so' resource.c
gcc.real: local: No such file or directory
gcc.real: :0: No such file or directory
resource.c:0: unterminated string or character constant
resource.c:0: possible real start of unterminated constant
resource.c:0: unterminated string or character constant
resource.c:0: possible real start of unterminated constant
make[5]: *** [resource.o] Error 1

gcc -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -ansi -pedantic-I../..
 -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L -D_POSIX_SOURCE
PP=\/lib/cpp -traditional -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L
\  -DH
AS_MKSTEMP   -c xrdb.c -o xrdb.o
gcc.real: : No such file or directory
xrdb.c:0: unterminated string or character constant
xrdb.c:0: possible real start of unterminated constant
In file included from ../../exports/include/X11/Xos.h:149,
 from xrdb.c:47:
/usr/include/unistd.h:208: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
/usr/include/unistd.h:209: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
/usr/include/unistd.h:212: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
/usr/include/unistd.h:213: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
In file included from ../../exports/include/X11/Xos.h:149,
 from xrdb.c:47:
/usr/include/unistd.h:860: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
xrdb.c:975: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
xrdb.c:975: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
xrdb.c:976: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
xrdb.c:1279: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
xrdb.c:1279: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
xrdb.c:1351: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
xrdb.c:1351: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
make[5]: *** [xrdb.o] Error 1

gcc -c -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -ansi -pedantic  -I../include
/include/X11 -I../../../include/fonts -I../../../include/extensions 
-I../../../exports/include  -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L
RELEASE=3320 main.c
gcc.real: XFree86: No such file or directory
gcc.real: Project,: No such file or directory
gcc.real: Inc: No such file or directory
main.c:0: unterminated string or character constant
main.c:0: possible real start of unterminated constant
make[6]: *** [main.o] Error 1
make[6]: Leaving directory

RE: tn3270 client

1999-05-13 Thread Hogland, Thomas E.
 From: Andrei Ivanov[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Morning all.
 I've looked around on and my CDs, trying to locate a tn3270
 client. Nothing came up, so does anyone know where can I find one?
 I remember seeing it somewhere...but it was a long time ago.
I use x3270 - works great, except that I haven't quite gotten the keymaps
right yet... Highly configurable, though, so I think if I actually spent the
time to learn it I could get it perfect...

Re: sound card trouble.

1999-05-13 Thread Kent West
 Edson Santos wrote:
 On my Opti930 sound card the device manager shows a yellow exclamation
 mark by the Opti930 Sound/OPL3 Device.  In the device status it says
 that it has a (code 10).  I have changed the IRQ and DMA I have had
 trouble for a long time please could you advise me.  And could I
 install a new sound card and would it conflict like the one I have.

You're asking a Linux list for help on (apparently) Windows.

Nonetheless, what I'd suggest doing is seeing if the card has a
DOS-based diagnostic program; run it to verify the hardware and settings
are okay. Then I'd suggest getting the newest correct drivers for the
card; I've seen lots of instances where the wrong driver is installed
because the names are all so similar (ATI Rage II+ vs ATI Rage II
Plus); 85% of the time having the correct driver will solve these kinds
of problems.

If that doessn't help, you might seek out a mailing list that caters to
Windows, or alternatively (and better), dump Windows and install Debian
GNU/Linux and I'm sure this list will be more than happy to help you get
your sound card working.

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